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Re: slowing down point releases

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> One of the CD manufacturers called me this morning to ask about the
> expected frequency of point releases. He would like to have a product
> that is not obsoleted before it gets to store shelves. The possibilities
> would be to not make an official CD for each minor point release, or to
> not make point releases as often as we do now.
> I think we can't accomodate this CD manufacturer, and it's not his business
> how often we make point releases. I would discourage him from making a
> Debian-based product if that's a major concern for him. Before I get back
> to him about this, I'd like to hear opinions from other developers.

I agree for the point releases. They must be done when security/important
updates arise, not when CD manufacturers need them.

However, I heard a CD manufacturer "complain" because since 1.3 took a
loong time to be released he included 1.2.9 in his 6 CD bunddle, and by
the time his bunddle got in the stores, 1.3 was already out.
(But I guess we'll never be able to garanty release dates, so I can't
think of any way to avoid this).


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