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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: August 15th, 2011

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qu1j0t3schestowitz: of course there are more riots coming. we know this from the way your PM reacted :)Aug 15 00:22
schestowitzhmmm..Aug 15 00:27
schestowitzSo maybe it's me who assumed wrongly. How long before next one, d'ya reckon?Aug 15 00:28
schestowitzDespite all the new respressive measuresAug 15 00:28
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 15 00:52
qu1j0t3are you aware of any time in history where repressive measures put a lid on a deepseated social problem?Aug 15 01:27
qu1j0t3look at conditions exactly 100 years ago, for example.Aug 15 01:28
schestowitz> Hi & thank you so much for your sincerity!Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> Below is a copy of a reply I sent your friend mark webbink.Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> Also, i think you asked somewhere if you could blog or tell other friends of yours the things we talked about?  Yes, by all means you are welcome to.Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> I am hoping to get the android samsung tablet injunction in europe reversed.  I obviously have no affiliation with them but it is unfair and therefore bothering me.Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz> thanks again!Aug 15 09:43
schestowitz>> You asked me what I would consider an optimal outcome? Aug 15 09:45
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:45
schestowitz>> That is a fair & reasonable question but I find myselfAug 15 09:45
schestowitz>> struggling just to picture an answer, Aug 15 09:45
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:45
schestowitz>> ...because the system for “rewarding” invention is soAug 15 09:45
schestowitz>> severely defective, and the overall playing field people areAug 15 09:45
schestowitz>> forced to operate on (simply because there is noAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> alternative)  is so heavily booby-trapped by people intentAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> on gaming the systemAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> ...and there is a seemingly endless supply of liars andAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> cheats anxious to help themAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> ...that I have to struggle to tell myself  “optimal”Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> outcomes are even possible.Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> So maybe the best I can do is attempt to indicate theAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> “kinds of things” I would consider “good” ratherAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> than “bad”.  Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> These are the kinds of things I would consider “good”Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> outcomes :Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> -for the Europeans to nullify Apple’s injunction againstAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> Samsung’s Android TabletAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> -for justice departments in all countries where iPhonesAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> & iPads are sold, to investigate Apple for fraud andAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> criminal wrongdoing relating to the iPhone and iPad --- inAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>> view of my storyAug 15 09:46
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:50
schestowitz>> -to argue for a complete overhaul of patent systems in allAug 15 09:50
schestowitz>> countries where Apple has engaged their legal system overAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> the iPhone, since their system failed, and with each failureAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> Steve Jobs becomes emboldened to take his act to the nextAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> level, causing the problem to snowballAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> -to show how the patent system harms rather than encouragesAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> invention, and therefore a major overhaul involving someAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> kind of entirely new approach to dealing with invention isAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> needed, not just “patent reform”Aug 15 09:51
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> -for the open source community to use my patent portfolioAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> AND the damning story behind what happened, to block theAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> sale of iPhones & iPads (as Apple did to Samsung inAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> Europe) unless Apple conforms in various ways to guidelinesAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> specified by an open source committee or government agencyAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> -for the open source community to use my patent portfolioAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> AND the damning story behind what happened, to block theAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> sale of Windows Phone 7 devices unless Microsoft conforms inAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> various ways to guidelines specified by an open sourceAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>> committee or government agencyAug 15 09:51
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> -for the open source (or Linux) community to use my patentAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> portfolio AND the damning story behind what happened, toAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> strike back at Microsoft and Oracle in the event of patentAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> litigation aimed at the open source or Linux communityAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> -to ban Apple’s iOS and Windows Phone 7, and require thatAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> hardware running them substitute an open source alternativeAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> insteadAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> -to sue Apple and Microsoft for willful infringement of myAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> patents, and use the damages collected to fund open sourceAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> and Linux development and proliferationAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>>Aug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> -to sue Apple and Microsoft for willful infringement of myAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> patents, and use the damages collected to maintain aAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> non-profit agency whose job is to sincerely protect andAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>> encourage inventionAug 15 09:58
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> -for the open source (or Linux) community to use my patentAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> portfolio AND the damning story behind what happened, toAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> strike back at Microsoft and Oracle in the event of patentAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> litigation aimed at the open source or Linux communityAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> -to ban Apple’s iOS and Windows Phone 7, and require thatAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> hardware running them substitute an open source alternativeAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> insteadAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> -to sue Apple and Microsoft for willful infringement of myAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> patents, and use the damages collected to fund open sourceAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> and Linux development and proliferationAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> -to sue Apple and Microsoft for willful infringement of myAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> patents, and use the damages collected to maintain aAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> non-profit agency whose job is to sincerely protect andAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> encourage inventionAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> You asked me what I would consider an optimal outcome? Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> That is a fair & reasonable question but I find myselfAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> struggling just to picture an answer, Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> ...because the system for “rewarding” invention is soAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> severely defective, and the overall playing field people areAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> forced to operate on (simply because there is noAug 15 10:02
schestowitz>> alternative)  is so heavily booby-trapped by people intentAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> on gaming the systemAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> ...and there is a seemingly endless supply of liars andAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> cheats anxious to help themAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> ...that I have to struggle to tell myself  “optimal”Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> outcomes are even possible.Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> So maybe the best I can do is attempt to indicate theAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> “kinds of things” I would consider “good” ratherAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> than “bad”.  Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> These are the kinds of things I would consider “good”Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> outcomes :Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> -for the Europeans to nullify Apple’s injunction againstAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> Samsung’s Android TabletAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> -for justice departments in all countries where iPhonesAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> & iPads are sold, to investigate Apple for fraud andAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> criminal wrongdoing relating to the iPhone and iPad --- inAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> view of my storyAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>  :--(   <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> A failed patent system incubates criminality on a scale farAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> more egregious than the mere theft of inventions.  It isAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> the launching point of SEC fraud, collusion, conspiracy toAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> manipulate market share and company share value.  ItAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> destroys other companies that are not aware of what isAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> secretly happening, and therefore have no defense.  Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> And it harms a chain reaction of innocent and honest peopleAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> who have no personal involvement with the patent process,Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> and whose only sin is believing they live in a society thatAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> stands up to wrong-doing.Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> You should know that all my patents belong to my mother ---Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> NOT to me.  Aug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> Not(!) because she wanted it that way, but because I alwaysAug 15 10:03
schestowitz>> wanted them to be hers, not mine.  I didn’t take outAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> patents to go trolling.  I did so, so I could start aAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> company and have all the fundamentals in place.  Aug 15 10:04
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> My mother is a medical school professor who spent her wholeAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> life practicing altruistic medicine.  She took care ofAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> patients who deserved first rate care, simply because ALLAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> humans deserve that, even when they can’t afford much inAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> life.  So all I ever wanted all these years was for theAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> things I created to “reward” my mom, in ways she wasAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> never willing to reward herself, through the practice ofAug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> medicine. Aug 15 10:04
schestowitz>> So when Bill Gates, richest man in the world, conspired toAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> rob me, bribing my lawyers to help him --- while advertisingAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> to the world his “humanitarianism” and  “saintly”Aug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> (as Leslie Stahl of CBS News called him to Paul Allen) Aug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> desire to eliminate disease in Africa  --- he actuallyAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> robbed by mom, who God knows is the one who actually didAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> spend a lifetime tending to the sick, and quietly.Aug 15 10:08
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> And when Steve Jobs’ life was saved by surgeons who hadAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> enough belief in the Hippocratic oath to not pass judgmentAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> on whether he deserved it, Jobs had an opportunity to haveAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> an epiphany, like people are supposed to at death’sAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> doorstep.  But instead, during that very same time period,Aug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> he exercised his free will to plagiarize my work.  And IAug 15 10:08
schestowitz>> could forgive him if it was just me.  But he ultimatelyAug 15 10:09
schestowitz>> robbed my mom, who stands as a professional peer alongsideAug 15 10:09
schestowitz>> the doctors who saved him.Aug 15 10:09
schestowitz>>Aug 15 10:09
schestowitz>> So there is a “bigger picture”  from my perspective. Aug 15 10:09
schestowitz>> And any “optimal outcome” from my standpoint has toAug 15 10:09
schestowitz>> factor in how things can be fixed so this doesn’t happenAug 15 10:09
schestowitz>> any more.Aug 15 10:09
schestowitzThere's more on that comingAug 15 10:09
schestowitzJust gathering the raw evidenceAug 15 10:09
schestowitzAs he permits me to share it with fellow techrightersAug 15 10:09
schestowitzIf you have any comment on it to embed in a postAug 15 10:09
schestowitzAmazing storyAug 15 10:09
schestowitzJobs and Gates working to defraud people who actually invest stuffAug 15 10:09
schestowitz 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial@qu1j0t3: .@schestowitz In un-bylined piece, Bill Gates' pet newspaper, WaPo, sets out to undermine idea of weapons spending cuts 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial-> Title: For members of deficit-cutting supercommittee, ‘doomsday’ defense cuts hit close to home - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 88.51 KBAug 15 10:14
schestowitz 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial@manufjobs: @schestowitz Econ forces bring jobs back to #USA, due rising costs China, costs going down US. Pls see attached post. 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Ed Says:  Only one way to solve our job and debt problem: Why is U.S. dollar losing value? .::. Size~: 54.78 KBAug 15 10:14
schestowitzqu1j0t3: WashPo is no longer so much Gates' babyAug 15 10:14
schestowitz!google melinda gates to leave washington post techrightsAug 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial[1] - Education Scandal Leaves Melinda Gates Out of the Washington Post ... | 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial[2] - ES: Escándalo en Educación – Melinda Gates fuera del Washington ... | 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial[3] - Bill Gates Forms Government Connections to Avoid ... - Techrights | 15 10:14
TechrightsSocial[4] - Bill Gates Uses Influence Over Washington Post, GOOD ... - Techrights | 15 10:14
schestowitz 15 10:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: Vintage Ad: Steve Ballmer on Windows 1.0 operating system : mypapit gnu/linux blog .::. Size~: 22.49 KBAug 15 10:16
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialAug 15 12:05
schestowitz 15 12:13
TechrightsSocial@Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Monday, 15-Aug-11 09:21:36 UTC - Installed !Debian on the server yesterday. It's very good. The part where they omitted firmware for my Ethernet was unpleasant.Aug 15 12:13
schestowitzoiaohm: it's goodAug 15 12:13
oiaohmdone the lack of Ethernet firmware before.  schestowitzAug 15 12:14
oiaohmWorse is one laptop I have I need a different firmware due to it being screwyAug 15 12:14
oiaohmYes I have debian on a laptop.  schestowitzAug 15 12:15
schestowitzI installed it from SD cardAug 15 12:15
schestowitzmounted into a USB converterAug 15 12:15
oiaohmYep don't try that with windows.Aug 15 12:17
oiaohmCurrent fun project is making a few bolt chess sets up.Aug 15 12:18
qu1j0t3schestowitz: I don't see that Melinda leaving the board really changes things. it's optics. also, wasn't bill himself intimate there?Aug 15 14:40
schestowitzhe still isAug 15 14:48
qu1j0t3right, that's what i was getting atAug 15 14:53
schestowitzBill has the Washingom PostAug 15 15:04
schestowitzBill has the Washingom post tooAug 15 15:04
schestowitzBill has the Washingom stateAug 15 15:04
schestowitzHome of the BilldomAug 15 15:04
schestowitzWhere papers have to bow down for their 'hero'Aug 15 15:05
qu1j0t3rightAug 15 15:06
schestowitz 15 15:06
TechrightsSocial@agentsmith's status on Monday, 15-Aug-11 11:53:42 UTC - @schestowitz I know, it's the DE I use(after KDE 3, E-17 is my DE of choice nowadays)Aug 15 15:06
schestowitzwith a typo in EnlightenmentAug 15 15:06
schestowitz"New video: E17 #Enlightment Rocks (works as HTML5/WebM too)"Aug 15 15:06
TechrightsSocialError processing the URLAug 15 15:08
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Aug 15 16:00
schestowitzqu1j0t3: in the US, there is a mass of people against the warAug 15 17:15
schestowitzThey say it drives them into bankruptcyAug 15 17:15
schestowitzBut I wonder, can the US keep the oil traded in USD without all this occupation that makes the US seem like poppa nation?Aug 15 17:15
schestowitzAnd if liberals want to end US occupations, they might end up jeopardising US liberty tooAug 15 17:16
schestowitzIf, for example, American workers become enslaved due to financial bankruptcyAug 15 17:16
schestowitzSo I guess it boils down to one's selfishness and sense of entitlementAug 15 17:16
qu1j0t3schestowitz: the Establishment has no interest in ending war/weapons industry.Aug 15 17:20
qu1j0t3schestowitz: so this may be a future avenue of direct conflictAug 15 17:20
qu1j0t3schestowitz: it will take some time though before the movement has a pacifism motive rather than a financial motiveAug 15 17:21
qu1j0t3schestowitz: may never happen in our lifetimes in the US ... exceptionalism etcAug 15 17:22
schestowitz 15 17:53
TechrightsSocial@wikileaks: This is cute. Thanks to all our followers #PresidentAssange 15 17:53
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Twitter / Search .::. Size~: 20.9 KBAug 15 17:53
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialAug 15 18:04
*ender2070 is now known as ender_33_Aug 15 18:15
schestowitzThe installation of cyrus has gone on more smoothly on Debian, but there is still this problem with flex-related packages that I've spend two hours trying to get around every once in a while when things get quiet (last night got very busy and today too there are some VOIP occasional glitches).Aug 15 19:02
schestowitzAfter several attempts to install and even reiinstall flex it occurred to me that something was seriously wrong and I decided to run make clean, which finally led me to the same problems.Aug 15 19:13
schestowitz 15 21:28
TechrightsSocial@Christian Einfeldt (einfeldt)'s status on Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:04:21 UTC - @schestowitz We at @partimus have started selling Ubuntu earrings to raise funds. What wd u think of blogging about our efforts?Aug 15 21:28
schestowitz 15 21:28
TechrightsSocial@Christian Einfeldt (einfeldt)'s status on Monday, 15-Aug-11 20:05:45 UTC - @Schestowitz Here r our earrings in silver & gold Thx either way!Aug 15 21:28
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Partimus Blog › Fundraiser: Ubuntu Earrings from Boutique Academia – Now in Silver! .::. Size~: 14.67 KBAug 15 21:28
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Partimus Blog › Fundraiser: Ubuntu Earrings from Boutique Academia .::. Size~: 14.75 KBAug 15 21:28
schestowitzhm.. promoting ubuntu in my blog?Aug 15 21:29
qu1j0t3wtfAug 15 21:37
schestowitzit's a friend who sells thoseAug 15 21:41
schestowitzbut why would I promote earringsAug 15 21:41
schestowitz?Aug 15 21:41
qu1j0t3they don't make it clear what the funding is forAug 15 21:44
qu1j0t3i;d stay out of itAug 15 21:44
qu1j0t3i never allowed individual 3rd parties to advertise on my siteAug 15 21:44
qu1j0t3despite large trafficAug 15 21:44
qu1j0t3 15 21:46
TechrightsSocialTitle: Essex Police Arrest Man Over Blackberry Water Fight Plan - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.42 KBAug 15 21:46
schestowitza good thing they stopped this crook ahead of timeAug 15 21:49
schestowitz!google clegg arsonAug 15 21:49
TechrightsSocial[1] - Nick Clegg gets asked about his arson conviction. 11/08/2011 - YouTube | 15 21:49
TechrightsSocial[2] - NICK CLEGG IS CONVICTED ARSONIST | Ian Bone | 15 21:49
TechrightsSocial[3] - 'I'd drunk too much. I was irresponsible. Criminal': Nick Clegg on ... | 15 21:49
TechrightsSocial[4] - Nick Clegg convicted of Arson aged 16! - Punters Lounge - The ... | 15 21:49
qu1j0t3schestowitz: so, it's acceptable to light fires if you've "had too much to drink," but not if you're a victim of systemic poverty, brutality, and deprivationAug 15 22:02
qu1j0t3schestowitz: class war alive and well Aug 15 22:02
schestowitzyou missed an important pointAug 15 22:07
schestowitzhe was 16 Aug 15 22:07
schestowitzdrunkAug 15 22:07
schestowitzin GermanyAug 15 22:07
schestowitzSo by using this defence he only makes things worseAug 15 22:07
schestowitzIt's like when someone who speeds on the highway gets caught and then tells the police he was rushing cause of the body in the trunk/bootAug 15 22:08
schestowitz[22:02] <qu1j0t3> schestowitz: class war alive and well Aug 15 22:08
schestowitzmaybe it's OK cause CLegg had fine ChardonnayAug 15 22:08
schestowitzWhereas those "chavs" may have smoked potAug 15 22:08
schestowitzWhich is not a rich person's recreational drugAug 15 22:09
schestowitzChardonnay makes you a naughty little boyAug 15 22:09
schestowitzCider makes you a vicious criminalAug 15 22:09
schestowitzNude beach makes you find your rootsAug 15 22:09
schestowitzPorn/rotica makes you disgustingAug 15 22:10
schestowitzThe rich people's stuff always gets the positive connotationsAug 15 22:10
qu1j0t3yes, just as it's not theft if a banker does itAug 15 22:22
qu1j0t3it's just being a valuable City manAug 15 22:22
qu1j0t3a pillar of societyAug 15 22:22
qu1j0t3schestowitz: did you see "Sexy Beast"?Aug 15 22:23
schestowitzNoAug 15 22:24
schestowitz!google "Sexy Beast"Aug 15 22:24
TechrightsSocial[1] - IMDb - Sexy Beast (2000) | 15 22:24
TechrightsSocial[2] - Sexy Beast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 15 22:24
TechrightsSocial[3] - Sexy Beast - YouTube | 15 22:24
TechrightsSocial[4] - Sexy Beast - Rotten Tomatoes | 15 22:24
schestowitzoriginal film poster if funnyAug 15 22:24
schestowitz"The film earned Kingsley an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor.[2] In 2004 the magazine Total Film named Sexy Beast the 15th greatest British film of all time"Aug 15 22:25
schestowitzTBH I no longerb watch many filmsAug 15 22:25
schestowitzThy can rot my brain in a away... used to watch one almost every dayAug 15 22:25
schestowitzThat was more than 10 years ago. Films after 2000 I don't know so well... films are too long, like reading a huge article/paper versus blog post (clip)Aug 15 22:26
qu1j0t3i watch very few myselfAug 15 22:29
schestowitzi saw part of Avatar recentlyAug 15 22:30
schestowitztypical US productionAug 15 22:30
qu1j0t3i have avoided it.Aug 15 22:35
qu1j0t3movies with guns are, on the whole, worthless.Aug 15 22:35
qu1j0t3so is a life with guns.Aug 15 22:35
schestowitzthat's the essence of liesAug 15 22:36
schestowitz*lifeAug 15 22:36
schestowitzGuns, sex, moneyAug 15 22:36
qu1j0t3huh?Aug 15 22:58
qu1j0t3you mean, Hollywood's version of itAug 15 22:58
schestowitzyeahAug 15 23:01
schestowitzI thought it was obviousAug 15 23:01
*ender_33_ has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Aug 15 23:25
qu1j0t3schestowitz: :)Aug 15 23:30
schestowitzThere is some serious trolling today ij the #techrights channelAug 15 23:31
schestowitzThankfully for you, there's no need to bother with itAug 15 23:32
schestowitzI think thids channel now has better s/n ratio than #techrightsAug 15 23:32
schestowitzCause unlike the other one, anti-Linux propagandists don't come hereAug 15 23:32
schestowitzAnyway, havign managed not to dave in for the trolls I actually got some work doneAug 15 23:32
qu1j0t3:)Aug 15 23:33
qu1j0t3right, i would get distracted Aug 15 23:33
schestowitzDidn't manage to compile cyrus on Debian but did manage to make the code work with better generality:Aug 15 23:33
schestowitz"Aug 15 23:33
schestowitzAs agreed in this morning's one-hour conversation, I have modified the code such that it should enable any person to run the program from my own home directory (no need to pass any of the files around), even without being the owner of the user account. All that should be needed is a small change which percolates down to all the code. Without losing elegance, the change is already applied, so the program as it stands at the Aug 15 23:33
schestowitzmoment ought to work. I cannot test this as I have no account other than mine.Aug 15 23:33
schestowitzschestow@server:/home/schestow~$ ./mb  Aug 15 23:33
schestowitzI removed (commented out) the HOME= directive as we found that it generally confused X and led it into the wrong ~/.Xauthority , yielding authentication errors. The advantage of this approach might be that instructions can be provided for any user with an account on the server to reproduce the results for oneself using the GUI I created. Given the circumstance of work from afar, this is a handy utility provided it's easy Aug 15 23:33
schestowitzenough to follow (running the shell script above ought to invoke the GUI, regardless of who executes it).Aug 15 23:33
schestowitz"Aug 15 23:33
schestowitzNow on to documentationAug 15 23:33
schestowitzBTWAug 15 23:33
schestowitzIf you even need a job in the UK, maybe I can helpAug 15 23:33
schestowitzJust in caseAug 15 23:33
schestowitzI realise you have a place you're happy with nowAug 15 23:34
schestowitzand the wife tooAug 15 23:34
schestowitzFor me, all the work I do is from homeAug 15 23:34
schestowitzWith good gearAug 15 23:34
schestowitzMeaning I don't have to shave and travel as much, which is what I wantedAug 15 23:34
qu1j0t3schestowitz: that's a kind offer. if circumstances were slightly different I'd probably take you up. as a matter of fact we heard just today that she can register for a degree course starting this year at a local university. there was some uncertainty before, even though she was accepted based on portfolio. now she can go ahead.Aug 15 23:36
qu1j0t3so that commits us to the city for a few years.Aug 15 23:36
qu1j0t3and full time work (X-|)Aug 15 23:36
qu1j0t3yeah working from home suited me okay except the project was insane; I had to quit, it was making me depressed.Aug 15 23:37
qu1j0t3good money too. my friend who stayed is earning $200K, I'd have been offered nearly as much to stay.Aug 15 23:38
qu1j0t3gives you an idea of how crazy it was.Aug 15 23:38
qu1j0t3I *was* offered, actually. but the point was sanity, not money :)Aug 15 23:38
schestowitzdepends on one's circumstancesAug 15 23:39
schestowitzand timeAug 15 23:39
schestowitzSometimes people get a rush of demandAug 15 23:39
schestowitzOr get employed by thieving bankersAug 15 23:39
schestowitzThose are the people whom people like to quote as well-paid developersAug 15 23:39
schestowitzIn the UK, starting salary for programmers is around GBP26k if yo're goodAug 15 23:39
schestowitzAnd those too are hard to be accepted forAug 15 23:40
schestowitzAnd after taxation it's net of about 18k I thinkAug 15 23:40
schestowitzOr less than $30kAug 15 23:40
schestowitzUSDAug 15 23:40
schestowitzSo I had to move to another area in 2003Aug 15 23:40
schestowitzI started doing a Ph.D.Aug 15 23:40
schestowitzWhich, in retrospect, was quite wise as straight programming is a sucky \field in the UK now, unless one has specialityAug 15 23:41
schestowitz!google uk 70 programming jobsAug 15 23:41
TechrightsSocial[1] - Datascope Recruitment Ltd - | 15 23:41
TechrightsSocial[2] - C++ Software Developer (Object Oriented Programming - njobs jobs | 15 23:41
TechrightsSocial[3] - Programming jobs and Programming vacancies at | 15 23:41
TechrightsSocial[4] - Jobs in Uttaranchal,Retirement Jobs Uttaranchal,Career Job ... | 15 23:41
schestowitzlet me try againAug 15 23:41
schestowitz!google one in 70 software developers jobsAug 15 23:42
TechrightsSocial[1] - Application Software Developer Jobs on | 15 23:42
TechrightsSocial[2] - Walmart Jobs - Software Developer Jobs | 15 23:42
TechrightsSocial[3] - Software Developer Jobs in Southampton | Jobsite, UK | 15 23:42
TechrightsSocial[4] - Global Trends « Quips On Software Development | 15 23:42
schestowitzNah.. it's SEOd to deathAug 15 23:42
schestowitzI can't get to the news articlesAug 15 23:42
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialAug 15 23:50

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