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Re: Clarification about the idea to "split the distribution"


Christian Schwarz wrote:
> Since we have more packages than what they have, it's obvious that we
> need more time.

Mmm, this reminds me the typical math problem...

"If 10 developers recompile 200 packages in 200 days, how long will it
take to recompile 1000 packages to 200 developers" [*]

(Sorry, couldn't resist :-)

We would have just to consider the ratio packages/developers and perhaps
the fact that Debian developers do not have to work "full time".

If we want a smaller distribution, maybe we should start moving to
non-free all the non-free packages James Troup reported. 
BTW: Would this bugs not have to be against
James, what do you think?

[*] Solution: Each developer has to recompile 20 packages in 200 days.
That is 10 days per package, for a single developer. If we have 1000
packages and 200 developers, each developer would have to recompile
5 packages, i.e. we would need just 50 days to recompile everything...

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