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Re: quick install method (was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> > if deity is not going to be ready for the release of 2.0, then we
> > need a simple perl/sh script wrapper around 'dpkg --set-selections'
> > so we can offer an extremely quick install. maybe it could even use
> > dialog for tick-a-box style installation (i hesitate to suggest this
> > because I *loathe* dialog - but it IS what is used on the install
> > floppies).
> > after base installation and reboot, drop the user into a menu
> > offering one of a number of pre-tested dselect selection sets (plus
> > an "expert" option to run dselect).
> Exactly!!!! Lets go ahead with it.


the hardest part, IMO, will be constructing the selection sets. some
sets will be easy (e.g. games) because there's not a lot that can go
wrong with them. others (e.g. development and X workstation) will be

anyone want to volunteer to come up with a selection set for dev or X
workstation? i'd suggest david e. or galen h. or mark e. as being the
most appropriate/knowledgeable for these sets but they may be overloaded
with other work.

for those who haven't looked at the output of 'dpkg --get-selections', it
looks like this:

    biff                        deinstall
    bin86                       install
    bind                        install
    bing                        deinstall
    binutils                    install
    bison                       install

i don't know if the selection sets will actually need any 'deinstall'
lines - we can assume that the only things selected at start will be
'essential' base packages.  the selection sets can build on that.


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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