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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 14th, 2010

-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #Toronto scientists Sullivan, Tennyson, Glass, French & Etkin honoured 4 role in #Apollo 13 rescue #grumman #nasa #UofTApr 14 00:03
TechrightsBotTitle: U of T engineers recognized for Apollo 13 rescue - .::. Size~: 69.89 KBApr 14 00:03
DaemonFC 14 00:06
TechrightsBotTitle: The Associated Press: Oregon jury finds Boy Scouts negligent in sex case .::. Size~: 13.9 KBApr 14 00:06
schestowitztessier_: can you re-enable the redirection now?Apr 14 00:06
tessier_okApr 14 00:06
schestowitzThanks so much!Apr 14 00:06
tessier_welcome!Apr 14 00:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@5MillionPeople Jim Cameron highlights the real battle for #Brazil rainforest //ALL Amazon threatened #peru #ecuadorApr 14 00:07
schestowitzIt's all done, inc. some links in the site which used the old URL... and settings I needed to change. Google will update the index after the notification :-) :-)Apr 14 00:07 is ranked 1888th in Netcraft, soon it will drop to oblivion as a well-ranked domain nameApr 14 00:08
DaemonFCschestowitz: Apple approved Opera as an iphone appApr 14 00:09
schestowitztechrights is ranked 6th for Google search on "Novell"Apr 14 00:11
schestowitzDaemonFC: there used to a rumour they rejected it in 2009, but this was later deniedApr 14 00:12
schestowitzI think some major source like CNN spread that claim and that Opera's CEO (not out) made that claim... Jon somethingApr 14 00:12
*balzac has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Apr 14 00:12
DaemonFCschestowitz: Approving the app avoids antitrust lawsuit and most iphone users are so stuck on whatever Apple tells them to use that Opera will never be big enough to cause much of an issueApr 14 00:13
DaemonFCthat's probably Apple's thinking in approving the appApr 14 00:13
Ender2070nahApr 14 00:14
Ender2070they're probably thinking opera isn't a threat because it sucksApr 14 00:15
DaemonFChmmm?Apr 14 00:15
satiperafc not giving you a hard time always nice to talk to youApr 14 00:15
DaemonFCworse than Safari? impossibleApr 14 00:15
Ender2070at least safari uses webkitApr 14 00:15
DaemonFCwhich is on par with PrestoApr 14 00:15
DaemonFCPresto is faster with some thingsApr 14 00:16
Ender2070does presto even support sandboxing?Apr 14 00:19
DaemonFCno, but neither does WebkitApr 14 00:20
*balzac ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 00:20
DaemonFC:DApr 14 00:20
DaemonFCOpera has talked about building that in sometime around the next major releaseApr 14 00:21
*ThistleWind has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 14 00:21
Ender2070webkit doesApr 14 00:21
DaemonFCit's not done at that level is it?Apr 14 00:22
Ender2070 14 00:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Apple Drops WebKit 2 Code, Adds Multiprocess Browsing .::. Size~: 27.29 KBApr 14 00:22
DaemonFCApple shows no interest in itApr 14 00:22
Ender2070bamApr 14 00:22
Ender2070ownedApr 14 00:22
DaemonFChmmApr 14 00:22
DaemonFCapparently they do nowApr 14 00:22
Ender2070opera is now behind in everythingApr 14 00:22
DaemonFCdon't know whyApr 14 00:22
DaemonFCnot reallyApr 14 00:22
Ender2070its the smartest idea for security reasonsApr 14 00:22
DaemonFCOpera chose to focus on speed and standards compliance work for this roundApr 14 00:23
DaemonFCOpera 11 will likely have the sandboxing systemApr 14 00:23
Ender2070i'd rather someone focus on extendability and securityApr 14 00:23
Ender2070and im not trolling, i did give opera a shotApr 14 00:24
Ender2070i dont like the way it renders fontsApr 14 00:24
Ender2070 14 00:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 00:24
Ender2070looks too much like times new romanApr 14 00:25
DaemonFCEnder2070: The main thing that turns me off to Chrome is that it doesn't have real content blockingApr 14 00:27
DaemonFClike for adsApr 14 00:27
DaemonFCit loads them then stuffs them somewhere you can't see themApr 14 00:27
DaemonFClots of malware can hide in adsApr 14 00:27
Ender2070yeah its not up to par with firefox on thatApr 14 00:27
Ender2070arora does however do very good blockingApr 14 00:27
DaemonFCOpera has it built into the browserApr 14 00:27
DaemonFCyou just load a set of rulesApr 14 00:27
Ender2070and with webkit2, arora should get sandboxing tooApr 14 00:27
Ender2070:)Apr 14 00:27
Ender2070arora does the same thing as operaApr 14 00:28
Ender2070gotta load a rulesetApr 14 00:28
Ender2070same with konqApr 14 00:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Domain/URL of migration is just about complete now. If you find errors, please report them to usApr 14 00:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] a film can wrench us from our selfishness. you, the livingApr 14 00:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The site is gradually being adapted so as to cover the Novell campaign along with others 14 00:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 00:45
*balzac has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Apr 14 00:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @satipera thanks, I'm excited about itApr 14 00:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] "The law will put all Church institutions, including your parish, at risk." If there's a clearer admission of guilt ...Apr 14 00:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Connecticut bishops fight sex abuse bill  - .::. Size~: 43.22 KBApr 14 00:56
cubezzzlynx is the best :)Apr 14 01:00
tessier_Bishops fighting a sex abuse bill is just loony.Apr 14 01:00
cubezzzhypertext goes back farther than I thought Apr 14 01:00
cubezzzprobably back to the 60'sApr 14 01:01
cubezzzthere's a paper to be written about open computersApr 14 01:02
cubezzzI think cga, ega, vga were all basically open video standardsApr 14 01:03
cubezzzafter that things get a bit murkyApr 14 01:03
*ianto has quit (Quit: Y mae dafad ddu ym mhob praidd - Every flock has its black sheep)Apr 14 01:04
*balzac ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 01:05
cubezzze.g. what is "super vga"?  it's not clearApr 14 01:06
*balzac has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 14 01:07
*ianto (~Chris@fsf/member/pdpc.student.ianto) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 01:08
*ffdgd (~c096b146@gateway/web/freenode/x-fhcmgfdueujghhoh) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 01:09
*ffdgd has quit (Client Quit)Apr 14 01:09
schestowitzerI had super VGAApr 14 01:18
schestowitzMy first computer had CGAApr 14 01:18
schestowitz4 coloursApr 14 01:18
schestowitzEGA had 8Apr 14 01:18
schestowitzI had monochrome mode on the CGAApr 14 01:18
schestowitzAt the back of the screenApr 14 01:18
schestowitzTint greenApr 14 01:19
amarsh04I had hercules monochrome green before amber cga mono (-:Apr 14 01:22
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 01:25
schestowitz 14 01:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 01:25
schestowitzHey, yuhongApr 14 01:25
schestowitzWhat's up? You always have a rant when you come here :-)Apr 14 01:25
yuhongYes, I do.Apr 14 01:25
yuhong"If GNU/Linux succeeds on proprietary software’s terms, then it’s just another OS X."Apr 14 01:26
schestowitzToday's big news: 14 01:26
TechrightsBotTitle: Oracle boosts MySQL investment, targets Microsoft| Reuters .::. Size~: 49.74 KBApr 14 01:26
yuhongRemember when you say this that the entire GUI of OS X is proprietary.Apr 14 01:26
yuhongThat is how proprietary OS X is.Apr 14 01:26
schestowitzI knowApr 14 01:26
schestowitzThat's my pointApr 14 01:26
schestowitz:-DApr 14 01:26
schestowitzSkype/Safari/Wine with MSO is not LinuxApr 14 01:27
yuhongIt is not just "proprietary software’s terms".Apr 14 01:27
schestowitzIt's just a new kernel for running compromising appsApr 14 01:27
yuhongYes, it is a new kernel for running a proprietary *GUI*.Apr 14 01:28
yuhongIt isn't just apps though.Apr 14 01:28
yuhongThe entire GUI is proprietary.Apr 14 01:28
yuhongOnly the kernel and some command-line tools are open source, period.Apr 14 01:29
yuhongAqua is proprietary.Apr 14 01:29
yuhongSee Apple's list:Apr 14 01:30
yuhong 14 01:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Mac OS X 10.6.3 - Source .::. Size~: 179.33 KBApr 14 01:30
yuhongAlso, you sometimes say Linux when you should have said something like Android.Apr 14 01:32
schestowitzyuhong: not just a kernelApr 14 01:32
schestowitzthere's webkit tooApr 14 01:33
schestowitzSambaApr 14 01:33
yuhongYes.Apr 14 01:33
schestowitzCUPSApr 14 01:33
schestowitzBut...Apr 14 01:33
yuhongNo GUI components.Apr 14 01:33
schestowitzThe jewels don't do source, they do DRM Apr 14 01:33
schestowitzhandcuffsApr 14 01:33
schestowitz'Mail"Apr 14 01:33
yuhongDRM, what does this have to do with this topic.Apr 14 01:33
schestowitzDRM in itoooonsApr 14 01:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @jwildeboer My prediction: VP8 will simply be positioned as next version of ogg theora. Hopefully Google will open up all "IP"Apr 14 01:34
schestowitzantifeatures in generalApr 14 01:34
schestowitzMade worse over timeApr 14 01:34
schestowitzAnd sucking data for lockinApr 14 01:34
yuhongYes, and I talked about PT_DENY_ATTACH before.Apr 14 01:34
schestowitzyuhong: do me a small favour, plsApr 14 01:34
schestowitzI had some issues with loginApr 14 01:34
yuhongEasily patched out by recompiling the xnu kernel.Apr 14 01:34
schestowitzsite cookies and allApr 14 01:34
schestowitzCould you attempt to leave a comment?Apr 14 01:34
schestowitzI can't with my account (Admin) unless I create a dummy accountApr 14 01:35
yuhongMade me wonder about the open source politics at Apple.Apr 14 01:35
schestowitz 14 01:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Terrace Daily: 2ND EXORCISM & MEMORIAL AT THE VATICAN, DESPITE POLICE  .::. Size~: 16.07 KBApr 14 01:36
schestowitzHmmmm....Apr 14 01:36
schestowitzIn reckon Dawkins just did a publicity stuntApr 14 01:36
yuhongAnyway, my point is that it isn't just apps that are proprietary.Apr 14 01:37
schestowitz 14 01:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Veteran of "Collateral Murder" Company Speaks Out | .::. Size~: 44.27 KBApr 14 01:37
yuhongThe entire GUI is, period.Apr 14 01:37
schestowitzyuhong: trueApr 14 01:37
schestowitzBut Apple straps stuff to it allApr 14 01:37
schestowitzNot complete FOSS at allApr 14 01:37
schestowitzJust borrowing of someApr 14 01:37
schestowitzThen shelvingApr 14 01:37
schestowitz 14 01:38
yuhongOn the matter of open source politics at Apple, here is a mail I sent to a mailing list about this:Apr 14 01:38
yuhong 14 01:38
yuhongThe mailing list contain only a subset of the emails, some were sent off-list.Apr 14 01:39
yuhongI can forward some if you want them.Apr 14 01:40
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.9/20100401213457])Apr 14 01:41
*ianto has quit (Quit: Y mae dafad ddu ym mhob praidd - Every flock has its black sheep)Apr 14 01:47
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 01:56
yuhongI forget to talk about how you sometimes say Linux when something such as Android should have been said.Apr 14 01:57
yuhongExample, the Apple-HTC lawsuits.Apr 14 01:58
cubezzzaccording to some folks I've been talking to there is no modern FOSS computerApr 14 01:58
yuhongExample, your coverage of the Apple-HTC lawsuits.Apr 14 01:59
cubezzzironic, the most open manufacturer _now_ might be intelApr 14 02:01
DaemonFC"I don't care about what anything was designed to do, I care about what it can do!" - Gene Kranz :)Apr 14 02:01
yuhongWell, I would not go that far, but yea I remember reading an article from the FSF website talking about this.Apr 14 02:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Bringing this baby into the finish line! #ubuntuApr 14 02:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Work item status: canonical-community .::. Size~: 78.72 KBApr 14 02:03
cubezzzexample: firmware on hard drivesApr 14 02:03
schestowitz 14 02:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Nation's First Major Broadband Over Powerline Deployment Shuts Down | Techdirt .::. Size~: 30.26 KBApr 14 02:04
schestowitzyuhong: could you try the comments?Apr 14 02:04
yuhongOK.Apr 14 02:04
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.9/20100401213457])Apr 14 02:05
schestowitzcubezzz: TV alsoApr 14 02:05
cubezzzschestowitz, ask Stallman if you can about the lemote he uses, is it flash or hard drive?Apr 14 02:06
cubezzzif it's hard drive, he may be using binary blobs on the hard drive itselfApr 14 02:06
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 02:07
schestowitz 14 02:08
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot Hardware Story | The 1 Terabyte SSD Arrives .::. Size~: 147.46 KBApr 14 02:08
yuhong 14 02:08
TechrightsBotTitle: Mini-review of the iPad .::. Size~: 110.43 KBApr 14 02:08
yuhong"But the iPad isn’t for me. I want the ability to run arbitrary programs without paying extra money or getting permission from the computer manufacturer."Apr 14 02:08
cubezzzipad is probably worse than xboxApr 14 02:09
schestowitz"The gadget lover in me wants one, but the part of me that cares about open source and tinkering is stronger. I’m with Cory Doctorow on this one. The iPad is gorgeous, but it’s still not worth it for me. "Apr 14 02:09
yuhong"II think that the iPad is a magical device built for consumers, but less for makers or tinkerers. "Apr 14 02:09
yuhongYep.Apr 14 02:09
yuhongBut how many consumers care?Apr 14 02:09
DaemonFCschestowitz: Speaking of gadgets....Apr 14 02:09
DaemonFCI've rigged a GPS unit to mount on that bicycle's handlebarsApr 14 02:10
DaemonFCand give me my current location and speedApr 14 02:10
DaemonFCB-)Apr 14 02:10
yuhongBut how many consumers care enough that they do this.?Apr 14 02:10
schestowitz 14 02:10
schestowitzLawsuit?Apr 14 02:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Adobe vs. Apple is going to get uglier | ITworld .::. Size~: 81.66 KBApr 14 02:10
cubezzzconsumers don't careApr 14 02:11
cubezzzprogrammers careApr 14 02:11
cubezzz"consumers" buy first, think laterApr 14 02:11
yuhongYep, exactly my point, and how many consumers even think of tinkering?Apr 14 02:12
yuhongWhy should consumers who don't tinker care about closed devices?Apr 14 02:13
cubezzzI think they would care if someone explained it to them in enough detailApr 14 02:13
yuhongI could think of some reason, such as the App Store harming consumers by limiting choice.Apr 14 02:13
schestowitz*LOL* 14 02:14
TechrightsBotTitle: UFO studies should be 'legitimate university subject', claims American professor - Telegraph .::. Size~: 85.59 KBApr 14 02:14
schestowitzWhat's next? Acupuncture?Apr 14 02:14
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.9/20100401213457])Apr 14 02:14
cubezzzUFO's again? :)Apr 14 02:15
schestowitzDoes this run kde4+plasma? 14 02:15
TechrightsBotTitle: German tablet PC sets out to rival Apple's iPad - Yahoo! Finance .::. Size~: 92.06 KBApr 14 02:15
schestowitzcubezzz: This good programme misspells a lot of the Alien/UFO myths 14 02:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Skeptoid Episode Guide .::. Size~: 92.79 KBApr 14 02:16
schestowitz 14 02:19
TechrightsBotTitle: Slashdot News Story | First Pulitzer Awarded To an Online News Site .::. Size~: 90.77 KBApr 14 02:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] First it's homosexuals, now it's the Jews? At what point do they wake up & smell the coffee? 14 02:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Bishop 'blames Jews' for criticism of Catholic church record on abuse |World news |The Guardian .::. Size~: 68.69 KBApr 14 02:21
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)Apr 14 02:22
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 02:27
yuhong 14 02:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Palm may be for sale, but are its patents really valuable? .::. Size~: 29.88 KBApr 14 02:28
yuhongAdvocate that Palm become a patent troll.Apr 14 02:28
yuhongAdvocating that Palm become a patent troll.Apr 14 02:29
yuhongCan you say yikes!Apr 14 02:29
Diablo-D3I did two days agoApr 14 02:31
*yuhong has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.9/20100401213457])Apr 14 02:32
cubezzzthat site seems quite good schestowitzApr 14 02:34
schestowitzcubezzz: it isApr 14 02:37
schestowitzIn the past 1.5 weeks I've listened to about 140 episodesApr 14 02:37
schestowitzAbout 70 leftApr 14 02:38
cubezzzdebunkatron :)Apr 14 02:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @taslimanasreen: By defending her liar n philanderer husband,Sania proved she is a vulnerable n traditional woman,lacking selfconfidenceApr 14 02:41
cubezzzcomputer scientist tooApr 14 02:41
cubezzzmaybe I'll ask him about FOSSApr 14 02:41
schestowitzhe's in softwareApr 14 02:49
schestowitzCTO, silicon valleyApr 14 02:50
cubezzzhe could be a windows person evenApr 14 02:50
schestowitzfor editing maybe a MacApr 14 02:51
schestowitzhe has an OS X widget thereApr 14 02:51
schestowitzAlso, in California many use MacsApr 14 02:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @ipjustice: RT @arstechnica: US Government finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus - #copyright #ACTAApr 14 02:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 02:54
cubezzzhis host runs Linux at leastApr 14 02:54
schestowitz 14 02:57
TechrightsBotTitle: WePad Linux-based slate: Release Date and Price : Product Reviews Net .::. Size~: 24.53 KBApr 14 02:57
schestowitzcubezzz: everything runs LinuxApr 14 02:57
schestowitzTVs tooApr 14 02:57
schestowitzgnApr 14 02:57
cubezzz;-)Apr 14 02:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @thecomicproject: Pioneer: Shashi Tharoor faces questions of probity - (vApr 14 02:59
TechrightsBotTitle: The Pioneer > Online Edition :  >> Ministerial shenanigans .::. Size~: 20.75 KBApr 14 02:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] No LameStream jets for #Palin. Supersize my ride, peons! 14 03:29
TechrightsBotTitle: Crikey .::. Size~: 125.35 KBApr 14 03:29
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Apr 14 03:53
*enthymeme ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 04:13
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 14 04:23
*Agent-Smith (~bb179c1e@gateway/web/freenode/x-uyqsxjotcqeaetoo) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 04:24
Agent-SmithGood evening folksApr 14 04:24
Agent-SmithHave you seen this ???Apr 14 04:25
Agent-Smith 14 04:25
Agent-SmithM$ is giving M$ Office 2010 for free...Apr 14 04:27
Agent-SmithHoly cow...Apr 14 04:28
Agent-SmithOpen Office must be breathing in their necks...Apr 14 04:28
cubezzzI still don't want it :)Apr 14 04:28
Agent-Smith;-DApr 14 04:28
Agent-SmithNot me too, butApr 14 04:28
Agent-SmithThe time goes byApr 14 04:29
Agent-SmithAnd M$ doesn't changeApr 14 04:29
Agent-SmithRemember, they did the same to kill NetscapeApr 14 04:29
cubezzz"a cut down version with cheesy ads that rotate every 45 seconds"Apr 14 04:29
Agent-SmithYeahApr 14 04:29
cubezzzwow, that sounds _so_ good :)Apr 14 04:29
Agent-SmithEven ABIWORD is better... ;-)Apr 14 04:30
Agent-SmithBut the point here isApr 14 04:30
Agent-SmithThey're trying to do the same thing they did to Netscape...Apr 14 04:30
Agent-SmithOnly this time, the free offers are WAAAYYY better...Apr 14 04:30
Agent-Smith;-)Apr 14 04:31
cubezzzit's source code that countsApr 14 04:31
Agent-SmithYupApr 14 04:31
cubezzzunobfuscated source codeApr 14 04:31
Agent-SmithI would never switch from BR Office to M$ OfficeApr 14 04:31
cubezzzI rarely use any office suiteApr 14 04:32
Agent-SmithBR Office (Brazil's Open Office) has a native grammar checkerApr 14 04:32
Agent-SmithWhich is (because it's Open Source) very well doneApr 14 04:32
Agent-SmithAnd for our native BR_PT portuguese...Apr 14 04:32
Agent-SmithA feature like this, M$ Office lags behind...Apr 14 04:33
cubezzzI never used microsoft office :)Apr 14 04:35
Agent-SmithBut Ina Fried boosts this crippled free M$ Office...Apr 14 04:36
Agent-SmithMerciful Jeeezus...Apr 14 04:36
Agent-SmithThe best thing since sliced bread... Mehhhh...Apr 14 04:36
Agent-Smith;-DApr 14 04:36
cubezzzpeople dont' realize this but we did have a totally open computer and almost everyone overlooked itApr 14 04:36
cubezzzTOTALLY openApr 14 04:36
cubezzzyou'll be surprised... it was the Amiga :)Apr 14 04:37
Agent-SmithI remember AMIGAApr 14 04:37
Agent-SmithIt was my dream gadgetApr 14 04:37
cubezzzAmiga roms were documented, all firmware...Apr 14 04:37
Agent-SmithBut, it was so expensive, I could never aford it in its time...Apr 14 04:37
cubezzzexactly :)Apr 14 04:38
Agent-SmithPityApr 14 04:38
Agent-SmithI had a MSX computerApr 14 04:38
Agent-SmithZ80 8 bitsApr 14 04:38
cubezzzyou can get Amiga now Apr 14 04:38
Agent-SmithBut Amiga was Waaaayyy advancedApr 14 04:38
cubezzzNOS Amiga 1200's still for sale todayApr 14 04:38
Agent-SmithHummm... And software ???Apr 14 04:38
cubezzzyesApr 14 04:39
cubezzzhttp://amigakit.comApr 14 04:39
TechrightsBotTitle: - the Amiga shop .::. Size~: 1.12 KBApr 14 04:39
Agent-SmithLet me seeApr 14 04:39
Agent-SmithFolks say AmigaOS is awesome...Apr 14 04:40
Agent-SmithI wish I could see it working...Apr 14 04:40
cubezzzyou canApr 14 04:40
cubezzzon youtubeApr 14 04:40
Agent-SmithEheheheheApr 14 04:41
Agent-SmithI mean try it... ;-)Apr 14 04:41
cubezzzwell I will get the Amiga 1200 probablyApr 14 04:42
Agent-SmithHow much is it costing now ???Apr 14 04:43
Agent-SmithAhhh, The AMIGA KIT site is not oppening here...Apr 14 04:43
cubezzz$140 Canadian... or about 99 pounds UKApr 14 04:43
Agent-SmithOne hundred dollars ???Apr 14 04:43
Agent-SmithOne hundred and forty dollars ???Apr 14 04:44
cubezzzyesApr 14 04:44
Agent-SmithI mean...Apr 14 04:44
Agent-SmithWowApr 14 04:44
Agent-SmithCheapoApr 14 04:44
cubezzzthat's cheap yes :)Apr 14 04:44
cubezzzthere were lots of unsold 1200'sApr 14 04:44
Agent-SmithBut, it's used ???Apr 14 04:44
cubezzzyesApr 14 04:44
cubezzzthey have New Old Stock but it's more expensiveApr 14 04:45
cubezzz$140 for usedApr 14 04:45
*Chips_B_Malroy (~b80104e8@gateway/web/freenode/x-kvzoosuofxoqrtql) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 04:45
Agent-SmithBut, is it being manufactured yet ??? I mean, a new company ???Apr 14 04:46
cubezzzsort ofApr 14 04:47
cubezzzthere's eyetechApr 14 04:47
cubezzzalso they announced X1000 which is new technologyApr 14 04:47
Agent-SmithHummmm...Apr 14 04:48
Agent-SmithIs it built on 68000 processors ???Apr 14 04:48
Chips_B_MalroyI know Roy is sleeping now, but I think he is right about the way to structure Apple and MS.  Not to do it in a wrong way.  Make the site like a news site, which it is.  Some names that have not be taken, are Microsoft Report, or MS Roundup, which can also be used for Apple and Linux sections as well.Apr 14 04:48
cubezzzPPCApr 14 04:48
Agent-SmithAhhhApr 14 04:49
Chips_B_Malroyits best to not make the site seem bias in the form, but to just show the facts.  The truth is the thing that convinces.Apr 14 04:49
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 04:50
Agent-SmithWhat about the new C64 ???Apr 14 04:50
*Chips_B_Malroy has quit (Quit: Page closed)Apr 14 04:50
cubezzzjust standard hardware in a case that looks a bit like a c64Apr 14 04:51
cubezzzit's got nothing to do with old commodoreApr 14 04:51
Agent-SmithAhhh... I thought I could play ELITE again...Apr 14 04:52
Agent-SmithEhehehehehehe...Apr 14 04:52
Agent-Smith;-)Apr 14 04:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] New toy - ProFire 2626 - wonderful addition to the studio 14 04:53
TechrightsBotTitle:   M-AUDIO   - ProFire 2626 - High-Definition 26-in/26-out FireWire Audio Interface with Octane Preamp Technology .::. Size~: 65.38 KBApr 14 04:53
Agent-SmithWell folksApr 14 04:53
Agent-SmithJust dropped by to let you know about this new EXCITING M$ Office 2010...Apr 14 04:54
Agent-SmithEheheheheh...Apr 14 04:54
DaemonFC"Drink 582 cans of Coke and get a free movie ticket!" wow!Apr 14 04:54
DaemonFC:PApr 14 04:54
Agent-SmithMust go nowApr 14 04:54
Agent-SmithGood night to allApr 14 04:54
Agent-SmithByeApr 14 04:54
cubezzzlaterApr 14 04:54
Agent-SmithCya my friendApr 14 04:54
*Agent-Smith has quit (Quit: Page closed)Apr 14 04:55
*DaemonFC goes to an old building and rips out a chunk of asbestos to beat cubezzz over the head withApr 14 04:55
DaemonFCnyaaaaaah!Apr 14 04:55
DaemonFC 14 04:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Metamaterial cloaking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 198.72 KBApr 14 04:57
DaemonFCcloaked tanksApr 14 05:01
DaemonFCcloaked airplanesApr 14 05:02
DaemonFCcloaked soldiers :PApr 14 05:02
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayApr 14 05:03
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfApr 14 05:05
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 05:11
*jono has quit (Client Quit)Apr 14 05:12
DaemonFC 14 05:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill - .::. Size~: 103 KBApr 14 05:14
DaemonFCThat bill goes as far as violating the fourth amendmentApr 14 05:15
DaemonFCit gives the police the power to profile people and stop them without probable cause of a crimeApr 14 05:16
DaemonFCthey should be passing laws that makes it impossible for illegals to work or rent an apartmentApr 14 05:16
DaemonFCif everyone had to prove US citizenship to work or rent an apartment, it would throw a major roadblock in front of the illegal aliensApr 14 05:17
DaemonFCand the feds couldn't strike that downApr 14 05:17
DaemonFC"You know what boat stands for.....'Bust Out Another Thousand'..."Apr 14 05:21
DaemonFClolApr 14 05:21
cubezzzthe amiga manuals are awesomeApr 14 05:27
*Jose_X ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 05:40
*Jose_X has quit (Client Quit)Apr 14 05:40
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[openuniverse140/@openuniverse140] RT @dai !openuniverse movei about public patents and there protectionApr 14 05:43
TechrightsBotTitle: PUBPAT > About .::. Size~: 7.5 KBApr 14 05:43
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[openuniverse140/@openuniverse140] RT @webmink Last.FM kills music browsing and with it my reason for using them. Bye, guys: 14 05:48
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)Apr 14 05:48
TechrightsBotTitle: – the Blog · Yes, it does! .::. Size~: 108.98 KBApr 14 05:48
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayApr 14 05:54
DaemonFCI'm going to the Chiropractor on the first :)Apr 14 05:56
DaemonFCheheApr 14 05:56
cubezzzwow, xpdf maxes out the cpuApr 14 06:21
Diablo-D3why are you using xpdf?Apr 14 06:35
Diablo-D3use evince without the gnome deps built inApr 14 06:35
*enthymeme (~kraken@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 06:40
cubezzzodds are very good it won't compile on this boxApr 14 06:41
Diablo-D3just apt-get it =PApr 14 06:42
cubezzzcan'tApr 14 06:42
cubezzznot unless I hop over to another computer :)Apr 14 06:42
cubezzzwhich I think I willApr 14 06:42
*cubezzz-laptop ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 06:47
cubezzz-laptopnow I can use evince... it was already installed on this boxApr 14 06:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Tell me, do your beloved company Apple and M$ support truth-seeking websites like @Wikileaks? Or @CampaignForLiberty? @odaynasserApr 14 06:52
cubezzz-laptopoh yeah, this is a million times better :)Apr 14 06:52
cubezzz-laptopwonder why xpdf was so slow?Apr 14 06:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Tell me, do your beloved corporations Apple and M$ support truth-seeking websites like @Wikileaks or @CampaignForLiberty? @odaynasserApr 14 06:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] #Plone4 is awesome! Excellent work #Plone team! :DApr 14 06:55
*Omar87 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 14 06:55
DaemonFCI want one of those!!!Apr 14 07:14
DaemonFCWinchester Model 1886 repeaterApr 14 07:14
DaemonFC:DApr 14 07:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Doing a spot of writing.Apr 14 07:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Listening to my recommended radio, my mind is boggling with so much fantastic music - 14 07:17
TechrightsBotTitle: jonobacon’s Recommended Radio – .::. Size~: 82.2 KBApr 14 07:17
*ikonia_ (~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] ...particularly loving Molotov Solution. :-)Apr 14 07:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Oh, and by the way, I forgot to tweet about the LugRadio Documentary that @tonywhitmore did - check it out!Apr 14 07:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Don't Listen Alone .::. Size~: 13.42 KBApr 14 07:20
*ikonia has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Apr 14 07:21
*ikonia_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 14 07:22
*ikonia (~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:22
*Jose_X ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Windows is so hard to manage, even Microsoft have to get outside help! 14 07:30
Jose_Xhey, is anyone here awake and willing to check on a webpage for me and then the google cache version. it appears a bunch of comments got removed but maybe it's a problem with my location.Apr 14 07:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft outsources IT to Infosys - Software - Technology - News - .::. Size~: 69.63 KBApr 14 07:30
Jose_Xalright, if anyone is interested try the website as well as the cache (the cache will sync up soon I imagine): 14 07:36
TechrightsBotTitle: - Google Search .::. Size~: 18.78 KBApr 14 07:36
Jose_Xcensorship of ideas (even if the ideas are not that great) is not something I appreciate (certainly not when it happens to me).Apr 14 07:37
Jose_XNo one might be at fault, btw. Who knows what happenedApr 14 07:38
*ikonia has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 14 07:41
*Jose_X has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 14 07:41
*ikonia (~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:41
*Jose_X ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:44
Jose_Xok, i think the topic is important so while i don't care too much now on the details of that thread, i want to quote from elsewhere but the same topic.Apr 14 07:45
Jose_XFrom a groklaw comment:Apr 14 07:45
Jose_X>>Apr 14 07:45
Jose_XMy point is that the compiler (build environment) and run time environmentApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xdefines exactly what the source code will do, regardless of what any standardApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xsays or what the source code authors expect.Apr 14 07:45
Jose_XSo, in the case of people that want to know what a binary is doing, you need toApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xknow more than simply the source code of the "shell" application, butApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xneed to have certainties about the behavior of the platform on which the appApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xwill run and on which it will be built.Apr 14 07:45
Jose_XThere are very natural embrace, extend, extinguish strategy that become possibleApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xonly when the software application developers can't easily verify the behaviorApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xof these platforms that are doing the EEE.Apr 14 07:45
Jose_XEg, if a line of source says, "loop eating cheese, until cheese runsApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xout" but something else happens, then you don't have the (real) source, doApr 14 07:45
Jose_Xyou?Apr 14 07:45
Jose_XContinuing, the compiler and runtime might have effectively modified the aboveApr 14 07:45
Jose_X"source code" behavior to:Apr 14 07:45
Jose_X> Loop eating cheese until the cheese reaches 10 slices or until the OS sendsApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xa signal to jump to a new routine that was secretly inserted into the program byApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xthe compiler. This routine does the following: throw remaining cheese into trashApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xafter first making a copy of the cheese and sending it in encrypted delayedApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xchunks to 14 07:46
Jose_XSo you see, "source code" is meaningless if it isn't the source codeApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xthat corresponds to how the application is behaving.Apr 14 07:46
Jose_XThis makes perfect sense. If I run Apache web server, I expect behaviorApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xaccording to the source code that I have for Apache web server. If the behaviorApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xdoesn't match, I consider that I don't have the correct source code.Apr 14 07:46
Jose_XAnd this is one reason why open source is rather weak until a full open sourceApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xplatform and build tools exist. This is why the FSF begun with these basic toolsApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xand not with a bunch of other applications.Apr 14 07:46
Jose_XOf course, Apache uses more liberal and vulnerable license than the GPL, so IApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xdon't know what those folks' goals are. Perhaps they are being moreApr 14 07:46
*ikonia has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 14 07:46
Jose_X"practical" and/or are assuming ethical behavior from platformApr 14 07:46
Jose_Xvendors. LApr 14 07:46
Jose_X<<Apr 14 07:46
Jose_Xthat reply was at someone that apparently essentially felt that WinFOSS (eg, apache running on windows) is just as foss as any other fossApr 14 07:47
DaemonFC:PApr 14 07:48
Jose_Xsorry but it's only a few linesApr 14 07:48
Jose_X:P ....Apr 14 07:48
*ikonia (~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:48
MinceRJose_X: you might even be able to find exact examples of winblows modifying certain apps to make or break compatibilityApr 14 07:49
Jose_X[that's "watery liquid that forms in your mouth and helps you to chew and digest food" at the end there, btw]Apr 14 07:49
MinceR(well, allegedly for that)Apr 14 07:49
Jose_Xbugs create compat problemsApr 14 07:49
Jose_Xthat's why foss devs ask for source and not just blind black box interfacesApr 14 07:50
Jose_Xclosed source is a convenient excuse to thwart interop'Apr 14 07:50
Jose_Xof course, the vendor can aggravate the problemsApr 14 07:50
DaemonFCusually when I see something break it's because the vendor had 6 damned months to make it compatible while that Windows version was in betaApr 14 07:51
DaemonFCand still doesn't have a compatible version 6 months laterApr 14 07:51
DaemonFCnot naming names though *cough*FirefoxApr 14 07:51
Jose_Xwhy would you blame firefoxApr 14 07:51
Jose_Xit's windows the one that doesn't show their source codeApr 14 07:51
Jose_Xof course, bugs on linux is a different thingApr 14 07:51
DaemonFCcause it took the over a year to fix it to where Vista didn't have to use a compatibility shim to make it workApr 14 07:52
Jose_Xfirefox is valuable to microsoft todayApr 14 07:52
MinceRJose_X: also, the exact compiler binary might count >> 14 07:52
TechrightsBotTitle: Strange Loops: Ken Thompson and the Self-referencing C Compiler : Good Math, Bad Math .::. Size~: 83.58 KBApr 14 07:52
DaemonFCthen when Windows 7 came out, it took them over a year to have one that did things like IE does, such as PeekApr 14 07:52
DaemonFCMozilla is so wickedly horribly behind, it's unreasonableApr 14 07:52
DaemonFCand their Windows support actually looks perfect compared to any other OSApr 14 07:53
MinceRDaemonFC: apps are supposed to be compatible with all future OS versions now?Apr 14 07:53
MinceRDaemonFC: without a well-specified, reliable API?Apr 14 07:53
MinceRDaemonFC: do you want a pony with that?Apr 14 07:53
DaemonFCMinceR: That's why the public beta and RC programs are thereApr 14 07:53
*ikonia has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 14 07:53
MinceRDaemonFC: no, that's why sound development practices are thereApr 14 07:54
*ikonia (~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:54
DaemonFCso new app versions can be developed and tested before the final version shipsApr 14 07:54
DaemonFCMozilla still sucksApr 14 07:54
DaemonFCfor months to come, after it shipsApr 14 07:54
MinceRspecifying what the APIs of the OS do and making sure the implementation actually obeys the specsApr 14 07:54
MinceRit is up to m$ to make sure that the same system call does the same thing in the new versionApr 14 07:54
Jose_Xtest to windows is a strategy that allows embrace extend and extinguish of other platforms and which gives microsoft advantages in eg ieApr 14 07:54
DaemonFCmy point is that Mozilla had plenty of timeApr 14 07:55
MinceRyou have no pointApr 14 07:55
DaemonFCthey should have been Vista compatible before it was releasedApr 14 07:55
MinceRmozilla didn't have to do anythingApr 14 07:55
DaemonFCsame with 7Apr 14 07:55
Jose_Xmy point is that windows source code is not shown so you can't expect mozilla to know the windows "bugs"Apr 14 07:55
DaemonFCno, they could have yanked support for 90% of their usersApr 14 07:55
MinceRm$ keeps claiming their newest crap is always backwards compatible yet they never practice due diligenceApr 14 07:55
DaemonFCthat makes a worse business strategyApr 14 07:55
Jose_Xit's a treadmillApr 14 07:56
Jose_Xyou don't want people to fall ofApr 14 07:56
MinceRDaemonFC: or they could stop wasting their time and tell users to upgrade to gnu/linuxApr 14 07:56
Jose_XoffApr 14 07:56
Jose_Xnor to get ahead of the pace you set for themApr 14 07:56
DaemonFCMinceR: Gasoline is the only practical fuel for cars because of all the cars that run on gasolineApr 14 07:56
MinceRDaemonFC: bullshitApr 14 07:56
Jose_Xa linux distro featuring firefox and related apps would be greatApr 14 07:56
DaemonFCWindows is the only practical PC OS because most apps run on WindowsApr 14 07:56
MinceRDaemonFC: apps don't consume APIsApr 14 07:56
MinceRDaemonFC: another piece of bullshitApr 14 07:57
DaemonFCsaying you filled up your tank with gas doesn't make you any more evil than running WindowsApr 14 07:57
MinceRyour analogy fails hardApr 14 07:57
Jose_Xa software os is much more complex than gasoline and is monopolized and is not regulated by govApr 14 07:57
MinceRthe car consumes gas, the computer doesn't consume windowsApr 14 07:57
MinceRsoftware isn't consumed, in generalApr 14 07:57
DaemonFCMinceR: You could swim upstream and use niche cars with niche fuel sources, and some are novelApr 14 07:57
MinceRDaemonFC: i could make and sell gasolineApr 14 07:57
DaemonFCbut they become expensive and unreliableApr 14 07:57
DaemonFCand more of a pain in upkeep than they're worthApr 14 07:58
DaemonFCyou couldn't afford some of those cars even if they were freeApr 14 07:58
MinceRDaemonFC: once again, you have no idea what you're talking aboutApr 14 07:58
Jose_Xyes, too many competing stds doesn't helpApr 14 07:58
MinceRDaemonFC: btw, gasoline wasn't what the first cars ran onApr 14 07:58
Jose_Xbut the one that survives should be as open as possibleApr 14 07:58
DaemonFCMinceR: So if someone walked up and handed me a car that ran on CNG for free, then that's niceApr 14 07:59
DaemonFCnow WTF do I do with it?Apr 14 07:59
DaemonFCdrive it around?Apr 14 07:59
Jose_Xwe should perhaps standardize on Linux, come to think of it.. just think of the cars!]Apr 14 07:59
*ikonia_ (~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 07:59
DaemonFCI couldn't get to any fuel station in the state that sells CNG before I ran out of fuel :)Apr 14 07:59
Jose_Xof course, we find linux volunteers all the time because it is so greatApr 14 07:59
DaemonFCso I know, I just reorganize my life around the car and move closer to a station that sells CNGApr 14 08:00
Jose_Xcng is much more expensive (scarce resource with nonzero mass)Apr 14 08:00
DaemonFCbut then what if I want to go out of state?Apr 14 08:00
DaemonFCdoes the car become useless?Apr 14 08:00
DaemonFCnot enough service stations that sell CNG?Apr 14 08:00
MinceRDaemonFC: i'll make it clearer for your sake: OS APIs have nothing to do with alternative energy sources for carsApr 14 08:00
Jose_Xlinux has a growing community in virtually every stateApr 14 08:00
DaemonFCeven if there are some, do I zig zag around the entire country to reach them along the way?Apr 14 08:00
DaemonFCisn't that less efficient?Apr 14 08:00
Jose_XLinux is so good that people volunteer for itApr 14 08:00
DaemonFCno economy of scale = no support for the productApr 14 08:01
Jose_Xwe still need to break various forms of windows lockinApr 14 08:01
DaemonFCif there's no mass market for something, you may as well forget about using itApr 14 08:01
Jose_Xbefore standardization on linux can be fulfilledApr 14 08:01
MinceRm$ wouldn't recognize software engineering if it hit them on the headApr 14 08:01
Jose_Xoh there is a very important and growing market for source code...Apr 14 08:01
Jose_Xfor $0 source codeApr 14 08:01
Jose_Xfor platformsApr 14 08:02
DaemonFCit doesn't matter if anyone likes buying gasApr 14 08:02
DaemonFCthat's all there isApr 14 08:02
*ikonia has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 14 08:02
DaemonFCit's a cost of car ownership, you don't have a choice, and if you go for a niche product you get pwnedApr 14 08:02
MinceRactually there's also diesel, LPG, E85 (or what it's called) and electricityApr 14 08:02
Jose_XDaemonFC, your gas analogy doesn't correspond well with operating systems.. i've been trying to tip you off but maybe you don't see the analogyApr 14 08:02
DaemonFCE85 is worseApr 14 08:02
MinceRprobably other forms of energy tooApr 14 08:02
DaemonFCDiesel is jsut as badApr 14 08:02
Jose_Xi wil be leaving very soon, btw.Apr 14 08:02
MinceRdoesn't matter if it's worse, it also existsApr 14 08:02
DaemonFCoh, and TRY getting a diesel to start in the winterApr 14 08:03
MinceRirrelevantApr 14 08:03
DaemonFChope you don't mind waking up an hour earlier to try and start the damned thingApr 14 08:03
MinceR(also, afaik that issue has been solved already)Apr 14 08:03
Jose_Xnot "getting up" is one reason people leave windowsApr 14 08:03
DaemonFCyeah, you need a block heater, which is another failure prone thing you now rely onApr 14 08:04
MinceRnews flash, your car is full of failure prone thingsApr 14 08:04
DaemonFCyes, why add more though jsut to run it on something jsut as bad as gasoline?Apr 14 08:04
DaemonFCE85 is actually way more expensive than gasoline because it kills your gas mileage and you pay even more in corn subsidiesApr 14 08:05
MinceRwhy consider more than one aspects of a decision?Apr 14 08:05
DaemonFCbetter to not encourage themApr 14 08:05
MinceRcorn subsidies are specific to some countries, not a technical issueApr 14 08:05
DaemonFCwell, in that case, if the subsidies were removed, E85 would cost nearly double for the same mileageApr 14 08:05
MinceRalso, you could produce E85 from switchgrass and other weedsApr 14 08:05
DaemonFCit really really is a horrible fuel ideaApr 14 08:06
MinceRguess what, even gas prices vary between countriesApr 14 08:06
DaemonFCit already costs more than gasoline even without subsidies at all levalsApr 14 08:06
DaemonFCjust from giving you bad mileageApr 14 08:06
MinceR(i know, this whole "rest of the world" concept is hard to grasp for a usian)Apr 14 08:06
DaemonFCyeah, they do silly thingsApr 14 08:07
DaemonFClike tax their citizens and call it a climate lawApr 14 08:07
DaemonFCthe liberals here want to make our country like thatApr 14 08:07
DaemonFCfuck emApr 14 08:07
MinceRyes, silly things like not occupying middle eastern countries to get gas cheaperApr 14 08:07
*Ender2070 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 14 08:07
*Ender2070 (~Ender2070@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 08:07
DaemonFCgas hasn't gotten cheaperApr 14 08:07
Jose_Xare you guys a team?Apr 14 08:07
Jose_Xwell, gotta go?Apr 14 08:08
MinceRnot reallyApr 14 08:08
Jose_X? -> .Apr 14 08:08
MinceRi know, DaemonFC derailed the discussion with unrelated idiocyApr 14 08:08
Jose_Xok, well three is a crowd..and i do have to go.Apr 14 08:08
DaemonFCsee, if we double the price on things and say it's to save the environment, it's OKApr 14 08:08
DaemonFCeven if it's just another way to seize people's wealth and propertyApr 14 08:08
*ikonia_ has quit (Quit: connection issues)Apr 14 08:08
DaemonFCB-)Apr 14 08:08
Jose_Xi don't mind... foss supporters will have to take crap for a whileApr 14 08:09
MinceRwaging war on them and taking their property that way is a lot better, i knowApr 14 08:09
DaemonFCMinceR: I'm going to tax your food to where you spend twice as much on it as you do nowApr 14 08:09
DaemonFCa third of the people in Hungary might starveApr 14 08:09
DaemonFCbut it's to save the Polar BearsApr 14 08:09
DaemonFCmmmk?Apr 14 08:10
DaemonFCand then I take the money and don't use it to save polar bearsApr 14 08:10
DaemonFCwhat a wonderful concept?Apr 14 08:10
DaemonFCI can tax anything I want and call it "green"Apr 14 08:10
*Jose_X has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 14 08:10
DaemonFCthe liberals want to increase energy prices, that means they want to increase the cost of doing or buying anythingApr 14 08:11
DaemonFCit's just a nice fake front for a huge tax increasApr 14 08:11
DaemonFC*increaseApr 14 08:11
DaemonFCwhat they'll do with the money, I don't knowApr 14 08:11
DaemonFCprobably give it to the UN and run more illegal sex slave programs in 3rd world countriesApr 14 08:12
DaemonFCunder the guise of a "foreign aide" programApr 14 08:12
DaemonFCliberals are good at seizing and spending my moneyApr 14 08:13
DaemonFCI will give them thatApr 14 08:13
MinceRall sorts of politicians are good for thatApr 14 08:13
MinceRit's what they doApr 14 08:13
DaemonFCMinceR: Are you aware of a concept called "tragedy of the commons"?Apr 14 08:13
MinceR(well, one half of what they do. the other half is making people miserable by making stupider laws)Apr 14 08:13
DaemonFCWhat's even worse is when you have universal health coverage that costs next to nothing to use and covers all kinds of questionable proceduresApr 14 08:14
MinceRwhat does that have to do with the discussion so far?Apr 14 08:14
DaemonFCpeople think "shit, I have a stake in this and no choice about that" "Dammit, I am going to use the crap out of this!"Apr 14 08:14
DaemonFCliberal social programs always take more money to run than they should and the cost increases become exponential the bigger the poolApr 14 08:15
DaemonFCbecause of this mindsetApr 14 08:15
DaemonFCfor example MinceR, MedicareApr 14 08:15
DaemonFCMedicare used to require x-rays to prove you had sublexations of your spine before they would pay the chiropractorApr 14 08:16
DaemonFCso the person doing the x-ray interpretation is the chiropractor, he fudges everything to say you need treatmentApr 14 08:16
DaemonFCMedicare pays for the x-rays, the consultation, and the treatmentApr 14 08:17
DaemonFCthe chiropractor takes them for a rideApr 14 08:17
DaemonFCthe chiropractors even dropped the requirement of an x-rayApr 14 08:17
DaemonFCso now anyone with Medicare can go in there and immediately get diagnosed with a horrible back problem that the chiropractor starts an open ended, very expensive, treatment regimen forApr 14 08:18
DaemonFCand people will say "Hell, I pay x amount in premiums!" and stumble upon the chiropractor services when figuring out how to break evenApr 14 08:19
DaemonFC"Yeah, my back aches a little I guess"Apr 14 08:19
DaemonFCpeople consider money seized by the liberals and put into a pool as a forced investment that they need to recoupApr 14 08:19
DaemonFCI guess I don't even really blame themApr 14 08:19
DaemonFCMinceR: That's kind of where I stand on subsidies and taxationApr 14 08:20
DaemonFCit all leads to a planned economyApr 14 08:20
DaemonFCwhich doesn't workApr 14 08:20
DaemonFCnow on the other hand, you have a thing called capitalismApr 14 08:21
DaemonFCin this system, a company can put out a product and either have it flop or have it be a runaway successApr 14 08:21
DaemonFCpeople get mad when a individual or company succeeds where they are presently failingApr 14 08:22
DaemonFCI guess you can use that to explain some of the fringe "FOSS" peopleApr 14 08:22
DaemonFCcritical mass is one thing that can keep something good or bad going for a long timeApr 14 08:23
DaemonFCthat's my gasoline car exampleApr 14 08:23
DaemonFCsome flakey government subsidy to buy something you don't want, that isn't proven, that has more failures in every category would be more like the hybrid carApr 14 08:24
DaemonFCor the CNG carApr 14 08:24
DaemonFCLinux is subsidized to $0 and isn't gaining tractionApr 14 08:24
DaemonFCwhat's wrong with this picture?Apr 14 08:24
DaemonFCand yes, it's subsidized, there's lots of money spent on development but the code itself is given away Apr 14 08:25
DaemonFCsomething that is subsidized to free and isn't catching on could mean a lot of thingsApr 14 08:26
DaemonFCcompatibility?Apr 14 08:26
DaemonFCfamiliarity?Apr 14 08:26
DaemonFC"Why won't people take this!?!?!?" they say, frustratedly Apr 14 08:26
DaemonFCwoohooApr 14 08:26
schestowitzzoobab: 14 08:28
TechrightsBotTitle: PUBPAT > About .::. Size~: 7.5 KBApr 14 08:28
schestowitzHey, DaemonFCApr 14 08:29
DaemonFCmorningApr 14 08:29
schestowitz[08:25] <DaemonFC> and yes, it's subsidized, there's lots of money spent on development but the code itself is given away Apr 14 08:29
schestowitzThey make money from itApr 14 08:29
schestowitzRed Hat, IBM...Apr 14 08:29
schestowitzInvested in, not subsidizedApr 14 08:29
DaemonFCyeah, I mean mainly the vultures at CanonicalApr 14 08:30
DaemonFCtheir work is already basically doneApr 14 08:30
schestowitzWindows is subsidized by Gates Foundry?Apr 14 08:30
schestowitzFor the "betterment of computing"?Apr 14 08:30
DaemonFCthey just screw it over real bad  and ship itApr 14 08:30
schestowitzDependsApr 14 08:30
schestowitzUbuntu won't last as dominantApr 14 08:31
schestowitzYou'll see....Apr 14 08:31
DaemonFCif Canonical had to do any significant development work, they would have burned through all of Shuttleworth's money and then some within a yearApr 14 08:31
schestowitzCanonical didn't target servers, not initiallyApr 14 08:31
schestowitzNo mainframe (h/w), eitherApr 14 08:31
DaemonFCthey essentially just put together a book and make up a new coversheetApr 14 08:31
DaemonFCa book someone else wroteApr 14 08:32
schestowitzMandriva deserves shareApr 14 08:32
schestowitzI still love Mandriva toolsApr 14 08:32
DaemonFCCanonical merely sorts the pages in orderApr 14 08:32
schestowitzDaemonFC: nice analogy there...Apr 14 08:32
schestowitzBUT...Apr 14 08:32
schestowitzIt wrote a prefaceApr 14 08:32
schestowitzAnd it does some proofreadinghApr 14 08:33
DaemonFCCanonical is doing such a surprisingly small amount of actual work that carries over into other distributions that I consider them kind of predatoryApr 14 08:33
schestowitzThey do workApr 14 08:33
schestowitzBut not researchApr 14 08:33
schestowitzFor example...Apr 14 08:33
schestowitzUbuntu would not develop an FSApr 14 08:33
schestowitzIBM wouldApr 14 08:33
schestowitzOr OracleApr 14 08:33
schestowitzThey have vested interest in itApr 14 08:33
schestowitzOracle has almost 90% of clients on GNU/LinuxApr 14 08:33
schestowitzIt needs to squeeze out every ounce of performanceApr 14 08:34
DaemonFCI guess there is a double standard, but I wouldn't expect a R&D department and a bazillion new lines of code for something coming out of a one man operationApr 14 08:34
DaemonFCSlackware for instanceApr 14 08:34
schestowitzUbuntu gives a nice menu allowing you to choose FSes in the installerApr 14 08:34
DaemonFCbut when Ubuntu is throwing around millions of dollars and hundreds of employees.....Apr 14 08:34
schestowitzDaemonFC: 200-menApr 14 08:34
schestowitzOhApr 14 08:34
schestowitzSlackwareApr 14 08:34
schestowitzDaemonFC: you mean, taking them from Dbian :-)Apr 14 08:35
schestowitzDepletionApr 14 08:35
DaemonFCYou kind of expect they'd give back according to the size of their operation and the funding availableApr 14 08:35
schestowitzFrom volunteer to paidApr 14 08:35
schestowitzDaemonFC: they do give backApr 14 08:35
schestowitzI wrote about this in 2007 in techrightsApr 14 08:35
DaemonFCwhy is the focus off of Novell?Apr 14 08:36
DaemonFCare they done for?Apr 14 08:36
schestowitzNoApr 14 08:36
schestowitzThey'll be sold this yearApr 14 08:36
*cubezzz-laptop has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 14 08:36
schestowitzIt's just a focus thingApr 14 08:36
schestowitzGoogle "Novell"Apr 14 08:36
schestowitzTechrights is still #6Apr 14 08:36
schestowitzThere's all the material about Novell in the front pageApr 14 08:36
schestowitz 14 08:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Wisconsin Tea Party Members Work Closely With GOP - .::. Size~: 52.73 KBApr 14 08:37
DaemonFCschestowitz: That's why the Teabaggers aren't dangerousApr 14 08:37
DaemonFCworst case, they vote Republican, I bet they all did to begin withApr 14 08:38
schestowitz 14 08:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Tea Party and GOP Working Together in Wisconsin | Center for Media and Democracy .::. Size~: 23.36 KBApr 14 08:38
schestowitz"Even though most Tea Partiers insist they are independent from mainstream political parties, members of Wisconsin's tea party are openly working hand in glove with Republican leaders."Apr 14 08:38
schestowitzAstroTurf?Apr 14 08:38
DaemonFCalways has beenApr 14 08:39
DaemonFCthe Republicans are behind the Teabagger crapApr 14 08:40
DaemonFCthey tell the thousands of warm bodies where to goApr 14 08:40
schestowitz 14 08:40
TechrightsBotTitle: McCain De-Mavericks Himself | Center for Media and Democracy .::. Size~: 23.4 KBApr 14 08:40
DaemonFCand it looks like they have a lynch mob assembled in front of that placeApr 14 08:40
schestowitz 14 08:40
TechrightsBotTitle: McCain the Maverick Fights for His Soul: Margolick - .::. Size~: 65.65 KBApr 14 08:40
schestowitzDaemonFC: Teabagger is a sack of **Apr 14 08:40
schestowitzJust add waterApr 14 08:41
schestowitzPalin calling for violence against Democrats? 14 08:41
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL08) unloads a full stand-up routine on Sarah Palin (R-Quitter) .::. Size~: 80.75 KBApr 14 08:41
schestowitz 14 08:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Your Tax Dollars at War: More Than 53% of Your Tax Payment Goes to the Military | .::. Size~: 206.14 KBApr 14 08:42
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 08:46
schestowitz 14 08:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 08:51
TechrightsBotTitle:   Two Ravens Fighting Over a Crust of Bread at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 23.81 KBApr 14 08:51
schestowitzOh, here's what Robert Pogson looks like. I've always wondered. 14 08:51
TechrightsBotTitle:   Fine Hats at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 23.27 KBApr 14 08:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Small win, but... ♺ @galoppini #EU beats US: European Patent Office ruled that Amazon’s 1-click patent is obvious #swpatApr 14 09:06
TechrightsBotTitle: The IPKat - IP news, views and mews: Amazon patent up the creek in Europe .::. Size~: 148.62 KBApr 14 09:06
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)Apr 14 09:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] ♺ @galoppini #EU beats US: European Patent Office ruled that Amazon’s 1-click patent is obvious #swpatApr 14 09:11
TechrightsBotTitle: The IPKat - IP news, views and mews: Amazon patent up the creek in Europe .::. Size~: 148.62 KBApr 14 09:11
schestowitzWHat a baseless or poorly-backed claim: 14 09:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Is Oracle Quietly Killing OpenOffice? | Revelations From An Unwashed Brain .::. Size~: 70.47 KBApr 14 09:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Getting comments from people making massive assumptions about my parenting based on one blog post.Apr 14 09:25
schestowitz 14 09:32
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Michael Specter: The danger of science denial .::. Size~: 87.98 KBApr 14 09:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Follow the #wikimedia @1BillionEdits countdown Twitter! (courtesy Tim "Avatar" Bartel)Apr 14 09:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Full history dumps for English #Wikipedia at last! 14 09:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Infodisiac » Full history dump for English Wikipedia is back .::. Size~: 18.18 KBApr 14 09:40
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 09:51
Eruaranhi allApr 14 09:51
EruaranWhy aren't you all in #techrights? ;)Apr 14 09:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Looking forward to Farnham Beer Festival on Friday with @alanbelltolc and @theopensourcererApr 14 09:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Here is the type of people who pass #ACTA : 14 10:08
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Rep. Hank Johnson Fears Guam May Capsize .::. Size~: 78.01 KBApr 14 10:08
schestowitzEnder2070: 14 10:14
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Debunking Lord Monckton Part 1 .::. Size~: 85.57 KBApr 14 10:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] The EPO acknowledged the patentability of inventions which include software contributing to a technical effect (VICOM) 14 10:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Today's enthusiastic Aries New Moon could bring you more infor... More for Aquarius 14 10:15
TechrightsBotTitle: The IPKat - IP news, views and mews: Amazon patent up the creek in Europe .::. Size~: 148.63 KBApr 14 10:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 Temporary Redirect .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 10:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] March was the warmest ever recorded: 14 10:18
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Debunking Lord Monckton Part 1 .::. Size~: 85.52 KBApr 14 10:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @GMWatch #GMO mandate is a "stealth corporate giveaway" embedded in a foreign aid bill #Monsanto // same old tricksApr 14 10:19
TechrightsBotTitle: 100+ Groups Join Scientists and Development Experts in Urging Senate to "Strip the GM Mandate" from the Global Food Security Act | Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy .::. Size~: 20.39 KBApr 14 10:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Troll the Socialists about ACTA tomorrow at 14:00: 14 10:33
TechrightsBotTitle: News - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament .::. Size~: 28.72 KBApr 14 10:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] CompTIA pushing for software patents in the EIF "ICT standards and development models that reject valid IP": 14 10:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Kroes champions interoperability in draft 'digital agenda' | EurActiv .::. Size~: 53.37 KBApr 14 10:38
EruaranDon't you just love it when people use phrases like, "the notion of open standards"...Apr 14 10:41
EruaranAs if real, genuine, open standards that are implementable are some kind of quaint little notion...Apr 14 10:42
EruaranCan you imagine what it would be like if industries like automotive operated this way?Apr 14 10:43
schestowitzEruaran: we need a log fastApr 14 10:43
schestowitz*logoApr 14 10:43
EruaranIf manufacturers couldn't agree to fully open, published standards?Apr 14 10:44
Eruaranschestowitz: okApr 14 10:44
Eruaranschestowitz: I will work on it tonight... have to finish up a couple of things here at work firstApr 14 10:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @zoobab Troll is a negative wordApr 14 10:48
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Pirate Party of Canada is official #awesome #arrrApr 14 10:48
TechrightsBotTitle: PPCA Statement Regarding Party Registration Status (AKA: Good News, Everyone!) «  Pirate Party of Canada .::. Size~: 22.3 KBApr 14 10:48
schestowitzEruaran: the "notion of car safety"Apr 14 10:48
schestowitzEruaran: use some image that relates to site's theme maybe, or nameApr 14 10:49
schestowitztech-rights-freedom-research.... png with transparent background.... green tones maybe, like the site's pages/paletteApr 14 10:49
schestowitzI can do something myself, but you're better at that :-)Apr 14 10:50
Eruaranschestowitz: I've been collecting various types of magnifying glass images...Apr 14 10:50
schestowitz 14 10:51
TechrightsBotTitle: NewsChannel 36 Events - GitHub East Coast Tour at Postal code 28205, United States .::. Size~: 61.7 KBApr 14 10:51
schestowitzEruaran: not copyrighted, I hope :-)Apr 14 10:51
Eruaranschestowitz: indeed ;PApr 14 10:51
schestowitzI like the fonts you usedApr 14 10:52
schestowitzAll capsApr 14 10:52
schestowitzSome people have written "techRIGHTS"Apr 14 10:52
schestowitzI think it's because the other guy who made graphics wrote it that wayApr 14 10:52
schestowitzWe need to organise some of our pages on Apple more effectively, to show the problem they are...Apr 14 10:53
schestowitzActually, I'll do this nowApr 14 10:53
EruaranAndroid apps have doubled in three monthsApr 14 10:59
EruaranI find that quite extraordinaryApr 14 11:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Odd problem with podpress. It things an ogg audio file is video. So doesn't give duration, but dimensions as meta data!?Apr 14 11:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] The nauseating, bathetic revelations that dog #Palin's trajectory don't cost her politically-everyone expects them; character being destiny.Apr 14 11:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] The woman who took The Beverly Hillbillies as a life plan. #PalinApr 14 11:08
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Apr 14 11:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] CAFC is definitely pro-software patents: "Innovation has moved beyond the brick and mortar world" 14 11:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Nothing found for  2010 04 12 An-on-the-record-interview-with-cafc-judge-randall-rader Id=10115 #comment-12240 .::. Size~: 55.17 KBApr 14 11:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] If Stevens writes the opinion that would all but certainly mean that software is not patentable: 14 11:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Nothing found for  2010 04 07 When-will-the-supreme-court-decide-bilski Id=10024 #comment-12185 .::. Size~: 55.15 KBApr 14 11:32
schestowitz 14 11:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 11:36
schestowitz 14 11:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 11:37
*Tommy (~d582f6cc@gateway/web/freenode/x-qtkrpuxegbwedcqy) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 11:46
*Tommy is now known as Guest4136Apr 14 11:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Critical section just added to the top of the #Apple index in Techrights 14 11:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 11:48
schestowitzHmmmmm.. it doesn't get the headline right, even without redirectionApr 14 11:49
schestowitzTest: 14 11:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 11:49
schestowitzSeems like it's only a problem from the server's reach itself, works fine from hereApr 14 11:50
*Guest4136 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Apr 14 11:50
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 11:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @GreeGreece Chinese ship ‘gouged 2mile scar’ in Great Barrier Reef /#china scumbags were in prohibited watersApr 14 11:54
TechrightsBotTitle: Chinese ship ‘gouged two mile scar’ in Great Barrier Reef | AlterNet .::. Size~: 58.2 KBApr 14 11:54
oiaohmI missed a loop hole in the OIN agreement.  The members agree to not to use any of there patents against Linux based stuff.   Now turbohercules pushing a solution depending on windows is opps all bets are off.Apr 14 12:01
schestowitz 14 12:13
schestowitzoiaohm: Ulteo has just joinedApr 14 12:13
schestowitz 14 12:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Gaël Duvals blog, le Blog de Gaël Duval / Linux, open source, Mandrake, Mandriva, Ulteo  » Blog Archive   » Ulteo Joins Open Invention Network .::. Size~: 281.5 KBApr 14 12:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Ulteo Joins Open Invention Network .::. Size~: 11.84 KBApr 14 12:14
schestowitz 14 12:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Ulteo Joins Open Invention Network - Ulteo - Enterprise Open Source VDI and Application Delivery solutions (SBC), Enterprise Open Source Virtual Desktop solutions .::. Size~: 14.55 KBApr 14 12:14
schestowitz 14 12:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Why iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad Owners Should Use Linux | everyday linux how2s .::. Size~: 43.58 KBApr 14 12:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] BoycottNovell has moved to another planet (domain) on the same ‘cloud’ we need Wiki contributionsApr 14 12:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 12:28
schestowitz 14 12:35
TechrightsBotTitle: - UBS Sees Red Hat (RHT) As A Compelling Takeover Target .::. Size~: 22.49 KBApr 14 12:35
schestowitz:-|Apr 14 12:35
schestowitzEnder2070: 14 12:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Fedora 13 Beta  First installation | Williams Corner .::. Size~: 36.96 KBApr 14 12:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Fedora 13 - Ubuntu's smart but less attractive cousin • The Register .::. Size~: 31.39 KBApr 14 12:37
schestowitzEarly look[s]Apr 14 12:37
Ender2070im already running itApr 14 12:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] A Tax Form for the Marginally Employed i.e. Writers - American but still funny - 14 12:48
TechrightsBotTitle: A Tax Form for the Marginally Employed - .::. Size~: 15.58 KBApr 14 12:48
schestowitzEnder2070: beta?Apr 14 12:49
schestowitzor alpha?Apr 14 12:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @_the_mad_hatter A Tax Form for the Marginally Employed i.e. Writers - American but still funny - 14 12:51
TechrightsBotTitle: A Tax Form for the Marginally Employed - .::. Size~: 15.66 KBApr 14 12:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "Oracle has already cut back the MySQL roadmap to avoid competing with its own database.." 14 12:52
schestowitz,10170.htmlApr 14 12:52
TechrightsBotTitle: ''WarGames'' IMSAI 8080 Computer Up for Sale .::. Size~: 100.9 KBApr 14 12:52
Ender2070betaApr 14 13:05
Ender2070it was out yesterdayApr 14 13:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @schestowitz "#Oracle has cut back #MySQL roadmap 2 avoid competing with own DB" //obv this is very good 4 #postgresqlApr 14 13:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Friedman is an irredeemable asshole #iraq #war #crime (via @ggreenwald)Apr 14 13:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Just released a new episode of @uupc \o/Apr 14 13:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] 'the right to information from govt is on the brink of being “totally obliterated”' #canada #cdnpoli #harper #foiaApr 14 13:16
TechrightsBotTitle: S03E05  Hear Em Rave | Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo team .::. Size~: 25.65 KBApr 14 13:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Canadians' access to information at a crisis point - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 88.53 KBApr 14 13:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @qu1j0t3 have you see ?Apr 14 13:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 13:31
schestowitzEnder2070: how does one respond to The Reg article which says Ubuntu us better?Apr 14 13:31
schestowitz*sApr 14 13:31
schestowitz*isApr 14 13:31
schestowitz 14 13:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Competition for Google: A German Library for the 21st Century - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International .::. Size~: 41.21 KBApr 14 13:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Free software arrival: Lightworks 'open', but what licence? 14 13:52
TechrightsBotTitle: lightworks on Flickr - Photo Sharing! .::. Size~: 43.18 KBApr 14 13:52
TechrightsBotTitle:  Powerful Video Editor Lightworks Released as Open Source  .::. Size~: 24.21 KBApr 14 13:52
schestowitzJoe Brockmeier 14 13:52
TechrightsBotTitle:  The Joy of Betas: Fedora 13 Beta Released Today  .::. Size~: 30.23 KBApr 14 13:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Uploaded to Soundclick: Websurfing by Marti van Lin. Listen now: 14 13:55
TechrightsBotTitle: SoundClick artist: Marti van Lin - Amateur one man band (Tracker) form Maastricht, the Netherlands. Currently using Tracker editors (Co .::. Size~: 26.13 KBApr 14 13:55
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 14 13:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Uploaded to Soundclick Insence by Marti van Lin. Listen now: 14 14:04
TechrightsBotTitle: SoundClick artist: Marti van Lin - Amateur one man band (Tracker) form Maastricht, the Netherlands. Currently using Tracker editors (Co .::. Size~: 25.84 KBApr 14 14:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] just noticed that we have crossed 7000 discussion on LUG-IITD group (Member = 963 ) soon 1K #fossApr 14 14:07
TechrightsBotTitle:   Linux User Group @ IIT Delhi |  Google Groups   .::. Size~: 34.04 KBApr 14 14:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Updated on SoundClick: The Slog by Marti van Lin. (Previous version was distorted) Listen now: 14 14:09
TechrightsBotTitle: SoundClick artist: Marti van Lin - Amateur one man band (Tracker) form Maastricht, the Netherlands. Currently using Tracker editors (Co .::. Size~: 28.12 KBApr 14 14:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@RyanMcGreal wonder if Friedman still feels that way //do we care? during his puerile testosterone jag, mlns were trying to stop the #warApr 14 14:10
*martinjh99 (~522be045@gateway/web/freenode/x-ghwsiypzxaybxgjn) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 14:10
martinjh99Just a quickie Roy - Will I have to change my RSS feed url when the migration is complete???Apr 14 14:11
martinjh99This is the link I have at the moment... 14 14:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Google Reader - Techrights .::. Size~: 118.64 KBApr 14 14:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] @schestowitz good summary. Mundie stenography was SO blatant in Friedman's column, amazing he can still get away with it in a national ragApr 14 14:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] The previous BoycottNovell at last has a more appropriate name: http://techrights.orgApr 14 14:14
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 14:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] The slavish stenography Friedman does for his #Microsoft backers (when he's not boosting #war) is far more destructive than mere sycophancyApr 14 14:16
*martinjh999 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 14:18
*martinjh99 (~522be045@gateway/web/freenode/x-ghwsiypzxaybxgjn) has left #boycottnovellApr 14 14:18
*martinjh999 ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 14:19
*martinjh99 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 14:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] Friedman is no journalist; just copyist whore whose ideology's as thin as the cheques he banks. Krauthammer at least writes shit for free(?)Apr 14 14:20
martinjh99Will I have to change my RSS feed when the new address comes online?Apr 14 14:21
*Eruaran has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 14 14:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @floschie: Is #OOo the next? @schestowitz "Oracle already cut back MySQL roadmap to avoid competing with" Oracle.. 14 14:28
schestowitzHmmmmmm... never seen BN like this:Apr 14 14:28
schestowitz 14 14:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Google Reader - Techrights .::. Size~: 118.63 KBApr 14 14:28
schestowitzmartinjh99: no, it's already migratedApr 14 14:28
schestowitzAnd there is a redirection, so I don't think you need to change anythingApr 14 14:28
martinjh99:) Thanks Roy just wondering...Apr 14 14:28
martinjh99Been getting posts so I guess it has worked... ;) Didn't realise the url had chaged!Apr 14 14:29
schestowitzI never saw BN displayed like this, but I know we have tons of readers who just fetch full feed and read it off the siteApr 14 14:29
schestowitzI think our commenters need to delete their old cookiesApr 14 14:29
martinjh99I read posts via Google Reader - Works for me :)Apr 14 14:29
schestowitzElse they can't log in to comment, but it's not urgentApr 14 14:29
*ianto (~Chris@fsf/member/pdpc.student.ianto) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 14:30
martinjh99From what I gather about cookies it stores the old domain not the new one so yes they do need to delete them or just log out and back inApr 14 14:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ruiseabra @floschie the danger is that Novell wants to fork/control OO.o and Mcirosoft gives MSO cheaply nowApr 14 14:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ruiseabra @floschie I reckon Microsoft will try to do a NetscapeApr 14 14:32
martinjh99I hope OO.o doesnt die - Best free office suite plus all my docs are ODF...Apr 14 14:32
schestowitzmartinjh99: the cookies are tied to a domainApr 14 14:32
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "We are going to cut off their air supply. Everything they're selling, we're going to give away for free." Paul Maritz, MicrosoftApr 14 14:33
schestowitzmartinjh99: it can't dieApr 14 14:33
martinjh99I I realise that now you've said that ;) GPL Isn't it?Apr 14 14:33
schestowitzThe JS PR bunnies are still tryint to warp coverage, I see... "So naming a software company Jaspersoft, kind of throws up images of country walks and biscuit dunking for me. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing though eh?" 14 14:35
TechrightsBotTitle: Golden Labradors, Choc-chip Cookies and Open Source Business Intelligence | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 36.71 KBApr 14 14:35
schestowitz"Despite me mentioning walkies and cookies every time the good people from Jaspersoft PR call me, they insist on turning the conversation round to open source business intelligence (BI) – and so, inevitably, the theme of this blog will follow suit."Apr 14 14:35
schestowitzThey also sent me lots of PR junk before being turned awayApr 14 14:35
schestowitzMarketing people are uselessApr 14 14:35
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] When writing social software think "How will this software get my users laid" #funny /via @yuvipandaApr 14 14:38
*martinjh99 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539])Apr 14 14:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @ProfBrianCox "Electric Dreams" on BBC2 tonight, tomorrow and Friday at 7pm - every geek will love it - Sinclair Spectrums, the lot !Apr 14 14:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] LOL How ISPs are borking old buildings in Portugal 14 14:53
TechrightsBotTitle: .::. Size~: 83.42 KBApr 14 14:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz "Give it away for free?" as malfunctioning "Starter Edition" dump-ware. Microsoft is about greed and dominion.Apr 14 15:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz Even if they gave me a gratis copy of Vista7 Ultimate. It's to late. Microsoft is a passed page.Apr 14 15:04
schestowitzzoobab: 14 15:20
TechrightsBotTitle: EU Standards Body Accidentally Supports Microsoft  -- Seeking Alpha .::. Size~: 79.04 KBApr 14 15:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst the idea is to drop short-term profit, kill rivals, then price-hikeApr 14 15:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz Who da' thunk it ;-)Apr 14 15:31
*Ziodotmatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 15:31
schestowitz 14 15:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Apache project server hacked, passwords compromised - Computerworld .::. Size~: 78.58 KBApr 14 15:42
schestowitzI'd love to find out that one of the yob had a Windows box there, leaving passwords stored on it available for an intruder to grab.Apr 14 15:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Abolishing the U.S. Patent System Is Coming Soon 14 15:43
TechrightsBotTitle: (04/13/10) Patent Resources Group&rsquo;s Unique Panel Discussion on Reforming or Abolishing the U.S. Patent System Is Coming Soon .::. Size~: 12.84 KBApr 14 15:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @zoobab exaggerated claims?Apr 14 15:45
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: the first paragraph is kind of phraased strangelyApr 14 15:46
schestowitz 14 15:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Oracle Tries to Reassure the Open Source Community, But They Aren't Buying | Community .::. Size~: 74.67 KBApr 14 15:46
TechrightsBotTitle: Oracle exec defends mySQL deal, shows off "much faster" version | Open Source | .::. Size~: 78.83 KBApr 14 15:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Just got a lovely feedback mail to @uupc from a guy in Russia.Never ceases to amaze me how nice our listeners are.Apr 14 15:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ruiseabra @floschie #Oracle is a DB company at the heart, OOo is no real threat to its core bizApr 14 15:48
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] India 1997/1998: /via @abbeApr 14 15:48
TechrightsBotTitle: India 1997/1998 .::. Size~: 6.53 KBApr 14 15:48
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: this one? "Hackers broke into a server used by the Apache Software Foundation to keep track of software bugs."Apr 14 15:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] The decks are stacked against software startups in patent litigation 14 15:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Why the Decks are Stacked Against Software Startups in Patent Litigation .::. Size~: 43.11 KBApr 14 15:49
schestowitzHuh?'♻ @schestowitz "We are going to cut off their air supply. Everything they're selling, we're going to give away for free." P Maritz, MS 14 15:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 10.23 KBApr 14 15:49
schestowitzSme people don't know the Netscape case, I see....Apr 14 15:49
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: it claims no open source databases of clients themselves were harmed, just a repository?Apr 14 15:50
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: on Oracle I read according to many MySQL is combersome and needs a good reworkingApr 14 15:51
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: I use mysql just in Web sites I runApr 14 15:52
schestowitzthus, I hardly need it to evolveApr 14 15:52
schestowitzFor developers of the CMS it's another storyApr 14 15:52
schestowitzIn 2008 when Sun got MySQL I pushed for WordPress to support more DBsApr 14 15:52
schestowitzNot everyone was supportiveApr 14 15:52
schestowitzThen, later on O told them to move to [A]GPLV3Apr 14 15:53
schestowitzMySQL is used in some massive deploymentsApr 14 15:53
schestowitzSo it needs imoprovingApr 14 15:53
schestowitzDigg and Facebook just moved off mysqlApr 14 15:53
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: oh rly but aren't there also simpler open source alternative for smaller scale as well?Apr 14 15:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] in Ubuntu, GUI based Packages File Viewer Will be nice idea - List packages , on clicking show all installed files #ubuntu #ideaApr 14 15:55
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: sqliteApr 14 15:56
schestowitzMozilla picked itApr 14 15:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Obama: Intellectual property is to the digital age what physical goods were to the industrial age: 14 15:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @eduvid in Ubuntu, GUI based Packages File Viewer Will be nice idea - List packages , on clicking show all installed files #ubuntu #ideaApr 14 15:56
schestowitzNo MorkApr 14 15:56
schestowitzAnd Google uses that tooApr 14 15:56
schestowitzBut Google also gave patches to mysql, so it's used there heavily as wellApr 14 15:56
schestowitzThen there are the half dozen forksApr 14 15:56
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: do you think MySQL is waining in popularity?Apr 14 15:57
schestowitzNoApr 14 15:57
schestowitzMore people install FOSSApr 14 15:57
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Dear neighbour, what is the point in having a WPA encrypted wireless network if never ever connect a client to it?Apr 14 15:58
schestowitzmysql is de facto, postgres does ok tooApr 14 15:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @zoobab Obama is like Biden when it comes to so-called "IP" #mafiaa #cronycapitlismApr 14 15:58
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 16:01
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz_log: ok so what do you think the fate is for other former Sun assets? Pardon for not being totally up to date.Apr 14 16:01
schestowitzOracle wants the hardware and the patentsApr 14 16:03
schestowitzIt got it cheaplyApr 14 16:03
schestowitzBut it has a commitment to mysqlApr 14 16:04
schestowitzRussia and EU antitrustApr 14 16:04
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 16:04
schestowitzFor 3 yearsApr 14 16:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Seven Patent Reforms to divert your energy from subject matter reforms: 14 16:04
TechrightsBotTitle: ✍ Seven Patent Reforms While We Wait For Nirvana « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 47.2 KBApr 14 16:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Seven Patent Reforms to divert your energy from software patents abolition: 14 16:09
TechrightsBotTitle: ✍ Seven Patent Reforms While We Wait For Nirvana « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 47.19 KBApr 14 16:09
Ziodotmatrixwhat will happen after that?Apr 14 16:10
Ziodotmatrixanyway I got to go now, latersApr 14 16:17
*Ziodotmatrix ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 16:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Sending a support ticket to Drobo Inc about my excessively noising drobo :(Apr 14 16:29
*Omar87 (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 16:30
Omar87Hi there.Apr 14 16:31
Omar87schestowitz, pingApr 14 16:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Rumour has it that @htc will release Android 2.x for Hero in the UK on Friday, day of beerfest. Must resist!Apr 14 16:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Morning people of the tubes, how's life today?Apr 14 16:38
Omar87schestowitz, are you there?Apr 14 16:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] It seems like @jasonhiner from #Techrepublic is having a bout of dignity these days. Good for him! 14 16:46
TechrightsBotTitle: One big thing Ubuntu can teach Microsoft, Apple, and all CTOs | Tech Sanity Check | .::. Size~: 143.48 KBApr 14 16:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Today at 11am Pacif / 2pm Eastern / 6pm UTC - my live videocast, this time: release parties, Q+A - watch live at #ubuntuApr 14 16:49
TechrightsBotTitle: At Home With Jono Bacon on USTREAM: Ramblings on community, Linux and technology from Jono Bacon.. Computers .::. Size~: 56.92 KBApr 14 16:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @glynmoody: Is Intellectual Property A Violation Of Real Property? - some nice ideas there #intellectualmonopoliesApr 14 16:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Is Intellectual Property A Violation Of Real Property? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 38.5 KBApr 14 16:50
schestowitzhey, Omar87Apr 14 16:50
Omar87schestowitz, hi.Apr 14 16:50
Omar87schestowitz, have you read Hiner's recent post?Apr 14 16:51
Omar87schestowitz, it seems he's having a bout of dignity these days.Apr 14 16:51
schestowitzNoApr 14 17:03
schestowitzIgnore himApr 14 17:03
schestowitzI saw his stuff, next he'll cuss @ LinuxApr 14 17:04
schestowitzIt's the "I'm curious" type who try something to break it apartApr 14 17:04
*schestowitz watching 14 17:04
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- What's the Harm: Eliza Jane Scovill .::. Size~: 114.79 KBApr 14 17:04
Omar87schestowitz, yeah. That's why I said he's having a "bout" of dignity. The moment this "bout" comes to an end, he probably won't even remember writing that article.Apr 14 17:07
schestowitzYou need to get behind someone to stab soneone in the backApr 14 17:11
Omar87schestowitz, agreed.Apr 14 17:14
Omar87Or, you can hug him with a knife stashed under your sleeve too.Apr 14 17:15
Omar87schestowitz, why not also changing the name of the IRC channel?Apr 14 17:20
schestowitzThere was an American Nazi party? 14 17:28
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- The start of WW2 .::. Size~: 131.33 KBApr 14 17:28
schestowitzOmar87: join #techrightsApr 14 17:28
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 17:30
EruaranhelloApr 14 17:32
EruaranInstalling the GIMP... Manipulating text in Scribus is like nailing a screwdriver into your headApr 14 17:33
Omar87Eruaran, :-)Apr 14 17:39
EruaranI just can't get the text I want in any programApr 14 17:39
EruaranIts retardedApr 14 17:39
EruaranWhat do devs think people want to do with text?Apr 14 17:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Exactly. They exist to make money from your extreme ignorance and complete indoctrination. @odaynasserApr 14 17:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] What Firefox addons must be added by Ubuntu team by default in live CD/USB ? #firefox #ubutnu #addon #live ??Apr 14 18:00
EruaranFar out... GIMP tutorials assume you already understand the terminology and tools... they're not tutorials... they're giving me a migraneApr 14 18:09
Eruaran"it should look like this..."Apr 14 18:13
EruaranYeah well it DOESN'TApr 14 18:13
schestowitzIt's matter of practiceApr 14 18:13
schestowitzGIMP is good when you know how it's usedApr 14 18:13
schestowitzI've used GIMP for almost  a decade; I don't need to rely on something else anymoreApr 14 18:14
EruaranI don't really want to spend a decade on thisApr 14 18:16
schestowitzIt doesn't take long to learnApr 14 18:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] LOL! KFC and Disney. :D KFC for their zero-nutrition 100%-fat junk, and Disney fr the hellish subliminal msgs in their movies. @odaynasserApr 14 18:27
EruaranYou know a tutorial is bad when you've got to find another tutorial to help you get through the first tutorialApr 14 18:28
Omar87ROFL! According to a guy on twitter: "They [M$ and crApple] deserve the money they get, just like other big companies like KFC and Disney.Apr 14 18:29
*enthymeme (~kraken@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 18:31
Omar87Eruaran, KFC and Disney deserve their money, do they? :PApr 14 18:32
Eruaran?Apr 14 18:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] Moving to #foss #jobs #india 14 18:42
TechrightsBotTitle:         Moving to #foss #jobs #india - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 31.72 KBApr 14 18:42
Omar87Eruaran, read my previous message.Apr 14 18:43
Omar87Eruaran, a guy is saying that M$ and Apple deserve their money just like KFC and Disney do.Apr 14 18:43
EruaranI have to do this tomrrow... too tired right nowApr 14 18:47
*Ziodotmatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 18:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Black Duck: Proprietary Software for Proprietary Software 14 18:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 18:48
schestowitzOmar87: KBR tooApr 14 18:48
Omar87schestowitz, KBR?Apr 14 18:49
Omar87schestowitz, okay, found it on Wikipedia.Apr 14 18:50
Omar87But what about KBR?Apr 14 18:50
ZiodotmatrixThe ISO 639 linguistic identifier code for the Ethiopian language Kaffa (or Kafa).?Apr 14 18:51
ZiodotmatrixBing!Apr 14 18:51
Ziodotmatrixlol jk, thought I would be dramaticApr 14 18:52
Ziodotmatrixit's not a search engine it's a way for advertisers to strip more cash from you and plunge your credit score while thinking you're saving money, descsion engine that is simply MSN reskinnedApr 14 18:53
Ziodotmatrixseriously though are you reffering to Key-based routing?Apr 14 18:55
*Ziodotmatrix ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 18:57
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 14 19:00
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2406:a000:f0ff:fffe::d1d) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 19:00
Eruaranmy apologies for being short tempered tonight... just too tired to concentrate... I'm off to bedApr 14 19:01
MinceRr4wrApr 14 19:01
MinceR(animated) 14 19:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 19:06
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 19:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Alrighty, about to kick off my live videocast about organizing release parties, and a live Q+A - join us now! #ubuntuApr 14 19:11
TechrightsBotTitle: At Home With Jono Bacon on USTREAM: Ramblings on community, Linux and technology from Jono Bacon.. Computers .::. Size~: 58.47 KBApr 14 19:11
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 19:23
amarsh04back later, restartingApr 14 19:24
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 14 19:25
schestowitzOmar87: I was making the joke that making wars is "money well earned"Apr 14 19:28
schestowitzMoney is not indicative of succeed or "good"Apr 14 19:28
schestowitz"Strive not to be a man of success, but rather strive to be a man of value.” --Albert EinsteinApr 14 19:28
schestowitzMinceR: won't workApr 14 19:29
schestowitzHe'd sent bullies. BillG surrounds himself with 1100+ patent trolls, using NathanM as his proxy :-)Apr 14 19:29
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2406:a000:f0ff:fffe::d03) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 19:32
Omar87schestowitz, true. I agree.Apr 14 19:32
Omar87schestowitz: The irony in what he said is that KFC, which makes zero-nutrition, 100%-fat junk food deserve their money. :PApr 14 19:33
Omar87schestowitz: oh, and don't get me started on Disney who have a history full of sins and scandals. Too bad people are too drunk and blind to care.Apr 14 19:40
schestowitzDisney is VERY racistApr 14 19:46
schestowitzAs for KFC, there's the saturated fatsApr 14 19:46
schestowitzAnd their ballooned creatures that they call "chicken"Apr 14 19:46
schestowitzomg. check this out: 14 19:48
schestowitzI noticed that was once registered in 2007Apr 14 19:48
schestowitzSo I looked that up in archive.orgApr 14 19:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights .::. Size~: 2.61 KBApr 14 19:48
TechrightsBotSo I looked that up in archive.orgApr 14 19:48
schestowitzIt was also both the .com and  .orgApr 14 19:49
schestowitz*/ 14 19:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 19:50
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 19:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Apple Treats #Mono Like It Treats Flash; #GNU #Linux Should Too 14 19:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 19:53
*Agent-Smith (~bb179c1e@gateway/web/freenode/x-edtnyqyfcahmfeoj) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 19:55
*gnufs ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 19:55
Agent-SmithHi there folksApr 14 19:55
schestowitzo/Apr 14 19:55
gnufs 14 19:55
Agent-SmithGood afternoonApr 14 19:55
TechrightsBotTitle: GLOG by Ali Gündüz - Free People, Free Society .::. Size~: 5.13 KBApr 14 19:55
Agent-SmithMr. Schestowitz, is that you ???Apr 14 19:56
Agent-SmithWell, I read an article about Oracle Killing Open Office silently...Apr 14 19:57
Agent-SmithWhat do you think about it ???Apr 14 19:58
Agent-Smith 14 19:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Is Oracle Quietly Killing OpenOffice? | Revelations From An Unwashed Brain .::. Size~: 70.35 KBApr 14 19:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Making profit off the consumer's ignorance. @odaynasserApr 14 20:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] If they had to slash your neck from ear to ear in order to make money, they will. @odaynasserApr 14 20:06
*gnufs ( has left #boycottnovell ("WeeChat")Apr 14 20:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] It's amazing how we people quickly fall for the splending eye-candy without giving a damn about what lurks inside. @odaynasserApr 14 20:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Fyi, M$ and Apple could be spying on you while you're totally hypnotized by their lies. @odaynasserApr 14 20:10
schestowitzAgent-Smith: yeahApr 14 20:15
schestowitzAgent-Smith: yes, I was just writing about this postApr 14 20:16
schestowitzOracleApr 14 20:16
Agent-SmithGo on, Mr. SchestowitzApr 14 20:19
Agent-SmithWell, I'm chockedApr 14 20:20
schestowitzWhat do you mean?Apr 14 20:20
Agent-SmithNow, that Open Office is better than it ever was...Apr 14 20:20
Agent-SmithSomeone comes with this ???Apr 14 20:20
Agent-SmithHow on earth ???Apr 14 20:20
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another Example of #Microsoft ’s Platform Xenophobia and Chronic Dumping #openoffice #AmanitaApr 14 20:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 20:24
schestowitzOK, posted ^^Apr 14 20:24
schestowitzQuick explanationApr 14 20:24
schestowitzAgent-Smith: it can't dieApr 14 20:25
schestowitzIBM won't let itApr 14 20:25
schestowitzIt's Lotus and ODFApr 14 20:25
schestowitzRed Hat too... Novell *shudder*Apr 14 20:25
Agent-SmithYes, IBM is strong with SymphonyApr 14 20:25
schestowitzVendors depend on OOo, it can't dieApr 14 20:25
Agent-SmithAnd there's also GO OFFICE from Novell...Apr 14 20:25
schestowitzMicrosoft Office is the one to die, or move onlineApr 14 20:26
Agent-SmithYes, but, how can pieces of FUD pop up now ???Apr 14 20:26
Agent-SmithAgainst OO ???Apr 14 20:27
cubezzzthat's MIcrosoft's way, always FUDApr 14 20:30
Agent-SmithDamnApr 14 20:31
Agent-SmithThat really made me very angryApr 14 20:31
Agent-SmithNow ??? Right Now ??? When OO is a viable contender ???Apr 14 20:32
EruaranThe more serious the threat, the bigger the FUD.Apr 14 20:32
Agent-SmithWell, my dear friends and colleagues of CHATApr 14 20:34
Agent-SmithI just dropped by to leave that link and that articleApr 14 20:34
Agent-SmithHope Mr. Schestowitz, you write a beautiful post on that matter, as you often do...Apr 14 20:35
Agent-SmithWell, Got to goApr 14 20:50
Agent-SmithBy night I will be backApr 14 20:50
Agent-SmithBye folksApr 14 20:50
*Agent-Smith has quit (Quit: Page closed)Apr 14 20:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] In about an hour I will interview Sam Ramji from the Codeplex Foundation on FLOSSWeekly - watch live at http://live.twit.tvApr 14 20:51
TechrightsBotTitle: TWiT Live - Netcasts you love, from people you trust .::. Size~: 9.37 KBApr 14 20:51
schestowitz"from people you trust " *LOL*Apr 14 20:52
schestowitzAlways distrust people who say "trust me"Apr 14 20:52
schestowitzAnd FLOSSWeekly is promoting Microsoft nowApr 14 20:53
cubezzzwhat? why? :)Apr 14 20:55
cubezzzad revenue?Apr 14 20:55
schestowitzThey promote the company that attacks FLOSSApr 14 20:55
schestowitzNot the first time, eitherApr 14 20:56
schestowitz 14 20:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 20:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @webmink: US government finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus: 14 20:57
TechrightsBotTitle: US government finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus .::. Size~: 33.63 KBApr 14 20:57
ThistleWebthis week's twit was supposed to be the lullabot peeps about drupalApr 14 20:57
cubezzztechrights is hella slow :)Apr 14 20:57
schestowitzload average: 7.46, 8.79, 6.54Apr 14 20:58
schestowitzToo much trafficApr 14 20:58
ThistleWebI guess that's been rearranged if codeplex is today :(Apr 14 20:58
cubezzzah there we goApr 14 20:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] ♺ @webmink: US government finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus: 14 20:59
TechrightsBotTitle: US government finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus .::. Size~: 33.61 KBApr 14 20:59
schestowitzcubezzz: we already use cachingApr 14 20:59
schestowitzI've just looked at the logsApr 14 21:00
schestowitzIt's about 100 hits per minuteApr 14 21:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @pedromelo: Ainda bem que vivemos num estado laico (Governo aprova tolerancia de ponte durante a visita do Papa)Apr 14 21:00
schestowitzBut that also lists botsApr 14 21:00
DaemonFC"Huntington University to host middle school math competition"Apr 14 21:02
DaemonFC2x2 = JesusApr 14 21:02
DaemonFC:DApr 14 21:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Corporate Copyright Scofflaws 0005 – The UK News Media - Including Rupert Murdoch 14 21:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Corporate Copyright Scofflaws 0005 – The UK News Media  Including Rupert Murdoch «  Through the Looking Glass .::. Size~: 85.21 KBApr 14 21:07
DaemonFC<>Apr 14 21:11
DaemonFCWarning, you are using Opera Version /9.80 (Windows NT 6.1Apr 14 21:11
DaemonFCThe recommended browsers to view this page are:Apr 14 21:11
DaemonFC- Internet Explorer 4.0 or betterApr 14 21:11
DaemonFC- Netscape 4.0 or betterApr 14 21:11
DaemonFCarrrghApr 14 21:11
cubezzzlolApr 14 21:12
cubezzzgee, no Lynx? Apr 14 21:12
cubezzzI'm personally offendedApr 14 21:12
DaemonFCI'm just insulted that it doesn't think Opera 10.52 is better than IE or Netscape 4.0 :(Apr 14 21:13
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Whats with Corporate America and neurotoxins in food? 14 21:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Soyburgers laced with neurotoxins - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 105.08 KBApr 14 21:13
cubezzzstill on doze I see :-/Apr 14 21:13
schestowitz "@schestowitz @ruiseabra NVL is not the only one who can do a fork... anyone must do this, imho. Soon. We are loosing the soul of OOo atm."Apr 14 21:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.6 KBApr 14 21:13
DaemonFCnew Opera build outApr 14 21:14
DaemonFCI'm on 3347 and 3353 was just released :DApr 14 21:14
*DaemonFC loves RSSApr 14 21:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @gbraad: RT @fabsh I've decided I might call TurboHercules "TurboTesticles" from now on... :) < as a pun towards "big meerkat balls" ?Apr 14 21:15
DaemonFC"Fixed CORE-29063 (Swedish BankID crashes Opera, on"Apr 14 21:15
DaemonFCniceApr 14 21:15
cubezzzyou receive a swedish pension? :)Apr 14 21:16
DaemonFCFixed DSK-291499 (Opera 10.51 will not run on windows XP x64 for some users)Apr 14 21:16
DaemonFCactually, there were only three Windows-specific bugs fixed in this build, all minorApr 14 21:16
DaemonFC15 Linux-specific ranging from minor to seriourApr 14 21:17
DaemonFCnothing Mac-specific, but there's still a build out because it fixes generic issues B-)Apr 14 21:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] Eurostar booked to attend Ubuntu Developer Summit. Looking forward to helping make Ubuntu 10.10 awesome!Apr 14 21:18
DaemonFCthis just tells us that the Windows version is way ahead of the Linux buildApr 14 21:18
DaemonFCwhich was already apparent Apr 14 21:18
DaemonFCbrbApr 14 21:19
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 21:19
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 21:20
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 14 21:22
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 21:22
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Hong Kong has 1gbps fiber for $26/mo. Fuck you, Hong Kong 14 21:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Who's #1 in broadband? 1Gbps fiber for $26 in Hong Kong .::. Size~: 27.99 KBApr 14 21:23
*neighborlee (~neighborl@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 21:23
DaemonFCcubezzz: There's fiber coming here :DApr 14 21:24
DaemonFCCinergy has crews busy installing itApr 14 21:25
DaemonFC 14 21:26
TechrightsBotTitle: France Condemns Vatican for Blaming Abuse on Gay Priests | Europe | English .::. Size~: 35.06 KBApr 14 21:26
DaemonFCgo France!Apr 14 21:26
neighborleeI had no idea france was so pro rights ;)Apr 14 21:28
neighborleeI feel better now having learned french in high school o_0Apr 14 21:29
neighborleetres grand!Apr 14 21:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #India Chooses Life Over #Patents ; #Microsoft Chooses Poorly-Paid Labour in India 14 21:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 21:30
neighborleesometimes those with the most sin cast the largest stones ( as in fear instead of standing up for the dignity of equality: closet cases )Apr 14 21:31
DaemonFCThe Catholics first tried to deny and cover it upApr 14 21:31
neighborleeyeah we knowApr 14 21:31
DaemonFCthat failed, but it was a manageable crisisApr 14 21:32
DaemonFCnow that i involves their Pope, they'll say or do anything to deny, minimize, and blame othersApr 14 21:32
neighborleeonly because not enough people spoke up against itApr 14 21:32
schestowitzWhy was he being such a Dope?Apr 14 21:33
DaemonFC"He was mentally ill, Ratzinger was just trying to get him help!"Apr 14 21:33
DaemonFC"Ratzinger had no idea he'd be working with kids again at a new church in a few years!"Apr 14 21:33
DaemonFC"It's those damned gays!"Apr 14 21:33
neighborleelol plausible denial ;)Apr 14 21:33
neighborleeor so they'd hoped ;)Apr 14 21:34
schestowitzThey also blame "Jews" nowApr 14 21:34
DaemonFC"No, it's not about being sexually repressed, at all, never!"Apr 14 21:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] No. I'm saying that more than 95% of the world's population refuse to see the real picture, that these companies are criminals. @odaynasserApr 14 21:34
schestowitzThey blamed the mediaApr 14 21:34
schestowitzThey should blame PR, not the mediaApr 14 21:34
schestowitzMust be bad karmaApr 14 21:34
neighborleea preist rec ently came out saying media NOT to blame, and he might lose his job over it...but good for him.Apr 14 21:34
schestowitzAnd the man upstairs is now helping to alleviate itApr 14 21:34
DaemonFCthey can't admit fault or apologize at this point, schestowitzApr 14 21:35
*schestowitz ducks because neighborlee is hereApr 14 21:35
neighborleelolApr 14 21:35
DaemonFCtheir Canon Law forbids the Pope admitting to wrongdoingApr 14 21:35
schestowitzPedophile priest: "God made me do it!"Apr 14 21:35
schestowitz:-)Apr 14 21:35
DaemonFCif it was JUST a priest, they could apologize, settle the lawsuit, and be done with itApr 14 21:35
schestowitzAbraham: "God made me kill Issac"Apr 14 21:35
schestowitzSo...Apr 14 21:35
DaemonFCNo, God was just fucking with himApr 14 21:36
DaemonFCremember?Apr 14 21:36
DaemonFC:DApr 14 21:36
schestowitzPeople's own moral compass can supersede that of a higher being if they disagreeApr 14 21:36
DaemonFCGod wanted to know if he was loyal enough to kill his son because God told him to do itApr 14 21:36
DaemonFCWouldn't God, being God, already know if he would or not?Apr 14 21:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] When people blindly consume things without taking the time to think it through, then they are being willfully ignorant. @odaynasserApr 14 21:37
neighborleewell its way overdue, this whole notion that you MUST be celibate to be a preist....there is even rumor- that jesus/mary were a 'thing',,in the gospel of thomas I think it is where its pfft.Apr 14 21:37
DaemonFCI wonder exactly how much overlap there is between the laughably inexplicable crap there is in Christianity  when compared to Islam or JudaismApr 14 21:38
DaemonFCI mean, I know the Muslims don't really have the concept of demons as suchApr 14 21:38
DaemonFCthere are good, evil, and neutral DjinnApr 14 21:39
neighborleeits not christs fault, that his 'followers' are so full of crap..'some' of them anywayApr 14 21:39
neighborlee:)Apr 14 21:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Consumerism and materialism the two most dangerous plagues of this age. @odaynasserApr 14 21:40
neighborleewrongApr 14 21:40
neighborleedont forget capitalismApr 14 21:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] No. Actually it is you who are willfully being Bill Gate's chicken that lays golden eggs. @odaynasserApr 14 21:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Once you stop laying golden eggs, he'll slaughter you and feed you to his pets. @odaynasserApr 14 21:43
neighborleelolApr 14 21:43
neighborleecluck cluck ;)Apr 14 21:44
Omar87neighborlee, exactly. :)Apr 14 21:45
neighborleehehApr 14 21:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] In stead of blindly consuming this junk food without knowing what it's really made of, why don't you learn how to feed yourself? @odaynasserApr 14 21:45
Omar87neighborlee, his response to the message was: "its actually just u who doesnt wanna pay for good products. stay with that rubbish u r using."Apr 14 21:45
neighborleeughApr 14 21:45
neighborleethat aint half of what ails this worldApr 14 21:46
neighborleewe're going nowhere important until we stop eating like birds of preyApr 14 21:46
neighborleeimho.Apr 14 21:46
neighborleethat and go  back to a agrarian like lifestyleApr 14 21:46
neighborleeand we dont have to give up technology to do itApr 14 21:46
neighborleeremember that one startrek movie which had a very similar theme ;)Apr 14 21:47
Omar87neighborlee, no. We don't have to give up technology to do it, I agree.Apr 14 21:47
neighborlee:))Apr 14 21:47
Omar87neighborlee, we just need to gain control of our own technology, instead of waiting for MS to spoon-feed it to us.Apr 14 21:48
neighborleeremember the 'hippie' movement of the 60-70's..they tried something similar and it worked somewhat..then somebody in charage got brainy idea to 'share wives', and after that soon it ALL went nuts ( bad pun sorry: it all went under)Apr 14 21:48
neighborleemoral of careful what you wish for o_0Apr 14 21:48
Omar87neighborlee, lol.Apr 14 21:49
neighborlee:)Apr 14 21:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Oh, it's not junk? When it gets pwned at PWN2OWN in under 2 minutes? Can you call that anything other than junk? @odaynasserApr 14 21:54
neighborleeheh wellApr 14 21:55
neighborleeandroid is a step in the right direction :))Apr 14 21:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] When you can't spend a single day without an anti-virus, that's not junk? @odaynasserApr 14 21:55
neighborleeas much as M$ and apple im sure hate it ;)Apr 14 21:55
neighborleethough I do admit to liking osX a bitApr 14 21:55
MinceRandroid is a step in the wrong direction from gnu/linuxApr 14 21:55
neighborleewell at least its freeApr 14 21:56
neighborleeand PORtable ;)Apr 14 21:56
neighborleeda futureApr 14 21:56
MinceRi hope MeeGo is the future there, not androidApr 14 21:56
neighborleedunno about the hardwareApr 14 21:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] When M$ can be easily spying on you without you having a friggin' idea about it, is that not junk? @odaynasserApr 14 21:56
neighborleehm meego o_0Apr 14 21:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] When M$ shoves Window 7 down your throat and forces you to upgrade to it. That's not junk? @odaynasserApr 14 21:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] No. No hard feeling. I'm just trying to teach him how these companies are more dangerous than the Mafia. @AmerSweidan @odaynasserApr 14 21:58
*ianto has quit (Quit: Y mae dafad ddu ym mhob praidd - Every flock has its black sheep)Apr 14 21:59
neighborleeyes as much as I wanted to  try anyway to like win7, its def. not without issues, if not tons better than vistaApr 14 22:00
neighborleesometimes I wish I was still using xp o_0 sighApr 14 22:00
*ianto (~chris@fsf/member/pdpc.student.ianto) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 22:00
MinceRgnu/linux is fine for me :>Apr 14 22:00
neighborleeatm I dont trust itApr 14 22:01
neighborleeI want toApr 14 22:01
neighborlee:)Apr 14 22:01
neighborleeim picky as hellApr 14 22:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] About to interview Sam Ramji live on FLOSSWeekly at 14 22:01
TechrightsBotTitle: TWiT Live - Netcasts you love, from people you trust .::. Size~: 9.37 KBApr 14 22:01
neighborleethings must work...the first time..or im goneApr 14 22:01
amarsh04a few recent ACTA links: Apr 14 22:01
amarsh04,netizens-how-acta-will-make-a-criminal-of-you.aspxApr 14 22:01
TechrightsBotTitle: Netizens: How ACTA will make a criminal of you - Telco/ISP - Technology - News - .::. Size~: 82.17 KBApr 14 22:01
neighborleeah yes actaApr 14 22:02
amarsh04,q--acta-with-michael-geist.aspxApr 14 22:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Q & ACTA, with Michael Geist - Telco/ISP - Technology - News - .::. Size~: 74.7 KBApr 14 22:02
amarsh04,how-acta-could-sneak-in-a-three-strikes-system.aspxApr 14 22:03
TechrightsBotTitle: How ACTA could sneak in a three strikes system - Networking - Technology - News - .::. Size~: 74.49 KBApr 14 22:03
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 22:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Btw, why didn't you come to the Open Source Camp a couple weeks ago? :) @AmerSweidanApr 14 22:03
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 22:03
amarsh04 14 22:04
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 14 22:04
TechrightsBotTitle: ZDNet Australia - Where Technology Means Business .::. Size~: 2 KBApr 14 22:04
amarsh04javascript required for last linkApr 14 22:04
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 22:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] I see. ye36eel el 3afyeh. =] Hope to meet you soon en sha'a Allah! ;-) @AmerSweidanApr 14 22:06
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 22:06
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*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 22:08
schestowitzamarsh04: thanks for the links. I'll post them all laterApr 14 22:09
amarsh04the first link has a reference to a paper available for download: 14 22:10
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 22:10
amarsh04the links were from 14 22:11
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not found .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 22:11
Diablo-D3bot doesnt like your links =PApr 14 22:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] "Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand it, you should think of 'Free' as in Free Speech, not as in Free Beer." ~RMSApr 14 22:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Doens't it? @manna_87Apr 14 22:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] When you willfully buy a M$ or Apple product which you know deep inside that it's ugly and useless, this is indoctrination. @odaynasserApr 14 22:18
*Omar87 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Apr 14 22:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @lxoliva: RD @johnsu01 Interesting graph of artist revenue: => labels are greedy liarsApr 14 22:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] stop and install moovida just now :) 14 22:33
TechrightsBotTitle:         stop and install moovida just now :) - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 27.77 KBApr 14 22:33
*ThistleWeb has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 14 22:45
amarsh04 14 22:46
TechrightsBotTitle: The World Today - US study warns of excessive GM crop use 14/04/2010 .::. Size~: 23.31 KBApr 14 22:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] Elive Linux + Gobo Linux = GNU iMAC #foss #linuxApr 14 22:50
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 22:56
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 22:58
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 14 23:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] ♺ @ndantas: só para windows #fccn #failApr 14 23:08
TechrightsBotTitle: ARARA - FCCN - Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional .::. Size~: 24.03 KBApr 14 23:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] On way home....not long now....Apr 14 23:16
MinceRre the office article: isn't lockergnome a m$ fansite?Apr 14 23:17
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 14 23:19
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 23:20
*ianto has quit (Quit: Y mae dafad ddu ym mhob praidd - Every flock has its black sheep)Apr 14 23:20
MinceRgnApr 14 23:21
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Apr 14 23:21
*ianto (~Chris@fsf/member/pdpc.student.ianto) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 23:23
schestowitz"Gone so soon"Apr 14 23:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] #meego false "opensource" #Sousou & #Jaaksi: *no* way to run the FLOSS components on #MeeGo on device w/out proprietary software #lfcollabApr 14 23:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Last via @bkuhn....Apr 14 23:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] But «false "opensource"» is mine.Apr 14 23:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @GMWatch @moodindi Brazil cane #ethanol catastrophic 4 #Amazon //last 7% of Atlantic forest threatened by #biofuelsApr 14 23:44
TechrightsBotTitle: The trouble with Brazils much-celebrated ethanol miracle | Grist .::. Size~: 79.2 KBApr 14 23:44
*gloppie ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 23:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Patents Roundup: #IBM , #TurboHercules, #Microsoft , New Zealand, Palm, and #CompTIA 14 23:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBApr 14 23:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @ruiseabra #meego false "opensource" ... *no* way to run the FLOSS components on #MeeGo on device w/out proprietary software #lfcollabApr 14 23:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #Brazil's "clean #energy"...isn't. Debt slavery, large scale #deforestation, dirty unsustainable cropping. #biofuelsApr 14 23:49
TechrightsBotTitle: The Dirty Underside of Lula's Clean Energy Revolution - By Nikolas Kozloff | Foreign Policy .::. Size~: 63.38 KBApr 14 23:49
*gloppie has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 14 23:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #energy secure-future lies not in mad search for..alternatives to gasoline/but in #conservation&mass-transit alternatives to cars (@drgrist)Apr 14 23:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] US Government admits most Piracy studies are nosense: 14 23:56
TechrightsBotTitle: US Government Admits Most Piracy Studies Are Nonsense .::. Size~: 28.13 KBApr 14 23:56

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