Comments on: Campaigner for Hire Blames IBM for Air Crash Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Wed, 25 Aug 2010 14:05:48 +0000 Usually I link to it for lack of other sources that I really trust and respect (The H, Moody, Groklaw, Updegrove, EFF and others). It’s hard to find particular information and apply reading source filters at the same time. This intersection yields almost nothing.

By: twitter Mon, 23 Aug 2010 13:05:25 +0000 Microsoft works hard to make fauxpen source look popular and reasonable. At the end of the day, Florian, you are still a Windows 7 user. You use that because you have not figured out how to do things with free software or you work with unfriendly organizations like Microsoft that constantly demand use of new, exclusive garbage. There are many words for people who let themselves get jerked around like that and advocate the same for others. Microsoft’s published words for these people are “pawns” and “one night stand”. When the person actually understands the concepts of software freedom and once advocated these as human rights, the word RMS has used is “traitor”. Most of the more clever fauxpen source people are traitors but all of them are Microsoft tools. When they are Windows users, they show that they value Microsoft association above freedom, privacy, reliability or performance. Microsoft is desperate to show that their obsolete software has a place in the world by subverting the “Open Source” brand. The lame and the treacherous help them do it.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Mon, 23 Aug 2010 06:41:40 +0000 You used SUSE for programming purpose (many people do that). Why not casual use for other things? Did you like SUSE just for its power?

By: Florian Mueller Mon, 23 Aug 2010 06:26:18 +0000 I just noted on your latest posting ( ) that you apparently do quote ZDNet but blame me for doing so…

By: Florian Mueller Mon, 23 Aug 2010 06:25:39 +0000 That *was* on the desktop; it wasn’t an Internet-connected server with which I learned about PHP and MySQL. The distro was SUSE Linux (at the time I think it was spelled SuSE, not SUSE), which was the distro my online gaming startup also used in the late 1990′s.

I use lots of FOSS and to me it isn’t all about the operating system.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Mon, 23 Aug 2010 06:17:33 +0000 Which GNU/Linux distros have you used on the desktop?

By: Florian Mueller Mon, 23 Aug 2010 06:02:58 +0000 If you look at how many followers on Twitter I have after a few months, only about 60 blog postings and a few hundred tweets and compare to how many you have after several years, 11,000+ blog postings and 20,000+ tweets, you can see (even if adding your few hundred followers) that reasonableness works better on Twitter than the kinds of tweets like your “LOL” thing I just saw.

The thing about using Linux for 1 day is one of many examples of baseless claims you sometimes make. My first MySQL installation was on Linux and that was the one I used to familiarize myself (with the help of a few good books) with MySQL and PHP.

I never said Linux needs to be saved from IBM. But some free and open source software needs to be defended against IBM, and some of that defensive effort indirectly also benefits Linux.

I won’t reply to you on Twitter anymore, but still you should in your own best interest be at least somewhat reasonable with what you claim.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Aug 2010 21:28:18 +0000 See the comments here. Also, as an example I gave earlier tonight in IRC, here is some bad journalism (from Microsoft Nick of course):

“Microsoft’s Kin Smartphones Could Eclipse Windows Phone 7″ –Microsoft Nick

This is journalism?

By: twitter Sun, 22 Aug 2010 21:10:57 +0000 Good news comes from trusted bloggers these days. All tech journals not under Microsoft’s direct control are constantly “subverted” according to Microsoft internal documents. I’m unaware of any that has weathered the storm well, not even Slashdot. Despite your smearing Roy as “crazy” and “minority” his news feed is one of the best available. Groklaw, Debian, KDE and the FSF all have good news feeds too. Tech journals can be counted on to pick up company announcements and a few will have interesting technical reviews but really, the PR driven, embargoed news business is archaic and broken.

But this is so much spin and distraction from Florian, the Microsoft representative. It would be nice if comments here were used to present news from Spanair instead of libel against Roy.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Aug 2010 18:04:06 +0000 /is pro-GPL/Eben is pro-GPL/

By: twitter Sun, 22 Aug 2010 18:03:36 +0000 MVP is a title Microsoft bestows on their Most Valuable Pawns. Because Microsoft refuses to grant anyone equal standing on their platform, there can be no real technical experts, only monkeys who are better at doing what they are told. It is important to remember this when people try to substitute “choice” for software freedom. In the non free software world, all you can do is what you are allowed to do and the owners can revoke everything at any time. The choices are as false as the honors and promises of wealth. Only hard work for the benefit of others is sure.

Perhaps, Florian, you too will earn the MVP title but these personal discussion are a distraction. The newly revealed Microsoft fail is more interesting and the truth is coming out.

Here are a few recent articles. “To err is human, to kill is Microsoft, correctly blames Microsoft but might not have all of the facts right. Wikipedia has an interesting discussion, which states that the copilot “repeats the flaps and slats correct values without actually checking them.” With rampant malware on board, how can we know that the cockpit indicators showed the correct values? Microsoft seems to have scrubbed Wikipedia of Windows mention. I’m looking forward to more information coming out.

All sorts of Microsoft friendly sites have articles spinning this, SeattlePI, Windows7 Heads, MSNBC, The Register … Here is a late article clearly implicating Windows but acting as if all software has the same problems. Here’s a Google bomb, the same BS article in two places Windows 7 heads and With spin and smoke this furious, there is surely a fire.

Spanair seems to be a major Microsoft victim. They use IIS for web service and there are many reports of the site being flaky. They also used .NET for ticketing. It’s almost as depressing when these things are used for non critical, customer facing systems.

The relationship between Microsoft and McDonald Douglas is not easily discovered by Google. Search results are polluted by links about Microsoft’s flight simulator software. Never the less, we can find Microsoft inserting itself into XOpen and ruining a company called MDIS. In 1993 MD swapped out MDIS management and in 1995 MDIS replaced Unix with Windows. MDIS fired two thirds of it’s staff and changed it’s name to Northgate Information Solutions after losing lots of money, which is only to be expected from Windows use.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Aug 2010 18:03:03 +0000 I think he belittles Eben because is pro-GPL and against RAND. Florian is the opposite.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Aug 2010 18:01:46 +0000 That’s why I requested context. Florian’s “appeal to authority” trick goes way back (he also uses selective Stallman quotes for Microsoft apology).

By: gnufreex Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:56:28 +0000 Please, don’t pervert Gosling’s words to help your Microsoftie agenda.

# It’s a sad comment on the morality of large modern software companies that Microsoft, while I don’t think they’ve gotten any better since Sun sued them, probably has the high ground.

For the reading impaired, Gosling meant that Microsoft didn’t chaged for the better. Instead, industry changed for the worse, when they saw that crime paid off for Microsoft. And that is another reason why Microsoft must be destroyed.

By: gnufreex Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:39:41 +0000 Zdnet is doing anything to attract comments, including trolling. But if any publicity is good publicity for some person, then is understandable why that person like those kind of sites. And that explains why that person trolls in comments all over the Internet, trying to make somebody care about what he has to say.

Oh, one more thing. I know why Floyd hates Eben Moglen. Eben worked for IBM in his young days. IBM is evil!! It is conspir~1 !!1111oneleven

By: Florian Mueller Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:36:38 +0000 Another thing about the tweet is that I didn’t “smear” any of the persons or entities you listed.

I raise concerns and objections related to particular issues.

In OIN’s case it’s a structural concern, but I made four alternative constructive suggestions for how to address its #1 problem (the very problem that affects Google now).

As far as Miguel de Icaza is concerned, I don’t interpret a factual remark about what an MVP title is like as an “alignment”.

By: Florian Mueller Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:23:57 +0000 Concerning your tweet, the “Floyd” thing was just a confusion by Dana Blankenhorn, who stopped using that name months ago when he understood he had seen someone else’s website and drawn a wrong conclusion.

About TurboHercules and “staged”, you linked to the LWN discussion and I encourage everyone interested in this to read it because that claim (by someone who’s certainly not a reliable, let alone competent source) was then debunked by me thoroughly. The guy who made that claim had to admit that the 11-year-old Hercules open source project isn’t staged, and that IBM’s letters aren’t staged.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:13:09 +0000 Sounds like TurboHercules then. Staged.

By: Florian Mueller Sun, 22 Aug 2010 16:13:29 +0000 In my understanding, the MVP title is just granted as a recognition of technical competence related to Microsoft’s platform. The person I mean would almost certainly qualify for any GNU/Linux-related MVP-like honor as well. He appears to know both platforms extremely well.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Aug 2010 13:18:23 +0000 Go cite Microsoft MVPs. Yeah, that would really support you.
