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TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140523 - | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 25 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140523 | May 25 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NABEELRAJAB Happy to be out and thanks for your support - | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pls continue supporting our struggle for | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks freedom, justice and human rights #Bahrain | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Saudi | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NABEELRAJAB سعيد ان اكون معكم مرة اخرى-احبكم جميعا واناشدكم | May 25 00:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ان تستمروا في دعم نضال شعبنا لنيل الحرية | May 25 00:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks والديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان #Bahrain #Saudi | May 25 00:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 00:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot FCC Gets Go-Ahead For Plan To Expand Rural | May 25 00:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet Access | May 25 00:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 00:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC Gets Go-Ahead For Plan To Expand Rural Internet Access - Slashdot | May 25 00:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #WikiLeaks German fiscal sponsor Wau Holland | May 25 00:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | opens fund for #PayPal14 | May 25 00:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | donate now! | May 25 00:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 00:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wau Holland Stiftung -- Doonations | May 25 00:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Libertarian_Dad I went to check out preschools for my kid. | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Since I'm a libertarian, I needed to make sure | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh they'd teach him Mens' Rights Activism. | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Alleged WikiLeaks #Stratfor source Jeremy | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hammond was the top FBI target according to | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "#Sabu" Monsegur sentencing doc | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 00:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 00:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SENTENCING SUBMISSION by USA as to Hector Xavier Monsegur - 1:11-cr-00666-LAP - Document 30 | May 25 00:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sickjew By poisoning water resources. | May 25 01:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by RT @MonsantoCo: We are | May 25 01:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 committed to helping #farmers address #water | May 25 01:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | challenges | May 25 01:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Corporate Giant Monsanto Hid Decades Of Pollution | May 25 01:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cmclymer Because as a man who writes feminist articles, | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by I've never received death or rape threats. My | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 female colleagues? EVERY DAY. #YesAllWomen | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Page 11 of "#Sabu" sentencing doc contains | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | apparent reference to FBI operation against WL | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | See | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teenage WikiLeaks volunteer: Why I served as an FBI informant | Ars Technica | May 25 01:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CanadasBlog 400 cities rise up against GMO tyranny: | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #gmo #canada #cdnpoli | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 25 01:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 400 cities rise up against GMO tyranny | CANADA'S BLOG | May 25 01:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NadineLumley .@rabbleca | May 25 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Harper's dreams are Canada's nightmares | May 25 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 25 01:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #cdnpoli #elxn42 #abc2015 | May 25 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NadineLumley: .@rabbleca Harper's dreams are Canada's nightmares #cdnpoli #elxn42 #abc2015 | May 25 01:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rabbleca The latest Nigel Wright saga gives us a glimpse | May 25 01:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by into just how cozy the Harper government is | May 25 01:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 with Big Oil #cdnpoli | May 25 01:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New revelations show Harper's warm embrace of Big Oil lobby | | May 25 01:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @V_Kershaw ok so Sabu caused $50 million in damages and | May 25 01:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by government is asking for time served... | May 25 01:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel but yeah #PayPal14 | May 25 01:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SENTENCING SUBMISSION by USA as to Hector Xavier Monsegur - 1:11-cr-00666-LAP - Document 30 | May 25 01:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sister_sage Follow the Money-6 part series. | May 25 01:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 01:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 25 01:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | series - Follow the Money | | May 25 01:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emilydawnlove I'm scared to check my email for days after I | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have a piece published wherein I advocate | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 feminist principles. #yesallwomen | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @owillis Shooter Elliot Rodger said buying his Glock | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by gave him a "new sense of power" and made him | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 feel like an "alpha male" | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 01:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full Text: Mass Shooter Elliot Rodger’s “My Twisted World” Manifesto | May 25 01:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @markfollman Actually no, NRA, ordinary citizens with guns | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by do not stop mass shooters: | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NRA Myth of Gun-Free Zones | Mother Jones | May 25 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack LIVE: CA student's "Day of Rampage" video made | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | day before shooting rampage against girls who | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | scorned him | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | h | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calif. student goes on shooting rampage after making ‘Day of Retribution’ video - The Washington Post | May 25 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack VID: CA student's "Day of Retribution" video | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | before shooting rampage against girls who | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | scorned | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Awful | May 25 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:37 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'LIVE: CA student's "Day of Rampage" video made...' | May 25 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MaryTylerMog Everyone: I guess we'll never know why he did | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it. | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Shooter: I did it because I hate women. | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Everyone: I guess we'll never know why he did | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | it. | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PzFeed CA gunman in 140-page manifesto: "Women are | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by like a plague. They don't deserve to have any | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 rights." | May 25 01:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 25 01:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DannyZuker With the possible exception of every single | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by other country in the world that's tried it, | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 sensible gun control just doesn't work. | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CapitalSquirrel DFO "library holdings are being unceremoniously | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dumped w/o any public record of what we are | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 losing" #CdnPoli | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #science | May 25 01:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Libricide - | May 25 01:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CapitalSquirrel "see the photograph link...of the DFO The | May 25 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Maurice Lamontagne Institute library in Mont | May 25 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Joli, Québec in a dumpster. | May 25 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | " | May 25 01:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting | May 25 01:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack And more #gun rampages: 3 dead in shooting at | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Belgian Jewish museum | May 25 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3 dead in shooting at Jewish Museum of Belgium - | May 25 01:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #TooMuchAwful | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 What the fuck is going on, Canada? #StopHarper | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | NOW. #cdnpoli @CapitalSquirrel | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Shakestweetz "The deputies contacted the suspect and at the | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by time found him to be polite and courteous. | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 ...The deputies cleared the call." | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Remroum "Mentally unstable," "Madman," "gentleman," | May 25 02:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "depressed," "seemed so nice," designations | May 25 02:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 given when a mass murderer is white. | May 25 02:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot TechCrunch and Others On the Microsoft Surface | May 25 02:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pro 3 | May 25 02:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TechCrunch and Others On the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Slashdot | May 25 02:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Anon4justice First city in California bans fracking | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Beverly Hills, of | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 course. | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 25 02:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beverly Hills Bans Fracking; First City In California To Do So | May 25 02:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #Fracking #FrackOff #FrackingHell | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BentleyBlockade | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mhutchin @Thomas_Drake1 "If the Government becomes a | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law." | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The empire strikes back: How Brandeis foreshadowed Snowden and Greenwald - | May 25 02:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Mentally disturbed young man goes on shooting | May 25 02:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | rampage to avenge some perceived personal | May 25 02:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | injustice. | May 25 02:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Guns | May 25 02:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NoPatternHere,MoveAlong | May 25 02:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @telliproclaims Because Facebook won't take down the "Elliot | May 25 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Rodger is a Hero" page. Get your shit together, | May 25 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 @facebook. #YesAllWomen | May 25 02:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@telliproclaims: Because Facebook won't take down the "Elliot Rodger is a Hero" page. Get your shit together, @facebook. #YesAllWomen | May 25 02:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KagroX For those who keep insisting that "just" 60 or | May 25 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by so kids die each year in gun accidents, here | May 25 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 are 100+ from 2013. | May 25 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Children 14 & under killed by accidental gunfire in 2013 on Pinterest | May 25 02:56 | |
qu1j0t3 | .b 22 | May 25 02:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rvirding That the #TPIP agreement between EU and US is | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secret cannot bode it being good for anyone but | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 large corporations, definitely not for people. | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 MUST read. Beyond ad hominem hype&hysteria. | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Back from future past. Brandeis gov't spy | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | warning more relevant than ever | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The empire strikes back: How Brandeis foreshadowed Snowden and Greenwald - | May 25 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Student's "Day of Retribution" video before | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | shooting rampage against girls who scorned him | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ParentsWarnedPolice | May 25 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calif. student goes on shooting rampage after making ‘Day of Retribution’ video - The Washington Post | May 25 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #guns | May 25 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 02:59 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'VID: CA student's "Day of Retribution" video before...' | May 25 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack FBI arrested, jailed, interrogatd #DeHart in | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #espionage probe. What have we learned, kids, | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 abt "espionage" invstgtns? | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Matt DeHart claims he’s wanted for working with Anonymous | National Post | May 25 03:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Bergg69 "Ottawa demands NAFTA body drop investigation | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by into oilsands tailings" | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #cdnpoli #cpc | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ottawa demands NAFTA body drop investigation into oilsands tailings | May 25 03:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stewartetcie .@Bergg69 | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by The National Pollutant Release Inventory | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 reports on more than 75 substances dumped in | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | tailings ponds. 1/2 | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | May 25 03:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stewartetcie .@Bergg69 | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Toxins dumped in 2010 include: | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Arsenic: 300,905 kg | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Benzene: 178,200 kg | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lead: 756,793 kg | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mercury: 824 kg | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Toluene: 1,169,000 kg | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2/2 | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidsirota Documents: Petraeus Fracking Trip Reveals ND | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Government, Oil, Private Equity Nexus - | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 important from @SteveAHorn | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Documents: Petraeus Fracking Field Trip Reveals ND Government, Oil, Private Equity Nexus | DeSmogBlog | May 25 03:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robdelaney If your response to calls for gun control is | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “Should we get rid of cars too?” the answer is, | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 for you, yes. You should not have a gun or car. | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @remittancegirl "The CZ-75 is so ergonomically erotic that | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by those who wanted one were willing to overlook | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 the puny 9mm cartridge it was chambered for" | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Great to be back home after a good week in | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Malta. Can't wait to see my lady and my boy. | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | :-) | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RaniaKhalek Where there's misogyny, racism isn't far | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by behind: "How could an inferior, ugly black boy | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh get a white girl and not me?" | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RaniaKhalek: Where there's misogyny, racism isn't far behind: "How could an inferior, ugly black boy get a white girl and not me?" | May 25 03:34 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 25 03:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 So this is where we're at. | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Truth “@ValaAfshar: People inspire you or they | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | drain you. Pick them wisely.” | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Mentally disturbed young man goes on shooting | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rampage to avenge some perceived personal | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 injustice. | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Guns | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NoPatternHere,MoveAlong | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Student's "Day of Retribution" video before | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by shooting rampage against girls who scorned him | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ParentsWarnedPolice | May 25 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #guns | May 25 03:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calif. student goes on shooting rampage after making ‘Day of Retribution’ video - The Washington Post | May 25 03:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 03:44 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 6 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 26 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 25 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (6) | May 25 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 25 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 25 04:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack And more #gun rampages: 3 dead in shooting at | May 25 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Belgian Jewish museum | May 25 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #TooMuchAwful | May 25 04:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3 dead in shooting at Jewish Museum of Belgium - | May 25 04:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Every time there's a mass shooting in the US, I | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | tweet the same thing... | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh In the mid 90s, after massacres, the UK and | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Australia passed strict gun control laws. | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nether has had a mass school shooting since. | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 04:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Arabian_Babbler "The bullet had passed through his body into | May 25 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the bag, spattering his school books with | May 25 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 blood" | May 25 04:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 04:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CNN camera catches Israeli soldier who fired at, killed Palestinian teen | The Electronic Intifada | May 25 04:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @IlllllllllllllI Isn't that the terrifying truth of "guns as | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by great equalizer"? A piece of shit, faced with | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 their absolute abjection, is able to retort. | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 RT @umairh In the mid 90s, after massacres, the | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | UK and Australia passed strict gun control | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | laws. Neither has had a [mass shooting] since. | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SharkDancing No pesticide policies in cities are good for | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bees. Wish more councillors understood that. | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #Toronto #TOpoli | May 25 04:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 04:38 |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 133 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 556 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 25 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @umairh (19), @wikileaks (10), @JesselynRadack (7) | May 25 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @qu1j0t3 (34), @ioerror (10), @Thomas_Drake1 (9) | May 25 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #cdnpoli (5), #DeHart (5), #Bahrain (4) | May 25 05:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell @JesselynRadack He posted videos with his plan. | May 25 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Where was the #NSA? Probably monitoring | May 25 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @OccupyWallStNYC as a "threat." | May 25 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US May Prevent Chinese Hackers From Attending | May 25 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Def Con, Black Hat | May 25 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 05:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US May Prevent Chinese Hackers From Attending Def Con, Black Hat - Slashdot | May 25 05:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 You may think I retweet a lot but I only | May 25 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | managed 34 in the past 12 hours. @computionist | May 25 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | did 184. | May 25 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 05:26 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @WeMeantWell: '@JesselynRadack He posted videos with his plan. Where...' | May 25 05:26 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 25 06:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Midnight in the city. | May 25 06:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 06:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Midnight in the city. | May 25 06:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ratigirl Watchdog??? you never saw ths insult of the PM | May 25 06:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of India?? @vikramchandra #hypocrite | May 25 06:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 25 06:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 06:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pandey_onkar: "Mr Prime Minister, get aside. Make way for Madam". See how the PM was treated. #ProudOfKejriwal @ShaileshTewarie | May 25 06:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald This is a truly great essay by @andohehir that | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | begins with Kinsley/Packer but is about much | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | more than that | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The empire strikes back: How Brandeis foreshadowed Snowden and Greenwald - | May 25 07:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Features On The Roadmap For GTK+ | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gtk #gnome #gnu #linux | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Features On The Roadmap For GTK+ | May 25 07:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "In the UK, The National ICT Category | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Management Programme (NICTMP) is intended... | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | including using FLOSS." | May 25 07:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opportunity | Robert Pogson | May 25 07:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Vladimir Putin hits back at Prince Charles | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monarchs make us | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | enemies. | May 25 07:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vladimir Putin hits back at Prince Charles - Telegraph | May 25 07:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Democracy" | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Man wearing pig mask and toy bobby's helmet | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | officer #uk | May 25 07:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steven Peers pig mask: Man wearing toy police helmet and pig mask arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer - Manchester Evening News | May 25 07:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Over the years, seven journalists were | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | imprisoned for publishing an account of Sellis’ | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | death." | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Buggering the Valet | May 25 07:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz From foe to friend: my journey with Linux | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux myths based | May 25 07:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | From foe to friend: my journey with Linux | May 25 07:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | on on experience from 10 years ago | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:51 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'From foe to friend: my journey with Linux...' | May 25 07:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz From foe to friend: my journey with Linux | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux myths based | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | on one experience from 10 years ago | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NASA Money Crunch Means Trouble For Spitzer | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Space Telescope | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA Money Crunch Means Trouble For Spitzer Space Telescope - Slashdot | May 25 08:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #raspberrypi | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 25 08:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #easyjet Web site is eternally broken. If they | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | can't run a simple site (for days running), how | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | will they be able to keep a plane in the sky? | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #OpenWiFi Is Not a CopyCrime: EFF's Primer on | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Open WiFi and #Copyright | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ours is open to all | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open WiFi Is Not a CopyCrime: EFF's Primer on Open WiFi and Copyright | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 25 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #arndale Centre #wifi in #manchester is not | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | free as they claim. They want people's personal | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | details and block ports. | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Public #BitTorrent Trackers Ban Piracy | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monitoring Outfits | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Public BitTorrent Trackers Ban Piracy Monitoring Outfits | TorrentFreak | May 25 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #FBI is not domestic | May 25 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kim Dotcom Fails in Bid to Suppress FBI Evidence | TorrentFreak | May 25 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Avoid #EasyJet by far | May 25 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | the worse airline I ever had to deal with. By | May 25 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | far. | May 25 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » Avoid EasyJet | May 25 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Microsoft is pushing malware for #linux | May 25 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't touch, it's | May 25 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | backdoor | May 25 08:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Microsoft Reportedly Releasing A New Skype For Linux Soon | May 25 08:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 08:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft and the NSA - Techrights | May 25 08:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Skype is Spy Campaign - Techrights | May 25 08:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Language | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go Language | Tux Machines | May 25 08:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud | Tux Machines | May 25 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3.15 RC5 #ubuntu #gnu | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel 3.15 RC5 | | May 25 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why is the #torygraph provoking #putin - they | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | know he has got nukes, right? Sometimes I think | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | British press WANTS to create trouble. | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Like greedy loser whose whole 'achievement' can | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | only be measured in bank balance, ppl in Power | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | always look for ego in wars they don't fight | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Royal 'soldiers' are just celebs in uniform, | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | kept out of danger and harm's way. They're like | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bush in full pilot gear when landed in #iraq | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz SUSE's 'community' manager quit, but this | May 25 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | happened so quietly that almost nobody noticed. | May 25 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #chrome semi-cooked for GNU/Linux distros other | May 25 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | than #ChromeOS | May 25 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Text missing in chrome on Linux | | May 25 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #jolla is very much alive | May 25 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 25 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Immediate-Future Plans Regarding Jolla And Sailfish OS | | May 25 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140524 - | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 25 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140524 | May 25 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "users who are unhappy with the decision to | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | continue to support Mozilla which will continue | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight for an open web" | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | On DRM and Firefox | Benjamin Kerensa dot Com | May 25 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz There are many who fight for an open Web. | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mozilla used to be among them. I don't think | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla is in it anymore, esp. after Eich | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | left. | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Last time I properly surveyed all leading | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | E-mail clients for #gnu #linux (that was 6 | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | months ago) I found #thunderbird very hard to | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | replace | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #gnu #linux relevance in dual-OS strategy | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A New Version Of Ubuntu Dual Boot Has Been Released | | May 25 08:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vixtel Unity To Be The First Ubuntu Touch And Android Dual Booting Tablet? | | May 25 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #kde development yields #android support | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KPhotoAlbum preview with support for Android | | May 25 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Still running Windows XP? That's the way Bill | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gates planned it - @jjn1 | May 25 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | on the Microsoft monoculture #malware | May 25 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Still running Windows XP? That's the way Bill Gates planned it | Technology | The Observer | May 25 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | Has Some Slowdowns | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 Has Some Slowdowns | Tux Machines | May 25 09:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | Tux Machines | May 25 09:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.15 RC5 | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel 3.15 RC5 | Tux Machines | May 25 09:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Remember: when someone tells you that | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by everything is broken, they're often as poorly | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz informed as the people who think everything is | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | safe | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Mozilla, a tale of gentrification - | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | excellent post, mostly | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | right (but not about Adobe Flash...) #DRM | May 25 09:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla, a tale of gentrification | May 25 09:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Comment le parlement européen, en douce, a | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | anticipé #TAFTA - well, | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | sorta: it would apply to #ISDS if we don't kill | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | it | May 25 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comment le parlement européen, en douce, a anticipé Tafta - Arrêt sur images | May 25 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Top Patent Judge Steps Down Over Ethics | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Scandal, Highlighting How #CAFC Has Become Too | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Close To Patent Lawyers - | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top Patent Judge Steps Down Over Ethics Scandal, Highlighting How CAFC Has Become Too Close To Patent Lawyers | Techdirt | May 25 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DailyKos (supposed "Left") has a new campaign | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | for gagging its opposition. So much for | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freespeech ... typical | May 25 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Rise of Sites and Comments Censorship | Techrights | May 25 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dpwes Warum #EP2014 nicht egal ist: Rechtspopulismus, | May 25 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by TTIP, Datenschutz, Finanzkrise. Wählen gehen! | May 25 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #votegreen > @taz_news: | May 25 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gründe für Europawahl: Nutzt die Wahl! - | May 25 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LillyLyle Wow, great visual: | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody RT @janiceholland62: | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 25 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | FLASHMOB calling for end of bull fighting in | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spain. | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 25 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@janiceholland62: FLASHMOB calling for the end of bull fighting in Spain. High time hunting was banned altogether here. | May 25 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #freespeech means having the capacity to object | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | - without intimidation - to those whom you | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | disagree with, not to intimidate/silence them | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ed_Miliband Labour will scrap the Tories' terrible Health | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and Social Care Act - Ed | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fleetstreetfox UKIP have 145 of 3,263 council seats so far | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by counted - 4.4% of total. BNP managed 6.2% in | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 2009. | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 25 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #earthquakemyarse | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The press in the West is heavily censored, but | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | not in the ways in which it happens in #china | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | or #russia - ours is 'OK', theirs isn't. | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @deepthought4 So what happens to a worker that can't pay | May 25 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their HECS/HELP back while it's indexed to an | May 25 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody interest rate? Spiraling debt? | May 25 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Asher_Wolf Welcome to Australia, a world of forever-debt. | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by MT @Taco_Lad: So HECS debts are to be | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody retroactively indexed/increased. | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Modi government needs to look into the archaic | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Censor rules | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #india | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Modi government needs to look into the archaic Censor rules | May 25 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chinese blogger ‘fired’ after John Kerry | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | meeting #china | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese blogger ‘fired’ after John Kerry meeting | The News Tribe | May 25 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz House Committee Puts NSA on Notice Over | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Encryption Standards | May 25 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa censors opposing views with #drones | May 25 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House Committee Puts NSA on Notice Over Encryption Standards - Truthdig | May 25 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aral Dear @openrightsgroup, | May 25 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is director of policy for Facebook leading | May 25 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | the session for a bill to protect civil | May 25 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | liberties at Day of Action? | May 25 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact Nicht vergessen: Heute | May 25 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #ep14 #EP2014 #Europawahl | May 25 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kurz-Anleitung: Konzerne ärgern leicht gemacht | Campact Blog | May 25 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kim Komando on Unhackable NSA-proof instant | May 25 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | messaging program | May 25 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 25 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CERN Scientists Launch Encrypted Email Service | May 25 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don’t Read Our Mail: CERN Scientists Launch Encrypted Email Service | May 25 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror In other news, it sounds as if another friend's | May 25 09:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by house was blackbagged. A sloppy job apparently | May 25 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody as they were detected. | May 25 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NSA row sparks rush for encrypted email | May 25 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | looking for solutions | May 25 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA row sparks rush for encrypted email | Business Recorder | May 25 09:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @juliepsamuels .@brewster_kahle today: "Technologies are cheap | May 25 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by but monopolies are expensive." He is right! Why | May 25 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody we need #NetNeutrality now! | May 25 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa uses #chinophobia to distract from its own | May 25 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | crimes | May 25 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US accuses Chinese officials of cyber espionage | May 25 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US considers denying visas to Chinese hackers to attend conferences | Technology | | May 25 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "the typical farmed American salmon 'eats its | May 25 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | own weight in #antibiotics' before it is sold" | May 25 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | - this. is. madness | May 25 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Superbugs pose graver threat than climate change: scientists - Telegraph | May 25 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The enemy is not #china but an informed | May 25 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | population in the #us | May 25 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #occupy crackdown by #fbi proves it | May 25 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America: spying mostly on its own | | May 25 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Independent Scotland could give asylum to | May 25 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'traitor' Edward Snowden | May 25 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #england too close to #pentagon | May 25 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Independent Scotland could give asylum to 'traitor' Edward Snowden | UK | News | Daily Express | May 25 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mwbloem I'm calling on the world heritage committee to | May 25 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protect it. Will you join me? #1mw | May 25 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 1 Million Women Reef Campaign | May 25 09:30 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mwbloem: I'm calling on the world heritage committee to protect it. Will you join me? #1mw | May 25 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Shanghai, are you ready for a serious #opendata | May 25 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | initiative? - hope so | May 25 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #china | May 25 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canadian George Bush (Harper) under pressure to | May 25 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | stop mass #surveillance | May 25 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Pressure's On Harper to End Online Spying -- Let's Keep it Up | David Christopher | May 25 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact "Ich hab mal das Kottbusser Tor in #Berlin ein | May 25 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wenig informativer gemacht mit dem letzten Rest | May 25 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Türhänger." #ttip | May 25 09:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@campact: "Ich hab mal das Kottbusser Tor in #Berlin ein wenig informativer gemacht mit dem letzten Rest Türhänger." #ttip | May 25 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @evgenymorozov "Why the Internet Is Not Increasing Terrorism" | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by --> very good new paper, too bad not open | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody access ($) | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie | May 25 09:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Defector from Russia to US alleges that Snowden | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | has defected from US to Russia. The problem | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | here: press neglects to note Oleg's defection. | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #china is having a field day with #nsa | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | violations of law | May 25 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Commentary: U.S. cyber-scoundrelism doomed to backfire - CCTV News - English | May 25 09:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Edward #Snowden lotet Rückkehr in die USA aus - | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | wow: "Es gibt | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Verhandlungen" (v @manuelbewarder @netzpolitik) | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden lotet Rckkehr in die USA aus - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 25 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It's interesting that the Western media shies | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | away from saying the ethnicity of the Brussels | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | shooters. Same in Stockholm riots. | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #snowden is try to negotiate his return to US | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | [de] - either brave or | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | foolish... | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moral Rights, Property Rights And Picasso: An | May 25 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Artistic And Legal Conundrum - | May 25 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | fascinating US case | May 25 09:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moral Rights, Property Rights And Picasso: An Artistic And Legal Conundrum | Techdirt | May 25 09:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Another horror story from #Israel: IDF soldiers | May 25 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | arrived early in the morning to uproot over | May 25 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | 1,500 fruit trees - | May 25 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | sick | May 25 09:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Destroy A Tree? | Common Dreams | May 25 09:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GiselleG7 The 'rampant rise of UKIP' says #marr. Err, | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their vote share FELL from 22% last year to | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 17%. Try reading this: | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AAV: A different look at the 2014 local election results | May 25 09:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drone Killing Memo Author Confirmed as Federal | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Judge justify murdering | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | without trial, get promoted | May 25 09:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone Killing Memo Author Confirmed as Federal Judge | May 25 09:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Wir müssen das Netz zurückerobern! - | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | yup | May 25 09:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wir müssen das Netz zurückerobern! | Markus Beckedahl | May 25 09:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Mining’s multi-billion-dollar black hole - | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | great piece about | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | socialisation of mining cleanup costs (v | May 25 09:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mining’s multi-billion-dollar black hole | The Saturday Paper | May 25 09:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer)#AU | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AP's Fram Neglects to Mention 'Filibuster' or | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Waterboarding' in Covering... Obama's 'Drone | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Memo' Author | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP's Fram Neglects to Mention 'Filibuster' or 'Waterboarding' in Covering Judicial Confirmation of Obama's 'Drone Memo' Author | NewsBusters | May 25 09:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @monicafrassoni Mentre carta stampata e tv ci ignorano | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dolosamente, nostro sito vola | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #IoVotoGreen | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Three Laws of Pentagon Robotics | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pentagon #drones | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article: The Three Laws of Pentagon Robotics | OpEdNews | May 25 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A Yemeni Man Is Suing British Telecom over | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | America's Deadly #Drone Strikes | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | BT's role exposed | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | months ago. #bt #uk | May 25 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Yemeni Man Is Suing British Telecom over America's Deadly Drone Strikes | VICE News | May 25 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nz #drones protest: "Party founder Kim Dotcom | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | are also at the vigil" | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone strike protest outside PM's home - National - NZ Herald News | May 25 09:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Candlelight Vigil to Be Held Outside John Keys House | Scoop News | May 25 09:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vigil planned outside Key's home - 25-May-2014 - NZ Politics news | May 25 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FBI still pursuing WikiLeaks' Julian Assange | May 25 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sweden as excuse | May 25 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA won't fake vaccinations, FBI still pursuing WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, latest on Benghazi: Spy Games Update | | May 25 09:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Remember: when someone tells you that | May 25 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by everything is broken, they're often as poorly | May 25 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian informed as the people who think everything is | May 25 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | safe | May 25 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | World "A Case Study of | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama and Petraeus" | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World | Global Research | May 25 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The War on America’s Military Veterans, Waged | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | with #SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | cannon fodder | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The War on America’s Military Veterans, Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect | | May 25 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Environmentalists Taking Bold Actions — It's | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Working - " translates | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | environmental & social risk into business | May 25 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Environmentalists Are Taking Bold Actions — and It's Working | Alternet | May 25 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | costs" | May 25 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:12 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 25 10:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIA ‘gave Beirut bomber refuge in return for | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | secrets’ freedom, | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | democracy, and terrorism | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA ‘gave Beirut bomber refuge in return for secrets’ | The Sunday Times | May 25 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIS seems more interested in steering, | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | coordinating, arming terrorists, (neo)-Nazis | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc. than in stopping them. What does that make | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | CIA? | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIA seems more interested in steering, | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | coordinating, arming terrorists, (neo)-Nazis | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc. than in stopping them. What does that make | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | CIA? | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ex-CIA analyst: U.S. regularly use death as | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminal punishment #cia | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | analyst Paul R. Pillar | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-CIA analyst: U.S. regularly use death as criminal punishment - Trend.Az | May 25 10:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Boy Scouts of America has very strong #cia | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | connections now | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Texas A&M President, CIA Director, Takes Over Boy Scouts of America | Corpus Christi, TX | | | May 25 10:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #scotland #torture for #cia | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | not clear if independent | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Scotland would do this | May 25 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US report on Scots role in terror suspect transfer - The Scotsman | May 25 10:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Qatar Sentences Alleged Filipino Spy to Death | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #qatar 'justice' | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Qatar Sentences Alleged Filipino Spy to Death : World : | May 25 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The US government continues its efforts to | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | clamp down on leaks of classified information." | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nothing to hide? | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The information wars - Opinion - Al Jazeera English | May 25 10:52 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted '#CIS seems more interested in steering, coordinating, arming...' | May 25 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz House Votes To Deny Climate Science And Ties | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pentagon’s Hands On Climate Change | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #climate | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House Votes To Deny Climate Science And Ties Pentagon's Hands On Climate Change | ThinkProgress | May 25 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Kiwi Genetically Closer to Extinct Elephant | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Birds Than to the Emu | May 25 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kiwi Genetically Closer to Extinct Elephant Birds Than to the Emu - Slashdot | May 25 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk bans unions (some of them) | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May stuns Police Federation with vow to break its power | UK news | The Guardian | May 25 11:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Which 39 Democrats Want a War That Never | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ends--and Voted Against Sunsetting the AUMF? | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'democrats' | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Which 39 Democrats Want a War That Never Ends--and Voted Against Sunsetting the AUMF? | May 25 11:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #manchester lets you wear yellow jacket, but | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't wear a pig mask as that would be | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | "impersonating" #police | May 25 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:04 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted '#manchester lets you wear yellow jacket, but don't...' | May 25 11:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #manchester allows you to wear a yellow jacket, | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | but don't go as far as wearing pig mask, as | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | that would be "impersonating" #police [1/2] | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It has been found by activists in #manchester | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | that insulting Queen in public can take you to | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Court, now this: [2/2] | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steven Peers pig mask: Man wearing toy police helmet and pig mask arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer - Manchester Evening News | May 25 11:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Even Iran Knows How To Fix The Corrupt Banker | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Problem | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | only petty crimes (not | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | expensive) entail punishment in West | May 25 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Even Iran Knows How To Fix The Corrupt Banker Problem | Zero Hedge | May 25 11:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Destroying the world not an offence as long as | May 25 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | it is profitable | May 25 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global Capitalism and Climate Change | Global Research | May 25 11:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BiancaJagger “The further a society drifts from truth the | May 25 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by more it will hate those who speak it.” George | May 25 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Orwell | May 25 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Don’t Count on Patent ‘Reforms’ in the US | May 25 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #swpats #uspto #congress | May 25 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #us | May 25 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don’t Count on Patent ‘Reforms’ in the US | Techrights | May 25 11:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #vivaldi tablet with #kde #gnu #linux #plasma | May 25 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | not happening | May 25 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Arm-netbook] Improv And Operation:Marketing for EMOA-* | May 25 11:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Expressions in nature | May 25 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bosses | May 25 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @beckerjan @ioerror wants to melt Henri-Nannen journalism | May 25 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by award? C'mon. Looks like at least 100 other | May 25 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz journalists tried that. | May 25 11:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@beckerjan: @ioerror wants to melt Henri-Nannen journalism award? C'mon. Looks like at least 100 other journalists tried that. | May 25 11:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Sabu encouraged people to commit what the | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by government says are serious crimes under | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz government watch. It then puts them in prison | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | for it. | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi thugs tried to put Jacob Appelbaum in | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | prison #us #entryism | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #moles | May 25 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ioerror: Sabu (and thus FBI?) tried directly to entrap me - he would encourage me to do criminal things with him - which I always refused. | May 25 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FBI tried to frame #wikileaks staff Appelbaum. | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2. Press confirms #fbi still hounds #assange -- | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | can that mean that Assange framed too? | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi which is hounding @KimDotcom is now trying | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | to frame #wikileaks staff. This means FBI never | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | stopped its #coIntelPro criminality. | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cbs distracts from the fact that #nsa and #fbi | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | are sharing data (so-called 'fusion') | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 11:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now - CNET | May 25 11:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The main difference between #cia and #fbi | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | (scope is international for both now) is that | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | CIA routinely assassinates, FBI less so. #nsa | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dhs | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody Es geht voran | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by damit. | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP unfairhandelbar: EBI | May 25 12:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Agent of #cia caught in #iran (the Western | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | press hid this fact for years, very | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | consciously) had been working for #fbi hence | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #revolvingdoors | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sometimes the #fbi assassinates people | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | and they're not even | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | law-abiding (the agents) | May 25 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Disability Pay of Ex-Cop, Now FBI Agent Probed - ABC News | May 25 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Terrorising the population. Remember who does | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | it. | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The FBI Prospers by Feeding Fears - Steve Chapman - Page 1 | May 25 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #sabu mole shows that #fbi now engages in | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | digital #stringoperations tactics. IOW, it | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | creates cyber fear by creating (fake) cyber | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | plots. | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi covers up subversion of justice | May 25 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guantanamo Defense Lawyers In 9/11 Trial Aren't Under FBI Investigation, DOJ Tells Court | May 25 12:17 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 25 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi mole 'sentenced' | May 25 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi has used #stringoperations since at least | May 25 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2012 based on but now | May 25 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | uses them against activists | May 25 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hacker Turned FBI Informant Sabu Will Be Sentenced Next Week | Gizmodo Australia | May 25 12:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI arrests 100 hackers over Blackshades malware | Technology | | May 25 12:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #FBI hypes terrorism | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | if FBI worries about | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | cybercrime, then it should stop creating it | May 25 12:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The FBI hypes terrorism - | May 25 12:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Assange targeted by FBI probe, US court | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | documents reveal | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's who the 'enemy' | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | is? | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Assange targeted by FBI probe, US court documents reveal | May 25 12:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Julian Assange's father in Newcastle to receive | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | award #wikileaks | May 25 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange's father in Newcastle to receive award | Newcastle Herald | May 25 12:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Julian #Assange Goes Where Glenn #Greenwald | May 25 12:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wouldn’t | May 25 12:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 12:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange Goes Where Glenn Greenwald Wouldn’t | Vanity Fair | May 25 12:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikileak's Julian Assange one-ups The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald’s censored spy report | May 25 12:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This report calls Assange "Notorious | May 25 12:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | whistleblower" I don't | May 25 12:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | think they know what whistleblower means | May 25 12:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikileaks Founder Assange Endorses Bitcoin at South African Tech Conference | May 25 12:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sounds like one among thousands od NSA | May 25 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | operatives who are crackers (the NSA openly | May 25 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | recruits those) | May 25 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hacker who Targeted WikiLeaks is Going after Edward Snowden | May 25 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "degree of government surveillance of the | May 25 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | American people... threatened the life of | May 25 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Martin Luther King" | May 25 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Film About 1971 FBI Break-in Traces Path To Snowden And Wikileaks - Forbes | May 25 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If #pentagon read #wikileaks it would know | May 25 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | better about #ukraine | May 25 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Leaked Diplomatic Cable From 2008 Foreshadowed Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine | Business Insider | May 25 12:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikileaks Released Cable Reveals Russia Warned US of Potential Split in Ukraine : World : | May 25 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz China fumes over cyber theft charges, accuses | May 25 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | US of hypocrisy #china | May 25 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | used as a whipping boy | May 25 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secret Cable Reveals Russia Warned US in 2008 Meddling in Ukraine Could Split Country | World | RIA Novosti | May 25 12:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China fumes over cyber theft charges, accuses US of hypocrisy | May 25 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FosterHome96 #easyjet 3rd flight in a month delayed due to | May 25 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by crew or faulty aircraft. doesn't fill me with | May 25 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz confidence all these faults. | May 25 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @arimelnik Smoke on the aircraft. Hope this is normal on | May 25 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #easyjet | May 25 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arimelnik: Smoke on the aircraft. Hope this is normal on #easyjet | May 25 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 25 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ZombBi @glynmoody this morning @ggreenwald does not | May 25 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by share @WolfgangKaleck opinion that a return to | May 25 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the US would be the best solution for #snowden | May 25 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks آسانژ: آمریکا تمام مکالمات تلفنی افغانستان را | May 25 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | شنود کرده است | May 25 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | افغانستان - BBC فارسی - آسانژ: آمریکا تمام مکالمات تلفنی افغانستان را شنود کرده است | May 25 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KimDotcom GCSB is complicit in extra-judicial killings, | May 25 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by acts that violate principles of natural justice | May 25 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks & international law. | May 25 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blood on the hands of our spy agency | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News | May 25 13:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wow. Watch the front page of @johnkeypm - I | May 25 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | have never seen so much #pedowashing in one | May 25 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | single page. cc @KimDotcom @gnat | May 25 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot R Throwdown Challenge | May 25 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | R Throwdown Challenge - Slashdot | May 25 13:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Nisha_Hindu ★ During the Islamic Invasions, the Hindu women | May 25 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have paid the greatest price by blood, flesh, | May 25 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya tears & introversion #HistoryofHindus ★ | May 25 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @_cypherpunks_ The empire strikes back: How Brandeis | May 25 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by foreshadowed Snowden and Greenwald | May 25 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald (by @andohehir) | May 25 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The empire strikes back: How Brandeis foreshadowed Snowden and Greenwald - | May 25 13:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonworth RT @Paul_Haydon: UK's next EU commissioner will | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by be Andrew Lansley #EP2014 | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody <- UK wants a top job I | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | see! NOT. | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK's next EU commissioner to be Andrew Lansley - report | Reuters | May 25 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz .@wikileaks do you have a #facebook account or | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | is that just some person impersonating? | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #TTIP - So deutlich hattest Du es noch nie vor | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Augen! Schau Dir das #Video an, wenn Du Nerven | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody hast: #ep14 #EP2014 | May 25 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spot an – TTIP aus! Diese Kids können in die Zukunft sehen | Campact Blog | May 25 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SeanLXIV The purple bit (you may need your glasses) | May 25 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by explains the "UKIP surge" that @MarrShow keeps | May 25 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody banging on about #marrshow | May 25 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 13:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SeanLXIV: The purple bit (you may need your glasses) explains the "UKIP surge" that @MarrShow keeps banging on about #marrshow | May 25 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nycjim For those just tuning in, here’s latest on | May 25 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Ukraine vote: Donetsk | May 25 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody militants smash ballot boxes | May 25 14:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Live Updates: Election Day in Ukraine | May 25 14:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nycjim: For those just tuning in, here’s latest on #Ukraine vote: Donetsk militants smash ballot boxes | May 25 14:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar NSA reform bill passes House, despite loss of | May 25 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | support from privacy advocates | May 25 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @washingtonpost | May 25 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA reform bill passes House, despite loss of support from privacy advocates | May 25 14:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month: | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | GamingOnLinux: The Indie... | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month | May 25 14:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Homemade eggs florentine, made w/ramps. | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 25 14:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Because sometimes you gotta take a break from | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | homemade sourdough pancakes. | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US Gov't Seeks 7-Month Sentence For LulzSec's | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sabu | May 25 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Gov't Seeks 7-Month Sentence For LulzSec's Sabu - Slashdot | May 25 14:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Immediate-Future Plans Regarding Jolla And | May 25 14:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | Sailfish OS | May 25 14:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 14:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Immediate-Future Plans Regarding Jolla And Sailfish OS | Tux Machines | May 25 14:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Page 11 of "#Sabu" sentencing doc contains | May 25 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by apparent reference to FBI operation against WL | May 25 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz See | May 25 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SENTENCING SUBMISSION by USA as to Hector Xavier Monsegur - 1:11-cr-00666-LAP - Document 30 | May 25 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teenage WikiLeaks volunteer: Why I served as an FBI informant | Ars Technica | May 25 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What does #GCHQ know about our devices that we | May 25 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't? | May 25 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk #privacy #backdoor | May 25 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What does GCHQ know about our devices that we don't? | Privacy International | May 25 14:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This Week In Techdirt History - | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | fascinating, as ever.. | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Week In Techdirt History | Techdirt | May 25 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KimDotcom GCSB is complicit in extra-judicial killings, | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by acts that violate principles of natural justice | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz & international law. | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blood on the hands of our spy agency | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News | May 25 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LifeafterSicily “@AndyGardiner: Cricket. Regent's Park. | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by” | May 25 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AndyGardiner: Cricket. Regent's Park. | May 25 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheBigPharaoh اووووف. Stunning picture | May 25 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@benabyad: Pope Francis prays at the Apartheid Wall in Bethlehem. This is not an image Israel wanted. #PopeInPalestine (via AP) | May 25 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand Good read on the many problems with the Free | May 25 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Flow of Information Act (also known as the | May 25 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "federal shield law"): | May 25 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Truthdig - What’s the Point of a Source Protection Law That Wouldn’t Protect Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden? | May 25 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BBCAndrewH Wretched news from Ukraine: Andrei Mironov, | May 25 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by heroic human rights activist I knew from | May 25 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody covering Chechen wars, killed. | May 25 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DVM911: Боже! Оказывается Андрей Миронов, погибший под Славянском, это замечательнй человек, свинченый со мной у ЗамСуда. 😢 | May 25 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DVM911: Боже! Оказывается Андрей Миронов, погибший под Славянском, это замечательнй человек, свинченый со мной у ЗамСуда. 😢 | May 25 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WatermanReports FBI grounds for refusing FOIA lawsuit suggest | May 25 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their electronic #Surveillance activities are | May 25 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel unlawful, says activist | May 25 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FDJ - FBI Says U.S. Could Suffer Diplomatic / Economic Retaliation, and Customers Will Sue Telecom Companies if Details of FBI’s Foreign and Domestic Cell Phone Spying Are Revealed to Public | May 25 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ronpatz Public transport in Germany calling people to | May 25 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vote :) RT @vera_k: Vielleicht hilft ja das…? | May 25 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Wahlbeteiligung #EP2014 | May 25 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vera_k: Vielleicht hilft ja das...? #Wahlbeteiligung #EP2014 | May 25 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW U.S. lost 5 million manufacturing jobs since | May 25 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #NAFTA. Workers can’t afford more “free trade” | May 25 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody deals like #TPP & #TAFTA. | May 25 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: U.S. lost 5 million manufacturing jobs since #NAFTA. Workers can’t afford more “free trade” deals like #TPP & #TAFTA. | May 25 15:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @joshgerstein Judge on Nisour Sq evidence: "Court is still | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pondering the realm of reality in which the | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Department of State exists” | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 25 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Cricfree Bounces Back After UK Police Domain | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Seizure - & so it goes | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | on... #copyright | May 25 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cricfree Bounces Back After UK Police Domain Seizure | TorrentFreak | May 25 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ‘Unbeatable’ Cinavia Anti-Piracy Technology | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cracked by DVD-Ranger - | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #watermarking system no longer effective... | May 25 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Unbeatable' Cinavia Anti-Piracy Technology Cracked by DVD-Ranger | TorrentFreak | May 25 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Comedy from the DoJ ('justice'): indicting | May 25 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #china but not #nsa | May 25 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese indicted for acting like America's NSA - Sentinel & Enterprise | May 25 15:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | May 25 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes action-packed | May 25 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update XXVI, complete with water cannons #TAFTA | May 25 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 25 15:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot After Knocked-Down Damages Claim, Apple Again | May 25 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Seeks to Ban Some Samsung Phones | May 25 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | After Knocked-Down Damages Claim, Apple Again Seeks to Ban Some Samsung Phones - Slashdot | May 25 15:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Keep current with what's new in Linux | May 25 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | distributions | May 25 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 25 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #TAFTA & #TPP would allow foreign corporations | May 25 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - Keep current with what's new in Linux distributions | May 25 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to sue your country over your domestic laws: | May 25 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action | May 25 15:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TAFTA & #TPP would allow foreign corporations to sue your country over your domestic laws: | May 25 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RizzoliLibri #NoPlaceToHide Lunedì 26, in @FondCorriere | May 25 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by l'incontro con @ggreenwald e @beppesevergnini | May 25 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald . Ecco i dettagli: | May 25 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 25 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Amherst College abt to give David Brooks an | May 25 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | honorary degree. Because ... ???? | May 25 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 25 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Nope. Can't explain it. | May 25 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Novena open laptop project exceeds 280 percent | May 25 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | of crowd-funding target | May 25 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #novena | May 25 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novena open laptop project gets 280% of crowd-funding target | May 25 15:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ‘A Government Of Thugs’: How Canada Treats | May 25 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Environmental Journalists - | May 25 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | O #Canada, have you come | May 25 15:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'A Government Of Thugs': How Canada Treats Environmental Journalists | ThinkProgress | May 25 15:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | to this? #tarsands | May 25 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #TPP & #TAFTA would open member countries | May 25 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by health decisions to lawsuits from #BigPharma, | May 25 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody et al: | May 25 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TPP & #TAFTA would open member countries health decisions to lawsuits from #BigPharma, et al: | May 25 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ombudsman concerned about change of policy at | May 25 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EMA_News as regards clinical trial data | May 25 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #transparency - betrayal | May 25 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press releases - Ombudsman concerned about change of policy at Medicines Agency as regards clinical trial data transparency»European Ombudsman | May 25 15:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rUv VoCore: A coin-sized Linux computer with wifi | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 15:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VoCore: A coin-sized Linux computer with wifi | Indiegogo | May 25 15:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #TPP & #TAFTA puts corporations over people. | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Take action to stop these power grabs | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP #TPPA | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action | May 25 15:44 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TPP & #TAFTA puts corporations over people. Take action to stop these power grabs #TTIP #TPPA | May 25 15:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CacounaQC @glynmoody | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Please sign & RT | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody They need our help! | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Savethebelugas | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tarsands #pipeline #port | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ghislaine Daris, mairesse de Cacouna: Sauvez les bélugas dans le St-Laurent | May 25 15:44 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KingsburyQc: They need our help ! #Savethebelugas threaten by #tarsands #pipeline & #port #cdnpoli | May 25 15:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "How the NSA is Transforming Law Enforcement" | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the NSA is Transforming Law Enforcement | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 25 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nelson | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror The idea that Jeremy Hammond was "the FBI’s | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by most wanted cybercriminal in the world at the | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz time of his arrest" seems somehow incorrect. | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @joanwalsh The empire strikes back: How Brandeis | May 25 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by foreshadowed Snowden and Greenwald. | May 25 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Extraordinary piece by @andohehir | May 25 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The empire strikes back: How Brandeis foreshadowed Snowden and Greenwald - | May 25 15:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Big money in #surveillance | May 25 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Police use cellphone spying device - New York News | May 25 15:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Call for investigation of needless | May 25 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination by #fbi | May 25 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | To Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley: We Need Accountability and Transparency for Local Law Enforcement! | American Civil Liberties Union | May 25 15:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Journalism dying in the #us | May 25 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 15:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | On the 'Criminalization of Journalism': A Response to Michael Kinsley (and the NYT) | Common Dreams | May 25 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Thailand militarisation is symptom of | May 25 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | accelerating global system failure | May 25 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #globalwarming #energy | May 25 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thailand militarisation is symptom of accelerating global system failure | Nafeez Ahmed | Environment | | May 25 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean "Don't treat whistleblowers like the plague" | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by By Tom Devine | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Legal Director, @GovAcctProj | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Federal News Radio | May 25 16:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 2.7 *trillion* euros of EU-US investment shows | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS is unnecessary for #TTIP. if a system you | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't need is broken, don't fix it, *bin* it | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The government calls homes "compounds".to make | May 25 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | it sound like some kind of mythical AQ | May 25 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | cave/base | May 25 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Most US Drone Strikes in Pakistan Attack Houses | Common Dreams | May 25 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean As TSA retro-applied to fire me, DoD/OIG using | May 25 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by an UN-classified marking to delay report of | May 25 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 fraud, waste, & abuse: | May 25 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FOUO? Phooey! | May 25 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean One of the few articles that got my case | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by right--not copy & pasting @TheJusticeDept's | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 arguments by | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CCWhistleblower | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 25 16:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Journalists who describe me as an internet | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | activist and not as a journalist, often do so | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | as a reflection of their technological | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | illiteracy. | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The lingo of #cia #assassination turns "missile | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | hits adult male and his wife, kids in their | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | home" into "strike hits militant compound". | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Outcome of a busload of people owning more | May 25 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | wealth than half the world (3.5 billion people) | May 25 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | combined | May 25 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We (and This Includes You, Democrats) Have Blown a Huge Hole in the Safety Net | Common Dreams | May 25 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RationalWiki The "drinkable sunscreen" is otherwise known as | May 25 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "just water" But it | May 25 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard works by SCALAR WAVES!! | May 25 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A response to drinkable sunscreen claims - British Association of Dermatologists | May 25 16:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scalar wave - RationalWiki | May 25 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #switzerland can afford high minimum wage & | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | basic income because it helps crooks from all | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | around world rob the poor | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview: HSBC Swiss Bank Whistleblower Herve Falciani on Tax Evasion - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 25 16:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Can w'blowers like courageous @rjmaclean | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosing NatSec dangers to public safety | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | receive redress for retaliation? | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 25 16:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Those attacking me for speaking about an unkind | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | history do not take issue with facts: they take | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | issue that I dare to speak of this history. | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean .@SCOTUSblogposts @SCOTUSblog Next time feel | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by free 2 have your reporters call me 2 fact-check | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 instead of copy-pasting @TheJusticeDept's text. | May 25 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:09 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 6 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 36 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 25 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (6) | May 25 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 25 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 25 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean .@USMSPB "intentionally?" So did you forget the | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 2 years I spent litigating at the 9th that the | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 UNsecured/UNmarked text message was NOT SSI? | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Law Enforcement vs. the Hippies | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | people who seek real | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | progress repressed by #police with more | May 25 16:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Law Enforcement vs. the Hippies | Mother Jones | May 25 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | vengeance | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I've always heard that the line was that | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | "nobody knew" and these days it is "everyone | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | knows" - quite a change but not much of a | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | reason! | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Huh. @JimWhiteGNV just got told DOD blocks | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by access to | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | A badge of honor! | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | emptywheel | May 25 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 D.C. logic: if the Obama Administration | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by releases the memos in which Barron undermined | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 the 5th Amendment then he should be confirmed | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BBCGavinHewitt In France turnout continues to be slightly up | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on 2009 -35.07% compared to 33.18%. Also up in | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Germany, Portugal, Denmark.#EP2014 | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 So many Obama supporters are unable to defend | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by his extrajudicial killing of Americans… but | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 very willing to ignore it. | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 I mean, he’s just eroding rights at the very | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by foundation of justice in Western Civilization. | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 What’s the big deal? | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 Compare a judge’s ruling against Ladar Levison | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to what actually happened to see how legal | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 system is rigged | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Little Guys Don't Stand a Chance Against the National-Security State - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 25 16:12 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @ioerror: 'Those attacking me for speaking about an unkind...' | May 25 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 Those inside the national security state bubble | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by don’t see the grave damage they’re doing to | May 25 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 their own legitimacy w/ their behavior. | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 I continue to insist that the people | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by undermining the Bill of Rights in the name of | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 terrorism are the radicals. | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 Suggestion for @DrRandPaul: How about | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by introducing some legislation to repeal the | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Espionage Act? | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 For those who think "inherent powers" of | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by president must be balanced against the Bill of | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Rights, this point cannot be emphasized enough: | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 The Bill of Rights AMENDED the U.S. | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Constitution. | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 My response to Michael Kinsley: | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 16:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Government Isn't Very Good at Deciding What to Keep Secret - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 25 16:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 Why the Press Can Publish Any Classified | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Material It Likes | May 25 16:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why the Press Can Publish Any Classified Material It Likes - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 25 16:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @conor64 Gov’t Isn't Good at Deciding What to Keep | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Secret | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Yet many insist the state, not the press, | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | should call the shots | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheim-Verhandlungen: Wasser soll weltweit | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | privatisiert werden - | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | great to see #DE waking up to #TISA (v | May 25 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dozykraut) | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Geheim-Verhandlungen: Wasser soll weltweit privatisiert werden | DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFTS NACHRICHTEN | May 25 16:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror It is obvious that many of those unhappy with | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | my recent self-criticism haven't read my actual | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | writings on the topic at hand. | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more about #TISA (in English) - | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | basically, it's about | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | pushing #privatisation of #services | May 25 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | May 25 16:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Roo and Rottweiler | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 "reflexive aversion to non-governmental actors | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | exercising such an important discretionary role | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | in American governance" | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Government Isn't Very Good at Deciding What to Keep Secret - Atlantic Mobile | May 25 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I expect that I'll receive further criticism | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the things I've said and that is fine. It | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | is better than having not said those things. | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 5 ways #privatization is fleecing American | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | taxpayers - this is what | May 25 16:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 ways privatization is fleecing American taxpayers - | May 25 16:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #TISA will make commonplace (v @dozykraut) | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I fully accept criticism that is not about the | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | substance of what I've said but rather that | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | I've said it at all. Good to get that on | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | record. | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EuroParlPress #Austria First #Exitpolls ÖVP (EPP) 27,1 % | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by SPÖ 23, 8% (+0,1) FPÖ 20,1% (+7,4), Greens | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 14,6% (+4,6), Neos 8,3 % #EP2014 | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GiorgioJackson Mi abuela me mandó mail espantada al darse | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cuenta q la decisión sobre el aborto | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody terapéutico sería tomada por 101 hombres y 19 | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | mujeres. | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RonDeibert The Internet Is Burning | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @techcrunch ht @caparsons | May 25 16:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Internet Is Burning | TechCrunch | May 25 16:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Fascinating new Stingray law review article by | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ex-army SIGINT operator, trained by NSA. | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 25 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Brave New World of Cell-Site Simulators by Heath Hardman :: SSRN | May 25 16:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact Nur noch 45 Min bis Wahllokale schliessen - | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by noch unentschieden? #ep2014 #TTIP | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Parteiencheck von @campact: | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Damit Sie nicht die Katze im Sack wählen: Der TTIP-Parteiencheck | Campact Blog | May 25 16:27 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @BBCGavinHewitt: 'In France turnout continues to be slightly up...' | May 25 16:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RonDeibert Really impressed by @frontlinepbs "United | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by States of Secrets." Now, a must watch for my | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 graduate course on the geopolitics of | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyberspace | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RonDeibert The "dark age" of the Canadian telecom sector | May 25 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by continues via | May 25 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @torontostar | May 25 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telecom giants worried about “antagonizing” feds on lawful access: documents | Toronto Star | May 25 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RonDeibert Telecom giants worried about “antagonizing” | May 25 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by feds on lawful access: documents | May 25 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 via @torontostar | May 25 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ERT3Social ΕΥΡΩΕΚΛΟΓΕΣ 2014 στην ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΕΡΤ! Ξεκινήσαμε! | May 25 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 16:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ERT3Social: ΕΥΡΩΕΚΛΟΓΕΣ 2014 στην ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΕΡΤ! Ξεκινήσαμε! | May 25 16:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Mozilla: Publish and be #DRM'd! - | May 25 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | "DRM for video is simply | May 25 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | a Trojan Horse for all the #copyright | May 25 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | industries." | May 25 16:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla: Publish and be DRM'd! - Open Enterprise | May 25 16:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Should We Eat Invasive Species? | May 25 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Should We Eat Invasive Species? - Slashdot | May 25 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer The #Met dispute discussed by @mmasnick and | May 25 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow highlights the need for greater | May 25 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow remedies for #copyfraud: | May 25 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyfraud and Other Abuses of Intellectual Property Law by Jason Mazzone | May 25 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mack505 Finally listening to @doctorow's Homeland as | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by read by @wilw. Bravo, gentlemen! | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Jeremy_Lusk Declaring hotel coffee independence á la | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 25 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Jeremy_Lusk: Declaring hotel coffee independence á la @doctorow | May 25 16:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Empty houses in #uk | May 25 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Housing crisis? No, just a very British sickness | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 25 16:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Actonjustin Finished @doctorow 's Homeland yesterday. I've | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by made two batches of Cold Brew since starting | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow the book last week. You win this one | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Doctorow... | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarietjeSchaake “@RalienBekkers: New Indian PM: "Every home in | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by India to have solar power by 2019" | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody” | May 25 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Modi to Use Solar to Bring Power to Every Home by 2019 - Bloomberg | May 25 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How the #IMF Destroyed #Greece | May 25 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the IMF Destroyed Greece: The Reality of the Greek “Success story”: On Its Way to Become a Third World Country | Global Research | May 25 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Europarl_EN Germany, the country with most Commission | May 25 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by candidate debates, also has biggest #EP2014 | May 25 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody voter turnout improvement | May 25 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Elections Night 2014 | Germany: turnout significantly up from five years ago. | May 25 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Afghanistan demands immediate halt to #NSA | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass spying installations | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ##snowden | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghanistan strongly condemns recording of phone calls by U.S. NSA - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency | May 25 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks President Hamid Karzai and cabinet to shutdown | May 25 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks statement on the mass recording of Afghan telephone calls by the NSA | May 25 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA mass spying operation | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #afghanistan More: | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Snowden in ongoing negotiations to return to | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | USA | May 25 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden lotet Rckkehr in die USA aus - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 25 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wmnfnews In 2002, scientists thought the Arctic might be | May 25 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ice-free by 2070. Now they realize it will be | May 25 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 ice-free this decade - | May 25 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | University of Miami geologist in trenches of climate change - Miami-Dade - | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa had plenty of clues about what was coming | May 25 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | can't catch insiders, | May 25 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | expects us to believe it'll foil terror plots | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Threw Crypto Parties Before He Blew the Whistle on NSA | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz City of London #police brought to you by | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hollywood United States | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Two 30+ year old #Toronto institutions that I | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | loved have closed this month: Peter Pan Bistro | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Patachou bakery. #firstworldproblems | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Turtles | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cato institute and #koch | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Football versus rugby | May 25 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Misnomers another one: | May 25 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Indian" for "American" (native) | May 25 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Twain on death | May 25 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Indebted out of college | May 25 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mises behind the curtain | May 25 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Legacy of #bp | May 25 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BP Oil spill four years later: Return to Barataria Bay and Cat Island | | May 25 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 265 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1049 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 25 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (122), @glynmoody (25), @slashdot (7) | May 25 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (38), @Thomas_Drake1 (24), @schestowitz (10) | May 25 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #fbi (13), #linux (11), #EP2014 (9) | May 25 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stillgray I lodged another report to Facebook to remove | May 25 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the "Elliot Rodger was a hero" page. They've | May 25 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 refused--again. | May 25 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@stillgray: I lodged another report to Facebook to remove the "Elliot Rodger was a hero" page. They've refused--again. | May 25 17:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Two #Oregon Counties Vote to Ban Genetically | May 25 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Engineered Crops Despite Massive Bribes | May 25 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #monsanto | May 25 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Two Oregon Counties Vote to Ban Genetically Engineered Crops Despite Massive Contributions by Monsanto and Corporate Agribusiness | Common Dreams | May 25 17:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Sand_Mage @ioerror To be fair. German media including | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @DerSPIEGEL neglected to publish your | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror arguments. They only published @osterkorn's | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | arguments. | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate media in #uk likes to provide | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | coverage (negative) to racist parties because | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | covering other small parties is promoting | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | competition | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pope Francis to Call for Sovereign, Independent | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Palestinian State | May 25 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Juan Cole: Pope Francis to Call for Sovereign, Independent Palestinian State - Juan Cole - Truthdig | May 25 17:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Has the Ethanol Threat Manifested In the US? | May 25 17:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 17:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Has the Ethanol Threat Manifested In the US? - Slashdot | May 25 17:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Koch and "libertarian" | May 25 17:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #koch front groups | May 25 17:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates has many nasty front groups also | May 25 17:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:33 |
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 25 17:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Keep current with what's new in Linux | May 25 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | distributions | May 25 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keep current with what's new in Linux distributions | Tux Machines | May 25 17:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Supreme Court Admits Copyright Infringement May | May 25 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Actually Help The #Copyright Holder | May 25 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #scotus | May 25 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Admits Copyright Infringement May Actually Help The Copyright Holder | Techdirt | May 25 17:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks President Obama has made a surprise visit to | May 25 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Afghanistan, today ("to visit troops"). | May 25 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Novena open laptop project exceeds 280 percent | May 25 17:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | of crowd-funding target | May 25 17:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novena open laptop project exceeds 280 percent of crowd-funding target | Tux Machines | May 25 17:46 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (*.net *.split) | May 25 17:46 | |
qu1j0t3 | | @wikileaks President Obama has made a surprise visit to | May 25 17:47 |
qu1j0t3 | | Afghanistan, today ("to visit troops"). | May 25 17:47 |
qu1j0t3 | LOL | May 25 17:47 |
qu1j0t3 | Fuck Obama | May 25 17:47 |
qu1j0t3 | fuck that whole regime | May 25 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firetomfriedman Really infuriating that all these media outlets | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by are ruining Obama's surprise visit to the | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel troops in Afghanistan by reporting on it. | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kwnmk I was busy with reading Afghan governments | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rough statement in reaction to recent | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @wikileaks on afghans phone cnvrstns & | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BarackObama landed. | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 RT @wikileaks President Obama has made a | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | surprise visit to Afghanistan, today ("to visit | May 25 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | troops"). // LOL! Yeah right | May 25 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @bhaggart: Discussing fair dealing with | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @strosow live in 10 mins at | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CALJ and the Journal Community | L’ACRS et la collectivité des revues | May 25 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks AFP: Afghan anger at US monitoring 'nearly all' | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone calls | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghan anger at US monitoring 'nearly all' phone calls | May 25 18:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks statement on the mass recording of Afghan telephone calls by the NSA | May 25 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks AFP: #Afghanistan accuses UK as well as US for | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | installing NSA mass recording stations | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:13 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @kwnmk: 'I was busy with reading Afghan governments rough...' | May 25 18:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel When our Oligarchs win at the ballot box, can | May 25 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | we ask them to adopt nifty nicknames making the | May 25 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | more human? We can call Dimon CashQing. | May 25 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tagesschau #EP2014 Hochrechnung 19.20 Uhr: CDU/CSU: 35,6% | May 25 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by SPD: 27,2% GRÜNE: 10,9% FDP: 3,2% LINKE: 7,5% | May 25 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody AFD: 6,8% #wahl14 | May 25 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE | May 25 18:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | May 25 18:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 18:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Plasma Media Center Starts Playing On KF5, | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Qt5 | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | Tux Machines | May 25 18:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Plasma Media Center Starts Playing On KF5, Qt5 | Tux Machines | May 25 18:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | Tux Machines | May 25 18:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @andre_meister Wir haben heute ein VIdeo-Interview mit | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ggreenwald geführt, u.a. über die Positionen | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody der Bundesregierung: | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netzpolitik TV 082: Glenn Greenwald über die globale Überwachung | May 25 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks 350 WikiLeaks docs on #Ukraine's new president | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | (according to exit polls) #Poroshenko | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #crimea #russia #kiev | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | May 25 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ph.Ds From MIT, Berkeley, and a Few Others | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dominate Top School's CS Faculties | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ph.Ds From MIT, Berkeley, and a Few Others Dominate Top School's CS Faculties - Slashdot | May 25 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonworth So it looks like the Tierschutzpartei (Animal | May 25 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Protection Party) got more votes in Germany | May 25 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody than the NPD… 1 seat each though. #EP2014 | May 25 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Negotiations for Edward #Snowden to return to | May 25 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the US are ongoing more: | May 25 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden lotet Rckkehr in die USA aus - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 25 18:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Threats overview | Free Snowden | May 25 18:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Diaspora* / Sign in [ ] | May 25 18:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Hello Roy, maybe here two points of interest 4 you?! retroshare (P2P, whit PGP - have a very easy assistent to make pgp-key pair after setup. very userfrendly Mykolab - Servers are in Swiss, it's co-foundet by a fsfe fellow Nice Sunday" | May 25 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RetroShare | May 25 18:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Features | | May 25 18:49 | |
schestowitz__ | Kolab is one of the few worth trusting, I hope they thrive | May 25 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Afghan government statement instituting | May 25 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | immediate end to NSA mass recording (Dari) | May 25 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stevesilberman Craving to become a real "alpha male"? This gun | May 25 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by company is happy to help. [via | May 25 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | کابینه افغانستان شنود مکالمات تیلفونی افغانها توسط امریکا را نقض صریح حاکمیت ملی، حقوق بشری و شهروندی مردم افغانستان دانست - د ولسمشرۍ ماڼۍ | May 25 18:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @feministabulous] | May 25 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@stevesilberman: Craving to become a real "alpha male"? This gun company is happy to help. [via @feministabulous] | May 25 18:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan US Supreme Court To Hear #Whistleblower Case On | May 25 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disclosing National Security Dangers | May 25 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 25 18:52 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ floating movie theater in thailand...  #floating #movietheater #thailand | May 25 18:53 | |
schestowitz__ | "why? "The extraordinary modular, reusable structure was made entirely out of recycled materials in accordance with vernacular Thai architecture. Everything can be reused or recycled, and local people were employed to do the job. Now that the film festival is complete, Archipelago Cinema will be donated to the Yao Noi community that built it in the first place. " | May 25 18:53 |
schestowitz__ | thailand-is-made-of-recycled-materials/" | May 25 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 25 18:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes .@ntvde Gravierender Fact-check fail auf | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Zeugenliste NSA-#PUA @Thomas_Drake1 / Thomas | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Andrew Blake cc | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MartinaRenner | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prominente Zeugenliste: NSA-Ausschuss greift nach ganz oben - | May 25 18:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JanAlbrecht Riesige Freude in #Kiel über die super | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Grünen-Ergebnisse in DE + AT. Das wird sicher | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody noch besser! Vielen Dank Euch allen für den | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Support!! | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @calestous RT @Jonathan__Leake: Stop wind turbine menace! | May 25 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Another shocking example of landscapes ruined | May 25 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody by #windfarms | May 25 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Jonathan__Leake: Stop the wind turbine menace! Another shocking illustration of landscape destruction by #wind farms | May 25 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Falkvinge BREAKING: Pirates are STAYING in European | May 25 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Parliament - - | May 25 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #votepirate | May 25 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirates Are Staying In European Parliament - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | May 25 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonworth Germany will get 1 far right, 1 Pirate | May 25 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (@senficon - YES!), 1 animal rights MEP… | May 25 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EP2014 | May 25 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recommended: Documents: Feds Targeting Others | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Over Snowden Leaks | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Documents: Feds Targeting Others Over Snowden Leaks | May 25 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Badger cull company used Somerset's | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | constabulary 'as private police force' - | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | further biased policing | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #shame | May 25 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Badger cull company used Somerset's constabulary 'as private police force' | Environment | The Guardian | May 25 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Copyright Troll Demands Comcast’s Six Strikes | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Data for Lawsuit - gosh, | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | what a surprise, no? | May 25 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright Troll Demands Comcast's Six Strikes Data for Lawsuit | TorrentFreak | May 25 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:08 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes Bitte @netzpolitik Gravierender Fact-check fail | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by auf Zeugenliste #NSA #PUA @Thomas_Drake1 / | May 25 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Thomas Andrew Blake | May 25 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ floating movie theater in thailand...  #floating #movietheater #thailand | May 25 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Liste an Zeugen im NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss | May 25 19:09 | |
schestowitz__ | "Makes me want to travel to Thailand to do it :)" | May 25 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | "to see it*" | May 25 19:09 |
MinceR | what's going on in thailand? | May 25 19:10 |
schestowitz__ | military coup | May 25 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EuropeDecides #France exit poll #ep2014 (Ifop): | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @partisocialiste 14.2% | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @UMP 20.6% | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FN_officiel 25% | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EELV 9.3% | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FDG 6% | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | UDI - @modem 10.4% | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rajivwashpost White House breaks with protocol by publicly | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by identifying name of CIA station chief in Kabul | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to pool reporters. | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PTPolicyWonk Welcoming a New Voice in Copyright Reform – The | May 25 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Authors Alliance | @publicknowledge - | May 25 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Welcoming a New Voice in Copyright Reform – The Authors Alliance - Public Knowledge | May 25 19:14 | |
MinceR | schestowitz__: is it safe for tourists? | May 25 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @gavinboyd2012 .@NHAparty Why are @UKLabour so timid re #NHS | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #privatisation? Ed goes on about GP waiting | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody times rather than Tories selling it to cronies! | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: That there is vastly less | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | likelyhood of meaningful NSA 'reform' than | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | there is of unilateral US nuclear weapons | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | disarmament. | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "Latin as the official language in Brussels" - | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | now there's an idea... | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German AfD candidate: 'The EU is upside down' | EurActiv | May 25 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: Mass surveillance is called | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'strategic' surveillance in spy agencies for a | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | reason. Its primary purpose is strategic | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | dominance. | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Gesine_Agena Super Sache! Starke #Grüne im europäischen | May 25 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Parlament! | May 25 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 25 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JanAlbrecht Super! “@dieNagashi: #Ungarn's Grüne @lehet_mas | May 25 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by schaffen ihr 1. EU-Mandat! | May 25 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EP2014” | May 25 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Index - Külföld - Tucatnyi fideszest küldtünk Brüsszelbe | May 25 19:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: Those expecting a powerful secret | May 25 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | agency dealing with complex, invisible | May 25 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | technology to exercise self restraint are | May 25 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | deluded. | May 25 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:24 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 19:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moment suspect in Brussels Jewish Museum shootings guns down tourists | Mail Online [ ] | May 25 19:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 19:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Man wearing pig mask and toy bobby's helmet arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer #uk | May 25 19:30 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Steven Peers pig mask: Man wearing toy police helmet and pig mask arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer - Manchester Evening News [ ] | May 25 19:30 | |
schestowitz__ | "I can't blame the police, he really looks like a common policeman." | May 25 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EuropeDecides #Romania #ep2014 exit poll: | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by PSD-UNPR-PC (@PES_PSE) 41% | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody PNL (@ALDEParty) 14.9% | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | PDL (@EPP) 11.8% | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | UDMR 7.1% | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | PMP (@EPP) 6.7% | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | (via @StirileTVR) | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: Censoring the truth (e.g docs about | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Afg, Iraq, Russia) to generate positive | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | stateside PR benefits is naive and immoral. | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: The NSA will always corrupt reform | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | efforts, as it did with FISA and other forms of | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | oversight. | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: Fostering defense against mass | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying by exposing NSA programs is effective. | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | States, organisations and markets react. | May 25 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:34 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Messgorough: @schestowitz would be too convenient for them to mention green party gains. Unless they do some radical llama pushing. | May 25 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: People install locks once they know | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | how theives get in because professional theives | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | will never follow the law. | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: That the response by the government | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Afghanistan has been the most effective | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'reform' todate. A real reform almost | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroyed. | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks We believe: The capacity to defend against | May 25 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminal conduct needs to be in the hands of | May 25 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | the victims. Asking criminals to be nice is | May 25 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | hopeless | May 25 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Quad Lasers Deliver Fast, Earth-Based Internet | May 25 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | To the Moon | May 25 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Quad Lasers Deliver Fast, Earth-Based Internet To the Moon - Slashdot | May 25 19:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EuropeDecides #Denmark #ep2014 exit poll: | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by O (#EFD) 23.1% | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A (@PES_PSE) 20.5% | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | V (@ALDEParty) 17.2% | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | F (@GreensEP) 11.9% | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | C (@EPP) 8.6% | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | N (@GUENGL) 8.2% | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenEurope Exit polls in Denmark show a clear yes in the | May 25 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EU Patent Court referendum - Yes - 64.7%, No - | May 25 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab 35.3% | May 25 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 19:56 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @OpenEurope: 'Exit polls in Denmark show a clear yes...' | May 25 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gibus #UnitaryPatent a very good article by Dr. | May 25 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Stjerna | May 25 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab | May 25 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:05 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @gibus: '#UnitaryPatent a very good article by Dr. Stjerna...' | May 25 20:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @electionista #EP2014 - Finland YLE projection: | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NCP 3 seats | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Centre 3 | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Finns 2 | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | SDP 2 | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Green League 1 | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Left Alliance 1 | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | SPP 1 | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @gchampeau Notons, ***s'ils font ce qu'ils disent***, le | May 25 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by FN c une bonne nouvelle pour les sujets | May 25 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody numériques (net neut, droit d'auteur, | May 25 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | TAFTA...). | May 25 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Falkvinge Swedish Pirate Party projected at 2.5% in exit | May 25 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by polls, projected to lose both seats in | May 25 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Europarl. Germany in instead. | May 25 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week | May 25 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | At Techdirt | May 25 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | Techdirt | May 25 20:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Improvements | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good Improvements | Tux Machines | May 25 20:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | 10.3-devel | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux Machines | May 25 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JHillje Greens are 2nd strongest party in Sweden with | May 25 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 17,1% (4 seats) @miljopartiet #VotedGreen | May 25 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EP2014 | May 25 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:35 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 20:38 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 25 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange's father in Newcastle to receive award | Newcastle Herald [ ] | May 25 20:38 | |
schestowitz__ | He said the effective jail sentence had revealed an "emotional depth" in his son. | May 25 20:38 |
schestowitz__ | "They say suffering teaches you a lot," Mr Shipton said. | May 25 20:38 |
schestowitz__ | The Newtown, Sydney, resident said he was not a particularly political person before WikiLeaks propelled his son into international attention. | May 25 20:38 |
schestowitz__ | But he now railed against the Unites States' "cruel foreign policies" and the roles of Australia and Britain as US "puppet states". | May 25 20:38 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 25 20:38 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 25 20:39 |
schestowitz__ | Mr Shipton said his bag was stolen on a Paris metro station recently, but only his computer was taken. | May 25 20:39 |
schestowitz__ | "If they were ordinary thieves, they would have taken the two mobile phones in the bag," Mr Shipton said. | May 25 20:39 |
schestowitz__ | "Everyone in WikiLeaks has had their computer stolen." | May 25 20:39 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 25 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hypatiadotca #YesAllWomen because of all of this shit. | May 25 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 25 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timeline of incidents - Geek Feminism Wiki | May 25 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @baskut08 Oregon counties ban genetically modified crops | May 25 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @salem_statesman | May 25 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP #GMO | May 25 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oregon counties ban genetically modified crops | May 25 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bopanc Eurosceptics of all coulours expected to double | May 25 20:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their vote from roughly 56 to over 115 #EP2014 | May 25 20:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody incl UK, France, Italy, Germany | May 25 20:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LiliaAnaRamos Spain estimates: | May 25 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by PP -20 | May 25 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody PSOE -18 | May 25 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | IU 12 | May 25 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | UYyD 10 | May 25 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:45 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 20:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Two #Oregon Counties Vote to Ban Genetically Engineered Crops Despite Massive Bribes #monsanto | May 25 20:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Two Oregon Counties Vote to Ban Genetically Engineered Crops Despite Massive Contributions by Monsanto and Corporate Agribusiness | Common Dreams [ ] | May 25 20:54 | |
schestowitz__ | However the vote on the ballot said something to the effect: "Do you want certain GMO species to be regulated""" | May 25 20:54 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: **Laika during her spaceflight on board Sputnik 2**  #gif #1957 | May 25 20:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Poor dog, stupid russians." | May 25 20:55 |
schestowitz__ | "" | May 25 20:55 |
schestowitz__ | "marc Yea! Should had send a stupid russian instead!" | May 25 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EfiEfthimiou #Greece #EP2014 23.13% of total: Syriza 26.43, | May 25 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ND 23.16, GolDawn 9.38, Pasok 8.07, Potami | May 25 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 6.59, KKE 6.01, IndGreeks 3.44, Laos 2.73 | May 25 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diradefo Si cela peut vous consoler, Abbas et Peres ont | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by accepté la demande de médiation du Pape au | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Vatican. Et ça c'est une TRÈS bonne nouvelle. | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | :) | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @teacherdude Definitely end of an era. SYRIZA has replace | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by PASOK as the dominant party of the Left in | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Greece, Now ahead in EU vote. | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @asteris .@Ecogreens & @PiratepartyGR together getting | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 0,89%. Partly explained by austerity | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody polarization, but also time to rethink | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | strategies #Greece | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ronpatz In @zdf interview says @MartinSchulz: “I see | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by good chances that I’ll be Commission President. | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody I will try to build majorities tonight“ #EP2014 | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hypatiadotca I've been tracking mra/pua culture for yrs, and | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by UCSB is heartbreakingly unsurprising to me. | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Read thru archives 4 | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | why. | May 25 21:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | we hunted the mammoth | the new misogyny, tracked and mocked | May 25 21:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Wikipedia: We’ve won. No tail-lights. Now what? | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | HN front page, 12k views | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | today ... | May 25 21:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikipedia: We’ve won. No tail-lights. Now what? « David Gerard | May 25 21:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot HP Delivers a Big-Name, 7-inch Android Tablet | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | For $100: Comes With Compromises | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 21:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Delivers a Big-Name, 7-inch Android Tablet For $100: Comes With Compromises - Slashdot | May 25 21:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kim_tastiic "They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but | May 25 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by there is no peace. What really bothers them is | May 25 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 that we're disturbing the war." | May 25 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @lmorchard "Alpha male" sounds like everyone would be | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by better waiting until the beta and production | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 releases come around. | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EPPGroup Portugal exit poll: EPP (PSD/CDS-PP) 25-29%. | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by S&D (PS) 30-34%. MPT (NA) 7-8%. GUE-NGL | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (PCP-PEV) 12-15%. GUE-NGL (BE) 5-7% #EP2014 | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ronpatz Now in @zdf interview: AfD head Lucke “we | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by aren’t like UKIP cause we are broadly in favour | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody of EU &would not want to see the UK leave“ | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cypheroftyr When told that playing the race card, the | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reply is my life is not a game | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #MajorityOppression | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @lizzy_davies Good that @SkyTG24 are reporting the really | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by important story of the day: the new judges on | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody XFactor Italy (broadcast on, er, @SkyUno) | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cypheroftyr Objection to the words cis is the off ramp to | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the transphobia highway. #MajorityOppression | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | May 25 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes action-packed | May 25 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update XXVI, complete with water cannons #TAFTA | May 25 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 25 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @whorephobia This was an incredibly dangerous man who killed | May 25 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by women who he decided had rejected him, but its | May 25 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard OK to say we should fuck him? | May 25 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @whorephobia Does anyone thing Rodger would have paid? WOuld | May 25 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have been a respectful client who followed our | May 25 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard boundaries? Seriously? | May 25 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @whorephobia Sex workers do not exist so that dangerous men | May 25 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by can vent, it is not Ok to use our bodies as | May 25 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard cannon fodder. | May 25 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shills | | May 25 21:48 | |
schestowitz__ | ""@noh8er Sandra Eckersley has been outed as major anti Assange FT political troll,other alias,same MO, — Christine Assange (@AssangeC) February 5, 2012" | May 25 21:48 |
schestowitz__ | "Is there some Aussie bloke out there willing help poor Sandra Eckersley w her unhealthy obsessession with sex & my son?#assange #wikileaks" | May 25 21:49 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | May 25 21:49 |
schestowitz__ | "@SandraEckersley @Peace_rat what is your problem Sandra...have you ever meet Julian,,,you are beginning to sound like a rejected lover..." | May 25 21:49 |
schestowitz__ | Indeed | May 25 21:49 |
MinceR | :> | May 25 21:50 |
schestowitz__ | "@SandraEckersley #wikiwatch are bullshit facts and rhetoric. People beware its run by @PGPBOARD a jilted wikileaks ex-lover… #assange" | May 25 21:50 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: I thought so too | May 25 21:50 |
schestowitz__ | hence i looked it up | May 25 21:50 |
schestowitz__ | she sounds like some ex g/f or something | May 25 21:50 |
schestowitz__ | as though she's obsessed with him and wants revenge | May 25 21:51 |
schestowitz__ | "Guardian = jilted lover." | May 25 21:52 |
MinceR | could be a propaganda puppet | May 25 21:52 |
schestowitz__ | yes, see my earlier converasion. Assange labelled her CIA | May 25 21:52 |
schestowitz__ | Which is why I googled it, having failed with ixquick | May 25 21:52 |
schestowitz__ | this convo is still going on with some personas | May 25 21:53 |
schestowitz__ | over the years I saw some puppets whose only posting on the web is lots of anti-Assange | May 25 21:53 |
schestowitz__ | this made me suspect it's one of those puppets campaign that wikileaks leaked around 2007 | May 25 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @whorephobia The idea that "good" women be protected from | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dangerous men by their taking out their needs | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard on sex workers leads to our deaths | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks President Karzai rejects Obama meeting after | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA mass recording revelation | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Karzai rejects Obama’s invitation to meet him in Bagram Airfield - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency | May 25 21:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: AFP: #Afghanistan accuses UK as well as US for installing NSA mass recording stations More: | May 25 21:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Afghan anger at US monitoring 'nearly all' phone calls | May 25 21:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | WikiLeaks statement on the mass recording of Afghan telephone calls by the NSA | May 25 21:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Karzai's duel snubbing of Obama and his order | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | today to cut off NSA access to Afghan telecos | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | is an interesting development. | May 25 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 21:54 |
schestowitz__ | it's a sandra site | May 25 21:55 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 21:55 |
schestowitz__ | "(Presumably Sandra Eckersley, one of our volunteers, who has been receiving regular threats recently). This is not the first time that ZULU4o1 has made this threat:" | May 25 21:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Death threats directed at Wikiwatch | [ ] | May 25 21:55 | |
schestowitz__ | she's provoking | May 25 21:55 |
schestowitz__ | and then pasted in the blog | May 25 21:55 |
schestowitz__ | to make assange facts look extreme | May 25 21:55 |
schestowitz__ | "Is this a joke? None of these are death threats. Getting ridiculous on here" | May 25 21:56 |
schestowitz__ | just libel | May 25 21:56 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 21:58 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 21:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Assange's Precision: Assange and his concerned anti-allies [ ] | May 25 21:59 | |
schestowitz__ | " The picture below is an exchange with Sandra K. Eckersley who is in the mission to save the 'proper' governments. " | May 25 21:59 |
schestowitz__ | "A former West End Stage Manager and Technical Director for the Hong Kong Ballet, Sandra has lived and worked in London, Hong Kong, Italy, the Middle East and the United States. She has travelled extensively in third world countries and spent a year trekking through South and Central America. A professional photographer as well, she once took the cover photograph for The Rising Nepal newspaper in Kathmandu as well as | May 25 22:00 |
schestowitz__ | holding three exhibitions in Hong Kong. " | May 25 22:00 |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 22:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sandra K Eckersley - On Line Opinion Author [ ] | May 25 22:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TelecomixBSRE .@jaraparilla @wikileaks @abcnews DoD/NSA | May 25 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Fusion Center in Afghanistan by Palantir | May 25 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks w/@TeamPraescient | May 25 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Bluecabinet | May 25 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PRAESCIENT - Bluecabinet | May 25 22:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Karzai's snubbing of Obama and order today to | May 25 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | cut off NSA access to Afghan telecos is an | May 25 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting development | May 25 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: President Karzai rejects Obama meeting after NSA mass recording revelation More: | May 25 22:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Karzai rejects Obama’s invitation to meet him in Bagram Airfield - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency | May 25 22:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: AFP: #Afghanistan accuses UK as well as US for installing NSA mass recording stations More: | May 25 22:02 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'Karzai's duel snubbing of Obama and his order...' | May 25 22:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 22:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ivan Čukić » #1 talk at Meeting C++ [ ] | May 25 22:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 25 22:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Next Generation Edges Closer | [ ] | May 25 22:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee Meteorologists have detected a cold front | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | nearing the region of Hell: | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@20committee: @HenriBuensoz I don't think we can blame Putin for too much of this, actually | May 25 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JSLefebvre RT @electionista - Italy - EMG exit poll: | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody PD 33% | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | M5S 26.5% | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Forza Italia 18% | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lega 6% | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tsipras 4.2% | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | NCD 4% | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fd’I 3.8 #Ep2014 | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Post: Son of NSA figure seeking asylum in | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Canada hit with sex case after finding FBI doc | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | on CIA bound for #WikiLeaks | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 25 22:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard OpenSSL Valhalla Rampage is alive and well and | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | serving up eyesporking content for your delight | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ValhallaSSL #LibreSSL | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenSSL Valhalla Rampage | May 25 22:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Is Bamboo the Next Carbon Fibre? | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Bamboo the Next Carbon Fibre? - Slashdot | May 25 22:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The problem with Scribd and Quora | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nelson's Weblog: tech / bad / quora-scribd-considered-harmful | May 25 22:45 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard deleted 'The problem with Scribd and Quora' | May 25 22:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The problem with Scribd and Quora | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | (I concur that Quora is | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Expert Sexchange 2.0) | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EmmaK67 By the way, if you're the 74% who didn't bother | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to vote, you're not allowed to moan about this | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody lurch to the extreme right. The end | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tanjatania Ska Keller says it's not clear that Juncker is | May 25 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the next president. Greens will not give him | May 25 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody support if no green investments, halt austerity | May 25 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JeremyCliffe Questioner: How would you support UK business? | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Juncker: I'm not a UK businessman. Questioner: | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Well I am. Juncker: I won the election. #charm | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @P0TUS Dear @NRA: Will you attend the funerals of | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by those slaughtered in California? #NeverMind | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #WeKnow #Cowards | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 25 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Sysparatem i would go as far as to say that the #BBC has a | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by considerable responsibility for fostering and | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 in large part creating UKIP | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @albinwonderland claims that feminists are using this event for | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their own agenda are ABSOLUTELY TRUE. their | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 agenda is: they want women to stop being | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | murdered | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 MT @0xabad1dea ramblings about murderers and | May 26 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | MRAs: // #mustread | May 26 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 00:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 0xabad1dea - Useless ramblings about murderers and MRAs | May 26 00:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @iamreddave And now Europeans have elected the sort of | May 26 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by people who have a really bad reputation for | May 26 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 forcing people onto trains | May 26 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bodil Ugh. Europe, on behalf of my adoptive country | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by I'm really, really sorry about all the racist | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 trash apparently headed for your parliament. 😞 | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Haiku Gains Support For Current Radeon HD Cards | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 00:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Haiku Gains Support For Current Radeon HD Cards - Slashdot | May 26 00:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Afghan Govt condemns | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass NSA surveillance of phone calls, Karzai | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | rejects visit with Obama | May 26 00:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 00:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 25 May 2014 | May 26 00:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140524 - | May 26 01:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 26 01:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 26 01:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140524 | May 26 01:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "A nice big glass of Mummy juice is probably a | May 26 01:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | vitamin! It keeps other people alive." | May 26 01:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:04 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 01:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #koch front groups #billgates has many nasty front groups also | May 26 01:11 | |
schestowitz__ | "If their names contain liberty and freedom those groups must be good." | May 26 01:11 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 01:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: ## US veteran killed by California Highway Police officers ### By #JakeDean and #ShaneReynaldo, 24 May 2014 #usa #california #californiahighwaypatrol #veterans #ptsd #beaten #TommyYancy #JamesBoyd #iraq #afghanistan #seroxat #wsws | May 26 01:12 | |
schestowitz__ | "I'm not counting, but I think that police in my banana republic kill less innocent citizens than police in the US. On the other hand, in my country there is not so much freedom: we don't have food like the liberty fries, or laws like the Freedom Whatever act, or institutes like the Freedomblah." | May 26 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | US veteran killed by California Highway Police officers - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | May 26 01:12 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ City of London #police brought to you by #hollywood United States | May 26 01:12 | |
schestowitz__ | "I feel more secure now, I was waiting for the police to give me a safe and reliable online content guide." | May 26 01:12 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 01:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Pope Francis to Call for Sovereign, Independent Palestinian State | May 26 01:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Juan Cole: Pope Francis to Call for Sovereign, Independent Palestinian State - Juan Cole - Truthdig [ ] | May 26 01:13 | |
schestowitz__ | "I'm an atheist, but .....I like the new Pope." | May 26 01:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FPsych Breaking News: An admin worker for Job Network | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Office has broken her silence over a system | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard that bins clients resume's | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FPsych: Breaking News: An admin worker for Job Network Office has broken her silence over a system that bins clients resume's | May 26 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Homeland Security and GoDaddy Censor | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dhs is inherently | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | cruel, #godaddy similar: | May 26 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Homeland Security and GoDaddy Censor Mexican Protesters? | Muktware | May 26 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Amazon Is Cracking Down on Book Publisher | May 26 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boycott GoDaddy | Techrights | May 26 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship (digital | May 26 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | book-burning) also: | May 26 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon Hachette Battle Escalates With Amazon Delisting Titles - TIME | May 26 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon Won't Sell You The Paperback Version Of The Anti-Amazon Book | May 26 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Seven States Running Out of Water | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #water #nature #climate | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Seven States Running Out of Water - 24/7 Wall St. | May 26 01:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Twitter Blocks Tweets in #Pakistan | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #twitter becomes part of | May 26 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter Blocks 'Blasphemous' Tweets in Pakistan | News & Opinion | | May 26 01:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | the problem, cooperating with ignorance and | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | oppression | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New UK IT procurement model urges open | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | standards #standards | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk #freesw | May 26 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New UK IT procurement model urges open standards | Joinup | May 26 01:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Improvements | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #libreoffice #odf | May 26 01:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good Improvements | May 26 01:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @gibus #UnitaryPatent a very good article by Dr. | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Stjerna | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Jack can't talk fully yet but can fist bump, | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | say "ooooh yeah", do a monster impression, and | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | high five. That's my boy. | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @terminsane Errr... every terrorist on the planet assumes | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by afganistan is being monitored... and US govt | May 26 01:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz pretends it needs to be secret? @wikileaks | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @terminsane I've given @ggreenwald benefit of doubt for a | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by while, but cant for the life of me understand | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz why he'd censor afganistan @JustSikko | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @terminsane Its really odd that the US govt pressured to | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by censor that one... the one everyone already | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz assumed was monitored @JustSikko @wikileaks | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kpoulsen Wow. @anonymouSabu was the Cadillac of FBI | May 26 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hacker informants. | May 26 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 26 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Afghanistan strongly condemns recording of | May 26 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone calls by U.S. #NSA | May 26 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 01:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghanistan strongly condemns recording of phone calls by U.S. NSA - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency | May 26 01:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | here's how and why | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- here's how and why | Tux Machines | May 26 01:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New UK IT procurement model urges open | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | standards | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New UK IT procurement model urges open standards | Tux Machines | May 26 01:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Radical | May 26 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hypatiadotca Feeling sad and powerless about Santa Barbara? | May 26 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Donate to @splcenter who do amazing work MRAs | May 26 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 and other hate groups: | May 26 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 02:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Southern Poverty Law Center - Donate | May 26 02:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mental Illness Reduces Lifespan As Much as | May 26 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smoking | May 26 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 02:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mental Illness Reduces Lifespan As Much as Smoking - Slashdot | May 26 02:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @the_intercept .@ggreenwald responds to Michael Kinsley: | May 26 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 26 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 26 02:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Response to Michael Kinsley - The Intercept | May 26 02:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @janinegibson Important to say that Edward Snowden has asked | May 26 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for his fee for this to | May 26 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack be donated to Human Rights Watch, @hrw. | May 26 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 02:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vladimir Putin must be called to account on surveillance just like Obama | Edward Snowden | Comment is free | | May 26 02:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @atima_omara #yesallwomen why feminists call domestic | May 26 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by violence a war on women because this: | May 26 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 26 02:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 02:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@atima_omara: #yesallwomen why feminists call domestic violence a war on women because this: | May 26 02:54 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 26 02:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@kgosztola And officials who #leak undercover | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | IDs on purpose (Atmitage/Plame) vs those who | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | are tricked into it (@JohnKiriakou) & go to | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | jail | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Matthew #DeHart was intel analyst in military | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drone unit & potential #whistleblower: | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tortured & now seeking #asylum n Canada | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #PayAttention | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks UKIP win of EU election vote may have | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | implications for #Assange diplomatic standoff | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | more: | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 03:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 03:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Assange forced into a corner over EAW - UK Independence Party | May 26 03:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | assange ukip - YouTube | May 26 03:31 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 9 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 56 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 26 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (9) | May 26 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 26 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 26 04:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee Number of CIA Station Chiefs outed: | May 26 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 26 04:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden: 0 / White House: 1 | May 26 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 26 04:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 04:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan - The Washington Post | May 26 04:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rajivwashpost White House breaks with protocol by publicly | May 26 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by identifying name of CIA station chief in Kabul | May 26 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou to pool reporters. | May 26 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BondInNewYork .@CIAspygirl @rajivwashpost WTF! | May 26 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by A STATION CHIEF? | May 26 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou is serving time for revealing an | May 26 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ID to a reporter, where's POTUS jail time?! | May 26 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola It's "Oops!" accident when official in power | May 26 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by leaks name of intel agent mistakenly to | May 26 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou reporter. But, if official low-ranking, face | May 26 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | punishment | May 26 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 04:23 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: '.@kgosztola And officials who #leak undercover IDs on...' | May 26 04:23 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 140 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 591 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 26 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @wikileaks (21), @schestowitz (14), @slashdot (7) | May 26 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (39), @qu1j0t3 (13), @davidgerard (7) | May 26 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #EP2014 (11), #UnitaryPatent (3), #NSA (3) | May 26 05:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@MattMackowiak @BradMossEsq Fired? Don't you | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | mean exiled to Russia? | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Sifting Mt. Gox's Logs Reveals Suspicious | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trading Patterns | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 05:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sifting Mt. Gox's Logs Reveals Suspicious Trading Patterns - Slashdot | May 26 05:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #SIF14 is a geopolitical tool and has banned | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #WikiLeaks and #Snowden: | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 05:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 05:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Conference on Internet Freedom - Swedish Foreign Ministry prevents Snowden’s invitation | Cicero Online | May 26 05:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 26 05:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter / Search - from:wikileaks bildt | May 26 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cheuya “Working out, gym, cars.” -tinder bro | May 26 05:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 26 05:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 🌾 | May 26 05:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 05:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @horanharbor this is actually so strong #YesAllWomen | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 26 05:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@horanharbor: this is actually so strong #YesAllWomen | May 26 05:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks "Robbed and ruined by the CIA" context to NSA's | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | recording of the entire Afghan population | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 05:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Margaret and Stuart Bentham: Robbed by a British court on the orders of the CIA | Mail Online | May 26 05:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @alibangiBeware of #SIF14 which banned #Snowden | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | and us. More info: | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 05:57 |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted '@alibangiBeware of #SIF14 which banned #Snowden and us....' | May 26 05:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The White House emailed 6000 journalists the | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | name of the Kabul CIA station chief. Why hasn't | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | it been tweeted yet? | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan - The Washington Post | May 26 06:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian "The Post is withholding the name of the CIA | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | officer at the request of Obama administration | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | officials..." | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian "Reuters is also withholding the name from this | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | article." | May 26 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top CIA officer in Afghanistan mistakenly named by White House: report | May 26 06:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian "The Washington Times is withholding the name | May 26 06:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the CIA officer" | May 26 06:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House blows cover of CIA's Kabul station chief - Washington Times | May 26 06:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nielslesniewski Like many other reporters, I do have the name | May 26 06:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of the "Chief of Station" on an email that's | May 26 06:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian sitting in my Inbox. | May 26 06:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @UniversityofHabana Beware of #SIF14 which | May 26 06:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | banned #Snowden and us. See: | May 26 06:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 06:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 06:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:35 |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted '@UniversityofHabana Beware of #SIF14 which banned #Snowden and...' | May 26 06:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Apparently, 6000 people can keep a secret, as | May 26 06:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Conference on Internet Freedom - Swedish Foreign Ministry prevents Snowden’s invitation | Cicero Online | May 26 06:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | long as they are DC area journalists willing to | May 26 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | do the White House a solid favor. | May 26 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 26 06:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mozilla, a tale of gentrification | May 26 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #firefox | May 26 06:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter / Search - from:wikileaks bildt | May 26 06:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla, a tale of gentrification | May 26 06:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa | May 26 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | 10.3-devel | May 26 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #intel | May 26 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa 10.3-devel | May 26 06:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 | May 26 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Has Some Slowdowns | May 26 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #intel #gnu #linux #ubuntu | May 26 06:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 Has Some Slowdowns | May 26 06:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @laurenlazar I love listening to @wilw reading @doctorow's | May 26 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Homeland SUCH a great book! | May 26 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 26 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ewjoachim Just finished Little Brothers and Pirate | May 26 06:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Cinema.@doctorow, you are a genius. Following | May 26 06:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow your advice, for Alan Mendelsohn, the boy from | May 26 06:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | mars | May 26 06:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #LXLE 14.04 Beta 1 Is Now Available For Free | May 26 06:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Download | May 26 06:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LXLE 14.04 Beta 1 Is Now Available For Free Download | Yet Another Ubuntu 14.04 Derivative For Old Computers | | May 26 06:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Controllers #steamos | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #gnu #linux | May 26 06:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party Controllers | | May 26 06:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nobody Cares How Awesome You Are at Your Job | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 06:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nobody Cares How Awesome You Are at Your Job - Businessweek | May 26 06:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #games | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #valve | May 26 06:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | May 26 06:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stevecheckoway Comment from Intel employee: Don't trust our | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hardware. | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:54 |
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian deleted 'RT @stevecheckoway: Comment from Intel employee: Don't trust...' | May 26 06:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Sweden banned #Snowden from Internet "freedom" | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | forum starting today | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Conference on Internet Freedom - Swedish Foreign Ministry prevents Snowden’s invitation | Cicero Online | May 26 06:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks In email Sweden denies "blacklist" against | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden, WikiLeaks. Says it has a list of those | May 26 06:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter / Search - from:wikileaks bildt | May 26 06:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | who are invited and a list of those who are | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | not. | May 26 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 06:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 26 06:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CSG implements first napping station in UGLi | May 26 07:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | good idea, should be | May 26 07:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | more of those out there | May 26 07:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CSG implements first napping station in UGLi - The Michigan Daily | May 26 07:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order | May 26 07:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Books for Red Pitaya | May 26 07:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Based on the GNU/Linux operating system" | May 26 07:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order Books for Red Pitaya | Control Engineering Asia | May 26 07:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Infinite Migrates Infor BPCS/LX to Linux | May 26 07:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #ibm | May 26 07:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Infinite Migrates Infor BPCS/LX to Linux | Virtual-Strategy Magazine | May 26 07:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Witcher 2 port to #gnu #linux not done properly | May 26 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GamingOnLinux - Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports | May 26 07:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Witcher 2 Just Made A Bunch Of Linux Gamers Very, Very Angry | Kotaku Australia | May 26 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Plasma mediacenter running on | May 26 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | KF5/Qt5 | May 26 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #KDE #Plasma #KF5 #Qt5 | May 26 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GSoC Sunday report #1 : Plasma mediacenter running on KF5/Qt5 [ ] | May 26 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] KDE Plasma Media Center Starts Playing On KF5, Qt5 | May 26 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go | May 26 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Language #clive #google | May 26 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #go | May 26 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go Language | May 26 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Open source cloud hosting environment built in | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Swiss data centre | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #switzerland | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How governments are more collaborative with | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | open source #egov | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sharing #freesw | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz American elections are stuck in the 20th | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | century. suggests FOSS, | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | not back doors (Windows/Diebold) | May 26 07:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open source cloud hosting environment built in Swiss data centre - Computer Business Review | May 26 07:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How governments are more collaborative with open source | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Government | Education | Healthcare | May 26 07:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | American elections are stuck in the 20th century. Here's how to change that. - Vox | May 26 07:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #whitehouse gives back, not just uses #drupal | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House contributes APIs, stages hackathons & runs on Drupal - Open Source Insider | May 26 07:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #openwashing #adobe the #drm company | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Source Serif: Adobe's New Open Source Typeface | May 26 07:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #manjaro #gnu #linux | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #archlinux | May 26 07:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | May 26 07:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I am working exclusively from a #Chromebook -- | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | here's how and why #gnu | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 26 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- here's how and why | May 26 07:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #betanews ad hominem attack on #china for | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | dumping latest #microsoft #windows for #gnu | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China bans Windows 8 from government PCs with twisted logic, and embraces Linux | May 26 07:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "White House and agency IT leaders discuss how | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | open source can empower government IT project | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | teams" | May 26 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Lessons For Feds - InformationWeek | May 26 07:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Beijing team creates open source Rift | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #china | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party | May 26 07:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beijing team creates open source Rift - Hypergrid Business | May 26 07:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Controllers | May 26 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Sony Bringing PlayStation To China | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Sveirgesradio: Kritik mot att #Snowden inte | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | bjuds in till #Sverige | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: #SIF14 #sweden | May 26 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party Controllers | Tux Machines | May 26 07:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sony Bringing PlayStation To China - Slashdot | May 26 07:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kritik mot att Snowden inte bjuds in till Sverige - Kulturnytt | Sveriges Radio | May 26 07:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Conference on Internet Freedom - Swedish Foreign Ministry prevents Snowden’s invitation | Cicero Online | May 26 07:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ln4711 Happy to give up my place at #SIF14 to Snowden | May 26 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by or @ggreenwald if that's the issue. But of | May 26 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks course it's not. | May 26 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #openwashing of #intel | May 26 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Next version of Intel's open-source Galileo computer plays to the 'maker' scene | PCWorld | May 26 07:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Intel ready to launch open source computer Galileo 2.0? - Computer Business Review | May 26 07:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Scratch 2.0 editor and player now open source | May 26 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | (GPL) #gpl #scratch | May 26 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scratch 2.0 editor and player now open source - SD Times: Software Development News | May 26 07:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux 3.15-rc7 Kernel Released Back On Schedule | May 26 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | May 26 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Linux 3.15-rc7 Kernel Released Back On Schedule | May 26 07:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #UKIP win of EU election vote may have | May 26 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | implications for #Assange diplomatic standoff | May 26 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | more: | May 26 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Assange forced into a corner over EAW - UK Independence Party | May 26 07:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | assange ukip - YouTube | May 26 07:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks WaPo: White House accidentally identifies CIA | May 26 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | chief in #Afghanistan. | May 26 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan - The Washington Post | May 26 07:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 07:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Google's Chrome 36 Enters Beta With New Features [ ] | May 26 07:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Will Canonical name a new Pope? | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #canonical #ubuntu | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Canonical name a new Pope? | Larry the Free Software Guy | May 26 07:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks AFP: Afghan anger at US monitoring 'nearly all' | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone calls | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghan anger at US monitoring 'nearly all' phone calls - Yahoo News Philippines | May 26 07:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks statement on the mass recording of Afghan telephone calls by the NSA | May 26 07:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recommended: Are human rights activists today’s | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | warmongers? | BostonGlobe | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are human rights activists today’s warmongers? - Opinion - The Boston Globe | May 26 07:54 | |
schestowitz__ | lly Long Linux 3.15-rc6 Ker | May 26 07:57 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: @schestowitz it's still on Adobe AIR so its not fully free or open source. It's like programs coded in mono. | May 26 07:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 08:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #Voting | May 26 08:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 26 08:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | What is neoliberalism? [ ] | May 26 08:00 | |
schestowitz__ | "Why has D* gone to shit ?" | May 26 08:00 |
schestowitz__ | I don't agree with that assessment. When I first joined some years ago the discussion in the site was actually less interesting than it is now. | May 26 08:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Books for Red Pitaya | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How governments are more collaborative with | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | open source | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order Books for Red Pitaya | Tux Machines | May 26 08:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How governments are more collaborative with open source | Tux Machines | May 26 08:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines American elections are stuck in the 20th | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | century. Here's how to change that. | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | American elections are stuck in the 20th century. Here's how to change that. | Tux Machines | May 26 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #phoronix turns 10 5 days before #tuxmachines | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | turns 10 | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Phoronix Is Turning Ten Years Old In Two Weeks | May 26 08:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How about a farmers' or builders' holiday | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monday? Homage to people who actually do | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | things, as opposed to sharks and lenders. #uk | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ireland | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Crane risky jobs | May 26 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:07 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 08:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Do any other educators roll their eyes when they read empty catch-phrases like "21st century skills" or "Web 2.0"? | May 26 08:12 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 08:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I wonder how Obama's visit to Afghanistan to apologize for the secretive mass recording of all mobile phone calls is going. #sarcasm | May 26 08:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk government contributes to harming | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | populations' health at the behest of dirty | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | energy profiteers | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This fracking zeal overshadows the perfect energy solution – solar | Leonie Greene | Comment is free | | May 26 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #sudan has weird definition of 'crimes' | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sudan faces mounting condemnation over pregnant woman's death sentence | World news | The Guardian | May 26 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "activists and academics detained amid | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | protests" think before | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | booking a vacation in #thailand | May 26 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thailand coup gets King Adulyadej approval as junta dissolves senate | World news | | May 26 08:14 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ‘Now, we have a democratically elected | May 26 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | totalitarian government’ — Arundhati Roy | May 26 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #india | May 26 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘Now, we have a democratically elected totalitarian government’ — Arundhati Roy - Newspaper - DAWN.COM | May 26 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz As the Global Economy Continues to Crumble, Old | May 26 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fascism Finds a New Voice | May 26 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | familiar scapegoats | May 26 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As the Global Economy Continues to Crumble, Old Fascism Finds a New Voice | May 26 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Unification of Europe’s Far Right: Rise of the | May 26 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fourth Reich? "spread of | May 26 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | nationalistic and xenophobic tendencies" | May 26 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unification of Europe’s Far Right: Rise of the Fourth Reich? | NEWS JUNKIE POST | May 26 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 1.2 earthquake | May 26 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:23 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 08:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RicoS1953: @schestowitz For every action there is a reaction and voters are reacting to the Euro and EU unification. | May 26 08:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "An anonymous Twitter account is highlighting | May 26 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | the poor treatment of maids in Brazil." | May 26 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Only Brazil?! | May 26 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - #BBCtrending: What do Brazilians really think of their maids? | May 26 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fox 'news' - when not spreading #xenophobia | May 26 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WATCH: Fox News Guest Blames Mass Shooting On 'Homosexual Impulses' | May 26 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nationalist psychopaths | May 26 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jean-Marie Le Pen suggests Ebola as solution to global population explosion | World news | | May 26 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rise of neo-Nazi parties in #europe | May 26 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A message to #mozilla | May 26 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #drm #w3c #mpaa | May 26 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @olamy #quality versus low price | May 26 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 26 08:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@olamy: #quality versus low price | May 26 08:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreve | May 26 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pirates Are Staying In European Parliament | May 26 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | people who fight the | May 26 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | right enemies | May 26 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirates Are Staying In European Parliament - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | May 26 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fox 'news' for corporations and against | May 26 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | humanity | May 26 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fox Regular Jonathan Hoenig On Climate Change: "Put Man's Life First, Nature Will Take Care Of Itself" | Video | Media Matters for America | May 26 08:34 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Optical composition | May 26 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Trapdoor | May 26 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bad examples | May 26 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:37 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: | May 26 08:39 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cleaning up the mess | May 26 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #police | May 26 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If #easyjet pilots were as competence as the | May 26 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | technical/Web staff | May 26 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kissing a koi | May 26 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 08:49 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: | May 26 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tell Mozilla: Keep DRM out of Firefox | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #firefox #drm | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tell Mozilla: Keep DRM out of Firefox | Defective by Design | May 26 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Ooops: White House accidentially mails name of | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kabul CIA station chief to journalists | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Weies Haus enttarnt versehentlich CIA-Chef in Kabul - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 26 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Apparently, 6000 people can keep a secret, as | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by long as they are DC area journalists willing to | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff do the White House a solid favor. | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #WIPO Development Agenda in crisis. | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Same old question: WIPO | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | to benefit rightsholders, or all humankind? | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crisis At WIPO Over Development Agenda; Overall Objectives In Question | Intellectual Property Watch | May 26 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff So @ebay sent me a "reset your password" mail - | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | months after breach, and too long after breach | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | became public last week #fail | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140525 - | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 26 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140525 | May 26 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @spignal Dark blue = party whose founder and honorary | May 26 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by president is a convicted racist and Holocaust | May 26 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff denier | May 26 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PaulineArmandet: Flippant. | May 26 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Welshtabby So, the Pope is in Israel with an Imam and a | May 26 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Rabbi. .. If they don't walk into a bar, it's | May 26 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff all been for nothing. | May 26 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:47 |
MinceR | schestowitz__: :) | May 26 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Copyright Troll Demands Comcast’s Six Strikes | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Data for Lawsuit - gosh, | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | what a surprise, no? | May 26 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright Troll Demands Comcast's Six Strikes Data for Lawsuit | TorrentFreak | May 26 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Badger cull company used Somerset's | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | constabulary 'as private police force' - | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | further biased policing | May 26 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Badger cull company used Somerset's constabulary 'as private police force' | Environment | The Guardian | May 26 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #shame | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheim-Verhandlungen: Wasser soll weltweit | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | privatisiert werden - | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | great to see #DE waking up to #TISA (v | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dozykraut) | May 26 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Geheim-Verhandlungen: Wasser soll weltweit privatisiert werden | DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFTS NACHRICHTEN | May 26 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Great summary by KEI on pointless #TTIP "input" | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | session We need | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #transparency | May 26 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KEI Notes on TTIP 5th Round: How to engage in a dialogue without access to the text? | Knowledge Ecology International | May 26 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @vinzv Grade vergeblich versucht mit 2 Mark beim | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bäcker zu bezahlen. | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Diese AfD kann aber auch nix. | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ombudsman concerned about change of policy at | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EMA_News as regards clinical trial data | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #transparency - betrayal | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press releases - Ombudsman concerned about change of policy at Medicines Agency as regards clinical trial data transparency»European Ombudsman | May 26 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more about #TISA (in English) - | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | basically, it's about | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | pushing #privatisation of #services | May 26 09:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | May 26 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 2.7 trillion euros of EU-US investment shows | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS is unnecessary for #TTIP. if a system you | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't need is broken, don't fix it, bin it | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @georgemaschke Audio of @ggreenwald's talk last night in | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Berlin is on YouTube now. First 90 seconds in | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald German, then English: | May 26 09:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview mit Glenn Greenwald über den NSA Skandal / Glenn Greenwald talks about the NSA scandal - YouTube | May 26 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pandemia Da non perdere: ore 18 LIVE | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @beppesevergnini intervista @ggreenwald su | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Sotto controllo, libro in lettura | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pandemia: Da non perdere: ore 18 LIVE @beppesevergnini intervista @ggreenwald su Sotto controllo, libro in lettura | May 26 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Former President George W. Bush once said, | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | rather proudly, that he didn’t read | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | newspapers." | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Veterans Affairs scandal shows Obama in the dark | May 26 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @csoghoian Have you arrived in South Africa? | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report blasts "unscrupulous" U.S. surveillance | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | in China "China as a | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | main target of the U.S. clandestine" #espionage | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report blasts "unscrupulous" U.S. surveillance in China | Shanghai Daily | May 26 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @botherder @wikileaks In fact, I cancelled my | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by participation. | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 26 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 09:59 |
roy | | May 26 10:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Weekend news round-up: A scary truth about IT security; Def Con Mad - Irelands business and technology news service [ ] | May 26 10:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ln4711 Happy to give up my place at #SIF14 to Snowden | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by or @ggreenwald if that's the issue. But of | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror course it's not. | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Afghanistan Hits Out at U.S. Spying | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Allegations | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | its people have rights, | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | too | May 26 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghanistan Hits Out at U.S. Spying Allegations ‹ Newsweek Pakistan | May 26 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz China: The world’s biggest internet spy is | May 26 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | playing cop also when it | May 26 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | comes to wars on the ground | May 26 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Michael Kelley continues his anti-Snowden Jihad | May 26 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the publication funded by #NSA proponent | May 26 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The worlds biggest internet spy is playing cop - Headlines, features, photo and videos from|china|news|chinanews|ecns|cns | May 26 10:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The US Government Is Looking For 'Co-Conspirators' Connected To Snowden's Email Accounts | Business Insider India | May 26 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #europe may be ahead of the #us when it comes | May 26 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #internet #censorship | May 26 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe's Move to Rein in Google Would Stall in U.S. — Naharnet | May 26 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Is there anything interesting happening in | May 26 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Johannesburg this week? | May 26 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love At WIPO, Obama Admin, EU, ramp up attack on | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by anything pro-consumer. Picking fights over | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody development agenda, library exceptions, etc. | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "criminals who have paid their debt to society | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | to object to the publication of information | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | about their conviction" | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe defies Big Data’s right to All Data - US News | Latest US News Headlines | The Irish Times - Mon, May 26, 2014 | May 26 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #facebook #privacy is a farce because it gives | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | all data to companies inc. #microsoft and lets | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | the government sniff | May 26 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook gives more privacy controls to users: Are you happy now? : PERSONAL TECH : Tech Times | May 26 10:12 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @kgerloff: 'Great summary by KEI on pointless #TTIP "input"...' | May 26 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Europarl_DE Erste #EP2014 Hochrechnung basierend auf | May 26 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ergebnissen: | May 26 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Europarl_DE: Erste #EP2014 Hochrechnung basierend auf Ergebnissen: | May 26 10:14 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @pandemia: 'Da non perdere: ore 18 LIVE @beppesevergnini...' | May 26 10:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #canada "making it easier for government | May 26 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | officials to gather information about | May 26 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Canadians’ online activities." | May 26 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jesse Kline: A bigger surveillance state won’t stop ‘cyberbullying’ | National Post | May 26 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Murdoch-owned "The Australian" badmouthing | May 26 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #theGuardian | May 26 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guardian editor takes aim at The Australian accusing the newspaper of a 'misuse of power' - mUmBRELLA | May 26 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @calestous 4 out of 10 countries with world's highest | May 26 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by number of women MPs are African via @mashable | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@calestous: 4 out of 10 countries with world's highest number of women MPs are African via @mashable | May 26 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "there have been reports of the NSA spying on | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Swiss banks" but no | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | arrests made as #nsa protests the 1% | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden In Russia Of His Own Free Will, Says Glenn Greenwald | Eurasia Review | May 26 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Gotham3 Cross Section of Undersea Cable | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Gotham3: Cross Section of Undersea Cable | May 26 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @whvholst "non-U.S. cloud computing firms have cancelled | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ten percent of their contracts with U.S. firms | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff over privacy concerns." | May 26 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman | What the EU's New Internet Privacy Ruling Means for the United States | Foreign Affairs | May 26 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "there have been reports of the NSA spying on | May 26 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Swiss banks" but no | May 26 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | arrests made as #nsa protects the 1% | May 26 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ‘A Government Of Thugs’: How Canada Treats | May 26 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Environmental Journalists - | May 26 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | O #Canada, have you come | May 26 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | to this? #tarsands | May 26 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'A Government Of Thugs': How Canada Treats Environmental Journalists | ThinkProgress | May 26 10:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Codepope A useful read re the EU elections and what | May 26 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by UKIPs real impact was (not as much as you’d | May 26 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody think) | May 26 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukip's European election results are not as good as they seem | May 26 10:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Official MPG Figures Unrealistic, Says UK Auto | May 26 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Magazine | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Official MPG Figures Unrealistic, Says UK Auto Magazine - Slashdot | May 26 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why US is in no position to accuse the Chinese | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | of hacking focusing not | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | only on who corporate press says is "enemy" | May 26 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why US is in no position to accuse the Chinese of hacking | May 26 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonworth So Die Partei really is in the EP? | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Promises their MEP will | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody resign every month, so 60 different people will | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | sit in EP | May 26 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Die Partei" ist im Europaparlament: Sonneborn will gleich wieder zurücktreten - | May 26 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qirtaiba Tony Clayton, UK govt economist at @OECD: | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by copyright levies are an irrational tax on | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody digital products, proceeds do not go back to | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | creators | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ln4711 Swedish state radio about Snowden and | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ggreenwald not being invited to #SIF14: | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 26 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kritik mot att Snowden inte bjuds in till Sverige - Kulturnytt | Sveriges Radio | May 26 10:22 | |
MinceR | | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pranesh_prakash Are there any workshops at #SIF14 about the | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Swedish surveillance state? | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dancrawford85 Great to see the superb @ClaudeMoraesMEP | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by re-elected in London. One of Britain's most | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody hard-working politicians - and a real asset to | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Labour. | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lawyer: Edward Snowden 'Considering' Return to | May 26 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | US but it's not likely | May 26 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | that #cia will permit clemency | May 26 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawyer: Edward Snowden 'Considering' Return to US | May 26 10:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NIST disgraced by #NSA connections, moles | May 26 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | almost part of the | May 26 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | three-letter agencies even though there's 4 | May 26 10:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress divorces NIST and NSA • The Register | May 26 10:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @puellavulnerata It'd be really cool if anyone ever saw fit to | May 26 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by let us commoners see the rest of the document | May 26 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody this diagram came from: | May 26 10:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@puellavulnerata: It'd be really cool if anyone ever saw fit to let us commoners see the rest of the document this diagram came from: | May 26 10:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Guess who's suing who for #espionage | May 26 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese Troops Must Take Up 'Legal Arms' Against 'Pretentious' U.S. (Huanqiu, China) | May 26 10:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Scottish Nationalist Proposes Asylum For NSA | May 26 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Whistle-Blower Edward Snowden | May 26 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "nationalist" a strong | May 26 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | word | May 26 10:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scottish Nationalist Proposes Asylum For NSA Whistle-Blower Edward Snowden | May 26 10:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | May 26 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes action-packed | May 26 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update XXVI, complete with water cannons #TAFTA | May 26 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 26 10:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz China's state-owned sector told to cut ties | May 26 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | with US consulting firms | May 26 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | how can you consult with | May 26 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | back doors proponents? | May 26 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China's state-owned sector told to cut ties with US consulting firms - Business News | The Star Online | May 26 10:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "US does spy on companies and trade policy | May 26 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | makers... presumably in order to obtain a | May 26 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | commercial advantage. " | May 26 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-China cyber-battles intensify - Global Trends | The Star Online | May 26 10:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ‘Unbeatable’ Cinavia Anti-Piracy Technology | May 26 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cracked by DVD-Ranger - | May 26 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #watermarking system no longer effective... | May 26 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Unbeatable' Cinavia Anti-Piracy Technology Cracked by DVD-Ranger | TorrentFreak | May 26 10:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @joaosergio thank you @teirdes and @Engstrom_PP for your | May 26 10:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by work defending the internet. Now the mission is | May 26 10:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody yours, @Senficon | May 26 10:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'USA Freedom Act' and bipartisan tyranny | May 26 10:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't be misled by the | May 26 10:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | name | May 26 10:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'USA Freedom Act' and bipartisan tyranny | May 26 10:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA reform falls short – The Post and Courier | May 26 10:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Environmentalists Taking Bold Actions — It's | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Working - " translates | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | environmental & social risk into business | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | costs" | May 26 10:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Environmentalists Are Taking Bold Actions — and It's Working | Alternet | May 26 10:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Seeking a monopoly on cyber security | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US tries to bar Chinese nationals from two hacker conferences in the US | May 26 10:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Shanghai, are you ready for a serious #opendata | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | initiative? - hope so | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #china | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AntonLaGuardia For man who claims to have won, #Juncker in bad | May 26 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mood. He answers every q with preface: "I have | May 26 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody answered this 1,000 times...." | May 26 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Licence to spy that's | May 26 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | what Congress has just given the #nsa | May 26 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Licence to spy | The Indian Express | May 26 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @philipoltermann Watch as AfD seeks distance from nasty Ukip, | May 26 10:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ukip from nasty Front National, FN from nasty | May 26 10:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NPD. How much we all missed nationalism | May 26 10:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Engstrom_PP Tack alla fantastiska pirataktivister som | May 26 10:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by slitit hund med EU-valet för #Piratpartiet! Ni | May 26 10:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody är hjältar! Tack! | May 26 10:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tack alla fantastiska pirater! | Christian Engström, Pirate MEP | May 26 10:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Happy Birthday, Ward Cunningham, inventor of | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #wiki - we owe him | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | a lot #wikipedia | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Happy Birthday, Ward Cunningham, inventor of the wiki — Wikimedia blog | May 26 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz German Lawmakers May Call Apple CEO Tim Cook | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Over #NSA Spying | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | when Jobs died #apple | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | joined #prism | May 26 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German Lawmakers May Call Apple CEO Tim Cook Over NSA Spying | May 26 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama approval rates sinks | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | this is why people in | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #us should vote Green or something | May 26 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | President Obama Approval Ratings Sink Among Young Voters | May 26 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | non-oligopolistic | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz God won’t save us: Memorial Day, honest history | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | and our new military-industrial complex | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | wars influx | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | God won’t save us: Memorial Day, honest history and our new military-industrial complex - | May 26 10:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #SIF14 Ask about the mass surveillance and | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | hacking by #Swedish #FRA: they're the local | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA/#GCHQ partner using #QUANTUMINSERT | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Washington Post’s ‘Fear-Driven Approach’ to | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA Files Infuriated Snowden | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #washpo #cia linked | May 26 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Washington Post’s ‘Fear-Driven Approach’ to NSA Files Infuriated Snowden | The Dissenter | May 26 10:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It remains a mystery why Snowden's | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | reporters/confidants gave anything at all to | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #washpo seeing what WashPo had done to #Manning | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | & #Assange | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @michaelcaster Discussion on surveillance and human rights at | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SIF14 should begin by addressing allegations | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #Snowden @Ggreenwald @ioerror etc were banned. | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Reporters should strive not just for readership | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | (e.g. by embracing the Old Guard/Controlled | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Press'), they should breed new press orgs | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #Bahamas Wants To Know The Reasons Of NSA | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Recording Its Phone Calls | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | not tax evasion | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Bahamas Wants To Know The Reasons Of NSA Recording Its Phone Calls | May 26 11:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Attending #SIF14 and concerned about security? | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ask @carlbildt if you are fair target for | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | "foreign intelligence" by the #FRA dragnet | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying! | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Ask people at #SIF14 to discuss the content of | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #Snowden releases regarding #FRA, #NSA, and | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #GCHQ hacking, spying and drone killings. | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya We are looking for good #Javascript Developer | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | at Delhi. Please DM me. | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #snowden oughtn't feed #nbc | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | NBC has been part of the | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | problem | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NBC’s Brian Williams Gets Exclusive with Edward Snowden - Hit & Run : | May 26 11:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Worried about hacking at #SIF14? Ask why #FRA | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | and #Sweden are doing it to "legitimate | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | targets" - are you a target? | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Revelations | Free Snowden | May 26 11:03 | |
roy | | May 26 11:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MediaSpinNWO: @schestowitz The 2 party system and the MSM gangs up against any 3rd party gaining voters. Remember Ron Paul? | May 26 11:05 | |
roy | Not just him | May 26 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nytimes is not actually doing the job of a | May 26 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | newspaper, it is spiking attempts to do so | May 26 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New York Times Admits Reason For Delay In Delivering NSA Wiretapping Story | WWNO | May 26 11:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata @ioerror do not forget the renditions and | May 26 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by solitary confinement. Human Rights champions? | May 26 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Hmmm | May 26 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Ask @carlbildt and the Swedish Foreign Ministry | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | the same question that #Snowden asked #Putin - | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | get him on the record: | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vladimir Putin must be called to account on surveillance just like Obama | Edward Snowden | Comment is free | | May 26 11:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Australian drone deaths expose government | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | indifference normalising | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination by one's own government | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian drone deaths expose government indifference - Eureka Street | May 26 11:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #SIF14 Dear @carlbildt and #FRA friends: Does | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Sweden intercept, analyse or store millions of | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | individuals' communications? | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata ¨The world needs fearless truth-tellers. Some | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by human rights advocates are. Others have | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 succumbed to the temptations of power.¨ | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stephenkinzer | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nz PM ( #drone #assassination apologist): | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Don't protest outside my home | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 11:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PM: Don't protest outside my home | | May 26 11:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PM unimpressed by protest outside his house - National - NZ Herald News | May 26 11:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FabienCazenave le sentiment de beaucoup de gens ce matin en | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by France - How feel a lot of people in France | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff this morning | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "370 drone strikes in Pakistan" | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | people's home are being | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | called "compounds" | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Drone Promise | May 26 11:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘Over 60% drone targets homes in Pakistan’ | May 26 11:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I have been silenced this year from attending | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 in person as have others. This is the | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | result of speaking out against mass | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance. | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Are you at #SIF14? Please ask the #Swedish | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | government the following two questions: | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | and publish the results! | May 26 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A question #Swedish government for #SIF14 - | May 26 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Attending #SIF14? Please act in solidarity with | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | those unable to attend by asking @carlbildt the | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | following questions: | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Civil Liberties Endure Nightmarish Week In | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Congress Mike Rogers, | May 26 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Civil Liberties Endure Nightmarish Week In Congress | May 26 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | former #fbi | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Symbolic 'punishment' for #fbi #mole (behind | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sting Operations) who committed crimes before | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | becoming a mole | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Feds Seek 7-Month Sentence for LulzSec Hacker and Lower East Sider 'Sabu' | Bowery Boogie | May 26 11:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cnn #propaganda is whitewashing #fbi #mole | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | using fictional plots | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How celebrity hacker 'Sabu' helped feds thwart 300 cyber-attacks | Money - Home | May 26 11:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Forced into a supranational straitjacket, EU | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | voters rebelled - #TTIP | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | represents given even more supranational power | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Forced into a supranational straitjacket, European voters have rebelled | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | | May 26 11:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US government loves crackers... if they are | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | turned into moles | May 26 11:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US seeks leniency for 'Sabu,' Lulzsec leader-turned-snitch | True Blue Tribune | May 26 11:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | reports say #nsa and #nypd do the same | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Article from the Boston Corporate Press | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | injected bias by totally neglecting the crucial | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | fact of assassination by FBI | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tsarnaev pal’s lawyer seeks to grill FBI agents | Boston Herald | May 26 11:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Who needs #facebook ? #fbi harvests data about | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | children with their patents' help... "to help | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | protect children" | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The FBI’s Massive Facial Recognition Database: | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Privacy Implications one | May 26 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | of them is called #fb | May 26 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI introduces app to help protect children | Maryland News - WBAL Home | May 26 11:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The FBI’s Massive Facial Recognition Database: Privacy Implications - Legal Talk Network | May 26 11:36 | |
roy |,%20a%20CAIR%20Report,%20May%2026,%202014.htm | May 26 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Islamophobia in the U.S., a CAIR Report, May 26, 2014 [ ] | May 26 11:36 | |
roy | | May 26 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop The Hacks: The US Is Already Turning Back Chinese Hacker-Types At The Border | Gizmodo Australia [ ] | May 26 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #crowdsourcing DNA samples is not easy (lack of | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | equipment), but the #cia got close by | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretending to treat #polio and then taking | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | kids' DNA | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Grooming "Sabu" in corporate media | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | he pulled Sting | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Operations on innocent computer professionals | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @camilledomange Victor Hugo scanné en moins d'une heure par | May 26 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @laquadrature dans la #SiliconValois | May 26 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #DomainePublic | May 26 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Gun violence by state entities | May 26 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:42 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 26 11:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gchampeau La Commission EU valide 597 millions d'aides | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by indirectes à la presse en France, via la bonne | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody vieille Poste. | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Justice as relative | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Feds recommend lenience for LulzSec hacker | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Sabu') | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fox 'news' is reposting #cnn to groom "Sabu". | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | They're all in this together. Bi-partisan. US | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | government creating cracking plots, then hypes. | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lessons from 'Sabu': 1) US gov. endorses its | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | own cracking. 2) US government pays crackers. | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3) Cracking plots created by US gov. for hype | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 501 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults (short count, family holiday) | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dailywords | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 501 words on UTOPIA (working title) a novel for | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | adults (short count, family holiday) | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dailywords | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #Snowden den Rücken stärken! Jetzt kostenlos | May 26 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Schild bestellen & an Haustür Zeichen setzen: | May 26 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Forced marriages | May 26 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | religion does that to people | May 26 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:54 |
roy | | May 26 11:56 |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 26 11:57 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | May 26 11:57 |
roy | | May 26 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JennyKayNZ: Is that same Sabu who is ex-pilot & writes M/M erotica @schestowitz ? | May 26 11:57 | |
roy | I doubt it | May 26 11:57 |
roy | | May 26 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JennyKayNZ: Checking story probably is different Sabu @schestowitz common nickname I guess | May 26 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mbauwens Proposed Next Steps for the emerging P2P and | May 26 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Commons networks | May 26 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 11:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Proposed Next Steps for the emerging P2P and Commons networks | May 26 11:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Open_ICT_Proc Don't miss the Open Standards for ICT | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Procurement Workshop, July 7! Info: | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Open #Standards #ICT | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Procurement #Savings | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz To the #fbi danger is when people are not | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | afraid unafraid people | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | go after #corruption | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Latest Communications | Joinup | May 26 12:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The FBI prospers by feeding public safety fears | | May 26 12:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The US gov. says that when it puts computer | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | experts in prisons it is blocking attacks (the | May 26 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | plots created by FBI) | May 26 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Says Hacker Helped Prevent 300 Web Attacks - Nation - The Boston Globe | May 26 12:03 | |
roy | | May 26 12:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech giants contend for transparency following US govt gag orders [ ] | May 26 12:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech firms: FBI ‘gag orders’ unconstitutional | TheHill [ ] | May 26 12:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The world is not a safer place now that Aaron | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Swartz is dead. Quite the contrary. Corrupt | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | oligarchs have more leeway, activists afraid. | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What Tupac said before he died | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | After 18 years police officer reveals Tupac Shakur’s dying declaration | Daily Digest News | May 26 12:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Political use of security agencies must stop | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | global problem. | May 26 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Political use of security agencies must stop | Former top cop Nurul Huda tells roundtable, recommending overhaul of police and other law enforcement bodies | May 26 12:13 | |
roy | | May 26 12:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JennyKayNZ: Power imbalance & sexism makes for forced marriages @schestowitz plenty of religious people opposed human rights abuses | May 26 12:13 | |
roy | Human rights is a threat to dogma | May 26 12:13 |
roy | " | May 26 12:19 |
roy | God sent when he sat next to a friend of a one of the men that was at the Benghazi attack. | May 26 12:19 |
roy | Read more: | May 26 12:19 |
roy | Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter | May 26 12:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Allen West: Source told me 'the ground truth' on Benghazi; operations 'shrouded in a fog of lies' - Washington Times [ ] | May 26 12:19 | |
roy | " | May 26 12:19 |
roy | Batshit cracy congress person | May 26 12:19 |
roy | GOP | May 26 12:19 |
roy | *crazy | May 26 12:19 |
roy | | May 26 12:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JennyKayNZ: Yeah but what's the relevance ? @schestowitz Some religions more dogma than humanity, some not. | May 26 12:20 | |
roy | true | May 26 12:20 |
roy |\ | May 26 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House leaders nix bill that would give Obama power to kill Benghazi terrorists - Washington Times [ ] | May 26 12:21 | |
roy | | May 26 12:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE [ ] | May 26 12:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rabbis that kidnap people | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | yes, religion does that | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | to people | May 26 12:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 26 12:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz White House mistakenly reveals name of top CIA | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | officer in #Afghanistan | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "the Washington Post reported" - deliberate? | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly reveals name of top CIA officer in Afghanistan - World Israel News | Haaretz | May 26 12:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa proponent #cbs also cites #washpo so this | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | may have well been staged to create pretence of | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | national harm | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oops! White House said to have blown cover of CIA chief in Afghanistan - CBS News | May 26 12:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Obama's staged "surprise" visit to | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Afghanistan" corporate | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | press distracts from mass #surveillance charges | May 26 12:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama minions leak identity of CIA station chief in Afghanistan - National Law Enforcement | | May 26 12:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama administration not the most transparent | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ever. It doesn't even follow declassification | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | rules | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vast archive of government history remains secret despite Obama order - Nation - The Boston Globe | May 26 12:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ciapost Editorial Board has just published the | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | most astonishing #hogwash I have ever seen | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | about #libya | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pulling Libya back from the brink of civil war - The Washington Post | May 26 12:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "CIA ensured that it was in full control of | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | both the mainstream and grassroots media in | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nigeria" | May 26 12:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Real Financiers of Boko Haram–Exposed | OSUN DEFENDER | May 26 12:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15-rc7 | May 26 12:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15-rc7 | Tux Machines | May 26 12:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Will Canonical name a new Pope? | May 26 12:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 12:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Canonical name a new Pope? | Tux Machines | May 26 12:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz WPost Seeks US-Patrolled ‘Safe Zone’ in #Syria | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ex-CIA Ray McGovern on | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #washpo | May 26 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WPost Seeks US-Patrolled ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria | Consortiumnews | May 26 12:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Once a U.S. asset, Gen. Hafter recruited | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Libya’s entire military command with Egypt’s | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | backing guess who's | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | running it | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Once a U.S. asset, Gen. Hafter recruited Libya's entire military command with Egypt's backing - World Tribune | World Tribune | May 26 12:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Thanks to departing MEPs @teirdes & | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Engstrom_PP for good work & passion over these | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | past years! | May 26 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:44 |
roy | | May 26 12:48 |
roy | "“He didn’t speak much about his life, but mentioned that he had a son. He lived alone in Durban. I would check up on him on Sundays and usually found him pottering around in his garden. I got him a cellphone, which he tossed, saying the CIA was after him.” " | May 26 12:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KZN millionaire missing for months - Crime & Courts | IOL News | [ ] | May 26 12:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Onerous, irrational and unconstitutional | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | "America is freeloading" | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Onerous, irrational and unconstitutional | Inquirer Opinion | May 26 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Were These 3 Guantanamo Deaths Really Suicides? | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | hiding of evidence more | May 26 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Were These 3 Guantanamo Deaths Really Suicides? | Care2 Causes | May 26 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | likely | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Police Investigating Use of Scottish Airports | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | by CIA “Rendition” Torture Flights | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #scotland #uk #torture | May 26 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Police Investigating Use of Scottish Airports by CIA “Rendition” Torture Flights | Global Research | May 26 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "those in uniform who have made the ultimate | May 26 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | sacrifice to keep us free." | May 26 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | from from who and from | May 26 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | what? WW2 still? | May 26 12:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calling Uncle Sam | New York Post | May 26 12:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald The *least likely source of real limits on the | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance power of the US Government is... | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | the US Government. Look elsewhere #FreedomAct | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz One cannot claim to be "defending" oneself or | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | fighting for one's "freedom" by occupying | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | faraway lands like #vietnam and #iraq | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #wikileaks material providing evidence in Court | May 26 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | to advance human rights matters | May 26 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chagossians: Wikileaked cable admissible after all | UK Human Rights Blog | May 26 13:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #assange is rallying #obama around | May 26 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 13:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama in surprise visit to Afghanistan - RTÉ News | May 26 13:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Media Direct: towards better security for | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | whistleblowers | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | "encrypted interactions between anonymous | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | whistleblowers" | May 26 13:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Media Direct and better media security for whistleblowers | Crikey | May 26 13:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Girl" is a dirty word, according to the #BBC | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Now the BBC is censoring the word 'girl' - it really is in a different world » Spectator Blogs | May 26 13:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC is accused of censorship after cutting the g-word | The Times | May 26 13:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Serbians Fight Online Censorship of Flood | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Response Criticism | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #serbia #freespeech | May 26 13:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Serbians Fight Online Censorship of Flood Response Criticism · Global Voices | May 26 13:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard PETA literally claims dairy products cause | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | autism. Fuck these | May 26 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | people. | May 26 13:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Got Autism? Learn About the Link Between Dairy Products and the Disease | Features | PETA | May 26 13:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:02 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @ggreenwald: 'The *least likely source of real limits on...' | May 26 13:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jeremyscahill Eagerly awaiting the indictment of the White | May 26 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by House official who outed the CIA Station Chief | May 26 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack in Afghanistan | May 26 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:04 |
qu1j0t3 | | | Got Autism? Learn About the Link Between Dairy Products and | May 26 13:12 |
qu1j0t3 | | the Disease | Features | PETA | May 26 13:12 |
qu1j0t3 | that is nowhere near as far fetched as it may sound | May 26 13:12 |
MinceR | everything causes autism, apparently | May 26 13:13 |
qu1j0t3 | yes, there are many likely environmental factors. | May 26 13:14 |
MinceR | strangely, they don't ever cause anything else | May 26 13:14 |
MinceR | only autism! | May 26 13:14 |
qu1j0t3 | they actually do. | May 26 13:14 |
qu1j0t3 | anyway, if you're interested, the research is out there | May 26 13:15 |
qu1j0t3 | but the link to diet is extremely compelling | May 26 13:15 |
qu1j0t3 | but, of course, you have to actually read the research. | May 26 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz News Analysis: Windows ban may open door for | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | China's domestic OS | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #china #gnu #linux | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News Analysis: Windows ban may open door for China's domestic OS | Shanghai Daily | May 26 13:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #AMD runs out of steam | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Ignoring Linux puts it behind the times" | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comment: AMD runs out of steam - Ignoring Linux puts it behind the times | TechEye | May 26 13:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | operating system | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | "biggest" as in desktop market share | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Twitter Capitulates To Governments, Censors | May 26 13:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system | Business Recorder | May 26 13:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Users | May 26 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter Capitulates To Governments, Censors Users - Slashdot | May 26 13:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I have been silenced this year from attending | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SIF14 in person as have others. This is the | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz result of speaking out against mass | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance. | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Are you at #SIF14? Please ask the #Swedish | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by government the following two questions: | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz and publish the results! | May 26 13:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A question #Swedish government for #SIF14 - | May 26 13:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Worried about hacking at #SIF14? Ask why #FRA | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and #Sweden are doing it to "legitimate | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz targets" - are you a target? | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Revelations | Free Snowden | May 26 13:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Ask people at #SIF14 to discuss the content of | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the #Snowden releases regarding #FRA, #NSA, and | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #GCHQ hacking, spying and drone killings. | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Attending #SIF14 and concerned about security? | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ask @carlbildt if you are fair target for | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "foreign intelligence" by the #FRA dragnet | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying! | May 26 13:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:26 |
roy | | May 26 13:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Here the People Govern': Autonomy and Resistance in San Francisco Opalaca, Honduras [ ] | May 26 13:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Comcast Assembles Massive Lobbyist Army to Push | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mega-Merger | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | 100 lobbyists for one | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | thing, one company | May 26 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comcast Assembles Massive Lobbyist Army to Push Mega-Merger | Common Dreams | May 26 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz British Army PCs (over 100,000 of them) can be | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | remotely hijacked by the US (Microsoft | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Windows). That's how 'independent' we are. | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #backdoors | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Species | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Be careful,UK. Batshit right wing voter | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | minorities,under our broken systems,easily | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | mutate into batshit Conservative govts. | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StopHarper #UKIP | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Majority of Japanese public oppose compromising | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | over TPP: Mainichi poll | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's why it's done in | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | secret | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Majority of Japanese public oppose compromising over TPP: Mainichi poll - 毎日新聞 | May 26 13:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When NBC Says 'Meeting America,' It Means | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | White, Republican America | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nbc to interview | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | May 26 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When NBC Says 'Meeting America,' It Means White, Republican America | May 26 13:35 | |
roy | | May 26 13:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | operating system | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD runs out of steam | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Windows ban may open door for China's domestic | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | OS | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system | Tux Machines | May 26 13:45 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD runs out of steam | Tux Machines | May 26 13:45 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Windows ban may open door for China's domestic OS | Tux Machines | May 26 13:45 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @schestowitz: 'British Army PCs (over 100,000 of them) can...' | May 26 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Big Credit Suisse’s Sweetheart Deal | May 26 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | bankers get what they | May 26 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big Credit Suisse’s Sweetheart Deal | Common Dreams | May 26 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | want from #obama | May 26 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "corporate profits keep soaring, workers’ wages | May 26 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | continue to stagnate" | May 26 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fighting Poverty Wages | Common Dreams | May 26 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #oligarchy | May 26 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest RT @bengoldacre: Spectacularly good response on | May 26 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the @EMA_News backwards steps on transparency | May 26 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody from @IQWiG #alltrials | May 26 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European drug agency backtracks on plan to give researchers access to clinical trial reports | BMJ | May 26 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fascism in #europe | May 26 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cisco pretends to be hurt by #nsa but ask | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cisco how much data it got from the NSA's | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | cracking of #huawei for #espionage purposes | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When approaching questions like, "why is | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Silicon Valley working well?" take note of the | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage operations one state away | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Patriotism | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz David Brooks: Democracy Is a Drag; Put Guys | May 26 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Like Me in Charge | May 26 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #democracy as an enemy of those in Power | May 26 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | David Brooks: Democracy Is a Drag; Put Guys Like Me in Charge | May 26 14:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Oligarchs eating our young | May 26 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Administration Sued for Refusing to Disclose Data on Student Loan Debt Collectors | Mother Jones | May 26 14:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #mafiaa and #nsa linked in various ways | May 26 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Connection Between The Copyright Industry And The NSA | TorrentFreak | May 26 14:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Inside HP's Helion OpenStack Cloud Strategy: | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | eWEEK VIDEO: Hewlett-Packard's Bill Hilf | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | explains the strategy an... | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Inside HP's Helion OpenStack Cloud Strategy | May 26 14:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Cambridge Company Unveils 3D Printed "Fruit" | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cambridge Company Unveils 3D Printed "Fruit" - Slashdot | May 26 14:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nationalism in #france | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "A day celebrating Black liberation utilized | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | for white supremacy" | May 26 14:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The revolutionary origins of Memorial Day and its political hijacking | May 26 14:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Steve Ballmer In Talks To Buy Los Angeles | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clippers | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steve Ballmer In Talks To Buy Los Angeles Clippers - Slashdot | May 26 14:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Patterns and repetitions: 1929, 2008: market | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | crashes (caused by looting); It wasn't until ~6 | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | years later that radical politicians rose. | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "coup by the Spanish military on the peninsula | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | (peninsulares) and in Spanish Morocco | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | (africanistas) on July 17, 1936" | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Francoist Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 26 14:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman Can't *believe* the Guardian & @ggreenwald | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by revealed the CIA's Kabul station chi-- oh, | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel wait, that was the White House. | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan - The Washington Post | May 26 14:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz People who follow #bbc or corporate press might | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | be led to believe radical right rises in #uk | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | (it rises elsewhere actually) 4 political goals | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Far right is gaining stregnth in places like | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Greece, France, Austria and even Denmark, not | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | UK. In UK the Greens are rapidly rising. | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya नही चाहिये विकास मोदी जी, सबसे पहले गाय का | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | काटना रूकवा दीजिये । @narendramodi #SaveCow | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | भारत को भारत बना दो, भारत की मानसिक गुलामी मिटा | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | दो । | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wielinde Greenwald zu @andre_meister von @netzpolitik | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "Keep up the great work! I know you guys are | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff doing an important work!" | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netzpolitik TV 082: Glenn Greenwald über die globale Überwachung - YouTube | May 26 14:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It seems like the Establishment press in the | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk (LaBBCour, ToryGraph etc.) thinks that fear | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | of far right would help the Establishment Party | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #BNP and #UKIP have no MPs at Westminster, but | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | the corporate press here in the #UK is just too | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | happy to give these fringes a platform | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Thank you to everyone who has taken action to | May 26 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by say #NoFastTrack for the #TPP! | May 26 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP #TPPA | May 26 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Expose the TPP | May 26 14:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Thank you to everyone who has taken action to say #NoFastTrack for the #TPP! #StopTPP #TPPA | May 26 14:49 | |
roy | LOL, I never noticed this before | May 26 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | roy schestowitz | DC: Infowarrior [ ] | May 26 14:50 | |
roy | I didn't know I was a Google shill LOL | May 26 14:50 |
roy | | May 26 14:51 |
roy | "A favorite site of mine, Susan Linton's Tux Machines, is now being steered along by long time Linux and Open Source advocate Dr. Roy Schestowitz. Very COOL! :)" | May 26 14:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines Under New Management - Bruno's All Things Linux - Scot's Newsletter Forums [ ] | May 26 14:51 | |
roy | "Yes, I found out today that Dr. Roy actually bought Tux Machines from her. " | May 26 14:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BlueDuPage Illegal Dumping Highlights Problem Of How To | May 26 14:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Dispose Of Fracking Waste | May 26 14:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #pjnet #tcot #p2 | May 26 14:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 14:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Illegal Dumping Highlights Problem Of How To Dispose Of Fracking Waste - The National Memo | May 26 14:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BlueDuPage: Illegal Dumping Highlights Problem Of How To Dispose Of Fracking Waste #pjnet #tcot #p2 | May 26 14:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @manhack USA : juste après les Chinois, les pires | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by espions sont les Français. "Et ils espionnent | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody depuis longtemps" | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:53 |
roy | | May 26 14:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Les Français, 'experts' de l'espionnage industriel | May 26 14:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Far right is gaining stregnth in places like Greece, France, Austria and even Denmark, not UK. In UK the Greens are rapidly rising. | May 26 14:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qirtaiba IFPI: recording industry supports levies to | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by allow private copying to personal devices but | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody in future licensing of cloud copies will take | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | over | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @_Cooper These futuristic solar roadways just raised | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by over $1 million in funding | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Futuristic solar roadways raise over $1 million in crowdfunding campaign | May 26 14:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Cooper: These futuristic solar roadways just raised over $1 million in funding | May 26 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @corporateeurope CEO is seeking an office manager to join our | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by team in Brussels | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CEO is seeking an office manager to join our team in Brussels | Corporate Europe Observatory | May 26 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gordonmacmillan Pretty amazing approach to Twitter in Granada. | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by All police officers have their Twitter handle | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody on their uniform | May 26 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@gordonmacmillan: Pretty amazing approach to Twitter in Granada. All police officers have their Twitter handle on their uniform | May 26 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink Waiting for the BBC to announce Nigel Farage is | May 26 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by forming a government now he's won the European | May 26 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody elections. | May 26 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @eupirates More than 1 million EU citizens voted for | May 26 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Pirate Parties. We are here to stay! | May 26 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Party Keeps a Seat At The European Parliament | TorrentFreak | May 26 15:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Major Theoretical Blunders That Held Back | May 26 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Progress In Modern Astronomy | May 26 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Major Theoretical Blunders That Held Back Progress In Modern Astronomy - Slashdot | May 26 15:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist In Defence of the Government Tracking Social | May 26 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Media Activity | May 26 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - In Defence of the Government Tracking Social Media Activity | May 26 15:09 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 26 15:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @heiseonline EU-Bürgerbeauftragte rügt Untätigkeit der | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EU-Kommission beim Datenschutz | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #EUKommission | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Datenschutz | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #IBM Bets Big On Power 8 | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Bürgerbeauftragte rügt Untätigkeit der EU-Kommission beim Datenschutz | heise online | May 26 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | "IBM is also betting heavily on Linux." | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IBM Bets Big On Power 8 - Hardware - CRN India | May 26 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #vocore | May 26 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | Gearburn | May 26 15:13 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald retweeted @attackerman: 'Can't *believe* the Guardian & @ggreenwald revealed the...' | May 26 15:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Facebook's Director of Product attacks | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ggreenwald for not breaking real, meaningful | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald news. Huh. | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mike Hudack - Please allow me to rant for a moment about... | Facebook | May 26 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz City of Vienna increasingly turns to open | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | source #vienna #austria | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #freesw | May 26 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | City of Vienna increasingly turns to open source | | May 26 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rupertg Accessibility question: can't get any browser | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to reflow text on zoom on my Nexus 10. (Op mini | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody says it will. Won't) Help! | May 26 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:16 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: 'Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet' | May 26 15:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | May 26 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linuxmint #gnu #linux | May 26 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | ZDNet | May 26 15:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @farwestchina In case you missed it this weekend, here's my | May 26 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by update on what's happening here in Urumqi after | May 26 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the terrorist attacks | May 26 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Update on Urumqi, Xinjiang After the Attacks | May 26 15:18 | |
MinceR | afaik there are gnu/linux computers built into sd cards, those are smaller | May 26 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qirtaiba IFPI: if you rent or stream a work, you have no | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by legitimate expectation to make a private copy. | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Me: what about making clips for a review? | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald In Milan, I'll be here tonight at 6 pm, talking | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | about NSA, Snowden, No Place to Hide - open to | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | the public | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 26 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Congress reaffirms indefinite detention of | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Americans under #NDAA | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | menacing | May 26 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 26 15:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House Passes NDAA; Critical Amendments Fail, Others Succeed | May 26 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Two sites explained #ndaa military detention a | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | week after #scotus endorsed it | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It's not unthinkable that less than 10% of US | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | population is aware of #ndaa military detention | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | and grasps the impact. Passed during holidays. | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Indefinite Military Detention and the NDAA » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 26 15:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Creeping Hand of Fascism in America. Indefinite Military Detention and the NDAA | Global Research | May 26 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Public polling by | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | showed a 98 per cent disapproval rating" for | May 26 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sunlight Foundation | May 26 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | what become #US #law in secret | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NDAA - "was it already being used to detain US | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens “in black sites, most likely dual | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens"" | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @CBCNews: Privacy pushback: 6 instances | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | where rights could be threatened | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy pushback: 6 instances where rights could be threatened - Canada - CBC News | May 26 15:39 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CBCNews: Privacy pushback: 6 instances where rights could be threatened | May 26 15:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody What do robins, badgers and buzzards have in | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | common? They're all on the #Tories' kill list - | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | baring their evil souls | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What do robins, badgers and buzzards have in common? They're all on the Tories' kill list | Patrick Barkham | Comment is free | | May 26 15:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ndaa clauses entered into law with just 2% | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | public approval are almost poetic in the sense | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | that have we have almost the 1% writing the | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | law. | May 26 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IBM Bets Big On Power 8 | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IBM Bets Big On Power 8 | Tux Machines | May 26 15:39 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | Tux Machines | May 26 15:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines City of Vienna increasingly turns to open | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | source | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | City of Vienna increasingly turns to open source | Tux Machines | May 26 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | Tux Machines | May 26 15:41 | |
roy | | May 26 15:43 |
roy |,_1981.jpg | May 26 15:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | File:Prince Charles arrives at Andrews Air Force Base in the United States, 1981.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 26 15:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Now that more and more people realise that law | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | and lawyers facilitate the occupation by the 1% | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | over the 99%, maybe there will be reaction | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Military engagement no | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | money in peace, at least not immediately. | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "smallest yet the richest" | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Liechtenstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 26 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Donetsk crowds protest Ukrainian elections, | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | besiege richest oligarch’s mansion | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine | May 26 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 26 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Swansea traffic warden caught on camera | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | refusing to give ticket ... ‘because that’s the | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | boss’s car’ | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swansea traffic warden caught on camera refusing to give ticket to vehicle on double yellow lines ‘because that’s the boss’s car’ - Home News - UK - The Independent | May 26 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @globepolitics: Privacy watchdogs troubled | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | by controversial bills extending police powers | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cdnpoli | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz European elections: results from across Europe | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | good visualisation | May 26 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy watchdogs troubled by controversial bill extending police powers - The Globe and Mail | May 26 15:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European elections: results from across Europe | Politics | | May 26 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Internet Is Now Part of the Crime Scene | May 26 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Internet Is Now Part of the Crime Scene - Slashdot | May 26 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz So-called problems | May 26 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Access_Info Civil society calls for full #transparency | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about EU-US trade negotiations | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Call TTIP transparency | May 26 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lobbycontrol Welche Pharmakonzerne fördern Patientengruppen | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mit wie viel Geld? Das zeigt eine | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @DerSPIEGEL-Datenbank | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patienten-Datenbank: Pharmaindustrie spendete Millionen an Organisationen - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 26 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Invented borders and monopolsation of natural | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | resources | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact Konzerne erpressen Regierung, die | May 26 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Atommüll-Kosten auf uns abzuwälzen. Jetzt | May 26 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody gegen halten: | May 26 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @ atom-deal der konzerne&utm_content=link aktionsseite&utm_campaign=/atom-deal ) | May 26 16:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@campact: Konzerne erpressen Regierung, die #Atommüll-Kosten auf uns abzuwälzen. Jetzt gegen halten: | May 26 16:10 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 13 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 74 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 26 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (13) | May 26 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 26 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 26 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz With political support (politicians=lawyers) | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | lawyers are made artificially expensive, | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ensuring that courts are biased in favour of | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | the 1% | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ‘They think | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | of WikiLeaks | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | like Al-Qaeda’ don't be | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | misled, it's not the Arabs they're afraid of | May 26 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Matt DeHart no longer felt safe after FBI raided his home, so he decided to visit the Russian embassy | National Post | May 26 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Games That Make Players Act Like Psychopaths | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Games That Make Players Act Like Psychopaths - Slashdot | May 26 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Canada Is Selling Arms to Everyone It Can | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | so basically same as US, | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | UK, Israel, Germany... | May 26 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada Is Selling Arms to Everyone It Can | Motherboard | May 26 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Chagos Islands case: #WIkiLeaks cable | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | admissable after all | UK Human Rights Blog | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Background: | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 26 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikileaks documents used in courts: The case of Chagos islanders | May 26 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "A group led by a former Pentagon official" | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | wanted to send 70,000 assault rifled to Syrian | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorists | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Private Group Sought to Arm Syrian Rebels - | May 26 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @cforcese: A Three Front Legal Campaign: | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | CSEC, Metadata and Civil Liberties | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Three Front Legal Campaign: CSEC, Metadata and Civil Liberties - National Security Law Blog - | May 26 16:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Apple Inc. (AAPL) loses British reputation over | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | poor service, obnoxious snobbery | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #apple #arrogance | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple Inc. (AAPL) loses British reputation over poor service, obnoxious snobbery | May 26 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz One #nsa partner (Cisco) competes with another | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | (remember RSA is owned by EMC, just like | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | VMware) #backdoors | May 26 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chambers declares war on VMware | SiliconANGLE | May 26 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #VMware and #HyperV are both plagued by nasty | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #backdoors not just because they're proprietary | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | but due to ownership & connection to #prism | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hypervisors that are proprietary (and largely | May 26 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | used like VMware) would be a very clever ploy | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | for getting a back door into 'secure' VMs | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz We already know, based on #snowden leaks, that | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fogcomputing ('cloud') more of less an idiot's | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | hype for latching onto all people's data | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Estonia uses an Internet e-voting system that | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | security... researchers found vulnerable" | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa reigns the Web, | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | so... | May 26 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software bug disrupts e-vote count in Belgian election | True Blue Tribune | May 26 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Flash (Trash) has been making a mess (freezing) | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | on this machine for days. It should hopefully | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | die quickly. #adobe | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Adobe Flash critical to the future of Linux? | ITworld | May 26 16:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #adobe Flash (Trash) gives those who commandeer | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Web (NSA/GCHQ) browser access to people's | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | microphones, cameras, files... | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @sladurantaye: Great cartoon in the Globe | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | about cyberbullying legislation. | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BillC13 | May 26 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@sladurantaye: Great cartoon in the Globe about cyberbullying legislation. | May 26 16:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cnbc dares to say some truth about #billgates | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Bill Gates gets it wrong—Commentary | May 26 16:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Human "Suspended Animation" Trials To Start | May 26 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | This Month | May 26 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Human "Suspended Animation" Trials To Start This Month - Slashdot | May 26 16:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DuncanJane As a 'developing country' participant of | May 26 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SIF14, I object to being used to justify | May 26 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror leaving #Snowden & others out of conference | May 26 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | agenda. | May 26 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Despite Gates being factually wrong, the worst | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | part is that his message steers people and | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | policy makers away" | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Gates is wrong on Africa | Wharton Journal | May 26 16:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Whatever happened to the | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | guys? Are they still living in South Africa | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | these days? | May 26 16:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Techrights | People's rights in the digital age | Plutocracy threatened by freedom, democracy, privacy & civil rights | May 26 16:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It’s Time for #BillGates to Throw in the | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Education Towel Dr. | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Diane Ravitch on profiteering ploy | May 26 16:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It’s Time for Bill Gates to Throw in the Education Towel | May 26 16:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink I have complained to the BBC that their | May 26 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by coverage of the EU elections has been parochial | May 26 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to the point of abuse | May 26 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Elections In Middle Earth | Wild Webmink | May 26 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @chicoharlan The junta is here "indefinitely," Thailand's | May 26 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by new military leader says at a testy news | May 26 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody conference. | May 26 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thai military leader: Junta will hold power ‘indefinitely’ - The Washington Post | May 26 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #billgates steals from poor while pretending to | May 26 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | give away; #nsa attacks the population, | May 26 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretends to defend. Both use #china as whipping | May 26 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | boy. | May 26 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 16:56 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditArchLinux favourited 'Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet' | May 26 16:57 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditArchLinux favourited 'Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date...' | May 26 16:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | Tux Machines | May 26 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @astroehlein #CARcrisis: Blood diamonds, dead elephants & | May 26 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cattle rustling help fund the warlords | May 26 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Curse of CAR: Warlords, Blood Diamonds, and Dead Elephants - The Daily Beast | May 26 17:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@astroehlein: #CARcrisis: Blood diamonds, dead elephants & cattle rustling help fund the warlords | May 26 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #GatesFoundation makes a profit from oppressing | May 26 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | people, using private #police that only the 1% | May 26 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | can afford | May 26 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gates Foundation, divest from G4S | Stanford Daily | May 26 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @newsbrooke Interesting to read this account of what | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Britain's security services get up to in | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody secret. Making us safer? Debatable. | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | I am a British citizen – not a second-class citizen | Jamal Osman | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 26 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jolla phone hard to get outside the Baltic | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | areas | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 Smartphones You Want, But Can't Buy in India Right Now - Gizbot | May 26 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LG's #surveillance device for people's living | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | room (aka "LG TV") runs #linux #webos | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | May 26 17:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | May 26 17:12 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 336 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1304 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 26 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (184), @glynmoody (15), @ioerror (12) | May 26 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (40), @kgerloff (9), @ioerror (7) | May 26 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #SIF14 (23), #linux (16), #gnu (11) | May 26 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Long Term Use of Computers With Free Software | May 26 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | http:/... | May 26 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Long Term Use of ... | May 26 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Routers and hubs that are backdoored cannot | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | subvert/decipher encrypted packets; #gnu #linux | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | cannot be intercepted at binary level. | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Everyone in WikiLeaks has had their computer | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | stolen." | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | father of Julian | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assange | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange's father in Newcastle to receive award | Newcastle Herald | May 26 17:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RMS has his computer stolen when he was | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | visiting #argentina ; note "bag was stolen on a | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Paris metro station" | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #CETA continues to be hampered by lengthy | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | logistics - to say | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | nothing of #ISDS, which *must* come out (v | May 26 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada-EU trade deal continues to be hampered by lengthy logistics - The Globe and Mail | May 26 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch) | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Assange... an International Award for | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Outstanding Service in the Defence of Human | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rights and Global Justice." | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TOPICS: Truckers missing trick without cartoon mascot | Newcastle Herald | May 26 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @pdmcleod: Supreme Court to rule on | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | warrantless sharing of telecom data. By myself | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | and @alexboutilier | May 26 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court to rule soon on telecom data privacy | The Chronicle Herald | May 26 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz According to Jacob Appelbaum (WL), Sweden is | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | actively banning/censoring speakers who can | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | bring up Sweden's complicity in mass | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jacob Appelbaum's laptop/s, phones etc. | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | confiscated/stolen/imaged at the border | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | numerous times, e.g. | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Researcher detained at U.S. border, questioned about Wikileaks - CNET | May 26 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The US is working on laws that would basically | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | grant spooks/police/TSA physical access to | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | people's computers without | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | warrant/suspicion/etc. | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Hands-On With Sony's VR Headset | May 26 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hands-On With Sony's VR Headset - Slashdot | May 26 17:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @derechoaleer Tell Mozilla: Keep DRM out of Firefox - | May 26 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Banners! @endDRM @fsf | May 26 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @glynmoody @doctorow @EFF | May 26 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tell Mozilla: Keep DRM out of Firefox | May 26 17:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@derechoaleer: Tell Mozilla: Keep DRM out of Firefox - Banners! @endDRM @fsf @glynmoody @doctorow @EFF | May 26 17:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:46 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #IBM Bets Big On Power 8 "IBM is also betting heavily on Linux." | May 26 17:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | IBM Bets Big On Power 8 - Hardware - CRN India [ ] | May 26 17:55 | |
schestowitz__ | " | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | "more than 4 billion transistors built on IBM’s new 22 nm SOI process, the fastest 12 core (96 thread) Power 8 CPU is ..." | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | Where is the NSA backdoor on that chip? | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | "more than 4 billion transistors built on IBM’s new 22 nm SOI process, the fastest 12 core (96 thread) Power 8 CPU is ..." | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | Where is the NSA backdoor on that chip? | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Now that more and more people realise that law and lawyers facilitate the occupation by the 1% over the 99%, maybe there will be reaction | May 26 17:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "There will never be reaction as long as smart people , people who giv a damn about the freedom , believe that voting and electing has any value ." | May 26 17:56 |
schestowitz__ | "On the side-note , roy , you're brittish , why do you care so much about troubles of amerikan citizens?" | May 26 17:56 |
schestowitz__ | I'm German actually, and the US is a global empire that write everyone's law and imposes its power on non-compliers | May 26 17:57 |
schestowitz__ | *writes | May 26 17:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 26/5/2014: #Chromebook Prospects, #China | May 26 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | and #GNU #Linux | May 26 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 26 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard School spyware in coursebooks | May 26 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 26/5/2014: Chromebook Prospects, China and GNU/Linux | Techrights | May 26 17:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Now we have a Right* Govt in Center. | May 26 17:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » School spyware in coursebooks | May 26 17:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | May 26 17:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | * = Wing | May 26 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #HDL @HDLindiaOrg | May 26 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 17:59 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @derechoaleer: 'Tell Mozilla: Keep DRM out of Firefox -...' | May 26 18:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:08 |
schestowitz__ | "Never crossed my mind :D Thought since youre from manchester , youre british ." | May 26 18:08 |
schestowitz__ | I'm eligible, but I'd not change, even though it would have made my life easier here (am in Court over related issues right now) | May 26 18:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Adobe Flash critical to the future of Linux? | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Adobe Flash critical to the future of Linux? | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Screenshots | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 26 18:15 | |
schestowitz__ | "A picture is worth a thousand words ..." | May 26 18:15 |
schestowitz__ | "Now this is really funny :)))) P.S. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in gross" | May 26 18:15 |
schestowitz__ | "I don't think this is stupidity , just frankliness ." | May 26 18:15 |
schestowitz__ | "P.S. your avatar is union jack , so why object to their wish to show their allegiance ?" | May 26 18:15 |
schestowitz__ | "Sure if it is allegiance then sure..." | May 26 18:16 |
schestowitz__ | "Everyone what that flag stands for . I don't believe they chose it out of ignorance ." | May 26 18:16 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 26 18:16 |
schestowitz__ | Speaking of union jack , how's it gonna look like when scottland leaves the U.K. ?" | May 26 18:16 |
schestowitz__ | Just another cross-themed flag, like most of Europe, with the diagonal cross too | May 26 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The problem is not voting; the problem is | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | usually the way voting gets implemented, & more | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | so the (dis)information campaigns preluding | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | voting | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LibSocPartyUK BBC isn't neutral or independent. Unless by | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by independent they mean they are the media arm of | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the UK Independence Party | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@LibSocPartyUK: BBC isn't neutral or independent. Unless by independent they mean they are the media arm of the UK Independence Party | May 26 18:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata Not feeling like attending a reception with my | May 26 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by friends excluded from it. If @ioerror was here | May 26 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror activist from global south could learn a lot. | May 26 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata .@ioerror is publishing valuable information: | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Watch: | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror wonder why he is not at | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14? | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @tylerrdawson: This @AD_Humphreys story in | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | the National Post is absolutely astonishing | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | reading: | May 26 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | C3TV - To Protect And Infect, Part 2 | May 26 18:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Matt DeHart claims he’s wanted for working with Anonymous | National Post | May 26 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata #Sweden: FRA part of top-secret #NSA project | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by WINTERLIGHT #SIF14 must | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror discuss this. | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FRA part of top-secret hacker project - Uppdrag Granskning | | May 26 18:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz There are ways in which the #uk (through misuse | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | of courts) illegally discriminates against | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | non-UK #EU citizens, disowning EU Treaty | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | burden. | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It is unacceptable that Europeans should have | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | to spend a lot of time and money fighting | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | authoritarian overreach. I will say more in | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | future. | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Author Charles Stross: Is Amazon a Malignant | May 26 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monopoly, Or Just Plain Evil? | May 26 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Author Charles Stross: Is Amazon a Malignant Monopoly, Or Just Plain Evil? - Slashdot | May 26 18:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Voice of the Masses: What killer app is Linux | May 26 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | missing? they most name | May 26 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | proprietary ones | May 26 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Voice of the Masses: What killer app is Linux missing? | Linux Voice | May 26 18:39 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @avilarenata: '#Sweden: FRA part of top-secret #NSA project WINTERLIGHT...' | May 26 18:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko Man wearing pig mask and toy helmet arrested on | May 26 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by suspicion of impersonating a police officer. | May 26 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steven Peers pig mask: Man wearing toy police helmet and pig mask arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer - Manchester Evening News | May 26 18:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikko: Man wearing pig mask and toy helmet arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer. | May 26 18:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AP Pfizer nixes takeover bid for rival drugmaker | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by AstraZeneca after $119B offer rejected: | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pfizer pulls plug on push to buy AstraZeneca | May 26 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today's lessons from #fbi digital sting | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | operations: the US government is behind some of | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | the plots it claims to be threat of | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyber-attacks | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Back around 2012 there were numerous reports | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | (with confirmation) that #fbi had been dabbling | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | in DDOS attacks with direct links. | May 26 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Based on Slackware and Firefox | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | Tux Machines | May 26 18:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | (Utopic Unicorn) | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System Based on Slackware and Firefox | Tux Machines | May 26 18:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | Tux Machines | May 26 18:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) | Tux Machines | May 26 18:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink New toolkit will accelerate creation of file | May 26 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by importers in LibreOffice, Inkscape, Scribus, | May 26 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Abiword & Calligra Suite | May 26 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Resistance is futile, librevenge has arrived | Libre Graphics World | May 26 18:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux for Lettuce #gnu | May 26 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 26 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux for Lettuce | VQR Online | May 26 18:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Are #Organic Standards in Jeopardy? Watchdogs | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Say Yes - how #TTIP's | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | mutual recognition could undermine #EU | May 26 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are Organic Standards in Jeopardy? Watchdogs Say Yes | PR Watch | May 26 18:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | standards | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Releases VirusTotal Uploader For OS X | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Releases VirusTotal Uploader For OS X - Slashdot | May 26 18:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @fullcomment: Jesse Kline: A bigger | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance state won’t stop ‘cyberbullying’ | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jesse Kline: A bigger surveillance state won’t stop ‘cyberbullying’ | National Post | May 26 18:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rhinolinux #xfce #gnu | May 26 18:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | May 26 18:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #xubuntu | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Enlightenment : #EFL and Elementary 1.10 | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | release plan #gnu | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 26 18:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ ) | May 26 18:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz TRY FIRA SANS, A FREE FONT FAMILY COMMISSIONED | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | BY MOZILLA no #drm on | May 26 18:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Try Fira Sans, A Free Font Family Commissioned By Mozilla ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | May 26 18:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | fonts (yet) from #mozilla | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Utopic Unicorn) | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lightdm #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linux | May 26 18:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) | May 26 18:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #switzerland #sharing | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw | May 26 18:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | Joinup | May 26 18:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Apple Thunderbolt Driver Might Be Added To | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux #linux #apple | May 26 18:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #thunderbolt | May 26 18:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Apple Thunderbolt Driver Might Be Added To Linux 3.16 Kernel | May 26 18:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 18:58 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Now that more and more people realise that law and lawyers facilitate the occupation by the 1% over the 99%, maybe there will be reaction | May 26 19:08 | |
schestowitz__ | "What I am trying to point out is that we as europeans should be focusing on implications of amerikan policies on us , not on their citizens . We've seen they see us as adversaries from the snowden leaks . I liked those comments about us overreach in cloud computing , and in the facebook and other us companies ties to nsa . Sabu, anonymous, does europe take stance defending itself from those barbarians ? That's | May 26 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | what I am pointing out . Maybe the uk , swedish and other governments are working with the us (and it's clear they are) on intrusion of european citizen's lifes , but we , the people , should find a way to fight back . We should focus more on how to repel amerikan agression on us . Split the internet , why not ? Boycot the governments that aid our agressor , why not ? DISSOBEY!" | May 26 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ There are ways in which the #uk (through misuse of courts) illegally discriminates against non-UK #EU citizens, disowning EU Treaty burden. | May 26 19:09 | |
schestowitz__ | "There's no misuse of courts . Courts work for those in power , political or/and economical . If you seek refuge at the court , rethink ." | May 26 19:09 |
*aboutGod ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 26 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Based on Slackware and Firefox | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #slackware #porteus | May 26 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System Based on Slackware and Firefox | May 26 19:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mesa #freesw #graphics | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | May 26 19:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DragonFly 3.8, coming soon | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bsd #unix | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3.8, coming soon | May 26 19:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "irresponsibility of the Better Together | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | campaign, and exposed the lie that UKIP are | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | outsiders." #scotland | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk | May 26 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Euro Values | May 26 19:14 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 26 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The BBC’s promotion of UKIP again explodes the | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | myth of UKIP as outsiders." | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bbc #ukip #fear #labour | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Gov's AUTHORIZED & ACCIDENTAL #leaks will be | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | forgiven. If you're a #whistleblower, they'll | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | try to put you In jail, like @JohnKiriakou. | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JohnKiriakou in jail for accidentally | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosing U/C ID to reporter. WH list author | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | made same mistake. Will he be prosecuted under | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #IIPA? | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It is not a coincidence or an unfortunate | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | accident that nations deriving their power from | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | military expansion encourage gun ownership at | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | home | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Separation b/w surveillance & assassination is | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | not quite so adequate. Many reporters fail to | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | correlate them; one targets, another executes. | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Creation of 'enemy' lists for later execution | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | not a novel concepts. The Spaniards did it, the | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nazis did it, Japan did it... #killlists | May 26 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:26 |
*aboutGod ( has left #boycottnovell-social | May 26 19:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mass #surveillance (inc. phonecalls) in #iraq | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | and #afghanistan (where 'war'/invasion takes | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | place) is about selecting targets for death | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US unprepared with kill lists before WW2, | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | unlike Nazis whom IBM helped. US therefore put | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | in prison all 'Jap' Americans, | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | indiscriminately. | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Registry Hack Enables Continued Updates For | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Windows XP | May 26 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Registry Hack Enables Continued Updates For Windows XP - Slashdot | May 26 19:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines TRY FIRA SANS, A FREE FONT FAMILY COMMISSIONED | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | BY MOZILLA | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It is arguable that #gchq helps the US assemble | May 26 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | kill lists. Historically, #uk gathered lists of | May 26 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'enemies' for torture etc. (e.g. in Nairobi) | May 26 19:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Enlightenment: EFL and Elementary 1.10 release | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | plan | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TRY FIRA SANS, A FREE FONT FAMILY COMMISSIONED BY MOZILLA | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux for Lettuce | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Enlightenment: EFL and Elementary 1.10 release plan | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DragonFly 3.8, coming soon | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux for Lettuce | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DragonFly 3.8, coming soon | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Being a "target" of the #nsa is not a badge of | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | honour; it's route to harassment. They can seek | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retribution in ways other than physical harm. | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In the #uk for becoming "targets" | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | (thoughtcrime) dozens of citizens have already | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | been stripped off their citizenship. | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #HomeOffice | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Thanks to Edward Snowden we now have a more | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | precise (not vague) description of what it | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | takes to become #nsa "target". Unhinged on | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | security. | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Examples of #nsa targets: #unicef #msf #merkel | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #obama (yes, this was leaked by NSA staff | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | before Snowden, it happened years ago) | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Now Based on #Xfce 4.11 | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 26 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, Now Based on Xfce 4.11 | May 26 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gaming Comparison #amd | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nvidia #linux #benchmark | May 26 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Comparison | May 26 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Cdn govt has been criticized recently for | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | tracking social media activity. I defend the | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | practice: | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - In Defence of the Government Tracking Social Media Activity | May 26 19:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #syscon is trying a shotgun wedding of #gnu | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux and #surveillance computing (or Fog | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Computing for storage) | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #prism | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux and Cloud Storage: a Story of Unrequited Love? | SYS-CON MEDIA | May 26 19:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Free software is free (libre)&is free (gratis) | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | to replicate for oneself. Storage is not free, | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | requires material. Don't trust 'free' storage. | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I know companies that not only put their data | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | on 'cloud' (another nation) but also passwords; | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | they invite 'cloud' to crack their networks. | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Based on #nsa leaks, the crackers from NSA | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | target sysadmins, harvesting their passwords | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | from so-called 'cloud' (trap for 'useful | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | idiots'). | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #nsa would not need many NSLs (not much for | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | companies to disclose in 'transparency' | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | reports). NSLs can target keys to entire | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | networks. | May 26 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz National Security Letters (NSLs) and their | May 26 19:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | count can be meaningless; it's a last resort, | May 26 19:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | for cases where NSA crackers lack holes in | May 26 19:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | networks | May 26 19:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 19:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Freedom Cheaper than Iraq War | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | putting in perspective | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #scotland bill for invasions that reduce | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | national #security | May 26 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Freedom Cheaper than Iraq War | May 26 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald If you have some free time, read this 2001 Gore | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vidal essay on Timothy McVeigh and US media | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Via @andohehir) | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Meaning of Timothy McVeigh | Vanity Fair | May 26 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald And to be clear for distorters, I don't agree | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | with all of this, but much of it is very | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | provocative & worthwhile | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: If you have some free time, read this 2001 Gore Vidal essay on Timothy McVeigh and US media (Via @andohehir) | May 26 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Bug In DOS-Based Voting Machines Disrupts | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Belgian Election | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bug In DOS-Based Voting Machines Disrupts Belgian Election - Slashdot | May 26 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Who’s Watching Whom: My Recent Examination of | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet Privacy & Surveillance [video] | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Who's Watching Whom? Michael Geist Examines Internet Privacy & Surveillance - YouTube | May 26 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JohnKiriakou in jail for accidentally | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disclosing U/C ID to reporter. WH list author | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody made same mistake. Will he be prosecuted under | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #IIPA? | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Boston Globe op-ed: Are human rights activists | May 26 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | today’s warmongers? | May 26 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are human rights activists today’s warmongers? - Opinion - The Boston Globe | May 26 20:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Leak reveals how EU cut commitment to greater | May 26 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | official openness - good | May 26 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | article (v @raycorrigan) #transparency | May 26 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leaked document reveals how EU cut commitment to greater official openness - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship | May 26 20:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @edyong209 Testing vaccines on captive chimps to save wild | May 26 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by chimps: is it worth it? I cover a new study & a | May 26 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody fierce debate | May 26 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Testing Vaccines On Captive Chimps To Protect Wild Chimps—Is It Worth It? – Phenomena: Not Exactly Rocket Science | May 26 20:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jeremyscahill Eagerly awaiting the indictment of the White | May 26 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by House official who outed the CIA Station Chief | May 26 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 in Afghanistan | May 26 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Gov's AUTHORIZED & ACCIDENTAL #leaks will be | May 26 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by forgiven. If you're a #whistleblower, they'll | May 26 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 try to put you In jail, like @JohnKiriakou. | May 26 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:40 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '@JohnKiriakou in jail for accidentally disclosing U/C ID...' | May 26 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Glenn Greenwald, così ho sfidato lo spionaggio | May 26 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | - good questions, | May 26 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | excellent interview | May 26 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald, così ho sfidato lo spionaggio | May 26 20:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jeremyscahill This series about hacktivist Matt DeHart is | May 26 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by astonishing. Must read: | May 26 20:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Matt DeHart claims he’s wanted for working with Anonymous | National Post | May 26 20:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 26 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @leloveluck Important, appalling read by award-winning C4 | May 26 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by journo Jamal Osman on intimidation he faces | May 26 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from UK intel services: | May 26 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | I am a British citizen – not a second-class citizen | Jamal Osman | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 26 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Ukip founder Alan Sked: 'The party has become | May 26 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | a Frankenstein's monster' - | May 26 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | *very* interesting | May 26 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukip founder Alan Sked: 'The party has become a Frankenstein's monster' | Politics | The Guardian | May 26 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | comments... | May 26 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:04 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 26 21:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @leonardbodmer Red Hat Forum Zürich, eine spannende Agenda | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreve | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agenda | Red Hat Forum Zurich 2014 | May 26 21:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Angry bird | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@setislady RT is a Russian propaganda rag, | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | which you should never ever trust. Unless they | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | repeat some long-debunked number that I like. | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Freedom and democracy - independence from | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | another country and the right to self | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | government by election, not by coup, no puppet | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | leaders | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz National governance in today's world too | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | complex to draw in pyramid chart, but it's | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | clear that less than 10% of population at | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | higher levels | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ayn Rand | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Book Review: Hacking Point of Sale | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Book Review: Hacking Point of Sale - Slashdot | May 26 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Over dinner had a very long discussion about | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | whether Pocahontas is (or is not) tacit/subtle | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | attempt at revisionism for toddlers | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | the oppressor's motto (markets=oligarchs) | May 26 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ - Truthdig | May 26 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Leon Panetta gets pass for outing undercover ID | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | to make Hollywood movie. @JohnKiriakou gets 30 | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | mos in jail for confirming ID of a #torturer | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ln4711 Deputy director at ministry of foreign affairs | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @johanhallenborg: "Those who are most relevant | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror have been invited". #SIF14 | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot Great piece by @OwenJones84, calling for Labour | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to assert its values rather than pandering to | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody those of the right. | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Labour needs a politics of hope to counter Ukip's politics of despair | Owen Jones | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 26 21:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard How to name animals in German | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | first, assume everything | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | is a pig | May 26 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Die Tiere auf Deutsch « Why Evolution Is True | May 26 21:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes action-packed | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update XXVI, complete with water cannons #TAFTA | May 26 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 26 21:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @saschameinrath @wikileaks I've decided not to go to #sif14 -- | May 26 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by too many good people are not a part of the | May 26 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror lineup. | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hapeeg how can an internet freedom conference silence | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by people that play a crucial role related to | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror internetfreedom: mass surveillance. #sif14 | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @markbebawi #NationalSecurity and #CivilLiberties | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by discussion with @emptywheel and #SinoRussian | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel #GasDeal with Flynt Leverett | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Show Details for the week of May 26th, 2014 « The Monitor | May 26 21:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @onewmphoto Number 1 question asked to me tonight at the | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #sif14 official reception: What do you think | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror about Snowden being blacklisted? | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #InternetFreedom | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @huettemann German grand coalition @CDU @CSU @spdde tonight | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by agreed (confirmed ;-)) a coordinated strategy | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody on new @EU_Commission president #groko #EP2014 | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LukeReuters Very strong words from Cameron on need for #EU | May 26 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by leaders to decide on next Commission president. | May 26 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The knives are getting sharp for @JunckerEU | May 26 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @leemakiyama Trade Matters - ECIPE Global Economy Blog: | May 26 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by After the Election: Business as Usual | May 26 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 26 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade Matters - ECIPE Global Economy Blog: After the Election: Business as Usual | May 26 22:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen So sad about where our country is headed: Are | May 26 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by we witnessing the emergence of the United | May 26 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody States of Australia? | May 26 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #auspol | May 26 22:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are we witnessing the emergence of the United States of Australia? | Warwick Smith | Comment is free | | May 26 22:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:01 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @saschameinrath: '@wikileaks I've decided not to go to #sif14...' | May 26 22:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lennarthuizing #prism program has stopped 26 terrorist attacks | May 26 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in Europe, 1 in Netherlands, say Dutch | May 26 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody intelligence orgs to Parliament. No evidence | May 26 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | given. | May 26 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Organic Cat Litter May Have Caused Nuclear | May 26 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Waste Accident | May 26 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Organic Cat Litter May Have Caused Nuclear Waste Accident - Slashdot | May 26 22:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @piawaugh Want to hear about Fed data for #govhack this | May 26 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by year? Come to our DataJam 3rd June (Canberra & | May 26 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody livestreamed) #opendata | May 26 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GovHack 2014 - Data Jam Tickets, Symonston - Eventbrite | May 26 22:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TomRaftery RT @amcafee: WOW. MT @ramez: Barclays | May 26 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by downgrades entire US electric utility sector | May 26 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 'cause of solar+storage innovation | May 26 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Barclays Downgrades Electric Utility Bonds, Sees Viable Solar Competition - Income Investing - | May 26 22:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Griffin came under attack from protesters | May 26 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | shouting 'Nazi scum off our streets'." | May 26 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nick Griffin concedes European parliament seat as BNP votes fall away | Politics | The Guardian | May 26 22:10 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 22:21 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 26 22:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Remember that when votes move from British Nazi | May 26 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Party (BNP) to Nazi-Lite (UKIP) the voters hold | May 26 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | the same views. Therein lies the issue. | May 26 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz China working on new Windows-like Linux OS | May 26 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | after Windows 8 ban | May 26 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #vista8 #gnu #linux #china | May 26 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China working on new Windows-like Linux OS after Windows 8 banTechie News | May 26 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux | May 26 22:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | Gaming Comparison | May 26 22:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 22:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, | May 26 22:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now Based on Xfce 4.11 | May 26 22:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 22:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Comparison | Tux Machines | May 26 22:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, Now Based on Xfce 4.11 | Tux Machines | May 26 22:38 | |
schestowitz__ | me: | May 26 22:39 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 26 22:39 |
schestowitz__ | I am seeing lots of errors in my sites, some might be related to a PHP upgrade (I would like to revert back to the previous version) but some are not. Examples of error-filled pages: | May 26 22:39 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 26 22:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 26 22:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 26 22:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:39 |
schestowitz__ | Another one of my sites, residing on another server (banana), has database issues: | May 26 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 26 22:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ ) | May 26 22:39 | |
schestowitz__ | I'm pretty sure there are other issues I'm not seeing yet. Can these be addressed please? Thousands of pages are not accessible at the moment. | May 26 22:39 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 26 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CBrentPatterson The left-wing anti-austerity Syriza party | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by appears to have won 6 seats in the European | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Parliament. They oppose #CETA | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Greece’s Syriza Wins EU Elections in Warning to Samaras - Bloomberg | May 26 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The UK’s ability to influence has been | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | dangerously harmed" #uk | May 26 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Elections In Middle Earth | Wild Webmink | May 26 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #eu #europe | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Rhythmbox 3.0.3 “Devilfish” Officially | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Released | May 26 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rhythmbox 3.0.3 “Devilfish” Officially Released | May 26 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Report: Apple To Unveil "Smart Home" System | May 26 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Apple To Unveil "Smart Home" System - Slashdot | May 26 23:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My @AP quote: "No one f/ WH will be prsctd for | May 26 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | exposing undercover ID. Shows continuing double | May 26 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | standard over #leaks." | May 26 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama administration accidentally reveals name of undercover top CIA official in Afghanistan | Star Tribune | May 26 23:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @aescifi This week on AE, @JJSBoyce reviews HOMELAND by | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Cory @doctorow: | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 26 23:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HOMELAND by Cory Doctorow | May 26 23:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Terrorist detector kit | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Leon Panetta gets pass for outing undercover ID | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to make Hollywood movie. @JohnKiriakou gets 30 | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou mos in jail for confirming ID of a #torturer | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald A lot of US journalists seem a bit angry in a | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | third-grade sort of way | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 23:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonathanalter: If u missed great Kinsley review of Greenwald, one of biggest jerks in journo even if partly right. @PamelaPaulNYT | May 26 23:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald The number of US journalists who cheer for a | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminalize-journalism screed is the best | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-critique I've ever seen | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot B-52 Gets First Full IT Upgrade Since 1961 | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 26 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 26 23:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | B-52 Gets First Full IT Upgrade Since 1961 - Slashdot | May 26 23:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dnotice2012 Just noticed: #UKIP's vote is the Crazification | May 27 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Factor #EP2014 | May 27 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #europeanelections | May 27 00:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crazification factor - RationalWiki | May 27 00:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140525 - | May 27 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 27 00:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140525 | May 27 00:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 27 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Kids With Wheels: Should the Unlicensed Be | May 27 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Allowed To 'Drive' Autonomous Cars? | May 27 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 01:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kids With Wheels: Should the Unlicensed Be Allowed To 'Drive' Autonomous Cars? - Slashdot | May 27 01:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot PHK: HTTP 2.0 Should Be Scrapped | May 27 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 01:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PHK: HTTP 2.0 Should Be Scrapped - Slashdot | May 27 01:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Assange lawyer Julian Burnside wins Sydney | May 27 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Peace Prize | May 27 01:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 01:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014 Julian Burnside AO QC | Sydney Peace Foundation | May 27 01:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @agenciapublica Brazil Should Mediate Assange's Diplomatic | May 27 01:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Impasse via | May 27 01:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @theworldpost @agenciapublica | May 27 01:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazil Should Mediate Assange's Diplomatic Impasse | Natalia Viana | May 27 01:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 01:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Cable admissible in | May 27 01:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chagos Islands case; @ggreenwald on | May 27 01:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance, #Snowden, WikiLeaks | May 27 01:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 01:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 01:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 26 May 2014 | May 27 01:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WISEUpAction Call out: Second Embassy Anniversary for Julian | May 27 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Assange 19 June From | May 27 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks last year: #WikiLeaks | May 27 01:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Second Embassy Anniversary for Julian Assange – Solidarity Vigil call out | WISE Up Action – A Solidarity Network for Manning and Assange | May 27 01:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 01:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ecuadorian embassy 16/06/2013 - YouTube | May 27 01:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cnbc dares to say some truth about #billgates | May 27 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 27 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 01:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Bill Gates gets it wrong—Commentary | May 27 01:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Hugely significant ruling confirms #WikiLeaks | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | documents are admissible as evidence | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chagossians: Wikileaked cable admissible after all | UK Human Rights Blog | May 27 02:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikileaks documents used in courts: The case of Chagos islanders | May 27 02:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ColMorrisDavis Irony: @JohnKiriakou reveals CIA name that's | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by never published, gets 30 months. White House | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou reveals name that's published, "not | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | catastrophic." | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zerohedge Obama Administration Exposes Kabul CIA Chief | May 27 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Accidentally, Media Shrugs | May 27 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 27 02:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 27 02:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ashk4n No words: White House mistakenly identifies CIA | May 27 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by chief in Afghanistan — emails his name to ~6000 | May 27 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou people. | May 27 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 27 02:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 02:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan - The Washington Post | May 27 02:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @1Voice4Children "Even if torture works, it cannot be tolerated | May 27 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - not in one case or a thousand or a million." | May 27 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou - John Kiriakou #quote | May 27 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 02:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Even if torture works, it cannot be tolerated — not in one case or a thousand… | May 27 02:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kennethlipp Unlike #Manning, #Kiriakou, others, this *oops* | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by leaker directly endangered life, so he probably | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou shan't be prosecuted | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 02:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly reveals CIA official's name | May 27 02:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@20committee John, you're an expert on WWI | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | history. I'm not. So I assume you're probably | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | right about this stuff. Why can't you do the | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | same | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 02:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@20committee when it comes to questions | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | outside your area of expertise? | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onewmphoto Number 1 question asked to me tonight at the | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #sif14 official reception: What do you think | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks about Snowden being blacklisted? | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #InternetFreedom | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @senykam You wouldn't take legal advice from some random | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by guy w/o a law degree or legal experience right? | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Don't take crypto advice from random people! | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OxbloodRuffin #Surveillance is easier to understand if one | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by just thinks of it as stalking. | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @caulkthewagon Elliott Rodgers is the very definition of a | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by terrorist. | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | No one in the mainstream media will call | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Elliott Rodgers a terrorist. | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Chelsea Clinton At NCWIT: More PE, Less | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Zuckerberg | May 27 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chelsea Clinton At NCWIT: More PE, Less Zuckerberg - Slashdot | May 27 03:17 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @OxbloodRuffin: '#Surveillance is easier to understand if one just...' | May 27 03:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 OH @eikonos | how do you say, “can we get some | May 27 03:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | bread with this circus” in portuguese? #fifa | May 27 03:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #worldcup | May 27 03:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JohnKiriakou in jail for accidentally | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disclosing U/C ID to reporter. WH list author | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou made same mistake. Will he be prosecuted under | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #IIPA? | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My @AP quote: "No one f/ WH will be prsctd for | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exposing undercover ID. Shows continuing double | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou standard over #leaks." | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 03:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama administration accidentally reveals name of undercover top CIA official in Afghanistan | Star Tribune | May 27 03:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Gov's AUTHORIZED & ACCIDENTAL #leaks will be | May 27 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by forgiven. If you're a #whistleblower, they'll | May 27 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou try to put you In jail, like @JohnKiriakou. | May 27 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 03:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CLAWS MAIL 3.10 RELEASED WITH | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | OTHER CHANGES | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: KaOS 2014.04 | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 04:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Review: KaOS 2014.04 | Tux Machines | May 27 04:06 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 20 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 118 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 27 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (20) | May 27 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 27 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 27 04:11 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 153 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 622 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 27 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (57), @slashdot (12), @glynmoody (7) | May 27 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (18), @JohnKiriakou (9), @ioerror (7) | May 27 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (10), #gnu (8), #uk (6) | May 27 05:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Kabul CIA station chief outed: Under | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Intelligence Identities Protection Act, as DoJ | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou has prosecuted, doesn't matter if "mistakenly" | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | leak name | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US Nuclear Plants Expanding Long-Term Waste | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Storage Facilities | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 05:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Nuclear Plants Expanding Long-Term Waste Storage Facilities - Slashdot | May 27 05:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Post: 'They think of #WikiLeaks like Al-Qaeda’ | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 05:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 05:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Matt DeHart no longer felt safe after FBI raided his home, so he decided to visit the Russian embassy | National Post | May 27 05:53 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Congress reaffirms indefinite detention of Americans under #NDAA menacing | May 27 06:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Congress reaffirms indefinite detention of Americans under NDAA — RT USA [ ] | May 27 06:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | House Passes NDAA; Critical Amendments Fail, Others Succeed [ ] | May 27 06:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "But it's for national security, mind you. And while we're on it let's think of the children." | May 27 06:31 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #IBM Bets Big On Power 8 "IBM is also betting heavily on Linux." | May 27 06:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | IBM Bets Big On Power 8 - Hardware - CRN India [ ] | May 27 06:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Hope to have open hardware computers easily available soon." | May 27 06:32 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Military engagement no money in peace, at least not immediately. "smallest yet the richest" | May 27 06:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Liechtenstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 27 06:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "It's amazing how much more money it can be spend in welfare when you are not burning money maintaining an army." | May 27 06:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Post: 'They think of #WikiLeaks like Al-Qaeda’ | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday From foe to friend: my journey with Linux: | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | engadget: I'd heard of Linux before, but had | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | never actually seen or... | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 06:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 06:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - From foe to friend: my journey with Linux | May 27 06:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Each new version of #php is the death knell to | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | thousands of Web pages I set up. Why can't it | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | be backward compatible? | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Review: KaOS 2014.04 | May 27 06:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Review: KaOS 2014.04 | May 27 06:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #kaos #gnu #linux | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Imagine horror of having your Web host losing | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | whole database of CMS you've updated for 10 | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | years.Hopefully they have newer backups than | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | mine. | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 06:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What Edison really did | May 27 06:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | business monopoly is not invention | May 27 06:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 06:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @devicemag Who's against Net neutrality? Follow the money | May 27 06:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by >> | May 27 06:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Who's against Net neutrality? Follow the money | Net neutrality - InfoWorld | May 27 06:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @EricKnorr @NancyPelosi | May 27 06:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FCC @doctorow | May 27 06:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 06:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nancy Pelosi owns more stock in Comcast than any other member of the House of Representatives. : conspiracy | May 27 06:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parties Now In The European Parliament | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #eu #europe | May 27 07:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European Elections: 9 Scariest Far-Right Parties Now In The European Parliament | May 27 07:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Interference | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intervention (Fixing | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | U.S. intervention capabilities in Cuba) | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fixing U.S. intervention capabilities in Cuba » peoplesworld | May 27 07:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Veteran tells how killing a young German | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | soldier haunted him for life | May 27 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | no honour in war | May 27 07:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Veteran tells how killing a young German soldier haunted him for life | May 27 07:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Steinhage Hello webOS is out! | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Stories via @tuxmachines @fernandolazaro5 | May 27 07:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hello webOS | May 27 07:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @Fred_D_Castillo | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Steinhage Hello webOS is out! | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Stories via @tuxmachines @fernandolazaro5 | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Fred_D_Castillo | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 07:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hello webOS - | May 27 07:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lepen | May 27 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporations before people | May 27 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi moles | May 27 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Ukraine and the #US fiasco driving #Russia | May 27 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | into the arms of #China | May 27 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nato isolating itself | May 27 07:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukraine and the US fiasco driving Russia into the arms of China - Stop the War Coalition | May 27 07:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Leon Panetta gets pass for outing undercover ID | May 27 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to make Hollywood movie. @JohnKiriakou gets 30 | May 27 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 mos in jail for confirming ID of a #torturer | May 27 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "Thou shall not link to the website of the | May 27 07:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Indian Prime Minister without explicit | May 27 07:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | permission" | May 27 07:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My @AP quote: "No one f/ WH will be prsctd for | May 27 07:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thou shall not link to the website of the Indian Prime Minister without explicit permission - MediaNama | May 27 07:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exposing undercover ID. Shows continuing double | May 27 07:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 standard over #leaks." | May 27 07:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 07:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama administration accidentally reveals name of undercover top CIA official in Afghanistan | Star Tribune | May 27 07:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "Damaging Dissent In India" | May 27 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Damaging Dissent In India - MediaNama | May 27 07:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Government sets logging sights on ‘precious | May 27 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | jewel’ of B.C. forests | May 27 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #canada selling its best parts | May 27 07:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Government sets logging sights on ‘precious jewel’ of B.C. forests - The Globe and Mail | May 27 07:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lots of times #firefox fails to copy http from | May 27 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | the address back. Maybe if #mozilla wasn't so | May 27 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | busy trying to copy Google's brain damage... | May 27 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz European elections: six countries that went | May 27 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | left, not right #Spain | May 27 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Greece #Italy #Portugal #Slovakia #Romania | May 27 07:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European elections: six countries that went left, not right | Politics | The Guardian | May 27 07:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz President Karzai Refuses US Offer for a Meeting | May 27 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | with President Obama at Bagram Military Airbase | May 27 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia has bribed him | May 27 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #karzai is only pretending to be upset over the | May 27 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance (just like Merkel and others). | May 27 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | The #cia gave him bags of cash to be puppet. | May 27 07:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | President Karzai Refuses US Offer for a Meeting with President Obama at Bagram Military Airbase - Office of the President | May 27 07:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Space Hackers Prepare to Reboot 35-Year-Old | May 27 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spacecraft | May 27 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Space Hackers Prepare to Reboot 35-Year-Old Spacecraft - IEEE Spectrum | May 27 07:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:45 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: ### [Truth in Numbers: Did Piketty Get His Math Wrong?]( *Fri, 23 May 2014 20:15:40 GMT, by By NEIL IRWIN* A Financial Times report is casting doubt on the data behind Thomas Piketty’s popular book. An important | May 27 07:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | May 27 07:48 | |
schestowitz__ | "NYT, says 700 page book has a math error ... Ut oh, it's Excel. ... Looks like nit picking denial and complete bullshit." | May 27 07:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The World's Most Humble President Just Opened | May 27 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | His House to 100 Syrian Refugee Children | May 27 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #southamerica | May 27 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The World's Most Humble President Just Opened His House to 100 Syrian Refugee Children - PolicyMic | May 27 07:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fashion versus pragmatism | May 27 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fear | May 27 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 07:51 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:52 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:56 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:57 |
MinceR | :D | May 27 07:58 |
schestowitz__ | A false colour image of a micro crack in #steel, viewed through an electron microscope. | May 27 08:01 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mint 17 the Best, Foe to Friend, and KaOS | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mint 17 the Best, Foe to Friend, and KaOS Review | Tux Machines | May 27 08:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS | Tux Machines | May 27 08:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | name | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes name | Tux Machines | May 27 08:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Roadwork | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Facebook Launches NSA-Style Auto-Eavesdropping | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Feature | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook Launches NSA-Style Auto-Eavesdropping Feature | Zero Hedge | May 27 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mint 17 the Best, Foe to Friend, and KaOS | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Review #kaos #mintlinux | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc. | May 27 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 27 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Best Business Apps for #Chrome and #ChromeOS | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | proprietary, sort of | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS | TechSource | May 27 08:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chrome, ChromeOS, Android, and Steam are mostly | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | platforms for proprietary software+DRM, even | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | though some frameworks built on top of FOSS | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | name #linux based | May 27 08:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes name · | May 27 08:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Developer Calls For HTTP 2.0 To Be Thrown Out | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #http #www | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Developer Calls For HTTP 2.0 To Be Thrown Out | May 27 08:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mesa 10.2 Will Feature Better Adreno Driver, | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | OpenMAX, Cherryview Support | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mesa 10.2 Will Feature Better Adreno Driver, OpenMAX, Cherryview Support - Slashdot | May 27 08:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Apache Tomcat 7.0.54 Now Available for Download | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apache Tomcat 7.0.54 Now Available for Download | May 27 08:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz PHP contributes to "Web rot". I'm having some | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #php issues->no backward compatibility in PHP. | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | I need to hack code again or dump, convert DBs. | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Production Of Neo900 (Nokia N900-Like | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smartphone) Is Still Alive And Kicking | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #n900 #nokia | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Production Of Neo900 (Nokia N900-Like Smartphone) Is Still Alive And Kicking | | May 27 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140526 - | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 27 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140526 | May 27 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Change Its Name To Kebian | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #debian #gnu #linux | May 27 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will Change Its Name To Kebian | | May 27 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @divinewrite @glynmoody @Asher_Wolf Yes! The TPP - esp ISDS | May 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - is VERY dangerous. | May 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abbott wants foreign corporations to control our laws | May 27 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How Handy #HandyLinux Is? | May 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Handy HandyLinux Is? - Linux notes from DarkDuck | May 27 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Glenn Greenwald, così ho sfidato lo spionaggio | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | - good questions, | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | excellent interview | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald, così ho sfidato lo spionaggio | May 27 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Witcher 2 Port? #witcher | May 27 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The Witcher 2 Port? | May 27 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #gnu #linux | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Leak reveals how EU cut commitment to greater | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | official openness - good | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | article (v @raycorrigan)#transparency | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leaked document reveals how EU cut commitment to greater official openness - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship | May 27 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Woodblock Sushi Set for Kids | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow David Foster Wallace’s annotated copy of | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ulysses | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #CETA continues to be hampered by lengthy | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | logistics - to say | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | nothing of #ISDS, which must come out (v | May 27 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada-EU trade deal continues to be hampered by lengthy logistics - The Globe and Mail | May 27 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch) | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wallpapers sought for #KDE as it moves on to | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Qt5 | May 27 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Visual Design Group: Monday Report: Wallpaper Edition | May 27 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Spooky buildings from Scooby-Doo | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow cosplayingwhileblack: Tank Girl cosplay | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | prototype | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Are #Organic Standards in Jeopardy? Watchdogs | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Say Yes - how #TTIP's | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | mutual recognition could undermine #EU | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | standards | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are Organic Standards in Jeopardy? Watchdogs Say Yes | PR Watch | May 27 08:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Sphinx-type creature in the gardens of the | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hotel Hightower at Disney Sea. | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: liartownusa: Cooking for Raccoons by | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Grendyl Harlapp | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Haunted Mansion icons | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Congratulations to Ben Hatke and The Return of | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Zita the Spacegirl, which is #1 on the NYT | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Best-Seller list | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @helen_access Good news in Europe's controversial elections: | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 31% new Spanish MEPs already pledged to defend | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU #transparency & control #lobbying ! | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow cosplayingwhileblack: Character: Lt. Nyota | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Uhura | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: androphilia: jodhpur by Dagmar Hohlüchte | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Linux app lets you control fruit fly brains - | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | with frikkin' LASERS | May 27 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux app lets you control fruit fly brains - with frikkin' LASERS • The Register | May 27 08:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PolkeMajewski #NSA-Hintertür in die EU? @JanAlbrecht fordert: | May 27 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by keine proprietäre Software für öffentliche | May 27 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Rechner #datenhunger | May 27 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Datenschutz: Finger weg von Microsoft? | ZEIT ONLINE | May 27 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Red Shoes with Teeth | May 27 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for | May 27 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ubuntu users #ubuntu | May 27 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 27 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for Ubuntu users | Muktware | May 27 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ISDS: trojan horse clause giving more power to | May 27 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | companies - excellent | May 27 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | summary (v @olivierhoedeman @ShmaeganM) #TTIP | May 27 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | Access | May 27 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ShmaeganM #TTIP/#TAFTA: the Lobby plague is coming to the | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EU /cc @EstelMP, | May 27 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | Access | May 27 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @accessnow | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hidden Cameras in Care Homes | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | bad tradeoff | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork Interesting that there’s no live Twitter stream | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on the screen this year. What’s #SIF14 afraid | May 27 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hidden Cameras in Care Homes - Have Your Say | Big Brother Watch | May 27 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody of? | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @roblesmaloof RT @derechosdigital: The unconference: "How | May 27 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trade agreements mess up with internet freedom" | May 27 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody at 17:00 #SIF14 #NOTPP | May 27 08:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@roblesmaloof: RT @derechosdigital: The unconference: "How trade agreements mess up with internet freedom" at 17:00 #SIF14 #NOTPP | May 27 08:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Austria Constant Partner of #NSA | May 27 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | the most famous Austrian | May 27 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | would have been proud | May 27 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Austria Constant Partner of NSA: Journalist | May 27 08:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @timanderson RT Another one for @joemarini :( RT @Biappi: | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this is NOT the web i want. | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody" cc @codetition | May 27 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Biappi: this is NOT the web i want. | May 27 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens that NSA spied on | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #surveillance | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mccarthyism | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens that NSA spied on - Washington Times | May 27 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bear_kp I rather feel I peaked with these two so will | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by take the liberty of retweeting them... | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bear_kp: I rather feel I peaked with these two so will take the liberty of retweeting them... | May 27 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aral #IoT Build connected hardware w Spark Core | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by using their REST API. Once enough people do, | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Google buys Spark & all those data collection | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | nodes. | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BLBookshop @doctorow not quite true - sadly | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #grrrr #internet | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 08:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sorry, Internet, but this is not David Foster Wallace's annotated 'Ulysses' | May 27 08:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:55 |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow deleted 'David Foster Wallace’s annotated copy of Ulysses' | May 27 08:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nytimes gives platform to #pentagon lawyers | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | indeed, NY Times is the | May 27 08:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pentagon's Paper, WashPo the CIA's | May 27 08:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | By Limiting N.S.A. Tools, House Bill Makes Us Less Safe - | May 27 08:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The | May 27 08:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Witcher 2 Port? | May 27 08:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The Witcher 2 Port? | Tux Machines | May 27 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @marcuschown Does the BBC Business Unit help to explain the | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pro-market, right wing agenda of BBC news | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody reporting? | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The BBC Business Unit and the public interest | openDemocracy | May 27 08:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot As for #Labour, you spend 4 years tacking and | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by triangulating, failing to assert your values. | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody No wonder people look elsewhere for clarity. | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dutch government press 'pulls an Alexander', | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | claiming terror plots foiled without even | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | giving any details. State secrecy and innuendo. | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork Moderator Suhasini Haidar asks about the people | May 27 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by conspicuously absent: @ioerror, Snowden, | May 27 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @ggreenwald. Right on! #SIF14 | May 27 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 08:59 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: 'Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens...' | May 27 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolinarossini Join us later at #sif12u How Trade Agreements | May 27 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Mess up with internet freedoms. Slides at | May 27 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #SIF14 #TPP | May 27 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @publicknowledge | May 27 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sif14 How Trade Agreements Mess Up with Internet Freedoms | May 27 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz First word of this pro-NSA article is an error | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | his name is Edward. | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leslie Hittner: NSA played key rold in traffic analysis | May 27 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Snowden’s legacy would be “shaped in large | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | part” by this “finishing piece”" | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | how many politicians | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa "targets"? | May 27 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Greenwald's Finale: Naming Victims of Surveillance | RealClearPolitics | May 27 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Investigation confirms U.S. snooping activities | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | against China: report | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | but guess who's sued | May 27 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investigation confirms U.S. snooping activities against China: report - People's Daily Online | May 27 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard THAT not-voting thing has worked out | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | brilliantly, Britain has told Russell Brand. | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK thanks Russell Brand | May 27 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Only one's perception of being "Good Guy" and | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | "World's Policeman" would vindicate over one's | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | own action. #hypocrisy | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | 20... list of potential overseas targets for | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | U.S. cyber-attacks." | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Anyone who has followed #nsa news for the past | May 27 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full Text: The United States' Global Surveillance Record (7) | GlobalPost | May 27 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | 5-10 years (it takes some effort to find the | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | news) must have known #blowback was brewing. | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Asher_Wolf ….don’t talk about being “censored” when some | May 27 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by white guy doesn’t get invited to speak at one | May 27 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff out of 20 of the last conferences | May 27 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa "secretly intercepting, recording, and | May 27 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | archiving the audio of virtually every cell | May 27 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone conversation" | May 27 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MEDIA WINDOW: Data pirates in the Caribbean | May 27 09:14 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditChromeOS favourited 'Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS...' | May 27 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Change Its Name To Kebian | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will Change Its Name To Kebian | Tux Machines | May 27 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How Handy HandyLinux Is? | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Handy HandyLinux Is? | Tux Machines | May 27 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu users | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for Ubuntu users | Tux Machines | May 27 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Storage is quickly getting cheaper & #nsa is | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | expanding with new massive datacentres. Make no | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | mistake. Goal as per leaks: record everything. | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff EC's de Gucht in @tazgezwitscher interview on | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP: "There is no reason to distrust me." | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Uhm, #ACTA perhaps? | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Karel de Gucht über TTIP: „Was ist Ihr Albtraum?“ - | May 27 09:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Caribbeans a small enough dataset on which to | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | test a system that stores every phone call | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | (forever), transcribing, enabling quick | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | playback | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia contract with #amazon as well as speech | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | from CIA CTO and some leaks from NSA show that | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | goal is to record and STORE all indefinitely | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Vision of political #espionage must be:if you | May 27 09:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | track everything of everyone since childhood, | May 27 09:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | then you can marginalise every future | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | politician | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What many perceive as a euphoric vision a lot | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | of sociopaths in army, oligarchy, politics etc. | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | perceive as "Noble Cause" to assure peace | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #canada is actually expanding its #surveillance | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | powers, not restraining them | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NDP Wants Privacy, Security Experts To Probe Warrantless Data Gathering | May 27 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "122 world leaders were under NSA surveillance | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | in 2009" mostly | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'allies'. #nsa #espionage | May 27 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. conducts unscrupulous secret surveillance programs across world: report | GlobalPost | May 27 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'far beyond the legal rationale of | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | "anti-terrorism" and have exposed the ugly face | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | of its pursuit of self-interest' | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China report slams U.S. for 'unscrupulous' surveillance | Reuters | May 27 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Secret laws are a threat to American democracy | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination of US | May 27 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secret laws are a threat to American democracy | Al Jazeera America | May 27 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens too, using secret laws | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US citizens killed by #drones are not the only | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | thing that counts "In | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pakistan, an estimated 2,200 to 3,300...killed" | May 27 09:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robot warriors pose ethical dilemna | May 27 09:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why Risk Prison To Protest Drone Murders? An | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Activist Explains. #us | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | puts #drone protesters in prison | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Risk Prison To Protest Drone Murders? An Activist Explains. | May 27 09:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Government blasé on Australian drone deaths | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | satellite nations, almost literally | May 27 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eureka Street | May 27 09:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Complicity of Australia and New Zealand in US Drone Assassinations | NEWS JUNKIE POST | May 27 09:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kirst3nF But glad that @JanAlbrecht @Senficon | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @SophieintVeld @MarietjeSchaake made it! We | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff have strong human rights defenders in the | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The government of Honduras was overthrown" | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | so much for promoting | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | "democracy" | May 27 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 27 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership bust up | May 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trade unions? @drrimmer | May 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody cc @glynmoody #TPP #TPPA #trade #work #unions | May 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Creative Destruction: The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Jobs, and Labor Rights — Medium | May 27 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “Soon no American or British citizen will be | May 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | safe anywhere on earth, for decades to come.” | May 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America’s “War on Terror”: No U.S. Citizen Is Safe “Throughout the World” | Global Research | May 27 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @derechosdigital Latin American countries affected by #TPP: | May 27 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by México, Peru & Chile. Our webpage with all the | May 27 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody information #SIF14 | May 27 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sif12u | May 27 09:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 27 09:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ray McGovern Doubting Obama’s Resolve to Do | May 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Right | May 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Doubting Obama’s Resolve to Do Right | Consortiumnews | May 27 09:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Barack Obama to make new bid to define foreign policy - The Economic Times | May 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Lina18 from the floor: it's offensive to women & | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "global south" to be used as justification for | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody exclusion of #Snowden &other key players #SIF14 | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @adrianshort Want to help @UKODI crowdsource Euro election | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by results data? | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Data Institute | News | Collaborating on European Election data in GitHub | May 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia stunt (collecting #dna samples using a | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | lie) killed medical workers, says #unicef | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | (under #nsa #surveillance ) | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The World Today - UNICEF's polio advisor says CIA revelations led to deaths of vaccine workers 27/05/2014 | May 27 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "THE EDITORIAL BOARD" at #nytimes concurs with | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | what #unicef says #cia | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pakistan | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 27 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The media flooded by seemingly unimportant | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | observation that CIA chief in Afghanistan | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | named; there's far more important news brushed | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | aside | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Media BLITZ bombarding readers/viewers with | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | same talking point about Sabu "help[ing] FBI | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | thwart over 300 cyberattacks" - like NSA's | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | lies. | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The NSA was caught lying about 50 alleged plots | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | which were sometimes Sting Ops. "300 | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyberattacks" a similar Big Lie. Budget at | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | stake. #fbi | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Based on what we know, #nsa got hundreds of | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | billions of taxpayers' money (national debt) | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | and has foiled not a single terror plot. | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage | May 27 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 09:53 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 09:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fox 'news' shows that #fifa charade used as a | May 27 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretext for militarising #brazil #police amid | May 27 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | national unrest | May 27 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI training Brazilian police in controlling disturbances | Fox News Latino | May 27 10:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Editor navigated Fiji's media #censorship | May 27 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fiji | May 27 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Editor navigated Fiji's media censorship | May 27 10:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Can I see what information the feds have on my | May 27 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | travel? | May 27 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Ars: Can I see what information the feds have on my travel? | Ars Technica | May 27 10:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@masterv_12: @schestowitz only 1? #votepirate #pirate #FCCNetNeutrality #fcc #NSA #Internet | May 27 10:16 | |
schestowitz__ | sadly | May 27 10:16 |
MinceR | the EU is dying | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz China Said to Push Banks to Remove IBM Servers | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Security #ibm | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #backdoor #nsa #trojanhorse | May 27 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Said to Push Banks to Remove IBM Servers for Security - Bloomberg | May 27 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pirate Party Keeps a Seat At The European | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliament | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #eu #europe #politics | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Party Keeps a Seat At The European Parliament | TorrentFreak | May 27 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Europe's Pirate Parties are sinking, but | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | they've already won they | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | got across another message | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe's Pirate Parties are sinking, but they've already won (Wired UK) | May 27 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Domain Name Suspended | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Domain Name Suspended - Slashdot | May 27 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @onewmphoto Number 1 question asked to me tonight at the | May 27 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #sif14 official reception: What do you think | May 27 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz about Snowden being blacklisted? | May 27 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #InternetFreedom | May 27 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz John Faulkner voices spying fears after | May 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | parliament CCTV captures meeting | May 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cctv #ItComesAround | May 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Faulkner voices spying fears after parliament CCTV captures meeting | World news | | May 27 10:21 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 10:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 27 10:24 | |
schestowitz__ | "P.S. me too" | May 27 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz China already makes everything that US makes | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | (and some that US can't make, e.g. Boeing plane | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | parts now made in China) [1/2] | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz All that US corporations could do was rely on | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa for #espionage (e.g. vs #huawei ) but got | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | caught, scared Chinese away to autonomy [2/2] | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Facebook Wants To Listen In On What You're | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Doing "its smartphone | May 27 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | app that can turn on users’ microphones" | May 27 10:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook Wants To Listen In On What You're Doing - Forbes | May 27 10:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:29 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chris Hedges “The American Public Is Utterly | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Misinformed On What’s Happening In Ukraine” | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporate media lies | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chris Hedges “The American Public Is Utterly Misinformed On What’s Happening In Ukraine” | occupy blogosphere | May 27 10:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ‘Big money’ is backing Modi to end resistance, | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | says Arundhati Roy #modi | May 27 10:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Big money' is backing Modi to end resistance, says Arundhati Roy | Firstpost | May 27 10:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #india | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is #Elsevier going to take control of us and | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | our data? The Vice-Chancellor of #Cambridge | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | thinks so and I’m terrified | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 10:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Elsevier going to take control of us and our data? The Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge thinks so and I’m terrified « petermr's blog | May 27 10:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Spreading freedom | May 27 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Yippee! The HOMELAND paperback is out! | May 27 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brennannovak @doctorow can't wait to read HOMELAND. I just | May 27 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by finished Little Brother, had two sleepless | May 27 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow nights, couldn't put it down! | May 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nnenna Huge one: "If privacy is dead, why is | May 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance technology a multi-million dollar | May 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff business"? | May 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 | May 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @warrenellis opens twitter / checks all the things that | May 27 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by everyone on twitter is angry about today / | May 27 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff closes twitter / repeats once a day | May 27 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Wir sind alle Gmail-Nutzer: Datenschutz als | May 27 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Umweltproblem #google | May 27 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacy #decentralise | May 27 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wir sind alle Gmail-Nutzer: Datenschutz als Umweltproblem | May 27 11:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 11:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Phillip_D_Jones: @schestowitz Sign and RT this if you think its time to #TakeBackTheBBC | May 27 11:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | NO TITLE | May 27 11:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JonathanLanday @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 @AP Nor were | May 27 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Panetta or Vickers prosecuted for exposing IDs | May 27 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 of SOF operators to 0-Dark-30 filmmakers. | May 27 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NVIDIA vs. AMD 2D Performance Benchmarks | May 27 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #benchmark #amd | May 27 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nvidia | May 27 11:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA vs. AMD 2D Performance Benchmarks | May 27 11:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @vavoida @glynmoody Europas Grüne fordern: keine | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by proprietäre Software für öffentliche Rechner | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #FOSS /v @JoernPL | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Datenschutz: Finger weg von Microsoft? | ZEIT ONLINE | May 27 11:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | development #ubuntu | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #leadwerks #games | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When digital marketing meets open source | May 27 11:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games development- The Inquirer | May 27 11:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #cms #drupal #freesw | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gpl | May 27 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When digital marketing meets open source - Techworld | May 27 11:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Reining in NSA w/ rise in reign of | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance? New dawn of digital dystopia or | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | do we reclaim our sovereign destiny? | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reining In the N.S.A. - Room for Debate - | May 27 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft sure seems to have infiltrated | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #newham with suits who claim MS to be "open" | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | (shared), spreading TCO FUD | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Use of money saving open source software skyrockets | | May 27 11:25 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted '#microsoft sure seems to have infiltrated #newham with...' | May 27 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft sure seems to have infiltrated | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #newham with suits who claim MS to be "open" | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | (shared), spreading TCO FUD | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz |> | May 27 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Use of money saving open source software skyrockets | | May 27 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft sure seems to have infiltrated | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #newham with suits who claim MS to be "open" | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | (shared), spreading TCO FUD | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Use of money saving open source software skyrockets | | May 27 11:26 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted '#microsoft sure seems to have infiltrated #newham with...' | May 27 11:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Jo and Ed’s marble slab, Yternia, Tinos, | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Greece on Flickr. | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Panorama, wedding square, Yternia, | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tinos, Greece on Flickr. | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Communist election poster, KKE sign, | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tinos, Greece on Flickr. | May 27 11:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:27 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #Facebook Wants To Listen In On What You're Doing "its smartphone app that can turn on users’ microphones" | May 27 11:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Facebook Wants To Listen In On What You're Doing - Forbes [ ] | May 27 11:32 | |
schestowitz__ | ""It’s only rolling out the feature in the U.S." ... Land of the naive." | May 27 11:32 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 27 11:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "That did not occur to me :D" | May 27 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: View from the wedding site, Yternia, | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tinos, Greece on Flickr. | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Poesy the flower-girl, wedding square 3, | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Yternia, Tinos, Greece on Flickr. | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The British press seems very much complicit in | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft #propaganda whose purpose is to push | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | back against #odf and Free software | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot of managers grasp the value of Free | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | software&speak about it. British corporate | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | press more interested in talking to Microsoft | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | minions. | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "US scientists fear climate change could have | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | devastating effects on poultry farmers" | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wanted: a breed of chicken that can survive crippling heatwaves | Business | The Observer | May 27 11:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hapeeg how can an internet freedom conference silence | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by people that play a crucial role related to | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz internetfreedom: mass surveillance. #sif14 | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @saschameinrath @wikileaks I've decided not to go to #sif14 -- | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by too many good people are not a part of the | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz lineup. | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Just like #british press for #microsoft the | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 conference is silencing pro-Internet | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | rights speakers | May 27 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ln4711: Deputy director at ministry of foreign affairs @johanhallenborg: "Those who are most relevant have been invited". #SIF14 | May 27 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @borribles We're with you :) RT"@tomkillingbeck: If I | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wielded the Power of Gove I'd force a copy of | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @borribles upon every child in Britain." | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #sweden affinity for rights is a farce. It is | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | actively blocking speakers at #sif14 who would | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | bring up #surveillance | May 27 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@hapeeg: how can an internet freedom conference silence people that play a crucial role related to internetfreedom: mass surveillance. #sif14 | May 27 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaniaShakeri Hi @glynmoody I thought you might be interested | May 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in taking our 3rd annual #womenintech survey? | May 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Go to RT | May 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Women in Technology Survey 2014 | May 27 11:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DHS Fusion Centers Monitored Occupy Wall Street | May 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Activities Using Powerful Tools Like... | May 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Google... And Twitter | May 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DHS Fusion Centers Monitored Occupy Wall Street Activities Using Powerful Tools Like... Google... And Twitter | Techdirt | May 27 11:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DuncanJane As a 'developing country' participant of | May 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SIF14, I object to being used to justify | May 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz leaving #Snowden & others out of conference | May 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | agenda. | May 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ln4711 Happy to give up my place at #SIF14 to Snowden | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by or @ggreenwald if that's the issue. But of | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz course it's not. | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #wattos #gnu | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 27 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Biotech lobby's fingerprints over new EU | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | proposal to allow national GMO bans - | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | backdoor deals against | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | public interest | May 27 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Biotech lobby's fingerprints over new EU proposal to allow national GMO bans | Corporate Europe Observatory | May 27 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Blair urges Labour to take on Ukip over | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | immigration and EU - | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | worrying: I find myself agreeing with Blair... | May 27 12:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tony Blair urges Labour to take on Ukip over immigration and EU | Politics | | May 27 12:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #IMF chief says banks haven't changed since | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | financial crisis | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pilger on IMF | May 27 12:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IMF chief says banks haven't changed since financial crisis | Business | | May 27 12:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The World Bank (WB) & The International Monetary Fund (IMF) - YouTube | May 27 12:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya @schestowitz Hi Roy, hope you remember me, This | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | lady is 100% anti-national element. Modi ji is | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | True Patriotic leader. Do not listen to crap! | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz @nsisodiya She has a good track record, though, | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | and she's not only critical of India's | May 27 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | government | May 27 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack EU to enact stricter online #privacy rules, | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | including multimillion-dollar fines on firms | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | that misuse Europeans’ data. | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya @schestowitz track record is media generated. | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | she is not just anti-national but anti-hindu | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | too. Modi is honest+purest leader in India. | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wielinde "Mit der Privatsphäre verhält es sich [...] wie | May 27 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mit sauberer Luft [...] entweder für alle oder | May 27 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff für keinen." @kgerloff | May 27 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wir sind alle Gmail-Nutzer: Datenschutz als Umweltproblem | May 27 12:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya @schestowitz Also, she is good example of | May 27 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | neo-colonized mindset | May 27 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Impressing the Whites: The New International Slavery | The Rediscovery of India | May 27 12:29 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for...' | May 27 12:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ValeriePlame Astonishing: White House mistakenly identifies | May 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by CIA chief in Afghanistan | May 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 via @washingtonpost | May 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House mistakenly identifies CIA chief in Afghanistan - The Washington Post | May 27 12:38 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'EU to enact stricter online #privacy rules, including...' | May 27 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @privacyint 7th June #DontSpyOnUs Day of Action with us & | May 27 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow @arusbridger @jimmy_wales Early bird | May 27 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow tickets just £3! | May 27 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don’t Spy on Us | Don't Spy On Us: Day of Action | May 27 12:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green I almost didn't read this because I didn't | May 27 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by think it would have anything new to say. I was | May 27 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel wrong. | May 27 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 12:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian | May 27 12:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @specimenme Presenting: Our network infrastructure | May 27 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @dmforsell | May 27 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1 @newacademic @Dobroyeutro | May 27 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 13:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Specimen - Be yourself, with those you choose; privately. | May 27 13:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@specimenme: Presenting: Our network infrastructure @dmforsell @Thomas_Drake1 @newacademic @Dobroyeutro | May 27 13:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Leon Panetta and now the White House have now | May 27 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | both done what John is in prison for. The | May 27 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | hypocrisy is laid bare. | May 27 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Servo Stock 3D Printer Brings Closed-Loop | May 27 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Control To Reprap | May 27 13:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Servo Stock 3D Printer Brings Closed-Loop Control To Reprap - Slashdot | May 27 13:18 | |
qu1j0t3 | | @Interdome No, the UK doesn't have a strange psychological | May 27 13:32 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by relationship with surveillance, why do you ask? | May 27 13:32 |
qu1j0t3 | | @Dymaxion | May 27 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Interdome: No, the UK doesn't have a strange psychological relationship with surveillance, why do you ask? | May 27 13:32 | |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | May 27 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Interdome: No, the UK doesn't have a strange psychological relationship with surveillance, why do you ask? | May 27 13:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- (Re-tweeted by Dymaxion) | May 27 13:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | development | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 13:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games development | Tux Machines | May 27 13:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines When digital marketing meets open source | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 13:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When digital marketing meets open source | Tux Machines | May 27 13:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 13:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | Tux Machines | May 27 13:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard We just scored a "Wikimedia UK, the British arm | May 27 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | of WIkipedia" today. | May 27 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Wikipedia/Wikimedia Press Coverage Bingo Card. « David Gerard | May 27 13:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LeRobert_com Le site @wikileaks et son rédacteur en chef | May 27 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Julian Assange entrent dans Le #PetitRobert des | May 27 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks noms propres 2015 cc @lemondefr @mediapart | May 27 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Privacy under attack: the #NSA files revealed | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | new threats to democracy - | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | long, deep essay by Eben | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Moglen; superb | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian | May 27 13:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Marine Le Pen: "I also demand that France | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | halts the transatlantic treaty" - | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP/#TAFTA in the new | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU | May 27 13:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marine Le Pen to meet other far-right leaders in move to create EU bloc | World news | | May 27 13:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Australian iPhone and iPad Users Waylaid By | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ransomware | May 27 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian iPhone and iPad Users Waylaid By Ransomware - Slashdot | May 27 13:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Paulmd199 Reminder: EVENINGEASEL, part of #MYSTIC, that | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by targets Mexico, collects text messages too. NOT | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian just metadata. | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Hacked Email Account of Mexican President - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 27 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel It seems only @kgosztola remembers John | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kiriakou busted for disclosing CIA officer | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | identity. Not just Plame and Kabul station | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | chief. | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @iure_cz Konference CopyCamp (6. a 7.11., Varšava) hledá | May 27 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by speakery! Keynote má např. @doctorow. | | May 27 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What? :: CopyCamp | May 27 13:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@iure_cz: Konference CopyCamp (6. a 7.11., Varšava) hledá speakery! Keynote má např. @doctorow. | | May 27 13:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya लोग बोलते है की कोई मंत्री ज्यादा पडा लिखा नही | May 27 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | है पर मेरे भाई पडेलिखे मनमोहन ने कौन सा पहाड | May 27 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | उखाड लिया ? | May 27 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HashashinTag The most poignant of the #YesAllWomen images: | May 27 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 27 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@HashashinTag: The most poignant of the #YesAllWomen images: | May 27 14:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Creative Destruction: The Trans-Pacific | May 27 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Partnership, Jobs, and Labor Rights - | May 27 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analysis of | May 27 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | important aspect #TPP | May 27 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Creative Destruction: The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Jobs, and Labor Rights — Medium | May 27 14:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @drgpradhan .@ajaymaken U all congressi bootlick Gandhi. | May 27 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by did u ever asked or Questioned fake degree of | May 27 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Rahul, Sonia, 10th pass vadra or priyanka?? | May 27 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Schneier: Snowden's Leaks Have Actually Made It | May 27 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Easier To Crack Terrorists' Encrypted Messages | May 27 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schneier: Snowden's Leaks Have Actually Made It Easier To Crack Terrorists' Encrypted Messages | Techdirt | May 27 14:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NitinTweetBJP Good News - Narendra Modi sanctions 18 crores | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for re-building Ganga ghat in varanasi | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork Aaand @Arcadian_O becomes the first person to | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ask @ioerror’s questions! #SIF14 | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Microsoft's China Syndrome - | May 27 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | has Middle Kingdom | May 27 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | delivered the death blow for Microsoft's | May 27 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | desktop dominance? #linux | May 27 14:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft's China Syndrome - Open Enterprise | May 27 14:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest /cc @inespedrosa_pt RT @972mag: Young | May 27 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Palestinian girls detained on suspicion of - | May 27 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody eating cherries by | May 27 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ha_Matar | May 27 14:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Young Palestinian girls detained on suspicion of – eating cherries | +972 Magazine | May 27 14:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:15 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @emptywheel: 'It seems only @kgosztola remembers John Kiriakou busted...' | May 27 14:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabiochiusi Here's what the new EU Parliament will mean for | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tech - Computerworld | May 27 14:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Here's what the new EU Parliament will mean for tech - Computerworld | May 27 14:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Greenwald to release list of Americans under | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by illegal NSA surveillance | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 27 14:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @emptywheel @kgosztola There are other fine | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | folks like yourself, but we're not expecting | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | the MSM to expose the hypocrisy. | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @moltke Greenwald on who gets access to Snowden | May 27 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by archive; trying to to include more media | May 27 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (Interview in German) | May 27 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - | May 27 14:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1018 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 27 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 27 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Schneier: #Snowden's Leaks Have Actually Made | May 27 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | It Easier 2 Crack Terrorists' Encrypted | May 27 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Messages - interesting | May 27 14:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schneier: Snowden's Leaks Have Actually Made It Easier To Crack Terrorists' Encrypted Messages | Techdirt | May 27 14:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | argument | May 27 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody China demands halt to 'unscrupulous' US | May 27 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyber-spying - | May 27 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | hilarious... | May 27 14:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China demands halt to 'unscrupulous' US cyber-spying | World news | | May 27 14:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @F8C3 "Dont tread the net" #NetNeutrality | May 27 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@F8C3: "Dont tread the net" #NetNeutrality | May 27 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Apologies to @KenDilanianAP, who like | May 27 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola remembered Kirakou's case. | May 27 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarietjeSchaake First meeting of the Global Commission on | May 27 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #internetgovernance > the formal picture | May 27 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MarietjeSchaake: First meeting of the Global Commission on #internetgovernance > the formal picture | May 27 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PamelaDrew Brilliant video of #FreeLorax tribute by | May 27 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @FreeLorax cr3w with @StanleyCohenLaw | May 27 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @leahbolger @Free_Hammond @teamcoltra | May 27 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anonymous ►Tribute to Lorax on Vimeo | May 27 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Flaw Lurking In Every Deep Neural Net | May 27 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Flaw Lurking In Every Deep Neural Net - Slashdot | May 27 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Doemela Anonymous FreeAnons Press Release. #FreeLorax | May 27 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CyberGuerrilla soApboX » Anonymous FreeAnons Press Release. FreeLorax | May 27 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian This lovely bit of pro surveillance propaganda | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | printed in the manual accompanying my South | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | African Vodacom SIM card. | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 14:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@csoghoian: This lovely bit of pro surveillance propaganda printed in the manual accompanying my South African Vodacom SIM card. | May 27 14:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PamelaDrew We are the Lorax, | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by We speak truth to power, | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 We fight for a more just world, | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | We are the peaceful future, | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Expect us. | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FreeLorax | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody GMO Grass: Coming to a Lawn Near You? - | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #monsanto wants a patent | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | on your lawn: what a spectacularly stupid | May 27 14:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GMO Grass: Coming to a Lawn Near You? | Alternet | May 27 14:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | idea... | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - At the far end of town | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - where the Grickle-grass grows | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and the wind smells slow-and-sour | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by when it blows | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and no birds ever sing excepting | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by old crows... | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - is the Street of the Lifted Lorax. | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - And deep in the Grickle-grass, | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by some people say, | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - if you look deep enough you can | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by still see, today, | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - where the Lorax once stood | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - just as long as it could | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - before somebody lifted the Lorax | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by away. | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - What was the Lorax? | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Any why was it there? | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - And why was it lifted and taken | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by somewhere | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - from the far end of town where the | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Grickle-grass grows? | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Ask him. He knows. | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and tells how the Lorax was lifted | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by away. | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - He'll tell you, perhaps... | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - if you're willing to pay. | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PlaceLuxEU So @EPPGroup @TheProgressives @ALDEgroup | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @GreensEP and @GUENGL back @JunckerEU | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 'formateur' role; @ecrgroup and @EFDgroup do | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | not #EP2014 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jackschofield How Chinese tech companies are going global, at | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @TechinAsia ~ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 14:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Chinese tech companies are going global | May 27 14:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - On the end of a rope | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - he lets down a tin pail | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and you have to toss in fifteen | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cents | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and a nail | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and the shell of a | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by great-great-great- | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - grandfather snail. | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Then he pulls up the pail, | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - makes a most careful count | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - to see if you've paid him | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - the proper amount. | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Then he hides what you paid him | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines WRITE YOUR FIRST LINUX KERNEL MODULE | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Antergos 2014.05.26 Distro Powered by Numix | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Looks Stunning | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - away in his Snuvv, | May 27 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WRITE YOUR FIRST LINUX KERNEL MODULE | Tux Machines | May 27 14:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - his secret strange hole | May 27 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Antergos 2014.05.26 Distro Powered by Numix Looks Stunning | Tux Machines | May 27 14:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - in his gruvvulous glove. | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Then he grunts, I will call you by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Whisper-ma-Phone, | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - for the secrets I tell you are for | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by your ears alone. | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - SLUPP | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Down slupps the Whisper-ma-Phone | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to your ear | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and the old Once-ler's whispers | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by are not very clear, | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - since they have to come down | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - through a snergelly hose, | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and he sounds as if he had | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - smallish bees up his nose. | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Now I'll tell you, he says, with | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by his teeth sounding gray, | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - how the Lorax got lifted and taken | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by away... | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - It all started way back... | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - such a long, long time back... | May 27 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - Way back in the days when the | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by grass was still green | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and the pond was still wet | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and the clouds were still clean, | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - and the song of the Swomee-Swans | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rang out in space... | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - one morning, I came to this | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by glorious place. | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - And I first saw the trees! | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - The Truffula Trees! | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeLorax #FreeLorax - The bright-colored tufts of the | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Truffula Trees! | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Danes support EU patent court in referendum - | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | here come the software | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | patent trolls... #dk | May 27 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Danes support EU patent court in referendum | EurActiv | May 27 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnonyOps TIL @Thomas_Drake1 *loves* the Lorax. If only I | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by had known earlier! | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Auch nach der EU-Wahl: Bürger/in is watching | May 27 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | you! - well spotted: | May 27 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS must come out of #CETA, too #TTIP | May 27 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Auch nach der EU-Wahl: Bürger/in is watching you! | Campact Blog | May 27 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My blog on VA Scandal: Remember the | May 27 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Whistleblowers | May 27 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VA Scandal: Remember the Whistleblowers | May 27 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @andre_meister Von unserem Video-Interview mit @ggreenwald | May 27 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by gibt es jetzt auch ein Transkript. | May 27 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody - Vielen Dank! | May 27 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netzpolitik TV 082: Glenn Greenwald über die globale Überwachung | May 27 15:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Soso, der #Lucke hat also die gleichen Pläne | May 27 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | fürs Europa-Parlament wie der #Sonneborn | May 27 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AfD-Chef Bernd Lucke will nur bis Bundestagswahl ins Europa-Parlament - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 27 15:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jsource On this day in 1919, the first newspaper was | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by delivered by airplane in Canada | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #cdnmedia #journalism | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cdnhistory | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist What if the CBC Really Put Everything Up for | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Review? - my take on alternate approach for | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | public b’casting | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This week in Canadian media history: First newspaper delivered by airplane in Canada | | May 27 15:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - What if the CBC Really Put Everything Up for Review? | May 27 15:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Was me who RT'd all Lorax's: a fav Suess story | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | of warning&hope. Must keep alive tree of | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | liberty&seed of our own sovereignty as We the | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | People | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @asteris Wow, Palpatine airs already RT @SpiegelPeter | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by And @JunckerEU walks into @EPP pre-summit | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody meeting without talking to Brussels press, | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | either #EU | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @lemondelive Suivez en direct le débat avec Glenn Greenwald, | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by le journaliste des révélations sur la #NSA | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Suivez en direct le débat avec Glenn Greenwald, le journaliste des révélations sur la NSA | May 27 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JanAlbrecht "Lobbyists need to understand that we’re | May 27 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by creating a global digital standard" | May 27 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EUdataP #DataProtection | May 27 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bigdata | May 27 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 27 15:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Unicommerce has new website now - | May 27 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unicommerce | Inventory Management Software / Warehouse Management System | May 27 15:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff The #EPO that EC and EP put in final control of | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | the European patent system? It's a hopeless | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | mess. | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The IPKat: More news of EPO unrest reaches the IPKat | May 27 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody some interesting dox regarding #copyright | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | industries' pushback against UK copyright | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptions - obtained | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | via #ROI | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright exceptions - a Freedom of Information request to Intellectual Property Office - WhatDoTheyKnow | May 27 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist When did @AirCanada start offering free wifi on | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | some of its flights? Tweet from the air using | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gogo on my YOW-YYZ flight. | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Discussion with Richard Stallman about | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance, the Future of Internet, Life, the | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Universe & Everything - | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RMS | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Video] Discussion with Richard Stallman about Surveillance, the Future of Internet, Life, the Universe and Everything | La Quadrature du Net | May 27 15:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork “Those of us coming from the global south don’t | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by want to feel we’re being used to justify the | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror blacklist” - Jane Duncan #SIF14 | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork Surveillance is presented as an inevitability | May 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by the Swedish government. Time to revolt. | May 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #SIF14 | May 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ARLpolicy Copyright’s own “revolving door” | May 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @ALALibrary | May 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright’s own “revolving door” - District Dispatch | May 27 15:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robinwauters Big round for Acquia (and its Belgian founder | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @Dries) RT @acquia: Acquia Completes US$50M | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Funding Round led by @NEAVC | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Acquia Completes $50 Million Financing Round [May 27, 2014] | Acquia | May 27 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GreensEP Nice to see a full house and lots of new faces | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for our first group meeting post #EP2014 Great | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody atmosphere too | May 27 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GreensEP: Nice to see a full house and lots of new faces for our first group meeting post #EP2014 Great atmosphere too | May 27 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anjakovacs Sad to see people like #Snowden & @ioerror not | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by invited to #SIF14. At this crucial juncture, | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror they're inspiration for people all over world | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @petrasorge Excluding #Snowden, @ggreenwald & @ioerror from | May 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SIF14 was no coincidence: Sweden has been | May 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror denying @Wikileaks access | May 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global Commission on Internet Governance - Surveillance advocates want to save the internet | Cicero Online | May 27 15:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @corporateeurope .@EU_Commission still refuses disclosing | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @Swedish_Match letter that led to #Dalligate | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody investigation - we've appealed | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Correspondence on the Dalli case between the Commission's Secretary-General and Swedish Match of 14 and 30 May 2012 - a Freedom of Information request to Secretariat General (SG) - | May 27 15:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist I’m on Airbus 319. Told there are 2 w/wifi | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | right now. MT @AirCanada: All of our narrow | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | bodies will have wifi by year end. | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW List of industries spending millions to get the | May 27 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TPP Fast Tracked through Congress | May 27 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPPTuesday | May 27 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Big Pharma (and others) began lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Partnership before you ever heard of it - Sunlight Foundation Blog | May 27 15:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: List of industries spending millions to get the #TPP Fast Tracked through Congress #TPPTuesday | May 27 15:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody some interesting dox regarding #copyright | May 27 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | industries' pushback against UK copyright | May 27 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptions - … obtained | May 27 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | via #FOI | May 27 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright exceptions - a Freedom of Information request to Intellectual Property Office - WhatDoTheyKnow | May 27 15:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sanasaleem Where's #Snowden? #SIF14 | May 27 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 27 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel What If the Democratic Response to Snowden Is | May 27 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Expand Surveillance? | May 27 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 27 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What If the Democratic Response to Snowden Is to Expand Surveillance? | emptywheel | May 27 15:33 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 27 15:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Perl 5.20.0 released | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Perl 5.20.0 released | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review and Screenshot Tour | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review and Screenshot Tour | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft's China Syndrome | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft's China Syndrome | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver Coming Soon To | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver Coming Soon To Linux | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn You know this has been said in real life more | May 27 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by than once: | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@sjvn: You know this has been said in real life more than once: | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 27 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @petersuber Large majority of small sample of society | May 27 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publishers fears open access. | May 27 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Large majority of small sample of society publishers fears open access. EDP… | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YanniKouts #Greece's new centrist @ToPotami party decides | May 27 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to join @TheProgressives #EU parliament group | May 27 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody with its two MEPs | May 27 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Το Ποτάμι” στην Προοδευτική Συμμαχία Σοσιαλιστών και Δημοκρατών - Το Ποτάμι | May 27 15:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Will White House official who revealed Kabul | May 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by CIA station chief's name to reporters be held | May 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou responsible? | May 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will White House Official Who Revealed Kabul CIA Station Chief’s Identity to Reporters Be Held Responsible? | The Dissenter | May 27 15:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Canadian Bar Association Releases Recommended | May 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reforms For Bill C-13 | May 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Canadian Bar Association Releases Recommended Reforms For Bill C-13 | May 27 15:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt White House Accidentally Reveals CIA's Top Spy | May 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | In Afghanistan | May 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Accidentally Reveals CIA's Top Spy In Afghanistan | Techdirt | May 27 15:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @alyzande @doctorow nutbag go go! (Not often you get to | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by say that) | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Schöner Tippfehler in der Open.NRW Strategie: | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "veraltungskulturell" | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MIK NRW: Die Strategie | May 27 15:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody No TTIP! national tour & day of action - | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | great to see @WarOnWant | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | joining the fight against #TAFTA/#TTIP | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No TTIP! national tour & day of action | War on Want | May 27 15:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff All these public administration documents | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | titled "Microsoft Word"... | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody here's @WarOnWant's booklet on #TTIP - | May 27 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | also available in | May 27 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | French, German, Greek and Italian #TAFTA | May 27 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What is TTIP? | War on Want | May 27 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @_rshapiro Whistleblower John Kiriakou imprisoned for | May 27 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by revealing CIA torturer. But the WH official who | May 27 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou outed CIA station chief..? | May 27 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will White House Official Who Revealed Kabul CIA Station Chief’s Identity to Reporters Be Held Responsible? | The Dissenter | May 27 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @CompBureau: Deceptive telemarketer receives | May 27 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | 18-month prison sentence | May 27 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FDLDissenter Will White House Official Who Revealed Kabul | May 27 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deceptive telemarketer receives 18-month prison sentence - Competition Bureau | May 27 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by CIA Station Chief’s Identity to Reporters Be | May 27 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Held Responsible? | May 27 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will White House Official Who Revealed Kabul CIA Station Chief’s Identity to Reporters Be Held Responsible? | The Dissenter | May 27 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DeanBaker13 The Second Great Depression Myth and Timothy | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Geithner. Are Argentina's policy makers really | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel so much smarter than | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ours? | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did Geithner save America from a Second Great Depression? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blogTerm Sheet | May 27 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JoernPL "Es würde mich wundern, wenn Abgeordnete [...] | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wirklich glauben, dass sie nichts Neues | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody erfahren, wenn ich all das darlegen würde." | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch RT @barriemckenna: Report warns of sharp rise | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in auto trade deficit from Canada-EU deal #ceta | May 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 16:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 27 16:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW "#TAFTA & #TPP have less to do w/ trade than w/ | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by forcing abide by...worst practices." | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @yvessmith | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA #TPPA | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Transatlantic Trade Pact: Literally and Figuratively Toxic - News - Politics - Voice of Russia - US Edition | May 27 16:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata #SIF14 needs to explain why they blocked | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @Wikileaks attendance back in 2012. Is a | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror pattern of exclusion there? | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wow | May 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global Commission on Internet Governance - Surveillance advocates want to save the internet | Cicero Online | May 27 16:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Samsung S5 Reports Stress Levels Through Heart | May 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rate Variability Measure | May 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Samsung S5 Reports Stress Levels Through Heart Rate Variability Measure - Slashdot | May 27 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Peter Watts's The Scorched Earth Society: A | May 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Suicide Bomber's Guide to Online Privacy | May 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 27 16:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @quinnnorton As a kid I always knew I wanted to live in | May 27 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disrupted times, in one of history's liminal | May 27 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody bits. But this is getting ridiculous. | May 27 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SamuelMarcLowe Big business looking to use #TTIP to erode EU | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by precautionary principle: | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-U.S. Trade Agreement Must Base Policies on Risk to Comply With WTO, CropLife Says | Bloomberg BNA | May 27 16:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @webmink .@Mark_Antony Anyone who claims open source is | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by inherently more costly has decided to leave the | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff exit costs to their successor. | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @asteris That'll work RT @AlArabiya_Eng Iran judge | May 27 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by summons Facebook CEO Zuckerberg to court on | May 27 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody privacy-violation charge | May 27 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 27 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest …and back to closed-doors standard operating | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by procedure RT @junckereu Thank you for your | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody support! #withJuncker #EP2014 | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JunckerEU: Thank you for your support! #withJuncker #EP2014 | May 27 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Cybrsalon Bring your Oyster cards tonight to @cybersalon, | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Oyster swap party to confuse #bigBrother :-) | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @spyblog @SenseableCity @SaskiaSassen | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola .@JohnKiriakou @emptywheel Do find remarkable | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by WaPo didn't include mention of Kiriakou | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj Today's #Whistleblower News is out! Top story - | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the White House outs CIA official while | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou sits in jail | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Outs Undercover CIA Official: Daily Whistleblower News | GAP | May 27 16:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Feminism and tech: an overdue and welcome | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by manifesto | May 27 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 27 16:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:10 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 18 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 116 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 27 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (16), @Steinhage (2) | May 27 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 27 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 27 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kolabsys There will be a Kolab presentation at RedHat | May 27 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Partner Day in Zurich on June 10 by our CEO | May 27 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreve @ggreve @RedHatPartners | May 27 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agenda | Red Hat Forum 2014 | May 27 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wjrue How many contractors? RT @AP: BREAKING: AP | May 27 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Source: Obama seeks to keep 9,800 US troops in | May 27 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Afghanistan after this year. | May 27 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff I like: | May 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj .@JesselynRadack says White House outing of CIA | May 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by officer "shows the continuing double standard | May 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou over leaks." | May 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @CBCNews: Cyberbullying bill won't be split | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | in 2, Peter MacKay says | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cyberbullying bill won't be split in 2, Peter MacKay says - Politics - CBC News | May 27 16:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CBCNews: Cyberbullying bill won't be split in 2, Peter MacKay says | May 27 16:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody What’s behind this trade deal? - | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | good summary of UK trade | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | unions' position on #TTIP | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SerenityBlue71 Care to explain #SIF14 how u can have a | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by convention on internet freedom and ban | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @wikileaks & @ioerror as well as #Snowden ? | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #TAFTA: The Lobby plague is coming, says | May 27 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @accessnow #TTIP | May 27 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #DataProtection #StopTAFTA #digital | May 27 16:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | Access | May 27 16:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 16:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TAFTA: The Lobby plague is coming, says @accessnow #TTIP #DataProtection #StopTAFTA #digital | May 27 16:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @petrasorge “We are not able to invite representatives from | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by your organisation” Answer from Sweden to | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @Wikileaks in 2012: | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | …#SIF14 | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @vkonnander Andrew Lewman of @torproject: #censorship | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by starts at home #abuse #sifpanopticon #SIF14 | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global Commission on Internet Governance - Surveillance advocates want to save the internet | Cicero Online | May 27 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody When Europe needs a woman (for European | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Commission president) - | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | gets my vote...oh wait, I don't have a vote... | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When Europe needs a woman | EurActiv | May 27 16:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @aral Thanking @mjrharris for our talk earlier. The | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by civil liberties bill session at #DontSpyOnUs | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody will no longer be led by Facebook’s @ricallan | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SECRETSOFTHEFED The SHOCKING TRUTH History Channel Can’t | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Broadcast! - - #Column2 | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya #Featured #Video | May 27 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The SHOCKING TRUTH History Channel Can’t Broadcast! - Secrets of the FedSecrets of the Fed | May 27 16:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Jermolene “Even MIT makes more money from selling | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by T-shirts than it does from licensing” - wow!, | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff and ha! - /ht | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @martingeddes | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The myth of the science park economy - Demos Quarterly | May 27 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-US free trade talks under fire from | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | filmmakers - does | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | *anyone* like #TAFTA/#TTIP other than | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations? | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | EU-US free trade talks under fire from filmmakers | May 27 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab En Europe, les brevets logiciels ne sont pas en | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | vigueur, ce qui nous protège contre ce type de | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | dérives | May 27 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Logiciel libre : le CNLL déplore un manque de visibilité pour les entreprises | May 27 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jeffjohnroberts Time to shut the patent court: | May 27 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab (Fed Circuit is already an embarrassment; Rader | May 27 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | resignation just the final straw) | May 27 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ethics fail by top judge gives Congress new reason to close patent court — Tech News and Analysis | May 27 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Wikipedia Medical Articles Found To Have High | May 27 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Error Rate | May 27 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikipedia Medical Articles Found To Have High Error Rate - Slashdot | May 27 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody BuenConocer Summit Designing public policies | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | for a #commons oriented society - | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | fascinating, ambitious | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | project #freesw | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press release Buen Conocer Summit | May 27 16:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard “You? I doubt it, love. Girls don’t know | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | anything about cars.” | May 27 16:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Having A Multiple Light-Bulb Moment » Funny & Stupid Customer Stories – Not Always Right | May 27 16:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ipkat More uncertainty over infringement of Unitary | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Patent as UK introduces broader experimental | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab use exemption by Darren | May 27 16:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The IPKat: An elegant way to have different defences to patent infringement under the UPC? UK IPO may have found one... | May 27 16:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | S | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GEF_Europe What kind of Parliament has Europe voted for? | May 27 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @foederalist sums up the results and the | May 27 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody picture now emerging | May 27 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | After the European Elections - Green European Journal | May 27 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Biotech companies may have legal say in #EU GM | May 27 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | crop bans - "an affront | May 27 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | to democracy" #monsanto | May 27 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Biotech companies may have legal say in GM crop bans | May 27 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @karinjr No, #NotAllMen are violent against women, but | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #YesAllWomen have to navigate a world where | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff those who are look the same as those who | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | aren't. | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fsfe Don't retweet instead donate and support our | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by work for #FreeSoftware | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 27 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 16:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-302 redirect with weird Location: join.php?ams=join | May 27 16:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody What If the Democratic Response to #Snowden Is | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Expand Surveillance? - | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | deranged but possible | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What If the Democratic Response to Snowden Is to Expand Surveillance? | emptywheel | May 27 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 'modernized' US poultry industry: process 175 | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | birds a minute, add chlorine, don't watch | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | closely - NB for | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP | May 27 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We'll Have the Fish, Thanks | OnEarth Magazine | May 27 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody XKeyscore beim deutschen In- und | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Auslandsgeheimdienst - | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden #nsa | May 27 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | XKeyscore beim deutschen In- und Auslandsgeheimdienst | May 27 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Swedish Foreign Ministry prevents Snowden’s | May 27 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by invitation to #SIF14....and Assange and | May 27 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @ggreenwald and @ioerror ... | May 27 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:06 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 27 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DLF #Snowden verspricht wertvolle Hinweise für | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Do Personal Computers Come With NSA | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance Devices Built-In As Standard? | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Apple iPhones, iPads Hijacked, Held for Ransom | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Australia | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist What’s Going on with Apple ID’s Down Under? | May 27 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @eWEEKNews | May 27 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @saroide Me ha gustado este cartel <3 | May 27 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 27 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:12 |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 368 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1479 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 27 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (98), @glynmoody (30), @doctorow (18) | May 27 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @Thomas_Drake1 (64), @glynmoody (49), @doctorow (11) | May 27 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #FreeLorax (56), #SIF14 (21), #TTIP (13) | May 27 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Make Sure GM Companies Don't Call the Shots | May 27 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | About Their Own Products - | May 27 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | insane & insulting #EU | May 27 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hugoroyd We’re all Gmail users now – Pt. 2 | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Cierco: Swedish government has been denying | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | representatives of #WikiLeaks access to | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stockholm Internet Forum | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow You Are Not a Digital Native:letter to kids on | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | the day the Homeland pbk is published | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | /pls RT! | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody OParl: Open-Data-Standard für | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bürgerinformationen vom Amt - | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | good news #opendata | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Do Personal Computers Come With #NSA | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance Devices Built-In As Standard? - | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | think that's crazy? | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | think again... | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Iran Court Summons Mark Zuckerberg For Facebook | May 27 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Privacy Violations | May 27 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tordotcom Cory @Doctorow has a great primer on privacy | May 27 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tools for you, your kids, and your family in an | May 27 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow age of online snooping: | May 27 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff How much of your mail goes through Google's | May 27 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | servers? I checked | May 27 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Is your bank financing deforestation? - | May 27 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | "stop providing all | May 27 17:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | financial services until Wilmar ceases its | May 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | deforestation" | May 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody More news of #EPO unrest reaches the IPKat - | May 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | & this the outfit that | May 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | will run EU's new patent system... #disaster | May 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU Council Agrees Approach For New Legal | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Framework On #TradeSecrets - | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | dangerous shift | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @oscon #OSCON 2014 presents "Dealing With Disrespect" | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by @jonobacon | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @oscon #OSCON 2014 presents "Community Management | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Training" by @jonobacon | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet the Man Hired to Make Sure the Snowden | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Docs Aren't Hacked - | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | something I'd wondered about... | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RT_com #Snowden, @ggreenwald , @ioerror , @wikileaks | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'banned' from Stockholm Internet Forum | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I'll be on @FoxNews Special Report with | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BretBaier at 6:00pm EST re: '@JohnKiriakou's | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | case & gov's obscene double standard on #leaks. | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW 10 reasons to be worried about secret, Trojan | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'free trade' like #TPP & #TAFTA: | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #IP #GMO #ISDS | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LibraryofBabble @doctorow Thanks for the new referral to | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @myWickr and #Tails, Cory! Hoping @ProtonMail | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow will someday be developed enough for a mention. | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | :) | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @corporateeurope Giant industry-friendly loophole in new #EU | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by proposal to allow national #GMO bans | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #stopthecrop | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Riogringa Deforestation of Brazil's Atlantic Forest rose | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 9% from 2012-13; equivalent of 24,000 soccer | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody fields destroyed | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon At 6pm UTC (7pm UK / 8pm Eur / 11am Pac / 2pm | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Eas) I will be doing my last weekly Ubuntu Q&A | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | session at #ubuntu | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @charlesarthur Here's our story: Hacker 'Sabu' released after | May 27 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'extraordinary' FBI cooperation | May 27 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Snitches get time served. | May 27 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Microsoft's China Syndrome - | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | has Middle Kingdom | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | delivered the death blow for Microsoft's | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | desktop dominance? #linux | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm A fantastic profile of @micahflee, who has been | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the secret weapon of @EFF, @FreedomofPress, and | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian @The_Intercept: | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @_nomap Ross Anderson: "it’s time to talk about the | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by economics of surveillance" | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar Snowden’s First Move Against the NSA Was a | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | (crypto) Party in Hawaii | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @Info_Activism | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing You Are Not a Digital Native: on the | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publication of the Homeland paperback, a letter | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow to kids | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Moscow activists step into the path of cars | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by driving on the sidewalk | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Former CIA Director And Defense Secretary Says | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | CIA Tried, But Failed, To Do Economic Espionage | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz WRITE YOUR FIRST LINUX KERNEL MODULE | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | good #linux #kernel | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | article by #linuxvoice | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot 50 Years Later, MIT Looks Back At AI and | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Networking Pioneer Project MAC | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:06 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 27 18:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Randa: Moving KDE Forward | May 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | May 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KanysLupin @ggreenwald @MonaHol @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @JesselynRadack @kgosztola Biologist: mammals & | May 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #surveillance #Snowden | May 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA | May 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:07 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'I'll be on @FoxNews Special Report with @BretBaier...' | May 27 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My blog on VA Scandal: Remember the | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Whistleblowers | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Antergos 2014.05.26 Distro Powered by #Numix | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Looks Stunning #gnu | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Perl 5.20.0 released | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #perl #programming | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Review and Screenshot Tour | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jeremyscahill SURPRISE: 9,800 US troops to remain in | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Afghanistan, including Special Ops forces for | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 hunt and kill missions | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft's China Syndrome | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | very strong article from | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ties together all the right quotes | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “They’ll get sort of addicted, and then we’ll | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | somehow figure out how to collect sometime in | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | the next decade.” -Bill Gates on the Chinese | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver Coming Soon To | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux #amd #linux | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Security Picture Shows Less Spam, Java as Top | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Exploit: Spam volume declined to 70 percent of | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | all in-bound emai... | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz HTTP 2.0 Should Be Scrapped | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | how about true | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | encryption by default? Would #google and #nsa | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | permit this? | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin SCOTUS takes on case of air marshall fired in | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblowing Catch-22 | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 by @ocregister's @OCWatchdog | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Gonna be live on @HuffPostLive at 1:15 (12 | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by minutes from now) on the Boston police spying | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 on occupy. Details: | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin In essay denying false equivalence, | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ron_fournier writes: "The truth is that both | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 parties are ideologically rigid” | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Yep, this exists: | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz XCOM: Enemy Unknown Officially Confirmed for | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux, Feral Interactive Is Porting the Game | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I'll be on @FoxNews Special Report with | May 27 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @BretBaier at 6:00pm EST re: '@JohnKiriakou's | May 27 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou case & gov's obscene double standard on #leaks. | May 27 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:33 |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 27 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSACareers NSA HAWAII: Cyber Intelligence Analyst - | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by National Security Agency: ( #Honolulu , HI) | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #Government #Job #Jobs | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Federal Judge Who Halted Walker Dark Money | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Criminal Probe Attended Koch-Backed Judicial | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Junkets US 'justice'. | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #koch | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Discussion with Richard #Stallman about | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Surveillance , the Future of Internet, Life, | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Universe and Everything | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:48 |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 27 18:52 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | May 27 18:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ex-WTO chief tips pacts are on the way out - | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | let's hope so #TPP | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-WTO chief tips pacts are on the way out | May 27 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TAFTA/#TTIP under fire from filmmakers - | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "US has ¨shown interest | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | in a number of areas of EU audiovisual policy.¨ | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-US free trade talks under fire from filmmakers | News | Screen | May 27 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP looking less attractive for NZ - | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Fading chance of wider | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | dairy access in US and Japan" | May 27 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jane Kelsey: TPP looking less attractive for NZ - Opinion - NZ Herald News | May 27 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @einfeldt Here's a friend of mine who is a shamanic | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | counselor Meet her for | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | lunch, she is amazing | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Who needs theories and airplanes when we have | May 27 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 Minutes to Relax Away Anxiety - Dorothy Fitzer | May 27 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | pollutants right here on the ground? | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @VerizonKevinK .@VZEnterprise last chance to take the | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @FutureofCloud survey: | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 27 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014 4th Annual North Bridge Future of Cloud Computing Survey | May 27 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why Snowden Did Right | May 27 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Snowden Did Right - Slashdot | May 27 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Geo-engineering won't work | May 27 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China tries to make artificial lake, fails and creates desert instead | May 27 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Join me for my last weekly Ubuntu Q&A session | May 27 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | live at - bring your | May 27 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | questions! #ubuntu | May 27 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu On-Air | | May 27 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @digitalocean How to use the kpcli tool to manage KeePass2 | May 27 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by password files on your server: | May 27 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #securityiskey | May 27 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How To Use kpcli To Manage KeePass2 Password Files on an Ubuntu 14.04 Server | DigitalOcean | May 27 19:00 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 27 19:01 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 27 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot It's about the mathematical impossibility of | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sustaining economic growth - even if you ignore | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody environmental impacts. | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's simple. If we can't change our economic system, our number's up | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 27 19:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "fringe groups could pose a danger to key | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | pieces of EU legislation — particularly | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP" - oh yes | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @PCGTW) | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European vote denotes the disunity of the union - The Washington Post | May 27 19:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bbc grooming Sabu #fbi | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | sting operations, staging threats and attacks | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | to frame innocent people | May 27 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Hacker 'Sabu' gets lenient sentence after helping US | May 27 19:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ownership | May 27 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "no Planet B" | May 27 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @superglaze Germany considers “cyber courts” for judging | May 27 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by which Google links should be nixed | May 27 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #privacy #censorship | May 27 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany considers “cyber courts” for judging which Google links should be nixed — Tech News and Analysis | May 27 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MyFDL Top story on @firedoglake: I Asked the Cheneys | May 27 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by About Bush #Torture #Whistleblower | May 27 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou, by @CassandraRules | May 27 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 27 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin SCOTUS takes on case of air marshall fired in | May 27 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblowing Catch-22 | May 27 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody by @ocregister's @OCWatchdog | May 27 19:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court takes Ladera man's whistleblower case - The Orange County Register | May 27 19:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Zombies | May 27 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nazis Attack City Hall in Dortmund, Germany | May 27 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nazis Attack City Hall in Dortmund, Germany | May 27 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Supreme Court Quietly Changes Rulings After | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Releasing Them; Refuses To Reveal What Those | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Changes Are | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Quietly Changes Rulings After Releasing Them; Refuses To Reveal What Those Changes Are | Techdirt | May 27 19:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Has the UK’s financial HQ done anything | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | meaningful to protect itself from future | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | economic shocks?" | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | rhetorical | May 27 19:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Special report: an outsider’s guide to the City of London | Cities | The Guardian | May 27 19:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Desire for peace | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist What if the CBC Really Put Everything Up for | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Review? | May 27 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - What if the CBC Really Put Everything Up for Review? | May 27 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody British influence will wane in new EU | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliament - bad news | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Brits, great news for Europeans... | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British influence will wane in new EU Parliament | EurActiv | May 27 19:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The fruit of Nato's war in Libya are the coups | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | and terror spreading across Africa | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nato #africa | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The fruit of Nato's war in Libya are the coups and terror spreading across Africa - Stop the War Coalition | May 27 19:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Sweden has blocked #WikiLeaks from Internet | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Freedom" Forum since 2012, now also blocking | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden, @ggreenwald | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #india finally occupied by poisons (Agent | May 27 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Orange) giant #monsanto to create seeds | May 27 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | monopolies as 'gift' | May 27 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #billgates has been lobbying #india for years | May 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | to accept his Trojan horse which he invests in | May 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | (GMO); even lawsuits couldn't stop this. | May 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US exports to #africa | May 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | not imports for a change | May 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:24 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 27 19:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Sweden has blocked #WikiLeaks from Internet | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Freedom" Forum since 2012, now also blocking | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden, @ggreenwald | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Profits from war | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | taxpayers pay, private hands get paid, cannon | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | fodder dies | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 4 Free and #OpenSource Alternatives of #Matlab | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Glenn Greenwald dumped #microsoft #windows and | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | is now using #gnu #linux for #security and | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacy w/ #eff advice | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Companies That Support Linux: CoreOS | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coreos #gnu #linux | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Spotify Announces Single User Hacked, No | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Personal Data Stolen | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Oh, I don't know. If we had a douchebag test | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | for those entitled to a First Amendment it | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | might be more pleasant. Oh. And I get to | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | decide! | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #FSF statement on Court of Appeals ruling in | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Oracle v #Google took a | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | while to issue this response | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why Chromebooks Make More Sense Than Ever | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux laptops with | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | another brand name | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LFTP 4.5.0 File Transfer Software Is Now | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Available for Download | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | sharing files is good | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pre-orders start today for Flame, the Firefox | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | OS developer phone | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #firefox #linux | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Acquia , Focused on #Drupal , Closes $50 | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Million Financing Round | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | who said there's no money in #GPL ? | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wired, the sister publication of Ars Technica | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | and a longtime #microsoft #whitewashing | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | powerhouse since purchase, is on a roll this | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | week | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nice new theme for #gtk / #gnome | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ttp:// | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel .@kaepora Has anyone put together a list of all | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | the people Sabu tried to entrap? | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Clearly Al Gore can't be fat. There's still ice | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | on Lake Superior. | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MicahZenko 4,615 days since President Bush announced the | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by start of Afghanistan war on Oct. 7, 2001. | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Great profile showing why our tech expert, | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @micahflee, is so unique and valuable | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Qt3D 2.0 Is A Rewrite Of Qt's 3D Support | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #qt | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing White House leaks name of Kabul CIA chief, yet | May 27 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by no one goes to prison | May 27 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 27 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald The painfully ugly history of Newsweek liberal | May 27 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JonathaAlter, by @digby56 | May 27 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:54 |
*TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald deleted 'The painfully ugly history of Newsweek liberal @JonathaAlter,...' | May 27 19:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald The painfully ugly history of Newsweek liberal | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JonathanAlter, by @digby56 | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks The dark truth behind the so called Global | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Commission on Internet Governance | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sif14 | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi wants to hire people on drugs other than | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | tobacco and alcohol | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Are US journalists more subservient or | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | childish? Hard to answer | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When Apache Projects Die. Click. | May 27 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #apache | May 27 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The true value of open source is people | May 27 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freedom #collaboration | May 27 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Edpilkington Judge at "Sabu" hacker informant sentencing | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "salutes" his "extraordinary cooperation" with | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 FBI - lets him walk with time served | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative Best available research shows TSA yields no | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security benefit. You're being groped & scanned | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 for nothing. | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel If you want "justice," Murka, you should just | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | be a bank or a narc. It's that simple. | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel If you're HSBC (and prolly JPMC, though I can't | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | be sure) you can be a bank AND a narc. DOJ | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | likes them the best. | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Techtalk: learning more about Linux | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ABC (AU) covers #gnu | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:04 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'Techtalk: learning more about Linux #ABC (AU)...' | May 27 20:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Techtalk: learning more about Linux | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ABC (AU) covers #gnu | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Murka will truly reach its highest point when | May 27 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | the banks perfect stealing money even as they | May 27 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | tell the government what you're doing with it. | May 27 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MeredithCorley Awesome! #BlackHat #Infosec RT @BlackHatEvents: | May 27 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by We are proud to announce 22 more selections for | May 27 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist the #BHUSA Briefings | May 27 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @duggan Recently pitched my SaaS startup, “Suffering as | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a Service” but was told the market was too | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Nietzsche. | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JeepersMedia @glynmoody Walmart suing Widow to turn over | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pictures from her deceased husband's photo | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody studio Claiming copyright! | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz XCOM comes to #gnu #linux | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel There's a long list of people I'd call foreign | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | policy journos ahead of most of these folks. | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 27 20:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonworth “Europe's Pirate Parties are sinking, but | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they've already won” | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Interesting, via ace Pirate @martinhaase | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Was on a panel today w/a former French minister | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | & intelligence official; both said terror | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | threat is wildly exaggerated - inconceivable in | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | US | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zeynep Paper in Science says earning gap between grads | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and non-grads means real cost of college is | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "negative $500,000." | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux users rejoice, here’s Ubuntu on the | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surface Pro 3 #gnu | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux on #microsoft HW | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KelleyBVlahos Obama wants 9,800 troops in Afghanistan after | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 2014 -- we ask, what will that do? | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BORDC You can transform the debate on #police and | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #NSA surveillance: #ows | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Cliq_Start | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan In praise of … Mr Justice Tugendhat on | May 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #supreinjunctions & #libel | May 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:11 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: 'Glenn Greenwald dumped #microsoft #windows and is now...' | May 27 20:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kallisti Hector #Sabu Monsegur Sentencing Transcript: | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (via @Cryptomeorg) | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #lulzsec #Anonymous | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Appeals Court Overturns Prenda Win From Former | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | RIAA Lobbyist Judge | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @a_greenberg Sabu's judge is the same woman who sentenced | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Jeremy Hammond to ten years for hacking | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Stratfor (with Sabu's help) | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @swardley Who wants to shout "Jevon's!" -> RT @GJ7300: | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Businesses turn to #cloud computing to achieve | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody corporate cost reduction | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin .@Sulliview on Kinsley review: "there’s a lot | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about this piece that is unworthy of the Book | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Review’s high standards” | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Open source VR headset takes on Oculus | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | not open source in the | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | code sense | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Final Term — a new terminal emulator in | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | development #fedora #gnu | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux still used by Torvalds for development? | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KCollierWrites Sabu walks | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb '[S]omething both Matt and the FBI agree on: He | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by relinquished control of his online accounts to | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 the FBI.' | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb 'Matt believes FBI used his online identity and | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by his hidden server, The Shell, to enable Sabu | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 [to entrapped Hammond]' | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: torteen: Happy book birthday to the | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade paperback edition of Homeland, by Cory | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Doctorow! | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickFoxNYT .@Sulliview takes MichaelKinsley to school on | May 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Constitution & isn't too happy abt his | May 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald @ggreenwald | May 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | review being in NYT | May 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nationalpost Hacker, Creeper, Soldier, Spy? Chpt 1 of | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @AD_Humphreys' investigation of a baffling | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 case: | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @StanleyCohenLaw The entrapment defense is a empty promise as it | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by opens the door to "predisposition" evidence on | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 the government's direct case. | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald The NYT's own public editor condemns both | May 27 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Michael Kinsley and the NYT itself for his | May 27 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | notorious "book review" | May 27 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @maassp Attn journalists who cheered Kinsley's rant on | May 27 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ggreenwald's Snowden book: NYT's @Sulliview | May 27 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald just crushed it, totally. | May 27 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:21 |
*TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald deleted 'RT @maassp: Attn journalists who cheered Kinsley's rant...' | May 27 20:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #BackTrack Successor #KaliLinux 1.0.7 Arrives | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | with #Linux #Kernel 3.14 | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Open-spec ARM SBC runs Debian on sub-2W | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #linux | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Catalyst 14.6 Beta Now Available For AMD Linux | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gamers #catalyst #amd | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot China Looks To Linux As Windows Alternative | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz BFQ Scheduler Still Trying For The Mainline | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux Kernel #linux #bfq | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kernel | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @burcuno Join us on June 5, for a briefing on the Eli | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Lilly v. #Canada arbitration case & | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody pharmaceutical patenting practices | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Adullact to award open source development | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | project #france | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freedom #freesw | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: IMG_20140523_104230 by Liz Henry on | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Flickr. vagazzled | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CETAWatch Cloak of #CETA secrecy continues: Clement | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by claims cabinet secrecy over EU trade deal | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody compensation | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@Sulliview shreds Kinsley. Y? 1st Amend | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | "explicitly intended" press as "crucial check" | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | on gov't power & not a parrot | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Was on a panel today w/a former French minister | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by & intelligence official; both said terror | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody threat is wildly exaggerated - inconceivable in | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | US | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: My New Desk… an Apollo Control Console | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | from JSC Houston by jurvetson on Flickr. My New | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Desk… an... | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Journalist Calls for Accountability in Police | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Killings hardly ever | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | happens, coverups more likely | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@StanleyCohenLaw Feds attempted entrapment | May 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | against me w/ pressure & threats on former | May 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | colleagues&associates to flip & give crim | May 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'evidence' | May 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:38 |
schestowitz | > Are you using this one? | May 27 20:41 |
schestowitz | > | May 27 20:41 |
schestowitz | > | May 27 20:41 |
schestowitz | > | May 27 20:41 |
schestowitz | > Swapnil | May 27 20:41 |
schestowitz | It seems to be updating again. Maybe some odd caching. | May 27 20:41 |
schestowitz | Thanks for the return of informative on-topic stories... | May 27 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How #cnn 'debates' #climatechange | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'left' and 'right' both | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | in it for corporations | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Way to bring us down, Manhattan Mini | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Storage. by shunn on Flickr. Way to bring us | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | down, Manhattan... | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard UKIP manifesto to be used in DIY faecal | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | transplants | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nathanLfuller StratforLeaks: Google Ideas Director Involved | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in ‘Regime Change’ | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 "[Google is] doing things the CIA cannot do." | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | (2012) | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 27/5/2014: Greenwald on GNU/Linux, Drupal | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nets Massive VC | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Next Open Source Battle Is Being Waged In | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | The 3D Printing Industry | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #opensource | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #google funded "work on Qt-based Telegram | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Connection Manager for KDE Telepathy." | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish government internet "freedom" forum | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | blacklisted Assange, Snowden | Independent | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | more: | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel LALALALALA RT @onekade: Hey Boston media and | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mapoli you might want to pay attention to this | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's kind of a big deal | May 27 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines BFQ Scheduler Still Trying For The Mainline | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Kernel | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Next Open Source Battle Is Being Waged In | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | The 3D Printing Industry | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Test-Driving NVIDIA's GRID GPU Cloud Computing | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Platform | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Video: Swedish government "freedom" forum | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | slammed after blacklisting #Snowden, WikiLeaks | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | More | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Apple Pulls Popular Weed-Growing Game From App | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Store, Ignores All The Unpopular Ones | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:20 |
*pidgin_log1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 27 21:21 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 27 21:22 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 21:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald It's so unfair to say we're deferential to | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | govt. Now check out Mike Kinsley's awesome | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | review saying govt should make publishing | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | decisions. | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman Afghanistan 2015: The Re-Forgotten War | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PiratePUKMaria ~9,000 NorthWest votes to @PiratePartyUK myself | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @gwalkden & @allnutt_eu @ #EP2014. We went from | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz not standing in 2009 to 0.5%. THANK YOU! <3 | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody UK Home Office's terrorist detection checklist | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | - at least they know | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | what "demeanour" means... | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ClaudeMoraesMEP First @EuroLabour mtg following #EP2014 Labour | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by MEPs reelect @GlenisWillmott as Leader and | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody elect me as Deputy Leader - thank you. | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist WordPress Gets Flagged for Insecure Cookie Risk | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Avast Takes Down User Forum After Breach | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "Security agencies have shown revived interest | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | in [former ELF spox & radical bookstore owner] | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pickering since 2012." | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheOnion ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Where This Regularly Happens | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Become a Linux Kernel Hacker and Write Your Own | May 27 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Module | May 27 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PGEddington Spy whistleblower advocate stays put | May 27 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 27 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @IFEX #Snowden's absence and other challenges at | May 27 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Stockholm Internet Forum: | May 27 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #sif14 @rohanjay | May 27 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:07 |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 27 22:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @petrasorge German Federal Prosecutor closing #NSA case | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bluntly lies when claiming to lack evidence. | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @ggreenwald put docs online | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:32 |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'RT @petrasorge: German Federal Prosecutor closing #NSA case...' | May 27 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks German federal prosecutor halts NSA | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | investigation due to lack of "credible evidence | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | and witnesses" [still less than 1% docs | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | released] | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt City Of London Police Keep Shutting Down | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Websites With No Court Order | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:32 |
*TweetSchestowitz got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 27 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | with MySQL Database... | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Printed Circuits as Part of a 3-D Printed | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Object (Video) | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Gerald Seib gets around: he's a "FoPo journo" | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | at WH in morning, a a "rep of news media" at | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | DOJ in PM. | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Just the kind of scrappy journalist who needs | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | to protect his sources, the guy who did an OTR | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | at WH that morning. | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer At 10 am the Australian Parliament is receiving | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a 1.8 million strong petition to end the | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody secrecy on the #TPP @Avaaz @sum_of_us | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @350australia | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Following European Elections @TheWilsonCenter | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by asks "Is #TAFTA in Trouble?" | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP #EU | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Daniel Ellsberg has 2 questions for Michael | May 27 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Kinsley and those who cheered him: 1) | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks - 2) | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Wow! @SenWarren reveals details of secret #TPP | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by & #TAFTA "free trade" talks @thenation: | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody . #TTIP | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recommended: Are #humanrights activists today’s | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | warmongers? | BostonGlobe | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @maxphillips "unconventional gas and mining will receive a | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by boost while low carbon technologies & liquid | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody fuels will be cut back." | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 27 22:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ExposeTPP 11 things Malaysians should know about the | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secret #TPP negotiations: | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Malaysia #TPPA #ISDS | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ag | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @maassp Attn journalists who cheered Kinsley's rant on | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ggreenwald's Snowden book: NYT's @Sulliview | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald just crushed it, totally. | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MaudeBarlow CETA will be bad for the Canadian auto | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by industry. Important new study by Jim Stanford. | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Anyone have a good explanation for why GItmo's | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | force feeding videos are analog? Like they | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | borrowed someone's mom's old videocam? | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer The Trans-Pacific Partnership talks dash New | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Zealand's expectations for market access: Jane | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Kelsey #TPP #TPPA | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Or just because it makes it a lot harder for | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | anyone to steal them and leak them? | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP result | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in the outsourcing of jobs?: @drrimmer @medium | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPPA #labor #rights | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks As of today, Chelsea #Manning has been in | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | prison for four years. Support her appeal | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freechelsea | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freemanning | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Marine Le Pen: "I also demand that France | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | halts the transatlantic treaty" - | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP/#TAFTA in the new | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Schneier: #Snowden's Leaks Have Actually Made | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | It Easier 2 Crack Terrorists' Encrypted | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Messages - interesting | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | argument | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Thanks all for confirming that it's abt making | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | it hard to copy. Also, apparently, harder to | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | turn over in discovery. | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Today is an Australian Day of Action to end the | May 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secrecy on the Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP | May 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPPA. #ReleasetheText | May 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Glass and the Future of Wearable Gaming | May 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @the_intercept Fingerpointing in Bahamas after US calls NSA | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance "an arrangement that the | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody government was aware of” | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Microsoft's China Syndrome - | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | has Middle Kingdom | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | delivered the death blow for Microsoft's | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | desktop dominance? #linux | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_anakata1 Another visit to court for #anakata 28/5/14 | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (tomorrow) more updates | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks & info #freeanakata | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wizardkitten So, the big R victory to show the Mac Moochers | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Conference is paying the poor more? DeVos and | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Chamber can't be pleased about that...#haha | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @annatroberg I'm at Stockholm Internet Forum. Where is | May 27 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden? @carlbildt #shame #SIF14 | May 27 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 27 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KimDotcom This year the digital youth of New Zealand will | May 27 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by uninstall an outdated & analog government and | May 27 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody its lack of ideas. #ExpectUs #InternetMana | May 27 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Federal Court Pulls Plug On Porn Copyright | May 27 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Shakedown | May 27 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheOnion New STEM Education Initiative Inspires Girls To | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Earn Less Than Men In Scientific Career | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Apparently this is the first it has gotten warm | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | enough for me to discover there's a saxophone | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | living in the neighborhood. | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Magistrate Judge Recommends That Copyright | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Misuse Defense Be Allowed Against Copyright | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Troll Malibu Media | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel .@rickhasen GOP is busy staving off far more | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dems at polls by raising min wage today. More | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dems staved off, higher priority. | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Merriiman @emptywheel What would happen if everyone used | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by an NSA Ft. Meade address as return address on | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel all their mail? Would it defeat mail covers? | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian I'll be giving the keynote at #SOUPS2014, on | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | the security community's shared responsibility | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the NSA spy dragnet. | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NBCNewsWorld EXCLUSIVE: Edward Snowden Rejects Obama | May 27 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Administration Claim He Was Low-Level Hacker | May 27 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 27 23:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:44 |
qu1j0t3 | where is TRBot schestowitz | May 27 23:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bengoldacre Serious Fraud Office opens criminal investig’n | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on commercial practices at GSK | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody But.. @ABPI_UK? | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Snowden Tells Brian Williams: 'I Was Trained | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | As a Spy' - (v | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian) #nsa | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel WHCO probe into CIA chief disclosure reminds me | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | of investigation into Blago selling Senate | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | seat; that one protected Rahm nicely. | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze It seems rather extraordinary that 6000 | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by journalists are almost unanimous in not | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian reporting the name of the outed CIA station | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | chief. | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest #EU, how it works: RT @BrunoBrussels: Most | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by depressing thing I've heard tonight: 'we have | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to give @JunckerEU something, that's how it | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | works' | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman Manning: 35 yrs | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Kiriakou: 30 mos | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Snowden: public enemy | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | WH press guy who outed Afgh CIA agent: uh we'll | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | review process | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @evgenymorozov Don't be evil - monetize it. | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Privacy under attack: the #NSA files revealed | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | new threats to democracy - | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | long, deep essay by Eben | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Moglen; superb | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: #Manning in prison for | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | 4 years; Controversy over banning of #Snowden, | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | WikiLeaks from #SIF14 | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 27 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140526 - | May 28 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 28 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 28 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 00:04 |
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @wikileaks: 'This Day in #WikiLeaks: #Manning in prison for...' | May 28 00:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tordotcom Cory @Doctorow has a great primer on privacy | May 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tools for you, your kids, and your family in an | May 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror age of online snooping: | May 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Watch Dogs Released, DRM Troubles | May 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Is there a link? RT @TimothyS: Hey, it's | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack on Fox talking abt Obama | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | administration hypocrisy on leaks. | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt FBI Joins The 20th Century, Will Begin Using | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Recording Equipment During Custodial Interviews | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian MT @thegrugq: There’s exactly zero chance at | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | least one of those 6k journalists doesn’t | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | report the CIA agent's name to a foreign | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | government. | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 00:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian MT @thegrugq: If you're in the “worth the gov | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | burning a 0day to get you” camp, you’re also | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | worth a hellfire. | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @0xabad1dea Anyway the reason social justice types nitpick | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wording so much is because language is the | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 operating system of the sapient mind | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why You Shouldn't Use Spreadsheets For | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Important Work | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Thanks to @OReillyMedia @citrix and @linuxfund | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | for sponsoring this year's Community Leadership | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Summit - #cls | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Incredible Skills | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 3 big energy companies are trying to crush | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | renewable energy in #Australia. Don’t let them | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | get away with it! ACT NOW | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolrosenberg Two journalists at #Guantanamo for this week's | May 28 02:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pivotal CIA discovery challenge in USSCole | May 28 02:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel case: Me and Lawrence Douglas, author of ... | May 28 02:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Boy, this mess in Libya is sure distracting fr | May 28 02:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama declaring, um, withdrawal in Afghanistan. | May 28 02:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NVIDIA Adds Open-Source Gallium3D Support For | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Tegra K1 | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @truthout The Government-Corporate Complex: #Surveillance | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for the Money | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1 #NSA | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Yeah, sure, we just got our dude lifetime | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | appointed, but we renege on that deal because | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's how we fly. | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AD_Humphreys @Thomas_Drake1 Thank you for sharing link to | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by my exploration of the complicated Matt DeHart | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 case. Chapter 4 will be online this evening EST | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Excerpts frm gov't-corp spy power&profit | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | complex book by Bea Edwards, ExecDir | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj w/ @JesselynRadack forward | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ashedryden The study concludes that the US is a corrupt | May 28 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by oligarchy where ordinary voters barely matter. | May 28 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 28 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS Hey, it's @JesselynRadack on Fox talking about | May 28 02:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Obama administration hypocrisy on leaks. | May 28 02:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 02:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel The Administration’s Non-Appeal Appeal on the | May 28 02:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Awlaki Memo | May 28 02:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 02:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:34 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @TimothyS: 'Hey, it's @JesselynRadack on Fox talking about Obama...' | May 28 02:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FrancisJeffrey7 @JesselynRadack @TimothyS & actually, a very | May 28 02:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by good photo: Both glamorous & powerful look. | May 28 02:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack (reminds me of my Fave. TV show) | May 28 02:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 02:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman Manning: 35 yrs | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Kiriakou: 30 mos | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Snowden: public enemy | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | WH press guy who outed Afgh CIA agent: uh we'll | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | review process | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Not long ago I believed we'd never be so stupid | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | as to get into another World War. I'm not so | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | sure anymore. | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 03:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @imraansiddiqi Why, Iraq war-criminals? WHYYYY? | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mlcalderone "Most of these internal investigations result | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in, 'We messed up, but didn't mean to, | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack therefore no one is responsible' | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 03:05 |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 03:21 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | May 28 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Starts Blocking Extensions Not In the | May 28 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chrome Web Store | May 28 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 03:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Starts Blocking Extensions Not In the Chrome Web Store - Slashdot | May 28 03:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Excerpts frm gov't-corp spy power&profit | May 28 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by complex book by Bea Edwards, ExecDir | May 28 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @GovAcctProj w/ @JesselynRadack forward | May 28 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 03:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Government-Corporate Complex: Surveillance for the Money | May 28 03:24 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 4 tweets, 1 cnx to Twitter, 22 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 28 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (4) | May 28 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 28 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 28 04:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability | May 28 04:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | with MySQL Database Fabric | May 28 04:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tales of Distros Tried and True | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability with MySQL Database Fabric | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Adopt The Australis Interface | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tales of Distros Tried and True | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not Adopt The Australis Interface | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Do hope someone is collecting the responses to | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | the latest Frum idiocy. | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Nintendo To Split Ad Revenue With Streaming | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gamers | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nintendo To Split Ad Revenue With Streaming Gamers - Slashdot | May 28 05:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt San Francisco Game Designer Creates Program | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | That Converts Any Text Into A Patent | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Application | May 28 05:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | San Francisco Game Designer Creates Program That Converts Any Text Into A Patent Application | Techdirt | May 28 05:09 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 268 tweets, 1 cnx to Twitter, 1083 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 28 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (55), @emptywheel (22), @glynmoody (20) | May 28 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (33), @Thomas_Drake1 (22), @emptywheel (7) | May 28 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (21), #gnu (13), #TPP (9) | May 28 05:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Parenting Rewires the Male Brain | May 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Parenting Rewires the Male Brain - Slashdot | May 28 05:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @HustonGibson "@Marketplace: Walt Disney's original plans for | May 28 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disneyland. via | May 28 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow" | May 28 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #worldcities415 | May 28 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Discovering the original Disneyland | | May 28 05:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Marketplace: Check out Walt Disney's original plans for Disneyland. via @doctorow | May 28 05:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Marketplace Check out Walt Disney's original plans for | May 28 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disneyland. via | May 28 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow | May 28 05:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:26 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 05:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Forst3r Great report from 2024 by @doctorow In this | May 28 05:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by month's @WiredUK showing where tech could go if | May 28 05:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow we take or are forced down the wrong path | May 28 05:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | today. | May 28 05:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Surveillance camera bird-feeder - who's the | May 28 05:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | birdbrain? | May 28 05:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 05:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Surveillance camera bird-feeder - Boing Boing | May 28 05:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Surveillance camera bird-feeder - who's the birdbrain? | May 28 05:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AmitVaani Mark my tweet either #Article370 goes & if | May 28 05:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Abdullah thinks he can accede Kashmir to | May 28 05:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Pakistan he would get a nuclear bomb too from | May 28 05:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #India | May 28 05:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ModiSarkaar Screw you Omar, Kashmir tere baap ka nahi hai. | May 28 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by You are outside here, Kashmir belongs to | May 28 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Hindus. #Article370 | May 28 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow UK Home Office's terrorist detection checklist | May 28 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK Home Office's terrorist detection checklist - Boing Boing | May 28 05:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: UK Home Office's terrorist detection checklist | May 28 05:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya RIP #Article370 | May 28 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Multi-storey VW minibus | May 28 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Finally, an adequate definition of the | May 28 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | "friendzone" | May 28 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @narendramodi Veer Savarkar is remembered as a prolific | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by writer, thinker, poet & a social reformer. | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Leaving for Parliament to pay tributes to Veer | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Savarkar | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @poonam_madam Remembering on his birth anniversary, Vinayak | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Damodar Savarkar, the righteous legend. | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@poonam_madam: Remembering on his birth anniversary, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, the righteous legend. | May 28 05:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya happy to see Veer Savarkar trending , #modi | May 28 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | magic @HDLindiaOrg @kashyaprawat | May 28 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow You find the fun and BOOM, the job's a game! | May 28 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Octopus backpack | May 28 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 05:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Source opportunity | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 06:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target Open Source opportunity | Tux Machines | May 28 06:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: DuckDuckGo Compared to Google, Bing, | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Yandex | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 06:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Review: DuckDuckGo Compared to Google, Bing, Yandex | Tux Machines | May 28 06:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ungrateful Gamers | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 06:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and Ungrateful Gamers | Tux Machines | May 28 06:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Wil Wheaton on the geek test, Twitter, and not | May 28 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | being a dick | May 28 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Soul_Protocol Holy shit! Doctorow's #LittleBrother.. on a | May 28 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by poster/bag/shirt! DO want. | May 28 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow #Litographs | May 28 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Hack_The_Gibson | May 28 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Little Brother | Book Poster | Litographs | May 28 06:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and | May 28 07:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ungrateful Gamers | May 28 07:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and Ungrateful Gamers | Tux Machines | May 28 07:57 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Call for Speakers: Copycamp Warsaw, with | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @birgittaj and me | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Call for Speakers: Copycamp Warsaw, with Birgitta Jónsdóttir and Cory - Boing Boing | May 28 08:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Call for Speakers: Copycamp Warsaw, with @birgittaj and me | May 28 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Unveils Self-Driving Car With No | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Steering Wheel | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Unveils Self-Driving Car With No Steering Wheel - Slashdot | May 28 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Audio: Discovering the original Disneyland I | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | was on NPR’s Marketplace yesterday talking | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | about our posting... | May 28 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 28 08:02 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow deleted 'Audio: Discovering the original Disneyland I was on...' | May 28 08:02 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer 1.8 Million People call for an end to trade | May 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secrecy in the #TPP #TPPA | May 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #ISDS cc @doctorow | May 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @mgeist @lessig | May 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open for Litigation: Australia, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership — Medium | May 28 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Made-to-order squid body-pillows | May 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @torforgeauthors @doctorow: Talking with NPR Marketplace about | May 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Disneyland prospectus | May 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow’s >> Blog Archive » Talking with NPR Marketplace about the Disneyland prospectus | May 28 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140527 - | May 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 28 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140527 | May 28 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @VictimsofDSTO @glynmoody "My corrupt country": How over 200 | May 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by years the Australian press has been beaten into | May 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody servility | May 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Open Letter to Tim Wilson on the dangers of restricting free speech | May 28 08:40 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @DrRimmer: '1.8 Million People call for an end to...' | May 28 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Snowden Tells Brian Williams: 'I Was Trained | May 28 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | As a Spy' - (v | May 28 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EXCLUSIVE: Edward Snowden Tells Brian Williams: 'I Was Trained as a Spy' - NBC News | May 28 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian)#nsa | May 28 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "fringe groups could pose a danger to key | May 28 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | pieces of EU legislation — particularly | May 28 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP" - oh yes | May 28 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @PCGTW) | May 28 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European vote denotes the disunity of the union - The Washington Post | May 28 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP looking less attractive for NZ - | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Fading chance of wider | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | dairy access in US and Japan" | May 28 08:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jane Kelsey: TPP looking less attractive for NZ - Opinion - NZ Herald News | May 28 08:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ex-WTO chief tips pacts are on the way out - | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | let's hope so #TPP | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-WTO chief tips pacts are on the way out | May 28 08:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TAFTA/#TTIP under fire from filmmakers - | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | "US has ¨shown interest | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | in a number of areas of EU audiovisual policy.¨ | May 28 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-US free trade talks under fire from filmmakers | News | Screen | May 28 08:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Rule of Three Proved By Physicists | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Rule of Three Proved By Physicists - Slashdot | May 28 08:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @marianne_falck National bans on cultivation of GM crops: | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tactical manoeuvring in Berlin, lobbying in | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Brussels (EN) #EU #GMO | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lobby | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marianne Falck » Archive » National bans on cultivation of GM crops: tactical manoeuvring in Berlin, lobbying in Brussels | May 28 08:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jarrettreckse 2nd tour: "Clustering Near the Seat of Power" | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @NYTimes Map #EU | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody lobbying presence in #Brussels | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 28 08:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jarrettreckse: 2nd tour: "Clustering Near the Seat of Power" @NYTimes Map #EU lobbying presence in #Brussels | May 28 08:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EuropeanVoiceEV The Commission will today publish the roadmap | May 28 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by toward EU energy independence that EU leaders | May 28 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody have requested | May 28 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Few alternatives to Russian gas this winter | European Voice | May 28 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @evgenymorozov Can't imagine how EU can lecture the rest of | May 28 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the world on democracy given how its leaders go | May 28 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody about choosing the head of the Commission. | May 28 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KelvinThomsonMP #TPPA draft text should be made public | May 28 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @350Australia @Sum_Of_Us @Avaaz @AFTINET | May 28 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @DrRimmer #AusPol | May 28 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KelvinThomsonMP: #TPPA draft text should be made public @350Australia @Sum_Of_Us @Avaaz @AFTINET @DrRimmer #AusPol | May 28 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer The decision in Marsh v Baxter has some very | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by serious implications for organic farmers and | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody organic labelling: #law | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Began the day by reading Greenwald, then Ross | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Anderson on network effects & govt | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance. I'm going to need a bigger | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | pitchfork. | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt China's Shanzhai Companies Moving On From | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Counterfeit Imitation To Collaborative | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Innovation | May 28 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 08:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China's Shanzhai Companies Moving On From Counterfeit Imitation To Collaborative Innovation | Techdirt | May 28 08:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet the Man Hired to Make Sure the Snowden | May 28 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Docs Aren't Hacked - | May 28 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet the Man Hired to Make Sure the Snowden Docs Aren't Hacked | May 28 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | something I'd wondered about... | May 28 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU Council Agrees Approach For New Legal | May 28 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Framework On #TradeSecrets - | May 28 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | dangerous shift | May 28 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU Council Agrees Approach For New Legal Framework On Trade Secrets | Intellectual Property Watch | May 28 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody More news of #EPO unrest reaches the IPKat - | May 28 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | & this the outfit that | May 28 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The IPKat: More news of EPO unrest reaches the IPKat | May 28 09:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | will run EU's new patent system... #disaster | May 28 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Is your bank financing deforestation? - | May 28 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | "stop providing all | May 28 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | financial services until Wilmar ceases its | May 28 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | deforestation" | May 28 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is your bank financing deforestation? | EurActiv | May 28 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BioSRP The EU has been stalling on a ban aimed at | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by endocrine disrupting pesticides. It was | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody designing a loophole. #EDCs | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU Safety Institutions Caught Plotting an Industry “escape route” Around Looming Pesticide Ban | May 28 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff I'm reading @rossjanderson's paper on network | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | effects and surveillance, and you should, too. | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @lucabruno CVE-2014-3445 is probably the most ridiculous | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by web flaw I've ever seen | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #China's Shanzhai Companies Moving On From | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Counterfeit Imitation To Collaborative | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Innovation - interesting | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | shifts | May 28 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 28 09:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China's Shanzhai Companies Moving On From Counterfeit Imitation To Collaborative Innovation | Techdirt | May 28 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Open Source opportunity | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #redhat #indonesia #asia #server #egov | May 28 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target Open Source opportunity | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Government | Education | Healthcare | May 28 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff German public officials not allowed to read NSA | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | docs revealed by Snowden | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | This is beyond ridiculous | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drohung mit Strafverfolgung: Deutsche Beamte dürfen Snowden-Dokumente nicht lesen | May 28 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Towards Evidence-based #Copyright and Patent | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Policymaking at the OECD - | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | that would be nice... | May 28 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Towards Evidence-based Copyright and Patent Policymaking at the OECD | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 28 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #DRM | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #HumbleBundle PC & Android 10 Launches | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #android #linux | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Humble Bundle PC & Android 10 Launches | May 28 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Want to add real-time collaboration to your | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Web application? Mozilla's TogetherJS is worth | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | a look." #mozilla | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TogetherJS | Linux Journal | May 28 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Do Personal Computers Come With #NSA | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance Devices Built-In As Standard? - | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | think that's crazy? | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | think again... | May 28 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do Personal Computers Come With NSA Surveillance Devices Built-In As Standard? | Techdirt | May 28 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tales of Distros Tried and True | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tales of Distros Tried and True | Community | LinuxInsider | May 28 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody OParl: Open-Data-Standard für | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bürgerinformationen vom Amt - | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | good news #opendata | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OParl: Open-Data-Standard für Bürgerinformationen vom Amt | heise open | May 28 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Make Sure GM Companies Don't Call the Shots | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | About Their Own Products - | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | insane & insulting #EU | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Governments Make Laws, Not Companies. - Food & Water Watch | May 28 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody BuenConocer Summit Designing public policies | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | for a #commons oriented society - | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | fascinating, ambitious | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | project #freesw | May 28 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press release Buen Conocer Summit | May 28 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody When Europe needs a woman (for European | May 28 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Commission president) - | May 28 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | gets my vote...oh wait, I don't have a vote... | May 28 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU | May 28 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When Europe needs a woman | EurActiv | May 28 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Vrijschrift Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a | May 28 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rigged system #ISDS | May 28 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FFII #TTIP | May 28 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a rigged system | Blog | May 28 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 'modernized' US poultry industry: process 175 | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | birds a minute, add chlorine, don't watch | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | closely - NB for | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP | May 28 09:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We'll Have the Fish, Thanks | OnEarth Magazine | May 28 09:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata Missing @ioerror so much at #SIF14 - we need to | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by make a strong statement of the Private Public 5 | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Eyes Partnership of surveillance to kill. | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onewmphoto #sif14: @jilliancyork on the first panel, talks | May 28 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about not having @ioerror and others present as | May 28 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror an oversight — #fb | May 28 09:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@onewmphoto: #sif14: @jilliancyork on the first panel, talks about not having @ioerror and others present as an oversight — #fb | May 28 09:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody No TTIP! national tour & day of action - | May 28 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | great to see @WarOnWant | May 28 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | joining the fight against #TAFTA/#TTIP | May 28 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No TTIP! national tour & day of action | War on Want | May 28 09:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | with MySQL Database Fabric | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mysql #oracle #database | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability with MySQL Database Fabric — | May 28 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody some interesting dox regarding #copyright | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | industries' pushback against UK copyright | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptions - obtained | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | via #ROI | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright exceptions - a Freedom of Information request to Intellectual Property Office - WhatDoTheyKnow | May 28 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Intel SNA #benchmark | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 28 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than Intel SNA | May 28 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Privacy under attack: the #NSA files revealed | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | new threats to democracy - | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | long, deep essay by Eben | May 28 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian | May 28 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Moglen; superb | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden #SIF14 @carlbildt Princ 2. | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "Surveillance...should never be carried out in | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror discriminatory manner" | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Does that include discrim by nationality? | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Auch nach der EU-Wahl: Bürger/in is watching | May 28 09:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | you! - well spotted: | May 28 09:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS must come out of #CETA, too #TTIP | May 28 09:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Auch nach der EU-Wahl: Bürger/in is watching you! | Campact Blog | May 28 09:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @_cypherpunks_ Hector Sabu 'TheSnitch' Monsegur Sentencing | May 28 09:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Transcript | May 28 09:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 09:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hector Sabu Monsegur Sentencing Transcript | May 28 09:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_cypherpunks_: Hector Sabu 'TheSnitch' Monsegur Sentencing Transcript | May 28 09:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a | May 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | rigged system - | May 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | important new analysis of why #ISDS favours US | May 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | May 28 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a rigged system | Blog | May 28 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pharmagossip Attention whistleblowers! UK launches criminal | May 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by investigation into GSK | May 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article > UPDATED: UK launches criminal investigation into GSK | May 28 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@MsLods it also assumes that piracy is | May 28 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | actually problem; evidence suggests it isn't - | May 28 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Studies on file sharing - La Quadrature du Net | May 28 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KieronJS Nice, @WiredUK feature this month with | May 28 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @laurenbeukes @MargaretAtwood @tferriss & | May 28 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow | May 28 09:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KieronJS: Nice, @WiredUK feature this month with @laurenbeukes @MargaretAtwood @tferriss & @doctorow | May 28 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #Bienensterben: Bundestag hört auf | May 28 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Agrarindustrie via | May 28 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @campact | May 28 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 09:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bienensterben: Bundestag hört auf Agrarindustrie | Campact Blog | May 28 09:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @buchtan ALERT: I AM LOOKING FOR A NEW BOSS! Two bosses, | May 28 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to be exact: Deadline: | May 28 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 25/06 #EDPS #topjob | May 28 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EUR-Lex - C:2014:163A:TOC - EN - EUR-Lex | May 28 10:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden First US broacast interview with Edward | May 28 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden to air on NBC tonight | May 28 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #HP clarifies views on #OpenDaylight , open | May 28 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | source | May 28 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP clarifies views on OpenDaylight, open source | May 28 10:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @digiges Realitätsverweigerung oder Rechtsbeugung? | May 28 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Generalbundesanwalt lehnt Ermittlungen wegen | May 28 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NSA Massenüberwachung ab. | May 28 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keine Ermittlungen gegen NSA: Realitätsverweigerung oder Rechtsbeugung? › Digitale Gesellschaft | May 28 10:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Radxa: The $100 Quad-Core ARM #RaspberryPi | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alternative #linux | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Radxa: The $100 Quad-Core ARM Raspberry Pi Alternative | | May 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Ulysses pact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | - A Ulysses pact or Ulysses contract is a | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | freely made... | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu Devs Work on Porting #Android Apps to | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ubuntu Linux | May 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Devs Work on Porting Android Apps to Ubuntu Linux | Ubuntu content from The VAR Guy | May 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @accessnow Straight from Access - #TTIP/#TAFTA: the Lobby | May 28 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by plague is coming to the EU: | May 28 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | Access | May 28 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ALEC_EMPIRE Alec Empire interview about Atari Teenage Riot | May 28 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by new album, politics and more | May 28 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TIME TO GET RESET: an interview with Alec Empire of Atari Teenage Riot | Globalite Magazine | May 28 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel: #BYOD enterprise #Android is OK | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel: BYOD enterprise Android is OK - Open Source Insider | May 28 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Microsoft's China Syndrome - | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | has Middle Kingdom | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | delivered the death blow for Microsoft's | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | desktop dominance? #linux | May 28 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft's China Syndrome - Open Enterprise | May 28 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NSA "apparatus of repression has been covertly | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | attached to the democratic state." | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian | May 28 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mdiplo Dossier about #TTIP #TAFTA #GMT | May 28 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with @corporateeurope | May 28 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @public_citizen | May 28 10:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Grand marché transatlantique (Le Monde diplomatique) | May 28 10:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SAVEGREEKWATER A formality might condemn the fate of EYATH. | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by New legal moves are programmed | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Στις λεπτομέρειες του καταστατικού κρύβεται η... Suez | Οικονομία | Ελευθεροτυπία | May 28 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #snowden "rejected claims that he was a | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | low-level analyst." | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Says He Assisted NSA and CIA as Undercover Agent Overseas | May 28 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody San Francisco Game Designer Creates Program | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | That Converts Any Text Into A Patent | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Application - ha! | May 28 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | San Francisco Game Designer Creates Program That Converts Any Text Into A Patent Application | Techdirt | May 28 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Creative Destruction: The Trans-Pacific | May 28 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Partnership, Jobs, and Labor Rights - | May 28 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analysis of | May 28 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | important aspect #TPP | May 28 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Creative Destruction: The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Jobs, and Labor Rights — Medium | May 28 10:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama was listed as #nsa surveillance target, | May 28 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | wait and watch: | May 28 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 28 10:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ISDS: trojan horse clause giving more power to | May 28 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | companies - excellent | May 28 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | summary (v @olivierhoedeman @ShmaeganM)#TTIP | May 28 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spectacular NSA-saga finale coming: Greenwald - The Hindu | May 28 10:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Whistleblower: NSA Targeted Obama Before He Was Senator; Being Blackmailed? - Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records | May 28 10:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | Access | May 28 10:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NSA's "Russ Tice exposed... Obama was targeted | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | & heavily spied on before he even became a | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Senator." | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @repubblicait Il capo di Gomorra pentito, ecco le prime | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by confessioni di Iovine: "Vi spiego come funziona | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody il sistema, non c'è... | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Il capo di Gomorra pentito, ecco le prime confessioni di Iovine: "Vi spiego come funziona il sistema, non c'è solo la camorra..." - | May 28 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa says it does not spy on Americans. Not at | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | all. Only Presidents, ex Presidents, | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | politicians etc. Enemies of three-letter | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | agencies. | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot PHP Next Generation | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PHP Next Generation - Slashdot | May 28 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Standards bodies need cleaning | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House Initiates NIST-NSA Separation on Crypto Standards | Threatpost | The first stop for security news | May 28 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How many researchers have had their submitted | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | work suppressed, blocked, rejected, | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | de-empahised etc. due to spooks moles in peer | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | review? | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A so-called 'security' conference in #sweden | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | will actively and blatantly censor/block | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | speakers for talking about... well, security. | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Disappointment", but not a "surprise" | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | More #hogwash - and | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | remember that #microsoft started #prism | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Code Conference | Media & Tech Conference | Re/code | May 28 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Pregnant woman beaten to death by family | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | outside Pakistani court - | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | no words... #pk | May 28 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pregnant woman beaten to death by family outside Pakistani court | World news | | May 28 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nist an extension of US military and hence the | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | empire, we need to replace it along with #iso | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | (which is corrupt also) | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Infosecurity - House Moves to Sever Crypto-ties Between NSA and NIST | May 28 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #china cannot trust #cisco and #ibm anymore | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | see Schneier comments on IBM denials | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What's Wrong With Cisco and IBM Today? Blame the NSA (^DJI, CSCO, IBM, NTAP) | May 28 10:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Said to Study IBM Servers for Bank Security Risks - Bloomberg | May 28 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #espionage #blowback is what every #vigilante | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | style government ought to expect. This is | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | likely to be beneficial to fair competition. | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME Mutter 3.13.2 Brings HiDPI Support On | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wayland #gnome #mutter | May 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] GNOME Mutter 3.13.2 Brings HiDPI Support On Wayland | May 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #hidpi #wayland #graphics | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz MIPS supporters form a Linaro-like | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | collaboration #mips #arm | May 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MIPS supporters form a Linaro-like collaboration · | May 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linaro | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Disappointed that it happened or disappointed | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | your customers found out? | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #zuckerberg reply: | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google’s Brin says NSA surveillance revelations were a 'huge disappointment' | May 28 10:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA scandal not awesome: Mark Zuckerberg at Mobile World Congress | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis | May 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @j_hutch Brandis told @SenatorLudlam he met with "key | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by decision-makers" on copyright issues last | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody night. "Actively considering" any policy | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | changes. | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ATR_official Alec Empire interview about Atari Teenage Riot | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by new album, politics and more | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TIME TO GET RESET: an interview with Alec Empire of Atari Teenage Riot | Globalite Magazine | May 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Computers that comes with #microsoft #windows | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | are basically bugged, back doored; call it | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | whatever you like | May 28 10:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do Personal Computers Come With NSA Surveillance Devices Built-In As Standard? | Techdirt | May 28 10:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Glenn Greenwald has already dumped #microsoft | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #windows and #theGuardian should do the same to | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | avoid sensitive info leaking to #gchq | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Intel Partners With #ARM Chip Maker Rockchip | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #Tablet Products | May 28 10:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel Partners With ARM Chip Maker Rockchip on Tablet Products | May 28 10:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot "The meta-trend, the mother narrative, is | May 28 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by carbon-fuelled expansion. Our ideologies are | May 28 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody mere subplots." | May 28 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's simple. If we can't change our economic system, our number's up | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 28 10:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Valve Steam Machines: Now Look Forward To 2015 | May 28 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #valve #gnu #linux | May 28 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #games | May 28 10:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Valve Steam Machines: Now Look Forward To 2015 | May 28 10:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The excuse that you cannot adopt #gnu #linux | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | "because of games" is just evidence of | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ignorance at this stage. #valve #games | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yet another massive #nsa failure | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | too busy with #espionage | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | and not with national security | May 28 10:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Where was the NSA before the Isla Vista Mass Shooting? | The Dissenter | May 28 10:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bahamas part of the empire; listening to all | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | calls part of a government deal on the face of | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | it. | May 28 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deputy PM: 'FNM govt knew of N.S.A. spying' | The Tribune | May 28 10:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #karzai is not upset at Obama because NSA | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | records all calls in #afghanistan ; As in | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Germany/Merkel, he's upset #obama could not | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | keep secret | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Many well-known US citizens (celebrities, | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | politicians, athletes) treated like terrorists | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | under pretext as such | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Names of American citizens spied on by NSA to be published | May 28 10:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Examples of US 'terrorists': Paul Robeson | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Noam Chomsky | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Paul Robeson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 28 10:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: After Multiple Denials, CIA Admits to Snooping on Noam Chomsky | May 28 10:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Wo kann man eigentlich den Generalbundesanwalt | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | wegen Untätigkeit anzeigen? | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generalbundesanwalt Range: Wohl keine Ermittlungen gegen Überwachung durch ausländische Geheimdienste (Update: Antwort) | May 28 10:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NVIDIA's Tegra K1 Support Lands In Mainline | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mesa #nvidia #games | May 28 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA's Tegra K1 Support Lands In Mainline Mesa | May 28 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #tegra #mesa | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cheap Intel-based Android tablets get real | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux #intel | May 28 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cheap Intel-based Android tablets get real · | May 28 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #android would not defend users' privacy, but | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | many Android devices are affordable (with free | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | OS) and can be wiped, OS replaced | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Prepare for lots of news headlines with | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | celebrity names quoted as expressing outrage | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | over #nsa spying on them as though they're | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorists | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Importing network gear from the US is “a big | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | f***ing mistake” esp. | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | now that so much is known about the back doors | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Importing network gear from the US is "a big f***ing mistake" - | May 28 10:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #NSA aims for absolute #surveillance | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | "there is no boundary or | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | limit to what it wants to do." | May 28 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA aims for absolute surveillance | ITWeb | May 28 10:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Snowden: I Was a Spy, Given a Fake Name | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | fake documentation | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | usually accompanies this | May 28 10:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden: I Was a Spy, Given a Fake Name - NSA leaker's NBC interview was months in the making | May 28 10:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not only spooks are given fake IDs; British | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #police too is distributing fake IDs for | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | undercover operations. #uk #policestate | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Die Jugend will ein anderes #TTIP - | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Umfang des Abkommens zu | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | verkleinern" (v @SilviaLiebrich) | May 28 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP: Die Jugend will ein anderes TTIP | ZEIT ONLINE | May 28 10:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @z3ndrag0n @glynmoody should point out the | May 28 10:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by URL for any who TL;DR | May 28 10:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 10:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eben Moglen: Snowden and the Future | May 28 10:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Video: Edward Snowden: I was a spy 'at all | May 28 10:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | levels' | May 28 10:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | fake job, fake ID | May 28 10:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: I was a spy 'at all levels' - Telegraph | May 28 10:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: 'I Worked As A Spy Overseas' | May 28 10:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I know for a fact that #bnp was infiltrated by | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | British police, so now that BNP is down, it is | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | safe to assume #ukip too is infiltrated. #uk | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Michael Hayden (calling himself "Mike Hayden") | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | now a writer for the Washington Times | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | planting seeds of doubt. | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HAYDEN: Questions NBC can ask of Edward Snowden that still puzzle me - Washington Times | May 28 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Sjig 17 of 84 French European candidates supporting | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by free software elected | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 28 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Software Pact: 162 signataires dans 16 pays, 17 signataires français élus | April | May 28 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Serbian authorities over a disturbing trend of | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | efforts to censor media content on the | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet." | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OSCE against Internet censorship in Serbia | InSerbia News | May 28 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In #malaysia there is #censorship as standard | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | for films other Muslim | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | countries no better | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Film Censorship Board set to revise outdated fees - Nation | The Star Online | May 28 10:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Saudi Arabia Steps Up Censorship, Snaring Activists | Committee to Protect Journalists | May 28 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Thankfully, in the #uk we don't have | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship except when the word "girl" is used | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC Accused Of Censorship After Editing Out 'Girl' For Fear Of Offending | May 28 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bt has an aggressive push right now for | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #internet #censorship - going beyond nuisance | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | E-mails that confuse [1/4] | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bt repeatedly makes it seem as though | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship on all connections will be | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | inevitable, only a matter of time [2/4] | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bt shoved a HUGE (full screen almost) banner | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | hiding my telephone bill until I pressed no to | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | censorship (button much smaller than yes) [3/4] | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bt did not even give a button for "no" (to | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | censorship), just text. The "yes" has massive | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | button. It's very obvious what they push for | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | [4/4] | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz After repeatedly telling #bt now to censor my | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | connection I received a horrifying E-mail, | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | warning me about "kids" and stuff. Dying | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | kittens? | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What seems to be happening is this: #bt wants | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | to make the "no to censorship" crowd a small | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | minority, then remove it as an option [1/2] | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @parltrack the guys behind rock! | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they actually release daily postgres dumps of | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff their databases! #lawiscode | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Likewise, #bt keeps reducing price of | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | copper-based connections (to negative pricing) | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | as though it's trying to deprecate it for fibre | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | [2/2] | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @elfabixx RT @thereaIbanksy: #banksy | May 28 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 28 11:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thereaIbanksy: #banksy | May 28 11:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 28 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dear #bt - #internet #censorship is not a | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | product&it is not "free" - stop trying to | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | advertise censorship like a product that people | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | get free | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nypd wants more #drones - important fact: the | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | predator/killer drones introduced in M-E first | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | as surveillance drones | May 28 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NYPD Renews Push For Drones To Help Police The City | May 28 11:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is US Domestic Case Law Providing a Moral | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hazard for Covert Killings of Americans | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Overseas? later | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | domestically too | May 28 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is US Domestic Case Law Providing a Moral Hazard for Covert Killings of Americans Overseas?, Mark Pomerleau - The Epoch Times | May 28 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama on foreign policy/global police: | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | "verbalize a word cloud of catchphrases instead | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | of an actual speech." | May 28 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Can’t Regain a Deterrence It Never Had « Commentary Magazine | May 28 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Uncomfortable Truth Is That Targeted | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Killings Are Legal Until Congress Says | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Otherwise Congress not | May 28 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | made aware | May 28 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Uncomfortable Truth Is That Targeted Killings Are Legal Until Congress Says Otherwise | ThinkProgress | May 28 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:07 |
*aboutGod ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 11:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz One Year After Obama's Big Drone Speech, Many | May 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Promises Left Unkept | May 28 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | One Year After Obama's Big Drone Speech, Many Promises Left Unkept | May 28 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #obama #drone | May 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rajenderjoshi2 Narendra Modi saves Rs 125 crore by keeping | May 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Cabinet small - | May 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 28 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DNA India: Latest News Headlines, Breaking News & Live Updates on Politics, Business, Sports, Bollywood | Daily News & Analysis | May 28 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @alok_bhatt DD news carried a complete feature on life of | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Veer Savarkar, first signs of change! | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Weird how you can infer existence of a new | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | 0-day by a flood of phishes using attachments | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | instead of URLs ("Notice to appear" "Invoice" | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | &c) | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard UKIP councillors told they can’t withdraw | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Doncaster from EU | May 28 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UKIP councillors told they can’t withdraw Doncaster from EU | May 28 11:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama and #usdoj lied: #drones memo won't be | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | released, it is being censored | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Feds seek extra redactions in drone memo - | May 28 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz UK government faces legal action over failure | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | to investigate BT drones link | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bt not immune from | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ethical liability | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK government faces legal action over failure to investigate BT drones link | Ekklesia | May 28 11:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff If #TTIP happens, it's going to be the template | May 28 11:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the future, says ex-WTO head Pascal Lamy | May 28 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-WTO chief tips pacts are on the way out | May 28 11:23 | |
*aboutGod ( has left #boycottnovell-social | May 28 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "President Barack Obama has employed the | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | limitless executive power defended by Mr. | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | McCarthy" #McCarthyism | May 28 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Advocate For One-Branch Tyranny | Bruce Fein | May 28 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yemen's Military Really Doesn't Want Anyone to | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Know About Civilian Casualties | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yemen's Military Really Doesn't Want Anyone to Know About Civilian Casualties | VICE News | May 28 11:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yemen's Military ... | May 28 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Obama: Like a Boss' | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's | May 28 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama "Boss" bumper sticker for true Chicagoan - | May 28 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Really Good At Killing People' | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Said He's 'Really Good At Killing People' - Business Insider | May 28 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Friedersdorf: Killing of American a dangerous | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | precedent killing | May 28 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Conor Friedersdorf: Killing of American a dangerous precedent - The Orange County Register | May 28 11:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | anyone is a dangerous precedent. Humans equal. | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drones will be focus of protests at Obama's | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | speech not even up for | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | negotiation. #assassination | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drones will be focus of protests at Obama's speech | | May 28 11:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "What do we aim at? Houses! Who do we kill? | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Everyone inside the houses!" | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | US calls them | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "compounds" | May 28 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Posterity Will Hate Us: Building a Lasting Legacy of Death | May 28 11:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "“close-embrace” to describe the incestuous | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | relationship between business and government in | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | advanced capitalism" | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Clever plot for mass #surveillance of children | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | (and adults around them) | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Calls For Social Media To Be Censored In Spain | May 28 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Monster Capitalism and the Complicit State » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 28 11:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | After Politician's Assassination Is Mocked On | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter | May 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Saving Time & Lives: FBI Unveils New Child ID App « CBS Baltimore | May 28 11:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI Says Free App Could Help In Child Abduction Cases - ABC36 News WTVQ Lexington Kentucky | May 28 11:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calls For Social Media To Be Censored In Spain After Politician's Assassination Is Mocked On Twitter | Techdirt | May 28 11:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #FBI Joins The 20th Century, Will Begin Using | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Recording Equipment During Custodial Interviews | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI Joins The 20th Century, Will Begin Using Recording Equipment During Custodial Interviews | Techdirt | May 28 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Beignet Open-Source OpenCL Support Is | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Getting Better #intel | May 28 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Beignet Open-Source OpenCL Support Is Getting Better | May 28 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #opencl #graphics | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Want A Linux System On Your Nexus 7 (2013) | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tablet? Give #SlateKit Base A Try | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #gnu #linux | May 28 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Want A Linux System On Your Nexus 7 (2013) Tablet? Give SlateKit Base A Try | | May 28 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analogy, that's why | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | I call it "openwashing" | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? - Datamation | May 28 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Adopt The Australis Interface | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #palemoon | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #drm | May 28 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not Adopt The Australis Interface | | May 28 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #KarlRove Whitewashes His Role In Outing #CIA | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Agent why are they | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | entitled to such high secrecy? | May 28 11:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Karl Rove Whitewashes His Role In Outing CIA Agent | Blog | Media Matters for America | May 28 11:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KirstenPowers My @usatoday column this week: Glenn Greenwald | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vs. fellow journalists | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald via @usatopinion @ggreenwald | May 28 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kirsten Powers: Glenn Greenwald vs. fellow journalists | May 28 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #CIA and the Misuse of Public Health | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | "chased away legitimate | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | health workers" and killed some | May 28 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA and the Misuse of Public Health » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 28 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald .@ShelbyRacer @KirstenPowers The only reason I | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | have a platform at all is because liberals | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheered for my work when Bush was President. | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia torture: suspect "waterboarded and | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | threatened with a gun and power drill." | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US asks judge to reconsider his CIA prison order - Houston Chronicle | May 28 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: #Manning in prison for | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | 4 years; Controversy over banning of #Snowden, | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | WikiLeaks from #SIF14 | May 28 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 27 May 2014 | May 28 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Lese gerade mit Interesse, dass ich zu | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | "interessierten antiamerikanischen Kreisen" | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | gehöre | May 28 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikimedia Blog » Blog Archive » 10 Gründe, warum #openNRW bombastisch ist. Und Grund 8 wird Dich umhauen! | May 28 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 50 Years Later, #CIA Still Refuses to Release | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | One Volume of Report on Invasion of Cuba | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | "nothing to hide" | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | exception? | May 28 12:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unusual News - 50 Years Later, CIA Still Refuses to Release One Volume of Report on Invasion of Cuba - AllGov - News | May 28 12:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Snowden spoke a lot in his NBC interview about | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | the agreement he insisted upon for how the docs | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | would & would not be released. That matters. | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "consultation to allow corporations, such as | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Serco and G4S, to provide Child Protection | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services" - pl. write | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | now | May 28 12:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 38 Degrees | Keep profit out of child protection | May 28 12:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks La NSA ha intercettato Kenya, Messico, | May 28 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Filippine, Bahamas e un Paese X | | May 28 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | LantiDiplomatico | May 28 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | La NSA ha intercettato Kenya, Messico, Filippine, Bahamas e un Paese X - World Affairs - L'Antidiplomatico | May 28 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @K_isanasshole More @ggreenwald in French, this time on France | May 28 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Culture: on the extent of mass surveillance | May 28 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 28 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Affaire Snowden : à quel point sommes-nous surveillés ? - Information - France Culture | May 28 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Calls For Social Media To Be Censored In #Spain | May 28 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | After Politician's Assassination Is Mocked On | May 28 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter - & so it goes | May 28 12:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calls For Social Media To Be Censored In Spain After Politician's Assassination Is Mocked On Twitter | Techdirt | May 28 12:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@emptywheel on American hegemon "expanding | May 28 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance is rational, so long as you ignore | May 28 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | the collateral damage" | May 28 12:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What If the Democratic Response to Snowden Is to Expand Surveillance? | emptywheel | May 28 12:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Energy sources | May 28 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rigged system - | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FFII important new analysis of why #ISDS favours US | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | May 28 12:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a rigged system | Blog | May 28 12:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Genetic modification | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gmo | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #facebook mentality | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Daily pageviews per visitor at #facebook down | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | 5.73% Daily time on site | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | down 4% | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Site Overview | May 28 12:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports: | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | GamingOnLinux: Thanks to the recent fiasco of | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Witcher 2 I wanted... | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports | May 28 12:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot of people don't seem to know that | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #facebook app (for #android #ios etc.) has | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | OS-level privileges to access phones' | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | microphone/s | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In top Web sites, #microsoft at single-digit | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | (%) figure it games | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #netcraft | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BrusselsGeek Was asked why there are so few women in line | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for top EU positions. Couldn't resist the glib | May 28 12:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nginx passes Apache as Web server of choice among top sites | Open source software - InfoWorld | May 28 12:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff answer: A thousand odd years of patriarchy. | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Counties sue narcotics makers, alleging | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'campaign of deception' | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'legal' drugs, made by "big" companies | May 28 12:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Counties sue narcotics makers, alleging 'campaign of deception' - Los Angeles Times | May 28 12:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Speakers at Swedish government internet | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | "freedom" forum protest banning of #Assange | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 12:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jehan_ara: Three activists whose tshirts speak for them in this instance #sif14 @sanasaleem @jilliancyork | May 28 12:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #sif14 | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global Commission on Internet Governance - Surveillance advocates want to save the internet | Cicero Online | May 28 12:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lingo of #drone assassinations: call homes | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | "compounds", people "militants", young children | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | "civilians", strikes "suspected US drones" | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Distribution of wealth in #walmart shatters | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | myth of "job creation" | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #asda #uk the same oligarchical ploy | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lego promotion | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Expensive TSA Nudie Scanners Find A New Home: | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Prisons cancer as slow | May 28 12:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Expensive TSA Nudie Scanners Find A New Home: Prisons | Techdirt | May 28 12:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | death sentence? | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks .@GGreenwald: #Sweden a “very, very close | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | partner of the #NSA and works with them in a | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | very extensive manner”. | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sif14 | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TSA nudie scanners have been removed from | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #manchester airport, I presume because #eu | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ruled them illegal. #manchesterairport | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff 0: The number of times that calling a mobile | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone company's customer service hotline has | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | improved my mood, since 1990. #Vodafone | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shark vomit? | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Half-Baked Security Of Our 'Internet of | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Things' | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance-ready connected devices all around | May 28 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Half-Baked Security Of Our 'Internet of Things' - Forbes | May 28 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | the house | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt about to | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | speak at Swedish government net "freedom" | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | forum. Who is Bildt? | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sif14 | May 28 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Carl Bildt's Millions | Rixstep Industry Watch | May 28 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #EFF on Crushing Blow for #Copyright Trolls | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | not just copyright | May 28 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crushing Blow for Copyright Trolls: Appeals Court Halts AF Holdings' Extortion Scheme | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 28 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | "trolls" are the issue | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel DOD Reasserts Its Right to Force Feed While Not | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Denying Force Feeding Is Torture | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOD Reasserts Its Right to Force Feed While Not Denying Force Feeding Is Torture | emptywheel | May 28 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt about to | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | speak at Swedish government net "freedom" | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | forum. Who is Bildt2? #sif14 | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 12:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “A nigger is a nigger and a Swede is a Swede”. Top leaders of Sweden’s main gov party stating position on Mandela’s struggle against apartheid | The PROFESSORS' BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All | May 28 12:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Back door (so-called "kill switch") exploited | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | by crackers to use #apple iDiots | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iPhones frozen by hackers demanding ransom - Telegraph | May 28 12:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz For #apple 'users' who don't know it yet, | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden released evidence to show that iPhone | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | (more than other phones) has #nsa bad doors | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz With some companies, there are back doors | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Cisco); with others, there are well-designed | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | bad doors (Microsoft, Apple), others are bug | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | doors | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz There is a big difference between a company | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | building back doors into a product, letting it | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | be back doored en route, and overlooking holes | May 28 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:43 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 12:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EDRi_org 1/2 Big thanks to all @wepromiseEU partners: | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @WikimediaDE @RSF_RWB @fsfe @JEF_Europe | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff @aprilorg @vzbv @netzpolitik @AEGEE_Europe | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Downgrade Required makes | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | one wonder about #oracle vs #google | May 28 12:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, Downgrade Required | May 28 12:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kali #gnu #linux | May 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | ZDNet | May 28 12:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | May 28 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kernel #linux | May 28 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #benchmark | May 28 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | May 28 12:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Sehr enttäuscht von @vodafone_de. Sinnvolle | May 28 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Datenroaming-Option abgeschafft, Ersatz sehr | May 28 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | viel teurer für mich. #KannSoNichtArbeiten | May 28 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Bank of England governor Mark Carney says | May 28 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | capitalism is doomed if ethics vanish" | May 28 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 12:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 12:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can capitalism ever be ethical? | Business | | May 28 12:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than Intel | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | SNA | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nginx passes Apache as Web server of choice | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | among top sites | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 12:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than Intel SNA | Tux Machines | May 28 12:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nginx passes Apache as Web server of choice among top sites | Tux Machines | May 28 12:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Distraction in Hope | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In Kansas, Professors Must Now Watch What They | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tweet freedom of | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | expression in #kansas | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Kansas, Professors Must Now Watch What They Tweet : NPR | May 28 13:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Need versus greed | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Today's foul mood not much improved by call to | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @vodafone_de customer hotline. | May 28 13:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:02 |
schestowitz | | May 28 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Once upon a time digital devices came without | May 28 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | microphones and cameras, even if they had | May 28 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi | May 28 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apps on your Android phone can take photos without you knowing | May 28 13:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @vd_zukunft Toller Kommentar zum Konditionenstreit rund um | May 28 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Amazon. | May 28 13:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vd_zukunft: Toller Kommentar zum Konditionenstreit rund um Amazon. | May 28 13:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 28 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:05 |
schestowitz | | May 28 13:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@manairport: @schestowitz They weren't made illegal, they were on a trial basis & newer technology came out by the end of the trial so they were replaced | May 28 13:06 | |
schestowitz | I am glad they were replaced. What's in use now is less invasive and less harmful to one's health. | May 28 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "industrialized agriculture would be impossible | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | without antimicrobials" - | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | insane waste of precious | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | resource | May 28 13:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Policy: An intergovernmental panel on antimicrobial resistance : Nature News & Comment | May 28 13:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "worries that new US-EU trade deal will see a | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | watering down of tougher EU laws on use" of | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | antibiotics - | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP/#TAFTA | May 28 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Concerns grow over farm drugs used like 'sweets' | May 28 13:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TLCUK Last chance 2 enter @KoboWritingLife raffle for | May 28 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a FREE place at our fab June 13-15 event with | May 28 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow & over 30 + | May 28 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Win a Free Pass for the Literary Conference '14 | May 28 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Goff questions #Japan’s future in #TPP - | May 28 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NZ | May 28 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AgriHQ | | May 28 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @petrasorge We've published all e-mails on the @wikileaks | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by blockade by the Swedish MFA incl. @Olofeh here: | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks /cc #SIF14 | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #apple of #nsa #prism fame tells 'users' to -- | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | wait for it -- change passwords after back | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | doors (of Apple) misused | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:12 |
schestowitz | | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #apple should apologise to (and compensate) for | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | helping to build back doors that are now | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | falling into the hands of non-govt. crackers | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple urges hacked users to change passwords - CNET | May 28 13:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@manairport: @schestowitz Glad you're happy, we want our passengers to be happy :) | May 28 13:12 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted '#apple should apologise to (and compensate) for helping...' | May 28 13:12 | |
schestowitz | and safe, i.e. no radiation (that kills, too) ;-) | May 28 13:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #apple should apologise to (and compensate) | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | useds for helping to build back doors that are | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | now falling into the hands of non-govt. | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | crackers | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow My review of @ggreenwald's NO PLACE TO HIDE | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | "vital narrative of | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | official criminality" | May 28 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Greenwald's "No Place to Hide": a compelling, vital narrative about official criminality - Boing Boing | May 28 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | /pls RT | May 28 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: My review of @ggreenwald's NO PLACE TO HIDE "vital narrative of official criminality" /pls RT | May 28 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Belief In Evolution Doesn't Measure Science | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Literacy | May 28 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Belief In Evolution Doesn't Measure Science Literacy - Slashdot | May 28 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Here's a story that needs a whistleblower. | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Shameful behavior on GM's part. | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 28 13:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @esizkur Here's why you nuke the Thunderbolt controller | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by if you're the GCHQ: The | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian damn thing has flash memory. (cc @privacyint) | May 28 13:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thunderbolt Firmware Update v1.2 | May 28 13:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @e3i5 NICE are one of the largest surveillance | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by companies in the world, with a product that has | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian a root backdoor. | May 28 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:24 |
schestowitz | | May 28 13:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Yemen's Military Really Doesn't Want Anyone to Know About Civilian Casualties "conceal atrocities against civilians." | May 28 13:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Yemen's Military Really Doesn't Want Anyone to Know About Civilian Casualties | VICE News [ ] | May 28 13:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @e3i5 "Attackers are able to completely compromise | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the voice recording / surveillance | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian solution" of NICE lawful intercept. | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RationalWiki Verified quote from @RichardDawkins. [citation | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by needed] | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 28 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RationalWiki: Verified quote from @RichardDawkins. [citation needed] | May 28 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Wikipedia's (EN) article on the European | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliament apparently still hasn't been updated | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | after the elections | May 28 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | European Parliament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 28 13:43 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 13:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] I Miss My MacBook Pro, Buggy Iris Graphics Gives Headaches [ ] | May 28 13:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | May 28 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw | May 28 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | | May 28 13:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Hell Freezing Over? Disney Realizing That Fans | May 28 13:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Celebrating 'Frozen' By Infringement May Be A | May 28 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Good Thing | May 28 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hell Freezing Over? Disney Realizing That Fans Celebrating 'Frozen' By Infringement May Be A Good Thing | Techdirt | May 28 13:47 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @e3i5: '"Attackers are able to completely compromise the voice...' | May 28 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP & das deutsche Grundgesetz - | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | "die | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | verfassungsrechtlichen Ansatzpunkte für einen | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Widerstand" (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mehr Demokratie e.V.: TTIP und das deutsche Grundgesetz | May 28 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff In mine too RT @evacide "In my country, the | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | idea of trusting your secret services is a | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | bit...exotic." @AndreiSoldatov | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EthanZ Evidently @ushahidi's office on Ngong Road is | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kind of a dangerous place: | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 28 13:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EthanZ: Evidently @ushahidi's office on Ngong Road is kind of a dangerous place: | May 28 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdV007 @glynmoody Research: more poeple in EU died | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by last year bc trees than bc terrorism. (dutch) - | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (v @security_nl ) | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meer doden in EU door bomen dan terroristen - Security.NL | May 28 13:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Christopher Pyne suggests collecting HECS debts | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | from dead students as way to help budget | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | not a parody article | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Christopher Pyne suggests collecting HECS debts from dead students as way to help budget | May 28 13:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel .@attackerman Have we ever accounted for how | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | much we gave Egyptian, Jordanian, and other | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | intel services to fight CT since 2001? | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Andromeda Galaxy Just Had a Bright Gamma | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ray Event | May 28 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Andromeda Galaxy Just Had a Bright Gamma Ray Event - Slashdot | May 28 13:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel .@attackerman Is this just a new version of | May 28 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | that, but for Africa? | May 28 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HAL9000_ You know, if Dave had said "Sudo Open the Pod | May 28 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bay Doors" I would have let him in. | May 28 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 28 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @andre_meister Ehemaliger CIA-Direktor Goss: "Merkel weiß | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by längst, wie es läuft, nur sagen darf man es | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff nicht." - via @ZDF | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ehemaliger CIA-Direktor Goss: “Merkel weiß längst, wie es läuft, nur sagen darf man es nicht” | May 28 14:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Dymaxion Judging from twiiter, the usual use of | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by activists at #SIF14 to whitewash Swedish crimes | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks and privacy violations seems to have backfired. | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Brave Moscow activists step into path of cars | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by driving on sidewalk, to tell them it's bad to | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow drive on sidewalk. | May 28 14:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moscow activists step into the path of cars driving on the sidewalk - Boing Boing | May 28 14:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Greenwald's "No Place to Hide": a compelling, | May 28 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vital narrative about official criminality | May 28 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 28 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 28 14:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Talking with NPR's Marketplace about the | May 28 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Disneyland prospectus | May 28 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 28 14:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 28 14:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Downgrade Required | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, Downgrade Required | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing TOM THE DANCING BUG: What Will Climate Change | May 28 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Deniers Say…? | May 28 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 28 14:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 28 14:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bill Gates’ Plot to Enslave #China With ‘Free’ | May 28 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Back Doors is Failing, But #Microsoft Strikes | May 28 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Back With #Openwashing | May 28 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Gates’ Plot to Enslave China With ‘Free’ Back Doors is Failing, But Microsoft Strikes Back With Openwashing | Techrights | May 28 14:25 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@karlsson_andre: @schestowitz thank you for sharing :) | May 28 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack New hacker video game "Watch Dogs": centralized | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass gov #surveillance is weapon against which | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | hero fights | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Watch Dogs' Creators Explain Why the Hacker Video Game Isn't Just Science Fiction - The Wire | May 28 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 US Empire: Dark Knight in surveillance armor? | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Deep State shadow abyss of knowing it all good | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | for dystopian Democracy. | May 28 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian | May 28 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kolabsys "Kolab: Do it right, or don’t do it at all" | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Keynote by our CEO @ggreve at #DORS and #CLUC | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreve 2014 in Croatia. | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DORS/CLUC 2014 | May 28 14:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1049 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Temporary Classrooms Are Bad For the | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Environment, and Worse For Kids | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 14:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Temporary Classrooms Are Bad For the Environment, and Worse For Kids - Slashdot | May 28 14:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | May 28 14:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DNF 0.5.2 Released | May 28 14:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | Tux Machines | May 28 14:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines systemd 213 Arrives with Daemon to Sync System | May 28 14:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Clock Across Network | May 28 14:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DNF 0.5.2 Released | Tux Machines | May 28 14:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | systemd 213 Arrives with Daemon to Sync System Clock Across Network | Tux Machines | May 28 14:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matociquala I guess it's public news now that @jay_lake has | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by entered hospice, and the world is being robbed. | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Read his books. | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @neilhimself I loved the time I spent with @jay_lake. I wish | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by he'd won more time to write in, and be a dad | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow in, and be alive in. Read his stories. | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fsfe Congratulations from FSFE: 32 #freesoftwarepact | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by supporters elected to European Parliament | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FSFE: 32 Free Software Pact supporters elected to the European Parliament | May 28 14:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard AGILE ITERATIVE SCRUM MVP USER STORY VELOCITY | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | OF BUSINESS PH’NGLUI MGLW’NAFH NODE.JS R’LYEH | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | WGAH’NAGL FHTAGN STOP ME BEFORE I KILL AGAIN | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmagnanti Ah, so there is a secret "pimp" list from real | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bindel going around, apparently I'm on it. Have | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard addressed this before. | May 28 14:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dr Brooke Magnanti | Belle de Jour: Radfems, racism, and the problem with "pimps" | May 28 14:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmagnanti It seems a little odd given I'm not doing SW | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by activism anymore that she is still so obsessed, | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard but hey. Whatever pays her bills, I guess. | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmagnanti I should ask her for a cut if she's still | May 28 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by earning money off bitching about me. Now *that* | May 28 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard would probably qualify as actual pimping. | May 28 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarcherLord1 #Savile - you couldn't make this up..... | May 28 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 28 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MarcherLord1: #Savile - you couldn't make this up..... | May 28 15:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 28 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @manjulamartin WE ALREADY HAVE DRIVERLESS CARS THEY ARE CALLED | May 28 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by TRAINS AND THEY ARE PUBLIC AND GREAT AND THEY | May 28 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard COULD USE SOME INFRASTRUCTURE BTW | May 28 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Microsoft 's #Openwashing Propaganda Effective | May 28 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Blocking Government Use of Free/Open Source | May 28 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software #uk | May 28 15:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft’s Openwashing Propaganda Effective in Blocking Government Use of Free/Open Source Software | Techrights | May 28 15:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The vendor timeline for this NICE wiretapping | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | vuln is terrifying. 8 month ETA for fix for | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | vuln in wiretapping gear. | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @idiot This is why you don’t let developers write | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by error messages. | May 28 15:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@idiot: This is why you don’t let developers write error messages. | May 28 15:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avestal .@Wikipedia: Where a 140-page manifesto, | May 28 15:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hateful YouTube video and 7 dead bodies isn't | May 28 15:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard considered evidence of intent. | May 28 15:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@sarahlicity: #YesAllWomen because men are already denying Elliot Rodger's misogynist manifesto by saying more men died. | May 28 15:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @auntysarah Something the last few months' experience has | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by taught me: | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | If someone calls antidepressants, "happy | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | pills", they haven't been on them. | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody FSFE: 32 Free Software Pact supporters elected | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | to the European Parliament - | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | good progress | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FSFE: 32 Free Software Pact supporters elected to the European Parliament | May 28 15:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack RIP #MayaAngelou, who wrote about some of the | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | worst social injustices in the most beautiful, | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | lyrical way. | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Germany abandons criminal investigation of | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #NSA: "The consequences for the rule of law are | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack existentially dangerous." | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Deutschland stimmt umstrittenem Opt-Out-Entwurf | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | zu - bad news; wonder | May 28 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generalbundesanwalt und NSA-Affäre - Kotau der Ermittler - Politik - Sü | May 28 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | what @campact thinks? (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nachrichten zum Thema Gentechnik | May 28 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS My latest in @Salon: "New document details | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by America’s war machine — and secret mass of | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack contractors in Afghanistan." | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: New document details America’s war machine — and secret mass of contractors in Afghanistan - | May 28 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattapuzzo Fact check: If the Justice Department doesn't | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by want to send a reporter to jail, it could | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack withdraw its subpoena today. | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Earliest Bird To Sip a Flower | May 28 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Earliest Bird To Sip a Flower - Slashdot | May 28 15:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Does US need another round of trade deals? - | May 28 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | "My conclusion on this: | May 28 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | The losers outnumber the winners." #TPP #TTIP | May 28 15:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does the US need another round of trade deals? | TheHill | May 28 15:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:17 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @free_snowden: 'Germany abandons criminal investigation of #NSA: "The consequences...' | May 28 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW People want sustainable farming that respects | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by workers & the land, not a #Monsanto take-over | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody w/ #TPP & #TAFTA. #NoGMO | May 28 15:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: People want sustainable farming that respects workers & the land, not a #Monsanto take-over w/ #TPP & #TAFTA. #NoGMO | May 28 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks WikiLeaks-Inspired Recital Among Next Wave | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Festival Premieres | NYTimes | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// ) | May 28 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdV007 @glynmoody Dutch #VVD party: no government data | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to foreign companies (dutch) - | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (v @Webwereld ) | May 28 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VVD: overheidsdata niet bij buitenlandse bedrijven - Webwereld | May 28 15:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @erikwesselius New Spanish "Podemos" party (born from | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by indignados movement) now has five MEPs and | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody wants to change political landscape | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Podemos hopes to cement rise of citizen politics in Spain after election success | Politics | | May 28 15:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody question: anyone know what Spanish party | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Podemos" thinks about #TTIP? | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian MT @matthew_d_green on the NICE vulnerability: | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Attackers are able to completely compromise | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | the voice recording / surveillance solution" | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish Foreign Ministry blocks Snowden, | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Assange invitation pt1 | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | pt2 | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sif14 #wikileaks | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sweden | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LDN_Makerspace "Desperate" is a strong word, but it's getting | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that way. We urgently need a new home! | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Requirements at: | May 28 15:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:24 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | May 28 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TZBreaking İstanbul governor says protesters will not be | May 28 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by allowed to enter Taksim on first anniversary of | May 28 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Gezi protests on May 31. | May 28 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Kickstarting Muzzled: a musical about a land | May 28 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by where singing is power | May 28 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 28 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:28 |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@eBay : Stop contributing to the extinction of | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | elephants & other endangered species - | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | come on, sort this | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ebay... | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Apple Debacle a Timely Reminder That Any | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | So-called ‘Kill Switch’ is a Dangerous Back | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Door #apple #iphone | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #backdoor | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BartHanssens #gnumeric 1.2.16 with improved #odf support | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rcweir | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @BrockUniversity: .@Bhaggart’s Copyright | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | debate series continues today with @mgeist and | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Glenn Rollans | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Sec Kerry's desc of Snowden sums up tech | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | knowledge of USG officials: "Basically, what he | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | was doing is computer stuff" | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @StuJT Review Panel finds that BC Hydro's proposed | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Site C dam will have significant enviro and | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody aboriginal impacts | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green People who work in cryptography think | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'security' is trivial. People who work in | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian security think 'usability' is trivial. They're | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | all wrong. | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW If your community fought hard for local #GMO & | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Fracking bans, #TPP would reverse them & sue | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody taxpayers for lost $$$. | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot I Want a Kindle Killer | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Europe On The Verge Of Destroying Online | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comments And Free Speech | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ‘Wired’ Under New Management (Condé Nast) is a | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft and Bill Gates Grooming Operation | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates #microsoft | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RashaAbdulla The non-invitaiton of @ioerror & Snowden at | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SIF14 made them more present than ever. On | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror every single panel. Let's hope lesson is | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | learned! | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @derechosdigital México es el tercer país de la región en | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by legislar en favor del #OpenAccess | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RashaAbdulla Another participant notes the absence of the | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by people who made the discussion happen. Jake | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @ioerror & Snowden,you are terribly missed! | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SIF14 | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork Now @MishiChoudhary is the one to remind that | May 28 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ioerror, Snowden, @ggreenwald aren’t here. | May 28 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Someone did it every panel :) #SIF14 | May 28 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tjmcintyre Irish journalists: you might want to ask | May 28 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whether the Garda NICE phone recording system | May 28 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody is the same as this one | May 28 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ostblog_de Großartig! @ioerror spendet Nannen-Preisgeld | May 28 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by an @berlin_vvn_bda und @apabiz | May 28 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:11 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 16 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 98 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 28 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (16) | May 28 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 28 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 28 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork “We’ve had this debate for a long time,” says | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Carl Bildt. Yet he refused to answer this | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror question last year when @ioerror asked. #SIF14 | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn Cloud costs continue to drop: That's both good | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by & bad news #Cloud by | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist @sjvn | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Sec Kerry's desc of Snowden sums up tech | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by knowledge of USG officials: "Basically, what he | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror was doing is computer stuff" | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Under what legal authority does the #FBI | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | operate in South Africa? Say hypothetically, a | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance team? | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GregoryMcNeal Good piece on targeted killings by Laurie | May 28 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Blank: "Drones, transparency and legitimacy" | May 28 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 28 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MicahZenko Pentagon has over 200 budget authorities just | May 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for security cooperation programs. Why a new | May 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "Counterterrorism Partnership Fund?" | May 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Man. Missed the speech but getting the feeling | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | it is better watched on wall of Plato's Twitter | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cave. | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @michaelarria John Kerry Wants Edward Snowden to 'Man Up' and | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'Trust the American System of Justice' | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot German Authorities Lack Evidence To Prosecute | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Anyone For NSA Spying | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Here's a story that needs a whistleblower. | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Shameful behavior on GM's part. | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack New hacker video game "Watch Dogs": centralized | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mass gov #surveillance is weapon against which | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 hero fights | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack RIP #MayaAngelou, who wrote about some of the | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by worst social injustices in the most beautiful, | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 lyrical way. | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS My latest in @Salon: "New document details | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by America’s war machine — and secret mass of | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 contractors in Afghanistan." | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CAFC Historically a Facilitator of Software | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Patents and Other Abusive Means of | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monopolisation #swpats | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @laurenbeukes I've got a story in the new @wireduk along with | May 28 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @MargaretAtwood @tferriss & @doctorow | May 28 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow (via @KieronJS) | May 28 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OKnox Senior Obama aide says they're asking Congress | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to redirect Afghanistan $ to $5B | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel counter-terrorism fund. | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @elizabeth_joh Law folks: great new resource from @bradheath | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by federal appellate oral arguments updated very | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel 15 minutes | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Video: No credibility- Sweden's Internet | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | "freedom" meet banned | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden,Assange,@GGreenwald | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cleverboxes is Rubbish and Tesco Direct Should | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dump Them avoid | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cleverboxes | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RT_com No credibility for #SIF14 w/out #Snowden. More | May 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblowers coming - @wikileaks | May 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Matt DeHart says FBI tortured him and | May 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by interrogated him about Anonymous and #WikiLeaks | May 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MonsieurCelsius Booting back to @fedora after 2hrs on Windows | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is like sleeping in my own bed after a week | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff away. Feels good. | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Firefox OS Powered Flame Available For | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pre-order; Ships Globally | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @complianceweek Wow: Florida court overturns conviction of John | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Connolly, disgraced ex-FBI agent who tipped off | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel mobster Whitey Bulger | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest RT @Independent: Sarkozy’s 2017 comeback in | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by jeopardy as UMP head quits over fraud | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks It is time #Snowden vs #Manning stopped | May 28 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bengoldacre Of all the pain trials ever, half are missing | May 28 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by results, right now, today. For shame. | May 28 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #alltrials | May 28 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:19 |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 349 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1420 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 28 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (118), @glynmoody (41), @doctorow (14) | May 28 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (33), @doctorow (17), @ioerror (12) | May 28 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (18), #linux (11), #SIF14 (10) | May 28 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Accepting Amazon's DRM Makes It Impossible To | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Challenge Its Monopoly | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @saftergood House Intel Comm seems to think better | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by background investigations could have halted | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Snowden | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Accepting Amazon's #DRM Makes It Impossible To | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Challenge Its Monopoly - | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | applies to #mozilla, too... | May 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PHP Next Generation | May 28 17:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 17:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland 1.5 Is Out and Gets a Little Closer to | May 28 17:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | X Sever Replacement | May 28 17:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft is Hiring More Moles to Attack | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Free/Open Source Software From the Inside | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft #entryism | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Finnish media ignores successful anti-#TTIP | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | demonstration - more | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | shoddy journalism #fi | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody John Kerry to Edward #Snowden: Man Up and Come | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Back to the U.S. - oh, | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | do shut it, you pompous old windbag... | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Data Center With a Brain: Google Using Machine | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Learning In Server Farms | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard What is the Longest Disambiguation Page on | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wikipedia? | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft Back to Bribery as a Business Model | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Search #microsoft | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #brazil | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @henryfarrell George Packer and his | May 28 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by problems | May 28 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 28 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Delighted to announce a new forum for community | May 28 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | leaders and managers - - | May 28 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | this will be a companion to #CLS too! | May 28 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Apparently we don't need reports on WMD threats | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | to US delivered via means other than missiles | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | anymore. | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @revoltenum @ggreenwald à Paris, réécoutez ses | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by interventions à France Culture et au journal Le | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Monde #surveillance #NSA #PRISM | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ustvmedia @ggreenwald "To think critically is to always | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by be hostile." - #HannahArendt | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Should be mantra of all journalists. | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tinyrevolution If you read George Packer on @ggreenwald | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by remember that Packer's | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald the World's Greatest Logician | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This Week in #Techrights | May 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattapuzzo Fact check: If the Justice Department doesn't | May 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by want to send a reporter to jail, it could | May 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald withdraw its subpoena today. | May 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DNF 0.5.2 Released | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fedora #redhat #gnu #linux | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz systemd 213 Arrives with Daemon to Sync System | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clock Across Network | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #systemd #linux | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz PHP Next Generation will | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | next generation be backward compatible for a | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | change? #php | May 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:08 |
schestowitz | | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wayland 1.5 Is Out and Gets a Little Closer to | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | X Sever Replacement | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wayland #graphics #linux | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Wayland LiveCD Updated Against v1.5, Uses | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Systemd On #Ubuntu | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Blender 2.71 Test Release Issued With New | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Features #blender | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Thomas Paine, Our Contemporary | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | by Chris Hedges | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: torbooks: Are you a fan of creepy | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | chemistry? B&N rounds up 11 books with | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrifying drugs, including... | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Can Senator Leahy Actually Get Anything Done To | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Help With Civil Liberties And Innovation? | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk is not #ukraine | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Not only are Snowden disclosures leading to | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | more surveillance of average Americans, but | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | also of intel personnel. | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW European #Milk Board calls for immediate end to | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TAFTA: | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @ARC2020eu #TTIP #food | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #GMO #dairy | May 28 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:20 |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 18:24 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 18:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Based on the gross remarks from 'prince' | May 28 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Charlie (comparing Putin to Hitler), those most | May 28 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | afraid of Russian power are royal family (turf | May 28 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | war) | May 28 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Can Cyborg Tech End Human Disability By 2064? | May 28 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Reading Intel Authorization leads me to suspect | May 28 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | IC 1) has been throwing out hard drives w/intel | May 28 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2) some contractor (not Booz) got pwned | May 28 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:28 |
*roy has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 28 18:29 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 28 18:29 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 18:30 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 28 18:30 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 18:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: steampunktendencies: Dragon Backpack by | May 28 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bob Basset H/T The Fabulous Weird Trotters | May 28 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS According to @voxdotcom, a policy of covert | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by global war is "antiwar." Yup, the best young | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel minds GE can buy. | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is David Koch Getting a Tax Writeoff for | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dropping $900K on the Walker Race? | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #koch #walker | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #corruption | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Kerry's macho bravado ("man up") is not just | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | obnoxious but deceitful, since he'd be barred | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | from arguing justification | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No Steam Machines For You (Until 2015) | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #steam #games #gnu | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Republicans Refuse to Expand Climate Change | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Analysis in Intelligence Authorization | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Toshiba unveils trio of tablets, including $110 | May 28 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Android 4.4 KitKat tablet | May 28 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux #toshiba | May 28 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Jaguar #LandRover are recruiting #Tizen | May 28 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Developer Jobs, in Portland, Oregon | May 28 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 28 18:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:51 |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 28 18:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RobertSnell_DN Alert: #Detroit bankruptcy lawyers trying to | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by determine value of entire DIA art collection. | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Results not in yet. | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why No Flash Support for Linux Is Good for Open | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Source #adobe #trash | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #flesh | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz System76 Galago UltraPro: Powerful Linux laptop | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | but not quite an ultrabook | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #system76 #gnu #linux | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ultrapro #review | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "the Chinese are so miffed with US spying that | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | they are seriously considering imposing" #gnu | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sarahnovotny another great reason to join us at #OSCON join | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @jonobacon for the "Community Leadership | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Summit 2014" | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Met Office selects 2ndQuadrant to help with | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | data migration to open source | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw #postgres #uk | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GRPress Donald Sterling pulls Amway's Rich DeVos into | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NBA flap over HIV, gay marriage comments | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Paulmd199 Greenwald on Middle East: "documents that | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by detail NSA cooperation with some of the worst | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian tyrants in the Gulf region" | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolrosenberg Mizer on Davis calling panel a "jury": "We're | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by not going to get a jury, judge. We're going to | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel get a veneer of handpicked military members." | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Remember the Tory MP caught charging a new | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | servants' wing to his gov't expense account? | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Virtual DVDs, Revisited | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian US diplomats in have their phone calls tapped | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | and leaked to press, while Sec Kerry describes | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | work of Snowden as "computer stuff". Sad. | May 28 19:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:08 |
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian deleted 'US diplomats in have their phone calls tapped...' | May 28 19:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stewartetcie .@doctorow's review of @ggreenwald's No Place | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by To Hide/ | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @byAndreas A thing I made arrived in London : ) Totem | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Unboxing: @Frauenfelder | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Perhaps if the State Dept hired more people to | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | do "computer stuff", US diplomats' phone calls | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | couldn't be tapped & leaked to the press. | May 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland LiveCD Updated Against v1.5, Uses | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Systemd On Ubuntu | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Blender 2.71 Test Release Issued With New | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Features | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines This Week in Techrights | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Toshiba unveils trio of tablets, including $110 | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android 4.4 KitKat tablet | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Jaguar Land Rover are recruiting Tizen | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Developer Jobs, in Portland, Oregon | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why No Flash Support for Linux Is Good for Open | May 28 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Source | May 28 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Linux operating system is pervasive and open | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | source tools such as the GCC compiler | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | collection are widely used." | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @petrasorge We've published all e-mails on the @wikileaks | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by blockade by the Swedish MFA incl. @Olofeh here: | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror /cc #SIF14 | May 28 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:16 |
schestowitz | "in the old times we say in german we were OffAllein" | May 28 19:35 |
schestowitz | | May 28 19:35 |
schestowitz | | May 28 19:36 |
schestowitz | Yes in the absence of the state you have nobody picking winners and losers then Capitalism becomes a voluntary commitment. I don't recommend it but I can't say that Capitalism minus the state is still exploitation if people want to live that way. That's their choice."" | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @m_cetera Hrafnsson on #SIF14: 'They humorously claim | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they don't have a blacklist, only a list of | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror people they have not invited' | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:36 |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 19:36 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt MakerBot Files For Patent On A Design Derived | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | From Work By Its Community | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MakerBot Files For Patent On A Design Derived From Work By Its Community | Techdirt | May 28 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Horrors! | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | A British online journal is receiving a | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pulitzer right now. | May 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:36 |
schestowitz | | May 28 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ One Year After Obama's Big Drone Speech, Many Promises Left Unkept #obama #drone | May 28 19:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | One Year After Obama's Big Drone Speech, Many Promises Left Unkept [ ] | May 28 19:37 | |
schestowitz | "Duh." | May 28 19:37 |
schestowitz | | May 28 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Clever plot for mass #surveillance of children (and adults around them) | May 28 19:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Saving Time & Lives: FBI Unveils New Child ID App « CBS Baltimore [ ] | May 28 19:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | FBI Says Free App Could Help In Child Abduction Cases - ABC36 News WTVQ Lexington Kentucky [ ] | May 28 19:37 | |
schestowitz | "Think of the children! And the terrorists that can abduct children!" | May 28 19:37 |
schestowitz | | May 28 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ After repeatedly telling #bt now to censor my connection I received a horrifying E-mail, warning me about "kids" and stuff. Dying kittens? | May 28 19:37 | |
schestowitz | "Ah, you don't think of the children! =)" | May 28 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Arcadian_O @wikileaks I did everything I could possibly do | May 28 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to address the issue: | May 28 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror (while wearing a free assange shirt) | May 28 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Where's Ed? Stockholm web summit slammed as Snowden, Greenwald 'blacklisted' - YouTube | May 28 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Accepting Amazon's #DRM Makes It Impossible To | May 28 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Challenge Its Monopoly | May 28 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 28 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Accepting Amazon's DRM Makes It Impossible To Challenge Its Monopoly | Techdirt | May 28 19:44 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Accepting Amazon'... | May 28 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How #Disney learned to stop worrying and love | May 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #copyright infringement | May 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sharing breeds publicity | May 28 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Disney learned to stop worrying and love copyright infringement - | May 28 19:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds | May 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds - Slashdot | May 28 19:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold My new exclusive @ajam: FBI spied on Nelson | May 28 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Mandela during first US trip, FBI files trned | May 28 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian over to .@_rshapiro show | May 28 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: FBI spied on Nelson Mandela during first U.S. trip | Al Jazeera America | May 28 19:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold This is a very valuable and hugely important | May 28 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by post by .@emptywheel on recent news surrounding | May 28 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Gitmo force feeding | May 28 19:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 19:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOD Reasserts Its Right to Force Feed While Not Denying Force Feeding Is Torture | emptywheel | May 28 19:59 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 20:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Accepting Amazon's #DRM Makes It Impossible To Challenge Its Monopoly there should be laws against DRM, not asserting it | May 28 20:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 28/5/2014: TogetherJS, PHP Next | May 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Generation | May 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 28/5/2014: TogetherJS, PHP Next Generation | Techrights | May 28 20:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Kerry's macho bravado ("man up") is not just | May 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by obnoxious but deceitful, since he'd be barred | May 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack from arguing justification | May 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry to Edward Snowden: Man Up and Come Back to the U.S. | May 28 20:08 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 28 20:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines System76 Galago UltraPro: Powerful Linux laptop | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | but not quite an ultrabook | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Met Office selects 2ndQuadrant to help with | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | data migration to open source | May 28 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | System76 Galago UltraPro: Powerful Linux laptop but not quite an ultrabook | Tux Machines | May 28 20:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Met Office selects 2ndQuadrant to help with data migration to open source | Tux Machines | May 28 20:28 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 28 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Henry Rollins vs Iggy Pop | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | 20 minute Hank ramble. | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | This is hilarious. | May 28 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Henry Rollins vs Iggy Pop - YouTube | May 28 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Conspiracy Theorist And Alternative Medicine | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Salesman Threatens To Sue Writer For Publishing | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | True Statements About… | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Conspiracy Theorist And Alternative Medicine Salesman Threatens To Sue Writer For Publishing True Statements About Him | Techdirt | May 28 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald @mashable Kerry needs to "Snowden | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Up" | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SnowdenUp | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Singularity Is Sci-Fi's Faith-Based | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Initiative | May 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Singularity Is Sci-Fi's Faith-Based Initiative - Slashdot | May 28 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist phishing email title of the day: 'United | May 28 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | State's Advance of Information Security’ | May 28 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My intervu on gov treatment of "authorized" & | May 28 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "accidental" #leaks vs #whistleblower | May 28 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosures like @JohnKiriakou's: | May 28 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WH does damage control after outing CIA chief in Afghanistan | On Air Videos | Fox News | May 28 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 20:51 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'My intervu on gov treatment of "authorized" &...' | May 28 21:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ethangach digby's been doing great coverage of the | May 28 21:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ongoing Journalists Inc. vs. Greenwald feud | May 28 21:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 28 21:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hullabaloo | May 28 21:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolrosenberg Kammen tells Judge Pohl his order is so brave, | May 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "The cynical part of me thinks it’s going to | May 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel get you fired." | May 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LAReviewofBooks Greenwald's "No Place to Hide" is a fascinating | May 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by read that adds much to the debate on national | May 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald security and privacy. | May 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | There’s Something Missing; Maybe the NSA Can Find It | | May 28 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anked “@Senficon: Thank you @teirdes for your | May 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by fantastic work in the European Parliament! | May 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff”<< +1! <3 for Amelia! | May 28 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @”<< ) | May 28 21:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EstelMP @glynmoody Page 31 of @ahorapodemos political | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by program: "Paralización del proceso de | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody negociación del..."#TTIP | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot No, Doesn't Require 500 | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Million Lines of Code | May 28 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | | May 28 21:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No, Doesn't Require 500 Million Lines of Code - Slashdot | May 28 21:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt UPS Insists That It Is Not Helping The NSA | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Interdict' Packages To Install Backdoors | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UPS Insists That It Is Not Helping The NSA 'Interdict' Packages To Install Backdoors | Techdirt | May 28 21:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ZaidJilani #MayaAngelou spoke up defiantly for the | May 28 21:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Palestinians and an American girl killed by an | May 28 21:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Israeli bulldozer. Beautiful | May 28 21:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maya Aneglou Reads Rachel Corrie's Email - YouTube | May 28 21:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Some pretty interesting amendments to the | May 28 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA/CIA/Intel authorization bill. | May 28 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 28 21:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | H.R. 4681—Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 | House Committee on Rules | May 28 21:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @digby56 Glenn Greenwald came in and trashed the place. | May 28 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by And it's not his place ... | May 28 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 28 21:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hullabaloo | May 28 21:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green The sad thing is that after all this time I was | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by just starting to like Truecrypt. I hope someone | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror forks it if this is for real. | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel This seems to say we'll definitely "learn" that | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | CIA killed Awlaki in Yemen. | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #BREAKINGNOTBREAKING | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Imprisoned Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thanks Supporters in New "Letter from Loretto" | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake | May 28 21:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 28 21:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rjmaclean People often ask me for my opinion of Edward | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden, I only tell them to Google | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 "@Thomas_Drake1 'proper channels'" and come to | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | their own. | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand I'm not sure why the TrueCrypt website suddenly | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by recommends all users switch to BitLocker, but | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror the signature of the .exe still verifies. | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @arstechnica Root backdoor found in surveillance gear used | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by law enforcement by | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @dangoodin001 | May 28 21:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Root backdoor found in surveillance gear used by law enforcement | Ars Technica | May 28 21:37 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @matthewstoller: 'Some pretty interesting amendments to the NSA/CIA/Intel authorization...' | May 28 21:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MsLods @glynmoody fyi -> US Copyright Alert System - | May 28 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by first progress report | May 28 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Copyright Alert System - first progress report | May 28 21:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @0xabad1dea What | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Would you | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Maybe like to elaborate??? | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt | May 28 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Is this a hijacking hoax…? | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@makerbot Files For Patent On A Design Derived | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | From Work By Its Community - | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | well, patents... | May 28 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MakerBot Files For Patent On A Design Derived From Work By Its Community | Techdirt | May 28 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #3dprinting | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Betty McCollum wants to prevent CIA from using | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | people involved in health or humanitarian roles | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | for intel purposes. | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 28 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diodesign The source code changes to TrueCrypt 7.2 | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (released 27 May) | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comparing master...7.2 · warewolf/truecrypt · GitHub | May 28 21:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs Wow, Truecrypt website says that development | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by was ended and that using it is insecure. Scary. | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs In case you missed it, this was the content on | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the official Truecrypt website: | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror (my mirror) | May 28 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt | May 28 21:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror This is the most hilarious #TrueCrypt rumor | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | yet: | May 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SGgrc: Early unsubstantiated rumor that the disappearance of today relates to tonight's Brian Williams / Snowden interview. | May 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | TrueCrypt | May 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Juniper Settles with Palo Alto for $175 Million | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Juniper Settles with Palo Alto for $175 Million | May 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #WikiLeaks on #Sweden ban: ‘How can you exclude | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden from internet freedom debate?’ | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sif14 #snowden | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Pigs fly and Mike Rogers actually submitted an | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | amendment @TimothyS and I might like. | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Rep. Trey Gowdy want to | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by give the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Board subpoena power. | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cnnbrk Apple says it will buy Beats, Dr. Dre's headset | May 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by maker and music streaming service, for $3 | May 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist billion. | May 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattapuzzo Fact check: If the Justice Department doesn't | May 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by want to send a reporter to jail, it could | May 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 withdraw its subpoena today. | May 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:49 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @FredericJacobs: 'Wow, Truecrypt website says that development was ended...' | May 28 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror A reminder - so-called "Lawful interception" is | May 28 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | a backdoor (with bugdoors): | May 28 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Root backdoor found in surveillance gear used by law enforcement | Ars Technica | May 28 21:50 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @runasand: 'I'm not sure why the TrueCrypt website suddenly...' | May 28 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Kerry's macho bravado ("man up") is not just | May 28 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by obnoxious but deceitful, since he'd be barred | May 28 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from arguing justification | May 28 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry to Edward Snowden: Man Up and Come Back to the U.S. | May 28 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald @mashable Kerry needs to "Snowden | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Up" | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SnowdenUp | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My intervu on gov treatment of "authorized" & | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "accidental" #leaks vs #whistleblower | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 disclosures like @JohnKiriakou's: | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WH does damage control after outing CIA chief in Afghanistan | On Air Videos | Fox News | May 28 21:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel So anyone know WHY Mike Rogers wants to prevent | May 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | senior NSA retirees to go work for other govts? | May 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | & why committee didn't back him? | May 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #WikiLeaks German fiscal sponsor @wauland with | May 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | fundraising campaign for #PayPal14 are | May 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | interviewed by @carwinb | May 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wau Holland Stiftung -- Home | May 28 21:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Petition signed by 1.8 MILLION delivered to AUS | May 28 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Parliament, calls for #TPP to be made public: | May 28 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 1.8 million people sign petition for TPP to be made public | | May 28 21:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Petition signed by 1.8 MILLION delivered to AUS Parliament, calls for #TPP to be made public: | May 28 21:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wauland Interview von @carwinb mit @wauland über die | May 28 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #PayPal14, Freiheit und Zivilcourage im | May 28 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Internet und @wikileaks (en) | May 28 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wau Holland Stiftung -- Home | May 28 21:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #TAFTA's Investor-State system is rigged: | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Take Action at: | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ISDS #TTIP | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 21:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a rigged system | Blog | May 28 21:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action | May 28 21:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TAFTA's Investor-State system is rigged: Take Action at: #ISDS #TTIP | May 28 21:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bengoldacre Post all press releases online, and give them | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by named authors. By me in the BMJ, toll-free link | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody here | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Post all press releases online, and give them named authors | BMJ | May 28 21:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @djmlaw1 @ggreenwald And Kerry further said that James | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Clapper should turn himself in for perjuring | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald himself to Congress - what? - he didn't? | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Bunnie Huang Shows Off His Open Source Laptop | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Video) | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bunnie Huang Shows Off His Open Source Laptop (Video) - Slashdot | May 28 22:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Why Snowden won't 'man up,' as Kerry | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by jingoistically put it, and 'trust the American | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody justice system' | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Snowden Won’t, As Kerry Jingoistically Put It, ‘Man Up’ & ‘Trust the American Justice System’ | The Dissenter | May 28 22:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Attn: @onekade This one is for you. | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative Must be nervewracking knowing your every word | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by could be recorded like that. | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 28 22:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA director forgets name of NSA program, hopes nobody is recording his speech - The Washington Post | May 28 22:04 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @djmlaw1: '@ggreenwald And Kerry further said that James Clapper...' | May 28 22:08 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @ioerror: 'A reminder - so-called "Lawful interception" is a...' | May 28 22:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Nintendo Has A Plan To Share Ad Revenue With | May 28 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | YouTubers, But Nobody's Happy About It | May 28 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nintendo Has A Plan To Share Ad Revenue With YouTubers, But Nobody's Happy About It | Techdirt | May 28 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @democracynow Snowden Gives First TV Interview to U.S. | May 28 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Network | May 28 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Headlines for May 28, 2014 | Democracy Now! | May 28 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand The NSA says releasing records about Snowden's | May 28 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by employment status "would constitute a clearly | May 28 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." | May 28 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Juniper Settles with Palo Alto for $175 Million | May 28 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | - EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 28 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Juniper Settles with Palo Alto for $175 Million | May 28 22:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schneierblog Eben Moglen on Snowden and Surveillance: This | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is well worth reading. It's based on a series | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody of talks he gave l... | May 28 22:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schneier on Security: Eben Moglen on Snowden and Surveillance | May 28 22:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher .@KGosztola: A "patriot,” if Kerry would like | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to be introduced to one, is @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #Snowden | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 28 22:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rossgarber Exclusive: Texas VA Run Like a ‘Crime | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Syndicate,’ Whistleblower Says | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 via @jacob__siegel | May 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Texas VA Run Like a 'Crime Syndicate,' Whistleblower Says - The Daily Beast | May 28 22:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rossgarber “@Norm_Pattis: Plea bargaining broken in | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by federal courts:” #nacdl | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EXCLUSIVE: Judge Jed Rakoff says plea-deal process is broken, offers solution - NY Daily News | May 28 22:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rossgarber Final Word on U.S. Law Isn’t: Supreme Court | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "quietly revising its decisions years after | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 they were issued" | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 28 22:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I'm surprised that the German federal | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | prosecutor's office is dropping the #NSA case | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | for lack of evidence. Did they even try to | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | reach people? | May 28 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:28 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @ioerror: 'I'm surprised that the German federal prosecutor's office...' | May 28 22:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I was never contacted by the German Federal | May 28 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Prosecutor - was #Snowden? Or His lawyer | May 28 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @benwizner? Sounds like a total lack of due | May 28 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | diligence. | May 28 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @craiu The Truecrypt shutdown reminds me very much of | May 28 22:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ladar Levison closing down Lavabit. | May 28 22:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 28 22:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:38 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @ioerror: 'I was never contacted by the German Federal...' | May 28 22:38 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian retweeted @runasand: 'The NSA says releasing records about Snowden's employment...' | May 28 22:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist IBM Patents Browser-Based Fraud Detection | May 28 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Technology | May 28 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IBM Patents Browser-Based Fraud Detection Technology - eSecurity Planet | May 28 22:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot TrueCrypt Website Says To Switch To BitLocker | May 28 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt Website Says To Switch To BitLocker - Slashdot | May 28 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror A reminder - so-called "Lawful interception" is | May 28 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a backdoor (with bugdoors): | May 28 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Root backdoor found in surveillance gear used by law enforcement | Ars Technica | May 28 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @arstechnica Root backdoor found in surveillance gear used | May 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by law enforcement by | May 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @dangoodin001 | May 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BlackHatEvents Submit to #BHEU Call for Papers by June 9th to | May 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by be considered! #BlackHat Europe will take place | May 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Oct 14-17 in Amsterdam | May 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Black Hat Europe 2014 | May 28 22:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 28 22:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 28 22:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 28 22:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 28 22:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 28 22:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 28 22:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JbJabroni10 .@JesselynRadack give up already, you fucking | May 28 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by retard. Lie lie lie. Misrepresent. | May 28 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack You're Ed's lawyer, of course you want | May 28 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | drip-drop zero pub'd | May 28 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Some pretty interesting amendments to the | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA/CIA/Intel authorization bill. | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | H.R. 4681—Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 | House Committee on Rules | May 28 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Always wonder why ppl who think I'm stupid and | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | dislike me continue to follow me. | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #UnfollowButton! | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (1/4) Truecrypt has released an update saying | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | that it is insecure and development has been | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | terminated | May 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt | May 28 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lennarthuizing US Chamber of Commerce unintentionally proves | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that climate action is very cheap and risk | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody free. | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:////®ion=Body&_r=6& ) | May 28 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (2/4) the style of the announcement is very | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | odd; however we believe it is likely to be | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | legitimate and not a simple defacement | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (3/4) the new executable contains the same | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | message and is cryptographically signed. We | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | believe that there is either a power conflict.. | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (4/4) in the dev team or psychological issues, | May 28 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | coersion of some form, or a hacker with access | May 28 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | to site and keys. | May 28 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot AMD and NVIDIA Trade Allegations, Denials Over | May 28 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Shady Tactics | May 28 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD and NVIDIA Trade Allegations, Denials Over Shady Tactics - Slashdot | May 28 23:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand The NSA says releasing records about Snowden's | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by employment status "would constitute a clearly | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Congratulations to @ggreenwald whom Michael | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kinsley generously says may have same rights as | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bob Woodward. | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// ) | May 28 23:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand The NSA rejected my #FOIA request to protect | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the privacy of Edward Snowden: | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Records from Booz Allen to the NSA regarding Snowden | Muckrock | May 28 23:04 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @runasand: 'The NSA says releasing records about Snowden's employment...' | May 28 23:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand The NSA is refusing to release the letter it | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by received from Booz Allen Hamilton regarding the | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 termination of Edward Snowden's employment. | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand Here's the story about that time Edward Snowden | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and I talked about practical cryptography in | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 December 2012: | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | That One Time I Threw A CryptoParty With Edward Snowden - Forbes | May 28 23:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Also, Kinsley accuses @Sulliview of sneering. | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | But he has other things to do, just so you | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | know. | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Here, @henryfarrell on George Packer: "the kind | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | of lack of intellectual integrity that he | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | accuses his opponents of." | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | George Packer and his problems — Crooked Timber | May 28 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Not yet! Only after election. RT | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @gregorydjohnsen: Ah, the bi-monthly 60-word | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | dance on AUMF language | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › Is the Administration Planning to Engage Congress on the AUMF in Late 2014? | May 28 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt TrueCrypt Page Says It's Not Secure, All | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Development Stopped | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt Page Says It's Not Secure, All Development Stopped | Techdirt | May 28 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard So "Planet Rock" was lifted from "Trans-Europe | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Express" ... then Karl Bartos remixed it. | May 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afrika Bambaataa - Planet Rock (Classic Mix) - YouTube | May 28 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:11 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Always wonder why ppl who think I'm stupid...' | May 28 23:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @runasand There will be a launch party for the 1.0 | May 28 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by release of @Tails_live in Washington, D.C. on | May 28 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 June 6th: | May 28 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails 1.0 Launch Party- Eventbrite | May 28 23:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "Like most people except Glenn Greenwald, I | May 28 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | think the issue is complicated and I have other | May 28 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | things to do." << Not a sneer, just so you know | May 28 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Changes to Truecrypt source code for 7.2 | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comparing master...7.2 · warewolf/truecrypt · GitHub | May 28 23:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel A pity "Like most people except Glenn | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Greenwald" is too long for a hash tag. | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Holder's comments do not 'hint' at NYT reporter | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by James Risen not being jailed for defying | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 subpoena | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Holder’s Comments to Journalists Do Not ‘Hint’ at NYT Reporter Not Being Jailed for Defying Subpoena | The Dissenter | May 28 23:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold This is a very valuable and hugely important | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by post by .@emptywheel on recent news surrounding | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Gitmo force feeding | May 28 23:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOD Reasserts Its Right to Force Feed While Not Denying Force Feeding Is Torture | emptywheel | May 28 23:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @danielnazer @emptywheel #LMPEGG | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Apple Confirms Purchase of Beats For $3 Billion | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple Confirms Purchase of Beats For $3 Billion - Slashdot | May 28 23:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Also, Kinsley apparently has a time machine | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | where he can hindsight people out of jail after | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | their leaks have proven valuable. | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Man up you sneerers. | May 28 23:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 28 23:25 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 28 23:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 I really wish far more people truly got just | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | how far NatSec-Corp regime has compromised our | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | security&stripped us of our | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy&sovereignty. | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist IBM Patents Browser-Based Fraud Detection | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Technology - eSecurity Planet | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IBM Patents Browser-Based Fraud Detection Technology - eSecurity Planet | May 29 00:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Microsoft Demos Real-Time Translation Over | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Skype | May 29 00:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Demos Real-Time Translation Over Skype - Slashdot | May 29 00:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140527 - | May 29 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 29 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140527 | May 29 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 29 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tqbf Am I the only one who thinks complex full disk | May 29 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by encryption built/maintained by anonymous | May 29 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian authors is a weird thing to promote? | May 29 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John Kiriakou's advice to #Snowden. "They will | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | twist your words and play on your patriotism to | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | entrap you" | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s Open Letter to Edward Snowden | The Dissenter | May 29 00:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Thai Coup Leaders Block Facebook, Claim They | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Didn't, As Gov't Official Admits They Did | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thai Coup Leaders Block Facebook, Claim They Didn't, As Gov't Official Admits They Did | Techdirt | May 29 00:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Apropos John Kerry's remarks on #Snowden today | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | (note date) | May 29 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: Cancelling Snowden's passport and bullying intermediary countries may keep Snowden permanently in Russia. Not the brightest bunch at State. | May 29 00:12 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 00:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Can You Help FDL Keep Poking the Powers? | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can you help FDL keep poking the powers? | MyFDL | May 29 00:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Google director may have assisted NSA spying | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | efforts in #Afghanistan | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 00:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When Google Met WikiLeaks | OR Books | May 29 00:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks (note that both RT and Pando go too far with | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | our views on Jared Cohen; we only say his | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | activities are suspicious in hindsight) | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Hunt Intensifies For Aliens On Kepler's Planets | May 29 01:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 01:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hunt Intensifies For Aliens On Kepler's Planets - Slashdot | May 29 01:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:02 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @firedoglake: 'Can You Help FDL Keep Poking the Powers?...' | May 29 01:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Imprisoned Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 29 01:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Thanks Supporters in New "Letter from Loretto" | May 29 01:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @firedoglake | May 29 01:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 29 01:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Rep. Alan Grayson wants to stop the NSA from | May 29 01:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by breaking NIST encryption standards. | May 29 01:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 01:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Rep. Trey Gowdy want to | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by give the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Board subpoena power. | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Rep. Peter Welch wants the gov't to start | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publicly releasing the intelligence budget (or | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 least the topline). | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Rep. Jan Schakowsky is proposing that the gov't | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by has to at least know your name before it seeks | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 to kill you. #27 on | May 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | H.R. 4681—Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 | House Committee on Rules | May 29 01:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Git v2.0.0: Released | May 29 01:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 01:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Git v2.0.0: Released | Tux Machines | May 29 01:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstoller Rush Holt wants to ban the gov't from forcing | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by electronics makers to put backdoors into their | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 products. | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Who Needs A Neural Interface? | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Who Needs A Neural Interface? | Techdirt | May 29 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @privacylawyer: Top lawyer to CSIS, CSEC & | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | RCMP named to be the next Privacy Commissioner | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian Privacy Law Blog: Prime Minister names DOJ's top national security and law enforcement lawyer as next Privacy Commissioner of Canada | May 29 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Amazon Confirms Hachette Spat Is To "Get a | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Better Deal" | May 29 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon Confirms Hachette Spat Is To "Get a Better Deal" - Slashdot | May 29 01:37 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 01:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Based on the gross remarks from 'prince' Charlie (comparing Putin to Hitler), those most afraid of Russian power are royal family (turf war) | May 29 01:43 | |
schestowitz | "Cut Charles some slack: If anyone alive still knows much about Hitler as a person, then it's the British Royal family:" | May 29 01:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russian TV mocks royals over Prince Charles likening Putin to Hitler | World news | The Guardian [ ] | May 29 01:43 | |
schestowitz | "wasn't it the brit banks that gave hitler kick-start for his war machine ?" | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | "All wars are turf wars between gangs that call themselves "the state"." | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | The Royal British banks Montagu Norman was best buddy with Hitler's banker Hjalmar Schacht. They also managed to keep doing business with each other despite the war (through the Bank of International Settlements). | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | Kickoff money for the Nazi party came from many bankers in the west, including George W. Bushs grandfather Prescott Bush. | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | ZOMG I DIDN'T LEARN THAT IN HISTORY CLASS! | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | /sarcast | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | ' | May 29 01:43 |
schestowitz | "Let's ask Indians what they think about the UK royal family, last time I checked they still remember the British raj." | May 29 01:44 |
schestowitz | "Don't be so mean to all those royals and nobles: They don't have as many grand-grandparents as you do. =P' | May 29 01:44 |
schestowitz | | May 29 01:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Native American Man Shuts up Anti-Immigrant Protesters in Arizona - YouTube | May 29 01:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist I’m late to Privacy Commissioner appointment. 3 | May 29 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | points: 1) Bernier came from Public Safety. | May 29 01:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Past ≠ Future 1/2 | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist 2) PMO sending message on how it views privacy | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | file 3) Was Therrien the recommended candidate | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | from external search firm? 2/2 | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@UrbanAchievr @20committee "Not Nearly As Bad | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | as Iran" is such an inspiring slogan. | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 29 01:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | USA! USA! USA! | May 29 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 01:48 |
schestowitz | | May 29 01:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #BrendanEich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing #DRM , Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | May 29 01:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Claims That Brendan Eich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing DRM, Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | Techrights [ ] | May 29 01:49 | |
schestowitz | The headline of my post was not copied correctly. I stated "New Claims That Brendan Eich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing DRM, Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past", which basically relays the opinion of what who wrote "why Eich had to go". Julian and Michał should read the original carefully. I merely gave coverage to one's theory that Eich had to go because of his adherence to Free/libre. | May 29 01:50 |
schestowitz | | May 29 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} , several people have been confused by a recent Techrights article about Eich. They <a href="">asked me if there was any proof that Eich was kicked out of Mozilla for opposing digital restrictions and projected gay hate on Techrights</a>. I told them that was an uncharitable projection, of course, but w | May 29 01:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #BrendanEich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing #DRM , Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | May 29 01:51 | |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:51 |
schestowitz | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) , several people have been confused by a recent Techrights article about Eich. They asked me if there was any proof that Eich was kicked out of Mozilla for opposing digital restrictions and projected gay hate on Techrights. I told them that was an uncharitable projection, of course, but wondered if there was anything that I had overlooked about Eich. | May 29 01:51 |
schestowitz | There's little doubt in my mind that the Microsoft press did as much damage to both Eich and Mozilla as they could and that pushing digital restrictions is a goal. I can't say that Mozilla kicked Eich out for the same reasons or if they were just disorganized and weak. | May 29 01:51 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:51 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | There we go with conspiracy theories. I was waiting for this to happen. -_-' | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | Blaming gays for DRM in 3... 2... 1... | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:52 |
qu1j0t3 | be worth knowing who "found" the Prop 8 donation | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | I should note that Techrights' only source for this claim is a blog post (on Blogger, no less) that shows a quote from the guy about DRMs. | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | There's a reason I don't follow Techrights: it's sensationalist and not a remotely trustworthy source of information. | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:52 |
qu1j0t3 | I find the donation abhorrent, but it's an interesting intersection with plutocratic aims | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | I would say it's a clear case of jumping to conclusions. | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | Is Brendan Eich a homophobe? Yes. | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | Is Brendan Eich against DRM? Yes. | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | Has Mozilla agreed to incorporate DRM in Firefox after Eich resigned? Yes. | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | Does that mean that pressure on Eich was due to DRM? Not necessarily. | May 29 01:52 |
schestowitz | Making such accusations without proper source is silly, and harmful, as it takes people's valuable time from being spent on (for example) creating a new DRM-free web browser. | May 29 01:53 |
schestowitz | While we're at this level of discourse, I could as well claim that "Techrights are funded by Microsoft and Apple, and it's evident because they support their cause by publishing articles that sow dissent in the FLOSS community". | May 29 01:53 |
schestowitz | Just silly. | May 29 01:53 |
schestowitz | ' | May 29 01:53 |
schestowitz | yes, perhaps | May 29 01:53 |
schestowitz | maybe the pope likes DRM :-p | May 29 01:53 |
qu1j0t3 | "Not necessarily" but definitely worth investigating. | May 29 01:53 |
qu1j0t3 | it just too much of a coincidence | May 29 01:53 |
qu1j0t3 | also, it's an ABOUT FACE in corporate attitude on perhaps the #1 issue they faced | May 29 01:53 |
qu1j0t3 | so.... | May 29 01:53 |
qu1j0t3 | i'd say that they don't deserve the benefit of any doubt here | May 29 01:53 |
schestowitz | Yeah | May 29 01:54 |
schestowitz | Well, what can I say... Catholism | May 29 01:54 |
schestowitz | anyway, some people tell me that religions like gays are used for goals of outsiders | May 29 01:54 |
schestowitz | they're just means of achieving goals | May 29 01:54 |
schestowitz | Obama and Hillary also opposes gay marriage | May 29 01:55 |
schestowitz | Hillary until last year | May 29 01:55 |
schestowitz | Obama until years agoi | May 29 01:55 |
schestowitz | yet they can run for public office | May 29 01:55 |
schestowitz | dirt is easy to pick with political correctness | May 29 01:55 |
schestowitz | !google maher political correctness cos | May 29 01:55 |
TechrightsSocial | [1] - 'Child, please!' Can Bill Maher get more absurd? His latest idiocy on ... | | May 29 01:55 |
TechrightsSocial | [2] - Political correctness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | May 29 01:55 |
TechrightsSocial | [3] - Despite 'Religious Freedom' Law, Miss. Businesses Promise 'We ... | | May 29 01:55 |
TechrightsSocial | [4] - Real Time with Bill Maher - Priceless response by Cornel West ... | | May 29 01:55 |
schestowitz | No, I think there's more to it than that. I might have overlooked the significance of Eich favoring "watermarking" instead of digital restrictions when I read his blogs. It is true that Eich took a strong stand against digital restrictions as a matter of principle. | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | The thought is not a waste of time. It is just as silly to dismiss it as it is to believe it without further evidence. Eich himself may not be free to talk, so we might not get anything of value on this for a long time. | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | It's a shame that the source making the case uses foolish terms like "gay mafia" to describe what might have been an ugly hijack of a good cause. We have a common cause of personal liberty to defend. That's not how it's done. Techrights most certainly did not blame gays for DRM. | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | Is there a reason you follow me, Julian? | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | QUOTE | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | "How so? People come up with ideas like this all the time, and just about all of them are nonsense. It's far more probable that this is a coincidence." | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | \[ | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | It's silly to conclude something is a coincidence because it makes sense that it's not. Why do you think it's a coincidence? | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | There are lots of examples of people opposed to Microsoft/Publisher/NSA corruption who got pushed out of the way. Previously, I named Peter Quinn in Massachusetts, Jerry Yang over at Yahoo and Mark Hurd at HP. There's a real pattern of people being destroyed for having stood up for the best interests of their company when that conflicted with Microsoft. Now that Microsoft's role in NSA spying has been proved beyond a doubt, | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | we can more confidently project a connection between the two. Yahoo stood up to NSA spying and was crushed. Quinn's recommendation of ODF for state documents was a good idea for everyone but Microsoft and people who might use Windows as a spy machine. Hurd tried to liberate HP from Microsoft with WebOS and gnu/linux. All were quickly removed. | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | Digital restrictions and non free software are cornerstones of censorship and spying. My government wants both for everyone. It's time to connect the dots between private profit and oppressive US government action. | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:56 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | It'd make a hell of a lot more sense as a reason for letting him go. | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | I'm sorta torn here, morally and idealistically, I back Eich's anti-DRM stance. | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | However, from a market share and business perspective, I understand the direction Mozilla went and would reluctantly even say that I'd likely come to the same decision as what the current CEO has offered on the matter. | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | It's a tricky situation. | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | "I don't think so, Alien. Digital restrictions are going to kill Mozilla anyway. Microsoft has already denied 3d accelerated graphics to Firefox and other free software on Windows 8. Microsoft and Apple will slowly strangle them this way. It would be better for Mozilla to use their existing reputation and market share to tell people to dump Windows and OSX. Every effort they put into hostile platforms could make gnu/linux or | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | Firefox OS that much better." | May 29 01:57 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | So, these are the reasons why we should really demand facts and proof, instead of accepting correlation as causation: - | May 29 01:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spurious Correlations | May 29 01:58 | |
schestowitz | It is just as silly to dismiss it as it is to believe it without further evidence. | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | Not true. Consider Russel's Teapot. If, as you say, "it's as silly do dismiss it as it is to believe it without further evidence", do you on these grounds not dismiss (i.e. "hold") that there is a teapot made of fine china, floating around somewhere around Earth and Mars? | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | It's called "burden of proof": if somebody claims something, they're supposed to provide proof. | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | If we would not dismiss stuff (like Spurious Correlations, or the Russel's Teapot) simply because there is no further evidence, we would not be able to move forward, intellectually, scientifically and philosophically, at all. | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | Until there's proof that Brendan Eich was deliberately pushed out of Mozilla due to his stance on DRM, I will treat any and all articles claiming this (and not providing such proof) as dissent-sowing conspiracy theorizers that, deliberately or not, hinder the FLOSS community. | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | You, of course, may choose otherwise. | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | "Oh, and I agree 100% on the "DRM is going to kill Mozilla, Mozilla should have defended their values here" part, of course.' | May 29 01:58 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | I'm passing on someone else's more careful observation. It's not a proof, but it corrects a mistake I made earlier. If it's true that "Eich stood firmly in the way of Mozilla incorporating DRM into Firefox," we all deserve to know it. | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | I also think we can also all agree that, | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | The treatment of Eich and promotion of DRM will do huge harm to Firefox and Mozilla. Many people disagreed with a position that Eich held outside his professional field half a decade ago, but those same people strongly disagree with the way some people in Mozilla treated Eich, not to mention the actions taken after his departure. Mozilla seems to be suffering an identity crisis of some kind. | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | All of it was handled poorly. They should have gotten John Maddog Hall to teach Eich why he should have apologized and fixed the issue. Dropping a big fat Adobe binary in the middle of Firefox is a pretty good sign of identity crisis. | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | The rest may or may not ever be exposed in public. This thing is noted and deserves follow up by people in a position to do so. | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | ' | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | | May 29 01:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ <h3>About Liars and Jumping to Conclusions</h3> Dishonest people are infuriating because they force the rest of us to do a lot of extra work and inherently force logical inconsistencies on us. To protect ourselves we often have to act on incomplete information. In the worst cases, dishonest people make us doubt our honest neighbors and ourselves. Microsoft is a particularly outrageous collection of | May 29 01:59 | |
schestowitz | "Here's an essay on why it's often a good idea to jump to conclusions these days. We're talking about monkey business not physics here. If you want to understand monkeys, you have to have an open mind and be careful not to rule things out before you have proof one way or another. Unlike the natural world, people make things up and lie about it all the time. It's a good idea to protect yourself in ways that don't hurt anyone | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | or unduly impede yourself." | May 29 01:59 |
schestowitz | "Could you explain how being gullible prevents you from being fooled by liars? I don't see how that follows." | May 29 02:00 |
schestowitz | "But jumping to conclusions on that matter hurts Mozilla and the community. When one throws around such heavy accusations ("the LGBTQ thing was just a way of getting rid of a DRM opposer"), one has to have strong proof." | May 29 02:00 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:00 |
schestowitz | I'm not sure that jumping to this conclusion hurts Mozilla more than the fact that they are implementing digital restrictions. When it comes to reasonable reactions, it does not matter why Mozilla is doing this or what other bad things were done to make it happen. The right reaction is to remove the restrictions in a fork. | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | Of course, I'm not presenting this theory as a fact either. It's a reasonable suspicion that based on current Mozilla actions and the things Eich said in the past and the tremendous Microsoft press reaction to Eich dirt. Mozilla is embracing digital restrictions in a way that Eich might not have. The Microsoft press made as much trouble for Mozilla as they could about Eich, something that did a lot of damage to Mozilla. It | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | reminds me a lot of the way Microsoft tore down Yahoo by attacking Yang. | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | "#BrendanEich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing #DRM , Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past" is a strong statement making very strong assumptions and the article does not offer even a slightest bit of a proof. This is spin, and an attempt to get eyeballs with a makeshift "scandal", playing on lowest human emotions (hate towards gay community, for example). | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | I would be perfectly fine with: "Eich's departure made it possible for Mozilla to embrace DRM", as that would be a factual statement, yet newsworthy, and everybody would be able to make their own mind. It would also be a much better voice in the discussion, even a possible stepping stone to a wider debate on whether or not something somebody did 5 years ago should have any bearing. | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | The way it has been put, though, is off-putting, borderline slander. There is no possibility of an intelligent, polite debate with such a statement, you either are "for", or "against", and it's entirely polarizing (in a bad way). | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | This is "journalism" on The Sun/Daily Mail level. | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:01 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | You should check your own assumptions, Michal. Roy publishes what he thinks is true and does not care much for "eyeballs." Though I'd hardly fault him for it if it were financially successful, Techrights hardly makes enough money to pay for bandwidth. It's been a labor of love for him for about a decade. Some of the sources have more than a hint of hate to them but that's a poor thing to project onto Techrights. | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | Again, I think your standards for evidence here are too high. Roy has formed an opinion that has nothing to do with hate and everything to do with prior experience of the actors. I pass on Techrights because Roy is a careful researcher with a long memory. He's quoted his own articles to remember Eich's stand against DRM. I don't think we will find better evidence unless someone blows a whistle. | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | If you would like to help him out, you can always join the IRC channel and chat. | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | There is a world of difference between "In my opinion X", and "X". One should not claim "X" without evidence, and the fact that a). Eich was against DRM; b). Eich was driven out of Mozilla is by far not enough evidence for "Eich was driven out of Mozilla due to DRM". | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | Eich also wrote JavaScript. Using the same logic one could claim that "Eich has been driven out of Mozilla for creating JavaScript". There is simply no connection proven, or even hinted at by any evidence. | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | ' | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | "That is just a clear case of post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy." | May 29 02:02 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | It would be more like Eich wrote JavaScript, Mozilla fired Eich and then eliminated JavaScript, therefore Eich was fired to get rid of JavaScript. That's not quite a post hoc ergo propter hoc, because there are other relations between events. | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | There are certainly other suspicious circumstances. Microsoft's infiltration of W3C to corrupt web standards, the inclusion of the same restrictions in other "popular" browsers and the outsized contribution by the Microsoft press to Eich's removal are disturbing coincidences. | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | Roy does not say it in his article, so I can't speak for him, but at the time I thought the attack on Eich for his nasty $1,000 donation ten years ago was an organized campaign. David Gerard called that "conspiratorial wanking" at the time and blocked me on the pluss because of it. I asked myself, how is it that this one person's donation leaked out, and why was such a big deal being made of it when there are so many other | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | nasty things going on? All I could think was that Microsoft keeps plenty of blackmail on competitors and uses it when they think they can do some damage. Should gay people be angry at Eich? Yes, of course, but that's what blackmail is all about - making trouble between friends by selectively exposing common behavior. The Microsoft press is a very loud kind of exposure. | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | When you put all of this together, the picture is just a little less subtle than the hijack of Yahoo or Nokia. One piece reinforces the other. Perhaps I'm seeing patterns in clouds, but you have to admit these clouds look a hell of a lot like the usual Microsoft hit job. | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | I admit that some circumstances are peculiar, and it's perfectly fine to ask questions, and seek answers. | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | What is definitely not okay is to make an impression of having answers when there is no proof. And both the title, and the body of Roy's article does that. | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 02:03 |
schestowitz | "So, why don't you ask Roy what he means? Did you use the comments section, IRC or call him to this discussion? I'm convinced by the circumstances that Microsoft organized a campaign against both Eich and Mozilla, exploiting a good cause to harm a competitor, but I don't know what convinced Roy. If you ask him, maybe he will tell you something he omitted by accident and should add to the article." | May 29 02:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Top lawyer to Canadian intel agencies CSIS, | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | CSEC & RCMP named to be the next Privacy | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Commissioner. WTF? | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian Privacy Law Blog: Prime Minister names DOJ's top national security and law enforcement lawyer as next Privacy Commissioner of Canada | May 29 02:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee Fucking Hell, I got involuntarily converted to | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | New Twitter (TM). | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 29 02:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | I suspect an #FSBplot is involved. | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Shep Pettibone 98.7 kiss fm Mastermix _ New | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | York 1981 part 1 lots | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | of these, all *ridiculously* good | May 29 02:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 98.7 kiss fm Mastermix _ New York 1981 _ part 1 - YouTube | May 29 02:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Wow! I got this cake today and a thank you card | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | from the Ubuntu community. Thanks so much, | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | mystery cake people. :-) | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: Wow! I got this cake today and a thank you card from the Ubuntu community. Thanks so much, mystery cake people. :-) | May 29 02:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Outlook dot com (Hotmail) now using STARTTLS | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | server-server encryption. Two months ago, it | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | didn't. Suck it NSA. | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 29 02:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian In the year since the first Snowden story, bulk | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance of Yahoo, Google and Hotmail | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | emails has become much more difficult. | May 29 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM | May 29 02:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | 64-bit server production software deployment | May 29 02:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 02:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM 64-bit server production software deployment | Tux Machines | May 29 02:51 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | Tux Machines | May 29 02:51 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.2 Adds Support or | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | Photos and Maps | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.2 Adds Support or Photos and Maps | Tux Machines | May 29 02:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Continued controversy | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | over #SIF14 blacklist; Wau Holland opens fund | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | for PayPal14 | May 29 02:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 28 May 2014 | May 29 02:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Bing now supports TLS Perfect Forward Secrecy, | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | "A" grade for server config, but still not | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | enabled by default. | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL Server Test / | May 29 02:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @Lisa_M_Austin: Official Opposition rejects | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | PM’s pick of Daniel Therrien as privacy | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | commissioner | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PM’s pick of Daniel Therrien as privacy watchdog alarms NDP - Politics - CBC News | May 29 02:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The #1 Google result for "Bing" is the | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | encrypted Bing URL. The #1 Bing result for | May 29 02:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Bing" is the unencrypted Bing URL. > Bing | May 29 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | remains unsafe. | May 29 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @xor @csoghoian that's why I always Google Bing | May 29 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by before I Bing the next thing | May 29 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 29 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Robots Will Pave the Way To Mars | May 29 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 03:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robots Will Pave the Way To Mars - Slashdot | May 29 03:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday A Command Line Web Browsing with Lynx and Links | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tools: tecmint: For System Administrators who | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | generally don't... | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - A Command Line Web Browsing with Lynx and Links Tools | May 29 03:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "I have no relationship w/ Russian | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | gov. I've never met #Putin. They're not paying | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | me or supporting me. I am not a Russian spy." | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "I took no data to Russia. I can't | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | access the do intents." | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "I was trained as a spy FOR THE US." | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden "I was on Ft. Meade at time of 9/11." | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | As was another #NSA #whistleblower, | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | '@Thomas_Drake1. | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Whistleblowers like Drake, Kiriakou, Manning, | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Radack & Snowden have this in common: 9/11 | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou moved them to go serve their country | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden intervu on #NBC: pretty choppy | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | editing. Lose some extended context others have | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | heard in greater detail." | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kath_McClellan State: "We revoked #Snowden passport b-4 he | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by left HK but he was somehow allowed 2 fly." | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack That makes NO SENSE. | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | No wonder no official named. | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden resents govt exploitation of "national | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trauma that we all suffered together" to | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack justify programs never proven to keep us safe | May 29 03:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:23 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "I have no relationship w/ Russian gov....' | May 29 03:23 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 03:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #BrendanEich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing #DRM , Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | May 29 03:27 | |
schestowitz | Thanks for clearing that up, Roy."" | May 29 03:27 |
schestowitz | "Thanks for clearing that up, Roy." | May 29 03:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Claims That Brendan Eich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing DRM, Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | Techrights [ ] | May 29 03:27 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden "I was on Ft. Meade at time...' | May 29 03:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack "Any intel service can invade any phone the | May 29 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | minute it connects to a network. Can turn it | May 29 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | on, take pictures on it, download data f/ it." | May 29 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @a_greenberg #Snowden says your powered-off phone can be | May 29 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by turned on by the NSA. (Unless you put it in the | May 29 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian fridge, presumably.) | May 29 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "#NSA can almost get into the way you | May 29 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | think one keystroke at a time." | May 29 03:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:30 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 03:32 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian retweeted @JesselynRadack: '"Any intel service can invade any phone the...' | May 29 03:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: What's shocking is "dirtiness of | May 29 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by targeting...lack of respect for public, lack of | May 29 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 respect for intrusiveness of surveillance" | May 29 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden says NSA has records from him raising | May 29 03:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by concerns about NSA's interpretations of legal | May 29 03:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 authorities; did go thru proper channels | May 29 03:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: "I reported there were real problems | May 29 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by w/ way NSA was interpreting legal authorities." | May 29 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Response: "you should stop asking questions" | May 29 03:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:34 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 03:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack "I did go thru channels: Office of Gen Csl, | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Oversite & Compliance Office, 2 supervisors." | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA admits to NBC it DOES have record of his | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | compl | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kath_McClellan .@NBCNightlyNews confirms from "many sources" | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that #Snowden wrote general counsel about NSA's | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack twisted (and secret) legal interpretations. | May 29 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:35 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @kgosztola: 'Snowden: "I reported there were real problems w/...' | May 29 03:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John Kiriakou to #Snowden "...we are devolving | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | into a police state. Your whistleblowing will | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | help to save us. | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ ) | May 29 03:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "I didn't take info that wud harm | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | individuals or put lives at risk. And if you | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | look at what's been published, it bears that | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | out." | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden demanded journalists check w/ the gov | May 29 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | before publishing. | May 29 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@kgosztola I confronted lead NSA attorney on | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass surveillance authorities 1st wk Oct'01: | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | told WH approved, all legal, don't ask anymore | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Qs | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola NBC has filed FOIA request for records on | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden going through proper channels | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "I'm not going to walk into a jail | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | cell to be a bad example and scare of | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblowers." | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:49 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '"I did go thru channels: Office of Gen...' | May 29 03:49 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "I'm not going to walk into a...' | May 29 03:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @micahflee "The Espionage Act provides anyone accused of | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it no chance to make a public defense" #Snowden | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden on "facing the music": "The music is | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | not an open trial and fair process. It's the | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Espionage act." | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden explains to Americans how anyone | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by charged w/ violating Espionage Act is not able | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou to make public interest defense in court | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @micahflee "When people say go home and face the music, | May 29 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you have to understand. The music isn't an open | May 29 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou court and a fair trial." #Snowden | May 29 03:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:50 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden on "facing the music": "The music is...' | May 29 03:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "What is RIGHT is not necessarily | May 29 03:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | what is LEGAL." CItes history of civil | May 29 03:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | disobedience. | May 29 03:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:51 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden on "facing the music": "The music is...' | May 29 03:51 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "What is RIGHT is not necessarily what...' | May 29 03:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "Ppl don't set their lives on fire & | May 29 03:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | burn down everything they love for no reason." | May 29 03:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Jeffwrcct Brian Williams asks #Snowden about going | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by through proper channels, maybe Brian should ask | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #NSA whistleblower @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:52 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "Ppl don't set their lives on fire...' | May 29 03:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola .@Thomas_Drake1 was also told not to ask | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by questions by NSA deputy general counsel Vito | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Potenza #Snowden | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Top NSA Lawyer Says He Didn’t Want to Be Bothered by Tom Drake’s Concerns About Warrantless Wiretapping | The Dissenter | May 29 03:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeAreChangeCT For more info about #Snowden, @Thomas_Drake1's | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by story & the #NSA check out our interview w/ | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack... | May 29 03:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden's Attorney Jesselyn Radack Speaks to WeAreChangeCT - YouTube | May 29 03:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @royshanqq @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 not nearly | May 29 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by enough about the programs in place..still..and | May 29 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 the admin lies surrounding them | May 29 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:53 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @micahflee: '"The Espionage Act provides anyone accused of it...' | May 29 03:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FrancisJeffrey7 @Thomas_Drake1 @kgosztola Besides creeping | May 29 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Authoritarian risk, the real scandal exposed is | May 29 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 the vast, covert corruption of Law by | May 29 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | officials. | May 29 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "The beauty of the Internet is that | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | my community is not restricted to physical | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | presence." | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola How is giving all this up not courageous? | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden | May 29 03:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kgosztola: How is giving all this up not courageous? #Snowden | May 29 03:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: "Being a patriot doesn't mean | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by prioritizing service to government above all | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou else." | May 29 03:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:57 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "Ppl don't set their lives on fire...' | May 29 03:58 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @micahflee: '"The Espionage Act provides anyone accused of it...' | May 29 03:58 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @kgosztola: 'Snowden: "Being a patriot doesn't mean prioritizing service...' | May 29 03:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "Being a patriot means knowing when | May 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | to protect your countrymen, the Constitution, | May 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ...against bad policies." | May 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "I miss my family, home, colleagues, | May 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | work. What do I NOT miss?" | May 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 03:59 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "Being a patriot means knowing when to...' | May 29 04:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack No Brian, he's saying he feels that most ppl at | May 29 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA are good--it's just an unaccountable | May 29 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | leadership that acts in secret & lies about it. | May 29 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "I sleep more soundly at night." | May 29 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: "Senior officials are investing | May 29 04:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by themselves with powers they are not entitled | May 29 04:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 to" & not asking for public's consent | May 29 04:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: "I may have lost my ability to travel | May 29 04:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by but I've gained the ability to go to sleep at | May 29 04:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 night..." | May 29 04:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:03 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 18 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 104 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 29 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (18) | May 29 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 29 04:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 29 04:11 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "I sleep more soundly at night."' | May 29 04:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kath_McClellan Hey Brian, I go to sleep at night grateful | May 29 04:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden had courage to come forward. | May 29 04:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Haven't been worried abt massive leaks since I | May 29 04:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | was pregnant | May 29 04:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Quite an over-simplification of what motivated | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden & distracts from selflessness of the | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 act | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kgosztola: Quite an over-simplification of what motivated Snowden & distracts from selflessness of the act | May 29 04:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LucyKafanov "It's frustrating for someone working so hard 2 | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by expand our rights to end up in a place where | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 rights r being challenged" #Snowden on #Russia | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KatrinaNation Civics 101 with Edward Snowden on NBC tonight. | May 29 04:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kath_McClellan Everything #Snowden said tonight is completely | May 29 04:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by consistent with what he's said in the past | May 29 04:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 year. | May 29 04:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Can't say the same for gov't officials. | May 29 04:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:20 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'No Brian, he's saying he feels that most...' | May 29 04:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Funny how Obama made a big tent empire speech | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by today that by reliable accounts was horrifying | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 and now Snowden is slaying reactionaries on NBC | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Yes more of this please RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Edward Snowden: “What is right is not the same | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 as what is legal." | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dguido People, seriously. Your blind deference to FDE | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by software with known weaknesses is appalling. | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian TrueCrypt was never safe. #evilmaid #tpm | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dguido .@seancomeau ... Yes! Any FDE software without | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by TPM support can be trivially backdoored via | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian brief physical access. | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourAnonNews Said Snowden, said Manning, said Drake, said | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ellsberg, et al RT @ClipperChip: "The reality | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 is that this was needed to be told to the | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | public" | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @devicemag Comcast CEO has a ridiculous explanation | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by >> | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @FCC @EFF @ACLU | May 29 04:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comcast CEO Roberts interview: We’re hated because others raise prices | BGR | May 29 04:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comcast CEO has a ridiculous explanation for why everyone hates his company : technology | May 29 04:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@devicemag: Comcast CEO has a ridiculous explanation >> @FCC @EFF @ACLU @doctorow | May 29 04:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @d_a_harper Thanks @doctorow for encouraging my daughters | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to ask questions about Gitmo and | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow security-v-privacy. Hope Homeland inspires | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | similar questions. | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Grizzlysgrowls Reading "Makers" by @doctorow . Saying it's | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by good is like saying sex is good. But then I | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow read a lot of @doctorow . :) | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ProfSteveFuller Which reminds me: Tomorrow at high noon | May 29 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow and I debate 'the world after | May 29 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow tomorrow' @HTLGIFestival: | May 29 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 04:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hay-on-Wye Philosophy Festival 2014 - Buy Tickets Online | May 29 04:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cerebralsalad Whoa, #TrueCrypt is / may have been | May 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by compromised? That's massive news if true | May 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow (cc @doctorow) | May 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “TrueCrypt is not secure,” official SourceForge page abruptly warns | Ars Technica | May 29 04:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@kgosztola Complete lie by Leiter. Perversion | May 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | of law approved by WH in league w/ Gen Hayden & | May 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | OGC cover enabling secret surveillance powers | May 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola On web, NBC News showing clip of Snowden | May 29 04:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by talking about secret interpretation of 4th | May 29 04:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Amdt, which didn't make aired primetime | May 29 04:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | interview | May 29 04:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: How to talk to your cat about gun safety | May 29 04:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 04:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:31 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @dguido: 'People, seriously. Your blind deference to FDE software...' | May 29 04:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ClipperChip What a #Popcorn week. Matt DeHart unbelievable | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by story, Sabu walks, Truecrypt dies mysteriously | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 and Germany has no evidence against NSA. | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "I’ve learned that people will forget what you | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | said, people will forget what you did, but | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | people will..." | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: natural-magics: gothiccharmschool: Look. | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | At this. CAKE. Bird skulls molded from | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | chocolate! ... | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "Success is liking yourself, liking what you | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | do, and liking how you do it. - Maya Angelou" - | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Somehow I’d... | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@runasand @declanm Never used TrueCrypt, never | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | will. Way too many Qs. Much of what goes or | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | gets by as 'security' in software is insecure. | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Andrea Mitchell says intel community delighted | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by House bills cause they give them more leeway | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #Snowden | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: neil-gaiman: kateordie: The Art of Neil | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gaiman came out today - written by | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ALMOST-Valkyrie Hayley... | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Colinfreeze Wow. Snowden likes The Wire but The Wire guy | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by doesn't seem to like Snowden. David Simon on | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 metadata and the state. | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: torbooks: Removing Roadblocks to | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Community: Tom Doherty on DRM at Book Expo of | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | America “Ultimately... | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | David Simon | We are shocked, shocked… | May 29 04:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Humble eBook Bundle 4, now with graphic novels! | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | - humblebundle: More literary works and now | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | graphic novels... | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: geekymerch: Donkey Who is the latest | May 29 04:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | t-shirt available at | May 29 04:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | You can get this Dr Who /... | May 29 04:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 04:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aplentee | May 29 04:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Why The Trial Lawyers May Have Miscalculated In | May 29 04:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Killing Patent Reform, And How It May Come Back | May 29 04:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Bite Them | May 29 04:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why The Trial Lawyers May Have Miscalculated In Killing Patent Reform, And How It May Come Back To Bite Them | Techdirt | May 29 04:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Why didn't NBC include this part about having | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by too big a haystack & intel agencies missing | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Tsarnaevs in primetime interview? | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola On web, Snowden talking about how 9/11 | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commission found intel agencies had all info | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 needed to detect plots. Didn't make primetime | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | interview | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@kgosztola Intel needed to detect plots is | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | precisely what I shared w/ Congress & two 9/11 | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Congressional investigations in '02. Not in | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | rprts | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: We're "piling more hay on a haystack | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by we already don't understand. This is haystack | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 of human lives of every American citizen." | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola What's remarkable is how this NBC panel is | May 29 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reflecting on issues related to nat'l security | May 29 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 state they've never fully considered before | May 29 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Surprisingly, this isn't nauseating: | May 29 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by But I think that's | May 29 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 because character of Snowden is so strong | May 29 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 04:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Join Brian Williams for Live Reaction and Analysis to the Snowden Interview - NBC News | May 29 04:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Chuck Todd: Bush, Obama never had conversation | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by w/ Americans on privacy vs. security; why what | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Snowden did resonates | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@DevinRuic Not Dots. Actionable intel based | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | on asymmetric information not properly shared | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | or discovered pre & post 9/11. Truth covered up | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Just did @BBC. Now going to B-E-D. | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HayekandHockey I enjoyed #InsideSnowden and the panel, but I | May 29 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by think it focused way too much on what Snowden | May 29 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 did instead of what the government does | May 29 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CarySkelton Very compelling interview. Hard to make up my | May 29 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mind. While I have nothing to hide, it's scary | May 29 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 to think there's no where to. #InsideSnowden | May 29 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:11 |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Display Management in Plasma | Daniel Vrátil's blog [ ] | May 29 05:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Multi-Monitor Control Getting An Overhaul - Slashdot | May 29 05:14 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google [ ] | May 29 05:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gentoo Forums :: View topic - KDE 4.6 with 3 monitors [ ] | May 29 05:14 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Triple head with HP Pavilion dv6 (Page 1) / Laptop Issues / Arch Linux Forums [ ] | May 29 05:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Triple head with AMD Radeon HD 6470M HP Pavilion dv7 [ ] | May 29 05:14 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bug #329466 “No support for triple head configurations in Kubunt...” : Bugs : “nvidia-common” package : Ubuntu [ ] | May 29 05:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [kubuntu] Triple Head on Kubuntu with Nvidia. [ ] | May 29 05:15 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How do i connect both a vga monitorr and hdmi monitor to my laptop? - Laptops - Laptops & Notebooks [ ] | May 29 05:16 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:17 |
schestowitz | " Most laptops only support one external monitor. Sometimes 2 can be used with a docking station. " | May 29 05:17 |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plugging two external screens to laptop via VGA and HDMI - Ask Ubuntu [ ] | May 29 05:18 | |
schestowitz | "I have an Asus U30JC laptop with a VGA and HDMI ports. I can connect my external screen (1920x1200) to either of those ports but I wonder if I would be able to use two screens at the same time, one plugged to the VGA and the other to the HDMI socket." | May 29 05:18 |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 314 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1188 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 29 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (24), @JesselynRadack (23), @emptywheel (17) | May 29 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @Thomas_Drake1 (68), @glynmoody (15), @ioerror (14) | May 29 05:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #Snowden (48), #NSA (10), #linux (8) | May 29 05:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dave_sennerud Snowden is #patriot who helped bring some | May 29 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by accountability to a gov't run amok behind the | May 29 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 cover of top-secret classification. | May 29 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #InsideSnowden | May 29 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @beforeitsnews Former Princeton Physics Professor and NASA | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Astronaut Blows Whistle on UFOs: Technological | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Implications | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Princeton Physics Professor and NASA Astronaut Blows Whistle on UFOs: Technological Implications | Alternative | May 29 05:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm The real news from the NBC interview: | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by government officials now admit they *do* have | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 proof Snowden raised issues internally before | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | leaking. | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @briankrebs True Goodbye: 'Using TrueCrypt is not Secure'; | May 29 05:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by My take on the events with TrueCrypt this week. | May 29 05:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 05:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | True Goodbye: ‘Using TrueCrypt Is Not Secure’ — Krebs on Security | May 29 05:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald It's called (1) Be yourself and (2) Tell the | May 29 05:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Truth. The End. | May 29 05:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@LukeRussert: Snowden got the best media prep of any high profile interviewee I've ever seen. | May 29 05:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #Washington | May 29 05:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:29 |
schestowitz | | May 29 05:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Pavilion DV2000 Disassembly - YouTube [ ] | May 29 05:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: "I may have lost my ability to travel | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by but I've gained the ability to go to sleep at | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald night..." | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brianstelter Snowden invokes Iraq war lies: "It shows the | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by problem of putting too much faith in | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald intelligence systems without debating them in | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | public." | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Comcast-Time Warner Deal May Hinge On Low-Cost | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet Plan | May 29 05:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comcast-Time Warner Deal May Hinge On Low-Cost Internet Plan - Slashdot | May 29 05:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BuzzFeedAndrew Snowden on why he doesn’t return to “face the | May 29 05:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by music” :“The music is not open court and a fair | May 29 05:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald trial." | May 29 05:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:43 |
schestowitz | trying to drive 3 monitors off my laptop | May 29 05:55 |
schestowitz | Doubt this will work | May 29 05:55 |
schestowitz | one out of VGA, another out of HDMI | May 29 05:55 |
schestowitz | I think the graphics card can only propagate the signal through either at a time | May 29 05:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @passantino Video: Full NBC News interview with Edward | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 29 05:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden NBC NEWS FULL INTERVIEW - YouTube | May 29 05:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @benwizner There will be a LOT of govt-sourced stories | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about cyber and terror threats in the next 24 | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian hours. | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Lots of community events, talks, and training | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | in my future - #cls | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #community | May 29 05:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Community Leadership Summit 2014, New Forum, OSCON, Training, and More! | jonobacon@home | May 29 05:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ionCURR3NT Google Lunar XPRIZE - Dome Show Trailer: | May 29 06:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @YouTube | May 29 06:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 29 06:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Lunar XPRIZE - Dome Show Trailer - YouTube | May 29 06:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative You know, you can disagree with what Snowden | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by did, but "man up" is a weird thing to tell a | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror guy who burned down a comfy life on principle. | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Oh Canada, what have you done? | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacy | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian Privacy Law Blog: Prime Minister names DOJ's top national security and law enforcement lawyer as next Privacy Commissioner of Canada | May 29 06:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Custom-made squid body-pillows | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 06:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Federal judge hands evil porno copyright troll | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Prenda law its own ass on a plate. Boom! | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 06:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Appeals court nukes the copyright troll business-model - Boing Boing | May 29 06:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Federal judge hands evil porno copyright troll Prenda law its own ass on a plate. Boom! | May 29 06:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Shambling Guide | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to New York City; Swedish poet votes Pirate | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Party; Red Mars is AMAZING | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 06:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 06:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Cognitive Bias Parade: CC-licensed collage | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by illustrations of predictable irrationality | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 06:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 06:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Visual gags in comedies: US vs UK | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 06:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 06:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Crowdfunding a | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by stenographer for Manning; Tory MP expensed his | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow servants' wing;... | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 06:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Plush octopus backpack | May 29 06:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 06:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 06:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 06:22 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 06:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing South London hackspace urgently seeks home | May 29 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 07:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 07:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Humble Ebook Bundle: name-your-price comics & | May 29 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | books with Gaiman, GRRM, Goodkind, Moore, | May 29 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Piskor, and more | May 29 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 07:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Biggest news from NBC/Snowden interview: NBC | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | confirmed Snowden filed written concerns with | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA - something USG has vehemently denied. | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Pay what you want for up to 9 great titles in | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Humble eBook Bundle 4 | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @humble | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 07:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Humble Bundle: PC and Android 10 (pay what you want and help charity) | May 29 07:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Snowden uses NBC interview to (again) criticize | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Putin's assault on privacy and rights, yet | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | again exposing critics as genuinely silly. | May 29 07:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 07:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly | May 29 07:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu Cloud Tool | May 29 07:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 07:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly Ubuntu Cloud Tool | Tux Machines | May 29 07:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @xeni “That our most senior diplomat finds it | May 29 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by acceptable to utter 'man up' as a call to | May 29 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald bravery is...misogyny-soaked” | May 29 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry's Latest Snowden Comments Are Moronic, Offensive, and Dangerous | VICE News | May 29 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald For our charmingly naive govt defenders who | May 29 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | think remote activation of cell phones is some | May 29 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | sort of bizarre fantasy | May 29 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool - CNET News | May 29 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Shrinking Waves May Save Antarctic Sea Ice | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shrinking Waves May Save Antarctic Sea Ice - Slashdot | May 29 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Mysterious announcement from Truecrypt declares | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the project insecure and dead | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@BradMossEsq Snowden says something that | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds stupid: "He's a High School dropout with | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | a GED! He doesn't know what he's talking | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | about!!" | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@BradMossEsq Snowden says something that | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds smart: "He's obviously been given media | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | coaching by his FSB handlers!!!" | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DeptOfAustralia #internyet #auspol #nbn | May 29 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DeptOfAustralia: #internyet #auspol #nbn | May 29 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DeptOfAustralia #stayhomeanddie #qanda | May 29 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DeptOfAustralia: #stayhomeanddie #qanda | May 29 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:21 |
schestowitz | | May 29 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #BrendanEich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing #DRM , Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | May 29 08:22 | |
schestowitz | "Okay, I stand corrected. Sorry for generating all the steam, then." | May 29 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Claims That Brendan Eich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing DRM, Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | Techrights [ ] | May 29 08:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DeptOfAustralia | May 29 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DeptOfAustralia: | May 29 08:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:22 |
schestowitz | | May 29 08:25 |
schestowitz | "Larry Page: I have a weird setup in my office. I have one computer with three monitors: one flat-screen monitor and two regular ones. I have my browser on one screen, my schedule on another and my e-mail on another. I can drag things to different screens. I also have a projector. So if I'm talking with everyone in my office, I can move stuff onto a big screen. " | May 29 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Joining The Prestigious Three Monitor Club [ ] | May 29 08:25 | |
schestowitz | " As good as two monitors is, three monitors is even better. With three monitors, there's a "center" to focus on. And 50% more display area. While there's certainly a point of diminishing returns for additional monitors, I think three is the sweet spot. Even Edward Tufte, in the class I recently attended, explicitly mentioned multiple monitors. I don't care how large a single display can be; you can never have enough desktop | May 29 08:25 |
schestowitz | space. " | May 29 08:25 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 08:26 |
schestowitz | Normally, to achieve three monitors, you have to either: | May 29 08:26 |
schestowitz | Buy an exotic video card that has more than 2 monitor connections. | May 29 08:26 |
schestowitz | Install a second video card. | May 29 08:26 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 08:26 |
schestowitz | | May 29 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | linux - How to use three monitors on a laptop? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange [ ] | May 29 08:28 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 08:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Connect Two External Monitors to a Laptop - Graphics Cards - Graphics & Displays [ ] | May 29 08:29 | |
schestowitz | "Typically the video cards can only drive two displays at one time (eyefinity cards being the exception). To drive a third (or even third & fourth) monitor, you will need to get an additional graphics adapter. If you opt for a PCI card, then I'd recommend purchasing another ATI/AMD card as it will "play nice" with your existing card. " | May 29 08:30 |
schestowitz | | May 29 08:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | multiple monitors - Does the Radeon HD 5450 support three displays? - Super User [ ] | May 29 08:35 | |
schestowitz | "We should note that only cards with a DisplayPort will support Eyefinity, which means that if a vendor decides to equip the card with an HDMI port instead, they have to give up Eyefinity to do so." | May 29 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DeptOfAustralia #pyne #fluids #auspol | May 29 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DeptOfAustralia: #pyne #fluids #auspol | May 29 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140528 - | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 29 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140528 | May 29 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@makerbot Files For Patent On A Design Derived | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | From Work By Its Community - | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | well, patents... | May 29 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MakerBot Files For Patent On A Design Derived From Work By Its Community | Techdirt | May 29 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #3dprinting | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody John Kerry to Edward #Snowden: Man Up and Come | May 29 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Back to the U.S. - oh, | May 29 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | do shut it, you pompous old windbag... | May 29 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry to Edward Snowden: Man Up and Come Back to the U.S. | May 29 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Finnish media ignores successful anti-#TTIP | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | demonstration - more | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | shoddy journalism #fi | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Finnish media ignores successful anti-TTIP demonstration | May 29 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Does US need another round of trade deals? - | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | "My conclusion on this: | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | The losers outnumber the winners." #TPP #TTIP | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does the US need another round of trade deals? | TheHill | May 29 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Accepting Amazon's #DRM Makes It Impossible To | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Challenge Its Monopoly - | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | applies to #mozilla, too... | May 29 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Accepting Amazon's DRM Makes It Impossible To Challenge Its Monopoly | Techdirt | May 29 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@eBay : Stop contributing to the extinction of | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | elephants & other endangered species - | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | come on, sort this | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ebay... | May 29 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | eBay: Stop contributing to the extinction of elephants & other endangered species - The Petition Site | May 29 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @marcuschown 10,400 people have died within weeks of being | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by declared fit to work by UK govt. Hounded in the | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody last days of their lives. This is evil. | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @griffey Seems like a lot of people believe that the | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Truecrypt craziness might be a warrant canary | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody in disguise. | May 29 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warrant canary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 29 08:43 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @DeptOfAustralia: '' | May 29 08:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DeptOfAustralia: | May 29 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kashhill TrueCrypt, encryption tool endorsed by Snowden, | May 29 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by abruptly shuts down. @runasand explains what we | May 29 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody know so far. | May 29 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Encryption Tool Endorsed By Snowden Abruptly Shuts Down - Forbes | May 29 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RogerHighfield Acid bath stem cell paper retraction | May 29 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 08:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lead author agrees to retract controversial stem cell paper : Nature News Blog | May 29 08:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sven_giegold Unglaubliche 715.000 Unterschriften gegen | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EU-US-Handelsabkommen #TTIP übergeben: | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mehr Demokratie e.V.: 715.000 Unterschriften gegen TTIP | May 29 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BernardKeane Brandis also prevented ASIO D-G David Irvine | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from responding to one of @SenatorLudlam's | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody questions about drone strikes. | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt WIPO's Development Agenda At The Crossroads: | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Does IP Or Development Take Priority? | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WIPO's Development Agenda At The Crossroads: Does IP Or Development Take Priority? | Techdirt | May 29 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gdspayne Rank hypocrisy - Grayling cuts Legal Aid for | May 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by everyone bar his own lawyers. | May 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RebeccaHerber44: Private Eye. | May 29 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Glinner The truth: Snowden's chances of telling his | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by side of the story in a US courtroom are slim to | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody nonexistent | May 29 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sen. Schumer is Wrong; Snowden Would Be Barred From Arguing His Case At Trial | Freedom of the Press Foundation | May 29 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Deutschland stimmt umstrittenem Opt-Out-Entwurf | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | zu - bad news; wonder | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | what @campact thinks? (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nachrichten zum Thema Gentechnik | May 29 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody FSFE: 32 Free Software Pact supporters elected | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | to the European Parliament - | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | good progres | May 29 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FSFE: 32 Free Software Pact supporters elected to the European Parliament | May 29 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP & das deutsche Grundgesetz - | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | "die | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | verfassungsrechtlichen Ansatzpunkte für einen | May 29 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mehr Demokratie e.V.: TTIP und das deutsche Grundgesetz | May 29 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Widerstand" (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Cheap Climate Protection - | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | "the economics of | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | climate protection look quite easy." | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// ) | May 29 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "worries that new US-EU trade deal will see a | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | watering down of tougher EU laws on use" of | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | antibiotics - | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP/#TAFTA | May 29 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Concerns grow over farm drugs used like 'sweets' | May 29 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "industrialized agriculture would be impossible | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | without antimicrobials" - | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | insane waste of precious | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | resource | May 29 09:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Policy: An intergovernmental panel on antimicrobial resistance : Nature News & Comment | May 29 09:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Die Jugend will ein anderes #TTIP - | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Umfang des Abkommens zu | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | verkleinern" (v @SilviaLiebrich) | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP: Die Jugend will ein anderes TTIP | ZEIT ONLINE | May 29 09:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Calls For Social Media To Be Censored In #Spain | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | After Politician's Assassination Is Mocked On | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter - & so it goes | May 29 09:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calls For Social Media To Be Censored In Spain After Politician's Assassination Is Mocked On Twitter | Techdirt | May 29 09:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Snowden interview: breaking law was only | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | option, says whistleblower - | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | anyone watch this? | May 29 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: breaking law was only option, says whistleblower | World news | | May 29 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Biggest news from NBC/Snowden interview: NBC | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by confirmed Snowden filed written concerns with | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NSA - something USG has vehemently denied. | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | rigged system - | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | important new analysis of why #ISDS favours US | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | May 29 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investor-to-state dispute settlement is a rigged system | Blog | May 29 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Free Speech Groups Issue New Guide to the | May 29 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | International “Necessary & Proportionate | May 29 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Principles” - good work | May 29 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Speech Groups Issue New Guide to the International “Necessary & Proportionate Principles” | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 29 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody History | May 29 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kommissions-Vorschläge zum EU-Gentechnikrecht | May 29 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Towards Evidence-based #Copyright and Patent | May 29 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Policymaking at the OECD - | May 29 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | that would be nice... | May 29 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Towards Evidence-based Copyright and Patent Policymaking at the OECD | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 29 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #DRM | May 29 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:08 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @ggreenwald: 'Biggest news from NBC/Snowden interview: NBC confirmed Snowden...' | May 29 09:08 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'RT @ggreenwald: Biggest news from NBC/Snowden interview: NBC...' | May 29 09:08 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @ggreenwald: 'Biggest news from NBC/Snowden interview: NBC confirmed Snowden...' | May 29 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack "Any intel service can invade any phone the | May 29 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by minute it connects to a network. Can turn it | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz on, take pictures on it, download data f/ it." | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Edward #Snowden NBC NEWS FULL INTERVIEW - | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @ConsiderMiranda) | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA | May 29 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden NBC NEWS FULL INTERVIEW - YouTube | May 29 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Snowden: "I may have lost my ability to travel | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by but I've gained the ability to go to sleep at | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz night..." | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brianstelter Snowden invokes Iraq war lies: "It shows the | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by problem of putting too much faith in | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz intelligence systems without debating them in | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | public." | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BuzzFeedAndrew Snowden on why he doesn’t return to “face the | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by music” :“The music is not open court and a fair | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz trial." | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM | May 29 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | 64-bit server production software deployment | May 29 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #arm #canonical #ubuntu | May 29 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Git v2.0.0: Released | May 29 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #git #development #programming | May 29 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM 64-bit server production software deployment | ZDNet | May 29 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux-Kernel Archive: [ANNOUNCE] Git v2.0.0 | May 29 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | May 29 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fedora #gnu #linux | May 29 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | Máirín Duffy | May 29 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #redhat #branding | May 29 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Photos and Maps #gnome | May 29 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #gtk | May 29 09:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.2 Adds Support for Photos and Maps | May 29 09:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz An Everyday Linux User Review of Makulu Linux 6 | May 29 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | - Imperium Edition | May 29 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #makululinux #gnu #linux | May 29 09:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Everyday Linux User Review of Makulu Linux 6 - Imperium Edition « Everyday Linux User | May 29 09:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly | May 29 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ubuntu Cloud Tool | May 29 09:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly Ubuntu Cloud Tool | Ubuntu content from The VAR Guy | May 29 09:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linux #server | May 29 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:17 |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 09:24 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 09:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody WIPO's Development Agenda At The Crossroads: | May 29 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Does "IP" Or Development Take Priority? - | May 29 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WIPO's Development Agenda At The Crossroads: Does IP Or Development Take Priority? | Techdirt | May 29 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why The Trial Lawyers May Have Miscalculated In | May 29 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Killing Patent Reform, And How It May Come Back | May 29 09:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Bite Them - | May 29 09:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why The Trial Lawyers May Have Miscalculated In Killing Patent Reform, And How It May Come Back To Bite Them | Techdirt | May 29 09:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:28 |
*Disconnected (Invalid argument). | May 29 09:56 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 29 09:56:20 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 29 09:56:48 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 29 09:56 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 29 09:56 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 29 09:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt ferme pour insécurité, et conseille de faire confiance à... Microsoft | May 29 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Haunted Mansion coasters | May 29 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 09:56 |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Bonn1eGreer "Earthquake" keeps on quaking: via @MSmithsonPB | May 29 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by " Final figures- #UKIP won 3.8% of council | May 29 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody seats on May 22 - down from 6.2% on 2013". #msm | May 29 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Remembering Jean-Claude Bradley - | May 29 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | fine tribute, important | May 29 10:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Science in the Open » Blog Archive » Remembering Jean-Claude Bradley | May 29 10:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | points #openscience | May 29 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1033 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 29 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 29 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: London black cab drivers have a | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hachette-Amazon moment with Hailo, Paddington | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Station, London, UK on... | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Don’t put em on the glass | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unified Patent - | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | important paper analyses #UPC's deep problems | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 10:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent - Open Enterprise | May 29 10:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Report: Verizon Claimed Public Utility Status | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Get Government Perks | May 29 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 10:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Verizon Claimed Public Utility Status To Get Government Perks - Slashdot | May 29 10:48 | |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | May 29 11:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kali, Fedora, and Handy Linuxes | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines An Everyday Linux User Review of Makulu Linux 6 | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | - Imperium Edition | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | LTS Dependency Problems | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | LTS Dependency Problems | May 29 11:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kali, Fedora, and Handy Linuxes | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unified Patent | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Everyday Linux User Review of Makulu Linux 6 - Imperium Edition | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Dependency Problems | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Dependency Problems | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Visual gags in comedies: US vs UK - | May 29 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting analysis | May 29 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Visual gags in comedies: US vs UK - Boing Boing | May 29 11:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SZarifi Confirmed: Governments CAN remotely activate a | May 29 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cellphone mic to eavesdrop, even if phone is | May 29 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 turned off. | May 29 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool - CNET News | May 29 11:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ChrisDiskin87 The @EU_Commission has not answered questions | May 29 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about #TTIP tabled by 2 #greenparty | May 29 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MEPs @SkaKeller | May 29 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @natalieben #ISDS | May 29 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EPSUnions Secret negotiations - water risks being | May 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by privatised on #TISA | May 29 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 29 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP #CETA book review in German | May 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Sued (Again) For | May 29 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Public.Resource.Org | May 29 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Publication Of A Document Incorporated Into | May 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Federal Regulations | May 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Public.Resource.Org Sued (Again) For Publication Of A Document Incorporated Into Federal Regulations | Techdirt | May 29 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @a19right2info After only a few years, Australian govt kills | May 29 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by info commissioner. Should they be rejected from | May 29 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @opengovpart? | May 29 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FoI complaints moved to ombudsman's office without consultation, Senate told | Politics | | May 29 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mpklang #TPP & #TTIP will close the door for access to | May 29 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by affordable healthcare. Why sign it then? | May 29 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 11:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mpklang: #TPP & #TTIP will close the door for access to affordable healthcare. Why sign it then? | May 29 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Mediaite Judge Napolitano To Shep: Obama's Drones Killed | May 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by More Girls than Boko Haram Kidnapped | May 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 (VIDEO) | May 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge Napolitano: Obama’s Drones Killed More Girls than Boko Haram Kidnapped | Mediaite | May 29 11:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Judgenap Congress Set to Rein In NSA? Not So Fast, Says | May 29 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Judge Napolitano @foxandfriends | May 29 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 11:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge Napolitano: Bill to Rein in NSA Will Actually Expand NSA's Powers | Fox News Insider | May 29 11:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Judgenap Judge Nap: 'US Military Intervention in Search | May 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for Missing Nigerian Girls Is Illegal' | May 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @shepnewsteam | May 29 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge Nap: 'US Military Intervention in Search for Missing Nigerian Girls Is Illegal' | Fox News Insider | May 29 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @steve_vladeck New paper by @GeorgetownLaw's Laura Donohue | May 29 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by offers comprehensive overview of legal issues | May 29 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 re: section 702 of #FISA: | May 29 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:02 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 12:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @frontlinepbs Watching #Snowden on @nbcnightlynews? Get the | May 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by backstory on #NSA surveillance in #USofSecrets: | May 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS | May 29 12:11 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @frontlinepbs: 'Watching #Snowden on @nbcnightlynews? Get the backstory on...' | May 29 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 If US gov't is violating rights of citizens in | May 29 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | secret, people have right to know. US gov't | May 29 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | subverted Constitution >9/11 thru surveillance | May 29 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabien_lorch Excellent émission à écouter avec attention ! / | May 29 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by L'affaire Edward Snowden (2) / France Inter | May 29 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | L'affaire Edward Snowden (2) / France Inter | May 29 12:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable Economics of homelessness. Leaving Homeless | May 29 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Person On The Streets: $31,065. Giving Them | May 29 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Housing: $10,051. | May 29 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leaving Homeless Person On The Streets: $31,065. Giving Them Housing: $10,051. | ThinkProgress | May 29 12:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wellsla #Istanbul,#Turkey:'25,000 policemen and 50 | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by water cannons set to mark #Gezi anniversary' to | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody prevent demos this weekend | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 25,000 policemen and 50 water cannons set to mark Gezi anniversary - LOCAL | May 29 12:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Hi @richardbranson A Virgin plane will deport | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | two girls threatened with FGM tonight. Please | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | step in. | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigerians due to be deported, despite claim of female genital mutilation risk | Society | The Guardian | May 29 12:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeBevis Whatever your politics, if you have any ideas | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for UK public policy relating to digital, | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody please contribute them here: | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | @ Labour Digital - Discussion forum | May 29 12:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb It is unconscionable that 14 individuals should | May 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bear the brunt alone for an action taken by | May 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 many. DONATE. | May 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #paypal14 | May 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wau Holland Stiftung -- Home | May 29 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AD_Humphreys “I don't want to find my son hanging from a | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by rope” | LAST CHAPTER Hacker, Creeper, Soldier, | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Spy | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 29 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AD_Humphreys: “I don't want to find my son hanging from a rope” | LAST CHAPTER Hacker, Creeper, Soldier, Spy | May 29 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Valve's Steam Machines Delayed, Won't Be Coming | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | In 2014 | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve's Steam Machines Delayed, Won't Be Coming In 2014 - Slashdot | May 29 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack No @WSJ, "lobbying intercontinental taunts" has | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | been only f/ one side: Obama, Kerry, DiFi, | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alexander, Hayden | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 29 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden, John Kerry Exchange Taunts - | May 29 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LibraryCamp @doctorow 31/7/14 is the 50th anniversary of | May 29 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the UK Public Libraries & Museums Act. Where's | May 29 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow the party? #PubLibFest | May 29 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:34 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @wellsla: '#Istanbul,#Turkey:'25,000 policemen and 50 water cannons set to...' | May 29 13:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Spam Campaign Plays On User Fear Over | May 29 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Heartbleed | May 29 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spam Campaign Plays On User Fear Over Heartbleed | May 29 13:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable Economics of homelessness. Leaving Homeless | May 29 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Person On The Streets: $31,065. Giving Them | May 29 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Housing: $10,051. | May 29 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leaving Homeless Person On The Streets: $31,065. Giving Them Housing: $10,051. | ThinkProgress | May 29 13:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt The Web Is In The Public Domain... But The | May 29 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Document That Put It There Is Locked Up By | May 29 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Copyright | May 29 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Web Is In The Public Domain... But The Document That Put It There Is Locked Up By Copyright | Techdirt | May 29 13:51 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @davidgerard: 'Hi @richardbranson A Virgin plane will deport two...' | May 29 13:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Wikia and Sony Playing Licensing Mind Tricks | May 29 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikia and Sony Playing Licensing Mind Tricks - Slashdot | May 29 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody New Indian PM seeks better ties with China - | May 29 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | how long before | May 29 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | China-India-Russia trade deal? who needs #TPP? | May 29 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Indian PM seeks better ties with China | The BRICS Post | May 29 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Madrid, tonight, at 19:30, I'll be speaking at | May 29 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Consumo y Nuevas Tecnologías del Colegio about | May 29 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | "No Place to Hide" | May 29 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid | May 29 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cnnbrk Revised numbers show U.S. economy shrunk at 1% | May 29 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by annual pace in 1st quarter; first downturn | May 29 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist since early 2011. | May 29 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The U.S. economy shrunk, but it's not a big deal - May. 29, 2014 | May 29 14:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist PHP Next Taking a Page from Facebook HipHop | May 29 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PHP Next Taking a Page from Facebook HipHop - InternetNews. | May 29 14:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Why are the people defending Mike Kinsley | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretending he wrote something completely | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | different than what he wrote? | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hullabaloo | May 29 14:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Glinner Ugh. Loyalists. RT @guardiannews: UK's only | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Chinese-born MP might leave Northern Ireland | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody over racist abuse | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Only Chinese-born parliamentarian in UK to quit politics over racist abuse | UK news | | May 29 14:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Even former Bush DOJ official Jack Goldsmith | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | thinks Mike Kinsley's review - cheered by | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | journalists - was too pro-govt | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › Why Kinsley is Wrong About the Connection Between Democracy and the Publication of National Security Secrets | May 29 14:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Initiative Advisory Board - | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | impressive group: Cox, | May 29 14:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative Announces New Backers, First Projects to Receive Support and Advisory Board Members | The Linux Foundation | May 29 14:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Moglen, Schneier, T’so | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MariRamosCNN #Beijing hit a record 40.2C/104F Thursday. | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by That is the hottest temp since 1951 Xinhua | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody reports. | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Average high this time of yr: 28C/82F #CNN | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KirstenPowers My @usatoday column this week: Good journalists | May 29 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by expose bad government | May 29 14:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kirsten Powers: Glenn Greenwald vs. fellow journalists | May 29 14:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald via @usatopinion | May 29 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm Snowden's lawyer @benwizner explains how John | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Kerry fundamentally misunderstands how | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Espionage Act prosecutions work: | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden unlikely to 'man up' in face of Espionage Act, legal adviser says | World news | The Guardian | May 29 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Does John Kerry believe that a woman in | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden's situation wouldn't have the same | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | obligation to return home? | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry Urges Edward Snowden to 'Man Up' and Return to the US | May 29 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Industry Two Faced over Privacy - | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | good, depressing | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | analysis: "need to create competing | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | technologies and services" | May 29 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Industry Two Faced over Privacy | ITsecurity | May 29 14:08 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @trevortimm: 'Snowden's lawyer @benwizner explains how John Kerry fundamentally...' | May 29 14:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rj_gallagher Canada spy agency gathers Canadians' personal | May 29 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by info & stores for up to 30yrs under | May 29 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 cyberdefence initiative, docs show: | May 29 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CSEC gathers personal info while defending against cyberattacks - Politics - CBC News | May 29 14:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Web Is In The Public Domain... But The | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Document That Put It There Is Locked Up By | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Copyright - #PD | May 29 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Web Is In The Public Domain... But The Document That Put It There Is Locked Up By Copyright | Techdirt | May 29 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HinaShamsi Obama DOJ to ask appeals court for more | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by redactions to drone killing memo | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Third time it's argued | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | for secrecy to court | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot German Scientists Successfully Test | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Brain-Controlled Flight Simulator | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German Scientists Successfully Test Brain-Controlled Flight Simulator - Slashdot | May 29 14:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald John Kerry talking about Snowden in 2014 sounds | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | like Dick Cheney in 2004 talking about Kerry | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Traitor #Coward #HelpingTheTerrorists | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel It would cause exceptionally grave harm to the | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | US if we learned how NSA responded to FOIA | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | requests, apparently. | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top NSA officials struggled over surge in Foia requests, emails reveal | World news | | May 29 14:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @brooksbaseball Levar Burton should have a kickstarter called | May 29 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "print me money" with a 1.5M goal. He would | May 29 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist easily reach it. Everyone loves that guy. | May 29 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:54 |
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian retweeted @rj_gallagher: 'Canada spy agency gathers Canadians' personal info &...' | May 29 14:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Wonder if @MuckRock is the website NSA | May 29 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | complained was helping people submit FOIAs? | May 29 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian NSA must stockpile 0 days and thus leave US | May 29 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | systems vulnerable, or we won't have anything | May 29 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | to use against China: | May 29 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Here Is Why NSA Critics Are Wrong - Business Insider | May 29 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @HarleyGeiger The #Bilderberg2014 agenda evidently poses the | May 29 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by question "Does privacy exist?" | May 29 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 29 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Edward Snowden Gives Prime Time Interview | May 29 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Defending Whistleblowing | May 29 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 29 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Release | Bilderberg Meetings | May 29 15:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Gives Prime Time Interview Defending Whistleblowing | FDL News Desk | May 29 15:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @alauraschneider The scandal is not that @ioerror &Poitras | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reject the Nannen award but that all big German | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror media reject to print his statement. | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pressfreedom | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @alauraschneider Like @ioerror also Laura Poitras considers | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by melting her Henri #Nannen award, Germany's most | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror renowned journalism prize. | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MuckRock @emptywheel Probably not. We discourage use of | May 29 15:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Laura Poitras Stellungnahme auf deutsch | - Fernsehen - Sendungen A-Z - ZAPP | May 29 15:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by MuckRock for privacy act request, but | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel & many other sites | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | generated … | May 29 15:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glimpse is the ephemeral photo sharing app with state-of-the-art cryptography | May 29 15:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MuckRock @emptywheel … and sent invalid (no privacy | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by waiver) requests en masse. | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian MT @daveaitel: The ACLU needs to fire Chris | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Soghoian < I am not so popular with the ex-NSA, | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | defender of US gov exploitation of 0 days | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | crowd. | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Journalistic solidarity is a wonderful thing: | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nannen | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mutant Registration vs. Vaccine Registration | May 29 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mutant Registration vs. Vaccine Registration - Slashdot | May 29 15:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Great graphic of @twitter reaction favoring | May 29 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden intervu. He even won poorly framed Q: | May 29 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | 5453-patriot | May 29 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2752-traitor | May 29 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Twitter Reacted To The Snowden Interview - NBC News | May 29 15:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @xeni BAHAHAHHA “@yesthatkarim: @xeni apparently | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by State Department now being run by Hans and | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Franz.” | May 29 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@yesthatkarim: @xeni apparently State Department now being run by Hans and Franz. | May 29 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Study: Stop Being So Cynical, You Could Give | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Yourself Dementia | May 29 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Study: Stop Being So Cynical, You Could Give Yourself Dementia - Slashdot | May 29 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Cable de #WikiLeaks: Para EE.UU. el presidente | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | electo de Ucrania "es un oligarca deshonrado" | | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | RT | May 29 15:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 15:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative A real argument adults are making: Of course | May 29 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden leaks harmed security--everyone's | May 29 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee outraged by our conduct now! | May 29 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Naive and Gravely Mistaken': Analysts Rebut Snowden Claims - NBC News | May 29 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS I'm interviewed in this, with @csoghoian: RT | May 29 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ajam: NSA contractors use LinkedIn profiles to | May 29 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian cash in on nat security | May 29 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA contractors use LinkedIn profiles to cash in on national security | Al Jazeera America | May 29 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Arcadian_O Video of the #SIF14 panel with angry activists | May 29 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by questionning Carl Bildt has been uploaded. | May 29 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 29 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SIF14 -- Parallel session 2.2 day 2, session 3 part 2 - YouTube | May 29 15:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks .@DuncanJane: ‘Insult to our intelligence’ - | May 29 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Feeble excuses for not inviting #Snowden, | May 29 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #WikiLeaks to #SIF14 | RT | May 29 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 29 15:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Listing the names of classified NSA programs in | May 29 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | your LinkedIn profile isn't very smart. Al | May 29 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Jazeera investigates. | May 29 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell John Kerry called #Snowden a "coward." Here's | May 29 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by why that's just bullshit: | May 29 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 29 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry Tells Snowden to "Man Up" and Come Home | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren | May 29 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @msuiche Edward Snowden NBC NEWS FULL INTERVIEW - | May 29 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 29 15:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden NBC NEWS FULL INTERVIEW - YouTube | May 29 15:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt NBC Confirms That Snowden Did Try To Raise | May 29 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Concerns Internally Before Going To Journalists | May 29 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NBC Confirms That Snowden Did Try To Raise Concerns Internally Before Going To Journalists | Techdirt | May 29 15:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Open for Litigation: #Australia & the #TPP by | May 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @DrRimmer: #ISDS #TPPA | May 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #publichealth #eco #GMO | May 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open for Litigation: Australia, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership — Medium | May 29 15:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Open for Litigation: #Australia & the #TPP by @DrRimmer: #ISDS #TPPA #publichealth #eco #GMO | May 29 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @Star_Politics: Stephen Harper nominates top | May 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | public safety lawyer for privacy watchdog | May 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cdnpoli | May 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stephen Harper nominates top public safety lawyer for privacy watchdog | Toronto Star | May 29 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stephenWalt This is really quite good. A Liberal Moderate's | May 29 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Critique of Snowden and Greenwald - Conor | May 29 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 29 15:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Liberal Moderate's Critique of Snowden and Greenwald - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 29 15:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:42 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KevinWhipp Andrew Napolitano Reviews Glenn Greenwald's No | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Place to Hide #tcot | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Andrew Napolitano Reviews Glenn Greenwald's No Place to Hide - Hit & Run : | May 29 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald On the Washington Post Editorial Board: 1) | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Banging the War Drum » Balloon Juice | May 29 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickCohen4 The BBC was meant to put its archive online. | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Now it has | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody cut a deal with Getty and is charging the | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | public to watch programmes they paiid for | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Hand guns should be legalised and licensed, | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nigel Farage has said - | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | from January; why he's so dangerous (v | May 29 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hand guns should be legalised and licensed, Nigel Farage has said - Telegraph | May 29 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Glinner) | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist I’ll be appearing before the Justice Committee | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | at 11:00 am to discuss lawful access. | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BillC13 | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House of Commons Committees - JUST (41-2) - Notice of Meeting - Number 027 (Official Version) | May 29 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Americans 'Unprepared' for #EU & German | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Opposition to #TAFTA, @worldmeetsus: | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP #ISDS #GMO | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Americans 'Unprepared' for Opposition to TTIP Free Trade Deal (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Germany) | May 29 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Americans 'Unprepared' for #EU & German Opposition to #TAFTA, @worldmeetsus: #TTIP #ISDS #GMO | May 29 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Next IE Version Will Feature Web Audio, Media | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Capture, ES6 Promises, and HTTP/2 | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Next IE Version Will Feature Web Audio, Media Capture, ES6 Promises, and HTTP/2 - Slashdot | May 29 15:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickCohen4 Phoned the BBC press office and asked to watch | May 29 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a programme from last month. They put me on to | May 29 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Getty, who said that will be £150 please. | May 29 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bruneski Wow. #windpower sets new record in #Texas & | May 29 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by will double again by 2017 | May 29 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ERCOT setting wind power records in Texas - Dallas Business Journal | May 29 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @VTSilver London’s Dirty Secret: Pollution Worse Than | May 29 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Beijing’s via | May 29 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @BloombergNews | May 29 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London’s Dirty Secret: Pollution Worse Than Beijing’s - Bloomberg | May 29 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Vietnam's horrific treatment of workers prompts | May 29 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @USTradeRep to offer #TPP fig leaf. Don't be | May 29 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody fooled says @Teamsters. | May 29 15:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Vietnam's horrific treatment of workers prompts @USTradeRep to offer #TPP fig leaf. Don't be fooled says @Teamsters. | May 29 15:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Oh Canada, what have you done? | May 29 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #privacy | May 29 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian Privacy Law Blog: Prime Minister names DOJ's top national security and law enforcement lawyer as next Privacy Commissioner of Canada | May 29 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj While WH probe into CIA officer name disclosure | May 29 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by won't lead to anything, #whistleblower | May 29 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou sits in jail | May 29 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Launches Probe Into Accidental CIA Agent Leak, Though Prosecution Unlikely | May 29 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YiannisMouzakis Now that #PASOK is fringe party, #Venizelos | May 29 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wants to scrap the 50-seats bonus. And to think | May 29 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody some call him opportunist | May 29 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU elections do not mark end of numbers game in Greek politics | Macropolis | May 29 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schneierblog TrueCrypt WTF: I have no idea what's going on | May 29 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with TrueCrypt. Good summary of story is a | May 29 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ArsTechnica, and Slas... | May 29 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Schneier on Security: TrueCrypt WTF | May 29 16:01 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 6 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 36 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 29 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (6) | May 29 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 29 16:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 29 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ibnezra Turkish Parliament’s internet filter denies | May 29 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by access to church’s website due to | May 29 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ‘pornographic’ content | May 29 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Turkish Parliament’s filter denies access to church’s website due to ‘pornographic’ content - POLITICS | May 29 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mathewi I don't actually want a Google driverless car | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by -- I would much rather ride one of these to | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody work instead: | May 29 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mathewi: I don't actually want a Google driverless car -- I would much rather ride one of these to work instead: | May 29 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Set FTP Autologin with .netrc file in linux: | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | NextStep4IT: There are some scenarios where we | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | do not want to sp... | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Set FTP Autologin with .netrc file in linux | May 29 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YaleClimateComm Americans support limits on CO2 from coal-fired | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by power plants by almost 2:1 margin our survey | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody shows | May 29 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Americans support limits on CO2 | Yale Project on Climate Change Communication | May 29 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @stuartsmithlaw Leaked EPA draft #fracking guidance raises | May 29 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by water contamination concerns | May 29 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leaked EPA draft fracking guidance raises water contamination concerns | Climate Science Watch | May 29 16:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ How #Disney learned to stop worrying and love #copyright infringement #sharing breeds publicity | May 29 16:17 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How Disney learned to stop worrying and love copyright infringement - [ ] | May 29 16:17 | |
schestowitz__ | "Nope just funny." | May 29 16:17 |
schestowitz__ | "Compare sharing to nuclear end of world?" | May 29 16:17 |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #BrendanEich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing #DRM , Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | May 29 16:17 | |
schestowitz__ | "Thanks, Michal. I did not mind the conversation but the next time you think Roy has something wrong, it would be better to ask him directly. Your questions made me think and that's always good." | May 29 16:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Claims That Brendan Eich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing DRM, Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | Techrights [ ] | May 29 16:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @pranesh_prakash It's sad to see that @DataPortalIndia is | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by putting out so much useful data, but is getting | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody very little journalistic attention. #OpenData | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unified Patent - | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | important paper analyses #UPC's deep problems | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent - Open Enterprise | May 29 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Jeh Johnson agrees that synthetic drugs are | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | funding terrorism. I TOLD you'd they'd use | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | "reformed" dragnet to hunt drugs. | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "Reformed" phone dragnet only requires seed ID | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | to be agent of foreign power, NOT to be | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | associated w/terrorism. It expands current | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | uses. | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel LOL. Nadler asks Jeh Johnson what DHS is doing | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | to comply w/2007 law requiring 100% of shipping | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | containers to be scanned. | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SauloCorona 1 year after #OccupyGezi, the govt is still | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tracking down protesters & all those who spoke | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody out | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gezi, One year on : Hunting the protestors down - FIDH | May 29 16:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SauloCorona: 1 year after #OccupyGezi, the govt is still tracking down protesters & all those who spoke out | May 29 16:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #OpenELEC 4.0.3 Gets #Xbox One Remote Support | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenELEC 4.0.3 Gets Xbox One Remote Support | May 29 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TrueCrypt is proprietary (pretending to be | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "open") and guess what... | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ciapost : | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “TrueCrypt is not secure,” official SourceForge page abruptly warns | Ars Technica | May 29 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is this the end of popular encryption tool TrueCrypt? | May 29 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "High school dropout...fugitive" Snowden is a | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | better ambassador for himself than "smug" & | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "irrational" @ggreenwald. | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// ) | May 29 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Improve Raspberry Pi memory usage | May 29 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #raspberrypi #linux | May 29 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Isn't it time for laptop assemblers to equip | May 29 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | the laptops with graphics cards that can drive | May 29 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | two external monitors (e.g. VGA and HDMI)? | May 29 16:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Improve Raspberry Pi memory usage | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 29 16:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SuperPunnyJokes Wow I'm never eating at Wendy's ever again! | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fast Food Workers Say: NEVER Order These Items | May 29 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Computers are being retarded (made simpler and | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | lacking features), even x86 ones | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel's 'Moorefield' chip aimed at small Android tablets - CNET | May 29 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Having spent about ~5 hours researching | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | monitors, it's disappointing to see development | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | stagnating/halting; same resolution, pixels | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | expanded | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@OpalSans: @schestowitz wrong. the full source code is open and available. the restrictions are use of the truecrypt name and not disclosing the code. | May 29 16:36 | |
schestowitz__ | Not disclosing code=proprietary | May 29 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When it's more economic to buy multiple | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | monitors (with more wires and stuff) than to | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | buy one screen with more pixels, something's | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | wrong | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot OpenSSL To Undergo Security Audit, Gets Cash | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | For 2 Developers | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenSSL To Undergo Security Audit, Gets Cash For 2 Developers - Slashdot | May 29 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Today is my last day at Canonical - | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #canonical | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #community #xprize | May 29 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Day Today | jonobacon@home | May 29 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME's Window and Compositing Manager Mutter | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3.13.2 Is Now Ready for Testing | May 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #gnu #linux | May 29 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME's Window and Compositing Manager Mutter 3.13.2 Is Now Ready for Testing | May 29 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 16:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@OpalSans: @schestowitz ...can not be audited? I wonder what the hell they are doing at then... | May 29 16:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Is TrueCrypt Audited Yet? | May 29 16:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz May a slow month for #techrights as it has been | May 29 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad month. Bag lost, wrong forms filed (will | May 29 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | cost thousands of pounds), errors by shops. | May 29 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fedora in the Middle Kingdom | May 29 16:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FUDCon Beijing – Day -1 and Day 0 | | May 29 16:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FUDCon Beijing: Day 2 » Aditya Patawari's Ramblings | May 29 16:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz eBook Reader and Editor Calibre 1.39 Brings | May 29 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FUDCon Beijing: Day 1 » Aditya Patawari's Ramblings | May 29 16:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | More Kindle Optimizations | May 29 16:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #calibre #freesw | May 29 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | eBook Reader and Editor Calibre 1.39 Brings More Kindle Optimizations | May 29 16:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:47 |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #TrueCrypt is proprietary (pretending to be "open") and guess what... #ciapost : | May 29 16:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | “TrueCrypt is not secure,” official SourceForge page abruptly warns | Ars Technica [ ] | May 29 16:47 | |
schestowitz__ | WP wrote about it. I imagine we've been screwed for a while."" | May 29 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Is this the end of popular encryption tool TrueCrypt? [ ] | May 29 16:47 | |
schestowitz__ | Illusion of security and privacy worse than none at all | May 29 16:47 |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 16:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Restaurants that are owned by those who work | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | there and serve clients tend to provide much | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | better service, food, etc. Lessons of life.... | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Illusion of security and privacy worse than | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | none at all, which is why back doors like #rsa | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #apple #microsoft etc. (unlike #facebook ) v. | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | bad | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian NBC journo Brian Williams' "burner phone" is an | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | iPhone. Must be nice to be able to afford a | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | disposable $600 phone. | May 29 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Would 'Like to Go Home' - The Wire | May 29 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @beelinebill Good article Scott! 3 Ways to Avoid a PR Agency | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bait & Switch | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 29 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3 Ways to Avoid a PR Agency Bait & Switch | Matter Communications | May 29 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stallman visits #austria | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #vienna #freedom #freesw | May 29 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman - "Copyright vs. Community" (Vienna, Austria) — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | May 29 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Oregon's GMO Sellout | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #oregon #gmo #monsanto | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #monopoly #patents | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oregon's GMO Sellout | PR Watch | May 29 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin At 30:40 Andrea Mitchell says IC sources love | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by House bill; it gives them MORE leeway than now | May 29 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel PLUS political cover | May 29 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ICYMI: Brian Williams Breaks Down the Snowden Interview - NBC News | May 29 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:01 |
*TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist deleted 'RT @SuperPunnyJokes: Wow I'm never eating at Wendy's...' | May 29 17:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 17:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #TrueCrypt is proprietary (pretending to be "open") and guess what... #ciapost : | May 29 17:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | “TrueCrypt is not secure,” official SourceForge page abruptly warns | Ars Technica [ ] | May 29 17:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Is this the end of popular encryption tool TrueCrypt? [ ] | May 29 17:03 | |
schestowitz__ | "What's the next best thing to TrueCrypt?" | May 29 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | "I just installed Zulucrypt on Arch. It supports Truecrypt encryption, but also does LUKS. I think there's another one that uses GPG as well." | May 29 17:03 |
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 17:09 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt John Kerry Should 'Man Up' And Admit He's Wrong | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | About Snowden | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry Should 'Man Up' And Admit He's Wrong About Snowden | Techdirt | May 29 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #murdoch owned press supports political | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #corruption if they can | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | go after Koch et al, they can do Murdoch/Wall | May 29 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Is the Wall Street Journal Livid that Scott Walker Wants a John Doe Settlement? | PR Watch | May 29 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Street | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian NSA official: "It’s confirming every day why | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA’s FOIA program is called out as | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | best-in-class." < O RLY? | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top NSA officials struggled over surge in Foia requests, emails reveal | World news | | May 29 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Watch what is happening to System Settings in | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde | May 29 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Visual Design Group: System Settings and new VDG members | May 29 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Next on the Open Source Horizon: 3D Printing | May 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | "not yet a mainstream | May 29 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Next on the Open Source Horizon: 3D Printing | Community | LinuxInsider | May 29 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | business activity" | May 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 | May 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | LTS Dependency Problems | May 29 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Dependency Problems | May 29 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #chrome #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carlbildt Wonderful sunny day. But I'm off to Copenhagen | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and this years Bilderberg conference. Ukraine | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks on agenda here as well. | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Support #qemu quite | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | powerful, deserves more coverage | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Benchmarking LLVM's Clang OpenMP Support | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Against GCC #bsd #gpl | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #benchmark | May 29 17:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-connect() timed out! ( status 0 @ ) | May 29 17:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM Support | May 29 17:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Benchmarking LLVM's Clang OpenMP Support Against GCC | May 29 17:19 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 227 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 918 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 29 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @glynmoody (31), @schestowitz (27), @slashdot (10) | May 29 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (40), @doctorow (14), @Thomas_Drake1 (13) | May 29 17:20 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (11), #Snowden (9), #linux (7) | May 29 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Apparently only thing DHS does that requires | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | oversight is immigration enforcement. | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Tho DelBene asked whether 100 mile border | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | exception rule was viable for northern border. | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 29 17:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | State of MI would like same Q answered. | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Openwashed proprietary #truecrypt said months | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ago audit found it secure, now contradicts | May 29 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 17:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] TrueCrypt Has Been Potentially Compromised | May 29 17:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Suspicious TrueCrypt Announcement Declares The Tool Insecure, Development Stopped ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | May 29 17:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish FM Carl Bildt to hold secret | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Bilderberg after-party in Italian castle (read | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | closely) #svpol #sverige | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Learning to dance: if the dancefloor is your Waterloo, read on - Telegraph | May 29 17:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SpaceX To Present Manned Dragon Capsule | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SpaceX To Present Manned Dragon Capsule - Slashdot | May 29 17:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This why #hp is #openwashing #helion | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | all about procurement | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | and trying to fit criteria | May 29 17:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Launches Helion Cloud Platform for Government | May 29 17:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Governments oughtn't use anything "cloud" (= | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance ) esp. not from #nsa partners | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | such as #cisco #ibm #apple etc. | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Free software at core of cars | May 29 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | runs #ubuntu #linux | May 29 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Building Self-Driving Cars With No Steering Wheel, Brake Pedal | May 29 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel Reveals Open Source Robot Kit and Smart Shirt | | May 29 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #RedHat Teams with Telefonica, Expands Focus on | May 29 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #OpenStack and #Telecom | May 29 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | finally a non-press release | May 29 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 29 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source | May 29 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #AMD Drivers | May 29 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source AMD Drivers | May 29 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "only Hauwei and Inspur Electronics increased | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | their shipments in the first quarter" | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | blame #nsa (US #gartner | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | bias) | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Server sales: It’s tough out there | ZDNet | May 29 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Download and Looks Amazing | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #elementaryos #gnu | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 29 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | elementary OS "Isis" Dev Looks Amazing – Screenshot Tour [Update] | May 29 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hiring not based on skills but on gender and | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ethnic homogeneity apparently still a "thing" | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google admits company diversity 'miles away' from ideal | ZDNet | May 29 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Server pr0n | May 29 17:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 6 Stunning Photos of the Internet’s Hidden Infrastructure | Design | WIRED | May 29 17:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Overhaul Through Open Source Kallos Seeks | May 29 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Overhaul Through Open Source | May 29 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nyc to require FOSS | May 29 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | before proprietary | May 29 17:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kallos Seeks Overhaul Through Open Source | May 29 17:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LGP Remains Offline, MakePlayLive Also Gets | May 29 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Knocked Out #games | May 29 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | dominated by #valve on #gnu #linux | May 29 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] LGP Remains Offline, MakePlayLive Also Gets Knocked Out | May 29 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stuartmillar159 UK Iraq war inquiry will publish only the | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "gist" of Blair-Bush talks rather than the full | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel conversations as requested | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 17:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gist of Tony Blair's talks with George Bush over Iraq war to be published | UK news | | May 29 17:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel HJC GOP: Horrified by prosecutorial discretion | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | that helps brown people. | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 29 17:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Not horrified by prosecutorial discretion that | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | helps banksters. | May 29 17:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM | May 29 17:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support | May 29 17:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 17:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM Support | Tux Machines | May 29 17:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "I’m currently writing about the City of London | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Police so I’ll pass this link onto them, I’m | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | sure they can use it." | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cynical? – It’s bad for your health……apparently. | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain | May 29 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz City of London Police – Getting results or | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | using weasel words? not | May 29 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | City of London Police – Getting results or using weasel words? | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain | May 29 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | really #police but a gang of thugs for | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hollywood | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Truecrypt - when truth means lie | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mysterious announcement from Truecrypt declares the project insecure and dead - Boing Boing | May 29 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US diplomats on #Porshenko "disgraced oligarch" | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | "credible corruption allegations" | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 17:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ITAR-TASS: World - WikiLeaks show turnaround in US attitude to 'discredited' Poroshenko | May 29 17:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | May 29 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Do you know what information your smart device | May 29 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | collects? 'smart' | May 29 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | usually means "capable of harvesting data" | May 29 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do you know what information your smart device collects? | Big Brother Watch | May 29 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Missing From The Story: LulzSec Informant Sabu | May 29 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Released Early Because He Got LulzSec To Hack | May 29 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | FOR The FBI | May 29 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Missing From The Story: LulzSec Informant Sabu Released Early Because He Got LulzSec To Hack FOR The FBI | Techdirt | May 29 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 17:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Initiative Announces New Backers, First | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Projects to Receive Support... | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative Announces New Backers, First Projects to Receive Support and Advisory Board Members | Tux Machines | May 29 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source AMD | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Drivers | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source AMD Drivers | Tux Machines | May 29 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download and Looks Amazing | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for Download and Looks Amazing | Tux Machines | May 29 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kallos Seeks Overhaul Through Open Source | May 29 18:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 18:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kallos Seeks Overhaul Through Open Source | Tux Machines | May 29 18:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ediciones_B A las 19:30 conferencia de @ggreenwald en ICAM | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by que podéis seguir vía streaming | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wouzee | May 29 18:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Many journalists keep propagating #apple lies | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | by calling Apple-branded PCs "Macs". It's like | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | saying that a Hoover is not a vacuum cleaner. | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This year is Swedish FM Carl Bildt's 13th known | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Bildberberg and Jacob Wallenberg's 9th | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bilderberggruppen – Wikipedia | May 29 18:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@carlbildt: Wonderful sunny day. But I'm off to Copenhagen and this years Bilderberg conference. Ukraine on agenda here as well. | May 29 18:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Press Release | Bilderberg Meetings | May 29 18:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks WaPo: The not-very-nice things U.S. officials | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | used to say about #Ukraine’s new president | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks #porshenko | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The not-very-nice things U.S. officials used to say about Ukraine’s new president | May 29 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Iranian Hacker Group Created Fake News | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Organization For Social Engineering | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Iranian Hacker Group Created Fake News Organization For Social Engineering - Slashdot | May 29 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @zeynep Turkey's High Court rules that blocking Youtube | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by violates speech rights of users in Turkey. | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Similar ruling had reopened Twitter. | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Trent Franks appears to have reason to believe | May 29 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | electromagnetic pulse weapons pose serious | May 29 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | threat to power grid. | May 29 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MatthewKeysLive Here's the three Edward Snowden interview clips | May 29 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that didn't make the final cut for NBC's | May 29 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel broadcast - | May 29 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Edward Snowden clips NBC didn’t broadcast on TV | May 29 18:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Newscaster Threat Uses Social Media for | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Intelligence Gathering | May 29 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Newscaster Threat Uses Social Media for Intelligence Gathering | May 29 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SharnieIvery If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies. - | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Einstein | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist ExtraHop Raises $41 Million for Network | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monitoring [VIDEO] | May 29 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ExtraHop Raises $41 Million for Network Monitoring [VIDEO] | May 29 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn How and why to extend your network with | May 29 18:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by power-line networking | May 29 18:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Powerline #networking can be darn useful. by | May 29 18:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn | May 29 18:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How and why to extend your network with power-line networking | ITworld | May 29 18:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist RT @lmacvittie: I totally believe this. #coffee | May 29 18:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | -> me too! | May 29 18:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@lmacvittie: I totally believe this. #coffee | May 29 18:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikaelThalen My newest: NBC Censors Snowden’s Critical 9/11 | May 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Comments from Prime Time Audience - | May 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » NBC Censors Snowden’s Critical 9/11 Comments from Prime Time Audience Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! | May 29 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Games to Use Wine, | May 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | but That's a Good Thing | May 29 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ ) | May 29 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gog #gnu #linux #games | May 29 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Games to Use Wine, but That's a Good Thing | May 29 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #IDG bias revealed: 'former Computerworld | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | editor" calls FOSS vendors losers | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Only loser vendors are truly committed to Open Source | SiliconANGLE | May 29 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot 'Curiosity' Lead Engineer Suggests Printing | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Humans On Other Planets | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Curiosity' Lead Engineer Suggests Printing Humans On Other Planets - Slashdot | May 29 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist ExtraHop Raises $41 Million for Network | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Monitoring [VIDEO] - EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ExtraHop Raises $41 Million for Network Monitoring [VIDEO] | May 29 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard git culture shock: history-oriented vs | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | source-oriented devs. A good HN comment. | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @keefcode this explains | May 29 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | I've been using git (and GitHub) at my day job for a couple years now, and I'm s... | Hacker News | May 29 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | a few things | May 29 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 18:59 |
*TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard deleted 'git culture shock: history-oriented vs source-oriented devs. A...' | May 29 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard git culture shock: history-oriented vs | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | source-oriented dev. Good HN comment | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @keefmarshall this | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | explains some things | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft shows it has capability of saving as | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | text people's voice conversations in #nsa | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #skype (it does it w/ IM) | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Demos Real-Time Translation Over Skype - Slashdot | May 29 19:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Remember that #microsoft is reading people's | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | chats in Skype, storing them (and Microsoft a | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #prism company) | May 29 19:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Skype with care – Microsoft is reading everything you write - The H Security: News and Features | May 29 19:04 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 29 19:10 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for Download and Looks Amazing #elementaryos #gnu #linux | May 29 19:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | elementary OS "Isis" Dev Looks Amazing – Screenshot Tour [Update] [ ] | May 29 19:11 | |
schestowitz__ | "just for developers :\" | May 29 19:11 |
schestowitz__ | "It looks like OSX." | May 29 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Today is my last day at Canonical." | May 29 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Day Today | jonobacon@home | May 29 19:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist The Trouble With Bill C-13: My Appearance | May 29 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | before the Standing Committee on Justice and | May 29 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Human Rights | May 29 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - The Trouble With Bill C-13: My Appearance before the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights | May 29 19:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst We're hosting a #virtual event June 10 on how | May 29 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RedHat is redefining the #enterprise #OS. Hope | May 29 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | you can join. | May 29 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Registration Launch | May 29 19:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Google AdSense's Idiotic And Hypocritical | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Morality Police Force Us To Remove Ads On News | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stories | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google AdSense's Idiotic And Hypocritical Morality Police Force Us To Remove Ads On News Stories | Techdirt | May 29 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Trent Franks and the EMP Threat to the | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Electrical Grid | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Agree his concerns may be batshit. But he sure | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | is worried! | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Time and rat races | May 29 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trent Franks and the EMP Threat to the Electrical Grid | emptywheel | May 29 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MylesDyer If you own an iPhone, then you may want to | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by check out my new video about their creepy | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Frequent Locations' setting: | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Apple Stalking You? - YouTube | May 29 19:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Not saying NSA has history of lying, but | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | pointing to GC email as limited hangout | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | perfectly consistent w/their Snowden resposne | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | to date. | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Raccoon | May 29 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:21 |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: Hay #Conservatives Al Gore is on the Board of Directors for #Apple sorry to ruin your Apple experience | May 29 19:21 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Apple - Press Info - Former Vice President Al Gore Joins Apple’s Board of Directors | May 29 19:21 | |
schestowitz__ | Helping climate bu supporting the #1 offender on Greenpeace's list? | May 29 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel So maybe, @JasonLeopold, you should spend that | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | $400 after all. | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SEEVed Hay #Conservatives Al Gore is on the Board of | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Directors for #Apple sorry to ruin your Apple | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz experience | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Brands' meaning | May 29 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:25 |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 19:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Americana777: @schestowitz Paid media??? | May 29 19:28 | |
schestowitz__ | Paid by Microsoft and Apple (I documented many examples involving IDG) | May 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @joshgerstein Carney: Snowden would get 'due process and | May 29 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protections' and 'he is welcome' to return to | May 29 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack US for trial. 'Clemency is not on the table.' | May 29 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Welfare for the rich | May 29 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | systemic #corruption | May 29 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Small businesses | May 29 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @codepink I donated to help keep a roof over the family | May 29 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of CIA whistleblower @JohnKiriakou. Can you | May 29 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou help too? via @codepink | May 29 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CODEPINK: Take Action Now! | May 29 19:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Games to Use Wine, | May 29 19:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | but That's a Good Thing | May 29 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ ) | May 29 19:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Games to Use Wine, but That's a Good Thing | Tux Machines | May 29 19:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | May 29 19:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 19:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | Tux Machines | May 29 19:38 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 19:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eduard Khil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 29 19:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trololo Sing Along! - YouTube [ ] | May 29 19:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #exceptionalism – The Mind Killer | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exceptionalism – The Mind Killer | Zero Hedge | May 29 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@digby56 I'll be on @NBCNightlyNews at | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | 6:00pmEST, then facing off w/ Jeremy Bash | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | tomorrow am to #makethecase against his | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | bullshit | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Are you a native full-stack visiongineer who | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | lives to marketech platishforms? | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It Is Impossible to Believe How Mindblowing These Amazing New Jobs Are — Medium | May 29 19:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 29 19:49 |
schestowitz__ | "Sure thing. Canonical is kinda evil ...." | May 29 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack VIDEO: How Twitter Reacted to the #Snowden | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Interview: public support #s reversed f/ what | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | they were last yr. | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Twitter Reacted To The Snowden Interview - NBC News | May 29 19:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel haha! Sometimes I could kiss Edward Snowden. | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 29 19:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | But don't tell NYT's culture editor. | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NYC Councilman (and Open Source Developer) | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Submits Bill Establishing Open Source | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Preference | May 29 19:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 19:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NYC Councilman (and Open Source Developer) Submits Bill Establishing Open Source - Slashdot | May 29 19:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with | May 29 20:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Older AMD and Intel CPUs | May 29 20:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tiniest Linux COM yet? | May 29 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with Older AMD and Intel CPUs | Tux Machines | May 29 20:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD | May 29 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Experience | May 29 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tiniest Linux COM yet? | Tux Machines | May 29 20:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD Experience | Tux Machines | May 29 20:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jteeDC The cover of TIME Magazine. YES. | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jteeDC: The cover of TIME Magazine. YES. | May 29 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Actual Former Government Official Makes Totally | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ridiculous Argument That Snowden's 'Harms' Are | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | That Other Countries… | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Actual Former Government Official Makes Totally Ridiculous Argument That Snowden's 'Harms' Are That Other Countries Are Angry | Techdirt | May 29 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mir #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 29 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | May 29 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with | May 29 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Older #AMD and Intel CPUs | May 29 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with Older AMD and Intel CPUs | May 29 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tiniest Linux COM yet? | May 29 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #embedded | May 29 20:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tiniest Linux COM yet? · | May 29 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD | May 29 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Experience #bsd #openbsd | May 29 20:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD Experience | May 29 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist My Justice ctte comments today on C-13 focused | May 29 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | on 3 issues: 1) immunity for voluntary | May 29 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosure of info | May 29 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - The Trouble With Bill C-13: My Appearance before the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights | May 29 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist 2) low threshold for transmission data | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | (metadata) warrant 3) need for transparency & | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | reporting reqs | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Clonezilla Live 2.2.3-14 OS Can Be Used for | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Backup and Recovery | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 29 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Clonezilla Live 2.2.3-14 OS Can Be Used for Backup and Recovery | May 29 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist I also concluded with an illustration of why | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy issues affect everyone - including MPs | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BillC13 | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Remarkable that JUST committee likely to | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | complete lawful access review without hearing | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | from any Cdn privacy commish. #BillC13 | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist CCLA, BCFIPA, BCCLA, CIPPIC apparently also | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | excluded - if you’re a civil liberties group, | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | chances are JUST won’t hear from you. | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Energy Saved By Ditching DVDs Could Power | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | 200,000 Homes | May 29 20:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Energy Saved By Ditching DVDs Could Power 200,000 Homes - Slashdot | May 29 20:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @torteen It’s Throwback Thursday! This week, HOMELAND | May 29 20:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by author @doctorow talks online security in 2008: | May 29 20:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 20:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Throwback Thursdays: Security Literacy: Teaching Kids to Think Critically About Security | Tor/Forge Blog | May 29 20:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @caparsons: What your telecom provider knows | May 29 20:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | about you | May 29 20:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What your telecom provider knows about you - chadkoh | May 29 20:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Now #DiFi trying to minimize #Snowden's | May 29 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblowing as ONLY asking a legal question | May 29 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | (in redacted, opaque snippet) | May 29 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MatthewKeysLive: The NSA has released the Snowden e-mail - | May 29 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Snowden’s Emailed Question Addresses One Abuse | May 29 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Revealed by His Leaks | May 29 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 29 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA reveals they DON'T clearly train law > EO. | May 29 20:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden’s Emailed Question Addresses One Abuse Revealed by His Leaks | emptywheel | May 29 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jayrosen_nyu Jack Goldsmith, former head of the U.S. Office | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of Legal Counsel under Bush, says Kinsley is | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald dead wrong. That | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | matters. | May 29 21:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › Why Kinsley is Wrong About the Connection Between Democracy and the Publication of National Security Secrets | May 29 21:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AriMelber . @jayrosen_nyu Hard to imagine Kinsley even | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by applying his own test - gov should decide - to | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald secrets like Watergate or torture. @ggreenwald | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Abt to go on @RT_America w/@BruceFeinEsq & | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Normon Soloman to talk #Snowden. | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel So the NSA just ADMITTED they don't clearly | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | train that law takes precedence over EO 12333. | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 29 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Given NSA's collection of US person data under | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | EO 12333 is common theme in his disclosures | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's actually big news. | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist TrueCrypt Open-Source Disk-Encryption Project | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Shuts Down | May 29 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt Open-Source Disk-Encryption Project Shuts Down | May 29 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Not A Hoverboard, but Close (Video) | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Not A Hoverboard, but Close (Video) - Slashdot | May 29 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kevinmitnick We're hiring! If you're cool and a senior | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pentester with >5 years with visible cred, | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist check out | May 29 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mitnick Security | Social Engineering | Hacker | Incident Response | May 29 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt James Clapper: Yes, Snowden Emailed NSA Lawyer, | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | But Not About His Concerns | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | James Clapper: Yes, Snowden Emailed NSA Lawyer, But Not About His Concerns | Techdirt | May 29 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @megangrA yay! just delivered, my paperback of HOMELAND | May 29 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by @doctorow | May 29 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 29 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US secretly calls @Porshenko "our #Ukraine | May 29 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | insider" | May 29 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 06KIEV1706_a | May 29 21:48 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Now #DiFi trying to minimize #Snowden's #whistleblowing as...' | May 29 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon We want your feedback on what is the optimal | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | length for a CLS session - please share your | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | views at - thanks! #cls | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Session lengths at CLS - feedback wanted! - Community Leadership Forum | May 29 21:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'US secretly calls @Porshenko "our #Ukraine insider" ...' | May 29 21:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist MT @Justin_Ling: Liberal Justice Critic Sean | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Casey is proposing three amendments to C-13. | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 21:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Justin_Ling: Liberal Justice Critic Sean Casey is proposing three amendments to C-13. I look forward to mourning their defeat. | May 29 21:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US used @Poroshenko as informant for "Our | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ukraine" party calling him its "insider" | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Curved TVs Nothing But a Gimmick | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Curved TVs Nothing But a Gimmick - Slashdot | May 29 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @joshgerstein Snowden lawyer responds to release of e-mail | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA leaker sent to agency's general counsel's | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack office | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA releases Edward Snowden email - | May 29 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Popular Wiretapping Tool Used By Law | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enforcement Includes Backdoor With Hardcoded | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Password | May 29 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Popular Wiretapping Tool Used By Law Enforcement Includes Backdoor With Hardcoded Password | Techdirt | May 29 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian MT @daveaitel: @csoghoian You are not popular | May 29 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | with people who know how SIGINT works and its | May 29 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | value. <- Achievement unlocked. | May 29 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @McDawg ICYMI, @doctorow will be in #Edinburgh June | May 29 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 20th for a Keynote at | May 29 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #publishing #PubConf | May 29 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Publishing: Evolution, disruption & the future | May 29 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Anyone thing it interesting that Mikey Hayden | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | updated NSA guidelines on spying on March 11, | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2004, day after hospital confrontation? | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Atrios elite media will soon get back to regularly | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by scheduled programming of criticizing Some | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Countries We Don't Like for lack of press | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | freedom | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee .@20committee Also, last night, right after I | May 29 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | finished teaching my Phrenology class, my | May 29 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | dowsing rod picked up strong signs of Snowden | May 29 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | lying. | May 29 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Imparting Malware Resistance With a Randomizing | May 29 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Compiler | May 29 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imparting Malware Resistance With a Randomizing Compiler - Slashdot | May 29 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Also grateful to NSA for releasing Snowden | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | email as it got me to read/reread their own | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | legal docs which are very sexy indeed. | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Did you know NSA can disseminate comms w/your | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | name if involved in disclosure of unauthorized | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | natsec info? That's ... most NatSec journos. | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard How to get security updates for Windows XP: | May 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | tell Microsoft it's a cash register | May 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ymmv! | May 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Windows XP fixes flaws for free if you turn PCs into CASH REGISTERS • The Register | May 29 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @german_aranda 'Snowden es la persona más feliz que conozco', | May 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by gran entrevista de @ggreenwald a @elmundoes | May 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald por @galvanX | May 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Snowden es la persona ms feliz que conozco' | Internacional | EL MUNDO | May 29 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @joshgerstein Snowden lawyer responds to release of e-mail | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA leaker sent to agency's general counsel's | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 office | May 29 22:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA releases Edward Snowden email - | May 29 22:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Abt to go on @RT_America w/@BruceFeinEsq & | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Normon Soloman to talk #Snowden. | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack VIDEO: How Twitter Reacted to the #Snowden | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Interview: public support #s reversed f/ what | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 they were last yr. | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Twitter Reacted To The Snowden Interview - NBC News | May 29 22:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@digby56 I'll be on @NBCNightlyNews at | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 6:00pmEST, then facing off w/ Jeremy Bash | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 tomorrow am to #makethecase against his | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | bullshit | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @joshgerstein Carney: Snowden would get 'due process and | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protections' and 'he is welcome' to return to | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 US for trial. 'Clemency is not on the table.' | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Great graphic of @twitter reaction favoring | May 29 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden intervu. He even won poorly framed Q: | May 29 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 5453-patriot | May 29 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2752-traitor | May 29 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @USDroneWarDept @5150committee @20committee And the way his | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mole looked---I tell ya, there's something | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee really "Russian-y" about that guy now... | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @timberners_lee Google: "You must get a gmail account, but u | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by can still use your normal email to log in". | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard BUT NOT AS YOUR ID ON GDRIVE ETC ETC #fail | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Also noting some inconsistencies w/what NSA | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | trains on and what they actually do. DOJ really | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ought to crack down on that! | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Rupert Myers: Ukip supporters I met weren't | May 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | racist – they felt disenfranchised and | May 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | frustrated | May 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukip supporters I met weren't racist – they felt disenfranchised and frustrated | Rupert Myers | Comment is free | | May 29 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: liartownusa: The Legend of Diaper | May 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Horse by Cassandra Twobears | May 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Google AdSense's Idiotic And Hypocritical | May 29 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Morality Police Force Us To Remove Ads On News | May 29 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stories - @Google, the | May 29 22:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google AdSense's Idiotic And Hypocritical Morality Police Force Us To Remove Ads On News Stories | Techdirt | May 29 22:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | bully | May 29 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody | May 29 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 29 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 29 22:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU Rat: Stoppt Freihandelsabkommen TTIP | May 29 22:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I just supported Reset The Net on | May 29 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ThunderclapIt // @fightfortheftr | May 29 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 22:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thunderclap: Reset The Net | May 29 22:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hanscees @glynmoody Dutch parlement asks minister to ban | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by non- #EU cloud for government ICT | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NSA | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VVD: overheidsdata niet bij buitenlandse bedrijven - Webwereld | May 29 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unified Patent - | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | important paper analyses #UPC's deep problems | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent - Open Enterprise | May 29 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Former Government Official Makes Ridiculous | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Argument That Snowden's 'Harms' Are That Other | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Countries Are Angry - | May 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Actual Former Government Official Makes Totally Ridiculous Argument That Snowden's 'Harms' Are That Other Countries Are Angry | Techdirt | May 29 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Kick | May 29 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 23:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 29 23:04 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow deleted 'Kick' | May 29 23:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MuckRock On July 1, 2013, NSA said all Snowden emails | May 29 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by were exempt from disclosure: | May 29 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Now posts on Tumblr | May 29 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 29 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 29 23:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Employee/Contractor Reviews/Agreements | Muckrock | May 29 23:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IC ON THE RECORD • Edward J. Snowden email inquiry to the NSA Office... | May 29 23:05 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 29 23:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 29 23:26 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 23:26 | |
_XFaCE | qu1j0t3: wathcing the melinda gates + harper interview wtih CBC | May 29 23:31 |
qu1j0t3 | meh | May 30 00:08 |
qu1j0t3 | that must be a barrel of fun | May 30 00:08 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz__: machine w/ bot is down, they are looking into it. | May 30 00:22 |
schestowitz__ | the bots have been so stable recently | May 30 02:24 |
schestowitz__ | this enabled me to post more | May 30 02:25 |
schestowitz__ | qu1j0t3: quick update regarding what I was telling you | May 30 02:25 |
schestowitz__ | the judge was a joke | May 30 02:25 |
schestowitz__ | decision not valid, so there's an appeal that should be trivial to win, but we shall see | May 30 02:25 |
schestowitz__ | it has been taking lots of time and money now | May 30 02:25 |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 30 02:55 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 02:56 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 30 02:56 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 02:56 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 04:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mark Chapman - It's time to get the message out. | The Pirate Party [ ] | May 30 04:20 | |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: yeah this isn't a software issue | May 30 04:34 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: something happened with the vps | May 30 04:34 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: it's back, i'm starting the bots now | May 30 04:35 |
schestowitz | thanks, fantastic | May 30 04:35 |
schestowitz | I will resume posting in a few hours | May 30 04:36 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 04:36 | |
*TweetSchestowitz (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 04:36 | |
qu1j0t3 | done | May 30 04:36 |
schestowitz | | May 30 04:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pdjohnson: Any Drupal Freelancers looking for work in Manchester / North West? I am aware of a company seeking some resource (not agency / recruiters) | May 30 04:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 30 05:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 30 05:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 30 05:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Security Experts Looking To Possibly Fork And | May 30 05:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rescue TrueCrypt | May 30 05:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 05:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Security Experts Looking To Possibly Fork And Rescue TrueCrypt | Techdirt | May 30 05:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dreamthatworks we will need to make some tough decisions | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #370Debate #Article370 #AskSunny #prayfortheo | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya #ThisIsThem Vadodara PM Modi | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 05:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dreamthatworks: we will need to make some tough decisions #370Debate #Article370 #AskSunny #prayfortheo #ThisIsThem Vadodara PM Modi | May 30 05:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya I was biggest supporter of modi ji but if | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @narendramodi allows FDI in defence, I will | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | assume my vote wasted ! @Swamy39 | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How MIT and Caltech's Coding Breakthrough Could | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Accelerate Mobile Network Speeds | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 05:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 05:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How MIT and Caltech's Coding Breakthrough Could Accelerate Mobile Network Speeds - Slashdot | May 30 05:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian .@tqbf is spot on. Moving your security company | May 30 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Switzerland does not give it magic, anti-NSA | May 30 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance powers. | May 30 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Also what is it with the people who suddenly seem to believe Switzerland is a cy... | Hacker News | May 30 05:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BigBenComedy Awesome write up of @RussianOptimism in | May 30 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @BoingBoing by @doctorow who wrote one of my | May 30 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow favorite books Down&Out | May 30 05:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kickstarting a coffee-table book of grisly, real Russian nursery-rhymes - Boing Boing | May 30 05:52 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 06:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Fastmail has servers in the US, but claims they | May 30 06:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | are not subject to US surveillance law. Yeah, | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | good luck with that. | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FastMail’s servers are in the US: what this means for you | FastMail Weblog | May 30 06:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: disneysupportingroles: The ladies of | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | haunted mansion @waltdisneyworld #disneyside | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: wtbw: (via Look At This…: Guy Wears | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comic Book Make-Up) | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: insanelygaming: Super Mario Dress | May 30 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Available on Koala Art & Design for $59.99 | May 30 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | via Tiny Cartridge | May 30 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Edward Snowden responds to release of e-mail by | May 30 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | U.S. officials | May 30 06:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden responds to release of e-mail by U.S. officials - The Washington Post | May 30 06:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sumitkashyapjha FDI in defence, twist and turns from CM Modi to | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by PM Modi..!! | May 30 06:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@sumitkashyapjha: FDI in defence, twist and turns from CM Modi to PM Modi..!! | May 30 06:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Daniel Ellsberg has some things to say about | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kinsley's "govt-must-decide" view of journalism | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheered on by many | May 30 06:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HuffPost Live | May 30 06:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald The tenacious @JasonLeopold sues NSA under FOIA | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Snowden emails | May 30 06:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 06:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leopold vs NSA Snowden Emails | May 30 06:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald As @benwizner says, whether Snowden first | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | invoked the "proper" (deliberately impotent" | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | channels is also irrelevant | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 07:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA releases Edward Snowden email - | May 30 07:20 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald deleted 'As @benwizner says, whether Snowden first invoked the...' | May 30 07:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald As @benwizner says, whether Snowden first | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | invoked the "proper" (deliberately impotent) | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | channels is also irrelevant | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Cheap Intel-based Android tablets get real: | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | LinuxGizmos: Toshiba tipped a $110 Android | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | tablet using a quad-co... | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 07:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 07:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Cheap Intel-based Android tablets get real | May 30 07:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 30 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 30 07:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, | May 30 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Ubuntu Surface | May 30 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, and Ubuntu Surface | Tux Machines | May 30 07:45 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 08:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @randomoracle PSA: If switching from #Truecrypt to | May 30 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Bitlocker, disable key-escrow to #MSFT cloud | May 30 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian (on by default in Win8.1) | May 30 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | All your keys are belong to us: Windows 8.1, BitLocker and key-escrow | Random Oracle | May 30 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian An unnamed US gov agency warned @hdmoore last | May 30 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | year over net scanning research. Why not | May 30 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | identify the gov agency? | May 30 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US cybercrime laws being used to target security researchers | Technology | | May 30 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Happy 95th Anniversary, Relativity | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Happy 95th Anniversary, Relativity - Slashdot | May 30 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140529 - | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 30 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140529 | May 30 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Most Federal Scientists Feel They Can’t Speak | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Out, Even If Public Health and Safety at Risk, | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Says New Survey - #Ca | May 30 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Big Chill | May 30 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "#TTIP is unsustainable from an environmental | May 30 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | point of view" - "a need | May 30 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | for new forms of global cooperation" #TAFTA | May 30 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The TTIP agreement: all but sustainable - TTIP | May 30 08:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU’s drug regulator makes a U-turn on data | May 30 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | transparency - head of | May 30 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | EMA should resign for betrayal (v @bengoldacre) | May 30 08:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe’s drug regulator makes a U-turn on data transparency | The Economic Voice | May 30 08:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Former Government Official Makes Ridiculous | May 30 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Argument That Snowden's 'Harms' Are That Other | May 30 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Countries Are Angry - | May 30 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Actual Former Government Official Makes Totally Ridiculous Argument That Snowden's 'Harms' Are That Other Countries Are Angry | Techdirt | May 30 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabiochiusi Top NSA officials struggled over surge in Foia | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by requests, emails reveal | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @guardian | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top NSA officials struggled over surge in Foia requests, emails reveal | World news | | May 30 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Privacy call for internet browsing in the wake | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Edward #Snowden leaks - | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | are people waking up at | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | last? | May 30 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy call for internet browsing in the wake of Edward Snowden leaks | Technology | The Guardian | May 30 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "Free Speech Groups Issue New Guide to the | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | International “Necessary & Proportionate | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Principles”" | May 30 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Speech Groups Issue New Guide to the International “Necessary & Proportionate Principles” | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 30 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Security Experts Looking To Possibly Fork And | May 30 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rescue #TrueCrypt - | May 30 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Security Experts Looking To Possibly Fork And Rescue TrueCrypt | Techdirt | May 30 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | makes sense, but will the licence allow it? | May 30 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "Unnecessary and Disproportionate: How the NSA | May 30 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Violates International Human Rights Standards" | May 30 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unnecessary and Disproportionate: How the NSA Violates International Human Rights Standards | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 30 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Brilliant_Ads Beats version of Apple tomorrow ;) | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Brilliant_Ads: Beats version of Apple tomorrow ;) | May 30 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Google Asks Users To Demand Congress Pass Real | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance Reform | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Asks Users To Demand Congress Pass Real Surveillance Reform | Techdirt | May 30 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Google AdSense's Idiotic And Hypocritical | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Morality Police Force Us To Remove Ads On News | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stories - @Google, the | May 30 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google AdSense's Idiotic And Hypocritical Morality Police Force Us To Remove Ads On News Stories | Techdirt | May 30 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | bully | May 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 08:57 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, and Ubuntu...' | May 30 08:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Foundation flings two full-time | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | developers at OpenSSL | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Yields Comparable Performance | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Foundation flings two full-time developers at OpenSSL | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang Yields Comparable Performance | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 30 08:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure | May 30 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Initiative Advisory Board - | May 30 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | impressive group: Cox, | May 30 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Moglen, Schneier, T’so | May 30 09:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative Announces New Backers, First Projects to Receive Support and Advisory Board Members | The Linux Foundation | May 30 09:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody New Indian PM seeks better ties with China - | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | how long before | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | China-India-Russia trade deal? who needs #TPP? | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unified Patent - | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | important paper analyses #UPC's deep problems | May 30 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 30 09:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent - Open Enterprise | May 30 09:05 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Text on a picture that only works as text on a | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | picture. | May 30 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@davidgerard: Text on a picture that only works as text on a picture. | May 30 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Chilcot inquiry accused of whitewash over | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | letters between Blair and Bush - | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | well, there's a | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | surprise... | May 30 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chilcot inquiry accused of whitewash over letters between Blair and Bush | UK news | The Guardian | May 30 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Corporate capture: Europe trade talks threaten | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | environment - good post | May 30 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP's huge dangers | May 30 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | May 30 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ThiruGeneva Australian Financial Review: Ex @WTO chief | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Pascal Lamy backs Australia on ‘plain | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody packaging’ @TaniaDussey @sdonnan | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pascal Lamy backs Australia on ‘plain packaging’ | May 30 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JaviTobal Greenwald es el periodista que da sentido a la | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by info de Snowden. Interesante > | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald via @elpais | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Las nuevas limitaciones de EE UU a la NSA son simbólicas” | Internacional | EL PAÍS | May 30 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: O say can you see? | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fromTGA So we peasants not to know what Bush & Blair | May 30 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by said re Iraq. Violates free speech principle: | May 30 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 30 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We allow no taboos in the discussion and dissemination of knowledge. | Free Speech Debate | May 30 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Chilcot Inquiry: "Gist" of Blair-Bush Iraq war records to be published | May 30 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @IndexCensorship Google launches 'right to be forgotten' webform | May 30 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for removal requests | May 30 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 30 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @guardian | May 30 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google launches 'right to be forgotten' webform for removal requests | Technology | | May 30 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LizCarolan Come join me and @Rchards at the @UKODI's | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by international team - seeking someone we can | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody invest in as institute grows | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Programme Assistant - International | Jobs | Open Data Institute | May 30 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @micri64 "Obiettivo giornalismo: coinvolgere il lettore | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by nel dibattito politico e delle idee" Bella | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald intervista a @ggreenwald | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Il nuovo giornalismo secondo Greenwald | | May 30 09:22 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 09:22 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 09:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Capturing #Xibe, “Language of Exile,” for | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Posterity - great news | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linguistics | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Capturing Xibe, “Language of Exile,” for Posterity – Altaic Storytelling | May 30 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Patent royalties may exceed $120 per | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #smartphone, undermine industry profitability: | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | working paper - patent | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | insanity | May 30 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FOSS Patents: Patent royalties may exceed $120 per smartphone, undermine industry profitability: working paper | May 30 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moms to EPA: End #Monsanto's Poisoning of | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | America - & nobody | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | wants to fight mums, do they? | May 30 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moms to EPA: End Monsanto's Poisoning of America | Common Dreams | May 30 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @erikwesselius 60th Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen: "This | May 30 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is big business. And big politics. And big | May 30 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody lobbying." | May 30 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bilderberg at 60: inside the world's most secretive conference | World news | | May 30 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Will Big Oil Execs Ever Stand Trial for Willful | May 30 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Climate Deceit? - | May 30 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | investors should watch out, too... | May 30 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #carbonbubble | May 30 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Big Oil Execs Ever Stand Trial for Willful Climate Deceit? | Common Dreams | May 30 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Official Makes Totally Ridiculous Argument | May 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden's 'Harms' Are That Other Countries Are | May 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Angry blaming messengers | May 30 09:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Actual Former Government Official Makes Totally Ridiculous Argument That Snowden's 'Harms' Are That Other Countries Are Angry | Techdirt | May 30 09:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kerry pretends the US can offer justice to | May 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | May 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry Tells Snowden to "Man Up" and Come Home | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren | May 30 09:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Peace | May 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #LSU gets Intel grant to develop open-source | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | software development | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-serving grant, academics to work for | May 30 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LSU gets Intel grant to develop open-source software development | | May 30 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #intel | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel unveils Linux platform for autonomous | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | cars with #linux | May 30 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel unveils Linux-on-Atom platform for autonomous cars · | May 30 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #intel is behind | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel highlights mobile technology, ambitions with pitch to Android developers - Network World | May 30 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Gangster type Ballmer to have less time to | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | spend on #microsoft | May 30 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to buy Clippers for $2B | May 30 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ballmer's interest in sport good news. Whatever | May 30 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | keeps this thug and crook away from software | May 30 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | world.... [1/2] | May 30 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When bad people occupy software we end up w/ | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | massively invasive #surveillance crashes etc. | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | In sports, it's just distractions turf war | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | [2/2] | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #mozilla #linux | May 30 09:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | TechSource | May 30 09:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @atricarico72 Vergognoso spot RAI a favore dell'accordo di | May 30 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by libero scambio Usa-Ue #TTIP. Che dice | May 30 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @Roberto_Fico dalla #VigilanzaRai? | May 30 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 09:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Video Rai.TV - Rai Europa - Rai Europa - Trattati internazionali | May 30 09:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | May 30 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kalilinux #gnu #linux | May 30 09:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | | May 30 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang | May 30 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Yields Comparable Performance | May 30 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #llvm | May 30 09:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang Yields Comparable Performance | May 30 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | May 30 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #deepin #gnu #linux | May 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | Reviews | LinuxInsider | May 30 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Identity (old) | May 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 30 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Facebook down across #Thailand – reports | May 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Facebook traffic down | May 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | across the world | May 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook down across Thailand – reports | May 30 09:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Site Overview | May 30 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Last #facebook "update" | May 30 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | users driving themselves to death | May 30 10:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Woman posts about ‘Happy’ song on Facebook seconds before fatal Business 85 crash | - News, Weather, Sports and more from WGHP Fox 8 Television | May 30 10:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 30/5/2014: GOG GNU/Linux Expansion, LGP | May 30 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Down, Valve Delays | May 30 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 30 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 30/5/2014: GOG GNU/Linux Expansion, LGP Down, Valve Delays | Techrights | May 30 10:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Mark_Antony Drupal skills? Want to work for UK's Open | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by source flagship in our rapidly growing | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Government and Public Sector Drupal business? | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Get in touch! | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Video: Neil #deGrasseTyson Destroys Climate | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Deniers | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #environment #science | May 30 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Destroys Climate Deniers | Mother Jones | May 30 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #video #climate | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Evolution 3.13.2 Sees True Progress, More than | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Four #Email Addresses Now Allowed | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 30 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Evolution 3.13.2 Sees True Progress, More than Four Email Addresses Now Allowed | May 30 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz First Play Footage Of #Epic Games' New | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #UnrealTournament #games | May 30 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] First Play Footage Of Epic Games' New Unreal Tournament | May 30 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Images from the 1969 Song and Sounds of the | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Haunted Mansion. | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk #privacy challenged by law: How will | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #government share your data? | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance #spying | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gchq | May 30 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Rights Group - How will government share your data? | May 30 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Printers "report your activities" | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | sadly, many people | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | still don't know (not informed by me... | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman's Personal Page | May 30 10:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Printers "report ... | May 30 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Last Chance to Get Painkiller Hell & Damnation | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | with an 80% Discount on Steam for Linux | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #gnu #linux | May 30 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Chance to Get Painkiller Hell & Damnation with an 80% Discount on Steam for Linux | May 30 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Gnumeric 1.12.16 Is a Pretty Good Alternative | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Microsoft Excel | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnumeric #gnome #gnu #linux | May 30 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gnumeric 1.12.16 Is a Pretty Good Alternative to Microsoft Excel | May 30 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Death of money': Author Rickards predicts | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | collapse of global monetary system | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #finance | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 30 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | National debt of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 30 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ciapost says Britain does so much #cocaine | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | it’s now in the drinking water | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Britain does so much cocaine it’s now in the drinking water | May 30 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz After Safety Concerns Over Its Southern Leg, | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #KeystoneXL Is Getting New Regulations | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | epic photo | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #email app that comes with #android is | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | seemingly designed for children and is also as | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | reliable as children. #google | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Maher defends #Eich | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #firefox | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Maher rails against political correctness | May 30 10:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #mozilla is not done developing #thunderbird ; | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | there are many missing improvements it could | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | benefit from. Who in Mozilla decided to | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | abandon? | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When people in #mozilla (won't name them) said | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | that #thunderbird no longer needs development | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | they cited #prism #nsa traps as alternatives | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It is patently untrue that no business model | May 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | exists in #thunderbird - many business models | May 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | exist. Meanwhile many are stuck with frozen | May 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | s/w. | May 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Amazon Wants To Run Your High-Performance | May 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Databases | May 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon Wants To Run Your High-Performance Databases - Slashdot | May 30 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @naomirwolf My latest piece for @ProSyn, "The Feminine | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Leadership Mystique" | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Naomi Wolf says that the debate about women's leadership styles is really about moving the goalposts. - Project Syndicate | May 30 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Millions of pro-Cable supporters gather in | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | London | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Millions of Cable supporters gather in London | May 30 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard THE new self-driving cars pioneered by Google | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | just go straight to Wikipedia, according to | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | testers. | May 30 11:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google cars only go to Wikipedia | May 30 11:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 11:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "We are not just some mediaeval shithole, we | May 30 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | are a *polite* mediaeval shithole who want your | May 30 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | filthy liberal money." | May 30 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Snowden: NSA Revealed Only One Email, Shows NSA | May 30 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lied Before... Also: None Of This Matters | May 30 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 12:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Leggings are not pants': Qatar launches modesty campaign aimed at tourists | May 30 12:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden: NSA Revealed Only One Email, Shows NSA Lied Before... Also: None Of This Matters | Techdirt | May 30 12:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rtvees ¿Qué le preguntarías a la 'garganta profunda' | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by de Snowden? A @ggreenwald. | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #GreenwaldResponde | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Entrevista a Glenn Greenwald - Glenn Greenwald responde - | May 30 13:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tve_tve: ¿Qué le preguntarías a la 'garganta profunda' de Snowden? A @ggreenwald. #GreenwaldResponde | May 30 13:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack MSM quick to pummel 1 #Snowden email, but not | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ask Y #NSA couldn't find *ANY* email for 10 | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | mths & within 24 hrs of his intervu coughs one | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | up | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Proposed SpaceX Spaceport Passes Its Final | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Federal Environmental Review | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Proposed SpaceX Spaceport Passes Its Final Federal Environmental Review - Slashdot | May 30 13:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Metro_TVNews Dunia Maya Heboh Bocoran Wikileaks Terkait | May 30 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Prabowo dan Perempuan Thailand | May 30 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 30 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dunia Maya Heboh Bocoran Wikileaks Terkait Prabowo dan Perempuan… | May 30 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Me, @BruceFeinEsq & @NormanSolomon discussing | May 30 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden's email right before gov & MSM | May 30 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | bloodbath 1/2 | May 30 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @RT_America | May 30 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden hits back at government attacks in national TV interview - YouTube | May 30 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Denying Elliott Rodger was a misogynist makes | May 30 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | you as dumb as a creationist | May 30 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | by @tommorris | May 30 13:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Denying Elliott Rodger was a misogynist makes you as dumb as a creationist | May 30 13:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden said he sent emails abt "#NSA's | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | INTERPRETATIONS OF ITS LEGAL | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | AUTHORITIES"--exactly what the email showed 2/2 | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recent academic paper using WikiLeaks materials | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | (or about WikiLeaks) | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | wikileaks - Google Scholar | May 30 13:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recent academic papers using WikiLeaks | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | materials (or about WikiLeaks) | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-Politik: Der Trick beim #TTIP - | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Nulltarif"? Nein: | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Nullkonjunkturprogramm"... (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Politik: Der Trick beim TTIP | Telepolis | May 30 13:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Under what authority does gov't get to collect | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | all credit & financial info? An "unwarranted | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | intrusion" into our lives | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New federal database will track Americans' credit ratings, other financial information | Mobile Washington Examiner | May 30 13:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US cybercrime laws being used to target | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security researchers - | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | just as we predicted (v @AdV007) | May 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US cybercrime laws being used to target security researchers | Technology | | May 30 13:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Amazing how often Peter King sounds like so | May 30 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | many MSNBC hosts - | May 30 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LeanForward | May 30 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rep. King: Brian Williams Should Have ‘Gone After’ Snowden | Mediaite | May 30 13:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama defender Rep. Peter King - | May 30 13:51 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'MSM quick to pummel 1 #Snowden email, but...' | May 30 13:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Scientists Find Method To Reliably Teleport | May 30 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Data | May 30 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scientists Find Method To Reliably Teleport Data - Slashdot | May 30 13:51 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Me, @BruceFeinEsq & @NormanSolomon discussing #Snowden's email right...' | May 30 13:51 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden said he sent emails abt "#NSA's INTERPRETATIONS...' | May 30 13:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @io9 Who Was Guilty of Misconduct During Gaius | May 30 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Baltar's Trial? | May 30 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 30 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 13:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Who Was Guilty of Misconduct During Gaius Baltar's Trial? | May 30 13:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Germany Considers Setting Up A Special Court To | May 30 14:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Determine Who Can Demand To Have Embarassing | May 30 14:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Histories Deleted From… | May 30 14:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany Considers Setting Up A Special Court To Determine Who Can Demand To Have Embarassing Histories Deleted From Google | Techdirt | May 30 14:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CameronNeylon Great job @wellcometrust for right person to | May 30 14:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by make an 'impact': Head of science strategy, | May 30 14:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody performance and impact | May 30 14:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wellcome Trust Jobs | May 30 14:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Kill the Messenger Official Trailer #1 (2014) | May 30 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kill the Messenger Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Jeremy Renner Crime Movie HD - YouTube | May 30 14:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dr_know Well this is rubbish. Data from trials can be | May 30 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by viewed onscreen only = essentially impossible | May 30 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to analyse #alltrials | May 30 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - EMA: Use of study data | May 30 14:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaHammerstein "@FixIt_EU From Sunday #UK #copyright | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exceptions will enable researchers to use text | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody and data mining When in | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU? | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unified Patent - | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | important paper analyses #UPC's deep problems | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent - Open Enterprise | May 30 14:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald RT @showdavida Exclusivo para o Brasil! Sônia | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bridi entrevista Edward Snowden: | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolrosenberg And prosecutors routinely write the judge under | May 30 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by seal. But folks I consulted believe this may be | May 30 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel first Nashiri prosecution exparte incamera. | May 30 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Angelou: Courage is the beginning of all | May 30 14:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | action. Without it, there is nothing. | May 30 14:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange: Antihero for anti-millennials | TheHill | May 30 14:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FionaJLeonard Just finished Little Brother by @doctorow An | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by important book. Please go out and buy a copy | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow for all the teens you know. | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Book A Week - Little Brother | A Fork in the Road | May 30 14:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #TGIF | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Section 1.2 of USSID talks abt balancing | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by privacy/NatSec. Yet David Sanger claims Snowden | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 didn't raise privacy concern | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 30 14:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel USSID 18 1.1: 4A protections 1.2: Privacy v | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NatSec 1.3 US P minimization | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | THAT's what Snowden asked abt. It is NSA's | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy bible. | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Laughing my ass off at # of NatSec journos who | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by either don't know or aren't telling what USSID | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 SP0018 is. | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | It's the RULES ABT USP PRIVACY. | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Copyright roundup 3 — Changes in UK law - | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | useful summary of | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | important changes | May 30 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright roundup 3 — Changes in UK law | Scholarly Communications @ Duke | May 30 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Barack Obama, in December: "Outside of our | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by borders, the NSA is more aggressive. It’s not | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 constrained by laws." | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama: My Overseas Spying Not Constrained by the Law I Passed as Senator | emptywheel | May 30 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "In a statement, ODNI denied that it was using | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by executive authority to “get around the | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 limitations” imposed by FISA." | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say - The Washington Post | May 30 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Here's Keith Alexander & others telling SSCI | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they'd use EO 12333 if the law (PAA) was too | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 restrictive. In 2007. | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article II Is Article II: EO 12333 and Protect America Act, FISA Amendments Act, and FISC | emptywheel | May 30 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Blair should ask Chilcot to publish full Iraq | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | letters to Bush, says Major - | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | nothing to hide, etc. | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc. | May 30 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blair should ask Chilcot to publish full Iraq letters to Bush, says Major | UK news | | May 30 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MuckRock On July 1, 2013, NSA said all Snowden emails | May 30 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by were exempt from disclosure: | May 30 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Now posts on Tumblr | May 30 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Employee/Contractor Reviews/Agreements | Muckrock | May 30 14:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IC ON THE RECORD • Edward J. Snowden email inquiry to the NSA Office... | May 30 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Anyone thing it interesting that Mikey Hayden | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by updated NSA guidelines on spying on March 11, | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 2004, day after hospital confrontation? | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Given NSA's collection of US person data under | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EO 12333 is common theme in his disclosures | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 that's actually big news. | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden’s Emailed Question Addresses One Abuse Revealed by His Leaks | emptywheel | May 30 14:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel So the NSA just ADMITTED they don't clearly | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by train that law takes precedence over EO 12333. | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Not saying NSA has history of lying, but | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pointing to GC email as limited hangout | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 perfectly consistent w/their Snowden resposne | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | to date. | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MatthewKeysLive Here's the three Edward Snowden interview clips | May 30 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that didn't make the final cut for NBC's | May 30 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 broadcast - | May 30 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Edward Snowden clips NBC didn’t broadcast on TV | May 30 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot UPS Denies Helping the NSA 'Interdict' Packages | May 30 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UPS Denies Helping the NSA 'Interdict' Packages - Slashdot | May 30 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @HarleyGeiger The #Bilderberg2014 agenda evidently poses the | May 30 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by question "Does privacy exist?" | May 30 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 30 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @The_IPO #copyrightexceptions from 1 June make it easier | May 30 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for teachers & educational establishments to | May 30 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody use copyright materials | May 30 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Release | Bilderberg Meetings | May 30 14:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Shipping the LibreOffice HiDPI Patches, or How | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | I Learned to Love Heartbleed | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shipping the LibreOffice HiDPI Patches, or How I Learned to Love Heartbleed — Medium | May 30 14:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Linux Foundation's CII Funds Efforts to Prevent | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Next Heartbleed | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Foundation's CII Funds Efforts to Prevent the Next Heartbleed | May 30 14:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Hey @wonderlandblog, here's ammo the next time | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | I complain about doing all the laundry, tidying | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | & dishes | May 30 14:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dads who do housework have more ambitious daughters - Technology & Science - CBC News | May 30 14:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing What's the story with the Makerbot patent? | May 30 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 14:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 30 14:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Super Mario dress | May 30 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 14:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Super Mario dress - Boing Boing | May 30 14:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 14:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:44 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 14:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @cira001: Major New Program Announcement - | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | CIRA invests in 28 ways to advance Canada’s | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIRA invests in 28 ways to advance Canada’s Internet | May 30 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #NSA treats a CLASSIFIED EO that is less | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | stringent abt spying on Americans as having | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | greater authority than laws | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Read | May 30 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden’s Emailed Question Addresses One Abuse Revealed by His Leaks | emptywheel | May 30 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist PHP 5.5.13 Updated for Two Security | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerabilities | May 30 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PHP 5.5.13 Updated for Two Security Vulnerabilities - InternetNews. | May 30 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: torbooks: You are not a digital native: | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | an essay on from | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Homeland author Cory Doctorow. | May 30 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - Science fiction & Fantasy Blog, Books, Stories, News, Forum | May 30 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@DanielEllsberg: "@JohnKerry's challenge to | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden to return & face trial is either | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | disingenuous or ignorant." | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg: Snowden would not get a fair trial – and Kerry is wrong | Comment is free | | May 30 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Check out this nifty surveillance camera | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bird-feeder. Big Birder is watching you! | May 30 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Surveillance camera bird-feeder - Boing Boing | May 30 15:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Check out this nifty surveillance camera bird-feeder. Big Birder is watching you! | May 30 15:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody “Unitary patent” and court system - | May 30 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | great set of resources | May 30 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | about new Unitary Patent and its problems #UPC | May 30 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU | May 30 15:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dr. Ingve Bjrn Stjerna, LL.M. | "Unitary Patent" | May 30 15:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jwoodham Texting wasn't always easy. In my day, you had | May 30 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to work for it. You had to want it. You need an | May 30 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow S? You better click that 7 button FOUR TIMES. | May 30 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @scottros The hashtag that roared (and paid): | May 30 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @strangerworks on the strange saga of | May 30 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #AskChevron | May 30 15:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #AskChevron: The hashtag that roared (and paid) | Grist | May 30 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot ISEE-3 Satellite Is Back Under Control | May 30 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ISEE-3 Satellite Is Back Under Control - Slashdot | May 30 15:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Carabiner box-cutter with a ceramic blade | May 30 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Carabiner box-cutter with a ceramic blade - Boing Boing | May 30 15:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist From Coding Kids to Internet Exchanges: CIRA | May 30 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Community Investment Program's First Round | May 30 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Recipients | May 30 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - From Coding Kids to Internet Exchanges: CIRA Community Investment Program's First Round Recipients | May 30 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarcusSachs If Steve Balmer buys the Clippers, will they | May 30 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have to change their team logo? | May 30 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 30 15:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MarcusSachs: If Steve Balmer buys the Clippers, will they have to change their team logo? | May 30 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The new channel will feature programmes "Shit | May 30 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Off In The Toss Attic" and "Bollocks Under The | May 30 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fucking Hammer Wank". | May 30 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC Swearing to be launched | May 30 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@BradMossEsq when did it become the view when | May 30 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | gov't violates Constitution & statute that they | May 30 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | should not be prosecuted because of NatSec? | May 30 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PhilippOtto Ein tolles Interview: Boing-Boing-Autor | May 30 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow : „Das Urheberrecht ist ein Nährboden | May 30 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow für Überwachung“ @t3n | May 30 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boing-Boing-Autor Cory Doctorow: „Das Urheberrecht ist ein Nährboden für Überwachung“ [Interview] » t3n | May 30 15:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanSWright @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq "When the president | May 30 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by does it, it's not illegal" - Nixon | May 30 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 30 15:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:44 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#NSA treats a CLASSIFIED EO that is less...' | May 30 15:48 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '.@DanielEllsberg: "@JohnKerry's challenge to #Snowden to return &...' | May 30 15:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PennyRed A Cappuccino For Leobowitz #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pnh Best one so far. MT @rosefox : The Brave Little | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Roaster. #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rosefox At the Jamaican Blue Mountains of Madness | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PennyRed The Left Hand of Dark Roast #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @edschweppe The Mocha in God's Eye #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Little Frother #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @daj42 The Stars My Caffeination. #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #fb | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @loriclaremont Stranger with a Strange Latte #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @loriclaremont The Mocha is a Harsh Mistress #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @timothyjaxon @doctorow Old Man's Pour #sfcoffeestories | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ChrisHo68058074 @doctorow I was thinking Latte Brother, | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by followed by Houseblend, and of course Pirate | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Coldbrew | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @daj42 Nova Espresso. #sffcoffeestories #fb | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @skweezo Brewromancer #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pandeiacomic Battlestar Arabica #Sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kebesays Virtual Light Roast #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @intertitles All Tomorrow's Lattes #sffcoffeestories | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jdunck The Mocha in God's Eye #sffcoffeestories | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @robgcook Soy Latte and Thanks For All The Fish | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #sffcoffeestories | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow ¿Soy latte? ¡Somos todos latte! | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot 4K Displays Ready For Prime Time | May 30 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4K Displays Ready For Prime Time - Slashdot | May 30 16:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Everyone Agrees They Don't Know Why Teenager | May 30 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Committed Suicide, So Helpful Coroner Shouts | May 30 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Video Games | May 30 16:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Everyone Agrees They Don't Know Why Teenager Committed Suicide, So Helpful Coroner Shouts Video Games | Techdirt | May 30 16:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Attention, | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by computers, and education; Cinema fined $10K for | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow bag-search; Evoting and... | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in Blogging History: Attention, computers, and education; Cinema fined $10K for bag-search; Evoting and open source - Boing Boing | May 30 16:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @muskrat_john Han Double Shot First #sffcoffeestories | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: zomb-athos | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Cabling India: WikiLeaks and the Information | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wars by Pramod K. Nayar. | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Review of Cabling India: WikiLeaks and the Information Wars by Pramod K. Nayar. | May 30 16:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Shinseki just resigned as Secretary of | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Veterans Affairs | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow US companies seek cyber experts for top jobs - | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cyber. snigger. snigger. “M or F?” “ASL?” | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nycplayer Starbucks Troopers | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #sffcoffeestories #fb @daj42 @doctorow | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:34 |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 189 tweets, 1 cnx to Twitter, 755 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 30 16:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (31), @glynmoody (23), @doctorow (11) | May 30 16:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @doctorow (28), @Thomas_Drake1 (20), @glynmoody (13) | May 30 16:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #sffcoffeestories (17), #Snowden (9), #linux (9) | May 30 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 9 tweets, 1 cnx to Twitter, 48 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 30 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (9) | May 30 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 30 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 30 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OisinMcGann Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Grind | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #sffcoffeestories | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Cleverboxes finally phoned, only after the | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | order had been cancelled for bad service and | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | rant posted @Cleverboxes | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » Cleverboxes is Rubbish and Tesco Direct Should Dump Them | May 30 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Was Snowden pointing out the same loopholes | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cheney & Hayden used in 2004 still in place? | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden: “A Classified Executive Order” | emptywheel | May 30 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JuliaAngwin Here’s Google’s submission form for users who | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by want to file a “Right to be Forgotten” request | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 30 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Legal Help | May 30 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Wondering if Bush had prepared for 200K troops | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Iraq whether VA would have been prepared for | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | those men and women after they left service? | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack DefIntn "PATRIOT": person who regards himself | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | as a defender, esp of individual rts, against | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | interference by fed govt | May 30 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patriot | Define Patriot at | May 30 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @king_clumsy . @doctorow #sffcoffeestories With a Latte Help | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from my Blends | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @king_clumsy . @doctorow #sffcoffeestories Chai Robot | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @king_clumsy . @doctorow #sffcoffeestories Chai Row-boat too | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody BEUC's letter to De Gucht, calling him out | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | exaggerated growth claims for #TTIP - | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | there is simply no real | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | benefit here | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Perl 5.20 Released, and Mojolicious 5.0: the | May 30 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Very Modern Perl Web Framework | May 30 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Perl 5.20 Released, and Mojolicious 5.0: the Very Modern Perl Web Framework - Slashdot | May 30 16:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1006 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 30 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 30 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel I nominate John McCain to head VA. | May 30 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 16:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | May 30 16:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 16:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | Tux Machines | May 30 16:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Clarion SF/F writeathon: write, sponsor | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | writers, help a new generation | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel From @ddayen A Better Solution for Detroit’s | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Blight | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 30 17:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 30 17:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Better Solution for Detroit’s Blight | The Fiscal Times | May 30 17:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Beware the land speculators! | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Desperate #Microsoft Too Busy Attacking the | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Competition (Primarily GNU/Linux), Not Creating | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Products | May 30 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Desperate Microsoft Too Busy Attacking the Competition (Primarily GNU/Linux), Not Creating Products | Techrights | May 30 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JimmySky Gen Shinseki: War will have a high number of | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by casualties. [Fired] | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sec Shinseki: Challenging to treat this high | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | number of casualties. [Fired] | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MuckRock 2013 NSA: "Snowden emails FOIA-proof." 2014 | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA: "Please Reblog!" | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 30 17:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2013 NSA: "Snowden emails FOIA-proof." 2014 NSA: "Please Reblog!" | Muckrock | May 30 17:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Conversations Into Text in Real Time | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #skype #microsoft | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Former NSA Lawyer Thinks American Bar | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Association Should Be Equally Outraged By | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chinese Hacking Of Attorney-Client… | May 30 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time | Techrights | May 30 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former NSA Lawyer Thinks American Bar Association Should Be Equally Outraged By Chinese Hacking Of Attorney-Client Communications | Techdirt | May 30 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist What if the Government Passed Lawful Access | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Without Hearing from Any Privacy Commissioners? | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #BillC13 | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - What if the Government Passed Lawful Access Without Hearing from Any Privacy Commissioners? | May 30 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Patent royalties may exceed $120 per | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #smartphone, undermine industry profitability: | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | working paper - patent | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | insanity | May 30 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FOSS Patents: Patent royalties may exceed $120 per smartphone, undermine industry profitability: working paper | May 30 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing The English Method: UK taught modern torture to | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Brazil's dictators | May 30 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 17:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 30 17:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing UK Home Office's terrorist detection checklist | May 30 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for spotting threats at an airport. | May 30 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK Home Office's terrorist detection checklist - Boing Boing | May 30 17:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: UK Home Office's terrorist detection checklist for spotting threats at an airport. | May 30 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Merkel backs Jean-Claude Juncker for European | May 30 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | commission president - | May 30 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | make up your mind, Mutti... | May 30 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel backs Jean-Claude Juncker for European commission president | World news | | May 30 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #WhiteSource is a Trojan Horse | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #blackduck #foss #fud | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Thinks Depictions of Pi | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Are Protected Intellectual Property | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WhiteSource is a Trojan Horse | Techrights | May 30 17:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zazzle | Custom T-Shirts, Personalized Gifts, Posters, Art, and more | May 30 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thinks Depictions of Pi Are Protected Intellectual Property - Slashdot | May 30 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My @Salon OpEd on America's #Leak Hypocrisy: | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Double Standard for Exposing Undercover | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Identities | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | cc: @JohnKiriakou | May 30 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America’s leak hypocrisy: The double standard for exposing undercover identities - | May 30 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Software Patents Are Still a Threat to Europe | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Due to ‘Unitary’ Patent | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #eu #swpats | May 30 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software Patents Are Still a Threat to Europe Due to ‘Unitary’ Patent | Techrights | May 30 17:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox to Green Light Voice and Video Features | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | Via WebRTC | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox to Green Light Voice and Video Features Via WebRTC | Tux Machines | May 30 17:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unity? | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu Unity? | Tux Machines | May 30 17:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New platform to evaluate open source software | May 30 17:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 17:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New platform to evaluate open source software | Tux Machines | May 30 17:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Congressman bankrolled by ISPs tries to halt | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet regulation - | May 30 17:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congressman bankrolled by ISPs tries to halt Internet regulation | Ars Technica | May 30 17:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | probably just a coincidence... | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EU: The importance of unbiased communication | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP - "acknowledge | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | the whole spectrum of possible outcomes" | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The European Commission: The importance of unbiased communication on TTIP | The consumer view on TTIP | May 30 17:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Software Patents Are Still a Threat to Europe | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Due to ‘Unitary’ Patent - | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | just in case you thought | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | they'd gone away... | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US cybercrime laws being used to target | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security researchers - | May 30 17:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US cybercrime laws being used to target security researchers | Technology | | May 30 17:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | just as we predicted (v @AdV007) | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mtabini When things go wrong, your first words should | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by always be “how do we solve this,” not “how did | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist this happen?” | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 30 17:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Fix the problem, not the blame. | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Marie Curie: #Opensource pioneer - | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | what a star. | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marie Curie: Open source pioneer - Boing Boing | May 30 18:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft-backed Mono is Still Trying to Spread | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | to More Linux-Based Platforms | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mono #linux #microsoft | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft-backed Mono is Still Trying to Spread to More Linux-Based Platforms | Techrights | May 30 18:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is it so acceptable to lie to promote trade | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | deals? - #TTIP's "annual | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | growth is on the order of 0.03%" #TAFTA | May 30 18:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Why is it so acceptable to lie to promote trade deals? | May 30 18:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How the #UK taught #Brazil's dictators torture | May 30 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | techniques - just | May 30 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | shameful | May 30 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - How the UK taught Brazil's dictators interrogation techniques | May 30 18:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mollycrabapple Latest on my giant self portrait with things | May 30 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by people have said to me on the Internet | May 30 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 30 18:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mollycrabapple: Latest on my giant self portrait with things people have said to me on the Internet | May 30 18:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today in #Techrights | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Kerry now kerryicature of self w/ Admin | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | trampling Constitution, citizen rights & | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | sovereignty, exacting NatSec revenge | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanSWright h/t to @Thomas_Drake1 for making me dig up this | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by classic #Nixon clip | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 30 18:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry Tells Snowden to "Man Up" and Come Home | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren | May 30 18:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nixon - When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal - YouTube | May 30 18:06 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Desperate #Microsoft Too Busy Attacking the Competition (Primarily GNU/Linux), Not Creating Products | May 30 18:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Lawmakers Demand Immediate Action to Protect | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Killer Whales - great | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | news: let's keep up the pressure on @SeaWorld | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:09 |
schestowitz | "... like always." | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt If Comcast CEO Brian Roberts Really Believes | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Netflix Gets Bandwidth For Free, Will He Pay | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Netflix's Bandwidth Bill? | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Desperate Microsoft Too Busy Attacking the Competition (Primarily GNU/Linux), Not Creating Products | Techrights [ ] | May 30 18:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawmakers Demand Immediate Action to Protect Killer Whales | May 30 18:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If Comcast CEO Brian Roberts Really Believes Netflix Gets Bandwidth For Free, Will He Pay Netflix's Bandwidth Bill? | Techdirt | May 30 18:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack My @Salon OpEd on America's #Leak Hypocrisy: | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by The Double Standard for Exposing Undercover | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Identities | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America’s leak hypocrisy: The double standard for exposing undercover identities - | May 30 18:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | cc: @JohnKiriakou | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Light Might Make You Heavy | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Light Might Make You Heavy - Slashdot | May 30 18:10 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'Kerry now kerryicature of self w/ Admin trampling...' | May 30 18:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Kerry now kerrycature of self w/ Admin | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | trampling Constitution, citizen rights & | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | sovereignty, exacting NatSec revenge. | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry Tells Snowden to "Man Up" and Come Home | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren | May 30 18:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Defend Trade Secrets Act - | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | global push to create | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | new "trade secrets" right: v dangerous... | May 30 18:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guest Post: Defend Trade Secrets Act — A Primer, an Endorsement, and a Criticism | Patently-O | May 30 18:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Shinseki just resigned as Secretary of | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Veterans Affairs | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack DefIntn "PATRIOT": person who regards himself | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by as a defender, esp of individual rts, against | May 30 18:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 interference by fed govt | May 30 18:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patriot | Define Patriot at | May 30 18:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linaro forms digital media group | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 30 18:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linaro forms digital media group | Tux Machines | May 30 18:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 18:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | Tux Machines | May 30 18:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 30 18:24 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'My @Salon OpEd on America's #Leak Hypocrisy: The...' | May 30 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Vitiligo-Model Brown-Young: Die Botschafterin - | May 30 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | wow: kudos | May 30 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Model mit Hautkrankheit Vitiligo bei America's Next Topmodel - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 30 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #gnome Program for Women debated | May 30 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RE: Outreach Program for Women « andré klapper's blog. | May 30 18:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Silicon Island: On OPW, leadership and PGO | May 30 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Synology #DS414j review – the future of #NAS ? | May 30 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux based | May 30 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Synology DS414j review – the future of NAS? | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 30 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for | May 30 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Download #linuxmint #gnu | May 30 18:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for Download | May 30 18:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 30 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | May 30 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #genode | May 30 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Genode - Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | May 30 18:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linaro forms digital media group | May 30 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linaro #linux | May 30 18:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linaro forms digital media group · | May 30 18:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New platform to evaluate open source software | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #opensource #freesw | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New platform to evaluate open source software | Joinup | May 30 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unity? #ubuntu #unity | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cinnamon #gnu #linux | May 30 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu Unity? - TechRepublic | May 30 18:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Firefox to Green Light Voice and Video Features | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Via WebRTC #webrtc | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #mozilla | May 30 18:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 30 18:29 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #ciapost says Britain does so much #cocaine it’s now in the drinking water #uk | May 30 18:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Britain does so much cocaine it’s now in the drinking water [ ] | May 30 18:31 | |
schestowitz | "I wonder when countries are going to follow #Uruguay legalizing some drugs. There is a lot of people consuming drugs despite/because the prohibition." | May 30 18:31 |
schestowitz | "I think more "because" rather than "despite" lol... The state rakes in huge amounts of money by ticketing and arresting folks for drug charges, throw in some prison labor and you're really cookin. It's just a big ponzy scheme. #StatistsGonnaState " | May 30 18:31 |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Gnumeric 1.12.16 Is a Pretty Good Alternative to Microsoft Excel #gnumeric #gnome #gnu #linux | May 30 18:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Gnumeric 1.12.16 Is a Pretty Good Alternative to Microsoft Excel [ ] | May 30 18:32 | |
schestowitz | "Yes, I use spreadsheets for doing calculations, nothing else. I wonder why people use spreadsheets for things like documents or presentations." | May 30 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Are we all required to retain all our digital | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by information forever just in case one day the | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Feds want to investigate us? This is madness. | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@onekade @Asher_Wolf during my criminal case | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | the gov't asserted that I obstructed justice & | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroyed 'evidence' by use of desktop trashcan | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Microsoft is now irrelevant to computing, and | May 30 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | they want you to know it | May 30 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft is now irrelevant to computing, and they want you to know it - SemiAccurate | May 30 18:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mitchellreports .@DanielEllsberg: For @JohnKerry to | May 30 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by characterize #Snowden as a coward and a traitor | May 30 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald is a despicable statement. - #AMR Staff | May 30 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EdwardSnowden | May 30 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kano review – doing it for the kids | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kano #gnu #linux | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kano review – doing it for the kids | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | May 30 18:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Looks like John Kerry made a mistake invoking | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Daniel Ellsberg, since Ellsberg is now all over | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | TV denouncing Kerry & defending Snowden | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #tuxmachines turns 10 on the day #snowden leaks | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | turn 1 | May 30 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Advogato: Summerschool at the NSA - ~1 Year Later - Reloaded | May 30 18:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gregorydjohnsen So the DNI needs to come up with a | May 30 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by comprehensive plan to defeat al-Qaeda and | May 30 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel submit it to congress | May 30 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | 12+ years | May 30 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 30 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Politicians and media should listen to the only | May 30 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | authority on who is like Daniel Ellsberg. | May 30 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg himself. | May 30 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg: Snowden would not get a fair trial – and Kerry is wrong | Comment is free | | May 30 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg I went on @HuffPostLive to discuss the shameful | May 30 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by comments about Snowden made by John Kerry, a | May 30 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou man that I once admired. | May 30 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg Thinks 'Very Much Less' Of John Kerry For His 'Despicable' Snowden Comments | May 30 18:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Employees and job seekers share surprisingly | May 30 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | revealing spy project names in public posts on | May 30 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | networking site" | May 30 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA contractors use LinkedIn profiles to cash in on national security | Al Jazeera America | May 30 18:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Read the excellent @APDiploWriter grilling the | May 30 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | State Dept spokesperson on Ellsberg/Snowden | May 30 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | (CTRL-F: Ellsberg) | May 30 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daily Press Briefing - May 29, 2014 | May 30 18:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg About to be on CNN to discuss John Kerry's | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by despicable comments about Edward Snowden. And | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou make sure to watch NBC Nightly News later | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | tonight. | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt RESPECT Act Should Be HYPOCRISY Act After How | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Often Labels Screwed Over Artists | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RESPECT Act Should Be HYPOCRISY Act After How Often Labels Screwed Over Artists | Techdirt | May 30 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node #RaspberryPi | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Supercomputer #linux | May 30 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node Raspberry Pi Supercomputer | | May 30 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for | May 30 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Airplane Mode #gnome | May 30 18:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for Airplane Mode | May 30 18:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 30 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Grateful to @DanielEllsberg for presenting an | May 30 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | award for John's whistleblowing torture. | May 30 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John’s speech read by Daniel Ellsberg accepting the Peacemaker of the Year Award | May 30 18:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg John Kerry is wrong about me, and he's | May 30 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by especially wrong about Edward Snowden. My new | May 30 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @Guardian op-ed: | May 30 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg: Snowden would not get a fair trial – and Kerry is wrong | Comment is free | | May 30 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #truecrypt can now be turned into real FOSS, | May 30 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | not openwashed proprietary with #patriotact | May 30 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to Switzerland | May 30 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Synology DS414j review – the future of NAS? | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kano review – doing it for the kids | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for Download | Tux Machines | May 30 19:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Synology DS414j review – the future of NAS? | Tux Machines | May 30 19:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kano review – doing it for the kids | Tux Machines | May 30 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @codepink Father's Day Fundraiser for CIA Whistleblower | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by John Kiriakou's family: | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Take Action Now! | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CODEPINK: Take Action Now! | May 30 19:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ford's Bringing Adaptive Steering To the Masses | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ford's Bringing Adaptive Steering To the Masses - Slashdot | May 30 19:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel I want to be a Senator so I can dedicate | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | wilderness designated land. But I also want to | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | bring my pup, who's not allowed on wilderness | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | land. | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel What do you mean we won't have Jay Carney to | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | kick around anymore? | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel And is Jay Carney resigning bc he wasn't able | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | to adequately distract from VA waitlists as | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | press flack? | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Chamber Resorts to Cartoonish Analogies to | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Defend Corporations’ ‘Right’ to Attack Policies | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | - so insulting #ISDS | May 30 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eyes on Trade: Chamber Resorts to Cartoonish Analogies to Defend Corporations’ ‘Right’ to Attack Policies | May 30 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday An Everyday Linux User review of Makulu 6 | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Imperium Edition: EverydayLinuxUser: There are | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | dozens of other dist... | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - An Everyday Linux User review of Makulu 6 Imperium Edition | May 30 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Ah well. I'm only sorry Oscar Wilde isn't here | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | to write a screenplay about the WH Press | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secretary. | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSArchive Judge gives #CIA until June 20 to provide | May 30 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by timeline for #torture report's declassification | May 30 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #FOIA | May 30 19:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA’s feet held to fire on declassifying Senate intelligence panel report | DC Declassified | McClatchy DC | May 30 19:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeScarcella ‘There is now no doubt that the government | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by defendants have destroyed evidence relevant to | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel plaintiffs’ claims.’ | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody BND will Echtzeit-Überwachung sozialer | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Netzwerke - can't think | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | where they got that idea (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BND will Echtzeit-Überwachung sozialer Netzwerke | heise online | May 30 19:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel EFF accuses the govt of spoilation of evidence | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | in its NSA lawsuits. | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 30 19:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 30 19:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Booyah. | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Also for timeline wonks, they have a very nifty | May 30 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | one at pp 6-7. | May 30 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MakeHartford A great summer read for the #maker in all of us | May 30 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by @doctorow #innovation | May 30 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 19:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Makers: Cory Doctorow: 9780765312815: Books | May 30 19:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LondonerAlex @davidgerard Pretty much. Rather than being the | May 30 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by God of our ancestors, the Basilisk is the | May 30 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard (inexplicably angry) God of our descendants. | May 30 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jostruitt Oh my god. Trans medicare exclusion overturned. | May 30 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Holy crap this is the biggest win. Crying. | May 30 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 30 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | National Center for Transgender Equality: News | May 30 19:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidshepardson RT @detroitnews Michigan SOS won't appeal | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by judge's order to put @repjohnconyers on ballot | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michigan SOS won't appeal judge's order to put Conyers on ballot | The Detroit News | May 30 19:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@detroitnews: Michigan SOS won't appeal judge's order to put Conyers on ballot | May 30 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Thinks Depictions of Pi | May 30 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zazzle | Custom T-Shirts, Personalized Gifts, Posters, Art, and more | May 30 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Are Protected Intellectual Property - | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | more monopoly madness | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thinks Depictions of Pi Are Protected Intellectual Property - Slashdot | May 30 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dannysullivan TechDirt Threatened With AdSense Closure For | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Reporting On Racy Videos That YouTube Puts Ads | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody On this is pretty crazy | May 30 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TechDirt Threatened With AdSense Closure For Reporting On Racy Videos That YouTube Puts Ads On | May 30 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm Just filed legal brief: "There is now no doubt" | May 30 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the government "destroyed evidence" in @EFF's | May 30 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody NSA lawsuit. | May 30 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @can_trade #TTIP, #CETA, fears of #ISDS and the | May 30 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by contrasting European perspectives on dealing | May 30 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody with Canada and the US | May 30 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Europe Berlin Blog: TTIP, CETA, and the contrasting European perspectives on dealing with Canada and the United States. By Morgan Breitkreutz | May 30 19:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot UK Ballistics Scientists: 3D-Printed Guns Are | May 30 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'of No Use To Anyone' | May 30 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK Ballistics Scientists: 3D-Printed Guns Are 'of No Use To Anyone' - Slashdot | May 30 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @TorontoStar: Why has the Canadian | May 30 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | government given up on protecting our privacy? | May 30 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why has the Canadian government given up on protecting our privacy? | Toronto Star | May 30 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody RESPECT Act Should Be HYPOCRISY Act After How | May 30 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Often Labels Screwed Over Artists - | May 30 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RESPECT Act Should Be HYPOCRISY Act After How Often Labels Screwed Over Artists | Techdirt | May 30 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Igualitarista demo in Granada 4 strikers sentenced to 3 years | May 30 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in prison: "if there's no acquittal, there will | May 30 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody be revolution": | May 30 19:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@acampadagranada: La manifestación por #LibertadCarlosYCarmen en #Granada "Si no hay absolución habrá revolución" , recorre gran vía | May 30 19:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "Government must be vigilant, not frightened, | May 30 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | of risks of large data sets" - | May 30 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | rubbish: risks are | May 30 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | *ours*, not theirs | May 30 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mark Walport: Government must make the case for you to share (Wired UK) | May 30 19:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (last v @raycorrigan @medConfidential) | May 30 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg John Kerry is wrong about me, and he's | May 30 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by especially wrong about Edward Snowden. My new | May 30 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @Guardian op-ed: | May 30 19:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg: Snowden would not get a fair trial – and Kerry is wrong | Comment is free | | May 30 19:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF The NSA has corrupted the Internet, but on June | May 30 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 5th, join us to Reset the Net! | May 30 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 30 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Join us on June 5th to Reset the Net | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 30 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Looks like John Kerry made a mistake invoking | May 30 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Daniel Ellsberg, since Ellsberg is now all over | May 30 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TV denouncing Kerry & defending Snowden | May 30 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh We overcomplicate living well. Yet, it's rules | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | are simple. Love more than you hate. Give more | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | than you take. Rebel more than you conform. | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CountCulture Anybody from #croatia at #TCamp14 that can help | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by us understand some #hr company data? cc | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @jkeserue | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tizen Dev Conf 2014 open to student developers | May 30 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | for free #tizen #linux | May 30 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tizen Dev Conf 2014 open to student developers for free | Muktware | May 30 20:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist SDN Isn't Growing Networking, It's Slowing It | May 30 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Down - EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 30 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SDN isn't Growing Networking, It's Slowing it Down | May 30 20:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | May 30 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 20:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | Muktware | May 30 20:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 30 20:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Watch Linux creator Linus Torvalds read mean tweets | VentureBeat | Dev | by J. O'Dell | May 30 20:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linus Torvalds Reads Mean Tweets | | May 30 20:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Has the NRA Finally Met Its Match in Richard | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Martinez, Father of Isla Vista Shooting Victim? | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | - | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Has the NRA Finally Met Its Match in Richard Martinez, Father of Isla Vista Shooting Victim? | Alternet | May 30 20:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The $120 Smartphone Patent Tax: Patent | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Royalties Cost More Than The Actual Hardware In | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Your Phone - bin patents | May 30 20:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The $120 Smartphone Patent Tax: Patent Royalties Cost More Than The Actual Hardware In Your Phone | Techdirt | May 30 20:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | now | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt The $120 Smartphone Patent Tax: Patent | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Royalties Cost More Than The Actual Hardware In | May 30 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Your Phone | May 30 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz June 2014 issue of The #PCLinuxOS Magazine | May 30 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | released | May 30 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | June 2014 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine released » PCLinuxOS | May 30 20:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Wise people know. Not to confuse being clever | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | with being smart; being cruel with being | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | loving; being rich with being prosperous. | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Quite a few people promote/relay 'funny' photos | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | which those people don't realise constitute | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | animal abuse - photographers manufacturing | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | scene | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist It isn’t Canadians that have given up on | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy. It is the Canadian government. My | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | column on why: | May 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why has the Canadian government given up on protecting our privacy? | Toronto Star | May 30 20:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Airplane Mode | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Switzerland | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for Airplane Mode | Tux Machines | May 30 20:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node Raspberry Pi | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Supercomputer | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to Switzerland | Tux Machines | May 30 20:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node Raspberry Pi Supercomputer | Tux Machines | May 30 20:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #MakerBot gone awry | May 30 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Makerbot blatantly steals and patents a community design. | indistinguishable from science. | May 30 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MakerBot Files For Patent On A Design Derived From Work By Its Community | Techdirt | May 30 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Eight out of ten internet users believe | May 30 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | browsing history should be kept private | May 30 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 30 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch | May 30 20:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eight out of ten ... | May 30 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Security Researchers Threatened With US | May 30 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cybercrime Laws | May 30 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Security Researchers Threatened With US Cybercrime Laws - Slashdot | May 30 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canadian governments helps finance free/libre | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | software that's a wise | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | step | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy, open source projects get funding from CIRA | IT World Canada News | May 30 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PGEddington The House committee overseeing intelligence | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by needs oversight of its own | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel via @msnbc | May 30 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The House committee on intelligence needs oversight of its own | MSNBC | May 30 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Women in FOSS to assist women who wish to | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | participate in freedom-respecting software | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | development | May 30 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why 'Girl Develop It' launched an open source fellowship - Philly | May 30 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jumping to conclusions from STEM/CS gender | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | trends: scientists are chauvinists. This is a | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | false correlation. Are garage workers any | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | better? | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jumping to conclusions from FOSS gender trends: | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | FOSS "zealots" don't like women. How about | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | correlating this to ethics/greed/secrecy in SW? | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz False correlations can be conveniently used to | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | make up smears. Just pick some objectionable | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | state, claim the causality to be a phantom one | May 30 20:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:33 |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eight out of ten ... | May 30 20:36 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Printers "report your activities" sadly, many people still don't know (not informed by media) how printers really work | May 30 20:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Richard Stallman's Personal Page | May 30 20:40 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private #cameron gov disagrees with population | May 30 20:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch [ ] | May 30 20:41 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:43 |
schestowitz | IIRC, USSR has dug the world's deepest holes and also did some experiments as such | May 30 20:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm According to @EFF's legal brief, the NSA has | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by destroyed years of evidence, despite their | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack obligation to preserve it. | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama reading ('speeches') | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fifa and #fbi are contributing directly to the | May 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | militarisation of Brazilian #police and it | May 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | shows | May 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazilian Teachers Protest met with Baton Strikes and Tear Gas | May 30 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Injection and extraction | May 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #corruption #fracking | May 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Terror at the beach | May 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 20:58 |
MinceR | they have, but those are not these :> | May 30 21:03 |
MinceR | those tend to have a building around the site | May 30 21:03 |
MinceR | afaik | May 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shy puppy | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Unity Control Center for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Review #unity #ubuntu | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 30 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unity Control Center Review | May 30 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MyFDL Cigars, the Value of Knowledge & Why You Should | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Support @firedoglake | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #politics | May 30 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cigars, The Value of Knowledge, And Why You Should Support FDL | MyFDL | May 30 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Tiniest Linux COM Yet? | May 30 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tiniest Linux COM Yet? - Slashdot | May 30 21:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn The five most popular end-user Linux | May 30 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by distributions via @ZDNet, @sjvn | May 30 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #Linux #Android by @sjvn | May 30 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The five most popular end-user Linux distributions | ZDNet | May 30 21:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt How Many Terrorists Are There: Not As Many As | May 30 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | You Might Think | May 30 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Many Terrorists Are There: Not As Many As You Might Think | Techdirt | May 30 21:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@trevortimm @JesselynRadack I have affidavit | May 30 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF filed on my behalf in Jewel v NSA. Gov't | May 30 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | claimed my DoD IG w'blower evidence destroyed. | May 30 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Why the spooks' violation of the social | May 30 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | contract may drive people from Common Privacy | May 30 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Strong Privacy | May 30 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ongoing by Tim Bray · Privacy Levels | May 30 21:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | Tux Machines | May 30 21:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Unity Control Center for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unity Control Center for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Review | Tux Machines | May 30 21:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines June 2014 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | released | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | June 2014 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine released | Tux Machines | May 30 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @raynerlucas I've just realised that Roger Moore had a real | May 30 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by life version of one of those double entendre | May 30 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Bond girl names. | May 30 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How LEDs Are Made | May 30 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How LEDs Are Made - Slashdot | May 30 21:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard It’s some sign of the end times when your | May 30 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | conference badge has a rootkit | May 30 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Peter Gutmann: why | May 30 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | crypto won't save you | May 30 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh A very good explainer. “@ObsoleteDogma: Hard to | May 30 22:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | see how this is anything other than a TKO for | May 30 22:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Piketty” | May 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Piketty’s ‘errors’ aren’t mistakes: They’re questions, and he answered them | May 30 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Appeals Court Reaffirms The Public Has The | May 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Right To Record The Police, Except For All The | May 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Times When It Doesn't | May 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Appeals Court Reaffirms The Public Has The Right To Record The Police, Except For All The Times When It Doesn't | Techdirt | May 30 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh American Dream. | May 30 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: American Dream. | May 30 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolrosenberg Breaking: Impatient Saudi asks for separate | May 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 9/11 trial at #Guantanamo | May 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel @Miamiherald | May 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba: Saudi asks for separate Guantánamo 9/11 trial - Guantánamo - | May 30 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgsledge AP should class up and thank @_rshapiro for the | May 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Mandela docs: They | May 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel didn't arrive out of thin air. | May 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP News : Death threats made against Mandela during US trip | May 30 22:16 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 30 22:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Guilty gentrification pleasures: All the stores | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | you like from your old neighborhood and even | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | downtown are moving to your hood. | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard UVsTh3m conduct a magickal ritual to cleanse | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | everyone in London of their fear | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | watch this | May 30 22:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We held a magic ritual in our office to cleanse London of fear - Us Vs Th3m | May 30 22:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The follies of a gilded age. “@aramstith: | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh "luxury ice | May 30 22:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 30 22:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | cubes" | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot A Bike Taillight that Goes Beyond Mere | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Taillighting (Video) | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Bike Taillight that Goes Beyond Mere Taillighting (Video) - Slashdot | May 30 22:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm going back to my long overdue twitter | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | hiatus now, so you're not tortured with my | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | bullshit. Here's my thought for the week. | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Only Phil Collins can save us now. | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Just (kind of) kidding. Here's my thought for | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | the week. Happy Friday!! | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Nice people finish last. But assholes finish | May 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | lost. | May 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KetanJ0 .@MineralsCouncil blasts ethical super fund for | May 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by not caring solely about the maximisation of | May 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody profits *[not satire]*: | May 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MCA blasts ‘ethical’ super funds | Business Spectator | May 30 22:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CDrakeFairTrade 153 US lawmakers push for #laborrights | May 30 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by improvements BEFORE a Trans-Pacific Partnership | May 30 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody vote #TPP #1u Thank you! | May 30 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 153 Democratic lawmakers push U.S. to toughen up Trans-Pacific Partnership rules | May 30 23:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Great stuff. “@rstraub46: RT @HarvardBiz: Is | May 30 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Management Due for a Renaissance? | May 30 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GDruckerForum #gpdf14 | May 30 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidkhurst” | May 30 23:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Management Due for a Renaissance? - David K. Hurst - Harvard Business Review | May 30 23:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bbrannan @doctorow Seriously, get ahold of | May 30 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @ShubhamSocial who made a braille printer out | May 30 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow of Lego. He's got new plans. Sub-$200 braille | May 30 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | printer! | May 30 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @devicemag RT @EFF: The NSA has corrupted the Internet, | May 30 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by but on June 5th, join us to Reset the Net! | May 30 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @ACLU @doctorow | May 30 23:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Join us on June 5th to Reset the Net | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 30 23:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MatRicardo @doctorow Just look at it! | May 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 30 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MatRicardo: @doctorow Just look at it! | May 30 23:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Today is the 11th Anniversary of this | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | extraordinary event | May 30 23:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eschaton: Happy Suck On This Day | May 30 23:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel @ggreenwald Here I was trying to figure out why | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | we were getting turkee in the summertime. | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Atrios | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: What Inspired You To Start | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hacking? | May 30 23:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: What Inspired You To Start Hacking? - Slashdot | May 30 23:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Washington Redskins Fail The Twitter Test With | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Football Fans And Followers | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Washington Redskins Fail The Twitter Test With Football Fans And Followers | Techdirt | May 30 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @srubenfeld Federal judge rules that Dodd-Frank | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblowers don't need to report to the SEC | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel to get protection under the law | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge Rules Whistleblowers Don’t Have to Report to SEC to Get Protection - Risk & Compliance - WSJ | May 30 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel I would trust cyber reports more if they came | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | w/financial prospectuses. | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 30 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Maybe that's my job tho. | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou "...if Mr. Kiriakou had actually tortured | May 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | someone, he would not be in jail today." | May 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | America’s leak hypocrisy: The double standard for exposing undercover identities - | May 30 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AmbJohnBolton I’m honored the Ayatollahs are using a fake | May 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bolton linkedin profile in their hacking | May 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel efforts. | May 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 30 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Iran Is Using a Neocon to Hack Its Foes - The Daily Beast | May 30 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Stars Extension For Chrome Leaks: Hands | May 31 00:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | On | May 31 00:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 00:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Stars Extension For Chrome Leaks: Hands On - Slashdot | May 31 00:09 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @srubenfeld: 'Federal judge rules that Dodd-Frank whistleblowers don't need...' | May 31 00:09 | |
*aboutGod ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 31 00:26 | |
*aboutGod ( has left #boycottnovell-social | May 31 00:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Linus Torvalds Reads Your Mean Tweets | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 00:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linus Torvalds Reads Your Mean Tweets - Slashdot | May 31 00:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt House Reauthorizes Intelligence Community | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Funding; Refuses To Consider Amendments To | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Limit Domestic Surveillance | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 00:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | House Reauthorizes Intelligence Community Funding; Refuses To Consider Amendments To Limit Domestic Surveillance | Techdirt | May 31 00:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot As Crypto Mining Grows, Data Centers Begin | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Accepting Bitcoin | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 00:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As Crypto Mining Grows, Data Centers Begin Accepting Bitcoin - Slashdot | May 31 00:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel I'm thinking Cuomo is gonna throw in a free OLC | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | drone killing memo because it's a freebie for | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | negotiations. | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 00:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Agent Provocateur And Shakespears Sister 'She's | May 31 01:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lost Control' with Dita von Teese | May 31 01:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | what. the. (completely | May 31 01:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSFW) | May 31 01:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agent Provocateur And Shakespears Sister 'She's Lost Control' - YouTube | May 31 01:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 01:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: High-Tech Food | May 31 01:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 01:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 01:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: High-Tech Food | Techdirt | May 31 01:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmaz Eagerly awaiting @MichaelKelleyBI @20committee | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and @businessinsider exclusive with Miss Cleo | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @5150committee psychoanalyzing Snowden | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 02:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Miss Cleo Commercial - Call Me Now! - YouTube | May 31 02:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Terran Computational Calendar Introduces | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Minimonths, Year Bases, and Datemods | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 02:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Terran Computational Calendar Introduces Minimonths, Year Bases, and Datemods - Slashdot | May 31 02:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Success Of Fringe Parties In European | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliament Raises New Obstacle To TAFTA/TTIP's | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Progress | May 31 02:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 02:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Success Of Fringe Parties In European Parliament Raises New Obstacle To TAFTA/TTIP's Progress | Techdirt | May 31 02:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Preet: Trying to turn his insider trader habit | May 31 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | into something still more sexy. | May 31 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Is Nvidia Playing Fair With Their New | May 31 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Development Tools? | May 31 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 03:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Nvidia Playing Fair With Their New Development Tools? | Techdirt | May 31 03:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolrosenberg Oddly, @seanhannity says here | May 31 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that #Gitmo staffs 1.5 | May 31 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel doctors per detainee. I asked: Eight doctors | May 31 03:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Palin: Gitmo Prisoners, Illegal Aliens Getting Better Care than 'Death Panel' VA for Vets | May 31 03:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | for 154 captives. | May 31 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MexicAnarchist "I heard it coming from this window. This dude | May 31 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by just said, not all men. I'm going in, cover | May 31 03:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 me." | May 31 03:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MexicAnarchist: "I heard it coming from this window. This dude just said, not all men. I'm going in, cover me." | May 31 03:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 03:18 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 31 03:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anivar "Join us on June 5th to Reset the Net" | May 31 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 03:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Join us on June 5th to Reset the Net | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 31 03:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RaniaKhalek Yeah, that's the story here RT @cnnbrk: SWAT | May 31 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by team gets threats after stun grenade lands in | May 31 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 playpen, injuring child. | May 31 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 03:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SWAT team threatened after grenade injures toddler in drug raid - | May 31 03:58 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 190 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 744 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 31 04:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (39), @glynmoody (21), @emptywheel (15) | May 31 04:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @emptywheel (13), @doctorow (10), @glynmoody (10) | May 31 04:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (11), #gnu (5), #sffcoffeestories (4) | May 31 04:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 16 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 94 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 31 04:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (16) | May 31 04:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 31 04:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 31 04:36 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 31 04:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Labels Decide Not To Appeal Spanish Court | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ruling That Found P2P File Sharing Software | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Perfectly Legal | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 04:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Labels Decide Not To Appeal Spanish Court Ruling That Found P2P File Sharing Software Perfectly Legal | Techdirt | May 31 04:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google To Close Its American Moto X Factory | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 04:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google To Close Its American Moto X Factory - Slashdot | May 31 04:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 HPSCI’s lack of sight faux outrage: "It is | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | furious not at the NSA’s abuses, but rather at | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | the disclosure of abuses" | May 31 04:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 04:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The House committee on intelligence needs oversight of its own | MSNBC | May 31 04:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 04:46 |
*liberty_back has quit (*.net *.split) | May 31 04:49 | |
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split) | May 31 04:49 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 31 04:49 | |
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 31 04:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @luqui Why is it that I die a little inside whenever I | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hear "internet of things?" I've kind of had | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 enough of things. | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FrancisJeffrey7 @Thomas_Drake1 "Who watches the watch dogs who | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by watch the watchers watching us?"--quoting | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 myself ! But NOT the only 1: | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @andrewamonti @Thomas_Drake1 which, incidentally, is the same | May 31 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reaction any mafia don would have: outrage at | May 31 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 disclosures. Long live the code of silence. | May 31 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @noaronkin .@doctorow nails it again: on the business of | May 31 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publishing w/o #DRM + lessons from the #Amazon/ | May 31 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #Hachette battle: | May 31 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tor founder Tom Doherty on publishing without DRM - Boing Boing | May 31 05:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Wake me up when US firms start appointing board | May 31 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by members who actually know about security. | May 31 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 31 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: U.S. companies seek cyber experts for top jobs, board seats | Reuters | May 31 05:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: humansofnewyork: "I’m gonna be an ice | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | cream man!" | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: twisney: By far one of my very | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | favorite group costumes I saw at the Rock Your | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disney Side 24 hour... | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Next week is a critically important (and wildly | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | fun) week - lessig: [tl;dr: Please join our | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thunderclap for... | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Zephyr for Governor - lessig: I’m excited and | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | incredibly proud of my friend Zephyr Teachout | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | for shouldering... | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | new threats to democracy | Technology | The | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guardian -... | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1am in the city. | May 31 05:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 05:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: 1am in the city. | May 31 05:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The five most popular end-user Linux | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | distributions #gnu | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The five most popular end-user Linux distributions | ZDNet | May 31 06:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Marie Curie: Open source pioneer | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | sharing rather than | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | hoarding | May 31 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marie Curie: Open source pioneer - Boing Boing | May 31 06:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Android/Linux smartphones are taking 80% of | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | the market shipments while having an average | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | selling price ~$70 less" | May 31 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pride and Prejudice: Smartphones | Robert Pogson | May 31 06:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Support for Intel's Bayley Bay CRB has been | May 31 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | added to Coreboot." | May 31 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coreboot #freesw | May 31 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Bayley Bay Support Added To Coreboot | May 31 06:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ARM #CoreSight Work Resurrected For The #Linux | May 31 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Kernel | May 31 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] ARM CoreSight Work Resurrected For The Linux Kernel | May 31 06:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Samsung 's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch | May 31 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | drops #Android for #Tizen | May 31 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Samsung's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch drops Android for Tizen | The Verge | May 31 06:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The five most popular end-user Linux | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | distributions | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Deep in-to Linux, Torvalds Tweets, and Top | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Distros | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Laywers" opportunists | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | with greed | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New essay: Imperfection is not the same as | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | oppression | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Ballet-dancers' hardest moves in slow-motion | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Harvard Bluebook: more threats to those who | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by would cite the law | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The five most popular end-user Linux distributions | Tux Machines | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ARM CoreSight Work Resurrected For The Linux | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Kernel | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deep in-to Linux, Torvalds Tweets, and Top Distros | Tux Machines | May 31 06:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Punctuation Reveals Truth in advertising (Shallow Thoughts) | May 31 06:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imperfection is not the same as oppression - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing A carabiner box-cutter with a ceramic blade. | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ARM CoreSight Work Resurrected For The Linux Kernel | Tux Machines | May 31 06:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Carabiner box-cutter with a ceramic blade - Boing Boing | May 31 06:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: A carabiner box-cutter with a ceramic blade. | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Tor Books founder Tom Doherty on publishing | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by without DRM. | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tor founder Tom Doherty on publishing without DRM - Boing Boing | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Tor Books founder Tom Doherty on publishing without DRM. | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Tauntaun charcuterie poster | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tauntaun charcuterie poster - Boing Boing | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Apex Predator Red Shoes with teeth. | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apex Predator Red Shoes with teeth - Boing Boing | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing The English Method: UK taught modern torture to | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Brazil's dictators | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The English Method: UK taught modern torture to Brazil's dictators - Boing Boing | May 31 06:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: The English Method: UK taught modern torture to Brazil's dictators | May 31 06:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing NSA can't find any emails from Snowden, then it | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by can (convenient, no?) | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA can't find any emails from Snowden, then it can (convenient, no?) - Boing Boing | May 31 06:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Indianajonesian Monkey brains bowl | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 06:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 06:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This multi-story VW minibus is a thing of | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by beauty, but would you want to road-trip in it? | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Multi-storey minibus - Boing Boing | May 31 06:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: This multi-story VW minibus is a thing of beauty, but would you want to road-trip in it? | May 31 06:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Warrantless spying makes spying-with-a-warrant | May 31 06:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by impossible | May 31 06:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 06:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 06:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 06:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing What's the story with the @makerbot patent? | May 31 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow on high drama in the 3D printing | May 31 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow world. | May 31 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 07:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What's the story with the Makerbot patent? - Boing Boing | May 31 07:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: What's the story with the @makerbot patent? @doctorow on high drama in the 3D printing world. | May 31 07:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing The math story problem that would ensue if a | May 31 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by carnival ride catastrophically failed | May 31 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 07:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 07:08 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Quite a few people promote/relay 'funny' photos which those people don't realise constitute animal abuse - photographers manufacturing scene | May 31 07:23 | |
schestowitz | "I'm constantly surprised how pictures / videos of people and animals getting hurt are considered ok because "they're funny".... sigh" | May 31 07:23 |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #redhat vilified in corporate press in recent days | May 31 07:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Red Hat Plays Dirty To Lock Its Customers In - So Much For Caring-Sharing Open Source - Forbes [ ] | May 31 07:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Red Hat’s vision for OpenStack could lead to a new era of vendor lock-in | SiliconANGLE [ ] | May 31 07:24 | |
schestowitz | "Don't project Microsoft behavior onto Red Hat without solid proof. Dell's most important deals are still with Microsoft. Because of that and <a href="">Microsoft's long history of manipulating Dell</a>, we should expect any GNU/Linux support to be poor from them." | May 31 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novell is Not Well, Downgraded | Techrights [ ] | May 31 07:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I just supported Ignite MaydayPAC stage 2 on | May 31 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ThunderclapIt // @lessig | May 31 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thunderclap: Ignite MaydayPAC stage 2 | May 31 07:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Why The Porting Method Doesn't Matter For Linux | May 31 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Games: GamingOnLinux: So, I've already talked | May 31 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | at length about... | May 31 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Why The Porting Method Doesn't Matter For Linux Games | May 31 07:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Intel & #Radeon DRM Drivers Get Last Minute | May 31 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | 3.15 Fixes #linux | May 31 07:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel & Radeon DRM Drivers Get Last Minute 3.15 Fixes | May 31 07:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Labels Decide Not To Appeal Spanish Court | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ruling That Found P2P File Sharing Software | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Perfectly Legal #spain | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Labels Decide Not To Appeal Spanish Court Ruling That Found P2P File Sharing Software Perfectly Legal | Techdirt | May 31 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Popular Shuttered Torrent Site Demonoid Returns | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Popular Shuttered Torrent Site Demonoid Returns - Slashdot | May 31 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Brian Williams Frantically Tries to Prove He's | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | No Glenn Greenwald | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #journalism dying in the US | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brian Williams Frantically Tries to Prove He's No Glenn Greenwald | May 31 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The percentage of taxes that corporations pay | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | today are near the record lows of the United | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | States’ total tax bill" | May 31 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 07:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Proof that Corporate Tax Cuts Have Done More Harm Than Good – Ethics Alerts | May 31 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Oversight "bad" when it comes to large | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations, welfare (tax exemptions) "good" | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Plans to Speed Poultry Slaughtering, Cut Inspections | May 31 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Kansas May Force Doctors To Report Women’s | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Miscarriages To The State Health Department | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kansas May Force Doctors To Report Women's Miscarriages To The State Health Department | ThinkProgress | May 31 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cnn not just a media partner of #fox 'news' | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | anymore | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 08:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CNN’s Climate Expert: Ann Coulter?! — FAIR | May 31 08:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Action Alert: Ann Coulter as CNN's Climate Change Expert | May 31 08:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The "Pugilistic" Way The Koch Brothers Handle | May 31 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Media not just Fox | May 31 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The "Pugilistic" Way The Koch Brothers Handle The Media | Blog | Media Matters for America | May 31 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Crediting Obama for Bringing Troops | May 31 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Home–Without Noting He Sent Them Abroad | May 31 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | watch the graph | May 31 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Counting US troops in Afghanistan, NPR-style: Telling listeners about the cuts and not the increases. | May 31 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Washington’s role in the coup d’etat in Kiev | May 31 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | on Feb. 22 has brought the U.S. a Pyrrhic | May 31 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | victory" | May 31 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Premature US Victory-Dancing on Ukraine | Consortiumnews | May 31 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Unrest in #spain | May 31 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Squat demolition called off after four nights of rioting in Barcelona - Telegraph | May 31 08:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet Directive 3025.18 Granting Obama Authority | May 31 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Use Military Force Against Civilians | May 31 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's rather telling | May 31 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet Directive 3025.18 Granting Obama Authority To Use Military Force Against Civilians | Zero Hedge | May 31 08:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Elections | May 31 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Samsung's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch drops | May 31 08:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android for Tizen | May 31 08:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Samsung's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch drops Android for Tizen | Tux Machines | May 31 08:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Gestures Support | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging and Gestures Support | Tux Machines | May 31 08:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Like Flat Operating Systems | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't Like Flat Operating Systems | Tux Machines | May 31 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon I think airport restaurants and Fisher Price | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | source their ingredients from the same place. | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz National 'security' when the population - not | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | an outside force - is treated as the "enemy" | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SWAT team throws concussion grenade into baby playpen during no-knock raid | Police State USA | May 31 08:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Security first | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cambodia's Draft Law Turns Free Speech into | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cybercrime | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cambodia | May 31 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cambodia's Draft Law Turns Free Speech into Cybercrime | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 31 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Full-steam ahead for a whitewash of Tony | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Blair's Iraq lies as #Chilcot surrenders | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | no accountability for | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Big Crime | May 31 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full-steam ahead for a whitewash of Tony Blair's Iraq lies as Chilcot surrenders - Stop the War Coalition | May 31 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ‘The disgraced oligarch’: #WikiLeaks cables | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | reveal changing US views on #Poroshenko | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canadian Bush (Harper) against journalism, | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | science, etc. | May 31 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'A Government Of Thugs': How Canada Treats Environmental Journalists | ThinkProgress | May 31 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Animal jealousy | May 31 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Reuse of unnecessary items | May 31 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Edward Snowden Exclusive Interview with NBC | May 31 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nbc gives him what | May 31 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | State Dept. calls "propaganda platform" :-) | May 31 08:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FULL - Edward Snowden Exclusive Interview with NBC Brian Williams - YouTube | May 31 08:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Skills | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Gestures Support | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gtk #gnu #linux | May 31 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging and Gestures Support | May 31 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Like Flat Operating Systems | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 08:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't Like Flat Operating Systems | May 31 08:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 08:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140530 - | May 31 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 31 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140530 | May 31 09:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Success Of Fringe Parties In European | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliament Raises New Obstacle To | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP's Progress - | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | more problems | May 31 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Success Of Fringe Parties In European Parliament Raises New Obstacle To TAFTA/TTIP's Progress | Techdirt | May 31 09:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya कश्मीर में रहने का हक कश्मीरी पंडीतो और सेना के | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | जवानों का है जिन लोगो ने उस भूमी के लिये खून | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | बहाया है । | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg John Kerry is wrong about me, and he's | May 31 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by especially wrong about Edward Snowden. My new | May 31 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald @Guardian op-ed: | May 31 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg: Snowden would not get a fair trial – and Kerry is wrong | Comment is free | | May 31 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The $120 Smartphone Patent Tax: Patent | May 31 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Royalties Cost More Than The Actual Hardware In | May 31 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Your Phone - bin patents | May 31 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The $120 Smartphone Patent Tax: Patent Royalties Cost More Than The Actual Hardware In Your Phone | Techdirt | May 31 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | now | May 31 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:07 |
*roy ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 31 09:15 | |
*roy has quit (Changing host) | May 31 09:15 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 31 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Has the NRA Finally Met Its Match in Richard | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Martinez, Father of Isla Vista Shooting Victim? | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | - | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Has the NRA Finally Met Its Match in Richard Martinez, Father of Isla Vista Shooting Victim? | Alternet | May 31 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "Government must be vigilant, not frightened, | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | of risks of large data sets" - | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | rubbish: risks are ours, | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | not theirs | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mark Walport: Government must make the case for you to share (Wired UK) | May 31 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Thinks Depictions of Pi | May 31 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zazzle | Custom T-Shirts, Personalized Gifts, Posters, Art, and more | May 31 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Are Protected Intellectual Property - | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | more monopoly madness | May 31 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thinks Depictions of Pi Are Protected Intellectual Property - Slashdot | May 31 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody BND will Echtzeit-Überwachung sozialer | May 31 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Netzwerke - can't think | May 31 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | where they got that idea (v @Liese_Mueller)#nsa | May 31 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Asher_Wolf Access Ministries wants parents of public | May 31 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by school kids not to view teaching material | May 31 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BND will Echtzeit-Überwachung sozialer Netzwerke | heise online | May 31 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody because “copyright” | May 31 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@secularists: Access ministries threatens legal action 4 publishing curricula.We have right2 know.Theyre OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS #auspol | May 31 09:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @labourpress NHS misses cancer waiting times target | May 31 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @andyburnhammp - reorganisation of NHS had | May 31 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody done “real damage” to patient care | May 31 09:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 09:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS misses cancer waiting times target for the first time - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent | May 31 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ellenthoen Perhaps this should be a EU wide effort: Italy | May 31 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to seek 1.6Bn$ in damages from Roche and | May 31 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Novartis. @ThiruGeneva | May 31 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @codysnell California may run out of water in 2 yrs. and 6 | May 31 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by other states are bone dry due to an alarming, | May 31 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody unprecedented #drought: | May 31 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 31 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | California May Run Out of Water in Two Years | Brainwash Update - YouTube | May 31 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @aatishb AAAH! A crabeater seal's teeth have their own | May 31 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by teeth, used to filter water for krill | May 31 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody by @Ehmee | May 31 09:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chicago Adventure, Part Three: Little Skeletons - YouTube | May 31 09:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 09:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aatishb: AAAH! A crabeater seal's teeth have their own teeth, used to filter water for krill by @Ehmee | May 31 09:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FrankLuntz 64% of millennials would rather make $40,000 a | May 31 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by year at a job they love than $100,000 a year at | May 31 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody a 'boring' job. | May 31 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 31 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Stephen_Curry #openaccess is helping academics to rethink why | May 31 09:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Study: Millennials Poised to Shake Up Corporate America - Real Time Economics - WSJ | May 31 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they have been giving copyright | May 31 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody away… | May 31 09:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Thank you for your kind permission to reprint.” NOT. | Socializing Science | May 31 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Public_Citizen No cost issue here: The consumer case for the | May 31 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EPA greenhouse gas rule. | May 31 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #climatechange | May 31 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Interesting discussion on gamification and | May 31 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenBadges - - thoughts | May 31 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | welcome! | May 31 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Have you gamified your community? - Community Leadership Forum | May 31 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Manufacturing #Propaganda in Microsoft-funded | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Circles to Belittle FOSS and Magnify #Microsoft | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mmasnick deceived | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Amazon Is Killing My Sex Life - | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | unexpected effect of | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | coders on local demographics | May 31 10:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manufacturing Propaganda in Microsoft-funded Circles to Belittle FOSS and Magnify Microsoft | Techrights | May 31 10:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Amazon Is Killing My Sex Life | Alternet | May 31 10:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why the Oil Industry is Running Into Major | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trouble - get ready for | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #carbonbubble to pop | May 31 10:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why the Oil Industry is Running Into Major Trouble | Alternet | May 31 10:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Reuters It's here: @SpaceX unveils sleek Dragon V2 | May 31 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by spacecraft to fly U.S. astronauts: | May 31 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 31 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SpaceX unveils sleek spaceship to fly U.S. astronauts | Reuters | May 31 10:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Reuters: It's here: @SpaceX unveils sleek Dragon V2 spacecraft to fly U.S. astronauts: | May 31 10:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Labels Decide Not To Appeal Spanish Court | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ruling That Found P2P File Sharing s/w | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Perfectly Legal - must | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | be a trick | May 31 10:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Labels Decide Not To Appeal Spanish Court Ruling That Found P2P File Sharing Software Perfectly Legal | Techdirt | May 31 10:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @_youhadonejob Well this is awkward. | May 31 10:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_youhadonejob: Well this is awkward. | May 31 10:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @superglaze German spies want $400M to play catch-up with | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the NSA #surveillance | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #privacy | May 31 10:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German spies want $400M to play catch-up with the NSA — Tech News and Analysis | May 31 10:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @japster2008 'Honour' killing…I'm so sick of this phrase I | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by want to vomit. It's murder. Plain old banal, | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody hideous, woman-hating, ignorant backward | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | murder. | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The audiophile woo motherlode: Wat Hifi? | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wat HiFi? | May 31 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Defend Trade Secrets Act - | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | global push to create | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | new "trade secrets" right: v dangerous... | May 31 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guest Post: Defend Trade Secrets Act — A Primer, an Endorsement, and a Criticism | Patently-O | May 31 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Lawmakers Demand Immediate Action to Protect | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Killer Whales - great | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | news: let's keep up the pressure on @SeaWorld | May 31 10:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawmakers Demand Immediate Action to Protect Killer Whales | May 31 10:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is it so acceptable to lie to promote trade | May 31 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | deals? - #TTIP's "annual | May 31 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | growth is on the order of 0.03%" #TAFTA | May 31 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Why is it so acceptable to lie to promote trade deals? | May 31 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody “Unitary patent” and court system - | May 31 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | great set of resources | May 31 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | about new Unitary Patent and its problems #UPC | May 31 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU | May 31 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dr. Ingve Bjrn Stjerna, LL.M. | "Unitary Patent" | May 31 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EU: The importance of unbiased communication | May 31 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP - "acknowledge | May 31 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | the whole spectrum of possible outcomes" | May 31 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The European Commission: The importance of unbiased communication on TTIP | The consumer view on TTIP | May 31 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Copyright roundup 3 — Changes in UK law - | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | useful summary of | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | important changes | May 31 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright roundup 3 — Changes in UK law | Scholarly Communications @ Duke | May 31 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody BEUC to De Gucht, calling him out for | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | exaggerated growth claims for #TTIP - | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | there is simply no real | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | benefit here | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US cybercrime laws being used to target | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security researchers - | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | just as we predicted (v @AdV007) | May 31 10:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US cybercrime laws being used to target security researchers | Technology | | May 31 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-Politik: Der Trick beim #TTIP - | May 31 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Nulltarif"? Nein: | May 31 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Nullkonjunkturprogramm"... (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 31 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Politik: Der Trick beim TTIP | Telepolis | May 31 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PostCarbonLife Climate change? The great new opportunity for | May 31 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disaster capitalism: but it'll only make life | May 31 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody worse by @NafeezAhmed | May 31 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The age of climate warfare is here. The military-industrial complex is ready. Are you? | Environment | | May 31 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 10:20 |
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 31 10:44 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 31 10:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Corporate capture: Europe trade talks threaten | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | environment - good post | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #TTIP's huge dangers | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blog | May 31 11:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TrueCrypt Too Proprietary to be Secure and | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Corporate Media Should Stop Blaming Free/Open | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Source Software (FOSS) | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot German Intelligence Agency Planning To Follow | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Big NSA Brother On Shoestring | May 31 11:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt Too Proprietary to be Secure and Corporate Media Should Stop Blaming Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) | Techrights | May 31 11:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German Intelligence Agency Planning To Follow Big NSA Brother On Shoestring - Slashdot | May 31 11:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Edward #Snowden Says Email Exchange Released by | May 31 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA 'Tailored and Incomplete' | May 31 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Says Email Exchange Released by NSA 'Tailored and Incomplete' | May 31 11:04 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @DanielEllsberg: 'John Kerry is wrong about me, and he's...' | May 31 11:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg I went on @HuffPostLive to discuss the shameful | May 31 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by comments about Snowden made by John Kerry, a | May 31 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 man that I once admired. | May 31 11:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg Thinks 'Very Much Less' Of John Kerry For His 'Despicable' Snowden Comments | May 31 11:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg Here's my MSNBC appearance on John Kerry and | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by how the Espionage Act would prevent Snowden | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from receiving a fair trial: | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will justice be served against Snowden? | MSNBC | May 31 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I seem to recall #nsa claims that its staff are | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | not under #surveillance and it's hard to get | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | old NSA #email | May 31 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top NSA officials struggled over surge in Foia requests, emails reveal | World news | | May 31 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lapses in intelligence collection are usually | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | strategic, e.g. Bush's 'missing' #email - when | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | they want to cover something up, it's gone | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Eben Moglen's piece about the #nsa is very good | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian | May 31 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cory Doctorow remembers it like I do. #nsa lies | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | also about what it retains. | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA can't find any emails from Snowden, then it can (convenient, no?) - Boing Boing | May 31 11:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz To summarise: 1. NSA lies about what it | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retains. 2. NSA deletes evidence of its crime, | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | or claims not to have it. [1/2] | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz [ctd] 3. Snowden tried NSA channels first, but | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA's complaint channels are a farce. 4. NSA | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | spies on NSA staff, too. [2/2] | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The NSA Is Put on Notice Over Encryption | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Standards don't trust | May 31 11:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA Is Put on Notice Over Encryption Standards - Pacific Standard: The Science of Society | May 31 11:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | "official" ones | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It doesn't take "paranoia" or "Conspiracy | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Theories" to suspect subversion of projects, | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | standards | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Paranoia Has Fanned the Flames of TrueCrypt Conspiracy Theories | Motherboard | May 31 11:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Merkel complicit in #nsa #surveillance and it's | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | time to quit pretending she's offended like the | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | population | May 31 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany says 'nein' to NSA hacking prosecution • The Register | May 31 11:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "officials are bewildered by the German federal | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | prosecutor's decision not to start a criminal | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | investigation" | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany drops NSA prosecution due to lack of evidence | May 31 11:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Based on what Dutch media published a week ago, | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | quite a few countries in Europe (e.g. UK, | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sweden) only pretend to have government | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | autonomy | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nuclear bases (secretly holding nuclear weapons | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | for NATO) and #surveillance operations help | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | explain why #eu government still use Windows | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Trying to tell #eu governments to dump | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft #windows because it has #nsa back | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | doors is not going to work. They don't mind it. | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Glenn Greenwald: NSA documents on Middle East | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | to be disclosed | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #theguardian would not publish | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Five Things We've Already Forgotten About | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden's NSA Leaks #nsa | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | uses privatised proxies | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The corporate world of #nsa #surveillance | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | (e.g. Booz Allen) | May 31 11:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 524 @ ) | May 31 11:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Five Things We've Already Forgotten About Snowden's NSA Leaks | Motherboard | May 31 11:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA, FBI Secrets Found In Public Linkedin Profiles, Posts | May 31 11:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #EFF to Court: There's No Doubt the Government | May 31 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Destroyed #NSA Spying Evidence | May 31 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | selective retention | May 31 11:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EFF to Court: There's No Doubt the Government Destroyed NSA Spying Evidence | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 31 11:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Empires like to bury what makes them look bad, | May 31 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | viewed unfavourably. British Imperial secrets | May 31 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | dumped at sea near #singapore (says #japan ) | May 31 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: charlesfox: Commissioned sign for my | May 31 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | house by New Orleans sign painter | May 31 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | extraordinaire Lester Carey | May 31 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Original" NSA Whistleblower Says Home Raid Was | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Retribution #billbinney | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Original" NSA Whistleblower Says Home Raid Was Retribution | May 31 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa seeks to personify the issue; rather than | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | justify its sheer abuses (including #drones | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | death) it wants to discredit #snowden | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | (messenger) | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Glenn Greenwald has been the target of attacks | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | from fellow journalists" | May 31 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No changes at #nsa and #whitehouse or #congress | May 31 11:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | despite #snowden leaks | May 31 11:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | but public opinion changed | May 31 11:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dems protest intel funding bill over NSA | TheHill | May 31 11:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The massive difference of opinion within Senate | May 31 11:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | and outside it (among population) indicative of | May 31 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | lack of representation, just occupation | May 31 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "More broadly, the United States justifies the | May 31 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | lawfulness of its communications surveillance" | May 31 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exactly How the NSA Violates International Human Rights | May 31 11:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "1986 Electronic Privacy Communications Act | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | (ECPA)...allows police to obtain emails without | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | a warrant." | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yoder: Agencies seizing emails is ‘much worse’ than NSA spying | TheHill | May 31 11:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa is contradicting itself again | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | with each lie the NSA | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | wolf's cry grows quieter (e.g. claims of | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | threats) | May 31 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 11:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Our pal, the 419 Facebook malware and lottery | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | chat scammer - brucesterling:... | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NBC's Snowden Interview Overlooks Pre-9/11 Data | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Collection by the NSA | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa | May 31 11:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NBC's Snowden Interview Overlooks Pre-9/11 Data Collection by the NSA | May 31 11:47 | |
roy | CBS still pro-NSA | May 31 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some Locals Worried, Others Not By NSA Leaker Snowden’s Allegations « CBS Pittsburgh [ ] | May 31 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Standards bodies infiltrated by #nsa and this | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | might not end any time soon | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will NIST-NSA Cooperation Continue? - BankInfoSecurity | May 31 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google wants users to call for ‘real’ NSA | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | reform | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | but it was complicit. | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsl #google | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google wants users to call for ‘real’ NSA reform | TheHill | May 31 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NSA director forgets name of NSA program, hopes | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | nobody is recording his speech | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | from #ciapost | May 31 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA director forgets name of NSA program, hopes nobody is recording his speech | May 31 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'The leaked documents state that The Bahamas is | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | a "test bed for system deployments, | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | capabilities, and improvements"' | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Bahamas, NSA Finds Smugglers, Not Terrorists (The Nassau Guardian, The Bahamas) | May 31 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa builds new facilities while storage gets | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheaper and broader per inch. Expect NSA to do | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | to US citizens what it does in Afghanistan. | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #WikiLeaks Claims #Google Director Helped NSA | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spy On #Afghanistan | May 31 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks Claims Google Director Helped NSA Spy On Afghanistan | Eurasia Review | May 31 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It is not impossible that #brin was kept out of | May 31 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'the loop' that Schmidt and Cohen were in | May 31 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sergey Brin: Google Was 'Shocked' When It Learned of NSA Snooping | May 31 12:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Cofounder: Company Shocked To Learn About NSA Spying | The Daily Caller | May 31 12:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A little misleading: not only #nsa can access | May 31 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | your phone remotely | May 31 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: NSA can access your cellphone - Video on | May 31 12:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #billgates funded #pbs is #whitewashing | May 31 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | cracking by the #nsa | May 31 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's not hacking, it's cracking | May 31 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the NSA’s Secret Elite Hacking Unit Works | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS | May 31 12:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In 2012 and early 2013 a lot of the corporate | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | media tried to portray US citizens-targeting | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | cracking by #NSA as "for security" and hip | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz While it is true that #nsa recruits many | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | hackers, it turns them into crackers (of the | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | state). #gchq hires crackers too (I was told). | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Greeenwald et al. now in charge of access to | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa docs Greeenwald | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | uses #gnu #linux | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden Says He No Longer Has Documents He Took From NSA | May 31 12:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GGreenwald would have to use desktop search to | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | find docs. No wonder Micah (working 4 GG) upset | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | over Ubuntu sending search phrases to Amazon. | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Virtual Sistine Chapel | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | warning: autoplay music | May 31 12:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sistine Chapel | May 31 12:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty A summary of who we are, what we stand for, how | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by we would improve NHS, & how the public has been | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody lied to. Please RT | May 31 12:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHAparty: This is who we are, what we'll do + the truth about our NHS. Please read, RT + vote NHA in London euro elections. | May 31 12:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CEO "says troubles followed his refusal to | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | cooperate with spy game" | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Convicted Qwest chief: I blame NSA | May 31 12:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PMOIndia Tobacco affects the person consuming it and the | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by people around. Saying no to tobacco is laying | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the foundation of a healthier India: PM | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “Trained spy” Snowden exposed Arab countries | May 31 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | involved in CyberSpying for the #NSA | May 31 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Trained spy" Snowden exposed Arab countries involved in CyberSpying for the NSA - The Arab Daily News | The Arab Daily News | May 31 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer India should join the #plainpacks revolution to | May 31 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reduce tobacco consumption @PMOIndia | May 31 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @narendramodi #notobacco | May 31 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Smoke and mirrors in trade disputes will harm public health | East Asia Forum | May 31 12:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: No laughing matter | May 31 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @UN This year's World No Tobacco Day 2014 theme is | May 31 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "Raise tobacco taxes, lower death & disease, | May 31 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody save lives" #NoTobacco | May 31 12:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WHO | World No Tobacco Day 2014: Raise taxes on tobacco | May 31 12:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @UN_ClimateTalks Welcome to the new way to share information on | May 31 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #climatetech: #UNFCCC new technology platform. | May 31 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@UN_ClimateTalks: Welcome to the new way to share information on #climatetech: #UNFCCC new technology platform. | May 31 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz IRS and finances convenient for #McCarthyism | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | tracking finances | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The link between NSA and IRS scandals | May 31 12:28 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Claims of N.S.A. bugging ‘will not affect tourism’ | The Tribune | May 31 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Groklaw's PJ was well aware that IRS often used | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | to target activists. Around 2007 she told me | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | this. So she knew about mass #surveillance | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Snowden’s Side: The #NSA Can Almost Read Your | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thoughts : video. | May 31 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @ ) | May 31 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 31 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa disservice to national interests and also | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporate | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Accuses Cisco Of Aiding NSA - Networking - CRN India | May 31 12:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Infosecurity - Cisco and IBM Feel the Heat as China Gets Tough | May 31 12:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China claims tech companies aid US surveillance - SC Magazine UK | May 31 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dianne Feinstein smears #snowden | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | how about releasing it | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | all? | May 31 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein Releases Email Exchange Between Edward Snowden, NSA | May 31 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not just #cia but also #FBI spied on Nelson | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Mandela during 1990 US visit, files show | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI spied on Nelson Mandela during 1990 US visit, files show - Americas - World - The Independent | May 31 12:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #fbi badge as a licence to kill without trial, | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | jail, etc. | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Before spying on #mandela the #fbi tried to | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | cause Martin Luther King to commit suicide. | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hoover #cointelpro #racism #us | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Civil rights lawsuit filed after FBI agent kills man at eastern New Orleans motel | | May 31 12:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI agent's murder conviction overturned | News - Home | May 31 12:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Google accepting #censorship requests | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | not Google's fault here | May 31 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google accepting censorship requests - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | May 31 12:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google accepting 'right to be forgotten' requests in Europe | Irish Examiner | May 31 12:37 | |
roy | | May 31 12:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: GGreenwald would have to use desktop search to find docs. No wonder Micah (working 4 GG) upset over Ubuntu sending search phrases to Amazon. | May 31 12:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz There are many corporations and rich people who | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | would love to censor (at search engine level) | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | links to sites like Groklaw, Techrights, etc. | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bloomberg defends the "free speech" of | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Bloomberg Blasts Ivy League For Liberal 'Censorship' - Business Insider | May 31 12:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bloomberg Slams Ivy League Censorship at Harvard -- NYMag | May 31 12:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hundreds of non-adults (aka "civilians") killed | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | by #cia airstrikes in #pakistan despite media | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | deception | May 31 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New data shows drones killed hundreds of Pakistani civilians | May 31 12:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jennifer Rubin at the #ciapost presents false | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | dichotomy. What's this | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #propaganda all about? | May 31 12:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do we let American jihadists kill, or do we drone them? | May 31 12:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz As Obama sets agenda at West Point, anti-drone | May 31 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | protesters rally | May 31 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'speech' | May 31 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As Obama sets agenda at West Point, anti-drone protesters rally | | May 31 12:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama's Vacuous West Point Foreign Policy Speech | Rajan Menon | May 31 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Japan Times: Drone memo author should be in | May 31 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | jail instead he gets | May 31 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | promoted | May 31 12:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone memo author should be in jail | The Japan Times | May 31 12:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama Administration Desperate to Censor | May 31 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Assassination Memo they | May 31 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | lied about "releasing" it | May 31 12:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Controversies - Obama Administration Desperate to Censor Assassination Memo - AllGov - News | May 31 12:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@JesselynRadack v. Jeremy Bash re: #Snowden on | May 31 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nbc's #makethecase. It's like sunlight v. | May 31 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | sputum. | May 31 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Whistleblower or Traitor? Experts Make the Case on Snowden - NBC News | May 31 12:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Language of tyrants | May 31 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Unveils His "Don't Do Stupid Sh*t" Doctrine At West Point: Gothamist | May 31 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is ‘Obama: Like a Boss’ bumper sticker completely wrong? | | May 31 12:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Boss' bumper sticker for a true Chicagoan - The Messenger: None | May 31 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Inside the Ring: Memo outlines Obama’s plan to | May 31 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | use the military against citizens | May 31 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | "military force against | May 31 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Americans" | May 31 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WCBM TALKRADIO AM 680 | May 31 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz United States of Secrecy | May 31 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | context: | May 31 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 12:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 31 12:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Despite promise, US govt moves to classify justification for drone killing of American — RT USA | May 31 12:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US appeals court rebuffs govt try for secrecy - | News and information on the Lake Placid and Essex County region of New York - Lake Placid News | May 31 12:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ksammyg @doctorow Books we sent to Ghana in Feb have | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by been delivered to one of the schools! | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Books Matter | Providing Books For Needy Schools | May 31 13:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ksammyg: @doctorow Books we sent to Ghana in Feb have been delivered to one of the schools! | May 31 13:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz At least 8 people just killed by #cia drone | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | (yesterday) in #afgahnistan where cellphones | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ("targets") tracked, universally recorded | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US Global Hawk Drones Given Access To British | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Airspace #uk #us | May 31 13:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Global Hawk Drones Given Access To British Airspace | May 31 13:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #drones | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A(nother) Procedural Roadblock for Drone | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Casualty Reporting Requirements | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | no accountability | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A(nother) Procedural Roadblock for Drone Casualty Reporting Requirements | Just Security | May 31 13:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not just #ukraine and #iran - half a world away | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | US militarises airspace (near 'hostile' but | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | faraway nations) | May 31 13:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. sends long-range drones to monitor North Korean nuclear activity and Chinese navy | National Post | May 31 13:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Imagine Russia flying drones around Cuba, Iran | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | flying drones in Mexico, and China flying | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | drones west of Alaska. | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Russia's claims of self defence in #ukraine | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | still outweigh US claims of need for US troops | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | and spooks in and around Ukraine. | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama speaks about #drones and says he is | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'pulling out' of #afghanistan (after pushing | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | in), drones Afghanistan on the same day. | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US Will Still Use Drone Strikes: Barack Obama | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | give this man another | May 31 13:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Will Still Use Drone Strikes: Barack Obama | | May 31 13:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Nobel peace prize and maybe he'll stop | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #australia OK with trial-less #assassination | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | (same with NZ, UK, US) | May 31 13:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brandis and drone strikes Christopher Harvard Muslim Bin John | Crikey | May 31 13:15 | |
roy | lol | May 31 13:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Was Snowden spying for Russia seven years ago? CIA fears fugitive handed over 'treasure trove' of secrets to Moscow | Mail Online [ ] | May 31 13:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Raids expanded in #nz (e.g. illegal raid on | May 31 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dotcom's house) and elsewhere despite the fact | May 31 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | that raids are dangerous | May 31 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sleeping toddler burned during SWAT raid | May 31 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If Bush Is a War Criminal, Then So Are Truman, | May 31 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | LBJ, Nixon and Obama | May 31 13:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If Bush Is a War Criminal, Then So Are Truman, LBJ, Nixon and Obama | H. A. Goodman | May 31 13:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | some wanted nuclear strikes, too | May 31 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Senator Franken proposes legislation to ban GPS | May 31 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | stalking apps, holding hearing with focus on | May 31 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | domestic violence nexus | May 31 13:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sen. Franken's anti-stalking bill calls location-tracking tools on the carpet | VentureBeat | Security | by Tom Cheredar | May 31 13:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DailyFail #uk airs CIA (Robert Baer) claims | May 31 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | that Snowden is "working for Russia" | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #innuendo and basless | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | theories | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian I'm waiting for GPS stalking app and RAT | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | spyware developers to claim they have a free | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | speech right to develop and sell their stalking | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | tech. | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Congressman Introduces Bill To Limit FCC Powers | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congressman Introduces Bill To Limit FCC Powers - Slashdot | May 31 13:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @smashingmag 🔶 New on SmashingMag: | May 31 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Love generating SVG with JavaScript? Move it to | May 31 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | the server! | May 31 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Love Generating SVG With JavaScript? Move It To The Server! | Smashing Magazine | May 31 13:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jeremy Renner exposes the CIA/crack connection | May 31 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | in ‘Kill the Messenger’ | May 31 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 13:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jeremy Renner exposes the CIA/crack connection in 'Kill the Messenger' | TechnologyTell | May 31 13:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jeremy Renner Finds CIA Drug Traffic in 'Kill the Messenger' Trailer | | May 31 13:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Don't let #cisco fool everyone by claiming to | May 31 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | be "victims" of #nsa rather than accomplices. | May 31 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | And now there's this: | May 31 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco purchase of CIA-funded company may fuel distrust abroad | May 31 13:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Do we really want #cisco in #linaro group? | May 31 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 31 13:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Cisco joined the Linaro Digital Home Group · | May 31 13:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TalksLondon In 1 week - Don't Spy on Us with @stephenfry | May 31 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @jimmy_wales @arusbridger @doctorow @CasparB | May 31 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow (£5/£3) - #London | May 31 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don't Spy on Us with @stephenfry @jimmy_wales @arusbridger @doctorow @CasparBowden | London Talks | May 31 13:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Thousands of journalists withhold a mistakenly | May 31 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | released CIA agent name | May 31 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | afraid of retribution? | May 31 13:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thousands of journalists withhold a mistakenly released CIA agent name : Columbia Journalism Review | May 31 13:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sooner or later the names come out, e.g. | May 31 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Alfreda Frances Bikowsky Head of CIA | May 31 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clandestine Service 30 March 2013 " | May 31 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alfreda Frances Bikowsky Head of CIA Clandestine Service 30 March 2013 | May 31 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Gitmo prisoner's attorney urges judge to stick | May 31 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | with order on CIA 'black sites' | May 31 13:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torture #cia | May 31 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gitmo prisoner's attorney urges judge to stick with order on CIA 'black sites' - Americas - Stripes | May 31 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Sound Engineer's Hard Work | May 31 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sound Engineer's Hard Work [HD] - YouTube | May 31 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What Are Polish Death Squads Fighting For in | May 31 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ukraine? might be #cia | May 31 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | connected. CIA also has #torture sites in | May 31 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Poland. | May 31 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nikolai Malishevski - What Are Polish Death Squads Fighting For in Ukraine? - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > What Are Polish Death Squads Fighting For in Ukraine? > - Strategic Culture Foundation | May 31 13:52 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 31 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Guantanamo lawyers spar over CIA 'black site' | May 31 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosures | May 31 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torture | May 31 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba: Guantanamo lawyers spar over CIA 'black site' disclosures | McClatchy Tribune News Service | The Bellingham Herald | May 31 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba: Arguments over CIA’s ‘black sites’ continue in Guantánamo closed court session - Guantánamo - | May 31 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia "purposely getting the banker | May 31 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | drunk...arrested for drunk driving...led to | May 31 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | successful recruitment" | May 31 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden Describes When The CIA Got A Swiss Banker Drunk And Put Him Behind The Wheel | Business Insider India | May 31 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Syrian rebels say they are already being | May 31 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | trained by the #CIA | May 31 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #syria | May 31 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As Obama calls for support in Syria, rebels claim U.S. is already training them - | May 31 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Syrian rebels say they are being trained by the CIA | Al Bawaba | May 31 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz According to former #CIA director Panetta, the | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa has started wars | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | notice exceptionalism , hypocrisy | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Useful' terrorist lives in the US | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | "key player in the | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Beirut embassy bombing in 1983" | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Outcome of "CIA-orchestrated coup ousted the | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | reformist Guatemalan government of Jacobo | May 31 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Arbenz Guzman" | May 31 13:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former CIA director Panetta: Major cybercrimes are acts of war | Monterey News - KSBW Home | May 31 13:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 13:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Iran’s Missing General, Ali Reza Asgari, Living in the United States? - The Daily Beast | May 31 13:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guatemala: The coup that radicalised Che Guevara | Green Left Weekly | May 31 14:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bbc takes sides in #nsa scandal, sidling with | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gchq #mi5 etc. as usual | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - 'Nonsense' that Snowden was trained spy | May 31 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not just #Benghazi - more evidence of #us | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | intervention in #libya | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The man at the center of the chaos in Libya: Khalifa Haftar | GlobalPost | May 31 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Op-Ed: Hifter again attacks Islamists as Libyan protesters show support | May 31 14:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US sends assault ship with 1,000 Marines to Libyan coast - World Socialist Web Site | May 31 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It hardly matters what information is readily | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | available about coups in south America, Arab | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | world, etc. if vast majority of public unaware | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Arcadian_O Video of the #SIF14 panel with angry activists | May 31 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by questionning Carl Bildt has been uploaded. | May 31 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 31 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SIF14 -- Parallel session 2.2 day 2, session 3 part 2 - YouTube | May 31 14:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg Here's my MSNBC appearance on John Kerry and | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by how the Espionage Act would prevent Snowden | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack from receiving a fair trial: | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will justice be served against Snowden? | MSNBC | May 31 14:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Must deal with about 5 CMSs ceasing to work | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | with a forced 'upgrade' to a new version of | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #php - the developers should retain | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | backward-compat | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmaz Govt: "Snowden never contacted inner channels" | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Truth: Govt lied+he actually did. Govt now: | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack "Okay, we lied out our ass, but he said little" | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@JesselynRadack v. Jeremy Bash re: #Snowden on | May 31 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @nbc's #makethecase. It's like sunlight v. | May 31 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack sputum. | May 31 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Solar Roadways Project Beats $1M Goal, Should | May 31 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enter Production | May 31 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Whistleblower or Traitor? Experts Make the Case on Snowden - NBC News | May 31 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Solar Roadways Project Beats $1M Goal, Should Enter Production - Slashdot | May 31 14:34 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @bmaz: 'Govt: "Snowden never contacted inner channels" Truth: Govt...' | May 31 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fredrikhallund Have I given @doctorow too much influence over | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by my life? Drinking cold-brew coffee while | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow flashing #cyanogenmod and recently joined | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EFF(EFFI) | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Wow, I had forgotten what relaxing felt like. I | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | could get used to this for longer than a week. | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RMAHarman Bernie Lagan says Lockwood Smith threatening to | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pull funding on Oz NZ lit festival in London | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks tmrrow if they hve Skype iv wth Julian Assange | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Largest company yet ($26 billion) DISH to | May 31 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | accept #Bitcoin | May 31 15:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DISH to Accept Bitcoin | About DISH | May 31 15:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Threat from NZ High Commission to UK to pull | May 31 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | funding from festival if #Assange speaks | May 31 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | tomorrow or threat leaked | May 31 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Harman (RMAHarman) on Twitter | May 31 15:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Thousands of Europeans Petition For Their | May 31 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Right To Be Forgotten' | May 31 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thousands of Europeans Petition For Their 'Right To Be Forgotten' - Slashdot | May 31 15:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @colligan And, yes, everyone, heed @Doctorow's warning | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that this stuff does pack a punch - | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 15:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Instagram | May 31 15:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmaz Is Snowden hate/Government apologist front | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lying out their ass about intent+content of | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Snowden's internal email? Yes | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 15:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden: “A Classified Executive Order” | emptywheel | May 31 15:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmaz Was Snowden asking the "proper channels" about | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by critical questions of legality in his email? | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Yes, he indeed was | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmaz The plaintive whine of the Snowden haters is | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by strong these days. Even "Experts™" like | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Schindler are cosigning onto quack "body | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | language" junk | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative I’m biased, I guess, but the effort some folks | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by expend hunting for mud flecks to fling at | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Snowden seems borderline pathological. | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks WikiLeaks controversy inspires new musical work | May 31 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Beat Sheet | WikiLeaks controversy inspires new musical work | May 31 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror The South African bush has very limited | May 31 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | internet access. | May 31 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I can't decide if this is sad, deranged, or | May 31 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | both. “@jowyang: Crowdfunding women to date | May 31 16:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | tech millionaires” | May 31 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | I Got Shipped to California to Date Tech Guys - The Cut | May 31 16:12 | |
roy | | May 31 16:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Manual:PhpWiki conversion - MediaWiki [ ] | May 31 16:20 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mod import-phpwiki | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware | May 31 16:20 | |
roy | phpwiki is such a mess now | May 31 16:20 |
roy | I can't get newer versions running with old data | May 31 16:21 |
roy | and the importers from other wikis won't work with databases | May 31 16:21 |
roy | "This mod is for importing from a PhpWiki dump file. PhpWiki is a wiki engine written in PHP. The first version, by Steve Wainstead, was in December 1999 and was the first Wiki written in PHP to be publicly released." | May 31 16:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @subgraph We've got a new website: | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Subgraph - Open Source Security | May 31 16:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I'm looking forward to the release of | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @subgraph's new projects. | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror SGOS by @subgraph is going to be a quantum leap | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | in operating system security: | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Layer Representation | May 31 16:23 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 240 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 946 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 8 throttle notices | May 31 16:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (126), @glynmoody (20), @doctorow (9) | May 31 16:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @doctorow (20), @glynmoody (16), @Thomas_Drake1 (10) | May 31 16:36 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #nsa (23), #cia (6), #surveillance (6) | May 31 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 6 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 38 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 31 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (6) | May 31 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 31 16:36 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 31 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #PhpWiki (the first Wiki written in PHP to be | May 31 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | publicly released) is hardly usable anymore . | May 31 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hard to upgrade. I installed it 10 years ago. | May 31 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Huawei Successfully Tests New 802.11ax WiFi | May 31 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Standard At 10.53Gbps | May 31 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Huawei Successfully Tests New 802.11ax WiFi Standard At 10.53Gbps - Slashdot | May 31 16:37 | |
roy | I installed it 10 years ago | May 31 16:40 |
roy | | May 31 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PhpWiki / Mailing Lists [ ] | May 31 16:40 | |
roy | " | May 31 16:40 |
roy | I'm trying to migrate my old phpwiki off a hosted provider to my own | May 31 16:40 |
roy | vps. My problem is that my hosting provider foced an upgrade to php-53 | May 31 16:40 |
roy | and I'm running something like 1.3.14. I hacked on my wiki a bit | May 31 16:40 |
roy | ( to get it basically working. However, I can't do | May 31 16:40 |
roy | some key things like dump the wiki through the Administration interface | May 31 16:40 |
roy | - it creates a dump but the dump is full of php warnings and errors so | May 31 16:40 |
roy | it's not usable. | May 31 16:40 |
roy | I did manage to dump out my old mysql database and I've been playing | May 31 16:40 |
roy | with using that as the basis for my new wiki (, running the | May 31 16:40 |
roy | 1.4.0 svn trunk). I hacked on my mysql dump until I got it to load into | May 31 16:40 |
roy | the new database on the new server. I'm probably running one of the | May 31 16:40 |
roy | oldest phpwikis in existence at this point so my database is filled with | May 31 16:40 |
roy | tons of crufty and spam - thus I tried to edit a lot of that out | May 31 16:40 |
roy | manually. | May 31 16:40 |
roy | I was able to get the database set up, and run and action=upgrade on the | May 31 16:40 |
roy | new phpwiki. Now it appears to be mostly intact. | May 31 16:40 |
roy | Unfortunately, I clearly have data inconsistencies. For example, the | May 31 16:40 |
roy | page | May 31 16:40 |
roy | | May 31 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 31 16:40 | |
roy | exists if you go to it directly, but you can't edit it - phpwiki thinks | May 31 16:40 |
roy | the page doesn't exist. I think this is because the page exists in the | May 31 16:40 |
roy | revision table and the page table, but a reference somewhere else is | May 31 16:40 |
roy | incorrect. | May 31 16:40 |
roy | " | May 31 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Engineering our way out of mass surveillance | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #UseNet is Prior Art - | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting - and good news #patents | May 31 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UseNet is Prior Art | Patently-O | May 31 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Success Of Fringe Parties In European | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliament Raises New Obstacle To | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TAFTA/#TTIP's Progress - | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | more problems | May 31 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Success Of Fringe Parties In European Parliament Raises New Obstacle To TAFTA/TTIP's Progress | Techdirt | May 31 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unified Patent - | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | important paper analyses #UPC's deep problems | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent - Open Enterprise | May 31 16:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Merriiman @Thomas_Drake1 @nbc Comparison between | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @JesselynRadack & Jeremy Bash is so stark. | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Factually supported opinion vs willful | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | misrepresentations. | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Les négociations secrètes du #TAFTA/#TTIP | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | continuent - "Les | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | négociateurs s’inquiètent." (v @MazelierThomas) | May 31 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 16:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jean-Luc Mélenchon, pour refonder l'Europe | May 31 16:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Sillyputty78 @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @nbc NSA is | May 31 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by obviously playing the victim here - when the | May 31 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 true victim is the US Constitution & citizens. | May 31 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz PhpWiki is Obsolete and PHP is to Blame | May 31 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | my findings leave #php | May 31 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | as the main culprit | May 31 17:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » PhpWiki is Obsolete and PHP is to Blame | May 31 17:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Women who'd never seen their vulvas given a | May 31 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mirror and a modesty screen | May 31 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Women who'd never seen their vulvas given a mirror and a modesty screen - Boing Boing | May 31 17:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Awesome Stuff: Alternative Energy | May 31 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 17:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Awesome Stuff: Alternative Energy | Techdirt | May 31 17:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SaraFirth_RT Can't breathe. Tear gas everywhere. Police | May 31 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by moved in fast. #GeziAnniversary | May 31 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 17:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SaraFirth_RT: Can't breathe. Tear gas everywhere. Police moved in fast. #GeziAnniversary | May 31 17:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ericgoldman Locksmith sues Google for showing unlicensed | May 31 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by locksmiths on Google Maps and taking their ads | May 31 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Hello 47 USC 230! | May 31 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @petersuber Don't buy the IEEE edition of my book. | May 31 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don't buy the IEEE edition of my book. In January 2013 the IEEE Xplore digital… | May 31 17:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BBCWorld Turkey in security clampdown on first | May 31 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by anniversary of #Taksim Square protests | May 31 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Turkey in heavy security clampdown on Taksim anniversary | May 31 17:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BBCWorld: Turkey in security clampdown on first anniversary of #Taksim Square protests | May 31 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @benifei_ Proposition de @CasparBowden pour une stratégie | May 31 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by européenne de protection des données. #DataP | May 31 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #THSF | May 31 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@benifei_: Proposition de @CasparBowden pour une stratégie européenne de protection des données. #DataP #THSF | May 31 17:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FLOKSociety “Que este sea un regalo de Ecuador para el | May 31 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mundo” #BuenConocer | May 31 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Que este sea un regalo de Ecuador para el mundo” | Buen Conocer | May 31 17:34 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @ioerror: 'SGOS by @subgraph is going to be a...' | May 31 17:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ExposeTPP Do you consider #food safety rules or #GMO | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by labeling an "illegal trade barrier?" The secret | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP would. #NoGMO #Ag | May 31 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExposeTPP: Do you consider #food safety rules or #GMO labeling an "illegal trade barrier?" The secret #TPP would. #NoGMO #Ag | May 31 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard How to sharpen pencils, *correctly* | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | (or: why I prefer | May 31 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Sharpen Pencils | The Etsy Blog | May 31 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | mechanical pencils) | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot HR Chief: Google Sexual, Racial Diversity "Not | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Where We Want to Be" | May 31 17:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HR Chief: Google Sexual, Racial Diversity "Not Where We Want to Be" - Slashdot | May 31 17:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattaikins US POW Bowe Bergdahl released in exchange for 5 | May 31 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Guantanamo Taliban. Congrats to @bobbergdahl | May 31 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel and family, it's been a long 5 years. | May 31 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DailyDashboard Hey @doctorow - here's the Peter Watts | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by presentation you were looking for, in full: | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Peter Watts: Burn the Data to the Ground - YouTube | May 31 18:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Privacy debate in extreme privacy. Secret Irony | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | "world's most secretive conference discussing | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | whether privacy exists" | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bilderberg at 60: inside the world's most secretive conference | World news | | May 31 18:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Ultimate holders of privileged status securing | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | status quo: "privacy is the enemy. Public | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | transparency is a goldmine" | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cqwww The @pmharper Government Has Forbidden | May 31 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Meteorologists to Discuss Climate Change | May 31 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #cdnpoli | May 31 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Canadian Government Has Forbidden Meteorologists to Discuss Climate Change | VICE News | May 31 18:09 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Privacy debate in extreme privacy. Secret Irony "world's...' | May 31 18:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Ultimate holders of privileged status securing status quo:...' | May 31 18:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola At @LeftForum panel on NSA surveillance w/ Bill | May 31 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Binney, Ray McGovern, @AbiHassen & @DSweetWCW. | May 31 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Room can barely fit any more people | May 31 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The FTC has been regulating the marketing of | May 31 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | keyloggers since 2010. | May 31 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spyware Seller Settles FTC Charges; Order Bars Marketing of Keylogger Software for Illegal Uses | Federal Trade Commission | May 31 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: torbooks: Check out Charlie Jane Anders’ | May 31 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | picks for the essential SF/F anthologies that | May 31 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | writers... | May 31 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian FTC prevented spyware vendor from "providing | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | purchasers with the means to disguise the | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | product as an innocent file or e-mail | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | attachment." | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack FAIRVIEW Collection Sites (all domestic) | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LeftForum2014 | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | cc: #Binney | May 31 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: FAIRVIEW Collection Sites (all domestic) #LeftForum2014 cc: #Binney | May 31 18:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fast98dodge If we had more like @Thomas_Drake1, | May 31 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @DanielEllsberg, Binney, Klein, Manning, | May 31 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Snowden, etc, we'd be better off... | May 31 18:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 18:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@fast98dodge: If we had more like @Thomas_Drake1, @DanielEllsberg, Binney, Klein, Manning, Snowden, etc, we'd be better off... | May 31 18:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:28 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @kgosztola: 'At @LeftForum panel on NSA surveillance w/ Bill...' | May 31 18:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @royshanqq @Thomas_Drake1 the reason the govt hates | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by snowden is he exposed their murder of | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 any criminal would be livid | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #FISA Amendments Act | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sec 702 Operations | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LeftForum2014 | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #survwillance | May 31 18:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: #FISA Amendments Act Sec 702 Operations #LeftForum2014 #survwillance | May 31 18:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Oregon vs. Oracle: the Battle of Blame Heats Up | May 31 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oregon vs. Oracle: the Battle of Blame Heats Up - Slashdot | May 31 18:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechCrunch Google Receives 12,000 Requests To Be Forgotten | May 31 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by From Europeans On Day One | May 31 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian by @drizzled | May 31 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Receives 12,000 Requests To Be Forgotten From Europeans On Day One | TechCrunch | May 31 18:44 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Not just #cia but also #FBI spied on Nelson #Mandela during 1990 US visit, files show | May 31 18:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | FBI spied on Nelson Mandela during 1990 US visit, files show - Americas - World - The Independent [ ] | May 31 18:49 | |
schestowitz | "Maybe real freedom fighters are a menace to US national security." | May 31 18:49 |
schestowitz | Freedom FROM the British is terrorism | May 31 18:50 |
qu1j0t3 | wat | May 31 18:50 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ According to former #CIA director Panetta, the #nsa has started wars!SQ3ia notice exceptionalism , hypocrisy | May 31 18:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Former CIA director Panetta: Major cybercrimes are acts of war | Monterey News - KSBW Home [ ] | May 31 18:51 | |
schestowitz | "404" | May 31 18:51 |
schestowitz | Works from here | May 31 18:51 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #redhat vilified in corporate press in recent days | May 31 18:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Red Hat Plays Dirty To Lock Its Customers In - So Much For Caring-Sharing Open Source - Forbes [ ] | May 31 18:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Red Hat’s vision for OpenStack could lead to a new era of vendor lock-in | SiliconANGLE [ ] | May 31 18:52 | |
schestowitz | "I think a better way of looking at Dell support for Linux, such as it is, is as a kind of assurance that Linux can successfully be installed on the system in question. This used to be a far more serious problem than it is today; I don't even worry about it anymore. Commercial support for Linux has, as far as I know, always been about trying to make money off free software, which feels like a scam to me in and of itself." | May 31 18:52 |
qu1j0t3 | wat | May 31 18:54 |
qu1j0t3 | that's quite an extreme view | May 31 18:54 |
schestowitz | the mandela thing? | May 31 18:54 |
qu1j0t3 | which more or less says Free Software can't be used by business | May 31 18:54 |
qu1j0t3 | Commercial support for │ | May 31 18:54 |
schestowitz | oh, the latter | May 31 18:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | Linux has, as far as I know, always been about trying to make money off │ | May 31 18:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | free software, which feels like a scam to me in and of itself." | May 31 18:54 |
schestowitz | Yes, Benfel is an anarchist in his 60s, I think | May 31 18:55 |
schestowitz | and he has unusual views on some things | May 31 18:55 |
qu1j0t3 | i mean, it's a fine view, if your objective is not to participate in capitalism | May 31 18:55 |
schestowitz | true | May 31 18:55 |
qu1j0t3 | which in itself is nobile | May 31 18:55 |
schestowitz | even RMS makes more compromises than that | May 31 18:55 |
qu1j0t3 | oops noble | May 31 18:55 |
qu1j0t3 | yes, certainly | May 31 18:55 |
schestowitz | and RMS accepts ideals from several strands including capitalism but not that alone | May 31 18:56 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Jennifer Rubin at the #ciapost presents false dichotomy. What's this #propaganda all about? | May 31 18:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Do we let American jihadists kill, or do we drone them? [ ] | May 31 18:56 | |
schestowitz | "If US people cannot see a problem when even the same US people is willing to attact the US, then they might have their head deep in the sand." | May 31 18:56 |
schestowitz | "Or deep up their own ass. One of the two." | May 31 18:56 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Syrian rebels say they are already being trained by the #CIA #syria | May 31 18:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | As Obama calls for support in Syria, rebels claim U.S. is already training them - [ ] | May 31 18:57 | |
schestowitz | "Syria: rebels = good; Ukraine: rebels = bad. Except before, last winter, when Ukraine rebels were good. Now they're bad. Or something." | May 31 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Syrian rebels say they are being trained by the CIA | Al Bawaba [ ] | May 31 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Major Communications Cables-Points of | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Convergence | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | AT&T, Verizon, BritishTelecom, T-Mobile 1/3 | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LeftForum2014 | May 31 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Major Communications Cables-Points of Convergence AT&T, Verizon, BritishTelecom, T-Mobile 1/3 #LeftForum2014 | May 31 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Major Cable Convergence Points (cont.) | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | AT&T, Verizon, British Telecom, T-Mobile 2/3 | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LeftForum2014 | May 31 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Major Cable Convergence Points (cont.) AT&T, Verizon, British Telecom, T-Mobile 2/3 #LeftForum2014 | May 31 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:57 |
schestowitz | Maybe time to use the T or M words... militant and terrorist... | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Major Cable Convergence Points (cont.) | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | AT&T, Verizon, British Telecom, T-Mobile 3/3 | May 31 18:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LeftForum | May 31 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Major Cable Convergence Points (cont.) AT&T, Verizon, British Telecom, T-Mobile 3/3 #LeftForum | May 31 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 18:57 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 18:58 |
schestowitz | If you already noticed that US interventions have nothing to do with democracy and freedom and everything to do with domination, then it's safer to think that by default the US does everything for its own interest. | May 31 18:58 |
schestowitz | After all, why someone would do something for someone else for free? Worth to think this next time the US offers to "help". | May 31 18:58 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 18:58 |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: | May 31 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Canadian Bush (Harper) against journalism, science, etc. | May 31 19:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 'A Government Of Thugs': How Canada Treats Environmental Journalists | ThinkProgress [ ] | May 31 19:01 | |
schestowitz | ""Greenpeace, for example, is officially regarded as an “extremist” threat." So does me being a Greenpeace donor makes me an extremist at Canadian government's eyes? One nobody knows when the government will consider you an enemy." | May 31 19:01 |
schestowitz | RMS just now: | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | > The same year Wired did a series of articles about patents, especially | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | > software patents. The vast majority in this series was pro-software | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | > patents patent lawyers. There are other examples, too. | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | > | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | > I suppose you're right about the general tendency. My point is that | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | > it isn't a simple blanket hostility. | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | I cite Wired quite frequently, still. | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | What's regrettable is that, based on my experience (I read news for up to or around 5 hours per day and used to read more), there are new interests at Wired. Some of the articles smacked of "placement", esp. some of the Microsoft articles from one or two Microsoft boosters (with long history) that Conde Nast had hired from The Register. | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | Wired is not the best example of this trend. Ars Technica (also owned by Conde Nast) is a better example. One writer from Ars Technica (the Microsoft section editor) has been stalking Techrights IRC for several years; he perceives us as the people who keep a close eye on his lack of adherence to facts. Knowing we keep an eye usually helps keep some writers more honest, knowing there would be consequences for sheer distortion | May 31 19:10 |
schestowitz | of facts; that in itself is a strong regulating force. Think of it as peripheral (external to Ars Technica) peer review. :-) | May 31 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Bowe Bergdahl, a Taliban captive since 2009, | May 31 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | has been freed | CBS | May 31 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2009 report on his capture: | May 31 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bowe Bergdahl, a Taliban captive since 2009, has been freed - CBS News | May 31 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | (CRIMINAL EVENT) KIDNAPPING RPT B CO 1-501 PIR : 0 INJ/DAM - Kabul War Diary | May 31 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jwassersd “Let's Save Great Ideas from the Ideas | May 31 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Industry” by @umairh is a @MustRead: | May 31 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh | May 31 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @ ) | May 31 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz First half of day productive, but the latter | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | half ruined by #php and it leads me to being a | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | proponent of static HTML or plain text strorage | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Having manually migrated some content to | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #docuwiki results fairly pleasing, but wiki | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | syntax still not standardised | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | start [Schestowitz Wiki] | May 31 19:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #koch - business as a political party | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates also acts | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | like a political party now | May 31 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:17 |
schestowitz | | May 31 19:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ National 'security' when the population - not an outside force - is treated as the "enemy" | May 31 19:21 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | SWAT team throws concussion grenade into baby playpen during no-knock raid | Police State USA [ ] | May 31 19:21 | |
schestowitz | "I would like to be as free as people are in the Land of the Free ... No, not really." | May 31 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wars are profitable business | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | even #monsanto made a | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | killing from killing millions in #vietnam | May 31 19:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: New document details America’s war machine — and secret mass of contractors in Afghanistan - | May 31 19:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fmr Bush Counter-Terror Czar: Bush, Cheney, | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rumsfeld All Committed War Crimes | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | but no jail yet. Never. | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Clarke: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Committed War Crimes | Mediaite | May 31 19:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Unitary patent, trade agreements, etc. | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | (whose laws? North | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | American's corporations.) | May 31 19:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines First ideas for a better GNOME browser | May 31 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 19:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | First ideas for a better GNOME browser | Tux Machines | May 31 19:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #apple smug | May 31 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teenager Killed His Parents Because They Took His iPod Away | May 31 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linus Torvalds Reads Your Mean Tweets | May 31 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | marketing video | May 31 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linus Torvalds Reads Your Mean Tweets - YouTube | May 31 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz '"British girls have become the fattest in | May 31 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Europe" was this week's brutal headline.' | May 31 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Torvalds heavier than | May 31 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Diets Make You Fatter—The Three Little Words that Really Help You Lose Weight | Alternet | May 31 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | RMS now? | May 31 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The House Votes to Stop Medical #Marijuana | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Busts by the Feds | May 31 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The House Votes to Stop Medical Marijuana Busts by the Feds | May 31 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz More disabled workers paid just pennies an hour | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | capitalism for the | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | super-rich, socialism for rest | May 31 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | More disabled workers paid just pennies an hour - NBC News | May 31 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot New Federal Database Will Track Americans' | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Credit Ratings, Other Financial Info | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Federal Database Will Track Americans' Credit Ratings, Other Financial Info - Slashdot | May 31 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz So much anger in #europe and elsewhere over | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | immigrants with jobs while many companies get | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | away with paying no salaries | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | (placements/interns). | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #apple 'quality' #nsa | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #backdoors and #killswitch gone awry | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the iCloud "Hack" Holds iOS Devices Hostage | May 31 19:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Large companies that race to the bottom w/ | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | wages (except for management) and are racing to | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | the bottom with taxes are today's biggest issue | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Superstition and religions are not without risk | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Polish brother and sister kill their Alzheimer's-afflicted mother during EXORCISM | Mail Online | May 31 19:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I've fallen ill in South Africa; I wonder if it | May 31 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | will become worse as I travel east... | May 31 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mlowdi For my English-lang friends: @brokep arrested | May 31 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by today by Swe & Polish police. Probably due to | May 31 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror not turning up to serve his sentence. | May 31 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin #NBC never aired segment w/ #Snowden saying | May 31 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 9/11 could've been stopped w/ already available | May 31 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror intelligence, but wasn't: | May 31 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard My first post on the mead blog! A really simple | May 31 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | but spectacularly nice rose mead. | May 31 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rose mead. | A-Mazing Mead | May 31 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Obama accepts veterans affairs chief | May 31 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | resignation with 'regret' | May 31 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | dysfunctional armies | May 31 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | wound people with neglect | May 31 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama accepts veterans affairs chief resignation with 'regret' | Reuters | May 31 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Net rest imminent | May 31 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pentagon #nsa #surveillance #espionage | May 31 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bmaz Was Snowden asking the "proper channels" about | May 31 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by critical questions of legality in his email? | May 31 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Yes, he indeed was | May 31 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 19:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden: “A Classified Executive Order” | emptywheel | May 31 19:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “Pacification” Unleashes Terror On Favelas, | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Aims to Silence Anti-Capitalist Social | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Movements #fbi trains | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | them | May 31 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazil: "Pacification" Unleashes Terror On Favelas, Aims to Silence Anti-Capitalist Social Movements - | May 31 20:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror I'll have limited internet for the next week as | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | I'm traveling to East Africa. | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @botherder The prosecution of #TPB has been a farce from | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the beginning. Very sad to hear that @brokep | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror has been arrested. | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickCohen4 "Jailing the handicapped" me in the Observer on | May 31 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by how Britain picks on the weakest | May 31 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 20:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Our prisons have mental health problems | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer | May 31 20:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Falkvinge More news (in Swedish) about the previous | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by spokesperson of The Pirate Bay, Peter Sunde, | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody having been arrested: | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Bay-grundaren gripen av piket-polis | Kvällsposten | May 31 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks search now covers Twitter, | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | This Day in WikiLeaks; try it e.g "manning" | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freemanning | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | May 31 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Read Snowden’s comments on 9/11 that NBC didn’t | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | broadcast - turns out | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | "collect it all" is the problem (v @AbbyMartin) | May 31 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Digging up the Dirt on Canadian Mining in Latin | May 31 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | America #canada #mining | May 31 20:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digging up the Dirt on Canadian Mining in Latin America | May 31 20:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin In another massive blow to the ecosystem, a new | May 31 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by study shows BP's Gulf oil spill slaughtered up | May 31 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to 800,000 birds alone | May 31 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Study estimates BP spill killed more than 800,000 birds | Oil Spill | The Sun Herald | May 31 20:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #venezuela is off the headlines again, so the | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | second recent coup by oligarchs (domestic and | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | foreign) seems to have failed. The poor won. | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @27KHV Berlin's Der Spiegel reports that David Cameron | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by threatened to leave EU if Jean Claude Juncker, | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody arch-Eurocrat, is made Commission President | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Parasitic companies are ones that pay no tax | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | (unlike others), pay low wages, and kill those | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | who pay tax and offer ownership, decent wages | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Aftonbladet Varnar folket: Våga inte trotsa förbudet. Nya | May 31 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by oroligheter i Turkiet. | May 31 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nya upplopp i Turkiet på årsdagen | Nyheter | Aftonbladet | May 31 20:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Aftonbladet: Varnar folket: Våga inte trotsa förbudet. Nya oroligheter i Turkiet. | May 31 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Companies that tend to characterise themselves | May 31 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | (through expensive lobbyists) as "job creators" | May 31 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | are often the biggest job destroyers | May 31 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt This Week In Techdirt History | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Week In Techdirt History | Techdirt | May 31 20:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Thank you @SenWarren for continuing to sound | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the alarm about the secret #TPP & #TAFTA | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody negotiations! [#TPPA #TTIP] | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Thank you @SenWarren for continuing to sound the alarm about the secret #TPP & #TAFTA negotiations! [#TPPA #TTIP] | May 31 20:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Combatants, militants, and terrorists | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | any more labels? | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nothingsmonstrd Sending a SWAT team after somebody suspected of | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by copyright violation: living in @doctorow's | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow world | May 31 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Georgia police threw a stun grenade in a 19-month-old's crib - Vox | May 31 20:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Asher_Wolf Prabowo is accused of "atrocities, including | May 31 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the massacre of hundreds in 1983" in East Timor | May 31 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abuse claims cloud ex-general's run for Indonesia presidency - Yahoo News Malaysia | May 31 20:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Savage capitalism is back – and it will not | May 31 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | tame itself those who | May 31 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | oppose get invaded | May 31 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Savage capitalism is back – and it will not tame itself | David Graeber | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 31 20:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Georgia police threw a stun grenade in a | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | 19-month-old's crib - | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | warning: disturbing pic #militarisation | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Pirate Bay spokesman, Peter Sunde (@brokep) has | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | been detained by #Sweden according to Swedish | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | media. | May 31 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Bay-grundaren gripen av piket-polis | Kvällsposten | May 31 20:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (last v @doctorow @nothingsmonstrd) | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today I noticed a change in #twitter - people | May 31 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | can report users not for "spam" but for being | May 31 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | "annoying". Now this: | May 31 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter Has Quietly Learned To Censor And Ban Its Users When Governments Ask | | May 31 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @zeynep Since these guys are so obviously, ahem, cops, | May 31 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by why not in uniforms with serial numbers? #Gezi | May 31 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Pic: @toyotagibiadam1 | May 31 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jiyaninsesi: İstiklal Caddesi'nde gün boyu hazır bulunacak siyah, sırt çantalı sivil polisler: via (foto: @toyotagibiadam1) | May 31 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not only the appearance and layout of #twitter | May 31 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | is assimilated to #facebook - the #censorship | May 31 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | policy too is rapidly coming into alignment | May 31 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Robot number one | May 31 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @opensourceway The @OKFN's contest to inspire new projects | May 31 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by using open content, #opendata, or #opensource: | May 31 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 31 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Humanities Awards celebrate innovative projects using open cultural data | | May 31 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jimmy_wales Tomorrow morning 9am UK time, I will be on | May 31 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Andrew @Marrshow on BBC One. Discussing | May 31 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Internet freedom and privacy. | May 31 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Twitter's activity is to disguise the | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance of the resulting reading from | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | everybody." #twitter | May 31 20:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian | May 31 20:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks 4335 WikiLeaks documents on EU presidential | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | candidate Jean Claude Junker | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | May 31 20:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Facebook is strip-mining human society... | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Facebook should lean in and tell its users what | May 31 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | it does." #facebook | May 31 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: brucesterling: *If it weren’t for these | May 31 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | thumb-fingered rich idiots destroying | May 31 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | technological... | May 31 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stories Come Out | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out - Slashdot | May 31 20:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update Released, New GPUs Supported | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nvidia #linux #graphics | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive Update Released, New GPUs Supported | May 31 20:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | GPU Drivers #opencl | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #benchmark #linux | May 31 20:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux GPU Drivers | May 31 20:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Amarok 2.8.0 Review – A Different Kind of Music | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Player #amarok #kde #gnu | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 31 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amarok Review | May 31 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gone Wildly Wrong | May 31 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers Gone Wildly Wrong | May 31 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #phoronix | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody UN backlash as Uganda's 'anti-gay' minister | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | heads for human rights top job - | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | this will not end | May 31 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UN backlash as Uganda's 'anti-gay' minister heads for human rights top job | World news | The Observer | May 31 20:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | well... | May 31 20:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity | May 31 20:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | May 31 20:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 20:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 20:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | Tux Machines | May 31 20:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Gone Wildly Wrong | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Amarok 2.8.0 Review – A Different Kind of Music | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Player | May 31 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers Gone Wildly Wrong | Tux Machines | May 31 20:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amarok 2.8.0 Review – A Different Kind of Music Player | Tux Machines | May 31 20:52 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #NSA/#PRISM/#Microsoft #Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time #chillingfreespeech #watchwhatyousay | May 31 20:53 | |
schestowitz | "yeah you do because its nothing but lies and you'd be better focussing your "doctoral" energies and "talents" on truths..instead of mainstream diversions of it" | May 31 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time | Techrights | May 31 20:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity | May 31 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | May 31 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 31 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | May 31 20:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz First ideas for a better GNOME browser | May 31 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #gtk #gnu #linux | May 31 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freie Freude » Blog Archive » First ideas for a better GNOME browser - Design, Free SW and related topics | May 31 20:53 | |
schestowitz | I am highly critical of corporate press and sceptical and NSA documents, but this is not an NSA release but a leak and it's not the discovery of corporate media (the NYTime spikes a story about these programs) | May 31 20:54 |
schestowitz | *NYTimes spiked | May 31 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin United States of Secrets is a stunning, must | May 31 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by watch documentary outlining the detailed | May 31 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody history of #NSA illegal spying | May 31 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PBS Frontline Documentary: United States of Secrets | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines | May 31 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #OpenGL Is Broken, according to #amd guy | May 31 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 20:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenGL Is Broken | May 31 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen .@Prabowo08 should be facing prosecution for | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by war crimes and human rights abuse, not running | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody for President | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abuse claims cloud ex-general's run for Indonesia presidency - Yahoo News Malaysia | May 31 21:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Yup “@ProSyn: .@baselinescene says that the | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | best way to become an oligarch is to join a | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | large private-equity firm. | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Simon Johnson says that the best way is to join a large private-equity firm. - Project Syndicate | May 31 21:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Great stuff. “@ValaAfshar: "It’s time for | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Silicon Valley to grow up." - @wadhwa | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | May 31 21:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did Google Just Change The Hunt For Tech Talent? - Forbes | May 31 21:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #GNOME Foundation webpage design amid sites | May 31 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | convergence | May 31 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Foundation webpage design | yuliansu | May 31 21:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @codepink HELP keep a roof over the family of jailed CIA | May 31 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou! Donate: | May 31 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #p2 | May 31 21:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CODEPINK: Take Action Now! | May 31 21:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I hear healthcare helps, too. “@TheAtlantic: | May 31 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Laugh more, live longer: How a sense of humor | May 31 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | can improve your health” | May 31 21:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Funny or Die - Julie Beck - The Atlantic | May 31 21:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox | May 31 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nightly, but… no #drm | May 31 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Adobe) or Flash | May 31 21:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox Nightly, but… | | May 31 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Europa Universalis IV Available with a 75% | May 31 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Discount on Steam for Linux | May 31 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #games | May 31 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europa Universalis IV Available with a 75% Discount on Steam for Linux | May 31 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Background reading for Sweden's arrest today of | May 31 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Peter Sunde (@brokep) | May 31 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 21:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweden detains Pirate Bay founder in oppressive conditions without charges | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | | May 31 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aftermath of The Pirate Bay Trial: Peter Sunde's Plea - In His Own Words - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | May 31 21:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 31 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows | May 31 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | 8 Comouflage Mode | May 31 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #gnu #linux #tor in #spyware gown | May 31 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows 8 Comouflage Mode | May 31 21:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Silicon Valley is solving problems that don't | May 31 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | exist except to rich men. Silicon Valley has a | May 31 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | diversity problem. Wow, what a coincidence. | May 31 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin #NBC never aired segment w/ #Snowden saying | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 9/11 could've been stopped w/ already available | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 intelligence, but wasn't: | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Any sane person should question the value of | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | virtual reality glasses and designer headphones | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | when half the world has little sanitation. | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks NSA authorized monitoring of Pirate Bay. Re | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sweden's arrest today of Pirate Bay / Flattr | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | spokesman Peter Sunde | May 31 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden Documents Reveal Covert Surveillance and Pressure Tactics Aimed at WikiLeaks and Its Supporters - The Intercept | May 31 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarkRuffalo Daniel Ellsberg Thinks 'Very Much Less' Of John | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Kerry For His 'Despicable' Snowden Comments - | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Ellsberg was... | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks 2014 #Bilderberg meeting includes | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | MI6+NATO+NSA's Gen Alexander, Swedish FM Carl | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bildt, Wallenberg's and other Swedes | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz From #truecrypt to #nsa #prism (Windows) | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | never trust proprietary | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Participants | Bilderberg Meetings | May 31 21:30 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TrueCrypt Too Proprietary to be Secure and Corporate Media Should Stop Blaming Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) | Techrights | May 31 21:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | GPU Drivers | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Update Released, New GPUs Supported | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 21:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux GPU Drivers | Tux Machines | May 31 21:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nightly, but… | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 21:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive Update Released, New GPUs Supported | Tux Machines | May 31 21:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox Nightly, but… | Tux Machines | May 31 21:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz All my correspondence with RMS always uses | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | encryption, and it is done using #gnupg which | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | can be audited at all levels. #pgp | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Engineering our way out of mass #surveillance - | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | looks interesting... | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Engineering our way out of mass surveillance - Boing Boing | May 31 21:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "I've done a lot of support of government | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | servers and they run for about forever" | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | my experience has been | May 31 21:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Linux Works: 32-bit Enterprise Linux Still Matters | May 31 21:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | the same | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RationalWiki Did you know that @futureshopuk are blatantly | May 31 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by fraudulent trolls? It's true! | May 31 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard £1,029.00 for a fucking | May 31 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | cable. WAT HIFI | May 31 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Audioquest Angel, 2 RCA to 2 RCA Audio Cable 1.5m - | May 31 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Re: Joshua Barczak's "OpenGL Is Broken" | May 31 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | disagrees with him | May 31 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timothy Lottes: Re: Joshua Barczak's "OpenGL Is Broken" | May 31 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Commenting out | May 31 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech Comics: Herding Cats (or Developers) - Datamation | May 31 22:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Here's what's for sure. If you don't struggle | May 31 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | to give your life a point that matters, others | May 31 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | will give you one that doesn't. | May 31 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Double standard | May 31 22:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows | May 31 22:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | 8 Comouflage Mode | May 31 22:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 22:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows 8 Comouflage Mode | Tux Machines | May 31 22:11 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditFirefox favourited 'WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox...' | May 31 22:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If you criticise government abuse, they'll call | May 31 22:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | you anarchist. Criticise looting by the rich, | May 31 22:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | get labeled "socialist". Labels are like that. | May 31 22:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The term "capitalism" -- like today's loose use | May 31 22:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the term "democracy" -- severely distorted. | May 31 22:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comply and consumerism will eat you. #debt | May 31 22:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:19 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @wikileaks: '2014 #Bilderberg meeting includes MI6+NATO+NSA's Gen Alexander, Swedish...' | May 31 22:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #sweden as 'champion' of justice | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: Pirate Bay spokesman, Peter Sunde (@brokep) has been detained by #Sweden according to Swedish media. | May 31 22:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | for corporations, maybe | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Pirate Bay-grundaren gripen av piket-polis | Kvällsposten | May 31 22:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: Background reading for Sweden's arrest today of Peter Sunde (@brokep) | May 31 22:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Sweden detains Pirate Bay founder in oppressive conditions without charges | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | | May 31 22:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Aftermath of The Pirate Bay Trial: Peter Sunde's Plea - In His Own Words - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | May 31 22:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Threat from NZ High Commission to UK to pull | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by funding from festival if #Assange speaks | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz tomorrow or threat leaked | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | | May 31 22:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Harman (RMAHarman) on Twitter | May 31 22:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @botherder The prosecution of #TPB has been a farce from | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the beginning. Very sad to hear that @brokep | May 31 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz has been arrested. | May 31 22:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin #NBC never aired segment w/ #Snowden saying | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 9/11 could've been stopped w/ already available | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz intelligence, but wasn't: | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 31 22:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Summer in the city. | May 31 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Summer in the city. | May 31 22:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Must-read from Daniel Ellsberg: "nowden would | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | not get a fair trial – and Kerry is wrong" | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Ellsberg: Snowden would not get a fair trial – and Kerry is wrong | Comment is free | | May 31 22:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SpaceX Shows Off 7-Man Dragon V2 Capsule | May 31 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 31 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SpaceX Shows Off 7-Man Dragon V2 Capsule - Slashdot | May 31 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SoniaBridi Depois de quase um ano de negociações, | May 31 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by finalmente a entrevista com Snowden foi | May 31 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald possível. É reveladora. Domingo no @showdavida | May 31 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jaketapper Wikileak on Bergdahl from June 2009 | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 23:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | (CRIMINAL EVENT) KIDNAPPING RPT B CO 1-501 PIR : 0 INJ/DAM - Kabul War Diary | May 31 23:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140530 - | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 31 23:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140530 | May 31 23:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Pirate Bay Co-Founder Peter Sunde Arrested In | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sweden | May 31 23:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 31 23:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Bay Co-Founder Peter Sunde Arrested In Sweden - Slashdot | May 31 23:56 |
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