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RE: Security bugfix for Samba (fwd)

Yes, I am. I'd like to update my sambades package ASAP. But I probably
won't be able before a week into October. As a quick fix you could use
the sambades source, which already is version 1.9.17. It should compile
without a problem on your system (since you have that symlink) and will
generate a libc5 version if you hav SSLeay installed. To get rid of the
des part comment DES_LIB and DES_FLAGS  in debian/rules.

Eventually (that is in October) I'd like to release one samba package
containing the des and the no-des binary with the des one compiled
against a shared libcrypto. That way it should be legal to export the
binary from the US since it does not contain any des stuff which resides
in the library. Is this legally correct?

Klee, please tell me what you think. I'm willing to take over sambe for
the time being and go ahead with this package. Is this okay?

Dr. Michael Meskes, Projekt-Manager    | topystem Systemhaus GmbH                    | Europark A2, Adenauerstr. 20                      | 52146 Wuerselen
Go SF49ers! Use Debian GNU/Linux!      | Tel: (+49) 2405/4670-44

> ----------
> From:
> Sent: 	Samstag, 27. September 1997 15:06
> To:
> Subject: 	Re: Security bugfix for Samba (fwd)
> > A new release of Samba has now been made that fixes the security
> > hole. The new release is version 1.9.17p2 and is available from
> >
> Is anybody working on this at the moment?
> I've tried to apply the debian patches to 1.9.17p2, but the
> result doesn't link[1] on my libc5/libc6 system (unstable
> up-to-date as of yesterday, and most lib*-altdev stuff installed).
> It seems libpam (still libc5, and the libraries are linked
> statically (no -lc)) causes trouble at the linking stage
> (same errors, whether I try to build it libc5 or libc6).
> I know, I should wait for Klee, but I very much would like to have
> patched version available soon (I've sent email to Klee already,
> but he doesn't seem to answer it).
> If nobody else is working on it, I think I'll just go ahead, and
> make libc5/libc6 versions of libpam too -- it _must_ be possible
> to get atleast rid of those 
>   /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `dlopen'
> and I've got good hopes for the otther missing symbol too.
> gcc -g -O2 -Wall -DSMBLOGFILE=\"/var/log/smb\"
> -DNMBLOGFILE=\"/var/log/nmb\" -DCONFIGFILE=\"/etc/smb.conf\"
> -DLMHOSTSFILE=\"/etc/lmhosts\"  -DLOCKDIR=\"/var/lock/samba\"
> -DSMBRUN=\"/usr/bin/smbrun\" -DWORKGROUP=\"WORKGROUP\"
> server.o predict.o util.o system.o charset.o kanji.o fault.o
> smbencrypt.o charcnv.o md4.o loadparm.o params.o pcap.o username.o
> time.o interface.o replace.o ufc.o smbpass.o access.o shmem.o trans2.o
> pipes.o message.o dir.o printing.o locking.o ipc.o reply.o mangle.o
> chgpasswd.o password.o quotas.o uid.o    -ldl -lpam -lpwdb    
> username.o: In function `user_in_list':
> /mnt/bigfoot/shome/joost/maintain/samba/samba-1.9.17p2/source/username
> .c:200: undefined reference to `yp_get_default_domain'
> access.o: In function `string_match':
> /mnt/bigfoot/shome/joost/maintain/samba/samba-1.9.17p2/source/access.c
> :210: undefined reference to `yp_get_default_domain'
> password.o: In function `check_user_equiv':
> /mnt/bigfoot/shome/joost/maintain/samba/samba-1.9.17p2/source/password
> .c:1433: undefined reference to `yp_get_default_domain'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `dlerror'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `yp_master'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `dlclose'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `dlopen'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `dlsym'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `yp_match'
> [1] OK, to make the libc6 compile work, I did have to make two very
>     minor changes,
>   * Added  #ifndef __GLIBC__ /#endif around  "#include <asm/signal.h>"
> in source/includes.h line 218".
>   * changed "#ifdef GLIBC2" to "#ifdef __GLIBC__", in source/includes
>     and for the libc5 compile I had to make a symlink from
>     /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include/security to /usr/include/security.
>     but that was all.
> -- 
> joost witteveen,
> #!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
> $/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
> lK[d2%Sa2/d0$^Ixp"|dc`;s/\W//g;$_=pack('H*',/((..)*)$/)
> #what's this? see
> --
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