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*TRIdentica has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 24 01:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A New Firefox OS phone | May 24 01:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 01:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A New Firefox OS phone | Tux Machines | May 24 01:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 01:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Akanda Pledges to Keep SDN Tech for OpenStack | May 24 01:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open-Source | May 24 01:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 01:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Akanda Pledges to Keep SDN Tech for OpenStack Open-Source | Tux Machines | May 24 01:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 01:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam for CentOS / RHEL 7 | May 24 02:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 02:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 02:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam for CentOS / RHEL 7 | negativo17 | May 24 02:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | May 24 02:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 02:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | May 24 02:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 02:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Latest Linux Kernel Git Code Fixes The EXT4 | May 24 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | RAID0 Corruption Problem | May 24 02:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Latest Linux Kernel Git Code Fixes The EXT4 RAID0 Corruption Problem - Phoronix | May 24 02:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 24 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by ( | May 24 02:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 24 02:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @schestowitz | May 24 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | May 24 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 02:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | Tux Machines | May 24 02:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Sean Michael Kerner on OpenStack | May 24 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 07:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sean Michael Kerner on OpenStack | Tux Machines | May 24 07:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Graphics | May 24 07:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 07:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Graphics | Tux Machines | May 24 07:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 07:45 |
*i_am_an_idiot (5b9d7b90@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | May 24 08:51 | |
i_am_an_idiot | I searhed espacenet very carefully on one idea. Today I took a look at my addressbar saying...http! There must be companies there analyzing the searches, and applying or forwarding the patent ideas... I feel soooo stupid now...Argghh! | May 24 08:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google's Internal Code Name For Android M Is | May 24 09:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Macadamia Nut Cookie (MNC) | May 24 09:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 09:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 09:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google's Internal Code Name For Android M Is Macadamia Nut Cookie (MNC) | Tux Machines | May 24 09:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's | May 24 09:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Why | May 24 09:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 09:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why | Tux Machines | May 24 09:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 09:07 |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 24 09:54 | |
Messaging Indicator 0.3.11 plugin unloaded. | May 24 10:22 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 24 10:22:30 2015 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 24 14:51:04 2015 | ||
*Now talking on #techrights | May 24 14:51 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 24 14:51 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012 | May 24 14:51 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 24 15:24 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 24 16:24 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: I'll be back...) | May 24 16:33 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 24 16:34 | |
*carlos ( has joined #techrights | May 24 16:38 | |
balrog | -- Vox Day isn't one whom I'd call a trustworthy source | May 24 16:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Claims That Brendan Eich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing DRM, Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | Techrights [ ] | May 24 16:55 | |
balrog | (and that looks like pure speculation) | May 24 16:55 |
*TweetTuxMachines @akandaio favourited 'Akanda Pledges to Keep SDN Tech for OpenStack...' | May 24 17:26 | |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | May 24 17:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla Changes Firefox OS Strategy Due To | May 24 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android’s Popularity | May 24 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 20:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Changes Firefox OS Strategy Due To Android’s Popularity | Tux Machines | May 24 20:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Vivaldi Web Browser Gets New Update and Options | May 24 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 20:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vivaldi Web Browser Gets New Update and Options | Tux Machines | May 24 20:56 | |
schestowitz | balrog: maybe | May 24 21:23 |
schestowitz | that's why I wrote "claims" | May 24 21:23 |
schestowitz | I spoke with Eich several times online this year | May 24 21:23 |
schestowitz | about mono and other stuff | May 24 21:23 |
*carlos has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 24 21:24 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 24 21:25 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 24 21:43 | |
schestowitz | | May 24 21:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ If I'm not the only person needing cheatsheet when using #git (not simple operations), then perhaps there's room for GUIs, better GUIs too. | May 24 21:43 | |
schestowitz | "I've just stumble over this ncurses git client. I don't know what's possible to do with it - at first it's a repo-browser, but some actions are possible. I don't know how much you like console and ncurses stuff ? :D" | May 24 21:44 |
schestowitz | Web-based like github is not bad for some tasks, but it's proprietary and centralised/monopolised | May 24 21:44 |
schestowitz | | May 24 21:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jonas/tig · GitHub | May 24 21:44 | |
schestowitz | | May 24 21:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ " component of the Fear and Disinformation Campaign (FDI) rests with the CIA, which, secretly subsidizes authors" | May 24 21:44 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | War Propaganda. “Planting Stories” in the News Chain | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization [ ] | May 24 21:44 | |
schestowitz | "GR plants stories from the other side of the duality." | May 24 21:44 |
schestowitz | | May 24 21:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "it’s not just that #Cheney is cartoonishly evil, it’s that he’s monstrously incompetent" | May 24 21:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Cheney Thought al Qaeda was Bluffing - The Intercept [ ] | May 24 21:45 | |
schestowitz | " | May 24 21:45 |
schestowitz | Well that gets Cheney off the hook - just a bumbling idiot - while confirming that an evil organisation called Al Kaida was able to do all that damage on 11/9..... tidy. | May 24 21:45 |
schestowitz | We can trust a former CIA director and now CBS News' Senior Security Correspondent, can't we? | May 24 21:45 |
schestowitz | " | May 24 21:45 |
schestowitz | He wears glasses, so he must have read a lot of stuff | May 24 21:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Latest Features For Linux Performance | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Management + Benchmark Monitoring | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 21:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Latest Features For Linux Performance Management + Benchmark Monitoring | Tux Machines | May 24 21:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 21:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update | Tux Machines | May 24 21:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 21:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 | Tux Machines | May 24 21:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla shifts gears: $25 phones out, Android | May 24 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | apps in | May 24 22:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Shifts Gears: $25 Phones Out, Android Apps In | Digital Trends | May 24 22:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M rumored to include update guarantees | May 24 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | for supported devices | May 24 22:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Rumored to Include Future Update Guarantees | Digital Trends | May 24 22:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Everything we know about Google's next massive | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android update | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M rumors and features - Business Insider | May 24 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Interloper, A New Small Scale Real Time | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Strategy Released For Linux, It’s Good | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interloper, A New Small Scale Real Time Strategy Released For Linux, It’s Good | GamingOnLinux | May 24 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Shell It is!! | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Shell It is!! | Shivam Mishra | May 24 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Point & Click Adventure Game 'Zak McKracken: | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Between Time And Space' Released For Linux | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Point & Click Adventure Game 'Zak McKracken: Between Time And Space' Released For Linux | GamingOnLinux | May 24 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's | May 24 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Why ( | May 24 23:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why - Updated - Softpedia | May 24 23:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla Changes Firefox OS Strategy Due To | May 24 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android’s Popularity | May 24 23:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla changes Firefox OS strategy due to Android’s popularity – STGIST | May 24 23:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Latest Features For Linux Performance | May 24 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Management + Benchmark Monitoring | May 24 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Latest Features For Linux Performance Management + Benchmark Monitoring - Phoronix | May 24 23:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:07 |
*sabalmyrak has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 24 23:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 24 23:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 24 23:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update - Softpedia | May 24 23:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 | May 24 23:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 - Softpedia | May 24 23:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android Leftovers | May 24 23:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines | May 24 23:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 24/5/2015: CrossOver 14.1.3, NTFS-3G | May 24 23:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | Vulnerability | May 24 23:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 24/5/2015: CrossOver 14.1.3, NTFS-3G Vulnerability | Techrights | May 24 23:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 24 23:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 24 23:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 24 23:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 24 23:56 | |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: ◀▬▬ •••They Must've taken my marbles away••◀▬▬) | May 25 01:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 25 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 04:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 25 04:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 25 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 04:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 25 04:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @GUSLSanFelix today's Linux howtos | May 25 05:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 05:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 25 05:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 25 05:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 05:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @jesusguevarauto today's Linux howtos | May 25 05:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 05:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 25 05:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 05:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on | May 25 07:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 | May 25 07:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 07:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 07:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 - Softpedia | May 25 07:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development Board That Runs Linux | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 07:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development Board That Runs Linux - Softpedia | May 25 07:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 07:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 | Tux Machines | May 25 07:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 07:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update | Tux Machines | May 25 07:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 07:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open HUB: How to find the best open source | May 25 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | projects | May 25 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 07:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open HUB: How to find the best open source projects | Tux Machines | May 25 07:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT | May 25 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development Board That Runs Linux | May 25 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 07:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development Board That Runs Linux | Tux Machines | May 25 07:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 25 07:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 25 07:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update - Softpedia | May 25 07:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 07:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 07:28 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Open HUB: How to find the best open...' | May 25 07:28 | |
*i_am_an_idiot has quit (Quit: Page closed) | May 25 07:36 | |
schestowitz | > old: | May 25 08:11 |
schestowitz | > | May 25 08:11 |
schestowitz | > | May 25 08:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Politics of Dependencies [ ] | May 25 08:11 | |
schestowitz | > | May 25 08:11 |
schestowitz | > prior to systemd | May 25 08:11 |
schestowitz | I am now using systemd. | May 25 08:11 |
schestowitz | old: | May 25 08:12 |
schestowitz | | May 25 08:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Original version - [ ] | May 25 08:12 | |
schestowitz | poettering on the topic of systemd. FWIW "Linux Voice" #12 has an | May 25 08:12 |
schestowitz | interview with Pooettering. At least one editor seems to have swallowed | May 25 08:12 |
schestowitz | the line, as seen in subesquent issues. | May 25 08:12 |
schestowitz | I didn't have time to learn a lot about systemd myself, so I meainly know about init, and yet I really love systemd, it's so much better, I don't know why force oneself to replace systemd with init :) | May 25 09:17 |
schestowitz | ^ quote | May 25 09:17 |
schestowitz | I didn't have time to learn a lot about systemd myself, so I meainly know about init, and yet I really love systemd, it's so much better, I don't know why force oneself to replace systemd with init :) | May 25 09:17 |
schestowitz | from | May 25 09:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why #archlinux #gnu #linux | May 25 09:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why - Updated - Softpedia [ ] | May 25 09:18 | |
schestowitz | >>> old: | May 25 09:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | May 25 09:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | May 25 09:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | May 25 09:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> prior to systemd | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | >> > I am now using systemd. | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > It's a mess that's hard to avoid. And it still hasn't pulled out of | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > alpha stage development, more features keep getting added. Poettering's | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > crowd has the gall to call it mature when it isn't even designed yet. | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > The more I read, the less I think of it and Poettering and his methods. | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > I'm staying with Ubuntu 14.04 but even that is infected a little. In | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > the longer run, I am hoping that Devuan is able to pull through but I do | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > not have any skills to contribute so I just have to wait and see. Same | May 25 09:22 |
schestowitz | > for OpenBSD. | May 25 09:22 |
cubexyz | not hard to avoid | May 25 09:47 |
cubexyz | | May 25 09:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | May 25 09:48 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development...' | May 25 10:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 4.1-rc5 | May 25 10:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-Kernel Archive: Linux 4.1-rc5 | May 25 10:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 10:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 10:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 4.1-rc5 | May 25 10:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 10:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 10:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 4.1-rc5 | Tux Machines | May 25 10:33 | |
*arossdotme has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 25 11:12 | |
*dyfet ( has joined #techrights | May 25 11:14 | |
*arossdotme ( has joined #techrights | May 25 11:25 | |
*dyfet has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 25 13:01 | |
XFaCE | schestowitz: have you heard of void linux? | May 25 13:28 |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 25 13:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 25 15:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 15:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 25 15:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S | May 25 15:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Modified by Bosch | May 25 15:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 15:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S Modified by Bosch - Softpedia | May 25 15:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 25 15:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 15:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 25 15:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S | May 25 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Modified by Bosch | May 25 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S Modified by Bosch | Tux Machines | May 25 15:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | May 25 15:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 15:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | May 25 15:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on | May 25 15:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Its Website | May 25 15:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 15:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on Its Website - Softpedia | May 25 15:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 15:58 |
*TweetTuxMachines @KateJiggle followed @tuxmachines | May 25 15:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | May 25 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | Tux Machines | May 25 16:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on | May 25 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Its Website | May 25 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on Its Website | Tux Machines | May 25 16:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is your open source security software less | May 25 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | secure? | May 25 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is your open source security software less secure? | Tux Machines | May 25 16:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:05 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 25 16:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GPS Navigation Coming to Ubuntu Touch | May 25 16:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GPS Navigation Coming to Ubuntu Touch - Softpedia | May 25 16:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Recent changes in GNOME | May 25 16:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.18 to Drop Support for Yahoo!, Foursquare Will be Enabled by Default - Softpedia | May 25 16:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Disk Utility 3.17.2 Fixes Benchmarking of Disks on 32-Bit Architectures - Softpedia | May 25 16:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Scribus 1.5.0 Open-Source and Powerful DTP App | May 25 16:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Released with over 1,000 Bugfixes | May 25 16:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Scribus 1.5.0 Open-Source and Powerful DTP App Released with over 1,000 Bugfixes - Softpedia | May 25 16:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:27 |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 25 16:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Shotcut Is a New and Powerful Free Video Editor | May 25 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Linux | May 25 16:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shotcut Is a New and Powerful Free Video Editor for Linux - Softpedia | May 25 16:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:28 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Scribus 1.5.0 Open-Source and Powerful DTP App Released...' | May 25 16:28 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 25 16:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Six Out of Ten Games on Steam Also Support | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Six Out of Ten Games on Steam Also Support Linux - Softpedia | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Humble Weekly Bundle: Adventures! 2 Features | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Games | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Humble Weekly Bundle: Adventures! 2 Features Linux Games - Softpedia | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: GNOME Software | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: GNOME Software | Tux Machines | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OPNFV Project Gets Backing from EMC & VMware | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OPNFV Project Gets Backing from EMC & VMware | Tux Machines | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Brazilian ATM | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the Brazilian ATM | Tux Machines | May 25 17:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Keyboard Shortcuts | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom Keyboard Shortcuts | Tux Machines | May 25 17:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Networking, and File Systems Improvements | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, Networking, and File Systems Improvements | Tux Machines | May 25 17:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open source data integration with Karma | May 25 18:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open source data integration with Karma | Tux Machines | May 25 18:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | May 25 18:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | Tux Machines | May 25 18:16 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @fly_Crystal2616 followed @tuxmachines | May 25 18:16 | |
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 25 19:06 | |
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | May 25 19:35 | |
schestowitz | "He is using two seats!" | May 25 19:48 |
schestowitz | | May 25 19:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: coyote on the bus...  #coyote #bus #portland #oregon #animatedgif | May 25 19:48 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 25 21:16 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 25 21:16 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 25 21:41 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 25 22:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | tablet on May 29 | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 22:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android tablet on May 29 | Tux Machines | May 25 22:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | BeagleBone Black | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 22:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black | Tux Machines | May 25 22:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Dealers, Others Soon | May 25 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 22:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some Dealers, Others Soon | Tux Machines | May 25 22:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 22:31 |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 25 23:10 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 25 23:19 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 25 23:20 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 25 23:23 | |
*lenngray has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- IRC with a difference) | May 25 23:28 | |
cubexyz | I stated before that old unix did some things better | May 25 23:42 |
cubexyz | example #1: the banner program | May 25 23:42 |
cubexyz | constructs like: date | banner | May 25 23:43 |
cubexyz | doesn't work now, not in modern BSD or Linux | May 25 23:43 |
cubexyz | write a program as a filter | May 25 23:44 |
cubexyz | now with figlet, they got it right | May 25 23:46 |
cubexyz | e.g. date | figlet -d /usr/local/share/figlet | May 25 23:46 |
cubexyz | on the other hand, banner (Duke version) was 3228 bytes | May 25 23:48 |
cubexyz | and figlet is > 80K | May 25 23:48 |
cubexyz | filter programs are useful: e.g. cat, grep, head, tail, sed, sort, tee, etc | May 25 23:58 |
cubexyz | another example I use all the time: echo $1 | wall | May 26 00:09 |
cubexyz | sort of an el cheap networked clipboard | May 26 00:10 |
cubexyz | there was a problem with ( ) with wall (something about URLs) so I did: | May 26 00:14 |
cubexyz | quoted1=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/(#28/' -e 's/)/#29/'` | May 26 00:15 |
cubexyz | then: echo $quoted1 | wallx | May 26 00:15 |
cubexyz | so basically convert ( to #28 and ) to #29 so that it was easier to clipboard URLs with those characters inside them | May 26 00:16 |
cubexyz | so you're interconnected to a bunch of computers, but (modified) wall talks to them all | May 26 00:21 |
cubexyz | modified so that long URLs aren't distorted | May 26 00:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME | May 26 01:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues | May 26 01:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues - Softpedia | May 26 01:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War | May 26 01:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | That Microsoft Will Lose | May 26 01:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose - Softpedia | May 26 01:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:03 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME 3.18...' | May 26 01:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata | May 26 01:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some | May 26 01:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Dealers, Others Soon | May 26 01:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some Dealers, Others Soon | May 26 01:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, | May 26 01:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | BeagleBone Black | May 26 01:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black · | May 26 01:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android | May 26 01:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | tablet on May 29 | May 26 01:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android tablet on May 29 | ZDNet | May 26 01:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, | May 26 01:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Networking, and File Systems Improvements | May 26 01:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, Networking, and File Systems Improvements - Softpedia | May 26 01:10 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Executing prisoners, concentration camps: history&legacy of #us #imperialism natives called "guerillas", US "America" | May 26 01:14 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Regime Change in the Philippines - History Day - YouTube [ ] | May 26 01:14 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@YourAnonNews: #Microsoft's secret lobbying, bullying, and the long history of blackmailing politicians around the world | May 26 01:17 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Microsoft’s Secret Lobbying, Bullying, and the Long History of Blackmailing Politicians Around the World | Techrights | May 26 01:17 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@officalmistklaw: @YourAnonNews how do you find all of these😦 | May 26 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Superkongen: @YourAnonNews @SFSK8rGrrl Take action: install linux and use open formats and standards. | May 26 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ArielFornari: @YourAnonNews It just went live, crediting you, on my @RebelMouse | May 26 01:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ariel Fornari | May 26 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Prof_Sconvolto: @YourAnonNews @rcparallelo38 grazie a quest'uomo però le cose sono cambiate | May 26 01:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Richard Stallman - Wikipedia | May 26 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@rcparallelo38: Diciamo che c'è una possibilità in più, un'alternativa, se la si vuole adottare @Prof_Sconvolto @YourAnonNews | May 26 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Prof_Sconvolto: @rcparallelo38 @YourAnonNews intel con #uefiil in combutta con microsoft sta facendo di tutto per impedire installazione alternative | May 26 01:19 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 01:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@monsinge: @YourAnonNews you left out their enormous astroturfing campaigns | May 26 01:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom | May 26 01:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Keyboard Shortcuts | May 26 01:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - Softpedia | May 26 01:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the | May 26 01:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Brazilian ATM | May 26 01:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the Brazilian ATM | Helio Castro Personal Space | May 26 01:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | May 26 01:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 01:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | May 26 01:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 01:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 01:22 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 26 01:22 | |
schestowitz | [14:28] <XFaCE> schestowitz: have you heard of void linux? | May 26 01:23 |
schestowitz | yES | May 26 01:23 |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 01:24 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 01:36 | |
schestowitz | " | May 26 01:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Open HUB: How to find the best open source projects #freesw | May 26 01:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Open HUB: How to find the best open source projects [ ] | May 26 01:36 | |
schestowitz | Well... Blackduck has yet to do something to gain my faith. | May 26 01:36 |
schestowitz | " networkworld used to employ a blackduck exec as a writer | May 26 01:36 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 03:04 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 03:04 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 03:04 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 03:21 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 03:26 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 03:26 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 03:26 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 03:40 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 03:44 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 03:44 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 03:44 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 05:10 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 05:13 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 05:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War | May 26 06:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | That Microsoft Will Lose | May 26 06:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 06:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 06:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose | Tux Machines | May 26 06:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME | May 26 06:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues | May 26 06:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 06:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 06:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues | Tux Machines | May 26 06:27 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 07:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose #gnu #linux #windows | May 26 07:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose - Softpedia [ ] | May 26 07:48 | |
schestowitz | "Huh. Nice rhetoric, but little actual evidence." | May 26 07:48 |
schestowitz | "LOLZ" | May 26 07:48 |
schestowitz | " | May 26 07:48 |
schestowitz | Yeah, that's what they were saying in 1995." | May 26 07:48 |
schestowitz | "It never fails to amuse me how some writers give in to this business-like rhetoric and write about Linux as if it were a single company concerned with its market share. But it's not, and there is a significant difference in priorities between the FOSS/open source community that produces the system and its tools, and a company producing a closed source platform. There are many other problems with this article, but given the initial premise, | May 26 07:49 |
schestowitz | it should be taken with a grain of salt." | May 26 07:49 |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 26 08:10 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue May 26 08:10:38 2015 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue May 26 08:11:02 2015 | ||
*Now talking on #techrights | May 26 08:11 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 26 08:11 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012 | May 26 08:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Waha Linux 8.0 Brings Debian 8 "Jessie" to the | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Arab Community - Gallery | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Waha Linux 8.0 Brings Debian 8 "Jessie" to the Arab Community - Gallery - Softpedia | May 26 08:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why a Rolling Release Model is the Way to Go | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Any OS | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why a Rolling Release Model is the Way to Go for Any OS - Softpedia | May 26 08:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Exploring Kubuntu 15.04 | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( Review. | May 26 08:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. | May 26 08:15 | |
*Valeria (5bd14228@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | May 26 08:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Elementary OS 0.3 Freya Has Received A New | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Option, Permitting The Users To Create Custom | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Keyboard Shortcuts | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elementary OS 0.3 Freya Has Received A New Option, Permitting The Users To Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts | | May 26 08:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pre-order Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pre-order Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela - Linux notes from DarkDuck | May 26 08:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | this guy will burn and ship it to you -- | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | cheaply. | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi vs. Raspberry Pi 2 vs. CuBox: | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | performance comparison | May 26 08:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi vs. Raspberry Pi 2 vs. CuBox: performance comparison - Xmodulo | May 26 08:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:19 |
*Valeria has quit (Quit: Page closed) | May 26 08:21 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RPi2Bot retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Raspberry Pi vs. Raspberry Pi 2 vs. CuBox:...' | May 26 08:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Atom 0.201.0 (Text Editor) Adds A New Set Of | May 26 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Fixes ( | May 26 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Atom 0.201.0 (Text Editor) Adds A New Set Of Fixes | | May 26 08:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The CompuLab Fitlet Is A Neat Little Linux PC | May 26 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | With AMD SoC | May 26 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The CompuLab Fitlet Is A Neat Little Linux PC With AMD SoC - Phoronix | May 26 08:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SlackEX Distro Lets You Run Slackware 14.1 with | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and KDE 4.10.5 | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SlackEX Distro Lets You Run Slackware 14.1 with Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and KDE 4.10.5 - Softpedia | May 26 08:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Webconverger 30 Is Out and Based on Debian 8.0 | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | "Jessie" | May 26 08:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Webconverger 30 Is Out and Based on Debian 8.0 "Jessie" - Softpedia | May 26 08:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Completion In Mesa | May 26 08:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing Completion In Mesa - Phoronix | May 26 08:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xfce's Power Manager Is Finally Ported To GTK3 | May 26 08:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xfce's Power Manager Is Finally Ported To GTK3 - Phoronix | May 26 08:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Apport Exploits Closed in All Supported Ubuntu | May 26 08:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | OSes | May 26 08:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apport Exploits Closed in All Supported Ubuntu OSes - Softpedia | May 26 08:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Rygel Open Source Media Server to Bring Lots of | May 26 08:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | New Features for GNOME 3.18 | May 26 08:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rygel Open Source Media Server to Bring Lots of New Features for GNOME 3.18 - Softpedia | May 26 08:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines "key Steam’s own Linux-based | May 26 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | operating system, SteamOS" | May 26 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 08:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Steam Users Under 1% | The Escapist | May 26 08:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux usage on Steam is going down, not up | SiliconANGLE | May 26 08:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear | May 26 08:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 26 08:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear Linux - Open Source Insider | May 26 08:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and | May 26 08:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | User-Friendly Fedy Utility | May 26 08:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and User-Friendly Fedy Utility - Softpedia | May 26 08:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support Multi-Page TIFFs | May 26 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will Support Multi-Page TIFFs - Softpedia | May 26 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:03 |
*TweetTuxMachines @PeterWinick followed @tuxmachines | May 26 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Completion In Mesa | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing Completion In Mesa | Tux Machines | May 26 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear Linux | Tux Machines | May 26 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | User-Friendly Fedy Utility | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and User-Friendly Fedy Utility | Tux Machines | May 26 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Software Commons vs. Product | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software Commons vs. Product | Tux Machines | May 26 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support Multi-Page TIFFs | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will Support Multi-Page TIFFs | Tux Machines | May 26 09:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Test Build Available For Convoy, A | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Tactical Roguelike-like Inspired By Mad Max & | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | FTL | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Test Build Available For Convoy, A Tactical Roguelike-like Inspired By Mad Max & FTL | GamingOnLinux | May 26 09:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android 5.1 Lollipop Update Coming To The | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | NVIDIA Shield Tablet | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android 5.1 Lollipop Update Coming To The NVIDIA Shield Tablet | May 26 09:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Best new Android widgets (May 2015) #2 | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best new Android widgets (May 2015) #2 | May 26 09:18 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 26 09:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Lollipop Launched | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 Lollipop Launched | NDTV Gadgets | May 26 09:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LG Watch Urbane Review | May 26 09:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LG Watch Urbane Review: Wonderful Hardware But Android Wear Is Still Frustrating | May 26 09:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Roman Nurik's FORM Android Wear Watch Face Is | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now Available, Includes Cool Muzei Integration | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roman Nurik's FORM Android Wear Watch Face Is Now Available, Includes Cool Muzei Integration | May 26 09:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | demonstrates the power of Android | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face demonstrates the power of Android | Android and Me | May 26 09:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M and Nexus updates: The good, the bad | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | and the ugly | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M update for Nexus 5, 6, 7, 9, 10: system upgrade and security | BGR | May 26 09:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 10 Best Android Apps & Games This Week | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Best Android Apps & Games This Week | May 26 09:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How to turn your old PC into a modern media | May 26 09:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | center with Kodibuntu | May 26 09:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to turn your old PC into a modern media center with Kodibuntu - Linux Veda | May 26 09:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CoreOS Linux is in the OpenStack App | May 26 09:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Marketplace | May 26 09:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CoreOS Linux is in the OpenStack App Marketplace | May 26 09:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 | May 26 09:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | Lollipop Launched | May 26 09:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 Lollipop Launched | Tux Machines | May 26 09:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face | May 26 09:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | demonstrates the power of Android | May 26 09:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face demonstrates the power of Android | Tux Machines | May 26 09:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How to turn your old PC into a modern media | May 26 09:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | center with Kodibuntu | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to turn your old PC into a modern media center with Kodibuntu | Tux Machines | May 26 09:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines xfce4-power-manager updated to 1.5.0 | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 09:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Interests: xfce4-power-manager updated to 1.5.0 | May 26 09:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Torvalds: decisions, decisions, top up sun tan | May 26 10:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | or release Linux 4.1? | May 26 10:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Torvalds: decisions, decisions, top up sun tan or release Linux 4.1? • The Register | May 26 10:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 26/5/2015: Reviews of Kubuntu 15.04, | May 26 10:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 4.1 RC5 | May 26 10:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 26/5/2015: Reviews of Kubuntu 15.04, Linux 4.1 RC5 | Techrights | May 26 10:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian Leftovers | May 26 10:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian Leftovers | Tux Machines | May 26 10:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:35 |
*arossdotme has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 26 10:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 26 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 26 10:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 26 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 26 10:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 26 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 26 10:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 26 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 26 10:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:57 |
*arossdotme ( has joined #techrights | May 26 11:06 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 26 13:58 | |
*jgay (jgay@2601:6:5500:2175:5eac:4cff:feba:15f8) has joined #techrights | May 26 14:06 | |
*jgay has quit (Changing host) | May 26 14:06 | |
*jgay (jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrights | May 26 14:06 | |
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 26 14:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 14:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 14:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 26 14:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 14:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 14:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 26 14:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 14:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Spotlight: App Search Plus lets you find apps | May 26 15:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | on your Android device very quickly | May 26 15:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 15:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Spotlight: App Search Plus lets you find apps on your Android device very quickly | May 26 15:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines "When I became interested in Linux and open | May 26 15:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | source. I found Krita" | May 26 15:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 15:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with Andrei Rudenko | Krita | May 26 15:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs much-needed | May 26 16:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | bug fixes ( | May 26 16:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs | | May 26 16:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) Is Already Getting | May 26 16:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | GNOME 3.16 Packages | May 26 16:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) Is Already Getting GNOME 3.16 Packages - Softpedia | May 26 16:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu | May 26 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery | May 26 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery - Softpedia | May 26 16:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa May Soon Enable OpenGL ES 1.x/2.x By | May 26 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Default | May 26 16:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mesa May Soon Enable OpenGL ES 1.x/2.x By Default - Phoronix | May 26 16:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Qt 4.8.7 Released | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Qt 4.8.7 Released - Qt Blog | May 26 16:06 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs | Tux Machines | May 26 16:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 4 steps to creating a thriving open source | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | project | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 steps to creating a thriving open source project | Tux Machines | May 26 16:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu | May 26 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery | May 26 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery | Tux Machines | May 26 16:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Qt 4.8.7 Released | May 26 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Qt 4.8.7 Released | Tux Machines | May 26 16:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:10 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 16:10 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 16:10 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 16:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Scribus 1.5 Released, Ported To Qt 5 With Big | May 26 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | UI Overhaul Coming | May 26 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Scribus 1.5 Released, Ported To Qt 5 With Big UI Overhaul Coming - Phoronix | May 26 16:10 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '4 steps to creating a thriving open source...' | May 26 16:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 Torrents Are Live, Download Now | May 26 16:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 Torrents Are Live, Download Now - Softpedia | May 26 16:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:16 |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 16:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On | May 26 16:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nouveau | May 26 16:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On Nouveau - Phoronix | May 26 16:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A call to arms | May 26 16:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manila Standard Today | Latest News in the Philippines | May 26 16:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Private cloud storage at public cloud prices: | May 26 16:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu Advantage Storage | May 26 16:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Private cloud storage at public cloud prices: Ubuntu Advantage Storage | ZDNet | May 26 16:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:24 |
*lenngray has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 26 16:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dropping Ubuntu Edge Was Canonical's Biggest | May 26 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Mistake | May 26 16:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dropping Ubuntu Edge Was Canonical's Biggest Mistake - Softpedia | May 26 16:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by ( | May 26 16:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 26 16:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @schestowitz | May 26 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:28 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 26 16:30 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 16:32 | |
schestowitz_log_ | just sent to RMS: | May 26 16:46 |
schestowitz_log_ | Hi Richard, | May 26 16:46 |
schestowitz_log_ | You learn something new every day. This news site says you created Linux. :-) | May 26 16:46 |
schestowitz_log_ | | May 26 16:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | iOS, Android, Windows and Mac are all malware, Linux creator says | BGR [ ] | May 26 16:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by ( | May 26 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @FrancisJeffrey7 | May 26 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android Auto Review: The Smartphone Finally | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Finds Its Rightful Home in the Car | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Auto Review: The Smartphone Finally Finds Its Rightful Home in the Car - WSJ | May 26 17:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A call to arms | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A call to arms | Tux Machines | May 26 17:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nouveau | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On Nouveau | Tux Machines | May 26 17:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 and missing applications | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 and missing applications | Tux Machines | May 26 17:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dissecting Linux/Moose: a Linux Router-based | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Worm Hungry for Social Networks | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dissecting Linux/Moose: a Linux Router-based Worm Hungry for Social Networks | Tux Machines | May 26 17:02 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 26 17:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The end for Mandriva | May 26 17:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The end for Mandriva | Tux Machines | May 26 17:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Five Best Linux-Powered Mini Computers | May 26 17:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Five Best Linux-Powered Mini Computers | Tux Machines | May 26 17:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Information Exchange Between the Ubuntu | May 26 17:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Community Council and the Kubuntu Council | May 26 17:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Information Exchange Between the Ubuntu Community Council and the Kubuntu Council | Tux Machines | May 26 17:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams | May 26 17:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | media too | May 26 17:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams media too | Tux Machines | May 26 17:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:58 |
*TweetTuxMachines @NewsFuns favourited 'Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams media...' | May 26 17:58 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @keenwebhosting favourited 'Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams media...' | May 26 17:59 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @keenwebhosting favourited 'The Five Best Linux-Powered Mini Computers' | May 26 17:59 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 26 17:59 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 18:00 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 18:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 18:00 | |
*[1]lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 18:07 | |
*lenngray has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 18:07 | |
*[1]lenngray is now known as lenngray | May 26 18:07 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @keenwebhosting favourited 'Information Exchange Between the Ubuntu Community Council and...' | May 26 18:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SUSE OpenStack Cloud: Any platform, anytime | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SUSE OpenStack Cloud: Any platform, anytime | Tux Machines | May 26 18:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Alpine 3.2.0 released | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Alpine 3.2.0 released | Tux Machines | May 26 18:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 Released, See What`s New | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | [Workstation] | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 Released, See What`s New [Workstation] | Tux Machines | May 26 18:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @GUSLSanFelix today's Linux howtos | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 26 18:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 26 18:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:57 |
*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 26 19:20 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 26 19:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @jesusguevarauto today's Linux howtos | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNU Creator Labels Windows And OS X As Malware, | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | Trashes IoT Movement | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU Creator Labels Windows And OS X As Malware, Trashes IoT Movement | Tux Machines | May 26 19:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Let's Talk Solus, the Linux Distribution That | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | Wants to Change the Game | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Let's Talk Solus, the Linux Distribution That Wants to Change the Game | Tux Machines | May 26 19:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Here’s how to make your Ubuntu Desktop | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | beautiful | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here’s how to make your Ubuntu Desktop beautiful | Tux Machines | May 26 19:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New websites for Fedora 22 | May 26 19:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New websites for Fedora 22 | Tux Machines | May 26 19:56 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @duckassist favourited 'Here’s how to make your Ubuntu Desktop beautiful...' | May 26 19:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google turns its Android font Roboto into an | May 26 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | open source project | May 26 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google turns its Android font Roboto into an open source project | Tux Machines | May 26 20:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Mint Xfce: Moving From Maya to Rebecca | May 26 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint Xfce: Moving From Maya to Rebecca | Tux Machines | May 26 20:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux-ready A20 SBC offers lots of display and | May 26 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | wireless options | May 26 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-ready A20 SBC offers lots of display and wireless options | Tux Machines | May 26 20:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:32 |
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 20:40 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 26 20:41 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 26 20:42 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 20:49 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 20:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz (did i email the timeline & footnotes on that?) | May 26 20:49 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 26 20:50 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 21:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says | May 26 21:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Red Hat CEO | May 26 21:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 21:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says Red Hat CEO | Tux Machines | May 26 21:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 21:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open Source Innovation: What's In and What's | May 26 21:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Out | May 26 21:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 21:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Innovation: What's In and What's Out | Tux Machines | May 26 21:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 21:19 |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 26 21:55 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue May 26 21:55:56 2015 | ||
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*Now talking on #techrights | May 26 21:56 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 26 21:56 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012 | May 26 21:56 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 26 21:57 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 26 22:09 | |
*lenngray has quit (Quit: Want to be different? Try HydraIRC -> <-) | May 26 22:23 | |
*balrog has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 26 22:55 | |
*KyriosBrastianos ( has joined #techrights | May 26 22:57 | |
*balrog (~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog) has joined #techrights | May 26 23:00 | |
r_schestowitz | "I think I'll gonna give it a try :) Slackware with absolute free software, libre-kernel ... sounds very interesting. I like Slackware very much :)" | May 26 23:03 |
r_schestowitz | | May 26 23:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #SlackEX Distro Lets You Run #Slackware 14.1 with Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and #KDE 4.10.5 #gnu #linux | May 26 23:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SlackEX Distro Lets You Run Slackware 14.1 with Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and KDE 4.10.5 - Softpedia [ ] | May 26 23:03 | |
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 23:10 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 23:10 | |
*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 26 23:32 | |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | May 26 23:42 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @Sylv1_Montreuil favourited 'Open Source Innovation: What's In and What's Out...' | May 27 00:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says | May 27 00:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Red Hat CEO | May 27 00:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( new | May 27 00:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 00:27 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 27 00:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 27 00:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says Red Hat CEO - Video - TheStreet | May 27 00:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 00:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Red Hat Cloud Suite for Applications Offers Open Source Integrated IaaS and PaaS Solution/ | App Developer Magazine | May 27 00:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google's Hiroshi Lockheimer On The Present And | May 27 00:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Future Of Android And Chrome OS | May 27 00:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 27 00:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google's Hiroshi Lockheimer On The Present And Future Of Android And Chrome OS | Fast Company | Business + Innovation | May 27 00:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 00:28 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says Red Hat...' | May 27 00:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Red Hat Cloud Suite for Applications Offers | May 27 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Source Integrated IaaS and PaaS Solution | May 27 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 27 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Systemd for dummies | May 27 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( " | May 27 00:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Systemd for dummies | May 27 00:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | unusable, undocumented" -iophk | May 27 00:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 00:40 |
*TweetTuxMachines @mchmarny favourited 'New Red Hat Cloud Suite for Applications Offers...' | May 27 01:08 | |
*KyriosBrastianos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 01:29 | |
*KyriosBrastianos ( has joined #techrights | May 27 01:30 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 27 01:36 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | May 27 01:59 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | May 27 02:20 | |
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*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | May 27 03:33 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 04:05 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 27 04:24 | |
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*jono has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 27 04:32 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 27 04:32 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 27 04:32 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 04:32 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 27 04:33 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | May 27 05:05 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 27 05:16 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | May 27 05:59 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 27 06:33 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 07:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jose R Rodriguez (@Metztli_IT) | Twitter | May 27 07:28 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 07:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The #microsoft -bribed firm - #idc - which said Windows will have become dominant in mobile by 2015 - bashes #android | May 27 07:38 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | China, Android to be hardest hit in coming smartphone slump | Computerworld [ ] | May 27 07:38 | |
schestowitz | Hilarious!"" | May 27 07:38 |
schestowitz | | May 27 08:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Nutzwert: @schestowitz Thank You. | May 27 08:32 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 08:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz I've seen a lot of that. One reason it started was because of the "eccentricity" of some of the Debian developers. | May 27 08:44 | |
schestowitz | yes, lots about that at the moment, I might stay out... | May 27 08:44 |
schestowitz | | May 27 10:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux #uefi #security | May 27 10:34 | |
schestowitz | "I think that's what UEFI was designed for." | May 27 10:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux : linux [ ] | May 27 10:34 | |
schestowitz | "Good article, despite emotive buzzwords such as "stupid" and "ghetto" and a disregard for the once cherished principle of backward compatibility. Yet another reason for sticking to the principle of KISS." | May 27 10:34 |
schestowitz | | May 27 10:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ You learn something new every day. This news site says RMS created Linux. GNU? What's that!? | May 27 10:35 | |
schestowitz | "Linux creator. LOL." | May 27 10:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | iOS, Android, Windows and Mac are all malware, Linux creator says | BGR [ ] | May 27 10:35 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 11:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mboelen: It is not Friday yet, but @schestowitz is sharing a good amount of Unix / security related tweets during the week. #FF | May 27 11:06 | |
cubexyz | poor choice of words there | May 27 11:17 |
schestowitz | | May 27 11:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ When a company has a position called "chief design officer" it says a lot about artsy, markety aspects. #apple #hype | May 27 11:57 | |
schestowitz | "and that artsy, markety aspect explains their success- as opposed to companies that sell products which appeal to geeks and developers but no one else" | May 27 11:57 |
schestowitz | Android is doing well | May 27 11:57 |
schestowitz | | May 27 11:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Yet Another Major #Security Deficiency in #UEFI as if anyone still believes it's (or ever was) about 'security' | May 27 11:58 | |
schestowitz | "Error establishing a database connection !" | May 27 11:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Yet Another Major Security Deficiency in UEFI | Techrights [ ] | May 27 11:58 | |
schestowitz | "+1 !! Very good article :)" | May 27 11:58 |
schestowitz | Thanks, the site was under very heavy load earlier (Anonymous links sometimes do that) | May 27 11:58 |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LXer: M$ here ... M$ there ... M$ everywhere ...: Microsoft Accused of Blackmailing UK Officials Supporting Open Document Format | May 27 12:04 | |
schestowitz | "And yet, Mark Shuttleworth wants to sign business deals with them." | May 27 12:05 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:05 |
schestowitz | well, one way to reduce bullying is to engage in meaningful interaction with the bully. bullying occurs because the bully feels threatened. by signing business deals the threat is reduced because, hey, there is money to be made... | May 27 12:05 |
schestowitz | greetings, eMBee. | May 27 12:05 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:05 |
schestowitz | "I don't even see it as a bullying thing. I simply see it as unethical, and would avoid entering into any business relationship with a company engaged in such behavior. " | May 27 12:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:06 |
schestowitz | And that Sir, is the problem with the corporate form of business. It promotes/encourages unethical behavior. | May 27 12:06 |
schestowitz | Not that people need any help in that regard. | May 27 12:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:06 |
schestowitz | "It all depends on the ethics of those at the top of any organization, irregardless of how it's formed. Those in leadership positions decide whether they want to be good or evil." | May 27 12:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | @mbaehrlxer, | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | >> well, one way to reduce bullying is to engage in meaningful interaction with the bully. bullying occurs because the bully feels threatened. | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | For Political Diplomacy, I think that your "meaningful interaction" with bullies is nothing more than Appeasement. | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | >> by signing business deals the threat is reduced because, hey, there is money to be made... | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | For Business, yielding to bullies' threats is called EXTORTION! | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | 2c | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | > And yet, Mark Shuttleworth wants to sign business deals with them. | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | And RH wanted to give them the right to yay or nay kernels for UEFI... | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | To which Torvalds made a certain comment: | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: [GIT PULL] Load keys from signed PE binaries | May 27 12:07 | |
schestowitz | "The corporate form of business promotes unethical people to the top. The bigger the corporation, the more true this becomes. It's not exactly that the people are unethical that pushes them to the top; it's their willingness to adopt a 'money is the only thing' corporate outlook, which amounts to the same thing. Money can't be use as a basis for an accurate ethical or moral compass.' | May 27 12:07 |
schestowitz | "I don't think privately held corps are doomed to this unethical behavior. But publicly held corps definitely seem to be." | May 27 12:08 |
schestowitz | "Yes, I was talking about public corporations. I should have stipulated that." | May 27 12:08 |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux #uefi #security | May 27 12:13 | |
schestowitz | "gah, i'm going back to my abacus" | May 27 12:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux : linux [ ] | May 27 12:13 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 27 12:29 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@openorgbook: @schestowitz our goal is to build community around the ideas and the book and help to discuss ways to implement openness #TheOpenOrg | May 27 12:30 | |
schestowitz | Red Hat has not been entirely open/transparent about the business it does with the NSA | May 27 12:31 |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Yet Another Major #Security Deficiency in #UEFI as if anyone still believes it's (or ever was) about 'security' | May 27 12:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 500 @ ) | May 27 12:34 | |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:34 |
schestowitz | Error establishing a database connection ! | May 27 12:34 |
schestowitz | strange, i got that for a totally unrelated other site today… looks like the whole internet is breaking down… “infrastructure apocalypse” as @fefesblog would say | May 27 12:34 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 12:34 |
schestowitz | Time to beef up Varnish soon... waiting for hardware to arrive | May 27 12:35 |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@millenniumbound: nah, that's methical hacking. ethnical hacking is done by Lord Nikon. hacking for a govt is incomprehensible. @schestowitz @kaatje36 | May 27 12:41 | |
*jgay ( has joined #techrights | May 27 13:54 | |
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*jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrights | May 27 13:54 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 16:02 | |
*jono has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 16:02 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 27 16:02 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 27 16:02 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 16:02 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 16:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@openorgbook: @schestowitz You'll have to take that up with @RedHatNews. We're here to discuss #TheOpenOrg Have a great day! | May 27 16:30 | |
schestowitz | It would be great if @RedHatNews explained why Red Hat receives NSA code to push into #linux using redhat com addresses | May 27 16:30 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 27 16:31 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 16:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz see that the author "borrowed" some of the text from my article without asking/linking | May 27 16:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | GNOME Disk Utility 3.17.2 Fixes Benchmarking of Disks on 32-Bit Architectures - Softpedia | May 27 16:31 | |
schestowitz | yes, I know this site is a ripoff artist.. Thanks for reminding me. | May 27 16:32 |
schestowitz | | May 27 16:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz thanks for reminding me that =) | May 27 16:33 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 16:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Werewolf was a #fedora release name. I guess people won't remember this after the next #ubuntu | May 27 16:33 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 17:31 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 17:32 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 27 17:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 18:02 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 27 18:10 | |
schestowitz | > See how Reddit hides msgs except to the original poster, very sneaky :) As far as I can make out, most of the posts are advertisements disguised as fake personal anecdotes. Adverts for the Credit Card industry under disguise as asking for financial advice, or in this case a free advert for the psycho-pharma industry. | May 27 18:10 |
schestowitz | > | May 27 18:10 |
schestowitz | > | May 27 18:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Reddit policy regarding hiding comments from everyone except the logged in user? : AskReddit [ ] | May 27 18:10 | |
schestowitz | Reddit sickens me. A lot of people don't quite realise how many trolls and spam come from them. Censorship there is directed against anyone who is not good to Conde Nast's business model (they own Reddit), not trolls or spam. Reddit even takes Microsoft money to advertise Microsoft under the disguise of Q and A. The same was done with Bill Gates. | May 27 18:11 |
schestowitz | Last year it was reveals (by whistleblower's account) that Microsoft employs AstroTurfers to leave posts favourable to Microsoft products in Reddit. | May 27 18:11 |
schestowitz | My perception of Reddit it FAR worse than that of Slashdot after Dice took over. | May 27 18:11 |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 18:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 18:56 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 19:05 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 19:12 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 27 19:15 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 27 20:19 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 27 20:19 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 20:19 | |
*arossdotme has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | May 27 20:20 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 27 20:20 | |
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 27 20:22 | |
*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 27 20:27 | |
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*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 21:52 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 27 21:55 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 27 22:47 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 23:29 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 23:56 | |
*KyriosBrastianos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 23:56 | |
*jgay has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 28 00:03 | |
cubexyz | at the very least linux sites should knock out the Microsoft ads | May 28 00:04 |
cubexyz | it's not hard with adsense | May 28 00:05 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 00:13 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 28 00:14 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 00:48 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 00:59 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 01:33 | |
*msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 28 02:25 | |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 28 02:25 | |
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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 06:40 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 28 06:41 | |
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schestowitz | | May 28 07:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Matelamotgagot: 28 May 2015 #British #Government May be a Step #Closer to #GNU/#Linux (on the #Desktops, Not Just Servers) | May 28 07:38 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | British Government May be a Step Closer to GNU/Linux (on the Desktops, Not Just Servers) | Techrights | May 28 07:38 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@fcassia: @1n7h35y573m I'm sure Android fan @schestowitz will love this | May 28 07:39 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz What, that software can do things? Yeah, that's kind of the point. | May 28 07:43 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz The only possible argument here is that SMM is a security concern. I agree with that. Nothing to do with UEFI. | May 28 07:43 | |
schestowitz | So an issue for coreboot? | May 28 07:44 |
cubexyz | there's a way to turn off SMM usually | May 28 07:52 |
cubexyz | depends on how well you understand the firmware of your motherboard | May 28 07:52 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz And? Anyone who can modify your firmware can inject malware into that, and it'll be invisible to the OS. | May 28 07:53 | |
schestowitz | Who can modify it? | May 28 07:53 |
cubexyz | anyone with the commented firmware source code :) | May 28 07:54 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz If there's a security vulnerability, anyone who can exploit it. If it's a shipped system, anyone who touched it before you. | May 28 07:54 | |
schestowitz | If it's proprietary, then it can be presumed insecure. If you put coreboot on it, it's not tampered with | May 28 07:55 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz ie, exactly the same as with UEFI | May 28 07:55 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz If the question you want to ask is "Is it easier to examine Free Software for backdoors", yes. It is. | May 28 07:56 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz But having source doesn't guarantee that your binaries are secure. Coreboot isn't safe from the NSA. | May 28 07:56 | |
schestowitz | It is a lot safer than blob-only programs, as the hard-drive fiasco serves to show | May 28 07:56 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Ha ha no seriously. | May 28 07:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Demonstrate how you can install Coreboot without existing firmware being able to tamper with it. | May 28 07:57 | |
schestowitz | That's a different issue, a self-preserving bug | May 28 07:57 |
cubexyz | rubbish | May 28 07:57 |
cubexyz | you build it on another machine, and swap out the chip | May 28 07:58 |
schestowitz | | May 28 07:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz How's it a different issue? It has identical impact on the user. | May 28 07:58 | |
schestowitz | yeah, so swap out the chip. /sarcasm | May 28 07:58 |
cubexyz | coreboot does have some SMM support | May 28 08:01 |
cubexyz | there's src/cpu/x86/smm/smmhandler.S | May 28 08:03 |
cubexyz | anyone can look at it | May 28 08:03 |
cubexyz | I don't even think coreboot turns on SMM | May 28 08:10 |
cubexyz | it does low-level initialization of some cpu registers then it hands off control to the OS | May 28 08:11 |
cubexyz | the payload is only 128K in some cases | May 28 08:13 |
cubexyz | small enough to hexdump the whole thing | May 28 08:13 |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz When your security model involves desoldering SMT components you've already lost | May 28 08:15 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Firmware security is *hard*. Coreboot makes it very slightly easier. It doesn't solve the real problems. | May 28 08:15 | |
schestowitz | But we agree that SSM is a security problem, a complexity that invited abuse | May 28 08:16 |
cubexyz | I didn't desolder any SMT components :) | May 28 08:16 |
cubexyz | P3 era motherboards had socketed BIOSes | May 28 08:16 |
schestowitz | That's why many advocate K.I.S.S. for booting | May 28 08:16 |
schestowitz | Some motherboards have socketed BIOSes. But just like with UEFI, our freedoms are being limited over time... | May 28 08:17 |
cubexyz | I never had the BIOS source code for anything until coreboot came along | May 28 08:24 |
cubexyz | historically only the IBM AT had commented BIOS source available, and a few others | May 28 08:24 |
cubexyz | so with chromebooks you can delete ChromeOS and put a Linux on it | May 28 08:27 |
cubexyz | in the 1970s with the PDP-11s people had software freedom | May 28 08:28 |
cubexyz | in some cases the users wrote their own OS, since the OS that came with early PDP's wasn't very good | May 28 08:29 |
cubexyz | so we are not any worse off than we were in the 1980s except that the complexity of these devices has increased, so it's harder to learn about it | May 28 08:30 |
cubexyz | but I found the coreboot folks were friendly and willing to help people | May 28 08:31 |
cubexyz | things were worse in the 1980s in many ways | May 28 08:32 |
cubexyz | no gcc, no TCP/IP mostly | May 28 08:32 |
cubexyz | you had to spent $$$ for a good compiler | May 28 08:32 |
cubexyz | computers didn't have writeable BIOS back then, so yeah you had to pop out the chip to upgrade it | May 28 08:33 |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Makes no difference. Simple firmware is as dangerous as complicated firmware. | May 28 08:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz UEFI systems contain more free software than BIOS systems by orders of magnitude. It's a step forward. | May 28 08:33 | |
cubexyz | being worried about secure boot I can understand | May 28 08:43 |
cubexyz | probably most people won't have the patience or technical knowledge to reprogram their firmware | May 28 08:49 |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 28 08:52 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 09:08 | |
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schestowitz | | May 28 10:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Zeipt: К вопросу об Ubuntu Touch, @EVSakal | May 28 10:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Canonical Has Created a Dual Landing Functionality for #Ubuntu Touch, Permitting the Users To Easily Switch | May 28 10:56 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 10:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Nutzwert: @schestowitz The Rich don't save the economy, they destroy it to serve their wealth against the commonwealth? | May 28 10:56 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 28 11:07 | |
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schestowitz | | May 28 11:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Yet Another Major #Security Deficiency in #UEFI as if anyone still believes it's (or ever was) about 'security' | May 28 11:46 | |
schestowitz | "It's non free software, of course it works for the owner instead of the user!" | May 28 11:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Yet Another Major Security Deficiency in UEFI | Techrights [ ] | May 28 11:46 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 28 12:02 | |
cubexyz | ok, first a correction about BIOS | May 28 12:17 |
cubexyz | the whole BIOS thing was from Gary Kildall for CP/M | May 28 12:17 |
cubexyz | not MSDOS | May 28 12:17 |
cubexyz | I think Intellec-8 was the first machine that CP/M ran on | May 28 12:21 |
cubexyz | all the IBM PC stuff came later on | May 28 12:21 |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 28 12:38 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 28 12:38:37 2015 | ||
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*Now talking on #techrights | May 28 12:39 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 28 12:39 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012 | May 28 12:39 | |
cubexyz | Ward Vandewege from the FSF was pretty knowledgeable about coreboot and he made a pdf presentation which is worth reading | May 28 12:52 |
cubexyz | | May 28 12:52 |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 28 13:25 | |
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r_schestowitz | | May 28 15:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 11 pointless but awesome Linux terminal tricks #gnu #linux #clu | May 28 15:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 11 pointless but awesome Linux terminal tricks [ ] | May 28 15:02 | |
r_schestowitz | "shouldn't it be | nyancat instead of | lolcat?" | May 28 15:02 |
*nj3ma__ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 28 15:02 | |
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r_schestowitz | | May 28 15:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #surveillance of things (IoT) not secure #security #iot | May 28 15:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | NetUSB vulnerability leaves millions of connected devices open to attack | ZDNet [ ] | May 28 15:03 | |
r_schestowitz | "#duh" | May 28 15:03 |
r_schestowitz | isn't this just internal circuitry? I'm guessing it's not critical for software freedom, am I right? | May 28 15:03 |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 15:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Introducing the Cubic Board -- A Completely Open Source #FPGA Project #freesw #openhardware | May 28 15:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Introducing the Cubic Board -- A Completely Open Source FPGA Project | EE Times [ ] | May 28 15:03 | |
r_schestowitz | maybe the concept is... | May 28 15:03 |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 15:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Picks by Dr. Roy Schestowitz, Making Sense of the Kubuntu/Canonical Leadership... [ ] | May 28 15:10 | |
r_schestowitz | "Ah, this explains things well. Thanks for posting.' | May 28 15:10 |
r_schestowitz | Who'side is right? | May 28 15:10 |
r_schestowitz | Whose side is right? | May 28 15:10 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 15:15 | |
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*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 28 18:11 | |
r_schestowitz | > I like it. Do you agree that the account is being hidden except for the logged in user? if so it's a very sneaky form of censorship. The only other place I've seen this done was on the Microsoft Jack column in the Guardian. Login and see for your self. I have noticed I can't change the password anymore. The registered email is ..... Never a problem before. | May 28 18:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:26 |
r_schestowitz | > Reddit: P.... | May 28 18:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:26 |
r_schestowitz | > Password: ... | May 28 18:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Censorship on Reddit Has Gotten (Condé) Nasty and Silent, Even Actively Silenced | Techrights [ ] | May 28 18:26 | |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | confirms it's binned extended Windows XP support • The Register [ ] | May 28 18:35 | |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > == | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > fyi: note the 'moderator' post at the end. he is indicative of that | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > there has been a fair bit of entryism and so it is a typical position of | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > some 'moderators' these years. imho the heavy handed approach to | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > differences fits right in with how they are dealing with kubuntu | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is Again Showing Its Hatred of Free/Open Source Software by Lobbying the I [ ] | May 28 18:35 | |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 18:35 |
r_schestowitz | I didn't know it was discussed there. It's good that it's at least being brought up. I saw what the moderator did and my reaction is, fair enough, nothing rude said or done. There have been worse actions than that... | May 28 18:35 |
*jgay ( has joined #techrights | May 28 19:39 | |
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*jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrights | May 28 19:39 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 28 19:47 | |
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r_schestowitz | >> > I didn't know it was discussed there. It's good that it's at least | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | >> > being brought up. I saw what the moderator did and my reaction is, | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | >> > fair enough, nothing rude said or done. There have been worse actions | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | >> > than that... | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > It's not, usually. That moderator usually shuts such discussion down as | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > quick as he can since he arrived. I think that thread went on as long | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > as it did because he may not have been around for a few days. Some of | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > the others toe the same line. | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > But, yes, it's a good sign that it is at least brought up. I think it | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > and related topics would be much, much more frequently discussed if the | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > moderators weren't so actively squelching anything related to freedome, | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | > GNU or GPL or RMS. | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | Do they suppress discussion of these two? Recently? | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | (re Ubuntu Forums) | May 28 19:59 |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 20:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 16 Must Have Android Apps | May 28 20:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 16 Must Have Android Apps - Datamation [ ] | May 28 20:00 | |
r_schestowitz | "it is the second post in the same day you are promoting Android... Is it necessary ?" | May 28 20:00 |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 28 20:00 | |
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r_schestowitz | | May 28 20:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Using Windows? Avoid #SourceForge | May 28 20:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Using Windows? Avoid SourceForge. - Goodbye, Microsoft® [ ] | May 28 20:02 | |
r_schestowitz | "There are some projects that still use #Sourceforge. But it mostly seems to be those that haven't migrated to #github yet." | May 28 20:02 |
r_schestowitz | I have projects on sourceforge that I have not touched in more than a decade | May 28 20:03 |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 20:08 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 28 20:08 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 28 20:08 | |
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MinceR | geekings | May 28 20:16 |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 20:40 | |
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*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 21:49 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 00:23 | |
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*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 00:25 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | May 29 00:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based | May 29 02:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support | May 29 02:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 02:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support - Softpedia | May 29 02:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New | May 29 02:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon | May 29 02:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 02:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon - Phoronix | May 29 02:33 | |
*Evidlo ( has joined #techrights | May 29 03:37 | |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Not sure if you're still around, but do you still have the source for the poly_w2 drawing program? | May 29 03:38 |
cubexyz | yes, I haven't put it online | May 29 03:39 |
Evidlo | Any reason why? | May 29 03:39 |
cubexyz | well, it was sort of a 3d viewer prototype | May 29 03:42 |
cubexyz | I had meant to go back and improve it, but I just never got around to it | May 29 03:42 |
cubexyz | but if you want to see it I can put it on the web | May 29 03:43 |
Evidlo | Yeah I'd like to play around with it | May 29 03:44 |
cubexyz | let me just stick a GPL note in it first | May 29 03:44 |
cubexyz | I'll include the file king.txt so you'll see what sort of input it uses | May 29 03:45 |
cubexyz | ok | May 29 03:52 |
cubexyz | | May 29 03:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Experiments in 3D | May 29 03:52 | |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Thanks bunches | May 29 03:53 |
cubexyz | use the keys x y and z to rotate stuff :) | May 29 03:53 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Except the download link is bad it looks like | May 29 03:53 |
cubexyz | sorry | May 29 03:54 |
cubexyz | try it now | May 29 03:55 |
Evidlo | yep | May 29 03:55 |
Evidlo | So are the first four lines in king.txt for camera placement? | May 29 03:56 |
cubexyz | ok... I wrote it a while ago... the first number is the number of vertices if I remember it right | May 29 04:00 |
cubexyz | so for a cube points would be 8 | May 29 04:02 |
cubexyz | types is 1 | May 29 04:02 |
cubexyz | sides is 6 and polylines is 4 | May 29 04:02 |
cubexyz | | May 29 04:03 |
cubexyz | that might explain things better | May 29 04:03 |
cubexyz | there's x y z co-ordinates | May 29 04:04 |
cubexyz | then edge data | May 29 04:04 |
cubexyz | dash moves you closer, equal sign further away | May 29 04:06 |
cubexyz | sorry about the lack of documentation | May 29 04:06 |
cubexyz | you can move the object up and down with h and n | May 29 04:09 |
cubexyz | so the second line means the number of kinds of polygons | May 29 04:11 |
cubexyz | usually 1 but sometimes more | May 29 04:11 |
cubexyz | most of the data was converted from other programs like 3d studio max | May 29 04:12 |
Evidlo | 1 being a square? | May 29 04:12 |
cubexyz | 4 sided polygon, not necessarily a square | May 29 04:13 |
cubexyz | but a square in the case of a cube, yes | May 29 04:13 |
cubexyz | there was a book that helped me a lot... Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics by James D Foley | May 29 04:16 |
cubexyz | one of the Atari software engineers recommended it to me quite a while ago | May 29 04:16 |
cubexyz | all it needs to compile is: gcc poly_w2.c -lm -lX11 -o poly_w2 | May 29 04:22 |
cubexyz | it only needs some math functions and Xlib | May 29 04:23 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: I get a segfault with king.txt | May 29 04:27 |
Evidlo | cube.txt seems to work fine though | May 29 04:28 |
cubexyz | which compiler are you using? | May 29 04:29 |
Evidlo | gcc 4.8 | May 29 04:32 |
cubexyz | ok, I think I know why | May 29 04:39 |
cubexyz | try this: | May 29 04:39 |
cubexyz | | May 29 04:39 |
cubexyz | then poly_w2 | May 29 04:39 |
cubexyz | no wait that's not it | May 29 04:40 |
cubexyz | it will work on gcc 4.2.3 | May 29 04:41 |
cubexyz | it was written on gcc 3.3.2 originally | May 29 04:41 |
cubexyz | it segfaulted on gcc 4.5.1 as well | May 29 04:44 |
cubexyz | we had the a similar problem with majesty gold | May 29 04:47 |
cubexyz | it wouldn't compile right on anything other than gcc 2.95 | May 29 04:47 |
cubexyz | it doesn't like line 446 for some reason | May 29 04:55 |
cubexyz | face[a][x][r] = atoi(test1); | May 29 04:55 |
cubexyz | yes, test1 was too small | May 29 04:58 |
cubexyz | the vertex data is too many digits | May 29 04:59 |
Evidlo | Why does that make it segfault? | May 29 05:04 |
cubexyz | yeah that's not why | May 29 05:08 |
cubexyz | it's been tested on a bunch of systems including openbsd without problem, but I haven't tried it on anything new lately | May 29 05:22 |
cubexyz | in the line: | May 29 05:39 |
cubexyz | face = (int ***) calloc (total_sides_1, sizeof(int)); | May 29 05:40 |
cubexyz | change it to: | May 29 05:40 |
cubexyz | face = (int ***) calloc (total_sides_1, sizeof(int)*3); | May 29 05:40 |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 29 05:40 | |
cubexyz | array face wasn't big enough to hold all the vertex data | May 29 05:41 |
cubexyz | I guess old gcc managed to allocate more memory for it | May 29 05:41 |
cubexyz | there's 3 ints per line :) | May 29 05:42 |
cubexyz | a silly oversight on my part | May 29 05:42 |
cubexyz | should be line 390 or close to it | May 29 05:45 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: What is (int ***) doing? | May 29 05:45 |
cubexyz | not a lot I don't think | May 29 05:51 |
cubexyz | might even be archaic now | May 29 05:52 |
Evidlo | Is it really necessary to cast it to a pointer? Doesn't it return a pointer? | May 29 05:52 |
cubexyz | yes | May 29 05:53 |
cubexyz | did you get king.txt to go? | May 29 05:54 |
cubexyz | there had to be some reason, but I forget now | May 29 05:55 |
Evidlo | It works | May 29 05:55 |
Evidlo | How did you figure it out? | May 29 05:56 |
cubexyz | ok, you can probably just remove (int ***) then | May 29 05:56 |
cubexyz | well the face that it worked for a simpler object was a big hint | May 29 05:56 |
cubexyz | s/face/fact/ | May 29 05:56 |
cubexyz | then I ran gdb on it with set args king.txt | May 29 05:56 |
cubexyz | so it looked like the array face wasn't big enough to hold all the data for king.txt | May 29 05:57 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Apparently you shouldn't use (int *) before a malloc, because it's redundant. That's what the guys in #c told me | May 29 05:58 |
cubexyz | ok well... one thing I have to mention | May 29 05:59 |
cubexyz | the face that old gcc worked as written | May 29 05:59 |
cubexyz | but whatever works | May 29 06:00 |
cubexyz | ugh, s/face/fact/ | May 29 06:00 |
cubexyz | somewhere I picked that up, but now it's probably not a good idea | May 29 06:00 |
cubexyz | if you're in school, ask a real expert :) | May 29 06:01 |
cubexyz | it's whatever the compiler does that counts | May 29 06:02 |
Evidlo | also readability | May 29 06:02 |
cubexyz | the sad fact of the matter is the compiler does change over time | May 29 06:03 |
cubexyz | I'll retest it with old gcc and newer | May 29 06:04 |
cubexyz | have a look at this: | May 29 06:07 |
cubexyz | | May 29 06:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | C Dynamic Memory Allocation Tutorials - malloc(), calloc() [ ] | May 29 06:07 | |
cubexyz | it seems that that practise is frowned on now | May 29 06:11 |
cubexyz | ok, I uploaded a new version | May 29 06:26 |
cubexyz | this time with an actual makefile :) | May 29 06:26 |
*lenngray has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 06:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based | May 29 07:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support | May 29 07:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 07:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 07:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support | Tux Machines | May 29 07:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New | May 29 07:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon | May 29 07:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 07:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 07:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon | Tux Machines | May 29 07:11 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 07:22 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 07:55 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 08:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | May 29 08:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 08:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 08:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | Tux Machines | May 29 08:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation | May 29 08:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 22 and 21 | May 29 08:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 08:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 08:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation for Fedora 22 and 21 | Tux Machines | May 29 08:21 | |
*nj3ma_ (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 08:32 | |
*nj3ma_ has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 08:33 | |
r_schestowitz | >> FWIW I just heard an interview on episode 91 of BSDNow where, if I heard | May 29 09:08 |
r_schestowitz | >> > correctly, a Debian Developer who works for M$ got briefly interviewed. | May 29 09:08 |
r_schestowitz | >> > rah rah systemd. | May 29 09:08 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 29 09:08 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 29 09:08 |
r_schestowitz | > "Jose" at 26:15 - 27:30 | May 29 09:08 |
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 29 09:09 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 29 09:09 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 29 09:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu | May 29 09:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans | May 29 09:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 09:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 09:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans | Tux Machines | May 29 09:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | May 29 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | May 29 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation | May 29 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 22 and 21 | May 29 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( #gnome #gnu #linux | May 29 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation for Fedora 22 and 21 - Softpedia | May 29 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 09:15 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 29 09:32 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | May 29 09:33 | |
*arossdotme has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 29 09:37 | |
*arossdotme ( has joined #techrights | May 29 09:50 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 09:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #dice sure has killed #sourceforge because any developers paying attention would avoid it | May 29 09:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SourceForge - Techrights [ ] | May 29 09:54 | |
schestowitz | " | May 29 09:54 |
schestowitz | E16 is still hosted there. Hopefully, they will self host. | May 29 09:54 |
schestowitz | Have they done this to anything but Windows ware yet? | May 29 09:54 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 09:54 |
schestowitz | | May 29 09:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Class war has no borders. They just label it "war on terror". In order for multinational, globalist plutocrats to wage #war globally... | May 29 09:54 | |
schestowitz | "Which makes their imaginary existence all the more insidious." | May 29 09:54 |
schestowitz | | May 29 09:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #google continues to pull people's photos out of their #android devices and into 'cloud' (PRISM) | May 29 09:55 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The new Google Photos is now available for Android, iOS, and the web | The Verge [ ] | May 29 09:55 | |
schestowitz | " | May 29 09:55 |
schestowitz | Glad I replaced it with Open Camera and Focal, both available in F-Droid. | May 29 09:55 |
schestowitz | We can't trust Google nowadays. | May 29 09:55 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 09:55 |
schestowitz | | May 29 09:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #sophos ignores proprietary platforms with back doors, instead focusing on #gnu #linux and #android | May 29 09:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Sophos talks at Infosec 2015: Linux malware, dodgyware for Android, crypto explained, and more | Sophos Blog [ ] | May 29 09:57 | |
schestowitz | "Yet their "Sophos UTM" is based on Linux..." | May 29 09:57 |
schestowitz | Hypocrites | May 29 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans - Softpedia | May 29 10:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | on Any Platform via Docker Images | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro on Any Platform via Docker Images - Softpedia | May 29 10:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands-on with Google's first Android M preview | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on with Google's first Android M preview | The Verge | May 29 10:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Here’s the next big update to Android Wear | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here's the next big update to Android Wear | May 29 10:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines UE3 Powered Physics Puzzler 'Unmechanical' In | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Beta For Linux | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UE3 Powered Physics Puzzler 'Unmechanical' In Open Beta For Linux | GamingOnLinux | May 29 10:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | on Any Platform via Docker Images | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro on Any Platform via Docker Images | Tux Machines | May 29 10:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Trade agreement could prohibit open source code | May 29 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | supply | May 29 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trade agreement could prohibit open source code supply | Tux Machines | May 29 10:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi | May 29 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | models | May 29 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi models | Tux Machines | May 29 10:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Maintaining an open source project at the | May 29 10:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Guardian | May 29 10:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Maintaining an open source project at the Guardian | Tux Machines | May 29 10:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:53 |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | May 29 12:04 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 13:04 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 29 13:09 | |
MinceR | | May 29 13:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 29/5/2015: ALT Linux 7.0.5, Google I/O | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | 2015 ( | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android Leftovers | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 13:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 13:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 29/5/2015: ALT Linux 7.0.5, Google I/O 2015 | Techrights | May 29 13:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 29 13:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines | May 29 13:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 29 13:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 29 13:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 29 13:36 | |
*jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrights | May 29 14:15 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 14:30 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 29 14:41 | |
MinceR | | May 29 15:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A SIMPLE TEXT WILL CRASH YOUR IPHONE - Album on Imgur | May 29 15:25 | |
cubexyz | that web page killed my browser :-P | May 29 15:42 |
MinceR | :) | May 29 15:57 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 16:00 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 16:10 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: I'll be back...) | May 29 16:21 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 29 16:30 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 16:30 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 16:31 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 16:32 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 17:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 17:03 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 17:07 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 29 17:08 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 29 17:08 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 17:08 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 17:51 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 17:55 | |
*msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | May 29 17:56 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 17:58 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 29 18:02 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 29 18:02 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:02 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 18:03 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:25 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 18:45 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 29 18:50 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 29 18:50 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:50 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 18:52 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:55 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 19:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 29 19:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 29 19:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mandriva 1998-2015 | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mandriva 1998-2015 | FOSS Force | May 29 19:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M Is Here, and So Is Google's | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Smartphone Future | May 29 19:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Is Here, and So Is Google's Smartphone Future | May 29 19:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | In Google's New Android 6.0 | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences In Google's New Android 6.0 | Tux Machines | May 29 19:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | of Days | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple of Days | Tux Machines | May 29 19:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities | Tux Machines | May 29 19:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME 3.17.2 | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.17.2 | Tux Machines | May 29 19:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | key concerns with tech sector | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline key concerns with tech sector | Tux Machines | May 29 19:57 | |
MinceR | | May 29 20:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Diving into M: Multi-window option can be enabled with some work! [ ] | May 29 20:18 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 20:26 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 20:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google confirms 4,000 apps and an update coming | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | to Android Wear | May 29 20:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Wear has 7 Watches, 4,000 Apps, 1,500 Watchfaces | Digital Trends | May 29 20:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | community forgetting its primary goal? | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora community forgetting its primary goal? - | May 29 20:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SOMA, The New Horror From Frictional Games Due | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | In September Day-1 For Linux, New Trailer Too | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SOMA, The New Horror From Frictional Games Due In September Day-1 For Linux, New Trailer Too | GamingOnLinux | May 29 20:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | models ( | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi models · | May 29 20:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME 3.17.2 | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( "the second snapshot of | May 29 20:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.15.2 | May 29 20:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | the GNOME 3.17 development cycle, the 3.17.2 | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | release." | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities | May 29 20:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities - Softpedia | May 29 20:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:46 |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 20:51 | |
*msb__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 20:51 | |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 20:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple | May 29 20:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | of Days | May 29 20:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple of Days - Softpedia | May 29 20:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | In Google's New Android 6.0 | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences In Google's New Android 6.0 | May 29 20:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wine Announcement | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( "The Wine development release | May 29 20:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WineHQ - Wine Announcement - The Wine development release 1.7.44 is now available. | May 29 20:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | 1.7.44 is now available." | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:54 |
*msb__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 20:55 | |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 20:55 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On | May 29 21:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 4.1 | May 29 21:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On Linux 4.1 - Phoronix | May 29 21:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines #openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel | May 29 21:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | 4.0.4 | May 29 21:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel 4.0.4 - Softpedia | May 29 21:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Community Council Clarifies Its Position | May 29 21:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | on Kubuntu's Jonathan Riddell Removal | May 29 21:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Community Council Clarifies Its Position on Kubuntu's Jonathan Riddell Removal - Softpedia | May 29 21:07 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 21:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: | May 29 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Morrowind Gets Updated | May 29 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Gets Updated - Softpedia | May 29 21:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:12 |
*TweetTuxMachines @speedytux retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences In...' | May 29 21:13 | |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 29 21:13 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @speedytux retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Letter to the Fedora council - is the...' | May 29 21:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline | May 29 21:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by key concerns with tech sector | May 29 21:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @speedytux ( | May 29 21:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline key concerns with tech sector | Tux Machines | May 29 21:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now on Sale at a Special Price | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is Now on Sale at a Special Price - Softpedia | May 29 21:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | community forgetting its primary goal? | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora community forgetting its primary goal? | Tux Machines | May 29 21:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 4.1 | May 29 21:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On Linux 4.1 | Tux Machines | May 29 21:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:20 |
MinceR | oh, their primary goal _wasn't_ to kill gnu/linux? | May 29 21:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel 4.0.4 | May 29 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel 4.0.4 | Tux Machines | May 29 21:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why your next database will be open source | May 29 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why your next database will be open source | Tux Machines | May 29 21:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is | May 29 21:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now on Sale at a Special Price | May 29 21:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is Now on Sale at a Special Price | Tux Machines | May 29 21:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME's Mutter Now Supports Drag-n-Drop To/From | May 29 22:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Wayland & X11 | May 29 22:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME's Mutter Now Supports Drag-n-Drop To/From Wayland & X11 - Phoronix | May 29 22:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee | May 29 22:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | lawsuits put it out of business | May 29 22:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee lawsuits put it out of business | Business Insider India | May 29 22:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | May 29 22:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | May 29 22:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive | May 29 22:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | at scale" | May 29 22:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive at scale" - TechRepublic | May 29 22:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee | May 29 22:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | lawsuits put it out of business | May 29 22:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee lawsuits put it out of business | Tux Machines | May 29 22:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | May 29 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | Tux Machines | May 29 22:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by Morrowind Gets Updated | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @ktheur ( | May 29 22:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Gets Updated - Softpedia | May 29 22:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:20 |
*TweetTuxMachines @technicalhumans favourited 'Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development...' | May 29 22:41 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @technicalhumans favourited 'Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development...' | May 29 22:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Expandable Mini-PC runs Linux on quad-core AMD | May 29 22:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | SoC ( | May 29 22:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Expandable Mini-PC runs Linux on quad-core AMD SoC · | May 29 22:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines debian 8.1 to be released in a few days | May 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Upcoming stable point release (8.1) | May 29 22:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive | May 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | at scale" | May 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive at scale" | Tux Machines | May 29 22:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora Tools | May 29 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora Tools | Tux Machines | May 29 23:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import | May 29 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | SIM Contacts | May 29 23:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import SIM Contacts - Softpedia | May 29 23:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:20 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 29 23:59 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 00:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ That #canonical refers to patents and trademarks as "IP policy" is more disturbing than its lack of transparency and appeal process. #uk | May 30 00:10 | |
schestowitz | "Or the fact that they treat their own community members like garbage." | May 30 00:10 |
schestowitz | | May 30 00:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Passivity of the so-called 'middle class' (a #propaganda term) enables those in power to crush it from below while inciting it 'downward' | May 30 00:11 | |
schestowitz | "What would be a better term? It's easier to say than bourgeoisie." | May 30 00:11 |
*TweetTuxMachines @pr0pella favourited 'OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3:...' | May 30 00:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import | May 30 00:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | SIM Contacts | May 30 00:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 00:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import SIM Contacts | Tux Machines | May 30 00:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 00:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Carl Sagan's solar-powered spacecraft is in | May 30 00:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | trouble | May 30 00:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 00:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Carl Sagan's solar-powered spacecraft is in trouble | Tux Machines | May 30 00:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 00:11 |
schestowitz | | May 30 00:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #morissons (the #uk grocer) had almost a dozen people in line at 6PM and a single cashier, tried to push all customers to 'self-checkout' | May 30 00:12 | |
schestowitz | " | May 30 00:12 |
schestowitz | We have plenty of those here in the U. S., you still need to keep someone to keep an eye to make sure that all purchases are paid for. | May 30 00:12 |
schestowitz | In all fairness, they are sometimes quicker. | May 30 00:12 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 00:12 |
schestowitz | | May 30 00:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ My RAM is so limited (2 GB) that I have begun running some applications on another PC over SSH (keeps some memory usage away) | May 30 00:12 | |
schestowitz | "I do that but for security reasons, I run Firefox from a virtual machine." | May 30 00:12 |
schestowitz | | May 30 00:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ New #UK law would give government access to encrypted Internet messaging apps not node-to=node-node #freesw | May 30 00:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | New UK law would give government access to encrypted Internet messaging apps | Ars Technica UK [ ] | May 30 00:13 | |
schestowitz | "great, that will kill all security companies in the uk. No Firewalls, no vpn and no encryption..." | May 30 00:13 |
schestowitz | | May 30 00:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Wasting time on #ooxml | May 30 00:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Calibre eBook Editor and Converter Refines DOCX Export - Softpedia [ ] | May 30 00:13 | |
schestowitz | "never liked xml since the distant beginnings. am working on plain text way to index my ebooks." | May 30 00:13 |
razielle_tzu | i hope that shit doesn't get passed >.< | May 30 00:13 |
*jgay has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 30 00:36 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 00:37 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 30 00:38 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 03:45 | |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 30 03:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: KDE Software | May 30 05:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 05:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: KDE Software | Tux Machines | May 30 05:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | May 30 05:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 05:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 05:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | Tux Machines | May 30 05:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned | May 30 08:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 23 | May 30 08:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 08:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned for Fedora 23 | Tux Machines | May 30 08:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNU FISICALAB 0.3.5 | May 30 08:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 08:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU FISICALAB 0.3.5 | Tux Machines | May 30 08:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 3 Relatively Unknown Open Source Web Browsers | May 30 08:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Linux that Packs the Punch | May 30 08:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 08:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 3 Relatively Unknown Open Source Web Browsers for Linux that Packs the Punch | May 30 08:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:39 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '3 Relatively Unknown Open Source Web Browsers for...' | May 30 08:39 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 30 08:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Interview with Jonathan Riddell Kubuntu | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu UDS R - Interview with Jonathan Riddell Kubuntu - YouTube | May 30 08:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @youtubenise1 RT @tuxmachines: Interview with Jonathan | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Riddell Kubuntu | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines USB stick update: Debian is back, plus GRML | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 08:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 08:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | USB stick update: Debian is back, plus GRML | There and back again | May 30 08:59 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 08:59 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 30 09:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands On With The NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Device -- It's A Winner | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands On With The NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV Device -- It's A Winner - Forbes | May 30 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA Introduces AndroidWorks For Android Game | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Developers | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA Introduces AndroidWorks For Android Game Developers | May 30 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | More Powerful Than You Would Suspect | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool More Powerful Than You Would Suspect | Tux Machines | May 30 09:03 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @HardwareNewz favourited 'Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool...' | May 30 10:02 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 10:46 | |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 30 10:51 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 11:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@t_grote: 'powerful face detection and machine learning lets you search for photos by keyword even if they aren't tagged' | May 30 11:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #google continues to pull people's photos out of their #android devices and into 'cloud' (PRISM) | May 30 11:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- (Re-tweeted by reticuleena) | May 30 11:22 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 30 12:03 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 30 14:41 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 30 14:57 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 30 14:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 14:57 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 30 15:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Here's What's New in Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update | May 30 15:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 15:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 15:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here's What's New in Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update - Softpedia | May 30 15:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | May 30 15:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 15:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 15:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | Reviews | LinuxInsider | May 30 15:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool | May 30 15:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | More Powerful Than You Would Suspect | May 30 15:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 15:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool More Powerful Than You Would Suspect - Softpedia | May 30 15:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 15:57 |
*HoloIRCUser5 (~holoirc@2602:306:c53b:9cf0:21d:feff:fedd:69e3) has joined #techrights | May 30 16:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned | May 30 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 23 | May 30 16:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned for Fedora 23 - Softpedia | May 30 16:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kubuntu's Riddell Out for Not Playing Nice with | May 30 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Others ( | May 30 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kubuntu's Riddell Out for Not Playing Nice with Others | May 30 16:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #ISupportJonathan | May 30 16:12 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #ISupportJonathan - Twitter Search | May 30 16:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 walk through: The first major Linux | May 30 16:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | distro with GNOME 3.16 | May 30 16:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 walk through: The first major Linux distro with GNOME 3.16 - TechRepublic | May 30 16:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kubuntu 15.04 Gets KDE Plasma 5.3.1, How to | May 30 16:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Install It | May 30 16:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kubuntu 15.04 Gets KDE Plasma 5.3.1, How to Install It - Softpedia | May 30 16:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Benchmarks Of Intel's Atom Z3735F On The | May 30 16:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | Compute Stick | May 30 16:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Benchmarks Of Intel's Atom Z3735F On The Compute Stick - Phoronix | May 30 16:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Radeon OpenGL Benchmarks On Fedora 22 | May 30 16:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Radeon OpenGL Benchmarks On Fedora 22 - Phoronix | May 30 16:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:22 |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 30 16:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 16:35 | |
*HoloIRCUser5 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 30 16:35 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 30 16:59 | |
*lenngray has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <-) | May 30 17:05 | |
MinceR | | May 30 17:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Let’s Take This Open Floor Plan to the Next Level. [ ] | May 30 17:12 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 30 17:23 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 30 17:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines HiSense Chromebook Benchmarks When Running | May 30 17:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu Linux | May 30 17:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | HiSense Chromebook Benchmarks When Running Ubuntu Linux - Phoronix | May 30 17:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:57 |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 30 17:57 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 18:19 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | May 30 18:20 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 30 18:23 | |
*lenngray ( has left #techrights | May 30 18:26 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 30 18:27 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Someone just sent me his new wedding photos. He foolishly used #dropbox who now try to blackmail me into creating an account to access. | May 30 18:44 | |
schestowitz | "If you need to use a dropbox type of thing what would you recommend?" | May 30 18:44 |
schestowitz | "I still use Dropbox and when I share photos with family and friends they don't have to sign up to see the photos, I just send them a link and there are the photos for them." | May 30 18:44 |
schestowitz | "I've been using Box recently. Hate Dropbox - uninstalled it ages ago - it was was constantly resyncing / slowing down my old machine with god knows what sort of bloatware / tracking crap. BUT MAINLY THIS:" | May 30 18:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Condoleezza Rice Joins Dropbox’s Board As It Names New CFO, COO | TechCrunch [ ] | May 30 18:45 | |
schestowitz | "@Gary I'd recommend #owncloud" | May 30 18:45 |
schestowitz | "@rollitup Cheers!" | May 30 18:45 |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #sophos seems to have contracted for a #twitter #astroturfing campaign: fake accounts posing as SHOPOS 'lovers' and 'users'. | May 30 18:46 | |
schestowitz | "Sorry. Roy - I'm going to have to 'unfollow' you again... you put out some very good info, but there's just too much of it - it overwhelms my stream / time-line and now I'm getting notify emails every two minutes. It's too distractive. Sorry." | May 30 18:46 |
schestowitz | There is a Linux-only account if that's what you're after. | May 30 18:46 |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 'The #UK is becoming the world leader in #censorship , says obscenity lawyer | May 30 18:47 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 'The UK is becoming the world leader in censorship', says obscenity lawyer following porn ID checks proposal - News - Gadgets and Tech - The Independent [ ] | May 30 18:47 | |
schestowitz | "What do you think?" | May 30 18:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UK pornography industry proposes user ID checks for adult websites | Culture | The Guardian [ ] | May 30 18:47 | |
schestowitz | It'true, and our gov is now boasting about censorship equipment it buys from CHINA! | May 30 18:47 |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:48 |
schestowitz | "This is what the Czar did - it must work!" | May 30 18:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #uk government conflated with Monarchy, showing alignment in motives and actions | May 30 18:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Government plans pose serious risk to free expression - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship [ ] | May 30 18:48 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 18:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Not only do we censor bare-breasted women (in a country where going topless is legal), we pressure them to hide" | May 30 18:49 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Nipple censorship: Why are we so afraid of the human body? | Metro [ ] | May 30 18:49 | |
schestowitz | "I have nipples" | May 30 18:49 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 19:52 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 30 20:06 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | “VENOM” FUD Attack — Like “Heartbleed” FUD Attack — Linked to Microsoft : linux [ ] | May 30 20:20 | |
schestowitz | " | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | "They also use Microsoft Office extensively, given their job ads,” XFaCE added." | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | Well that's a smoking gun right there. | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | "Fact of the matter is: Does the vulnerability exist or not?" | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | Yes, this vulnerability exists in most Linux hypervisors currently deployed in the world. | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | In RoyWorld, acknowledging bugs in things on Linux is FUD. | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | "To play devil's advocate, there's a difference between announcing a critical bug named something like CVE-xxxx; and giving it a flashy hollywood style virus name, cool logo and telling everyone it's the worst thing to happen ever. | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | Security is a competitive business. The tarting up is to sell a given security firm's services. | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | In RoyWorld, the fact that security researchers have typed documents up in Word at some point in the past is a smoking gun that proves Microsoft is behind everything. RoyWorld is insane | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 20:21 |
schestowitz | "I only read the page because the summary bot mentioned something about CyanogenMod. I dunno shit about the 'Venom' thing but if this site is as accurate about Venom as it is about CyanogenMod, I wouldn't trust it to make its own Jump to Conclusions mat." | May 30 20:22 |
schestowitz | "This is tinfoil hat nonsense. Someone discovers a vulnerability in a FOSS product? MUST BE MICRO$OFT. All this article is saying is that former Microsoft employees now work for security companies." | May 30 20:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 30 20:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 20:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 30 20:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 30 20:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 20:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 30 20:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 20:36 |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@execat: "Microsoft 'loves Linux' and supports FOSS like BP loves nature and supports wind power." | May 30 20:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Microsoft Lobbying in India Shoots Down or At Least Weakens Free/Libre Software Policy | Techrights | May 30 20:37 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 20:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz people are coming to better appreciate how right he is on the important issues... | May 30 20:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 30 21:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 21:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 30 21:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines And then the Google guy says: Of course you can | May 30 21:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | use Android Wear without a smartphone | May 30 21:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 21:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | And then the Google guy says: Of course you can use Android Wear without a smartphone | Tux Machines | May 30 21:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Brasero Review - Burning CDs Like It's the '90s | May 30 21:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 21:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brasero Review - Burning CDs Like It's the '90s | Tux Machines | May 30 21:02 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 30 21:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 22:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 30/5/2015: Wine 1.7.44, Berry Linux 1.20 | May 30 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 30 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 22:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 22:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 30/5/2015: Wine 1.7.44, Berry Linux 1.20 | Techrights | May 30 22:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 30 22:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands on with the Android M Developer Preview | May 30 22:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( "We've | May 30 22:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | scoured every screen" | May 30 22:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands on with the Android M Developer Preview | Ars Technica | May 30 22:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 22:32 |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 30 23:37 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 30 23:38 | |
*arossdotme has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 30 23:56 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 24 00:18 | |
*TRIdentica has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 24 02:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A New Firefox OS phone | May 24 02:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 02:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A New Firefox OS phone | Tux Machines | May 24 02:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 02:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Akanda Pledges to Keep SDN Tech for OpenStack | May 24 02:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open-Source | May 24 02:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 02:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Akanda Pledges to Keep SDN Tech for OpenStack Open-Source | Tux Machines | May 24 02:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 02:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam for CentOS / RHEL 7 | May 24 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 03:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam for CentOS / RHEL 7 | negativo17 | May 24 03:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | May 24 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 03:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | May 24 03:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 03:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Latest Linux Kernel Git Code Fixes The EXT4 | May 24 03:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | RAID0 Corruption Problem | May 24 03:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Latest Linux Kernel Git Code Fixes The EXT4 RAID0 Corruption Problem - Phoronix | May 24 03:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 03:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 03:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 24 03:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by ( | May 24 03:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 24 03:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @schestowitz | May 24 03:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 03:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | May 24 03:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 03:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 03:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet - Fabulous | Tux Machines | May 24 03:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Sean Michael Kerner on OpenStack | May 24 08:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 08:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 08:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sean Michael Kerner on OpenStack | Tux Machines | May 24 08:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Graphics | May 24 08:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 08:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Graphics | Tux Machines | May 24 08:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 08:45 |
*i_am_an_idiot (5b9d7b90@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | May 24 09:51 | |
i_am_an_idiot | I searhed espacenet very carefully on one idea. Today I took a look at my addressbar saying...http! There must be companies there analyzing the searches, and applying or forwarding the patent ideas... I feel soooo stupid now...Argghh! | May 24 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google's Internal Code Name For Android M Is | May 24 10:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Macadamia Nut Cookie (MNC) | May 24 10:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 10:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 10:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google's Internal Code Name For Android M Is Macadamia Nut Cookie (MNC) | Tux Machines | May 24 10:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's | May 24 10:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Why | May 24 10:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 10:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why | Tux Machines | May 24 10:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 10:07 |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 24 10:54 | |
*liberty_box has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 24 11:22 | |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | May 24 13:29 | |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: ◀▬▬ ••••••ᗣ••••••ᗧ•ᗣᗣ••••◀▬▬ We Love You) | May 24 13:31 | |
*sabalmyrak ( has joined #techrights | May 24 13:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Reminder: Evolving KDE survey milestone on May | May 24 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | 31st | May 24 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 15:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Reminder: Evolving KDE survey milestone on May 31st | Komandeering Developers Everywhere | May 24 15:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google's Internal Code Name For Android M Is | May 24 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | Macadamia Nut Cookie (MNC) | May 24 15:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 15:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google's Internal Code Name For Android M Is Macadamia Nut Cookie (MNC) | May 24 15:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 15:39 |
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrights | May 24 15:51 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 24 16:24 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 24 17:24 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: I'll be back...) | May 24 17:33 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 24 17:34 | |
*carlos ( has joined #techrights | May 24 17:38 | |
balrog | -- Vox Day isn't one whom I'd call a trustworthy source | May 24 17:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Claims That Brendan Eich Got Abused and Pushed Out for Opposing DRM, Not for Opposing Gay Marriage Some Time in the Past | Techrights [ ] | May 24 17:55 | |
balrog | (and that looks like pure speculation) | May 24 17:55 |
*TweetTuxMachines @akandaio favourited 'Akanda Pledges to Keep SDN Tech for OpenStack...' | May 24 18:26 | |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | May 24 18:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla Changes Firefox OS Strategy Due To | May 24 21:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android’s Popularity | May 24 21:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 21:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Changes Firefox OS Strategy Due To Android’s Popularity | Tux Machines | May 24 21:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 21:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Vivaldi Web Browser Gets New Update and Options | May 24 21:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 21:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 21:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vivaldi Web Browser Gets New Update and Options | Tux Machines | May 24 21:56 | |
schestowitz | balrog: maybe | May 24 22:23 |
schestowitz | that's why I wrote "claims" | May 24 22:23 |
schestowitz | I spoke with Eich several times online this year | May 24 22:23 |
schestowitz | about mono and other stuff | May 24 22:23 |
*carlos has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 24 22:24 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 24 22:25 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 24 22:43 | |
schestowitz | | May 24 22:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ If I'm not the only person needing cheatsheet when using #git (not simple operations), then perhaps there's room for GUIs, better GUIs too. | May 24 22:43 | |
schestowitz | "I've just stumble over this ncurses git client. I don't know what's possible to do with it - at first it's a repo-browser, but some actions are possible. I don't know how much you like console and ncurses stuff ? :D" | May 24 22:44 |
schestowitz | Web-based like github is not bad for some tasks, but it's proprietary and centralised/monopolised | May 24 22:44 |
schestowitz | | May 24 22:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jonas/tig · GitHub | May 24 22:44 | |
schestowitz | | May 24 22:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ " component of the Fear and Disinformation Campaign (FDI) rests with the CIA, which, secretly subsidizes authors" | May 24 22:44 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | War Propaganda. “Planting Stories” in the News Chain | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization [ ] | May 24 22:44 | |
schestowitz | "GR plants stories from the other side of the duality." | May 24 22:44 |
schestowitz | | May 24 22:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "it’s not just that #Cheney is cartoonishly evil, it’s that he’s monstrously incompetent" | May 24 22:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Cheney Thought al Qaeda was Bluffing - The Intercept [ ] | May 24 22:45 | |
schestowitz | " | May 24 22:45 |
schestowitz | Well that gets Cheney off the hook - just a bumbling idiot - while confirming that an evil organisation called Al Kaida was able to do all that damage on 11/9..... tidy. | May 24 22:45 |
schestowitz | We can trust a former CIA director and now CBS News' Senior Security Correspondent, can't we? | May 24 22:45 |
schestowitz | " | May 24 22:45 |
schestowitz | He wears glasses, so he must have read a lot of stuff | May 24 22:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Latest Features For Linux Performance | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Management + Benchmark Monitoring | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 22:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Latest Features For Linux Performance Management + Benchmark Monitoring | Tux Machines | May 24 22:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 22:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update | Tux Machines | May 24 22:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 22:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 22:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 | Tux Machines | May 24 22:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla shifts gears: $25 phones out, Android | May 24 23:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | apps in | May 24 23:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Shifts Gears: $25 Phones Out, Android Apps In | Digital Trends | May 24 23:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M rumored to include update guarantees | May 24 23:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | for supported devices | May 24 23:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Rumored to Include Future Update Guarantees | Digital Trends | May 24 23:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 24 23:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 24 23:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Everything we know about Google's next massive | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android update | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M rumors and features - Business Insider | May 25 00:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Interloper, A New Small Scale Real Time | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Strategy Released For Linux, It’s Good | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interloper, A New Small Scale Real Time Strategy Released For Linux, It’s Good | GamingOnLinux | May 25 00:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Shell It is!! | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Shell It is!! | Shivam Mishra | May 25 00:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Point & Click Adventure Game 'Zak McKracken: | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Between Time And Space' Released For Linux | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Point & Click Adventure Game 'Zak McKracken: Between Time And Space' Released For Linux | GamingOnLinux | May 25 00:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's | May 25 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Why ( | May 25 00:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why - Updated - Softpedia | May 25 00:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla Changes Firefox OS Strategy Due To | May 25 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android’s Popularity | May 25 00:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla changes Firefox OS strategy due to Android’s popularity – STGIST | May 25 00:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Latest Features For Linux Performance | May 25 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Management + Benchmark Monitoring | May 25 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Latest Features For Linux Performance Management + Benchmark Monitoring - Phoronix | May 25 00:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:07 |
*sabalmyrak has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 25 00:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 25 00:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 25 00:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update - Softpedia | May 25 00:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 | May 25 00:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NTFS-3G Vulnerability Closed in Ubuntu 15.04 - Softpedia | May 25 00:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android Leftovers | May 25 00:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines | May 25 00:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 24/5/2015: CrossOver 14.1.3, NTFS-3G | May 25 00:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | Vulnerability | May 25 00:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 24/5/2015: CrossOver 14.1.3, NTFS-3G Vulnerability | Techrights | May 25 00:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 25 00:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 25 00:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 25 00:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 00:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 00:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 25 00:56 | |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: ◀▬▬ •••They Must've taken my marbles away••◀▬▬) | May 25 02:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 25 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 05:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 25 05:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 25 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 05:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 25 05:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @GUSLSanFelix today's Linux howtos | May 25 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 25 06:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 25 06:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @jesusguevarauto today's Linux howtos | May 25 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 25 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 06:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on | May 25 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 | May 25 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 - Softpedia | May 25 08:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development Board That Runs Linux | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 08:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development Board That Runs Linux - Softpedia | May 25 08:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 Will Reach End of Life on June 14 to Make Room for Parsix 8.0 | Tux Machines | May 25 08:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 08:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update | Tux Machines | May 25 08:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open HUB: How to find the best open source | May 25 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | projects | May 25 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open HUB: How to find the best open source projects | Tux Machines | May 25 08:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT | May 25 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development Board That Runs Linux | May 25 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 08:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development Board That Runs Linux | Tux Machines | May 25 08:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with | May 25 08:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Next Update | May 25 08:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch to Get Improved Desktop Mode with Next Update - Softpedia | May 25 08:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 08:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 08:28 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Open HUB: How to find the best open...' | May 25 08:28 | |
*i_am_an_idiot has quit (Quit: Page closed) | May 25 08:36 | |
schestowitz | > old: | May 25 09:11 |
schestowitz | > | May 25 09:11 |
schestowitz | > | May 25 09:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Politics of Dependencies [ ] | May 25 09:11 | |
schestowitz | > | May 25 09:11 |
schestowitz | > prior to systemd | May 25 09:11 |
schestowitz | I am now using systemd. | May 25 09:11 |
schestowitz | old: | May 25 09:12 |
schestowitz | | May 25 09:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Original version - [ ] | May 25 09:12 | |
schestowitz | poettering on the topic of systemd. FWIW "Linux Voice" #12 has an | May 25 09:12 |
schestowitz | interview with Pooettering. At least one editor seems to have swallowed | May 25 09:12 |
schestowitz | the line, as seen in subesquent issues. | May 25 09:12 |
schestowitz | I didn't have time to learn a lot about systemd myself, so I meainly know about init, and yet I really love systemd, it's so much better, I don't know why force oneself to replace systemd with init :) | May 25 10:17 |
schestowitz | ^ quote | May 25 10:17 |
schestowitz | I didn't have time to learn a lot about systemd myself, so I meainly know about init, and yet I really love systemd, it's so much better, I don't know why force oneself to replace systemd with init :) | May 25 10:17 |
schestowitz | from | May 25 10:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why #archlinux #gnu #linux | May 25 10:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | You Should Not be Afraid of Arch Linux, Here's Why - Updated - Softpedia [ ] | May 25 10:18 | |
schestowitz | >>> old: | May 25 10:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | May 25 10:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | May 25 10:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | May 25 10:21 |
schestowitz | >>> >> prior to systemd | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | >> > I am now using systemd. | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > It's a mess that's hard to avoid. And it still hasn't pulled out of | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > alpha stage development, more features keep getting added. Poettering's | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > crowd has the gall to call it mature when it isn't even designed yet. | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > The more I read, the less I think of it and Poettering and his methods. | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > I'm staying with Ubuntu 14.04 but even that is infected a little. In | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > the longer run, I am hoping that Devuan is able to pull through but I do | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > not have any skills to contribute so I just have to wait and see. Same | May 25 10:22 |
schestowitz | > for OpenBSD. | May 25 10:22 |
cubexyz | not hard to avoid | May 25 10:47 |
cubexyz | | May 25 10:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | May 25 10:48 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development...' | May 25 11:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 4.1-rc5 | May 25 11:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-Kernel Archive: Linux 4.1-rc5 | May 25 11:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 11:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 11:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 4.1-rc5 | May 25 11:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 11:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 11:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 4.1-rc5 | Tux Machines | May 25 11:33 | |
*arossdotme has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 25 12:12 | |
*dyfet ( has joined #techrights | May 25 12:14 | |
*arossdotme ( has joined #techrights | May 25 12:25 | |
*dyfet has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 25 14:01 | |
XFaCE | schestowitz: have you heard of void linux? | May 25 14:28 |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 25 14:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 25 16:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 25 16:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S | May 25 16:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Modified by Bosch | May 25 16:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S Modified by Bosch - Softpedia | May 25 16:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 25 16:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 25 16:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S | May 25 16:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Modified by Bosch | May 25 16:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Powers Self-Driving Tesla Model S Modified by Bosch | Tux Machines | May 25 16:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | May 25 16:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | May 25 16:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on | May 25 16:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Its Website | May 25 16:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 16:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on Its Website - Softpedia | May 25 16:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 16:58 |
*TweetTuxMachines @KateJiggle followed @tuxmachines | May 25 16:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xolo Chromebook: Handy device for enterprises | Tux Machines | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Its Website | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dell Now Has Ubuntu Installation Tutorial on Its Website | Tux Machines | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is your open source security software less | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | secure? | May 25 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is your open source security software less secure? | Tux Machines | May 25 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:05 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 25 17:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GPS Navigation Coming to Ubuntu Touch | May 25 17:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GPS Navigation Coming to Ubuntu Touch - Softpedia | May 25 17:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Recent changes in GNOME | May 25 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.18 to Drop Support for Yahoo!, Foursquare Will be Enabled by Default - Softpedia | May 25 17:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Disk Utility 3.17.2 Fixes Benchmarking of Disks on 32-Bit Architectures - Softpedia | May 25 17:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Scribus 1.5.0 Open-Source and Powerful DTP App | May 25 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Released with over 1,000 Bugfixes | May 25 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Scribus 1.5.0 Open-Source and Powerful DTP App Released with over 1,000 Bugfixes - Softpedia | May 25 17:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:27 |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 25 17:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Shotcut Is a New and Powerful Free Video Editor | May 25 17:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Linux | May 25 17:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shotcut Is a New and Powerful Free Video Editor for Linux - Softpedia | May 25 17:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 17:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 17:28 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Scribus 1.5.0 Open-Source and Powerful DTP App Released...' | May 25 17:28 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 25 17:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Six Out of Ten Games on Steam Also Support | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Six Out of Ten Games on Steam Also Support Linux - Softpedia | May 25 18:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Humble Weekly Bundle: Adventures! 2 Features | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Games | May 25 18:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Humble Weekly Bundle: Adventures! 2 Features Linux Games - Softpedia | May 25 18:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: GNOME Software | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: GNOME Software | Tux Machines | May 25 18:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OPNFV Project Gets Backing from EMC & VMware | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OPNFV Project Gets Backing from EMC & VMware | Tux Machines | May 25 18:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Brazilian ATM | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the Brazilian ATM | Tux Machines | May 25 18:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Keyboard Shortcuts | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom Keyboard Shortcuts | Tux Machines | May 25 18:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Networking, and File Systems Improvements | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 18:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 18:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, Networking, and File Systems Improvements | Tux Machines | May 25 18:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open source data integration with Karma | May 25 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 19:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open source data integration with Karma | Tux Machines | May 25 19:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | May 25 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 19:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 19:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | Tux Machines | May 25 19:16 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @fly_Crystal2616 followed @tuxmachines | May 25 19:16 | |
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 25 20:06 | |
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | May 25 20:35 | |
schestowitz | "He is using two seats!" | May 25 20:48 |
schestowitz | | May 25 20:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: coyote on the bus...  #coyote #bus #portland #oregon #animatedgif | May 25 20:48 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 25 22:16 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 25 22:16 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 25 22:41 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 25 23:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | tablet on May 29 | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 23:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android tablet on May 29 | Tux Machines | May 25 23:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | BeagleBone Black | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 23:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black | Tux Machines | May 25 23:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Dealers, Others Soon | May 25 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 25 23:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some Dealers, Others Soon | Tux Machines | May 25 23:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 25 23:31 |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 26 00:10 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 00:19 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 00:20 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 26 00:23 | |
*lenngray has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- IRC with a difference) | May 26 00:28 | |
cubexyz | I stated before that old unix did some things better | May 26 00:42 |
cubexyz | example #1: the banner program | May 26 00:42 |
cubexyz | constructs like: date | banner | May 26 00:43 |
cubexyz | doesn't work now, not in modern BSD or Linux | May 26 00:43 |
cubexyz | write a program as a filter | May 26 00:44 |
cubexyz | now with figlet, they got it right | May 26 00:46 |
cubexyz | e.g. date | figlet -d /usr/local/share/figlet | May 26 00:46 |
cubexyz | on the other hand, banner (Duke version) was 3228 bytes | May 26 00:48 |
cubexyz | and figlet is > 80K | May 26 00:48 |
cubexyz | filter programs are useful: e.g. cat, grep, head, tail, sed, sort, tee, etc | May 26 00:58 |
cubexyz | another example I use all the time: echo $1 | wall | May 26 01:09 |
cubexyz | sort of an el cheap networked clipboard | May 26 01:10 |
cubexyz | there was a problem with ( ) with wall (something about URLs) so I did: | May 26 01:14 |
cubexyz | quoted1=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/(#28/' -e 's/)/#29/'` | May 26 01:15 |
cubexyz | then: echo $quoted1 | wallx | May 26 01:15 |
cubexyz | so basically convert ( to #28 and ) to #29 so that it was easier to clipboard URLs with those characters inside them | May 26 01:16 |
cubexyz | so you're interconnected to a bunch of computers, but (modified) wall talks to them all | May 26 01:21 |
cubexyz | modified so that long URLs aren't distorted | May 26 01:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME | May 26 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues | May 26 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues - Softpedia | May 26 02:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War | May 26 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | That Microsoft Will Lose | May 26 02:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose - Softpedia | May 26 02:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:03 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME 3.18...' | May 26 02:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata | May 26 02:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some | May 26 02:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Dealers, Others Soon | May 26 02:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Android Auto Watch] 2015 Hyundai Sonata Android Auto Upgrade Now Available At Some Dealers, Others Soon | May 26 02:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, | May 26 02:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | BeagleBone Black | May 26 02:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FPGA add-on boards support Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black · | May 26 02:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android | May 26 02:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | tablet on May 29 | May 26 02:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AT&T to begin selling LG G Pad F 8.0 Android tablet on May 29 | ZDNet | May 26 02:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, | May 26 02:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Networking, and File Systems Improvements | May 26 02:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel LTS Brings x86, Networking, and File Systems Improvements - Softpedia | May 26 02:10 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Executing prisoners, concentration camps: history&legacy of #us #imperialism natives called "guerillas", US "America" | May 26 02:14 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Regime Change in the Philippines - History Day - YouTube [ ] | May 26 02:14 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@YourAnonNews: #Microsoft's secret lobbying, bullying, and the long history of blackmailing politicians around the world | May 26 02:17 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Microsoft’s Secret Lobbying, Bullying, and the Long History of Blackmailing Politicians Around the World | Techrights | May 26 02:17 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@officalmistklaw: @YourAnonNews how do you find all of these😦 | May 26 02:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Superkongen: @YourAnonNews @SFSK8rGrrl Take action: install linux and use open formats and standards. | May 26 02:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ArielFornari: @YourAnonNews It just went live, crediting you, on my @RebelMouse | May 26 02:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ariel Fornari | May 26 02:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Prof_Sconvolto: @YourAnonNews @rcparallelo38 grazie a quest'uomo però le cose sono cambiate | May 26 02:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Richard Stallman - Wikipedia | May 26 02:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@rcparallelo38: Diciamo che c'è una possibilità in più, un'alternativa, se la si vuole adottare @Prof_Sconvolto @YourAnonNews | May 26 02:18 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Prof_Sconvolto: @rcparallelo38 @YourAnonNews intel con #uefiil in combutta con microsoft sta facendo di tutto per impedire installazione alternative | May 26 02:19 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 02:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@monsinge: @YourAnonNews you left out their enormous astroturfing campaigns | May 26 02:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom | May 26 02:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Keyboard Shortcuts | May 26 02:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS "Freya" Finally Gets Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - Softpedia | May 26 02:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the | May 26 02:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Brazilian ATM | May 26 02:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Linux proud history – 15 years ago and the Brazilian ATM | Helio Castro Personal Space | May 26 02:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | May 26 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 02:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Review: Kubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" | May 26 02:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 02:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 02:22 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 26 02:22 | |
schestowitz | [14:28] <XFaCE> schestowitz: have you heard of void linux? | May 26 02:23 |
schestowitz | yES | May 26 02:23 |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 02:24 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 02:36 | |
schestowitz | " | May 26 02:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Open HUB: How to find the best open source projects #freesw | May 26 02:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Open HUB: How to find the best open source projects [ ] | May 26 02:36 | |
schestowitz | Well... Blackduck has yet to do something to gain my faith. | May 26 02:36 |
schestowitz | " networkworld used to employ a blackduck exec as a writer | May 26 02:36 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 04:04 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 04:04 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 04:04 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 04:21 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 04:26 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 04:40 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 04:44 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 04:44 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 04:44 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 06:10 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 06:13 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 26 06:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War | May 26 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | That Microsoft Will Lose | May 26 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 07:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose | Tux Machines | May 26 07:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME | May 26 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues | May 26 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 07:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 07:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Evolution Open Source PIM Software for GNOME 3.18 Fixes Middle-Click Paste Issues | Tux Machines | May 26 07:27 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 08:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose #gnu #linux #windows | May 26 08:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux and Windows Are Heading Towards a War That Microsoft Will Lose - Softpedia [ ] | May 26 08:48 | |
schestowitz | "Huh. Nice rhetoric, but little actual evidence." | May 26 08:48 |
schestowitz | "LOLZ" | May 26 08:48 |
schestowitz | " | May 26 08:48 |
schestowitz | Yeah, that's what they were saying in 1995." | May 26 08:48 |
schestowitz | "It never fails to amuse me how some writers give in to this business-like rhetoric and write about Linux as if it were a single company concerned with its market share. But it's not, and there is a significant difference in priorities between the FOSS/open source community that produces the system and its tools, and a company producing a closed source platform. There are many other problems with this article, but given the initial premise, | May 26 08:49 |
schestowitz | it should be taken with a grain of salt." | May 26 08:49 |
schestowitz_log | test | May 26 08:56 |
*Disconnected (). | May 26 08:56 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue May 26 08:56:14 2015 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue May 26 08:56:30 2015 | ||
*Now talking on #techrights | May 26 08:56 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 26 08:56 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | May 26 08:56 | |
*r_schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 08:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nitpicking Linux | May 26 08:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nitpicking Linux | FOSS Force | May 26 08:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:58 |
*schestowitz_log has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 26 08:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SystemRescueCd 4.5.3 Is Powered by Linux Kernel | May 26 08:58 |
*roy_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 26 08:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.14.43 LTS, Includes TestDisk 7.0 | May 26 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 08:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 08:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SystemRescueCd 4.5.3 Is Powered by Linux Kernel 3.14.43 LTS, Includes TestDisk 7.0 - Softpedia | May 26 08:58 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | May 26 08:58 | |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 26 08:58 | |
*roy__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 08:58 | |
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrights | May 26 09:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Waha Linux 8.0 Brings Debian 8 "Jessie" to the | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | Arab Community - Gallery | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Waha Linux 8.0 Brings Debian 8 "Jessie" to the Arab Community - Gallery - Softpedia | May 26 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why a Rolling Release Model is the Way to Go | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Any OS | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why a Rolling Release Model is the Way to Go for Any OS - Softpedia | May 26 09:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Exploring Kubuntu 15.04 | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( Review. | May 26 09:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. | May 26 09:15 | |
*Valeria (5bd14228@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | May 26 09:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Elementary OS 0.3 Freya Has Received A New | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Option, Permitting The Users To Create Custom | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Keyboard Shortcuts | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elementary OS 0.3 Freya Has Received A New Option, Permitting The Users To Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts | | May 26 09:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pre-order Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pre-order Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela - Linux notes from DarkDuck | May 26 09:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | this guy will burn and ship it to you -- | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | cheaply. | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi vs. Raspberry Pi 2 vs. CuBox: | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | performance comparison | May 26 09:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi vs. Raspberry Pi 2 vs. CuBox: performance comparison - Xmodulo | May 26 09:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:19 |
*Valeria has quit (Quit: Page closed) | May 26 09:21 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RPi2Bot retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Raspberry Pi vs. Raspberry Pi 2 vs. CuBox:...' | May 26 09:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Atom 0.201.0 (Text Editor) Adds A New Set Of | May 26 09:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Fixes ( | May 26 09:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Atom 0.201.0 (Text Editor) Adds A New Set Of Fixes | | May 26 09:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The CompuLab Fitlet Is A Neat Little Linux PC | May 26 09:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | With AMD SoC | May 26 09:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The CompuLab Fitlet Is A Neat Little Linux PC With AMD SoC - Phoronix | May 26 09:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SlackEX Distro Lets You Run Slackware 14.1 with | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and KDE 4.10.5 | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SlackEX Distro Lets You Run Slackware 14.1 with Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and KDE 4.10.5 - Softpedia | May 26 09:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Webconverger 30 Is Out and Based on Debian 8.0 | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | "Jessie" | May 26 09:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Webconverger 30 Is Out and Based on Debian 8.0 "Jessie" - Softpedia | May 26 09:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | Completion In Mesa | May 26 09:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing Completion In Mesa - Phoronix | May 26 09:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xfce's Power Manager Is Finally Ported To GTK3 | May 26 09:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xfce's Power Manager Is Finally Ported To GTK3 - Phoronix | May 26 09:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Apport Exploits Closed in All Supported Ubuntu | May 26 09:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | OSes | May 26 09:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apport Exploits Closed in All Supported Ubuntu OSes - Softpedia | May 26 09:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Rygel Open Source Media Server to Bring Lots of | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | New Features for GNOME 3.18 | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rygel Open Source Media Server to Bring Lots of New Features for GNOME 3.18 - Softpedia | May 26 09:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines "key Steam’s own Linux-based | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | operating system, SteamOS" | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 09:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Steam Users Under 1% | The Escapist | May 26 09:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux usage on Steam is going down, not up | SiliconANGLE | May 26 09:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear | May 26 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 26 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear Linux - Open Source Insider | May 26 09:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and | May 26 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | User-Friendly Fedy Utility | May 26 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 09:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and User-Friendly Fedy Utility - Softpedia | May 26 09:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 09:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support Multi-Page TIFFs | May 26 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will Support Multi-Page TIFFs - Softpedia | May 26 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:03 |
*TweetTuxMachines @PeterWinick followed @tuxmachines | May 26 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Completion In Mesa | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Yet Another OpenGL 4.5 Extension Is Nearing Completion In Mesa | Tux Machines | May 26 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Contain(er-ize) yourself, it's Intel Clear Linux | Tux Machines | May 26 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | User-Friendly Fedy Utility | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tweak Fedora 22 Linux with the Powerful and User-Friendly Fedy Utility | Tux Machines | May 26 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Software Commons vs. Product | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software Commons vs. Product | Tux Machines | May 26 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support Multi-Page TIFFs | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Default Image Viewer of GNOME 3.18 Will Support Multi-Page TIFFs | Tux Machines | May 26 10:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Test Build Available For Convoy, A | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Tactical Roguelike-like Inspired By Mad Max & | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | FTL | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Test Build Available For Convoy, A Tactical Roguelike-like Inspired By Mad Max & FTL | GamingOnLinux | May 26 10:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android 5.1 Lollipop Update Coming To The | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | NVIDIA Shield Tablet | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android 5.1 Lollipop Update Coming To The NVIDIA Shield Tablet | May 26 10:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Best new Android widgets (May 2015) #2 | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best new Android widgets (May 2015) #2 | May 26 10:18 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 26 10:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Lollipop Launched | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 Lollipop Launched | NDTV Gadgets | May 26 10:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LG Watch Urbane Review | May 26 10:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LG Watch Urbane Review: Wonderful Hardware But Android Wear Is Still Frustrating | May 26 10:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Roman Nurik's FORM Android Wear Watch Face Is | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now Available, Includes Cool Muzei Integration | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roman Nurik's FORM Android Wear Watch Face Is Now Available, Includes Cool Muzei Integration | May 26 10:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | demonstrates the power of Android | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face demonstrates the power of Android | Android and Me | May 26 10:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M and Nexus updates: The good, the bad | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | and the ugly | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M update for Nexus 5, 6, 7, 9, 10: system upgrade and security | BGR | May 26 10:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 10 Best Android Apps & Games This Week | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Best Android Apps & Games This Week | May 26 10:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How to turn your old PC into a modern media | May 26 10:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | center with Kodibuntu | May 26 10:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to turn your old PC into a modern media center with Kodibuntu - Linux Veda | May 26 10:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CoreOS Linux is in the OpenStack App | May 26 10:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | Marketplace | May 26 10:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CoreOS Linux is in the OpenStack App Marketplace | May 26 10:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 | May 26 10:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | Lollipop Launched | May 26 10:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZTE Q519T With 4000mAh Battery, Android 5.0 Lollipop Launched | Tux Machines | May 26 10:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face | May 26 10:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | demonstrates the power of Android | May 26 10:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roman Nurik’s latest FORM Watch Face demonstrates the power of Android | Tux Machines | May 26 10:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How to turn your old PC into a modern media | May 26 10:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | center with Kodibuntu | May 26 10:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to turn your old PC into a modern media center with Kodibuntu | Tux Machines | May 26 10:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines xfce4-power-manager updated to 1.5.0 | May 26 10:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 26 10:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Interests: xfce4-power-manager updated to 1.5.0 | May 26 10:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 10:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 10:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Torvalds: decisions, decisions, top up sun tan | May 26 11:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | or release Linux 4.1? | May 26 11:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Torvalds: decisions, decisions, top up sun tan or release Linux 4.1? • The Register | May 26 11:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 11:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 11:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 26/5/2015: Reviews of Kubuntu 15.04, | May 26 11:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 4.1 RC5 | May 26 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 11:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 26/5/2015: Reviews of Kubuntu 15.04, Linux 4.1 RC5 | Techrights | May 26 11:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian Leftovers | May 26 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 11:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian Leftovers | Tux Machines | May 26 11:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 11:35 |
*arossdotme has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 26 11:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 26 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 11:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 26 11:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 26 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 11:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 26 11:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 26 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 11:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 26 11:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 26 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 11:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 26 11:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 11:57 |
*arossdotme ( has joined #techrights | May 26 12:06 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 26 14:58 | |
*jgay (jgay@2601:6:5500:2175:5eac:4cff:feba:15f8) has joined #techrights | May 26 15:06 | |
*jgay has quit (Changing host) | May 26 15:06 | |
*jgay (jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrights | May 26 15:06 | |
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 26 15:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 15:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 15:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 26 15:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 15:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 15:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 26 15:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 15:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Spotlight: App Search Plus lets you find apps | May 26 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | on your Android device very quickly | May 26 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Spotlight: App Search Plus lets you find apps on your Android device very quickly | May 26 16:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines "When I became interested in Linux and open | May 26 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | source. I found Krita" | May 26 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 16:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 16:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with Andrei Rudenko | Krita | May 26 16:43 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs much-needed | May 26 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | bug fixes ( | May 26 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs | | May 26 17:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) Is Already Getting | May 26 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | GNOME 3.16 Packages | May 26 17:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) Is Already Getting GNOME 3.16 Packages - Softpedia | May 26 17:04 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu | May 26 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery | May 26 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery - Softpedia | May 26 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mesa May Soon Enable OpenGL ES 1.x/2.x By | May 26 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Default | May 26 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mesa May Soon Enable OpenGL ES 1.x/2.x By Default - Phoronix | May 26 17:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Qt 4.8.7 Released | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Qt 4.8.7 Released - Qt Blog | May 26 17:06 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma 5.3.1 Fixes Important Bugs | Tux Machines | May 26 17:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 4 steps to creating a thriving open source | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | project | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 steps to creating a thriving open source project | Tux Machines | May 26 17:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu | May 26 17:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery | May 26 17:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black GNOME Linux 3.16 Is Now Based on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS - Gallery | Tux Machines | May 26 17:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Qt 4.8.7 Released | May 26 17:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Qt 4.8.7 Released | Tux Machines | May 26 17:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:10 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 17:10 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 17:10 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 17:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Scribus 1.5 Released, Ported To Qt 5 With Big | May 26 17:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | UI Overhaul Coming | May 26 17:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Scribus 1.5 Released, Ported To Qt 5 With Big UI Overhaul Coming - Phoronix | May 26 17:10 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '4 steps to creating a thriving open source...' | May 26 17:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 Torrents Are Live, Download Now | May 26 17:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 Torrents Are Live, Download Now - Softpedia | May 26 17:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:16 |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 17:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On | May 26 17:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nouveau | May 26 17:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On Nouveau - Phoronix | May 26 17:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A call to arms | May 26 17:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manila Standard Today | Latest News in the Philippines | May 26 17:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Private cloud storage at public cloud prices: | May 26 17:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu Advantage Storage | May 26 17:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Private cloud storage at public cloud prices: Ubuntu Advantage Storage | ZDNet | May 26 17:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:24 |
*lenngray has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 26 17:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dropping Ubuntu Edge Was Canonical's Biggest | May 26 17:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Mistake | May 26 17:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dropping Ubuntu Edge Was Canonical's Biggest Mistake - Softpedia | May 26 17:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 17:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 17:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by ( | May 26 17:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 26 17:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @schestowitz | May 26 17:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 17:28 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 26 17:30 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 17:32 | |
schestowitz_log_ | just sent to RMS: | May 26 17:46 |
schestowitz_log_ | Hi Richard, | May 26 17:46 |
schestowitz_log_ | You learn something new every day. This news site says you created Linux. :-) | May 26 17:46 |
schestowitz_log_ | | May 26 17:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | iOS, Android, Windows and Mac are all malware, Linux creator says | BGR [ ] | May 26 17:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 26 18:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by ( | May 26 18:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @FrancisJeffrey7 | May 26 18:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android Auto Review: The Smartphone Finally | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Finds Its Rightful Home in the Car | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Auto Review: The Smartphone Finally Finds Its Rightful Home in the Car - WSJ | May 26 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A call to arms | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A call to arms | Tux Machines | May 26 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nouveau | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Has Another Developer Now Working On Nouveau | Tux Machines | May 26 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 and missing applications | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 and missing applications | Tux Machines | May 26 18:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dissecting Linux/Moose: a Linux Router-based | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Worm Hungry for Social Networks | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dissecting Linux/Moose: a Linux Router-based Worm Hungry for Social Networks | Tux Machines | May 26 18:02 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 26 18:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The end for Mandriva | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The end for Mandriva | Tux Machines | May 26 18:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Five Best Linux-Powered Mini Computers | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Five Best Linux-Powered Mini Computers | Tux Machines | May 26 18:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Information Exchange Between the Ubuntu | May 26 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Community Council and the Kubuntu Council | May 26 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Information Exchange Between the Ubuntu Community Council and the Kubuntu Council | Tux Machines | May 26 18:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams | May 26 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | media too | May 26 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 18:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams media too | Tux Machines | May 26 18:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 18:58 |
*TweetTuxMachines @NewsFuns favourited 'Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams media...' | May 26 18:58 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @keenwebhosting favourited 'Private Linux cloud server costs $89, streams media...' | May 26 18:59 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @keenwebhosting favourited 'The Five Best Linux-Powered Mini Computers' | May 26 18:59 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 26 18:59 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 26 19:00 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 26 19:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 26 19:00 | |
*[1]lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 19:07 | |
*lenngray has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 26 19:07 | |
*[1]lenngray is now known as lenngray | May 26 19:07 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @keenwebhosting favourited 'Information Exchange Between the Ubuntu Community Council and...' | May 26 19:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SUSE OpenStack Cloud: Any platform, anytime | May 26 19:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SUSE OpenStack Cloud: Any platform, anytime | Tux Machines | May 26 19:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Alpine 3.2.0 released | May 26 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Alpine 3.2.0 released | Tux Machines | May 26 19:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 Released, See What`s New | May 26 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | [Workstation] | May 26 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 Released, See What`s New [Workstation] | Tux Machines | May 26 19:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @GUSLSanFelix today's Linux howtos | May 26 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 26 19:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 26 19:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 19:57 |
*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 26 20:20 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 26 20:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @jesusguevarauto today's Linux howtos | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNU Creator Labels Windows And OS X As Malware, | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | Trashes IoT Movement | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU Creator Labels Windows And OS X As Malware, Trashes IoT Movement | Tux Machines | May 26 20:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Let's Talk Solus, the Linux Distribution That | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | Wants to Change the Game | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Let's Talk Solus, the Linux Distribution That Wants to Change the Game | Tux Machines | May 26 20:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Here’s how to make your Ubuntu Desktop | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | beautiful | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here’s how to make your Ubuntu Desktop beautiful | Tux Machines | May 26 20:42 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:42 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New websites for Fedora 22 | May 26 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 20:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 20:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New websites for Fedora 22 | Tux Machines | May 26 20:56 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @duckassist favourited 'Here’s how to make your Ubuntu Desktop beautiful...' | May 26 20:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google turns its Android font Roboto into an | May 26 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | open source project | May 26 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 21:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google turns its Android font Roboto into an open source project | Tux Machines | May 26 21:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Mint Xfce: Moving From Maya to Rebecca | May 26 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 21:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint Xfce: Moving From Maya to Rebecca | Tux Machines | May 26 21:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux-ready A20 SBC offers lots of display and | May 26 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | wireless options | May 26 21:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 21:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-ready A20 SBC offers lots of display and wireless options | Tux Machines | May 26 21:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 21:32 |
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 26 21:40 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 26 21:41 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 26 21:42 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 26 21:49 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 21:49 | |
schestowitz | | May 26 21:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz (did i email the timeline & footnotes on that?) | May 26 21:49 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 26 21:50 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 26 22:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says | May 26 22:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Red Hat CEO | May 26 22:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 22:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says Red Hat CEO | Tux Machines | May 26 22:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 22:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open Source Innovation: What's In and What's | May 26 22:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Out | May 26 22:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 26 22:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Innovation: What's In and What's Out | Tux Machines | May 26 22:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 26 22:19 |
*Disconnected (). | May 26 22:39 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue May 26 22:39:29 2015 | ||
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*Now talking on #techrights | May 26 22:41 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 26 22:41 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | May 26 22:41 | |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 26 22:42 | |
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*liberty_box ( has joined #techrights | May 26 22:56 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 26 22:57 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 26 23:09 | |
*lenngray has quit (Quit: Want to be different? Try HydraIRC -> <-) | May 26 23:23 | |
*balrog has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 26 23:55 | |
*KyriosBrastianos ( has joined #techrights | May 26 23:57 | |
*balrog (~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog) has joined #techrights | May 27 00:00 | |
r_schestowitz | "I think I'll gonna give it a try :) Slackware with absolute free software, libre-kernel ... sounds very interesting. I like Slackware very much :)" | May 27 00:03 |
r_schestowitz | | May 27 00:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #SlackEX Distro Lets You Run #Slackware 14.1 with Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and #KDE 4.10.5 #gnu #linux | May 27 00:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SlackEX Distro Lets You Run Slackware 14.1 with Linux Kernel 4.0.4 and KDE 4.10.5 - Softpedia [ ] | May 27 00:03 | |
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 27 00:10 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 27 00:10 | |
*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 27 00:32 | |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | May 27 00:42 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @Sylv1_Montreuil favourited 'Open Source Innovation: What's In and What's Out...' | May 27 01:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says | May 27 01:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Red Hat CEO | May 27 01:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( new | May 27 01:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 01:27 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 27 01:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 27 01:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says Red Hat CEO - Video - TheStreet | May 27 01:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 01:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Red Hat Cloud Suite for Applications Offers Open Source Integrated IaaS and PaaS Solution/ | App Developer Magazine | May 27 01:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google's Hiroshi Lockheimer On The Present And | May 27 01:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Future Of Android And Chrome OS | May 27 01:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 27 01:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google's Hiroshi Lockheimer On The Present And Future Of Android And Chrome OS | Fast Company | Business + Innovation | May 27 01:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 01:28 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Open Sourcing Totally Trumps Crowdsourcing Says Red Hat...' | May 27 01:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Red Hat Cloud Suite for Applications Offers | May 27 01:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Source Integrated IaaS and PaaS Solution | May 27 01:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 27 01:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 27 01:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 01:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Systemd for dummies | May 27 01:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( " | May 27 01:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Systemd for dummies | May 27 01:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | unusable, undocumented" -iophk | May 27 01:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 27 01:40 |
*TweetTuxMachines @mchmarny favourited 'New Red Hat Cloud Suite for Applications Offers...' | May 27 02:08 | |
*KyriosBrastianos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 02:29 | |
*KyriosBrastianos ( has joined #techrights | May 27 02:30 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 27 02:36 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | May 27 02:59 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | May 27 03:20 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 27 03:47 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | May 27 04:33 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 05:05 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 27 05:24 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 27 05:26 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 27 05:32 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 05:32 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 27 05:33 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | May 27 06:05 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 27 06:16 | |
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | May 27 06:59 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 27 07:33 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 08:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jose R Rodriguez (@Metztli_IT) | Twitter | May 27 08:28 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 08:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The #microsoft -bribed firm - #idc - which said Windows will have become dominant in mobile by 2015 - bashes #android | May 27 08:38 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | China, Android to be hardest hit in coming smartphone slump | Computerworld [ ] | May 27 08:38 | |
schestowitz | Hilarious!"" | May 27 08:38 |
schestowitz | | May 27 09:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Nutzwert: @schestowitz Thank You. | May 27 09:32 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 09:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz I've seen a lot of that. One reason it started was because of the "eccentricity" of some of the Debian developers. | May 27 09:44 | |
schestowitz | yes, lots about that at the moment, I might stay out... | May 27 09:44 |
schestowitz | | May 27 11:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux #uefi #security | May 27 11:34 | |
schestowitz | "I think that's what UEFI was designed for." | May 27 11:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux : linux [ ] | May 27 11:34 | |
schestowitz | "Good article, despite emotive buzzwords such as "stupid" and "ghetto" and a disregard for the once cherished principle of backward compatibility. Yet another reason for sticking to the principle of KISS." | May 27 11:34 |
schestowitz | | May 27 11:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ You learn something new every day. This news site says RMS created Linux. GNU? What's that!? | May 27 11:35 | |
schestowitz | "Linux creator. LOL." | May 27 11:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | iOS, Android, Windows and Mac are all malware, Linux creator says | BGR [ ] | May 27 11:35 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mboelen: It is not Friday yet, but @schestowitz is sharing a good amount of Unix / security related tweets during the week. #FF | May 27 12:06 | |
cubexyz | poor choice of words there | May 27 12:17 |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ When a company has a position called "chief design officer" it says a lot about artsy, markety aspects. #apple #hype | May 27 12:57 | |
schestowitz | "and that artsy, markety aspect explains their success- as opposed to companies that sell products which appeal to geeks and developers but no one else" | May 27 12:57 |
schestowitz | Android is doing well | May 27 12:57 |
schestowitz | | May 27 12:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Yet Another Major #Security Deficiency in #UEFI as if anyone still believes it's (or ever was) about 'security' | May 27 12:58 | |
schestowitz | "Error establishing a database connection !" | May 27 12:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Yet Another Major Security Deficiency in UEFI | Techrights [ ] | May 27 12:58 | |
schestowitz | "+1 !! Very good article :)" | May 27 12:58 |
schestowitz | Thanks, the site was under very heavy load earlier (Anonymous links sometimes do that) | May 27 12:58 |
schestowitz | | May 27 13:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LXer: M$ here ... M$ there ... M$ everywhere ...: Microsoft Accused of Blackmailing UK Officials Supporting Open Document Format | May 27 13:04 | |
schestowitz | "And yet, Mark Shuttleworth wants to sign business deals with them." | May 27 13:05 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:05 |
schestowitz | well, one way to reduce bullying is to engage in meaningful interaction with the bully. bullying occurs because the bully feels threatened. by signing business deals the threat is reduced because, hey, there is money to be made... | May 27 13:05 |
schestowitz | greetings, eMBee. | May 27 13:05 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:05 |
schestowitz | "I don't even see it as a bullying thing. I simply see it as unethical, and would avoid entering into any business relationship with a company engaged in such behavior. " | May 27 13:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:06 |
schestowitz | And that Sir, is the problem with the corporate form of business. It promotes/encourages unethical behavior. | May 27 13:06 |
schestowitz | Not that people need any help in that regard. | May 27 13:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:06 |
schestowitz | "It all depends on the ethics of those at the top of any organization, irregardless of how it's formed. Those in leadership positions decide whether they want to be good or evil." | May 27 13:06 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | @mbaehrlxer, | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | >> well, one way to reduce bullying is to engage in meaningful interaction with the bully. bullying occurs because the bully feels threatened. | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | For Political Diplomacy, I think that your "meaningful interaction" with bullies is nothing more than Appeasement. | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | >> by signing business deals the threat is reduced because, hey, there is money to be made... | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | For Business, yielding to bullies' threats is called EXTORTION! | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | 2c | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | > And yet, Mark Shuttleworth wants to sign business deals with them. | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | And RH wanted to give them the right to yay or nay kernels for UEFI... | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | To which Torvalds made a certain comment: | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: [GIT PULL] Load keys from signed PE binaries | May 27 13:07 | |
schestowitz | "The corporate form of business promotes unethical people to the top. The bigger the corporation, the more true this becomes. It's not exactly that the people are unethical that pushes them to the top; it's their willingness to adopt a 'money is the only thing' corporate outlook, which amounts to the same thing. Money can't be use as a basis for an accurate ethical or moral compass.' | May 27 13:07 |
schestowitz | "I don't think privately held corps are doomed to this unethical behavior. But publicly held corps definitely seem to be." | May 27 13:08 |
schestowitz | "Yes, I was talking about public corporations. I should have stipulated that." | May 27 13:08 |
schestowitz | | May 27 13:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux #uefi #security | May 27 13:13 | |
schestowitz | "gah, i'm going back to my abacus" | May 27 13:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UEFI backdoor allows root exploit in Linux : linux [ ] | May 27 13:13 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 27 13:29 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 13:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@openorgbook: @schestowitz our goal is to build community around the ideas and the book and help to discuss ways to implement openness #TheOpenOrg | May 27 13:30 | |
schestowitz | Red Hat has not been entirely open/transparent about the business it does with the NSA | May 27 13:31 |
schestowitz | | May 27 13:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Yet Another Major #Security Deficiency in #UEFI as if anyone still believes it's (or ever was) about 'security' | May 27 13:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 500 @ ) | May 27 13:34 | |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:34 |
schestowitz | Error establishing a database connection ! | May 27 13:34 |
schestowitz | strange, i got that for a totally unrelated other site today… looks like the whole internet is breaking down… “infrastructure apocalypse” as @fefesblog would say | May 27 13:34 |
schestowitz | " | May 27 13:34 |
schestowitz | Time to beef up Varnish soon... waiting for hardware to arrive | May 27 13:35 |
schestowitz | | May 27 13:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@millenniumbound: nah, that's methical hacking. ethnical hacking is done by Lord Nikon. hacking for a govt is incomprehensible. @schestowitz @kaatje36 | May 27 13:41 | |
*jgay ( has joined #techrights | May 27 14:54 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 17:02 | |
*jono has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 27 17:02 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 27 17:02 | |
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schestowitz | | May 27 17:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@openorgbook: @schestowitz You'll have to take that up with @RedHatNews. We're here to discuss #TheOpenOrg Have a great day! | May 27 17:30 | |
schestowitz | It would be great if @RedHatNews explained why Red Hat receives NSA code to push into #linux using redhat com addresses | May 27 17:30 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 27 17:31 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 17:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz see that the author "borrowed" some of the text from my article without asking/linking | May 27 17:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | GNOME Disk Utility 3.17.2 Fixes Benchmarking of Disks on 32-Bit Architectures - Softpedia | May 27 17:31 | |
schestowitz | yes, I know this site is a ripoff artist.. Thanks for reminding me. | May 27 17:32 |
schestowitz | | May 27 17:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz thanks for reminding me that =) | May 27 17:33 | |
schestowitz | | May 27 17:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Werewolf was a #fedora release name. I guess people won't remember this after the next #ubuntu | May 27 17:33 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 18:31 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 18:32 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 19:02 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 27 19:10 | |
schestowitz | > See how Reddit hides msgs except to the original poster, very sneaky :) As far as I can make out, most of the posts are advertisements disguised as fake personal anecdotes. Adverts for the Credit Card industry under disguise as asking for financial advice, or in this case a free advert for the psycho-pharma industry. | May 27 19:10 |
schestowitz | > | May 27 19:10 |
schestowitz | > | May 27 19:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Reddit policy regarding hiding comments from everyone except the logged in user? : AskReddit [ ] | May 27 19:10 | |
schestowitz | Reddit sickens me. A lot of people don't quite realise how many trolls and spam come from them. Censorship there is directed against anyone who is not good to Conde Nast's business model (they own Reddit), not trolls or spam. Reddit even takes Microsoft money to advertise Microsoft under the disguise of Q and A. The same was done with Bill Gates. | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | Last year it was reveals (by whistleblower's account) that Microsoft employs AstroTurfers to leave posts favourable to Microsoft products in Reddit. | May 27 19:11 |
schestowitz | My perception of Reddit it FAR worse than that of Slashdot after Dice took over. | May 27 19:11 |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 19:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 27 19:56 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 27 20:05 | |
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*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 27 21:19 | |
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*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 27 21:22 | |
*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 27 21:27 | |
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*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 27 23:47 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 00:29 | |
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*KyriosBrastianos has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 00:56 | |
*jgay has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 28 01:03 | |
cubexyz | at the very least linux sites should knock out the Microsoft ads | May 28 01:04 |
cubexyz | it's not hard with adsense | May 28 01:05 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 01:13 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 28 01:14 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 01:48 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 01:59 | |
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*msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 28 03:25 | |
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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 07:40 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 28 07:41 | |
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schestowitz | | May 28 08:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Matelamotgagot: 28 May 2015 #British #Government May be a Step #Closer to #GNU/#Linux (on the #Desktops, Not Just Servers) | May 28 08:38 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | British Government May be a Step Closer to GNU/Linux (on the Desktops, Not Just Servers) | Techrights | May 28 08:38 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@fcassia: @1n7h35y573m I'm sure Android fan @schestowitz will love this | May 28 08:39 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz What, that software can do things? Yeah, that's kind of the point. | May 28 08:43 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz The only possible argument here is that SMM is a security concern. I agree with that. Nothing to do with UEFI. | May 28 08:43 | |
schestowitz | So an issue for coreboot? | May 28 08:44 |
cubexyz | there's a way to turn off SMM usually | May 28 08:52 |
cubexyz | depends on how well you understand the firmware of your motherboard | May 28 08:52 |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz And? Anyone who can modify your firmware can inject malware into that, and it'll be invisible to the OS. | May 28 08:53 | |
schestowitz | Who can modify it? | May 28 08:53 |
cubexyz | anyone with the commented firmware source code :) | May 28 08:54 |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz If there's a security vulnerability, anyone who can exploit it. If it's a shipped system, anyone who touched it before you. | May 28 08:54 | |
schestowitz | If it's proprietary, then it can be presumed insecure. If you put coreboot on it, it's not tampered with | May 28 08:55 |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz ie, exactly the same as with UEFI | May 28 08:55 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz If the question you want to ask is "Is it easier to examine Free Software for backdoors", yes. It is. | May 28 08:56 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz But having source doesn't guarantee that your binaries are secure. Coreboot isn't safe from the NSA. | May 28 08:56 | |
schestowitz | It is a lot safer than blob-only programs, as the hard-drive fiasco serves to show | May 28 08:56 |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Ha ha no seriously. | May 28 08:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Demonstrate how you can install Coreboot without existing firmware being able to tamper with it. | May 28 08:57 | |
schestowitz | That's a different issue, a self-preserving bug | May 28 08:57 |
cubexyz | rubbish | May 28 08:57 |
cubexyz | you build it on another machine, and swap out the chip | May 28 08:58 |
schestowitz | | May 28 08:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz How's it a different issue? It has identical impact on the user. | May 28 08:58 | |
schestowitz | yeah, so swap out the chip. /sarcasm | May 28 08:58 |
cubexyz | coreboot does have some SMM support | May 28 09:01 |
cubexyz | there's src/cpu/x86/smm/smmhandler.S | May 28 09:03 |
cubexyz | anyone can look at it | May 28 09:03 |
cubexyz | I don't even think coreboot turns on SMM | May 28 09:10 |
cubexyz | it does low-level initialization of some cpu registers then it hands off control to the OS | May 28 09:11 |
cubexyz | the payload is only 128K in some cases | May 28 09:13 |
cubexyz | small enough to hexdump the whole thing | May 28 09:13 |
schestowitz | | May 28 09:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz When your security model involves desoldering SMT components you've already lost | May 28 09:15 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Firmware security is *hard*. Coreboot makes it very slightly easier. It doesn't solve the real problems. | May 28 09:15 | |
schestowitz | But we agree that SSM is a security problem, a complexity that invited abuse | May 28 09:16 |
cubexyz | I didn't desolder any SMT components :) | May 28 09:16 |
cubexyz | P3 era motherboards had socketed BIOSes | May 28 09:16 |
schestowitz | That's why many advocate K.I.S.S. for booting | May 28 09:16 |
schestowitz | Some motherboards have socketed BIOSes. But just like with UEFI, our freedoms are being limited over time... | May 28 09:17 |
cubexyz | I never had the BIOS source code for anything until coreboot came along | May 28 09:24 |
cubexyz | historically only the IBM AT had commented BIOS source available, and a few others | May 28 09:24 |
cubexyz | so with chromebooks you can delete ChromeOS and put a Linux on it | May 28 09:27 |
cubexyz | in the 1970s with the PDP-11s people had software freedom | May 28 09:28 |
cubexyz | in some cases the users wrote their own OS, since the OS that came with early PDP's wasn't very good | May 28 09:29 |
cubexyz | so we are not any worse off than we were in the 1980s except that the complexity of these devices has increased, so it's harder to learn about it | May 28 09:30 |
cubexyz | but I found the coreboot folks were friendly and willing to help people | May 28 09:31 |
cubexyz | things were worse in the 1980s in many ways | May 28 09:32 |
cubexyz | no gcc, no TCP/IP mostly | May 28 09:32 |
cubexyz | you had to spent $$$ for a good compiler | May 28 09:32 |
cubexyz | computers didn't have writeable BIOS back then, so yeah you had to pop out the chip to upgrade it | May 28 09:33 |
schestowitz | | May 28 09:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz Makes no difference. Simple firmware is as dangerous as complicated firmware. | May 28 09:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz UEFI systems contain more free software than BIOS systems by orders of magnitude. It's a step forward. | May 28 09:33 | |
cubexyz | being worried about secure boot I can understand | May 28 09:43 |
cubexyz | probably most people won't have the patience or technical knowledge to reprogram their firmware | May 28 09:49 |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 28 09:52 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 28 10:08 | |
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schestowitz | | May 28 11:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Zeipt: К вопросу об Ubuntu Touch, @EVSakal | May 28 11:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Canonical Has Created a Dual Landing Functionality for #Ubuntu Touch, Permitting the Users To Easily Switch | May 28 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | May 28 11:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Nutzwert: @schestowitz The Rich don't save the economy, they destroy it to serve their wealth against the commonwealth? | May 28 11:56 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 28 12:07 | |
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schestowitz | | May 28 12:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Yet Another Major #Security Deficiency in #UEFI as if anyone still believes it's (or ever was) about 'security' | May 28 12:46 | |
schestowitz | "It's non free software, of course it works for the owner instead of the user!" | May 28 12:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Yet Another Major Security Deficiency in UEFI | Techrights [ ] | May 28 12:46 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | May 28 13:02 | |
cubexyz | ok, first a correction about BIOS | May 28 13:17 |
cubexyz | the whole BIOS thing was from Gary Kildall for CP/M | May 28 13:17 |
cubexyz | not MSDOS | May 28 13:17 |
cubexyz | I think Intellec-8 was the first machine that CP/M ran on | May 28 13:21 |
cubexyz | all the IBM PC stuff came later on | May 28 13:21 |
*Disconnected (). | May 28 13:24 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 28 13:24:27 2015 | ||
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*Now talking on #techrights | May 28 13:26 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | May 28 13:26 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | May 28 13:26 | |
cubexyz | for example: | May 28 13:27 |
cubexyz | /dev/rk0 1033 | May 28 13:27 |
cubexyz | so I would have 528896 bytes left on /dev/rk0 | May 28 13:27 |
cubexyz | now the bigger problem... lockout of anything other than windows | May 28 13:30 |
cubexyz | it's not clear at all if you can disable secure boot without some knowledge of the firmware | May 28 13:31 |
cubexyz | I'm not going to buy anything without studying things a lot, that's for sure | May 28 13:35 |
cubexyz | chromebooks & chromeboxes are safe though | May 28 13:36 |
cubexyz | oddball stuff like Plan 9, or other research OSes you probably want a few old machines for that | May 28 13:36 |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 13:38 |
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrights | May 28 13:39 | |
cubexyz | Ward Vandewege from the FSF was pretty knowledgeable about coreboot and he made a pdf presentation which is worth reading | May 28 13:52 |
cubexyz | | May 28 13:52 |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 28 14:25 | |
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*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | May 28 15:53 | |
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*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 28 15:58 | |
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r_schestowitz | | May 28 16:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 11 pointless but awesome Linux terminal tricks #gnu #linux #clu | May 28 16:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 11 pointless but awesome Linux terminal tricks [ ] | May 28 16:02 | |
r_schestowitz | "shouldn't it be | nyancat instead of | lolcat?" | May 28 16:02 |
*nj3ma__ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 28 16:02 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | May 28 16:02 | |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 16:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #surveillance of things (IoT) not secure #security #iot | May 28 16:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | NetUSB vulnerability leaves millions of connected devices open to attack | ZDNet [ ] | May 28 16:02 | |
r_schestowitz | "#duh" | May 28 16:03 |
r_schestowitz | isn't this just internal circuitry? I'm guessing it's not critical for software freedom, am I right? | May 28 16:03 |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 16:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Introducing the Cubic Board -- A Completely Open Source #FPGA Project #freesw #openhardware | May 28 16:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Introducing the Cubic Board -- A Completely Open Source FPGA Project | EE Times [ ] | May 28 16:03 | |
r_schestowitz | maybe the concept is... | May 28 16:03 |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 16:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Picks by Dr. Roy Schestowitz, Making Sense of the Kubuntu/Canonical Leadership... [ ] | May 28 16:10 | |
r_schestowitz | "Ah, this explains things well. Thanks for posting.' | May 28 16:10 |
r_schestowitz | Who'side is right? | May 28 16:10 |
r_schestowitz | Whose side is right? | May 28 16:10 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 16:15 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 16:23 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 28 17:16 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 28 17:16 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 17:16 | |
*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 28 19:11 | |
r_schestowitz | > I like it. Do you agree that the account is being hidden except for the logged in user? if so it's a very sneaky form of censorship. The only other place I've seen this done was on the Microsoft Jack column in the Guardian. Login and see for your self. I have noticed I can't change the password anymore. The registered email is ..... Never a problem before. | May 28 19:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:26 |
r_schestowitz | > Reddit: P.... | May 28 19:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:26 |
r_schestowitz | > Password: ... | May 28 19:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:26 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Censorship on Reddit Has Gotten (Condé) Nasty and Silent, Even Actively Silenced | Techrights [ ] | May 28 19:26 | |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | confirms it's binned extended Windows XP support • The Register [ ] | May 28 19:35 | |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > == | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > fyi: note the 'moderator' post at the end. he is indicative of that | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > there has been a fair bit of entryism and so it is a typical position of | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > some 'moderators' these years. imho the heavy handed approach to | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > differences fits right in with how they are dealing with kubuntu | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft is Again Showing Its Hatred of Free/Open Source Software by Lobbying the I [ ] | May 28 19:35 | |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 19:35 |
r_schestowitz | I didn't know it was discussed there. It's good that it's at least being brought up. I saw what the moderator did and my reaction is, fair enough, nothing rude said or done. There have been worse actions than that... | May 28 19:35 |
*jgay ( has joined #techrights | May 28 20:39 | |
*jgay has quit (Changing host) | May 28 20:39 | |
*jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrights | May 28 20:39 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 28 20:47 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 20:57 | |
r_schestowitz | >> > I didn't know it was discussed there. It's good that it's at least | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | >> > being brought up. I saw what the moderator did and my reaction is, | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | >> > fair enough, nothing rude said or done. There have been worse actions | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | >> > than that... | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > It's not, usually. That moderator usually shuts such discussion down as | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > quick as he can since he arrived. I think that thread went on as long | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > as it did because he may not have been around for a few days. Some of | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > the others toe the same line. | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > But, yes, it's a good sign that it is at least brought up. I think it | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > and related topics would be much, much more frequently discussed if the | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > moderators weren't so actively squelching anything related to freedome, | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | > GNU or GPL or RMS. | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | Do they suppress discussion of these two? Recently? | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | (re Ubuntu Forums) | May 28 20:59 |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 21:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 16 Must Have Android Apps | May 28 21:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 16 Must Have Android Apps - Datamation [ ] | May 28 21:00 | |
r_schestowitz | "it is the second post in the same day you are promoting Android... Is it necessary ?" | May 28 21:00 |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 28 21:00 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 28 21:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 21:00 | |
r_schestowitz | | May 28 21:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Using Windows? Avoid #SourceForge | May 28 21:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Using Windows? Avoid SourceForge. - Goodbye, Microsoft® [ ] | May 28 21:02 | |
r_schestowitz | "There are some projects that still use #Sourceforge. But it mostly seems to be those that haven't migrated to #github yet." | May 28 21:02 |
r_schestowitz | I have projects on sourceforge that I have not touched in more than a decade | May 28 21:03 |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 21:08 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 21:08 | |
MinceR | geekings | May 28 21:16 |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 21:40 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 21:42 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 28 21:42 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 21:49 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 21:54 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 22:00 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 28 22:41 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 22:49 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 22:51 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 22:59 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 23:12 | |
*jono has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 28 23:12 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 28 23:21 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 28 23:21 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 23:21 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 28 23:24 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 23:25 | |
*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | May 28 23:25 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 23:48 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 28 23:50 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 28 23:50 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 28 23:50 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 28 23:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 01:23 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 01:24 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 01:25 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | May 29 01:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based | May 29 03:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support | May 29 03:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 03:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 03:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support - Softpedia | May 29 03:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New | May 29 03:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon | May 29 03:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 03:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon - Phoronix | May 29 03:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 03:33 |
*Evidlo ( has joined #techrights | May 29 04:37 | |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Not sure if you're still around, but do you still have the source for the poly_w2 drawing program? | May 29 04:38 |
cubexyz | yes, I haven't put it online | May 29 04:39 |
Evidlo | Any reason why? | May 29 04:39 |
cubexyz | well, it was sort of a 3d viewer prototype | May 29 04:42 |
cubexyz | I had meant to go back and improve it, but I just never got around to it | May 29 04:42 |
cubexyz | but if you want to see it I can put it on the web | May 29 04:43 |
Evidlo | Yeah I'd like to play around with it | May 29 04:44 |
cubexyz | let me just stick a GPL note in it first | May 29 04:44 |
cubexyz | I'll include the file king.txt so you'll see what sort of input it uses | May 29 04:45 |
cubexyz | ok | May 29 04:52 |
cubexyz | | May 29 04:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Experiments in 3D | May 29 04:52 | |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Thanks bunches | May 29 04:53 |
cubexyz | use the keys x y and z to rotate stuff :) | May 29 04:53 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Except the download link is bad it looks like | May 29 04:53 |
cubexyz | sorry | May 29 04:54 |
cubexyz | try it now | May 29 04:55 |
Evidlo | yep | May 29 04:55 |
Evidlo | So are the first four lines in king.txt for camera placement? | May 29 04:56 |
cubexyz | ok... I wrote it a while ago... the first number is the number of vertices if I remember it right | May 29 05:00 |
cubexyz | so for a cube points would be 8 | May 29 05:02 |
cubexyz | types is 1 | May 29 05:02 |
cubexyz | sides is 6 and polylines is 4 | May 29 05:02 |
cubexyz | | May 29 05:03 |
cubexyz | that might explain things better | May 29 05:03 |
cubexyz | there's x y z co-ordinates | May 29 05:04 |
cubexyz | then edge data | May 29 05:04 |
cubexyz | dash moves you closer, equal sign further away | May 29 05:06 |
cubexyz | sorry about the lack of documentation | May 29 05:06 |
cubexyz | you can move the object up and down with h and n | May 29 05:09 |
cubexyz | so the second line means the number of kinds of polygons | May 29 05:11 |
cubexyz | usually 1 but sometimes more | May 29 05:11 |
cubexyz | most of the data was converted from other programs like 3d studio max | May 29 05:12 |
Evidlo | 1 being a square? | May 29 05:12 |
cubexyz | 4 sided polygon, not necessarily a square | May 29 05:13 |
cubexyz | but a square in the case of a cube, yes | May 29 05:13 |
cubexyz | there was a book that helped me a lot... Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics by James D Foley | May 29 05:16 |
cubexyz | one of the Atari software engineers recommended it to me quite a while ago | May 29 05:16 |
cubexyz | all it needs to compile is: gcc poly_w2.c -lm -lX11 -o poly_w2 | May 29 05:22 |
cubexyz | it only needs some math functions and Xlib | May 29 05:23 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: I get a segfault with king.txt | May 29 05:27 |
Evidlo | cube.txt seems to work fine though | May 29 05:28 |
cubexyz | which compiler are you using? | May 29 05:29 |
Evidlo | gcc 4.8 | May 29 05:32 |
cubexyz | ok, I think I know why | May 29 05:39 |
cubexyz | try this: | May 29 05:39 |
cubexyz | | May 29 05:39 |
cubexyz | then poly_w2 | May 29 05:39 |
cubexyz | no wait that's not it | May 29 05:40 |
cubexyz | it will work on gcc 4.2.3 | May 29 05:41 |
cubexyz | it was written on gcc 3.3.2 originally | May 29 05:41 |
cubexyz | it segfaulted on gcc 4.5.1 as well | May 29 05:44 |
cubexyz | we had the a similar problem with majesty gold | May 29 05:47 |
cubexyz | it wouldn't compile right on anything other than gcc 2.95 | May 29 05:47 |
cubexyz | it doesn't like line 446 for some reason | May 29 05:55 |
cubexyz | face[a][x][r] = atoi(test1); | May 29 05:55 |
cubexyz | yes, test1 was too small | May 29 05:58 |
cubexyz | the vertex data is too many digits | May 29 05:59 |
Evidlo | Why does that make it segfault? | May 29 06:04 |
cubexyz | yeah that's not why | May 29 06:08 |
cubexyz | it's been tested on a bunch of systems including openbsd without problem, but I haven't tried it on anything new lately | May 29 06:22 |
cubexyz | in the line: | May 29 06:39 |
cubexyz | face = (int ***) calloc (total_sides_1, sizeof(int)); | May 29 06:40 |
cubexyz | change it to: | May 29 06:40 |
cubexyz | face = (int ***) calloc (total_sides_1, sizeof(int)*3); | May 29 06:40 |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 29 06:40 | |
cubexyz | array face wasn't big enough to hold all the vertex data | May 29 06:41 |
cubexyz | I guess old gcc managed to allocate more memory for it | May 29 06:41 |
cubexyz | there's 3 ints per line :) | May 29 06:42 |
cubexyz | a silly oversight on my part | May 29 06:42 |
cubexyz | should be line 390 or close to it | May 29 06:45 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: What is (int ***) doing? | May 29 06:45 |
cubexyz | not a lot I don't think | May 29 06:51 |
cubexyz | might even be archaic now | May 29 06:52 |
Evidlo | Is it really necessary to cast it to a pointer? Doesn't it return a pointer? | May 29 06:52 |
cubexyz | yes | May 29 06:53 |
cubexyz | did you get king.txt to go? | May 29 06:54 |
cubexyz | there had to be some reason, but I forget now | May 29 06:55 |
Evidlo | It works | May 29 06:55 |
Evidlo | How did you figure it out? | May 29 06:56 |
cubexyz | ok, you can probably just remove (int ***) then | May 29 06:56 |
cubexyz | well the face that it worked for a simpler object was a big hint | May 29 06:56 |
cubexyz | s/face/fact/ | May 29 06:56 |
cubexyz | then I ran gdb on it with set args king.txt | May 29 06:56 |
cubexyz | so it looked like the array face wasn't big enough to hold all the data for king.txt | May 29 06:57 |
Evidlo | cubexyz: Apparently you shouldn't use (int *) before a malloc, because it's redundant. That's what the guys in #c told me | May 29 06:58 |
cubexyz | ok well... one thing I have to mention | May 29 06:59 |
cubexyz | the face that old gcc worked as written | May 29 06:59 |
cubexyz | but whatever works | May 29 07:00 |
cubexyz | ugh, s/face/fact/ | May 29 07:00 |
cubexyz | somewhere I picked that up, but now it's probably not a good idea | May 29 07:00 |
cubexyz | if you're in school, ask a real expert :) | May 29 07:01 |
cubexyz | it's whatever the compiler does that counts | May 29 07:02 |
Evidlo | also readability | May 29 07:02 |
cubexyz | the sad fact of the matter is the compiler does change over time | May 29 07:03 |
cubexyz | I'll retest it with old gcc and newer | May 29 07:04 |
cubexyz | have a look at this: | May 29 07:07 |
cubexyz | | May 29 07:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | C Dynamic Memory Allocation Tutorials - malloc(), calloc() [ ] | May 29 07:07 | |
cubexyz | it seems that that practise is frowned on now | May 29 07:11 |
cubexyz | ok, I uploaded a new version | May 29 07:26 |
cubexyz | this time with an actual makefile :) | May 29 07:26 |
*lenngray has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 07:37 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based | May 29 08:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support | May 29 08:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 08:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 08:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire 2.17 Update 90 Gets GeoIP-Based Blocking, Legacy Microsoft Hyper-V Support | Tux Machines | May 29 08:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New | May 29 08:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon | May 29 08:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 08:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 08:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For AMD Users, Linux 4.2 Will Bring The New AMDGPU Driver & VCE1 For Radeon | Tux Machines | May 29 08:11 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 08:22 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | May 29 08:55 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 09:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | May 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 09:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | Tux Machines | May 29 09:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation | May 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 22 and 21 | May 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 09:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation for Fedora 22 and 21 | Tux Machines | May 29 09:21 | |
*nj3ma_ (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 09:32 | |
*nj3ma_ has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 09:33 | |
r_schestowitz | >> FWIW I just heard an interview on episode 91 of BSDNow where, if I heard | May 29 10:08 |
r_schestowitz | >> > correctly, a Debian Developer who works for M$ got briefly interviewed. | May 29 10:08 |
r_schestowitz | >> > rah rah systemd. | May 29 10:08 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 29 10:08 |
r_schestowitz | > | May 29 10:08 |
r_schestowitz | > "Jose" at 26:15 - 27:30 | May 29 10:08 |
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 29 10:09 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 29 10:09 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 29 10:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu | May 29 10:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans | May 29 10:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:14 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans | Tux Machines | May 29 10:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | May 29 10:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 10:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A History of Android, From Cupcake to M | May 29 10:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation | May 29 10:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 22 and 21 | May 29 10:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Boxes 3.18 to Offer Express Installation for Fedora 22 and 21 - Softpedia | May 29 10:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( #gnome #gnu #linux | May 29 10:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 10:15 |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 29 10:32 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | May 29 10:33 | |
*arossdotme has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | May 29 10:37 | |
*arossdotme ( has joined #techrights | May 29 10:50 | |
schestowitz | | May 29 10:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #dice sure has killed #sourceforge because any developers paying attention would avoid it | May 29 10:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SourceForge - Techrights [ ] | May 29 10:54 | |
schestowitz | " | May 29 10:54 |
schestowitz | E16 is still hosted there. Hopefully, they will self host. | May 29 10:54 |
schestowitz | Have they done this to anything but Windows ware yet? | May 29 10:54 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 10:54 |
schestowitz | | May 29 10:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Class war has no borders. They just label it "war on terror". In order for multinational, globalist plutocrats to wage #war globally... | May 29 10:54 | |
schestowitz | "Which makes their imaginary existence all the more insidious." | May 29 10:54 |
schestowitz | | May 29 10:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #google continues to pull people's photos out of their #android devices and into 'cloud' (PRISM) | May 29 10:55 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The new Google Photos is now available for Android, iOS, and the web | The Verge [ ] | May 29 10:55 | |
schestowitz | " | May 29 10:55 |
schestowitz | Glad I replaced it with Open Camera and Focal, both available in F-Droid. | May 29 10:55 |
schestowitz | We can't trust Google nowadays. | May 29 10:55 |
schestowitz | " | May 29 10:55 |
schestowitz | | May 29 10:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #sophos ignores proprietary platforms with back doors, instead focusing on #gnu #linux and #android | May 29 10:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Sophos talks at Infosec 2015: Linux malware, dodgyware for Android, crypto explained, and more | Sophos Blog [ ] | May 29 10:57 | |
schestowitz | "Yet their "Sophos UTM" is based on Linux..." | May 29 10:57 |
schestowitz | Hypocrites | May 29 10:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Beautiful Mangaka Linux Is Based on Ubuntu 14.04, Designed for Anime and Manga Fans - Softpedia | May 29 11:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | on Any Platform via Docker Images | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro on Any Platform via Docker Images - Softpedia | May 29 11:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands-on with Google's first Android M preview | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on with Google's first Android M preview | The Verge | May 29 11:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Here’s the next big update to Android Wear | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here's the next big update to Android Wear | May 29 11:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines UE3 Powered Physics Puzzler 'Unmechanical' In | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open Beta For Linux | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UE3 Powered Physics Puzzler 'Unmechanical' In Open Beta For Linux | GamingOnLinux | May 29 11:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | on Any Platform via Docker Images | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Run the Kali Linux Penetration Testing Distro on Any Platform via Docker Images | Tux Machines | May 29 11:40 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Trade agreement could prohibit open source code | May 29 11:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | supply | May 29 11:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trade agreement could prohibit open source code supply | Tux Machines | May 29 11:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi | May 29 11:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | models | May 29 11:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi models | Tux Machines | May 29 11:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Maintaining an open source project at the | May 29 11:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | Guardian | May 29 11:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 11:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Maintaining an open source project at the Guardian | Tux Machines | May 29 11:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 11:53 |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | May 29 13:04 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 14:04 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 29 14:09 | |
MinceR | | May 29 14:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 29/5/2015: ALT Linux 7.0.5, Google I/O | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | 2015 ( | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android Leftovers | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 14:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 14:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 29/5/2015: ALT Linux 7.0.5, Google I/O 2015 | Techrights | May 29 14:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 29 14:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux Machines | May 29 14:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 29 14:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 29 14:36 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 29 14:36 | |
*jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrights | May 29 15:15 | |
*nj3ma (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | May 29 15:30 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 29 15:41 | |
MinceR | | May 29 16:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A SIMPLE TEXT WILL CRASH YOUR IPHONE - Album on Imgur | May 29 16:25 | |
cubexyz | that web page killed my browser :-P | May 29 16:42 |
MinceR | :) | May 29 16:57 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 17:00 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 17:10 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: I'll be back...) | May 29 17:21 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | May 29 17:30 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 17:30 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 17:31 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 17:32 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 18:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:03 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 18:07 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 29 18:08 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 29 18:08 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:08 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 18:51 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 18:55 | |
*msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | May 29 18:56 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 18:58 | |
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrights | May 29 19:02 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 29 19:02 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 19:02 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 19:03 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 19:25 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 19:45 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 19:50 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 19:52 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 19:55 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 29 20:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 29 20:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 29 20:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:47 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mandriva 1998-2015 | May 29 20:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mandriva 1998-2015 | FOSS Force | May 29 20:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M Is Here, and So Is Google's | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Smartphone Future | May 29 20:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Is Here, and So Is Google's Smartphone Future | May 29 20:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | In Google's New Android 6.0 | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences In Google's New Android 6.0 | Tux Machines | May 29 20:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | of Days | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple of Days | Tux Machines | May 29 20:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities | Tux Machines | May 29 20:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME 3.17.2 | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.17.2 | Tux Machines | May 29 20:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | key concerns with tech sector | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 20:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline key concerns with tech sector | Tux Machines | May 29 20:57 | |
MinceR | | May 29 21:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Diving into M: Multi-window option can be enabled with some work! [ ] | May 29 21:18 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 29 21:26 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | May 29 21:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google confirms 4,000 apps and an update coming | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | to Android Wear | May 29 21:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Wear has 7 Watches, 4,000 Apps, 1,500 Watchfaces | Digital Trends | May 29 21:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | community forgetting its primary goal? | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora community forgetting its primary goal? - | May 29 21:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SOMA, The New Horror From Frictional Games Due | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | In September Day-1 For Linux, New Trailer Too | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SOMA, The New Horror From Frictional Games Due In September Day-1 For Linux, New Trailer Too | GamingOnLinux | May 29 21:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | models ( | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi models · | May 29 21:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME 3.17.2 | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( "the second snapshot of | May 29 21:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.15.2 | May 29 21:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | the GNOME 3.17 development cycle, the 3.17.2 | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | release." | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities | May 29 21:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | All Supported Ubuntu OSes Receive Update for OpenLDAP Vulnerabilities - Softpedia | May 29 21:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:46 |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 21:51 | |
*msb__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 21:51 | |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 21:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple | May 29 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | of Days | May 29 21:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cinnamon 2.6 to Land in Linux Mint in a Couple of Days - Softpedia | May 29 21:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences | May 29 21:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | In Google's New Android 6.0 | May 29 21:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 21:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences In Google's New Android 6.0 | May 29 21:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wine Announcement | May 29 21:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( "The Wine development release | May 29 21:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WineHQ - Wine Announcement - The Wine development release 1.7.44 is now available. | May 29 21:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | 1.7.44 is now available." | May 29 21:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 21:54 |
*msb__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 21:55 | |
*msb__ ( has joined #techrights | May 29 21:55 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On | May 29 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 4.1 | May 29 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On Linux 4.1 - Phoronix | May 29 22:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines #openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel | May 29 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | 4.0.4 | May 29 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel 4.0.4 - Softpedia | May 29 22:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Community Council Clarifies Its Position | May 29 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | on Kubuntu's Jonathan Riddell Removal | May 29 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Community Council Clarifies Its Position on Kubuntu's Jonathan Riddell Removal - Softpedia | May 29 22:07 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 29 22:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: | May 29 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Morrowind Gets Updated | May 29 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Gets Updated - Softpedia | May 29 22:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:12 |
*TweetTuxMachines @speedytux retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android M Vs Android Lollipop: The Differences In...' | May 29 22:13 | |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 29 22:13 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @speedytux retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Letter to the Fedora council - is the...' | May 29 22:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline | May 29 22:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by key concerns with tech sector | May 29 22:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @speedytux ( | May 29 22:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman and Phil Zimmerman underline key concerns with tech sector | Tux Machines | May 29 22:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now on Sale at a Special Price | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is Now on Sale at a Special Price - Softpedia | May 29 22:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | community forgetting its primary goal? | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Letter to the Fedora council - is the Fedora community forgetting its primary goal? | Tux Machines | May 29 22:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 4.1 | May 29 22:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Btrfs RAID 0/1/5/6/10 Five-Disk Benchmarks On Linux 4.1 | Tux Machines | May 29 22:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:20 |
MinceR | oh, their primary goal _wasn't_ to kill gnu/linux? | May 29 22:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel 4.0.4 | May 29 22:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE Tumbleweed Now Uses Linux Kernel 4.0.4 | Tux Machines | May 29 22:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why your next database will be open source | May 29 22:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:34 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why your next database will be open source | Tux Machines | May 29 22:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is | May 29 22:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now on Sale at a Special Price | May 29 22:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 22:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 22:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Ubuntu 15.04 Lemur Laptop from System76 Is Now on Sale at a Special Price | Tux Machines | May 29 22:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME's Mutter Now Supports Drag-n-Drop To/From | May 29 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Wayland & X11 | May 29 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME's Mutter Now Supports Drag-n-Drop To/From Wayland & X11 - Phoronix | May 29 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee | May 29 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | lawsuits put it out of business | May 29 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee lawsuits put it out of business | Business Insider India | May 29 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | May 29 23:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | May 29 23:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive | May 29 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | at scale" | May 29 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive at scale" - TechRepublic | May 29 23:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee | May 29 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | lawsuits put it out of business | May 29 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CEO of bankrupt Linux company says employee lawsuits put it out of business | Tux Machines | May 29 23:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | May 29 23:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Gets 'Clear' About Linux and Containers | Tux Machines | May 29 23:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: | May 29 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by Morrowind Gets Updated | May 29 23:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @ktheur ( | May 29 23:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Gets Updated - Softpedia | May 29 23:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:20 |
*TweetTuxMachines @technicalhumans favourited 'Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development...' | May 29 23:41 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @technicalhumans favourited 'Introducing Tessel 2, a $35 Open-Source IoT Development...' | May 29 23:41 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Expandable Mini-PC runs Linux on quad-core AMD | May 29 23:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | SoC ( | May 29 23:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Expandable Mini-PC runs Linux on quad-core AMD SoC · | May 29 23:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines debian 8.1 to be released in a few days | May 29 23:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Upcoming stable point release (8.1) | May 29 23:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive | May 29 23:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | at scale" | May 29 23:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 29 23:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat CEO: Public cloud "obscenely expensive at scale" | Tux Machines | May 29 23:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 29 23:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora Tools | May 30 00:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 00:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora Tools | Tux Machines | May 30 00:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 00:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import | May 30 00:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | SIM Contacts | May 30 00:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import SIM Contacts - Softpedia | May 30 00:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 00:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 00:20 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | May 30 00:59 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 01:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ That #canonical refers to patents and trademarks as "IP policy" is more disturbing than its lack of transparency and appeal process. #uk | May 30 01:10 | |
schestowitz | "Or the fact that they treat their own community members like garbage." | May 30 01:10 |
schestowitz | | May 30 01:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Passivity of the so-called 'middle class' (a #propaganda term) enables those in power to crush it from below while inciting it 'downward' | May 30 01:11 | |
schestowitz | "What would be a better term? It's easier to say than bourgeoisie." | May 30 01:11 |
*TweetTuxMachines @pr0pella favourited 'OpenMW Linux Remake of The Elder Scrolls 3:...' | May 30 01:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import | May 30 01:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | SIM Contacts | May 30 01:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 01:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update to Let Users Import SIM Contacts | Tux Machines | May 30 01:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 01:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Carl Sagan's solar-powered spacecraft is in | May 30 01:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | trouble | May 30 01:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 01:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Carl Sagan's solar-powered spacecraft is in trouble | Tux Machines | May 30 01:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 01:11 |
schestowitz | | May 30 01:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #morissons (the #uk grocer) had almost a dozen people in line at 6PM and a single cashier, tried to push all customers to 'self-checkout' | May 30 01:12 | |
schestowitz | " | May 30 01:12 |
schestowitz | We have plenty of those here in the U. S., you still need to keep someone to keep an eye to make sure that all purchases are paid for. | May 30 01:12 |
schestowitz | In all fairness, they are sometimes quicker. | May 30 01:12 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 01:12 |
schestowitz | | May 30 01:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ My RAM is so limited (2 GB) that I have begun running some applications on another PC over SSH (keeps some memory usage away) | May 30 01:12 | |
schestowitz | "I do that but for security reasons, I run Firefox from a virtual machine." | May 30 01:12 |
schestowitz | | May 30 01:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ New #UK law would give government access to encrypted Internet messaging apps not node-to=node-node #freesw | May 30 01:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | New UK law would give government access to encrypted Internet messaging apps | Ars Technica UK [ ] | May 30 01:13 | |
schestowitz | "great, that will kill all security companies in the uk. No Firewalls, no vpn and no encryption..." | May 30 01:13 |
schestowitz | | May 30 01:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Wasting time on #ooxml | May 30 01:13 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Calibre eBook Editor and Converter Refines DOCX Export - Softpedia [ ] | May 30 01:13 | |
schestowitz | "never liked xml since the distant beginnings. am working on plain text way to index my ebooks." | May 30 01:13 |
razielle_tzu | i hope that shit doesn't get passed >.< | May 30 01:13 |
*jgay has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | May 30 01:36 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 01:37 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 30 01:38 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 04:45 | |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 30 04:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: KDE Software | May 30 06:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 06:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: KDE Software | Tux Machines | May 30 06:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 06:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | May 30 06:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 06:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 06:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | Tux Machines | May 30 06:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned | May 30 09:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 23 | May 30 09:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned for Fedora 23 | Tux Machines | May 30 09:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNU FISICALAB 0.3.5 | May 30 09:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU FISICALAB 0.3.5 | Tux Machines | May 30 09:38 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 3 Relatively Unknown Open Source Web Browsers | May 30 09:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Linux that Packs the Punch | May 30 09:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 3 Relatively Unknown Open Source Web Browsers for Linux that Packs the Punch | May 30 09:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:39 |
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '3 Relatively Unknown Open Source Web Browsers for...' | May 30 09:39 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | May 30 09:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Interview with Jonathan Riddell Kubuntu | May 30 09:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu UDS R - Interview with Jonathan Riddell Kubuntu - YouTube | May 30 09:58 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @youtubenise1 RT @tuxmachines: Interview with Jonathan | May 30 09:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Riddell Kubuntu | May 30 09:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines USB stick update: Debian is back, plus GRML | May 30 09:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 09:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | USB stick update: Debian is back, plus GRML | There and back again | May 30 09:59 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 09:59 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | May 30 10:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands On With The NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Device -- It's A Winner | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands On With The NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV Device -- It's A Winner - Forbes | May 30 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA Introduces AndroidWorks For Android Game | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Developers | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA Introduces AndroidWorks For Android Game Developers | May 30 10:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | More Powerful Than You Would Suspect | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 10:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool More Powerful Than You Would Suspect | Tux Machines | May 30 10:03 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @HardwareNewz favourited 'Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool...' | May 30 11:02 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | May 30 11:46 | |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | May 30 11:51 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 12:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@t_grote: 'powerful face detection and machine learning lets you search for photos by keyword even if they aren't tagged' | May 30 12:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #google continues to pull people's photos out of their #android devices and into 'cloud' (PRISM) | May 30 12:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- (Re-tweeted by reticuleena) | May 30 12:22 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 30 13:03 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 30 15:41 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | May 30 15:57 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | May 30 15:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 15:57 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 30 16:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Here's What's New in Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update | May 30 16:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here's What's New in Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Update - Softpedia | May 30 16:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | May 30 16:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromixium Adds Polish to Chrome | Reviews | LinuxInsider | May 30 16:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool | May 30 16:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | More Powerful Than You Would Suspect | May 30 16:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 16:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu's Software & Updates Review - A Tool More Powerful Than You Would Suspect - Softpedia | May 30 16:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 16:57 |
*HoloIRCUser5 (~holoirc@2602:306:c53b:9cf0:21d:feff:fedd:69e3) has joined #techrights | May 30 17:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned | May 30 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Fedora 23 | May 30 17:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora's FedUp Upgrade Utility to be Redesigned for Fedora 23 - Softpedia | May 30 17:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kubuntu's Riddell Out for Not Playing Nice with | May 30 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Others ( | May 30 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kubuntu's Riddell Out for Not Playing Nice with Others | May 30 17:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #ISupportJonathan | May 30 17:12 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #ISupportJonathan - Twitter Search | May 30 17:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 22 walk through: The first major Linux | May 30 17:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | distro with GNOME 3.16 | May 30 17:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 walk through: The first major Linux distro with GNOME 3.16 - TechRepublic | May 30 17:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Kubuntu 15.04 Gets KDE Plasma 5.3.1, How to | May 30 17:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Install It | May 30 17:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kubuntu 15.04 Gets KDE Plasma 5.3.1, How to Install It - Softpedia | May 30 17:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Benchmarks Of Intel's Atom Z3735F On The | May 30 17:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | Compute Stick | May 30 17:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Benchmarks Of Intel's Atom Z3735F On The Compute Stick - Phoronix | May 30 17:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Radeon OpenGL Benchmarks On Fedora 22 | May 30 17:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 17:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Radeon OpenGL Benchmarks On Fedora 22 - Phoronix | May 30 17:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 17:22 |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 30 17:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 17:35 | |
*HoloIRCUser5 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | May 30 17:35 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 30 17:59 | |
*lenngray has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <-) | May 30 18:05 | |
MinceR | | May 30 18:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Let’s Take This Open Floor Plan to the Next Level. [ ] | May 30 18:12 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 30 18:23 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights | May 30 18:47 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines HiSense Chromebook Benchmarks When Running | May 30 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu Linux | May 30 18:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | HiSense Chromebook Benchmarks When Running Ubuntu Linux - Phoronix | May 30 18:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 18:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 18:57 |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | May 30 18:57 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 30 19:19 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | May 30 19:20 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 30 19:23 | |
*lenngray ( has left #techrights | May 30 19:26 | |
*lenngray ( has joined #techrights | May 30 19:27 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 19:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Someone just sent me his new wedding photos. He foolishly used #dropbox who now try to blackmail me into creating an account to access. | May 30 19:44 | |
schestowitz | "If you need to use a dropbox type of thing what would you recommend?" | May 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | "I still use Dropbox and when I share photos with family and friends they don't have to sign up to see the photos, I just send them a link and there are the photos for them." | May 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | "I've been using Box recently. Hate Dropbox - uninstalled it ages ago - it was was constantly resyncing / slowing down my old machine with god knows what sort of bloatware / tracking crap. BUT MAINLY THIS:" | May 30 19:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Condoleezza Rice Joins Dropbox’s Board As It Names New CFO, COO | TechCrunch [ ] | May 30 19:45 | |
schestowitz | "@Gary I'd recommend #owncloud" | May 30 19:45 |
schestowitz | "@rollitup Cheers!" | May 30 19:45 |
schestowitz | | May 30 19:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #sophos seems to have contracted for a #twitter #astroturfing campaign: fake accounts posing as SHOPOS 'lovers' and 'users'. | May 30 19:46 | |
schestowitz | "Sorry. Roy - I'm going to have to 'unfollow' you again... you put out some very good info, but there's just too much of it - it overwhelms my stream / time-line and now I'm getting notify emails every two minutes. It's too distractive. Sorry." | May 30 19:46 |
schestowitz | There is a Linux-only account if that's what you're after. | May 30 19:46 |
schestowitz | | May 30 19:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 'The #UK is becoming the world leader in #censorship , says obscenity lawyer | May 30 19:47 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 'The UK is becoming the world leader in censorship', says obscenity lawyer following porn ID checks proposal - News - Gadgets and Tech - The Independent [ ] | May 30 19:47 | |
schestowitz | "What do you think?" | May 30 19:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UK pornography industry proposes user ID checks for adult websites | Culture | The Guardian [ ] | May 30 19:47 | |
schestowitz | It'true, and our gov is now boasting about censorship equipment it buys from CHINA! | May 30 19:47 |
schestowitz | | May 30 19:48 |
schestowitz | "This is what the Czar did - it must work!" | May 30 19:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #uk government conflated with Monarchy, showing alignment in motives and actions | May 30 19:48 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Government plans pose serious risk to free expression - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship [ ] | May 30 19:48 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 19:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "Not only do we censor bare-breasted women (in a country where going topless is legal), we pressure them to hide" | May 30 19:49 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Nipple censorship: Why are we so afraid of the human body? | Metro [ ] | May 30 19:49 | |
schestowitz | "I have nipples" | May 30 19:49 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 20:52 | |
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrights | May 30 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 21:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | “VENOM” FUD Attack — Like “Heartbleed” FUD Attack — Linked to Microsoft : linux [ ] | May 30 21:20 | |
schestowitz | " | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | "They also use Microsoft Office extensively, given their job ads,” XFaCE added." | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | Well that's a smoking gun right there. | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | "Fact of the matter is: Does the vulnerability exist or not?" | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | Yes, this vulnerability exists in most Linux hypervisors currently deployed in the world. | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | In RoyWorld, acknowledging bugs in things on Linux is FUD. | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | "To play devil's advocate, there's a difference between announcing a critical bug named something like CVE-xxxx; and giving it a flashy hollywood style virus name, cool logo and telling everyone it's the worst thing to happen ever. | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | Security is a competitive business. The tarting up is to sell a given security firm's services. | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | In RoyWorld, the fact that security researchers have typed documents up in Word at some point in the past is a smoking gun that proves Microsoft is behind everything. RoyWorld is insane | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | " | May 30 21:21 |
schestowitz | "I only read the page because the summary bot mentioned something about CyanogenMod. I dunno shit about the 'Venom' thing but if this site is as accurate about Venom as it is about CyanogenMod, I wouldn't trust it to make its own Jump to Conclusions mat." | May 30 21:22 |
schestowitz | "This is tinfoil hat nonsense. Someone discovers a vulnerability in a FOSS product? MUST BE MICRO$OFT. All this article is saying is that former Microsoft employees now work for security companies." | May 30 21:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 30 21:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 21:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 30 21:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | May 30 21:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 21:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | May 30 21:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 21:36 |
schestowitz | | May 30 21:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@execat: "Microsoft 'loves Linux' and supports FOSS like BP loves nature and supports wind power." | May 30 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Microsoft Lobbying in India Shoots Down or At Least Weakens Free/Libre Software Policy | Techrights | May 30 21:37 | |
schestowitz | | May 30 21:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz people are coming to better appreciate how right he is on the important issues... | May 30 21:56 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 30 22:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 22:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 30 22:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 22:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines And then the Google guy says: Of course you can | May 30 22:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | use Android Wear without a smartphone | May 30 22:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 22:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 22:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | And then the Google guy says: Of course you can use Android Wear without a smartphone | Tux Machines | May 30 22:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Brasero Review - Burning CDs Like It's the '90s | May 30 22:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 22:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 22:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brasero Review - Burning CDs Like It's the '90s | Tux Machines | May 30 22:02 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | May 30 22:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | May 30 23:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Links 30/5/2015: Wine 1.7.44, Berry Linux 1.20 | May 30 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | May 30 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( | May 30 23:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 23:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 30/5/2015: Wine 1.7.44, Berry Linux 1.20 | Techrights | May 30 23:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 30 23:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands on with the Android M Developer Preview | May 30 23:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ( "We've | May 30 23:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | scoured every screen" | May 30 23:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands on with the Android M Developer Preview | Ars Technica | May 30 23:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 30 23:32 |
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