MOSAID (now named Conversant, following an attempt to dodge negative publicity) is a patent troll which has been named and explained in the following posts that are ordered roughly by relevance.
Antitrust Probe Over Microsoft’s Feeding of Patent Trolls to Attack Linux (Android) in Court
Microsoft Confirms Role in Preparing to Litigate Using Patent Trolls as Proxies
Anti-Smartphones Patent Troll Equipped With 2,000 Microsoft-led Nokia Patents
Patent Systems: So Inherently Corrupt That They Must be Kept Secret From the Public
Microsoft’s Mobile Plan: Patents, Not Products
Impact of America Invents Act on Patent Trolls
Microsoft/Novell Software Patents Strategy Failed to Submerge Red Hat, Patent Trolls Do the Job Better
TechBytes Episode 59: Privacy, Tablets, and Dream Studio
As Microsoft Extortion Continues, Submission Filed to the Department of Justice for Patent Abuse
Global Dimming for the Cult of Patents
Competition Crimes of Microsoft Moles
Amazon Regrets Software Patenting
Microsoft Mole Killed Linux Projects and Fed Patent Trolls for Attacks on Android
Microsoft-Funded Government Missing in Action While Microsoft Racketeering Goes on
What We Learn From Novell’s Patents
Groklaw on MOSAID (Patent Troll for Microsoft)
Microsoft Starts Extorting Competitors by Proxy, Using Nokia’s Patents
With Microsoft Mole, Nokia Becomes Microsoft’s Partner in Crime (Through MOSAID)
MOSAID Apparently Extorts Linux, Red Hat Embraces Secrecy Again
Elop Kills Another Linux-based Platform While Using Patents Against a Third One (Android)
Nokia Abandoned While Its Patents Are Passed to Trolls
Microsoft-Armed Patent Troll MOSAID (Now Conversant) Wants to Sweep up More Patents for Litigation
Category:Patent trolls
Large Patent Trolls Called Prism, Conversant and IPVALUE Continue to Tax the Market Without Creating Anything, Only Lawsuits
Patent Trolls Update: Eolas, Conversant (MOSAID), Leigh Rothschild, and Electronic Communication Technologies
Microsoft and Nokia's Patent Trolls by Proxy: First Conversant, Now Provenance Asset Group Holdings LLC
Microsoft's Lobbying for FRAND Pays Off as Microsoft-Connected Patent Troll Conversant (Formerly MOSAID) Goes After Android OEMs in Europe
Patent Trolls Roundup: Conversant Wireless Licensing (Formerly Core Wireless) and Blackbird 'Technologies' Still Prey on Real Companies
Software Patent Trolls Are Dropping Like Flies in the United States
US Patent Office and Patent Courts Taking a Stand Against Submarine Patents or Patent Ambushes
Only After Millions Were Spent on Lawyers Microsoft's Patent Troll in Europe Loses European Patent Used to Shake Down Android (Linux) Vendors