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Re: "purity" package

Hi folks,

	This thread is wildly off topic now, but what the hey.
>>"tibor" == tibor simko <> writes:

tibor> anyhow, whether you are fond of the bible or not, you probably
tibor> admit that the book has always been quite an important
tibor> thoughout human's history (i don't discuss now whether it
tibor> inspired good or bad things).

	Throughout human history? The banks of the tigris, nile,
 indus, and yellow river were civilized and flouroshing 3,000 years
 before tha action in the new testament. The yellow river and the nile
 predate the earliest old testament by at least 1500 years. The march
 of the caucasians to the indian subcontinent also started around the
 same time. 

	Also, it has had little impact until quite recently (a couple
 of  hundred years or so) for the vast majority of the worlds
 population (thats what you get when you add China, India, Japan, and
 most of the far east -- a majority), and even to date, the influence
 is, well, less than over whelming.

	It all depends on your perspective, and there are points of
 view that differ from yours.

tibor> it seems to belong among important cultural heritage, and
tibor> enters into a sort of general education for people's history,

	It most certainly does not! The Vedas, yes, the Bhagawad-Gita,
 Yes, The eight fold Path, yes, KJV? No!

	Why is it so hard to believe that the whole world is not
 created in your image?

tibor> whether you are a believer or not.  let's take shakespeare for
tibor> example: his works belong into an important cultural heritage,
tibor> and although people might like shakespeare or not, his works
tibor> are quite recommended to read, at least because of the general
tibor> education.

	For the English speaking occidental crowd, maybe. I personally
 would recomment Kautilya's "Arth-shastra". (I have read the complete
 works, and also chaucer, in the original; it just burns me that it is
 assumed that it is so important for my cultural heritage).

	Talk about cultural imperialism!

tibor> no doubt innocents suffered, just as someone could have been
tibor> influenced by some of shakespeare's tragedies to make suffer or
tibor> to forbid marriage or i don't know what.  you surely understand
tibor> that we could discuss now whether the bible was misinterpreted
tibor> or not, as far as things like inquisition, catholic/protestant
tibor> wars, jewish pogroms, etc are concerned.  and manoj is right,
tibor> debian-private seems not to be the very right place for such a
tibor> general discussion.

	Thank you.

tibor> as far as the debian is concerned, what i'm trying to say here
tibor> is that the bible is generally admitted by both believers and
tibor> nonbelievers to be at least an important cultural heritage for
tibor> us, and as such, any comparison with the purity package seems
tibor> to fail, isn't it???

	No, the comparison does not fail. LISTEN UP: people are
 diverse. Really, really, diverse. ok?

tibor> and i'm not saying remove the purity package, i'm just trying
tibor> to say that the purity package seems to be much less important
tibor> that the bible package, as far as the "general cultural level"
tibor> of the debian dist is concerned.

	I think i tend to disagree.

tibor> cheers

	Hmm. What's sk? (I know, I could look it up, but I'm feeling

 If a man disciplines, instructs and restrains them from what is not
 right, he will be dear to the good, and disliked by the bad. 77
Manoj Srivastava  <> <>
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