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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: May 31st, 2011

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*msb has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 31 00:39
schestowitzTrying orca now....May 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:17:25) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Can you recommend a screen reader to me, for Linux?May 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:17:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I sometimes want to 'read' in the showerMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:17:50) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: could never find decent free readersMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:19:24)   : Unfortunately that is because there aren't any :-( The only one that juast about works is Orca. I don't think the speech device is good enough for reading in the shower though.May 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:21:13) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I found 31 01:36
TechrightsBot-scTitle: :: Orca accessibility app makes a whale of an impact .::. Size~: 36.81 KBMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:23:55) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Hmm... they don't make it too easy.. 31 01:36
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Orca/DownloadInstall - GNOME Live! .::. Size~: 39.96 KBMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:24:03)   : Well, I tried it with Debian and wasn't too impressed, but maybe that is because Debian does not work with the latest version.May 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:25:54) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Thanks.May 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:26:20) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I will just play clips instead. I tried using text-to-audio for this in 2003May 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:26:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: But I gave upMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:26:47) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: The intonation was too poor for understanding and really managed withMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:29:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: oops./May 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:29:40) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Accidentally removed your ACKMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:29:44) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: It's confusingMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:29:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: OK, installing Orca done hereMay 31 01:36
schestowitz(01:30:42) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: May 31 01:36
schestowitz11. en-scottish (en)May 31 01:36
schestowitz12. english (en)May 31 01:36
schestowitz13. lancashire (en)May 31 01:36
schestowitz14. english_rp (en)May 31 01:36
schestowitz15. english_wmids (en)May 31 01:37
schestowitz16. english-us (en)May 31 01:37
schestowitz17. en-westindies (en)May 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:30:44) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: NiceMay 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:31:18)   : Good luck :-)May 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:31:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: May 31 01:37
schestowitzYou need to log out and log back in for the change to take effect.May 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:31:49) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: ohMay 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:32:45) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Now I'm scaredMay 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:33:51)   : Why? :-)May 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:34:09) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: It might give me a session I cannot use to revert back to KDE?May 31 01:37
schestowitz(01:34:12) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I don't know..May 31 01:37
*msb_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 01:55
msb_ender_33: Hello Brandon!May 31 02:12
*qu1j0t3 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 02:58
*qu1j0t3 has quit (Quit: nite)May 31 04:50
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)May 31 05:09
MinceR 31 06:22
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeMay 31 06:22
MinceR 31 06:31
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Egypt change via .::. Size~: 1.62 KBMay 31 06:31
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 06:54
ender2070If Everyone is facing the Same Direction Look the Other Way 31 09:16
ender2070Do You Have Flood Insurance? - 31 09:16
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting audio/mpeg typeMay 31 09:16
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting audio/mpeg typeMay 31 09:17
schestowitz> My Doctor Roy,May 31 09:24
schestowitz> May 31 09:24
schestowitz> To cheer you up after the Manchester fall. ( at least I hope youMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> didn't go to the Stadium) here it goes:May 31 09:24
schestowitzI did not mind the game all that much :-)May 31 09:24
schestowitz> gates-gives-bbc-money_ESMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> May 31 09:24
schestowitz> I added 2 quotes from the article that cost Kristie Heim's job beforeMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> the last paragraph:May 31 09:24
schestowitz> May 31 09:24
schestowitz> Marc Cooper, assistant professor at the University of SouthernMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> California's Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism:May 31 09:24
schestowitz> May 31 09:24
schestowitz> "It would be naive to believe big-money foundations don't play theMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> same game that corporations and other special interests do,"May 31 09:24
schestowitz> May 31 09:24
schestowitz> Cooper, the journalism professor, finds it "laughable" when mediaMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> claim Gates money doesn't influence their coverage.May 31 09:24
schestowitzYes, exactly.May 31 09:24
schestowitz> I know gateskeeper is behind the foundations rear, but he have to keepMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> on making as much noise as possible. There's no Spanish speakingMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> publication that covers the GF's that I know. That's why I did it.May 31 09:24
schestowitz> May 31 09:24
schestowitz> BTW, I ain't a Barza fan && haven't gone to the stadium to see aMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> soccer game for years since I was at the University in my homeMay 31 09:24
schestowitz> country.May 31 09:24
schestowitz> May 31 09:24
schestowitz> Karina wants to play so have a nice day.May 31 09:24
schestowitzMinceR: LOLMay 31 09:25
schestowitz 31 09:26
TechrightsBot-sc@Wayne Borean (wayneborean)'s status on Monday, 30-May-11 23:22:54 UTC - @satipera Do you have documentation for @schestowitz about BBW? People have been wrong before. And sometimes people do change...May 31 09:26
schestowitzBig Brother WatchMay 31 09:26
schestowitz"By the way, be sure to check back at - always looking to ensure I published correctly everything you sent me and the PDF/ODF links work. Your articles have been read by hundreds of thousands so far."May 31 09:56
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Español - Techrights .::. Size~: 80.9 KBMay 31 09:56
schestowitz 31 10:14
TechrightsBot-sc@satipera (satipera)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 09:09:39 UTC - @wayneborean: BBW are just hookers for the right wing of the conservative party. Told @schestowitz about them before. 31 10:14
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: The TaxPayers' Alliance and Big Brother Watch give their anniversary verdicts on the Coalition - thinktankcentral .::. Size~: 87.66 KBMay 31 10:14
schestowitzThat's good to know, maybe I'll unsubscribe from BBW or ignore.May 31 10:15
schestowitz 31 10:18
TechrightsBot-sc@satipera (satipera)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 09:12:56 UTC - @schestowitz Good to know I have just noticed this dent of yours.May 31 10:18
schestowitzI found BBW because of @glynmoody whom I think it pro-ToriesMay 31 10:19
schestowitz*isMay 31 10:19
schestowitz 31 10:33
TechrightsBot-sc@Dayo (jargon)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 09:22:01 UTC - @schestowitz @wayneborean @satipera Big Beautiful Women are hookers for the right wing? i resent that,man! :PMay 31 10:33
schestowitz 31 10:33
TechrightsBot-sc@satipera (satipera)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 09:23:10 UTC - @schestowitz Yes, I have told him about them too. I was fooled by them for a while. They are learning and are no longer so transparent.May 31 10:33
schestowitzThey recently hired a "researcher"May 31 10:33
schestowitz 31 10:34
TechrightsBot-sc@CajunTechie: @schestowitz Friend got a Meego dev tablet a few days ago. Sounds like it  could really give Windows a run for its money on mobile. Abt timeMay 31 10:34
schestowitz 31 10:34
TechrightsBot-sc@krONik: TECH > > Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot": 11 Great Features You Can Expect to Find // Thx @schestowitzMay 31 10:34
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot": 11 Great Features You Can Expect to Find | TechSource .::. Size~: 99.07 KBMay 31 10:34
schestowitz 31 10:40
TechrightsBot-sc@satipera (satipera)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 09:33:58 UTC - @schestowitz To research into what exactly?May 31 10:40
schestowitzMaybe dig 'dirt' on LabourMay 31 10:40
schestowitzMy friends from an American airline, who occasionally come to the gym from Florida, are back again.May 31 10:52
schestowitz 31 11:05
TechrightsBot-sc@satipera (satipera)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 09:37:22 UTC - @schestowitz: The Astroturf Alliance: taxpayers, citizens, drivers  cc @wayneboreanMay 31 11:05
TechrightsBot-sc-> Title: The Astroturf Alliance: taxpayers, citizens, drivers | The Other TaxPayers' Alliance .::. Size~: 14.76 KBMay 31 11:05
schestowitz 31 11:05
TechrightsBot-sc@Ryan Rix (rrix)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 09:59:25 UTC - @schestowitz Fedora doesn't have employeesMay 31 11:05
schestowitzRed Hat pays some people to work on itMay 31 11:06
schestowitzJust like @jonobacon is an employee, not just a volunteer in the Ubuntu communityMay 31 11:07
schestowitzto keep the community chugging along, companies like Novell, Red Hat and Canonical pretend that they run communities (business)May 31 11:08
schestowitzsee what RMS says about companies passing themselves off as "ecosystems"May 31 11:09
schestowitz 31 11:23
TechrightsBot-sc@rrrrrrrix: @schestowitz those would be canonical and red hat employees, parts of the ubuntu and fedora communities.May 31 11:23
schestowitz\May 31 11:23
TechrightsBot-scNot a tweet?May 31 11:23
schestowitz 31 11:23
TechrightsBot-sc@rrrrrrrix: @schestowitz that's an awfully twisted view of things.May 31 11:23
schestowitzIt's the inconvenient truthMay 31 11:23
schestowitzGNU is a community more than Ubuntu with its CLA and millionaire May 31 11:26
schestowitzOr Fedora with the CEO of Red Hat whose wage is about a millionMay 31 11:27
schestowitzThey could sponsor the volunteersMay 31 11:27
schestowitz 31 11:39
TechrightsBot-sc@Ryan Rix (rrix)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 10:26:05 UTC - @schestowitz I disagree, but I don't think there's any point in arguing it with you. UnfortunateMay 31 11:39
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 11:59
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)May 31 11:59
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 11:59
*ender_33 shapeshifts into 33May 31 13:48
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 14:22
sebsebsebhiMay 31 14:22
ender_33heyMay 31 14:25
*ender_33 shapeshiftsMay 31 14:25
sebsebsebender_33: hiMay 31 14:28
ender_33whats upMay 31 14:29
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 31 15:09
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 15:12
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 31 15:29
*gnufreex (~quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 15:39
ender_33I would be skeptical of David Icke and his reptilians. Considering they had to kidnap and continue MK Ultra experiments to give him his key witness.May 31 15:55
ender_33Arizona Wilder was the victimMay 31 15:55
ender_33her name was legally changed to Arizona Wilder, to give recognition to the engineer Wilder Penfield and Arizona state university is where his research is continued.May 31 15:56
ender_33which is where*May 31 15:57
*gnufreex has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)May 31 16:02
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 16:07
*cinch (~cinch@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 16:36
*qu1j0t3 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 17:31
ender_33hey qu1j0t3May 31 17:31
qu1j0t3olaMay 31 17:31
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)May 31 17:45
schestowitz 31 17:52
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeMay 31 17:53
*gnufreex has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)May 31 18:03
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 18:05
ender_33schestowitz - looks like your IQ may be dropping soonMay 31 18:14
ender_33 31 18:14
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Fears over fluoride plans  | Mail Online .::. Size~: 81.2 KBMay 31 18:14
ender_33 31 18:14
TechrightsBot-scTitle: McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write UK health policy | Politics | The Guardian .::. Size~: 266.74 KBMay 31 18:14
ender_33 31 18:14
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Oppose PROTECT-IP Act: U.S. Government Wants To Censor Search Engines And Browsers | Demand Progress .::. Size~: 14.15 KBMay 31 18:14
ender_33ew gross 31 18:15
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Pro-life groups call for Pepsi boycott over aborted fetal cell lines | .::. Size~: 55.77 KBMay 31 18:15
schestowitzender_33: not just fluorideMay 31 18:17
schestowitzWe have more toxins and radiation in the environment nowMay 31 18:17
schestowitzAll the nuclear tests alone did enormous damageMay 31 18:18
schestowitzThe half life of some of these ubstances is 5000 yearsMay 31 18:18
schestowitzWe have radiation from other sources and there are toxins from our pesticides far worse than fluoride although I don't have numbers to handMay 31 18:18
schestowitz[18:14] <TechrightsBot-sc> Title: McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write UK health policy | Politics | The Guardian .::. Size~: 266.74 KBMay 31 18:18
schestowitzThe sugar industry too, it's all corrupted in the USMay 31 18:19
ender_33that was a UK oneMay 31 18:23
schestowitzokMay 31 18:30
schestowitzI have a post coming on the GuardianMay 31 18:30
schestowitz 31 18:59
TechrightsBot-sc@fmgil: @schestowitz Do you use Linux? If yes, which distro? :)May 31 18:59
schestowitzmostly Fedora and Ubuntu ATMMay 31 18:59
schestowitz> I was trying to fix some orthographic typos but my password didn'tMay 31 19:41
schestowitz> work. Please can you reset it for me?May 31 19:41
schestowitz> May 31 19:41
schestowitz> Thanks a lot && have a nice Tuesday!May 31 19:41
schestowitzThe admin side of the wiki is very poorly laid out. It is probably easiest to just create another account and use that to edit. :-)May 31 19:42
ender_33what are you talking aboutMay 31 19:45
schestowitzThe wikiMay 31 19:49
schestowitzsome issues with passowrd for someoneMay 31 19:49
schestowitzcablesearch is back 31 20:00
TechrightsBot-sc@jwildeboer: @schestowitz works for me.May 31 20:00
*gnufreex has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)May 31 20:07
*gnufreex (~quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 20:09
schestowitz 31 20:17
TechrightsBot-sc@Claudio (claudiom)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 18:59:45 UTC - @schestowitz Ironic that MS called #Linux a cancer, but they spread & destroy just like one.May 31 20:17
*gnufreex_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 22:07
*gnufreex has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)May 31 22:08
schestowitzHmmmm... oddd...May 31 23:16
schestowitzI criticised IBM todayMay 31 23:17
schestowitzAnd now they want to talkMay 31 23:17
schestowitz> Subject:        QuestionMay 31 23:18
schestowitz> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------May 31 23:18
schestowitz> >May 31 23:18
schestowitz> >May 31 23:18
schestowitz> > Roy:  Is there a number where I can reach you for a quick conversationMay 31 23:18
schestowitz> > about something?May 31 23:18
schestowitzSure, phone me now on +XXXXX. I'll be up for another 3 hours.May 31 23:18
schestowitzMaybe damage controlMay 31 23:18
*nisshh has quit (Quit: DuckDuckGo is there for a reason, USE IT!)May 31 23:25
schestowitzOh, I see now...May 31 23:30
schestowitzHi Steven,May 31 23:30
schestowitzUsually the request for a NDA-type thing comes before and not after you disclosure the information. Therefore I never committed to secrecy (I would never do that, nor would I allow PR agencies to contact me).May 31 23:30
schestowitzIf IBM is briefing bloggers and wishes not be identified as a source, this can help substantiate, for example, some of the whispers against Groklaw. Transparent disclosure is acceptable.May 31 23:30
schestowitzI notice from the deal that it too is an NDA-type deal, which raises some questions. I do not support NeonMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> Actually, I have to run to a family event, but wanted to point you toMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> the below.  You have been one of the most insightful writers on this andMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> other issues, and I knew you'd be interested  It's very important (forMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> legal reasons) that if you write anything, you not say that IBM providedMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> this to you.  We have no public comment.  But the Neon press releaseMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> (and the complete court injunction attached) are public record. JustMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> came out this afternoon East Coast US time. I also have summarized theMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> injunction for you below the Neon press release.  Again, if you blogMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> about the end of this case, none of this information came from IBM,May 31 23:30
schestowitz> okay?  Cheers...May 31 23:30
schestowitz> May 31 23:30
schestowitz> _ 31 23:30
TechrightsBot-scError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 404 Not FoundMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> *May 31 23:30
schestowitz> May 31 23:30
schestowitz> /NEON zPrime to be withdrawn /May 31 23:30
schestowitz> May 31 23:30
schestowitz> *AUSTIN, Texas – May 31, 2011* – NEON Enterprise Software, LLC todayMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> announced it has settled its legal dispute with IBM and will immediatelyMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> withdraw zPrime from the market. Pursuant to the terms of a permanentMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> injunction, NEON and its distribution partners and affiliates will noMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> longer market, sell, license (including any renewal or extension of anyMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> existing license), install, distribute, export, import, offer to sell,May 31 23:30
schestowitz> offer to license, offer to install, offer to distribute, offer to exportMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> or offer to import zPrime.May 31 23:30
schestowitz> May 31 23:30
schestowitz> The U.S. District Court has ruled that (1) only workloads expresslyMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> authorized by IBM may be processed on Specialty Engines (including zIIPsMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> and zAAPs) and (2) IBM’s contracts, including the IBM Customer AgreementMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> and the License Agreement for Machine Code, prohibit software (a) thatMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> enables workloads not expressly authorized by IBM to be processed onMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> Specialty Engines or (b) that circumvents IBM’s technological measuresMay 31 23:30
schestowitz> in Machine Code that protect the Built-in Capacity of Specialty EnginesMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> and enables workloads not expressly authorized by IBM to be processed onMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> Specialty Engines. Neon has agreed to a permanent injunction under whichMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> it will withdraw zPrime from the market and request that licensees andMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> customers remove and destroy their copies of zPrime. Neon will notMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> renew, extend or transfer any existing zPrime license or any warranty,May 31 23:31
schestowitz> maintenance or service period of any existing zPrime license (or anyMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> portion thereof).May 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz> Other NEON products are not affected by this settlement.May 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz> NEON Enterprise Software, with offices in Sugar Land and Austin, Texas,May 31 23:31
schestowitz> develops and markets software that reduces costs of data centerMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> computing. For more information, visit _www.neon.com_.May 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz> #####May 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz> FACTSMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz>   1.        The U.S. District Court has ruled thatMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz>        a.        only workloads expressly authorized by IBM may beMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> processed on Specialty Engines (including zIIPs and zAAPs) andMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz>        b.        IBM’s contracts, including the IBM Customer AgreementMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> and the License Agreement for Machine Code, prohibit software:May 31 23:31
schestowitz>                May 31 23:31
schestowitz>                (1) that enables workloads not expressly authorized byMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> IBM to beMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> processed on Specialty Engines orMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz>                (2) that circumvents IBM’s technological measures inMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> Machine Code that protect the Built-in Capacity of Specialty Engines andMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> enables workloads not expressly authorized by IBM to be processed onMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> Specialty Engines.May 31 23:31
schestowitz> May 31 23:31
schestowitz> 2.        Neon has agreed to a permanent injunction under which it willMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> withdraw zPrime from the market and request that licensees and customersMay 31 23:31
schestowitz> remove and destroy their copies of zPrime.May 31 23:32
schestowitz> May 31 23:32
schestowitz> 3.        Neon will not renew, extend or transfer any existing zPrimeMay 31 23:32
schestowitz> license or any warranty, maintenance or service periodof any existingMay 31 23:32
schestowitz> zPrime license (or any portion thereof).May 31 23:32
schestowitz> May 31 23:32
schestowitz> 4.        The litigation, _Neon Enterprise Software, LLC v. IBMMay 31 23:32
schestowitz> Corporation_, No. 1:09-CV-896-AWA (W.D. Texas) (the “Litigation”) hasMay 31 23:32
schestowitz> been settled.May 31 23:32
schestowitz> May 31 23:32
schestowitz> 5.        No payments have been made by either party to the other asMay 31 23:32
schestowitz> part of the settlement.May 31 23:32
schestowitz> May 31 23:32
schestowitz> 6.        All claims and counterclaims in the Litigation have beenMay 31 23:32
schestowitz> dismissed.May 31 23:32
schestowitz> May 31 23:32
schestowitz> 7.        A permanent injunction has been entered in the case, the termsMay 31 23:32
schestowitz> of which are public.May 31 23:32
schestowitzSeems like IBM is doing some shaping of coverageMay 31 23:34
schestowitzI strongly doubt I'm the only one contactedMay 31 23:35
schestowitz"Michael Larabel @michaellarabel retweeted to 884 followers: " :-)May 31 23:37
schestowitzMy dentMay 31 23:37
*nisshh (~ryan@unaffiliated/nisshh) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 31 23:47
*nisshh has quit (Quit: DuckDuckGo is there for a reason, USE IT!)May 31 23:56

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