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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: October 20th-26th, 2013

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s-521@wikileaks       US & Canada: WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN isOct 20 00:03
s-521                 currently FREE to watch - tonight only!Oct 20 00:03
s-521        20 00:03
s-521........................................ 20 00:03 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 00:03
s-521@tacone_         Non è proprio fame, è più voglia di un gatto.Oct 20 00:06
s-521........................................ 20 00:06
s-521@slashdot        NFTables To Replace iptables In the LinuxOct 20 00:09
s-521                 Kernel 20 00:09
s-521........................................ 20 00:09 | NFTables To Replace iptables In the Linux Kernel - SlashdotOct 20 00:09
s-521@JourneymanVOD   #MEDIASTAN Free screening period has begun forOct 20 00:13
s-521 retweeted by    the USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Lithuania,Oct 20 00:13
s-521 @wikileaks      Estonia: 20 00:13
s-521........................................ 20 00:13 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 00:13
s-521@wikileaks       US & Canada: WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN isOct 20 00:13
s-521                 currently FREE to watch - tonight only!Oct 20 00:13
s-521        20 00:13
s-521........................................ 20 00:13 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 00:13
s-521@wikileaks       LIVE: US & Canada: WikiLeaks road movieOct 20 00:22
s-521                 MEDIASTAN is currently FREE to watch - tonightOct 20 00:22
s-521                 only! 20 00:22
s-521........................................ 20 00:22
s-521@slashdot        D-Wave Quantum Computing Solution Raises MoreOct 20 01:12
s-521                 Questions 20 01:12
s-521........................................ 20 01:12 | D-Wave Quantum Computing Solution Raises More Questions - SlashdotOct 20 01:12
s-521@jonobacon       Interesting: 20 01:13
s-521........................................ 20 01:13 | Bad Voltage | Coming SoonOct 20 01:13
s-521@JourneymanVOD   Who's watching #mediastan? Free screening inOct 20 01:20
s-521 retweeted by    USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Estonia,Oct 20 01:20
s-521 @wikileaks      Lithuania for next 14 hours:Oct 20 01:20
s-521        20 01:20
s-521........................................ 20 01:20 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 01:20
s-521@wikileaks       Anti-WikiLeaks film 'Fifth Estate' bombs in USOct 20 01:31
s-521        more:Oct 20 01:31
s-521        #cumberbatchOct 20 01:31
s-521                 #fifthestateOct 20 01:31
s-521........................................ 20 01:31 | 'The Fifth Estate' Bombs On Friday Night; 'Gravity' Holds No. 1Oct 20 01:31 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 20 01:31
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 01:49
s-521                 Keller discusses daily phone calls with USOct 20 01:49
s-521                 Government. Watch: 20 01:49
s-521........................................ 20 01:49 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 01:49
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Chillin with Goofy, Mom, Dad, Poe, Tara,Oct 20 01:55
s-521                 Max, Addy, Shari & her girlsOct 20 01:55
s-521        20 01:55
s-521........................................ 20 01:55 | Cory Doctorow: Chillin with Goofy, Mom, Dad, Poe, Tara, Max,...Oct 20 01:55
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:03
s-521                 Keller on his decision to conceal NSA massOct 20 02:03
s-521                 surveillance. Watch: 20 02:03
s-521........................................ 20 02:03 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:03
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - First day of Occupy WallOct 20 02:10
s-521                 Street demonstrations in NYC.Oct 20 02:10
s-521        Watch MEDIASTAN freeOct 20 02:10
s-521                 tonight only!Oct 20 02:10
s-521........................................ 20 02:10 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:10
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:43
s-521                 Keller on Drudge Report 20 02:43
s-521                 Watch MEDIASTAN free tonight only in US &Oct 20 02:43
s-521                 Canada!Oct 20 02:43 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:43
s-521........................................ 20 02:43
s-521@JRisen          The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals declined Oct 20 02:44
s-521 retweeted by    to hear my case en banc. I am determined toOct 20 02:44
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  keep fighting.Oct 20 02:44
s-521........................................ 20 02:44
s-521@JRisen          I believe this is a fight for the FirstOct 20 02:44
s-521 retweeted by    Amendment and for the freedom of the press inOct 20 02:44
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  America. I won't back down.Oct 20 02:44
s-521........................................ 20 02:44
s-521@JRisen          My lawyers and I plan to ask the U.S. SupremeOct 20 02:44
s-521 retweeted by    Court to take my case.Oct 20 02:44
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 02:44
s-521........................................ 20 02:44
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:54
s-521 retweeted by    Keller discusses daily phone calls with USOct 20 02:54
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Government. Watch: 20 02:54
s-521........................................ 20 02:54 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:54
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:54
s-521 retweeted by    Keller on his decision to conceal NSA massOct 20 02:54
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  surveillance. Watch: 20 02:54
s-521........................................ 20 02:54 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:54
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes proprieterOct 20 03:04
s-521                 Arthur Sulzberger caught congratulating editorOct 20 03:04
s-521                 for defending Obama. Watch:Oct 20 03:04
s-521        20 03:04
s-521........................................ 20 03:04 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 03:04
s-521@thewhimsytrove  Just watched #MEDIASTAN.  A perfect glimpseOct 20 03:32
s-521 retweeted by    into the disengenous nature of media and theOct 20 03:32
s-521 @wikileaks      stranglehold government and capitalism has onOct 20 03:32
s-521                 it.Oct 20 03:32
s-521........................................ 20 03:32
s-521@jonobacon       "Oprah Winfrey sobbing into a Lean Cuisine".Oct 20 03:36
s-521                 One of many reasons why I love Cards AgainstOct 20 03:36
s-521                 Humanity.Oct 20 03:36
s-521........................................ 20 03:36
s-521@rj_gallagher    Former NSA/CIA chief Hayden tells TexasOct 20 03:37
s-521 retweeted by    students the US gov collects data on about 3Oct 20 03:37
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  billion “phone events” daily:Oct 20 03:37
s-521        20 03:37
s-521........................................ 20 03:37 | Students talk Espionage with former CIA director »   Local News »   The Huntsville Item, Huntsville, TXOct 20 03:37
s-521@rj_gallagher    Hayden's 3bn calls daily figure exactly whatOct 20 03:41
s-521 retweeted by    NSA whistleblower Bill Binney estimated in JuneOct 20 03:41
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 ( 20 03:41
s-521........................................ 20 03:41 | Is Big Data turning government into 'Big Brother'?Oct 20 03:42
s-521@DustinSlaughter  Police commissioner Charles Ramsey: "ProactiveOct 20 03:42
s-521 retweeted by    policing is here...megadata from surveillanceOct 20 03:42
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  cameras, license plate readers, and (1/2)Oct 20 03:42
s-521........................................ 20 03:42
s-521@DustinSlaughter  social media" have changed police work. #IACP13Oct 20 03:42
s-521 retweeted by (2/2)Oct 20 03:42
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 03:42
s-521........................................ 20 03:42 | Twitpic - Share photos and videos on TwitterOct 20 03:42
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - Journalists head toOct 20 03:42
s-521                 Swedish Military Base in Afghanistan, discussOct 20 03:42
s-521                 purpose of military presenseOct 20 03:42
s-521        20 03:42
s-521........................................ 20 03:42
s-521@DustinSlaughter  Commish Ramsey: "Soon, license plate readers onOct 20 03:42
s-521 retweeted by    dashboards will be able to read not justOct 20 03:42
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  plates, but faces." #IACP13 Oct 20 03:42
s-521        20 03:42 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 03:42
s-521........................................ 20 03:42
schestowitz_bed2 20 03:57
TechrightsSocial@flemingjude: @schestowitz @UN Hagel as chairman. Condaleeza Rice too. 2010 roll-out now in progress. Laws against Journalism catching up.Oct 20 03:57
s-521@EmmaSNico       #MEDIASTAN  was one of the most informativeOct 20 04:08
s-521 retweeted by    documentaries and most well conducted filmsOct 20 04:08
s-521 @wikileaks      I've ever seen.  Can't wait to own it Oct 20 04:08
s-521                 @wikileaksOct 20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN available FREEOct 20 04:08
s-521                 in US, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Estonia,Oct 20 04:08
s-521                 Lithuania for next 10 hours.Oct 20 04:08
s-521        20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 04:08
s-521@llsmith2449     Just watched Mediastan.  Well done @wikileaks !Oct 20 04:08
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 20 04:08
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08
s-521@jeff_deeney     Oh man, this scene from Mediastan in theOct 20 04:08
s-521 retweeted by    newspaper headquarters in Turkmenistan is justOct 20 04:08
s-521 @wikileaks      totally surreal.Oct 20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08
s-521@Shotine         If you havent watched #mediastan you need toOct 20 04:08
s-521 retweeted by    watch it & see how little the media cares aboutOct 20 04:08
s-521 @wikileaks      the truth & only cares about what is profitableOct 20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08
s-521@AnonyOps        Wikileaks' documentary #Mediastan available forOct 20 04:11
s-521 retweeted by    free viewing in the US/Canada starting 7pm -Oct 20 04:11
s-521 @wikileaks      Well worth watching 20 04:11
s-521........................................ 20 04:11 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 04:11
s-521@jonmallette     #Mediastan was an excellent piece on howOct 20 04:13
s-521 retweeted by    ineffective and controlled the media is, notOct 20 04:13
s-521 @wikileaks      only in the west but globally. Shocking.Oct 20 04:13
s-521........................................ 20 04:13
s-521@SALSENDIK44     Watch #mediastan, it actually shows a lot aboutOct 20 04:13
s-521 retweeted by    media outlet's true culture. Nice @wikileaksOct 20 04:13
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 04:13
s-521........................................ 20 04:13
s-521@JustinDLeBlanc  Watching the @wikileaks documentary Oct 20 04:14
s-521 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. Can stream for free tonight only.Oct 20 04:14
s-521 @wikileaks      Drop what you're doing and watch it.Oct 20 04:14
s-521........................................ 20 04:14
s-521@slashdot        No Zombie Uprising, But Problems Persist WithOct 20 04:18
s-521                 Emergency Alert System 20 04:18
s-521........................................ 20 04:18 | No Zombie Uprising, But Problems Persist With Emergency Alert System - SlashdotOct 20 04:18
s-521@mayxx150        After watching the cinematic and politicalOct 20 04:23
s-521 retweeted by    failure that was #FifthEstate I've decided toOct 20 04:23
s-521 @wikileaks      show my Communication Law students #MEDIASTANOct 20 04:23
s-521........................................ 20 04:23
s-521@JoeNordman      Watching #MEDIASTAN  a @wikileaks  documentary.Oct 20 04:23
s-521 retweeted by    Go check out their page for it, it's free forOct 20 04:23
s-521 @wikileaks      tonight only. It's well worth the time.Oct 20 04:23
s-521........................................ 20 04:23
s-521@JRisen          My lawyers and I plan to ask the U.S. SupremeOct 20 04:24
s-521 retweeted by    Court to take my case.Oct 20 04:24
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 20 04:24
s-521........................................ 20 04:24
s-521@darthdrums      Just wrapped up #MEDIASTAN courtesy ofOct 20 04:27
s-521 retweeted by    @wikileaks.  Fascinating and informative pieceOct 20 04:27
s-521 @wikileaks      on the US ownership and corruption of globalOct 20 04:27
s-521                 media.Oct 20 04:27
s-521........................................ 20 04:27
s-521@TheBookofAnon   Taking advantage of a free night to watch aOct 20 04:27
s-521 retweeted by    real movie: #Mediastan I'm done with Hollywood,Oct 20 04:27
s-521 @wikileaks      thank you @wikileaks for this movieOct 20 04:27
s-521........................................ 20 04:27
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canda: MEDIASTAN - Journalists askOct 20 04:36
s-521                 Turkmenian news org, "Why is the president onOct 20 04:36
s-521                 all of your front pages?" Watch:Oct 20 04:36
s-521        20 04:36
s-521........................................ 20 04:36 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 04:36
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - Journalists askOct 20 04:37
s-521                 Turkmenian news org, "Why is the president onOct 20 04:37
s-521                 all of your front pages?" Watch:Oct 20 04:37
s-521        20 04:37
s-521........................................ 20 04:37
s-521@iaxym           Watched #MEDIASTAN. great work @wikileaksOct 20 04:42
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 20 04:42
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 04:42
s-521........................................ 20 04:42
s-521@CharlesDolph    nice to see the buzz around @wikileaksOct 20 04:43
s-521 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. fascinating doc and a breath ofOct 20 04:43
s-521 @wikileaks      fresh air compared to "we steal secrets"-typeOct 20 04:43
s-521                 BSOct 20 04:43
s-521........................................ 20 04:43
s-521@lilianaemota    Thank you @wikileaks for #MEDIASTAN. AmazingOct 20 04:43
s-521 retweeted by    documentary. Highly recommend everyone to watchOct 20 04:43
s-521 @wikileaks      it.Oct 20 04:43
s-521........................................ 20 04:43
s-521@tara_hoch       if you have time to kill, definitely watchOct 20 04:44
s-521 retweeted by    #mediastan for free tonight instead of seeingOct 20 04:44
s-521 @wikileaks      the Fifth Estate. Worth it, trust me.Oct 20 04:44
s-521                 @wikileaksOct 20 04:44
s-521........................................ 20 04:44
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - editor in chief ofOct 20 05:07
s-521                 Kazakhstan newspaper says WikiLeaks "is aOct 20 05:07
s-521                 totally useless thing". Watch:Oct 20 05:07
s-521        20 05:07
s-521........................................ 20 05:07 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:07
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - What's behind theOct 20 05:12
s-521                 decision of media orgs whether or not toOct 20 05:12
s-521                 publish WikiLeaks cables? Watch:Oct 20 05:12
s-521        20 05:12
s-521........................................ 20 05:12 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:12
s-521@MFHATER         Not sure what to do tonight? You can watchOct 20 05:14
s-521 retweeted by    @wikileaks new documentary #MEDIASTAN FOR FREEOct 20 05:14
s-521 @wikileaks      TONIGHT! 20 05:14
s-521........................................ 20 05:14 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 05:14
s-521@JeremiahTK      Watching #MEDIASTAN the new @wikileaks film..Oct 20 05:22
s-521 retweeted by    crazy stuff. Already knew it was happening, butOct 20 05:22
s-521 @wikileaks      watching this stuff in detail is crazy.Oct 20 05:22
s-521........................................ 20 05:22
s-521@elefteriades    @wikileaks The Emperor of NowheristanOct 20 05:22
s-521 retweeted by    recommends you to watch #MEDIASTAN.Oct 20 05:22
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:22
s-521........................................ 20 05:22
s-521@libdemwasjailed  #MediaSTAN @mediastan @wikileaks the reportersOct 20 05:24
s-521 retweeted by    tell Julian ""well the good news is we wereOct 20 05:24
s-521 @wikileaks      deported from Turkmenistan""Oct 20 05:24
s-521........................................ 20 05:24
s-521@mbopferkuch     Watching #MEDIASTAN . Just a few minutes in andOct 20 05:25
s-521 retweeted by    I'm already loving it. #wikileaksOct 20 05:25
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:26
s-521........................................ 20 05:26
s-521@Zach_Covey      @wikileaks Great job with #Mediastan. ReallyOct 20 05:33
s-521 retweeted by    well done documentary.Oct 20 05:33
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:33
s-521........................................ 20 05:33
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - Assange interviewsOct 20 05:42
s-521                 Guardian editor Rusbridger about decisions onOct 20 05:42
s-521                 redaction of WikiLeaks cablesOct 20 05:42
s-521        20 05:42
s-521........................................ 20 05:42 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:42
s-521@everywhrjustice  Wow. Just finished watching the @wikileaksOct 20 05:44
s-521 retweeted by    movie, #MEDIASTAN. Check it out. It's FREEOct 20 05:44
s-521 @wikileaks      tonight in the U.S. 20 05:44
s-521........................................ 20 05:44 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:44
s-521@NewsFeedOnly    Just finished #MEDIASTAN, a documentary aboutOct 20 05:45
s-521 retweeted by    @wikileaks. It's very good. Watch it FREEOct 20 05:45
s-521 @wikileaks      tonight in the US: 20 05:45
s-521........................................ 20 05:45
s-521@SeanElKhatib    Watching #MEDIASTAN  by @wikileaks. PrettyOct 20 05:46
s-521 retweeted by    interesting so far!!!Oct 20 05:46
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:46
s-521........................................ 20 05:46
s-521@wikileaks       MEDIASTAN free tonight: US, Canada, Ireland,Oct 20 05:59
s-521                 Portugal, Estonia, LithuaniaOct 20 05:59
s-521        On demand worldwide:Oct 20 05:59
s-521        20 05:59
s-521........................................ 20 05:59 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 05:59
s-521@westerner222    @wikileaks Watched #MEDIASTAN .Good film. GreatOct 20 06:00
s-521 retweeted by    info. I hope everyone is alive and well. ThankOct 20 06:00
s-521 @wikileaks      you, filmmakers.Oct 20 06:00
s-521........................................ 20 06:00 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 20 06:00
s-521@ShadowHawk54    #MEDIASTAN by @wikileaks was excellent. YouOct 20 06:02
s-521 retweeted by    should definitely watch it.Oct 20 06:02
s-521 @wikileaks 20 06:02
s-521........................................ 20 06:02
s-521@Orlie_Roach     @wikileaks saw The Fifth Estate today and let'sOct 20 06:02
s-521 retweeted by    just say Mediastan wins hands down! #MEDIASTANOct 20 06:02
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 06:02
s-521........................................ 20 06:02
s-521@Liberationtech  US Embassies Used to Lobby on Behalf ofOct 20 06:02
s-521 retweeted by    American Companies, @Wikileaks ShowOct 20 06:02
s-521 @wikileaks 20 06:02
s-521........................................ 20 06:02 | 8 Ways WikiLeaks Cables About a Tiny Country Like Iceland Expose the Dark Depths of American Empire  | AlternetOct 20 06:02
s-521@everywhrjustice  Drop what you're doing, seriously, and watchOct 20 06:03
s-521 retweeted by    the @wikileaks movie #MEDIASTAN tonight in theOct 20 06:03
s-521 @wikileaks      US/Canada for FREE here:Oct 20 06:03
s-521        20 06:03
s-521........................................ 20 06:03 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 06:03
s-521@SeanMcElwee     #MEDIASTAN is great! Learn about the horrors ofOct 20 06:11
s-521 retweeted by    american foreign policy.Oct 20 06:11
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 06:11
s-521........................................ 20 06:11
s-521@JGiada          I believe you should watch #MediaSTAN free onOct 20 06:11
s-521 retweeted by    YouTube and mindblowingOct 20 06:11
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 06:11
s-521........................................ 20 06:11
s-521@bradenbuhler    Just finished the @wikileaks documentaryOct 20 06:11
s-521 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN and I just, wow. I feel like its aOct 20 06:11
s-521 @wikileaks      battle for the greater good and no one wants toOct 20 06:11
s-521                 fightOct 20 06:11
s-521........................................ 20 06:11
schestowitz_bed2 20 06:45 Wiki-PR conducting "a concerted attack" on Wikipedia #pr and #marketing is the scum of the EarthOct 20 06:45
TechrightsSocial-> | Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2013-10-16/News and notes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Oct 20 06:45
schestowitz_bed2"link does not seem to work for me ......"Oct 20 06:46
schestowitz_bed2 20 06:46 Looking into the possibility of moving #techrights to #drupal and doing a large overhaulOct 20 06:46
schestowitz_bed2"Drupal is cool. Do it :)"Oct 20 06:46
schestowitz_bed2"Be careful about that."Oct 20 06:47
schestowitz_bed2Having thought about the ramifications for an hour yesterday, this suggestion, which came from a friend, seems to have been relegated. It's too much trouble for too little gain.Oct 20 06:54
schestowitz_bed2"Drupal is recommendable. It's a powerful CMS...'Oct 20 06:54
schestowitz_bed2"The UK has just experienced the coldest March since 1962, and England its fourth-coldest since records began in 1910, according to the Met Office."Oct 20 06:57
schestowitz_bed2"From 1-26 March the UK mean temperature was 2.5C - three degrees below the long-term average. "Oct 20 06:58
schestowitz_bed2"Get ready for Freezing February! Temperatures set to plunge to -11C as ice and snow transform countryside in scenes of breathtaking beauty"Oct 20 06:58
schestowitz_bed2reuters days ago:Oct 20 07:00
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 20 07:01
schestowitz_bed2Britain could see widespread power blackouts during next year's winter if a series of unforeseen events such as a cold snap or unplanned station outages occurs simultaneously, a report for an advisory body to the prime minister warned on Thursday.Oct 20 07:01
schestowitz_bed2Britain's power capacity margin, which is the production capacity available above demand levels, is expected to be dangerously low in the winter of 2014/15, an engineering report for the Council for Science and Technology said.Oct 20 07:01
schestowitz_bed2Britain's energy regulator Ofgem and network operator National Grid have also warned of shrinking margins and in response are creating tools aimed at reducing peak demand.Oct 20 07:01
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 20 07:01
schestowitz_bed2"Over the coming year, Britain faces further closures of coal- and oil-fired power plants to comply with pollution laws.'Oct 20 07:02
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 20 07:04
*schestowitz_log has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 20 07:04
schestowitz_bed2 20 07:05
schestowitz_bed2"The winter of 1946–1947 was a harsh European winter noted for its effects in the United Kingdom. The UK experienced several cold spells, beginning on 21 January 1947, bringing large drifts of snow to the country, which caused roads and railways to be blocked. Coal supplies, already low following the Second World War, struggled to get through to power stations and many stations were forced to shut down for lack of fuelOct 20 07:05 | Winter of 1946–47 in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Oct 20 07:05
schestowitz_bed2 'Oct 20 07:05
schestowitz_bed2"Mid-March brought milder air to the country which thawed the snow lying on the ground. This snowmelt ran off the frozen ground straight into rivers and caused widespread flooding. More than 100,000 properties were affected and the Army and foreign aid agencies were forced to provide humanitarian aid. With the cold weather over and the ground thawing there were no further weather problems. The winter had severe effects Oct 20 07:06
schestowitz_bed2on British industries with around 10% of the year's industrial production lost, cereal and potato crops down 10–20% and one quarter of sheep stocks lost. The ruling Labour Party began to lose popularity which led to their loss of a large number of seats to the Conservative Party in the 1950 election."Oct 20 07:06
s-521@slashdot        Teachers Get 1 Week To Test Tech Giants' HourOct 20 07:21
s-521                 of Code 20 07:21
s-521........................................ 20 07:21 | Teachers Get 1 Week To Test Tech Giants' Hour of Code - SlashdotOct 20 07:21
s-521@wikileaks       Only a few more hours to watch WikiLeaksOct 20 08:50
s-521                 MEDIASTAN for FREE in US, Canada, Ireland,Oct 20 08:50
s-521                 Portugal, Estonia, LithuaniaOct 20 08:50
s-521        20 08:50
s-521........................................ 20 08:50 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 08:50
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN is availableOct 20 08:52
s-521                 worldwide on demand: 20 08:52
s-521                 more: 20 08:52
s-521........................................ 20 08:52 | Journeyman Pictures : documentaries : Mediastan (HD)Oct 20 08:52 | Press Release: US Release of Mediastan - WikiLeaks’ Fifth Estate ChallengerOct 20 08:52
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 20 09:10
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Oct 20 09:10
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 20 09:10
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 20 09:10
s-521@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 131019 -Oct 20 09:21
s-521        yesterday's tweets as aOct 20 09:21
s-521                 single Web page #MMDDOct 20 09:21
s-521........................................ 20 09:21 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 131019Oct 20 09:21
s-521@brembs          Are Republicans anti-science? In this case, yesOct 20 09:26
s-521 retweeted by 20 09:26
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 09:26
s-521........................................ 20 09:26 | Are Republicans anti-science? In this case, yes | Richard Schiffman | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 20 09:26
s-521@glynmoody       Überwachung in Europa: EU-KommissarinOct 20 09:36
s-521                 kritisiert amerikanische und britische SpitzelOct 20 09:36
s-521                 scharf - good foOct 20 09:36
s-521                 @NeelieKroesEUOct 20 09:36
s-521........................................ 20 09:36 | NSA: EU-Kommissarin Neelie Kroes lobt Edward Snowdens Enthüllungen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 09:36
s-521@glynmoody       Loz Kaye Rounds off #PPUK13 Conference: "If WeOct 20 09:37
s-521                 don't Speak Out, Who Will" -Oct 20 09:37
s-521        well, indeedOct 20 09:37
s-521                 #piratepartyOct 20 09:37
s-521........................................ 20 09:37 | Loz Kaye Rounds off #PPUK13 Conference: "If We don't Speak Out, Who Will?" - Pirate Party UKOct 20 09:37
s-521@glynmoody       #Badger cull hit by legal challenge -Oct 20 09:38
s-521        "faces collapse":Oct 20 09:38
s-521                 "pilots have shown v clearly that approach isOct 20 09:38
s-521                 not effective"Oct 20 09:38 | Badger cull hit by legal challenge | Environment | theguardian.comOct 20 09:38
s-521........................................ 20 09:38
s-521@glynmoody       public indifference is the real enemy in theOct 20 09:41
s-521                 #NSA affair - ignoranceOct 20 09:41
s-521                 + a result of "terrorism" scaremongeringOct 20 09:41 | Edward Snowden: public indifference is the real enemy in the NSA affair | World news | The ObserverOct 20 09:41
s-521........................................ 20 09:41
s-521@glynmoody       you can contribute to Badger Trust's legalOct 20 09:42
s-521                 action against UK gov's anti-scientific cullOct 20 09:42
s-521                 here: I've given aOct 20 09:42
s-521                 mite...Oct 20 09:42
s-521........................................ 20 09:42
s-521@davidgerard     Precisely how and why Microsoft Word for MacOct 20 09:42
s-521                 6.0 sucked so much compared to 5.1a, from oneOct 20 09:42 | Badger TrustOct 20 09:42
s-521                 of its developers 20 09:42
s-521........................................ 20 09:42 | Mac Word 6.0Oct 20 09:42
s-521@drzarron        No matter how good your selfie is, it's not asOct 20 09:45
s-521 retweeted by    good as this one. (viaOct 20 09:45
s-521 @glynmoody      @markromanek)Oct 20 09:45
TechrightsSocial@markromanek: No matter how good your selfie is, it's not as good as this one. 20 09:45
s-521........................................ 20 09:45
s-521@ArjenKamphuis   @glynmoody Now were did we see this before...Oct 20 09:49
s-521 retweeted by O. There. And that didOct 20 09:49
s-521 @glynmoody      not end well. #NSA #privacy #repressionOct 20 09:49
s-521........................................ 20 09:49 | They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerptOct 20 09:49
s-521@Glinner         Guardian wins awards in US for its work onOct 20 09:51
s-521 retweeted by    state surveillance. Suck on that, Cameron.Oct 20 09:51
s-521 @glynmoody (via @ggreenwald )Oct 20 09:51
s-521........................................ 20 09:51 | Guardian, Boston Globe, AxisPhilly, Texas Tribune take home 2013 Online Journalism Awards - Online News AssociationOct 20 09:51
s-521@slashdot        Carbon-Negative Energy Machines Catching OnOct 20 10:24
s-521        20 10:24
s-521........................................ 20 10:24 | Carbon-Negative Energy Machines Catching On - SlashdotOct 20 10:24
s-521@glynmoody       UK grants £500K funds to bring #3Dprinters toOct 20 10:39
s-521                 60 schools - sensible,Oct 20 10:39
s-521                 but ought to be #RapRaps (v @eellak @karounos)Oct 20 10:39
s-521........................................ 20 10:39 | UK grants £500K funds to bring 3D printers to 60 schools | B3dgeableOct 20 10:39
s-521@davidgerard     Scrum-English Dictionary: "end of sprint" =Oct 20 11:24
s-521                 "the product is now abandonware"Oct 20 11:24
s-521........................................ 20 11:24
s-521@glynmoody       Fresh Leak on US Spying: #NSA Accessed MexicanOct 20 11:32
s-521                 President's Email - NBOct 20 11:32
s-521                 metadata use here (v @botherder @e3i5) #mxOct 20 11:32
s-521........................................ 20 11:32 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 11:32
s-521@NoonanJoe       EU referendum today in San Marino. 33,000Oct 20 11:35
s-521 retweeted by    voters decide whether to apply to join.Oct 20 11:35
s-521 @glynmoody 20 11:35
s-521                 #SanMarino #EU #ReferendumOct 20 11:35
s-521........................................ 20 11:35 | IFES Election Guide | Elections: San Marino Referendum EU 2013Oct 20 11:35
s-521@ggreenwald      While the authoritarian UK press calls forOct 20 12:26
s-521 retweeted by    investigation of Guardian, it winsOct 20 12:26
s-521 @ioerror        investigative journalism awards in USOct 20 12:26
s-521        20 12:26
s-521........................................ 20 12:26 | Guardian, Boston Globe, AxisPhilly, Texas Tribune take home 2013 Online Journalism Awards - Online News AssociationOct 20 12:26
s-521@glynmoody       A psychological history of the #NSA -Oct 20 12:27
s-521        illuminating;Oct 20 12:27
s-521                 recommended (v @TeaWithCarl) #snowdenOct 20 12:27 | The Daily Dot - A psychological history of the NSAOct 20 12:27
s-521........................................ 20 12:27
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   #SCOTUS lacks jurisdiction over secret court &Oct 20 12:29
s-521                 NSA because Obama Admin opinion & exec fiatOct 20 12:29
s-521                 'law' trump Constitution?Oct 20 12:29
s-521        20 12:29
s-521........................................ 20 12:29 | Supreme Court shouldn't review NSA spying case, U.S. gov't says | PCWorldOct 20 12:29
s-521@SSK1ATX         If SCOTUS lacks jurisdiction to reviewOct 20 12:29
s-521 retweeted by    iterations of NSA law then where exactly is itOct 20 12:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  that I'm living? Bizarre times.Oct 20 12:29
s-521        20 12:29
s-521........................................ 20 12:29
s-521@SSK1ATX         If SCOTUS lacks jurisdiction to reviewOct 20 12:31
s-521 retweeted by    iterations of NSA law then where exactly is itOct 20 12:31
s-521 @ioerror        that I'm living? Bizarre times.Oct 20 12:31
s-521        20 12:31
s-521........................................ 20 12:31
s-521@quinnnorton     NSA/GCHQ violate intl law and treaties, as wellOct 20 12:33
s-521 retweeted by    as basic human decency any 6yr old canOct 20 12:33
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  understand: 20 12:33
s-521........................................ 20 12:33 | Martin Scheinin: U.S., U.K. surveillance programs violate ICCPR.Oct 20 12:33
s-521@ioerror         Supreme Court shouldn't review #NSA spyingOct 20 12:36
s-521                 case, U.S. gov't says: 20 12:36
s-521                 What the?Oct 20 12:36
s-521........................................ 20 12:36
s-521@ioerror         The World’s Policeman Is Looking Mighty Guilty:Oct 20 12:37
s-521        20 12:37
s-521........................................ 20 12:37
s-521@AndrewJFowler   Excellent analysis on protecting sources  postOct 20 12:38
s-521 retweeted by    Snowden's revelations 20 12:38
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  @suigenerisjen @latingle @ElouiseFowlerOct 20 12:38
s-521........................................ 20 12:38 | No more sources | openDemocracyOct 20 12:38
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   NSA surveils President of Mexico. Tip of muchOct 20 12:50
s-521                 larger diplomatic spyberg melt? Foreign friendsOct 20 12:50
s-521                 & allies plus citizens? 20 12:50
s-521........................................ 20 12:50 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 12:50
s-521@slashdot        The Battle For the Game Industry's SoulOct 20 13:24
s-521        20 13:24
s-521........................................ 20 13:24 | The Battle For the Game Industry's Soul - SlashdotOct 20 13:24
s-521@linuxtoday      Cyber-Attacks: Where Are They Coming From? AndOct 20 14:07
s-521                 Where Are They Going?: eWEEK: Cyber-attacksOct 20 14:07
s-521                 have become commonp... 20 14:07
s-521........................................ 20 14:07 | Linux Today - Cyber-Attacks: Where Are They Coming From? And Where Are They Going?Oct 20 14:07
s-521@schestowitz     Experimenting with #drupal for #techrights --Oct 20 14:10
s-521                 tentative address to be published later. TheOct 20 14:10
s-521                 seventh version much better than predecessors.Oct 20 14:10
s-521........................................ 20 14:10
s-521@davidgerard     DSM-5 reviewed as a novel.Oct 20 14:13
s-521        "If the novel has anOct 20 14:13
s-521                 overbearing literary influence, it’sOct 20 14:13
s-521                 undoubtedly Jorge Luis Borges."Oct 20 14:13
s-521........................................ 20 14:13 | Book of Lamentations – The New InquiryOct 20 14:13
s-521@slashdot        Debunking the Lorentz System As a Framework ForOct 20 14:24
s-521                 Human Emotions 20 14:24
s-521........................................ 20 14:24 | Debunking the Lorentz System As a Framework For Human Emotions - SlashdotOct 20 14:24
s-521@davidgerard     Rocknerd: A review of the DSM-5 as a dystopianOct 20 14:24
s-521                 novel. 20 14:24
s-521........................................ 20 14:24 | Rocknerd  » Blog Archive   » A review of the DSM-5 as a dystopian novel.Oct 20 14:24
s-521@davidgerard     Hands up all those who even knew that TwitterOct 20 14:28
s-521                 had a music app to kill off.Oct 20 14:28
s-521        20 14:28
s-521........................................ 20 14:28 | Twitter to Kill Twitter Music App iOS Android - Mike Isaac - Social - AllThingsDOct 20 14:28
s-521@glynmoody       Why have young people in #Japan stopped havingOct 20 14:41
s-521                 sex? - fascinating ifOct 20 14:41
s-521                 somewhat troubling...Oct 20 14:41 | Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The ObserverOct 20 14:41
s-521........................................ 20 14:41
s-521@lrtpublicity    Price of ebooks in Britain expected to plummetOct 20 14:45
s-521 retweeted by    following vote in Brussels that could cut VATOct 20 14:45
s-521 @glynmoody      on them from 20% to zero 20 14:45
s-521........................................ 20 14:45 | Price of ebooks to plunge as EU orders cut in VAT  | This is MoneyOct 20 14:45
s-521@buissonnierem   #TPPA: Malaysians worried about TRIPS-plusOct 20 14:45
s-521 retweeted by    provisions that could prevent meds from beingOct 20 14:45
s-521 @glynmoody      accessible to patients 20 14:45
s-521                 #A2MOct 20 14:45
s-521........................................ 20 14:45 | An all-American puppet show: TPPA and Medicines - Fifa Rahman -  The Malaysian InsiderOct 20 14:45
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   AP CEO: free & independent pressOct 20 15:03
s-521                 "differentiates democracy from dictatorship;Oct 20 15:03
s-521                 separates a free society from tyranny"Oct 20 15:03
s-521        20 15:03
s-521........................................ 20 15:03 | AP News: AP CEO: Press freedom v. security a 'false choice'Oct 20 15:03
s-521@csoghoian       NSA/Mexico spying story includes rare referenceOct 20 15:12
s-521                 to secretive NSA/CIA "Special CollectionOct 20 15:12
s-521                 Service" (SCS) embassy unitOct 20 15:12
s-521        20 15:12
s-521........................................ 20 15:12
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Spiegel reveals new info from Snowden on NSA infiltration of Mexican president's email acct: 20 15:12
TechrightsSocial-> | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 15:12
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Spiegel reveals new info from Snowden on NSA infiltration of Mexican president's email acct: 20 15:12
s-521@_wirepair       Congratulations on your device purchase!Oct 20 15:15
s-521 retweeted by    Would you like:Oct 20 15:15
s-521 @csoghoian      A. A US Backdoor.Oct 20 15:15
s-521                 B. A Chinese Backdoor.Oct 20 15:15
s-521                 C. A Vendor Backdoor.Oct 20 15:15
s-521........................................ 20 15:15
s-521@davidgerard     A eulogy for Jamie Delano's originalOct 20 15:22
s-521                 Hellblazer, a horror comic about neoliberalismOct 20 15:22
s-521        20 15:22
s-521........................................ 20 15:22 | The Devil You Know – The New InquiryOct 20 15:22
s-521@jimray          “Can you believe the salary these BART guys getOct 20 15:23
s-521 retweeted by    to drive a train?” —someone whose job is makingOct 20 15:23
s-521 @davidgerard    internet ads more clickable.Oct 20 15:23
s-521........................................ 20 15:23
s-521@csoghoian       NSA has capability to intercept Mexican cellOct 20 15:24
s-521                 phone conversations and text messages,Oct 20 15:24
s-521                 codenamed operation Eveningeasel.Oct 20 15:24
s-521        20 15:24
s-521........................................ 20 15:24
s-521@PeteForsyth     CERN changes the license for its photos to CCOct 20 15:24
s-521 retweeted by    BY-SA, explicitly mentioning Wikipedia use as aOct 20 15:24
s-521 @davidgerard    benefit: 20 15:24
s-521........................................ 20 15:24 | CERN releases photos under a Creative Commons licence | CERNOct 20 15:24
s-521@csoghoian       Please, please let the NSA have hacked Mexico'sOct 20 15:26
s-521                 law enforcement cell phone surveillance system.Oct 20 15:26
s-521                 Most likely scenario, and most ironic.Oct 20 15:26
s-521........................................ 20 15:26
s-521@csoghoian       1. US mandates interception features inOct 20 15:28
s-521                 telephone switches. 2. Foreign telcos buy gearOct 20 15:28
s-521                 w/ intercept features. 3. US hacks gear. 4. SpyOct 20 15:28
s-521                 win!Oct 20 15:28
s-521........................................ 20 15:28
s-521@davidgerard     Showing you this map of aggregated bullfrogOct 20 15:28
s-521                 occurrences would be illegalOct 20 15:28
s-521        Same problem: @skud'sOct 20 15:28
s-521        20 15:28
s-521........................................ 20 15:28 | Showing you this map of aggregated bullfrog occurrences would be illegal - Peter DesmetOct 20 15:28
TechrightsSocial ( status 500 @ )Oct 20 15:28
s-521@slashdot        The Cost of the US Government Shutdown ToOct 20 15:30
s-521                 Science 20 15:30
s-521........................................ 20 15:30 | The Cost of the US Government Shutdown To Science - SlashdotOct 20 15:30
s-521@ColMorrisDavis  Irony: In my lawsuit DOJ portrays me as pondOct 20 15:32
s-521 retweeted by    scum, but DOJ relied upon my veracity to winOct 20 15:32
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  this case.  Go figure. 20 15:32
s-521........................................ 20 15:32
s-521@glynmoody       #Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not 2Oct 20 15:40
s-521                 attack Guardian - "leaksOct 20 15:40
s-521                 should not have 'a chilling effect on theOct 20 15:40
s-521                 press'."Oct 20 15:40 | Edward Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not to attack the Guardian | Patrick Wintour | World news | theguardian.comOct 20 15:40
s-521........................................ 20 15:40
s-521@NichiHodgson    FYI-anyone looking for topless pics of GloriaOct 20 15:43
s-521 retweeted by    de Piero:downloading under 18 toplessOct 20 15:43
s-521 @glynmoody      constitutes child abuse under England/WalesOct 20 15:43
s-521                 law. Don’t.Oct 20 15:43
s-521........................................ 20 15:43
s-521@africatechie    Rwanda rolls out free wireless in bid forOct 20 15:46
s-521 retweeted by    business boom 20 15:46
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 15:46
s-521........................................ 20 15:46 | Rwanda rolls out free wireless in bid for business boom | GlobalPostOct 20 15:46
s-521@doctorow        #Please use fan fiction responsibly#do not readOct 20 15:57
s-521                 while operating heavy machinery#side effectsOct 20 15:57
s-521                 for fanfiction i… 20 15:57
s-521........................................ 20 15:57 | Cory Doctorow: #Please use fan fiction responsibly#do not read...Oct 20 15:57
s-521@doctorow        Half-pound Reese's cups! rstevens: quick quickOct 20 16:04
s-521                 guess what country I’m I’m.Oct 20 16:04
s-521        20 16:04
s-521........................................ 20 16:04 | InstagramOct 20 16:04 | Cory Doctorow: rstevens:  quick quick guess what country I’m...Oct 20 16:04
s-521@doctorow        m1k3y: If Facebook staffers opt to move in toOct 20 16:04
s-521                 work, they’ll be getting a very sweet deal outOct 20 16:04
s-521                 of it: the Anton… 20 16:04
s-521........................................ 20 16:04 | Cory Doctorow: m1k3y:  If Facebook staffers opt to move in to...Oct 20 16:04
s-521@doctorow        meme4u: I AM VENGEANCEOct 20 16:04
s-521                 I AM THE NIGHTOct 20 16:04
s-521                 I AM PRINCESS BATMAN 20 16:04
s-521........................................ 20 16:04 | Cory Doctorow: meme4u:  I AM VENGEANCE  I AM THE NIGHT  I AM...Oct 20 16:04
s-521@doctorow        "There are some themes, some subjects, tooOct 20 16:05
s-521                 large for adult fiction; they can only be dealtOct 20 16:05
s-521                 with..." 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: There are some themes, some subjects, too large...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        "In every generation, children’s books mirrorOct 20 16:05
s-521                 the society from which they arise; childrenOct 20 16:05
s-521                 always get the..." 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: In every generation, children’s books mirror the...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        suan-sarandon: "The Rocky Horror Picture ShowOct 20 16:05
s-521                 is one of the best musical movies ever. I did aOct 20 16:05
s-521                 series of portr… 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: suan-sarandon:  "The Rocky Horror Picture Show is...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        "Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend.Oct 20 16:05
s-521                 Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read." -Oct 20 16:05
s-521                 Groucho Marx (via... 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend....Oct 20 16:05
s-521@tripalong       The first known photo of #Paris. 1839. Thx forOct 20 16:07
s-521 retweeted by    sharing @parisavant 20 16:07
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 16:07
TechrightsSocial@parisavant: La 1ere photo existante de Paris : 1839 ! 20 16:07
s-521........................................ 20 16:07
s-521@glynmoody       Beijing's #pollution clean-up plan will costOct 20 16:10
s-521                 almost a trillion yuan - 20 16:10
s-521                 cheap at the price #chinaOct 20 16:10
s-521........................................ 20 16:10 | Beijing's pollution clean-up plan will cost almost a trillion yuan: ShanghaiistOct 20 16:10
s-521@slashdot        Building an Opt-In SocietyOct 20 16:27
s-521        20 16:27
s-521........................................ 20 16:27 | Building an Opt-In Society - SlashdotOct 20 16:27
s-521@umairh          LOLLLLL “@giteshpandya: #FifthEstate utterlyOct 20 16:27
s-521                 rejected by US auds. Opens to pitiful $1.7M,Oct 20 16:27
s-521                 avg below $1k. Oscar chances 0.”Oct 20 16:27
s-521........................................ 20 16:27
s-521@umairh          Because love is a luxury. “@pdanahar: Why haveOct 20 16:32
s-521                 people in Japan stopped having sex?Oct 20 16:32
s-521        via @katebt3000”Oct 20 16:32
s-521........................................ 20 16:32 | Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The ObserverOct 20 16:32
s-521@umairh          Nobody cares that nobody cares becauseOct 20 16:33
s-521                 everyone's scared of everyone.“@shobz: @umairhOct 20 16:33
s-521                 not surprised :)”Oct 20 16:33
s-521........................................ 20 16:33
s-521@casey08         @doctorow FYI 20 16:35
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 20 16:35 | vands88 (Somehow the injustice of unsourced art only hit me...)Oct 20 16:35
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 20 16:35
s-521........................................ 20 16:35
s-521@umairh          The inability to love is true slavery.Oct 20 16:36
s-521........................................ 20 16:36
s-521@doctorow        "There’s something very odd about a world inOct 20 16:43
s-521                 which it’s easier to imagine a futuristicOct 20 16:43
s-521                 technology that..." 20 16:43
s-521........................................ 20 16:43 | Cory Doctorow: There’s something very odd about a world in which...Oct 20 16:43
s-521@glynmoody       .@degewa releases book on TibetanOct 20 16:44
s-521                 self-immolators featuring illustrations byOct 20 16:44
s-521                 .@aiww - in French...Oct 20 16:44
s-521........................................ 20 16:44 | Tsering Woeser releases book on Tibetan self-immolators featuring illustrations by Ai Weiwei: ShanghaiistOct 20 16:44
s-521@IanBrownOII     @csoghoian Here's a list of 17 other countriesOct 20 16:44
s-521 retweeted by    that have their own interception capabilityOct 20 16:44
s-521 @csoghoian      mandates: 20 16:44
s-521........................................ 20 16:44 | Lawful Interception Capability RequirementsOct 20 16:44
s-521@HowToEnjoyBLFST  RT @gmcmahon: Open Access Colloquium, Queen'sOct 20 16:45
s-521 retweeted by    University Belfast, 21 Oct. 2013.Oct 20 16:45
s-521 @glynmoody #OAWeek #QUBOA #OAW2013Oct 20 16:45
s-521                 #OAWOct 20 16:45
s-521........................................ 20 16:45 | Queen's University Belfast | Information Services | Open Access ColloquiumOct 20 16:45
s-521@glynmoody       Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements andOct 20 16:53
s-521                 capacity problems - 20 16:53
s-521                 interesting metaphor: Hillary’s StepOct 20 16:53
s-521........................................ 20 16:53 | Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements and capacity problems | ... My heart’s in AccraOct 20 16:53
s-521@glynmoody       The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making BigOct 20 16:54
s-521                 Strides In Energy Efficiency -Oct 20 16:54
s-521        something carbonOct 20 16:54
s-521                 companies ignoreOct 20 16:54
s-521........................................ 20 16:55 | The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making Big Strides In Energy Efficiency | ThinkProgressOct 20 16:55
s-521@glynmoody       open letter to the European Commission’s ChiefOct 20 16:56
s-521                 Scientist - 20 16:56
s-521                 "science-based" regulations must offerOct 20 16:56
s-521                 #opendataOct 20 16:56
s-521........................................ 20 16:56 | Looking for real transparency – an open letter to the European Commission’s Chief Scientist | Corporate Europe ObservatoryOct 20 16:56
s-521@RichardJWood    A home surveillance camera captures DallasOct 20 16:58
s-521 retweeted by    police officer opening fire on mentally ill manOct 20 16:58
s-521 @glynmoody      without any provocation. |Oct 20 16:58
s-521        20 16:58
s-521........................................ 20 16:58 | RAW: Dallas Cops Shoot Unarmed Mentally Ill Man Standing in the Street!! - YouTubeOct 20 16:58
s-521@glynmoody       EU, Canada inch forward towards trade deal -Oct 20 16:59
s-521        time to release theOct 20 16:59
s-521                 text, no? #transparency #cetaOct 20 16:59
s-521........................................ 20 16:59 | EU, Canada inch forward towards trade deal | EurActivOct 20 16:59
s-521@glynmoody       7 Horrifying Things About the US Chicken YouOct 20 17:01
s-521                 Eat - #TAFTA/#TTIP couldOct 20 17:01
s-521                 bring this to lucky #EUOct 20 17:01
s-521........................................ 20 17:01 | 7 Horrifying Things About the Chicken You Eat | AlternetOct 20 17:01
s-521@avilarenata     Fresh Leak on US Spying: NSA Accessed MexicanOct 20 17:02
s-521 retweeted by    President's Email by Laura Poitras et alOct 20 17:02
s-521 @ioerror 20 17:02
s-521........................................ 20 17:02 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 17:02
s-521@BoingBoing      NSA hacked email of Mexican president andOct 20 17:03
s-521 retweeted by    drug-war reformers 20 17:03
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 20 17:03
s-521........................................ 20 17:03 | NO TITLEOct 20 17:03
s-521@ioerror         Der Spiegel does it again - Fresh Leak on USOct 20 17:04
s-521                 Spying: NSA Accessed Mexican President's EmailOct 20 17:04
s-521        20 17:04
s-521........................................ 20 17:04 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 17:04
s-521@BoingBoing      NSA hacked email of Mexican president andOct 20 17:05
s-521 retweeted by    drug-war reformers 20 17:05
s-521 @qu1j0t3        Oct 20 17:05
s-521........................................ 20 17:05
s-521@avilarenata     I bet #Mexico and #Colombia signed an agreementOct 20 17:06
s-521 retweeted by    with NSA / DEA similar to the Israeli one.Oct 20 17:06
s-521 @ioerror        Thats why they are quiet.Oct 20 17:06
s-521        20 17:06
s-521........................................ 20 17:06 | NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel | World news | The GuardianOct 20 17:06
s-521@emptywheel      If I had 10 interns, I'd figure out how manyOct 20 17:07
s-521 retweeted by    times Keith Alexander has claimed his spying isOct 20 17:07
s-521 @ioerror        completely auditable during his tenure.Oct 20 17:07
s-521........................................ 20 17:07
s-521@slashdot        NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican PresidentOct 20 17:24
s-521        20 17:24
s-521........................................ 20 17:24 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SlashdotOct 20 17:24
s-521@avilarenata     November soon! My favorite Month! And I will beOct 20 17:25
s-521 retweeted by    in Germany! With my favorite EU citizen ever,Oct 20 17:25
s-521 @ioerror        the one and only @AngelaRichter_ And the Js!Oct 20 17:25
s-521........................................ 20 17:25
s-521@JourneymanVOD   The #MEDIASTAN free streaming period is over.Oct 20 17:29
s-521 retweeted by    If you missed it, or enjoyed it and want toOct 20 17:29
s-521 @wikileaks      watch again, head to 20 17:29
s-521........................................ 20 17:29 | - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 20 17:29
s-521@umairh          Dark AgesOct 20 17:30
s-521........................................ 20 17:30
s-521@MazMHussain     Toronto's middle class went from nearly 60% ofOct 20 17:34
s-521 retweeted by    households in the 70's to only 29% today. OnlyOct 20 17:34
s-521 @qu1j0t3        poor and rich grew: 20 17:34
s-521........................................ 20 17:34 | TheStarOct 20 17:34
s-521@schestowitz     Fresh Leak on US Spying: #NSA Accessed MexicanOct 20 17:35
s-521                 President's Email 20 17:35
s-521                 nothing to hide, nothing to fear? #espionageOct 20 17:35
s-521........................................ 20 17:35 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 17:35
s-521@dmrider         Clr Mammoliti and @TOMayorFord announced aOct 20 17:35
s-521 retweeted by    homelessness task force that didn't - andOct 20 17:35
s-521 @qu1j0t3        doesn't - exist, reveals @ddale8Oct 20 17:35
s-521        20 17:35
s-521........................................ 20 17:35 | Rob Ford and the disappearing homelessness task force | Toronto StarOct 20 17:35
s-521@wikileaks       Deadline: Anti-WikiLeaks movie 'Fifth Estate'Oct 20 17:42
s-521                 'flops' 20 17:42
s-521........................................ 20 17:42 | Box Office -- 'Carrie' Battles 'Gravity' For Top SpotOct 20 17:42
s-521@glynmoody       Libyan politician to fight UK attempt 2 keepOct 20 17:43
s-521                 role in his rendition secret -Oct 20 17:43
s-521        UK gov are shabbyOct 20 17:43
s-521                 cowards (v @Asher_Wolf)Oct 20 17:43 | Libyan politician to fight UK attempt to keep role in his rendition secret | World news | The GuardianOct 20 17:43
s-521........................................ 20 17:43
s-521@wikileaks       ACLU: On the prospect of blackmail by the NSAOct 20 17:50
s-521        20 17:50
s-521                 #nsa #snowdenOct 20 17:50
s-521........................................ 20 17:50 | On the Prospect of Blackmail by the NSA | American Civil Liberties UnionOct 20 17:50 | Free Edward SnowdenOct 20 17:50
s-521@IDS_MP          My salary is £65,000 a year. After petrol, foodOct 20 17:53
s-521 retweeted by    and housing are deducted I'm only left withOct 20 17:53
s-521 @glynmoody      £65,000 a year. I deserve an 11% pay rise.Oct 20 17:53
s-521........................................ 20 17:53
s-521@AdamGhetti      Almost $45k raised to do a public, openOct 20 17:53
s-521 retweeted by    sourced, professional audit of TrueCrypt.Oct 20 17:53
s-521 @glynmoody      Thanks @matthew_d_green and team.Oct 20 17:53
s-521        20 17:53
s-521........................................ 20 17:53 | Is TrueCrypt Audited Yet?Oct 20 17:53
s-521@wikileaks       Obama administration tells Supreme Court to notOct 20 17:57
s-521                 take NSA mass surveillance caseOct 20 17:57
s-521        20 17:57
s-521                 #nsa #snowdenOct 20 17:57
s-521........................................ 20 17:58 | US asks top court not to take case on NSA cyber-snoopingOct 20 17:58
qu1j0t3schestowitz_bed2: 20 18:02
s-521@e3i5            Looking for authoritative statements (as muchOct 20 18:17
s-521 retweeted by    as anything can be) on why mass surveillanceOct 20 18:17
s-521 @glynmoody      harms "Internet Freedom."Oct 20 18:17
s-521........................................ 20 18:17
s-521@ceasey0xoogurl  #NSA goal: "Own the Internet" @Thomas_Drake1Oct 20 18:17
s-521 retweeted by    #Snowden GREAT ARTICLE 20 18:17
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 18:17 | The Daily Dot - A psychological history of the NSAOct 20 18:17
s-521........................................ 20 18:17
s-521@slashdot        How You Too Can Be Shut Down By the Feds ForOct 20 18:18
s-521                 Flying Drones 20 18:18
s-521........................................ 20 18:18 | How You Too Can Be Shut Down By the Feds For Flying Drones - SlashdotOct 20 18:18
s-521@CNNReliable     .@Thomas_Drake1 to @davidfolkenflik onOct 20 18:18
s-521 retweeted by    @CNNReliable "We don't need to violateOct 20 18:18
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  liberties for security." #CNN #whistleblowingOct 20 18:18
s-521........................................ 20 18:18
s-521@GrungeJunkie385  @Thomas_Drake1 that's why the press is the ONLYOct 20 18:19
s-521 retweeted by    Constitutionally protected business. ByOct 20 18:19
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  necessity. No free speech no freedomOct 20 18:19
s-521........................................ 20 18:19
s-521@wikileaks       Box office disaster: anti-WikiLeaks film 'FifthOct 20 18:27
s-521                 Estate' biggest flop of entire yearOct 20 18:27
s-521        20 18:27
s-521........................................ 20 18:27 | Box office disaster: Benedict Cumberbatch's 'The Fifth Estate' bombs | Inside Movies | EW.comOct 20 18:27
s-521@wikileaks       Hilarious review of 'The Fifth Estate' by theOct 20 18:30
s-521                 people who were there 20 18:30
s-521........................................ 20 18:30 | What do Julian Assange's Friends think about The Fifth Estate? - YouTubeOct 20 18:30
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "Until such evidence is provided" Obama AdminOct 20 18:32
s-521                 "only eroding the trust of the citizens it isOct 20 18:32
s-521                 claiming to protect"Oct 20 18:32
s-521        20 18:32
s-521........................................ 20 18:32 | The NSA Isn't Foiling Terrorist PlotsOct 20 18:32
s-521@ArarMaher       Spying is becoming an organized governmentOct 20 18:33
s-521 retweeted by    religion.Oct 20 18:33
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 18:33
s-521........................................ 20 18:33
s-521@astepanovich    Call to Action: RSVP to @EPICprivacy's cryptoOct 20 18:38
s-521 retweeted by    party on 10/25> Also,Oct 20 18:38
s-521 @ioerror        @stopwatchingus rally> 20 18:38
s-521........................................ 20 18:38 | Crypto PartyOct 20 18:38 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 20 18:38
s-521@SPIEGEL_English  NSA hacked into Mexican president's email,Oct 20 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    document leaked by Edward Snowden shows: Oct 20 18:46
s-521 @ioerror 20 18:46
s-521........................................ 20 18:46 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 18:46
s-521@wikileaks       Assange three weeks ago: "[Fifth Estate] willOct 20 19:01
s-521                 flop at the box office and deservedly so."Oct 20 19:01
s-521        20 19:01
s-521........................................ 20 19:01 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 20 19:01 | Julian Assange to the Hollywood Foreign Press: "The Fifth Estate' Is Going to Fail' (Exclusive) - TheWrapOct 20 19:01
s-521@wikileaks       Assange to #Cumberbatch ten months ago: "thisOct 20 19:03
s-521                 is not a good film" "reconsider yourOct 20 19:03
s-521                 involvement in this enterprise."Oct 20 19:03
s-521        20 19:03
s-521........................................ 20 19:03 | First Letter from Julian Assange to Benedict Cumberbatch Over The Fifth EstateOct 20 19:03
s-521@slashdot        Scientists Say Climate Change Is Damaging IowaOct 20 19:12
s-521                 Agriculture 20 19:12
s-521........................................ 20 19:12 | Scientists Say Climate Change Is Damaging Iowa Agriculture - SlashdotOct 20 19:12
s-521@syke            Nigerian Gay Activist Flees To New York AfterOct 20 19:12
s-521 retweeted by    Outed In 'Washington Post' ArticleOct 20 19:12
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:12
s-521........................................ 20 19:12 | Nigerian Gay Activist Flees To New York After Outed In 'Washington Post' Article| Gay News | TowleroadOct 20 19:12
s-521@SaveManning     Chelsea Manning wins 2013 award for 'a heroic,Oct 20 19:13
s-521 retweeted by    sustained and selfless effort to support theOct 20 19:13
s-521 @ioerror        cause of liberty" 20 19:13
s-521........................................ 20 19:13 | Libertarian Party of Connecticut | Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom «  Libertarian Party of ConnecticutOct 20 19:13
s-521@ioerror         The Fifth Estate isn't already available viaOct 20 19:16
s-521                 Bittorrent? That is remarkable. What releasedOct 20 19:16
s-521                 film is such a failure that it can't beOct 20 19:16
s-521                 pirated?Oct 20 19:16
s-521........................................ 20 19:16
s-521@washingtonpost  Afghan war’s approaching end throws legalOct 20 19:21
s-521 retweeted by    status of Guantanamo detainees into doubtOct 20 19:21
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:21
s-521........................................ 20 19:21 | Afghan war’s approaching end throws legal status of Guantanamo detainees into doubt - The Washington PostOct 20 19:21
s-521@umairh          This is an age so obsessed with the future, itOct 20 19:22
s-521                 forgot the present.Oct 20 19:22
s-521........................................ 20 19:22
s-521@wikileaks       Obama administration tells Supreme Court to notOct 20 19:24
s-521 retweeted by    take NSA mass surveillance caseOct 20 19:24
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:24
s-521                 #nsa #snowdenOct 20 19:24
s-521........................................ 20 19:24 | US asks top court not to take case on NSA cyber-snoopingOct 20 19:24 | Free Edward SnowdenOct 20 19:24
s-521@qu1j0t3         Answer by Bahram Joeharshamshiri to What do youOct 20 19:28
s-521                 think every foreigner must know about Iran?Oct 20 19:28
s-521        20 19:28
s-521........................................ 20 19:28 | Bahram Joeharshamshiri's answer to General Knowledge: What do you think every foreigner must know about your country? - QuoraOct 20 19:28
s-521@accessnow       This will be the single largest protest yetOct 20 19:37
s-521 retweeted by    against mass NSA surveillance. Don't miss it.Oct 20 19:37
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:37
s-521........................................ 20 19:37 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 20 19:37
s-521@BoingBoing      The NSA hacked email of Mexican president andOct 20 19:38
s-521 retweeted by    drug-war reformers #Flatliquid #WhitetamaleOct 20 19:38
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:38
s-521........................................ 20 19:38 | NSA hacked email of Mexican president and drug-war reformers - Boing BoingOct 20 19:38
s-521@wikileaks       Sick of US Hollywood propaganda aboutOct 20 19:45
s-521                 WikiLeaks? Try 'Underground' torrent:Oct 20 19:45
s-521        itunes: Oct 20 19:45
s-521        20 19:45
s-521........................................ 20 19:45 | aXXo Movies Official | aXXoMovies  » Blog Archive   » Underground: The Julian Assange Story 2012Oct 20 19:45 | iTunes - Movies - Underground: The Julian Assange StoryOct 20 19:45
s-521@accessnow       This will be the single largest protest yetOct 20 19:46
s-521 retweeted by    against mass NSA surveillance. Don't miss it.Oct 20 19:46
s-521 @glynmoody 20 19:46
s-521........................................ 20 19:46
s-521@ioerror         The Fifth Estate isn't already available viaOct 20 19:47
s-521 retweeted by    Bittorrent? That is remarkable. What releasedOct 20 19:47
s-521 @wikileaks      film is such a failure that it can't beOct 20 19:47
s-521                 pirated?Oct 20 19:47
s-521........................................ 20 19:47
s-521@wikileaks       Sick of US Hollywood propaganda aboutOct 20 19:52
s-521                 WikiLeaks? Try 'Mediastan'Oct 20 19:52
s-521        (bottom of page)Oct 20 19:52
s-521                 torrent: 20 19:52
s-521........................................ 20 19:52 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 19:52 | Mediastan (download torrent) - TPBOct 20 19:52
s-521@SaveManning     Chelsea Manning wins 2013 award for 'a heroic,Oct 20 19:53
s-521 retweeted by    sustained and selfless effort to support theOct 20 19:53
s-521 @wikileaks      cause of liberty" 20 19:53
s-521........................................ 20 19:53 | Libertarian Party of Connecticut | Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom «  Libertarian Party of ConnecticutOct 20 19:53
s-521@SPIEGEL_English  NSA hacked into Mexican president's email,Oct 20 19:53
s-521 retweeted by    document leaked by Edward Snowden shows: Oct 20 19:53
s-521 @wikileaks 20 19:53
s-521........................................ 20 19:53 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 19:53
s-521@umairh          Go, corporate media! “@stevesilberman:Oct 20 19:59
s-521                 .@FoxNews employed network of sockpuppets toOct 20 19:59
s-521                 anti-Fox news coverage.”Oct 20 19:59
s-521........................................ 20 19:59 | Fox News Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts | Blog | Media Matters for AmericaOct 20 19:59
s-521@umairh          This is an age so obsessed with numbers, itOct 20 20:01
s-521                 forgot that they're supposed to mean something.Oct 20 20:01
s-521........................................ 20 20:01
s-521@umairh          We'll still be 'debating' this when ourOct 20 20:05
s-521                 grandkids are Morlocks in WalMartWorld.Oct 20 20:05
s-521                 “@AJHeadtoHead: Has #capitalism failed theOct 20 20:05
s-521                 world?"Oct 20 20:05
s-521........................................ 20 20:05
s-521@slashdot        Sleeper: LG G2 One of the Fastest AndroidOct 20 20:09
s-521                 Smartphones On the MarketOct 20 20:09
s-521        20 20:09
s-521........................................ 20 20:09 | Sleeper: LG G2 One of the Fastest Android Smartphones On the Market - SlashdotOct 20 20:09
s-521@ioerror         Apple’s Fingerprint ID May Mean You Can’t ‘TakeOct 20 20:09
s-521                 the Fifth’: 20 20:09
s-521........................................ 20 20:09 | Apple's Fingerprint ID May Mean You Can't 'Take the Fifth' | Wired Opinion | Wired.comOct 20 20:09
s-521@martintisne     A  41-YEAR-OLD native of Monaco increasinglyOct 20 20:10
s-521 retweeted by    looks to be to banking what Edward Snowden isOct 20 20:10
s-521 @ioerror        to American surveillance.Oct 20 20:10
s-521        20 20:10
s-521........................................ 20 20:10 | Banks and tax evasion: The fall-out from Falciani | The EconomistOct 20 20:10
s-521@georgemaschke   @ioerror Please see, "Is 20 20:11
s-521 retweeted by    Being Targeted by the NSA?"Oct 20 20:11
s-521 @ioerror 20 20:11
s-521........................................ 20 20:11
TechrightsSocial ( status 400 @ )Oct 20 20:11 | Is Being Targeted By the NSA? | NewsOct 20 20:11
s-521@ioerror         Is Being Targeted By theOct 20 20:12
s-521                 #NSA? 20 20:12
s-521........................................ 20 20:12
s-521@martintisne     A  41-YEAR-OLD native of Monaco increasinglyOct 20 20:13
s-521 retweeted by    looks to be to banking what Edward Snowden isOct 20 20:13
s-521 @glynmoody      to American surveillance.Oct 20 20:13
s-521        20 20:13
s-521........................................ 20 20:13
s-521@wikileaks       UK soldiers responsible for 'Bloody Sunday' mayOct 20 20:16
s-521                 face murder charges after 40 years suppression Oct 20 20:16
s-521        20 20:16
s-521........................................ 20 20:16 | Bloody Sunday British soldiers may face murder charges and criminal prosecution | Irish News | IrishCentralOct 20 20:16
s-521@martintisne     A  41-YEAR-OLD native of Monaco increasinglyOct 20 20:18
s-521 retweeted by    looks to be to banking what Edward Snowden isOct 20 20:18
s-521 @wikileaks      to American surveillance.Oct 20 20:18
s-521        20 20:18
s-521........................................ 20 20:18
s-521@schestowitz     Site Refactoring at #techrightsOct 20 20:23
s-521        this will keep me busyOct 20 20:23
s-521                 in the coming days/weeksOct 20 20:23
s-521........................................ 20 20:23 | Site Refactoring | TechrightsOct 20 20:23
s-521@techdirt        Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The WeekOct 20 20:25
s-521                 At Techdirt 20 20:25
s-521........................................ 20 20:25 | Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | TechdirtOct 20 20:25
s-521@RationalWiki    The wiki is currently severely buggered. VeryOct 20 20:25
s-521 retweeted by    slow, CSS wrong, our customisations haveOct 20 20:25
s-521 @davidgerard    disappeared. Investigating.Oct 20 20:25
s-521........................................ 20 20:25
qu1j0t3RationalWiki ... is that the lesswrong people?Oct 20 20:27
s-521@Salon           "The world's biggest detention center":Oct 20 20:28
s-521 retweeted by    @MaxBlumenthal on Israel's plan toOct 20 20:28
s-521 @glynmoody      "concentrate" 40,000 BedouinsOct 20 20:28
s-521        20 20:28
s-521........................................ 20 20:28 | Israel’s other anti-Arab purge - Salon.comOct 20 20:28
s-521@ggreenwald      Coalition of privacy and civil liberties groupsOct 20 20:33
s-521 retweeted by    will hold anti-surveillance rally in DC nextOct 20 20:33
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Saturday, Oct 26 20 20:33
s-521........................................ 20 20:33 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 20 20:33
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "In a nation nicknamed the “graveyard ofOct 20 20:37
s-521                 empires,” foreign forces are remembered forOct 20 20:37
s-521                 what they leave behind." 20 20:37
s-521........................................ 20 20:37 | With U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, American military gear sold as scrap - The Washington PostOct 20 20:37
s-521@schestowitz     The interface & signup process at #drupalOct 20 20:37
s-521                 Gardens is exceptionally goodOct 20 20:37
s-521        used it as testingOct 20 20:37
s-521                 ground this morningOct 20 20:37
s-521........................................ 20 20:37 | Drupal Gardens | Get a Free Drupal 7 Site HereOct 20 20:37
s-521@umairh          They silenced the dreamers. And now we have noOct 20 20:41
s-521                 horizon to call us.Oct 20 20:41
s-521........................................ 20 20:41
s-521@doctorow        Photo: 121-1: USSR. 1930.Oct 20 20:43
s-521        20 20:43
s-521........................................ 20 20:43 | Cory Doctorow: 121-1:  USSR. 1930.Oct 20 20:44
s-521@doctorow        Photo:Oct 20 20:45
s-521                 booksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbo...Oct 20 20:45
s-521        20 20:45
s-521........................................ 20 20:45 | Cory Doctorow: booksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksb...Oct 20 20:45
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Cookies! 20 20:49
s-521........................................ 20 20:49 | Cory Doctorow: Cookies!Oct 20 20:49
s-521@wikileaks       US has three times as many chemical weapons asOct 20 20:58
s-521                 Syria | Ottawacitizen 20 20:58
s-521........................................ 20 20:58 | Decades after destruction started, US chemical arsenal still dwarfs that of Assad in SyriaOct 20 20:58
s-521@wikileaks       Bulgarian Site Named Most Successful inOct 20 21:02
s-521                 WikiLeaks Initiative 20 21:02
s-521        @BivolBgOct 20 21:02
s-521........................................ 20 21:02 | Bulgarian Site Named Most Successful in WikiLeaks Initiative - - Sofia News AgencyOct 20 21:02 | Bulgarian Site Named Most Successful in WikiLeaks Initiative - - Sofia News AgencyOct 20 21:02
s-521@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Do You Use Markdown and Pandoc?Oct 20 21:06
s-521        20 21:06
s-521........................................ 20 21:06 | Ask Slashdot: Do You Use Markdown and Pandoc? - SlashdotOct 20 21:06
s-521@glynmoody       GCHQ #Tempora sign-off should be investigated,Oct 20 21:24
s-521                 says Chris Huhne - bigOct 20 21:24
s-521                 question: who gave #gchq the go-ahead?Oct 20 21:24
s-521........................................ 20 21:24 | GCHQ Tempora sign-off should be investigated, says Chris Huhne | UK news | The GuardianOct 20 21:24
s-521@drJoKy          Int'l Court of Justice, The Hague looking forOct 20 21:26
s-521 retweeted by    judges associates. Great opportunity.Oct 20 21:26
s-521 @glynmoody via @DrPaulaGerberOct 20 21:26
s-521........................................ 20 21:26 | Current vacancies | International Court of JusticeOct 20 21:26
s-521@RationalWiki    Wiki is better now. 20 21:27
s-521 retweeted by    appears to be very popular at the moment.Oct 20 21:27
s-521 @davidgerard    Oct 20 21:27
s-521........................................ 20 21:27 | FEMA concentration camps - RationalWikiOct 20 21:27
s-521@MargotKaminski  This article makes me very concerned aboutOct 20 21:29
s-521 retweeted by    potential content of EU-US free tradeOct 20 21:29
s-521 @glynmoody      agreement. Microsoft, Pharma,Oct 20 21:29
s-521                 BSA... 20 21:29
s-521........................................ 20 21:29 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 20 21:29
s-521@dilmabr         Defendemos governança da internet envolvendoOct 20 21:30
s-521 retweeted by    governos, setor privado e, sobretudo, sociedadeOct 20 21:30
s-521 @glynmoody      civil.Oct 20 21:30
s-521........................................ 20 21:30
s-521@dilmabr         O Brasil defende uma internet aberta,Oct 20 21:30
s-521 retweeted by    democrática e participativa.Oct 20 21:30
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 21:30
s-521........................................ 20 21:30
s-521@dilmabr         Defendemos neutralidade da internet. RespeitoOct 20 21:38
s-521 retweeted by    critérios técnicos e éticos. Sem restriçõesOct 20 21:38
s-521 @glynmoody      políticas, comerciais, religiosas, de qqOct 20 21:38
s-521                 naturezaOct 20 21:38
s-521........................................ 20 21:38
s-521@jilliancyork    Support @RSF_RWB in calling for the release ofOct 20 21:39
s-521 retweeted by    35 jailed Vietnamese bloggers:Oct 20 21:39
s-521 @glynmoody 20 21:39 | #petitionOct 20 21:39
s-521........................................ 20 21:39
s-521@glynmoody       POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge ofOct 20 21:47
s-521                 Space Jump [Video] - 20 21:47
s-521                 interesting how little air resistance at firstOct 20 21:47 | POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge of Space Jump [Video] | Geeks are Sexy Technology NewsOct 20 21:47
s-521........................................ 20 21:47
qu1j0t3wait, what? 20 21:51
TechrightsSocial@SarahPaIinUSA: Today I spoke with the attorneys about looking into the possibility of doing one of those crowd funding deals for safe, ethical hobo traps.Oct 20 21:51
qu1j0t3oh rightOct 20 21:51
qu1j0t3parody accountOct 20 21:51
s-521@glynmoody       .@Falkvinge: Public Ask-Me-Anything Q&AOct 20 21:51
s-521                 Sesssion On #Reddit This Monday – 16:00Oct 20 21:51
s-521                 Brussels / 10am New York -Oct 20 21:51
s-521        #amaOct 20 21:51
s-521........................................ 20 21:51 | I'm doing a public Ask-Me-Anything on Monday at 1600 CET / 1000 EST - Falkvinge on InfopolicyOct 20 21:51
s-521@slashdot        How To FIx GoOct 20 22:03
s-521                 Open-Source! 20 22:03 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 20 22:03
s-521........................................ 20 22:03 | How To FIx Go Open-Source! - SlashdotOct 20 22:03
s-521@RachelBLevinson  I'll be on @ajam at 6:30 tonight talking aboutOct 20 22:04
s-521 retweeted by    the #NSA & my @BrennanCenter report onOct 20 22:04
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  retention of innocent Americans' data. Tune in!Oct 20 22:04
s-521........................................ 20 22:04
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "Any prosecution of Assange or WikiLeaks wouldOct 20 22:10
s-521                 be unprecedented." But acid of surveillanceOct 20 22:10
s-521                 disappearing 1st Amend. 20 22:10
s-521........................................ 20 22:10 | Leakers and the Law by Gabriel Schoenfeld - City JournalOct 20 22:10
s-521@glynmoody       #Egypt's army chief rides wave of popularityOct 20 22:18
s-521                 towards presidency - 20 22:18
s-521                 seems fear of chaos overrides most thingsOct 20 22:18
s-521........................................ 20 22:18 | Egypt's army chief rides wave of popularity towards presidency | World news | The GuardianOct 20 22:18
s-521@umairh          It isn't possible for there to be greaterOct 20 22:19
s-521                 douchebaggery in the universe than this.Oct 20 22:19
s-521        20 22:19
s-521........................................ 20 22:19
TechrightsSocial@umairh: It isn't possible for there to be greater douchebaggery in the universe than this. 20 22:19
s-521@doctorow        Photoset: missmaceymouse: Souvenirs from myOct 20 22:20
s-521                 parent’s Grad Nite at Disneyland in 1977.Oct 20 22:20
s-521                 Photos by... 20 22:20
s-521........................................ 20 22:20 | Cory Doctorow: missmaceymouse:  Souvenirs from my parent’s Grad...Oct 20 22:20
s-521@umairh          LOL “@StevenBrydonAU: @umairh We just need aOct 20 22:24
s-521                 Karadashian to pose with it and the scene isOct 20 22:24
s-521                 complete.”Oct 20 22:24
s-521........................................ 20 22:24
s-521@ChristopherWr11  Could include Aust here too re coal exports -Oct 20 22:26
s-521 retweeted by    "Canada’s efforts accelerate a global tragedyOct 20 22:26
s-521 @glynmoody      of the climate commons" 20 22:26
s-521........................................ 20 22:26 | Opinion: Canada’s efforts accelerate a global tragedy of the climate commonsOct 20 22:26
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Element of real estate fraudOct 20 22:28
s-521        20 22:28
s-521........................................ 20 22:28 | Cory Doctorow: Element of real estate fraudOct 20 22:28
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Cookie recursion 20 22:45
s-521........................................ 20 22:45 | Cory Doctorow: Cookie recursionOct 20 22:45
s-521@ioerror         My favorite FBI FOIA response is the denialOct 20 22:55
s-521                 that they sent twice on two different days forOct 20 22:55
s-521                 the same FOIA request. Deny it harder guys!Oct 20 22:55
s-521........................................ 20 22:55
s-521@RonDeibert      Yes, it's real. The promotional video of theOct 20 22:56
s-521 retweeted by    Biometric ID Database in Argentina.Oct 20 22:56
s-521 @ioerror 20 22:56
s-521........................................ 20 22:56 | SIBIOS on VimeoOct 20 22:56
s-521@slashdot        Are We Socially Ready For Wearable Computing?Oct 20 23:00
s-521        20 23:00
s-521........................................ 20 23:00 | Are We Socially Ready For Wearable Computing? - SlashdotOct 20 23:00
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   New book details Washington pols gone wild w/Oct 20 23:36
s-521                 corruption & veal. Using public funds to liveOct 20 23:36
s-521                 large & line pockets.Oct 20 23:36
s-521        20 23:36
s-521........................................ 20 23:36 | Congress on Red Alert for 60 Minutes Exposé of D.C. CorruptionOct 20 23:36
s-521@doctorow        Photo: humansofnewyork: "I’ve had a lot ofOct 20 23:55
s-521                 exciting jobs." “What was the most exciting?”Oct 20 23:55
s-521                 “Well, after Brown... 20 23:55
s-521........................................ 20 23:55 | Cory Doctorow: humansofnewyork:  "I’ve had a lot of exciting...Oct 20 23:55
s-521@slashdot        Forrester Research Shows Steep Decline in FreeOct 21 00:12
s-521                 Office Suite Stats 21 00:12
s-521........................................ 21 00:12 | Forrester Research Shows Steep Decline in Free Office Suite Stats - SlashdotOct 21 00:12
s-521@wikileaks       Box office disaster: Benedict Cumberbatch'sOct 21 00:14
s-521                 'The Fifth Estate' has worst debut of 2013 Oct 21 00:14
s-521        more:Oct 21 00:14
s-521        21 00:14
s-521........................................ 21 00:14 | Box office disaster: Benedict Cumberbatch's 'The Fifth Estate' bombs | Inside Movies | EW.comOct 21 00:14 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 00:14
qu1j0t3schestowitz_bed2: Australia ex-PM 21 00:30 | Lampedusa deaths: look at how Europe responded  [ ]Oct 21 00:30
s-521@thelindsayellis  Here I thought Assange was being a diva byOct 21 00:47
s-521 retweeted by    going on about how inflammatory and inaccurateOct 21 00:47
s-521 @wikileaks      The Fifth Estate was. NOPE.Oct 21 00:47
s-521........................................ 21 00:47
s-521@thelindsayellis  It really did kind of border on propagandisticOct 21 00:47
s-521 retweeted by    with how creepy and evil they made Assange. NotOct 21 00:47
s-521 @wikileaks      to mention a sympathetic US government. What?Oct 21 00:47
s-521........................................ 21 00:47
s-521@umairh          I'm going to spend the rest of my life watchingOct 21 00:49
s-521                 Korean dramas on Netflix. GoodbyeOct 21 00:49
s-521........................................ 21 00:49
schestowitz_bed2>>> Ok.  Thanks.  What is the URL for the Drupal test?Oct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2>>Oct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2>> TryOct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2>> 21 01:13
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2> The search is empty.Oct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2> 21 01:13 | Search | Techrights | People's rights in the digital ageOct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 01:13
schestowitz_bed2> The layout looks nice enough.Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> I'll have to set up Drupal on  a spare machine or VM tomorrow and fiddleOct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> with that.Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2Search, for now, is configured to be just an empty page and for Drupal search to show us as a widget next to the site heading. It'll link to other search box in the content body,Oct 21 01:14
s-521@slashdot        Your Next Network Operating System Is LinuxOct 21 01:18
s-521        21 01:18
s-521........................................ 21 01:18 | Your Next Network Operating System Is Linux - SlashdotOct 21 01:18
s-521@linuxtoday      SecureDrop's Free Install, Oracle Spreads FUD &Oct 21 02:08
s-521                 More...:  FOSSforce: we learned from ForbesOct 21 02:08
s-521                 that there's a new... 21 02:08
s-521........................................ 21 02:08 | Linux Today - SecureDrop's Free Install, Oracle Spreads FUD & More...Oct 21 02:08
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its OwnOct 21 02:15
s-521                 Julian Assange FilmOct 21 02:15
s-521                 | @HollywoodReportOct 21 02:15
s-521        seeOct 21 02:15
s-521        21 02:15 | WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its Own Julian Assange FilmOct 21 02:15
s-521........................................ 21 02:15 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 21 02:15
s-521@doctorow        Besties selfies 21 03:01
s-521........................................ 21 03:01 | Cory Doctorow: Besties selfiesOct 21 03:01
s-521@doctorow        Madame Leota. 21 03:03
s-521........................................ 21 03:03 | Cory Doctorow: Madame Leota.Oct 21 03:03
s-521@wikileaks       #Assange: "Why is everybody watching David?Oct 21 03:04
s-521                 Because Goliath is an insufferable bore"Oct 21 03:04
s-521        #mediastan #cumberbatchOct 21 03:04
s-521........................................ 21 03:04 | Wikileaks film The Fifth Estate bombs at the box office  - TelegraphOct 21 03:04
s-521@wikileaks       Assange three weeks ago: "[Fifth Estate] willOct 21 03:09
s-521                 flop at the box office and deservedly so."Oct 21 03:09
s-521        21 03:09
s-521........................................ 21 03:09 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 03:09 | Julian Assange to the Hollywood Foreign Press: "The Fifth Estate' Is Going to Fail' (Exclusive) - TheWrapOct 21 03:09
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 21 03:38
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 21 03:38
s-521@slashdot        NSA App Ideas To Popularize Spying and Big DataOct 21 04:03
s-521        21 04:03
s-521........................................ 21 04:03 | NSA App Ideas To Popularize Spying and Big Data - SlashdotOct 21 04:03
s-521@wikileaks       Example effects of Hollywood propaganda: Oct 21 04:03
s-521        21 04:03
TechrightsSocial@FinallyFilms: @wikileaks @LeninsBarber saw #FifthEstate. Lots 2 recommend: gd char study of arrogant "hero" whose lack of accountability cost livesOct 21 04:03
s-521........................................ 21 04:03
s-521@Natasha1024     #MEDIASTAN militarized NYC w/Times Square giantOct 21 04:11
s-521 retweeted by    screen US Army propaganda film-would frightenOct 21 04:11
s-521 @wikileaks      even George Orwell 21 04:11
s-521........................................ 21 04:11 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 21 04:11
s-521@Natasha1024     #MEDIASTAN militarized NYC w/Times Square giantOct 21 04:20
s-521 retweeted by    screen US Army propaganda film-would frightenOct 21 04:20
s-521 @qu1j0t3        even George Orwell 21 04:20
s-521........................................ 21 04:20
s-521@wikileaks       Has WikiLeaks successfully hijacked Hollywood'sOct 21 04:23
s-521                 'Fifth Estate'? more:Oct 21 04:23
s-521        21 04:23
s-521........................................ 21 04:23 | Has Julian Assange successfully hijacked The Fifth Estate?Oct 21 04:23 | WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its Own Julian Assange FilmOct 21 04:23
s-521@doctorow        rstevens: The one super-hero I’ve always beenOct 21 04:52
s-521                 too intimidated to draw. Yes, I said hero. MyOct 21 04:52
s-521                 hero. Doctor Doom. 21 04:52
s-521........................................ 21 04:52 | Cory Doctorow: rstevens:  The one super-hero I’ve always been...Oct 21 04:52
s-521@umairh          Sundays. 21 04:57
TechrightsSocial@umairh: Sundays. 21 04:57
s-521........................................ 21 04:57
s-521@cbcfifth        Watch a preview next week's #cbcfifth TheOct 21 05:14
s-521 retweeted by    Strange World of Julian AssangeOct 21 05:14
s-521 @wikileaks 21 05:14
s-521........................................ 21 05:14 | The Strange World of Julian Assange - the fifth estate - CBC NewsOct 21 05:14
s-521@slashdot        IE 11 Breaks Rendering For Google Products, andOct 21 07:00
s-521                 Outlook Too 21 07:00
s-521........................................ 21 07:00 | IE 11 Breaks Rendering For Google Products, and Outlook Too - SlashdotOct 21 07:00
s-521@wikileaks       Vulture: Fifth Estate bombed extra hardOct 21 07:48
s-521        #fifthestateOct 21 07:48
s-521                 #cumberbatch #wikileaksOct 21 07:48
s-521........................................ 21 07:48 | The Fifth Estate Bombed Extra Hard -- VultureOct 21 07:48
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its OwnOct 21 07:54
s-521                 Julian Assange FilmOct 21 07:54
s-521         more:Oct 21 07:54
s-521        21 07:54
s-521........................................ 21 07:54 | Press Release: US Release of Mediastan - WikiLeaks’ Fifth Estate ChallengerOct 21 07:54
s-521@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 131020 -Oct 21 07:58
s-521        yesterday's tweets as aOct 21 07:58
s-521                 single Web page #MMDDOct 21 07:58
s-521........................................ 21 07:58 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 131020Oct 21 07:58
s-521@NHAparty        Govt DNA database being tied to our medicalOct 21 08:04
s-521 retweeted by    records; right to informed consent removed; allOct 21 08:04
s-521 @glynmoody      newborns’ DNA stored 21 08:04
s-521                 #NHSOct 21 08:04
s-521........................................ 21 08:04
s-521@glynmoody       Stop #badger cull immediately, says NaturalOct 21 08:13
s-521                 England science expert - 21 08:13
s-521                 1 #paterson: new unit for measuring big failureOct 21 08:13
s-521........................................ 21 08:13 | Stop badger cull immediately, says Natural England science expert | Environment | The GuardianOct 21 08:13
s-521@syahredzan      Shazad also says that there is definitelyOct 21 08:14
s-521 retweeted by    digital survaillence is in Pakistan and otherOct 21 08:14
s-521 @glynmoody      countries like... Malaysia. #IGF2013 #FHdelOct 21 08:14
s-521........................................ 21 08:14
s-521@cis_india       FOSS: Smart Choice for Developing Countries /Oct 21 08:16
s-521 retweeted by    This workshop is being organised by TechNationOct 21 08:16
s-521 @glynmoody      and Open Source All... 21 08:16
s-521........................................ 21 08:16 | FOSS: Smart Choice for Developing Countries — Centre for Internet and SocietyOct 21 08:16
s-521@buchtan         Quelle surprise RT @andreaglorioso: The BaliOct 21 08:18
s-521 retweeted by    IGF: surveillance, surveillance, surveillanceOct 21 08:18
s-521 @glynmoody #IGF2013Oct 21 08:18
s-521........................................ 21 08:18 | The Bali IGF: surveillance, surveillance, surveillance | Internet Policy ReviewOct 21 08:18
s-521@glynmoody       the truth about badger culling, & a call forOct 21 08:22
s-521                 the resignation of #Paterson -Oct 21 08:22
s-521        great debunking of UKOct 21 08:22
s-521                 government liesOct 21 08:22
s-521........................................ 21 08:22 | Brian's Soapbox October 2013Oct 21 08:22
s-521@glynmoody       .@Falkvinge: Public Ask-Me-Anything Q&AOct 21 08:22
s-521                 Sesssion On #Reddit This Monday – 16:00Oct 21 08:22
s-521                 Brussels / 10am New York -Oct 21 08:22
s-521        #amaOct 21 08:22
s-521........................................ 21 08:22 | I'm doing a public Ask-Me-Anything on Monday at 1600 CET / 1000 EST - Falkvinge on InfopolicyOct 21 08:22
s-521@glynmoody       POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge ofOct 21 08:23
s-521                 Space Jump [Video] - 21 08:23
s-521                 interesting how little air resistance at firstOct 21 08:23 | POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge of Space Jump [Video] | Geeks are Sexy Technology NewsOct 21 08:23
s-521........................................ 21 08:23
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks now accepts #Litecoin donations on Oct 21 08:23
s-521                 LQ3B36Yv2rBTxdgAdYpU2UcEZsaNwXeATk Oct 21 08:24
s-521        21 08:24
s-521........................................ 21 08:24 | Donate to WikiLeaksOct 21 08:24
s-521@glynmoody       We need to talk about bushfires and climateOct 21 08:25
s-521                 change – if not now, when? -Oct 21 08:25
s-521        people suffer, #AUOct 21 08:25
s-521                 government in denialOct 21 08:25
s-521........................................ 21 08:25 | We need to talk about bushfires and climate change – if not now, when? | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 08:25
s-521@glynmoody       GCHQ #Tempora sign-off should be investigated,Oct 21 08:26
s-521                 says Chris Huhne - bigOct 21 08:26
s-521                 question: who gave #gchq the go-ahead?Oct 21 08:26
s-521........................................ 21 08:26 | GCHQ Tempora sign-off should be investigated, says Chris Huhne | UK news | The GuardianOct 21 08:26
s-521@glynmoody       7 Horrifying Things About the US Chicken YouOct 21 08:27
s-521                 Eat - #TAFTA/#TTIP couldOct 21 08:27
s-521                 bring this to lucky #EUOct 21 08:27
s-521........................................ 21 08:27 | 7 Horrifying Things About the Chicken You Eat | AlternetOct 21 08:27
s-521@glynmoody       Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements andOct 21 08:27
s-521                 capacity problems - 21 08:27
s-521                 interesting metaphor: Hillary’s StepOct 21 08:27 | Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements and capacity problems | ... My heart’s in AccraOct 21 08:27
s-521........................................ 21 08:27
s-521@glynmoody       An Interview With Pierre Omidyar -Oct 21 08:33
s-521        talking about You KnowOct 21 08:33
s-521                 What...Oct 21 08:33
s-521........................................ 21 08:33 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 08:33
s-521@glynmoody       The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making BigOct 21 08:34
s-521                 Strides In Energy Efficiency -Oct 21 08:34
s-521        something carbonOct 21 08:34
s-521                 companies ignoreOct 21 08:34
s-521........................................ 21 08:34 | The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making Big Strides In Energy Efficiency | ThinkProgressOct 21 08:34
s-521@glynmoody       #Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not 2Oct 21 08:34
s-521                 attack Guardian - "leaksOct 21 08:34
s-521                 should not have 'a chilling effect on theOct 21 08:34
s-521                 press'."Oct 21 08:34
s-521........................................ 21 08:34 | Edward Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not to attack the Guardian | Patrick Wintour | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 08:34
s-521@glynmoody       Why have young people in #Japan stopped havingOct 21 08:37
s-521                 sex? - fascinating ifOct 21 08:37
s-521                 somewhat troubling...Oct 21 08:37
s-521........................................ 21 08:37 | Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The ObserverOct 21 08:37
s-521@Reuters         Latest China smog emergency shuts city of 11Oct 21 08:39
s-521 retweeted by    million people 21 08:39
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 08:39
s-521........................................ 21 08:39 | China smog emergency shuts city of 11 million people | ReutersOct 21 08:39
s-521@corporateeurope  Law firms weaken #EUdataP, #EU environment &Oct 21 08:39
s-521 retweeted by    financial legislation and now work to avoidOct 21 08:39
s-521 @glynmoody      #transparency 21 08:39
s-521........................................ 21 08:39 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 08:39
s-521@Falkvinge       Does anybody know of a live chromakey softwareOct 21 08:42
s-521 retweeted by    for Ubuntu Linux? Source from webcam, liveOct 21 08:42
s-521 @glynmoody      output to a new video source (streamable toOct 21 08:42
s-521                 s/w)?Oct 21 08:42
s-521........................................ 21 08:42
s-521@glynmoody       Comment la #NSA espionne la France -Oct 21 08:43
s-521        70 million phone callsOct 21 08:43
s-521                 spied on in 1 month (v @asteris)Oct 21 08:43
s-521........................................ 21 08:43 | Le Monde: U.S. spies on France - CNN.comOct 21 08:43
s-521@glynmoody       A psychological history of the #NSA -Oct 21 08:44
s-521        illuminating;Oct 21 08:44
s-521                 recommended (v @TeaWithCarl)#snowdenOct 21 08:44 | The Daily Dot - A psychological history of the NSAOct 21 08:44
s-521........................................ 21 08:44
s-521@glynmoody       Überwachung in Europa: EU-KommissarinOct 21 08:45
s-521                 kritisiert amerikanische und britische SpitzelOct 21 08:45
s-521                 scharf - good foOct 21 08:45
s-521                 @NeelieKroesEUOct 21 08:45
s-521........................................ 21 08:45 | NSA: EU-Kommissarin Neelie Kroes lobt Edward Snowdens Enthüllungen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 08:45
s-521@glynmoody       Fresh Leak on US Spying: #NSA Accessed MexicanOct 21 08:45
s-521                 President's Email - NBOct 21 08:45
s-521                 metadata use here (v @botherder @e3i5)#mxOct 21 08:45
s-521........................................ 21 08:45 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 08:45
s-521@kieronflanagan  Willetts wonders why universities put researchOct 21 08:47
s-521 retweeted by    before teaching? Nothing to do with 30+ yrs ofOct 21 08:47
s-521 @glynmoody      policy incentives... 21 08:47
s-521........................................ 21 08:47 | Universities putting research before teaching, says minister | Education | The GuardianOct 21 08:47
s-521@GeorgeMonbiot   Instead of paying through the nose forOct 21 08:59
s-521 retweeted by    redundant #nuclear tech, we should be investingOct 21 08:59
s-521 @glynmoody      in 4th generation reactors:Oct 21 08:59
s-521        21 09:00
s-521........................................ 21 09:00 | A Waste of Waste | George MonbiotOct 21 09:00
s-521@glynmoody       Shale gas firms to be brought under ‘robust’Oct 21 09:03
s-521                 new EU law - 21 09:03
s-521                 #TAFTA/#TTIP is likely to allow cos. to sue EUOct 21 09:03
s-521                 over thisOct 21 09:03
s-521........................................ 21 09:03 | Shale gas firms to be brought under ‘robust’ new EU law | EurActivOct 21 09:03
s-521@glynmoody       CETA: What's In The Canada-EU Free Trade Deal? Oct 21 09:08
s-521                 - if it's so good, whatOct 21 09:08
s-521                 are they hiding? #CETAOct 21 09:08
s-521........................................ 21 09:08 | CETA: What's In The Canada-EU Free Trade Deal?Oct 21 09:08
s-521@gchampeau       L'ICANN veut gagner son indépendance grâce à laOct 21 09:11
s-521 retweeted by    NSA via @NumeramaOct 21 09:11
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 09:11 | L'ICANN veut gagner son indépendance grâce à la NSAOct 21 09:11
s-521........................................ 21 09:11
s-521@jbhuet          NSA: Fabius annonce la convocation "immédiate"Oct 21 09:17
s-521 retweeted by    de l'ambassadeur américain à ParisOct 21 09:17
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 09:17
s-521........................................ 21 09:17
s-521@AFP             #UPDATE: Furious France and Mexico demandOct 21 09:20
s-521 retweeted by    answers after 'shocking' US spying claims areOct 21 09:20
s-521 @glynmoody      revealed by Edward Snowden Oct 21 09:20
s-521        21 09:20
s-521........................................ 21 09:20 | AFP: France, Mexico seek answers on 'shocking' US spy claimsOct 21 09:20
s-521@sharonodea      Michael Gove now says that every school shouldOct 21 09:20
s-521 retweeted by    be above average. Proof that maths standardsOct 21 09:20
s-521 @glynmoody      really have gone down, right there.Oct 21 09:20
s-521........................................ 21 09:20
s-521@ALTEREU         Scandalous: covert Brussels #lobbying byOct 21 09:23
s-521 retweeted by    American law firms, made possible by weak #EUOct 21 09:23
s-521 @glynmoody      #transparency & #ethics rulesOct 21 09:23
s-521        21 09:23
s-521........................................ 21 09:23 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 09:23
s-521@GalouGentil     #NSA recorded 70,3 million French phone callsOct 21 09:49
s-521 retweeted by    in one month #FranceOct 21 09:49
s-521 @ioerror        #Snowden @ioerrorOct 21 09:49
s-521........................................ 21 09:49 | Comment la NSA espionne la FranceOct 21 09:49
s-521@ioerror         Has anyone written a secure messaging protocolOct 21 10:08
s-521                 for the Iridium pager network?Oct 21 10:08
s-521........................................ 21 10:08
s-521@ntisec          "@e3i5: #NSA secretly taped & #tapped 70Oct 21 10:12
s-521 retweeted by    million phone calls made in #France in oneOct 21 10:12
s-521 @ioerror        month. |Oct 21 10:12
s-521       "Oct 21 10:12
s-521........................................ 21 10:12 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 10:12 | US spy agency 'monitored millions of French phones' - ESPIONAGE - FRANCE 24Oct 21 10:12
s-521@peterkofod      "when a phone number is used in France it[..]Oct 21 10:12
s-521 retweeted by    automatically triggers the recording of theOct 21 10:12
s-521 @ioerror        call" from @ggreenwaldOct 21 10:12
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 10:12
s-521........................................ 21 10:12
s-521@ioerror         France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networksOct 21 10:13
s-521                 under surveillance 21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13
s-521@ggreenwald      Coalition of privacy and civil liberties groupsOct 21 10:13
s-521 retweeted by    will hold anti-surveillance rally in DC nextOct 21 10:13
s-521 @ioerror        Saturday, Oct 26 21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 21 10:13
s-521@ggreenwald      What the UK (& some US factions) regard asOct 21 10:13
s-521 retweeted by    criminality seems to be recognized asOct 21 10:13
s-521 @ioerror        journalism by the rest of the worldOct 21 10:13
s-521        21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13 | Guardian, Boston Globe, AxisPhilly, Texas Tribune take home 2013 Online Journalism Awards - Online News AssociationOct 21 10:13
s-521@SeumasMilne     #NSA-#GCHQ about power not security: hackedOct 21 10:13
s-521 retweeted by    #Mexico president for political/investmentOct 21 10:13
s-521 @ioerror        edge, leak shows, like #BrazilOct 21 10:13
s-521        21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13
s-521@ggreenwald      NPR's On the Media talks to @jayrosen_nyu aboutOct 21 10:13
s-521 retweeted by    our new media organization Oct 21 10:13
s-521 @ioerror 21 10:13 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13 | Glenn Greenwald's Departure From the Guardian  - On The MediaOct 21 10:13
s-521@MarcelRosenbach  #NSA -Spionage: #Mexiko fordert Aufklärung überOct 21 10:14
s-521 retweeted by    US-Bespitzelungen 21 10:14
s-521 @ioerror        #snowdenOct 21 10:14
s-521........................................ 21 10:14 | NSA-Spionage: Mexiko fordert Aufklärung über US-Bespitzelungen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 10:14
s-521@slashdot        Open Rights Group International Says Virgin,Oct 21 10:15
s-521                 Sky Blocking Innocent SitesOct 21 10:15
s-521        21 10:15
s-521........................................ 21 10:15 | Open Rights Group International Says Virgin, Sky Blocking Innocent Sites - SlashdotOct 21 10:15
s-521@ioerror         OH: "Iridium literally mastered rocket scienceOct 21 10:19
s-521                 to put their satellite constellation into spaceOct 21 10:19
s-521                 but they can't seem to setup HTTPS."Oct 21 10:19
s-521........................................ 21 10:19
s-521@peterkofod      3 MAJOR #Snowden/#NSA stories (in English) fromOct 21 11:16
s-521 retweeted by    @lemondefr today; begin here:Oct 21 11:16
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 11:16
s-521........................................ 21 11:16 | Inside the NSA's web of surveillanceOct 21 11:16
s-521@peterkofod      "when a phone number is used in France it[..]Oct 21 11:16
s-521 retweeted by    automatically triggers the recording of theOct 21 11:16
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  call" from @ggreenwaldOct 21 11:16
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 11:16
s-521........................................ 21 11:16 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 11:16
s-521@peterkofod      French foreign minister Fabius calls forOct 21 11:16
s-521 retweeted by    "immediate meeting with the US ambassador inOct 21 11:16
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Paris". #NSA #SnowdenOct 21 11:16
s-521........................................ 21 11:16
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Le Monde publishes revelations on large scaleOct 21 11:21
s-521                 NSA surveillance of France, including peopleOct 21 11:21
s-521                 from business & politics.Oct 21 11:21
s-521        21 11:21
s-521........................................ 21 11:21 | France summons US ambassador over 'spying' - Al Jazeera EnglishOct 21 11:21
s-521@peterkofod      Fun fact 1: The only one prosecuted for theOct 21 11:21
s-521 retweeted by    #Bush/#CIA torture regime, is @JohnKiriakou whoOct 21 11:21
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  blew the whistle on it. #HopeAndChange, #ObamaOct 21 11:21
s-521........................................ 21 11:21
s-521@peterkofod      Fun fact 2: The CIA-budget is almost 15Oct 21 11:22
s-521 retweeted by    billions USD. That's what it costs to hireOct 21 11:22
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  3-500,000 public school teachersOct 21 11:22
s-521        21 11:22
s-521........................................ 21 11:22 | What’s $15 billion? Putting Exxon Mobil’s record-breaking profits into perspective | Matador NetworkOct 21 11:22
s-521@peterkofod      Fun Fact 3: Many #Snowden disclosures wereOct 21 11:22
s-521 retweeted by    already told by @Thomas_Drake1 & otherOct 21 11:22
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  heroes-but no docs/no @ggreenwald  so MSNOct 21 11:22
s-521                 didn't care #NSAOct 21 11:22
s-521........................................ 21 11:22
s-521@digiges         LIBE-Ausschuss des EP stimmt über #eudatap ab.Oct 21 11:25
s-521 retweeted by    Einige Artikel sind nicht akzeptabel! SchreibtOct 21 11:25
s-521 @glynmoody      euren Abgeordneten: 21 11:25
s-521........................................ 21 11:25 | Nicht gefunden:  Mitmachen Datenschutzkampagne #twitterOct 21 11:25
s-521@ggreenwald      Our first story in Le Monde on NSA bulkOct 21 11:26
s-521 retweeted by    surveillance on French citizensOct 21 11:26
s-521 @glynmoody - the fallout begins:Oct 21 11:26
s-521        21 11:26
s-521........................................ 21 11:26 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 11:26 | Snowden leaks: France summons US envoy over NSA surveillance claims | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 11:26
s-521@peterkofod      Fun Fact 5: This: "We cannot target evenOct 21 11:28
s-521 retweeted by    foreign persons overseas without a validOct 21 11:28
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  foreign intelligence purpose" = actualOct 21 11:28
s-521                 statement from #NSAOct 21 11:28
s-521........................................ 21 11:28
s-521@peterkofod      Genuine question: What do #NatSec apologistsOct 21 11:29
s-521 retweeted by    think would happen if #NSA/#CIA/etc wereOct 21 11:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  *completely* abolished overnight? Worst caseOct 21 11:29
s-521                 scenario?Oct 21 11:29
s-521........................................ 21 11:29
s-521@georgemaschke   @Thomas_Drake1 It seems that NSA is monitoringOct 21 11:29
s-521 retweeted by    visitors to See:Oct 21 11:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 11:29
s-521........................................ 21 11:29
TechrightsSocial ( status 400 @ )Oct 21 11:29 | Is Being Targeted By the NSA? | NewsOct 21 11:29
s-521@Techmeme        Government promises "tech surge" to addressOct 21 11:31
s-521 retweeted by    problems with 21 11:31
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 11:31
s-521........................................ 21 11:31 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 11:31 | ‘Tech Surge’ Planned to Fix Obamacare Exchanges - Washington Wire - WSJOct 21 11:31 | Techmeme: Government promises “tech surge” to address problems with (Louise Radnofsky/Washington Wire)Oct 21 11:31
s-521@trevortimm      Instead of the Senate confirming Jeh JohnsonOct 21 11:37
s-521 retweeted by    for Homeland Security chief, how about theyOct 21 11:37
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  just scrap the whole agency?Oct 21 11:37
s-521        21 11:37
s-521........................................ 21 11:37 | Obama picks Johnson to head Homeland Security | MSNBCOct 21 11:37
s-521@e3i5            Parked cars 'intentionally scratched' nearOct 21 11:43
s-521 retweeted by    GCHQ. 21 11:43
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 21 11:43
s-521........................................ 21 11:43 | Parked cars 'intentionally scratched' near GCHQ | Gloucestershire EchoOct 21 11:43
s-521@ben_nuttall     Watching my 97 year old Gran explainOct 21 11:48
s-521 retweeted by    @Raspberry_Pi to other old people = PricelessOct 21 11:48
s-521 @stiangrindvoll  Oct 21 11:48
s-521........................................ 21 11:48
s-521@techdirt        Governments Have A Long History Of CallingOct 21 12:06
s-521                 Journalists 'Traitors' When They Publish…Oct 21 12:06
s-521        21 12:06
s-521........................................ 21 12:06 | Governments Have A Long History Of Calling Journalists 'Traitors' When They Publish Embarassing Materials | TechdirtOct 21 12:06
s-521@IGcollaboratory  Die neue CoMetis-Episode. Mit Impressionen vonOct 21 12:07
s-521 retweeted by    der #Colab9 Abschlussveranstaltung und einemOct 21 12:07
s-521 @glynmoody      Interview mit @glynmoody.Oct 21 12:07
s-521        21 12:07
s-521........................................ 21 12:07 | Internet & Gesellschaft Co:llaboratory: CoMetis - Bericht vom Abschlussevent der Initiative "Globalisierung und Internet" - Interviews mit ExpertInnenOct 21 12:07
s-521@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE Bahrain: 25,201 emails fromOct 21 12:08
s-521                 US intel contractor #StratforOct 21 12:08
s-521        #gifilesOct 21 12:08
s-521        21 12:08
s-521........................................ 21 12:08 | GI Files  -Oct 21 12:09 | Donate to WikiLeaksOct 21 12:09
s-521@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE Bahrain: 294 sensitive emailsOct 21 12:09
s-521                 from US intel contractor #StratforOct 21 12:09
s-521        #gifilesOct 21 12:09
s-521        21 12:09
s-521........................................ 21 12:09 | GI Files  -Oct 21 12:09
s-521@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE Bahrain: 30 very sensitiveOct 21 12:09
s-521                 emails from US intel contractor #StratforOct 21 12:09
s-521        #gifilesOct 21 12:09
s-521........................................ 21 12:09 | GI Files  -Oct 21 12:09
s-521@HHAnonymous     @glynmoody about TAFTA/TTIP: Internet, TradeOct 21 12:13
s-521 retweeted by    and Democracy viaOct 21 12:13
s-521 @glynmoody      @netzpolitikOct 21 12:13
s-521........................................ 21 12:13 | Glyn Moody über TAFTA/TTIP: Internet, Trade and DemocracyOct 21 12:13
s-521@nraford         UPDATE: Just re-opened "Alternatives to theOct 21 12:20
s-521 retweeted by    Singularity" so anyone can add their own again!Oct 21 12:20
s-521 @doctorow @BoingBoing @doctorowOct 21 12:20
s-521........................................ 21 12:20 | OPEN Copy of Alternatives to the Singularity - Google DriveOct 21 12:20
s-521@glynmoody       #openaccess 10 years on; can we say “This isOct 21 12:20
s-521                 for everyone”? - 21 12:20
s-521                 important questionOct 21 12:20
s-521........................................ 21 12:20 | Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics, Cambridge - #openaccess 10 years on; can we say “This is for everyone”? «  petermr's blogOct 21 12:21
s-521@glynmoody       #Snowden leaks: #France summons US envoy overOct 21 12:22
s-521                 #NSA surveillance claims -Oct 21 12:22
s-521        much ado aboutOct 21 12:22
s-521                 nothing...?Oct 21 12:22
s-521........................................ 21 12:22 | Snowden leaks: France summons US envoy over NSA surveillance claims | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 12:22
s-521@EP_Justice      #EUdataP: Countdown for @EP_Justice vote onOct 21 12:31
s-521 retweeted by    #DataProtection rules - Watch it liveOct 21 12:31
s-521 @glynmoody Agenda&docsOct 21 12:31
s-521        21 12:31
s-521........................................ 21 12:31 | Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsOct 21 12:31 | Oct 21 12:31
s-521@Falkvinge       New controversial article - Acknowledging theOct 21 12:31
s-521 retweeted by    important function of hate speech:Oct 21 12:31
s-521 @stiangrindvoll #freedomofspeechOct 21 12:31
s-521........................................ 21 12:31 | Acknowledging The Important Value Of Hate Speech - Falkvinge on InfopolicyOct 21 12:31
s-521@EDRi_org        Got 1 minute? Act now - there's an importantOct 21 12:31
s-521 retweeted by    vote on your right to #privacy in the EUOct 21 12:31
s-521 @glynmoody      Parliament tonight 21 12:31
s-521                 #eudatapOct 21 12:32
s-521........................................ 21 12:32 | Act now: One minute to save your right to privacy | EDRIOct 21 12:32
s-521@ggreenwald      What does she have to hide??? RT @raghos so IOct 21 12:32
s-521 retweeted by    guess we can have Sen Feinstein’s personal cellOct 21 12:32
s-521 @glynmoody      phone records every month? #NotSurveillanceOct 21 12:32
s-521........................................ 21 12:32
s-521@glynmoody       The Trajectories of Government and CorporateOct 21 12:36
s-521                 Surveillance - niceOct 21 12:36
s-521                 analysis from @Bruce_Schneier #nsa #gchqOct 21 12:36
s-521........................................ 21 12:36 | Schneier on Security: The Trajectories of Government and Corporate SurveillanceOct 21 12:36
s-521@headhntr        'The call-records program is not surveillance.'Oct 21 12:42
s-521 retweeted by    - Dianne Feinstein vs reality. Round 1 -Oct 21 12:42
s-521 @ioerror        FIGHT!!!! htOct 21 12:42
s-521                 @_cypherpunks_Oct 21 12:42
s-521........................................ 21 12:42 | Sen. Dianne Feinstein: Continue NSA call-records programOct 21 12:42
s-521@glynmoody       Let’s be open about #OpenAccess -Oct 21 12:44
s-521        pretty amazing tale...Oct 21 12:44
s-521........................................ 21 12:44 | Open and Shut?: Let’s be open about Open AccessOct 21 12:44
s-521@glynmoody       Who regulates best, the US or EU? #TTIP -Oct 21 12:48
s-521        question is more aboutOct 21 12:48
s-521                 who regulates least... #TAFTAOct 21 12:48
s-521........................................ 21 12:48 | | Who regulates best, the US or EU? #TTIPOct 21 12:48
s-521@glynmoody       Will Canada-EU Trade Agreement Harm OurOct 21 12:52
s-521                 Freedoms Online? - untilOct 21 12:52
s-521                 it's released, we can't know - or trust themOct 21 12:52
s-521                 #CETAOct 21 12:52
s-521........................................ 21 12:52 | Will The Canada-EU Trade Agreement Harm Our Freedoms Online? | La Quadrature du NetOct 21 12:52
s-521@doctorow        joeyx: On this day in 1946: Lux Interior wasOct 21 12:56
s-521                 born in Akron, Ohio.Oct 21 12:56
s-521                 Today’s soundtrack: All Cramps, all day, ba…Oct 21 12:56
s-521        21 12:56
s-521........................................ 21 12:56 | Cory Doctorow: joeyx:  On this day in 1946: Lux Interior was...Oct 21 12:56
s-521@DustinSlaughter  Seeing John Miller, former FBI turned CBSOct 21 12:57
s-521 retweeted by    reporter, yukking it up and effectively actingOct 21 12:57
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  like a promo tool for PERF, was disturbingOct 21 12:57
s-521                 #IACP13Oct 21 12:57
s-521........................................ 21 12:57
s-521@slashdot        What Employee Lock-In Means At FacebookOct 21 13:03
s-521        21 13:03
s-521........................................ 21 13:03 | What Employee Lock-In Means At Facebook - SlashdotOct 21 13:03
s-521@csoghoian       Key question re French phone spying by NSA: WasOct 21 13:06
s-521                 this under FISA 702, or, more likely, ExecOct 21 13:06
s-521                 Order 12333? If 12333, no court orders needed.Oct 21 13:06
s-521........................................ 21 13:06
s-521@csoghoian       New PRISM slides from Le Monde:Oct 21 13:10
s-521        21 13:10
s-521........................................ 21 13:10 | Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde"Oct 21 13:10
s-521@csoghoian       Puzzling why neither the Guardian nor Wash PostOct 21 13:15
s-521                 published the new PRISM slides. Slide 4 isOct 21 13:15
s-521                 particularly interesting.Oct 21 13:15
s-521        21 13:15
s-521........................................ 21 13:15 | Prism EntierOct 21 13:15
s-521@csoghoian       Le Monde slide p7 highlights clear nexusOct 21 13:19
s-521                 between FISA 702 surveillance and FBI/NSA cyberOct 21 13:19
s-521                 defense operations. 21 13:19
s-521........................................ 21 13:19
s-521@csoghoian       Not clear from Le Monde article if the 70milOct 21 13:24
s-521                 French calls intercepted by NSA were domestic,Oct 21 13:24
s-521                 or international. 21 13:24
s-521........................................ 21 13:24 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 13:24
s-521@csoghoian       If NSA can intercept 70mil French domesticOct 21 13:25
s-521                 calls a month, the French have a seriousOct 21 13:25
s-521                 security problem. More likely internationalOct 21 13:25
s-521                 calls.Oct 21 13:25
s-521........................................ 21 13:25
s-521@csoghoian       Security researcher claims vulnerabilty allowedOct 21 13:34
s-521                 him to download SMS/MMS metadata for anyOct 21 13:34
s-521                 Verizon Wireless account.Oct 21 13:34
s-521        21 13:34
s-521........................................ 21 13:34 | Verizon Wireless Message Detail Disclosure | PRVSECOct 21 13:34
s-521@techdirt        Copyright As Censorship Again: Game DeveloperOct 21 13:37
s-521                 Takes Down Scathing YouTube ReviewOct 21 13:37
s-521        21 13:37
s-521........................................ 21 13:37 | Copyright As Censorship Again: Game Developer Takes Down Scathing YouTube Review | TechdirtOct 21 13:37
s-521@csoghoian       Security researcher finds URL modificationOct 21 13:37
s-521                 vulnerability in Verizon Wireless website, theyOct 21 13:37
s-521                 don't report him to FBI. 21 13:37
s-521........................................ 21 13:37
s-521@csoghoian       Simple URL tampering technique used by @prvsecOct 21 13:38
s-521                 to view Verizon account data is 100% same usedOct 21 13:38
s-521                 by Weev's co-conspirator. Weev is now in jail.Oct 21 13:38
s-521........................................ 21 13:38
s-521@csoghoian       Le Monde's @Damien_Leloup: Slides don't revealOct 21 13:43
s-521                 details, but we believe French calls spied byOct 21 13:43
s-521                 NSA are international. 21 13:43
s-521........................................ 21 13:43
TechrightsSocial@Damien_Leloup: @csoghoian The slides don't give this precision, our working hypothesis is that at least one of the recipients is in FranceOct 21 13:43
s-521@csoghoian       Puzzling why neither the Guardian nor Wash PostOct 21 13:44
s-521 retweeted by    published the new PRISM slides. Slide 4 isOct 21 13:44
s-521 @qu1j0t3        particularly interesting.Oct 21 13:44
s-521        21 13:44
s-521........................................ 21 13:44 | Prism EntierOct 21 13:44
s-521@DigitalGrinch   .@csoghoian slide 6, microsoft; first to bendOct 21 13:44
s-521 retweeted by    over and hand over our information. Thanks,Oct 21 13:44
s-521 @qu1j0t3        jerks $MSFT 21 13:44
s-521........................................ 21 13:44
s-521@slashdot        Ocean Currents Explain Why Northern HemisphereOct 21 13:45
s-521                 Is Soggier 21 13:45
s-521........................................ 21 13:45 | Ocean Currents Explain Why Northern Hemisphere Is Soggier - SlashdotOct 21 13:45
s-521@privacyint      Leaked docs re: #EU #Data Directive revealOct 21 13:52
s-521 retweeted by    amendments align with #eudatap, but voteOct 21 13:52
s-521 @glynmoody      remains uncertain: 21 13:52
s-521                 #privacyOct 21 13:52
s-521........................................ 21 13:52 | Leaked EU Data Directive amendments show alignment with Regulation, though vote is less certain | Privacy InternationalOct 21 13:52
s-521@OpenRightsGroup  Don't forget it's ORG-London supporter meetupOct 21 13:52
s-521 retweeted by    tonight! Privacy vs Open Data at the Reliance,Oct 21 13:52
s-521 @glynmoody      Old Street, talk at 7.30 21 13:52
s-521........................................ 21 13:52 | ORG-London pub meet: Open Data and the privacy question -  ORG London (London, England) - MeetupOct 21 13:52
s-521@JanAlbrecht     Wer die heutige Abstimmung über dieOct 21 13:52
s-521 retweeted by    EU-Datenschutzverordnung live miterleben will,Oct 21 13:52
s-521 @glynmoody      kann ab 18:30 Uhr hier zuschauen:Oct 21 13:52
s-521        21 13:52
s-521........................................ 21 13:52 | Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsOct 21 13:52
s-521@ggreenwald      More NSA docs that we published for the 1st ofOct 21 13:53
s-521 retweeted by    the Le Monde articles - here: Oct 21 13:53
s-521 @glynmoody 21 13:53
s-521........................................ 21 13:53 | Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde"Oct 21 13:53
s-521@wikileaks       'Fifth Estate' bombs with worst opening weekendOct 21 13:53
s-521                 of the year as Wikileaks releases its own filmOct 21 13:53
s-521                 – for free 21 13:53
s-521........................................ 21 13:53 | The Fifth Estate bombs with worst opening weekend of the year as Wikileaks releases its own Julian Assange film – for free | National PostOct 21 13:53
s-521@BoingBoing      Printed buff superhero costume workout outfitsOct 21 13:55
s-521 retweeted by 21 13:55
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 13:55
s-521........................................ 21 13:55 | NO TITLEOct 21 13:56
s-521@xeni            Welp, @damiencave wins the Internet today,Oct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by    dubbing beclownsuited gunman who killedOct 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow       Arrellano Felix “payasesino.”Oct 21 13:56
s-521        21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56
TechrightsSocial@xeni: Mexican drug lord assassinated by killer clowns. 21 13:56
TechrightsSocial-> | Mexican drug lord assassinated by killer clowns - Boing BoingOct 21 13:56
s-521@BoingBoing      One of our more popular video posts this week:Oct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by    musicians read mean Tweets about themselves.Oct 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow 21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56 | Musicians read mean Tweets about themselves - Boing BoingOct 21 13:56
s-521@BoingBoing      In Mexico, a once-powerful narco leader hasOct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by    been assassinated by a gunman wearing a clownOct 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow       suit, at a kid's party. 21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56
s-521@BoingBoing      “@_wirepair:Oct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by    Congratulations on your device purchase!Oct 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 13:56
s-521                 Would you like:Oct 21 13:56
s-521                 Oct 21 13:56
s-521                 A. A US Backdoor.Oct 21 13:56
s-521                 B. A Chinese Backdoor.Oct 21 13:56
s-521                 C. A Vendor Backdoor.”Oct 21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56
s-521@doctorow        Zombie Baseball Beatdown: little-leaguersOct 21 13:58
s-521                 versus the zompocalypse - #review …Oct 21 13:58
s-521        21 13:58
s-521........................................ 21 13:58 | Cory Doctorow: Zombie Baseball Beatdown: little-leaguers versus the zompocalypseOct 21 13:58
s-521@slashdot        Facebook Isn't Accepting New Posts, Likes,Oct 21 14:03
s-521                 Comments... 21 14:03
s-521........................................ 21 14:03 | Facebook Isn't Accepting New Posts, Likes, Comments... - SlashdotOct 21 14:03
s-521@europevfacebook  RIGHT NOW: Sitting at the High Court to file anOct 21 14:05
s-521 retweeted by    application for Judicial Review against theOct 21 14:05
s-521 @glynmoody      #DPC because of refusal to investigate #PRISM..Oct 21 14:05
s-521........................................ 21 14:05
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Sen Dianne Feinliestein once again carriesOct 21 14:09
s-521                 NatSec line with 'approved' NSA talking pointsOct 21 14:09
s-521                 making zero sum fear case.Oct 21 14:09
s-521        21 14:09
s-521........................................ 21 14:09 | Sen. Dianne Feinstein: Continue NSA call-records programOct 21 14:09
s-521@doctorow        "But the 8-hour workday is too profitable forOct 21 14:17
s-521                 big business, not because of the amount of workOct 21 14:17
s-521                 people get..." 21 14:17
s-521........................................ 21 14:17 | Cory Doctorow: But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big...Oct 21 14:17
s-521@doctorow        Guh, flawless. Non-Westernised interpretationsOct 21 14:17
s-521                 of the steampunk genre FTW. Oct 21 14:17
s-521        21 14:17
s-521........................................ 21 14:17 | Cory Doctorow: coldalbion:  yukonstar:  anachronistichybrid: ...Oct 21 14:17
s-521@glynmoody       EU Assures that #CETA Does Not Contain #ACTAOct 21 14:22
s-521                 Copyright Rules - OK,Oct 21 14:22
s-521                 that's good; but what about #generics?Oct 21 14:22
s-521                 #tarsands?Oct 21 14:22
s-521........................................ 21 14:22 | Michael Geist - EU Assures that CETA Does Not Contain ACTA Copyright RulesOct 21 14:22
s-521@CasparBowden    MEPs: Art.4(2a) pseudo-isation = "KEPTOct 21 14:23
s-521 retweeted by    separately" stomps 10 yrs WP29 workOct 21 14:23
s-521 @glynmoody open-door for secret USOct 21 14:23
s-521                 re-ident #EUdatapOct 21 14:23
s-521........................................ 21 14:23
s-521@declanm         DOJ says, of course, it was a joke: manualOct 21 14:24
s-521 retweeted by    suggests "agents could face a firing squad forOct 21 14:24
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  leaking government secrets"Oct 21 14:24
s-521        21 14:24
s-521........................................ 21 14:24 | ATF’s prescription for leaking secrets: A firing squad?  - Washington TimesOct 21 14:24
s-521@glynmoody       EU-Internetbeauftragter Guttenberg: DerOct 21 14:25
s-521                 Phantom-Berater - what aOct 21 14:25
s-521                 jokeOct 21 14:25
s-521........................................ 21 14:25 | Guttenberg als EU-Berater: Außer Spesen nichts gewesen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 14:25
s-521@slashdot        New York City Considers Articulated Subway CarsOct 21 14:27
s-521        21 14:27
s-521........................................ 21 14:27 | New York City Considers Articulated Subway Cars - SlashdotOct 21 14:27
s-521@nycjim          Wow. RT @mlcalderone: Fox News PR staffer usedOct 21 14:38
s-521 retweeted by    20 different aliases to post pro-Fox rantsOct 21 14:38
s-521 @glynmoody      online; another had 100: 21 14:38
s-521........................................ 21 14:38 | Fox News Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts | Blog | Media Matters for AmericaOct 21 14:38
s-521@glynmoody       French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10Oct 21 14:46
s-521                 times cheaper - 21 14:46
s-521                 specifically, #Mozilla #Thunderbird is cheaperOct 21 14:46
s-521........................................ 21 14:46 | French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10 times cheaper | JoinupOct 21 14:46
s-521@swardley        If you want a signal that the PTO is completelyOct 21 14:52
s-521 retweeted by    bust then the Steve Jobs patent is it -Oct 21 14:52
s-521 @glynmoody - farcically obvious forOct 21 14:52
s-521                 '08.Oct 21 14:52 | Patent Win Could Give Apple a Courtroom Midas Touch | Legal | E-Commerce TimesOct 21 14:52
s-521........................................ 21 14:52
s-521@glynmoody       Data Protection Regulation: La Quadrature'sOct 21 15:05
s-521                 Voting Recommendations to LIBE -Oct 21 15:05
s-521        hmm #EUOct 21 15:05
s-521........................................ 21 15:05 | Data Protection Regulation: La Quadrature's Voting Recommendations to LIBE | La Quadrature du NetOct 21 15:05
s-521@mgeist          EU Assures that #CETA Does Not Contain ACTAOct 21 15:05
s-521                 Copyright Rules: doc provides update onOct 21 15:05
s-521                 copyright provisions 21 15:05
s-521........................................ 21 15:05 | Michael Geist - EU Assures that CETA Does Not Contain ACTA Copyright RulesOct 21 15:05
s-521@CasparBowden    MEPs: If accept pseudonymity, Controller can doOct 21 15:07
s-521 retweeted by    a #NSA Gen.Alexander "Oh we don't know whoOct 21 15:07
s-521 @glynmoody      those tel numbers *belong* to.." #EUdatapOct 21 15:07
s-521                 r..ightOct 21 15:07
s-521........................................ 21 15:07
s-521@slashdot        The Dark Mod 2.0 Standalone: Id Tech 4 GPLOct 21 15:09
s-521                 Yields a Free Thief-a-Like GameOct 21 15:09
s-521        21 15:09
s-521........................................ 21 15:09 | The Dark Mod 2.0 Standalone: Id Tech 4 GPL Yields a Free Thief-a-Like Game - SlashdotOct 21 15:09
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Disneyland - Secret Tom Sawyer Raft HandOct 21 15:30
s-521                 Signals by BoogaFrito on Flickr.Oct 21 15:30
s-521        21 15:30 | Cory Doctorow: Disneyland - Secret Tom Sawyer Raft Hand Signals...Oct 21 15:30
s-521........................................ 21 15:31
s-521@slashdot        BT To Test Huawei 1Gbps Broadband Over CopperOct 21 15:48
s-521        21 15:48
s-521........................................ 21 15:48 | BT To Test Huawei 1Gbps Broadband Over Copper - SlashdotOct 21 15:48
s-521@EP_Justice      #EUdataP: follow marathon @EP_Justice vote onOct 21 15:51
s-521 retweeted by    reform of EU #DataProtection live from 6.30 toOct 21 15:51
s-521 @glynmoody      10.30pm 21 15:51
s-521........................................ 21 15:51 | Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsOct 21 15:51
s-521@pharmagossip    Unpublished studies hold twice as much data onOct 21 15:51
s-521 retweeted by    drugs as those in public domain, study finds |Oct 21 15:51
s-521 @glynmoody      BMJ 21 15:51
s-521........................................ 21 15:51 | Unpublished studies hold twice as much data on drugs as those in public domain, study finds | BMJOct 21 15:51
s-521@qirtaiba        At #discotech, revealed all #IGF2013Oct 21 15:52
s-521 retweeted by    participant data including passport numbers wasOct 21 15:52
s-521 @glynmoody      stored online and emailed in the clearOct 21 15:52
s-521........................................ 21 15:52
s-521@glynmoody       #Linux Foundation Celebrates with a QuadrupleOct 21 15:55
s-521                 Scotch - launchesOct 21 15:55
s-521                 unusual #opencloud report in #scotlandOct 21 15:55
s-521........................................ 21 15:55 | Linux Foundation Celebrates with a Quadruple Scotch - Open EnterpriseOct 21 15:55
s-521@glynmoody       The Senate Is Sitting On A Devastating ReportOct 21 15:56
s-521                 About How The CIA Avoided Oversight OfOct 21 15:56
s-521                 Unnecessary #Torture Program -Oct 21 15:56
s-521        21 15:56
s-521........................................ 21 15:56 | The Senate Is Sitting On A Devastating Report About How The CIA Avoided Oversight Of Unnecessary Torture Program | TechdirtOct 21 15:56
s-521@linuxtoday      Why DRM in HTML5 is wrong:  Examiner: A list ofOct 21 16:07
s-521                 the best responses countering the most commonOct 21 16:07
s-521                 reasons advocate... 21 16:07 | Linux Today - Why DRM in HTML5 is wrongOct 21 16:07
s-521........................................ 21 16:07
s-521@linuxtoday      Install LAMP Server (Apache, MySQL or MariaDB,Oct 21 16:07
s-521                 PHP) On Ubuntu 13.10 Server:  Oct 21 16:07
s-521        21 16:07
s-521........................................ 21 16:07 | Linux Today - Install LAMP Server (Apache, MySQL or MariaDB, PHP) On Ubuntu 13.10 ServerOct 21 16:07
s-521@techdirt        The Senate Is Sitting On A Devastating ReportOct 21 16:07
s-521                 About How The CIA Avoided Oversight Of…Oct 21 16:07
s-521        21 16:07
s-521........................................ 21 16:07
s-521@rcweir          The Power of Brand and the Power of Product,Oct 21 16:13
s-521                 Part 3 21 16:13
s-521........................................ 21 16:13 | The Power of Brand and the Power of Product, Part 3Oct 21 16:13
s-521@mgeist          RT @howardknopf: EXCESS COPYRIGHT: MilestonesOct 21 16:20
s-521                 in Canada’s Music Levy - The Journey toOct 21 16:20
s-521                 Extinction 21 16:20
s-521........................................ 21 16:20 | EXCESS COPYRIGHT: Milestones in Canada’s Music Levy - The Journey to ExtinctionOct 21 16:20
s-521@doctorow        Photo: hodgman: ;48 *8¢; 988;6*3 ‡1 )8-(8;Oct 21 16:22
s-521                 )‡-68;: )4500 ‡—?( ;46) ;4?()†5: ‡-;‡28( ;]8*;:Oct 21 16:22
s-521                 1‡?( 5; ?*6‡*... 21 16:22
s-521........................................ 21 16:22 | Cory Doctorow: hodgman:  ;48 *8¢; 988;6*3 ‡1 )8-(8; )‡-68;:...Oct 21 16:22
s-521@slashdot        NSA Intercepted French Telephone Calls "On aOct 21 16:27
s-521                 Massive Scale" 21 16:27
s-521........................................ 21 16:27 | NSA Intercepted French Telephone Calls "On a Massive Scale" - SlashdotOct 21 16:27
s-521@WeldPond        Response from EU countries shouldn't be for NSAOct 21 16:36
s-521 retweeted by    to stop spying but to make their comms secure.Oct 21 16:36
s-521 @ioerror        The Russians, Chinese, others won't stop.Oct 21 16:36
s-521........................................ 21 16:36
s-521@FISACourt       The Court posted CNSS' motion for publicOct 21 16:37
s-521 retweeted by    briefings on bulk phone collection and un-hidOct 21 16:37
s-521 @ioerror        the link from the last update:Oct 21 16:37
s-521        21 16:37
s-521........................................ 21 16:37
s-521@rcweir          New survey results showing the growth inOct 21 16:37
s-521                 OpenOffice brand recognition and product use. Oct 21 16:37
s-521        #apache #openofficeOct 21 16:37
s-521........................................ 21 16:37 | The Power of Brand and the Power of Product, Part 3Oct 21 16:37
s-521@kennethlipp     FBI Director James Comey just referred to hisOct 21 16:38
s-521 retweeted by    agency as a "paramilitary" organizationOct 21 16:38
s-521 @ioerror        #IACP2013Oct 21 16:38
s-521........................................ 21 16:38
s-521@umairh          Yup “@wildnfree1: RT @tnr: British citizen endsOct 21 16:58
s-521                 up in American ER: "This isn't a hospital; it'sOct 21 16:58
s-521                 the Wild West."”Oct 21 16:58
s-521........................................ 21 16:58 | Hospital Stay Convinced British Writer that US Needs Obamacare | New RepublicOct 21 16:58
s-521@umairh          When you negotiate with lunatics, you end upOct 21 17:01
s-521                 the biggest fool. #obamalessonsOct 21 17:01
s-521........................................ 21 17:01
s-521@slashdot        DHHS Preparing 'Tech Surge' To Fix RemainingOct 21 17:03
s-521        IssuesOct 21 17:03
s-521        21 17:03
s-521........................................ 21 17:03 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 17:03 | DHHS Preparing 'Tech Surge' To Fix Remaining Issues - SlashdotOct 21 17:03
s-521@WeldPond        Response from EU countries shouldn't be for NSAOct 21 17:05
s-521 retweeted by    to stop spying but to make their comms secure.Oct 21 17:05
s-521 @csoghoian      The Russians, Chinese, others won't stop.Oct 21 17:05
s-521........................................ 21 17:05
s-521@techdirt        Author Claims Copyright Over Interview He GaveOct 21 17:07
s-521                 20 Years Ago 21 17:07
s-521........................................ 21 17:07 | Author Claims Copyright Over Interview He Gave 20 Years Ago | TechdirtOct 21 17:07
s-521@umairh          Good stuff. “@mmcternan: Review of 'LeftOct 21 17:09
s-521                 Without a Future? by @AnthonyPainterOct 21 17:09
s-521        @LSEReviewBooks”Oct 21 17:09
s-521........................................ 21 17:09 | Book Review: Left Without a Future? Social Justice in Anxious Times | LSE Review of BooksOct 21 17:09
s-521@umairh          Somewhere, there's a contractor in ten millionOct 21 17:13
s-521                 dollar DC McMansion laughing at the botchedOct 21 17:13
s-521                 Obamacare launch.Oct 21 17:13
s-521........................................ 21 17:13
s-521@quinnnorton     I tackle 40, w/, as @Dymaxion says, the sameOct 21 17:17
s-521 retweeted by    belligerence I do everything. (Honestly, it'sOct 21 17:17
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  about becoming happy.) 21 17:17
s-521........................................ 21 17:17 | On Turning 40 — LadyBits on Medium — MediumOct 21 17:17
s-521@slashdot        Freedreno Graphics Driver Gets PRIME, RenderOct 21 17:18
s-521                 Node Support 21 17:18
s-521........................................ 21 17:18 | Freedreno Graphics Driver Gets PRIME, Render Node Support - SlashdotOct 21 17:18
s-521@umairh          America is officially insane. “@Demos_Org: HowOct 21 17:25
s-521                 Taxpayers Get Punished by Private PrisonOct 21 17:25
s-521                 “Lockup Quotas."”Oct 21 17:25
s-521........................................ 21 17:25 | How Taxpayers Get Punished by Private Prison “Lockup Quotas" | DemosOct 21 17:25
s-521@umairh          Lockup quotas?! Seriously? How Orwellian canOct 21 17:25
s-521                 you get? What's next, mandatory workhouse time?Oct 21 17:25
s-521........................................ 21 17:25
s-521@SMaurizi        Espresso: as France furious abt #NSA spying,Oct 21 17:27
s-521 retweeted by    Italian politicians must explain why they areOct 21 17:27
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  so silent 21 17:27
s-521........................................ 21 17:27 | Washington e Londra spiano anche noiOct 21 17:27
s-521@schneierblog    The Trajectories of Government and CorporateOct 21 17:28
s-521 retweeted by    Surveillance: Historically, surveillance wasOct 21 17:28
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  difficult and expens... 21 17:28
s-521........................................ 21 17:28 | Schneier on Security: The Trajectories of Government and Corporate SurveillanceOct 21 17:28
s-521@privacyint      #Surveillance comps. selling to NigerianOct 21 17:29
s-521 retweeted by    government, & #NSA exporting spy policies asOct 21 17:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  well, by @Edin_O: 21 17:29
s-521                 #privacyOct 21 17:29
s-521........................................ 21 17:29 | Nigerian government under fire for expansion of surveillance programs | Privacy InternationalOct 21 17:29
s-521@csoghoian       Le Monde slide p7 highlights clear nexusOct 21 17:31
s-521 retweeted by    between FISA 702 surveillance and FBI/NSA cyberOct 21 17:31
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  defense operations. 21 17:31
s-521........................................ 21 17:31 | Prism EntierOct 21 17:31
s-521@hello_scott_    Fantastic @berkmancenter podcast in whichOct 21 17:33
s-521 retweeted by    @zeynep discusses social media and socialOct 21 17:33
s-521 @glynmoody      movements, 21 17:33
s-521........................................ 21 17:33 | MediaBerkman  » Blog Archive   » Zeynep Tufekci on Social Media-Fueled Protest Style From Arab Spring to Gezi Protests in Turkey [AUDIO]Oct 21 17:34
s-521@SMaurizi        Espresso: as France furious abt #NSA spying,Oct 21 17:35
s-521 retweeted by    Italian politicians must explain why they areOct 21 17:35
s-521 @glynmoody      so silent 21 17:35
s-521........................................ 21 17:35
s-521@bbw1984         After Katy Perry names her new album 'PRISM' weOct 21 17:36
s-521 retweeted by    look forward to Cheryl Cole's next effort,Oct 21 17:36
s-521 @glynmoody      GCHQ.Oct 21 17:36
s-521........................................ 21 17:36
s-521@slashdot        Experian Sold Social Security Numbers To IDOct 21 17:36
s-521                 Theft Service 21 17:36
s-521........................................ 21 17:36 | Experian Sold Social Security Numbers To ID Theft Service - SlashdotOct 21 17:36
s-521@davidgerard     Rocknerd: “Twitter had a music app?”Oct 21 17:40
s-521        21 17:40 | Rocknerd  » Blog Archive   » “Twitter had a music app?”Oct 21 17:40
s-521........................................ 21 17:40
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   USA Today: Gov't needs 2 show NSA massOct 21 17:43
s-521                 surveillance has "extraordinary value" To dateOct 21 17:43
s-521                 admin "hasn't even come close"Oct 21 17:43
s-521        21 17:43
s-521........................................ 21 17:43 | NSA must prove value of phone program: Our viewOct 21 17:43
s-521@csoghoian       Security researcher finds URL modificationOct 21 17:47
s-521 retweeted by    vulnerability in Verizon Wireless website, theyOct 21 17:47
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  don't report him to FBI. 21 17:47
s-521........................................ 21 17:47
s-521@csoghoian       Simple URL tampering technique used by @prvsecOct 21 17:47
s-521 retweeted by    to view Verizon account data is 100% same usedOct 21 17:47
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  by Weev's co-conspirator. Weev is now in jail.Oct 21 17:47
s-521........................................ 21 17:47
TechrightsSocialconnect() timed out! ( status 0 @ )Oct 21 17:47
s-521@ObscenityLawyer  Facebook allows decapitation videos:Oct 21 17:59
s-521 retweeted by As I have asked before,Oct 21 17:59
s-521 @glynmoody      why is obscenity always framed around sexualOct 21 17:59
s-521                 morality?Oct 21 17:59
s-521........................................ 21 17:59 | BBC News - Facebook lets beheading clips return to social networkOct 21 17:59
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   USA Today: Gov't needs 2 show NSA massOct 21 18:02
s-521 retweeted by    surveillance has "extraordinary value" To dateOct 21 18:02
s-521 @glynmoody      admin "hasn't even come close"Oct 21 18:02
s-521        21 18:02
s-521........................................ 21 18:02
s-521@glynmoody       France angered by new revelations of #NSAOct 21 18:06
s-521                 surveillance - but realOct 21 18:06
s-521                 or feigned? #snowdenOct 21 18:06
s-521........................................ 21 18:06 | France angered by new revelations of NSA surveillance | Ars TechnicaOct 21 18:06
s-521@slashdot        Connecting To Unsecured Bluetooth Car SystemsOct 21 18:18
s-521                 To Monitor Traffic Flow 21 18:18
s-521........................................ 21 18:18 | Connecting To Unsecured Bluetooth Car Systems To Monitor Traffic Flow - SlashdotOct 21 18:18
s-521@mgeist          RT @peternowak: Crown wireless company lookingOct 21 18:25
s-521                 more appealing 21 18:25
s-521........................................ 21 18:25 | Crown wireless company looking more appealing | WordsByNowakOct 21 18:25
schestowitz_bed2> Thanks.  RMS gets attacked from all sides but all the attacks seemOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> personal.  So to me it is no surprise that if someone actually listensOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> to him that they agree with him.  He tends to be not just right, but wayOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> ahead of everybody.  That freaks out a lot of people so they attack theOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> messenger.Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> At Ohio Linux Fest this year, Maddog Hall spread disinformation andOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> antipathy.  Below, albeit years ago, Dixon is riling up the crowd withOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> anti-RMS rhetoric:Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> 21 18:33 | BSD v. GPL, Jason Dixon, NYCBSDCon 2008 - YouTube  [ ]Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> Naively I had expected it to be a real discussion of the merits of GPLOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> vs BSD from a BSD perspective.  Wrong.  However, five years have passedOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> so it's possible that he takes a more grown up approach now.Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> Anyway, the point is that if they get to hear it, people tend to agreeOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> with RMS' message.  So the important thing is to find ways to present itOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> to people so they can get passed the rhetoric and personal attacks.Oct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2Personal attacks try to prevent people from listening to him at all, or rely on second-hand accounts of what he allegedly said.Oct 21 18:33
s-521@techdirt        Accidentally Revealed Document Shows TSAOct 21 18:38
s-521                 Doesn't Think Terrorists Are Plotting ToOct 21 18:38
s-521                 Attack… 21 18:38
s-521........................................ 21 18:38 | Accidentally Revealed Document Shows TSA Doesn't Think Terrorists Are Plotting To Attack Airplanes | TechdirtOct 21 18:38
s-521@doctorow        The best idea for tip-jar voting: “What is theOct 21 18:39
s-521                 highest-denomination bill on your person?” withOct 21 18:39
s-521                 jars for... 21 18:39
s-521........................................ 21 18:39 | Cory Doctorow: The best idea for tip-jar voting: “What is the...Oct 21 18:39
s-521@BoingBoing      Scratch-built, thoroughly documented, workingOct 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    1/4 scale V8 engine 21 18:46
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:46
s-521........................................ 21 18:46 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:46
s-521@thanland        An Unofficial @XOXO Podcast updated with @evOct 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    @marcoarment @mollycrabapple & @boingboing.Oct 21 18:46
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:46
s-521                 🎧 21 18:46
s-521........................................ 21 18:46 | iTunes - Podcasts - An Unofficial XOXO Festival Podcast by Than TibbettsOct 21 18:46
s-521@BoingBoing      Please enjoy this cute platypus videoOct 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by 21 18:46
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:46
s-521........................................ 21 18:46 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:46
s-521@BoingBoing      Why Q was illegal in Turkey until last monthOct 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by 21 18:46
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:46
s-521........................................ 21 18:46 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:46
s-521@BoingBoing      Morrissey's autobiography infuriates BritishOct 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    newspapers, and they didn't even have to readOct 21 18:46
s-521 @doctorow       it 21 18:46
s-521........................................ 21 18:46 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:46
s-521@BoingBoing      Parallel parking is easy 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Man spends $100,000 on surgery to slightlyOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    resemble Justin Bieber 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Functional, animated Disneyland map Hallowe'enOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    costume 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Facebook blocked our post of @km_mcfarland’sOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    #TheWalkingDead review; we were like WHY DO YOUOct 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       HATE ZOMBIES FACEBOOK 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47 | The Walking Dead, Season 4, episode 2, 'Infected': Review - Boing BoingOct 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Zombie Baseball Beatdown: little-leaguersOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    versus the zompocalypse 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521@Frauenfelder    TSA at BUR is now using mobile computers toOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    look up information on passengers at theOct 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       ID/boarding pass station.Oct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@schestowitz     "Android went from zero percent of theOct 21 18:49
s-521                 smartphone market to owning nearly 80 percentOct 21 18:49
s-521                 of it." 21 18:49
s-521........................................ 21 18:49 | Google’s iron grip on Android: Controlling open source by any means necessary | Ars TechnicaOct 21 18:49
s-521@schestowitz     Gum 21 18:50
s-521........................................ 21 18:50
s-521@BoingBoing      ICYMI: Dick Cheney feared assassination byOct 21 18:53
s-521 retweeted by    cardio device hack, had docs turnOct 21 18:53
s-521 @doctorow       defibrillator's wireless offOct 21 18:53
s-521        21 18:53
s-521........................................ 21 18:53 | Dick Cheney feared assassination by cardio device hack, had docs turn defibrillator's wireless off - Boing BoingOct 21 18:53
s-521@JanAlbrecht     We made it! #EUdataPOct 21 18:56
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 21 18:56
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 18:56
s-521........................................ 21 18:56
s-521@dmarthal        @Thomas_Drake1 Even if it did, it would stillOct 21 18:57
s-521 retweeted by    be unconstitutional. There are a lot of thingsOct 21 18:57
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  gov't could do that have "value"...Oct 21 18:57
s-521........................................ 21 18:57
s-521@slashdot        Most IT Workers Don't Have STEM (Science, Tech,Oct 21 19:00
s-521                 Engineering, Math) DegreesOct 21 19:00
s-521        21 19:00
s-521........................................ 21 19:00 | Most IT Workers Don't Have STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math) Degrees - SlashdotOct 21 19:00
s-521@ervinjuresa     The NSA files: how they affect you (videoOct 21 19:03
s-521 retweeted by    animation) @ggreenwaldOct 21 19:03
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  @EFF @ACLU @Thomas_Drake1 @csoghoianOct 21 19:03
s-521                 @trevortimmOct 21 19:03
s-521........................................ 21 19:03 | The NSA files: how they affect you - video animation | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 19:03
s-521@glynmoody       #Linux Foundation Celebrates with a QuadrupleOct 21 19:06
s-521                 Scotch - launchesOct 21 19:06
s-521                 unusual #opencloud report in #scotland...Oct 21 19:06
s-521........................................ 21 19:06 | Linux Foundation Celebrates with a Quadruple Scotch - Open EnterpriseOct 21 19:06
s-521@techdirt        Leak Shows NSA Grabbed Data On 70 MillionOct 21 19:08
s-521                 French Phone Calls In Less Than 30 DaysOct 21 19:08
s-521        21 19:08
s-521........................................ 21 19:08 | Leak Shows NSA Grabbed Data On 70 Million French Phone Calls In Less Than 30 Days | TechdirtOct 21 19:08
s-521@WeMeantWell     Life in the 21st Century State Department: AOct 21 19:10
s-521 retweeted by    Fired FSO (not me!) reflects back on what'sOct 21 19:10
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  left of diplomacy 21 19:10
s-521........................................ 21 19:10 | Life in the 21st Century State Department | We Meant Well - Peter Van BurenOct 21 19:10
s-521@doctorow        "We have an obligation to read aloud to ourOct 21 19:11
s-521                 children. To read them things they enjoy. ToOct 21 19:11
s-521                 read to them..." 21 19:11
s-521........................................ 21 19:11 | Cory Doctorow: We have an obligation to read aloud to our...Oct 21 19:11
s-521@doctorow        "Archbishop James Usher (1580-1656) publishedOct 21 19:12
s-521                 Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments in 1654,Oct 21 19:12
s-521                 which..." 21 19:12
s-521........................................ 21 19:12 | Cory Doctorow: Archbishop James Usher (1580-1656) published...Oct 21 19:12
s-521@netzpolitik     Das ist ja jetzt total überraschend.Oct 21 19:13
s-521 retweeted by    Filesharing: Das Gesetz gegen unseriöseOct 21 19:13
s-521 @glynmoody      Geschäftspraktiken läuft leer:Oct 21 19:13
s-521        21 19:13
s-521........................................ 21 19:13 | Internet-Law » Filesharing: Das Gesetz gegen unseriöse Geschäftspraktiken läuft leerOct 21 19:13
s-521@mgeist          RT @wlpress: On Canada's national security law,Oct 21 19:15
s-521                 surveillance, and CSEC following #Snowden leaksOct 21 19:15
s-521        21 19:15
s-521........................................ 21 19:15 | A Tale of Two Controversies: Thoughts on CSEC’s Headline Act(s) - National Security Law Blog -Oct 21 19:16
s-521@JamesGRickards  Damage control report is they need to re-writeOct 21 19:18
s-521 retweeted by    5 million lines of code to fix #Obamacare...byOct 21 19:18
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Valentine's Day #NoWayOct 21 19:18
s-521........................................ 21 19:18 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 19:18
s-521@glynmoody       Yahoo poaches New York Times tech writer DavidOct 21 19:18
s-521                 Pogue - sign of the, er,Oct 21 19:18
s-521                 times.. #journalismOct 21 19:18
s-521........................................ 21 19:18 | Yahoo poaches New York Times tech writer David Pogue | Internet & Media - CNET NewsOct 21 19:18
s-521@onekade         So a thing I helped with is pissing off theOct 21 19:24
s-521 retweeted by    surveillance industry enough that they made aOct 21 19:24
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  propaganda video. Cool. 21 19:24
s-521........................................ 21 19:24 | License plate reader industry produces error-ridden propaganda video | Privacy SOSOct 21 19:24
s-521@BORDC           BORDC report back from Fight For The Future’sOct 21 19:28
s-521 retweeted by    NSA video guerrilla world premiereOct 21 19:28
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 19:28
s-521........................................ 21 19:28 | People's Blog for the Constitution  » BORDC report back from Fight For The Future’s NSA video guerrilla world premiereOct 21 19:28
s-521@Phillip_Blond   IMHO the West is now a plutocracy that usesOct 21 19:28
s-521 retweeted by    meritocracy as it's coverOct 21 19:28
s-521 @umairh         Oct 21 19:28
s-521........................................ 21 19:28
s-521@glynmoody       I'm Rick Falkvinge, AMA -Oct 21 19:29
s-521        interesting stuff, asOct 21 19:29
s-521                 ever #redditOct 21 19:29
s-521........................................ 21 19:29 | I'm Rick Falkvinge, founder of the first Pirate Party and subsequent author of "Swarmwise: the tactical manual to changing the world". AMA. : IAmAOct 21 19:29
s-521@saftergood      What is overclassification?Oct 21 19:30
s-521 retweeted by Different definitionsOct 21 19:30
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  generate different responsesOct 21 19:30
s-521........................................ 21 19:30 | What is Overclassification? - Secrecy NewsOct 21 19:30
s-521@umairh          What is the greatest idea of the last fewOct 21 19:35
s-521                 years?Oct 21 19:35
s-521........................................ 21 19:35
s-521@glynmoody       European Parliament vote on Privacy Regulation:Oct 21 19:39
s-521                 major losses obscure other gains -Oct 21 19:39
s-521        "legitimate interest"Oct 21 19:39
s-521                 must go #DPROct 21 19:39
s-521........................................ 21 19:39 | Blog | AccessOct 21 19:39
s-521@schestowitz     Death chain 21 19:41
s-521........................................ 21 19:41
s-521@glynmoody       Kommentar zur Abstimmung über dieOct 21 19:42
s-521                 EU-Datenschutzverordnung: Nicht ausreichend -Oct 21 19:42
s-521        ‘berechtigtes Interesse’Oct 21 19:42
s-521                 muss gehenOct 21 19:42
s-521........................................ 21 19:42 | Kommentar zur Abstimmung über die EU-Datenschutzverordnung: Nicht ausreichend | Digitale GesellschaftOct 21 19:42
s-521@glynmoody       We Have a Right to Save Seeds. Right? -Oct 21 19:45
s-521        er, nope: "BigOct 21 19:45
s-521                 agribusinesses are enclosing the seedOct 21 19:45
s-521                 #commons." #EUOct 21 19:45
s-521........................................ 21 19:45 | We Have a Right to Save Seeds. Right? - ShareableOct 21 19:45
schestowitz_bed2> Is it possible to queue articles and designate a specific time forOct 21 19:49
s-521@rj_gallagher    Le Monde published a few new slides from theOct 21 19:49
schestowitz_bed2> publication?Oct 21 19:49
s-521 retweeted by    NSA's secret Prism presentation:Oct 21 19:49
s-521 @ioerror 21 19:49
s-521........................................ 21 19:49 | Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde"Oct 21 19:49
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Le Monde published a few new slides from the NSA's secret Prism presentation: 21 19:49
schestowitz_bed2In Drupal? probably, for blog posts at least. WordPress has supported this for almost a decade.Oct 21 19:49
s-521@glynmoody       Novos documentos mostram que EUA espionam oOct 21 19:49
s-521                 e-mail do governo brasileiro há anos -Oct 21 19:49
s-521        #brazil #nsaOct 21 19:49
s-521........................................ 21 19:49 | Novos documentos mostram que EUA espionam o e-mail do governo brasileiro há anosOct 21 19:49
s-521@schestowitz     New #nsa #prism leaks from #france mediaOct 21 19:50
s-521        21 19:50
s-521........................................ 21 19:50
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Le Monde published a few new slides from the NSA's secret Prism presentation: 21 19:50
s-521@slashdot        Biological Clock Discovered That Measures AgesOct 21 19:51
s-521                 of Most Human Tissues 21 19:51
s-521........................................ 21 19:51 | Biological Clock Discovered That Measures Ages of Most Human Tissues - SlashdotOct 21 19:51
s-521@techdirt        Instead Of Nominating New DHS Boss, ObamaOct 21 19:52
s-521                 Should Look At Disbanding DHSOct 21 19:52
s-521        21 19:52
s-521........................................ 21 19:52 | Instead Of Nominating New DHS Boss, Obama Should Look At Disbanding DHS | TechdirtOct 21 19:52
s-521@ruskin147       Sobering stats - A Level Computer StudiesOct 21 19:52
s-521 retweeted by    students in England - 2001: 10,913.  2013: Oct 21 19:52
s-521 @glynmoody      3,400Oct 21 19:52
s-521........................................ 21 19:52
s-521@MuckRock        Did You Know? MuckRock’s one of a few newsOct 21 19:53
s-521 retweeted by    sites that encrypts all your traffic with SSL:Oct 21 19:53
s-521 @ioerror 21 19:53
s-521........................................ 21 19:53 | Home | MuckrockOct 21 19:53
s-521@schestowitz     Instead Of Nominating New DHS Boss, ObamaOct 21 19:56
s-521                 Should Look At Disbanding DHSOct 21 19:56
s-521        better: jail themOct 21 19:56
s-521........................................ 21 19:56
s-521@schestowitz     Richard Stallman: How Much Surveillance CanOct 21 19:57
s-521                 Democracy Withstand? 21 19:57
s-521                 #espionage #counterdemocracyOct 21 19:57
s-521........................................ 21 19:57 | Richard Stallman: How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand? | TechrightsOct 21 19:57
s-521@csoghoian       Pro-tip: If you want to credibly defend NSAOct 21 19:58
s-521                 domestic surveillance, don't argue that itOct 21 19:58
s-521                 isn't actually surveillance.Oct 21 19:58
s-521        21 19:58
s-521........................................ 21 19:58 | Feinstein defends NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 19:58
s-521@schestowitz     Feinstein defends #NSA data collection andOct 21 20:00
s-521                 insists program is 'not surveillance'Oct 21 20:00
s-521        and she's not aOct 21 20:00
s-521                 politicianOct 21 20:00
s-521........................................ 21 20:00
s-521@Falkvinge       "If whistleblowers don't dare reveal crimes andOct 21 20:00
s-521 retweeted by    lies, we lose the last shred of effectiveOct 21 20:00
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  control over our government andOct 21 20:00
s-521                 institutions...1/2Oct 21 20:00
s-521........................................ 21 20:00
s-521@Falkvinge       ...That's why surveillance that enables theOct 21 20:00
s-521 retweeted by    state to find out who has talked with aOct 21 20:00
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  reporter is too much surveillance." -R StallmanOct 21 20:00
s-521                 (2/2)Oct 21 20:00
s-521........................................ 21 20:00
s-521@glynmoody       #Koch Brothers Could Earn $100 Billion inOct 21 20:01
s-521                 #TarSands Profit - whyOct 21 20:01
s-521                 do they care? they'll be dead soon...Oct 21 20:01
s-521........................................ 21 20:01 | Koch Brothers Could Earn $100 Billion in Tar Sands Profit if Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved | AlternetOct 21 20:01
s-521@schestowitz     Based on the new leaks (not censored byOct 21 20:02
s-521                 #theguardian ) you can see how immediatelyOct 21 20:02
s-521                 after #Microsoft (#1 in #prism ) took #SkypeOct 21 20:02
s-521                 NSA added itOct 21 20:02
s-521........................................ 21 20:02
s-521@schestowitz     Koch Brothers Could Earn $100 Billion in TarOct 21 20:03
s-521                 Sands Profit if Keystone XL Pipeline IsOct 21 20:03
s-521                 ApprovedOct 21 20:03
s-521         #koch #natureOct 21 20:03
s-521........................................ 21 20:03
s-521@schestowitz     RT @Falkvinge   "If whistleblowers don't dareOct 21 20:05
s-521                 reveal crimes and  lies, we lose the last shredOct 21 20:05
s-521                 of effective control over our government..."Oct 21 20:05
s-521........................................ 21 20:05
s-521@davidgerard     Rocknerd: A questionable timeline of theOct 21 20:06
s-521                 evolution of Western dance music.Oct 21 20:06
s-521        21 20:06
s-521........................................ 21 20:06 | Rocknerd  » Blog Archive   » A questionable timeline of the evolution of Western dance music.Oct 21 20:06
s-521@poggs           Q: Why do all the code tests suddenly pass?  A:Oct 21 20:07
s-521 retweeted by    Because you've deleted a bunch of tests byOct 21 20:07
s-521 @davidgerard    accidentOct 21 20:07
s-521........................................ 21 20:07
s-521@glynmoody       In #China, victory: citizens persuaded to giveOct 21 20:07
s-521                 up #shark fin soup - 21 20:07
s-521                 fab, pl. save elephants now (v @howardknopf)Oct 21 20:07
s-521........................................ 21 20:07 | In China, victory for wildlife conservation as citizens persuaded to give up shark fin soup - The Washington PostOct 21 20:07
s-521@schestowitz     The 'new' #techrights will be more focused onOct 21 20:07
s-521                 #privacy and will be launched within daysOct 21 20:07
s-521........................................ 21 20:07
s-521@mathewi         Re: Pogue -- Yahoo said it didn't want to be aOct 21 20:08
s-521 retweeted by    media company, then it did, then it didn't. NowOct 21 20:08
s-521 @glynmoody      it seems to want to again. Hard to keep trackOct 21 20:08
s-521........................................ 21 20:08
s-521@anildash        Sign the petition to open source all the codeOct 21 20:10
s-521 retweeted by    for 21 20:10
s-521 @glynmoody 21 20:10
s-521........................................ 21 20:10 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 20:10 | Release to the open source community the source code to, specifically all code written by CGI Federal. | We the People: Your Voice in Our GovernmentOct 21 20:10
s-521@glynmoody       The past year in #OpenAccess -Oct 21 20:10
s-521        useful summaryOct 21 20:10
s-521........................................ 21 20:10 | The past year in Open Access - Creative CommonsOct 21 20:10
s-521@schestowitz     STOP living animals keychain/lucky charm inOct 21 20:11
s-521                 China #disgusting stuffOct 21 20:11
s-521........................................ 21 20:11 | STOP living animals keychain/lucky charm in ChinaOct 21 20:11
s-521@brianstelter    BuzzFeed's introducing an investigative unit,Oct 21 20:11
s-521 retweeted by    led by a Pulitzer winner from ProPublica.Oct 21 20:11
s-521 @glynmoody      Details via @LeslieNYT: 21 20:11
s-521........................................ 21 20:11 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 20:11
schestowitz_bed2>> Is the site almost ready to go live? Provided I put something in the newOct 21 20:16
schestowitz_bed2>> pages (30 empty ones need some pointers to other pages with short introOct 21 20:16
schestowitz_bed2>> included).Oct 21 20:16
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:16
schestowitz_bed2> I think it needs adjustment.  If I go to Add Content->Article then I amOct 21 20:16
schestowitz_bed2> presented with one field for "tags" * for keywords.  But there is onlyOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> one such field, meaning one such namespace / controlled vocabulary.  TheOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> effect I am looking for is to be able to add keywords to the articles atOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> any time in their life cycle and have the CMS use them to create listsOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> and other pages dynamically.Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> Also, the output from drupal is so cluttered, I'm not sure where theOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> content should fit.  As mentioned, I have to scroll down the page to getOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> past the menus and pictures.  Then there is a sidebar which takes upOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> half the screen.   I'm a fan of the pre-IPO Google's layout.  That wasOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> simplicity.Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> * about as useful a term as smurf.Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2Mininalist can be good, but many people judge a site's credibility by how 'professional' it looks.Oct 21 20:17
s-521@schestowitz     The fall-out from FalcianiOct 21 20:18
s-521        light on the banksOct 21 20:18
s-521........................................ 21 20:18 | Banks and tax evasion: The fall-out from Falciani | The EconomistOct 21 20:18
s-521@glynmoody       Gates Foundation is joining International AidOct 21 20:19
s-521                 #Transparency Initiative -Oct 21 20:19
s-521        good move; who's next?Oct 21 20:19
s-521                 (v @darinmckeever)Oct 21 20:19
s-521........................................ 21 20:19 | Information Sharing for Impact | Impatient OptimistsOct 21 20:19
s-521@mgeist          RT @jdebeer: Civil liberties, tech &Oct 21 20:20
s-521                 development in Arab countries | Tue 22 OctOct 21 20:20
s-521                 11h30 FTX 302 by @naglarzk DistinguishedOct 21 20:20
s-521                 VisitorOct 21 20:20
s-521........................................ 21 20:20
schestowitz_bed2> I'm trying the settings just to see what it would look like temporarilyOct 21 20:20
schestowitz_bed2> to have less on the screen.  But there seems to be no change even when IOct 21 20:20
schestowitz_bed2> clear my cache.Oct 21 20:20
schestowitz_bed2Under config-performance you can clear server-side cache is needed.Oct 21 20:20
s-521@glynmoody       #Experian Sold Consumer Data to ID TheftOct 21 20:22
s-521                 Service - guess what? ifOct 21 20:22
s-521                 you build vast dbs, they will get abusedOct 21 20:22
s-521                 #privacyOct 21 20:22
s-521........................................ 21 20:22
s-521@csoghoian       US VPN service shuts down over fears it willOct 21 20:22
s-521                 receive Lavabit style order for crypto keys.Oct 21 20:22
s-521        21 20:22
s-521........................................ 21 20:22 | Experian Sold Consumer Data to ID Theft Service —  Krebs on SecurityOct 21 20:22
TechrightsSocial@octal: FWIW, yes, we did shut down @cryptoseal privacy VPN service due to @lavabit related concerns over pen trap orders. 21 20:22
TechrightsSocial-> | CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private VPN | Hacker NewsOct 21 20:22
schestowitz_bed2 21 20:22 reshared: Feinstein defends #NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' and she's not a politicianOct 21 20:22
TechrightsSocial-> | Feinstein defends NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' | World news |  [ ]Oct 21 20:22
schestowitz_bed2Then she won't mind when it's done to her, right? Anyone up to it? I don't know how."7"Oct 21 20:22
schestowitz_bed2The one terror plot the NSA hasn't stopped is its own terrorisation of the natoonOct 21 20:22
schestowitz_bed2The one terror plot the NSA hasn't stopped is its own terrorisation of the nationOct 21 20:22
s-521@TheOnion        New, Improved Obamacare Program Released On 35Oct 21 20:23
s-521 retweeted by    Floppy Disks 21 20:23
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 20:23
s-521........................................ 21 20:23 | New, Improved Obamacare Program Released On 35 Floppy Disks | The Onion - America's Finest News SourceOct 21 20:23
schestowitz_bed2> Looking at the address blocking,Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> 21 20:24
TechrightsSocial ( status 403 @ )Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> does the new arrangement with the gateway machine and varnish allow forOct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> the original source address to be identified by Drupal?  The old set upOct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> saw all visitors as coming from the accelerator.Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2I never really block IPs, so it's no big deal.Oct 21 20:24
s-521@csoghoian       DOJ chill: 1 company taken to court overOct 21 20:29
s-521                 refusal to help with spying, other small firmsOct 21 20:29
s-521                 shut down services, don't even wait to get anOct 21 20:29
s-521                 order.Oct 21 20:29
s-521........................................ 21 20:29
s-521@glynmoody       CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private #VPNOct 21 20:30
s-521                 - whoa, 1st #lavabit,Oct 21 20:30
s-521                 now this...bad times (v @csoghoian)Oct 21 20:30
s-521........................................ 21 20:30 | CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private VPN | Hacker NewsOct 21 20:30
s-521@slashdot        New York City To Get Manhole Covers ThatOct 21 20:30
s-521                 Wirelessly Charge Electric VehiclesOct 21 20:30
s-521        21 20:30
s-521........................................ 21 20:30 | New York City To Get Manhole Covers That Wirelessly Charge Electric Vehicles - SlashdotOct 21 20:30
s-521@csoghoian       DOJ chill: 1 company taken to court overOct 21 20:31
s-521 retweeted by    refusal to help with spying, other small firmsOct 21 20:31
s-521 @glynmoody      shut down services, don't even wait to get anOct 21 20:31
s-521                 order.Oct 21 20:31
s-521........................................ 21 20:31
s-521@wikileaks       The Fifth Estate: Fails in Truth & DramaOct 21 20:37
s-521        21 20:37
s-521........................................ 21 20:37 | The Fifth Estate: Fails in Truth & Drama - The Script LabOct 21 20:37
s-521@umairh          This should just be a general purposeOct 21 20:42
s-521                 expression. “@paulpod: oh god, he's marinatingOct 21 20:42
s-521                 the beef in a pint of treacle”Oct 21 20:42
s-521........................................ 21 20:42
s-521@BoingBoing      Help Wikimedia set up a new datacenter in theOct 21 20:50
s-521 retweeted by    US! 21 20:50
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 20:50
s-521........................................ 21 20:50 | NO TITLEOct 21 20:50
s-521@BoingBoing      Pumpkin Tap turns pumpkin or watermelon intoOct 21 20:50
s-521 retweeted by    keg 21 20:50
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 20:50
s-521........................................ 21 20:50 | NO TITLEOct 21 20:50
s-521@BoingBoing      An entertaining review of the AmericanOct 21 20:50
s-521 retweeted by    Psychiatric Association's DSM, which treats itOct 21 20:50
s-521 @doctorow       as a sprawling dystopian novelOct 21 20:50
s-521        21 20:50
s-521........................................ 21 20:50 | DSMV reviewed as a work of dystopian literature - Boing BoingOct 21 20:50
s-521@umairh          Kill me, please. “@changeist: Oh good lord.Oct 21 20:52
s-521                 Soylent Closes $1.5M In Seed FundingOct 21 20:52
s-521       ”Oct 21 20:52
s-521........................................ 21 20:52 | Soylent Closes $1.5M In Seed Funding From Lerer, Andreessen Horowitz  |  TechCrunchOct 21 20:52
s-521@csoghoian       People simply aren’t safe online when theirOct 21 20:54
s-521                 browser vendor profits from ads.Oct 21 20:54
s-521        21 20:54
s-521........................................ 21 20:54 | Introducing WhiteHat Aviator – A Safer Web Browser | WhiteHat Security BlogOct 21 20:55
s-521@phylogenomics   Wanted: ideas for major topics for workshop onOct 21 20:56
s-521 retweeted by    "Future of scholarly publishing". ExamplesOct 21 20:56
s-521 @glynmoody      include #openaccess, data publishing, peerOct 21 20:56
s-521                 reviewOct 21 20:56
s-521........................................ 21 20:56
s-521@umairh          Just when I think Silicon Valley can't get anyOct 21 21:00
s-521                 more hilariously vacuous, they start aOct 21 21:00
s-521                 synthetic food company. Called...Soylent.Oct 21 21:00
s-521........................................ 21 21:00
s-521@umairh          Soylent is everything that's wrong with theOct 21 21:01
s-521                 tech industry, in one neat example.Oct 21 21:01
s-521                 Dehumanization, ahistoricism, authoritarianism.Oct 21 21:01
s-521........................................ 21 21:01
s-521@umairh          Hey guys! I'm in my self-driving car recordingOct 21 21:02
s-521                 myself drinking synthetic food on my augmentedOct 21 21:02
s-521                 reality glasses. #dystopiaOct 21 21:02
s-521........................................ 21 21:02
s-521@umairh          "Let them drink Soylent" -- Silicon ValleyOct 21 21:03
s-521........................................ 21 21:03
s-521@JourneymanVOD   "This is journalism in extremis. This is howOct 21 21:04
s-521 retweeted by    it's done" - Assange on #Mediastan. Read:Oct 21 21:04
s-521 @wikileaks Watch:Oct 21 21:04
s-521        21 21:04
s-521........................................ 21 21:04 | WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its Own Julian Assange FilmOct 21 21:04
s-521@JourneymanVOD   #TheFifthEstate upstaged by WikiLeaks'Oct 21 21:04
s-521 retweeted by    #Mediastan @Salon @prachigu @MediastanOct 21 21:04
s-521 @wikileaks 21 21:04
s-521........................................ 21 21:04 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 21 21:04 | WikiLeaks film “The Fifth Estate” is a box office failure - Salon.comOct 21 21:04
s-521@umairh          Imagine a Soylent-conomy. Food itself would beOct 21 21:08
s-521                 a luxury. Basic cooking jobs would be replacedOct 21 21:08
s-521                 by Soylent fountains. #dystopiaOct 21 21:08
s-521........................................ 21 21:08
s-521@umairh          This shit is "innovation"? Seriously? ReplacingOct 21 21:09
s-521                 food with synthetic glue? That sounds like theOct 21 21:09
s-521                 very opposite. Going backwards.Oct 21 21:09
s-521........................................ 21 21:09
s-521@umairh          Why not kill the poor while we're at it?Oct 21 21:10
s-521                 “@LeastIgnorant: @umairh isn't that moreOct 21 21:10
s-521                 sustainable in the long term?”Oct 21 21:10
s-521........................................ 21 21:10
s-521@wikileaks       Commander defends Collateral Murder pilots |Oct 21 21:10
s-521                 Democracy Now more:Oct 21 21:10
s-521        21 21:10
s-521........................................ 21 21:10 | Headlines for October 21, 2013 | Democracy Now!Oct 21 21:11 | Collateral MurderOct 21 21:11
s-521@MLBrook         What does #openaccess mean to you? @thePeerJOct 21 21:11
s-521 retweeted by    are offering a T-shirt for the best answer:Oct 21 21:11
s-521 @glynmoody 21 21:11
s-521........................................ 21 21:11
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 21 21:11
s-521@doctorow        Cinderella goes Tron 21 21:12
s-521........................................ 21 21:12 | Cory Doctorow: Cinderella goes TronOct 21 21:12
s-521@umairh          .@LeastIgnorant We could tax billionaires andOct 21 21:12
s-521                 feed the poor instead of denying the poor theOct 21 21:12
s-521                 right even to eat real food.Oct 21 21:12
s-521........................................ 21 21:12
s-521@umairh          If Soylent counts as "food", why not dog meat?Oct 21 21:15
s-521                 Cat meat? Human meat? Remember why we regulateOct 21 21:15
s-521                 food?Oct 21 21:15
s-521........................................ 21 21:15
s-521@slashdot        Why Does Windows Have Terrible Battery Life?Oct 21 21:15
s-521        21 21:15
s-521........................................ 21 21:15 | Why Does Windows Have Terrible Battery Life? - SlashdotOct 21 21:15
s-521@jilliancyork    A reminder that @EFF is hiring for THREEOct 21 21:15
s-521 retweeted by    positions right now!  Web dev, financeOct 21 21:15
s-521 @glynmoody      director, and int'l team support:Oct 21 21:15
s-521        21 21:15
s-521........................................ 21 21:15 | Job Openings at EFF | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 21 21:15
s-521@umairh          Shit, you people don't just want dystopia. YouOct 21 21:16
s-521                 love it. You're spellbound by it. It's yourOct 21 21:16
s-521                 dream. #LOLOct 21 21:16
s-521........................................ 21 21:17
s-521@csoghoian       Pro-tip: If you want to credibly defend NSAOct 21 21:17
s-521 retweeted by    domestic surveillance, don't argue that itOct 21 21:17
s-521 @ioerror        isn't actually surveillance.Oct 21 21:17
s-521        21 21:17
s-521........................................ 21 21:17 | Feinstein defends NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 21:17
s-521@csoghoian       DOJ chill: 1 company taken to court overOct 21 21:17
s-521 retweeted by    refusal to help with spying, other small firmsOct 21 21:17
s-521 @ioerror        shut down services, don't even wait to get anOct 21 21:17
s-521                 order.Oct 21 21:17
s-521........................................ 21 21:17
s-521@umairh          What the fuck do you care about? Anything?Oct 21 21:19
s-521                 Money? Toys? Sex? #LOL #barbarismOct 21 21:19
s-521........................................ 21 21:19
s-521@koenrh          Three new PRISM slides: 21 21:20
s-521 retweeted by    Page 4, 7 and 8 of this document:Oct 21 21:20
s-521 @ioerror /cc @Cryptomeorg #PRISMOct 21 21:20 | New PRISM slides - ImgurOct 21 21:20
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 21:20
s-521........................................ 21 21:20 | Prism EntierOct 21 21:20
s-521@umairh          What you should care about is the quality ofOct 21 21:21
s-521                 your lives. Until you do, newsflash: it's goingOct 21 21:21
s-521                 to keep going downhill.Oct 21 21:21
s-521........................................ 21 21:21
s-521@koenrh          Three new PRISM slides: 21 21:21
s-521 retweeted by    Page 4, 7 and 8 of this document:Oct 21 21:21
s-521 @glynmoody /cc @Cryptomeorg #PRISMOct 21 21:21
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 21:21
s-521........................................ 21 21:21
s-521@techdirt        Another US 'Secure' Service Shuts Down:Oct 21 21:22
s-521                 CryptoSeal VPN Goes Dark To Protect Against US…Oct 21 21:22
s-521        21 21:22
s-521........................................ 21 21:22 | Another US 'Secure' Service Shuts Down: CryptoSeal VPN Goes Dark To Protect Against US Surveillance | TechdirtOct 21 21:22
s-521@davidgerard     Thirteen Patterns Of Programmer InterviewsOct 21 21:24
s-521        I particularly likedOct 21 21:24
s-521                 "Gruesome Search For More Bodies"Oct 21 21:24
s-521........................................ 21 21:24 | Typical Programmer -   Thirteen Patterns Of Programmer InterviewsOct 21 21:24
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "It just highlights how we’re being sold aOct 21 21:30
s-521                 dragnet to protect against hackers based onOct 21 21:30
s-521                 fear of terrorists."Oct 21 21:30
s-521........................................ 21 21:30
s-521@umairh          Choice? McShit is freedom? “@zachtratar:Oct 21 21:30
s-521                 @umairh you're clearly overreacting. It's notOct 21 21:30
s-521                 authoritarian at all. It's about empoweringOct 21 21:30
s-521                 choice.”Oct 21 21:30
s-521........................................ 21 21:30
s-521@umairh          If you want to tell me you're improvingOct 21 21:32
s-521                 people's choices, improve them. Offering themOct 21 21:32
s-521                 shit in a glass is still just shit.Oct 21 21:32
s-521........................................ 21 21:32
s-521@umairh          Many of you, notably #whitedudes, have aOct 21 21:33
s-521                 severely stunted idea of what 'freedom' is.Oct 21 21:33
s-521                 It's not just buying shit.Oct 21 21:33
s-521........................................ 21 21:33
s-521@umairh          Freedom, if it is to mean anything, inheres inOct 21 21:35
s-521                 rights. If all one can do is buy, but has noOct 21 21:35
s-521                 rights, one is not free.Oct 21 21:35
s-521........................................ 21 21:35
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Why NSA's dual mission undermines our realOct 21 21:35
s-521                 security. Invades our privacy & makes us moreOct 21 21:35
s-521                 vulnerable to cyberattack.Oct 21 21:35
s-521        21 21:35
s-521........................................ 21 21:35 | After General Alexander, Obama should split the NSA to make us all safer | Marcy Wheeler | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 21 21:35
s-521@umairh          Choice, if it is to mean anything, isn't justOct 21 21:36
s-521                 cheap McShit and expensive steak. It is theOct 21 21:36
s-521                 power to demand better options.Oct 21 21:36
s-521........................................ 21 21:36
s-521@umairh          Prosperity, if it is count, isn't merely richOct 21 21:38
s-521                 people feasting, while the poor grow fat onOct 21 21:38
s-521                 McFood. That's essentially a zero sum game.Oct 21 21:38
s-521........................................ 21 21:38
s-521@umairh          Freedom, if it is to count, must mean that eachOct 21 21:38
s-521                 and every of us are equally minimally free. NoOct 21 21:38
s-521                 matter how rich are poor we are.Oct 21 21:38
s-521........................................ 21 21:38
s-521@umairh          Finally, freedom is not just the "power toOct 21 21:39
s-521                 choose". It is also the capacity to choose. IfOct 21 21:39
s-521                 you're starving, are you free?Oct 21 21:39
s-521........................................ 21 21:39
s-521@jenvalentino    Nice new PRISM slides from @ggreenwald includeOct 21 21:40
s-521 retweeted by    info on upstream & "about" collexOct 21 21:40
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 cc @charlie_savageOct 21 21:40
s-521                 @Gorman_SiobhanOct 21 21:40
s-521........................................ 21 21:40 | Prism EntierOct 21 21:40
s-521@umairh          I'll stop there. What's truly remarkable aboutOct 21 21:41
s-521                 this age is how McFree we are, and how happy weOct 21 21:41
s-521                 are about it.Oct 21 21:41
s-521........................................ 21 21:41
s-521@umairh          Now I'm going to go eat a happy meal.Oct 21 21:43
s-521........................................ 21 21:43
s-521@techdirt        How Experian Sold Consumer Data To Popular IDOct 21 21:52
s-521                 Theft Service 21 21:52
s-521........................................ 21 21:52 | How Experian Sold Consumer Data To Popular ID Theft Service | TechdirtOct 21 21:52
s-521@jackschofield   The Burj Khalifa Pinnacle 360° PanoramaOct 21 21:54
s-521 retweeted by via @reddit #amazingOct 21 21:54
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 21:54
s-521........................................ 21 21:54 | The Burj Khalifa Pinnacle PanoramaOct 21 21:54
s-521@slashdot        Physicist Unveils a 'Turing Test' For Free WillOct 21 21:54
s-521        21 21:54
s-521........................................ 21 21:54 | Physicist Unveils a 'Turing Test' For Free Will - SlashdotOct 21 21:54
s-521@brisbanetimes   Thirty positions were quietly abolished inOct 21 22:07
s-521 retweeted by    Queensland government's environment portfolioOct 21 22:07
s-521 @glynmoody      three weeks ago. 21 22:07
s-521........................................ 21 22:07 | Public service job cuts continue with 30 more redundanciesOct 21 22:07
s-521@glynmoody       #Twitter to End Its Music App, Which Never MadeOct 21 22:19
s-521                 Much Noise - interestingOct 21 22:19
s-521                 failureOct 21 22:19
s-521........................................ 21 22:19 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 22:19
s-521@glynmoody       Major Loopholes in Privacy Regulation - EUOct 21 22:26
s-521                 Parliament Must Stand For Citizens -Oct 21 22:26
s-521        still problematic #DPROct 21 22:26
s-521........................................ 21 22:26 | Major Loopholes in Privacy Regulation - EU Parliament Must Stand For Citizens | La Quadrature du NetOct 21 22:26
s-521@mgeist          RT @ADodek: Incredible @uocommonlaw colleagueOct 21 22:29
s-521                 Constance Backhouse wins Governor General'sOct 21 22:29
s-521                 Persons Award 21 22:29
s-521........................................ 21 22:29 | Status of Women Canada | Governor General's Awards Recognize Five Canadian Women Marking the 84th Anniversary of the Persons CaseOct 21 22:29
s-521@slashdot        A Live Map of Ongoing DDoS AttacksOct 21 22:36
s-521        21 22:36
s-521........................................ 21 22:36 | A Live Map of Ongoing DDoS Attacks - SlashdotOct 21 22:36
s-521@dannyyadron     .@BarackObama and French President HollandeOct 21 22:37
s-521 retweeted by    talked NSA snooping on phone today, per WhiteOct 21 22:37
s-521 @csoghoian      House. Unclear if anyone else on call.Oct 21 22:37
s-521........................................ 21 22:37
s-521@dannyyadron     .@BarackObama and French President HollandeOct 21 22:39
s-521 retweeted by    talked NSA snooping on phone today, per WhiteOct 21 22:39
s-521 @glynmoody      House. Unclear if anyone else on call.Oct 21 22:39
s-521........................................ 21 22:39
s-521@glynmoody       Ending drug trial secrecy is a boon for R&D,Oct 21 22:40
s-521                 says EU agency - goodOct 21 22:40
s-521                 news (v @jamie_love) #EMA #opendataOct 21 22:40
s-521........................................ 21 22:40 | Ending drug trial secrecy is a boon for R&D, says EU agency | ReutersOct 21 22:41
s-521@techdirt        Fox News Engaged In InstitutionalizedOct 21 22:53
s-521                 Astroturfing Of The InternetOct 21 22:53
s-521        21 22:53
s-521........................................ 21 22:53 | Fox News Engaged In Institutionalized Astroturfing Of The Internet | TechdirtOct 21 22:53
s-521@normative       Handy! The Internet Archive has created aOct 21 22:56
s-521 retweeted by    compendium of NSA-related video clips.Oct 21 22:56
s-521 @glynmoody 21 22:56
s-521........................................ 21 22:56 | NSA Clip LibraryOct 21 22:56
s-521@octal           FWIW, yes, we did shut down @cryptoseal privacyOct 21 23:13
s-521 retweeted by    VPN service due to @lavabit related concernsOct 21 23:13
s-521 @ioerror        over pen trap orders. 21 23:13
s-521........................................ 21 23:13 | CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private VPN | Hacker NewsOct 21 23:13
s-521@slashdot        Guest column: software development tools belongOct 21 23:19
s-521                 in the browser (SlashCloud)Oct 21 23:19
s-521        21 23:19
s-521........................................ 21 23:19 | Software-Development Tools Belong in the BrowserOct 21 23:19
s-521@slashdot        Time to drown Windows RT in the bathtub?Oct 21 23:19
s-521                 (SlashBI) 21 23:19
s-521........................................ 21 23:19 | Time to Drown Windows RT in the Bathtub?Oct 21 23:19
s-521@slashdot        Is the biggest IT crisisOct 21 23:20
s-521                 of the decade? (SlashBI) 21 23:20 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 23:20
s-521........................................ 21 23:20 | White House Scrambling to Fix Healthcare.govOct 21 23:20
s-521@slashdot        Businesses start playing nice with enterpriseOct 21 23:20
s-521                 apps (SlashDataCenter) 21 23:20
s-521........................................ 21 23:20 | Enterprise App Store is Latest Effort to Control Mobile UsersOct 21 23:20
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Press a NatSec threat - "tell us a lot aboutOct 21 23:20
s-521                 the mindset of NSA defenders within theOct 21 23:20
s-521                 national security establishment"Oct 21 23:20
s-521        21 23:20
s-521........................................ 21 23:20 | A Peek at the Ideology of a Prominent NSA Defender - Atlantic MobileOct 21 23:20
s-521@jonobacon       2 days 16 hours 32 minutes -Oct 21 23:27
s-521        #badvoltageOct 21 23:27
s-521........................................ 21 23:27 | Bad Voltage | Coming SoonOct 21 23:27
s-521@JourneymanVOD   Julian Assange counters Benedict Cumberbatch'sOct 21 23:31
s-521 retweeted by    #TheFifthEstate with rival Wikileaks docOct 21 23:31
s-521 @wikileaks      #Mediastan in the @RadioTimesOct 21 23:31
s-521        21 23:31
s-521........................................ 21 23:31 | Julian Assange counters Benedict Cumberbatch's The Fifth Estate with rival Wikileaks documentary | Radio TimesOct 21 23:31
s-521@slashdot        Scientists Induce New Hair Growth In BaldingOct 21 23:33
s-521                 Men 21 23:33
s-521........................................ 21 23:33 | Scientists Induce New Hair Growth In Balding Men - SlashdotOct 21 23:33
s-521@agomezlicon     Former Mexico prez @FelipeCalderon is not happyOct 21 23:33
s-521 retweeted by    about #NSA checking his emails. Here his tweet:Oct 21 23:33
s-521 @ioerror 21 23:33
s-521........................................ 21 23:33
TechrightsSocial@agomezlicon: Former Mexico prez @FelipeCalderon is not happy about #NSA checking his emails. Here his tweet: 21 23:33
s-521@davidgerard     "In Hidden Depths" by @arkadyroseOct 21 23:36
s-521        21 23:36
s-521........................................ 21 23:36 | deviantART Shop Framed Wall Art Prints & Canvas | Digital Art | Drawings & Paintings | In Hidden Depths by artist *ArkadyRoseOct 21 23:36 | Mermaid | Arkadian DreamsOct 21 23:36
s-521@brooklynrob     @umairh Would any of the futurists - Orwell,Oct 21 23:43
s-521 retweeted by    Huxley, etc. - have predicted we'd not onlyOct 21 23:43
s-521 @umairh         design but embrace, celebrate our prisons /Oct 21 23:43
s-521                 doom?Oct 21 23:43
s-521........................................ 21 23:43
s-521@drogus          “Umair Haque on the Global Economy”Oct 21 23:43
s-521 retweeted by, @umairh on what’s wrongOct 21 23:43
s-521 @umairh         with a lot of companies out thereOct 21 23:43
s-521........................................ 21 23:43 | Umair Haque on the Global Economy - YouTubeOct 21 23:43
s-521@umairh          My happy meal was pretty awesome, in case youOct 21 23:47
s-521                 wanted to know.Oct 21 23:47
s-521........................................ 21 23:47
s-521@umairh          Do not miss. “@iwelsh: My baseline predictionOct 21 23:49
s-521                 and prescription for the next 60 odd years:Oct 21 23:49
s-521       ”Oct 21 23:49
s-521........................................ 21 23:49 | Baseline Predictions for the next Sixty Odd Years | Ian WelshOct 21 23:49
s-521@mgeist          The Great Canadian Personal Data GrabOct 21 23:57
s-521                 Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer MonitoringOct 21 23:57
s-521                 and Profiling 21 23:57
s-521........................................ 21 23:57 | Michael Geist - The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer Monitoring and ProfilingOct 21 23:57
s-521@umairh          I'm not quite so pessimistic as (the brilliant(Oct 22 00:04
s-521                 @iwelsh. But I do think that we're enteringOct 22 00:04
s-521                 something like a dark age.Oct 22 00:04
s-521........................................ 22 00:04
s-521@slashdot        CryptoSeal Shuts Down Consumer VPN Service ToOct 22 00:18
s-521                 Avoid Fighting NSA 22 00:18
s-521........................................ 22 00:18 | CryptoSeal Shuts Down Consumer VPN Service To Avoid Fighting NSA - SlashdotOct 22 00:18
s-521@techdirt        John Steele Tries To Get Out Of Alan Cooper'sOct 22 00:23
s-521                 Lawsuit By Arguing That The Use Of 'AlanOct 22 00:23
s-521                 Cooper… 22 00:23
s-521........................................ 22 00:23 | John Steele Tries To Get Out Of Alan Cooper's Lawsuit By Arguing That The Use Of 'Alan Cooper' Was 'Coincidental' | TechdirtOct 22 00:23
s-521@mgeist          Bell’s new privacy policy: usage includes webOct 22 00:25
s-521                 page visits, search terms, apps, TV viewing,Oct 22 00:25
s-521                 call patterns 22 00:25
s-521........................................ 22 00:25
s-521@mgeist          Bell to use massive aggregation of networkOct 22 00:30
s-521                 usage data for targeted consumer ads & sellOct 22 00:30
s-521                 info to marketers 22 00:30
s-521........................................ 22 00:30
s-521@doctorow        Ray Bradbury on How List-Making Can Boost YourOct 22 00:59
s-521                 Creativity - Susan Sontag argued that listsOct 22 00:59
s-521                 confer value and... 22 00:59
s-521........................................ 22 00:59 | Cory Doctorow: Ray Bradbury on How List-Making Can Boost Your CreativityOct 22 00:59
s-521@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Legal Advice Or Loopholes NeededOct 22 01:01
s-521                 For Manned Space Program 22 01:01
s-521........................................ 22 01:01 | Ask Slashdot: Legal Advice Or Loopholes Needed For Manned Space Program - SlashdotOct 22 01:01
s-521@umairh          Sweater vests are the new thing for fallOct 22 01:05
s-521                 #noreallyOct 22 01:05
s-521........................................ 22 01:05
s-521@BoingBoing      Scratch-built, thoroughly documented, workingOct 22 01:19
s-521 retweeted by    1/4 scale V8 engine, which took 2 years toOct 22 01:19
s-521 @doctorow       build. 22 01:19
s-521........................................ 22 01:19 | Scratch-built, thoroughly documented, working 1/4 scale V8 engine - Boing BoingOct 22 01:19
s-521@BoingBoing      40-hour work-week as a tool of emiseratingOct 22 01:19
s-521 retweeted by    economic growth 22 01:19
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 01:19
s-521........................................ 22 01:19 | NO TITLEOct 22 01:19
s-521@BoingBoing      Apps for Kids podcast: @frauenfelder+daughterOct 22 01:19
s-521 retweeted by    review Stop Motion Studio, free iPhone app forOct 22 01:19
s-521 @doctorow       making animated movies. 22 01:19
s-521........................................ 22 01:19 | Apps for Kids 048: Stop Motion Studio (plus Minecraft Contest Winner) - Boing BoingOct 22 01:19
s-521@BoingBoing      A machine making a chain (animated gif)Oct 22 01:19
s-521 retweeted by 22 01:19
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 01:19
s-521........................................ 22 01:19 | NO TITLEOct 22 01:19
s-521@techdirt        DailyDirt: Space Robots 22 01:23
s-521........................................ 22 01:23 | DailyDirt: Space Robots | TechdirtOct 22 01:23
s-521@doctorow        Photo: pipedreamdragon:Oct 22 01:40
s-521                 mostlysignssomeportents: Cookies! This pictureOct 22 01:40
s-521                 was so cute, I had to do a speed...Oct 22 01:40
s-521        22 01:40
s-521........................................ 22 01:40 | Cory Doctorow: pipedreamdragon:  mostlysignssomeportents: ...Oct 22 01:40
schestowitz_bed2 22 01:45 Ars Technica has its #Microsoft marketer Peter Bright paste an advert for #vista8 Rev 2 22 01:45
TechrightsSocial-> | Windows 8.1: What a difference a year makes | Ars Technica  [ ]Oct 22 01:45
schestowitz_bed2"hmmm ... beautiful entrepreneurship :/ (ironic)"Oct 22 01:45
s-521@wikileaks       10 reasons not to trust claims nationalOct 22 01:58
s-521                 security is being threatened by leaks |Oct 22 01:58
s-521                 Guardian #wikileaksOct 22 01:58
s-521........................................ 22 01:58 | 10 reasons not to trust claims national security is being threatened by leaks | UK news | theguardian.comOct 22 01:58
s-521@slashdot        Book Review: Minecraft 22 02:03
s-521........................................ 22 02:03 | Book Review: Minecraft - SlashdotOct 22 02:03
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 22 02:23
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 02:24
schestowitz_bed2> By the way, I'm sorry I have not yet answered your new batch of questions.Oct 22 02:43
schestowitz_bed2> I am falling behind.Oct 22 02:43
schestowitz_bed2That's OK, there's no rush. It relates to general stuff about decades-old memories -- it's quite timeless. I reposted your article about surveillance yesterday (in Techrights). My wife read it a week ago and liked it. She's not an activist type, but the message was clear to her.Oct 22 02:43
schestowitz_bed2By the way, in my daytime job we're managing to bring Free software into some major parts of the British Government, inc. Home Office, Greater London Authority etc. This lessened the amount of time I can spend writing articles and keeping up with news.Oct 22 02:43
schestowitz_bed2[mail from RMS]Oct 22 02:43
s-521@doctorow        Photo: My Haunted Mansion cosplayOct 22 02:49
s-521        22 02:49
s-521........................................ 22 02:49 | Cory Doctorow: My Haunted Mansion cosplayOct 22 02:49
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Poesy’s ‘Fortunately the Milk’Oct 22 02:51
s-521                 cosplay/attn @neilhimselfOct 22 02:51
s-521        22 02:51
s-521........................................ 22 02:51 | Cory Doctorow: Poesy’s ‘Fortunately the Milk’ cosplay/attn...Oct 22 02:51
s-521@doctorow        Photoset: Trying out our Hallowe’en costumesOct 22 03:02
s-521                 for the Disney Imagineering party. Poesy is MadOct 22 03:02
s-521                 Matilda the... 22 03:02
s-521........................................ 22 03:02 | Cory Doctorow: Trying out our Hallowe’en costumes for the Disney...Oct 22 03:02
s-521@BoingBoing      DEA instructions for testing bills for cocaineOct 22 03:03
s-521 retweeted by 22 03:03
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03 | NO TITLEOct 22 03:03
s-521@BoingBoing      Huawei: unlike western companies, we've neverOct 22 03:03
s-521 retweeted by    been told to weaken our securityOct 22 03:03
s-521 @doctorow 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03 | NO TITLEOct 22 03:03
s-521@BoingBoing      A new RiYL Podcast episode, in which "BurnOct 22 03:03
s-521 retweeted by    Collector" zine publisher Al Burian speaks toOct 22 03:03
s-521 @doctorow       us from Berlin. 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03 | RiYL podcast 023: Burn Collector zine publisher Al Burian - Boing BoingOct 22 03:03
s-521@slashdot        Facebook Lets Beheading Clips Return To ItsOct 22 03:03
s-521                 Site 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03 | Facebook Lets Beheading Clips Return To Its Site - SlashdotOct 22 03:03
schestowitz_bed2Just restored the menu items and the banners etc. in the new site, having decided that the site is almost ready. I just need to type something into 30 or so pages before it can go live for early feedback from people.Oct 22 03:10
schestowitz_bed2 22 03:11 | Search | Techrights | People's rights in the digital ageOct 22 03:11
s-521@BoingBoing      Video: "Leslie Lemke, a blind autistic savantOct 22 03:51
s-521 retweeted by    with cerebral palsy who was a fantastic pianoOct 22 03:51
s-521 @doctorow       player at a young age." 22 03:51
s-521........................................ 22 03:51 | Leslie Lemke: blind, savant piano player on That's Incredible! (1981) - Boing BoingOct 22 03:51
s-521@BoingBoing      Fox News's astroturfers who defend the networkOct 22 03:51
s-521 retweeted by    online with armies of fake identitiesOct 22 03:51
s-521 @doctorow 22 03:51
s-521........................................ 22 03:51 | NO TITLEOct 22 03:51
s-521@kgosztola       NSA whistleblower @Thomas_Drake1 discussesOct 22 03:51
s-521 retweeted by    meeting Snowden & most critical revelationsOct 22 03:51
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  from him (so far) 22 03:51
s-521........................................ 22 03:51 | NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Discusses Meeting Snowden & Most Critical Revelations from Him (So Far) |  The DissenterOct 22 03:51
s-521@JesselynRadack  If #Snowden is a "spy," under that formulation,Oct 22 03:53
s-521 retweeted by    he was spying on the #NSA on behalf of theOct 22 03:53
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  American people.Oct 22 03:53
s-521........................................ 22 03:53
s-521@JesselynRadack  What's so fucked up is that theOct 22 03:53
s-521 retweeted by    DiFi/Clapper/Hayden cabal call #Snowden a spyOct 22 03:53
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  when #NSA was doing all the illegal spying.Oct 22 03:53
s-521                 #SurveillanceOct 22 03:53
s-521........................................ 22 03:53
s-521@techdirt        Illinois The First State To Throw Out LawsOct 22 04:12
s-521                 Making Amazon Collect Sales Tax Based OnOct 22 04:12
s-521                 Affiliates 22 04:12
s-521........................................ 22 04:12 | Illinois The First State To Throw Out Laws Making Amazon Collect Sales Tax Based On Affiliates | TechdirtOct 22 04:12
s-521@armycmdefense   Frequently asked questions about Chelsea: Oct 22 04:18
s-521 retweeted by 22 04:18
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 22 04:18 | The Law Office of David E. Coombs: Frequently Asked Questions About ChelseaOct 22 04:18
s-521........................................ 22 04:18
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 04:34
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 09:46
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 22 09:49
schestowitz_bed2A new #techrights site managed by #drupal 22 10:39 | Techrights | People's rights in the digital age | Plutocracy threatened by freedom, democracy, privacy & civil rightsOct 22 10:39
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Oct 22 11:46
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*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Oct 22 13:10
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*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 13:12
s-521@slashdot        'Pushback': Resisting the Life of ConstantOct 22 13:12
s-521                 Connectivity 22 13:12
s-521........................................ 22 13:12 | 'Pushback': Resisting the Life of Constant Connectivity - SlashdotOct 22 13:12
s-521@conor64         Wow. Richard Cohen says he was wrong aboutOct 22 13:19
s-521 retweeted by    Edward Snowden 22 13:19
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 22 13:19
s-521........................................ 22 13:19 | Richard Cohen: Edward Snowden is no traitor - The Washington PostOct 22 13:19
s-521@carwinb         Who else does not understand Richard Cohen'sOct 22 13:20
s-521 retweeted by    joke about 'Information wanting a house in theOct 22 13:20
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Hamptons'?  Does he not have an editor?Oct 22 13:20
s-521........................................ 22 13:20
s-521@carwinb         Guardian was not at the Manning trial when allOct 22 13:22
s-521 retweeted by    the motions regarding discovery and aiding theOct 22 13:22
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  enemy, espionage, and CFAA were argu and ruledOct 22 13:22
s-521........................................ 22 13:22
s-521@schneierblog    Defending Against Crypto Backdoors: We alreadyOct 22 13:28
s-521 retweeted by    know the NSA wants to eavesdrop on theOct 22 13:28
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Internet. It has secret ...Oct 22 13:28
s-521        22 13:28
s-521........................................ 22 13:28 | Schneier on Security: Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 13:28
s-521@ggreenwald      Here's what it looks like when authoritarianOct 22 13:29
s-521 retweeted by    functionaries try to convert journalism intoOct 22 13:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  criminality 22 13:29
s-521........................................ 22 13:29
s-521@schestowitz     The #uk government is criminalising journalismOct 22 13:30
s-521        #england #nsaOct 22 13:30
s-521                 #constitution #crime #usOct 22 13:30
s-521........................................ 22 13:30
s-521@glynmoody       biggest leveraged buyout in history is on theOct 22 13:40
s-521                 brink of collapse—& fracking is to blame -Oct 22 13:40
s-521        love "british thermalOct 22 13:40
s-521                 units"Oct 22 13:40
s-521........................................ 22 13:40 | The biggest leveraged buyout in history is on the brink of collapse—and fracking is to blame  –  QuartzOct 22 13:40
s-521@glynmoody       Defending Against Crypto Backdoors -Oct 22 13:45
s-521        lots of important pointsOct 22 13:45
s-521                 from @Bruce_Schneier #nsa #opensourceOct 22 13:45
s-521........................................ 22 13:45 | Schneier on Security: Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 13:45
s-521@torproject      Come learn more about #Tor at #cryptoparty inOct 22 13:47
s-521 retweeted by    Washington, D.C. this Friday:Oct 22 13:47
s-521 @glynmoody 22 13:47
s-521........................................ 22 13:47 | Crypto PartyOct 22 13:47
s-521@slashdot        USB Implementers Forum Won't Play Nice WithOct 22 13:51
s-521                 Open Hardware 22 13:51
s-521........................................ 22 13:51 | USB Implementers Forum Won't Play Nice With Open Hardware - SlashdotOct 22 13:51
s-521@stiangrindvoll  Interesting Privacy Problems withOct 22 13:55
s-521                 #IntenseDebate 22 13:55
s-521........................................ 22 13:55 | JavaScript Scope and IntenseDebate's Privacy Problems - Netsparker, Web Application Security Scanner BlogOct 22 13:55
s-521@WeMeantWell     My Letter in Support of a Reduced Sentence forOct 22 13:58
s-521 retweeted by    Pvt. #Manning - Read it at:Oct 22 13:58
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 #savemanningOct 22 13:58
s-521........................................ 22 13:58 | My Letter in Support of a Reduced Sentence for Pvt. Manning | We Meant Well - Peter Van BurenOct 22 13:58
s-521@APC_News        Great Britain calling for the UNOct 22 14:02
s-521 retweeted by    Secretary-General to appoint a Special advisorOct 22 14:02
s-521 @glynmoody      on IG #igf2013 #apcigfOct 22 14:02
s-521........................................ 22 14:02
s-521@RTaylorUK       MP @JulianHuppert told BBC @daily_politicsOct 22 14:09
s-521 retweeted by    he'll ask for a debate in Parliament on issueOct 22 14:09
s-521 @glynmoody      of what is OK and what isn't re: stateOct 22 14:09
s-521                 surveillanceOct 22 14:09
s-521........................................ 22 14:09
s-521@schestowitz     Fifth Estate: Another Imperialistic #PropagandaOct 22 14:10
s-521                 FilmOct 22 14:10
s-521         #FifthEstate #WikileaksOct 22 14:10
s-521                 #AssangeOct 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10
s-521@mgeist          ICYMI: The Great Personal Data Grab Continues:Oct 22 14:10
s-521                 Bell Expands Consumer Monitoring, Profiling &Oct 22 14:10
s-521                 Targeting 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10 | Fifth Estate: Another Imperialistic Propaganda Film | TechrightsOct 22 14:10 | Michael Geist - The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer Monitoring and ProfilingOct 22 14:10
s-521@glynwintle      Westminster Hall debate at 4.30pm The GuardianOct 22 14:10
s-521 retweeted by    newspaper and its impact on national securityOct 22 14:10
s-521 @glynmoody 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10 | PlayerOct 22 14:10
s-521@WeMeantWell     State Dept at briefing on lack of governmentOct 22 14:10
s-521 retweeted by    transparency: "We can use whatever definitionOct 22 14:10
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  of transparent we want." 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10 | Ding! Ding! Ding! We can use whatever definition of “transparent” we want? Please, nooooo…. | DiplopunditOct 22 14:10
s-521@froomkin        Hundreds of confirmed civilian casualties fromOct 22 14:11
s-521 retweeted by    drone strikesOct 22 14:11
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 14:11
s-521........................................ 22 14:11 | Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits, human rights groups say - The Washington PostOct 22 14:11
s-521@froomkin        Obama last year: "actually drones have notOct 22 14:11
s-521 retweeted by    caused a huge number of civilian casualties"Oct 22 14:11
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 14:11
s-521........................................ 22 14:11 | Obama defends drone strikesOct 22 14:11
s-521@johnknefel      Two human rights groups issued major droneOct 22 14:11
s-521 retweeted by    reports this morning. My write-up forOct 22 14:11
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  @RollingStone's site. 22 14:11
s-521........................................ 22 14:11 | Reports: U.S. Drone Strikes Violate Laws of War | Politics News | Rolling StoneOct 22 14:11
s-521@techdirt        As MPAA Insists TV Piracy Is So Harmful,Oct 22 14:13
s-521                 Breaking Bad Creator Explains How Piracy HelpedOct 22 14:13
s-521        22 14:13
s-521........................................ 22 14:13 | As MPAA Insists TV Piracy Is So Harmful, Breaking Bad Creator Explains How Piracy Helped | TechdirtOct 22 14:13
s-521@mellojonny      Plans to recover NHS costs from immigrants areOct 22 14:16
s-521 retweeted by    an excuse to set up the bureaucracy necessaryOct 22 14:16
s-521 @glynmoody      to charge the rest of us. Wake up everybody.Oct 22 14:16
s-521........................................ 22 14:16
s-521@zeynep          Well. RT @SETADC #EU governments agreed to holdOct 22 14:16
s-521 retweeted by    new round of accession talks with #Turkey onOct 22 14:16
s-521 @glynmoody      November 5 22 14:16
s-521........................................ 22 14:16 | EU to open new area of membership talks with Turkey on Nov. 5 - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily newsOct 22 14:16
s-521@schestowitz     The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History —Oct 22 14:27
s-521                 Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft CampOct 22 14:27
s-521        #nokia #microsoft #yahooOct 22 14:27
s-521........................................ 22 14:27 | The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History — Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft Camp | TechrightsOct 22 14:27
s-521@davidgerard     Spammers @bakedmarketing just emailed me tryingOct 22 14:28
s-521                 to get articles in a three-year-dead blog.Oct 22 14:28
s-521                 Avoid Anne-Sophie De Schepper of BakedOct 22 14:28
s-521                 Marketing.Oct 22 14:28
s-521........................................ 22 14:28
s-521@slashdot        Company To Balloon Tourists To the Edge ofOct 22 14:30
s-521                 Space For $75,000 22 14:30
s-521........................................ 22 14:30 | Company To Balloon Tourists To the Edge of Space For $75,000 - SlashdotOct 22 14:30
s-521@BoingBoing      HOWTO: put eyeballs on your elbowsOct 22 14:38
s-521 retweeted by 22 14:38
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 14:38 | NO TITLEOct 22 14:38
s-521........................................ 22 14:38
s-521@sciencemuseum   We are looking for a press officer with artsOct 22 14:40
s-521 retweeted by    experience to join the team. Could this be you?Oct 22 14:40
s-521 @glynmoody Closes 28 Oct #pr #jobsOct 22 14:40
s-521........................................ 22 14:40 | Cascade RecruitmentOct 22 14:40
s-521@torproject      Come learn more about #Tor at #cryptoparty inOct 22 14:43
s-521 retweeted by    Washington, D.C. this Friday:Oct 22 14:43
s-521 @ioerror 22 14:43
s-521........................................ 22 14:43 | Crypto PartyOct 22 14:43
s-521@codepink        Extremely concerned that these may amount "toOct 22 14:44
s-521 retweeted by    extrajudicial  executions or war crimes."Oct 22 14:44
s-521 @ioerror        @amnesty #drones #PakistanOct 22 14:44
s-521........................................ 22 14:44
s-521@FISACourt       The government will let Yahoo review the 2008Oct 22 14:45
s-521 retweeted by    FISC opinion after declassification but beforeOct 22 14:45
s-521 @ioerror        public release: 22 14:45
s-521........................................ 22 14:45
s-521@TechWireNews    There is a secure and private viableOct 22 14:48
s-521 retweeted by    alternative to GMail, we test it outOct 22 14:48
s-521 @ggreve 22 14:48
s-521........................................ 22 14:48 | How to: migrating from GMail to MyKolabOct 22 14:48
s-521@ehasbrouck      Keep in mind NSA *is* independetly hackingOct 22 14:55
s-521 retweeted by    airlines & sharing #PNR (reservation) dataOct 22 14:55
s-521 @ioerror        w/DHS: @bonnie1bOct 22 14:55
s-521                 @erichippeauOct 22 14:55
s-521........................................ 22 14:55 | Papers, Please!  » Blog Archive   » How the NSA obtains and uses airline reservationsOct 22 14:55
s-521@BoingBoing      Excerpt from Gene Wolfe's forthcoming "The LandOct 22 14:58
s-521 retweeted by    Across" 22 14:58
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 14:58
s-521........................................ 22 14:58 | NO TITLEOct 22 14:58
s-521@BoingBoing      Facebook now OK with beheading videos, butOct 22 14:58
s-521 retweeted by    nudity stays verboten 22 14:58
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 14:58
s-521........................................ 22 14:58 | NO TITLEOct 22 14:58
s-521@ehasbrouck      Keep in mind NSA *is* independetly hackingOct 22 14:59
s-521 retweeted by    airlines & sharing #PNR (reservation) dataOct 22 14:59
s-521 @glynmoody      w/DHS: @bonnie1bOct 22 14:59
s-521                 @erichippeauOct 22 14:59
s-521........................................ 22 14:59
s-521@carwinb         Getting a little sick of the glorification ofOct 22 15:03
s-521 retweeted by    Snowden at Manning's expense. Secondly, outsideOct 22 15:03
s-521 @ioerror        quality of leaks, WL got Snowden to Russia.Oct 22 15:03
s-521........................................ 22 15:03
s-521@carwinb         Sending soldiers into war based on poor intelOct 22 15:03
s-521 retweeted by    is irresponsible.  How many lives did the NYTsOct 22 15:03
s-521 @ioerror        threaten in the run up to the Iraq War?Oct 22 15:03
s-521........................................ 22 15:03
s-521@carwinb         Richard Cohen, "...silly mantra 'InformationOct 22 15:04
s-521 retweeted by    wants to be free.' (No. Information, like mostOct 22 15:04
s-521 @ioerror        of us, wants a home in the Hamptons.)"Oct 22 15:04
s-521........................................ 22 15:04
s-521@carwinb         Richard Cohen is an idiot:  1.) InformationOct 22 15:04
s-521 retweeted by    wants to be free is not a 'mantra'. It's aOct 22 15:04
s-521 @ioerror        saying or a slogan, like, 'Die Gedanken sindOct 22 15:04
s-521                 frei'Oct 22 15:04
s-521........................................ 22 15:04
s-521@wlpress         #WikiLeaks cables show US officials colludedOct 22 15:04
s-521 retweeted by    with Yemen to conceal US role in targeted droneOct 22 15:04
s-521 @wikileaks      strikes. @hrwOct 22 15:04
s-521........................................ 22 15:04 | "Between a Drone and Al-Qaeda" | Human Rights WatchOct 22 15:04
s-521@schestowitz     Great Britain Great at Surveillance and GreatOct 22 15:05
s-521                 at Crushing Journalism 22 15:05
s-521                 #uk #journalismOct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05 | Great Britain Great at Surveillance and Great at Crushing Journalism | TechrightsOct 22 15:05
s-521@carwinb         And for God sake, the Guardian was NOT at theOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    Manning trial for a year (Article 32 to the theOct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror        Article 13), despite whatever BS they claimOct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05
s-521@emptywheel      Me: As uninterested in Richard Cohen's opinionOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    when I agree with it as I am when I don't.Oct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05
s-521@_cypherpunks_   USA must be held to account for drone killingsOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    in Pakistan Report:Oct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05
s-521@carwinb         Guardian was not at the Manning trial when allOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    the motions regarding discovery and aiding theOct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror        enemy, espionage, and CFAA were argu and ruledOct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05 | USA must be held to account for drone killings in Pakistan | Amnesty InternationalOct 22 15:05 | Oct 22 15:05
TechrightsSocial@_cypherpunks_: USA must be held to account for drone killings in Pakistan Report: 22 15:05
s-521@Bruce_Schneier  Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 15:11
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:11
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:11 | Schneier on Security: Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 15:11
s-521........................................ 22 15:11
s-521@slashdot        TSA Airport Screenings Now Start Before YouOct 22 15:12
s-521                 Arrive At the Airport 22 15:12
s-521........................................ 22 15:12 | TSA Airport Screenings Now Start Before You Arrive At the Airport - SlashdotOct 22 15:12
s-521@wikileaks       Latest @hrw report on drone strikes in YemenOct 22 15:16
s-521                 references #WikiLeaks cablesOct 22 15:16
s-521        #cablegateOct 22 15:16
s-521........................................ 22 15:16 | "Between a Drone and Al-Qaeda" | Human Rights WatchOct 22 15:16
s-521@mgeist          ICYMI: Bell to use massive aggregation of Oct 22 15:16
s-521                 usage data for targeted consumer ads & sellOct 22 15:16
s-521                 info to marketers 22 15:16
s-521........................................ 22 15:16 | Michael Geist - The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer Monitoring and ProfilingOct 22 15:16
s-521@AlexanderAbdo   TSA screening starts before you get to theOct 22 15:21
s-521 retweeted by    airport. 22 15:21
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:21
s-521........................................ 22 15:21 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 22 15:21
s-521@linuxfoundation  #LinuxCon Kernel Panel: On security: if youOct 22 15:22
s-521 retweeted by    report a problem we'll fix it ASAP. Is there aOct 22 15:22
s-521 @glynmoody      better process than that? Let us know.Oct 22 15:22
s-521........................................ 22 15:22
s-521@ioerror         Security Check Now Starts Long Before You Fly:Oct 22 15:22
s-521        22 15:22
s-521........................................ 22 15:22
s-521@ntisec          #France tells U.S. interception of phone callsOct 22 15:25
s-521 retweeted by    must stop 22 15:25
s-521 @ioerror        #TheFrenchConnection #NSA fallout. The #DUTCHOct 22 15:25
s-521                 will be next!Oct 22 15:25
s-521........................................ 22 15:25 | Message from France to U.S.: Stop intercepting our phone calls - CNN.comOct 22 15:25
s-521@qnrq            #anakata appeals to the Swedish Supreme CourtOct 22 15:28
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:28
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:28 | Google TranslateOct 22 15:28
s-521........................................ 22 15:28
s-521@Capoglou        "Existence of PRISM is surprising and don’t letOct 22 15:28
s-521 retweeted by    anybody tell you otherwise." via  @mikkoOct 22 15:28
s-521 @ioerror 22 15:28
s-521........................................ 22 15:28 | Mikko Hypponen - Tech and Law Center | Tech and Law CenterOct 22 15:28
s-521@TIBETANS        We appeal to @UNHRC, freedom loving countriesOct 22 15:31
s-521 retweeted by    to show their support & solidarity with theOct 22 15:31
s-521 @ioerror        #Tibetan in occupied #TibetOct 22 15:31
s-521        22 15:31
s-521........................................ 22 15:31 | We appeal to #UN, freedom loving countries to show their supp... on TwitpicOct 22 15:31
s-521@wood5y          @schestowitz like a good little grass, JulianOct 22 15:32
s-521 retweeted by    Smith has also been bleating to the AttorneyOct 22 15:32
s-521 @schestowitz    General 22 15:32
s-521........................................ 22 15:32
s-521@mgeist          .@CBCNews: Bell's data collecting may be legal,Oct 22 15:35
s-521                 but is it ethical? 22 15:35
s-521........................................ 22 15:35 | Bell's data collecting may be legal, but is it ethical? - Montreal - CBC NewsOct 22 15:35
s-521@Mediastan       Stay tuned to find out about future promotionsOct 22 15:41
s-521 retweeted by    of #Mediastan, and how to watch. Or watch nowOct 22 15:41
s-521 @wikileaks      at!Oct 22 15:41
s-521........................................ 22 15:41 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 22 15:42
s-521@schestowitz     Privacy Focus Increased, New Site DesignOct 22 15:48
s-521         #drupal #cms #techrightsOct 22 15:48
s-521........................................ 22 15:48 | Privacy Focus Increased, New Site Design | TechrightsOct 22 15:48
s-521@mgeist          .@HuffPostCanada: Bell Canada To Track Web, TVOct 22 15:51
s-521                 Surfing Habits For Ad PurposesOct 22 15:51
s-521        22 15:51
s-521........................................ 22 15:51 | Bell Canada To Track Web, TV Surfing Habits For Ad PurposesOct 22 15:51
s-521@slashdot        Ubuntu Touch On a Nexus 7:  "Almost Awesome"Oct 22 15:54
s-521        22 15:54
s-521........................................ 22 15:54 | Ubuntu Touch On a Nexus 7:  "Almost Awesome" - SlashdotOct 22 15:54
s-521@glynmoody       The Real #Privacy Problem -Oct 22 15:54
s-521        @evgenymorozov on fineOct 22 15:54
s-521                 form: "information boycotts might beOct 22 15:54
s-521                 justifiable" #democracyOct 22 15:54
s-521........................................ 22 15:54 | Evgeny Morozov on Why Our Privacy Problem is a Democracy Problem in Disguise | MIT Technology ReviewOct 22 15:54
s-521@froomkin        .@TBIJ investigation last year found US droneOct 22 15:55
s-521 retweeted by    campaign targeted rescuers & funeralsOct 22 15:55
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 15:55
s-521........................................ 22 15:55 | CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals | The Bureau of Investigative JournalismOct 22 15:55
s-521@jeff_kaye       @glynmoody @Krhawkins5 Pike Report itself:Oct 22 15:56
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:56
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 22 15:56
s-521........................................ 22 15:56 | Google Drive ViewerOct 22 15:56
s-521@BoingBoing      The horrible world of web hostingOct 22 15:56
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:56
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 15:56 | NO TITLEOct 22 15:56
s-521........................................ 22 15:56
s-521@doctorow        Stay creepy 22 15:57
s-521........................................ 22 15:57 | Cory Doctorow: Stay creepyOct 22 15:57
s-521@_cypherpunks_   The National Security Agency: America’sOct 22 16:00
s-521 retweeted by    powerful electronic spy serviceOct 22 16:00
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 #NSAOct 22 16:00
s-521........................................ 22 16:00 | The National Security Agency: America’s powerful electronic spy service | The Raw StoryOct 22 16:00
s-521@emilyslist      ICYMI: 8 inventions by women that men gotOct 22 16:00
s-521 retweeted by    credit for (via: @motherjones)Oct 22 16:00
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 16:00
s-521........................................ 22 16:00 | Ladies Last: 8 Inventions by Women That Dudes Got Credit For | Mother JonesOct 22 16:00
s-521@mgeist          Canadian Privacy Commish writes to CSEC onOct 22 16:07
s-521                 surveillance reports 22 16:07
s-521                 CSEC responds 22 16:07
s-521........................................ 22 16:07 | Commissioner's letter to Chief of Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) - September 20, 2013Oct 22 16:07 | Response from Chief of Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) - October 11, 2013Oct 22 16:07
s-521@jilliancyork    Must be hard to get trolled because you supportOct 22 16:07
s-521 retweeted by    murder robots. Waa.Oct 22 16:07
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:07
s-521........................................ 22 16:07
s-521@alexpensato     Edward Snowden: public indifference is the realOct 22 16:10
s-521 retweeted by    enemy in the NSA affair 22 16:10
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:10
s-521........................................ 22 16:10 | Edward Snowden: public indifference is the real enemy in the NSA affair | World news | The ObserverOct 22 16:10
s-521@KSvartholm      More about #anakata's fighting for not beingOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    extradited to Denmark. 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12 | Pirate Bay Founder Urges Sweden to Stop His Extradition (Updated) | TorrentFreakOct 22 16:12
s-521@steve_vladeck   Thursday's rare open @HouseIntelComm hearing onOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    #NSA programs postponed in light of Rep.Oct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        Young's funeral: #HPSCIOct 22 16:12 | Hearings | The Permanent Select Committee on IntelligenceOct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12
s-521@rj_gallagher    US drones kill rescuers in "double tap"Oct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    strikes, new @Amnesty report says:Oct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12 | BBC News - Drones kill rescuers in 'double tap', say activistsOct 22 16:12
s-521@kgosztola       "How can we know that drone’s missile may notOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    hit our houses? It can hit anywhere." -Raza inOct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        @amnesty report on #drones in PakistanOct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12
s-521@guardian        US drone strikes could be war crimes, saysOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    Amnesty #Yemen #PakistanOct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12 | US drone strikes could be classed as war crimes, says Amnesty International | World news | The GuardianOct 22 16:12
s-521@techdirt        Dianne Feinstein Deploys All The 'Intelligence'Oct 22 16:14
s-521                 Cliches In Op-Ed Defending Metadata ProgramOct 22 16:14
s-521        22 16:14
s-521........................................ 22 16:14 | Dianne Feinstein Deploys All The 'Intelligence' Cliches In Op-Ed Defending Metadata Program | TechdirtOct 22 16:14
s-521@schestowitz     Windows Vista 8.1, or Windows ‘Brick Edition’,Oct 22 16:16
s-521                 Shows That UEFI is Malicious, Opposite ofOct 22 16:16
s-521                 ‘Secure’Oct 22 16:16
s-521         #uefi #linuxOct 22 16:16
s-521........................................ 22 16:16 | Windows Vista 8.1, or Windows ‘Brick Edition’, Shows That UEFI is Malicious, Opposite of ‘Secure’ | TechrightsOct 22 16:17
s-521@doctorow        Photo: disneylandguru: Halloween night atOct 22 16:20
s-521                 Disneyland 22 16:20
s-521........................................ 22 16:20 | Cory Doctorow: disneylandguru:  Halloween night at Disneyland Oct 22 16:20
s-521@doctorow        "So if you – the oppressed – hurt someone’sOct 22 16:21
s-521                 feelings, you’re just like the oppressor,Oct 22 16:21
s-521                 right? Wrong...." 22 16:21
s-521........................................ 22 16:21 | Cory Doctorow: So if you – the oppressed – hurt someone’s...Oct 22 16:21
s-521@schestowitz     Open Forum Europe Publishes New Report ThatOct 22 16:34
s-521                 Highlights Degree of #Microsoft #Corruption inOct 22 16:34
s-521                 Governments #ofe #euOct 22 16:34
s-521........................................ 22 16:34 | Open Forum Europe Publishes New Report That Highlights Degree of Microsoft Corruption in Governments | TechrightsOct 22 16:34
s-521@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Can Bruce Schneier Be Trusted?Oct 22 16:36
s-521        22 16:36
s-521........................................ 22 16:36 | Ask Slashdot: Can Bruce Schneier Be Trusted? - SlashdotOct 22 16:36
s-521@MargotKaminski  I love how @ggreenwald now drives US foreignOct 22 16:52
s-521 retweeted by    affairs. It's like watching a chess gameOct 22 16:52
s-521 @csoghoian 22 16:52
s-521........................................ 22 16:52 | Obama assures French leader Hollande over NSA spying reports - World NewsOct 22 16:52
s-521@doctorow        in which a teen movie from the 80s describesOct 22 16:54
s-521                 sexual misogyny in three sentences at theOct 22 16:54
s-521                 eighth grade reading level. Oct 22 16:54
s-521        22 16:54
s-521........................................ 22 16:54 | Cory Doctorow: stuffmomnevertoldyou:  decourfeynated:  in which...Oct 22 16:54
s-521@ioerror         This is an ironic turn of events:Oct 22 16:59
s-521        22 16:59
s-521........................................ 22 16:59 | NSA files: MPs debate whether Guardian damaged national security | World news | theguardian.comOct 22 16:59
s-521@ioerror         If anyone wants to correct the UK ParliamentaryOct 22 17:01
s-521                 record; I believe the Guardian was pressured toOct 22 17:01
s-521                 withhold the Tor story by GCHQ & White HouseOct 22 17:01
s-521........................................ 22 17:01
s-521@techdirt        IsoHunt Shuts Down Early To Stop Archive TeamOct 22 17:01
s-521                 From Recording Important Historical InformationOct 22 17:01
s-521        22 17:01
s-521........................................ 22 17:01 | IsoHunt Shuts Down Early To Stop Archive Team From Recording Important Historical Information | TechdirtOct 22 17:01
s-521@ioerror         The pressure that I exerted was not because theOct 22 17:03
s-521                 Guardian wasn't ready to publish. The UK and USOct 22 17:03
s-521                 Government were secretly silencing them.Oct 22 17:03
s-521........................................ 22 17:03
s-521@ioerror         If anyone wants to correct the UK ParliamentaryOct 22 17:03
s-521 retweeted by    record; I believe the Guardian was pressured toOct 22 17:03
s-521 @glynmoody      withhold the Tor story by GCHQ & White HouseOct 22 17:03
s-521........................................ 22 17:03
s-521@raycorrigan     MPs "debate" on whether Guardian damagedOct 22 17:09
s-521 retweeted by    national security was a farcical witch hunt.Oct 22 17:09
s-521 @glynmoody      Smith & Brokenshire platform to attack theOct 22 17:09
s-521                 paperOct 22 17:09
s-521........................................ 22 17:09
s-521@mgeist          RT @bccla: Breaking news: We’re taking Canada'sOct 22 17:10
s-521                 spying agency #CSEC to court. Time toOct 22 17:10
s-521                 #stopillegalspying 22 17:10
s-521........................................ 22 17:10 | Stop Illegal Spying | BC Civil Liberties AssociationOct 22 17:10
s-521@glynmoody       The #UK #gagging law: survey for the commissionOct 22 17:10
s-521                 - please participate ifOct 22 17:10
s-521                 you canOct 22 17:10
s-521........................................ 22 17:10 | 38 Degrees  |  Gagging Law: Survey for the CommissionOct 22 17:10
s-521@glynmoody       The BBC Worldwide online content that BritishOct 22 17:11
s-521                 license payers aren't allowed to see  -Oct 22 17:11
s-521        #BBC is just a jokeOct 22 17:11 | SRoC: Slightly Right of Centre: The BBC Worldwide online content that British license payers aren't allowed to seeOct 22 17:11
s-521........................................ 22 17:11
s-521@umairh          Charming. “@SheenaYoon: @umairh there'sOct 22 17:12
s-521                 soylent, but now there's this:Oct 22 17:12
s-521       ”Oct 22 17:12
s-521........................................ 22 17:12
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 22 17:12
s-521@umairh          Geeks, if you wanna know why girls don't digOct 22 17:13
s-521                 you, it's because you don't think they'reOct 22 17:13
s-521                 people. You think they're equations.Oct 22 17:13
s-521........................................ 22 17:13
s-521@kumar303        If you'd like to work on the Python/HTML5 webOct 22 17:18
s-521 retweeted by    stack for #FirefoxOS payments let me know!Oct 22 17:18
s-521 @glynmoody Mozilla is hiringOct 22 17:18
s-521........................................ 22 17:18 | Web Engineer — Mozilla Jobs — Open PositionsOct 22 17:18
s-521@slashdot        Would-Be Tesla Owners Jump Through Hoops ToOct 22 17:18
s-521                 Skirt Wacky Texas Rules 22 17:18
s-521........................................ 22 17:18 | Would-Be Tesla Owners Jump Through Hoops To Skirt Wacky Texas Rules - SlashdotOct 22 17:18
s-521@peterkofod      The only interesting bit to come out of MPOct 22 17:18
s-521 retweeted by    debate on @Guardian/#Snowden is that govt isOct 22 17:18
s-521 @ioerror        reading @ioerror's & my feedsOct 22 17:18
s-521        22 17:18
s-521........................................ 22 17:18 | NSA files: MPs debate whether Guardian damaged national security | World news | theguardian.comOct 22 17:18
s-521@umairh          You're being watched for three reasons. So youOct 22 17:29
s-521                 buy. So you conform. And so you  never, everOct 22 17:29
s-521                 dream.Oct 22 17:29
s-521........................................ 22 17:29
s-521@slashdot        Cow Burps Tapped For FuelOct 22 17:33
s-521        22 17:33
s-521........................................ 22 17:33 | Cow Burps Tapped For Fuel - SlashdotOct 22 17:33
s-521@ioerror         The Guardian deserves security criticism fromOct 22 17:38
s-521                 the UK Parliament; right after openly clearingOct 22 17:38
s-521                 up the details regarding #NSA and #GCHQ spying!Oct 22 17:38
s-521........................................ 22 17:38
s-521@Katrinskaya     Follow the money and influence.Oct 22 17:41
s-521 retweeted by - fantastic database ofOct 22 17:41
s-521 @glynmoody      public records, developed by @OCCRPOct 22 17:41
s-521                 #ideassummitOct 22 17:41 | Investigative DashboardOct 22 17:41
s-521........................................ 22 17:41
s-521@schestowitz     Free Software Helps Privacy, Which HelpsOct 22 17:42
s-521                 Whistleblowers, Who in Turn Help BattleOct 22 17:42
s-521                 Financial Fraud #privacyOct 22 17:42
s-521                 #truthOct 22 17:42
s-521........................................ 22 17:42 | Free Software Helps Privacy, Which Helps Whistleblowers, Who in Turn Help Battle Financial Fraud | TechrightsOct 22 17:42
*schestowitz_log has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 22 17:53
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 22 17:53
*ziggyfish ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 17:57
s-521@slashdot        Call Yourself a Hacker, Lose Your 4th AmendmentOct 22 17:57
s-521                 Rights 22 17:57
s-521........................................ 22 17:57 | Call Yourself a Hacker, Lose Your 4th Amendment Rights - SlashdotOct 22 17:57
s-521@techdirt        Feds Apparently Didn't Communicate With EachOct 22 18:01
s-521                 Other About Various Silk Road InvestigationsOct 22 18:01
s-521        22 18:01
s-521........................................ 22 18:01 | Feds Apparently Didn't Communicate With Each Other About Various Silk Road Investigations | TechdirtOct 22 18:01
s-521@Peter_Schaar    My Press release: "The European data protectionOct 22 18:05
s-521 retweeted by    reform must be completed rapidly" #EUDataP Oct 22 18:05
s-521 @glynmoody 22 18:05
s-521........................................ 22 18:05 | Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit  -  Homepage - Peter Schaar on the new proposals from the European Parliament: The European data protection reform must be completed rapidlyOct 22 18:05
s-521@csoghoian       Bravo Google. Users can't be protected from govOct 22 18:06
s-521                 interception of HTTPS if  browser errors areOct 22 18:06
s-521                 confusing. 22 18:06
s-521........................................ 22 18:06
TechrightsSocial@__apf__: I've also been working on a new error for hard HTTPS (SSL) failures. Test on today's Canary: 22 18:06
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 22 18:06
TechrightsSocial@__apf__: I've also been working on a new error for hard HTTPS (SSL) failures. Test on today's Canary: 22 18:06
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 18:09
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 18:09
s-521@wikileaks       Ron Paul calls #FifthEstate "Hollywood'sOct 22 18:10
s-521                 attempt to profit off of Julian #Assange andOct 22 18:10
s-521                 his work with #WikiLeaks"Oct 22 18:10
s-521        22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10 | Ron Paul and Julian Assange bash 'Fifth Estate' film | Sunshine State NewsOct 22 18:10
s-521@MuckRock        USCIS says that bc MuckRock chose a businessOct 22 18:10
s-521 retweeted by    model besides paywalls & ads, we're not newsOct 22 18:10
s-521 @wikileaks      media: 22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10 | Booz Allen Hamilton Contracts (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services)  | MuckrockOct 22 18:10
s-521@wlpress         Two years ago, we wrote on the case Vance vOct 22 18:10
s-521 retweeted by    Rumsfeld involving 2 US contractors unlawfullyOct 22 18:10
s-521 @wikileaks      tortured in Iraq: (1/2)Oct 22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10
s-521@wlpress         Case was refused by Supreme Court; US personsOct 22 18:10
s-521 retweeted by    without judicial remedy within the US setsOct 22 18:10 | The Iraq war, the war logs, and accountability in the USOct 22 18:10
s-521 @wikileaks      horrifying precedent (2/2)Oct 22 18:10
s-521        22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10
s-521@SaveManning     Frequently Asked Questions About ChelseaOct 22 18:14
s-521 retweeted by    Manning (answered by @armycmdefense, herOct 22 18:14
s-521 @wikileaks      lawyer) including howOct 22 18:14
s-521                 you can help!Oct 22 18:14
s-521........................................ 22 18:14 | The Law Office of David E. Coombs: Frequently Asked Questions About ChelseaOct 22 18:14
*ziggyfish has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 22 18:25
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 18:28
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 22 19:32
*schestowitz_log has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 22 19:32
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 19:32
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 19:32
*schestowitz_log has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 22 19:33
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 22 19:33
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 19:54
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 22 20:24
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 20:40
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Oct 22 20:41
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 20:41
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 22 20:50
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 21:26
schestowitz_bed2tracy agreed to host tuxmachines,.org if I can buy itOct 22 21:57
schestowitz_bed2so I asked susan, "I can run the site on my own server and actively put new Linux content. But how much to but it...? Price range..."Oct 22 21:57
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 22:18
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 22 22:28
*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 22:44
s-521@adrianshort     Disguising my breastfeeding videos asOct 22 22:45
s-521 retweeted by    beheadings. #steganographyOct 22 22:45
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 22 22:45
s-521........................................ 22 22:45
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 22:49
*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 23:00
s-521@davidgerard     Xubuntu 13.10 on a MacBook, reviewed byOct 22 23:02
s-521                 @cstross tl;dr rough edges but basically prettyOct 22 23:02
s-521                 darned good 22 23:02
s-521........................................ 22 23:02 | The regular holy war ... - Charlie's DiaryOct 22 23:02
s-521@csoghoian       Apple's lack of crypto for Address Book syncOct 22 23:04
s-521                 with Gmail that let NSA sweep up contact listsOct 22 23:04
s-521                 fixed in new Apple OS. 22 23:04
s-521........................................ 22 23:04
TechrightsSocial@jonathanmayer: Nice: Apple Contacts vulnerability is patched in OS X Mavericks. Broken plaintext sync with Google has vanished. 22 23:04
TechrightsSocial-> | imgur: the simple image sharerOct 22 23:04
s-521@JustinBrookman  I̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶p̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶Oct 22 23:04
s-521 retweeted by    ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶i̶t̶,̶ you're the product.Oct 22 23:04
s-521 @csoghoian      Oct 22 23:04
s-521........................................ 22 23:04
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 23:08
*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 23:28
s-521@EFF             EFF has a film project to amplify the voices ofOct 22 23:30
s-521 retweeted by    NSA whistleblowers, legal experts, and more.Oct 22 23:30
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  You can help. 22 23:30
s-521........................................ 22 23:30 | Support new videos about NSA spying | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 22 23:30
s-521@csoghoian       How is John Kerry going to explain NSA hackingOct 22 23:31
s-521                 into French Embassy computers & deployingOct 22 23:31
s-521                 malware? "Don't blame us if your securityOct 22 23:31
s-521                 sucks?"Oct 22 23:31
s-521........................................ 22 23:31
s-521@JesselynRadack  My blog: Living in a Drone LaboratoryOct 22 23:34
s-521 retweeted by #dronesOct 22 23:34
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 22 23:34
s-521........................................ 22 23:34 | Daily Kos: Living in a Drone LaboratoryOct 22 23:34
s-521@trevortimm      When will the government officially correct theOct 22 23:40
s-521 retweeted by    false claims it made to the Supreme Court aboutOct 22 23:40
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  NSA surveillance? 22 23:40
s-521........................................ 22 23:40 | When Will the Government Officially Correct the False Claims It Made to the Supreme Court About NSA Surveillance? | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 22 23:40
s-521@RT_com          ‘Unacceptable and shocking’: France demandsOct 22 23:41
s-521 retweeted by    explanation for #NSA spyingOct 22 23:41
s-521 @wikileaks 22 23:41
s-521........................................ 22 23:41 | ‘Unacceptable and shocking’: France demands explanation for NSA spying — RT NewsOct 22 23:41
s-521@CNNMex          GRÁFICO: El espionaje que mueve el mundo: lasOct 22 23:44
s-521 retweeted by    revelaciones del caso #Snowden y de #WikiLeaks Oct 22 23:44
s-521 @wikileaks 22 23:44
s-521........................................ 22 23:44 | El espionaje que mueve al mundo  - CNNMexico.comOct 22 23:44
s-521@davidgerard     Checking your work email on @virginmedia couldOct 22 23:46
s-521                 get you cut off 22 23:46
s-521........................................ 22 23:46 | Checking Your Work E-Mail on Virgin Media Residential Could Get You Cut OffOct 22 23:46
s-521@davidgerard     So the #racistvan used a stolen font. WellOct 22 23:50
s-521                 done. 22 23:50
s-521........................................ 22 23:50 | Home Office accused of illegal font use on illegal immigrants campaign | News | Design WeekOct 22 23:50
s-521@slashdot        Wikipedia Actively Battling PR SockpuppetsOct 22 23:51
s-521        22 23:51
s-521........................................ 22 23:51 | Wikipedia Actively Battling PR Sockpuppets - SlashdotOct 22 23:51
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 23:58
*libertyboxes has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 23 10:31
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 23 10:31
schestowitz_bed2 23 11:01
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint #iMessage as ‘Secure’ #apple #privacyOct 23 11:01
TechrightsSocial-> | Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint iMessage as ‘Secure’ | TechrightsOct 23 11:01
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Risky Energy and the Crushing of Protests #energy #protest #canadaOct 23 11:01
TechrightsSocial-> | Risky Energy and the Crushing of Protests | TechrightsOct 23 11:02
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Patents and #Lobbying Down Everyone's Throat #gmo #monopoly #monsantoOct 23 11:02
TechrightsSocial-> | Patents and Lobbying Down Everyone’s Throat | TechrightsOct 23 11:02
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceROct 23 18:47
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 20:38
schestowitz_bed2> Wife & life are fine as wine.Oct 23 20:38
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2> I am reading some books on the philosophy of Buddhism. If there were no religions and only practitioners of the Buddist philosophy, this would be a wonderful world. Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2It's often said, but I think disputes are over race, where each race/family/extended family fights over resources, might, respect etc. but uses religious as an excuse to justify territorial instincts.Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> Hi, Roy,Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> IIRC you use multiple displays and Ubuntu 12.04.  Have you been able toOct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> mirror them?  I have two I can get side-by-side no problem, but theOct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> option for mirrored is greyed out.  So I wonder if there is some trickOct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> to that.Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2I have not seen this option in a while. Never understood why anyone would want them unless giving a presentation and outputting to a projector. Anyway, I doubt xconf is still used to configure X in newer distros, so editing that would be risky and transient. I have two dual heads at home. Let me try the older one...Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2In KDE (which I use on both dual head settings):Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2System Settings/Monitor.../can switch off, change resoluton, rotate, toggle as primary. They're improved the GUI in 13.04 actually. It's simpler and neater.Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 21:12
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Oct 24 04:05
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Oct 24 04:05:30 2013
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Oct 24 04:05:55 2013
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialOct 24 04:05
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellOct 24 04:05
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Oct 24 04:05
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:36 Greenspan on "crony capitalism" - "prevalent in China and Russia.. 'worry that we are starting in that direction.'" 24 07:36
TechrightsSocial-> | BBC News - Greenspan fears US government set for more debt stalemate  [ ]Oct 24 07:36
schestowitz_bed2"True. I'm still a bit astonished by the quick response by Obama when our former PM Gillard went to meet with leaders of Russia and China. Within about a week he was over here selling us a new Marine base in Darwin. Which we need like a hole in the head. Maybe they're still hoping Jayzus will come back and save the world."Oct 24 07:36
schestowitz_bed2Last night I watched Armageddon -- another BS propganda film with bad science and the message that only the USA can save the whole world from rapture-like event. I noted to my wife that the only one Russian on board is portrayed as drunked, rude, and stupid.Oct 24 07:39
schestowitz_bed2The US is out of touch and all that misreprestation will not truly pay off.Oct 24 07:39
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:41 The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History — Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft Camp #nokia #microsoft #yahooOct 24 07:41
schestowitz_bed2"Nokia's gone. They were a really great company for a while there, but they are gone now. IMNSHO, it does not count that someone bought the name and trademark. It isn't the same, it isn't even similar."Oct 24 07:41
TechrightsSocial-> | The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History — Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft Camp | Techrights  [ ]Oct 24 07:41
schestowitz_bed2"And when is Europe going to get around to kicking Microsoft out altogether? Didn't M$ lose a European lawsuit about a decade ago, about their monopolistic practices?"Oct 24 07:41
schestowitz_bed2"All that Europe gives M$ is a slap on the wrist. Last year (?) M$ had to pay about a billion dollars for removing browser choice in windows. Some real punishment (being denied doing business or something like that) would probably be more effective."Oct 24 07:42
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:42 Those who don't keep their address books stored locally (with Free software) are exposing themselves 24 07:42
TechrightsSocial-> | How Apple’s Address Book app could allow the NSA to harvest your contacts | Ars Technica  [ ]Oct 24 07:42
schestowitz_bed2"CIPAV?"Oct 24 07:42
schestowitz_bed2"... and Ubuntu keeps trying to get me to sign on to "Ubuntu One". Apparently some sort of cloud thingy, since the icon looks like a cloud. Should I try to uninstall it or just switch to Debian?"Oct 24 07:43
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:43 | Computer and Internet Protocol Address Verifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOct 24 07:43
schestowitz_bed2"Swith to Debian, Suse, redhat, ...."Oct 24 07:43
schestowitz_bed2"Switch to a distro with less "functionality". That word is as poisonous as M$'s "seamlessness"."Oct 24 07:43
schestowitz_bed2"But if the "functional ity" is malware? Even if it's designed-in malware, perhaps one doesn't need it."Oct 24 07:44
schestowitz_bed2SUSE is not a good choice. It's controlled by Microsoft financially.Oct 24 07:44
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed2A lot of US Government favoritism for Microsoft makes sense after Snowden. At the time, the US rejection of the Google/Yahoo deal but acceptance of the much worse Microsoft/Yahoo deal was incomprehensible. The anti-trust reasoning was backward. Microsoft is so incompetent it's hard to understand why anyone in government would show such favoritism much less anti-trust regulators. Now that we know they were PRISM partner #Oct 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed21 and promising to abuse their position, that deal and many other kinds of favoritism sort of make sense. This is why Cablegate showed US diplomats basically working as Microsoft reps against local free software efforts and other US competitors alike.Oct 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed2NSA spying is plutocracy run amok. I'm starting to wonder when plutocrats are most responsible for the obnoxious police state.Oct 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed2Yahoo stopped fighting PRISM pressure when Microsoft, the Stasi company, stepped inOct 24 07:46
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:06 Last month I struggled with many PC hardware issues; last night that computer (I've migrated away) finally got root-level corruptions [1/2]Oct 24 08:06
schestowitz_bed2"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that you were able to replace it."Oct 24 08:06
schestowitz_bed2 24 11:42 State Department Employees Cleared to Watch WikiLeaks MovieOct 24 11:42
TechrightsSocial-> | State Department Employees Cleared to Watch WikiLeaks Movie | The Cable  [ ]Oct 24 11:42
schestowitz_bed2'Wow. I wonder what she's like before she's had a blood transfusion. Matthew Lee was very good - that warms the heart. Thanks for sharing that."Oct 24 11:42
schestowitz_bed2 24 11:43 Procurement Corruption: Followup on “Open Bar” Contract Between #Microsoft and the French Ministry of Defence 24 11:43
schestowitz_bed2"i feel shameful for my country. I knew it since 4-5 months ago... Whereas French Gendarmerie uses Gubuntu (an Ubuntu distro made by and for French Gendarmerie) and develop their own tools with open source / Libre tech"Oct 24 11:43
TechrightsSocial-> | Procurement Corruption: Followup on “Open Bar” Contract Between Microsoft and the French Ministry of Defence | Techrights  [ ]Oct 24 11:43
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:29 reshared: ### Internationale Reaktionen: "Wer braucht #Feinde bei solchen Verbündeten"Oct 24 13:29
TechrightsSocial-> | Pressereaktionen auf mögliche Überwachung von Merkels Handy - SPIEGEL ONLINE  [ ]Oct 24 13:29
schestowitz_bed2"fefe: Schmerz lass nach! Das bescheuertste Statement des Tages kommt von der Verräterpartei. Achtung, festhalten: "Wer die Kanzlerin abhört, der hört auch die Bürger ab" IHR PFEIFEN! Wir WISSEN schon, dass die uns alle abhören! Nur dass sie auch die Merkel mit ihrem angeblichen Hochsicherheitstelefon abhören, das wussten wir noch nicht. Mann Mann Mann. DAS IST DOCH GERADE DIE IRONIE AN DER SITUATION JETZT! http://Oct 24 13:29
TechrightsSocialCouldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:// )Oct 24 13:29ört-der-hört-auch-die-bürger-ab Und hier ist noch ein wunderschönes Nugget: (Thomas de Maizière) gehe zwar seit Jahren davon aus, dass sein Handy abgehört werde: "Allerdings habe ich nicht mit den Amerikanern gerechnet." BWAHAHAHA"Oct 24 13:29 | Reaktionen zur möglichen US-Überwachung des Kanzler-Handys - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 24 13:29
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:30
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Light versus sound 24 13:30
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Denmark versus peaceful protest #policebrutality #aggression #europe #denmarkOct 24 13:30
TechrightsSocial-> | Betjent slår ung kvinde otte gange - YouTubeOct 24 13:30
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Immigration cartoon 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Plan gone awry 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Firefox OS: What it is – and what it means for you and your union | Eric Lee #mozilla #linux #activismOct 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial-> | Firefox OS: What it is – and what it means for you and your union | Eric Lee | NetwOrgOct 24 13:38
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:41 Merkel spying claim: with allies like these, who needs enemies? Oct 24 13:41
TechrightsSocial-> | Merkel spying claim: with allies like these, who needs enemies? | World news |  [ ]Oct 24 13:41
schestowitz_bed2"ok, spy over approx. 80 million german inhabitants - granted - BUT MY CELLPHONE - WTF!! Bwahahaha!!"Oct 24 13:41
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:41 Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint #iMessage as ‘Secure’Oct 24 13:41
schestowitz_bed2"Yes, as I said, it's not technically impossible for them to do so. But if they had done so, we'd know it, due to the way the legal system here works."Oct 24 13:41
TechrightsSocial-> | Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint iMessage as ‘Secure’ | Techrights  [ ]Oct 24 13:41
schestowitz_bed2I saw an article last year about complaints against Apple messaging being 'too' secure - emenating from the legal docs I presume.Oct 24 13:42
schestowitz_bed2 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Competition Among Open Source Projects Delivers Better Technology Faster 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial-> | Competition Among Open Source Projects Delivers Better Technology Faster | The Linux FoundationOct 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: The Other Reason Why IBM #Throws A Billion At #Linux (With #NSA - Designed Backdoor) 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial-> | Testosterone Pit - Home - The Other Reason Why IBM Throws A Billion At Linux (With NSA- Designed Backdoor)Oct 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial-> | Open Stack: OpenStack 10/18/2013 (p.m.)Oct 24 14:25
schestowitz_bed2 24 14:46 reshared: [![Image](]()<br>**capitalism** <br>[]()<br><br><br>#capitalismo - <br><br>Oct 24 14:46
schestowitz_bed2"wow"Oct 24 14:47
schestowitz_bed2Just got more mail from RMS:Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>         [ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please considerOct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>         [ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>         [ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>     Yesterday the Home Office officially became our client.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Wow!Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2I am filling out some intrusive clearance forms at the moment (security clearance). Ironically, one of those forms is enclosed in 'open' XML, the other encoded in .doc.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> BTW, I will be in London Nov 29-Dec 1.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2I can come down to London with my wife to meet you. Would you be interested? She has heard about you and read some of your essays for years.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>     By the way, you are very prominent in the new homepage ofOct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> (need JavaScript to enable the slider).Oct 24 18:30 | Techrights | People's rights in the digital age | Plutocracy threatened by freedom, democracy, privacy & civil rightsOct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Does the JS code have a free license that LibreJS can recognize?Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Have you tried visiting the site with LibreJS?Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2I have not tried yet, but I will try. That new site is still in a testing phase. I have improved privacy at the back end and the next stage will involve testing with various browsers, including mobile devices (Android, for instance, works fine).Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2RMS:Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>>> BTW, I will be in London Nov 29-Dec 1.Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>>Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> I can come down to London with my wife to meet you. Would you beOct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> interested? She has heard about you and read some of your essays forOct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> years.Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2> I hope you get to meet RMS thereOct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> I have not tried yet, but I will try. That new site is still in aOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2>> testing phase. I have improved privacy at the back end and the nextOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2>> stage will involve testing with various browsers, including mobileOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2>> devices (Android, for instance, works fine).Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> I read a rumor recently that a lot of javascript is fishing around forOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> font info.  The first thing that came to mind would be how useful thatOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> would be for fingerprinting systems.  There has definitely been aOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> proliferation of gratuitous javascript.  Most of the legitimate purposesOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> for site development has been replaced by CSS3.Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2JavaScript, IIRC, was also used to spy on Tor users.Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2 24 22:46 Google's uProxy could help fight Internet censorship #censorship #uproxy #googleOct 24 22:46
TechrightsSocial-> | Google's uProxy could help fight Internet censorship  [ ]Oct 24 22:46
schestowitz_bed2"If it wasn't introduced by Google to work through Google -- it would sound good."Oct 24 22:46
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schestowitz_bed2RMS:Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2>     I can come down to London with my wife to meet you. Would you beOct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2>     interested? She has heard about you and read some of your essays forOct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2>     years.Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2> Ok.  Also, I will be speaking in Lincoln on Nov 29, so youOct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2> could come there if it is closer.Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2Have you made plans for after these talks? If not, we'd like to invite you for dinner (out somewhere).Oct 25 08:15
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schestowitz_bed2 25 08:37 UNIX/Linux power: for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 192.168.1.$ip>/dev/null; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "192.168.1.$ip UP" || : ; doneOct 25 08:37
schestowitz_bed2"#wakey-wakey everybody!"Oct 25 08:37
schestowitz_bed2 25 08:38 US is copying USSR, Russia isn't the one copying the US 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2"...also, the "Tea Party", the anti- abortion/choice, and other right wing "astroturf" movements are copying the tactics of the hippies, Yippies, and the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60s ."Oct 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2 25 08:38 First it was The H, Groklaw (twice even) and now it's Tuxmachines dot org that's likely shutting down (my fav sites) 25 08:38
TechrightsSocial-> | for sale | tuxmachines.orgOct 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2'Not only is this informative, it's Roy's good perspective. Hopefully, the Internet Archive has all of it. This is something people should keep in mind when they build a site - can, search engines and other libraries crawl and archive it?"Oct 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2 25 08:38 Training Scholarship Winner Nam Pho Uses #GNU #Linux for Science #hpcOct 25 08:39
TechrightsSocial-> | Training Scholarship Winner Nam Pho Uses Linux for Science |  [ ]Oct 25 08:39
schestowitz_bed2" no answer from them so far."Oct 25 08:39
schestowitz_bed2I never found them responsive. Linus is the exception as I think he always responded to my mail.Oct 25 08:39
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schestowitz_bed2"As to the "like" thing, I guess "worthwhile" and "stick it where the sun don't shine" don't fit in as compact a space. ;-)"Oct 25 08:40
schestowitz_bed2"Such options would be very entertaining, though :P"Oct 25 08:40
schestowitz_bed2Slashdot has/had themOct 25 08:40
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schestowitz_bed2 25 08:41
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Useful "Apple" 25 08:41
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Glenn Greenwald and the Future of Leaks #snowden #nsaOct 25 08:41
TechrightsSocial-> | Glenn Greenwald and the Future of LeaksOct 25 08:41
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schestowitz_bed2 25 08:54 It seems like I'll be meeting RMS again next month, so I shall start rushing in releasing about a dozen videos I recorded with him in OxfordOct 25 08:55
schestowitz_bed2"Looking forward to seeing them :)"Oct 25 08:55
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schestowitz_bed2 25 17:27
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Next one free 25 17:27
schestowitz_bed2 Oct 25 17:28
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Richard Stallman on US Economy and Politics #finance #jobs #outsourcing #welfareOct 25 17:28
TechrightsSocial-> |  » Blog Archive   » Richard Stallman on US Economy and PoliticsOct 25 17:28
schestowitz_bed2 25 19:03 or StatusNet being decentralised was not enough to help old content, users, etc. survive. Evan wouldn't even send me my data.Oct 25 19:03
schestowitz_bed2"Ehm, you could get your data while was migrating %)."Oct 25 19:03
schestowitz_bed2Couldn't. I tried.Oct 25 19:03
schestowitz_bed2 25 19:04 There's always a certain fear in me that Diaspora will end up like; for sure, same will happen to Twitter & Facebook over long runOct 25 19:04
schestowitz_bed2"At least you get your data back here."Oct 25 19:04
schestowitz_bed2"well, if that happens, we will have to move to some other network. don't see the problem here.. :)"Oct 25 19:04
schestowitz_bed2"why you think so?'Oct 25 19:04
schestowitz_bed2"I think that the good difference is that you cannot see or install a Facebook or Twitter server software. I mean, D* and are open source or free software. It may happen like Gnome and Mate. They created a separated branch that continues the old ways."Oct 25 19:05
schestowitz_bed2"We can always fall back on usenet."Oct 25 19:05
schestowitz_bed2> 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2this article is very interesting to me. I read several like it. Many drone 'pilots' leave after realising that they too had just been "following orders" (of Pentagon/CIA, with Nazi officers' roots).Oct 25 23:39 | Retired US drone operator tells of the turmoil he feels after killing by remote control |  [ ]Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2Last year, before I started working _full time_ on task-oriented basis rather than on-demand (meaning that I had more free time) I advocated strongly for abolishing drone strikes. They make us accept and become less resistant to the notion of automated killing by flying robots. Every time we're made passive (or not informed if not misinformed) we are made more apathetic towards what can only later be viewed (in Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2retrospect) as a human atrocity and an act of viciousness.Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2The drone strikes are opposed to even by some former US Army generals, who said quite correctly that those strikes increase hatred towards the US, even in European nations and former 'allies' that view Obama with the same contempt they had for Bush (this is a bipartisan issue now).Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:41 Mozilla's Lightbeam tool will expose who is looking over your shoulder on the web #mozilla #firefox #privacyOct 25 23:41
TechrightsSocial-> | Mozilla's Lightbeam tool will expose who is looking over your shoulder on the web - News - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent  [ ]Oct 25 23:41
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:42 | RequestPolicy :: Add-ons for Firefox  [ ]Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2I highly recommend requestpolicy.Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2It really puts you in charge. NB, this has learning curve and being in charge means you intervene - i.e. you have to do some clicking when you visit a new site. It more or less makes ghostery redundant - but not quite - most of the time ghostery doesn't have any blocking to do.Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2Give*temporary* permissions lavishly at the beginning until you've sussed it out.Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:43 | The JavaScript Trap  [ ]Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2Looks like EtherApe but I like the idea of sharing the data. Sadly, it won't allow users to make granular decisions and it might not provide much transparency in the end. Sneaky advertisers can hide behind unnamed servers, so all you see is an IP address. They can also hide the data flow by simply passing it on themselves rather than by making your computer do the work for them but that will be expensive and hurt their Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2site performance. Once you are aware, the choice you actually have is to browse or not to browse a particular site. Mozilla promises that their tool will only send anonymous information back. That's something the community should verify.Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2Richard Stallman was right about the javascript trap. Non free software, in the form of javascript, turns our computers against us. Browsers should identify each non free script and offer the user a free substitute if available or the chance to not run it at all. Mozilla's new tool might build awareness in the problem but it does not give them the context to understand the proper solution.Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:44 @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}, I'm sorry to have to tell you about this but <a href="">some very rude people are saying nasty things about you over on G+</a>.Oct 25 23:44 ### <a href="">Trash Talk from Bruce Byfield</a>Oct 25 23:44
schestowitz_bed2"<a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a>, I'm sorry to have to tell you about this but <a href="">some very rude people are saying nasty things about you over on G+</a>."Oct 25 23:44
schestowitz_bed2"<a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a>, I'm sorry to have to tell you about this but <a href="">some very rude people are saying nasty things about you over on G+</a>."Oct 25 23:44
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:45
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 25 23:45
schestowitz_bed2Trash Talk from Bruce ByfieldOct 25 23:45
schestowitz_bed2we are only wasting our time talking to Hill. He appears to be something of a Tech Rights (Boycott Novell) groupie. Roy Schestowitz cannot stand the fact that I have expressed contempt forr his work, and insults me at every opportunity, and I suspect that Hill has absorbed this attitude uncriticallyOct 25 23:45
schestowitz_bed2This is typical of Byfield. He's happy to dish out insults but pretty thin skinned when other people call him on it. His response is to dismiss the people he disagrees with as irrational idiots while praising himself. He's a troll and a bully.Oct 25 23:45
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 25 23:45
schestowitz_bed2"He can't blame that trash on his boss. Earlier, he had complained that his editors were pushing him to write "hard hitting" stories about free software people and that he had nothing original to write about real threats to software freedom. Trash talking Techrights and calling me an idiot was his answer to me suggesting that his job might inherently be hostile to all things free software. That's all him."Oct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2I hardly smear Byfield. In recent years I actually defended some of his views and cited his articles.Oct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2"Aaron Seigo has closed comments with a nasty smear of Roy Schestowitz. It seems that clearly citing a few examples will calls for more research, while careful research and documentation will get you labled, "full on dipshit tinfoil hat crazy". In other words, the subject is decided from the start and disagreeing will only result in insults. That's very disappointing and I did not expect it. Maybe I should have."Oct 25 23:47
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 06:20
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 26 13:04
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:15 | Torvalds gives th...  [ ]Oct 26 13:15
schestowitz_bed2:'that's a thunb?"Oct 26 13:15
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 13:24
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:24
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: How Hollywood thinks 26 13:24
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: European view of American Foreign Policy #ciaOct 26 13:25
TechrightsSocial-> | European view of American Foreign Policy - YouTubeOct 26 13:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:52 reshared: a giant planker on the wall near the swimming pool...Oct 26 13:52
schestowitz_bed2"Hey, look over here! Dad's gonna do his cannonball!"Oct 26 13:52
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:54 insect messiah...Oct 26 13:54
schestowitz_bed2"I knew it!!!!"Oct 26 13:54
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:33
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Microsoft's Common Carrier Dying While #GNU #Linux on the Desktop Rising Because Steam Helps Eliminate Gaming Gap 26 14:33
TechrightsSocial-> | Microsoft’s Common Carrier Dying While GNU/Linux on the Desktop Rising Because Steam Helps Eliminate Gaming Gap | TechrightsOct 26 14:33
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:56 OpenMandriva Releases the Beta 1! #mandriva #openmandriva #gnu #linux #russiaOct 26 14:56
TechrightsSocial-> | Mandriva Linux Chronicles: OpenMandriva Releases the Beta 1!  [ ]Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2#russiaOct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2No, Russians think OpenMandriva isn't needed because of Mageia.Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: "Newly Appointed General Manager Patrick Masson Joins OSI from University of Massachusetts" 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial-> | OSI Names New General Manager | Open Source InitiativeOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: KDE Accomplishments - Google Summer of Code 2013 #kde #google #gsocOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial-> | KDE Accomplishments - Google Summer of Code 2013 | KDE.newsOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: OpenMandriva Releases the Beta 1! #mandriva #openmandriva #gnu #linux #russiaOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Nexus 5 may be announced on 31st October #android #linuxOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial-> | Nexus 5 may be announced on 31st October - MuktwareOct 26 15:00
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:11
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Manchester CryptoParty with FSFE December 7th. #manchester #uk #privacy #fsfe #freedomOct 26 15:11
TechrightsSocial-> | Manchester CryptoParty with FSFE | Manchester Open Rights GroupOct 26 15:11
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Ubuntu drifts into 'cloud' (the #surveillance computing hype) 26 15:11
TechrightsSocial-> | Convergence In The Cloud  |  jonobacon@homeOct 26 15:11
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Google releases YouTube app for Firefox OS it hardly needs an app other than a browserOct 26 15:11
TechrightsSocial-> | Google releases YouTube app for Firefox OS - MuktwareOct 26 15:11
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:16
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: "The Untold History DVD is now out in the UK and in US in Oct." good seriesOct 26 15:16
TechrightsSocial-> | The Oliver Stone Experience | The Official Oliver Stone website | www.oliverstone.comOct 26 15:16
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:21
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Pyramid 26 15:21
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Saudi women's driving kicks off without arrests welcome to the 20th century, SAOct 26 15:21
TechrightsSocial-> | Saudi women's driving kicks off without arrests - World newsOct 26 15:21
schestowitz_bed2qu1j0t3: will the bot return?Oct 26 15:22
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:30
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Freedom With Open Source: How Nations Can Escape Their Dependence On NSA-occupied Tech #freedomOct 26 15:30
TechrightsSocial-> | Freedom With Open Source: How Nations Can Escape Their Dependence On US-Made Tech | SiliconANGLEOct 26 15:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:39 Ubuntu drifts into 'cloud' (the #surveillance computing hype) 26 15:39
schestowitz_bed2"I don't know what's worse - Ubuntu or Android, but I usually choose Android + tons of stuff to block the crap."Oct 26 15:39
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:41 reshared: Birmingham made my eyes bleed...Oct 26 15:41
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 26 15:41
schestowitz_bed2"Oh dog ... that looks horrible, indeed."Oct 26 15:41
schestowitz_bed2There is an interesting-looking mall next Birmingham's New Street rail station, but everything else in this city gives me the creeps when I'm thereOct 26 15:42
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:43
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Google's CCTV Glass is getting creepier 26 15:43
TechrightsSocial-> | People+ Glass app can help you recognise people in a party - MuktwareOct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Friend of mine is so privacy-aware he won't hang out with people who photograph him or mention him in FB. Now, imagine Google's CCTV Glass.Oct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxOct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial-> | 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 - TechRepublicOct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Ubuntu is a bit like DuckDuckGo. Both companies let Amazon, which works very closely with the CIA, what you search for in real time.Oct 26 15:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:44
schestowitz_bed2"cannonball? missile launch :)"Oct 26 15:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: SolusOS Linux Will No Longer Be Developed #SolusOS #gnu #linuxOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | SolusOS Linux Will No Longer Be DevelopedOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Tablets (mostly running Android) outsell notebooks now (mostly Windows) 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | Tablet PC Shipment Forecast Lowered Through 2017, but Double-Digit Growth Still Expected, According to NPD DisplaySearch - DisplaySearchOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10 times cheaper #france #freedomOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10 times cheaper | JoinupOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: It seems like #hp now makes it an option to have #gnu #linux preinstalled, with #microsoft tax deducted 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | Workstation Computers From HP  |   Robert PogsonOct 26 16:17
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:19 | Massenprotest gegen umstrittenes Wahlergebnis | Aktuell Asien | DW.DE | 25.10.2013  [ ]Oct 26 16:19
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2zemlin, a PR man, tries to claim credit for work of scientist 26 16:26 | Congratulations to Nobel Prize Winners, and a Nod to Mass Collaboration |  [ ]Oct 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:31 ### <a href="">Trash Talk from Bruce Byfield</a>Oct 26 16:31
TechrightsSocial-> | Aaron Seigo - Google+ - +Bruce Byfield is one of my favorite writers when it comes…  [ ]Oct 26 16:31
schestowitz_bed2"I've written a quick defense of myself and you, Roy. "Oct 26 16:31 | Will Hill - Google+ - A Quick Defense of Myself and Techrights A week ago, Glen…  [ ]Oct 26 16:31
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2A Quick Defense of Myself and Techrights A week ago, Glen Greenwald blasted  the Independent's Blackhurst,Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2if the government tells me I shouldn't publish something, who am I as a journalist to disobey? Put that on the tombstone of western establishment journalism. It perfectly encapsulates the death spiral of large journalistic outlets.Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2Greenwald is mostly right about that, but going by the logic of a conversation I had yesterday we should overlook such things and condemn Greenwald as a troll.  Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2Isn't this overarching generalization?  Shouldn't we judge Blackhurst on his balanced corpus of writing which mostly defends our liberty?  Greenwald does not think so.  He points out a specific harmful thing and has spent years telling us how it arises in the establishment press.  Surrendering to your editor or your government to undermine the very thing you profess to love is a bad thing.Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2The folks over at Techrights have spent years telling us how Microsoft infiltrates and subverts the tech press and free software groups.  He does this on his own dime and is free from advertiser and editorial pressure.  Roy's research has been careful and he has a tremendous body of articles and references, often court revealed evidence from Microsoft itself, that document his findings.  He has always engaged his Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2subjects fairly and has never censored a single comment from his site.  He's owned and apologized for his mistakes when he makes them.  While his writing can be entertaining, it's never been mean spirited or rude and he constantly strains to cover issues rather than people.  Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2It is completely unfair, +Aaron Seigo, to characterize his efforts as "dipshit tinfoil hat crazy."  He is the independent authority on Novell.  He helped us avoid mono disaster and gave us ample warning about other software patent threats.  PJ of Groklaw and Richard Stallman thought well of the site and community. Now that Grocklaw, the H and Tuxmachines are down, Techrights is that much more rare as an independent news Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2source.  Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2+Bruce Byfield admitted in your thread to an important bias, the very one I was complaining about and that Roy has documented for years,Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2I'm often under pressure from editors, who continually tell me that my commentaries aren't nearly hard-hitting enough. And it's certainly true that you can find people who criticize free software practices far more strongly than I have ever done, such as Larry Cafiero.Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2From time to time, I've noticed that hostility and it makes Byfield less than my favorite author and news source.  Others have accused him of poking the community and then taking advantage of the reaction to say bad things about the community, aka trolling, and I agree. When I accused Byfield of "trolling" I was actually thinking of something more mild, like Socratic dialog or Ben Franklin style writing that takes both Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2sides of the fence to create a conflict and make people think.   The nasty reaction I got for it reminds me of prior rudeness to myself from Byfeld that I'd rater forget.  Regardless of what you think of it, there's the reason and it's a problem.  Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2Most of the tech press is under this kind of pressure, some worse than others.  It is a systemic problem caused by advertising money and lax US laws and enforcement that allows Microsoft to get away with wrecking news coverage around the world.  The strategy of infiltration and subversion is well outlined in Microsoft training material and Roy has tracked it well.  Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37 | Groklaw - How to Get Your Platform Accepted as a Standard - Microsoft Style  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37 | 66 Pages of Microsoft Evilness | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
TechrightsSocialCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37 | Today’s ‘Objective’ News, Brought to You by Microsoft Corporation | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2"I have found his articles all are well researched and informed.  Whether one agrees or not with any specific article of Roy's, or even maybe his particular style, one cannot question his integrity or professionalism supporting what he writes.  I recall he is from the UK, which has a rather challenging legal environment about press freedom and libel that often are misused by the powerful, and I think the fact he is able Oct 26 16:37 | Gartner and Microsoft Negotiate Not Bashing Vista | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2to write what he does is also a testament also to his detailed research and accuracy."Oct 26 16:37 | Another Pillar of the Microsoft Press Falls Over | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37 | AstroTurfing - Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37 | Advertising and Legitimising Microsoft Control of Linux | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:41 | Bruce Byfield - Google+  [ ]Oct 26 16:41
schestowitz_bed2"Not to go all warm and fuzzy or anything, but I find it gratifying to have people I respect come to my defense against trolls. Thanks to those who stood up for me."Oct 26 16:41
schestowitz_bed2ByfieldOct 26 16:41
schestowitz_bed2Accusing people of being trolls if they don't agree with him.Oct 26 16:41
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2" I don't have the $2500 necessary to view the original survey. "Oct 26 16:43 | Why is interest in free office suites declining? » Linux Magazine  [ ]Oct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2Funded by some companiesOct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2maybe MicrosofOct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2And he too passes it off as factOct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:43 | Bruce Byfield - Google+ - My latest, "Why is interest in free software suites…  [ ]Oct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:49
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Contrary to what you’ve heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware so Microsoft/Windows partners lie?!Oct 26 16:49
TechrightsSocial-> | Contrary to what you’ve heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware  –  QuartzOct 26 16:49
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Linux Foundation promotes #surveillance computing ('cloud') from the Microsoft-sponsored (and Microsoft-paying) SUSE 26 16:49
TechrightsSocial-> | What's Next for SUSE Cloud and OpenStack | Linux.comOct 26 16:49
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: 'If MI5 warns that this is not in the public interest who am I to disbelieve them?'~former editor of The Independent 26 16:49
TechrightsSocial-> | The perfect epitaph for establishment journalism | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 26 16:49
schestowitz_bed2Oh, look. The all-knowing Byfield is still accusing people of being "trolls" if they don't agree with him. #sigh #lostcauseOct 26 16:50
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:51 Contrary to what you’ve heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware so Microsoft/Windows partners lie?!Oct 26 16:51
schestowitz_bed2"Again, it depends on the definition of "malware". >From another perspective, most android devices are the perfect host for malware. The corporation/government-sponsored kind, of course."Oct 26 16:51
schestowitz_bed2True that..Oct 26 16:51
schestowitz_bed2 Oct 26 16:52 Google's CCTV Glass is getting creepier 26 16:52
TechrightsSocial-> | People+ Glass app can help you recognise people in a party - Muktware  [ ]Oct 26 16:52
schestowitz_bed2"That's scary!"Oct 26 16:52
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:58
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: If Google CCTV Glass was a product created by some small company outside the US, it would still be risky as can be sold to multinational/NSAOct 26 16:58
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: When Skype got sold (through proxies) to Microsoft and given to the NSA we could just narrate is as follows; Skype: contacts-harvesting toolOct 26 16:58
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: KeyHole was once a nice little Qt-oriented company; when sold to Google (after #CIA investment) it become tool for real-time #surveillanceOct 26 16:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:23
schestowitz_bed2"@Chris - they are because the users are prone to social engineering, not because the OS itself is drastically insecure. The best security is nothing when your users are ... well, regular users without proper knowledge, training, caution, etc."Oct 26 17:23
schestowitz_bed2 26 18:42 reshared: Gather 'round for Tio Danny's story time! -G-Oct 26 18:42
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 26 18:42
schestowitz_bed2"That guy is cool. He changed his life and became cool actor, although he couldn't change his face ;) however, I don't know if that is a problem. He's just cool the way he looks! great actor playing great "bad guys" roles."Oct 26 18:42
schestowitz_bed2"Prepare for belly-flop tsunami. Surf's up Bro. Cowabunga!"Oct 26 18:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 18:46 Friend of mine is so privacy-aware he won't hang out with people who photograph him or mention him in FB. Now, imagine Google's CCTV Glass.Oct 26 18:46
schestowitz_bed2"I would prefer that my friends and family did not put photos of me on FB. I left for a reason."Oct 26 18:46
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 26 19:22
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Oct 26 19:23
*schestowitz_bed2 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 19:24
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Changing host)Oct 26 19:24
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 19:24
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 19:50
schestowitz_bed2 26 20:05 New headline: "CIA drone strikes 'rely heavily on NSA's data-mining program" (Daily Mail, so no link)Oct 26 20:05
schestowitz_bed2"Just curious, does Daily mail not allow linking?"Oct 26 20:05
schestowitz_bed2No, many people just boycott this ragOct 26 20:05
schestowitz_bed2 26 20:06 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxOct 26 20:06
TechrightsSocial-> | 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 - TechRepublic  [ ]Oct 26 20:06
schestowitz_bed2"Works great with touchscreen laptops!"Oct 26 20:06
schestowitz_bed2 26 21:29 The anti-Wikileaks #propaganda film is now being advertised on BUSES in #manchester against Wikileaks->pro-warOct 26 21:29
schestowitz_bed2"FYI this film tanked in the US"Oct 26 21:29
TechrightsSocial-> | Fifth Estate: Another Imperialistic Propaganda Film | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 21:29
s-521@wikileaks       US & Canada: WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN isOct 20 00:04
s-521                 currently FREE to watch - tonight only!Oct 20 00:04
s-521        20 00:04
s-521........................................ 20 00:04 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 00:04
s-521@tacone_         Non è proprio fame, è più voglia di un gatto.Oct 20 00:06
s-521........................................ 20 00:06
s-521@slashdot        NFTables To Replace iptables In the LinuxOct 20 00:09
s-521                 Kernel 20 00:09
s-521........................................ 20 00:09 | NFTables To Replace iptables In the Linux Kernel - SlashdotOct 20 00:09
s-521@JourneymanVOD   #MEDIASTAN Free screening period has begun forOct 20 00:13
s-521 retweeted by    the USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Lithuania,Oct 20 00:13
s-521 @wikileaks      Estonia: 20 00:13
s-521........................................ 20 00:13 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 00:13
s-521@wikileaks       US & Canada: WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN isOct 20 00:14
s-521                 currently FREE to watch - tonight only!Oct 20 00:14
s-521        20 00:14
s-521........................................ 20 00:14 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 00:14
s-521@wikileaks       LIVE: US & Canada: WikiLeaks road movieOct 20 00:22
s-521                 MEDIASTAN is currently FREE to watch - tonightOct 20 00:22
s-521                 only! 20 00:22
s-521........................................ 20 00:22
s-521@slashdot        D-Wave Quantum Computing Solution Raises MoreOct 20 01:13
s-521                 Questions 20 01:13
s-521........................................ 20 01:13 | D-Wave Quantum Computing Solution Raises More Questions - SlashdotOct 20 01:13
s-521@jonobacon       Interesting: 20 01:14
s-521........................................ 20 01:14 | Bad Voltage | Coming SoonOct 20 01:14
s-521@JourneymanVOD   Who's watching #mediastan? Free screening inOct 20 01:20
s-521 retweeted by    USA, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Estonia,Oct 20 01:20
s-521 @wikileaks      Lithuania for next 14 hours:Oct 20 01:20
s-521        20 01:20
s-521........................................ 20 01:20 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 01:20
s-521@wikileaks       Anti-WikiLeaks film 'Fifth Estate' bombs in USOct 20 01:31
s-521        more:Oct 20 01:31
s-521        #cumberbatchOct 20 01:31
s-521                 #fifthestateOct 20 01:31
s-521........................................ 20 01:31 | 'The Fifth Estate' Bombs On Friday Night; 'Gravity' Holds No. 1Oct 20 01:31 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 20 01:31
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 01:49
s-521                 Keller discusses daily phone calls with USOct 20 01:49
s-521                 Government. Watch: 20 01:49
s-521........................................ 20 01:49 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 01:49
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Chillin with Goofy, Mom, Dad, Poe, Tara,Oct 20 01:55
s-521                 Max, Addy, Shari & her girlsOct 20 01:55
s-521        20 01:56
s-521........................................ 20 01:56 | Cory Doctorow: Chillin with Goofy, Mom, Dad, Poe, Tara, Max,...Oct 20 01:56
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:03
s-521                 Keller on his decision to conceal NSA massOct 20 02:03
s-521                 surveillance. Watch: 20 02:03
s-521........................................ 20 02:03 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:03
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - First day of Occupy WallOct 20 02:11
s-521                 Street demonstrations in NYC.Oct 20 02:11
s-521        Watch MEDIASTAN freeOct 20 02:11
s-521                 tonight only!Oct 20 02:11 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:11
s-521........................................ 20 02:11
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:44
s-521                 Keller on Drudge Report 20 02:44
s-521                 Watch MEDIASTAN free tonight only in US &Oct 20 02:44 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:44
s-521                 Canada!Oct 20 02:44
s-521........................................ 20 02:44
s-521@JRisen          The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals declined Oct 20 02:44
s-521 retweeted by    to hear my case en banc. I am determined toOct 20 02:44
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  keep fighting.Oct 20 02:44
s-521........................................ 20 02:44
s-521@JRisen          I believe this is a fight for the FirstOct 20 02:45
s-521 retweeted by    Amendment and for the freedom of the press inOct 20 02:45
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  America. I won't back down.Oct 20 02:45
s-521........................................ 20 02:45
s-521@JRisen          My lawyers and I plan to ask the U.S. SupremeOct 20 02:45
s-521 retweeted by    Court to take my case.Oct 20 02:45
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 02:45
s-521........................................ 20 02:45
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:55
s-521 retweeted by    Keller discusses daily phone calls with USOct 20 02:55
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Government. Watch: 20 02:55
s-521........................................ 20 02:55 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:55
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes editor BillOct 20 02:55
s-521 retweeted by    Keller on his decision to conceal NSA massOct 20 02:55
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  surveillance. Watch: 20 02:55
s-521........................................ 20 02:55 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 02:55
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - NYTimes proprieterOct 20 03:05
s-521                 Arthur Sulzberger caught congratulating editorOct 20 03:05
s-521                 for defending Obama. Watch:Oct 20 03:05
s-521        20 03:05
s-521........................................ 20 03:05 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 03:05
s-521@thewhimsytrove  Just watched #MEDIASTAN.  A perfect glimpseOct 20 03:33
s-521 retweeted by    into the disengenous nature of media and theOct 20 03:33
s-521 @wikileaks      stranglehold government and capitalism has onOct 20 03:33
s-521                 it.Oct 20 03:33
s-521........................................ 20 03:33
s-521@jonobacon       "Oprah Winfrey sobbing into a Lean Cuisine".Oct 20 03:36
s-521                 One of many reasons why I love Cards AgainstOct 20 03:36
s-521                 Humanity.Oct 20 03:36
s-521........................................ 20 03:36
s-521@rj_gallagher    Former NSA/CIA chief Hayden tells TexasOct 20 03:37
s-521 retweeted by    students the US gov collects data on about 3Oct 20 03:37
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  billion “phone events” daily:Oct 20 03:37
s-521        20 03:37
s-521........................................ 20 03:37 | Students talk Espionage with former CIA director »   Local News »   The Huntsville Item, Huntsville, TXOct 20 03:37
s-521@rj_gallagher    Hayden's 3bn calls daily figure exactly whatOct 20 03:42
s-521 retweeted by    NSA whistleblower Bill Binney estimated in JuneOct 20 03:42
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 ( 20 03:42
s-521........................................ 20 03:42 | Is Big Data turning government into 'Big Brother'?Oct 20 03:42
s-521@DustinSlaughter  Police commissioner Charles Ramsey: "ProactiveOct 20 03:42
s-521 retweeted by    policing is here...megadata from surveillanceOct 20 03:42
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  cameras, license plate readers, and (1/2)Oct 20 03:42
s-521........................................ 20 03:42
s-521@DustinSlaughter  social media" have changed police work. #IACP13Oct 20 03:43
s-521 retweeted by (2/2)Oct 20 03:43
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 03:43 | Twitpic - Share photos and videos on TwitterOct 20 03:43
s-521........................................ 20 03:43
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - Journalists head toOct 20 03:43
s-521                 Swedish Military Base in Afghanistan, discussOct 20 03:43
s-521                 purpose of military presenseOct 20 03:43
s-521        20 03:43
s-521........................................ 20 03:43
s-521@DustinSlaughter  Commish Ramsey: "Soon, license plate readers onOct 20 03:43
s-521 retweeted by    dashboards will be able to read not justOct 20 03:43 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 03:43
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  plates, but faces." #IACP13 Oct 20 03:43
s-521        20 03:43
s-521........................................ 20 03:43
schestowitz_bed2 20 03:57
TechrightsSocial@flemingjude: @schestowitz @UN Hagel as chairman. Condaleeza Rice too. 2010 roll-out now in progress. Laws against Journalism catching up.Oct 20 03:57
s-521@EmmaSNico       #MEDIASTAN  was one of the most informativeOct 20 04:08
s-521 retweeted by    documentaries and most well conducted filmsOct 20 04:08
s-521 @wikileaks      I've ever seen.  Can't wait to own it Oct 20 04:08
s-521                 @wikileaksOct 20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN available FREEOct 20 04:08
s-521                 in US, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Estonia,Oct 20 04:08
s-521                 Lithuania for next 10 hours.Oct 20 04:08
s-521        20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 04:08
s-521@llsmith2449     Just watched Mediastan.  Well done @wikileaks !Oct 20 04:08
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 20 04:08
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:08
s-521@jeff_deeney     Oh man, this scene from Mediastan in theOct 20 04:08
s-521 retweeted by    newspaper headquarters in Turkmenistan is justOct 20 04:08
s-521 @wikileaks      totally surreal.Oct 20 04:08
s-521........................................ 20 04:09
s-521@Shotine         If you havent watched #mediastan you need toOct 20 04:09
s-521 retweeted by    watch it & see how little the media cares aboutOct 20 04:09
s-521 @wikileaks      the truth & only cares about what is profitableOct 20 04:09
s-521........................................ 20 04:09
s-521@AnonyOps        Wikileaks' documentary #Mediastan available forOct 20 04:11
s-521 retweeted by    free viewing in the US/Canada starting 7pm -Oct 20 04:11
s-521 @wikileaks      Well worth watching 20 04:11
s-521........................................ 20 04:11 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 04:11
s-521@jonmallette     #Mediastan was an excellent piece on howOct 20 04:14
s-521 retweeted by    ineffective and controlled the media is, notOct 20 04:14
s-521 @wikileaks      only in the west but globally. Shocking.Oct 20 04:14
s-521........................................ 20 04:14
s-521@SALSENDIK44     Watch #mediastan, it actually shows a lot aboutOct 20 04:14
s-521 retweeted by    media outlet's true culture. Nice @wikileaksOct 20 04:14
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 04:14
s-521........................................ 20 04:14
s-521@JustinDLeBlanc  Watching the @wikileaks documentary Oct 20 04:15
s-521 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. Can stream for free tonight only.Oct 20 04:15
s-521 @wikileaks      Drop what you're doing and watch it.Oct 20 04:15
s-521........................................ 20 04:15
s-521@slashdot        No Zombie Uprising, But Problems Persist WithOct 20 04:18
s-521                 Emergency Alert System 20 04:18
s-521........................................ 20 04:18 | No Zombie Uprising, But Problems Persist With Emergency Alert System - SlashdotOct 20 04:18
s-521@mayxx150        After watching the cinematic and politicalOct 20 04:23
s-521 retweeted by    failure that was #FifthEstate I've decided toOct 20 04:23
s-521 @wikileaks      show my Communication Law students #MEDIASTANOct 20 04:23
s-521........................................ 20 04:23
s-521@JoeNordman      Watching #MEDIASTAN  a @wikileaks  documentary.Oct 20 04:24
s-521 retweeted by    Go check out their page for it, it's free forOct 20 04:24
s-521 @wikileaks      tonight only. It's well worth the time.Oct 20 04:24
s-521........................................ 20 04:24
s-521@JRisen          My lawyers and I plan to ask the U.S. SupremeOct 20 04:24
s-521 retweeted by    Court to take my case.Oct 20 04:24
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 20 04:24
s-521........................................ 20 04:24
s-521@darthdrums      Just wrapped up #MEDIASTAN courtesy ofOct 20 04:27
s-521 retweeted by    @wikileaks.  Fascinating and informative pieceOct 20 04:27
s-521 @wikileaks      on the US ownership and corruption of globalOct 20 04:27
s-521                 media.Oct 20 04:27
s-521........................................ 20 04:27
s-521@TheBookofAnon   Taking advantage of a free night to watch aOct 20 04:27
s-521 retweeted by    real movie: #Mediastan I'm done with Hollywood,Oct 20 04:27
s-521 @wikileaks      thank you @wikileaks for this movieOct 20 04:27
s-521........................................ 20 04:27
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canda: MEDIASTAN - Journalists askOct 20 04:37
s-521                 Turkmenian news org, "Why is the president onOct 20 04:37
s-521                 all of your front pages?" Watch:Oct 20 04:37
s-521        20 04:37
s-521........................................ 20 04:37 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 04:37
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - Journalists askOct 20 04:37
s-521                 Turkmenian news org, "Why is the president onOct 20 04:37
s-521                 all of your front pages?" Watch:Oct 20 04:37
s-521        20 04:37
s-521........................................ 20 04:37
s-521@iaxym           Watched #MEDIASTAN. great work @wikileaksOct 20 04:42
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 20 04:42
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 04:42
s-521........................................ 20 04:42
s-521@CharlesDolph    nice to see the buzz around @wikileaksOct 20 04:43
s-521 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. fascinating doc and a breath ofOct 20 04:43
s-521 @wikileaks      fresh air compared to "we steal secrets"-typeOct 20 04:43
s-521                 BSOct 20 04:43
s-521........................................ 20 04:43
s-521@lilianaemota    Thank you @wikileaks for #MEDIASTAN. AmazingOct 20 04:44
s-521 retweeted by    documentary. Highly recommend everyone to watchOct 20 04:44
s-521 @wikileaks      it.Oct 20 04:44
s-521........................................ 20 04:44
s-521@tara_hoch       if you have time to kill, definitely watchOct 20 04:44
s-521 retweeted by    #mediastan for free tonight instead of seeingOct 20 04:44
s-521 @wikileaks      the Fifth Estate. Worth it, trust me.Oct 20 04:44
s-521                 @wikileaksOct 20 04:44
s-521........................................ 20 04:44
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - editor in chief ofOct 20 05:08
s-521                 Kazakhstan newspaper says WikiLeaks "is aOct 20 05:08
s-521                 totally useless thing". Watch:Oct 20 05:08
s-521        20 05:08
s-521........................................ 20 05:08 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:08
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - What's behind theOct 20 05:12
s-521                 decision of media orgs whether or not toOct 20 05:12
s-521                 publish WikiLeaks cables? Watch:Oct 20 05:12
s-521        20 05:12
s-521........................................ 20 05:12 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:12
s-521@MFHATER         Not sure what to do tonight? You can watchOct 20 05:14
s-521 retweeted by    @wikileaks new documentary #MEDIASTAN FOR FREEOct 20 05:14
s-521 @wikileaks      TONIGHT! 20 05:14
s-521........................................ 20 05:14 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 05:14
s-521@JeremiahTK      Watching #MEDIASTAN the new @wikileaks film..Oct 20 05:22
s-521 retweeted by    crazy stuff. Already knew it was happening, butOct 20 05:22
s-521 @wikileaks      watching this stuff in detail is crazy.Oct 20 05:22
s-521........................................ 20 05:22
s-521@elefteriades    @wikileaks The Emperor of NowheristanOct 20 05:22
s-521 retweeted by    recommends you to watch #MEDIASTAN.Oct 20 05:22
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:22
s-521........................................ 20 05:22
s-521@libdemwasjailed  #MediaSTAN @mediastan @wikileaks the reportersOct 20 05:25
s-521 retweeted by    tell Julian ""well the good news is we wereOct 20 05:25
s-521 @wikileaks      deported from Turkmenistan""Oct 20 05:25
s-521........................................ 20 05:25
s-521@mbopferkuch     Watching #MEDIASTAN . Just a few minutes in andOct 20 05:26
s-521 retweeted by    I'm already loving it. #wikileaksOct 20 05:26
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:26
s-521........................................ 20 05:26
s-521@Zach_Covey      @wikileaks Great job with #Mediastan. ReallyOct 20 05:33
s-521 retweeted by    well done documentary.Oct 20 05:33
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:33
s-521........................................ 20 05:33
s-521@wikileaks       US/Canada: MEDIASTAN - Assange interviewsOct 20 05:43
s-521                 Guardian editor Rusbridger about decisions onOct 20 05:43
s-521                 redaction of WikiLeaks cablesOct 20 05:43
s-521        20 05:43
s-521........................................ 20 05:43 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:43
s-521@everywhrjustice  Wow. Just finished watching the @wikileaksOct 20 05:45
s-521 retweeted by    movie, #MEDIASTAN. Check it out. It's FREEOct 20 05:45
s-521 @wikileaks      tonight in the U.S. 20 05:45
s-521........................................ 20 05:45 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 05:45
s-521@NewsFeedOnly    Just finished #MEDIASTAN, a documentary aboutOct 20 05:45
s-521 retweeted by    @wikileaks. It's very good. Watch it FREEOct 20 05:45
s-521 @wikileaks      tonight in the US: 20 05:45
s-521........................................ 20 05:45
s-521@SeanElKhatib    Watching #MEDIASTAN  by @wikileaks. PrettyOct 20 05:46
s-521 retweeted by    interesting so far!!!Oct 20 05:46
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 05:46
s-521........................................ 20 05:46
s-521@wikileaks       MEDIASTAN free tonight: US, Canada, Ireland,Oct 20 06:00
s-521                 Portugal, Estonia, LithuaniaOct 20 06:00
s-521        On demand worldwide:Oct 20 06:00
s-521        20 06:00
s-521........................................ 20 06:00 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 06:00
s-521@westerner222    @wikileaks Watched #MEDIASTAN .Good film. GreatOct 20 06:01
s-521 retweeted by    info. I hope everyone is alive and well. ThankOct 20 06:01
s-521 @wikileaks      you, filmmakers.Oct 20 06:01
s-521........................................ 20 06:01 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 20 06:01
s-521@ShadowHawk54    #MEDIASTAN by @wikileaks was excellent. YouOct 20 06:02
s-521 retweeted by    should definitely watch it.Oct 20 06:02
s-521 @wikileaks 20 06:02
s-521........................................ 20 06:02
s-521@Orlie_Roach     @wikileaks saw The Fifth Estate today and let'sOct 20 06:02
s-521 retweeted by    just say Mediastan wins hands down! #MEDIASTANOct 20 06:02
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 06:02
s-521........................................ 20 06:02
s-521@Liberationtech  US Embassies Used to Lobby on Behalf ofOct 20 06:03
s-521 retweeted by    American Companies, @Wikileaks ShowOct 20 06:03
s-521 @wikileaks 20 06:03
s-521........................................ 20 06:03 | 8 Ways WikiLeaks Cables About a Tiny Country Like Iceland Expose the Dark Depths of American Empire  | AlternetOct 20 06:03
s-521@everywhrjustice  Drop what you're doing, seriously, and watchOct 20 06:03
s-521 retweeted by    the @wikileaks movie #MEDIASTAN tonight in theOct 20 06:03
s-521 @wikileaks      US/Canada for FREE here:Oct 20 06:03
s-521        20 06:03
s-521........................................ 20 06:03 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 20 06:03
s-521@SeanMcElwee     #MEDIASTAN is great! Learn about the horrors ofOct 20 06:11
s-521 retweeted by    american foreign policy.Oct 20 06:11
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 06:11
s-521........................................ 20 06:11
s-521@JGiada          I believe you should watch #MediaSTAN free onOct 20 06:12
s-521 retweeted by    YouTube and mindblowingOct 20 06:12
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 20 06:12
s-521........................................ 20 06:12
s-521@bradenbuhler    Just finished the @wikileaks documentaryOct 20 06:12
s-521 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN and I just, wow. I feel like its aOct 20 06:12
s-521 @wikileaks      battle for the greater good and no one wants toOct 20 06:12
s-521                 fightOct 20 06:12
s-521........................................ 20 06:12
schestowitz_bed2 20 06:45 Wiki-PR conducting "a concerted attack" on Wikipedia #pr and #marketing is the scum of the EarthOct 20 06:45
TechrightsSocial-> | Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2013-10-16/News and notes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Oct 20 06:45
schestowitz_bed2"link does not seem to work for me ......"Oct 20 06:46
schestowitz_bed2 20 06:47 Looking into the possibility of moving #techrights to #drupal and doing a large overhaulOct 20 06:47
schestowitz_bed2"Drupal is cool. Do it :)"Oct 20 06:47
schestowitz_bed2"Be careful about that."Oct 20 06:47
schestowitz_bed2Having thought about the ramifications for an hour yesterday, this suggestion, which came from a friend, seems to have been relegated. It's too much trouble for too little gain.Oct 20 06:54
schestowitz_bed2"Drupal is recommendable. It's a powerful CMS...'Oct 20 06:55
schestowitz_bed2"The UK has just experienced the coldest March since 1962, and England its fourth-coldest since records began in 1910, according to the Met Office."Oct 20 06:58
schestowitz_bed2"From 1-26 March the UK mean temperature was 2.5C - three degrees below the long-term average. "Oct 20 06:58
schestowitz_bed2"Get ready for Freezing February! Temperatures set to plunge to -11C as ice and snow transform countryside in scenes of breathtaking beauty"Oct 20 06:59
schestowitz_bed2reuters days ago:Oct 20 07:01
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 20 07:02
schestowitz_bed2Britain could see widespread power blackouts during next year's winter if a series of unforeseen events such as a cold snap or unplanned station outages occurs simultaneously, a report for an advisory body to the prime minister warned on Thursday.Oct 20 07:02
schestowitz_bed2Britain's power capacity margin, which is the production capacity available above demand levels, is expected to be dangerously low in the winter of 2014/15, an engineering report for the Council for Science and Technology said.Oct 20 07:02
schestowitz_bed2Britain's energy regulator Ofgem and network operator National Grid have also warned of shrinking margins and in response are creating tools aimed at reducing peak demand.Oct 20 07:02
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 20 07:02
schestowitz_bed2"Over the coming year, Britain faces further closures of coal- and oil-fired power plants to comply with pollution laws.'Oct 20 07:02
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 20 07:04
*schestowitz_log has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 20 07:04
schestowitz_bed2 20 07:05
schestowitz_bed2"The winter of 1946–1947 was a harsh European winter noted for its effects in the United Kingdom. The UK experienced several cold spells, beginning on 21 January 1947, bringing large drifts of snow to the country, which caused roads and railways to be blocked. Coal supplies, already low following the Second World War, struggled to get through to power stations and many stations were forced to shut down for lack of fuelOct 20 07:05 | Winter of 1946–47 in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Oct 20 07:05
schestowitz_bed2 'Oct 20 07:05
schestowitz_bed2"Mid-March brought milder air to the country which thawed the snow lying on the ground. This snowmelt ran off the frozen ground straight into rivers and caused widespread flooding. More than 100,000 properties were affected and the Army and foreign aid agencies were forced to provide humanitarian aid. With the cold weather over and the ground thawing there were no further weather problems. The winter had severe effects Oct 20 07:06
schestowitz_bed2on British industries with around 10% of the year's industrial production lost, cereal and potato crops down 10–20% and one quarter of sheep stocks lost. The ruling Labour Party began to lose popularity which led to their loss of a large number of seats to the Conservative Party in the 1950 election."Oct 20 07:06
s-521@slashdot        Teachers Get 1 Week To Test Tech Giants' HourOct 20 07:21
s-521                 of Code 20 07:21
s-521........................................ 20 07:21 | Teachers Get 1 Week To Test Tech Giants' Hour of Code - SlashdotOct 20 07:21
s-521@wikileaks       Only a few more hours to watch WikiLeaksOct 20 08:51
s-521                 MEDIASTAN for FREE in US, Canada, Ireland,Oct 20 08:51
s-521                 Portugal, Estonia, LithuaniaOct 20 08:51
s-521        20 08:51
s-521........................................ 20 08:51 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 08:51
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks road movie MEDIASTAN is availableOct 20 08:53
s-521                 worldwide on demand: 20 08:53
s-521                 more: 20 08:53
s-521........................................ 20 08:53 | Journeyman Pictures : documentaries : Mediastan (HD)Oct 20 08:53 | Press Release: US Release of Mediastan - WikiLeaks’ Fifth Estate ChallengerOct 20 08:53
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 20 09:10
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Oct 20 09:10
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 20 09:10
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 20 09:10
s-521@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 131019 -Oct 20 09:21
s-521        yesterday's tweets as aOct 20 09:21
s-521                 single Web page #MMDDOct 20 09:21
s-521........................................ 20 09:21 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 131019Oct 20 09:21
s-521@brembs          Are Republicans anti-science? In this case, yesOct 20 09:27
s-521 retweeted by 20 09:27
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 09:27
s-521........................................ 20 09:27 | Are Republicans anti-science? In this case, yes | Richard Schiffman | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 20 09:27
s-521@glynmoody       Überwachung in Europa: EU-KommissarinOct 20 09:37
s-521                 kritisiert amerikanische und britische SpitzelOct 20 09:37
s-521                 scharf - good foOct 20 09:37
s-521                 @NeelieKroesEUOct 20 09:37
s-521........................................ 20 09:37 | NSA: EU-Kommissarin Neelie Kroes lobt Edward Snowdens Enthüllungen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 09:37
s-521@glynmoody       Loz Kaye Rounds off #PPUK13 Conference: "If WeOct 20 09:38
s-521                 don't Speak Out, Who Will" -Oct 20 09:38
s-521        well, indeedOct 20 09:38
s-521                 #piratepartyOct 20 09:38
s-521........................................ 20 09:38 | Loz Kaye Rounds off #PPUK13 Conference: "If We don't Speak Out, Who Will?" - Pirate Party UKOct 20 09:38
s-521@glynmoody       #Badger cull hit by legal challenge -Oct 20 09:38
s-521        "faces collapse":Oct 20 09:38
s-521                 "pilots have shown v clearly that approach isOct 20 09:38 | Badger cull hit by legal challenge | Environment | theguardian.comOct 20 09:38
s-521                 not effective"Oct 20 09:38
s-521........................................ 20 09:38
s-521@glynmoody       public indifference is the real enemy in theOct 20 09:41
s-521                 #NSA affair - ignoranceOct 20 09:41
s-521                 + a result of "terrorism" scaremongeringOct 20 09:41 | Edward Snowden: public indifference is the real enemy in the NSA affair | World news | The ObserverOct 20 09:41
s-521........................................ 20 09:41
s-521@glynmoody       you can contribute to Badger Trust's legalOct 20 09:42
s-521                 action against UK gov's anti-scientific cullOct 20 09:42
s-521                 here: I've given aOct 20 09:42
s-521                 mite...Oct 20 09:42
s-521........................................ 20 09:42
s-521@davidgerard     Precisely how and why Microsoft Word for MacOct 20 09:42
s-521                 6.0 sucked so much compared to 5.1a, from oneOct 20 09:42 | Badger TrustOct 20 09:42
s-521                 of its developers 20 09:42
s-521........................................ 20 09:42 | Mac Word 6.0Oct 20 09:42
s-521@drzarron        No matter how good your selfie is, it's not asOct 20 09:45
s-521 retweeted by    good as this one. (viaOct 20 09:45
TechrightsSocial@markromanek: No matter how good your selfie is, it's not as good as this one. 20 09:45
s-521 @glynmoody      @markromanek)Oct 20 09:45
s-521........................................ 20 09:45
s-521@ArjenKamphuis   @glynmoody Now were did we see this before...Oct 20 09:49
s-521 retweeted by O. There. And that didOct 20 09:49
s-521 @glynmoody      not end well. #NSA #privacy #repressionOct 20 09:49
s-521........................................ 20 09:49 | They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerptOct 20 09:49
s-521@Glinner         Guardian wins awards in US for its work onOct 20 09:51
s-521 retweeted by    state surveillance. Suck on that, Cameron.Oct 20 09:51
s-521 @glynmoody (via @ggreenwald )Oct 20 09:51
s-521........................................ 20 09:51 | Guardian, Boston Globe, AxisPhilly, Texas Tribune take home 2013 Online Journalism Awards - Online News AssociationOct 20 09:51
s-521@slashdot        Carbon-Negative Energy Machines Catching OnOct 20 10:24
s-521        20 10:24
s-521........................................ 20 10:24 | Carbon-Negative Energy Machines Catching On - SlashdotOct 20 10:24
s-521@glynmoody       UK grants £500K funds to bring #3Dprinters toOct 20 10:39
s-521                 60 schools - sensible,Oct 20 10:39
s-521                 but ought to be #RapRaps (v @eellak @karounos)Oct 20 10:39
s-521........................................ 20 10:39 | UK grants £500K funds to bring 3D printers to 60 schools | B3dgeableOct 20 10:39
s-521@davidgerard     Scrum-English Dictionary: "end of sprint" =Oct 20 11:24
s-521                 "the product is now abandonware"Oct 20 11:24
s-521........................................ 20 11:24
s-521@glynmoody       Fresh Leak on US Spying: #NSA Accessed MexicanOct 20 11:32
s-521                 President's Email - NBOct 20 11:32
s-521                 metadata use here (v @botherder @e3i5) #mxOct 20 11:32
s-521........................................ 20 11:32 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 11:32
s-521@NoonanJoe       EU referendum today in San Marino. 33,000Oct 20 11:35
s-521 retweeted by    voters decide whether to apply to join.Oct 20 11:35
s-521 @glynmoody 20 11:35
s-521                 #SanMarino #EU #ReferendumOct 20 11:35 | IFES Election Guide | Elections: San Marino Referendum EU 2013Oct 20 11:35
s-521........................................ 20 11:35
s-521@ggreenwald      While the authoritarian UK press calls forOct 20 12:26
s-521 retweeted by    investigation of Guardian, it winsOct 20 12:26
s-521 @ioerror        investigative journalism awards in USOct 20 12:26
s-521        20 12:26
s-521........................................ 20 12:26 | Guardian, Boston Globe, AxisPhilly, Texas Tribune take home 2013 Online Journalism Awards - Online News AssociationOct 20 12:26
s-521@glynmoody       A psychological history of the #NSA -Oct 20 12:28
s-521        illuminating;Oct 20 12:28
s-521                 recommended (v @TeaWithCarl) #snowdenOct 20 12:28 | The Daily Dot - A psychological history of the NSAOct 20 12:28
s-521........................................ 20 12:28
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   #SCOTUS lacks jurisdiction over secret court &Oct 20 12:29
s-521                 NSA because Obama Admin opinion & exec fiatOct 20 12:29
s-521                 'law' trump Constitution?Oct 20 12:29
s-521        20 12:29 | Supreme Court shouldn't review NSA spying case, U.S. gov't says | PCWorldOct 20 12:29
s-521........................................ 20 12:29
s-521@SSK1ATX         If SCOTUS lacks jurisdiction to reviewOct 20 12:30
s-521 retweeted by    iterations of NSA law then where exactly is itOct 20 12:30
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  that I'm living? Bizarre times.Oct 20 12:30
s-521        20 12:30
s-521........................................ 20 12:30
s-521@SSK1ATX         If SCOTUS lacks jurisdiction to reviewOct 20 12:31
s-521 retweeted by    iterations of NSA law then where exactly is itOct 20 12:31
s-521 @ioerror        that I'm living? Bizarre times.Oct 20 12:31
s-521        20 12:31
s-521........................................ 20 12:31
s-521@quinnnorton     NSA/GCHQ violate intl law and treaties, as wellOct 20 12:33
s-521 retweeted by    as basic human decency any 6yr old canOct 20 12:33
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  understand: 20 12:33
s-521........................................ 20 12:33 | Martin Scheinin: U.S., U.K. surveillance programs violate ICCPR.Oct 20 12:33
s-521@ioerror         Supreme Court shouldn't review #NSA spyingOct 20 12:37
s-521                 case, U.S. gov't says: 20 12:37
s-521                 What the?Oct 20 12:37
s-521........................................ 20 12:37
s-521@ioerror         The World’s Policeman Is Looking Mighty Guilty:Oct 20 12:37
s-521        20 12:37
s-521........................................ 20 12:37
s-521@AndrewJFowler   Excellent analysis on protecting sources  postOct 20 12:38
s-521 retweeted by    Snowden's revelations 20 12:38
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  @suigenerisjen @latingle @ElouiseFowlerOct 20 12:38
s-521........................................ 20 12:38 | No more sources | openDemocracyOct 20 12:38
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   NSA surveils President of Mexico. Tip of muchOct 20 12:50
s-521                 larger diplomatic spyberg melt? Foreign friendsOct 20 12:50
s-521                 & allies plus citizens? 20 12:50
s-521........................................ 20 12:50 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 12:50
s-521@slashdot        The Battle For the Game Industry's SoulOct 20 13:25
s-521        20 13:25
s-521........................................ 20 13:25 | The Battle For the Game Industry's Soul - SlashdotOct 20 13:25
s-521@linuxtoday      Cyber-Attacks: Where Are They Coming From? AndOct 20 14:07
s-521                 Where Are They Going?: eWEEK: Cyber-attacksOct 20 14:07
s-521                 have become commonp... 20 14:07
s-521........................................ 20 14:07 | Linux Today - Cyber-Attacks: Where Are They Coming From? And Where Are They Going?Oct 20 14:07
s-521@schestowitz     Experimenting with #drupal for #techrights --Oct 20 14:10
s-521                 tentative address to be published later. TheOct 20 14:10
s-521                 seventh version much better than predecessors.Oct 20 14:10
s-521........................................ 20 14:10
s-521@davidgerard     DSM-5 reviewed as a novel.Oct 20 14:13
s-521        "If the novel has anOct 20 14:13
s-521                 overbearing literary influence, it’sOct 20 14:13
s-521                 undoubtedly Jorge Luis Borges."Oct 20 14:14
s-521........................................ 20 14:14 | Book of Lamentations – The New InquiryOct 20 14:14
s-521@slashdot        Debunking the Lorentz System As a Framework ForOct 20 14:25
s-521                 Human Emotions 20 14:25
s-521........................................ 20 14:25 | Debunking the Lorentz System As a Framework For Human Emotions - SlashdotOct 20 14:25
s-521@davidgerard     Rocknerd: A review of the DSM-5 as a dystopianOct 20 14:25
s-521                 novel. 20 14:25
s-521........................................ 20 14:25 | Rocknerd  » Blog Archive   » A review of the DSM-5 as a dystopian novel.Oct 20 14:25
s-521@davidgerard     Hands up all those who even knew that TwitterOct 20 14:29
s-521                 had a music app to kill off.Oct 20 14:29
s-521        20 14:29 | Twitter to Kill Twitter Music App iOS Android - Mike Isaac - Social - AllThingsDOct 20 14:29
s-521........................................ 20 14:29
s-521@glynmoody       Why have young people in #Japan stopped havingOct 20 14:41
s-521                 sex? - fascinating ifOct 20 14:41
s-521                 somewhat troubling...Oct 20 14:41 | Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The ObserverOct 20 14:41
s-521........................................ 20 14:41
s-521@lrtpublicity    Price of ebooks in Britain expected to plummetOct 20 14:45
s-521 retweeted by    following vote in Brussels that could cut VATOct 20 14:45
s-521 @glynmoody      on them from 20% to zero 20 14:45
s-521........................................ 20 14:45 | Price of ebooks to plunge as EU orders cut in VAT  | This is MoneyOct 20 14:45
s-521@buissonnierem   #TPPA: Malaysians worried about TRIPS-plusOct 20 14:46
s-521 retweeted by    provisions that could prevent meds from beingOct 20 14:46
s-521 @glynmoody      accessible to patients 20 14:46
s-521                 #A2MOct 20 14:46
s-521........................................ 20 14:46 | An all-American puppet show: TPPA and Medicines - Fifa Rahman -  The Malaysian InsiderOct 20 14:46
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   AP CEO: free & independent pressOct 20 15:03
s-521                 "differentiates democracy from dictatorship;Oct 20 15:03
s-521                 separates a free society from tyranny"Oct 20 15:03
s-521        20 15:03
s-521........................................ 20 15:03 | AP News: AP CEO: Press freedom v. security a 'false choice'Oct 20 15:03
s-521@csoghoian       NSA/Mexico spying story includes rare referenceOct 20 15:12
s-521                 to secretive NSA/CIA "Special CollectionOct 20 15:12
s-521                 Service" (SCS) embassy unitOct 20 15:12
s-521        20 15:12
s-521........................................ 20 15:12
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Spiegel reveals new info from Snowden on NSA infiltration of Mexican president's email acct: 20 15:12
TechrightsSocial-> | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 15:12
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Spiegel reveals new info from Snowden on NSA infiltration of Mexican president's email acct: 20 15:12
s-521@_wirepair       Congratulations on your device purchase!Oct 20 15:16
s-521 retweeted by    Would you like:Oct 20 15:16
s-521 @csoghoian      A. A US Backdoor.Oct 20 15:16
s-521                 B. A Chinese Backdoor.Oct 20 15:16
s-521                 C. A Vendor Backdoor.Oct 20 15:16
s-521........................................ 20 15:16
s-521@davidgerard     A eulogy for Jamie Delano's originalOct 20 15:22
s-521                 Hellblazer, a horror comic about neoliberalismOct 20 15:22
s-521        20 15:22
s-521........................................ 20 15:22 | The Devil You Know – The New InquiryOct 20 15:22
s-521@jimray          “Can you believe the salary these BART guys getOct 20 15:23
s-521 retweeted by    to drive a train?” —someone whose job is makingOct 20 15:23
s-521 @davidgerard    internet ads more clickable.Oct 20 15:23
s-521........................................ 20 15:23
s-521@csoghoian       NSA has capability to intercept Mexican cellOct 20 15:25
s-521                 phone conversations and text messages,Oct 20 15:25
s-521                 codenamed operation Eveningeasel.Oct 20 15:25
s-521        20 15:25
s-521........................................ 20 15:25
s-521@PeteForsyth     CERN changes the license for its photos to CCOct 20 15:25
s-521 retweeted by    BY-SA, explicitly mentioning Wikipedia use as aOct 20 15:25
s-521 @davidgerard    benefit: 20 15:25
s-521........................................ 20 15:25 | CERN releases photos under a Creative Commons licence | CERNOct 20 15:25
s-521@csoghoian       Please, please let the NSA have hacked Mexico'sOct 20 15:26
s-521                 law enforcement cell phone surveillance system.Oct 20 15:26
s-521                 Most likely scenario, and most ironic.Oct 20 15:26
s-521........................................ 20 15:26
s-521@csoghoian       1. US mandates interception features inOct 20 15:28
s-521                 telephone switches. 2. Foreign telcos buy gearOct 20 15:28
s-521                 w/ intercept features. 3. US hacks gear. 4. SpyOct 20 15:28
s-521                 win!Oct 20 15:28
s-521........................................ 20 15:28
s-521@davidgerard     Showing you this map of aggregated bullfrogOct 20 15:28
s-521                 occurrences would be illegalOct 20 15:28
s-521        Same problem: @skud'sOct 20 15:28
s-521        20 15:28
s-521........................................ 20 15:28 | Showing you this map of aggregated bullfrog occurrences would be illegal - Peter DesmetOct 20 15:28
TechrightsSocial ( status 500 @ )Oct 20 15:29
s-521@slashdot        The Cost of the US Government Shutdown ToOct 20 15:31
s-521                 Science 20 15:31
s-521........................................ 20 15:31 | The Cost of the US Government Shutdown To Science - SlashdotOct 20 15:31
s-521@ColMorrisDavis  Irony: In my lawsuit DOJ portrays me as pondOct 20 15:32
s-521 retweeted by    scum, but DOJ relied upon my veracity to winOct 20 15:32
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  this case.  Go figure. 20 15:32
s-521........................................ 20 15:32
s-521@glynmoody       #Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not 2Oct 20 15:40
s-521                 attack Guardian - "leaksOct 20 15:40
s-521                 should not have 'a chilling effect on theOct 20 15:40 | Edward Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not to attack the Guardian | Patrick Wintour | World news | theguardian.comOct 20 15:40
s-521                 press'."Oct 20 15:40
s-521........................................ 20 15:40
s-521@NichiHodgson    FYI-anyone looking for topless pics of GloriaOct 20 15:43
s-521 retweeted by    de Piero:downloading under 18 toplessOct 20 15:43
s-521 @glynmoody      constitutes child abuse under England/WalesOct 20 15:43
s-521                 law. Don’t.Oct 20 15:43
s-521........................................ 20 15:43
s-521@africatechie    Rwanda rolls out free wireless in bid forOct 20 15:46
s-521 retweeted by    business boom 20 15:46
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 15:46
s-521........................................ 20 15:46 | Rwanda rolls out free wireless in bid for business boom | GlobalPostOct 20 15:46
s-521@doctorow        #Please use fan fiction responsibly#do not readOct 20 15:57
s-521                 while operating heavy machinery#side effectsOct 20 15:57
s-521                 for fanfiction i… 20 15:57
s-521........................................ 20 15:57 | Cory Doctorow: #Please use fan fiction responsibly#do not read...Oct 20 15:57
s-521@doctorow        Half-pound Reese's cups! rstevens: quick quickOct 20 16:05
s-521                 guess what country I’m I’m.Oct 20 16:05
s-521        20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | InstagramOct 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: rstevens:  quick quick guess what country I’m...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        m1k3y: If Facebook staffers opt to move in toOct 20 16:05
s-521                 work, they’ll be getting a very sweet deal outOct 20 16:05
s-521                 of it: the Anton… 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: m1k3y:  If Facebook staffers opt to move in to...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        meme4u: I AM VENGEANCEOct 20 16:05
s-521                 I AM THE NIGHTOct 20 16:05
s-521                 I AM PRINCESS BATMAN 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: meme4u:  I AM VENGEANCE  I AM THE NIGHT  I AM...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        "There are some themes, some subjects, tooOct 20 16:05
s-521                 large for adult fiction; they can only be dealtOct 20 16:05
s-521                 with..." 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: There are some themes, some subjects, too large...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        "In every generation, children’s books mirrorOct 20 16:05
s-521                 the society from which they arise; childrenOct 20 16:05
s-521                 always get the..." 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: In every generation, children’s books mirror the...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        suan-sarandon: "The Rocky Horror Picture ShowOct 20 16:05
s-521                 is one of the best musical movies ever. I did aOct 20 16:05
s-521                 series of portr… 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: suan-sarandon:  "The Rocky Horror Picture Show is...Oct 20 16:05
s-521@doctorow        "Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend.Oct 20 16:05
s-521                 Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read." -Oct 20 16:05
s-521                 Groucho Marx (via... 20 16:05
s-521........................................ 20 16:05 | Cory Doctorow: “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend....Oct 20 16:05
s-521@tripalong       The first known photo of #Paris. 1839. Thx forOct 20 16:08
s-521 retweeted by    sharing @parisavant 20 16:08
TechrightsSocial@parisavant: La 1ere photo existante de Paris : 1839 ! 20 16:08
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 16:08
s-521........................................ 20 16:08
s-521@glynmoody       Beijing's #pollution clean-up plan will costOct 20 16:11
s-521                 almost a trillion yuan - 20 16:11
s-521                 cheap at the price #chinaOct 20 16:11
s-521........................................ 20 16:11 | Beijing's pollution clean-up plan will cost almost a trillion yuan: ShanghaiistOct 20 16:11
s-521@slashdot        Building an Opt-In SocietyOct 20 16:27
s-521        20 16:27
s-521........................................ 20 16:27 | Building an Opt-In Society - SlashdotOct 20 16:27
s-521@umairh          LOLLLLL “@giteshpandya: #FifthEstate utterlyOct 20 16:28
s-521                 rejected by US auds. Opens to pitiful $1.7M,Oct 20 16:28
s-521                 avg below $1k. Oscar chances 0.”Oct 20 16:28
s-521........................................ 20 16:28
s-521@umairh          Because love is a luxury. “@pdanahar: Why haveOct 20 16:32
s-521                 people in Japan stopped having sex?Oct 20 16:32
s-521        via @katebt3000”Oct 20 16:32
s-521........................................ 20 16:32 | Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The ObserverOct 20 16:32
s-521@umairh          Nobody cares that nobody cares becauseOct 20 16:34
s-521                 everyone's scared of everyone.“@shobz: @umairhOct 20 16:34
s-521                 not surprised :)”Oct 20 16:34
s-521........................................ 20 16:34
s-521@casey08         @doctorow FYI 20 16:35 | vands88 (Somehow the injustice of unsourced art only hit me...)Oct 20 16:35
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 20 16:35
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 20 16:35
s-521........................................ 20 16:35
s-521@umairh          The inability to love is true slavery.Oct 20 16:36
s-521........................................ 20 16:36
s-521@doctorow        "There’s something very odd about a world inOct 20 16:43
s-521                 which it’s easier to imagine a futuristicOct 20 16:43
s-521                 technology that..." 20 16:43
s-521........................................ 20 16:43 | Cory Doctorow: There’s something very odd about a world in which...Oct 20 16:43
s-521@glynmoody       .@degewa releases book on TibetanOct 20 16:44
s-521                 self-immolators featuring illustrations byOct 20 16:44
s-521                 .@aiww - in French...Oct 20 16:44
s-521........................................ 20 16:44 | Tsering Woeser releases book on Tibetan self-immolators featuring illustrations by Ai Weiwei: ShanghaiistOct 20 16:44
s-521@IanBrownOII     @csoghoian Here's a list of 17 other countriesOct 20 16:45
s-521 retweeted by    that have their own interception capabilityOct 20 16:45
s-521 @csoghoian      mandates: 20 16:45
s-521........................................ 20 16:45 | Lawful Interception Capability RequirementsOct 20 16:45
s-521@HowToEnjoyBLFST  RT @gmcmahon: Open Access Colloquium, Queen'sOct 20 16:46
s-521 retweeted by    University Belfast, 21 Oct. 2013.Oct 20 16:46
s-521 @glynmoody #OAWeek #QUBOA #OAW2013Oct 20 16:46
s-521                 #OAWOct 20 16:46
s-521........................................ 20 16:46 | Queen's University Belfast | Information Services | Open Access ColloquiumOct 20 16:46
s-521@glynmoody       Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements andOct 20 16:53
s-521                 capacity problems - 20 16:53
s-521                 interesting metaphor: Hillary’s StepOct 20 16:53 | Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements and capacity problems | ... My heart’s in AccraOct 20 16:53
s-521........................................ 20 16:53
s-521@glynmoody       The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making BigOct 20 16:55
s-521                 Strides In Energy Efficiency -Oct 20 16:55
s-521        something carbonOct 20 16:55
s-521                 companies ignoreOct 20 16:55
s-521........................................ 20 16:55 | The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making Big Strides In Energy Efficiency | ThinkProgressOct 20 16:55
s-521@glynmoody       open letter to the European Commission’s ChiefOct 20 16:57
s-521                 Scientist - 20 16:57
s-521                 "science-based" regulations must offerOct 20 16:57
s-521                 #opendataOct 20 16:57
s-521........................................ 20 16:57 | Looking for real transparency – an open letter to the European Commission’s Chief Scientist | Corporate Europe ObservatoryOct 20 16:57
s-521@RichardJWood    A home surveillance camera captures DallasOct 20 16:58
s-521 retweeted by    police officer opening fire on mentally ill manOct 20 16:58
s-521 @glynmoody      without any provocation. |Oct 20 16:58
s-521        20 16:58
s-521........................................ 20 16:58 | RAW: Dallas Cops Shoot Unarmed Mentally Ill Man Standing in the Street!! - YouTubeOct 20 16:58
s-521@glynmoody       EU, Canada inch forward towards trade deal -Oct 20 17:00
s-521        time to release theOct 20 17:00
s-521                 text, no? #transparency #cetaOct 20 17:00
s-521........................................ 20 17:00 | EU, Canada inch forward towards trade deal | EurActivOct 20 17:00
s-521@glynmoody       7 Horrifying Things About the US Chicken YouOct 20 17:01
s-521                 Eat - #TAFTA/#TTIP couldOct 20 17:01
s-521                 bring this to lucky #EUOct 20 17:01
s-521........................................ 20 17:01 | 7 Horrifying Things About the Chicken You Eat | AlternetOct 20 17:02
s-521@avilarenata     Fresh Leak on US Spying: NSA Accessed MexicanOct 20 17:02
s-521 retweeted by    President's Email by Laura Poitras et alOct 20 17:02
s-521 @ioerror 20 17:02
s-521........................................ 20 17:02 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 17:02
s-521@BoingBoing      NSA hacked email of Mexican president andOct 20 17:03
s-521 retweeted by    drug-war reformers 20 17:03
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 20 17:03
s-521........................................ 20 17:03 | NO TITLEOct 20 17:03
s-521@ioerror         Der Spiegel does it again - Fresh Leak on USOct 20 17:05
s-521                 Spying: NSA Accessed Mexican President's EmailOct 20 17:05
s-521        20 17:05
s-521........................................ 20 17:05 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 17:05
s-521@BoingBoing      NSA hacked email of Mexican president andOct 20 17:06
s-521 retweeted by    drug-war reformers 20 17:06
s-521 @qu1j0t3        Oct 20 17:06
s-521........................................ 20 17:06
s-521@avilarenata     I bet #Mexico and #Colombia signed an agreementOct 20 17:06
s-521 retweeted by    with NSA / DEA similar to the Israeli one.Oct 20 17:06
s-521 @ioerror        Thats why they are quiet.Oct 20 17:06
s-521        20 17:06
s-521........................................ 20 17:06 | NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel | World news | The GuardianOct 20 17:06
s-521@emptywheel      If I had 10 interns, I'd figure out how manyOct 20 17:08
s-521 retweeted by    times Keith Alexander has claimed his spying isOct 20 17:08
s-521 @ioerror        completely auditable during his tenure.Oct 20 17:08
s-521........................................ 20 17:08
s-521@slashdot        NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican PresidentOct 20 17:24
s-521        20 17:24
s-521........................................ 20 17:24 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SlashdotOct 20 17:24
s-521@avilarenata     November soon! My favorite Month! And I will beOct 20 17:25
s-521 retweeted by    in Germany! With my favorite EU citizen ever,Oct 20 17:25
s-521 @ioerror        the one and only @AngelaRichter_ And the Js!Oct 20 17:25
s-521........................................ 20 17:25
s-521@JourneymanVOD   The #MEDIASTAN free streaming period is over.Oct 20 17:30
s-521 retweeted by    If you missed it, or enjoyed it and want toOct 20 17:30
s-521 @wikileaks      watch again, head to 20 17:30
s-521........................................ 20 17:30 | - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 20 17:30
s-521@umairh          Dark AgesOct 20 17:31
s-521........................................ 20 17:31
s-521@MazMHussain     Toronto's middle class went from nearly 60% ofOct 20 17:34
s-521 retweeted by    households in the 70's to only 29% today. OnlyOct 20 17:34
s-521 @qu1j0t3        poor and rich grew: 20 17:34
s-521........................................ 20 17:34 | TheStarOct 20 17:34
s-521@schestowitz     Fresh Leak on US Spying: #NSA Accessed MexicanOct 20 17:35
s-521                 President's Email 20 17:35
s-521                 nothing to hide, nothing to fear? #espionageOct 20 17:35
s-521........................................ 20 17:35 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 17:35
s-521@dmrider         Clr Mammoliti and @TOMayorFord announced aOct 20 17:36
s-521 retweeted by    homelessness task force that didn't - andOct 20 17:36
s-521 @qu1j0t3        doesn't - exist, reveals @ddale8Oct 20 17:36
s-521        20 17:36 | Rob Ford and the disappearing homelessness task force | Toronto StarOct 20 17:36
s-521........................................ 20 17:36
s-521@wikileaks       Deadline: Anti-WikiLeaks movie 'Fifth Estate'Oct 20 17:42
s-521                 'flops' 20 17:42
s-521........................................ 20 17:42 | Box Office -- 'Carrie' Battles 'Gravity' For Top SpotOct 20 17:42
s-521@glynmoody       Libyan politician to fight UK attempt 2 keepOct 20 17:43
s-521                 role in his rendition secret -Oct 20 17:43
s-521        UK gov are shabbyOct 20 17:43
s-521                 cowards (v @Asher_Wolf)Oct 20 17:43 | Libyan politician to fight UK attempt to keep role in his rendition secret | World news | The GuardianOct 20 17:43
s-521........................................ 20 17:43
s-521@wikileaks       ACLU: On the prospect of blackmail by the NSAOct 20 17:50
s-521        20 17:50
s-521                 #nsa #snowdenOct 20 17:50
s-521........................................ 20 17:50 | On the Prospect of Blackmail by the NSA | American Civil Liberties UnionOct 20 17:50 | Free Edward SnowdenOct 20 17:50
s-521@IDS_MP          My salary is £65,000 a year. After petrol, foodOct 20 17:53
s-521 retweeted by    and housing are deducted I'm only left withOct 20 17:53
s-521 @glynmoody      £65,000 a year. I deserve an 11% pay rise.Oct 20 17:53
s-521........................................ 20 17:53
s-521@AdamGhetti      Almost $45k raised to do a public, openOct 20 17:53
s-521 retweeted by    sourced, professional audit of TrueCrypt.Oct 20 17:53
s-521 @glynmoody      Thanks @matthew_d_green and team.Oct 20 17:53
s-521        20 17:53 | Is TrueCrypt Audited Yet?Oct 20 17:53
s-521........................................ 20 17:53
s-521@wikileaks       Obama administration tells Supreme Court to notOct 20 17:58
s-521                 take NSA mass surveillance caseOct 20 17:58
s-521        20 17:58
s-521                 #nsa #snowdenOct 20 17:58
s-521........................................ 20 17:58 | US asks top court not to take case on NSA cyber-snoopingOct 20 17:58
qu1j0t3schestowitz_bed2: 20 18:03
s-521@e3i5            Looking for authoritative statements (as muchOct 20 18:17
s-521 retweeted by    as anything can be) on why mass surveillanceOct 20 18:17
s-521 @glynmoody      harms "Internet Freedom."Oct 20 18:17
s-521........................................ 20 18:17
s-521@ceasey0xoogurl  #NSA goal: "Own the Internet" @Thomas_Drake1Oct 20 18:18
s-521 retweeted by    #Snowden GREAT ARTICLE 20 18:18 | The Daily Dot - A psychological history of the NSAOct 20 18:18
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 18:18
s-521........................................ 20 18:18
s-521@slashdot        How You Too Can Be Shut Down By the Feds ForOct 20 18:18
s-521                 Flying Drones 20 18:18
s-521........................................ 20 18:18 | How You Too Can Be Shut Down By the Feds For Flying Drones - SlashdotOct 20 18:18
s-521@CNNReliable     .@Thomas_Drake1 to @davidfolkenflik onOct 20 18:19
s-521 retweeted by    @CNNReliable "We don't need to violateOct 20 18:19
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  liberties for security." #CNN #whistleblowingOct 20 18:19
s-521........................................ 20 18:19
s-521@GrungeJunkie385  @Thomas_Drake1 that's why the press is the ONLYOct 20 18:19
s-521 retweeted by    Constitutionally protected business. ByOct 20 18:19
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  necessity. No free speech no freedomOct 20 18:19
s-521........................................ 20 18:19
s-521@wikileaks       Box office disaster: anti-WikiLeaks film 'FifthOct 20 18:27
s-521                 Estate' biggest flop of entire yearOct 20 18:27
s-521        20 18:27
s-521........................................ 20 18:27 | Box office disaster: Benedict Cumberbatch's 'The Fifth Estate' bombs | Inside Movies | EW.comOct 20 18:27
s-521@wikileaks       Hilarious review of 'The Fifth Estate' by theOct 20 18:30
s-521                 people who were there 20 18:30
s-521........................................ 20 18:30 | What do Julian Assange's Friends think about The Fifth Estate? - YouTubeOct 20 18:30
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "Until such evidence is provided" Obama AdminOct 20 18:32
s-521                 "only eroding the trust of the citizens it isOct 20 18:32
s-521                 claiming to protect"Oct 20 18:32
s-521        20 18:32
s-521........................................ 20 18:32 | The NSA Isn't Foiling Terrorist PlotsOct 20 18:32
s-521@ArarMaher       Spying is becoming an organized governmentOct 20 18:33
s-521 retweeted by    religion.Oct 20 18:33
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 20 18:33
s-521........................................ 20 18:33
s-521@astepanovich    Call to Action: RSVP to @EPICprivacy's cryptoOct 20 18:39
s-521 retweeted by    party on 10/25> Also,Oct 20 18:39 | Crypto PartyOct 20 18:39
s-521 @ioerror        @stopwatchingus rally> 20 18:39
s-521........................................ 20 18:39 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 20 18:39
s-521@SPIEGEL_English  NSA hacked into Mexican president's email,Oct 20 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    document leaked by Edward Snowden shows: Oct 20 18:46
s-521 @ioerror 20 18:46
s-521........................................ 20 18:46 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 18:46
s-521@wikileaks       Assange three weeks ago: "[Fifth Estate] willOct 20 19:01
s-521                 flop at the box office and deservedly so."Oct 20 19:01
s-521        20 19:01
s-521........................................ 20 19:01 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 20 19:01 | Julian Assange to the Hollywood Foreign Press: "The Fifth Estate' Is Going to Fail' (Exclusive) - TheWrapOct 20 19:01
s-521@wikileaks       Assange to #Cumberbatch ten months ago: "thisOct 20 19:04
s-521                 is not a good film" "reconsider yourOct 20 19:04
s-521                 involvement in this enterprise."Oct 20 19:04
s-521        20 19:04
s-521........................................ 20 19:04 | First Letter from Julian Assange to Benedict Cumberbatch Over The Fifth EstateOct 20 19:04
s-521@slashdot        Scientists Say Climate Change Is Damaging IowaOct 20 19:13
s-521                 Agriculture 20 19:13
s-521........................................ 20 19:13 | Scientists Say Climate Change Is Damaging Iowa Agriculture - SlashdotOct 20 19:13
s-521@syke            Nigerian Gay Activist Flees To New York AfterOct 20 19:13
s-521 retweeted by    Outed In 'Washington Post' ArticleOct 20 19:13
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:13
s-521........................................ 20 19:13 | Nigerian Gay Activist Flees To New York After Outed In 'Washington Post' Article| Gay News | TowleroadOct 20 19:13
s-521@SaveManning     Chelsea Manning wins 2013 award for 'a heroic,Oct 20 19:13
s-521 retweeted by    sustained and selfless effort to support theOct 20 19:13
s-521 @ioerror        cause of liberty" 20 19:13
s-521........................................ 20 19:13 | Libertarian Party of Connecticut | Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom «  Libertarian Party of ConnecticutOct 20 19:13
s-521@ioerror         The Fifth Estate isn't already available viaOct 20 19:16
s-521                 Bittorrent? That is remarkable. What releasedOct 20 19:16
s-521                 film is such a failure that it can't beOct 20 19:16
s-521                 pirated?Oct 20 19:16
s-521........................................ 20 19:16
s-521@washingtonpost  Afghan war’s approaching end throws legalOct 20 19:22
s-521 retweeted by    status of Guantanamo detainees into doubtOct 20 19:22
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:22
s-521........................................ 20 19:22 | Afghan war’s approaching end throws legal status of Guantanamo detainees into doubt - The Washington PostOct 20 19:22
s-521@umairh          This is an age so obsessed with the future, itOct 20 19:22
s-521                 forgot the present.Oct 20 19:22
s-521........................................ 20 19:22
s-521@wikileaks       Obama administration tells Supreme Court to notOct 20 19:24
s-521 retweeted by    take NSA mass surveillance caseOct 20 19:24
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:24
s-521                 #nsa #snowdenOct 20 19:24
s-521........................................ 20 19:24 | US asks top court not to take case on NSA cyber-snoopingOct 20 19:24 | Free Edward SnowdenOct 20 19:24
s-521@qu1j0t3         Answer by Bahram Joeharshamshiri to What do youOct 20 19:29
s-521                 think every foreigner must know about Iran?Oct 20 19:29
s-521        20 19:29
s-521........................................ 20 19:29 | Bahram Joeharshamshiri's answer to General Knowledge: What do you think every foreigner must know about your country? - QuoraOct 20 19:29
s-521@accessnow       This will be the single largest protest yetOct 20 19:38
s-521 retweeted by    against mass NSA surveillance. Don't miss it.Oct 20 19:38
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:38
s-521........................................ 20 19:38 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 20 19:38
s-521@BoingBoing      The NSA hacked email of Mexican president andOct 20 19:38
s-521 retweeted by    drug-war reformers #Flatliquid #WhitetamaleOct 20 19:38
s-521 @ioerror 20 19:38
s-521........................................ 20 19:38 | NSA hacked email of Mexican president and drug-war reformers - Boing BoingOct 20 19:38
s-521@wikileaks       Sick of US Hollywood propaganda aboutOct 20 19:45
s-521                 WikiLeaks? Try 'Underground' torrent:Oct 20 19:45
s-521        itunes: Oct 20 19:45
s-521        20 19:45
s-521........................................ 20 19:45 | aXXo Movies Official | aXXoMovies  » Blog Archive   » Underground: The Julian Assange Story 2012Oct 20 19:45 | iTunes - Movies - Underground: The Julian Assange StoryOct 20 19:45
s-521@accessnow       This will be the single largest protest yetOct 20 19:47
s-521 retweeted by    against mass NSA surveillance. Don't miss it.Oct 20 19:47
s-521 @glynmoody 20 19:47
s-521........................................ 20 19:47
s-521@ioerror         The Fifth Estate isn't already available viaOct 20 19:47
s-521 retweeted by    Bittorrent? That is remarkable. What releasedOct 20 19:47
s-521 @wikileaks      film is such a failure that it can't beOct 20 19:47
s-521                 pirated?Oct 20 19:47
s-521........................................ 20 19:47
s-521@wikileaks       Sick of US Hollywood propaganda aboutOct 20 19:53
s-521                 WikiLeaks? Try 'Mediastan'Oct 20 19:53
s-521        (bottom of page)Oct 20 19:53
s-521                 torrent: 20 19:53
s-521........................................ 20 19:53 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 20 19:53 | Mediastan (download torrent) - TPBOct 20 19:53
s-521@SaveManning     Chelsea Manning wins 2013 award for 'a heroic,Oct 20 19:53
s-521 retweeted by    sustained and selfless effort to support theOct 20 19:53
s-521 @wikileaks      cause of liberty" 20 19:53
s-521........................................ 20 19:53 | Libertarian Party of Connecticut | Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom «  Libertarian Party of ConnecticutOct 20 19:53
s-521@SPIEGEL_English  NSA hacked into Mexican president's email,Oct 20 19:54
s-521 retweeted by    document leaked by Edward Snowden shows: Oct 20 19:54
s-521 @wikileaks 20 19:54
s-521........................................ 20 19:54 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 20 19:54
s-521@umairh          Go, corporate media! “@stevesilberman:Oct 20 19:59
s-521                 .@FoxNews employed network of sockpuppets toOct 20 19:59
s-521                 anti-Fox news coverage.”Oct 20 19:59
s-521........................................ 20 19:59 | Fox News Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts | Blog | Media Matters for AmericaOct 20 19:59
s-521@umairh          This is an age so obsessed with numbers, itOct 20 20:02
s-521                 forgot that they're supposed to mean something.Oct 20 20:02
s-521........................................ 20 20:02
s-521@umairh          We'll still be 'debating' this when ourOct 20 20:06
s-521                 grandkids are Morlocks in WalMartWorld.Oct 20 20:06
s-521                 “@AJHeadtoHead: Has #capitalism failed theOct 20 20:06
s-521                 world?"Oct 20 20:06
s-521........................................ 20 20:06
s-521@slashdot        Sleeper: LG G2 One of the Fastest AndroidOct 20 20:09
s-521                 Smartphones On the MarketOct 20 20:09
s-521        20 20:09
s-521........................................ 20 20:09 | Sleeper: LG G2 One of the Fastest Android Smartphones On the Market - SlashdotOct 20 20:09
s-521@ioerror         Apple’s Fingerprint ID May Mean You Can’t ‘TakeOct 20 20:10
s-521                 the Fifth’: 20 20:10
s-521........................................ 20 20:10 | Apple's Fingerprint ID May Mean You Can't 'Take the Fifth' | Wired Opinion | Wired.comOct 20 20:10
s-521@martintisne     A  41-YEAR-OLD native of Monaco increasinglyOct 20 20:11
s-521 retweeted by    looks to be to banking what Edward Snowden isOct 20 20:11
s-521 @ioerror        to American surveillance.Oct 20 20:11
s-521        20 20:11
s-521........................................ 20 20:11 | Banks and tax evasion: The fall-out from Falciani | The EconomistOct 20 20:11
s-521@georgemaschke   @ioerror Please see, "Is 20 20:12
s-521 retweeted by    Being Targeted by the NSA?"Oct 20 20:12
s-521 @ioerror 20 20:12
s-521........................................ 20 20:12
TechrightsSocial ( status 400 @ )Oct 20 20:12 | Is Being Targeted By the NSA? | NewsOct 20 20:12
s-521@ioerror         Is Being Targeted By theOct 20 20:12
s-521                 #NSA? 20 20:12
s-521........................................ 20 20:12
s-521@martintisne     A  41-YEAR-OLD native of Monaco increasinglyOct 20 20:13
s-521 retweeted by    looks to be to banking what Edward Snowden isOct 20 20:13
s-521 @glynmoody      to American surveillance.Oct 20 20:13
s-521        20 20:13
s-521........................................ 20 20:13
s-521@wikileaks       UK soldiers responsible for 'Bloody Sunday' mayOct 20 20:16
s-521                 face murder charges after 40 years suppression Oct 20 20:16
s-521        20 20:16 | Bloody Sunday British soldiers may face murder charges and criminal prosecution | Irish News | IrishCentralOct 20 20:16
s-521........................................ 20 20:16
s-521@martintisne     A  41-YEAR-OLD native of Monaco increasinglyOct 20 20:19
s-521 retweeted by    looks to be to banking what Edward Snowden isOct 20 20:19
s-521 @wikileaks      to American surveillance.Oct 20 20:19
s-521        20 20:19
s-521........................................ 20 20:19
s-521@schestowitz     Site Refactoring at #techrightsOct 20 20:24
s-521        this will keep me busyOct 20 20:24
s-521                 in the coming days/weeksOct 20 20:24
s-521........................................ 20 20:24 | Site Refactoring | TechrightsOct 20 20:24
s-521@techdirt        Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The WeekOct 20 20:25
s-521                 At Techdirt 20 20:25
s-521........................................ 20 20:25 | Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | TechdirtOct 20 20:25
s-521@RationalWiki    The wiki is currently severely buggered. VeryOct 20 20:26
s-521 retweeted by    slow, CSS wrong, our customisations haveOct 20 20:26
s-521 @davidgerard    disappeared. Investigating.Oct 20 20:26
s-521........................................ 20 20:26
qu1j0t3RationalWiki ... is that the lesswrong people?Oct 20 20:27
s-521@Salon           "The world's biggest detention center":Oct 20 20:29
s-521 retweeted by    @MaxBlumenthal on Israel's plan toOct 20 20:29
s-521 @glynmoody      "concentrate" 40,000 BedouinsOct 20 20:29
s-521        20 20:29
s-521........................................ 20 20:29 | Israel’s other anti-Arab purge - Salon.comOct 20 20:29
s-521@ggreenwald      Coalition of privacy and civil liberties groupsOct 20 20:33
s-521 retweeted by    will hold anti-surveillance rally in DC nextOct 20 20:33
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Saturday, Oct 26 20 20:33
s-521........................................ 20 20:33 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 20 20:33
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "In a nation nicknamed the “graveyard ofOct 20 20:38
s-521                 empires,” foreign forces are remembered forOct 20 20:38
s-521                 what they leave behind." 20 20:38 | With U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, American military gear sold as scrap - The Washington PostOct 20 20:38
s-521........................................ 20 20:38
s-521@schestowitz     The interface & signup process at #drupalOct 20 20:38
s-521                 Gardens is exceptionally goodOct 20 20:38
s-521        used it as testingOct 20 20:38
s-521                 ground this morningOct 20 20:38
s-521........................................ 20 20:38 | Drupal Gardens | Get a Free Drupal 7 Site HereOct 20 20:38
s-521@umairh          They silenced the dreamers. And now we have noOct 20 20:42
s-521                 horizon to call us.Oct 20 20:42
s-521........................................ 20 20:42
s-521@doctorow        Photo: 121-1: USSR. 1930.Oct 20 20:44
s-521        20 20:44
s-521........................................ 20 20:44 | Cory Doctorow: 121-1:  USSR. 1930.Oct 20 20:44
s-521@doctorow        Photo:Oct 20 20:46
s-521                 booksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbo...Oct 20 20:46
s-521        20 20:46
s-521........................................ 20 20:46 | Cory Doctorow: booksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksbooksb...Oct 20 20:46
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Cookies! 20 20:49
s-521........................................ 20 20:49 | Cory Doctorow: Cookies!Oct 20 20:49
s-521@wikileaks       US has three times as many chemical weapons asOct 20 20:59
s-521                 Syria | Ottawacitizen 20 20:59 | Decades after destruction started, US chemical arsenal still dwarfs that of Assad in SyriaOct 20 20:59
s-521........................................ 20 20:59
s-521@wikileaks       Bulgarian Site Named Most Successful inOct 20 21:02
s-521                 WikiLeaks Initiative 20 21:02
s-521        @BivolBgOct 20 21:02
s-521........................................ 20 21:02 | Bulgarian Site Named Most Successful in WikiLeaks Initiative - - Sofia News AgencyOct 20 21:03 | Bulgarian Site Named Most Successful in WikiLeaks Initiative - - Sofia News AgencyOct 20 21:03
s-521@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Do You Use Markdown and Pandoc?Oct 20 21:06
s-521        20 21:06
s-521........................................ 20 21:06 | Ask Slashdot: Do You Use Markdown and Pandoc? - SlashdotOct 20 21:06
s-521@glynmoody       GCHQ #Tempora sign-off should be investigated,Oct 20 21:25
s-521                 says Chris Huhne - bigOct 20 21:25
s-521                 question: who gave #gchq the go-ahead?Oct 20 21:25
s-521........................................ 20 21:25 | GCHQ Tempora sign-off should be investigated, says Chris Huhne | UK news | The GuardianOct 20 21:25
s-521@drJoKy          Int'l Court of Justice, The Hague looking forOct 20 21:26
s-521 retweeted by    judges associates. Great opportunity.Oct 20 21:26
s-521 @glynmoody via @DrPaulaGerberOct 20 21:26 | Current vacancies | International Court of JusticeOct 20 21:26
s-521........................................ 20 21:26
s-521@RationalWiki    Wiki is better now. 20 21:27
s-521 retweeted by    appears to be very popular at the moment.Oct 20 21:27 | FEMA concentration camps - RationalWikiOct 20 21:27
s-521 @davidgerard    Oct 20 21:27
s-521........................................ 20 21:27
s-521@MargotKaminski  This article makes me very concerned aboutOct 20 21:29
s-521 retweeted by    potential content of EU-US free tradeOct 20 21:29
s-521 @glynmoody      agreement. Microsoft, Pharma,Oct 20 21:29
s-521                 BSA... 20 21:29
s-521........................................ 20 21:29 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 20 21:29
s-521@dilmabr         Defendemos governança da internet envolvendoOct 20 21:30
s-521 retweeted by    governos, setor privado e, sobretudo, sociedadeOct 20 21:30
s-521 @glynmoody      civil.Oct 20 21:30
s-521........................................ 20 21:30
s-521@dilmabr         O Brasil defende uma internet aberta,Oct 20 21:31
s-521 retweeted by    democrática e participativa.Oct 20 21:31
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 20 21:31
s-521........................................ 20 21:31
s-521@dilmabr         Defendemos neutralidade da internet. RespeitoOct 20 21:38
s-521 retweeted by    critérios técnicos e éticos. Sem restriçõesOct 20 21:38
s-521 @glynmoody      políticas, comerciais, religiosas, de qqOct 20 21:38
s-521                 naturezaOct 20 21:38
s-521........................................ 20 21:38
s-521@jilliancyork    Support @RSF_RWB in calling for the release ofOct 20 21:40
s-521 retweeted by    35 jailed Vietnamese bloggers:Oct 20 21:40
s-521 @glynmoody 20 21:40 | #petitionOct 20 21:40
s-521........................................ 20 21:40
s-521@glynmoody       POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge ofOct 20 21:47
s-521                 Space Jump [Video] - 20 21:47
s-521                 interesting how little air resistance at firstOct 20 21:47 | POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge of Space Jump [Video] | Geeks are Sexy Technology NewsOct 20 21:47
s-521........................................ 20 21:47
qu1j0t3wait, what? 20 21:51
TechrightsSocial@SarahPaIinUSA: Today I spoke with the attorneys about looking into the possibility of doing one of those crowd funding deals for safe, ethical hobo traps.Oct 20 21:51
qu1j0t3oh rightOct 20 21:51
qu1j0t3parody accountOct 20 21:51
s-521@glynmoody       .@Falkvinge: Public Ask-Me-Anything Q&AOct 20 21:52
s-521                 Sesssion On #Reddit This Monday – 16:00Oct 20 21:52
s-521                 Brussels / 10am New York -Oct 20 21:52
s-521        #amaOct 20 21:52
s-521........................................ 20 21:52 | I'm doing a public Ask-Me-Anything on Monday at 1600 CET / 1000 EST - Falkvinge on InfopolicyOct 20 21:52
s-521@slashdot        How To FIx GoOct 20 22:03
s-521                 Open-Source! 20 22:03 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 20 22:03
s-521........................................ 20 22:03 | How To FIx Go Open-Source! - SlashdotOct 20 22:03
s-521@RachelBLevinson  I'll be on @ajam at 6:30 tonight talking aboutOct 20 22:05
s-521 retweeted by    the #NSA & my @BrennanCenter report onOct 20 22:05
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  retention of innocent Americans' data. Tune in!Oct 20 22:05
s-521........................................ 20 22:05
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "Any prosecution of Assange or WikiLeaks wouldOct 20 22:10
s-521                 be unprecedented." But acid of surveillanceOct 20 22:11
s-521                 disappearing 1st Amend. 20 22:11
s-521........................................ 20 22:11 | Leakers and the Law by Gabriel Schoenfeld - City JournalOct 20 22:11
s-521@glynmoody       #Egypt's army chief rides wave of popularityOct 20 22:18
s-521                 towards presidency - 20 22:18
s-521                 seems fear of chaos overrides most thingsOct 20 22:18
s-521........................................ 20 22:18 | Egypt's army chief rides wave of popularity towards presidency | World news | The GuardianOct 20 22:18
s-521@umairh          It isn't possible for there to be greaterOct 20 22:20
s-521                 douchebaggery in the universe than this.Oct 20 22:20
s-521        20 22:20
TechrightsSocial@umairh: It isn't possible for there to be greater douchebaggery in the universe than this. 20 22:20
s-521........................................ 20 22:20
s-521@doctorow        Photoset: missmaceymouse: Souvenirs from myOct 20 22:20
s-521                 parent’s Grad Nite at Disneyland in 1977.Oct 20 22:20
s-521                 Photos by... 20 22:20
s-521........................................ 20 22:20 | Cory Doctorow: missmaceymouse:  Souvenirs from my parent’s Grad...Oct 20 22:20
s-521@umairh          LOL “@StevenBrydonAU: @umairh We just need aOct 20 22:24
s-521                 Karadashian to pose with it and the scene isOct 20 22:24
s-521                 complete.”Oct 20 22:24
s-521........................................ 20 22:24
s-521@ChristopherWr11  Could include Aust here too re coal exports -Oct 20 22:26
s-521 retweeted by    "Canada’s efforts accelerate a global tragedyOct 20 22:26
s-521 @glynmoody      of the climate commons" 20 22:26
s-521........................................ 20 22:26 | Opinion: Canada’s efforts accelerate a global tragedy of the climate commonsOct 20 22:26
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Element of real estate fraudOct 20 22:29
s-521        20 22:29
s-521........................................ 20 22:29 | Cory Doctorow: Element of real estate fraudOct 20 22:29
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Cookie recursion 20 22:46
s-521........................................ 20 22:46 | Cory Doctorow: Cookie recursionOct 20 22:46
s-521@ioerror         My favorite FBI FOIA response is the denialOct 20 22:55
s-521                 that they sent twice on two different days forOct 20 22:55
s-521                 the same FOIA request. Deny it harder guys!Oct 20 22:55
s-521........................................ 20 22:55
s-521@RonDeibert      Yes, it's real. The promotional video of theOct 20 22:56
s-521 retweeted by    Biometric ID Database in Argentina.Oct 20 22:56
s-521 @ioerror 20 22:56
s-521........................................ 20 22:56 | SIBIOS on VimeoOct 20 22:56
s-521@slashdot        Are We Socially Ready For Wearable Computing?Oct 20 23:01
s-521        20 23:01
s-521........................................ 20 23:01 | Are We Socially Ready For Wearable Computing? - SlashdotOct 20 23:01
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   New book details Washington pols gone wild w/Oct 20 23:37
s-521                 corruption & veal. Using public funds to liveOct 20 23:37
s-521                 large & line pockets.Oct 20 23:37
s-521        20 23:37
s-521........................................ 20 23:37 | Congress on Red Alert for 60 Minutes Exposé of D.C. CorruptionOct 20 23:37
s-521@doctorow        Photo: humansofnewyork: "I’ve had a lot ofOct 20 23:55
s-521                 exciting jobs." “What was the most exciting?”Oct 20 23:55
s-521                 “Well, after Brown... 20 23:55
s-521........................................ 20 23:55 | Cory Doctorow: humansofnewyork:  "I’ve had a lot of exciting...Oct 20 23:55
s-521@slashdot        Forrester Research Shows Steep Decline in FreeOct 21 00:13
s-521                 Office Suite Stats 21 00:13
s-521........................................ 21 00:13 | Forrester Research Shows Steep Decline in Free Office Suite Stats - SlashdotOct 21 00:13
s-521@wikileaks       Box office disaster: Benedict Cumberbatch'sOct 21 00:14
s-521                 'The Fifth Estate' has worst debut of 2013 Oct 21 00:14
s-521        more:Oct 21 00:14
s-521        21 00:14
s-521........................................ 21 00:14 | Box office disaster: Benedict Cumberbatch's 'The Fifth Estate' bombs | Inside Movies | EW.comOct 21 00:14 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 00:14
qu1j0t3schestowitz_bed2: Australia ex-PM 21 00:30 | Lampedusa deaths: look at how Europe responded  [ ]Oct 21 00:30
s-521@thelindsayellis  Here I thought Assange was being a diva byOct 21 00:47
s-521 retweeted by    going on about how inflammatory and inaccurateOct 21 00:47
s-521 @wikileaks      The Fifth Estate was. NOPE.Oct 21 00:47
s-521........................................ 21 00:47
s-521@thelindsayellis  It really did kind of border on propagandisticOct 21 00:47
s-521 retweeted by    with how creepy and evil they made Assange. NotOct 21 00:47
s-521 @wikileaks      to mention a sympathetic US government. What?Oct 21 00:47
s-521........................................ 21 00:47
s-521@umairh          I'm going to spend the rest of my life watchingOct 21 00:49
s-521                 Korean dramas on Netflix. GoodbyeOct 21 00:49
s-521........................................ 21 00:49
schestowitz_bed2>>> Ok.  Thanks.  What is the URL for the Drupal test?Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2>>Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2>> TryOct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2>> 21 01:14
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> The search is empty.Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> 21 01:14 | Search | Techrights | People's rights in the digital ageOct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> The layout looks nice enough.Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> I'll have to set up Drupal on  a spare machine or VM tomorrow and fiddleOct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2> with that.Oct 21 01:14
schestowitz_bed2Search, for now, is configured to be just an empty page and for Drupal search to show us as a widget next to the site heading. It'll link to other search box in the content body,Oct 21 01:14
s-521@slashdot        Your Next Network Operating System Is LinuxOct 21 01:18
s-521        21 01:18
s-521........................................ 21 01:18 | Your Next Network Operating System Is Linux - SlashdotOct 21 01:18
s-521@linuxtoday      SecureDrop's Free Install, Oracle Spreads FUD &Oct 21 02:09
s-521                 More...:  FOSSforce: we learned from ForbesOct 21 02:09
s-521                 that there's a new... 21 02:09
s-521........................................ 21 02:09 | Linux Today - SecureDrop's Free Install, Oracle Spreads FUD & More...Oct 21 02:09
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its OwnOct 21 02:15
s-521                 Julian Assange FilmOct 21 02:15
s-521                 | @HollywoodReportOct 21 02:15
s-521        seeOct 21 02:15 | WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its Own Julian Assange FilmOct 21 02:15
s-521        21 02:15
s-521........................................ 21 02:15 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 21 02:15
s-521@doctorow        Besties selfies 21 03:02
s-521........................................ 21 03:02 | Cory Doctorow: Besties selfiesOct 21 03:02
s-521@doctorow        Madame Leota. 21 03:03
s-521........................................ 21 03:03 | Cory Doctorow: Madame Leota.Oct 21 03:03
s-521@wikileaks       #Assange: "Why is everybody watching David?Oct 21 03:04
s-521                 Because Goliath is an insufferable bore"Oct 21 03:04
s-521        #mediastan #cumberbatchOct 21 03:04
s-521........................................ 21 03:04 | Wikileaks film The Fifth Estate bombs at the box office  - TelegraphOct 21 03:04
s-521@wikileaks       Assange three weeks ago: "[Fifth Estate] willOct 21 03:10
s-521                 flop at the box office and deservedly so."Oct 21 03:10
s-521        21 03:10
s-521........................................ 21 03:10 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 03:10 | Julian Assange to the Hollywood Foreign Press: "The Fifth Estate' Is Going to Fail' (Exclusive) - TheWrapOct 21 03:10
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 21 03:38
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 21 03:39
s-521@slashdot        NSA App Ideas To Popularize Spying and Big DataOct 21 04:04
s-521        21 04:04
s-521........................................ 21 04:04 | NSA App Ideas To Popularize Spying and Big Data - SlashdotOct 21 04:04
s-521@wikileaks       Example effects of Hollywood propaganda: Oct 21 04:04
s-521        21 04:04
TechrightsSocial@FinallyFilms: @wikileaks @LeninsBarber saw #FifthEstate. Lots 2 recommend: gd char study of arrogant "hero" whose lack of accountability cost livesOct 21 04:04
s-521........................................ 21 04:04
s-521@Natasha1024     #MEDIASTAN militarized NYC w/Times Square giantOct 21 04:12
s-521 retweeted by    screen US Army propaganda film-would frightenOct 21 04:12
s-521 @wikileaks      even George Orwell 21 04:12
s-521........................................ 21 04:12 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 21 04:12
s-521@Natasha1024     #MEDIASTAN militarized NYC w/Times Square giantOct 21 04:21
s-521 retweeted by    screen US Army propaganda film-would frightenOct 21 04:21
s-521 @qu1j0t3        even George Orwell 21 04:21
s-521........................................ 21 04:21
s-521@wikileaks       Has WikiLeaks successfully hijacked Hollywood'sOct 21 04:23
s-521                 'Fifth Estate'? more:Oct 21 04:23
s-521        21 04:23
s-521........................................ 21 04:24 | Has Julian Assange successfully hijacked The Fifth Estate?Oct 21 04:24 | WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its Own Julian Assange FilmOct 21 04:24
s-521@doctorow        rstevens: The one super-hero I’ve always beenOct 21 04:52
s-521                 too intimidated to draw. Yes, I said hero. MyOct 21 04:52
s-521                 hero. Doctor Doom. 21 04:52
s-521........................................ 21 04:52 | Cory Doctorow: rstevens:  The one super-hero I’ve always been...Oct 21 04:52
s-521@umairh          Sundays. 21 04:58
TechrightsSocial@umairh: Sundays. 21 04:58
s-521........................................ 21 04:58
s-521@cbcfifth        Watch a preview next week's #cbcfifth TheOct 21 05:15
s-521 retweeted by    Strange World of Julian AssangeOct 21 05:15
s-521 @wikileaks 21 05:15
s-521........................................ 21 05:15 | The Strange World of Julian Assange - the fifth estate - CBC NewsOct 21 05:15
s-521@slashdot        IE 11 Breaks Rendering For Google Products, andOct 21 07:01
s-521                 Outlook Too 21 07:01
s-521........................................ 21 07:01 | IE 11 Breaks Rendering For Google Products, and Outlook Too - SlashdotOct 21 07:01
s-521@wikileaks       Vulture: Fifth Estate bombed extra hardOct 21 07:48
s-521        #fifthestateOct 21 07:48
s-521                 #cumberbatch #wikileaksOct 21 07:48
s-521........................................ 21 07:48 | The Fifth Estate Bombed Extra Hard -- VultureOct 21 07:48
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its OwnOct 21 07:54
s-521                 Julian Assange FilmOct 21 07:54
s-521         more:Oct 21 07:54
s-521        21 07:54
s-521........................................ 21 07:54 | Press Release: US Release of Mediastan - WikiLeaks’ Fifth Estate ChallengerOct 21 07:54
s-521@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 131020 -Oct 21 07:58
s-521        yesterday's tweets as aOct 21 07:58
s-521                 single Web page #MMDDOct 21 07:58 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 131020Oct 21 07:58
s-521........................................ 21 07:58
s-521@NHAparty        Govt DNA database being tied to our medicalOct 21 08:05
s-521 retweeted by    records; right to informed consent removed; allOct 21 08:05
s-521 @glynmoody      newborns’ DNA stored 21 08:05
s-521                 #NHSOct 21 08:05
s-521........................................ 21 08:05
s-521@glynmoody       Stop #badger cull immediately, says NaturalOct 21 08:13
s-521                 England science expert - 21 08:13
s-521                 1 #paterson: new unit for measuring big failureOct 21 08:13
s-521........................................ 21 08:13 | Stop badger cull immediately, says Natural England science expert | Environment | The GuardianOct 21 08:13
s-521@syahredzan      Shazad also says that there is definitelyOct 21 08:15
s-521 retweeted by    digital survaillence is in Pakistan and otherOct 21 08:15
s-521 @glynmoody      countries like... Malaysia. #IGF2013 #FHdelOct 21 08:15
s-521........................................ 21 08:15
s-521@cis_india       FOSS: Smart Choice for Developing Countries /Oct 21 08:16
s-521 retweeted by    This workshop is being organised by TechNationOct 21 08:16
s-521 @glynmoody      and Open Source All... 21 08:16
s-521........................................ 21 08:16 | FOSS: Smart Choice for Developing Countries — Centre for Internet and SocietyOct 21 08:16
s-521@buchtan         Quelle surprise RT @andreaglorioso: The BaliOct 21 08:18
s-521 retweeted by    IGF: surveillance, surveillance, surveillanceOct 21 08:18
s-521 @glynmoody #IGF2013Oct 21 08:18
s-521........................................ 21 08:18 | The Bali IGF: surveillance, surveillance, surveillance | Internet Policy ReviewOct 21 08:18
s-521@glynmoody       the truth about badger culling, & a call forOct 21 08:22
s-521                 the resignation of #Paterson -Oct 21 08:22
s-521        great debunking of UKOct 21 08:22
s-521                 government liesOct 21 08:22 | Brian's Soapbox October 2013Oct 21 08:22
s-521........................................ 21 08:22
s-521@glynmoody       .@Falkvinge: Public Ask-Me-Anything Q&AOct 21 08:23
s-521                 Sesssion On #Reddit This Monday – 16:00Oct 21 08:23
s-521                 Brussels / 10am New York -Oct 21 08:23
s-521        #amaOct 21 08:23
s-521........................................ 21 08:23 | I'm doing a public Ask-Me-Anything on Monday at 1600 CET / 1000 EST - Falkvinge on InfopolicyOct 21 08:23
s-521@glynmoody       POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge ofOct 21 08:23
s-521                 Space Jump [Video] - 21 08:23
s-521                 interesting how little air resistance at firstOct 21 08:23 | POV Footage of the Red Bull Stratos Edge of Space Jump [Video] | Geeks are Sexy Technology NewsOct 21 08:23
s-521........................................ 21 08:23
s-521@wikileaks       WikiLeaks now accepts #Litecoin donations on Oct 21 08:24
s-521                 LQ3B36Yv2rBTxdgAdYpU2UcEZsaNwXeATk Oct 21 08:24
s-521        21 08:24
s-521........................................ 21 08:24 | Donate to WikiLeaksOct 21 08:24
s-521@glynmoody       We need to talk about bushfires and climateOct 21 08:26
s-521                 change – if not now, when? -Oct 21 08:26
s-521        people suffer, #AUOct 21 08:26
s-521                 government in denialOct 21 08:26
s-521........................................ 21 08:26 | We need to talk about bushfires and climate change – if not now, when? | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 08:26
s-521@glynmoody       GCHQ #Tempora sign-off should be investigated,Oct 21 08:27
s-521                 says Chris Huhne - bigOct 21 08:27
s-521                 question: who gave #gchq the go-ahead?Oct 21 08:27
s-521........................................ 21 08:27 | GCHQ Tempora sign-off should be investigated, says Chris Huhne | UK news | The GuardianOct 21 08:27
s-521@glynmoody       7 Horrifying Things About the US Chicken YouOct 21 08:27
s-521                 Eat - #TAFTA/#TTIP couldOct 21 08:27
s-521                 bring this to lucky #EUOct 21 08:27
s-521........................................ 21 08:27 | 7 Horrifying Things About the Chicken You Eat | AlternetOct 21 08:27
s-521@glynmoody       Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements andOct 21 08:28
s-521                 capacity problems - 21 08:28
s-521                 interesting metaphor: Hillary’s StepOct 21 08:28 | Zeynep Tufekci on protest movements and capacity problems | ... My heart’s in AccraOct 21 08:28
s-521........................................ 21 08:28
s-521@glynmoody       An Interview With Pierre Omidyar -Oct 21 08:34
s-521        talking about You KnowOct 21 08:34
s-521                 What...Oct 21 08:34
s-521........................................ 21 08:34 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 08:34
s-521@glynmoody       The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making BigOct 21 08:34
s-521                 Strides In Energy Efficiency -Oct 21 08:34
s-521        something carbonOct 21 08:34
s-521                 companies ignoreOct 21 08:34
s-521........................................ 21 08:34 | The U.S. And The World Are Actually Making Big Strides In Energy Efficiency | ThinkProgressOct 21 08:34
s-521@glynmoody       #Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not 2Oct 21 08:35
s-521                 attack Guardian - "leaksOct 21 08:35
s-521                 should not have 'a chilling effect on theOct 21 08:35
s-521                 press'."Oct 21 08:35
s-521........................................ 21 08:35 | Edward Snowden leaks: US diplomat chooses not to attack the Guardian | Patrick Wintour | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 08:35
s-521@glynmoody       Why have young people in #Japan stopped havingOct 21 08:38
s-521                 sex? - fascinating ifOct 21 08:38
s-521                 somewhat troubling...Oct 21 08:38 | Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The ObserverOct 21 08:38
s-521........................................ 21 08:38
s-521@Reuters         Latest China smog emergency shuts city of 11Oct 21 08:39
s-521 retweeted by    million people 21 08:39
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 08:39
s-521........................................ 21 08:39 | China smog emergency shuts city of 11 million people | ReutersOct 21 08:39
s-521@corporateeurope  Law firms weaken #EUdataP, #EU environment &Oct 21 08:40
s-521 retweeted by    financial legislation and now work to avoidOct 21 08:40
s-521 @glynmoody      #transparency 21 08:40
s-521........................................ 21 08:40 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 08:40
s-521@Falkvinge       Does anybody know of a live chromakey softwareOct 21 08:42
s-521 retweeted by    for Ubuntu Linux? Source from webcam, liveOct 21 08:42
s-521 @glynmoody      output to a new video source (streamable toOct 21 08:42
s-521                 s/w)?Oct 21 08:42
s-521........................................ 21 08:42
s-521@glynmoody       Comment la #NSA espionne la France -Oct 21 08:44
s-521        70 million phone callsOct 21 08:44
s-521                 spied on in 1 month (v @asteris)Oct 21 08:44
s-521........................................ 21 08:44 | Le Monde: U.S. spies on France - CNN.comOct 21 08:44
s-521@glynmoody       A psychological history of the #NSA -Oct 21 08:45
s-521        illuminating;Oct 21 08:45 | The Daily Dot - A psychological history of the NSAOct 21 08:45
s-521                 recommended (v @TeaWithCarl)#snowdenOct 21 08:45
s-521........................................ 21 08:45
s-521@glynmoody       Überwachung in Europa: EU-KommissarinOct 21 08:45
s-521                 kritisiert amerikanische und britische SpitzelOct 21 08:45
s-521                 scharf - good foOct 21 08:45
s-521                 @NeelieKroesEUOct 21 08:45
s-521........................................ 21 08:45 | NSA: EU-Kommissarin Neelie Kroes lobt Edward Snowdens Enthüllungen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 08:45
s-521@glynmoody       Fresh Leak on US Spying: #NSA Accessed MexicanOct 21 08:46
s-521                 President's Email - NBOct 21 08:46
s-521                 metadata use here (v @botherder @e3i5)#mxOct 21 08:46
s-521........................................ 21 08:46 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 08:46
s-521@kieronflanagan  Willetts wonders why universities put researchOct 21 08:47
s-521 retweeted by    before teaching? Nothing to do with 30+ yrs ofOct 21 08:47
s-521 @glynmoody      policy incentives... 21 08:47
s-521........................................ 21 08:47 | Universities putting research before teaching, says minister | Education | The GuardianOct 21 08:47
s-521@GeorgeMonbiot   Instead of paying through the nose forOct 21 09:00
s-521 retweeted by    redundant #nuclear tech, we should be investingOct 21 09:00
s-521 @glynmoody      in 4th generation reactors:Oct 21 09:00
s-521        21 09:00
s-521........................................ 21 09:00 | A Waste of Waste | George MonbiotOct 21 09:00
s-521@glynmoody       Shale gas firms to be brought under ‘robust’Oct 21 09:04
s-521                 new EU law - 21 09:04
s-521                 #TAFTA/#TTIP is likely to allow cos. to sue EUOct 21 09:04
s-521                 over thisOct 21 09:04
s-521........................................ 21 09:04 | Shale gas firms to be brought under ‘robust’ new EU law | EurActivOct 21 09:04
s-521@glynmoody       CETA: What's In The Canada-EU Free Trade Deal? Oct 21 09:08
s-521                 - if it's so good, whatOct 21 09:08
s-521                 are they hiding? #CETAOct 21 09:08
s-521........................................ 21 09:08 | CETA: What's In The Canada-EU Free Trade Deal?Oct 21 09:08
s-521@gchampeau       L'ICANN veut gagner son indépendance grâce à laOct 21 09:12
s-521 retweeted by    NSA via @NumeramaOct 21 09:12
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 09:12 | L'ICANN veut gagner son indépendance grâce à la NSAOct 21 09:12
s-521........................................ 21 09:12
s-521@jbhuet          NSA: Fabius annonce la convocation "immédiate"Oct 21 09:17
s-521 retweeted by    de l'ambassadeur américain à ParisOct 21 09:17
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 09:17
s-521........................................ 21 09:17
s-521@AFP             #UPDATE: Furious France and Mexico demandOct 21 09:21
s-521 retweeted by    answers after 'shocking' US spying claims areOct 21 09:21
s-521 @glynmoody      revealed by Edward Snowden Oct 21 09:21
s-521        21 09:21
s-521........................................ 21 09:21 | AFP: France, Mexico seek answers on 'shocking' US spy claimsOct 21 09:21
s-521@sharonodea      Michael Gove now says that every school shouldOct 21 09:21
s-521 retweeted by    be above average. Proof that maths standardsOct 21 09:21
s-521 @glynmoody      really have gone down, right there.Oct 21 09:21
s-521........................................ 21 09:21
s-521@ALTEREU         Scandalous: covert Brussels #lobbying byOct 21 09:24
s-521 retweeted by    American law firms, made possible by weak #EUOct 21 09:24
s-521 @glynmoody      #transparency & #ethics rulesOct 21 09:24
s-521        21 09:24
s-521........................................ 21 09:24 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 09:24
s-521@GalouGentil     #NSA recorded 70,3 million French phone callsOct 21 09:50
s-521 retweeted by    in one month #FranceOct 21 09:50
s-521 @ioerror        #Snowden @ioerrorOct 21 09:50
s-521........................................ 21 09:50 | Comment la NSA espionne la FranceOct 21 09:50
s-521@ioerror         Has anyone written a secure messaging protocolOct 21 10:08
s-521                 for the Iridium pager network?Oct 21 10:08
s-521........................................ 21 10:08
s-521@ntisec          "@e3i5: #NSA secretly taped & #tapped 70Oct 21 10:13
s-521 retweeted by    million phone calls made in #France in oneOct 21 10:13
s-521 @ioerror        month. |Oct 21 10:13
s-521       "Oct 21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 10:13 | US spy agency 'monitored millions of French phones' - ESPIONAGE - FRANCE 24Oct 21 10:13
s-521@peterkofod      "when a phone number is used in France it[..]Oct 21 10:13
s-521 retweeted by    automatically triggers the recording of theOct 21 10:13
s-521 @ioerror        call" from @ggreenwaldOct 21 10:13
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13
s-521@ioerror         France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networksOct 21 10:13
s-521                 under surveillance 21 10:13
s-521........................................ 21 10:13
s-521@ggreenwald      Coalition of privacy and civil liberties groupsOct 21 10:14
s-521 retweeted by    will hold anti-surveillance rally in DC nextOct 21 10:14
s-521 @ioerror        Saturday, Oct 26 21 10:14
s-521........................................ 21 10:14 | A Rally Against Mass Surveillance | Stop Watching UsOct 21 10:14
s-521@ggreenwald      What the UK (& some US factions) regard asOct 21 10:14
s-521 retweeted by    criminality seems to be recognized asOct 21 10:14
s-521 @ioerror        journalism by the rest of the worldOct 21 10:14
s-521        21 10:14
s-521........................................ 21 10:14 | Guardian, Boston Globe, AxisPhilly, Texas Tribune take home 2013 Online Journalism Awards - Online News AssociationOct 21 10:14
s-521@SeumasMilne     #NSA-#GCHQ about power not security: hackedOct 21 10:14
s-521 retweeted by    #Mexico president for political/investmentOct 21 10:14
s-521 @ioerror        edge, leak shows, like #BrazilOct 21 10:14
s-521        21 10:14
s-521........................................ 21 10:14
s-521@ggreenwald      NPR's On the Media talks to @jayrosen_nyu aboutOct 21 10:14
s-521 retweeted by    our new media organization Oct 21 10:14 | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 10:14
s-521 @ioerror 21 10:14
s-521........................................ 21 10:14 | Glenn Greenwald's Departure From the Guardian  - On The MediaOct 21 10:14
s-521@MarcelRosenbach  #NSA -Spionage: #Mexiko fordert Aufklärung überOct 21 10:14
s-521 retweeted by    US-Bespitzelungen 21 10:14
s-521 @ioerror        #snowdenOct 21 10:14
s-521........................................ 21 10:14 | NSA-Spionage: Mexiko fordert Aufklärung über US-Bespitzelungen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 10:14
s-521@slashdot        Open Rights Group International Says Virgin,Oct 21 10:16
s-521                 Sky Blocking Innocent SitesOct 21 10:16
s-521        21 10:16
s-521........................................ 21 10:16 | Open Rights Group International Says Virgin, Sky Blocking Innocent Sites - SlashdotOct 21 10:16
s-521@ioerror         OH: "Iridium literally mastered rocket scienceOct 21 10:19
s-521                 to put their satellite constellation into spaceOct 21 10:19
s-521                 but they can't seem to setup HTTPS."Oct 21 10:19
s-521........................................ 21 10:19
s-521@peterkofod      3 MAJOR #Snowden/#NSA stories (in English) fromOct 21 11:16
s-521 retweeted by    @lemondefr today; begin here:Oct 21 11:16
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 11:16
s-521........................................ 21 11:16 | Inside the NSA's web of surveillanceOct 21 11:16
s-521@peterkofod      "when a phone number is used in France it[..]Oct 21 11:17
s-521 retweeted by    automatically triggers the recording of theOct 21 11:17
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  call" from @ggreenwaldOct 21 11:17
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 11:17 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 11:17
s-521........................................ 21 11:17
s-521@peterkofod      French foreign minister Fabius calls forOct 21 11:17
s-521 retweeted by    "immediate meeting with the US ambassador inOct 21 11:17
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Paris". #NSA #SnowdenOct 21 11:17
s-521........................................ 21 11:17
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Le Monde publishes revelations on large scaleOct 21 11:22
s-521                 NSA surveillance of France, including peopleOct 21 11:22
s-521                 from business & politics.Oct 21 11:22
s-521        21 11:22
s-521........................................ 21 11:22 | France summons US ambassador over 'spying' - Al Jazeera EnglishOct 21 11:22
s-521@peterkofod      Fun fact 1: The only one prosecuted for theOct 21 11:22
s-521 retweeted by    #Bush/#CIA torture regime, is @JohnKiriakou whoOct 21 11:22
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  blew the whistle on it. #HopeAndChange, #ObamaOct 21 11:22
s-521........................................ 21 11:22
s-521@peterkofod      Fun fact 2: The CIA-budget is almost 15Oct 21 11:22
s-521 retweeted by    billions USD. That's what it costs to hireOct 21 11:22
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  3-500,000 public school teachersOct 21 11:22
s-521        21 11:22
s-521........................................ 21 11:22 | What’s $15 billion? Putting Exxon Mobil’s record-breaking profits into perspective | Matador NetworkOct 21 11:22
s-521@peterkofod      Fun Fact 3: Many #Snowden disclosures wereOct 21 11:22
s-521 retweeted by    already told by @Thomas_Drake1 & otherOct 21 11:22
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  heroes-but no docs/no @ggreenwald  so MSNOct 21 11:22
s-521                 didn't care #NSAOct 21 11:22
s-521........................................ 21 11:22
s-521@digiges         LIBE-Ausschuss des EP stimmt über #eudatap ab.Oct 21 11:25
s-521 retweeted by    Einige Artikel sind nicht akzeptabel! SchreibtOct 21 11:25
s-521 @glynmoody      euren Abgeordneten: 21 11:25
s-521........................................ 21 11:26 | Nicht gefunden:  Mitmachen Datenschutzkampagne #twitterOct 21 11:26
s-521@ggreenwald      Our first story in Le Monde on NSA bulkOct 21 11:27
s-521 retweeted by    surveillance on French citizensOct 21 11:27
s-521 @glynmoody - the fallout begins:Oct 21 11:27
s-521        21 11:27
s-521........................................ 21 11:27 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 11:27 | Snowden leaks: France summons US envoy over NSA surveillance claims | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 11:27
s-521@peterkofod      Fun Fact 5: This: "We cannot target evenOct 21 11:28
s-521 retweeted by    foreign persons overseas without a validOct 21 11:28
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  foreign intelligence purpose" = actualOct 21 11:28
s-521                 statement from #NSAOct 21 11:28
s-521........................................ 21 11:28
s-521@peterkofod      Genuine question: What do #NatSec apologistsOct 21 11:29
s-521 retweeted by    think would happen if #NSA/#CIA/etc wereOct 21 11:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  *completely* abolished overnight? Worst caseOct 21 11:29
s-521                 scenario?Oct 21 11:29
s-521........................................ 21 11:29
s-521@georgemaschke   @Thomas_Drake1 It seems that NSA is monitoringOct 21 11:30
s-521 retweeted by    visitors to See:Oct 21 11:30
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 11:30
s-521........................................ 21 11:30
TechrightsSocial ( status 400 @ )Oct 21 11:30 | Is Being Targeted By the NSA? | NewsOct 21 11:30
s-521@Techmeme        Government promises "tech surge" to addressOct 21 11:31
s-521 retweeted by    problems with 21 11:31
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 11:31
s-521........................................ 21 11:31 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 11:31 | ‘Tech Surge’ Planned to Fix Obamacare Exchanges - Washington Wire - WSJOct 21 11:31 | Techmeme: Government promises “tech surge” to address problems with (Louise Radnofsky/Washington Wire)Oct 21 11:31
s-521@trevortimm      Instead of the Senate confirming Jeh JohnsonOct 21 11:38
s-521 retweeted by    for Homeland Security chief, how about theyOct 21 11:38
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  just scrap the whole agency?Oct 21 11:38
s-521        21 11:38
s-521........................................ 21 11:38 | Obama picks Johnson to head Homeland Security | MSNBCOct 21 11:38
s-521@e3i5            Parked cars 'intentionally scratched' nearOct 21 11:44
s-521 retweeted by    GCHQ. 21 11:44
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 21 11:44
s-521........................................ 21 11:44 | Parked cars 'intentionally scratched' near GCHQ | Gloucestershire EchoOct 21 11:44
s-521@ben_nuttall     Watching my 97 year old Gran explainOct 21 11:49
s-521 retweeted by    @Raspberry_Pi to other old people = PricelessOct 21 11:49
s-521 @stiangrindvoll  Oct 21 11:49
s-521........................................ 21 11:49
s-521@techdirt        Governments Have A Long History Of CallingOct 21 12:07
s-521                 Journalists 'Traitors' When They Publish…Oct 21 12:07
s-521        21 12:07
s-521........................................ 21 12:07 | Governments Have A Long History Of Calling Journalists 'Traitors' When They Publish Embarassing Materials | TechdirtOct 21 12:07
s-521@IGcollaboratory  Die neue CoMetis-Episode. Mit Impressionen vonOct 21 12:08
s-521 retweeted by    der #Colab9 Abschlussveranstaltung und einemOct 21 12:08
s-521 @glynmoody      Interview mit @glynmoody.Oct 21 12:08
s-521        21 12:08
s-521........................................ 21 12:08 | Internet & Gesellschaft Co:llaboratory: CoMetis - Bericht vom Abschlussevent der Initiative "Globalisierung und Internet" - Interviews mit ExpertInnenOct 21 12:08
s-521@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE Bahrain: 25,201 emails fromOct 21 12:09
s-521                 US intel contractor #StratforOct 21 12:09
s-521        #gifilesOct 21 12:09
s-521        21 12:09
s-521........................................ 21 12:09 | GI Files  -Oct 21 12:09 | Donate to WikiLeaksOct 21 12:09
s-521@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE Bahrain: 294 sensitive emailsOct 21 12:09
s-521                 from US intel contractor #StratforOct 21 12:09
s-521        #gifilesOct 21 12:09
s-521        21 12:09
s-521........................................ 21 12:09 | GI Files  -Oct 21 12:09
s-521@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE Bahrain: 30 very sensitiveOct 21 12:10
s-521                 emails from US intel contractor #StratforOct 21 12:10
s-521        #gifilesOct 21 12:10
s-521........................................ 21 12:10 | GI Files  -Oct 21 12:10
s-521@HHAnonymous     @glynmoody about TAFTA/TTIP: Internet, TradeOct 21 12:14
s-521 retweeted by    and Democracy viaOct 21 12:14
s-521 @glynmoody      @netzpolitikOct 21 12:14
s-521........................................ 21 12:14 | Glyn Moody über TAFTA/TTIP: Internet, Trade and DemocracyOct 21 12:14
s-521@nraford         UPDATE: Just re-opened "Alternatives to theOct 21 12:21
s-521 retweeted by    Singularity" so anyone can add their own again!Oct 21 12:21
s-521 @doctorow @BoingBoing @doctorowOct 21 12:21
s-521........................................ 21 12:21 | OPEN Copy of Alternatives to the Singularity - Google DriveOct 21 12:21
s-521@glynmoody       #openaccess 10 years on; can we say “This isOct 21 12:21
s-521                 for everyone”? - 21 12:21
s-521                 important questionOct 21 12:21
s-521........................................ 21 12:21 | Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics, Cambridge - #openaccess 10 years on; can we say “This is for everyone”? «  petermr's blogOct 21 12:21
s-521@glynmoody       #Snowden leaks: #France summons US envoy overOct 21 12:22
s-521                 #NSA surveillance claims -Oct 21 12:22
s-521        much ado aboutOct 21 12:22
s-521                 nothing...?Oct 21 12:22 | Snowden leaks: France summons US envoy over NSA surveillance claims | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 12:22
s-521........................................ 21 12:22
s-521@EP_Justice      #EUdataP: Countdown for @EP_Justice vote onOct 21 12:32
s-521 retweeted by    #DataProtection rules - Watch it liveOct 21 12:32
s-521 @glynmoody Agenda&docsOct 21 12:32
s-521        21 12:32
s-521........................................ 21 12:32 | Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsOct 21 12:32 | Oct 21 12:32
s-521@Falkvinge       New controversial article - Acknowledging theOct 21 12:32
s-521 retweeted by    important function of hate speech:Oct 21 12:32
s-521 @stiangrindvoll #freedomofspeechOct 21 12:32
s-521........................................ 21 12:32 | Acknowledging The Important Value Of Hate Speech - Falkvinge on InfopolicyOct 21 12:32
s-521@EDRi_org        Got 1 minute? Act now - there's an importantOct 21 12:32
s-521 retweeted by    vote on your right to #privacy in the EUOct 21 12:32
s-521 @glynmoody      Parliament tonight 21 12:32
s-521                 #eudatapOct 21 12:32
s-521........................................ 21 12:32 | Act now: One minute to save your right to privacy | EDRIOct 21 12:32
s-521@ggreenwald      What does she have to hide??? RT @raghos so IOct 21 12:33
s-521 retweeted by    guess we can have Sen Feinstein’s personal cellOct 21 12:33
s-521 @glynmoody      phone records every month? #NotSurveillanceOct 21 12:33
s-521........................................ 21 12:33
s-521@glynmoody       The Trajectories of Government and CorporateOct 21 12:37
s-521                 Surveillance - niceOct 21 12:37
s-521                 analysis from @Bruce_Schneier #nsa #gchqOct 21 12:37 | Schneier on Security: The Trajectories of Government and Corporate SurveillanceOct 21 12:37
s-521........................................ 21 12:37
s-521@headhntr        'The call-records program is not surveillance.'Oct 21 12:42
s-521 retweeted by    - Dianne Feinstein vs reality. Round 1 -Oct 21 12:42
s-521 @ioerror        FIGHT!!!! htOct 21 12:42
s-521                 @_cypherpunks_Oct 21 12:42 | Sen. Dianne Feinstein: Continue NSA call-records programOct 21 12:42
s-521........................................ 21 12:42
s-521@glynmoody       Let’s be open about #OpenAccess -Oct 21 12:44
s-521        pretty amazing tale...Oct 21 12:44
s-521........................................ 21 12:44 | Open and Shut?: Let’s be open about Open AccessOct 21 12:44
s-521@glynmoody       Who regulates best, the US or EU? #TTIP -Oct 21 12:48
s-521        question is more aboutOct 21 12:48
s-521                 who regulates least... #TAFTAOct 21 12:48
s-521........................................ 21 12:48 | | Who regulates best, the US or EU? #TTIPOct 21 12:48
s-521@glynmoody       Will Canada-EU Trade Agreement Harm OurOct 21 12:52
s-521                 Freedoms Online? - untilOct 21 12:52
s-521                 it's released, we can't know - or trust themOct 21 12:52
s-521                 #CETAOct 21 12:52
s-521........................................ 21 12:52 | Will The Canada-EU Trade Agreement Harm Our Freedoms Online? | La Quadrature du NetOct 21 12:52
s-521@doctorow        joeyx: On this day in 1946: Lux Interior wasOct 21 12:57
s-521                 born in Akron, Ohio.Oct 21 12:57
s-521                 Today’s soundtrack: All Cramps, all day, ba…Oct 21 12:57
s-521        21 12:57
s-521........................................ 21 12:57 | Cory Doctorow: joeyx:  On this day in 1946: Lux Interior was...Oct 21 12:57
s-521@DustinSlaughter  Seeing John Miller, former FBI turned CBSOct 21 12:58
s-521 retweeted by    reporter, yukking it up and effectively actingOct 21 12:58
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  like a promo tool for PERF, was disturbingOct 21 12:58
s-521                 #IACP13Oct 21 12:58
s-521........................................ 21 12:58
s-521@slashdot        What Employee Lock-In Means At FacebookOct 21 13:04
s-521        21 13:04
s-521........................................ 21 13:04 | What Employee Lock-In Means At Facebook - SlashdotOct 21 13:04
s-521@csoghoian       Key question re French phone spying by NSA: WasOct 21 13:06
s-521                 this under FISA 702, or, more likely, ExecOct 21 13:06
s-521                 Order 12333? If 12333, no court orders needed.Oct 21 13:06
s-521........................................ 21 13:06
s-521@csoghoian       New PRISM slides from Le Monde:Oct 21 13:11
s-521        21 13:11
s-521........................................ 21 13:11 | Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde"Oct 21 13:11
s-521@csoghoian       Puzzling why neither the Guardian nor Wash PostOct 21 13:16
s-521                 published the new PRISM slides. Slide 4 isOct 21 13:16
s-521                 particularly interesting.Oct 21 13:16
s-521        21 13:16
s-521........................................ 21 13:16 | Prism EntierOct 21 13:16
s-521@csoghoian       Le Monde slide p7 highlights clear nexusOct 21 13:19
s-521                 between FISA 702 surveillance and FBI/NSA cyberOct 21 13:19
s-521                 defense operations. 21 13:19
s-521........................................ 21 13:19
s-521@csoghoian       Not clear from Le Monde article if the 70milOct 21 13:25
s-521                 French calls intercepted by NSA were domestic,Oct 21 13:25
s-521                 or international. 21 13:25 | France in the NSA's crosshair : phone networks under surveillanceOct 21 13:25
s-521........................................ 21 13:25
s-521@csoghoian       If NSA can intercept 70mil French domesticOct 21 13:25
s-521                 calls a month, the French have a seriousOct 21 13:25
s-521                 security problem. More likely internationalOct 21 13:25
s-521                 calls.Oct 21 13:25
s-521........................................ 21 13:25
s-521@csoghoian       Security researcher claims vulnerabilty allowedOct 21 13:34
s-521                 him to download SMS/MMS metadata for anyOct 21 13:34
s-521                 Verizon Wireless account.Oct 21 13:34
s-521        21 13:34
s-521........................................ 21 13:34 | Verizon Wireless Message Detail Disclosure | PRVSECOct 21 13:34
s-521@techdirt        Copyright As Censorship Again: Game DeveloperOct 21 13:37
s-521                 Takes Down Scathing YouTube ReviewOct 21 13:37
s-521        21 13:37
s-521........................................ 21 13:37 | Copyright As Censorship Again: Game Developer Takes Down Scathing YouTube Review | TechdirtOct 21 13:37
s-521@csoghoian       Security researcher finds URL modificationOct 21 13:37
s-521                 vulnerability in Verizon Wireless website, theyOct 21 13:37
s-521                 don't report him to FBI. 21 13:37
s-521........................................ 21 13:37
s-521@csoghoian       Simple URL tampering technique used by @prvsecOct 21 13:39
s-521                 to view Verizon account data is 100% same usedOct 21 13:39
s-521                 by Weev's co-conspirator. Weev is now in jail.Oct 21 13:39
s-521........................................ 21 13:39
s-521@csoghoian       Le Monde's @Damien_Leloup: Slides don't revealOct 21 13:43
s-521                 details, but we believe French calls spied byOct 21 13:43
s-521                 NSA are international. 21 13:43
s-521........................................ 21 13:43
TechrightsSocial@Damien_Leloup: @csoghoian The slides don't give this precision, our working hypothesis is that at least one of the recipients is in FranceOct 21 13:43
s-521@csoghoian       Puzzling why neither the Guardian nor Wash PostOct 21 13:44
s-521 retweeted by    published the new PRISM slides. Slide 4 isOct 21 13:44
s-521 @qu1j0t3        particularly interesting.Oct 21 13:44
s-521        21 13:44
s-521........................................ 21 13:44 | Prism EntierOct 21 13:44
s-521@DigitalGrinch   .@csoghoian slide 6, microsoft; first to bendOct 21 13:45
s-521 retweeted by    over and hand over our information. Thanks,Oct 21 13:45
s-521 @qu1j0t3        jerks $MSFT 21 13:45
s-521........................................ 21 13:45
s-521@slashdot        Ocean Currents Explain Why Northern HemisphereOct 21 13:46
s-521                 Is Soggier 21 13:46
s-521........................................ 21 13:46 | Ocean Currents Explain Why Northern Hemisphere Is Soggier - SlashdotOct 21 13:46
s-521@privacyint      Leaked docs re: #EU #Data Directive revealOct 21 13:52
s-521 retweeted by    amendments align with #eudatap, but voteOct 21 13:52
s-521 @glynmoody      remains uncertain: 21 13:52
s-521                 #privacyOct 21 13:52
s-521........................................ 21 13:52 | Leaked EU Data Directive amendments show alignment with Regulation, though vote is less certain | Privacy InternationalOct 21 13:52
s-521@OpenRightsGroup  Don't forget it's ORG-London supporter meetupOct 21 13:53
s-521 retweeted by    tonight! Privacy vs Open Data at the Reliance,Oct 21 13:53
s-521 @glynmoody      Old Street, talk at 7.30 21 13:53
s-521........................................ 21 13:53 | ORG-London pub meet: Open Data and the privacy question -  ORG London (London, England) - MeetupOct 21 13:53
s-521@JanAlbrecht     Wer die heutige Abstimmung über dieOct 21 13:53
s-521 retweeted by    EU-Datenschutzverordnung live miterleben will,Oct 21 13:53
s-521 @glynmoody      kann ab 18:30 Uhr hier zuschauen:Oct 21 13:53
s-521        21 13:53
s-521........................................ 21 13:53 | Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsOct 21 13:53
s-521@ggreenwald      More NSA docs that we published for the 1st ofOct 21 13:54
s-521 retweeted by    the Le Monde articles - here: Oct 21 13:54
s-521 @glynmoody 21 13:54 | Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde"Oct 21 13:54
s-521........................................ 21 13:54
s-521@wikileaks       'Fifth Estate' bombs with worst opening weekendOct 21 13:54
s-521                 of the year as Wikileaks releases its own filmOct 21 13:54
s-521                 – for free 21 13:54
s-521........................................ 21 13:54 | The Fifth Estate bombs with worst opening weekend of the year as Wikileaks releases its own Julian Assange film – for free | National PostOct 21 13:54
s-521@BoingBoing      Printed buff superhero costume workout outfitsOct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56 | NO TITLEOct 21 13:56
s-521@xeni            Welp, @damiencave wins the Internet today,Oct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by    dubbing beclownsuited gunman who killedOct 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow       Arrellano Felix “payasesino.”Oct 21 13:56
s-521        21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56
TechrightsSocial@xeni: Mexican drug lord assassinated by killer clowns. 21 13:56
TechrightsSocial-> | Mexican drug lord assassinated by killer clowns - Boing BoingOct 21 13:56
s-521@BoingBoing      One of our more popular video posts this week:Oct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by    musicians read mean Tweets about themselves.Oct 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow 21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56 | Musicians read mean Tweets about themselves - Boing BoingOct 21 13:56
s-521@BoingBoing      In Mexico, a once-powerful narco leader hasOct 21 13:56
s-521 retweeted by    been assassinated by a gunman wearing a clownOct 21 13:56
s-521 @doctorow       suit, at a kid's party. 21 13:56
s-521........................................ 21 13:56
s-521@BoingBoing      “@_wirepair:Oct 21 13:57
s-521 retweeted by    Congratulations on your device purchase!Oct 21 13:57
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 13:57
s-521                 Would you like:Oct 21 13:57
s-521                 Oct 21 13:57
s-521                 A. A US Backdoor.Oct 21 13:57
s-521                 B. A Chinese Backdoor.Oct 21 13:57
s-521                 C. A Vendor Backdoor.”Oct 21 13:57
s-521........................................ 21 13:57
s-521@doctorow        Zombie Baseball Beatdown: little-leaguersOct 21 13:59
s-521                 versus the zompocalypse - #review …Oct 21 13:59
s-521        21 13:59
s-521........................................ 21 13:59 | Cory Doctorow: Zombie Baseball Beatdown: little-leaguers versus the zompocalypseOct 21 13:59
s-521@slashdot        Facebook Isn't Accepting New Posts, Likes,Oct 21 14:04
s-521                 Comments... 21 14:04
s-521........................................ 21 14:04 | Facebook Isn't Accepting New Posts, Likes, Comments... - SlashdotOct 21 14:04
s-521@europevfacebook  RIGHT NOW: Sitting at the High Court to file anOct 21 14:06
s-521 retweeted by    application for Judicial Review against theOct 21 14:06
s-521 @glynmoody      #DPC because of refusal to investigate #PRISM..Oct 21 14:06
s-521........................................ 21 14:06
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Sen Dianne Feinliestein once again carriesOct 21 14:09
s-521                 NatSec line with 'approved' NSA talking pointsOct 21 14:09
s-521                 making zero sum fear case.Oct 21 14:09
s-521        21 14:09 | Sen. Dianne Feinstein: Continue NSA call-records programOct 21 14:09
s-521........................................ 21 14:09
s-521@doctorow        "But the 8-hour workday is too profitable forOct 21 14:18
s-521                 big business, not because of the amount of workOct 21 14:18
s-521                 people get..." 21 14:18
s-521........................................ 21 14:18 | Cory Doctorow: But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big...Oct 21 14:18
s-521@doctorow        Guh, flawless. Non-Westernised interpretationsOct 21 14:18
s-521                 of the steampunk genre FTW. Oct 21 14:18
s-521        21 14:18
s-521........................................ 21 14:18 | Cory Doctorow: coldalbion:  yukonstar:  anachronistichybrid: ...Oct 21 14:18
s-521@glynmoody       EU Assures that #CETA Does Not Contain #ACTAOct 21 14:22
s-521                 Copyright Rules - OK,Oct 21 14:22
s-521                 that's good; but what about #generics?Oct 21 14:22
s-521                 #tarsands?Oct 21 14:22
s-521........................................ 21 14:22 | Michael Geist - EU Assures that CETA Does Not Contain ACTA Copyright RulesOct 21 14:22
s-521@CasparBowden    MEPs: Art.4(2a) pseudo-isation = "KEPTOct 21 14:24
s-521 retweeted by    separately" stomps 10 yrs WP29 workOct 21 14:24
s-521 @glynmoody open-door for secret USOct 21 14:24
s-521                 re-ident #EUdatapOct 21 14:24
s-521........................................ 21 14:24
s-521@declanm         DOJ says, of course, it was a joke: manualOct 21 14:24
s-521 retweeted by    suggests "agents could face a firing squad forOct 21 14:24
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  leaking government secrets"Oct 21 14:24
s-521        21 14:24
s-521........................................ 21 14:24 | ATF’s prescription for leaking secrets: A firing squad?  - Washington TimesOct 21 14:24
s-521@glynmoody       EU-Internetbeauftragter Guttenberg: DerOct 21 14:25
s-521                 Phantom-Berater - what aOct 21 14:25
s-521                 jokeOct 21 14:25
s-521........................................ 21 14:25 | Guttenberg als EU-Berater: Außer Spesen nichts gewesen - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 21 14:25
s-521@slashdot        New York City Considers Articulated Subway CarsOct 21 14:27
s-521        21 14:27
s-521........................................ 21 14:27 | New York City Considers Articulated Subway Cars - SlashdotOct 21 14:27
s-521@nycjim          Wow. RT @mlcalderone: Fox News PR staffer usedOct 21 14:39
s-521 retweeted by    20 different aliases to post pro-Fox rantsOct 21 14:39
s-521 @glynmoody      online; another had 100: 21 14:39
s-521........................................ 21 14:39 | Fox News Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts | Blog | Media Matters for AmericaOct 21 14:39
s-521@glynmoody       French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10Oct 21 14:47
s-521                 times cheaper - 21 14:47
s-521                 specifically, #Mozilla #Thunderbird is cheaperOct 21 14:47
s-521........................................ 21 14:47 | French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10 times cheaper | JoinupOct 21 14:47
s-521@swardley        If you want a signal that the PTO is completelyOct 21 14:52
s-521 retweeted by    bust then the Steve Jobs patent is it -Oct 21 14:52
s-521 @glynmoody - farcically obvious forOct 21 14:52
s-521                 '08.Oct 21 14:52 | Patent Win Could Give Apple a Courtroom Midas Touch | Legal | E-Commerce TimesOct 21 14:52
s-521........................................ 21 14:52
s-521@glynmoody       Data Protection Regulation: La Quadrature'sOct 21 15:05
s-521                 Voting Recommendations to LIBE -Oct 21 15:05
s-521        hmm #EUOct 21 15:05
s-521........................................ 21 15:05 | Data Protection Regulation: La Quadrature's Voting Recommendations to LIBE | La Quadrature du NetOct 21 15:05
s-521@mgeist          EU Assures that #CETA Does Not Contain ACTAOct 21 15:06
s-521                 Copyright Rules: doc provides update onOct 21 15:06
s-521                 copyright provisions 21 15:06
s-521........................................ 21 15:06 | Michael Geist - EU Assures that CETA Does Not Contain ACTA Copyright RulesOct 21 15:06
s-521@CasparBowden    MEPs: If accept pseudonymity, Controller can doOct 21 15:07
s-521 retweeted by    a #NSA Gen.Alexander "Oh we don't know whoOct 21 15:07
s-521 @glynmoody      those tel numbers *belong* to.." #EUdatapOct 21 15:07
s-521                 r..ightOct 21 15:07
s-521........................................ 21 15:07
s-521@slashdot        The Dark Mod 2.0 Standalone: Id Tech 4 GPLOct 21 15:09
s-521                 Yields a Free Thief-a-Like GameOct 21 15:09
s-521        21 15:09
s-521........................................ 21 15:09 | The Dark Mod 2.0 Standalone: Id Tech 4 GPL Yields a Free Thief-a-Like Game - SlashdotOct 21 15:09
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Disneyland - Secret Tom Sawyer Raft HandOct 21 15:31
s-521                 Signals by BoogaFrito on Flickr.Oct 21 15:31
s-521        21 15:31 | Cory Doctorow: Disneyland - Secret Tom Sawyer Raft Hand Signals...Oct 21 15:31
s-521........................................ 21 15:31
s-521@slashdot        BT To Test Huawei 1Gbps Broadband Over CopperOct 21 15:49
s-521        21 15:49
s-521........................................ 21 15:49 | BT To Test Huawei 1Gbps Broadband Over Copper - SlashdotOct 21 15:49
s-521@EP_Justice      #EUdataP: follow marathon @EP_Justice vote onOct 21 15:52
s-521 retweeted by    reform of EU #DataProtection live from 6.30 toOct 21 15:52
s-521 @glynmoody      10.30pm 21 15:52
s-521........................................ 21 15:52 | Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsOct 21 15:52
s-521@pharmagossip    Unpublished studies hold twice as much data onOct 21 15:52
s-521 retweeted by    drugs as those in public domain, study finds |Oct 21 15:52
s-521 @glynmoody      BMJ 21 15:52
s-521........................................ 21 15:52 | Unpublished studies hold twice as much data on drugs as those in public domain, study finds | BMJOct 21 15:52
s-521@qirtaiba        At #discotech, revealed all #IGF2013Oct 21 15:52
s-521 retweeted by    participant data including passport numbers wasOct 21 15:52
s-521 @glynmoody      stored online and emailed in the clearOct 21 15:52
s-521........................................ 21 15:52
s-521@glynmoody       #Linux Foundation Celebrates with a QuadrupleOct 21 15:55
s-521                 Scotch - launchesOct 21 15:55
s-521                 unusual #opencloud report in #scotlandOct 21 15:55
s-521........................................ 21 15:55 | Linux Foundation Celebrates with a Quadruple Scotch - Open EnterpriseOct 21 15:55
s-521@glynmoody       The Senate Is Sitting On A Devastating ReportOct 21 15:56
s-521                 About How The CIA Avoided Oversight OfOct 21 15:56
s-521                 Unnecessary #Torture Program -Oct 21 15:56
s-521        21 15:56
s-521........................................ 21 15:56 | The Senate Is Sitting On A Devastating Report About How The CIA Avoided Oversight Of Unnecessary Torture Program | TechdirtOct 21 15:56
s-521@linuxtoday      Why DRM in HTML5 is wrong:  Examiner: A list ofOct 21 16:07
s-521                 the best responses countering the most commonOct 21 16:07
s-521                 reasons advocate... 21 16:07 | Linux Today - Why DRM in HTML5 is wrongOct 21 16:07
s-521........................................ 21 16:07
s-521@linuxtoday      Install LAMP Server (Apache, MySQL or MariaDB,Oct 21 16:07
s-521                 PHP) On Ubuntu 13.10 Server:  Oct 21 16:07
s-521        21 16:07
s-521........................................ 21 16:07 | Linux Today - Install LAMP Server (Apache, MySQL or MariaDB, PHP) On Ubuntu 13.10 ServerOct 21 16:07
s-521@techdirt        The Senate Is Sitting On A Devastating ReportOct 21 16:08
s-521                 About How The CIA Avoided Oversight Of…Oct 21 16:08
s-521        21 16:08
s-521........................................ 21 16:08
s-521@rcweir          The Power of Brand and the Power of Product,Oct 21 16:13
s-521                 Part 3 21 16:13
s-521........................................ 21 16:13 | The Power of Brand and the Power of Product, Part 3Oct 21 16:14
s-521@mgeist          RT @howardknopf: EXCESS COPYRIGHT: MilestonesOct 21 16:21
s-521                 in Canada’s Music Levy - The Journey toOct 21 16:21
s-521                 Extinction 21 16:21
s-521........................................ 21 16:21 | EXCESS COPYRIGHT: Milestones in Canada’s Music Levy - The Journey to ExtinctionOct 21 16:21
s-521@doctorow        Photo: hodgman: ;48 *8¢; 988;6*3 ‡1 )8-(8;Oct 21 16:22
s-521                 )‡-68;: )4500 ‡—?( ;46) ;4?()†5: ‡-;‡28( ;]8*;:Oct 21 16:22
s-521                 1‡?( 5; ?*6‡*... 21 16:22
s-521........................................ 21 16:22 | Cory Doctorow: hodgman:  ;48 *8¢; 988;6*3 ‡1 )8-(8; )‡-68;:...Oct 21 16:22
s-521@slashdot        NSA Intercepted French Telephone Calls "On aOct 21 16:27
s-521                 Massive Scale" 21 16:27
s-521........................................ 21 16:27 | NSA Intercepted French Telephone Calls "On a Massive Scale" - SlashdotOct 21 16:28
s-521@WeldPond        Response from EU countries shouldn't be for NSAOct 21 16:37
s-521 retweeted by    to stop spying but to make their comms secure.Oct 21 16:37
s-521 @ioerror        The Russians, Chinese, others won't stop.Oct 21 16:37
s-521........................................ 21 16:37
s-521@FISACourt       The Court posted CNSS' motion for publicOct 21 16:37
s-521 retweeted by    briefings on bulk phone collection and un-hidOct 21 16:37
s-521 @ioerror        the link from the last update:Oct 21 16:37
s-521        21 16:37
s-521........................................ 21 16:37
s-521@rcweir          New survey results showing the growth inOct 21 16:37
s-521                 OpenOffice brand recognition and product use. Oct 21 16:37
s-521        #apache #openofficeOct 21 16:37
s-521........................................ 21 16:37 | The Power of Brand and the Power of Product, Part 3Oct 21 16:37
s-521@kennethlipp     FBI Director James Comey just referred to hisOct 21 16:38
s-521 retweeted by    agency as a "paramilitary" organizationOct 21 16:38
s-521 @ioerror        #IACP2013Oct 21 16:38
s-521........................................ 21 16:38
s-521@umairh          Yup “@wildnfree1: RT @tnr: British citizen endsOct 21 16:59
s-521                 up in American ER: "This isn't a hospital; it'sOct 21 16:59
s-521                 the Wild West."”Oct 21 16:59
s-521........................................ 21 16:59 | Hospital Stay Convinced British Writer that US Needs Obamacare | New RepublicOct 21 16:59
s-521@umairh          When you negotiate with lunatics, you end upOct 21 17:02
s-521                 the biggest fool. #obamalessonsOct 21 17:02
s-521........................................ 21 17:02
s-521@slashdot        DHHS Preparing 'Tech Surge' To Fix RemainingOct 21 17:04
s-521        IssuesOct 21 17:04
s-521        21 17:04
s-521........................................ 21 17:04 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 17:04 | DHHS Preparing 'Tech Surge' To Fix Remaining Issues - SlashdotOct 21 17:04
s-521@WeldPond        Response from EU countries shouldn't be for NSAOct 21 17:05
s-521 retweeted by    to stop spying but to make their comms secure.Oct 21 17:05
s-521 @csoghoian      The Russians, Chinese, others won't stop.Oct 21 17:05
s-521........................................ 21 17:05
s-521@techdirt        Author Claims Copyright Over Interview He GaveOct 21 17:08
s-521                 20 Years Ago 21 17:08
s-521........................................ 21 17:08 | Author Claims Copyright Over Interview He Gave 20 Years Ago | TechdirtOct 21 17:08
s-521@umairh          Good stuff. “@mmcternan: Review of 'LeftOct 21 17:09
s-521                 Without a Future? by @AnthonyPainterOct 21 17:09
s-521        @LSEReviewBooks”Oct 21 17:09
s-521........................................ 21 17:09 | Book Review: Left Without a Future? Social Justice in Anxious Times | LSE Review of BooksOct 21 17:09
s-521@umairh          Somewhere, there's a contractor in ten millionOct 21 17:14
s-521                 dollar DC McMansion laughing at the botchedOct 21 17:14
s-521                 Obamacare launch.Oct 21 17:14
s-521........................................ 21 17:14
s-521@quinnnorton     I tackle 40, w/, as @Dymaxion says, the sameOct 21 17:17
s-521 retweeted by    belligerence I do everything. (Honestly, it'sOct 21 17:17
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  about becoming happy.) 21 17:17
s-521........................................ 21 17:17 | On Turning 40 — LadyBits on Medium — MediumOct 21 17:17
s-521@slashdot        Freedreno Graphics Driver Gets PRIME, RenderOct 21 17:18
s-521                 Node Support 21 17:19
s-521........................................ 21 17:19 | Freedreno Graphics Driver Gets PRIME, Render Node Support - SlashdotOct 21 17:19
s-521@umairh          America is officially insane. “@Demos_Org: HowOct 21 17:25
s-521                 Taxpayers Get Punished by Private PrisonOct 21 17:25
s-521                 “Lockup Quotas."”Oct 21 17:25
s-521........................................ 21 17:25 | How Taxpayers Get Punished by Private Prison “Lockup Quotas" | DemosOct 21 17:25
s-521@umairh          Lockup quotas?! Seriously? How Orwellian canOct 21 17:26
s-521                 you get? What's next, mandatory workhouse time?Oct 21 17:26
s-521........................................ 21 17:26
s-521@SMaurizi        Espresso: as France furious abt #NSA spying,Oct 21 17:28
s-521 retweeted by    Italian politicians must explain why they areOct 21 17:28
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  so silent 21 17:28
s-521........................................ 21 17:28 | Washington e Londra spiano anche noiOct 21 17:28
s-521@schneierblog    The Trajectories of Government and CorporateOct 21 17:29
s-521 retweeted by    Surveillance: Historically, surveillance wasOct 21 17:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  difficult and expens... 21 17:29
s-521........................................ 21 17:29 | Schneier on Security: The Trajectories of Government and Corporate SurveillanceOct 21 17:29
s-521@privacyint      #Surveillance comps. selling to NigerianOct 21 17:30
s-521 retweeted by    government, & #NSA exporting spy policies asOct 21 17:30
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  well, by @Edin_O: 21 17:30
s-521                 #privacyOct 21 17:30
s-521........................................ 21 17:30 | Nigerian government under fire for expansion of surveillance programs | Privacy InternationalOct 21 17:30
s-521@csoghoian       Le Monde slide p7 highlights clear nexusOct 21 17:32
s-521 retweeted by    between FISA 702 surveillance and FBI/NSA cyberOct 21 17:32
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  defense operations. 21 17:32
s-521........................................ 21 17:32 | Prism EntierOct 21 17:32
s-521@hello_scott_    Fantastic @berkmancenter podcast in whichOct 21 17:34
s-521 retweeted by    @zeynep discusses social media and socialOct 21 17:34
s-521 @glynmoody      movements, 21 17:34
s-521........................................ 21 17:34 | MediaBerkman  » Blog Archive   » Zeynep Tufekci on Social Media-Fueled Protest Style From Arab Spring to Gezi Protests in Turkey [AUDIO]Oct 21 17:34
s-521@SMaurizi        Espresso: as France furious abt #NSA spying,Oct 21 17:35
s-521 retweeted by    Italian politicians must explain why they areOct 21 17:35
s-521 @glynmoody      so silent 21 17:35
s-521........................................ 21 17:35
s-521@bbw1984         After Katy Perry names her new album 'PRISM' weOct 21 17:36
s-521 retweeted by    look forward to Cheryl Cole's next effort,Oct 21 17:36
s-521 @glynmoody      GCHQ.Oct 21 17:36
s-521........................................ 21 17:36
s-521@slashdot        Experian Sold Social Security Numbers To IDOct 21 17:37
s-521                 Theft Service 21 17:37
s-521........................................ 21 17:37 | Experian Sold Social Security Numbers To ID Theft Service - SlashdotOct 21 17:37
s-521@davidgerard     Rocknerd: “Twitter had a music app?”Oct 21 17:40
s-521        21 17:40 | Rocknerd  » Blog Archive   » “Twitter had a music app?”Oct 21 17:40
s-521........................................ 21 17:40
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   USA Today: Gov't needs 2 show NSA massOct 21 17:43
s-521                 surveillance has "extraordinary value" To dateOct 21 17:43
s-521                 admin "hasn't even come close"Oct 21 17:43
s-521        21 17:44
s-521........................................ 21 17:44 | NSA must prove value of phone program: Our viewOct 21 17:44
s-521@csoghoian       Security researcher finds URL modificationOct 21 17:48
s-521 retweeted by    vulnerability in Verizon Wireless website, theyOct 21 17:48
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  don't report him to FBI. 21 17:48
s-521........................................ 21 17:48
s-521@csoghoian       Simple URL tampering technique used by @prvsecOct 21 17:48
s-521 retweeted by    to view Verizon account data is 100% same usedOct 21 17:48
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  by Weev's co-conspirator. Weev is now in jail.Oct 21 17:48
s-521........................................ 21 17:48
TechrightsSocialconnect() timed out! ( status 0 @ )Oct 21 17:48
s-521@ObscenityLawyer  Facebook allows decapitation videos:Oct 21 17:59
s-521 retweeted by As I have asked before,Oct 21 17:59
s-521 @glynmoody      why is obscenity always framed around sexualOct 21 17:59
s-521                 morality?Oct 21 17:59
s-521........................................ 21 17:59 | BBC News - Facebook lets beheading clips return to social networkOct 21 17:59
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   USA Today: Gov't needs 2 show NSA massOct 21 18:02
s-521 retweeted by    surveillance has "extraordinary value" To dateOct 21 18:02
s-521 @glynmoody      admin "hasn't even come close"Oct 21 18:02
s-521        21 18:02
s-521........................................ 21 18:02
s-521@glynmoody       France angered by new revelations of #NSAOct 21 18:07
s-521                 surveillance - but realOct 21 18:07
s-521                 or feigned? #snowdenOct 21 18:07
s-521........................................ 21 18:07 | France angered by new revelations of NSA surveillance | Ars TechnicaOct 21 18:07
s-521@slashdot        Connecting To Unsecured Bluetooth Car SystemsOct 21 18:19
s-521                 To Monitor Traffic Flow 21 18:19
s-521........................................ 21 18:19 | Connecting To Unsecured Bluetooth Car Systems To Monitor Traffic Flow - SlashdotOct 21 18:19
s-521@mgeist          RT @peternowak: Crown wireless company lookingOct 21 18:25
s-521                 more appealing 21 18:25
s-521........................................ 21 18:25 | Crown wireless company looking more appealing | WordsByNowakOct 21 18:25
schestowitz_bed2> Thanks.  RMS gets attacked from all sides but all the attacks seemOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> personal.  So to me it is no surprise that if someone actually listensOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> to him that they agree with him.  He tends to be not just right, but wayOct 21 18:33
schestowitz_bed2> ahead of everybody.  That freaks out a lot of people so they attack theOct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> messenger.Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> At Ohio Linux Fest this year, Maddog Hall spread disinformation andOct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> antipathy.  Below, albeit years ago, Dixon is riling up the crowd withOct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> anti-RMS rhetoric:Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> 21 18:34 | BSD v. GPL, Jason Dixon, NYCBSDCon 2008 - YouTube  [ ]Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> Naively I had expected it to be a real discussion of the merits of GPLOct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> vs BSD from a BSD perspective.  Wrong.  However, five years have passedOct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> so it's possible that he takes a more grown up approach now.Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> Anyway, the point is that if they get to hear it, people tend to agreeOct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> with RMS' message.  So the important thing is to find ways to present itOct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2> to people so they can get passed the rhetoric and personal attacks.Oct 21 18:34
schestowitz_bed2Personal attacks try to prevent people from listening to him at all, or rely on second-hand accounts of what he allegedly said.Oct 21 18:34
s-521@techdirt        Accidentally Revealed Document Shows TSAOct 21 18:38
s-521                 Doesn't Think Terrorists Are Plotting ToOct 21 18:38
s-521                 Attack… 21 18:38
s-521........................................ 21 18:38 | Accidentally Revealed Document Shows TSA Doesn't Think Terrorists Are Plotting To Attack Airplanes | TechdirtOct 21 18:38
s-521@doctorow        The best idea for tip-jar voting: “What is theOct 21 18:40
s-521                 highest-denomination bill on your person?” withOct 21 18:40
s-521                 jars for... 21 18:40
s-521........................................ 21 18:40 | Cory Doctorow: The best idea for tip-jar voting: “What is the...Oct 21 18:40
s-521@BoingBoing      Scratch-built, thoroughly documented, workingOct 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    1/4 scale V8 engine 21 18:46
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:46
s-521........................................ 21 18:46 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:46
s-521@thanland        An Unofficial @XOXO Podcast updated with @evOct 21 18:46
s-521 retweeted by    @marcoarment @mollycrabapple & @boingboing.Oct 21 18:46
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:46
s-521                 🎧 21 18:46
s-521........................................ 21 18:46 | iTunes - Podcasts - An Unofficial XOXO Festival Podcast by Than TibbettsOct 21 18:46
s-521@BoingBoing      Please enjoy this cute platypus videoOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Why Q was illegal in Turkey until last monthOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Morrissey's autobiography infuriates BritishOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    newspapers, and they didn't even have to readOct 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       it 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Parallel parking is easy 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Man spends $100,000 on surgery to slightlyOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    resemble Justin Bieber 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Functional, animated Disneyland map Hallowe'enOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    costume 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Facebook blocked our post of @km_mcfarland’sOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    #TheWalkingDead review; we were like WHY DO YOUOct 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       HATE ZOMBIES FACEBOOK 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47 | The Walking Dead, Season 4, episode 2, 'Infected': Review - Boing BoingOct 21 18:47
s-521@BoingBoing      Zombie Baseball Beatdown: little-leaguersOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    versus the zompocalypse 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 18:47 | NO TITLEOct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:47
s-521@Frauenfelder    TSA at BUR is now using mobile computers toOct 21 18:47
s-521 retweeted by    look up information on passengers at theOct 21 18:47
s-521 @doctorow       ID/boarding pass station.Oct 21 18:47
s-521........................................ 21 18:48
s-521@schestowitz     "Android went from zero percent of theOct 21 18:50
s-521                 smartphone market to owning nearly 80 percentOct 21 18:50
s-521                 of it." 21 18:50
s-521........................................ 21 18:50 | Google’s iron grip on Android: Controlling open source by any means necessary | Ars TechnicaOct 21 18:50
s-521@schestowitz     Gum 21 18:50
s-521........................................ 21 18:50
s-521@BoingBoing      ICYMI: Dick Cheney feared assassination byOct 21 18:53
s-521 retweeted by    cardio device hack, had docs turnOct 21 18:53
s-521 @doctorow       defibrillator's wireless offOct 21 18:53
s-521        21 18:53
s-521........................................ 21 18:53 | Dick Cheney feared assassination by cardio device hack, had docs turn defibrillator's wireless off - Boing BoingOct 21 18:53
s-521@JanAlbrecht     We made it! #EUdataPOct 21 18:57
s-521 retweeted by    Oct 21 18:57
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 18:57
s-521........................................ 21 18:57
s-521@dmarthal        @Thomas_Drake1 Even if it did, it would stillOct 21 18:57
s-521 retweeted by    be unconstitutional. There are a lot of thingsOct 21 18:57
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  gov't could do that have "value"...Oct 21 18:57
s-521........................................ 21 18:57
s-521@slashdot        Most IT Workers Don't Have STEM (Science, Tech,Oct 21 19:01
s-521                 Engineering, Math) DegreesOct 21 19:01
s-521        21 19:01
s-521........................................ 21 19:01 | Most IT Workers Don't Have STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math) Degrees - SlashdotOct 21 19:01
s-521@ervinjuresa     The NSA files: how they affect you (videoOct 21 19:04
s-521 retweeted by    animation) @ggreenwaldOct 21 19:04
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  @EFF @ACLU @Thomas_Drake1 @csoghoianOct 21 19:04
s-521                 @trevortimmOct 21 19:04
s-521........................................ 21 19:04 | The NSA files: how they affect you - video animation | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 19:04
s-521@glynmoody       #Linux Foundation Celebrates with a QuadrupleOct 21 19:07
s-521                 Scotch - launchesOct 21 19:07
s-521                 unusual #opencloud report in #scotland...Oct 21 19:07
s-521........................................ 21 19:07 | Linux Foundation Celebrates with a Quadruple Scotch - Open EnterpriseOct 21 19:07
s-521@techdirt        Leak Shows NSA Grabbed Data On 70 MillionOct 21 19:08
s-521                 French Phone Calls In Less Than 30 DaysOct 21 19:08
s-521        21 19:08
s-521........................................ 21 19:08 | Leak Shows NSA Grabbed Data On 70 Million French Phone Calls In Less Than 30 Days | TechdirtOct 21 19:08
s-521@WeMeantWell     Life in the 21st Century State Department: AOct 21 19:10
s-521 retweeted by    Fired FSO (not me!) reflects back on what'sOct 21 19:10
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  left of diplomacy 21 19:10
s-521........................................ 21 19:10 | Life in the 21st Century State Department | We Meant Well - Peter Van BurenOct 21 19:10
s-521@doctorow        "We have an obligation to read aloud to ourOct 21 19:12
s-521                 children. To read them things they enjoy. ToOct 21 19:12
s-521                 read to them..." 21 19:12
s-521........................................ 21 19:12 | Cory Doctorow: We have an obligation to read aloud to our...Oct 21 19:12
s-521@doctorow        "Archbishop James Usher (1580-1656) publishedOct 21 19:12
s-521                 Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments in 1654,Oct 21 19:12
s-521                 which..." 21 19:12
s-521........................................ 21 19:12 | Cory Doctorow: Archbishop James Usher (1580-1656) published...Oct 21 19:12
s-521@netzpolitik     Das ist ja jetzt total überraschend.Oct 21 19:14
s-521 retweeted by    Filesharing: Das Gesetz gegen unseriöseOct 21 19:14
s-521 @glynmoody      Geschäftspraktiken läuft leer:Oct 21 19:14
s-521        21 19:14
s-521........................................ 21 19:14 | Internet-Law » Filesharing: Das Gesetz gegen unseriöse Geschäftspraktiken läuft leerOct 21 19:14
s-521@mgeist          RT @wlpress: On Canada's national security law,Oct 21 19:16
s-521                 surveillance, and CSEC following #Snowden leaksOct 21 19:16
s-521        21 19:16
s-521........................................ 21 19:16 | A Tale of Two Controversies: Thoughts on CSEC’s Headline Act(s) - National Security Law Blog -Oct 21 19:16
s-521@JamesGRickards  Damage control report is they need to re-writeOct 21 19:19
s-521 retweeted by    5 million lines of code to fix #Obamacare...byOct 21 19:19
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Valentine's Day #NoWayOct 21 19:19
s-521........................................ 21 19:19 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 19:19
s-521@glynmoody       Yahoo poaches New York Times tech writer DavidOct 21 19:19
s-521                 Pogue - sign of the, er,Oct 21 19:19
s-521                 times.. #journalismOct 21 19:19
s-521........................................ 21 19:19 | Yahoo poaches New York Times tech writer David Pogue | Internet & Media - CNET NewsOct 21 19:19
s-521@onekade         So a thing I helped with is pissing off theOct 21 19:24
s-521 retweeted by    surveillance industry enough that they made aOct 21 19:24
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  propaganda video. Cool. 21 19:24
s-521........................................ 21 19:24 | License plate reader industry produces error-ridden propaganda video | Privacy SOSOct 21 19:24
s-521@BORDC           BORDC report back from Fight For The Future’sOct 21 19:29
s-521 retweeted by    NSA video guerrilla world premiereOct 21 19:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 21 19:29
s-521........................................ 21 19:29 | People's Blog for the Constitution  » BORDC report back from Fight For The Future’s NSA video guerrilla world premiereOct 21 19:29
s-521@Phillip_Blond   IMHO the West is now a plutocracy that usesOct 21 19:29
s-521 retweeted by    meritocracy as it's coverOct 21 19:29
s-521 @umairh         Oct 21 19:29
s-521........................................ 21 19:29
s-521@glynmoody       I'm Rick Falkvinge, AMA -Oct 21 19:29
s-521        interesting stuff, asOct 21 19:29
s-521                 ever #redditOct 21 19:29
s-521........................................ 21 19:29 | I'm Rick Falkvinge, founder of the first Pirate Party and subsequent author of "Swarmwise: the tactical manual to changing the world". AMA. : IAmAOct 21 19:29
s-521@saftergood      What is overclassification?Oct 21 19:30
s-521 retweeted by Different definitionsOct 21 19:30
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  generate different responsesOct 21 19:30
s-521........................................ 21 19:30 | What is Overclassification? - Secrecy NewsOct 21 19:30
s-521@umairh          What is the greatest idea of the last fewOct 21 19:35
s-521                 years?Oct 21 19:35
s-521........................................ 21 19:35
s-521@glynmoody       European Parliament vote on Privacy Regulation:Oct 21 19:40
s-521                 major losses obscure other gains -Oct 21 19:40
s-521        "legitimate interest"Oct 21 19:40
s-521                 must go #DPROct 21 19:40
s-521........................................ 21 19:40 | Blog | AccessOct 21 19:40
s-521@schestowitz     Death chain 21 19:42
s-521........................................ 21 19:42
s-521@glynmoody       Kommentar zur Abstimmung über dieOct 21 19:43
s-521                 EU-Datenschutzverordnung: Nicht ausreichend -Oct 21 19:43
s-521        ‘berechtigtes Interesse’Oct 21 19:43
s-521                 muss gehenOct 21 19:43
s-521........................................ 21 19:43 | Kommentar zur Abstimmung über die EU-Datenschutzverordnung: Nicht ausreichend | Digitale GesellschaftOct 21 19:43
s-521@glynmoody       We Have a Right to Save Seeds. Right? -Oct 21 19:46
s-521        er, nope: "BigOct 21 19:46
s-521                 agribusinesses are enclosing the seedOct 21 19:46
s-521                 #commons." #EUOct 21 19:46 | We Have a Right to Save Seeds. Right? - ShareableOct 21 19:46
s-521........................................ 21 19:46
schestowitz_bed2> Is it possible to queue articles and designate a specific time forOct 21 19:49
s-521@rj_gallagher    Le Monde published a few new slides from theOct 21 19:49
schestowitz_bed2> publication?Oct 21 19:49
s-521 retweeted by    NSA's secret Prism presentation:Oct 21 19:49
s-521 @ioerror 21 19:49
s-521........................................ 21 19:49 | Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde"Oct 21 19:49
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Le Monde published a few new slides from the NSA's secret Prism presentation: 21 19:49
schestowitz_bed2In Drupal? probably, for blog posts at least. WordPress has supported this for almost a decade.Oct 21 19:49
s-521@glynmoody       Novos documentos mostram que EUA espionam oOct 21 19:50
s-521                 e-mail do governo brasileiro há anos -Oct 21 19:50
s-521        #brazil #nsaOct 21 19:50
s-521........................................ 21 19:50 | Novos documentos mostram que EUA espionam o e-mail do governo brasileiro há anosOct 21 19:50
s-521@schestowitz     New #nsa #prism leaks from #france mediaOct 21 19:50
s-521        21 19:50
TechrightsSocial@rj_gallagher: Le Monde published a few new slides from the NSA's secret Prism presentation: 21 19:50
s-521........................................ 21 19:50
s-521@slashdot        Biological Clock Discovered That Measures AgesOct 21 19:52
s-521                 of Most Human Tissues 21 19:52
s-521........................................ 21 19:52 | Biological Clock Discovered That Measures Ages of Most Human Tissues - SlashdotOct 21 19:52
s-521@techdirt        Instead Of Nominating New DHS Boss, ObamaOct 21 19:52
s-521                 Should Look At Disbanding DHSOct 21 19:52
s-521        21 19:52
s-521........................................ 21 19:52 | Instead Of Nominating New DHS Boss, Obama Should Look At Disbanding DHS | TechdirtOct 21 19:52
s-521@ruskin147       Sobering stats - A Level Computer StudiesOct 21 19:53
s-521 retweeted by    students in England - 2001: 10,913.  2013: Oct 21 19:53
s-521 @glynmoody      3,400Oct 21 19:53
s-521........................................ 21 19:53
s-521@MuckRock        Did You Know? MuckRock’s one of a few newsOct 21 19:53
s-521 retweeted by    sites that encrypts all your traffic with SSL:Oct 21 19:53
s-521 @ioerror 21 19:53
s-521........................................ 21 19:53 | Home | MuckrockOct 21 19:53
s-521@schestowitz     Instead Of Nominating New DHS Boss, ObamaOct 21 19:57
s-521                 Should Look At Disbanding DHSOct 21 19:57
s-521        better: jail themOct 21 19:57
s-521........................................ 21 19:57
s-521@schestowitz     Richard Stallman: How Much Surveillance CanOct 21 19:58
s-521                 Democracy Withstand? 21 19:58
s-521                 #espionage #counterdemocracyOct 21 19:58
s-521........................................ 21 19:58 | Richard Stallman: How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand? | TechrightsOct 21 19:58
s-521@csoghoian       Pro-tip: If you want to credibly defend NSAOct 21 19:58
s-521                 domestic surveillance, don't argue that itOct 21 19:58
s-521                 isn't actually surveillance.Oct 21 19:58
s-521        21 19:58
s-521........................................ 21 19:58 | Feinstein defends NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 19:58
s-521@schestowitz     Feinstein defends #NSA data collection andOct 21 20:01
s-521                 insists program is 'not surveillance'Oct 21 20:01
s-521        and she's not aOct 21 20:01
s-521                 politicianOct 21 20:01
s-521........................................ 21 20:01
s-521@Falkvinge       "If whistleblowers don't dare reveal crimes andOct 21 20:01
s-521 retweeted by    lies, we lose the last shred of effectiveOct 21 20:01
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  control over our government andOct 21 20:01
s-521                 institutions...1/2Oct 21 20:01
s-521........................................ 21 20:01
s-521@Falkvinge       ...That's why surveillance that enables theOct 21 20:01
s-521 retweeted by    state to find out who has talked with aOct 21 20:01
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  reporter is too much surveillance." -R StallmanOct 21 20:01
s-521                 (2/2)Oct 21 20:01
s-521........................................ 21 20:01
s-521@glynmoody       #Koch Brothers Could Earn $100 Billion inOct 21 20:02
s-521                 #TarSands Profit - whyOct 21 20:02
s-521                 do they care? they'll be dead soon...Oct 21 20:02
s-521........................................ 21 20:02 | Koch Brothers Could Earn $100 Billion in Tar Sands Profit if Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved | AlternetOct 21 20:02
s-521@schestowitz     Based on the new leaks (not censored byOct 21 20:02
s-521                 #theguardian ) you can see how immediatelyOct 21 20:02
s-521                 after #Microsoft (#1 in #prism ) took #SkypeOct 21 20:02
s-521                 NSA added itOct 21 20:02
s-521........................................ 21 20:02
s-521@schestowitz     Koch Brothers Could Earn $100 Billion in TarOct 21 20:03
s-521                 Sands Profit if Keystone XL Pipeline IsOct 21 20:03
s-521                 ApprovedOct 21 20:03
s-521         #koch #natureOct 21 20:03
s-521........................................ 21 20:03
s-521@schestowitz     RT @Falkvinge   "If whistleblowers don't dareOct 21 20:05
s-521                 reveal crimes and  lies, we lose the last shredOct 21 20:05
s-521                 of effective control over our government..."Oct 21 20:05
s-521........................................ 21 20:06
s-521@davidgerard     Rocknerd: A questionable timeline of theOct 21 20:06
s-521                 evolution of Western dance music.Oct 21 20:06
s-521        21 20:06
s-521........................................ 21 20:06 | Rocknerd  » Blog Archive   » A questionable timeline of the evolution of Western dance music.Oct 21 20:06
s-521@poggs           Q: Why do all the code tests suddenly pass?  A:Oct 21 20:07
s-521 retweeted by    Because you've deleted a bunch of tests byOct 21 20:07
s-521 @davidgerard    accidentOct 21 20:07
s-521........................................ 21 20:07
s-521@glynmoody       In #China, victory: citizens persuaded to giveOct 21 20:07
s-521                 up #shark fin soup - 21 20:07
s-521                 fab, pl. save elephants now (v @howardknopf)Oct 21 20:07
s-521........................................ 21 20:07 | In China, victory for wildlife conservation as citizens persuaded to give up shark fin soup - The Washington PostOct 21 20:07
s-521@schestowitz     The 'new' #techrights will be more focused onOct 21 20:08
s-521                 #privacy and will be launched within daysOct 21 20:08
s-521........................................ 21 20:08
s-521@mathewi         Re: Pogue -- Yahoo said it didn't want to be aOct 21 20:09
s-521 retweeted by    media company, then it did, then it didn't. NowOct 21 20:09
s-521 @glynmoody      it seems to want to again. Hard to keep trackOct 21 20:09
s-521........................................ 21 20:09
s-521@anildash        Sign the petition to open source all the codeOct 21 20:10
s-521 retweeted by    for 21 20:10
s-521 @glynmoody 21 20:10 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 20:10
s-521........................................ 21 20:10 | Release to the open source community the source code to, specifically all code written by CGI Federal. | We the People: Your Voice in Our GovernmentOct 21 20:10
s-521@glynmoody       The past year in #OpenAccess -Oct 21 20:11
s-521        useful summaryOct 21 20:11
s-521........................................ 21 20:11 | The past year in Open Access - Creative CommonsOct 21 20:11
s-521@schestowitz     STOP living animals keychain/lucky charm inOct 21 20:11
s-521                 China #disgusting stuffOct 21 20:11
s-521........................................ 21 20:11 | STOP living animals keychain/lucky charm in ChinaOct 21 20:11
s-521@brianstelter    BuzzFeed's introducing an investigative unit,Oct 21 20:12
s-521 retweeted by    led by a Pulitzer winner from ProPublica.Oct 21 20:12
s-521 @glynmoody      Details via @LeslieNYT: 21 20:12
s-521........................................ 21 20:12 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 20:12
schestowitz_bed2>> Is the site almost ready to go live? Provided I put something in the newOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2>> pages (30 empty ones need some pointers to other pages with short introOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2>> included).Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> I think it needs adjustment.  If I go to Add Content->Article then I amOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> presented with one field for "tags" * for keywords.  But there is onlyOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> one such field, meaning one such namespace / controlled vocabulary.  TheOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> effect I am looking for is to be able to add keywords to the articles atOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> any time in their life cycle and have the CMS use them to create listsOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> and other pages dynamically.Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> Also, the output from drupal is so cluttered, I'm not sure where theOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> content should fit.  As mentioned, I have to scroll down the page to getOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> past the menus and pictures.  Then there is a sidebar which takes upOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> half the screen.   I'm a fan of the pre-IPO Google's layout.  That wasOct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> simplicity.Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2> * about as useful a term as smurf.Oct 21 20:17
schestowitz_bed2Mininalist can be good, but many people judge a site's credibility by how 'professional' it looks.Oct 21 20:17
s-521@schestowitz     The fall-out from FalcianiOct 21 20:18
s-521        light on the banksOct 21 20:18
s-521........................................ 21 20:18 | Banks and tax evasion: The fall-out from Falciani | The EconomistOct 21 20:18
s-521@glynmoody       Gates Foundation is joining International AidOct 21 20:20
s-521                 #Transparency Initiative -Oct 21 20:20
s-521        good move; who's next?Oct 21 20:20
s-521                 (v @darinmckeever)Oct 21 20:20
s-521........................................ 21 20:20 | Information Sharing for Impact | Impatient OptimistsOct 21 20:20
s-521@mgeist          RT @jdebeer: Civil liberties, tech &Oct 21 20:21
s-521                 development in Arab countries | Tue 22 OctOct 21 20:21
s-521                 11h30 FTX 302 by @naglarzk DistinguishedOct 21 20:21
s-521                 VisitorOct 21 20:21
s-521........................................ 21 20:21
schestowitz_bed2> I'm trying the settings just to see what it would look like temporarilyOct 21 20:21
schestowitz_bed2> to have less on the screen.  But there seems to be no change even when IOct 21 20:21
schestowitz_bed2> clear my cache.Oct 21 20:21
schestowitz_bed2Under config-performance you can clear server-side cache is needed.Oct 21 20:21
s-521@glynmoody       #Experian Sold Consumer Data to ID TheftOct 21 20:22
s-521                 Service - guess what? ifOct 21 20:22
s-521                 you build vast dbs, they will get abusedOct 21 20:22
s-521                 #privacyOct 21 20:22
s-521........................................ 21 20:22
s-521@csoghoian       US VPN service shuts down over fears it willOct 21 20:22
s-521                 receive Lavabit style order for crypto keys.Oct 21 20:22
s-521        21 20:22
s-521........................................ 21 20:22 | Experian Sold Consumer Data to ID Theft Service —  Krebs on SecurityOct 21 20:22
TechrightsSocial@octal: FWIW, yes, we did shut down @cryptoseal privacy VPN service due to @lavabit related concerns over pen trap orders. 21 20:22
TechrightsSocial-> | CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private VPN | Hacker NewsOct 21 20:22
schestowitz_bed2 21 20:22 reshared: Feinstein defends #NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' and she's not a politicianOct 21 20:22
TechrightsSocial-> | Feinstein defends NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' | World news |  [ ]Oct 21 20:22
schestowitz_bed2Then she won't mind when it's done to her, right? Anyone up to it? I don't know how."7"Oct 21 20:22
schestowitz_bed2The one terror plot the NSA hasn't stopped is its own terrorisation of the natoonOct 21 20:23
schestowitz_bed2The one terror plot the NSA hasn't stopped is its own terrorisation of the nationOct 21 20:23
s-521@TheOnion        New, Improved Obamacare Program Released On 35Oct 21 20:24
s-521 retweeted by    Floppy Disks 21 20:24
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 20:24 | New, Improved Obamacare Program Released On 35 Floppy Disks | The Onion - America's Finest News SourceOct 21 20:24
s-521........................................ 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> Looking at the address blocking,Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> 21 20:24
TechrightsSocial ( status 403 @ )Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 21 20:24
schestowitz_bed2> does the new arrangement with the gateway machine and varnish allow forOct 21 20:25
schestowitz_bed2> the original source address to be identified by Drupal?  The old set upOct 21 20:25
schestowitz_bed2> saw all visitors as coming from the accelerator.Oct 21 20:25
schestowitz_bed2I never really block IPs, so it's no big deal.Oct 21 20:25
s-521@csoghoian       DOJ chill: 1 company taken to court overOct 21 20:29
s-521                 refusal to help with spying, other small firmsOct 21 20:29
s-521                 shut down services, don't even wait to get anOct 21 20:29
s-521                 order.Oct 21 20:29
s-521........................................ 21 20:29
s-521@glynmoody       CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private #VPNOct 21 20:31
s-521                 - whoa, 1st #lavabit,Oct 21 20:31
s-521                 now this...bad times (v @csoghoian)Oct 21 20:31 | CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private VPN | Hacker NewsOct 21 20:31
s-521........................................ 21 20:31
s-521@slashdot        New York City To Get Manhole Covers ThatOct 21 20:31
s-521                 Wirelessly Charge Electric VehiclesOct 21 20:31
s-521        21 20:31
s-521........................................ 21 20:31 | New York City To Get Manhole Covers That Wirelessly Charge Electric Vehicles - SlashdotOct 21 20:31
s-521@csoghoian       DOJ chill: 1 company taken to court overOct 21 20:32
s-521 retweeted by    refusal to help with spying, other small firmsOct 21 20:32
s-521 @glynmoody      shut down services, don't even wait to get anOct 21 20:32
s-521                 order.Oct 21 20:32
s-521........................................ 21 20:32
s-521@wikileaks       The Fifth Estate: Fails in Truth & DramaOct 21 20:38
s-521        21 20:38
s-521........................................ 21 20:38 | The Fifth Estate: Fails in Truth & Drama - The Script LabOct 21 20:38
s-521@umairh          This should just be a general purposeOct 21 20:42
s-521                 expression. “@paulpod: oh god, he's marinatingOct 21 20:42
s-521                 the beef in a pint of treacle”Oct 21 20:42
s-521........................................ 21 20:42
s-521@BoingBoing      Help Wikimedia set up a new datacenter in theOct 21 20:51
s-521 retweeted by    US! 21 20:51
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 20:51 | NO TITLEOct 21 20:51
s-521........................................ 21 20:51
s-521@BoingBoing      Pumpkin Tap turns pumpkin or watermelon intoOct 21 20:51
s-521 retweeted by    keg 21 20:51
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 21 20:51 | NO TITLEOct 21 20:51
s-521........................................ 21 20:51
s-521@BoingBoing      An entertaining review of the AmericanOct 21 20:51
s-521 retweeted by    Psychiatric Association's DSM, which treats itOct 21 20:51
s-521 @doctorow       as a sprawling dystopian novelOct 21 20:51
s-521        21 20:51
s-521........................................ 21 20:51 | DSMV reviewed as a work of dystopian literature - Boing BoingOct 21 20:51
s-521@umairh          Kill me, please. “@changeist: Oh good lord.Oct 21 20:53
s-521                 Soylent Closes $1.5M In Seed FundingOct 21 20:53
s-521       ”Oct 21 20:53
s-521........................................ 21 20:53 | Soylent Closes $1.5M In Seed Funding From Lerer, Andreessen Horowitz  |  TechCrunchOct 21 20:53
s-521@csoghoian       People simply aren’t safe online when theirOct 21 20:55
s-521                 browser vendor profits from ads.Oct 21 20:55
s-521        21 20:55
s-521........................................ 21 20:55 | Introducing WhiteHat Aviator – A Safer Web Browser | WhiteHat Security BlogOct 21 20:55
s-521@phylogenomics   Wanted: ideas for major topics for workshop onOct 21 20:56
s-521 retweeted by    "Future of scholarly publishing". ExamplesOct 21 20:56
s-521 @glynmoody      include #openaccess, data publishing, peerOct 21 20:56
s-521                 reviewOct 21 20:56
s-521........................................ 21 20:56
s-521@umairh          Just when I think Silicon Valley can't get anyOct 21 21:00
s-521                 more hilariously vacuous, they start aOct 21 21:00
s-521                 synthetic food company. Called...Soylent.Oct 21 21:00
s-521........................................ 21 21:00
s-521@umairh          Soylent is everything that's wrong with theOct 21 21:01
s-521                 tech industry, in one neat example.Oct 21 21:01
s-521                 Dehumanization, ahistoricism, authoritarianism.Oct 21 21:01
s-521........................................ 21 21:01
s-521@umairh          Hey guys! I'm in my self-driving car recordingOct 21 21:03
s-521                 myself drinking synthetic food on my augmentedOct 21 21:03
s-521                 reality glasses. #dystopiaOct 21 21:03
s-521........................................ 21 21:03
s-521@umairh          "Let them drink Soylent" -- Silicon ValleyOct 21 21:03
s-521........................................ 21 21:03
s-521@JourneymanVOD   "This is journalism in extremis. This is howOct 21 21:04
s-521 retweeted by    it's done" - Assange on #Mediastan. Read:Oct 21 21:04
s-521 @wikileaks Watch:Oct 21 21:04
s-521        21 21:04 | WikiLeaks Sabotages 'Fifth Estate' With Its Own Julian Assange FilmOct 21 21:04
s-521........................................ 21 21:04
s-521@JourneymanVOD   #TheFifthEstate upstaged by WikiLeaks'Oct 21 21:04
s-521 retweeted by    #Mediastan @Salon @prachigu @MediastanOct 21 21:04
s-521 @wikileaks 21 21:04
s-521........................................ 21 21:04 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 21 21:04 | WikiLeaks film “The Fifth Estate” is a box office failure - Salon.comOct 21 21:04
s-521@umairh          Imagine a Soylent-conomy. Food itself would beOct 21 21:08
s-521                 a luxury. Basic cooking jobs would be replacedOct 21 21:08
s-521                 by Soylent fountains. #dystopiaOct 21 21:08
s-521........................................ 21 21:08
s-521@umairh          This shit is "innovation"? Seriously? ReplacingOct 21 21:09
s-521                 food with synthetic glue? That sounds like theOct 21 21:09
s-521                 very opposite. Going backwards.Oct 21 21:09
s-521........................................ 21 21:09
s-521@umairh          Why not kill the poor while we're at it?Oct 21 21:10
s-521                 “@LeastIgnorant: @umairh isn't that moreOct 21 21:10
s-521                 sustainable in the long term?”Oct 21 21:10
s-521........................................ 21 21:10
s-521@wikileaks       Commander defends Collateral Murder pilots |Oct 21 21:11
s-521                 Democracy Now more:Oct 21 21:11
s-521        21 21:11
s-521........................................ 21 21:11 | Headlines for October 21, 2013 | Democracy Now!Oct 21 21:11 | Collateral MurderOct 21 21:11
s-521@MLBrook         What does #openaccess mean to you? @thePeerJOct 21 21:11
s-521 retweeted by    are offering a T-shirt for the best answer:Oct 21 21:12
s-521 @glynmoody 21 21:12
s-521........................................ 21 21:12
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 21 21:12
s-521@doctorow        Cinderella goes Tron 21 21:13
s-521........................................ 21 21:13 | Cory Doctorow: Cinderella goes TronOct 21 21:13
s-521@umairh          .@LeastIgnorant We could tax billionaires andOct 21 21:13
s-521                 feed the poor instead of denying the poor theOct 21 21:13
s-521                 right even to eat real food.Oct 21 21:13
s-521........................................ 21 21:13
s-521@umairh          If Soylent counts as "food", why not dog meat?Oct 21 21:16
s-521                 Cat meat? Human meat? Remember why we regulateOct 21 21:16
s-521                 food?Oct 21 21:16
s-521........................................ 21 21:16
s-521@slashdot        Why Does Windows Have Terrible Battery Life?Oct 21 21:16
s-521        21 21:16
s-521........................................ 21 21:16 | Why Does Windows Have Terrible Battery Life? - SlashdotOct 21 21:16
s-521@jilliancyork    A reminder that @EFF is hiring for THREEOct 21 21:16
s-521 retweeted by    positions right now!  Web dev, financeOct 21 21:16
s-521 @glynmoody      director, and int'l team support:Oct 21 21:16
s-521        21 21:16
s-521........................................ 21 21:16 | Job Openings at EFF | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 21 21:16
s-521@umairh          Shit, you people don't just want dystopia. YouOct 21 21:17
s-521                 love it. You're spellbound by it. It's yourOct 21 21:17
s-521                 dream. #LOLOct 21 21:17
s-521........................................ 21 21:17
s-521@csoghoian       Pro-tip: If you want to credibly defend NSAOct 21 21:18
s-521 retweeted by    domestic surveillance, don't argue that itOct 21 21:18
s-521 @ioerror        isn't actually surveillance.Oct 21 21:18
s-521        21 21:18
s-521........................................ 21 21:18 | Feinstein defends NSA data collection and insists program is 'not surveillance' | World news | theguardian.comOct 21 21:18
s-521@csoghoian       DOJ chill: 1 company taken to court overOct 21 21:18
s-521 retweeted by    refusal to help with spying, other small firmsOct 21 21:18
s-521 @ioerror        shut down services, don't even wait to get anOct 21 21:18
s-521                 order.Oct 21 21:18
s-521........................................ 21 21:18
s-521@umairh          What the fuck do you care about? Anything?Oct 21 21:20
s-521                 Money? Toys? Sex? #LOL #barbarismOct 21 21:20
s-521........................................ 21 21:20
s-521@koenrh          Three new PRISM slides: 21 21:20
s-521 retweeted by    Page 4, 7 and 8 of this document:Oct 21 21:20 | New PRISM slides - ImgurOct 21 21:20
s-521 @ioerror /cc @Cryptomeorg #PRISMOct 21 21:20
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 21:20
s-521........................................ 21 21:20 | Prism EntierOct 21 21:20
s-521@umairh          What you should care about is the quality ofOct 21 21:22
s-521                 your lives. Until you do, newsflash: it's goingOct 21 21:22
s-521                 to keep going downhill.Oct 21 21:22
s-521........................................ 21 21:22
s-521@koenrh          Three new PRISM slides: 21 21:22
s-521 retweeted by    Page 4, 7 and 8 of this document:Oct 21 21:22
s-521 @glynmoody /cc @Cryptomeorg #PRISMOct 21 21:22
s-521                 #NSAOct 21 21:22
s-521........................................ 21 21:22
s-521@techdirt        Another US 'Secure' Service Shuts Down:Oct 21 21:23
s-521                 CryptoSeal VPN Goes Dark To Protect Against US…Oct 21 21:23
s-521        21 21:23
s-521........................................ 21 21:23 | Another US 'Secure' Service Shuts Down: CryptoSeal VPN Goes Dark To Protect Against US Surveillance | TechdirtOct 21 21:23
s-521@davidgerard     Thirteen Patterns Of Programmer InterviewsOct 21 21:24
s-521        I particularly likedOct 21 21:24
s-521                 "Gruesome Search For More Bodies"Oct 21 21:24
s-521........................................ 21 21:24 | Typical Programmer -   Thirteen Patterns Of Programmer InterviewsOct 21 21:24
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   "It just highlights how we’re being sold aOct 21 21:31
s-521                 dragnet to protect against hackers based onOct 21 21:31
s-521                 fear of terrorists."Oct 21 21:31
s-521........................................ 21 21:31
s-521@umairh          Choice? McShit is freedom? “@zachtratar:Oct 21 21:31
s-521                 @umairh you're clearly overreacting. It's notOct 21 21:31
s-521                 authoritarian at all. It's about empoweringOct 21 21:31
s-521                 choice.”Oct 21 21:31
s-521........................................ 21 21:31
s-521@umairh          If you want to tell me you're improvingOct 21 21:32
s-521                 people's choices, improve them. Offering themOct 21 21:32
s-521                 shit in a glass is still just shit.Oct 21 21:32
s-521........................................ 21 21:32
s-521@umairh          Many of you, notably #whitedudes, have aOct 21 21:34
s-521                 severely stunted idea of what 'freedom' is.Oct 21 21:34
s-521                 It's not just buying shit.Oct 21 21:34
s-521........................................ 21 21:34
s-521@umairh          Freedom, if it is to mean anything, inheres inOct 21 21:36
s-521                 rights. If all one can do is buy, but has noOct 21 21:36
s-521                 rights, one is not free.Oct 21 21:36
s-521........................................ 21 21:36
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Why NSA's dual mission undermines our realOct 21 21:36
s-521                 security. Invades our privacy & makes us moreOct 21 21:36
s-521                 vulnerable to cyberattack.Oct 21 21:36
s-521        21 21:36
s-521........................................ 21 21:36 | After General Alexander, Obama should split the NSA to make us all safer | Marcy Wheeler | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 21 21:36
s-521@umairh          Choice, if it is to mean anything, isn't justOct 21 21:37
s-521                 cheap McShit and expensive steak. It is theOct 21 21:37
s-521                 power to demand better options.Oct 21 21:37
s-521........................................ 21 21:37
s-521@umairh          Prosperity, if it is count, isn't merely richOct 21 21:38
s-521                 people feasting, while the poor grow fat onOct 21 21:38
s-521                 McFood. That's essentially a zero sum game.Oct 21 21:38
s-521........................................ 21 21:38
s-521@umairh          Freedom, if it is to count, must mean that eachOct 21 21:39
s-521                 and every of us are equally minimally free. NoOct 21 21:39
s-521                 matter how rich are poor we are.Oct 21 21:39
s-521........................................ 21 21:39
s-521@umairh          Finally, freedom is not just the "power toOct 21 21:40
s-521                 choose". It is also the capacity to choose. IfOct 21 21:40
s-521                 you're starving, are you free?Oct 21 21:40
s-521........................................ 21 21:40
s-521@jenvalentino    Nice new PRISM slides from @ggreenwald includeOct 21 21:41
s-521 retweeted by    info on upstream & "about" collexOct 21 21:41
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 cc @charlie_savageOct 21 21:41
s-521                 @Gorman_SiobhanOct 21 21:41
s-521........................................ 21 21:41 | Prism EntierOct 21 21:41
s-521@umairh          I'll stop there. What's truly remarkable aboutOct 21 21:42
s-521                 this age is how McFree we are, and how happy weOct 21 21:42
s-521                 are about it.Oct 21 21:42
s-521........................................ 21 21:42
s-521@umairh          Now I'm going to go eat a happy meal.Oct 21 21:43
s-521........................................ 21 21:43
s-521@techdirt        How Experian Sold Consumer Data To Popular IDOct 21 21:53
s-521                 Theft Service 21 21:53
s-521........................................ 21 21:53 | How Experian Sold Consumer Data To Popular ID Theft Service | TechdirtOct 21 21:53
s-521@jackschofield   The Burj Khalifa Pinnacle 360° PanoramaOct 21 21:54
s-521 retweeted by via @reddit #amazingOct 21 21:54
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 21 21:54
s-521........................................ 21 21:54 | The Burj Khalifa Pinnacle PanoramaOct 21 21:54
s-521@slashdot        Physicist Unveils a 'Turing Test' For Free WillOct 21 21:55
s-521        21 21:55
s-521........................................ 21 21:55 | Physicist Unveils a 'Turing Test' For Free Will - SlashdotOct 21 21:55
s-521@brisbanetimes   Thirty positions were quietly abolished inOct 21 22:08
s-521 retweeted by    Queensland government's environment portfolioOct 21 22:08
s-521 @glynmoody      three weeks ago. 21 22:08
s-521........................................ 21 22:08 | Public service job cuts continue with 30 more redundanciesOct 21 22:08
s-521@glynmoody       #Twitter to End Its Music App, Which Never MadeOct 21 22:20
s-521                 Much Noise - interestingOct 21 22:20
s-521                 failureOct 21 22:20
s-521........................................ 21 22:20 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 21 22:20
s-521@glynmoody       Major Loopholes in Privacy Regulation - EUOct 21 22:27
s-521                 Parliament Must Stand For Citizens -Oct 21 22:27
s-521        still problematic #DPROct 21 22:27
s-521........................................ 21 22:27 | Major Loopholes in Privacy Regulation - EU Parliament Must Stand For Citizens | La Quadrature du NetOct 21 22:27
s-521@mgeist          RT @ADodek: Incredible @uocommonlaw colleagueOct 21 22:30
s-521                 Constance Backhouse wins Governor General'sOct 21 22:30
s-521                 Persons Award 21 22:30
s-521........................................ 21 22:30 | Status of Women Canada | Governor General's Awards Recognize Five Canadian Women Marking the 84th Anniversary of the Persons CaseOct 21 22:30
s-521@slashdot        A Live Map of Ongoing DDoS AttacksOct 21 22:37
s-521        21 22:37
s-521........................................ 21 22:37 | A Live Map of Ongoing DDoS Attacks - SlashdotOct 21 22:37
s-521@dannyyadron     .@BarackObama and French President HollandeOct 21 22:38
s-521 retweeted by    talked NSA snooping on phone today, per WhiteOct 21 22:38
s-521 @csoghoian      House. Unclear if anyone else on call.Oct 21 22:38
s-521........................................ 21 22:38
s-521@dannyyadron     .@BarackObama and French President HollandeOct 21 22:40
s-521 retweeted by    talked NSA snooping on phone today, per WhiteOct 21 22:40
s-521 @glynmoody      House. Unclear if anyone else on call.Oct 21 22:40
s-521........................................ 21 22:40
s-521@glynmoody       Ending drug trial secrecy is a boon for R&D,Oct 21 22:41
s-521                 says EU agency - goodOct 21 22:41
s-521                 news (v @jamie_love) #EMA #opendataOct 21 22:41
s-521........................................ 21 22:41 | Ending drug trial secrecy is a boon for R&D, says EU agency | ReutersOct 21 22:41
s-521@techdirt        Fox News Engaged In InstitutionalizedOct 21 22:53
s-521                 Astroturfing Of The InternetOct 21 22:53
s-521        21 22:53
s-521........................................ 21 22:53 | Fox News Engaged In Institutionalized Astroturfing Of The Internet | TechdirtOct 21 22:53
s-521@normative       Handy! The Internet Archive has created aOct 21 22:57
s-521 retweeted by    compendium of NSA-related video clips.Oct 21 22:57
s-521 @glynmoody 21 22:57
s-521........................................ 21 22:57 | NSA Clip LibraryOct 21 22:57
s-521@octal           FWIW, yes, we did shut down @cryptoseal privacyOct 21 23:14
s-521 retweeted by    VPN service due to @lavabit related concernsOct 21 23:14
s-521 @ioerror        over pen trap orders. 21 23:14
s-521........................................ 21 23:14 | CryptoSeal (YC S11) Shutting Down Private VPN | Hacker NewsOct 21 23:14
s-521@slashdot        Guest column: software development tools belongOct 21 23:20
s-521                 in the browser (SlashCloud)Oct 21 23:20
s-521        21 23:20
s-521........................................ 21 23:20 | Software-Development Tools Belong in the BrowserOct 21 23:20
s-521@slashdot        Time to drown Windows RT in the bathtub?Oct 21 23:20
s-521                 (SlashBI) 21 23:20
s-521........................................ 21 23:20 | Time to Drown Windows RT in the Bathtub?Oct 21 23:20
s-521@slashdot        Is the biggest IT crisisOct 21 23:20 | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.govOct 21 23:20
s-521                 of the decade? (SlashBI) 21 23:20
s-521........................................ 21 23:20 | White House Scrambling to Fix Healthcare.govOct 21 23:20
s-521@slashdot        Businesses start playing nice with enterpriseOct 21 23:20
s-521                 apps (SlashDataCenter) 21 23:20
s-521........................................ 21 23:20 | Enterprise App Store is Latest Effort to Control Mobile UsersOct 21 23:20
s-521@Thomas_Drake1   Press a NatSec threat - "tell us a lot aboutOct 21 23:21
s-521                 the mindset of NSA defenders within theOct 21 23:21
s-521                 national security establishment"Oct 21 23:21
s-521        21 23:21
s-521........................................ 21 23:21 | A Peek at the Ideology of a Prominent NSA Defender - Atlantic MobileOct 21 23:21
s-521@jonobacon       2 days 16 hours 32 minutes -Oct 21 23:28
s-521        #badvoltageOct 21 23:28
s-521........................................ 21 23:28 | Bad Voltage | Coming SoonOct 21 23:28
s-521@JourneymanVOD   Julian Assange counters Benedict Cumberbatch'sOct 21 23:31
s-521 retweeted by    #TheFifthEstate with rival Wikileaks docOct 21 23:31
s-521 @wikileaks      #Mediastan in the @RadioTimesOct 21 23:31
s-521        21 23:31
s-521........................................ 21 23:31 | Julian Assange counters Benedict Cumberbatch's The Fifth Estate with rival Wikileaks documentary | Radio TimesOct 21 23:31
s-521@slashdot        Scientists Induce New Hair Growth In BaldingOct 21 23:34
s-521                 Men 21 23:34
s-521........................................ 21 23:34 | Scientists Induce New Hair Growth In Balding Men - SlashdotOct 21 23:34
s-521@agomezlicon     Former Mexico prez @FelipeCalderon is not happyOct 21 23:34
s-521 retweeted by    about #NSA checking his emails. Here his tweet:Oct 21 23:34
s-521 @ioerror 21 23:34
TechrightsSocial@agomezlicon: Former Mexico prez @FelipeCalderon is not happy about #NSA checking his emails. Here his tweet: 21 23:34
s-521........................................ 21 23:34
s-521@davidgerard     "In Hidden Depths" by @arkadyroseOct 21 23:37
s-521        21 23:37
s-521........................................ 21 23:37 | deviantART Shop Framed Wall Art Prints & Canvas | Digital Art | Drawings & Paintings | In Hidden Depths by artist *ArkadyRoseOct 21 23:37 | Mermaid | Arkadian DreamsOct 21 23:37
s-521@brooklynrob     @umairh Would any of the futurists - Orwell,Oct 21 23:44
s-521 retweeted by    Huxley, etc. - have predicted we'd not onlyOct 21 23:44
s-521 @umairh         design but embrace, celebrate our prisons /Oct 21 23:44
s-521                 doom?Oct 21 23:44
s-521........................................ 21 23:44
s-521@drogus          “Umair Haque on the Global Economy”Oct 21 23:44
s-521 retweeted by, @umairh on what’s wrongOct 21 23:44
s-521 @umairh         with a lot of companies out thereOct 21 23:44 | Umair Haque on the Global Economy - YouTubeOct 21 23:44
s-521........................................ 21 23:44
s-521@umairh          My happy meal was pretty awesome, in case youOct 21 23:48
s-521                 wanted to know.Oct 21 23:48
s-521........................................ 21 23:48
s-521@umairh          Do not miss. “@iwelsh: My baseline predictionOct 21 23:49
s-521                 and prescription for the next 60 odd years:Oct 21 23:49
s-521       ”Oct 21 23:49
s-521........................................ 21 23:49 | Baseline Predictions for the next Sixty Odd Years | Ian WelshOct 21 23:49
s-521@mgeist          The Great Canadian Personal Data GrabOct 21 23:57
s-521                 Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer MonitoringOct 21 23:57
s-521                 and Profiling 21 23:57
s-521........................................ 21 23:57 | Michael Geist - The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer Monitoring and ProfilingOct 21 23:57
s-521@umairh          I'm not quite so pessimistic as (the brilliant(Oct 22 00:05
s-521                 @iwelsh. But I do think that we're enteringOct 22 00:05
s-521                 something like a dark age.Oct 22 00:05
s-521........................................ 22 00:05
s-521@slashdot        CryptoSeal Shuts Down Consumer VPN Service ToOct 22 00:19
s-521                 Avoid Fighting NSA 22 00:19
s-521........................................ 22 00:19 | CryptoSeal Shuts Down Consumer VPN Service To Avoid Fighting NSA - SlashdotOct 22 00:19
s-521@techdirt        John Steele Tries To Get Out Of Alan Cooper'sOct 22 00:24
s-521                 Lawsuit By Arguing That The Use Of 'AlanOct 22 00:24
s-521                 Cooper… 22 00:24
s-521........................................ 22 00:24 | John Steele Tries To Get Out Of Alan Cooper's Lawsuit By Arguing That The Use Of 'Alan Cooper' Was 'Coincidental' | TechdirtOct 22 00:24
s-521@mgeist          Bell’s new privacy policy: usage includes webOct 22 00:25
s-521                 page visits, search terms, apps, TV viewing,Oct 22 00:25
s-521                 call patterns 22 00:25
s-521........................................ 22 00:25
s-521@mgeist          Bell to use massive aggregation of networkOct 22 00:30
s-521                 usage data for targeted consumer ads & sellOct 22 00:30
s-521                 info to marketers 22 00:30
s-521........................................ 22 00:30
s-521@doctorow        Ray Bradbury on How List-Making Can Boost YourOct 22 00:59
s-521                 Creativity - Susan Sontag argued that listsOct 22 01:00
s-521                 confer value and... 22 01:00
s-521........................................ 22 01:00 | Cory Doctorow: Ray Bradbury on How List-Making Can Boost Your CreativityOct 22 01:00
s-521@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Legal Advice Or Loopholes NeededOct 22 01:01
s-521                 For Manned Space Program 22 01:01
s-521........................................ 22 01:01 | Ask Slashdot: Legal Advice Or Loopholes Needed For Manned Space Program - SlashdotOct 22 01:01
s-521@umairh          Sweater vests are the new thing for fallOct 22 01:06
s-521                 #noreallyOct 22 01:06
s-521........................................ 22 01:06
s-521@BoingBoing      Scratch-built, thoroughly documented, workingOct 22 01:19
s-521 retweeted by    1/4 scale V8 engine, which took 2 years toOct 22 01:19
s-521 @doctorow       build. 22 01:19
s-521........................................ 22 01:19 | Scratch-built, thoroughly documented, working 1/4 scale V8 engine - Boing BoingOct 22 01:19
s-521@BoingBoing      40-hour work-week as a tool of emiseratingOct 22 01:19
s-521 retweeted by    economic growth 22 01:19
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 01:19 | NO TITLEOct 22 01:19
s-521........................................ 22 01:19
s-521@BoingBoing      Apps for Kids podcast: @frauenfelder+daughterOct 22 01:20
s-521 retweeted by    review Stop Motion Studio, free iPhone app forOct 22 01:20
s-521 @doctorow       making animated movies. 22 01:20
s-521........................................ 22 01:20 | Apps for Kids 048: Stop Motion Studio (plus Minecraft Contest Winner) - Boing BoingOct 22 01:20
s-521@BoingBoing      A machine making a chain (animated gif)Oct 22 01:20
s-521 retweeted by 22 01:20
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 01:20 | NO TITLEOct 22 01:20
s-521........................................ 22 01:20
s-521@techdirt        DailyDirt: Space Robots 22 01:24
s-521........................................ 22 01:24 | DailyDirt: Space Robots | TechdirtOct 22 01:24
s-521@doctorow        Photo: pipedreamdragon:Oct 22 01:40
s-521                 mostlysignssomeportents: Cookies! This pictureOct 22 01:40
s-521                 was so cute, I had to do a speed...Oct 22 01:40
s-521        22 01:40
s-521........................................ 22 01:40 | Cory Doctorow: pipedreamdragon:  mostlysignssomeportents: ...Oct 22 01:40
schestowitz_bed2 22 01:45 Ars Technica has its #Microsoft marketer Peter Bright paste an advert for #vista8 Rev 2 22 01:45
TechrightsSocial-> | Windows 8.1: What a difference a year makes | Ars Technica  [ ]Oct 22 01:45
schestowitz_bed2"hmmm ... beautiful entrepreneurship :/ (ironic)"Oct 22 01:45
s-521@wikileaks       10 reasons not to trust claims nationalOct 22 01:58
s-521                 security is being threatened by leaks |Oct 22 01:58
s-521                 Guardian #wikileaksOct 22 01:58
s-521........................................ 22 01:58 | 10 reasons not to trust claims national security is being threatened by leaks | UK news | theguardian.comOct 22 01:58
s-521@slashdot        Book Review: Minecraft 22 02:04
s-521........................................ 22 02:04 | Book Review: Minecraft - SlashdotOct 22 02:04
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 22 02:24
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 02:24
schestowitz_bed2> By the way, I'm sorry I have not yet answered your new batch of questions.Oct 22 02:44
schestowitz_bed2> I am falling behind.Oct 22 02:44
schestowitz_bed2That's OK, there's no rush. It relates to general stuff about decades-old memories -- it's quite timeless. I reposted your article about surveillance yesterday (in Techrights). My wife read it a week ago and liked it. She's not an activist type, but the message was clear to her.Oct 22 02:44
schestowitz_bed2By the way, in my daytime job we're managing to bring Free software into some major parts of the British Government, inc. Home Office, Greater London Authority etc. This lessened the amount of time I can spend writing articles and keeping up with news.Oct 22 02:44
schestowitz_bed2[mail from RMS]Oct 22 02:44
s-521@doctorow        Photo: My Haunted Mansion cosplayOct 22 02:50
s-521        22 02:50
s-521........................................ 22 02:50 | Cory Doctorow: My Haunted Mansion cosplayOct 22 02:50
s-521@doctorow        Photo: Poesy’s ‘Fortunately the Milk’Oct 22 02:51
s-521                 cosplay/attn @neilhimselfOct 22 02:51
s-521        22 02:51
s-521........................................ 22 02:51 | Cory Doctorow: Poesy’s ‘Fortunately the Milk’ cosplay/attn...Oct 22 02:51
s-521@doctorow        Photoset: Trying out our Hallowe’en costumesOct 22 03:03
s-521                 for the Disney Imagineering party. Poesy is MadOct 22 03:03
s-521                 Matilda the... 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03 | Cory Doctorow: Trying out our Hallowe’en costumes for the Disney...Oct 22 03:03
s-521@BoingBoing      DEA instructions for testing bills for cocaineOct 22 03:03
s-521 retweeted by 22 03:03
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03 | NO TITLEOct 22 03:03
s-521@BoingBoing      Huawei: unlike western companies, we've neverOct 22 03:03
s-521 retweeted by    been told to weaken our securityOct 22 03:03
s-521 @doctorow 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03 | NO TITLEOct 22 03:03
s-521@BoingBoing      A new RiYL Podcast episode, in which "BurnOct 22 03:03
s-521 retweeted by    Collector" zine publisher Al Burian speaks toOct 22 03:03
s-521 @doctorow       us from Berlin. 22 03:03 | RiYL podcast 023: Burn Collector zine publisher Al Burian - Boing BoingOct 22 03:03
s-521........................................ 22 03:03
s-521@slashdot        Facebook Lets Beheading Clips Return To ItsOct 22 03:04
s-521                 Site 22 03:04
s-521........................................ 22 03:04 | Facebook Lets Beheading Clips Return To Its Site - SlashdotOct 22 03:04
schestowitz_bed2Just restored the menu items and the banners etc. in the new site, having decided that the site is almost ready. I just need to type something into 30 or so pages before it can go live for early feedback from people.Oct 22 03:11
schestowitz_bed2 22 03:11 | Search | Techrights | People's rights in the digital ageOct 22 03:11
s-521@BoingBoing      Video: "Leslie Lemke, a blind autistic savantOct 22 03:52
s-521 retweeted by    with cerebral palsy who was a fantastic pianoOct 22 03:52
s-521 @doctorow       player at a young age." 22 03:52
s-521........................................ 22 03:52 | Leslie Lemke: blind, savant piano player on That's Incredible! (1981) - Boing BoingOct 22 03:52
s-521@BoingBoing      Fox News's astroturfers who defend the networkOct 22 03:52
s-521 retweeted by    online with armies of fake identitiesOct 22 03:52
s-521 @doctorow 22 03:52
s-521........................................ 22 03:52 | NO TITLEOct 22 03:52
s-521@kgosztola       NSA whistleblower @Thomas_Drake1 discussesOct 22 03:52
s-521 retweeted by    meeting Snowden & most critical revelationsOct 22 03:52
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  from him (so far) 22 03:52
s-521........................................ 22 03:52 | NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Discusses Meeting Snowden & Most Critical Revelations from Him (So Far) |  The DissenterOct 22 03:52
s-521@JesselynRadack  If #Snowden is a "spy," under that formulation,Oct 22 03:53
s-521 retweeted by    he was spying on the #NSA on behalf of theOct 22 03:53
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  American people.Oct 22 03:53
s-521........................................ 22 03:53
s-521@JesselynRadack  What's so fucked up is that theOct 22 03:54
s-521 retweeted by    DiFi/Clapper/Hayden cabal call #Snowden a spyOct 22 03:54
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  when #NSA was doing all the illegal spying.Oct 22 03:54
s-521                 #SurveillanceOct 22 03:54
s-521........................................ 22 03:54
s-521@techdirt        Illinois The First State To Throw Out LawsOct 22 04:13
s-521                 Making Amazon Collect Sales Tax Based OnOct 22 04:13
s-521                 Affiliates 22 04:13
s-521........................................ 22 04:13 | Illinois The First State To Throw Out Laws Making Amazon Collect Sales Tax Based On Affiliates | TechdirtOct 22 04:13
s-521@armycmdefense   Frequently asked questions about Chelsea: Oct 22 04:19
s-521 retweeted by 22 04:19
s-521 @wikileaks      Oct 22 04:19 | The Law Office of David E. Coombs: Frequently Asked Questions About ChelseaOct 22 04:19
s-521........................................ 22 04:19
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 04:34
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 09:46
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 22 09:49
schestowitz_bed2A new #techrights site managed by #drupal 22 10:40 | Techrights | People's rights in the digital age | Plutocracy threatened by freedom, democracy, privacy & civil rightsOct 22 10:40
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Oct 22 11:46
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*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Oct 22 13:10
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*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 13:11
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*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 13:11
*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 13:12
s-521@slashdot        'Pushback': Resisting the Life of ConstantOct 22 13:12
s-521                 Connectivity 22 13:12
s-521........................................ 22 13:12 | 'Pushback': Resisting the Life of Constant Connectivity - SlashdotOct 22 13:12
s-521@conor64         Wow. Richard Cohen says he was wrong aboutOct 22 13:19
s-521 retweeted by    Edward Snowden 22 13:19
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 22 13:19
s-521........................................ 22 13:19 | Richard Cohen: Edward Snowden is no traitor - The Washington PostOct 22 13:19
s-521@carwinb         Who else does not understand Richard Cohen'sOct 22 13:20
s-521 retweeted by    joke about 'Information wanting a house in theOct 22 13:20
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Hamptons'?  Does he not have an editor?Oct 22 13:20
s-521........................................ 22 13:20
s-521@carwinb         Guardian was not at the Manning trial when allOct 22 13:22
s-521 retweeted by    the motions regarding discovery and aiding theOct 22 13:22
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  enemy, espionage, and CFAA were argu and ruledOct 22 13:22
s-521........................................ 22 13:22
s-521@schneierblog    Defending Against Crypto Backdoors: We alreadyOct 22 13:28
s-521 retweeted by    know the NSA wants to eavesdrop on theOct 22 13:28
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Internet. It has secret ...Oct 22 13:28
s-521        22 13:28
s-521........................................ 22 13:28 | Schneier on Security: Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 13:28
s-521@ggreenwald      Here's what it looks like when authoritarianOct 22 13:29
s-521 retweeted by    functionaries try to convert journalism intoOct 22 13:29
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  criminality 22 13:29
s-521........................................ 22 13:29
s-521@schestowitz     The #uk government is criminalising journalismOct 22 13:30
s-521        #england #nsaOct 22 13:30
s-521                 #constitution #crime #usOct 22 13:30
s-521........................................ 22 13:30
s-521@glynmoody       biggest leveraged buyout in history is on theOct 22 13:40
s-521                 brink of collapse—& fracking is to blame -Oct 22 13:40
s-521        love "british thermalOct 22 13:40
s-521                 units"Oct 22 13:40
s-521........................................ 22 13:40 | The biggest leveraged buyout in history is on the brink of collapse—and fracking is to blame  –  QuartzOct 22 13:40
s-521@glynmoody       Defending Against Crypto Backdoors -Oct 22 13:45
s-521        lots of important pointsOct 22 13:45
s-521                 from @Bruce_Schneier #nsa #opensourceOct 22 13:45
s-521........................................ 22 13:45 | Schneier on Security: Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 13:45
s-521@torproject      Come learn more about #Tor at #cryptoparty inOct 22 13:47
s-521 retweeted by    Washington, D.C. this Friday:Oct 22 13:47
s-521 @glynmoody 22 13:47
s-521........................................ 22 13:47 | Crypto PartyOct 22 13:47
s-521@slashdot        USB Implementers Forum Won't Play Nice WithOct 22 13:51
s-521                 Open Hardware 22 13:51
s-521........................................ 22 13:51 | USB Implementers Forum Won't Play Nice With Open Hardware - SlashdotOct 22 13:51
s-521@stiangrindvoll  Interesting Privacy Problems withOct 22 13:55
s-521                 #IntenseDebate 22 13:55
s-521........................................ 22 13:55 | JavaScript Scope and IntenseDebate's Privacy Problems - Netsparker, Web Application Security Scanner BlogOct 22 13:55
s-521@WeMeantWell     My Letter in Support of a Reduced Sentence forOct 22 13:58
s-521 retweeted by    Pvt. #Manning - Read it at:Oct 22 13:58
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 #savemanningOct 22 13:58
s-521........................................ 22 13:58 | My Letter in Support of a Reduced Sentence for Pvt. Manning | We Meant Well - Peter Van BurenOct 22 13:58
s-521@APC_News        Great Britain calling for the UNOct 22 14:02
s-521 retweeted by    Secretary-General to appoint a Special advisorOct 22 14:02
s-521 @glynmoody      on IG #igf2013 #apcigfOct 22 14:02
s-521........................................ 22 14:02
s-521@RTaylorUK       MP @JulianHuppert told BBC @daily_politicsOct 22 14:09
s-521 retweeted by    he'll ask for a debate in Parliament on issueOct 22 14:09
s-521 @glynmoody      of what is OK and what isn't re: stateOct 22 14:09
s-521                 surveillanceOct 22 14:09
s-521........................................ 22 14:09
s-521@schestowitz     Fifth Estate: Another Imperialistic #PropagandaOct 22 14:10
s-521                 FilmOct 22 14:10
s-521         #FifthEstate #WikileaksOct 22 14:10
s-521                 #AssangeOct 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10
s-521@mgeist          ICYMI: The Great Personal Data Grab Continues:Oct 22 14:10
s-521                 Bell Expands Consumer Monitoring, Profiling &Oct 22 14:10
s-521                 Targeting 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10 | Fifth Estate: Another Imperialistic Propaganda Film | TechrightsOct 22 14:10 | Michael Geist - The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer Monitoring and ProfilingOct 22 14:10
s-521@glynwintle      Westminster Hall debate at 4.30pm The GuardianOct 22 14:10
s-521 retweeted by    newspaper and its impact on national securityOct 22 14:10
s-521 @glynmoody 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10 | PlayerOct 22 14:10
s-521@WeMeantWell     State Dept at briefing on lack of governmentOct 22 14:10
s-521 retweeted by    transparency: "We can use whatever definitionOct 22 14:10
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  of transparent we want." 22 14:10
s-521........................................ 22 14:10 | Ding! Ding! Ding! We can use whatever definition of “transparent” we want? Please, nooooo…. | DiplopunditOct 22 14:10
s-521@froomkin        Hundreds of confirmed civilian casualties fromOct 22 14:11
s-521 retweeted by    drone strikesOct 22 14:11
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 14:11
s-521........................................ 22 14:11 | Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits, human rights groups say - The Washington PostOct 22 14:11
s-521@froomkin        Obama last year: "actually drones have notOct 22 14:11
s-521 retweeted by    caused a huge number of civilian casualties"Oct 22 14:11
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 14:11
s-521........................................ 22 14:11 | Obama defends drone strikesOct 22 14:11
s-521@johnknefel      Two human rights groups issued major droneOct 22 14:11
s-521 retweeted by    reports this morning. My write-up forOct 22 14:11
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  @RollingStone's site. 22 14:11
s-521........................................ 22 14:11 | Reports: U.S. Drone Strikes Violate Laws of War | Politics News | Rolling StoneOct 22 14:11
s-521@techdirt        As MPAA Insists TV Piracy Is So Harmful,Oct 22 14:13
s-521                 Breaking Bad Creator Explains How Piracy HelpedOct 22 14:13
s-521        22 14:13
s-521........................................ 22 14:13 | As MPAA Insists TV Piracy Is So Harmful, Breaking Bad Creator Explains How Piracy Helped | TechdirtOct 22 14:13
s-521@mellojonny      Plans to recover NHS costs from immigrants areOct 22 14:16
s-521 retweeted by    an excuse to set up the bureaucracy necessaryOct 22 14:16
s-521 @glynmoody      to charge the rest of us. Wake up everybody.Oct 22 14:16
s-521........................................ 22 14:16
s-521@zeynep          Well. RT @SETADC #EU governments agreed to holdOct 22 14:16
s-521 retweeted by    new round of accession talks with #Turkey onOct 22 14:16
s-521 @glynmoody      November 5 22 14:16
s-521........................................ 22 14:16 | EU to open new area of membership talks with Turkey on Nov. 5 - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily newsOct 22 14:16
s-521@schestowitz     The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History —Oct 22 14:27
s-521                 Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft CampOct 22 14:27
s-521        #nokia #microsoft #yahooOct 22 14:27
s-521........................................ 22 14:27 | The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History — Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft Camp | TechrightsOct 22 14:27
s-521@davidgerard     Spammers @bakedmarketing just emailed me tryingOct 22 14:28
s-521                 to get articles in a three-year-dead blog.Oct 22 14:28
s-521                 Avoid Anne-Sophie De Schepper of BakedOct 22 14:28
s-521                 Marketing.Oct 22 14:28
s-521........................................ 22 14:28
s-521@slashdot        Company To Balloon Tourists To the Edge ofOct 22 14:30
s-521                 Space For $75,000 22 14:30
s-521........................................ 22 14:30 | Company To Balloon Tourists To the Edge of Space For $75,000 - SlashdotOct 22 14:30
s-521@BoingBoing      HOWTO: put eyeballs on your elbowsOct 22 14:38
s-521 retweeted by 22 14:38
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 14:38 | NO TITLEOct 22 14:38
s-521........................................ 22 14:38
s-521@sciencemuseum   We are looking for a press officer with artsOct 22 14:40
s-521 retweeted by    experience to join the team. Could this be you?Oct 22 14:40
s-521 @glynmoody Closes 28 Oct #pr #jobsOct 22 14:40
s-521........................................ 22 14:40 | Cascade RecruitmentOct 22 14:40
s-521@torproject      Come learn more about #Tor at #cryptoparty inOct 22 14:43
s-521 retweeted by    Washington, D.C. this Friday:Oct 22 14:43
s-521 @ioerror 22 14:43
s-521........................................ 22 14:43 | Crypto PartyOct 22 14:43
s-521@codepink        Extremely concerned that these may amount "toOct 22 14:44
s-521 retweeted by    extrajudicial  executions or war crimes."Oct 22 14:44
s-521 @ioerror        @amnesty #drones #PakistanOct 22 14:44
s-521........................................ 22 14:44
s-521@FISACourt       The government will let Yahoo review the 2008Oct 22 14:45
s-521 retweeted by    FISC opinion after declassification but beforeOct 22 14:45
s-521 @ioerror        public release: 22 14:45
s-521........................................ 22 14:45
s-521@TechWireNews    There is a secure and private viableOct 22 14:48
s-521 retweeted by    alternative to GMail, we test it outOct 22 14:48
s-521 @ggreve 22 14:48
s-521........................................ 22 14:48 | How to: migrating from GMail to MyKolabOct 22 14:48
s-521@ehasbrouck      Keep in mind NSA *is* independetly hackingOct 22 14:55
s-521 retweeted by    airlines & sharing #PNR (reservation) dataOct 22 14:55
s-521 @ioerror        w/DHS: @bonnie1bOct 22 14:55
s-521                 @erichippeauOct 22 14:55
s-521........................................ 22 14:55 | Papers, Please!  » Blog Archive   » How the NSA obtains and uses airline reservationsOct 22 14:55
s-521@BoingBoing      Excerpt from Gene Wolfe's forthcoming "The LandOct 22 14:58
s-521 retweeted by    Across" 22 14:58
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 14:58
s-521........................................ 22 14:58 | NO TITLEOct 22 14:58
s-521@BoingBoing      Facebook now OK with beheading videos, butOct 22 14:58
s-521 retweeted by    nudity stays verboten 22 14:58
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 14:58 | NO TITLEOct 22 14:58
s-521........................................ 22 14:58
s-521@ehasbrouck      Keep in mind NSA *is* independetly hackingOct 22 14:59
s-521 retweeted by    airlines & sharing #PNR (reservation) dataOct 22 14:59
s-521 @glynmoody      w/DHS: @bonnie1bOct 22 14:59
s-521                 @erichippeauOct 22 14:59
s-521........................................ 22 14:59
s-521@carwinb         Getting a little sick of the glorification ofOct 22 15:03
s-521 retweeted by    Snowden at Manning's expense. Secondly, outsideOct 22 15:03
s-521 @ioerror        quality of leaks, WL got Snowden to Russia.Oct 22 15:03
s-521........................................ 22 15:03
s-521@carwinb         Sending soldiers into war based on poor intelOct 22 15:03
s-521 retweeted by    is irresponsible.  How many lives did the NYTsOct 22 15:03
s-521 @ioerror        threaten in the run up to the Iraq War?Oct 22 15:03
s-521........................................ 22 15:03
s-521@carwinb         Richard Cohen, "...silly mantra 'InformationOct 22 15:04
s-521 retweeted by    wants to be free.' (No. Information, like mostOct 22 15:04
s-521 @ioerror        of us, wants a home in the Hamptons.)"Oct 22 15:04
s-521........................................ 22 15:04
s-521@carwinb         Richard Cohen is an idiot:  1.) InformationOct 22 15:04
s-521 retweeted by    wants to be free is not a 'mantra'. It's aOct 22 15:04
s-521 @ioerror        saying or a slogan, like, 'Die Gedanken sindOct 22 15:04
s-521                 frei'Oct 22 15:04
s-521........................................ 22 15:04
s-521@wlpress         #WikiLeaks cables show US officials colludedOct 22 15:04
s-521 retweeted by    with Yemen to conceal US role in targeted droneOct 22 15:04
s-521 @wikileaks      strikes. @hrwOct 22 15:04
s-521........................................ 22 15:04 | "Between a Drone and Al-Qaeda" | Human Rights WatchOct 22 15:04
s-521@schestowitz     Great Britain Great at Surveillance and GreatOct 22 15:05
s-521                 at Crushing Journalism 22 15:05
s-521                 #uk #journalismOct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05 | Great Britain Great at Surveillance and Great at Crushing Journalism | TechrightsOct 22 15:05
s-521@carwinb         And for God sake, the Guardian was NOT at theOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    Manning trial for a year (Article 32 to the theOct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror        Article 13), despite whatever BS they claimOct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05
s-521@emptywheel      Me: As uninterested in Richard Cohen's opinionOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    when I agree with it as I am when I don't.Oct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05
s-521@_cypherpunks_   USA must be held to account for drone killingsOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    in Pakistan Report:Oct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05
s-521@carwinb         Guardian was not at the Manning trial when allOct 22 15:05
s-521 retweeted by    the motions regarding discovery and aiding theOct 22 15:05
s-521 @ioerror        enemy, espionage, and CFAA were argu and ruledOct 22 15:05
s-521........................................ 22 15:05 | USA must be held to account for drone killings in Pakistan | Amnesty InternationalOct 22 15:05 | Oct 22 15:05
TechrightsSocial@_cypherpunks_: USA must be held to account for drone killings in Pakistan Report: 22 15:05
s-521@Bruce_Schneier  Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 15:11
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:11
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:11 | Schneier on Security: Defending Against Crypto BackdoorsOct 22 15:11
s-521........................................ 22 15:11
s-521@slashdot        TSA Airport Screenings Now Start Before YouOct 22 15:12
s-521                 Arrive At the Airport 22 15:12 | TSA Airport Screenings Now Start Before You Arrive At the Airport - SlashdotOct 22 15:12
s-521........................................ 22 15:12
s-521@wikileaks       Latest @hrw report on drone strikes in YemenOct 22 15:16
s-521                 references #WikiLeaks cablesOct 22 15:16
s-521        #cablegateOct 22 15:16 | "Between a Drone and Al-Qaeda" | Human Rights WatchOct 22 15:16
s-521........................................ 22 15:16
s-521@mgeist          ICYMI: Bell to use massive aggregation of Oct 22 15:16
s-521                 usage data for targeted consumer ads & sellOct 22 15:16
s-521                 info to marketers 22 15:16
s-521........................................ 22 15:16 | Michael Geist - The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer Monitoring and ProfilingOct 22 15:16
s-521@AlexanderAbdo   TSA screening starts before you get to theOct 22 15:21
s-521 retweeted by    airport. 22 15:21
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:21
s-521........................................ 22 15:21 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 22 15:21
s-521@linuxfoundation  #LinuxCon Kernel Panel: On security: if youOct 22 15:22
s-521 retweeted by    report a problem we'll fix it ASAP. Is there aOct 22 15:22
s-521 @glynmoody      better process than that? Let us know.Oct 22 15:22
s-521........................................ 22 15:22
s-521@ioerror         Security Check Now Starts Long Before You Fly:Oct 22 15:22
s-521        22 15:22
s-521........................................ 22 15:22
s-521@ntisec          #France tells U.S. interception of phone callsOct 22 15:25
s-521 retweeted by    must stop 22 15:25
s-521 @ioerror        #TheFrenchConnection #NSA fallout. The #DUTCHOct 22 15:25
s-521                 will be next!Oct 22 15:25 | Message from France to U.S.: Stop intercepting our phone calls - CNN.comOct 22 15:25
s-521........................................ 22 15:25
s-521@qnrq            #anakata appeals to the Swedish Supreme CourtOct 22 15:28
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:28
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 15:28 | Google TranslateOct 22 15:28
s-521........................................ 22 15:28
s-521@Capoglou        "Existence of PRISM is surprising and don’t letOct 22 15:28
s-521 retweeted by    anybody tell you otherwise." via  @mikkoOct 22 15:28
s-521 @ioerror 22 15:28
s-521........................................ 22 15:28 | Mikko Hypponen - Tech and Law Center | Tech and Law CenterOct 22 15:28
s-521@TIBETANS        We appeal to @UNHRC, freedom loving countriesOct 22 15:31
s-521 retweeted by    to show their support & solidarity with theOct 22 15:31
s-521 @ioerror        #Tibetan in occupied #TibetOct 22 15:31
s-521        22 15:31
s-521........................................ 22 15:31 | We appeal to #UN, freedom loving countries to show their supp... on TwitpicOct 22 15:31
s-521@wood5y          @schestowitz like a good little grass, JulianOct 22 15:32
s-521 retweeted by    Smith has also been bleating to the AttorneyOct 22 15:32
s-521 @schestowitz    General 22 15:32
s-521........................................ 22 15:32
s-521@mgeist          .@CBCNews: Bell's data collecting may be legal,Oct 22 15:35
s-521                 but is it ethical? 22 15:35
s-521........................................ 22 15:35 | Bell's data collecting may be legal, but is it ethical? - Montreal - CBC NewsOct 22 15:35
s-521@Mediastan       Stay tuned to find out about future promotionsOct 22 15:41
s-521 retweeted by    of #Mediastan, and how to watch. Or watch nowOct 22 15:41
s-521 @wikileaks      at!Oct 22 15:41
s-521........................................ 22 15:41 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 22 15:42
s-521@schestowitz     Privacy Focus Increased, New Site DesignOct 22 15:48
s-521         #drupal #cms #techrightsOct 22 15:48
s-521........................................ 22 15:48 | Privacy Focus Increased, New Site Design | TechrightsOct 22 15:48
s-521@mgeist          .@HuffPostCanada: Bell Canada To Track Web, TVOct 22 15:51
s-521                 Surfing Habits For Ad PurposesOct 22 15:51
s-521        22 15:51
s-521........................................ 22 15:51 | Bell Canada To Track Web, TV Surfing Habits For Ad PurposesOct 22 15:51
s-521@slashdot        Ubuntu Touch On a Nexus 7:  "Almost Awesome"Oct 22 15:54
s-521        22 15:54
s-521........................................ 22 15:54 | Ubuntu Touch On a Nexus 7:  "Almost Awesome" - SlashdotOct 22 15:54
s-521@glynmoody       The Real #Privacy Problem -Oct 22 15:54
s-521        @evgenymorozov on fineOct 22 15:54
s-521                 form: "information boycotts might beOct 22 15:54
s-521                 justifiable" #democracyOct 22 15:54 | Evgeny Morozov on Why Our Privacy Problem is a Democracy Problem in Disguise | MIT Technology ReviewOct 22 15:54
s-521........................................ 22 15:54
s-521@froomkin        .@TBIJ investigation last year found US droneOct 22 15:55
s-521 retweeted by    campaign targeted rescuers & funeralsOct 22 15:55
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 15:55
s-521........................................ 22 15:55 | CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals | The Bureau of Investigative JournalismOct 22 15:55
s-521@jeff_kaye       @glynmoody @Krhawkins5 Pike Report itself:Oct 22 15:56
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:56
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 22 15:56
s-521........................................ 22 15:56 | Google Drive ViewerOct 22 15:56
s-521@BoingBoing      The horrible world of web hostingOct 22 15:56
s-521 retweeted by 22 15:56
s-521 @doctorow       Oct 22 15:56 | NO TITLEOct 22 15:56
s-521........................................ 22 15:56
s-521@doctorow        Stay creepy 22 15:57
s-521........................................ 22 15:57 | Cory Doctorow: Stay creepyOct 22 15:57
s-521@_cypherpunks_   The National Security Agency: America’sOct 22 16:00
s-521 retweeted by    powerful electronic spy serviceOct 22 16:00
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 #NSAOct 22 16:00
s-521........................................ 22 16:00 | The National Security Agency: America’s powerful electronic spy service | The Raw StoryOct 22 16:00
s-521@emilyslist      ICYMI: 8 inventions by women that men gotOct 22 16:00
s-521 retweeted by    credit for (via: @motherjones)Oct 22 16:00
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1 22 16:00
s-521........................................ 22 16:00 | Ladies Last: 8 Inventions by Women That Dudes Got Credit For | Mother JonesOct 22 16:00
s-521@mgeist          Canadian Privacy Commish writes to CSEC onOct 22 16:07
s-521                 surveillance reports 22 16:07
s-521                 CSEC responds 22 16:07
s-521........................................ 22 16:07 | Commissioner's letter to Chief of Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) - September 20, 2013Oct 22 16:07 | Response from Chief of Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) - October 11, 2013Oct 22 16:07
s-521@jilliancyork    Must be hard to get trolled because you supportOct 22 16:07
s-521 retweeted by    murder robots. Waa.Oct 22 16:07
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:07
s-521........................................ 22 16:08
s-521@alexpensato     Edward Snowden: public indifference is the realOct 22 16:10
s-521 retweeted by    enemy in the NSA affair 22 16:10
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:10
s-521........................................ 22 16:10 | Edward Snowden: public indifference is the real enemy in the NSA affair | World news | The ObserverOct 22 16:10
s-521@KSvartholm      More about #anakata's fighting for not beingOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    extradited to Denmark. 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12 | Pirate Bay Founder Urges Sweden to Stop His Extradition (Updated) | TorrentFreakOct 22 16:12
s-521@steve_vladeck   Thursday's rare open @HouseIntelComm hearing onOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    #NSA programs postponed in light of Rep.Oct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        Young's funeral: #HPSCIOct 22 16:12 | Hearings | The Permanent Select Committee on IntelligenceOct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12
s-521@rj_gallagher    US drones kill rescuers in "double tap"Oct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    strikes, new @Amnesty report says:Oct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12 | BBC News - Drones kill rescuers in 'double tap', say activistsOct 22 16:12
s-521@kgosztola       "How can we know that drone’s missile may notOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    hit our houses? It can hit anywhere." -Raza inOct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        @amnesty report on #drones in PakistanOct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12
s-521@guardian        US drone strikes could be war crimes, saysOct 22 16:12
s-521 retweeted by    Amnesty #Yemen #PakistanOct 22 16:12
s-521 @ioerror        Oct 22 16:12 | US drone strikes could be classed as war crimes, says Amnesty International | World news | The GuardianOct 22 16:12
s-521........................................ 22 16:12
s-521@techdirt        Dianne Feinstein Deploys All The 'Intelligence'Oct 22 16:14
s-521                 Cliches In Op-Ed Defending Metadata ProgramOct 22 16:14
s-521        22 16:14
s-521........................................ 22 16:14 | Dianne Feinstein Deploys All The 'Intelligence' Cliches In Op-Ed Defending Metadata Program | TechdirtOct 22 16:14
s-521@schestowitz     Windows Vista 8.1, or Windows ‘Brick Edition’,Oct 22 16:16
s-521                 Shows That UEFI is Malicious, Opposite ofOct 22 16:16
s-521                 ‘Secure’Oct 22 16:17
s-521         #uefi #linuxOct 22 16:17
s-521........................................ 22 16:17 | Windows Vista 8.1, or Windows ‘Brick Edition’, Shows That UEFI is Malicious, Opposite of ‘Secure’ | TechrightsOct 22 16:17
s-521@doctorow        Photo: disneylandguru: Halloween night atOct 22 16:20
s-521                 Disneyland 22 16:20
s-521........................................ 22 16:20 | Cory Doctorow: disneylandguru:  Halloween night at Disneyland Oct 22 16:20
s-521@doctorow        "So if you – the oppressed – hurt someone’sOct 22 16:21
s-521                 feelings, you’re just like the oppressor,Oct 22 16:21
s-521                 right? Wrong...." 22 16:21
s-521........................................ 22 16:21 | Cory Doctorow: So if you – the oppressed – hurt someone’s...Oct 22 16:21
s-521@schestowitz     Open Forum Europe Publishes New Report ThatOct 22 16:34
s-521                 Highlights Degree of #Microsoft #Corruption inOct 22 16:34
s-521                 Governments #ofe #euOct 22 16:34
s-521........................................ 22 16:34 | Open Forum Europe Publishes New Report That Highlights Degree of Microsoft Corruption in Governments | TechrightsOct 22 16:34
s-521@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Can Bruce Schneier Be Trusted?Oct 22 16:36
s-521        22 16:36
s-521........................................ 22 16:36 | Ask Slashdot: Can Bruce Schneier Be Trusted? - SlashdotOct 22 16:36
s-521@MargotKaminski  I love how @ggreenwald now drives US foreignOct 22 16:52
s-521 retweeted by    affairs. It's like watching a chess gameOct 22 16:52
s-521 @csoghoian 22 16:52
s-521........................................ 22 16:52 | Obama assures French leader Hollande over NSA spying reports - World NewsOct 22 16:52
s-521@doctorow        in which a teen movie from the 80s describesOct 22 16:54
s-521                 sexual misogyny in three sentences at theOct 22 16:54
s-521                 eighth grade reading level. Oct 22 16:54
s-521        22 16:54
s-521........................................ 22 16:54 | Cory Doctorow: stuffmomnevertoldyou:  decourfeynated:  in which...Oct 22 16:54
s-521@ioerror         This is an ironic turn of events:Oct 22 16:59
s-521        22 16:59
s-521........................................ 22 16:59 | NSA files: MPs debate whether Guardian damaged national security | World news | theguardian.comOct 22 16:59
s-521@ioerror         If anyone wants to correct the UK ParliamentaryOct 22 17:01
s-521                 record; I believe the Guardian was pressured toOct 22 17:01
s-521                 withhold the Tor story by GCHQ & White HouseOct 22 17:01
s-521........................................ 22 17:01
s-521@techdirt        IsoHunt Shuts Down Early To Stop Archive TeamOct 22 17:01
s-521                 From Recording Important Historical InformationOct 22 17:01
s-521        22 17:01
s-521........................................ 22 17:01 | IsoHunt Shuts Down Early To Stop Archive Team From Recording Important Historical Information | TechdirtOct 22 17:01
s-521@ioerror         The pressure that I exerted was not because theOct 22 17:03
s-521                 Guardian wasn't ready to publish. The UK and USOct 22 17:03
s-521                 Government were secretly silencing them.Oct 22 17:03
s-521........................................ 22 17:03
s-521@ioerror         If anyone wants to correct the UK ParliamentaryOct 22 17:03
s-521 retweeted by    record; I believe the Guardian was pressured toOct 22 17:03
s-521 @glynmoody      withhold the Tor story by GCHQ & White HouseOct 22 17:03
s-521........................................ 22 17:03
s-521@raycorrigan     MPs "debate" on whether Guardian damagedOct 22 17:09
s-521 retweeted by    national security was a farcical witch hunt.Oct 22 17:09
s-521 @glynmoody      Smith & Brokenshire platform to attack theOct 22 17:09
s-521                 paperOct 22 17:09
s-521........................................ 22 17:09
s-521@mgeist          RT @bccla: Breaking news: We’re taking Canada'sOct 22 17:10
s-521                 spying agency #CSEC to court. Time toOct 22 17:10
s-521                 #stopillegalspying 22 17:10 | Stop Illegal Spying | BC Civil Liberties AssociationOct 22 17:10
s-521........................................ 22 17:10
s-521@glynmoody       The #UK #gagging law: survey for the commissionOct 22 17:10
s-521                 - please participate ifOct 22 17:10
s-521                 you canOct 22 17:10
s-521........................................ 22 17:10 | 38 Degrees  |  Gagging Law: Survey for the CommissionOct 22 17:10
s-521@glynmoody       The BBC Worldwide online content that BritishOct 22 17:11
s-521                 license payers aren't allowed to see  -Oct 22 17:11
s-521        #BBC is just a jokeOct 22 17:11 | SRoC: Slightly Right of Centre: The BBC Worldwide online content that British license payers aren't allowed to seeOct 22 17:11
s-521........................................ 22 17:11
s-521@umairh          Charming. “@SheenaYoon: @umairh there'sOct 22 17:12
s-521                 soylent, but now there's this:Oct 22 17:12
s-521       ”Oct 22 17:12
s-521........................................ 22 17:12
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 22 17:12
s-521@umairh          Geeks, if you wanna know why girls don't digOct 22 17:13
s-521                 you, it's because you don't think they'reOct 22 17:13
s-521                 people. You think they're equations.Oct 22 17:13
s-521........................................ 22 17:13
s-521@kumar303        If you'd like to work on the Python/HTML5 webOct 22 17:18
s-521 retweeted by    stack for #FirefoxOS payments let me know!Oct 22 17:18
s-521 @glynmoody Mozilla is hiringOct 22 17:18
s-521........................................ 22 17:18 | Web Engineer — Mozilla Jobs — Open PositionsOct 22 17:18
s-521@slashdot        Would-Be Tesla Owners Jump Through Hoops ToOct 22 17:18
s-521                 Skirt Wacky Texas Rules 22 17:18
s-521........................................ 22 17:18 | Would-Be Tesla Owners Jump Through Hoops To Skirt Wacky Texas Rules - SlashdotOct 22 17:18
s-521@peterkofod      The only interesting bit to come out of MPOct 22 17:18
s-521 retweeted by    debate on @Guardian/#Snowden is that govt isOct 22 17:18
s-521 @ioerror        reading @ioerror's & my feedsOct 22 17:18
s-521        22 17:18
s-521........................................ 22 17:18 | NSA files: MPs debate whether Guardian damaged national security | World news | theguardian.comOct 22 17:18
s-521@umairh          You're being watched for three reasons. So youOct 22 17:29
s-521                 buy. So you conform. And so you  never, everOct 22 17:29
s-521                 dream.Oct 22 17:29
s-521........................................ 22 17:29
s-521@slashdot        Cow Burps Tapped For FuelOct 22 17:33
s-521        22 17:33
s-521........................................ 22 17:33 | Cow Burps Tapped For Fuel - SlashdotOct 22 17:33
s-521@ioerror         The Guardian deserves security criticism fromOct 22 17:38
s-521                 the UK Parliament; right after openly clearingOct 22 17:38
s-521                 up the details regarding #NSA and #GCHQ spying!Oct 22 17:38
s-521........................................ 22 17:38
s-521@Katrinskaya     Follow the money and influence.Oct 22 17:41
s-521 retweeted by - fantastic database ofOct 22 17:41
s-521 @glynmoody      public records, developed by @OCCRPOct 22 17:41 | Investigative DashboardOct 22 17:41
s-521                 #ideassummitOct 22 17:41
s-521........................................ 22 17:41
s-521@schestowitz     Free Software Helps Privacy, Which HelpsOct 22 17:42
s-521                 Whistleblowers, Who in Turn Help BattleOct 22 17:42
s-521                 Financial Fraud #privacyOct 22 17:42
s-521                 #truthOct 22 17:42
s-521........................................ 22 17:42 | Free Software Helps Privacy, Which Helps Whistleblowers, Who in Turn Help Battle Financial Fraud | TechrightsOct 22 17:42
*schestowitz_log has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 22 17:53
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 22 17:53
*ziggyfish ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 17:57
s-521@slashdot        Call Yourself a Hacker, Lose Your 4th AmendmentOct 22 17:57
s-521                 Rights 22 17:57
s-521........................................ 22 17:57 | Call Yourself a Hacker, Lose Your 4th Amendment Rights - SlashdotOct 22 17:57
s-521@techdirt        Feds Apparently Didn't Communicate With EachOct 22 18:01
s-521                 Other About Various Silk Road InvestigationsOct 22 18:01
s-521        22 18:01
s-521........................................ 22 18:01 | Feds Apparently Didn't Communicate With Each Other About Various Silk Road Investigations | TechdirtOct 22 18:01
s-521@Peter_Schaar    My Press release: "The European data protectionOct 22 18:05
s-521 retweeted by    reform must be completed rapidly" #EUDataP Oct 22 18:05
s-521 @glynmoody 22 18:05
s-521........................................ 22 18:05 | Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit  -  Homepage - Peter Schaar on the new proposals from the European Parliament: The European data protection reform must be completed rapidlyOct 22 18:05
s-521@csoghoian       Bravo Google. Users can't be protected from govOct 22 18:06
s-521                 interception of HTTPS if  browser errors areOct 22 18:06
s-521                 confusing. 22 18:06
s-521........................................ 22 18:06
TechrightsSocial@__apf__: I've also been working on a new error for hard HTTPS (SSL) failures. Test on today's Canary: 22 18:06
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Oct 22 18:06
TechrightsSocial@__apf__: I've also been working on a new error for hard HTTPS (SSL) failures. Test on today's Canary: 22 18:06
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 18:09
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 18:09
s-521@wikileaks       Ron Paul calls #FifthEstate "Hollywood'sOct 22 18:10
s-521                 attempt to profit off of Julian #Assange andOct 22 18:10
s-521                 his work with #WikiLeaks"Oct 22 18:10
s-521        22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10 | Ron Paul and Julian Assange bash 'Fifth Estate' film | Sunshine State NewsOct 22 18:10
s-521@MuckRock        USCIS says that bc MuckRock chose a businessOct 22 18:10
s-521 retweeted by    model besides paywalls & ads, we're not newsOct 22 18:10
s-521 @wikileaks      media: 22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10 | Booz Allen Hamilton Contracts (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services)  | MuckrockOct 22 18:10
s-521@wlpress         Two years ago, we wrote on the case Vance vOct 22 18:10
s-521 retweeted by    Rumsfeld involving 2 US contractors unlawfullyOct 22 18:10
s-521 @wikileaks      tortured in Iraq: (1/2)Oct 22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10
s-521@wlpress         Case was refused by Supreme Court; US personsOct 22 18:10 | The Iraq war, the war logs, and accountability in the USOct 22 18:10
s-521 retweeted by    without judicial remedy within the US setsOct 22 18:10
s-521 @wikileaks      horrifying precedent (2/2)Oct 22 18:10
s-521        22 18:10
s-521........................................ 22 18:10
s-521@SaveManning     Frequently Asked Questions About ChelseaOct 22 18:14
s-521 retweeted by    Manning (answered by @armycmdefense, herOct 22 18:14
s-521 @wikileaks      lawyer) including howOct 22 18:14
s-521                 you can help!Oct 22 18:14 | The Law Office of David E. Coombs: Frequently Asked Questions About ChelseaOct 22 18:14
s-521........................................ 22 18:14
*ziggyfish has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 22 18:25
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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 22 19:32
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schestowitz_bed2tracy agreed to host tuxmachines,.org if I can buy itOct 22 21:57
schestowitz_bed2so I asked susan, "I can run the site on my own server and actively put new Linux content. But how much to but it...? Price range..."Oct 22 21:57
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 22:18
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*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 22:44
s-521@adrianshort     Disguising my breastfeeding videos asOct 22 22:45
s-521 retweeted by    beheadings. #steganographyOct 22 22:45
s-521 @glynmoody      Oct 22 22:45
s-521........................................ 22 22:45
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*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 23:00
s-521@davidgerard     Xubuntu 13.10 on a MacBook, reviewed byOct 22 23:02
s-521                 @cstross tl;dr rough edges but basically prettyOct 22 23:02
s-521                 darned good 22 23:02
s-521........................................ 22 23:02 | The regular holy war ... - Charlie's DiaryOct 22 23:02
s-521@csoghoian       Apple's lack of crypto for Address Book syncOct 22 23:04
s-521                 with Gmail that let NSA sweep up contact listsOct 22 23:04
s-521                 fixed in new Apple OS. 22 23:04
TechrightsSocial@jonathanmayer: Nice: Apple Contacts vulnerability is patched in OS X Mavericks. Broken plaintext sync with Google has vanished. 22 23:04
s-521........................................ 22 23:04
TechrightsSocial-> | imgur: the simple image sharerOct 22 23:04
s-521@JustinBrookman  I̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶p̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶Oct 22 23:04
s-521 retweeted by    ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶i̶t̶,̶ you're the product.Oct 22 23:04
s-521 @csoghoian      Oct 22 23:04
s-521........................................ 22 23:04
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 23:08
*s-521 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 22 23:28
s-521@EFF             EFF has a film project to amplify the voices ofOct 22 23:30
s-521 retweeted by    NSA whistleblowers, legal experts, and more.Oct 22 23:30
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  You can help. 22 23:30
s-521........................................ 22 23:30 | Support new videos about NSA spying | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 22 23:30
s-521@csoghoian       How is John Kerry going to explain NSA hackingOct 22 23:31
s-521                 into French Embassy computers & deployingOct 22 23:31
s-521                 malware? "Don't blame us if your securityOct 22 23:31
s-521                 sucks?"Oct 22 23:31
s-521........................................ 22 23:31
s-521@JesselynRadack  My blog: Living in a Drone LaboratoryOct 22 23:34
s-521 retweeted by #dronesOct 22 23:34
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  Oct 22 23:34
s-521........................................ 22 23:34 | Daily Kos: Living in a Drone LaboratoryOct 22 23:34
s-521@trevortimm      When will the government officially correct theOct 22 23:40
s-521 retweeted by    false claims it made to the Supreme Court aboutOct 22 23:40
s-521 @Thomas_Drake1  NSA surveillance? 22 23:40
s-521........................................ 22 23:40 | When Will the Government Officially Correct the False Claims It Made to the Supreme Court About NSA Surveillance? | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 22 23:40
s-521@RT_com          ‘Unacceptable and shocking’: France demandsOct 22 23:41
s-521 retweeted by    explanation for #NSA spyingOct 22 23:41
s-521 @wikileaks 22 23:41
s-521........................................ 22 23:41 | ‘Unacceptable and shocking’: France demands explanation for NSA spying — RT NewsOct 22 23:41
s-521@CNNMex          GRÁFICO: El espionaje que mueve el mundo: lasOct 22 23:44
s-521 retweeted by    revelaciones del caso #Snowden y de #WikiLeaks Oct 22 23:44
s-521 @wikileaks 22 23:44
s-521........................................ 22 23:44 | El espionaje que mueve al mundo  - CNNMexico.comOct 22 23:44
s-521@davidgerard     Checking your work email on @virginmedia couldOct 22 23:46
s-521                 get you cut off 22 23:46
s-521........................................ 22 23:46 | Checking Your Work E-Mail on Virgin Media Residential Could Get You Cut OffOct 22 23:46
s-521@davidgerard     So the #racistvan used a stolen font. WellOct 22 23:50
s-521                 done. 22 23:50
s-521........................................ 22 23:50 | Home Office accused of illegal font use on illegal immigrants campaign | News | Design WeekOct 22 23:50
s-521@slashdot        Wikipedia Actively Battling PR SockpuppetsOct 22 23:51
s-521        22 23:51
s-521........................................ 22 23:51 | Wikipedia Actively Battling PR Sockpuppets - SlashdotOct 22 23:51
*s-521 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Oct 22 23:58
*libertyboxes has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 23 10:31
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schestowitz_bed2 23 11:01
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint #iMessage as ‘Secure’ #apple #privacyOct 23 11:01
TechrightsSocial-> | Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint iMessage as ‘Secure’ | TechrightsOct 23 11:02
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Risky Energy and the Crushing of Protests #energy #protest #canadaOct 23 11:02
TechrightsSocial-> | Risky Energy and the Crushing of Protests | TechrightsOct 23 11:02
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Patents and #Lobbying Down Everyone's Throat #gmo #monopoly #monsantoOct 23 11:02
TechrightsSocial-> | Patents and Lobbying Down Everyone’s Throat | TechrightsOct 23 11:02
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceROct 23 18:47
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2> Wife & life are fine as wine.Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2> I am reading some books on the philosophy of Buddhism. If there were no religions and only practitioners of the Buddist philosophy, this would be a wonderful world. Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2It's often said, but I think disputes are over race, where each race/family/extended family fights over resources, might, respect etc. but uses religious as an excuse to justify territorial instincts.Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 20:39
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> Hi, Roy,Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> IIRC you use multiple displays and Ubuntu 12.04.  Have you been able toOct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> mirror them?  I have two I can get side-by-side no problem, but theOct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> option for mirrored is greyed out.  So I wonder if there is some trickOct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2> to that.Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2I have not seen this option in a while. Never understood why anyone would want them unless giving a presentation and outputting to a projector. Anyway, I doubt xconf is still used to configure X in newer distros, so editing that would be risky and transient. I have two dual heads at home. Let me try the older one...Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2In KDE (which I use on both dual head settings):Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2System Settings/Monitor.../can switch off, change resoluton, rotate, toggle as primary. They're improved the GUI in 13.04 actually. It's simpler and neater.Oct 23 21:12
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 23 21:12
*Disconnected (Invalid argument).Oct 24 04:05
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Oct 24 04:05:24 2013
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialOct 24 04:05
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellOct 24 04:05
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Oct 24 04:05
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 24 04:06
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:37 Greenspan on "crony capitalism" - "prevalent in China and Russia.. 'worry that we are starting in that direction.'" 24 07:37
TechrightsSocial-> | BBC News - Greenspan fears US government set for more debt stalemate  [ ]Oct 24 07:37
schestowitz_bed2"True. I'm still a bit astonished by the quick response by Obama when our former PM Gillard went to meet with leaders of Russia and China. Within about a week he was over here selling us a new Marine base in Darwin. Which we need like a hole in the head. Maybe they're still hoping Jayzus will come back and save the world."Oct 24 07:37
schestowitz_bed2Last night I watched Armageddon -- another BS propganda film with bad science and the message that only the USA can save the whole world from rapture-like event. I noted to my wife that the only one Russian on board is portrayed as drunked, rude, and stupid.Oct 24 07:39
schestowitz_bed2The US is out of touch and all that misreprestation will not truly pay off.Oct 24 07:39
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:41 The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History — Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft Camp #nokia #microsoft #yahooOct 24 07:41
schestowitz_bed2"Nokia's gone. They were a really great company for a while there, but they are gone now. IMNSHO, it does not count that someone bought the name and trademark. It isn't the same, it isn't even similar."Oct 24 07:41
TechrightsSocial-> | The History of Nokia — Like Yahoo’s History — Gets Rewritten by the Microsoft Camp | Techrights  [ ]Oct 24 07:41
schestowitz_bed2"And when is Europe going to get around to kicking Microsoft out altogether? Didn't M$ lose a European lawsuit about a decade ago, about their monopolistic practices?"Oct 24 07:41
schestowitz_bed2"All that Europe gives M$ is a slap on the wrist. Last year (?) M$ had to pay about a billion dollars for removing browser choice in windows. Some real punishment (being denied doing business or something like that) would probably be more effective."Oct 24 07:42
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:42 Those who don't keep their address books stored locally (with Free software) are exposing themselves 24 07:42
TechrightsSocial-> | How Apple’s Address Book app could allow the NSA to harvest your contacts | Ars Technica  [ ]Oct 24 07:42
schestowitz_bed2"CIPAV?"Oct 24 07:42
schestowitz_bed2"... and Ubuntu keeps trying to get me to sign on to "Ubuntu One". Apparently some sort of cloud thingy, since the icon looks like a cloud. Should I try to uninstall it or just switch to Debian?"Oct 24 07:43
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:43 | Computer and Internet Protocol Address Verifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOct 24 07:43
schestowitz_bed2"Swith to Debian, Suse, redhat, ...."Oct 24 07:43
schestowitz_bed2"Switch to a distro with less "functionality". That word is as poisonous as M$'s "seamlessness"."Oct 24 07:44
schestowitz_bed2"But if the "functional ity" is malware? Even if it's designed-in malware, perhaps one doesn't need it."Oct 24 07:44
schestowitz_bed2SUSE is not a good choice. It's controlled by Microsoft financially.Oct 24 07:44
schestowitz_bed2 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed2A lot of US Government favoritism for Microsoft makes sense after Snowden. At the time, the US rejection of the Google/Yahoo deal but acceptance of the much worse Microsoft/Yahoo deal was incomprehensible. The anti-trust reasoning was backward. Microsoft is so incompetent it's hard to understand why anyone in government would show such favoritism much less anti-trust regulators. Now that we know they were PRISM partner #Oct 24 07:45
schestowitz_bed21 and promising to abuse their position, that deal and many other kinds of favoritism sort of make sense. This is why Cablegate showed US diplomats basically working as Microsoft reps against local free software efforts and other US competitors alike.Oct 24 07:46
schestowitz_bed2NSA spying is plutocracy run amok. I'm starting to wonder when plutocrats are most responsible for the obnoxious police state.Oct 24 07:46
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 24 07:46
schestowitz_bed2Yahoo stopped fighting PRISM pressure when Microsoft, the Stasi company, stepped inOct 24 07:46
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:06 Last month I struggled with many PC hardware issues; last night that computer (I've migrated away) finally got root-level corruptions [1/2]Oct 24 08:06
schestowitz_bed2"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that you were able to replace it."Oct 24 08:06
schestowitz_bed2 24 11:42 State Department Employees Cleared to Watch WikiLeaks MovieOct 24 11:42
TechrightsSocial-> | State Department Employees Cleared to Watch WikiLeaks Movie | The Cable  [ ]Oct 24 11:42
schestowitz_bed2'Wow. I wonder what she's like before she's had a blood transfusion. Matthew Lee was very good - that warms the heart. Thanks for sharing that."Oct 24 11:42
schestowitz_bed2 24 11:43 Procurement Corruption: Followup on “Open Bar” Contract Between #Microsoft and the French Ministry of Defence 24 11:43
schestowitz_bed2"i feel shameful for my country. I knew it since 4-5 months ago... Whereas French Gendarmerie uses Gubuntu (an Ubuntu distro made by and for French Gendarmerie) and develop their own tools with open source / Libre tech"Oct 24 11:43
TechrightsSocial-> | Procurement Corruption: Followup on “Open Bar” Contract Between Microsoft and the French Ministry of Defence | Techrights  [ ]Oct 24 11:43
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:29 reshared: ### Internationale Reaktionen: "Wer braucht #Feinde bei solchen Verbündeten"Oct 24 13:29
TechrightsSocial-> | Pressereaktionen auf mögliche Überwachung von Merkels Handy - SPIEGEL ONLINE  [ ]Oct 24 13:29
schestowitz_bed2"fefe: Schmerz lass nach! Das bescheuertste Statement des Tages kommt von der Verräterpartei. Achtung, festhalten: "Wer die Kanzlerin abhört, der hört auch die Bürger ab" IHR PFEIFEN! Wir WISSEN schon, dass die uns alle abhören! Nur dass sie auch die Merkel mit ihrem angeblichen Hochsicherheitstelefon abhören, das wussten wir noch nicht. Mann Mann Mann. DAS IST DOCH GERADE DIE IRONIE AN DER SITUATION JETZT! http://Oct 24 13:29
TechrightsSocialCouldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:// )Oct 24 13:29ört-der-hört-auch-die-bürger-ab Und hier ist noch ein wunderschönes Nugget: (Thomas de Maizière) gehe zwar seit Jahren davon aus, dass sein Handy abgehört werde: "Allerdings habe ich nicht mit den Amerikanern gerechnet." BWAHAHAHA"Oct 24 13:29 | Reaktionen zur möglichen US-Überwachung des Kanzler-Handys - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 24 13:29
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:30
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Light versus sound 24 13:30
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Denmark versus peaceful protest #policebrutality #aggression #europe #denmarkOct 24 13:30
TechrightsSocial-> | Betjent slår ung kvinde otte gange - YouTubeOct 24 13:30
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Immigration cartoon 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Plan gone awry 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Firefox OS: What it is – and what it means for you and your union | Eric Lee #mozilla #linux #activismOct 24 13:38
TechrightsSocial-> | Firefox OS: What it is – and what it means for you and your union | Eric Lee | NetwOrgOct 24 13:38
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:41 Merkel spying claim: with allies like these, who needs enemies? Oct 24 13:41
TechrightsSocial-> | Merkel spying claim: with allies like these, who needs enemies? | World news |  [ ]Oct 24 13:41
schestowitz_bed2"ok, spy over approx. 80 million german inhabitants - granted - BUT MY CELLPHONE - WTF!! Bwahahaha!!"Oct 24 13:41
schestowitz_bed2 24 13:41 Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint #iMessage as ‘Secure’Oct 24 13:42
schestowitz_bed2"Yes, as I said, it's not technically impossible for them to do so. But if they had done so, we'd know it, due to the way the legal system here works."Oct 24 13:42
TechrightsSocial-> | Apple’s Latest Bogus Claims Give False Sense of Privacy, Paint iMessage as ‘Secure’ | Techrights  [ ]Oct 24 13:42
schestowitz_bed2I saw an article last year about complaints against Apple messaging being 'too' secure - emenating from the legal docs I presume.Oct 24 13:42
schestowitz_bed2 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Competition Among Open Source Projects Delivers Better Technology Faster 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial-> | Competition Among Open Source Projects Delivers Better Technology Faster | The Linux FoundationOct 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: The Other Reason Why IBM #Throws A Billion At #Linux (With #NSA - Designed Backdoor) 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial-> | Testosterone Pit - Home - The Other Reason Why IBM Throws A Billion At Linux (With NSA- Designed Backdoor)Oct 24 14:25
TechrightsSocial-> | Open Stack: OpenStack 10/18/2013 (p.m.)Oct 24 14:25
schestowitz_bed2 24 14:47 reshared: [![Image](]()<br>**capitalism** <br>[]()<br><br><br>#capitalismo - <br><br>Oct 24 14:47
schestowitz_bed2"wow"Oct 24 14:47
schestowitz_bed2Just got more mail from RMS:Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>         [ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please considerOct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>         [ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>         [ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>     Yesterday the Home Office officially became our client.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Wow!Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2I am filling out some intrusive clearance forms at the moment (security clearance). Ironically, one of those forms is enclosed in 'open' XML, the other encoded in .doc.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> BTW, I will be in London Nov 29-Dec 1.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2I can come down to London with my wife to meet you. Would you be interested? She has heard about you and read some of your essays for years.Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2>     By the way, you are very prominent in the new homepage ofOct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> (need JavaScript to enable the slider).Oct 24 18:30 | Techrights | People's rights in the digital age | Plutocracy threatened by freedom, democracy, privacy & civil rightsOct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Does the JS code have a free license that LibreJS can recognize?Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2> Have you tried visiting the site with LibreJS?Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2I have not tried yet, but I will try. That new site is still in a testing phase. I have improved privacy at the back end and the next stage will involve testing with various browsers, including mobile devices (Android, for instance, works fine).Oct 24 18:30
schestowitz_bed2RMS:Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>>> BTW, I will be in London Nov 29-Dec 1.Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>>Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> I can come down to London with my wife to meet you. Would you beOct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> interested? She has heard about you and read some of your essays forOct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> years.Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2> I hope you get to meet RMS thereOct 24 19:17
schestowitz_bed2>> I have not tried yet, but I will try. That new site is still in aOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2>> testing phase. I have improved privacy at the back end and the nextOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2>> stage will involve testing with various browsers, including mobileOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2>> devices (Android, for instance, works fine).Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> I read a rumor recently that a lot of javascript is fishing around forOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> font info.  The first thing that came to mind would be how useful thatOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> would be for fingerprinting systems.  There has definitely been aOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> proliferation of gratuitous javascript.  Most of the legitimate purposesOct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2> for site development has been replaced by CSS3.Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2JavaScript, IIRC, was also used to spy on Tor users.Oct 24 19:23
schestowitz_bed2 24 22:46 Google's uProxy could help fight Internet censorship #censorship #uproxy #googleOct 24 22:46
TechrightsSocial-> | Google's uProxy could help fight Internet censorship  [ ]Oct 24 22:46
schestowitz_bed2"If it wasn't introduced by Google to work through Google -- it would sound good."Oct 24 22:46
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schestowitz_bed2RMS:Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2>     I can come down to London with my wife to meet you. Would you beOct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2>     interested? She has heard about you and read some of your essays forOct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2>     years.Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2> Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2> Ok.  Also, I will be speaking in Lincoln on Nov 29, so youOct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2> could come there if it is closer.Oct 25 08:15
schestowitz_bed2Have you made plans for after these talks? If not, we'd like to invite you for dinner (out somewhere).Oct 25 08:15
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schestowitz_bed2 25 08:38 UNIX/Linux power: for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 192.168.1.$ip>/dev/null; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "192.168.1.$ip UP" || : ; doneOct 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2"#wakey-wakey everybody!"Oct 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2 25 08:38 US is copying USSR, Russia isn't the one copying the US 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2"...also, the "Tea Party", the anti- abortion/choice, and other right wing "astroturf" movements are copying the tactics of the hippies, Yippies, and the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60s ."Oct 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2 25 08:38 First it was The H, Groklaw (twice even) and now it's Tuxmachines dot org that's likely shutting down (my fav sites) 25 08:38
TechrightsSocial-> | for sale | tuxmachines.orgOct 25 08:38
schestowitz_bed2'Not only is this informative, it's Roy's good perspective. Hopefully, the Internet Archive has all of it. This is something people should keep in mind when they build a site - can, search engines and other libraries crawl and archive it?"Oct 25 08:39
schestowitz_bed2 25 08:39 Training Scholarship Winner Nam Pho Uses #GNU #Linux for Science #hpcOct 25 08:39
TechrightsSocial-> | Training Scholarship Winner Nam Pho Uses Linux for Science |  [ ]Oct 25 08:39
schestowitz_bed2" no answer from them so far."Oct 25 08:39
schestowitz_bed2I never found them responsive. Linus is the exception as I think he always responded to my mail.Oct 25 08:39
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schestowitz_bed2"As to the "like" thing, I guess "worthwhile" and "stick it where the sun don't shine" don't fit in as compact a space. ;-)"Oct 25 08:40
schestowitz_bed2"Such options would be very entertaining, though :P"Oct 25 08:40
schestowitz_bed2Slashdot has/had themOct 25 08:40
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schestowitz_bed2 25 08:42
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Useful "Apple" 25 08:42
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Glenn Greenwald and the Future of Leaks #snowden #nsaOct 25 08:42
TechrightsSocial-> | Glenn Greenwald and the Future of LeaksOct 25 08:42
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schestowitz_bed2 25 08:55 It seems like I'll be meeting RMS again next month, so I shall start rushing in releasing about a dozen videos I recorded with him in OxfordOct 25 08:55
schestowitz_bed2"Looking forward to seeing them :)"Oct 25 08:55
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schestowitz_bed2 25 17:27
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Next one free 25 17:27
schestowitz_bed2 Oct 25 17:28
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Richard Stallman on US Economy and Politics #finance #jobs #outsourcing #welfareOct 25 17:28
TechrightsSocial-> |  » Blog Archive   » Richard Stallman on US Economy and PoliticsOct 25 17:28
schestowitz_bed2 25 19:03 or StatusNet being decentralised was not enough to help old content, users, etc. survive. Evan wouldn't even send me my data.Oct 25 19:03
schestowitz_bed2"Ehm, you could get your data while was migrating %)."Oct 25 19:03
schestowitz_bed2Couldn't. I tried.Oct 25 19:03
schestowitz_bed2 25 19:04 There's always a certain fear in me that Diaspora will end up like; for sure, same will happen to Twitter & Facebook over long runOct 25 19:04
schestowitz_bed2"At least you get your data back here."Oct 25 19:04
schestowitz_bed2"well, if that happens, we will have to move to some other network. don't see the problem here.. :)"Oct 25 19:04
schestowitz_bed2"why you think so?'Oct 25 19:05
schestowitz_bed2"I think that the good difference is that you cannot see or install a Facebook or Twitter server software. I mean, D* and are open source or free software. It may happen like Gnome and Mate. They created a separated branch that continues the old ways."Oct 25 19:05
schestowitz_bed2"We can always fall back on usenet."Oct 25 19:05
schestowitz_bed2> 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2this article is very interesting to me. I read several like it. Many drone 'pilots' leave after realising that they too had just been "following orders" (of Pentagon/CIA, with Nazi officers' roots).Oct 25 23:39 | Retired US drone operator tells of the turmoil he feels after killing by remote control |  [ ]Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2Last year, before I started working _full time_ on task-oriented basis rather than on-demand (meaning that I had more free time) I advocated strongly for abolishing drone strikes. They make us accept and become less resistant to the notion of automated killing by flying robots. Every time we're made passive (or not informed if not misinformed) we are made more apathetic towards what can only later be viewed (in Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2retrospect) as a human atrocity and an act of viciousness.Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2The drone strikes are opposed to even by some former US Army generals, who said quite correctly that those strikes increase hatred towards the US, even in European nations and former 'allies' that view Obama with the same contempt they had for Bush (this is a bipartisan issue now).Oct 25 23:39
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:41 Mozilla's Lightbeam tool will expose who is looking over your shoulder on the web #mozilla #firefox #privacyOct 25 23:41
TechrightsSocial-> | Mozilla's Lightbeam tool will expose who is looking over your shoulder on the web - News - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent  [ ]Oct 25 23:41
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:42 | RequestPolicy :: Add-ons for Firefox  [ ]Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2I highly recommend requestpolicy.Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2It really puts you in charge. NB, this has learning curve and being in charge means you intervene - i.e. you have to do some clicking when you visit a new site. It more or less makes ghostery redundant - but not quite - most of the time ghostery doesn't have any blocking to do.Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2Give*temporary* permissions lavishly at the beginning until you've sussed it out.Oct 25 23:42
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:43 | The JavaScript Trap  [ ]Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2Looks like EtherApe but I like the idea of sharing the data. Sadly, it won't allow users to make granular decisions and it might not provide much transparency in the end. Sneaky advertisers can hide behind unnamed servers, so all you see is an IP address. They can also hide the data flow by simply passing it on themselves rather than by making your computer do the work for them but that will be expensive and hurt their Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2site performance. Once you are aware, the choice you actually have is to browse or not to browse a particular site. Mozilla promises that their tool will only send anonymous information back. That's something the community should verify.Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2Richard Stallman was right about the javascript trap. Non free software, in the form of javascript, turns our computers against us. Browsers should identify each non free script and offer the user a free substitute if available or the chance to not run it at all. Mozilla's new tool might build awareness in the problem but it does not give them the context to understand the proper solution.Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 25 23:43
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:44 @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}, I'm sorry to have to tell you about this but <a href="">some very rude people are saying nasty things about you over on G+</a>.Oct 25 23:44 ### <a href="">Trash Talk from Bruce Byfield</a>Oct 25 23:44
schestowitz_bed2"<a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a>, I'm sorry to have to tell you about this but <a href="">some very rude people are saying nasty things about you over on G+</a>."Oct 25 23:44
schestowitz_bed2"<a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a>, I'm sorry to have to tell you about this but <a href="">some very rude people are saying nasty things about you over on G+</a>."Oct 25 23:45
schestowitz_bed2 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2Trash Talk from Bruce ByfieldOct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2we are only wasting our time talking to Hill. He appears to be something of a Tech Rights (Boycott Novell) groupie. Roy Schestowitz cannot stand the fact that I have expressed contempt forr his work, and insults me at every opportunity, and I suspect that Hill has absorbed this attitude uncriticallyOct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2This is typical of Byfield. He's happy to dish out insults but pretty thin skinned when other people call him on it. His response is to dismiss the people he disagrees with as irrational idiots while praising himself. He's a troll and a bully.Oct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2"He can't blame that trash on his boss. Earlier, he had complained that his editors were pushing him to write "hard hitting" stories about free software people and that he had nothing original to write about real threats to software freedom. Trash talking Techrights and calling me an idiot was his answer to me suggesting that his job might inherently be hostile to all things free software. That's all him."Oct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2I hardly smear Byfield. In recent years I actually defended some of his views and cited his articles.Oct 25 23:46
schestowitz_bed2"Aaron Seigo has closed comments with a nasty smear of Roy Schestowitz. It seems that clearly citing a few examples will calls for more research, while careful research and documentation will get you labled, "full on dipshit tinfoil hat crazy". In other words, the subject is decided from the start and disagreeing will only result in insults. That's very disappointing and I did not expect it. Maybe I should have."Oct 25 23:47
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 06:20
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 26 13:05
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:16 | Torvalds gives th...  [ ]Oct 26 13:16
schestowitz_bed2:'that's a thunb?"Oct 26 13:16
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 13:24
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:25
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: How Hollywood thinks 26 13:25
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: European view of American Foreign Policy #ciaOct 26 13:25
TechrightsSocial-> | European view of American Foreign Policy - YouTubeOct 26 13:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:52 reshared: a giant planker on the wall near the swimming pool...Oct 26 13:52
schestowitz_bed2"Hey, look over here! Dad's gonna do his cannonball!"Oct 26 13:53
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:54 insect messiah...Oct 26 13:54
schestowitz_bed2"I knew it!!!!"Oct 26 13:55
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:34
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Microsoft's Common Carrier Dying While #GNU #Linux on the Desktop Rising Because Steam Helps Eliminate Gaming Gap 26 14:34
TechrightsSocial-> | Microsoft’s Common Carrier Dying While GNU/Linux on the Desktop Rising Because Steam Helps Eliminate Gaming Gap | TechrightsOct 26 14:34
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:56 OpenMandriva Releases the Beta 1! #mandriva #openmandriva #gnu #linux #russiaOct 26 14:56
TechrightsSocial-> | Mandriva Linux Chronicles: OpenMandriva Releases the Beta 1!  [ ]Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2#russiaOct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2No, Russians think OpenMandriva isn't needed because of Mageia.Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 14:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: "Newly Appointed General Manager Patrick Masson Joins OSI from University of Massachusetts" 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial-> | OSI Names New General Manager | Open Source InitiativeOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: KDE Accomplishments - Google Summer of Code 2013 #kde #google #gsocOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial-> | KDE Accomplishments - Google Summer of Code 2013 | KDE.newsOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: OpenMandriva Releases the Beta 1! #mandriva #openmandriva #gnu #linux #russiaOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Nexus 5 may be announced on 31st October #android #linuxOct 26 15:00
TechrightsSocial-> | Nexus 5 may be announced on 31st October - MuktwareOct 26 15:00
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:12
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Manchester CryptoParty with FSFE December 7th. #manchester #uk #privacy #fsfe #freedomOct 26 15:12
TechrightsSocial-> | Manchester CryptoParty with FSFE | Manchester Open Rights GroupOct 26 15:12
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Ubuntu drifts into 'cloud' (the #surveillance computing hype) 26 15:12
TechrightsSocial-> | Convergence In The Cloud  |  jonobacon@homeOct 26 15:12
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Google releases YouTube app for Firefox OS it hardly needs an app other than a browserOct 26 15:12
TechrightsSocial-> | Google releases YouTube app for Firefox OS - MuktwareOct 26 15:12
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:16
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: "The Untold History DVD is now out in the UK and in US in Oct." good seriesOct 26 15:16
TechrightsSocial-> | The Oliver Stone Experience | The Official Oliver Stone website | www.oliverstone.comOct 26 15:16
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:21
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Pyramid 26 15:21
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Saudi women's driving kicks off without arrests welcome to the 20th century, SAOct 26 15:21
TechrightsSocial-> | Saudi women's driving kicks off without arrests - World newsOct 26 15:21
schestowitz_bed2qu1j0t3: will the bot return?Oct 26 15:22
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:31
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Freedom With Open Source: How Nations Can Escape Their Dependence On NSA-occupied Tech #freedomOct 26 15:31
TechrightsSocial-> | Freedom With Open Source: How Nations Can Escape Their Dependence On US-Made Tech | SiliconANGLEOct 26 15:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:39 Ubuntu drifts into 'cloud' (the #surveillance computing hype) 26 15:40
schestowitz_bed2"I don't know what's worse - Ubuntu or Android, but I usually choose Android + tons of stuff to block the crap."Oct 26 15:40
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:41 reshared: Birmingham made my eyes bleed...Oct 26 15:41
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 26 15:41
schestowitz_bed2"Oh dog ... that looks horrible, indeed."Oct 26 15:41
schestowitz_bed2There is an interesting-looking mall next Birmingham's New Street rail station, but everything else in this city gives me the creeps when I'm thereOct 26 15:42
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Google's CCTV Glass is getting creepier 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial-> | People+ Glass app can help you recognise people in a party - MuktwareOct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Friend of mine is so privacy-aware he won't hang out with people who photograph him or mention him in FB. Now, imagine Google's CCTV Glass.Oct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxOct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial-> | 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 - TechRepublicOct 26 15:44
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Ubuntu is a bit like DuckDuckGo. Both companies let Amazon, which works very closely with the CIA, what you search for in real time.Oct 26 15:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:44
schestowitz_bed2"cannonball? missile launch :)"Oct 26 15:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: SolusOS Linux Will No Longer Be Developed #SolusOS #gnu #linuxOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | SolusOS Linux Will No Longer Be DevelopedOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Tablets (mostly running Android) outsell notebooks now (mostly Windows) 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | Tablet PC Shipment Forecast Lowered Through 2017, but Double-Digit Growth Still Expected, According to NPD DisplaySearch - DisplaySearchOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10 times cheaper #france #freedomOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | French Interior Ministry: open source 5 to 10 times cheaper | JoinupOct 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: It seems like #hp now makes it an option to have #gnu #linux preinstalled, with #microsoft tax deducted 26 16:17
TechrightsSocial-> | Workstation Computers From HP  |   Robert PogsonOct 26 16:17
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:19 | Massenprotest gegen umstrittenes Wahlergebnis | Aktuell Asien | DW.DE | 25.10.2013  [ ]Oct 26 16:19
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2zemlin, a PR man, tries to claim credit for work of scientist 26 16:26 | Congratulations to Nobel Prize Winners, and a Nod to Mass Collaboration |  [ ]Oct 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:32 ### <a href="">Trash Talk from Bruce Byfield</a>Oct 26 16:32
TechrightsSocial-> | Aaron Seigo - Google+ - +Bruce Byfield is one of my favorite writers when it comes…  [ ]Oct 26 16:32
schestowitz_bed2"I've written a quick defense of myself and you, Roy. "Oct 26 16:32 | Will Hill - Google+ - A Quick Defense of Myself and Techrights A week ago, Glen…  [ ]Oct 26 16:32
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2A Quick Defense of Myself and Techrights A week ago, Glen Greenwald blasted  the Independent's Blackhurst,Oct 26 16:36
schestowitz_bed2if the government tells me I shouldn't publish something, who am I as a journalist to disobey? Put that on the tombstone of western establishment journalism. It perfectly encapsulates the death spiral of large journalistic outlets.Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2Greenwald is mostly right about that, but going by the logic of a conversation I had yesterday we should overlook such things and condemn Greenwald as a troll.  Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2Isn't this overarching generalization?  Shouldn't we judge Blackhurst on his balanced corpus of writing which mostly defends our liberty?  Greenwald does not think so.  He points out a specific harmful thing and has spent years telling us how it arises in the establishment press.  Surrendering to your editor or your government to undermine the very thing you profess to love is a bad thing.Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2The folks over at Techrights have spent years telling us how Microsoft infiltrates and subverts the tech press and free software groups.  He does this on his own dime and is free from advertiser and editorial pressure.  Roy's research has been careful and he has a tremendous body of articles and references, often court revealed evidence from Microsoft itself, that document his findings.  He has always engaged his Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2subjects fairly and has never censored a single comment from his site.  He's owned and apologized for his mistakes when he makes them.  While his writing can be entertaining, it's never been mean spirited or rude and he constantly strains to cover issues rather than people.  Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2It is completely unfair, +Aaron Seigo, to characterize his efforts as "dipshit tinfoil hat crazy."  He is the independent authority on Novell.  He helped us avoid mono disaster and gave us ample warning about other software patent threats.  PJ of Groklaw and Richard Stallman thought well of the site and community. Now that Grocklaw, the H and Tuxmachines are down, Techrights is that much more rare as an independent news Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2source.  Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2+Bruce Byfield admitted in your thread to an important bias, the very one I was complaining about and that Roy has documented for years,Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2I'm often under pressure from editors, who continually tell me that my commentaries aren't nearly hard-hitting enough. And it's certainly true that you can find people who criticize free software practices far more strongly than I have ever done, such as Larry Cafiero.Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2From time to time, I've noticed that hostility and it makes Byfield less than my favorite author and news source.  Others have accused him of poking the community and then taking advantage of the reaction to say bad things about the community, aka trolling, and I agree. When I accused Byfield of "trolling" I was actually thinking of something more mild, like Socratic dialog or Ben Franklin style writing that takes both Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2sides of the fence to create a conflict and make people think.   The nasty reaction I got for it reminds me of prior rudeness to myself from Byfeld that I'd rater forget.  Regardless of what you think of it, there's the reason and it's a problem.  Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2Most of the tech press is under this kind of pressure, some worse than others.  It is a systemic problem caused by advertising money and lax US laws and enforcement that allows Microsoft to get away with wrecking news coverage around the world.  The strategy of infiltration and subversion is well outlined in Microsoft training material and Roy has tracked it well.  Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37 | Groklaw - How to Get Your Platform Accepted as a Standard - Microsoft Style  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37 | 66 Pages of Microsoft Evilness | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
TechrightsSocialCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37 | Today’s ‘Objective’ News, Brought to You by Microsoft Corporation | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2"Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2"I have found his articles all are well researched and informed.  Whether one agrees or not with any specific article of Roy's, or even maybe his particular style, one cannot question his integrity or professionalism supporting what he writes.  I recall he is from the UK, which has a rather challenging legal environment about press freedom and libel that often are misused by the powerful, and I think the fact he is able Oct 26 16:37 | Gartner and Microsoft Negotiate Not Bashing Vista | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2to write what he does is also a testament also to his detailed research and accuracy."Oct 26 16:37 | Another Pillar of the Microsoft Press Falls Over | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37 | AstroTurfing - Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37 | Advertising and Legitimising Microsoft Control of Linux | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 16:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:41 | Bruce Byfield - Google+  [ ]Oct 26 16:41
schestowitz_bed2"Not to go all warm and fuzzy or anything, but I find it gratifying to have people I respect come to my defense against trolls. Thanks to those who stood up for me."Oct 26 16:41
schestowitz_bed2ByfieldOct 26 16:41
schestowitz_bed2Accusing people of being trolls if they don't agree with him.Oct 26 16:42
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2" I don't have the $2500 necessary to view the original survey. "Oct 26 16:43 | Why is interest in free office suites declining? » Linux Magazine  [ ]Oct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2Funded by some companiesOct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2maybe MicrosofOct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2And he too passes it off as factOct 26 16:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:44 | Bruce Byfield - Google+ - My latest, "Why is interest in free software suites…  [ ]Oct 26 16:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:50
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Contrary to what you’ve heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware so Microsoft/Windows partners lie?!Oct 26 16:50
TechrightsSocial-> | Contrary to what you’ve heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware  –  QuartzOct 26 16:50
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Linux Foundation promotes #surveillance computing ('cloud') from the Microsoft-sponsored (and Microsoft-paying) SUSE 26 16:50
TechrightsSocial-> | What's Next for SUSE Cloud and OpenStack | Linux.comOct 26 16:50
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: 'If MI5 warns that this is not in the public interest who am I to disbelieve them?'~former editor of The Independent 26 16:50
TechrightsSocial-> | The perfect epitaph for establishment journalism | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 26 16:50
schestowitz_bed2Oh, look. The all-knowing Byfield is still accusing people of being "trolls" if they don't agree with him. #sigh #lostcauseOct 26 16:50
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:52 Contrary to what you’ve heard, Android is almost impenetrable to malware so Microsoft/Windows partners lie?!Oct 26 16:52
schestowitz_bed2"Again, it depends on the definition of "malware". >From another perspective, most android devices are the perfect host for malware. The corporation/government-sponsored kind, of course."Oct 26 16:52
schestowitz_bed2True that..Oct 26 16:52
schestowitz_bed2 Oct 26 16:52 Google's CCTV Glass is getting creepier 26 16:52
TechrightsSocial-> | People+ Glass app can help you recognise people in a party - Muktware  [ ]Oct 26 16:52
schestowitz_bed2"That's scary!"Oct 26 16:52
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:58
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: If Google CCTV Glass was a product created by some small company outside the US, it would still be risky as can be sold to multinational/NSAOct 26 16:58
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: When Skype got sold (through proxies) to Microsoft and given to the NSA we could just narrate is as follows; Skype: contacts-harvesting toolOct 26 16:58
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: KeyHole was once a nice little Qt-oriented company; when sold to Google (after #CIA investment) it become tool for real-time #surveillanceOct 26 16:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:23
schestowitz_bed2"@Chris - they are because the users are prone to social engineering, not because the OS itself is drastically insecure. The best security is nothing when your users are ... well, regular users without proper knowledge, training, caution, etc."Oct 26 17:23
schestowitz_bed2 26 18:43 reshared: Gather 'round for Tio Danny's story time! -G-Oct 26 18:43
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 26 18:43
schestowitz_bed2"That guy is cool. He changed his life and became cool actor, although he couldn't change his face ;) however, I don't know if that is a problem. He's just cool the way he looks! great actor playing great "bad guys" roles."Oct 26 18:43
schestowitz_bed2"Prepare for belly-flop tsunami. Surf's up Bro. Cowabunga!"Oct 26 18:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 18:46 Friend of mine is so privacy-aware he won't hang out with people who photograph him or mention him in FB. Now, imagine Google's CCTV Glass.Oct 26 18:46
schestowitz_bed2"I would prefer that my friends and family did not put photos of me on FB. I left for a reason."Oct 26 18:46
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 26 19:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Oct 26 19:23
*schestowitz_bed2 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 19:24
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Changing host)Oct 26 19:24
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 19:24
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 26 19:51
schestowitz_bed2 26 20:05 New headline: "CIA drone strikes 'rely heavily on NSA's data-mining program" (Daily Mail, so no link)Oct 26 20:05
schestowitz_bed2"Just curious, does Daily mail not allow linking?"Oct 26 20:05
schestowitz_bed2No, many people just boycott this ragOct 26 20:06
schestowitz_bed2 26 20:06 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxOct 26 20:06
TechrightsSocial-> | 10 best features of Ubuntu 13.10 - TechRepublic  [ ]Oct 26 20:06
schestowitz_bed2"Works great with touchscreen laptops!"Oct 26 20:06
schestowitz_bed2 26 21:29 The anti-Wikileaks #propaganda film is now being advertised on BUSES in #manchester against Wikileaks->pro-warOct 26 21:29
schestowitz_bed2"FYI this film tanked in the US"Oct 26 21:29
TechrightsSocial-> | Fifth Estate: Another Imperialistic Propaganda Film | Techrights  [ ]Oct 26 21:29

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