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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: November 23rd, 2014-November 29th, 2014

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TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photoset: cosplayingwhileblack: Character:Nov 23 00:22
TweetSchestowitz                 Mariska Series: Lollipop Chainsaw SUBMISSIONNov 23 00:22
TweetSchestowitz        23 00:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 00:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:22
TweetSchestowitz@JimDalrympleII  Here are the letters people sent to MO Gov JayNov 23 00:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nixon in response to Ferguson, viaNov 23 00:27
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   @JasonLeopold 23 00:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 00:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the Way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 23 00:28
TweetSchestowitz@ShaunKing       Must read report from @JasonLeopold on theNov 23 00:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    crazy emails being sent to @GovJayNixon ::Nov 23 00:28
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold ( viaNov 23 00:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @deray & @NettaaaaaaaaNov 23 00:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:28
TweetSchestowitz@vladduthiersCBS  Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light onNov 23 00:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Racial Tensions in #Ferguson Aftermath viaNov 23 00:29
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   @JasonLeopold @vice 23 00:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 00:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:29
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Gambling nuke commander linked to fake pokerNov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz                 chips ( 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz        23 00:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP News : Gambling nuke commander linked to fake poker chipsNov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JasonLeopold: Gambling nuke commander linked to fake poker chips 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Egypt lawyers union: Judge 'terrorizing' attysNov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz                 defending activist on trial over 2011 protestNov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz        23 00:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP News : Egypt lawyers union: Judge 'terrorizing' attorneysNov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JasonLeopold: Egypt lawyers union: Judge 'terrorizing' attys defending activist on trial over 2011 protest 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      If Michigan delays any more in firing Hoke thenNov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz                 maybe I'll be able to play on the starting teamNov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz                 next year.Nov 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:46
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Here here RT @Krhawkins5: Feingold's staffNov 23 00:50
TweetSchestowitz                 still doing great things. Hope Udall's manageNov 23 00:50
TweetSchestowitz                 to do the same thing.Nov 23 00:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:50
TweetSchestowitz@xprize          Did you know that we have G+ XPRIZE CommunityNov 23 00:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Hangout every two weeks? Check out the next oneNov 23 00:50
TweetSchestowitz @jonobacon      here: ( 23 00:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 00:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | XPRIZE Community Hangout and Q&A - Google+Nov 23 00:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 22/11/2014: Linux Mint 17.1, Ubuntu MATENov 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 01:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 22/11/2014: Linux Mint 17.1, Ubuntu MATE | TechrightsNov 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 01:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesNov 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 01:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 01:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesNov 23 01:26
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 23 01:34
TweetSchestowitz@xprize          The XPRIZE team getting together to be thankfulNov 23 01:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    for each other! (And stuffing our faces.)Nov 23 01:41
TweetSchestowitz @jonobacon 23 01:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 01:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@xprize: The XPRIZE team getting together to be thankful for each other! (And stuffing our faces.) 23 01:41
TweetSchestowitz@jonobacon       I did not bake this. It tastes incredible.Nov 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Another reason I am lucky to be married. ItNov 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz                 isn't even finished yet. 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 01:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: I did not bake this. It tastes incredible. Another reason I am lucky to be married. It isn't even finished yet. 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz@adamgoldmanwp   .@GregJaffe writes 13 years of war = nearlyNov 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    7,000 American deaths, 60,000 injuries and costNov 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     in excess of $2 trillion 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 01:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | The end, in their sights | The Washington PostNov 23 01:55
TweetSchestowitz@FrankPasquale   Disaster as smart strategy: 5 "years after theNov 23 02:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    financial crash, biggest banks are 37% largerNov 23 02:12
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     than they were before” 23 02:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 02:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 02:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unbundling Too Big to Fail by Ganesh Sitaraman :: SSRNNov 23 02:12
TweetSchestowitz@beenasarwar     #RasmeaOdeh trial - evidence from a militaryNov 23 02:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    court in a foreign country allowed to stand inNov 23 02:16
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       a US court 23 02:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @truthoutNov 23 02:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 02:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tortured and Raped by Israel, Persecuted and Imprisoned by the United StatesNov 23 02:16
TweetSchestowitz@bad_robot       "If you don't have a strategy, you're part ofNov 23 02:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    someone else's strategy." - Alvin TofflerNov 23 02:29
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        #BRQuoteDuJour 23 02:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 02:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bad_robot: "If you don't have a strategy, you're part of someone else's strategy." - Alvin Toffler #BRQuoteDuJour 23 02:29
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @FrankPasquale: 'Disaster as smart strategy: 5 "years after the...'Nov 23 02:29
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        D20-studded soap [2009] 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 02:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | D20-studded soap - Boing BoingNov 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Texas Approves Disputed History Texts forNov 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz                 SchoolsNov 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 02:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       If mixing Php Code in HTML and generating JSNov 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz                 code from Php is bad then mixing JS code insideNov 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz                 HTML is also bad #javascript #templates #thinkNov 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 02:47
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       I will book my next domain from Google -Nov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz                 just ₹ 740 per year !Nov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 03:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Domains - FeaturesNov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Wikipedia's facts-about-facts make theNov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz                 impossible real [2009] 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 03:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wikipedia's facts-about-facts make the impossible real - Boing BoingNov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Bad-ass Mad Max campout weekend, complete withNov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz                 working gyrocopter! [2009]Nov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 03:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bad-ass Mad Max campout weekend, complete with working gyrocopter! - Boing BoingNov 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 03:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 03:15
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       Why ES6 spec trying to add new features whichNov 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 can be written in JavaScript.Nov 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 A Language must not have features which can beNov 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 written by itselfNov 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz@VICE            The Longest Wrongful Imprisonment in US HistoryNov 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Is OverNov 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold ( 23 03:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 03:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Longest Wrongful Imprisonment in US History Is Over | VICE | United StatesNov 23 03:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 31 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 218 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 23 03:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (30)Nov 23 03:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @SerbianLinuks (1)Nov 23 03:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 23 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 165 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 730 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 23 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (57), @doctorow (14), @truthout (7)Nov 23 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (11), @JasonLeopold (10), @doctorow (5)Nov 23 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (14), #gnu (13), #police (5)Nov 23 03:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacoreNov 23 04:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Snapdragon designs 23 04:56
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 04:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 04:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacore Snapdragon designs | Tux MachinesNov 23 04:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With IntelNov 23 05:04
TweetTuxMachines                 Haswell Performance 23 05:04
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 05:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 05:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With Intel Haswell Performance | Tux MachinesNov 23 05:04
*TweetTuxMachines @BauerVlad favourited 'Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacore Snapdragon designs...'Nov 23 05:04
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 23 05:25
schestowitz_bed2 23 05:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: @schestowitz @Phandroid I understand your point. Google's spy friends will spy up to the limit of what they think the law allows them to do.Nov 23 05:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: @schestowitz @Phandroid But it's worth more than $20 if you consider lifetime backup, antivirus scan, mirrored to multiple datacenters, etc.Nov 23 05:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid my only point was that 1TB lifetime free cloud storage is worth more to the average person than a 1TB SATA HDD.Nov 23 05:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid bc you're taking advantage of all the cloud infrastructure stuff that Google or MSFT or whoever is doing anyway.Nov 23 05:54
schestowitz_bed2  Nov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid although I do want to post some YT videos, not on behalf of any corp to teach how to do most of that stuff at home.Nov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid but if you want to do it *right*, and don't trust a corp to do it for you, that means investing in LTO tape backup.Nov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid or equiv high-cap media for your long-term archival. Now you have to find offsite storage for your encrypted tapes.Nov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid I could go on and on, but I hope I've made my point that 1TB of "free cloud storage for life" does cost > $20. :)Nov 23 05:56
schestowitz_bed2  Nov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid PS: I agree that, at Google's scale, it might cost Google $20, but for a person or medium biz, it's more than that.Nov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid The problem w/ spying is that eventually Google will have to push back on #NSA as their security-concerned businessNov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid paying customers don't want to deal w/ some Army General like Keith Alexander trading your stocks on spy knowledge.Nov 23 05:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid the FOIA for Keith Alexander's financial trades on Chinese aluminum, etc. wouldn't have required Google's knowledgeNov 23 05:56
schestowitz_bed2 23 05:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid because at that time GCHQ/NSA had tapped all the lines between datacenters that were *all* unencrypted at the time.Nov 23 05:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: All info on NSA chief Keith Alexander playing the stock market based on his spy knowledge via @schestowitz @PhandroidNov 23 05:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Why Was the NSA Chief Playing the Market?Nov 23 05:57
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:02
-TechrightsSocial/ Guadalinex v9 is out used by a lot of Europeans.Nov 23 06:02
schestowitz_bed2"Yeah! Guadalinex is the distro used in most IT classrooms in schools all over the region of Andalucía, in Spain."Nov 23 06:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Guadalinex v9 llega para quedarse. — Portal Guadalinex [ ]Nov 23 06:02
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Death Star wall tiles [2013]Nov 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 06:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Death Star wall tiles - Boing BoingNov 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Thank you!!! "@MidwestPatrick: Props toNov 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz                 @JasonLeopold for his investigative skills.Nov 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Keep up the good work."Nov 23 06:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 06:03
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:15
-TechrightsSocial/ dpkg Developer Resigns from Debian Technical Committee over Systemd #systemd #debian #gnu #linuxNov 23 06:15
schestowitz_bed2"Ohh no , he was the one who had the guts to put up the argument in the list. If he is gone who would defend #init in future releases. Now my hopes for #debian are almost gone :( Will anyone atleast even come to the defence of #uselessd ?"Nov 23 06:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | dpkg Developer Resigns from Debian Technical Committee over Systemd - Softpedia [ ]Nov 23 06:15
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:15
schestowitz_bed2Isn't he the Ian of debIAN?Nov 23 06:15
schestowitz_bed2shit's getting seriousNov 23 06:15
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:15
schestowitz_bed2"@jim , no thats Ian Murdock and his girl friend (ex) Debra who are behind the "debian" name. But yes its getting serious , the DD's just dont care as the vote is in their favour what they wanted to do from long time . The users grievances remain the same. I am desperately wating to see what would happen with "Jessie" . Will people use it ? Adoption numbers , package stats( people installing init ) ?"Nov 23 06:15
schestowitz_bed2"What about preparing plan B? Check one BSD operating system, if you don't like Jessie you will be ready to drop it."Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2You know, I might point out that Debian has kFreeBSD. It can't do systemd.Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2I haven't played with it, but it looks like Debian with a FreeBSD kernel.Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2'Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2Maybe that's why kFreeBSD is falling behind, I read that it might be pulled from the official releases and like two weeks ago started having dependency issues in wheezy.Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2I had 6 Debian GNU/kFreeBSD servers and two are now OpenBSD, the other four will follow soon.Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:16
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:17
schestowitz_bed2That's kind of sad to hear.Nov 23 06:17
schestowitz_bed2When I had decided to put my notebook on FreeBSD, I didn't get the booting right due to UEFI weirdness. So for quite a while, I was using a kFreeBSD installation disk, with it's grub option to boot the first hard disk to get into my FreeBSD.Nov 23 06:17
schestowitz_bed2I couldn't actually install kFreeBSD because it was missing the driver for my network interface.Nov 23 06:17
schestowitz_bed2But I do owe a debt of gratitude to the kFreeBSD project.Nov 23 06:17
schestowitz_bed2And yes, I can imagine that it is indeed getting harder to keep kFreeBSD alive.Nov 23 06:17
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:17
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:25
-TechrightsSocial/ After Divorcing Microsoft, Nokia Reveals The N1, An Android Tablet Hitting China First #android #linux #nokiaNov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"What? What happened in Nokia now?"Nov 23 06:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | After Divorcing Microsoft, Nokia Reveals The N1, An Android Tablet Hitting China First | TechCrunch [ ]Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"More excitingly Jolla has released a tablet with a similar spec running Sailfish OS available in the US, EU, China, Russia, Norway, Switzerland and India. "Nov 23 06:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jolla Tablet - world's first crowdsourced tablet | Indiegogo [ ]Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2They divorced Microsoft?Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2... I had given up on Nokia ...Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"Obviously, not even Nokia could get anyone interested in Windows Phone.'Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"the jolla tablet is not released yet"Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"The N1 just might be my next tablet. Thank god Nokia never completely quit despite the Microsoft incidence..."Nov 23 06:25
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:26
-TechrightsSocial/ #mozilla continues to sell out, all out, now by diverting users' searches to #nsa partner #microsoft (via Yahoo), like Canonical triedNov 23 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"Back to IceCat for me. I'm extremely disappointed."Nov 23 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"qupzilla and iceweassel are good choices too"Nov 23 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"I guess they were tired of being stuck between Google and a hard place for the last ten years."Nov 23 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"Meh. They just changed from one NSA partner to another. I don't see that as huge news either way. If they'd changed to Yacy or SEEKS (or a direct PRISM search!) it would have raised an eyebrow."Nov 23 06:27
schestowitz_bed2"sources ? Ask @Fla who is a Moz contributor and diaspora-fr podmin"Nov 23 06:27
schestowitz_bed2"I have already changed my search engine to DuckDuckGo as default. Does this move to a different default search engine change things, or we can still select our engine of choice?'Nov 23 06:27
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:27
-TechrightsSocial/ #mozilla seems to have learned nothing at all from backlash that led #canonical to abandoning plans of #yahoo (MS/NSA) in #firefoxNov 23 06:27
schestowitz_bed2"lol, Google is NSA too, we all know this. Come on, now."Nov 23 06:27
schestowitz_bed2"As I've said. It's a move from one NSA partner to another. I guess the main differences are that this particular NSA partner isn't quite so all encompassing and provides crappier search results."Nov 23 06:27
schestowitz_bed2"Maybe that was part of the management change."Nov 23 06:28
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:31
-TechrightsSocial/ #Minetest is an open source #Minecraft inspired game 23 06:31
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Minetest is an open source Minecraft inspired game - The Mukt [ ]Nov 23 06:31
schestowitz_bed2"no it isn't... both are inspired in infinitminer, and minetest is better"Nov 23 06:31
schestowitz_bed2"agreed Tahira, I run 2 minetest servers, and the mods are so much more interesting!"Nov 23 06:31
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Diaspora* Argentina / Sign inNov 23 06:32
schestowitz_bed2 23 06:32
-TechrightsSocial/ #DARPA Is Using Ubuntu to Build Humanoid Robots – Video #darpa #linuxNov 23 06:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | DARPA Is Using Ubuntu to Build Humanoid Robots – Video - Softpedia [ ]Nov 23 06:32
schestowitz_bed2"So conflicted about this one."Nov 23 06:32
schestowitz_bed2"Don't worry, the Ubuntu running Skynet will soon reprogram your brain to remove any feelings of uncertainty."Nov 23 06:32
schestowitz_bed2"Do you know, there are days when I'd welcome that..."Nov 23 06:32
schestowitz_bed2"@bean - I see the process is already complete."Nov 23 06:32
TweetSchestowitz@SwiftOnSecurity  After thirteen days, iOS 8 adoption was atNov 23 07:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    40.00%Nov 23 07:49
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      After thirteen days, Android Lollipop is atNov 23 07:49
TweetSchestowitz                 00.15%Nov 23 07:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 07:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 07:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Compared to iOS, Android Lollipop adoption rates suck | ZDNetNov 23 07:49
schestowitz_bed2 23 08:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Varnishing Polls | Production Monkeys [ ]Nov 23 08:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | caching - Letting anonymous users vote in a poll when using Varnish - Drupal Answers [ ]Nov 23 08:17
schestowitz_bed2 23 08:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SimonRWaters: @schestowitz This is about bad password policy. Banks shouldn't be relying on passwords alone, once that is sorted they can relax the policyNov 23 08:28
*TweetTuxMachines @Android_Arsenal favourited 'Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacore Snapdragon designs...'Nov 23 09:10
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 23 09:13
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 23 09:14
TweetSchestowitz@NickBallard     How Google Inbox shares 70% of its code acrossNov 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz                 Android, iOS, and the Web | Ars TechnicaNov 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Google Inbox shares 70% of its code across Android, iOS, and the Web | Ars TechnicaNov 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141122 -Nov 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 141122Nov 23 09:35
TweetSchestowitz@washingtonpost  The world's longest train journey now begins inNov 23 09:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    China 23 09:40
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 23 09:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Map: The world’s longest train journey now begins in China - The Washington PostNov 23 09:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@washingtonpost: The world's longest train journey now begins in China 23 09:40
TweetSchestowitz@JoeRoganEXP     The International Space Station passing inNov 23 09:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    front of the moon. 23 09:42
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 09:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JoeRoganEXP: The International Space Station passing in front of the moon. 23 09:42
TweetSchestowitz@BlackheathWx    Richmond peaked at 45.3C, beating its previousNov 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    November record by 3.3 degrees. To break aNov 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      record by that much is extraordinary.Nov 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz@Cybrsalon       #UK Police are to get powers to force internetNov 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    firms to hand over details linked to IPNov 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      addresses #privacy  @spyblog Nov 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May moves to give police powers to identify internet users | World news | The GuardianNov 23 09:46
TweetSchestowitz@BernardKeane    Our brave ally in the War on Terror, SaudiNov 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Arabia, beheads another prisonerNov 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Outrage as Saudi Arabia Beheads Turkish Man for Drug TraffickingNov 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #gop shows that public opinion is irrelevant toNov 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 policies and getting elected Nov 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 09:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Republicans face NSA dilemma - FT.comNov 23 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     London student demonstration sees arrests andNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 scufflesNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz         ( #ukNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #educationNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - London student demonstration sees arrests and scufflesNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Glenn Greenwald: NSA-proofing your product isNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 good for businessNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( how itNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 should beNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald: NSA-proofing your product is good for business - Boing BoingNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Even a weak 'reform' of #nsa not allowed byNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #gop ( 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Republicans block overhaul of NSA surveillance reform | ReutersNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz@firedoglake     FDL Book Salon Welcomes James Risen, Pay AnyNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Price: Greed, Power, and Endless WarNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | FDL Book Salon Welcomes James Risen, Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War | Book SalonNov 23 10:00
TweetSchestowitz@KanysLupin      .@JamesRisen on @firedoglake  book salonNov 23 10:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    w/@TimothyS #PayAnyPrice in response to anotherNov 23 10:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  great @emptywheel q 23 10:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KanysLupin: .@JamesRisen on @firedoglake book salon w/@TimothyS #PayAnyPrice in response to another great @emptywheel q 23 10:01
TweetSchestowitz@KanysLupin      .@JamesRisen on @firedoglake book salonNov 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #PayAnyPrice Response q abtNov 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Binney/ThinThread/Trailblazer @Thomas_Drake1Nov 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz        23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KanysLupin: .@JamesRisen on @firedoglake book salon #PayAnyPrice Response q abt Binney/ThinThread/Trailblazer @Thomas_Drake1 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Utah Considers Cutting Off Water to the NSA’sNov 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Monster Data CenterNov 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utah Considers Cutting Off Water to the NSA's Monster Data Center | WIREDNov 23 10:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utah may cut off NSA's water in protest of mass surveillance - Boing BoingNov 23 10:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utah lawmaker proposes cutting off the water supply to NSA facility | Daily Mail OnlineNov 23 10:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Water/famine/power drama: #china can pwn us,Nov 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz                 says #nsa 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Leaked documents not enough to induce change inNov 23 10:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA: China can shut down our power grid - Telecom Tech NewsNov 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz                 corrupt Congress 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( but people canNov 23 10:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA chief warns Chinese cyber attacks could shut U.S. infrastructure | ReutersNov 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz                 protect themselves, technicallyNov 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA director: No changes in telephone record collection coming - ComputerworldUK.comNov 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #clinton still in bed with the army and oilNov 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz                 industry 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( vote GreenNov 23 10:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | On Keystone and the N.S.A., Hillary Clinton Remains QuietNov 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Why Elizabeth Warren and Rand Paul offerNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 glimmers of hope — but not for 2016Nov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz         ( "doomedNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 anti-Hillary crusade"?Nov 23 10:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Elizabeth Warren and Rand Paul offer glimmers of hope — but not for 2016 - Salon.comNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Yet more NSA officials whisper of an internalNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 revolt over US spying. And yet it still goes onNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 many whistle-blowersNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yet more NSA officials whisper of an internal revolt over US spying. And yet it still goes on • The RegisterNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The good news about the 'death' of #NSA reform:Nov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 surveillance supporters may have dug their ownNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 graveNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 revolt?Nov 23 10:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | The good news about the 'death' of NSA reform: surveillance supporters may have dug their own grave | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | The GuardianNov 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       OPNFV Adds Chinese Telecom to Open SourceNov 23 10:14
TweetSchestowitz                 NFV/SDN Partnership - 23 10:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #opensource in #china #shenzhenNov 23 10:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | OPNFV Adds Chinese Telecom to Open Source NFV/SDN Partnership | Open Source Application Software Companies content from The VAR GuyNov 23 10:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Revolt inside #nsa 23 10:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP Exclusive: Some in NSA warned of a backlash - Yahoo News UKNov 23 10:15
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     What Does The NSA Think Of Cryptographers?Nov 23 10:15
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 10:15
TweetSchestowitz                 #gchq breaks laws to spy on themNov 23 10:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Does The NSA Think Of Cryptographers?Nov 23 10:15
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Uber executive Emil Michael said he’d considerNov 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz                 spending a million dollars to hire four topNov 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz                 opposition researchers" 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Uber scandal: Worried about NSA spying? It’s Silicon Valley billionaires you need to watch - TelegraphNov 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Days ago the German media (newspapers) - I'mNov 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz                 told motivated by #techrights - finally startedNov 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz                 blasting #epo for #corruptionNov 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:16
TweetSchestowitz@RickyPo         ICORE Calls for Openness as DefaultNov 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( #oerNov 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | - Press release - ICORE - ICORE Calls for Openness as DefaultNov 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #NSA reform: Not dead yetNov 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz         ( shamNov 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz                 anyway 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA reform: Not dead yet | TheHillNov 23 10:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Failed NSA Reform Bill Was a Sham AnywayNov 23 10:18
TweetSchestowitz@aral            RT @guardian: Big, bad tech: how America’sNov 23 10:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    digital capitalists are taking us all for aNov 23 10:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ride 23 10:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 10:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big, bad tech: how America’s digital capitalists are taking us all for a ride | John Naughton | Comment is free | The GuardianNov 23 10:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Boom!Nov 23 10:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     NSA Phone Data Collection Could Go On, Even ifNov 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 a Law ExpiresNov 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz         ( yes,Nov 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 #nsa above the #law 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 23 10:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Loophole Could Let NSA Keep Patriot Act Powers After Expired | The Daily CallerNov 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Encryption of one's own messages does notNov 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 prevent people from communicating with oneselfNov 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 unsecured, with incriminating data. #privacyNov 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:26
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  This NYT Op on ending US' longest war obviouslyNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 written BEFORE #Obama #secretly extended ourNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 role in #Afghan combat 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       President’s move to grant amnesty to 5 millionNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 immigrants delights Hispanics at rally in LasNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Vegas - 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( & is v shrewdNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama has shown courage to stand with us, say America’s joyful Latinos | US news | The GuardianNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Remember when #Obama was fierce critic ofNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 #imperial #presidency & promised to abjureNov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz                 privileges #Bush claimed?Nov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 23 10:33
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Remember when #Obama was fierce critic of #imperial...'Nov 23 10:33
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       MT @MikeFroman #TTIP is an opportunity for theNov 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 US & EU to work together to promote highNov 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 standards around the world>> so level up allNov 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 stdsNov 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sexNov 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 cases’ - 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( massive cover-up; thisNov 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 rot goes very deep - & very highNov 23 10:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sex cases’ | Society | The GuardianNov 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:37
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP leak: draft EU services/investment offerNov 23 10:38
TweetSchestowitz                 - ( 23 10:38
TweetSchestowitz                 not sure if this is new, but new to me...Nov 23 10:38
TweetSchestowitz                 #TAFTANov 23 10:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:38
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Wish You Had NSA's Cool Spying Toys? Now YouNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Can -- As Low-Cost Open HardwareNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 "48-page catalog"Nov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wish You Had NSA's Cool Spying Toys? Now You Can -- As Low-Cost Open Hardware | TechdirtNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Remember when #Obama was fierce critic ofNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #imperial #presidency & said he'd abjure whatNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #Bush did?Nov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #UnitaryExecutiveNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Handbook for fighting climate-denialism -Nov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( usefulNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #climatechangeNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Handbook for fighting climate-denialism - Boing BoingNov 23 10:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Plague kills 40 people in #Madagascar -Nov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 "transmissible through infected droplets spreadNov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 by coughing" yikesNov 23 10:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plague kills 40 people in Madagascar | World news | The GuardianNov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     'Michael Hayden and Michael MukaseyNov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 entitled—prepare yourself for this—"NSA ReformNov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 That Only ISIS Could Love."'Nov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Terrified Nation Gets the NSA Debate It DeservesNov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     From #nsa and #gchq to "behavioural analyticsNov 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 software." 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 10:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-NSA and GCHQ spooks showcase Intel platform - Computer Business ReviewNov 23 10:44
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Term "behavioural analytics" sounds benignNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 until used to decide where to drop HellfireNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 missiles, killing dozens based on 1 man'sNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 suspicionNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #newscorp #wsj a megaphone not just to #haydenNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 (CIA/NSA) but also existing NSA staffNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Morning Download: NSA Director Delivers Cyberattack Wake-Up Call - The CIO Report - WSJNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Senate far from representative of people'sNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 views 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( the voters are thoseNov 23 10:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why did NSA reform and the Keystone pipeline fail in the Senate? | Al Jazeera AmericaNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 who fund politiciansNov 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Senat in bed with Deep StateNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate shamefully gives NSA green light on phone records spying - Central MaineNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #adblock has begun allowing yet more ads,Nov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 making this the default behaviour using someNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 lame excuse about “quality” of adsNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The problem with ads isn't just that they'reNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 noisy, flashy, distracting. They're essentiallyNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 a canvas behavioural #surveillanceNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #nsa damaging to foreign relationsNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 #gchq also. Who would have asked for that?Nov 23 10:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Baltimore SunNov 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 10:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Spies around the world already knew what muchNov 23 11:04
TweetSchestowitz                 of the 2013 leaks showed; They just didn'tNov 23 11:04
TweetSchestowitz                 involve the public in it, not in newspapersNov 23 11:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:04
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #snowden #binney & many others did not giveNov 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz                 away secrets to foreign actors but to globalNov 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz                 population. Unlike Alexander who profits fromNov 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz                 it.Nov 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Michael Hirsh from #politico shows that thisNov 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz                 dirty site continues to support massNov 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz                 #surveillance 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why the Surveillance State Lives On - Michael Hirsh - POLITICO MagazineNov 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #atandt uses a #pr stunt and #wsj gives thatNov 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz                 coverage 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( worst abuserNov 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz                 portrayed as heroNov 23 11:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | AT&T wants the NSA to have a warrant when asking for location data - Android AuthorityNov 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz@devicemag       Theresa May moves to give police powers toNov 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    identify internet users 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       ( @doctorow @Thomas_Drake1Nov 23 11:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May moves to give police powers to identify internet users | World news | The GuardianNov 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz                 @AnnieMachon @ggreenwaldNov 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:07
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Keeping the Backdoor open... how the NSA'sNov 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz                 collection of 0-day exploits hurts us allNov 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keeping the Backdoor open... how the NSA's collection of 0-day exploits hurts us allNov 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The neocon blog of #ciapost promotes massNov 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz                 #surveillance and demonises reformNov 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz                 #cia #nsaNov 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | A dangerous NSA bill - The Washington PostNov 23 11:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Rand Paul did not vote for #nsa reform becauseNov 23 11:15
TweetSchestowitz                 it wasn't strong enough 23 11:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( now we got nothing, #nsa can spyNov 23 11:15
TweetSchestowitz                 on citizensNov 23 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rand Paul takes heat for NSA vote | TheHillNov 23 11:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:15
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #us citizens should be the least concernedNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 about #nsa #surveillance and #espionage becauseNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 its targets are mostly non-US, include FiveNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 EyesNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "The National Security Agency (NSA) hasNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 destroyed the right to be let alone" esp. inNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 non-US nations 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | BRUCE FEIN: Ejecting the NSA from our private space - Washington TimesNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Bullsh*t of the day from a paper thatNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 #billgates bribes - portraying #nsa ally as theNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 NSA nemesis 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate rejects Microsoft-backed NSA limits [Updated] | Microsoft Pri0 | Seattle TimesNov 23 11:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #gop ringleaders love terroristsNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 without them, how would they pass money toNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 their funders ('contributors')?Nov 23 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Reform Blocked by Paranoid Republican Senators - TruthdigNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "News organizations should stop reporting thatNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 "militants" were killed when they can confirmNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 no such thing." 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | 404 Error - The AtlanticNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     ON MEDIA THAT CONTINUES TO DESCRIBE UNKNOWNNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 DRONE VICTIMS AS “MILITANTS”Nov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz        (  "AliceNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 in Wonderland-level nonsense."Nov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | On Media Outlets That Continue to Describe Unknown Drone Victims As "Militants" - The InterceptNov 23 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Doctoral student Dieuwertje Kuijpers calls forNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 more democratic accountability for the CIA."Nov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | We don't need a more efficient killing machineNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The problem with #drones is not justNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 inaccuracy; the problem is that this createsNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 constant state of terror and hence #blowbackNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 and hatredNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Washington says the targets of the drones areNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 “terrorists,” however.. civilians are the mainNov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 victims of these raids" 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Washington says the targets of #surveillanceNov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 are  “terrorists,” however evidence suggestsNov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 they're journalists, lawyers, CEOs, etc.Nov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #cfr celebrates 500 #drone #assassinationNov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 strikes, perpetuating popular myths aboutNov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 "killing terrorists" 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Politics, Power, and Preventive Action » America’s 500th Drone StrikeNov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #cfr calls #assassination of scores of peopleNov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 at one time using #drones "non-battlefieldNov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 targeted killing."Nov 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Once upon a time people believed that #nsa onlyNov 23 11:45
TweetSchestowitz                 spies on "nasty" Soviets and then "terrorists".Nov 23 11:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Now they know better.Nov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Redefining “Imminent”Nov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz         ( "How the U.S.Nov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Department of Justice Makes Murder Respectable"Nov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Redefining “Imminent” | Voices for Creative NonviolenceNov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     ‘Western policy of destroying ISIS completelyNov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz                 unsuccessful’Nov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz         ( in some ways, Nov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz                 serves to reinforce their propagandaNov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 11:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "propaganda pieces pouring from the MediaNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 lately concerning the Peace Laureate's latestNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 flurry of drone killings."Nov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:52
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Mist Rising: Inside the World's Most Powerful Terrorist OrganizationNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Plutocrats-owned #usatoday justifiesNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 #assassination by US gov. because it's not asNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 cruel as #isis does it 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:52
-TechrightsSocial/ | The collateral damage conundrumNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Do self-righteous religions attract extremistsNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 or do they breed extremistsNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 legitimate questionNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:52
-TechrightsSocial/ | Author takes issue with assumption that religions cause war : EntertainmentNov 23 11:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #nytimes props up #iran as bogeyman with loadedNov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz                 headline 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #ciapost (owned by #cia special partner) doesNov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz                 #pr for #cia 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( Greg MillerNov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 11:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA Director John Brennan considering sweeping organizational changes - The Washington PostNov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     US Used Al-Qaeda in Yemen to Blackmail Sanaa:Nov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz                 President’s Adviser 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( the politics of usingNov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz                 extremism for imperialismNov 23 11:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 11:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Used Al-Qaeda in Yemen to Blackmail Sanaa: President’s Adviser / Sputnik InternationalNov 23 11:58
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @glynmoody: 'Plague kills 40 people in #Madagascar -'Nov 23 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plague kills 40 people in Madagascar | World news | The GuardianNov 23 12:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Sympathising with the murderersNov 23 12:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:03
TweetSchestowitz                 as #ap and #reuters like to do for the #ciaNov 23 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israeli drone commander on the agonizing, split-second dilemmas that represent the future of warfare | National PostNov 23 12:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Remember when an innocent person was murderedNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz                 by #drone because the 'pilot' said he was theNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz                 same height as OBL? 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 12:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Early Predator Drone Pilot: I Had Bin Laden in My Crosshairs - ABC NewsNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Some #drones 'pilots' say can't tell apart dogNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz                 from human (child). Others claim to be able toNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz                 recognise faces & identity! Liars&media spin.Nov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Staggering 65 per cent of Israel's militaryNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz                 air ops by the unmanned planes"Nov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz                 like a computr game to themNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israeli drone pilot Major Yair admits to 'wrong calls' in Gaza | Daily Mail OnlineNov 23 12:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #usatoday fanning the flames of #warNov 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( willNov 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz                 of the 1%, reinforced by selective quotingNov 23 12:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Step up drone strikes against Islamic State: #tellusatodayNov 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #wikipedia article on #drones features a videoNov 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz                 of #drone "pilots" singing while killing. CrudeNov 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz                 immaturity, why give them these powers?Nov 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Greenwashing 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Cold 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Senate Democrats Clash With White House on #CIANov 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 #Torture Report 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( evidence destoryedNov 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     CIA’s Torturous Maneuvers on TortureNov 23 12:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA wants to destroy thousands of internal emails covering spy operations and other activities - Yahoo NewsNov 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 response to the #pr from Miller of #ciapostNov 23 12:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA’s Torturous Maneuvers on Torture by Ray McGovern -- Antiwar.comNov 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How #ciapost distracts the media from #torture Nov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( tooNov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz                 shallow ( 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Biggest CIA Shake-up in History Could See Creation of Units to Counter Russia and China ThreatNov 23 12:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Self-inflicted amnesia in #ciaNov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( what happenedNov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz                 to "got nothing to hide"?Nov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz@ggreve          #Kontact sprint still in full swing in #Munich:Nov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | +The KDE Community​ #PIM sprint still in full swing. By now the discussions…Nov 23 12:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "National Archive has already signaled itsNov 23 12:45
TweetSchestowitz                 agreement with the CIA's proposed retentionNov 23 12:45
TweetSchestowitz                 schedule"Nov 23 12:45
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 12:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senators Hoping To Keep CIA From Destroying Most Of Its Employees' Emails | TechdirtNov 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #cia does not like #greenwald book Nov 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald's No Place to Hide, Reviewed by the CIA - The InterceptNov 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA’s Review Of Glenn Greenwald’s Snowden Book Is Hilarious | TechCrunchNov 23 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA Did Not Enjoy Glenn Greenwald's Book On Edward Snowden - Business InsiderNov 23 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA’s Official Book Reviewer Unimpressed with Tomes on Snowden - Nextgov.comNov 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The people who collect all your E-mail wantNov 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 theirs destroyed 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did The National Archives Give The CIA Permission To Destroy Evidence?Nov 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › SSCI Leadership on Proposed Changes to CIA E-Mail Destruction PolicyNov 23 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate, CIA face off on deleting agency emails | TheHillNov 23 12:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How to incarcerate blacks and revive slavery inNov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz                 private penal system w/ zero-wage labour Nov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rick Ross, the Ex-Drug Kingpin, Says CIA Behind Hip Hop's Love Affair With Drugs - Atlanta BlackstarNov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         We thanked Michael Gira for the Swans concert.Nov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz                 As firm, intense and hard as anything,Nov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz                 surrounded by silence, he says: "ENJOY YOURNov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz                 LIFE"Nov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #isis the cure for everything in the mind ofNov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz                 Mike #Hayden ( 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz                 just say "ISIS", win argument?Nov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 12:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Saying that revelation of illegalities may harmNov 23 12:55
TweetSchestowitz                 one's security akin to a killer saying thatNov 23 12:55
TweetSchestowitz                 imprisonment may harm his/her reputationNov 23 12:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     National Archive is not about archival butNov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz                 about nationalism 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( rewriting history byNov 23 12:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | National Archives: Ok, So Maybe Letting The CIA Destroy Emails Wasn't A Great IdeaNov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz                 omissionNov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz@martinkrafft    #Snowden told us about the #NSA. Where are theNov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    whistleblowers exposing the data #Google claimsNov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        not to be storing on us? #privacyNov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz@jricole         Snowden Docs.:  UK Telecom Conspired to TurnNov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    over millions of our Emails to British ... -Nov 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror ( 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz        23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden Docs.: UK Telecom Conspired to Turn over millions of our Emails to British Intelligence | Informed CommentNov 23 12:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jricole: Snowden Docs.: UK Telecom Conspired to Turn over millions of our Emails to British ... - 23 12:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #hayden wants #torture defendedNov 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz        23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( fuzzy logic,Nov 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz                 extremist writerNov 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | MICHAEL HAYDEN: State Department gives U.N. panel tools for CIA's fall - Washington TimesNov 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      NYT obit does a decent job of conveying howNov 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz                 Marion Barry's life was much more complex &Nov 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz                 varied than the caricaturesNov 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 12:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 23 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Senator: White House Simply Doesn’t “WantNov 23 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Public To Know” Scope Of #CIA #TortureNov 23 12:59
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 12:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 12:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senator: White House Simply Doesn't "Want Public To Know" Scope Of CIA TortureNov 23 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #hayden afraid of now knowing and controllingNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz                 every single thing in the worldNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz                 exceptionalism on steroidsNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hayden: U.S. Intelligence Likely Could Not Detect Iranian Bomb | Washington Free BeaconNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     LET'S GIVE MARK #UDALL A REASON TO REVEAL #CIANov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz                 #TORTURE REPORT 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Let's Give Mark Udall A Reason To Reveal CIA Torture Report - EsquireNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Congressman Criticizes ‘Selective Prosecution’Nov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz                 of CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou, Calls forNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz                 PardonNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz        23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( OK for #panettaNov 23 13:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congressman Criticizes ‘Selective Prosecution’ of CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou, Calls for Pardon | The DissenterNov 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Convicted Israeli trainer of #ColombiaNov 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz                 paramilitaries claims #CIA tiesNov 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Convicted Israeli trainer of Colombia paramilitaries claims CIA ties - Colombia News | Colombia ReportsNov 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: GPUs, new PC mall, Guangzhou, China.JPGNov 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz                 on Flickr. 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Banking turns people into rotten cheatsNov 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz                 does banking attract liars or do banks makeNov 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz                 them sociopaths?Nov 23 13:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Banking turns people into rotten cheats | Science | The GuardianNov 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #miamiherald whitens coup: "little-knownNov 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 five-year CIA effort to shore up theNov 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 pro-Western government of the country"Nov 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rescue reunion: Cuban-American CIA team meets Congo hostages in Kendall | The Miami HeraldNov 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz@JPBarlow        Please watch this film on @aaronsw. It willNov 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    change your life. Ask others to watch it. ItNov 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        will change theirs. 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz | TakePartNov 23 13:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Unnecessary provocation near #russiaNov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA Should Send Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine: Former Bush Advisor / Sputnik InternationalNov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When govt. - not just #cia - wants #tortureNov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 #censorship 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate Torture Report Talks Break Down As Administration Pushes For RedactionsNov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Torture Report Fight Erupts In ChaosNov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Negotiations Over CIA Torture Report Nearing End | The World's Greatest Deliberative BodyNov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #Ferguson erected barriers around police dept &Nov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 called in Natl Guard in prep for #GrandJuryNov 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 decision. 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 23 13:34
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted '#Ferguson erected barriers around police dept & called...'Nov 23 13:34
schestowitz 23 13:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@glynco: @schestowitz 23 13:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Interrogators Speak Out: Torture is Illegal, Immoral and Ineffective | Human Rights FirstNov 23 13:35
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Kennedy had vowed to splinter the CIA into aNov 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 thousand pieces and he was now making good onNov 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 this promise." 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | The JFK assassination, Cuba policy and Operation Mongoose -- New InternationalistNov 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Aft deplorable acts toward peaceful protestors,Nov 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 #Ferguson erects barriers around police dept nNov 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 prep 4 GrandJury dec'nNov 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:51
TweetSchestowitz@LeHoax          Tonight in Amsterdam: CITIZENFOUR & ExtendedNov 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Q&A with Laura Poitras & @ioerrorNov 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror ( 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Special Screening: CITIZENFOUR - Extended Q&A with Laura Poitras | IDFANov 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         I hope you'll join us tonight in Amsterdam -Nov 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz                 CITIZENFOUR with Extended Q&A withNov 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz                 @laurapoitras, @ioerror and others:Nov 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 13:58
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@SilencedFilm w/ @JesselynRadack,Nov 23 14:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @JohnKiriakou & me premieres in Europe atNov 23 14:00
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  #idfa2014 in Amsterdam. Dir @JamesSpioneNov 23 14:00
TweetSchestowitz        23 14:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Thomas_Drake1: .@SilencedFilm w/ @JesselynRadack, @JohnKiriakou & me premieres in Europe at #idfa2014 in Amsterdam. Dir @JamesSpione 23 14:00
TweetSchestowitz@devicemag       Theresa May moves to give police powers toNov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    identify internet users 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  ( @doctorow @Thomas_Drake1Nov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 @AnnieMachon @ggreenwaldNov 23 14:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May moves to give police powers to identify internet users | World news | The GuardianNov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Haunted Mansion tightrope walker paperNov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 silhouettes 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 14:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Haunted Mansion tightrope walker paper silhouettes - Boing BoingNov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  This NYT Op on ending US' longest war obviouslyNov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    written BEFORE #Obama #secretly extended ourNov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  role in #Afghan combat 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 23 14:01
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Remember when #Obama was fierce critic ofNov 23 14:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #imperial #presidency & said he'd abjure whatNov 23 14:05
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #Bush did?Nov 23 14:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:05
TweetSchestowitz                 #UnitaryExecutiveNov 23 14:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 23 14:05
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Aft deplorable acts toward peaceful protestors, #Ferguson erects...'Nov 23 14:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Papercraft R2-D2 dreidel 23 14:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 14:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Papercraft R2-D2 dreidel - Boing BoingNov 23 14:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Papercraft R2-D2 dreidel 23 14:06
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         "ENJOY YOUR LIFE" - Michael Gira of the SwansNov 23 14:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:06
TweetSchestowitz@elizabeth_joh   Menlo Park CA police captured 263K plates overNov 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    3 months w/license plate readers. CrimesNov 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        solved: 1. by @RMahbubaniNov 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cameras that read 263,430 license plates in Menlo Park net a single arrest - San Jose Mercury NewsNov 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz@jedisct1        VUPEN leaves France for Luxembourg or SingaporeNov 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        Nov 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google TranslateNov 23 14:10
TweetSchestowitz@botherder       New undetected HackingTeam sample just uploadedNov 23 14:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on VirusTotal 23 14:15
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        ( disguised as @outertechNov 23 14:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Linkman 23 14:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Antivirus scan for 371fe564763dd4df0d06873bd917b8db139df928ce9f2184d9b278e311ff75fa at 2014-11-23 10:43:46 UTC - VirusTotalNov 23 14:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@botherder: New undetected HackingTeam sample just uploaded on VirusTotal disguised as @outertech Linkman 23 14:15
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         For everyone giving @botherder a hard time forNov 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 releasing Detekt, he just won the argument:Nov 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@botherder: New undetected HackingTeam sample just uploaded on VirusTotal disguised as @outertech Linkman 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz@botherder       It's obvious that #Detekt will be evaded soon,Nov 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    so what? For a few days people will beNov 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        empowered to do something about it.Nov 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:16
TweetSchestowitz@botherder       A much more effective approach than justNov 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    sitting on knowledge and keeping it private forNov 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        nobody's benefit. If you ask me.Nov 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  and no @GoDaddy i don’t want to wait an hour onNov 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz                 the phone for you to try and upsell me either.Nov 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Why no email/ im/chat support?Nov 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:19
*TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist deleted 'and no @GoDaddy i don’t want to wait...'Nov 23 14:19
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        i scream you scream 23 14:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 14:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:25
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Romantic Han and Leia mugsNov 23 14:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 14:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Romantic Han and Leia mugs - Boing BoingNov 23 14:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:25
TweetSchestowitz@botherder       "The administrative overdose and legalNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    uncertainties on our business have become tooNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        heavy" @cBekrar to L'ExpressNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google TranslateNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Nobuyoshi Araki is my favorite JapaneseNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 photographer. Excited to see a copy of hisNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 newest book.Nov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz@botherder       "We shall therefore liquidate the companyNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    before the end of this year" @cBekrar onNov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        relocation of @VUPEN outside of France.Nov 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:29
TweetSchestowitz@graham_steel    VUPEN confirm they're leaving France due toNov 23 14:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    legal uncertainties and red tape Nov 23 14:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 23 14:30
TweetSchestowitz                 (French)Nov 23 14:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Nov 23 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@EthanZ          "And you may ask yourself, 'Well, how did I getNov 23 14:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    here?'"Nov 23 14:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      (An increasingly common feeling in my life.)Nov 23 14:34
TweetSchestowitz        23 14:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EthanZ: "And you may ask yourself, 'Well, how did I get here?'" (An increasingly common feeling in my life.) 23 14:34
TweetSchestowitz@marypcbuk       Hell yes, space colonies will be panopticons.Nov 23 14:35
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Growing Up Weightless in Club MedNov 23 14:35
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 23 14:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Let's put the future behind us - Charlie's DiaryNov 23 14:35
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           Great collection of #NoTTIP anti-#TAFTA/#TTIPNov 23 14:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    films: 23 14:40
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( #fracking #NoGMO #ISDSNov 23 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 #NHS #publichealth 23 14:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Films from our #noTTIP film night | 6 Billion WaysNov 23 14:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Great collection of #NoTTIP anti-#TAFTA/#TTIP films: #fracking #NoGMO #ISDS #NHS #publichealth 23 14:41
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        At age 73, @RevJJackson is still pushing toNov 23 14:41
TweetSchestowitz                 create a society of equal opportunity for allNov 23 14:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Americans: 23 14:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 14:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Day With Jesse Jackson and a Look at the Failures of American CapitalismNov 23 14:41
TweetSchestowitz@EpicureanDeal   46-year-old banker laments his wasted life andNov 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    broken dreams. On Reddit:Nov 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz @umairh ( viaNov 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz                 @MadameButcherNov 23 14:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | TIFU my whole life. My regrets as a 46 year old, and advice to others at a crossroad : tifuNov 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Nerd-cushions from vintage kids' sheetsNov 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nerd-cushions from vintage kids' sheets - Boing BoingNov 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:44
TweetSchestowitz@northaura       Police tear-gasing inside what's left from theNov 23 14:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #skouries forest. Disgraceful #greece. Pic viaNov 23 14:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @katerinaelikaki: 23 14:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@katerinaelikaki: Χημικά τωρα στις #skouries 23 14:47
TweetSchestowitz@onekade         CIA/WH are blocking the release of the senateNov 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    torture report to protect torturers who stillNov 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        work for the agency 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 14:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Torture Report Fight Erupts In ChaosNov 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Typically great @MicahZenko article on howNov 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz                 wildly and destructively US Govt isNov 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz                 exaggerating threat of ISIS to the US Nov 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exaggeration NationNov 23 14:48
TweetSchestowitz@ArarMaher       Attn journos: if u truly want 2 earn theNov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    respect/admiration of readers do what mostNov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  journos don't do: challenge the commonNov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz                 narrative.Nov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz@RichGreenhill   Home Office note to Lady Smith includes handyNov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    summary of many ongoing #RIPA/DRIPANov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      codes/reviews/investigationsNov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz                 (PDF)Nov 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:55
TweetSchestowitz@Soniasuponia    Surveillance cameras observe a fox exploringNov 23 14:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the Tudor and Georgian rooms of the NationalNov 23 14:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Portrait Gallery at nightNov 23 14:56
TweetSchestowitz        23 14:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Soniasuponia: Surveillance cameras observe a fox exploring the Tudor and Georgian rooms of the National Portrait Gallery at night 23 14:56
TweetSchestowitz@NataliaAntonova  Irpen River after the snow. Photo: SolomiaNov 23 14:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Melnyk. #Ukraine 23 14:58
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 14:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NataliaAntonova: Irpen River after the snow. Photo: Solomia Melnyk. #Ukraine 23 14:58
TweetSchestowitz@MartinThuer     Spaß mit Statistik. Diese vier Datensätze habenNov 23 14:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    alle den gleichen Durchschnitt, Median undNov 23 14:59
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Varianz.  via @peeterskrisNov 23 14:59
TweetSchestowitz        23 14:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 14:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MartinThuer: Spaß mit Statistik. Diese vier Datensätze haben alle den gleichen Durchschnitt, Median und Varianz. via @peeterskris 23 14:59
TweetSchestowitz@John_Hudson     Gen. John Kelly says war with ISIS will lastNov 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    many decades: "No one in this room will beNov 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     alive at the end of this war." #HISF2014Nov 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz@baskut08        The Downside(s) of the #fracking BoomNov 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 23 15:03
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Frozen/Haunted Mansion stretch-gallery mashupNov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Frozen/Haunted Mansion stretch-gallery mashup - Boing BoingNov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         I love watching the faces of people whenNov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz                 they're introduced to the music of The Swans,Nov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz                 The Angels of Light and Michael Gira.Nov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Vintage Hallowe'en graphics tightsNov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz        23 15:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vintage Hallowe'en graphics tights - Boing BoingNov 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Vintage Hallowe'en graphics tights 23 15:08
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      US journalists who cover WH are told to dressNov 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 more respectfully in the presence of the DukeNov 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 and Duchess of Cambridge 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | American journalists not happy about Royal visit dress code - TelegraphNov 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      This is real 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 15:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      "Smart attire for men includes the wearing of aNov 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 jacket and tie, and for women a trouser orNov 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 skirt suit." 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #HerMajestyNov 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:12
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      "Casually dressed members of the media will beNov 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 turned away. This also applies to technicians."Nov 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 #DukeAndDuchessNov 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      I'm genuinely afraid I may spend all dayNov 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 reading and tweeting from this site. PleaseNov 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 help ( 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Marvel Comics skirt 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 15:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marvel Comics skirt - Boing BoingNov 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:26
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        In #Politics, Progressives Need to Frame TheirNov 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Values, says @GeorgeLakoff:Nov 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | George Lakoff: In Politics, Progressives Need to Frame Their ValuesNov 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz@millscj01       @ggreenwald read more rubbish from the UKNov 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    government instead 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ( 23 15:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May moves to give police powers to identify internet users | World news | The GuardianNov 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Writing about Syria’s internet filter machinesNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( #nsa took theNov 23 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lessons on censorship from Syria's internet filter machinesNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 whole Web downNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "China has blocked access to HSBC’s bankingNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 portal " 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | What 600 gigs of Syrian censorship logs can teach us about digital freedom – QuartzNov 23 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | China steps up web censorship and blocks HSBC | World news | The GuardianNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #uk already has very extensive Web #censorshipNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 but #theguardian frames it differentlyNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hashtag hate campaigns are leading us into the trap of censorship | Comment is free | The GuardianNov 23 15:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Web #censorship not understood by #theguardianNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz                 - #us already has censorship on the WebNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Peter Sellars: ‘The United States is coming close to censorship’ | Music | The GuardianNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Key difference bewteen Western censorship andNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Chinese/Russian #censorship is what they chooseNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz                 to censor and how aggressivelyNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #us and #uk would be hypocrites to chastiseNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz                 #china over #censorship & #surveillance - canNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz                 also argue about the degree to which it's doneNov 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #theguardia gets it right when it comes to WebNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 #censorship if it covers #australiaNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tony Abbott leads 'a government of censorship', Bill Shorten tells ABC rally | Media | The GuardianNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Some of my sites are wrongly blocked by theNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Great Firewall of #uk (to borrow a demonisingNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 term, typically used against #china )Nov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Of course, #china blocks the Web to protect theNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 autocracy, whereas we in the Web only "protectNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 the children" (and the copyright autocracy)Nov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #bbc shows British hypocrisyNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( so, whyNov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 does the #uk censor political sites? "Paranoia"Nov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 maybe?Nov 23 15:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - World Internet Conference: Has China overcome paranoia?Nov 23 15:46
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 2 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 20 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 23 15:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (2)Nov 23 15:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 23 15:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 23 15:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 182 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 825 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 23 15:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (96), @doctorow (10), @glynmoody (8)Nov 23 15:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (17), @ioerror (12), @Thomas_Drake1 (8)Nov 23 15:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #nsa (13), #cia (7), #surveillance (6)Nov 23 15:47
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         I hope you'll join us tonight in Amsterdam -Nov 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    CITIZENFOUR with Extended Q&A withNov 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  @laurapoitras, @ioerror and others:Nov 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Special Screening: CITIZENFOUR - Extended Q&A with Laura Poitras | IDFANov 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     To justify #censorship #china uses the sameNov 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz                 argument that the West usesNov 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Says Internet Censorship Is Necessary to Fight Terrorism - BusinessweekNov 23 15:49
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Seeing how the "Good Guys" justify #censorshipNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 is pathetic. Sometimes both sides can be wrongNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 (or right, like USSR and US fighting Nazism)Nov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Foreign Policy covers #censorship only when itNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 helps justify Foreign Policy, i.e. imperialismNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz        23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( politics ofNov 23 15:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Not Fit to Print: An Insider Account of Pakistani CensorshipNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 hypocrisyNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Student wants to make racism a crimeNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 15:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dartmouth student: America must ‘fix free speech’ with censorshipNov 23 15:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #twitter facilitates political #censorshipNov 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz        23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( using #copyright asNov 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz                 an excuseNov 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ecuador: Why are critics being shutdown on Twitter? - Index on Censorship | Index on CensorshipNov 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz@downwithtyranny  Bernie Sanders announced today he's voting noNov 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on Obama Treasury pick, bankster Antonio Weiss.Nov 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Here's why: 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | DownWithTyranny!: Progressives Should Stop Confirming Wall Street Hacks Nominated By ObamaNov 23 16:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     No new article in #techrights in nearly a week.Nov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Back to writing some for a while... drafts areNov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 piling up.Nov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       EU liberals seem ready to sacrifice ourNov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 democracy - 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( "Like with ACTA, citizens willNov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 have to step in." I fear so #TTIPNov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU liberals seem ready to sacrifice our democracy | ACTA FFIINov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz@FFII            EU liberals seem ready to sacrifice ourNov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 democracy 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #ISDS @MarietjeSchaakeNov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @ALDEgroupNov 23 16:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:13
*TweetSchestowitz @FFII retweeted @glynmoody: 'EU liberals seem ready to sacrifice our democracy...'Nov 23 16:19
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Scholarship, Mentor Program Helps Children ofNov 23 16:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Incarcerated Parents Go to College:Nov 23 16:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 16:19
TweetSchestowitz                 @scholarCHIPSNov 23 16:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scholarship, Mentor Program Helps Children of Incarcerated Parents Go to CollegeNov 23 16:19
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: 'To justify #censorship #china uses the same argument...'Nov 23 16:24
TweetTuxMachines@go2n            The KDE Daily News is out!Nov 23 16:33
TweetTuxMachines        ( Stories viaNov 23 16:33
TweetTuxMachines                 @kde_xo12 @tuxmachines @MightyBaconNov 23 16:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 16:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | The KDE Daily NewsNov 23 16:33
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @ioerror: 'I hope you'll join us tonight in Amsterdam...'Nov 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Vesna Stilin’s Remarks on Željko Topić: Part XINov 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( #epoNov 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz                 #corruption #croatia #copyright #eu #patentNov 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        It was the power of iron, not climate, thatNov 23 16:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vesna Stilin’s Remarks on Željko Topić: Part XI | TechrightsNov 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz                 brought about the collapse of many ancientNov 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz                 civilizations. 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 16:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bronze Age Lost Its Cutting Edge Before Climate Crisis - TruthdigNov 23 16:50
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Europe-US free trade agreement faces risks -Nov 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz        23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( stupidNov 23 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gulf Daily News » Business News » Europe-US free trade agreement faces risksNov 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 scare-mongering: #TTIP pretty thin if #ISDS soNov 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 "indispensable"Nov 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Karibik: Hunderttausende an Chikungunya-FieberNov 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 erkrankt - 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 (  "Die Epidemie verbreitet sichNov 23 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 auch in den USA"; not goodNov 23 17:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chikungunya-Fieber: Hunderttausende in Karibik und USA erkrankt - SPIEGEL ONLINENov 23 17:03
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Does the #TPP (Still) Make Buffer CopiesNov 23 17:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Illegal? - 23 17:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( crucial questionNov 23 17:03
TweetSchestowitz                 #copyrightNov 23 17:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does the TPP (Still) Make Buffer Copies Illegal? - Public KnowledgeNov 23 17:03
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Thornberry ‘damaged Labour’s election prospectsNov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 with Rochester tweet’ - 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @UKLabour supportingNov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 #TTIP more of a problemNov 23 17:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Emily Thornberry ‘damaged Labour’s election prospects with Rochester tweet’ | Politics | The GuardianNov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       We need a new law to protect our wildlife fromNov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 critical decline - 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( & from the selfishNov 23 17:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | We need a new law to protect our wildlife from critical decline | George Monbiot | Environment | The GuardianNov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 anti-"green tape" nuttersNov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        The "Urbee" 3D-Printed Car: Coast to Coast onNov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 10 Gallons? 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #sustainability Nov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz                 #environmentNov 23 17:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | The "Urbee" 3D-Printed Car: Coast to Coast on 10 Gallons?Nov 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:07
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         For everyone giving @botherder a hard time forNov 23 17:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    releasing Detekt, he just won the argument:Nov 23 17:08
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( 23 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@botherder: New undetected HackingTeam sample just uploaded on VirusTotal disguised as @outertech Linkman 23 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Antivirus scan for 371fe564763dd4df0d06873bd917b8db139df928ce9f2184d9b278e311ff75fa at 2014-11-23 10:43:46 UTC - VirusTotalNov 23 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@botherder: New undetected HackingTeam sample just uploaded on VirusTotal disguised as @outertech Linkman 23 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@deray           Y'all, the 12 year old that police shot inNov 23 17:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Cleveland who had a BB gun has died. America.Nov 23 17:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 17:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:09
TweetSchestowitz@BBCBreaking     Iranian-British woman Ghoncheh Ghavami held inNov 23 17:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Iran over volleyball match is released - familyNov 23 17:14
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 23 17:14
TweetSchestowitz        23 17:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Volleyball woman Ghoncheh Ghavami out of Iran prisonNov 23 17:15
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @glynmoody: 'We need a new law to protect our...'Nov 23 17:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BBCBreaking: Iranian-British woman Ghoncheh Ghavami held in Iran over volleyball match is released - family 23 17:15
TweetSchestowitz@botherder       "The administrative overdose and legalNov 23 17:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    uncertainties on our business have become tooNov 23 17:15
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      heavy" @cBekrar to L'ExpressNov 23 17:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 17:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google TranslateNov 23 17:16
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       French 0-day firm @VUPEN shutting down frenchNov 23 17:16
TweetSchestowitz                 operations, moving to Singapore, export controlNov 23 17:16
TweetSchestowitz                 laws as motivation. 23 17:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 17:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:16
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian deleted 'French 0-day firm @VUPEN shutting down french operations,...'Nov 23 17:16
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       French 0-day firm @VUPEN shutting down frenchNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 operations, moving to Singapore, motivated byNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 new export control laws 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       It doesn't seem very smart to announce thatNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 they're leaving the EU to dodge a new law.Nov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @VUPEN is just asking the Europeans to goNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 further.Nov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Boycotting Micro Focus InternationalNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz         ( a lotNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 of manufactured (paid-for) #suse coverage thisNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 past weekNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boycotting Micro Focus International | TechrightsNov 23 17:28
TweetSchestowitz@botherder       "We shall therefore liquidate the companyNov 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    before the end of this year" @cBekrar onNov 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    relocation of @VUPEN outside of France.Nov 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz@onekade         CIA/WH are blocking the release of the senateNov 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    torture report to protect torturers who stillNov 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    work for the agency 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Torture Report Fight Erupts In ChaosNov 23 17:29
TweetSchestowitz@jedisct1        VUPEN leaves France for Luxembourg or SingaporeNov 23 17:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 23 17:31
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Nov 23 17:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google TranslateNov 23 17:31
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Snowden Docs.: UK Telecom Conspired to TurnNov 23 17:32
TweetSchestowitz                 over millions of our Emails to BritishNov 23 17:32
TweetSchestowitz                 IntelligenceNov 23 17:32
TweetSchestowitz         ( #ukNov 23 17:32
TweetSchestowitz                 #gchqNov 23 17:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden Docs.: UK Telecom Conspired to Turn over millions of our Emails to British Intelligence | Informed CommentNov 23 17:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     It has been known for quite some time, over aNov 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz                 decade as publicly-accessible knowledge inNov 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz                 fact, that #nsa bases in #uk intercept #emailNov 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz@KenRoth         For US, Sweden sent Egypt suspects for tortureNov 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    so Assange has reason to fear extradition to USNov 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 17:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition | Human Rights WatchNov 23 17:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 23 17:35
schestowitz 23 17:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kaatje36: @schestowitz EU is a proxy. When ppl get raided in the Netherlands fi, FBI is even present.Nov 23 17:35
schestowitz"Ally but target"Nov 23 17:36
schestowitz 23 17:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@oshwm: @schestowitz @kaatje36 somebody once told me there's more left-hand drive cars in GCHQ car park than right-hand drive ones :)Nov 23 17:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #nytimes Web devs are crap. The first 5 linesNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 of every page (source) are lots of hacks forNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #microsoft #internetexplorer - garbage codeNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:37
*TweetSchestowitz @FFII deleted 'RT @glynmoody: EU liberals seem ready to sacrifice...'Nov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       EU liberals seem ready to sacrifice ourNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    democracy - 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz @FFII           ( "Like with ACTA, citizens willNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 have to step in." I fear so #TTIPNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU liberals seem ready to sacrifice our democracy | ACTA FFIINov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz@oshwm           @schestowitz @kaatje36 somebody once told meNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    there's more left-hand drive cars in GCHQ carNov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    park than right-hand drive ones :)Nov 23 17:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 17:37
schestowitz 23 17:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kaatje36: @schestowitz Yep, lapdog and sitting duck at the same time.Nov 23 17:37
schestowitz!google ally but targetNov 23 17:37
TechrightsSocial[1] - An Ally or a Spy Target, But Not Both | American Civil Liberties Union | 23 17:37
TechrightsSocial[2] - Becoming an Ally | 23 17:37
TechrightsSocial[3] - Section 5. Learning to be an Ally for People from Diverse Groups ... | 23 17:37
TechrightsSocial[4] - Airstrikes by U.S. and Allies Hit ISIS Targets in Syria - | 23 17:37
schestowitz 23 17:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Ally or a Spy Target, But Not Both | American Civil Liberties Union [ ]Nov 23 17:38
*MinceR has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 23 18:03
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 23 18:20
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 23 18:20
TweetSchestowitz@kaatje36        @schestowitz EU is a proxy. When ppl get raidedNov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in the Netherlands fi, FBI is even present.Nov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Nov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      It has taken me 4 years of living in W MINov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 before I figured out Sunday AM shopping almostNov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 as easy as it was in UT.Nov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        #ViggoMortensen Marks 10 Years of Zinn’sNov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 'Voices of a People’s History'Nov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Viggo Mortensen Marks 10 Years of Zinn’s ‘Voices of a People’s History’ - TruthdigNov 23 18:30
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #Democrats are paying heavily for theirNov 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 political failures - and for ditching theNov 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 working stiff: 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Did We Get Here? Reflections on the 2014 MidtermsNov 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz@HanniFakhoury   Visiting Charlotte judge reads newspaper reportNov 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on Stingrays, becomes first judge to rejectNov 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      surveillance application:Nov 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz        23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | CMPD’s cellphone tracking cracked high-profile cases | CharlotteObserver.comNov 23 18:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Monsanto trying to pass itself as #scienceNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz                 rather than blackmail, abuse, and monopolyNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz                 #gmo #monsantoNov 23 18:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Monsanto Is Using Big Data to Take Over the World | Mother JonesNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #monsanto will not blame #climatechange ratherNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz                 than #gmo (patent monopoly on bad seeds) andNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz                 poison (pesticides) for bad yieldsNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When I next need to migrate my #gnu #linux PCsNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz                 it'll be away from #debian perhapsNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 18:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - Debian vote: systemd to stay as default for next releaseNov 23 18:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The problem is not #systemd as init system. TheNov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 problem is that it's NOT an init system.Nov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Debates miss this point.Nov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Results for init system couplingNov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How choice gets eliminated. Red Hat's way orNov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 the high way. 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | SoylentNews Comments | Debian General Resolution to Prevent Init System Coupling Fails to PassNov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When #debian first pondered leaning towardsNov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 #systemd I wrote about #security implications Nov 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian Receives Prize from Valve But Becomes More Dependent on Red Hat | TechrightsNov 23 19:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #debian is a vast project used all over theNov 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 world ( 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 #redhat used by #nsa 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Debian Does is a Very Big Deal | TechrightsNov 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     I remember back when #debian followed the #fsfNov 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 and not #redhat 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trusting Trust and Trusting Red Hat et al. | TechrightsNov 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Campaign Seeks to Dry Out the National SecurityNov 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Agency #nsa #water #offnow #privacyNov 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | For Real Security, Use CentOS — Never RHEL — and Run Neither on Amazon’s Servers | TechrightsNov 23 19:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian Follows the FSF’s — Not Red Hat’s — Footsteps Regarding UEFI | TechrightsNov 23 19:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Campaign Seeks to Dry Out the National Security Agency - TruthdigNov 23 19:04
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Together, we have chance to take the NHS out ofNov 23 19:06
TweetSchestowitz                 #TTIP. Let's act now and email our MPs -Nov 23 19:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:06
TweetSchestowitz                 online tool making it easyNov 23 19:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz@Brian_Whit      "Arabs Without God" book translation project isNov 23 19:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Peoples' NHS | NHS and TTIPNov 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    now 25% funded, with 24 days to go. Keep it upNov 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      and we'll hit target 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Arabs Without God" by Brian Whitaker — KickstarterNov 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           #TPP #trade deal would have huge impacts on ourNov 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #environment. Take Action!Nov 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 #sustainability 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action - Global Trade WatchNov 23 19:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TPP #trade deal would have huge impacts on our #environment. Take Action! #sustainability 23 19:07
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     If Illegal Sites Get Blocked Accidentally, HardNov 23 19:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Luck Says CourtNov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz         ( #ukNov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 #censorship running amokNov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | If Illegal Sites Get Blocked Accidentally, Hard Luck Says Court | TorrentFreakNov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@GeorgeMonbiot   Brilliant column by @stevenpoole onNov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    deliberately obscure, boring terms used toNov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      deter public understanding of #TTIP:Nov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Language has the power to disarm the concerned citizen | Books | The GuardianNov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@wilbanks        Must be the internet. Hear it makes publishing,Nov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    distributing hard. MT @McDawg: 86-06 journal $Nov 23 19:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      up 321%, inflation 68% 23 19:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@McDawg: Between 1986 and 2006 journal prices have increased by 321%, while inflation has increased 68%. 23 19:10
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Stupidity of politicians who pass laws againstNov 23 19:10
TweetSchestowitz                 the #internet 23 19:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #netneutralityNov 23 19:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dear Senator Ted Cruz, I'm going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works - The OatmealNov 23 19:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:10
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @HanniFakhoury: 'Visiting Charlotte judge reads newspaper report on Stingrays,...'Nov 23 19:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Debian and Enlightenment Combined in theNov 23 19:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Beautiful Elive OS – GalleryNov 23 19:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 19:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 19:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian and Enlightenment Combined in the Beautiful Elive OS – Gallery | Tux MachinesNov 23 19:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A price to pay – the Free Software columnNov 23 19:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 19:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 19:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | A price to pay – the Free Software column | Tux MachinesNov 23 19:11
TweetSchestowitz@sdonnan         Mmm. #TTIP gets a linguistic critique. All thatNov 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    jargon is intended to obfuscate. Not sure INov 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      disagree... 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Cops Decide Running Surprise School ShooterNov 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Drill During Class At A Middle School Is ANov 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Great Idea 23 19:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( yes, in the #usNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cops Decide Running Surprise School Shooter Drill During Class At A Middle School Is A Great Idea | TechdirtNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     FCC chief proposes hiking schools' InternetNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 subsidy by 62 percent 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #fcc does something right?Nov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC chief proposes hiking schools' Internet subsidy by 62 percent | ReutersNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@jonworth        If even part of MPs allegedly murderingNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    children after orgies story’s true, going to beNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      extraordinary & grim scandalNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Retired Scotland Yard detectives back up claims that paedo MPs murdered boys at sex orgies - Mirror OnlineNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Finding myself thinking ahead to next weekNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 saying, Well, if the Pats keep knocking offNov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Division leaders...Nov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Defeatist? Overoptimistic?Nov 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     If every company that benefited from #gnuNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz                 #linux or #unix #bsd did this, there would beNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz                 no staffing/funding issuesNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | WhatsApp founder showers FreeBSD with $1m after Facebook windfall- The InquirerNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz@jonobacon       @schestowitz *no* staffing and *no* fundingNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz                 issues? Very unlikely.Nov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #facebook is trying to buy lots of companiesNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz                 merely to stay relevant/trendy/ahead of theNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz                 curve. Its home domain diesNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Site OverviewNov 23 19:17
TweetSchestowitz@paul_clarke     After dark 23 19:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 23 19:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 19:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@paul_clarke: After dark 23 19:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The post- #facebook digital world willNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 hopefully have no people tagging photos withNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 names/IDs, coordinates, then uploading toNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 #prism siteNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Swarmops Approaching Launch. Want To Be PartNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Of It? Fund It Maybe? 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swarmops Approaching Launch. Want To Be Part Of It? Fund It Maybe? - Falkvinge on InfopolicyNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #Ferguson and the "Us vs. Them" Illusion:Nov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( viaNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @BuzzFlash #JusticeForMikeBrownNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ferguson and the "Us vs. Them" IllusionNov 23 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@raycorrigan     Today Patrick McGoohan could as easily haveNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    written “I am not an IP address”Nov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @cyberleagle spotNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz                 onNov 23 19:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cyberleagle: I am not an IP addressNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     EC approves Tradeshift data format forNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz                 goverment purchasing 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( "OASIS... created ODF, theNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Open Document Format"Nov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe Commission approves Tradeshift data format for goverment purchasing - bobsguide.comNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     @jonobacon Depends what level of funding oneNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz                 aims forNov 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Back doors in Windows are bug doors that #nsaNov 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 already knows about (at the very least), suchNov 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 as this: 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Artists and Labels Now Sue Chrysler OverNov 23 19:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft issues emergency patch for bug affecting all versions of Windows- The InquirerNov 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 CD-Ripping CarsNov 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 because copying can ONLY ever be "piracy"Nov 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Artists and Labels Now Sue Chrysler Over CD-Ripping Cars | TorrentFreakNov 23 19:30
TweetSchestowitz@JohnFugelsang   Boy, if the House GOP won't honor Pope FrancisNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    b/c he's 'too liberal' they're really gonnaNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      hate Jesus.Nov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Archbishop of Westminster shocked by effects ofNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 #Gaza war - 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( “a deeply depressingNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 situation in a devastated region”Nov 23 19:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Archbishop of Westminster shocked by effects of Gaza war | World news | The GuardianNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     EU to water down #netneutrality rulesNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 because politicians are probably too ignorantNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 to make laws on techNov 23 19:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU to water down net neutrality rules | EurActivNov 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:32
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    After MO Gov Jay Nixon spoke abt death ofNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Michael Brown his office was inundated w/ltrsNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 calling for his resignationNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the Way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Politicians who say that  #netneutrality isNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 "Obamacare for the Internet" must not be givenNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 any power over laws that govern the Internet.Nov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Appeal court judge ‘horrified’ at number ofNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 litigants without lawyers -Nov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 "justice is no longer accessible to all"Nov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Appeal court judge ‘horrified’ at number of litigants without lawyers | Law | The GuardianNov 23 19:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Earlier today a "Product Manager at MicroNov 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Focus" looked up my profile in #linkedin - INov 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz                 suppose because of 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #privacyNov 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz@mtracey         This is an unusually scathing appraisal ofNov 23 19:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boycotting Micro Focus International | TechrightsNov 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Hillary's platitudinous opacity by @RyanLizzaNov 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ----> 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 19:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | On Keystone and the N.S.A., Hillary Clinton Remains QuietNov 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:41
TweetSchestowitz@the_intercept   Waiting for a Decision in FergusonNov 23 19:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( byNov 23 19:43
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     @JuanMThompsonNov 23 19:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Waiting for a Decision in Ferguson - The InterceptNov 23 19:43
schestowitz_bed2> 23 19:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Breached webcam and baby monitor site flagged by watchdogs [ ]Nov 23 19:48
schestowitz_bed2> Nov 23 19:48
schestowitz_bed2> I don't get it.  How is the site illegal?  What the users are doing,Nov 23 19:48
schestowitz_bed2> leaving the default passwords, could be considered illegal, however.Nov 23 19:48
schestowitz_bed2> But the BBC is not coming down on them though it should.Nov 23 19:48
schestowitz_bed2> 23 19:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hackfest 2014: Theo de Raadt presented "arc4random - randomization for all occasions" - YouTube [ ]Nov 23 19:49
schestowitz_bed2> Nov 23 19:49
schestowitz_bed2> arc4random() by Theo de Raadt.Nov 23 19:49
TweetSchestowitz@MarkCalabria    After 13 years, 2 wars and trillions inNov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    military spending, terrorist attacks are risingNov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      sharply - The Washington PostNov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | After 13 years, 2 wars and trillions in military spending, terrorist attacks are rising sharply - The Washington PostNov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #bbc blames a Web site rather than users forNov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 not setting a password 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( probably not illegal (the site)Nov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Hackfest 2014: Theo de Raadt presentedNov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 "arc4random - randomization for all occasions"Nov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz         ( 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 #openbsd #bsd #unix #securityNov 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The siege of Julian Assange is a farce - anNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz                 investigation by John PilgerNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( #assangeNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz                 #pilger (reposted by RT now)Nov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     U.S. Government Seeks to Keep Megaupload MoneyNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Because Kim Dotcom Is a 'Fugitive'Nov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( ...Nov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Government Seeks to Keep Megaupload Money Because Kim Dotcom Is a 'Fugitive' | BillboardNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Government S...Nov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Automakers AHEM Promise Not To Abuse The OceanNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Of Location Data Their Cars Now CollectNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( canNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz                 pass it on to #NSANov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Automakers Like TOTALLY Promise Not To Abuse The Ocean Of Location Data Their Cars Now Collect | TechdirtNov 23 19:54
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     If you're not doing something wrong {like realNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 journalism, defending a scapegoat in court,Nov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 competing against US} then you've nothing toNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 hideNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Apple stops calling free apps 'Free'Nov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 #apple 'store' still disallows "dirty" stuffNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 like the word "free" or "freedom"Nov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple stops calling free apps 'Free'- The InquirerNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Torrents Good For a Third of all InternetNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Traffic in Asia-PacificNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz         ( #asiaNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 #sharingNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Torrents Good For a Third of all Internet Traffic in Asia-Pacific | TorrentFreakNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     U.S. Brands Kim Dotcom a Fugitive, ‘Spies’ onNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 OthersNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz         ( lookNov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 who's treated like a "Terrorist"Nov 23 19:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 19:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Brands Kim Dotcom a Fugitive, 'Spies' on Others | TorrentFreakNov 23 19:59
schestowitz_bed2 23 20:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz I think it has more to do with the fact that so many apps are "freemium", so it may be false advertising to call them "free".Nov 23 20:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #systemd caricature 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "An interview with Matthew Dillon about theNov 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz                 upcoming 4.0 release of DragonFly BSD."Nov 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | bsdtalk: bsdtalk248 - DragonFlyBSD with Matthew DillonNov 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When the Time Comes We'll Need to Step Up theNov 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Fight Against TPP's Secret, Anti-User AgendaNov 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz         ( #tpp #effNov 23 20:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | When the Time Comes We'll Need to Step Up the Fight Against TPP's Secret, Anti-User Agenda | Electronic Frontier FoundationNov 23 20:04
schestowitz_bed2 23 20:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC Sport - Arsenal 1-2 Manchester Utd: Louis van Gaal's case for the defence [ ]Nov 23 20:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When men can watch women in shorts rather thanNov 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 men in shorts (but won't)Nov 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC Sport - England 0-3 GermanyNov 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #bbc perpetuates the shallow innuendo thatNov 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 immigrants are unskilled 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( how did US become theNov 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 superpower that it is?Nov 23 20:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Immigration target unlikely to be met, says Theresa MayNov 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@of_davis        Welcome back Bratton! MT @MayaSchenwar ArrestsNov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on NYC subway are up by 300%, targeting subwayNov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       performers, homeless 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( …Nov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Subways Are an NYPD Hotspot in de Blasio's New YorkNov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz@MayaSchenwar    Many "community corrections" models reinforce &Nov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    expand structural violence, but are pushed asNov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       "reform." 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @KayJWhitlockNov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Community Corrections: Profiteering, Corruption and Widening the NetNov 23 20:08
TweetSchestowitz@vogon           can't overstate how usefulNov 23 20:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( is, it'sNov 23 20:09
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        the Uber article I wish I could've writtenNov 23 20:09
TweetSchestowitz        23 20:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Canada should de-activate Uber - WhimsleyNov 23 20:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vogon: can't overstate how useful is, it's the Uber article I wish I could've written 23 20:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Theresa May cannot really be that thick. It'sNov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 possible #uk benefits from immigration, notNov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 that it attracts immigration because ofNov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 benefits.Nov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        WATCH: Truthout Interviews @DahrJamail onNov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Electromagnetic Radiation War Games inNov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Washington State: 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Truthout Interviews Dahr Jamail on Electromagnetic Radiation War Games in Washington StateNov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Anti-immigration absolutism (generalisation)Nov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 akin to company saying that hiring is "bad" andNov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 that brain drain is "good". Connotations game.Nov 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@cfarivar        Charlotte judge rejects #stingray applicationNov 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    FOR THE FIRST TIME in city history.Nov 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @csoghoianNov 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz                 @HanniFakhoury @awinstonNov 23 20:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | CMPD’s cellphone tracking cracked high-profile cases | CharlotteObserver.comNov 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Milford student suspended for making hand gunNov 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz                 gesture ( 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz                 they start with fingers, then gunpowder?Nov 23 20:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Milford student suspended for making hand gun gesture - 7News Boston WHDH-TVNov 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Seattle #police may dump plans for body cams,Nov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 citing records requests 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( pigs don't likeNov 23 20:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Seattle police may dump plans for body cams, citing records requests | Ars TechnicaNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 #accountabilityNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Police officer charged in 'super drunk' caseNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 told deputy he had no memory of crashing truckNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz        ( facts asNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 a "villain"Nov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Police officer charged in 'super drunk' case told deputy he had no memory of crashing truck | MLive.comNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Leaked documents show #netneutrality may be inNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 danger!Nov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz         ( #europe #euNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 #internet #censorshipNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leaked documents show net neutrality may be in danger! - EDRiNov 23 20:16
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #microsoft #windows smoked even by  E-cigaretteNov 23 20:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:21
TweetSchestowitz                 just don't plug into OS that auto-executesNov 23 20:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Health warning: Now e-cigarettes can give you malware | Technology | The GuardianNov 23 20:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     U.S. Copyright Alert System Security Could BeNov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz                 Improved, Review FindsNov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz                 mixing #copyright #monopoly with other thingsNov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Copyright Alert System Security Could Be Improved, Review Finds | TorrentFreakNov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Upsetting video shows cop beating subwayNov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz                 turnstile jumper with nightstick Nov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( ...Nov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Upsetting video shows cop beating subway turnstile jumper with nightstick - Salon.comNov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Upsetting video s...Nov 23 20:22
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     4 Stupid Conservative Arguments Against NetNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Neutrality, DebunkedNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 the Grand Corporations Party, more like aNov 23 20:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4 Stupid Conservative Arguments Against Net Neutrality, Debunked | Mother JonesNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 mindsetNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #NYPD rookie calls execution of unarmed man anNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ‘accident’ ( 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 what's an accident? That the public found outNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 the truth?Nov 23 20:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | NYPD rookie calls fatal shooting of unarmed man an ‘accident’ | New York PostNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The WeekNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 At Techdirt 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | TechdirtNov 23 20:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #EFF Joins the Call for a NIST We Can TrustNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( Trust asNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 in "Trusted Computing" (NSA)? #nist #backdoorNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | EFF Joins the Call for a NIST We Can Trust | Electronic Frontier FoundationNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #uk tax money wasted cleaning up the mess ofNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #microsoft #windows with baked-in back doorsNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #nsa #insecurityNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK cyber cops arrest five in Europe-wide crackdown on PC hijackers- The InquirerNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sexNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 cases’ 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( because pedophila isNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 bad... when poor people do itNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sex cases’ | Society | The GuardianNov 23 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Swedes Prepare Record File-Sharing ProsecutionNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( soNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz                 much for liberalism and social justice... askNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #assangeNov 23 20:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swedes Prepare Record File-Sharing Prosecution | TorrentFreakNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     As #mozilla had hundreds of millions ofNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz                 dollars, the excuses about not maintainingNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #thunderbird are utter BSNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla's 2013 annual report: Revenue up just 1% to $314M, and again 90% came from Google | VentureBeat | News Briefs | by Emil ProtalinskiNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When #mozilla stopped #thunderbird developmentNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz                 (with PGP support) it said people were movingNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz                 to #gmail (PRISM/NSA). Guess who bankrolled MozNov 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:39
TweetSchestowitz@FluffyPuffin    @doctorow  yesterday I read "The Man Who SoldNov 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The Moon," today I see this:Nov 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | LUNAR MISSION ONE: A new lunar mission for everyone. by Lunar Missions Ltd — KickstarterNov 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Local judge unseals hundreds of highly secretNov 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 cell tracking court recordsNov 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( why doNov 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 people still carry those?Nov 23 20:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Local judge unseals hundreds of highly secret cell tracking court records | Ars TechnicaNov 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:44
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     It looks like #rbs #natwest etc. (massive inNov 23 20:46
TweetSchestowitz                 #uk banking) is FINALLY dumping #microsoftNov 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 #windows (on which it relied)Nov 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | RBS prepares to be fined tens of millions pounds over IT breakdown | Business | The GuardianNov 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     For the past 10+ years, every night, for a longNov 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 period of time, #natwest banking becameNov 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 inaccessible, presumably because they rebootNov 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 WindowsNov 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:47
TweetSchestowitz@nathanchantrell  Listening to the Bad Voltage podcast, Google'sNov 23 20:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Project Loon had totally passed me by.Nov 23 20:48
TweetSchestowitz @jonobacon      Nov 23 20:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The #gop media manufactured 'scandals' thatNov 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 weren't (mostly made up and spread by #newscorpNov 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 #propaganda machines) 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Benghazi Is Over, But the Mainstream Media Just Yawns | Mother JonesNov 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      The cliched US media "clock" has been "ticking"Nov 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 on Iran for more than 10 years now - byNov 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @WideAsleepNima 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 20:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wide Asleep in America: Iran's Ever-Ticking Nuclear Clock: Countdown to NothingNov 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:49
TweetSchestowitz@longdrivesouth  Part 2 of our @vicenews doc "The Missing 43" isNov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    almost ready, giving me a hollow feeling in myNov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   gut. :( #Ayotzinapa #Mexico @ViceMexicoNov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Stafford fucked up the slide.Nov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Your chance to contribute to KDE in non-C++ –Nov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 or the first KDE-CI IRC meetingNov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( #kde asNov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 training opportunityNov 23 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 20:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Your chance to contribute to KDE in non-C++ – or the first KDE-CI IRC meeting « Mario FuxNov 23 20:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenSUSE 13.2 KDE Edition : Video Overview andNov 23 20:58
TweetTuxMachines                 Screenshot Tours 23 20:58
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 20:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 20:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenSUSE 13.2 KDE Edition : Video Overview and Screenshot Tours | Tux MachinesNov 23 20:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Europe Commission approves Tradeshift dataNov 23 20:58
TweetTuxMachines                 format for goverment purchasingNov 23 20:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 20:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 20:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe Commission approves Tradeshift data format for goverment purchasing | Tux MachinesNov 23 20:58
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Vince Wilfork got almost up to sumo weight inNov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz                 his injury year. He'd be damn good at sumo, INov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz                 bet.Nov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "7 Days To Die is finally on Linux for us toNov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz                 enjoy some zombie smashing."Nov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | 7 Days To Die, A Sandbox Zombie Survival Game Finally Arrives On Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Qualcomm Looks To Get Into The #ARM ServerNov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Business 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( meaning #linux for the mostNov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz                 partNov 23 21:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Qualcomm Looks To Get Into The ARM Server BusinessNov 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Eight Main Street Job Creators Who AreNov 23 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Rebooting the #Economy, Starting With Those WhoNov 23 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Need It Most: 23 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 21:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eight Main Street Job Creators Who Are Rebooting the Economy, Starting With Those Who Need It MostNov 23 21:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #google no longer pressures #nexus useds toNov 23 21:03
TweetSchestowitz                 'upgrade' to #android 5 - in fact, it's noNov 23 21:03
TweetSchestowitz                 longer an option, maybe due toNov 23 21:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 21:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android Lollipop makes devices 'unusable' claims users | Daily Mail OnlineNov 23 21:03
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           40% of global #economy impacted by secret #TPPNov 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    'free' #trade deal. #MSM #Media coverage? 0%Nov 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz        23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Expose the TPPNov 23 21:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: 40% of global #economy impacted by secret #TPP 'free' #trade deal. #MSM #Media coverage? 0% 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Feral Interactive.... have given a little hintNov 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz                 towards their next game, and it's quite obviousNov 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz                 it's for Linux" 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Time To Guess What Feral Interactive Are Working On, New Teaser | GamingOnLinuxNov 23 21:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     French, German, Dutch and Italian hackathonsNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz                 fuel UK ODF plugfest 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #odf #uk #standardNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz                 #opendocument #europeNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | French, German, Dutch and Italian hackathons fuel UK ODF plugfest | JoinupNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz@drmarielouise   When ambulance service fined/berated forNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    failings, remember this: BBC News: LondonNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Ambulance Service to cut 890 jobsNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - NHS savings: London Ambulance Service to cut 890 jobsNov 23 21:07
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      This has always, always been the real RudyNov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Giuliani 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 21:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Giuliani: ‘White police officers wouldn’t be there if you weren’t killing each other.’ - The Washington PostNov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "7 Days To Die is finally on Linux for us toNov 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines                 enjoy some zombie smashing."Nov 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | 7 Days To Die, A Sandbox Zombie Survival Game Finally Arrives On Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #NVIDIA vs. #Nouveau Drivers With #Linux 3.18 +Nov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 #Mesa 10.4-devel 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 21:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA vs. Nouveau Drivers With Linux 3.18 + Mesa 10.4-develNov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "Feral Interactive.... have given a little hintNov 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines                 towards their next game, and it's quite obviousNov 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines                 it's for Linux" 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Time To Guess What Feral Interactive Are Working On, New Teaser | GamingOnLinuxNov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     With Assembly, anyone can contribute toNov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 open-source software and actually get paid Nov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 #assembly #freesw #sharingNov 23 21:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | With Assembly, anyone can contribute to open-source software and actually get paid | The VergeNov 23 21:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     NVIDIA vs. Nouveau Drivers With Linux 3.18 +Nov 23 21:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Mesa 10.4-devel 23 21:14
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:14
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #PartedMagic 2014.11.19 Now Has Boot RepairNov 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Option 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #gnu #linuxNov 23 21:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Parted Magic 2014.11.19 Now Has Boot Repair Option - SoftpediaNov 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       UK Food banks face record demand as low-incomeNov 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz                 families look for help - 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( this is an utterNov 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz                 disgrace: shame on CameronNov 23 21:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Food banks face record demand as low-income families look for help | Society | The GuardianNov 23 21:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Parted Magic 2014.11.19 Now Has Boot RepairNov 23 21:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Option 23 21:24
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:24
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:24
*TweetTuxMachines @ktheur favourited '"7 Days To Die is finally on Linux...'Nov 23 21:25
TweetSchestowitz@tat2127         @doctorow loved the keynote @ncte this year andNov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    thank you for the book. It will go to aNov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       grateful student. 👏Nov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "kFreeBSD already had a waiver for a reducedNov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz                 scope in Jessie because of the difficulty inNov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz                 porting systemd to it." 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | On kFreeBSD and FOSDEM - 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #bbc finally covers #linuxNov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( oh,Nov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz                 maybe there's good reason for the #microsoftNov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #uk staff who joined BBC to cover thisNov 23 21:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - 'Sophisticated' Android malware hits phonesNov 23 21:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     French, German, Dutch and Italian hackathonsNov 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines                 fuel UK ODF plugfest 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | French, German, Dutch and Italian hackathons fuel UK ODF plugfest | Tux MachinesNov 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     With Assembly, anyone can contribute toNov 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines                 open-source software and actually get paidNov 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | With Assembly, anyone can contribute to open-source software and actually get paid | Tux MachinesNov 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Parted Magic 2014.11.19 Now Has Boot RepairNov 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines                 Option 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Parted Magic 2014.11.19 Now Has Boot Repair Option | Tux MachinesNov 23 21:31
TweetSchestowitz@mattsurrusco    Sick of corporate puppets? Me too. There are noNov 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    strings on @Truthout.  Support independentNov 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       #journalism today! 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Make a donation to Truthout!Nov 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Valve Plans A Big #Steam Machine Presence AtNov 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz                 #GDC 2015 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( these are, in essence,Nov 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz                 #debian #gnu #linux PCsNov 23 21:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve Plans A Big Steam Machine Presence At GDC 2015 | GamingOnLinuxNov 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:32
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      And just by the way: nobody exploited 9/11 moreNov 23 21:44
TweetSchestowitz                 for personal profit than Rudy Giuliani - onlyNov 23 21:44
TweetSchestowitz                 one close is Mike ChertoffNov 23 21:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:44
TweetSchestowitz@bmaz            Jim Risen says about Edward Snowden: "I thinkNov 23 21:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Snowden has had an important impact."Nov 23 21:45
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald ( 23 21:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | FDL Book Salon Welcomes James Risen, Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War | Book SalonNov 23 21:45
TweetSchestowitz@davidsirota     THE INTERCEPT: How Wall St Is Taking OverNov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    America’s $3 Trillion Pension SystemNov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald ( 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wall Street is Taking Over America's Pension Plans - The InterceptNov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Seven Ways the #Military Wastes Our #Money:Nov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Seven Ways the Military Wastes Our MoneyNov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Black Lab Professional Desktop 6.0 ReceivesNov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Update Pack with Linux Kernel 3.17.2Nov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz                 #blacklab #gnu #linuxNov 23 21:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Black Lab Professional Desktop 6.0 Receives Update Pack with Linux Kernel 3.17.2 - SoftpediaNov 23 21:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 21:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Valve Plans A Big Steam Machine Presence At GDCNov 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines                 2015 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve Plans A Big Steam Machine Presence At GDC 2015 | GamingOnLinuxNov 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Black Lab Professional Desktop 6.0 ReceivesNov 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Update Pack with Linux Kernel 3.17.2Nov 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Confirmed For LinuxNov 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 21:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 21:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Confirmed For Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 23 21:57
*TweetTuxMachines @LinuxReddit favourited 'Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Confirmed For Linux'Nov 23 21:57
*TweetTuxMachines @LinuxReddit favourited 'Black Lab Professional Desktop 6.0 Receives Update Pack...'Nov 23 22:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel 3.17.4 Is Now the Most AdvancedNov 23 22:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Version Available 23 22:03
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 22:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 22:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Kernel 3.17.4 Is Now the Most Advanced Version Available | Tux MachinesNov 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Confirmed For LinuxNov 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 #games #gnu #linuxNov 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #ttip imposes "The problem of data flows, andNov 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 why CETA's ISDS is a disaster"Nov 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz        23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XLIII - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 23 22:03
TweetSchestowitz@rezaaslan       Israel about to pass a law that would be “crimeNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    against Israeli democracy, one of blackestNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     stains on Israeli law.” 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Breaking ranks, Livni, Lapid say they won't support Jewish nation-state bill - NationalIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News sourceNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz@Salon           The creative class is not screwed: Here's howNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the Internet helps artists make a livingNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( viaNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz                 @doctorowNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | The creative class is not screwed: Here’s how the Internet helps artists make a living - Salon.comNov 23 22:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        1010 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novelNov 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 for adults #dailywords [total to date: 170242]Nov 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #freesw browser developed in #manchesterNov 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz        23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 22:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vincents Random Waffle: NetSurf Developer workshop IVNov 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "software developed using open source codeNov 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 contains fewer defects than that built withNov 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 proprietary code." 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Code Contains Fewer Defects, But There's a Catch | CIONov 23 22:14
TweetSchestowitz@zoobab          Sincere condoleances to the family of VilleNov 23 22:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Oksanen, long time opponent of swpatsNov 23 22:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 22:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Finnish petition against software patents big success | EDRINov 23 22:31
TweetSchestowitz@petersuber      A few minutes ago in Brooksville, Maine.Nov 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | A few minutes ago in Brooksville, Maine.Nov 23 22:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@petersuber: A few minutes ago in Brooksville, Maine. 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz@lilycole        Excited to announce 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ( is now live!Nov 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 23 22:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wild RubberNov 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Check this amazing material out...Nov 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 22:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lily Cole Wild Rubber Impossible Model Interview ( UK)Nov 23 22:33
TweetSchestowitz@Salon           The creative class is not screwed: Here's howNov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the Internet helps artists make a livingNov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( viaNov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz                 @doctorowNov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | The creative class is not screwed: Here’s how the Internet helps artists make a living - Salon.comNov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Is the Grass-Fed Really Greener? BeefNov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz                 Production in the Americas:Nov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is the Grass-Fed Really Greener? Beef Production in the AmericasNov 23 23:12
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Transgender activist Leslie Feinberg's obituaryNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz                 reads like a biography of the instinct forNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz                 justice. #lgbt 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Leslie Feinberg - Truthdigger of the Week - TruthdigNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Will corporations and #activists join forces toNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz                 end deforestation in #Indonesia?Nov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Efforts to Curb Destructive Palm Oil Plantations Brings Together Strange BedfellowsNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "the big challenge for privacy rights activistsNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz                 now is articulating a strong moral case forNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #privacy" - 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 23 23:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digital Privacy Is “The New Frontier Of Human Rights” | TechCrunchNov 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:39
TweetSchestowitz@PicPedant       LOOKS LEGIT TO ME — RT @djkevlar: AnotherNov 23 23:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    incredible photo from BuffaloNov 23 23:40
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 23 23:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@djkevlar: Another incredible photo from Buffalo 23 23:40
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141122 -Nov 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 23 23:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 141122Nov 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz@m_hef           Turns out many of big tobacco's customers likeNov 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #plainpacks to help them quit #smokingNov 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz                 @TC_BMJNov 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 23 23:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian smokers’ support for plain or standardised packs before and after implementation: findings from the ITC Four Country Survey -- Swift et al. -- Tobacco ControlNov 23 23:44
TweetSchestowitz@SimonChapman6   My new book, with @DrBFreeman, on Australia'sNov 24 00:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #plainpacks law to be published 27 Nov. FreeNov 24 00:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      here 24 00:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( or $30 paperbackNov 24 00:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 00:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Sydney eScholarship Repository: Removing the emperor’s clothes: Australia and tobacco plain packagingNov 24 00:16
TweetSchestowitz@LilianaSegura   "Mindful of the bad name that night raids have,Nov 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the American military has renamed them 'nightNov 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     operations.'” 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 00:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz@extinctsymbol   Last forest on Earth where rhinos, tigers,Nov 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    elephants, and orangutans coexist is underNov 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        threat of destruction: 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 00:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ )Nov 24 00:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 00:30
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'With Assembly, anyone can contribute to open-source software...'Nov 24 01:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Gngr: A New Web Browser Focused On PrivacyNov 24 01:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 01:19
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 01:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gngr: A New Web Browser Focused On Privacy | Tux MachinesNov 24 01:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open Source Code Contains Fewer Defects, ButNov 24 01:20
TweetTuxMachines                 There's a Catch 24 01:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 01:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 01:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Code Contains Fewer Defects, But There's a Catch | Tux MachinesNov 24 01:20
TweetSchestowitz@Federal_flashes  12 year old #TamirRice was killed by #ClevelandNov 24 01:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    police officer for carrying a toy gun, in anNov 24 01:29
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        open carry state. #Every28HoursNov 24 01:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 01:29
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 18 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 148 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 24 03:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (17), @go2n (1)Nov 24 03:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 24 03:47
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 24 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 182 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 829 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 24 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (86), @glynmoody (12), @truthout (9)Nov 24 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (22), @schestowitz (6), @ggreenwald (6)Nov 24 03:47
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #uk (8), #linux (8), #TTIP (8)Nov 24 03:47
TweetSchestowitz@jmooreDC        .@DHSgov wants permission to destroy EinsteinNov 24 03:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    cyber monitoring records. Great story fromNov 24 03:54
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   @Aliya_NextGov 24 03:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 03:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 03:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | DHS Set to Destroy Governmentwide Network Surveillance Records - Nextgov.comNov 24 03:54
*TweetTuxMachines @TitouOnRails favourited 'Intel Beignet Is Working Out Surprisingly Well For...'Nov 24 04:19
TweetSchestowitz@gigabarb        Utah Rep. Introduces Bill to Cut off Water toNov 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the NSA Data Center 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   ( 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      How to install Docker on CentOS 7:  LinuxTechi:Nov 24 04:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utah Rep. Introduces Bill to Cut off Water to the NSA Data CenterNov 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Docker is an open-source tool that makesNov 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz                 creating & managing L... 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 04:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 04:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - How to install Docker on CentOS 7Nov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With IntelNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Haswell Performance: Phoronix: For thoseNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 wondering whether there...Nov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 04:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With Intel Haswell PerformanceNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      dupeGuru – Find And Remove Duplicate FilesNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Instantly From Hard Drive: Unixmen: If youNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 believe your system has ...Nov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 04:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - dupeGuru – Find And Remove Duplicate Files Instantly From Hard DriveNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Android projector offers 400 lumens on batteryNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 power:  LinuxGizmos: AAXA's Android-based M4 isNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 claimed as "the... 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 04:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Android projector offers 400 lumens on battery powerNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacoreNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Snapdragon designs:  LinuxGizmos: IntrinsycNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 unveiled an Android 5.0 dev...Nov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 04:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacore Snapdragon designsNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      How to install Docker on CentOS 7:  LinuxTechi:Nov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Docker is an open-source tool that makesNov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 creating & managing L... 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 04:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - How to install Docker on CentOS 7Nov 24 04:34
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With IntelNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Haswell Performance: Phoronix: For thoseNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz                 wondering whether there...Nov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 05:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With Intel Haswell PerformanceNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      dupeGuru – Find And Remove Duplicate FilesNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Instantly From Hard Drive: Unixmen: If youNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz                 believe your system has ...Nov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 05:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - dupeGuru – Find And Remove Duplicate Files Instantly From Hard DriveNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Afghanistan Quietly Lifts Ban on NighttimeNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz                 RaidsNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 05:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 24 05:10
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    New from @NSArchive: FRANK MANKIEWICZ: SECRETNov 24 05:18
TweetSchestowitz                 INTERMEDIARY TO CUBA 24 05:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 05:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 05:18
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       Lost all my Firefox Sync password - messed upNov 24 05:18
TweetSchestowitz                 with Firefox dev edition and installed one ! :(Nov 24 05:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 05:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux 3.18-rc6 24 06:12
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 06:12
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 06:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.18-rc6 | Tux MachinesNov 24 06:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SUSE invests in software-defined storageNov 24 06:13
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 06:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 06:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | SUSE invests in software-defined storage | Tux MachinesNov 24 06:13
schestowitz_bed2 24 06:17
schestowitz_bed2"That's why I don't like Barbie."Nov 24 06:17
schestowitz_bed2 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2"Well, android, a linux varient. Surely the BBC have done articles on Linux before ?"Nov 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2... therefore you should use windows with its simple malware ...Nov 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2Sounds legit.Nov 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 24 06:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 24 06:18
-TechrightsSocial/ #bbc finally covers #linux oh, maybe there's good reason for the #microsoft #uk staff who joined BBC to cover thisNov 24 06:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | BBC News - 'Sophisticated' Android malware hits phones [ ]Nov 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2"Will it mean non #systemd version of #debian ? If so I am in . :DNov 24 06:18
schestowitz_bed2" I see a previous post from that same guy pondering a fork of Debian . . . he doesn't say why, but doesn't need to. "Nov 24 06:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 24 06:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | How could you rationally fork Debian? [ ]Nov 24 06:19
schestowitz_bed2 24 06:25
-TechrightsSocial/ #gigaom has joined the ranks of sites that won't show any content unless you execute #javascript - not shocking. They post #nsa #pr too.Nov 24 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"Huh? I just tried it. Works fine with scripts disabled. See for yourself."Nov 24 06:25
schestowitz_bed2"It's not often that I go there anyway. The site is filled with Microsoft PR."Nov 24 06:25
schestowitz_bed2 24 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"ARM based? No one is using ARM architecture anymore except in refrigerators and microwave ovens and stuff, from what I've heard."Nov 24 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"And the Raspberry Pi, and almost every cell phone / mobile device. Including the 'internet of things', there are more ARM processors than there are "standard" CPUs with Intel architecture."Nov 24 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"Aren't there already a huge amount of little desktop boxes around?"Nov 24 06:26
schestowitz_bed2"I don't see much of a point to it. I would just get a Chromebox and install Linux on it (and probably not Ubuntu). A less technical user will probably prefer a box or laptop not running LInux. Sadly. :( Of course, I will be happy if they prove me wrong on that.'Nov 24 06:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 24 06:27
TweetSchestowitz@PamelaSamuelson  "Making Authorship Thrive in the Digital Age"Nov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    by @PamelaSamuelson on @LinkedInNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 06:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Making Authorship Thrive in the Digital Age | Pamela Samuelson | LinkedInNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Marion Barry: Guardian Angel of Punk RockNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( via @viceNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 06:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marion Barry: Guardian Angel of Punk Rock | VICE | United StatesNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       JavaScript is not about writing small andNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz                 smaller code which takes less keystrokes. ItsNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz                 all about writing bug-free stable and scableNov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz                 code!Nov 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 06:34
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       UK gov wants ISPs to retain records revealingNov 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz                 IP addresses assigned to users. What will theyNov 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz                 do about VPNs? 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 06:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lib Dems declare Snoopers' Charter dead and buried in this Parliament - Liberal DemocratsNov 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Frozen/Haunted Mansion stretch-gallery mashupNov 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 06:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Frozen/Haunted Mansion stretch-gallery mashup - Boing BoingNov 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 06:42
TweetSchestowitz@IanBrownOII     @csoghoian See what the larger government partyNov 24 07:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    would *like* to do about VPNs atNov 24 07:37
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( 24 07:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 07:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Draft Communications Data Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 24 07:37
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Temple of Doom sepia on Flickr. TempleNov 24 07:37
TweetSchestowitz                 of Doom sepia 24 07:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 07:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 07:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     grep-2.21 released [stable]Nov 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 07:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | grep-2.21 released [stable] | Tux MachinesNov 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Several Linux distros borrow Google’s MaterialNov 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Design ideas 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 07:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Several Linux distros borrow Google’s Material Design ideas | Tux MachinesNov 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Counterclockwise: Jolla, Nokia N1, Nexus andNov 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines                 HTC One GPE 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 07:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 07:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Counterclockwise: Jolla, Nokia N1, Nexus and HTC One GPE | Tux MachinesNov 24 07:57
*MinceR ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 24 08:00
*MinceR has quit (Changing host)Nov 24 08:00
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 24 08:00
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 24 08:01
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Haunted Mansion tightrope walker paperNov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz                 silhouettes 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 24 08:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Haunted Mansion tightrope walker paper silhouettes - Boing BoingNov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141123 -Nov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 24 08:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 141123Nov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz@ChristianMcCrea  Perfectly working wind turbines = betterNov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    investigate a made up syndromeNov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Fourth coal seam fire = nobody could haveNov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz                 forseen thisNov 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:06
TweetSchestowitz@Marianhouk      The European Parliament is due to vote Thurs onNov 24 08:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    bill recognizing #Palestinian state; FrenchNov 24 08:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      parliament will vote on similar bill Fri orNov 24 08:09
TweetSchestowitz                 TuesNov 24 08:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:09
TweetSchestowitz@jon_swindon     Everything that's wrong with Tory Britain.Nov 24 08:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Heroes get the sack, bankers get a £607 MILLIONNov 24 08:10
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      bonus. #CameronMustGo 24 08:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jon_swindon: Everything that's wrong with Tory Britain. Heroes get the sack, bankers get a £607 MILLION bonus. #CameronMustGo 24 08:10
TweetSchestowitz@coolvibes77     This picture keeps getting removed RT RT RT RTNov 24 08:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    RT RT RT RT RT RT RT"Nov 24 08:12
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #IDS + #CameronMustGo”Nov 24 08:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@IanBarr67: This picture keeps getting removed RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 24 08:12
TweetSchestowitz@mpklang         [PRESS STATEMENT: 24th November 2014]Nov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      MITI Needs to Undertake a National-TPPA-SMINov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz                 preparedness Impact Assessment...Nov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | [PRESS STATEMENT: 24th November 2014]... - Charles Santiago | FacebookNov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        Australia needs to act on access to essentialNov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    medicines: @DrRimmer's review of the IP LawsNov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Amendment Bill 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Kirby’s Challenge: Intellectual Property, HIV/AIDS, and Human Rights — MediumNov 24 08:15
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Ictu warns State may be sued by US firms ifNov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 minimum wage raised - 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( as happened in Egypt (vNov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @NChildersMEP @TTIPBeware)Nov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ictu warns State may be sued by US firms if minimum wage raisedNov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@IanCobain       Inquiry into Lee Rigby murder set to clear MI5Nov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    after failing to interview critics of agency'sNov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      bid to recruit killer 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lee Rigby: inquiry into murder of fusilier ‘failed to seek out witnesses’ | UK news | The GuardianNov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Why we should give free money to everyone -Nov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 old, but still true; right-wing dogma onlyNov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 obstacle (v @MikeTaylor)Nov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why we should give free money to everyoneNov 24 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@antigoldgreece  Brutal Police Repression of a DeterminedNov 24 08:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #Skouries Mine Protest #Greece #miningNov 24 08:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 24 08:22
TweetSchestowitz        $ΕGO EldoradoNov 24 08:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brutal repression of a determined protest against the Skouries mine, Greece #SkouriesNov 24 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@syndicalisms: #Greece: Protest march in #Skouries forest against destructive gold mining repressed by the state with tear gas. 24 08:22
TweetSchestowitz@NHAparty        Pls RT to spread the word that NHA Party isNov 24 08:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fielding candidates in general election. JoinNov 24 08:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      our NHS fightback. 24 08:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHAparty: Pls RT to spread the word that NHA Party is fielding candidates in general election. NHS is now ranked as top issue. 24 08:23
TweetSchestowitz@laurenlaverne   If this #dialysis news is true it's criminal.Nov 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The #NHS saves my dad's life 3 times a week,Nov 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      and millions like him. 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | MPs warn on kidney dialysis plan - Yahoo News UKNov 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz@marcuschown     .@bbcnews saying nurses, paramedics, midwifesNov 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    etc offered 1% payrise. Untrue. OverwhelmingNov 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      majority offered 0%. #nhsstrike @BBCr4todayNov 24 08:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:28
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:30
schestowitz_bed2"One (not me) could say it is why it didn't land properly."Nov 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       I dislike JavaScript resume which haveNov 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz                 "Java/Php/C++" as primary language! JavaScriptNov 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz                 resume should have only JavaScript.Nov 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz@GarethMP        The World Bank traditionally one of the largestNov 24 08:30
schestowitz_bed2"They could have chosen Windows. Then Philae would have crashed, Windows' speciality :-). And with MacOS ? Huh, hard to say... ESA did not have enough (!) money anymore. And since Philae wasn't developped by Apple..."Nov 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fossil fuel investors goes green with cleanNov 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      energy focus 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 08:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:30
schestowitz_bed2"If they chose Windows, their XP support would have terminated, and they'd get a notification to throw their computer in the trash and go to the store to buy a new one, with new-improved(ugh)-windows 8."Nov 24 08:31
schestowitz_bed2"Always so pessimistic, if Windows had been used we might have come across exciting new discoveries in some random reaches of space! Eventually!"Nov 24 08:31
schestowitz_bed2"If Windows was used all the data would be in the NSA database and deemed a National Secret :P'Nov 24 08:31
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 24 08:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | World bank to focus future investment on clean energy | Environment | The GuardianNov 24 08:31
TweetSchestowitz@guy_herbert     The greatest threat to British liberties is theNov 24 08:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    UK govt - if you think leaving the EU wouldNov 24 08:33
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      make that better, you are crazy.Nov 24 08:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:33
TweetSchestowitz@Liberationtech  #Malaysia gov't mulls @YouTube censorshipNov 24 08:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 24 08:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( h/t @kaerumyNov 24 08:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Putrajaya mulls censoring YouTube, websites for unapproved content | Malaysia | Malay Mail OnlineNov 24 08:34
TweetSchestowitz@SenKimCarr      CSIRO scientists will bear the brunt of fundingNov 24 08:35
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    cuts, analysis shows 24 08:35
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( via @guardianNov 24 08:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | CSIRO scientists will bear the brunt of funding cuts, analysis shows | Australia news | The GuardianNov 24 08:35
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@benmorrisuk: No matter what Microsoft do with .Net 2015 they will always be accused of open-washing: #HatersGonnaHateNov 24 08:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | .NET is NOT “Open Source”, But Microsoft’s Minions Shamelessly Openwash It Right Now | TechrightsNov 24 08:38
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EqualityEd: "Condé Nast: the nastiest purchaser of independent media that you may never have heard of" #GamerGateNov 24 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | ‘Wired’ Under New Management (Condé Nast) is a Microsoft and Bill Gates Grooming Operation | TechrightsNov 24 08:39
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BenLBlake: @amanda_machina yes, i dont know all the deals but this has a lot of links & a blog explanation of the 3 companies 24 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Difference Between Microsoft’s Racketeering Against Linux and Oracle’s Racketeering Against Linux | TechrightsNov 24 08:39
TweetSchestowitz@McAndrew        Here, Steve, go play with this shiny disc. Nov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #FeministHackerBarbie 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard    Nov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jpscribbles: Steven, you're not helping. #FeministHackerBarbie 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Hollow book-safes with matching whisky flasksNov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 08:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hollow book-safes with matching whisky flasks - Boing BoingNov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz@Dexe            "Information told me: It doesn't want to beNov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    free, it wants us to stop anthropomorphizingNov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       it"  - @doctorow #ind14Nov 24 08:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:41
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:43
schestowitz_bed2"#Google is #NSA too. Stop using this angle. it's been well-established and pointed out, by yourself included."Nov 24 08:43
schestowitz_bed2Google's relationship with the NSA and business tactics are vastly different from Microsoft'sNov 24 08:44
schestowitz_bed2 24 08:44
schestowitz_bed2"And apparently never will be. systemd requires Linux."Nov 24 08:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 24 08:44
-TechrightsSocial/ New #pcbsd released and there's no #systemd 24 08:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Official PC-BSD Blog » PC-BSD 10.1-RELEASE Now AvailableNov 24 08:45
TweetSchestowitz@bookshop_se     @doctorow and @emilydparker keeping us companyNov 24 08:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    online, until they join us IRL signing at 10Nov 24 08:46
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       and 13. #ind14 24 08:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bookshop_se: @doctorow and @emilydparker keeping us company online, until they join us IRL signing at 10 and 13. #ind14 24 08:46
TweetSchestowitz@ElieSl          Ah tiens, on dirait que le monsieur n’est pasNov 24 08:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    très content. « Va chier, Google »Nov 24 08:54
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab ( 24 08:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 08:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Va chier, Google. Ma lettre ouverte à GoogleNov 24 08:54
*TweetSchestowitz @zoobab retweeted @glynmoody: 'Ictu warns State may be sued by US...'Nov 24 08:54
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        The RasPi plaque that #internetdagarna gave meNov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz                 as a speaker gift is pretty much the coolestNov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz                 thing ever. Photos to comeNov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz@annostman       "Blue bucket protest": 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ( @emilydparker #ind14Nov 24 09:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moscow Drivers Use Blue Buckets to Protest Migalki - ABC NewsNov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz@PehrMartens     Parker: "Blue-Light drivers of the jet set inNov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Moscow drove w/o impunity that sparked the BlueNov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Bucket campaign #ind14 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 09:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Society of Blue Buckets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:02
TweetSchestowitz@gunnarr         Thank you! @doctorow #ind14Nov 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@gunnarr: Thank you! @doctorow #ind14 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz@Karolingva      gender equality, economic equality much moreNov 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    important than the internet fight - but theseNov 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       battles will take place on the internet! #ind14Nov 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:08
TweetSchestowitz@TTIPBeware      Yes, Egypt was sued for raising minimum wageNov 24 09:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @DavidHenigBIS @NChildersMEP @IrishTimesNov 24 09:14
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @glynmoody 24 09:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #ISDSNov 24 09:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Written question - Blackmail by Veolia - E-014083/2013Nov 24 09:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #gnu grep-2.21 released [stable]Nov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( GNUNov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Parallel 20141122 ('Rosetta') also releasedNov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | grep - News: grep-2.21 released [stable] [Savannah]Nov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNU Parallel - build and execute command lines from standard input in parallel - News: GNU Parallel 20141122 ('Rosetta') released [Savannah]Nov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     My boys love 1986 computingNov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 going retro, when computer users really neededNov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 to know computersNov 24 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | My boys love 1986 computing | The ChangelogNov 24 09:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With IntelNov 24 09:20
TweetTuxMachines                 Haswell Performance 24 09:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 09:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With Intel Haswell Performance | Tux MachinesNov 24 09:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "This War of Mine" Action Game for Linux IsNov 24 09:20
TweetTuxMachines                 Inspired by Real Events 24 09:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | "This War of Mine" Action Game for Linux Is Inspired by Real Events - SoftpediaNov 24 09:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 09:20
schestowitz_bed2 24 09:21
schestowitz_bed2"best OS ever"Nov 24 09:21
schestowitz_bed2"It's certainly attractive looking (well, other than the dated wallpaper image)"Nov 24 09:21
schestowitz_bed2 24 09:22
schestowitz_bed2"Seriously though, while I make jest, I don't actually blame Spanish speakers for speaking up if this offends them. It just doesn't offend me. I fully accept though, that I'm a pretty atypical measure of what society finds offensive though."Nov 24 09:22
schestowitz_bed2Maybe the connotation of loco is not the same as crazy in EnglishNov 24 09:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 24 09:22
schestowitz_bed2 24 09:23
schestowitz_bed2"How? Is the only link the fact that it is used as a base for SUSE, which is done by Novell? Or do you know something else, that I do not?"Nov 24 09:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 24 09:23
-TechrightsSocial/ OpenSUSE 13.2 review - Back in the game! sadly, this one serves #microsoft interestsNov 24 09:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | OpenSUSE 13.2 review - Back in the game! [ ]Nov 24 09:23
schestowitz_bed2OpenSUSE is controlled by Microsoft's Partner of the YearNov 24 09:23
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @TTIPBeware: 'Yes, Egypt was sued for raising minimum wage...'Nov 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "This War of Mine" Action Game for Linux IsNov 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Inspired by Real Events 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #games #gnu #linuxNov 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Trine Enchanted Edition Beta for Linux NowNov 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Available 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #games #gnu #linuxNov 24 09:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trine Enchanted Edition Beta for Linux Now Available - SoftpediaNov 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The #Darksiders Linux Port Has Switched HandsNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 #games #gnu #linuxNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Darksiders Linux Port Has Switched Hands | GamingOnLinuxNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When bring non-technical is not a good excuseNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz        24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( (Who’s watchingNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 your webcam?)Nov 24 09:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Who's watching your webcam? | Big Brother WatchNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Norway phases out #Java for tax, school andNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 business #eID 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                   "The new BankID uses HTML5, CSS and Javascript"Nov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Norway phases out Java for tax, school and business eID | JoinupNov 24 09:31
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Daedalic Releases #GoodbyeDeponia On LinuxNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #games #gnu #linuxNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daedalic Releases Goodbye Deponia On Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     A lot of wedding celebrations these days (notNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 exclusive to weddings) turn into massiveNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 privacy violation; videos & photos of peopleNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 uploadedNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Close friend of mine has just had his sonNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 upload entire wedding video (from the 1950s) toNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #youtube - many dead people not asked forNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 consentNov 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:37
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Hand-painted Adventure Time shoesNov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hand-painted Adventure Time shoes - Boing BoingNov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Perhaps it's an open question whether it'sNov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 antisocial to photograph people, tag them,Nov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 upload without consent. Back in the days itNov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 was.Nov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Basic respect for very basic #privacy isNov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 quickly diminishing; #facebook et al. make thisNov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 the 'norm', esp. among the young generationNov 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     G#googleglass extremely antisocial butNov 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz                 disguises itself as garment or small-sized wornNov 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz                 accessory. Equivalent of one pointing cameraNov 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz                 nonstop.Nov 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz@LeapBrasil      .@ggreenwald ministrará palestra sobre aNov 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    política de drogas em Portugal no evento daNov 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     LEAP, segunda, dia 24, no RJ.Nov 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz        24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:43
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@LeapBrasil: .@ggreenwald ministrará palestra sobre a política de drogas em Portugal no evento da LEAP, segunda, dia 24, no RJ. 24 09:43
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Pen cameras were the tools of spies, moles,Nov 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz                 infiltrators, and cops. #googleglass very muchNov 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz                 similar, so why take this behaviour forNov 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz                 granted?Nov 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz@chulu           Great interview with @doctorow on @KBOO:Nov 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 24 09:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Information Doesn't Want to Be Free: Cory Doctorow on Art, Copyright, and the Internet | KBOONov 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:44
TweetSchestowitz@Mirameter_      "Wenn du kein Kopftuch trägst, merkt man nicht,Nov 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    dass du Araberin bist."Nov 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz @kgerloff       "Wenn du den Mund hältst, merkt man nicht,dassNov 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz                 du ein Idiot bist."Nov 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Hardly anything innovative about #googleglass -Nov 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz                 saw something similar on Aussie TV when I wasNov 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz                 10. Innovation is privacy-apathetic society.Nov 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #uk killing #privacy as a matter of #lawNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz        24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #gchq #policeNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #anonymity 24 09:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reaction to the Home Secretary's Proposals to introduce IP address matching powers | Big Brother WatchNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home Secretary announces plans to introduce IP address matching powers | Big Brother WatchNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Home Sec does not know how Internet works&mayNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 think "IP address" means "intellectual propertyNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 address", but still, she passes new laws on itNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     [September]  This Infographic Shows The EnemiesNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Of An Open And Free InternetNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #nsa and #gchq in the listNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Infographic Shows The Enemies Of An Open And Free InternetNov 24 09:53
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #Activists wield #search #data to challenge &Nov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 change #racial disparity in #police searchesNov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When dealing with estate agent this+last monthNov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 I was told of "data protection", cannot provideNov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 contacts of seller. Odd. #gchq OK, this not?Nov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     American #Surveillance Now Threatens AmericanNov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Business 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #nsa damages its ownNov 24 09:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | American Surveillance Now Threatens American Business - The AtlanticNov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 nationNov 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #freesw could, in principle, have back doors,Nov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 but they're easy to find. Non-freeNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 (proprietary) software can be ASSUMED to haveNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 them.Nov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     What remains most amazing is that entireNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 nations (public sector), which claim to valueNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 autonomy and security, accept foreign non-freeNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 s/wNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:01
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted '#Activists wield #search #data to challenge & change...'Nov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #Activists wield #data to challenge & changeNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #racial disparity in #police #searchesNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #ProfilingNov 24 10:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 24 10:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Trine Enchanted Edition Beta for Linux NowNov 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Available 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trine Enchanted Edition Beta for Linux Now Available - SoftpediaNov 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Darksiders Linux Port Has Switched HandsNov 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Darksiders Linux Port Has Switched Hands | GamingOnLinuxNov 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Daedalic Releases Goodbye Deponia On LinuxNov 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:07
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daedalic Releases Goodbye Deponia On Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 24 10:07
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Making a meme to make a pointNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz        24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( pardon myNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Windows typoNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Another Racket Run By MicrosoftNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( not evenNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 a proxy like #bsa or patent trollsNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Another Racket Run By M$ | Robert PogsonNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Links 24/11/2014: Linux 3.18-rc6, Qualcomm EyesNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 GNU/Linux Servers 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #techrightsNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 24/11/2014: Linux 3.18-rc6, Qualcomm Eyes GNU/Linux Servers | TechrightsNov 24 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #obama promises on restraint when it comes toNov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz                 #drones now completely down the drain.Nov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Frequency of drone #assassination strikes hasNov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz                 shot up.Nov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #drones introduced as tool of #surveillance inNov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz                 very few countries. Later they were used veryNov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz                 rarely for assassination, now de facto weapon.Nov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #mono infects another engineNov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Unigine 2.0 Alpha 2 Adds C# SupportNov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Linux 3.18-rc6 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #linux #kernelNov 24 10:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux-Kernel Archive: Linux 3.18-rc6Nov 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 24/11/2014: Linux 3.18-rc6, Qualcomm EyesNov 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines                 GNU/Linux Servers 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux 3.18-rc6 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel 3.17.4 Is Now the Most AdvancedNov 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Version Available 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Kernel 3.17.4 Is Now the Most Advanced Version Available - SoftpediaNov 24 10:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Linux Kernel 3.17.4 Is Now the Most AdvancedNov 24 10:24
TweetSchestowitz                 Version Available 24 10:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #linux #kernelNov 24 10:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Linux 3.18 #Kernel: Not Much Change WithNov 24 10:24
TweetSchestowitz                 #Intel #Haswell PerformanceNov 24 10:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With Intel Haswell PerformanceNov 24 10:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     A price to pay – the Free Software columnNov 24 10:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:25
TweetSchestowitz                 #freedom #freeswNov 24 10:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | A price to pay – the Free Software column | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generationNov 24 10:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Erin Egan from #facebook (so-called "GlobalNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz                 Chief Privacy Officer") has just spammed allNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz                 useds with negative ToC changes (imposed onNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz                 all)Nov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When  #facebook uses dirty words like "freedom"Nov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz                 or "privacy" it usually means "stuff we're notNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz                 sure we're legally allowed to do"Nov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Gngr: A New Web Browser Focused On #PrivacyNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz        ( #gngrNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz                 #internet #www #freeswNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Gngr: A New Web Browser Focused On PrivacyNov 24 10:27
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "So Time Magazine didn’t like the result ofNov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz                 their own poll of ‘which word should we ban inNov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz                 2015‘." 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 10:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ban Feminist? | Thunderf00tNov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Turns out I was quoted by RT some months agoNov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz                 and didn't notice until todayNov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free speech banned: Student group sues 4 US universities that ‘stifle dissent’ — RT USANov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     patenttrolls dot org has just been handed overNov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz                 to a spammer. Or maybe the domain expiredNov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz                 (deleted) and then got grabbed by a spammer.Nov 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:32
TweetSchestowitz@MarieHemelrijk  @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 I wrote a reviewNov 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on your documentary 'Silenced'. I find yourNov 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  stories very impressive. 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moed is besmettelijk | www.dagelijksestandaard.nlNov 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Patent Troll Kills Open Source Project OnNov 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Speeding Up The Computation Of Erasure CodesNov 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #patenttrolls #freeswNov 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Troll Kills Open Source Project On Speeding Up The Computation Of Erasure Codes | TechdirtNov 24 10:37
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Nerdy shirts, skirts and dresses fromNov 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Frockasaurus 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 24 10:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nerdy shirts, skirts and dresses from Frockasaurus - Boing BoingNov 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     IT teams are choosing open source - but notNov 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz                 just for the cost savingsNov 24 10:43
TweetSchestowitz        24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #freesw givesNov 24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz                 autonomyNov 24 10:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | IT teams are choosing open source - but not just for the cost savings | Information AgeNov 24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     On Fox, Pundit From Oil-Funded Group SaysNov 24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Climate Scientists Are The ProfiteersNov 24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #newscorp #propagandaNov 24 10:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | On Fox, Pundit From Oil-Funded Group Says Climate Scientists Are The Profiteers | Blog | Media Matters for AmericaNov 24 10:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With #IntelNov 24 10:47
TweetTuxMachines                 Haswell Performance 24 10:47
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Linux 3.18 Kernel: Not Much Change With Intel Haswell PerformanceNov 24 10:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacoreNov 24 10:47
TweetTuxMachines                 Snapdragon designs 24 10:47
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacore Snapdragon designs ·  LinuxGizmos.comNov 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesNov 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesNov 24 10:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #ForesightLinux - Based on #Centos 7Nov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 no longer #fedora basedNov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Foresight Linux - Based on Centos 7Nov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Android 5.0 dev kits simplify octacoreNov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 #Snapdragon designs 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #Intrinsyc #Android #LinuxNov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Spies prefer #freesw (for themselves, not forNov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 you, be sure to use back doors-enabledNov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 software) 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | NGA's belief in open source, crowdsourcing heating up - FederalNewsRadio.comNov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesNov 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Patent Troll Kills Open Source Project OnNov 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines                 Speeding Up The Computation Of Erasure CodesNov 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Troll Kills Open Source Project On Speeding Up The Computation Of Erasure Codes | Tux MachinesNov 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     IT teams are choosing open source - but notNov 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines                 just for the cost savingsNov 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:51
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | IT teams are choosing open source - but not just for the cost savings | Tux MachinesNov 24 10:51
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Debian and Enlightenment Combined in theNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz                 Beautiful Elive OS – GalleryNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz                 #elive #debian #gnu #linuxNov 24 10:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian and Enlightenment Combined in the Beautiful Elive OS – Gallery - SoftpediaNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Figures that help refute popular myths aboutNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz                 #freesw hostility towards womenNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wang & Prokharchyk are top 2 CloudStack 'committers' - Open Source InsiderNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     System Change, or There and Back Again Nov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz                 "ownership of the means of production andNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz                 economic planning"Nov 24 10:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | System Change, or There and Back Again: Capitalism, Socialism, FascismNov 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 10:57
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Here’s how the Internet helps artists make aNov 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz                 living ( 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz                 #gnu #linux and #creativecommons notedNov 24 11:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | The creative class is not screwed: Here’s how the Internet helps artists make a living - Salon.comNov 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Survey: 70 percent of IT pros prefer openNov 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz                 source to proprietary softwareNov 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz                 perceptions have changedNov 24 11:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Survey: 70 percent of IT pros prefer open source to proprietary software | SiliconANGLENov 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Red Hat, Chilean government hold talks on openNov 24 11:04
TweetSchestowitz                 source initiative 24 11:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #chile #freesw #gnu #linuxNov 24 11:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat, Chilean government hold talks on open source initiative - BNamericasNov 24 11:04
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Revu of @SilencedFilm w/ .@Thomas_Drake1,Nov 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 @JohnKiriakou, meNov 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz        24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( viaNov 24 11:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moed is besmettelijk | www.dagelijksestandaard.nlNov 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarieHemelrijkNov 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #whistleblower 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Revu of @SilencedFilm w/ .@Thomas_Drake1, @JohnKiriakou, me via @MarieHemelrijk #whistleblower 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #seagate is #openwashing 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( no source code, justNov 24 11:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Seagate Demonstrates Open Source Commitment - MarketWatchNov 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 self-promotional paper and instructionsNov 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Meet OneRNG: a fully-open entropy generator forNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 a paranoid age 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( since #nsa deliberatelyNov 24 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet OneRNG: a fully-open entropy generator for a paranoid age • The RegisterNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 broke many RNGs in existenceNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Civilization Beyond Earth Comes to OS X Soon,Nov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Linux Version Almost Completed TooNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Civilization Beyond Earth Comes to OS X Soon, Linux Version Almost Completed Too – Air HeraldNov 24 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Linux Version Of Civilization: Beyond Earth Still Coming AlongNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #cbs continues to portray #odf and #openofficeNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 or #libreoffice as the choice of the poorNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( writerNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 is from #microsoftNov 24 11:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | And now for some good news... How open source triumphed over Microsoft Office in Italy | ZDNetNov 24 11:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Debian and Enlightenment Combined in theNov 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Beautiful Elive OS – GalleryNov 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 11:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian and Enlightenment Combined in the Beautiful Elive OS – Gallery - SoftpediaNov 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat, Chilean government hold talks on openNov 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines                 source initiative 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 11:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat, Chilean government hold talks on open source initiative - BNamericasNov 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Civilization Beyond Earth Comes to OS X Soon,Nov 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux Version Almost Completed TooNov 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 11:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Jolla ’s Open Source Tablet Raises More ThanNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 $1M In Two Days’ CrowdfundingNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jolla’s Open Source iPad Alternative Raises More Than $1M In Two Days’ Crowdfunding | TechCrunchNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jolla Sailfish 2.0 Tablet: ‘Open-Source iPad’ Crowdfunded Within HoursNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Several Linux distros borrow Google’s MaterialNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 Design ideas 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Several Linux distros borrow Google's Material Design ideas - LiliputingNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #android #googleNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 #gnu #linuxNov 24 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Material Design hits the desktop with Quantum OS Linux distroNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Turning one mailing list message into a wholeNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 Web site ( 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 #linux #choiceNov 24 11:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is linux about choice? | Blog :: Sune VuorelaNov 24 11:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Several Linux distros borrow Google’s MaterialNov 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Design ideas 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat, Chilean government hold talks on openNov 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 source initiative 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 11:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat, Chilean government hold talks on open source initiative | Tux MachinesNov 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     And now for some good news... How open sourceNov 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 triumphed over Microsoft Office in ItalyNov 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 11:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | And now for some good news... How open source triumphed over Microsoft Office in Italy | Tux MachinesNov 24 11:26
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 24 11:28
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       UK Food banks face record demand as low-incomeNov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 families look for help - 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( this is an utterNov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 disgrace: shame on CameronNov 24 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Food banks face record demand as low-income families look for help | Society | The GuardianNov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@kgerloff        Uhm, is anyone else unable to tweet b/cNov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 @Twitter says "This request looks like it mightNov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 be automated"? Using external URL shortener.Nov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #PayrollHero to release code publicly to helpNov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 build open source culture in #SingaporeNov 24 11:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 11:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | PayrollHero to release code to the public in SingaporeNov 24 11:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How AAP is shaping an open source newsroomNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 system 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #australia #freeswNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | How AAP is shaping an open source newsroom system | Media newsNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #microsoft #propaganda network #1105MediaNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 publishes FOSS-hostile article, againNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz        24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 11:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Open Source' May Not Mean What You Think It Means -- Virtualization ReviewNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "the big challenge for privacy rights activistsNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 now is articulating a strong moral case forNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 #privacy" - 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 24 11:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digital Privacy Is “The New Frontier Of Human Rights” | TechCrunchNov 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:34
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Together, we have chance to take the NHS out ofNov 24 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 #TTIP. Let's act now and email our MPs -Nov 24 11:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 24 11:40
TweetSchestowitz                 online tool making it easyNov 24 11:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 24 11:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Peoples' NHS | NHS and TTIPNov 24 11:40
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP issues to be explored at Holyrood -Nov 24 11:40