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Re: "purity" package

>>>>> "manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <> writes:

    manoj> Hi folks, This thread is wildly off topic now

yes it is.  i'm sorry i post here once more... but after your response
i feel that i need to explain myself publicly once more, and to try to
do it better now.

    manoj> 	Throughout human history? 

well, i've thought that it was sort of understood that i meant the
human history *after* the book was written and after some humans have
read it :)

    manoj> 	Also, it has had little impact until quite recently (a
    manoj> couple of hundred years or so) for the vast majority of the
    manoj> worlds population (thats what you get when you add China,
    manoj> India, Japan, and most of the far east -- a majority) 

yes, i see.  you know, i could have added that for example
"mahabharata and ramajana" (sp?) or homer's "odyssey" is analogically
important from the very same point of view i tried to develop there.
similarly to the bible, it does belong among what i call "important
cultural heritage", whether you are a believer or not.  and i'd like
to precise here that IMO other religious writings belongs there too
(like qur'an or talmud), not just the bible.

i was just talking about the bible, because that was the subject of
the debate...  well, no qur'an package seems to exist, but i surely
would not object _at_all_ against creating it!

    manoj> and
    manoj> even to date, the influence is, well, less than over
    manoj> whelming.

i think it's still the most printed/sold/read book ever.  also the
first typeset one.  but doesn't matter.

    manoj> 	It all depends on your perspective, and there are
    manoj> points of view that differ from yours.

no doubt :)

    manoj> 	It most certainly does not! The Vedas, yes, the
    manoj> Bhagawad-Gita, Yes, The eight fold Path, yes, KJV? No!

hmm, why?  are you talking specifically about the kjv translation, or
about the bible as such?  (i was always talking about the book as
such, not about one of the translations).

    manoj> 	Why is it so hard to believe that the whole world is
    manoj> not created in your image?

uff, where i said anything that made you think this sort of thing?  i
do think you must have misunderstood me somewhere...

    manoj> 	For the English speaking occidental crowd, maybe. 

yes, and this is why i chosen shakespeare's example, regardless of the
fact that the english culture is not my "native" culture, and the
english language is not my native language.  but we communicate in
english here, so this is why i chosen english amous writer.  it could
have easily been homer or plato or dostoievski or balzac or i don't
know whom else.

    manoj> 	Talk about cultural imperialism!

i repeat: we all communicate in english here.  therefore it's sort of
natural that we all have heard of shakespeare.  therefore i thought
that this example should be clear to all people here, and that's why
i've chosen shakespeare.  is _this_ imperialism?  i think you
misunderstood me once again somewhat.
    manoj> No, the comparison does not fail. LISTEN UP: people
    manoj> are diverse. Really, really, diverse. ok?

you know, i understand some natural things :)

okay, now that i tried to explain myself better once more publicly on
the list, do you still think that the comparison does not fail?  do
you think that the bible or the qur'an or the talmud or plato's works
or shakespeare's tragedies or <add-here-your-preferred-candidate> is
not "more important" from the general education point of view than the
purity package?  as i said:

    tibor> and i'm not saying remove the purity package, i'm just
    tibor> trying to say that the purity package seems to be much less
    tibor> important that the bible package, as far as the "general
    tibor> cultural level" of the debian dist is concerned.

    manoj> 	I think i tend to disagree.

sorry to hear it.  perhaps i wasn't clear enough.  anyhow, let's join
what we have in common and let's work now on the dist for a change :)

    manoj> 	Hmm. What's sk? (I know, I could look it up, but I'm
    manoj> feeling lazy)

sk = slovakia, part of the former czechoslovakia, eastern europe.  

btw, slovaks are a western slav nation, now counting some 6 million
people only.  you see, i have no english and even no imperial roots :)


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