The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: "purity" package


Christoph Lameter, in an immanent manifestation of deity, wrote:
>We have a policy against adult material on our servers at Fuller. Other
>schools might have done the same. Adult material might cause a lot of

This material is about as adult as having an editor called sex or
bitchx.  You might want to clear those with the folks running the
servers, that might be considered offensive.

>material. I think we should have some common sense rules about
>particularly offensive material.

Yep, I agree.  But who determines what's particularly offensive?  Do we
not want to piss off the U.S. Religious Right or the Vatican?  There are 
also people that find the Christian Bible rather offensive, so we need
to remove bible-kjv.

We'll have to remove the jargon file since it has entries such as this
paragraph under foobar:
   The etymology of hackish `foo' is obscure.  When used in
   connection with `bar' it is generally traced to the WWII-era Army
   slang acronym FUBAR (`Fucked Up Beyond All Repair'), later
   bowdlerized to {foobar}.  (See also {FUBAR}.)

Or even, heavens:
:fuck me harder: /excl./  Sometimes uttered in response to
   egregious misbehavior, esp. in software, and esp. of
   misbehaviors which seem unfairly persistent (as though designed in
   by the imp of the perverse).  Often theatrically elaborated:
   "Aiighhh! Fuck me with a piledriver and 16 feet of curare-tipped
   wrought-iron fence *and no lubricants*!" The phrase is
   sometimes heard abbreviated `FMH' in polite company.

We might also not want to piss off the Corporations and remove competing
software.  Especially wine since it's offensive to Microsoft.  We may
need to remove KDE as well as GNOME since both are offensive to some
groups of people.

Down the road of offensiveness lies great danger.

If we just say:
echo "The purity package is installed with the set of potentially"
echo -n "offensive tests.  Do you want to remove these? [y/N] "
we should be fine even if IANAL but you folks aren't either.

- -- 
<> <> <> <>
Darren Stalder/2608 Second Ave, @282/Seattle, WA 98121-1212/USA/+1-800-921-4996
@ Sysadmin, webweaver, postmaster for hire.  C/Perl/CGI programmer and tutor. @
@		     Make a little hot-tub in your soul.		      @

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