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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 2nd, 2011

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*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellSep 02 00:31
sebsebsebhiSep 02 00:31
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 02 08:59
abeNd-orgschestowitz that donoma thing isnt a security update, it is a 3rd party program that integrates groupwise/lotus notes with cisco's unity phone systemSep 02 16:07
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellSep 02 16:37
sebsebseb Sep 02 16:37
abeNd-orgschestowitz did you see /. picked up on your drunk UK ms story? not sure if they actually linked in it or notSep 02 16:58
ender_2600what about RMS promoting the dutch pedophile partySep 02 17:12
abeNd-orgi had not heard of that oneSep 02 17:24
schestowitzbecause he did not promote themSep 02 17:25
schestowitzOK, enough cablegate for nowSep 02 17:26
schestowitzI need to hit the gym..Sep 02 17:26
schestowitzbblSep 02 17:26
ender_2600he did promote themSep 02 18:13
ender_2600you cant say its out of conext either, his promotion was a single paragraphSep 02 18:13
ender_2600imo, simply linking to them without saying they are bad is enoughSep 02 18:14
ender_2600Dutch pedophiles have formed a political party to campaign for legalization.Sep 02 18:18
ender_2600I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.Sep 02 18:18
ender_2600 June 2006 (Dutch paedophiles form political party)Sep 02 18:18
TechrightsBotTitle: 2006: May - August Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 412.72 KBSep 02 18:18
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 02 19:27
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 02 19:58
schestowitzender_2600: that's not promotionSep 02 20:42
schestowitzabeNd-org: thanks for the correctionSep 02 20:42
schestowitzI mixed one patch with another unrelated postSep 02 20:42
abeNd-orgnp, there is that apache issue, but thats not just novell netware/suse, thats all of apacheSep 02 20:45
ender_2600schestowitz - what is itSep 02 20:55
ender_2600if you put a poster up for them on your house you would beSep 02 20:55
ender_2600if I like to dailymail, i've been accused of promoting murdockSep 02 20:57
ender_2600link to*Sep 02 20:57
ender_2600duckduckgo includes results from bing among others, you've accused them of promoting bingSep 02 20:57
ender_2600so yes I would like to know what it is RMS is doing when he publishes a link and advertises for a group on his blogSep 02 20:58
schestowitzender_2600: it's not exactly advertising eitherSep 02 21:00
ender_2600Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.Sep 02 21:01
ender_2600 02 21:01
TechrightsBotTitle: Advertising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 187.9 KBSep 02 21:01
ender_2600 02 21:02
TechrightsBotTitle: Promote - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary .::. Size~: 51.28 KBSep 02 21:02
ender_2600 02 21:03
TechrightsBotTitle: Publicity - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary .::. Size~: 45.57 KBSep 02 21:03
ender_2600he gave them publicity which promoted their goalsSep 02 21:04
ender_2600publicity they would not have had otherwise because he is one of the few public figures that would talk about that openlySep 02 21:06
ender_2600if Bill Gates posted the same thing on his blog you would be up in armsSep 02 21:06
ender_2600your only answer is "its not that" but no explanation of what he *is* doingSep 02 21:07
schestowitz!google techrights gates islamicSep 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[1] - IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: June 26th, 2011 | 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[2] - Techrights | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting ... | 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[3] - Links 20/4/2011: Fedora 15 Beta, Linux 2.6.39 RC4 ... - Techrights | 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[4] - Links – Wikileaks Betrayed, Germany's East Texas, Spying | Techrights | 02 21:13
schestowitzhmmm...Sep 02 21:13
schestowitz!google schestowitz bill gates islamicSep 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[1] - Techrights | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting ... | 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[2] - IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: June 26th, 2011 | 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[3] - 2011 April 02 | Techrights | 02 21:13
TechrightsBot[4] - gnufreex - | 02 21:13
schestowitzCan;'t find it offhand, never mindSep 02 21:14
schestowitzHe qas funding some dubious things in the pastSep 02 21:14
schestowitz*WasSep 02 21:14

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