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schestowitz__ | | May 04 00:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement The Real Rules Next Time #fcc | May 04 00:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement The Real Rules Next Time | Techdirt [ ] | May 04 00:02 | |
schestowitz__ | "We are tired of being an empire. We shall now be a third world shithole, as soon as arrangements can be made. Thanks." | May 04 00:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks RoboCop movie's propaganda easter egg: | May 04 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "@Greenpeace attacked by @wikileaks hackers" | May 04 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 04 00:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@botherder: RoboCop movie's propaganda easter egg: "@Greenpeace attacked by @wikileaks hackers". #WTF? | May 04 00:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jacquelinedib "Putting science behind a paywall is | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by antithetical to the values of the | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Enlightenment" - listening to @doctorow and | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @knappb on @CBCRadioQ | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rudyardg High praise for cyber @munkdebate from | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow: "the best video you're going to | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow watch on the surveillance debate." | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 00:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald and Michael Hayden debate surveillance - Boing Boing | May 04 00:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TWM71 .@BoingBoing @doctorow Recommended read: Harry | May 04 00:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and I Build a Siege Weapon by Jim Paul | May 04 00:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #Catapult | May 04 00:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 00:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau Graphics On Linux 3.15 | May 04 01:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 04 01:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 01:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nouveau Graphics On Linux 3.15 | Tux Machines | May 04 01:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Lubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr: Video Review and | May 04 01:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Screnshot Tour | May 04 01:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 01:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr: Video Review and Screnshot Tour | Tux Machines | May 04 01:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KimDotcom I prefer #GSA (Greenwald, Snowden, Assange) | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by over #NSA every day. Exposing a rogue US | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks government & its abuse of power. | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Munk Debates - State Surveillance | May 04 01:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow How much fit would an index fit if the index | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | indexed fit? - lolmythesis: Psychology, | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | University of British... | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: How much fit would an index fit if the index indexed fit? | May 04 01:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: jillthompson: assangistan: MUST | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Read/Reblog & rtamerica & global voices report | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | on this: ... | May 04 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: jillthompson: assangistan: MUST Read/Reblog &... | May 04 01:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JoshTanenbaum @doctorow: You might enjoy this provocation we | May 04 01:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by deployed at CHI in Toronto to provoke | May 04 01:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow discussion about surveillance: | May 04 01:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Quantified Toilets - Everyday. Every time. | May 04 01:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I want to go back to Michigan - My number 1 | May 04 01:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #penguicon jam | May 04 01:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: I want to go back to Michigan | May 04 01:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @knappB "Being alive means you have the power to make | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by things better." - a just released clip from | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow the film. | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aaron Swartz - SOPA and The Day We Fight Back - YouTube | May 04 01:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow All tourism is imperialist, which doesn't bode | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | well for the post-graduation holiday I've | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | booked this summer... | May 04 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: All tourism is imperialist, which doesn't bode well for the post-graduation holiday I've booked this summer | May 04 01:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mesa 10.2 Release Candidate 1 Is Out | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mesa | May 04 01:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Mesa 10.2 Release Candidate 1 Is Out | May 04 01:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Mesa-dev] Mesa 10.2 release candidate 1 | May 04 01:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Supreme Court's Real Technology Problem: It | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thinks Carrying 2 Phones Means You're A Drug | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dealer #scotus - nuff | May 04 01:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Supreme Court's Real Technology Problem: It Thinks Carrying 2 Phones Means You're A Drug Dealer | Techdirt | May 04 01:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | said! | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "PCLinuxOS Magazine is a product of the | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | PCLinuxOS community, published by volunteers | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | from the community." | May 04 01:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LXer: The May 2014 Issue of the PCLinuxOS Magazine | May 04 01:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Can You Tell the Difference? 4K Galaxy Note 3 | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | vs. Canon 5D Mark III Video | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can You Tell the Difference? 4K Galaxy Note 3 vs. Canon 5D Mark III Video - Slashdot | May 04 01:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Debian: Call for help from KDE Team | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #debian #gnu #linux | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian: Call for help from KDE Team « Mario Fux | May 04 01:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr: Video Review and | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Screnshot Tour #lubuntu | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lxde #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 04 01:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr: Video Review and Screnshot Tour | Ubuntu Portal | May 04 01:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nouveau Graphics On Linux 3.15 | May 04 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #nvidia | May 04 01:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Nouveau Graphics On Linux 3.15 | May 04 01:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mir 0.2.0 Under Development For Ubuntu 14.10 | May 04 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mir #ubuntu #canonical | May 04 01:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Mir 0.2.0 Under Development For Ubuntu 14.10 | May 04 01:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 04 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Possible Features To Find In OpenGL 5.0 | May 04 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #opengl #graphics | May 04 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Possible Features To Find In OpenGL 5.0 | May 04 01:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Warsow 1.5 released | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #games | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warsow 1.5 released | May 04 01:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ukraine : "If you think you get the truth on | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CNN and #BBC you are not paying attention." | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Those Military Observers | May 04 01:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » World Domination | May 04 01:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Slant: look who is writing the article | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | selling proprietary | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | software by throwing FUD at FOSS like #openssl | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Can Make You Bleed: the Underresourced Open Source - Slashdot | May 04 01:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz DisplayPort Multi-Stream Transport Starts | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Working On Linux #gnu | May 04 01:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] DisplayPort Multi-Stream Transport Starts Working On Linux | May 04 01:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 8 Things We Expect from the Rumored Google | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nexus 8 #android #google | May 04 01:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 8 Things We Expect from the Rumored Google Nexus 8 | TechSource | May 04 01:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #nexus #linux | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Former' #microsoft lawyer starts antitrust | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | lawsuit against #google over #android #linux . | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Seems like more #scroogled lobbying. More | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | soon... | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Murdoch's Wall Street Booster paints bankers as | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | victims as allegations surface that they ban | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | law-abiding citizens | May 04 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Frank Keating: Justice Puts Banks in a Choke Hold - | May 04 01:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Financial embargo (preventing one from paying | May 04 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | utility bills, Internet, even food) the worst | May 04 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | type of abuse, exploited politically, e.g. WL. | May 04 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Steam's In-Home Streaming Now For Everyone, | May 04 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Other Improvements | May 04 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Steam's In-Home Streaming Now For Everyone, Other Improvements | May 04 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam Community :: Group :: Steam Client Beta | May 04 01:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve Has Released A Steam Client Beta | Unixmen | May 04 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ksammyg @doctorow We sent 1500 more books to Ghana, for | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by these kindies, among others. Incl lots of | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow non-fiction. #booksmatter | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 01:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ksammyg: @doctorow We sent 1500 more books to Ghana, for these kindies, among others. Incl lots of non-fiction. #booksmatter | May 04 01:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Just watched the #BoycottNovell #twittv | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | programme from 5 years ago. Lots of loaded | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | questions back then from @jonobacon | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Greenwald s***cans #hayden over lies | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | and wherever there's an | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | evil side to represent, #Dershowitz will be | May 04 01:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Munk Debate on State Surveillance: Greenwald/Ohanian vs Hayden/Dershowitz - YouTube | May 04 01:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | there | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Photobomb | May 04 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #sagan on #media | May 04 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Where trillions in paralyzing debt go to | May 04 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | and remember the money | May 04 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | goes into plutocrats' pockets | May 04 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Poor #ukraine finds out again what it's like to | May 04 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | be ground for proxy war between two abusive | May 04 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | empires. Ukrainians suffer a lot, like Vietnam. | May 04 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @whimsylibrarian I just reviewed In Real Life by Cory Doctorow. | May 04 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 04 01:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Member feedback on In Real Life | May 04 01:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 01:55 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 04 02:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Russian_Borscht How to Talk to Your Children About Mass | May 04 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Surveillance - Locus Online | May 04 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 04 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 02:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Locus Online Perspectives » Cory Doctorow: How to Talk to Your Children About Mass Surveillance | May 04 02:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Wooden marshmallow catapaults, arbalests, and | May 04 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trebuchets | May 04 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 04 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 04 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Glenn Greenwald and Michael Hayden debate | May 04 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance | May 04 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 04 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 04 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Straczynski: "The New Aristocracy" | May 04 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 04 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 03:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 04 03:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How To Prevent the Next Heartbleed | May 04 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 03:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How To Prevent the Next Heartbleed - Slashdot | May 04 03:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I wrote a book about the economy. You can read | May 04 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | it. | May 04 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 03:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Betterness: Economics for Humans (Kindle Single) eBook: Umair Haque: Kindle Store | May 04 03:48 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 10 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 52 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 04 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (10) | May 04 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 04 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 04 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 134 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 542 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 04 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @umairh (34), @schestowitz (24), @slashdot (9) | May 04 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @doctorow (16), @glynmoody (13), @Thomas_Drake1 (8) | May 04 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (8), #gnu (5), #TPP (3) | May 04 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ddRigmaiden Need to securely delete data from a few hard | May 04 06:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by drives? A hammer and a rusty pair of tin | May 04 06:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian snippers: the only way to go. | May 04 06:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 06:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ddRigmaiden: Need to securely delete data from a few hard drives? A hammer and a rusty pair of tin snippers: the only way to go. | May 04 06:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 06:01 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 04 07:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian: Call for help from KDE Team | May 04 07:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 04 07:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 07:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian: Call for help from KDE Team | Tux Machines | May 04 07:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How To Find Nearby Dark Skies, No Matter Where | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | You Are | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How To Find Nearby Dark Skies, No Matter Where You Are - Slashdot | May 04 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Hi. A bunch of fucking dumbass celebrities | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | grinned for pictures with corrupt politicians. | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Anyone that cares about this is stupid. Bye. | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Quite possibly the most brilliant piece of | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | writing I've read all year. | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Quietus | Features | Anniversary | A British Disaster: Blur's Parklife, Britpop, Princess Di & The 1990s | May 04 08:08 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #sagan on #media | May 04 08:22 | |
schestowitz__ | "I see no conspiration here, mass media gives what the masses happily consume. It's the same on my country. Fortunately TV sets still have a power button." | May 04 08:22 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Poor #ukraine finds out again what it's like to be ground for proxy war between two abusive empires. Ukrainians suffer a lot, like Vietnam. | May 04 08:22 | |
schestowitz__ | "It´s more like Kambotscha.. Blaming the Vietnamese of invading.. althought they had own interests like own minority.. and the masacres of PolPot.. the strong activity of CIA til 1975 and the chinese.. but where is Washington or Bejing.. and Phnom Phen is not far from Saigon/Ho Chi Mingh City.." | May 04 08:22 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ 8 Things We Expect from the Rumored Google Nexus 8 #android #google #nexus #linux | May 04 08:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 8 Things We Expect from the Rumored Google Nexus 8 | TechSource [ ] | May 04 08:23 | |
schestowitz__ | "I'd like #Cyanogenmod on it :)" | May 04 08:23 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 08:23 |
schestowitz__ | "You should think better of your neighbors, Cronos." | May 04 08:23 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Just watched the #BoycottNovell #twittv programme from 5 years ago. Lots of loaded questions back then from @jonobacon | May 04 08:23 | |
schestowitz__ | "Yep, it was ugly." | May 04 08:23 |
schestowitz__ | I recalled your "fuck you Jono" conversation after the show. Seeing it all again (my wife insisted on watching it) I totally understand this now. WHat a barrage of accusations with loaded, ugly questions. | May 04 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Preview: NVIDIA Tegra K1 Compared To Various | May 04 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | x86, ARM Linux Systems | May 04 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nvidia #arm #linux | May 04 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Preview: NVIDIA Tegra K1 Compared To Various x86, ARM Linux Systems | May 04 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Richard Stallman was right to tell RT that | May 04 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | anything "like" #facebook should be rejected, | May 04 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | inc. Russian clone & Indian | May 04 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Script fools n00b hackers into hacking themselves • The Register | May 04 08:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Akademy-es 2014: Visit Málaga and learn about | May 04 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | KDE #kde #spain #gnu | May 04 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 04 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Akademy-es 2014: Visit Málaga and learn about KDE | | May 04 08:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #idg should be shamed of itself by publishing | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | many lobbying/PR paragraphs without mention | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | even once #microsoft ties in #antitrust lawsuit | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #google #cctv Glasses - Why I’m not | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | interested. a legitimise | May 04 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Glass – Why I’m not interested. | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain | May 04 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | concern because of #prism | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Recording one's life is fine. Even MS | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'research' pursued it over a decade ago. The | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | problem is, who is the data shared with and | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | why? | May 04 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:41 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Akademy-es 2014: Visit Málaga and learn about KDE #kde #spain #gnu #linux | May 04 08:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "More information in spanish" | May 04 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In #facebook people do not "share" with their | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | friends. It's easy to see advertisers/spies | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "consume" this data. Just look at the | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | questions. | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Datagrabs often masquerade as "service" or | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "social"; would not require, e.g., that Google | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Apple retain for YEARS speech-to-text | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Luddites fought to keep their jobs. We still | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | have Luddites like that (against plutocrats); | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | fighting for human rights is not like | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Luddites". | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It is reasonable to view #CCTV Glasses "fans" | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the same way as #facebook "fans" and Michael | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hayden. Part of the problem. #datagrab | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Twitter, unlike #facebook , permits anonymity, | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | so people can express controversial opinion, | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | but still subjected to PATRIOT Act,rats on | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | users | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140503 - | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 04 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140503 | May 04 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-Parlament winkt Sonderrechte für | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Großkonzerne durch - | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | hey, if they want people on the streets, | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | fine... #TTIP | May 04 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP: EU-Parlament winkt Sonderrechte für Großkonzerne durch - Wirtschaft - Sü | May 04 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Bring rail under state's control to win back | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | power, Ed Miliband told - | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | this is so obvious | May 04 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bring rail under state's control to win back power, Ed Miliband told | Politics | The Observer | May 04 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #renationalisation | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Is There a Limit To a Laser's Energy? | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is There a Limit To a Laser's Energy? - Slashdot | May 04 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody What Inefficient Airline Boarding Procedures | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Have To Do With #NetNeutrality - | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | brilliant analogy... | May 04 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Inefficient Airline Boarding Procedures Have To Do With Net Neutrality | Techdirt | May 04 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ein Verbot der Datenweitergabe an | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | US-Sicherheitsbehörden - | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | is what we must bring in now... #dataprotection | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Datenschutzabkommen: War da was? | ZEIT ONLINE | May 04 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Second Apple v. Samsung Patent Trial Ends With | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | A Partial Victory For Apple, But Far From What | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | It Wanted - | May 04 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Second Apple v. Samsung Patent Trial Ends With A Partial Victory For Apple, But Far From What It Wanted | Techdirt | May 04 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Michael Hayden - #nsa | May 04 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate Michael Hayden | Techdirt | May 04 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Gabriel may seek billions in arbitration over | May 04 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | stalled Romanian mine - | May 04 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS draining vital resources again #ro | May 04 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gabriel may seek billions in arbitration over stalled Romanian mine - The Globe and Mail | May 04 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickCohen4 "220 schoolgirls haven't been 'abducted' by | May 04 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Boko Haram, they have been enslaved | Me on | May 04 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody tongue-biting Westerners | May 04 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 220 schoolgirls haven't been 'abducted' by Boko Haram, they have been enslaved | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer | May 04 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @decodeurs En dix ans, les prix du logement ont flambé, | May 04 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by quels sont ceux qui ont baissé ? | May 04 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | En dix ans, quels prix ont le plus augmenté ? | May 04 09:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@decodeurs: En dix ans, les prix du logement ont flambé, quels sont ceux qui ont baissé ? | May 04 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Everyone is under #surveillance now, says | May 04 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | whistleblower Edward #Snowden - | May 04 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | & yet #GCHQ keeps | May 04 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | denying it #liars | May 04 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Everyone is under surveillance now, says whistleblower Edward Snowden | World news | | May 04 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - Glyn Moody blogs - | May 04 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes XXIV: report on | May 04 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | academic takedown of Commission's flawed | May 04 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | economic study | May 04 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 04 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @myriam Cartoons from the Issue of May 5th, 2014: The | May 04 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by New Yorker | May 04 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cartoons from the Issue of May 5th, 2014 : The New Yorker | May 04 09:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@myriam: Cartoons from the Issue of May 5th, 2014: The New Yorker | May 04 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP reports-leaks-studies - | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | great resource: dozens | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | of reports & study on #TTIP | May 04 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP reports-leaks-studies | May 04 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP resources of all kinds - | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | videos, audio, reports, | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc - well worth browsing | May 04 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | stopTTIP | May 04 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hhrjournal UNITAID Report: The #TPPA: Implications for | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Access to Medicines and #PublicHealth | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FTA Malaysia - Free Trade Agreement Malaysia | May 04 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Ever wonder which industries have lobbied most | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on #TPP? #StopTPP #TPPA | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #BigPharma #GMO #NoKXL | May 04 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Big Pharma (and others) began lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Partnership before you ever heard of it - Sunlight Foundation Blog | May 04 09:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Ever wonder which industries have lobbied most on #TPP? #StopTPP #TPPA #BigPharma #GMO #NoKXL | May 04 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hubmum We are hiring a Marketing Manager for Young and | May 04 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Rewired State. Please share!! | May 04 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #jobs | May 04 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Young Rewired State • Jobs | Marketing Manager for Rewired and Young Rewired State | May 04 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @marcuschown Why I am standing as a London candidate in the | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 22 May European elections on behalf of | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @nhaparty … | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 04 09:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This Week In Techdirt History - | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | always fascinating to | May 04 09:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Week In Techdirt History | Techdirt | May 04 09:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | look back | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Apple nuclear war I | May 04 09:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jury Finds Both Apple and Samsung Guilty of Patent Infringement, Samsung to Pay $119.6 Million, Apple to Pay $158,400 - Mac Rumors | May 04 09:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | will write about this soon | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Agrarian uprising against free trade and | May 04 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ’government lies’ sweeps Colombia - | May 04 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | just the start of a | May 04 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | growing rejection | May 04 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Agrarian uprising against free trade and 'government lies' sweeps Colombia | May 04 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Icy ship | May 04 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RMS he continues to "loathe the error of using | May 04 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tux the penguin as a symbol for the GNU | May 04 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | operating system" | May 04 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014: March - June Political Notes - Richard Stallman | May 04 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nostalgia | May 04 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #facebook generation | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Janine Gibson: The Guardian Trusts Tails OS, | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Not Google #debian as | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | opposed to #prism associated OS | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Janine Gibson: The Guardian Trusts Tails OS, Not Google | Minds | May 04 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | & just as bad; get ready | May 04 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | May 04 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight it | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shocking Kids into Compliance | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #aclu reveals | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disturbing practice | May 04 09:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shocking Kids into Compliance | American Civil Liberties Union | May 04 09:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 2-D-only optical illusion (aka vision flaw) | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz DC Thinks It Can Silence a New Snowden, But the | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Anti-Leak Hypocrisy is Backfiring | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 04 09:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DC Thinks It Can Silence a New Snowden, But the Anti-Leak Hypocrisy is Backfiring | Common Dreams | May 04 09:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DC Thinks It Can ... | May 04 09:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chomsky: US Leaders' Panic Over Crimea Is About | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fear of Losing Global Dominance | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | crocodile tears | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chomsky: US Leaders' Panic Over Crimea Is About Fear of Losing Global Dominance | Alternet | May 04 09:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Spent 2 hours yesterday watching the globe | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | (closely), as I habitually do. Think for a | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | moment which nations get along with their | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | neighbours. | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Impact of dietary changes | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz That awkward moment | May 04 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @netzpolitik FR-Leitartikel zum Internet: Verlorener Raum | May 04 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by der Freiheit. "Wehrt euch!“ | May 04 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leitartikel zum Internet: Verlorener Raum der Freiheit | Meinung - Frankfurter Rundschau | May 04 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mberry .@youngrewired advertising for head of Young | May 04 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Rewired State Community - | May 04 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Young Rewired State • Jobs | May 04 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty Use it or lose it. USE your vote in Euro | May 04 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by elections or LOSE your NHS. If you live in | May 04 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody London, you can vote @NHAparty. | May 04 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHAparty: Use it or lose it. USE your vote in Euro elections or LOSE your NHS. If you live in London, you can vote @NHAparty. | May 04 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz State-subsidised "success" stories | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Segregation Now | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | school discrimination | May 04 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Segregation Now - ProPublica | May 04 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | continues | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In the #uk one way you can get away with | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | segregation in schools is: just use the magic | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | word "faith", as in religious/faith-based | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | schools. | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Biodiversity offsetting is a license to trash | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "UK to destroy ancient | May 04 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Biodiversity offsetting is a license to trash | Climate Connections | May 04 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | woodland" and spread motor gas | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz DAVID VS. GOLIATH: A TINY TRIBE TAKES ON BIG | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ENERGY coal ash kills. | May 04 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | David vs. Goliath: A tiny tribe takes on big energy | Al Jazeera America | May 04 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Death by corporations, e.g. Monsanto, belittled | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "banks have financial connections w/ | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | agri-business interests that are involved in | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | major land grabs and exploitation" | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article: The Aussie Big Four, Third World Land Grabs and Ethical Capitalism | OpEdNews | May 04 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "As long as Uncle Sam is against you, you know | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | you're a good man" -Malcolm X | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nuclear bomb #disturbing | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Jewish extremist attacks on Palestinians in a | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | global terror report" | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorism not ethnic word | May 04 10:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel police challenge US 'terror' findings - Yahoo News | May 04 10:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sharing space | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Blair urges the world to "intervene" more in | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Middle East" creates | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | business for arms companies | May 04 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tony Blair: to bomb or not to bomb people we don't like in the Middle East - Stop the War Coalition | May 04 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #torture with electric shocks | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | who said #inquisition | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | was over? | May 04 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shabak Torture Drives Israeli Palestinian Lawyer to Suicide Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם | May 04 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Months ago there was an article titled "Whose | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sarin?" Now we need a real analysis titled | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Whose Odessa Massacre?" | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No pretense | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Message from GI | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Spiral | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report: More Than 92 Million Americans Remain | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Out Of Labor Force | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | gaming "employment" stats. Corporate media. | May 04 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force « CBS DC | May 04 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Leaked documents reveal that workers on new | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | rail link are too scared of being sacked to | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | report injuries" | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crossrail managers accused of 'culture of spying and fear' | UK news | The Observer | May 04 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Koch brothers decline invitation to debate | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | climate change talking | May 04 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Koch brothers decline invitation to debate climate change - | May 04 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | about the issue a threat to plutocats' bottom | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | line | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Behind the statist PR: | May 04 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Enemy of Your Enemy is Not Always Your | May 04 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Friend "atrocities by | May 04 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | the pro-Western side that we are not seeing" | May 04 10:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ZCommunications » The Enemy of Your Enemy is Not Always Your Friend | May 04 10:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @olewin USA wollen Einreisende nach Gefahren-Klassen | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by selektieren. #dejavu #wtf | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ganz ohne Spionage: EU will USA Daten ihrer Bürger liefern - Netzpolitik - › Web | May 04 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why the Alex Jones industrial complex must be | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | dismantled | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | helps discredit/dilute | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | opposition to status quo | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why the Alex Jones industrial complex must be dismantled | May 04 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mirage of "money" | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Affection | May 04 10:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fionalaird Essential facts re UKIP. All other politicians | May 04 10:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by need to tweet this. RT @SLATUKIP: Great UKIP | May 04 10:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard infographic. | May 04 10:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SLATUKIP: Great UKIP infographic. | May 04 10:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MsLods .@DerekKhanna on the conservative case for | May 04 10:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by taking on the copyright lobby: | May 04 10:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP | May 04 10:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Conservative Case For Taking On The Copyright Lobby | Business Insider | May 04 10:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Keltounet WTF of the year… RT @i0n1c: USA! USA! One more | May 04 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reason to never relocate to work in the USA. | May 04 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 04 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Lending A Friend Your Car, Then Going to Bed Can Land You a Life Prison Sentence | Alternet | May 04 10:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @botherder Next week I'll keynote the second day of | May 04 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ProjectHoneynet workshop | May 04 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror interesting talks and | May 04 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | people in the line-up. | May 04 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 10:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014 Honeynet Project Workshop - Warsaw Poland | May 04 10:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KimDotcom I prefer #GSA (Greenwald, Snowden, Assange) | May 04 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by over #NSA every day. Exposing a rogue US | May 04 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror government & its abuse of power. | May 04 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Munk Debates - State Surveillance | May 04 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow This hilarious graph of Netflix speeds shows | May 04 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | the importance of net neutrality | May 04 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: This hilarious graph of Netflix speeds shows the importance of net neutrality | May 04 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Lending A Friend Your Car, Then Going to | May 04 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bed Can Land You a Life Prison Sentence - | May 04 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @Keltounet @ioerror) | May 04 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #US | May 04 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Lending A Friend Your Car, Then Going to Bed Can Land You a Life Prison Sentence | Alternet | May 04 11:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Antitrust Class Action Lawsuit Against | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Android/Linux Comes From 'Former' Lead Counsel | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Microsoft (Behind Proxy... | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 04 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Antitrust Class Action Lawsuit Against | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Android/Linux Comes From 'Former' Lead Counsel | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Microsoft (Behind Proxy) | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Antitrust Class Action Lawsuit Against Android/Linux Comes From ‘Former’ Lead Counsel for Microsoft (Hiding Behind Proxy) | Techrights | May 04 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KenRoth Hard to take seriously 23-government Freedom | May 04 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Online Coaltion when it ignores the gorilla in | May 04 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody room: mass surveillance. | May 04 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dispatches: Can the Freedom Online Coalition Live up to its Name? | Human Rights Watch | May 04 11:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ElsTorreele Follow the Money; or, Why it Took an Accounts | May 04 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Committee to Decide Why Access to Clinical | May 04 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trial Data Matters | May 04 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Follow the Money; or, Why it Took an Accounts Committee to Decide Why Access to Clinical Trial Data Matters - Speaking of Medicine | May 04 11:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @piratpartiet Piratpartiet har ökat från 1.3% till 2.2% i | May 04 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Sifo-mätning inför EU-valet | May 04 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #val2014 | May 04 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow How to Talk to Your Children About Mass | May 04 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance - | May 04 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ny mätning: Risk för fiasko i EU-valet - Nyheter | | May 04 11:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — How to Talk to Your Children About Mass Surveillance | May 04 11:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Anne_Roth Must. Read. RT @Russian_Borscht: How to Talk to | May 04 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Your Children About Mass Surveillance - Locus | May 04 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Online | May 04 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Locus Online Perspectives » Cory Doctorow: How to Talk to Your Children About Mass Surveillance | May 04 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DerekKhanna #TPP threatens jobs. Help us #StopTheSecrecy. | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Check out why international copyright at | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody life+70 is bad here | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Should #Brunei be in the Trans-Pacific | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Partnership trade deal given its human rights | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody record? #TPP #TPPA @stephenfry | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stephen Fry boycotts Brunei-owned hotel chain The Dorchester Collection after country passes ‘stone the gays’ law - People - News - The Independent | May 04 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Apple's 'Thermonuclear' Strategy Backfires as | May 04 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Apple Found to be Infringing #Patents Relating | May 04 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #Android #swpats | May 04 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @endsolitary MT @JohnKiriakou: Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ is | May 04 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protected in this country as #torture | May 04 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack whistleblower sits in prison | May 04 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple’s ‘Thermonuclear’ Strategy Backfires as Apple Found to be Infringing Patents That Relate to Android | Techrights | May 04 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of spy agency abuse - The Washington Post | May 04 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Some Users Find Swype Keyboard App Makes 4000+ | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Location Requests Per Day | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some Users Find Swype Keyboard App Makes 4000+ Location Requests Per Day - Slashdot | May 04 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today in Techrights | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 04 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "“In western Ukraine, they showed their faces: | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nazis, fascist,” he said." But #nytimes won't | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | say #nato backed them | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 04 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dogs are not food | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Uncle Sam to the 'rescue' | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine #imf | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #blackmail #putin #nato #russia | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Seattle's $15 Wage Plan Proves Power of Radical | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pressure | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | we need more of this, | May 04 12:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Seattle's $15 Wage Plan Proves Power of Radical Pressure | Common Dreams | May 04 12:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | restoring justice | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GIMPed | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @golang_news Methods, Interfaces and Embedded Types in Go | May 04 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #reddit | May 04 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stiangrindvoll | May 04 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Going Go Programming: Methods, Interfaces and Embedded Types in Go | May 04 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Want to make money? Will crack for food? Obama | May 04 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | is paying (at taxpayer's/national debt expense) | May 04 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #backdoor | May 04 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As NSA builds arsenal, funding for cybermilitary goes up - U.S. - Stripes | May 04 12:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Technology law will soon be reshaped by people | May 04 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | who don't use email good | May 04 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | article from excellent writer | May 04 12:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Technology law will soon be reshaped by people who don't use email | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | | May 04 12:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Merkel not ready to say trust restored after | May 04 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA spying affair that | May 04 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | would be an understatement | May 04 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel not ready to say trust restored after NSA spying affair | Oman Observer | May 04 12:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty The NHS redistributes wealth, reduces | May 04 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by inequalities, keeps the workforce healthy & | May 04 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody therefore actually promotes economic growth | May 04 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden #Microsoft Jan: EU can store #Cloud data in | May 04 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ireland | May 04 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US judge Apr: all your bits belong to US | May 04 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft to shield foreign users’ data | May 04 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US court forces Microsoft to hand over personal data from Irish server | Technology | | May 04 12:34 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 04 12:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Perceptions about human rights in the West are | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | changing | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | North Korea Invokes the NSA, Zimmerman to Call U.S. a ‘Living Hell’ | Mediaite | May 04 12:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I have spent some time looking at #un documents | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | about #nk torture techniques. These resemble | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | what the #cia does. #humanrights | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Rebellion is when u look society in the face & | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | say I understand what u want me to be but I'm | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | going to show u who I actually am. A Anaxagorou | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #scotus 'panelists' in constumes hostile | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | towards the idea of warrantless digital | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | searches | May 04 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Captain America, step aside: Justices are on the case - Opinion - The Boston Globe | May 04 12:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "it was the West's policy to support jihadists | May 04 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | of all colors" like | May 04 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nazis in #Ukraine | May 04 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article: The 'Hook' and Awlaki: a tale of two imams | OpEdNews | May 04 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@stormybastard Rebellion quote came from | May 04 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Anthony Anaxagorou - writer & poet. | May 04 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thanks to @angelsavant | May 04 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anthony Anaxagorou: Poet & Writer | May 04 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | for highlighting | May 04 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @birgittaj Newest trailer from "The Mouse That Roared" | May 04 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by documentary about @immimedia @birgittaj by | May 04 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @judithehrlich #iceland | May 04 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #foia | May 04 12:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Mouse That Roared on Vimeo | May 04 12:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen What is going on in Australia?! Secret | May 04 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by blacklist of immigration lawyers | May 04 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 04 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secret blacklist of immigration lawyers | May 04 12:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Preview: NVIDIA Tegra K1 Compared To Various | May 04 12:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | x86, ARM Linux Systems | May 04 12:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 12:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Preview: NVIDIA Tegra K1 Compared To Various x86, ARM Linux Systems | Tux Machines | May 04 12:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #thoughtcrime is increasingly becoming a crime. | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Holding a particular view becomes crime, | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | punishable by death without trial. Arabs first. | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Before WW2 a lot of money was funneled to the | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | German Nazi party by US plutocrats. They were | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "good Nazis" when opposing Bolsheviks. | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Putin's press: Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security' | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | wouldn't be unthinkable. | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cuba-like. | May 04 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 04 12:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Putin press allegations not without merit: | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine #intervention #proxywar | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ITAR-TASS: World - CIA, FBI consulting Kiev government, says German weekly | May 04 12:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA, FBI agents advising Ukraine government: Report - The Economic Times | May 04 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report on CIA provides evidence Djibouti was a | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'black site' | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia #torture | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report on CIA provides evidence Djibouti was a 'black site' | May 04 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What #putin does in #ukraine the West cannot | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | complain about because Putin merely imitates | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kgb #cia | May 04 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 12:54 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 04 12:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Is the Western narrative obscuring what's | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | really going on in Ukraine?" | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine #propaganda | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody In patent war, Apple and Samsung may both be | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | losers - along with the | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | public, of course... | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Alibaba I.P.O. May Unleash Global Fight Over | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Users - #siliconvalley | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | doesn't know what will hit it | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @woodyevans @doctorow @38percentsure we talk about how to | May 04 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'spot the alligators' -- the cameras. little | May 04 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow game, spot the alligator... | May 04 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @INTERVIEW_de #LadyGaga sagt, das Weiße Haus hätte ihr | May 04 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by nahegelegt, sich nicht für Manning zu | May 04 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks engagieren... #Assange | May 04 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Wikileaks | May 04 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Firing the second stage of the MaydayPAC - | May 04 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | lessig: We’re gearing up for tomorrow, Monday, | May 04 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | when we fire the... | May 04 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 1930s footage in colour? No, #ukraine with | May 04 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Western intervention | May 04 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TracyNovick @doctorow My ten year old was OUTRAGED that | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by anyone would be reading her email. | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack NYT artcl on sexual assaults on campus nearly | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | identical to NYT one I was in 24 yrs ago | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Tragic | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Failing to tell the difference between face | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | recognition and verification (the latter more | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | benign) | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #wikileaks material from 2010 keeps on giving | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Men who admitted sexually assaulting me at | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Brown had to run extra laps at football | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | practice | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NotMuchChangedIn24Yrs | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aliklay @JesselynRadack Here's the student doc @Jucliu | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by & I interviewed u 4, about the "date rape list" | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack at @BrownUniversity- | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot U-2 Caused Widespread Shutdown of US Flights | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Out of LAX | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Explosive mix | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Torygraph: Banksy condemns 'disgusting' | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stealing #Banksy exhibition on opening day | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (1/4) Cold war warrior Zbigniew #Brzezinski is | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the news pushing to ship US military weapons | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #Ukraine. But where's the son? | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (2/4) In 2011, Obama appointed the son Mark | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Brzeninski to be the US ambassador to #Sweden | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | - our docs on the father | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (3/4) Mark #Brzeninski has a blog | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz |; last 2 entries push 1) | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Coca-Cola corp 2) #TTIP while in another | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | entry... | May 04 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:52 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'NYT artcl on sexual assaults on campus nearly...' | May 04 13:52 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Men who admitted sexually assaulting me at Brown...' | May 04 13:53 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @aliklay: '@JesselynRadack Here's the student doc @Jucliu & I...' | May 04 13:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 At 10 min mark- Doc abt movement | May 04 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack led against campus sexual | May 04 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | assault 24 yrs ago | May 04 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | cc: @aliklay @Jucliu | May 04 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:55 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'At 10 min mark- Doc abt movement @JesselynRadack...' | May 04 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (4/4) US embassy ranked #3 "super communicator" | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | in all of #Sweden US AJ | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Holder vists | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aliklay @Thomas_Drake1 Thx for tweeting my short doc on | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @JesselynRadack. Went on to make @AWWNeverSorry | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 in 2012 about Chinese artist @aiww Ai Weiwei | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Running in #Sweden with the US marines | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #svpol #auspol | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rises From The Ashes: GamingOnLinux: Here is | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | the latest instalmen... | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Who you gonna call? | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @chakrabortty Approaching Peak Piketty: newspaper pages on | May 04 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by his ex-girlfriends | May 04 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #didntthesundaytimesusedtobeabroadsheet | May 04 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @20committee 99 years late, declassified UK MoD records | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by indicate that German claims that Lusitania was | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody carrying (much) ammunition were entirely true. | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Debian: Call for help from #KDE Team - | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | important work | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP reports-leaks-studies - | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | great resource: dozens | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | of reports & study on #TTIP | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Meet Ununseptium, Best Contender Yet For | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Element 117 | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Will #Russia consider Swedish spying on behalf | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | the NSA an act of war? | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sweden #wikileaks #assange | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "three blue-whale carcasses have recently | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | washed up on shore of Newfoundland's west | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | coast" - why so many? | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MiKellner "Europawahl zur Abstimmung über #ttip machen - | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by TTIP so nicht" sagt @sven_giegold #votegreen | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Europawahl | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@Weidenholzer : EU-Wahl: Mit Ihrer Stimme am | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | 25. Mai 2014 können Sie mich unterstützen - | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Sweden opens airspace to NATO AWACS spyplanes | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Banana Pi: clone chinês do Raspberry Pi tem | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | mais CPU, mais memória, mais conectores, mais | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | preço - | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard We love the Firefox Classic Theme Restorer so | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | much I just donated $1.99 to the author. You | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | should too. | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel “Facts Matter” Said the Yay-Man Who Told Serial | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Lies about the Phone Dragnet | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel I count > 7 errors in Michael Hayden's claims | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by JUST abt phone dragnet, which he intro'ed by | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 saying "facts matter" | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @europeangreens Leading candidate @SkaKeller about to start her | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by speech at #VoteGreen campaign kick off in | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Berlin. Live stream here: | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In USA, corporations scare government | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | in | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Voting in a two-faction system with one-party | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | (business) country owner | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Shifts Editing From Drive to Docs and | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sheets In 'Confusing' Switch | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Feeding the cannon fodder | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #proxywar #us #russia | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #putin and #obama / #bush finish what the | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #stasi couldn't sustain | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass #surveillance bad everywhere | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #XBMC 13 “Gotham” media center is ready to rise | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "a Model A Raspberry Pi computer board to each | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | one of the more than 130 high school-age Dean's | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | List Award finalists" | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Closing the latest (of many) #windows #backdoor | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | is "good will gesture"? | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody White House extends data privacy protections to | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | non-US citizens - pity | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | this is worthless for them & us | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Closing the latest (of many) #windows #backdoor | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "heroic last-minute security update" | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | spin and idiocy | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody “Ordinary Germans not subject to continual | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance, are not subject to a whole range | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | of bulk data gathering” - | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft-funded Net Applications (see | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ) used to advertise | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #windows based on dubious figures | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (last v @raycorrigan) | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft characterised in corporate press as | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | "commendable"/professional for going after | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | spammers/crackers, but Windows has back doors | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If the same company that puts back doors in its | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | software ( ) sends | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | patches or goes after exploiters, why commend? | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bristol | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I did go to police 1st. Nothing happened. RT | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Krissie_Wright: @mikethemadbiol I don't | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | understand why it was reported to Uni & not | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Police | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:01 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'In USA, corporations scare government in' | May 04 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In USA, corporations scare government | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | in | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Freda's Minecraft Survival pt1 | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | slightly better sound | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | this time, trying to speak more clearly. | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mjg59 So yeah what's the social etiquette on turning | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by up at a cab driver's house when your phone is | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard apparently stuck down their back seat? | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jimgris | May 04 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @iamjkeating Considering starting a payday loan business, | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for technical debt. #HackOps | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @willrad COMPUTING FACTS: Contrary to popular belief, | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by programmers *are* self-aware and do feel pain. | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard What they don't feel is REMORSE. | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mjg59 The software you run has exploitable | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vulnerabilities. You are gambling that a | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard government hasn't found them. | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rone not all NBA team owners | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mjg59 Not Pissing On The Toilet Seat As A Service | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mjg59 Could someone please register lifetropes dot | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by org to cover things like "Straight white man | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard uses MLK to shut down discussion" | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoredElonMusk Use disappearing ink when taking notes during a | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by meeting. You'll never look at them again and | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard there's no reason to waste paper. | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Law is subjective. When not "following orders" | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | is actually the correct thing to so. | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #law #indoctrination | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama promotes not only #microsoft Xbox bit | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | also "Control-Alt-Delete" | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | But Obama, the site runs | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "It’ll be harder to convince the American | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | people that Hillary was born in Kenya." | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US corporate press ABC frames it as | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | "government" versus "pro-Russian force" | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | where have the Nazis | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | gone? | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Death Wish Meets GPS: iPhone Theft Victims | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Confronting Perps | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "there's quite a lot that Snowden did not have | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | access to." so more | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | leaks may be needed | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Snowden did not have access to... the | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | identities of companies that partner with the | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA." not just #prism | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Economy and nature | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In the shameless #bbc those radical Nazi | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'activists' that #nato supports are not even | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | mentioned #bias aplenty | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Rocknerd: Rappers, sorted by size of | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | vocabulary. | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Effort reminiscent of CIA’s Radio Free Europe | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | during Cold War" | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Cover-up is about shielding details of arms | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | smuggling to terrorists in Syria" | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | using terrorists for | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | one's nat-int | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #warcriminal Condoleezza Rice driven away from | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | university by protesters | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | while #nsa #prism #dropbox welcomes her | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Perhaps Condoleezza Rice would like to give a | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | speech abroad, where authorities can have her | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | arrested for crimes | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Rocknerd: The Moog Music factory tour. | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Based on the decoy of a 'debate' we see in GOP | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | sites, both 'Democrats' & Republicans support | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | arming terrorists in Syria. Subject off table. | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs We need help! You can now help us translate the | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by upcoming release of RedPhone/TextSecure for | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror iOS. | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "chaos, terror and civil war in Ukraine is the | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | deliberate creation of the Washington war | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | machine" | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia trained for "espionage, sabotage, | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | subversion, unarmed combat, silent killing, | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | weapons training" | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rigging with algorithms is now "trading" | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | those who cheat win | May 04 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:14 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 2 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 12 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 04 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (2) | May 04 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 04 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 04 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 216 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 846 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 04 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (105), @glynmoody (26), @slashdot (7) | May 04 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (24), @davidgerard (9), @Thomas_Drake1 (8) | May 04 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (9), #ukraine (7), #TPP (5) | May 04 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz White people never classified "terrorists" | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xenophobia more useful | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | in advancing cruel policy | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Microsoft #propaganda site masquerading as | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | news what they don't | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | say: | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Hagens Berman works for Microsoft" | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | now they're catching up | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Steve Berman of Hagens Berman was lead counsel | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Microsoft during part of its defense | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | against antitrust claims!!" | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #HagensBerman is based in #seattle - coffee at | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates place for Steve Berman this weekend? | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Let's Call It 'Climate Disruption,' White House | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Science Adviser Suggests (Again) | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 04 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Allied serves up Raspberry Pi to robotics | May 04 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | competition | May 04 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 4/5/2014: XBMC 13, Warsow 1.5 | May 04 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 04 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @makehacklearn Vimeo-based video of Munk Debate on State | May 04 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Surveillance - and I’ve | May 04 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror ripped audio of it to | May 04 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green In case you're missing context: the removal of | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by RSA in the next version of TLS is a perfect | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror example of how Snowden has improved our | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy. | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs Okay Germany, you win. | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 04 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 18:18 |
schestowitz__ | "It's funny (well, not really)... When I first read this headline, I assumed it was referring to people from a post email culture, not a pretty email culture." | May 04 18:18 |
schestowitz__ | "Er, I meant "pre-email" not "pretty email". Damn autocorrect." | May 04 18:18 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 18:19 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 18:19 |
schestowitz__ | A sense of humor is on display. Ugh, an image of text. | May 04 18:19 |
schestowitz__ | This show has got nothing to do with me and I think it's disgusting that people are allowed to go around displaying art on walls without getting permission. | May 04 18:19 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 04 18:19 |
schestowitz__ | A sense of humor is on display. Ugh, an image of text. | May 04 18:19 |
schestowitz__ | This show has got nothing to do with me and I think it's disgusting that people are allowed to go around displaying art on walls without getting permission. | May 04 18:19 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 04 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs Periodical reminder: Adium uses an outdated | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by version of libOTR, had no SMP authentication | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror and worst of all, logs all OTR chats by | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | default. | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard New RW article: Eyeglasses denial: Big | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Opthamology is ACTIVELY RUINING your vision | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | with eye tests and glasses. | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:20 |
schestowitz__ | | May 04 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TAFTATTIPWATCH "#TTIP: #Partizipation in Zeiten des Internets | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ist Pflicht" #RP14 mit | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @glynmoody @BrunoGertKramm @solanasaurus | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon @schestowitz that is the nature of | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | accountability. Those questions were not | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | loaded, they were direct. | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Review of UK Parliament's online services – | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | report published - | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | feedback urgently needed by 6 May - hurry hurry | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | hurry | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Green politicians launch legal challenge over | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #GCHQ surveillance - | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | great move (v @Glinner) | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | & just as bad; get ready | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight it | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP resources of all kinds - | May 04 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | videos, audio, reports, | May 04 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc - well worth browsing | May 04 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DonCollegeGrant Book on dealing with #disrespect #online. | May 04 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Useful points on handling online communication | May 04 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon #donstaff #ldstas | May 04 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 18:37 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 04 18:57 | |
*MinceR ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 04 18:57 | |
*MinceR has quit (Changing host) | May 04 18:57 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 04 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Linus Torvalds Receives IEEE Computer Pioneer | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Award | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Unacceptable trend in Australia's treatment of | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lawyers acting against govt interests: | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #auspol | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @guardiannews Green politicians launch legal challenge over | May 04 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by GCHQ surveillance | May 04 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 04 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @thelindywest White male privilege is being a godawful writer | May 04 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and still getting your nonsense baby opinions | May 04 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh published in TIME. | May 04 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:08 |
*TweetSchestowitz @umairh deleted 'RT @thelindywest: White male privilege is being a...' | May 04 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 ICYMI: worth read “@mharwood31: A little light | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | reading for a Sunday, "Was There an American | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Revolution?" @amconmag | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @petermurrayrust via Brian Kelly: "Hybrid | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by OA ia a Nightmare" PMR +99 and it's also a | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody nearly total waste of money. | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm gonna do a few points on power and | May 04 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | privilege. | May 04 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. "White privilege" is the (American) idea | May 04 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | that only white people truly exist; and | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | therefore matter; that others are less than | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | human. | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. You know how you rarely see a black, brown, | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Asian face in the super whitewashed American | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | media? That's white privilege. | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. You know how you almost never see books | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | written by, films made by, articles written by, | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | anyone not white? That's privilege. | May 04 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | May 04 19:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 19:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 04 19:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. Privilege is always argued by conservatives | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | to be a burden. They've been doing it for | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | centuries; they won't stop now. | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 5. Who are the mysterious bigots that allow | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | unfair privilege to flourish? You are. At least | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | be honest about your dickery, you fuckwits. | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Fossil fuels face $30 trillion losses from | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | climate, renewables - | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't forget #disinvestment too (v | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GregorMacdonald) | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 The Shaky Legal Foundation of NSA Surveillance | May 04 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on Americans | May 04 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 04 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 The Strangest Interview Yet With the Outgoing | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Head of the NSA | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 6. Post-enlightenment era slavery was largely | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | an American invention. Given 500 years, It's | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | foolish to think subjugation has disappeared. | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 7. Where are the racists? Right here. Probably | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | you. Go back and look at who retweeted my 6 | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | previous points on race. See the point? | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Assholes. | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Eye in the sky. Police spied on entire city. | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "This system was kind of kept confidential from | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | everybody in the public" | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Foursquare Splits To Take On Yelp | May 04 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL. Lets get back to talking about happy, | May 04 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | numbing shite that makes us pretend | May 04 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | everything's okay. | May 04 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PieCalculus Example Time Scale of System Latencies. | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Nice people finish last. But assholes finish | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | lost. | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | At Techdirt | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Netanyahu pushes to define #Israel as nation | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | state of Jewish people only - | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | so, about that | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "apartheid" problem... | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: Joining a Startup As an Older | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Programmer? | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MrGeographer A sad sign of our times | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by < Le sigh” | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks On June 19, Julian #Assange will have been | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | detained without charge in the Ecuadorian | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | embassy of London for two years | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FactcheckEU Trending this week was #EUdebate2014 : check | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by how did the candidates do in terms of numbers | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen To avoid #WestPapua going on the list: | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Indonesia exercises chequebook diplomacy ahead | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody of UN Decolonisation Conference | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @lanotadigital Francisco - Por Santiago O`Donnell #WikiLeaks | May 04 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 04 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 04 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Taxes vs. subsidies in the fight to preserve | May 04 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Brazilian #Amazon - | May 04 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | important stuff #deforestation | May 04 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 20:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @jesusguevarauto | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The oRouter Is A Tor-Powered Linux Box That | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Secures Your Internet Connection | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines XBMC 13.0 Gotham rises | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Eight Months Later, Intel | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.0 Driver Still In | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Numix GTK Flat Theme Looks Amazing on Ubuntu | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04 LTS | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 21:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel HD Graphics On Linux 3.15 Brings Few | May 04 21:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Changes | May 04 21:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 21:18 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditLinux favourited 'Intel HD Graphics On Linux 3.15 Brings Few...' | May 04 21:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Toronto Raptors battle hard, fall just short against | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Brooklyn in Game 7, 104-103. Great season! | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Great playoffs!! #GoRaptors | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EthanZ Nigerian bloggers statement on | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #BringBackOurGirls, demanding more pressure, | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody press coverage from Naija media: | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carlzimmer All of Bach. Gorgeous recordings from the | May 04 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Netherlands Bach Society, for free. | May 04 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @openculture | May 04 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody How Big Pharma (and others) began | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lobbying on the #TTP before you ever heard of | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody it via @sunfoundation | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks FBI arrest press release - Remembering the | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ongoing #Paypal14 case | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP resources of all kinds - | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | videos, audio, reports, | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc - well worth browsing | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - Glyn Moody blogs - | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes XXIV: report on | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | academic takedown of Commission's flawed | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | economic study | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Finally, Hi-Def Streaming Video of the ISS's | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | View of Earth | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Happy May the Fourth! - misscecil: May the | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fourth be with you! To celebrate, here is a | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | song that my old... | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: mouseinmansion: May the 4th be with you! | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 21:48 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 04 21:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow For-Profit Prisons: Why is this Legal? - | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | lolmythesis: Public Policy, Gettysburg College | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | "The Imprisoner’s... | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @_VoiceRepublic @ioerror we are live streaming your talk | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @republica #rp14 | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror “We are as gods and might as well get good at | May 04 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | it.” | May 04 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @erikwesselius Very good news: Spain's 2-party system will | May 04 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by take a severe blow in upcoming EP elections | May 04 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody /v @Igualitarista | May 04 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 04 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 22:11 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz__: no TRBot? | May 04 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh If you're lost, it's not because you haven't | May 04 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | found a way. It's because you haven't found | May 04 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | you. | May 04 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140503 - | May 04 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 04 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 04 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks On June 19, Julian #Assange will have been | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by detained without charge in the Ecuadorian | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack embassy of London for two years | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola If lawyers convince court to uphold decision, | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this'll be another victory attributable to | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Snowden #FISA | May 04 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines XBMC 13.0 Gotham rises | May 04 23:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by | May 04 23:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @iArthurCDN | May 04 23:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 04 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Europe's Cybersecurity Policy Under Attack | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Guardian mass censoring pro-Russian comments in | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ukraine conflict Who is | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Luke Harding? | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Just told @pmharper to stop the cuts to our | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | postal service. RT& add your voice: | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ndp #cdnpoli | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CanadaPost #StopHarper | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Guardian plagiarist Luke Harding: "everything | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's wrong with journalism" | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ei_PSI First batch of videos "Security in Times of | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Surveillance" with | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @hansdezwart @MarietjeSchaake @cryptocephaly | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror The first batch of videos "Security in Times of | May 04 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance" is now up: | May 04 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata During @republica please join us for our | May 04 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #FreeBassel session I | May 04 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror wish Bassel could be here. You can actually | May 04 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | help him. | May 04 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 04 23:59 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @avilarenata: 'During @republica please join us for our #FreeBassel...' | May 05 00:00 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @ioerror: 'The first batch of videos "Security in Times...' | May 05 00:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Help EFF Test a New Tool To Stop Creepy Online | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tracking | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh In case you missed it, my latest post at | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HarvardBiz: Five Dirty Secrets About the | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Economy. | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Global corporate citizenship in one | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | sentence | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Rules for enhanced seating | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Conditions for enhanced seating | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 01:45 |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow deleted 'Photo: Conditions for enhanced seating' | May 05 01:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot ISS Studies Show Bacteria From Earth Could | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Colonize Mars | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Twitter jerks, the webcomic | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing The Shop: Toronto's new inclusive makerspace | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing How to Talk to Your Children About Mass | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Surveillance | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Letters of Note, in book form TODAY | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Calibre 1.35 eBook Management Software Gets | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Better Book Editing and Spell Check Features: | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | softpedia: eBook re... | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "What happens in a world, or at least a nation, | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | where most of the population lives | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | semi-comfortably (by..." | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Kaminsky on | May 05 03:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bitcoin; doxxing Scalia; T9 collisions | May 05 03:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 03:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 03:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #TheGoodWife: hacker kid says Silk Road perps | May 05 03:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | contacted him "over "T-O-R" | May 05 03:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @torproject is pronounced: tôr | May 05 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | cc: '@ioerror | May 05 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @auerswald Johnny Rivera: "I'm a dreamer & an innovative | May 05 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by person, & I think that is more meaningful than | May 05 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh actual income." @Umairh | May 05 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PicardTips Picard imagination tip: There are universes | May 05 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by beyond our knowledge. To deny them is to limit | May 05 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist ourselves. | May 05 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NASA A #HappyStarWarsDay message from space station | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by & featuring R2-D2! | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #MayThe4thBeWithYou #ISS | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anilkapurk Rulers come from Italy & voters comes from | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bangladesh. But Indians missing from Voter list | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya #DeportBangladeshis | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 04:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Sweta148 ● 1st-DALITS were Votebank | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ● Then-MUSLIMS were Votebank | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya ● Now-BANGLADESHIS are Votebank | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CONgis ignored INDIANS.Time to | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #DeportBangladeshis" | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Applying Pavlovian Psychology to Password | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Management | May 05 04:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 04:41 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 11 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 68 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 05 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (9) | May 05 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @jesusguevarauto (1), @iArthurCDN (1) | May 05 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 05 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 97 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 393 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 05 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @umairh (12), @glynmoody (10), @slashdot (9) | May 05 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (10), @ioerror (8), @doctorow (5) | May 05 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (5), #FreeBassel (2), #Assange (2) | May 05 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @India_MSM Kejriwal shud try and make mecca and madina | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by city of all religions .and then he will see | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya what happenes to him .Saying abt varanasi is | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | easy | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Press F11 if you want to concentrate on any | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tutorial/Webpage etc. | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140504 - | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MsLods .@hadyngreen: Australia to crack down on | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by piracy/ignore reasons behind piracy | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ping @xor @maira | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GizmodoAU Australia's Piracy Crackdown Coming 'As Early | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by As This Week': Three Strikes, Site Blocking On | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Way - | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin In another case of corporate negligence, #BP's | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pipeline sprays 'oily mist' over 33 acres of | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody pristine #Alaskan tundra: | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer "@AustralianLabor supports the Freedom of | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Internet Users" Dreyfus is critical of Brandis' | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody copyright crackdown | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #auspol | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LiamPomfret Brandis uncritically accepts #copyright | May 05 05:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by monopoly claims that frankly just aren't | May 05 05:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody supported by the data. | May 05 05:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #piracy | May 05 05:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 05:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Nearly 5 million U.S. #manufacturing #jobs lost | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by since #NAFTA & #WTO. Now #lobbyists push #TPP: | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Time | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel HD Graphics On Linux 3.15 Brings Few | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Changes #intel #linux | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Numix GTK Flat Theme Looks Amazing on Ubuntu | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | 14.04 LTS #ubuntu | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #canonical #gnu #linux | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Eight Months Later, Intel X Org 3.0 Driver | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Still In Development | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xorg | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The oRouter Is A Tor-Powered Linux Box That | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secures Your Internet Connection | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #orouter #internet | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 05 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel HD Graphics On Linux 3.15 Brings Few | May 05 06:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by Changes | May 05 06:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Angelinux3000 | May 05 06:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #USAToday is whitewashing the world's biggest | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | patent troll and #billgates | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #linuxtag appears to have learned to reject | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft dirty money | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | with which MS used to infiltrate, subvert event | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #billgates -bribed #guardian (millions of | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | dollars paid to ensure he never gets | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | criticised) says he's leaving MSFT | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 06:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nominate a free software initiative for the | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chris Nicol FLOSS Prize! | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | "make free software | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | accessible" | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Unboxing The First Firefox OS Tablet | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | it runs #linux | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Another person whom #google is funding to work | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #googlemaps competitor, the free/libre | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #marble in #kde | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Murdoch-owned press uses shameful 'journalism' | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | to distract from real scandal | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Free Culture Activist Begins One Year 'Net | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fast' "writer, | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | performer, activist, GNU/Linux user" | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz More Mainstream Businesses Depend on Open | May 05 07:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Source #freesw | May 05 07:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nominate a free software initiative for the | May 05 07:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Chris Nicol FLOSS Prize! | May 05 07:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 07:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Unboxing The First Firefox OS Tablet | May 05 07:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 07:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 07:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Local government CIO Jos Creese does not | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | understand #freedom or even #lockin | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | shackles are "cheap". | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Open Source RhinoBOT DIY Robot Powered By | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Arduino UNO (video) | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openhardware | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Elderly Mice Perk Up With Transfused Blood | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Remember when @JosCreese said that paying money | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | for #backdoors will "save money"? | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft uses @JosCreese for #PR now | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Indian Railways online services more reliable | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | and scalable with open source and open | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | standards #standard | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mac Asay says "Open Source's Cult Of | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Personality Is Dying—Thankfully" | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | with RMS image at the | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | top | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mac Asay already knows that RMS is not "Open | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Source". Anyway, it's a Microsoft-tied | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | publication. Maybe headline chosen by editor. | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat Summit 2014 DevOps Round Up: The role | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | of open source in converging business needs | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #redhat | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz David Fout: #Aquilent Aims to Help Agencies Go | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #OpenSource With New #Drupal Tool | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #clinton #revisionism | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nytimes must be aware of who will represent | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | businesses in 2016 | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 7 cool free open source projects you need to | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | check out #freesw | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cloud Foundry Foundation grows | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fogcomputing | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Free software helps banking not just at the | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | server room | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Free/libre content management software shows | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | huge growth | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Adrian Bridgwater doesn't know what Yankee | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Group is? | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Bountysource Now Lets You Fund Open-Source | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Projects with #Bitcoin | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Next Unreal Tournament in the works, possibly | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | with a Linux version | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #gnu #linux | May 05 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:06 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: | May 05 08:10 |
schestowitz__ | | May 05 08:11 |
*roy has quit (Disconnected by services) | May 05 08:14 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 05 08:15 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 05 08:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux 3.15-rc4 [is out] | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | message from #torvalds | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #RedHat CEO Jim Whitehurst doubles as a cloud | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | computing evangelist and entrepreneur advisor | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fogcomputing hype | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Best Android Phones of the season [May 2014] | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | May 05 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:19 |
schestowitz__ | | May 05 08:20 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditSoftware favourited 'Nominate a free software initiative for the Chris...' | May 05 08:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Best Android Phones of the season [May 2014] | May 05 08:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 08:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 08:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst doubles as a cloud | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | computing evangelist and entrepreneur advisor | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15-rc4 | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Bountysource Now Lets You Fund Open-Source | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | Projects with Bitcoin | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines HTC One Mini 2 press render leaked | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 08:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 08:29 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditEntre favourited 'Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst doubles as a...' | May 05 08:29 | |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 05 08:30 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | May 05 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #kde Plasma Media Center to get voice commands | May 05 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | funding from #google | May 05 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GSoC 2014 in Plasma Media Center | May 05 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz HTC One Mini 2 press render leaked | May 05 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #htc #android | May 05 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HTC One Mini 2 press render leaked | Muktware | May 05 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Technology | May 05 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FTP | May 05 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 08:40 |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 05 08:47 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 05 08:47 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 05 08:48 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 05 08:48 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 05 08:48 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 05 08:48 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 05 08:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green In case you're missing context: the removal of | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by RSA in the next version of TLS is a perfect | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz example of how Snowden has improved our | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy. | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: brucesterling: *Old people, in big | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | cities, unable to see the sky for the urban | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | glare | May 05 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: brucesterling: *Old people, in big cities,... | May 05 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: sonarhydrophone: Monstropolis Transit | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Authority vending machine. I think I’ll have | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | the ‘Same Old... | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: sonarhydrophone: Monstropolis Transit Authority... | May 05 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: rstevens: Tonight’s comic is about | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | trust. | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: rstevens: Tonight’s comic is about trust. | May 05 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: rstevens: this is why no one likes | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Amherst | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Instagram | May 05 09:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: rstevens: this is why no one likes Amherst... | May 05 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: liberalsarecool: The “Do As I Say, Not | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | As I Do” idiom in action by the hypocritical | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Right. | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: liberalsarecool: The “Do As I Say, Not As I Do”... | May 05 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ukraine Crisis Accelerating the Restructuring | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the World | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | declining dominance by | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | some empires | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukraine Crisis Accelerating the Restructuring of the World | May 05 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Welcome to Plutocrat-geddon! Obama and Thomas | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Friedman flatter our new billionaire overlords | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | money runs everything | May 05 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Welcome to Plutocrat-geddon! Obama and Thomas Friedman flatter our new billionaire overlords | May 05 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Selling Hydraulic #Fracking : The Myth Of | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Energy Independence Used To Hoodwink The | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | American People | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Selling Hydraulic Fracking: The Myth Of Energy Independence Used To Hoodwink The American People | Global Research | May 05 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Everyone is under surveillance now, says ex-NSA | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | tech Snowden mass | May 05 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Everyone is under surveillance now, says ex-NSA tech Snowden | HackRead – Latest Cyber Crime – Information Security – Hacking News | May 05 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance now the norm, public never | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | consulted | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Justice Antonin Scalia has a supreme conflict | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | of interest." #scotus | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scalia's conflict of interest | CREDO Action | May 05 09:34 | |
MinceR | schestowitz: facepalm at mac asay saying "minus the arrogance" | May 05 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Perception of the #cia abroad | May 05 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | in their minds, they | May 05 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | fight terrorism. Stop #drones and #torture to | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | make us secure. | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: sonarhydrophone: During one of | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | several rides on Haunted Mansion yesterday, | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ride stopped in just... | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: sonarhydrophone: During one of several rides on... | May 05 09:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Condoleezza Rice openly defending the torture | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | tactics implemented under George W. Bush" | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CondoleezzaRice | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Activist Post: Campus Activists Shut Down Condoleezza Rice Speech At Rutgers | May 05 09:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Condoleezza Rice not only continues to serve | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | the board of TortureBox... I mean, DropBox. The | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | company defended her role. #prism #nsa | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sony Crams 3,700 Blu-Rays' Worth of Storage in | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | a Single Cassette Tape | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | storage getting | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheap->more #surveillance | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sony Crams 3,700 Blu-Rays' Worth of Storage in a Single Cassette Tape | May 05 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fact, worth reminding: #facebook transmits its | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | data (chats, videos, unpublished auto-uploaded | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | images) to #microsoft | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “I’ll never apologize for my white privilege” | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | guy is basically most of white America | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “I’ll never apologize for my white privilege” guy is basically most of white America - | May 05 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz F35 deal a gift to world's biggest arms dealer | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | just watch how #boeing | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | uses... | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | F35 deal a gift to world's biggest arms dealer | Green Left Weekly | May 05 10:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | F35 deal a gift t... | May 05 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Apple money interjected a flaw into | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #captainamerica - no superhero would enter a | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | store of #prism company for #privacy purposes | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Court Tells Ex-Wife Of Husband Who Killed | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Himself To Use #Copyright To Delete Anything He | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ever Wrote #copyfail | May 05 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Court Tells Ex-Wife Of Husband Who Killed Himself To Use Copyright To Delete Anything He Ever Wrote Online | Techdirt | May 05 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How a Fatal Disaster at Mt. #Everest Has Turned | May 05 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Into a Full-Blown Labor Struggle | May 05 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How a Fatal Disaster at Mt. Everest Has Turned Into a Full-Blown Labor Struggle | The Nation | May 05 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 93 Countries Who Have Changed Their Minds About | May 05 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Obama | May 05 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | worse than even #bush | May 05 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | based on many | May 05 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 93 Countries Who Have Changed Their Minds About Obama | Alternet | May 05 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AT&T they also censored | May 05 10:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #internet for #bush | May 05 10:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not much as a 'circus' | May 05 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Acrobats Fall 40 Feet During Circus Show « KRON4 – San Francisco Bay Area News | May 05 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Solar Powered Ubuntu Laptop Readies US Release | May 05 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 05 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Solar Powered Ubuntu Laptop Readies US Release | OMG! Ubuntu! | May 05 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Valve Sponsors Work To Greatly Speed-Up Linux | May 05 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | OpenGL Game Load Times | May 05 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve Sponsors Work To Greatly Speed-Up Linux OpenGL Game Load Times - Slashdot | May 05 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shrimper Catches Rare Goblin Shark | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrifying bite | May 05 10:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shrimper Catches Rare Goblin Shark « KRON4 – San Francisco Bay Area News | May 05 10:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Are you an academic who vandalises Wikipedia? | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Then stop it! | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are you an academic who vandalises Wikipedia? Then stop it! | alarichall | May 05 10:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Video fusion | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In my experience talking to 'FB' people, | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #facebook has become their source of | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | insecurity. Joining it was their failed attempt | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | to change. | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz HOW TO CRACK THE FACADE IN ANY #COPYRIGHT | May 05 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #MONOPOLY DISCUSSION | May 05 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | by PP founder | May 05 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How To Crack The Facade In Any Copyright Monopoly Discussion | TorrentFreak | May 05 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DailyFail 'journalism' | May 05 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | the shame of #uk | May 05 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DailyFail - when people try to show how | May 05 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | shallow they are | May 05 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This is my favourite thing at the moment - Imgur | May 05 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Angles | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Pirate Parties using Facebook to collect likes | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | are like parents beating kids to teach them non | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | violence behaviours." -Beta あいどる | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Day U.S.-Supported Fascists began Murdering | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Civilians A Day that will Live in Infamy | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | countering media | May 05 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Day U.S.-Supported Fascists began Murdering Civilians A Day that will Live in Infamy | Global Research | May 05 11:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yes, we will violate your rights, we will offer | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | you no choice, BUT... we'll tell you about it | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Major tech firms will be sending user notifications about subpoenas | May 05 11:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft Boost Government Data Request Disclosure Rules | May 05 11:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Several years ago #twitter let users know when | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | they were being spied on, but Twitter also | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | fought for them. That's all buried now. | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The White House Big Data Report: The Good, The | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bad, and The Missing | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'reforms' now as soft | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | as pancakes | May 05 11:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The White House Big Data Report: The Good, The Bad, and The Missing | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 05 11:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cloudwashing of #amazon #censorship and | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance platform | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia #bezos #aws | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon Web Services: The cloud is an inevitable force | Tech/Gadgets | The Malay Mail Online | May 05 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Green politicians launch legal challenge over | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #GCHQ #surveillance | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | finally someone with guts. #uk | May 05 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Green politicians launch legal challenge over GCHQ surveillance | UK news | The Guardian | May 05 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #tsa : never caught a terrorist (ever), | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | catching plants though | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | maybe their real purpose | May 05 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TSA: Checked Luggage Discovered With Over 80 Pounds Of Marijuana Inside | May 05 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kim Dotcom: RIAA, MPAA, DOJ deserve some thanks | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Mega's explosive growth | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | people trust Kim | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kim Dotcom: RIAA, MPAA, DOJ deserve some thanks for Mega's explosive growth - AfterDawn | May 05 11:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz West crushes independent media in the West, | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | breeds 'independent' media in #africa | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BERNAMA - EU Supporting Development Of Community Radio Stations In Mozambique | May 05 11:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What reporting on #drones (not parroting | May 05 11:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 05 11:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #pentagon lines) can do to a person | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abdulelah Haider Shaye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 05 11:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yemeni Reporter Who Exposed U.S. Drone Strike | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Freed from Prison After Jailing at Obama’s | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Request killing truth | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yemeni Reporter Who Exposed U.S. Drone Strike Freed from Prison After Jailing at Obama’s Request | Democracy Now! | May 05 11:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In ongoing protest: Anti-drone demonstrators | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | continue monthly campaign | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Even British and US | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens protest | May 05 11:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In ongoing protest: Anti-drone demonstrators continue monthly campaign - U.S. - Stripes | May 05 11:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama doesn’t deserve deference on drone deaths | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | "runs contrary to our | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | bedrock legal and democratic principles" | May 05 11:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama doesn’t deserve deference on drone deaths | Al Jazeera America | May 05 11:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Person behind decision to assassinate US | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizen without trial nominated to the 1st | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Circuit Court of Appeals | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #us | May 05 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Paul starts new drone war | TheHill | May 05 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz America Backed Ukraine Neo-Nazis In the | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Immediate Wake of World War II | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | "our Nazis" or "useful | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nazis" | May 05 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America Backed Ukraine Neo-Nazis In the Immediate Wake of World War II | Global Research | May 05 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Women have always fought. (GoT is not | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | historical.) | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "'We Have Always Fought': Challenging the 'Women, Cattle and Slaves' Narrative" by Kameron Hurley - A Dribble of Ink | May 05 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Once “bleached” of their Nazism, the US | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Government granted the scientists security | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | clearance" | May 05 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wernher von Braun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 05 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "I have worried about the extent to which the | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | US has spread small arms around over the | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | decades to various parties" | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA's Secret 'Midwest Depot' Arms Cache Really in ... Texas? - Ex-analyst says it's time to shed light on facility | May 05 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Will McCain send Ukrainian Nazis RPGs to shoot | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | at Russian planes like the White House does w/ | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Syrian terrorists? | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | McCain wants USA to allocate military assistance to Ukraine worth $100m - English | May 05 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 25 years ago: US denounces election in Panama | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | democracy as a threat | May 05 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This week in history: May 5-11 - World Socialist Web Site | May 05 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Venezuela : Wealthy stir violence | May 05 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | revolution for | May 05 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Venezuela: Wealthy stir violence while poor build new society | Green Left Weekly | May 05 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations anti-democratic, plutocratic | May 05 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt TV Networks Sued For Hiding Who's Buying | May 05 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Political Ads | May 05 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Video: How did I forget how amazeballs this | May 05 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TV Networks Sued For Hiding Who's Buying Political Ads | Techdirt | May 05 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | video was? | May 05 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: How did I forget how amazeballs this video was? | May 05 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Senate Dems antsy over W.H. release of CIA | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | report | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torture #cia | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate Dems antsy over W.H. release of CIA report - Burgess Everett - | May 05 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ukraine "false narratives are actually being | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | hatched more on the U.S. side, as a new | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NYTimes story acknowledges" | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Another NYT ‘Sort of’ Retraction on Ukraine | Consortiumnews | May 05 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The US Failed Plan for Ukraine is to Incite | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Russia to Intervene. | May 05 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The US Failed Plan for Ukraine is to Incite Russia to Intervene. The Kiev Coup Government is Already a Dying Entity | Global Research | May 05 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article: Putin Should Send Troops Into Ukraine | OpEdNews | May 05 12:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA and FBI specialists assisting Ukrainian government in Kiev, report says | May 05 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Safe harbour for #torture proponents | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | like Cuban terrorists | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | who still live happily in Florida | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghanistan's 'Torturer In Chief' Now Lives Comfortably In The LA Suburbs - And No One Knows How He Got There | Business Insider India | May 05 12:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Clapper wants complete control over all | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Intelligence Community contact with the media" | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | truth as treason | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Editorial: Clapper’s U.S. intelligence directive is the opposite of trust-building | Dallas Morning News | May 05 12:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Put portable pwning power in your pocket with | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Pwn Phone #linux | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #security | May 05 12:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android-based Pwn Phone is prepared to do evil for your network’s own good | Ars Technica | May 05 12:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Challenge to plain tobacco packaging is crucial | May 05 12:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | test for trade rules - | May 05 12:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | shameful this is even a question #ISDS | May 05 12:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Challenge to plain tobacco packaging is crucial test for trade rules | World news | | May 05 12:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What is the best social structure for an open | May 05 12:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | source project? | May 05 12:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #development #sharing | May 05 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freedom | May 05 12:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Analyzing the best code review process for open source projects | | May 05 12:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stereotypes | May 05 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:24 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditComputing favourited 'Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst doubles as a...' | May 05 12:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fifa in #brazil | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz DOJ May Charge Two Banks with Criminal Acts, | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | But Not Hold Them Criminally Accountable | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #usdoj | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Too Big to Jail Continues: DOJ May Charge Two Banks with Criminal Acts, But Not Hold Them Criminally Accountable | May 05 12:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody wow, Germany's @ARDde just ran a multi-minute | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | segment on #TTIP that was very well-informed - | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | kudos; DE Finance Minister repeated: *no* #ISDS | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama Blasted for Lumping Critics of Trade Deal | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secrecy with 'Conspiracy Theorists' | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | here come the labels | May 05 12:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Blasted for Lumping Critics of Trade Deal Secrecy with 'Conspiracy Theorists' | Common Dreams | May 05 12:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Replacing public media with privatised | May 05 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | (plutocrats') media | May 05 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ABC funding: Protesters call on Abbott government not to cut money | World news | | May 05 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz History of #torture in the name of "freedom" | May 05 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | and "democracy" | May 05 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Working the Dark Side | Common Dreams | May 05 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RMS speaks about violent video games | May 05 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014: March - June Political Notes - Richard Stallman | May 05 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard If you're looking for an academic mentor and | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | you're not a white male, don't hold your | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | breath. | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Happens Before? A Field Experiment Exploring How Pay and Representation Differentially Shape Bias on the Pathway into Organizations by Katherine L. Milkman, Modupe Akinola, Dolly Chugh :: SSRN | May 05 13:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wharton Study Shows the Shocking Result When Women and Minorities Email Their Professors - PolicyMic | May 05 13:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody here's a link to @ARDde's excellent coverage of | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP - analysis and | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | interviews - great stuff #de #rp14 | May 05 13:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen: "Mit TTIP hohe Standards setzen" | | May 05 13:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard On showing URLs and why security and usability | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | will always have a rocky relationship | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | by @tommorris | May 05 13:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | On showing URLs and why security and usability will always have a rocky relationship | May 05 13:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Scientists Race To Develop Livestock That Can | May 05 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Survive Climate Change | May 05 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scientists Race To Develop Livestock That Can Survive Climate Change - Slashdot | May 05 13:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 "one business lobby group…composed of the most | May 05 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | highly paid chief executives" is in control of | May 05 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Australia's budget: | May 05 13:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prime Minister Abbott's Commission of Audit report is a bloody disaster for ordi - | May 05 13:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KenKlippenstein "People's Firewall" protests planned against | May 05 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @FCC's move to end #NetNeutrality | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow via @KBZeese cc: | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I defy you not to ROCK THE FUCK OUT to this. | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Special Alert: New Actions Planned To Save The Internet | PopularResistance.Org | May 05 13:45 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: I defy you not to ROCK THE FUCK OUT to this. ... | May 05 13:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Transparency | May 05 13:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And Transparency | Techdirt | May 05 13:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mashable 53 years ago today, the first American went to | May 05 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by space -- and he peed in his suit. | May 05 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 05 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The First American in Space Wore a Pee-Soaked Spacesuit | May 05 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I just backed Library A to Z illustrations, | May 05 13:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mashable: 53 years ago today, the first American went to space -- and he peed in his suit. | May 05 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | book and advocacy tools... on @Kickstarter | May 05 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Library A to Z illustrations, book and advocacy tools... by Andrew Walsh — Kickstarter | May 05 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Help us launch stage 2 (4 now we're built to | May 05 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | carry it) - lessig: Last week the was the best | May 05 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | of times, and... | May 05 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Help us launch stage 2 (4 now we're built to carry it) | May 05 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Distant Stellar Explosion Helps Map Universe's | May 05 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dark Ages | May 05 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Distant Stellar Explosion Helps Map Universe's Dark Ages - Slashdot | May 05 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @byAndreas @doctorow I see your bet and raise you... Let's | May 05 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the battle begin! :) | May 05 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @Frauenfelder @xeni | May 05 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds | May 05 14:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Crowdfunding an illustrated A-Z defending | May 05 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by libraries | May 05 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 05 14:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow This week, Mariko & Jillian Tamaki start | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | touring the amazing THIS ONE SUMMER. Here's the | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | sched. | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: firstsecondbooks: This week, Mariko Tamaki and... | May 05 14:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Political power, corporate greed | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @mpcharmaineborg: Motion to protect the | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy of Cnds will be debated in the House | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monday : | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Charmaine Borg | Facebook | May 05 14:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz White feather or bowler hat? Charlie Chaplin | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | and the first world war | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #war | May 05 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White feather or bowler hat? Charlie Chaplin and the first world war | May 05 14:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RMS condemns the use of #drones and explains | May 05 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | the alternative | May 05 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014: March - June Political Notes - Richard Stallman | May 05 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: I’ve been given a certificate of | May 05 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | achievement! | May 05 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: I’ve been given a certificate of achievement! | May 05 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TheGuardian is gloating about its #censorship | May 05 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | uses the | May 05 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | characterisation of opposition as "trolls" | May 05 14:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The readers' editor on… the pro-Russia trolls below the line on Ukraine stories | Chris Elliott | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 05 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:27 |
roy | | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Various British officials & commentators have | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | explicitly singled out #TheGuardian as source | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | of #russophobic #propaganda . #billgates | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | funded. | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #russophobic #propaganda takes the whole world | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | closer to thermonuclear war; it never - in any | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | way - helps achieve peace. | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Raspberry Pi Case Created Using An Old Cassette | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tape #mod #hacking | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 05 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Raspberry Pi Case Created Using An Old Cassette Tape | May 05 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Is Montana the Next Big Data Hub? | May 05 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Montana the Next Big Data Hub? - Slashdot | May 05 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @borribles 'This book is amazing!' love this review by | May 05 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by young reader of the #Borribles on | May 05 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @GdnChildrensBks | May 05 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BellaPagan @doctorow | May 05 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Borribles by Michael De Larrabeiti - review | Children's books | | May 05 14:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Happiness misunderstood | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Happiness" is the #propaganda term in Coca | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cola's latest ad campaign. Soda pop as a drug. | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cheapening labour in #uk | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | exploiting/manufacturing #crisis for profit | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | (plutocrats' pockets) | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A letter to fans of Workfare | May 05 14:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1019 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HackBug Opened in background and suddenly was rocking | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by out RT @doctorow: I defy you not to ROCK THE | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow FUCK OUT to this. | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: I defy you not to ROCK THE FUCK OUT to this. ... | May 05 14:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Plutocrats take&take (national debt, "shitty" | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | bonds) until economy collapses.Then bailed out | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | by poors' children,plutocrats get cheap labour. | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tracking People from Smartphone Accelerometers | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | well, tracking devices | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | (phones)... track. | May 05 14:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schneier on Security: Tracking People from Smartphone Accelerometers | May 05 14:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Homeless Grandmother Arrested 59 Times for | May 05 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sitting on Sidewalk | May 05 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | obviously a criminal, | May 05 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa should spy on her! | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Homeless Grandmother Arrested 59 Times for Sitting on Sidewalk | Alternet | May 05 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US view on what "free" press means | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | biased. Uses definition | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | that biases the outcome. | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freedom House survey: Only one in seven people live in a country with a free press | Press Gazette | May 05 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This aforementioned map can be classified by | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | dividing into 3 groups: allies of the US, | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | countries the US can toler... | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This aforemention... | May 05 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Save the Internet! Prevent Mega-corporations | May 05 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | from Destroying Internet Freedom | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | they already censor | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Western Net | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 503 @ ) | May 05 15:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Games | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bring rail under state's control to win back | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | power, Ed Miliband told | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | hugely overpriced at the | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | moment | May 05 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bring rail under state's control to win back power, Ed Miliband told | Politics | The Observer | May 05 15:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A couple of hours ago planned a family journey | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | for this month. It makes no sense when going by | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | rail (in-land) more expensive than by plane. | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OIL, GAS AND SPY GAMES IN THE TIMOR SEA | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | financial goals under | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | the guise of peace-keeping | May 05 15:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oil, gas and spy games in the Timor Sea - Australian scheming for the Greater Sunrise oilfield has a long history | Kim McGrath | The Monthly | May 05 15:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Violence of the State & crime of peaceful | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | protest "The .01% (the | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | very very rich) keep their place...through | May 05 15:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The violence of the State & the crime of peaceful protest | May 05 15:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | capture" | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Today, we "disappear" issues." | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Disappearing" What Irks You -- College Rape, Iraq, Spying | Michael Brenner | May 05 15:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times reporter | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | speaks on modern ethics of journalism | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | some still do real | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | journalism | May 05 15:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Badger Herald · Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times reporter speaks on modern ethics of journalism - The Badger Herald | May 05 15:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Konqueror Vs Firefox - which browser do you | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | use?: EveryDayLinuxUser: The openSUSE KDE | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | edition comes with 2 br... | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Konqueror Vs Firefox - which browser do you use? | May 05 15:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz kidswashing: Mozilla launches 'The Web We | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Want'—an open letter video featuring kids | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | seeking a safer World Wide Web | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla launches 'The Web We Want'—an open letter video featuring kids seeking a safer World Wide Web | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis | May 05 15:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doughellmann "Dealing With Disrespect" is a good follow-up | May 05 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to "The Art of Community" by @jonobacon | May 05 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 05 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dealing With Disrespect | May 05 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Kerry Says US Is On the "Right Side of History" | May 05 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | When It Comes To Online Freedom | May 05 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry Says US Is On the "Right Side of History" When It Comes To Online Freedom - Slashdot | May 05 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pierre called it a day on #snowden docs as | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | "there was virtually no NSA news this week." I | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | agree. He killed it. | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › Is the NSA Story Coming to an End? | May 05 15:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Apple Canada Was Only Tech Company to Respond | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Privacy Commish Request on Disclosure | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Practices | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Apple Canada Was Only Tech Company to Respond to Privacy Commish Request on Disclosure Practices | May 05 15:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Can the Police Seize Your Cellphone? | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #police can do whatever | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | it wants, just needs to lie about it afterwards | May 05 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can the Police Seize Your Cellphone? -- Trefis | May 05 15:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No Joke: John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right | May 05 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Side Of History' When It Comes To Online | May 05 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Freedom And Transparency | May 05 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And Transparency | Techdirt | May 05 15:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Target Breach's Latest Victim Is the Company's | May 05 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | CEO | May 05 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Target Breach's Latest Victim Is the Company's CEO | May 05 15:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama makes the law more #nsa -friendly | May 05 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | and #germany nods | May 05 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 15:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Seeks Immunity for Telecom Companies in NSA Data Sweeps | | May 05 15:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 05 15:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Local action: "prohibit California’s | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | cooperation with warrantless snooping by the | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | National Security Agency." | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | California lawmakers look to pull plug on NSA snooping « | May 05 15:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Self-nuke: "former head of the NSA asserted | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | that one can't know whether spying is | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | legitimate or not" | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Hayden's Unwitting Case Against Secret Surveillance - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 05 15:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Activists Re-enact Yemen Wedding Bombed by U.S. | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Drones getting the | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | message out. #us #yemen | May 05 15:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Activists Re-enact Yemen Wedding Bombed by U.S. Drones | Democracy Now! | May 05 15:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Can people in the West condemn Israeli | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | aggression with #drones while doing the same? | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alternative Information Center (AIC) - Israeli pr attempts aside, drones deadly weapon | May 05 15:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why it is hypocritical to boycott Israel – Telegraph Blogs | May 05 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Steam In-Home Streaming Enters Open Beta For | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | All including #gnu | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 05 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam In-Home Streaming Enters Open Beta For All | May 05 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is Firefox’s Free Download on #Android worth a | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | shot? | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | in my experience, | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chrome better but also worse in some ways | May 05 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Firefox's Free Download on Android worth a shot? | May 05 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Asus Chromebox with Core i3 Haswell now | May 05 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | available #linux #asus | May 05 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Asus Chromebox with Core i3 Haswell now available - Liliputing | May 05 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 15:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Put portable pwning power in your pocket with | May 05 16:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | the Pwn Phone | May 05 16:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Put portable pwning power in your pocket with the Pwn Phone | Tux Machines | May 05 16:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines What is the best social structure for an open | May 05 16:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | source project? | May 05 16:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 16:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla launches 'The Web We Want'—an open | May 05 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What is the best social structure for an open source project? | Tux Machines | May 05 16:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | letter video featuring kids seeking a safer | May 05 16:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | World Wide Web | May 05 16:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla launches 'The Web We Want'—an open letter video featuring kids seeking a safer World Wide Web | Tux Machines | May 05 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Oculus: ZeniMax Claims Over Rift Tech Are | May 05 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | "False" | May 05 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oculus: ZeniMax Claims Over Rift Tech Are "False" - Slashdot | May 05 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Arizona's Revenge Porn Law Punishes First | May 05 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Amendment-Protected Activity With A Lifetime | May 05 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Appearance On Sex Offender… | May 05 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Arizona's Revenge Porn Law Punishes First Amendment-Protected Activity With A Lifetime Appearance On Sex Offender Registries | Techdirt | May 05 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NewsOmbuds Ewen MacAskill says only about 1% of Snowden | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by documents out, slowed because the readers' | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks appetite "is just about gone." #ono2014 | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NewsOmbuds MacAskill says operational documents were kept | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by out of the record. All but one (fake Internet | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks cafes) discussed in advance with White House. | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NewsOmbuds Ewen MacAskill said the White House did help | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by The Guardian understand, and sometimes decide | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks not to report, certain Snowden material. | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ono2014 | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sinibar Pros: thumb is very pretty, many interesting | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hues. Cons: thumb is very hurty. Conclusion: | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard hitting thumb with hammer yields mixed results. | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NewsOmbuds Snowden had 60,000 documents, some of which | May 05 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by were 3,000 pages, and MacAskill has been | May 05 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks reading them for the last year. #ono2014 | May 05 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Occupy Wall Street challenged banks, so #FBI | May 05 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | called it "low-level terrorism". #bitcoin | May 05 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | challenged banks, so: | May 05 16:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Department of Defense to study bitcoin as possible terrorist threat | Fox News | May 05 16:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NewsOmbuds It would be a problem to release Snowden | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by documents a la WikiLeaks. Too many operations | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks would be damaged, Guardian's MacAskill says. | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ono14 | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Apple's patent aggression against Android | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | resulted in a loss for free software," says | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stallman #apple #boycott | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014: March - June Political Notes - Richard Stallman | May 05 16:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Need ammo!" | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Attire misused | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Swype - like #Skype - is malicious | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | spyware/malware | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 16:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swype makes almost 4000 location requests per day | Hacker News | May 05 16:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Skype is Spy Campaign - Techrights | May 05 16:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Reminder: Eric Schmidt is an apologist for war | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminals and a colossal hypocrite - “Some | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | people will cheer... | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 05 16:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow deleted 'Reminder: Eric Schmidt is an apologist for war...' | May 05 16:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Reminder: Eric Schmidt is an apologist for war | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminals and a colossal hypocrite (fixed) | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Reminder: Eric Schmidt is an apologist for war criminals and a colossal hypocrite | May 05 16:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard College of Arms: The Arms of Individuals in | May 05 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Same-Sex Marriages | May 05 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Same-sex marriages - College of Arms | May 05 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @johnmark Going to OpenStack Summit in ATL? Who's up for | May 05 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a storage hackathon? | May 05 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #ceph #gluster #cinder #manila #openstack | May 05 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Storage Hackathon Registration, Atlanta - Eventbrite | May 05 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @Justin_Ling: C-13 could allow CSIS - or Rob | May 05 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ford - to get ahold of your personal data w/out | May 05 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | a warrant | May 05 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How federal bill C-13 could give CSIS agents — or even Rob Ford — access to your personal online data | National Post | May 05 16:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Guardian mass censoring 'pro-Russian' comments | May 05 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | in #Ukraine conflict | May 05 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Who is Luke Harding? | May 05 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The readers' editor on… the pro-Russia trolls below the line on Ukraine stories | Chris Elliott | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 05 16:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google | May 05 16:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Kenya: How the #NSIS was destroyed by cronyism | May 05 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NationalSecurityKE | May 05 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 06NAIROBI258_a | May 05 16:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Firefox’s Free Download on Android worth a | May 05 16:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | shot? | May 05 16:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 16:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Asus Chromebox with Core i3 Haswell now | May 05 16:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | available | May 05 16:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Firefox’s Free Download on Android worth a shot? | Tux Machines | May 05 16:44 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Asus Chromebox with Core i3 Haswell now available | Tux Machines | May 05 16:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | May 05 16:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | May 05 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I'm fewer than two chapters into my next novel | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | and this phrase has already appeared three | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | times! | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: I’m fewer than two chapters into my next novel and... | May 05 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 5/5/2014: Linux 3.15 RC 4, oRouter | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Introduced #techrights | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Stewart Brand About Protecting Resources | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Reviving Extinct Species | May 05 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 5/5/2014: Linux 3.15 RC 4, oRouter Introduced | Techrights | May 05 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Stewart Brand About Protecting Resources and Reviving Extinct Species - Slashdot | May 05 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @jmcest but I still don't see | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | how you are "listening" to critics: nothing has | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | changed, TTIP is still all behind closed doors | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Help us continue the incredible growth | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | to reclaim our democracy. Fancy new servers | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | will make it fast... | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — Help us continue the incredible growth to reclaim... | May 05 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Washing a young puppy dog is adorable; drying | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | the puppy dog is something else entirely... | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Help us continue the incredible growth to | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | reclaim our democracy. Fancy new servers will | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | make it fast and simple! | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - SuperPAC to end all SuperPacs. Mayday for the Republic. | May 05 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheHackersNews Latest version of Automated Malware Analysing | May 05 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Tool - Cuckoo Sandbox v1.1 released : | May 05 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 05 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Automated Malware Analysis - Cuckoo Sandbox | May 05 17:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TheHackersNews: Latest version of Automated Malware Analysing Tool - Cuckoo Sandbox v1.1 released : | May 05 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mleibovic Firefox for Android hub add-on hackathon | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by starting now! | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 05 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Margaret Leibovic — Firefox Hub Add-on Hackathon | May 05 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 05 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh In case you missed it :) “@HarvardBiz: 5 Dirty | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secrets About the U.S. Economy | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 05 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Congress Has Voted Proactively To Remain | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clueless About Technology | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress Has Voted Proactively To Remain Clueless About Technology | Techdirt | May 05 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now: | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | In other-words: the FBI | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | wants more authority and power, say no! | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now - CNET | May 05 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The UK "recovery" has been bought by selling | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | off healthcare, education, and housing. Only a | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | fool or a simpleton would celebrate it. | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror The FBI has for years said they were going dark | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | (as they did in that 2012 article) - note the | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | baldfaced liars are caught thanks to #Snowden. | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @jmcest but that's part of the | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | problem: that's *not* a real consultation on | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS - see | May 05 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIII - Open Enterprise | May 05 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm going to make a few point about | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | politicians, economics, and leadership. I'll be | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | brief :) | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @pdmcleod: Why did it take 3 years for | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Canadians to learn about 1.2 million government | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | data requests? | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Data issue took 3 years to surface | The Chronicle Herald | May 05 17:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing EFF on the White House's Big Data report: what | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about privacy and surveillance? | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 05 17:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Rubber Chicken Players coming to Toronto's | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Webfest 2014 | May 05 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 05 17:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 05 17:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:17 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 14 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 92 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 05 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (13) | May 05 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @Angelinux3000 (1) | May 05 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 05 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 222 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 868 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 05 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (139), @doctorow (18), @slashdot (8) | May 05 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @doctorow (7), @glynmoody (6), @wikileaks (5) | May 05 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (11), #uk (4), #drones (4) | May 05 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. Any fool can take a working society, sell | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | off chunks of it, and create a booming economy; | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | where people get poorer. | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @jmcest not compared to making | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | tabled #TTIP documents public, no - there is no | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | reason not to publish them whatsoever | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. Any fool can create the illusion of growth | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | by pimping a society to crooks. But it is just | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | an illusion. | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody non á l'Europe Américaine - | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | excellent, short | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | document on #TTIP by @LePG in French (obvs) (v | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MazelierThomas) | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. A wise man invests a prosperous economy in a | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | working society. A fool sells a working society | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | to create a prosperous economy. | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @ajehals @jmcest it's good | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | you're here, but no substitute for negotiating | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | documents, which we have a democratic right to | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | see | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recommended: 2011 CFR analysis on Russian | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | interests | May 05 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Moscow Says No | Foreign Affairs | May 05 17:28 | |
*Andromm ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 05 17:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @baskut08 .@MikeFroman pls read this by @EPA: 85% of new | May 05 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by chemicals have NO toxicity data when approved | May 05 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody for mkt @fuori_fuoco | May 05 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot California City Considers Restarting | May 05 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Desalination Plant To Fight Drought | May 05 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | California City Considers Restarting Desalination Plant To Fight Drought - Slashdot | May 05 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Protecting #NetNeutrality and the Open Internet | May 05 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | - good to see #mozilla | May 05 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | wading in here | May 05 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Protecting Net Neutrality and the Open Internet | Open Policy | May 05 17:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL “@_IanHathaway: Not good: business dynamism | May 05 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | & entrepreneurship are declining in nearly | May 05 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | every corner of the US” | May 05 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_IanHathaway: Not good: business dynamism & entrepreneurship are declining in nearly every corner of the US @BrookingsEcon | May 05 17:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:34 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @mgeist: 'RT @pdmcleod: Why did it take 3 years...' | May 05 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @iancondry #FossilFree MIT shows Cambridge flood line | May 05 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by circling campus today. Divest and reinvest in | May 05 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody renewables seems good path. | May 05 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@iancondry: #FossilFree MIT shows Cambridge flood line circling campus today. Divest and reinvest in renewables seems good path. | May 05 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #Japan flatly denies reports that they reached | May 05 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TPP deal w/ #Obama admin: | May 05 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP #TPPA | May 05 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japan denies reports of TPP agreement with U.S. - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun | May 05 17:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #Japan flatly denies reports that they reached #TPP deal w/ #Obama admin: #StopTPP #TPPA | May 05 17:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kuminaidoo We need to push our governments, who have been | May 05 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by captured by corporate interests, to phase out | May 05 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody fossil fuel. #OECDwk | May 05 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kuminaidoo: We need to push our governments, who have been captured by corporate interests, to phase out fossil fuel. #OECDwk | May 05 17:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mrhinkle Automattic raises $160 million on a $1.16 | May 05 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Billion valuation - - | May 05 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @photomatt 's blog <-That's Wordpress btw | May 05 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ICYDK | May 05 17:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Funding for Automattic | Matt Mullenweg | May 05 17:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EU_TTIP_team #TTIP Konferenz in Berlin: Zum Video: | May 05 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by und Fotos: | May 05 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BMWi - Videos und Audiobeitrge | May 05 17:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EC Audiovisual Service - Photo | May 05 17:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EC_AVService: NEWs PHOTO: Karel De Gucht visited Berlin @EU_TTIP_team #TTIP #news #photos | May 05 17:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ApoeticTragedy RT @PiratePartyUK: Let's make #OpenAccess a | May 05 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by requirement for all publicly funded research | May 05 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #VotePirate #EP2014 | May 05 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PiratePartyUK: When you pay for research, shouldn't you have access to the results? #VotePirate #EP2014 | May 05 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hayley_nelson .@WIRED is seeking a Director of Engineering in | May 05 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by our SF office. Candidate will lead technology | May 05 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist efforts for the brand. | May 05 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Director of Engineering, - Career Portal | May 05 17:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenRightsGroup It's International #DayAgainstDRM tomorrow. | May 05 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Find out how you can take action here | May 05 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We oppose DRM. | Defective by Design | May 05 17:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch "Less than 25% of businesses in Canada strongly | May 05 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by support #CETA, with another 44% showing only | May 05 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody lukewarm support" | May 05 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Less than half of Canadian businesses familiar with CETA - | May 05 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AlexiMostrous Disgusting RT @thegarance "There is a market | May 05 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for selling humans. Allah says I should sell. I | May 05 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody will sell women." | May 05 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boko Haram leader: 'I will sell' kidnapped Nigerian girls - | May 05 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Falkvinge The Pirate Party just polled at 3.1% in Sweden, | May 05 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by up sharply from last month. The goal of | May 05 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody re-election on May 25 is in reach. #votepirate | May 05 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NewsOmbuds Snowden had 60,000 documents, some of which | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by were 3,000 pages, and MacAskill has been | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody reading them for the last year. #ono2014 | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Everybody's a winner (NOT!): More Korean firms | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by applying for trade adjustment assistance | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody following #KORUS #FTA | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Korea | May 05 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Arirang News :: More Korean firms applying for trade adjustment assistance | May 05 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW More evidence that the U.S./Japan #TPP | May 05 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "breakthrough" was just hype, and really a | May 05 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "breakdown." | May 05 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 17:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japan in Depth / Unseen side of TPP talks - The Japan News | May 05 18:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: More evidence that the U.S./Japan #TPP "breakthrough" was just hype, and really a "breakdown." | May 05 18:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JamesBessen Getting patents is preposterously easy. | May 05 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @binarybits nails it @voxdotcom | May 05 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 18:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Getting patents is preposterously easy under Obama - Vox | May 05 18:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "KLONG! You Are a Pickle!" - D. Pinkwater | May 05 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davecstone we don't really do Sinko De Mayo in Canada... | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by am I doing it right? | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 05 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@davecstone: we don't really do Sinko De Mayo in Canada... am I doing it right? | May 05 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody good point by Sigmar Gabriel: democracy | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | requires political decisions to be reversible: | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS blocks that, so is deeply anti-democratic | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The Four Biggest Right-Wing Lies About | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Inequality | May 05 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The Four Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Inequality | May 05 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt US Government Begins Rollout Of Its 'Driver's | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | License For The Internet' | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Government Begins Rollout Of Its 'Driver's License For The Internet' | Techdirt | May 05 18:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mozilla Offers FCC a Net Neutrality Plan With a | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twist | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Offers FCC a Net Neutrality Plan With a Twist - Slashdot | May 05 18:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Cisco Opflex Protocol Moves Forward at | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | OpenStack and OpenDaylight - | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco Opflex Protocol Moves Forward at OpenStack and OpenDaylight | May 05 18:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The anti-localization agenda in #TTIP - | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Trading away | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | localization in TTIP" | May 05 18:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trading away localization in TTIP | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | May 05 18:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @Lisa_M_Austin: My op-ed with Andrea Slane: | May 05 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | We can’t let phone companies determine our | May 05 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy rights | May 05 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We can’t let phone companies determine our privacy rights - The Globe and Mail | May 05 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody interesting that Froman starts talking about | May 05 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Regulatory Council that will allow | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | businesses to kill regulations that would | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | reduce profits | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody really heartening to hear Froman simply calling | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | "black" "white" and "up" "down" - he doesn't | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | address #TTIP deep problems in the slightest | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody wow, I just cannot believe how Froman is | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | re-writing history here - | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | what he says is just not | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | true, time & again | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BMWi - Videos und Audiobeitrge | May 05 18:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ExposeTPP #TPP not only largest "free trade" deal, but | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by also most secretive. Take Action: | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP #NAFTA | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action | May 05 18:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExposeTPP: #TPP not only largest "free trade" deal, but also most secretive. Take Action: #StopTPP #NAFTA | May 05 18:29 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 18:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@sabinenamba: @schestowitz then the ultimate Budhism is the ultimate religion, at least the one we need badly! | May 05 18:30 | |
schestowitz | sam harris suggests religious that are dogmatically against killing any life, even bugs | May 05 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody wow, Froman's speech unbelievably weak - | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | there's no there | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | there.... #TTIP | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SPIEGEL_English Trans-Atlantic Supplicant: Merkel Chooses Unity | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by over NSA Truth | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chancellor Merkel Sacrifices NSA Investigation for Unity on Ukraine - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 05 18:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "TTIP ist ein echter Ladenhüter. Brauchen wir | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | nicht. Wollen wir nicht. Kaufen wir nicht." - | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Aktivisten heizen Gabriel, Froman und De Gucht ein | Campact Blog | May 05 18:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the great thing about De Gucht's pitch for | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP is that it is so utterly dull even his | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | supporters must be groaning | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BMWi - Videos und Audiobeitrge | May 05 18:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Good to see that our Pirate Party is not among | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | the foolish ones that advertise #facebook | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | +1 @LozKaye | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Pirate Party in Manchester | The Pirate Party in Manchester. Looking forward to the Ancoats and Clayton By-election, December 2013 | May 05 18:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ISDS threatens privacy and reform of copyright | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | and patent law - #TTIP | May 05 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ISDS threatens privacy and reform of copyright and patent law « Network for Justice in Global Investment | May 05 18:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks AFP: CIA, FBI 'advising #Ukraine government' | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA, FBI agents 'advising Ukraine government': report - Yahoo News | May 05 18:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | May 05 18:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody it's also such a giveaway that the car industry | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | is wheeled out every time as the example of who | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | would benefit: no other, Mr De Gucht? #TTIP | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody De Gucht: says #TTIP is more transparent than | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | the totally untransparent ones in the past: | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | setting a very low bar, there, mate... | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody De Gucht mention three consultations for TTIP - | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | that *weren't publicised anywhere* - I never | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | heard about it, nor did anyone | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pirate Party #uk the opposite of #ukip | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In the EU, with the Pound! (EU2014) | The Pirate Party | May 05 18:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody En Paca, la fronde anti Tafta s’organise - | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | you ain't seen nothing | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | yet, Mr De Gucht... #TTIP | May 05 18:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | En Paca, la fronde anti Tafta s’organise | May 05 18:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @chestymorgan Bought @doctorow 's Little Brother(my go to | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by world rocking book gift) for the 5th time to | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow read to jnr.1 chapter in& she wailed that I | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | stopped | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody De Gucht is certainly our secret weapon - he's | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | is so awful when he gives speeches....maybe | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | he's a mole #TTIP | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @clovisml EFF on the White House's Big Data report: what | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about privacy and surveillance? - Boing Boing | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow via @doctorow | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 05 18:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz UI consistency in #kde being imrpoved | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE HIG: The Search Pattern | User Prompt – Psychologic IT Expertise | May 05 18:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Worth noting: Pirate Party #uk advertises the | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | use of #gnu #linux | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pandora Linux Client Pithos 1.0 Released, | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Install It In Ubuntu 14.04 | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pandora #gnu #linux | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pandora Linux Client `Pithos` 1.0 Released, Install It In Ubuntu 14.04 ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | May 05 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh My latest little post, with World War IV | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | breaking out in the comments. | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 05 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody We risk disaster if drugs giants don't invest | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | in research - & they | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | won't because profits before people | May 05 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We risk disaster if drugs giants don't invest in research | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Observer | May 05 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Spread word in #WashingtonDC area! #FairTrade | May 05 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rally against #TPP 5/7: | May 05 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP #NoGMOs #NoKXL | May 05 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fair Trade Rally Against Fast Track and the TPP! | Facebook | May 05 18:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Spread word in #WashingtonDC area! #FairTrade rally against #TPP 5/7: #StopTPP #NoGMOs #NoKXL | May 05 18:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #GlusterFS 3.5 Unveiled | May 05 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GlusterFS 3.5 Unveiled | Gluster Community Website | May 05 18:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Researchers See a Post-Snowden Chilling Effect | May 05 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | In Our Search Data | May 05 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Researchers See a Post-Snowden Chilling Effect In Our Search Data - Slashdot | May 05 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @c7five Love #Metasploit? We're looking for the next | May 05 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Metasploit product manager in Austin | May 05 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 05 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Product Manager at Rapid7 in Austin, TX - Job | LinkedIn | May 05 18:59 | |
schestowitz | "Perhaps this is good time to start saying 'bye bye' to Firefox and diversificate the web - to avoid "Firefox" monopoly..." | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | Perhaps this is good time to start saying 'bye bye' to Firefox and diversificate the web - to avoid "Firefox" monopoly... | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | | May 05 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ ### #Mozilla #Firefox - Advertisement with #kids? What will be next? Facebook did this crap for their 10 years celebration, but they are very open with their 'goals' - and Mozilla is pretending to be 'good' organisation... Perhaps involving children in advertisement bullshit may looks as a good idea - but I am completely opposite to it. | May 05 19:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Mozilla launches 'The Web We Want'—an open letter video featuring kids seeking a safer World Wide Web | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis [ ] | May 05 19:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Web We Want: An Open Letter - YouTube [ ] | May 05 19:05 | |
schestowitz | "If you're worried about monopoly and subtly evil browsers, Firefox is the wrong one to worry about. Chrome has more users than Firefox last I looked, and IE is still champion because stupid people outnumber everyone else. I don't like the ad (I don't like any ad) but it makes sense using kids for the context of the commercial, it's their lives we're screwing up." | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | "Agree with Beefki here. Not sure if I like the ad either, but the message somewhat makes sense. While even more diversity is always a good thing, I think Mozilla is doing more to defend it than to break it down at the moment." | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | " | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | Ads with kids converts much better than normal - and agency working for mozilla knows it for sure ;). 2. Allowing corporations shape the kids and influence them is imho very bad idea. | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | Btw what was reaction for the ad of ur kids Befke and Harald? | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | " | May 05 19:05 |
schestowitz | "Mozilla is against Google and Facebook and many more so they needed this cheap trick with the children. It is better to bet on a non profit company like Mozilla and all the supporters to the open source project like Firefox and Firefox OS than on all the other money making and soul selling American company’s.' | May 05 19:06 |
MinceR | is this _only_ about advertising with kids? | May 05 19:06 |
schestowitz | Boycotting Mozilla would be a VERY bad thing. Mozilla has been very crucial to what the Web is today, inc. the breaking of the IE monopoly. I could go on and say why I think Mozilla is the cross-platform browser to promote. On GNU/Linux I promote Linuxy browsers... | May 05 19:07 |
schestowitz | MinceR: yes | May 05 19:07 |
MinceR | well, opens with tbl, so i'm guessing it's about "WE WANT MOAR DRM" :> | May 05 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Web We Want | May 05 19:07 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #fifa in #brazil | May 05 19:08 | |
schestowitz | "We shall see. Tim Vickery of the BBC believes the protests will continue in the World Cup...or at least I heard he did." | May 05 19:08 |
schestowitz | | May 05 19:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "Today, we "disappear" issues." | May 05 19:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | "Disappearing" What Irks You -- College Rape, Iraq, Spying | Michael Brenner [ ] | May 05 19:09 | |
schestowitz | ""the Business School mentality that today permeates leadership ranks." -- Money first, perception over fact, lie till you die." | May 05 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Transparency - | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And Transparency | Techdirt | May 05 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CyanogenMod 11.0 M6 Release | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CyanogenMod 11.0 M6 Release | CyanogenMod | May 05 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Nigeria: Protestführerin gegen | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mädchenkidnapping verhaftet - | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | incredible... | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:11 |
MinceR | i don't see 'kids in ads' as inherently evil | May 05 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigeria: Goodluck Jonathans Frau lsst Kidnapping-Protestler verhaften - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 05 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Accord de libre échange UE – Canada : Nouvelles | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | menaces sur les semences - | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | seeds under threat from | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CETA | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Accord de libre échange UE – Canada : Nouvelles menaces sur les semences | May 05 19:11 | |
MinceR | (though people do seem to have a weakness towards them) | May 05 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @howardknopf: Canada’s Unlocatable Copyright | May 05 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Owner Regime – “Solution”, Problem or | May 05 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Opportunity? | May 05 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EXCESS COPYRIGHT: Canada’s Unlocatable Copyright Owner Regime – A Canadian “Solution” or a Canadian Problem or a Canadian Opportunity? | May 05 19:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Profit good for | May 05 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | business, but what about the rest of us? | May 05 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard ... what. | May 05 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Temple Operating System | May 05 19:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JournalistsLike How every Monday morning starts. | May 05 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #partylikeajournalist | May 05 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 05 19:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JournalistsLike: How every Monday morning starts. #partylikeajournalist | May 05 19:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Baltimore is #policestate (or city) now | May 05 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Concerned City Resident Pays $15K to Bail Homeless Advocate Out of Jail - WBFF Fox Baltimore - Top Stories | May 05 19:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 19:19 |
schestowitz | For the owner to allow this posture is irresponsible and even abusive to animals. The knife can hit an eyeball. | May 05 19:19 |
MinceR | :3 | May 05 19:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 05 19:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 19:20 |
MinceR | could be manipulated. | May 05 19:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 05 19:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 19:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 05 19:20 | |
MinceR | (the shadow of the knife looks suspicious and so does its white balance) | May 05 19:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 05 19:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet Osama. The #cia helped him fight the "bad | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | guys" before USA was mainstream | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ever since #billgates bribed #theguardian | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | they've been too happy to slam #google all the | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | time but never #microsoft | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Does #windows have back doors? Yes. Do | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft services support #prism ? Yes, #1 | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | company for PRISM. In Guardian: | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Janine Gibson: The Guardian Trusts Tails OS, Not Google | Minds | May 05 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt California City Achieves New Lows In | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Anti-Bullying Laws, Makes Public Entirely | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Subject To Other People's 'Feelings' | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | California City Achieves New Lows In Anti-Bullying Laws, Makes Public Entirely Subject To Other People's 'Feelings' | Techdirt | May 05 19:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Guardian: accept payments to stop | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | criticising;Classic business model. They even | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | slam #google over tax evasion,overlooking | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates & #msft | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou More info on our May 9th Day of Action in | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Washington DC for torture whistleblower John | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kiriakou. @firedoglake | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC | Firedoglake | May 05 19:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Here's the Image From Obama's Trip to the | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Philippines That He Doesn't Want You to See | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #philippines tired of | May 05 19:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Here's the Image From Obama's Trip to the Philippines That He Doesn't Want You to See - PolicyMic | May 05 19:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | empires | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody De Gucht says we can't have transparency in | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP because...there's never been transparency | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | previously - how pathetic can you get? | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When #obama visits #philippines he's symbolic | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the sense that it's really US business (inc. | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | war business) that visit (lobbies) #Noynoy | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Froman of course has no answer as to why he | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | can't work more transparently - ignores issues | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | of publishing tabled documents... #TTIP | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Froman says people will have "ample | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | opportunity" to comment on #TTIP - but only | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | when nothing can be changed... | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack MUST WATCH: #Snowden & #Poitras give inspiring | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | remarks while accepting #Ridenhour14 prize for | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | truth-telling. | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [VIDEO] Watch Edward Snowden and Laura Poitras Accept the 2014 Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling | The Nation | May 05 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody important: Froman points out #CETA has #ISDS, | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | so says #TTIP should have it too. means ISDS | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | must come out of CETA as well... | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody and the reason CETA has ISDS is that we didn't | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | know what was in it, and people didn't | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | understand the dangers of ISDS | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Needing each other: the US-Marcos collaboration | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | how the US crushes | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-governance and uses coups to install | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | tyrants | May 05 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The US-Marcos Coup of 1972 | The Gardener's Tales | May 05 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre" | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't disrupt a | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | holocaust of millions by #monsanto chemicals | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | and napalm | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kent State shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 05 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nuclear armament in perceptive: which country | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | has nukes pointing at it from East, West and | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | South? (NL, PK, JP, etc.) | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nuclear armament in perspective: which country | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | has nukes pointing at it from East, West and | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | South? (NL, PK, JP, etc.) | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:50 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'Nuclear armament in perceptive: which country has nukes...' | May 05 19:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Book Review: Extending Bootstrap | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Book Review: Extending Bootstrap - Slashdot | May 05 19:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Heartland Institute Reluctantly Stands by | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Denial of Cigarette Smoking Risks | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 19:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Heartland Institute Reluctantly Stands by Denial of Cigarette Smoking Risks | PR Watch | May 05 19:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Heartland Institu... | May 05 19:50 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 19:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ ## US puppet regime in Kiev escalates violence after fascist massacre in Odessa ### By Alex Lantier, 5 May 2014 #odessa #rightsector #right-sector #ultras #ultrass #kharkiv #usa #cia #brennan #biden berlin #slavyansk #kramatorsk #murder #homocide | May 05 19:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | US puppet regime in Kiev escalates violence after fascist massacre in Odessa - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | May 05 19:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft supported denial of #globalwarming | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | and smoking harms | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | compatible with Microsoft's "values" | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Rejects Global Warming Denial Despite Supporting Heartland Institute | PlanetSave | May 05 20:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #canada must still be ruled by British monarchy | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | and/or US oligarchy because it crushed protests | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | similarly | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anti-capitalist demo in Montreal declared illegal | CTV News | May 05 20:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Protests, strikes, and demonstrations symbolic | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | of a free culture that's open to criticism and | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | personal freedoms. Crushing them shows fear. | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh A strong contender for stupidest idea ever. | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@alicebell: Just. Stop. Privatising. Stuff. | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | (The land registry.) | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Land Registry privatisation plans revealed in leaked document | Politics | The Guardian | May 05 20:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh A dork in a blazer. | May 05 20:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: A dork in a blazer. | May 05 20:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Preventive imperialism | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #us #espionage is about identifying and | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | eliminating "threats" (to dominance, e.g. | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | politicians) before they "strike" (e.g. get | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | elected) | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa "targets" (conducts mass surveillance) on | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | the entire Chinese population not because the | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chinese people are terrorists (but competitors) | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Without terrorists, no support (from the public | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | and executives, e.g. Senate) for #surveillance | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | . If terrorists lacking, create some. #drones | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The US likes to label anyone who is | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassinated by #drone "terrorist". It's | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | convenient. The dead cannot rebut (or be | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ID)+illusion of high # | May 05 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:09 |
schestowitz | | May 05 20:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | North Korea and the “Axis of Evil” | Global Research [ ] | May 05 20:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pandora Linux Client `Pithos` 1.0 Released, | May 05 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Install It In Ubuntu 14.04 | May 05 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pandora Linux Client `Pithos` 1.0 Released, Install It In Ubuntu 14.04 | Tux Machines | May 05 20:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GlusterFS 3.5 Unveiled | May 05 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GlusterFS 3.5 Unveiled | Tux Machines | May 05 20:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CyanogenMod 11.0 M6 Release | May 05 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CyanogenMod 11.0 M6 Release | Tux Machines | May 05 20:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US civilians assassinated by #drones is a big | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | deal because typically people trailed AFTER | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | committing crime, this ... | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US civilians assa... | May 05 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Uptalking must die. | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Amazon Started the Day Against DRM Festivities | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | a Week Early by Intentionally Breaking My | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kindle eBooks #drm | May 05 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 05 20:16 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Heartland Institute Reluctantly Stands by Denial of Cigarette Smoking Risks why do #microsoft and #billgates help it? | May 05 20:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Heartland Institute Reluctantly Stands by Denial of Cigarette Smoking Risks | PR Watch [ ] | May 05 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @piratepartyca: Canadian Library Association | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | statement on #TPMs #DRM | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian Library Association statement on TPMs « Copyright exceptions for libraries and archives | May 05 20:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz International Day Against DRM is tomorrow | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fsf #drm #amazon | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #swindle #apple #microsoft #sony | May 05 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | International Day Against DRM | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 05 20:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot AMD Designing All-New CPU Cores For ARMv8, X86 | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD Designing All-New CPU Cores For ARMv8, X86 - Slashdot | May 05 20:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Interconnection: Or How Big Broadband Kills Net | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neutrality Without Violating 'Net Neutrality' | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interconnection: Or How Big Broadband Kills Net Neutrality Without Violating 'Net Neutrality' | Techdirt | May 05 20:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh We do not truly love unless we dream; and we do | May 05 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | not truly dream until we put our selves to | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | sleep. | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Footer of Pirate Party UK: "GNU/Linux, Debian, | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nginx, Drupal and many other open source tools | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | to do what we do." | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Pirate Party | Know us, Like us, Vote for us | May 05 20:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist How Should Enterprises Score Security? [VIDEO] | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | - eSecurity Planet | May 05 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Should Enterprises Score Security? [VIDEO] - eSecurity Planet | May 05 20:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Exceptions for violence | May 05 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Exceptions for "medical" | May 05 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Administration Puts in an Order for 1,430 Pounds of Marijuana | | May 05 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "US-installed regime in Kiev, led by neo-Nazi | May 05 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Right Sector thugs, set fire to the Trade | May 05 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unions House" | May 05 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New York Times covers up fascist atrocity in Odessa - World Socialist Web Site | May 05 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 20:39 |
schestowitz | | May 05 20:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #nsa "targets" (conducts mass surveillance) on the entire Chinese population not because the Chinese people are terrorists (but competitors) | May 05 20:56 | |
schestowitz | "It's not clear how much of the current mass surveillance regime is geared towards economic espionage, what is clear is that it is certainly being used for such purposes." | May 05 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines gEdit shows that GNOME wants to drive users | May 05 20:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | away | May 05 20:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 20:58 |
schestowitz | | May 05 20:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines No, Android doesn’t stink | May 05 20:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 20:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 20:58 |
schestowitz | "All in good faith, limited and legal. What a pack of lies." | May 05 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | gEdit shows that GNOME wants to drive users away | Tux Machines | May 05 20:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ Self-nuke: "former head of the NSA asserted that one can't know whether spying is legitimate or not" | May 05 20:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Michael Hayden's Unwitting Case Against Secret Surveillance - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic [ ] | May 05 20:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla Issues Proposal for Protecting Net | May 05 20:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Neutrality | May 05 20:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No, Android doesn’t stink | Tux Machines | May 05 20:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Issues Proposal for Protecting Net Neutrality | Tux Machines | May 05 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Right Sector kill persons with a club after | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | they jumped from the burning Trade Union | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Building in Odessa. | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 18+ Радикалы добивали людей прыгающих из окон - YouTube | May 05 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The Linux kernel is the culmination of a | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | single vision" | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SD Times Blog: Linus, the developer's security blankey - SD Times: Software Development News | May 05 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trade Unions House - the details of bloody | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | scenario #nato allies | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ersieesist: How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House - the details of bloody scenario | May 05 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The model of #economic and #political | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage in the West now requires terrorism | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | (CIA takes care of it) as its pretext for | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Two boosters of mass #surveillance (other than | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | "terrorism" and imposed mass fears) are | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #copyright (needs #propaganda $) & pedophilia | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | (kids) | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hewlett-Packard's Radical New Laptop Doesn't | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Run Microsoft's Windows | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft #windows loses to #gnu #linux | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hewlett-Packard's Radical New Laptop Doesn't Run Microsoft's Windows (GOOG, HPQ, MSFT) | May 05 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Overblowing an issue | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | there's some history there. Short fuse, | May 05 21:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sexism in FOSS Rears Its Ugly Head Again... and Again | Community | LinuxInsider | May 05 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | presumption of guilt. | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @roblesmaloof Proposed Mexican #LeyTelecom Law Would Be a | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disaster for Internet Freedom | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @EFF | May 05 21:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Proposed Mexican Telecom Law Would Be a Disaster for Internet Freedom | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 05 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #defenderInternet #EPNvsInternet | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PrivacyMatters Myths about privacy busted. Young people do | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by care | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Business Standard | May 05 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In our company (FOSS) about half the staff are | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | female, treated well. If someone throws | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | accusations based on prejudice, reverse sexism. | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aral ‘FBI is quietly pushing its plan to force | May 05 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance backdoors on social networks, | May 05 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody VoIP, and Web e-mail providers’ | May 05 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 05 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now - CNET | May 05 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Did the Ignition Key Just Die? | May 05 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did the Ignition Key Just Die? - Slashdot | May 05 21:10 | |
schestowitz | > "all that stuff civilians don’t have." | May 05 21:14 |
schestowitz | > | May 05 21:14 |
schestowitz | > | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @netzpolitik re:publica 2014: digital natives summit to | May 05 21:14 |
schestowitz | > | May 05 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | May 05 21:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tackle surveillance and online freedoms. | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #rp14 | May 05 21:14 |
schestowitz | > Ought to be fired for that attitude, police are still civilians. The | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014: digital natives summit to tackle surveillance and online freedoms | Sci-Tech | DW.DE | 05.05.2014 | May 05 21:14 | |
schestowitz | > word they should have been looking for is 'citizen' and yes they are | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks .@RSF_RWB + Hersh + #WikiLeaks + Labro + | May 05 21:14 |
schestowitz | > citizens, too. | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @VIIPhoto release 100 photos (and essay's) for | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | press freedom #assange | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VII and Reporters Without Borders Launch 100 Photos for Press Freedom « VII Photo | May 05 21:14 | |
schestowitz | > Propaganda pushing for a kill-switch. | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stereotyping of FOSS as women- or | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | minority-hostile is damaging. Often overlooks | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | trends that extend to CS/even STEM, unhinged on | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | prejudice. | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nytimes #propaganda pushing for a kill-switch | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | (authorities having more remote control over | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | your computing) | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Polio Spreading at Alarming Rates, WHO Declares | May 05 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | - sadly, looks like it's | May 05 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | on its way back (v @carlzimmer) | May 05 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 05 21:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nytimes tries to step apart #police and | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | civilians. Actually, police staff are still | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | civilians (with glorified clothes), they are | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | not army. | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GregorMacdonald China’s thirsty coal industry guzzles precious | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by water | Special reports pages | @SeattleTimes | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody cc @pdenlinger | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China’s thirsty coal industry guzzles precious water | Special reports pages | The Seattle Times | May 05 21:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @franskoster070 EU Trade Council (8 May): main items on agenda | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #CETA, #TTIP WTO post-Bali agenda and #Jeufta | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sarahjeong This trial was a joke. | May 05 21:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 05 21:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cecily McMillan's guilty verdict reveals our mass acceptance of police violence | Comment is free | | May 05 21:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 21:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@sarahjeong: This trial was a joke. | May 05 21:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:18 |
schestowitz | | May 05 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Pandora Linux Client `Pithos` 1.0 Released, Install It In Ubuntu 14.04 #pandora #gnu #linux | May 05 21:20 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Pandora Linux Client `Pithos` 1.0 Released, Install It In Ubuntu 14.04 ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog [ ] | May 05 21:20 | |
schestowitz | "This is weird considering how Pandora stopped working for me a couple days ago. Everything is working fine, just no output from Pandora. So strange." | May 05 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BulletinAtomic Chernobyl’s sarcophagus, redux | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chernobyl’s sarcophagus, redux | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | May 05 21:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BulletinAtomic: Chernobyl’s sarcophagus, redux | May 05 21:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh And a broken economy, democracy, and society. | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@WorldBank: Young people will inherit the | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | impacts of climate change. | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Young People Are Ready to Fight Climate Change | Youthink! | Let's Be the Generation That Ends Poverty - World Bank Blogs | May 05 21:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Welcome to Britain, the new land of impunity - | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analysis of | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | shameful situation | May 05 21:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Welcome to Britain, the new land of impunity | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 05 21:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 House Judiciary Cmte vote 7 May on compromise | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | USA Freedom Act, while Intel Cmte pushing mass | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | metadata friendly bill. | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House to Advance Bill to End Mass NSA Surveillance - | May 05 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz gEdit shows that GNOME wants to drive users | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | away #gedit #gnome #gnu | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No, #Android doesn’t stink | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | response to #dogma from | May 05 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - gEdit shows that GNOME wants to drive users away | May 05 21:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No, Android doesn't stink | May 05 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #apple boosters | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The foolish reason their way to love. The wise | May 05 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | love their way to a reason. | May 05 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack MUST WATCH: #Snowden & #Poitras give inspiring | May 05 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by remarks while accepting #Ridenhour14 prize for | May 05 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 truth-telling. | May 05 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [VIDEO] Watch Edward Snowden and Laura Poitras Accept the 2014 Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling | The Nation | May 05 21:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Mozilla Issues Proposal for Protecting | May 05 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NetNeutrality unlike | May 05 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | some companies, this org can mean it | May 05 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 05 21:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 40% Italian public administrations uses open | May 05 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | source #italy #freedom | May 05 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 40% Italian public administrations uses open source | Joinup | May 05 21:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt The Day All The Patent Trolls Rushed To File | May 05 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | New Lawsuits | May 05 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Day All The Patent Trolls Rushed To File New Lawsuits | Techdirt | May 05 21:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Open-Source ATI Rage 128 Driver Gets Revived | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #opensource #ati | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Open-Source ATI Rage 128 Driver Gets Revived | May 05 21:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Fourth Update Pack with | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fix for the Heartbleed Bug | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #manjaro #archlinux #gnu | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 05 21:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Fourth Update Pack with Fix for the Heartbleed Bug | May 05 21:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Android KitKat Sees its Market Share Surge | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kitkat #android #linux | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mass-deleted #google junk apps/spyware from the | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android tablet today. I never installed it. | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Google just lumps it in on every auto-update. | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Fine print reading of bill language key. USA | May 05 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Freedom Act in current markup form appears | May 05 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'newly' compromised. | May 05 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House to Advance Bill to End Mass NSA Surveillance - | May 05 21:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz All-in-One Internet Application Suite | May 05 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SeaMonkey 2.26 Is Based on Firefox 29 | May 05 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla | May 05 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | All-in-One Internet Application Suite SeaMonkey 2.26 Is Based on Firefox 29 | May 05 21:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 40% Italian public administrations uses open | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | source | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open-Source ATI Rage 128 Driver Gets Revived | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Fourth Update Pack with | May 05 21:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 40% Italian public administrations uses open source | Tux Machines | May 05 21:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Fix for the Heartbleed Bug | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 21:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 21:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open-Source ATI Rage 128 Driver Gets Revived | Tux Machines | May 05 21:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Fourth Update Pack with Fix for the Heartbleed Bug | Tux Machines | May 05 21:37 | |
schestowitz |] | May 05 21:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Stereotyping of FOSS as women- or minority-hostile is damaging. Often overlooks trends that extend to CS/even STEM, unhinged on prejudice. | May 05 21:38 | |
schestowitz | "It's not really stereotyping, there's lots of evidence for STEM industries as a whole being hostile towards women. Unfortunately FOSS isn't immune form this trend. Pointing that out isn't prejudiced. Western culture on the whole is hostile towards women, that's not news." | May 05 21:38 |
schestowitz | Singling out FOSS is an issue, IMHO | May 05 21:39 |
schestowitz | | May 05 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "US-installed regime in Kiev, led by neo-Nazi Right Sector thugs, set fire to the Trade Unions House" | May 05 21:39 | |
schestowitz | "so we are back to the cold war" | May 05 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New York Times covers up fascist atrocity in Odessa - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | May 05 21:39 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ ### US History Lite... ___ #US #History #Space #JFK #FuckIt | May 05 21:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 05 21:40 | |
schestowitz | "Yeah actually surviving the whole ordeal is where it gets tricky." | May 05 21:40 |
schestowitz | | May 05 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Dogs are not food | May 05 21:42 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 21:42 |
schestowitz | It's interesting when you get into the whole carnivore/omnivore/herbavore thing as almost every animal technically shows up as an omnivore. Lions eat small amounts of grass on purpose and cows eat bugs on the grass. The question is not so much whether an animal eats plants or animals, but how much. Dogs are omnivores, but our physiology is very different to theirs (jaw and teeth structure, length of intestinal tract etc.) It' | May 05 21:42 |
schestowitz | s true that even bonobo's aren't true 100% herbivore's, but what I find interesting is how often am animal that may make 2℅ of its diet from animal products (mainly bugs on the leaves) is used to argue for humans going on diets that may be 60% or more animal products (depending on which pop diet is being followed). | May 05 21:42 |
schestowitz | Don't get me wrong - most began diets have elements with no evolutionary precedent beyond a recent blip - just like the other popular diets at the moment (yes, including paleo). This is more an indication of how industrialized and theoretical and market driven ALL our FOSS has become almost regardless of the first ideology we choose to follow (other than a couple of hardcore, wild food survivalists here and there) | May 05 21:42 |
schestowitz | " | May 05 21:42 |
schestowitz | ""began" should have read "vegan"' | May 05 21:42 |
schestowitz | Cultural differences | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @africatechie Nigeria schoolgirl abductions: Protest leader | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by detained ~ on order of | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody First Lady | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @drmarielouise If you'd like to help with #NHAparty Euro | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by election campaign in London please look at | May 05 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Nigeria schoolgirl abductions: Protest leader detained | May 05 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody website or DM me. Lots | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | to do! | May 05 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHA Party | patients not profits | May 05 21:42 | |
schestowitz | #JoinDiaspora should really write a simple web server directive to merge www and non-www domain. Ends double-login issues. | May 05 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klaus_Mueller Freihandelsabkommen #TTIP braucht | May 05 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by transparenteres Verfahren, sonst ist Misstrauen | May 05 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody besser als Nachsorge: @vzbv in @tagesthemen | May 05 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Following the #uk GOP (Tories), the #australia | May 05 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | GOP (in Power) to consider ban/censorship | May 05 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | without trial | May 05 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aussie Govt. To Consider Site Blocking, File-Sharing Warnings | TorrentFreak | May 05 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US Ambassador Powers flies straight into the | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | face of irony. #Manning | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Assange #Brown #Hammond #Kiriakou #WikiLeaks | May 05 21:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AmbassadorPower: On #PressFreedomDay, as we speak, 9 bloggers are detained in Ethiopia. Journalism is not a crime. They must be released. | May 05 21:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When a government or even unaccountable #police | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | (e.g. City of London 'police', in practice | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | bankers' guardians) can ban at will -> trouble. | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Note that the US State Department continues to | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | refuse WikiLeaks employees journalistic visas | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | to the US and refuses to explain why. | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz We need not look far back in time to realise | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | that bans&instruments for #censorship that are | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | passed as "for copyright" won't be used as such | May 05 21:49 |
schestowitz | | May 05 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | May 05 21:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #nsa was "against terrorism" before it | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | became an instrument of #espionage as revealed | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | by Wikileaks/Manning in '10 and Snowden in '13 | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Open-Source Software Specialist Selected as | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Executive Director of Wikipedia | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikipedia #freedom | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Thanks to Wheeler,end of the open Internet is | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | nigh don't forget who | May 05 21:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thanks to Tom Wheeler, the end of the open Internet is nigh | Data Center - InfoWorld | May 05 21:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | put Wheeler there after promising | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #netneutrality | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trading away localization in #TTIP [pdf] - | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | analysis of important | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | leak concerning corporate attack on | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | localisation | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US Government To Study Bitcoin As Possible | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Terrorist Threat | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Government To Study Bitcoin As Possible Terrorist Threat - Slashdot | May 05 22:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama said he wouldn't take money from | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | lobbyists & would defend #netneutrality | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | took bribe from #comcast | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disney #tw | May 05 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets | May 05 22:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hewlett-Packard's Radical New Laptop Doesn't | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Run Microsoft's Windows | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hewlett-Packard's Radical New Laptop Doesn't Run Microsoft's Windows | Tux Machines | May 05 22:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android KitKat Sees its Market Share Surge | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android KitKat Sees its Market Share Surge | Tux Machines | May 05 22:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines All-in-One Internet Application Suite SeaMonkey | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | 2.26 Is Based on Firefox 29 | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | All-in-One Internet Application Suite SeaMonkey 2.26 Is Based on Firefox 29 | Tux Machines | May 05 22:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Black Lab Linux 5.0 Released | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 05 22:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 05 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Black Lab Linux 5.0 Released | Tux Machines | May 05 22:04 | |
schestowitz | | May 05 22:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pavithrans: @schestowitz I am surprised you are using android :P , use "Free" distributions, join | May 05 22:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Liberate Your Device - Free Your Android! - FSFE | May 05 22:11 | |
schestowitz | my wife's | May 05 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake More info on our May 9th Day of Action in | May 05 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Washington DC for torture whistleblower | May 05 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou | May 05 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC | Firedoglake | May 05 22:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ProPublica So what's going on with that CIA torture report | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Senate voted to declassify? | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou v @Politico 1/2 | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate Dems antsy over W.H. release of CIA report - Print View | May 05 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "MOAR!" | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Competing NSA Reform Bills Suddenly Lurch | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Forward In Congress | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Competing NSA Reform Bills Suddenly Lurch Forward In Congress | Techdirt | May 05 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ancient Desert Glyphs Pointed Way To | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fairgrounds | May 05 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ancient Desert Glyphs Pointed Way To Fairgrounds - Slashdot | May 05 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ExposeTPP Please join & spread word: #TPPTuesday twitter | May 05 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by storm to #StopTPP & #FastTrack! @TPPMediaMarch | May 05 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 05 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Expose the TPP | May 05 22:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExposeTPP: Please join & spread word: #TPPTuesday twitter storm to #StopTPP & #FastTrack! @TPPMediaMarch | May 05 22:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #facebook : alone 'together' | May 05 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | making oneself a | May 05 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | product for advertisers | May 05 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Look Up - YouTube | May 05 22:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @newsfromitaly Italian anti mafia association Libera collects | May 05 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 500,000 signatures in anti corruption campaign: | May 05 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (it) | May 05 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Libera - Home page | May 05 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz U.S. attorney general says banks may face | May 05 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminal cases soon show | May 05 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | trials? | May 05 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. attorney general says banks may face criminal cases soon | Reuters | May 05 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #USAFreedom Act resurrected by Republican Chair | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | of key House Committee! | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA | May 05 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Share a link on Twitter | May 05 23:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #SupportThisBill | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz First Nations Education Act 101: A settler's | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | guide not even on the | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | table further south | May 05 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Nations Education Act 101: A settler's guide | | May 05 23:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Aft 15 yrs of #NSA's "there's nothing worth | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | knowing on the Internet," #intel now seeks | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | value in #open data. | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ironic | May 05 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel searches for the value in open data - The Washington Post | May 05 23:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "workings of a criminal justice system bent on | May 05 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | chilling dissent and defending the status quo." | May 05 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #policestate | May 05 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cecily McMillan’s Guilt: Injustice at Its Most Basic | VICE News | May 05 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Private Police Force | May 05 23:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Welcome to the Private Police Force - A Bit of Fry and Laurie - BBC - YouTube | May 05 23:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | like #g4s now in the #uk | May 05 23:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: typette: seraphica: Photographer | May 05 23:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Franck Bohbot captures the classic movie | May 05 23:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | palaces of southern... | May 05 23:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: typette: seraphica: Photographer Franck Bohbot... | May 05 23:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "With full backing from Washington at the | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | moment, the Pravy Sektor apparently feels it | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | has carte blanche " | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa | Veterans Today | May 05 23:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Anoth #whistleblower "channel": National | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Archives IG has been on ad leave for 2 yrs, | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | making $190,000/yr to stay home | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IG’s long stretch in limbo of administrative leave is unfair to him, agency and taxpayers - The Washington Post | May 05 23:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Chernobyl's Sarcophagus, Redux | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 05 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chernobyl's Sarcophagus, Redux - Slashdot | May 05 23:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Guy Builds Digital Computers Using Strings, | May 05 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Weights And A Chessboard | May 05 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | illustrative | May 05 23:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guy Builds Digital Computers Using Strings, Weights And A Chessboard | Gizmodo Australia | May 05 23:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @whispersystems Private group messaging, a summary of how the | May 05 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by TextSecure secure group messaging protocol | May 05 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror works: | May 05 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open WhisperSystems >> Blog >> Private Group Messaging | May 05 23:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Black Lab Linux 5.0 Released | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Black Lab Linux: Black Lab Linux 5.0 Released | May 05 23:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FSF joins more than twenty other organizations | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | in plan to “Reset the Net” | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fsf #internet | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FSF joins more than twenty other organizations in plan to “Reset the Net” — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | May 05 23:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mesa 10.1.2 #mesa #linux | May 05 23:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Mesa-dev] Mesa 10.1.2 | May 05 23:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FFmpeg 2.2.2 “Muybridge” Now Up for Grabs | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ffmpeg #multimedia | May 05 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 05 23:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FFmpeg 2.2.2 “Muybridge” Now Up for Grabs | May 05 23:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux games will load much faster thanks to | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Valve sponsorship | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #mesa #valve | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux games will load much faster thanks to Valve sponsorship | Games | | May 06 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Washington State Files First Consumer | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protection Lawsuit Against Kickstarter Project | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | That Failed To Deliver | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Washington State Files First Consumer Protection Lawsuit Against Kickstarter Project That Failed To Deliver | Techdirt | May 06 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Computer Game Reveals 'Space-Time' Neurons In | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Eye | May 06 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Computer Game Reveals 'Space-Time' Neurons In the Eye - Slashdot | May 06 00:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines FSF joins more than twenty other organizations | May 06 00:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | in plan to “Reset the Net” | May 06 00:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 06 00:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 00:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa 10.1.2 | May 06 00:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FSF joins more than twenty other organizations in plan to “Reset the Net” | Tux Machines | May 06 00:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mesa 10.1.2 | Tux Machines | May 06 00:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Almost 300 schoolgirls still missing aft mass | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | kidnapping in Nigeria--some sold into black | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | market | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BringBackOurGirls | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 00:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 230 schoolgirls still missing after armed kidnapping in Nigeria :: Cosmopolitan UK | May 06 00:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 I can't support existing USA Freedom Act. | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Current markup language unacceptably | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | compromises it. @emptywheel explains Y | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 00:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New “Freedom” Equals Less Protection for All But the Telecoms (Working Thread) | emptywheel | May 06 00:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Anoth #whistleblower "channel": National | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Archives IG has been on ad leave for 2 yrs, | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 making $190,000/yr to stay home | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IG’s long stretch in limbo of administrative leave is unfair to him, agency and taxpayers - The Washington Post | May 06 01:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Sony Warns Demand For Blu-Ray Diminishing | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Faster Than Expected | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sony Warns Demand For Blu-Ray Diminishing Faster Than Expected - Slashdot | May 06 01:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Classic movie palaces of southern Californi | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: typette: seraphica: Photographer Franck Bohbot... | May 06 01:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Feds Accidentally Mailed Part of A $350K | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Drone To Some College Kid | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 02:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Feds Accidentally Mailed Part of A $350K Drone To Some College Kid - Slashdot | May 06 02:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Advertising Is Content, And It's | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Often Better When It's Amusing | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 02:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Advertising Is Content, And It's Often Better When It's Amusing | Techdirt | May 06 02:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Variation in redactions between media groups of | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden documents shows ad-hoc censorship | May 06 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | standards | May 06 02:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden Redactions Tally | May 06 02:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 02:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines FFmpeg 2.2.2 “Muybridge” Now Up for Grabs | May 06 02:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 06 02:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 02:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FFmpeg 2.2.2 “Muybridge” Now Up for Grabs | Tux Machines | May 06 02:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA 337.19 Beta Linux GPU Driver Released | May 06 02:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 06 02:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 02:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NVIDIA 337.19 Beta Linux GPU Driver Released | Tux Machines | May 06 02:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux games will load much faster thanks to | May 06 02:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | Valve sponsorship | May 06 02:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 02:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux games will load much faster thanks to Valve sponsorship | Tux Machines | May 06 02:39 | |
*Andromm has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 06 02:46 | |
*Andromm ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 06 02:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Latest episode of TV series "24", which was | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | used by Bush to justify torture, is Jack Bauer | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | vs #WikiLeaks + #Snowden | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 03:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter / Search - wikileaks jack -rt | May 06 03:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @computionist The separation of powers of the constitution | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by only works when the branches don't collude. | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 How's that 18th century governance working out. | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks TFF: #Sweden no longer a force for good? | May 06 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 06 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 03:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweden, No Longer a Force for Good? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 06 03:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 03:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 06 03:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Pulling funny faces in the mirror. Life is | May 06 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | perfect. | May 06 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 03:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: Pulling funny faces in the mirror. Life is perfect. | May 06 03:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Students Remember Lectures Better Taking Notes | May 06 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Longhand Than Using Laptops | May 06 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 03:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Students Remember Lectures Better Taking Notes Longhand Than Using Laptops - Slashdot | May 06 03:17 | |
*Andromm has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 06 04:04 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist retweeted @slashdot: 'Students Remember Lectures Better Taking Notes Longhand Than...' | May 06 04:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Technical analysis of terrorist graphic/brand | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by design | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Comic strip etched into a human hair | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Video: Glenn Greenwald and Michael Hayden | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by debate surveillance | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald and Michael Hayden debate surveillance - Boing Boing | May 06 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing How to Talk to Your Children About Mass | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Surveillance | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Talk to Your Children About Mass Surveillance - Boing Boing | May 06 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Making the business/markets case for limits to | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by copyright. | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The business/markets case for limits to copyright - Boing Boing | May 06 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Some very funny considerations for potential | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by XKCD phone purchasers. | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some considerations for potential XKCD phone purchasers - Boing Boing | May 06 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: London cops do a | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "terrorist" search every 3 mins; Blogs to be | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow legally classed as... | May 06 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Big Data analysis from the White House: | May 06 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by understanding the debate. | May 06 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 05:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 05:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Big Data analysis from the White House: understanding the debate. | May 06 05:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Canadian Law Enforcement Asking For ISP | May 06 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds; Pending | May 06 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Legislation Looking To Up That… | May 06 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 05:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian Law Enforcement Asking For ISP Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds; Pending Legislation Looking To Up That Number | Techdirt | May 06 05:01 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 20 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 120 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 06 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (20) | May 06 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 06 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 06 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 218 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 866 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 06 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (75), @glynmoody (30), @slashdot (13) | May 06 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (31), @doctorow (10), @TechJournalist (5) | May 06 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (20), #linux (11), #gnu (7) | May 06 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Microsoft Cheaper To Use Than Open Source | May 06 05:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software, UK CIO Says | May 06 05:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 05:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Cheaper To Use Than Open Source Software, UK CIO Says - Slashdot | May 06 05:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Doc_Megz_to_be Ten Book Covers I'd Frame As Pieces Of Art ft | May 06 05:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow @alooghobi @rainbowrowell @sarahmussi | May 06 05:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 05:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 05:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ten Book Covers I’d Frame As Pieces Of Art | Whispers of a Barefoot Medical Student | May 06 05:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing 10 photos from L.A.'s long-gone Pacific Ocean | May 06 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Park, a day out by the sea you'll never enjoy | May 06 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 06:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 10 photos from L.A.'s long-gone Pacific Ocean | May 06 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Park, a day out by the sea you'll never enjoy/ | May 06 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | pls RT! | May 06 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: 10 photos from L.A.'s long-gone Pacific Ocean Park, a day out by the sea you'll never enjoy | May 06 06:39 | |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: | May 06 06:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yo, dawg! I heard you liked drones so I droned | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | you a drone so you could drone while you drone! | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 06:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UPS Just Delivered a $400,000 Drone to Some Dude by Mistake | May 06 06:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Be careful what you send through email on iOS 7 | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hypePhone = #NSA back | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | doors | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 06:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iOS 7 bug: Email encryption seemingly disabled | BGR | May 06 06:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA Can Use Your iPhone To Spy On You, Expert Says | May 06 06:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Serious security flaw in OAuth, OpenID | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | discovered #openid | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #oauth | May 06 06:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Serious security flaw in OAuth, OpenID discovered - CNET | May 06 06:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 06:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rich getting richer | May 06 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Power, ARM Become X86 Peers In Ubuntu Linux | May 06 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 06 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Power, ARM Become X86 Peers In Ubuntu Linux | May 06 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Linux Top 3: Tails 1.0, OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | May 06 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Debian 7.5: LinuxPlanet: One of the most | May 06 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | talked about new L... | May 06 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux Top 3: Tails 1.0, OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 and Debian 7.5 | May 06 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz UKIP forced to cancel Freepost address after | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | being sent FAECES in the post | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | they should take the | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | message | May 06 07:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UKIP forced to cancel Freepost address after being sent FAECES in the post - Mirror Online | May 06 07:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Journalist Details Abu Ghraib Torture & Why | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | He’s Suing U.S. Contractor CACI | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | privatising (for profit) | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torture | May 06 07:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imprisoned Al Jazeera Journalist Details Abu Ghraib Torture & Why He’s Suing U.S. Contractor CACI | Democracy Now! | May 06 07:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1012 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Crime of Peaceful Protest | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | when it's hard to rebut | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | the argument of a protest, e.g. OWS | May 06 07:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chris Hedges: The Crime of Peaceful Protest - Chris Hedges - Truthdig | May 06 07:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "The Mobile Data Explosion: Indian Mobile Users | May 06 07:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Are IN, Hook, Line & Sinker" | May 06 07:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 07:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Mobile Data Explosion: Indian Mobile Users Are IN, Hook, Line & Sinker | May 06 07:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "Airtel, Idea & Vodafone India resume 3G | May 06 07:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | intra-circle roaming services" | May 06 07:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 07:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama proponent of death penalty for suspicion | May 06 07:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Airtel, Idea & Vodafone India resume 3G intra-circle roaming services - MediaNama | May 06 07:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:22 |
MinceR | "Some even tried to convince gullible UKIP supporters that Nigel Farage wanted the bricks to build a wall in Dover to keep migrating Romanians at bay." | May 06 07:30 |
MinceR | lol | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux viewed as XP replacement | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #winxp | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux viewed as XP replacement | | May 06 07:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "Rajini Verifies Twitter..His Agency Failed to | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Match it up" | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rajini Verifies Twitter..His Agency Failed to Match it up : NextBigWhat | May 06 07:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Freedom and democracy conflated with business | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | interests | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microosft booster Gralla gives platform to | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ballmer who says that proprietary with DRM and | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA back doors "open" | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Windows as open source? Ballmer says Microsoft made a mistake in making Windows too open | Computerworld Blogs | May 06 07:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #AVG FUD continues to hype up #openssl bug | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Techday – Moving on from Heartbleed – What’s next for Open Source? | May 06 07:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Argentine political scientist Pia Mancini says | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | we’re caught in a “crisis of representation."' | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some Perspective on Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 06 07:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft: Let’s Talk About Heartbleed® (Reported by Our ‘Former’ Security Chief) While the World Migrates From XP to GNU/Linux | Techrights | May 06 07:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Whitehurst Interview, Linus Reflections, and | May 06 07:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | OpenMandriva Screenshots | May 06 07:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 07:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 06 07:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Out in the Open: An Open Source Website That Gives Voters a Platform to Influence Politicians | Enterprise | WIRED | May 06 07:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Whitehurst Interview, Linus Reflections, and OpenMandriva Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 06 07:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Murdoch #FUD against Free (as in freedom) | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | software | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source: Thin Line Between Collaboration, ‘Chaos’ - The CIO Report - WSJ | May 06 07:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140505 - | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140505 | May 06 07:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Global community rallies for International Day | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Against DRM #drm is | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | nasty; #apple & #microsoft full of it | May 06 07:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global community rallies for International Day Against DRM — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | May 06 07:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Canadian music industry lawyer: [alleged] | May 06 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by copyright infringers have no reasonable | May 06 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody expectation of privacy | May 06 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CBA National Magazine - The Digital Privacy Act | May 06 07:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BernardKeane great to hear about the deregulatory agenda, | May 06 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @TurnbullMalcolm. Hoping that means ISPs won't | May 06 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody be subject to absurd copyright cartel demands? | May 06 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @clarercgp Did I hear correctly - are we really planning | May 06 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to withhold welfare if people don't accept Zero | May 06 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody hour contracts? Is this the New Poor Law? | May 06 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Install Webogram, a client for Telegram in | May 06 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ubuntu 14.04 #telegram | May 06 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 06 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Install Webogram, a client for Telegram in Ubuntu 14.04 | Muktware | May 06 07:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Popular culture promotes and spreads labels | May 06 07:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | like "chav", but there's hardly a word for the | May 06 07:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | opposite thing. Same for "cheap" or "stingy". | May 06 07:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love US market is now 41 percent of global oncology | May 06 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by drug sales | May 06 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 06 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IMS Health Study: Cancer Drug Innovation Surges As Cost Growth Moderates - FiercePharmaMarketing | May 06 07:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 10 Changes that Make Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) | May 06 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Better Than Its Predecessor | May 06 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 06 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 Changes that Make Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) Better Than Its Predecessor | TechSource | May 06 08:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Land Registry privatisation plans revealed in | May 06 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | leaked document - this | May 06 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | is just more insanity #UK | May 06 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Land Registry privatisation plans revealed in leaked document | Politics | The Guardian | May 06 08:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love USAToday: "average cost for brand-name cancer | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by drug about $10,000 a month, compared to $5,000 | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 10 years ago." | May 06 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Doctors' move to group practices kicks up cancer costs | May 06 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NVIDIA 337.19 Beta Linux GPU Driver Released | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nvidia #linux | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA 337.19 Beta Linux GPU Driver Released | May 06 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trading away localization in #TTIP [pdf] - | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | analysis of important | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | leak concerning corporate attack on | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | localisation | May 06 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:08 |
schestowitz | | May 06 08:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Dogs are not food | May 06 08:10 | |
schestowitz | " | May 06 08:10 |
schestowitz | It's silly to make the argument for going vegan on the grounds that our very distant ancestors were vegan. But it is just as silly to argue for being omnivores on grounds that our less distant ancestors have been omnivores. | May 06 08:10 |
schestowitz | The situation of the past is not the situation of the present. The situation of the present is of a planet whose resources are exhausted, in large part by human overpopulation, and whose ecosystem has been radically altered by humans, and may not continue to support human life. We also now have the option to go vegan in ways that our ancestors probably did not, and the choice to do so is the single most effective thing an | May 06 08:10 |
schestowitz | individual may do to ameliorate climate change, reduce freshwater consumption and pollution, improve food production efficiency, and enable more humans to eat anything at all. | May 06 08:10 |
schestowitz | " | May 06 08:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Welcome to Britain, the new land of impunity - | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analysis of | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | shameful situation | May 06 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Welcome to Britain, the new land of impunity | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 06 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Accord de libre échange UE – Canada : Nouvelles | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | menaces sur les semences - | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | seeds under threat from | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CETA | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Accord de libre échange UE – Canada : Nouvelles menaces sur les semences | May 06 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Nigeria: Protestführerin gegen | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mädchenkidnapping verhaftet - | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | incredible... | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigeria: Goodluck Jonathans Frau lsst Kidnapping-Protestler verhaften - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 06 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Transparency - | May 06 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And Transparency | Techdirt | May 06 08:11 | |
schestowitz | | May 06 08:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #nytimes tries to step apart #police and civilians. Actually, police staff are still civilians (with glorified clothes), they are not army. | May 06 08:12 | |
schestowitz | "True, but the attributes I describe precede militarization. Militarization only exacerbates those attributes." | May 06 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody En Paca, la fronde anti Tafta s’organise - | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | you ain't seen nothing | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | yet, Mr De Gucht... #TTIP | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | En Paca, la fronde anti Tafta s’organise | May 06 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "TTIP ist ein echter Ladenhüter. Brauchen wir | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | nicht. Wollen wir nicht. Kaufen wir nicht." - | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Aktivisten heizen Gabriel, Froman und De Gucht ein | Campact Blog | May 06 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Protecting #NetNeutrality and the Open Internet | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | - good to see #mozilla | May 06 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | wading in here | May 06 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Protecting Net Neutrality and the Open Internet | Open Policy | May 06 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:13 |
schestowitz | | May 06 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #facebook : alone 'together' making oneself a product for advertisers | May 06 08:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Look Up - YouTube [ ] | May 06 08:15 | |
schestowitz | "I like how it ends: "stop watching this video..."" | May 06 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Challenge to plain tobacco packaging is crucial | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | test for trade rules - | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | shameful this is even a question #ISDS | May 06 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Challenge to plain tobacco packaging is crucial test for trade rules | World news | | May 06 08:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody UK retailer Tesco will launch its own | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | smartphone, reportedly based on Android, this | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | year - be crazy not | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | to... | May 06 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tesco to Launch Own Smartphones This Year | May 06 08:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Justice not good for shareholders | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #holder shows why he is | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | part of the problem and why this system breeds | May 06 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are Banks Too Big To Jail? - YouTube | May 06 08:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #corruption | May 06 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux viewed as XP replacement | May 06 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 06 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 08:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux viewed as XP replacement | Tux Machines | May 06 08:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 10 Changes that Make Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) | May 06 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Better Than Its Predecessor | May 06 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 06 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 Changes that Make Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) Better Than Its Predecessor | Tux Machines | May 06 08:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Install Webogram, a client for Telegram in | May 06 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 14.04 | May 06 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Install Webogram, a client for Telegram in Ubuntu 14.04 | Tux Machines | May 06 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Earthquake Warning Issued For Central Oklahoma | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Earthquake Warning Issued For Central Oklahoma - Slashdot | May 06 08:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Trying to watch a Richard Dawkins documentary | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the US: it's preceded by a mature audiences | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | warning; interspersed with ads for McShit. #LOL | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Will Ukraine Be NYT’s Waterloo? | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nytimes backs war, | May 06 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | again. | May 06 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Ukraine Be NYT’s Waterloo? | Common Dreams | May 06 08:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Ordering Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the 21st | May 06 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Century" on billionaire Jeff Bezos' Amazon is a | May 06 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | bit ironic, isn't it? | May 06 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aprilorg April supports the International Day Against | May 06 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by DRM of May 6th, 2014 | May 06 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #DayAgainstDRM | May 06 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | International Day Against DRM - 2014 edition | April | May 06 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz .@ggreenwald does Pierre intend to let more | May 06 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa coverage come out of the #snowden docs he | May 06 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | essentially bought? Disappointed and | May 06 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | concerned... | May 06 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:39 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 06 08:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @florisvaneck Ready for day 2 of #NEXT14 Conference in | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Berlin. Wonder what I will learn today. Meet & | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Greet with @bradtem and @doctorow on the | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | schedule. | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt After Pledge Of Sunlight, Gov. Cuomo Officials | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Keep Their Email In The Shadows | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | After Pledge Of Sunlight, Gov. Cuomo Officials Keep Their Email In The Shadows | Techdirt | May 06 08:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff I try not to complain about UI changes on web | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | services. But I have yet to see a Twitter | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | "profile" that doesn't suck. | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner .@FSFE 's Open Letter to @EU_Commission : Stop | May 06 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #DRM in #HTML5 | May 06 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff @kgerloff #DayAgainstDRM @doctorow | May 06 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Letter to European Commission: Stop DRM in HTML5 | May 06 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Open Letter to European Commission: Stop DRM in | May 06 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | HTML5 - #DayAgainstDRM | May 06 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Letter to European Commission: Stop DRM in HTML5 | May 06 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Rocknerd: Helvete, an open-access peer-reviewed | May 06 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | journal of black metal theory. | May 06 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rocknerd » Blog Archive » Helvete, an open-access peer-reviewed journal of black metal theory. | May 06 09:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @v23id @glynmoody La version "pacte du logiciel libre" | May 06 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pour les élections européennes est sortie! | May 06 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 06 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Free Software Pact | May 06 09:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sense of perspective | May 06 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rules in Wall Street | May 06 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cecily McMillan's guilty verdict reveals our | May 06 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass acceptance of police violence | May 06 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nypd #wallstreet #ows | May 06 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cecily McMillan's guilty verdict reveals our mass acceptance of police violence | Molly Knefel | Comment is free | | May 06 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - Glyn Moody blogs - | May 06 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes XXIV: report on | May 06 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | academic takedown of Commission's flawed | May 06 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | economic study | May 06 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 06 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Occupy Wall Street Activist Cecily McMillan | May 06 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Found Guilty of Assault on Police Officer | May 06 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | activism as crime | May 06 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Occupy Wall Street Activist Cecily McMillan Found Guilty of Assault on Police Officer | Village Voice | May 06 09:09 | |
*liberty_back has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 06 09:28 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow retweeted @kirschner: '.@FSFE 's Open Letter to @EU_Commission : Stop...' | May 06 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A quick tour of OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | May 06 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Phosphorus) #mandriva | May 06 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openmandriva #gnu #linux | May 06 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Once again, I owe my travel-sanity to | May 06 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Easytether, which lets me defeat my telco's | May 06 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | stupid tethering ban. | May 06 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:29 |
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 06 09:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ ) | May 06 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How To Easily Upgrade To OpenMandriva Lx 2014 | May 06 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Via Command-Line not | May 06 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | hard. #mandriva | May 06 09:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How To Easily Upgrade To OpenMandriva Lx 2014 Via Command-Line | | May 06 09:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner Still interesting thread from last year about | May 06 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #DRM with @glynmoody and @timberners_lee | May 06 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #DayAgainstDRM | May 06 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 09:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@timberners_lee: @glynmoody How do you mean, exactly? I was just pointing out many diff meanings of the word. Warped? | May 06 09:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow They appear to be holed up in a room that | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | houses a Univac? | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 10:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — historynet: Red Army scouts near Voronezh, 1942... | May 06 10:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pierre #Omidya is failing to release any more | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | material from #nsa and the PR strategy at NSA | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | is shaping up now. | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #dropbox backs this 'reform' | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's not really solving | May 06 10:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill to end NSA's mass surveillance moves closer to a vote | May 06 10:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | the issues | May 06 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 10:09 |
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 06 10:22 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 06 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner Thanks a lot to @doctorow for commenting on | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @fsfe 's letter draft and improving it!! | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ibm gets pardoned the | May 06 10:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pensioners withdraw lawsuit against IBM over China sales | PCWorld | May 06 10:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | back doors stay | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Rand Paul Starts New Drone War In Congress | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 10:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rand Paul Starts New Drone War In Congress - Slashdot | May 06 10:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Thwarted: Apple Wanted an Audacious $40 for | May 06 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Every Android Sold, But Lost -- Consumers Win | May 06 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Big Court Case - | May 06 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thwarted: Apple Wanted an Audacious $40 for Every Android Sold, But Lost -- Consumers Win in Big Court Case | Alternet | May 06 11:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @therealpadams Tomorrow: "Brooks’ Law in the #FreeSoftware | May 06 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Context". Come one, come all | May 06 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff ( #Edinburgh #opensource | May 06 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BCS Edinburgh Branch programme: 07/05/14 - Brooks’ Law in a Free Software context | May 06 11:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, I | May 06 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | will not be able to come to Mumbai to address | May 06 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | your round table this Thursday. #invite #fail | May 06 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fsfe #press #DE @linuxmagazin "Internationaler | May 06 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Aktionstag gegen #DRM" | May 06 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #DayAgainstDRM with @fsf @EFF and @fsfe | May 06 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internationaler Aktionstag gegen DRM » Linux-Magazin | May 06 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Today 13:45 CEST: Sarah Harrison & Alexa | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | O'Brien to speak on WikiLeaks, Manning, Snowden | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Live: | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden: From USA to USB | re:publica 2014 | May 06 11:43 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 | Into The Wild | May 06 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Hey @ioerror & @dmytri i'm at the burrito | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | joint. Did I miss you or misunderstand? | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Diy beatnik | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Diy beatnik | May 06 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @article19org International experts call for universal | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protection of #freedomofexpression | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | @FLarue_libex | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OSCE_RFoM @CIDHPrensa | May 06 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | International experts call for universal protection of freedom… · Article 19 | May 06 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Coadec Thanks to everyone that's completed our | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #StartupManifesto survey. Shape the UK policy | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody debate ahead of 2015 elections | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Towards a 'Startup Manifesto' Survey | May 06 11:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @pascoesabido Why is @EU_Commission inviting @Barclays etc. | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to advise on new laws when they can't follow | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody current ones! #pforp | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @theeububble ECJ strikes down EU sharing of speeding ticket | May 06 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by data: High court rules that requiring member | May 06 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody states to share in... | May 06 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ECJ strikes down EU sharing of speeding ticket data | European Voice | May 06 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @pcalcado Rammstein makes German sound so bad ass. And | May 06 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by then you come live here and it’s all about | May 06 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff "tschüssi" and "bitte schön". Enttäuschung! | May 06 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EU_TTIP_team Jetzt online! TTIP Rede von EU Handelskommissar | May 06 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #DeGucht @ BMWi_Bund am Montag den 5. Mai | May 06 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 06 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EUROPA - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - What we need to make TTIP work | May 06 11:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EU_TTIP_team: Jetzt online! TTIP Rede von EU Handelskommissar #DeGucht @ BMWi_Bund am Montag den 5. Mai | May 06 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ellenbroad Does Europe Hate Libraries? Blog on the | May 06 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by outcomes of #SCCR27: | May 06 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 06 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does Europe hate libraries? | Internet Policy Review | May 06 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ALTEREU New website tracks MEP votes on shale gas, | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by GMOs, climate, arms trade & militarisation | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @foeeurope #EP2014 #PforP | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What are politicians really doing on crucial issues? - Politics for People | May 06 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @IFLA EU rejects international solution to library & | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by archive copyright problems: causes collapse of | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody WIPO meeting: #sccr27 | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems; causes collapse of WIPO meeting | IFLA | May 06 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Australia's Attorney General Ignores All | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Evidence And Experts: Decides To Obey | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hollywood's Commands On Copyright | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australia's Attorney General Ignores All Evidence And Experts: Decides To Obey Hollywood's Commands On Copyright | Techdirt | May 06 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Curios: What percentage of @EU_Commission | May 06 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Commissioners is currently on electoral leave? | May 06 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @decibyte Her er @glynmoody's slides fra hans foredrag i | May 06 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by fredags, hvis nogen har lyst til at (gen)se | May 06 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody dem: #patentdomstol | May 06 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Linux Top 3: Tails 1.0, OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | May 06 12:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Debian 7.5 - LinuxPlanet | May 06 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Top 3: Tails 1.0, OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 and Debian 7.5 | May 06 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks LIVE: Sarah Harrison and Alexa O'Brien speaking | May 06 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | at #rp14, "#WikiLeaks, #Manning and #Snowden: | May 06 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | From USA to USB" | May 06 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 | Into The Wild | May 06 12:49 | |
*roy has quit (Disconnected by services) | May 06 12:49 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 06 12:49 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 06 12:49 | |
*liberty_back_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 06 12:49 | |
*liberty_back has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | May 06 12:50 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @wikileaks: 'LIVE: Sarah Harrison and Alexa O'Brien speaking at...' | May 06 13:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ageis Alexa O'Brien and Sarah Harrison currently live | May 06 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by at re:publica 14 conference in Berlin. | May 06 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #WikiLeaks | May 06 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 13:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Global community rallies for International Day | May 06 13:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Against DRM | May 06 13:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 13:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global community rallies for International Day Against DRM | Tux Machines | May 06 13:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A quick tour of OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | May 06 13:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | (Phosphorus) | May 06 13:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A quick tour of OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 (Phosphorus) | Tux Machines | May 06 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Me and @peggyanne #next14 | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 13:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Me and @peggyanne #next14 | May 06 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Bloody transhumanists and their Boltzmann | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | brains. What about Boltzmann PENISES. Or | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Boltzmann BUTTS, that way they're still | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | alliterative. | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Norway Is Gamifying Warfare By Driving Tanks | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | With Oculus Rift | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 13:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Norway Is Gamifying Warfare By Driving Tanks With Oculus Rift - Slashdot | May 06 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Pakistani Musicians Claiming Piracy Is Worse | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Than The Taliban | May 06 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 13:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pakistani Musicians Claiming Piracy Is Worse Than The Taliban | Techdirt | May 06 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Skepticism Grows Over Claims That MH370 Lies In | May 06 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Bay of Bengal | May 06 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Skepticism Grows Over Claims That MH370 Lies In the Bay of Bengal - Slashdot | May 06 14:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Toronto Mainly Sunny, High 15C. Happy Tuesday! | May 06 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 06 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 06 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Five Measures to Help Counter the Tidal Wave of | May 06 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Canadian Telecom Disclosures | May 06 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Five Measures to Help Counter the Tidal Wave of Secret Telecom Disclosures | May 06 14:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RedHatNews New #OpenStack blog: OpenStack Summit Breakout | May 06 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Sessions – Update | May 06 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 06 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Summit Breakout Sessions – Update | Red Hat Stack | May 06 14:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NOAA BREAKING: NOAA, fed scientists stand w/ #POTUS | May 06 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in release of #USClimateReport at | May 06 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NOAAclimate | May 06 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | May 06 14:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NOAA: BREAKING: NOAA, fed scientists stand w/ #POTUS in release of #USClimateReport at #NOAAclimate | May 06 14:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @elnathan You can't imagine the damage the 1st Lady's | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by video has caused. Cab driver swears it is all a | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody conspiracy. No girls were abducted. I am sad. | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Upcoming Windows 8.1 Apocalypse | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Upcoming Windows 8.1 Apocalypse - Slashdot | May 06 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody Secret emails reveal how ministers | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by plotted with the GM lobbyists: win over | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody skeptical consumers: | May 06 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secret emails reveal how ministers plotted with the GM lobbyists: Documents show how two worked together on campaign to win over skeptical consumers | Seed Freedom | May 06 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CentreCoLibrary @doctorow Help @CentreCoLibrary! Org with most | May 06 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by RTs in next 24hrs wins $1500! #centregives | May 06 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Centre Gives | May 06 14:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CentreCoLibrary: @doctorow Help @CentreCoLibrary! Org with most RTs in next 24hrs wins $1500! #centregives | May 06 14:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Switch to Google+, Farage urges UKIP activists | May 06 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Switch to Google+, Farage urges UKIP activists | May 06 14:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @burcuno Panel Appointed For WTO Mega-Case On Australia | May 06 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Tobacco Packaging Hmm, | May 06 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody does anyone know those folks? | May 06 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Panel Appointed For WTO Mega-Case On Australia Tobacco Packaging | Intellectual Property Watch | May 06 14:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @martinenserink The flu zoo keeps expanding. China reports | May 06 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by first known human infection with H5N6: | May 06 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Patient had severe | May 06 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | pneumonia. | May 06 14:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ProMED-mail | | May 06 14:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel It says something that Janet Napolitano was too | May 06 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by smart to use email but Keith Alexander was not. | May 06 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 06 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 14:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA | Al Jazeera America | May 06 14:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest MT @StatewatchEU Enforcement -w/ #EU to clarify | May 06 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by involvement of intermeds in ending inet | May 06 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #copyright infringements | May 06 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 06 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Schulz on TTIP: There will be no secret | May 06 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | negotiations - good; but | May 06 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | what does that mean in practice? | May 06 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schulz on TTIP: There will be no secret negotiations | EurActiv | May 06 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Internet Transit Provider Claims ISPs | May 06 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Deliberately Allow Port Congestion | May 06 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internet Transit Provider Claims ISPs Deliberately Allow Port Congestion - Slashdot | May 06 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks FOX's "24" WikiLeaks clone for new season | May 06 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OPEN CELL | May 06 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SpyTalker Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S. | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 06 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 06 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze Erie County NY has a StingRay, and the best | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by named defense atty ever. | May 06 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Erie Co. Sheriff Spent $350,000+ To Spy On Cell Phones | May 06 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian (via @froomkin) | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist 5 steps to add transparency to telco | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosures: 1) Govt & telcos issue | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | transparency reports on requests | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Five Measures to Help Counter the Tidal Wave of Secret Telecom Disclosures | May 06 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist (2) Reduce automated disclosures direct to govt | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3) Telcos notify subscribers if their info | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosed | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Who cares about Schmidt. Emails show Google | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security big shots, including head of Android | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | security met with NSA. | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA | Al Jazeera America | May 06 15:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist 4) Cdns file access requests w/telcos on | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosure history 5) Privacy commish uses | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | audit power w/telcos | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Obama: As the world's oldest continuous | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | constitutional democracy, I think we know a | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | little bit about trying to protect peoples' | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy. | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Emails reveal close #Google relationship with | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA | Al Jazeera New | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Assange book on Google: | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When Google Met WikiLeaks | OR Books | May 06 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Larry Lessig's Anti-SuperPAC SuperPAC Already | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Halfway To $1 Million Initial Target | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Larry Lessig's Anti-SuperPAC SuperPAC Already Halfway To $1 Million Initial Target | Techdirt | May 06 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #Brunei imposes #ShariaLaw, allows stoning of | May 06 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #LGBT ppl, flogging of women. Why are they in | May 06 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody secret #TPP @MikeFroman? #StopTPP | May 06 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StopTheSultan | May 06 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @elidourado Everything you need to know about | May 06 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cyberterrorism in one chart | May 06 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 06 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@elidourado: Everything you need to know about cyberterrorism in one chart | May 06 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Anti-Virus Is Dead (But Still Makes Money) Says | May 06 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Symantec | May 06 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anti-Virus Is Dead (But Still Makes Money) Says Symantec - Slashdot | May 06 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS "Emails reveal close Google relationship with | May 06 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA" - prior to Snowden leaks. The excellent | May 06 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JasonLeopold in AJA: | May 06 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA | Al Jazeera America | May 06 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnarchoAnon Media Advisory (w/video & witness accounts): | May 06 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Denver Police attack Anon march to "End War on | May 06 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Free Speech" #Every5th | May 06 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Paste #5897 | Zeropaste | May 06 15:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow deleted 'RT @CentreCoLibrary: @doctorow Help @CentreCoLibrary! Org with most...' | May 06 15:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OrderofDagon @doctorow Could you RT? London (and around) | May 06 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by devs wanted for hackathon for childrens ICU of | May 06 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow St Marys hospital | May 06 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Give Young Patients a Voice: Children's Hospital... Tickets, London - Eventbrite | May 06 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @virgiliocorrado @doctorow Larry Lessig's Anti-SuperPAC SuperPAC | May 06 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Already Halfway To $1 Million Initial Target | May 06 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Larry Lessig's Anti-SuperPAC SuperPAC Already Halfway To $1 Million Initial Target | Techdirt | May 06 15:57 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @virgiliocorrado: '@doctorow Larry Lessig's Anti-SuperPAC SuperPAC Already Halfway To...' | May 06 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The author of 2048 talks about having a sudden | May 06 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | hit, and also has his own mobile versions | May 06 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2048, success and me — Gabriele Cirulli | May 06 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BadDalaiLama Young people these days have no respect for | May 06 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Twitter and Facebook. They want instant | May 06 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard gratification with WhatsApp and Snapchat. | May 06 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:02 |
*TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard retweeted @elidourado: 'Everything you need to know about cyberterrorism in...' | May 06 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @mspratt: Podcast on #C13, CPC policy, and | May 06 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | internet privacy: (I | May 06 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | participated in the discussion) | May 06 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Docket - Episode 1: Michael Geist and Internet Privacy — Michael Spratt | May 06 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:20 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody deleted 'RT @PCGTW: #Brunei imposes #ShariaLaw, allows stoning of...' | May 06 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack DC peeps: Friday, May 9th Day of Action to | May 06 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | support @JohnKiriakou | May 06 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 06 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stskeeps Reading "Dealing with Disrespect" | May 06 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ( by @jonobacon , | May 06 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon another great read - can also recommend | May 06 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unwrapping ‘Dealing With Disrespect’ | jonobacon@home | May 06 16:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Art Of Community Online | The Book On Community Management, by Jono Bacon | May 06 16:21 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @TimothyS: '"Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA" -...' | May 06 16:27 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @AnarchoAnon: 'Media Advisory (w/video & witness accounts): Denver Police...' | May 06 16:27 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'DC peeps: Friday, May 9th Day of Action...' | May 06 16:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @StatewatchEU Analysis: UK Interception of Communications | May 06 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Commissioner finds #GCHQ #spying “lawful”: | May 06 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (pdf) #surveillance | May 06 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 06 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:30 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 06 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Feeling sick...bloody Jack... | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Police Departments Using Car Tracking Database | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sworn To Secrecy | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Police Departments Using Car Tracking Database Sworn To Secrecy - Slashdot | May 06 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks VOTE for best logo for Courage -- the | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | whistleblower protection organisation that runs | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Edward #Snowden defense fund | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help Courage choose a logo | Free Snowden | May 06 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @caparsons: Your Telecom Provider is Selling | May 06 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | your Information to the Government | May 06 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Your Telecom Provider is Selling your Information to the Government - CANADALAND | May 06 16:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack DC peeps: Friday, May 9th Day of Action to | May 06 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by support @JohnKiriakou | May 06 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 06 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 16:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 06 16:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Russia Bans Cursing in Movies, Books and Music | May 06 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | - wow, they actually did | May 06 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | it... | May 06 17:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russia Bans Cursing in Movies, Books, Music and Media | May 06 17:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt NYPD Officers Expect Public To Be Stupider Than | May 06 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | They Are; Justify Shutting Down Recording With | May 06 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'iPhones Are Guns… | May 06 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions | May 06 17:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NYPD Officers Expect Public To Be Stupider Than They Are; Justify Shutting Down Recording With 'iPhones Are Guns' Claim | Techdirt | May 06 17:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 17:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions - Slashdot | May 06 17:14 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 6 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 38 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 06 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (6) | May 06 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 06 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 06 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 155 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 589 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 06 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (32), @glynmoody (17), @slashdot (10) | May 06 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (25), @doctorow (8), @kgerloff (6) | May 06 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #DayAgainstDRM (6), #linux (6), #gnu (5) | May 06 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sectorca Did you miss the deadline for SecTor 2014 CFP | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by round one? Round two is now underway - submit | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist by August 17th! | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 17:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SecTor > Program > Speakers > Call for Speakers | May 06 17:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard GMail will let you send an 18MB attachment to a | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | non-GMail address. It will be rejected by a | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | GMail address for being >5MB. | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Sorry folks, no Ubuntu Q+A today as I am sick. | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | I will try to schedule another one later this | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | week. You can blame my son. | May 06 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 17:32 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 06 17:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Be sure to pick up a copy of The Art of | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Community for 50% off! | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #community #oreilly | May 06 18:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Save 50% In Celebration of Day Against DRM - O'Reilly Media | May 06 18:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Actual Results of Crimean Secession Vote Leaked | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Actual Results of Crimean Secession Vote Leaked - Slashdot | May 06 18:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola .@EFF statement on "manager's amendment" to USA | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Freedom Act #NSA | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 06 18:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EFF Statement on Rep. Sensenbrenner's USA FREEDOM Act Amendment | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 06 18:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola 2nd whistleblower at VA in Phoenix comes | May 06 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by forward alleging management involved in coverup | May 06 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 06 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2nd VA whistleblower: I've seen evidence of cover-up - WNEM TV 5 | May 06 18:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh It's called the BBC; and it is the world's | May 06 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | finest broadcaster. “@K_Dot_F: @umairh I didn't | May 06 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | realize they don't have ads in Europe” | May 06 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt New NSA Boss' Understatement Of The Year: NSA | May 06 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Has Lost A Measure Of Trust' From The Public | May 06 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New NSA Boss' Understatement Of The Year: NSA 'Has Lost A Measure Of Trust' From The Public | Techdirt | May 06 18:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh WTF? Do people really think like this? | May 06 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@bokkiedog: @umairh egalitarianism won't make | May 06 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | anything "okay" #SecondLawOfThermodynamics | May 06 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #HeatDeath” | May 06 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:18 |
*TweetSchestowitz @umairh deleted 'WTF? Do people really think like this? “@bokkiedog:...' | May 06 18:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jsundmanus From the archives: hour-long podcast (in 3 | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by parts) of me talking w Cory @doctorow. Each | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow section has written summary. | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wetmachine » My Thoughts Exactly » BoingBoing reunited with its evil twin! — The Conclusion of Cory Doctorow’s visit with Wetmachine | May 06 18:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Stormtrooper on a | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by unicycle; XKCD-style Congressional campaign; | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "Torture woman"... | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 18:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Neil Gaiman knows how to get to Carnegie Hall | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 18:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 18:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This One Summer: young adult graphic novel, a | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by brilliant coming-of-age | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 18:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 18:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Webcomic: When people are jerks on Twitter. | May 06 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 06 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter jerks, the webcomic - Boing Boing | May 06 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Webcomic: When people are jerks on Twitter. | May 06 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Many Americans literally can't believe that in | May 06 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | London I get TV without ads, or a free doctor | May 06 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | down the street. Just refuse to believe it. | May 06 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Codemasters Says Linux Support Is a Matter of | May 06 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | When, Not If | May 06 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 18:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Codemasters Says Linux Support Is a Matter of When, Not If | Tux Machines | May 06 18:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Bingo. “@keiteay: @umairh ... or in Tokyo... or | May 06 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Paris... or any major city with an actual, | May 06 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | functioning society and infrastructure...” | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh OK, let's do a poll. Can you guys around the | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | world let me know what public goods you get? | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | IE, childcare, healthcare, ad-free TV? | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist OpenSSL Gets Patch for 4-Year-Old Flaw | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenSSL Gets Patch for 4-Year-Old Flaw | May 06 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tempo My friend Mariko’s new graphic novel “This One | May 06 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Summer" gets rock star review from @doctorow | May 06 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 18:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rcweir In what business model does it make sense to | May 06 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | send email spam in Azerbaijani ? (AYDA SADƏCƏ | May 06 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | 50AZN ÖDƏYƏRƏK WEB SAYT SAHİBİ OLA BILƏRSİNİZ!) | May 06 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Feature Phone Is Dead: Long Live the 'Basic | May 06 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smartphone' | May 06 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Feature Phone Is Dead: Long Live the 'Basic Smartphone' - Slashdot | May 06 19:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: The super porny vending machines of the | May 06 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Berlin airport toilets | May 06 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The super porny vending machines of the Berlin... | May 06 19:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Frauenfelder I'm teaching and online Arduino and an intro to | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by making class at @skillshare | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mark's online Arduino and intro to making classes - Boing Boing | May 06 19:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday gEdit shows that GNOME wants to drive users | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | away: ITwire: The GNOME Desktop project often | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | gets a lot of flack... | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - gEdit shows that GNOME wants to drive users away | May 06 19:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Celebrate the Day Against DRM with 50% of | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by O'Reilly ebooks and videos | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 19:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Mozilla To FCC: Hey, There's Another Way To | May 06 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protect Net Neutrality | May 06 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla To FCC: Hey, There's Another Way To Protect Net Neutrality | Techdirt | May 06 19:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz EuroBSDcon 2014: Call for papers open now | May 06 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bsd #unix | May 06 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Call for papers | EuroBSDcon 2014 | May 06 19:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dropbox and Box users are leaking personal data | May 06 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | is anyone actually still | May 06 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | using #dropbox and if so, why? | May 06 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dropbox and Box users are leaking personal data- The Inquirer | May 06 19:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft Office: Could The Cash Cow's | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Long-Awaited Death Finally Be Imminent? | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ooxml an attempt to | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | keep it going | May 06 19:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Office: Could The Cash Cow's Long-Awaited Death Finally Be Imminent? - Forbes | May 06 19:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The ugly truth of offshore outsourcing surfaces | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | at last good for | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | plutocrats, bad for the rest | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Shortage of IT skills" means "people with IT | May 06 19:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - The ugly truth of offshore outsourcing surfaces at last | May 06 19:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | skills too expensive for us (plutocrats); poor | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | we, there's no choice but to hire for pennies" | May 06 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Testing a new laptop with openSuSE, Fedora, | May 06 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Mint and more | May 06 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 19:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Testing a new laptop with openSuSE, Fedora, Linux Mint and more | Tux Machines | May 06 19:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Evolve OS Might Just Be the Most Beautiful | May 06 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Traditional OS with Modern Technology | May 06 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 06 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 19:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Evolve OS Might Just Be the Most Beautiful Traditional OS with Modern Technology | Tux Machines | May 06 19:32 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 06 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Ok. I'm gonna retweet some of the responses, to | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | show you just how far behind the curve the US | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | is. | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Level 3 claims six ISPs dropping packets every | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | day over money disputes | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #internet | May 06 19:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Level 3 claims six ISPs dropping packets every day over money disputes | Ars Technica | May 06 19:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Larry Lessig's Anti-SuperPAC SuperPAC Already | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Halfway To $1 Million Initial Target | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #politics #lobbying | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Larry Lessig's Anti-SuperPAC SuperPAC Already Halfway To $1 Million Initial Target | Techdirt | May 06 19:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cops Must Swear Silence to Access Vehicle | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tracking System cars | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | and phones as #surveillance tools | May 06 19:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cops Must Swear Silence to Access Vehicle Tracking System | Threat Level | WIRED | May 06 19:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL, in perhaps the ultimate irony, I cAbt | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweet the responses because my cell signal | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | isn't working. | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@its_Muzzy: @umairh Free uni in Denmark | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | plus the students get paid every month for | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | attending. Free health care and free racism.. | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | 😊” | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #fsf | May 06 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions - Slashdot | May 06 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@skiddleydiddley: @umairh Free healthcare, | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ad free TV, Child benefit, subsidised | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | transport, more if I can think of the in UK.” | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@PetraSlanic: @umairh Childcare, | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | healthcare, education (incl. higher), social | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | services, employment service, police... | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Slovenia” | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@JPaavilainen: @umairh free education | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | (basic, secondary, university), national | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | pension from 63 years onwards. (3/X)” | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Another Year of LinuxFest Northwest (Video) | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Another Year of LinuxFest Northwest (Video) - Slashdot | May 06 19:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@brennannovak: @umairh i'm an ex-pat in | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Iceland, we get healthcare, uni costs $500 per | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | yr, public TV, and I pay less tax than in the | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | US” | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@MaxBouchardQc: @umairh Québec: Free | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | healtcare and pharma, public TV eith ads, | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ad-free radio, 7$/day childcare, free school | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | til uni.” | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lenovo Doubles Down with Consumer-Focused | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chromebooks #lenovo #gnu | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 06 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 06 19:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #EvolveOS Might Just Be the Most Beautiful | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Traditional OS with Modern Technology | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Evolve OS Might Just Be the Most Beautiful Traditional OS with Modern Technology | May 06 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: sonarhydrophone: Drilling mechanism | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | descending deep into the misty caverns within | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | the earth,... | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: sonarhydrophone: Drilling mechanism descending... | May 06 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Codemasters Says Linux Support Is a Matter of | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | When, Not If #gnu #linux | May 06 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Codemasters Says Linux Support Is a Matter of When, Not If | May 06 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The points are very simple. I'll make just | May 06 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | three ;) | May 06 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NVIDIA Linux Display Driver 337.19 Beta for | May 06 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux Fixes 4K Resolutions | May 06 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nvidia #linux | May 06 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NVIDIA Linux Display Driver 337.19 Beta for Linux Fixes 4K Resolutions | May 06 19:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. Most of the rich world enjoys public goods | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | that the US thinks are science fiction. The | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | American public is very much kept in the dark. | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. An advanced economy is not one which is | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | merely rich. It is one in which complex public | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | goods keep the middle class prosperous, | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. Any fool can build a society without decent | May 06 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | healthcare, education, transport, media. But it | May 06 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | is not a fully civilized one. | May 06 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. To call a society without decent healthcare, | May 06 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | education, transport, media "rich" is like | May 06 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | calling Donald Trump a role model. | May 06 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #security #backdoors baked in by design into | May 06 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft and #apple software while FOSS | May 06 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | patches even DDOS risks | May 06 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New OpenSSL Vulnerabilities Rediscovered and Fixed Four Years After Initial Report | May 06 19:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cisco makes as much FOSS as it makes back | May 06 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | doors | May 06 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 19:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco to Open Source Service Provider Routing Software | Data Center Knowledge | May 06 19:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco Opflex Protocol Moves Forward at OpenStack and OpenDaylight | May 06 19:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Little-known Cisco open source project among contributors to OpenStack Neutron policy blueprint - Network World | May 06 19:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'll make two additional points, then no more. | May 06 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz U.S. military UAVs migrate to Linux | May 06 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | the control system also, | May 06 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | they're all using #linux :/ #drones | May 06 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 19:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 06 19:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 5. The test of a society is not how it treats | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | the most fortunate. But the most vulnerable. | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Without passing it, prosperity is an illusion. | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 6. The US has fake "debates"; in which it's | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | pundits pretend the public goods the rest of | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | the rich world already enjoys simply don't | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | exist. | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz People being assassinated without trial using | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | flying robots that run #linux and cowards | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | faraway (via satellite) on GNU/Linux desktops | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ಠ_ಠ | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Plenty more on this topic, including a raging | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | debate, at my latest post at @HarvardBiz: | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 06 20:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Screenlocker architecture in Plasma Next | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #plasma #kde #gnu #linux | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 10 steps to migrate your closed software to | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | open source #freesw | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AOC delivers pair of mySmart All-in-One Android | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | PCs another hardware | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | giant using #linux | May 06 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Screenlocker architecture in Plasma Next | Martin's Blog | May 06 20:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to switch from closed to open source in your business | | May 06 20:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AOC delivers pair of mySmart All-in-One Android PCs | ZDNet | May 06 20:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz KernelCare: New no-reboot Linux patching system | May 06 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kernel #linux | May 06 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Freedreno 1.1 Driver Runs With XA Acceleration | May 06 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KernelCare: New no-reboot Linux patching system | ZDNet | May 06 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Freedreno 1.1 Driver Runs With XA Acceleration | May 06 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNU Xnee 3.19 ('Lucia') released | May 06 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xnee #gnu | May 06 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNU Xnee 3.19 ('Lucia') released | May 06 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Better Intel "Bay Trail" Support Lands In | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Coreboot #coreboot | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #intel #linux | May 06 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Better Intel "Bay Trail" Support Lands In Coreboot | May 06 20:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US Climate Report Says Global Warming Impact | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Already Severe | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Climate Report Says Global Warming Impact Already Severe - Slashdot | May 06 20:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Start Experimenting with Tizen Says Mobile | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Developer Leon Anavi | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tizen #linux | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Start Experimenting with Tizen Says Mobile Developer Leon Anavi | | May 06 20:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Biden, Goodlatte Preach To The IP Maximalist | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Choir, Vow To Make 'Second-Rate' Countries Bend | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | To US IP Laws | May 06 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 06 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wolfson Audio Card for #RaspberryPi Review | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Internet Day Against DRM: Limit the use of DRM | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | technologies #DRM lets | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | companies control people | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 06 20:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Reiser4 Updated With Transaction Models, Linux | May 06 20:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Rights Group - Internet Day Against DRM: Limit the use of DRM technologies | May 06 20:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | 3.14 #linux #reiser | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #reiserfs | May 06 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Reiser4 Updated With Transaction Models, Linux 3.14 | May 06 20:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz P2P File Sharing Software Vuze Receives New | May 06 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | WebUI Plugin #psp | May 06 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sharing #freesw | May 06 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | P2P File Sharing Software Vuze Receives New WebUI Plugin | May 06 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz First Linux Kernel Update Arrives for Ubuntu | May 06 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | 14.04 LTS, Upgrade Now | May 06 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #canonical #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 06 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Linux Kernel Update Arrives for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Upgrade Now | May 06 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CEO | May 06 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Polar bear twins | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Should You Upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04? | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | my experience with | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | several server installations of it says "not | May 06 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Should You Upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04? - Datamation | May 06 20:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | yet" | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drupal 8's accessibility advantage | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cms #drupal #gpl | May 06 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Get a sneak peek review of soon-to-be-release Drupal 8 | | May 06 20:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks "Wir brauchen eine Whistleblower-Konvention" | | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | NDR | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Wir brauchen eine Whistleblower-Konvention" | - Ratgeber - Netzwelt | May 06 20:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today I saw #prism advertisement, advocating | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | that British businesses give their data to #nsa | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | . The ad said "Microsoft Cloud". #fogcomputing | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks WikiLeaks: Europe should stand with Germany | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | over Snowden asylum | RT | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany: Europe should stand with Germany over Snowden asylum - Harrison - YouTube | May 06 20:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Atom, GitHub's code editor based on web tech, | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | goes open source | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sharing #development | May 06 20:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Atom, GitHub's code editor based on web tech, goes open source • The Register | May 06 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz BFS Scheduler Updated For Linux 3.14 | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] BFS Scheduler Updated For Linux 3.14 | May 06 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz $OpenELEC 4.0 Is an Embedded $Linux OS Based on | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Excellent $XBMC 13.0 “Gotham” | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenELEC 4.0 Is an Embedded Linux OS Based on the Excellent XBMC 13.0 “Gotham” | May 06 20:59 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted '$OpenELEC 4.0 Is an Embedded $Linux OS Based...' | May 06 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #OpenELEC 4.0 Is an Embedded #Linux OS Based on | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Excellent #XBMC 13.0 “Gotham” | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab Belgium ratifies Unitary Patent, Flanders gets | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | automated translations, while Wallonia gets | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | binding translations, heh | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DeltaPatents : Unitary Patent | May 06 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Five Things in #Fedora This Week (2014-05-06) | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rust Rules Steam for Linux Best-Selling List | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | 1-6 May #gnu #linux | May 06 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Five Things in Fedora This Week (2014-05-06) | Fedora Magazine | May 06 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #rust | May 06 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rust Rules Steam for Linux Best-Selling List 1-6 May | May 06 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Polio Causes Global Health Emergency | May 06 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Polio Causes Global Health Emergency - Slashdot | May 06 21:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The world's largest PC maker is spreading #gnu | May 06 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 06 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The world's largest PC maker now wants to sell you a Chromebook | The Verge | May 06 21:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 06 21:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative The USA FREEDOM surveillance reform needs its | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by transparency provisions restored | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA FREEDOM Needs Its Transparency Provisions Back | | May 06 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab En rapport avec la question relative à la | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | brevetabilité des logiciels ou du vivant | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Document lgislatif n 5-2478/2 | May 06 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pear OS 8 Still Going Strong Despite Being | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Officially Dead #pearos | May 06 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pear OS 8 Still Going Strong Despite Being Officially Dead | May 06 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative New Movement Aims to ‘Reset the Net’ Against | May 06 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Mass Surveillance | May 06 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 06 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Movement Aims to ‘Reset the Net’ Against Mass Surveillance | Threat Level | WIRED | May 06 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake On May 9th, Stand Up for Imprisoned Torture | May 06 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Whistleblower @JohnKiriakou in Washington, DC | May 06 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 06 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | On May 9th, Stand Up for Imprisoned Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC | FDL Action | May 06 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AntiSoftwarePat Patent Trolls are making so much $$$ under the | May 06 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Broken System: #FixPatents here: | May 06 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab | May 06 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Engine Advocacy - Fix Patents | May 06 21:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Is Working On A Linux Networking Stack | May 06 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Small Systems #linux | May 06 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #intel #network | May 06 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Is Working On A Linux Networking Stack For Small Systems | May 06 21:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Review: OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | May 06 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openmandriva #mandriva | May 06 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #russia | May 06 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Review: OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | May 06 21:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: disneylandguru: Pre-1971 WDW production | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | pics: Nautilus Sub on its way to the 20,000 | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Leagues... | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: disneylandguru: Pre-1971 WDW production pics:... | May 06 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You can't change the world until you can change | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | people. You can't change people unless you can | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | be yourself. | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt NSA Reform: Do You Support The Lesser Of Two | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Evils, Or Hope For Something Better? | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 06 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@emptywheel Yes! On examining 'new' language | May 06 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | in USA faux FREEDOM Act bill: dragnet selector | May 06 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | is ANYTHING of relevance for intel, not just CT | May 06 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Here's my (annotated) take on what Section 215 | May 06 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by would look like if HJC bill passes as written. | May 06 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 06 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Section 215, Under USA Freedumb | emptywheel | May 06 21:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 5/6/2014: Lenovo Backs GNU/Linux; | May 06 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | International Day Against DRM | May 06 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 06 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @opensourceway Patent troll cases heard by the US Supreme | May 06 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Court: | May 06 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 5/6/2014: Lenovo Backs GNU/Linux; International Day Against DRM | Techrights | May 06 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab | May 06 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Supreme Court hears three patent trolling cases | | May 06 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Politics_Prose Congratulations @ggreenwald on Pulitzer Prize | May 06 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by win! He'll talk NSA & working w Edward Snowden | May 06 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 on 5/14 at @SixthandI: | May 06 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Politics & Prose Bookstore and Sixth & I Present GLENN GREENWALD | May 06 21:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US Military Drones Migrating To Linux | May 06 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Military Drones Migrating To Linux - Slashdot | May 06 21:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Official Amazon review of "No Place to Hide" - | May 06 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to be released on May 13 - is now posted | May 06 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 06 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State: Glenn Greenwald: 9781627790734: Books | May 06 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Glorious sf movie posters of the heroic age | May 06 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 06 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 21:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF "DRM fails completely at preventing copying, | May 06 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by but it is brilliant at preventing innovation." | May 06 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow —@doctorow #DayAgainstDRM | May 06 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 21:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EFF: "DRM fails completely at preventing copying, but it is brilliant at preventing innovation." —@doctorow #DayAgainstDRM | May 06 21:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Is Working On A Linux Networking Stack | May 06 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | For Small Systems | May 06 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | May 06 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 06 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 22:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel Is Working On A Linux Networking Stack For Small Systems | Tux Machines | May 06 22:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Review: OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 | Tux Machines | May 06 22:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 06 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 06 22:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 06 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 06 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 06 22:07 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 06 22:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn Trying to reset the net to privacy via @ZDNet | May 06 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Internet #privacy | May 06 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist ##ResetTheNet by @sjvn | May 06 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 22:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trying to reset the net to privacy | ZDNet | May 06 22:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOLL “@CoralMDavenport: Survey: Americans are | May 06 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | global outliers on views on #climate change. | May 06 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 06 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 22:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 06 22:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ScottTBartlett This conversation, btwn | May 06 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow and @bartongellman, helped me get a | May 06 22:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden 2.0: A Field Report from the NSA Archives - SXSW Interactive 2014 (Full Session) - YouTube | May 06 22:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow lot of things straight about mass surveillance | May 06 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing What are the stupid vanity-plate rules in your | May 06 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by state? | May 06 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 06 22:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 06 22:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 22:28 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 06 22:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Exploitative Economics of Academic | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Publishing | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Exploitative Economics of Academic Publishing - Slashdot | May 06 22:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt US Government Praises Italy For Implementing | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | SOPA Features The US Public Vehemently Rejected | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: drewrausch: SPOOKEH-DOODLE: Hatbox Ghost | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | from the Haunted Mansion | May 06 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 06 22:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: drewrausch: SPOOKEH-DOODLE: Hatbox Ghost from... | May 06 22:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow How Does Pepper's ghost Work? - | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | yourtriptodisneyland: For the Haunted Mansion, | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | as well as a part in... | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: How Does Pepper's ghost Work? | May 06 23:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks .@Carwinb interviews WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | over #Snowden asylum, NSA publishing strategies | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Harrison & Alexa O'Brien auf der #RP14 über WIKILEAKS, MANNING, SNOWDEN & was wir tun können - YouTube | May 06 23:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks ♫ Multi_Viral – Calle 13, Julian Assange, | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kamilya Jubran, Tom Morello | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NowPlaying | May 06 23:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Multi_Viral by Calle 13 on Spotify | May 06 23:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Brain Injury Turns Man Into Math Genius | May 06 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brain Injury Turns Man Into Math Genius - Slashdot | May 06 23:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @johncusack Obama Administration Proves Why the Public | May 06 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Needs Someone to Leak the CIA Torture Report | May 06 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 06 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Administration Proves Why the Public Needs Someone to Leak the CIA Torture Report | Freedom of the Press Foundation | May 06 23:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @henrykploetz Obviously neither David Hasselhoff nor Mikko | May 06 23:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Hypponen took notice of @ioerror's and Jillians | May 06 23:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror talk. #rp14 | May 06 23:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hesk Let's talk about sex, baby, let's talk about | May 06 23:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by PGP! with @ioerror and @jilliancyork #rp14 | May 06 23:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #sketchnotes | May 06 23:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@hesk: Let's talk about sex, baby, let's talk about PGP! with @ioerror and @jilliancyork #rp14 #sketchnotes | May 06 23:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmaz If you think David Barron was "just doing his | May 06 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by job representing his client" for Obama, did you | May 06 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack say same about Bybee? Kavanaugh? John Yoo? | May 06 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist SAP HANA Ready for VMware vSphere 5.5 | May 06 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SAP HANA Ready for VMware vSphere 5.5 - Enterprise Apps Today | May 06 23:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recommended: Explore Washington's power | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | networks @twittlesis | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Silk Road 2.0 Now Larger Than Silk Road Ever | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Was | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeScarcella Phone number for filing complaints about | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Baltimore police officers connected callers to | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian adult chat line | May 06 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LittleSis - Profiling the powers that be | May 06 23:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Silk Road 2.0 Now Larger Than Silk Road Ever Was | Techdirt | May 06 23:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Baltimore police complaint hotline number connects callers to adult chat line - | May 06 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks The Decline of Journalism: In 1992, 82% of | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | journalists thought using leaked docs was | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | justifiable, now only 58% | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Journalists Aren't the Big Fans of Leaks That They Used to Be - The Wire | May 06 23:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks What is responsible for this astonishing | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | collapse in journalstic courage? | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: What is responsible for this astonishing collapse in journalstic courage? | May 06 23:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Open Source Program To Give Voters More Active | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Role In Government | May 06 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 06 23:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Program To Give Voters More Active Role In Government - Slashdot | May 06 23:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Drones: How bout Exec Ord banning | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassination; fed law prohibiting US f/ | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | murdering citizens abroad; 4th & 5th Am?? | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@joshgerstein Senate should bear in mind that | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drone memo finished abt 6/10, but oral | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | permission was given beforehand to kill | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #al-Awlaki. | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Glad US is FINALLY helping to get back the 200+ | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BringBackOurGirls 😢 | May 07 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 230 schoolgirls still missing after armed kidnapping in Nigeria :: Cosmopolitan UK | May 07 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 00:15 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @johncusack: 'Obama Administration Proves Why the Public Needs Someone...' | May 07 00:15 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @bmaz: 'If you think David Barron was "just doing...' | May 07 00:15 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Drones: How bout Exec Ord banning assassination; fed...' | May 07 00:15 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '.@joshgerstein Senate should bear in mind that #drone...' | May 07 00:15 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Glad US is FINALLY helping to get back...' | May 07 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @joshsegall "Selling doggy dating apps for billions isn’t | May 07 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by an economy" RT @umairh @HarvardBiz Five Dirty | May 07 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Secrets About the Economy | May 07 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 00:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 07 00:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Gov #leaks=OK! MT @charliearchy: 4/10 #journos | May 07 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | oppose reporting on "confidential biz or gov | May 07 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | docs w/o authorization" | May 07 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 00:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@charliearchy: 4 out of 10 journalists oppose reporting on "confidential business or government documents without authorization." | May 07 00:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 00:34 |
qu1j0t3 | XFaCE: "...Here in Trinity-Spadina we remember very well the abuses of police power during the 2010 G20 summit. Three years ago, the Liberals promised to repeal the Public Works Protection Act, the "secret G20 law" that led to so many of the abuses. | May 07 00:55 |
qu1j0t3 | But three years later, the law still hasn't been repealed. | May 07 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Comcast: Destroying What Makes a Competitive | May 07 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet Possible | May 07 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comcast: Destroying What Makes a Competitive Internet Possible - Slashdot | May 07 01:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh | May 07 01:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Sorry, that page does not exist | May 07 01:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:03 |
*TweetSchestowitz @umairh deleted '' | May 07 01:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Spring in the park. | May 07 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Spring in the park. | May 07 01:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 RT @RalienBekkers Beijing,China: pay your | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | subway ticket by returning plastic bottles. | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | // TORONTO NEEDS THIS | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ttchelps | May 07 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RalienBekkers: Happening in Beijing, China: pay your subway ticket by returning plastic bottles. A-ma-zing. #circulareconomy | May 07 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: Beginner To Intermediate | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Programming Projects? | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: Beginner To Intermediate Programming Projects? - Slashdot | May 07 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JesselynRadack | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Animal Brains Aren't So Different... | May 07 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Animal Brains Aren't So Different... | Techdirt | May 07 01:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist FireEye to Acquire nPulse, Adding Network | May 07 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Forensics to Lineup | May 07 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FireEye to Acquire nPulse, Adding Network Forensics to Lineup | May 07 01:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist VMware Embraces Pivotal PaaS for Hybrid Cloud | May 07 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VMware Embraces Pivotal PaaS for Hybrid Cloud - Datamation | May 07 01:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @johncusack Obama Administration Proves Why the Public | May 07 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Needs Someone to Leak the CIA Torture Report | May 07 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 07 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Administration Proves Why the Public Needs Someone to Leak the CIA Torture Report | Freedom of the Press Foundation | May 07 01:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @USDayofRage Help Firedoglake FOIA the Details of Imprisoned | May 07 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou's Case | May 07 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 07 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Help Firedoglake FOIA the Details of Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou's Case | May 07 01:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US Ambassador Powers flies straight into the | May 07 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by face of irony. #Manning | May 07 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #Assange #Brown #Hammond #Kiriakou #WikiLeaks | May 07 01:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AmbassadorPower: On #PressFreedomDay, as we speak, 9 bloggers are detained in Ethiopia. Journalism is not a crime. They must be released. | May 07 01:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why ARM Servers, And Why Now? | May 07 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 02:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why ARM Servers, And Why Now? | Tux Machines | May 07 02:03 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 07 02:29 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 07 02:31 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 07 02:31 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 07 02:31 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 07 02:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @johncusack | Help Firedoglake FOIA | May 07 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Details of Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower | May 07 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ ) | May 07 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John Kiriakou's Case | May 07 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Help Firedoglake FOIA the Details of Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou's Case | May 07 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mdgsecurity I think everyone that says AV is dead should be | May 07 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by forced to handle all virus cases after their | May 07 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist company uninstalls their AV solution. | May 07 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 02:33 |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- | NO TITLE | May 07 02:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - Google Search [ ] | May 07 02:35 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DDG's got an N-M-E. [ ] | May 07 02:36 | |
schestowitz | " | May 07 02:36 |
schestowitz | Why should I sign a piece in my own photo album, Morbius? Oh, I see, my index file is wrong. It used to be more informative. I'll fix that. In the mean time, a quick google search turns up plenty for me, particularly my CV. I have no idea who you are. | May 07 02:36 |
schestowitz | Why do you have such faith in law for DDG and demand explicit proof of dishonesty when we are governed by people who are so clearly and blatantly violating our most important laws? Trust is a matter of ability to verify. I can not really trust DDG for the technical and moral problems I outlined in my write up. | May 07 02:36 |
schestowitz | Oh look, DDG has taken note of my little collection of criticisms. | May 07 02:36 |
schestowitz | " | May 07 02:36 |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:36 |
schestowitz | "LOL, someone's meme generator. " | May 07 02:36 |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | faq - dredmorbius [ ] | May 07 02:38 | |
schestowitz | " | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | @Will: by unsigned, there's simply no indication of who the author is of that page. I went hunting through a few other parts of the site and realized it was probably your server. | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | As for "who you are" -- I don't much care if Will Hill is your full real identity or not, it's simply the handle by which I know you online, and that's sufficient for me. I've chosen not to make my legal identity associated with this one, because reasons, for now. However I do try to ensure that the content I create under this identity is identified as from this identity. | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | I find it more than slightly ironic that in a discussion of online privacy and surveillance one of the arguments you're using against me is my own insistence on privacy. Then again, irony always had great entertainment value. | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | I've noted generally that on many blogs it's difficult to tell who's writing what, whether ascribed to a pseudonym or a legal identity. Attribution and similar contextual metadata is simply one of my pet peeves. Both you and Roy have seen me disambiguate links to point at sources, quote context, or otherwise provide more anchoring for content. I similarly campaign for better ledes, non-link-bait titles, and other such matters | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | I've even taken on Google's Matt Cutts for failing to identify himself on his YouTube SEO series. Neither in the post descriptions (famously vapid space on YouTube given rampant video re-posting) nor even saying "High, Matt Cutts from Google here..." as an introduction. It's one thing to be so absolutely confident of one's own identity that you feel no introduction is necessary, but I find it jarring, off-putting, | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | presumptive, and frankly, unprofessional. | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | Enough of that. | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | I've even posted a moderately comprehensive FAQ telling as much of myself as I care to (with similar reveals on my G+ profile page and even here on Diaspora). | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | When I said "unsurprising" the meaning was "oh, yeah, I've pretty much had that conversation with Will before". And, as you've probably surmised, I'm not impressed. | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | " | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | "If you can think of anything new or interesting, Morbius, I'll add it to my write up. At the end of the day, you are asking me for blind faith in DDG. I don't work that way." | May 07 02:38 |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ The ugly truth of offshore outsourcing surfaces at last good for plutocrats, bad for the rest | May 07 02:39 | |
schestowitz | "I had a conversation with a lawyer the other day who was complaining that offshore labor was starting to get expensive. They were dealing with an Indian subcontractor and did not hide the motivation at all. Offshore labor was cheaper and supposedly better at really mundane and boring work. Despite this, the US side was disgusted by how vindictive and nasty the subcontractor was towards their own employees. It seems that | May 07 02:39 |
schestowitz | India too has a shortage of qualified employees who have a tendency to job hop for raises and sometimes use their vacation time to try out new jobs. Indian companies want to blacklist people who leave and try to make them stay on staff for 60 days after notice." | May 07 02:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | iTWire - The ugly truth of offshore outsourcing surfaces at last [ ] | May 07 02:39 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Cops Must Swear Silence to Access Vehicle Tracking System cars and phones as #surveillance tools | May 07 02:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cops Must Swear Silence to Access Vehicle Tracking System | Threat Level | WIRED [ ] | May 07 02:40 | |
schestowitz | "In germany wie say #polizeistaat....... i think "we" have the same here ......" | May 07 02:40 |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #nytimes tries to step apart #police and civilians. Actually, police staff are still civilians (with glorified clothes), they are not army. | May 07 02:41 | |
schestowitz | "Military are people society says it's OK to kill when the rich and powerful say, "we are at war". This is not how we should think of police." | May 07 02:41 |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | The Cato Institute's National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | May 07 02:41 | |
schestowitz | " | May 07 02:41 |
schestowitz | should is different from is. | May 07 02:41 |
schestowitz | I actually wrote about this a couple years ago, making many, if not all the points I made above: | May 07 02:41 |
schestowitz | | May 07 02:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ ) | May 07 02:41 | |
schestowitz | But police have already clearly placed themselves in a duality against 'civilians'. I see it every day in the reports of abuse. | May 07 02:41 |
schestowitz | I'm not a capitalist libertarian, but I'll give the Cato Institute credit for one of their projects: Police Misconduct, in which they track these incidents. The sheer volume should put to rest any notion that these are committed by a few bad actors who are exceptions to the rule; the problems here are systemic. | May 07 02:41 |
schestowitz | " | May 07 02:41 |
schestowitz | "Then the solution should be systematic. We have done worse and we can do better.' | May 07 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Must see 13,20May PBS Frontline "United States | May 07 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Secrets" domestic surveillance special w/ | May 07 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | insiders, w'blowers&rptrs | May 07 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 02:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS | May 07 02:43 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Must see 13,20May PBS Frontline "United States of...' | May 07 02:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @adapteva A must read for anyone contemplating launching | May 07 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a #kickstarter project. (free book) | May 07 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon by @jonobacon | May 07 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 02:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unwrapping ‘Dealing With Disrespect’ | jonobacon@home | May 07 02:43 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 07 02:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Easily Fix Firefox 29 | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD surprise: pin-compatible ARM and x86 CPUs | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 02:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Easily Fix Firefox 29 | Tux Machines | May 07 02:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google and Intel team up to give Chromebooks | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | more power | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 02:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD surprise: pin-compatible ARM and x86 CPUs | Tux Machines | May 07 02:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromebook space heating up: Asus launches two | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | models | May 07 02:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 02:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google and Intel team up to give Chromebooks more power | Tux Machines | May 07 02:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebook space heating up: Asus launches two models | Tux Machines | May 07 02:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @adapteva Thank you @jonobacon for writing your book! I | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by was at stage 9-11 on your burnout list for a | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon long stretch of our Kickstarter project. | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndreAvillez Meanwhile, @jonobacon's "Dealing With | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disrespect" has just been released with a | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon CreativeCommons licence. Guess which book I'm | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | reading now... | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon I think the lurgy I got from the stinky is | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | lifting, thank god. | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 02:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 PBS Frontline doc "United States of Secrets" | May 07 03:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | govt spying on millions of Americans via "The | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Program" & NSA SilVal link | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Release | “United States of Secrets”: How the Government Came to Spy on Millions of Americans | Press Room | FRONTLINE | PBS | May 07 03:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@onekade Yes, I was interviewed extensively | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | for @frontlinepbs "United States of Secrets" | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | doc. Goes in-depth on "The Program" & | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA<->SilVal | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Re: climate change rpt, I'm reminded that | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by during my intv w/architect of CIA torture | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou program he said it was a myth | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | James Mitchell: 'I'm just a guy who got asked to do something for his country' | World news | | May 07 03:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Video: #Assange shown in Captain America: | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Winter Soldier as creation of HYDRA terrorist | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | organisation #wikileaks | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Video - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting | May 07 03:16 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'Video: #Assange shown in Captain America: Winter Soldier...' | May 07 03:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Video: #Assange + #Chavez shown in Captain | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | America: Winter Soldier as creation of HYDRA | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorist organisation | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Dropbox and Box Leaked Shared Private Files | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Through Google | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dropbox and Box Leaked Shared Private Files Through Google - Slashdot | May 07 03:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks FOX's new season 9 "24" is Jack Bauer vs | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #WikiLeaks themed; torrents: E2: | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | E1: | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #24LAD | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 24 S09E02 HDTV x264-LOL [eztv] (download torrent) - TPB | May 07 03:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 03:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks On the subject of anti-WikiLeaks propaganda, | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | the two most expensive are by BBC: | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | + Hollywood: | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 03:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | By Any Means 1x03 HDTV x264-FoV [eztv] (download torrent) - TPB | May 07 03:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Fifth Estate [2013] BRRip XviD AC3-RARBG (download torrent) - TPB | May 07 03:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @pmharper Well deserved win for the Canadiens tonight. | May 07 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Keep it up! #GoHabsGo @CanadiensMTL | May 07 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 07 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Microsoft Doesn't Have Plans For a Dedicated | May 07 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Handheld Gaming Device | May 07 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 04:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Doesn't Have Plans For a Dedicated Handheld Gaming Device - Slashdot | May 07 04:34 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 12 tweets, 2 cnx to Twitter, 72 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 07 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | May 07 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 07 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 07 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 176 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 666 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 07 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (46), @umairh (26), @slashdot (13) | May 07 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @doctorow (12), @Thomas_Drake1 (12), @JohnKiriakou (7) | May 07 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (20), #gnu (11), #Assange (3) | May 07 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh It's going to be kind of awesome watching the | May 07 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | US deal with climate change with broken | May 07 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | infrastructure and healthcare. | May 07 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 05:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 07 05:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt How DRM Makes Us All Less Safe | May 07 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 05:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How DRM Makes Us All Less Safe | Techdirt | May 07 05:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot EVE Online's Space Economy Currently Worth $18 | May 07 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Million | May 07 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 05:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EVE Online's Space Economy Currently Worth $18 Million - Slashdot | May 07 05:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TransmogriFi Trying this interesting thing called cold brew | May 07 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by coffee. I just put a jar in the fridge. Thanks | May 07 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow #Homeland | May 07 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: There’s a secret branch of the New York | May 07 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Public Library in the subway. The 51st Street 6 | May 07 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | line subway... | May 07 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 05:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: There’s a secret branch of the New York Public... | May 07 05:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @badvoltage Many thanks to @a2hosting and @bytemark for | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their continued support of Bad Voltage! | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Kids are mostly sexually solicited online by | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by classmates, peers, teens | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 06:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Much is better now than in the '50s-'60s, but | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sci fi movie posters have fallen from glory. | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glorious sf movie posters of the heroic age - Boing Boing | May 07 06:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Much is better now than in the '50s-'60s, but sci fi movie posters have fallen from glory. | May 07 06:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing On 27 June, Neil Gaiman will read his story | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains" at | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Carnegie Hall. | May 07 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Neil Gaiman knows how to get to Carnegie Hall - Boing Boing | May 07 06:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing A technical analysis of terrorist graphic/brand | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by design. | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Technical analysis of terrorist graphic/brand design - Boing Boing | May 07 06:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Beautiful movie palaces of southern California | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 06:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Frauenfelder Thanks to everyone for making Maker Dad the #1 | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by best-selling Kids’ Crafts book on Amazon! | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maker Dad: Lunch Box Guitars, Antigravity Jars, and 22 Other Incredibly Cool Father-Daughter DIY Projects: Mark Frauenfelder: 9780544114548: Books | May 07 06:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Florida nixes concealed carry for the | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by zombpocalypse | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 06:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 06:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Frauenfelder Here are interior images from my new book, | May 07 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Maker Dad: | May 07 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maker Dad – Lunch Box Guitars, Antigravity Jars,... | May 07 06:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Stop Complaining, Gedit Is Better Than Ever | May 07 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Complaining, Gedit Is Better Than Ever | Tux Machines | May 07 06:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Care, Testing, and Feeding | May 07 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Care, Testing, and Feeding | Tux Machines | May 07 06:39 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 07:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ # DuckDuckGo revised search page The DDG search engine is [trialing a new design for their search page]( There's active feedback being solicited [via Hacker News]( and on DDG itself. #duckduckgo #ddg #search #websearch #redesign #hackernews | May 07 07:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | DuckDuckGo Reimagined and Redesigned [ ] | May 07 07:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The next version of DuckDuckGo | Hacker News [ ] | May 07 07:18 | |
schestowitz | "No, my argument is that DDG says it is better than Google but there are good signs they are much worse. You expect me to take DDG's word for it. No thanks." | May 07 07:18 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 07 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WIRED The "Jurassic Park" soundtrack is being | May 07 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by released on vinyl | May 07 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickBallard | May 07 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Attention Hipsters: The Jurassic Park Soundtrack Is Being Released on Vinyl | Underwire | WIRED | May 07 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Job Postings For Python, NoSQL, Apache Hadoop | May 07 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@WIRED: The "Jurassic Park" soundtrack is being released on vinyl | May 07 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Way Up This Year | May 07 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Job Postings For Python, NoSQL, Apache Hadoop Way Up This Year - Slashdot | May 07 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Illustrations: southern cassowary; fancy | May 07 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | rooster; marabou stork | May 07 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — twerkyvulture: yougotvexed: I’m getting bored... | May 07 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Freedom Online Coalition Basically Ignores | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance: Makes A Mockery Of Its Name | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freedom Online Coalition Basically Ignores Surveillance: Makes A Mockery Of Its Name | Techdirt | May 07 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Chinese E-Commerce Giant To Enter US Market | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese E-Commerce Giant To Enter US Market - Slashdot | May 07 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140506 - | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 07 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140506 | May 07 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody video of my talk at re:publica 2014 yesterday | May 07 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP & why the numbers just don't add up - | May 07 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rp14 | May 07 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times... - YouTube | May 07 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Boing Boing: zine, blog, and back again | May 07 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Golden Gate Park | May 07 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:06 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 07 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How to breed terrorism | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | start with the children, they'll understand who | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | to hate | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Safety | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The "gangster" label: I saw this incident | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday covers the | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | substance of the 'protest' | May 07 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manchester gangster scales giant ferris wheel in prison protest | UK news | | May 07 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Climbing on a wheel at Town's centre: this is a | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | wise way to get the public's attention, even if | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | you disagree with the messenger or methods. | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Trafford Centre - one of #Manchester 's nicer | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | malls photos taken | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday | May 07 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trafford Centre | May 07 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Letter to USTR from Eleven U.S. Civil Society | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Groups on Pharmaceuticals and the #TPP - | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Letter to USTR from Eleven U.S. Civil Society Groups on Pharmaceuticals and the TPP » infojustice | May 07 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody some miscellaneous TAFTA / #TTIP links - | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TAFTA / TTIP - Better World Links | May 07 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #muktware needs more editorial oversight. with | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | words like "stealing" and "IP" it's clear that | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Swapnil still away | May 07 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ZeniMax accuses Oculus of stealing IP, cancels Doom 3 VR Edition | Muktware | May 07 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody man-in-the-middle attack on the EP Wi-Fi - | May 07 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting.... | May 07 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | man-in-the-middle attack on the EP Wi-Fi - a Freedom of Information request to European Parliament - | May 07 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody WTO taps South African ex-minister to judge | May 07 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | tobacco dispute - this | May 07 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | shouldn't even be an issue | May 07 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WTO taps South African ex-minister to judge tobacco dispute | Reuters | May 07 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FSchweitzer Retail giant @rewe_group warns of #TTIP b/c it | May 07 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by could lower European food quality standards. | May 07 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody /cc @glynmoody | May 07 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rewe gegen EU-US-Freihandelsabkommen - Welthandel - › Wirtschaft | May 07 09:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Talking elevators | May 07 09:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ylvis - The Intelevator episode 4 [Official video HD] - YouTube | May 07 09:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Canada-EU trade deal: Trojan horse for | May 07 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | contested ISDS? - | May 07 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | exactly right; why #ISDS must come out of #CETA | May 07 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada-EU trade deal: Trojan horse for contested ISDS? | ETUC | May 07 09:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Just followed @Open_ICT_Procurement. Let's see | May 07 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | how this plays out. | May 07 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Radeon : Mesa 10.1 vs. Mesa Git On Ubuntu | May 07 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | 14.04 #mesa #linux | May 07 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Radeon: Mesa 10.1 vs. Mesa Git On Ubuntu 14.04 | May 07 09:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stop Complaining, Gedit Is Better Than Ever | May 07 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | response to Sam | May 07 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Varghese. #gnome #gnu | May 07 09:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Complaining, Gedit Is Better Than Ever | May 07 09:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Chromebook space heating up: Asus launches two | May 07 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | models every large OEM | May 07 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | sells #gnu #linux now | May 07 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebook space heating up: Asus launches two models | ZDNet | May 07 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF The Trans-Pacific plague: How #TPP spreads the | May 07 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by United States' terrible DRM policies. | May 07 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #DayAgainstDRM | May 07 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Trans-Pacific Plague: How TPP Spreads the United States' Terrible DRM Policies | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 07 09:50 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Gedit is great although I've dropped it recently in favour of CodeEnvy IDE as that suits my needs better. | May 07 09:50 | |
schestowitz | I tired gedit, but I like kate better | May 07 09:50 |
schestowitz | | May 07 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I've also been reading about the ChromeBase, which promises to be an exciting option too. | May 07 09:50 | |
schestowitz | is that FOSS? | May 07 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ALTEREU In the next weeks we are asking MEP candidates | May 07 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to stand-up against corporate #lobbying. Can | May 07 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody you help? #pforp #EP2014 | May 07 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google and Intel team up to give Chromebooks | May 07 09:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home - Politics for People | May 07 09:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | more power maybe use | May 07 09:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google and Intel team up to give Chromebooks more power | The Verge | May 07 09:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Power for power, not x86 | May 07 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @erikwesselius Great article (should be translated!) on | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by citizens resistance in Germany against EU-US | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody trade agreement #TTIP. | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen TTIP - Mit Arroganz gegen die Angst - Wirtschaft - Sü | May 07 09:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What keeps #android strong right now is | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft's weakness when dealing with #arm - | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ISVs and Mirosoft don't/won't/can't compile for | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | it | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Schulz on TTIP: There will be no secret | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | negotiations - good; but | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | what does that mean in practice? | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schulz on TTIP: There will be no secret negotiations | EurActiv | May 07 09:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD surprise: pin-compatible ARM and x86 CPUs | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #arm #amd #x86 #linux | May 07 09:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD surprise: pin-compatible ARM and x86 CPUs · | May 07 09:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Thwarted: Apple Wanted an Audacious $40 for | May 07 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Every Android Sold, But Lost -- Consumers Win | May 07 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Big Court Case - | May 07 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thwarted: Apple Wanted an Audacious $40 for Every Android Sold, But Lost — Consumers Win in Big Court Case | Alternet | May 07 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why ARM Servers, And Why Now? | May 07 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #arm #gnu #linux #server | May 07 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why ARM Servers, And Why Now? | May 07 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Land Registry privatisation plans revealed in | May 07 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | leaked document - this | May 07 09:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Land Registry privatisation plans revealed in leaked document | Politics | The Guardian | May 07 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | is just more insanity #UK | May 07 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:56 |
schestowitz | | May 07 09:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz No. But its integrated very well with ChromeOS and for my minor needs its serves its purpose very well. | May 07 09:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WenzelMichalski #Vietnam’s arrests of more bloggers for | May 07 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by allegedly abusing ‘democratic freedoms’ is a | May 07 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody cynical and chilling move. | May 07 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vietnam: Arrests of Internet Activists Escalate | Human Rights Watch | May 07 09:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Easily Fix Firefox 29 | May 07 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #firefox | May 07 09:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | claudecat's place | Easily Fix Firefox 29 | May 07 09:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeTaylor David Roberts on Elsevier APCs: "mean hybrid OA | May 07 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by APC is $900 more than pure OA ($2420 vs $1540)" | May 07 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Full data available! | May 07 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | David Roberts - Google+ - Earlier this year I asked people I knew at Elsevier for a… | May 07 09:59 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz talking of which, have you any idea's of recording a Google's the only way we can record at the moment. | May 07 10:02 | |
schestowitz | Sure, can sign up and do it today. Who records video? | May 07 10:02 |
schestowitz | | May 07 10:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Oh...sorry just realized, re: chromebase, I answered the wrong conversation. I was talking about CodeEnvy IDE | May 07 10:03 | |
schestowitz | Chrome* and Android* take us back to some proprietary software | May 07 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @oemoral Today Turkish physicians have to defend | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by themselves in court for healing the wounded. | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Tomorrow we’ll have to defend our right to | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | breathe. | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GreensEP Check out our new initiative to make #lobbying | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in Brussels more transparent | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody We want to publish all | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | lobby documents | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LobbyCloud | May 07 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz For Better and for Worse, Chromebooks Have | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Become PCs #gnu #linux | May 07 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | PCs | May 07 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | For Better and for Worse, Chromebooks Have Become PCs - TIME | May 07 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:05 |
schestowitz | > | May 07 10:07 |
schestowitz | > | May 07 10:07 |
schestowitz | > | May 07 10:07 |
schestowitz | > | May 07 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lenovo announces consumer N20 Chromebooks [ ] | May 07 10:07 | |
schestowitz | > | May 07 10:07 |
schestowitz | > | May 07 10:07 |
schestowitz | mcrackhead is planting and spreading the seeds of doubt again. | May 07 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebooks Are Either an Enormous Hit or Totally Irrelevant - TIME | May 07 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lenovo announces N20p Chromebook with | May 07 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | touchscreen and 300-degree hinge | May 07 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | the new mainstream | May 07 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Codepope @glynmoody Or you can read something with some | May 07 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by background - | May 07 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Great Smartphone War: Apple vs. Samsung | Vanity Fair | May 07 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden USG allocates $24m to "reform" MLAT process | May 07 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #EUdatap | May 07 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 07 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USDOJ: Attorney General Holder Announces President Obama’s Budget Proposes $173 Million for Criminal Justice Reform | May 07 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Biden, Goodlatte Preach To The IP Maximalist | May 07 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Choir, Vow To Make 'Second-Rate' Countries Bend | May 07 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | To US IP Laws - | May 07 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Biden, Goodlatte Preach To The IP Maximalist Choir, Vow To Make 'Second-Rate' Countries Bend To US IP Laws | Techdirt | May 07 10:08 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 10:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz This is the issue....I've yet to find software to record (on my ChromeOS end anyway)...maybe you know a solution? | May 07 10:09 | |
schestowitz | I thought recording support in hangout was built in | May 07 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dotcom Heads to Supreme Court to re Raid | May 07 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorism raid. If he | May 07 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | was Arab, they'd drone him, call him "guilty" | May 07 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dotcom Heads to Supreme Court to Appeal Raid Decision | TorrentFreak | May 07 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @raykwong 1600 papier-mâché pandas invade Hong Kong. | May 07 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 1,600 Papier-Mâché Pandas Are Set To Invade Hong Kong | May 07 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@raykwong: 1600 papier-mâché pandas invade Hong Kong. | May 07 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In his words: How a whitehat hacked a | May 07 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | university and became an FBI target | May 07 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fbi targeted #dotcom | May 07 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | also | May 07 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In his words: How a whitehat hacked a university and became an FBI target | Ars Technica | May 07 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @netzpolitik RBB-Abendschau: re:publica 2014 fordert Asyl | May 07 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by für Snowden. #rp14 | May 07 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 fordert Asyl für Snowden | rbb Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg | May 07 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In my job I sometimes find and report security | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | issues; if we were to ban the process of | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | finding flaws, we'd stop people who make us | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | safe. | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ddg says "your privacy is protected as well!" | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DuckDuckGo Reimagined and Redesigned | May 07 10:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #ddg says "your p... | May 07 10:16 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted '#ddg says "your privacy is protected as well!"...' | May 07 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ddg says "your privacy is protected as well!" | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | liars. | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | relationship with NSA | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #google rumours go | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | many years back | May 07 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA | Al Jazeera America | May 07 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Autonomous Car Ethics: If a Crash Is | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unavoidable, What Does It Hit? | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Autonomous Car Ethics: If a Crash Is Unavoidable, What Does It Hit? - Slashdot | May 07 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The Chairman of Google’s girlfriend was being | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | used as a back channel for Hillary Clinton." | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #google | May 07 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 07 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stanford to divest its endowment from coal | May 07 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | stocks #stanford #greed | May 07 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stanford to divest its endowment from coal stocks | Ars Technica | May 07 10:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TTIP und die Magie der Zahlen - | May 07 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact & its amazing | May 07 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | petition against #TTIP | May 07 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP und die Magie der Zahlen | Campact Blog | May 07 10:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @McnabbTeddy @glynmoody As for #EU Trade "negotiator" he | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by just "oozes" credibility :) De #Gucht | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU Commissioner Karel De Gucht will not be prosecuted for tax evasion - Euranet Plus inside | May 07 10:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@baskut08 my talk at #rp14 used figures you | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | mentioned - @campact | May 07 10:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times... - YouTube | May 07 10:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | have now picked up on them: | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz DDG is worse than Google. It gives an ILLUSION | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | of privacy, Google does not. http:/... | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DDG is worse than... | May 07 10:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Stephen_Curry Important new report from @sciencecampaign | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (CaSE) — Improving diversity in STEM | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #scipolicy | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New CaSE report: Improving diversity in STEM | May 07 10:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NSA Reform: Do You Support The Lesser Of Two | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Evils, Or Hope For Something Better? - | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | tricky | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Reform: Do You Support The Lesser Of Two Evils, Or Hope For Something Better? | Techdirt | May 07 10:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Coadec The 2015 UK elections are 1 year away today. | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Help shape #startup policy by contributing to | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the #StartupManifesto | May 07 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Towards a 'Startup Manifesto' Survey | May 07 10:32 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 10:33 |
schestowitz | "The best change is smooth and easy: replace ir for any other GNU/Linux distribution without spyware. Do not use Ubuntu! They broke the deal inserting spyware on the desktop. Even worse when they get caught, the clever answer was that "everybody do it"!" | May 07 10:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ 10 Changes that Make Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) Better Than Its Predecessor #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 07 10:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 10 Changes that Make Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) Better Than Its Predecessor | TechSource [ ] | May 07 10:33 | |
schestowitz | "I would like to agree with the previous poster, but will add that bloatware in Ubuntu is the true problem. Unity, Amazon, OMG the dashboard that makes experienced users go crazy trying to use a PC. Ubuntu was supposed to be for everybody, and it was. That was 2008, and things have been steadily going downhill since 8.10." | May 07 10:33 |
schestowitz | I'd recommend Kubuntu. My wife uses it. | May 07 10:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Radeon: Mesa 10.1 vs. Mesa Git On Ubuntu 14.04 | May 07 10:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 10:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 10:34 |
schestowitz | | May 07 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Radeon: Mesa 10.1 vs. Mesa Git On Ubuntu 14.04 | Tux Machines | May 07 10:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: Urgent: Stop predatory career colleges []( | May 07 10:34 | |
schestowitz | "" | May 07 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 2014: March - June Political Notes - Richard Stallman [ ] | May 07 10:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anti OSI | Just another WordPress site | May 07 10:34 | |
schestowitz | AFAIK, nothing has changed | May 07 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AsCorrespondent #BREAKING: Thai Constitutional Court forces | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Prime Minister Yingluck out of office over NSC | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody transfer case | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @siamvoices | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LIVE: Thai court ousts Yingluck; Cabinet appoints new PM | Asian Correspondent | May 07 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz At Time "magazine", McCrackhead (the guy whom | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft bribed for #vista7 review) is | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | spreading Microsoft #propaganda again. Sigh. | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Government Praises Italy For Implementing | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | SOPA Features The US Public Vehemently Rejected | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | - | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Government Praises Italy For Implementing SOPA Features The US Public Vehemently Rejected | Techdirt | May 07 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Changes So Far For LLVM 3.5 | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #llvm #bsd #development | May 07 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Changes So Far For LLVM 3.5 | May 07 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ALEC Struggles in Kansas City | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #alec a #proxy for | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations and plutocrats that write US law. | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates a backer. | May 07 10:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ALEC Struggles in Kansas City | PR Watch | May 07 10:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff After consumer-level camera drones, surely the | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | next step is 3D-printed anti-aircraft guns for | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | home use? | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A month ago: | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | European ISPs Can Stop Logging User Data, Court | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rules | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | but will they? #privacy | May 07 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European ISPs Can Stop Logging User Data, Court Rules | TorrentFreak | May 07 10:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #traffordcentre #wifi is not "free"; it asks | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | for your ID and E-mail so that it can sell data | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | about you. I gave them fake ones, as usual. | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Is @EU_Commission playing for time? Recvd 2nd | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "pls wait" on @fsfe's FOI request for Microsoft | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | procurement docs | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Extending or replacing EC's contracts with Microsoft & suppliers of Microsoft licenses - a Freedom of Information request to Secretariat General (SG) - | May 07 10:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff RT @EFF The slow drip drip drip of DRM at @W3C: | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #DayAgainstDRM + | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fsfe's Open Letter to EC | May 07 10:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | International Day Against DRM: Whatever Happened to the W3C? | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 07 10:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Letter on European Commission about DRM in HTML5 | May 07 10:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Picasso | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ISDS: Let’s look at outcomes - | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | too credulous of EU | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | claims: CETA has MFN flaw, probably others (v | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EU_TTIP_team) | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investor-state dispute settlement: Let’s look at outcomes » Canadian Council of Chief Executives | May 07 10:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In Greece, Austerity Kills | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #greece #debt | May 07 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 10:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Greece, Austerity Kills | May 07 10:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Salt-Water Fish Extinction Seen By 2048 | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | already getting | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | expensive, i.e. scarce | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Salt-Water Fish Extinction Seen By 2048 - CBS News | May 07 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Save The Greek Seashore - | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | insane: this will | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroy Greek tourism - why go to see ugly | May 07 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PRESS RELEASE May 5, 2014 | Save The Greek Seashore | May 07 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | concrete? (v @asteris) | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Overpopulation and overconsumption will lead to | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | animals being just "products" in a zoo and food | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | farms. Trees will be furniture or coal. | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabiochiusi How a million people called to | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #BringBackOurGirls | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - #BBCtrending: How a million people called to #BringBackOurGirls | May 07 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @j_nb Heute in der Berliner U-Bahn: Crypto-Unterricht | May 07 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mit @torproject #rp14 | May 07 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@j_nb: Heute in der Berliner U-Bahn: Crypto-Unterricht mit @torproject #rp14 | May 07 11:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 07 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer NZ's @IainLG nails Big Tobacco's dogmatic | May 07 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by opposition to tobacco control in @NZParliament | May 07 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #plainpacks #tobacco | May 07 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WHO | May 07 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kids drawn to brightly-coloured cigarette packs, Committee told - National - NZ Herald News | May 07 11:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wings | May 07 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Brazil's 'chainsaw queen' takes on | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | environmentalists - what | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | a sad, sick individual | May 07 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazil's 'chainsaw queen' takes on environmentalists | Environment | The Guardian | May 07 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Climate Change Is Already Here, Says Massive | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Government Report we | May 07 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Climate Change Is Already Here, Says Massive Government Report | May 07 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | already know it, but what will be done about | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | it? | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Planet's systemic failure will take down its | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | inhabitants too | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @markmackinnon Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by outraged over the Eurovision song contest. | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Seriously: ht | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OliverBullough | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Russia: Azerbaijan's Eurovision snub 'outrageous' | May 07 11:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nyc laws against "too much" soda | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ban everything, except | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | greed, white-collar robbery, and environmental | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | destruction | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How #DRM Makes Us All Less Safe - | May 07 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How DRM Makes Us All Less Safe | Techdirt | May 07 11:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot What Was the Greatest Age For Indie Games? | May 07 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Was the Greatest Age For Indie Games? - Slashdot | May 07 11:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How a hacker slumber party gets girls into code | May 07 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coding #development | May 07 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hacking | May 07 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pearl Hacks is a 24-hour hackathon slumber party for girls | | May 07 11:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt How The US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A | May 07 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Muslim American Man's Entire Family After He | May 07 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Refused To Become An Informant | May 07 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How The US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim American Man's Entire Family After He Refused To Become An Informant | Techdirt | May 07 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz MayDay Citizens’ Super PAC Aims to Rewrite the | May 07 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rules of U.S. Campaign Finance | May 07 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | awesome approach | May 07 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MayDay Citizens' Super PAC Aims to Rewrite the Rules of U.S. Campaign Finance | May 07 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeTaylor Now it's NPG's turn to send takedown notices. | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Just another so-called | May 07 11:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Now it’s NPG’s turn to send takedown notices | Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week | May 07 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody publisher that aims to prevent publication. | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ProPublica On Privacy Tools: Encrypt What You | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Can | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | mentions #gnu | May 07 11:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ProPublica On Privacy Tools: Encrypt What You Can - Personal Liberty : Personal Liberty | May 07 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy Tools: Encrypt What You Can - ProPublica | May 07 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ZFS on #Linux How ZFS | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | on Linux compares to ZFS on #Illumos or | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FreeBSD | May 07 11:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ZFS on Linux | SYS-CON MEDIA | May 07 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff German Parlmt committee on NSA surveillance to | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | hear experts incl. @csoghoian (June 26) | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thodenk: Die ersten Termine im #nsa Untersuchungsausschuss bis 26. Juni. | May 07 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In the air, #linux replaced #windows on #drones | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ; on the ground, Linux replaces #unix and it's | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | bad PR in a way | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Solaris deposed as US drone-ware, replaced by Linux administration • The Register | May 07 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fedora seems to be widely used by the #nsa for | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage and other such purposes of | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance (based on leaks). | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bbw1984 We urge MPs to reject two-tier British | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by citizenship & uphold the Lords amendment on | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Clause 64 of the Immigration Bill: | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Two tier citizenship is not British - and nor is rendering people stateless | Big Brother Watch | May 07 12:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 3D-Printed Smart Watch Wins Our #Arduino | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Challenge, Heading to Maker Faire Rome | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 12:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3D-Printed Smart Watch Wins Our Arduino Challenge, Heading to Maker Faire Rome | MAKE | May 07 12:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Watch: Time Consuming Timepiece | May 07 12:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Video: brucesterling: *The wife’s new novel is | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | out. It’s a magic-realist memoir of her life | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the... | May 07 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — brucesterling: *The wife’s new novel is out.... | May 07 12:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday U.S. military UAVs migrate to Linux: | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | LinuxGizmos: Raytheon is switching its UAV | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | control system from Solaris t... | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - U.S. military UAVs migrate to Linux | May 07 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer The Trans-Pacific Partnership endangers human | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rights: @naomirwolf @TheEllenShow @jayleno | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Brunei #TPP #TPPA #law | May 07 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hollywood Boycott Threatens TransPacific Partnership | Curtis Ellis | May 07 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ewaldeng European madness: Greece to go for | May 07 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by privatisation drive of seashore #troika | May 07 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PRESS RELEASE May 5, 2014 | Save The Greek Seashore | May 07 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Swapping rockabilly for Messiaen & diving into | May 07 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | licensing of interoperability info | May 07 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Russia's "Bloggers Law" requires them to now | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | register w/ gov | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #InternetFreedom (Not) | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | American Man's Entire Family After He Refused | May 07 12:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 07 12:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | To Become An Informant - | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How The US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim American Man's Entire Family After He Refused To Become An Informant | Techdirt | May 07 12:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Why I Will No Longer Follow Humans of New York | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @chocopompcirc | May 07 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Outrage: Why I Will No Longer Follow Humans of New York | Chocolate, Pomp, and Circumstance | May 07 12:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For Better and for Worse, Chromebooks Have | May 07 12:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Become PCs | May 07 12:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 12:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Valve Releases New Steam Client Update with | May 07 12:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Performance Fixes for Linux | May 07 12:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 12:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | For Better and for Worse, Chromebooks Have Become PCs | Tux Machines | May 07 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @corporateeurope Read our complaint about @EU_Commission's | May 07 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by failure to implement UN rules for contacts with | May 07 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody tobacco industry #lobbyists | May 07 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve Releases New Steam Client Update with Performance Fixes for Linux | Tux Machines | May 07 12:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ZFS on Linux | May 07 12:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CEO submits Ombudsman complaint about EU Commission's failure to implement UN tobacco lobby rules | Corporate Europe Observatory | May 07 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kattascha Polizei zu Mailanbieter: "Ich interessiere mich | May 07 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dafür, was Sie technisch für uns tun können, | May 07 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ZFS on Linux | Tux Machines | May 07 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff nicht für Gesetze". | May 07 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mailanbieter zeigt Polizei wegen Nötigung an | kattascha | May 07 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Chinese e-commerce giant #Alibaba files for $1 | May 07 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | billion IPO in the US - | May 07 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | sign of the times #china | May 07 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba files for $1 billion IPO in the US | Ars Technica | May 07 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Getting patents is preposterously easy under | May 07 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama - just crazy | May 07 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Getting patents is preposterously easy under Obama - Vox | May 07 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @virgiliocorrado @doctorow the bad and the ugly. How DRM Harms | May 07 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Our Computer Security | May 07 12:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How DRM Harms Our Computer Security | May 07 12:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 12:51 |
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian retweeted @kgerloff: 'German Parlmt committee on NSA surveillance to hear...' | May 07 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Anyone denying gay marriage with the phrase | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | "traditional marriage" without quotes, | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | capitals, etc. is lying to you. | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Captive Virgins, Polygamy, Sex Slaves: What Marriage Would Look Like if We Actually Followed the Bible | Away Point | May 07 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork Yesterday, @ioerror and I talked about how you | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by can make a stronger crypto movement. Here's the | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror video: #rp14 | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk... - YouTube | May 07 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1006 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JuiceRapNews Thanks @ioerror & @jilliancyork 4 showing | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by RapNews at @republica in your great talk on | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror culture wars! Check it out: | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions - | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | characteristic but | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting replies from the indispensable RMS | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions - Slashdot | May 07 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @xpectro EU Causes Collapse of WIPO Meeting @RedPaTo2 | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU Causes Collapse of WIPO Meeting | LIBER | May 07 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact TTIP und die 470.000 - wie eine Zahl Karriere | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by macht und beginnt, Politik zu verändern | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP und die Magie der Zahlen | Campact Blog | May 07 13:10 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @kgerloff: 'German Parlmt committee on NSA surveillance to hear...' | May 07 13:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink Apparently LibreOffice gets a million new IPs | May 07 13:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by checking for downloads each week! | May 07 13:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 13:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Meeks: The spreadsheet is dead. Long live the spreadsheet! - Software - Feature - | May 07 13:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NASA, France Skeptical of SpaceX Reusable | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rocket Project | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA, France Skeptical of SpaceX Reusable Rocket Project - Slashdot | May 07 13:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff So. much. paper. | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Reminder: for eight months now we've *known* | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that NSA inserted backdoors in popular | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian encryption co-processors. Maybe time for some | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | follow up? | May 07 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:28 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Russia's "Bloggers Law" requires them to now register...' | May 07 13:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Gov #leaks=OK! MT @charliearchy: 4/10 #journos | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by oppose reporting on "confidential biz or gov | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 docs w/o authorization" | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 13:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@charliearchy: 4 out of 10 journalists oppose reporting on "confidential business or government documents without authorization." | May 07 13:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Pro tip: if your filename doesn't fit into a | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | tweet, it's just too long. | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Blog today: Censorship Comes in Many Forms: | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Russia's New Law Chills #Speech | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Freespeech | May 07 13:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Censorship Comes in Many Forms: Russia's New Law Chills Speech | May 07 13:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Taiwan Proposes Fining 'Distracted Walking' Due | May 07 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | To 'Smart Phone Addiction' | May 07 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Taiwan Proposes Fining 'Distracted Walking' Due To 'Smart Phone Addiction' | Techdirt | May 07 13:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PhilippOtto EU unterzeichnet #WIPO-Blindenvertrag von | May 07 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Marrakesch | May 07 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 07 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 13:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU unterzeichnet WIPO-Blindenvertrag von Marrakesch | May 07 13:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CNWGroup Toronto Star journalists hold byline strike to | May 07 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protest a "two-tiered pay scale" for print & | May 07 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist digital jobs: @jsource | May 07 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Union holds byline strike at Toronto Star | | May 07 14:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot RightsCorp To Bring Its Controversial Copyright | May 07 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protection Tactics To Europe | May 07 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RightsCorp To Bring Its Controversial Copyright Protection Tactics To Europe - Slashdot | May 07 14:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BrunoGertKramm Brauner Phrasencheck, das neue Bullshitbingo | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @AfD_Bund vs. @NPD Checkitout | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AfD oder NPD? | May 07 14:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Nice: looking at a model license draft by | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EU_Commission that's distributed under CC-BY. | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bravo (on the license, not the draft) | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Why Public Safety Minister Blaney Gets It Wrong | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | on Privacy and Warrantless Disclosures | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BillC13 #BillS4 | May 07 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Why Public Safety Minister Blaney Gets It Wrong on Privacy and Warrantless Disclosures | May 07 14:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ARM: The $20 smartphone will be possible “in | May 07 14:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | the next few months” - | May 07 14:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | only free software makes sense here | May 07 14:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ARM: The $20 smartphone will be possible “in the next few months” | Ars Technica | May 07 14:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AFP #BREAKING Boko Haram attack in Nigeria border | May 07 14:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by town kills hundreds: senator, witnesses | May 07 14:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 14:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pwgallagher Neither Paris nor WTO provides one :: RT | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @snlester: "Plain Packaging of Tobacco and the | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 'Right' to Use a Trade Mark" | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plain Packaging of Tobacco and the 'Right' to Use a Trade Mark by Mark Davison :: SSRN | May 07 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU softens stance on Canada’s oil sands as | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | relations with Russia sour - | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurdly short-sighted | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @StuJT) #tarsands | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe softens stance on Canada’s oil sands as relations with Russia sour | Financial Post | May 07 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot GitHub Open Sources Atom, Their Text Editor | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Based On Chromium | May 07 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GitHub Open Sources Atom, Their Text Editor Based On Chromium - Slashdot | May 07 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Emails reveal close Google relationship with | May 07 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA - significantly, | May 07 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | *not* from #snowden #whistleblowers | May 07 14:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA | Al Jazeera America | May 07 14:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody video of my talk at re:publica 2014 yesterday | May 07 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP & why the numbers just don't add up - | May 07 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rp14 | May 07 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times... - YouTube | May 07 14:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines APT (Advanced Package Tool) 1.0.3 Is Out | May 07 14:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 14:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 14:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | APT (Advanced Package Tool) 1.0.3 Is Out | Tux Machines | May 07 14:40 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditLinux favourited 'Valve Releases New Steam Client Update with Performance...' | May 07 14:40 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Blog today: Censorship Comes in Many Forms: Russia's...' | May 07 14:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Singapore Government drives community-powered | May 07 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | innovation through open source | May 07 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Singapore Government drives community-powered innovation through open source | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Government | Education | Healthcare | May 07 14:45 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When innovation goes open source — Tom Kelshaw | What You Think | The Malay Mail Online | May 07 14:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Following #ibm with an #openwashing drive at | May 07 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hp | May 07 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP to invest over $1 billion in open-source cloud computing | Reuters | May 07 14:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fkarlitschek Please support this very cool crowd funded | May 07 14:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ownCloud box for your home. | May 07 14:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 07 14:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Indie Box: Let's Bring Our Data Home | Indiegogo | May 07 14:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft booster Whittaker explains impact of | May 07 14:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #windows demise they | May 07 14:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | didn't even profit much from FUDing #android | May 07 14:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Symantec calls antivirus 'doomed' as security giants fight for survival | ZDNet | May 07 14:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lessig lessig: Well past $500k; plz help us get your | May 07 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by friends to get us to $600k today? | May 07 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #MaydayPAC | May 07 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - SuperPAC to end all SuperPacs. Mayday for the Republic. | May 07 14:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @copyrightgirl More info on Italy's new online #copyright | May 07 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by enforcement regulations: | May 07 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody v @GiulioCoraggio | May 07 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The new "era" for copyright Internet liability in Italy is now on - GamingTechLAW | May 07 14:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Valve Releases New #Steam Client Update with | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Performance Fixes for Linux | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve Releases New Steam Client Update with Performance Fixes for Linux | May 07 14:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam Community :: Group :: Steam Client Beta | May 07 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz APT (Advanced Package Tool) 1.0.3 Is Out | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #apt #debian #gnu #linux | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bsd | May 07 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | APT (Advanced Package Tool) 1.0.3 Is Out | May 07 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Kernel 3.14.3 Has Been Released | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mollycrabapple "Look how wonderfully we treat your critics," | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Emperor hisses to his enemy. Criticism goes | May 07 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 unheard | May 07 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Kernel 3.14.3 Has Been Released | Unixmen | May 07 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 14:58 |
schestowitz | | May 07 15:01 |
schestowitz | " | May 07 15:01 |
schestowitz | Maybe we can agree about 'It gives an illusion of privacy', but not with 'Google doesn't', because most of their users have no idea about the level of non-privacy they suffer. And only by this difference the recommendation of DDG doesn't seems to me like a 'disservice', as far as you recommend it in an informed way and for proper reasons. | May 07 15:02 |
schestowitz | In any way I can imagine right now, 'worse than Google', looks to me like a narrow and out-of-proportion exaggeration, doesn't? | May 07 15:02 |
schestowitz | " | May 07 15:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ DDG is worse than Google. It gives an ILLUSION of privacy, Google does not. People who recommend it do disservice. | May 07 15:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Duck Duck No No [ ] | May 07 15:02 | |
schestowitz | "Exactly, there is nothing worse than Microsoft, Google and Apple" | May 07 15:02 |
schestowitz | People used to have perception of privacy with Google, but not anymore With DDG the privacy word is thrown around a lot. | May 07 15:02 |
schestowitz | | May 07 15:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post? | May 07 15:03 | |
schestowitz | "No. The german right wing politicans are trying all they can to reverse this court ruling. We had a local one, we had a european one and they couldn't care less. Actually, I'm pretty sure they are logging stuff anyway, the problem is that this law will give them the possibility to use things against us openly and on a regular basis, that's why I personally fight against it." | May 07 15:03 |
schestowitz | | May 07 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Dropbox and Box users are leaking personal data is anyone actually still using #dropbox and if so, why? | May 07 15:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Dropbox and Box respond to link-sharing privacy glitch- The Inquirer [ ] | May 07 15:04 | |
schestowitz | "Hmm... haven't looked into Mega really. I like that Kim Dotcom seems to be only too happy to give the middle finger to the government, but I'd still be cautious about giving away my data to someone I didn't know personally (and, to be fair, many people I do!)" | May 07 15:04 |
schestowitz | Self hosting is still preferable | May 07 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mollycrabapple "We are free," each empire says, pointing to | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by foreign dissidents they would have locked up if | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 they were their own citizens | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Video (HD): @carwinb interviews #WikiLeaks' | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sarah Harrison over #Snowden asylum, NSA | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | publishing strategies at #rp14 | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden: From ... - YouTube | May 07 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Announces "Classroom" | May 07 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Announces "Classroom" - Slashdot | May 07 15:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@PiratePartyUK: TTIP - Trading away our rights | May 07 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | - good to see them on | May 07 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | it... | May 07 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP - Trading away our rights | The Pirate Party | May 07 15:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist The House of Commons debated privacy this week, | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | but the Gov's privacy reassurances fell short. | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Here’s why | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Why Public Safety Minister Blaney Gets It Wrong on Privacy and Warrantless Disclosures | May 07 15:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cra good short book by @jonobacon: "Dealing With | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disrespect" | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nadia_z So you think people are uninterested in | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by politics, in #TTIP, #NetNeutrality? Watch this | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror room packed w/ citizens. #rp14 | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nadia_z: So you think people are uninterested in politics, in #TTIP, #NetNeutrality? Watch this room packed w/ citizens. #rp14 | May 07 15:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PiratePartyUK European Democracy: Updates are available | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wherever you are. #VotePirate #EU2014 Support | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow us - | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Put Pirates in European Parliament by Pirate Party UK, Andy Halsall and LozKaye | May 07 15:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PiratePartyUK: European Democracy: Updates are available wherever you are. #VotePirate #EU2014 Support us - | May 07 15:27 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 15:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Install Webogram, a client for Telegram in Ubuntu 14.04 #telegram #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 07 15:27 | |
schestowitz | "@XRevan86 - My thoughts exactly" | May 07 15:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Install Webogram, a client for Telegram in Ubuntu 14.04 | Muktware [ ] | May 07 15:27 | |
schestowitz | | May 07 15:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Be careful what you send through email on iOS 7 #hypePhone = #NSA back doors | May 07 15:28 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | iOS 7 bug: Email encryption seemingly disabled | BGR [ ] | May 07 15:28 | |
schestowitz | Well, yes, iOs is going to send everything straight to the NSA , et al, but unless you're going to use PGP and so is the other person, then sending private stuff via email is a bit of a lost cause already. I do hope that initiatives like Mailpile or Darkmail can turn this around, but that's what it is thus far..."" | May 07 15:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The NSA Can Use Your iPhone To Spy On You, Expert Says [ ] | May 07 15:28 | |
schestowitz | E-mail is an open envelope/postcard protocol, for now... | May 07 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PiratePartyUK Let's make #OpenAccess a requirement for all | May 07 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publicly funded research #VotePirate #EP2014 | May 07 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PiratePartyUK: When you pay for research, shouldn't you have access to the results? #VotePirate #EP2014 | May 07 15:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PiratePartyUK Expose corruption, lies, murder, surveillance, | May 07 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by torture, crime... Whistle-blowers deserve | May 07 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow better! #VotePirate #EP2014 | May 07 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PiratePartyUK: Expose corruption, lies, murder, surveillance, torture, crime... Whistle-blowers deserve better! #VotePirate #EP2014 | May 07 15:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:28 |
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @wikileaks: 'Video (HD): @carwinb interviews #WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison over...' | May 07 15:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Could an Australian journalist ask Dr Vivian | May 07 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Thom whether Austr Govt pleads w/NSA to spy | May 07 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror more on Australians for them | May 07 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's wrong to assume we're all being spied on, spy watchdog says | May 07 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Official Amazon review of "No Place to Hide" - | May 07 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to be released on May 13 - is now posted | May 07 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 07 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State: Glenn Greenwald: 9781627790734: Books | May 07 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "we must wage Tony Blair’s war on Muslims | May 07 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | everywhere." | May 07 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Dysfunction in Nigeria | May 07 15:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #TTIP bei #rp14: "Wir wollen, dass | May 07 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Handelshemmnisse abgebaut werden, wollen dabei | May 07 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody aber auch deutsche Standards erhalten." | May 07 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brigittezypries | May 07 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:35 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @PiratePartyUK: 'Expose corruption, lies, murder, surveillance, torture, crime... Whistle-blowers...' | May 07 15:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Singapore Government drives community-powered | May 07 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | innovation through open source | May 07 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 15:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Singapore Government drives community-powered innovation through open source | Tux Machines | May 07 15:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines HP to invest over $1 billion in open-source | May 07 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | cloud computing | May 07 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 15:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP to invest over $1 billion in open-source cloud computing | Tux Machines | May 07 15:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Crytek Open-Sources Their Renderdoc Graphics | May 07 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | Debugger | May 07 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 15:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crytek Open-Sources Their Renderdoc Graphics Debugger | Tux Machines | May 07 15:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #TPP bad for US, turns #Asia into "giant pool | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of exploitable labor:" | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @chicagotribune #StopTPP | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rachel Marsden: Trans-Pacific Partnership a bad deal for America - | May 07 15:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TPP bad for US, turns #Asia into "giant pool of exploitable labor:" @chicagotribune #StopTPP | May 07 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Road to Providence: a new game being made with | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Krita #krita #kde #gnu | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Road to Providence: a new game being made with Krita | May 07 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Web needs "Resetting" | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | couldn't agree more | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Net (Internet) has not been universally | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | exploited for surveillance, but HTTP/HTTPS & | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | E-mail among the worst, soon with DRM as | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'standard' | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The next President of the empire offers little | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Hope" | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's comments on Edward Snowden and the NSA - Boing Boing | May 07 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Russia Quietly Passes Anti-Blogger Law | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russia Quietly Passes Anti-Blogger Law - Slashdot | May 07 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Saying that #email is still acceptable because | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | PGP/GnuPG exist misguided. Encryption if a | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | bandage, not a standard. Need to redo | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | messaging. | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz SMS delivered as part of packets that identify | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | one's location w.r.t. the tower/s. IOW, being | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | tracked precondition to getting an SMS. | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Great TV coverage of 60 German NGO's protesting | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TTIP in Berlin: | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Fracking #GMO #Ag #EU #food | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PressTV - Germans hold demo against US-EU free trade deal | May 07 15:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Great TV coverage of 60 German NGO's protesting #TTIP in Berlin: #Fracking #GMO #Ag #EU #food | May 07 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa leaks teach us that it's safe to send | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | passwords neither via #email nor via #sms - | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | even #https in doubt now. | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NSA, the Nazi Surveillance Agency, has done | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | nothing for "Security". Quite the contrary. I | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | still write down (w/ pen) passwords for people. | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot of people reuse passwords, so in order to | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | crack lots of networks (routine procedure) the | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa just needs Orwellian program like #prism | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sports and staging | May 07 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt How Comcast Is Trying To Turn The Internet Into | May 07 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Old, Broken Phone System | May 07 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Comcast Is Trying To Turn The Internet Into The Old, Broken Phone System | Techdirt | May 07 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dog skiing | May 07 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenRightsGroup Our London #WePromise #EUDigitalDebate is 15th | May 07 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by May | May 07 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @ClaudeMoraesMEP @SarahLudfordMEP @Green_DannyB | May 07 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PaulJamesOakley | May 07 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London MEP Digital Hustings - ORG London (London, England) - Meetup | May 07 16:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This One Summer [excerpt] | May 07 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 16:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 16:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I just backed Bureau - Season 1 on @Kickstarter | May 07 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bureau - Season 1 by Guy Galer — Kickstarter | May 07 16:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Drei Irrtümer über #TTIP - | May 07 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | rubbish arguments: I | May 07 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | expected better from @SZ (v @EU_TTIP_team) | May 07 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen mit den USA - Drei Irrtümer über TTIP - Wirtschaft - Sü | May 07 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow This One Summer [excerpt] - | May 07 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: This One Summer [excerpt] | May 07 16:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @beltzner In case you were bored and wanted to watch a | May 07 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by live stream of Earth, as seen by the | May 07 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist International Space Station: | May 07 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ! | May 07 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment on USTREAM: ***QUICK NOTES ABOUT HDEV VIDEO*** Black Image = International Space Station (ISS) is on the night side of the ... | May 07 16:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Kickstarting a game about cops, terrorism and | May 07 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cognitive bias | May 07 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 16:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Watch how the Microsoft-linked #BlackDuck | May 07 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | contributed to FOSS #fud | May 07 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Conflict at the Heart of Open Source | Dr Dobb's | May 07 16:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Black Duck - Techrights | May 07 16:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | we also need to shut | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | down the #fbi - they're jackboots | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now - CNET | May 07 16:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "US company is forcing ISPs to participate in | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | the copyright crusade" | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #copyright common carrier for #surveillance | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RightsCorp Wants To Bring Its Copyright Protection Methods To The UK | May 07 16:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz re:publica 2014 - #TTIP - Closed shop agreement | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | in times... | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times... - YouTube | May 07 16:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tim Berners-Lee warns Facebook against web | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | takeover #facebook #nsa | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance #stati | May 07 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tim Berners-Lee warns Facebook against web takeover - Telegraph | May 07 16:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @SZ first point: not true that | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | negotiations have to be in secret: WIPO | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | conducts everything out in open | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Why Isn't the Government Backing the CRTC on | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Wireless Code?: issue raised during House | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Commons QP | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Why Isn't the Government Backing the CRTC on the Wireless Code? | May 07 16:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @SZ and even if offers needed to | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | be kept secret, they could be published as soon | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | as they were tabled, since no longer secret | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mmilinkov .@jonobacon I just bought "Dealing With | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disrespect" for my Kindle. Figured it would be | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon worth the couple of bucks @cra | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @SZ second point: the only way | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | to make regulations compatible is by levelling | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | up or down: US won't level up, leaves down | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @SZ second tpoint: mutual | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | recognition is exactly the same as levelling | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | down - see | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times... - YouTube | May 07 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @SZ final point: people are only | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | calling for talks to be broken off because they | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | have got off on the wrong foot... | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @SZ that is, in secret and | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | aiming to change regulatory matters that | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | require the consent of the people - not just | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | done by fiat | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @SZ or are you perhaps admitting | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | that some of things are so bad the public would | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | revolt if they knew? | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Internet 'close to three billion users', says | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #UN total #surveillance | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | is near, just need some #drones for access | May 07 16:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internet 'close to three billion users', says UN - Telegraph | May 07 16:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Some activists I know hate the Web with a | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | passion not because they're technophobic. They | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | just know what the Web is nowadays used for. | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team it may not be your *aim*, but it | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | may be what you are forced to accept in order | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | to achieve a deal | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot 4chan Launches '$20 Bug Bounty' After Hackers | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ruin moot's Day | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4chan Launches '$20 Bug Bounty' After Hackers Ruin moot's Day - Slashdot | May 07 16:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team put another way, are you willing | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | to commit to refusing to sign a deal if it | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | requires EU to lower standards? | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team if you aren't, we know that you | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | are willing to negotiate on standards as we | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | fear.. | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot has been said about #drm in books and the | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | loss of anonymous reading (Amazon tracks the | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | reading, not just buying); Web total tracker. | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@MazelierThomas @EU_TTIP_team @SZ good point: | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | the NSA *already* has your secret negotiating | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | positions - only the EU public doesn't... | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team I didn't say you wanted a bad | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | deal, I'm predicting you will *get* a bad | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | deal... | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team the fact that you have already | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | let the US bully you over transparency shows | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | you won't stand up to it over other elements | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team if you wanted to convince | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens of your bona fides, you would tell US | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | that *you* believe in transparency, and publish | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | dox | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Fongolia @doctorow the #TCAF/Doug Wright Awards | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kickstarter needs more love! Please RT! | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #canadiancomics | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #indiecomics | May 07 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The 10th annual Doug Wright Awards by Brad Mackay — Kickstarter | May 07 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou 2 days until @firedoglake day of action to help | May 07 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | get John with his family. Join us in DC or act | May 07 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | locally. | May 07 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC | Firedoglake | May 07 16:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion The HJC and HPSCI | May 07 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bills are VERY close, and todays HJC markup is | May 07 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 largely theater to get civ lib buy-in. | May 07 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team by then, it's too late, because | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | *nothing* can be changed as you well know. | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | you're admitting that you don't want public | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | input | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel It's official Murka. Not only do we get to | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "choose' between immunity or immunity, we also | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 get to choose bt 2 year PATRIOT extension or | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | same. | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team you don't seem to understand | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | this is 21st century, things are different now: | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | we want to participate in this, as is our right | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@agonarch @EU_TTIP_team exactly: if US | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | cosmetics allowed into EU without testing, so | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | do 1289 *banned* substances... | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Missing | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team they don't have to, they just | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | repackage failure as success - that's politics, | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | remember? | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Interesting. HPSCI amendment adds (expands?) | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by language on providing "facilities" to NSA. | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Under (h) Directives 1Aii | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team oh, don't worry, we will provide | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | public scrutiny for #TTIP: you haven't seen | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | anything yet... | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @quinnnorton I just published “Agency,” a strange dream, for | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Message, @medium | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agency — The Message — Medium | May 07 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Russiawashing of Snowden continues after the US | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | forced him there | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-NSA Chief Alexander: Snowden Is Being Manipulated By Russian Intelligence: - Business Insider | May 07 16:44 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden being manipulated by Russian intelligence agencies: Ex-NSA chief - The Economic Times | May 07 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team no, I just said that either you | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | want to keep things secret regardless, or you | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | accept that tabled documents can be published | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team if you truly wanted public | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | input, published tabled documents and provide | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | channels for us to comment | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@EU_TTIP_team @davidjwbailey when it is | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | finalised, it can't be changed, so scrutiny and | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | comment is pointless | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NSA and British counterpart #GCHQ seek ways of | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | monitoring airplane passenger communication: | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Greenwald #surveillance | May 07 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA and British counterpart GCHQ seek ways of monitoring airplane passenger communication: Greenwald - NY Daily News | May 07 16:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Lots of lanyards | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Lots of lanyards | May 07 16:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@ibarbee @EU_TTIP_team @SZ I just challenge | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | US/EU to explain how you reconcile the | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | irreconcilable - you can't, it's a rhetorical | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | trick | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@davidjwbailey @EU_TTIP_team exactly: this is | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | just playing us for mugs: you can see it | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | afterwards, but you can't touch... | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Many articles like | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | distract from #prism | May 07 16:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Released Emails Show the Cozy Relationship Between Google and the NSA | May 07 16:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | "pioneer" #microsoft | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Google's NSA dealings not as bad as you thought – THEY WERE WORSE • The Register | May 07 16:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft and the NSA - Techrights | May 07 16:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow CNN climate denier vs Bill Nye | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: ericgeller: mediaite: Bill Nye the Science Guy... | May 07 16:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@ibarbee @EU_TTIP_team @SZ in particular, it | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | won't solve the chasm between US-EU positions | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | on food safety, chemical safety, data | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | protection | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #surveillance threatens to render the Web | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | dangerous | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | already does | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Groups want to 'reset the 'Net' to resist NSA surveillance - | May 07 16:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kicking Trust in the Pants: NSA had Close | May 07 16:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Reset the Net” to fight NSA spies, says rights group - Computer Business Review | May 07 16:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Relationship with Apple | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | the press focuses on #google - "Scroogled" PR? | May 07 16:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kicking Trust in the Pants: NSA had Close Relationship with Apple, Google - The Mac Observer | May 07 16:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and others were fully | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | aware of the levels of data collection" | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | why the focus on Google? | May 07 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Emails suggest that Google was a willing partner with the NSA | May 07 16:53 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 07 16:56 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 07 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gnat @doctorow cf | May 07 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 16:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 Years of Tags - O'Reilly Radar | May 07 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@ibarbee @EU_TTIP_team @SZ that's why TTIP is | May 07 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | fundamentally flawed: it only looks at trade, | May 07 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ignores culture that is involved... | May 07 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@ibarbee @EU_TTIP_team @SZ calling them "trade | May 07 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | irritants" is profoundly insulting to the | May 07 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | societies that chose them | May 07 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Medialink Threatens Customer With Lawsuit For | May 07 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Writing A Negative Amazon Review | May 07 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 16:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 07 16:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FSchweitzer @glynmoody EC's Chief Negotiator is openly | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by breaking basic EU rules on transparency.His | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody excuse: I'm busy @EU_TTIP_team | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FSchweitzer: @glynmoody EC's Chief Negotiator is openly breaking basic EU rules on transparency.His excuse: I'm busy @EU_TTIP_team | May 07 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz More accurate report on the latest #nsa scandal | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | shows it's not just about #google | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google, Apple and Microsoft worked closely with NSA on spying, says report | May 07 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NSA spy praises Huawei ban | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | cracking #huawei and | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | then banning them. Exceptionalism much? | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA spy praises Huawei ban | May 07 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ben Starr Answers Your Questions About | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sustainability and Kitchen Tech | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ben Starr Answers Your Questions About Sustainability and Kitchen Tech - Slashdot | May 07 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa allies lobby government 'against' NSA... | May 07 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | whe corporations control everything, even | May 07 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | "controlled opposition" | May 07 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yahoo to Facebook Press Lawmakers as Votes Near on NSA Spy Bills - Businessweek | May 07 17:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FSchweitzer @glynmoody @EU_TTIP_team it's about FOI (access | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to EU documents): I | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody requested non-confidential position papers. | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is the NSA Trying to Frighten Americans Into | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dropping Lawsuits Against Dragnet Surveillance? | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | sham all around | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is the NSA Trying to Frighten Americans Into Dropping Lawsuits Against Dragnet Surveillance? | The Dissenter | May 07 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nxvl great book from my pal @jonobacon on how to | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by handle FUD, trolls and haters based on the tons | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon of them he gets daily! | May 07 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dealing With Disrespect | May 07 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz House Committee to Study USA Freedom Act to End | May 07 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA Surveillance good | May 07 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | luck with that. They play dirty. | May 07 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House Committee to Study USA Freedom Act to End NSA Surveillance | May 07 17:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EconAmericas An influential report out today concludes that | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by prohibition and the war on drugs have failed | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa Nazi-era #propaganda seeks to portray NSA | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | as "code breakers" rather than crackers, folks | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | behind #drone killings | May 07 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drugs policy: A turning tide | The Economist | May 07 17:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EconAmericas: An influential report out today concludes that prohibition and the war on drugs have failed | May 07 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Wants You! | Ubergizmo | May 07 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @snlester EU and Japan agree "to try to conclude talks on | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by an ambitious free-trade deal next year" | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Agree to try? How bold! | May 07 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU, Japan eye landmark trade deal, rap Russia over Ukraine | Reuters | May 07 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork GCHQ receives almost 66% of its SIGINT from the | May 07 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA, says @e3i5 #rp14 | May 07 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The Center for Investigative Reporting hopes | May 07 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | to raise $25,000 to report on surveillance by | May 07 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | local authorities" | May 07 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:15 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 10 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 64 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 07 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (10) | May 07 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 07 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 07 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 279 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1092 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 07 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (88), @glynmoody (56), @slashdot (12) | May 07 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (41), @doctorow (18), @Thomas_Drake1 (9) | May 07 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (13), #rp14 (11), #nsa (9) | May 07 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "former prime minister [offered]... criticism | May 07 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Australian involvement in US military drone | May 07 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | operations." #drones | May 07 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Malcolm Fraser's criticism of drone operations 'ridiculous', says ex-Army drone pioneer - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) | May 07 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drones: Obama’s Invisible War | May 07 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | there's opposition from | May 07 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | the right | May 07 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drone Secrets "Secrecy | May 07 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | in a democracy is highly problematic" [US not a | May 07 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | democracy, plutocracy] | May 07 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 07 17:20 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why you should take Rand Paul's latest stand on drones seriously - The Week | May 07 17:20 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone Secrets » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 07 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "A man who lost his family to a US drone attack | May 07 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | begs for President Barack Obama to answer" | May 07 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drones | May 07 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Obama, why did you ruin my paradise?'- US drone victim in Pakistan - News - Politics - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video | May 07 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Science fiction may become reality with 'killer | May 07 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | robots' | May 07 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | may? It already has. | May 07 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drones #cia | May 07 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Science fiction may become reality with 'killer robots' | May 07 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CarlyatWork Today is #passwordday. Change your passwords | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and go from hackable to uncrackable! | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-302 redirect with weird Location: lang.php | May 07 17:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hphelioncloud We are hiring #cloud and #OpenStack | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by technologists to join our team #hphelion | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Aborting after 20 redirects | May 07 17:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot TLS 1.3 Draft Prepares to Drop Static RSA Key | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Exchange | May 07 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TLS 1.3 Draft Prepares to Drop Static RSA Key Exchange - Slashdot | May 07 17:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama concerned about "botched" execution while | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ordering "botched" execution of thousands and | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | bragging about it | May 07 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Headlines for May 05, 2014 | Democracy Now! | May 07 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Your life will be stranger and more wondrous | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | than you ever believed when you were young. If | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | you live every day of it true. | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Time to bail students out of $1 trillion debt | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | makes sense, but | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wallstreet - not students - bribes the govt. | May 07 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 07 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In ongoing protest: Anti-drone demonstrators | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | continue monthly campaign | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | normalising the idea of | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | murder without trial | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In ongoing protest: Anti-drone demonstrators continue monthly campaign - Appeal-Democrat: News | May 07 17:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US to Senators: we kill Americans with #drones | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | because | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | [public in the dark] | May 07 17:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House to provide lawmakers access to drone memo authorizing killing of American - The Washington Post | May 07 17:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senators given access to doc authorizing drone killing of American — RT USA | May 07 17:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If only select politicians granted access to | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | docs excusing murder (under NDA I presume), how | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | can displeasure be communicated? | May 07 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Government docs excusing murder need to be | May 07 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | served to family of the dead (who MIGHT be able | May 07 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | to speak for the murdered), not oblivious suits | May 07 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pro- #drones Web site indicates that the | May 07 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pentagon/CIA once again lied about killing | May 07 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | "terrorist" "leaders" | May 07 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Saudi DNA results confirm neither Asiri nor Wuhayshi killed in US drone strike - Threat Matrix | May 07 17:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh A terrible article that entirely misunderstands | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | stats 101. “@alanna_shaikh: American income | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | mobility” | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Most Americans Make It To The Top 20 Percent (At Least For A While) : Planet Money : NPR | May 07 17:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pro- #drones site teaches us never to trust | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | claims of killing "leader" (nebulous term), | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | "militant" (adult male); victims too burned to | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ID. | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Americans need to grow the fuck up, stop | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | worrying about "welfare" so much, and stop | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | hating each other so much. | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Another #drones strike (Wednesday) reportedly | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | killed a score of unnamed people; no articles | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | yet in Western media. Waiting... | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tcarmody Nigeria's Boko Haram: Who Are These Assholes | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and What Do They Supposedly Want? [lightly | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist edited headline] | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigeria's Boko Haram: Who Are They and What Do They Want? | May 07 17:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot First Transistors Made Entirely of 2-D | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Materials | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Transistors Made Entirely of 2-D Materials - Slashdot | May 07 17:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drone memo author endorsed call for | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | transparency | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | transparency won't help when they lie about | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | victims | May 07 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone memo author endorsed call for transparency | MSNBC | May 07 17:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Age and gender of victims not enough to | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ascertain that death sentence without trial is | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | justified. #drones #dangerous #precedent | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Around Easter the CIA murdered about 60 or 70 | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | people. A week later US named dead "leader" | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | (probably false). Oh, that makes it OK then... | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Fmr Dir: "#NSA being severely--& | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | unfairly--demonized by its critics & press." | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | YOU do the same to #Snowden, even here: | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview transcript: former head of the NSA and commander of the US cyber command, General Keith Alexander | May 07 17:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #drones boosters put in charge of top US courts | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | now (with Obama's help) | May 07 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Nuclear' Senate: Rand Paul Can't Slow Nomination Tied to Drone Policy | May 07 17:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Citizenship as a weapon in the #uk now | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | often used to 'groom' | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | people for droning | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May wins vote for power to strip Brits of citizenship | May 07 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Heartbleed Saga Continues: Highlights of | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerability's First 30 Days | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Heartbleed Saga Continues: Highlights of Vulnerability's First 30 Days | May 07 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Mirza Shahzad Akbar pleaded to the court to | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | lodge case against CIA officials." | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Haha, good luck with | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | that. | May 07 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ONLINE - International News Network | May 07 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz After a #cia agent murdered in cold blood | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | several innocent Arabs the CIA stole $2 million | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | from US taxpayers to free this animal from jail | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks "The Internet Freedom Falicy"; Written just 3 | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | months before the Arab Spring by Naawat's | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ifikra, still shines | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Internet Freedom Fallacy and the Arab Digital activism | Nawaat - Tunisia | May 07 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #drones breed hatred and cause terrorism, so | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | this baffling article reverses the story, makes | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | drones a "solution" | May 07 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If only drone warfare was more accurate | May 07 17:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted '"The Internet Freedom Falicy"; Written just 3 months...' | May 07 17:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Road to Providence: a new game being made with | May 07 17:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | Krita | May 07 17:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 17:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Will Apple sue Amazon for copying the iPhone? | May 07 17:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 17:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 17:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Road to Providence: a new game being made with Krita | Tux Machines | May 07 17:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Apple sue Amazon for copying the iPhone? | Tux Machines | May 07 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks "The Internet Freedom Falicy"; written just 3 | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | months before the Arab Spring by Nawaat's | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ifikra, still shines | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Theresa May's citizenship-stripping proposal is | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | worse than medieval banishment | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | sad trajectory in #uk | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #law | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Statesman | Theresa May's citizenship-stripping proposal is worse than medieval banishment | May 07 17:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #drone strikes lead to jail sentences. Yes, | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | people who protest against drones go to prison. | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 17:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Protester chooses jail over fine : Juneau County Star-Times | May 07 17:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Al Qaeda becomes stronger (more recruitment) | May 07 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | because of tactless #cia #drone attacks | May 07 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | (tactless unless aim is hate) | May 07 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Al Qaeda seems to be resurging in Yemen - Middle East expert - News - VoR Interviews - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video | May 07 18:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz First Circuit Court of Appeals may soon be | May 07 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | (co-)led by man who helped murder, without | May 07 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | trial, US citizen | May 07 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bad Combination: Juliette Kayyem's Husband, Rand Paul, and Drones | May 07 18:05 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Fmr Dir: "#NSA being severely--& unfairly--demonized by its...' | May 07 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CIA coup factory stocks AK-47 ammo | May 07 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Texas Home to a Secret CIA Weapons Facility? Camp Stanley Orders Over Two Million Rounds of AK-47 Ammunition | Global Research | May 07 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt No, Every Person Does Not Owe The Movie & Music | May 07 18:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA’s secret weapons cache found in Texas — RT USA | May 07 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Industry $67 Million, But Copyright Is Still | May 07 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Broken | May 07 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secret CIA Weapons Depot Linked With Two Texas Locations | Texas GOP Vote | May 07 18:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | There's a top secret CIA weapons facility just north of San Antonio - San Antonio Express-News | May 07 18:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No, Every Person Does Not Owe The Movie & Music Industry $67 Million, But Copyright Is Still Broken | Techdirt | May 07 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Time to ‘celebrate’ the one month anniversary | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | of #Heartbleed @eWEEKNews | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Heartbleed Saga Continues: Highlights of Vulnerability's First 30 Days | May 07 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama administration proves why we need someone | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | to leak CIA Torture Report | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | lies and coverup of | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | crime | May 07 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama administration proves why we need someone to leak CIA Torture Report - Boing Boing | May 07 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Womenwashing the #cia in corporate media | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | like they did for #torture and #revisionism | May 07 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NBC Orders Katherine Heigl CIA Drama to Series | Variety | May 07 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @olewin Great. #TTIP #RP14 session video is online | May 07 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Thx to @republica for | May 07 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody their work! @glynmoody @BrunoGertKramm | May 07 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @solanasaurus | May 07 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times of open government initiatives? | re:publica 2014 | May 07 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia created proxy militias (distancing oneself | May 07 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | from death squads) | May 07 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA financed and trained paramilitaries disbanded in Afghanistan | May 07 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA-Backed Militias Disband in Afghanistan | The Diplomat | May 07 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Senate a second-class citizen in governance | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | which means there's the | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | classic "secret government" | May 07 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Happened to CIA Torture Report? Senate in the Dark Too -- News from | May 07 18:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US now operates #drone strikes from #africa | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torture also | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 18:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yemeni sues African country for torture at US black site | May 07 18:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody video of my talk at re:publica 2014 yesterday | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP & why the numbers just don't add up - | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rp14 | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz We've been led to believe that only "third rate | May 07 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | countries" (third world means something else) | May 07 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | are ruled covertly by military and monarchs. | May 07 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @ipoliticsca: A blunt-force approach to | May 07 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet privacy | iPolitics | May 07 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A blunt-force approach to Internet privacy | May 07 18:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US Monarchy British | May 07 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | monarchy killed competition like | May 07 18:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Wealthiest Americans Ever - New York Times | May 07 18:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Qaddafi Was Worth More Than $200 Billion — By Far The Richest Person In The World - Business Insider | May 07 18:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Andy Baio, on bringing back Upworthy on | May 07 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kickstarter | May 07 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Undoubtedly, there will be cynics asking why they... | May 07 18:22 | |
*MinceR ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 07 18:23 | |
*MinceR has quit (Changing host) | May 07 18:23 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 07 18:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'CIA ...using a phony vaccination campaign as a | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ruse to collect DNA evidence" | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WHO warns of new global polio crisis: How terrorists, dictators, and the CIA helped it make a comeback. | May 07 18:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comment: Terrorists, dictators and the CIA are helping polio make a comeback | SBS News | May 07 18:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Strange Death of Comet Ison | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Strange Death of Comet Ison - Slashdot | May 07 18:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CIA to congress members who wrote about CIA | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | crimes: give us that, we'll take it from here | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dems Angry Over Delay in Releasing CIA Interrogations Report | May 07 18:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate Dems antsy over W.H. release of CIA report - Burgess Everett - | May 07 18:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Ha! Upcoming, not Upworthy! (22 timezones in 10 | May 07 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | days, my brain is melted) | May 07 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JournalistsLike Wanna work for @nytimes? Working alone & eating | May 07 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by at your desk are requirements | May 07 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist h/t @bpreeves | May 07 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News Services Part-Time Editor at The New York Times in Greater New York City Area - Job | LinkedIn | May 07 18:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JournalistsLike: Wanna work for @nytimes? Working alone & eating at your desk are requirements h/t @bpreeves | May 07 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF Watch live now: House Judiciary Committee | May 07 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by debating the USA FREEDOM Act, a bill to reform | May 07 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack NSA surveillance: | May 07 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Live and Archived Webcasts - Judiciary Committee | May 07 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourRevoCentral Watch live now: U.S. House Judiciary Committee | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by debating the #USAFREEDOMAct, a bill to "reform" | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #NSA surveillance:" | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Jurisdiction, jurisdiction, jurisdiction. HJC | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cares that their jurisdiction has been honored. | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel As you watch HJC hearing, remember this bill | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by only ends "bulk" collection as defined by IC, | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 not as defined by English. | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA Freedumb Act and RuppRoge Both Adopt Intelligence Community Definition of “Bulk Collection” | emptywheel | May 07 18:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ACLU_Mass Hear more from @DanielEllsberg, Snowden's | May 07 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lawyer @benwizner & others on Monday! | May 07 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Join us: 2014 Bill of Rights Dinner | ACLU of Massachusetts | May 07 18:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ACLU_Mass: Hear more from @DanielEllsberg, Snowden's lawyer @benwizner & others on Monday! | May 07 18:33 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @emptywheel: 'As you watch HJC hearing, remember this bill...' | May 07 18:33 | |
schestowitz | Moody ""I'm German" - sorry, don't understand what you mean there..." | May 07 18:35 |
schestowitz | I thought that in this talk you said "I'm German" | May 07 18:35 |
schestowitz | | May 07 18:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JoelandAmy1: @schestowitz #CampStanley #CIA #MidwestDepot #ChemicalWeapons | May 07 18:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Log In - The New York Times | May 07 18:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JoelandAmy1: @schestowitz #CampStanley #CIA #MidwestDepot #ChemicalWeapons | May 07 18:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Job Creator | May 07 18:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Samsung's NX300 Android-based mirrorless camera | May 07 18:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | is horribly, horribly insecure | May 07 18:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hacking the Samsung NX300 'Smart' Camera | May 07 18:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Conyers at FREEDOM Act mark-up: Judiciary is | May 07 18:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | correct committee of jurisdiction for legality | May 07 18:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | of surveillance. | May 07 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Sensenbrenner says he intends to prohibit NSA's | May 07 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | bulk collection with FREEDOM Act. | May 07 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Good Start, but devil is in the details. | May 07 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:39 |
schestowitz | | May 07 18:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and others were fully aware of the levels of data collection" why the focus on Google? | May 07 18:39 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Emails suggest that Google was a willing partner with the NSA [ ] | May 07 18:39 | |
schestowitz | "Because Google and Microsoft have the monopoly." | May 07 18:39 |
schestowitz | Nobody want to pass bill to de-fund the body which spies on everyone in Congress | May 07 18:40 |
schestowitz | | May 07 18:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ No Joke: John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And Transparency | May 07 18:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | John Kerry Claims US Is On The 'Right Side Of History' When It Comes To Online Freedom And Transparency | Techdirt [ ] | May 07 18:41 | |
schestowitz | "If history is written by the winners (ie the most powerful), then maybe... still, it's not a cause I would want to fight for." | May 07 18:41 |
schestowitz | | May 07 18:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/  #Technology #Hardware #Linux - #Intel's SD-sized Edison #PC will be slightly larger than expected [The chip was initially designed to be the size and shape of an SD card and support a Linux-based PC with WiFi and Bluetooth functionality. It was expected to be built using Intel’s Quark system-on-a-chip, b | May 07 18:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Single-Board Computers: Intel’s SD-sized ... | element14 [ ] | May 07 18:41 | |
schestowitz | "@Dr. Roy, agreed, but from the technological point of view it is awesome.... a linux pc with about the same dimensions of a sd card...." | May 07 18:41 |
schestowitz | Agreed | May 07 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz There is no law in West which applies | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | explicitly only to Arabs (except maybe in | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Israel). So any law passed in the name of | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | anti-terror spooky | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:43 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Sensenbrenner says he intends to prohibit NSA's bulk...' | May 07 18:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz @JesselynRadack Nobody want to pass bill to | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | de-fund the body which spies on everyone in | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Congress | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I just backed The Return of | May 07 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | on @Kickstarter | May 07 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 07 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Return of by Andy Baio — Kickstarter | May 07 18:44 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Sensenbrenner says he intends to prohibit NSA's bulk...' | May 07 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: My New Shoes by John Scalzi on Flickr. | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bosch Docs! | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: My New Shoes by John Scalzi on Flickr. Bosch Docs! | May 07 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @einfeldt Your Internet service could get slower without | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Net Neutrality: via | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @other98 | May 07 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We Want Net Neutrality, Not Corporate Takeover | May 07 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @einfeldt Pls call Nancy Pelosi & ask her to defend Net | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neutrality 415-556-4862. Pls RT | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Sensenbrenner, Conyers, Nadler & Goodlatte ALL | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | AGREE NSA bulk collection should end. But bill | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | may not accomplish goal -see @emptywheel | May 07 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:48 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Sensenbrenner, Conyers, Nadler & Goodlatte ALL AGREE NSA...' | May 07 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cloud patterns | May 07 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Sensenbrenner, Conyers, Nadler & Goodlatte ALL | May 07 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | AGREE they want to end NSA's bulk collection of | May 07 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone metadata. Significant consensus. | May 07 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Here's why that "entity" language means this | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by definition of "specific selection term" is too | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 broad. | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Specific Selection Term:” Still Not Convinced | emptywheel | May 07 18:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Doesn't matter what members of Congress intend. | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by If details leave loopholes for bulk collection | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 to continue, it will #nsa #USAFreedomAct | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Steve King has discovered that phone companies | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by keep records of the calls you make. | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | BREAKING! | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Steve King: Let's expand phone co record | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by retention to 5 years for prospective collection | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 program. | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 07 18:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | TIME MACHINE! | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kasparov63 Putin announces troop pullback & endorses UKR | May 07 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by elections right after meeting the Swiss | May 07 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 president. Looks like banks are mightier than | May 07 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | tanks! | May 07 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Slow news day today... | May 07 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #phoronix | May 07 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel P-State Driver Might Still Be Causing Wonky Linux Performance | May 07 19:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RaineyReitman Rep. Conyers reminds the committee that Section | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 702, Executive Order 12333 still remain | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 unaddressed. Love that guy. | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Will Apple sue Amazon for copying the iPhone? | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #amazon #stevejobs | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hypocrisy | May 07 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Apple sue Amazon for copying the iPhone? | May 07 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Jud. Comm. talks like it's common sense gov't | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | should not collect bulk phone records. Took a | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower 2 bring common sense to | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Congress. | May 07 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:02 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Jud. Comm. talks like it's common sense gov't...' | May 07 19:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Linux Developers Working On DRM Color | May 07 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Manager #linux #graphics | May 07 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Linux Developers Working On DRM Color Manager | May 07 19:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @CETAWatch: RT @EmbassyNews: Final EU #CETA | May 07 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | text further delayed | May 07 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Final CETA text further delayed | Embassy - Canada's Foreign Policy Newspaper | May 07 19:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 3D Printing's Success Points to a Rosy Future | May 07 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Open Hardware | May 07 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openhw #openhardware | May 07 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3D Printing's Success Points to a Rosy Future for Open Hardware | | May 07 19:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Controlling Fear By Modifying DNA | May 07 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Controlling Fear By Modifying DNA - Slashdot | May 07 19:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In the cloud, Linux will win the OS war | May 07 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 07 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In the cloud, Linux will win the OS war -- GCN | May 07 19:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:05 |
schestowitz | "I did say that Germany played a big role in bringing down ACTA, maybe sounded like that..." | May 07 19:05 |
schestowitz | Ah, misheard by my wife and I then... | May 07 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack We '@GovAcctProj questioned retaliation against | May 07 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #UNC #whistleblower #Willingham for her | May 07 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | athletics pgrm reform effort | May 07 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 07 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Would like to remind Congress that ’relevance’ | May 07 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | line does not comport with the 4th Amendment | May 07 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | probable cause standard. | May 07 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Live and Archived Webcasts - Judiciary Committee | May 07 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman Sensenbrenner says USA Freedom Act | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "unequivocally ends" bulk collection, but 1 | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 order under it gets 2 "hops" of data, millions | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | of records. | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel When Sensenbrenner says this ends bulk | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by collection he's using IC language, not ours. | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 But it'll provide nice legislative record. | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tomtomorrow Paging @doctorow RT @OrlandoWeekly There’s a | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by retired Disney monorail car for sale on eBay: | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow … | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | There's a retired Disney monorail car for sale on eBay - Orlando Weekly Blogs | May 07 19:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @chronicleherald: Feds’ need to be careful | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | in how revenge porn is targeted in cybercrime | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | bill | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawyer: Cybercrime bill could be applied to people sharing any porn | The Chronicle Herald | May 07 19:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack King "surveillance by proxy" fails 4-24. | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #USAFreedomAct | May 07 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:14 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'King "surveillance by proxy" fails 4-24. #USAFreedomAct...' | May 07 19:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack King "surveillance by proxy" amendment fails | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | 4-24. #USAFreedomAct | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TransmogriFi New blog post: review of @doctorow 's #homeland | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 19:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TransmogriFiction | May 07 19:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Imagineer Rolly Crump on the 1964 NY World's | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Fair: audio memoir | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 07 19:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing .@frauenfelder’s gallery of classic @boingboing | May 07 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by zine covers. #25yearsofboing | May 07 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 07 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | bOING bOING zine covers - a set on Flickr | May 07 19:20 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: .@frauenfelder’s gallery of classic @boingboing zine covers. #25yearsofboing | May 07 19:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SisterSledge_ Hey @DimitriParis We love your remix of Lost in | May 07 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Music. Thank you for helping keep the music | May 07 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh alive! Blessings! | May 07 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Interconnection: Or How Big Broadband Kills Net | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neutrality Without Violating 'Net Neutrality' | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #internet | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interconnection: Or How Big Broadband Kills Net Neutrality Without Violating 'Net Neutrality' | Techdirt | May 07 19:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Looks Like 'Compromise' Has Been Reached On NSA | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reform Bills | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Looks Like 'Compromise' Has Been Reached On NSA Reform Bills | Techdirt | May 07 19:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Please do not be afraid to be awesome. Thank | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | you. | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Shorter Sensenbrenner: Sure, we're Congress, | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and could end Smith v. Maryland, but I'm gonna | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 pretend we don't have that authority. | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdamSerwer Huh. Rep. Sensenbrenner is shooting down Rep. | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Lofgren's attempt to require probable cause | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 standard for seeking communications records. | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Story ID: Compare what Sensenbrenner just said | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by abt Smith v Maryland w/what he said about 6 | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 months ago. | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdamSerwer Nader is opposing too. Sensenbrenner said new | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by USA Freedom bill is on "fast track" and | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 stricter standard could derail it. | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Burnout is a significant cause of conflict, | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | stress, and relationship issues - learn more it | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | and how to manage it in | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dealing With Disrespect | May 07 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SteveNixonIP @JesselynRadack 17:30 Nice call out to | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @Thomas_Drake1 by Snowden | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist .@thewirereport reports Govt reverses course | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | and will back up CRTC on wireless code in court | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | [sub req] | May 07 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Government to back up wireless code in court | The Wire Report | May 07 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Selling doggy dating apps for billions while | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | most can’t afford healthcare isn’t an economy — | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | it’s a travesty. | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 07 19:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Reminder to Congress: NatSec,FI,biz record RAS | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | cut out not excuse to remove protection of 4th | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Amend as going too far. | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Live and Archived Webcasts - Judiciary Committee | May 07 19:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Russia demands $3.8bn security deposit from | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Visa and Mastercard the | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | oligopoly of banks and payments | May 07 19:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russia demands $3.8bn security deposit from Visa and Mastercard | World news | | May 07 19:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Nadler opposes bc opposition to PATRIOT, before | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by half this metadata existed, didn't strive for | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 this standard then. | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot As Domestic Abuse Goes Digital, Shelters Turn | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Counter-surveillance With Tor | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As Domestic Abuse Goes Digital, Shelters Turn To Counter-surveillance With Tor - Slashdot | May 07 19:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Nadler: After 12 years, we finally have chance | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to rein back govt surveillance (?), so this | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 would disrupt ability to pass bill. | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Bobby Scott opposes, too. | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Both Nadler and Scott basically saying, "well, | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | she's right but we can't do the right thing." | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Lofgren: Entire issue of ancient doctrine in | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 4th Amendment will need to be dealt w/by | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Congress or if we don't SCOTUS. | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative Mmmm… Scott’s saying some stuff here that’s not | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by quite right. For USP records 215 limited to | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 counterterror/counterintel. | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Lofgren is trying to say w/o saying, | May 07 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "Gentlemen, either we fix this, or the Roberts | May 07 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 court is going to 'fix' Smith v Maryland" | May 07 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Lofgren does not ask for roll call so we won't | May 07 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by know what a bloodbath that just was for the | May 07 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Fourth Amendment. | May 07 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Linux Developers Working On DRM Color | May 07 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Manager | May 07 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 19:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel Linux Developers Working On DRM Color Manager | Tux Machines | May 07 19:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 3D Printing's Success Points to a Rosy Future | May 07 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Open Hardware | May 07 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 19:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3D Printing's Success Points to a Rosy Future for Open Hardware | Tux Machines | May 07 19:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines In the cloud, Linux will win the OS war | May 07 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 07 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 19:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In the cloud, Linux will win the OS war | Tux Machines | May 07 19:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Btw, one thing this bill does is finally add | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by HJC to reporting requirements for a bunch of | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 stuff. Did you know they weren't on that list? | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Lofgren: Biggest disappointment abt mgrs is | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by took meaningful reform out of USAF. AMendment | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 to require warrant to do back door searches. | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative Lofgren proposing to restore the original USA | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by FREEDOM warrant requirement for “backdoor | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 searches” on US persons under 702. | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdamSerwer Lofgren now proposing to put ban on NSA's | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "backdoor searches" back in the surveillance | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 reform bill. Wonder what the vote will be | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Lofgren: You could end up w/broadbase database | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by under 702 that we're trying to stop under 215. | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Yep--and back door searches often metadata) | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Many thanks to @mikeshinoda for contributing | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | content and a review to 'Dealing With | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disrespect' - see for | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | more! | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dealing With Disrespect | May 07 20:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel VERY IMPORTANT: Lofgren just predicted where | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this going to go, and she's right. And they | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 blew her off. | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF Impressive: @RepZoeLofgren pushes the Judiciary | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Committee to improve the NSA reform bill with | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 strong amendments | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Live and Archived Webcasts - Judiciary Committee | May 07 20:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Shadow kabuki dancing. USA Freedom Act bait & | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | switch. Anything relevant to intel we take or | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | under other authorities. | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Also, at this moment, HJC includes immunity | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whereas HPSCI does not. So progressives | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 stumbling over themselves to give immunity | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rogers didn't | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot It's World Password Day: Change Your Passwords | May 07 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's World Password Day: Change Your Passwords - Slashdot | May 07 20:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Conyers, Nadler, Scott, again voting against | May 07 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by decent amendment in the name of a not-great | May 07 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 bill. | May 07 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative Wait, wha? Goodlatte flips, Gohmert amendment | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by adopted. | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel True drama here! Pierliusi switches vote, which | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by then leads Goodlatte to flip so he can try to | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 change this. | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @christinedobby: From @FinPostMagazine, an | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | in-depth look at the wireless competition story | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Canada | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 07 20:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Publisher 'DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Concepts | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Publisher 'DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale Concepts | Techdirt | May 07 20:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Jon 'maddog' Hall On the Future of Free | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software (Video) | May 07 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jon 'maddog' Hall On the Future of Free Software (Video) - Slashdot | May 07 20:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wlpress Sarah Harrison: "The public deserves their | May 07 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by historical archive." #WikiLeaks | May 07 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 07 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Harrison & Alexa O'Brien auf der #RP14 über WIKILEAKS, MANNING, SNOWDEN & was wir tun können - YouTube | May 07 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Danish software patents: to be or not to be? - | May 07 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cc-by slides from my | May 07 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | talk last week in Copenhagen #eu #swpats #dk | May 07 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glyn Moody - European Unitary Patent Court and software patents | May 07 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LawJusticeSoc Leading human rights lawyer @suigenerisjen | May 07 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by calls for end to impunity of Indonesian | May 07 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody genocide perpetrators | May 07 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OxHRH | May 07 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leading human rights lawyer calls for end to impunity of Indonesian genocide perpetrators | FLJS | May 07 20:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dangillmor Reminder: when Facebook buys a company, all its | May 07 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by data belong to Facebook -- no matter what | May 07 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody promises are made | May 07 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 20:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moves App Abandons Promise Not to ‘Commingle Data With Facebook’ - SocialTimes | May 07 20:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Crytek Open-Sources Their 'Renderdoc' 3D | May 07 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Debugger | May 07 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crytek Open-Sources Their 'Renderdoc' 3D Debugger - Slashdot | May 07 21:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nuvola Player 2.3.3 Is an Application for Cloud | May 07 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Music Services #nuvola | May 07 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 07 21:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nuvola Player 2.3.3 Is an Application for Cloud Music Services | May 07 21:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:00 |
schestowitz | Moody "well, I'm pretty sure I'm not German...- germanic, maybe, if you go back far enough..." | May 07 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake When Journalists Oppose Using Leaked Documents | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by But Favor Relying on Statements from Anonymous | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Officials | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When Journalists Oppose Using Leaked Documents But Favor Relying on Statements from Anonymous Officials | The Dissenter | May 07 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Sensenbrenner's single answer on 702: It | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by prohibits reverse targeting. | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Lofgren, after having gotten shot down 4 times, | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by notes language prohibiting content collection | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 got dropped in management amendment. | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Sensenbrenner DID issue 3rd managers amendment | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by just as this thing started, still seems to have | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 215 content language. | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative Text of all the amendments offered up thus far | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by at the HJC markup: | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel So Lofgren busts Sensenbrenner's "typo" for | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by taking out prohibition on content collection | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 under Section 215 and he recesses. Interesting. | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Samsung 'Smart' Camera Easily Hackable | May 07 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Samsung 'Smart' Camera Easily Hackable - Slashdot | May 07 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel While we're waiting, starting a pool on how | May 07 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by many times @RepZoeLofgren will have oppty to | May 07 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 say "I told you so" after this hearing. | May 07 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kw_watson Breaking GSP News: US has excluded Russia from | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a nonexistent program for fake reasons | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody resulting in no policy change | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House to pull Russia from trade benefits program | May 07 21:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks VOTE for best logo: Courage -- the | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | whistleblower protection organisation that runs | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Edward #Snowden defense fund | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help Courage choose a logo | Free Snowden | May 07 21:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @derechosdigital ¿Has oído hablar del TPP? Si no sabes lo que | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by es, esta explicación es didáctica y tiene | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody gatitos #NoTPP | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Un grupo de gatos reacciona al TPP – ONG Derechos Digitales | May 07 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #Protip for Congress & USA-FA: Must use | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | unambiguous plaintext language w/o wiggleroom | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | for DoJ,NSA,FBI interpretation | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel At very least Lofgren's effort to exclude | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by content collection under Section 215 will | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 clarify that this bill permits precisely what | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | HPSCI does | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RicharddeNooy Popper: The donut is only a donut until it is | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by replaced by a better donut. | Late-night | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody question for @NeinQuarterly | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RicharddeNooy: Popper: The donut is only a donut until it is replaced by a better donut. | Late-night question for @NeinQuarterly | May 07 21:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Cartooning for peace exhibition along lake | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Geneva #China #Russia #Assange #Manning | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden #Malala #Syria | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@puruesh: Cartooning for peace exhibition along lake Geneva #China #Russia #Assange #Manning #Snowden #Malala #Syria | May 07 21:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist HP Invests $1B in OpenStack Cloud, Rebrands | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cloud OS as Helion | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Invests $1B in OpenStack Cloud, Rebrands Cloud OS as Helion | May 07 21:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist In December, HP had CloudOS and CloudSystem. | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Now it’s all under the @hphelioncloud brand for | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenStack | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @editingwhiz CP on eWEEK: #QuinStreet Survey Cites Wide-Open | May 07 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #BigDataAnalytics Market | May 07 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist via @eweeknews | May 07 21:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | QuinStreet Survey Cites Wide-Open Big Data Analytics Market | May 07 21:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative Huh. Lofgren withdraws on the premise that the | May 07 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by absence of content exclusion in mgr amdt was a | May 07 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 clerical error. | May 07 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Goodlatte also got bodies to make sure he'd win | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the vote this time. | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative OK, what? They just reconsidered the Gohmert | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by amendment and voted it down this time. | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman So they just voided the Gohmert amendment. | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative I am super curious what exactly happened with | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that Gohmert amendment now. | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel So HJC passes unanimously even w/o clarity it | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by doesn't allow content w/215 (that is, same damn | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 thing that supposedly separates from HPSCI. | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Apple’s Patent Plot a Failure, But It Still | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hurts Free/Libre Software | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #apple #samsung #swpats | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF BREAKING: House Judiciary Committee passes new | May 07 21:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple’s Patent Plot a Failure, But It Still Hurts Free/Libre Software | Techrights | May 07 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by USA FREEDOM Act, a strong first step toward NSA | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody reform. Speak out: | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | End NSA Mass Spying: Support the USA FREEDOM Act | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 07 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @shaylekann .@solarcity announces preliminary 2015 guidance | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of 900 MW-1 GW (!!!) | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SolarCity Announces First Quarter 2014 Financial Results Nasdaq:SCTY | May 07 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes 29 Approved Witnessess for the German #NSA | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Parliamentary Inquiry #PUA Bill Binney w/ | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Snowden on list. | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower | May 07 21:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thodenk: Die voraussichtliche Zeugenliste im #nsa Untersuchungsausschuss. #snowden auch dabei. | May 07 21:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt How Many Times A Day Do You Violate Copyright | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Laws Without Even Realizing It | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Many Times A Day Do You Violate Copyright Laws Without Even Realizing It | Techdirt | May 07 21:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Many Times A Day Do You Violate #Copyright | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Laws Without Even Realizing It - | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | you know the | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | answer...lots | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody video of my talk at re:publica 2014 yesterday | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP & why the numbers just don't add up - | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times of open government initiatives? | re:publica 2014 | May 07 21:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnonyOps This congress, and specifically the movement of | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this bill is a huge dog and pony show that | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 isn't worth spit. | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel But promise, this is different than HPSCI even | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by though it couldn't include content prohibition | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 bc it would unsettle delicate balance w/HPSCI. | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold well I wouldn't go that far!: Emails reveal | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Google executives' creepy man crush on NSA's | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Keith Alexander | May 07 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Emails reveal Google executives' creepy man crush on NSA official | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government | May 07 21:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Again, there's not much distance bt HPSCI and | May 07 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by HJC bill, ESPECIALLY w/o prohibition on | May 07 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 content. So markup is not very interesting. | May 07 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel HJC will be held responsible for pre-immunizing | May 07 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the telecoms acting as intelligence agents for | May 07 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 the NSA. That will be the niftiest part! | May 07 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nuvola Player 2.3.3 Is an Application for Cloud | May 07 21:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Music Services | May 07 21:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nuvola Player 2.3.3 Is an Application for Cloud Music Services | Tux Machines | May 07 21:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SiliconANGLE » Red Hat Opens Door To Open Stack | May 07 21:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | At Red Hat Summit 2014 Red Hat opens door to | May 07 21:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Stack at Red... | May 07 21:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 07 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SiliconANGLE » Red Hat Opens Door To Open Stack At Red Hat Summit 2014 Red Hat opens door to Open Stack at Red Hat Summit 2014 | Tux Machines | May 07 21:50 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @emptywheel: 'HJC will be held responsible for pre-immunizing the...' | May 07 21:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Programming Language Diversity On the Rise | May 07 21:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 21:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Programming Language Diversity On the Rise - Slashdot | May 07 21:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Publisher '#DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About | May 07 21:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale | May 07 21:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Concepts - such greed | May 07 21:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 21:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Publisher 'DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale Concepts | Techdirt | May 07 21:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft Still Imposes Broken ‘Updates’ and | May 07 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Breaks GNU/Linux Through UEFI Boot Restrictions | May 07 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uefi | May 07 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSACareers #IT #Job alert: Global Network Exploitation and | May 07 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Vulnerabi... | National Security Agency | | May 07 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Still Imposes Broken ‘Updates’ and Breaks GNU/Linux Through UEFI Boot Restrictions | Techrights | May 07 22:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #FortMeade , MD | May 07 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 504 @ ) | May 07 22:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Once again, "bulk collection" that got banned | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is IC definition, NOT plain English definition. | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Congrats to all who're adopting IC-speak! | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 7/5/2014: OpenELEC 4.0.0, Chromebooks | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mainstream #techrights | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Today's House Judiciary Cmte markup on | May 07 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 7/5/2014: OpenELEC 4.0.0, Chromebooks Mainstream | Techrights | May 07 22:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Freedomcide Act nothing but nod to NatSec | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | shadowboxing enabling backdoors & bulk access | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance. | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Judicial Problem: Defending Free Speech Is More | May 07 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Likely When Justices Agree With The Speech | May 07 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judicial Problem: Defending Free Speech Is More Likely When Justices Agree With The Speech | Techdirt | May 07 22:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman Deep, major privacy compromises were behind the | May 07 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by House judiciary committee's passage of a | May 07 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 surveillance reform bill. | May 07 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 22:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA Freedom Act unanimously clears House Judiciary Committee | World news | | May 07 22:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Of course, USA Freedom Act should be | May 07 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by strengthened considerably. @EFF on some ways | May 07 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 that could happen: | May 07 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EFF Praises Judiciary Committee Successfully Passing the Revised USA FREEDOM Act, Urges Congress to Strengthen the Bill with Additional Amendments | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 07 22:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SciencePorn | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SciencePorn: | May 07 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Stanford Getting Rid of $18 Billion Endowment | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Coal Stock | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stanford Getting Rid of $18 Billion Endowment of Coal Stock - Slashdot | May 07 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Gute Nachricht des Tages: Hitler nicht mehr | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ehrenbürger von Bad Oeynhausen | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hitler nicht mehr Ehrenbürger von Bad Oeynhausen - Nachrichten - | May 07 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why Hollywood's Best Robot Stories Are About | May 07 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Slavery | May 07 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Hollywood's Best Robot Stories Are About Slavery - Slashdot | May 07 22:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Also working on new theory that reason they | May 07 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by keep lone wolf around is to get over foreign | May 07 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 power language in law. Nifty! | May 07 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS INTEL$ Hayden crony Michael Chertoff | May 07 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "facilitated & provided advisory services for | May 07 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 SI" for its acquisition of | May 07 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | QinetiQ. | May 07 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Homeland Security Today: SI Organization Acquires North American Defense Unit of British-based QinetiQ | May 07 23:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @foe_us We oppose the #TPP because it is the Polluters' | May 07 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bill of Rights. #StopFastTrack | May 07 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 07 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | May 07 23:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@foe_us: We oppose the #TPP because it is the Polluters' Bill of Rights. #StopFastTrack | May 07 23:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @zeynep Not hoax. RT @Houeida Great #photo! Istanbul | May 07 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by homeowner refuses to approve demolition even | May 07 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody though his neighbors did | May 07 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AlMonitor: #photooftheday Istanbul homeowner refuses to approve demolition despite his neighbors having come to an agreement | May 07 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist GENEVE Generic Network Virtualization | May 07 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Encapsulation Protocol Advances... | May 07 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation Protocol Advances [VIDEO] | May 07 23:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Rogers basically took bunch of men by nuts & | May 07 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by said, "you can have jurisdiction, if you do | May 07 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 exactly as I say." They did. | May 07 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@byersalex: Want to know how tricky/intricate these NSA reform deals are? Read this statement from Rep. Pierluisi's office: | May 07 23:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot $200 For a Bound Textbook That You Can't Keep? | May 07 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | $200 For a Bound Textbook That You Can't Keep? - Slashdot | May 07 23:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel I really have to hand it to Mike Rogers, he | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by utterly rolled everyone in site. Well done! Go | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Michigan! | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist $vendor$ is announcing the next version of | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | arguably the only big data analytics platform | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | on the market <- i get all the fun PR pitches | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | today | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSA_PR We look forward to the toothless domestic | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance reform bills being passed by | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian congress and then vetoed by Mr. Obama. | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@Stanford to Purge $18 Billion Endowment of | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Coal Stock - huge | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disinvestment win: who's next? (v @EllnMllr) | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 07 23:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist GENEVE Generic Network Virtualization | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Encapsulation Protocol Advances ... - | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 23:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation Protocol Advances [VIDEO] | May 07 23:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Looks to me like the surveillance reforms | May 07 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by marked up today are a big victory for the NSA. | May 07 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @emptywheel @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA Freedom Act unanimously clears House Judiciary Committee | World news | | May 07 23:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140506 - | May 07 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 07 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 07 23:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140506 | May 07 23:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Western Union Gets A Patent On An Exchange For | May 07 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Alternative Currencies' | May 07 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Western Union Gets A Patent On An Exchange For 'Alternative Currencies' | Techdirt | May 07 23:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kurtopsahl Apple published Law Enforcement Guidelines: | May 07 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 07 23:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Legal Process Guidelines for U.S. Law Enforcement | May 07 23:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 07 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Astrophysicists Build Realistic Virtual | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Universe | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Astrophysicists Build Realistic Virtual Universe - Slashdot | May 07 23:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@emptywheel real lemon or artificial additive | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | flavor? If lemon juice, already squeezed & | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | lemon rind tossed away?! Pre-squeezed bulk | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | lemons? | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jimasher McClatchy reports: Despite Senate hopes of | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by speedy release, CIA torture report won’t | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou be made public for months | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WASHINGTON: Despite Senate hopes of speedy release, CIA torture report won’t be made public for months | National Security & Defense | McClatchy DC | May 07 23:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Things civil liberties groups are hailing as | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by progress: | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Immunity! | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 07 23:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | 2 more years of PATRIOT Act! | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel We are 13 years past 9/11 & even VERY | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by progressive MoCs are arguing we still have to | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 have special set of lower standards to hunt | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrrorists | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Are the terrorists the biggest threat to | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by America? | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nope! | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 07 23:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Are banksters a much bigger threat? | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 07 23:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Yup! | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 07 23:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Let's have a new PATRIOT, then! | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 07 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Maybe before we give telecoms immunity we | May 08 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by should know why their very intelligent lawyers | May 08 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 are demanding it, you think? | May 08 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL? “@Liberationtech: VC Tim Draper calls | May 08 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | compares government to slavery, then apologizes | May 08 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | by @kristenvbrown” | May 08 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tim Draper compares California government to slavery, then apologizes - The Technology Chronicles | May 08 00:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@wheeliesmom @emptywheel I have pic of lemon. | May 08 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | But no one knows you're a lemon on Internet! | May 08 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | But what if real lemon hiding in privacy purée? | May 08 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: @carwinb interviews | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sarah Harrison at #rp14; WikiLeaks referenced | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | in recent movies, TV shows | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 7 May 2014 | May 08 00:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist GENEVE Network Virtualization Encapsulation | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protocol Advances [VIDEO] - | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation Protocol Advances [VIDEO] | May 08 00:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@Captain1986 I could give a damn about your | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-pity. Coding doesn't make you good. | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Humanity does. When you learn that, you'll grow | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | a pair | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MotherJones The escalating crisis in Ukraine, explained: | May 08 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 08 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Escalating Crisis in Ukraine, Explained | Mother Jones | May 08 00:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@swin24: The escalating crisis in Ukraine, explained: | May 08 00:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @adam_mayer Here's a free download from #community guru & | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by legend @jonobacon... knowing your audience & | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon managing the critics. | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dealing With Disrespect | May 08 00:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Friends of mine are being shot to death for | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | defending human rights. Meanwhile, entitled | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | American dudes are whining to me about coding. | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LOL | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Sarah Harrison, speaking in Berlin: "You have | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by two months to convince your government to grant | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 asylum to #Snowden" | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Harrison, giornalista: "Avete due mesi per dare asilo a Snowden" - Wired | May 08 00:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden The FISA Court hasn't turned down an #NSA | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance request this decade | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 08 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The US Surveillance Court Hasn't Turned Down an NSA Request This Decade | Motherboard | May 08 00:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Trans-Atlantic Supplicant: Angela Merkel | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by chooses unity on Ukraine over #NSA Truth | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chancellor Merkel Sacrifices NSA Investigation for Unity on Ukraine - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 08 00:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Pear OS 8 Still Going Strong Despite Being | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Officially Dead: softpedia: Pear OS, a Linux | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | distribution that was... | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Pear OS 8 Still Going Strong Despite Being Officially Dead | May 08 00:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Self-pity is a sure sign that you are living a | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | stunted life. For it is only by stepping | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | outside ourselves that we become who we truly | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | are. | May 08 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Three Reasons Why You Should Upgrade from | May 08 01:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 08 01:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 01:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Three Reasons Why You Should Upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Tux Machines | May 08 01:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 08 01:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 08 01:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 08 01:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 08 01:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Head of MS Research On Special Projects, Google | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | X and Win 9 | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 01:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Head of MS Research On Special Projects, Google X and Win 9 - Slashdot | May 08 01:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Allotropes Of Carbon | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 01:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Allotropes Of Carbon | Techdirt | May 08 01:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Let Spouses of H-1B Visa Holders Work In US | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Says White House | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 01:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Let Spouses of H-1B Visa Holders Work In US Says White House - Slashdot | May 08 01:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 USA-FA datavore wolf in lying sheep | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | cloth=surveillance shade charade. | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Backdoor bulkup markup pass thru act came out | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | of House Judiciary today | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@SteveNixonIP attempting to find | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'balance'-legalize status quo-while currying | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | favor & appeasing WH & HIC as first out | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | legislative bill gate | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Watch @foxnews on "The NSA’s Secret War – Who’s | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Enemy?" Host Bret Baier, Sked for 10May, | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | 10pm&11May, 9pm ET. Was interviewed for report. | May 08 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:10 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Watch @foxnews on "The NSA’s Secret War –...' | May 08 02:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Reminder: O didn't embrace outsourcing dragnet | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reform bc civil liberties. He did it to solve | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 tech/legal problems. | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Confirmed: Obama’s Dragnet “Fix” Isn’t About Us | emptywheel | May 08 02:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattmdiaz #SSCI #Torture report still undisclosed due to | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "foot-dragging by the #CIA and the Obama White | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 House.” | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WASHINGTON: Despite Senate hopes of speedy release, CIA torture report won’t be made public for months | National Security & Defense | McClatchy DC | May 08 02:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald "General Alexander conceded that the US | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by government had no way of knowing how much more | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Mr Snowden had taken" | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Most powerful spy says Snowden leaks will cost lives | May 08 02:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb Myself, Mattias Spielkamp (Reporters w/o | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Borders) Jillian York will discuss press | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 freedom and ISP's #rp14 May8 1245p | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gate keeping, old and new. How freedom of the press is threatened by the companies that themselves depend on it. | re:publica 2014 | May 08 02:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nnelken Journalist Sarah Harrison @WikiLeaks , | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by interviewed by Journalist Alexa O'Brien | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @carwinb #Snowden #Manning | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | v @YouTube | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | YouTube | May 08 02:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Retired corrections official emails me long | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rant on my coverage of @JohnKiriakou, CMUs & | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 prisons in general: (cont) | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 02:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | May 08 02:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Making Linux Feel at Home | May 08 02:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 02:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 02:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Intel powered Chromebooks to feature Bay | May 08 02:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Trail chipset | May 08 02:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 02:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Making Linux Feel at Home | Tux Machines | May 08 02:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Intel powered Chromebooks to feature Bay Trail chipset | Tux Machines | May 08 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@ggreenwald @onekade Exactly like DoJ Chief | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Prosecutor saying during my criminal case - I | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | would have blood of American soldiers on my | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | hands | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@ggreenwald @onekade DoJ said what I did worse | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | than spying - spies share in secret. But my | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosures to press read by all including | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | spies | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@normative I agree w/ @emptywheel Selector | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | interpreted as relevant term for reason behind | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | collection/access. Not just target. Think | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | bulkier | May 08 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:02 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @kgosztola: 'Retired corrections official emails me long rant on...' | May 08 03:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Average American Cable Subscriber Gets 189 | May 08 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Channels and Views 17 | May 08 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Average American Cable Subscriber Gets 189 Channels and Views 17 - Slashdot | May 08 03:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Video: WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden: From USA | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | to USB | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden: From USA to USB - YouTube | May 08 03:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Exclusive Interview: NSA #whistleblower client | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | '@Thomas_Drake1 on what he'd do differently now | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thomas Drake on how blowing the whistle is even harder now - | May 08 03:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh American TV: 50% brain-dead corporate schlock, | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | 50% the dumbest, most witless ads ever. It's | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretty fucking amazing when you think about it. | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Like how is it even possible to make a thing as | May 08 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | completely, absolutely, irredeemably moronic as | May 08 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | American TV? It's like a moonshot of stupid. | May 08 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Yes, yes, this is the part where you tell me | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | your favorite TV show is the fucking Sistine | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chapel; and it only makes me more depressed. | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack 2 of most amazing women I know: | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb interviews @wikileaks #journalist | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sarah #Harrison! | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StrongBravePrincipled | May 08 03:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden: From USA to USB - YouTube | May 08 03:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Please take a minute to read this if you have | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by any doubt about whose interests the US federal | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack judiciary serves | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 04:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patton Boggs Surrenders in Battle With Chevron, Agrees to Pay $15 Million - Businessweek | May 08 04:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh While I'm at it, if this is how much you suck, | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | go read a book, fall in love. Don't ask the | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | fucking net! Jesus, people | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 04:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Paging Dr. NerdLove - Helping Nerds Get The Girl | May 08 04:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm now going to retreat to an island paradise | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | of anti-meta-modernity, where all we have is | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | old movies, classic disco, and no fashion blogs | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The NYT asks: will tech save the world? | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Amazingly, the tech barons they asked reply: | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | yeah!! #idiocy #moronic | May 08 04:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 04:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 08 04:10 | |
schestowitz | | May 08 04:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FLOSSpols: home | May 08 04:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FLOSS Survey 2013 - Results [ ] | May 08 04:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FLOSS homepage | May 08 04:36 | |
schestowitz | | May 08 04:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FLOSS Survey 2013 - The Survey [ ] | May 08 04:38 | |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | I'm not sure who they are. In Garrett's censored conversation two years ago, someone handed me their 2006 report as their source of their information. I took it for granted that the study was honest at the time. Now that I've thought about it, I consider it a smear job. Their logo shows up in the 2013 study Jesse pointed to and an even earlier 2002 study which is linked from the 2013 page. The 2013 and 2006 studies explicitly | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | look at sex. As you can see, these reports get their own url which does not always match the organization name and the org name urls are not maintained, so it's hard to trace through and see exactly who is doing this. One of the reports was state financed at a rate of 600,000 euros over two years. | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | I've pointed out some of the absurdities of the 2006 report, which was by flosspols and wonder about the other groups. The url/orgname thing smells bad, but that might just be me being lazy. Then again, it might be state funded astroturf/FUD. We've seen some examples before where Microsoft managed to fill up some prior EU studies with shills and BS. | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | So, now I'm looking at the 2013 survey questionnaire and I don't like much of what I see. It asks a lot of personal questions, like what people think of their jobs, and also asks for an email address. You have got to be kidding me, an anonymous survey that's collected by email that requires an email address and contains enough information to identify anyone anyway? Age, Only very secure people would fill that out and they | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | still might leave out details. Oh, here is their promise not to sell you out which is backed by nothing. Email is required because they use that to see that you really contributed to some source code. I'd like to know how they prevented ballot stuffing or why I should not believe they just made up the results. | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | Minor issues include 20 pages worth of country of origin and where you live and duplicate questions and silly questions. How do you asses the "balance" of other developers "Most give more than they take" and permutations is a loaded question that's silly. No one gives more to the community than the community gives to them. At least they used some free software this time to make the pdf, something from cairographics. I can't | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | tell what OS they used but I don't see Cairo font as part of Libre Office or obviously in an apt-cache search for "cairo font" without quotes. | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:40 |
schestowitz | | May 08 04:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #ddg says "your privacy is protected as well!" liars. | May 08 04:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 08 04:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | DuckDuckGo Reimagined and Redesigned [ ] | May 08 04:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Duck Duck No No [ ] | May 08 04:41 | |
schestowitz | "search." | May 08 04:41 |
schestowitz | "Or does startpage offer a social network?" | May 08 04:41 |
schestowitz | | May 08 04:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Russia demands $3.8bn security deposit from Visa and Mastercard the oligopoly of banks and payments | May 08 04:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Russia demands $3.8bn security deposit from Visa and Mastercard | World news | [ ] | May 08 04:42 | |
schestowitz | "I always wondered why foreigners allowed US companies to sit in the middle of all their finances. Who would give us the ability to monitor, block and steal all of their money? So much for that." | May 08 04:42 |
schestowitz | "If Putin was really into this whole thing he would just ditch the USD." | May 08 04:43 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:43 |
schestowitz | It seems the US forgot that two countries at war have no commerce. Maybe the US economy is fully recovered and better that ever so there is no need to have commerce with Russia. | May 08 04:43 |
schestowitz | I wonder if Europe economy is so strong too. | May 08 04:43 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:43 |
schestowitz | "Other countries will follow this example. The existing system was insane." | May 08 04:43 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:44 |
schestowitz | "If Visa and Mastercard leave Russia, it will of course be a serious blow for both citizens and for businesses." | May 08 04:44 |
schestowitz | Fortunately Visa and Mastercard won't miss $1.9bn (£1.12bn) in transactions per day. | May 08 04:44 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian 8.0 Jessie To Likely Target The Linux | May 08 04:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.16 Kernel | May 08 04:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 04:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian 8.0 Jessie To Likely Target The Linux 3.16 Kernel | Tux Machines | May 08 04:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LXDE, Razor-Qt merge to create awesome LXQt | May 08 04:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | project | May 08 04:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 04:45 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LXDE, Razor-Qt merge to create awesome LXQt project | Tux Machines | May 08 04:45 | |
schestowitz | What is fortunate about this? It's going to be harder to buy things from Russia now and harder for Russians to buy things from elsewhere. I care more about that than I care about the parasites at Visa and Mastercard. | May 08 04:45 |
schestowitz | The US has abused it's position in a way that goes against everything the US stood for in the cold war. No one would have let Visa do all of their commerce if they had known it would be used as a weapon against free speech (think Wikileaks) or as a tool in diplomacy. Sanctions once took an act of Congress because they border on acts of war. With belligerence like this, it's hard for me to tell where corporate america ends and | May 08 04:45 |
schestowitz | the US government starts. So called "Free Trade" Treaties further erode the distinction. I don't even want to start talking about NSA spy programs that have destroyed trust in everything the US was still good at. | May 08 04:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google Open-Sources Their AutoFDO Profile | May 08 04:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | Toolchain | May 08 04:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 04:45 |
schestowitz | Such abuse is leading to a backlash that will be worse for the US than it is for others. Watch the rest of the world do like Iceland did and give our bankers the finger. They are already dumping our software and hardware. | May 08 04:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Open-Sources Their AutoFDO Profile Toolchain | Tux Machines | May 08 04:45 | |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:45 |
schestowitz | "The US economy has not recovered at all. They just keep interest rates so low that anyone can get free money printed by teh feds. So long as USD is the world reserve Obama will be sitting comfy." | May 08 04:45 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:47 |
schestowitz | You can't ditch another's country relationship overnight, it might not hurt the same for both parts but even so it's hurtful, that's why supposedly two countries that have commerce do not wage war one to the other. In the case of Russia implementing an internal payment system, once done I doubt they would go back, it's a step in the right direction. | May 08 04:47 |
schestowitz | Also, I guess not able to pay or buy things would be hurtful for Russians, but if they bow to the US then very likely it won't finish just on this. There should be a red line that others should not cross no matter what, and once crossed there should be a realistic way to deal with it, otherwise transgressors feel like they can go away with whatever. Not being able to buy things is nothing compared to going to war. | May 08 04:47 |
schestowitz | Finally, the US dollar is at the moment one of the most used currencies but that has been changing for economical and political reasons. And when an economic bubble bursts that is something that happens almost overnight so if the US is fine today that does not mean it will be fine next month. The US has a so heavy debt that it's truly a monetary bubble. It might take only someone to start the rush. | May 08 04:47 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:47 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:48 |
schestowitz | I'm pretty sure that the US is party to a treaty that says trade sanctions are an act of war. The reason is because it targets the populace rather than the leaders of a country. They are the reason Japan attacked the US in WWII and Saddam had French wine in his palace when they raided it, a country with long standing sanctions against him. It's just the elite swinging their dicks around. | May 08 04:48 |
schestowitz | Even if Russia and China were to start dumping bonds tomorrow you'd see that ripple throughout the world economy because those bonds are ultimately backed by the dollar. Every other world currency would be the first to go before the dollar. In the mean time they just steal from everyone via inflation. | May 08 04:48 |
schestowitz | Gaddafi had a little project for ditching the dollar and switching to Gold then all of a sudden he's too bad of a dictator and has to be wasted (along with half the country, take notice third world). | May 08 04:48 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:48 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:49 |
schestowitz | No, the only one that can print notes (or bonds) and go away with it is the US, because for a long time the US has been the biggest economy in the world. That has been changing and China is big enough to cast a shadow in the US. | May 08 04:49 |
schestowitz | For instance, you don't need Cuban pesos because you seldom buy Cuban things but very likely buy US products, maybe a lot. Therefore, to trade with the US you need US dollars. Or it might happen that you have a significant trade with a country like Mexico, but not enough to value Mexican pesos so Mexico backs its currency with other more used like the US dollar. | May 08 04:49 |
schestowitz | But what happens if there are other currencies heavily used like the euro? Then you don't have to have only US dollars, euros are good enough as long as the economy backing it keeps going fine. Or what happens if you trade mostly with other-non US country, like China? Then there is no need to have so many US dollars since you are not going to use them anyway. | May 08 04:49 |
schestowitz | The more the US economy performs poor and the debt goes hight, the less confidence in its currency and bonds. And the less you trade with the US the less you need US dollars, and it seems the US does not want so much trade with Russia. Everything is about confidence. | May 08 04:49 |
schestowitz | " | May 08 04:49 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 15 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 90 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 08 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (15) | May 08 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 08 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 08 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 265 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1073 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 08 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (51), @slashdot (17), @umairh (15) | May 08 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @Thomas_Drake1 (77), @glynmoody (12), @JesselynRadack (6) | May 08 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #drones (10), #Snowden (7), #NSA (6) | May 08 05:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot China Using Troop of Trained Monkeys To Guard | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Air Base | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Using Troop of Trained Monkeys To Guard Air Base - Slashdot | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt USA Freedom Act Passes Out Of House Judiciary | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Committee With Some Good And Some Bad | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA Freedom Act Passes Out Of House Judiciary Committee With Some Good And Some Bad | Techdirt | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Tim Geithner wrote a book. No, that is the | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | joke. | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Tor: network security for domestic abuse | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by survivors | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Video: Fast-talking mathematician Vi Hart | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by explains Net Neutrality and the telcoms' | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow extortion plan. | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vi Hart explains Net Neutrality - Boing Boing | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Eric Schmidt, war crimes apologist and colossal | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hypocrite | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This One Summer: An excerpt from Jillian and | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Mariko Tamaki's brilliant graphic novel. | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This One Summer [excerpt] - Boing Boing | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Molly Crabapple paintings in Pen charity action | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Wanna buy an original 1971 Disney World | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by monorail? There's one for sale. | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Original 1971 Disney World monorail for sale - Boing Boing | May 08 05:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Wanna buy an original 1971 Disney World monorail? There's one for sale. | May 08 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Nebula Awards in San Jose May 15-18 | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 05:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 05:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @alexismadrigal .@BoingBoing could have become a business | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by magazine. Or a lame lifestyle brand. Or worse. | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Instead: they are still them. I love that. | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pnh Congrats to Locus Award finalists @eklages, | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @BELUTHAHATCHIE, and @doctorow. A privilege to | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow have edited/published all of you. | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @paolobacigalupi ZOMBIE BASEBALL BEATDOWN is a finalist for the | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Locus Award! Very happy to share the honor with | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @hollyblack @alayadj @doctorow @catvalente! | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dotarray ...reading @doctorow's Pirate Cinema at the | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by moment, and this pops up in my newsfeed: | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow blurs once | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | again. | May 08 05:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London police to use wearable video cameras in public interactions | Ars Technica | May 08 05:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Space Telescope Reveals Weird Star Cluster | May 08 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Conundrum | May 08 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Space Telescope Reveals Weird Star Cluster Conundrum - Slashdot | May 08 05:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Minimalist Surreal Sculptures by Michael | May 08 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Goodward | May 08 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: wtbw: (via Minimalist Surreal Sculptures by... | May 08 05:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Disneyland Hotel kids' menu, 1955 | May 08 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 05:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — picnic-colors: Disneyland Menu, 1955 (by... | May 08 05:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Another creepy Disneyland clown, early 60’s | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 06:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: actuallyhearthefishtalk: Another creepy... | May 08 06:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Looks like someone forgot to put the coffee | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | into my cappuccino to go. Perhaps I shouldn't | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | drink so much coffee anyway. #hotmilk | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff On my way to #Brussels to discuss model | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | licenses for interoperability information. | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner .@endDRM "Thanks for a great International | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #DayAgainstDRM" | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 06:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thanks for a great International Day Against DRM | Defective by Design | May 08 06:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fsfe From today until Saturday will be at @Linuxtag | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (Hall 5, Stand H03). Join us and discuss | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #FreeSoftware issues with us. | May 08 06:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 06:24 |
schestowitz | hmmm, one of my sites just came under a sort of DDOS attack | May 08 06:33 |
schestowitz | The Web site has been having issues that I can only describe as a DDOS attack. I don't have monitoring set up on the site, but I just happened to try the site loading and got an alert denying me access, claiming resources had been exhausted. I managed to log in to the back end and I tried to block the rogue attempts to guess password several times per second (dozens of times). I managed to make the site accessible again and | May 08 06:33 |
schestowitz | then I updated WordPress to the latest version, just in case. I'm still watching the activity closely to ensure there are no further issues. If any issues like these recur, then we need to create some strategy of defending the site from DDOS attacks. | May 08 06:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner Heute mein Vortrag "Vom Aussterben bedroht: die | May 08 06:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Universalmaschine Computer" beim @linuxtag | May 08 06:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Stage 11, 20:30-21:00 | May 08 06:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 06:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vortragsdetails | May 08 06:33 | |
schestowitz | MinceR: | May 08 07:05 |
MinceR | :) | May 08 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Unsettling, playful accessories from Klára | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Pernicová | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 08:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 08:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Somehow, reading the EC's ideas on licensing of | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | interop info does not for happy mornings make. | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #needcoffee | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140507 - | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 08 08:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140507 | May 08 08:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@Stanford to Purge $18 Billion Endowment of | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Coal Stock - huge | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disinvestment win: who's next...? (v | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EllnMllr) | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 08 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Western Union Gets A Patent On An Exchange For | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Alternative Currencies' - | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurd | May 08 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Western Union Gets A Patent On An Exchange For 'Alternative Currencies' | Techdirt | May 08 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot London Police To Wear Video Cameras In Pilot | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Project | May 08 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London Police To Wear Video Cameras In Pilot Project - Slashdot | May 08 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Gao Yu arrested by Chinese authorities - | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #china still terrified | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | of its past #tiananmen | May 08 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gao Yu arrested by Chinese authorities | World news | | May 08 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Publisher '#DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Concepts - such greed | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Publisher 'DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale Concepts | Techdirt | May 08 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 2014 Locus Award finalists, including Homeland | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | - | May 08 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: 2014 Locus Award finalists, including Homeland | May 08 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 30,000 lobbyists and counting: is Brussels | May 08 08:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | under corporate sway? - | May 08 08:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 30,000 lobbyists and counting: is Brussels under corporate sway? | World news | The Guardian | May 08 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | industry #lobbyists give prostitutes a bad name | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Many Times A Day Do You Violate #Copyright | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Laws Without Even Realizing It - | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | you know the | May 08 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Many Times A Day Do You Violate Copyright Laws Without Even Realizing It | Techdirt | May 08 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | answer...lots | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Drei Irrtümer über #TTIP - | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | rubbish arguments: I | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | expected better from @SZ (v @EU_TTIP_team) | May 08 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen mit den USA - Drei Irrtümer über TTIP - Wirtschaft - Sü | May 08 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU softens stance on Canada’s oil sands as | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | relations with Russia sour - | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurdly short-sighted | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @StuJT)#tarsands | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe softens stance on Canada’s oil sands as relations with Russia sour | Financial Post | May 08 08:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Google, Facebook and Amazon write to FCC | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | demanding true #netneutrality - | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | quite right on this | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google, Facebook and Amazon write to FCC demanding true net neutrality | Technology | | May 08 08:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody USA Freedom Act Passes Out Of House Judiciary | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Committee With Some Good And Some Bad - | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA | May 08 08:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA Freedom Act Passes Out Of House Judiciary Committee With Some Good And Some Bad | Techdirt | May 08 08:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Danish software patents: to be or not to be? - | May 08 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cc-by slides from my | May 08 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | talk last week in Copenhagen #eu #swpats #dk | May 08 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glyn Moody - European Unitary Patent Court and software patents | May 08 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Emails reveal close Google relationship with | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA - significantly, not | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | from #snowden #whistleblowers | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA | Al Jazeera America | May 08 08:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions - | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | characteristic but | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting replies from the indispensable RMS | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman Answers Your Questions - Slashdot | May 08 08:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Getting patents is preposterously easy under | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama - just crazy | May 08 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Getting patents is preposterously easy under Obama - Vox | May 08 08:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Chinese e-commerce giant #Alibaba files for $1 | May 08 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | billion IPO in the US - | May 08 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | sign of the times #china | May 08 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba files for $1 billion IPO in the US | Ars Technica | May 08 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KailashChandOBE The #NHS a world class institution -with world | May 08 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by class staff now being torn apart by 2nd rate | May 08 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody politicians wanting a third world service. | May 08 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WolfvonLaer Kotlikoff speaks now at #SGS44. His research on | May 08 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #debt is really really scary. 206 trillion USD | May 08 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody debt instead the 16t | May 08 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@WolfvonLaer: Kotlikoff speaks now at #SGS44. His research on #debt is really really scary. 206 trillion USD debt instead the 16t | May 08 08:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The State Of The Intel Kernel DRM Driver | May 08 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Wayland Is Approved For Fedora 21 | May 08 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The State Of The Intel Kernel DRM Driver | Tux Machines | May 08 08:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Wayland Is Approved For Fedora 21 | Tux Machines | May 08 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SimonGrover The Coalition's ridiculous obsession with | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by benefit fraud over tax evasion | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @alliomack | May 08 08:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@alliomack: This is how seriously they r taking tax avoidance. They r all fu*king at it. Lift up the rock & c them slither out | May 08 08:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RufusHound Send this to everyone you know. Hold their eyes | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by open. MAKE them read it | May 08 08:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 7 reasons why we URGENTLY need to defend our NHS from vicious Tory attacks - Mirror Online | May 08 08:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Igualitarista Spanish govt intends to bring law banning | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by abortion as a woman's choice to parliament in | May 08 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody July, in effect by 2014: | May 08 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ruiz-Gallardón planea llevar al Congreso en julio su ley del aborto | Política | EL PAÍS | May 08 08:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes German #NSA Inquiry decides today how & where | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden will be heard as a witness. LINKE & | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Greens refusing to have him heard in Moscow. | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #PUA | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabiochiusi Il giallo è il M5S, il rosso il PD. Notare la | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by differenza Internet/giornali (Pagnoncelli, | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Corsera) | May 08 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@fabiochiusi: Il giallo è il M5S, il rosso il PD. Notare la differenza Internet/giornali (Pagnoncelli, Corsera) | May 08 08:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MSF_access #USTR releases its annual #301 report, | May 08 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by specially targeting India pro-generics | May 08 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody policies. MSF's response | May 08 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MSF responds to US Trade 301 Watch List | | May 08 08:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen We are hiring! @BerthaFN looking for a | May 08 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by programme officer to assist me with the | May 08 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @Be_Just_ program. It will be fun! | May 08 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Job (London): Program Officer - Bertha UK Ltd London - | May 08 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @derechosdigital Ley de Telecom crea un Internet contra | May 08 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ciudadanos Pide | May 08 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #InternetLibreMX | May 08 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | El Diario de Coahuila - Leyes de telecom crean Internet contra el ciudadano | May 08 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 08 08:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@derechosdigital: Ley de Telecom crea un Internet contra ciudadanos Pide #InternetLibreMX | May 08 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brembs The top ten global warming 'skeptic' arguments | May 08 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by answered | May 08 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The top ten global warming 'skeptic' arguments answered | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | | May 08 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Oceana_Europe New Oceana report reveals slow progress in | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protecting the #BalticSea | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The Ever Increasing Size of Godzilla: | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Implications for Sexual Selection and Urine | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Production via | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @deepseanews | May 08 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ever Increasing Size of Godzilla: Implications for Sexual Selection and Urine Production | Deep Sea News | May 08 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | American Man's Entire Family After He Refused | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Become An Informant - | May 08 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How The US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim American Man's Entire Family After He Refused To Become An Informant | Techdirt | May 08 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Brazil's 'chainsaw queen' takes on | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | environmentalists - what | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | a sad, sick individual | May 08 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazil's 'chainsaw queen' takes on environmentalists | Environment | The Guardian | May 08 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How #DRM Makes Us All Less Safe - | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How DRM Makes Us All Less Safe | Techdirt | May 08 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody insane: this will | May 08 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PRESS RELEASE May 5, 2014 | Save The Greek Seashore | May 08 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | destroy Greek tourism - why go to see ugly | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | concrete? (v @asteris) | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @digitalcourage RT @laaarry: .@campact und @digitalcourage | May 08 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by demonstrieren für Asyl für #Snowden vor dem | May 08 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Reichstag. | May 08 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@laaarry: .@campact und @Digital_Courage demonstrieren für Asyl für #Snowden vor dem Reichstag. | May 08 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TTIP und die Magie der Zahlen - | May 08 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact & its amazing | May 08 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | petition against #TTIP | May 08 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP und die Magie der Zahlen | Campact Blog | May 08 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Canada-EU trade deal: Trojan horse for | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | contested ISDS? - | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | exactly right; why #ISDS must come out of #CETA | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada-EU trade deal: Trojan horse for contested ISDS? | ETUC | May 08 08:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody WTO taps South African ex-minister to judge | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | tobacco dispute - this | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | shouldn't even be an issue | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WTO taps South African ex-minister to judge tobacco dispute | Reuters | May 08 08:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Over 100 Internet Companies Call On FCC To | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protect The Open Internet | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Over 100 Internet Companies Call On FCC To Protect The Open Internet | Techdirt | May 08 08:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KimDotcom AAP: Court hearing today: Kim Dotcom says the | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NZ government gave him residency so it could | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody extradite him to the U.S. | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NZ government abused power: Dotcom | May 08 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Aceh Rape Victim to Be Caned, Shariah Official | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Insists - what a sick | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | bunch of people (v @asteris @SaadAbedine) | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aceh Rape Victim to Be Caned, Shariah Official Insists | The Jakarta Globe | May 08 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody video of my talk at re:publica 2014 on Monday | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP & why the numbers just don't add up - | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times of open government initiatives? | re:publica 2014 | May 08 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Glinner There you go. Inevitable. RT @GuardianUS: | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Lloyd's calls on insurers to take into account | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody climate-change risk | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lloyd's calls on insurers to take into account climate-change risk | Business | The Guardian | May 08 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Over 100 Internet Companies Call On FCC To | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protect The Open Internet - | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | where are the others, | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | then? | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes Berliner Civil Courage Prize to be awarded to | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden after his 31st b-day Ceremony: Sun. | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody June 22nd 11am. Mauer-Panorama Checkpoint | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Charlie | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Neil deGrasse Tyson 'Goes There' on Climate | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Change: Creationists and Right-Wingers Freak | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Out - | May 08 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 08:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Neil deGrasse Tyson 'Goes There' on Climate Change: Creationists and Right-Wingers Freak Out | Alternet | May 08 08:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Woman Films Her Own Abortion to Show Procedure | May 08 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Isn't Scary - what an | May 08 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | amazingly brave person; kudos | May 08 09:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Woman Films Her Own Abortion to Show Procedure Isn't Scary | Alternet | May 08 09:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qz Chinese xenophobes just realized that Alibaba’s | May 08 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by biggest investor is Japanese | May 08 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese xenophobes just realized that Alibaba’s biggest investor is Japanese – Quartz | May 08 09:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@qz: Chinese xenophobes just realized that Alibaba’s biggest investor is Japanese | May 08 09:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Oxfam: German food project 'ignores subsistence | May 08 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | farmers' - | May 08 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | disappointing: I expect better from #DE | May 08 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oxfam: German food project 'ignores subsistence farmers' | EurActiv | May 08 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Unlikely Ascent of Jack Ma, #Alibaba’s | May 08 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Founder - good | May 08 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | background on fascinating character #china | May 08 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 08 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Certification hype | May 08 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How Google's Android Silver could become | May 08 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Wintel for phones' | May 08 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux #windows | May 08 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Google's Android Silver could become 'Wintel for phones' • The Register | May 08 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner On my way to @Linuxtag. In the subway | May 08 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commercials for it. @FSFE booth already set up. | May 08 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 08 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kirschner: On my way to @Linuxtag. In the subway commercials for it. @FSFE booth already set up. | May 08 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Making Linux Feel at Home | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | "reasons to migrate to | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Linux desktop." #gnu #linux | May 08 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Making Linux Feel at Home | Software | LinuxInsider | May 08 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 2 UK #copyright exceptions missing - private | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | copying & parody - once | May 08 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The IPKat: Two copyright exceptions missing: did the Scrutiny Committee know? | May 08 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | again, public is betrayed; nice boost for | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | piracy | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux desktop environment LXQt achieves first | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | release #lxqt #gnu | May 08 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux desktop environment LXQt achieves first release | May 08 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #China signs $13.1 bn rail project in #Nigeria | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | - wow, symbolic much? | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China signs $13.1 bn rail project in Nigeria | The BRICS Post | May 08 09:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME Wayland Is Approved For Fedora 21 | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fedora #gnome #gnu | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 08 09:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] GNOME Wayland Is Approved For Fedora 21 | May 08 09:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WIPO Francis Gurry appointed for second term as | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Director General by WIPO member states | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The State Of The Intel Kernel DRM Driver | May 08 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drm #kernel #linux | May 08 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] The State Of The Intel Kernel DRM Driver | May 08 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google Open-Sources Their AutoFDO Profile | May 08 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Toolchain #opensource | May 08 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 08 09:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Google Open-Sources Their AutoFDO Profile Toolchain | May 08 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Debian 8.0 Jessie To Likely Target The Linux | May 08 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3.16 Kernel #debian #gnu | May 08 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | May 08 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Debian 8.0 Jessie To Likely Target The Linux 3.16 Kernel | May 08 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ThiruGeneva Republic of Korea joins with consensus but | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by flags issue of allegations made by #wipo Deputy | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody DG. "Election separate from investigation." | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Intel powered Chromebooks to feature Bay | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trail chipset #intel | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chromebook #linux #gnu #google | May 08 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Intel powered Chromebooks to feature Bay Trail chipset | Muktware | May 08 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LG Chromebase will be available May 26th | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | another large OEM | May 08 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | selling #gnu #linux | May 08 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LG Chromebase will be available May 26th | Muktware | May 08 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:29 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: 'LG Chromebase will be available May 26th' | May 08 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Three Reasons Why You Should Upgrade from | May 08 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 08 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 08 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Three Reasons Why You Should Upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 08 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat opens door to Open Stack at Red Hat | May 08 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Summit 2014 #redhat #gnu | May 08 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat opens door to OpenStack at Red Hat Summit 2014 | SiliconANGLE | May 08 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 08 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bigbrovar @glynmoody yeah nothing | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by was heard of it again after Obasanjo got | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody elected. | May 08 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigeria, China ink $8,3-billion rail contract - Nigeria Village Square | May 08 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tony Blair should be prosecuted for war crimes | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | – not just judged by history | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #politics as shield for | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | murder? | May 08 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tony Blair should be prosecuted for war crimes – not just judged by history | Twiggy Garcia | Comment is free | | May 08 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is devops killing the developer? | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | that would be fine, | May 08 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is devops killing the developer? | Application development - InfoWorld | May 08 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | operations and sysadmining common tasks | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In #russia bloggers may soon need to register | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | with the government, but in #us the #nsa | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | identifies them all | May 08 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 08 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @StevePeers CJEU: A-G's opinion on parody in EU copyright | May 08 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by law coming on 22nd May (Deckmyn case): | May 08 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CURIA - Case information | May 08 09:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New DE LXQt Released, Linux Drones, and | May 08 09:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | Deploying Linux | May 08 09:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New DE LXQt Released, Linux Drones, and Deploying Linux | Tux Machines | May 08 09:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How Google's Android Silver could become | May 08 09:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | 'Wintel for phones' | May 08 09:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 09:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Making Linux Feel at Home | May 08 09:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 09:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Google's Android Silver could become 'Wintel for phones' | Tux Machines | May 08 09:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Making Linux Feel at Home | Tux Machines | May 08 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Boycott #amazon - another reason | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | other reasons: | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Getting sued for Amazon review... : legaladvice | May 08 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon - Techrights | May 08 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #amazon has been caught deleting reviews at the | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | demand of clients (censorship) and is now | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | giving identities of reviewers, exposing them | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #comcast are liars | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Not A Joke: Comcast Says No One Is More Dedicated To Net Neutrality Than It Is – Consumerist | May 08 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz [Old] SCO Legally Assaults PJ of Groklaw | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sometimes I wonder if | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #novell pondered doing the same to | May 08 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SCO Legally Assaults PJ of Groklaw - Slashdot | May 08 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #boycottnovell | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #amazon won't protect users from #slapp | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | lawsuits | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawyers threaten redditor over negative router review on Amazon | Ars Technica | May 08 10:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @alicebell Turns out the NHM's big £5m donor | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is also key donor | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody revealed to be behind the GWPF | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 10:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Natural History Museum receives £5m donation | May 08 10:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Hintze revealed as funder of Lord Lawson's climate thinktank | Environment | | May 08 10:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ClimateGroup Wind energy surges to record share in Australia | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by as coal ebbs: @smh | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #cleanrevolution #windpower | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 10:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wind energy surges to record share as coal ebbs | May 08 10:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ClimateGroup: Wind energy surges to record share in Australia as coal ebbs: @smh #cleanrevolution #windpower | May 08 10:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NesrineMalik The 5 stages of Western Reaction to Foreign | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Events | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 1 Ignorance | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2 Wikipedia wisdom | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3 Outrage | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | 4 #SolidarityHashtag | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | 5 Tedious self-obsession | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #healthcare | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Labour | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Progress | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Hundamos su Unión Europea - | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS: "se trata de un | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | atentado contra la democracia" (v @EstelMP) | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Economía para pobres » Hundamos su Unión Europea | May 08 10:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why Mr Wales is dreadfully wrong about the | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet Party - | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting thoughts, as ever, from @teirdes | May 08 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Mr Wales is dreadfully wrong about the Internet Party | Amelia Andersdotter | May 08 10:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Tesla Logged $713 Million In Revenue In Q1 and | May 08 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Built 7,535 Cars | May 08 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tesla Logged $713 Million In Revenue In Q1 and Built 7,535 Cars - Slashdot | May 08 10:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @_CEJA_ Karel de Gucht: #EU law on hormone beef and | May 08 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by genetically modified foods won't be changing as | May 08 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody a result of #TTIP. @Trade_EU | May 08 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Australia's former foreign minister @bobjcarr | May 08 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by under investigation by spy agencies for leaking | May 08 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody secrets in his book | May 08 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spy agencies examine Bob Carr for leaking secrets | | May 08 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Always interesting to listen to lengthy | May 08 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | discussions of problems that the #freesoftware | May 08 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | community solved years or decades ago. | May 08 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Man accused of not being fun | May 08 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Man accused of not being fun | May 08 11:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeSpeechDaily Saudi blogger #raifbadawi gets 10 years in | May 08 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by jail, a £133,000 fine and 1000 lashes for | May 08 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "insulting Islam". | May 08 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Saudi blogger Raif Badawi gets 10 year jail sentence | May 08 11:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Lloyd's calls on insurers to take into account | May 08 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by climate-change risk via | May 08 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @guardian #climate #insurance #NCA2014 | May 08 11:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lloyd's calls on insurers to take into account climate-change risk | Business | The Guardian | May 08 11:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Cable documents how #NATO head @AndersFoghR got | May 08 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | top job in exchange for Danish censorship of | May 08 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kurdish TV station RoJ | May 08 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 09COPENHAGEN241_a | May 08 11:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan ECJ annuls the directive on cross-border | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exchange of information on road safety related | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody traffic offences | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ALTEREU Big pharma uses #TTIP talks to push its agenda; | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ask #EP2014 candidates to stand-up against | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody corporate #lobbying | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pforp | May 08 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home - Politics for People | May 08 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Serial pro-war press hoaxer "The Jester" who | May 08 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | waits for sites to go down then claims to have | May 08 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | hacked them strikes again | May 08 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 11:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EXCLUSIVE: Hacker Who Took Down WikiLeaks Targets Edward Snowden | Communities Digital News | May 08 11:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @CyberTimbo. see | May 08 11:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Sorry, that page does not exist | May 08 11:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @CyberTimbo see | May 08 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:46 |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted '@CyberTimbo. see' | May 08 11:46 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted '@CyberTimbo see' | May 08 11:46 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'Serial pro-war press hoaxer "The Jester" who waits...' | May 08 11:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Sheriff's Deputy With History Of Misconduct | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Attempts To Extort $50,000 From Pulled Over | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Motorist | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sheriff's Deputy With History Of Misconduct Attempts To Extort $50,000 From Pulled Over Motorist | Techdirt | May 08 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow A new story by Bruce Sterling - | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: A new story by Bruce Sterling | May 08 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @peterkofod Here's a write-up on Edward #Snowden's letter | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to Denmark re: #Surveillance, our "Tabloid | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Scandal" etc. | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FreeSnowden | May 08 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden’s Letter to Denmark. | The Nordic Web | May 08 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @peterkofod Had a TV-debate w/MP's (from Intel. Comt!) | May 08 12:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by who're SURE #NSA doesn't spy on us. They would | May 08 12:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 know/DK services wouldn't help w/that | May 08 12:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 08 12:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack 2 of most amazing women I know: | May 08 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @carwinb interviews @wikileaks #journalist | May 08 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Sarah #Harrison! | May 08 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StrongBravePrincipled | May 08 12:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden: From USA to USB - YouTube | May 08 12:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:15 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'RT @JesselynRadack: 2 of most amazing women I...' | May 08 12:16 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '2 of most amazing women I know: @carwinb...' | May 08 12:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @koenrh Chairman of Dutch intel oversight to Senate: 'I | May 08 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by want to oversee ex-ante (in advance), not just | May 08 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 ex-post (afterwards)' | May 08 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Matthijs R. Koot's notebook: Chairman of Dutch intel oversight to Dutch Senate: 'I want to oversee ex ante (before the fact), not just ex post (afterwards)' | May 08 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ArjenKamphuis Speaking on info security at #Dataharvest | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #journalism conference this weekend in Brussels | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #infosec #CIJ #DHplus | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Speaking at Dataharvest+ conference | | May 08 12:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Thomas Drake: " I understand why #Snowden | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wanted to say who he was. He watched my case | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 very carefully." | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thomas Drake on how blowing the whistle is even harder now - | May 08 12:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @peterkofod I/W w/ #NSA-whistleblower @Thomas_Drake1: | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Proper channels? "No, | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 especially in a post-9/11 world. Go to the | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | press" | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Keith Alexander Unplugged: on Bush/Obama, 1.7 | May 08 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by million stolen documents and other matters | May 08 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 08 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keith Alexander Unplugged: on Bush/Obama, 1.7 million stolen documents and other matters - The Intercept | May 08 12:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj Help support CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 08 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this Friday 5/9 in DC! | May 08 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 08 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DC Whistleblower Supporters – Help John Kiriakou on Friday! | GAP | May 08 12:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @danthechemist @doctorow "Japanese Man Arrested for Having | May 08 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Guns Made with a 3D Printer" | May 08 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japanese Man Arrested for Having Guns Made with a 3D Printer | May 08 12:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Laura Poitras named as winner of 2014 Henri | May 08 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Nannen Prize for Services to Press Freedom | May 08 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 more: | May 08 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 12:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Henri Nannen Preis - Aktuell / 2014 | May 08 12:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reporting on Snowden revelations wins Pulitzer Prize | Free Snowden | May 08 12:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1052 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 A couple of days into rehab, Rob Ford reports | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | "I already saved a billion dollars". | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot ACLU and EFF Endorse Weaker USA Freedom Act | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Passed By Committee | May 08 13:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 13:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ACLU and EFF Endorse Weaker USA Freedom Act Passed By Committee - Slashdot | May 08 13:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @comzeradd My #FreeYourAndroid blog post seems to be on | May 08 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by no1 of HackerNews frontpage at the moment. | May 08 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Cool. | May 08 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 13:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | nikos.roussos | Free Your Android | May 08 13:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Toronto Chance of Showers Throughout The Day, High 17C. | May 08 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 08 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot First Arrest In Japan For 3D-Printed Guns | May 08 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Arrest In Japan For 3D-Printed Guns - Slashdot | May 08 14:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt US Patent Office Grants 'Photography Against A | May 08 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | White Background' Patent To Amazon | May 08 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Patent Office Grants 'Photography Against A White Background' Patent To Amazon | Techdirt | May 08 14:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden German #NSA investigative panel will invite | May 08 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden to testify, despite opposition | May 08 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 more: | May 08 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 14:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German NSA investigative panel to allow Snowden to testify | News | DW.DE | 08.05.2014 | May 08 14:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Impact | Free Snowden | May 08 14:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist MT @alexboutilier: Ottawa is creeping you on | May 08 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Facebook (& probably Twitter, too.) | May 08 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ottawa is ‘creeping’ your Facebook | Toronto Star | May 08 14:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell What I learned while in line at the airport, | May 08 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by waiting to again be randomly selected for | May 08 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 additional screening. | May 08 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TSA | May 08 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Civics Lesson from America’s Airports, and the TSA | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren | May 08 14:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel .@AdamSerwer has one of the best accounts of | May 08 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by what went down yesterday w/Dragnet reform. | May 08 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA reform compromise clears House hurdle | MSNBC | May 08 14:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Go_Veto #rp14 listen to @glynmoody and sign the | May 08 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @wepromiseeu charter of digital #rights. | May 08 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #free & #opensoftware | May 08 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 08 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #13 - Glyn Moody supports WePromise - YouTube | May 08 14:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikewhitmore Being "famous" on Twitter is like being rich in | May 08 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Monopoly. | May 08 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 08 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PamBQ 30,000 lobbyists & counting: is Brussels under | May 08 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by corporate sway, asks @guardian? | May 08 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | 875 #EP2014 candidates support #pforp | May 08 14:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 30,000 lobbyists and counting: is Brussels under corporate sway? | World news | The Guardian | May 08 14:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @olewin " German lawmakers decide to quiz #Snowden" But | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they fear the US; so they want to do that just | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via video call. | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German lawmakers decide to quiz Snowden | Reuters | May 08 14:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bendrath "The internet is still open - like a shopping | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mall which you are free to enter and then are | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff monitored all the time" @shmt #rp14 #stage3 | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glichfield Около 10 млн. россиян которые слишком молоды | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by чтобы помнить СССР хотели бы его восстановить | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | More than half of Russians want the Soviet Union back – Quartz | May 08 14:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ArjenKamphuis 260 KM/hr and the Wifi works fine. is | May 08 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by not perfect but pretty good most of the time | May 08 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff ;-) #happinessisapowerlineandIPadress | May 08 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenRightsGroup Lobby groups try to kill private copying | May 08 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exception with iPod tax | May 08 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ipodtax | May 08 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Rights Group - Lobby tries to kill private copying with demand for iPod tax | May 08 14:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GlenisWillmott All meat should be labelled either | May 08 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ‘pre-stunned’ or ‘not pre-stunned’ to give | May 08 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody consumers the choice | May 08 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Transparent labelling needed for meat slaughter « Glenis Willmott MEP | May 08 14:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Gurry's term for DG of WIPO expires in 2020. | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Institution has been a relatively transparent | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody fora for norm setting in IP, angering | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @USChamber | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Melbourne Uber Drivers Slapped With $1700 | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fines; Service Shuts Down | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Melbourne Uber Drivers Slapped With $1700 Fines; Service Shuts Down - Slashdot | May 08 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Patton Boggs Surrenders in Battle With Chevron, | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Agrees to Pay $15 Million - | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | sad to see bullying | May 08 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patton Boggs Surrenders in Battle With Chevron, Agrees to Pay $15 Million - Businessweek | May 08 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | paying off... | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rcweir Daffodil profile | May 08 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daffodil | Flickr - Photo Sharing! | May 08 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KarinWahlJ If you do research that enters public debate, | May 08 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you risk attacks by obscure think tanks trying | May 08 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to discredit you: | May 08 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | JOMEC’s Reply to the Newswatch Report | JOMEC @ Cardiff University | May 08 14:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @foeeurope We’re making it easier for you to find out how | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by your #MEP voted on issues that affect Europe’s | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody future #EP2014 ^RB | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scoring the European Parliament | May 08 14:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: humansofnewyork: "I’ve taken over five | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | thousand portraits of people in New York, and I | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | find out a... | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: humansofnewyork: "I’ve taken over five thousand... | May 08 14:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: firstsecondbooks: Ben Hatke and Zita the | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spacegirl! On tour! | May 08 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 14:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: firstsecondbooks: Ben Hatke and Zita the... | May 08 14:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Illegal fishing: 21st-century pirates plunder | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | treasures of #CostaRica's seas - | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | senseless, short-sighted | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | stupidity | May 08 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Illegal fishing: 21st-century pirates plunder treasures of Costa Rica's seas | Environment | | May 08 15:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Does Europe hate libraries? - | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | makes me ashamed to be | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | European: who gave #EU this selfish mandate? (v | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love) | May 08 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does Europe hate libraries? | Internet Policy Review | May 08 15:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Less than a week aft denying #Snowden #asylum, | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Germany wants him to testify in their Bundestag | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance invstgtn | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German lawmakers decide to quiz Snowden | May 08 15:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff "Why is this relevant?" Yes, why indeed? Some | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | presentations are just a waste of time. | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ashk4n My reading is: Apple *can* extract iMessages | May 08 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by stored locally on the device for law | May 08 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian enforcement, just not intercept | May 08 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Legal Process Guidelines for U.S. Law Enforcement | May 08 15:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ashk4n Apple claims it "cannot intercept users’ | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by iMessage" as "they're end-to-end encrypted", | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian but this is largely semantics: | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Apple’s claim that it can’t intercept iMessages is largely semantics | May 08 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ashk4n Apple *can* extract SMS, photos, videos, | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by contacts, audio recording, and call history | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian from passcode locked iOS devices | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:07 |
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian deleted 'RT @ashk4n: Apple claims it "cannot intercept users’...' | May 08 15:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Join the @firedoglake day of action tomorrow to | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | help CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | return to his family. | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 08 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody London MEP Digital Hustings - | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | I'll be chairing this | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | next Thursday - do come if you can, should be | May 08 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London MEP Digital Hustings - ORG London (London, England) - Meetup | May 08 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting... #EU | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Danish software patents: to be or not to be? - | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cc-by slides from my | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | talk last week in Copenhagen #eu #swpats #dk | May 08 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glyn Moody - European Unitary Patent Court and software patents | May 08 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot McAfee Grabbed Data Without Paying, Says Open | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Source Vulnerability Database | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | McAfee Grabbed Data Without Paying, Says Open Source Vulnerability Database - Slashdot | May 08 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin Sad truths and big lies in Keith Alexander’s | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by monster interview, parsed by @ggreenwald | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keith Alexander Unplugged: on Bush/Obama, 1.7 million stolen documents and other matters - The Intercept | May 08 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Mousetronaut, a | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kids' book by a shuttle pilot; Kerouac v | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Buckley | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Space-age refrigeration, 1968 | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing The Oversight: conspiracies, magic, and the end | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of the world | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Unsettling, playful accessories from Klára | May 08 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Pernicová | May 08 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unsettling, playful accessories from Klára Pernicová - Boing Boing | May 08 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Unsettling, playful accessories from Klára Pernicová | May 08 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WIPO Francis Gurry appointed for 2nd term as WIPO | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Director General: | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Francis Gurry Appointed for Second Term as WIPO Director General | May 08 15:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@WIPO: Francis Gurry appointed for 2nd term as WIPO Director General: | May 08 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The Oversight: conspiracies, magic, and the end | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the world #review /pls RT! | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The Oversight: conspiracies, magic, and the end of the world | May 08 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Rights Organisations urge #EU to ensure that | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | WIPO keeps (c) unbalanced - | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | such shameless | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | selfishness (v @skreilly) | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rights Organisations urge EU to ensure that WIPO sticks to balanced mandate for copyright framework. | IFRRO | May 08 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Appointment of New Copyright Board of Canada | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chair Offers Chance for Change | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Appointment of New Copyright Board of Canada Chair Offers Chance for Change | May 08 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody USPTO Grants 'Photography Against A White | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Background' Patent To #Amazon - | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | you can't make this | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | stuff up... | May 08 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Patent Office Grants 'Photography Against A White Background' Patent To Amazon | Techdirt | May 08 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Corporate espionage a big risk for German | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | firms, except when #NSA does it - says German | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | gov't (DE) | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "NSA keine Gefahr": Regierung warnt vor Wirtschaftsspionage | heise online | May 08 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Audio: | May 08 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Today’s jam is the funkiest, highest energy... | May 08 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Today’s jam is the funkiest, highest energy | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | skip-rope rhyme you’re likely to hear. | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Software Patents in #Denmark: To Be or Not To | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Be? - my talk about | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | devastation #patenttrolls will soon cause in EU | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software Patents in Denmark: To Be or Not To Be? - Open Enterprise | May 08 15:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Chinese journalist Gao Yu detained by | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | authorities using state secrets 'law' charging | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | gov't critics. Sound familiar? | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China detains veteran journalist for state secrets - Yahoo News | May 08 15:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rollingbonz @doctorow | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow America summed up. | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 08 15:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freedom - Imgur | May 08 15:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MT @jamie_love @MPAA, after opposing exceptions | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | 4 blind, now wants to block work on library | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptions. Why pick these fights?>>pure | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | evil... | May 08 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:45 |
*TweetSchestowitz @kgerloff retweeted @glynmoody: 'Software Patents in #Denmark: To Be or Not...' | May 08 15:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Το 2ο Φεστβάλ των Κοινών έφτασε! - | May 08 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | wish I had too... #cc | May 08 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #commons | May 08 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Το 2ο Φεστβάλ των Κοινών έφτασε! | Creative Commons – Ελλάδα | May 08 15:47 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Chinese journalist Gao Yu detained by authorities using...' | May 08 15:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen What absolute nonsense from Malaysia on media | May 08 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by plurality: Too Many Newspapers Will “Confuse | May 08 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the People” | May 08 15:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Malaysian Minister: Too Many Newspapers Will “Confuse the People” - Global Voices Advocacy | May 08 15:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot In SF: an App For Auctioning Off Your Public | May 08 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parking Spot | May 08 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In SF: an App For Auctioning Off Your Public Parking Spot - Slashdot | May 08 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @teirdes .@jimmy_wales commented on my @piratpartiet | May 08 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by defence. now i have responded to his commentary | May 08 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody :-) cc @InternetPartyNZ | May 08 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Mr Wales is dreadfully wrong about the Internet Party | Amelia Andersdotter | May 08 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @turi JOB: @openDemocracy seeks new Editor-in-Chief. | May 08 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Amazing opportunity at 1 of Britain's greatest | May 08 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody online magazines PLS RT | May 08 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Editor-in-Chief, openDemocracy | openDemocracy | May 08 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of Copyright | May 08 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Policymaking | May 08 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of Copyright Policymaking | Techdirt | May 08 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch Via @EUROPOLITICS_sa: "We'll get there in the | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by coming weeks" De Gucht on #ceta | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #China pledges over half its foreign aid to | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Africa - “without | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | preconditions”; take that, Western | May 08 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China pledges over half its foreign aid to Africa | The BRICS Post | May 08 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | do-gooders... | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP needs to raise, not lower, safety | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | standards - unions need | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | to shout even louder here (v @baskut08) | May 08 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US/EU trade talks need to raise, not lower, safety standards | STRONGER UNIONS | May 08 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fifarahman Crimea ban on methadone resulting in HIV/AIDS | May 08 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disaster | May 08 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russia’s ban on methadone for drug users in Crimea will worsen the HIV/AIDS epidemic and risk public health | BMJ | May 08 16:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YaaraBouTV Abbot govt says corporate welfare is over. | May 08 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @TheAusInstitute says ok, here's how to save | May 08 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody $40B/yr.. #auspol #Budget2014 | May 08 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TheAusInstitute: GRAPHIC: Abbott searching 4 savings. Hockey says corporate welfare must cease. Here's $40B worth! #auspol #Budget2014 | May 08 16:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Warning of $1tn gamble on high-cost oil | May 08 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | projects - renewables & | May 08 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disinvestment will ensure that money is wasted | May 08 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warning of $1tn gamble on high-cost oil projects | EurActiv | May 08 16:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @HelenBranswell Egypt may ban citizens from attending Hajj over | May 08 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #MERS concerns. Source is ex health minister | May 08 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody who is on MERS response. | May 08 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love The International Federation of Journalists | May 08 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (IFJ) opposes library exceptions at WIPO. Do | May 08 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Egypt may ban Hajj pilgrimage as MERS virus spreads: Official - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online | May 08 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody journalists do any research before publishing? | May 08 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Oops, guess I caused a small fecoventilatory | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | collision there. | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NHS patient data storm: Govt lords SLAP DOWN | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy protections - | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | fine, so everybody should just opt out | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS patient data storm: Govt lords SLAP DOWN privacy protections • The Register | May 08 16:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @CBAnatmag: Critics: the cyberbullying bill | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | is too broad as the gov struggles to justify | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | lawful access | May 08 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CBA National Magazine - The cyberbullying bill at committee | May 08 16:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @markmackinnon Moscow expanding list of Canadians and | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Americans barred from Russia, but will not | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody release new list of names. | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of #Copyright | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Policymaking - whatever | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | happened to evidence-based policymaking? | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of Copyright Policymaking | Techdirt | May 08 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Mary Blair and the World's Fair: Rolly Crump | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | describes the birth of "it's a small world" | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mp3 | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Mary Blair and the World's Fair: Rolly Crump describes the birth of "it's a small world" | May 08 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NetwerkDem International Whistleblowers Conference 2014 | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 18 | 06 International Whistleblowers Conference 2014 | Netwerk Democratie | May 08 16:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NetwerkDem: International Whistleblowers Conference 2014 | May 08 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love I am in Argentina, at a meeting where the | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EU/Mercosur trade negotiation is being | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody discussed. I'm told IP chapter has been | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | removed. | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Judge John Hodgman Episode 159: The Waiting | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Game | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Judge John Hodgman Episode 159: The Waiting Game | Maximum Fun | May 08 16:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Electromagnetic Noise Found To Affect Bird | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Navigation | May 08 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Electromagnetic Noise Found To Affect Bird Navigation - Slashdot | May 08 16:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Huge tech coalition asks FCC to save Net | May 08 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Neutrality | May 08 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 16:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux desktop environment LXQt achieves first | May 08 16:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | release | May 08 16:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 16:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux desktop environment LXQt achieves first release | Tux Machines | May 08 16:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @valleyhack Arista Networks tried to buy a journalist's | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by favor with IPO shares | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 08 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yes, we're in a tech bubble. Here's how I know it - Fortune Tech | May 08 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Media wanting to report on law suit from NATO | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | head corruption can | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | contact ROJ lawyer | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 09COPENHAGEN241_a | May 08 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard See the Earth from space—in real time. NASA | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | stream of ISS earthcam | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @Evolutionistrue: | May 08 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | See the Earth from space—in real time « Why Evolution Is True | May 08 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks New Homeland Security cover story says #Assange | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | is biggest threat to US security | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NXTbook Media - Today's Digital Publishing Solution | May 08 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Charlie Stross: The Snowden leaks; a | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | meta-narrative - wilwheaton: At every step in | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | the development of the... | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Charlie Stross: The Snowden leaks; a meta-narrative | May 08 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks New Homeland Security cover story says #Assange | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | is biggest threat to US security (corrected | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | link) | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Homeland Security Today - April/May 2014 | May 08 17:12 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'New Homeland Security cover story says #Assange is...' | May 08 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Keith Alexander: NSA Makes The Entire Internet | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Weaker To Protect You From Terrorists | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keith Alexander: NSA Makes The Entire Internet Weaker To Protect You From Terrorists | Techdirt | May 08 17:12 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 6 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 36 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 08 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (6) | May 08 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 08 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 08 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 229 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 917 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 08 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @glynmoody (49), @schestowitz (23), @doctorow (14) | May 08 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (52), @doctorow (19), @Thomas_Drake1 (13) | May 08 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (11), #gnu (9), #Snowden (8) | May 08 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Pirate Bay Founder Launches Election Campaign | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | For European Parliament | TorrentFreak - | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | seanbonner: In two... | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Pirate Bay Founder Launches Election Campaign For European Parliament | TorrentFreak | May 08 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow wil wheaton project tickets, music, tabletop, | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | rampart - wilwheaton: A SHORT BLOG: wil wheaton | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | project... | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: wil wheaton project tickets, music, tabletop, rampart | May 08 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Apple Can Extract Texts, Photos, Contacts From | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Locked iPhones | May 08 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple Can Extract Texts, Photos, Contacts From Locked iPhones - Slashdot | May 08 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Former NSA boss defends breaking computer | May 08 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security (in the name of national security) | May 08 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 17:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenAccessMKD Call for Contributions to the 6th Conference on | May 08 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #OpenAccess Scholarly Publishing | #OASPA | May 08 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Call for Contributions to the 6th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing | Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association | May 08 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ellenbroad .@eblida expresses concern at EU position at | May 08 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SCCR27, in light of EU copyright consultation: | May 08 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems; causes collapse of WIPO meeting - European Bureau of Library Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) | May 08 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ellenbroad Research Libraries UK "disappointed the EU | May 08 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by didn't feel it appropriate to promote research | May 08 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody and teaching" at #SCCR27: | May 08 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems | Research Libraries UK | May 08 17:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Proposing to Cut Medicine for World’s Poor - | May 08 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | which means #TPP will | May 08 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | literally be murderous #shameful (v @PCGTW) | May 08 17:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | POV: United States Proposing to Cut Medicine for World’s Poor | BU Today | Boston University | May 08 17:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @helen_access European Commission: I request guidance on | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by requests and am told haven't followed the | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff guidance :) @AskTheEU | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ronpatz | May 08 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guidance on access to documents requests - a Freedom of Information request to Secretariat General (SG) - | May 08 17:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Copyright minister: Those missing TWO copyright | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptions? We're still on track - | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | let's hope so... #UK | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright minister: Those missing TWO copyright exceptions? We're still on track • The Register | May 08 17:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Alexander: #NSA Makes The Entire Internet | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Weaker To Protect You From Terrorists - | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | </facepalm> | May 08 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keith Alexander: NSA Makes The Entire Internet Weaker To Protect You From Terrorists | Techdirt | May 08 17:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks A handy breakdown of #Snowden NSA revelations | May 08 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | from @lawfareblog See | May 08 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | also: | May 08 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › Catalog of the Snowden Revelations | May 08 17:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Revelations | Free Snowden | May 08 17:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mpetricone Top advocate for #SOPA #PIPA opposes reasonable | May 08 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by copyright reforms, #shocker "Assailing | May 08 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Copyright Isn’t Conservative" | May 08 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Assailing Copyright Isn’t Conservative | National Review Online | May 08 17:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Private copying, parody & quotation exceptions: | May 08 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gattopardo-esque approach? - | May 08 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Se vogliamo che tutto | May 08 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | rimanga come è" | May 08 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The IPKat: Private copying, parody and quotation exceptions: a Gattopardo-esque approach? | May 08 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RonDeibert @ioerror and I have the same shoes! Sole | May 08 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mates... | May 08 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 08 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RonDeibert: @ioerror and I have the same shoes! Sole mates... | May 08 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Mirror this website: | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #googlenest #republica2014 I hear Google | May 08 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Nest | May 08 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | doesn't respect parody laws and is threatening | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | them. | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:48 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @ioerror: 'Mirror this website: #googlenest #republica2014 I hear...' | May 08 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden UK govt. & Parliament reject #SafeHarbor | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by suspension wants Mk.2 in | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 2014 before #EUdatap video | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Player | May 08 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmagnanti Amusing parody of Google | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @ioerror | May 08 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Nest | May 08 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mathewi Delicious gets sold again, this time to a | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by former MySpace CEO: | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// ) | May 08 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Less than a week aft denying #Snowden #asylum, | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Germany wants him to testify in their Bundestag | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #surveillance invstgtn | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German lawmakers decide to quiz Snowden | May 08 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Bad Voltage S1E15 is out! A rebuttal of the | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux Sucks talk, Elementary, @DanielFore | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | interview, @Xbox review + more | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 1×15: Why Dear Watson | Bad Voltage | May 08 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Feds Issue Emergency Order On Crude Oil Trains | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Feds Issue Emergency Order On Crude Oil Trains - Slashdot | May 08 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody important @StatewatchEU leak: full version of | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | European Commission's draft Impact Assessment | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #Copyright Review - | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zeynep Yeah, folks, you know, ally? RT @jeffjarvis | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Saudi blogger sentenced to 10 years, 1,000 | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody lashes for insulting Islam: | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 17:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A thousand lashes and 10 years in prison for online Saudi Arabian activist | Amnesty International | May 08 17:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kaffando What's that sound? That would be the sound of | May 08 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by people waking up to what's happening to OUR | May 08 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NHS #VOTE @NHAparty | May 08 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | 22May | May 08 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Videos from Euro Campaign Launch | NHA Party | May 08 18:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand If you're only going to watch one video today, | May 08 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by consider making it this @republica talk by | May 08 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @ioerror and @jilliancyork: | May 08 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about PGP | re:publica 2014 | May 08 18:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs NEXT ON FRONTLINE: How did the government come | May 08 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to spy on millions of Americans? | May 08 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #USofSecrets | May 08 18:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 08 18:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 18:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@frontlinepbs: NEXT ON FRONTLINE: How did the government come to spy on millions of Americans? #USofSecrets | May 08 18:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Accord européen pour publier le mandat de | May 08 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | négociation du #TTIP - | May 08 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | no good: we need tabled documents (v | May 08 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PascaleBerrie) | May 08 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Accord européen pour publier le mandat de négociation du TTIP - | May 08 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @D19_20 Envie de payer la dette des financiers avec | May 08 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ton salaire? Non? Venez le 15 Mai à Bxls! #TTIP | May 08 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TAFTA #D1920 | May 08 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@D19_20: Envie de payer la dette des financiers avec ton salaire? Non? Venez le 15 Mai à Bxls! #TTIP #TAFTA #D1920 | May 08 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @netzpolitik Danke fürs kommen und lächeln zur @republica ! | May 08 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Gerne wieder. #rp14 | May 08 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Will Broadly-Written 'Revenge Porn' Laws | May 08 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Encourage Shady Law Firms To Engage In 'Revenge | May 08 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Porn' Trolling? | May 08 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Broadly-Written 'Revenge Porn' Laws Encourage Shady Law Firms To Engage In 'Revenge Porn' Trolling? | Techdirt | May 08 18:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @chrisdurr @doctorow just finished Homeland. Thanks for | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by illustrating the difficulty of "making people | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow care" about privacy/leaks/freedom. | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack New Episode from @LondonRealTV Todd Pierce - | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guantanamo Bay WATCH | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | http://www. | May 08 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host 'www.http:' ( status 0 @ http://www. ) | May 08 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #VeryInformative | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow A thousand lashes and 10 years in prison for | May 08 18:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | online Saudi Arabian activist | Amnesty | May 08 18:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | International | May 08 18:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: A thousand lashes and 10 years in prison for online Saudi Arabian activist | Amnesty International | May 08 18:17 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'New Episode from @LondonRealTV Todd Pierce - Guantanamo...' | May 08 18:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @abditum @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 It's a request | May 08 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they know puts him in serious danger, yet they | May 08 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 are not willing to protect him. Sad. =/ | May 08 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean After "proper channels" FAILED [@Thomas_Drake1] | May 08 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by went 2 the press: It was unclassified, but that | May 08 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 didn't matter 2govt." | May 08 18:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thomas Drake on how blowing the whistle is even harder now - | May 08 18:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Learning to stand completely still. On a | May 08 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | high-speed track somewhere in Belgium. No idea | May 08 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | why. Thanks @DB_Bahn | May 08 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KitOConnell Want to join me tomorrow visiting | May 08 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by congresscritters in #Austin on behalf of | May 08 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou? #torture | May 08 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower | May 08 18:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free This Friday? Visit Your Local Congressional Offices for Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | FDL Action | May 08 18:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox 30 Beta 2 Brings Better Integration | May 08 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | with Social Networks, Australis Stays Put | May 08 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Document Foundation Officially Releases | May 08 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | LibreOffice 4.2.4 | May 08 18:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 18:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 30 Beta 2 Brings Better Integration with Social Networks, Australis Stays Put | Tux Machines | May 08 18:39 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Document Foundation Officially Releases LibreOffice 4.2.4 | Tux Machines | May 08 18:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Largest interview to date with resigning #NSA | May 08 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | head General Alexander | May 08 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: #snowden | May 08 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview transcript: former head of the NSA and commander of the US cyber command, General Keith Alexander | May 08 18:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Snowden | May 08 18:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RESULTS OF CARD SORTING THE KDE SYSTEM SETTINGS | May 08 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | May 08 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Results of Card Sorting the KDE System Settings | User Prompt – Psychologic IT Expertise | May 08 18:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Robolinux turns your C Drive into a virtual | May 08 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Windows machine you can run in Linux | May 08 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 08 18:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robolinux turns your C Drive into a virtual Windows machine you can run in Linux - Liliputing | May 08 18:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux 3.15 SSD File-System Benchmarks | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Linux 3.15 SSD File-System Benchmarks | May 08 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Document Foundation Officially Releases | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | LibreOffice 4.2.4 | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #libreoffice #odf #tdf | May 08 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Document Foundation Officially Releases LibreOffice 4.2.4 | May 08 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Firefox 30 Beta 2 Brings Better Integration | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | with Social Networks, Australis Stays Put | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #mozilla | May 08 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 30 Beta 2 Brings Better Integration with Social Networks, Australis Stays Put | May 08 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Single Gene Can Boost IQ By Six Points | May 08 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Single Gene Can Boost IQ By Six Points - Slashdot | May 08 19:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon The Bad Voltage listening party starts in a few | May 08 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | mins - listen and discuss as it streams, all | May 08 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | live at #badvoltage | May 08 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Listening Party | Bad Voltage | May 08 19:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Secret Back Doors in Android | May 08 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secret Back Doors in Android | Tux Machines | May 08 19:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Funding available for makerspaces' open | May 08 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by anti-asteroid initiatives | May 08 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 19:02 | |
schestowitz | | May 08 19:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I am everything but a Google basher and I spent a lot of my life descending deep into research of Google foes, Google smear campaigns, lawsuits by proxy, and antitrust actions by proxy. I also advocate Android, but in recent years I have been increasingly concerned about the direction it is taking. I wish to share my latest concern. It relates to what the media characterises as "anti-theft" but is act | May 08 19:04 | |
schestowitz | "#Google = #Evil" | May 08 19:04 |
schestowitz | | May 08 19:12 |
schestowitz | "Finally the book explores Burnes’ mind and his remarkable interests and achievements in archaeology, geology, paleontology and geography. It finds that his absence of racism and respect for local culture was out of tune with the new mood of mid nineteenth century Britain, as was his religious skepticism. Combined with his non-aristocratic background this made him the ideal scapegoat for the Afghan disaster, which is why | May 08 19:12 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @jonobacon: 'The Bad Voltage listening party starts in a...' | May 08 19:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Now @ Bad Voltage Listening Party: Linux Sucks | May 08 19:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Alexander Burnes of Montrose [ ] | May 08 19:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | rebuttal - | May 08 19:12 |
schestowitz | he has been abused by historians ever since and never had a full biography. This despite an active campaign for the truth which continued twenty years after his death, and on which Benjamin Disraeli and Karl Marx worked together!" | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz EU leadership and an EU digital President | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | let's hope it's a | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | scientist, not some lawyer | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU leadership and an EU digital President - European Commission | May 08 19:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Judicial Hijinks in Effort to Kill Walker | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Criminal Probe and Destroy Evidence | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #politics #whitecollar | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #crime | May 08 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judicial Hijinks in Effort to Kill Walker Criminal Probe and Destroy Evidence | PR Watch | May 08 19:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Copyright Industry Publishes Data-Free Report | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Claiming Pirate Sites Will Damage Computers | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why Aren't North American Workers More | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Militant? (1/2) learned | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | helplessness and imposed passiveness? | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright Industry Publishes Data-Free Report Claiming Pirate Sites Will Damage Computers | Techdirt | May 08 19:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Aren't North American Workers More Militant? (1/2) | May 08 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This whole magazine should be read, including | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | the advertisements, to understand the | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | security-fetishism taking over US | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - Shortened URL | May 08 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Freedom Online Coalition Basically Ignores | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance: Makes Mockery Of Its Name | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | maybe just controlled | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | opposition | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freedom Online Coalition Basically Ignores Surveillance: Makes A Mockery Of Its Name | Techdirt | May 08 19:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Final #CETA text further delayed - | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | great opportunity to | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | remove #ISDS, then... | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Final CETA text further delayed | Embassy - Canada's Foreign Policy Newspaper | May 08 19:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarietjeSchaake EU shouldnt make same mistake, enshrine in law! | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “@netizenrights: FCC under pressure over threat | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to #netneutrality” | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC under increased pressure over threat to net neutrality | Technology | | May 08 19:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Now @ Bad Voltage Listening Party: Elementary - | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Listening Party | Bad Voltage | May 08 19:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jerryweyer Und alle Luxemburger lachen laut. "@JunckerEU: | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Europa braucht mehr Transparenz. Darum werde | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ich mich bemühen. #tvduell #mitJuncker" | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SkaKeller "der entscheidende Mann" ja klar, Frauen | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by entscheiden ja nix.. #fail #tvduell | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: Practical Alternatives To | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Systemd? | May 08 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: Practical Alternatives To Systemd? - Slashdot | May 08 19:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mmasnick Having both @AjitPaiFCC and @JRosenworcel ask | May 08 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @TomWheelerFCC to hold off on net neutrality | May 08 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody vote is big. They don't agree on much... | May 08 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL. Shouldn't you have asked him five years | May 08 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ago? “@andrewrsorkin: My NYT Mag Cover: "What | May 08 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Geithner Really Thinks"" | May 08 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 08 19:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #China textile investments flood #Vietnam ahead | May 08 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of #TPP #StopTPP #TPPA | May 08 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Jobs #union #equality | May 08 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese textile firms flood Vietnam ahead of TPP | May 08 19:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #China textile investments flood #Vietnam ahead of #TPP #StopTPP #TPPA #Jobs #union #equality | May 08 19:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @eLAWnora BREAKING: Lord Younger confirms parody | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by quotation and private copying exceptions will | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody be adopted, but not on 1 June | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The IPKat: BREAKING: IP Minister confirms that private copying and parody exceptions are still on track for adoption (but later than 1 June) | May 08 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Sorry, but anyone who celebrates the Tim | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Geithner profile as "tough" or "hard-hitting" | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | is a fool. It's too late to pretend it matters. | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zeitonline Lobbyismus in der EU-Lebensmittelkontrolle: | May 08 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "Unabhängige Wissenschaftler werden einfach | May 08 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody abgebügelt" (nd) | May 08 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lebensmittelkontrolle: "Unabhängige Wissenschaftler werden einfach abgebügelt" | ZEIT ONLINE | May 08 19:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Ok, let me make a few points. | May 08 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:40 |
schestowitz | | May 08 19:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz I never update mine, and, the next thing will be to put a moded rom in them. | May 08 19:41 | |
schestowitz | I think it's impossible to deny updates without rooting | May 08 19:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaHammerstein #broadcasting meets #copyright in Geneva. Very | May 08 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bad vibes: libraries dumped by #EU | May 08 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IP Policy Committee blog » Blog Archive » Copyright meets broadcasting in Geneva | May 08 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. Geithner gave the banks billions; without | May 08 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | firing a single CEO; he is largely responsible | May 08 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | for turning a crisis into a depression. | May 08 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Now @ Bad Voltage Listening Party: @DanielFore | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | interview - | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Listening Party | Bad Voltage | May 08 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. Geithner is the most incompetent Treasurer | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | in modern history; he spent billions bailing | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | out banks; and impoverished a society. | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Copyright Industry Publishes Data-Free Report | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Claiming Pirate Sites Will Damage Computers - | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | useless, as ever | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright Industry Publishes Data-Free Report Claiming Pirate Sites Will Damage Computers | Techdirt | May 08 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Want to Install OpenMandriva Lx 2014? Some | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Things You Need to Know | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mandriva #openmandriva #gnu #linux | May 08 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mandriva Linux Chronicles: Want to Install OpenMandriva Lx 2014? Some Things You Need to Know | May 08 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love EU tried to get Geographical indications, | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by patent extensions, exclusive rights for test | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody data, etc in Mercosur agreement. | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love EU wanted to have a broad range of patent | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by issues covered by ISDS. | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. So the idea that now, after all that, it's | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | time to ask Geithner some questions is pretty | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | much everything that's wrong with journalism. | May 08 19:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:46 |
schestowitz | | May 08 19:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz I cancelled the update service on my devices. Also cancelled Google services. Just go to config, programs, and force interrupt | May 08 19:47 | |
schestowitz | That's what I did, but new ones got added over time | May 08 19:47 |
schestowitz | | May 08 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is CryptoLocker Ransomware arriving on Android? | ZDNet [ ] | May 08 19:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How #Comcast Is Trying To Turn The Internet | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Into The Old, Broken Phone System | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | very evil company that | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | kills media, too | May 08 19:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Comcast Is Trying To Turn The Internet Into The Old, Broken Phone System | Techdirt | May 08 19:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@dianewitt the burden of proof isn't on me; | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's on the folks that told us bailing our | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | banks would save us. Clearly, they were wrong. | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Publisher 'DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Concepts #drm | May 08 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Publisher 'DRMs' Physical Legal Textbook About 'Property,' Undermines Property And First Sale Concepts | Techdirt | May 08 19:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I prefer the Kardashians, myself. | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Ouch. “@parabasis: Median rents in NYC have | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | increased by 75% since 2000 while salaries have | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | *declined* by 5%:” | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Death, Sex & Money: Brooklyn Left Me Broke and Tired - WNYC | May 08 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Britain'll look like rural Albania without | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | fracking – report - | May 08 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Britain'll look like rural Albania without fracking – House of Lords report • The Register | May 08 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | idiotic: even industry admits no price falls | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | like US | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody also, pushing short-term dirty solutions like | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fracking at a time when cost of #solar is | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | plummeting is just perverse & backward-looking | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Things getting more expensive: housing, | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | healthcare, education. Things getting cheaper: | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | TVs, porn, McShit. Dumbflation. | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Timekpr — Easy To Use Parental Control App for | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS #ubuntu | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship #software | May 08 19:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timekpr — Easy To Use Parental Control App for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | OMG! Ubuntu! | May 08 19:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JanAlbrecht +1 RT @theresakalmer #TVDuell: Hier fehlt Grün! | May 08 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by” | May 08 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 08 20:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Die_Gruenen: Unser Livekommentar vor dem #TVDuell: Hier fehlt Grün! Bitte RT! | May 08 20:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@dianewitt There are smart bailouts; and dumb | May 08 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ones. Smart: fire (jail) the chiefs. Wipe out | May 08 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | the shareholders. Dumb: dole out free money. | May 08 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Now @ Bad Voltage Listening Party: Community | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | summary/feedback - | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Listening Party | Bad Voltage | May 08 20:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Has Too Few Distributions and Desktop | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Environments what's | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | freedom worth if you don't maximise its | May 08 20:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Has Too Few Distributions and Desktop Environments | May 08 20:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | benefit? | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Grooming "celebrity bugs", still | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 20:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Heartbleed Saga Continues: Highlights of Vulnerability's First 30 Days | May 08 20:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft: Let’s Talk About Heartbleed® (Reported by Our ‘Former’ Security Chief) While the World Migrates From XP to GNU/Linux | Techrights | May 08 20:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 08 20:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some Perspective on Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 08 20:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15 SSD File-System Benchmarks | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Robolinux turns your C Drive into a virtual | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Windows machine you can run in Linux | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 20:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15 SSD File-System Benchmarks | Tux Machines | May 08 20:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RESULTS OF CARD SORTING THE KDE SYSTEM SETTINGS | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 20:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 20:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robolinux turns your C Drive into a virtual Windows machine you can run in Linux | Tux Machines | May 08 20:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RESULTS OF CARD SORTING THE KDE SYSTEM SETTINGS | Tux Machines | May 08 20:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chromebooks Gain Important Features, Appear to | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Be Here to Stay | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chromebook #gnu #linux | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebooks Gain Important Features, Appear to Be Here to Stay | May 08 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tackling the challenges of open source adoption | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | in education | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #education #freesw | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Adopting free and open source software in education | | May 08 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chromebooks looking to replace PCs by going | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | offline #google #gnu | May 08 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebooks looking to replace PCs by going offline | PCWorld | May 08 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: pass-the-flask: Early concept art for | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | +Apparently, the... | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: pass-the-flask: Early concept art for The... | May 08 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SkaKeller .@JunckerEU sagt, Austerität wirkt. Das müssen | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Sie mal den 26Mio Arbeitslosen erzählen | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #tvduell | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm Years from now, CIA's hand in the resurgence of | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Polio may be seen as its greatest fiasco, which | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody is saying something. | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA Aided Polio's Comeback–but Media Have Forgotten the Story | May 08 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikebutcher This is a very bid deal. A pay-to-play internet | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by would kill startups cc. | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @coadec | May 08 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 50 leading tech investors tell the FCC a pay-to-play internet would kill startups | The Verge | May 08 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Fast food workers around the world to strike on | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by May 15 | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing MK Wren's Shadow of the Swan | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing 9th grader ignored by school board runs for a | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by seat on the board | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 08 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 08 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Wretched Ride: PS4 Driveclub Pushes $50 Game | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rental Tied To Paid Subscription | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wretched Ride: PS4 Driveclub Pushes $50 Game Rental Tied To Paid Subscr - Slashdot | May 08 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RDMECOLOGY Rewilding in upland Sutherland. Sheep out, 146 | May 08 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ha of native woodland in. Good work EU | May 08 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @GeorgeMonbiot | May 08 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RDMECOLOGY: Rewilding in upland Sutherland. Sheep out, 146 ha of native woodland in. Good work EU @GeorgeMonbiot | May 08 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt NSA Still Has No Idea How Many Documents | May 08 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden Took... But Insists We Can Trust Them | May 08 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Because They Audit Everything | May 08 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Still Has No Idea How Many Documents Snowden Took... But Insists We Can Trust Them Because They Audit Everything | Techdirt | May 08 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LibreOffice Calc – Reintroducing Spreadsheets | May 08 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #libreoffice #calc #odf | May 08 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LibreOffice Calc – Reintroducing Spreadsheets | May 08 20:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @neiltyson The Soviet KGB would have admired all the ways | May 08 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by America -- land of the free -- now conducts | May 08 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 surveillance on its own citizens. | May 08 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @apblake A 41-page document in the Lavabit case (the | May 08 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by email service used by Ed Snowden) has just been | May 08 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 unsealed. Read it here: | May 08 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Document | May 08 20:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish Amnesty revolt over #Assange, | May 08 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guantanamo | May 08 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A democratic Swedish “Amnesty International” should support whistleblowers | The PROFESSORS' BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All | May 08 20:52 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'RT @apblake: A 41-page document in the Lavabit...' | May 08 20:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Software Patents in #Denmark: To Be or Not To | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Be? - my talk about | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | devastation #patenttrolls will soon cause in EU | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software Patents in Denmark: To Be or Not To Be? - Open Enterprise | May 08 21:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mathematical Model Suggests That Human | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Consciousness Is Noncomputable | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematical Model Suggests That Human Consciousness Is Noncomputable - Slashdot | May 08 21:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm just going to say it. Anyone that thinks | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | AirBnB, Uber, and the rest of the "sharing | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | economy" is a fix for the economy is foolish. | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Diametrically Opposed FCC Commissioners Both | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Agree That Tom Wheeler Should Pull Back On Net | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neutrality Rule Making | May 08 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Diametrically Opposed FCC Commissioners Both Agree That Tom Wheeler Should Pull Back On Net Neutrality Rule Making | Techdirt | May 08 21:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @howardknopf: Canada’s Copyright Board at | May 08 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Cross Roads | May 08 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EXCESS COPYRIGHT: Canada’s Copyright Board at the Cross Roads | May 08 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Next Unreal Tournament: Totally Free, | May 08 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Developed By Public | May 08 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Next Unreal Tournament: Totally Free, Developed By Public - Slashdot | May 08 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TobaccoFreeKids Big #Tobacco is using the same flavors found in | May 08 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by popular candy and drink products in flavored | May 08 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody tobacco products. | May 08 21:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TobaccoFreeKids: Big #Tobacco is using the same flavors found in popular candy and drink products in flavored tobacco products. | May 08 21:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden An avalanche of new Snowden documents will go | May 08 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by online next week via | May 08 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @engadget | May 08 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An avalanche of new Snowden documents will go online next week | May 08 21:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @indy_johar Open Data movement must not be reduced to | May 08 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by utilisation (privatisation) of Public data but | May 08 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody advancement of new open data commons #backing | May 08 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aral | May 08 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @creativecommons The case for open education in one sentence, | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with @cgreen. Photo: @Smallbrarian, CC BY 4.0 | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #oer | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@creativecommons: The case for open education in one sentence, with @cgreen. Photo: @Smallbrarian, CC BY 4.0 #oer | May 08 21:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NSA Still Has No Idea How Many Documents | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden Took...But Insists We Can Trust Them | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Because They Audit Everything - | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Still Has No Idea How Many Documents Snowden Took... But Insists We Can Trust Them Because They Audit Everything | Techdirt | May 08 21:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Amnesty #Sweden rejects asylum for #Snowden, | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Assange, #Guantanamo prisoners | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AmnestyOnline | May 08 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 21:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A democratic Swedish “Amnesty International” should support whistleblowers | The PROFESSORS' BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All | May 08 21:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You will never become yourself if you waste | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | your life only on yourself. | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel So HJC passes out of HPSCI unmodified. | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 That means it permits collection of content | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | under 215, right? No Lofgren language? | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Predicted 2 days ago if HJC used meaningful def | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of specific selection term it'd present | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 problems w/bill. | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 08 22:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | How do I monetize these things? | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @saftergood ODNI requires pre-publication review of all | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by public information | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 08 22:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ODNI Requires Pre-Publication Review of All Public Information - Secrecy News | May 08 22:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Want to Install OpenMandriva Lx 2014? Some | May 08 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Things You Need to Know | May 08 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 22:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HarleyGeiger HPSCI manager's amendment I obtained this | May 08 22:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by morning removes the definition of "specific | May 08 22:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 selection term." @emptywheel @normative | May 08 22:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nakashimae | May 08 22:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Has Too Few Distributions and Desktop | May 08 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Environments | May 08 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 22:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot USPTO Approves Amazon Patent For Taking | May 08 22:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pictures | May 08 22:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Want to Install OpenMandriva Lx 2014? Some Things You Need to Know | Tux Machines | May 08 22:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromebooks Gain Important Features, Appear to | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Be Here to Stay | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines phpMyAdmin 4.2.0 Now Available for Download | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical Releases New Ubuntu Touch Images | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Based on Ubuntu 14.10 | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 08 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 08 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Has Too Few Distributions and Desktop Environments | Tux Machines | May 08 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USPTO Approves Amazon Patent For Taking Pictures - Slashdot | May 08 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebooks Gain Important Features, Appear to Be Here to Stay | Tux Machines | May 08 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | phpMyAdmin 4.2.0 Now Available for Download | Tux Machines | May 08 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical Releases New Ubuntu Touch Images Based on Ubuntu 14.10 | Tux Machines | May 08 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape | Tux Machines | May 08 22:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Victory: Marlyand Police Department Planning To | May 08 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tweet Arrests Of A Vice Sting Arrests Nobody | May 08 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Victory: Marlyand Police Department Planning To Tweet Arrests Of A Vice Sting Arrests Nobody | Techdirt | May 08 22:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnnieMachon RT @silkiecarlo: Help choose a logo for | May 08 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Courage, the foundation behind #Snowden’s | May 08 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody defence fund RT @wikileaks | May 08 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News | Free Snowden | May 08 22:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BiellaColeman Something in the trial was rotten to the core | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by if 9 /12 of jurors on Cecily M. jury are | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody requesting NO incarceration | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 22:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jury Letter | May 08 22:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh They are playing Maurizio M4.5 at @DSMNY. | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | That's a pure win. | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Genius. “@chakrabortty: @umairh @DSMNY | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 08 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rhythm & Sound with Jennifer Lara - Queen In My Empire - YouTube | May 08 22:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 DNI General Gag Order 2: Prepub "review must be | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | conducted before any uncleared personnel can | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | receive the information" | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ODNI Requires Pre-Publication Review of All Public Information - Secrecy News | May 08 22:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean Especially when 3 agencies assist in confusing | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the public: @USMSPB @TSA @TheJusticeDept RT | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1"Doesn't mean they follow the | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | law!" | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch Council will have time to review #CETA before | May 08 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by initialling; will not agree to sign CETA as | May 08 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-only agreement | May 08 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Docker Re-Imagines Server Virtualization | May 08 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | [VIDEO] | May 08 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 22:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Docker Re-Imagines Server Virtualization [VIDEO] | May 08 22:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 HIC passes same USA-FA as HJC. The secret | May 08 23:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | limited hangout circle of DoJ, FBI, NSA is | May 08 23:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | complete. 4th Amend free zone. | May 08 23:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 23:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Surveillance reform now a real possibility | MSNBC | May 08 23:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Take a Picture: Snapchat Settles With FTC Over | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Dissapearing" Claims | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take a Picture: Snapchat Settles With FTC Over "Dissapearing" Claims - Slashdot | May 08 23:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Nigel Farage is a ferocious idiot; the kind who | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | bathes luxuriantly in the shit of stupidity; | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | and tells us the water's just fine. | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140507 - | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 08 23:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140507 | May 08 23:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ID_AA_Carmack It is depressing to have a problem that | May 08 23:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by requires you to learn details about software | May 08 23:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stiangrindvoll that you know is on the way out. | May 08 23:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You know what happens when you put raving idiot | May 08 23:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | extremists on the air for ratings? You turn | May 08 23:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | into American cable news. #bbcqt | May 08 23:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Surprise. “@matthewstoller: Both Mitt Romney | May 08 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Tim Geithner are in private equity, a $3.5T | May 08 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | hotbed of looting.” | May 08 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry | naked capitalism | May 08 23:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Stuff we can give away for free: infinite money | May 08 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | to banks. Stuff we can't: healthcare, | May 08 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | education, transport, to average people. | May 08 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kpoulsen "The Bay Guardian received a copy of the | May 08 23:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by contract via BayLeaks, which uses encryption | May 08 23:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian software known as SecureDrop" | May 08 23:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 23:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Toyota work methods applied at General Hospital | SF Politics | May 08 23:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh UK conservatives want to be the US. US | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | conservatives want to be Afghanistan. Afghani | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | conservatives want to be saved from the West. | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LOL | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Struggle To Ban Killer Robots | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Struggle To Ban Killer Robots - Slashdot | May 08 23:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I give up “@Circa: Apple to acquire Beats for | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | $3.2 billion - reports | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple in talks to acquire Beats for $3.2 billion - reports | Circa News | May 08 23:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Sorry, that page does not exist | May 08 23:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @randomoracle Rumsfeld redux: "You go to [cyber]war with the | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exploit you have---not the exploit you might | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian want or wish to have at a later time" | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wisewords | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rcalo And by "disappear," we meant "keep." Snapchat | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by settles with FTC. | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 08 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snapchat Settles FTC Charges That Promises of Disappearing Messages Were False | Federal Trade Commission | May 08 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm Years from now, CIA's hand in the resurgence of | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Polio may be seen as its greatest fiasco, which | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian is saying something. | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA Aided Polio's Comeback–but Media Have Forgotten the Story | May 08 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh There is nothing ok with wearing a joy division | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | t shirt with pink shorts. | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 08 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 08 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: There is nothing ok with wearing a joy division t shirt with pink shorts. | May 08 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Vladimir Putin Restricting Naughty Language And | May 09 00:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Unregistered' Bloggers | May 09 00:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vladimir Putin Restricting Naughty Language And 'Unregistered' Bloggers | Techdirt | May 09 00:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller This is insane. The SEC basically just said | May 09 00:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by private equity is a hotbed of looting and | May 09 00:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 lawbreaking. | May 09 00:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry | naked capitalism | May 09 00:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller "We have identified what we believe are | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by violations of law or material weaknesses in | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 controls over 50% of the time." | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Spreading Sunshine in Private Equity | May 09 00:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Vibram can no longer claim its goofy FiveFinger | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | shoes offer health benefits | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | perhaps they can sell | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | them on their looks | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vibram can no longer claim its goofy FiveFinger shoes offer health benefits | Ars Technica | May 09 00:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Tired of reading a bunch of uncritical crap | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about the FBI, the Tsarnaevs, and the marathon | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 bombings? Try this. | May 09 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search | Privacy SOS | May 09 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourAnonNews German lawmakers want to quiz Snowden, but he | May 09 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by still faces extradition if he steps in any | May 09 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 U.S.-allied country: | May 09 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German lawmakers decide to quiz Snowden | Reuters | May 09 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourAnonNews Newly released documents shed light on CIA’s | May 09 00:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by African rendition network: | May 09 00:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 00:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reprieve—Newly released documents shed light on CIA’s African rendition network | May 09 00:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How Dumb Policies Scare Tech Giants Away From | May 09 00:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Federal Projects | May 09 00:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Dumb Policies Scare Tech Giants Away From Federal Projects - Slashdot | May 09 00:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Many civil liberty & privacy rights groups | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | pwned by HJC/HIC USA Freedom Act (aka Under | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance Always Freedomcide 4th Unamendment | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Act. | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BethWellington .@Thomas_Drake1 So what if "two hops" require | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by FISA ct warrant when latter is rubber stamp? | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @conorjclarke | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Really a Rubber Stamp? Ex Parte Proceedings and the FISC Win Rate - Stanford Law Review | May 09 00:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen .@internetsownboy definitely starts well, with | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Thoreau quote “Unjust laws exist; shall we be | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 content to obey them..." #FF @humanrightsfest | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @newacademic MPs' verdict on spying oversight: a system fit | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for Smiley, not 21st century | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs' verdict on spying oversight: a system fit for Smiley, not 21st century | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 00:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @arusbridger Vaz's cross-party committee calls for radical | May 09 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reform of oversight of MI5, MI6 & GCHQ | May 09 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 post-Snowden | May 09 00:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 00:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @newacademic Edward Snowden had a point, and Westminster | May 09 00:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by might have to concede it | May 09 00:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden had a point, and Westminster might have to concede it | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 00:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 00:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 00:54 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @YourAnonNews: 'Newly released documents shed light on CIA’s African...' | May 09 00:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Amazing. “@BrankoMilan: Racial element in US | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | upward income mobility. | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | (via @WhitefordPeter) | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BrankoMilan: Racial element in US upward income mobility. (via @WhitefordPeter) | May 09 01:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Study: Earthlings Not Ready For Alien | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Encounters, Yet | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Study: Earthlings Not Ready For Alien Encounters, Yet - Slashdot | May 09 01:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: To Space And Back | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: To Space And Back | Techdirt | May 09 01:12 | |
schestowitz | | May 09 01:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz PeerBlocked. Surprise Surprise | May 09 01:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes h/t @thodenk Preliminary German #NSA Inquiry | May 09 01:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by witness list. #Snowden and @ggreenwald on the | May 09 01:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack list, cc @JesselynRadack | May 09 01:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 01:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thodenk: Die voraussichtliche Zeugenliste im #nsa Untersuchungsausschuss. #snowden auch dabei. | May 09 01:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack "We Support James #Risen Because We Support a | May 09 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FreePress" petition: | May 09 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | 15,000 signers since this morning. Pls add | May 09 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | yours! | May 09 01:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We Support James Risen Because We Support a Free Press | May 09 01:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourAnonNews In less than one month, we will #ResetTheNet, | May 09 01:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and make spying more difficult than ever | May 09 01:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack before. | May 09 01:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 01:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reset the Net | May 09 01:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 01:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@YourAnonNews: In less than one month, we will #ResetTheNet, and make spying more difficult than ever before. | May 09 01:39 | |
schestowitz | | May 09 01:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I am everything but a Google basher and I spent a lot of my life descending deep into research of Google foes, Google smear campaigns, lawsuits by proxy, and antitrust actions by proxy. I also advocate Android, but in recent years I have been increasingly concerned about the direction it is taking. I wish to share my latest concern. It relates to what the media characterises as "anti-theft" but is act | May 09 01:48 | |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | Unlike Microsoft, which has been evil for decades, Google has gone through an evolutionary process: | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | Google !Evil | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | Google < Evil | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | Google ~ Evil | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | ... and will eventually (soon) end up in the same boat with M$. | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | "And #Crapple." | May 09 01:48 |
schestowitz | "Step 1. "Do No Evil" -Google Step 2. Speak only quietly about when you do" | May 09 01:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oakland emails give another glimpse into the Google-Military-Surveillance Complex | PandoDaily [ ] | May 09 01:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GovTransformers | May 09 01:49 | |
schestowitz | | May 09 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- | Welcome back old friends. [ ] | May 09 01:50 | |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | I finally have Bhodi on my Chromebook. It's not really free software yet but there's only one "respects your freedom" laptop out there. ;-} | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | "Managed devices" may be invasive but that is mitigated if you can replace the managed system. Enabling a remote kill switch is particularly scary but it does address a user demand. People like my wife really are worried that a lost Chromebook or Android tablet opens them up to all sorts of fraud/privacy violation. The free software world has better answers to these problems but has been prevented from setting up a user | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | support network by the Microsoft monopoly. Perhaps, in time, things will change and people won't want Google managing their device because the guy at local store can do it better. | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | In the mean time, thanks to Trinity Desktop, I'm still a happy Visor user. Android is beautiful and offers new capability that I really want but the price is too high. | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | I used to be "totally Google" and used almost all its products, believing in its do not evil motto, but after shutting down some of those services and the NSA scandal I remembered that nobody gives you something for free. | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | Even big corporations that say they do not evil. | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:50 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | Richard Stallman and others were right about cloud computing. I'm not sure Google is selling people out the way Microsoft says they are. | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | The "You are the product" meme is wrong. It is possible to advertise without violating people and that is a legitimate business model. It is also possible to charge people lots of money for every little thing and still violate them. Windows and OSX are great examples of that. Greed has no bounds. | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | I wouldn't call Android free software. With good will you could call it open source (usually mixed with proprietary software). | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | The main problem i got with Google is centralization. | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | Wiil: You have to pay lots of money for Windows? Since when? Or where? | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | "No, the main problem with Google is being a US corporation, even if they try to do no evil they cannot oppose the US government, and everybody knows how evil it can be." | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | "Centralization is not a problem? You might want to ask France about that." | May 09 01:51 |
schestowitz | | May 09 01:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Linux Has Too Few Distributions and Desktop Environments what's freedom worth if you don't maximise its benefit? | May 09 01:53 | |
schestowitz | "Linux has too few distributions? 300+ are not enough?!" | May 09 01:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Linux Has Too Few Distributions and Desktop Environments [ ] | May 09 01:53 | |
schestowitz | "Controversial headline, quick click on it." | May 09 01:53 |
schestowitz | "Nope, not enough, which is why people make new ones all the time." | May 09 01:53 |
schestowitz | "I really don't think there's to few. As Will noted, people are making new ones all the time. If anything, there's not a lot of noise about most of the distros and things, but they definitely are there for those that care to take the time to seek them out." | May 09 01:53 |
schestowitz | | May 09 01:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ LibreOffice Calc – Reintroducing Spreadsheets #libreoffice #calc #odf | May 09 01:55 | |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:55 |
schestowitz | Ok, so let me put this in a calm and reasonable way ... I work full time with spreadsheets. On LibreOffice. I hate MS Office. Why did I drop Calc in favor of Writer? [yeah ... you'd never guess you can do it, unless you're forced to]. Because that damned thing does not allow you to actually create very long column and then scroll it gracefully, slowly, line by line. Instead, it just switches the whole damn screen and you can | May 09 01:55 |
schestowitz | never see what's in the full column. This is actually a known bug. It comes from ca. 2002 ... yes, year 2002! | May 09 01:55 |
schestowitz | D'oh! | May 09 01:55 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:55 |
schestowitz | | May 09 01:55 |
schestowitz | "I recently switched to Abiword and Gnumeric when I figured out Writer will only let you open a document via Webdav through their Open dialog, no double clicking a file in a file manager to open up a document." | May 09 01:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LibreOffice Calc – Reintroducing Spreadsheets [ ] | May 09 01:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Issue 7722 – Cells Columns that are larger than screen jump when scrolling [ ] | May 09 01:55 | |
schestowitz | "I'm all for using free software but my company uses MS office and I have been learning it since my childhood but all these is nothing compared to the dull interface and weirdly created filter options. Despite of this I'm forcing myself to learn little by little libreoffice and hoping that by the time I master it, all those things will be changed" | May 09 01:55 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:56 |
schestowitz | Oh no, there are so many bad "me too ideas" that we should leave behind. We should not use a spreadsheet for task management, a calculator and otherwise abuse it to reinvent wheels that other projects do better. It might be nice to pull data from the internet into a spreadsheet, but that requires the cooperation of the information publisher and it has to be done very, very carefully. The reason Excel is more "powerful" in | May 09 01:56 |
schestowitz | this way that software owners favor artificial scarcity and complex formats. Windows users are Excel junkies because they don't have anything else. The free software world has an abundance of special purpose software and general purpose tools. As a free software user, I've drifted away from spreadsheets except for the very narrow use case that's pooh pooh'd here. | May 09 01:56 |
schestowitz | That said, the devil or angel is in the details. Congratulations to the libre office team for making a new engine that exploits gpu and might be better with larger data sets. | May 09 01:56 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Does Linux need more distributions and desktop | May 09 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | environments? | May 09 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian 7.5 “Wheezy” Live CD Now Available for | May 09 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download | May 09 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does Linux need more distributions and desktop environments? | Tux Machines | May 09 02:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GoboLinux 015 | May 09 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Death of net neutrality: Is Mozilla barking up | May 09 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | the wrong tree? | May 09 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 02:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian 7.5 “Wheezy” Live CD Now Available for Download | Tux Machines | May 09 02:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Huawei launches ultra-slim Ascend P7 Android | May 09 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | phone | May 09 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 02:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GoboLinux 015 | Tux Machines | May 09 02:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Death of net neutrality: Is Mozilla barking up the wrong tree? | Tux Machines | May 09 02:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Huawei launches ultra-slim Ascend P7 Android phone | Tux Machines | May 09 02:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #FCC plans to kill net neutrality on May 15. | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Let them know your feelings on Open Internet | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | here: | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SaveTheInternet | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Act | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack "We Support James #Risen Because We Support a | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #FreePress" petition: | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | 15,000 signers since this morning. Pls add | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | yours! | May 09 02:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 02:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We Support James Risen Because We Support a Free Press | May 09 02:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CatherineQ Heard on CNN "America's desperate push to stop | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Boko Haram before it reaches American soil" Say | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 what now? Can we NOT make something about us? | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Yeah, sure Robbie's in rehab. Rehab spelled S T | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | U N T. | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Scientists Create Bacteria With Expanded DNA | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Code | May 09 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scientists Create Bacteria With Expanded DNA Code - Slashdot | May 09 03:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE kicks off wallpaper contest for the next | May 09 03:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Plasma | May 09 03:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 03:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE kicks off wallpaper contest for the next Plasma | Tux Machines | May 09 03:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromebooks to go offline as Intel moves inside | May 09 03:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 03:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 03:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebooks to go offline as Intel moves inside | Tux Machines | May 09 03:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AV Linux Dazzles Both Eyes and Ears | May 09 03:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 03:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 03:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AV Linux Dazzles Both Eyes and Ears | Tux Machines | May 09 03:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday 10 nerdiest Linux gadgets: NetworkWorld: Of | May 09 03:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | all the nerdy Linux gadgets out there, these | May 09 03:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | take the cake. | May 09 03:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 03:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - 10 nerdiest Linux gadgets | May 09 03:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF Responding to an @EFF lawsuit, government | May 09 03:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publishes new documents about NSA surveillance | May 09 03:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 03:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 03:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IC ON THE RECORD • DNI Announces the Release of Additional Documents... | May 09 03:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JonathanLanday Yemen expels McClatchy contributor, offers no | May 09 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by explanation for move | May 09 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 03:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WASHINGTON: Yemen expels McClatchy contributor, offers no explanation for move | Middle East | McClatchy DC | May 09 03:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @onekade Also happened during | May 09 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | my 'interviews' w/ FBI. No audio recording. FBI | May 09 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | reconstructed from notes. Can frame & falsify. | May 09 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 The Most Transparent Administration in History | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Strikes Again | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 04:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Fmr feds can't cite news reports in pub domain, | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | or talk abt what whole world is discussing. | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hear that '@WeMeantWell? | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack New DNI reg banning current & fmr gov ppl | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | f/citing NEWS in speeches, Op-Eds, books=PRIOR | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | RESTRAINT | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Unconstitutional | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 04:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @prisonculture Portland police arrest, handcuff a | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by nine-year-old girl - | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 yeah, so everyone needs to read this piece & | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | reflect... | May 09 04:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Portland police arrest, handcuff a nine-year-old girl | May 09 04:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot New Cologne Answers the Question: "What Does a | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bitcoin Smell Like?" | May 09 04:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Cologne Answers the Question: "What Does a Bitcoin Smell Like?" - Slashdot | May 09 04:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu AIO DVD Has All Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Flavors | May 09 04:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | on One Disk | May 09 04:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 04:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DosBox 0.1.4 – For ChromeOS! | May 09 04:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 04:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 04:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review | May 09 04:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu AIO DVD Has All Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Flavors on One Disk | Tux Machines | May 09 04:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | and Screenshot Tour | May 09 04:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 04:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DosBox 0.1.4 – For ChromeOS! | Tux Machines | May 09 04:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review and Screenshot Tour | Tux Machines | May 09 04:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Can someone finally arrest Clapper for | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | violating his own new ban on discussing #leaked | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | info that's public? | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #1stAmend | May 09 04:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: New DNI reg banning current & fmr gov ppl f/citing NEWS in speeches, Op-Eds, books=PRIOR RESTRAINT #Unconstitutional | May 09 04:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack So as a former gov employee w/ a clearance, I | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | may not cite '@wikileaks or #Snowden news in my | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | speeches & Op-Eds? | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TheClap'sNewReg | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Clapper just criminalized what I do for a | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | living. | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 04:38 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @conor64: 'The Most Transparent Administration in History Strikes Again...' | May 09 04:38 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Fmr feds can't cite news reports in pub...' | May 09 04:46 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'New DNI reg banning current & fmr gov...' | May 09 04:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Dumb Criminal Posts Video Of Dumb Crime After | May 09 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Leaving Hospital Injured From Dumbness | May 09 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 04:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dumb Criminal Posts Video Of Dumb Crime After Leaving Hospital Injured From Dumbness | Techdirt | May 09 04:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Obama sure seems hellbent on ensuring that only | May 09 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by official propaganda leaks and press releases | May 09 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 reach the public. So blatantly authoritarian. | May 09 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Intelligence Policy Bans Citation of Leaked | May 09 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Material | NYTimes | May 09 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 05:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Network Manager: Details sorted | May 09 05:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Moka Icon Theme Ported to Plasma! | May 09 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 05:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Network Manager: Details sorted | Tux Machines | May 09 05:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 09 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 05:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moka Icon Theme Ported to Plasma! | Tux Machines | May 09 05:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 09 05:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 DNI's Mass Gag Order on ODNI current & former | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | employees & contractors. Coerced prior | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | restraint on 1st Amend rights? | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DustinSlaughter RT @subverzo: The Republic of Glomar is an | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by accidental utopia, one where the government | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 managed to unintentionally shut itself up. | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DustinSlaughter The Republic of Glomar has always been at war | May 09 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with the country of Democracy and Transparency. | May 09 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:11 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Can someone finally arrest Clapper for violating his...' | May 09 05:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DustinSlaughter I can't wait to read the first court opinion | May 09 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by against your bullshit prior restraint, Clapper. | May 09 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:11 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 25 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 150 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 09 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (25) | May 09 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 09 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 09 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 203 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 812 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 09 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @umairh (23), @schestowitz (20), @slashdot (14) | May 09 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (33), @Thomas_Drake1 (32), @doctorow (6) | May 09 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #Snowden (6), #linux (6), #gnu (5) | May 09 05:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola This ( ) was week before | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this ( Did Clapper | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 violate his own new authoritarian policy? | May 09 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New combined ODNI instruction for pre-pub review | May 09 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DNI Clapper Keynote Address from GEOINT 2013 | May 09 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Midnight in the city. | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Midnight in the city. | May 09 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot London Black Cabs Threaten Chaos To Stop Uber | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London Black Cabs Threaten Chaos To Stop Uber - Slashdot | May 09 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer In light of the Japan story on #3Dprinting | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by guns, @doctorow's reflections on #3Dprinting | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow and guns remain pertinent: | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3D printed guns are going to create big legal precedents | Technology | | May 09 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @patdavid bOING bOING zine covers (amalgamation). For | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @boingboing, @xeni, and @doctorow. Visual | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Cacophony? | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | bOING bOING zine covers (amalgamation) | Flickr - Photo Sharing! | May 09 05:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Octopus unscrews jar from inside | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 05:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Crowdfunding Indie Box, a human-usable personal | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by server to replace big Internet companies | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 05:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Peter "brokep" Sunde launches campaign for | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Finnish Pirate Party MEP | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 05:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 05:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Schrödinger versus the morning | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 05:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 05:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Stross on NSA network sabotage | May 09 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 09 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 05:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 05:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Mary Blair and the World's Fair: Rolly Crump | May 09 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by describes the birth of "it's a small world" | May 09 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 05:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 05:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 It's a mass gag order on ODNI personnel, NOT | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | rest of intel. Did Clapper clear himself? | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hayden's debate v @ggreenwald? | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Current+former US intelligence employees banned | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | from citing news reports based on leaks in | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | speeches, books, etc | NYT | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 05:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow MK Wren's Shadow of the Swan - part II, for | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | $2.98 / pls RT! | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: MK Wren's Shadow of the Swan | May 09 05:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@FrancisJeffrey7 @ggreenwald 'inner party' | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | defined as ODNI personnel & former employees. | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Still REALLY bad. A prior restraint mass gag | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | order | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @steve_vladeck At 5th Cir. conf., Judge Lamberth noted | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by memorandum of understanding b/w #DOJ & #SCOTUS | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 re: classification of #FISA opinions. Is this | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | public? | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @steve_vladeck (2/2) I ask b/c (a) I'd never heard of such a | May 09 06:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by memo; and (b) if it exists, it would raise | May 09 06:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 really interesting separation-of-powers | May 09 06:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | questions. | May 09 06:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 06:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Docker Re-Imagines Server Virtualization | May 09 06:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | [VIDEO] - Server Watch | May 09 06:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 06:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Docker Re-Imagines Server Virtualization | May 09 06:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BryanLunduke Want to hear me and @jonobacon go Mano-a-mano | May 09 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by over my Linux Sucks video then interview the | May 09 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon lead of @elementary os? | May 09 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 1×15: Why Dear Watson | Bad Voltage | May 09 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @raphkoster @doctorow I remember hunting for years to track | May 09 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by down the 2nd & 3rd of these in paperback. | May 09 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing 2014 Locus Award finalists, including Homeland | May 09 07:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 09 07:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 07:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 07:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Yale Gracey, Disney Imagineer and show | May 09 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | designer, quoted in Famous Monsters of Filmland | May 09 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | magazine. | May 09 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 07:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: sonarhydrophone: “Often I simply don’t know that... | May 09 07:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 09 07:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 07:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 09 07:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 07:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 09 07:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 09 07:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 07:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 09 07:43 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 09 07:43 | |
*roy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 09 07:59 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 09 07:59 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 09 07:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Haunted Mansion groundskeeper cosplay with | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Haunted Arkham Asylum piece | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ ) | May 09 08:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @phuedx I also loved every dern word of @doctorow's | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Homeland and Pirate Cinema. | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Star Trek original bridge and action figures | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | reissue - The Bridge playset was THE best toy I | May 09 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | had as a kid | May 09 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ ) | May 09 08:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot BMW Unveils the Solar Charging Carport of the | May 09 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Future | May 09 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BMW Unveils the Solar Charging Carport of the Future - Slashdot | May 09 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: dawncullo73: Astronaut at Tomorrowland | May 09 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | at #Disneyland. #VintageDisneyland. | May 09 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: dawncullo73: Astronaut at Tomorrowland at... | May 09 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Beautiful Haunted Mansion collage | May 09 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Beautiful Haunted Mansion collage | May 09 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Haunted Mansion Inspired Bat Wing Mantel Clock | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: thehauntedmansiondisney: Haunted Mansion... | May 09 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140508 - | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 09 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140508 | May 09 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MPs: #Snowden files are 'embarrassing | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | indictment' of British spying oversight - | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | highly welcome; reform | May 09 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | the system now | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Professor Duncan Matthews speaking on the #TPP | May 09 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TPPA 13 May 2014 at @ANUmedia @ANU_Events | May 09 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody and | May 09 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The TPPA: Implications for Access to Medicines in Comparative Perspective - RegNet - ANU | May 09 08:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Duncan Matthews | May 09 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeTaylor "Engagement with elected representatives is | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by not, in itself, a danger to national security" | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody -- YOU DON'T SAY?! | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Deal to combat piracy in UK with 'alerts' is | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | imminent - diluted but | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | still deeply flawed #DigitalEconomyAct (v @dml) | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Deal to combat piracy in UK with 'alerts' is imminent | May 09 08:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NSA Still Has No Idea How Many Documents | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden Took...But Insists We Can Trust Them | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Because They Audit Everything - | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Still Has No Idea How Many Documents Snowden Took... But Insists We Can Trust Them Because They Audit Everything | Techdirt | May 09 08:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Final #CETA text further delayed - | May 09 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | great opportunity to | May 09 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | remove #ISDS, then... | May 09 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Final CETA text further delayed | Embassy - Canada's Foreign Policy Newspaper | May 09 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Leota frames (I have 2’ of this film) | May 09 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Leota frames (I have 2’ of this film) | May 09 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Haunted Mansion Christmas Stockings! | May 09 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: thehauntedmansiondisney: Haunted Mansion... | May 09 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @david_wisniew You did it @doctorow. Right after reading | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Homeland (and enjoying it immensely) I | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow installed Tor and @myWickr to secure my | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | communications. | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Copyright Industry Publishes Data-Free Report | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Claiming Pirate Sites Will Damage Computers - | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | useless, as ever | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright Industry Publishes Data-Free Report Claiming Pirate Sites Will Damage Computers | Techdirt | May 09 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Accord européen pour publier le mandat de | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | négociation du #TTIP - | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | no good: we need tabled documents (v | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PascaleBerrie) | May 09 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-connect() timed out! ( status 0 @ ) | May 09 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody important @StatewatchEU leak: full version of | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | European Commission's draft Impact Assessment | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #Copyright Review - | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar Mission Impossible: Hardening #Android for | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Security and #Privacy | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar Free Your #android | May 09 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mission Impossible: Hardening Android for Security and Privacy | The Tor Blog | May 09 08:43 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | nikos.roussos | Free Your Android | May 09 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EPP .@JunckerEU on #TTIP “data protection and food | May 09 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by standards are not negotiable” #mitJuncker | May 09 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #withJuncker #tvDuell | May 09 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EPP: .@JunckerEU on #TTIP “data protection and food standards are not negotiable” #mitJuncker #withJuncker #tvDuell | May 09 08:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @poetichentai Awesome. RT @tonyhawk: 40% of skaters in | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Afghanistan are female thanks to the support of | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @Skateistan... so badass. | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tonyhawk: 40% of skaters in Afghanistan are female thanks to the support of @Skateistan... so badass. | May 09 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Private copying, parody & quotation exceptions: | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gattopardo-esque approach? - | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Se vogliamo che tutto | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | rimanga come è" | May 09 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The IPKat: Private copying, parody and quotation exceptions: a Gattopardo-esque approach? | May 09 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Alexander: #NSA Makes The Entire Internet | May 09 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Weaker To Protect You From Terrorists - | May 09 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | </facepalm> | May 09 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keith Alexander: NSA Makes The Entire Internet Weaker To Protect You From Terrorists | Techdirt | May 09 08:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Proposing to Cut Medicine for World’s Poor - | May 09 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | which means #TPP will | May 09 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | literally be murderous #shameful (v @PCGTW) | May 09 08:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | POV: United States Proposing to Cut Medicine for World’s Poor | BU Today | Boston University | May 09 08:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Coming from the US, that's a worry RT | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @Independent: US accuses Israel of ‘alarming, | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody even terrifying’ levels of spying | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US accuses Israel of ‘alarming, even terrifying’ levels of spying - Americas - World - The Independent | May 09 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WWF_Greece Stop the sell-out of Greek beaches. Sign the | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by petition against the proposed legislation by | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Greek Ministry of Finance. | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop the sell-out of Greek beaches to private companies | May 09 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @greenpeace_gr Το προτεινόμενο νομοσχέδιο για τον αιγιαλό | May 09 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by πρέπει να αποσυρθεί χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη. | May 09 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Κάτω τα χέρια από τις παραλίες | Ελλάδα | May 09 08:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@greenpeace_gr: Το προτεινόμενο νομοσχέδιο για τον αιγιαλό πρέπει να αποσυρθεί χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη. | May 09 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of #Copyright | May 09 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Policymaking - whatever | May 09 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | happened to evidence-based policymaking? | May 09 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of Copyright Policymaking | Techdirt | May 09 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NHS patient data storm: Govt lords SLAP DOWN | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy protections - | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | fine, so everybody should just opt out | May 09 08:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS patient data storm: Govt lords SLAP DOWN privacy protections • The Register | May 09 08:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Warning of $1tn gamble on high-cost oil | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | projects - renewables & | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disinvestment will ensure that money is wasted | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warning of $1tn gamble on high-cost oil projects | EurActiv | May 09 08:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP needs to raise, not lower, safety | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | standards - unions need | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | to shout even louder here (v @baskut08) | May 09 08:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US/EU trade talks need to raise, not lower, safety standards | STRONGER UNIONS | May 09 08:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody USPTO Grants 'Photography Against A White | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Background' Patent To #Amazon - | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | you can't make this | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | stuff up... | May 09 08:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Patent Office Grants 'Photography Against A White Background' Patent To Amazon | Techdirt | May 09 08:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Unlikely Ascent of Jack Ma, #Alibaba’s | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Founder - good | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | background on fascinating character #china | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 08:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody London MEP Digital Hustings - | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | I'll be chairing this | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | next Thursday - do come if you can, should be | May 09 08:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London MEP Digital Hustings - ORG London (London, England) - Meetup | May 09 08:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting... #EU | May 09 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 08:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines UT Confirmed, Anti-virus Pioneer Uses Linux, | May 09 09:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Nerdiest Gadgets | May 09 09:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UT Confirmed, Anti-virus Pioneer Uses Linux, and Nerdiest Gadgets | Tux Machines | May 09 09:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance | May 09 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance | Tux Machines | May 09 09:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Docker Open Source Virtualization Project Nears | May 09 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | 1.0 Release | May 09 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Docker Open Source Virtualization Project Nears 1.0 Release | Tux Machines | May 09 09:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt WIPO Boss Reappointed Until 2020, Despite Bogus | May 09 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Legal Threat Against Blogger | May 09 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WIPO Boss Reappointed Until 2020, Despite Bogus Legal Threat Against Blogger | Techdirt | May 09 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Software Patents in #Denmark: To Be or Not To | May 09 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Be? - my talk about | May 09 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | devastation #patenttrolls will soon cause in EU | May 09 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software Patents in Denmark: To Be or Not To Be? - Open Enterprise | May 09 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cybeardjm .@IsaDupre: Le CNNum préconise de « temporiser | May 09 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by les négociations » du traité #TAFTA | May 09 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody par @xberne - FYI | May 09 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Le CNNum préconise de « temporiser les négociations » du traité TAFTA - Next INpact | May 09 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamesrbuk UK surveillance oversight in action (yes, this | May 09 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is a real exchange): | May 09 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jamesrbuk: UK surveillance oversight in action (yes, this is a real exchange): | May 09 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RTaylorUK 249 arrests in the UK for terrorism offences in | May 09 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 2012-13; just 37 resulted in charges for | May 09 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody terrorism offences: | May 09 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 09 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @guardian MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing | May 09 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by indictment' of British spying oversight | May 09 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 09 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stevenschwenke Enjoyed my first cold brewed coffee thanks to | May 09 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow great audio book Homeland. Nice | May 09 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow stuff. | May 09 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BernardKeane Free speech NSA style - Perjurer Clapper | May 09 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by demands that acknowledging existence of leaks | May 09 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror be punished | May 09 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @neiltyson The Soviet KGB would have admired all the ways | May 09 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by America -- land of the free -- now conducts | May 09 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror surveillance on its own citizens. | May 09 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Clapper just criminalized what I do for a | May 09 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by living. | May 09 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 09 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot As Species Decline, So Do the Scientists Who | May 09 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Name Them | May 09 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 10:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As Species Decline, So Do the Scientists Who Name Them - Slashdot | May 09 10:30 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 09 10:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thegrugq Changes in Al-Qaida’s use of encryption since | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden. tl;dr, They’ve doubled down on | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Mujahideen Secrets (morons) | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Al-Qaeda Uses Crypto Post-Snowden (Part 1) | May 09 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ali_Gharib What the fuck? So govt officials have to | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pretend to not live in the same reality as the | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian rest of us? | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 9/5/2014: LXQt Introduced, New Debian | May 09 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Release | May 09 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 09 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I am officially up to my asshole in alligators | May 09 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 9/5/2014: LXQt Introduced, New Debian Release | Techrights | May 09 11:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A Developer's Perspective On Porting #Games To | May 09 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #GNU #Linux | May 09 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] A Developer's Perspective On Porting Games To Linux | May 09 11:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #UnrealEngine 4 Roadmap Published | May 09 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Unreal Engine 4 Roadmap Published | May 09 11:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Neckbeard stereotype | May 09 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Audio: Today’s jam is the only thing keeping me | May 09 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | sane. | May 09 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Today’s jam is the only thing keeping me sane. | May 09 11:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @je5perl Artikel i Computerworld UK af @glynmoody om den | May 09 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by danske folkeafstemning om #patentdomstol og | May 09 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody softwarepatenter | May 09 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software Patents in Denmark: To Be or Not To Be? - Open Enterprise | May 09 11:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP, #trasparenza sugli accordi tra Usa e | May 09 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Europa! Vogliamo sapere - | May 09 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | useful summary (v | May 09 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @andrea_licata) | May 09 11:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP, trasparenza sugli accordi tra Usa e Europa! Vogliamo sapere! - YouTube | May 09 11:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @journalismfund Full house for @EUombudsman O'Reilly's keynote, | May 09 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in which she urges us journos to make use of | May 09 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody her office #DHplus | May 09 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@journalismfund: Full house for @EUombudsman O'Reilly's keynote, in which she urges us journos to make use of her office #DHplus | May 09 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Every Decision on universe create a new | May 09 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | sequence of new wave of unstability and | May 09 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | stability in universe. | May 09 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mark_haddon This is the National Health Action Party | May 09 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @NHAparty euro election video. Please watch | May 09 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody then RT the bejesus out of it. | May 09 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 11:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHA Euro Elections - Stick Up For The NHS! - YouTube | May 09 11:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot Grey squirrels can't escape from pine martens - | May 09 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by too heavy and too terrestrial. Reds - lighter | May 09 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody and more arboreal - can. Instant results. | May 09 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Ubuntu #AIO #DVD Has All Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 09 11:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Flavors on One Disk #gnu | May 09 11:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 09 11:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu AIO DVD Has All Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Flavors on One Disk | May 09 11:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stalinism | May 09 11:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:30 |
MinceR | :> | May 09 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Docker Open Source Virtualization Project Nears | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | 1.0 Release #docker | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw | May 09 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Docker Open Source Virtualization Project Nears 1.0 Release | Open Source Application Software Companies content from The VAR Guy | May 09 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 5 Ways US Medical Billing Is Way More F#@ked | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Than You Think #greed | May 09 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Ways US Medical Billing Is Way More F#@ked Than You Think | | May 09 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #phoronix #benchmark | May 09 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance | May 09 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lobby tries to kill private copying | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #copyright #MAFIAA | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | never rests. #monopoly | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Rights Group - Lobby tries to kill private copying with demand for iPod tax | May 09 11:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Rights Group - Is iPod tax on cards as government delays right to copy your music? | May 09 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Google Blocks Demonoid for Spreading Malicious | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software misflagging and | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship based on 3rd-party ads | May 09 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Blocks Demonoid for Spreading Malicious Software | TorrentFreak | May 09 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #google tries to follow the leader (in terms of | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | users quality) | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #joindiaspora #diaspora #intellect #freedom | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Odor | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot This week's blog post: Why we couldn't care | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by less about the natural world. | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why we couldn't care less about the natural world | George Monbiot | Environment | | May 09 11:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Therapy talking to ones | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | who studied how to cope with themselves | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz KDE Network Manager: Details sorted | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux #ux | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | taken seriously and it shows | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Network Manager: Details sorted | User Prompt – Psychologic IT Expertise | May 09 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Climate change making food crops less | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | nutritious, research finds | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | eat this, #koch | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Climate change making food crops less nutritious, research finds | Environment | | May 09 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Federal Election Commission Says Political | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Action Committees Can Accept Payment Via | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bitcoins | May 09 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Federal Election Commission Says Political Action Committees Can Accept Payment Via Bitcoins | Techdirt | May 09 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #putin | May 09 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Young sloth | May 09 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It’s Official. Fedora 21, Using GNOME 3.14 Will | May 09 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Run On Wayland As The Default Display Server | May 09 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | http:/... | May 09 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It’s Official. Fe... | May 09 11:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The end of the open Internet is un-American: | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Take action now! | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #netneutrality #internet #www #monopoly #fcc | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The end of the open Internet is un-American: Take action now! | Application Development - InfoWorld | May 09 11:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1011 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Perceptions depends on | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | the application; proprietary world no different | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody video of my talk at re:publica 2014 on Monday | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP & why the numbers just don't add up - | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rp14 | May 09 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP - Closed shop agreement in times of open government initiatives? | re:publica 2014 | May 09 11:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #chernobyl radiation: the effect on a horse | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #japan next? | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fcc faces opposition #acta / #sopa style | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | (almost no company wants to be seen as | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | supporting it) http:/... | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #fcc faces opposi... | May 09 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is Mozilla barking up the wrong tree? | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla gets most | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | things right. Barking up the wrong company... | May 09 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Death of net neutrality: Is Mozilla barking up the wrong tree? | Muktware | May 09 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #muktware | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @johncusack In world upside down a patriotic man | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @JohnKiriakou who exposes mass torture must go | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou to prison with the " change candidates Obamas | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | blessing | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Saudi bloggergets 10 year jail sentence | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | for "insulting Islam". | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | This will teach all those "truth" tellers !! | May 09 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Saudi blogger Raif Badawi gets 10 year jail sentence | May 09 11:50 | |
MinceR | that's where fundamentalism leads | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Today join the @firedoglake day of action to | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | help CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | return to his family. | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC | Firedoglake | May 09 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Charter Schools Fail: New Reports Call Their | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ‘Magic’ Into Question | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #obama for #billgates | May 09 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Charter Schools Fail: New Reports Call Their ‘Magic’ Into Question | Common Dreams | May 09 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | privatisation plot | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink London black taxis worried Uber is better than | May 09 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they are so plan to mess up London as revenge | May 09 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - London black taxis plan congestion chaos to block Uber | May 09 11:56 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @JohnKiriakou: 'Today join the @firedoglake day of action to...' | May 09 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bbw1984 If HMRC want to access people's bank accounts, | May 09 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they should have to go to court to do so | May 09 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HMRC should go to court if they want access to our bank accounts | Big Brother Watch | May 09 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama a king... of #hypocrisy | May 09 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US accuses Israel of ‘alarming, even terrifying’ levels of spying - Americas - World - The Independent | May 09 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz House Committee axes NSA bulk phone metadata | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | collection not really, | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | just privatises this practice. #us #stasi | May 09 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House Committee axes NSA bulk phone metadata collection | Ars Technica | May 09 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz USA Freedom Act unanimously approved | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sensenbrenner's work is | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | useful. Also proves #snowden a whistleblower. | May 09 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA Freedom Act unanimously clears House Judiciary Committee | World news | | May 09 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mr Wales is dreadfully wrong about the Internet | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Party branding and | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | naming. Remember what he said about #wikileaks | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Mr Wales is dreadfully wrong about the Internet Party | Amelia Andersdotter | May 09 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ClamTk 5.06 Is the Most Friendly Antivirus | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software on Linux if | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | anyone insists on installing such a thing | May 09 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ClamTk 5.06 Is the Most Friendly Antivirus Software on Linux | May 09 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Freedom" food because | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | just slapping the "freedom" label on everything | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | may make it seem right | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #apple betrayal: "In addition to data from | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | a locked iOS device... email logs and | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | contents..." #prism | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Legal Guidelines Say Apple Can Extract Data From Locked iOS Devices | Threatpost | The first stop for security news | May 09 12:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @igcbp Cybersecurity begins with integrity, not | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance - @doctorow on @guardiantech | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #netgov #netfreedom | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Cybersecurity' begins with integrity, not surveillance | Technology | | May 09 12:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @makerfaire_uk If you missed @doctorow 's talk at | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #MakerFaireUK a DIY recording is online now - | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow thought provoking stuff, as always! | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maker Faire 2014: Cory Doctorow trashes DRM as the death of maker culture and open source | WeLove-Digital | May 09 12:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Safety | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Freedom for corporations. Freedom. | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Deregulation. Hooray to freedom! | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Police carry YOU! | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AV Linux Dazzles Both Eyes and Ears | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | "collection of | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | multimedia packages in AV Linux is huge." | May 09 12:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AV Linux Dazzles Both Eyes and Ears | Reviews | LinuxInsider | May 09 12:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #avlinux #gnu #linux | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Ukraine gets its Mafia-type loan | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'It's essential to | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | identify the conditions attached to this | May 09 12:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Asia Times Online :: Ukraine gets its Mafia-type loan | May 09 12:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Mafia-style "loan".' | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stretch | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz KDE kicks off wallpaper contest for the next | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Plasma #kde #plasma #gnu | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 09 12:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE kicks off wallpaper contest for the next Plasma | Muktware | May 09 12:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Huawei launches ultra-slim Ascend P7 Android | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone #android #linux | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Huawei launches ultra-slim Ascend P7 Android phone | Muktware | May 09 12:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fake but not tactless | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #obama #facebook #viral #drones | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #GoboLinux 015 "Six | May 09 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GoboLinux 015 [] | May 09 12:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | years after its last release, GoboLinux is | May 09 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | back" #gnu #linux | May 09 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Police 'have CCTV images' of Monaco heiress | May 09 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | attacker #classwar | May 09 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #france | May 09 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Police 'have CCTV images' of Monaco heiress attacker - Telegraph | May 09 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Among Other New Apps, The New GNOME Books Will | May 09 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Be Part Of The GNOME 3.14 Desktop Environment | May 09 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | http:/... | May 09 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Among Other New A... | May 09 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk and #immigration | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukip | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DosBox 0.1.4 – For ChromeOS! | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #chromeos | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dos | May 09 12:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DosBox 0.1.4 – For ChromeOS! | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain | May 09 12:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is #CryptoLocker #Ransomware arriving on | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Android? not in | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | repos/store, so not an issue | May 09 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is CryptoLocker Ransomware arriving on Android? | ZDNet | May 09 12:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz SteamOS Update 105 Lands New AMD Linux Driver | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #steamos #amd #linux | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #steam | May 09 12:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] SteamOS Update 105 Lands New AMD Linux Driver | May 09 12:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 10 nerdiest Linux gadgets | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 09 12:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 nerdiest Linux gadgets - Network World | May 09 12:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Penguins hoard | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:57 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'Penguins hoard' | May 09 12:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Penguins horde chases butterfly | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Moka Icon Theme Ported to Plasma! | May 09 12:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #plasma #kde #gnu #linux | May 09 12:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Visual Design Group: Moka Icon Theme Ported to Plasma! | May 09 12:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 12:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ColMorrisDavis House committee earmarks $69M for new secret | May 09 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by prison at #Guantanamo | May 09 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 $4.6M per HVD + operating cost = huge waste of | May 09 13:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House committee earmarks $69M for new secret prison - Guantánamo - | May 09 13:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | $. | May 09 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mystery section | May 09 13:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review | May 09 13:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Screenshot Tour | May 09 13:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kubuntu #kde #gnu #linux | May 09 13:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review and Screenshot Tour | Ubuntu Portal | May 09 13:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Carbon | May 09 13:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Secure #Ubuntu Privacy Remix 12.04r1 (Protected | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pangolin) Officially Released | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacy | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secure Ubuntu Privacy Remix 12.04r1 (Protected Pangolin) Officially Released | May 09 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Debian 7.5 “Wheezy” Live CD Now Available for | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Download #debian #gnu | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #fredom | May 09 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian 7.5 “Wheezy” Live CD Now Available for Download | May 09 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Mere Promise of Google Fiber Sends Rivals | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Scrambling | May 09 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Mere Promise of Google Fiber Sends Rivals Scrambling - Slashdot | May 09 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Wars to End All War | May 09 13:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | war against all wars is | May 09 13:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorising arms companies | May 09 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Wars to End All War | Common Dreams | May 09 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Occucpy the #fcc with | May 09 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #obama appointed moles and #lobbyists | May 09 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Protesters set up camp at net neutrality rally outside FCC headquarters | Technology | | May 09 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Does Linux need more distributions? | May 09 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | wouldn't hurt. Can | May 09 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ignore most and focus on the "big" ones. | May 09 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does Linux need more distributions and desktop environments? | ITworld | May 09 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stiangrindvoll #PlayRust radar - because it was missing and | May 09 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | the data was there. #golang | May 09 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #PlayRust Radar - YouTube | May 09 13:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OPEN INTERNET BACKERS STAGE ‘OCCUPY FCC’ | May 09 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | sometimes fear is the | May 09 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | only language plutocrats understand | May 09 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Internet backers stage ‘Occupy FCC’ | Al Jazeera America | May 09 13:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape | May 09 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape | May 09 13:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape...' | May 09 13:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wayland #graphics #gnu | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canonical Releases New Ubuntu Touch Images | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Based on Ubuntu 14.10 | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linux | May 09 13:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical Releases New Ubuntu Touch Images Based on Ubuntu 14.10 | May 09 13:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #phpMyAdmin 4.2.0 Now Available for Download | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mysql #database | May 09 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | phpMyAdmin 4.2.0 Now Available for Download | May 09 13:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A Federation Is Born: Poplus - | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | "consider joining the | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | committee too" | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Federation Is Born / mySociety | May 09 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bartongellman “Snapchat transmitted users’ location | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by information and collected… contacts, despite | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 its saying that it did not.” | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt To Succeed At EPA: Watch Tons Of Porn, (Don't) | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Work From Home, Or Pretend You're A Secret | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Agent | May 09 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | To Succeed At EPA: Watch Tons Of Porn, (Don't) Work From Home, Or Pretend You're A Secret Agent | Techdirt | May 09 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @arusbridger "MPs have begun to recognise that Snowden may | May 09 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have had a point" - by @nickhopkinsnews | May 09 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 13:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden had a point, and Westminster might have to concede it | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact Dampf machen gegen #TTIP: Die besten Momente | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by der Protestaktion vor der US-Botschaft im Video | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody - | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 It's a mass gag order on ODNI personnel, NOT | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rest of intel. Did Clapper clear himself? | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Hayden's debate v @ggreenwald? | May 09 13:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Protest gegen TTIP: Diese Aktion ist nur ein Vorgeschmack | Campact Blog | May 09 13:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JoeTrippi Norway's Oil boom ending sooner than thought - | May 09 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #oilponzi | May 09 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | End of oil boom threatens Norway's welfare model - Yahoo News | May 09 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Apple Reportedly Buying Beats Electronics For | May 09 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | $3.2 Billion | May 09 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple Reportedly Buying Beats Electronics For $3.2 Billion - Slashdot | May 09 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NateWessler Federal Agents Seek to Loosen Rules on Hacking | May 09 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Computers; @ACLU urges caution. Via | May 09 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian @BloombergNews | May 09 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 13:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Federal Agents Seek to Loosen Rules on Hacking Computers - Bloomberg | May 09 13:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @upcoming4me Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Future cover art and synopsis. Incl. works by | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow! @HC_Intl | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future cover art and synopsis - | May 09 14:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uspto is Only Getting Worse as 92% of Patent | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Applications Now 'Successful', Everything Under | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Sun Patented | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @natnewswatch: Ottawa launches data | May 09 14:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The US Patent System is Only Getting Worse as 92% of Patent Applications Now ‘Successful’, Everything Under the Sun Patented | Techrights | May 09 14:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | collection review | May 09 14:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ottawa launches data collection review - The Globe and Mail | May 09 14:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @amnestypress Despite warnings 4+ hours before Boko Haram | May 09 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by assault on Chibok, no reinforcements were sent. | May 09 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #BringBackOurGirls | May 09 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigerian authorities failed to act on warnings about Boko Haram raid on school | Amnesty International | May 09 14:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @billharpley Quiz your MEP candidates on Digital Rights. May | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 16, Brighton | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @OpenRightsGroup #drmbrighton | May 09 14:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ORG Brighton (Brighton, England) - Meetup | May 09 14:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Codepope So at #hackwimbledon tomorrow... The Pixy | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by object tracking camera, a pi camera to hack | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody and we'll have light sensors and Arduinos hands | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | on! | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @IanBrownOII The day [the #ISC] releases hundreds of pages | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of classified documents to the public will be | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the day hell freezes over | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 14:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brits will soon know more about US spy agencies than their own | Hugh Muir | Comment is free | | May 09 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickCohen4 Please have a look at this petition, it means a | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lot to me: via | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @38_degrees | May 09 14:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Blencathra being sold to a private investor, help the public buy the mountain back | Campaigns by You | May 09 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ColMorrisDavis House committee earmarks $69M for new secret | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by prison at #Guantanamo | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack $4.6M per HVD + operating cost = huge waste of | May 09 14:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House committee earmarks $69M for new secret prison - Guantánamo - | May 09 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | $. | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Against the instrumental argument for | May 09 14:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance - my latest Guardian column | May 09 14:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 14:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Against the instrumental argument for surveillance | May 09 14:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola This ( ) was week before | May 09 14:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this ( Did Clapper | May 09 14:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack violate his own new authoritarian policy? | May 09 14:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New combined ODNI instruction for pre-pub review | May 09 14:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DNI Clapper Keynote Address from GEOINT 2013 | May 09 14:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @brembs EU rejects international solution to library | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and archive copyright problems; causes collapse | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody of WIPO meeting | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems; causes collapse of WIPO meeting | IFLA | May 09 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tejucole Boko Haram killed more human beings yesterday | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by than the total number of girls they kidnapped | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist three weeks ago. Horrifying, and unhashtagable. | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Chapters one and two of Charlie Fletcher's The | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Oversight /pls RT! | May 09 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Chapters one and two of Charlie Fletcher's The Oversight | May 09 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Software Patents in #Denmark: To Be or Not To | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Be? - my talk about | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | devastation #patenttrolls will soon cause in EU | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software Patents in Denmark: To Be or Not To Be? - Open Enterprise | May 09 14:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Man Behind Munich's Migration of 15,000 PCs | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | From Windows To Linux | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Man Behind Munich's Migration of 15,000 PCs From Windows To Linux - Slashdot | May 09 14:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Balance of power: a renewed case for #renewable | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | energy for Europe - this | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | is the real lesson of the Ukrainian crisis | May 09 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Balance of power: a renewed case for renewable energy for Europe | EurActiv | May 09 14:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate Press Glorifies Microsoft Patent | May 09 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trolls | May 09 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | as dishonest as it | May 09 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | becomes. #billgates #intellectualventures | May 09 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Corporate Press Glorifies Microsoft Patent Trolls | Techrights | May 09 14:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cliffgrossner Infonetics is hiring a SURVEY RESEARCH MANAGER. | May 09 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by If you have 5+ years of experience, check out | May 09 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist our job ad at | May 09 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Infonetics Research - Job Opportunities | May 09 14:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Update XXV - a | May 09 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | report on two things that happened in Berlin on | May 09 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monday + video & slides of my #rp14 talk | May 09 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXV - Open Enterprise | May 09 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Privacy and the e-commerce chapter of the #TPP | May 09 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | - rather overlooked - | May 09 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | unwisely | May 09 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Privacy and the e-commerce chapter of the TPP | May 09 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CharlieFletch_r "Dude. Sick!" son on dad getting Boing Boinged | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by For a fleeting | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow microsecond am cool to my kids. I'll take it. | May 09 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Oversight: conspiracies, magic, and the end of the world - Boing Boing | May 09 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #FF fearless & peerless women defending our | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | sovereign human rights @JesselynRadack @carwinb | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata @suigenerisjen & Sarah Harrison | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today in Techrights | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | later part of the week in #techrights to be | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | more accurate | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 09 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #surveillance weapons | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Swiss banks | May 09 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | facilitating crime, for profit | May 09 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz One in 10 Americans think aliens abducted | May 09 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | missing Malaysian plane | May 09 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | meh | May 09 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | One in 10 Americans think aliens abducted missing Malaysian plane | May 09 15:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pharrell Williams song | May 09 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Workers of oppressed countries subjected to | May 09 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | modern-day slavery | May 09 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheapening labour. | May 09 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #plutocracy | May 09 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Labor trafficking: symptom of imperialism | May 09 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why Passengers Cheered a Vermont Bus Strike | May 09 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | standing up against | May 09 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | their natural enemy. #classwar | May 09 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Passengers Cheered a Vermont Bus Strike | Labor Notes | May 09 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:06 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: '#FF fearless & peerless women defending our sovereign...' | May 09 15:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #AGCOM rimuove contenuti dal sito ufficiale dei | May 09 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Beni Culturali della Regione Marche - | May 09 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ridiculous | May 09 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AGCOM rimuove contenuti dal sito ufficiale dei Beni Culturali della Regione Marche. Presente anche il link al Ministero dei Beni Culturali. | Fulog | Fulvio Sarzana's Blog | May 09 15:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Progressives unite in call against ’horrific’ | May 09 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TPP - "’economy for | May 09 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | all’ and end to secretive and unjust trade | May 09 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | deals " | May 09 15:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Progressives unite in call against 'horrific' TPP | May 09 15:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Appears UK to adopt a Canadian-style | May 09 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | notice-and-notice approach on copyright | May 09 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | infringement allegations | May 09 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Deal to combat piracy in UK with 'alerts' is imminent | May 09 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot One Month Later: 300,000 Servers Remain | May 09 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerable To Heartbleed | May 09 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | One Month Later: 300,000 Servers Remain Vulnerable To Heartbleed - Slashdot | May 09 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody UK ISPs Agree to Send Out Music & Movie Piracy | May 09 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Warnings - </sigh> | May 09 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK ISPs Agree to Send Out Music & Movie Piracy Warnings | TorrentFreak | May 09 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz HOW MUNICH SWITCHED 15,000 PCS FROM WINDOWS TO | May 09 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | LINUX | May 09 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #germany | May 09 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munich | May 09 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Voice | May 09 15:21 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 09 15:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No, Every Person Does Not Owe The Movie & Music | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Industry $67 Million, But #Copyright Is Still | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Broken | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mafiaa | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No, Every Person Does Not Owe The Movie & Music Industry $67 Million, But Copyright Is Still Broken | Techdirt | May 09 15:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Munich switched 15,000 PCs from Windows to | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux - good detailed | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | report (v @schestowitz) | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz High five | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow We need an Apollo program for DRM eradication. | May 09 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | We need to destroy the proposition that it is | May 09 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ever... | May 09 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: We need an Apollo program for DRM eradication. We... | May 09 15:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Drawing eyebrows on babies will not disappoint | May 09 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | you | May 09 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drawing Eyebrows on Babies Will Not Disappoint You | | May 09 15:24 | |
schestowitz_log_ | to Glyn: "I was curious about this because after the ovations I thought you said "it's OK, I'm German" (I am, I thought you too perhaps)" | May 09 15:24 |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 09 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @johncheese "I need to drop a rocket in there and bust a | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by shit right in their fuck." -A real thought I | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard had just now. | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @xor We choose to eradicate DRM in this decade not | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by because it is easy, but because it is hard | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Congress Will Vote on an #NSA Reform Bill that | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Won't Reform Much of Anything | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's how we roll... | May 09 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress Will Vote on an NSA Reform Bill that Won't Reform Much of Anything | Motherboard | May 09 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Tuva Looks To #Mongolia for Investment in a | May 09 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Post-Crimea World - | May 09 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | fascinating, but what would Richard Feynman | May 09 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | say? | May 09 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tuva Looks To Mongolia for Investment in a Post-Crimea World — | May 09 15:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Can the Hackers and Spies (NSA) Keep U.S. | May 09 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Metadata Safe from Hackers and Spies? | May 09 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | spot #hypocrisy | May 09 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can the NSA Keep U.S. Metadata Safe from Hackers and Spies? - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 09 15:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan The economic impact of consumer #copyright | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exceptions In short | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody there is no evidence of any @OpenRightsGroup | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The economic impact of consumer copyright exceptions: A literature review – Consumer Focus | May 09 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #nsa keeps saying it protects "freedom" (on | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | numerous occasions), so it will allow a | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | "freedom"-washed 'reform' | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill ending NSA bulk data collection moving quickly in U.S. House | Reuters | May 09 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Clapper tells workers to pretend #Snowden | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #leaks never happened...Like StateDept told | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | workers they couldn't view @wikileaks | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #DefeatedThatArg | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW New Gov't data on #KORUS #FTA chills #Obama's | May 09 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TPP #FastTrack prospects. Trade deficit w/ | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Korea up 50%: #StopTPP | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @OpenMedia_ca: Great new site explains how | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | govt spying has grown in Canada & what we can | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | do about it | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Welcome | Transparent Lives | May 09 15:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cracked ciphers with #nsa backdoors abolished | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | at last? | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Net tech bods at IETF mull anti-NSA crypto-key swaps in future SSL • The Register | May 09 15:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack In '@WeMeantWell case, gov (DoS) tried to | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminalize Peter for LINKING to '@wikileaks in | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | blog done on his own time, name & personal | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | computr | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj First stop at Senator @MarkWarner's office. | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #dayofaction for CIA whistleblower John | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Kiriakou | May 09 15:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: First stop at Senator @MarkWarner's office. #dayofaction for CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 09 15:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #nsa does not require mathematicians' | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | knowledge to conduct espionage. It just needs | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | social engineering w/ moles pretending to know | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | math. | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Reign of terror, courtesy of #nsa | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #stalin would have been | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | terribly jealous | May 09 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA spying is causing Americans to self-censor their Internet activity | VentureBeat | Security | by Gregory Ferenstein | May 09 15:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Congressmen ask ad companies to pretend #SOPA | May 09 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | is law, break anti-trust - | May 09 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | huh? | May 09 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congressmen ask ad companies to pretend SOPA is law, break anti-trust - Boing Boing | May 09 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rejecting "USA Freedom Act" is not a | May 09 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | possibility (in favour of something better). | May 09 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | That would be like rejecting a "US Patriot | May 09 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Act". #branding | May 09 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:46 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @GovAcctProj: 'First stop at Senator @MarkWarner's office. #dayofaction for...' | May 09 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bogus bills or weak bills that claim to resolve | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | problem that they would not (e.g. | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Innovation"-painted bills in patents) a clever | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ploy | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Move along, everyone, Obama has 'reformed' the | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa - the data will now be stored in private | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | companies' servers, which is safer. /sarcasm | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The NSA’s Corporate Collaborators | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Amazon is awarded a | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | $600 million 10-year contract" | May 09 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA’s Corporate Collaborators » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 09 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FOSS sites make fools of themselves throughout | May 09 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | this week whenever they promote the | May 09 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Amazon-hosted Microsoft-tied #duckduckgo | May 09 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'privacy' ploy | May 09 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bbw1984 RSVP here if you would like to attend our event | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'After Snowden - surveillance in a transparent | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody world' | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘After Snowden - surveillance in a transparent world’... Tickets - Eventbrite | May 09 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @helleaagaard EU&Canada fail to close #CETA over issue re. to | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Eli Lilly case - Burned once Canada wants | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody certain IP policies excluded in ISDS. EU | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | refuses! | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @burcuno .@helleaagaard What goes around comes around!. | May 09 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by If there is #ISDS in #TTIP, Big Pharma can also | May 09 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody sue EU for patent rejections or revocations | May 09 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Response to "Scroogled"-inspired singling out | May 09 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | of #google 4 #nsa relationship | May 09 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft worse | May 09 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Shouldn't Google Discuss Security With The NSA? - Forbes | May 09 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft and the NSA - Techrights | May 09 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeScarcella Feds don’t have to disclose docket info for | May 09 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by certain warrantless phone tracking cases, | May 09 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian divided DC Cir says today | May 09 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FOIA | May 09 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Alexaner just said the government agency was | May 09 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | working in the best interest of the US citizen" | May 09 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | by spying on him/her | May 09 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA's mass surveillance programme in interest of US citizens, says ex-director | Business Standard | May 09 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janvlnas ‘Send tab to devices’ is back in Firefox Beta | May 09 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for Android. Now I can use the mobile web | May 09 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist again. 😝 | May 09 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #postPCmyAss | May 09 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa destoroys contracts of #us companies | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | so much for serving US | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | interests... | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NTT says NSA activity is changing data center buying habits | Datacenter Dynamics | May 09 16:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot UK ISPs To Send Non-Threatening Letters To | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pirates | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK ISPs To Send Non-Threatening Letters To Pirates - Slashdot | May 09 16:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Snowden leaks; a meta-narrative | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | "abolish the secret | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | police and build out a new secure internet" | May 09 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Snowden leaks; a meta-narrative - Charlie's Diary | May 09 16:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Would You Hire Former NSA Boss Keith Alexander | May 09 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Cybersecurity Consulting? | May 09 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Would You Hire Former NSA Boss Keith Alexander For Cybersecurity Consulting? | Techdirt | May 09 16:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa "collecting huge quantities of data | May 09 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | directly from the physical infrastructure of | May 09 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | communications providers" | May 09 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Way the NSA Uses Section 702 is Deeply Troubling. Here’s Why. | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 09 16:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Hunters_Bar Here's a map showing the proposed border after | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Scotland leaves. #TakeUsWithYouScotland | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #WestminsterSchmestminster | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Hunters_Bar: Here's a map showing the proposed border after Scotland leaves. #TakeUsWithYouScotland #WestminsterSchmestminster | May 09 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Be sure to follow .@GovAcctProj for pictures | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from our day of action for @JohnKiriakou in | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Washington DC | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NSA likes a "good" disaster | May 09 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | "The appetite for | May 09 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | domestic collection increased significantly | May 09 16:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 things we've learned about the NSA over the past year - The Week | May 09 16:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | after Sept. 11" | May 09 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj Leaving materials w/ @SenJohnMcCain's office, | May 09 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by who's been outspoken against the CIA torture | May 09 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou program. #dayofaction | May 09 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: Leaving materials w/ @SenJohnMcCain's office, who's been outspoken against the CIA torture program. #dayofaction | May 09 16:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz German NSA investigative panel to allow Snowden | May 09 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | to testify better yet, | May 09 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | work to offer him asylum | May 09 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German NSA investigative panel to allow Snowden to testify | News | DW.DE | 08.05.2014 | May 09 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou If you can't be with us today in DC please | May 09 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | contact your Senator or Congressperson on | May 09 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | John's behalf. | May 09 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC | Firedoglake | May 09 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bsonenstein RT @firedoglake: Today we take action for | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by torture whistleblowr @JohnKiriakou. DC: | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Nationwide: | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC | Firedoglake | May 09 16:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May 9th: Visit House and Senate Offices in Your State for Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Firedoglake | May 09 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Would corporate media call #snowden Nazi rather | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | than "Russian spy"? | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German lawmakers seek to interview Snowden over NSA spying| | FOX 34 News Lubbock, Texas | May 09 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German Lawmakers Call On Snowden To Testify In NSA Investigation | German PulseGerman Pulse | May 09 16:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German authorities want to interview Edward Snowden about NSA spying | May 09 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Would You Hire Former NSA Boss Keith Alexander | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Cybersecurity Consulting? | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | liars and crackers meet | May 09 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Would You Hire Former NSA Boss Keith Alexander For Cybersecurity Consulting? | Techdirt | May 09 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | karma | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Install Atom (New Text Editor Developed By | May 09 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | GitHub) In Ubuntu Via PPA: webup8: Atom is an | May 09 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | open source "hackabl... | May 09 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Install Atom (New Text Editor Developed By GitHub) In Ubuntu Via PPA | May 09 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bsonenstein Can’t visit your congressmen for @JohnKiriakou? | May 09 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Call Bureau of Prisons Dir. Samuels to transfer | May 09 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou him to halfway house: | May 09 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask BOP Director Samuels to Transfer Imprisoned Whistleblower John Kiriakou to a Halfway House - Public Stand | May 09 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The relationship between the White House, | May 09 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Silicon Valley and its money? It's complicated | May 09 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | good article | May 09 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The relationship between the White House, Silicon Valley and its money? It's complicated - Sports - Times Colonist | May 09 16:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz University of Maryland, North Carolina State | May 09 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | University, the University of Illinois, CMU in | May 09 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | bed with #nsa | May 09 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA broadens funding for 4 universities to advance the science of cybersecurity - FierceGovernmentIT | May 09 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Would You Hire Former #NSA Boss Keith Alexander | May 09 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Cybersecurity Consulting? - | May 09 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mhayoun '#Tibetans and Han are family' written on a | May 09 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tank apparently in Tibet. #Priceless from | May 09 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @Edourdoo cc @degewa | May 09 16:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mhayoun: '#Tibetans and Han are family' written on a tank apparently in Tibet. #Priceless from @Edourdoo cc @degewa | May 09 16:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "White House nominated [drones booster] to be | May 09 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | a judge on the United States Court of Appeals | May 09 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the First Circuit" | May 09 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 09 16:27 | |
roy | qu1j0t3: AU: | May 09 16:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Air Force wants to buy deadly Reaper drones [ ] | May 09 16:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Letter: Killing via drone is bad for America | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | but good for #cia and | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa budget (they need "terrorism") | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Letter: Killing via drone is bad for America | May 09 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #indiana (US): Activists gather to protest | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | militant drones they | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | know that it'll expand beyond "Arabs" | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Activists gather to protest militant drones | Region | Indiana Daily Student | May 09 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #australia and #nz now defend droning of their | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Caucasian white citizens. And soon comes this: | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tell us more about drones | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | "We have a right to know | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | what our government is up to" #drones | May 09 16:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tell us more about drones - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | May 09 16:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rj_gallagher UK spy oversight "so ineffective it's | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by undermining the credibility of the intel | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody agencies & parliament itself": | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gchq | May 09 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 16:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa exploits false perception that mass | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance "counterterrorism". #cia | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | exploits false perception that murder | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | "counterterrorism". | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Revised law could turn animal activists into | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorists #nz & #au | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | recently defended droning of white citizens | May 09 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Revised law could turn animal activists into terrorists | May 09 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Poesy with her train reading #ariol | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Poesy with her train reading #ariol | May 09 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @burcuno Countries are waking up from their hibernation | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of ignorance. #Canada wants 2 exclude | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody IP-related decisions from #ISDS. Better late | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | than never | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @marklemley Oracle v. Google is reversed; copyright for the | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by structure, sequence and organization of | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody computer programs is back. | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:38 |
*roy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 09 16:40 | |
*roy ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 09 16:40 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 09 16:40 | |
*roy has quit (Changing host) | May 09 16:40 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 09 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The problem isn't that people killed by drones | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | rather than airstrikes. Problem is | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassination w/o war or trial | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Science fiction may become reality with 'killer robots' | Human Rights Watch | May 09 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamesmedd Spent 30 mins trying to play MP3s bought on an | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by old iT*nes account. Managed to login but no | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow joy. Feel like a character in a @doctorow | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | novel. | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @peternowak: The reality of wireless bills | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | in one simple chart | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The reality of wireless bills in one simple chart | WordsByNowak | May 09 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sturdyAlex Amazon made £4.3bn UK sales last year. They | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by paid £2.4m tax. They received £2.5m gov't | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody grants. Every time someone blames migrants they | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheer. | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Netcraft: Microsoft Closing In On Apache Web | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Server Lead | May 09 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netcraft: Microsoft Closing In On Apache Web Server Lead - Slashdot | May 09 16:44 | |
roy | | May 09 16:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does America care about Black hostages? | Florida Courier [ ] | May 09 16:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Should the US do more to rescue the Nigerian schoolgirls? | Interviews | Hannity | Fox News [ ] | May 09 16:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @leo_belda Los principales partidos rechazan someter el | May 09 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TTIP a referendum #patentes | May 09 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PP y PSOE rechazan someter a referéndum el Tratado de Libre Comercio con EEUU | PostDigital | May 09 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz War more important (more budget) than diplomacy | May 09 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | (peace) | May 09 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Fulbright Program Is the Flagship of American Cultural Diplomacy. So Why Are We Cutting It? | Mother Jones | May 09 16:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Washington's Pivot to Ignorance: Will the State Department Torpedo Its Last Great Program? | May 09 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Big Data a Big Priority for Most Organizations | May 09 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #slashdot and #idg (Microsoft connected) push | May 09 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | flase #microsoft #propaganda by counting parked | May 09 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | domains | May 09 16:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big Data a Big Priority for Most Organizations - Enterprise Apps Today | May 09 16:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 16:58 |
roy | Torture and murdr "bad" when Syria does it | May 09 17:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Crucifixion from ancient Rome to modern Syria [ ] | May 09 17:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn Level 3 accuses major ISPs of forcing internet | May 09 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by traffic into the slow lane via @ZDNet | May 09 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #netneutrality by @sjvn | May 09 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Level 3 accuses major ISPs of forcing internet traffic into the slow lane | ZDNet | May 09 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz An American Retreat from Human Rights? | May 09 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Ask them to push the | May 09 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | conversation forward on joining the ICC." | May 09 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An American Retreat from Human Rights? | Jack Healey | May 09 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @verge A web hosting company is putting the @FCC in | May 09 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the "slow lane" to protest its handling of net | May 09 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody neutrality | May 09 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Web hosting company puts FCC in the 'slow lane' in net neutrality protest | The Verge | May 09 17:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Australians were killed by a US drone strike, | May 09 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | and we deserve to know why | May 09 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | because "bad guy" | May 09 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australians were killed by a US drone strike, and we deserve to know why | Yemen Times | May 09 17:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @grimmelm Is there any body of IP law that the Federal | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Circuit hasn't done its best/worst to screw up? | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch RT @beuctweet: ‘Canada-EU trade talks: the | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by backdoor to ISDS endorsement’ New blog post: | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIPconsumers #CETA | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada and EU trade talks: The backdoor to ISDS endorsement | The consumer view on TTIP | May 09 17:04 | |
roy | " anti-government armed militant groups" | May 09 17:04 |
roy | | May 09 17:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone strike kills seven militants in Nangarhar province - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency [ ] | May 09 17:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Lawgeek Oracle v. Google is out and in the running with | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Garcia for worst (c) decision of the year | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch RT @can_trade: Source says #CETA holdup related | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to IP language. Canada reportedly wants to | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody avoid #ISDS challenges like Eli Lilly | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tech_eu Ozon, the "Amazon of Russia", just raised $150 | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by million to boost growth. CEO @MaelleGavet tells | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody us why: | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Q&A with Maëlle Gavet, CEO of Ozon, after raising $150 million | May 09 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Scathing report from British Parliamentary | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Committee on "embarrassing" state of oversight | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody over GCHQ spying | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight | UK news | The Guardian | May 09 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #drones against "anti-government armed militant | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | groups" some groups | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | inside US would qualify as such | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MiKellner Für schweinegeiles Leben! Gegen Gentechnik und | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Tierquälerei. Wie erfährst du unter | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EP14 | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Die Grünen – Europawahl 2014 – Gesundes Essen statt Gentechnik | May 09 17:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If the British had #nsa and #cia technology, | May 09 17:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MiKellner: Für schweinegeiles Leben! Gegen Gentechnik und Tierquälerei. Wie erfährst du unter #EP14 | May 09 17:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | the founding fathers of the US of A would have | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | been droned without trial | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: All traveled out | May 09 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: All traveled out | May 09 17:08 | |
roy | | May 09 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yemen and al-Qaeda: This time, people support the war | The Economist | May 09 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Suspicion-based trial-less information-less | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassination in Hellfire (no ID except by DNA | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | tests) is becoming a 'norm' now | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NATO has left a mess in #Afghanistan | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NATO has left a mess in Afghanistan | May 09 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #drone strikes reduce #security | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US closes Yemen embassy amid fears of Qaeda revenge attacks - | May 09 17:15 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 6 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 30 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 09 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (6) | May 09 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 09 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 09 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 297 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1167 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 09 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (117), @glynmoody (33), @doctorow (17) | May 09 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (47), @doctorow (19), @JohnKiriakou (6) | May 09 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (16), #gnu (13), #nsa (12) | May 09 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US taxpayers forced to bail out a thug, again | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Detained FBI Agent in Pakistan Released on Bail : News : Headlines & Global News | May 09 17:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI agent detained in Pakistan is out on bail | New York Post | May 09 17:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US taxpayers were forced to bail out a 'rogue' | May 09 17:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI agent arrested in Pakistan on weapons charge | West Hawaii Today | May 09 17:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia agent who had murdered in cold blood | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | innocent people. No lessons learned. | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @jdebeer: Counterfeit seizure stats reveal | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | misplaced priorities or misrepresentation re | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | health, safety | May 09 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Department of Homeland Security IP Seizure Statistics Reveal Misplaced Priorities or Misrepresentation » infojustice | May 09 17:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JackofKent Prison governors now saying prisons becoming | May 09 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by unmanageable because of Grayling, by @IanDunt | May 09 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prison governors: Grayling's regime is driving us to 'tipping point' | May 09 17:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #syria war characterised as proxy war | May 09 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | same as #ukraine | May 09 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Boston Marathon Bombing Interrogation and | May 09 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Legal Suspension of Law | May 09 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | law as temporary | May 09 17:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The New Cold War: Libya, Syria, and the Ukraine - Analysis - Panorama | Armenian news | May 09 17:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Boston Marathon Bombing Interrogation and the Legal Suspension of Law | VICE News | May 09 17:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Shunting the FCC To the Slow Lane | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shunting the FCC To the Slow Lane - Slashdot | May 09 17:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "British government has revoked the citizenship | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | of 42 people, including 20 cases in 2013." | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is citizenship a right? | BusinessDay | May 09 17:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Data Shows Homeland Security Is Lying When It | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Claims Intellectual Property Seizures Are About | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Health & Safety | May 09 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Data Shows Homeland Security Is Lying When It Claims Intellectual Property Seizures Are About Health & Safety | Techdirt | May 09 17:30 | |
roy | | May 09 17:31 |
roy | "The warning was effective at terrorising parents away from even thinking of co-operating with a campaign already made controversial by the CIA's use of a hepatitis vaccination campaign as cover for hunting down the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden." | May 09 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pakistani parents defy Taliban with secret polio vaccines for children | World news | [ ] | May 09 17:31 | |
roy | | May 09 17:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dr Shakil Afridi’s fake polio drive crippled the cause: FO [ ] | May 09 17:33 | |
roy | Excuse to gather even more info | May 09 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Errors Before Boston Marathon Bombing - The Epoch Times [ ] | May 09 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CIA torture report won't be made public for | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | months because #cia is | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | deleting evidence of its crimes | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA torture report won't be made public for months - U.S. - Stripes | May 09 17:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pakistan FM: [CIA] Fake Vaccination Program to | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Blame for Polio Outbreak | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia and deaths of | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | children | May 09 17:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pakistan FM: Fake Vaccination Program to Blame for Polio Outbreak -- News from | May 09 17:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #USAID “Spreading Democracy” | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA Front, USAID, “Spreading Democracy”, Gearing Up in Ukraine – Suharto II? | Global Research | May 09 17:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola .@Thomas_Drake1: Clapper's mass gag "sends & | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sets really terrible unprecedented precedent." | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 What if extended to NSA? | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive Gag Policy Is Expanded & Imposed on US Intelligence Employees in Response to Edward Snowden | The Dissenter | May 09 17:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Clapper tells workers to pretend #Snowden | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #leaks never happened...Like StateDept told | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 workers they couldn't view @wikileaks | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #DefeatedThatArg | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack In '@WeMeantWell case, gov (DoS) tried to | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by criminalize Peter for LINKING to '@wikileaks in | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 blog done on his own time, name & personal | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | computr | May 09 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:41 |
roy | | May 09 17:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz Clamav in Linux is quite weak. | May 09 17:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj First stop at Senator @MarkWarner's office. | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #dayofaction for CIA whistleblower John | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Kiriakou | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: First stop at Senator @MarkWarner's office. #dayofaction for CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 09 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Oracle Solaris 11.2 Beta Features Full | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | OpenStack Cloud Distribution | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle Solaris 11.2 Beta Features Full OpenStack Cloud Distribution | May 09 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist my full slideshow overview of @ORCL_Solaris | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | 11.2 is @eWEEKNews , on a GNOME desktop no less | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:48 |
schestowitz_log_ | | May 09 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Мариуполь 09.05.14. Войска хунты стреляют по мирным/Ukraine, Mariupol - YouTube [ ] | May 09 17:48 | |
schestowitz_log_ | "As a native English speaker living in the 'West', I've got to say I'm pretty disgusted with the way the majority of western media have reported what's happening in Ukraine. Much of it is openly biased and does not report on 'certain' truths such as the killing of unarmed civilians by Ukrainian soldiers and thugs, the latter very prevalent in Odessa. What has happened today in Mariupol will probably go unreported or dis | May 09 17:48 |
schestowitz_log_ | missed as 'continuing unrest' rather than the simple murder of innocent people. | May 09 17:48 |
schestowitz_log_ | The western governments are just as bad in not recognising that they are backing some very dubious people. The common people in the 'West' are very distrusting of the media and our governments, indeed hate them and know that they lie and bend the truth continuously. Many (most) of us sympathise with the ethnic Russians in Ukraine and decent Ukrainians in general, and we also recognised the right of the people of Crimea | May 09 17:48 |
schestowitz_log_ | to decide to leave Ukraine. We also believe that ordinary Ukrainians (whether Russian, Ukrainian, or mixed) just want to live peacefully. However, we also know there are genuine fascists in Ukraine and people who want to kill others just because they are ethnically different. | May 09 17:48 |
schestowitz_log_ | The West has backed the wrong people (again!). It should not have taken sides and should be ensuring that murderers do not end up running the country. Sadly, many western politicians still have a 'Cold War' attitude and this has dictated their reasoning. They are as dangerous to me as they are to you. They are only backing the Ukrainian interim government because they hate Russia and want military bases there to contain | May 09 17:48 |
schestowitz_log_ | or threaten Russia. This is totally unacceptable. This attitude will one day result in wholesale revolt in the West - when? - I don't know, but the anger and frustration is growing." | May 09 17:48 |
MinceR | recognized the right of the people of Crimea to "decide" to leave Ukraine at gunpoint | May 09 17:51 |
MinceR | FTFY | May 09 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "In the center of Mariupol junta troops opened | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | fire on civilians. Many wounded." | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsfw #ukraine | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JamesBessen Put those university inventions to use! MT | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @GaryShapiro: Universities license | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody taxpayer-funded patents to trolls. | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent trolls: Universities sometimes look a lot like trolls. | May 09 17:52 | |
roy | | May 09 17:52 |
MinceR | :) | May 09 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: humansofnewyork: "I want to do be a zoo | May 09 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | designer." "What’s the most important part of | May 09 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | being a zoo... | May 09 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: humansofnewyork: "I want to do be a zoo... | May 09 18:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: prochoiceamerica: We delivered our | May 09 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | thank you note to Google, including thousands | May 09 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | of your... | May 09 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: prochoiceamerica: We delivered our thank you... | May 09 18:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard What happens when you break up with Facebook? | May 09 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nothing. | May 09 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Happens When You Break Up With Facebook: Nothing | Fast Company | Business + Innovation | May 09 18:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Court: Oracle Entitled To Copyright Protection | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Over Some Parts of Java | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Court: Oracle Entitled To Copyright Protection Over Some Parts of Java - Slashdot | May 09 18:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Bitly Attacked, Advises Users to Reset Accounts | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bitly Attacked, Advises Users to Reset Accounts | May 09 18:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist 7 Surprising Findings From Check Point's 2014 | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security Report | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 7 Surprising Findings From Check Point's 2014 Security Report | May 09 18:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh There is no daily irony richer than watching | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-professed libertarians petition courts for | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | rights. | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Supporters are in DC right now visiting | May 09 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by congressmen in support of transferring | May 09 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou to a halfway house ASAP | May 09 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free This Friday? Visit Your Local Congressional Offices for Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | FDL Action | May 09 18:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher Very grateful for all the people who go to the | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Hill today for FDL #DayofAction on behalf of | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou. @GovAcctProj has great pics | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why There's No Such Thing As A Private Facebook | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chat #facebook #privacy | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why There's No Such Thing As A Private Facebook Chat | ThinkProgress | May 09 18:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Around the World, Social Unrest Starts with | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Soaring Food Prices | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | some in #uk rely on food | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | banks now | May 09 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Around the World, Social Unrest Starts with Soaring Food Prices | Alternet | May 09 18:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "the economy is rigged in favor of Wall Street | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | and big business and their enablers in | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Washington." | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robert Reich: 6 Principles Populists on the Right and Left Both Agree On | Alternet | May 09 18:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WebsterGTarpley #EU moves to #FinancialTransactionTax c France | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Germany Italy Estonia Spain Portugal Greece | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Austria Belgium Slovenia Slovakia-#London | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | enraged | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Head-In-Sand Approach: White House Bans Current | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | & Former Intelligence Staff From Discussing Any | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Media Leaks | May 09 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Head-In-Sand Approach: White House Bans Current & Former Intelligence Staff From Discussing Any Media Leaks | Techdirt | May 09 18:30 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 09 18:35 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 09 18:35 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 09 18:35 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 09 18:35 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 09 18:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nobel throne | May 09 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell @JesselynRadack @wikileaks Part of my story, | May 09 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by today in FireDogLake, about pre-publication and | May 09 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack prior restraint: | May 09 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive Gag Policy Is Expanded & Imposed on US Intelligence Employees in Response to Edward Snowden | The Dissenter | May 09 18:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 09 18:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 18:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines HOW MUNICH SWITCHED 15,000 PCS FROM WINDOWS TO | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | LINUX | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 09 18:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines You can buys ZTE’s Firefox phone for $99 on | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | eBay | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD to enter Android space with ARM based chip | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HOW MUNICH SWITCHED 15,000 PCS FROM WINDOWS TO LINUX | Tux Machines | May 09 18:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) with a 3D Desktop and | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | Funky Dock Was the Future in 2006 – Video | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 18:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wayland 1.5 Appears To Be In Great Shape | Tux Machines | May 09 18:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | You can buys ZTE’s Firefox phone for $99 on eBay | Tux Machines | May 09 18:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD to enter Android space with ARM based chip | Tux Machines | May 09 18:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) with a 3D Desktop and Funky Dock Was the Future in 2006 – Video | Tux Machines | May 09 18:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dberkholz The Oracle v Google ruling is going to create | May 09 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vast amounts of market confusion about what | May 09 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist "open API" means. | May 09 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot A 32-bit Development System For $2 | May 09 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A 32-bit Development System For $2 - Slashdot | May 09 18:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Zack Whittaker from #microsoft keeps smears | May 09 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Heartbleed's wake, let's not forget many open-source apps remain vulnerable to attacks | ZDNet | May 09 18:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 09 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference | May 09 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Between Software And An API; Declares APIs | May 09 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Copyrightable | May 09 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft: Let’s Talk About Heartbleed® (Reported by Our ‘Former’ Security Chief) While the World Migrates From XP to GNU/Linux | Techrights | May 09 18:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some Perspective on Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 09 18:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference Between Software And An API; Declares APIs Copyrightable | Techdirt | May 09 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @codepink Visiting Senators' offices for the #DayofAction | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on behalf of @JohnKiriakou | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 09 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@codepink: Visiting Senators' offices for the #DayofAction on behalf of @JohnKiriakou | May 09 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Back doors are becoming obligatory | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | California Senate approves smartphone ‘kill-switch’ bill - CNET | May 09 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #us #policestate | May 09 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate approves 'kill switches' for cellphones sold in California - Los Angeles Times | May 09 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It may soon be impossible (or illegal) to buy | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | computers that don't have government back | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | doors. #privacy #pretext | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Vermont gov signs law to require labels on GMO | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | foods we have labels on | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | many things. #gmo no exception. | May 09 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vermont gov signs law to require labels on GMO foods | May 09 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Death on the Job Report | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #labour #rights | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Death on the Job Report | May 09 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What are the alternatives to Google Chrome and | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Firefox on Linux? | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #chrome #chromium #gnu #linux | May 09 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What are the alternatives to Google Chrome and Firefox on Linux? - Linux FAQ | May 09 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz You can buys ZTE’s Firefox phone for $99 on | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | eBay #zte #linux | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefoxos | May 09 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | You can buy ZTE's Firefox phone for $99 on eBay | Muktware | May 09 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD to enter Android space with ARM based chip | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #arm #amd #linux | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android | May 09 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD to enter Android space with ARM based chip | Muktware | May 09 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) with a 3D Desktop and | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Funky Dock Was the Future in 2006 – Video | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 09 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) with a 3D Desktop and Funky Dock Was the Future in 2006 – Video | May 09 19:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Available | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 19:28 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) with a 3D Desktop...' | May 09 19:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pidora 2014 Is Now the Most Advanced Raspberry | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Pi Linux Distro | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 19:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Available | Tux Machines | May 09 19:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ASUS launches Intel powerd Android tablet MeMO | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Pad 8 | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenBSD Affirms That LibreSSL Will Be Portable | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 19:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 19:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pidora 2014 Is Now the Most Advanced Raspberry Pi Linux Distro | Tux Machines | May 09 19:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ASUS launches Intel powerd Android tablet MeMO Pad 8 | Tux Machines | May 09 19:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenBSD Affirms That LibreSSL Will Be Portable | Tux Machines | May 09 19:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Available | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #qt #kde #gnu #linux | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Available | Qt Blog | May 09 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Testing Ubuntu, Debian and LMDE on my new | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | notebook #ubuntu #debian | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #lmde | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Testing Ubuntu, Debian and LMDE on my new notebook | ZDNet | May 09 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pidora 2014 Is Now the Most Advanced Raspberry | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pi Linux Distro | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #raspberrypi #linux #pidora #fedora | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pidora 2014 Is Now the Most Advanced Raspberry Pi Linux Distro | May 09 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SpaceX Injunction Dissolved | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SpaceX Injunction Dissolved - Slashdot | May 09 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I wanted love; they told me to hate. I wanted | May 09 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | truth; they told me to lie. And then there was | May 09 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | no possibility left in me. | May 09 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh People are idiots. “@mikebutcher: Fun fact: A | May 09 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | $200 pair of Beats Headphones is said to cost | May 09 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | the manufacturer as little as $14.” | May 09 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I wonder why extremist "libertarians" don't | May 09 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | make their kids change their own diapers. | May 09 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Coreboot Keeps Getting Better Bay Trail Support | May 09 20:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 20:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 20:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google Play Services 4.4 now rolling out | May 09 20:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 20:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Coreboot Keeps Getting Better Bay Trail Support | Tux Machines | May 09 20:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Upcoming Maxwell GPUs Will Support H.265, But | May 09 20:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | VP9 Is Uncertain | May 09 20:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Play Services 4.4 now rolling out | Tux Machines | May 09 20:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Upcoming Maxwell GPUs Will Support H.265, But VP9 Is Uncertain | Tux Machines | May 09 20:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Do You Need EV-SSL? [VIDEO] | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do You Need EV-SSL? [VIDEO] - eSecurity Planet | May 09 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Physicists Turn 8MP Smartphone Camera Into a | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Quantum Random Number Generator | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Physicists Turn 8MP Smartphone Camera Into a Quantum Random Number Generator - Slashdot | May 09 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Trace Adkins "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" is the | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | worst fucking thing I've seen and heard today. | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Country" with techno sounds. No link. | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Webhost Protests FCC's Net Neutrality Proposal | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | By Limiting FCC Access To 28.8Kbps | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Webhost Protests FCC's Net Neutrality Proposal By Limiting FCC Access To 28.8Kbps | Techdirt | May 09 20:29 | |
schestowitz | | May 09 20:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I am everything but a Google basher and I spent a lot of my life descending deep into research of Google foes, Google smear campaigns, lawsuits by proxy, and antitrust actions by proxy. I also advocate Android, but in recent years I have been increasingly concerned about the direction it is taking. I wish to share my latest concern. It relates to what the media characterises as "anti-theft" but is act | May 09 20:30 | |
schestowitz | " | May 09 20:31 |
schestowitz | Windows itself isn't expensive here. And you can use pretty much any open-source program on Windows too. | May 09 20:31 |
schestowitz | Real man use cracked programs, of curse. | May 09 20:31 |
schestowitz | " | May 09 20:31 |
schestowitz | "People on the pluss say that it's hard to find free software developers to port to Windows. You have to pay people to do that. It's is painful in every way." | May 09 20:31 |
schestowitz | "But the software is already ported to Windows. Pretty much any app i use." | May 09 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Do You Need EV-SSL? [VIDEO] - eSecurity Planet | May 09 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PamelaDrew Phenomenal pair of #whistleblowers challenging | May 09 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NatSec fraud @loraxlive 1GMT 9ET Heroes of the | May 09 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 digital age @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PamelaDrew Check @loraxlive tweets for other stream | May 09 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by options to hear @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 09 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 9pm ET 6pm PT 1GMT MainChan | May 09 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Radio AnonOps • Guaranteed eargasms | May 09 20:37 | |
schestowitz | | May 09 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ It’s Official. Fedora 21, Using GNOME 3.14 Will Run On Wayland As The Default Display Server #fedora #wayland #gnome #gnu #linux | May 09 20:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | It’s Official. Fedora 21, Using GNOME 3.14 Will Run On Wayland As The Default Display Server | [ ] | May 09 20:38 | |
schestowitz | "I wonder when will Nvidia release their driver with Wayland support. They are supposedly already working on it." | May 09 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ToolsWatch Black Hat USA 2014 Arsenal – Call for Tools. | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Submit Your Weapon before 3rd of June ! | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #Blackhat #Tools | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Hacking | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | – The Hackers Arsenal Tools Portal » Black Hat USA 2014 Arsenal – Call for Tools | May 09 20:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @migueldeicaza Someone on G+ please tell Sergey that we even | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ported Android to C#. Because I love gmail, I | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist can give him a good price. | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pirate Bay Founder Launches Election Campaign | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | For European Parliament | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #copyright #europe | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #monopoly #internet | May 09 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Bay Founder Launches Election Campaign For European Parliament | TorrentFreak | May 09 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Net Neutrality: FCC Boss Smacked by Tech | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Giants, Internal Dissent | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | for his professional screwup should step down | May 09 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Net Neutrality: 100 Tech Companies Send Letter to FCC - TIME | May 09 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Sprint may start throttling its biggest data | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | users is the company | May 09 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sprint may start throttling its biggest data users | TechHive | May 09 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | violating the contract/s? | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ASUS launches Intel powerd Android tablet MeMO | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pad 8 #asus #memopad | May 09 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | May 09 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ASUS launches Intel powerd Android tablet MeMO Pad 8 | Muktware | May 09 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines MacOs-Linux 11.04 Officially Killed by Its | May 09 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Developer | May 09 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa 10.1.3 | May 09 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MacOs-Linux 11.04 Officially Killed by Its Developer | Tux Machines | May 09 20:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RadeonSI Starts Beating Catalyst In Some Linux | May 09 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Tests | May 09 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mesa 10.1.3 | Tux Machines | May 09 20:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RadeonSI Starts Beating Catalyst In Some Linux Tests | Tux Machines | May 09 20:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OpenBSD Affirms That LibreSSL Will Be Portable | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openbsd #bsd #unix | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] OpenBSD Affirms That LibreSSL Will Be Portable | May 09 20:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Coreboot Keeps Getting Better Bay Trail Support | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coreboot #freedom | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Coreboot Keeps Getting Better Bay Trail Support | May 09 20:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google Play Services 4.4 now rolling out | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #googleplay | May 09 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Play Services 4.4 now rolling out | Muktware | May 09 20:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz MacOs-Linux 11.04 Officially Killed by Its | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Developer "Sourceforge | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | listing has been removed " #gnu #linux | May 09 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MacOs-Linux 11.04 Officially Killed by Its Developer | May 09 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: How Do You Tell a Compelling | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Story About IT Infrastructure? | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: How Do You Tell a Compelling Story About IT Infrastructure? - Slashdot | May 09 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Upcoming #Maxwell GPUs Will Support H.265, But | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #VP9 Is Uncertain | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #swpats traps favoured?! | May 09 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Upcoming Maxwell GPUs Will Support H.265, But VP9 Is Uncertain | May 09 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RadeonSI Starts Beating Catalyst In Some Linux | May 09 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tests #graphics #linux | May 09 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] RadeonSI Starts Beating Catalyst In Some Linux Tests | May 09 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mesa 10.1.3 #mesa | May 09 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Mesa-announce] Mesa 10.1.3 | May 09 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #LLVM 3.4.1 Release! | May 09 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bsd #development | May 09 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [llvm-announce] LLVM 3.4.1 Release! | May 09 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CyanogenMod finally hits HTC One M8 | May 09 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | May 09 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CyanogenMod finally hits HTC One M8 | Muktware | May 09 21:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Do we really need more giant phablets? | May 09 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | phones, not fashion | May 09 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do we really need more giant phablets? | May 09 21:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | accessories. #android #linux | May 09 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Yes, President Obama's Patent Office Started | May 09 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Approving Basically All Patent Applications | May 09 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Again | May 09 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yes, President Obama's Patent Office Started Approving Basically All Patent Applications Again | Techdirt | May 09 21:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch RT @can_trade: Canada, EU miss chance to ink | May 09 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #CETA due to 'technical problems' - pharma IP | May 09 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody said to be barrier | May 09 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada, EU miss chance to ink trade pact this week due to 'technical problems' - Canadian Business | May 09 21:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mmasnick It's time for Congress to end the CAFC | May 09 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disaster. | May 09 21:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cdaffara If API copyright holds, then GPL virality | May 09 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by extends to headers and calls as well. Making | May 09 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody *heaps* of software with no valid license. | May 09 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Firefox OS 1.3 Arrives: Dual SIM Support, | May 09 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Continuous Autofocus, Graphics Boost | May 09 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox OS 1.3 Arrives: Dual SIM Support, Continuous Autofocus, Graphics Boost - Slashdot | May 09 21:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Update XXV - a | May 09 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | report on two things that happened in Berlin on | May 09 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monday + video & slides of my #rp14 talk | May 09 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXV - Open Enterprise | May 09 21:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sc4g Technical Writers needed! Have positive impact | May 09 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - lend your skills to an open project: | May 09 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #HFOSSFriday | May 09 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Techwriter | May 09 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Volunteer! | socialcoding4good | May 09 21:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Mark_Antony Curious about what the NHS is doing in Open | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Source? Follow @NHSOpenSource and sign up for | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NHS Open Source open day! | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS England Open Source Open Day Tickets, London - Eventbrite | May 09 21:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Between Software & An API; Declares APIs | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Copyrightable - | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | </facepalm> | May 09 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 21:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference Between Software And An API; Declares APIs Copyrightable | Techdirt | May 09 21:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @binarybits "Not only do they not understand how computers | May 09 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by work, they can't even read." -@grimmelm to me. | May 09 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 09 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of #Copyright | May 09 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Policymaking #monopoly | May 09 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lobbying #protectionism #corruption | May 09 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Bizarro, Fact-free World Of Copyright Policymaking | Techdirt | May 09 22:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Is Zanzibar a nice place to go diving? | May 09 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LLVM 3.4.1 Release! | May 09 22:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 22:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LLVM 3.4.1 Release! | Tux Machines | May 09 22:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CyanogenMod finally hits HTC One M8 | May 09 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 22:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CyanogenMod finally hits HTC One M8 | Tux Machines | May 09 22:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Do we really need more giant phablets? | May 09 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 09 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 09 22:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do we really need more giant phablets? | Tux Machines | May 09 22:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 5 Twitter clients for Linux | May 09 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #twitter #gnu #linux | May 09 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Twitter clients for Linux - Computerworld | May 09 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Introverts are better. | May 09 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux pros use tweak tools to customize their | May 09 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | OS, and so can you #gnu | May 09 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux pros use tweak tools to customize their OS, and so can you | PCWorld | May 09 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 09 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Decommissioning anonymous phonecalls in favour, | May 09 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | perhaps (if done properly), anonymous Wi-Fi | May 09 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New York City to turn phone booths into Wi-Fi hot spots | Al Jazeera America | May 09 22:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @puellavulnerata (about 56:00) | May 09 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Interviewer: "What should future Edward | May 09 22:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden: From USA to USB - YouTube | May 09 22:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Snowdens do?" Sarah Harrison: "Come to us" | May 09 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald In NYC: I'll be doing my 1st event for "No | May 09 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Place to Hide" - with Matt Taibbi - on Tuesday | May 09 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror night, 7pm, at Cooper Union | May 09 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Author's Talk: Glenn Greenwald on Edward Snowden and the NSA | Cooper Union | May 09 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CharlieCooper8 For Londoners sick of the main parties and even | May 09 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sicker of UKIP, will the @NHAparty be the Euro | May 09 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Election protest vote? | May 09 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHA Euro Elections - Stick Up For The NHS! - YouTube | May 09 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarioVilas Want to give an anti-gay zealot a rage induced | May 09 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by seizure? Show them this comic: | May 09 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 09 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal | May 09 22:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Court Orders Marvell To Pay Carnegie Mellon | May 09 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | $1.5B For Patent Infringement | May 09 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Court Orders Marvell To Pay Carnegie Mellon $1.5B For Patent Infringement - Slashdot | May 09 22:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | May 09 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | May 09 22:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Don't Expect To See The Declassified Senate | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Report On How The CIA Tortured People Any Time | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Soon | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don't Expect To See The Declassified Senate Report On How The CIA Tortured People Any Time Soon | Techdirt | May 09 22:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MPhillipsWSJ One American still gets a Civil War pension. | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by That’s not a typo. | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Veterans' Benefits Live On Long After Bullets Stop - | May 09 22:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MPhillipsWSJ: One American still gets a Civil War pension. That’s not a typo. | May 09 22:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @netzpolitik Schöne Netzreportage von @iM_oog & Co. für @WDR | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by über die @republica: | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #rp14 | May 09 22:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Das Netz nach Snowden | May 09 22:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF No secret evidence! EFF urges court to allow | May 09 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by defendants to review FISA materials used | May 09 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody against them: | May 09 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Criminal Defendants Should Have Chance to Review FISA Materials, EFF and ACLU Argue in Amicus Brief | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 09 22:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @can_trade #CETA with #ISDS clause could "serve as a | May 09 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Trojan horse for US firms ... to file ISDS | May 09 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody claims in Europe” | May 09 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada and EU trade talks: The backdoor to ISDS endorsement | The consumer view on TTIP | May 09 22:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Genius. “@T_O_Brien: "There are no emotions we | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | express more than those we are trying to hide." | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | by @gpetriglieri” | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Emotions Are Data, Too - Gianpiero Petriglieri - Harvard Business Review | May 09 22:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Cisco Leveraging OpenDaylight SDN in Elastic | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Access Server Provider Rollout - | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco Elastic Access Advances SDN for Service Providers | May 09 22:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Wayback Machine Hits 400,000,000,000! - | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | amazing - kudos to | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brewster_kahle | May 09 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 09 22:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer After Eli Lilly dispute, Canada pushes to | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exclude IP disputes from #ISDS in #CETA | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Will Canada do likewise | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | in #TPP? | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Trade Online - Worldwide coverage of the latest trade news and developments | May 09 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Green Groups Banned From Hearings on Alberta | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TarSands - staggering, | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | shameless bias | May 09 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Green Groups Banned From Hearings on Alberta Tar Sands | Common Dreams | May 09 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody White House supports CC0 for federal government | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | datasets - good move | May 09 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House supports CC0 for federal government datasets - Creative Commons | May 09 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AncientPics 1911: The Pyramid of Capitalism. | May 09 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 09 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 09 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AncientPics: 1911: The Pyramid of Capitalism. | May 09 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer In light of Eli Lilly dispute, Brook Baker has | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by explained the dangers of giving IP owners #ISDS | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody superpowers #CETA #TPP | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investors’ IP Rights Unbound: The Danger of Investment Clauses to Access to Medicines | Equilibri | May 09 23:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks FDL: US government banning employees from | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | reading/sourcing leaked docs creating "culture | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | of enforced ignorance" | May 09 23:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive Gag Policy Is Expanded & Imposed on US Intelligence Employees in Response to Edward Snowden | The Dissenter | May 09 23:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How Free-To-Play Is Constricting Mobile Games | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Free-To-Play Is Constricting Mobile Games - Slashdot | May 09 23:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake THANK YOU everyone who supported our day of | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by action for @JohnKiriakou today in DC and | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou nationwide! @GovAcctProj @codepink | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Honeybees abandoning hives and dying due to | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | insecticide use, research finds - | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ban them, then: we need | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | bees | May 09 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Honeybees abandoning hives and dying due to insecticide use, research finds | Environment | | May 09 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Cisco Elastic Access Advances SDN for Service | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Providers - EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco Elastic Access Advances SDN for Service Providers | May 09 23:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140508 - | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 09 23:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140508 | May 09 23:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt UK ISPs Agree To Send Out Intimidation Notices | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Claimed Infringement | May 09 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 09 23:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK ISPs Agree To Send Out Intimidation Notices For Claimed Infringement | Techdirt | May 09 23:40 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 09 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Luke Prosthetic Arm Approved By FDA | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Luke Prosthetic Arm Approved By FDA - Slashdot | May 10 00:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jaraparilla Credibility is a bitch. | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @o_exacoustos @GabyVerdier | May 10 00:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@o_exacoustos: L'arroseuse arrosée. | May 10 00:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze Was the policy on writing about leaks itself | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by leaked? If so, does the policy apply to | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror articles about the policy? Oh recursion, it | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | burns. | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze ODNI's no leak writing policy means I have to | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by chose btwn assigning relevant material & not | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror putting cleared students in untenable | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | positions. | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze The prohibition on mentioning leaks in term | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by papers could be a problem for students in my | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror tech & policy class. | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze I realize Orwell analogies are a gateway drug | May 10 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to Godwin, but they really seem called for | May 10 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror here. | May 10 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 10 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks FDL: US government banning employees from | May 10 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reading/sourcing leaked docs creating "culture | May 10 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror of enforced ignorance" | May 10 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive Gag Policy Is Expanded & Imposed on US Intelligence Employees in Response to Edward Snowden | The Dissenter | May 10 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks New Homeland Security cover story says #Assange | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is biggest threat to US security (corrected | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror link) | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Homeland Security Today - April/May 2014 | May 10 00:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt FCC's Tom Wheeler Says He'll Ask For Public | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comment On Whether It's Appropriate To | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reclassify Broadband | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC's Tom Wheeler Says He'll Ask For Public Comment On Whether It's Appropriate To Reclassify Broadband | Techdirt | May 10 00:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Duo Sneak an Oculus Rift Onto Roller Coaster | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | For a Wild Ride | May 10 00:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Duo Sneak an Oculus Rift Onto Roller Coaster For a Wild Ride - Slashdot | May 10 00:26 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 10 00:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BiellaColeman Government seeks to hold the right to covertly | May 10 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hack leveraging 0days. | May 10 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 10 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Proposal on Law Enforcement Hacking Would Undermine Longstanding Check on Government Power | American Civil Liberties Union | May 10 00:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US DoJ court filings challenged in FOIA suit | May 10 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | over surveillance of @wikileaks supporters. | May 10 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | New: via @MikeScarcella | May 10 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EPIC_wikileaks.pdf - File Shared from Box | May 10 00:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze Under the ODNI policy, can cleared students | May 10 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by write about the Pentagon Papers? Too soon? | May 10 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 10 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Hezbollah: "Syrian intelligence agents just | May 10 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | wanted money and girls" | May 10 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | cable: #syria #nazrallah #lebanon | May 10 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nasrallah criticized Syrian Intelligence: WikiLeaks | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR | May 10 00:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Some companies encrypt your data to reassure | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you. Some encrypt your data because they're | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian scared of knowing it. Do business with the | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | latter. | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @billmon1 The amazing thing isnt that capital wants to | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by roll the social clock back to 19th century, but | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh that so many others are willing to go along (1) | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Lon Snowden & I accept the #Ridenhour Prize for | May 10 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Truth-Telling on behalf of Edward #Snowden, who | May 10 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | looks on overhead. | May 10 01:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Lon Snowden & I accept the #Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling on behalf of Edward #Snowden, who looks on overhead. | May 10 01:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Office of the Director of National Intelligence | May 10 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Now Requires Employees To Pretend Leaks Never | May 10 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Happened | May 10 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 01:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Office of the Director of National Intelligence Now Requires Employees To Pretend Leaks Never Happened - Defense - | May 10 01:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Beyond The Cronut | May 10 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Beyond The Cronut | Techdirt | May 10 01:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Milwaukee City Council Proposal Would Pave Way | May 10 01:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Uber, Lyft | May 10 01:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Milwaukee City Council Proposal Would Pave Way For Uber, Lyft - Slashdot | May 10 01:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian New ACLU FOIA seeks US gov policies on | May 10 01:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | purchase, discovery, use and disclosure of 0 | May 10 01:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | day security vulnerabilities. | May 10 01:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 01:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Gus_802 Highly inaccurate. Only applies to ODNI. More | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by here: @wikileaks | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ODNI clarifies more limited effect of its new preclearance policy | Just Security | May 10 01:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why Scientists Are Still Using FORTRAN in 2014 | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Scientists Are Still Using FORTRAN in 2014 - Slashdot | May 10 01:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: New EPIC suit | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | challenges US DoJ secrecy over surveillance of | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | WikiLeaks supporters | May 10 01:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 9 May 2014 | May 10 01:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian If you use these new Al Qaeda made encryption | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | apps to hide from the NSA, you're gonna have a | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | bad time. | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Al Qaeda Tries New Encryption Post-Snowden Leaks - The CIO Report - WSJ | May 10 01:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Perhaps Al Qaeda evaluated cryptocat and | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | decided they wanted an encryption tool made by | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | developers with even less crypto experience. | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt UK Parliament Finally Admits That Snowden | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Revelations Reveal That GCHQ Oversight Is | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Broken | May 10 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 01:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK Parliament Finally Admits That Snowden Revelations Reveal That GCHQ Oversight Is Broken | Techdirt | May 10 01:57 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 02:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Paulmd199 @csoghoian That's really unfair to the | May 10 02:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dedicated NSA employees who wrote that software | May 10 02:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian and uploaded it to Jihad fora. | May 10 02:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 02:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | May 10 02:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | tip @Techmeme | May 10 02:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 02:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | May 10 02:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stereowilliams You know how major news networks found out abt | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Trayvon, Hadiya and the missing Nigerian girls? | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Social media. Twitter. | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @studentactivism "Did you mean 'mans plainer'?" —my phone | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mansplains the word "mansplained." | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Good To See: White House Will Now Make Some | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Federal Data Public Domain Worldwide Via | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Creative Commons CC0 | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Good To See: White House Will Now Make Some Federal Data Public Domain Worldwide Via Creative Commons CC0 | Techdirt | May 10 03:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @trezsec Thank you for the excellent show! @loraxlive | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @GovAcctProj @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AuAnon Great interview well done guys thankyou! | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @loraxlive @GovAcctProj @JesselynRadack | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PamelaDrew Awesome show @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by flippin awesome insights @loraxlive so glad | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 you're not #Silenced by USG! | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SILENCED - Whistleblower Documentary w. Thomas Andrew Drake, Jesselyn Raddack + James Spione - YouTube | May 10 03:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Skylite Thank you for being on Loraxlive. | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kyzersane Great interview and discussion! @Loraxlive with | May 10 03:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @GovAcctProj @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Thanks! | May 10 03:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell @JesselynRadack @wikileaks Part of my story, | May 10 03:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by today in FireDogLake, about pre-publication and | May 10 03:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 prior restraint: | May 10 03:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive Gag Policy Is Expanded & Imposed on US Intelligence Employees in Response to Edward Snowden | The Dissenter | May 10 03:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 "…seems like at a certain point of density of | May 10 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | flags you're making more of a statement if you | May 10 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't have one out"—DFW | May 10 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ryanvooris: .@DFWquotes on 9/11:The View from the Midwest | May 10 03:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @chriscaple Anyone seriously still think @TOMayorFord | May 10 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by couldn't or wouldn't have ordered a vicious | May 10 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 prison beatdown? | May 10 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Norm_Farrell No money for public education when you give | May 10 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by billions to resource companies that fund your | May 10 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 party. #bcpoli #education | May 10 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Norm_Farrell: No money for public education when you give billions to resource companies that fund your party. #bcpoli #education | May 10 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KelleyBVlahos #JackBauer is back -- does anyone care? My | May 10 03:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by review of 24: Live Another Day @unzreview today | May 10 03:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @fabiusmaximus01 | May 10 03:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @chmadar | May 10 03:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jack Bauer Was Retired, So Why is He Back? - The Unz Review | May 10 03:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 So Where *is* Wally? I mean, Rob Ford? #topoli | May 10 03:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeBarrett_ Read all six entries of The Barrett Brown | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Review of Arts and Letters and Jail so far: | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Barrett Brown | FrontBurner | May 10 03:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Some companies encrypt your data to reassure | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you. Some encrypt your data because they're | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 scared of knowing it. Do business with the | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | latter. | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AntDeRosa Ecuador says USAID must leave country by end of | May 10 03:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by September | May 10 03:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 03:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ecuador says USAID must leave country by end of September | Circa News | May 10 03:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 So, mighty job creator Tim Hudak would lay off | May 10 03:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND people. | May 10 03:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | (and people VOTE for | May 10 03:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | these shits?) | May 10 03:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Video | Tim Hudak says he would lay off 100,000 civil servants | Toronto Star | May 10 03:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Reminder: for eight months now we've *known* | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that NSA inserted backdoors in popular | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 encryption co-processors. Maybe time for some | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | follow up? | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Via @Dymaxion, this looks like a very promising | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by site for reviewing the integrity of privacy | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 tools. | May 10 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home | Open Integrity Index | May 10 03:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PamelaDrew Hat's off & thanks for fab @loraxlive & courage | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to not be #Silenced by full USG wrath | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SILENCED - Whistleblower Documentary w. Thomas Andrew Drake, Jesselyn Raddack + James Spione - YouTube | May 10 03:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LauraCEStewart @qu1j0t3 Even better, he made the announcement | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by at a fucking country club. | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh It really is tedious how one generation of | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | wannabes grows up, sells out, and markets what | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | was cool when it was young as nostalgia. | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @shitrobfordsays I'm the most racist guy around. I'm the mayor | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of Toronto. | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Nicole_Cliffe All I hope is that when the asteroid comes for | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by us we only have about a day's notice, because I | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 cannot cope with 5 years of CNN coverage. | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @80sDougFord Rob is, like, the least fun drinking buddy ever | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #topoli | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MyPetGloat Fed Up documentary: sugar added to food causing | May 10 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by obesity - British Columbia - CBC News | May 10 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fed Up documentary: sugar added to food causing obesity - British Columbia - CBC News | May 10 03:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lifebettergreen "Hello, I am a Nigerian Prince and I have 1 | May 10 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by million jobs for you. To complete the transfer, | May 10 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 first send me 100000 jobs." - Tim Hudak #onpoli | May 10 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carlyrhiannon Nope :( | May 10 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 10 03:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@carlyrhiannon: Nope :( | May 10 03:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trutherbot Turns out, inactivity kills as many Americans | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by every year as smoking. That's 5.3 million | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 deaths a year. | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pourmecoffee Lloyd's of London, well known reactionary | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commies, calls on insurers to incorporate | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 climate change into models | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 03:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lloyd's | Business | The Guardian | May 10 03:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Asrar al-Dardashah is an encryption plugin for | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | instant messaging based on the Pidgin platform | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | < What could possibly go wrong? | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LauraCEStewart I miss the days when it was the US politicians | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by who seemed the most fucked up. :( | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EmilyKnits So Ford is proudly racist, offered up his wife | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for sex, drove drunk, and hangs with criminals. | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 But hey! He saved you $60 a year! | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normwilner ... but if Rob was in hospital from the 3rd to | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the 7th, why did he tell Warmington he was | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 having a great time in rehab on the 6th? | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TOpoli | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt The Glorious History Of Video Game Panics | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Glorious History Of Video Game Panics | Techdirt | May 10 04:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanFmTo Hudak's economics aren't even Voodoo. They're | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by an extensively proven real world failure. Can't | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 cut your way to prosperity. #onpoli | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GoreVidaI The mass media tries to implant consumptive | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rituals in your mind, extricate these rituals. | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @amprog Raising the minimum wage would benefit 4.7 | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by million working moms | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #WhatMothersNeed | May 10 04:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Raising the Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Benefit 4.7 Million Moms | Economic Policy Institute | May 10 04:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@amprog: Raising the minimum wage would benefit 4.7 million working moms #WhatMothersNeed | May 10 04:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MartinLRitter Under Emanuel, principals have no voice - | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Chicago Sun-Times: | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 04:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Under Emanuel, principals have no voice - Chicago Sun-Times | May 10 04:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @A_Daneshzadeh "how is that racist?"- white proverb | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AD_Humphreys .@roblamberti1 @jjfantauzzi Interesting. Prior | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to that evening, this was how Rob Ford spent | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 that afternoon: #TOpoli | May 10 04:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marvin “The Weasel” Elkind, former driver of Jimmy... • Adrian Humphreys | May 10 04:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bigpicguy It has been confirmed, Rob Ford is in Dr; | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Nick's Fast, Friendly Treatment Center in | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Springfield, He's in there with Barney Gumble | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pgalberta Dear people supporting joining a US missile | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by defence program - read a history book published | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 in this country for Pete's sake. | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OfficialAnonOps Great show lorax thank you @loraxlive | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @GovAcctProj @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 every friday night | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #anonops | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Radio AnonOps • Guaranteed eargasms | May 10 04:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 If you refer to future kids as MINI MES you | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | might want to dial down the narcissistic | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-absorption. #Subtweet | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @yasmeen_9 'When we don't defend our Rights, we lose our | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dignity, and dignity is not negotiable.' | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JPBarlow Every day in America, more people enter prison | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by than get out. | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 "America, please stop naming your kids | May 10 04:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Brooklyn." #omg #sad | May 10 04:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #brooklyn #MaybeAlsoJustRethinkHavingKids | May 10 04:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America, Please Quit Naming Your Kids 'Brooklyn' | May 10 04:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ChiefElk The entire series of @red3blog's | May 10 04:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #WhiteGuyCartoons | May 10 04:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 04:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 04:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red No. 3 | May 10 04:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jeff_kaye @wikileaks "Iraqi Torture Scandal Touches | May 10 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Highest Levels of NATO" | May 10 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 includes @wikileaks angle re Iraq War Logs | May 10 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 05:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Iraqi Torture Scandal Touches Highest Levels of NATO | May 10 05:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nowtoronto In case you can't remember who Bruno Bellissimo | May 10 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is: #topoli | May 10 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 05:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 05:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rob Ford ducks questions on jail visit | NOW Magazine | May 10 05:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks 244 WikiLeaks documents on #Bilderberg | May 10 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 05:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 05:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | May 10 05:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 'Asked for some kind of proof, Doug said | May 10 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | "You're going to have to trust me on this | May 10 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | one."' | May 10 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 05:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rob Ford is "100%" in rehab, says Doug Ford | NOW Magazine | May 10 05:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DeathEndsFun Our flat is about 36 years old. Several of its | May 10 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by fans are that old, work fine. Bought a | May 10 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 wall-mount fan last Nov, it died last month. | May 10 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nice. | May 10 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 05:11 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 19 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 112 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 10 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (19) | May 10 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 10 05:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 10 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 206 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 815 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 10 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (43), @slashdot (13), @techdirt (12) | May 10 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @qu1j0t3 (30), @Thomas_Drake1 (21), @glynmoody (14) | May 10 05:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (15), #gnu (7), #android (5) | May 10 05:19 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 10 06:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @blogdiva *cough* #OWS RT @ACLU_Mass: Former CIA | May 10 06:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by director: In order to spy on domestic | May 10 06:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 dissidents, just call them Terrorists | May 10 06:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 06:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 06:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former CIA director: In order to spy on domestic dissidents, just call them Terrorists | Privacy SOS | May 10 06:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux pros use tweak tools to customize their | May 10 06:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | OS, and so can you | May 10 06:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 06:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux pros use tweak tools to customize their OS, and so can you | Tux Machines | May 10 06:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The NSA and Snowden: Securing the All-Seeing | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Eye | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA and Snowden: Securing the All-Seeing Eye - Slashdot | May 10 07:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Firefox OS 1.3 brings new tools for better | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | mobile Web gaming: CNET: With asm.js and WebGL | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | technologies, Mozill... | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Firefox OS 1.3 brings new tools for better mobile Web gaming | May 10 07:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CMD Reporting on Walker Dark Money Criminal | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Probe | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | the stuff politicians | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | can get away with | May 10 07:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CMD Reporting on Walker Dark Money Criminal Probe | PR Watch | May 10 07:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Will the Italian Presidency of the #EU Council | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Support #NetNeutrality ? | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #europe #internet | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will the Italian Presidency of the EU Council Support Net Neutrality? | La Quadrature du Net | May 10 07:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz D-Link enters IoT space with a smart AC socket | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 10 07:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | D-Link enters IoT space with a smart AC socket · | May 10 07:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Video of the Week: Limit Theory Game | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Developer Switches to Linux | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #gnu #games | May 10 07:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Video of the Week: Limit Theory Game Developer Switches to Linux | | May 10 07:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google Music with All Access natively on Linux | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #google #drm | May 10 07:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Music with All Access natively on Linux | | May 10 07:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #QuinStreet site promotes QuinStreet study | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | owner of some #linux | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | sites, which sell data on visitors | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big Data a Big Priority for Most Organizations - Enterprise Apps Today | May 10 07:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coreos #gnu #linux | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #docker | May 10 07:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | May 10 07:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Vegas! | May 10 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines D-Link enters IoT space with a smart AC socket | May 10 07:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 07:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 07:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Video of the Week: Limit Theory Game | May 10 07:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | Developer Switches to Linux | May 10 07:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 07:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 07:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | D-Link enters IoT space with a smart AC socket | Tux Machines | May 10 07:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Video of the Week: Limit Theory Game Developer Switches to Linux | Tux Machines | May 10 07:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #oracle still attacking #linux and programming | May 10 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | as a while (monopoly on APIs!) | May 10 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dangerous Decision in Oracle v. Google: Federal Circuit Reverses Sensible Lower Court Ruling on APIs | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 10 07:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wayland to be in Fedora 21 | May 10 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wayland #fedora #gnu | May 10 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 10 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wayland to be in Fedora 21 | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 10 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Raspberry Pi stop motion animation | May 10 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pi-Mation #linux | May 10 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 07:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Raspberry Pi stop motion animation | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 10 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tails 1.0: A bootable Linux distro that | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | protects your privacy a | May 10 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails 1.0: A bootable Linux distro that protects your privacy - Computerworld | May 10 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | review of #debian #gnu #linux for #privacy | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Australian Government To Standardise On Drupal | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian Government To Standardise On Drupal - Slashdot | May 10 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The decline of #twitter | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | agreed totally, and "users" (useds) are now | May 10 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help save Twitter – An appeal to all users. | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain | May 10 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | assigned advertising (spying) IDs | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #facebook traffic all in the red | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | let's hope this | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance site dies a faster death | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Site Overview | May 10 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Should Google Kill Google Plus? | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | it'll kill it when the | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | site stops being helpful for profiling useds | May 10 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Should Google Kill Google Plus? | TechSource | May 10 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "If people don’t want Twitter turning into | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | another Facebook... you need to say no now." | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | It's not just ads | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Using Qt to make Native Android apps | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #qt #kde #linux | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Using Qt to make Native Android apps - KDAB | May 10 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz SteamOS Is Now Based On Debian 7.5 Wheezy | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #debian #gnu | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #steam | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SteamOS Is Now Based On Debian 7.5 Wheezy | | May 10 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Elementary’s Pantheon Shell To Be Ported On | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Debian #debian #gnu | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #elementary | May 10 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Elementary’s Pantheon Shell To Be Ported On Debian | | May 10 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Windows is not #gnu #linux and it lags behind | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | when it comes to some key features | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chocolatey brings Linux-style package management to Windows - TechRepublic | May 10 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Interview: AMD and Mentor Graphics Partner To | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Deliver Linux #amd | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 10 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview: AMD and Mentor Graphics Partner To Deliver Linux | Dev Tools content from Electronic Design | May 10 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140509 - | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 10 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 10 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140509 | May 10 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Qt 5.3 RC1 | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digia Officially Releases Qt 5.3 RC1 with Feedback Fixes | May 10 08:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Green Groups Banned From Hearings on Alberta | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TarSands - staggering, | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | shameless bias | May 10 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Green Groups Banned From Hearings on Alberta Tar Sands | Common Dreams | May 10 08:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Wayback Machine Hits 400,000,000,000! - | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | amazing - kudos to | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brewster_kahle | May 10 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 10 08:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody White House supports CC0 for federal government | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | datasets - good move | May 10 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House supports CC0 for federal government datasets - Creative Commons | May 10 08:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tweakin' Tools, No Threat, and Toddler Terror | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dangerous Decision in Oracle v. Google: Federal | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Circuit Reverses Sensible Lower Court Ruling on | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | APIs | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 08:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision | Tux Machines | May 10 08:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tails 1.0: A bootable Linux distro that | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | protects your privacy | May 10 08:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Using Qt to make Native Android apps | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Interview: AMD and Mentor Graphics Partner To | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Deliver Linux | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Elementary’s Pantheon Shell To Be Ported On | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Debian | May 10 08:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tweakin' Tools, No Threat, and Toddler Terror | Tux Machines | May 10 08:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dangerous Decision in Oracle v. Google: Federal Circuit Reverses Sensible Lower Court Ruling on APIs | Tux Machines | May 10 08:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails 1.0: A bootable Linux distro that protects your privacy | Tux Machines | May 10 08:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Using Qt to make Native Android apps | Tux Machines | May 10 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Honeybees abandoning hives and dying due to | May 10 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | insecticide use, research finds - | May 10 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview: AMD and Mentor Graphics Partner To Deliver Linux | Tux Machines | May 10 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ban them, then: we need | May 10 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | bees... | May 10 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Elementary’s Pantheon Shell To Be Ported On Debian | Tux Machines | May 10 08:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Honeybees abandoning hives and dying due to insecticide use, research finds | Environment | | May 10 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Congressmen ask ad companies to pretend #SOPA | May 10 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | is law, break anti-trust - | May 10 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | huh? | May 10 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congressmen ask ad companies to pretend SOPA is law, break anti-trust - Boing Boing | May 10 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Tuva Looks To #Mongolia for Investment in a | May 10 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Post-Crimea World - | May 10 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | fascinating, but what would Richard Feynman | May 10 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | say? | May 10 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tuva Looks To Mongolia for Investment in a Post-Crimea World — | May 10 08:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabiochiusi Surprise! Your incriminating selfies on | May 10 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snapchat weren’t deleted after all | May 10 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @DigitalTrends ht | May 10 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fpmicozzi | May 10 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snapchat Settles with FTC over False Claims | Digital Trends | May 10 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FAZ_Feuilleton Rezension: „Finger weg von unseren Daten!“: Es | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by geht um mehr als Daten, es geht um | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Menschenwürde (von Uwe Ebbinghaus) | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rezension: „Finger weg von unseren Daten!“: Es geht um mehr als Daten, es geht um Menschenwürde - Rezensionen - FAZ | May 10 08:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jimgris | May 10 08:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jimgris: | May 10 08:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love When Apple thinks headphones are a strategic | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by investment, you appreciate Steven Jobs a bit | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more. | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cctvnews Video: China will end mandatory animal testing | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for cosmetics. | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China to end mandatory animal testing for cosmetics - YouTube | May 10 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why aren't mobile platforms counted in Web | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | statistics (almost none)? This is part of the | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #propaganda - making it seem like Windows>85%. | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Between Software & An API; Declares APIs | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Copyrightable - | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | </facepalm> | May 10 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference Between Software And An API; Declares APIs Copyrightable | Techdirt | May 10 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Munich switched 15,000 PCs from Windows to | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux - good detailed | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | report (v @schestowitz) | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Voice | May 10 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody UK ISPs Agree to Send Out Music & Movie Piracy | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Warnings - </sigh> | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK ISPs Agree to Send Out Music & Movie Piracy Warnings | TorrentFreak | May 10 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Progressives unite in call against ’horrific’ | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TPP - "’economy for | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | all’ and end to secretive and unjust trade | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | deals" | May 10 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Progressives unite in call against 'horrific' TPP | May 10 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Wonder if I can get one of these in my office. | May 10 09:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 09:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: Wonder if I can get one of these in my office. | May 10 09:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Privacy and the e-commerce chapter of the #TPP | May 10 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | - rather overlooked - | May 10 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | unwisely | May 10 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Privacy and the e-commerce chapter of the TPP | May 10 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP, #trasparenza sugli accordi tra Usa e | May 10 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Europa! Vogliamo sapere - | May 10 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | useful summary (v | May 10 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @andrea_licata) | May 10 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP, trasparenza sugli accordi tra Usa e Europa! Vogliamo sapere! - YouTube | May 10 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MPs: #Snowden files are 'embarrassing | May 10 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | indictment' of British spying oversight - | May 10 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | highly welcome; reform | May 10 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | the system now | May 10 09:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight | UK news | The Guardian | May 10 09:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Software Patents in #Denmark: To Be or Not To | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Be? - my talk about | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | devastation #patenttrolls will soon cause in EU | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software Patents in Denmark: To Be or Not To Be? - Open Enterprise | May 10 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BernardKeane I just ordered a book for Barrett Brown. You | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by can too, here: #freeBB | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 10 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty NHS is one of cheapest delivery mechanisms in | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by world as based on nationwide risk-pooling. | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @MaxPemberton talking sense: | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 10 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robinince If people are planning on voting UKIP as an | May 10 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by alternative to mainstream politicians, well | May 10 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @NHAparty seems a healthier & truer alternative | May 10 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @prodromos This is #important: Public consultation on the | May 10 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Europe2020 #strategy | May 10 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @EU_Commission | May 10 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Public consultation on the Europe 2020 strategy - European Commission | May 10 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AJStream A French court has ruled that frequenting a | May 10 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dating website is a violation of the | May 10 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody obligations of marriage - | May 10 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #France | May 10 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Online dating is grounds for divorce, court rules - The Local | May 10 09:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tux Machines Turns 10 in Exactly One Month | May 10 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tuxmachines | May 10 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines Turns 10 in Exactly One Month | Tux Machines | May 10 09:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest MT @danielegrasso: Great tool: the Lobby Cloud | May 10 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by database, to collect & search into lobbyists | May 10 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody docs received by MEPs | May 10 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LobbyCloud | May 10 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WhiteHouse President Obama's announcing more than 300 | May 10 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by private and public solar and energy efficiency | May 10 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody commitments → | May 10 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ActOnClimate | May 10 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FACT SHEET: President Obama Announces Commitments and Executive Actions to Advance Solar Deployment and Energy Efficiency | The White House | May 10 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Anti-#surveillance mask lets you pass as | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | someone else - this | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | looks seriously useful (v @mpesce | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mark_mcguire) | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anti-surveillance mask lets you pass as someone else - CNET | May 10 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @legalift Belgian MFA hacked again.Files on EU Ukraine | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sanctions and policy compromised.EU digital | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody security strategy as strong as its weakest | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | link... | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MutantBrides Hey everyone, this is a great introductory text | May 10 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to surveillance: written | May 10 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody by some of my peers & it's FREE. | May 10 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Athabasca University Press - Transparent Lives: Surveillance in Canada | May 10 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JeffDSachs The mega-air pollution in China and India is a | May 10 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by powerful reason for both to shift from coal to | May 10 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody low-carbon energy. | May 10 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 10 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mbauwens Fighting surveillance through decentralised | May 10 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by networks that rely on encryption by default | May 10 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Fighting surveillance through decentralised networks that rely on encryption by default | May 10 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stshank Mozilla just scrapped a plan for showing ads on | May 10 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the @firefox new-tab page. "That's not who we | May 10 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody are at Mozilla." | May 10 09:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla abandons plan for ads on Firefox's new-tab page - CNET | May 10 09:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Will the Italian Presidency of the EU Council | May 10 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Support #NetNeutrality? - | May 10 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | speriamo... | May 10 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will the Italian Presidency of the EU Council Support Net Neutrality? | La Quadrature du Net | May 10 09:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @e3i5 Full video of my @republica talk on the history | May 10 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of the Five Eyes now available: | May 10 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | re:publica 2014 - Eric King: Only a monster has Five Eyes - YouTube | May 10 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody London MEP Digital Hustings - | May 10 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | I'll be chairing this | May 10 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | next Thursday - do come if you can, should be | May 10 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London MEP Digital Debate - ORG London (London, England) - Meetup | May 10 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting... #EU | May 10 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 6 Diseases That May Come Back to Haunt Us as | May 10 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Antibiotics Lose Their Power - | May 10 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | when will the world wake | May 10 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 6 Diseases That May Come Back to Haunt Us as Antibiotics Lose Their Power | Alternet | May 10 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | up to this? | May 10 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Digia Officially Releases Qt 5.3 RC1 with | May 10 09:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Feedback Fixes | May 10 09:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 09:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tux Machines Turns 10 in Exactly One Month | May 10 09:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 09:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 09:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digia Officially Releases Qt 5.3 RC1 with Feedback Fixes | Tux Machines | May 10 09:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Screenshots | May 10 09:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 09:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines Turns 10 in Exactly One Month | Tux Machines | May 10 09:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 10 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Update XXV - a | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | report on two things that happened in Berlin on | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monday + video & slides of my #rp14 talk | May 10 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXV - Open Enterprise | May 10 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Neil deGrasse Tyson Sends Right-Wing Flagship | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Newspaper Into Tizzy Over #Evolution and | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ClimateChange - | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Neil deGrasse Tyson Sends Right-Wing Flagship Newspaper Into Tizzy Over Evolution and Climate Change | Alternet | May 10 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Scientist Tells Bill Moyers That Letting | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Climate Change Happen Is an 'Intergenerational | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Crime' - good framing | May 10 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scientist Tells Bill Moyers That Letting Climate Change Happen Is an 'Intergenerational Crime' | Alternet | May 10 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 10/5/2014: Munich's GNU/Linux Success | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Story Told, CoreOS Introduced | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody - "a tool for citizens | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | who value Free Software to educate MEP | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | candidates about the importance of Free | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software" | May 10 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 10/5/2014: Munich’s GNU/Linux Success Story Told, CoreOS Introduced | Techrights | May 10 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Free Software Pact | May 10 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today's #Slashdot and #IDG Still Relaying | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Microsoft #Propaganda | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #apache #nginx #google | May 10 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today’s Slashdot and IDG Still Relaying Microsoft Propaganda | Techrights | May 10 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Ecuador rejects petition to stop oil drilling | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Yasuni national park - | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | this stinks, to put it | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | mildly... | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ecuador rejects petition to stop oil drilling in Yasuni national park | Environment | The Guardian | May 10 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Wet Dogs - spectacular | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wet Dogs - Boing Boing | May 10 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Intelligence employees, current and past, | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | barred from citing news leaks - | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurd #nsa #snowden | May 10 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intelligence employees, current and past, barred from citing news leaks | Ars Technica | May 10 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The World's Craziest #Patent System (USPTO) Now | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | a Serious Threat to Free Software, But So is | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Copyright | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Samsung Confirms No Android 4.4 KitKat for | May 10 10:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The World’s Craziest Patent System (USPTO) Now a Serious Threat to Free Software, But So is Copyright | Techrights | May 10 10:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Galaxy S3 and S3 Mini 3G Versions | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ballnux #android | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Samsung Confirms No Android 4.4 KitKat for Galaxy S3 and S3 Mini 3G Versions | May 10 10:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Phone without #microsoft tax, back doors, and | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Phone with Firefox OS 1.3 Hits Ebay Priced at $100 | May 10 10:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Gaining On the US: Most Europeans To Be | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Overweight By 2030 | May 10 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gaining On the US: Most Europeans To Be Overweight By 2030 - Slashdot | May 10 10:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @olivierhoedeman Pavel Telička, who used to run a Brussels lobby | May 10 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by consultancy, is candidate to become European | May 10 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Commissioner - bad idea! | May 10 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Parties clash over next Czech EU commissioner - PRAGUE POST | The Voice of Prague | May 10 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is it just me or is #GoogleMaps completely | May 10 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | borked? | May 10 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | the replies agree and so | May 10 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | do I | May 10 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is it just me or is Google Maps completely borked? - GDNet Lounge - | May 10 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody my #TAFTA/#TTIP presentation at re:publica 14 - | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | just 14 slides, released | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | under CC0: do what you will with them #rp14 | May 10 10:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glyn Moody TAFTA/TTIP talk at re:publica 14 | May 10 10:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama popular in tech world; policies less so | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | companies don't mind | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance & sometimes subsidised for it | May 10 10:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yakima Herald Republic | Obama popular in tech world; policies less so | May 10 10:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet Jake. Jake is a farmer who pays his tax to | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Federal Government to pass to NSA to | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | subsidise #microsoft to spy on Jake. #debt #fed | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 10:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #apple #hogwash the fact | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the matter is, #hypePhone has #backdoors -> | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | covert access to anything | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple's New Law Enforcement Guidelines User-Protective Measures Or Cop Out? - HotHardware | May 10 11:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "safeguards against government spying have been | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | dismantled in wake of 9/11" | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | how convenient an excuse | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | to bypass law | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘United States of Secrets,’ TV review - NY Daily News | May 10 11:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Berlin should question Snowden by video link' | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Berlin, recognising he's | May 10 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | maligned whistleblower, should offer asylum | May 10 11:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Berlin should question Snowden by video link' | Germany | DW.DE | 10.05.2014 | May 10 11:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:00 |
*roy has quit (Disconnected by services) | May 10 11:07 | |
*roy ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 11:07 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 10 11:07 | |
*roy has quit (Changing host) | May 10 11:07 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The War Party Makes a Comeback | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | GOP and 'democrats' | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't have monopoly on violent policy | May 10 11:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The War Party Makes a Comeback by Justin Raimondo -- | May 10 11:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Student Suspended for Silent Protest of Govt | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spying | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | High School Student Suspended for Silent Protest of Govt Spying | May 10 11:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 10 11:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "drones direct missiles" | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CIA plans to close satellite bases in | May 10 11:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Look up Washington! Those are Hellfires! | May 10 11:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Afghanistan | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA plans to close satellite bases in Afghanistan | May 10 11:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The latest #libel from the #murdoch media | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden narrative as | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Russian spy" | May 10 11:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Jay Epstein: Was Snowden's Heist a Foreign Espionage Operation? - | May 10 11:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz War on journalism in the United States | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | do journalism, go to | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | prison | May 10 11:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reporter Pressured to Name Source Who Revealed U.S. Scheme to Provide Iran with a “Faulty Blueprint” to Build Nuclear Weapon | Global Research | May 10 11:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #EFF Petitions Court For Criminal Defendants’ | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Right To Review Foreign Intelligence | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Surveillance Act Evidence | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EFF Petitions Court For Criminal Defendants’ Right To Review Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Evidence - Personal Liberty : Personal Liberty | May 10 11:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Texas teen claims he was suspended for refusing | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | to say Pledge of Allegiance | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds like a story from | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nazi Germany | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Texas teen claims he was suspended for refusing to say Pledge of Allegiance - NY Daily News | May 10 11:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cellphones as tracking devices. US "government | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | obtained tracking data without a warrant" | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. May Withhold Phone Tracking Data in Some Criminal Cases (2) - Businessweek | May 10 11:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Whereabouts of a person (for several years) | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | tell a helluva lot about a person's behaviour, | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | friends, etc. just like phone "metadata" | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Gmail: Google Reportedly Trying to Make it | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Easier to Encrypt Emails | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | unlike #microsoft | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gmail: Google Reportedly Trying to Make it Easter to Encrypt Emails | May 10 11:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft and the NSA - Techrights | May 10 11:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz There Aren't Many People Watching the Watchers | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the UK | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | apathy in #uk when it | May 10 11:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | There Aren't Many People Watching the Watchers in the UK | Motherboard | May 10 11:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | comes to mass #surveillance | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JigmeUgen BREAKING: Another #Tibetan attempt suicide | May 10 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by amidst protests in #Tibet to oppose #Chinese | May 10 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody mining | May 10 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tibetan Death Sparks Wider Protest Against Chinese Mine | May 10 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JigmeUgen: BREAKING: Another #Tibetan attempt suicide amidst protests in #Tibet to oppose #Chinese mining | May 10 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Defense Intelligence Agency director and his | May 10 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | deputy are out | May 10 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance #failure | May 10 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DIA Director to Step Down as Military Intelligence Ponders Future | May 10 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Needles in haystacks: agency claims it can stop | May 10 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | terror plot intl'ly (without any success | May 10 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | story), can't even prevent inside leak of many | May 10 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | docs | May 10 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Number of terror plots foiled by TSA: 0. Number | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | of terror plots foiled by NSA: 0. Number of | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorists recruited thanks to CIA: plenty. | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama et al. have just acknowledged that | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden is a whistleblower but no clemency yet | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: the unacknowledged author of an NSA reform bill - Los Angeles Times | May 10 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #texas news: #surveillance #stasi style good | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | because... 9/11!! | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We need more secrecy | Dallas Morning News | May 10 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz So-called #nsa 'reform' seeks to put heaps of | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | personal data at private companies. This is why | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's horrible idea: | May 10 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Orange hacked again, this time 1.3 million subscribers hit | May 10 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The only way to protect #privacy is to pass | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | something like a STOP COLLECTION Act -- ban | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retention of any kind. | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can the NSA Keep U.S. Metadata Safe from Hackers and Spies? - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 10 11:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Dilma Rousseff horrified to learn that she was | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | under NSA surveillance for economic reasons" | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #brazil #espionage | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Net freedom campaign loses its way | Business Line | May 10 11:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "make its citizens stateless... even when they | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | have not been convicted of a crime." | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | passed using "terrorism" | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretext | May 10 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British government to make terror suspects stateless -- New Internationalist | May 10 11:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Massive Gag Policy Is Expanded & Imposed on US | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Intelligence Employees in Response to Edward | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ban on facta | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive Gag Policy Is Expanded & Imposed on US Intelligence Employees in Response to Edward Snowden | The Dissenter | May 10 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Merkel Ally Says #Snowden Would Face U.S. | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Extradition by #Germany | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | mother ship now known | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel Ally Says Snowden Would Face U.S. Extradition by Germany - Businessweek | May 10 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Two Sneaky New Spy Cams, Coming Soon to a | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smartphone Near You | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone+camera=remotely-accessible (by spies) | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retina | May 10 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Two Sneaky New Spy Cams, Coming Soon to a Smartphone Near You | May 10 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canada’s New Cyberbullying Bill Will Give It | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unnecessary Surveillance Superpowers | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada’s New Cyberbullying Bill Will Give It Unnecessary Surveillance Superpowers | VICE News | May 10 11:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 10 11:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Beward the ides and tides of Jewish racism | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | inciting against Muslims | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beward the ides and tides of Jewish racism - Heritage Florida Jewish News | May 10 11:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Australian government spies and companies | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | monitor billions of private mobile phone calls | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | billions | May 10 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian government spies and companies monitor billions of private mobile phone calls | | May 10 11:47 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 11:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody “King Yalu”: Miao Oral Epic Published in | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chinese - wow, amazing | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | stuff #linguistics | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “King Yalu”: Miao Oral Epic Published in Chinese | May 10 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk : MPs call for spy agency oversight reforms | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | oversight not enough, | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | practices need to be changed. | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs call for spy agency oversight reforms | May 10 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In-house #surveillance datapoints multiply | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Internet of Things is already here- The Inquirer | May 10 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Al Qaeda leader killed by troops on the ground | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | (who can see faces), not terror-inducing #drone | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassinations | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge | May 10 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign Trailer for @SilencedFilm The War on | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Whistleblowers about @JohnKiriakou | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SILENCED: The War on Whistleblowers - trailer - YouTube | May 10 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable Nobody reads your work - World bank: Nearly 1/3 | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of their PDF reports never downloaded | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The solutions to all our problems may be buried in PDFs that nobody reads - The Washington Post | May 10 11:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The signature strikes of the #cia have killed | May 10 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | hundreds of children, but these ones are | May 10 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | special: | May 10 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 11:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 10 11:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | May 10 11:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 11:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | May 10 11:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 10 11:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 11:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 10 11:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 10 11:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 11:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 10 11:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 8 Stories of Civilians Killed by U.S. Drone | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Strikes in Yemen | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drones | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 8 Stories of Civilians Killed by U.S. Drone Strikes in Yemen - PolicyMic | May 10 12:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ted Cruz demands access to memo outlining how | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama can kill Americans | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | not only do they kill, but secretly | May 10 12:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ted Cruz demands access to memo outlining how Obama can kill Americans | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government | May 10 12:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Rejuvenating the Tujia Language No Easy Feat - | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | bad me: never heard of | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tujia language - | May 10 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rejuvenating the Tujia Language No Easy Feat | May 10 12:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tujia language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 10 12:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "This year, the US Air Force will this be | May 10 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | training more drone pilots than fighter jet | May 10 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | pilots." assassination | May 10 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | w/o war | May 10 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | REPORTERS - Drones: A military revolution - France 24 | May 10 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dlepeska Hearing criticism in speech by head of Turkish | May 10 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bar, Turkey PM Erdogan interrupts then storms | May 10 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody out of hall #TZ | May 10 12:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news | May 10 12:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz War without borders: #skynet or #HYDRA being | May 10 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | "ethics"-washed by #military | May 10 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | "humane gas" mentality | May 10 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US military begins research into moral, ethical robots, to stave off Skynet-like apocalypse | ExtremeTech | May 10 12:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When Yemeni troops kill top-priority "targets" | May 10 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | they can identify them. When US #drones do it | May 10 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | people burned, months later "targets" speak out | May 10 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact Der Widerstand auf dem Wasser gegen die | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Deckelung der Energiewende formiert sich. | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Eindrucksvoll! #eWenDemo | May 10 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@campact: Der Widerstand auf dem Wasser gegen die Deckelung der Energiewende formiert sich. Eindrucksvoll! #eWenDemo | May 10 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Precision of war by #drones is vastly | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | exaggerated. Frying what seems like adult (i.e. | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | long corpse) male (based on clothing) not | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | "success". | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "lawyer shot dead for defending a university | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | lecturer accused of blasphemy under strict laws | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | against defaming Islam" | May 10 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US urges Pakistan to probe Rashid Rehman’s killing | Pakistan Today | May 10 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Keepod: Can $7 stick provide billions computer | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | access? - typical BBC | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | reporting: no mention it's #Linux (v | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable) | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Keepod: Can a $7 stick provide billions computer access? | May 10 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #drones strikes don't seem to improve national | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | security at all but they | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | help private pockets, at $65,000 a missile | May 10 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chaos in Yemen after al-Qaeda attack presidential palace | May 10 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @UKLACA @glynmoody UK decides mass digitisation of | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commercially unavailable books / new markets | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody for authors not important. | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Government response to the ECL consultation - News stories - GOV.UK | May 10 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ecuador is reportedly kicking out the #cia | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | proxy #USAID (also proxy for plutocrats), | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | insisting that it leaves the country within | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | months. | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nigeria: Oil riches can't hide a wealth of | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | social ills | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #royaldutchshell #shell | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #looting #pollution | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigeria: Oil riches can't hide a wealth of social ills - World - CBC News | May 10 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Reports say that US embassy in #yemen had | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | "lieutenant colonel with US Joint Special | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Operations Command and a CIA officer". | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Benghazi like. | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I can't quite prove intent, but pro-GOP media | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | is hyping up pseudo (and partisan) #Benghazi | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | "scandal", burying the real scandal in | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Benghazi. | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The first couple pages are great MT | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeScarcella: Fed magistrate judge in CA | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | blocks gov't search of gmail account | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "CIA declined to comment on the shooting, and | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | referred all questions to the State | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Department." civilians | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | shot | May 10 12:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US officers kill armed civilians in Yemen capital - The Times of India | May 10 12:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama promised to close #guantanamo but | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Keeping people in #torture camp cannot be | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | justified because they're "high value". If | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | they're guilty, put in prison, otherwise free. | May 10 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 10 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress Mulls Funds for New Guantanamo Prison | | May 10 12:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress considers $69 million Guantanamo prison gift | May 10 12:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Republicans Earmark $69 Million for New Secret Prison at Guantanamo | May 10 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz We now know that #guantanamo just one of many | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia #torture camps, spread across many | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | continents, islands | May 10 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New documents point to CIA rendition network through Djibouti | May 10 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Demonising groups by comparing them to pro-gun | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | (borderline militant) groups | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "United States has been on the same side as the | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | al-Qaeda types. But not in Ukraine. That’s the | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | good news." | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Capitalism’s Permanent Revolution: Is #Algeria | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Next? | May 10 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | "independent country | May 10 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Inapt comparison of Freedom Riders to gun rights activists | May 10 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | with vast hydrocarbon resource" | May 10 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The New Cold War: “The Russians are Coming … Again … and They’re Still Ten Feet Tall” | Global Research | May 10 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Capitalism’s Permanent Revolution: Is Algeria Next? | Dissident Voice | May 10 12:46 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 10 12:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Useful Nazis" in #ukraine | May 10 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Civil War Has Begun in Ukraine: US-NATO Backs Neo-Nazi Paramilitary | Global Research | May 10 12:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Amy Goodman: Solitary confinement is not the | May 10 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | answer | May 10 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | "irreversible | May 10 12:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Neo-Nazi Crackdown: Regime Soldiers and Paramilitary Killing Civilians in Eastern Ukraine | Global Research | May 10 12:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | psychological damage" | May 10 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amy Goodman: Solitary confinement is not the answer - : | May 10 12:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Guantanamo prosecutor says judge exceeded | May 10 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | authority in ordering sharing of black-site | May 10 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | info "black" means | May 10 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torture | May 10 12:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MIAMI: Guantanamo prosecutor says judge exceeded authority in ordering sharing of black-site info | McClatchy Tribune News Service | The Bellingham Herald | May 10 12:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIA #torture manual: "Tapes can also be edited | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | and spliced, with effective results, if the | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | tampering can be hidden" | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article: Newly Revealed Portions of CIA Torture Manual: Doctoring Tapes, Foreign Detentions, Interrogating 'Defectors" | OpEdNews | May 10 13:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard “No interviews. Except for Wikipedia!” – | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Documenting the Eurovision Song Contest on | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wikimedia Commons | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “No interviews. Except for Wikipedia!” – Documenting the Eurovision Song Contest on Wikimedia Commons — Wikimedia blog | May 10 13:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Fmr #NSA Dir Alexander launching consulting | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | firm for financial institutions to fix | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cybersecurity threats | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CashingIn | May 10 13:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-NSA chief Keith Alexander seeks post-Snowden second act - Darren Samuelsohn and Joseph Marks - | May 10 13:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How the #CIA created the #Unabomber | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | "took part in a | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | behavioral engineering project run by the CIA." | May 10 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the CIA created the Unabomber - Boing Boing | May 10 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hidden Cameras to Spy on Berlin for 100 Years | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #occupying populace | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hidden Cameras to Spy on Berlin for 100 Years : Discovery News | May 10 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel and Military Presence Go Hand in Hand « Commentary Magazine | May 10 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Can you see a congressional Comm issuing rprt | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | that #Snowden files r damning indictment US | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying oversight? | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs: Snowden files are 'embarrassing indictment' of British spying oversight | UK news | The Guardian | May 10 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #BritsDid | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US media tries to portray #snowden as foreign | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | spy/turncoat while failing to see this | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | hypocrisy | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Warns Its Students: Don't Be Seduced By 'Foreign Spy Networks' | Business Insider India | May 10 13:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourAnonNews Snapchat settles charges it misled users, | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by collected data | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Headlines for May 09, 2014 | Democracy Now! | May 10 13:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When Ryan Fogel got arrested&kicked out of | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Russia it turned out he had tried to | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | recruit/make Russian turncoats. #cia agent as | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | "ambassador". | May 10 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:12 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Fmr #NSA Dir Alexander launching consulting firm for...' | May 10 13:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OfficialAnonOps Great show lorax thank you @loraxlive | May 10 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @GovAcctProj @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack every friday night | May 10 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #anonops | May 10 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Radio AnonOps • Guaranteed eargasms | May 10 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama won't negotiate with terrorists, he'll | May 10 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | just talk with them and | May 10 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | send them heavy arms | May 10 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama in Talks with “Rebel” Leader on Escalating Syrian War | Global Research | May 10 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @headhntr The New Zealand NSA/GCHQ equivalent - GCSB - | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by assures the New Zealand public that "They don't | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian that stuff". Phew. | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GCSB head: 'We don't do that stuff' - National - NZ Herald News | May 10 13:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Security forces in #Ethiopia have reportedly | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | opened fire on students who are protesting" | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Witnesses: Ethiopian Forces Opened Fire on Protesters | Democracy Now! | May 10 13:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Alexander knows just how insecure NSA&its corp | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyberpartners in crime made Internet. Now can | May 10 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | sell 'em spyoil security | May 10 13:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-NSA chief Keith Alexander seeks post-Snowden second act - Darren Samuelsohn and Joseph Marks - | May 10 13:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:17 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Can you see a congressional Comm issuing rprt...' | May 10 13:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Physician Operates On Server, Costs His | May 10 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hospital $4.8 Million | May 10 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Physician Operates On Server, Costs His Hospital $4.8 Million - Slashdot | May 10 13:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ajehals .@TTIPBeware @glynmoody @nancysuzyq #TTIP #ISDS | May 10 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Stop trading away our future in secret! | May 10 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 13:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ajehals: .@TTIPBeware @glynmoody @nancysuzyq #TTIP #ISDS Stop trading away our future in secret! | May 10 13:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #FBI wants easier process to hack suspects’ | May 10 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | computers by inserting malware or using one | May 10 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | warrant on 1000s of computers | May 10 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI wants easier process to hack suspects’ computers - The Washington Post | May 10 13:47 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#FBI wants easier process to hack suspects’ computers...' | May 10 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink UKIP wants free trade in ivory. They also | May 10 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by supported ACTA. If you support them, you | May 10 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody empower a flow of votes like this | May 10 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What did elephants do to UKIP's Nigel Farage to make him act this way? | Remarkably | May 10 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen This is *amazing* - what implications for the | May 10 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by democratic processes of other states?! | May 10 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@free_snowden: Germany exploits legal advice in attempt to avoid #Snowden testimony more: | May 10 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Germany exploits legal advice in attempt to avoid Snowden testimony | Free Snowden | May 10 13:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Impact | Free Snowden | May 10 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BenedictEvans Idle reminder: recorded music is not a very big | May 10 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by industry. | May 10 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BenedictEvans: Idle reminder: recorded music is not a very big industry. | May 10 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink @glynmoody They have indeed switched to | May 10 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Android: /cc @cdaffara | May 10 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @popey | May 10 14:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KEEPOD UNITE | Indiegogo | May 10 14:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest #censorship #IT #EU RT @f__b: Off US Blacklist, | May 10 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Italy Begins Torrent Site Blackout, No Trials | May 10 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Needed | May 10 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 14:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Off US Blacklist, Italy Begins Torrent Site Blackout, No Trials Needed | TorrentFreak | May 10 14:02 | |
roy | | May 10 14:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leasehold v Freehold – what’s the difference? | HomeOwners Alliance [ ] | May 10 14:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@lessig: MaydayPAC CEO - | May 10 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | "It looks as though | May 10 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | we’re going to make it." But: "we need a (real) | May 10 14:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MaydayPAC CEO | Lessig Blog, v2 | May 10 14:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | CEO (as opposed to me)" | May 10 14:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 14:14 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#FBI wants easier process to hack suspects’ computers...' | May 10 14:14 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @YourAnonNews: 'Snapchat settles charges it misled users, collected data...' | May 10 14:14 | |
roy | | May 10 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@theGuruWithin: @schestowitz @leashless their argument gets weaker and weaker by the moment and i think these spooks know their time is short unless they .. | May 10 14:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@theGuruWithin: @schestowitz @leashless now all that is needed it the perfect storm "which they are creating to take them down and open society up. #idwp | May 10 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Lon Snowden & I accept the #Ridenhour Prize for | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Truth-Telling on behalf of Edward #Snowden, who | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 looks on overhead. | May 10 14:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Lon Snowden & I accept the #Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling on behalf of Edward #Snowden, who looks on overhead. | May 10 14:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard David A. Wheeler on why automated tools didn't | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | spot Heartbleed | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Discussion: | May 10 14:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Prevent the next Heartbleed | May 10 14:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wheeler: How to Prevent the next Heartbleed [] | May 10 14:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot China May Build an Undersea Train To America | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 14:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China May Build an Undersea Train To America - Slashdot | May 10 14:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Alexander knows just how insecure NSA&its corp | May 10 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cyberpartners in crime made Internet. Now can | May 10 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack sell 'em spyoil security | May 10 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-NSA chief Keith Alexander seeks post-Snowden second act - Darren Samuelsohn and Joseph Marks - | May 10 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin In groundbreaking ppl's victory against | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Monsanto, #Vermont's governor just signed | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 America's first #GMO-labeling law! | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Nintendo Apologizes For Not Allowing Same-Sex | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Relationships In Life Sim Game | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 15:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 10 15:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nintendo Apologizes For Not Allowing Same-Sex Relationships In Life Sim Game - Slashdot | May 10 15:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @the_N0 my graduating classmates looked appalled when i | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by suggested they put their student debt numbers | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 on their grad caps. | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty "They're selling off our NHS?! But I pay for it | May 10 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with my national insurance and tax" - woman | May 10 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 outside UCL Hospital, London. Well, yes, you | May 10 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | do. | May 10 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dozykraut @glynmoody long read well worth it | May 10 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you'll love the | May 10 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody conclusion in 2nd last para. #security #policy | May 10 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › Heartbleed as Metaphor | May 10 16:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @technollama Google+ is asking me today: "Are you in a | May 10 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by relationship? Have a special someone? Let the | May 10 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody world know!" #creepy #ithoughttheyalreadyknew | May 10 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:17 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @NHAparty: '"They're selling off our NHS?! But I pay...' | May 10 16:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Neonicotinoid poisons killing off the bees. So | May 10 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | why are @HomeDepot and @Lowes still selling | May 10 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | them? | May 10 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot DOJ Requests More Power To Hack Remote | May 10 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Computers | May 10 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home Depot, Lowe's and others: Stop selling bee-poisoning neonics | SumOfUs | May 10 16:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Requests More Power To Hack Remote Computers - Slashdot | May 10 16:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Neonicotinoid poisons killing off the bees. So | May 10 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | why are @HomeDepot and @Lowes still selling | May 10 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | them? Petition: | May 10 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:40 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 deleted 'Neonicotinoid poisons killing off the bees. So why...' | May 10 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs PREVIEW: "United States of Secrets" — the | May 10 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by inside story of the government's massive | May 10 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 surveillance program. | May 10 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #USofSecrets | May 10 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FRONTLINE - Preview | "United States of Secrets" | Facebook | May 10 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs NEXT ON FRONTLINE: How did the government come | May 10 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to spy on millions of Americans? | May 10 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #USofSecrets | May 10 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Release | “United States of Secrets”: How the Government Came to Spy on Millions of Americans | Press Room | FRONTLINE | PBS | May 10 16:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@frontlinepbs: NEXT ON FRONTLINE: How did the government come to spy on millions of Americans? #USofSecrets | May 10 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs Coming 5/13 & 5/20: NSA surveillance and what | May 10 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it means for your privacy. #USofSecrets | May 10 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS | May 10 16:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@frontlinepbs: Coming 5/13 & 5/20: NSA surveillance and what it means for your privacy. #USofSecrets | May 10 16:41 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Read error: No route to host) | May 10 16:42 | |
*roy has quit (Read error: No route to host) | May 10 16:42 | |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 16:43 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 10 16:43 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Changing host) | May 10 16:43 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 16:43 | |
*roy ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 16:43 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 10 16:43 | |
*roy has quit (Changing host) | May 10 16:43 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 16:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs NEXT on FRONTLINE: "United States of Secrets" | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Part 1 airs 5/13 on @PBS | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #USofSecrets | May 10 16:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@frontlinepbs: NEXT on FRONTLINE: "United States of Secrets" Part 1 airs 5/13 on @PBS #USofSecrets | May 10 16:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @UKLACA @glynmoody A good decision. Who wants | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commercially unavailable material online anyway | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody except researchers, citizens, authors, | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | scientists ... | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brettmaxkaufman revenge of the magistrates? first facciola, now | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by grewal—m.j.'s as front-line defenders of | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian privacy. via | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @patrickctoomey | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Petition to the Global New World Order | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Government to Increase Chemtrail Spraying | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 17:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Petition to the Global NWO Government to Increase Chemtrail Spraying | CommunityRun | May 10 17:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 16 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 92 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 10 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (16) | May 10 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 10 17:19 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 10 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 198 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 813 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 10 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (93), @glynmoody (31), @slashdot (7) | May 10 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (34), @Thomas_Drake1 (9), @qu1j0t3 (4) | May 10 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (14), #gnu (8), #surveillance (8) | May 10 17:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @krisflores95 Gay agenda” | May 10 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Grime_Master: Gay agenda #atheist | May 10 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 10 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 10 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Awesome Stuff: Bottoms Up! | May 10 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Awesome Stuff: Bottoms Up! | Techdirt | May 10 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mozilla Ditches Firefox's New-Tab Monetization | May 10 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Plans | May 10 17:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Ditches Firefox's New-Tab Monetization Plans - Slashdot | May 10 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@acorn Please don't flaunt your ignorance. If | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | you don't get econ 101, you're either a fool, | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | an extremist, or both. | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@washingtonpost: Facebook already knows | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | everything you do online. Now it wants to know | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | what you do offline, too. | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | My favorite app was bought by Facebook. So I deleted it. | May 10 18:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh There are extreme right wingers everywhere. | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | They're all the same. Men; small men; thwarted | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | by life, frustrated by love; who feel cheated. | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody great fact checking of widely-repeated | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | misleading claim about #TTIP's benefits - | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @McnabbTeddy) | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jean-Claude Juncker | May 10 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Americans "love" freedom. But in no other rich | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | country do people give up rights to privacy, | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | speech, security, health, food so easily. | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "RBI puts on hold #Aadhaar -based biometric | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | authentication in PoS terminals" | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RBI puts on hold Aadhaar-based biometric authentication in PoS terminals - MediaNama | May 10 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh People who don't believe public goods exist, | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | have no business discussing "policy"; they've | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | already decided society cannot be. Yet, it is. | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Stephen_Curry Mars attacks (the senses) | May 10 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 10 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 10 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mars Attacks (the senses) | Reciprocal Space | May 10 18:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The global right has, first, to answer for the | May 10 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | failure of conservatism. Seen America lately? | May 10 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thirty years of extremism have run it aground. | May 10 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh In case you missed it, my latest post at | May 10 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HarvardBiz: Five Dirty Secrets About the | May 10 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Economy. | May 10 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 10 18:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Chemtrails" | May 10 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drilling fruit | May 10 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #pussyriot selfies with Hillary | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | makes you think (next | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | time you see Pussy Riot in Western media) | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Genocides of one's own people (mostly) | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | much worse when counting | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | foreign genocides (invasions) | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NATO hoard of global capital | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 10 18:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why Disney Can't Give Us High-Def Star Wars | May 10 18:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Where Han Shoots First | May 10 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Disney Can't Give Us High-Def Star Wars Where Han Shoots First - Slashdot | May 10 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #walmart is very evil. Here is a new stories | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | about its war on employees: | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | My Personal Walmart Nightmare: You Won’t Believe What Life Is Like Working There | Alternet | May 10 19:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I never ever bought anything from #asda since | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #walmart took over. Soon might be my first time | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | because I unexpectedly received a voucher. #uk | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Censorship is anything but gone in the West. | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | It just goes digital now. 1933: | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Censorship is anything but gone in the West. | May 10 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | It just goes digital now. | May 10 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk crushes dissent not only at home | May 10 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Revealed: The British exports that crush free expression - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship | May 10 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Censorship Is The Norm | May 10 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Censorship Is The Norm - Sabbah Report | May 10 19:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Censorship in the USA | Redress Information & Analysis | May 10 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Institutional #censorship : only hire based on | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | views; censorship by omission: manufacture | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | bias; digital censorship: blocking, | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminalising | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #censorship is not when a crowd speaks out | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | (i.e. opposite of censorship) to induce | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | voluntary withdrawal | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #warcrime | May 10 19:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Censorship 1, Condoleezza Rice 0 | The Moderate Voice | May 10 19:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #censorship by omission: #AOL neglects to | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | mention Western censorship (IOW, it | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-censors) | May 10 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Censorship Effect | TechCrunch | May 10 19:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan Try to avoid being tracked, increase | May 10 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by probability that you will be. Truly Kafkaesque | May 10 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @MalcolmRifkind shd read | May 10 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Attempts to stay anonymous on the web will only put the NSA on your trail | World news | The Observer | May 10 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jjn1 | May 10 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty You can sign up to @NHAparty for free. If | May 10 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you're 14 or over sign up now to still have an | May 10 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NHS in your future. | May 10 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Join | NHA Party | May 10 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Foam-Spraying Quadcopter Becomes a Flying 3D | May 10 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Printer | May 10 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Foam-Spraying Quadcopter Becomes a Flying 3D Printer - Slashdot | May 10 20:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt This Week In Techdirt History | May 10 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Week In Techdirt History | Techdirt | May 10 20:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Feeding trolls | May 10 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The foolish try to reason their way to love. | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | The wise love their way to a reason. | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mesa 10.2 release candidate 2 | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mesa #graphics #linux | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Mesa-dev] Mesa 10.2 release candidate 2 | May 10 20:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Latest Monthly Release: Sabayon 14.05 | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sabayon #gentoo #gnu | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 10 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Latest Monthly Release: Sabayon 14.05 | Sabayon | Home | May 10 20:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz EXT4 vs. XFS vs. Btrfs HDD Benchmarks On Linux | May 10 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3.15 #linux #benchmark | May 10 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] EXT4 vs. XFS vs. Btrfs HDD Benchmarks On Linux 3.15 | May 10 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Enlightenment : BLAST OFF TO NOWHERE | May 10 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 10 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BLAST OFF TO NOWHERE | | May 10 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux 3.15-rc5 #linux | May 10 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kernel | May 10 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux-Kernel Archive: Linux 3.15-rc5 | May 10 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Mozilla Decides Against Ads In The New Tab | May 10 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Page great, they do | May 10 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | listen and they gave in | May 10 20:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Mozilla Decides Against Ads In The New Tab Page | May 10 20:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What GNOME's Women Outreach Program Is Paying | May 10 20:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Sells Out | Techrights | May 10 20:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | For This Summer #gnome | May 10 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 10 20:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] What GNOME's Women Outreach Program Is Paying For This Summer | May 10 20:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 20:46 |
-mist-[Global Notice] What are you doing on IRC? Go watch Eurovision! ;) | May 10 21:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @solanasaurus Poster by Brazilian Landless People's Movement | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (MST) in support of Assange, Manning, Snowden. | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 10 21:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@solanasaurus: Poster by Brazilian Landless People's Movement (MST) in support of Assange, Manning, Snowden. | May 10 21:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot German Pranksters Spoof Google Nest At Tech | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Conference | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German Pranksters Spoof Google Nest At Tech Conference - Slashdot | May 10 21:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Each and every one of us is here for a reason. | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | And our own selves are never that reason. | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon So metal. | May 10 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: So metal. | May 10 21:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs Do you know about “The Program”? It knows about | May 10 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you. 5/13 on @PBS | May 10 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #USofSecrets | May 10 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS | May 10 21:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@frontlinepbs: Do you know about “The Program”? It knows about you. 5/13 on @PBS #USofSecrets | May 10 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@candtalan: @schestowitz Former Govt Official Confirms Atmospheric Spraying | May 10 21:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Former Government Official Confirms Atmospheric Spraying » Former Government Official Confirms Atmospheric Spraying | | May 10 21:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USAF | | May 10 21:16 | |
schestowitz | That's not what proponents of "chemtrails" speak of | May 10 21:17 |
schestowitz | Syria | May 10 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs Tuesday on FRONTLINE: How far did the | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by government go to keep its massive surveillance | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 program secret? #USofSecrets | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #washingtontimes tries to cast #karma as | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | "censorship". Facing consequences (protest) for | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | one's criminal actions; Censor the protesters | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | then? | May 10 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:22 |
schestowitz | " | May 10 21:24 |
schestowitz | u know why i really "like" that antiimperialistic "logic"? | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | salafists in iraq, we critizes the usa because the usa is fighting them | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | salafists (taliban) in afghanistan, we critizes the usa, because they fight them | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | salafists in sudan and somalia, we critizes the usa because they fights them | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | salafists (sunnitic) in syria, we critizes the usa, because they dont fight them | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | islamists in syria (schiitic) we critizes the usa, because they fights them (what they are factial not doing, but who cares about facts?;) | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | islamists (hamas) in gaza, we dont critizes them, because they fight israel | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | islamists (sunnitic, hamas) in syria, we critizes because they fight against other islamists (schiitic) | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | so funny, that "logic" | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | and anywhere the world is not black&white, there is a left opposition in syria against assad and without any support from "the west" or the antiimperialistic "left" | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | so what did luxemburg and lenin wrote about syria and iran? | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | ' | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | People I know don't criticise the US for Syria "lack of involvement". People criticise the US for WANTING to go to war in Syria and for funneling weapons to terrorists there. People I know also criticise the US for intervening where they're not wanted, mostly because of financial interests such as oil. | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | BTW, Iraq is worse off after the US did its "magic" of Freedom and Democracy (Shock and Awe) there, killing tons of people in the process as the war was "self-funding because of oil" (or whatever Wolfowitz said about it). | May 10 21:25 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@candtalan: @schestowitz ? try The truth us out there, err, UP there. | May 10 21:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Air Force whistleblower speaks on chemtrails | Food Freedom News | May 10 21:26 | |
schestowitz | Sponsored by "Oath Keepers"? Seriously? Anyway, I don't find her talk convincing, she spins sun prevention efforts as "poison". | May 10 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15-rc5 | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines EXT4 vs. XFS vs. Btrfs HDD Benchmarks On Linux | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.15 | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Sabayon Release [Latest Monthly Release: | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | Sabayon 14.05] | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa 10.2 release candidate 2 | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Enlightenment: BLAST OFF TO NOWHERE | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla Decides Against Ads In The New Tab Page | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 10 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 10 21:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15-rc5 | Tux Machines | May 10 21:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EXT4 vs. XFS vs. Btrfs HDD Benchmarks On Linux 3.15 | Tux Machines | May 10 21:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sabayon Release [Latest Monthly Release: Sabayon 14.05] | Tux Machines | May 10 21:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mesa 10.2 release candidate 2 | Tux Machines | May 10 21:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Enlightenment: BLAST OFF TO NOWHERE | Tux Machines | May 10 21:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Decides Against Ads In The New Tab Page | Tux Machines | May 10 21:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon How has this become fashionable. Good job I am | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | about as cool as a blazing furnace. | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: How has this become fashionable. Good job I am about as cool as a blazing furnace. | May 10 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel About HR 3361, the NSA Surveillance Efficiency | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Act, AKA USA Freedom Act | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 10 21:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | About HR 3361, the NSA Surveillance Efficiency Act, AKA USA Freedom Act | emptywheel | May 10 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Wherein I shit in CivLib punch bowl again | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rj_gallagher "We kill people based on metadata," says former | May 10 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA/CIA chief Michael Hayden: | May 10 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 10 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘We Kill People Based on Metadata’ by David Cole | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books | May 10 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell Al Jazeera obtains internal State Department | May 10 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by report highly critical of Diplomatic Security. | May 10 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report details enduring flaws in State Dept. diplomatic security | Al Jazeera America | May 10 21:36 | |
schestowitz | Conflating geo-engineering efforts (neither new nor secret) with batshit crazy stuff like HAARP is misrepresenting oneself8 | May 10 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PatrickCToomey Proposed #NSA legislation would do nothing to | May 10 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by close NSA's shadow database—the "corporate | May 10 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 store"—says @DavidColeGtown | May 10 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Hayden: We Kill People Based on Metadata | May 10 21:38 | |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Carbon | May 10 21:38 | |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:38 |
schestowitz | "This assumes common people are more intelligent that dinosaurs." | May 10 21:38 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Phone without #microsoft tax, back doors, and #surveillance,26748.html | May 10 21:39 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | First Phone with Firefox OS 1.3 Hits Ebay Priced at $100 [ ] | May 10 21:39 | |
schestowitz | "Not sure about the lack of surveillance. Any phone has that." | May 10 21:39 |
schestowitz | "Hardware is just bad, and company totally arrogant regarding users. Why not wait for real mobiles with FirefoxOS? Avoid and wait for real mobiles (written by users of ZTE Open)." | May 10 21:39 |
schestowitz | " | May 10 21:39 |
schestowitz | "A "real mobile" is not going to be $100. Also, you can buy a more expensive device and flash it with FFOS if you want." | May 10 21:39 |
schestowitz | Tracking is one form of surveillance. I wonder if this phone too has two OSes, one opf which with a back door and ability to modify the other | May 10 21:40 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #Mozilla Decides Against Ads In The New Tab Page great, they do listen and they gave in | May 10 21:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | [Phoronix] Mozilla Decides Against Ads In The New Tab Page [ ] | May 10 21:41 | |
schestowitz | "<3" | May 10 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Mozilla Sells Out | Techrights [ ] | May 10 21:41 | |
schestowitz | "People should "speak out" by donating so they don't have to resort to shit like this." | May 10 21:41 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ USA Freedom Act unanimously approved Sensenbrenner's work is useful. Also proves #snowden a whistleblower. | May 10 21:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | USA Freedom Act unanimously clears House Judiciary Committee | World news | [ ] | May 10 21:41 | |
schestowitz | "Freedom everywhere in the US, I'm so jealous ..." | May 10 21:41 |
schestowitz | Freedom{tm} as a brand | May 10 21:42 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #uk and #immigration #ukip | May 10 21:42 | |
schestowitz | "They must know." | May 10 21:42 |
schestowitz | The outcome of immigration | May 10 21:42 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Obama won't negotiate with terrorists, he'll just talk with them and send them heavy arms | May 10 21:45 | |
schestowitz | "How is that Russia is responsible of Ukraine's violence but the US has no resposibility over what Islamist Sirian rebels do? I wonder if US propaganda are feel-good news for US people or there are really people outside the US that believe it." | May 10 21:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Obama in Talks with “Rebel” Leader on Escalating Syrian War | Global Research [ ] | May 10 21:45 | |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Should Google Kill Google Plus? it'll kill it when the site stops being helpful for profiling useds | May 10 21:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Should Google Kill Google Plus? | TechSource [ ] | May 10 21:46 | |
schestowitz | " | May 10 21:46 |
schestowitz | I'll just throw something out here. It strikes me that the adoption model with Google+ has been different than with other Google products. | May 10 21:46 |
schestowitz | For example, with Glass, for all the bad press it's gotten (and please don't wear or use it in my presence), they're limiting access and playing on the consumerist notion that one should be able to buy anything that one can pay for, thus drawing people in who otherwise might not buy a product which I understand is really rather limited. | May 10 21:46 |
schestowitz | They might have done that with Google-Plus for a while, but now, if you even have Gmail, you've got Google-Plus, and I understand Google-Plus is required for YouTube. It's kind of the opposite strategy and I don't think it's working. | May 10 21:46 |
schestowitz | " | May 10 21:46 |
schestowitz | YouTube does not require "plus", unless they want phantom accounts like 'my' gmail account (for Play access) | May 10 21:46 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "lawyer shot dead for defending a university lecturer accused of blasphemy under strict laws against defaming Islam" | May 10 21:47 | |
schestowitz | "It is a weak faith that needs this kind of protection." | May 10 21:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | US urges Pakistan to probe Rashid Rehman’s killing | Pakistan Today [ ] | May 10 21:47 | |
schestowitz | Islam is good at insulting itself. Its followers are the worst insulters, esp. the radical ones. SAME FOR ALL OTHER RELIGIONS. :-) | May 10 21:47 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #censorship is not when a crowd speaks out (i.e. opposite of censorship) to induce voluntary withdrawal #warcrime | May 10 21:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Censorship 1, Condoleezza Rice 0 | The Moderate Voice [ ] | May 10 21:48 | |
schestowitz | "Agreed. Voluntary for her but never the taxpayer, as is Statism :P" | May 10 21:48 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Revised law could turn animal activists into terrorists #nz & #au recently defended droning of white citizens | May 10 21:48 | |
schestowitz | "This is how my country spreads democracy?" | May 10 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Revised law could turn animal activists into terrorists [ ] | May 10 21:48 | |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:49 |
schestowitz | "Yes she voluntarily withdrew from a voluntary speech. Nor should we forget why people spoke out against her in the first place. Her involvement in war crimes, lets not pretend she is just any random "Joe from accounting"." | May 10 21:49 |
schestowitz | | May 10 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/  #Homs, #Syria - the #city once called “the #capital of #revolution”, on May 7, 2014 ---- #Syria #war #collateral #damage #politics #civilians #victims #HumanRights | May 10 21:50 | |
schestowitz | "Simple solution don't export any weapons." | May 10 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @michaelwpizzi My piece on new evidence indicating Djibouti | May 10 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by may have been a CIA black site and the hub of | May 10 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 rendition network @AJAM | May 10 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New documents point to CIA rendition network through Djibouti | Al Jazeera America | May 10 21:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Feds seeking to expand seize 'anything in | May 10 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | sight' privacy free zone thru secret access | May 10 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | implanting malware & backdoors | May 10 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Federal Agents Seek to Loosen Rules on Hacking Computers - Bloomberg | May 10 21:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @naomirwolf "Americas Surge Toward Oligarchy," by JP | May 10 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Sottile | May 10 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America’s Surge Toward Oligarchy | Consortiumnews | May 10 21:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pols to Ad Networks: Pretend We Passed SOPA, | May 10 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Never Mind About Violating Antitrust Law | May 10 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sopa | May 10 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pols to Ad Networks: Pretend We Passed SOPA, and Never Mind About Violating Antitrust Law | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 10 21:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Australian government likely to standardise on | May 10 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Drupal not #squiz | May 10 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | lockin rubbish? | May 10 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 21:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian government likely to standardise on Drupal - Computerworld | May 10 21:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: Does Your Job Need To Exist? | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: Does Your Job Need To Exist? - Slashdot | May 10 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "if you blithely email someone a .docx file you | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | are effectively condemning them to pay rent to | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft for ever." | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The pdf graveyards can only expect an increase in their undead populations | Steven Poole | Comment is free | | May 10 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You guys think eurovision's tacky? Move to the | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | States. We'd win it every year forever if we | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | could compete, you cheese eating ponces. | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Everybody wearing drop crotch trousers, I have | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | one piece of advice for you. Stop. | May 10 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:13 |
-kloeri-[Global Notice] Hi all. I'm going to do some very quick maintainence related to nickserv, chanserv and friends. Services downtime should be very brief. Thanks for using freenode. | May 10 22:15 | |
*ChanServ has quit (shutting down) | May 10 22:16 | |
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 10 22:31 | |
* gives channel operator status to ChanServ | May 10 22:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Between Software And An API; Declares APIs | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Copyrightable #swpats | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Appeals Court Doesn't Understand The Difference Between Software And An API; Declares APIs Copyrightable | Techdirt | May 10 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday AV Linux Dazzles Both Eyes and Ears: | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | LinuxInsider: With audio and video | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | applications, you often need more than... | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - AV Linux Dazzles Both Eyes and Ears | May 10 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh My kid asked for his milk bottle. Since I'm a | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | libertarian, I told him to get a job, buy a | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | cow, and stop asking for handouts. | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Good Advice from Bad People: Selected Wisdom | May 10 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | from Murderers, Stock Swindlers, and | May 10 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LanceArmstrong #kde | May 10 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Grandma: Good Advice from Bad People: Selected Wisdom from Murderers, Stock Swindlers, and Lance Armstrong | May 10 22:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Watch a HD live stream from space | May 10 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #marble #space | May 10 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Watch a HD live stream from space « Dennis Nienhüser | May 10 22:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon I might have this installed in the servants | May 10 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | quarters. | May 10 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: I might have this installed in the servants quarters. | May 10 22:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Does anyone know if this #FirefoxOS phone has | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | second OS (back door)? | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | or this.. | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox OS 1.3 brings new tools for better mobile Web gaming - CNET | May 10 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The NSA and Snowden: Securing the All-Seeing | May 10 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Replicant developers find and close Samsung Galaxy backdoor — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | May 10 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Eye #nsa #snowden | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA and Snowden: Securing the All-Seeing Eye | May 2014 | Communications of the ACM | May 10 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ACM: "stolen documents were on Microsoft's | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | SharePoint document-management system." Two | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | issues: not "stolen". Issue #2: #Microsoft | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft 'security' beaten to bits using GNU | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wget (who needs bloat anyway?) and disclosure | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | dealt with #debian #gnu #linux (Tails). #nsa | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Reports say that (Keith) Alexander the Great | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Liar will be working for banks now (on | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'security'). Will he recommend Microsoft's | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | SharePoint? | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why Use FreeBSD for Your SSD Cloud VPS Hosting? | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | 10 Reasons | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bsd #unix #freebsd | May 10 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Use FreeBSD for Your SSD Cloud VPS Hosting? 10 Reasons by Atlantic.Net | May 10 22:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #drm booster #netneutrality destroyer and | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft partner #Netflix Jacks Monthly | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Membership Fee | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #boycottnetflix | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netflix Jacks Monthly Membership Fee - Tom's Guide | May 10 22:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "100% of the money raised through our | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | crowdfunding campaign will fund electoral | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | campaign work" | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MaydayPAC CEO | Lessig Blog, v2 | May 10 22:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Off US Blacklist, Italy Begins Torrent Site | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Blackout, No Trials Needed | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | who needs due process | May 10 22:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Off US Blacklist, Italy Begins Torrent Site Blackout, No Trials Needed | TorrentFreak | May 10 22:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | anyway? | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ATT lied through its teeth, it is against | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #netneutrality and it has also been censoring | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Web, for rich people | May 10 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 22:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AT&T claims common carrier rules would ruin the whole Internet | Ars Technica | May 10 22:54 | |
schestowitz | | May 10 22:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ seeks new authority to hack and search remote computers - Computerworld [ ] | May 10 22:55 | |
schestowitz | <noquote> | May 10 22:55 |
schestowitz | Easy no-judicial solution: Get rid of Windows and you get rid of the botnets | May 10 22:55 |
schestowitz | </noquote> | May 10 22:55 |
MinceR | they should get rid of it in governments and state organizations as well | May 10 22:55 |
schestowitz | | May 10 23:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft #windows #backdoors run amok | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | just ban Windows and | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | eliminate the problem | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "whereabouts of mobile phones -- and their | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | owners -- has improved significantly and now | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | delivers extremely precise" | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The rise of vagueness as a service - Computerworld | May 10 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "big media lobby... fixated on copyright | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | enforcement and forgotten to keep pace with the | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | expectations of customers" | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steering Where You Look | Meshed Insights & Knowledge | May 10 23:02 | |
schestowitz | | May 10 23:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I can't quite prove intent, but pro-GOP media is hyping up pseudo (and partisan) #Benghazi "scandal", burying the real scandal in Benghazi. | May 10 23:06 | |
schestowitz | "A similar, prior effort is how the Watergate scandal was used to effectively bury the problem of FBI spying. The same kind of political and economic espionage Snowden is showing us was revealed in the 1970s by a daring raid on FBI documents. This was turned into a two party politics fight and buried for good with ineffective reforms. Jimmy Carter, who presided over those reforms with good intentions, was right on when he | May 10 23:06 |
schestowitz | stated that TIA type spying under the Bush administration was illegal because he signed the laws making them so." | May 10 23:06 |
schestowitz | | May 10 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "This year, the US Air Force will this be training more drone pilots than fighter jet pilots." assassination w/o war | May 10 23:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | REPORTERS - Drones: A military revolution - France 24 [ ] | May 10 23:08 | |
schestowitz | " | May 10 23:08 |
schestowitz | I imagine that these pilots will be using more than "drones" and that most future combat aircraft will be without pilots. The planes have been more capable than the pilot for a long time. Even as far back as the second world war, pilots and crew were more difficult to produce than airplanes and it was their loss that was the problem. | May 10 23:08 |
schestowitz | This is a dangerous evolution. In the short term, it is politically attractive but it is also inevitable. We can and should eliminate remote assassination but we can't undo the technical ability for conventional combat. It might seem as though this makes combat less risky but it also invites attacks on the places outside of actual combat zones. It is perfectly reasonable for countries to develop ballistic missiles or | May 10 23:08 |
schestowitz | infiltration teams capable of destroying remote bases and pilots attacking their homes. | May 10 23:08 |
schestowitz | " | May 10 23:08 |
schestowitz | Was the loss of pilots really treated as greater a loss than that of pricey and long-to-make planes? | May 10 23:09 |
schestowitz | | May 10 23:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Two Sneaky New Spy Cams, Coming Soon to a Smartphone Near You phone+camera=remotely-accessible (by spies) retina | May 10 23:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Two Sneaky New Spy Cams, Coming Soon to a Smartphone Near You [ ] | May 10 23:09 | |
schestowitz | "I'm less worried by my neighbor than I am by the device's remote owners. My neighbors can already be sneaky if they want to be, and in some situations that's good for everyone. Remote ownership of our phones and cameras is good for no one." | May 10 23:09 |
schestowitz | There's a phone with a back door in my bedroom, and it's not even mine. It has two cams and high sensitivity microphone | May 10 23:10 |
schestowitz | | May 10 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@asadotzler: @schestowitz Because we're open source, you can audit our code and determine that for yourself. Because we're Mozilla, you can trust us. | May 10 23:11 | |
schestowitz | I trust #mozilla , but some phone manufacturers and carriers demand a second OS that towers can control | May 10 23:12 |
schestowitz | | May 10 23:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Off US Blacklist, Italy Begins Torrent Site Blackout, No Trials Needed who needs due process anyway? | May 10 23:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Off US Blacklist, Italy Begins Torrent Site Blackout, No Trials Needed | TorrentFreak [ ] | May 10 23:13 | |
schestowitz | "Not people who depend on a piece of paper to ensure their rights that much is for sure." | May 10 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Eavesdropping With a Smart TV | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eavesdropping With a Smart TV - Slashdot | May 10 23:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Cybersecurity' begins with integrity, not | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance back doors | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | undermine security, not facilitate it | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Cybersecurity' begins with integrity, not surveillance | Technology | | May 10 23:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What the #USA / #NSA want is not #internet | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security but #internet #control which is a | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | different concept. "Back doors for us, not for | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | you." | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jojomoyes "We are Unity, and we are Unstoppable!" said by | May 10 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a bearded lady winner in a gold dress. I love | May 10 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Europe. #eurovision | May 10 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen This is *amazing* - what implications for the | May 10 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by democratic processes of other states?! | May 10 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@free_snowden: Germany exploits legal advice in attempt to avoid #Snowden testimony more: | May 10 23:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Germany exploits legal advice in attempt to avoid Snowden testimony | Free Snowden | May 10 23:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @HalaJaber Destruction beyond imagination. Today in #Homs | May 10 23:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Impact | Free Snowden | May 10 23:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by old city. Pix 3 by photographer #GhassanNajjar | May 10 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 10 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 10 23:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@HalaJaber: Destruction beyond imagination. Today in #Homs old city. Pix 3 by photographer #GhassanNajjar | May 10 23:47 |
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