Comments on: Miguel de Icaza is at Microsoft, Attacking Ubuntu GNU/Linux Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Tue, 01 Mar 2011 18:55:30 +0000 I have just published a more detailed post on the subject.

To address your last point, Canonical is not going to be the next Novell, I agree. I’ve always defended their position on the subject of patents. Mark Shuttleworth is no Carmony.

By: twitter Tue, 01 Mar 2011 18:39:09 +0000 The Banshee noise reminds me of RIAA propaganda or a Microsoft Florian set up. As we noticed in IRC the other day, 90% of money given to Amazon for music stays with Amazon and RIAA publishers and critical details are missing from all the mono mud slinging. Banshee developer’s assertion that the money goes to the Gnome Foundation is not something I’ve seen in writing. Until we know that none that money is kicked back to Novell, we don’t know if the Banshee people are pulling the old RIAA trick of claiming to benefit others who they actually exploit. Canonical’s music store deal might be a better deal than a cheesy Amazon affiliate program. We can be sure that any money given to Amazon will be used to fight software and network freedom. I expect more details to emerge as they did in the Turbo Hercules case that totally discredits the Microsoft press reports. Jono could be doing a better job of getting details and facts across. It may be that both Canonical and Gnome have been victimized by this FUD. As the HBGary astroturfers said, “Feed the fuel between feuding groups.” Microsoft, through mono boosters, have injected themselves and created a fight between their perceived competitors.

Microsoft people destroyed Novell, now some of their dependents need a new host but I doubt they will find a home in Canonical. The more Canonical has to do with Mono, Microsoft and the RIAA, the more of this kind of nonsense they will face, smears, extortion and lawsuits. That the Banshee people have already cranked up the FUD machine is a good indication that Microsoft does not expect to get much more and is willing to burn their bridges. Recent shifts in management indicate Canonical is not going to be the next Novell.
