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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: July 30th, 2010

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-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Applicants must buy Windows with Internet Explorer from a convicted monopoly abuser, says a government site 30 00:01
TechrightsBotTitle: Illinois to the Unemployed: Buy Microsoft Windows | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.19 KBJul 30 00:01
cubevectorheh, yeah saw thatJul 30 00:05
cubevectorcan't tell you if it's like that in Canada or notJul 30 00:06
cubevectorhad some trouble with the last censusJul 30 00:07
*Cuana is now known as Wulf-is-not-hereJul 30 00:09
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJul 30 00:43
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 00:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Robbie Williamson, my colleague and manager of Ubuntu Foundations talks about why he does Open Source - #ubuntuJul 30 00:43
TechrightsBotTitle: My Motivation for Doing Opensource « Not Lucky All The Time, But Smart Everyday& .::. Size~: 16.09 KBJul 30 00:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] "uTorrent Web Now Available on iPad and Android" - #utorrent #tpb #filesharing #android #androidJul 30 00:53
TechrightsBotTitle:    uTorrent Web Now Available on iPad and Android | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 35.58 KBJul 30 00:53
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJul 30 00:57
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 00:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Debian is awesome. That is all. :-)Jul 30 00:57
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 00:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Microsoft slams Yahoo Japan-Google Deal as "Anticompetitive" 30 01:00
TechrightsBotTitle:  Microsoft Slams Yahoo Japan-Google Deal As "Anticompetitive" .::. Size~: 126.77 KBJul 30 01:00
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 30 01:04
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 01:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @ml2mst Hi Marty! Its ironic that now Microsoft is claiming "anti-competitive".....Jul 30 01:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @_Goblin: Hi Tim, indeed, my first reaction was LOL and "Oh the irony" :-)Jul 30 01:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] After making it's claim @SQLSequel seems to have slithered away... how about disclosure? #mvpbuzz #mvp #microsoft #failJul 30 01:14
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 01:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] I'll be following up @SQLSequel tomorrow, mind you with 1 MVP follower, its hardly the definitive word.....bless. #mvpbuzz #mvp #microsoftJul 30 01:17
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJul 30 01:20
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 01:20
DaemonFC 30 01:24
TechrightsBotTitle: 211 free Wine-compatible Games in one download | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 68.14 KBJul 30 01:24
DaemonFChehJul 30 01:24
oiaohmI think someone found the test suiteJul 30 01:34
oiaohmThere is a quite a massive game collection free maintained by a google person as a test suite for wine to check function.  DaemonFCJul 30 01:35
cubevectorin theory I can receive 51 channels via the antennaJul 30 01:35
cubevectorin fact, I'm probably in the best spot in North America for receptionJul 30 01:36
oiaohmBoy you are lucky.Jul 30 01:37
oiaohmBy antenna I only get about 16 dig channels free.Jul 30 01:37
DaemonFCI get like 3-4 I thinkJul 30 01:37
oiaohmI get 5 old analogJul 30 01:38
oiaohmThat are duplicated on the digJul 30 01:38
oiaohmAll free to air.Jul 30 01:38
oiaohmYes and there are still times when there is nothing worth watching on.Jul 30 01:39
cubevectoryes :)Jul 30 01:41
cubevectorbut at least I avoid cableJul 30 01:41
DaemonFCFirefox is really the most disgustingly offensive application you can run under KDEJul 30 01:43
DaemonFChehJul 30 01:43
DaemonFCit's impossible to make it behave like a KDE applicationJul 30 01:43
DaemonFCyou can get "close but no cigar"Jul 30 01:43
DaemonFCOpera manages to behave like the desktop it's running under, why can't Firefox?Jul 30 01:43
cubevectorwell you could just run konquerorJul 30 01:43
oiaohmOpera uses QT from memory.Jul 30 01:44
oiaohmQT does not weld perferctly into gnome desktop either.Jul 30 01:44
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jul 30 01:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Free Text translation in a single click! - 30 02:05
TechrightsBotTitle: Babelfish Free Online Translation Language Translator .::. Size~: 9.81 KBJul 30 02:05
*malacoda ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 02:07
DaemonFC 30 02:11
TechrightsBotTitle:  Missing Features in Empathy - Ubuntu Forums .::. Size~: 92.21 KBJul 30 02:11
DaemonFCEmpathy = Pidgin from 5 years agoJul 30 02:11
DaemonFCactually, maybe worseJul 30 02:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Holy smokes! someone or something is abusing my twitter account to spread bablefish spam...Jul 30 02:24
DaemonFCrpm --force --nodeps -ivh clementine-0.4-1.fc12.x86_64.rpmJul 30 02:43
DaemonFCheheJul 30 02:44
DaemonFC 30 02:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png; charset=UTF-8 type .::. Size~: 0 KBJul 30 02:58
DaemonFCit works, you have to have gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and lib64glew first though Jul 30 02:59
DaemonFC:PJul 30 02:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Afghanistan IED animation map 2004-2010 (video) 30 03:34
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- IED Attacks from Wikileaks Afghanistan War Logs .::. Size~: 91.64 KBJul 30 03:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WikiLeaks in the clear, legally | BloombergJul 30 03:35
TechrightsBotTitle:             WikiLeaks Secret Records Dump Stays in Legal Clear: Ann Woolner - Bloomberg           .::. Size~: 59.07 KBJul 30 03:35
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 03:45
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 03:45
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 04:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Inaccurate, craven US media. Read the comments carefully. 30 04:07
TechrightsBotTitle: WikiLeaks founder slams WaPo - On Media - .::. Size~: 47.42 KBJul 30 04:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Gates, who killed thousands in Iraq, Afg and Iran-Contra says we might have 'blood on our hands'. 30 04:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Wikileaks Release of Classified War Documents - C-SPAN Video Library .::. Size~: 16.56 KBJul 30 04:30
DaemonFC 30 04:40
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Windoze- Microsoft Windows Emulator iPod Touch/iPhone .::. Size~: 100.47 KBJul 30 04:40
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 30 04:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] My take on Red Hat, Canonical and GNOME Contributions - #ubuntu #gnome #canonical #redhatJul 30 04:47
TechrightsBotTitle:                   Red Hat, Canonical and GNOME Contributions | jonobacon@home                     .::. Size~: 29.8 KBJul 30 04:47
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 04:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] WikiLeaks and the Whitehouse (interview, ABC) 30 04:57
TechrightsBotTitle: WikiLeaks founder slams 'negligence on a massive scale' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) .::. Size~: 33.15 KBJul 30 04:57
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 05:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[wikileaks] Washington Post's objective reporting on fine display again 30 05:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Weigel vs. WikiLeaks « Blog .::. Size~: 55.53 KBJul 30 05:16
*BNtwitter has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 30 05:28
*BNtwitter (~twitfolk@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 05:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] my latest satire on patent system #swpatJul 30 06:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBJul 30 06:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Having a bad Dio day today - a day when I miss having Dio in my world.Jul 30 06:03
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Jul 30 06:04
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJul 30 06:07
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 06:08
DaemonFChehJul 30 06:08
DaemonFCRed Hat does 16% of the work on GNOMEJul 30 06:08
DaemonFCand Canonical does 1%Jul 30 06:08
DaemonFCwell, 1% is better than their contributions to other parts of the stack they useJul 30 06:09
DaemonFCthere's Canonical, right under a Sun, Nokia, and a few companies I've never heard ofJul 30 06:13
DaemonFC 30 06:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Safe as Milk  » Blog Archive   » GNOME Census .::. Size~: 41.12 KBJul 30 06:13
DaemonFCthat's kind of sadJul 30 06:13
DaemonFCGNOME gets a third more commits from Nokia than from CanonicalJul 30 06:14
DaemonFCthat reminded me of Nvidia making more commits to LinuxJul 30 06:14
DaemonFCthe stack that Ubuntu uses would suffer more from losing Nokia and Nvidia than from losing Canonical's participation Jul 30 06:15
DaemonFChmmm, they mention EvolutionJul 30 06:16
DaemonFCwhich is a tankJul 30 06:16
DaemonFCjono: There's something you could improveJul 30 06:17
DaemonFCditch Evolution and put in Thunderbird and SunbirdJul 30 06:17
DaemonFCyou already have 90% of them installed anyway with XulrunnerJul 30 06:17
DaemonFC:PJul 30 06:18
DaemonFChmmm, the suckiest thing in GNOME is maintained by CanonicalJul 30 06:21
DaemonFC(Empathy)Jul 30 06:21
DaemonFCthat's probably what got them to 1%Jul 30 06:21
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 06:21
*Judas_PhD has quit (Client Quit)Jul 30 06:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] 'Met Office and its US equivalent has provided the "greatest evidence we have ever had" that the world is warming.' 30 06:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Met Office report: global warming evidence is 'unmistakable'  - Telegraph .::. Size~: 57.02 KBJul 30 06:25
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 06:27 evidence agrees too schestowitz 30 06:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Climate check-up 'screams world is warming' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) .::. Size~: 35.54 KBJul 30 06:32
amarsh04see also: 30 06:36
TechrightsBotTitle: AM - Rising sea temperatures linked to decline in food chain 29/07/2010 .::. Size~: 24.11 KBJul 30 06:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @ml2mst change password quickJul 30 06:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Can someone listout the prior art for this patent - we are filing pre-grant opposition. #swpatJul 30 06:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Security in peer to peer synchronization applications | InternetNZ .::. Size~: 24.28 KBJul 30 06:40
cubevectorwhat is pl... hmmmJul 30 06:42
schestowitzamarsh04: thanks, addedJul 30 06:42
cubevectorpoland, lolJul 30 06:42
cubevectori wanted WROC fm rochester radioJul 30 06:42
cubevectorI get some polish radio stationJul 30 06:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @nsisodiya Can someone listout the prior art for this patent - we are filing pre-grant opposition. #swpatJul 30 06:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Stoked to see Máirín and Ray got hitched - :-)Jul 30 06:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Security in peer to peer synchronization applications | InternetNZ .::. Size~: 24.28 KBJul 30 06:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Engaged ♥ «  Máirín Duffy .::. Size~: 26.21 KBJul 30 06:44
DaemonFCyes, they coordinate the liesJul 30 06:44
DaemonFCjust like the Coalition of the DrillingJul 30 06:45
DaemonFCtax you more, keep more for themselvesJul 30 06:45
DaemonFCthey win, you think global warming exists and that's why they're doing itJul 30 06:45
DaemonFCactually, that's them winning twiceJul 30 06:45
cubevectormy 2 cents, it's warming upJul 30 06:45
DaemonFCnobody would agree to cut back if they knew that it was a lie covering rich people hording what's leftJul 30 06:46
DaemonFCwould they?Jul 30 06:46
cubevectorprobably notJul 30 06:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The database size of the techrights blog exceeded 100MB last night (compressed)Jul 30 06:46
cubevectorit is getting warmer thoughJul 30 06:46
DaemonFCI still think that a global increase of half a degree fahrenheit over the last 60 years is questionable "evidence"Jul 30 06:47
schestowitzClimate changes all the timeJul 30 06:47
schestowitzAnd we contribute to itJul 30 06:47
schestowitzYou're missing the pointJul 30 06:47
DaemonFCI think we contribute a very small amountJul 30 06:47
DaemonFCand one good volcano eruption can outdo all of human CO2 output in historyJul 30 06:48
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 06:48
DaemonFCthe eruption of Krakatoa contributed more to global warming (if it does indeed exist) than anything humans have done to dateJul 30 06:48
cubevectormore than WWII?Jul 30 06:49
DaemonFCyepJul 30 06:49
DaemonFCall human activityJul 30 06:49
cubevectorcitation?Jul 30 06:49
DaemonFCin fact, notwithstanding the CO2 emissions, Krakatoa caused a fairly intense, immediate change in climateJul 30 06:50
DaemonFCworldwideJul 30 06:50
DaemonFCthat lasted several yearsJul 30 06:50
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 06:50
DaemonFCand who knows? THAT might have caused something to go extinct!Jul 30 06:50
DaemonFCI say we outlaw natureJul 30 06:50
DaemonFCit's worked well in the case of MarijuanaJul 30 06:51
DaemonFCwhy not tell the volcano that we humans got together and made it illegal for further eruptions to occur?Jul 30 06:51
DaemonFCI know, we can TAX volcanoes!Jul 30 06:51
DaemonFCthen they can't afford to eruptJul 30 06:51
cubevector1883Jul 30 06:51
MinceRand we can send you to enforce itJul 30 06:52
cubevectorbut I don't see anything that says it caused more global warming than all human activityJul 30 06:52
DaemonFCThere's also trees that release photochemical smogJul 30 06:52
DaemonFCshall we cut them all down?Jul 30 06:52
DaemonFCor mandate catalytic converters?Jul 30 06:52
cubevectorin fact it says "In the year following the eruption, average global temperatures fell by as much as 1.2 °C (2.2 °F)"Jul 30 06:53
schestowitzNatural causes always changed climateJul 30 06:53
schestowitzBut humans /contribute/ to itJul 30 06:53
DaemonFCcubevector: Yes, it also released sulphur dioxideJul 30 06:53
cubevectoryes but that's cooling :)Jul 30 06:53
schestowitzSo you're _totally_ missing the pointJul 30 06:53
DaemonFCwhich caused an acute global coolingJul 30 06:53
DaemonFCbut the CO2 emissions are a separate issueJul 30 06:53
cubevectoryou said warming Jul 30 06:53
cubevectorlook upJul 30 06:53
DaemonFCno, I said climate changeJul 30 06:53
oiaohmWe have two effectsJul 30 06:53
oiaohmglobal warming and global dimming.Jul 30 06:54
DaemonFC01:43DaemonFCin fact, notwithstanding the CO2 emissions, Krakatoa caused a fairly intense, immediate change in climateJul 30 06:54
cubevector<DaemonFC> the eruption of Krakatoa contributed more to global warmingJul 30 06:54
oiaohmglobal dimming is the more dangous one.Jul 30 06:54
DaemonFCthe acute cooling periodJul 30 06:54
DaemonFCrightJul 30 06:54
DaemonFCit also released lots of CO2Jul 30 06:54
oiaohmForget CO2 nature deals with that fairly well as long as we allow nature to do it job.Jul 30 06:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Jees, just saw I now have 5000 followers. You people should get out more. Bonkers.Jul 30 06:54
schestowitzjono: well doneJul 30 06:55
oiaohmIe compact our citys and most of the CO2 issue will sort it self out.Jul 30 06:55
oiaohmThe diming is worse.Jul 30 06:55
DaemonFCjono:  has his own robotic Ubuntu clone armyJul 30 06:55
oiaohmDimming causes less evaporation.Jul 30 06:55
DaemonFCthe world is not safeJul 30 06:55
oiaohmThat in turn causes less rainful.Jul 30 06:55
oiaohmfallJul 30 06:55
jonothanks schestowitz :)Jul 30 06:55
DaemonFCwe'll all be integrated into Amazon soonJul 30 06:55
jonoDaemonFC, lolJul 30 06:55
DaemonFCthrough MonoJul 30 06:55
DaemonFC:DJul 30 06:56
oiaohmSo meaning nature cannot dispose of our execess CO2 production.Jul 30 06:56
oiaohmDimming is basically a driving force.Jul 30 06:56
cubevectorso what should be done about Global Dimming?Jul 30 06:56
schestowitzDeploy mirrors :-)Jul 30 06:56
oiaohmDimming is reducing fine particular and crap in the atmosphere.Jul 30 06:56
DaemonFCwell, we could just do what they did in FuturamaJul 30 06:56
DaemonFC:DJul 30 06:56
oiaohmOpps ie dealing with it.Jul 30 06:57
DaemonFCfind a way to move the Earth into a further orbit from the SunJul 30 06:57
DaemonFC:DJul 30 06:57
oiaohmIs reducing fine particals in the atmosphere.Jul 30 06:57
DaemonFCa few million miles ought to cool things down nicelyJul 30 06:57
schestowitzmirror.globaldimming.orgJul 30 06:57
oiaohmDimming you want to move closer to the sun.Jul 30 06:57
oiaohmBecause its a lack of light reaching surface.Jul 30 06:57
oiaohmNo light no us.Jul 30 06:57
DaemonFCthe problem is that moving the entire planet with our current level of technology is not feasible Jul 30 06:58
oiaohmProblem is dimming screws us.Jul 30 06:58
DaemonFCbut I'm sure in 200 years, we'll be able toJul 30 06:58
schestowitzWhat a crazy ideaJul 30 06:58
*DaemonFC lights a couple of farts and turns the air conditioner onJul 30 06:58
oiaohmIe global warming means you want to move earth away from sun so we don't cook.Jul 30 06:58
DaemonFCit's your descendent's problemJul 30 06:58
DaemonFC:DJul 30 06:58
oiaohmProblem is no light no plants Jul 30 06:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Groklaw: USPTO Asks for Comments on New Interim Guidance on Bilski 30 06:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] @schestowitz Time to use GIT instead of SQL dumps.Jul 30 06:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Groklaw - USPTO Asks for Comments on New  Interim Guidance on Bilski .::. Size~: 107.61 KBJul 30 06:58
oiaohmDimming means we need to move closer to sun so while global warming is there we will cook dealing with dimmingJul 30 06:59
cubevectorright, so we need to move the Earth 50 million miles farther away, then 50 million miles back againJul 30 06:59
cubevectorperfectJul 30 06:59
oiaohmOnly correct solution is repair the earth.Jul 30 06:59
oiaohmWe cannot move it either way.Jul 30 06:59
DaemonFCcubevector: 3 million miles out would cool the planet down at least 5-6 degrees Fahrenheit on averageJul 30 06:59
DaemonFCI believeJul 30 06:59
oiaohmUnless we have dealt with 1 of the 2 problems.Jul 30 06:59
DaemonFCthe global warming fraudsters say we've incresed the temp by half a degree FJul 30 07:00
MinceRcure it of its human infection?Jul 30 07:00
DaemonFCover 60 yearsJul 30 07:00
oiaohmIe we have to cure global warming or global dimming to be able to move the earth.Jul 30 07:00
MinceR(or infestation)Jul 30 07:00
oiaohmGlobal dimming is masking the effect of global warming.Jul 30 07:00
DaemonFCsureJul 30 07:00
schestowitzAccording to ryan we can stop worrying about emissions cause in 200 years we can maybe change the route of this little thing called the Earth. it's like the soot apologists  ("don't worry, some day there will be a magic solution and Jesus will descend from the sky, too")Jul 30 07:00
DaemonFCnow you have to make shit upJul 30 07:00
DaemonFCto cover up the shit you made upJul 30 07:00
oiaohmNoJul 30 07:00
DaemonFCperfectJul 30 07:01
oiaohmGlobal diming is the simplest thing to test for.Jul 30 07:01
oiaohmEvaporation pans.Jul 30 07:01
oiaohmRate of evaporation has been declining.Jul 30 07:01
schestowitzDaemonFC: too much FOx. No more FOX for you.Jul 30 07:01
DaemonFCschestowitz: That was my way of saying I don't CARE what happens to the Earth in 100 yearsJul 30 07:01
oiaohmTurns out evaporation depends on light to work.Jul 30 07:01
DaemonFCand if they can move it into a further orbit, good for themJul 30 07:01
cubevectortoo much crap in the atmosphereJul 30 07:01
cubevectortime to plant more treesJul 30 07:02
oiaohmAnd compact cities cubevectorJul 30 07:02
schestowitzIIRC, among the US population the level of global warming scepticism is highest. The FCC needs to crack down on shill 'media'Jul 30 07:02
oiaohmSo we can walk to work instead of drive.Jul 30 07:02
DaemonFCwhat we need to do is plant schestowitz out in the sunJul 30 07:02
DaemonFCmaybe in the middle of an ant hillJul 30 07:02
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 07:02
DaemonFCdoes anyone have some grape jelly?Jul 30 07:02
schestowitzThe whole world is wrong, only the investigative journalists of Fox can save intl' journalism nowJul 30 07:02
cubevectorhahaJul 30 07:03
oiaohmFunny part is cure global dimming most likely cure global warming.Jul 30 07:03
DaemonFCthey'll cure global warmingJul 30 07:03
DaemonFCright after AIDSJul 30 07:03
DaemonFCand CancerJul 30 07:03
schestowitzThey can also enlighten us about the "Marxist communist" from Kenya and Al Qaeda (Obama) :-)Jul 30 07:03
cubevectorwe banned aerosols, guess that wasn't enoughJul 30 07:03
oiaohm Ie more light more evaporation more rain more planits by by CO2 problem.Jul 30 07:03
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jul 30 07:03
cubevectoryou know, we got a lot of rain this year around hereJul 30 07:03
DaemonFCcubevector: I still use aerosol deodorant Jul 30 07:03
DaemonFCdoes that count?Jul 30 07:03
cubevectoruh, I don't know :)Jul 30 07:04
oiaohmWorse global dimming gets less rainfall everywhere will get.Jul 30 07:04
oiaohmrain/snow fall.Jul 30 07:04
cubevectorwe had tons of plant growth tooJul 30 07:04
schestowitzcubevector: hmm.. it has been cool here last week, therefore there is no global warming :-)Jul 30 07:04
DaemonFCyou know, yesterday there was the damndest storm hereJul 30 07:04
schestowitzAnecdotes versus statisticsJul 30 07:04
DaemonFCit flooded the street within about 20 minutesJul 30 07:04
oiaohmIe disappearing ice might have nothing todo with global warming.Jul 30 07:04
DaemonFCwas basically raining sidewaysJul 30 07:04
oiaohmCould be completely about global dimming.Jul 30 07:04
cubevectoroiaohm, but if we have global dimming, shouldn't that keep the glaciers from melting?Jul 30 07:05
cubevectorwhich they are Jul 30 07:05
DaemonFCyou know that the hottest July ever in Indiana was in 1934?Jul 30 07:05
DaemonFCwell before global warming was inventedJul 30 07:05
oiaohmglaciers need to be replaced with new falls.   cubevectorJul 30 07:05
cubevectorha, rightJul 30 07:05
cubevectormore snowfallJul 30 07:06
MinceRwell, a single data point definitely proves everythingJul 30 07:06
oiaohmYep dimming causes less snowfall.Jul 30 07:06
cubevectorno, I agree we have had less now for sureJul 30 07:06
cubevectornow=snowJul 30 07:06
oiaohmBut there are keystone points MinceRJul 30 07:07
oiaohmLight reaching earth surface is a keystone if altered has large effects.Jul 30 07:07
schestowitz 30 07:08
TechrightsBotTitle:  Hackers shut down EU carbon-trading website | Environment |  .::. Size~: 211.92 KBJul 30 07:08
cubevectorI've seen the photos of Mt EverestJul 30 07:08
oiaohmBasically people forget glaciers are always melting.Jul 30 07:08
cubevectorglaciers in the 1920's were much larger than they are nowJul 30 07:08
oiaohmAnd its natural.Jul 30 07:08
MinceRoiaohm: and which july was the hottest ever in indiana?Jul 30 07:08
DaemonFCemacs causes global warmingJul 30 07:08
DaemonFCand Al Gore invented emacsJul 30 07:08
MinceRgood thing i use vim, thenJul 30 07:08
DaemonFCyesJul 30 07:08
schestowitz[07:05] <DaemonFC> well before global warming was inventedJul 30 07:09
schestowitzalso post industrial revolutionJul 30 07:09
MinceRdid Al Gore invent emacs before or after the internet?Jul 30 07:09
oiaohmNote dimming is double sided evil.  MinceRJul 30 07:09
DaemonFChe invented emacs and then wrote the internet with itJul 30 07:09
MinceRoh.Jul 30 07:09
DaemonFCto be specificJul 30 07:09
cubevectorhahaJul 30 07:09
oiaohmDimming stops light for getting in.Jul 30 07:09
schestowitzAl Gore seems misled for other reasonsJul 30 07:09
oiaohmand heat getting out.Jul 30 07:09
schestowitzHe's not spokesman for climate issues, he's not a science professionalJul 30 07:09
oiaohmParts that make up dimming don't include co2Jul 30 07:10
DaemonFCMinceR: How do you feel about XEmacs?Jul 30 07:10
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 07:10
schestowitzHeh. His favourite song is, "I say a little prayer for you" (religious)Jul 30 07:10
DaemonFCat work I just make timeJul 30 07:10
DaemonFCand all through my coffee break timeJul 30 07:10
schestowitzMinceR: he never said that. He said he provided funding for emacs :-)Jul 30 07:10
DaemonFCI say a little prayer for global warming victimsJul 30 07:10
DaemonFClalalalaJul 30 07:10
DaemonFC:PJul 30 07:10
schestowitzDaemonFC: those who are skeptical of change are religiousJul 30 07:11
cubevector2010 sure isn't as good as I thought it would be :)Jul 30 07:11
schestowitzThose who warn about the problem are climatologistsJul 30 07:11
oiaohmHeck dimming really bad is visable ie smog.   Jul 30 07:11
DaemonFCyes, they also suppress evidence against itJul 30 07:11
schestowitzSo basically, USians who think "God will fix everything" are often those who deny issuesJul 30 07:11
DaemonFCbecause they are motivated to lieJul 30 07:11
oiaohmAnd aircraft trails.Jul 30 07:12
DaemonFCI personally don't give a shitJul 30 07:12
DaemonFCgod or no godJul 30 07:12
schestowitzDaemonFC: "god hates fags" :-)Jul 30 07:12
MinceRDaemonFC: dunno. does any version of it do GUI with font antialiasing and MULE properly?Jul 30 07:12
DaemonFCthe entire planet is going to be destroyed by something right?Jul 30 07:12
DaemonFCeventually?Jul 30 07:12
oiaohmIe global dimming is directly seeable and we don't pay attention.Jul 30 07:12
MinceRDaemonFC: or syntax highlighting that isn't slow as hell? :>Jul 30 07:12
oiaohmHow long is eventually.Jul 30 07:12
cubevectoreventually, but why rush it?Jul 30 07:12
oiaohmAnd will be still be alive at that point.Jul 30 07:13
cubevectoreventually the sun will run out of fuelJul 30 07:13
schestowitzDaemonFC: the Church sure knows how to drive away ~16% of its potential _customers_Jul 30 07:13
DaemonFCwell, if you go out far enough, the sun will actually be hot enough to evaporate the oceansJul 30 07:13
cubevectorbut that's a long long timeJul 30 07:13
oiaohmHigh C02 can turn plants nasty.Jul 30 07:13
DaemonFCand the Earth will lose its atmosphereJul 30 07:13
MinceRthe universe will probably be better off if the human species can't move off the earth before the planet becomes uninhabitable :>Jul 30 07:13
schestowitz[07:13] <DaemonFC> and the Earth will lose its atmosphereJul 30 07:13
DaemonFCthen eventually what's left of Earth will be swallowed by the Sun as it runs out of hydrogen and expandsJul 30 07:13
schestowitzDo't worryJul 30 07:13
schestowitzWe'll buy a new oneJul 30 07:13
MinceRlolJul 30 07:13
oiaohmThe earth is already losing its atmosphere.Jul 30 07:13
MinceRyou mean Jesus won't just give us a new one?Jul 30 07:14
DaemonFCMinceR: Jesus said he'd give me a new oneJul 30 07:14
DaemonFCbut not youJul 30 07:14
oiaohmThere is only about 20 000 years left.Jul 30 07:14
DaemonFCJesus loves you but I'm his favoriteJul 30 07:14
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 07:14
MinceRwho else will he give out new Earths to?Jul 30 07:14
oiaohmIe earth will have too thin of atmosphere for humans well before the sun gives out.Jul 30 07:14
schestowitz 30 07:14
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan on the Greenhouse Effect .::. Size~: 112.04 KBJul 30 07:14
cubevectorah, the earth has had it's atmosphere for how long?Jul 30 07:14
DaemonFCeveryone who signs their paychecks over to the churchJul 30 07:14
DaemonFCobviouslyJul 30 07:14
DaemonFCwhere have you been? :PJul 30 07:15
cubevectorand you're saying it will be gone in 20,000 years?Jul 30 07:15
schestowitzVearth=Venus-like EarthJul 30 07:15
cubevectoror depleted?Jul 30 07:15
oiaohmdelpetedJul 30 07:15
DaemonFCin 20,000 years it will still be breathableJul 30 07:15
oiaohmTo the point we cannot live in it anymore.Jul 30 07:15
DaemonFCmore than likelyJul 30 07:15
oiaohmIe too thin.Jul 30 07:15
MinceRi think Earth might eventually lose its atmosphere like Mars didJul 30 07:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Microsoft lobbyists pushing for software patents in standards: 30 07:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Summary of Open Forum: Transparency in EU Standardization | Talkstandards .::. Size~: 19.31 KBJul 30 07:15
oiaohmIts heading that way MinceRJul 30 07:16
DaemonFCnahJul 30 07:16
MinceRthat is, the core stops, the magnetic field weakens and solar wind blows it awaysJul 30 07:16
DaemonFCEarth has been here BILLIONS of yearsJul 30 07:16
MinceRDaemonFC: what? no, only 6000 years. :>Jul 30 07:16
DaemonFCyou don't think it's going to mind that we camped out on it for a few minutes do you?Jul 30 07:16
MinceRs/ys/y/Jul 30 07:16
oiaohmAnd over billions of years the sun has been taking little bits off at a time.Jul 30 07:16
oiaohmAnd we have not had the commets to be refilling.Jul 30 07:16
DaemonFCXenu will provide for usJul 30 07:17
DaemonFCunless you're a ScientologistJul 30 07:17
DaemonFChe doesn't like themJul 30 07:17
oiaohmBasically we are screwedJul 30 07:17
cubevectorI'm surprised that life ever even developed then :)Jul 30 07:17
oiaohmQuestion is how soon.Jul 30 07:17
schestowitzIn 4.5 billion years we never burned up fossil fuel accumulated over 3.5 bn yearsJul 30 07:17
schestowitzFossil fuel uses oxygen and photosynthesis to store the suns energyJul 30 07:18
cubevectorvenus still has it's atmosphere yes?Jul 30 07:18
schestowitzNow we unleash all this energy under the atmosphere's protective layerJul 30 07:18
cubevectorand it's closer to the SunJul 30 07:18
oiaohmvenus seams to be gaining atmosphereJul 30 07:19
schestowitz[link] ?Jul 30 07:19
oiaohmNote I said seams.Jul 30 07:19
oiaohmIt shows no sign of deteriation.Jul 30 07:19
schestowitz 30 07:19
TechrightsBotTitle: venus "gaining atmosphere" - Google Search .::. Size~: 33.75 KBJul 30 07:19
schestowitzNothing approp'Jul 30 07:20
schestowitz 30 07:20
TechrightsBotTitle: venus "regaining atmosphere" - Google Search .::. Size~: 27.58 KBJul 30 07:20
oiaohmBecause you would expect solar winds to be stripping bits off it.Jul 30 07:20
schestowitz"so the moon is actually losing and regaining atmosphere all the time."Jul 30 07:20
MinceRthat's no moon!Jul 30 07:20
schestowitzWe're the sun's moon :-pJul 30 07:21
schestowitzThe sun is not a star :-)Jul 30 07:21
schestowitzIt's GODJul 30 07:21
schestowitzAnd it revolves around God's wifeJul 30 07:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] RT: @zoobab: Microsoft lobbyists pushing for software patents in standards: #swpat #failmicrosoftJul 30 07:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Summary of Open Forum: Transparency in EU Standardization | Talkstandards .::. Size~: 19.31 KBJul 30 07:21
cubevectorit's all carbon dioxide tooJul 30 07:22
cubevectorVenus... 96.5% of it's atmosphere is CO2 according to wikipediaJul 30 07:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Tata to sue Greenpeace over turtle game So they don't only attack Indian freedom, but the world too #indiaJul 30 07:24
TechrightsBotTitle:  Tata to sue Greenpeace over turtle game | Environment | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 168.15 KBJul 30 07:24
DaemonFCthat's no Moon, it's a Halliburton Death Pod!Jul 30 07:25
DaemonFC*Not to be confused with a Death StarJul 30 07:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] For more about Tata, see #bullies #tata #tcl #india #monopolyJul 30 07:26
TechrightsBotTitle: TCS (India) Wants to Turn Students Into Monopoly-Generating Apparati | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.18 KBJul 30 07:26
DaemonFCStreisand EffectJul 30 07:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] is rsync is P2P or server client based ? #rsyncJul 30 07:27
cubevectorcompare this:Jul 30 07:28
cubevector 30 07:28
TechrightsBotTitle: File:Venus pentagram.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 27.43 KBJul 30 07:28
cubevectorto this:Jul 30 07:28
cubevector 30 07:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBJul 30 07:28
schestowitzcubevector: did you write a simulation?Jul 30 07:30
schestowitzSOme years ago I wrote in C/OpenGL a program to render the solar systemJul 30 07:31
cubevectorI plotted the curve, and wrote the program that generated the pictureJul 30 07:31
cubevectorjust noticed the similarity to Venus' motionJul 30 07:31
schestowitzYou use old Fedora win-decoratorsJul 30 07:31
schestowitzI remember thoseJul 30 07:31
schestowitzcubevector: some kids plastic toys generate these curvesJul 30 07:32
cubevectorspirograph, yesJul 30 07:32
schestowitzYou use masks and go around in circles, with a pencilJul 30 07:32
cubevectorbut the kids don't know the equation of the curveJul 30 07:32
cubevectorx = (a+b) * cos(t) - c * cos((a/b +1) * t) Jul 30 07:32
schestowitz /Kids/kids'/Jul 30 07:32
schestowitzKids today don't like mathsJul 30 07:33
cubevectory = (a+b) * sin(t) - c * sin((a/b +1) * t) Jul 30 07:33
cubevector 30 07:33
TechrightsBotTitle: The Curve Archive .::. Size~: 1.82 KBJul 30 07:33
cubevectorI'm still interested in X programmingJul 30 07:33
cubevectorso few people talk about itJul 30 07:33
cubevectormade some curves of my own tooJul 30 07:34
cubevectorit's just trig, nothing too scary Jul 30 07:35
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJul 30 07:36
schestowitz 30 07:36
TechrightsBotTitle:  Nicolas Sarkozy gets tough on France's itinerant groups | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 66.75 KBJul 30 07:37
schestowitzcubevector: c?Jul 30 07:37
cubevectoryesJul 30 07:37
schestowitzcubevector: 30 07:38
TechrightsBotTitle: [Phoronix] KDE SC 4.7 May Utilize OpenGL 3.x For Compositing .::. Size~: 19.16 KBJul 30 07:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "Tobacco giant Philip Morris accused of corporate bullying following government's decision to water down legislation" 30 07:38
TechrightsBotTitle:  Uruguay bows to pressure over anti-smoking law amendments | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 65.24 KBJul 30 07:38
cubevectorI like xlib :)Jul 30 07:39
cubevectorOpenGL is barely programmingJul 30 07:39
cubevectorit's more like weavingJul 30 07:40
cubevectorbut, probably faster at renderingJul 30 07:40
schestowitzcubevector: it's an API, sort ofJul 30 07:41
cubevectoryes, but I wanted to do 3d from "stratch"Jul 30 07:41
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] This is why I don't use Tiwtter #identica om nom nomJul 30 07:41
TechrightsBotTitle: I am not a very nice person « Alexandria .::. Size~: 49.72 KBJul 30 07:41
cubevectorbut that's the trend, to greater and greater abstractionJul 30 07:42
cubevectore.g. my program will run on just about anythingJul 30 07:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @diablod3 This is why I don't use Tiwtter #identica om nom nom > but identica has this problem too, worse over timeJul 30 07:43
TechrightsBotTitle: I am not a very nice person « Alexandria .::. Size~: 50.23 KBJul 30 07:43
cubevectorI'm not dependent on anything except xlibJul 30 07:44
cubevectorwell, it will run on almost anything with an X serverJul 30 07:44
cubevectora compromise...Jul 30 07:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] I think Indian Govt & Sibal will release a press on $35 laptop - "It was a typo, We just missed one Zero" #$35laptop #fakewareJul 30 07:45
cubevectorwouldn't be a big deal to port to FreeDos :)Jul 30 07:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Emulating an Amiga in Linux - as architectures become obsolete, perhaps this is their only hope for survival #amigaJul 30 07:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Emulating an Amiga in Linux .::. Size~: 51.35 KBJul 30 07:56
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jul 30 07:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Olive Telecom has just announced India's first 3.5G Android #android #olive #indiaJul 30 08:01
TechrightsBotTitle: Olive Pad VT100 brings a voice-capable, 7-inch Android tablet to India's airwaves -- Engadget .::. Size~: 217.21 KBJul 30 08:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] forked Box2D JS Demo - Unbelievable Graphics with Physics in Javascript #withoutflash #html5 #svg 30 08:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Box2DJS - Physics Engine for JavaScript .::. Size~: 2 KBJul 30 08:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Jury Dumps Patent Used To Sue Facebook - one down, several million to go... #facebook #swpatentsJul 30 08:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Jury Dumps Patent Used To Sue Facebook | Techdirt .::. Size~: 50.2 KBJul 30 08:09
*DaemonFC (~chatzilla@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 08:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] For ARM, It’s Server Side Up - the little Cambridge company that could #arm #chips #cambridgeJul 30 08:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] just added myself to the html5 list on - 30 08:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] just added myself to the svg list on - 30 08:11
TechrightsBotTitle:   For ARM, Its Server Side Up .::. Size~: 65.92 KBJul 30 08:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Narendra Sisodiya (nsisodiya) on .::. Size~: 13.9 KBJul 30 08:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Narendra Sisodiya (nsisodiya) on .::. Size~: 13.9 KBJul 30 08:12
schestowitz 30 08:14
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Woman wakes up to find intruder in her bed .::. Size~: 5.25 KBJul 30 08:14
DaemonFCWindows Live Messenger is downJul 30 08:14
DaemonFC:PJul 30 08:14
MinceRso what else is new?Jul 30 08:15
MinceR:>Jul 30 08:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Top U.S. Officer: WikiLeaks Might Have ‘Blood on Its Hands’ - unlike the rest of the US Army in Iraq/Afghanistan...Jul 30 08:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Top U.S. Officer: WikiLeaks Might Have Blood on Its Hands | Danger Room | .::. Size~: 89.23 KBJul 30 08:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Don't Read Too Much Into The Claims That Intellectual Ventures Returns Are Negative - puts things in context #ivJul 30 08:19
TechrightsBotTitle: Don't Read Too Much Into The Claims That Intellectual Ventures Returns Are Negative | Techdirt .::. Size~: 30.57 KBJul 30 08:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Microsoft Is Coming “Full Guns” After The iPad - "chasing the tail-lights" much? #microsoft #ipadJul 30 08:22
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Is Coming Full Guns After The iPad .::. Size~: 103.86 KBJul 30 08:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Sometimes It's OK To Steal My Games - nicely nuanced post; interesting comments #piract #gamingJul 30 08:28
TechrightsBotTitle: The Bottom Feeder: Sometimes It's OK To Steal My Games .::. Size~: 219.22 KBJul 30 08:28
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] I think I have discovered what the Shaft would look like if he was Indian 30 08:31
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Indian techno musicvideo .::. Size~: 91.04 KBJul 30 08:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Damm Sure, I am going to purchase VT100 in August - 30 08:31
TechrightsBotTitle: 3G Tablet Olive Pad V-T 100 @ Rs.24990   | Latest News .::. Size~: 32.56 KBJul 30 08:32
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 08:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Passwords in the wild, part III: password standards for the Web - lots of techy links #passwords #standards #webJul 30 08:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Light Blue Touchpaper  » Blog Archive   » Passwords in the wild, part III: password standards for the Web .::. Size~: 27.74 KBJul 30 08:38
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] I'd like to nominate this guy for Clever Bastard Of The Year #policestateJul 30 08:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Attorneys Not Laughing At 'Justice' Sign  - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver .::. Size~: 51.31 KBJul 30 08:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 30/7/2010: #KDE 4.5 Screenshot Tour, #Canonical Responds to DeKoenigsberg #ubuntuJul 30 08:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Is WikiLeaks More Than Just a High-Tech Brown Envelope? Yes - "journalism will likely never be the same" #wikileaksJul 30 08:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Links 30/7/2010: KDE 4.5 Screenshot Tour, Canonical Responds to DeKoenigsberg | Techrights .::. Size~: 117.7 KBJul 30 08:41
TechrightsBotTitle:   Is WikiLeaks More Than Just a High-Tech Brown Envelope? Yes .::. Size~: 69.89 KBJul 30 08:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Tablet & Android can beat everything if they include "Wireless mesh networking" Peer to Peer Networking on Tables will be the thing #androidJul 30 08:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] RT: @nsisodiya: Tablet & Android can beat everything if they include "Wireless mesh networking" 30 08:45
TechrightsBotTitle: Issue 1140 -  android -  RFE: Mesh networking - Project Hosting on Google Code .::. Size~: 19.2 KBJul 30 08:45
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 08:54
*DaemonFC wonders why Novell likes to name things after diseasesJul 30 08:56
DaemonFCI had Mono once, I was in bed for a weekJul 30 08:56
DaemonFC:PJul 30 08:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Interview with Richard Stallman - really excellent stuff: "If it were possible, I would like to have a friendly parrot"Jul 30 08:56
TechrightsBotTitle: blog.reddit -- what's new on reddit: RMS AMA .::. Size~: 217.2 KBJul 30 08:57
DaemonFCbut I'm sure glad I've avoided Pinta so farJul 30 08:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] To all Android developer : Can you make this without flash ? #withoutflashJul 30 08:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Adobe Air peer-to-peer video call concept Android app hands-on (video) -- Engadget .::. Size~: 218.32 KBJul 30 08:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] - new site with info on how to fight #ACTA (via @StopActaNow)Jul 30 09:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Official Anti-ACTA site of the Internet Freedom Movement  .::. Size~: 17.32 KBJul 30 09:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Hrmbl. Oracle tablespace gone nada at 3:00 in the night means "let's start all over again" #failJul 30 09:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Should India announce $50 QuadCore Server with 6GB RAM ? #fakeware 30 09:12
TechrightsBotTitle:         Should India announce $50 QuadCore Server with 6GB RAM ? #fakeware - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 27.88 KBJul 30 09:12
DaemonFC 30 09:15
TechrightsBotTitle:  lolcode-dot-net -  Project Hosting on Google Code .::. Size~: 10.93 KBJul 30 09:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] If you talk about open {source, standards, data} with only a twitter account, you are #fail. Use #identica if you want to walk the walk.Jul 30 09:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Lawyers and Monopolies They Work for the Key Threat to Software Patent Policy #patents #uspto #swpatsJul 30 09:18
TechrightsBotTitle: Lawyers and Monopolies They Work for Are the Key Threat to Software Patent Policy | Techrights .::. Size~: 101.28 KBJul 30 09:18
DaemonFC 30 09:21
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- Mortal Kombat - Goro vs. Johnny .::. Size~: 94.16 KBJul 30 09:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody but to the "Top U.S. Officer" only 'white blood' countsJul 30 09:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz ah yes, silly me...Jul 30 09:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Interview: Chris DiBona, Google - nothing earth-shattering, but useful summary #google #opensourceJul 30 09:32
TechrightsBotTitle: Interview: Chris DiBona, Google - Linux Magazine Online  .::. Size~: 41.2 KBJul 30 09:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @nsisodiya say no to AIR?!Jul 30 09:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @glynmoody - new site with info on how to fight #ACTA (via @StopActaNow)Jul 30 09:37
TechrightsBotTitle: Official Anti-ACTA site of the Internet Freedom Movement  .::. Size~: 17.32 KBJul 30 09:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @nsisodiya Should India announce $50 QuadCore Server with 6GB RAM ? #fakeware 30 09:38
TechrightsBotTitle:         Should India announce $50 QuadCore Server with 6GB RAM ? #fakeware - LUG@IITD Community Blog     .::. Size~: 27.88 KBJul 30 09:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The rising power of the Chinese worker - importatn if barely-visible trend #china #economicsJul 30 09:47
TechrightsBotTitle: World economy: The rising power of the Chinese worker | The Economist .::. Size~: 47.14 KBJul 30 09:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] @schestowitz Yes That is why I tweeted that should should port that application without flash & AIRJul 30 09:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] What I mean: Use to post and setup to sync to your twitter account. It's about federation, folks. ;-)Jul 30 10:00
*DaemonFC (~ryan@ has left #boycottnovellJul 30 10:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Fighting with Oracle DB and BIND setup on Sysadmin Appreciation Day is kinda natural, innit? #havingfun #hackingJul 30 10:09
*Judas_PhD has quit (Quit: Aaarrrggghhh!!!)Jul 30 10:16
schestowitztessier_: are you around?Jul 30 10:18
schestowitzI need some quick helpJul 30 10:18
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] @jonobacon says "Gnome is moving away from Ubuntu just as much as Ubuntu is moving away from Gnome" - #notgood 30 10:18
TechrightsBotTitle:                                      .::. Size~: 38.61 KBJul 30 10:19
MinceRwhich way is gnome moving?Jul 30 10:22
oiaohmWhen you know tell us.  MinceRJul 30 10:22
schestowitz3-wardsJul 30 10:22
oiaohmGnome is a huge tug of war.Jul 30 10:23
MinceRaway from or towards macos? away from or towards mono?Jul 30 10:23
oiaohmBoth waysJul 30 10:24
oiaohmAs I said tug of war.Jul 30 10:24
oiaohmYou have pro and anti mono people in there fighting with each other.Jul 30 10:24
oiaohmThat lead to the birth of valaJul 30 10:24
oiaohmAs kind a half way not mono but with c# lang syntax is a halfway.Jul 30 10:25
oiaohmSame with the macos look.Jul 30 10:25
MinceRit isn't only about the lookJul 30 10:25
oiaohmBasically I don't know what way it heading neither do the developers.  MinceRJul 30 10:25
MinceRalso about the philosophy of idiocyJul 30 10:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] @schestowitz: Thanks, passwords on and Twitter changed. Two different ones.Jul 30 10:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] CORRECTION - I misquoted @jonobacon, it was David Owens comment.Jul 30 10:25
MinceRremoving features, user-hostile HIG, etc.Jul 30 10:26
oiaohmBasically is the true case of trying to hurd cats.Jul 30 10:26
oiaohmWith a poor battle plan.Jul 30 10:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] [CORR] @jonobacon Blog, Martin Owen comments: says "Gnome is moving away from Ubuntu just as much as Ubuntu is moving away from Gnome"Jul 30 10:27
schestowitz 30 10:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Mobile open source: LiMO teams up with GNOME .::. Size~: 38.03 KBJul 30 10:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] New blog post: On Contributions - The GNOME Affair 30 10:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Jan Wildeboer  » Blog Archive   » On Contributions  The GNOME Affair .::. Size~: 20.38 KBJul 30 10:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Towards a Commons Taxonomy - how should we classify the various kinds of #commons?Jul 30 11:08
TechrightsBotTitle: open...: Towards a Commons Taxonomy .::. Size~: 66.8 KBJul 30 11:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] Support #fail "Wir empfehlen Ihnen, diese Nummer in Ihr Mobiltelefon einzuspeichern," Aber "Diese nummer ist NICHT aus Mobilnetz erreichbar"Jul 30 11:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] The end of Wintel - Economist Fail again: describes Meego as "an open-source operating system" (can't say "Linux"?)Jul 30 11:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Information technology in transition: The end of Wintel | The Economist .::. Size~: 51.1 KBJul 30 11:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Nicholas Negroponte Welcomes India's $35 Tablet for Education - gosh, he's still around... #olpc #indiaJul 30 11:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Nicholas Negroponte Welcomes India's $35 Tablet for Education - OLPC News .::. Size~: 72.95 KBJul 30 11:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] Happy Sysadminday everyone ;-)Jul 30 12:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] RT @glynwintle In response to public petition asking gov to upgrade away from IE 6. "Its too hard, but we are secure"'Jul 30 12:54
TechrightsBotTitle: HM Government .::. Size~: 8.93 KBJul 30 12:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] In case you noticed #techirghts pages appearing kind of funny earlier, that's because we tried upgrading the software, db is too large :-(Jul 30 13:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] If there are any LAMP experts who can help us, please see this thread we can't get the DB upgraded yet #techrightsJul 30 13:18
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » WordPress 3.0 database upgrade timeout .::. Size~: 11.15 KBJul 30 13:18
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] If there are any LAMP experts who can help us, please see this thread we can't get the DB upgraded yet !techrightsJul 30 13:21
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » WordPress 3.0 database upgrade timeout .::. Size~: 11.15 KBJul 30 13:21
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 13:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody technically the Economist is correct thereJul 30 13:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @ml2mst Happy Sysadminday everyone > I'm not having a good day so far, help needed 30 13:25
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » WordPress 3.0 database upgrade timeout .::. Size~: 11.15 KBJul 30 13:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ml2mst] ♺ @schestowitz: RT @ml2mst Happy Sysadminday everyone > I'm not having a good day so far, help needed 30 13:29
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » WordPress 3.0 database upgrade timeout .::. Size~: 11.15 KBJul 30 13:29
schestowitz 30 13:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Richard Stallman: AMA Responses! via .::. Size~: 1.55 KBJul 30 13:30
schestowitzIt is good that sites with many developers (Reddit this time) help show people that beyond the daemonisations ("communist", "hippie", "crazy", "zealot", etc.) there is a very reasonable person. Any person that becomes a thorn in the buttocks of proprietary software vendors will sooner or later be characterised as "dangerous"/"radical" to keep people away from that person.Jul 30 13:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] How can I block all dents with "apple", "standing in line at the apple store", "I want Steve Jobs to be father of my children"? #annoyedJul 30 13:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] U.S. Copyright Group ‘Steal’ Competitor’s Website - rich, no? (via @StopActaNow) #copyright #hypocrisyJul 30 13:36
TechrightsBotTitle:    U.S. Copyright Group Steal Competitors Website | TorrentFreak   .::. Size~: 35.17 KBJul 30 13:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] @schestowitz it's a sin of *omission*, not *commission*: why not say it's essentially Linux?Jul 30 13:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @jwildeboer change reading habitsJul 30 13:39
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 13:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] ♺ @equitas: Latest Bizarre Cathedral toon over at FSM #fs #linux | ROTFL #RHTJul 30 13:45
TechrightsBotTitle: The Bizarre Cathedral - 76  .::. Size~: 30.88 KBJul 30 13:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Tribalism is the enemy within - the Astronaut is *ANGRY* #ubuntu #tribalismJul 30 13:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Mark Shuttleworth  » Blog Archive   » Tribalism is the enemy within .::. Size~: 24.44 KBJul 30 13:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Geoengineering: the risks and rewards of tackling climate change - from the *Met Office*? interesting (via @Eaterofsun)Jul 30 13:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Met Office: Climate change and geoengineering .::. Size~: 32.28 KBJul 30 13:50
schestowitztessier_: let me know if/when you're around, we need you for some simple issue with PHP apparently timing up on an upgrade. I worry about changing php settings and I'm pretty sure that's what causes the issue.Jul 30 13:54
schestowitz 30 14:00
TechrightsBotTitle:  Chilcot inquiry: too late, Hans Blix, too late | Sami Ramadani | Comment is free | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 205.49 KBJul 30 14:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] spent almost 3 hrs this morning upgrading 3 blogs. First two took 5 minutes to upgrade, eg this one ; #techrights failsJul 30 14:00
TechrightsBotTitle:   .::. Size~: 42.25 KBJul 30 14:01
schestowitz 30 14:01
TechrightsBotTitle:  Audit reveals billions of dollars of Iraqi oil funds gone missing | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 66.63 KBJul 30 14:01
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] spent almost 3 hrs this morning upgrading 3 blogs. First two took 5 minutes to upgrade, eg this one ; !techrights failsJul 30 14:01
TechrightsBotTitle:   .::. Size~: 42.25 KBJul 30 14:01
MinceRgeekingsJul 30 14:11
schestowitz 30 14:15
TechrightsBotTitle: Open-Source Pharmaceutical Babble. In the Pipeline:  .::. Size~: 79.09 KBJul 30 14:15
schestowitzAttacking collaborationJul 30 14:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Get a Blazing-Fast Computer for Free - Slate's @fmanjoo changes his mind about #Ubuntu #linuxJul 30 14:21
TechrightsBotTitle: How to give your creaky old Windows computer an Ubuntu makeover. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine         .::. Size~: 51.02 KBJul 30 14:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @glynmoody Yeah, I remember Farhad Manjoo's rant 30 14:27
TechrightsBotTitle: IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 27th, 2008  Part 1 | Techrights .::. Size~: 198.92 KBJul 30 14:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Wikileaks turns convert intelligence to “Open source intelligence” that's intelligentJul 30 14:51
TechrightsBotTitle: It's our duty to delve into the Wikileaks debate - The Irish Times - Fri, Jul 30, 2010 .::. Size~: 43.3 KBJul 30 14:51
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 14:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Are CIA and Google teaming up? Interesting just days after it's revealed that FBI gets simpler access to DCsJul 30 14:58
TechrightsBotTitle:           Are CIA and Google teaming up?          - Arab News   .::. Size~: 61.67 KBJul 30 14:58
*Judas_PhD ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 15:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Good morning, friends! How are we all today?Jul 30 15:16
*Ziodotmatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 15:20
schestowitz "has exceeded 20,000 VoIP lines on its award winning Voice over Internet Linux-based sever clusters. "Jul 30 15:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Pervasip's VoX Communications Surpasses 20,000 Voice over Internet Lines - MarketWatch .::. Size~: 63.88 KBJul 30 15:23
schestowitzSevere clusters?Jul 30 15:23
MinceRsevered clusters?Jul 30 15:24
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jul 30 15:25
schestowitzMinceR: severed filth [sic]Jul 30 15:28
schestowitzHey, jonoJul 30 15:29
schestowitzMisquoted by JanJul 30 15:29
schestowitz 30 15:30
TechrightsBotTitle: ACCESS Cooperates With OHA to Support Expansion of Android Platform - MarketWatch .::. Size~: 62.93 KBJul 30 15:30
schestowitz*LOL* 'Lumpy' will have to live with Android nowJul 30 15:30
MinceRSever The WickedJul 30 15:30
schestowitzAfter bashing it endlesslyJul 30 15:30
MinceRlolJul 30 15:30
schestowitzMaybe they'll have to 'let him go'Jul 30 15:30
MinceRmaybe he'll just have a Sudden Change of OpinionJul 30 15:30
MinceRlike asayJul 30 15:31
schestowitzNot sure. I heard from one place he's already outJul 30 15:31
schestowitzSudden Change of Opinion=SCOJul 30 15:31
MinceRlolJul 30 15:31
schestowitz"We wanna do Linux"Jul 30 15:31
schestowitz"Now we don't'Jul 30 15:32
MinceR"do"Jul 30 15:32
MinceRthat they wantedJul 30 15:32
schestowitzMcBride made CEO and months later they sueJul 30 15:32
MinceRand failedJul 30 15:32
MinceRwill ACCESS at least write a PalmOS emulator for Android then? :>Jul 30 15:32
schestowitzIsn't that for HP to do?Jul 30 15:32
schestowitzHP makes WebOS thoughJul 30 15:32
MinceRnopeJul 30 15:32
MinceRHP does webOS, not PalmOSJul 30 15:33
MinceRACCESS owns PalmOS, not Palm/HPJul 30 15:33
jonoschestowitz yeah he apologized thoughJul 30 15:33
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: there is already a Garnet OS emulator for WebOS called TuxidoJul 30 15:33
schestowitzACCESS is like the kid that tried to fight the big G[anstster|oogle] and is now all bruised, runs to the G for loveJul 30 15:33
schestowitzjono: yes, twiceJul 30 15:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Want to make a stunning contribution for Ubuntu users? Fix bad Software Center descriptions! #ubuntuJul 30 15:34
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: with an 'i'Jul 30 15:34
TechrightsBotTitle: Never judge a book by its cover! «  Canonical Design .::. Size~: 22.13 KBJul 30 15:34
schestowitzTUX iDo?Jul 30 15:34
jonoschestowitz he apologized twice?Jul 30 15:34
schestowitz"I hereby prounounce you husband and wife"Jul 30 15:34
schestowitz"Jobs, you may now kiss the Penguin"Jul 30 15:35
schestowitz['s ass]Jul 30 15:35
ZiodotmatrixMinceR: ACCESS owns the Garnet and Cobalt OS sourcecode along with it's extensions including GraffitiJul 30 15:35
MinceR"do" does not mean "kiss" though :>Jul 30 15:35
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: my bad TuxedoJul 30 15:35
schestowitzjono: yeahJul 30 15:35
schestowitz 30 15:36
TechrightsBotTitle: Meet Andy: Android’s History In A Nutshell | Android News, Reviews, Applications, Games, Phones, Devices, Tips, Hacks, Videos, Podcasts - Android Police .::. Size~: 158.14 KBJul 30 15:36
jonoschestowitz ahhhJul 30 15:37
schestowitzMark made a good postJul 30 15:38
schestowitzI'm gonna write about this laterJul 30 15:38
schestowitzPoor Red Hat... so jealous of conglomerates like CanonicalJul 30 15:39
schestowitz 30 15:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Next Gnome delayed until 2011 • The Register .::. Size~: 26.08 KBJul 30 15:39
schestowitz 30 15:40
TechrightsBotTitle: Why Android Will Win the Mobile Platform War - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 62.38 KBJul 30 15:40
schestowitzKatherine Noyes writes for IDG now?Jul 30 15:40
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[einfeldt] RT @glynmoody: Jury Dumps Patent Used To Sue Facebook - one down, several million to go.Jul 30 15:41
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: it's kind of disengenous to say old smartphones were completely boring, I made my Treo a universal remote. you can't do that with modern smartphones due to a lack of IR :-PJul 30 15:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Jury Dumps Patent Used To Sue Facebook | Techdirt .::. Size~: 58.51 KBJul 30 15:41
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: maybe once bluetooth remotes catch on more that kind of app will come backJul 30 15:41
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: as for Android winning, if one platform wins everyone loses, including customersJul 30 15:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Mark talks about the risks of tribalism; a great post and wise words - 30 15:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Solaris is far from dead #sun #oracle #opensolarisJul 30 15:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Mark Shuttleworth  » Blog Archive   » Tribalism is the enemy within .::. Size~: 37.06 KBJul 30 15:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Dell, HP to resell Oracle's operating systems - Computerworld .::. Size~: 75.5 KBJul 30 15:43
TechrightsBotTitle: HP, Dell To Resell Oracle's Solaris, Linux, And Virtualization Platforms - Software - IT Channel News by CRN .::. Size~: 78.07 KBJul 30 15:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Oracle and HP make a deal for Solaris on ProLiants • The Register .::. Size~: 30.62 KBJul 30 15:43
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: except for shareholders of said companyJul 30 15:43
schestowitzZiodotmatrix: they already dominate search and spyingJul 30 15:43
schestowitzI reckon ya heeard...Jul 30 15:44
schestowitz 30 15:44
TechrightsBotTitle:           Are CIA and Google teaming up?          - Arab News   .::. Size~: 62.24 KBJul 30 15:44
schestowitzIt's all over the news today 30 15:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Google Teams Up With CIA, Invests in Analytics Firm  | Fast Company .::. Size~: 36.06 KBJul 30 15:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Google, CIA Back a Startup that Predicts the Future - WebNewser .::. Size~: 37.46 KBJul 30 15:44
schestowitz 30 15:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Google, CIA team up to invest in web monitoring software - Analysing the past to predict the future | TechEye .::. Size~: 20.95 KBJul 30 15:45
schestowitzGoogle can be trusted no more than the US governmentJul 30 15:45
schestowitzAnd that's not saying muchJul 30 15:45
schestowitzMatt Cutts from Google came from the secret agencies AFAIKJul 30 15:45
Ziodotmatrixschestowitz: at least we now know Uncle Sam is hip with who their technilogical partners are. This could explain why Chicom has cut off Google search from their great firewall again.Jul 30 15:47
ThistleWebFor a second there I thought that poor bloke had an unfortunate surname, until I reread it Jul 30 15:47
schestowitz 30 15:48
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft: Gmail like a Jaguar with ‘vinyl seats’ | Community .::. Size~: 76.51 KBJul 30 15:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The $200 sub-notebook with #gnu #linux rears its head again 30 15:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "Linux-based Android is going to win, plain and simple." I like #Linux but distrust #AndroidJul 30 15:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Freescale Smartbook - PCWorld .::. Size~: 40.28 KBJul 30 15:50
TechrightsBotTitle: Why Android Will Win the Mobile Platform War - PCWorld Business Center .::. Size~: 62.46 KBJul 30 15:50
schestowitztessier_: pingJul 30 15:53
*Ziodotmatrix ( has left #boycottnovellJul 30 15:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[rcweir] If you ask the wrong question... Why not talk about the lack of tension with genuine open standards?Jul 30 15:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Standards and OSS | Talkstandards .::. Size~: 9.3 KBJul 30 15:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Olive Telecom is a one of the most innovating company in India #andriodJul 30 15:57
TechrightsBotTitle: Olive Telecom News, Olive Mobile India, Press Release .::. Size~: 25.81 KBJul 30 15:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @rcweir is a known Microsoft lobbyist. See 30 15:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @nsisodiya I hope so. 30 15:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Lawyers and Monopolies They Work for Are the Key Threat to Software Patent Policy | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.65 KBJul 30 15:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Olive Pad VT100 brings a voice-capable, 7-inch Android tablet to India's airwaves -- Engadget .::. Size~: 218.55 KBJul 30 15:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Old Slayer never stops being awesome, particularly before 8am. :-)Jul 30 16:01
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[rcweir] @schestowitz Don't like the name. I was thinking of creating a site called "DoStandards"Jul 30 16:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Intellectual property 30 16:07
TechrightsBotTitle: Intellectual property - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 39.8 KBJul 30 16:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @rcweir now, that's *Way* too far. It actually allows competitors to compete... rather than wrestle with 6000+ pages of moving goalpostsJul 30 16:10
schestowitz> "When making a platform decision, many organizations focus on keyJul 30 16:12
schestowitz> attributes, such as total cost of ownership (TCO), reliability, andJul 30 16:12
schestowitz> support"Jul 30 16:12
schestowitz> Jul 30 16:12
schestowitz> 30 16:12
schestowitzLSE did that too... and it changed its mind :-)Jul 30 16:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Compare Windows Server to Red Hat Enterprise Linux  | Microsoft Windows Server .::. Size~: 38.82 KBJul 30 16:12
schestowitz> But not Redhat. I guess Ubuntu is the greater threat.Jul 30 16:13
schestowitz> Jul 30 16:13
schestowitz> 30 16:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Monitoring Performance:Windows Vista and Ubuntu Linux .::. Size~: 24.84 KBJul 30 16:13
MinceRGNU/Linux is well known to be better than winblows in all of those key attributesJul 30 16:15
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] So Microsoft is starting to do "comparisons" with #Ubuntu , which is the new strategy after "get the facts" #fear #doubtJul 30 16:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Monitoring Performance:Windows Vista and Ubuntu Linux .::. Size~: 24.9 KBJul 30 16:16
schestowitzMinceR: It's a good sign anywayJul 30 16:16
schestowitzThat they "fight you"Jul 30 16:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] System Administrator's Day is today. Here's a song 30 16:21
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: System Administrator's Day song .::. Size~: 5.23 KBJul 30 16:21
schestowitz 30 16:23
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Happy System Administrator Day .::. Size~: 5.23 KBJul 30 16:23
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jul 30 16:36
tessier_pongJul 30 16:39
schestowitzHey :-)Jul 30 16:40
schestowitzJust a quick thingJul 30 16:40
tessier_Hi :)Jul 30 16:40
tessier_sureJul 30 16:40
schestowitzwe need you for some simple issue with PHP apparently timing up on an upgrade. I worry about changing php settings and I'm pretty sure that's what causes the issue.Jul 30 16:40
tessier_okJul 30 16:40
schestowitz 30 16:40
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » WordPress 3.0 database upgrade timeout .::. Size~: 11.15 KBJul 30 16:40
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » WordPress 3.0 database upgrade timeout .::. Size~: 11.15 KBJul 30 16:40
schestowitzI did try to spend several hours getting past it. Happy System Administrator's Day  by the way.Jul 30 16:41
tessier_Thanks!Jul 30 16:41
tessier_So you are upgrading WPJul 30 16:42
tessier_?Jul 30 16:42
schestowitzYes, security updateJul 30 16:42
schestowitzFirst one in monthsJul 30 16:42
tessier_Good idea. WP is particularly vulnerable it seems. Lots of places get hacked.Jul 30 16:42
schestowitzoiaohm and I tried to resolve it (spoke in the other IRC channel) and I asked WordPress users too. Seems like it might be a PHP timeout thing 30 16:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Manually Set PHP Session Timeout  PHP Session « Nilesh  LAMP .::. Size~: 38.32 KBJul 30 16:43
schestowitztessier_: I always patch it within a day. 3.0.1 came out today (3.0 was not a security update, just an upgrade)Jul 30 16:43
tessier_Does PHP time out or does the web browser time out waiting for the upgrade to finish?Jul 30 16:43
schestowitzThat's the thing I can't tell for sure.Jul 30 16:44
schestowitzWHen I hit "upgrade" on the DB it just gives me a page with the logo and then stopsJul 30 16:44
schestowitzI can recall from the old host in 2007 that they could set some parameter to block certain things that are CPU-heavy from carrying onJul 30 16:44
schestowitzSo I assume that since it wants to deal with a large DB PHP just basically says, "well, that's kind of too big, so I won't go there"Jul 30 16:45
schestowitzI tried it dozens of time, going back and fourth and testing all sorts of things. One last option I have is to compact the DB by deleting edit historyJul 30 16:45
tessier_Did you run top and look to see if the db or apache or anything was using a lot of cpu time which might indicate that it was actually doing the upgrade?Jul 30 16:48
schestowitzYesJul 30 16:48
schestowitzI didn't see any high loadJul 30 16:49
schestowitzI also let it sit there for a long time, assuming it might be doing somethingJul 30 16:49
schestowitzin #wordpress they told me it's not supposed to take long, eitherJul 30 16:49
tessier_hmm...can I start the upgrade and try to observe what it is doing?Jul 30 16:51
tessier_Does it hurt anything when the upgrade fails or is stopped?Jul 30 16:52
schestowitzNope, I'll do this now :-)Jul 30 16:52
schestowitzJust a secJul 30 16:52
*schestowitz does a backupJul 30 16:55
*schestowitz disables all plugins before upgradeJul 30 16:57
*schestowitz swaps 2.9, puts 3.0Jul 30 16:59
schestowitzSite works now with all plugins disables, now we'll hit the upgrade buttonJul 30 17:00
schestowitztessier_: can you press this? 30 17:01
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress &rsaquo; Upgrade .::. Size~: 1.01 KBJul 30 17:01
tessier_okJul 30 17:01
schestowitzIt'll allow you to see the process as you click itJul 30 17:01 says nothing but the wp logo and there is no load or anything using cpu timeJul 30 17:03
schestowitzYeah, that's what happened this morning when I triedJul 30 17:03
schestowitzI assumed it might be the same of this guy's problem 30 17:04
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » WordPress 3.0 database upgrade timeout .::. Size~: 11.15 KBJul 30 17:04
schestowitz"I'm trying to upgrade the database to 3.0 (the rest seems fine) on a wordpress setup that has a 1gig database. Lots of posts(!). Anyway, it always times out using the upgrade.php through the web browser. "Jul 30 17:04
schestowitzThe people in the wordpress IRC channel said:Jul 30 17:05
schestowitz<nkuttler> i'd guess it's a script timeoutJul 30 17:05
tessier_timeout waiting on what? I don't see it doing anything.Jul 30 17:06
schestowitzThe page seems to be cut prematurelyJul 30 17:06
schestowitzno </body>Jul 30 17:06
tessier_Ah.Jul 30 17:06
schestowitzAnd no </html/>Jul 30 17:07
tessier_Good point. I was just looking at the source even but hadn't yet noticed that.Jul 30 17:07
schestowitzIt's as though there's a barrierJul 30 17:07
schestowitzI was told there's supposed to be some page coming up after the "upgrade" button is clickedJul 30 17:07
tessier_/var/log/httpd/ contains a lot of various PHP errorsJul 30 17:08
schestowitzare any tables named?Jul 30 17:08
schestowitzI have more backups, so I'm sure it's not too hard to sort outJul 30 17:08
tessier_I need to run to the office for a meeting. I'll check back in in 2 hours.Jul 30 17:10
schestowitzOK, no problemJul 30 17:10
tessier_Lots of calls to undefined functions in that log. Jul 30 17:10
schestowitzwhich filename?Jul 30 17:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[rcweir] ODF 1.2 Word Clouds 30 17:17
TechrightsBotTitle: ODF 1.2 Word Clouds .::. Size~: 38.63 KBJul 30 17:17
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jul 30 17:23
schestowitz[Fri Jul 30 09:16:21 2010] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method wpdb::tables() in /home/boycottn/public_html/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php on line 1403, referer: 30 17:25
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress &rsaquo; Upgrade .::. Size~: 1.01 KBJul 30 17:25
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:5c0:1000:b::6fdb) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 17:25
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 17:43
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 17:43
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:5c0:1000:b::6ced) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 17:44
schestowitzI think it might be caching-related 30 17:45
TechrightsBotTitle: fix: Call to undefined method wpdb::get_blog_prefix() « pitSTOP .::. Size~: 27.94 KBJul 30 17:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Facebook #fail WTF, I cannot paste on my own wall comment - "Some content in this message has been reported as abusive" :(Jul 30 17:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 30/7/2010: Dell, HP to Resell Solaris, #UberStudent Distro Born 30 17:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Links 30/7/2010: Dell, HP to Resell Solaris, UberStudent Distro Born .::. Size~: 149.48 KBJul 30 17:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] "American dogs are evolutionarily adapted to fit in the tiny handbags of C list celebrities." (JeevesMkII, RW)Jul 30 18:03
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] On #swpat: some good arguments.Jul 30 18:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Does Neoclassical Economics Rot Your Brain? .::. Size~: 106.37 KBJul 30 18:03
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 18:03
schestowitz'wpdb' discussed in 30 18:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Cannot activate plugin « WPML users forum .::. Size~: 22.55 KBJul 30 18:03
schestowitz 30 18:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Function Reference/wpdb Class « WordPress Codex .::. Size~: 42.14 KBJul 30 18:06
DaemonFCreading RMS whine about not controlling XEmacs is funnyJul 30 18:07
DaemonFC"Waaaaah, developers don't want to hand me the copyright to their code!!!"Jul 30 18:07
DaemonFCthere might be a reason for thatJul 30 18:07
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 18:07
schestowitzTroll.Jul 30 18:19
DaemonFC 30 18:21
TechrightsBotTitle: XEmacs: XEmacs vs. GNU Emacs .::. Size~: 33.58 KBJul 30 18:21
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 18:25
MinceRapparently neither of them have features that are important to me that GVim has :>Jul 30 18:27
DaemonFC"At that time, one of our hackers went out to Cambridge to talk RMS about how to proceed, and it appeared we reached a reasonable working arrangement. But, as time went on we determined that the FSF code for Emacs 19 was too unwieldy, bug-ridden, and convoluted to work with, so we started rewriting parts of it."Jul 30 18:27
DaemonFCheheJul 30 18:27
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Joined the #Android revolution. First dent from the phoneJul 30 18:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft's Top Competitors Are #GNU #Linux or Users and Vendors of GNU/Linux 30 18:29
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Microsofts Top Competitors Are GNU/Linux or Users and Vendors of GNU/Linux .::. Size~: 90.35 KBJul 30 18:29
tessier_DaemonFC: Ah, xemacs...looks like it is finally going away.Jul 30 18:33
*tessier_ digs emcas these daysJul 30 18:33
schestowitztessier_: there's one error I foundJul 30 18:34
tessier_schestowitz: I got all the way over here only to find that my 10am meeting was cancelled. So I'm available again to look into this some more.Jul 30 18:34
schestowitzgrep in /var/logg/httpdJul 30 18:34
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress &rsaquo; Upgrade .::. Size~: 0.69 KBJul 30 18:34
tessier_DaemonFC: Have you read "Hackers"? Excellent book.Jul 30 18:34
DaemonFCnopeJul 30 18:34
schestowitzThe other errors were caused by the plugins not being thereJul 30 18:34
schestowitzI temporarily put the code of 2.9.2 in there (the past hour) so that pages appear cleanlyJul 30 18:35
DaemonFCtessier_: Apparently there's some features that RMS won't allow in FSF EmacsJul 30 18:35
tessier_DaemonFC: Not surprising. My two wishes for GNU Emacs: Improved Lisp implementation (preferably a modern scheme) and multi-threading.Jul 30 18:35
tessier_DaemonFC: I highly recommend Hackers.Jul 30 18:36
DaemonFCtessier_: One of them kind of supports my thoughts that we're lucky that HURD never materializedJul 30 18:36
DaemonFCloadable module support isn't in Emacs because RMS figures people would choose to load non-free modulesJul 30 18:37
amarsh04has this been posted here? 30 18:37
TechrightsBotTitle: US suing Oracle alleging software contracts fraud - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 128.77 KBJul 30 18:37
DaemonFCcould you imagine an OS kernel that wouldn't let you load your own drivers?Jul 30 18:37
tessier_DaemonFC: What's the difference between loadable module support and loading some elisp code?Jul 30 18:37
DaemonFCno ideaJul 30 18:37
tessier_I guess people might try to make binaries or something. I don't see that being very tempting for an editor.Jul 30 18:37
tessier_Kernel modules are a different story.Jul 30 18:38
amarsh04what percentage of emacs users think that emacs is an operating system?Jul 30 18:38
tessier_RMS says you can use proprietary only when you really don't have any other choice.Jul 30 18:38
tessier_amarsh04: None.Jul 30 18:38
DaemonFCwell, if he's so paranoid that Emacs would be able to load binary modulesJul 30 18:38
DaemonFCwhat would he do to cripple HURD?Jul 30 18:38
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 18:38
DaemonFCI say I use whatever I feel likeJul 30 18:38
DaemonFC:DJul 30 18:38
DaemonFCbecause RMS didn't buy me this computerJul 30 18:39
tessier_What would stop anyone else from patching in loadable module support or forking it anyway?Jul 30 18:39
DaemonFCthat probably wouldn't take long I guessJul 30 18:39
DaemonFCXeHURDJul 30 18:39
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 18:39
*amarsh04 imagines someone running a linux kernel with init=/usr/bin/emacs (assuming that the filesystems were mounted)Jul 30 18:40
schestowitztessier_: I did uprade to 3.0.1 successfully on two other servers where I have wordpress installedJul 30 18:40
schestowitzIt was a similar upgrade but fewer plugins and smaller databaseJul 30 18:40
tessier_This is only about 600M. Not that huge for a mysqldb.Jul 30 18:41
tessier_I have a mysql db with 104G of data.Jul 30 18:41
DaemonFC'Oracle overcharged the government on a contract that ran from 1998 to 2006.Jul 30 18:41
DaemonFCPaul Frascella, Oracle's senior director of contract services, filed the original lawsuit in May 2007 under the False Claims Act, which allows whistleblowers to sue on the government's behalf and share in any damages recovered."Jul 30 18:41
DaemonFCniceJul 30 18:41
DaemonFCso every once in a while, the system can work :)Jul 30 18:41
schestowitztessier_: whoa!Jul 30 18:42
tessier_DaemonFC: That's a clever law. I like it.Jul 30 18:42
schestowitzDaemonFC: old newsJul 30 18:42
DaemonFCOracle is really really really evilJul 30 18:42
schestowitzOracle was blaasted for itJul 30 18:42
DaemonFCthey're silently offing all their FOSS projects without explanationJul 30 18:42
tessier_I've never liked Oracle from day 1. I remember having a copy of their DB way back in 1996 or so. Never got around to installing it. Didn't know where to start.Jul 30 18:43
DaemonFCthey're bilking the government out of lots of moneyJul 30 18:43
tessier_Bought a book on Oracle once. Couldn't make heads nor tails of it.Jul 30 18:43
tessier_The getting started type stuff is just so much easier for MySQL etc.Jul 30 18:43
DaemonFCtessier_: I can't wait to see what they do with JavaJul 30 18:43
tessier_DaemonFC: I hope they kill it.Jul 30 18:43
DaemonFCso far they just changed the signing certificates to say Oracle instead of SunJul 30 18:43
tessier_I'm sick of it.Jul 30 18:43
DaemonFCand crashed every Eclipse userJul 30 18:43
DaemonFC:DJul 30 18:43
schestowitztessier_: that would make .NET strongerJul 30 18:43
tessier_I know they won't kill it intentionally. But hope they do so through mismanagement.Jul 30 18:43
tessier_schestowitz: I'd like to see that killed too! :)Jul 30 18:44
schestowitzPython maybeJul 30 18:44
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Novell Down, #Windows Botnets Up the unfortunate effects of Windows replacing some of NetWare’s functionalityJul 30 18:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Novell Down, Windows Botnets Up .::. Size~: 90.02 KBJul 30 18:44
schestowitzGoogle pushes it forward nowJul 30 18:44
DaemonFCtessier_: You want to bet $1 on how Java dies?Jul 30 18:44
DaemonFCI call dibs on maliciouslyJul 30 18:44
amarsh04I've only used Oracle at uni using the perl DBI interface to migrate from MySQL on an Alpha server running Tru64Jul 30 18:44
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 18:44
tessier_DaemonFC: Not with a bang but a whimper?Jul 30 18:44
MinceRwhy are you so sure it will die at all?Jul 30 18:44
tessier_I have learned a lot about RDBMS this past year.Jul 30 18:44
tessier_MinceR: I am not at all sure if will die. Just daydreaming.Jul 30 18:44
DaemonFCMinceR: Well, I figure they'll close source itJul 30 18:45
tessier_Most people grossly abuse rdbms. No wonder performance often sucks.Jul 30 18:45
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 18:45
schestowitztessier_: I surveyed some sites and got some links about that error. Nothing that helped me solve it thoughJul 30 18:45
DaemonFCand try to obscure everything so OpenJDK can't keep upJul 30 18:45
MinceRthen other stakeholders will fork itJul 30 18:45
MinceRthey've invested far too much in javaJul 30 18:45
tessier_schestowitz: yeah, I've been googling also.Jul 30 18:46
*Thrae has quit (Quit: Restarting client or some sort...)Jul 30 18:47
DaemonFCOracle is probably the thing that will promote Mono the mostJul 30 18:47
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 18:48
MinceRwhile m$ will be the thing that will promote java the most?Jul 30 18:49
DaemonFCtessier_: Yes, that law has convinced upper management at quite a few crooked companies to quit and sueJul 30 18:49
DaemonFCtheir share of the damages could amount to what they would get if they stayed on salary another 10-20 yearsJul 30 18:49
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 18:49
DaemonFCof course, there's a nasty side to thatJul 30 18:50
DaemonFCthat manager probably let them overcharge the government as much as possible before saying anything about itJul 30 18:50
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 18:50
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 18:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[rcweir] Playing with Gwennel, a very small (1 file, only 139KB, no install) but very reasonable ODF text editor: 30 19:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Gwennel - A WYSIWYG and WYSIWYM editor .::. Size~: 2.17 KBJul 30 19:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why We Defend #Ubuntu in the Latest #GNOME Kerkuffle Better let this whole subject dropJul 30 19:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Why We Defend Ubuntu in the Latest GNOME Kerkuffle .::. Size~: 92.35 KBJul 30 19:13
DaemonFCjono sez: "We contribute a lot of code to ourselves!"Jul 30 19:19
DaemonFC"We're very generous towards us, you see"Jul 30 19:19
DaemonFC"And we didn't even need upstream approval to do it!"Jul 30 19:19
DaemonFCof course many companies have forked upstreams and bit off more than they could chew beforeJul 30 19:19
DaemonFCif Ubuntu does the same thing, then HAHAJul 30 19:20
DaemonFC:PJul 30 19:20
DaemonFCeventually they'll end up with a huge patchset that doesn't apply easily or cleanlyJul 30 19:20
schestowitzThey have a weak story to tellJul 30 19:20
schestowitzBut they do help Linux IMHOJul 30 19:20
DaemonFCand they'll have to alter their own patches out-of-band, thousands of themJul 30 19:20
DaemonFCand the whole thing will come crashing downJul 30 19:20
DaemonFCisn't the entire point of working with Upstream so YOU don't have to run into the same problems over and over and over againJul 30 19:21
DaemonFCand wind up out of sync?Jul 30 19:21
DaemonFCRed Hat shoves everything upstream because the quality of the GNOME platform itself makes a better RHEL later onJul 30 19:22
DaemonFCthey know thisJul 30 19:22
DaemonFCUbuntu is on the path of becoming another LinspireJul 30 19:22
DaemonFCbut I've mentioned that beforeJul 30 19:22
DaemonFCYou remember when Linspire duplicated things that were already a part of KDE, for no reason?Jul 30 19:23
DaemonFCinstead of Amarok, they developed this horrible jukebox thing called LsongsJul 30 19:23
DaemonFCthen they had Lphoto and suchJul 30 19:23
DaemonFCand it's all GPL I think, so if any of it deserved to survive, it would haveJul 30 19:23
DaemonFCwith or without LinspireJul 30 19:23
MinceR201336 <@schestowitz> But they do help Linux IMHOJul 30 19:24
MinceRthat may yet change.Jul 30 19:24
DaemonFCMinceR: I think he meant to say that they help (themselves to) LinuxJul 30 19:24
DaemonFC:DJul 30 19:24
MinceR:DJul 30 19:24
DaemonFCcrap it up with inferior rewrites of stuff that was already thereJul 30 19:25
DaemonFCand perfectly functionalJul 30 19:25
DaemonFC:PJul 30 19:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Throw Ballmer , Gates and Jobs out of our planet. Planet will become happy - #swpatJul 30 19:25
TechrightsBotTitle:   Apple starts patenting mobile app ideas » Unwired View .::. Size~: 32.84 KBJul 30 19:25
DaemonFCthen tack on advertisements and whorebarsJul 30 19:25
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 19:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Google is leaving LiMo in a miserable state, so #ACCESS jumps ship and hopes to float on Google’s ACCESS is trolingJul 30 19:26
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Why We Defend Ubuntu in the Latest GNOME Kerkuffle .::. Size~: 92.28 KBJul 30 19:26
DaemonFCMinceR: If you have $10, you can get a $10 Ubuntu One Whorebar that worksJul 30 19:26
schestowitz[19:24] <MinceR> that may yet change.Jul 30 19:26
DaemonFCor you can get a $1 Ubuntu One Whorebar for freeJul 30 19:26
DaemonFCjust to get you startedJul 30 19:27
schestowitzWell, the same can be said about GoogleJul 30 19:27
DaemonFC:DJul 30 19:27
MinceRindeedJul 30 19:27
DaemonFCat least when Opera took on Bing, they relegated it to third class support that you can easily deleteJul 30 19:28
DaemonFCUbuntu makes all these mods that you can't easily dispose of without breaking other stuffJul 30 19:28
DaemonFCall the Ubuntu derivatives and their mass exodus to Debian speaks for itselfJul 30 19:29
DaemonFCeven though a few of those project leads say it's because it's not worth decrapifying Ubuntu anymoreJul 30 19:29
DaemonFCthe interesting thing is that Ubuntu is even causing hell for official derivitavesJul 30 19:30
DaemonFClike Xubuntu and KubuntuJul 30 19:30
DaemonFCread their mailing lists sometime if you get boredJul 30 19:31
DaemonFChalf the posts are "The Ubuntu GNOME people broke foo, how do we cover this up?"Jul 30 19:31
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 19:31
DaemonFC*derivatives Jul 30 19:31
DaemonFCit does not speak highly of their quality controlJul 30 19:32
DaemonFCwhen all they're worried about is hacking something together for their main GNOME distroJul 30 19:32
DaemonFCeven at the expense of torpedoing their own side projectsJul 30 19:32
DaemonFCI have a suspicion that a lot of Canonical employees are intern-level patch monkeys that have only maybe a half a clue what they're doing, a fourth of the timeJul 30 19:33
DaemonFCthey even break things in GNOME sometimes and call it a featureJul 30 19:34
DaemonFCMinceR: Now I won't profess that I know exactly how to do something better, but that's the thingJul 30 19:34
DaemonFCif you don't know how something works, don't touch itJul 30 19:35
DaemonFCyou'll end up breaking itJul 30 19:35
DaemonFCCanonical employees are dangerous because they know just enough about what they're doing to mangle things horriblyJul 30 19:35
MinceRnot a problem if you're only breaking it for yourself :>Jul 30 19:35
MinceR"a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"Jul 30 19:36
DaemonFCMinceR: They're largely responsible for EmpathyJul 30 19:36
DaemonFCwhich is on the Top 5 worst disasters in GNOME history listJul 30 19:36
DaemonFCin my opinionJul 30 19:36
DaemonFCHey, I know! Let's make something that uses just as many resources as Pidgin, depends on libpurple anyway, but is missing every other feature and likes to crash randomly!Jul 30 19:37
DaemonFCBrilliant!Jul 30 19:37
MinceRfits right into the 'copy macos' themeJul 30 19:37
DaemonFCoh right, and we won't bother respective global preferences of GNOME, so spell check is en-GB even when the user is an AmericanJul 30 19:38
DaemonFCyay!Jul 30 19:38
MinceR"The Same Thing, Now With Less Features"Jul 30 19:38
DaemonFC*respectingJul 30 19:38
DaemonFCI don't get itJul 30 19:38
DaemonFCare they trying to make sure it doesn't work right for anyone?Jul 30 19:38
DaemonFCYou've got British users complaining that things in the UI are spelled out in American EnglishJul 30 19:39
DaemonFCI want en-US, but half the rest of the shit uses British spellingsJul 30 19:39
DaemonFCit's jsut so damned frustratingJul 30 19:39
DaemonFChow's that for a "papercut"?Jul 30 19:39
DaemonFCjono: Any plans to fix that?Jul 30 19:39
DaemonFCAt least use one or the other so it's right half the timeJul 30 19:40
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 19:40
DaemonFCplease?Jul 30 19:40
DaemonFCMinceR: You know what they say about a broken clockJul 30 19:40
DaemonFCright?Jul 30 19:40
DaemonFCIt's still correct, twice a dayJul 30 19:40
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 19:40
DaemonFCThat's the feeling I get when I sit down to use UbuntuJul 30 19:41
MinceRwho forces you to use ubuntu instead of another distro?Jul 30 19:41
DaemonFCmeh, every once in a while I get a streak of masochism and install Ubuntu just to see what they've done latelyJul 30 19:41
jonoDaemonFC, don't you have anything better to spend your life doing than blathering on on IRC?Jul 30 19:42
DaemonFCI haven't used it day to day since 8.10 came outJul 30 19:42
jono:)Jul 30 19:42
DaemonFCjono: Do you?Jul 30 19:42
DaemonFC:DJul 30 19:42
jonoDaemonFC, I would say I make a reasonable contribution :-)Jul 30 19:43
jonoDaemonFC, all I ever see from you is rambling in here to try and get attentionJul 30 19:43
DaemonFCthe patients have taken over the asylum at UbuntuJul 30 19:43
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 19:43
jonoschestowitz produces lots of great content and tweets, I don't see anything from you like thatJul 30 19:43
*DaemonFC installs jono# CIL into Mono and backs him up on Ubuntu One #Jul 30 19:45
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 19:45
jonoDaemonFC, hehJul 30 19:45
jonook, laterJul 30 19:45
DaemonFCjono: Out of curiosity....Jul 30 19:46
DaemonFCWhat are you going to do with Banshee's Amazon MP3 plug-in?Jul 30 19:46
DaemonFCrip it out and paper over it with Ubuntu One?Jul 30 19:46
DaemonFCjono: I actually do have a constructive complaint here somewhere I thinkJul 30 19:47
DaemonFCHow about having Ubuntu One as an abstraction layer that finds the best prices on MP3sJul 30 19:47
DaemonFCdepending on the user's locale settings :)Jul 30 19:47
DaemonFCprices per MP3 vary wildly depending on where you get themJul 30 19:48
DaemonFCGoogle can automatically have an MP3 Store Death Match for youJul 30 19:48
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 19:48
DaemonFCI've noticed that on average, you're paying 10-20% more if you just use 7digital (Ubuntu One) without looking aroundJul 30 19:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] RT @dhohndel I love it "my arguments don't work, so let's stop the argument" - sorry Canonical it's not that simple.Jul 30 19:49
TechrightsBotTitle: Open Sources » When is free riding&not? .::. Size~: 37.17 KBJul 30 19:49
DaemonFCis it worth complaining about? sure why not? your selling point is that the thing backs up ONLY 7digital MP3s to Ubuntu One's cloudJul 30 19:49
DaemonFCbut an MP3 is an MP3 as much as a gallon of gas is a gallon of gasJul 30 19:49
DaemonFCif the station on one side of the street is 3 cents cheaper, you pull in thereJul 30 19:50
DaemonFCthat's really the only way to make an integrated MP3 store usefulJul 30 19:51
DaemonFCotherwise you might as well bypass it completely and play price warJul 30 19:51
DaemonFCintegrated Ubuntu One and nothing else is like saying maybe you limit yourself to the most expensive grocery store in town for no reason in particularJul 30 19:52
*DaemonFC hands MinceR a Mac, well, it's not really a Mac, but it is a generic IBM PC clone with UbuntuJul 30 19:53
*DaemonFC hands MinceR some Starbucks coffee, well, it's not really Starbucks, but it is the finest imitation grocery store premium coffeeJul 30 19:53
MinceRthat's better than a macJul 30 19:53
MinceReven better than a dell with ubuntuJul 30 19:53
MinceRwhat's an imitation grocery store?Jul 30 19:54
*DaemonFC hands MinceR an actual Magic Mouse, because nothing else comes close to emulating that kind of breakdown in usabilityJul 30 19:54
DaemonFCexcept maybe the Apple hockey puck mouseJul 30 19:54
MinceRdo they sell imitation grocery there?Jul 30 19:54
DaemonFCbut those are discontinuedJul 30 19:54
DaemonFCMinceR: Basically you go into a grocery store here, right?Jul 30 19:54
DaemonFCand there's like 3-4 brands of the same thing at 3-4 different pricesJul 30 19:55
DaemonFCthen off to the side there's a store brand that's cheaper because it's in a different boxJul 30 19:55
DaemonFCand they're all made by the same megaconglomerate anywayJul 30 19:55
MinceRor so you sayJul 30 19:55
DaemonFCso why are there now 5 different brands of corn flakes at 5 different prices?Jul 30 19:55
DaemonFCthat's grossly inefficient, but it creates a tier systemJul 30 19:56
DaemonFCwhere people are made to believe the expensive corn flakes are somehow betterJul 30 19:56
DaemonFCand people leave the store paying whatever they were willing to payJul 30 19:56
DaemonFCif you think about it, different editions of the same software product are just like the corn flakesJul 30 19:57
DaemonFCexcept that you pay them to go down a notch and disable features they had already implemented anywayJul 30 19:57
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 19:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Apple, Which Sues #Linux Using Patents, Expands Patent Arsenal #swpats #apple #monopolyJul 30 19:58
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Apple, Which Sues Linux Using Patents, Expands Patent Arsenal .::. Size~: 92.58 KBJul 30 19:58
MinceRalso, ubuntu is yet far from emulating the breakdown in usability that macos represents :>Jul 30 19:58
DaemonFCthey're tryingJul 30 19:58
DaemonFCand eventually they'll succeedJul 30 19:58
DaemonFCPreschool OS is helping them outJul 30 19:58
DaemonFCwith that stupid Nautilus Elementary thingJul 30 19:59
DaemonFCtheir goal is to make Windows XP seem downright advanced and feature filledJul 30 19:59
DaemonFCI believeJul 30 19:59
MinceRm$, too is working hard on making winblows xp seem advancedJul 30 20:00
DaemonFCreimplementing the notifications tray but leaving half the icons in the actual notifications tray is my favoriteJul 30 20:00
DaemonFCtry to customize or unlock the panel and it rearranges itself randomlyJul 30 20:00
DaemonFCeverytime you log inJul 30 20:00
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 20:00
DaemonFCtheir "real live honest to god gnome session" thingy doesn't load a real GNOME sessionJul 30 20:01
DaemonFCit just disables the indicator and breaks your notification trayJul 30 20:01
DaemonFCthe broken/patched apps that can't load a system tray icon jsut load nothing insteadJul 30 20:02
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 20:02
DaemonFCoh nutsJul 30 20:02
DaemonFCsomeone at the doorJul 30 20:02
DaemonFCdare I open it?Jul 30 20:03
*DaemonFC looks for his steel batonJul 30 20:06
DaemonFCwhy do I buy these things when I can never remember where I put themJul 30 20:06
DaemonFCthe one time someone does attack me I'll have to throw Jabba at themJul 30 20:06
DaemonFCfound a hammer thoughJul 30 20:07
DaemonFCit's my door, I guess I'd be well within my rights to pin up a GO AWAY signJul 30 20:08
DaemonFCbut that would be harshJul 30 20:08
DaemonFCabrasiveJul 30 20:08
DaemonFCrude evenJul 30 20:08
DaemonFCso unlike meJul 30 20:08
DaemonFCI'll just be passive aggressive and try to figure out who is disturbing me in case I ever get the chance to spit in their coffeeJul 30 20:09
DaemonFCMinceR: If you were a baton, where would you be?Jul 30 20:10
DaemonFC:PJul 30 20:10
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Passwords in the wild, part IV: the future - why aren't they using a federated identity provider? #passwordsJul 30 20:13
TechrightsBotTitle: Light Blue Touchpaper  » Blog Archive   » Passwords in the wild, part IV: the future .::. Size~: 18.12 KBJul 30 20:13
DaemonFCor how about "Door to door salesmen will be shot, door to door religious recruiters will be shot twice"Jul 30 20:13
DaemonFC"No police without valid warrant"Jul 30 20:14
DaemonFClolJul 30 20:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Open Data needs Open Source tools - "We need a Github for data." this is really important #opendata #versioncontrolJul 30 20:15
TechrightsBotTitle:     Open Data needs Open Source tools - A Healthy Information Diet - .::. Size~: 7.98 KBJul 30 20:15
DaemonFCMinceR: Tear this ship apart and find those plans, and bring me the passengers, I want them alive!Jul 30 20:15
DaemonFCWhere are you going? Get rid of this guy I just choked to death!Jul 30 20:16
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 20:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Science Online 2010: What shall I say? #solo2010 - "I had probably planned to talk about how to make science data Open"Jul 30 20:17
TechrightsBotTitle: Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics, Cambridge - Science Online 2010: What shall I say? #solo2010 «  petermrs blog .::. Size~: 17.17 KBJul 30 20:17
DaemonFCUnileverJul 30 20:17
DaemonFCthey're famous for somethingJul 30 20:17
DaemonFCcutting down the rainforests to plant tea, sureJul 30 20:17
DaemonFCbut something worse than thatJul 30 20:17
DaemonFCwhat was it?Jul 30 20:17
DaemonFC 30 20:19
TechrightsBotTitle: Mozilla Digital Memory Bank-Interview with Asa Dotzler .::. Size~: 90.44 KBJul 30 20:19
DaemonFCroflJul 30 20:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Now using Mozilla Thunderbird - Exported all feed from g00gle reader to thunderbird 30 20:20
TechrightsBotTitle: How to import Google reader feeds in Mozilla Thunderbird | Cool Computer Tricks .::. Size~: 95.57 KBJul 30 20:20
DaemonFC"And I think number six on the list was "the browser will never have a whore bar." And what that was in reference to was that Netscape had sold all of the bookmarks on the "personal toolbar," this is your link bookmark toolbar that's Netscape's name for it, the personal toolbar, the thing that is yours but it was filled up with paid for sponsored links. "Jul 30 20:21
DaemonFCUbuntu/NautilusJul 30 20:21
DaemonFC"And it was like-it was so clear that they were going to monetize every pixil on the screen that they could"Jul 30 20:22
DaemonFCheheJul 30 20:22
DaemonFC"And all of the decisions we make about features and about any relationships with other companies, any you know, financial agreements or sponsorships are always going to be subservient first to, is this good for the user; second, is this technically a strong decision and viable over the long term? Is this good for-is this good for all of the people participating in development? Is it going to sit well with all of them? And Jul 30 20:24
DaemonFCsome opportunity, potentially, of revenue or something like that? But that's really down at the end of the list instead of the way it was, Netscape-AOL where the first decision was. Is there revenue opportunity we can attach to this piece of the browser?"Jul 30 20:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft's Software Patents Lobbyists and Patent Trolls #swpats #iv #patenttroll #microsoftJul 30 20:24
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Microsofts Software Patents Lobbyists and Patent Trolls .::. Size~: 92.48 KBJul 30 20:24
DaemonFCit's like history repeating itselfJul 30 20:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] From Wellington to Lucerne: Tracking the Major ACTA Changes - handy summary #actaJul 30 20:27
MinceRyou could always edit the personal tool bar thoughJul 30 20:27
MinceRor hide itJul 30 20:27
DaemonFCor purge Ubuntu OneJul 30 20:28
DaemonFCfor nowJul 30 20:28
DaemonFCyou know, like you used to just close the inidcator appletJul 30 20:28
DaemonFCand never have to deal with it againJul 30 20:28
DaemonFCand now it takes out actual important system tray icons Jul 30 20:28
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] SourceForge Traffic Distribution: A Picture is Worth a Thousands Words - interesting stuff #soureforgeJul 30 20:30
TechrightsBotTitle: SourceForge Traffic Distribution: A Picture is Worth a Thousands Words .::. Size~: 28.76 KBJul 30 20:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Apple Patents Travel, Hotel and Fashion Applications - Apple continues its journey into the heart of digital darknessJul 30 20:38
TechrightsBotTitle: Apple Patents Travel, Hotel and Fashion Applications .::. Size~: 66.14 KBJul 30 20:38
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[glynmoody] Swivel Viewer, an open source embeddable album viewer from Google - a little specialised, but more is good #opensourceJul 30 20:42
TechrightsBotTitle: Swivel Viewer, an open source embeddable album viewer - Google Open Source Blog .::. Size~: 35.51 KBJul 30 20:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Recent OlivePad of India contains Qualcomm MSM7227 chipset. ARM16 Microprocessor with embedded DSP (GSM,EDGE/GPRS,3G) 30 20:47
TechrightsBotTitle: Qualcomm MSM7227 - CPUlist | - Comprehensive Database of PDA, PDA Phone, Smartphone, PNA & Mobile Device Specifications .::. Size~: 30.09 KBJul 30 20:47
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Sometimes the apple falls *nowhere near* the tree. HT @redcountessJul 30 20:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Fred Phelps' son gets new job: promoting atheism and battling homophobia .::. Size~: 140.46 KBJul 30 20:51
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] ... ... ... um. 30 20:53
TechrightsBotTitle: Texts From Last Night .::. Size~: 33.26 KBJul 30 20:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] “No One Understands Computer Programs or How They Should be Patented,” Argues Lawyers’ Site #eu #epo #swpatsJul 30 20:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » “No One Understands Computer Programs or How They Should be Patented,” Argues Lawyers Site .::. Size~: 93.27 KBJul 30 20:55
*neighborlee has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 20:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Google is leaving LiMo in a miserable state, so #ACCESS jumps ship and hopes to float on Google’s [correct link]Jul 30 21:00
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » ACCESS Surrenders to Google .::. Size~: 90.68 KBJul 30 21:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @nsisodiya by all means, get your reading habits off the #FogComputing . I use Thunderbird more than I use Firefox. Get ThunderBrowseJul 30 21:04
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellJul 30 21:07
schestowitztessier_: are you around?Jul 30 21:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] @schestowitz Thanks for advice. You should make a blog/video on how you do things like reading so many blogs/tweets and then reroute themJul 30 21:11
schestowitztessier_: I got the impression somewhere that DB caching could be related to the issue, but I did some testing to ensure there's no caching and still, I couldn't upgrade the DBJul 30 21:11
schestowitzI have an ongoing query in the WordPress Forums (where I used to contribute a lot)Jul 30 21:11
schestowitzNo answer so far, thoughJul 30 21:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @nsisodiya use , get dupes deletition plugin, subscribe to good feeds, dual-head with text editos (I use Kate)Jul 30 21:13
TechrightsBotTitle: ThunderBrowser « The Firefox Extension Guru's Blog .::. Size~: 36.54 KBJul 30 21:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] @schestowitz have you seen TabCandy for Firefox? must watchJul 30 21:16
TechrightsBotTitle: .::. Size~: 0.1 KBJul 30 21:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Google stopped selling the Nexus One, which came “rooted” (meaning that you could easily install your version of Android on it as you like)Jul 30 21:17
schestowitzI'm asking in the Forums now..... "I've struggled for hours trying to upgrade from 2.9.2 to 3.0.1. I have done all that's required (plug-ins disabled, etc.) and no matter what I try, whenever I upgrade the database (about half a gigabyte) through wp-admin/upgrade.php the process immediately hangs with the following error."Jul 30 21:20
schestowitz"PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method wpdb::tables() in /home/techright/public_html/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php on line 1403, referer: "Jul 30 21:20
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress &rsaquo; Upgrade .::. Size~: 0.69 KBJul 30 21:20
schestowitzI do not know where to proceed from here. Hours spent researching to no avail. I can get 3.0.1 running at the front end, but I can't get to the admin panel without upgrading the database (which I can't do because of this error).Jul 30 21:20
schestowitzendquoteJul 30 21:20
schestowitzWow. This has taken up so many hours todaJul 30 21:21
schestowitz*todayJul 30 21:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Bunch of new indicator goodies land in Maverick - #ubuntuJul 30 21:21
TechrightsBotTitle: Meerkat Sound Applet scrubber now works, playlists in holding & a few other updates | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 68.18 KBJul 30 21:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @nsisodiya yes, seen thatJul 30 21:26
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jul 30 21:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Flash Co-Creator Jonathan Gay talks of the challenges they faced in using H.264 standard. 30 21:30
TechrightsBotTitle: Open Source India: The challenges in using proprietary standards .::. Size~: 43.75 KBJul 30 21:30
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] interesting to read - 10 years on: free software wins, but you have nowhere to install it - #androidJul 30 21:31
TechrightsBotTitle: 10 years on: free software wins, but you have nowhere to install it  .::. Size~: 50.86 KBJul 30 21:31
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 21:31
DaemonFCschestowitz: Have you tried Clementine?Jul 30 21:35
schestowitzI wanted toJul 30 21:35
schestowitzTry minirokJul 30 21:35
schestowitzIt's goodJul 30 21:35
DaemonFCschestowitz I ended up force installing their RPM for FedoraJul 30 21:35
DaemonFCafter figuring out the equivalent Mandriva dependenciesJul 30 21:36
DaemonFCit all works great though :)Jul 30 21:36
DaemonFCMandriva has it, but not the latest versionJul 30 21:36
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] We're still struggling to upgrade #techrights at least we have the weekend to resolve thisJul 30 21:37
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support .::. Size~: 13.3 KBJul 30 21:37
DaemonFCI managed to get Firefox 4 to accept the extensions I wantedJul 30 21:37
DaemonFCthere's a "compatibility reporter" extension that automatically overrides everything and force installs whatever you tell it to :PJul 30 21:37
DaemonFCSkipscreen has become a can't-live-withoutJul 30 21:38
DaemonFCit makes Rapidshare and ilk a lot less infuriating as a free userJul 30 21:38
DaemonFCskips the ads, starts the countdown, and clicks the download button for you while you're off doing whateverJul 30 21:38
DaemonFCRapidshare likes to expire the download link after like 2 minutes if you don't click on itJul 30 21:39
DaemonFCthen you get to wait another 120 seconds :PJul 30 21:39
DaemonFCwhat pisses me off is that there's still people out there that like to use split password protected RAR filesJul 30 21:40
DaemonFCand don't know that bittorrent existsJul 30 21:40
DaemonFC:PJul 30 21:40
DaemonFCI think there ought to be three strikes laws for thisJul 30 21:41
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] We're still struggling to upgrade !techrights at least we have the weekend to resolve thisJul 30 21:41
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support .::. Size~: 13.3 KBJul 30 21:41
DaemonFChow do they license Clementine GPL3?Jul 30 21:42
DaemonFCwasn't the old 1.x Amarok GPL 2?Jul 30 21:42
DaemonFCthey forked a lot of its code right?Jul 30 21:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] I just completely screwed my Maverick machine. Re-installing.Jul 30 21:45
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon Upgrade to Mandriva. I'll be here if you need help. :)Jul 30 21:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] You are a bunch of sarcastic smart arses...see if I ever share my technical problems again. :PJul 30 21:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] 1. Troll #jonobacon 2. Lulz. 3. ? 4. Profit!Jul 30 21:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon Can you name Ubuntu 11.04 the Sarcastic Smartass after me? I'd be honored. :)Jul 30 21:50
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon You can set fortune-cookie to spit out a DaemonFC quote every time indicator crashes. I hereby license my quotes under GFDL.Jul 30 21:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] When I did an upgrade, apt wanted to remove everything. Naturally, I pressed 'y', screamed, canceled. The laptop doth protest.Jul 30 21:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] I see that Olin Coles from Benchmark Reviews is now bullying/censoring @mmasnick too; he does the same to me. Shame on Benchmark ReviewsJul 30 21:55
DaemonFCwhy would Apt want to remove everything?Jul 30 21:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[daemonfc] @jonobacon Did you go for the hidden Easter Egg in sudo rm -rf / ? :DJul 30 21:56
DaemonFCthe only time it would do that is if you used aptitude dist-upgrade and it had marked everything as orphans for some reasonJul 30 21:56
DaemonFCand they ditched aptitude in favor of more Mono CILsJul 30 21:56
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 21:56
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Controversial review site is pressuring @mmasnick to change his post, giving an ultimatum and deadline #BenchmarkReviews #streisandeffectJul 30 21:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] This is actually a blessing in disguise. I was due a fresh install anyway. Friday afternoon seems a good time.Jul 30 21:57
DaemonFCschestowitz "Personally, I have been defending Ubuntu all along because unlike Novell, Canonical did not sign a patent deal with Microsoft. "Jul 30 21:58
DaemonFCShuttleworth didn't rule it outJul 30 21:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Citi throws a nickel into the hat to settle a multi-billion-dollar white-collar fraud 30 21:59
DaemonFChe said that they could achieve great things by working with MicrosoftJul 30 21:59
TechrightsBotTitle: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.11 KBJul 30 21:59
DaemonFCand that they wouldn't sign an agreement over "unspecified" patentsJul 30 21:59
DaemonFCwho would?Jul 30 21:59
DaemonFCMicrosoft paid Novell to sign the dealJul 30 21:59
DaemonFCNovell would not have paid Microsoft for the dealJul 30 21:59
DaemonFCwhat Shuttleworth said wasn't hell no, it was holding out for the right priceJul 30 22:00
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 22:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] SEC charges billionaire Texas brothers who donate to GOP with fraud Nice peopleJul 30 22:00
TechrightsBotTitle: SEC charges billionaire Texas brothers who donate to GOP with fraud .::. Size~: 107.25 KBJul 30 22:00
schestowitz[21:58] <DaemonFC> Shuttleworth didn't rule it outJul 30 22:01
schestowitzHe sort of didJul 30 22:01
schestowitz[22:00] <DaemonFC> what Shuttleworth said wasn't hell no, it was holding out for the right priceJul 30 22:02
schestowitz"I'm going to Mars!"Jul 30 22:02
DaemonFCif you don't say what you mean, you don't mean what you say :)Jul 30 22:02
DaemonFCand nowhere did he say HELL NOJul 30 22:02
DaemonFCif he wanted to put that to rest and was sincere, he would have said "Not now, not ever"Jul 30 22:03
tessier_schestowitz: Any alternative way to upgrade the db manually? Do we know what sql it wants to run on the db?Jul 30 22:05
*DaemonFC has quit (Disconnected by services)Jul 30 22:05
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 22:05
DaemonFCgrrrJul 30 22:05
MinceRrawrJul 30 22:05
DaemonFCrheet!Jul 30 22:05
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 22:06
MinceRhuh?Jul 30 22:06
DaemonFCrheetJul 30 22:06
DaemonFC 30 22:06
DaemonFC:DJul 30 22:06
DaemonFCChatzilla autolinks there whenever you say rheetJul 30 22:07
MinceRi never used chatzilla muchJul 30 22:08
MinceRmy chatzilla experience was "does this thing support scripting? no. *close* "Jul 30 22:09
DaemonFCno, it's not a tankJul 30 22:10
DaemonFCbut it's only like 150 kilobytes or soJul 30 22:10
DaemonFCso given what it does support, it's decentJul 30 22:10
MinceRgiven that there's a 200 GB HDD in this machine, i can't be bothered to careJul 30 22:11
*DaemonFC has a 1 TB hard driveJul 30 22:11
DaemonFC:DJul 30 22:11
*MinceR has 3 1 TB hard drives on the shelfJul 30 22:11
MinceR(with the connectors dangling :> )Jul 30 22:11
MinceR(and a 500 GB Passport currently connected)Jul 30 22:12
DaemonFCuggghJul 30 22:12
DaemonFCjust think of how many Chatzillas that could holdJul 30 22:12
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 22:12
schestowitz 30 22:12
TechrightsBotTitle: Free Tools Can Fix Windows Shortcut Vulnerability - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 111.58 KBJul 30 22:13
schestowitztessier_: that's what one guy asked, the guy in the forum. He received no answerJul 30 22:13
DaemonFCxchat is ridiculous and is hard-coded to use xdg-openJul 30 22:13
schestowitzI wonder if it's just changing some version number in the DBJul 30 22:13
DaemonFCinstead of letting YOU choose what it will callJul 30 22:13
schestowitzLike in Firefox compatibility, where you can 'fix' it with a text editorJul 30 22:14
DaemonFCand unless you know how to set xdg-open to open the right browser, KDE tries downloading the page and then opening the local copy in your default browser :)Jul 30 22:14
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 4.0b3pre/20100730030720])Jul 30 22:15
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 22:15
MinceR 30 22:17
TechrightsBotTitle: This actually happened at my internship : .::. Size~: 125.79 KBJul 30 22:17
DaemonFCschestowitz: Yes, but is Server Core affected?Jul 30 22:17
DaemonFCtee heeJul 30 22:17
DaemonFC:DJul 30 22:17
schestowitzServer Core is HARD CoreJul 30 22:17
schestowitz"The engineer is Russian. :) Awesome guy!"Jul 30 22:18
DaemonFCbringing up Windows to run a copy of CMD seemsJul 30 22:18
schestowitzIn Soviet Russia, baby makes motherJul 30 22:18
DaemonFCexcessive...Jul 30 22:18
DaemonFCmaybe that's meJul 30 22:19
DaemonFCschestowitz: I was thinking of tossing the new Debian-based Crunchbang on my laptop and seeing what I end up withJul 30 22:19
DaemonFCthat thing is ancient, even Lubuntu has it dragging alongJul 30 22:20
schestowitz"And when they [Microsoft] will compare Windows Phone 7 to Android ? :p ♻ @schestowitz: So Microsoft is starting to do "comparisons" with Ubuntu ..." 30 22:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Didier Misson (didiermisson)'s status on Friday, 30-Jul-10 21:10:12 UTC - .::. Size~: 8.43 KBJul 30 22:20
DaemonFCI've just never gotten on well with minimal desktop environmentsJul 30 22:20
DaemonFCwhich reminds me of another JWZ quoteJul 30 22:21
schestowitzWindows Phone 7  doesn't exist yetJul 30 22:21
MinceR 30 22:21
TechrightsBotTitle: How to Access the Internet (A Guide from 2025) .::. Size~: 14.01 KBJul 30 22:21
DaemonFC"Mozilla is big because your needs are big. Your needs are big because the Internet is big. There are lots of small, lean web browsers out there that, incidentally, do almost nothing useful. If that's what you need, you've got options..."Jul 30 22:22
DaemonFCI think the same is true of desktop environmentsJul 30 22:22
schestowitz"Stewart Alsop, industry gadfly, presented Gates with the "Golden Vaporware" award [...]" --daughter of Microsoft's PR chiefJul 30 22:22
DaemonFCif you really need to keep your 486 going, then all means load something small that doesn't do muchJul 30 22:22
DaemonFC:DJul 30 22:22
schestowitz "@schestowitz lol ... Microsoft compare with Ubuntu ... 7.04 ... ;-)"Jul 30 22:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 11.73 KBJul 30 22:23
cubezzz3no, I can't agree, browsers don't have to be huge things that do everythingJul 30 22:23
schestowitz"Of course not ... Phone 7 not exist yet... they are soooo laaaateeeeee.... ;-)" 30 22:23
TechrightsBotTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.05 KBJul 30 22:23
cubezzz3more and more I use linksJul 30 22:23
DaemonFCthey don't have to beJul 30 22:23
DaemonFCthe statement isn't as true as when he said itJul 30 22:23
DaemonFCthings like rekonq are actually quite niceJul 30 22:24
DaemonFCin between crashes anywayJul 30 22:24
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 22:24
cubezzz3never saw links crashJul 30 22:24
schestowitzJoin us for another episode of "when ryan met lunix"Jul 30 22:25
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] just noticed that almost all post on ilugc planet belongs to me - ;) Looks like I am heavy tech bloggerJul 30 22:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Planet ILUGC .::. Size~: 58.81 KBJul 30 22:25
MinceRnever saw links render background images either :>Jul 30 22:25
DaemonFC 30 22:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting application/octet-stream type .::. Size~: 0 KBJul 30 22:25
DaemonFCthat says it allJul 30 22:25
DaemonFC.wmv? really?Jul 30 22:25
schestowitzPreaching to the convertedJul 30 22:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @nsisodiya well doneJul 30 22:26
schestowitz"You use WIndows? Good. We'll explain why"Jul 30 22:26
schestowitzDaemonFC: see if you can find their LSE case studiesJul 30 22:26
schestowitzWe tried to dump a copy when LSE dumped MicrosoftJul 30 22:26
schestowitzCause they'd remove itJul 30 22:26
cubezzz3duh :)Jul 30 22:26
DaemonFC"Did you know?Jul 30 22:26
DaemonFCRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Advanced costs $2,499 per server per year. "Jul 30 22:26
DaemonFCwhat does Windows Server Enterprise retail for?Jul 30 22:27
DaemonFCnotice they skip over CentOS?Jul 30 22:28
DaemonFChmmmJul 30 22:28
DaemonFCif you don't need professional support options your costs to use EL go to exactly $0.00 + the cost of a DVD-RJul 30 22:28
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 22:28
schestowitzMandriva One 2010 Spring KDE 30 22:28
TechrightsBotTitle: Mandriva One 2010 Spring KDE | Muktware .::. Size~: 17.07 KBJul 30 22:28
DaemonFCschestowitz: I have 2010.1 Free with KDEJul 30 22:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @dpic $250 grand prize for #GNUsocial theme design contest ($50 for three runners up)! #gnu #fsf #fc #fs #sfcJul 30 22:29
DaemonFCreason being there's no 64-bit OneJul 30 22:29
DaemonFC:PJul 30 22:29
DaemonFCnot that it mattersJul 30 22:29
DaemonFCI prefer Free anywayJul 30 22:29
DaemonFCno need to remove outdated Catalyst and the Fluendo MP3 codecJul 30 22:29
DaemonFCheheJul 30 22:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] I just went to hoping to learn more about Fedora - not what I expected.Jul 30 22:31
TechrightsBotTitle: fedora: om nom nom .::. Size~: 0.79 KBJul 30 22:31
DaemonFC"    * None of Mandriva’s Kernels have PAE support, except the Server kernel."Jul 30 22:31
DaemonFCSo? Install the 64-bit kernelJul 30 22:32
DaemonFCwimpJul 30 22:32
DaemonFClolJul 30 22:32
MinceRso? install debianJul 30 22:32
MinceRwimpJul 30 22:32
MinceRlolJul 30 22:32
DaemonFC"The Server kernel is not pre-emptible, and thus performance is rather degraded"Jul 30 22:32
DaemonFCactually, raw performance is improvedJul 30 22:33
DaemonFCresponsiveness is degradedJul 30 22:33
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 22:33
schestowitz"Don't diss Mandriva, or it'll behead YOU!!" ;-)Jul 30 22:33
schestowitzDaemonFC: why not change those window decorators?Jul 30 22:33
schestowitzThey're uglyJul 30 22:33
DaemonFCWhy change those decorators?Jul 30 22:33
schestowitzThey're uglyJul 30 22:34
DaemonFCI disagreeJul 30 22:34
DaemonFC#1Jul 30 22:34
DaemonFC#2 is, juggling QT and GTK+ is not really that easyJul 30 22:34
DaemonFCif you want a consistent look and feelJul 30 22:34
MinceRhm, jono chickened out of the channelJul 30 22:35
schestowitz 30 22:35
TechrightsBotTitle: Basket  A Multi-Purpose Note Pad For KDE - Make Tech Easier .::. Size~: 34.93 KBJul 30 22:35
schestowitzMinceR: camera shyJul 30 22:35
DaemonFCeverything except Firefox gets along with the GTK-QT engine thingJul 30 22:35
schestowitzOr maybe he pressed quit by accident. It's easy to do in Ubuntu 10.04 :-)Jul 30 22:35
DaemonFCFirefox just starts melting down :pJul 30 22:35
MinceRfirefox uses GTK+ in strange (and somewhat broken) waysJul 30 22:35
DaemonFCor maybe he had an Ubuntu, but Apt ated itJul 30 22:36
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 22:36
*MinceR rolls his eyes at DaemonFC Jul 30 22:36
schestowitzUbuntu is not an OSJul 30 22:36
schestowitzIt's a hackJul 30 22:36
MinceRevery GNU/Linux distro is an OSJul 30 22:36
DaemonFCit's Debian + godawful hacks + whorebars and other corporate crapJul 30 22:36
schestowitzYour heart is an OSJul 30 22:36
DaemonFCB-)Jul 30 22:37
MinceRno it isn'tJul 30 22:37
schestowitzoperating and also a systemJul 30 22:37
MinceRit's a blood pumpJul 30 22:37
DaemonFCI'd use Sidux if they gave some kind of guarantee that Catalyst would keep workingJul 30 22:37
DaemonFCthey don'tJul 30 22:37
schestowitzDoes it need to have CPU?Jul 30 22:37
schestowitzIt has clockingJul 30 22:37
schestowitzFrom the brainJul 30 22:37
schestowitzInvoluntary thoughJul 30 22:37
MinceRno, it has its own clock signalJul 30 22:37
schestowitzit stores blood cellsJul 30 22:37
schestowitzI/O - checkJul 30 22:37
cubezzz3and it can crash too -> heart attack :)Jul 30 22:37
schestowitzMinceR: does it?Jul 30 22:37
schestowitzNo nerves at all?Jul 30 22:38
DaemonFCMandriva Server has Xen support?Jul 30 22:38
DaemonFCXen crashes Nvidia drivers?Jul 30 22:38
schestowitzOMG, the heart is like an indpendent alein in my bodyJul 30 22:38
DaemonFCwhy have I never noticed?Jul 30 22:38
schestowitzGotta get it out of there!Jul 30 22:38
cubezzz3can't program on a heart thoughJul 30 22:38
MinceRschestowitz: the brain can change its rateJul 30 22:38
MinceRbut it can beat on its ownJul 30 22:38
DaemonFC"The Multimedia kernels..."Jul 30 22:38
MinceR 30 22:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Sinoatrial node - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 52.49 KBJul 30 22:39
DaemonFCthe only supported kernels are desktop, server, and linusJul 30 22:39
schestowitzMinceR: like lizards' tail?Jul 30 22:39
DaemonFCthe rest all point to desktopJul 30 22:39
DaemonFCthis guy doesn't know much about MandrivaJul 30 22:39
schestowitz 30 22:39
TechrightsBotTitle: Linux Mint 9 KDE released - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 35.73 KBJul 30 22:39
schestowitzLooks good too ^^^Jul 30 22:39
MinceRschestowitz: i don't know about lizards' tailJul 30 22:39
schestowitzIt can move if you cut it offJul 30 22:40
MinceRthose probably have reflexes through the spinal columnJul 30 22:40
schestowitzMaybe blood streamJul 30 22:40
DaemonFC[ryan@localhost ~]$ uname -aJul 30 22:40
DaemonFCLinux localhost #1 SMP Fri Jul 23 23:21:18 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/LinuxJul 30 22:40
DaemonFCx86_64 to the max!Jul 30 22:40
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 22:40
schestowitzWho's Max?Jul 30 22:40
MinceRchant the architecture thriceJul 30 22:40
MinceRschestowitz: Max DamageJul 30 22:40
schestowitzMax PayneJul 30 22:40
schestowitzPainJul 30 22:40
schestowitzMax the lizardJul 30 22:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jwildeboer] RT @quaid @jonobacon Which is still less disconcerting than if you went to looking for a Red Hat fan club.Jul 30 22:41
TechrightsBotTitle: The Red Hat Society Official Website .::. Size~: 43.3 KBJul 30 22:41
cubezzz3does it really show it 3 times? :-PJul 30 22:41
schestowitzIt mates with Geeko and then came susieJul 30 22:41
schestowitzI heard Ballmer was screwing with SUSEJul 30 22:41
MinceR 30 22:41
TechrightsBotTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden .::. Size~: 0 KBJul 30 22:41
DaemonFC 30 22:43
schestowitz 30 22:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJul 30 22:43
TechrightsBotTitle: Digital Copywrongs | The American Prospect .::. Size~: 53.36 KBJul 30 22:43
schestowitzRMS FTWJul 30 22:43
DaemonFCmy MSN display pic :PJul 30 22:43
DaemonFCin PidginJul 30 22:43
schestowitzDaemonFC: looks like youJul 30 22:43
schestowitzMean and tenaciousJul 30 22:43
schestowitzBut you're be swatting the penguinJul 30 22:43
schestowitzAnd hugging MSN butterfliesJul 30 22:44
DaemonFCwhy?Jul 30 22:44
DaemonFCdammitJul 30 22:44
schestowitzCause you're a Windows fanJul 30 22:44
DaemonFCpeople use MSNJul 30 22:44
MinceRIn Soviet Redmond, m$n uses YOU!!Jul 30 22:44
schestowitzDon't be messin' with MSNJul 30 22:44
MinceRIn Soviet Redmond, m$n messes with YOU!!Jul 30 22:44
DaemonFCno, I get it for free and mess with it now and then for kicksJul 30 22:44
cubezzz3I don't use MSN at all :)Jul 30 22:44
DaemonFCyou don't think I'd pay for Windows 7 Ultimate?Jul 30 22:44
schestowitzIn Soviet Redmond, only old Korean people use MSNJul 30 22:45
DaemonFCor Server 2008 R2?Jul 30 22:45
MinceRi stay online in it but don't use it if i don't have toJul 30 22:45
MinceRtoo many clueless people rely on itJul 30 22:45
schestowitztrmanco?Jul 30 22:45
MinceRand whine when the registration server goes down againJul 30 22:45
MinceRdunno, i don't have him on my roster :>Jul 30 22:45
schestowitzWhere has he been BTW?Jul 30 22:45
*Chips_B_Malroy ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 22:46
schestowitzWell, he'd be happy to see his bot still eating lots of CPU and doing good thingsJul 30 22:46
DaemonFCI have an MSDN, Technet, and Dreamspark accountJul 30 22:46
DaemonFCso I get pretty much anything they produceJul 30 22:46
schestowitzChips and burger, pleaseJul 30 22:46
Chips_B_MalroyHi allJul 30 22:47
cubezzz3hey thereJul 30 22:47
MinceRhayJul 30 22:47
Chips_B_Malroy   "According to a recent report by tech industry analysts NPD Group, sales of Microsoft's new Office 2010 software have been "disappointing" since its launch several weeks ago."Jul 30 22:48
TechrightsBotTitle: MS Office 2010 Sales Disappointing: Report / .::. Size~: 30.32 KBJul 30 22:48
DaemonFCthe download manager in Minefield is broken-ishJul 30 22:48
DaemonFCit tends to crash the browser after a download is doneJul 30 22:49
DaemonFC:PJul 30 22:49
Chips_B_Malroy"Critics says Office 2010 simply doesn't offer enough new features, and can't yet shake users from free programs like Google Docs which ably manage the very basic function of creating and sharing documents. Microsoft may have to either cut the hefty price of its software suite, or face the challenge of building must-have features not offered by rivals."Jul 30 22:49
cubezzz3who would pay for Microsoft Office?Jul 30 22:49
Chips_B_Malroynot IJul 30 22:49
cubezzz3like, who would be that stupid? :)Jul 30 22:49
DaemonFCI have itJul 30 22:49
DaemonFCI didn't pay for itJul 30 22:49
Chips_B_MalroyI never even liked itJul 30 22:49
cubezzz3Microsoft marketing.. you must resistJul 30 22:50
Chips_B_MalroyThe bigger cash cow of MS is in trouble now.  The has to hasten the demise of the dinosaur.Jul 30 22:50
cubezzz3well the economy is still sluggishJul 30 22:51
cubezzz3businesses are trying to save moneyJul 30 22:51
cubezzz3it's a no-brainerJul 30 22:51
schestowitz 30 22:51
TechrightsBotTitle: Glenn Beck's gold-investment scam/scheme: an explanatory infographic - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 93.92 KBJul 30 22:51
Chips_B_MalroyBeen away for awhile visiting sick relativesJul 30 22:51
Chips_B_MalroyIts sorry whats bad for MS, is generally good for the consumer.Jul 30 22:53
Chips_B_MalroyLess money for MS, usually means more freedom for the rest of us.Jul 30 22:53
schestowitzMicrosoft will need to sign some more contracts with NPDJul 30 22:53
schestowitzThey need to work out a way to stuff channels and inflate figures by tricksJul 30 22:54
Chips_B_Malroythat only works well for the short termJul 30 22:54
schestowitzApple waiting....Jul 30 22:54
schestowitzI told you, MIcroosft isn't the end of itJul 30 22:54
Chips_B_MalroytrueJul 30 22:55
schestowitzBut at least now that Novell is selling itself and Microsoft falls behind Apple I can peacefully move onJul 30 22:55
Chips_B_Malroybut Jobs days are numberedJul 30 22:55
schestowitzAt least there's some sense that we all accomplished something and Apple too will be toppled one dayJul 30 22:55
schestowitzMinceR: Jobs is "chopped liver" as they sayJul 30 22:55
Chips_B_Malroynot that I wish JObs harm or anything, but I fear he is living on borrowed organsJul 30 22:55
schestowitzAlmost literally in his caseJul 30 22:55
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: MinceR is in line to give Jobs a heartJul 30 22:56
schestowitzBig hearJul 30 22:56
schestowitzBig heartJul 30 22:56
schestowitzP:-pJul 30 22:56
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: does Jobs have a family/kids?Jul 30 22:56
Chips_B_MalroyJobs sort of reminds me a a weak scifi movie, where the bad guy kept getting organ and limb replacements from the defeatedJul 30 22:57
schestowitzNone that I've heard of Jul 30 22:57
schestowitzChanServ: gov. schwarzi is the sameJul 30 22:57
Chips_B_MalroyI only looked at Jobs money, when I researched Jul 30 22:57
schestowitzIt won't save himJul 30 22:57
MinceRgive jobs a big heart... with a pump?Jul 30 22:57
schestowitzWe all die at the endJul 30 22:57
MinceRinsert nozzle, operate pump, observe expansion?Jul 30 22:58
schestowitzThey can bury him with/under his money, in coinageJul 30 22:58
Chips_B_MalroyThe Woz is the more interesting one, he actually seems to care about peopleJul 30 22:58
MinceRhuh?Jul 30 22:58
schestowitzMinceR: iHeart JobsJul 30 22:58
MinceRwoz is an idiotJul 30 22:58
schestowitzNopeJul 30 22:58
Chips_B_Malroymaybe in some waysJul 30 22:58
schestowitzHe replies to a friend of mineJul 30 22:58
MinceRhe thinks free software is about being gratis and he believes a phone is innovative and great even if you also have to carry a real phone that connects to another telco as a "backup"Jul 30 22:58
schestowitzHeheJul 30 22:59
schestowitzTrueJul 30 22:59
schestowitzCause Linux is just some 'hobbyist' thingJul 30 22:59
schestowitz 30 22:59
TechrightsBotTitle: Amazon offers $139 wireless Kindle for mass appeal - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 135.73 KBJul 30 22:59
MinceRi wonder if woz would say the same if that retarded "phone" happened to have some other brand than crAppleJul 30 23:00
MinceR"it's a great phone, only you can't receive or initiate calls with it, or use the phone network in any way!"Jul 30 23:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] New box nearly installed. I love how much easier installation is these days. :-)Jul 30 23:01
Chips_B_MalroyA lot of articles about Ballmer being forced out these days.  Jul 30 23:01
schestowitz 30 23:01
TechrightsBotTitle: Apple Response to Jailbreaking Decision Could Be Futile - Mobile and Wireless from eWeek .::. Size~: 108.95 KBJul 30 23:01
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: notice Microsoft is less relevant nowJul 30 23:02
schestowitzI have 2000+ articles about them in my boxJul 30 23:02
schestowitzHaven't bothered reading themJul 30 23:02
schestowitzNot yet anywayJul 30 23:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] openPMA aims to implement an improved operating system for PMA. Installing Linux and icecast server has been reported http://www.openpma.orgJul 30 23:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Main Page - openPMA .::. Size~: 13.64 KBJul 30 23:03
Chips_B_Malroyok, but they are still on 88% of desktops, so when that drops down another 20% they will be really really irelevant.Jul 30 23:03
MinceRwhen they won't be able to yank other companies around they will be irrelevantJul 30 23:03
Chips_B_Malroythat from a high of 95.3% at one timeJul 30 23:03
Chips_B_Malroyor when the money dries upJul 30 23:04
MinceRprovided they can't just imagine money into existenceJul 30 23:04
Chips_B_MalroyWindows Phone 7 failure continues the direction of the KinJul 30 23:04
MinceRwith accounting trickery and whateverJul 30 23:04
Chips_B_MalroyHow does MS think it going come back with a phone OS based on CE that it sells, when Android is free?Jul 30 23:05
Chips_B_MalroyMS is just pouring money down the phone ratholeJul 30 23:05
Chips_B_Malroy 30 23:06
TechrightsBotTitle: Ballmer Guarded On Windows Phone 7 Prospects -- InformationWeek .::. Size~: 73.19 KBJul 30 23:06
Chips_B_Malroy"Microsoft CEO says the company is not going to restore its reputation in the phone market overnight. "Jul 30 23:06
Chips_B_Malroy"A number of you had a chance to kind of ask me a question ? which is how are we going to do," Ballmer told the analysts, at Microsoft's Redmond, Wash. headquarters. "And I think it's fair to say we've got a lot of work to do," said Ballmer. "Jul 30 23:07
ThistleWebgiven that ballmer seems to be responsible for failure after failure after failure, all of which soaks MS's market share and revenues down the tubes, we really should be hoping he stays on as long as possibleJul 30 23:07
Chips_B_MalroyThis must be Ballmer's way of telling us the obvious, that Windows Phone 7 will suck.Jul 30 23:07
ThistleWebthe more he erodes MS, the less damage it can doJul 30 23:07
Chips_B_MalroyBallmer is not going anywhere.  He has stock, Bill and friends too kept him in.  Jul 30 23:08
MinceRjudging by what i've seen of winblows phone 7, m$ hopes to gain success by copying the dumbness of hypeOS and adding another drawback from androidJul 30 23:08
MinceRafter all, the hypePhone could be successful despite being fundamentally crippledJul 30 23:09
ThistleWebfrom what I understand, MS are assuming that peeps already use the whole Line eccosystem of mail etc, which isnt the caseJul 30 23:09
schestowitzI also need to upgrade the site this weekend. Never had so much trouble doing it... 30 23:09
TechrightsBotTitle: WordPress : Support » Upgade: PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method wpdb::tables() in upgrade.php .::. Size~: 9.63 KBJul 30 23:09
schestowitzDaemonFC: 30 23:09
TechrightsBotTitle: Comcast To Customer: Pay Us $0.00 Or We'll Cancel Your Service .::. Size~: 79.54 KBJul 30 23:09
ThistleWebLive*Jul 30 23:09
MinceRif they bought crApple, they could rename it to LiverJul 30 23:09
Chips_B_MalroyI wish I could find the link on Google web search for cell phones, I lost it.  Google has 98% of search on cell phones overall worldwide.  MS has lost the Phone advertising market as well.Jul 30 23:10
ThistleWebandroid has an advantage in that a LOT of peeps already use a lot of googles srvices, regardless of which OS / browserJul 30 23:10
schestowitz[23:09] <MinceR> if they bought crApple, they could rename it to LiverJul 30 23:11
ThistleWebthey're not gonna switch to live just because MS want them toJul 30 23:11
schestowitzSurely they can't call it iLive :-)Jul 30 23:11
ThistleWebwith devices like phones, peeps are getting the idea that they should be able to use them the way they wantJul 30 23:11
schestowitzAlmost...Jul 30 23:11
Chips_B_MalroyAh, but under Ballmer's expert 10 year reign, profits have doubled!  Of course, all of this can be because of the increase of sales of computers year after year.  Jul 30 23:12
schestowitzNopeJul 30 23:12
ThistleWebif MS phones give stuff like googlemail / docs / calendar etc a raw deal to favour their own live stuff, peeps will see it as not fit for purposeJul 30 23:12
schestowitzWhen Ballmer came Microsoft had like $60bn pileJul 30 23:12
MinceRsale by OEMs they kept in their strangleholdJul 30 23:12
schestowitzNow they have debtJul 30 23:12
MinceRjust like the mafiaJul 30 23:12
schestowitzAnd they seem to have accounting malpricticeJul 30 23:12
Chips_B_MalroyMS cannot afford to buy Apple, or GoogleJul 30 23:12
schestowitzOr YahooJul 30 23:13
schestowitzTHey were gonna borrow to buy YahooJul 30 23:13
Chips_B_Malroyyes, not anymoreJul 30 23:13
schestowitzIn April 2008Jul 30 23:13
ThistleWebthe need to integrate stuff like MS office just doenst apply to phones eitherJul 30 23:13
schestowitz$22bnJul 30 23:13
schestowitzLiddel went to the bankJul 30 23:13
ThistleWebpeeps are not gonna sit and create a doc on a phoneJul 30 23:13
schestowitzMisspelled name, oopsJul 30 23:13
schestowitzThistleWeb: with proprietary softwareJul 30 23:14
Chips_B_Malroylook at what Yahoo Japan is trying to do, stick with Google as search engine.Jul 30 23:14
ThistleWebI cant imagine using any office app on a phone, open or closedJul 30 23:14
Chips_B_MalroyYahoo Japan knows that Bing will kill them.Jul 30 23:14
*jweyrich ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 30 23:14
MinceRdoes Yahoo! Japan! believe they can outlive their parent company?Jul 30 23:14
Chips_B_MalroyIf Yahoo Japan uses Bing as the background search, they are dead.Jul 30 23:15
MinceRis that different from other parts of Yahoo!?Jul 30 23:15
Chips_B_MalroyIts Yahoo Japan only chance, to go with GoogleJul 30 23:15
Chips_B_MalroyyesJul 30 23:15
ThistleWebthere is no market for a paid office app on a phoneJul 30 23:15
schestowitz 30 23:15
TechrightsBotTitle: 'Suspicious' Android wallpaper app nabs user data • The Register .::. Size~: 28.04 KBJul 30 23:15
Chips_B_Malroy 30 23:16
TechrightsBotTitle: Yahoo Japan switches to Google search | Deep Tech - CNET News .::. Size~: 101.09 KBJul 30 23:16
Chips_B_Malroy"Yahoo is an investor in Yahoo Japan, but it's not the only one--Softbank holds a bigger share--so Yahoo Japan's decisions don't necessarily align with that of Yahoo."Jul 30 23:16
Chips_B_MalroyMS is very upset about this, claiming that would give Google 98% of the Japan search marketJul 30 23:17
MinceRicJul 30 23:17
Chips_B_Malroywhich means Bing only has less than 2% right now.Jul 30 23:17
schestowitz 30 23:18
TechrightsBotTitle: Forced to Be Free - Reason Magazine .::. Size~: 191.12 KBJul 30 23:18
schestowitzmuch lessJul 30 23:18
ThistleWeb"forced to be free" sounds like a bra strap breakingJul 30 23:18
schestowitzBong US performance warps the restJul 30 23:18
schestowitzThistleWeb: Yes, Ballmer knows how that feelsJul 30 23:19
Chips_B_MalroyI am not so sure that it would not be a good thing for Ballmer to get the boot.  Sure, he is a dumb as rocks, and takes MS down the road to ruin.Jul 30 23:19
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] Android tablet with just 8760 INR 30 23:20
TechrightsBotTitle: Archos 7 8 GB Home Tablet with Android (Black): Electronics .::. Size~: 410.18 KBJul 30 23:20
schestowitzBouncing Baboon BallmerJul 30 23:20
Chips_B_MalroyBut a replacement could reign in the markets MS competes in, and only work on core products, windows and office.Jul 30 23:20
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: but who would replace him?Jul 30 23:20
schestowitzThink about it.Jul 30 23:20
Chips_B_MalroyOffice days are numbered no matter what MS doesJul 30 23:21
schestowitzNot reallyJul 30 23:21
Chips_B_MalroyGates would only come in for a short time, if at all.Jul 30 23:21
schestowitzJust margins declineJul 30 23:21
schestowitzThey'll need to give it online for _Free_Jul 30 23:21
schestowitzNo Ballmer bra strings attachedJul 30 23:21
schestowitzNo deodorant, either. Ewww...Jul 30 23:21
Chips_B_MalroyIn the end, the market is being driven to cheaper hardware and free software.  Jul 30 23:22
schestowitzIn abundant ecnonomies, people race to $0Jul 30 23:22
Chips_B_MalroyyesJul 30 23:22
schestowitz$35 tablet... $100 laptop... $5 WInXP :-)Jul 30 23:22
schestowitzMaybe they write that off as full tetail priceJul 30 23:22
Chips_B_Malroythere will be less places for MS to extract money from Jul 30 23:22
schestowitzTo impress inventorsJul 30 23:23
schestowitz*investorsJul 30 23:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] DW: No tea, no sympathy. 30 23:23
TechrightsBotTitle: reddragdiva | No tea, no sympathy. .::. Size~: 14.88 KBJul 30 23:23
Chips_B_Malroywindows and office are dying slowlyJul 30 23:23
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: ARMosoft chips?Jul 30 23:23
schestowitzThey try hardwareJul 30 23:23
schestowitzKINJul 30 23:23
schestowitzZuneJul 30 23:23
schestowitzXboxJul 30 23:23
schestowitzFail. Fail. Fail.Jul 30 23:23
Chips_B_MalroyMS and ARM?  This is the start of the breakup with Intel.Jul 30 23:24
Chips_B_MalroyINtel playing with LinuxJul 30 23:24
Chips_B_MalroyThe falling out has begunJul 30 23:24
MinceRDaemonFC: 30 23:25
TechrightsBotTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KBJul 30 23:25
Aondoactually i think they are just getting another leg to stand onJul 30 23:25
DaemonFCsomehow Comcast zeroed out the $86 I owed themJul 30 23:26
DaemonFCand sent me a check for $6.83Jul 30 23:26
DaemonFCoh wellJul 30 23:26
Chips_B_MalroyFor MS to keep some of their market long term, I would think they would have to become a hardware manufactorer, like Apple does Mac computers.Jul 30 23:26
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Alright, fresh install in place - installing updates and pretty much back in business! :-)Jul 30 23:26
DaemonFCI'm not going to fight themJul 30 23:26
DaemonFC:)Jul 30 23:26
schestowitz[23:24] <Chips_B_Malroy> INtel playing with LinuxJul 30 23:27
schestowitzYes, Intel 'started' itJul 30 23:27
schestowitzTHeir employees use LinuxJul 30 23:27
schestowitzMaybe Microsoft going to ARM is a reactive thingJul 30 23:27
schestowitzMicrosoft used to play off Intel vs AMDJul 30 23:27
schestowitzMinceR: it's not about "believe" and "Dey"Jul 30 23:28
schestowitz*denyJul 30 23:28
schestowitzit's accepting or "scepticism"Jul 30 23:28
schestowitzOne just has a weak caseJul 30 23:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[nsisodiya] I am now moved from Firefox to minefield (ff4 beta3 pre) with has TabCandy Support. Now I can manage 100+ tabs 30 23:29
TechrightsBotTitle: YouTube- An Introduction to Firefox's Tab Candy .::. Size~: 87.66 KBJul 30 23:29
Chips_B_MalroyNot sure if ARM can beat Intel based chips out of the computer markets.  They use less power, but Intel keeps coming out with lower power chips.  One thing is certain, that ARM will cause Intel to be less profitable long term, if they have to compete with low cost ARM chips.Jul 30 23:29
Chips_B_MalroySo ARM chips could be a killer for both MS and IntelJul 30 23:30
Chips_B_Malroy 30 23:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Will Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, Be Fired for Low Stock Price? - The Daily Beast  .::. Size~: 229.56 KBJul 30 23:31
schestowitz 30 23:31
TechrightsBotTitle: Apple looking to control look and feel of mobile applications .::. Size~: 24.58 KBJul 30 23:31
Chips_B_Malroy'Jul 30 23:32
Chips_B_Malroy"Senior Microsoft executives, disenchanted with the company's stagnant stock, have been secretly discussing how to kick Chief Steve Ballmer, and maybe the board, to the curb."Jul 30 23:32
schestowitz 30 23:33
TechrightsBotTitle: Techrights » Steve Ballmer at Risk of Being Thrown Out, Bill Gates Still Makes the News Due to Fraud .::. Size~: 93.85 KBJul 30 23:33
Chips_B_MalroySince Gates and Ballmer both have a board seatJul 30 23:33
Chips_B_MalroyAnd the guy that started Netflix as wellJul 30 23:33
schestowitzBoard... seat... good combination for ejectionJul 30 23:33
Chips_B_Malroyyes, good punJul 30 23:34
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Russia to introduce 'draconian' Minority Report-style law RMS calls them "successor of the KG"Jul 30 23:36
TechrightsBotTitle:  Russia to introduce 'draconian' Minority Report-style law | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 71.88 KBJul 30 23:36
schestowitz 30 23:36
TechrightsBotTitle:  Asbos on the way out, signals Theresa May | Society |  .::. Size~: 74.68 KBJul 30 23:36
Chips_B_MalroyMicrosoft has never changed its thinkingJul 30 23:36
Chips_B_Malroyfrom back in the Dos daysJul 30 23:36
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: Gates will walk the board, Steve will break a chairJul 30 23:37
schestowitz 30 23:37
TechrightsBotTitle:  Global warming pushes 2010 temperatures to record highs | Environment |  .::. Size~: 191.66 KBJul 30 23:37
Chips_B_MalroyBack in the days of MSDOS 3.1, you expected things to not always work right.  MS used the cutting edge newness agruement as to why things were slightly broken, and worked "goog enough."Jul 30 23:38
Chips_B_MalroyBut people do not accept that anymoreJul 30 23:38
schestowitzThey do sometimesJul 30 23:39
schestowitzThey don't have basis for comparisonJul 30 23:39
Chips_B_MalroyIt seems like MS and Ballmer still think they can turn out windows and software that is "good enough," to MSDOS 3.1 standards.  What people want these days, is Windows that works and is secure, not windows that has to be reinstalled every 6 to 12 months.Jul 30 23:39
schestowitz 30 23:40
TechrightsBotTitle:  Catalonia votes to ban bullfighting | World news | The Guardian  .::. Size~: 72.07 KBJul 30 23:40
schestowitz"Computer just crash and get 'infected'"Jul 30 23:40
Chips_B_MalroyRoy> agreed.  Many do not compare.Jul 30 23:40
schestowitz'"it's better than my last comouter (WIndows)"Jul 30 23:40
schestowitz[Unless it's VIsta]Jul 30 23:40
Chips_B_MalroyMS keeps Linux off OEM's computer's, so the public cannot compare.  Its why Apple is selling more in USA as its in the store and secure by windows standards.Jul 30 23:41
schestowitzMicrosoft works to ensure people don't see LinuxJul 30 23:42
schestowitze.g. on Eee PCJul 30 23:42
schestowitzThen they tell friends Linux just work. Can't let *that* happenJul 30 23:43
schestowitzIt works and "it's free" tooJul 30 23:43
schestowitzDevalued WindersJul 30 23:43
Chips_B_Malroyor worse, they tell their friends they did not have any malware in linux like windowsJul 30 23:44
schestowitzWe need a new name for malwareJul 30 23:44
schestowitzLike walwareJul 30 23:44
schestowitzSomething more like WindowsJul 30 23:44
Chips_B_MalroyGot to run, was great chatting with you folks here.  Roy, keep up the good work!Jul 30 23:44
schestowitzmalwindows?Jul 30 23:44
Chips_B_Malroymaldows?Jul 30 23:44
*Chips_B_Malroy has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 30 23:45
schestowitz 30 23:46
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Young Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 5.21 KBJul 30 23:46
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Young Richard Stallman [Ogg] 30 23:47
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Young Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 5.21 KBJul 30 23:47
schestowitz 30 23:54
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: NEW "DEATH STAR" BLACK HOLE DISCOVERED .::. Size~: 5.25 KBJul 30 23:54
schestowitz 30 23:56
TechrightsBotTitle: TinyOgg - Watch: Strut That Ass (ORIGINAL VIDEO) .::. Size~: 5.23 KBJul 30 23:57

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