Join us now at the IRC channel.
DaemonFC | I'm in a bad mood so I got a large chocolate extreme blizzard and some menthol cigarettes | May 25 00:01 |
DaemonFC | *sigh* | May 25 00:01 |
DaemonFC | | May 25 00:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [No translation for /menu-detail/seo-cakes-title, da] [ ] | May 25 00:02 | |
DaemonFC | omg, they make it as a cake too! | May 25 00:02 |
DaemonFC | 36,000 calories in a 10 inch cake | May 25 00:03 |
DaemonFC | no, it's not that bad | May 25 00:03 |
MinceR | :) | May 25 00:04 |
MinceR | gn | May 25 00:07 |
msb_ | Comparison of US/Bush/Obama with Russia/Putin: The US govt (probably with Israeli help) perpetrated the 9/11 false-flag terror operation -- proven by simple laws of physics. It then used that Big Lie as the pretext for bombarding and invading Afghanistan and Iraq, and thereby MURDERING TWO MILLION PEOPLE. Putin has done *nothing* nearly so evil. | May 25 00:08 |
msb_ | Mass murder is the worst possible crime. Labelling it "war" which programs people not to think of it as an enormous crime is simply *mind-control*. That doesn't change the reality at all. | May 25 00:12 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 25 01:03 |
DaemonFC | | May 25 01:03 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft sits on critical security problems in Windows and their other halfassed proprietary software, sometimes for years, using the excuse that "they're not aware of any particular malware that exploits them, yet.". | May 25 01:03 |
DaemonFC | Apple does the same thing. It left a hole open in iTunes for three years while the British government was using it to take over Macs and Windows PCs with FinFisher. | May 25 01:03 |
DaemonFC | Only Free software developers seem to take security issues seriously. | May 25 01:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A tale of two bugs [ ] | May 25 01:03 | |
DaemonFC | Linux kernel developers will even accept patches that fix typos in comments, and apply them quickly. You wouldn't think that that would be security related, but it is a "correctness" issue, and it shows that they are serious about squashing bugs. | May 25 01:04 |
DaemonFC | shared Indiana Progressive Liberals's photo. | May 25 01:10 |
DaemonFC | a few seconds ago | May 25 01:10 |
DaemonFC | I voted for Joe Kernan in 2004, Jill Long Thompson in 2008, and John Gregg in 2012. I don't know who will be running for governor in 2016, but I absolutely will not, will NEVER, vote for any Republican. | May 25 01:10 |
DaemonFC | Their privatization plans are all basically like Daniels's toll road deal, where the state gets about $1 billion up front and loses $10 billion over the next 70 years. They're not a good deal for the public. It's like throwing your furniture into the fireplace to keep the house warm for a little while. | May 25 01:10 |
DaemonFC | But that's by design. The Republicans are entirely 100% corrupt. | May 25 01:10 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 25 01:13 |
DaemonFC | Spotify is advertising a Lexus. Does anyone have $50,000 I can borrow? No. Alright then. Back to driving my 1996 Ford Crown Victoria. LOL | May 25 01:13 |
DaemonFC | So much for "targeted" ads. No wonder revenue is falling. They spend money advertising to people with no money to spend on their products. | May 25 01:13 |
DaemonFC | | May 25 01:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nina Simone - Ain't Got No...I've Got Life - YouTube [ ] | May 25 01:16 | |
DaemonFC | | May 25 01:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill Hicks - Relentless - What is Pornography (13/15) - YouTube [ ] | May 25 01:34 | |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 25 02:29 |
DaemonFC | At one point, I decided that the only people who would understand me are other people facing depression or bipolar disorder or something, and I found out a couple of things. | May 25 02:29 |
DaemonFC | 1. Almost everyone +/- 10 years of my age is broke, hates their life, and has depression or bipolar disorder. | May 25 02:29 |
DaemonFC | and | May 25 02:29 |
DaemonFC | 2. Even they don't understand, tolerate, or want anything to do with me. | May 25 02:30 |
DaemonFC | So, where does that leave me? I don't know where that leaves me. I don't want to think about it anymore, but oh well. | May 25 02:30 |
DaemonFC | For my part, I think I'm holding up better than most of them. | May 25 02:30 |
DaemonFC | It's not just a coincidence that that's all I seem to run into. It's not even an exclusively American thing. In a recent survey of young adults in the United Kingdom, conducted with funding from the National Health Service, about a third of people my age said that they have "nothing to live for". | May 25 02:30 |
DaemonFC | And, it's not surprising. We're living in declining capitalist western societies that have written most of us off, where even the table scraps from the "have's" are drying up. | May 25 02:30 |
DaemonFC | It seems to be worse, the younger you are, but it's highly prevalent across the 18-40 age group at this point. | May 25 02:31 |
DaemonFC | omeone on IRC asked what I mean by "declining western capitalist societies", so I replied. | May 25 02:46 |
DaemonFC | "Well, it's a problem that's fundamentally caused by right-wing politics. The politics of people like Reagan or Thatcher. At one point, Margaret Thatcher said 'There is no society, there are only individuals.'. That statement is very telling about how the rich think of the other 90% of us. They have enough money to buy anything they personally need, so they're content with letting public infrastructure and social security programs fall apart | May 25 02:46 |
DaemonFC | . They don't believe that their prosperity depends on any of it. Sort of an 'I've got mine, so fuck you!', attitude. But, when we look at that, we find that we actually need socialism. Advanced economies need it. Were you planning to buy your own roads or your own water system? Where are you planning to send your kids to school at? Do you want them to afford college? Do you want to know that someday, when you're too old to work anymore, that | May 25 02:46 |
DaemonFC | Social Security is there for you? These things need everyone to chip in a few dollars so that society benefits. That's socialism, and it's not a dirty word. Everyone benefits, and it costs them very little, personally. So, countries with low personal income, minimal government, and low taxes end up being like Somalia. Do we want that? That's where right-wing politics will leave 90% of us." | May 25 02:46 |
DaemonFC | Obama could have explained it better, without giving the Republicans their "You didn't build that!" sound bite of nonsense, but he didn't want to offend the rich. We don't have any major politicians that are willing to offend the rich, because a presidential run costs $500 billion now, and a US senate seat can cost $1 billion, so you need to be able to raise $1 million every day if you want to be elected. That's why we don't have any citizen | May 25 02:47 |
DaemonFC | legislators anymore. | May 25 02:47 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | | May 25 03:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China bans Windows 8 from government PCs with twisted logic, and embraces Linux [ ] | May 25 03:00 | |
DaemonFC | It's twisted that Windows _anything_ would be allowed on their computers at all. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | It's proprietary malware from a foreign company, with NSA spyware built-in. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | It _does_ require expensive hardware that is hardly energy efficient, and China does have energy generation problems. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | The software licensing costs for Windows, alone, will be in the billions of dollars, for all the computers that China's government uses. GNU/Linux costs nothing to license. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | The cost to license a single copy of Windows is more than the average Chinese worker makes in an entire month, by the way. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | GNU/Linux is more reliable and capable than Windows. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | Their PCs will be almost entirely free of malware. | May 25 03:00 |
DaemonFC | | May 25 03:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- here's how and why [ ] | May 25 03:00 | |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 25 03:01 |
DaemonFC | 5 minutes ago | May 25 03:01 |
DaemonFC | | May 25 03:01 |
DaemonFC | All five users of Windows for mobile devices, rejoice!? LOL | May 25 03:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft introduces Windows 8.1 with Bing for low cost devices [ ] | May 25 03:01 | |
DaemonFC | | May 25 03:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Sexually frustrated' Santa Barbara killer promised to 'kill as many people as possible' - NY Daily News [ ] | May 25 03:02 | |
DaemonFC | He killed a bunch of people because he couldn't get laid? | May 25 03:02 |
DaemonFC | He should have popped Grindr onto his phone. He'd have more dick than he knew what to do with. | May 25 03:02 |
DaemonFC | LOL | May 25 03:02 |
DaemonFC | He shot a bunch of stuck up rich white girls. | May 25 03:03 |
DaemonFC | Meh.... | May 25 03:03 |
DaemonFC | Sorry, but they're a bunch of vapid soulless clones of one another anyway. | May 25 03:04 |
DaemonFC | | May 25 03:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill Hicks - Deficit (Jesse Helms) - YouTube [ ] | May 25 03:12 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 25 03:42 | |
msb_ | "rich white girls" are certainly not necessarily "vapid soulless clones". | May 25 04:34 |
msb_ | Elliot Rodger, the murderer, was under treatment by several head doctors. I will bet 40 kwatloos that he was on some drug known to cause homicidal/suicidal behavior. | May 25 04:36 |
msb_ | These mass gun shooters always turn out to have been on some psych drug, usually an SSRI. It comes out in the investigation. | May 25 04:40 |
cubezzz | quatloos :) | May 25 04:45 |
cubezzz | people wig out at school | May 25 04:49 |
cubezzz | extra pressure, mal-adjusted people can't handle it | May 25 04:50 |
cubezzz | I've seen it actually | May 25 04:51 |
cubezzz | I remember one guy during a math test, his brain just wasn't working right | May 25 04:52 |
cubezzz | he didn't get violent, he just kept hitting the same sequence of calculator buttons over and over | May 25 04:52 |
cubezzz | reading the transcipt that Elliot guy wrote though | May 25 04:59 |
cubezzz | that's big time mal-adjustment | May 25 04:59 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 25 06:30 | |
DaemonFC | | May 25 06:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UK Government Leaves Microsoft Office For Open Source Technology! [ ] | May 25 06:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Language | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 08:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go Language | Tux Machines | May 25 08:25 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud | Tux Machines | May 25 08:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | Has Some Slowdowns | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 09:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 Has Some Slowdowns | Tux Machines | May 25 09:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 09:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | Tux Machines | May 25 09:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.15 RC5 | May 25 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 09:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel 3.15 RC5 | Tux Machines | May 25 09:01 | |
roy | | May 25 09:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@stevens_phil: @schestowitz @SEEVed Their adoption of DRM left me feeling pretty well betrayed. Nothing breaks the web like the presumption of guilt. | May 25 09:29 | |
roy | by software WE run | May 25 09:29 |
roy | | May 25 09:32 |
roy | | May 25 09:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ex-KGB General says Snowden working for Russia's FSB - Free Press Journal [ ] | May 25 09:32 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Edward Snowden reportedly working for Russian FSB these days [ ] | May 25 09:32 | |
DaemonFC | | May 25 09:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dallas Ends Water Fluoridation, Saves $1 Million | The Mind Unleashed [ ] | May 25 09:45 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 25 10:14 | |
roy | | May 25 10:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ floating movie theater in thailand...  #floating #movietheater #thailand | May 25 10:44 | |
roy | What an environmental disaster. | May 25 10:44 |
roy | | May 25 10:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Last time I properly surveyed all leading E-mail clients for #gnu #linux (that was 6 months ago) I found #thunderbird very hard to replace | May 25 10:57 | |
roy | "Claws Mail is not too bad either" | May 25 10:57 |
roy | I tried it, but it was far from good enough | May 25 10:57 |
roy | | May 25 11:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz it is a reminder that justice in America is often and principally about revenge... | May 25 11:31 | |
roy | Against the "bad guys" | May 25 11:31 |
roy | | May 25 11:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz and to Posada...the US is a haven for least for those that bomb planes and kill children for US goals... | May 25 11:35 | |
roy | In "rogue" nations | May 25 11:35 |
roy | | May 25 11:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz it also derives from a cultural belief that some are somehow "superior" to others, and by default others are subhuman... | May 25 11:37 | |
roy | "God bless 'Merica" | May 25 11:37 |
roy | | May 25 11:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz I guess, apparent "rogue nations" such as Italy (thinking of Gladio and the more recent renditions there...) | May 25 11:40 | |
roy | WTH | May 25 11:41 |
MinceR | geekings | May 25 12:05 |
roy | | May 25 12:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz from fee to shining fee... | May 25 12:26 | |
*aboutGod ( has joined #techrights | May 25 12:44 | |
*aboutGod ( has left #techrights | May 25 12:49 | |
roy | | May 25 12:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Legalbrief - Judge grants name change for WikiLeaks whistleblower [ ] | May 25 12:56 | |
roy | | May 25 13:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Clearly the fiasco surrounding John Shipton's role in the #Wikileaks Party & Syria never made it to #Newcastle | May 25 13:24 | |
roy | I followed the Syria thing; it was a scandal only as seen by corporate media, CIA etc. | May 25 13:25 |
roy | I guess that Wikileaks Party too should funnel 70,000 automatic rifles to Syrian terrorists, like CIA | May 25 13:26 |
roy | | May 25 13:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Scandal to allow yourself to become political pawn of Syrian President accused of war crimes. Propaganda coup. | May 25 13:30 | |
roy | What's the propaganda here? CIA and White House arming of terrorists in Syria is a fact. | May 25 13:30 |
roy | | May 25 13:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No #Wikileaks Party don't deal in arms but they do deal happily with mass murderers. Not a great look. #Syria | May 25 13:31 | |
roy | which side of the mass murderers? Same as in Ukraine. It's a Turf war. Assange hounded by US. | May 25 13:32 |
roy | | May 25 13:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley more important that #wikileaks severs all ties to wikileaks party | May 25 13:32 | |
roy | Says "Wikileaks Forum", a known foe of Wikileaks AND Wikileaks Party. | May 25 13:33 |
roy | | May 25 13:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Syrian President bombing women and children is a fact. Why is there a role here for Julian #Assange's father? | May 25 13:34 | |
roy | There is no such role. There is a turf war there. Russia and US. Guess who's chasing Assange. | May 25 13:34 |
roy | | May 25 13:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley ex-admin of #Wikileaks Facebook page was removed by #assange when he tried to highlight this fact in facebook | May 25 13:35 | |
roy | Wikileaks is not on Facebook | May 25 13:35 |
roy | | May 25 13:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum There is no decency in #Wikileaks supporting President Assad's violent actions in Syria against his own people | May 25 13:36 | |
roy | There is no decency in covert coup, either. | May 25 13:36 |
roy | | May 25 13:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley The Forum supports the WikiLeaks cause but dissociates itself clearly from #Assange's media Manipulation | May 25 13:37 | |
roy | Wikileaks cause is defeined by Assange | May 25 13:37 |
roy | | May 25 13:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley then please read this --> #wikileaks #assange | May 25 13:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | May 25 13:39 | |
roy | My asseassment is that some perp created a page there (like fake RMS accounts) misrepresenting @wikileaks | May 25 13:39 |
roy | | May 25 13:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz Seems @wikileaks_forum was only deemed a 'foe' when they decided to run both sides of a story not just #Assange dictation. Fact | May 25 13:40 | |
roy | Let me ask Assange and verify that the Facebook account was not of @Wikileaks | May 25 13:40 |
roy | some former wikileaks 'staff' were FBI moles, too | May 25 13:41 |
roy | | May 25 13:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley yes they are, an ex-Forum Administrator was admin of the official wikileaks Facebook page, now run by #assange | May 25 13:41 | |
roy | me: ".@wikileaks do you have a #facebook account or is that just some person impersonating?" | May 25 13:42 |
roy | | May 25 13:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Only person chasing #Assange is Sweden. US is just deflecting hackers. No charges against Wikileaks. Fact. | May 25 13:42 | |
roy | This is patently untrue. Press now confirms FBI involvement. | May 25 13:42 |
roy | @ioerror also alleges #fbi tried Sting Operation (Sabu) on him | May 25 13:43 |
roy | | May 25 13:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley note, admin was removed after "Posts on Syria that have nothing to do with WikiLeaks" ( #syria files ? ) | May 25 13:44 | |
roy | Syria files are Wikileaks, the Facebook account is something else, might be fake | May 25 13:44 |
roy | | May 25 13:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum What bullshit. Opposition in Syria divided. Assad dictatorship is defended by Russia. #Assange defends Russia. | May 25 13:44 | |
roy | Many peopel do | May 25 13:44 |
roy | | May 25 13:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks No, the page was created by #Assange and is still run by assange | May 25 13:45 | |
roy | I don't believe he created such a page unless he confirms | May 25 13:45 |
roy | | May 25 13:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks "sign up to our Twitter feed or Facebook feed to stay up to date" | May 25 13:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Supporters | May 25 13:45 | |
roy | | May 25 13:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum #Wikileaks brand has been destroyed by #Assange. Now a personality cult run by his private company. Hopeless. | May 25 13:46 | |
roy | Person who runs the account was no longer approved, or may have gone awry | May 25 13:46 |
roy | | May 25 13:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks page is now run by #Assange and kristinn | May 25 13:46 | |
roy | | May 25 13:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks yes, please ask him if #Wikileaks controls the Wikileaks Facebook page | May 25 13:47 | |
roy | Maybe it does now | May 25 13:47 |
roy | | May 25 13:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks read the top part #wikileaks #assange | May 25 13:47 | |
roy | | May 25 13:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Everyone is FBI or CIA according to #Assange. He labelled me CIA. Everyone is out to get him. Hopeless. | May 25 13:50 | |
roy | I don't know you, so I can't say | May 25 13:50 |
roy | | May 25 13:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley old news. #Assange's right hand man Sigurdur Thordarson squealed on #Assange | May 25 13:51 | |
roy | Can't make a mole "right hand man" | May 25 13:51 |
roy | so you do acknowledge there are spooks hounding them | May 25 13:52 |
roy | | May 25 13:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes and #Assange & Kristinn are the two shareholders of Sunshine Press which owns #Wikileaks. | May 25 13:52 | |
roy | Maybe there is trust amont them; the org suffered infiltrations | May 25 13:52 |
roy | *among | May 25 13:53 |
roy | | May 25 13:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley no, the Facebook page is owned by Assange's Facebook account "libertag ideas" and Kristinn Hrafnsson | May 25 13:53 | |
roy | And who was running it temporily before they seized control? | May 25 13:53 |
roy | temporarily | May 25 13:53 |
roy | | May 25 13:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum How long ago? Four years ago. Back when #Wikileaks was relevant. | May 25 13:54 | |
roy | This is a straw man because Wikileaks is still very relevant | May 25 13:54 |
roy | | May 25 13:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum @ioerror Years ago. Times change. | May 25 13:55 | |
roy | Hardly. They also invaded Appelbaum's apartment in Berlin based on a recent report\ | May 25 13:55 |
roy | | May 25 13:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley check this log with Sarah Harrisson who wanted to use the Facebook page for donations | May 25 13:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | May 25 13:57 | |
roy | | May 25 13:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks Birgitta J will confirm that Assange created the Facebook page and still owns it | May 25 13:57 | |
roy | Who ran it in the period when it was declared unaligned with Wikileaks' position? | May 25 13:58 |
roy | | May 25 13:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum #Assange is now a tool of Russia TV. A tool of Putin. One eyed. He so HATES USA. | May 25 13:58 | |
roy | That's the same smear that's used against Snowden | May 25 13:58 |
roy | Wikileaks had done good work to expose corruption in many nations before US; only US got this aggressive | May 25 13:59 |
roy | | May 25 13:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks What does it say at he top of this page? click the Facebook link ! | May 25 13:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Supporters | May 25 13:59 | |
roy | | May 25 14:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Real person, real research, real knowledge that #Assange is not truthful. For that I am labeled CIA. | May 25 14:00 | |
roy | Did he say it like this and if so, please provide quote/link (context) | May 25 14:00 |
roy | | May 25 14:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Did you not read the inside story? #Assange used this boy. | May 25 14:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The WikiLeaks Mole: How Siggi Thordarson Betrayed Julian Assange | Politics News | Rolling Stone | May 25 14:00 | |
roy | No. the boy used Assange to make money and later sexually assaulted some boy, for which he was arrested. | May 25 14:02 |
roy | | May 25 14:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum How? #Wikileaks doesn't even have secure drop box any more. Until #Assange goes to Sweden it is just a circus. | May 25 14:02 | |
roy | Data is still passing arround, suggest plenty of evidence. | May 25 14:02 |
roy | Data is still passing around, suggests plenty of evidence. | May 25 14:03 |
roy | | May 25 14:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum @ioerror Who is 'they' and where is a link proving that? | May 25 14:03 | |
roy | AUthory thugs | May 25 14:03 |
roy | Authority thugs | May 25 14:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Snowden ally Appelbaum says his Berlin apartment subject to raids — RT News [ ] | May 25 14:04 | |
roy | Haha, the classic false framing which Chris Hedges spoke so well about | May 25 14:05 |
roy | | May 25 14:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Years ago. All that goodwill has largely gone now that #Assange has become vindictive & paranoid. | May 25 14:05 | |
roy | He is not paranoid because many ARE out to get him | May 25 14:05 |
roy | | May 25 14:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum So many times, so many contexts, so many sock accounts. Ask around. I'm CIA apparently. | May 25 14:05 | |
roy | I know of one accuser who was CIA-linked and accused Assange of stuff, so there's basis for suspicion | May 25 14:06 |
roy | | May 25 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum He was 17 when #Assange recruited him & gave him massive responsibility. A child. Great judgement call there. | May 25 14:06 | |
roy | The age has nothing to do with him being a mole | May 25 14:07 |
roy | | May 25 14:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Plenty of evidence supporting fact Sweden hasn't extradited anyone to US for espionage in 50 years. Ignored. | May 25 14:07 | |
roy | Sweden has a small population, not many high-level cases as such | May 25 14:07 |
roy | | May 25 14:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum @ioerror Did he complain to anyone other than RT? | May 25 14:14 | |
roy | Germany press I recall more sources, RT was one of many | May 25 14:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Snowden ally Appelbaum claims his Berlin apartment was invaded | News | DW.DE | 21.12.2013 [ ] | May 25 14:15 | |
roy | | May 25 14:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum So what are you saying? Snowden's talk of his love of US is a lie & Assange is a patriot? | May 25 14:15 | |
roy | You are trying to reverse rolls, mix nationailities, and create a straw man this way | May 25 14:15 |
roy | | May 25 14:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Many of his ex friends & lovers want to slap him certainly but there is no evidence of any US charges. 4 years | May 25 14:16 | |
roy | untrue. See this week's press alone. | May 25 14:16 |
roy | They're piecing together dirt. | May 25 14:16 |
roy | | May 25 14:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Of 'stuff'? As a man convicted of hacking into the Pentagon at 26 he will always be watched now. Inevitable. | May 25 14:17 | |
roy | Totally unrelated, much older | May 25 14:17 |
roy | | May 25 14:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley it does in fact, Siggi was 17 at the time and idolized #Assange. Assange used him to do the dirty work | May 25 14:18 | |
roy | What dirty work? Running IRC channel? | May 25 14:18 |
roy | | May 25 14:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum The age has everything to do with the fact he is easily distracted & a poor choice of right hand man. | May 25 14:18 | |
roy | I too have some young people/op in my IRC channels. There's no exploitation, it's voluntary. | May 25 14:19 |
roy | | May 25 14:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Really well here is a case involving Sweden. Shows where they sit with USA. #Assange | May 25 14:20 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Assange not under sealed indictment, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post | May 25 14:20 | |
roy | #washpo is a #pentagon mouthpiece with funded (throughb Bezos) from the CIA. This is hogwash. | May 25 14:20 |
roy | #washpo is a #pentagon mouthpiece with funding (through Bezos) from the CIA. This is hogwash. | May 25 14:21 |
roy | | May 25 14:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley if a picture could speak a thousend words | May 25 14:21 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley if a picture could speak a thousend words | May 25 14:21 | |
roy | This is not a new photo and you could also show a similar picture of Assange and G/Fs after 'assault' | May 25 14:22 |
roy | | May 25 14:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley other way around, right hand man THEN mole | May 25 14:22 | |
roy | Right-hand men are alluring target for recruitment by FBI | May 25 14:22 |
roy | | May 25 14:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No. Fact remains that #Assange & #Wikileaks were publishers not whistleblowers. Manning & Snowden charged. | May 25 14:23 | |
roy | US wigbigs calling for Assange's assassination is beyond charges (that exist) | May 25 14:23 |
roy | *bigwigs | May 25 14:24 |
roy | | May 25 14:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Glenn Greenwald had similar role to #Assange & he hasn't been charged & returned to US to receive Pulitzer. | May 25 14:24 | |
roy | The whole "good publisher"/"bad publisher" game, same for whistleblowers | May 25 14:24 |
roy | Should mention Miranda | May 25 14:24 |
roy | | May 25 14:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley here is a screenshot of the official #wikileaks Facebook page showing WHO runs it | May 25 14:25 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley here is a screenshot of the official #wikileaks Facebook page showing WHO runs it | May 25 14:25 | |
roy | At present | May 25 14:25 |
roy | | May 25 14:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Piecing together dirt? Practically anyone who has ever associated with #Assange lines up to complain about him | May 25 14:25 | |
roy | The press looks for negative stories. It serves the owners of the press. | May 25 14:26 |
roy | | May 25 14:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley more proof of #Assange's innocence #Assange obviously had contact to #SABU #wikileaks | May 25 14:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | May 25 14:26 | |
roy | Hacker almost synonymous with programmer, not to be confused with cracker | May 25 14:27 |
roy | | May 25 14:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley are you still denying #Assange owns the #Wikileaks Facebook page ? | May 25 14:27 | |
roy | He does not | May 25 14:27 |
roy | If someone was fielding it and was spreading conspiratorial nonsense,I can't blame Assange for taking over | May 25 14:28 |
roy | | May 25 14:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley easy to allure a 17 yeard old,more difficult to allure Kristinn ;-) | May 25 14:28 | |
roy | Kristinn has had reputation as a journalist | May 25 14:28 |
roy | | May 25 14:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sorry, that page does not exist | May 25 14:28 | |
roy | | May 25 14:29 |
roy | "Did you not read this article? …" | May 25 14:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Assange not under sealed indictment, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post [ ] | May 25 14:29 | |
roy | I saw it at the time, it was hogwash | May 25 14:29 |
roy | | May 25 14:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum That was all four years ago back when they thought the #Wikileaks from Manning would see people die. Outdated. | May 25 14:30 | |
roy | No, still appliacable, no revocations since | May 25 14:30 |
roy | | May 25 14:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Show me a single 'death threat' towards #Assange from anyone that is not from pre Manning trial? Hot air. | May 25 14:30 | |
roy | | May 25 14:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. | May 25 14:31 | |
roy | | May 25 14:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Why? Boyfriend courier detained while couriering stolen documents? Was he arrested? No. Jailed? No. | May 25 14:34 | |
roy | No such thing as "stolen" documents unless the NSA had no copies of them left :-) | May 25 14:34 |
roy | What Miranda did was not against the law | May 25 14:34 |
roy | | May 25 14:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Just like how #Assange manipulates the info he puts out. It is all a business. Everyone wants a scoop. | May 25 14:35 | |
roy | So we need to take it on the balance of claims | May 25 14:35 |
roy | | May 25 14:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No hackers are considered a threat to homeland security. All countries fight this. | May 25 14:36 | |
roy | I don't think you know what hacker means | May 25 14:36 |
roy | | May 25 14:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Everything #Assange doesn't like is hogwash right? Hopeless. One eyed. | May 25 14:37 | |
roy | Casting one as a defender of Assange rather than a sceptic of washpo, which I've always been | May 25 14:37 |
roy | | May 25 14:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blood on the hands of our spy agency | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News | May 25 14:38 | |
roy | | May 25 14:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. The death threats were just the usual right wing nutters sounding off on Fox News. Nothing real. | May 25 14:38 | |
roy | Fox News just one of many | May 25 14:38 |
roy | | May 25 14:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks: Guardian editor on #Snowden docs "There's stuff in there about Iraq, Afghanistan, we're not even going to look at it" | May 25 14:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BBC News - Only 1% of Snowden files published - Guardian editor | May 25 14:39 | |
roy | | May 25 14:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Obama gets 10,000 threats a year - you don't see him cowering as a result. Comes with public office. | May 25 14:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Immediate-Future Plans Regarding Jolla And | May 25 14:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | Sailfish OS | May 25 14:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 14:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Immediate-Future Plans Regarding Jolla And Sailfish OS | Tux Machines | May 25 14:40 | |
roy | How many threats on national TV (and without action by auth)? | May 25 14:41 |
roy | | May 25 14:41 |
roy | | May 25 14:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Guess you might think differently if all your laptop files were copied & posted on the Internet. | May 25 14:41 | |
roy | It's called leaking | May 25 14:41 |
roy | | May 25 14:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum As a result he was released without charge. The law allows for up to nine hours delay. That was not exceeded. | May 25 14:43 | |
roy | The law specifically requires that there is suspicion of "terrorism". The law was abused. | May 25 14:44 |
roy | | May 25 14:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum #Assange does as he was convicted of hacking. | May 25 14:44 | |
roy | hacking is not a legal term and it basically means playful cleverness, e.g. with code | May 25 14:44 |
roy | | May 25 14:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum You can cast me as a defender of 2 women in Sweden whose human rights have been ignored by #Assange supporters | May 25 14:45 | |
roy | Man have rights too and is one is libelled because of a condom splits, then I do mind | May 25 14:45 |
roy | *Men have rights too and is one is libelled because a condom splits, then I do mind | May 25 14:45 |
roy | | May 25 14:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Name one real death threat to #Assange by someone in a position of authority? A risk you believe is current. | May 25 14:46 | |
roy | Aide to Harper (Canada) | May 25 14:46 |
roy | | May 25 14:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum I've looked at them all - not just the heavily edited montage put up by #Assange to dramatize his position. | May 25 14:47 | |
roy | And what did you find? It's excusable? | May 25 14:47 |
roy | People like Palin have fans who inherit views and may take "don't retreat reload" as endorsement for kills | May 25 14:48 |
roy | | May 25 14:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No to leak you have to work inside a department & see something you feel must be revealed. Not outsider troll. | May 25 14:49 | |
roy | No, that's called whistleblower | May 25 14:49 |
roy | Snowden a whistleblower, Hammong a victim of FBI sting op acting to leak | May 25 14:49 |
roy | Hammond | May 25 14:49 |
roy | | May 25 14:53 |
roy | | May 25 14:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. Hacker ˈhakə/ noun 1. a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. | May 25 14:54 | |
roy | Corporate media distorted de facto usage of term | May 25 14:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Become A Hacker [ ] | May 25 14:55 | |
roy | | May 25 14:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum The deliberate misinformation put out by #Assange around what happened in Sweden confirms his obfuscation. | May 25 14:55 | |
roy | Why is the alleged victim smiling on camera with Assange days afterwards? | May 25 14:56 |
roy | | May 25 14:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum What actually happened in Sweden is more straightforward. #Assange | May 25 14:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Rape Apologism and Why Julian Assange Must Return To Sweden in Anything and Everything | May 25 14:56 | |
roy | | May 25 14:58 |
roy | I know guys to whom girls did this. | May 25 14:58 |
roy | | May 25 14:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @wikileaks any answers yet ? | May 25 14:59 | |
roy | Nope, but from what I gathered there was a third party running this account for a while (but no more) | May 25 15:00 |
roy | | May 25 15:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Just typical American rhetoric blown out of all proportion by team #Assange. | May 25 15:00 | |
roy | This type of rhetoric can be deadly. Some CIA and Army operations already killed millions. | May 25 15:01 |
roy | | May 25 15:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum So what? Not reason enough to hide for rest of your life. What happened to 'Courage is Contagious'? #Assange | May 25 15:01 | |
roy | Courage with caution is possible | May 25 15:01 |
roy | | May 25 15:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. | May 25 15:02 | |
roy | Debating skills lacking? | May 25 15:02 |
roy | | May 25 15:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Because someone taking photo said smile? Ever heard of that old tradition? Hopeless. | May 25 15:03 | |
roy | She sure didn't feel so uncomfortable around him aftrwards | May 25 15:03 |
roy | | May 25 15:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Did this? Put themselves at risk of pregnancy? Had first ever experience of unsafe sex? | May 25 15:04 | |
roy | I don't know Swedish law, but that seems like she was in a position to pull away | May 25 15:04 |
roy | | May 25 15:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum This ain't going away. No hero avoids a rape trial. | May 25 15:05 | |
roy | You cheapen the term "Rape". She slept with Assange. | May 25 15:05 |
roy | | May 25 15:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum A life lived in a grubby room in a foreign embassy is a life half lived. #Assange | May 25 15:06 | |
roy | He has high level of impact; condition of life anywhere in London are decent. | May 25 15:06 |
roy | *conditions | May 25 15:07 |
roy | | May 25 15:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum You ignore logic. What next? Will you call fish trees? Hacker definition is clear. | May 25 15:07 | |
roy | The media changed the term by misusing it for over a decade. Like "gay" lost its meaning. | May 25 15:07 |
roy | If you are not a software developers, then you might struggled to grasp what "hacking" means | May 25 15:08 |
roy | | May 25 15:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley yes, she forced him to sleep with her. What a load of macho male chauvenist bullshit. | May 25 15:08 | |
roy | | May 25 15:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum One of the women worked as Assange's PA. Was asked to arrange party. Told friend at party 'worst sex ever'. | May 25 15:09 | |
roy | | May 25 15:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum It is level three rape. UK courts agree it would be regarded as rape there too. Save defense for court. | May 25 15:09 | |
roy | | May 25 15:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Suits autistic lifestyle. | May 25 15:11 | |
roy | Ad hominem is cheap | May 25 15:11 |
roy | | May 25 15:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz No both women were happy to sleep with #Assange but for both it then went wrong in very different ways. | May 25 15:12 | |
roy | He did not sleep with men | May 25 15:12 |
roy | | May 25 15:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @SandraEckersley @schestowitz Sandra, you 're being trolled by another lovesick #Assange fan Boy. Seen it all before; it gets boring | May 25 15:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @SandraEckersley @schestowitz lol, please remove us from this discussion ( it will go nowhere ) | May 25 15:13 | |
roy | | May 25 15:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Hacker is a common word clearly understood. | May 25 15:13 | |
MinceR | not clearly enough by sandra, apparently :> | May 25 15:13 |
roy | No, commonly misused if you ask the right people, not the press | May 25 15:13 |
roy | | May 25 15:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No struggle, don't overthink it. Try a standard dictionary if you can't find a definition online. | May 25 15:14 | |
roy | Dictionarites change over time, words added, redefined | May 25 15:14 |
roy | | May 25 15:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz Yes bored now. At least others can see these fan boys for who they are. Hopeless sycophants. #Assange | May 25 15:15 | |
roy | No "fans" here, but go ahead, pretend all who disagree are deluded "fans". Be a @20committee | May 25 15:16 |
roy | | May 25 15:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz I'm out of it now - thanks for playing! :) | May 25 15:16 | |
roy | | May 25 17:08 |
roy | | May 25 17:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | British journalist Graham Phillips released by Ukraine forces | World news | The Guardian [ ] | May 25 17:15 | |
roy | | May 25 17:18 |
roy | | May 25 17:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@sabinenamba: @schestowitz the key word seems to be "corporate" in this course of action! | May 25 17:27 | |
roy | MinceR: | May 25 17:38 |
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techrights | May 25 17:41 | |
MinceR | :) | May 25 17:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Keep current with what's new in Linux | May 25 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | distributions | May 25 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Keep current with what's new in Linux distributions | Tux Machines | May 25 17:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Novena open laptop project exceeds 280 percent | May 25 17:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | of crowd-funding target | May 25 17:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Novena open laptop project exceeds 280 percent of crowd-funding target | Tux Machines | May 25 17:46 | |
MinceR | | May 25 17:46 |
*pidgin_log has quit (*.net *.split) | May 25 17:46 | |
schestowitz__ | [17:45] <TweetSchestowitz> @wikileaks President Obama has made a surprise visit to | May 25 18:22 |
schestowitz__ | [17:46] <TweetSchestowitz> Afghanistan, today ("to visit troops"). | May 25 18:22 |
MinceR | | May 25 18:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 5 Ways Vladimir Putin Is Failing at Supervillainry | [ ] | May 25 18:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | Tux Machines | May 25 18:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Plasma Media Center Starts Playing On KF5, | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Qt5 | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Plasma Media Center Starts Playing On KF5, Qt5 | Tux Machines | May 25 18:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 18:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | Tux Machines | May 25 18:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Improvements | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 20:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good Improvements | Tux Machines | May 25 20:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | 10.3-devel | May 25 20:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 20:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux Machines | May 25 20:24 | |
amarsh04 | oxymorons for our time "surprise visit" | May 25 22:21 |
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 25 22:30 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 25 22:59 | |
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | May 25 23:01 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 25 23:03 | |
MinceR | gn | May 25 23:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | here's how and why | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- here's how and why | Tux Machines | May 26 01:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New UK IT procurement model urges open | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | standards | May 26 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New UK IT procurement model urges open standards | Tux Machines | May 26 01:56 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 26 02:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party | May 26 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Controllers | May 26 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 07:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party Controllers | Tux Machines | May 26 07:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Books for Red Pitaya | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How governments are more collaborative with | May 26 08:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order Books for Red Pitaya | Tux Machines | May 26 08:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | open source | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How governments are more collaborative with open source | Tux Machines | May 26 08:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines American elections are stuck in the 20th | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | century. Here's how to change that. | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 08:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | American elections are stuck in the 20th century. Here's how to change that. | Tux Machines | May 26 08:03 | |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | May 26 08:34 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 08:41 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 08:51 |
MinceR | geekings | May 26 09:54 |
msb_ | The problem with American elections is that the voters don't know history, especially recent history, and that's because they get their information from the totally corrupt corporate media, controlled by the ultra-wealthy. | May 26 12:14 |
MinceR | they also don't seem to care | May 26 12:15 |
msb_ | Software is not going to fix that, especially from some Obama apointee. Obama is a totally corrupt fascist monster. Like many psychopaths, he's also very good at appearing to be a nice guy, even while he destroyed the entire nation of Libya and is still drone-bombing hundreds of people at a time. | May 26 12:16 |
msb_ | They are programmed not to care. The TV feeds them endless song and dance competitions. It never tells them what's important. | May 26 12:18 |
msb_ | Also, their bullshit religions program them not to think. | May 26 12:18 |
msb_ | Since a moment of thought would tell them that their invisible "god" doesn't exist. | May 26 12:19 |
msb_ | It's a very thorough brainwashing system. | May 26 12:21 |
msb_ | They're also filled with fluoride, mercury, aluminum, and booze, all of which make their brains much less able to function. That's not an accident. | May 26 12:22 |
msb_ | The fix for elections is paper ballots. Any software can be rigged, even open-source. | May 26 12:24 |
msb_ | MinceR: Maybe you and I can agree that the important thing is not having some people be able to severely control other people. Not in government by corruption and not in business by the power of money. | May 26 12:29 |
MinceR | indeed | May 26 12:29 |
msb_ | A strong tax on wealth, not just income, would help. But the money would have to go for housing, farms, food, education, medical care, etc., not weapons. | May 26 12:33 |
msb_ | The government would have to be completely open. No secrets whatsoever. | May 26 12:34 |
msb_ | The US 4-year election cycle is much too long. We should have a parliamentary system in which the prime minister can be immediatly recalled if the attacks another country. | May 26 12:36 |
MinceR | what about defense against foreign intelligence agents? what about self-defense in war? | May 26 12:40 |
msb_ | We shouldn't have any secrets, so no problem with spies. | May 26 12:42 |
msb_ | And nobody is going to attack the US. | May 26 12:42 |
msb_ | The problem is the US attacking other countries. | May 26 12:42 |
msb_ | Directly or by proxy like in Ukraine and Syria. | May 26 12:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15-rc7 | May 26 12:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 12:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 3.15-rc7 | Tux Machines | May 26 12:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Will Canonical name a new Pope? | May 26 12:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 12:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 12:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will Canonical name a new Pope? | Tux Machines | May 26 12:44 | |
msb_ | We already got one! | May 26 12:46 |
MinceR | | May 26 13:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | YTMND - Putin On The Ritz - The Second Coming | May 26 13:13 | |
MinceR | | May 26 13:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal | May 26 13:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | operating system | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD runs out of steam | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Windows ban may open door for China's domestic | May 26 13:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | OS | May 26 13:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system | Tux Machines | May 26 13:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD runs out of steam | Tux Machines | May 26 13:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows ban may open door for China's domestic OS | Tux Machines | May 26 13:45 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 14:20 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 26 14:56 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | May 26 15:11 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 15:26 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 26 15:30 | |
msb_ | "Users who want to get the most out of their Steam box will buy an Nvidia and Intel combo" Why not an AMD CPU and an Nvidia graphics card? | May 26 15:34 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 15:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IBM Bets Big On Power 8 | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM Bets Big On Power 8 | Tux Machines | May 26 15:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | Tux Machines | May 26 15:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines City of Vienna increasingly turns to open | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | source | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | City of Vienna increasingly turns to open source | Tux Machines | May 26 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | Tux Machines | May 26 15:41 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 26 15:50 | |
roy | nice: | May 26 15:53 |
msb_ | Another "Puttin' on the Ritz" -- Young FrankenSteve: | May 26 15:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Young FrankenSteve - YouTube [ ] | May 26 15:56 | |
roy | | May 26 16:19 |
roy | "The Wall Street Journal said a plan by a private U.S. group to provide Russian-made light weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition to the Free Syrian Army was foiled by the CIA." | May 26 16:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Report: CIA blocked U.S. group's effort to arm Syrian rebels - World Tribune | World Tribune [ ] | May 26 16:19 | |
msb_ | Great description of steps in making Linux-on-a-chip and its PC board. | May 26 16:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | VoCore: A coin-sized Linux computer with wifi | Indiegogo [ ] | May 26 16:53 | |
roy | | May 26 16:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The richest selfie in the world with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger - Mirror Online [ ] | May 26 16:56 | |
roy | " | May 26 16:56 |
roy | It comes after a similar snap made headlines when the bosses of US companies including Kellogg , Monsanto, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble came together at a summit organised by supermarket giant Walmart. | May 26 16:56 |
roy | | May 26 16:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The richest selfie in the world with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger - Mirror Online [ ] | May 26 16:56 | |
roy | Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook | May 26 16:56 |
roy | " | May 26 16:56 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditArchLinux favourited 'Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet' | May 26 16:57 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditArchLinux favourited 'Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date...' | May 26 16:57 | |
roy | | May 26 17:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Smartphones You Want, But Can't Buy in India Right Now - Gizbot [ ] | May 26 17:01 | |
roy | | May 26 17:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ <h3>My Adventures with Old Hardware</h3> What happens when you try to run the latest Debian on 10 year old hardware? <a href="">Usually, it just works</a>. | May 26 17:11 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @">Usually ) | May 26 17:11 | |
roy | Done that, it works VERY well, even with latest KDE (on very little RAM and no drives except USB1) | May 26 17:11 |
schestowitz__ | "mhm, maybe we can help to grow... I'm thinking about a blogpost to mykolab (in german lang.) nice week michael" | May 26 17:52 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system "biggest" as in desktop market share | May 26 17:52 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system | Business Recorder [ ] | May 26 17:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Or "biggest" in GB it needs for a basic installation. :P" | May 26 17:52 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "CIA ensured that it was in full control of both the mainstream and grassroots media in Nigeria" | May 26 17:53 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Real Financiers of Boko Haram–Exposed | OSUN DEFENDER | May 26 17:53 | |
schestowitz__ | "infiltrated and subverted" | May 26 17:53 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ According to Jacob Appelbaum (WL), Sweden is actively banning/censoring speakers who can bring up Sweden's complicity in mass #surveillance | May 26 17:53 | |
schestowitz__ | "Any linkable source?" | May 26 17:53 |
schestowitz__ | his twitter feed this morning | May 26 17:53 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "A group led by a former Pentagon official" wanted to send 70,000 assault rifled to Syrian terrorists | May 26 17:55 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Private Group Sought to Arm Syrian Rebels - [ ] | May 26 17:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "faster and furiouser and stupider" | May 26 17:55 |
Snowleaksange | Sweden is such an elightened country </sarcasm> | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | ah | May 26 17:55 |
schestowitz__ | civilising by surveillance | May 26 17:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Adobe Flash critical to the future of Linux? | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Adobe Flash critical to the future of Linux? | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Screenshots | May 26 18:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 26 18:12 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the equation...  #equation #math #ryangosling #stevebuscemi #macaulaycaulkin | May 26 18:17 | |
schestowitz__ | "who are these people?" | May 26 18:17 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: mirror treehouse in sweden...  #mirror #treehouse #sweden | May 26 18:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "It's actually part of a hotel ..." | May 26 18:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Treehotel - Welcome to Treehotel | May 26 18:18 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #Cognitivedissonance #FrantzFanon | May 26 18:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | May 26 18:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "and it´s very common with those, who rub this on others´noses :-D" | May 26 18:18 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Now that more and more people realise that law and lawyers facilitate the occupation by the 1% over the 99%, maybe there will be reaction | May 26 18:20 | |
schestowitz__ | "Can't find your comment about indefinite detention of us citizens by us army , I'm too lazy (croatian sun tends to put you into that lazy , take-it-easy-dude mood ) . Did you know that NDAA has provisions regarding indefinite detention , and capturing of foreign nationals abroad US , since 60's ? I think it's more crucial to us as europeans , to speak about implications of thise provisions . How is it possible that amerikan | May 26 18:20 |
schestowitz__ | president can , and is , authorising the US military to snatch foreign citizens from their homes and put them in concentration camps indefinitely ? Why such a fuss about the rights of amerikans ? Frankly , I don't care if their military snatches them from the streets and makes canned beef if them . Their country , their government , their problem . I did not find evidence they protested against provisions inside NDAA giving 'right' | May 26 18:20 |
schestowitz__ | to their military to come snatch me from croatia , or you from uk . Did you ?" | May 26 18:20 |
schestowitz__ | I have written extensively about the "right" to spy on, torture, abduct, and assassinate people abroad. The US press knows its audience though, and they're suffering from this idea that they save the world from "bad guys" (I think more US citizens are no longer disillusioned about it and we need to reach out to those) | May 26 18:22 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #adobe Flash (Trash) gives those who commandeer the Web (NSA/GCHQ) browser access to people's microphones, cameras, files... | May 26 18:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "Abobe Flesh Prayer." | May 26 18:26 |
schestowitz__ | Preyer? | May 26 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #Voting | May 26 18:28 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | May 26 18:28 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | What is neoliberalism? [ ] | May 26 18:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "I don't agree either . But that comment was probably about my rant . Maybe I am wrong , but looks that way ." | May 26 18:28 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: մի խինդ մի ուրախութիւն՝ #խինդ #ուրախութիւն #ռմս #գնու #պար | May 26 18:29 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Richard Stallman dancing with GNU on FISL 10 - YouTube [ ] | May 26 18:29 | |
schestowitz__ | "I wonder what song is playing here. Sounds pretty good." | May 26 18:29 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: bloated car culture...  #bloated #carculture | May 26 18:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "OUURFF !" | May 26 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 26 18:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "But , please do answer the question about union jack :D" | May 26 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | "Nah , it reassembless confederate flag for a reason , they did not have st. Patrick in mind when they draw that flag ." | May 26 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: []( **Pope Francis makes unofficial stop at Israeli terrorism memorial | World news |** [ | May 26 18:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "He might as well go put some flowers on ariel sharon's ( a.k.a. buldozer ) grave ." | May 26 18:32 |
schestowitz__ | The BBC would have done it. | May 26 18:32 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 18:37 |
schestowitz__ | "I know you have written about that . But that's cia and war on terror shit . NDAA has been there for decades with provisions regarding non-us citizens and actions inside oder souvereign countries . When I look at it , I can't find a difference between rednecks from the south , wearin white masks and waving confederate flags , and the generals if the us military . Blood thirsty pillagers , offspring of slave traders ." | May 26 18:38 |
schestowitz__ | I can't quite follow the overall point you try to get across. Should I refocus on other misuses? I recently, in light of the Sabu case, began focusing even more on the FBI | May 26 18:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Based on Slackware and Firefox | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | (Utopic Unicorn) | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | Tux Machines | May 26 18:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System Based on Slackware and Firefox | Tux Machines | May 26 18:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | Tux Machines | May 26 18:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) | Tux Machines | May 26 18:51 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:06 |
schestowitz__ | "Can't wait to find out ." | May 26 19:06 |
schestowitz__ | "No idea, I guess just like confederates with white borders" | May 26 19:07 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:07 |
schestowitz__ | "Wonder if the pope will ever go visit sabra and shatilla . After all , it was christian militia that butchered those women and children . With a little help ftom mr. Buldozer XD" | May 26 19:07 |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 26 19:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines TRY FIRA SANS, A FREE FONT FAMILY COMMISSIONED | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | BY MOZILLA | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Enlightenment: EFL and Elementary 1.10 release | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | plan | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TRY FIRA SANS, A FREE FONT FAMILY COMMISSIONED BY MOZILLA | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux for Lettuce | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Enlightenment: EFL and Elementary 1.10 release plan | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DragonFly 3.8, coming soon | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux for Lettuce | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DragonFly 3.8, coming soon | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 | May 26 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 | Tux Machines | May 26 19:30 | |
schestowitz__ | some years ago Goblin's son pulled the plug | May 26 19:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sky Broadband, Sean and my own stupidity – Confessions of an idiot. | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain [ ] | May 26 19:41 | |
schestowitz__ | this time it's something similar | May 26 19:41 |
schestowitz__ | "At this point I cut a long story short as I think you can guess what’s coming next. Somehow the router had been unplugged from the DSL filter and this was the reason (unsurprisingly) for the lack of service. After making apologies to Sean for wasting his time, I came away from the experience with a valuable lesson learnt." | May 26 19:41 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz You also know an individual who does the same! Me! | May 26 19:52 | |
schestowitz__ | I always try to check cabling, reboot hub, test on another device etc. before calling | May 26 19:52 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz lol...rub it in why dont you? ;) | May 26 19:54 | |
schestowitz__ | No, been there before myself | May 26 19:54 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I hadn't been anywhere near the DSL box before so it didn't occur to me that it could have become unplugged! | May 26 19:57 | |
schestowitz__ | Maybe Daniel, maybe denial? :-) | May 26 19:57 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz But at least I owned up (and even wrote an article with apologies!) | May 26 19:57 | |
MinceR | a river in egypt? | May 26 19:58 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 20:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz He was asleep, the wire must have been partially out and has been knocked... | May 26 20:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 20:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ According to Jacob Appelbaum (WL), Sweden is actively banning/censoring speakers who can bring up Sweden's complicity in mass #surveillance | May 26 20:49 | |
schestowitz__ | Thx."" | May 26 20:49 |
schestowitz__ | "Thx." | May 26 20:49 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 20:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 26 20:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "Btw , when scotland leaves UK , white borders go away with it :P" | May 26 20:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 [ ] | May 26 20:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 #salix #mate #gnome #gnu #linux | May 26 20:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 20:59 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 21:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Memorial Day is for stupid doodoo heads. #murica | May 26 21:03 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 26 21:06 | |
schestowitz__ | #MemorialDay | May 26 21:07 |
MinceR | :> | May 26 21:07 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 21:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Billionaire oligarch declared winner in Ukraine elections - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | May 26 21:21 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 21:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Star Witness on Iraq Said Weapons Were Destroyed — FAIR [ ] | May 26 21:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "Kamel is no obscure defector. A son-in-law of Saddam Hussein, his departure from Iraq carrying crates of secret documents on Iraq's past weapons programs was a major turning point in the inspections saga. In 1999, in a letter to the U.N. Security Council (1/25/99), UNSCOM reported that its entire eight years of disarmament work "must be divided into two parts, separated by the events following the departure from Iraq, in August 1995 | May 26 21:29 |
schestowitz__ | of Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel."" | May 26 21:29 |
schestowitz__ | "Washington Post Prints More Iraq Lies – Internet Abdullah" | May 26 21:30 |
DaemonFC | 1 min · Edited · | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | The only sort of consumer credit that seems to be flowing to American households (other than high interest credit cards where the banks can endure lots of defaults and still make money) are student loans. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | Student loans flow freely because the government "backs" them, but first, they "protect" the debt, by making sure that you'll earn less than minimum wage and may not even retire with your Social Security benefits until they're paid back. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | Bankruptcy won't get rid of them, and the banksters are allowed to garnish your wages down to what amounts to minimum wage * 35 hours a week, regardless of how much you make, until the banksters are paid back. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | The loans are designed so that most degrees either won't allow you to pay them back, or will have you breaking even with someone who just graduated high school, started working, and hoped for the best. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | Borrowing $20,000 could mean that you have to pay back $80,000, since the Republicans doubled the student loan interest rate. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | Essentially, what our society is telling young people is that we don't need artistic or creative young minds, and unless you're planning to be a doctor or a nurse, don't go to school, unless you have rich parents who will pay for the entire thing, or something. This should be a crime. As far as I'm concerned, it *is* a crime against an entire generation that the government and banks borrow this money from the Federal Reserve at 0.75%, loan i | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | t out at 6.8%, and then sit back and make over $100 billion every year off of the backs of struggling, suffering, young people. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | And people in their 50s, 60s, etc. don't seem to get this, because in their generation, you could make the equivalent of $10.75 an hour (in today's money) working a minimum wage job at a fast food restaurant, and go to school without taking on very much debt (and at a much lower interest rate). Now, you make $7.25, take out ten times as much debt, and pay twice as much interest. It's a racket. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | We need U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren as our next president. She's been pushing for an $11 an hour minimum wage, and student loan interest rates of 0.75%, which would allow more young people to take on the risk of improving themselves. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | Republicans continue with their "big lie" that $11 an hour and student loan rates of 0.75% is basically "giving the damned takers" a hammock, but it really just ensures that there is dignity in work again (there isn't now, because people who work end up depending on the government forever, which sounds exactly like the opposite of what Republicans claim to want), like there used to be, and that people can invest in themselves, and in society | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | without being crushed to death if the jobs market isn't paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars a year when they get out of college. | May 26 21:32 |
DaemonFC | If we allow Hillary Clinton to get the nomination, we're basically going to get stuck with another center-right corporate Democrat like Obama, who would have been called a Republican in 1974. | May 26 21:32 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 21:33 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 21:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 21:33 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, I heard that that fat bastard with the piggly wiggly dick got voted out. | May 26 21:35 |
DaemonFC | What was his name? BNP member. | May 26 21:35 |
DaemonFC | Anyway, congratulations. | May 26 21:35 |
DaemonFC | The guy that posted a bunch of pictures with his pants down on Facebook and then tried to delete them. | May 26 21:36 |
DaemonFC | Nick Griffin | May 26 21:37 |
DaemonFC | OK, there we go. Thanks Google. | May 26 21:37 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 21:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nick Griffin concedes European parliament seat as BNP votes fall away | Politics | The Guardian [ ] | May 26 21:37 | |
DaemonFC | 58 secs · | May 26 21:41 |
DaemonFC | This is why I love the British people... | May 26 21:41 |
DaemonFC | Now, if the American people would just give the Tea Party the same treatment.... | May 26 21:41 |
DaemonFC | "Arriving at Manchester town hall on Sunday night, Griffin came under attack from protesters shouting 'Nazi scum off our streets'." | May 26 21:41 |
DaemonFC | a few seconds ago | May 26 21:44 |
DaemonFC | We have a bunch of idiot NIMBYs here in Huntington putting "NO WIND FARM!" signs in their front lawns. | May 26 21:44 |
DaemonFC | What a bunch of knobs..... | May 26 21:44 |
DaemonFC | FWIW, I've written to everyone on the county council about the wind farm, promising to vote out whoever opposes the wind farm. | May 26 21:45 |
schestowitz__ | lol | May 26 22:07 |
schestowitz__ | huntington | May 26 22:07 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, I call it Huntingtucky. | May 26 22:08 |
schestowitz__ | [21:36] <DaemonFC> The guy that posted a bunch of pictures with his pants down on Facebook and then tried to delete them. | May 26 22:11 |
schestowitz__ | Really?! | May 26 22:11 |
schestowitz__ | I didn't hear this | May 26 22:11 |
schestowitz__ | Huntingtucky. Heh. | May 26 22:12 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, Yeah, he pulled his pants down and took a bunch of dick pics, and accidentally uploaded them to Facebook. | May 26 22:13 |
DaemonFC | Then he tried to delete them after people took screenshots. | May 26 22:13 |
schestowitz__ | !google nick griffin photographs prick | May 26 22:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - We Spoke to Nick Griffin About His Summer Holiday in Syria | VICE ... | | May 26 22:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - nick griffin is a dick | Facebook | | May 26 22:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Twitter / nickgriffinmep: If I had the opportunity to ... | | May 26 22:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - The British Resistance - Why we must never forgive Nick Griffin or ... | | May 26 22:16 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: can you find something that confirms this is true? | May 26 22:17 |
DaemonFC | I saw it a while back. | May 26 22:17 |
schestowitz__ | sounds likely fake | May 26 22:18 |
schestowitz__ | fb can be set to auto-upload | May 26 22:18 |
schestowitz__ | but not publish by defauly | May 26 22:18 |
schestowitz__ | so he'd have to be dumb like a brick to do this | May 26 22:18 |
DaemonFC | Google does that too. | May 26 22:18 |
DaemonFC | The NSA has seen my penis. Oh well... | May 26 22:18 |
schestowitz__ | yes | May 26 22:18 |
schestowitz__ | yours? | May 26 22:19 |
DaemonFC | yeah | May 26 22:19 |
schestowitz__ | You should never take such photos | May 26 22:19 |
DaemonFC | true | May 26 22:20 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 22:21 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 26 22:21 | |
DaemonFC | Spotify freezes my desktop. *sigh* | May 26 22:21 |
schestowitz__ | I never ever took such photos | May 26 22:24 |
schestowitz__ | not even for testing, followed by deletion | May 26 22:25 |
schestowitz__ | young people these days don't comprehend what doing that would mean | May 26 22:25 |
schestowitz__ | and there's all sorts of rogue **** going on | May 26 22:25 |
schestowitz__ | you oughtn't give some of them phones with cams | May 26 22:25 |
schestowitz__ | with webcams they'd be too dump to know how to save to disc | May 26 22:25 |
schestowitz__ | the whole sexting thing too has been used to label some adults "criminals" | May 26 22:26 |
schestowitz__ | you can entrap people by having such crap sent to them | May 26 22:26 |
schestowitz__ | like some entrapments with child pr0n | May 26 22:26 |
schestowitz__ | seems like FBI et al. might be using such tactics versus activists | May 26 22:27 |
DaemonFC | yeah, like Grindr and all the teenagers that are floating around on it that they don't do anything about. | May 26 22:31 |
DaemonFC | And anyone can send you pictures without your consent, which makes it legally dangerous to have it installed on your phone. | May 26 22:32 |
DaemonFC | Some state laws let you raise a defense that you never consented to receive pictures, but many don't, and neither does federal law. | May 26 22:32 |
DaemonFC | Much of that was written in the late 90s, when nobody had phones that could do this. | May 26 22:33 |
DaemonFC | I think that they should hold the developer of the apps responsible for what happens. | May 26 22:33 |
DaemonFC | Then there'd just be a dialog that pops up asking if you want to receive the pictures. | May 26 22:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux | May 26 22:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | Gaming Comparison | May 26 22:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 22:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, | May 26 22:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now Based on Xfce 4.11 | May 26 22:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 22:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Comparison | Tux Machines | May 26 22:38 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, Now Based on Xfce 4.11 | Tux Machines | May 26 22:38 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Girl" is a dirty word, according to the #BBC | May 26 22:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Now the BBC is censoring the word 'girl' - it really is in a different world » Spectator Blogs [ ] | May 26 22:40 | |
schestowitz__ | "All of the song lyrics that must be changed now..." | May 26 22:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BBC is accused of censorship after cutting the g-word | The Times [ ] | May 26 22:40 | |
MinceR | lol | May 26 22:41 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 26 22:41 | |
schestowitz__ | "Well in that case it would look like confederate flag only with red cross and blue background, little different then confederate right?" | May 26 22:41 |
MinceR | time to get the bbc to censor all the words | May 26 22:41 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 26 22:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 22:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Long Term Use of Computers With Free Software latest #debian #gnu #linux on very old PCs | May 26 22:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Low Resource Computers [ ] | May 26 22:51 | |
cubezzz | ok, this article is up my alley :) | May 26 23:04 |
cubezzz | sure, you can use late 90's computers | May 26 23:06 |
cubezzz | a lot of memory/cpu is taken up by modern web browsers | May 26 23:08 |
cubezzz | | May 26 23:09 |
cubezzz | so if you reduce that part, then 16 megs is enough to get by | May 26 23:09 |
cubezzz | I've used P3's with 256 megs for years and this box I'm on now is mainly for IRC | May 26 23:10 |
cubezzz | 256 megs | May 26 23:10 |
cubezzz | which to me is the high end of low memory use | May 26 23:12 |
cubezzz | certainly 16 megs is enough ram to run the tcp/ip stack, ftp, c compiler, etc etc | May 26 23:13 |
cubezzz | ok, so you could not run X at all, that's a huge memory reduction | May 26 23:14 |
cubezzz | Plan 9 works fine with 32 megs of ram | May 26 23:17 |
cubezzz | | May 26 23:17 |
cubezzz | even KDE 3.5.X isn't that great for low memory use | May 26 23:23 |
MinceR | gn | May 26 23:29 |
cubezzz | for window managers, BlackBox and JWM use about 3 megs of ram | May 26 23:29 |
cubezzz | E17 uses 35 megs | May 26 23:30 |
cubezzz | the so-called light LXDE uses 36 megs | May 26 23:30 |
cubezzz | Xfce is 70 megs | May 26 23:30 |
MinceR | tried fvwm? | May 26 23:30 |
cubezzz | yes | May 26 23:30 |
cubezzz | about 13 megs of ram for fvwm | May 26 23:31 |
MinceR | :) | May 26 23:31 |
cubezzz | twm is 1.2 megs | May 26 23:31 |
cubezzz | IceWM 4.5 megs, which is my favourite one for features and low memory | May 26 23:33 |
cubezzz | the current KDE is the fattest of the fat, over 200 megs of ram | May 26 23:34 |
MinceR | what about unity and gnome3? | May 26 23:34 |
cubezzz | Gnome 3 is 155 megs | May 26 23:34 |
cubezzz | Unity is 192 megs :) | May 26 23:34 |
cubezzz | big and fat | May 26 23:34 |
MinceR | and stupid :> | May 26 23:35 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 23:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China tries to make artificial lake, fails and creates desert instead [ ] | May 26 23:35 | |
DaemonFC | LOL | May 26 23:35 |
MinceR | nice | May 26 23:35 |
cubezzz | | May 26 23:36 |
MinceR | KWin stands for kde3 and KDE stands for kde4? | May 26 23:37 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 23:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Economy of Hungary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 26 23:37 | |
DaemonFC | "Foreign direct investment" | May 26 23:38 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Basically "They're seizing real assets to cover your debt." | May 26 23:38 |
DaemonFC | We're hearing that term a lot now in America as well. | May 26 23:38 |
MinceR | :> | May 26 23:38 |
DaemonFC | The Chinese own a lot of Ohio now, I understand. | May 26 23:38 |
DaemonFC | They opened up aluminum and fertilizer factories in Indiana. | May 26 23:39 |
DaemonFC | Paying close to nothing, of course. | May 26 23:39 |
DaemonFC | They're outsourcing their shit work to Americans now. | May 26 23:39 |
DaemonFC | Even Apple is starting to assemble some things here again. | May 26 23:39 |
DaemonFC | They said that China is getting too expensive. | May 26 23:39 |
DaemonFC | There are *good* things about rising oil prices. | May 26 23:40 |
DaemonFC | Makes it more expensive to put stuff on a boat and bring it here. | May 26 23:40 |
cubezzz | MinceR, yes KDE implies KDE 4 | May 26 23:58 |
cubezzz | kwin is KDE 3.5 | May 26 23:58 |
cubezzz | | May 26 23:59 |
cubezzz | that was really a png not a jpg | May 26 23:59 |
cubezzz | so if any distro uses has icewm, that is a pretty good choice for low memory computers | May 27 00:03 |
cubezzz | s/uses// | May 27 00:03 |
cubezzz | switching from kwin to icewm (assuming you aren't running both at the same time) saves 31 megs of ram | May 27 00:05 |
cubezzz | XFCE isn't that light, it's only light in comparison to Gnome 3, Unity and KDE 4 | May 27 00:08 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 00:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android criticism: Mozilla co-founder claims Android is too bloated | BGR [ ] | May 27 00:51 | |
DaemonFC | The problem with attacking from the low end is that hardware gets faster and better across the spectrum. | May 27 00:51 |
DaemonFC | If Android doesn't run well on $100 phones today, it will in a couple of years. | May 27 00:51 |
DaemonFC | So, they're really saying that Firefox OS development is short-sighted. | May 27 00:51 |
cubezzz | I mix and match a bit | May 27 01:14 |
cubezzz | run konsole with icewm | May 27 01:15 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 27 01:38 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 01:38 |
DaemonFC | I just registered to vote again so the fucking Republicans can't purge me from the voter rolls. | May 27 01:38 |
DaemonFC | Make sure they don't get you too! | May 27 01:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Secretary of State : Election Division: Register to Vote | May 27 01:38 | |
cubezzz | msb_, you'll like this one | May 27 01:40 |
cubezzz | burroughs vector display with 36x20 text | May 27 01:40 |
cubezzz | | May 27 01:40 |
msb_ | Core rope! | May 27 01:44 |
cubezzz | stock exchange nixie display: | May 27 01:44 |
cubezzz | | May 27 01:44 |
msb_ | brb | May 27 01:46 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 27 01:56 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 01:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Human 'suspended animation' trials to start this month | May 27 01:56 | |
DaemonFC | I remember an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where a corporate raider businessman from the 1980s was found in cryostasis and revived by the crew of Enterprise. He had trouble adjusting to the fact that civilization was no longer a class system for people like him to prey upon, and technology had advanced to the point where nobody went hungry, homeless, or unclothed unless they were lucky enough to find a dead end job they hated, m | May 27 01:56 |
DaemonFC | aking money for the vulture capitalists. | May 27 01:56 |
DaemonFC | Picard told him that human values had changed and that the goal of humanity was "no longer about the acquisition of things". | May 27 01:56 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to wake up in a future like that.... | May 27 01:56 |
msb_ | cubezzz: At one point, the lab I was working in got an RGB *vector* display to fool around with for a month. Not raster-scan, the H and V deflection coils were driven by hefty power transistors running Class A, maybe three in parallel, so a dozen altogether. | May 27 02:19 |
msb_ | These H and V amps were driven from the D/A outputs of the computer. I think it was the LINC, but I have to check my resume'. | May 27 02:20 |
msb_ | I had to make very sure that the D/A values kept changing, or that 25KV electron beam would have come right out into the air. (The high voltage supply was independent, not part of H deflection.) | May 27 02:22 |
msb_ | But whoever had built the thing had not included dynamic convergence circuitry. The coils were there, but no drivers. So I built a 4-quadrant circuit with pot adjustments; worked pretty well. | May 27 02:24 |
msb_ | cubezzz: I was really sad when they took it away. Those primary colors were wonderful. | May 27 02:29 |
cubezzz | why did they take it away? | May 27 02:30 |
msb_ | It was only on loan for a month. | May 27 02:30 |
msb_ | We got to have our fun, and they got our electronic improvements. | May 27 02:31 |
msb_ | One or two of the deflection transistors may have blown out at some point, even though they had load-balancing resistors. I had to replace them. | May 27 02:35 |
msb_ | I felt like I was working on a cyclotron or something! | May 27 02:36 |
msb_ | It needed liquid nitrogen cooling, and used as much electrical power as the entire rest of the building. They brought in a small gas-turbine generator for it, parked out in the driveway. Cables as thick as your arm. | May 27 02:44 |
msb_ | Just kidding. It was a color TV, with bolts in its neck. | May 27 02:45 |
DaemonFC | I shouldn't have bought so much macaroni and cheese. I've eaten 20 boxes of it in the last month and a half and still have 15 more to go. | May 27 02:46 |
cubezzz | damn, konsole bug... I'm going to have to look at the source | May 27 02:46 |
DaemonFC | I throw a can of diced tomatoes in with it and that's dinner. | May 27 02:46 |
cubezzz | a pity | May 27 02:46 |
DaemonFC | Costs about $2. The price is right, I guess. | May 27 02:46 |
cubezzz | wm writers don't or can't test all combinations | May 27 02:47 |
cubezzz | DaemonFC, you're really living in up eh? :) | May 27 02:47 |
cubezzz | s/in/it/ | May 27 02:47 |
DaemonFC | yeah | May 27 02:47 |
DaemonFC | I'm trying to save money. | May 27 02:47 |
DaemonFC | Not easy. | May 27 02:47 |
DaemonFC | I like having some on hand because anything can happen at any moment, and I don't want to be caught with my pants down by the banksters. | May 27 02:48 |
msb_ | Just be sure you take vitamins. At least a multi and some Vit C. | May 27 02:48 |
msb_ | cubezzz: You found a bug in KDE konsole? | May 27 02:49 |
cubezzz | yeah, it's using the wrong font when used with icewm | May 27 02:50 |
DaemonFC | 5 mins · | May 27 02:51 |
DaemonFC | The Indianapolis Star posted on Governor Pence's wall asking opinions on HIP 2.0, the profitized version of the Medicaid expansion. I wrote: | May 27 02:51 |
DaemonFC | "It's better than nothing, in the same way that diving into a pool full of electric eels is better than nothing when you really need to go for a swim. Pence's HIP 2.0 is just another giveaway to the damned insurance and drug companies. It will cost more than expanding Medicaid, and it will deliver inferior results. Most of the people who HIP will cover will be too poor to use it, and if anything happens and they can't pay their premiums, the | May 27 02:51 |
DaemonFC | y'll lose it, which is one of the reasons that Medicaid doesn't have premiums. Our governor is a complete pile of ****." | May 27 02:51 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Excellent argumentation! | May 27 02:53 |
cubezzz | there's detritus in KDE 3.5.X I've never looked at | May 27 02:53 |
cubezzz | there's quite a lot of it | May 27 02:53 |
msb_ | cubezzz: I use konsole from KDE4. | May 27 02:54 |
msb_ | Pulls in more libs, but who cares. | May 27 02:54 |
cubezzz | well, I'm trying to use less ram | May 27 02:54 |
msb_ | Did you know you can change the font size with Ctrl-+ and Ctrl--? Very handy for old eyes. | May 27 02:55 |
cubezzz | yes, but not if I'm using icewm with konsole | May 27 02:56 |
cubezzz | that's a different ballgame | May 27 02:56 |
DaemonFC | msb_, The reason for HIP is because the Medicaid formulary negotiates drug prices, and HIP doesn't. | May 27 02:57 |
DaemonFC | It makes sure that those fucking drug company bastards get all their money. | May 27 02:57 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 02:57 |
DaemonFC | From the taxpayers, of course. | May 27 02:57 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Yep, even for drugs that were developed at universities, on govt money. | May 27 02:58 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, and it's mostly foreign drug companies that benefit from that. | May 27 03:01 |
msb_ | cubezzz: I'm not using icewm either, just straight KDE3. I think konsole 2.6 (for KDE4.6) changes the font size by itself. | May 27 03:01 |
cubezzz | it's switching to bold I think | May 27 03:01 |
msb_ | ...when requested. | May 27 03:02 |
DaemonFC | So they get massive subsidies from taxpayers, create few American jobs, and then they get to double dip Americans when Americans go to buy prescription drugs that they need. | May 27 03:02 |
cubezzz | it's the right font, but bold instead of regular | May 27 03:02 |
DaemonFC | Thankfully, patents do eventually expire, so a lot of common drugs are available in generic form now. | May 27 03:02 |
msb_ | The konsole I'm using actually switches to a larger/smaller font. It shows the number of rows and columns in a little popup, and the numbers change. | May 27 03:03 |
DaemonFC | msb_, I noticed that since I switched over to RO water, my skin looks better and my facial hair is easier to shave. | May 27 03:03 |
DaemonFC | I don't cook with it though. | May 27 03:04 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Why not? | May 27 03:04 |
DaemonFC | Boiling pasta with purified water will suck out the minerals and vitamins from it. | May 27 03:04 |
DaemonFC | It's probably OK to use it in cooking other stuff, but I do eat a lot of pasta. :P | May 27 03:05 |
DaemonFC | Most of the water just gets strained out, and I don't like it taking all the minerals and vitamins with it. | May 27 03:05 |
msb_ | I don't think using tap (sewage) water will preserve the vits and mins any better than RO water, which would be a lot healthier. | May 27 03:06 |
msb_ | I add a little MgCO3 to my distilled water. | May 27 03:07 |
msb_ | Cheap. From here. Very nice company: | May 27 03:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Affordable Vitamins & Dietary Supplements Online Store | May 27 03:09 | |
DaemonFC | msb_, The drinking water treatment basically does the bare minimum cheapest processing that will make the water drinkable. | May 27 03:10 |
DaemonFC | At municipal water treatment plants, that is. | May 27 03:10 |
DaemonFC | That usually just means running it through a sediment filter and then dumping some chlorine into it. | May 27 03:10 |
cubezzz | konsole is interesting, it does a lot of stuff | May 27 03:12 |
msb_ | I used to use a green text color like in The Matrix, but I've switched back to white on black. Or maybe that was in mc, which I always have running in every konsole. | May 27 03:16 |
cubezzz | fixed it :) | May 27 03:36 |
cubezzz | one more minor tweak, and it will be perfect | May 27 03:36 |
cubezzz | konsole --profile main | May 27 03:39 |
cubezzz | basically I'm using the best parts of KDE with the best parts of icewm | May 27 03:40 |
cubezzz | | May 27 03:49 |
cubezzz | konsole is pretty good, I've really put it through it's paces | May 27 03:57 |
cubezzz | APL, simh, mwm, icewm... it pretty well worked with everything I threw at it | May 27 03:57 |
msb_ | Fancy! | May 27 04:02 |
cubezzz | all the tabs are colour coded by computer :) | May 27 04:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CLAWS MAIL 3.10 RELEASED WITH | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | OTHER CHANGES | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: KaOS 2014.04 | May 27 04:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 04:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review: KaOS 2014.04 | Tux Machines | May 27 04:06 | |
*aboutGod ( has joined #techrights | May 27 04:24 | |
*aboutGod ( has left #techrights | May 27 04:29 | |
*msb_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 27 04:33 | |
*msb_ ( has joined #techrights | May 27 04:33 | |
DaemonFC | I had a rebate on bagel bites about a month ago, so I'm making those for dinner. | May 27 04:33 |
DaemonFC | Haven't had these in like 20 years. LOL | May 27 04:34 |
*msb_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 27 04:37 | |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 27 04:38 | |
DaemonFC | | May 27 05:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Reflections on Vietnam and Other Moments of Campus Activism: An Interview With Radical Professor Bertram Strieb [ ] | May 27 05:14 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ the oppressor's motto (markets=oligarchs) | May 27 06:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ - Truthdig [ ] | May 27 06:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "The religion has a choir!" | May 27 06:27 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Ayn Rand | May 27 06:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "So, by virtue of her not understanding my superior thoughts, I have the right to take what she has? What was she fighting for except a primitive selfishness that leaves everyone in a wild state, little better than animals?" | May 27 06:28 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ It remains a mystery why Snowden's reporters/confidants gave anything at all to #washpo seeing what WashPo had done to #Manning & #Assange | May 27 06:29 | |
schestowitz__ | I've seen a couple of explanations for that. The first is that they spread the documents around to get as many people writing as possible. If the other organizations sit on it, that's to their discredit. The other reason was that Greenwald and Guardian drug their feet getting encryption and publishing. Greenwald used the treat of being scooped to get the Guardian to publish faster."" | May 27 06:29 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Despite Gates being factually wrong, the worst part is that his message steers people and policy makers away" | May 27 06:29 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Bill Gates is wrong on Africa | Wharton Journal [ ] | May 27 06:29 | |
schestowitz__ | "As if GOVERNMENT was not threat enough, NOW comes multi-billionaire Bill Gates playing GOD with human lives... Mild mannered Bill Gates really IS a monster! While reading the following articles, keep in mind that--instead of diabolically KILLING other human beings or UNILATERALLY ruining their reproductive genes, their lives and their futures--the money and effort COULD have been spent on many PRODUCTIVE, USEFUL things. Here are a | May 27 06:29 |
schestowitz__ | few that come to my mind: See details at" | May 27 06:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [2007-04-08.2] DDT Ban & Malaria: An Unnecessary Tragedy, INDEED! | May 27 06:29 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #nz PM ( #drone #assassination apologist): Don't protest outside my home | May 27 06:30 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | PM: Don't protest outside my home | [ ] | May 27 06:30 | |
schestowitz__ | "Of course that's annoying and inconsiderate, home is a special place for everyone. Bombing homes at Sunday night with drones would be fine, but protesting is not." | May 27 06:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | PM unimpressed by protest outside his house - National - NZ Herald News [ ] | May 27 06:30 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ‘They think of WikiLeaks like Al-Qaeda’ don't be misled, it's not the Arabs they're afraid of | May 27 06:30 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Matt DeHart no longer felt safe after FBI raided his home, so he decided to visit the Russian embassy | National Post [ ] | May 27 06:30 | |
schestowitz__ | "Think of the children." | May 27 06:30 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:45 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:49 |
DaemonFC | OH MY GOD! Won't SOMEONE PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!!!!!111111 | May 27 06:55 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 06:55 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:56 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ### Each time you read a #book a #tree smiles knowing there’s #life after #death ... #quote #education #wisdom #knowledge | May 27 06:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 06:58 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:01 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:04 |
MinceR | trees can't smile | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Steinhage Hello webOS is out! | May 27 07:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hello webOS | May 27 07:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Stories via @tuxmachines @fernandolazaro5 | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Fred_D_Castillo | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Steinhage Hello webOS is out! | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Stories via @tuxmachines @fernandolazaro5 | May 27 07:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Fred_D_Castillo | May 27 07:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hello webOS - | May 27 07:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 07:06 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 07:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Batman Can't Stop Thinking About Sex - YouTube [ ] | May 27 07:31 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 07:43 |
MinceR | :3 | May 27 07:48 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:02 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Lots of times #firefox fails to copy http from the address back. Maybe if #mozilla wasn't so busy trying to copy Google's brain damage... | May 27 08:03 | |
schestowitz__ | "Don't get what you mean. File a bug?" | May 27 08:03 |
schestowitz__ | Not sure how to reproduce. | May 27 08:04 |
MinceR | it's a misfeature | May 27 08:04 |
MinceR | good thing it can be turned off | May 27 08:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mint 17 the Best, Foe to Friend, and KaOS | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mint 17 the Best, Foe to Friend, and KaOS Review | Tux Machines | May 27 08:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS | Tux Machines | May 27 08:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | name | May 27 08:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes name | Tux Machines | May 27 08:05 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, Had the same problem with Firefox. | May 27 08:08 |
schestowitz__ | cool | May 27 08:10 |
schestowitz__ | So it's not just me then | May 27 08:10 |
schestowitz__ | On GNU/Linux, right? | May 27 08:10 |
schestowitz__ | I reckon this issue is platform-independent | May 27 08:11 |
schestowitz__ | no APIs or I/Os peripheral to FF there | May 27 08:11 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 27 08:21 | |
schestowitz__ | "Haha, No I'm not British, I just love Zeps too much." | May 27 08:21 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP: PHP 5.3.20 Release Announcement | May 27 08:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.3.20. About 15 bugs were fixed. Please note that the PHP 5.3 series will enter an end of life cycle and receive only critical fixes as of March 2013. All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.4. PHP 5.3.20 is recommended for those wishing to remain on the 5.3 series." | May 27 08:27 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP: News Archive - 2013 | May 27 08:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "PHP 5.3.27 Released - PHP 5.3 Reaching End of Life" | May 27 08:28 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP: News Archive - 2014 | May 27 08:29 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 08:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP 5.3 end of life [ ] | May 27 08:29 | |
schestowitz__ | " I know in the July 11, 2013 release of PHP 5.3.27, it was stated that this was the last of the development cycle for PHP 5.3 and only security updates would be released for the next year. Still I haven't heard of an official end of life date set for PHP 5.3. I suspect it ot be sometime in June or July 2014, but I also expected to get a more concrete answer in January 2014. (I seem to recall them doing something similar with PHP 5.2 | May 27 08:30 |
schestowitz__ | s end of life). " | May 27 08:30 |
schestowitz__ | " There is very little effort going towards 5.3 these days. Maintaining the 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and master branches seems to be going mostly okay. " | May 27 08:30 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 08:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 27 08:34 | |
DaemonFC | He messaged me on Plenty Of Fish. | May 27 08:34 |
schestowitz__ | no details given: | May 27 08:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NSA prevented terrorism attack in NL - NL Times [ ] | May 27 08:56 | |
schestowitz__ | we're expected to just "believe" | May 27 08:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The | May 27 08:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Witcher 2 Port? | May 27 08:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The Witcher 2 Port? | Tux Machines | May 27 08:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "Dutch government report, which does not go into further details. - See more at:" | May 27 08:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - US eavesdropping resulted in attack on the Netherlands 'being averted' [ ] | May 27 08:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 09:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@joana_varon: "@schestowitz: Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens that NSA spied on #nsa #surveillance #SIF14 | May 27 09:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens that NSA spied on - Washington Times | May 27 09:01 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditChromeOS favourited 'Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS...' | May 27 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Change Its Name To Kebian | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will Change Its Name To Kebian | Tux Machines | May 27 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How Handy HandyLinux Is? | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Handy HandyLinux Is? | Tux Machines | May 27 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu users | May 27 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for Ubuntu users | Tux Machines | May 27 09:15 | |
MinceR | geekings | May 27 09:35 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 09:54 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 10:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Lots of times #firefox fails to copy http from the address back. Maybe if #mozilla wasn't so busy trying to copy Google's brain damage... | May 27 10:08 | |
schestowitz__ | "I guess: after modifying URL and copying it. Disabling "browser.urlbar.trimURLs" can fix that ;-)." | May 27 10:08 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | @marc: except that you're still failing to acknowledge three points: | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | Dell had promised (through its salesperson) support for the product. | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | Dell was not capable, in truth, of delivering on that promise. | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | Dell's insistence (through its support department) on cutting us off, which I attribute largely to the relationship with RH. Which is where the link to the article and RH's strong-arming comes into play. | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | In the situation, the storage product would not have been purchased if Dell wasn't willing to provide support. | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | Professional support (from hardware vendors or otherwise) is absolutely available via other distros. Though generally, if someone expresses that they do support something, I expect that they will actually, you know, support it. | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | Will and Roy like to make as if Free Software Friends, including Rh and Google, can do no harm. Truth is, they're much like any other company, and you don't have to look hard to find many who are quite devoted and dedicated to free software who criticize both. | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | E.g., some schmuck named Alan who thinks he knows Linux capping on RH here. | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 27 10:09 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 10:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | So Red Hat are totally about free software and freedom are they +Jan Wildeboer… [ ] | May 27 10:09 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 10:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ the oppressor's motto (markets=oligarchs) | May 27 10:09 | |
schestowitz__ | "I thought that was a parody marrying a protest song to Friedman's intro, but apparently it's legit (at least based on the Forbes link I found to it). Truly frightening." | May 27 10:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ - Truthdig [ ] | May 27 10:09 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 27 12:13 | |
Sosumi | | May 27 12:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Android and Windows Phone features we hope Apple “borrows” for iOS 8 | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 12:16 | |
Sosumi | ios behind both windblows banaphone and android | May 27 12:16 |
Sosumi | no word about blackberry | May 27 12:17 |
Sosumi | but they’re not that relevant anymore | May 27 12:18 |
Sosumi | as for and | May 27 12:27 |
Sosumi | *android phones | May 27 12:27 |
Sosumi | I’m eargerly waiting for the LG G3 | May 27 12:28 |
Sosumi | if LG doesn’t fail with their fork of android | May 27 12:28 |
*TakinOver has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | May 27 12:29 | |
Sosumi | they’ll have the killer phone for this year | May 27 12:29 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for...' | May 27 12:30 | |
*TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | May 27 12:30 | |
msb__ | What's the business about Firefox not copying http? Does that mean if you use the mouse to copy the address in the URL bar, that the address you get does not include the initial "http://" ? | May 27 13:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host '"' ( status 0 @ http://" ) | May 27 13:08 | |
msb__ | Because if it does, I never have that problem, and am up to date on Firefox (29.0.1). Not doubting you guys of course, just another data point. | May 27 13:09 |
MinceR | maybe there's a bug where it needs to transition between selecting a substring and the whole thing (plus scheme) | May 27 13:14 |
MinceR | for what it's worth, i always disable this misfeature anyway | May 27 13:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | development | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 13:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games development | Tux Machines | May 27 13:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines When digital marketing meets open source | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 13:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When digital marketing meets open source | Tux Machines | May 27 13:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | May 27 13:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 13:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 13:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | Tux Machines | May 27 13:39 | |
Sosumi | well | May 27 13:49 |
Sosumi | on firefox 29.01, when you restore your bookmarks from a file | May 27 13:50 |
Sosumi | on a file structure of 1st folder -> 2nd folder -> 3rd folder | May 27 13:51 |
Sosumi | the 3rd folder and the inside bookmarks arren’t restored | May 27 13:51 |
Sosumi | so, bugfox | May 27 13:52 |
msb__ | MinceR: When I get the address from the URL-bar, I click the cursor in the bar, hit Home, hold the left mouse key down, and sweep the cursor all the way to the right end of the URL (which may cause it to scroll horizontally). That highlights the entire URL and puts it in the clipboard. Maybe you do it a different way. | May 27 13:59 |
msb__ | MinceR: This method allows me to see the beginning (less the "http://") and the end of the URL, so I can check it. | May 27 14:02 |
msb__ | MinceR: I guess I can use Ctrl-A to highlight the whole URL, but Ctrl-A is always associated in my mind with accidentally hitting a key and deleting the whole highlighted string. | May 27 14:05 |
MinceR | msb__: ask schestowitz__, he had the issue :> | May 27 14:12 |
msb__ | MinceR: I thought you and someone else did too. | May 27 14:13 |
MinceR | i was only bothered by the trimURL misfeature itself | May 27 14:15 |
MinceR | and turned it off rightaway | May 27 14:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines WRITE YOUR FIRST LINUX KERNEL MODULE | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Antergos 2014.05.26 Distro Powered by Numix | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Looks Stunning | May 27 14:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 14:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WRITE YOUR FIRST LINUX KERNEL MODULE | Tux Machines | May 27 14:46 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Antergos 2014.05.26 Distro Powered by Numix Looks Stunning | Tux Machines | May 27 14:46 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | May 27 15:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Perl 5.20.0 released | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Perl 5.20.0 released | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review and Screenshot Tour | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review and Screenshot Tour | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft's China Syndrome | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft's China Syndrome | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver Coming Soon To | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 27 15:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 15:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver Coming Soon To Linux | Tux Machines | May 27 15:41 | |
MinceR | | May 27 15:49 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 27 15:58 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 27 15:58 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 15:58 | |
Sosumi | also just saw one of roy’s tweets about the EU elections | May 27 16:09 |
Sosumi | let me tell you | May 27 16:09 |
Sosumi | the socialist party in portugal is in no way left | May 27 16:09 |
Sosumi | they’re just moderate right | May 27 16:09 |
Sosumi | in a sense | May 27 16:10 |
Sosumi | because on their last governenment, they actually outdid the right | May 27 16:10 |
MinceR | neither is the one in hungary | May 27 16:10 |
MinceR | and the right isn't really right either | May 27 16:11 |
MinceR | especially the far right | May 27 16:11 |
Sosumi | they just dance to the €€€ | May 27 16:11 |
MinceR | i'm not quite sure what they're doing here | May 27 16:12 |
Sosumi | for example we just had today one of the main accesses to the lisbon airport collapse | May 27 16:12 |
MinceR | but the masses seem to love it anyway | May 27 16:12 |
Sosumi | I guess Tecnovia, the main road builder here | May 27 16:12 |
Sosumi | will just trow some millions in order to stop an investigation | May 27 16:12 |
MinceR | bbl | May 27 16:13 |
Sosumi | it was a 30 meters fall | May 27 16:13 |
Sosumi | glad no one was using the access | May 27 16:13 |
Sosumi | also the socialist governemnt was the one that issued the most public private partnerships ever | May 27 16:15 |
Sosumi | and not to mention in giving a new definition to “creative economics" | May 27 16:17 |
Sosumi | like selling public buildings only to rent them back | May 27 16:17 |
Sosumi | in order to hide public debt | May 27 16:18 |
Sosumi | and having public companies engaging in credit default swap | May 27 16:19 |
Sosumi | namelly the ones involved in the transporation sector | May 27 16:19 |
Sosumi | and waste treatment | May 27 16:19 |
Sosumi | p00rtug@l :) | May 27 16:20 |
Sosumi | but I personally I have no reason to complain | May 27 16:21 |
Sosumi | *still (not I) | May 27 16:21 |
Sosumi | also don’t forget that the wwdc is in 6 days | May 27 16:49 |
Sosumi | and so far my predictions is that both the highPhone and the highWatch will include a micro seringue for lsd dispensing | May 27 16:51 |
Sosumi | while osx will receive a lsd inspired facelift only | May 27 16:52 |
Sosumi | with everything else continuing to suck | May 27 16:52 |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | May 27 17:35 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 27 18:01 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 27 18:06 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 18:10 | |
MinceR | i don't care about it | May 27 18:25 |
MinceR | also, the media will be full of that crap for a while anyway | May 27 18:25 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 27 18:29 | |
*amarsh04_ (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 18:29 | |
*amarsh04_ has quit (Client Quit) | May 27 18:30 | |
schestowitz__ | RSS feed of Mutkware has not been updating for days. I checked it on the site; it seems valid, just out of date. | May 27 18:43 |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 27 18:44 | |
schestowitz__ | [12:16] <Sosumi> | May 27 18:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Android and Windows Phone features we hope Apple “borrows” for iOS 8 | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 18:57 | |
schestowitz__ | Meh, arse technica | May 27 18:57 |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 27 19:01 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 27 19:02 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 27 19:02 | |
DaemonFC | They write some of the most obvious pro-Microsoft crap I've ever seen. | May 27 19:08 |
schestowitz | MinceR: DaemonFC | May 27 19:10 |
schestowitz | | May 27 19:10 |
msb__ | Sosumi: Wow, we needed an actual big earthquake to knock down a segment of our highway. (Unfortunately squashed a lot of people in their cars.) | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: yes, look at the staff | May 27 19:11 |
MinceR | :3 | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | Emil, not Peter | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | and their FOSS writers too | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | MS boosters | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | on internet matters they have always been good | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | they also hired Joe Mullins to cover patent issues, esp. trolsl | May 27 19:12 |
schestowitz | he had run a good blog about patent trolls | May 27 19:12 |
schestowitz | prior to that they had Tim B-L | May 27 19:12 |
schestowitz | Not that one :-) | May 27 19:12 |
schestowitz | But the one who now writes at WashPo after a sting at Forbes and many years at some socialiist-looking pro-digital rights site | May 27 19:12 |
schestowitz | Libration Front of some kind | May 27 19:13 |
schestowitz | They lost their good writers | May 27 19:13 |
schestowitz | And Ars is now owned (bought by) the owned of Wired | May 27 19:13 |
schestowitz | Scroll down to the bottom of any page at Ars | May 27 19:13 |
schestowitz | they seemed to have sold out | May 27 19:13 |
schestowitz | and now they do MS whitewashing just like Wired | May 27 19:13 |
msb__ | Dr Dobbs' Journal is also now mostly MS language stuff. | May 27 19:14 |
DaemonFC | Well, they're facing funding problems, so I'm sure they take money where they can get it. | May 27 19:21 |
DaemonFC | And that hurts journalistic integrity. | May 27 19:22 |
schestowitz | | May 27 19:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: "Despite Gates being factually wrong, the worst part is that his message steers people and policy makers away" | May 27 19:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Bill Gates is wrong on Africa | Wharton Journal [ ] | May 27 19:22 | |
schestowitz | "Steve Jobs never invented anything either." | May 27 19:22 |
schestowitz | His glory is invented. | May 27 19:22 |
DaemonFC | That's why the cable news talks about Justin Bieber and not the banks robbing us of $20 trillion since the recession. | May 27 19:23 |
DaemonFC | The Federal Reserve has printed up more money to rescue banks from their own greed than it would take to colonize Mars. | May 27 19:23 |
msb__ | Speaking of LSD -- | May 27 19:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FBI chief says anti-marijuana policy hinders the hiring of cyber experts | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 19:24 | |
DaemonFC | You could double Social Security benefits and give ever American citizen Medicare for 500 years for what these assholes have given the banks. | May 27 19:25 |
DaemonFC | "We, your leaders, misspent your money, so now you have to tighten your belts." | May 27 19:25 |
DaemonFC | (Bill Hicks) | May 27 19:25 |
DaemonFC | He said he'd feel better about tightening his belt if he could choke Jessie Helms to death with it. He said he was even willing to eat bologna sandwiches for a week. | May 27 19:26 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 19:26 |
msb__ | And also at least 100,000,000 people were murdered by fascists last century and this to make bankers and other top capitalists more wealthy. | May 27 19:27 |
MinceR | :) | May 27 19:28 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: | May 27 19:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MC Hawking - Jesse Helms - YouTube [ ] | May 27 19:28 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 19:29 | |
DaemonFC | Now that Mike Pence is finally caving in and talking about health insurance for 350,000 poor people in Indiana, he's being called a "RINO". | May 27 19:31 |
MinceR | no H? | May 27 19:31 |
msb__ | Repugnican In Name Only | May 27 19:32 |
MinceR | :) | May 27 19:32 |
msb__ | Looks like a variety of USB-powered cannabis vaporizers are already available: | May 27 19:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | USB THC vaporizer - Google Search [ ] | May 27 19:32 | |
DaemonFC | msb__, He was elected governor with 49% of the vote. | May 27 19:33 |
DaemonFC | He's scrambling to save his own ass because he knows that he's going to be a one term governor if people continue organizing against him around that issue. | May 27 19:33 |
msb__ | Amazing! American democracy sometimes *does* work! | May 27 19:34 |
DaemonFC | The Democrats are starting to talk to some of these people who have no health insurance and promising to expand Medicaid if we'll get together and put them in the governor's office next time. | May 27 19:34 |
DaemonFC | So, Pence is getting out ahead of that and making sure that it's expanded in the most corporatized way possible. | May 27 19:34 |
msb__ | Yes health care -- not dying -- is an important political issue. | May 27 19:35 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, well, we've been turning up the heat on him over that, and I think it's sort of working. | May 27 19:36 |
DaemonFC | HIP 2.0 is better than no health insurance. | May 27 19:36 |
DaemonFC | They have people like my uncle buying this right-wing shit by the barrel. | May 27 19:38 |
DaemonFC | He said that people shouldn't be allowed to vote if they're not paying enough taxes. | May 27 19:38 |
DaemonFC | I said that they're not paying taxes because they're paid so badly that the federal government has to step in and cover some of their cost of living, even if they don't pay the federal income tax. | May 27 19:39 |
DaemonFC | That's what needs to change. | May 27 19:39 |
DaemonFC | What's stripping the dignity from work is that you can work 40 hours a week and still have to beg for some food to eat. | May 27 19:40 |
DaemonFC | That destroys people's sense of self-worth. Makes them feel guilty, even though they're doing their part. You know? | May 27 19:40 |
DaemonFC | There's nothing to feel guilty about. The government is helping Walmart and McDonalds pay these people $7 an hour and get away with it. | May 27 19:41 |
DaemonFC | That's what not raising the minimum wage while you're running food stamp and Medicaid programs does. | May 27 19:41 |
msb__ | We've heard of the new book _Capital in the Twenty-First Century_, by Thomas Piketty, in which he recommends a tax on actual *wealth* (capital) as the solution to humanity's problems? | May 27 19:42 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, the Capital Gains Tax is far too low. | May 27 19:42 |
DaemonFC | It should be taxed at the same rate as any other income. | May 27 19:42 |
DaemonFC | The inheritance tax needs to be increased as well. | May 27 19:42 |
msb__ | But that's just on income. This would be a tax on actual wealth, regardless of how you got it. | May 27 19:43 |
DaemonFC | You know, say "Everything over a million dollars is taxed at 40%. | May 27 19:43 |
msb__ | Anyhow, looky here: | May 27 19:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A centralized location for your leftist literature: Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century [ ] | May 27 19:43 | |
msb__ | Note the ".PDF" link. | May 27 19:43 |
msb__ | Right-click and "Save Link As" gets a lovely pdf copy, with an active table of contents, and an index. | May 27 19:44 |
DaemonFC | msb__, $20 TRILLION to bail out banks. | May 27 19:47 |
DaemonFC | There's always money around when *they* need it. | May 27 19:47 |
DaemonFC | But when Social Security needs 5% of that, so that 60 million people can live, there's "no money". | May 27 19:48 |
msb__ | At least. The amount I saw was $28 Trillion, given by Obomber. | May 27 19:48 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. Social Security is chump change compared with what the government spends elsewhere. | May 27 19:49 |
DaemonFC | You could probably buy an aircraft carrier every second for the next year with what the banks got. | May 27 19:49 |
DaemonFC | The entire point of handing the military a trillion dollars a year is to make the government rack up debt to the banks. | May 27 19:50 |
DaemonFC | That's all it is. | May 27 19:50 |
Snowleaksange | this chat is approaching my ignorance tolerance | May 27 19:50 |
msb__ | And conquering other nations for oil and slave labor. | May 27 19:51 |
msb__ | That pdf page was only about 8 down in a google search. That book is all over the place! | May 27 19:52 |
msb__ | In torrents, one might say. | May 27 19:53 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. Or your public library. | May 27 19:53 |
DaemonFC | Don't forget the library. If nobody borrows books from the library, the politicians have an easier time defunding them and shutting them down. | May 27 19:54 |
DaemonFC | Boarding up the windows. | May 27 19:54 |
schestowitz | [19:48] <msb__> At least. The amount I saw was $28 Trillion, given by Obomber. | May 27 19:54 |
schestowitz | Nope | May 27 19:54 |
DaemonFC | If they're doing it to the schools, they'll do it to the libraries as well. | May 27 19:54 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: what if people only use the books on site? | May 27 19:54 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I don't want to use the library's e-book system, because it has Digital Restrictions Malware, and they encourage people to read them on their Swindles and iBads. | May 27 19:56 |
MinceR | i meant reading dead tree books inside the library | May 27 19:56 |
schestowitz | | May 27 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@fcassia: MT @schestowitz @JonoBacon Stepping Down From #Canonical | May 27 19:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Jono Bacon Stepping Down From Canonical | May 27 19:57 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz too late. goodbye Firefox, hello Palemoon. goodbye FFox fone, hello Android. | May 27 19:57 | |
msb__ | On the other hand, a pdf file, spinning for instant and permanent access, taking up 1/10th of a penny of disk storage, is mighty handy. | May 27 19:57 |
schestowitz | Karma | May 27 19:57 |
DaemonFC | Oh. Well, if you don't scan them out, then they say "Nobody is using the library!". They get a lot of their funding based on how many books people are checking out. | May 27 19:57 |
MinceR | that's sad | May 27 19:58 |
DaemonFC | Well, that's Republicans for you.... | May 27 19:58 |
DaemonFC | For my part, the last time they got a round of funding for the Huntington branch, I got them to buy a pretty good list of books on using GNU/Linux. | May 27 19:59 |
msb__ | Excellent! | May 27 19:59 |
DaemonFC | I got them to buy one about Ubuntu, and one called the "Linux Bible", which mostly documents Fedora and Enterprise Linux. | May 27 19:59 |
MinceR | they had to get it once they realized it had "Bible" in the title ;) | May 27 20:00 |
msb__ | Just don't mention those "daemons"! | May 27 20:00 |
DaemonFC | It does refer to them as "daemons", but it quickly clarifies that they're "system services". | May 27 20:01 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 20:02 |
MinceR | :> | May 27 20:02 |
msb__ | Hah! System calls are just prayers to them. "Please give me that disk file, O Daemon!" | May 27 20:04 |
MinceR | except they're addressed to the kernel, which is not a daemon | May 27 20:04 |
MinceR | on HURD, on the other hand... | May 27 20:04 |
msb__ | And now a whole bunch of them have been combined to make systemd, the mightiest daemon of all! | May 27 20:05 |
Snowleaksange | this ridiculously simplistic idea that the worlds problems are the result of bad people is wildly popular. you see it even more from the left, blaming occupational classes like banksters, 1%, etc. | May 27 20:05 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Or Darwin... | May 27 20:07 |
DaemonFC | Kind of.... | May 27 20:07 |
msb__ | Yes, the fact that 1% of the planet's population has seized 99% of the wealth, has nothing to do with the remaining 99% of the population scrabbling to survive, or just starving. | May 27 20:07 |
Snowleaksange | i dont think it matches the reality at all. a tiny fraction of actual problems attributable to immoral people. | May 27 20:07 |
DaemonFC | "Your services have died but the kernel is still running, technically, have fun with that." -Apple | May 27 20:07 |
MinceR | darwin has a lot of extra kernel-mode stuff, any of which can crash the system all the same :> | May 27 20:08 |
MinceR | they like to claim that it's a microkernel system, but it's not | May 27 20:09 |
MinceR | same with winblows nt | May 27 20:09 |
Snowleaksange | sociol and market dynamics at scale are so complex that regardless of ubiquitous good intention and reasonable response, great suffering persists | May 27 20:11 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I don't get what the point is about having all your services die but having the kernel still running, other than the fact that Mac OS can display that "You need to restart your computer!" message. That's a pretty error message. Apple did a great job with that screen. I wonder if it was Made on a Mac(TM)... | May 27 20:11 |
msb__ | Yes, most of humanity's problems are due to things like mislabelled packages, poorly fitting underwear, dogs not getting enough cheese, etc. | May 27 20:12 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 27 20:13 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 27 20:13 |
DaemonFC | Veterans can't get healthcare. The Walter Reed Scandal happened on his watch.... Meanwhile..... | May 27 20:13 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 20:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | George W. Bush has knee surgery - Jonathan Topaz - [ ] | May 27 20:13 | |
Snowleaksange | you think you have all the solurions eh msb__, if only we listened to you so easily everything solved. | May 27 20:13 |
MinceR | :> | May 27 20:13 |
DaemonFC | msb__, I got some long johns at Menards last year. I ended up having to take them back because my johns were not, in fact, long enough. | May 27 20:13 |
DaemonFC | I should have sued for false advertising, but I'm a nice guy. | May 27 20:14 |
msb__ | Blaming it on obvious psychopaths that totally corrupt government and murder millions of people for profit -- that's just silly. Because they have ubiquitous good intentions. | May 27 20:14 |
MinceR | lol | May 27 20:14 |
Snowleaksange | lol @ obvious psycopaths | May 27 20:14 |
Snowleaksange | the only demon i see is a demonizer, you | May 27 20:15 |
MinceR | there are plenty of evil people around | May 27 20:15 |
*_Goblin (~Goblin@ has joined #techrights | May 27 20:15 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to _Goblin | May 27 20:16 | |
msb__ | Very informative: | May 27 20:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Road to World War 3 - YouTube [ ] | May 27 20:16 | |
_Goblin | schestowitz: FYI I've been arranging a guest for our next show (when my rig arrives or I get a suitable Chrome app).....its a really cool author who uses tech to make interactive etitles... | May 27 20:17 |
DaemonFC | I can tell you what's wrong with the world.... Are you ready? OK then..... | May 27 20:17 |
DaemonFC | When I go on dating sites, there's basically three types of people, by career. | May 27 20:17 |
Snowleaksange | the only recursively terminating group of people to blame, is blameful people. thank about that. | May 27 20:17 |
MinceR | probably too long to list :> | May 27 20:17 |
DaemonFC | Unemployed, Marketing, and Psychology. | May 27 20:17 |
MinceR | other people don't use dating sites? | May 27 20:18 |
DaemonFC | That's what's wrong here. We might not have enough food, enough affordable housing, enough jobs, enough healthcare, but we've got plenty of goddamned advertisers and psychologists! | May 27 20:18 |
DaemonFC | Who are they selling their shit to? The unemployed? | May 27 20:18 |
MinceR | lol | May 27 20:18 |
schestowitz | riding the wave of "open source"... greedy sharks | May 27 20:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Capital Pushes New Product For Crowdfunding Investors | Crowdfund Insider [ ] | May 27 20:18 | |
schestowitz | _Goblin: fantastic | May 27 20:18 |
schestowitz | I know of some stuff that would be good to discuss | May 27 20:19 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: with mumble, if possible, it would be good now that I know the new workflow | May 27 20:19 |
DaemonFC | Marketing makes you feel bad about not having enough shit, and then psychiatrists drug you so that you don't care anymore! | May 27 20:20 |
DaemonFC | They've got a little bit of symbiosis going on there, I do believe! | May 27 20:21 |
MinceR | sounds more like a competition | May 27 20:21 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, that's why they can always increase the dose. | May 27 20:21 |
MinceR | unless they're marketing drug | May 27 20:21 |
MinceR | s | May 27 20:21 |
msb__ | _Goblin: At first read, I thought you said "a really cool author who uses tech to make interactive entities". Woof! | May 27 20:22 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Well, they're good at what they do. They convince people to buy $200 jeans and $6 tubes of toothpaste while they're working for minimum wage and getting eviction notices on their front door. | May 27 20:23 |
DaemonFC | America lost its soul a long, long time ago. We're at the point where third world child laborers are stuffing "Help me!" letters in the clothes that are being sold at Macy's, Von Maur, Aeropostale, Banana Republic, wherever people are shopping these days, I guess. | May 27 20:24 |
DaemonFC | Then when the cretins who shop there complain about the letter, they don't complain that people are being exploited to death to make their damned overpriced clothes. They complain that they had to look at the letter. | May 27 20:25 |
DaemonFC | And the company apologizes and promises to find the worker and have him shot as an example to others, so it doesn't happen again.... | May 27 20:25 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 20:25 |
msb__ | Some years ago I read that the guy in charge of Nike sneaker production in Indonesia makes 70,000 times as much as any of his employees. | May 27 20:26 |
msb__ | ...who of course never could afford to buy a pair of the shoes they made. | May 27 20:27 |
DaemonFC | Slavery was never banned. It was sent somewhere where we don't have to look at it. | May 27 20:27 |
msb__ | DaemonFC: Superb! That's a keeper! | May 27 20:27 |
Sosumi | the point of the arstechnica article was just to highlight how behind the curve the hypeOS is | May 27 20:29 |
MinceR | actually, it avoided the most important ways in which hypeOS is behind the curve :> | May 27 20:31 |
Sosumi | they just don’t want to be blacklisted from press events | May 27 20:33 |
Sosumi | or from receiving review saples | May 27 20:33 |
Sosumi | *samples | May 27 20:33 |
schestowitz | | May 27 20:34 |
Sosumi | that is why you no longer see in detail articles of how bad te quadro drivers were on OSX or why dave girard said whe reviewing his own aquired trashcan pro | May 27 20:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Just War Illusions – Ethics Alerts [ ] | May 27 20:35 | |
Sosumi | that you didn’t need to babysit the thing | May 27 20:35 |
Sosumi | when one of the memory modules was reaching 97ºC | May 27 20:35 |
schestowitz | weird: | May 27 20:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Making a Profit Worth Killing For? – Ethics Alerts [ ] | May 27 20:35 | |
MinceR | :> | May 27 20:35 |
Sosumi | thx to the poor cooling | May 27 20:35 |
Sosumi | or Anand calling a stress test of which the trashcan failed | May 27 20:36 |
Sosumi | a “power virus” | May 27 20:36 |
Sosumi | for the reader in the know, he’ll understand | May 27 20:37 |
Sosumi | for the idiot which is the target market of apple | May 27 20:37 |
Sosumi | he’ll not get it | May 27 20:37 |
Sosumi | and as for asstechnica | May 27 20:38 |
Sosumi | I think that the quality of their articles has declined in the past 3 years | May 27 20:39 |
schestowitz | | May 27 20:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #fbi wants to hire people on drugs other than tobacco and alcohol | May 27 20:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | FBI chief says anti-marijuana policy hinders the hiring of cyber experts | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 20:39 | |
schestowitz | "not to mention coffee" | May 27 20:39 |
schestowitz | | May 27 20:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #bbc grooming Sabu #fbi sting operations, staging threats and attacks to frame innocent people | May 27 20:39 | |
schestowitz | "Sabu can go fuck himself." | May 27 20:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BBC News - Hacker 'Sabu' gets lenient sentence after helping US [ ] | May 27 20:39 | |
DaemonFC | The iPhone 6 still won't have a real HD screen, but the LG G2 does, and the LG G3 has Quad HD. | May 27 21:07 |
DaemonFC | The iPhones don't just have a bad operating system, the hardware is no damned good. | May 27 21:08 |
DaemonFC | Not for what you're spending. | May 27 21:08 |
MinceR | it has what people pay for: the logo. | May 27 21:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines BFQ Scheduler Still Trying For The Mainline | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Kernel | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Next Open Source Battle Is Being Waged In | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | The 3D Printing Industry | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BFQ Scheduler Still Trying For The Mainline Linux Kernel | Tux Machines | May 27 21:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 27 21:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 21:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Next Open Source Battle Is Being Waged In The 3D Printing Industry | Tux Machines | May 27 21:14 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 27 21:14 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 27 21:15 | |
_Goblin | I can't see what the fuss is about camera's on laptops/phones spying.....if people think its happening why don't they just stick a sticker over the lens and only take it off for photos? | May 27 21:17 |
_Goblin | sorry...that was meant for another server/channel | May 27 21:18 |
*pidgin_log1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 27 21:21 | |
MinceR | i did put a sticker on the company laptop webcam | May 27 21:22 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 27 21:22 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 21:25 | |
MinceR | well, a post-it | May 27 21:34 |
MinceR | or clone | May 27 21:34 |
MinceR | | May 27 21:34 |
_Goblin | I wonder if someone has started to sell little plastic covers you can clip onto your phone or tablet to cover the camera? | May 27 22:03 |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 27 22:29 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 27 22:34 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 22:39 | |
MinceR | gn | May 27 22:57 |
MinceR | sounds like a good idea | May 27 22:57 |
MinceR | some of them could come with a builtin flap :> | May 27 22:57 |
*nj3ma_Zzz has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 27 23:32 | |
*nj3ma_Zzz ( has joined #techrights | May 27 23:34 | |
*_Goblin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 27 23:39 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | May 28 01:10 | |
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*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 28 03:21 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 28 03:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | with MySQL Database Fabric | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tales of Distros Tried and True | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Adopt The Australis Interface | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 04:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 04:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability with MySQL Database Fabric | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tales of Distros Tried and True | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not Adopt The Australis Interface | Tux Machines | May 28 04:16 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 28 04:28 | |
*jono is now known as Guest50754 | May 28 04:29 | |
*Guest50754 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 28 04:36 | |
*Guest50754 ( has joined #techrights | May 28 05:15 | |
*Guest50754 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 28 05:28 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 28 05:28 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 28 05:28 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 05:28 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 28 05:38 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 05:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill Maher rails against political correctness [ ] | May 28 05:44 | |
DaemonFC | "A few weeks ago, the CEO of Mozilla was forced to resign because it was revealed that in 2008, he supported Prop. 8, California's ban on gay marriage. A bad law, yes, but 52% of Californians voted for it. Do they all have to resign? Obama was against gay marriage in 2008! Does he have to resign? Hillary came around just last year. Can she be President? | May 28 05:44 |
DaemonFC | You can't purge everybody who doesn't evolve exactly on the timetable you did. It reminds me of the immigrant who's been in America all of a year, and looks at someone who came over last week, like, "Boat people, am I right?" (audience laughter and applause)" | May 28 05:44 |
prurigro | DaemonFC: he wasn't forced- people it mattered to gave him an ultimatum, but he could still be CEO right now if he'd wanted to be (with the consequences) | May 28 05:59 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 28 06:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Source opportunity | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 06:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target Open Source opportunity | Tux Machines | May 28 06:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: DuckDuckGo Compared to Google, Bing, | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Yandex | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 06:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review: DuckDuckGo Compared to Google, Bing, Yandex | Tux Machines | May 28 06:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ungrateful Gamers | May 28 06:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 06:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and Ungrateful Gamers | Tux Machines | May 28 06:33 | |
DaemonFC | prurigro, It was a little extreme. He did pledge to enforce Mozilla's policies. | May 28 07:23 |
prurigro | DaemonFC: Some people can deal with someone who has extremist views running a company, some people can't, and some people realize they can influence people to support their cause better if they manage to make an example out of someone who voted the wrong way on something-- at the end of the day though, because of the 2nd and 3rd groups, it was going to affect Mozilla's position if he stayed | May 28 07:26 |
prurigro | I don't see anything wrong with this- it's a method of pushing social change without needing to resort to more laws | May 28 07:28 |
*vallor has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | May 28 07:55 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and | May 28 07:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ungrateful Gamers | May 28 07:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 07:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and Ungrateful Gamers | Tux Machines | May 28 07:57 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 08:02 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 28 08:09 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 08:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on: With the LG G3, we hope you like pixels | Ars Technica [ ] | May 28 08:13 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 08:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GMO Grass: Coming to a Lawn Near You? | Alternet [ ] | May 28 08:31 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 09:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dr. Mercola Discusses Water Filters - YouTube [ ] | May 28 09:25 | |
DaemonFC | msb__, Dr. Mercola disagrees with you about distilled water. | May 28 09:25 |
msb__ | How so? | May 28 09:26 |
DaemonFC | Watch the video. :) | May 28 09:27 |
msb__ | I'm busy. Just tell me. | May 28 09:28 |
DaemonFC | It removes the good minerals too. | May 28 09:32 |
DaemonFC | He recommends spring water. | May 28 09:32 |
MinceR | geekings | May 28 09:33 |
MinceR | i thought that was well known | May 28 09:34 |
msb__ | Spring and well water can have arsenic and other toxins. It has to be tested. | May 28 09:34 |
msb__ | I get Ca by eating cheese, and Mg by adding MgCO3 to the water. | May 28 09:34 |
msb__ | I take other minerals in pills -- Zn, Se, Cu, Cr, B, Mn. | May 28 09:35 |
msb__ | Very cheap. | May 28 09:36 |
MinceR | what do you do when you sweat more and need certain minerals more, but not others? | May 28 09:38 |
msb__ | I get Na and Cl in my food, and K in the KCl salt I use. | May 28 09:39 |
msb__ | Also food has trace minerals. | May 28 09:40 |
msb__ | There's no guarantee that spring or well water has what you need, and doesn't have any toxins like As. It has to be tested. | May 28 09:41 |
msb__ | Mercola usually has good ideas, but he's wrong on some things. He says people lack electrons unless they walk barefoot on the ground. That's ridiculous. | May 28 09:43 |
MinceR | it tends to be tested, at least in europe | May 28 09:43 |
msb__ | Probably here too. Once a year is enough. | May 28 09:44 |
msb__ | Unless there was a chemical spill in the area. | May 28 09:44 |
msb__ | Of course everyone should have a couple of cats, and pet them frequently. | May 28 09:46 |
msb__ | That gives you plenty of electrons, and also Orgone Energy. | May 28 09:46 |
MinceR | or one could just use a CRT monitor, that gives you electrons too :> | May 28 09:48 |
DaemonFC | msb__, Well, Dave (my stepdad) loves Gatorade. And he was actually tricked into thinking it's good for you. | May 28 09:49 |
MinceR | it's got electrolytes? | May 28 09:49 |
DaemonFC | It's got about half as much sugar as soda, and other than that, it's just some flavored water with trace minerals. | May 28 09:50 |
DaemonFC | So, it's pretty much just calories. | May 28 09:50 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 09:50 |
MinceR | it's got what plants crave! | May 28 09:50 |
DaemonFC | They couldn't prove that it hydrates any better than plain water, so they threw millions of dollars into funding their own "gatorade science" research center. | May 28 09:50 |
DaemonFC | Smells like Big Tobacco to me. | May 28 09:50 |
DaemonFC | Probably not as bad for you, but still.... | May 28 09:51 |
DaemonFC | Industry funds its own junk research to mislead consumers... | May 28 09:51 |
MinceR | does it at least taste good? | May 28 09:51 |
msb__ | Originally it was flavored with alligator urine, but they had to remove it. | May 28 09:53 |
MinceR | so it isn't even made from real gator? | May 28 09:53 |
msb__ | Not anymore. | May 28 09:53 |
msb__ | The original idea was to make athletes more successful by getting them to ram their heads into hard objects. | May 28 09:55 |
msb__ | The resulting brain damage was supposed to make them fearless. | May 28 09:55 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I like their sugar free gatorade. | May 28 09:56 |
MinceR | well, death does make one fearless | May 28 09:56 |
DaemonFC | The lemon ice one is pretty good. | May 28 09:57 |
MinceR | unfortunately, it also makes them unsuccessful as athletes. | May 28 09:57 |
msb__ | I'm just making this up, but there's probably a grain of truth in it. | May 28 09:57 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 09:57 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: does it contain other sweeteners? | May 28 09:57 |
msb__ | Costco has frozen mango chunks now for about $3/pound. | May 28 09:58 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Not sure. | May 28 09:58 |
msb__ | They taste delicious frozen, and if you eat a whole bowl of them it will purge all the toxins from your body. | May 28 09:58 |
DaemonFC | They used to make up giant batches of the stuff when I worked at the shoe warehouse. | May 28 09:59 |
msb__ | Just make sure you have an adequate supply of toilet paper. | May 28 09:59 |
DaemonFC | No air conditioning, but they had those 30 gallon jugs of gatorade everywhere. Ice cold. | May 28 09:59 |
DaemonFC | I used to stop and grab a cup of it whenever I could spare a minute, because it would be 80-90 degrees in there, at night. :P | May 28 09:59 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 10:00 |
msb__ | DaemonFC: I guess they tried this on rats first, but they were too small to carry the shoes. | May 28 10:00 |
DaemonFC | msb__, They closed the warehouse down in 2009. | May 28 10:00 |
DaemonFC | Fired everyone. | May 28 10:00 |
DaemonFC | They have those highly automated warehouses now. | May 28 10:01 |
DaemonFC | It's just a few people babysitting some machines, and loading trucks. | May 28 10:01 |
DaemonFC | 600 jobs gone, 100 or so created somewhere else. | May 28 10:01 |
DaemonFC | Until they figure out how to get rid of them as well. | May 28 10:01 |
msb__ | Capitalism is so stupid! | May 28 10:03 |
DaemonFC | That's what they do. Offshore, outsource, automate, and then bitch that people who are unemployed still want to eat. | May 28 10:03 |
cubezzz | soylent green solves the problem of excess people :) | May 28 10:04 |
msb__ | When tech replaces people's jobs, instead of paying them anyhow, they let them die. | May 28 10:04 |
schestowitz | | May 28 10:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@AnneTynan: Your tweets used in this post @schestowitz @HandofGOD7 | May 28 10:04 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | JuDo’nt Suppose The BBC Threw The Wrong Wobbly Over The Girl?, Anne Tynan | May 28 10:04 | |
DaemonFC | There doesn't need to be an "excess" population. | May 28 10:04 |
cubezzz | what would you suggest? | May 28 10:04 |
msb__ | Just eat the rich, and take their money. | May 28 10:05 |
DaemonFC | With the right measure of birth control, green energy, sustainable development, etc., etc., most people could live good lives. | May 28 10:05 |
cubezzz | msb__ :) | May 28 10:05 |
msb__ | They still wouldn't have jobs. | May 28 10:05 |
DaemonFC | Well, if there's no work that's needed from them, then they shouldn't need to work. | May 28 10:05 |
msb__ | Yes! | May 28 10:06 |
cubezzz | there will always be jobs | May 28 10:06 |
DaemonFC | Sure. | May 28 10:06 |
cubezzz | at the very least someone has to maintain things | May 28 10:06 |
msb__ | But not enough, and with improved technology, less and less. | May 28 10:06 |
DaemonFC | Yes, pay them more than the basic income, and they have an incentive educate themselves and do those jobs. | May 28 10:06 |
DaemonFC | *incentive to | May 28 10:07 |
DaemonFC | One of the reasons the Republicans hate Obamacare is because it will allow some people to get away with working 30 hour weeks and doing OK because they don't have those crushing health insurance premiums and medical costs like they used to. | May 28 10:07 |
DaemonFC | So, that will help get unemployment down, because people will be doing as well with 30 hour weeks as they were with 40 hour weeks before, and so more people will get hired. | May 28 10:08 |
DaemonFC | Theoretically, everyone works 25% less hours and is no worse for it. | May 28 10:08 |
DaemonFC | And I don't see a problem with that. | May 28 10:09 |
DaemonFC | The 30 hour workweek is something we should have had 5-10 years ago. | May 28 10:09 |
msb__ | Get rid of all advertising, marketing, persecution of victimless crimes, real estate and stock speculation, and we'd have a 20-hour work week, or less. Those are all useless make-work jobs. | May 28 10:09 |
msb__ | Oh, I forgot. First kill all the lawyers. | May 28 10:10 |
DaemonFC | msb__, Killing them might be harsh. | May 28 10:11 |
DaemonFC | I think that they should have to do some sort of community service for 100,000 hours or so. | May 28 10:11 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 10:11 |
msb__ | Cleaning toilets. | May 28 10:11 |
DaemonFC | Work off a little bit of that $400 an hour that they robbed decent people of during their careers. | May 28 10:12 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 10:12 |
msb__ | After a year, give them a brush. | May 28 10:12 |
msb__ | (Monty Python) | May 28 10:12 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 10:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft sends astronauts to troll Samsung’s “Terminal Galaxy 5” [ ] | May 28 10:45 | |
msb__ | There's a movie I'm trying to remember. A man is pursuing a woman on a train that's nearly empty. She may be an alien. She has something he's trying to get. I don't think it was one of the Species movies, nor Source Code. | May 28 10:56 |
schestowitz | | May 28 11:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ReputacionE: @schestowitz You've mentioned MWC.Answer a survey about the congressa!! | May 28 11:08 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Mobile World Congress | May 28 11:08 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 11:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 'Obama: Like a Boss',0,2573054.column Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's 'Really Good At Killing People' | May 28 11:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Obama "Boss" bumper sticker for true Chicagoan - [ ] | May 28 11:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Obama Said He's 'Really Good At Killing People' - Business Insider [ ] | May 28 11:40 | |
schestowitz | "Weird. He's not running for anything. What is this guy talking about?" | May 28 11:40 |
schestowitz | msb__: | May 28 12:02 |
schestowitz | | May 28 12:03 |
schestowitz | | May 28 12:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "What do we aim at? Houses! Who do we kill? Everyone inside the houses!" US calls them "compounds" | May 28 12:04 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Posterity Will Hate Us: Building a Lasting Legacy of Death | May 28 12:04 | |
schestowitz | "US has proudly been building thast legacy sine 1823." | May 28 12:04 |
schestowitz | | May 28 12:07 |
schestowitz | | May 28 12:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz refusing censorship will itself soon be defined as probable cause.... | May 28 12:19 | |
Sosumi | LG G3 just got announced today | May 28 12:33 |
Sosumi | ad it goes as I predicted | May 28 12:33 |
Sosumi | killer phone | May 28 12:33 |
Sosumi | I do hope LG has included some good DAC for an excelent music playback | May 28 12:34 |
Sosumi | something from cirus or wolfsom or burr brown | May 28 12:34 |
Sosumi | because the quallcom DACs are trash | May 28 12:35 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 12:38 |
Sosumi | DAC = digital analog converter | May 28 12:41 |
Sosumi | if the porpuse of those feature phones is to be multimedia devices | May 28 12:42 |
DaemonFC | I have the G2. | May 28 12:42 |
DaemonFC | That's a perfectly good phone | May 28 12:42 |
Sosumi | they should at least reproduce sound clearly | May 28 12:43 |
Sosumi | which from my test with the S5 wasn’t the case | May 28 12:43 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 12:43 | |
Sosumi | and the sound felt muffed on my sennheiser momentum headphones | May 28 12:43 |
Sosumi | and yes I was using a flac file | May 28 12:44 |
Sosumi | and from what I also read on headfi | May 28 12:45 |
Sosumi | it was all down to the quallcom DAC | May 28 12:45 |
MinceR | you could use another DAC via bluetooth :> | May 28 12:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than Intel | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | SNA | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nginx passes Apache as Web server of choice | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | among top sites | May 28 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 12:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than Intel SNA | Tux Machines | May 28 12:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nginx passes Apache as Web server of choice among top sites | Tux Machines | May 28 12:59 | |
schestowitz | msb__: | May 28 13:03 |
Sosumi | way too much clutter | May 28 13:03 |
Sosumi | plus, for the price those phones cost | May 28 13:04 |
Sosumi | why not put in there a decent dac in the first place | May 28 13:04 |
msb__ | schestowitz: Roy, that one's great! Makes up for the gruesome picture of the nun. | May 28 13:04 |
MinceR | sure, but if you're out of options, it can help | May 28 13:08 |
MinceR | lol @ pic | May 28 13:09 |
msb__ | Actually, the Cathars and others believed that Jehovah is just a local warlord who'd gotten control of Earth and turned it into a prison planet. It fits, because he's a genocidal psychopath in the old and new testicles and the koran. So maybe he's running the NWO. | May 28 13:15 |
MinceR | or he's just a figment of some bronze age barbarians' imagination. | May 28 13:16 |
msb__ | Which various rulers found useful and passed down thru the generations. Could be. | May 28 13:17 |
msb__ | But there are all those Sumerian stories of visitation by more or less reptilian Anunnaki. | May 28 13:22 |
MinceR | there are plenty of stories | May 28 13:23 |
msb__ | Shit, they just knocked out my Comcrap connection for 3 minutes. NOW do you believe??? | May 28 13:24 |
MinceR | lol | May 28 13:24 |
MinceR | these theories imply a lot more competence about governments than they otherwise seem to have | May 28 13:24 |
MinceR | then again, the illusion of incompetence might be a ruse | May 28 13:24 |
msb__ | 9-11 was done very simply. Explosives were implanted in the towers and detonated from top to bottom, probably by coded radio signals. | May 28 13:26 |
msb__ | Any electronics engineer could do it. | May 28 13:26 |
msb__ | And the multi-ton girders flying sideways at up to 70mph prove that it wasn't a gravitational collapse. F=ma vector equation Newton's Second Law. It's that simple. | May 28 13:28 |
msb__ | I mean it wasn't a purely gravitational collapse, which is the govt claim. | May 28 13:29 |
MinceR | yeah, there was also a fire which maked the supports sag :> | May 28 13:29 |
msb__ | So the govt didn't have the competence to fool a junior college physics teacher. | May 28 13:29 |
MinceR | they apparently did have the competence to keep documents from leaking about this, though | May 28 13:30 |
msb__ | The only reason that everyone who knows physics isn't saying that is that they're brainwashed into thinking "Oh no, the US wouldn't do anything like that." | May 28 13:31 |
msb__ | Sagging supports could not have blasted girders sideways. | May 28 13:31 |
MinceR | pancaking floors could have, though | May 28 13:32 |
msb__ | Nope. | May 28 13:32 |
msb__ | "Pancaking" means dropping downward. Down isn't sideways. | May 28 13:32 |
msb__ | Vectors, remember? Magnitude AND direction. | May 28 13:32 |
msb__ | "F" and "a" in F=ma are both *vectors*. | May 28 13:33 |
MinceR | dropping downward causes the air between the floors to be expelled sideways. | May 28 13:34 |
msb__ | High-school physics. (At least it was when I went to school.) | May 28 13:34 |
MinceR | gas pressure isn't high-school physics? :> | May 28 13:34 |
msb__ | Unless the girders were precisely fitted inside a girder-shaped gun barrel, the air would just flow around them. 20,000 pound girders! | May 28 13:35 |
msb__ | | May 28 13:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | North Tower Exploding by David Chandler - YouTube [ ] | May 28 13:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Downgrade Required | May 28 14:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, Downgrade Required | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:13 |
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:13 |
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | May 28 14:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DNF 0.5.2 Released | May 28 14:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines systemd 213 Arrives with Daemon to Sync System | May 28 14:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Clock Across Network | May 28 14:53 |
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | Tux Machines | May 28 14:53 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DNF 0.5.2 Released | Tux Machines | May 28 14:53 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | systemd 213 Arrives with Daemon to Sync System Clock Across Network | Tux Machines | May 28 14:53 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PHP Next Generation | May 28 17:25 |
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP Next Generation | Tux Machines | May 28 17:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland 1.5 Is Out and Gets a Little Closer to | May 28 17:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | X Sever Replacement | May 28 17:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 17:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wayland 1.5 Is Out and Gets a Little Closer to X Sever Replacement | Tux Machines | May 28 17:25 | |
*Avt_ (~adminn@unaffiliated/avt/x-3913052) has joined #techrights | May 28 17:28 | |
Avt_ | why you guys dont list this channel in noobslab? | May 28 17:29 |
Avt_ | be back later im going to sleep | May 28 18:01 |
*Avt_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 28 18:11 | |
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-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 28 18:26 | |
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-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 28 18:30 | |
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*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 28 18:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland LiveCD Updated Against v1.5, Uses | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Systemd On Ubuntu | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Blender 2.71 Test Release Issued With New | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Features | May 28 19:15 |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines This Week in Techrights | May 28 19:15 |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Toshiba unveils trio of tablets, including $110 | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android 4.4 KitKat tablet | May 28 19:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wayland LiveCD Updated Against v1.5, Uses Systemd On Ubuntu | Tux Machines | May 28 19:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Jaguar Land Rover are recruiting Tizen | May 28 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Developer Jobs, in Portland, Oregon | May 28 19:16 |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why No Flash Support for Linux Is Good for Open | May 28 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Source | May 28 19:16 |
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.71 Test Release Issued With New Features | Tux Machines | May 28 19:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This Week in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 28 19:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Toshiba unveils trio of tablets, including $110 Android 4.4 KitKat tablet | Tux Machines | May 28 19:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jaguar Land Rover are recruiting Tizen Developer Jobs, in Portland, Oregon | Tux Machines | May 28 19:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why No Flash Support for Linux Is Good for Open Source | Tux Machines | May 28 19:16 | |
*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | May 28 19:28 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines System76 Galago UltraPro: Powerful Linux laptop | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | but not quite an ultrabook | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 20:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Met Office selects 2ndQuadrant to help with | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | data migration to open source | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 20:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | System76 Galago UltraPro: Powerful Linux laptop but not quite an ultrabook | Tux Machines | May 28 20:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 28 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 20:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Met Office selects 2ndQuadrant to help with data migration to open source | Tux Machines | May 28 20:28 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 28 20:28 | |
Sosumi | samsung just debutes a “cloud” health tracking service | May 28 20:29 |
Sosumi | *debuted | May 28 20:29 |
Sosumi | and released something that they labelled as “healthband” | May 28 20:29 |
Sosumi | distinct from the galaxy fit watch | May 28 20:30 |
Sosumi | but aside the issues with tracking, having the information being sent or incorporated with an health insurence | May 28 20:30 |
Sosumi | this kind of life monitoring tools are a great business to explore given the longer lifespans and the overall ageing of the “western” world and japan | May 28 20:31 |
Sosumi | specially japan | May 28 20:31 |
Sosumi | msb, remember the noble rot dudes inside the solid state society? | May 28 20:32 |
Sosumi | on the third ghost in the shell movie | May 28 20:32 |
prurigro | I could see insurance companies initially offering perks (reduced rates) to those who wear them and prove they have good health | May 28 20:59 |
prurigro | then eventually, once more people are doing it, give typical rates to those who have them and higher rates to those without, like they're starting to do with those driving tracking modules for cars | May 28 21:00 |
Sosumi | yep | May 28 21:01 |
Sosumi | i heard of putting black boxes in cars | May 28 21:01 |
Sosumi | alongside with a road facing camera | May 28 21:01 |
prurigro | word, russian insurance companies went pretty crazy with those | May 28 21:02 |
Sosumi | yeah | May 28 21:02 |
Sosumi | russian roads are kind of crappy from what I know | May 28 21:02 |
prurigro | I would not feel comfortable knowing every minor mistake was being recorded | May 28 21:02 |
prurigro | yeah, a lot of people were purposefully getting hit for insurance fraud I hear was the start of that | May 28 21:03 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 21:03 | |
prurigro | it seems like china, but they drive faster, in terms of obeying traffic signals and stuff | May 28 21:03 |
prurigro | well, I've only been to a few cities in china on that note, so maybe road culture varies | May 28 21:03 |
prurigro | but where I went you're basically supposed to just start walking out in front of traffic, and it's supposed to slow down for you, so I can see how insurance fraud would have been easier | May 28 21:04 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 21:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Crocodile Hospitalized After Being Crushed By Heavy Russian Woman On Circus Bus [ ] | May 28 21:06 | |
prurigro | maybe the crocodile should check its thin privilege | May 28 21:06 |
Sosumi | i don’t get it | May 28 21:07 |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 28 21:07 | |
Sosumi | how can you get crushed by your own dinner | May 28 21:07 |
MinceR | by incorrect dinner placement | May 28 21:07 |
prurigro | it's our next stage in evolution to restore our place as the apex predator | May 28 21:08 |
Sosumi | :) | May 28 21:08 |
prurigro | you can't eat what you can't wrap your mouth around | May 28 21:08 |
MinceR | you can wrap your mouth around anything if you pulverize it first (not your mouth) | May 28 21:11 |
prurigro | next stage of crocodile evolution: boxing gloves | May 28 21:13 |
prurigro | | May 28 21:13 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Her big fat ass got lodged in its throat. | May 28 21:16 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 21:16 |
MinceR | today's lesson: chew your food before swallowing, kids! | May 28 21:16 |
MinceR | (also works without the comma) | May 28 21:16 |
DaemonFC | Then you see a crocodile laying on its back going "Agggggghhhhh!!!!!". | May 28 21:17 |
DaemonFC | Ohhhh, someone ate at Golden Corral! | May 28 21:17 |
Sosumi | heimlich maneuver asap on the crocodile | May 28 21:17 |
DaemonFC | Or the reverse heimlich maneuver where you make sure the person chokes, as a warning to others about not chewing. | May 28 21:19 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 21:19 |
Sosumi | a reverse heimlich is what you do to the trashcan pro users | May 28 21:24 |
DaemonFC | Sosumi, I'd take a Mac Pro if they were just giving them away or something. | May 28 21:25 |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't pay what they want for one. | May 28 21:25 |
Sosumi | when they have it stuck all the way up in their arsses | May 28 21:25 |
DaemonFC | Like, I enter contests where restaurants give away iBads. | May 28 21:25 |
DaemonFC | My thinking is that I can flip it on Craigslist and walk away with some cash. | May 28 21:25 |
DaemonFC | :P | May 28 21:25 |
DaemonFC | They would have bought one somewhere anyway, so why not let it be me that walks away with their money? :) | May 28 21:26 |
Sosumi | the only mac pros that can run gnu/linux with noi issues were the old towers | May 28 21:26 |
DaemonFC | I have no use for an iBad though. | May 28 21:26 |
DaemonFC | I think the Mac Pro runs GNU/Linux OK. | May 28 21:26 |
DaemonFC | Just make sure it's a recent release of Fedora or something. | May 28 21:26 |
Sosumi | not the new | May 28 21:26 |
DaemonFC | You want bleeding edge kernel and stuff when the hardware is pretty new. | May 28 21:26 |
DaemonFC | A few years later, it doesn't really matter what you use. | May 28 21:27 |
Sosumi | because of the proprietary thunderbolt implementation | May 28 21:27 |
Sosumi | but as for up to the old westmere mac pros and xservers | May 28 21:27 |
Sosumi | gnu/linux runs like a champ | May 28 21:28 |
Sosumi | aka xeon 56xx series | May 28 21:29 |
DaemonFC | There's a Thunderbolt driver in Linux 3.15 that mostly supports the new Macs. | May 28 21:30 |
DaemonFC | It's not all there, but basic functionality works. | May 28 21:30 |
Sosumi | no | May 28 21:31 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 21:31 |
Sosumi | because apple screwed the standard | May 28 21:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Son Of Late Snake-Handling Pastor Is Bitten By Rattlesnake : The Two-Way : NPR [ ] | May 28 21:31 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Who wants to hold the snake next? | May 28 21:31 |
Sosumi | to the point that it doesn’t even work well on their OS | May 28 21:31 |
DaemonFC | Good snake! Gooooood snake! :) | May 28 21:31 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: hopefully another fundie | May 28 21:31 |
DaemonFC | Two less idiots in the world. | May 28 21:31 |
DaemonFC | I guess I'm two car lengths up in traffic tomorrow. :) | May 28 21:31 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 21:34 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 28 21:38 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 28 21:38 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 21:38 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 28 21:38 | |
DaemonFC | Does anyone else think that the hospital should stop treating these people? | May 28 21:38 |
DaemonFC | Here, we have 1,000 people dying every year in Indiana alone, because they don't have health insurance, because these right-wing stooges say that's "socialism" (like that's a bad word or something). Then these idiots fucking handle a poison snake, DELIBERATELY, saying that God will protect them. Then of course it bites them, because it's a snake, they run off to the hospital. Most of them are poor, so they don't pay their bills, and then the | May 28 21:38 |
DaemonFC | emergency room is more expensive for everyone else, and they're hogging space that could be used for someone who was hurt through no fault of their own. | May 28 21:38 |
DaemonFC | The next time one of these fundies gets bitten, just leave them there. If you're going to pick up a rattlesnake, just remember that they have a sharp end with lots of poison... Nobody owes you a patch up job because you're an idiot. | May 28 21:38 |
DaemonFC | MinceR? :) | May 28 21:38 |
MinceR | if they pay for it, they should be treated | May 28 21:38 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 28 21:40 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I think it's one thing if you were hurt and it wasn't your fault. | May 28 21:40 |
*jono is now known as Guest96631 | May 28 21:40 | |
DaemonFC | There were people at a slum apartment that I used to live at. | May 28 21:40 |
DaemonFC | They put old mattresses out in the yard, got drunk and then started throwing themselves out of the windows and jumping off the roof. | May 28 21:40 |
DaemonFC | One of them missed the mattress, landed on the ground, and broke his leg. | May 28 21:41 |
DaemonFC | Of course, he went to the hospital, and probably never paid his bill. | May 28 21:41 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Some hospitals are getting sick of people using the emergency room for non-emergency reasons and are adding a $500 non-emergency fee to the bill. | May 28 21:42 |
DaemonFC | I guess that's totally reasonable now that there's Obamacare and anyone who really wants it can get cheap or free health insurance. | May 28 21:43 |
DaemonFC | Going to the ER because you won't cough up $20 a month for health insurance is just stupid. | May 28 21:43 |
DaemonFC | Ten years ago, things were a little different. | May 28 21:44 |
DaemonFC | My health insurance at Walmart was so bad that I just told the doctor I had no insurance. | May 28 21:44 |
DaemonFC | It actually cost more to see the doctor if I used my insurance. | May 28 21:44 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, At least in the United States, doctors do the same thing that auto body mechanics do. | May 28 21:45 |
DaemonFC | If you take your car in to get a ding repaired, it's $300 out of pocket or $800 if it's an insurance job, for example. | May 28 21:45 |
DaemonFC | They know the insurance has to pay, so they can jack the price up. If you're paying out of pocket, you might decide that $800 for a ding is too much, and leave. So they knock the price down. | May 28 21:46 |
DaemonFC | Most people without health insurance don't go to the doctor for checkups and stuff because it's not something that absolutely has to be done. | May 28 21:47 |
DaemonFC | So the cash price might be $40, while the insurance price is $150, because insurance has to give you one "for free" every year because of Obamacare. | May 28 21:47 |
DaemonFC | Facebook has a thing where it copies wikipedia articles. | May 28 21:50 |
DaemonFC | It lists Richard Stallman as a "Business Person". | May 28 21:51 |
*Guest96631 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 28 21:57 | |
*jono__ ( has joined #techrights | May 28 21:58 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 22:00 | |
DaemonFC | 41 secs · | May 28 22:01 |
DaemonFC | The oil companies are essentially blackmailing us into accepting an unsafe pipeline which will probably leak millions of gallons of oil, by putting it in unsafe containers and hitching it to trains, which explode and level entire towns. I guess they figure that people will back down and let the pipeline get built when the oil companies have blown up enough cities. | May 28 22:01 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 22:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | After Safety Concerns Over Its Southern Leg, Keystone XL Is Getting New Regulations | ThinkProgress [ ] | May 28 22:01 | |
*ohama has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 22:01 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 28 22:04 | |
*ohama ( has joined #techrights | May 28 22:05 | |
DaemonFC | To: Richard Stallman ( | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | From: Me | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | Subject: Halfassing the Keystone XL pipeline. | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | The federal government is concerned that TransCanada will have the Keystone XL pipeline slapped together by unqualified workers. | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | On other TransCanada pipeline projects, in some cases, half their welds were coming apart and requiring entire segments of the pipeline to be re-welded. | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | The US State Department is insisting on appointing its own contractor to monitor Keystone XL's construction process, but this assumes that the private contractor chosen by the government will do their job, and that's far from certain given the results from most government contractors. | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | In the mean time, the oil companies are essentially blackmailing us into accepting an unsafe pipeline which will probably leak millions of gallons of oil, by putting it in unsafe containers and hitching it to trains, which explode and level entire towns. I guess they figure that people will back down and let the pipeline get built when the oil companies have blown up enough cities. | May 28 22:10 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, When I worked at Walmart, in the frozen food section, years ago, I always got a laugh at one of the frozen dinners I was stocking. | May 28 22:19 |
DaemonFC | "Freezer Queen" | May 28 22:19 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 22:19 |
DaemonFC | I unboxed some and shouted "Irony!!!!!!". | May 28 22:19 |
DaemonFC | Of course, the company making them had to shut down because of multiple food safety violations. | May 28 22:20 |
DaemonFC | It got so bad that even the US government wouldn't tolerate it, and fined them so much that they declared bankruptcy. | May 28 22:20 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 22:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Freezer Queen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 28 22:21 | |
DaemonFC | "Live cochroaches in the gravy tank!" | May 28 22:21 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Want some salisbury steak with GRAVY? | May 28 22:21 |
MinceR | :D | May 28 22:22 |
DaemonFC | I always thought those chewy bits were mushrooms.... | May 28 22:22 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 22:22 |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 28 22:24 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I used to eat crap like that all the time. | May 28 22:25 |
DaemonFC | :P | May 28 22:25 |
DaemonFC | I guess I lived. Cockroaches must not be so bad for you.... | May 28 22:26 |
MinceR | they're a protein source | May 28 22:27 |
MinceR | and they probably taste like chicken | May 28 22:27 |
DaemonFC | I'll have some freezer queen with extra cock..... | May 28 22:27 |
DaemonFC | roaches. | May 28 22:27 |
DaemonFC | :P | May 28 22:27 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 22:27 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to install a reverse osmosis system under my kitchen sink. | May 28 22:39 |
DaemonFC | I'm not sure the landlord would be thrilled about that though. :P | May 28 22:39 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 22:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Products: Advanced Under Sink Water Filtration System [ ] | May 28 22:40 | |
DaemonFC | I wonder how hard it would be to install one of these. | May 28 22:40 |
DaemonFC | wouldn't do anything about the fluoride, but it would get most of the nasty shit out of the water. | May 28 22:40 |
MinceR | i just use a filter pitcher | May 28 22:41 |
DaemonFC | I've been using the reverse osmosis system at Walmart or Kroger. | May 28 22:42 |
DaemonFC | 37 cents a gallon when you're refilling your own jugs. | May 28 22:42 |
DaemonFC | but the under-sink system would only cost a few pennies per gallon | May 28 22:42 |
DaemonFC | Our tap water tastes really bad, and it has tons of lime and sediment in it. | May 28 22:48 |
DaemonFC | I don't know if this would do the job. | May 28 22:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 28 22:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 22:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 28 22:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 28 22:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 22:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 28 22:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 28 22:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 22:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 28 22:48 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 22:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Britain does so much cocaine it’s now in the drinking water [ ] | May 28 22:49 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, Bring a straw! | May 28 22:49 |
MinceR | lol | May 28 22:50 |
DaemonFC | Hold on, I need to go powder my nose! | May 28 22:50 |
DaemonFC | And all this time, I thought that was a polite way of saying "I need to take a shit.". | May 28 22:50 |
DaemonFC | 17.4% of people 16-24 in the UK admitted to smoking pot. | May 28 22:52 |
DaemonFC | Nice.... | May 28 22:52 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I think most people have smoked it at least once. Whether they'll admit to it is another issue. | May 28 22:52 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | Bring a straw! LOL | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | It also says that 17.4% of 16-24 year olds in the UK smoke pot. I think almost everyone has smoked it at least once. Whether they'll admit to it or not is, of course, another issue entirely. The truth is that pot is basically harmless and it's not a "gateway drug". Rather, the laws in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom force drug dealers to get more innovative, shifting to untested drugs that don't have a track record of | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | safety, to stay one step ahead of the law. | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | So, the law has put people on a path to using dangerous drugs to avoid going to prison. | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | That's why you have so many people smoking that "spice" crap, that constantly changes formulation, and nobody really knows what's in it. | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | The only way marijuana will destroy your whole life is if the police catch you with it, and I believe everyone knows that. Some people just choose to be stupid. | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | Also, they drug test everyone now thanks to Reagan-era policies. Why does the guy that cleans the toilets at Walmart have to pee in a cup? It seems to me that if you have that job, you'd need some marijuana to get through your day. | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | Have you seen a bathroom at Walmart lately? It usually looks like someone went in there and aimed a diarrhea cannon at the walls and then threw toilet paper everywhere. Yeah, I think you'd have to do something to get through your day if you're cleaning that up for $8 an hour..... | May 28 22:59 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 28 23:12 |
DaemonFC | "Skin in the game".... OK. Let's skin Governor Pence, and throw that into the game. | May 28 23:12 |
DaemonFC | Reminds me of Bill Hicks: | May 28 23:12 |
DaemonFC | "There ain’t no f—deficit, it’s a f—lie and it’s a f—illusion in the first place.” | May 28 23:12 |
DaemonFC | “Well, your leaders misspent your hard-earned tax dollars, so you the people, now have to tighten your belts.” | May 28 23:12 |
DaemonFC | "Know what would make tightening my belt a little easier? If I could tighten it around Jesse Helms' scrawny little chicken-neck." | May 28 23:12 |
DaemonFC | (Just replace Helms with "Pence"....) | May 28 23:12 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 28 23:19 |
DaemonFC | "I'm so sick of hearing about the deficit that I could puke blood!" -Bill Hicks | May 28 23:19 |
DaemonFC | "Since FY1960, the federal government has run on-budget deficits except for FY1999 and FY2000, and total federal deficits except in FY1969 and FY1998–FY2001." Wikipedia | May 28 23:19 |
DaemonFC | I don't know.... It sounds pretty sustainable to me... | May 28 23:19 |
DaemonFC | Five years of small surpluses (four of those under Bill Clinton), and 49 years of rather large deficits, in the last 54 budget years.... | May 28 23:19 |
DaemonFC | Sounds to me like this might not be a problem that needs to be resolved in the next month...... | May 28 23:19 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 23:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | National debt of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 28 23:19 | |
DaemonFC | Being *the* reserve currency of the world gives us additional tools at our disposal.... | May 28 23:22 |
DaemonFC | As long as the Euro is doing worse and you can't freely buy Chinese assets with Chinese currency, we're not under any sort of serious threat there. | May 28 23:23 |
DaemonFC | China is injecting a lot of money into its own economy, and a lot of it isn't really even a sound investment. | May 28 23:24 |
DaemonFC | It even limits what its own citizens are allowed to buy. | May 28 23:24 |
DaemonFC | Their leaders have decided that it's more important to keep everyone employed than it is to get a return on the work that they're doing. | May 28 23:25 |
DaemonFC | Empty cities, the fake lake that turned into a giant sandpit.... | May 28 23:25 |
DaemonFC | Something is going to have to replace their coal fired power plants. | May 28 23:26 |
MinceR | gn | May 28 23:42 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 28 23:54 | |
*jono__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 28 23:55 | |
*jono__ ( has joined #techrights | May 28 23:57 | |
*jono__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 28 23:59 | |
*jono__ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 00:02 | |
*jono__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 29 00:04 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 00:06 | |
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 29 00:06 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 29 00:12 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 29 00:13 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 00:13 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 29 00:36 | |
DaemonFC | | May 29 01:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Some Maniac Ordered A $54 Drink at Starbucks [ ] | May 29 01:05 | |
DaemonFC | Well, it did say "free drink".... | May 29 01:05 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 01:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This Town Built a Memorial to the Wrong Guy | Vocativ [ ] | May 29 01:08 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 29 01:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Git v2.0.0: Released | May 29 01:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 01:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Git v2.0.0: Released | Tux Machines | May 29 01:34 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 01:35 | |
DaemonFC | | May 29 01:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is the Future of Condoms Literally Just the Tip? | May 29 01:37 | |
DaemonFC | I wonder how many day's you'll spend trying to peel it off. | May 29 01:37 |
DaemonFC | days | May 29 01:42 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Gizmodo. | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | 10 minutes ago · Edited | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | I wonder how many days you'll spend trying to peel this thing off if the adhesive is so good that you can apply the base 3-4 days before you actually do anything..... | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | LOL! It'll probably be like one of those bandages that leaves dirt and lint and stuff all over you. | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | "What are you doing?" | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | Oh, I'm in the shower with a brillo pad. Don't ask..... | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 02:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | May 29 02:17 | |
DaemonFC | The gas deal is not going to be the end of the US dollar as a reserve currency. | May 29 02:17 |
DaemonFC | It's not like these direct trade deals never happen. | May 29 02:17 |
DaemonFC | Russia can't really be trusted, and neither can China. Russia probably has the upper hand here. | May 29 02:19 |
DaemonFC | They would not benefit from the US economy being weaker. | May 29 02:20 |
DaemonFC | The article is full of it. | May 29 02:20 |
DaemonFC | Why would they want trillions of dollars worth of treasury bills that they own to become worthless? | May 29 02:20 |
DaemonFC | To say nothing of their investments here... | May 29 02:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | 64-bit server production software deployment | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM 64-bit server production software deployment | Tux Machines | May 29 02:51 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | Tux Machines | May 29 02:51 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.2 Adds Support or | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | Photos and Maps | May 29 02:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.2 Adds Support or Photos and Maps | Tux Machines | May 29 02:51 | |
XFaCE | hi schestowitz | May 29 02:58 |
XFaCE | any news regarding this very sketchy and vague truecrypt situation? | May 29 02:59 |
XFaCE | besides "I told you so"? ;) | May 29 02:59 |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: ? MinceR ? cubezzz ? | May 29 02:59 |
DaemonFC | huh? | May 29 03:02 |
XFaCE | | May 29 03:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TrueCrypt Page Says It's Not Secure, All Development Stopped | Techdirt [ ] | May 29 03:02 | |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: now recommending bitlocker for windows | May 29 03:03 |
XFaCE | very odd | May 29 03:03 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 03:04 |
DaemonFC | Proprietary encryption from Microsoft that was designed in partnership with the NSA.... | May 29 03:04 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | May 29 03:32 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 03:35 | |
DaemonFC | | May 29 04:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Remarkable Numbers Released: Water Use in the US Has Dropped Per Person by 30 Percent Since 1975 | Alternet [ ] | May 29 04:29 | |
DaemonFC | Switching from 3 GPF toilets to ones that take 1.2-1.5 GPF probably helped out a lot. | May 29 04:29 |
DaemonFC | Of course, those also caused some problems. The sewage is more concentrated than the old sewage systems were designed to handle. Some cities decided to start pouring chlorine bleach into their sewage systems as a way to put off upgrades. | May 29 04:30 |
DaemonFC | I was reading a right-wing blog, just because I like to get both sides of the story, even the ludicrous, paranoid, evil side of the story. | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | The topic was gay marriage. One guy chimed in and said that most of the gay men that he knew were "very promiscuous and haven't been in a relationship that lasted more than a couple of years. Well, that's anecdotal, and there are certainly plenty of people like that, but we have to suspend our disbelief in order to buy into that line of thinking. I also know a lot of straight men and women who are very promiscuous and haven't been in a relat | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | ionship for more than a couple of years. Does my anecdotal evidence suggest that we should start banning straight marriage? | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | When do I get to vote on straight marriage? Not that I would vote to ban it, because rights shouldn't be up for a vote. Unfortunately, when we're talking about a very hated minority*, they often are.... But, I'm just saying. Fair's fair right? | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | *(Most Americans would not vote for an openly gay presidential candidate. The only people they dislike more seems to be atheists....) | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | So, other than anecdotal evidence, we have statistical evidence that is pretty damning to straight marriage. More than 70% of all new straight marriages end in divorce within 10 years. They *admit* that about half of their pregnancies were unintentional and not planned for. (How does a straight person not use a condom or the pill and then say "Gee, I don't know where they're coming from! It's the miracle of life! I work at McDonalds and he's | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | in prison! LOL!".) | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | Is this sanctity of marriage? Sounds pretty iffy and made up to me. Like the whole thing is just..... a piece of paper and some government benefits. It's almost like these straight people are trying to....GAME THE SYSTEM! Oh, we can't have that. Oh no, sir. That just won't do! Pass the ballot! | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | All sarcasm aside, people are people. I figure that about the same percentage of gay couples will divorce (as has been the case so far!). | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. | May 29 04:43 |
DaemonFC | Of course, promiscuity only seems to matter there if you're a woman. Sorry women! Guys are high-fiving each other about it, and women are "like used chewing gum". Doesn't seem right to me... | May 29 04:46 |
DaemonFC | Of course I'm not gum. Women aren't gum. Men aren't gum. People are not gum. They are people. | May 29 04:48 |
cubezzz | I don't trust Microsoft Bitlocker | May 29 05:19 |
cubezzz | that goes without saying | May 29 05:19 |
cubezzz | but I don't encrypt stuff | May 29 05:19 |
cubezzz | if something is uber important it's on a computer not connected to anything | May 29 05:20 |
DaemonFC | So that they can bust in with guns and take it. | May 29 05:34 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 29 05:34 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 05:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Job Listing: '$40K a Year to Attend Harvard University as Me' - Eleanor Barkhorn - The Atlantic [ ] | May 29 05:36 | |
DaemonFC | Poor people have trouble going to college at all. | May 29 05:37 |
DaemonFC | Rich people can simply pay an impostor to go to college for them. | May 29 05:37 |
cubezzz | that's always been the case | May 29 05:40 |
cubezzz | rich people can also pay for multiple expert tutors :) | May 29 05:40 |
cubezzz | and fancy cars too! | May 29 05:41 |
cubezzz | and elocution lessons, and high quality china | May 29 05:42 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 06:26 | |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: cubezzz I have some komedy | May 29 06:46 |
XFaCE | I, for one, agree with the TrueCrypt authors. Using it for FDE was just deluding yourself. Better options exist now. #evilmaid #tpm | May 29 06:46 |
XFaCE | Dan Guido @dguido 2h | May 29 06:46 |
XFaCE | I, for one, agree with the TrueCrypt authors. Using it for FDE was just deluding yourself. Better options exist now. #evilmaid #tpm | May 29 06:46 |
XFaCE | 2 4 | May 29 06:46 |
XFaCE | and | May 29 06:47 |
XFaCE | @dguido: People, seriously. Your blind deference to FDE software with known weaknesses is appalling. TrueCrypt was never safe. #evilmaid #tpm | May 29 06:47 |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: obviously, because the TPM is 100% unstoppable | May 29 06:48 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 06:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Woman posts about ‘Happy’ song on Facebook seconds before fatal Business 85 crash | - News, Weather, Sports and more from WGHP Fox 8 Television [ ] | May 29 06:53 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 06:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly | May 29 07:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu Cloud Tool | May 29 07:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 07:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly Ubuntu Cloud Tool | Tux Machines | May 29 07:34 | |
*cubezzz has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 29 07:40 | |
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*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 09:24 | |
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*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 29 09:24 | |
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*Now talking on #techrights | May 29 09:56 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 29 09:56 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | May 29 09:56 | |
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz. | May 29 09:56 | |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 09:57 | |
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*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 29 09:57 | |
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*cubezzz ( has joined #techrights | May 29 11:03 | |
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MinceR_ | geekings | May 29 11:13 |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | May 29 11:14 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | May 29 11:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kali, Fedora, and Handy Linuxes | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines An Everyday Linux User Review of Makulu Linux 6 | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | - Imperium Edition | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | LTS Dependency Problems | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali, Fedora, and Handy Linuxes | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | LTS Dependency Problems | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the | May 29 11:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unified Patent | May 29 11:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | An Everyday Linux User Review of Makulu Linux 6 - Imperium Edition | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Dependency Problems | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Chrome 37 Dev Finally Fixes Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Dependency Problems | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Something Rotten in the State of...Europe: the Unified Patent | Tux Machines | May 29 11:15 | |
*cubezzz ( has joined #techrights | May 29 11:24 | |
*cubelog ( has joined #techrights | May 29 11:24 | |
*cubezzz has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 29 11:54 | |
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*cubezzz is now known as cubexyz | May 29 11:54 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 29 12:05 | |
MinceR | | May 29 15:01 |
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 29 15:18 | |
*brendyn has quit (*.net *.split) | May 29 15:38 | |
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*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 15:46 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 29 16:01 | |
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 29 16:01 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 16:01 | |
MinceR | | May 29 16:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kerry Tells Snowden to "Man Up" and Come Home | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren [ ] | May 29 16:18 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | May 29 16:53 | |
*liberty_back ( has joined #techrights | May 29 17:09 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM | May 29 17:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support | May 29 17:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 17:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM Support | Tux Machines | May 29 17:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Initiative Announces New Backers, First | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Projects to Receive Support... | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative Announces New Backers, First Projects to Receive Support and Advisory Board Members | Tux Machines | May 29 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source AMD | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Drivers | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source AMD Drivers | Tux Machines | May 29 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download and Looks Amazing | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for Download and Looks Amazing | Tux Machines | May 29 18:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kallos Seeks Overhaul Through Open Source | May 29 18:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 18:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 18:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kallos Seeks Overhaul Through Open Source | Tux Machines | May 29 18:03 | |
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 29 18:03 | |
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:06 | |
*siel has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 29 18:06 | |
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*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:41 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 29 19:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Games to Use Wine, | May 29 19:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | but That's a Good Thing | May 29 19:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ ) | May 29 19:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | May 29 19:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 19:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Games to Use Wine, but That's a Good Thing | Tux Machines | May 29 19:38 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | Tux Machines | May 29 19:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with | May 29 20:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Older AMD and Intel CPUs | May 29 20:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tiniest Linux COM yet? | May 29 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD | May 29 20:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with Older AMD and Intel CPUs | Tux Machines | May 29 20:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Experience | May 29 20:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiniest Linux COM yet? | Tux Machines | May 29 20:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD Experience | Tux Machines | May 29 20:13 | |
*nj3ma is now known as nj3maZzz | May 29 20:29 | |
Sosumi | someone did the testing finally | May 29 20:57 |
Sosumi | | May 29 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | rMBP throttling and overheating - MacRumors Forums [ ] | May 29 20:57 | |
Sosumi | it isn’t just the rMBP, the older unibody macbooks do exactly the same | May 29 20:58 |
Sosumi | probably the heat dissipation issues with the macbooks is what causing the amd gpu failures on the 2011 models | May 29 20:59 |
*ohama has quit (Disconnected by services) | May 29 20:59 | |
Sosumi | that crapple is yet to aknowledge and issue a replacement program | May 29 20:59 |
*ohama ( has joined #techrights | May 29 20:59 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 29 22:13 | |
sebsebseb | hi | May 29 22:13 |
sebsebseb | jono: so your leaving Canonical today? Will you still hang out here or not I wonder after that | May 29 22:14 |
jono | sebsebseb, I will still be here | May 29 22:15 |
sebsebseb | ok :) | May 29 22:16 |
sebsebseb | jono: I knew before going away that I Would miss your last Q&A since Iceland | May 29 22:16 |
sebsebseb | got back today | May 29 22:16 |
jono | sebsebseb, :-) | May 29 22:18 |
sebsebseb | yeah was nice getting away :) | May 29 22:18 |
sebsebseb | jono: why you giing up on the Q&A or do you just think whoever is the community manager at the time, if there is one, should do that kind of thing? | May 29 22:19 |
sebsebseb | by the way probably goin to be easier your new job with your baby | May 29 22:19 |
sebsebseb | much less travel expected from you I assume | May 29 22:19 |
jono | sebsebseb, I think my replacement should do it | May 29 22:20 |
jono | they will have more info than I | May 29 22:20 |
jono | should be about the same in terms of the baby :-) | May 29 22:21 |
sebsebseb | jono: heh heh you will maybe visit the new Q&A ? | May 29 22:21 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 29 22:57 | |
MinceR | gn | May 29 23:08 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 29 23:18 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 23:26 | |
DaemonFC | 9 mins · Edited · | May 30 00:41 |
DaemonFC | Well, at least Huntington doesn't have to worry about water profitization soon. | May 30 00:41 |
DaemonFC | The city tried selling our water system to Aqua Indiana, a for-profit private water company, and the same company that is gouging Fort Wayne and letting the system go to hell, while the city is desperately trying to buy back its own water system. A couple of years ago, the water pressure in Fort Wayne got so low that people were turning on their taps and finding that no water actually came out. | May 30 00:41 |
DaemonFC | Huntington's water system is in need of millions of dollars worth of upgrades. A lot of it dates back to the 60s and 70s. Aqua Indiana said that if the city wanted them to buy it, then the city (taxpayers) would have to pay to bring the system up to modern standards first. | May 30 00:41 |
DaemonFC | So, we have them demanding socialized losses and privatized profits. | May 30 00:41 |
DaemonFC | Only an idiot, and there are plenty of them, could think that you can take something that the government was running at cost, give it to a company whose goal is to make money to pay their CEO, investors, etc., and that this system will be more efficient. | May 30 00:41 |
DaemonFC | I'm sure they'll get it from us at some point. The Republicans will probably sell municipal bonds to upgrade the system, load us down with debt, and then sell the upgraded system really cheaply to Aqua.... | May 30 00:41 |
DaemonFC | Once the system is all fixed up, they'll sign a 30-40 year contract to manage it, let it go to hell, and then once it's all messed up again, the public gets it back, fixes it, and the whole cycle can start all over. | May 30 00:42 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 30 00:47 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 00:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Willis Tower's 103rd Floor Glass Skydeck Cracked Last Night | May 30 00:47 | |
DaemonFC | They must have made the skydeck out of iPhone glass. :P | May 30 00:47 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 01:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RetailWire Discussion: Does Self-Checkout Cause Theft? [ ] | May 30 01:06 | |
DaemonFC | Well, a couple of years ago, I was checking my receipt on the way out to the car and found that the cashier didn't ring up two giant bags of cat food for Jabba, that I told her needed to be scanned. | May 30 01:07 |
DaemonFC | I thought about going back in and trying to pay for them, but then two thoughts ran across my mind. | May 30 01:07 |
DaemonFC | 1. It's Walmart. They cheat their employees and their suppliers all the time. They pay their executives extra millions of dollars for finding new ways to make their workers suffer. They even use creative accounting to make sure they get more bonus money every year, even when sales are down and they're cutting employee hours. | May 30 01:08 |
DaemonFC | 2. I had recently read about a woman doing something similar and trying to go back in to pay, and Walmart had her arrested. | May 30 01:09 |
DaemonFC | So, there's no point. If they forget to ring something up, just figure it as a freebie. You're going to get punished if you try to do the right thing, and it's not like you're dealing with a company that's on the up and up. :P | May 30 01:10 |
DaemonFC | I'm sure there are people who deliberately abuse the self-checkout system in order to steal. It's not like the cashier is going to notice every little thing you do when there's eight other customers trying to use the other machines, which are all constantly bitching at you and telling you to wait for assistance. | May 30 01:11 |
DaemonFC | While the line wraps around the jewelry section. | May 30 01:11 |
DaemonFC | There's one of the reasons I won't shop much at Walmart anymore. I had frozen food in my cart one night, and it took me over 30 minutes to check out. | May 30 01:11 |
DaemonFC | I've never had to wait more than 4-5 minutes at Aldi. | May 30 01:12 |
DaemonFC | I go there sometimes just to cash in some high value coupons when I get them, just because they're a few blocks from my house and I'm bored... | May 30 01:13 |
DaemonFC | That's about it. | May 30 01:13 |
DaemonFC | Walmart has to know that some theft goes on because of that. | May 30 01:17 |
DaemonFC | They probably figure that it's still cheaper than paying seven more cashiers to be on hand, so it tolerates it. | May 30 01:17 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, They're remaking Stargate. | May 30 01:19 |
DaemonFC | I don't think they'll find a better Ra than Jaye Davidson though.... | May 30 01:20 |
DaemonFC | It looks like part of Governor Pence's plan for the HIP expansion is a premium support system for people who have health insurance available through their employer but can't afford to buy it. | May 30 01:21 |
DaemonFC | Walmart deliberately keeps the premiums high because it doesn't want employees on their health insurance plan. | May 30 01:22 |
DaemonFC | They'll probably respond by cutting even more hours so they don't have to even offer it in the first place. | May 30 01:22 |
DaemonFC | Then there will be even more people on HIP Plus, and the costs will be far greater than this administration even wants to admit. | May 30 01:24 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 01:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: Indiana Governor Mike Pence (R) creates the beginnings of a massive profitized entitlement program using Medicaid funds, which will also destroy incomes and hurt the people it supposedly helps. [ ] | May 30 01:49 | |
DaemonFC | | May 30 02:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to buy Clippers for $2B [ ] | May 30 02:02 | |
*Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | May 30 02:30 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | May 30 02:32 | |
*Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | May 30 02:32 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 30 02:43 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 30 02:55 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #techrights | May 30 02:56 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 30 02:56 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 30 02:56 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 30 02:56 | |
msb__ | Someone once told me that someone told them that the Willis (Sears) Tower has explosives built into it for end-of-life demolition, just like WTC1 and 2 did. | May 30 03:01 |
msb__ | So if it blows up and the US govt blames Iran or Russia or China, etc., don't believe it. | May 30 03:02 |
msb__ | I know that double hearsay isn't proof, but keep it in mind anyhow. | May 30 03:05 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Indiana Progressive Liberals. | May 30 03:37 |
DaemonFC | 3 minutes ago · Edited | May 30 03:37 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 03:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Gov. Mike Pence moving to the center amid talk of presidential run? [ ] | May 30 03:37 | |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't vote for Mike Pence for Dog Catcher! I voted for John Gregg. A 2016 presidential run would get Governor Pence out of Indiana, at the cost of making him a problem for the other 49 states as well. Ugh... | May 30 03:37 |
DaemonFC | It helps Governor Pence to stay away from the gay marriage ban amendment, because Indiana doesn't involve the governor in the amendment process at all. | May 30 03:41 |
DaemonFC | It has to be passed three times in a row between three different sessions of the legislature, and then it goes before the public for an up or down vote during the next election. | May 30 03:41 |
DaemonFC | Some people were angry when I told them that I voted against the property tax caps back in 2006. | May 30 03:42 |
DaemonFC | The caps passed, but then what happened was exactly what I said would happen all along. | May 30 03:42 |
DaemonFC | The gas tax went up, the sales tax went up, local governments started finding more fees that they could assess (everyone in Huntington County pays a new $10 a month trash renewal fee, for example). | May 30 03:43 |
DaemonFC | So they're getting as much money as they were before, but the burden was shifted from people who are wealthy enough to own property (especially high value property) to people who are poor and own nothing. | May 30 03:43 |
DaemonFC | And that was the whole point all along. The rich were pissed because they were having to pay property taxes so that poor people could send their children to good public schools. | May 30 03:44 |
DaemonFC | And they were good schools years ago, compared with what they are now. | May 30 03:44 |
DaemonFC | They're an underfunded catch-all system for (mostly black) students that can't get charter school waivers. | May 30 03:45 |
DaemonFC | So, they're being left to fail. 77% of Indianapolis public school students are now so poor that they qualify for the federal "Free school lunch" program. | May 30 03:45 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 03:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More disabled workers paid just pennies an hour - NBC News [ ] | May 30 03:59 | |
DaemonFC | "Work Incentives" | May 30 03:59 |
DaemonFC | msb__, "Get yourself a better life through work!" | May 30 03:59 |
msb__ | "Arbeit Macht Frei" | May 30 04:01 |
DaemonFC | huh? | May 30 04:02 |
DaemonFC | What? 4 cents an hour isn't motivating you? | May 30 04:02 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 30 04:02 |
DaemonFC | According to the article, over 220,000 people with some sort of disabling condition are "eligible" to be paid less than the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. | May 30 04:04 |
DaemonFC | That's a pretty good army of slave labor, but I think the prison one is much much larger. | May 30 04:04 |
DaemonFC | Of course, it's probably harder to get prisoners to staff your stores. | May 30 04:04 |
DaemonFC | Every six months, Goodwill apparently busts out a stop watch and sees how long it takes a person to do a task compared with "a person without disabilities", and then they use that to decide how much less than minimum wage they can pay. | May 30 04:05 |
DaemonFC | Of course, they're usually dealing with people with low IQ or something, so a person with an IQ of 80 is probably not going to notice if they add some time it took to the official papers. | May 30 04:06 |
DaemonFC | Then they can pay them $3-4 an hour and get the same amount of work as someone who makes $7.25 | May 30 04:06 |
DaemonFC | So, I'm sure that the employers using the program are defrauding the workers out of their wages. | May 30 04:06 |
DaemonFC | I'll even bet that the government never audits them. | May 30 04:07 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | May 30 04:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 30 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 30 05:07 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 30 05:07 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 30 05:07 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 06:03 | |
*nj3maZzz is now known as nj3ma | May 30 07:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 30 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 07:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 30 07:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, | May 30 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Ubuntu Surface | May 30 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 07:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, and Ubuntu Surface | Tux Machines | May 30 07:45 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 08:00 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, and Ubuntu...' | May 30 08:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Foundation flings two full-time | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | developers at OpenSSL | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Yields Comparable Performance | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation flings two full-time developers at OpenSSL | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang Yields Comparable Performance | Tux Machines | May 30 08:59 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 30 08:59 | |
MinceR | geekings | May 30 09:09 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 09:13 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 09:22 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 09:23 | |
DaemonFC | Someone asked if I was OK with them smoking pot. | May 30 09:47 |
DaemonFC | I said "As long as the cops aren't going to beat down the door, I'm fine with that." lol | May 30 09:47 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, It helps to be white. | May 30 09:48 |
DaemonFC | White and black people smoke pot at about the same rate, but eight times as many black people get arrested for it, and they get longer prison sentences. | May 30 09:48 |
DaemonFC | Now tell me that's not racist. :) | May 30 09:48 |
DaemonFC | If you look at white people that get arrested for pot, it was probably because they were doing something else and they just happened to have pot on them, so the cops have to get them for that too. | May 30 09:49 |
MinceR | :> | May 30 09:52 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 11:15 |
DaemonFC | LOL | May 30 11:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the iCloud "Hack" Holds iOS Devices Hostage [ ] | May 30 11:15 | |
*brendyyn is now known as brendyn | May 30 11:41 | |
DaemonFC | | May 30 11:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | House Blocks DEA From Targeting Medical Marijuana [ ] | May 30 11:42 | |
Sosumi | don’t forget also to add | May 30 11:43 |
DaemonFC | "the House amendment would have to survive a joint conference before it could go into effect" | May 30 11:43 |
DaemonFC | :D | May 30 11:43 |
MinceR | :D | May 30 11:43 |
Sosumi | that crapple doesn’t have 2 step authentication available in all countries that it sells highPhones | May 30 11:43 |
Sosumi | even M$, google and twitter have two step authentication | May 30 11:44 |
Sosumi | available in portugal | May 30 11:44 |
Sosumi | but not crapple | May 30 11:44 |
Sosumi | even blizzard has it on their battle net platform | May 30 11:45 |
*cubexyz has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 30 12:57 | |
*cubexyz ( has joined #techrights | May 30 13:46 | |
*cubexyz has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 30 13:55 | |
*cubexyz ( has joined #techrights | May 30 13:55 | |
*_Goblin (~Goblin@ has joined #techrights | May 30 14:47 | |
msb__ | Since there is a Kali Linux, and since many people know of the Goddess Kali only from a very racist and distorted line in Gunga Din, here is an accurate article about her: | May 30 14:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali, Goddess Kali, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Ma Kali - [ ] | May 30 14:47 | |
*_Goblin has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 14:48 | |
msb__ | Greatly corrected my own ignorance. | May 30 14:48 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 14:52 | |
msb__ | Here's more. Wow, this is a complicated religion! | May 30 15:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 30 15:00 | |
MinceR | | May 30 15:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 30 15:04 | |
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 30 15:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | May 30 16:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 16:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | Tux Machines | May 30 16:51 | |
abeNd-org | so, truecrypt? | May 30 16:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox to Green Light Voice and Video Features | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | Via WebRTC | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox to Green Light Voice and Video Features Via WebRTC | Tux Machines | May 30 17:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unity? | May 30 17:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu Unity? | Tux Machines | May 30 17:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New platform to evaluate open source software | May 30 17:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 17:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New platform to evaluate open source software | Tux Machines | May 30 17:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linaro forms digital media group | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 30 18:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 18:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linaro forms digital media group | Tux Machines | May 30 18:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | Tux Machines | May 30 18:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 30 18:24 | |
Sosumi | | May 30 18:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is now irrelevant to computing, and they want you to know it - SemiAccurate [ ] | May 30 18:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Synology DS414j review – the future of NAS? | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kano review – doing it for the kids | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 19:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 19:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for Download | Tux Machines | May 30 19:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Synology DS414j review – the future of NAS? | Tux Machines | May 30 19:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kano review – doing it for the kids | Tux Machines | May 30 19:02 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 19:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@temporaryhuman: do infosecsies buy it? MT @schestowitz #truecrypt can now be real FOSS, not openwashed proprietary with #patriotact | May 30 19:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to Switzerland | May 30 19:43 | |
*Omega has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 30 20:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Airplane Mode | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Switzerland | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for Airplane Mode | Tux Machines | May 30 20:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node Raspberry Pi | May 30 20:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Supercomputer | May 30 20:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to Switzerland | Tux Machines | May 30 20:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node Raspberry Pi Supercomputer | Tux Machines | May 30 20:23 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #redhat vilified in corporate press in recent days | May 30 20:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Red Hat Plays Dirty To Lock Its Customers In - So Much For Caring-Sharing Open Source - Forbes [ ] | May 30 20:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Red Hat’s vision for OpenStack could lead to a new era of vendor lock-in | SiliconANGLE [ ] | May 30 20:31 | |
schestowitz | "The reason for Dell being jerks about it was, I suspect, their contractual obligations to RH. Again: I don't have proof. But it sure as hell smells that way. It's virtually exactly the sort of behavior we've seen from ISVs and hardware vendors in the instance of Microsoft preloads. The other instances, including RHN, stand on their own." | May 30 20:31 |
schestowitz | Dell also has deals with SUSE, Canonical, etc. | May 30 20:31 |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ **Wundert uns das? Nein, das wundert uns nicht ...** **Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch** -  [gesehen bei @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}] #privacy # | May 30 20:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch [ ] | May 30 20:34 | |
schestowitz | "Wundert uns das? Nein, das wundert uns nicht ... Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch - [gesehen bei <a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a>]<br> #privacy # | May 30 20:34 |
schestowitz | bigbrotherwatch #stopwatchingus" | May 30 20:34 |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@garrett_wollman: @schestowitz @swills Author of this piece clearly has forgotten Hanlon's Razor. | May 30 20:46 | |
*ThistleWeb ( has joined #techrights | May 30 21:03 | |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Changing host) | May 30 21:03 | |
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrights | May 30 21:03 | |
*ohama has quit (Quit: leaving) | May 30 21:03 | |
*ohama ( has joined #techrights | May 30 21:04 | |
*Omega ( has joined #techrights | May 30 21:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | Tux Machines | May 30 21:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Unity Control Center for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Unity Control Center for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Review | Tux Machines | May 30 21:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines June 2014 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | released | May 30 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | June 2014 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine released | Tux Machines | May 30 21:46 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 22:27 | |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 30 22:28 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 30 22:45 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 30 23:19 | |
sebsebseb | hi | May 30 23:19 |
MinceR | hay | May 30 23:20 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 23:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Polish brother and sister kill their Alzheimer's-afflicted mother during EXORCISM | Mail Online [ ] | May 30 23:33 | |
DaemonFC | All I can say is that I'm glad this didn't happen in the United States for once.... | May 30 23:33 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 23:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The House Votes to Stop Medical Marijuana Busts by the Feds [ ] | May 30 23:34 | |
DaemonFC | | May 30 23:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon earnings: How Jeff Bezos gets investors to believe in him. [ ] | May 30 23:54 | |
DaemonFC | That's how Amazon got so big. It didn't worry about making much money until it was huge and there wasn't anyone that could compete with their scale. | May 30 23:55 |
DaemonFC | Then they let customer service got to hell. | May 30 23:55 |
DaemonFC | *go to | May 30 23:55 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I think Hershey's screwed up and sent all their winning chocolate bars to Walmart. | May 31 00:00 |
DaemonFC | After noticing that 3 free chocolate bar codes in a row were bought at Walmart, I went back and bought two entire boxes, and they all won free chocolate bars. So I went back and redeemed those, and then I tore the free ones open and got more coupons. | May 31 00:01 |
DaemonFC | I have like a hundred chocolate bars in ziploc bags now. | May 31 00:01 |
MinceR | :> | May 31 00:01 |
DaemonFC | I think I'll just start passing them out to the neighbors and stuff. :P | May 31 00:01 |
MinceR | it would be better if they were milka or cadbury :> | May 31 00:01 |
*sebsebseb has quite a lot of nice SWedish chocolate back with him from Iceland :) | May 31 00:19 | |
sebsebseb | in fact those chocolte biscutes I had earlier, not sure if I had that or not before | May 31 00:19 |
sebsebseb | shame Ikea got rid of the good stuff like that around here, unless it's back hmm | May 31 00:19 |
*nj3ma is now known as nj3maZzz | May 31 00:47 | |
DaemonFC | | May 31 01:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Diets Make You Fatter—The Three Little Words that Really Help You Lose Weight | Alternet [ ] | May 31 01:19 | |
DaemonFC | "The ideal for healthy eating in the UK is called the eatwell plate. Or as I refer to it, the eat badly plate. You may have seen it on the walls of schools and surgeries, but have you actually looked at it? Chocolate, sweets, biscuits, cake, cereal, baked beans, flavoured yoghurts and even a can of cola. And we wonder why we have an epidemic of type 2 diabetes." | May 31 01:19 |
DaemonFC | LOL! | May 31 01:19 |
msb__ | If you want to download it: | May 31 01:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds Reads Your Mean Tweets - YouTube [ ] | May 31 01:31 | |
MinceR | gn | May 31 01:34 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 31 01:38 | |
DaemonFC | | May 31 01:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heaven is NOT For Real - YouTube [ ] | May 31 01:51 | |
DaemonFC | I really like their Mystery Science Theater 3000-style approach to roasting Christians. | May 31 01:51 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 31 01:53 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago | May 31 01:53 |
DaemonFC | I'm so sick of people asking me to like these movies. I call them "Christian Exploitation Films". | May 31 01:53 |
DaemonFC | I have some favorite bible stories. Like, the book of Genesis. You know, the one where Adam and Eve are the only two people on the planet, they have two sons. Cain kills Abel, and then wanders off to a village..... Like, excuse me? Did I miss a couple of pages? Where did this village come from? | May 31 01:53 |
DaemonFC | Of course, the entire book is just stupid. Like, how they totally plagiarized the epic of Gilgamesh to create the story of Noah and the flood. | May 31 01:53 |
DaemonFC | Or how you can sell your daughter for a goat.... And how you're supposed to kill a woman who isn't a virgin on her wedding night.... And how you're obligated to impregnate your brother's widow.... | May 31 01:53 |
DaemonFC | And, well, other stuff... Some of it is pretty out there. It's certainly no way to run a society. I agree with Richard Dawkins, that everyone should have to read the bible. If everyone read it, they'd quickly start finding out all sorts of horrible things about it, and a lot of "WTF!?" moments along the way. | May 31 01:53 |
DaemonFC | | May 31 02:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Teenager Killed His Parents Because They Took His iPod Away [ ] | May 31 02:52 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 31 03:46 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 31 04:07 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 31 04:39 | |
*cubexyz has quit (*.net *.split) | May 31 04:49 | |
*liberty_back has quit (*.net *.split) | May 31 04:49 | |
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split) | May 31 04:49 | |
*TakinOver has quit (*.net *.split) | May 31 04:49 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | May 31 04:49 | |
*liberty_back ( has joined #techrights | May 31 04:49 | |
*cubexyz ( has joined #techrights | May 31 04:50 | |
DaemonFC | | May 31 04:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Impress Your Friends With Your Ability to Explain Obama's New Climate Plan | Mother Jones [ ] | May 31 04:54 | |
*TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | May 31 04:55 | |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 31 05:28 |
DaemonFC | Republican Christians: Argue that the world is 5,000 years old, while digging up and burning the remains of trees (coal) from the Carboniferous Period (358 million years ago). | May 31 05:28 |
schestowitz | | May 31 05:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@rbsfou: @schestowitz shame their social media is deafeningly silent...As a self-defined 'massive nerd' @MartinStewITV a story about software costs? | May 31 05:52 | |
msb__ | Lots of choice gruesomes from the bibble here: | May 31 06:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Evil Bible Home Page | May 31 06:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The five most popular end-user Linux | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | distributions | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Deep in-to Linux, Torvalds Tweets, and Top | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Distros | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The five most popular end-user Linux distributions | Tux Machines | May 31 06:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ARM CoreSight Work Resurrected For The Linux | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Kernel | May 31 06:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 06:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deep in-to Linux, Torvalds Tweets, and Top Distros | Tux Machines | May 31 06:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ARM CoreSight Work Resurrected For The Linux Kernel | Tux Machines | May 31 06:57 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Marie Curie: Open source pioneer sharing rather than hoarding | May 31 07:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Marie Curie: Open source pioneer - Boing Boing [ ] | May 31 07:22 | |
schestowitz | "oh boy" | May 31 07:22 |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #ciapost says Britain does so much #cocaine it’s now in the drinking water #uk | May 31 07:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Britain does so much cocaine it’s now in the drinking water [ ] | May 31 07:23 | |
schestowitz | "that's was it is!" | May 31 07:23 |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the holes...  #strange #round #holes #unexplained | May 31 07:24 | |
schestowitz | "It's scary, but I think it's "just" a Point being, not "unexplained"." | May 31 07:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sinkhole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 31 07:24 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the holes...  #strange #round #holes #unexplained | May 31 07:25 | |
schestowitz | "I bet they're testing laser drillers from orbit xD" | May 31 07:25 |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Gangster type Ballmer to have less time to spend on #microsoft | May 31 07:25 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to buy Clippers for $2B [ ] | May 31 07:25 | |
schestowitz | "He loves this basketball team." | May 31 07:25 |
schestowitz | | May 31 07:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Android/Linux smartphones are taking 80% of the market shipments while having an average selling price ~$70 less" | May 31 07:26 | |
schestowitz | someone gets what you pay, <img src="">"" | May 31 07:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pride and Prejudice: Smartphones | Robert Pogson [ ] | May 31 07:26 | |
schestowitz | "c'mon will... he worked hard to get that... ; )" | May 31 07:26 |
schestowitz | Bush might be next president | May 31 08:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The New York Times tries--a little too hard--to convince readers that Jeb Bush is brainier than his brother. [ ] | May 31 08:04 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Microsoft-backed Mono is Still Trying to Spread to More Linux-Based Platforms #mono #linux #microsoft | May 31 08:17 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Microsoft-backed Mono is Still Trying to Spread to More Linux-Based Platforms | Techrights [ ] | May 31 08:17 | |
schestowitz | "will be keeping a close eye .. im dallying with Mono -until i can find a replacement ... for applications that force you to use it ... concerned about the Oracle win too ... i can see a big push by the proprietaries in motion ... most of us will walk into it,unaware and all the FOSS traction will be lost .." | May 31 08:17 |
schestowitz | "The good thing is #Meego and #Tizen are no where now , it depends on how much #Mer has used the mono components . I am wondering if the tomboy stuff which come in gnome still has mono dependencies ?" | May 31 08:18 |
schestowitz | gnote? | May 31 08:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Samsung's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch drops | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android for Tizen | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 08:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch drops Android for Tizen | Tux Machines | May 31 08:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Gestures Support | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 08:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging and Gestures Support | Tux Machines | May 31 08:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Like Flat Operating Systems | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 08:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't Like Flat Operating Systems | Tux Machines | May 31 08:23 | |
*nj3ma_Zzz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 31 08:53 | |
*nj3ma_Zzz ( has joined #techrights | May 31 08:54 | |
*roy ( has joined #techrights | May 31 09:15 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 31 09:15 | |
*roy has quit (Changing host) | May 31 09:15 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 31 09:15 | |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | May 31 09:58 |
DaemonFC | The APA has gone to bat for the Christiban lots of times. | May 31 09:58 |
DaemonFC | They officially de-listed homosexuality from their "DSM" book of bull**** back in the 1970s, but I think that everyone should know that psychiatrists still largely hate gay people, especially the older ones, and the ones that outfits like the community mental health system here in Indiana hire to keep costs down. The younger ones are (nearly) all a bunch of Muslims from third world countries that are probably all laughing their asses off at | May 31 09:58 |
DaemonFC | our government. You go in there, and you tell me if you can understand anything they're saying. You can tell that they just don't give a **** about any of their patients. Their attitude and bedside manner is simply awful. I think we all know how they feel about gay people. | May 31 09:58 |
DaemonFC | I'd never dream of going in there and telling someone that thinks gay people should be hanged or stoned to death that I was gay. I feel really sorry for anyone that ends up in that system. | May 31 09:58 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, I haven't told my psychiatrist that I have a gun in the house. | May 31 10:01 |
DaemonFC | They ask now. The government told them to after obamacare was passed. | May 31 10:01 |
DaemonFC | For "statistical reasons". | May 31 10:01 |
DaemonFC | I don't keep it loaded. I just have it because an ex's dad gave it to me when we were living next door to a bunch of drug dealers. | May 31 10:02 |
DaemonFC | Also, it's a lease violation to have it in my apartment, even if it's not loaded. | May 31 10:02 |
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techrights | May 31 10:44 | |
*ohama has quit (Disconnected by services) | May 31 10:45 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 31 10:45 | |
*ohama ( has joined #techrights | May 31 10:45 | |
*nj3maZzz is now known as nj3ma | May 31 10:47 | |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | May 31 12:40 |
DaemonFC | Where does the Sun go at night? | May 31 12:40 |
DaemonFC | Nobody knows where the Sun goes at night! | May 31 12:40 |
DaemonFC | Jesus brings it back each morning, though, so everything will be alright! | May 31 12:40 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 31 13:54 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 31 14:32 | |
Sosumi | hum, | May 31 14:33 |
Sosumi | there was the zodiaq killer | May 31 14:33 |
Sosumi | and now we have an iPod killer | May 31 14:33 |
Sosumi | surreal.... | May 31 14:33 |
Sosumi | specially when it was killing his own parents | May 31 14:34 |
Sosumi | also, WWDC on monday | May 31 14:35 |
Sosumi | what will apple unveil that google or samsung hadn’t done before | May 31 14:36 |
Sosumi | and then claim how they reinvented it | May 31 14:36 |
Sosumi | claim, no, boast about it | May 31 14:36 |
Sosumi | “can’t inovate? my ass!” - Phill Schiller while unveiling the trashcan pro | May 31 14:40 |
Sosumi | aka buttplug pro | May 31 14:41 |
cubexyz | :) | May 31 15:45 |
cubexyz | and nary a word about Xerox (as usual) | May 31 15:47 |
Sosumi | well ofc | May 31 15:48 |
Sosumi | not | May 31 15:48 |
Sosumi | :) | May 31 15:48 |
MinceR | geekings | May 31 15:58 |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | May 31 15:58 | |
*Sosumi plays the free software song to MinceR | May 31 16:05 | |
MinceR | :) | May 31 16:05 |
schestowitz | "Leniency for friends and the law for everyone else?" | May 31 18:52 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: free software song is quite ok | May 31 18:52 |
schestowitz | and RMS is not a terrible dancer, either | May 31 18:53 |
schestowitz | [10:01] <DaemonFC> schestowitz, I haven't told my psychiatrist that I have a gun in the house. | May 31 18:53 |
schestowitz | isn't that implied from having a US citizenship | May 31 18:53 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Jennifer Rubin at the #ciapost presents false dichotomy. What's this #propaganda all about? | May 31 18:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Do we let American jihadists kill, or do we drone them? [ ] | May 31 18:54 | |
schestowitz | "Seriously? That's the only two options. Journalism has come sooo far." | May 31 18:54 |
schestowitz | "A Nobel peace prize would probably just be more encouragement" | May 31 18:58 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ US Will Still Use Drone Strikes: Barack Obama give this man another Nobel peace prize and maybe he'll stop | May 31 18:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | US Will Still Use Drone Strikes: Barack Obama | [ ] | May 31 18:58 | |
schestowitz | Drones for peace... like doves with Hellfire | May 31 18:59 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: ### Damn Libertarians... ___ #Bazookas #Liberals #Conservatives #Libertarianism #LibertarianHumor | May 31 18:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | May 31 18:59 | |
schestowitz | "Sounds like a capitalist libertarian for sure...." | May 31 18:59 |
schestowitz | | May 31 18:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Google accepting #censorship requests not Google's fault here | May 31 18:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google accepting censorship requests - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [ ] | May 31 18:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google accepting 'right to be forgotten' requests in Europe | Irish Examiner [ ] | May 31 18:59 | |
schestowitz | "" | May 31 18:59 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 31 19:26 | |
sebsebseb | May 31 19:26 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 19:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines First ideas for a better GNOME browser | May 31 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 19:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 19:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First ideas for a better GNOME browser | Tux Machines | May 31 19:32 | |
Sosumi | DaemonFC, in soviet russia, you don’t your gun that you have psychiatrist | May 31 19:46 |
Sosumi | *tell | May 31 19:47 |
Sosumi | unless you’re drunk :) | May 31 19:47 |
gde33 | As a kid I jokingly pretended to count the number of ravioli on everyones plate by pointing at the plates and guessing howmany then protesting against the favored position of having 21 in stead of 17 pieces. At plate 6 or so everyone got really angry, I explained it was just a joke but they didnt believe me so I suggested recounting the ravioli so that everyone could see I was just guessing. | May 31 19:48 |
gde33 | after that they got even more angry | May 31 19:49 |
gde33 | I couldnt stop lauging, I had em all right. | May 31 19:49 |
Sosumi | ppl get usually get angry for things that they shouldn’t get angry for in the first place | May 31 19:51 |
gde33 | I think I already knew how to laugh at my own jokes | May 31 19:54 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 31 19:55 | |
gde33 | I was wondering, not that anyone does it but to what extend could multinationals democratize their services? | May 31 20:00 |
gde33 | the logic seems to be that if they dont implment public opinion it will eventually be done for them in court. | May 31 20:00 |
gde33 | like google with it's right to be forgotten | May 31 20:01 |
gde33 | its | May 31 20:01 |
gde33 | multinationals already have their own law as a terms of service | May 31 20:02 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Syrian rebels say they are already being trained by the #CIA #syria | May 31 20:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | As Obama calls for support in Syria, rebels claim U.S. is already training them - [ ] | May 31 20:03 | |
schestowitz | "Not 'terrorist'. That's a garbage word if ever there was one. I once had a bumper sticker that said, "'Terrorist' is what the big army calls the little one." Then there was Ronald Reagan, who called his terrorists in Nicaragua 'Freedom Fighters'. Never mind that the entire discourse surrounding 'terrorism' ignores the larger portion of it--the state-sponsored kind, especially that sponsored by the U.S." | May 31 20:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Syrian rebels say they are being trained by the CIA | Al Bawaba [ ] | May 31 20:03 | |
gde33 | it wouldn't be hard to have 3 candidates for a job and have the user vote on those | May 31 20:03 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Wars are profitable business even #monsanto made a killing from killing millions in #vietnam | May 31 20:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Exclusive: New document details America’s war machine — and secret mass of contractors in Afghanistan - [ ] | May 31 20:03 | |
schestowitz | ""What is a huge army of private contractors secretly doing in Afghanistan?" Making money? No, my wrong, they're fighting for democracy and freedom for sure." | May 31 20:03 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Must deal with about 5 CMSs ceasing to work with a forced 'upgrade' to a new version of #php - the developers should retain backward-compat | May 31 20:04 | |
schestowitz | "It's an odd thing that's happened where it is considered acceptable for a new version of a programming language to break programs written in the old. In the bad old proprietary days when I was a programmer, this simply flat out didn't happen. People would have lost their jobs and would never have been able to be hired again." | May 31 20:04 |
schestowitz | This causes web rot. And PHP is a leading Internet trend. | May 31 20:05 |
gde33 | schestowitz: disposable humans! | May 31 20:05 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #NSA/#PRISM/#Microsoft #Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time #chillingfreespeech #watchwhatyousay | May 31 20:09 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time | Techrights | May 31 20:09 | |
schestowitz | "well I'm ready to believe that, it's just that your argument "it doesn't appear anywhere" is weird concerning a supposedly secret program.." | May 31 20:09 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 20:09 |
schestowitz | Prism is a JOKE that doesnt even exist.. | May 31 20:09 |
schestowitz | in any comprehensive list of ACTUAL spying programmes .. globally | May 31 20:09 |
schestowitz | ' | May 31 20:09 |
schestowitz | "wut? are you saying that since prism isn't mentionned on any official list of top secret programs, that means it doesn't exist?" | May 31 20:09 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 20:10 |
schestowitz | Im saying "PRISM" and snowden as a whole are complete psy op bullshit diversions.. and theres quite a lot of "evidence" to prove this .. not least of all that the fact prism™ doesnt appear anywhere.. | May 31 20:10 |
schestowitz | and is nothing more than 3 rd parties using your data .. for undisclosed to you purposes.. which incidentally they said they would always do when you pressed "i agree" in their terms of service.. | May 31 20:10 |
schestowitz | ' | May 31 20:10 |
schestowitz | "Its a hoax man, its a narrative .. if you use your common sense you can clearly see that this was a load of crap diversion from the very beginning.." | May 31 20:10 |
schestowitz | "pretty much anything i show you would only make you think what im saying is wrong, and its not my job to convince people to trust their own intelligence rather than intelligence™ fed to them from the mainstream media , which they SAY they don't trust, except when it comes to SNOWDEN :D" | May 31 20:10 |
schestowitz | PRISM came as a document or a bunch of documents from NSA, not corporate media. And companies involved did not deny their involvement in it. | May 31 20:11 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Large companies that race to the bottom w/ wages (except for management) and are racing to the bottom with taxes are today's biggest issue | May 31 20:15 | |
schestowitz | "Just one of many key issues in my opinion ..." | May 31 20:15 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #NSA/#PRISM/#Microsoft #Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time #chillingfreespeech #watchwhatyousay | May 31 20:19 | |
schestowitz | "Thats absolutely a lie and its sad you believe your own lies.. The ONLY Way you heard about "PRISM" is when the MAINSTREAM media told you about it." | May 31 20:19 |
schestowitz | evidently I waste my time arguing over this | May 31 20:19 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:22 |
schestowitz | Many people carry Google-connected cameras in their house and toilets too.... it's called Android | May 31 20:22 |
schestowitz | | May 31 20:44 |
schestowitz | "your conclusion is always very clear sense: we are all more or less a bunch of idiots (which I do agree with btw). But your argumentation is not so." | May 31 20:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Gone Wildly Wrong | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 20:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | Tux Machines | May 31 20:52 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers Gone Wildly Wrong | Tux Machines | May 31 20:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Amarok 2.8.0 Review – A Different Kind of Music | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Player | May 31 20:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 20:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amarok 2.8.0 Review – A Different Kind of Music Player | Tux Machines | May 31 20:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | GPU Drivers | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Update Released, New GPUs Supported | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 21:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux GPU Drivers | Tux Machines | May 31 21:32 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive Update Released, New GPUs Supported | Tux Machines | May 31 21:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nightly, but… | May 31 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 21:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox Nightly, but… | Tux Machines | May 31 21:32 | |
schestowitz | My uncle: | May 31 21:38 |
schestowitz | It doesn't take much to make me happy. Today I recovered my WordPress password. How did I do it? Well, like Columbus I found it while looking for something else. | May 31 21:38 |
schestowitz | On my iPad I wanted to check if my Auto-Fill was On in Settings. In settings I found Passwords & Autofill together, I clicked on Passwords and there was a long list. I scrolled down and found... I jumped on that with both feet and there it was; the stupidest password I ever created. No way I would ever remember it. | May 31 21:38 |
schestowitz | And now I await the next problem; as of right now I have no idea what it will be but there is always something. To enjoy using the computer you need to have a large arsenal of solutions. | May 31 21:38 |
schestowitz | Me: | May 31 21:38 |
schestowitz | If the Apple 'iPad' showed to you the password in plain text, then Apple security is seriously messed up. No programs should reveal a password in plain text, let alone store it like that. :-) | May 31 21:38 |
schestowitz | Classic Apple. | May 31 21:38 |
schestowitz | | May 31 21:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@theGuruWithin: @schestowitz @ConnectDotsDoc #NEWS But it will be a result of Crowd Sourcing as well as current audit #idwp #WWW | May 31 21:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TrueCrypt - organizing a future | May 31 21:39 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 21:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@theGuruWithin: @schestowitz @ConnectDotsDoc Hopefully the current global surveillance state will cause an Explosion of CrowdBuilding 4 #FREEDOMatallCOSTs | May 31 21:39 | |
schestowitz | can be a contributing factor | May 31 21:39 |
schestowitz | | May 31 22:11 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 22:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #NSA/#PRISM/#Microsoft #Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time #chillingfreespeech #watchwhatyousay | May 31 22:11 | |
schestowitz | well you are DEFINITELY an "idiot" amongst a bunch of them if you believe the SNOWDEN story .. because thats all it has ever been a STORY told to you by the same mainstream media you say lied about 9/11 and anything else thats convenient .. | May 31 22:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time | Techrights | May 31 22:11 | |
schestowitz | so Dr .. are you saying the NYT is not somehow "mainstream media" ? cos this would be the first place to start.. questioning yourself.. NYT is nothing more than a government propaganda mouthpiece as is THE GUARDIAN for that matter.. | May 31 22:11 |
schestowitz | im not sure what other proof you want. maybe you want the PROOF that any "revelations" by SNOWDEN™ were actually known 20 years ago by anyone who knows anything about the internet or at least internet PRE web 2.0..? | May 31 22:11 |
schestowitz | Or maybe you want to the proof that WINDOWS has incorporated a direct system application that links the "NSA" to internet connected computers since windows 98 ? | May 31 22:11 |
schestowitz | Maybe you want to see the complete list of ACTUAL surveilance programmes .. including such things as ECHELON which strangely HERO "SNOWDEN" never mentioned? | May 31 22:11 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 22:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows | May 31 22:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | 8 Comouflage Mode | May 31 22:11 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 22:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 22:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows 8 Comouflage Mode | Tux Machines | May 31 22:11 | |
schestowitz | yeah just as i expected.. you don't want the truth about things you want a cause to follow and narrative to speak to others about.. | May 31 22:11 |
schestowitz | and Snowden gives you this party for FREE .. | May 31 22:12 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditFirefox favourited 'WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox...' | May 31 22:12 | |
schestowitz | " | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | "I agree with some of your points sense. I do not agree on your way of saying it. I think it.s not fair to always treat people of being stupid or idiot. You might think it but that is all. It is not a very open way to converse and we definitly need to be able to converse about all these things. I do agree with mainstream media and the nyt and the guard. But i don.t undrstand that : a diversion of what?!!' | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | I dont really care if you think IM RUDE because you didnt exercise your own intuition when viewing something this is NOT my responsibility nor is it MY guilt to deal with how you feel about it .. or about someone else pointing it out to you .. | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | I say this with as much kindness as possible.. "YOUR STUPIDITY IS YOUR PROBLEM NOT ANYONE ELSES TO HELP YOU WITH".. | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | Now you ask a Diversion from what .. | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | well this is a pretty STUPID question also.. Because it presumes that you somehow don't know what a DIVERSION actually is.. .If you Don't thats ok .. you can read the dictionary or whatever to find out what the word means.. | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | But it should be quite clear to anyone who see's whats going on in the world.. that things like SNOWDEN are an Absolute diversion from ACTUAL real things that are happening around the world.. ill give you just ONE example of what it is a diversion for.. USA Actions in Syria.. | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | If you think Syria and Snowden arent connected .. through the mainstream media .. you really need to think again.. | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | I was right two comments ago, this is a waste of time. | May 31 22:12 |
schestowitz | | May 31 22:26 |
schestowitz | | May 31 22:28 |
schestowitz | | May 31 22:29 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 31 23:11 | |
sebsebseb | h | May 31 23:11 |
sebsebseb | i | May 31 23:11 |
MinceR | :) | May 31 23:59 |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 25 01:27 | |
DaemonFC | | May 25 01:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UK Government Leaves Microsoft Office For Open Source Technology! [ ] | May 25 01:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go | May 25 03:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Language | May 25 03:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 03:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud | May 25 03:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 03:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 03:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clive: A New Operating System Written In The Go Language | Tux Machines | May 25 03:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud | Tux Machines | May 25 03:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 | May 25 03:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Has Some Slowdowns | May 25 03:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 03:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Updated Intel Graphics Stack On Ubuntu 14.04 Has Some Slowdowns | Tux Machines | May 25 03:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | May 25 03:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 03:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 03:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Create a game with Scratch on Raspberry Pi | Tux Machines | May 25 03:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel | May 25 03:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.15 RC5 | May 25 03:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 03:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Now Uses Kernel 3.15 RC5 | Tux Machines | May 25 03:58 | |
roy | | May 25 04:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@stevens_phil: @schestowitz @SEEVed Their adoption of DRM left me feeling pretty well betrayed. Nothing breaks the web like the presumption of guilt. | May 25 04:26 | |
roy | by software WE run | May 25 04:26 |
roy | | May 25 04:29 |
roy | | May 25 04:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ex-KGB General says Snowden working for Russia's FSB - Free Press Journal [ ] | May 25 04:29 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Edward Snowden reportedly working for Russian FSB these days [ ] | May 25 04:29 | |
DaemonFC | | May 25 04:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dallas Ends Water Fluoridation, Saves $1 Million | The Mind Unleashed [ ] | May 25 04:42 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 25 05:12 | |
roy | | May 25 05:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ floating movie theater in thailand...  #floating #movietheater #thailand | May 25 05:41 | |
roy | What an environmental disaster. | May 25 05:41 |
roy | | May 25 05:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Last time I properly surveyed all leading E-mail clients for #gnu #linux (that was 6 months ago) I found #thunderbird very hard to replace | May 25 05:54 | |
roy | "Claws Mail is not too bad either" | May 25 05:54 |
roy | I tried it, but it was far from good enough | May 25 05:54 |
roy | | May 25 06:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz it is a reminder that justice in America is often and principally about revenge... | May 25 06:29 | |
roy | Against the "bad guys" | May 25 06:29 |
roy | | May 25 06:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz and to Posada...the US is a haven for least for those that bomb planes and kill children for US goals... | May 25 06:33 | |
roy | In "rogue" nations | May 25 06:33 |
roy | | May 25 06:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz it also derives from a cultural belief that some are somehow "superior" to others, and by default others are subhuman... | May 25 06:34 | |
roy | "God bless 'Merica" | May 25 06:35 |
roy | | May 25 06:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz I guess, apparent "rogue nations" such as Italy (thinking of Gladio and the more recent renditions there...) | May 25 06:37 | |
roy | WTH | May 25 06:39 |
MinceR | geekings | May 25 07:02 |
roy | | May 25 07:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz from fee to shining fee... | May 25 07:23 | |
-->aboutGod ( has joined #techrights | May 25 07:41 | |
<--aboutGod ( has left #techrights | May 25 07:46 | |
roy | | May 25 07:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Legalbrief - Judge grants name change for WikiLeaks whistleblower [ ] | May 25 07:53 | |
roy | | May 25 08:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Clearly the fiasco surrounding John Shipton's role in the #Wikileaks Party & Syria never made it to #Newcastle | May 25 08:21 | |
roy | I followed the Syria thing; it was a scandal only as seen by corporate media, CIA etc. | May 25 08:22 |
roy | I guess that Wikileaks Party too should funnel 70,000 automatic rifles to Syrian terrorists, like CIA | May 25 08:23 |
roy | | May 25 08:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Scandal to allow yourself to become political pawn of Syrian President accused of war crimes. Propaganda coup. | May 25 08:27 | |
roy | What's the propaganda here? CIA and White House arming of terrorists in Syria is a fact. | May 25 08:27 |
roy | | May 25 08:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No #Wikileaks Party don't deal in arms but they do deal happily with mass murderers. Not a great look. #Syria | May 25 08:28 | |
roy | which side of the mass murderers? Same as in Ukraine. It's a Turf war. Assange hounded by US. | May 25 08:29 |
roy | | May 25 08:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley more important that #wikileaks severs all ties to wikileaks party | May 25 08:30 | |
roy | Says "Wikileaks Forum", a known foe of Wikileaks AND Wikileaks Party. | May 25 08:30 |
roy | | May 25 08:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Syrian President bombing women and children is a fact. Why is there a role here for Julian #Assange's father? | May 25 08:31 | |
roy | There is no such role. There is a turf war there. Russia and US. Guess who's chasing Assange. | May 25 08:32 |
roy | | May 25 08:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley ex-admin of #Wikileaks Facebook page was removed by #assange when he tried to highlight this fact in facebook | May 25 08:33 | |
roy | Wikileaks is not on Facebook | May 25 08:33 |
roy | | May 25 08:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum There is no decency in #Wikileaks supporting President Assad's violent actions in Syria against his own people | May 25 08:33 | |
roy | There is no decency in covert coup, either. | May 25 08:33 |
roy | | May 25 08:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley The Forum supports the WikiLeaks cause but dissociates itself clearly from #Assange's media Manipulation | May 25 08:34 | |
roy | Wikileaks cause is defeined by Assange | May 25 08:34 |
roy | | May 25 08:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley then please read this --> #wikileaks #assange | May 25 08:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | May 25 08:36 | |
roy | My asseassment is that some perp created a page there (like fake RMS accounts) misrepresenting @wikileaks | May 25 08:37 |
roy | | May 25 08:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz Seems @wikileaks_forum was only deemed a 'foe' when they decided to run both sides of a story not just #Assange dictation. Fact | May 25 08:37 | |
roy | Let me ask Assange and verify that the Facebook account was not of @Wikileaks | May 25 08:37 |
roy | some former wikileaks 'staff' were FBI moles, too | May 25 08:38 |
roy | | May 25 08:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley yes they are, an ex-Forum Administrator was admin of the official wikileaks Facebook page, now run by #assange | May 25 08:39 | |
roy | me: ".@wikileaks do you have a #facebook account or is that just some person impersonating?" | May 25 08:39 |
roy | | May 25 08:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Only person chasing #Assange is Sweden. US is just deflecting hackers. No charges against Wikileaks. Fact. | May 25 08:39 | |
roy | This is patently untrue. Press now confirms FBI involvement. | May 25 08:40 |
roy | @ioerror also alleges #fbi tried Sting Operation (Sabu) on him | May 25 08:40 |
roy | | May 25 08:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley note, admin was removed after "Posts on Syria that have nothing to do with WikiLeaks" ( #syria files ? ) | May 25 08:41 | |
roy | Syria files are Wikileaks, the Facebook account is something else, might be fake | May 25 08:41 |
roy | | May 25 08:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum What bullshit. Opposition in Syria divided. Assad dictatorship is defended by Russia. #Assange defends Russia. | May 25 08:41 | |
roy | Many peopel do | May 25 08:41 |
roy | | May 25 08:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks No, the page was created by #Assange and is still run by assange | May 25 08:42 | |
roy | I don't believe he created such a page unless he confirms | May 25 08:42 |
roy | | May 25 08:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks "sign up to our Twitter feed or Facebook feed to stay up to date" | May 25 08:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Supporters | May 25 08:43 | |
roy | | May 25 08:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum #Wikileaks brand has been destroyed by #Assange. Now a personality cult run by his private company. Hopeless. | May 25 08:43 | |
roy | Person who runs the account was no longer approved, or may have gone awry | May 25 08:43 |
roy | | May 25 08:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks page is now run by #Assange and kristinn | May 25 08:44 | |
roy | | May 25 08:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks yes, please ask him if #Wikileaks controls the Wikileaks Facebook page | May 25 08:44 | |
roy | Maybe it does now | May 25 08:44 |
roy | | May 25 08:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks read the top part #wikileaks #assange | May 25 08:44 | |
roy | | May 25 08:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Everyone is FBI or CIA according to #Assange. He labelled me CIA. Everyone is out to get him. Hopeless. | May 25 08:47 | |
roy | I don't know you, so I can't say | May 25 08:48 |
roy | | May 25 08:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley old news. #Assange's right hand man Sigurdur Thordarson squealed on #Assange | May 25 08:48 | |
roy | Can't make a mole "right hand man" | May 25 08:48 |
roy | so you do acknowledge there are spooks hounding them | May 25 08:49 |
roy | | May 25 08:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes and #Assange & Kristinn are the two shareholders of Sunshine Press which owns #Wikileaks. | May 25 08:49 | |
roy | Maybe there is trust amont them; the org suffered infiltrations | May 25 08:50 |
roy | *among | May 25 08:50 |
roy | | May 25 08:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley no, the Facebook page is owned by Assange's Facebook account "libertag ideas" and Kristinn Hrafnsson | May 25 08:50 | |
roy | And who was running it temporily before they seized control? | May 25 08:50 |
roy | temporarily | May 25 08:51 |
roy | | May 25 08:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum How long ago? Four years ago. Back when #Wikileaks was relevant. | May 25 08:51 | |
roy | This is a straw man because Wikileaks is still very relevant | May 25 08:51 |
roy | | May 25 08:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum @ioerror Years ago. Times change. | May 25 08:52 | |
roy | Hardly. They also invaded Appelbaum's apartment in Berlin based on a recent report\ | May 25 08:52 |
roy | | May 25 08:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley check this log with Sarah Harrisson who wanted to use the Facebook page for donations | May 25 08:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | May 25 08:54 | |
roy | | May 25 08:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks Birgitta J will confirm that Assange created the Facebook page and still owns it | May 25 08:55 | |
roy | Who ran it in the period when it was declared unaligned with Wikileaks' position? | May 25 08:55 |
roy | | May 25 08:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum #Assange is now a tool of Russia TV. A tool of Putin. One eyed. He so HATES USA. | May 25 08:56 | |
roy | That's the same smear that's used against Snowden | May 25 08:56 |
roy | Wikileaks had done good work to expose corruption in many nations before US; only US got this aggressive | May 25 08:56 |
roy | | May 25 08:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley @wikileaks What does it say at he top of this page? click the Facebook link ! | May 25 08:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Supporters | May 25 08:57 | |
roy | | May 25 08:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Real person, real research, real knowledge that #Assange is not truthful. For that I am labeled CIA. | May 25 08:57 | |
roy | Did he say it like this and if so, please provide quote/link (context) | May 25 08:57 |
roy | | May 25 08:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Did you not read the inside story? #Assange used this boy. | May 25 08:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The WikiLeaks Mole: How Siggi Thordarson Betrayed Julian Assange | Politics News | Rolling Stone | May 25 08:58 | |
roy | No. the boy used Assange to make money and later sexually assaulted some boy, for which he was arrested. | May 25 08:59 |
roy | | May 25 08:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum How? #Wikileaks doesn't even have secure drop box any more. Until #Assange goes to Sweden it is just a circus. | May 25 08:59 | |
roy | Data is still passing arround, suggest plenty of evidence. | May 25 09:00 |
roy | Data is still passing around, suggests plenty of evidence. | May 25 09:00 |
roy | | May 25 09:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum @ioerror Who is 'they' and where is a link proving that? | May 25 09:00 | |
roy | AUthory thugs | May 25 09:00 |
roy | Authority thugs | May 25 09:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Snowden ally Appelbaum says his Berlin apartment subject to raids — RT News [ ] | May 25 09:01 | |
roy | Haha, the classic false framing which Chris Hedges spoke so well about | May 25 09:02 |
roy | | May 25 09:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Years ago. All that goodwill has largely gone now that #Assange has become vindictive & paranoid. | May 25 09:02 | |
roy | He is not paranoid because many ARE out to get him | May 25 09:02 |
roy | | May 25 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum So many times, so many contexts, so many sock accounts. Ask around. I'm CIA apparently. | May 25 09:03 | |
roy | I know of one accuser who was CIA-linked and accused Assange of stuff, so there's basis for suspicion | May 25 09:03 |
roy | | May 25 09:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum He was 17 when #Assange recruited him & gave him massive responsibility. A child. Great judgement call there. | May 25 09:04 | |
roy | The age has nothing to do with him being a mole | May 25 09:04 |
roy | | May 25 09:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Plenty of evidence supporting fact Sweden hasn't extradited anyone to US for espionage in 50 years. Ignored. | May 25 09:04 | |
roy | Sweden has a small population, not many high-level cases as such | May 25 09:04 |
roy | | May 25 09:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum @ioerror Did he complain to anyone other than RT? | May 25 09:11 | |
roy | Germany press I recall more sources, RT was one of many | May 25 09:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Snowden ally Appelbaum claims his Berlin apartment was invaded | News | DW.DE | 21.12.2013 [ ] | May 25 09:12 | |
roy | | May 25 09:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum So what are you saying? Snowden's talk of his love of US is a lie & Assange is a patriot? | May 25 09:12 | |
roy | You are trying to reverse rolls, mix nationailities, and create a straw man this way | May 25 09:13 |
roy | | May 25 09:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Many of his ex friends & lovers want to slap him certainly but there is no evidence of any US charges. 4 years | May 25 09:13 | |
roy | untrue. See this week's press alone. | May 25 09:13 |
roy | They're piecing together dirt. | May 25 09:14 |
roy | | May 25 09:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Of 'stuff'? As a man convicted of hacking into the Pentagon at 26 he will always be watched now. Inevitable. | May 25 09:14 | |
roy | Totally unrelated, much older | May 25 09:14 |
roy | | May 25 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley it does in fact, Siggi was 17 at the time and idolized #Assange. Assange used him to do the dirty work | May 25 09:15 | |
roy | What dirty work? Running IRC channel? | May 25 09:15 |
roy | | May 25 09:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum The age has everything to do with the fact he is easily distracted & a poor choice of right hand man. | May 25 09:16 | |
roy | I too have some young people/op in my IRC channels. There's no exploitation, it's voluntary. | May 25 09:16 |
roy | | May 25 09:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Really well here is a case involving Sweden. Shows where they sit with USA. #Assange | May 25 09:17 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Assange not under sealed indictment, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post | May 25 09:17 | |
roy | #washpo is a #pentagon mouthpiece with funded (throughb Bezos) from the CIA. This is hogwash. | May 25 09:18 |
roy | #washpo is a #pentagon mouthpiece with funding (through Bezos) from the CIA. This is hogwash. | May 25 09:18 |
roy | | May 25 09:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley if a picture could speak a thousend words | May 25 09:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley if a picture could speak a thousend words | May 25 09:18 | |
roy | This is not a new photo and you could also show a similar picture of Assange and G/Fs after 'assault' | May 25 09:19 |
roy | | May 25 09:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley other way around, right hand man THEN mole | May 25 09:19 | |
roy | Right-hand men are alluring target for recruitment by FBI | May 25 09:19 |
roy | | May 25 09:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No. Fact remains that #Assange & #Wikileaks were publishers not whistleblowers. Manning & Snowden charged. | May 25 09:20 | |
roy | US wigbigs calling for Assange's assassination is beyond charges (that exist) | May 25 09:20 |
roy | *bigwigs | May 25 09:21 |
roy | | May 25 09:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Glenn Greenwald had similar role to #Assange & he hasn't been charged & returned to US to receive Pulitzer. | May 25 09:21 | |
roy | The whole "good publisher"/"bad publisher" game, same for whistleblowers | May 25 09:21 |
roy | Should mention Miranda | May 25 09:22 |
roy | | May 25 09:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley here is a screenshot of the official #wikileaks Facebook page showing WHO runs it | May 25 09:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley here is a screenshot of the official #wikileaks Facebook page showing WHO runs it | May 25 09:22 | |
roy | At present | May 25 09:22 |
roy | | May 25 09:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Piecing together dirt? Practically anyone who has ever associated with #Assange lines up to complain about him | May 25 09:23 | |
roy | The press looks for negative stories. It serves the owners of the press. | May 25 09:23 |
roy | | May 25 09:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley more proof of #Assange's innocence #Assange obviously had contact to #SABU #wikileaks | May 25 09:24 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | May 25 09:24 | |
roy | Hacker almost synonymous with programmer, not to be confused with cracker | May 25 09:24 |
roy | | May 25 09:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley are you still denying #Assange owns the #Wikileaks Facebook page ? | May 25 09:24 | |
roy | He does not | May 25 09:24 |
roy | If someone was fielding it and was spreading conspiratorial nonsense,I can't blame Assange for taking over | May 25 09:25 |
roy | | May 25 09:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley easy to allure a 17 yeard old,more difficult to allure Kristinn ;-) | May 25 09:25 | |
roy | Kristinn has had reputation as a journalist | May 25 09:25 |
roy | | May 25 09:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sorry, that page does not exist | May 25 09:26 | |
roy | | May 25 09:26 |
roy | "Did you not read this article? …" | May 25 09:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Assange not under sealed indictment, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post [ ] | May 25 09:26 | |
roy | I saw it at the time, it was hogwash | May 25 09:26 |
roy | | May 25 09:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum That was all four years ago back when they thought the #Wikileaks from Manning would see people die. Outdated. | May 25 09:27 | |
roy | No, still appliacable, no revocations since | May 25 09:27 |
roy | | May 25 09:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Show me a single 'death threat' towards #Assange from anyone that is not from pre Manning trial? Hot air. | May 25 09:28 | |
roy | | May 25 09:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. | May 25 09:28 | |
roy | | May 25 09:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Why? Boyfriend courier detained while couriering stolen documents? Was he arrested? No. Jailed? No. | May 25 09:31 | |
roy | No such thing as "stolen" documents unless the NSA had no copies of them left :-) | May 25 09:31 |
roy | What Miranda did was not against the law | May 25 09:32 |
roy | | May 25 09:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Just like how #Assange manipulates the info he puts out. It is all a business. Everyone wants a scoop. | May 25 09:32 | |
roy | So we need to take it on the balance of claims | May 25 09:32 |
roy | | May 25 09:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No hackers are considered a threat to homeland security. All countries fight this. | May 25 09:33 | |
roy | I don't think you know what hacker means | May 25 09:33 |
roy | | May 25 09:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Everything #Assange doesn't like is hogwash right? Hopeless. One eyed. | May 25 09:34 | |
roy | Casting one as a defender of Assange rather than a sceptic of washpo, which I've always been | May 25 09:34 |
roy | | May 25 09:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blood on the hands of our spy agency | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News | May 25 09:35 | |
roy | | May 25 09:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. The death threats were just the usual right wing nutters sounding off on Fox News. Nothing real. | May 25 09:36 | |
roy | Fox News just one of many | May 25 09:36 |
roy | | May 25 09:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks: Guardian editor on #Snowden docs "There's stuff in there about Iraq, Afghanistan, we're not even going to look at it" | May 25 09:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BBC News - Only 1% of Snowden files published - Guardian editor | May 25 09:36 | |
roy | | May 25 09:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Obama gets 10,000 threats a year - you don't see him cowering as a result. Comes with public office. | May 25 09:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Immediate-Future Plans Regarding Jolla And | May 25 09:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | Sailfish OS | May 25 09:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 09:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Immediate-Future Plans Regarding Jolla And Sailfish OS | Tux Machines | May 25 09:38 | |
roy | How many threats on national TV (and without action by auth)? | May 25 09:38 |
roy | | May 25 09:38 |
roy | | May 25 09:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Guess you might think differently if all your laptop files were copied & posted on the Internet. | May 25 09:38 | |
roy | It's called leaking | May 25 09:38 |
roy | | May 25 09:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum As a result he was released without charge. The law allows for up to nine hours delay. That was not exceeded. | May 25 09:40 | |
roy | The law specifically requires that there is suspicion of "terrorism". The law was abused. | May 25 09:41 |
roy | | May 25 09:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum #Assange does as he was convicted of hacking. | May 25 09:41 | |
roy | hacking is not a legal term and it basically means playful cleverness, e.g. with code | May 25 09:42 |
roy | | May 25 09:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum You can cast me as a defender of 2 women in Sweden whose human rights have been ignored by #Assange supporters | May 25 09:42 | |
roy | Man have rights too and is one is libelled because of a condom splits, then I do mind | May 25 09:42 |
roy | *Men have rights too and is one is libelled because a condom splits, then I do mind | May 25 09:43 |
roy | | May 25 09:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Name one real death threat to #Assange by someone in a position of authority? A risk you believe is current. | May 25 09:43 | |
roy | Aide to Harper (Canada) | May 25 09:43 |
roy | | May 25 09:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum I've looked at them all - not just the heavily edited montage put up by #Assange to dramatize his position. | May 25 09:44 | |
roy | And what did you find? It's excusable? | May 25 09:44 |
roy | People like Palin have fans who inherit views and may take "don't retreat reload" as endorsement for kills | May 25 09:45 |
roy | | May 25 09:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No to leak you have to work inside a department & see something you feel must be revealed. Not outsider troll. | May 25 09:46 | |
roy | No, that's called whistleblower | May 25 09:46 |
roy | Snowden a whistleblower, Hammong a victim of FBI sting op acting to leak | May 25 09:46 |
roy | Hammond | May 25 09:46 |
roy | | May 25 09:50 |
roy | | May 25 09:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. Hacker ˈhakə/ noun 1. a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. | May 25 09:52 | |
roy | Corporate media distorted de facto usage of term | May 25 09:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Become A Hacker [ ] | May 25 09:52 | |
roy | | May 25 09:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum The deliberate misinformation put out by #Assange around what happened in Sweden confirms his obfuscation. | May 25 09:53 | |
roy | Why is the alleged victim smiling on camera with Assange days afterwards? | May 25 09:53 |
roy | | May 25 09:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum What actually happened in Sweden is more straightforward. #Assange | May 25 09:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Rape Apologism and Why Julian Assange Must Return To Sweden in Anything and Everything | May 25 09:54 | |
roy | | May 25 09:55 |
roy | I know guys to whom girls did this. | May 25 09:55 |
roy | | May 25 09:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @wikileaks any answers yet ? | May 25 09:56 | |
roy | Nope, but from what I gathered there was a third party running this account for a while (but no more) | May 25 09:57 |
roy | | May 25 09:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Just typical American rhetoric blown out of all proportion by team #Assange. | May 25 09:57 | |
roy | This type of rhetoric can be deadly. Some CIA and Army operations already killed millions. | May 25 09:58 |
roy | | May 25 09:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum So what? Not reason enough to hide for rest of your life. What happened to 'Courage is Contagious'? #Assange | May 25 09:58 | |
roy | Courage with caution is possible | May 25 09:59 |
roy | | May 25 09:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Rubbish. | May 25 09:59 | |
roy | Debating skills lacking? | May 25 09:59 |
roy | | May 25 10:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Because someone taking photo said smile? Ever heard of that old tradition? Hopeless. | May 25 10:00 | |
roy | She sure didn't feel so uncomfortable around him aftrwards | May 25 10:00 |
roy | | May 25 10:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Did this? Put themselves at risk of pregnancy? Had first ever experience of unsafe sex? | May 25 10:01 | |
roy | I don't know Swedish law, but that seems like she was in a position to pull away | May 25 10:02 |
roy | | May 25 10:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum This ain't going away. No hero avoids a rape trial. | May 25 10:02 | |
roy | You cheapen the term "Rape". She slept with Assange. | May 25 10:02 |
roy | | May 25 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum A life lived in a grubby room in a foreign embassy is a life half lived. #Assange | May 25 10:03 | |
roy | He has high level of impact; condition of life anywhere in London are decent. | May 25 10:04 |
roy | *conditions | May 25 10:04 |
roy | | May 25 10:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum You ignore logic. What next? Will you call fish trees? Hacker definition is clear. | May 25 10:04 | |
roy | The media changed the term by misusing it for over a decade. Like "gay" lost its meaning. | May 25 10:04 |
roy | If you are not a software developers, then you might struggled to grasp what "hacking" means | May 25 10:05 |
roy | | May 25 10:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @schestowitz @SandraEckersley yes, she forced him to sleep with her. What a load of macho male chauvenist bullshit. | May 25 10:05 | |
roy | | May 25 10:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum One of the women worked as Assange's PA. Was asked to arrange party. Told friend at party 'worst sex ever'. | May 25 10:06 | |
roy | | May 25 10:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum It is level three rape. UK courts agree it would be regarded as rape there too. Save defense for court. | May 25 10:06 | |
roy | | May 25 10:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Suits autistic lifestyle. | May 25 10:09 | |
roy | Ad hominem is cheap | May 25 10:09 |
roy | | May 25 10:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz No both women were happy to sleep with #Assange but for both it then went wrong in very different ways. | May 25 10:09 | |
roy | He did not sleep with men | May 25 10:09 |
roy | | May 25 10:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @SandraEckersley @schestowitz Sandra, you 're being trolled by another lovesick #Assange fan Boy. Seen it all before; it gets boring | May 25 10:10 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@wikileaks_forum: @SandraEckersley @schestowitz lol, please remove us from this discussion ( it will go nowhere ) | May 25 10:10 | |
roy | | May 25 10:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum Hacker is a common word clearly understood. | May 25 10:10 | |
MinceR | not clearly enough by sandra, apparently :> | May 25 10:10 |
roy | No, commonly misused if you ask the right people, not the press | May 25 10:11 |
roy | | May 25 10:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @schestowitz @wikileaks_forum No struggle, don't overthink it. Try a standard dictionary if you can't find a definition online. | May 25 10:11 | |
roy | Dictionarites change over time, words added, redefined | May 25 10:11 |
roy | | May 25 10:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz Yes bored now. At least others can see these fan boys for who they are. Hopeless sycophants. #Assange | May 25 10:12 | |
roy | No "fans" here, but go ahead, pretend all who disagree are deluded "fans". Be a @20committee | May 25 10:13 |
roy | | May 25 10:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SandraEckersley: @wikileaks_forum @schestowitz I'm out of it now - thanks for playing! :) | May 25 10:13 | |
roy | | May 25 12:05 |
roy | | May 25 12:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | British journalist Graham Phillips released by Ukraine forces | World news | The Guardian [ ] | May 25 12:12 | |
roy | | May 25 12:15 |
roy | | May 25 12:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@sabinenamba: @schestowitz the key word seems to be "corporate" in this course of action! | May 25 12:24 | |
roy | MinceR: | May 25 12:35 |
-->pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techrights | May 25 12:39 | |
MinceR | :) | May 25 12:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Keep current with what's new in Linux | May 25 12:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | distributions | May 25 12:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 12:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Keep current with what's new in Linux distributions | Tux Machines | May 25 12:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Novena open laptop project exceeds 280 percent | May 25 12:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | of crowd-funding target | May 25 12:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 12:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Novena open laptop project exceeds 280 percent of crowd-funding target | Tux Machines | May 25 12:43 | |
MinceR | | May 25 12:43 |
<--pidgin_log has quit (*.net *.split) | May 25 12:44 | |
schestowitz__ | [17:45] <TweetSchestowitz> @wikileaks President Obama has made a surprise visit to | May 25 13:20 |
schestowitz__ | [17:46] <TweetSchestowitz> Afghanistan, today ("to visit troops"). | May 25 13:20 |
MinceR | | May 25 13:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 5 Ways Vladimir Putin Is Failing at Supervillainry | [ ] | May 25 13:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE | May 25 13:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | May 25 13:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 13:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 13:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets New Update Pack with KDE Frameworks Beta and Plasma Next Support | Tux Machines | May 25 13:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Plasma Media Center Starts Playing On KF5, | May 25 13:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Qt5 | May 25 13:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 13:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Plasma Media Center Starts Playing On KF5, Qt5 | Tux Machines | May 25 13:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | May 25 13:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 25 13:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 13:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam Is Slowly Becoming a Monopoly on Linux | Tux Machines | May 25 13:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good | May 25 15:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Improvements | May 25 15:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice 4.3 In Beta, Bringing Good Improvements | Tux Machines | May 25 15:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa | May 25 15:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | 10.3-devel | May 25 15:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Iris Graphics With Linux 3.15 & Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux Machines | May 25 15:21 | |
amarsh04 | oxymorons for our time "surprise visit" | May 25 17:19 |
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 25 17:27 | |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 25 17:56 | |
-->siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | May 25 17:58 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 25 18:00 | |
MinceR | gn | May 25 18:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- | May 25 20:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | here's how and why | May 25 20:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 20:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I am working exclusively from a Chromebook -- here's how and why | Tux Machines | May 25 20:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New UK IT procurement model urges open | May 25 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | standards | May 25 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 20:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New UK IT procurement model urges open standards | Tux Machines | May 25 20:54 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 25 21:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party | May 26 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Controllers | May 26 02:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SteamOS Has Received Support For Third Party Controllers | Tux Machines | May 26 02:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order | May 26 03:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Books for Red Pitaya | May 26 03:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 03:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How governments are more collaborative with | May 26 03:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RS Components, Allied Electronics Open Order Books for Red Pitaya | Tux Machines | May 26 03:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | open source | May 26 03:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 03:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How governments are more collaborative with open source | Tux Machines | May 26 03:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines American elections are stuck in the 20th | May 26 03:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | century. Here's how to change that. | May 26 03:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 03:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 03:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | American elections are stuck in the 20th century. Here's how to change that. | Tux Machines | May 26 03:00 | |
-->nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | May 26 03:31 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 03:38 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 03:49 |
MinceR | geekings | May 26 04:51 |
msb_ | The problem with American elections is that the voters don't know history, especially recent history, and that's because they get their information from the totally corrupt corporate media, controlled by the ultra-wealthy. | May 26 07:11 |
MinceR | they also don't seem to care | May 26 07:12 |
msb_ | Software is not going to fix that, especially from some Obama apointee. Obama is a totally corrupt fascist monster. Like many psychopaths, he's also very good at appearing to be a nice guy, even while he destroyed the entire nation of Libya and is still drone-bombing hundreds of people at a time. | May 26 07:13 |
msb_ | They are programmed not to care. The TV feeds them endless song and dance competitions. It never tells them what's important. | May 26 07:15 |
msb_ | Also, their bullshit religions program them not to think. | May 26 07:15 |
msb_ | Since a moment of thought would tell them that their invisible "god" doesn't exist. | May 26 07:16 |
msb_ | It's a very thorough brainwashing system. | May 26 07:18 |
msb_ | They're also filled with fluoride, mercury, aluminum, and booze, all of which make their brains much less able to function. That's not an accident. | May 26 07:19 |
msb_ | The fix for elections is paper ballots. Any software can be rigged, even open-source. | May 26 07:21 |
msb_ | MinceR: Maybe you and I can agree that the important thing is not having some people be able to severely control other people. Not in government by corruption and not in business by the power of money. | May 26 07:26 |
MinceR | indeed | May 26 07:26 |
msb_ | A strong tax on wealth, not just income, would help. But the money would have to go for housing, farms, food, education, medical care, etc., not weapons. | May 26 07:30 |
msb_ | The government would have to be completely open. No secrets whatsoever. | May 26 07:32 |
msb_ | The US 4-year election cycle is much too long. We should have a parliamentary system in which the prime minister can be immediatly recalled if the attacks another country. | May 26 07:33 |
MinceR | what about defense against foreign intelligence agents? what about self-defense in war? | May 26 07:38 |
msb_ | We shouldn't have any secrets, so no problem with spies. | May 26 07:39 |
msb_ | And nobody is going to attack the US. | May 26 07:39 |
msb_ | The problem is the US attacking other countries. | May 26 07:39 |
msb_ | Directly or by proxy like in Ukraine and Syria. | May 26 07:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15-rc7 | May 26 07:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 07:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 3.15-rc7 | Tux Machines | May 26 07:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Will Canonical name a new Pope? | May 26 07:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 07:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 07:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will Canonical name a new Pope? | Tux Machines | May 26 07:41 | |
msb_ | We already got one! | May 26 07:44 |
MinceR | | May 26 08:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | YTMND - Putin On The Ritz - The Second Coming | May 26 08:10 | |
MinceR | | May 26 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal | May 26 08:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest | May 26 08:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | operating system | May 26 08:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD runs out of steam | May 26 08:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Windows ban may open door for China's domestic | May 26 08:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | OS | May 26 08:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system | Tux Machines | May 26 08:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD runs out of steam | Tux Machines | May 26 08:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows ban may open door for China's domestic OS | Tux Machines | May 26 08:42 | |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 09:17 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 26 09:53 | |
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<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 10:23 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 26 10:27 | |
msb_ | "Users who want to get the most out of their Steam box will buy an Nvidia and Intel combo" Why not an AMD CPU and an Nvidia graphics card? | May 26 10:31 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 10:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IBM Bets Big On Power 8 | May 26 10:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | May 26 10:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 10:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM Bets Big On Power 8 | Tux Machines | May 26 10:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet | Tux Machines | May 26 10:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines City of Vienna increasingly turns to open | May 26 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | source | May 26 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | City of Vienna increasingly turns to open source | Tux Machines | May 26 10:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | May 26 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date | Tux Machines | May 26 10:38 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 26 10:48 | |
roy | nice: | May 26 10:50 |
msb_ | Another "Puttin' on the Ritz" -- Young FrankenSteve: | May 26 10:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Young FrankenSteve - YouTube [ ] | May 26 10:53 | |
roy | | May 26 11:16 |
roy | "The Wall Street Journal said a plan by a private U.S. group to provide Russian-made light weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition to the Free Syrian Army was foiled by the CIA." | May 26 11:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Report: CIA blocked U.S. group's effort to arm Syrian rebels - World Tribune | World Tribune [ ] | May 26 11:16 | |
msb_ | Great description of steps in making Linux-on-a-chip and its PC board. | May 26 11:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | VoCore: A coin-sized Linux computer with wifi | Indiegogo [ ] | May 26 11:50 | |
roy | | May 26 11:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The richest selfie in the world with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger - Mirror Online [ ] | May 26 11:53 | |
roy | " | May 26 11:53 |
roy | It comes after a similar snap made headlines when the bosses of US companies including Kellogg , Monsanto, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble came together at a summit organised by supermarket giant Walmart. | May 26 11:53 |
roy | | May 26 11:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The richest selfie in the world with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger - Mirror Online [ ] | May 26 11:53 | |
roy | Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook | May 26 11:53 |
roy | " | May 26 11:53 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditArchLinux favourited 'Meet VoCore, the smallest Linux computer yet' | May 26 11:54 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditArchLinux favourited 'Mint 17: The best Linux desktop to date...' | May 26 11:54 | |
roy | | May 26 11:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Smartphones You Want, But Can't Buy in India Right Now - Gizbot [ ] | May 26 11:58 | |
roy | | May 26 12:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ <h3>My Adventures with Old Hardware</h3> What happens when you try to run the latest Debian on 10 year old hardware? <a href="">Usually, it just works</a>. | May 26 12:08 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @">Usually ) | May 26 12:08 | |
roy | Done that, it works VERY well, even with latest KDE (on very little RAM and no drives except USB1) | May 26 12:08 |
schestowitz__ | "mhm, maybe we can help to grow... I'm thinking about a blogpost to mykolab (in german lang.) nice week michael" | May 26 12:49 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 12:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system "biggest" as in desktop market share | May 26 12:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux as an alternative to the world's biggest operating system | Business Recorder [ ] | May 26 12:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "Or "biggest" in GB it needs for a basic installation. :P" | May 26 12:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 12:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "CIA ensured that it was in full control of both the mainstream and grassroots media in Nigeria" | May 26 12:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Real Financiers of Boko Haram–Exposed | OSUN DEFENDER | May 26 12:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "infiltrated and subverted" | May 26 12:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 12:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ According to Jacob Appelbaum (WL), Sweden is actively banning/censoring speakers who can bring up Sweden's complicity in mass #surveillance | May 26 12:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "Any linkable source?" | May 26 12:50 |
schestowitz__ | his twitter feed this morning | May 26 12:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 12:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "A group led by a former Pentagon official" wanted to send 70,000 assault rifled to Syrian terrorists | May 26 12:52 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Private Group Sought to Arm Syrian Rebels - [ ] | May 26 12:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "faster and furiouser and stupider" | May 26 12:52 |
Snowleaksange | Sweden is such an elightened country </sarcasm> | May 26 12:52 |
schestowitz__ | ah | May 26 12:52 |
schestowitz__ | civilising by surveillance | May 26 12:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Adobe Flash critical to the future of Linux? | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | May 26 13:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Adobe Flash critical to the future of Linux? | Tux Machines | May 26 13:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 26 13:09 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands on: LG webOS Smart TVs | Tux Machines | May 26 13:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 26 13:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | May 26 13:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Screenshots | May 26 13:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 26 13:10 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 26 13:10 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the equation...  #equation #math #ryangosling #stevebuscemi #macaulaycaulkin | May 26 13:15 | |
schestowitz__ | "who are these people?" | May 26 13:15 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: mirror treehouse in sweden...  #mirror #treehouse #sweden | May 26 13:15 | |
schestowitz__ | "It's actually part of a hotel ..." | May 26 13:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Treehotel - Welcome to Treehotel | May 26 13:15 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #Cognitivedissonance #FrantzFanon | May 26 13:15 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | May 26 13:15 | |
schestowitz__ | "and it´s very common with those, who rub this on others´noses :-D" | May 26 13:15 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Now that more and more people realise that law and lawyers facilitate the occupation by the 1% over the 99%, maybe there will be reaction | May 26 13:17 | |
schestowitz__ | "Can't find your comment about indefinite detention of us citizens by us army , I'm too lazy (croatian sun tends to put you into that lazy , take-it-easy-dude mood ) . Did you know that NDAA has provisions regarding indefinite detention , and capturing of foreign nationals abroad US , since 60's ? I think it's more crucial to us as europeans , to speak about implications of thise provisions . How is it possible that amerikan | May 26 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | president can , and is , authorising the US military to snatch foreign citizens from their homes and put them in concentration camps indefinitely ? Why such a fuss about the rights of amerikans ? Frankly , I don't care if their military snatches them from the streets and makes canned beef if them . Their country , their government , their problem . I did not find evidence they protested against provisions inside NDAA giving 'right' | May 26 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | to their military to come snatch me from croatia , or you from uk . Did you ?" | May 26 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | I have written extensively about the "right" to spy on, torture, abduct, and assassinate people abroad. The US press knows its audience though, and they're suffering from this idea that they save the world from "bad guys" (I think more US citizens are no longer disillusioned about it and we need to reach out to those) | May 26 13:19 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #adobe Flash (Trash) gives those who commandeer the Web (NSA/GCHQ) browser access to people's microphones, cameras, files... | May 26 13:24 | |
schestowitz__ | "Abobe Flesh Prayer." | May 26 13:24 |
schestowitz__ | Preyer? | May 26 13:24 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #Voting | May 26 13:25 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | May 26 13:25 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | What is neoliberalism? [ ] | May 26 13:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "I don't agree either . But that comment was probably about my rant . Maybe I am wrong , but looks that way ." | May 26 13:25 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: մի խինդ մի ուրախութիւն՝ #խինդ #ուրախութիւն #ռմս #գնու #պար | May 26 13:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Richard Stallman dancing with GNU on FISL 10 - YouTube [ ] | May 26 13:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "I wonder what song is playing here. Sounds pretty good." | May 26 13:26 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: bloated car culture...  #bloated #carculture | May 26 13:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "OUURFF !" | May 26 13:28 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 26 13:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "But , please do answer the question about union jack :D" | May 26 13:28 |
schestowitz__ | "Nah , it reassembless confederate flag for a reason , they did not have st. Patrick in mind when they draw that flag ." | May 26 13:28 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: []( **Pope Francis makes unofficial stop at Israeli terrorism memorial | World news |** [ | May 26 13:29 | |
schestowitz__ | "He might as well go put some flowers on ariel sharon's ( a.k.a. buldozer ) grave ." | May 26 13:29 |
schestowitz__ | The BBC would have done it. | May 26 13:29 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 13:35 |
schestowitz__ | "I know you have written about that . But that's cia and war on terror shit . NDAA has been there for decades with provisions regarding non-us citizens and actions inside oder souvereign countries . When I look at it , I can't find a difference between rednecks from the south , wearin white masks and waving confederate flags , and the generals if the us military . Blood thirsty pillagers , offspring of slave traders ." | May 26 13:35 |
schestowitz__ | I can't quite follow the overall point you try to get across. Should I refocus on other misuses? I recently, in light of the Sabu case, began focusing even more on the FBI | May 26 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | Based on Slackware and Firefox | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | (Utopic Unicorn) | May 26 13:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 13:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mesa Is At 1.4 Million Lines Of Code | Tux Machines | May 26 13:47 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Porteus Kiosk Edition Is an Operating System Based on Slackware and Firefox | Tux Machines | May 26 13:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Swiss open source resource site now bilingual | Tux Machines | May 26 13:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LightDM 1.11.2 Released for Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) | Tux Machines | May 26 13:48 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 14:03 |
schestowitz__ | "Can't wait to find out ." | May 26 14:03 |
schestowitz__ | "No idea, I guess just like confederates with white borders" | May 26 14:04 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 14:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Wonder if the pope will ever go visit sabra and shatilla . After all , it was christian militia that butchered those women and children . With a little help ftom mr. Buldozer XD" | May 26 14:04 |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 26 14:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines TRY FIRA SANS, A FREE FONT FAMILY COMMISSIONED | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | BY MOZILLA | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Enlightenment: EFL and Elementary 1.10 release | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | plan | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TRY FIRA SANS, A FREE FONT FAMILY COMMISSIONED BY MOZILLA | Tux Machines | May 26 14:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux for Lettuce | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Enlightenment: EFL and Elementary 1.10 release plan | Tux Machines | May 26 14:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RhinoLINUX Lite Xfce Edition 7.0 Is Based on Xubuntu 13.10 and Linux Mint 16 | Tux Machines | May 26 14:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DragonFly 3.8, coming soon | May 26 14:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux for Lettuce | Tux Machines | May 26 14:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DragonFly 3.8, coming soon | Tux Machines | May 26 14:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 | May 26 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 | Tux Machines | May 26 14:27 | |
schestowitz__ | some years ago Goblin's son pulled the plug | May 26 14:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sky Broadband, Sean and my own stupidity – Confessions of an idiot. | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain [ ] | May 26 14:38 | |
schestowitz__ | this time it's something similar | May 26 14:38 |
schestowitz__ | "At this point I cut a long story short as I think you can guess what’s coming next. Somehow the router had been unplugged from the DSL filter and this was the reason (unsurprisingly) for the lack of service. After making apologies to Sean for wasting his time, I came away from the experience with a valuable lesson learnt." | May 26 14:38 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 14:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz You also know an individual who does the same! Me! | May 26 14:49 | |
schestowitz__ | I always try to check cabling, reboot hub, test on another device etc. before calling | May 26 14:49 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 14:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz lol...rub it in why dont you? ;) | May 26 14:51 | |
schestowitz__ | No, been there before myself | May 26 14:51 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 14:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I hadn't been anywhere near the DSL box before so it didn't occur to me that it could have become unplugged! | May 26 14:54 | |
schestowitz__ | Maybe Daniel, maybe denial? :-) | May 26 14:54 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 14:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz But at least I owned up (and even wrote an article with apologies!) | May 26 14:55 | |
MinceR | a river in egypt? | May 26 14:55 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 15:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@_Goblin: @schestowitz He was asleep, the wire must have been partially out and has been knocked... | May 26 15:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 15:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ According to Jacob Appelbaum (WL), Sweden is actively banning/censoring speakers who can bring up Sweden's complicity in mass #surveillance | May 26 15:46 | |
schestowitz__ | Thx."" | May 26 15:46 |
schestowitz__ | "Thx." | May 26 15:46 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 15:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 26 15:47 | |
schestowitz__ | "Btw , when scotland leaves UK , white borders go away with it :P" | May 26 15:47 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 15:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 [ ] | May 26 15:54 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 15:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Salix MATE 14.1 RC1 Is a Distro for Users Who Can't Let Go of GNOME 2 #salix #mate #gnome #gnu #linux | May 26 15:54 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 15:57 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 16:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Memorial Day is for stupid doodoo heads. #murica | May 26 16:00 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 26 16:03 | |
schestowitz__ | #MemorialDay | May 26 16:04 |
MinceR | :> | May 26 16:04 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 16:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Billionaire oligarch declared winner in Ukraine elections - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | May 26 16:18 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 16:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Star Witness on Iraq Said Weapons Were Destroyed — FAIR [ ] | May 26 16:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "Kamel is no obscure defector. A son-in-law of Saddam Hussein, his departure from Iraq carrying crates of secret documents on Iraq's past weapons programs was a major turning point in the inspections saga. In 1999, in a letter to the U.N. Security Council (1/25/99), UNSCOM reported that its entire eight years of disarmament work "must be divided into two parts, separated by the events following the departure from Iraq, in August 1995, | May 26 16:26 |
schestowitz__ | of Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel."" | May 26 16:26 |
schestowitz__ | "Washington Post Prints More Iraq Lies – Internet Abdullah" | May 26 16:27 |
DaemonFC | 1 min · Edited · | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | The only sort of consumer credit that seems to be flowing to American households (other than high interest credit cards where the banks can endure lots of defaults and still make money) are student loans. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | Student loans flow freely because the government "backs" them, but first, they "protect" the debt, by making sure that you'll earn less than minimum wage and may not even retire with your Social Security benefits until they're paid back. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | Bankruptcy won't get rid of them, and the banksters are allowed to garnish your wages down to what amounts to minimum wage * 35 hours a week, regardless of how much you make, until the banksters are paid back. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | The loans are designed so that most degrees either won't allow you to pay them back, or will have you breaking even with someone who just graduated high school, started working, and hoped for the best. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | Borrowing $20,000 could mean that you have to pay back $80,000, since the Republicans doubled the student loan interest rate. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | Essentially, what our society is telling young people is that we don't need artistic or creative young minds, and unless you're planning to be a doctor or a nurse, don't go to school, unless you have rich parents who will pay for the entire thing, or something. This should be a crime. As far as I'm concerned, it *is* a crime against an entire generation that the government and banks borrow this money from the Federal Reserve at 0.75%, loan i | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | t out at 6.8%, and then sit back and make over $100 billion every year off of the backs of struggling, suffering, young people. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | And people in their 50s, 60s, etc. don't seem to get this, because in their generation, you could make the equivalent of $10.75 an hour (in today's money) working a minimum wage job at a fast food restaurant, and go to school without taking on very much debt (and at a much lower interest rate). Now, you make $7.25, take out ten times as much debt, and pay twice as much interest. It's a racket. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | We need U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren as our next president. She's been pushing for an $11 an hour minimum wage, and student loan interest rates of 0.75%, which would allow more young people to take on the risk of improving themselves. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | Republicans continue with their "big lie" that $11 an hour and student loan rates of 0.75% is basically "giving the damned takers" a hammock, but it really just ensures that there is dignity in work again (there isn't now, because people who work end up depending on the government forever, which sounds exactly like the opposite of what Republicans claim to want), like there used to be, and that people can invest in themselves, and in society | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | without being crushed to death if the jobs market isn't paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars a year when they get out of college. | May 26 16:29 |
DaemonFC | If we allow Hillary Clinton to get the nomination, we're basically going to get stuck with another center-right corporate Democrat like Obama, who would have been called a Republican in 1974. | May 26 16:29 |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 16:30 | |
<--jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 16:30 | |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 16:30 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, I heard that that fat bastard with the piggly wiggly dick got voted out. | May 26 16:32 |
DaemonFC | What was his name? BNP member. | May 26 16:32 |
DaemonFC | Anyway, congratulations. | May 26 16:32 |
DaemonFC | The guy that posted a bunch of pictures with his pants down on Facebook and then tried to delete them. | May 26 16:33 |
DaemonFC | Nick Griffin | May 26 16:34 |
DaemonFC | OK, there we go. Thanks Google. | May 26 16:34 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 16:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nick Griffin concedes European parliament seat as BNP votes fall away | Politics | The Guardian [ ] | May 26 16:34 | |
DaemonFC | 58 secs · | May 26 16:38 |
DaemonFC | This is why I love the British people... | May 26 16:38 |
DaemonFC | Now, if the American people would just give the Tea Party the same treatment.... | May 26 16:38 |
DaemonFC | "Arriving at Manchester town hall on Sunday night, Griffin came under attack from protesters shouting 'Nazi scum off our streets'." | May 26 16:38 |
DaemonFC | a few seconds ago | May 26 16:41 |
DaemonFC | We have a bunch of idiot NIMBYs here in Huntington putting "NO WIND FARM!" signs in their front lawns. | May 26 16:41 |
DaemonFC | What a bunch of knobs..... | May 26 16:41 |
DaemonFC | FWIW, I've written to everyone on the county council about the wind farm, promising to vote out whoever opposes the wind farm. | May 26 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | lol | May 26 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | huntington | May 26 17:04 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, I call it Huntingtucky. | May 26 17:06 |
schestowitz__ | [21:36] <DaemonFC> The guy that posted a bunch of pictures with his pants down on Facebook and then tried to delete them. | May 26 17:08 |
schestowitz__ | Really?! | May 26 17:08 |
schestowitz__ | I didn't hear this | May 26 17:08 |
schestowitz__ | Huntingtucky. Heh. | May 26 17:09 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, Yeah, he pulled his pants down and took a bunch of dick pics, and accidentally uploaded them to Facebook. | May 26 17:10 |
DaemonFC | Then he tried to delete them after people took screenshots. | May 26 17:10 |
schestowitz__ | !google nick griffin photographs prick | May 26 17:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - We Spoke to Nick Griffin About His Summer Holiday in Syria | VICE ... | | May 26 17:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - nick griffin is a dick | Facebook | | May 26 17:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Twitter / nickgriffinmep: If I had the opportunity to ... | | May 26 17:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - The British Resistance - Why we must never forgive Nick Griffin or ... | | May 26 17:13 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: can you find something that confirms this is true? | May 26 17:14 |
DaemonFC | I saw it a while back. | May 26 17:14 |
schestowitz__ | sounds likely fake | May 26 17:15 |
schestowitz__ | fb can be set to auto-upload | May 26 17:15 |
schestowitz__ | but not publish by defauly | May 26 17:15 |
schestowitz__ | so he'd have to be dumb like a brick to do this | May 26 17:15 |
DaemonFC | Google does that too. | May 26 17:15 |
DaemonFC | The NSA has seen my penis. Oh well... | May 26 17:15 |
schestowitz__ | yes | May 26 17:15 |
schestowitz__ | yours? | May 26 17:16 |
DaemonFC | yeah | May 26 17:16 |
schestowitz__ | You should never take such photos | May 26 17:16 |
DaemonFC | true | May 26 17:17 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 17:18 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 26 17:18 | |
DaemonFC | Spotify freezes my desktop. *sigh* | May 26 17:19 |
schestowitz__ | I never ever took such photos | May 26 17:22 |
schestowitz__ | not even for testing, followed by deletion | May 26 17:22 |
schestowitz__ | young people these days don't comprehend what doing that would mean | May 26 17:22 |
schestowitz__ | and there's all sorts of rogue **** going on | May 26 17:22 |
schestowitz__ | you oughtn't give some of them phones with cams | May 26 17:22 |
schestowitz__ | with webcams they'd be too dump to know how to save to disc | May 26 17:23 |
schestowitz__ | the whole sexting thing too has been used to label some adults "criminals" | May 26 17:23 |
schestowitz__ | you can entrap people by having such crap sent to them | May 26 17:23 |
schestowitz__ | like some entrapments with child pr0n | May 26 17:24 |
schestowitz__ | seems like FBI et al. might be using such tactics versus activists | May 26 17:24 |
DaemonFC | yeah, like Grindr and all the teenagers that are floating around on it that they don't do anything about. | May 26 17:28 |
DaemonFC | And anyone can send you pictures without your consent, which makes it legally dangerous to have it installed on your phone. | May 26 17:29 |
DaemonFC | Some state laws let you raise a defense that you never consented to receive pictures, but many don't, and neither does federal law. | May 26 17:29 |
DaemonFC | Much of that was written in the late 90s, when nobody had phones that could do this. | May 26 17:30 |
DaemonFC | I think that they should hold the developer of the apps responsible for what happens. | May 26 17:30 |
DaemonFC | Then there'd just be a dialog that pops up asking if you want to receive the pictures. | May 26 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux | May 26 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Gaming Comparison | May 26 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, | May 26 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now Based on Xfce 4.11 | May 26 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | High-End NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Comparison | Tux Machines | May 26 17:35 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro Xfce 0.8.10 RC1 Is Ready for Testing, Now Based on Xfce 4.11 | Tux Machines | May 26 17:35 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Girl" is a dirty word, according to the #BBC | May 26 17:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Now the BBC is censoring the word 'girl' - it really is in a different world » Spectator Blogs [ ] | May 26 17:37 | |
schestowitz__ | "All of the song lyrics that must be changed now..." | May 26 17:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BBC is accused of censorship after cutting the g-word | The Times [ ] | May 26 17:38 | |
MinceR | lol | May 26 17:38 |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 26 17:38 | |
schestowitz__ | "Well in that case it would look like confederate flag only with red cross and blue background, little different then confederate right?" | May 26 17:38 |
MinceR | time to get the bbc to censor all the words | May 26 17:38 |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 26 17:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 26 17:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Long Term Use of Computers With Free Software latest #debian #gnu #linux on very old PCs | May 26 17:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Low Resource Computers [ ] | May 26 17:48 | |
cubezzz | ok, this article is up my alley :) | May 26 18:01 |
cubezzz | sure, you can use late 90's computers | May 26 18:03 |
cubezzz | a lot of memory/cpu is taken up by modern web browsers | May 26 18:05 |
cubezzz | | May 26 18:06 |
cubezzz | so if you reduce that part, then 16 megs is enough to get by | May 26 18:06 |
cubezzz | I've used P3's with 256 megs for years and this box I'm on now is mainly for IRC | May 26 18:07 |
cubezzz | 256 megs | May 26 18:07 |
cubezzz | which to me is the high end of low memory use | May 26 18:09 |
cubezzz | certainly 16 megs is enough ram to run the tcp/ip stack, ftp, c compiler, etc etc | May 26 18:10 |
cubezzz | ok, so you could not run X at all, that's a huge memory reduction | May 26 18:11 |
cubezzz | Plan 9 works fine with 32 megs of ram | May 26 18:14 |
cubezzz | | May 26 18:15 |
cubezzz | even KDE 3.5.X isn't that great for low memory use | May 26 18:20 |
MinceR | gn | May 26 18:26 |
cubezzz | for window managers, BlackBox and JWM use about 3 megs of ram | May 26 18:26 |
cubezzz | E17 uses 35 megs | May 26 18:27 |
cubezzz | the so-called light LXDE uses 36 megs | May 26 18:27 |
cubezzz | Xfce is 70 megs | May 26 18:27 |
MinceR | tried fvwm? | May 26 18:27 |
cubezzz | yes | May 26 18:27 |
cubezzz | about 13 megs of ram for fvwm | May 26 18:28 |
MinceR | :) | May 26 18:28 |
cubezzz | twm is 1.2 megs | May 26 18:29 |
cubezzz | IceWM 4.5 megs, which is my favourite one for features and low memory | May 26 18:30 |
cubezzz | the current KDE is the fattest of the fat, over 200 megs of ram | May 26 18:31 |
MinceR | what about unity and gnome3? | May 26 18:31 |
cubezzz | Gnome 3 is 155 megs | May 26 18:31 |
cubezzz | Unity is 192 megs :) | May 26 18:31 |
cubezzz | big and fat | May 26 18:32 |
MinceR | and stupid :> | May 26 18:32 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 18:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China tries to make artificial lake, fails and creates desert instead [ ] | May 26 18:32 | |
DaemonFC | LOL | May 26 18:32 |
MinceR | nice | May 26 18:33 |
cubezzz | | May 26 18:33 |
MinceR | KWin stands for kde3 and KDE stands for kde4? | May 26 18:34 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 18:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Economy of Hungary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 26 18:35 | |
DaemonFC | "Foreign direct investment" | May 26 18:35 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Basically "They're seizing real assets to cover your debt." | May 26 18:35 |
DaemonFC | We're hearing that term a lot now in America as well. | May 26 18:35 |
MinceR | :> | May 26 18:35 |
DaemonFC | The Chinese own a lot of Ohio now, I understand. | May 26 18:35 |
DaemonFC | They opened up aluminum and fertilizer factories in Indiana. | May 26 18:36 |
DaemonFC | Paying close to nothing, of course. | May 26 18:36 |
DaemonFC | They're outsourcing their shit work to Americans now. | May 26 18:36 |
DaemonFC | Even Apple is starting to assemble some things here again. | May 26 18:36 |
DaemonFC | They said that China is getting too expensive. | May 26 18:37 |
DaemonFC | There are *good* things about rising oil prices. | May 26 18:37 |
DaemonFC | Makes it more expensive to put stuff on a boat and bring it here. | May 26 18:37 |
cubezzz | MinceR, yes KDE implies KDE 4 | May 26 18:55 |
cubezzz | kwin is KDE 3.5 | May 26 18:55 |
cubezzz | | May 26 18:56 |
cubezzz | that was really a png not a jpg | May 26 18:57 |
cubezzz | so if any distro uses has icewm, that is a pretty good choice for low memory computers | May 26 19:00 |
cubezzz | s/uses// | May 26 19:00 |
cubezzz | switching from kwin to icewm (assuming you aren't running both at the same time) saves 31 megs of ram | May 26 19:02 |
cubezzz | XFCE isn't that light, it's only light in comparison to Gnome 3, Unity and KDE 4 | May 26 19:05 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 19:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android criticism: Mozilla co-founder claims Android is too bloated | BGR [ ] | May 26 19:48 | |
DaemonFC | The problem with attacking from the low end is that hardware gets faster and better across the spectrum. | May 26 19:48 |
DaemonFC | If Android doesn't run well on $100 phones today, it will in a couple of years. | May 26 19:48 |
DaemonFC | So, they're really saying that Firefox OS development is short-sighted. | May 26 19:49 |
cubezzz | I mix and match a bit | May 26 20:12 |
cubezzz | run konsole with icewm | May 26 20:12 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 26 20:35 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 20:35 |
DaemonFC | I just registered to vote again so the fucking Republicans can't purge me from the voter rolls. | May 26 20:35 |
DaemonFC | Make sure they don't get you too! | May 26 20:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Secretary of State : Election Division: Register to Vote | May 26 20:35 | |
cubezzz | msb_, you'll like this one | May 26 20:37 |
cubezzz | burroughs vector display with 36x20 text | May 26 20:37 |
cubezzz | | May 26 20:37 |
msb_ | Core rope! | May 26 20:41 |
cubezzz | stock exchange nixie display: | May 26 20:42 |
cubezzz | | May 26 20:42 |
msb_ | brb | May 26 20:43 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 26 20:53 |
DaemonFC | | May 26 20:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Human 'suspended animation' trials to start this month | May 26 20:53 | |
DaemonFC | I remember an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where a corporate raider businessman from the 1980s was found in cryostasis and revived by the crew of Enterprise. He had trouble adjusting to the fact that civilization was no longer a class system for people like him to prey upon, and technology had advanced to the point where nobody went hungry, homeless, or unclothed unless they were lucky enough to find a dead end job they hated, m | May 26 20:53 |
DaemonFC | aking money for the vulture capitalists. | May 26 20:53 |
DaemonFC | Picard told him that human values had changed and that the goal of humanity was "no longer about the acquisition of things". | May 26 20:53 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to wake up in a future like that.... | May 26 20:53 |
msb_ | cubezzz: At one point, the lab I was working in got an RGB *vector* display to fool around with for a month. Not raster-scan, the H and V deflection coils were driven by hefty power transistors running Class A, maybe three in parallel, so a dozen altogether. | May 26 21:16 |
msb_ | These H and V amps were driven from the D/A outputs of the computer. I think it was the LINC, but I have to check my resume'. | May 26 21:17 |
msb_ | I had to make very sure that the D/A values kept changing, or that 25KV electron beam would have come right out into the air. (The high voltage supply was independent, not part of H deflection.) | May 26 21:19 |
msb_ | But whoever had built the thing had not included dynamic convergence circuitry. The coils were there, but no drivers. So I built a 4-quadrant circuit with pot adjustments; worked pretty well. | May 26 21:21 |
msb_ | cubezzz: I was really sad when they took it away. Those primary colors were wonderful. | May 26 21:27 |
cubezzz | why did they take it away? | May 26 21:27 |
msb_ | It was only on loan for a month. | May 26 21:27 |
msb_ | We got to have our fun, and they got our electronic improvements. | May 26 21:28 |
msb_ | One or two of the deflection transistors may have blown out at some point, even though they had load-balancing resistors. I had to replace them. | May 26 21:33 |
msb_ | I felt like I was working on a cyclotron or something! | May 26 21:33 |
msb_ | It needed liquid nitrogen cooling, and used as much electrical power as the entire rest of the building. They brought in a small gas-turbine generator for it, parked out in the driveway. Cables as thick as your arm. | May 26 21:41 |
msb_ | Just kidding. It was a color TV, with bolts in its neck. | May 26 21:42 |
DaemonFC | I shouldn't have bought so much macaroni and cheese. I've eaten 20 boxes of it in the last month and a half and still have 15 more to go. | May 26 21:43 |
cubezzz | damn, konsole bug... I'm going to have to look at the source | May 26 21:43 |
DaemonFC | I throw a can of diced tomatoes in with it and that's dinner. | May 26 21:43 |
cubezzz | a pity | May 26 21:43 |
DaemonFC | Costs about $2. The price is right, I guess. | May 26 21:43 |
cubezzz | wm writers don't or can't test all combinations | May 26 21:44 |
cubezzz | DaemonFC, you're really living in up eh? :) | May 26 21:44 |
cubezzz | s/in/it/ | May 26 21:44 |
DaemonFC | yeah | May 26 21:44 |
DaemonFC | I'm trying to save money. | May 26 21:44 |
DaemonFC | Not easy. | May 26 21:44 |
DaemonFC | I like having some on hand because anything can happen at any moment, and I don't want to be caught with my pants down by the banksters. | May 26 21:45 |
msb_ | Just be sure you take vitamins. At least a multi and some Vit C. | May 26 21:45 |
msb_ | cubezzz: You found a bug in KDE konsole? | May 26 21:46 |
cubezzz | yeah, it's using the wrong font when used with icewm | May 26 21:47 |
DaemonFC | 5 mins · | May 26 21:48 |
DaemonFC | The Indianapolis Star posted on Governor Pence's wall asking opinions on HIP 2.0, the profitized version of the Medicaid expansion. I wrote: | May 26 21:48 |
DaemonFC | "It's better than nothing, in the same way that diving into a pool full of electric eels is better than nothing when you really need to go for a swim. Pence's HIP 2.0 is just another giveaway to the damned insurance and drug companies. It will cost more than expanding Medicaid, and it will deliver inferior results. Most of the people who HIP will cover will be too poor to use it, and if anything happens and they can't pay their premiums, the | May 26 21:48 |
DaemonFC | y'll lose it, which is one of the reasons that Medicaid doesn't have premiums. Our governor is a complete pile of ****." | May 26 21:48 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Excellent argumentation! | May 26 21:50 |
cubezzz | there's detritus in KDE 3.5.X I've never looked at | May 26 21:50 |
cubezzz | there's quite a lot of it | May 26 21:50 |
msb_ | cubezzz: I use konsole from KDE4. | May 26 21:51 |
msb_ | Pulls in more libs, but who cares. | May 26 21:51 |
cubezzz | well, I'm trying to use less ram | May 26 21:51 |
msb_ | Did you know you can change the font size with Ctrl-+ and Ctrl--? Very handy for old eyes. | May 26 21:53 |
cubezzz | yes, but not if I'm using icewm with konsole | May 26 21:53 |
cubezzz | that's a different ballgame | May 26 21:54 |
DaemonFC | msb_, The reason for HIP is because the Medicaid formulary negotiates drug prices, and HIP doesn't. | May 26 21:54 |
DaemonFC | It makes sure that those fucking drug company bastards get all their money. | May 26 21:54 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 26 21:54 |
DaemonFC | From the taxpayers, of course. | May 26 21:54 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Yep, even for drugs that were developed at universities, on govt money. | May 26 21:55 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, and it's mostly foreign drug companies that benefit from that. | May 26 21:58 |
msb_ | cubezzz: I'm not using icewm either, just straight KDE3. I think konsole 2.6 (for KDE4.6) changes the font size by itself. | May 26 21:58 |
cubezzz | it's switching to bold I think | May 26 21:59 |
msb_ | ...when requested. | May 26 21:59 |
DaemonFC | So they get massive subsidies from taxpayers, create few American jobs, and then they get to double dip Americans when Americans go to buy prescription drugs that they need. | May 26 21:59 |
cubezzz | it's the right font, but bold instead of regular | May 26 21:59 |
DaemonFC | Thankfully, patents do eventually expire, so a lot of common drugs are available in generic form now. | May 26 21:59 |
msb_ | The konsole I'm using actually switches to a larger/smaller font. It shows the number of rows and columns in a little popup, and the numbers change. | May 26 22:00 |
DaemonFC | msb_, I noticed that since I switched over to RO water, my skin looks better and my facial hair is easier to shave. | May 26 22:01 |
DaemonFC | I don't cook with it though. | May 26 22:01 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Why not? | May 26 22:01 |
DaemonFC | Boiling pasta with purified water will suck out the minerals and vitamins from it. | May 26 22:01 |
DaemonFC | It's probably OK to use it in cooking other stuff, but I do eat a lot of pasta. :P | May 26 22:02 |
DaemonFC | Most of the water just gets strained out, and I don't like it taking all the minerals and vitamins with it. | May 26 22:02 |
msb_ | I don't think using tap (sewage) water will preserve the vits and mins any better than RO water, which would be a lot healthier. | May 26 22:04 |
msb_ | I add a little MgCO3 to my distilled water. | May 26 22:04 |
msb_ | Cheap. From here. Very nice company: | May 26 22:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Affordable Vitamins & Dietary Supplements Online Store | May 26 22:06 | |
DaemonFC | msb_, The drinking water treatment basically does the bare minimum cheapest processing that will make the water drinkable. | May 26 22:07 |
DaemonFC | At municipal water treatment plants, that is. | May 26 22:07 |
DaemonFC | That usually just means running it through a sediment filter and then dumping some chlorine into it. | May 26 22:07 |
cubezzz | konsole is interesting, it does a lot of stuff | May 26 22:09 |
msb_ | I used to use a green text color like in The Matrix, but I've switched back to white on black. Or maybe that was in mc, which I always have running in every konsole. | May 26 22:13 |
cubezzz | fixed it :) | May 26 22:33 |
cubezzz | one more minor tweak, and it will be perfect | May 26 22:33 |
cubezzz | konsole --profile main | May 26 22:36 |
cubezzz | basically I'm using the best parts of KDE with the best parts of icewm | May 26 22:38 |
cubezzz | | May 26 22:46 |
cubezzz | konsole is pretty good, I've really put it through it's paces | May 26 22:54 |
cubezzz | APL, simh, mwm, icewm... it pretty well worked with everything I threw at it | May 26 22:54 |
msb_ | Fancy! | May 26 22:59 |
cubezzz | all the tabs are colour coded by computer :) | May 26 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CLAWS MAIL 3.10 RELEASED WITH | May 26 23:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | OTHER CHANGES | May 26 23:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 23:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: KaOS 2014.04 | May 26 23:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 23:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review: KaOS 2014.04 | Tux Machines | May 26 23:03 | |
-->aboutGod ( has joined #techrights | May 26 23:21 | |
<--aboutGod ( has left #techrights | May 26 23:26 | |
<--msb_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 26 23:30 | |
-->msb_ ( has joined #techrights | May 26 23:30 | |
DaemonFC | I had a rebate on bagel bites about a month ago, so I'm making those for dinner. | May 26 23:31 |
DaemonFC | Haven't had these in like 20 years. LOL | May 26 23:31 |
<--msb_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 26 23:34 | |
-->msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 26 23:35 | |
DaemonFC | | May 27 00:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Reflections on Vietnam and Other Moments of Campus Activism: An Interview With Radical Professor Bertram Strieb [ ] | May 27 00:11 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ the oppressor's motto (markets=oligarchs) | May 27 01:24 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ - Truthdig [ ] | May 27 01:24 | |
schestowitz__ | "The religion has a choir!" | May 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Ayn Rand | May 27 01:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "So, by virtue of her not understanding my superior thoughts, I have the right to take what she has? What was she fighting for except a primitive selfishness that leaves everyone in a wild state, little better than animals?" | May 27 01:25 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ It remains a mystery why Snowden's reporters/confidants gave anything at all to #washpo seeing what WashPo had done to #Manning & #Assange | May 27 01:26 | |
schestowitz__ | I've seen a couple of explanations for that. The first is that they spread the documents around to get as many people writing as possible. If the other organizations sit on it, that's to their discredit. The other reason was that Greenwald and Guardian drug their feet getting encryption and publishing. Greenwald used the treat of being scooped to get the Guardian to publish faster."" | May 27 01:26 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Despite Gates being factually wrong, the worst part is that his message steers people and policy makers away" | May 27 01:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Bill Gates is wrong on Africa | Wharton Journal [ ] | May 27 01:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "As if GOVERNMENT was not threat enough, NOW comes multi-billionaire Bill Gates playing GOD with human lives... Mild mannered Bill Gates really IS a monster! While reading the following articles, keep in mind that--instead of diabolically KILLING other human beings or UNILATERALLY ruining their reproductive genes, their lives and their futures--the money and effort COULD have been spent on many PRODUCTIVE, USEFUL things. Here are a | May 27 01:26 |
schestowitz__ | few that come to my mind: See details at" | May 27 01:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [2007-04-08.2] DDT Ban & Malaria: An Unnecessary Tragedy, INDEED! | May 27 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #nz PM ( #drone #assassination apologist): Don't protest outside my home | May 27 01:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | PM: Don't protest outside my home | [ ] | May 27 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "Of course that's annoying and inconsiderate, home is a special place for everyone. Bombing homes at Sunday night with drones would be fine, but protesting is not." | May 27 01:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | PM unimpressed by protest outside his house - National - NZ Herald News [ ] | May 27 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ‘They think of WikiLeaks like Al-Qaeda’ don't be misled, it's not the Arabs they're afraid of | May 27 01:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Matt DeHart no longer felt safe after FBI raided his home, so he decided to visit the Russian embassy | National Post [ ] | May 27 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "Think of the children." | May 27 01:27 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:42 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:46 |
DaemonFC | OH MY GOD! Won't SOMEONE PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!!!!!111111 | May 27 01:52 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 01:52 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:53 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ### Each time you read a #book a #tree smiles knowing there’s #life after #death ... #quote #education #wisdom #knowledge | May 27 01:54 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:55 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 01:58 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 02:01 |
MinceR | trees can't smile | May 27 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Steinhage Hello webOS is out! | May 27 02:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hello webOS | May 27 02:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Stories via @tuxmachines @fernandolazaro5 | May 27 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Fred_D_Castillo | May 27 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Steinhage Hello webOS is out! | May 27 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Stories via @tuxmachines @fernandolazaro5 | May 27 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @Fred_D_Castillo | May 27 02:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hello webOS - | May 27 02:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 02:03 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 02:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Batman Can't Stop Thinking About Sex - YouTube [ ] | May 27 02:29 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 02:41 |
MinceR | :3 | May 27 02:45 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 02:59 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 03:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Lots of times #firefox fails to copy http from the address back. Maybe if #mozilla wasn't so busy trying to copy Google's brain damage... | May 27 03:00 | |
schestowitz__ | "Don't get what you mean. File a bug?" | May 27 03:00 |
schestowitz__ | Not sure how to reproduce. | May 27 03:01 |
MinceR | it's a misfeature | May 27 03:01 |
MinceR | good thing it can be turned off | May 27 03:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mint 17 the Best, Foe to Friend, and KaOS | May 27 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review | May 27 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 03:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mint 17 the Best, Foe to Friend, and KaOS Review | Tux Machines | May 27 03:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS | May 27 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 03:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS | Tux Machines | May 27 03:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes | May 27 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | name | May 27 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 03:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LynuxWorks reverts to its LynxOS roots, changes name | Tux Machines | May 27 03:02 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__, Had the same problem with Firefox. | May 27 03:05 |
schestowitz__ | cool | May 27 03:07 |
schestowitz__ | So it's not just me then | May 27 03:07 |
schestowitz__ | On GNU/Linux, right? | May 27 03:07 |
schestowitz__ | I reckon this issue is platform-independent | May 27 03:08 |
schestowitz__ | no APIs or I/Os peripheral to FF there | May 27 03:08 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 03:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: > either they have reached new depths of not thinking things through, or... ### No Shit: this is the new flag of the *Donetsk People's Republic*  | May 27 03:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "Haha, No I'm not British, I just love Zeps too much." | May 27 03:18 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 03:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP: PHP 5.3.20 Release Announcement | May 27 03:24 | |
schestowitz__ | "The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.3.20. About 15 bugs were fixed. Please note that the PHP 5.3 series will enter an end of life cycle and receive only critical fixes as of March 2013. All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.4. PHP 5.3.20 is recommended for those wishing to remain on the 5.3 series." | May 27 03:24 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 03:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP: News Archive - 2013 | May 27 03:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "PHP 5.3.27 Released - PHP 5.3 Reaching End of Life" | May 27 03:25 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 03:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP: News Archive - 2014 | May 27 03:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 03:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP 5.3 end of life [ ] | May 27 03:26 | |
schestowitz__ | " I know in the July 11, 2013 release of PHP 5.3.27, it was stated that this was the last of the development cycle for PHP 5.3 and only security updates would be released for the next year. Still I haven't heard of an official end of life date set for PHP 5.3. I suspect it ot be sometime in June or July 2014, but I also expected to get a more concrete answer in January 2014. (I seem to recall them doing something similar with PHP 5.2' | May 27 03:27 |
schestowitz__ | s end of life). " | May 27 03:27 |
schestowitz__ | " There is very little effort going towards 5.3 these days. Maintaining the 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and master branches seems to be going mostly okay. " | May 27 03:27 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 03:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | May 27 03:31 | |
DaemonFC | He messaged me on Plenty Of Fish. | May 27 03:32 |
schestowitz__ | no details given: | May 27 03:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NSA prevented terrorism attack in NL - NL Times [ ] | May 27 03:53 | |
schestowitz__ | we're expected to just "believe" | May 27 03:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The | May 27 03:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Witcher 2 Port? | May 27 03:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 03:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is the Linux Community Ungrateful for The Witcher 2 Port? | Tux Machines | May 27 03:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "Dutch government report, which does not go into further details. - See more at:" | May 27 03:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - US eavesdropping resulted in attack on the Netherlands 'being averted' [ ] | May 27 03:54 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 03:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@joana_varon: "@schestowitz: Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens that NSA spied on #nsa #surveillance #SIF14 | May 27 03:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Glenn Greenwald to publish list of U.S. citizens that NSA spied on - Washington Times | May 27 03:58 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditChromeOS favourited 'Best Business Apps for Chrome and Chrome OS...' | May 27 04:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will | May 27 04:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Change Its Name To Kebian | May 27 04:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 04:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 04:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | After Debian Jessie Gets Stable, Kwheezy Will Change Its Name To Kebian | Tux Machines | May 27 04:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How Handy HandyLinux Is? | May 27 04:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 04:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Handy HandyLinux Is? | Tux Machines | May 27 04:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for | May 27 04:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu users | May 27 04:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 04:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for Ubuntu users | Tux Machines | May 27 04:12 | |
MinceR | geekings | May 27 04:32 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 04:51 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 05:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Lots of times #firefox fails to copy http from the address back. Maybe if #mozilla wasn't so busy trying to copy Google's brain damage... | May 27 05:05 | |
schestowitz__ | "I guess: after modifying URL and copying it. Disabling "browser.urlbar.trimURLs" can fix that ;-)." | May 27 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | @marc: except that you're still failing to acknowledge three points: | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Dell had promised (through its salesperson) support for the product. | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Dell was not capable, in truth, of delivering on that promise. | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Dell's insistence (through its support department) on cutting us off, which I attribute largely to the relationship with RH. Which is where the link to the article and RH's strong-arming comes into play. | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | In the situation, the storage product would not have been purchased if Dell wasn't willing to provide support. | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Professional support (from hardware vendors or otherwise) is absolutely available via other distros. Though generally, if someone expresses that they do support something, I expect that they will actually, you know, support it. | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Will and Roy like to make as if Free Software Friends, including Rh and Google, can do no harm. Truth is, they're much like any other company, and you don't have to look hard to find many who are quite devoted and dedicated to free software who criticize both. | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | E.g., some schmuck named Alan who thinks he knows Linux capping on RH here. | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 27 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 05:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | So Red Hat are totally about free software and freedom are they +Jan Wildeboer… [ ] | May 27 05:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 27 05:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ the oppressor's motto (markets=oligarchs) | May 27 05:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "I thought that was a parody marrying a protest song to Friedman's intro, but apparently it's legit (at least based on the Forbes link I found to it). Truly frightening." | May 27 05:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | ‘Let Markets Rule Us’ - Truthdig [ ] | May 27 05:06 | |
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 27 07:10 | |
Sosumi | | May 27 07:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Android and Windows Phone features we hope Apple “borrows” for iOS 8 | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 07:13 | |
Sosumi | ios behind both windblows banaphone and android | May 27 07:13 |
Sosumi | no word about blackberry | May 27 07:14 |
Sosumi | but they’re not that relevant anymore | May 27 07:15 |
Sosumi | as for and | May 27 07:24 |
Sosumi | *android phones | May 27 07:24 |
Sosumi | I’m eargerly waiting for the LG G3 | May 27 07:25 |
Sosumi | if LG doesn’t fail with their fork of android | May 27 07:25 |
<--TakinOver has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | May 27 07:26 | |
Sosumi | they’ll have the killer phone for this year | May 27 07:26 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'Cinnamon PPA will no longer be maintained for...' | May 27 07:27 | |
-->TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | May 27 07:27 | |
msb__ | What's the business about Firefox not copying http? Does that mean if you use the mouse to copy the address in the URL bar, that the address you get does not include the initial "http://" ? | May 27 08:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host '"' ( status 0 @ http://" ) | May 27 08:05 | |
msb__ | Because if it does, I never have that problem, and am up to date on Firefox (29.0.1). Not doubting you guys of course, just another data point. | May 27 08:06 |
MinceR | maybe there's a bug where it needs to transition between selecting a substring and the whole thing (plus scheme) | May 27 08:11 |
MinceR | for what it's worth, i always disable this misfeature anyway | May 27 08:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games | May 27 08:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | development | May 27 08:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leadwerks partners with Ubuntu for Linux games development | Tux Machines | May 27 08:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines When digital marketing meets open source | May 27 08:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 08:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When digital marketing meets open source | Tux Machines | May 27 08:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | May 27 08:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 08:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 08:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | wattOS R8 review – Debian greenie | Tux Machines | May 27 08:36 | |
Sosumi | well | May 27 08:46 |
Sosumi | on firefox 29.01, when you restore your bookmarks from a file | May 27 08:47 |
Sosumi | on a file structure of 1st folder -> 2nd folder -> 3rd folder | May 27 08:48 |
Sosumi | the 3rd folder and the inside bookmarks arren’t restored | May 27 08:48 |
Sosumi | so, bugfox | May 27 08:50 |
msb__ | MinceR: When I get the address from the URL-bar, I click the cursor in the bar, hit Home, hold the left mouse key down, and sweep the cursor all the way to the right end of the URL (which may cause it to scroll horizontally). That highlights the entire URL and puts it in the clipboard. Maybe you do it a different way. | May 27 08:56 |
msb__ | MinceR: This method allows me to see the beginning (less the "http://") and the end of the URL, so I can check it. | May 27 08:59 |
msb__ | MinceR: I guess I can use Ctrl-A to highlight the whole URL, but Ctrl-A is always associated in my mind with accidentally hitting a key and deleting the whole highlighted string. | May 27 09:02 |
MinceR | msb__: ask schestowitz__, he had the issue :> | May 27 09:09 |
msb__ | MinceR: I thought you and someone else did too. | May 27 09:10 |
MinceR | i was only bothered by the trimURL misfeature itself | May 27 09:12 |
MinceR | and turned it off rightaway | May 27 09:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines WRITE YOUR FIRST LINUX KERNEL MODULE | May 27 09:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 09:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Antergos 2014.05.26 Distro Powered by Numix | May 27 09:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | Looks Stunning | May 27 09:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 09:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WRITE YOUR FIRST LINUX KERNEL MODULE | Tux Machines | May 27 09:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Antergos 2014.05.26 Distro Powered by Numix Looks Stunning | Tux Machines | May 27 09:43 | |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | May 27 10:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Perl 5.20.0 released | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 10:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Perl 5.20.0 released | Tux Machines | May 27 10:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review and Screenshot Tour | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 10:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review and Screenshot Tour | Tux Machines | May 27 10:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft's China Syndrome | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 10:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft's China Syndrome | Tux Machines | May 27 10:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver Coming Soon To | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 27 10:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 10:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver Coming Soon To Linux | Tux Machines | May 27 10:38 | |
MinceR | | May 27 10:46 |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | May 27 10:55 | |
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-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 10:55 | |
Sosumi | also just saw one of roy’s tweets about the EU elections | May 27 11:06 |
Sosumi | let me tell you | May 27 11:06 |
Sosumi | the socialist party in portugal is in no way left | May 27 11:06 |
Sosumi | they’re just moderate right | May 27 11:06 |
Sosumi | in a sense | May 27 11:07 |
Sosumi | because on their last governenment, they actually outdid the right | May 27 11:07 |
MinceR | neither is the one in hungary | May 27 11:07 |
MinceR | and the right isn't really right either | May 27 11:08 |
MinceR | especially the far right | May 27 11:08 |
Sosumi | they just dance to the €€€ | May 27 11:08 |
MinceR | i'm not quite sure what they're doing here | May 27 11:09 |
Sosumi | for example we just had today one of the main accesses to the lisbon airport collapse | May 27 11:09 |
MinceR | but the masses seem to love it anyway | May 27 11:09 |
Sosumi | I guess Tecnovia, the main road builder here | May 27 11:09 |
Sosumi | will just trow some millions in order to stop an investigation | May 27 11:09 |
MinceR | bbl | May 27 11:10 |
Sosumi | it was a 30 meters fall | May 27 11:10 |
Sosumi | glad no one was using the access | May 27 11:11 |
Sosumi | also the socialist governemnt was the one that issued the most public private partnerships ever | May 27 11:12 |
Sosumi | and not to mention in giving a new definition to “creative economics" | May 27 11:14 |
Sosumi | like selling public buildings only to rent them back | May 27 11:15 |
Sosumi | in order to hide public debt | May 27 11:15 |
Sosumi | and having public companies engaging in credit default swap | May 27 11:16 |
Sosumi | namelly the ones involved in the transporation sector | May 27 11:16 |
Sosumi | and waste treatment | May 27 11:16 |
Sosumi | p00rtug@l :) | May 27 11:17 |
Sosumi | but I personally I have no reason to complain | May 27 11:18 |
Sosumi | *still (not I) | May 27 11:18 |
Sosumi | also don’t forget that the wwdc is in 6 days | May 27 11:46 |
Sosumi | and so far my predictions is that both the highPhone and the highWatch will include a micro seringue for lsd dispensing | May 27 11:48 |
Sosumi | while osx will receive a lsd inspired facelift only | May 27 11:49 |
Sosumi | with everything else continuing to suck | May 27 11:49 |
-->gde33 ( has joined #techrights | May 27 12:32 | |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 27 12:58 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 27 13:03 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 13:07 | |
MinceR | i don't care about it | May 27 13:22 |
MinceR | also, the media will be full of that crap for a while anyway | May 27 13:22 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 27 13:26 | |
-->amarsh04_ (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 13:26 | |
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schestowitz__ | RSS feed of Mutkware has not been updating for days. I checked it on the site; it seems valid, just out of date. | May 27 13:40 |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 27 13:41 | |
schestowitz__ | [12:16] <Sosumi> | May 27 13:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Android and Windows Phone features we hope Apple “borrows” for iOS 8 | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 13:54 | |
schestowitz__ | Meh, arse technica | May 27 13:54 |
<--schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | May 27 13:58 | |
-->schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 27 13:59 | |
DaemonFC | They write some of the most obvious pro-Microsoft crap I've ever seen. | May 27 14:05 |
schestowitz | MinceR: DaemonFC | May 27 14:07 |
schestowitz | | May 27 14:07 |
msb__ | Sosumi: Wow, we needed an actual big earthquake to knock down a segment of our highway. (Unfortunately squashed a lot of people in their cars.) | May 27 14:08 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: yes, look at the staff | May 27 14:08 |
MinceR | :3 | May 27 14:08 |
schestowitz | Emil, not Peter | May 27 14:08 |
schestowitz | and their FOSS writers too | May 27 14:08 |
schestowitz | MS boosters | May 27 14:08 |
schestowitz | on internet matters they have always been good | May 27 14:08 |
schestowitz | they also hired Joe Mullins to cover patent issues, esp. trolsl | May 27 14:09 |
schestowitz | he had run a good blog about patent trolls | May 27 14:09 |
schestowitz | prior to that they had Tim B-L | May 27 14:09 |
schestowitz | Not that one :-) | May 27 14:09 |
schestowitz | But the one who now writes at WashPo after a sting at Forbes and many years at some socialiist-looking pro-digital rights site | May 27 14:09 |
schestowitz | Libration Front of some kind | May 27 14:10 |
schestowitz | They lost their good writers | May 27 14:10 |
schestowitz | And Ars is now owned (bought by) the owned of Wired | May 27 14:10 |
schestowitz | Scroll down to the bottom of any page at Ars | May 27 14:10 |
schestowitz | they seemed to have sold out | May 27 14:10 |
schestowitz | and now they do MS whitewashing just like Wired | May 27 14:10 |
msb__ | Dr Dobbs' Journal is also now mostly MS language stuff. | May 27 14:12 |
DaemonFC | Well, they're facing funding problems, so I'm sure they take money where they can get it. | May 27 14:19 |
DaemonFC | And that hurts journalistic integrity. | May 27 14:19 |
schestowitz | | May 27 14:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: "Despite Gates being factually wrong, the worst part is that his message steers people and policy makers away" | May 27 14:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Bill Gates is wrong on Africa | Wharton Journal [ ] | May 27 14:19 | |
schestowitz | "Steve Jobs never invented anything either." | May 27 14:19 |
schestowitz | His glory is invented. | May 27 14:19 |
DaemonFC | That's why the cable news talks about Justin Bieber and not the banks robbing us of $20 trillion since the recession. | May 27 14:20 |
DaemonFC | The Federal Reserve has printed up more money to rescue banks from their own greed than it would take to colonize Mars. | May 27 14:20 |
msb__ | Speaking of LSD -- | May 27 14:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FBI chief says anti-marijuana policy hinders the hiring of cyber experts | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 14:21 | |
DaemonFC | You could double Social Security benefits and give ever American citizen Medicare for 500 years for what these assholes have given the banks. | May 27 14:22 |
DaemonFC | "We, your leaders, misspent your money, so now you have to tighten your belts." | May 27 14:22 |
DaemonFC | (Bill Hicks) | May 27 14:22 |
DaemonFC | He said he'd feel better about tightening his belt if he could choke Jessie Helms to death with it. He said he was even willing to eat bologna sandwiches for a week. | May 27 14:23 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 14:23 |
msb__ | And also at least 100,000,000 people were murdered by fascists last century and this to make bankers and other top capitalists more wealthy. | May 27 14:24 |
MinceR | :) | May 27 14:25 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: | May 27 14:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MC Hawking - Jesse Helms - YouTube [ ] | May 27 14:25 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 14:26 | |
DaemonFC | Now that Mike Pence is finally caving in and talking about health insurance for 350,000 poor people in Indiana, he's being called a "RINO". | May 27 14:28 |
MinceR | no H? | May 27 14:28 |
msb__ | Repugnican In Name Only | May 27 14:29 |
MinceR | :) | May 27 14:29 |
msb__ | Looks like a variety of USB-powered cannabis vaporizers are already available: | May 27 14:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | USB THC vaporizer - Google Search [ ] | May 27 14:29 | |
DaemonFC | msb__, He was elected governor with 49% of the vote. | May 27 14:30 |
DaemonFC | He's scrambling to save his own ass because he knows that he's going to be a one term governor if people continue organizing against him around that issue. | May 27 14:30 |
msb__ | Amazing! American democracy sometimes *does* work! | May 27 14:31 |
DaemonFC | The Democrats are starting to talk to some of these people who have no health insurance and promising to expand Medicaid if we'll get together and put them in the governor's office next time. | May 27 14:31 |
DaemonFC | So, Pence is getting out ahead of that and making sure that it's expanded in the most corporatized way possible. | May 27 14:31 |
msb__ | Yes health care -- not dying -- is an important political issue. | May 27 14:32 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, well, we've been turning up the heat on him over that, and I think it's sort of working. | May 27 14:33 |
DaemonFC | HIP 2.0 is better than no health insurance. | May 27 14:33 |
DaemonFC | They have people like my uncle buying this right-wing shit by the barrel. | May 27 14:35 |
DaemonFC | He said that people shouldn't be allowed to vote if they're not paying enough taxes. | May 27 14:35 |
DaemonFC | I said that they're not paying taxes because they're paid so badly that the federal government has to step in and cover some of their cost of living, even if they don't pay the federal income tax. | May 27 14:36 |
DaemonFC | That's what needs to change. | May 27 14:36 |
DaemonFC | What's stripping the dignity from work is that you can work 40 hours a week and still have to beg for some food to eat. | May 27 14:37 |
DaemonFC | That destroys people's sense of self-worth. Makes them feel guilty, even though they're doing their part. You know? | May 27 14:37 |
DaemonFC | There's nothing to feel guilty about. The government is helping Walmart and McDonalds pay these people $7 an hour and get away with it. | May 27 14:38 |
DaemonFC | That's what not raising the minimum wage while you're running food stamp and Medicaid programs does. | May 27 14:38 |
msb__ | We've heard of the new book _Capital in the Twenty-First Century_, by Thomas Piketty, in which he recommends a tax on actual *wealth* (capital) as the solution to humanity's problems? | May 27 14:39 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, the Capital Gains Tax is far too low. | May 27 14:39 |
DaemonFC | It should be taxed at the same rate as any other income. | May 27 14:39 |
DaemonFC | The inheritance tax needs to be increased as well. | May 27 14:39 |
msb__ | But that's just on income. This would be a tax on actual wealth, regardless of how you got it. | May 27 14:40 |
DaemonFC | You know, say "Everything over a million dollars is taxed at 40%. | May 27 14:40 |
msb__ | Anyhow, looky here: | May 27 14:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A centralized location for your leftist literature: Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century [ ] | May 27 14:40 | |
msb__ | Note the ".PDF" link. | May 27 14:40 |
msb__ | Right-click and "Save Link As" gets a lovely pdf copy, with an active table of contents, and an index. | May 27 14:41 |
DaemonFC | msb__, $20 TRILLION to bail out banks. | May 27 14:44 |
DaemonFC | There's always money around when *they* need it. | May 27 14:45 |
DaemonFC | But when Social Security needs 5% of that, so that 60 million people can live, there's "no money". | May 27 14:45 |
msb__ | At least. The amount I saw was $28 Trillion, given by Obomber. | May 27 14:45 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. Social Security is chump change compared with what the government spends elsewhere. | May 27 14:46 |
DaemonFC | You could probably buy an aircraft carrier every second for the next year with what the banks got. | May 27 14:46 |
DaemonFC | The entire point of handing the military a trillion dollars a year is to make the government rack up debt to the banks. | May 27 14:47 |
DaemonFC | That's all it is. | May 27 14:47 |
Snowleaksange | this chat is approaching my ignorance tolerance | May 27 14:47 |
msb__ | And conquering other nations for oil and slave labor. | May 27 14:48 |
msb__ | That pdf page was only about 8 down in a google search. That book is all over the place! | May 27 14:50 |
msb__ | In torrents, one might say. | May 27 14:50 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. Or your public library. | May 27 14:50 |
DaemonFC | Don't forget the library. If nobody borrows books from the library, the politicians have an easier time defunding them and shutting them down. | May 27 14:51 |
DaemonFC | Boarding up the windows. | May 27 14:51 |
schestowitz | [19:48] <msb__> At least. The amount I saw was $28 Trillion, given by Obomber. | May 27 14:51 |
schestowitz | Nope | May 27 14:51 |
DaemonFC | If they're doing it to the schools, they'll do it to the libraries as well. | May 27 14:51 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: what if people only use the books on site? | May 27 14:51 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I don't want to use the library's e-book system, because it has Digital Restrictions Malware, and they encourage people to read them on their Swindles and iBads. | May 27 14:53 |
MinceR | i meant reading dead tree books inside the library | May 27 14:53 |
schestowitz | | May 27 14:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@fcassia: MT @schestowitz @JonoBacon Stepping Down From #Canonical | May 27 14:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Jono Bacon Stepping Down From Canonical | May 27 14:54 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 14:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz too late. goodbye Firefox, hello Palemoon. goodbye FFox fone, hello Android. | May 27 14:54 | |
msb__ | On the other hand, a pdf file, spinning for instant and permanent access, taking up 1/10th of a penny of disk storage, is mighty handy. | May 27 14:54 |
schestowitz | Karma | May 27 14:54 |
DaemonFC | Oh. Well, if you don't scan them out, then they say "Nobody is using the library!". They get a lot of their funding based on how many books people are checking out. | May 27 14:54 |
MinceR | that's sad | May 27 14:55 |
DaemonFC | Well, that's Republicans for you.... | May 27 14:55 |
DaemonFC | For my part, the last time they got a round of funding for the Huntington branch, I got them to buy a pretty good list of books on using GNU/Linux. | May 27 14:56 |
msb__ | Excellent! | May 27 14:56 |
DaemonFC | I got them to buy one about Ubuntu, and one called the "Linux Bible", which mostly documents Fedora and Enterprise Linux. | May 27 14:56 |
MinceR | they had to get it once they realized it had "Bible" in the title ;) | May 27 14:57 |
msb__ | Just don't mention those "daemons"! | May 27 14:57 |
DaemonFC | It does refer to them as "daemons", but it quickly clarifies that they're "system services". | May 27 14:59 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 14:59 |
MinceR | :> | May 27 14:59 |
msb__ | Hah! System calls are just prayers to them. "Please give me that disk file, O Daemon!" | May 27 15:01 |
MinceR | except they're addressed to the kernel, which is not a daemon | May 27 15:01 |
MinceR | on HURD, on the other hand... | May 27 15:01 |
msb__ | And now a whole bunch of them have been combined to make systemd, the mightiest daemon of all! | May 27 15:02 |
Snowleaksange | this ridiculously simplistic idea that the worlds problems are the result of bad people is wildly popular. you see it even more from the left, blaming occupational classes like banksters, 1%, etc. | May 27 15:02 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Or Darwin... | May 27 15:04 |
DaemonFC | Kind of.... | May 27 15:04 |
msb__ | Yes, the fact that 1% of the planet's population has seized 99% of the wealth, has nothing to do with the remaining 99% of the population scrabbling to survive, or just starving. | May 27 15:04 |
Snowleaksange | i dont think it matches the reality at all. a tiny fraction of actual problems attributable to immoral people. | May 27 15:04 |
DaemonFC | "Your services have died but the kernel is still running, technically, have fun with that." -Apple | May 27 15:04 |
MinceR | darwin has a lot of extra kernel-mode stuff, any of which can crash the system all the same :> | May 27 15:05 |
MinceR | they like to claim that it's a microkernel system, but it's not | May 27 15:06 |
MinceR | same with winblows nt | May 27 15:06 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I don't get what the point is about having all your services die but having the kernel still running, other than the fact that Mac OS can display that "You need to restart your computer!" message. That's a pretty error message. Apple did a great job with that screen. I wonder if it was Made on a Mac(TM)... | May 27 15:08 |
Snowleaksange | sociol and market dynamics at scale are so complex that regardless of ubiquitous good intention and reasonable response, great suffering persists | May 27 15:08 |
msb__ | Yes, most of humanity's problems are due to things like mislabelled packages, poorly fitting underwear, dogs not getting enough cheese, etc. | May 27 15:09 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 27 15:10 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 27 15:10 |
DaemonFC | Veterans can't get healthcare. The Walter Reed Scandal happened on his watch.... Meanwhile..... | May 27 15:10 |
DaemonFC | | May 27 15:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | George W. Bush has knee surgery - Jonathan Topaz - [ ] | May 27 15:10 | |
Snowleaksange | you think you have all the solurions eh msb__, if only we listened to you so easily everything solved. | May 27 15:10 |
MinceR | :> | May 27 15:10 |
DaemonFC | msb__, I got some long johns at Menards last year. I ended up having to take them back because my johns were not, in fact, long enough. | May 27 15:10 |
DaemonFC | I should have sued for false advertising, but I'm a nice guy. | May 27 15:11 |
msb__ | Blaming it on obvious psychopaths that totally corrupt government and murder millions of people for profit -- that's just silly. Because they have ubiquitous good intentions. | May 27 15:11 |
MinceR | lol | May 27 15:11 |
Snowleaksange | lol @ obvious psycopaths | May 27 15:11 |
Snowleaksange | the only demon i see is a demonizer, you | May 27 15:12 |
MinceR | there are plenty of evil people around | May 27 15:12 |
-->_Goblin (~Goblin@ has joined #techrights | May 27 15:12 | |
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to _Goblin | May 27 15:13 | |
msb__ | Very informative: | May 27 15:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Road to World War 3 - YouTube [ ] | May 27 15:13 | |
_Goblin | schestowitz: FYI I've been arranging a guest for our next show (when my rig arrives or I get a suitable Chrome app).....its a really cool author who uses tech to make interactive etitles... | May 27 15:14 |
DaemonFC | I can tell you what's wrong with the world.... Are you ready? OK then..... | May 27 15:14 |
DaemonFC | When I go on dating sites, there's basically three types of people, by career. | May 27 15:14 |
Snowleaksange | the only recursively terminating group of people to blame, is blameful people. thank about that. | May 27 15:14 |
MinceR | probably too long to list :> | May 27 15:14 |
DaemonFC | Unemployed, Marketing, and Psychology. | May 27 15:14 |
MinceR | other people don't use dating sites? | May 27 15:15 |
DaemonFC | That's what's wrong here. We might not have enough food, enough affordable housing, enough jobs, enough healthcare, but we've got plenty of goddamned advertisers and psychologists! | May 27 15:15 |
DaemonFC | Who are they selling their shit to? The unemployed? | May 27 15:15 |
MinceR | lol | May 27 15:15 |
schestowitz | riding the wave of "open source"... greedy sharks | May 27 15:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Capital Pushes New Product For Crowdfunding Investors | Crowdfund Insider [ ] | May 27 15:15 | |
schestowitz | _Goblin: fantastic | May 27 15:15 |
schestowitz | I know of some stuff that would be good to discuss | May 27 15:16 |
schestowitz | _Goblin: with mumble, if possible, it would be good now that I know the new workflow | May 27 15:16 |
DaemonFC | Marketing makes you feel bad about not having enough shit, and then psychiatrists drug you so that you don't care anymore! | May 27 15:17 |
DaemonFC | They've got a little bit of symbiosis going on there, I do believe! | May 27 15:18 |
MinceR | sounds more like a competition | May 27 15:18 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, that's why they can always increase the dose. | May 27 15:18 |
MinceR | unless they're marketing drug | May 27 15:18 |
MinceR | s | May 27 15:18 |
msb__ | _Goblin: At first read, I thought you said "a really cool author who uses tech to make interactive entities". Woof! | May 27 15:19 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Well, they're good at what they do. They convince people to buy $200 jeans and $6 tubes of toothpaste while they're working for minimum wage and getting eviction notices on their front door. | May 27 15:20 |
DaemonFC | America lost its soul a long, long time ago. We're at the point where third world child laborers are stuffing "Help me!" letters in the clothes that are being sold at Macy's, Von Maur, Aeropostale, Banana Republic, wherever people are shopping these days, I guess. | May 27 15:22 |
DaemonFC | Then when the cretins who shop there complain about the letter, they don't complain that people are being exploited to death to make their damned overpriced clothes. They complain that they had to look at the letter. | May 27 15:22 |
DaemonFC | And the company apologizes and promises to find the worker and have him shot as an example to others, so it doesn't happen again.... | May 27 15:22 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 27 15:22 |
msb__ | Some years ago I read that the guy in charge of Nike sneaker production in Indonesia makes 70,000 times as much as any of his employees. | May 27 15:23 |
msb__ | ...who of course never could afford to buy a pair of the shoes they made. | May 27 15:24 |
DaemonFC | Slavery was never banned. It was sent somewhere where we don't have to look at it. | May 27 15:24 |
msb__ | DaemonFC: Superb! That's a keeper! | May 27 15:24 |
Sosumi | the point of the arstechnica article was just to highlight how behind the curve the hypeOS is | May 27 15:26 |
MinceR | actually, it avoided the most important ways in which hypeOS is behind the curve :> | May 27 15:28 |
Sosumi | they just don’t want to be blacklisted from press events | May 27 15:30 |
Sosumi | or from receiving review saples | May 27 15:30 |
Sosumi | *samples | May 27 15:30 |
schestowitz | | May 27 15:32 |
Sosumi | that is why you no longer see in detail articles of how bad te quadro drivers were on OSX or why dave girard said whe reviewing his own aquired trashcan pro | May 27 15:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Just War Illusions – Ethics Alerts [ ] | May 27 15:32 | |
Sosumi | that you didn’t need to babysit the thing | May 27 15:32 |
Sosumi | when one of the memory modules was reaching 97ºC | May 27 15:32 |
schestowitz | weird: | May 27 15:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Making a Profit Worth Killing For? – Ethics Alerts [ ] | May 27 15:32 | |
MinceR | :> | May 27 15:32 |
Sosumi | thx to the poor cooling | May 27 15:32 |
Sosumi | or Anand calling a stress test of which the trashcan failed | May 27 15:33 |
Sosumi | a “power virus” | May 27 15:33 |
Sosumi | for the reader in the know, he’ll understand | May 27 15:34 |
Sosumi | for the idiot which is the target market of apple | May 27 15:34 |
Sosumi | he’ll not get it | May 27 15:34 |
Sosumi | and as for asstechnica | May 27 15:35 |
Sosumi | I think that the quality of their articles has declined in the past 3 years | May 27 15:36 |
schestowitz | | May 27 15:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #fbi wants to hire people on drugs other than tobacco and alcohol | May 27 15:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | FBI chief says anti-marijuana policy hinders the hiring of cyber experts | Ars Technica [ ] | May 27 15:36 | |
schestowitz | "not to mention coffee" | May 27 15:36 |
schestowitz | | May 27 15:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #bbc grooming Sabu #fbi sting operations, staging threats and attacks to frame innocent people | May 27 15:36 | |
schestowitz | "Sabu can go fuck himself." | May 27 15:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BBC News - Hacker 'Sabu' gets lenient sentence after helping US [ ] | May 27 15:36 | |
DaemonFC | The iPhone 6 still won't have a real HD screen, but the LG G2 does, and the LG G3 has Quad HD. | May 27 16:04 |
DaemonFC | The iPhones don't just have a bad operating system, the hardware is no damned good. | May 27 16:05 |
DaemonFC | Not for what you're spending. | May 27 16:05 |
MinceR | it has what people pay for: the logo. | May 27 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines BFQ Scheduler Still Trying For The Mainline | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Kernel | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Next Open Source Battle Is Being Waged In | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | The 3D Printing Industry | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 16:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BFQ Scheduler Still Trying For The Mainline Linux Kernel | Tux Machines | May 27 16:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 27 16:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 16:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Next Open Source Battle Is Being Waged In The 3D Printing Industry | Tux Machines | May 27 16:11 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 27 16:12 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 27 16:12 | |
_Goblin | I can't see what the fuss is about camera's on laptops/phones spying.....if people think its happening why don't they just stick a sticker over the lens and only take it off for photos? | May 27 16:14 |
_Goblin | sorry...that was meant for another server/channel | May 27 16:15 |
<--pidgin_log1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 27 16:18 | |
MinceR | i did put a sticker on the company laptop webcam | May 27 16:19 |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 27 16:19 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 16:22 | |
MinceR | well, a post-it | May 27 16:31 |
MinceR | or clone | May 27 16:31 |
MinceR | | May 27 16:31 |
_Goblin | I wonder if someone has started to sell little plastic covers you can clip onto your phone or tablet to cover the camera? | May 27 17:00 |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 27 17:26 | |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 27 17:31 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 27 17:37 | |
MinceR | gn | May 27 17:54 |
MinceR | sounds like a good idea | May 27 17:54 |
MinceR | some of them could come with a builtin flap :> | May 27 17:54 |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | with MySQL Database Fabric | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tales of Distros Tried and True | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Adopt The Australis Interface | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 23:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 23:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Oracle Expands Open-Source High-Availability with MySQL Database Fabric | Tux Machines | May 27 23:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tales of Distros Tried and True | Tux Machines | May 27 23:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is 'Open' the 'Organic' of the IT Industry? | Tux Machines | May 27 23:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pale Moon (A Firefox Based Browser) Will Not Adopt The Australis Interface | Tux Machines | May 27 23:13 | |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | May 27 23:25 | |
---jono is now known as Guest50754 | May 27 23:26 | |
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-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 28 00:35 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 00:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bill Maher rails against political correctness [ ] | May 28 00:41 | |
DaemonFC | "A few weeks ago, the CEO of Mozilla was forced to resign because it was revealed that in 2008, he supported Prop. 8, California's ban on gay marriage. A bad law, yes, but 52% of Californians voted for it. Do they all have to resign? Obama was against gay marriage in 2008! Does he have to resign? Hillary came around just last year. Can she be President? | May 28 00:41 |
DaemonFC | You can't purge everybody who doesn't evolve exactly on the timetable you did. It reminds me of the immigrant who's been in America all of a year, and looks at someone who came over last week, like, "Boat people, am I right?" (audience laughter and applause)" | May 28 00:41 |
prurigro | DaemonFC: he wasn't forced- people it mattered to gave him an ultimatum, but he could still be CEO right now if he'd wanted to be (with the consequences) | May 28 00:56 |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 28 01:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target | May 28 01:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Source opportunity | May 28 01:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 01:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat opens office in Indonesia to target Open Source opportunity | Tux Machines | May 28 01:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: DuckDuckGo Compared to Google, Bing, | May 28 01:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Yandex | May 28 01:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 01:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review: DuckDuckGo Compared to Google, Bing, Yandex | Tux Machines | May 28 01:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and | May 28 01:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ungrateful Gamers | May 28 01:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 01:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and Ungrateful Gamers | Tux Machines | May 28 01:30 | |
DaemonFC | prurigro, It was a little extreme. He did pledge to enforce Mozilla's policies. | May 28 02:20 |
prurigro | DaemonFC: Some people can deal with someone who has extremist views running a company, some people can't, and some people realize they can influence people to support their cause better if they manage to make an example out of someone who voted the wrong way on something-- at the end of the day though, because of the 2nd and 3rd groups, it was going to affect Mozilla's position if he stayed | May 28 02:23 |
prurigro | I don't see anything wrong with this- it's a method of pushing social change without needing to resort to more laws | May 28 02:25 |
<--vallor has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | May 28 02:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and | May 28 02:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ungrateful Gamers | May 28 02:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 02:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fav Distros, LibreOffice 4.3 Beta, and Ungrateful Gamers | Tux Machines | May 28 02:54 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 02:59 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 28 03:06 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 03:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on: With the LG G3, we hope you like pixels | Ars Technica [ ] | May 28 03:10 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 03:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GMO Grass: Coming to a Lawn Near You? | Alternet [ ] | May 28 03:28 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 04:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dr. Mercola Discusses Water Filters - YouTube [ ] | May 28 04:22 | |
DaemonFC | msb__, Dr. Mercola disagrees with you about distilled water. | May 28 04:22 |
msb__ | How so? | May 28 04:23 |
DaemonFC | Watch the video. :) | May 28 04:24 |
msb__ | I'm busy. Just tell me. | May 28 04:25 |
DaemonFC | It removes the good minerals too. | May 28 04:29 |
DaemonFC | He recommends spring water. | May 28 04:29 |
MinceR | geekings | May 28 04:30 |
MinceR | i thought that was well known | May 28 04:31 |
msb__ | Spring and well water can have arsenic and other toxins. It has to be tested. | May 28 04:31 |
msb__ | I get Ca by eating cheese, and Mg by adding MgCO3 to the water. | May 28 04:31 |
msb__ | I take other minerals in pills -- Zn, Se, Cu, Cr, B, Mn. | May 28 04:32 |
msb__ | Very cheap. | May 28 04:33 |
MinceR | what do you do when you sweat more and need certain minerals more, but not others? | May 28 04:35 |
msb__ | I get Na and Cl in my food, and K in the KCl salt I use. | May 28 04:36 |
msb__ | Also food has trace minerals. | May 28 04:37 |
msb__ | There's no guarantee that spring or well water has what you need, and doesn't have any toxins like As. It has to be tested. | May 28 04:38 |
msb__ | Mercola usually has good ideas, but he's wrong on some things. He says people lack electrons unless they walk barefoot on the ground. That's ridiculous. | May 28 04:40 |
MinceR | it tends to be tested, at least in europe | May 28 04:40 |
msb__ | Probably here too. Once a year is enough. | May 28 04:41 |
msb__ | Unless there was a chemical spill in the area. | May 28 04:41 |
msb__ | Of course everyone should have a couple of cats, and pet them frequently. | May 28 04:43 |
msb__ | That gives you plenty of electrons, and also Orgone Energy. | May 28 04:43 |
MinceR | or one could just use a CRT monitor, that gives you electrons too :> | May 28 04:45 |
DaemonFC | msb__, Well, Dave (my stepdad) loves Gatorade. And he was actually tricked into thinking it's good for you. | May 28 04:46 |
MinceR | it's got electrolytes? | May 28 04:46 |
DaemonFC | It's got about half as much sugar as soda, and other than that, it's just some flavored water with trace minerals. | May 28 04:47 |
DaemonFC | So, it's pretty much just calories. | May 28 04:47 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 04:47 |
MinceR | it's got what plants crave! | May 28 04:47 |
DaemonFC | They couldn't prove that it hydrates any better than plain water, so they threw millions of dollars into funding their own "gatorade science" research center. | May 28 04:47 |
DaemonFC | Smells like Big Tobacco to me. | May 28 04:47 |
DaemonFC | Probably not as bad for you, but still.... | May 28 04:48 |
DaemonFC | Industry funds its own junk research to mislead consumers... | May 28 04:48 |
MinceR | does it at least taste good? | May 28 04:48 |
msb__ | Originally it was flavored with alligator urine, but they had to remove it. | May 28 04:50 |
MinceR | so it isn't even made from real gator? | May 28 04:50 |
msb__ | Not anymore. | May 28 04:50 |
msb__ | The original idea was to make athletes more successful by getting them to ram their heads into hard objects. | May 28 04:51 |
msb__ | The resulting brain damage was supposed to make them fearless. | May 28 04:52 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I like their sugar free gatorade. | May 28 04:53 |
MinceR | well, death does make one fearless | May 28 04:53 |
DaemonFC | The lemon ice one is pretty good. | May 28 04:54 |
MinceR | unfortunately, it also makes them unsuccessful as athletes. | May 28 04:54 |
msb__ | I'm just making this up, but there's probably a grain of truth in it. | May 28 04:54 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 04:54 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: does it contain other sweeteners? | May 28 04:54 |
msb__ | Costco has frozen mango chunks now for about $3/pound. | May 28 04:55 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Not sure. | May 28 04:55 |
msb__ | They taste delicious frozen, and if you eat a whole bowl of them it will purge all the toxins from your body. | May 28 04:55 |
DaemonFC | They used to make up giant batches of the stuff when I worked at the shoe warehouse. | May 28 04:56 |
msb__ | Just make sure you have an adequate supply of toilet paper. | May 28 04:56 |
DaemonFC | No air conditioning, but they had those 30 gallon jugs of gatorade everywhere. Ice cold. | May 28 04:56 |
DaemonFC | I used to stop and grab a cup of it whenever I could spare a minute, because it would be 80-90 degrees in there, at night. :P | May 28 04:56 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 04:57 |
msb__ | DaemonFC: I guess they tried this on rats first, but they were too small to carry the shoes. | May 28 04:57 |
DaemonFC | msb__, They closed the warehouse down in 2009. | May 28 04:57 |
DaemonFC | Fired everyone. | May 28 04:57 |
DaemonFC | They have those highly automated warehouses now. | May 28 04:58 |
DaemonFC | It's just a few people babysitting some machines, and loading trucks. | May 28 04:58 |
DaemonFC | 600 jobs gone, 100 or so created somewhere else. | May 28 04:58 |
DaemonFC | Until they figure out how to get rid of them as well. | May 28 04:58 |
msb__ | Capitalism is so stupid! | May 28 05:00 |
DaemonFC | That's what they do. Offshore, outsource, automate, and then bitch that people who are unemployed still want to eat. | May 28 05:00 |
cubezzz | soylent green solves the problem of excess people :) | May 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | | May 28 05:01 |
msb__ | When tech replaces people's jobs, instead of paying them anyhow, they let them die. | May 28 05:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@AnneTynan: Your tweets used in this post @schestowitz @HandofGOD7 | May 28 05:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | JuDo’nt Suppose The BBC Threw The Wrong Wobbly Over The Girl?, Anne Tynan | May 28 05:01 | |
DaemonFC | There doesn't need to be an "excess" population. | May 28 05:01 |
cubezzz | what would you suggest? | May 28 05:01 |
msb__ | Just eat the rich, and take their money. | May 28 05:02 |
DaemonFC | With the right measure of birth control, green energy, sustainable development, etc., etc., most people could live good lives. | May 28 05:02 |
cubezzz | msb__ :) | May 28 05:02 |
msb__ | They still wouldn't have jobs. | May 28 05:02 |
DaemonFC | Well, if there's no work that's needed from them, then they shouldn't need to work. | May 28 05:02 |
msb__ | Yes! | May 28 05:03 |
cubezzz | there will always be jobs | May 28 05:03 |
DaemonFC | Sure. | May 28 05:03 |
cubezzz | at the very least someone has to maintain things | May 28 05:03 |
msb__ | But not enough, and with improved technology, less and less. | May 28 05:03 |
DaemonFC | Yes, pay them more than the basic income, and they have an incentive educate themselves and do those jobs. | May 28 05:03 |
DaemonFC | *incentive to | May 28 05:04 |
DaemonFC | One of the reasons the Republicans hate Obamacare is because it will allow some people to get away with working 30 hour weeks and doing OK because they don't have those crushing health insurance premiums and medical costs like they used to. | May 28 05:04 |
DaemonFC | So, that will help get unemployment down, because people will be doing as well with 30 hour weeks as they were with 40 hour weeks before, and so more people will get hired. | May 28 05:05 |
DaemonFC | Theoretically, everyone works 25% less hours and is no worse for it. | May 28 05:05 |
DaemonFC | And I don't see a problem with that. | May 28 05:06 |
DaemonFC | The 30 hour workweek is something we should have had 5-10 years ago. | May 28 05:06 |
msb__ | Get rid of all advertising, marketing, persecution of victimless crimes, real estate and stock speculation, and we'd have a 20-hour work week, or less. Those are all useless make-work jobs. | May 28 05:06 |
msb__ | Oh, I forgot. First kill all the lawyers. | May 28 05:07 |
DaemonFC | msb__, Killing them might be harsh. | May 28 05:08 |
DaemonFC | I think that they should have to do some sort of community service for 100,000 hours or so. | May 28 05:08 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 05:08 |
msb__ | Cleaning toilets. | May 28 05:08 |
DaemonFC | Work off a little bit of that $400 an hour that they robbed decent people of during their careers. | May 28 05:09 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 05:09 |
msb__ | After a year, give them a brush. | May 28 05:09 |
msb__ | (Monty Python) | May 28 05:09 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 05:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft sends astronauts to troll Samsung’s “Terminal Galaxy 5” [ ] | May 28 05:42 | |
msb__ | There's a movie I'm trying to remember. A man is pursuing a woman on a train that's nearly empty. She may be an alien. She has something he's trying to get. I don't think it was one of the Species movies, nor Source Code. | May 28 05:53 |
schestowitz | | May 28 06:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ReputacionE: @schestowitz You've mentioned MWC.Answer a survey about the congressa!! | May 28 06:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Mobile World Congress | May 28 06:05 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 06:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 'Obama: Like a Boss',0,2573054.column Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's 'Really Good At Killing People' | May 28 06:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Obama "Boss" bumper sticker for true Chicagoan - [ ] | May 28 06:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Obama Said He's 'Really Good At Killing People' - Business Insider [ ] | May 28 06:37 | |
schestowitz | "Weird. He's not running for anything. What is this guy talking about?" | May 28 06:37 |
schestowitz | msb__: | May 28 06:59 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:00 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "What do we aim at? Houses! Who do we kill? Everyone inside the houses!" US calls them "compounds" | May 28 07:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Posterity Will Hate Us: Building a Lasting Legacy of Death | May 28 07:01 | |
schestowitz | "US has proudly been building thast legacy sine 1823." | May 28 07:01 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:04 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz refusing censorship will itself soon be defined as probable cause.... | May 28 07:16 | |
Sosumi | LG G3 just got announced today | May 28 07:30 |
Sosumi | ad it goes as I predicted | May 28 07:30 |
Sosumi | killer phone | May 28 07:30 |
Sosumi | I do hope LG has included some good DAC for an excelent music playback | May 28 07:31 |
Sosumi | something from cirus or wolfsom or burr brown | May 28 07:31 |
Sosumi | because the quallcom DACs are trash | May 28 07:32 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 07:35 |
Sosumi | DAC = digital analog converter | May 28 07:38 |
Sosumi | if the porpuse of those feature phones is to be multimedia devices | May 28 07:39 |
DaemonFC | I have the G2. | May 28 07:39 |
DaemonFC | That's a perfectly good phone | May 28 07:39 |
Sosumi | they should at least reproduce sound clearly | May 28 07:40 |
Sosumi | which from my test with the S5 wasn’t the case | May 28 07:40 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 07:40 | |
Sosumi | and the sound felt muffed on my sennheiser momentum headphones | May 28 07:40 |
Sosumi | and yes I was using a flac file | May 28 07:41 |
Sosumi | and from what I also read on headfi | May 28 07:42 |
Sosumi | it was all down to the quallcom DAC | May 28 07:42 |
MinceR | you could use another DAC via bluetooth :> | May 28 07:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than Intel | May 28 07:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | SNA | May 28 07:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 07:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nginx passes Apache as Web server of choice | May 28 07:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | among top sites | May 28 07:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 07:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau 2D Rendering Is Much Slower Than Intel SNA | Tux Machines | May 28 07:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nginx passes Apache as Web server of choice among top sites | Tux Machines | May 28 07:56 | |
schestowitz | msb__: | May 28 08:00 |
Sosumi | way too much clutter | May 28 08:00 |
Sosumi | plus, for the price those phones cost | May 28 08:01 |
Sosumi | why not put in there a decent dac in the first place | May 28 08:01 |
msb__ | schestowitz: Roy, that one's great! Makes up for the gruesome picture of the nun. | May 28 08:01 |
MinceR | sure, but if you're out of options, it can help | May 28 08:05 |
MinceR | lol @ pic | May 28 08:06 |
msb__ | Actually, the Cathars and others believed that Jehovah is just a local warlord who'd gotten control of Earth and turned it into a prison planet. It fits, because he's a genocidal psychopath in the old and new testicles and the koran. So maybe he's running the NWO. | May 28 08:12 |
MinceR | or he's just a figment of some bronze age barbarians' imagination. | May 28 08:13 |
msb__ | Which various rulers found useful and passed down thru the generations. Could be. | May 28 08:14 |
msb__ | But there are all those Sumerian stories of visitation by more or less reptilian Anunnaki. | May 28 08:19 |
MinceR | there are plenty of stories | May 28 08:20 |
msb__ | Shit, they just knocked out my Comcrap connection for 3 minutes. NOW do you believe??? | May 28 08:21 |
MinceR | lol | May 28 08:21 |
MinceR | these theories imply a lot more competence about governments than they otherwise seem to have | May 28 08:21 |
MinceR | then again, the illusion of incompetence might be a ruse | May 28 08:21 |
msb__ | 9-11 was done very simply. Explosives were implanted in the towers and detonated from top to bottom, probably by coded radio signals. | May 28 08:23 |
msb__ | Any electronics engineer could do it. | May 28 08:23 |
msb__ | And the multi-ton girders flying sideways at up to 70mph prove that it wasn't a gravitational collapse. F=ma vector equation Newton's Second Law. It's that simple. | May 28 08:25 |
msb__ | I mean it wasn't a purely gravitational collapse, which is the govt claim. | May 28 08:26 |
MinceR | yeah, there was also a fire which maked the supports sag :> | May 28 08:26 |
msb__ | So the govt didn't have the competence to fool a junior college physics teacher. | May 28 08:26 |
MinceR | they apparently did have the competence to keep documents from leaking about this, though | May 28 08:27 |
msb__ | The only reason that everyone who knows physics isn't saying that is that they're brainwashed into thinking "Oh no, the US wouldn't do anything like that." | May 28 08:28 |
msb__ | Sagging supports could not have blasted girders sideways. | May 28 08:28 |
MinceR | pancaking floors could have, though | May 28 08:29 |
msb__ | Nope. | May 28 08:29 |
msb__ | "Pancaking" means dropping downward. Down isn't sideways. | May 28 08:29 |
msb__ | Vectors, remember? Magnitude AND direction. | May 28 08:29 |
msb__ | "F" and "a" in F=ma are both *vectors*. | May 28 08:30 |
MinceR | dropping downward causes the air between the floors to be expelled sideways. | May 28 08:30 |
msb__ | High-school physics. (At least it was when I went to school.) | May 28 08:31 |
MinceR | gas pressure isn't high-school physics? :> | May 28 08:31 |
msb__ | Unless the girders were precisely fitted inside a girder-shaped gun barrel, the air would just flow around them. 20,000 pound girders! | May 28 08:32 |
msb__ | | May 28 08:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | North Tower Exploding by David Chandler - YouTube [ ] | May 28 08:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, | May 28 09:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Downgrade Required | May 28 09:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Java Doesn't Work on Linux Google Chrome 35, Downgrade Required | Tux Machines | May 28 09:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 09:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | May 28 09:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 09:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 09:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on with Kali Linux 1.0.7 | Tux Machines | May 28 09:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | May 28 09:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 09:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 09:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 3.15 Kernel I/O Scheduler Benchmarks | Tux Machines | May 28 09:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | May 28 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DNF 0.5.2 Released | May 28 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines systemd 213 Arrives with Daemon to Sync System | May 28 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Clock Across Network | May 28 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 09:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 4 open source alternatives to LDAP | Tux Machines | May 28 09:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DNF 0.5.2 Released | Tux Machines | May 28 09:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | systemd 213 Arrives with Daemon to Sync System Clock Across Network | Tux Machines | May 28 09:50 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PHP Next Generation | May 28 12:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 12:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP Next Generation | Tux Machines | May 28 12:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland 1.5 Is Out and Gets a Little Closer to | May 28 12:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | X Sever Replacement | May 28 12:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 12:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wayland 1.5 Is Out and Gets a Little Closer to X Sever Replacement | Tux Machines | May 28 12:22 | |
-->Avt_ (~adminn@unaffiliated/avt/x-3913052) has joined #techrights | May 28 12:25 | |
Avt_ | why you guys dont list this channel in noobslab? | May 28 12:26 |
Avt_ | be back later im going to sleep | May 28 12:58 |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland LiveCD Updated Against v1.5, Uses | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Systemd On Ubuntu | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Blender 2.71 Test Release Issued With New | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Features | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines This Week in Techrights | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Toshiba unveils trio of tablets, including $110 | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android 4.4 KitKat tablet | May 28 14:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wayland LiveCD Updated Against v1.5, Uses Systemd On Ubuntu | Tux Machines | May 28 14:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Jaguar Land Rover are recruiting Tizen | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Developer Jobs, in Portland, Oregon | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why No Flash Support for Linux Is Good for Open | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Source | May 28 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 14:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.71 Test Release Issued With New Features | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This Week in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Toshiba unveils trio of tablets, including $110 Android 4.4 KitKat tablet | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jaguar Land Rover are recruiting Tizen Developer Jobs, in Portland, Oregon | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why No Flash Support for Linux Is Good for Open Source | Tux Machines | May 28 14:13 | |
-->vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | May 28 14:25 | |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 28 14:52 | |
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 28 14:54 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 28 15:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines System76 Galago UltraPro: Powerful Linux laptop | May 28 15:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | but not quite an ultrabook | May 28 15:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 15:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 15:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Met Office selects 2ndQuadrant to help with | May 28 15:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | data migration to open source | May 28 15:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 15:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 15:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | System76 Galago UltraPro: Powerful Linux laptop but not quite an ultrabook | Tux Machines | May 28 15:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 28 15:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 15:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Met Office selects 2ndQuadrant to help with data migration to open source | Tux Machines | May 28 15:25 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 28 15:25 | |
Sosumi | samsung just debutes a “cloud” health tracking service | May 28 15:26 |
Sosumi | *debuted | May 28 15:26 |
Sosumi | and released something that they labelled as “healthband” | May 28 15:26 |
Sosumi | distinct from the galaxy fit watch | May 28 15:26 |
Sosumi | but aside the issues with tracking, having the information being sent or incorporated with an health insurence | May 28 15:27 |
Sosumi | this kind of life monitoring tools are a great business to explore given the longer lifespans and the overall ageing of the “western” world and japan | May 28 15:28 |
Sosumi | specially japan | May 28 15:28 |
Sosumi | msb, remember the noble rot dudes inside the solid state society? | May 28 15:29 |
Sosumi | on the third ghost in the shell movie | May 28 15:29 |
prurigro | I could see insurance companies initially offering perks (reduced rates) to those who wear them and prove they have good health | May 28 15:56 |
prurigro | then eventually, once more people are doing it, give typical rates to those who have them and higher rates to those without, like they're starting to do with those driving tracking modules for cars | May 28 15:57 |
Sosumi | yep | May 28 15:58 |
Sosumi | i heard of putting black boxes in cars | May 28 15:58 |
Sosumi | alongside with a road facing camera | May 28 15:58 |
prurigro | word, russian insurance companies went pretty crazy with those | May 28 15:59 |
Sosumi | yeah | May 28 15:59 |
Sosumi | russian roads are kind of crappy from what I know | May 28 15:59 |
prurigro | I would not feel comfortable knowing every minor mistake was being recorded | May 28 15:59 |
prurigro | yeah, a lot of people were purposefully getting hit for insurance fraud I hear was the start of that | May 28 16:00 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 16:00 | |
prurigro | it seems like china, but they drive faster, in terms of obeying traffic signals and stuff | May 28 16:00 |
prurigro | well, I've only been to a few cities in china on that note, so maybe road culture varies | May 28 16:00 |
prurigro | but where I went you're basically supposed to just start walking out in front of traffic, and it's supposed to slow down for you, so I can see how insurance fraud would have been easier | May 28 16:01 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 16:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Crocodile Hospitalized After Being Crushed By Heavy Russian Woman On Circus Bus [ ] | May 28 16:03 | |
prurigro | maybe the crocodile should check its thin privilege | May 28 16:03 |
Sosumi | i don’t get it | May 28 16:04 |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 28 16:04 | |
Sosumi | how can you get crushed by your own dinner | May 28 16:04 |
MinceR | by incorrect dinner placement | May 28 16:04 |
prurigro | it's our next stage in evolution to restore our place as the apex predator | May 28 16:05 |
Sosumi | :) | May 28 16:05 |
prurigro | you can't eat what you can't wrap your mouth around | May 28 16:05 |
MinceR | you can wrap your mouth around anything if you pulverize it first (not your mouth) | May 28 16:08 |
prurigro | next stage of crocodile evolution: boxing gloves | May 28 16:10 |
prurigro | | May 28 16:10 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Her big fat ass got lodged in its throat. | May 28 16:13 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 16:13 |
MinceR | today's lesson: chew your food before swallowing, kids! | May 28 16:13 |
MinceR | (also works without the comma) | May 28 16:13 |
DaemonFC | Then you see a crocodile laying on its back going "Agggggghhhhh!!!!!". | May 28 16:14 |
DaemonFC | Ohhhh, someone ate at Golden Corral! | May 28 16:14 |
Sosumi | heimlich maneuver asap on the crocodile | May 28 16:14 |
DaemonFC | Or the reverse heimlich maneuver where you make sure the person chokes, as a warning to others about not chewing. | May 28 16:16 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 16:16 |
Sosumi | a reverse heimlich is what you do to the trashcan pro users | May 28 16:21 |
DaemonFC | Sosumi, I'd take a Mac Pro if they were just giving them away or something. | May 28 16:22 |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't pay what they want for one. | May 28 16:22 |
Sosumi | when they have it stuck all the way up in their arsses | May 28 16:22 |
DaemonFC | Like, I enter contests where restaurants give away iBads. | May 28 16:22 |
DaemonFC | My thinking is that I can flip it on Craigslist and walk away with some cash. | May 28 16:22 |
DaemonFC | :P | May 28 16:22 |
DaemonFC | They would have bought one somewhere anyway, so why not let it be me that walks away with their money? :) | May 28 16:23 |
Sosumi | the only mac pros that can run gnu/linux with noi issues were the old towers | May 28 16:23 |
DaemonFC | I have no use for an iBad though. | May 28 16:23 |
DaemonFC | I think the Mac Pro runs GNU/Linux OK. | May 28 16:23 |
DaemonFC | Just make sure it's a recent release of Fedora or something. | May 28 16:23 |
Sosumi | not the new | May 28 16:23 |
DaemonFC | You want bleeding edge kernel and stuff when the hardware is pretty new. | May 28 16:23 |
DaemonFC | A few years later, it doesn't really matter what you use. | May 28 16:23 |
Sosumi | because of the proprietary thunderbolt implementation | May 28 16:24 |
Sosumi | but as for up to the old westmere mac pros and xservers | May 28 16:24 |
Sosumi | gnu/linux runs like a champ | May 28 16:24 |
Sosumi | aka xeon 56xx series | May 28 16:26 |
DaemonFC | There's a Thunderbolt driver in Linux 3.15 that mostly supports the new Macs. | May 28 16:27 |
DaemonFC | It's not all there, but basic functionality works. | May 28 16:27 |
Sosumi | no | May 28 16:27 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 16:28 |
Sosumi | because apple screwed the standard | May 28 16:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Son Of Late Snake-Handling Pastor Is Bitten By Rattlesnake : The Two-Way : NPR [ ] | May 28 16:28 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Who wants to hold the snake next? | May 28 16:28 |
Sosumi | to the point that it doesn’t even work well on their OS | May 28 16:28 |
DaemonFC | Good snake! Gooooood snake! :) | May 28 16:28 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: hopefully another fundie | May 28 16:28 |
DaemonFC | Two less idiots in the world. | May 28 16:28 |
DaemonFC | I guess I'm two car lengths up in traffic tomorrow. :) | May 28 16:28 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 16:31 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 28 16:35 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 28 16:35 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 16:35 |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 28 16:35 | |
DaemonFC | Does anyone else think that the hospital should stop treating these people? | May 28 16:35 |
DaemonFC | Here, we have 1,000 people dying every year in Indiana alone, because they don't have health insurance, because these right-wing stooges say that's "socialism" (like that's a bad word or something). Then these idiots fucking handle a poison snake, DELIBERATELY, saying that God will protect them. Then of course it bites them, because it's a snake, they run off to the hospital. Most of them are poor, so they don't pay their bills, and then the | May 28 16:35 |
DaemonFC | emergency room is more expensive for everyone else, and they're hogging space that could be used for someone who was hurt through no fault of their own. | May 28 16:35 |
DaemonFC | The next time one of these fundies gets bitten, just leave them there. If you're going to pick up a rattlesnake, just remember that they have a sharp end with lots of poison... Nobody owes you a patch up job because you're an idiot. | May 28 16:35 |
DaemonFC | MinceR? :) | May 28 16:35 |
MinceR | if they pay for it, they should be treated | May 28 16:35 |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | May 28 16:36 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I think it's one thing if you were hurt and it wasn't your fault. | May 28 16:37 |
---jono is now known as Guest96631 | May 28 16:37 | |
DaemonFC | There were people at a slum apartment that I used to live at. | May 28 16:37 |
DaemonFC | They put old mattresses out in the yard, got drunk and then started throwing themselves out of the windows and jumping off the roof. | May 28 16:37 |
DaemonFC | One of them missed the mattress, landed on the ground, and broke his leg. | May 28 16:38 |
DaemonFC | Of course, he went to the hospital, and probably never paid his bill. | May 28 16:38 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Some hospitals are getting sick of people using the emergency room for non-emergency reasons and are adding a $500 non-emergency fee to the bill. | May 28 16:39 |
DaemonFC | I guess that's totally reasonable now that there's Obamacare and anyone who really wants it can get cheap or free health insurance. | May 28 16:40 |
DaemonFC | Going to the ER because you won't cough up $20 a month for health insurance is just stupid. | May 28 16:40 |
DaemonFC | Ten years ago, things were a little different. | May 28 16:41 |
DaemonFC | My health insurance at Walmart was so bad that I just told the doctor I had no insurance. | May 28 16:41 |
DaemonFC | It actually cost more to see the doctor if I used my insurance. | May 28 16:41 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, At least in the United States, doctors do the same thing that auto body mechanics do. | May 28 16:42 |
DaemonFC | If you take your car in to get a ding repaired, it's $300 out of pocket or $800 if it's an insurance job, for example. | May 28 16:42 |
DaemonFC | They know the insurance has to pay, so they can jack the price up. If you're paying out of pocket, you might decide that $800 for a ding is too much, and leave. So they knock the price down. | May 28 16:43 |
DaemonFC | Most people without health insurance don't go to the doctor for checkups and stuff because it's not something that absolutely has to be done. | May 28 16:44 |
DaemonFC | So the cash price might be $40, while the insurance price is $150, because insurance has to give you one "for free" every year because of Obamacare. | May 28 16:44 |
DaemonFC | Facebook has a thing where it copies wikipedia articles. | May 28 16:47 |
DaemonFC | It lists Richard Stallman as a "Business Person". | May 28 16:48 |
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-->jono__ ( has joined #techrights | May 28 16:55 | |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 16:57 | |
DaemonFC | 41 secs · | May 28 16:58 |
DaemonFC | The oil companies are essentially blackmailing us into accepting an unsafe pipeline which will probably leak millions of gallons of oil, by putting it in unsafe containers and hitching it to trains, which explode and level entire towns. I guess they figure that people will back down and let the pipeline get built when the oil companies have blown up enough cities. | May 28 16:58 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 16:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | After Safety Concerns Over Its Southern Leg, Keystone XL Is Getting New Regulations | ThinkProgress [ ] | May 28 16:58 | |
<--ohama has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 16:58 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | May 28 17:01 | |
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DaemonFC | To: Richard Stallman ( | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | From: Me | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | Subject: Halfassing the Keystone XL pipeline. | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | The federal government is concerned that TransCanada will have the Keystone XL pipeline slapped together by unqualified workers. | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | On other TransCanada pipeline projects, in some cases, half their welds were coming apart and requiring entire segments of the pipeline to be re-welded. | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | The US State Department is insisting on appointing its own contractor to monitor Keystone XL's construction process, but this assumes that the private contractor chosen by the government will do their job, and that's far from certain given the results from most government contractors. | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | In the mean time, the oil companies are essentially blackmailing us into accepting an unsafe pipeline which will probably leak millions of gallons of oil, by putting it in unsafe containers and hitching it to trains, which explode and level entire towns. I guess they figure that people will back down and let the pipeline get built when the oil companies have blown up enough cities. | May 28 17:07 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, When I worked at Walmart, in the frozen food section, years ago, I always got a laugh at one of the frozen dinners I was stocking. | May 28 17:16 |
DaemonFC | "Freezer Queen" | May 28 17:16 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 17:16 |
DaemonFC | I unboxed some and shouted "Irony!!!!!!". | May 28 17:16 |
DaemonFC | Of course, the company making them had to shut down because of multiple food safety violations. | May 28 17:17 |
DaemonFC | It got so bad that even the US government wouldn't tolerate it, and fined them so much that they declared bankruptcy. | May 28 17:17 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 17:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Freezer Queen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 28 17:17 | |
DaemonFC | "Live cochroaches in the gravy tank!" | May 28 17:18 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, Want some salisbury steak with GRAVY? | May 28 17:18 |
MinceR | :D | May 28 17:19 |
DaemonFC | I always thought those chewy bits were mushrooms.... | May 28 17:19 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 28 17:19 |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 28 17:21 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I used to eat crap like that all the time. | May 28 17:22 |
DaemonFC | :P | May 28 17:22 |
DaemonFC | I guess I lived. Cockroaches must not be so bad for you.... | May 28 17:23 |
MinceR | they're a protein source | May 28 17:23 |
MinceR | and they probably taste like chicken | May 28 17:24 |
DaemonFC | I'll have some freezer queen with extra cock..... | May 28 17:24 |
DaemonFC | roaches. | May 28 17:24 |
DaemonFC | :P | May 28 17:24 |
MinceR | :> | May 28 17:24 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to install a reverse osmosis system under my kitchen sink. | May 28 17:36 |
DaemonFC | I'm not sure the landlord would be thrilled about that though. :P | May 28 17:36 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 17:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Products: Advanced Under Sink Water Filtration System [ ] | May 28 17:37 | |
DaemonFC | I wonder how hard it would be to install one of these. | May 28 17:37 |
DaemonFC | wouldn't do anything about the fluoride, but it would get most of the nasty shit out of the water. | May 28 17:37 |
MinceR | i just use a filter pitcher | May 28 17:38 |
DaemonFC | I've been using the reverse osmosis system at Walmart or Kroger. | May 28 17:39 |
DaemonFC | 37 cents a gallon when you're refilling your own jugs. | May 28 17:39 |
DaemonFC | but the under-sink system would only cost a few pennies per gallon | May 28 17:39 |
DaemonFC | Our tap water tastes really bad, and it has tons of lime and sediment in it. | May 28 17:45 |
DaemonFC | I don't know if this would do the job. | May 28 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 28 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 17:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 28 17:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 28 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 17:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 28 17:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 28 17:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 17:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 28 17:45 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 17:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Britain does so much cocaine it’s now in the drinking water [ ] | May 28 17:46 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, Bring a straw! | May 28 17:46 |
MinceR | lol | May 28 17:47 |
DaemonFC | Hold on, I need to go powder my nose! | May 28 17:47 |
DaemonFC | And all this time, I thought that was a polite way of saying "I need to take a shit.". | May 28 17:47 |
DaemonFC | 17.4% of people 16-24 in the UK admitted to smoking pot. | May 28 17:49 |
DaemonFC | Nice.... | May 28 17:49 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I think most people have smoked it at least once. Whether they'll admit to it is another issue. | May 28 17:49 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | Bring a straw! LOL | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | It also says that 17.4% of 16-24 year olds in the UK smoke pot. I think almost everyone has smoked it at least once. Whether they'll admit to it or not is, of course, another issue entirely. The truth is that pot is basically harmless and it's not a "gateway drug". Rather, the laws in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom force drug dealers to get more innovative, shifting to untested drugs that don't have a track record of | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | safety, to stay one step ahead of the law. | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | So, the law has put people on a path to using dangerous drugs to avoid going to prison. | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | That's why you have so many people smoking that "spice" crap, that constantly changes formulation, and nobody really knows what's in it. | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | The only way marijuana will destroy your whole life is if the police catch you with it, and I believe everyone knows that. Some people just choose to be stupid. | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | Also, they drug test everyone now thanks to Reagan-era policies. Why does the guy that cleans the toilets at Walmart have to pee in a cup? It seems to me that if you have that job, you'd need some marijuana to get through your day. | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | Have you seen a bathroom at Walmart lately? It usually looks like someone went in there and aimed a diarrhea cannon at the walls and then threw toilet paper everywhere. Yeah, I think you'd have to do something to get through your day if you're cleaning that up for $8 an hour..... | May 28 17:56 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 28 18:09 |
DaemonFC | "Skin in the game".... OK. Let's skin Governor Pence, and throw that into the game. | May 28 18:09 |
DaemonFC | Reminds me of Bill Hicks: | May 28 18:09 |
DaemonFC | "There ain’t no f—deficit, it’s a f—lie and it’s a f—illusion in the first place.” | May 28 18:09 |
DaemonFC | “Well, your leaders misspent your hard-earned tax dollars, so you the people, now have to tighten your belts.” | May 28 18:09 |
DaemonFC | "Know what would make tightening my belt a little easier? If I could tighten it around Jesse Helms' scrawny little chicken-neck." | May 28 18:09 |
DaemonFC | (Just replace Helms with "Pence"....) | May 28 18:09 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 28 18:15 |
DaemonFC | "I'm so sick of hearing about the deficit that I could puke blood!" -Bill Hicks | May 28 18:15 |
DaemonFC | "Since FY1960, the federal government has run on-budget deficits except for FY1999 and FY2000, and total federal deficits except in FY1969 and FY1998–FY2001." Wikipedia | May 28 18:15 |
DaemonFC | I don't know.... It sounds pretty sustainable to me... | May 28 18:15 |
DaemonFC | Five years of small surpluses (four of those under Bill Clinton), and 49 years of rather large deficits, in the last 54 budget years.... | May 28 18:15 |
DaemonFC | Sounds to me like this might not be a problem that needs to be resolved in the next month...... | May 28 18:15 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 18:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | National debt of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 28 18:16 | |
DaemonFC | Being *the* reserve currency of the world gives us additional tools at our disposal.... | May 28 18:18 |
DaemonFC | As long as the Euro is doing worse and you can't freely buy Chinese assets with Chinese currency, we're not under any sort of serious threat there. | May 28 18:19 |
DaemonFC | China is injecting a lot of money into its own economy, and a lot of it isn't really even a sound investment. | May 28 18:21 |
DaemonFC | It even limits what its own citizens are allowed to buy. | May 28 18:21 |
DaemonFC | Their leaders have decided that it's more important to keep everyone employed than it is to get a return on the work that they're doing. | May 28 18:22 |
DaemonFC | Empty cities, the fake lake that turned into a giant sandpit.... | May 28 18:22 |
DaemonFC | Something is going to have to replace their coal fired power plants. | May 28 18:23 |
MinceR | gn | May 28 18:39 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 28 18:51 | |
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-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 28 19:33 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 20:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Some Maniac Ordered A $54 Drink at Starbucks [ ] | May 28 20:02 | |
DaemonFC | Well, it did say "free drink".... | May 28 20:02 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 20:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This Town Built a Memorial to the Wrong Guy | Vocativ [ ] | May 28 20:05 | |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 28 20:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Git v2.0.0: Released | May 28 20:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 20:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Git v2.0.0: Released | Tux Machines | May 28 20:31 | |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 20:31 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 20:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is the Future of Condoms Literally Just the Tip? | May 28 20:34 | |
DaemonFC | I wonder how many day's you'll spend trying to peel it off. | May 28 20:34 |
DaemonFC | days | May 28 20:39 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Gizmodo. | May 28 20:41 |
DaemonFC | 10 minutes ago · Edited | May 28 20:41 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 20:41 |
DaemonFC | I wonder how many days you'll spend trying to peel this thing off if the adhesive is so good that you can apply the base 3-4 days before you actually do anything..... | May 28 20:41 |
DaemonFC | LOL! It'll probably be like one of those bandages that leaves dirt and lint and stuff all over you. | May 28 20:41 |
DaemonFC | "What are you doing?" | May 28 20:41 |
DaemonFC | Oh, I'm in the shower with a brillo pad. Don't ask..... | May 28 20:41 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 21:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | May 28 21:13 | |
DaemonFC | The gas deal is not going to be the end of the US dollar as a reserve currency. | May 28 21:14 |
DaemonFC | It's not like these direct trade deals never happen. | May 28 21:14 |
DaemonFC | Russia can't really be trusted, and neither can China. Russia probably has the upper hand here. | May 28 21:16 |
DaemonFC | They would not benefit from the US economy being weaker. | May 28 21:17 |
DaemonFC | The article is full of it. | May 28 21:17 |
DaemonFC | Why would they want trillions of dollars worth of treasury bills that they own to become worthless? | May 28 21:17 |
DaemonFC | To say nothing of their investments here... | May 28 21:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM | May 28 21:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | 64-bit server production software deployment | May 28 21:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 21:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 21:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Applied Micro, Canonical claim the first ARM 64-bit server production software deployment | Tux Machines | May 28 21:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | May 28 21:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 28 21:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1 | Tux Machines | May 28 21:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.2 Adds Support or | May 28 21:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | Photos and Maps | May 28 21:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.2 Adds Support or Photos and Maps | Tux Machines | May 28 21:48 | |
XFaCE | hi schestowitz | May 28 21:55 |
XFaCE | any news regarding this very sketchy and vague truecrypt situation? | May 28 21:56 |
XFaCE | besides "I told you so"? ;) | May 28 21:56 |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: ? MinceR ? cubezzz ? | May 28 21:56 |
DaemonFC | huh? | May 28 21:59 |
XFaCE | | May 28 21:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TrueCrypt Page Says It's Not Secure, All Development Stopped | Techdirt [ ] | May 28 21:59 | |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: now recommending bitlocker for windows | May 28 22:00 |
XFaCE | very odd | May 28 22:00 |
DaemonFC | | May 28 22:01 |
DaemonFC | Proprietary encryption from Microsoft that was designed in partnership with the NSA.... | May 28 22:01 |
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | May 28 22:29 | |
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 28 22:32 | |
DaemonFC | | May 28 23:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Remarkable Numbers Released: Water Use in the US Has Dropped Per Person by 30 Percent Since 1975 | Alternet [ ] | May 28 23:26 | |
DaemonFC | Switching from 3 GPF toilets to ones that take 1.2-1.5 GPF probably helped out a lot. | May 28 23:26 |
DaemonFC | Of course, those also caused some problems. The sewage is more concentrated than the old sewage systems were designed to handle. Some cities decided to start pouring chlorine bleach into their sewage systems as a way to put off upgrades. | May 28 23:27 |
DaemonFC | I was reading a right-wing blog, just because I like to get both sides of the story, even the ludicrous, paranoid, evil side of the story. | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | The topic was gay marriage. One guy chimed in and said that most of the gay men that he knew were "very promiscuous and haven't been in a relationship that lasted more than a couple of years. Well, that's anecdotal, and there are certainly plenty of people like that, but we have to suspend our disbelief in order to buy into that line of thinking. I also know a lot of straight men and women who are very promiscuous and haven't been in a relat | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | ionship for more than a couple of years. Does my anecdotal evidence suggest that we should start banning straight marriage? | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | When do I get to vote on straight marriage? Not that I would vote to ban it, because rights shouldn't be up for a vote. Unfortunately, when we're talking about a very hated minority*, they often are.... But, I'm just saying. Fair's fair right? | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | *(Most Americans would not vote for an openly gay presidential candidate. The only people they dislike more seems to be atheists....) | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | So, other than anecdotal evidence, we have statistical evidence that is pretty damning to straight marriage. More than 70% of all new straight marriages end in divorce within 10 years. They *admit* that about half of their pregnancies were unintentional and not planned for. (How does a straight person not use a condom or the pill and then say "Gee, I don't know where they're coming from! It's the miracle of life! I work at McDonalds and he's | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | in prison! LOL!".) | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | Is this sanctity of marriage? Sounds pretty iffy and made up to me. Like the whole thing is just..... a piece of paper and some government benefits. It's almost like these straight people are trying to....GAME THE SYSTEM! Oh, we can't have that. Oh no, sir. That just won't do! Pass the ballot! | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | All sarcasm aside, people are people. I figure that about the same percentage of gay couples will divorce (as has been the case so far!). | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. | May 28 23:40 |
DaemonFC | Of course, promiscuity only seems to matter there if you're a woman. Sorry women! Guys are high-fiving each other about it, and women are "like used chewing gum". Doesn't seem right to me... | May 28 23:43 |
DaemonFC | Of course I'm not gum. Women aren't gum. Men aren't gum. People are not gum. They are people. | May 28 23:45 |
cubezzz | I don't trust Microsoft Bitlocker | May 29 00:16 |
cubezzz | that goes without saying | May 29 00:16 |
cubezzz | but I don't encrypt stuff | May 29 00:16 |
cubezzz | if something is uber important it's on a computer not connected to anything | May 29 00:17 |
DaemonFC | So that they can bust in with guns and take it. | May 29 00:31 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 29 00:31 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 00:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Job Listing: '$40K a Year to Attend Harvard University as Me' - Eleanor Barkhorn - The Atlantic [ ] | May 29 00:33 | |
DaemonFC | Poor people have trouble going to college at all. | May 29 00:34 |
DaemonFC | Rich people can simply pay an impostor to go to college for them. | May 29 00:34 |
cubezzz | that's always been the case | May 29 00:37 |
cubezzz | rich people can also pay for multiple expert tutors :) | May 29 00:37 |
cubezzz | and fancy cars too! | May 29 00:37 |
cubezzz | and elocution lessons, and high quality china | May 29 00:39 |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 01:23 | |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: cubezzz I have some komedy | May 29 01:43 |
XFaCE | I, for one, agree with the TrueCrypt authors. Using it for FDE was just deluding yourself. Better options exist now. #evilmaid #tpm | May 29 01:43 |
XFaCE | Dan Guido @dguido 2h | May 29 01:43 |
XFaCE | I, for one, agree with the TrueCrypt authors. Using it for FDE was just deluding yourself. Better options exist now. #evilmaid #tpm | May 29 01:43 |
XFaCE | 2 4 | May 29 01:43 |
XFaCE | and | May 29 01:44 |
XFaCE | @dguido: People, seriously. Your blind deference to FDE software with known weaknesses is appalling. TrueCrypt was never safe. #evilmaid #tpm | May 29 01:44 |
XFaCE | DaemonFC: obviously, because the TPM is 100% unstoppable | May 29 01:44 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 01:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Woman posts about ‘Happy’ song on Facebook seconds before fatal Business 85 crash | - News, Weather, Sports and more from WGHP Fox 8 Television [ ] | May 29 01:50 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 01:55 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly | May 29 02:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu Cloud Tool | May 29 02:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Designers Work on Mobile-Friendly Ubuntu Cloud Tool | Tux Machines | May 29 02:30 | |
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MinceR | | May 29 09:58 |
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MinceR | | May 29 11:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kerry Tells Snowden to "Man Up" and Come Home | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren [ ] | May 29 11:14 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM | May 29 12:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support | May 29 12:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 12:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | QEMU 2.1 To Bring More Complete 64-bit ARM Support | Tux Machines | May 29 12:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Initiative Announces New Backers, First | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Projects to Receive Support... | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 12:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative Announces New Backers, First Projects to Receive Support and Advisory Board Members | Tux Machines | May 29 12:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source AMD | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Drivers | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 12:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PathScale Is Hiring To Work On Open-Source AMD Drivers | Tux Machines | May 29 12:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download and Looks Amazing | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 12:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elementary OS "Isis" Dev Is Now Available for Download and Looks Amazing | Tux Machines | May 29 12:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kallos Seeks Overhaul Through Open Source | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 12:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kallos Seeks Overhaul Through Open Source | Tux Machines | May 29 12:59 | |
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 29 13:00 | |
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<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | May 29 14:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Games to Use Wine, | May 29 14:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | but That's a Good Thing | May 29 14:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ ) | May 29 14:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Games to Use Wine, but That's a Good Thing | Tux Machines | May 29 14:35 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mir Gets Emergency Clean-Up Support | Tux Machines | May 29 14:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with | May 29 15:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Older AMD and Intel CPUs | May 29 15:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 15:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tiniest Linux COM yet? | May 29 15:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 15:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD | May 29 15:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam Client Gets Better Compatibility with Older AMD and Intel CPUs | Tux Machines | May 29 15:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Experience | May 29 15:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 15:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiniest Linux COM yet? | Tux Machines | May 29 15:10 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GhostBSD 4.0 Beta 1 Is Not Your Regular BSD Experience | Tux Machines | May 29 15:10 | |
---nj3ma is now known as nj3maZzz | May 29 15:26 | |
Sosumi | someone did the testing finally | May 29 15:54 |
Sosumi | | May 29 15:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | rMBP throttling and overheating - MacRumors Forums [ ] | May 29 15:54 | |
Sosumi | it isn’t just the rMBP, the older unibody macbooks do exactly the same | May 29 15:55 |
Sosumi | probably the heat dissipation issues with the macbooks is what causing the amd gpu failures on the 2011 models | May 29 15:56 |
<--ohama has quit (Disconnected by services) | May 29 15:56 | |
Sosumi | that crapple is yet to aknowledge and issue a replacement program | May 29 15:56 |
-->ohama ( has joined #techrights | May 29 15:56 | |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 29 17:10 | |
sebsebseb | hi | May 29 17:10 |
sebsebseb | jono: so your leaving Canonical today? Will you still hang out here or not I wonder after that | May 29 17:11 |
jono | sebsebseb, I will still be here | May 29 17:12 |
sebsebseb | ok :) | May 29 17:12 |
sebsebseb | jono: I knew before going away that I Would miss your last Q&A since Iceland | May 29 17:13 |
sebsebseb | got back today | May 29 17:13 |
jono | sebsebseb, :-) | May 29 17:15 |
sebsebseb | yeah was nice getting away :) | May 29 17:15 |
sebsebseb | jono: why you giing up on the Q&A or do you just think whoever is the community manager at the time, if there is one, should do that kind of thing? | May 29 17:16 |
sebsebseb | by the way probably goin to be easier your new job with your baby | May 29 17:16 |
sebsebseb | much less travel expected from you I assume | May 29 17:16 |
jono | sebsebseb, I think my replacement should do it | May 29 17:17 |
jono | they will have more info than I | May 29 17:17 |
jono | should be about the same in terms of the baby :-) | May 29 17:17 |
sebsebseb | jono: heh heh you will maybe visit the new Q&A ? | May 29 17:18 |
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MinceR | gn | May 29 18:05 |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:15 | |
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DaemonFC | 9 mins · Edited · | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | Well, at least Huntington doesn't have to worry about water profitization soon. | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | The city tried selling our water system to Aqua Indiana, a for-profit private water company, and the same company that is gouging Fort Wayne and letting the system go to hell, while the city is desperately trying to buy back its own water system. A couple of years ago, the water pressure in Fort Wayne got so low that people were turning on their taps and finding that no water actually came out. | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | Huntington's water system is in need of millions of dollars worth of upgrades. A lot of it dates back to the 60s and 70s. Aqua Indiana said that if the city wanted them to buy it, then the city (taxpayers) would have to pay to bring the system up to modern standards first. | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | So, we have them demanding socialized losses and privatized profits. | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | Only an idiot, and there are plenty of them, could think that you can take something that the government was running at cost, give it to a company whose goal is to make money to pay their CEO, investors, etc., and that this system will be more efficient. | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | I'm sure they'll get it from us at some point. The Republicans will probably sell municipal bonds to upgrade the system, load us down with debt, and then sell the upgraded system really cheaply to Aqua.... | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | Once the system is all fixed up, they'll sign a 30-40 year contract to manage it, let it go to hell, and then once it's all messed up again, the public gets it back, fixes it, and the whole cycle can start all over. | May 29 19:38 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 29 19:43 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 19:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Willis Tower's 103rd Floor Glass Skydeck Cracked Last Night | May 29 19:44 | |
DaemonFC | They must have made the skydeck out of iPhone glass. :P | May 29 19:44 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 20:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RetailWire Discussion: Does Self-Checkout Cause Theft? [ ] | May 29 20:03 | |
DaemonFC | Well, a couple of years ago, I was checking my receipt on the way out to the car and found that the cashier didn't ring up two giant bags of cat food for Jabba, that I told her needed to be scanned. | May 29 20:04 |
DaemonFC | I thought about going back in and trying to pay for them, but then two thoughts ran across my mind. | May 29 20:04 |
DaemonFC | 1. It's Walmart. They cheat their employees and their suppliers all the time. They pay their executives extra millions of dollars for finding new ways to make their workers suffer. They even use creative accounting to make sure they get more bonus money every year, even when sales are down and they're cutting employee hours. | May 29 20:05 |
DaemonFC | 2. I had recently read about a woman doing something similar and trying to go back in to pay, and Walmart had her arrested. | May 29 20:06 |
DaemonFC | So, there's no point. If they forget to ring something up, just figure it as a freebie. You're going to get punished if you try to do the right thing, and it's not like you're dealing with a company that's on the up and up. :P | May 29 20:06 |
DaemonFC | I'm sure there are people who deliberately abuse the self-checkout system in order to steal. It's not like the cashier is going to notice every little thing you do when there's eight other customers trying to use the other machines, which are all constantly bitching at you and telling you to wait for assistance. | May 29 20:08 |
DaemonFC | While the line wraps around the jewelry section. | May 29 20:08 |
DaemonFC | There's one of the reasons I won't shop much at Walmart anymore. I had frozen food in my cart one night, and it took me over 30 minutes to check out. | May 29 20:08 |
DaemonFC | I've never had to wait more than 4-5 minutes at Aldi. | May 29 20:09 |
DaemonFC | I go there sometimes just to cash in some high value coupons when I get them, just because they're a few blocks from my house and I'm bored... | May 29 20:09 |
DaemonFC | That's about it. | May 29 20:09 |
DaemonFC | Walmart has to know that some theft goes on because of that. | May 29 20:14 |
DaemonFC | They probably figure that it's still cheaper than paying seven more cashiers to be on hand, so it tolerates it. | May 29 20:14 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, They're remaking Stargate. | May 29 20:16 |
DaemonFC | I don't think they'll find a better Ra than Jaye Davidson though.... | May 29 20:16 |
DaemonFC | It looks like part of Governor Pence's plan for the HIP expansion is a premium support system for people who have health insurance available through their employer but can't afford to buy it. | May 29 20:18 |
DaemonFC | Walmart deliberately keeps the premiums high because it doesn't want employees on their health insurance plan. | May 29 20:18 |
DaemonFC | They'll probably respond by cutting even more hours so they don't have to even offer it in the first place. | May 29 20:19 |
DaemonFC | Then there will be even more people on HIP Plus, and the costs will be far greater than this administration even wants to admit. | May 29 20:21 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 20:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: Indiana Governor Mike Pence (R) creates the beginnings of a massive profitized entitlement program using Medicaid funds, which will also destroy incomes and hurt the people it supposedly helps. [ ] | May 29 20:46 | |
DaemonFC | | May 29 20:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to buy Clippers for $2B [ ] | May 29 20:59 | |
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msb__ | Someone once told me that someone told them that the Willis (Sears) Tower has explosives built into it for end-of-life demolition, just like WTC1 and 2 did. | May 29 21:58 |
msb__ | So if it blows up and the US govt blames Iran or Russia or China, etc., don't believe it. | May 29 21:59 |
msb__ | I know that double hearsay isn't proof, but keep it in mind anyhow. | May 29 22:02 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Indiana Progressive Liberals. | May 29 22:34 |
DaemonFC | 3 minutes ago · Edited | May 29 22:34 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 22:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Gov. Mike Pence moving to the center amid talk of presidential run? [ ] | May 29 22:34 | |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't vote for Mike Pence for Dog Catcher! I voted for John Gregg. A 2016 presidential run would get Governor Pence out of Indiana, at the cost of making him a problem for the other 49 states as well. Ugh... | May 29 22:34 |
DaemonFC | It helps Governor Pence to stay away from the gay marriage ban amendment, because Indiana doesn't involve the governor in the amendment process at all. | May 29 22:38 |
DaemonFC | It has to be passed three times in a row between three different sessions of the legislature, and then it goes before the public for an up or down vote during the next election. | May 29 22:38 |
DaemonFC | Some people were angry when I told them that I voted against the property tax caps back in 2006. | May 29 22:39 |
DaemonFC | The caps passed, but then what happened was exactly what I said would happen all along. | May 29 22:39 |
DaemonFC | The gas tax went up, the sales tax went up, local governments started finding more fees that they could assess (everyone in Huntington County pays a new $10 a month trash renewal fee, for example). | May 29 22:40 |
DaemonFC | So they're getting as much money as they were before, but the burden was shifted from people who are wealthy enough to own property (especially high value property) to people who are poor and own nothing. | May 29 22:40 |
DaemonFC | And that was the whole point all along. The rich were pissed because they were having to pay property taxes so that poor people could send their children to good public schools. | May 29 22:41 |
DaemonFC | And they were good schools years ago, compared with what they are now. | May 29 22:41 |
DaemonFC | They're an underfunded catch-all system for (mostly black) students that can't get charter school waivers. | May 29 22:42 |
DaemonFC | So, they're being left to fail. 77% of Indianapolis public school students are now so poor that they qualify for the federal "Free school lunch" program. | May 29 22:42 |
DaemonFC | | May 29 22:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More disabled workers paid just pennies an hour - NBC News [ ] | May 29 22:55 | |
DaemonFC | "Work Incentives" | May 29 22:55 |
DaemonFC | msb__, "Get yourself a better life through work!" | May 29 22:56 |
msb__ | "Arbeit Macht Frei" | May 29 22:58 |
DaemonFC | huh? | May 29 22:59 |
DaemonFC | What? 4 cents an hour isn't motivating you? | May 29 22:59 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 29 22:59 |
DaemonFC | According to the article, over 220,000 people with some sort of disabling condition are "eligible" to be paid less than the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. | May 29 23:01 |
DaemonFC | That's a pretty good army of slave labor, but I think the prison one is much much larger. | May 29 23:01 |
DaemonFC | Of course, it's probably harder to get prisoners to staff your stores. | May 29 23:01 |
DaemonFC | Every six months, Goodwill apparently busts out a stop watch and sees how long it takes a person to do a task compared with "a person without disabilities", and then they use that to decide how much less than minimum wage they can pay. | May 29 23:02 |
DaemonFC | Of course, they're usually dealing with people with low IQ or something, so a person with an IQ of 80 is probably not going to notice if they add some time it took to the official papers. | May 29 23:03 |
DaemonFC | Then they can pay them $3-4 an hour and get the same amount of work as someone who makes $7.25 | May 29 23:03 |
DaemonFC | So, I'm sure that the employers using the program are defrauding the workers out of their wages. | May 29 23:03 |
DaemonFC | I'll even bet that the government never audits them. | May 29 23:03 |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | May 29 23:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 30 00:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 00:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 30 00:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 00:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 30 00:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 00:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 30 00:04 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 30 00:04 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 30 00:04 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 01:00 | |
---nj3maZzz is now known as nj3ma | May 30 02:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 30 02:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 02:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 30 02:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, | May 30 02:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Ubuntu Surface | May 30 02:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 02:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, and Ubuntu Surface | Tux Machines | May 30 02:42 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 02:57 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'First Look Unreal Tournament, Tangiers Trailer, and Ubuntu...' | May 30 03:55 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Foundation flings two full-time | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | developers at OpenSSL | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | Yields Comparable Performance | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 03:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation flings two full-time developers at OpenSSL | Tux Machines | May 30 03:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phone OS vs. Mozilla Firefox OS | Tux Machines | May 30 03:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 1.0.7 review | Tux Machines | May 30 03:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Building The Linux Kernel With LLVM's Clang Yields Comparable Performance | Tux Machines | May 30 03:56 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 30 03:56 | |
MinceR | geekings | May 30 04:06 |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 04:10 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 04:19 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 04:20 | |
DaemonFC | Someone asked if I was OK with them smoking pot. | May 30 04:44 |
DaemonFC | I said "As long as the cops aren't going to beat down the door, I'm fine with that." lol | May 30 04:44 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, It helps to be white. | May 30 04:44 |
DaemonFC | White and black people smoke pot at about the same rate, but eight times as many black people get arrested for it, and they get longer prison sentences. | May 30 04:45 |
DaemonFC | Now tell me that's not racist. :) | May 30 04:45 |
DaemonFC | If you look at white people that get arrested for pot, it was probably because they were doing something else and they just happened to have pot on them, so the cops have to get them for that too. | May 30 04:46 |
MinceR | :> | May 30 04:49 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 06:12 |
DaemonFC | LOL | May 30 06:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the iCloud "Hack" Holds iOS Devices Hostage [ ] | May 30 06:12 | |
---brendyyn is now known as brendyn | May 30 06:38 | |
DaemonFC | | May 30 06:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | House Blocks DEA From Targeting Medical Marijuana [ ] | May 30 06:39 | |
Sosumi | don’t forget also to add | May 30 06:39 |
DaemonFC | "the House amendment would have to survive a joint conference before it could go into effect" | May 30 06:39 |
DaemonFC | :D | May 30 06:39 |
MinceR | :D | May 30 06:40 |
Sosumi | that crapple doesn’t have 2 step authentication available in all countries that it sells highPhones | May 30 06:40 |
Sosumi | even M$, google and twitter have two step authentication | May 30 06:41 |
Sosumi | available in portugal | May 30 06:41 |
Sosumi | but not crapple | May 30 06:41 |
Sosumi | even blizzard has it on their battle net platform | May 30 06:42 |
<--cubexyz has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 30 07:54 | |
-->cubexyz ( has joined #techrights | May 30 08:42 | |
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-->_Goblin (~Goblin@ has joined #techrights | May 30 09:43 | |
msb__ | Since there is a Kali Linux, and since many people know of the Goddess Kali only from a very racist and distorted line in Gunga Din, here is an accurate article about her: | May 30 09:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali, Goddess Kali, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Ma Kali - [ ] | May 30 09:44 | |
<--_Goblin has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 09:45 | |
msb__ | Greatly corrected my own ignorance. | May 30 09:45 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 09:48 | |
msb__ | Here's more. Wow, this is a complicated religion! | May 30 09:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 30 09:57 | |
MinceR | | May 30 10:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | May 30 10:00 | |
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 30 10:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | May 30 11:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 11:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 11:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deepin's Functionality Is a Bit Too Shallow | Tux Machines | May 30 11:48 | |
abeNd-org | so, truecrypt? | May 30 11:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox to Green Light Voice and Video Features | May 30 12:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Via WebRTC | May 30 12:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 12:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox to Green Light Voice and Video Features Via WebRTC | Tux Machines | May 30 12:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu | May 30 12:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unity? | May 30 12:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 12:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Cinnamon a worthy replacement for Ubuntu Unity? | Tux Machines | May 30 12:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New platform to evaluate open source software | May 30 12:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 12:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 12:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New platform to evaluate open source software | Tux Machines | May 30 12:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linaro forms digital media group | May 30 13:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 13:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 13:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | May 30 13:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 13:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 13:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 30 13:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 13:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linaro forms digital media group | Tux Machines | May 30 13:20 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 14.05 | Tux Machines | May 30 13:20 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 30 13:20 | |
Sosumi | | May 30 13:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is now irrelevant to computing, and they want you to know it - SemiAccurate [ ] | May 30 13:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Synology DS414j review – the future of NAS? | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kano review – doing it for the kids | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 13:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 13:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Is Now Available for Download | Tux Machines | May 30 13:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Synology DS414j review – the future of NAS? | Tux Machines | May 30 13:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kano review – doing it for the kids | Tux Machines | May 30 13:59 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 14:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@temporaryhuman: do infosecsies buy it? MT @schestowitz #truecrypt can now be real FOSS, not openwashed proprietary with #patriotact | May 30 14:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to Switzerland | May 30 14:40 | |
<--Omega has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 30 15:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for | May 30 15:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Airplane Mode | May 30 15:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 15:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to | May 30 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | Switzerland | May 30 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 15:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Shell 3.13.2 Brings Improvements for Airplane Mode | Tux Machines | May 30 15:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node Raspberry Pi | May 30 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | Supercomputer | May 30 15:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TrueCrypt Not Dead, Forked and Relocated to Switzerland | Tux Machines | May 30 15:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 15:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Video of the Week: 40-Node Raspberry Pi Supercomputer | Tux Machines | May 30 15:20 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 15:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #redhat vilified in corporate press in recent days | May 30 15:28 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Red Hat Plays Dirty To Lock Its Customers In - So Much For Caring-Sharing Open Source - Forbes [ ] | May 30 15:28 | |
schestowitz | "The reason for Dell being jerks about it was, I suspect, their contractual obligations to RH. Again: I don't have proof. But it sure as hell smells that way. It's virtually exactly the sort of behavior we've seen from ISVs and hardware vendors in the instance of Microsoft preloads. The other instances, including RHN, stand on their own." | May 30 15:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Red Hat’s vision for OpenStack could lead to a new era of vendor lock-in | SiliconANGLE [ ] | May 30 15:28 | |
schestowitz | Dell also has deals with SUSE, Canonical, etc. | May 30 15:28 |
schestowitz | | May 30 15:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ **Wundert uns das? Nein, das wundert uns nicht ...** **Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch** -  [gesehen bei @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}] #privacy #b | May 30 15:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch [ ] | May 30 15:31 | |
schestowitz | "Wundert uns das? Nein, das wundert uns nicht ... Eight out of ten internet users believe browsing history should be kept private | Big Brother Watch - [gesehen bei <a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a>]<br> #privacy # | May 30 15:31 |
schestowitz | bigbrotherwatch #stopwatchingus" | May 30 15:31 |
schestowitz | | May 30 15:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@garrett_wollman: @schestowitz @swills Author of this piece clearly has forgotten Hanlon's Razor. | May 30 15:43 | |
-->ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrights | May 30 15:59 | |
<--ohama has quit (Quit: leaving) | May 30 16:00 | |
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-->Omega ( has joined #techrights | May 30 16:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | May 30 16:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 30 16:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds reads mean tweets | Tux Machines | May 30 16:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Unity Control Center for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 30 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | Review | May 30 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Unity Control Center for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Review | Tux Machines | May 30 16:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines June 2014 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine | May 30 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | released | May 30 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | June 2014 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine released | Tux Machines | May 30 16:43 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 17:23 | |
<--ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 30 17:25 | |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 30 17:41 | |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 30 18:16 | |
sebsebseb | hi | May 30 18:16 |
MinceR | hay | May 30 18:16 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 18:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Polish brother and sister kill their Alzheimer's-afflicted mother during EXORCISM | Mail Online [ ] | May 30 18:30 | |
DaemonFC | All I can say is that I'm glad this didn't happen in the United States for once.... | May 30 18:30 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 18:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The House Votes to Stop Medical Marijuana Busts by the Feds [ ] | May 30 18:31 | |
DaemonFC | | May 30 18:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon earnings: How Jeff Bezos gets investors to believe in him. [ ] | May 30 18:51 | |
DaemonFC | That's how Amazon got so big. It didn't worry about making much money until it was huge and there wasn't anyone that could compete with their scale. | May 30 18:52 |
DaemonFC | Then they let customer service got to hell. | May 30 18:52 |
DaemonFC | *go to | May 30 18:52 |
DaemonFC | MinceR, I think Hershey's screwed up and sent all their winning chocolate bars to Walmart. | May 30 18:56 |
DaemonFC | After noticing that 3 free chocolate bar codes in a row were bought at Walmart, I went back and bought two entire boxes, and they all won free chocolate bars. So I went back and redeemed those, and then I tore the free ones open and got more coupons. | May 30 18:57 |
DaemonFC | I have like a hundred chocolate bars in ziploc bags now. | May 30 18:58 |
MinceR | :> | May 30 18:58 |
DaemonFC | I think I'll just start passing them out to the neighbors and stuff. :P | May 30 18:58 |
MinceR | it would be better if they were milka or cadbury :> | May 30 18:58 |
*sebsebseb has quite a lot of nice SWedish chocolate back with him from Iceland :) | May 30 19:16 | |
sebsebseb | in fact those chocolte biscutes I had earlier, not sure if I had that or not before | May 30 19:16 |
sebsebseb | shame Ikea got rid of the good stuff like that around here, unless it's back hmm | May 30 19:16 |
---nj3ma is now known as nj3maZzz | May 30 19:44 | |
DaemonFC | | May 30 20:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Diets Make You Fatter—The Three Little Words that Really Help You Lose Weight | Alternet [ ] | May 30 20:16 | |
DaemonFC | "The ideal for healthy eating in the UK is called the eatwell plate. Or as I refer to it, the eat badly plate. You may have seen it on the walls of schools and surgeries, but have you actually looked at it? Chocolate, sweets, biscuits, cake, cereal, baked beans, flavoured yoghurts and even a can of cola. And we wonder why we have an epidemic of type 2 diabetes." | May 30 20:16 |
DaemonFC | LOL! | May 30 20:16 |
msb__ | If you want to download it: | May 30 20:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds Reads Your Mean Tweets - YouTube [ ] | May 30 20:28 | |
MinceR | gn | May 30 20:31 |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 30 20:34 | |
DaemonFC | | May 30 20:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heaven is NOT For Real - YouTube [ ] | May 30 20:48 | |
DaemonFC | I really like their Mystery Science Theater 3000-style approach to roasting Christians. | May 30 20:48 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | May 30 20:50 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago | May 30 20:50 |
DaemonFC | I'm so sick of people asking me to like these movies. I call them "Christian Exploitation Films". | May 30 20:50 |
DaemonFC | I have some favorite bible stories. Like, the book of Genesis. You know, the one where Adam and Eve are the only two people on the planet, they have two sons. Cain kills Abel, and then wanders off to a village..... Like, excuse me? Did I miss a couple of pages? Where did this village come from? | May 30 20:50 |
DaemonFC | Of course, the entire book is just stupid. Like, how they totally plagiarized the epic of Gilgamesh to create the story of Noah and the flood. | May 30 20:50 |
DaemonFC | Or how you can sell your daughter for a goat.... And how you're supposed to kill a woman who isn't a virgin on her wedding night.... And how you're obligated to impregnate your brother's widow.... | May 30 20:50 |
DaemonFC | And, well, other stuff... Some of it is pretty out there. It's certainly no way to run a society. I agree with Richard Dawkins, that everyone should have to read the bible. If everyone read it, they'd quickly start finding out all sorts of horrible things about it, and a lot of "WTF!?" moments along the way. | May 30 20:50 |
DaemonFC | | May 30 21:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Teenager Killed His Parents Because They Took His iPod Away [ ] | May 30 21:49 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 22:42 | |
<--Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 30 23:03 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 30 23:36 | |
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DaemonFC | | May 30 23:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Impress Your Friends With Your Ability to Explain Obama's New Climate Plan | Mother Jones [ ] | May 30 23:50 | |
-->TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | May 30 23:52 | |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | May 31 00:25 |
DaemonFC | Republican Christians: Argue that the world is 5,000 years old, while digging up and burning the remains of trees (coal) from the Carboniferous Period (358 million years ago). | May 31 00:25 |
schestowitz | | May 31 00:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@rbsfou: @schestowitz shame their social media is deafeningly silent...As a self-defined 'massive nerd' @MartinStewITV a story about software costs? | May 31 00:48 | |
msb__ | Lots of choice gruesomes from the bibble here: | May 31 01:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Evil Bible Home Page | May 31 01:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The five most popular end-user Linux | May 31 01:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | distributions | May 31 01:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 01:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Deep in-to Linux, Torvalds Tweets, and Top | May 31 01:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Distros | May 31 01:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 01:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The five most popular end-user Linux distributions | Tux Machines | May 31 01:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ARM CoreSight Work Resurrected For The Linux | May 31 01:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Kernel | May 31 01:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 01:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deep in-to Linux, Torvalds Tweets, and Top Distros | Tux Machines | May 31 01:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ARM CoreSight Work Resurrected For The Linux Kernel | Tux Machines | May 31 01:54 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 02:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Marie Curie: Open source pioneer sharing rather than hoarding | May 31 02:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Marie Curie: Open source pioneer - Boing Boing [ ] | May 31 02:19 | |
schestowitz | "oh boy" | May 31 02:19 |
schestowitz | | May 31 02:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #ciapost says Britain does so much #cocaine it’s now in the drinking water #uk | May 31 02:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Britain does so much cocaine it’s now in the drinking water [ ] | May 31 02:20 | |
schestowitz | "that's was it is!" | May 31 02:20 |
schestowitz | | May 31 02:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the holes...  #strange #round #holes #unexplained | May 31 02:21 | |
schestowitz | "It's scary, but I think it's "just" a Point being, not "unexplained"." | May 31 02:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sinkhole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 31 02:21 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 02:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the holes...  #strange #round #holes #unexplained | May 31 02:21 | |
schestowitz | "I bet they're testing laser drillers from orbit xD" | May 31 02:21 |
schestowitz | | May 31 02:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Gangster type Ballmer to have less time to spend on #microsoft | May 31 02:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to buy Clippers for $2B [ ] | May 31 02:22 | |
schestowitz | "He loves this basketball team." | May 31 02:22 |
schestowitz | | May 31 02:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Android/Linux smartphones are taking 80% of the market shipments while having an average selling price ~$70 less" | May 31 02:23 | |
schestowitz | someone gets what you pay, <img src="">"" | May 31 02:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pride and Prejudice: Smartphones | Robert Pogson [ ] | May 31 02:23 | |
schestowitz | "c'mon will... he worked hard to get that... ; )" | May 31 02:23 |
schestowitz | Bush might be next president | May 31 03:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The New York Times tries--a little too hard--to convince readers that Jeb Bush is brainier than his brother. [ ] | May 31 03:01 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 03:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Microsoft-backed Mono is Still Trying to Spread to More Linux-Based Platforms #mono #linux #microsoft | May 31 03:14 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Microsoft-backed Mono is Still Trying to Spread to More Linux-Based Platforms | Techrights [ ] | May 31 03:14 | |
schestowitz | "will be keeping a close eye .. im dallying with Mono -until i can find a replacement ... for applications that force you to use it ... concerned about the Oracle win too ... i can see a big push by the proprietaries in motion ... most of us will walk into it,unaware and all the FOSS traction will be lost .." | May 31 03:14 |
schestowitz | "The good thing is #Meego and #Tizen are no where now , it depends on how much #Mer has used the mono components . I am wondering if the tomboy stuff which come in gnome still has mono dependencies ?" | May 31 03:15 |
schestowitz | gnote? | May 31 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Samsung's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch drops | May 31 03:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android for Tizen | May 31 03:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 03:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung's original Galaxy Gear smartwatch drops Android for Tizen | Tux Machines | May 31 03:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging | May 31 03:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Gestures Support | May 31 03:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 03:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GTK+ 3.13.2 Arrives with Interactive Debugging and Gestures Support | Tux Machines | May 31 03:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't | May 31 03:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Like Flat Operating Systems | May 31 03:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 03:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 03:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sphere 1.4 Is an Icon Pack for People Who Don't Like Flat Operating Systems | Tux Machines | May 31 03:20 | |
<--nj3ma_Zzz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 31 03:50 | |
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DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | May 31 04:55 |
DaemonFC | The APA has gone to bat for the Christiban lots of times. | May 31 04:55 |
DaemonFC | They officially de-listed homosexuality from their "DSM" book of bull**** back in the 1970s, but I think that everyone should know that psychiatrists still largely hate gay people, especially the older ones, and the ones that outfits like the community mental health system here in Indiana hire to keep costs down. The younger ones are (nearly) all a bunch of Muslims from third world countries that are probably all laughing their asses off at | May 31 04:55 |
DaemonFC | our government. You go in there, and you tell me if you can understand anything they're saying. You can tell that they just don't give a **** about any of their patients. Their attitude and bedside manner is simply awful. I think we all know how they feel about gay people. | May 31 04:55 |
DaemonFC | I'd never dream of going in there and telling someone that thinks gay people should be hanged or stoned to death that I was gay. I feel really sorry for anyone that ends up in that system. | May 31 04:55 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz, I haven't told my psychiatrist that I have a gun in the house. | May 31 04:58 |
DaemonFC | They ask now. The government told them to after obamacare was passed. | May 31 04:58 |
DaemonFC | For "statistical reasons". | May 31 04:58 |
DaemonFC | I don't keep it loaded. I just have it because an ex's dad gave it to me when we were living next door to a bunch of drug dealers. | May 31 04:59 |
DaemonFC | Also, it's a lease violation to have it in my apartment, even if it's not loaded. | May 31 04:59 |
-->pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techrights | May 31 05:40 | |
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-->ohama ( has joined #techrights | May 31 05:42 | |
---nj3maZzz is now known as nj3ma | May 31 05:43 | |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | May 31 07:37 |
DaemonFC | Where does the Sun go at night? | May 31 07:37 |
DaemonFC | Nobody knows where the Sun goes at night! | May 31 07:37 |
DaemonFC | Jesus brings it back each morning, though, so everything will be alright! | May 31 07:37 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 31 08:51 | |
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 31 09:29 | |
Sosumi | hum, | May 31 09:29 |
Sosumi | there was the zodiaq killer | May 31 09:30 |
Sosumi | and now we have an iPod killer | May 31 09:30 |
Sosumi | surreal.... | May 31 09:30 |
Sosumi | specially when it was killing his own parents | May 31 09:30 |
Sosumi | also, WWDC on monday | May 31 09:32 |
Sosumi | what will apple unveil that google or samsung hadn’t done before | May 31 09:32 |
Sosumi | and then claim how they reinvented it | May 31 09:33 |
Sosumi | claim, no, boast about it | May 31 09:33 |
Sosumi | “can’t inovate? my ass!” - Phill Schiller while unveiling the trashcan pro | May 31 09:37 |
Sosumi | aka buttplug pro | May 31 09:37 |
cubexyz | :) | May 31 10:42 |
cubexyz | and nary a word about Xerox (as usual) | May 31 10:44 |
Sosumi | well ofc | May 31 10:45 |
Sosumi | not | May 31 10:45 |
Sosumi | :) | May 31 10:45 |
MinceR | geekings | May 31 10:55 |
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | May 31 10:55 | |
*Sosumi plays the free software song to MinceR | May 31 11:02 | |
MinceR | :) | May 31 11:02 |
schestowitz | "Leniency for friends and the law for everyone else?" | May 31 13:49 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: free software song is quite ok | May 31 13:49 |
schestowitz | and RMS is not a terrible dancer, either | May 31 13:49 |
schestowitz | [10:01] <DaemonFC> schestowitz, I haven't told my psychiatrist that I have a gun in the house. | May 31 13:49 |
schestowitz | isn't that implied from having a US citizenship | May 31 13:50 |
schestowitz | | May 31 13:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Jennifer Rubin at the #ciapost presents false dichotomy. What's this #propaganda all about? | May 31 13:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Do we let American jihadists kill, or do we drone them? [ ] | May 31 13:50 | |
schestowitz | "Seriously? That's the only two options. Journalism has come sooo far." | May 31 13:50 |
schestowitz | "A Nobel peace prize would probably just be more encouragement" | May 31 13:55 |
schestowitz | | May 31 13:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ US Will Still Use Drone Strikes: Barack Obama give this man another Nobel peace prize and maybe he'll stop | May 31 13:55 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | US Will Still Use Drone Strikes: Barack Obama | [ ] | May 31 13:55 | |
schestowitz | Drones for peace... like doves with Hellfire | May 31 13:55 |
schestowitz | | May 31 13:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: ### Damn Libertarians... ___ #Bazookas #Liberals #Conservatives #Libertarianism #LibertarianHumor | May 31 13:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | May 31 13:56 | |
schestowitz | "Sounds like a capitalist libertarian for sure...." | May 31 13:56 |
schestowitz | | May 31 13:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Google accepting #censorship requests not Google's fault here | May 31 13:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google accepting censorship requests - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [ ] | May 31 13:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google accepting 'right to be forgotten' requests in Europe | Irish Examiner [ ] | May 31 13:56 | |
schestowitz | "" | May 31 13:56 |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 31 14:23 | |
sebsebseb | May 31 14:23 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 14:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines First ideas for a better GNOME browser | May 31 14:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 14:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 14:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First ideas for a better GNOME browser | Tux Machines | May 31 14:29 | |
Sosumi | DaemonFC, in soviet russia, you don’t your gun that you have psychiatrist | May 31 14:43 |
Sosumi | *tell | May 31 14:43 |
Sosumi | unless you’re drunk :) | May 31 14:44 |
gde33 | As a kid I jokingly pretended to count the number of ravioli on everyones plate by pointing at the plates and guessing howmany then protesting against the favored position of having 21 in stead of 17 pieces. At plate 6 or so everyone got really angry, I explained it was just a joke but they didnt believe me so I suggested recounting the ravioli so that everyone could see I was just guessing. | May 31 14:45 |
gde33 | after that they got even more angry | May 31 14:46 |
gde33 | I couldnt stop lauging, I had em all right. | May 31 14:46 |
Sosumi | ppl get usually get angry for things that they shouldn’t get angry for in the first place | May 31 14:48 |
gde33 | I think I already knew how to laugh at my own jokes | May 31 14:50 |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 31 14:52 | |
gde33 | I was wondering, not that anyone does it but to what extend could multinationals democratize their services? | May 31 14:56 |
gde33 | the logic seems to be that if they dont implment public opinion it will eventually be done for them in court. | May 31 14:57 |
gde33 | like google with it's right to be forgotten | May 31 14:57 |
gde33 | its | May 31 14:58 |
gde33 | multinationals already have their own law as a terms of service | May 31 14:59 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Syrian rebels say they are already being trained by the #CIA #syria | May 31 15:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | As Obama calls for support in Syria, rebels claim U.S. is already training them - [ ] | May 31 15:00 | |
schestowitz | "Not 'terrorist'. That's a garbage word if ever there was one. I once had a bumper sticker that said, "'Terrorist' is what the big army calls the little one." Then there was Ronald Reagan, who called his terrorists in Nicaragua 'Freedom Fighters'. Never mind that the entire discourse surrounding 'terrorism' ignores the larger portion of it--the state-sponsored kind, especially that sponsored by the U.S." | May 31 15:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Syrian rebels say they are being trained by the CIA | Al Bawaba [ ] | May 31 15:00 | |
gde33 | it wouldn't be hard to have 3 candidates for a job and have the user vote on those | May 31 15:00 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Wars are profitable business even #monsanto made a killing from killing millions in #vietnam | May 31 15:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Exclusive: New document details America’s war machine — and secret mass of contractors in Afghanistan - [ ] | May 31 15:00 | |
schestowitz | ""What is a huge army of private contractors secretly doing in Afghanistan?" Making money? No, my wrong, they're fighting for democracy and freedom for sure." | May 31 15:00 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Must deal with about 5 CMSs ceasing to work with a forced 'upgrade' to a new version of #php - the developers should retain backward-compat | May 31 15:01 | |
schestowitz | "It's an odd thing that's happened where it is considered acceptable for a new version of a programming language to break programs written in the old. In the bad old proprietary days when I was a programmer, this simply flat out didn't happen. People would have lost their jobs and would never have been able to be hired again." | May 31 15:01 |
schestowitz | This causes web rot. And PHP is a leading Internet trend. | May 31 15:01 |
gde33 | schestowitz: disposable humans! | May 31 15:01 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #NSA/#PRISM/#Microsoft #Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time #chillingfreespeech #watchwhatyousay | May 31 15:06 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time | Techrights | May 31 15:06 | |
schestowitz | "well I'm ready to believe that, it's just that your argument "it doesn't appear anywhere" is weird concerning a supposedly secret program.." | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | Prism is a JOKE that doesnt even exist.. | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | in any comprehensive list of ACTUAL spying programmes .. globally | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | ' | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | "wut? are you saying that since prism isn't mentionned on any official list of top secret programs, that means it doesn't exist?" | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | Im saying "PRISM" and snowden as a whole are complete psy op bullshit diversions.. and theres quite a lot of "evidence" to prove this .. not least of all that the fact prism™ doesnt appear anywhere.. | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | and is nothing more than 3 rd parties using your data .. for undisclosed to you purposes.. which incidentally they said they would always do when you pressed "i agree" in their terms of service.. | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | ' | May 31 15:06 |
schestowitz | "Its a hoax man, its a narrative .. if you use your common sense you can clearly see that this was a load of crap diversion from the very beginning.." | May 31 15:07 |
schestowitz | "pretty much anything i show you would only make you think what im saying is wrong, and its not my job to convince people to trust their own intelligence rather than intelligence™ fed to them from the mainstream media , which they SAY they don't trust, except when it comes to SNOWDEN :D" | May 31 15:07 |
schestowitz | PRISM came as a document or a bunch of documents from NSA, not corporate media. And companies involved did not deny their involvement in it. | May 31 15:07 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Large companies that race to the bottom w/ wages (except for management) and are racing to the bottom with taxes are today's biggest issue | May 31 15:12 | |
schestowitz | "Just one of many key issues in my opinion ..." | May 31 15:12 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #NSA/#PRISM/#Microsoft #Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time #chillingfreespeech #watchwhatyousay | May 31 15:16 | |
schestowitz | "Thats absolutely a lie and its sad you believe your own lies.. The ONLY Way you heard about "PRISM" is when the MAINSTREAM media told you about it." | May 31 15:16 |
schestowitz | evidently I waste my time arguing over this | May 31 15:16 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:19 |
schestowitz | Many people carry Google-connected cameras in their house and toilets too.... it's called Android | May 31 15:19 |
schestowitz | | May 31 15:40 |
schestowitz | "your conclusion is always very clear sense: we are all more or less a bunch of idiots (which I do agree with btw). But your argumentation is not so." | May 31 15:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | Gone Wildly Wrong | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 15:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Netbook, Desktop and X Editions of Simplicity Linux 14.7 Alpha 1 Now Available | Tux Machines | May 31 15:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Dirty List Of GPUs With Open-Source Drivers Gone Wildly Wrong | Tux Machines | May 31 15:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Amarok 2.8.0 Review – A Different Kind of Music | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | Player | May 31 15:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 15:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amarok 2.8.0 Review – A Different Kind of Music Player | Tux Machines | May 31 15:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux | May 31 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | GPU Drivers | May 31 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive | May 31 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | Update Released, New GPUs Supported | May 31 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 16:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenCL Linux Benchmarks With The Latest Linux GPU Drivers | Tux Machines | May 31 16:29 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Massive NVIDIA 337.25 Linux Driver Massive Update Released, New GPUs Supported | Tux Machines | May 31 16:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox | May 31 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nightly, but… | May 31 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 16:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox Nightly, but… | Tux Machines | May 31 16:29 | |
schestowitz | My uncle: | May 31 16:35 |
schestowitz | It doesn't take much to make me happy. Today I recovered my WordPress password. How did I do it? Well, like Columbus I found it while looking for something else. | May 31 16:35 |
schestowitz | On my iPad I wanted to check if my Auto-Fill was On in Settings. In settings I found Passwords & Autofill together, I clicked on Passwords and there was a long list. I scrolled down and found... I jumped on that with both feet and there it was; the stupidest password I ever created. No way I would ever remember it. | May 31 16:35 |
schestowitz | And now I await the next problem; as of right now I have no idea what it will be but there is always something. To enjoy using the computer you need to have a large arsenal of solutions. | May 31 16:35 |
schestowitz | Me: | May 31 16:35 |
schestowitz | If the Apple 'iPad' showed to you the password in plain text, then Apple security is seriously messed up. No programs should reveal a password in plain text, let alone store it like that. :-) | May 31 16:35 |
schestowitz | Classic Apple. | May 31 16:35 |
schestowitz | | May 31 16:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@theGuruWithin: @schestowitz @ConnectDotsDoc #NEWS But it will be a result of Crowd Sourcing as well as current audit #idwp #WWW | May 31 16:35 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | TrueCrypt - organizing a future | May 31 16:35 | |
schestowitz | | May 31 16:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@theGuruWithin: @schestowitz @ConnectDotsDoc Hopefully the current global surveillance state will cause an Explosion of CrowdBuilding 4 #FREEDOMatallCOSTs | May 31 16:36 | |
schestowitz | can be a contributing factor | May 31 16:36 |
schestowitz | | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 17:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #NSA/#PRISM/#Microsoft #Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time #chillingfreespeech #watchwhatyousay | May 31 17:08 | |
schestowitz | well you are DEFINITELY an "idiot" amongst a bunch of them if you believe the SNOWDEN story .. because thats all it has ever been a STORY told to you by the same mainstream media you say lied about 9/11 and anything else thats convenient .. | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | so Dr .. are you saying the NYT is not somehow "mainstream media" ? cos this would be the first place to start.. questioning yourself.. NYT is nothing more than a government propaganda mouthpiece as is THE GUARDIAN for that matter.. | May 31 17:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | When NSA/PRISM/Microsoft Skype Turns Voice Conversations Into Text in Real Time | Techrights | May 31 17:08 | |
schestowitz | im not sure what other proof you want. maybe you want the PROOF that any "revelations" by SNOWDEN™ were actually known 20 years ago by anyone who knows anything about the internet or at least internet PRE web 2.0..? | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | Or maybe you want to the proof that WINDOWS has incorporated a direct system application that links the "NSA" to internet connected computers since windows 98 ? | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | Maybe you want to see the complete list of ACTUAL surveilance programmes .. including such things as ECHELON which strangely HERO "SNOWDEN" never mentioned? | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 17:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 17:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | 8 Comouflage Mode | May 31 17:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | yeah just as i expected.. you don't want the truth about things you want a cause to follow and narrative to speak to others about.. | May 31 17:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tails 1.1 Beta 1 Secure Distro Now Has Windows 8 Comouflage Mode | Tux Machines | May 31 17:08 | |
schestowitz | and Snowden gives you this party for FREE .. | May 31 17:08 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditFirefox favourited 'WebRTC voice and video now available on Firefox...' | May 31 17:08 | |
schestowitz | " | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | "I agree with some of your points sense. I do not agree on your way of saying it. I think it.s not fair to always treat people of being stupid or idiot. You might think it but that is all. It is not a very open way to converse and we definitly need to be able to converse about all these things. I do agree with mainstream media and the nyt and the guard. But i don.t undrstand that : a diversion of what?!!' | May 31 17:08 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | I dont really care if you think IM RUDE because you didnt exercise your own intuition when viewing something this is NOT my responsibility nor is it MY guilt to deal with how you feel about it .. or about someone else pointing it out to you .. | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | I say this with as much kindness as possible.. "YOUR STUPIDITY IS YOUR PROBLEM NOT ANYONE ELSES TO HELP YOU WITH".. | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | Now you ask a Diversion from what .. | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | well this is a pretty STUPID question also.. Because it presumes that you somehow don't know what a DIVERSION actually is.. .If you Don't thats ok .. you can read the dictionary or whatever to find out what the word means.. | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | But it should be quite clear to anyone who see's whats going on in the world.. that things like SNOWDEN are an Absolute diversion from ACTUAL real things that are happening around the world.. ill give you just ONE example of what it is a diversion for.. USA Actions in Syria.. | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | If you think Syria and Snowden arent connected .. through the mainstream media .. you really need to think again.. | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | " | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | I was right two comments ago, this is a waste of time. | May 31 17:09 |
schestowitz | | May 31 17:23 |
schestowitz | | May 31 17:25 |
schestowitz | | May 31 17:26 |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | May 31 18:07 | |
sebsebseb | h | May 31 18:07 |
sebsebseb | i | May 31 18:07 |
MinceR | :) | May 31 18:56 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I just found out about two hous or so ago | May 31 19:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: where OGG Camp will be this year | May 31 19:00 |
sebsebseb | nice not that far away from me really | May 31 19:00 |
sebsebseb | still got to travel a bit, but not really far | May 31 19:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: not that local, but not that far as well so | May 31 19:01 |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 31 19:07 | |
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MinceR | gn | May 31 19:54 |
<--_Goblin has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 31 20:17 | |
-->abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #techrights | May 31 21:14 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 32-bit Enterprise Linux Still Matters | May 31 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 31 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 31 23:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 32-bit Enterprise Linux Still Matters | Tux Machines | May 31 23:20 | |
abeNd-org | i havent seen an x86 cpu in years | May 31 23:21 |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | May 31 23:49 |
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