Ray Niro

Ray Niro is considered to be the father of patent trolling. We wrote about him in the following posts:
Ray Niro's Troll Firm Has Collapsed, the Patent Microcosm Scrambles to Stop Patent Reform and Even Attacks Michelle Lee (USPTO Director)
Good Riddance. Ray Niro is Dead.
Nathan Myhrvold Connected to Father of Patent Trolling, Ray Niro
Ray Niro, Microsoft, and Other Patent Failures
Ray Niro’s Latest Mud Fight (and Other Patent Nonesnese)
Patent Troll (Ray Niro) Resorts to Attacking People, Not Just Companies
Patents Roundup: Microsoft-backed Blackboard, Racketeering, and Ray Niro
Meet J. Carl Cooper, a Patent Troll (Plus Other Patent News)
Who Threatens the Patent Troll Tracker or the Patent Trolls?
Patent Troll Watch: Polaris Sues, Klausner sues, and Ray Niro Harassess Bloggers
Category:Patent trolls