
VirnetX became well known for its battles against Microsoft. It was mostly covered is that context.
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) is Not Getting Money From Apple and VirnetX Might Not Get Any, Either
Patent Trolls Roundup: Microsoft's Patent Troll Collapses, Samsung Fuels Patent Troll Sisvel, and Patent Troll VirnetX Wants Apple's Cash
On Virnetx, Intellectual Ventures, Interval Licensing and Other Microsoft-Connected Patent Trolls That Microsoft Leverages to Attack Its Competition
Patent Trolls in the United States Show the Importance of Stopping Software Patents (Trolls' Favourite) Worldwide
Patent Troll VirnetX a Reminder to Apple That Software Patents Are a Threat to Apple Too
VirnetX Case Against Apple Shows Not the Problem With Patent Trolls But With Software Patents
Apple’s Addiction to Patents and the Latest Patent Attack on Apple
Microsoft’s Skype as a Universally-accessible Backdoor, Patent Infringement
Militarisation of Patent Battles: Militant Patents and Microsoft Spying (Skype, Kinect, Audio/Video Surveillance)
The Supreme Court Gets Another Chance to Kill Software Patents in the United States
Software Patents Crisis
Patents Roundup: Apple Sues Android/Linux Again, ‘Anti-Microsoft’ Patent Upheld, In Re Bilski May be Due Today
Microsoft Settles With VirnetX After Patent Violations, is i4i Next?
Office Eroded Even Further by Software Patents, Microsoft Office 2010 is Losing
Microsoft Sued by VirnetX (Again) and Kodak Alleges That Microsoft’s Patent Troll Bullies Companies Along With Ray Niro
More Evidence of Potential Microsoft Involvement in Apple-HTC Lawsuit Against Linux/Android (and Microsoft Loses to Virnetx)
Patents Roundup: Microsoft, Apple, Nokia, Monsanto, Pfizer, and ACTA
Patents Roundup: TiVo Wins, VirnetX vs Microsoft Decision Imminent, Patent Rackets Thrive
Microsoft Sued Melco Group Over Linux and Microsoft is Likely to Lose Another Patent Case (VirnetX)
Patents Roundup: Where Microsoft Stands
Bilski Decision Believed to be Incredibly Long or Containing Multiple Opinions
Patents Troll, Bully, or Both? (External Sources)
Category:Patent trolls