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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 14th, 2018 – January 20th, 2018

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<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 14 04:32
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 14 04:32
schestowitz 14 06:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @wikileaks @schestowitz The whirled got a little thrill as well.Jan 14 06:22
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 14 08:01
schestowitz"Jan 14 08:36
schestowitzZentraler Vorstand . Central Executive Committee . Bureau CentralJan 14 08:36
schestowitz26.04.2010Jan 14 08:36
schestowitzsu10038cp - 0.2.1/4.4Jan 14 08:36
schestowitzFlexitime, second try: doomed to succeed?Jan 14 08:36
schestowitzSummaryJan 14 08:36
schestowitzThe birth of flexitime was a process tainted by major flaws. The administrationJan 14 08:36
schestowitzapparently failed to learn from this to the point that it now proposes to impose aJan 14 08:36
schestowitzdeterioration of the guidelines to all staff, disregarding both feedback received fromJan 14 08:36
schestowitzthe staff and its representation, and legal issues.Jan 14 08:36
schestowitzHistorical backgroundJan 14 08:36
schestowitzMs Brimelow started well in July 2007: after only 17 days in her new job she announcedJan 14 08:36
schestowitzthe end of the Kober days in her first MAC (Management Advisory Committee) meeting 1. ItJan 14 08:36
schestowitzcreated immediate unrest inside the Office prompting her to announce the introduction of aJan 14 08:36
schestowitzFlexitime system Office-wide by January 2008 to attenuate this first mishap. The project,Jan 14 08:36
schestowitzmanaged by the Principal Directorate 4.3 led by Mr Archambeau, only started severalJan 14 08:36
schestowitzmonths after its originally announced introduction date.Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzWhile the staff representation expected the development of the new system to be basedJan 14 08:37
schestowitzon the work of the 2004 Working Group on Working Time 2 , in fact a completely newJan 14 08:37
schestowitzsystem had been drafted providing four levels ranging from complete lack of flexibility forJan 14 08:37
schestowitz3those whose evaluation is not "above average" to absolute freedom for the best-Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzevaluated colleagues. We opposed the concept of linking a social policy such as FlexitimeJan 14 08:37
schestowitzto a notion of "performance". How could events of private life (such as appointments forJan 14 08:37
schestowitzhousing, children, aging relatives, or addressing difficult personal situation) possibly beJan 14 08:37
schestowitzlinked with a performance as perceived by a line manager?Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzFortunately, this ill-considered concept was abandoned after an intensive explanationJan 14 08:37
schestowitzeffort by the staff representation. However, the revised direction was still tainted with theJan 14 08:37
schestowitzoriginal sins of the project: no willingness to consider the input of the staff representationJan 14 08:37
schestowitzor to respect staff's rights. The end result was not satisfactory and lacked legal certainty toJan 14 08:37
schestowitzthe extreme point that Mr Archambeau ultimately decided avoid probable appeals throughJan 14 08:37
schestowitzan opt-in system, rather than imposing the system on all staff.Jan 14 08:37
schestowitz1Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzSee MAC report 154, also preparing degradation of home leave conditions in our wonderful world full ofJan 14 08:37
schestowitzcheap airlines.Jan 14 08:37
schestowitz2Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzA paritary working group whose conclusions, written in 2004, were commonly endorsed by the staffJan 14 08:37
schestowitzrepresentation and the management after several months of work.Jan 14 08:37
schestowitz3Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzIt was then fashion in management circles to consider all staff members should be above average.Jan 14 08:37
schestowitz1Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzThe Flexitime regulation introduced in October 2008 failed to attract staff4 for a number ofJan 14 08:37
schestowitzobvious reasons, including distrust of management or a regulation that could beJan 14 08:37
schestowitzunilaterally changed, dismissing all input from staff representation, lack of realJan 14 08:37
schestowitzimprovement over common practices, or refusal to put at stake rights currently enjoyed.Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzThe regulation foresaw a review after one year of application.Jan 14 08:37
schestowitz"Walk the talk" and the review process apparently not compatibleJan 14 08:37
schestowitzThe review process took place with 4 staff representatives and 4 representatives of theJan 14 08:37
schestowitzadministration between April 2009 and March 2010. The review task force collectedJan 14 08:37
schestowitzfeedback from colleagues, examined some usage statistics and identified major issues ofJan 14 08:37
schestowitzthe regulation. Whereas the staff representatives have openly investigated numerousJan 14 08:37
schestowitzpossibilities to identify common ground and jointly address the identified problems, theJan 14 08:37
schestowitzreport of the task force is characterised by a clear split into administration representatives'Jan 14 08:37
schestowitzand staff representatives' positions, with the latter being completely ignored by theJan 14 08:37
schestowitzAdministration. As an example, there was much feedback addressing the inconsistencyJan 14 08:37
schestowitzbetween the limit of workable hours in a week (48) and the limit of hours that can beJan 14 08:37
schestowitzaccumulated in a week (5). A member of the review task force explained that he could notJan 14 08:37
schestowitzagree with resolving this inconsistency as requested by staff and its representation,Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzbecause, if agreed, it would risk limiting the negotiation margins of the administration!Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzThe intranet article on the flexitime launch said: "[...] we will review the new system to seeJan 14 08:38
schestowitzwhat changes it has brought - both positive and negative - and what changes, if any, areJan 14 08:38
schestowitzneeded to make the guidelines and their implementation better for all concerned". At theJan 14 08:38
schestowitzsame time, the representatives of the administration blocked easy, and widely requested,Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzimprovements of the guidelines because "more experience needs to be acquired".Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzRecommendation to the MAC from the domain Future of WorkJan 14 08:38
schestowitzWithin the strategic renewal, the domain Future of Work, disregarding the input of the staffJan 14 08:38
schestowitzrepresentatives, prepared a recommendation for the MAC advocating imposition of theJan 14 08:38
schestowitzFlexitime system to all staff from 1 July 2010. To that end, it was even argued that notJan 14 08:38
schestowitzdoing it causes a breach of equal treatment because staff members recruited after theJan 14 08:38
schestowitzintroduction of the guidelines do not have the possibility to be under the previous legacyJan 14 08:38
schestowitzsystems! In the recommendation, the arguments of the staff representation have beenJan 14 08:38
schestowitzeither ignored or misrepresented.Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzLegal concerns grossly overlookedJan 14 08:38
schestowitzThe official document introducing the so-called "Kober agreement" (CA 23/96) bundles itJan 14 08:38
schestowitzwith a revision of the salary scales, introducing 2 negative steps for staff membersJan 14 08:38
schestowitzrecruited since 1996. Clearly, imposing a replacement of the Kober agreement is a breachJan 14 08:38
schestowitzof said agreement. Similarly, staff members that could be working part-time and staffJan 14 08:38
schestowitzmembers recruited with negative steps could have their rights affected. The possibleJan 14 08:38
schestowitzfinancial impact of (mass) appeals has been widely disregarded by the administration.Jan 14 08:38
schestowitz4Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzManagement claims that after more than one and half year, the 50% mark has been reached, but this figureJan 14 08:38
schestowitzincludes staff members forced into the new system (such as newcomers) or staff members working inJan 14 08:38
schestowitzPrincipal Directorate 4.3 who had to systematically explain to their line managers why they did not opt-in.Jan 14 08:38
schestowitz2Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzIt is also striking that the administration, while advocating clearer social relationshipsJan 14 08:38
schestowitzOffice-wide, has suddenly 5 stopped recognising the collective agreement in placeVienna and does not seem to clarify the situation 6.Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzLight legacy of Ms BrimelowJan 14 08:38
schestowitzIt now becomes obvious that the legacy of Ms Brimelow will be even more modest thanJan 14 08:38
schestowitzthat of her predecessor: Mr. Pompidou, at least, did not deprive newcomers of a significantJan 14 08:38
schestowitzpart of their pension rights. Behind the firm language, the lack of unambiguous acts andJan 14 08:38
schestowitzthe pre-cooked decision-making processes have become all too apparent. Is it too latestill hope for a decent review process on the first project she initiated?Jan 14 08:38
schestowitzNext steps and recommendationsJan 14 08:38
schestowitzWe failed to find any other organisation of a similar size that tried to impose a flexitimeJan 14 08:38
schestowitzsystem without negotiating with the staff representation. The initial, early and currentJan 14 08:38
schestowitzprocesses demonstrate that the lack of trust on the part of many staff members wasJan 14 08:38
schestowitzprobably more than justified. While the system undeniably has benefits for staff, in orderpreserve your rights, we suggest that staff make use of the opt-out option until a decentJan 14 08:38
schestowitzreview process takes place and the Administration commits to not subsequently makeJan 14 08:38
schestowitzunilateral changes.Jan 14 08:39
schestowitzThe SUEPO Central Executive CommitteeJan 14 08:39
schestowitzinJan 14 08:39
schestowitztoJan 14 08:39
schestowitztoJan 14 08:39
schestowitz5Jan 14 08:39
schestowitzThe previous presidents had all recognized the Vienna collective agreement also regulating the concreteJan 14 08:39
schestowitzimplement of working time.Jan 14 08:39
schestowitz6Jan 14 08:39
schestowitzAlso striking, the administration has failed to provide, since Nov. 2008, its position with regard to the appealJan 14 08:39
schestowitzof the Vienna staff representation contesting the unilateral changes introduced by the Administration.Jan 14 08:39
schestowitz"Jan 14 08:39
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 14 08:48
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 14 08:54
schestowitz 14 09:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@clambakeAEIOU: @schestowitz @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama LOVE that wikileaks is now the domain of the alt-shit-right lolJan 14 09:27
schestowitz 14 09:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NvrRyan: @schestowitz @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama LOL. The @GOP doesn't have to do anything but sit back and watch… 14 09:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NvrRyan: @schestowitz @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama LOL. The @GOP doesn't have to do anything but sit back and watch… 14 09:28
schestowitz"LOL. The @GOP doesn't have to do anything but sit back and watch @TheDemocrats implode over this. #Delicious @WeGotThis"Jan 14 09:28
schestowitzIt is perfectly possibly that @gop crackdown on trans servicemen/servicewomen (by their Fuhrer) motivated Chelsea to pursue thisJan 14 09:29
schestowitzIt is perfectly plausible that @gop crackdown on trans servicemen/servicewomen (by their Fuhrer) motivated Chelsea to pursue thisJan 14 09:29
schestowitz 14 10:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NvrRyan: @schestowitz @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis If that's his motivation it just prov… 14 10:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NvrRyan: @schestowitz @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis If that's his motivation it just prov… 14 10:02
schestowitz"Jan 14 10:02
schestowitzIf that's his motivation it just proves #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder. This will not do anything to help the mentally ill get into the military or hurt @realDonaldTrump Jan 14 10:02
schestowitz#WeGotThisJan 14 10:02
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 14 10:02
schestowitz"Jan 14 10:02
schestowitz 14 10:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JonathanGalt1: @schestowitz @NvrRyan @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis He is a traitor to the count… 14 10:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JonathanGalt1: @schestowitz @NvrRyan @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis He is a traitor to the count… 14 10:15
schestowitz"He is a traitor to the country. Not sure if you know this, but ALOT of Americans don't like traitors."Jan 14 10:15
schestowitzA kit if Americans are exceptionalistsJan 14 10:16
schestowitzA lot of Americans are exceptionalistsJan 14 10:16
schestowitz> Not worth engaging in a discussion. He wants you to get involved inJan 14 10:22
schestowitz> legal nitty-gritty, in order to afterwards expose you as lackingJan 14 10:22
schestowitz> understanding.  Avoid such exchanges.Jan 14 10:22
schestowitzyes, precisely.Jan 14 10:22
schestowitz 14 10:24
schestowitz"Bigots like Twitter execs calling political or ideological opponents "rednecks" and "shitty people"? Seems to me they are wibdmilled by their own judgments. Thanks for post!"Jan 14 10:24
-TechrightsBN/ | The bigots are happy. #twitter has just given them ammo by censorin… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 14 10:24
schestowitzThis smugness will cost themJan 14 10:24
schestowitz 14 10:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OptikalWinter: @schestowitz @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama (((Schestowitz))) No surprise there. A Jew advocating for a radical communist traitorJan 14 10:31
schestowitz 14 10:35
schestowitz"So that’s the case? Quite a reoetalivn that is."Jan 14 10:35
-TechrightsBN/ | No explosions for a change. We watched it live. It was near and mod… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 14 10:35
schestowitz 14 10:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JonathanGalt1: @schestowitz @NvrRyan @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis Let me fix that for you. A l… 14 10:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JonathanGalt1: @schestowitz @NvrRyan @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis Let me fix that for you. A l… 14 10:35
schestowitz"Let me fix that for you. A lot of Americans are exceptional!"Jan 14 10:35
schestowitz 14 11:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@adymitruk: @schestowitz 6 hours. Microservices don't seem very micro if that's what it takes. See my #EventStorming series here.Jan 14 11:17
schestowitz 14 11:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Cutbacks in public services across the country, reports of people having their allegations kept out of… 14 11:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Cutbacks in public services across the country, reports of people having their allegations kept out of… 14 11:21
schestowitz"Cutbacks in public services across the country, reports of people having their allegations kept out of court cases, yet when it comes to "piracy" of the latest Hollywood pile of crap or similar, there's no limit to the money and resources available."Jan 14 11:21
schestowitz 14 12:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NakamaruSatoshi: @schestowitz It isn't new. His former roommates says so. 14 12:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Julian Assange is the Worst Roommate Ever: Stealing Spam, Dirty Pants and Dancing Hard | Village VoiceJan 14 12:04
schestowitz 14 12:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal Disney bought Fox News Recently and that may be why.Jan 14 12:06
schestowitzit did not, you think of another studioJan 14 12:06
schestowitz 14 12:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal Disney is buying most of 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion - CNNMoney 14 12:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Disney is buying most of 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion - Dec. 14, 2017Jan 14 12:21
schestowitzYes, I know, but that's the film studioJan 14 12:21
schestowitz 14 12:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MathAndLiberty: @schestowitz @SpitefulLadies @wikileaks You're right. "There's so many things that bother me about [this past elec… 14 12:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MathAndLiberty: @schestowitz @SpitefulLadies @wikileaks You're right. "There's so many things that bother me about [this past elec… 14 12:22
schestowitz"You're right.  "There's so many things that bother me about [this past election] it's hard to pick just one.""Jan 14 12:22
schestowitz 14 12:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal I have been looking into this and the good news is it looks like Fox News is not being… 14 12:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal I have been looking into this and the good news is it looks like Fox News is not being… 14 12:33
schestowitz"Jan 14 12:33
schestowitzI have been looking into this and the good news is it looks like Fox News is not being sold to Disney. I am happy about that.Jan 14 12:33
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 14 12:33
schestowitz"Jan 14 12:33
schestowitz 14 12:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal Murdoch's Disney deal is a boon for Fox News via @politicoJan 14 12:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Murdoch's Disney deal is a boon for Fox News - POLITICOJan 14 12:33
schestowitz 14 12:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal I am not sure why Fox News would allow a smear piece to be written about Julian Assange… 14 12:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal I am not sure why Fox News would allow a smear piece to be written about Julian Assange… 14 12:34
schestowitz"I am not sure why Fox News would allow a smear piece to be written about Julian Assange then. I just hope it doesn't happen again."Jan 14 12:34
schestowitzit happened many times before. They're not a good ally. Days ago Murdoch's WSJ also broke the news about Trump and the porn star, which damages his status greatly.Jan 14 12:34
schestowitz 14 12:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal *smh* This is the kind of stuff I expect from Fake News media like CNN, but I thought F… 14 12:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal *smh* This is the kind of stuff I expect from Fake News media like CNN, but I thought F… 14 12:40
schestowitz"*smh* This is the kind of stuff I expect from Fake News media like CNN, but I thought FOX News was better then that."Jan 14 12:40
schestowitzFox is the same crap, but it panders to another section of the population. I suggest you avoid both.Jan 14 12:41
schestowitz 14 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Hamburg_klein: @schestowitz @ggreenwald 14 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Newly Declassified CIA Report Exposes Over 25 Years Of U.S. Plans To Destabilize SyriaJan 14 12:45
schestowitz 14 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal I noticed that. I am actually surprised there hasn't been more stories like the porn st… 14 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal I noticed that. I am actually surprised there hasn't been more stories like the porn st… 14 12:45
schestowitz"I noticed that. I am actually surprised there hasn't been more stories like the porn star one in the media. They must just be to busy pushing the Russia narrative to fabricate stuff like that. Lol"Jan 14 12:45
schestowitz 14 12:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@darthhatter00: @schestowitz @ForPolJournal It's sad, but I am going to have to agree with you on this.Jan 14 12:46
<--oiaohm has quit ()Jan 14 15:00
schestowitz 14 15:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sadattawa: @JonathanGalt1 @schestowitz @NvrRyan @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis Exeptional in… 14 15:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sadattawa: @JonathanGalt1 @schestowitz @NvrRyan @wikileaks @xychelsea @BarackObama @GOP @TheDemocrats @wegotthis Exeptional in… 14 15:05
schestowitz""Exeptional in war crimes... So thanks Chelsy to have exposed american's cowboys and war criminals in Irak... Understand you don't like because it show in fact you aren't exceptionals..."Jan 14 15:05
schestowitz 14 15:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OmarV09241992: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @xychelsea Nope. But all of America's detractors are paid by Russia and Cuba.Jan 14 15:05
schestowitz 14 15:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mediocredude99: @schestowitz @ManCity @HaysWorldwide not injuries only injuryJan 14 15:12
schestowitz 14 16:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: There might be a troll waiting in hiding: Blockchain Becomes the Target Not Only of Financial Institutions With Sof… 14 16:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: There might be a troll waiting in hiding: Blockchain Becomes the Target Not Only of Financial Institutions With Sof… 14 16:33
schestowitz"There might be a troll waiting in hiding: Blockchain Becomes the Target Not Only of Financial Institutions With Software Patents But Also Trolls "Jan 14 16:33
schestowitz 14 17:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @ManCity @edersonmoraes93 Nice foul, not goal.Jan 14 17:20
schestowitz 14 17:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BallerHazard10: @schestowitz @ManCity @edersonmoraes93 He got bodied hahahahahahaJan 14 17:21
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 14 17:37
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 14 17:37
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schestowitz 14 20:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GerritASmit: @schestowitz Maybe, if old enough, kids should first read ‚Savaged by Systemd: an Erotic Unix Encounter’Jan 14 20:02
schestowitz 14 20:32
schestowitz"The Deutscher Anwaltverein is not identical to German Bar Association, but is a separate special interest group of German attorneys at law."Jan 14 20:33
-TechrightsBN/ | German Bar Association thinks complaint against Unified Patent Court is not admissible - Kluwer Patent BlogJan 14 20:33
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:33
schestowitzDear Anonymous,Jan 14 20:33
schestowitzAccording to the DAV’s English-language website, the DAV is the German Bar Association…Jan 14 20:33
schestowitz 14 20:33
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:33
-TechrightsBN/ | English Information - Deutscher AnwaltvereinJan 14 20:33
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:33
schestowitzAlex,Jan 14 20:33
schestowitzI think that you are too quick to criticise Mr Stjerna. I suggest that you ask yourself a few simple questions: How much information typically reaches the public domain regarding complaints that are pending before the BVerfG (such as those relating to the EPO)? Do you think that there is a reason why we know so little about such complaints? Could this perhaps have something to do with the rules governing proceedings that are pending Jan 14 20:33
schestowitzbefore the BVerfG?Jan 14 20:33
schestowitzI can (just about) cope with the biased presentation of information, such as discussing what might happen if the complaint is ruled inadmissible, but not bothering to expend any words on what happens if the complaint is taken up for a full judgement … or even if it leads to a reference to the CJEU. Whilst bias is not nice to see, I long ago gave up hope of reading truly balanced reporting about the UPC. However, as you may well be Jan 14 20:33
schestowitzunaware of pertinent facts, I would suggest that you lay off the personal attacks for now.Jan 14 20:33
schestowitz'Jan 14 20:33
schestowitz"I prefer leaving these shallow attempts of personal attacks uncommented and not give such people more credit than they deserve. As far as I can see, this author has not yet contributed much of substance to the UPC discussion, other than letting the public know that – unsurprisingly, given his professional background – he would be in favour of a UPC and that he does not agree with whatever may contradict that world view. On the other Jan 14 20:34
schestowitzhand, as his comments often reveal a profound lack of understanding of the issues involved, I would suggest to just let him say whatever he wants, relying on the well-known Goethe citation: “Du gleichst dem Geist, den Du begreifst, nicht mir!”"Jan 14 20:34
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:34
schestowitzIf there is a rule forbidding the publication of details regarding pending proceedings, please let me know and I will update the post accordingly. None of the German attorneys I’ve spoken to so far have drawn my attention to the existence of such a rule, however.Jan 14 20:34
schestowitzThat aside, please tell me what you consider to be biased in my report of the DAV submissions. Is it biased to say that a ruling of inadmissibility might – *might* – just about allow time for DE and GB ratification and entry of the UPCA into force prior to Brexit? I’ve made it very clear that entry into force is conditional upon both DE and GB ratifying the agreement, and have also acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding the GB Jan 14 20:34
schestowitzposition both pre- and post-Brexit. What would an unbiased position look like, in your view?Jan 14 20:34
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:34
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzWhat more could the German Bar Association (GBA) say than to plead for the complaint not being admissible. Not admissible, means no discussion as to the substance. The best way to push the problem under the carpet.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzNot only Mr Tilmann’s lawyer firm, but plenty of other German lawyers firms have a direct interest that the UPC starts as soon as possible. They want a return on investment, no more no less. The position of the GBA, although clad into a lot of verbosity has to looked at in this light.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzIt interesting to compare what Mr. Tilmann said in GRUR and what is said in the position paper of the GBA.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzThe similarities are certain, which is not a surprise as Mr. Tilmann is the head of the committee on IP matters. It all turns about various articles about the German constitution like Art 79(3), 38(1), 20(1). Some Art of the TFEU also come into the discussion.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzBy any means I am not a specialist in constitutional law, but some of the positions taken in the paper are quite surprising.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzTo claim that it is not necessary that the UPCA be in all respects in accordance with German constitutional law and Union law is quite daring. Does it mean in clear that some international agreements in which Germany participates may not be conform with the German Constitution, so that constitutional rights might be ignored? A trifle surprising to say the least. But Mr Tilmann did not say much more.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzThe GBA tries to focus on the special character of the UPCA as being an agreement under Art 142EPC, and tries to show that the questions raised have already been decided by the CJEU when dealing with the Spanish complaint or in opinion C 1/09.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzBut there only the questions about the relationship between the EPC and the Directives on the Unitary Patent was at stake, not the UPCA as such. It is interesting to note that even the GBA recognises that the CJEU has not decided upon the compatibility of the UPC with EU law, as this was not the question at stake. It only draws this conclusion indirectly!Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzIt is difficult to follow why on the one side the UPC is an international agreement which has a separate existence and has nothing to do with EU law, but nevertheless prejudicial questions can be addressed to the CJEU. I see a prima facie lack of logic in such a stance. Some explanations from the GBA would be welcome.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzTo sum it up, if the German Federal Constitutional Court (GFCC) would have given so little credit to the claim as it is apparently given in the GBA paper, why should it have asked for opinions? That the proponents of the UPC will at any rate try to nip the complaint in the bud should not come as a surprise either. That the GBA and Mr Robinson hope that all other comments will blow in the same horn is not surprising.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzWhether it is common to limit the time a judge might sit in an international court, does not mean that this practice has to be continued. A job at an international court is generally well paid, and the limitation of the term appears rather to be based on the maxim of let others also get a bit of wealth rather than a genuine will to assure continuity and independence.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzTaking as example the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO is not the best one, as we all know that its case law mainly resumes itself in rather formalistic views which have, in general and in my opinion little to do with justice and fairness.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzTo make the reappointment of a judge depending on its “performance” is quite shocking. Who decides whether the performance is adequate? If the criterion are public, may be at a pinch. Otherwise not. It is clear that having a Damocles sword over its head is not too reassuring for a judge. It is only in dictatorships or in countries which are not taking separation of powers too seriously that judges can fear for the continuity of their Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzjobs. Does the GBA think it is acceptable what is going on in Poland at the moment?Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzThat the UPCA itself does not provide for an appeal by a dismissed judge against the dismissal decision, could be a problem, but this problem is belittled in the GBA paper.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzThat lawyers can become judges or decide who will become judge is not at stake here. What is missing are clear rules giving a guaranty of absence of conflicts of interest. Where is this guarantee at the UPC? That similar structures can be found in the appointment of honorary judges of the legal profession in Germany is beside the point. They decide about their colleagues, not about cases involving third parties. They are honorary judges, Jan 14 20:35
schestowitznot full time remunerated judges. The same applies mutatis mutandis for the appointment of honorary judges in labour and social justice in Germany. There are least the recruitment is even more diversified.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzWhat the GBA paper omits to say very clearly is that the nomination of the UPC judges is carried out by the Administrative Committee, not by the Advisory Committee! The latter only makes a proposal. Here is a real problem, be it for the first or the re-appointment. When one thinks about what the Administrative Committee is meant to do, according to some proponents of post-Brexit participation of UK, strong doubts about its integrity are Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzpermitted.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzThe GBA claims that it is possible for the Administrative Committee to ensure effective legal protection against a dismissal decision without corresponding regulation in the UPCA. On which basis is this allegation made? That the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation could play a role with respect to staff disputes is one thing, but such a decision by the Administrative Committee has not even be envisaged. At Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzleast Annex I to the UPC is silent is this matter.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzThe GBA Paper even admits that UPC judges will obtain less effective legal protection from the Administrative Court of the ILO than a judge in Germany, but this is not really a problem according to the GBA. But everything is fine, isn’t it?Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzThe interpretation of opinion C 1/09 the GBA is also containing some surprising statements. Contrary to what Tilmann and consorts are claiming, opinion C 1/09 has not decided upon the UPC, but upon EPLA. We find here again the major flaw in the argumentation: on the one hand the UPC is an international court, not part of the judicial system of the member states of the EU, but can ask the CJEU for prejudicial decisions.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzWhat the opinion of a member of a British lawyers firm has to do in the blog is not understandable at a glance. That he is actually supporting the position of the GBA cannot come as a surprise. The pro-domo plea cannot be overheard. At least he has the honesty not to claim that the UK can stay in after Brexit, as some do. That this might be a different story is a nice euphemism.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzOne should also not forget that there are other complaints pending before the GFCC, about the EPO, and the outcome of those complaints, which have been admitted, could at a pinch be an indicator of its position in this matter, although the topics are quite different, but certainly linked.Jan 14 20:35
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:35
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzDear “Not really”:Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzYou say:Jan 14 20:35
schestowitz“What the opinion of a member of a British lawyers firm has to do in the blog is not understandable at a glance. That he is actually supporting the position of the GBA cannot come as a surprise. The pro-domo plea cannot be overheard. At least he has the honesty not to claim that the UK can stay in after Brexit, as some do. That this might be a different story is a nice euphemism.”Jan 14 20:35
schestowitzTo which I reply:Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzWhy, in your opinion, should British lawyers be forbidden from commenting on this topic? Even if the UPC goes ahead without UK participation after Brexit, British firms will still need to understand its workings and advise clients accordingly, just as we advise them with regard to other major jurisdictions. You will note that I have not commented at all on the merits of the DAV’s submissions.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzI’m not a German constitutional expert and therefore I can take no view on whether or not their position is correct. Indeed, the purpose of this post is, in part, to allow those who are knowledgeable about such matters to comment on the details of their submissions. I am thus rather surprised that you consider my mere reporting of their submissions to be “supporting the position” of the DAV. This is precisely the sort of unhelpful Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzattitude taken by the “Techrights” blog that you (correctly) criticise – i.e. assuming that mere reporting of events and/or commenting on them automatically translates into “support” or “boosting”.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzWith regard to the UK position after Brexit, my personal view is that it seems unlikely that the UK can or will remain a member. However, it is clear that there is uncertainty over this, as we have seen from several opinions published by experts from different countries as regular readers of this blog will be aware. The Brexit endgame remains unpredictable, and there is a long tradition of political and legal “fudges” being found at Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzthe last minute in international negotiations to make the impossible possible, so we can’t totally rule out the prospect of some sort of solution being found if the political will exists on all sides. And, while the UK remains an EU member, there is nothing in principle to prevent the UK from ratifying the UPCA. So far the Government has not revealed its intentions on this matter, however, hence my choice of wording calling it “Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzanother story”. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the political uncertainties.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitz'Jan 14 20:36
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzI cannot but agree with Concerned Observer.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzWhen drafting my comment, I had included a § with a similar content, but decided to drop it, as I thought it was too polemic.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzHere it is:Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzWith which right is a decision or a procedure before a court in a member state of the EU and of the UPC is criticised? There must be good reasons for the GFCC for doing so, and I would expect for a person working at large in the field of law more respect for a sovereign jurisdiction, not just an “international court”. Would Mr Robinson be happy should the UK Supreme Court be criticised similarly? I strongly doubt it.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzMr Robinson’s attack against Mr Sterjna is, in my humble opinion, below the belt and reprehensible for this reason alone.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzAfter the wealth of pro UPC publications on this blog, I could only find very few comments which were blowing in the same horn. The overwhelming majority of comments was negative to very negative. It is to the honour of Kluwer that they are published, as it fosters a legitimate discussion.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:36
schestowitz"Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzAgain, as I had asked on a different thread of this blog, how can the complaint be inadmissible if suspending the ratification procedure requires the admissibility of the constitutional complaint challenging it? If it was so clearly inadmissible as some would like to make us believe now, why should the court bother and not throw it out immediately?Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzDon’t come with explanations like “The court has not formally decided to stop the ratification.They have (politely) asked the president of the German federation to not sign, as the impact of signing and subsequent declaration of invalidity of the UPCA would be inforseeable…” Utter nonsense and completely ignorant of the underyling legal rationale! To those in the know, it is clear that the whole “suspension request approach” Jan 14 20:36
schestowitzactually serves to avoid the FCC having to grant a preliminary order against a different state power and thus from having to interfere with the constitutional principle of the separation of powers. Had the President objected to the FCC’s request, there can be no doubt that the court would have ordered the suspension.Jan 14 20:36
schestowitz'Jan 14 20:36
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jan 14 20:37
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellJan 14 20:39
schestowitz 14 21:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PluribusImp: @schestowitz Am I supposed to say,"still waiting for Godot, then?"Jan 14 21:16
schestowitz 14 21:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mastermikeg: @schestowitz No sh.. ?Jan 14 21:16
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 14 23:57
schestowitz 15 05:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz damn ☹️Jan 15 05:04
schestowitz 15 05:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Pyrokitteh: @schestowitz :(Jan 15 05:08
schestowitz 15 05:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz rats 15 05:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Clown Specials BettingJan 15 05:31
schestowitzSo you believe in free press only when that suits your side and that's just unfortunateJan 15 07:34
schestowitz 15 09:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Damien93129067: @schestowitz @wikileaks Like you post pro Jewish Bolshevik stuff?? Who was Marx and Lenin that murdered 10 million… 15 09:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Damien93129067: @schestowitz @wikileaks Like you post pro Jewish Bolshevik stuff?? Who was Marx and Lenin that murdered 10 million… 15 09:11
schestowitz"Like you post pro Jewish Bolshevik stuff?? Who was Marx and Lenin that murdered 10 million white Christian Russians? Jewish vermin's. You had no right to exist in Europe you doing brown Jew filth."Jan 15 09:11
schestowitz 15 09:25
schestowitz"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to alcoholism. The bar association knows where its interest lies ! Prosit"Jan 15 09:25
-TechrightsBN/ | German Bar Association says Nein to patent court block effort • The Register ForumsJan 15 09:25
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 09:26
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 15 11:17
schestowitz 15 14:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RobertA99554088: @schestowitz @SenWarren You gotta be on drugs...all that sh*t you just typed is invented fantasy!!Jan 15 14:27
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 14:30
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:46
schestowitzx 15 14:46
schestowitz#no it was not the call that led the the shooting, it was the misbehavior of the police that led to the shooting of a guy in his own home, peaceably minding his own businessJan 15 14:46
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:47
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:47
schestowitz 15 14:47
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Reps. Maxine Waters and John Lewis Are Boycotting Trump's State of the Union Speech | Teen VogueJan 15 14:47
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:47
schestowitzx 15 14:48
schestowitz#no it was not the call that led the the shooting, it was the misbehavior of the police that led to the shooting of a guy in his own home, peaceably minding his own businessJan 15 14:48
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:48
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:48
schestowitz 15 14:48
schestowitz=Jan 15 14:48
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Barcelona gives Microsoft the boot in move to open source</a></h5>Jan 15 14:51
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 15 14:51
schestowitz <p>With this move Barcelona becomes the first city to join an initiative by Free Software Foundation Europe  dubbed 'Public code, public money' which calls on public bodies to invest tax revenues in free reusable systems that are open to local businesses rather than proprietary licensed software. </p>Jan 15 14:51
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 15 14:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Barcelona gives Microsoft the boot in move to open sourceJan 15 14:52
schestowitz</li>Jan 15 14:52
schestowitz 15 14:52
schestowitz"Jan 15 14:52
schestowitz Interestingly, smell and taste can both be quantified.Jan 15 14:52
schestowitzHowever, it remains a subjective area precisely because that quantification suffers from a "moving target" of sorts in that the receiver (the human, her brain and her sensory organs) are NOT objective, let alone "repeatable" in the scientific sense (from person to person, and not one person from event to event).Jan 15 14:52
schestowitzAs to legal effects though, the law has OFTEN used a type of "standard human model" to deal with subjectivity. There is absolutely no reason why such could not be equally employed in the IP contexts. Jan 15 14:52
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: Scents and trade marks - The EU reform of olfactory marks and advances in odour recognition techniquesJan 15 14:52
schestowitz"Jan 15 14:52
schestowitz 15 14:52
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: Córdoba - The CJEU to re-visit the Right of Communication to the PublicJan 15 14:52
schestowitz"Jan 15 14:52
schestowitz Put yet another way, the IPKAT advocates absolute freedom for the copyright holder and limited freedom -even worse-liability for the child and the school in respect of the pursuit of another freedom -that of expression. Not to mention the freedom of arts and sciences -guaranteed by the German constitution and the Charter.Jan 15 14:52
schestowitzPerversely, if the child had parodied the photo within the boundaries of taste that would have been OK. Jan 15 14:53
schestowitz"Jan 15 14:53
schestowitz 15 14:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@katalin_pota: @schestowitz Wouldn’t call it police misbehavior. Just call it murder.Jan 15 14:53
schestowitzI don't know all the fine details about it to be honest; just read 3 articlesJan 15 14:54
schestowitz 15 15:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@katalin_pota: @schestowitz The policemen who killed an unarmed civilian should be charged with murder.Jan 15 15:04
schestowitzI agree, but I don't know what his defend might beJan 15 15:04
schestowitz 15 15:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@katalin_pota: @schestowitz The unarmed man opened the door and was shot to death by police. They lied claiming they were afraid for their lives.Jan 15 15:04
schestowitz 15 15:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@katalin_pota: @schestowitz It’s always the same. Victim was reaching for his waistband. Lie.Jan 15 15:11
schestowitzof course, he was asking for it too :-)Jan 15 15:11
schestowitz 15 15:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@katalin_pota: @schestowitz Too many unarmed civilians are killed by US police. This won’t stop until they’re held responsible.Jan 15 15:21
schestowitz 15 16:05
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 15 16:05
schestowitz" Looks more like selling tabloids to me; have you slid back to the alt-left rhetoric of slinging accusations with zero corroborating facts while I've been on the street?"Jan 15 16:05
schestowitzDo you know the Daily Fail?Jan 15 16:05
schestowitz 15 16:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KekMckekerson: @schestowitz @SenSanders 15 16:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KekMckekerson: @schestowitz @SenSanders 15 16:11
schestowitz 15 16:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KekMckekerson: @schestowitz @SenSanders 15 16:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KekMckekerson: @schestowitz @SenSanders 15 16:16
schestowitzOne fought for imperialism. One stands against racism which leads to wars.Jan 15 16:17
schestowitz 15 16:18
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 15 16:18
schestowitz"I'm here to express an opinion that your standalone shaming language of your targets is, all by itself, destroying the credibility of how you sometimes deliver individual specific individual storiesAnd then you help me make that point in a friendly way by replying to me as if this was high school and of course everyone knows this particular hatred is "in" right nowNo, I don't have this hate boner you're surfing right now"Jan 15 16:18
schestowitz 15 16:19
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 15 16:19
schestowitz" Did they throw any rocks at any random Americans at a free speech rally? Have they been lying about someone else's political landscape to improve public opinion of their bombing campaigns? Because if they aren't murdering anyone or assaulting people for exercising free speech it's hard for me to find room on my hate-dance card. So ya, I'm still sick as hate over the fake left still not knowing how to distinguish itself as sober-minded Jan 15 16:19
schestowitzor on a better trajectory. Mud wrestling != pol"Jan 15 16:19
schestowitz 15 16:19
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 15 16:19
schestowitz"But as bitchy as I'm being over it, s'cuz I think you're way better than this. If it looks like it belongs in a Two Minutes Hate just as much or more than it belongs on a biased as fuck editorial show, it's beneath good standards and a friendly slap on the wrist is gonna come out of me like vomit"Jan 15 16:19
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 17:30
schestowitz 15 17:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dangillmor: @schestowitz @FreedomofPress @wikileaks Don't be dense. I still support Wikileaks' right to do what it does.Jan 15 17:42
schestowitzIt will be harder when people cannot support them anonymouslyJan 15 17:42
schestowitz 15 17:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@juicero00412894: @schestowitz what are you a doctor of, doctor?Jan 15 17:43
schestowitz 15 17:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dangillmor: @schestowitz @FreedomofPress @wikileaks Please. 15 17:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Donate to WikiLeaksJan 15 17:47
schestowitz 15 18:16
-TechrightsBN/ Linux 4.15 RC8 and #Linux #Kernel Mailing List Downtime 15 18:16
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux 4.15 RC8 and Linux Kernel Mailing List Downtime | Tux MachinesJan 15 18:16
schestowitzJan 15 18:16
schestowitzwhy does the rc number go so high?Jan 15 18:16
schestowitz"Jan 15 18:16
schestowitz 15 18:46
schestowitz"Agreed - It's not that difficult to create your own backup, entirely disconnected from the cloud, to backup your computer. We handle confidential client information, and have backups of our backups (we also use Linux exclusively) and run everything through a VPN and have all our drives encrypted."Jan 15 18:46
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 18:46
schestowitz 15 18:47
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 18:47
schestowitz"I don't want those socialist European skank in here. We can kill or send back all the niggers, and bring in the Chinese, the Afrikaners, and Boers. It would be good to kick out or kill all the kikes, too."Jan 15 18:47
schestowitz 15 18:48
-TechrightsBN/ | #Newyear #hashtag #valuableasset - International Reports - IAM - Informing IP valueJan 15 18:48
-->liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 18:58
schestowitz #AlexisIn #WengerOut - let's shield that second place and not lose it by losing by 3+ goals.Jan 15 18:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ManUtd: Tonight’s match is celebrating #MUFC's partnership with @Unicef_UK and our work to support vulnerable children acro… 15 18:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ManUtd: Tonight’s match is celebrating #MUFC's partnership with @Unicef_UK and our work to support vulnerable children acro… 15 18:58
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 15 19:00
schestowitzSecond place+FA Cup+CL. Still in it.Jan 15 19:01
schestowitz 15 19:06
schestowitz"He is brilliant.. Exposes all the lies, corruption and filth that comes out of all governments around the world."Jan 15 19:06
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:06
schestowitz 15 19:06
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:06
schestowitz"Assange is a Hero.. There should be NO threat of arrest in any country."Jan 15 19:06
schestowitz 15 19:07
schestowitz"Jan 15 19:07
schestowitzThe Rockefeller Foundation is a big sponsor too... Jan 15 19:07
schestowitz 15 19:07
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 500 @ )Jan 15 19:07
schestowitz"Jan 15 19:07
schestowitzYes, also FordJan 15 19:07
schestowitz 15 19:07
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:07
schestowitz"This is a bit interesting. Especially to all those that think black folks won't enslave their own, to make money in their own country."Jan 15 19:07
schestowitz 15 19:07
schestowitz"You been kicked from Twitter too?'Jan 15 19:07
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:07
schestowitzMe? No.Jan 15 19:07
schestowitz 15 19:09
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:09
schestowitz"Probably ! Twitter / Google same methods of biased conduct. Congress needs to get involved to balance the equities here. The fact that they are private entities should not be a license to use their political agenda to silence us. 🤨🤨"Jan 15 19:09
schestowitz 15 19:10
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:10
schestowitz"Even you dude? really? find concrete proof of these things happening, the guy did con some people but the other two did not happen ever. Why do you think these kind of accusations are pointless against the man when told to anyone who has common sense or did some research?'Jan 15 19:10
schestowitz 15 19:10
schestowitz"|I disagree with this one. This is why we need a 4GHZ 2 core computer with 4 gigs of ram just to run a desktop smoothly. Windows 95 ran fine on 300MHZ and was easier to use than Windows 10. We're moving forward in power and backwards software writing."Jan 15 19:10
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:10
schestowitz"Ran Win95 on a 100mhz computer by NEC with a 2 Gig Hard Drive, don't remember what else was in it. Have to see if I still have the comp stashed away. Curious what was in it, since it was my gaming computer as a kid. Remember my Dad got me the Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro Joystick with Mech Warrior 2'Jan 15 19:11
schestowitz"We only had one computer at a time and we would just watch each other play, same with Decent II, the Space Quest Series (which was my introduction into PC Gaming) and so on.'Jan 15 19:11
schestowitz"My son and I played MW on a very similar pair of computers. Win95, 100mHz 2 gig home built. We would wear headsets for communication even though we were about 3 ft away from each other. Great fun.'Jan 15 19:11
schestowitz'"older operating systems didnt come with as much bloat eating up resources either as they do now"Jan 15 19:12
schestowitz 15 19:12
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:12
schestowitz"Definitely agree. When it's not a problem, I choose readability and comprehendability over everything else.'Jan 15 19:12
schestowitz 15 19:12
schestowitz"More than likely assange is deep state operative or CIA. He is spreading another side of false information. It's all lies on both sides in order to create a world government. Just another Snowden who is a planted seed as well. We live in mass delusion if we listen to media. Mainstream or Alternative"Jan 15 19:12
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:12
schestowitz 15 19:14
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:14
schestowitz"Yeah, cause government violence it never unbased. The rulers know better who's a criminal, right?"Jan 15 19:14
schestowitzCorporations have leverage over the governmentJan 15 19:15
schestowitz 15 19:15
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:15
schestowitz"Are you sure you know what free speech is?"Jan 15 19:15
schestowitz 15 19:15
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:15
schestowitz"Dream on. You can't become anything like the US with your socialist whiner politics under stone age monarchy facade. Your citizens don't even have the right to bear arms, the most basic right separating free people from slaves. What you're becoming is Soviet Union, not US.'Jan 15 19:15
schestowitz 15 19:16
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:16
schestowitz"Jan 15 19:16
schestowitzS/Africa after the entire World helped Hamas defeat Christianity via apartheid armed struggle using ANC abeed, has transformed both economy & culture into a shithole Jan 15 19:16
schestowitzJihadists now rule finance & economy & trade & have turned all cities into shitholes & made blacks proud of it & being antiChristianJan 15 19:16
schestowitz"Jan 15 19:16
schestowitz 15 19:17
schestowitz"Conte has lost the dressing room, maybe? He doesn't look that interested."Jan 15 19:17
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:17
schestowitz 15 19:17
schestowitz"Farming is a sport now?"Jan 15 19:17
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:17
schestowitz 15 19:17
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:17
schestowitz"Because all our Cellphones aren't already made in China... Derp!"Jan 15 19:17
schestowitz 15 19:18
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:18
schestowitz"Doesn't disturb me at all. It's good for the UK."Jan 15 19:18
schestowitz 15 19:18
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:18
schestowitz"The first one is killer advice.'Jan 15 19:18
schestowitz 15 19:19
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:19
schestowitz"3-1 city"Jan 15 19:19
schestowitz 15 19:19
schestowitz"Iowa?"Jan 15 19:19
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:19
schestowitzNot sureJan 15 19:19
schestowitz 15 19:19
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:19
schestowitz"Jan 15 19:19
schestowitzWhy not link to phoronix directly for the benchmark? Jan 15 19:19
schestowitz 15 19:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux Hardware Reviews, Articles, & Gaming - PhoronixJan 15 19:19
schestowitz"Jan 15 19:19
schestowitz 15 19:20
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:20
schestowitz"Thank God (not the Jewish Moloch) for Mel Gibson that he made Edge of Darkness, which exposed the Zionist plan to make their own 'Iranian nuke' detonate it on American soil, to 9-11 inside job another war for Greater Israel. High odds of Israel nuking an ally. Zero chance of nuclear war."Jan 15 19:20
schestowitz 15 19:20
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:20
schestowitz"Because he exposed corrupt business practices?"Jan 15 19:20
schestowitz 15 19:21
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:21
schestowitz"I like it."Jan 15 19:21
schestowitz 15 19:21
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:21
schestowitz"Too bad wind farms are so damn ugly. They dominate the natural landscape."Jan 15 19:21
schestowitz 15 19:21
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:21
schestowitz"The article in question seems to be more an indictment of human-driven cars than self-driving cars. Which ran the red light, after all?'Jan 15 19:21
schestowitz 15 19:21
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:21
schestowitz"It's like "comey" deciding "hrc" innocent before the interview."Jan 15 19:21
schestowitz 15 19:22
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 15 19:22
schestowitz"Yeah, where was all the "rage" in our last admin???"Jan 15 19:22
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 15 21:05
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 21:06
schestowitz 16 00:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@alabrar99: @Reuters @schestowitz Trump doesn’t just think Africa is a shit hole’ he treats the whole world like it’s a shit ho… 16 00:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@alabrar99: @Reuters @schestowitz Trump doesn’t just think Africa is a shit hole’ he treats the whole world like it’s a shit ho… 16 00:56
schestowitz"Jan 16 00:56
schestowitzTrump doesn’t just think Africa is a shit hole’ he treats the whole world like it’s a shit hole.Jan 16 00:56
schestowitzAmerica is loosing trade from around the globe only due to the excrement that is regularly discharged from Trumps mouth about the rest of the world.Jan 16 00:56
schestowitz"Jan 16 00:56
schestowitz 16 00:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WLTaskForce: @dangillmor @schestowitz @FreedomofPress @wikileaks Read Assange's letter on the subject: 16 00:56
schestowitz 16 00:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WLTaskForce: @dangillmor @schestowitz @FreedomofPress @wikileaks In what actions does your support manifest? Other than praising… 16 00:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WLTaskForce: @dangillmor @schestowitz @FreedomofPress @wikileaks In what actions does your support manifest? Other than praising… 16 00:57
schestowitz"In what actions does your support manifest? Other than praising the politicized termination of its funding?"Jan 16 00:57
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 16 01:16
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jan 16 01:18
schestowitzRe: The monarchyJan 16 01:27
schestowitz> I have been watching /The Crown/, a fascinating documentary on NetflixJan 16 01:27
schestowitz> which leads me to ask the question:Jan 16 01:27
schestowitz> Jan 16 01:27
schestowitz> Are a majority of the English still in awe of the monarchy or hasJan 16 01:27
schestowitz> royalty become an anachronism?Jan 16 01:27
schestowitzI don't know the proportion, but about half treat it like a joke, or a bunch of spoiled people feeding off tax money.Jan 16 01:27
schestowitz 16 01:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz 16 01:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TheEconomist: Donald Trump is taking cues from the media, specifically Fox News, rather than attempting to lead them 16 01:33
schestowitz 16 02:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz Installed it/tested it, does have 1 issue : flashing cursor blank screen when starting X @ end of boot… 16 02:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz Installed it/tested it, does have 1 issue : flashing cursor blank screen when starting X @ end of boot… 16 02:12
schestowitz"Installed it/tested it, does have 1 issue : flashing cursor blank screen when starting X @ end of boot process. Work around of CTRL-ALT-F1, login w/user credentials, manually startx gets window manager running, there's an error message about a systemd service hang in terminal "Jan 16 02:12
schestowitz 16 02:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MontriciaHubba1: @schestowitz @wikileaks Spanish is one of the easier languages. 😊Jan 16 02:12
schestowitz 16 02:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz Otherwise it's nice, I've always liked AntiX & the old MEPIS, nice to see them finally merge the two.… 16 02:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz Otherwise it's nice, I've always liked AntiX & the old MEPIS, nice to see them finally merge the two.… 16 02:12
schestowitz"Otherwise it's nice, I've always liked AntiX & the old MEPIS, nice to see them finally merge the two. Hoping the next version w/Meltdown+Spectre kernel fixes the systemd boot/x issue. "Jan 16 02:12
schestowitzSpanish is often taught in the US, but not in England or AustraliaJan 16 02:13
schestowitz 16 02:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @wikileaks The whole organization is now no more than Clinton-obsessed assange cult of personality, no… 16 02:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @wikileaks The whole organization is now no more than Clinton-obsessed assange cult of personality, no… 16 02:48
schestowitz"Jan 16 02:49
schestowitzThe whole organization is now no more than Clinton-obsessed assange cult of personality, no credibility left,  no impartiality.Jan 16 02:49
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 16 02:49
schestowitz"Jan 16 02:49
schestowitz 16 03:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@chadmccullough: @schestowitz Interesting. I may give this one a try.Jan 16 03:00
schestowitz 16 04:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz ouch 😣 #TruthHurts #AmericaFirst (lol)Jan 16 04:03
schestowitz 16 04:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MontriciaHubba1: @schestowitz @wikileaks I did not know that. ThanksJan 16 04:03
schestowitz 16 04:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MrXenyo: @MontriciaHubba1 @schestowitz @wikileaks It’s widely taught in the US, but virtually no Americans are actually flue… 16 04:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MrXenyo: @MontriciaHubba1 @schestowitz @wikileaks It’s widely taught in the US, but virtually no Americans are actually flue… 16 04:34
schestowitz"Jan 16 04:34
schestowitzIt’s widely taught in the US, but virtually no Americans are actually fluent who didn’t grow up learning it or are from hispanic descent.Jan 16 04:34
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 16 04:34
schestowitz"Jan 16 04:34
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 16 05:11
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 05:12
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 16 05:12
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 16 05:12:07 2018
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-->You are now talking on #boycottnovellJan 16 05:12
---Topic for #boycottnovell is | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialJan 16 05:12
---Topic for #boycottnovell set by MinceR at Thu Jan 28 18:22:54 2016Jan 16 05:12
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 16 05:12
schestowitz 16 05:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nishant_ganesh1: @schestowitz True, although imo he would be more likely to commit violence after spending 2 years in jail than a fe… 16 05:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nishant_ganesh1: @schestowitz True, although imo he would be more likely to commit violence after spending 2 years in jail than a fe… 16 05:39
schestowitz"True, although imo he would be more likely to commit violence after spending 2 years in jail than a few months and 5 years probation. Wb his future prospects? Punishment in advance for crimes he may commit?"Jan 16 05:39
schestowitz 16 05:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nishant_ganesh1: @schestowitz From where is the question. For what purpose is the question. Situations and factors changing is not h… 16 05:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nishant_ganesh1: @schestowitz From where is the question. For what purpose is the question. Situations and factors changing is not h… 16 05:56
schestowitz"From where is the question. For what purpose is the question. Situations and factors changing is not hypocrisy. I for one look forward to the Asian / Indian overlords of America resulting from merit based migration."Jan 16 05:56
schestowitz 16 09:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Cynecin: @schestowitz Truth police?Jan 16 09:19
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Inspect curl’s TLS traffic</a></h5>Jan 16 10:01
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 10:01
-TechrightsBN/ | Inspect curl’s TLS traffic | daniel.haxx.seJan 16 10:01
schestowitz <p>In the NSS library for example, which is the TLS library curl is typically built with on Redhat and Centos, handles the SSLKEYLOGFILE magic all by itself so by extension you have been able to do this trick with curl for a long time – as long as you use curl built with NSS. A pretty good argument to use that build really. </p>Jan 16 10:01
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 10:01
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 10:01
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">New Year car torching, arrests up in France</a></h5>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz <p>The number of vehicles set alight on the night of December 31 climbed from 935 a year ago to 1,031, while arrests rose from 456 to 510, the interior ministry said on Monday. </p>Jan 16 10:26
-TechrightsBN/ | AFP.comJan 16 10:26
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Apartments evacuated after explosion in Helsingborg</a></h5>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 10:26
-TechrightsBN/ | Apartments evacuated after explosion in Helsingborg - The LocalJan 16 10:26
schestowitz <p> “The damages to the property are so extensive that they have decided to evacuate those who live there,” police control room officer Mikael Lindh told the TT news agency early in the morning. </p>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Merciless thugs BRUTALLY beat and stamp on policewoman in ultra-violent New Year attack</a></h5>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 10:26
-TechrightsBN/ | New Year attack: Thugs brutally beat and stamp on policewoman in violent attack | World | News | 16 10:26
schestowitz <p>The attack was filmed by the gang [sic] and uploaded onto the [I]nternet by the group. </p>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 10:26
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Germany: Migrants 'may have fuelled violent crime rise'</a></h5>Jan 16 10:37
schestowitz# carefully skirts around mentioning islamJan 16 10:37
-TechrightsBN/ | Germany: Migrants 'may have fuelled violent crime rise' - BBC NewsJan 16 10:37
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 10:37
schestowitz <p>Since 2015, more than one million migrants and refugees, many of whom had fled war and abuses in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, have entered Germany in response to Chancellor Merkel's open-door policy. </p>Jan 16 10:37
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 10:37
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 10:37
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Muslim woman allegedly attacked with blade on private parts for denying divorce</a></h5></li>Jan 16 10:40
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">The Islamization of Britain in 2017</a></h5>Jan 16 10:40
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 10:40
schestowitz <p>Islam and Islam-related issues, omnipresent in Britain during 2017, can be categorized into several broad themes: 1) Islamic extremism and the security implications of British jihadists; 2) The continuing spread of Islamic Sharia law in Britain; 3) The sexual exploitation of British children by Muslim gangs; 4) Muslim integration into British society; and 5) The failures of British multiculturalism. </p>Jan 16 10:40
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 10:40
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 10:40
-TechrightsBN/ | Muslim woman allegedly attacked with blade on private parts for denying divorceJan 16 10:40
-TechrightsBN/ | The Islamization of Britain in 2017Jan 16 10:40
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">How Muslims attacked Christians on new year day, raped women – CAN</a></h5></li>Jan 16 10:41
-TechrightsBN/ | How Muslims attacked Christians on new year day, raped women - CAN - Daily Post NigeriaJan 16 10:41
schestowitz 16 10:53
-TechrightsBN/ | Warren-Sanders Democrats vs Oprah: "One billionaire president in a decade is going to be plenty for us" / Boing BoingJan 16 10:53
-->liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 11:01
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Everyday life in Swedish schools: “Threats, violence and even rapes”</a></h5>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz <p>A Swedish school teacher discloses some of the harsh conditions that characterize many of the country’s schools. The teacher works in one of Gothenburg’s Muslim dominated suburbs. He loves his job, but sees a school system on the brink of collapse: </p>Jan 16 11:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Everyday life in Swedish schools: “Threats, violence and even rapes”Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Sweden: Girl gang raped, private parts set on fire</a></h5>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 11:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Sweden: Girl gang raped, private parts set on fireJan 16 11:38
schestowitz <p>Police initially withheld specific information, but spoke of “torture-like abuse” and “very serious violence”. The situation in Malmö is tense. A police officer told Swedish SVT News that he has not experienced such a cruel case in his 35 years as a civil servant. </p>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 11:38
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Man killed in Rinkeby restaurant shooting</a></h5>Jan 16 12:01
schestowitz# islam</li>Jan 16 12:01
-TechrightsBN/ | Man killed in Rinkeby restaurant shooting - The LocalJan 16 12:01
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">One dead after explosion outside Stockholm subway station</a></h5></li>Jan 16 12:01
-TechrightsBN/ | One dead after explosion outside Stockholm subway station - The LocalJan 16 12:01
schestowitz 16 12:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 16 12:02
schestowitz"Jan 16 12:02
schestowitzNot very funny. What kind of Remainer are you, doc? The undemocratic type or the undemocratic type. I prescribe a dose of Brexit pills, doc. Take one four times a day until your undemocratic symptoms clear up.Jan 16 12:02
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 16 12:02
schestowitz"Jan 16 12:02
schestowitz 16 12:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrianPix042: @schestowitz @ChrisLeslieMP Not very funny. What kind of Remainer are you, doc? The undemocratic type or the undemo… 16 12:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrianPix042: @schestowitz @ChrisLeslieMP Not very funny. What kind of Remainer are you, doc? The undemocratic type or the undemo… 16 12:03
schestowitz"Not very funny. What kind of Remainer are you, doc? The undemocratic type or the undemocratic type? I prescribe a dose of Brexit pills, doc. Take one four times a day until your undemocratic symptoms clear up."Jan 16 12:03
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Swedish government orders investigation into rise in reported rapes</a></h5>Jan 16 13:46
schestowitz# soon : cover upJan 16 13:46
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 16 13:46
schestowitz <p> Sweden's government has ordered the country's National Council on Crime Prevention (Brå) to look into why the number of reported rapes in the country has increased.  </p>Jan 16 13:46
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 16 13:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Swedish government orders investigation into rise in reported rapes - The LocalJan 16 13:46
schestowitz</li>Jan 16 13:46
schestowitz 16 14:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SherazKhanTT: #NYPD at its finest and they won’t take ant disciplinary action on the officer 16 14:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #police attracts the best and the brightest #nypdJan 16 14:17
schestowitz 16 14:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BryanBroome1: @qu1j0t3 @schestowitz The leftists run the colleges. Nothing but commie creators.Jan 16 14:18
schestowitz 16 14:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@akaSassinak: The new world order. 16 14:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Isis executioner who threw gay men off buildings bribed his way out of prison in 'minutes' 16 14:18
schestowitz 16 14:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@akaSassinak: Marijuana farms. Right. They invented an Owl-killing pesticide just for marijuana crops. Of course they did. 16 14:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: California’s Owls Being Exposed to Rat Poison man-made chemicalsJan 16 14:18
schestowitz 16 14:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@akaSassinak: @schestowitz Marijuana farms. Right. They invented an Owl-killing pesticide just for marijuana crops. Of course they did.Jan 16 14:18
acer-box 16 14:20
acer-box" related"Jan 16 14:20
-TechrightsBN/ | Mr. Jeff Cliff, BSc(CompSci): " related https://…" - niu.moeJan 16 14:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 16 14:20
acer-box 16 14:21
acer-box"Jan 16 14:21
acer-boxWhat's interesting about this? #GCC8 on the horizon.Jan 16 14:21
acer-boxHow much of this is version inflation, how much is fundamental improvement of GCC?Jan 16 14:21
-TechrightsBN/ | Mr. Jeff Cliff, BSc(CompSci): " What&#39;s interesti…" - niu.moeJan 16 14:21
acer-box"Jan 16 14:21
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 17:30
schestowitz 16 17:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@j082298: @schestowitz I think that Alibaba is the new Amazon.Jan 16 17:48
schestowitz 16 17:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: The electrical requirements of a 'decent' blockchain cascade necessitate some level of political involvement. This… 16 17:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: The electrical requirements of a 'decent' blockchain cascade necessitate some level of political involvement. This… 16 17:48
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:48
schestowitzKevin Quinn Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 16 17:48
schestowitzThe electrical requirements of a 'decent' blockchain cascade necessitate some level of political involvement. This is a real target for a 'green energy' hardware and  applications.Kevin Quinn added,Jan 16 17:48
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:48
schestowitz 16 17:50
schestowitz"They did not come here illegal."Jan 16 17:50
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:50
schestowitz 16 17:51
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:51
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:51
schestowitzTry this for speed - I just came from there... Jan 16 17:51
schestowitzSony PlayStation Site, Jan 16 17:51
schestowitzreviewing system game problems, is so slow, that I'm guessing, its done on purpose, Jan 16 17:51
schestowitzto keep traffic as Low level as possible. Jan 16 17:51
schestowitz Jan 16 17:51
schestowitzUsing Droid, Jan 16 17:51
-TechrightsBN/ | Gran Turismo Series GeneralJan 16 17:51
schestowitzbrowsers tried made no difference.Jan 16 17:51
schestowitz|Jan 16 17:51
schestowitz 16 17:51
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:51
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:51
schestowitzAfter seeing @tuxmachines post regarding retpoline for 4.15 (and others soon), this is exciting because it appears to have minimal impact on performance: Jan 16 17:51
schestowitz 16 17:51
schestowitz""Jan 16 17:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 16 17:51
schestowitz 16 17:52
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:52
schestowitz"It doesn't protect just any religion though…"Jan 16 17:52
schestowitzOnly very sensitive onesJan 16 17:52
schestowitz 16 17:54
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:54
schestowitz"Except Mozilla, makers of Firefox are collaborating with George Soros, so maybe think twice before installing it."Jan 16 17:54
schestowitz 16 17:54
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:54
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:54
schestowitzThis will be interesting as Google has claimed fixes to their Cloud product have no significant performance impact. Hopefully it translates to their kernel patches. Jan 16 17:54
schestowitz 16 17:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 16 17:54
schestowitz' 16 17:55
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:55
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:55
schestowitzNot even remotely accurate. The BP Deepwater disaster happened because they weren't allow to drill closer to the shore at safer depths. The lesson to be learned is that forcing oil drilling out into deeper water is just inviting disaster. Jan 16 17:55
schestowitzYet you would apparently prefer to repeat that mistake?Jan 16 17:55
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:55
schestowitz 16 17:55
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:55
schestowitz"Your statement may or may not be correct. More details are needed. For starters: what did the guy do as he was walking out his front door?"Jan 16 17:55
schestowitz 16 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:56
schestowitz"Prisoners should be sent to a gulag in the Antarctic, where they can survive on their own, or not."Jan 16 17:56
schestowitz 16 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:56
schestowitz"Funny thing, there was no proof ever that Donald Trump ever made that exact statement. Except for the word of mouth from a couple of hacks that came out of the press meeting.'Jan 16 17:56
schestowitz 16 17:57
schestowitz"The only science denial going on is by those who outright LIE and change data to 'prove' climate change is caused by CO2. It isn't. If you don't know this you literally understand nothing about thermodynamics."Jan 16 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:58
schestowitz 16 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:58
schestowitz"If so, how does this combine with them being raided by the government? If I didn't know better, I'd say it looks just like mobsters extorting protection money."Jan 16 17:58
schestowitz 16 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 16 17:58
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:58
schestowitzThis is very enlightening. Jan 16 17:58
schestowitzChina has a choice; find for the foreign companies or be left with a pile of worthless patents and lots of law firms.Jan 16 17:58
schestowitz"Jan 16 17:58
schestowitz 16 18:00
schestowitz"It’s also a private place and FB can do whatever they want with it!"Jan 16 18:00
-TechrightsBN/ Facebook blocks sharing of #WSWS anti- #censorship video #facebook is #socialControlMedia and gatekeeperJan 16 18:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Facebook blocks sharing of WSWS anti-censorship video - World Socialist Web SiteJan 16 18:00
schestowitz"But that’s hardly the point. They are blocking and censoring content in what is political censorship by a private company. This should not be accepted."Jan 16 18:00
schestowitz"Why shouldn’t it be accepted? It’s a private company! Don’t like it? Make your own. FB doesn’t owe anyone anything! And everybody agrees to their terms by using it!"Jan 16 18:00
schestowitz"Well, I’m evidently not only on FB. But hundreds of millions of people worldwide use FB to access political information. And FB used to not censor it. It was used to organize protests, and spread information about social and political injustice. Why would the #WSWS not be on FB to spread its content, and fight against a state-backed effort to censor the WSWS and other outlets? Same with Google. They will loose users, for sure, and they Jan 16 18:01
schestowitzknow that. But they don’t care. Because they are most concerned about political and social opposition organizing on the internet. And we will not just surrender the battle field because these are “private” companies, monopolies who are working with and for the state.'Jan 16 18:01
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:01
schestowitzIf human society accepts this, it can be considered idiotic.Jan 16 18:01
schestowitzIt is necessary to work hard to polish the #Diaspora and the #federation as soon as possible.Jan 16 18:01
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:01
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:01
schestowitzThere will be a discussion tomorrow between Chris Hedges and David North on how to fight censorship on the internet. Check it out!Jan 16 18:01
schestowitz 16 18:01
-TechrightsBN/ | It's time to fight back against Internet censorship! - YouTubeJan 16 18:01
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:01
schestowitz"The censorship effort has been coordinated at the highest level of the state, and has been encouraged by Hillary Clinton. It comes after Google started censoring search results, and a few weeks after the new law abolishing net neutrality. How can you seriously argue that there are no larger political questions involved?"Jan 16 18:01
schestowitz"Fine. And whatcha gonna do about it?"Jan 16 18:02
schestowitz"We have started waging a struggle against it on the WSWS. See the webinar above and our many articles on the WSWS. More to come."Jan 16 18:02
schestowitz"Facebook is a very powerful company that knows how to manipulate people. Participate against net neutrality. Do you really believe that Facebook, Google, Amazon don’t harm the Internet or democracy itself?"Jan 16 18:02
schestowitz"Do you mean me? Of course, I think that Google etc. harm democracy and the democratic concept behind the internet. But that doesn’t mean that we just surrender them as battle fields. As this article states: “The fight to defend the free and open internet is the fight to abolish the domination of the corporate and financial oligarchy over society and politics. The telecommunications monopolies, along with the giant banks and Jan 16 18:02
schestowitzcorporations, must be turned into public utilities, run on the basis of social need, not private profit. Internet access is a basic social right, which must be freely available to all, without the interference of corporations or the state.”"Jan 16 18:02
-TechrightsBN/ | The end of net neutrality and the fight to defend the free internet - World Socialist Web SiteJan 16 18:02
schestowitz 16 18:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EBludd: @schestowitz @SenSanders I would say that this issue is one of a few that doesn’t fall along part lines. Maybe for… 16 18:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EBludd: @schestowitz @SenSanders I would say that this issue is one of a few that doesn’t fall along part lines. Maybe for… 16 18:13
schestowitz"I would say that this issue is one of a few that doesn’t fall along part lines.  Maybe for once that’s a good thing."Jan 16 18:13
schestowitz"Do you mean me? Of course, I think that Google etc. harm democracy and the democratic concept behind the internet. But that doesn’t mean that we just surrender them as battle fields. As this article states: “The fight to defend the free and open internet is the fight to abolish the domination of the corporate and financial oligarchy over society and politics. The telecommunications monopolies, along with the giant banks and Jan 16 18:15
schestowitzcorporations, must be turned into public utilities, run on the basis of social need, not private profit. Internet access is a basic social right, which must be freely available to all, without the interference of corporations or the state.”"Jan 16 18:15
schestowitz 16 18:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@chrisbSays: @schestowitz @SenSanders They don’t know. It’s not about policy with these people it’s whatever politician they can… 16 18:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@chrisbSays: @schestowitz @SenSanders They don’t know. It’s not about policy with these people it’s whatever politician they can… 16 18:15
schestowitz"They don’t know. It’s not about policy with these people it’s whatever politician they can self identify with, and not in an important way"Jan 16 18:15
schestowitz 16 18:16
-TechrightsBN/ Country that spies on its own citizens? Sounds like a "shithole" 16 18:16
schestowitz"A fascist country with 2 right-wing ruling parties that uses it’s military to bully the rest of the world… Yep! A shithole!'Jan 16 18:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | US House Passes NSA Spying Bill | Financial TribuneJan 16 18:16
schestowitz"The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves - if they had any glimmer of integrity left."Jan 16 18:16
schestowitzYup, again today (Senate). Wait...Jan 16 18:16
schestowitz 16 18:17
-TechrightsBN/ #dailyfail is #fakenews It should delete this lie Baseless, false cites InfoWars. #wikileaks #assange #defendWLJan 16 18:17
schestowitz"Damn!"Jan 16 18:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Report: Trump clearing way Julian Assange to return to US | Daily Mail OnlineJan 16 18:17
schestowitz 16 18:17
-TechrightsBN/ #dailyfail has just lied about #wikileaks and #ssange This is why many (you should too) boycott The Daily Fail 16 18:17
schestowitz"Kind of weird for a major news outlet to make stuff up. What happens next - they forget about it?"Jan 16 18:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ecuador set to remove Julian Assange from London embassy | Daily Mail OnlineJan 16 18:17
schestowitzThey're a tabloid with girls in bikini, hardly a news outlet except for wankersJan 16 18:17
schestowitz 16 18:19
-TechrightsBN/ Exploring #Nodejs with Mark Hinkle, Executive Director of the Nodejs Foundation used to be #freesw advocateJan 16 18:19
schestowitz"“Exploring Nodejs”. Yes, it is a wilderness."Jan 16 18:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Exploring Node.js with Mark Hinkle, Executive Director of the Node.js Foundation - The New StackJan 16 18:19
schestowitz"I’ve never approached a more complicated piece of software in my life. Then I ran away."Jan 16 18:19
schestowitzJs isn't too hard. Though I never did it server side...Jan 16 18:19
schestowitz 16 18:20
-TechrightsBN/ "Donald Trump is the prototypical, iconic if you will, beneficiary of the national Democrats’ policies." 16 18:20
schestowitz"Good article, though the writing is a little strange. I can’t seem to appreciate the style."Jan 16 18:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Democrats and the End(s) of PoliticsJan 16 18:21
schestowitz"Any comments on how/why this piece is written in this way?"Jan 16 18:21
schestowitzI never liked this author so muchJan 16 18:21
schestowitz 16 18:21
-TechrightsBN/ #gnu #linux must never forgive #intel for imposing #uefi in PCs to help #microsoft and spy agencies 16 18:21
schestowitz"#bios is old, #uefi is the future. Secure boot is supposed to give protection against rootkits. #linux just needs to adapt, that’s all.Jan 16 18:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | UEFI - Techrights [ ]Jan 16 18:21
schestowitz'"I’m not quite sure if you understand the problem. Maybe you’ll want to read this post by Matthew Garret and this blog entry by the Free Software Foundation that both discuss the topic of EFI and GNU/Linux."Jan 16 18:21
schestowitz 16 18:22
-TechrightsBN/ | mjg59 | Why UEFI secure boot is difficult for LinuxJan 16 18:22
schestowitz 16 18:22
-TechrightsBN/ | Will your computer's "Secure Boot" turn out to be "Restricted Boot"? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareJan 16 18:22
schestowitz"This seems to be more of a problem with secure boot, rather than UEFI. Do computers not allow uses to turn off secure boot? I feel like most people using Linux would be smart enough to do so."Jan 16 18:22
schestowitz"there are modern alternatives to UEFI - take a look at coreboot"Jan 16 18:22
schestowitz 16 18:22
-TechrightsBN/ | corebootJan 16 18:22
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:22
schestowitzThis seems to be more of a problem with secure boot, rather than UEFI.Jan 16 18:22
schestowitzYeah, that is true. However, I got the impression that you were talking about Linux’s inability to cope with Secure Boot, seeing that you said that “Secure boot is supposed to give protection against rootkits. #linux just needs to adapt, that’s all”. Thus, I answered on that topic.Jan 16 18:22
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:22
schestowitz'Secure' boot cannot always be disabled. Newer hardware will disable the possibility, a bit like TiVoizationJan 16 18:23
schestowitz 16 18:24
schestowitz""Ah, where as here, in the UK they shiould disclose such interests."Jan 16 18:24
-TechrightsBN/ House Fails to Protect Americans from Unconstitutional #NSA #Surveillance 'Democrats' tooJan 16 18:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | House Fails to Protect Americans from Unconstitutional NSA Surveillance | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 16 18:24
schestowitz"The US govt brainwash the US ppl. So the people do not fight back. The people who are not brainwashed are trying to wake up the masses that are."Jan 16 18:24
schestowitz"It is possible to “wake-up”. I have…"Jan 16 18:24
schestowitz"So have I.'Jan 16 18:24
schestowitz"But now my heroes smell bad. :→"Jan 16 18:24
schestowitz"Yup. Kinda goes with waking up…"Jan 16 18:24
schestowitz 16 18:25
-TechrightsBN/ I believe that for merely using a hashtag (copy-pasted from headline) #twitter once banned our whole instance Also banned me for responding to Nazis instead of banning the Nazis #censorship by machine (algo) is a bad, bad alley to go down alongJan 16 18:25
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:25
schestowitzAlso banned me for responding to Nazis instead of banning the NazisJan 16 18:25
schestowitzSo they shouldn’t have banned you, but should have banned the Nazis. That’s my reading of that quote, perhaps I’m wrong.Jan 16 18:25
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:25
schestowitzIF they were to ban anyone, it should not be MEJan 16 18:25
schestowitz 16 18:25
-TechrightsBN/ How long can #trump supporters carry on pretending (to themselves) that he -is not a con man -did not sexually assault women -isn't racistJan 16 18:26
schestowitz"Is he good for the country is the question you should ask."Jan 16 18:26
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:26
schestowitzAnd the answer is no.Jan 16 18:26
schestowitzAnd he’s not good for the country, in part, because he’s a conman, because he’s sexually assaulted women, and because he’s a racist.Jan 16 18:26
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:26
schestowitz"So you’re saying someone could nail every ball out of the park, but because of those allegations they aren’t effective? Is there any evidence to those allegations?"Jan 16 18:26
schestowitzThere is, plentyJan 16 18:26
schestowitz 16 18:27
-TechrightsBN/ #kde without #x86 16 18:27
schestowitz"How resource-intensive is Plasma? Almost ALL ARM SBCs these days have only 1 or 2 GB of RAM, and those without emmc also have exceedingly poor I/O - i.e. you do NOT want to page!"Jan 16 18:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Plasma on ARM: State of the Union – shadeslayer's BlogJan 16 18:27
schestowitzPlasma with Falkon can cope ok with 1gb of ram. I used to run kde3 on 256mbJan 16 18:27
schestowitzAlso, both KDE laptops of mine have 2gb of ramJan 16 18:28
schestowitz 16 18:29
-TechrightsBN/ #murdoch owned #newscorp continues to attack #assange It seeds many anti #wikileaks pieces (latedly more so) 16 18:29
schestowitz 16 18:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | By taking refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in Knightsbridge, Julian Assange has ‘saved’ at least £239,000 in rent | Home | The Times & The Sunday TimesJan 16 18:29
schestowitz"The Times’ headline (and presumably the accompanying article) is merely a disinformation tactic:"Jan 16 18:29
schestowitz"Are you saying you believe this narrative now Roy?"Jan 16 18:29
schestowitz"I got the impression that he doesn’t, myself."Jan 16 18:29
schestowitz 16 18:29
-TechrightsBN/ Wikileaks just “leaked” Fire & Fury and they hosted it on Google Drive and as of this posting, it’s still there [Fire&Fury]( My point here is simple, and is mainly geared toward stragglers of Wikileaks/Assange supporters I still see: #SpookyKids #Spook #Spooks ( @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊);} anyone wJan 16 18:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ )Jan 16 18:29
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:29
schestowitzHe seems to believe something about the Wikileaks is under siege narrative.Jan 16 18:29
schestowitzHe keeps talking about it even in spite of all the nonsense that’s spun out of it.Jan 16 18:29
schestowitzTo pointJan 16 18:29
schestowitz"Jan 16 18:29
schestowitzAlien, you need to reexamine your outlandish understanding of Wikileaks. You have been conned.Jan 16 18:30
schestowitz 16 18:58
-TechrightsBN/ Supreme Court Won’t Hear Key #Surveillance Case #us #scotus #privacyJan 16 18:58
schestowitz"See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil"Jan 16 18:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Supreme Court Won’t Hear Key Surveillance Case | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 16 18:58
schestowitz"One nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice sometimes."Jan 16 18:58
schestowitzLess often over time, I thinkJan 16 18:58
schestowitz 16 18:59
-TechrightsBN/ US government now openly promotes insulting stereotypes like "anchor babies" and "chain migration" #trump family was chain migration from Germany His two wives from former USSR also had several "anchor babies" Hypocrisy much?Jan 16 18:59
schestowitz"I hear wives are cheaper from the Soviet Union. ;-("Jan 16 18:59
schestowitz"And White, too. Such a deal!"Jan 16 18:59
schestowitzArt of the DealJan 16 18:59
schestowitz 16 18:59
-TechrightsBN/ When it comes to #cia violations of intl' #law it was always sort of "in the air" It's assumed they're above laws And the world lets it beJan 16 18:59
schestowitz"Yes, Schesty. But as you say, “the world lets it be”, and that unrealistic and suicidal attitude of unconcern is in no small way the product of the widely inculcated knee-jerk reaction of dismissal attached to the “just a conspiracy theory” retort. If just paranoia, no need to look further or examine specifics – just forget about it and move on – when these covert crimes ought to provoke outrage."Jan 16 18:59
schestowitz"It results in suffering and death for many innocent people. It’s wrong to allow a meaningless retort to sweep those results under the rug."Jan 16 19:00
schestowitz 16 19:00
schestowitz"I took “the world lets it be” as a criticism of OUR passive acceptance of the status quo. This applies to anyone sitting, looking at their screen. Maybe a little thorn-in-the-side will have an effect, cumulative perhaps, some day."Jan 16 19:00
schestowitzWikileaks has been their 'thorn' latelyJan 16 19:00
schestowitz 16 19:01
-TechrightsBN/ You said "bomb bomb Iran" you hypocritical war-mongering maniac 16 19:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SenJohnMcCain: Respect for the God-given dignity of every human being, no matter their race, ethnicity or other circumstances of t… 16 19:01
schestowitz"Just the standard dogma here-a-bouts."Jan 16 19:01
schestowitz"Nice facade for an aggressive evil."Jan 16 19:01
schestowitzYes, before he drops dead he wants to change how people remember him. Common, convenient.Jan 16 19:01
schestowitz 16 19:02
-TechrightsBN/ Waste of RAM. For several years I ran #firefox on a laptop with just 32MB of RAM. 16 19:02
schestowitz"Yet more bloat - for little gain."Jan 16 19:02
schestowitz"sounds like an awesome feature :)"Jan 16 19:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Tab Warming: How Firefox Will Improve Web Browsing Experience? How To Get It Now?Jan 16 19:02
schestowitzThey've just told me it would not take up more RAMJan 16 19:02
schestowitz 16 19:03
-TechrightsBN/ " other wanted individual – who lives within plain sight – on whom over $11 million dollars spent in constant police presence" #assange #wikileaksJan 16 19:03
schestowitz"Britain - Back Off!"Jan 16 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Assange standoff | Editorial | 16 19:03
schestowitz"hacker? Once upon a time…"Jan 16 19:03
schestowitz"Once upon a time… being a “hacker” was a Good thing."Jan 16 19:03
schestowitznot sure about the 90sJan 16 19:03
schestowitz 16 19:04
-TechrightsBN/ Always remember that even #exxonKnew It knew #climate Now it runs the White House always literally, looking to cause trouble with #cuba for geo-economic reasons (only #israel and #us voted for Cuba sanctions, which #obama stopped) #trump 'learns' from TV (Fox) To be "anti-Obama"Jan 16 19:04
schestowitz"This dude - not a US citizen - supported Clinton."Jan 16 19:04
schestowitz 16 19:04
-TechrightsBN/ #altreich is strange. And this man has some serious mental problem. 16 19:04
schestowitz"God-awful stuff like that tests the limits of free speech. It even tempts me to wonder why these people are allowed to run around free. Such is the price of a free society, I guess."Jan 16 19:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Neo-Nazi Who Calls for 'Slaughter' of Jewish Children Is of Jewish Descent, His Mom SaysJan 16 19:04
schestowitz 16 19:05
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:05
-TechrightsBN/ Wikileaks just “leaked” Fire & Fury and they hosted it on Google Drive and as of this posting, it’s still there [Fire&Fury]( My point here is simple, and is mainly geared toward stragglers of Wikileaks/Assange supporters I still see: #SpookyKids #Spook #Spooks ( @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊);} anyone wJan 16 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ )Jan 16 19:05
schestowitz@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) a fair amount of people respect and pay attention to your work, and I can’t entirely blame them, I think you cover some areas fairly well myself. None the less I must say, what you seem to be silently alluding to here as to why you so persistently push the Wikileaks/Assange vs. The U.S./U.K. and MSM narrative on those that pay attention to your work…Jan 16 19:05
schestowitzIt’s as if you may silently be alluding to the idea that you are purposely seeking to guide others into a false narrative.Jan 16 19:05
schestowitzThat said I do respectfully thank you for offering some clarity on what it was you were referring to, but given your public influence reporting on tech and related affairs, I can’t help but point out a rather disturbing shadow you seem to set over your commitment to honesty in work and character at the same time.Jan 16 19:05
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:05
schestowitzIf you believe Assange is dead yet naturalised last month, then your delusion if beyond repairJan 16 19:05
schestowitzIf you believe Assange is dead yet naturalised last month, then your delusion is beyond repairJan 16 19:05
schestowitz 16 19:07
-TechrightsBN/ Facebook announces major plan to censor news content of course. #socialControlMediaJan 16 19:07
schestowitz"So Facebook will prioritize posts to major publications, near all of whom carry ‘advertising’ from click-this or ‘tabolla-that’. So the fools will be just 1 click further from BS than they were before."Jan 16 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Facebook announces major plan to censor news content - World Socialist Web SiteJan 16 19:07
schestowitz 16 19:07
-TechrightsBN/ Exploring #Nodejs with Mark Hinkle, Executive Director of the Nodejs Foundation used to be #freesw advocateJan 16 19:07
schestowitz"Nodejs is a dependency nightmare."Jan 16 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Exploring Node.js with Mark Hinkle, Executive Director of the Node.js Foundation - The New StackJan 16 19:07
schestowitzI take your word for it thenJan 16 19:07
schestowitz 16 19:07
-TechrightsBN/ Expect more very major titles to come to #gnu #linux #games #feralJan 16 19:07
schestowitz"(❤️u❤️)'Jan 16 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Game Porter Feral Interactive Is Up To Around 72 Employees - PhoronixJan 16 19:07
schestowitz 16 19:08
-TechrightsBN/ #DragonFlyBSD 's #Meltdown Fix Causing More Slowdowns Than #Linux 16 19:08
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:08
schestowitzDragonFly founder Matthew Dillon commented that system calls went from taking about 100ns to ~350ns.Jan 16 19:08
schestowitzOuch!Jan 16 19:08
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | DragonFlyBSD's Meltdown Fix Causing More Slowdowns Than Linux - PhoronixJan 16 19:08
schestowitzWoe indeed. Intel, RECALL now.Jan 16 19:08
schestowitz 16 19:08
-TechrightsBN/ Do not buy #WesternDigital Apart from firmware back doors disclosed in #nsa leaks There's also this back door: #wdJan 16 19:08
schestowitz"WD does not care in-the-least about its customers. Just swipe your card and think no more.Jan 16 19:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Hardcoded Backdoor Found In WD My Cloud NAS With Username "MyDlink"Jan 16 19:08
schestowitzThis is a longstanding issue. I wrote about then a decade ago. Don't touch WD.Jan 16 19:09
schestowitzThis is a longstanding issue. I wrote about them a decade ago. Don't touch WD.Jan 16 19:09
schestowitz 16 19:09
-TechrightsBN/ Did someone threaten #wikileaks using #copyrights or something? 16 19:09
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:09
schestowitzthey put it back with revised statement, but again, if the Admin really wanted that thing gone, it’d be gone.Jan 16 19:09
schestowitzGOOGLE. Lets remember, GOOGLE.Jan 16 19:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WikiLeaks deleted a tweet linking to the full 'Fire & Fury' text - Business InsiderJan 16 19:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | NO TITLEJan 16 19:09
schestowitz 16 19:09
-TechrightsBN/ | How the CIA made Google – INSURGE intelligence – MediumJan 16 19:09
schestowitzWhat’s Pompeo or Rogers done about this?Jan 16 19:09
schestowitzNOTHING.Jan 16 19:09
schestowitzhow soon were they and Google and Twitter aware of this, assuredly, basically right away.Jan 16 19:09
schestowitzPublic PsyOp is Public PsyOpJan 16 19:09
schestowitzwhy do you keep helping to push it?Jan 16 19:09
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:09
schestowitz 16 19:09
-TechrightsBN/ ‘Democrats’ cannot shake off the impression that they are not the solution to #trumpism ~60 votes in favour is no outlier; it's a very significant portion of the party; had only 6 'defected' to #surveillance for Agent Orange, the bill would be killed; 2 parties? More like tribesJan 16 19:10
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:10
schestowitzYet more evidence that no hope can be invested in the Dems. They are a lost cause - because they have lost their cause."Jan 16 19:10
schestowitzYes, they're a loss of time.  I already wasted a lot of effort trying to help the Bern campaign and he just spat at all of us.Jan 16 19:10
schestowitz 16 19:11
-TechrightsBN/ #google bigwig: In 2018, we will increase #censorship on the #internet 16 19:11
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:11
schestowitzCerf: “…seeking to limit the pernicious consequences of unbridled freedom…”Jan 16 19:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Vint Cerf: In 2018, we will tackle the internet's dark side | WIRED UKJan 16 19:11
schestowitzWe can no longer trust this guy with our freedoms.Jan 16 19:11
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:11
schestowitzCould we ever?Jan 16 19:11
schestowitz 16 19:11
-TechrightsBN/ Free-range kids are the norm in #Germany — are American parents over-protective? same hereJan 16 19:11
schestowitz"Indeed that seems to be the case. Our younger son went to primary school by bus because that was in another village. He insisted to walt to the bus station all by himself, alone. It worked ourt fine, the way it should be."Jan 16 19:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Free-range kids are the norm in Germany — are American parents over-protective? - Salon.comJan 16 19:11
schestowitzI used to walk on my own almost anywhere after age 10 or soJan 16 19:12
schestowitz 16 19:12
-TechrightsBN/ "fears that the US will seek his extradition if he leaves the embassy, believing there is a sealed US indictment seeking his arrest." The Empire always meddles in the affairs of every single nationJan 16 19:12
schestowitz"England will not grant safe passage. Nope, won’t happen."Jan 16 19:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Julian Assange is made an Ecuadorian citizen in effort to resolve impasse | Media | The GuardianJan 16 19:12
schestowitznot after they 'invested' so much in the siege and paid also with PR points for thatJan 16 19:12
schestowitz 16 19:12
-TechrightsBN/ #FBI expert lashes Apple 'jerks' over iPhone security #apple and #security ? Standup comedy.Jan 16 19:12
schestowitz"Like the FBI has a good reputation? LOLJan 16 19:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | iTWire - FBI expert lashes Apple 'jerks' over iPhone securityJan 16 19:12
schestowitz 16 19:13
-TechrightsBN/ FBI chief calls encryption a ‘major public safety issue’ except when the Empire uses it. Only #fbi deserves #privacyJan 16 19:13
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | FBI chief calls encryption a ‘major public safety issue’ - The Washington PostJan 16 19:13
schestowitzI feel like a lack of encryption would be an even bigger public safety issue, as well as a dangerous precedent for more oppressive countries."Jan 16 19:13
schestowitzTrueJan 16 19:13
schestowitz 16 19:13
-TechrightsBN/ If 'consumers' are dumb enough to use a keylogger as an 'operating system', why not listening devices too? #vista10Jan 16 19:13
schestowitz"Selling your life for gizmos."Jan 16 19:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Amazon Alexa Arrives On Windows 10 PCsJan 16 19:13
schestowitzTo impress guests you probably don't ever have (just 'Facebook friends')Jan 16 19:14
schestowitz 16 19:14
-TechrightsBN/ "If a decentralized Web doesn't achieve mass participation, nothing has really changed." 16 19:14
schestowitz"Buen artículo!!"Jan 16 19:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | DSHR's Blog: It Isn't About The TechnologyJan 16 19:14
schestowitz 16 19:14
-TechrightsBN/ #ibm now operates like a classic #swpats #patentTroll 16 19:14
schestowitz"And the PS2. :-)"Jan 16 19:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | IBM settles patent suit, sues Expedia over same patentsJan 16 19:14
schestowitz 16 19:14
-TechrightsBN/ #IBM Announces 'Game-Changing' #Power9 Servers For AI,36054.html but IBM still a #patent bullyJan 16 19:14
schestowitz"Probably give conventional databases quite a boost as well."Jan 16 19:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | IBM Announces 'Game-Changing' Power9 Servers For AIJan 16 19:14
schestowitz 16 19:15
-TechrightsBN/ How long can #trump supporters carry on pretending (to themselves) that he -is not a con man -did not sexually assault women -isn't racistJan 16 19:15
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:15
schestowitzNo, I’m saying that a racist conman who sexually assaults women won’t be knocking anything out of the park.Jan 16 19:15
schestowitzAnd he hasn’t.Jan 16 19:15
schestowitzAside from maybe how low standards of basic decency and the U.S. image can go.Jan 16 19:15
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:15
schestowitz 16 19:16
-TechrightsBN/ I never block anyone. Some people are just far too sensitive. I also never delete comments and so on. #censorship if for sore losers.Jan 16 19:16
schestowitz"I block people. I don’t have time."Jan 16 19:16
schestowitzOne can ignore rather than block/muteJan 16 19:16
schestowitz 16 19:16
-TechrightsBN/ In #altReich alternative realm we see a world where people need to apologise for being white, cannot say "merry Christmas", and so on l00nsJan 16 19:16
schestowitz"altWorld"Jan 16 19:16
schestowitzEid Mubarak mate!Jan 16 19:16
schestowitz 16 19:17
-TechrightsBN/ "In 2016, I was diagnosed with depression, and it significantly affected the way I worked." 16 19:17
schestowitz"Everyone has their own coping mechanisms."Jan 16 19:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Recovering the productivity stolen by depression with kanban and emojiJan 16 19:17
schestowitz 16 19:17
-TechrightsBN/ I'm, Like, Really Smart: On Watching The Gorilla Channel "Tom Steyer, who created the Need to Impeach campaign, bought 535 copies"Jan 16 19:17
schestowitz"It is ALL distraction. The real news will be the consequences of the big tax boondoggle, and the accelerating effects of global warming. Oh, and increasing acts of oppression here and there across the “Free World”."Jan 16 19:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | I'm, Like, Really Smart: On Watching The Gorilla Channel | Further Column | Common DreamsJan 16 19:17
schestowitzGood point that..Jan 16 19:17
schestowitz 16 19:17
-TechrightsBN/ I know some US citizens who moved to Scandinavia. Seeing #trump they're glad they did. 16 19:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@morningmoneyben: Give us your Norwegians, your Swedes, your Danes, your well-dressed skiers, yearning to give up free health care and mandatory paid leave...Jan 16 19:17
schestowitz"lol … ‘free’ healthcare."Jan 16 19:17
schestowitzMuch better bang for the buckJan 16 19:17
schestowitz 16 19:19
-TechrightsBN/ Well, still producing plenty of malware and #patenttrolls 16 19:19
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:19
schestowitzNa. Much of that is farmed-out to India.Jan 16 19:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is the U.S. at peak of industrial production? - Logistics ManagementJan 16 19:19
schestowitzI once worked in Research a Big Pharma company, helping with two initiatives - one to link-in SAS programmers located in India, and other to establish a new research facility in China. Soon thereafter, Our facility closed.Jan 16 19:19
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:19
schestowitzyes, training one's replacement. heard that one before...Jan 16 19:19
schestowitz 16 19:19
-TechrightsBN/ Welcome to new era of global digital #censorship Orwellian digital dystopia Jan 16 19:19
schestowitz"The author’s thesis would be a lot stronger if politicians actually were accountable to the people."Jan 16 19:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Welcome to new era of global digital censorship – POLITICOJan 16 19:19
schestowitz\Jan 16 19:20
-TechrightsBN/ We have come to expect that some time in our lifetime there will probably be nuclear war, likely accidental or due to a coupJan 16 19:20
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:20
schestowitzwas born in the mid sixties and do not consciously remember “duck and cover” drills in school but I do remember saying “If I grow up” instead of “when I grow up” and am genuinely angry that I have to live in a body that I would have taken much better care of if it had once ever occurred to me that it would actually have to last for fifty-franklymydearidon’tgivead*n years.Jan 16 19:20
schestowitzI’m even more angry, however, that you and every other “just like the son/daughter I never had” type people have to go through the same.darned.thing.Jan 16 19:20
schestowitz"Jan 16 19:20
schestowitzI'm a pessimist by nature. Makes me happier by keeping my hopes not too high.Jan 16 19:20
schestowitz 16 19:21
-TechrightsBN/ We have become the US under @conservatives - all we can do is export chaos and imperialism 16 19:21
schestowitz"Pretty-much our only manufactured product now."Jan 16 19:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Britain increases arms exports to world's most repressive regimes by nearly a third since Brexit vote - The i newspaper online iNewsJan 16 19:21
schestowitzmaybe except some bits like the shells (those can be imported)Jan 16 19:21
schestowitz 16 19:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MellowOchre: Yes, David Davis' brain seems to have drained away completely! 16 19:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @CarolineLucas #brexit negitiations alone already cause considerable #braindrain in the #ukJan 16 19:21
schestowitzDon't worry, he keeps his thoughts in his notebook. Oh wait...Jan 16 19:21
schestowitz 16 19:22
-TechrightsBN/ These machines do not infringe on #copyright They're just #gnu #linux and #freesw No different than Windows PC 16 19:22
schestowitz"Economic Harassment"Jan 16 19:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Movie Coalition Ramps Up Fight Against TV Streaming Devices | Bloomberg BNAJan 16 19:22
schestowitzAsk Wikielaks all about itJan 16 19:22
schestowitz 16 19:22
-TechrightsBN/ The #PublicDomain Starts Growing Again Next Year, and It’s About Time 16 19:22
schestowitz"The “Public Domain” is for ALL of US!"Jan 16 19:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Public Domain Starts Growing Again Next Year, and It’s About Time | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 16 19:22
schestowitz 16 19:23
-TechrightsBN/ "The motto of Learn yourself, teach others is still very strong among us." 16 19:23
schestowitz"Good motto for Life."Jan 16 19:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Do not limit yourselfJan 16 19:23
schestowitz 16 19:23
-TechrightsBN/ The Linux Foundation is working for #microsoft And I reckon Microsoft now tries to sneak moles into #barcelonaJan 16 19:23
schestowitz"It always amazes me, the power of money. First you accept it, thinking it will help you, that you need it to reach your goal. Then your goal is usurped."Jan 16 19:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WWPI – Covering the best in IT since 1980 » Blog Archive » The Linux Foundation announces Linux on Azure training course to speed with Linux and vice versaJan 16 19:23
schestowitzit's disgusting. The attacks on barca have begun (seen some today). LF? Silent. Happy with the money...Jan 16 19:24
schestowitz 16 19:24
-TechrightsBN/ The Guardian ran attack pieces against #assange this week Based on lies and fabrications The Guardian is paid by Bill Gates to spread puff pieces for this serial briber of intl' media While demonising struggling/besieged publishers like #wikileaks Whose 'guardian' is it then?Jan 16 19:24
schestowitz"Meanwhile…"Jan 16 19:24
schestowitz 16 19:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Weiner Laptop Doc: Assange Warrant Issued 2 Weeks After Swedish Election Leaks Warning | OffGuardianJan 16 19:24
schestowitz 16 19:25
-TechrightsBN/ #Trump supports protests only when they suit him see Jan 16 19:25
schestowitz"“Time for Change” Vote for Obama for President. …Oh."Jan 16 19:25
schestowitzOh, lesser evilismJan 16 19:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump’s Vow to Support Iran Opposition Carries “No Credibility” as Demonstrations Enter Sixth Day | Democracy Now!Jan 16 19:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | J20 protests: All you need to know about the nearly 200 people facing 60 years in jail for protesting Trump | The IndependentJan 16 19:25
schestowitz 16 19:26
-TechrightsBN/ #trump made American something almost nobody wants to associate with, certainly not in the #uk ('xcept Kippers) 16 19:26
schestowitz"I’m good with it…don’t need 'em…never did!"Jan 16 19:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Reps. Maxine Waters and John Lewis Are Boycotting Trump's State of the Union Speech | Teen VogueJan 16 19:26
schestowitz 16 19:26
-TechrightsBN/ #trump is a corrupt pervert who demonstrates that predation is possible not just if you're a Harvey 16 19:26
schestowitz"You mean it was not good for both of them?"Jan 16 19:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump Lawyer Arranged $130,000 Payment for Adult-Film Star’s Silence - WSJJan 16 19:26
schestowitzMaybe she needed some money as she agedJan 16 19:26
schestowitz 16 19:26
-TechrightsBN/ #trump ignorance in "New Year’s Day when he threatened Pakistan in a surprising tweet storm" 16 19:26
schestowitz"I think Trump can be safely ignored now. Nothing he says or does is being taken seriously by anyone in power."Jan 16 19:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump Lashes Pakistan over Afghan War – ConsortiumnewsJan 16 19:26
schestowitzit causes rifts thoughJan 16 19:26
schestowitz 16 19:27
-TechrightsBN/ Too much speculation about this, but journalists away etc. so no actual information #wikileaks #assangeJan 16 19:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JulianAssange: fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 16 19:27
schestowitz"can’t see my previous comment. you erased it?"Jan 16 19:27
schestowitzNo, I never deleted any comment ever...Jan 16 19:27
schestowitz 16 19:28
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Best Linux desktop of 2018 #gnu #linuxJan 16 19:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Best Linux desktop of 2018 | Tux MachinesJan 16 19:28
schestowitz"But which one do you think thats best?"Jan 16 19:28
schestowitz"What about TinyCore? Try and have a hole week of work done on that distro…"Jan 16 19:28
schestowitzOnly for very old machines, maybe 15 years oldJan 16 19:28
schestowitz 16 19:28
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard About #bsd #gnu #linuxJan 16 19:28
schestowitz"Uh, #1 on the list isn’t even Linux!"Jan 16 19:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard About | Tux MachinesJan 16 19:28
schestowitzYes, I said that in my personal account earlier :-)Jan 16 19:28
schestowitz 16 19:29
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktop #bsdJan 16 19:29
schestowitz"Might give OpenIndiana a try."Jan 16 19:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktop | Tux MachinesJan 16 19:29
schestowitz"Also DragonFlyBSD seems to be doing some very interesting things with its Hammer2 file system. I really miss OpenVMS’s RMS Journaling file system, with versioning, roll-back, etc."Jan 16 19:29
schestowitz 16 19:34
-TechrightsBN/ One thing I have not yet seen today: #trump supporters expressing happiness and pride over mass #surveillance Like tax 'cuts' (for 1%ers)Jan 16 19:34
schestowitz"Good point…"Jan 16 19:34
schestowitz 16 19:34
-TechrightsBN/ "one contractor's twenty-year run on supposedly ultra-secure systems." 50tb!Jan 16 19:34
schestowitz"The work-pressure must have gotten to him. :-)"Jan 16 19:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Former NSA Contractor Pleads Guilty To Taking His National Defense Work Home With Him | TechdirtJan 16 19:34
schestowitzI couldn't even use up this much space with endless backupsJan 16 19:34
schestowitz 16 19:34
-TechrightsBN/ #omidyar #entryism - Did FPF Board Members Sell Out to Money and Power? 16 19:34
schestowitz"What can they do now that their good name is ruined?'Jan 16 19:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Did FPF Board Members Sell Out to Money and Power? – LlamaJan 16 19:35
schestowitzMaybe rename?Jan 16 19:35
schestowitz 16 19:35
-TechrightsBN/ Oh, no, not #SilverLake They're #microsoft connected Leave #wordpress alone... 16 19:35
schestowitz"This could be Very Bad."Jan 16 19:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WP Engine Gets $250 Million Funding from Silver Lake | IT ProJan 16 19:35
schestowitzwe shall see...Jan 16 19:35
schestowitz 16 19:35
-TechrightsBN/ Perhaps knowing how large corporations hijack icons and culture, like the "Happy Birthday" song 16 19:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CopyrightOffice: Martin Luther King, Jr. registered the text of his “I Have A Dream” speech with the Copyright Office on December 2,… 16 19:35
schestowitz"That is why Creative Commons is such a valuable resource. Anyone who writes should consider using one of their licenses."Jan 16 19:35
-TechrightsBN/ | When we share, everyone wins - Creative CommonsJan 16 19:35
schestowitzThat or the GNU one, which is compatible since years agoJan 16 19:36
schestowitz 16 19:36
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: "Tiny solderable quad Cortex-A17 module has 4GB RAM and HDMI 2.0" 16 19:36
schestowitz"Looks interesting :)Jan 16 19:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Tiny, solderable quad Cortex-A17 module has 4GB RAM and HDMI 2.0Jan 16 19:36
schestowitz 16 19:36
-TechrightsBN/ Microsoft's #Patent Racket Has Just Been Broadened to Threaten #GNU #Linux Users Who Don't Pay #Microsoft 'Rents' 16 19:36
schestowitz"Wouldn’t it be much safer just to avoid Azure? They aren’t after ext3 ext4 are they?"Jan 16 19:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Microsoft’s Patent Racket Has Just Been Broadened to Threaten GNU/Linux Users Who Don’t Pay Microsoft ‘Rents’ | TechrightsJan 16 19:36
schestowitzThey try to scare CIOs etc. into the legal 'safety' of AzhhhhhereJan 16 19:37
schestowitz 16 19:37
-TechrightsBN/ Mark #Zuckerberg Essentially Launched Facebook’s Reelection Campaign what has #facebook become?Jan 16 19:37
schestowitz"arrogant bastard."Jan 16 19:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mark Zuckerberg Essentially Launched Facebook’s Reelection Campaign | WIREDJan 16 19:37
schestowitz 16 19:37
-TechrightsBN/ #manchester City is already guaranteed the #bpl title and will be in the final of League Cup. Will it take triple this year? #mancity #mcfcJan 16 19:37
schestowitz"Yeah, looking more a cert all the time. Haven’t looked at the stats for biggest points drop in the league are, but even with injuries it’s unlikely City will fluff it now."Jan 16 19:37
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 17 00:01
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schestowitz 17 01:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @linuxfoundation This is absolute trash written by someone who knows nothing @schestowitz In fact... where was he w… 17 01:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @linuxfoundation This is absolute trash written by someone who knows nothing @schestowitz In fact... where was he w… 17 01:01
schestowitz"This is absolute trash written by someone who knows nothing @schestowitz In fact... where was he when we were all working for ICL in Manchester ? And.. did he work with Mark Ashton ?  Son of Ken Aston general secretary of the NUJ.."Jan 17 01:01
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 17 01:41
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jan 17 03:07
schestowitz 17 03:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NoMoreGames100: @schestowitz Guantanamo Kitty By Wikileaks still needs a home. 17 03:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | CryptoKitties | Collect and breed digital cats!Jan 17 03:39
schestowitz 17 03:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@effluviumexcess: @schestowitz Nothing funnier than seeing Dinesh D’Souza, a naturalized American citizen born in Mumbai, arguing for less immigration.Jan 17 03:52
schestowitz"Nothing funnier than seeing Dinesh D’Souza, a naturalized American citizen born in Mumbai, arguing for less immigration."Jan 17 03:52
schestowitzHe made a career out of using this to bash Indians. Like 'Sheriff' ClarkeJan 17 03:53
schestowitz 17 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MalliardReport: @schestowitz 17 06:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MalliardReport: President Trump has a lot of issues on his plate, as of late. But what if 2 of them are the same issue? The Border… 17 06:58
-->liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 17 08:56
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schestowitznce Justice liked yJan 17 13:40
schestowitz 17 13:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@riscy: @dangillmor @schestowitz That is ugly af, and should never have been approved.Jan 17 13:40
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---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 17 13:54
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Statement by Julian Assange opposing Internet censorship will be read at WSWS “Organizing Resistance” Webinar</a></h5>Jan 17 13:54
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 17 13:54
schestowitz <p>WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has sent the World Socialist Web Site an important statement warning of government and corporate efforts to curtail the democratic exchange of information. He has requested that it be read during the WSWS Webinar, “Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship.” </p>Jan 17 13:54
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 17 13:54
-TechrightsBN/ | Statement by Julian Assange opposing Internet censorship will be read at WSWS “Organizing Resistance” Webinar - World Socialist Web SiteJan 17 13:54
schestowitz</li>Jan 17 13:54
schestowitz 17 15:34
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 17 15:34
schestowitz" indeed, it is pretty bad.They literally call monetising projects with support contracts instead of software licenses a "tactic" and accuse them of "withholding" support and services from their users. 🤔 Also as you suggested the omission of the FSF and its mission in the history section makes no sense."Jan 17 15:34
schestowitzAlternative factsJan 17 15:34
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 17 17:30
schestowitzAlternative factsJan 17 18:27
schestowitz17:35Jan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:39:09) COLLEAGUE: Mail on the wayJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:39:14) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: cheersJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:39:31) COLLEAGUE: Its been quiet, mostly just been fiddling with LastPassJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:39:41) COLLEAGUE: until i went a bit crazyJan 17 18:27
schestowitz17:40Jan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:40:01) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I wonder if they can be trusted ;-)Jan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:40:08) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: after the takeoverJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:40:41) COLLEAGUE: I don't trust anyone anymoreJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:40:51) COLLEAGUE: but it makes my life easierJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:40:56) COLLEAGUE: so ive given upJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:41:00) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: yeah, it's easyJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:41:17) COLLEAGUE: google can know everyting about meJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:41:33) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: not necessarily passwordsJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:41:43) COLLEAGUE: They have them too nowJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:41:47) COLLEAGUE: well if you turn it onJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:42:01) COLLEAGUE: as do apple i thinkJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:42:02) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and the like...Jan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:42:13) COLLEAGUE: but im not sure ifthey are kept in locallyJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:42:30) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: backups is how they hoover em upJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:43:01) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: even private keys for encrypted partitionsJan 17 18:27
schestowitz(17:43:43) COLLEAGUE: They are all just evilJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:43:57) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: not trustworthy, for sureJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:44:00) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Also MozillaJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:44:10) COLLEAGUE: but they can decrypt my pornJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:44:18) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Watch when you have timeJan 17 18:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Mozilla is Not Trustworthy - YouTubeJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:44:20) COLLEAGUE: i would have got it from searching google anywayJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:44:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: NSA 'planned to discredit radicals over web-porn use'Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz 17 18:28
schestowitz17:45Jan 17 18:28
-TechrightsBN/ | NSA 'planned to discredit radicals over web-porn use' - BBC News [ ]Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:47:57) COLLEAGUE: *cancells his porn subscriptions*Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:48:12) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: "reboot please do it (unless you have been told otherwise) as I  expect new Kernels with patches for all the Intel stuff will be out. "Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:48:21) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I think these patches are riskyJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:48:34) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: even Intel advised some firms not to use themJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:48:37) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: (not yet)Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:48:54) COLLEAGUE: yayJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:48:58) COLLEAGUE: criesJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:49:14) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: It bricked some Ubuntu and Windows machines last weekJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:49:21) COLLEAGUE: they haven't been moaning about them yetJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:49:25) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: then they  withdrew the patches to "try again"Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:49:31) COLLEAGUE: so we can avoid themJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:49:44) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: there are no exploits yet afaikJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:49:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: none found, not yet anywayJan 17 18:28
schestowitz17:50Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:05) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I posted about 100 new s Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:06) COLLEAGUE: theres no way of the outside world running code on them boxesJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:18) COLLEAGUE: well in theoryJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:26) COLLEAGUE: if there is we have biger issuesJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:28) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I posted about 100 news items about it, so I'm quite up to date and it looks like crapJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:47) COLLEAGUE: the patches look crap or the problemJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:55) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: bothJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:50:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they need a recallJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:51:00) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: all the chipsJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:51:15) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Intel won't do it, and their gov. will protect them on thatJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:51:23) COLLEAGUE: I somehow suspect that will never happenJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:51:34) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: there's no complete fix other than physical swap of chipsJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:52:14) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: instead they alter the microcode to work around the issue at cost of performance, huge cost for some workloadsJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:52:28) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: like cutting off the legJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:53:15) COLLEAGUE: it is all a bit shitJan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:53:32) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: yeah, but many things are "shitshows"Jan 17 18:28
schestowitz(17:53:49) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: we're just spectatuors, we get a front seat ticket to this showJan 17 18:28
schestowitz17:55Jan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:55:21) COLLEAGUE: Maybe one day I will make my own chipsJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:55:45) COLLEAGUE: i wonder if i couldJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:55:49) COLLEAGUE: like a really slow oneJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:56:36) COLLEAGUE: anyway, I am going to watch this mozilla video and cry some moreJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:57:25) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I use Flakon nowJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:57:32) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Falkon, the KDE oneJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:58:34) COLLEAGUE: i might give that a goJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:58:40) COLLEAGUE: i was about to say do you need kdeJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:58:42) COLLEAGUE: but i have kdeJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:58:47) Dr. Roy Schestowitz:    it's called qupzillaJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:58:47) COLLEAGUE: so it doesn't materJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:58:56) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they are in the process of renaming itJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:59:02) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I've used that for a yearJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:59:30) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: use blink, the webkit-ish-based engineJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:59:40) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: not gecko, but still free softwareJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(17:59:55) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: "it uses" I meanJan 17 18:29
schestowitz18:00Jan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:00:22) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: falkon  uses blink, works with almost everything on the WebJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:03:08) COLLEAGUE: did your mail come throughJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:03:13) COLLEAGUE: the password oneJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:03:22) COLLEAGUE: or did it all get blockedJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:03:49) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: it got throughJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:03:57) COLLEAGUE: yayJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:04:05) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I decrypted the one last night okJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:04:24) COLLEAGUE: ive used ssh keys for the other oneJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:04:45) COLLEAGUE: as i have one of them for everyone alreadyJan 17 18:29
schestowitz18:05Jan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:05:07) COLLEAGUE: and worked out how to make them into nice little qr codesJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:05:57) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: GoToAssist asked me to log in to GoToAssistJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:06:05) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I guess that's a new "phone home" thingJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:06:55) COLLEAGUE: i think it always has it just remembers for a whileJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:06:59) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: "enterprise" software to just mimic what good ol openssh could doJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:15) COLLEAGUE: yep i bloody hate itJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and it's buggyJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:32) COLLEAGUE: but they refuse vpns and firewall changesJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:37) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I sometimes need to close it just for the machine to be accessibleJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:37) COLLEAGUE: because they are anoyingJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:51) COLLEAGUE: its like 300 quid a yearJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:54) COLLEAGUE: as wellJan 17 18:29
schestowitz(18:07:56) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: now it doesn't even start LOLJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:08:01) COLLEAGUE: its just robberyJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:08:18) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: hourglass, then nothingJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:08:28) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: maybe I need to kill some process as it's singletonJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:08:31) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: hilariousJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:09:09) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: it's 2018 and all I wanted was to connect to some box, like I did 20 years ago with ssh -XJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:09:46) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: LOL, I think I just need to reboot the Windows VM, I can't even see why it won't runJan 17 18:30
schestowitz18:10Jan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:10:28) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: restartingJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:10:53) COLLEAGUE: :(Jan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:11:24) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: heh, you pay for a copy and then still need to log in, purely rentalJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:13:08) COLLEAGUE: its a yeary licenceJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:13:14) COLLEAGUE: its pure evilJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:13:31) COLLEAGUE: i thoght it migt have expired as im pretty sure that happens in janJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:13:44) COLLEAGUE: but it claims the 25thJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:13:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: for 300 I bought  my two laptopsJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:14:00) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: they last years, not a yearJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:14:27) COLLEAGUE: sorryJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:14:28) COLLEAGUE: Renews automatically on Jan 25, 2018Visa – 6785 will be charged £374.00 GBP, tax not includeJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:14:38) COLLEAGUE: 374 quid plus VATJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:14:39) COLLEAGUE: wowJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:14:47) COLLEAGUE: businesses are stupidJan 17 18:30
schestowitz18:15Jan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:15:03) COLLEAGUE: is it working now?Jan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:16:08) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: now it startsJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:16:13) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: but asks for passwordJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:16:48) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: is it in lasspass?Jan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:16:52) COLLEAGUE: yeahJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:17:02) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: (notice how long to just remotely access a PC to run PUTTY!!) LOLJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:17:10) COLLEAGUE: but its alsoJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:17:10) COLLEAGUE: xxxxxxxxxJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:17:18) COLLEAGUE: xxxxxJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:17:23) COLLEAGUE: xxxxxxJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:17:31) COLLEAGUE: tht was a way better email addressJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:17:53) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: for that price we could buy them a new  gateway machine ;-)Jan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:18:04) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: ok, I'm inJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:18:36) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I'm still looking at it from a sarcastic POVJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:18:40) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: make life easierJan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:19:35) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Now I can enjot a desktop with a picture of a Toucan in it... and a a BLOODY HUGE CLOCK! Now we're talking BIZNIZ!Jan 17 18:30
schestowitz(18:19:44) COLLEAGUE: lolJan 17 18:30
schestowitz18:20Jan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:20:07) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: will patch 3 machinesJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:22:29) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Now the remote PC frozeJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:22:32) COLLEAGUE: cool, leabe the reboots until the non crashy patches come outJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:22:41) COLLEAGUE: :(Jan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:22:42) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: too much RAM used by the damn clock, I guessJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:22:57) COLLEAGUE: it is  a mighty impressive clockJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:23:08) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: it shows the corect timeJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:23:15) COLLEAGUE: wowJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:23:57) COLLEAGUE: Right I am going to stop glaring at a screen for a bitJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:24:14) COLLEAGUE: good luck with gotomypc or whatever the hell its calledJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:24:18) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: ok, cool, sorry to keep you onlineJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:24:28) COLLEAGUE: im working from homeJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:24:31) COLLEAGUE: so no trains :)Jan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:24:53) COLLEAGUE: wasn't feeling greatJan 17 18:31
schestowitz18:25Jan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:25:24) COLLEAGUE: anyway see you tomorrow if you are on, I still don't understand the shift patternJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:25:30) COLLEAGUE: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:25:58) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: byeeeeeeeeeeJan 17 18:31
schestowitz(18:26:04) COLLEAGUE has signed off.Jan 17 18:31
schestowitz 17 18:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@redpenrog: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn After Labour had run up,deficit of £154bn and debt if £1 trn yep they did real well.Jan 17 18:37
schestowitz"After Labour had run up,deficit of £154bn and debt if £1 trn yep they did real well."Jan 17 18:37
schestowitzTories shrank the budget wrt to GDP. The Tories sabotage the NHS and then try to blame Labour.Jan 17 18:38
schestowitz 17 18:56
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 17 18:56
schestowitz"Wow. Microsoft has a shell that is not as good as bash, let alone zsh or fish. Sad."Jan 17 18:56
schestowitz 17 18:56
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 17 18:56
schestowitz"More project fear bullshit.. No desire for more referenda people just want it done..don't believe the BBC,sky EU bought bullshit!"Jan 17 18:56
schestowitz 17 18:56
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 17 18:56
schestowitz"Like the world's fastest growing one? Yeah, that totally warrants protection."Jan 17 18:56
schestowitzit's a big and growing "market"Jan 17 18:56
schestowitz 17 18:57
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 17 18:57
schestowitz"Jan 17 18:57
schestowitzGAB.Jan 17 18:57
schestowitzHey @schestowitz, I have good news.Jan 17 18:57
schestowitzMatthew Lafleur (@Izzyhear) mentioned you in a post.Jan 17 18:57
schestowitz<p>Look into their aluminum levels.<br /><br /></p> See postJan 17 18:57
schestowitzOpen notificationsJan 17 18:57
schestowitzAlso, you can change your notification settings anytime you want.Jan 17 18:57
schestowitz"Jan 17 18:57
-TechrightsBN/ | What the Hell Are They Spraying? Lionel Interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch - YouTubeJan 17 18:57
schestowitz 17 19:20
-TechrightsBN/ #murdoch owned #newscorp continues to attack #assange It seeds many anti #wikileaks pieces (latedly more so) 17 19:20
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:20
schestowitzTo be honest Roy, under 15% of companies make up over 50% of DOW record gains the last I knew, which means out of sheer math I’m not seeing things like “Nation States”.Jan 17 19:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | By taking refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in Knightsbridge, Julian Assange has ‘saved’ at least £239,000 in rent | Home | The Times & The Sunday TimesJan 17 19:20
schestowitzWhen I double check that math against what happened in the S&P last year and the percentage it’s top 10 companies contributed over the remaining 490, once again, the last thing I see are things like “Nation States” in even remote existence.Jan 17 19:20
schestowitzWhile such figures knock the whole concept of Nation States out the water by themselves, rendering Wikileak Nation State arguments ridiculous, when I further look at the Cicada 3301 and Wikileaks connection on Vault 7 and March 7th…well, whatever I see, it not only looks #Spooky, but it looks OBVIOUSLY #Spooky. For whatever reason, they wanted the public to see it just as clearly as what can be seen by looking at the markets.Jan 17 19:20
schestowitzSo I’m just doing math here and looking at actions that occurred in the public clear of day.Jan 17 19:20
schestowitzAre you claiming these market actions haven’t occurred?Jan 17 19:20
schestowitzAre you claiming the Cic/Wikileaks actions didn’t occur?Jan 17 19:20
schestowitzAnd as linked in previous comment, are you claiming the ridiculous Wikileaks/Twitter/Google/Trump actions didn’t occur?Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzWhat am I claiming of Wikileaks that is outlandish exactly?Jan 17 19:21
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:21
schestowitz"(I don’t have enough time to keep up on current world events lately. Going to look up this “cicada 3301” topic…)"Jan 17 19:21
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzSeven, the video leaves A LOT of things out, but it provides a decent enough basic background. I’d recommend perhaps watching part 1 for additional context. In any regard, to rush into what I’m discussing, things begin about 14:20 into this vid:Jan 17 19:21
schestowitz 17 19:21
-TechrightsBN/ | Solving The Cicada 3301 2017 Puzzle | PART 2 | The Internet's Most Complex Puzzle - YouTubeJan 17 19:21
schestowitzThat all said, I don’t recommend working the Cicada; things a head phuck and I’d be more than happy to discuss the thing in basic with you rather than you jumping into it’s head phuckery.Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzIn the meantime, just to repeat for Roy:Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzunder 15% of companies make up over 50% of DOW record gains the last I knew, which means out of sheer math I’m not seeing things like “Nation States”.Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzWhen I double check that math against what happened in the S&P last year and the percentage it’s top 10 companies contributed over the remaining 490, once again, the last thing I see are things like “Nation States” in even remote existence.Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzWhile such figures knock the whole concept of Nation States out the water by themselves, rendering Wikileak Nation State arguments ridiculous, when I further look at the Cicada 3301 and Wikileaks connection on Vault 7 and March 7th…well, whatever I see, it not only looks #Spooky, but it looks OBVIOUSLY #Spooky. For whatever reason, they wanted the public to see it just as clearly as what can be seen by looking at the markets.Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzSo I’m just doing math here and looking at actions that occurred in the public clear of day.Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzAre you claiming these market actions haven’t occurred?Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzAre you claiming the Cic/Wikileaks actions didn’t occur?Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzAnd as linked in previous comment, are you claiming the ridiculous Wikileaks/Twitter/Google/Trump actions didn’t occur?Jan 17 19:21
schestowitzWhat am I claiming of Wikileaks that is outlandish exactly?Jan 17 19:21
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:22
schestowitz"Hmmm. Mot seeing any link yet to Assange/Wikileaks – where do I find a summary of the whole conceptual nexus to which you’re referring, Alien?"Jan 17 19:22
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:22
schestowitzlike i said, at time marker 14:20 in that particular vid.Jan 17 19:22
schestowitzbut if you just even search Cicada 3301 March 7 Vault 7 pretty sure you’ll find a fair amount.Jan 17 19:22
schestowitzIn quick sum, the Cicada puzzle had given out a string and had a countdown that was running down to Tuesday, March 7, 2017.Jan 17 19:22
schestowitzThe countdown reached and Wikileaks proceeded to drop the first release of Vault 7 in a Zip file that required the prior string given from the Cicada as the password.Jan 17 19:22
schestowitzThat’s the quick sum.Jan 17 19:22
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:22
schestowitz"Interesting. Though in what way, I’d have to think about for a while…"Jan 17 19:22
schestowitz 17 19:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jparise858: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @JulianAssange How the hell do I know, but it’s obvious you are a pro Russian… 17 19:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jparise858: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @JulianAssange How the hell do I know, but it’s obvious you are a pro Russian… 17 19:22
schestowitz"How the hell do I know, but it’s obvious you are a pro Russian troll. The one thing you can’t ever hide is the history of your tweets, all recorded before you can delete any."Jan 17 19:22
schestowitzLook me up on "Russia" "Kremlin" etc. and see how critical I am of both (and more)Jan 17 19:23
schestowitz 17 19:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ProfessorsBlogg: @schestowitz @nozomimagine Thanks. Not much blogging at all, really, since I started with… 17 19:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | THE INDICTER – Alernative denouncing of war crimes and human rights abusesJan 17 19:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ProfessorsBlogg: @schestowitz @nozomimagine Thanks. Not much blogging at all, really, since I started with… 17 19:24
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:25
schestowitzThanks. Not much blogging at all, really, since I started with  Jan 17 19:25
schestowitz–A variety of analyses on the Assange case thereJan 17 19:25
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:25
schestowitzThanks for the pointer and best regardsJan 17 19:25
schestowitz 17 19:26
-TechrightsBN/ Sounds like #braindrain Who would want to work for Downfall Regime? 17 19:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mmasnick: Meanwhile, it appears that things are running smoothly in the white house. 17 19:26
schestowitz 17 19:26
schestowitz"Forget about Trump. He is pretty-much out of the loop. They call him when they need his signature on something."Jan 17 19:26
schestowitz 17 19:26
-TechrightsBN/ "Sharia law has applied to Thrace, a poor northern region home to most of Greek’s Muslim minority, for close to a century." 17 19:26
schestowitz"Kind of reminds me of the sickening US media, that depicts legally banning hijab as somehow being misogynistic. American Dems really are pro-choice republicans at times."Jan 17 19:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Greece is limiting the power of sharia law — QuartzJan 17 19:27
schestowitz"And culture is kind of a piss poor reason to perpetuate women’s enslavement."Jan 17 19:27
schestowitz 17 19:29
-TechrightsBN/ Treating their own citizens like enemies and removing protections ('burdens') like a warrant 17 19:29
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | U.S. Senate advances bill to renew NSA's internet surveillance programme | ReutersJan 17 19:29
schestowitzNow, Where did I come across that word “warrant”? … Oh, HERE:Jan 17 19:29
schestowitz“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”Jan 17 19:29
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:29
schestowitz"Now some may say that in this day and age, mass surveillance is “reasonable”; and I feel sad that they have lost so very much brain functionality with the passing of the years."Jan 17 19:29
schestowitz"How, pray-tell, can anything open-ended be considered “reasonable”?"Jan 17 19:29
schestowitz 17 19:30
-TechrightsBN/ #twitter #censorship is political 17 19:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | - Are conservative voices being silenced by Twitter?Jan 17 19:30
schestowitz""Jan 17 19:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Conservatives Get 'Shi**y' Treatment from Twitter, Google - Again - National Legal & Policy CenterJan 17 19:30
schestowitz"I guess You would know!"Jan 17 19:30
schestowitz"But not “conservative”."Jan 17 19:30
schestowitzIt's a dangerous misconception that they only sanction the rightJan 17 19:30
schestowitz 17 19:31
-TechrightsBN/ #Warrantless Spying Careens Toward Reauthorization 17 19:31
schestowitz"Who exactly are we at war with now?"Jan 17 19:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Warrantless Spying Careens Toward Reauthorization | Cato @ LibertyJan 17 19:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | NSA spying program overcomes key Senate hurdle | TheHillJan 17 19:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | After Basically No Debate, And No Opportunity For Amendments, Senate Votes To Expand NSA Surveillance | TechdirtJan 17 19:31
schestowitz"How can Congress pass an obviously unconstitutional law? And why should we allow it?"Jan 17 19:31
schestowitzThe fake left is at war with Trump and Trump is at war with the media, civil rights etc.Jan 17 19:32
schestowitz 17 19:33
-TechrightsBN/ $700,000,000,000 plus secret budget per year for imperialism, but not for domestic care 17 19:33
schestowitz"Only 70%? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE???"Jan 17 19:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 'This Study Should Alarm Everyone': US Child Mortality Rate 70% Higher Than Other Wealthy Nations | Common DreamsJan 17 19:33
schestowitzGenocide, eugenics, whatever... Survival of the WallStreetJan 17 19:33
schestowitz 17 19:34
-TechrightsBN/ "Cya Windows?" This is giving #microsoft control over #gnu #linux do not touch it. Use bash.Jan 17 19:34
schestowitz"Who the hell want’s PowerShell???"Jan 17 19:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Cya Windows. You Can Now Run PowerShell on Linux & macOSJan 17 19:34
schestowitz"Evil company = “Avoid”"Jan 17 19:34
schestowitz"bash it!['Jan 17 19:34
schestowitz"korn-y."Jan 17 19:34
schestowitz 17 19:34
schestowitzGeorge bashJan 17 19:34
schestowitz 17 19:36
-TechrightsBN/ A reminder that #mozilla Corporation does not really value your #privacy It only pretends to (marketing) 17 19:36
schestowitz"Cloudflare promises to improve web performance, all the while mining your stream for data (and who knows what information). Evil, much like Google."Jan 17 19:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla & Mr. Robot - Insert Freedom HereJan 17 19:36
schestowitzAnd they dump you when it's not good for their image. Like Daily StormerJan 17 19:37
schestowitz 17 19:37
-TechrightsBN/ #apple 'invents' #3dprinting And the fans will probably clamour and cry in joy 17 19:37
schestowitz"Apple steals and copies the competition and after made patent troll…"Jan 17 19:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | In a Granted Patent Published Today, Apple shows an interest in the Consumer 3D Printer Market - Patently AppleJan 17 19:37
schestowitz 17 19:37
-TechrightsBN/ Another shitty British tabloid spreads false news, so many errors in this: #wikileaks #assangeJan 17 19:37
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ecuador 'gives Julian Assange a passport' | Daily Mail OnlineJan 17 19:37
schestowitzJan 17 19:37
schestowitzStill doesn't mean he can leave the UK. He still faces charges of failing to appear, etc. It means I suppose that he can stay there while UK and Ecuador do an extradition dance. Is Ecuador a puppet of the USA? I don't honestly know.. I've have seen that claim made a few times.Jan 17 19:38
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:38
schestowitz 17 19:38
-TechrightsBN/ Another false report, this time from the ToryGraph The quote/translation is fake, the premise is fabricated 17 19:38
schestowitz"Major media (controlled by the very wealthy) does not like Assange, and many on the left have grown disenchanted with him because he released DNC emails that cast Hillary and others in a bad light. To my way of thinking, truth is truth, whether you like the message or not. The major media stories are loaded with spin and lies."Jan 17 19:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ecuador could remove Julian Assange from London embassy as situation 'not sustainable'Jan 17 19:38
schestowitzExactlyJan 17 19:38
schestowitz 17 19:39
-TechrightsBN/ Legally speaking, #assange has been on Ecuadorian territory for the past 5+ years, but unless someone invents a teleporter #wikileaks remains stuck inside an embassy. Vienna conversion does not extend/avail itself to airport trips.Jan 17 19:39
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:39
schestowitzIs it Vault 8 or just part 25 of V7?Jan 17 19:40
schestowitzstupid binaHAHA spooky kid games either way.Jan 17 19:40
schestowitznot sure why you keep playing into or along w it roy…Jan 17 19:40
schestowitzstarting to figure you just like playing net baal games or some ridiculousness.Jan 17 19:40
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:40
schestowitz"@Alien, the figures were published via The Crops Trust and will probably be in the docs & reports section of the website"Jan 17 19:40
-TechrightsBN/ | Svalbard Global Seed Vault | A site about seeds!Jan 17 19:40
schestowitzAlien looks too much into symbolismJan 17 19:40
schestowitz 17 19:41
-TechrightsBN/ #google bigwig: In 2018, we will increase #censorship on the #internet 17 19:41
schestowitz"Many now claim that the Internet is/was “broken by design”. But from my perspective it has mostly evolved in that direction - as dictated by money. In the early days it was even possible to “own” a permanent IP address, rather than just using one granted by an ISP."Jan 17 19:41
schestowitz"Of course Vint Cerf has had a hand in the deevolution of internet freedom."Jan 17 19:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Vint Cerf: In 2018, we will tackle the internet's dark side | WIRED UKJan 17 19:41
schestowitzWell, look who he has worked for all these days, nearly a decade by my tough memory/calculationsJan 17 19:42
schestowitzWell, look who he has worked for all these days, nearly a decade by my rough memory/calculationsJan 17 19:42
schestowitz 17 19:52
-TechrightsBN/ #Debian vs. #Ubuntu vs. #CentOS vs. #openSUSE vs. #ClearLinux Post-Meltdown Performance 17 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Debian vs. Ubuntu vs. CentOS vs. openSUSE vs. Clear Linux Post-Meltdown Performance | Tux MachinesJan 17 19:52
schestowitz"Interesting but you may note that CentOS has one variant of Spectre mitigation (Debian has not, others neither I believe) and new microcode. That can explains why performance impact is higher."Jan 17 19:52
schestowitz 17 19:52
-TechrightsBN/ #Debian vs. Linux Mint: The Winner Is? 17 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Debian vs. Linux Mint: The Winner Is? | Tux MachinesJan 17 19:52
schestowitz"Debian for me :)"Jan 17 19:52
schestowitz 17 19:52
-TechrightsBN/ "Debian is [was] facing an issue with one of its most important services: alioth.debianorg (Debian's forge)." 17 19:52
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Crazy world...: Salsa webhooks and integrated servicesJan 17 19:52
schestowitzIs git really the be-all-and-end-all?Jan 17 19:52
schestowitzI would hesitate to commit to one single solution for everyone, but I guess that it does make things less complicated overall.Jan 17 19:52
schestowitz"Jan 17 19:52
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/ #JumblePassword – Create Unique IDs and Passwords on #Linux 17 19:55
schestowitz"I do like the idea of posting interesting apps though (∩▽∩)'Jan 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Jumble Password – Create Unique IDs and Passwords on LinuxJan 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:56
-TechrightsBN/ "I've got nothing to hide" Says the average fool who would go ballistic when subjected to leaks of nudes (hello, iCloud!) or revenge pornJan 17 19:56
schestowitz"Or of their finances."Jan 17 19:56
schestowitz 17 19:56
-TechrightsBN/ It has always amused me that 2nd Amendment advocates, typically violent and insecure types, miss the point firearms are pretty powerless tools in the age of nukes, Tomahawk missiles etc. They falsely feel an empowerment over government/military. Many are wary, closeted racists.Jan 17 19:56
schestowitz"I dont think you have a very accurate impression of Americans, there, Dr. S. I know plenty of gun rights ad vocates, and none of them are racists."Jan 17 19:56
schestowitz 17 19:56
-TechrightsBN/ it doesn't appear as though #diaspora has (yet) extended support for longer tweets upon export (unless I miss it) 17 19:56
schestowitz"The next release ETA is the 4th of February (afaik)"Jan 17 19:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Search · twitter 140 · GitHubJan 17 19:57
schestowitzOh, excellent, so soon...Jan 17 19:57
schestowitz 17 19:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@IlyaBeraha: @jparise858 @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @JulianAssange Oh, you dumbshit fuck, again? Give it a break, obno… 17 19:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@IlyaBeraha: @jparise858 @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @JulianAssange Oh, you dumbshit fuck, again? Give it a break, obno… 17 19:57
schestowitz"Oh, you dumbshit fuck, again? Give it a break, obnoxious NeoMcCarthy troll & a citizen of "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world" w/ over 20Mil killed after WW2, will ya? Seems t/world is flipping u off everywhere, so brace for the inevitable. Doomsday is nigh. "Jan 17 19:57
schestowitz 17 19:58
-TechrightsBN/ #google will censor both what's "too" left or "too" right And you will thank the Goulag "Thank you" Say it! Because look at that cute logoJan 17 19:58
schestowitz"I have noticed that DDG also fails to give results for certain searches; when that happens, I use"Jan 17 19:58
schestowitzDoes it then yield what you looked for?Jan 17 19:58
schestowitz 17 19:59
-TechrightsBN/ #google has already censored the anti #trump book that #wikileaks was linking too On #copyright grounds I assumeJan 17 19:59
schestowitz"People in the media are complaining that the author, Wolff, has “outed” a number of sources who spoke “off the record”. Sour grapes, or a legitimate criticism? (I have not heard of any of the sources complain)"Jan 17 19:59
schestowitz 17 20:00
-TechrightsBN/ GNOME Photos: Happenings #gnome #gnu #linux #freeswJan 17 20:00
schestowitz"i would love to see gthumb and gnome-photos coming together"Jan 17 20:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Umang Jain · GNOME Photos: HappeningsJan 17 20:00
schestowitz 17 20:00
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Maybe a generation of #trump voters in the making 17 20:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Tide pod challenge: What is it, and why is the viral video dare dangerous? - The Washington PostJan 17 20:00
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:00
schestowitzWe need to stop throwing our kids into the volcano; the volcano gods don’t care and now we not only don’t have rain, we don’t have anyone to help us farm either.Jan 17 20:00
schestowitzaJan 17 20:00
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:00
schestowitz 17 20:01
-TechrightsBN/ 2 years later the #dnc is unable to admit that it lost because it (rigged) nominated a crooked candidate. 2 years from now starts another election cycle/buildup and if they can only look for others to blame, then they might lose again, bar #impeachment #us #politics toxic.Jan 17 20:01
schestowitz"That’s a reasonable comment."Jan 17 20:01
schestowitz 17 20:02
-TechrightsBN/ 5 papers smear #assange as dirty today: The Australian (Murdoch-owned) Fox (Murdoch-owned) NYPost (Murdoch-owned) The Times (Murdoch-owned) Daily Fail ( (not Murdoch-owned, but overlapping agenda and style on almost every issue) #wikileaks #defendWLJan 17 20:02
schestowitz"Projection."Jan 17 20:02
schestowitzyes, but whose? Allies?Jan 17 20:02
schestowitz 17 20:03
-TechrightsBN/ Haven is a user-controlled CCTV with a microphone operating covertly. Fighting mass #surveillance using more of it is "fire with fire", no?Jan 17 20:03
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:03
schestowitzHmm. I see your point, but when I think of mass sureveillance, I think of government supression of dissent, or Google looking for possible ways to make us more profitable to large businesses.Jan 17 20:03
schestowitzIf I set Haven to watch my stuff, it’s to catch those who might steal from me: directly, by stealing what the camera watches, or indirectly, by stealing my accaount log-in usernames and passwords.Jan 17 20:03
schestowitzHaven doesn’t fight 3-letter government agencies or Google.Jan 17 20:03
schestowitzIn short: Haven doesn’t work against mass surveillance; it works against targeted surveillance.Jan 17 20:03
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:03
schestowitz 17 20:03
-TechrightsBN/ Harvard Study Shows Why Big Telecom Is Terrified of Community-Run Broadband they'd demonise it as "helping terror"Jan 17 20:03
schestowitz"Monopolies cannot allow competition. That would be Un-American."Jan 17 20:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Harvard Study Shows Why Big Telecom Is Terrified of Community-Run Broadband - MotherboardJan 17 20:03
schestowitz 17 20:04
-TechrightsBN/ Hard to understand why some people still use #facebook Esp. if they know what Facebook does to them 17 20:04
schestowitz"I just found diaspora! This is what I’ve been looking for!"Jan 17 20:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google TranslateJan 17 20:04
schestowitzExcellent!Jan 17 20:04
schestowitz 17 20:04
-TechrightsBN/ Free-range kids are the norm in #Germany — are American parents over-protective? same hereJan 17 20:04
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Free-range kids are the norm in Germany — are American parents over-protective? - Salon.comJan 17 20:04
schestowitzI grew up in a small industrial village. At the age of about 8 I knew all streets and places there, went to visits my coeds and had a scooter which helped me to learn keeping my balance and to discover the village ;-)Jan 17 20:04
schestowitzThe only thing which was mandatory was that I had to be home at a given time.Jan 17 20:04
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:04
schestowitzHas that changed seen? (where?)Jan 17 20:04
schestowitz 17 20:05
-TechrightsBN/ Downside of #censorship is that it can embolden the #altreich e.g. 17 20:05
schestowitz"Once you have left the high road, there is no place to stand."Jan 17 20:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | James O'Keefe: Twitter's Censorship Algorithm Targets 'Breitbart Audience'Jan 17 20:05
schestowitz 17 20:05
-TechrightsBN/ #intel is going to cost companies a fortune 17 20:05
schestowitz"Do you know if the bugs slow down AMD as much as intel, or is it roughly the same performance hit?"Jan 17 20:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Red Hat Warned Partners Of Computing, Cloud Performance Loss Stemming From Protecting Against Chip Vulnerabilities - Page: 1 | CRNJan 17 20:05
schestowitzI wish I knew. We are still trying to figure out the impact.Jan 17 20:06
schestowitz 17 20:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@redpenrog: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn GDP is 20% up on Labours pathetic mess with economy, unemployment halved , min wage up 3… 17 20:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@redpenrog: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn GDP is 20% up on Labours pathetic mess with economy, unemployment halved , min wage up 3… 17 20:09
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:09
schestowitzGDP is 20% up on Labours pathetic mess with economy, unemployment halved , min wage up 30% .Jan 17 20:09
schestowitzLabour originated the debt like so many times in the past they get others to sort the mess.Jan 17 20:09
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:09
schestowitzYou are talking about the >international< financial meltdown of 2008-2010Jan 17 20:09
schestowitz 17 20:10
-TechrightsBN/ Linux 4.15 RC8 and #Linux #Kernel Mailing List Downtime 17 20:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux 4.15 RC8 and Linux Kernel Mailing List Downtime | Tux MachinesJan 17 20:10
schestowitz"why does the rc number go so high?Jan 17 20:10
schestowitz'It's ready when  it's ready" ;-)Jan 17 20:11
schestowitz 17 20:11
-TechrightsBN/ KSuperkey, Plasma, and #Trisquel 8 #kde #gnu #linuxJan 17 20:11
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:11
schestowitzI am scratching my head why trisquel is using that outdated Plasma version at all?Jan 17 20:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | KSuperkey, Plasma, and Trisquel 8Jan 17 20:11
schestowitzI mean there is an LTS with 5.8 and I even feel this is sometimes out of date.Jan 17 20:11
schestowitz'Jan 17 20:11
schestowitz 17 20:11
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #Spectre and #Meltdown explained 17 20:11
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:11
schestowitzfile it under “too clever by half” … currently using an AMD processor here.Jan 17 20:11
schestowitznot because I knew about this defect, rather because I have hated Intel since the 1980s.Jan 17 20:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Spectre and Meltdown explained | LinuxariaJan 17 20:11
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:11
schestowitzGood reasons toJan 17 20:11
schestowitz 17 20:11
-TechrightsBN/ #kde without #x86 17 20:11
schestowitz"2 is the magic number."Jan 17 20:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Plasma on ARM: State of the Union – shadeslayer's BlogJan 17 20:12
schestowitzFor swap alsoJan 17 20:12
schestowitz 17 20:13
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Tech Companies Are Complicit in Censoring Iran Protests Jan 17 20:13
schestowitz"Those USA based tech companies probably “censored” themselves just to validate the “censorship” story and add fuel to protests. That’s how they “roll”."Jan 17 20:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Tech Companies Are Complicit in Censoring Iran Protests | WIREDJan 17 20:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Iran tried to block the internet to disrupt protests. It wound up disrupting daily life. | Pittsburgh Post-GazetteJan 17 20:13
schestowitz 17 20:13
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Do not use #intel proprietary #hardware RNG, which is notorious for entropy Intel is in general HIGHLY untrustworthy 17 20:13
schestowitz"There is nothing in the article to suggest that intel is particularly bad. Incorporation RDSEED into your entropy pool is going to leave you more protected than not. RDRAND on the other hand is at least partially deterministic and probably shouldn’t be used to forge keys, but when you need a very high rate of random PRNG’s that don’t live in the cpu cache have quite a few advantages."Jan 17 20:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What cryptographic key generation needs is a good source of entrophy | Opensource.comJan 17 20:13
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:13
schestowitzThere is nothing in the article to suggest that intel is particularly bad.Jan 17 20:13
schestowitz?Jan 17 20:13
schestowitzThat #INTEL?Jan 17 20:13
schestowitzYou’re kidding, right?Jan 17 20:13
schestowitzForget the article – Just looking at the Intel ME (hidden CPU and MINUX OS) alone makes them criminals. Not criminals in the .gov eye, mind you, but criminals against humanity…Jan 17 20:13
schestowitz"ME is and was a terrible idea security wise, but most data centers wouldn’t function without out of band management. And Intel treats the consumer side mainly as a testing ground before designs flip to the server side where they make most of their profit. Also Intel isn’t alone in using seperate processors to enable out of band management. AMD has a ARM cortex-53 embedded, And most ARM SOC designs lack effective memory separation so Jan 17 20:14
schestowitzthat things like connected cellular basebands can spy on main memory."Jan 17 20:14
schestowitz"If Intel hadn’t provided ME, you’d be staring down the barrel of 5 different and even more poorly implemented vendor-specific versions thereof."Jan 17 20:14
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:14
schestowitzAcknowledged on AMD being as bad.Jan 17 20:14
schestowitzBut, you are the first person that I have seen defend INTEL ME.Jan 17 20:14
schestowitzGiven the exploits now being uncovered that are used against Intel ME – (not to mention all of the ones yet to be revealed) – I can not imagine that even the high-falutin large companies are very happy about having a massive hole exposed in their structure.Jan 17 20:14
schestowitzYou know, such as these, as reported by INTEL.Jan 17 20:14
schestowitz 17 20:14
schestowitzThis includes scenarios where a successful attacker could:Jan 17 20:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Intel® Product Security CenterJan 17 20:15
schestowitzImpersonate the ME/SPS/TXE, thereby impacting local security feature attestation validity.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzLoad and execute arbitrary code outside the visibility of the user and operating system.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzCause a system crash or system instability.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzBringing up that if Intel wasn’t bad – then other vendors would be much worse is presumptuous and a deflection away from the point that …Jan 17 20:15
schestowitz… oh yeah, INTEL is bad.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:15
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzGiven the exploits now being uncovered that are used against Intel ME – (not to mention all of the ones yet to be revealed) – I can not imagine that even the high-falutin large companies are very happy about having a massive hole exposed in their structure.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzDoesn’t matter. Certain people have been trumpeting to the corners of the internet the dangers of this sort of base-band arrangement. The big companies kept buying intel and citing out of band management as a must-have feature. Of course they aren’t happy after the hammer came down, but in the moment they knew the risk and took it anyways, because they didn’t want to have to send someone down to the racks every-time a server locked Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzup or a new server needed to be provisioned.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzReally the most damning thing is not that ME exists, but that they were so secretive of the details, and integrated it too tightly into most processors. Ideally there would be a jumper on the motherboard you could short if you didn’t need or want it.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitzIntel is just trying to make money, and the fact is they have the best silicon process and designs you can buy.Jan 17 20:15
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:15
schestowitz 17 20:15
-TechrightsBN/ Country that spies on its own citizens? Sounds like a "shithole" 17 20:15
schestowitz"I tend to despise the Dems even more than the Republicans now. At least the Repugs are forthright in their fascism. The Dems are a sham."Jan 17 20:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | US House Passes NSA Spying Bill | Financial TribuneJan 17 20:15
schestowitzAnd they 'steal' voted from the real left while having Jill Stein painted and investigate as a Russian stooge, even AFTER she did the resoundJan 17 20:16
schestowitzAnd they 'steal' voted from the real left while having Jill Stein painted and investigate as a Russian stooge, even AFTER she did the resountJan 17 20:16
schestowitzAnd they 'steal' votes from the real left while having Jill Stein painted and investigated as a Russian stooge, even AFTER she did the recountsJan 17 20:16
schestowitz 17 20:17
-TechrightsBN/ Chinese Internet Users Start To Rebel Against Lack Of Online #Privacy #china #internetJan 17 20:17
schestowitz"Somehow i do not think that they will get far. One word of public protest and you are gone…"Jan 17 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Chinese Internet Users Start To Rebel Against Lack Of Online Privacy | TechdirtJan 17 20:17
schestowitz 17 20:17
-TechrightsBN/ Chinese institute at #UMass #Boston is accused of promoting #censorship "shut down the campus Confucius Institute"Jan 17 20:17
schestowitz"Confucius was no Buddha."Jan 17 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Chinese institute at UMass Boston accused of promoting censorship - The Boston GlobeJan 17 20:17
schestowitz 17 20:17
-TechrightsBN/ #China disrupts global companies's web access as #censorship bites 17 20:17
schestowitz"censorship has a cost. Loss of information."Jan 17 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Subscribe to readJan 17 20:17
schestowitzSome people view that as a featureJan 17 20:17
schestowitz 17 20:17
-TechrightsBN/ By my count, there are now 5 'articles' smearing #assange over "hygiene". 4 came from #murdoch media, one from #dailyFail #defendWLJan 17 20:17
schestowitz"the deep state has a smell-o-meter?"Jan 17 20:17
schestowitzI wonder if there's a single person they can't attempt this smear onJan 17 20:17
schestowitz 17 20:18
-TechrightsBN/ But remember, kids... #systemd is 'just' an "init system" 17 20:18
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:18
schestowitz“plans to be part of the mainline Linux kernel.”Jan 17 20:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Systemd 237 Will Have Support For WireGuard - PhoronixJan 17 20:18
schestowitzWTF? Looks like more forks a-comin’Jan 17 20:18
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:18
schestowitz 17 20:19
-TechrightsBN/ Boring. 'Dumb' watches have been able to run on energy generated from our movement for many, many years 17 20:19
schestowitz"Still have one I wear daily! 32 years old!'Jan 17 20:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Never, Ever Charge This Smartwatch; It Sucks Power From Your Body: CES 2018Jan 17 20:19
schestowitzMine: 18, but I don't wear it daily. Cost just 20 pounds.Jan 17 20:19
schestowitz 17 20:19
-TechrightsBN/ #BigBrother on wheels: Why your car company may know more about you than your spouse. 17 20:19
schestowitz"Scary if you think about it"Jan 17 20:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Big Brother on wheels: Why your car company may know more about you than your spouse. - The Washington PostJan 17 20:19
schestowitzI no longer drive and haven't owned a mobile phone for a very long timeJan 17 20:20
schestowitz 17 20:21
-TechrightsBN/ #Assange New Citizenship 'Bad Remedy Which Can Prove Worse Than Illness'– Prof. #wikileaksJan 17 20:21
schestowitz"UK would rather violate their own laws than disappoint US government. :-("Jan 17 20:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Assange's New Citizenship 'Bad Remedy Which Can Prove Worse Than Illness'– Prof. - Sputnik InternationalJan 17 20:21
schestowitzFor 7 years evenJan 17 20:21
schestowitz 17 20:21
-TechrightsBN/ #assange has already been wrongly painted by MSM as pedophile chauvinist cruel to animal working for Russia working for Trump smelling badJan 17 20:21
schestowitz"Maybe he has six toes?"Jan 17 20:21
schestowitzThat's not a toe!Jan 17 20:21
schestowitz 17 20:21
-TechrightsBN/ As if the weakest link in a PC is the USB port. It's not. Needs physical access, depends what you plug into it. 17 20:21
schestowitz"makes sense but how do you plug in a USB keyboard when I guess a lot of newer systems don’t have ps2 ports any more. Unless you can disable specific device types."Jan 17 20:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How to increase Linux security by disabling USB support - TechRepublicJan 17 20:21
schestowitz 17 20:22
-TechrightsBN/ A senility-ridden Big Brother 17 20:22
schestowitz"Don’t worry, the alphabet agencies know what they are doing. Or at least think they do."Jan 17 20:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump Doesn't Understand Surveillance Powers; House Votes To Give Him More Of It | TechdirtJan 17 20:22
schestowitzThey watch pornJan 17 20:22
schestowitz 17 20:22
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #Assange getting Ecuadorian ID could be ‘first step’ to diplomatic immunity 17 20:22
schestowitz"I don’t think diplomatic immunity is backdateable."Jan 17 20:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Assange getting Ecuadorian ID could be ‘first step’ to diplomatic immunity - YouTubeJan 17 20:22
schestowitz 17 20:23
-TechrightsBN/ Maybe a generation of #trump voters in the making 17 20:23
schestowitz"We need to stop throwing our kids into the volcano; the volcano gods don’t care and now we not only don’t have rain, we don’t have anyone to help us farm either."Jan 17 20:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Tide pod challenge: What is it, and why is the viral video dare dangerous? - The Washington PostJan 17 20:23
schestowitz 17 20:23
-TechrightsBN/ Loaded question. Who is #assange a problem to? Not the public, which he informs. People in power. #wikileaksJan 17 20:23
schestowitz"Stop persecuting purveyors of truth… stop state secrets"Jan 17 20:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How do you solve a problem like Julian Assange? | The DrumJan 17 20:23
schestowitz 17 20:23
schestowitz"Another comment of merit, Roy you’re on a roll."Jan 17 20:23
-TechrightsBN/ Before the fake 'left' started floating the term "fake news" to deny #trump winning the election it was #china using the same term. China sought to justify #censorship of #socialControlMedia using this term (just the year beforehand). I know cause I covered it back then.Jan 17 20:23
schestowitz 17 20:23
-TechrightsBN/ Backing up users’ home directories in a Linux installation that uses #systemd 17 20:23
schestowitz"Not exactly intuitive."Jan 17 20:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Backing up users’ home directories in a Linux installation that uses systemd | Fitzcarraldo's BlogJan 17 20:23
schestowitzHire Red Hat, they can do it for youJan 17 20:23
schestowitz 17 20:24
-TechrightsBN/ Aussie MSM maintains that idea that #wikileaks - by promoting an anti-Trump book - is actually helping #trump How laughableJan 17 20:24
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:24
schestowitzagain, I will ask, are you saying any of this Wikileaks narrative, chiefly over the past year and even more notably on these Trump book actions, are sensible in anyway?Jan 17 20:24
schestowitzYou keep pushing this Wikileaks and Assange narrative, why?Jan 17 20:24
schestowitzTo what end?Jan 17 20:24
schestowitzTo what ends do you find the narrative sensible?Jan 17 20:24
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:24
schestowitzHow long have you covered Wikileaks?Jan 17 20:24
schestowitz 17 20:25
-TechrightsBN/ No worries at #microsoft anymore About #redhat Or #Canonical Or #SUSE Or @opensourceorg Or @LinuxFoundation Speaking out about Microsoft #corruption and #blackmail Paid to shut up. All of them. They lost their tongue. Bribed not to speak out about bribes and #patent extortion.Jan 17 20:25
schestowitz\"A high-paying job can be considered a form of bribery. Surely it would influence what you say and do…"Jan 17 20:25
schestowitzyes, I covered examples where Microsoft did exactly that in the pastJan 17 20:25
schestowitz 17 20:25
-TechrightsBN/ Nazis are convenient to a government that just wants #censorship of all sorts of things 17 20:25
schestowitz"If it wasn’t Nazis, it would be someone else. ISIS, for instance. Enemies are easy to find, and use."Jan 17 20:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is Germany’s Latest Attempt to Curtail Hate Speech Censorship in Disguise? - BestVPN.comJan 17 20:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | German opposition parties call to replace online hate speech law | News | DW | 08.01.2018Jan 17 20:26
schestowitz 17 20:26
-TechrightsBN/ #mozilla fast became like LF Agenda and principles aside For sale At the "right" priceJan 17 20:26
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:26
schestowitzI’m wondering when GNU IceCat will become a full-fledged fork.Jan 17 20:26
schestowitz 17 20:26
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUzilla and IceCat - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationJan 17 20:26
schestowitzBut but cats don’t have feathers!Jan 17 20:26
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:26
schestowitzI think de-blobbing and cleaning Linux and Firefox is still feasible, esp. with some scriptsJan 17 20:26
schestowitz 17 20:26
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: "Taking back control" = We become smaller #brexit #ireland #uk #euJan 17 20:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EuropeElects: Ireland, Ireland Thinks poll: Should the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland unite to one state? In favor: 4… 17 20:26
schestowitz"End the English protestant occupation of Ireland."Jan 17 20:26
schestowitz 17 20:27
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft "excited" about #patent extortion against #gnu #linux 17 20:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@erichandIPG: Excited to announce that we are extending the Microsoft Azure IP Advantage #patent protection program to our Azure… 17 20:27
schestowitz"“we have to admit that open source makes our product better”"Jan 17 20:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Microsoft’s Patent Racket Has Just Been Broadened to Threaten GNU/Linux Users Who Don’t Pay Microsoft ‘Rents’ | TechrightsJan 17 20:27
schestowitzProductJan 17 20:27
schestowitz 17 20:27
-TechrightsBN/ Perhaps knowing how large corporations hijack icons and culture, like the "Happy Birthday" song 17 20:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CopyrightOffice: Martin Luther King, Jr. registered the text of his “I Have A Dream” speech with the Copyright Office on December 2,… 17 20:27
schestowitz"Oh yes, of course."Jan 17 20:27
schestowitz 17 20:28
-TechrightsBN/ "one contractor's twenty-year run on supposedly ultra-secure systems." 50tb!Jan 17 20:28
schestowitz"Obsessive collector?"Jan 17 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Former NSA Contractor Pleads Guilty To Taking His National Defense Work Home With Him | TechdirtJan 17 20:28
schestowitzThat's a dangerous OCD trapJan 17 20:28
schestowitz 17 20:28
-TechrightsBN/ #omidyar #entryism - Did FPF Board Members Sell Out to Money and Power? 17 20:28
schestowitz":-)"Jan 17 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Did FPF Board Members Sell Out to Money and Power? – LlamaJan 17 20:28
schestowitz 17 20:28
-TechrightsBN/ #nytimes on Taking a Look at Linux #gnu #linuxJan 17 20:28
schestowitz"Yeah, i felt that way for a long long time. But Ubuntu has begun some unacceptable practices, tying PCs where it is installed to itself ever more closely - with auto update, data collection and telemetry. Ubuntu is becoming a Microsoft mini-me."Jan 17 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Taking a Look at Linux - The New York TimesJan 17 20:28
schestowitzRed Hat more soJan 17 20:29
schestowitz 17 20:29
-TechrightsBN/ #nsa headless again. It's collapsing. No morale. 17 20:29
schestowitz"No evidence has been forthcoming."Jan 17 20:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Agency Transformed, NSA Chief Rogers Set for Spring DepartureJan 17 20:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | NSA director Mike Rogers announces his retirement - Business InsiderJan 17 20:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | NSA chief to leave, expects successor this month: ReportJan 17 20:29
schestowitz 17 20:37
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft "excited" about #patent extortion against #gnu #linux 17 20:37
schestowitz"that’s the point."Jan 17 20:37
schestowitz 17 20:38
-TechrightsBN/ Search for #assange and "cat" and you'll find out about his cat But prior to that the MSM spread false stories about him just to portray him as cruel towards animals Why do I care? Because if the media can resort to such nefarious 'journalism', it can/would do it to ANYBODYJan 17 20:38
schestowitz"Fox News is not journalism - “nefarious ‘journalism’”, OK."Jan 17 20:38
schestowitz 17 20:39
-TechrightsBN/ Same for #facebook and other; delete means "mark as deleted" and "this is probably worth blackmailing with" #privacy #socialControlMedia Jan 17 20:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wikileaks: Undercover video appears to show Twitter security engineer saying that Twitter keeps all deleted direct messages an… 17 20:39
schestowitz"I still get the Bing newsletter from my Microsoft account that I “deleted” years ago."Jan 17 20:39
schestowitz 17 20:39
-TechrightsBN/ Rupert #murdoch published two articles attacking #assange on hygiene. Now 2 >more< 17 20:39
schestowitz"Don’t forget the Blonds!Jan 17 20:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's poor hygiene sparks complaints at Ecuador Embassy, report says | Fox NewsJan 17 20:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Julian Assange’s grubby ways might be behind embassy boot | New York PostJan 17 20:39
schestowitzLike Donald. All fake ones.Jan 17 20:39
schestowitz 17 20:39
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: This is not an "invention" It's Pac-Man 17 20:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@historylvrsclub: The Isolаtor. A helmet invented in 1925 that encourages focus and concentration. 17 20:39
schestowitz"The digital treadmill, or the phone timeline taking over all other occupations, is the updated version.Jan 17 20:39
schestowitz 17 20:40
-TechrightsBN/ Robots Have Replaced Humans in 25% of China’s Ammunition Factories #china #manufacturing #militarismJan 17 20:40
schestowitz"Every time a job is lost to a machine or AI, the refrain is repeated that “this is not a job for a human, anyway”. Only one problem - no other response is forthcoming. The people that lost their jobs are usually out-of-luck. Yeah, there may (or may not) be new jobs in other parts of the economy, but the individual people who actually lost their jobs are pretty-much forgotten."Jan 17 20:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Robots Have Replaced Humans in 25% of China's Ammunition FactoriesJan 17 20:40
schestowitzTough times thenJan 17 20:40
schestowitz 17 20:41
-TechrightsBN/ #twitter has become a bloated, broken, utter load of garbage. I cannot even paste a URLs anymore. Have to open a browser (FF) on another PC!Jan 17 20:41
schestowitz"Maybe they do not want anyone to follow a URL out of their cell."Jan 17 20:41
schestowitzMaybeJan 17 20:41
schestowitz 17 20:41
-TechrightsBN/ #trump ignorance in "New Year’s Day when he threatened Pakistan in a surprising tweet storm" 17 20:41
schestowitz"Causes “news” stories."Jan 17 20:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump Lashes Pakistan over Afghan War – ConsortiumnewsJan 17 20:41
schestowitzShowbz relies on hits and clicksJan 17 20:42
schestowitzShowbiz relies on hits and clicksJan 17 20:42
schestowitz 17 20:42
-TechrightsBN/ Too much speculation about this, but journalists away etc. so no actual information #wikileaks #assangeJan 17 20:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JulianAssange: fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 17 20:42
schestowitz"Weird. It was just this: M.I.A. - Paper Planes - SongMeanings"Jan 17 20:42
schestowitz 17 20:42
-TechrightsBN/ | M.I.A. - Paper Planes Lyrics | SongMeaningsJan 17 20:42
schestowitz 17 20:42
-TechrightsBN/ To #microsoft Bribes are just a cost of doing business And the cost (total) of #bribes typically outnumbered by the benefit of the bribes If the bribes are given periodically with renewal conditions Then it ensures those who can speak out against injustice won't Bought complicityJan 17 20:42
schestowitz"A high-paying job can be considered a form of bribery. Surely it would influence what you say and do…"Jan 17 20:42
schestowitzMicrosoft did this many times beforeJan 17 20:42
schestowitz 17 20:43
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Ohio’s Voter Purge Goes to the Supreme Court: What You Need to Know #ohio #scotus #us #politicsJan 17 20:43
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ohio’s Voter Purge Goes to the Supreme Court: What You Need to Know | American Civil Liberties UnionJan 17 20:43
schestowitzThat should never have needed to go to court - how ridiculous …Jan 17 20:43
schestowitzBecause you did not vote before - you lose the right to vote when you want to … if other countries adopted that rule there would be even less people voting than are now.Jan 17 20:43
schestowitzI really think voting should be available from phones … they allow people to take money using banking paypal etc …Jan 17 20:43
schestowitzThere must be people that have been layed up in hospital that cannot even get to vote - or people away from their own areas at the time of the vote …Jan 17 20:43
schestowitzHow the voting system works nowadays with the electronics and going to a electronic device to register seems antiquated to say the least … if banking can be sorted to be secure … then why not voting. ( maybe they do not want it that secure )Jan 17 20:43
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:43
schestowitzBanks are private enterprises and not partisanJan 17 20:43
schestowitz 17 20:44
-TechrightsBN/ Sigh. #gnu #linux journalists so busy naming every single distro receiving patches, in turn, even same patches. There's news beyond that.Jan 17 20:44
schestowitz"how about korora? does it allready delivered patches?'Jan 17 20:44
schestowitzhaven't heard from it in like 2 month...Jan 17 20:44
schestowitz*months evenJan 17 20:45
schestowitz 17 20:45
-TechrightsBN/ Sheriff David Clarke Exposes The Dumbing Down Of Academic Achievement despicable person, enabler of #fascismJan 17 20:45
schestowitz"President Donald Trump, The Wharton School grad!"Jan 17 20:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Sheriff David Clarke Exposes The Dumbing Down Of Academic Achievement | Zero HedgeJan 17 20:45
schestowitzShame for the schoolJan 17 20:45
schestowitz 17 20:45
-TechrightsBN/ Selective sympathy. #trump #israel #iranJan 17 20:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DrJillStein: Now that Trump is watching for human rights violations against peaceful protestors, will he sanction Israel for sho… 17 20:45
schestowitz"And How about the human rights violations against peaceful protesters in the US even? Now how about Those people, eh Trump?Jan 17 20:45
schestowitz 17 20:46
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: House Fails to Protect Americans from Unconstitutional #NSA #Surveillance 'Democrats' tooJan 17 20:46
schestowitz"Proof that none of these “servants of the people” take the Constitution of the United States of America seriously. They have chosen to simply ignore the 4th Amendment."Jan 17 20:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | House Fails to Protect Americans from Unconstitutional NSA Surveillance | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 17 20:46
schestowitz 17 20:46
schestowitz 17 20:46
-TechrightsBN/ Second iPhone battery explodes at Apple Store in Europe - this time #Spain #apple HAS become a public safety issueJan 17 20:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Second iPhone battery explodes at Apple Store in Europe - this time in SpainJan 17 20:46
schestowitz 17 20:46
-TechrightsBN/ By my count, there are now 5 'articles' smearing #assange over "hygiene". 4 came from #murdoch media, one from #dailyFail #defendWLJan 17 20:46
schestowitz"“spritzzz…”Jan 17 20:46
schestowitz 17 20:48
-TechrightsBN/ Wikileaks just “leaked” Fire & Fury and they hosted it on Google Drive and as of this posting, it’s still there [Fire&Fury]( My point here is simple, and is mainly geared toward stragglers of Wikileaks/Assange supporters I still see: #SpookyKids #Spook #Spooks ( @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊);} anyone wJan 17 20:48
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ )Jan 17 20:48
schestowitzYou just tore off into something I NEVER said once again.Jan 17 20:48
schestowitzSo to put things back into context:Jan 17 20:48
schestowitzThere’s this book both about and very much a part of the WH Jersey Shore edition. Assange has to be saved from the cast of the WH Jersey Shore edition because they’re trying to take him to Mickey Mouse club GITMO or something and are otherwise making him stay in their long time ally’s house in their other long time ally’s country that is also allied with the ally’s house Assange is staying in. That’s why Assange had to post Jan 17 20:48
schestowitzlinks on corp sites of the allies that led people to grab the book from corps aligned with the Intelligence Communities of the allies and all the allies and their Intelligence Cmmunities just took it because they could do nothing at all to stop Assange and Wikileaks from “linking” to a pirate copy of a book about the WH Jersey Shore edition they held on servers they controlled even though the President said he really didn’t want the Jan 17 20:48
schestowitzbook being distributed any more.Jan 17 20:48
schestowitzI’m not saying it is, but Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) certainly seems to be saying of the above: "Sensible & #TrueStory "Jan 17 20:48
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:48
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:48
schestowitz“The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.”Jan 17 20:48
schestowitz 17 20:48
schestowitz 17 20:48
schestowitz 17 20:48
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Curse of knowledge - WikipediaJan 17 20:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Credulity - WikipediaJan 17 20:48
-TechrightsBN/ | Wishful thinking - WikipediaJan 17 20:48
schestowitz 17 20:49
-TechrightsBN/ Publishing leaks is never easy. 17 20:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WLTaskForce: "free press" foundation to cut off WikiLeaks after political pressure. Foundation set up to collect tax deductible… 17 20:49
schestowitz"So How did Micah Lee get on the board of the Free Press Foundation, anyway?"Jan 17 20:49
schestowitzI don't know, but months ago he was feuding with Assange about how the foundation came about; the newcomer explaining to a co-founder. Imagine that!Jan 17 20:50
schestowitz 17 20:50
-TechrightsBN/ #China disrupts global companies's web access as #censorship bites 17 20:50
schestowitz"As a culture becomes increasingly knowledge-deficient, progress will suffer."Jan 17 20:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Subscribe to readJan 17 20:50
schestowitz 17 20:51
-TechrightsBN/ Maybe a generation of #trump voters in the making 17 20:51
schestowitz"Next thing they will do is lay down in the middle of a highway because they saw it in a movie. WAIT, they did that already. Never mind… Kids…"Jan 17 20:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Tide pod challenge: What is it, and why is the viral video dare dangerous? - The Washington PostJan 17 20:51
schestowitz 17 20:53
-TechrightsBN/ #socialControlMedia for mass #surveillance in #china #wechatJan 17 20:53
schestowitz"Be sure to carry your phone with you at all times. You do not want to get lost. (To us.)"Jan 17 20:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | China Plans To Turn Country's Most Popular App, WeChat, Into An Official ID System | TechdirtJan 17 20:53
schestowitzThese get used against the owner ('owner') far more times than to save/locate the owner to save him/herJan 17 20:53
schestowitz 17 20:54
-TechrightsBN/ So-called 'new' Labour didn't do things right, either. The Greens deserve a chance, and they oppose #brexit 17 20:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jeremycorbyn: The elite fund the Tories because they maintain the rigged economy which serves them. The average donation to Labo… 17 20:54
schestowitz"Just like Bernie Sanders. Now I do not trust him."Jan 17 20:54
schestowitz 17 20:54
-TechrightsBN/ #Snowden said that state #surveillance is "never about privacy. It's about power." #iranJan 17 20:54
schestowitz"It is ALL about Power. Everything government (and increasingly corporations) do is about Power and control. Even (especially?) the money."Jan 17 20:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | NSA leaker Edward Snowden speaks out as Iran silences dissent on the internetJan 17 20:54
schestowitz 17 20:54
-TechrightsBN/ Slow puff piece 'news' day for #gchq (they typically do this every Sunday in British media). Let's go back 70+ years 17 20:54
schestowitz"Fake news anyway. The Enigmas continued to be broken after the war. In fact, they were even sold to mostly African countries as ‘secure’, so their traffic from embassies etc. could be listened in to."Jan 17 20:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Alan Turing's code-breaking machines hidden away after war | Daily Mail OnlineJan 17 20:55
schestowitz 17 20:55
-TechrightsBN/ Spectre and Meltdown Attacks Against Microprocessors 17 20:55
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:55
schestowitzworth reading, I think one of the best analysis about the problem,Jan 17 20:55
schestowitzand yes, this is really f*d up! sure it is, but as Schneir wrote :Jan 17 20:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Spectre and Meltdown Attacks Against Microprocessors - Schneier on SecurityJan 17 20:55
schestowitzFor the average user, this is just another attack method amongst many. (…) Overall, the security of the average Internet-of-Things device is so bad that this attack is in the noise compared to the previously known risks. (…) But more are coming, and they’ll be worse. 2018 will be the year of microprocessor vulnerabilities, and it’s going to be a wild ride.Jan 17 20:55
schestowitz"Jan 17 20:55
schestowitz 17 20:55
-TechrightsBN/ Speaking as a parent, YouTube's #censorship system is deeply flawed "What I found was shocking and upsetting."Jan 17 20:55
schestowitz"YouTube in general is often shocking and upsetting. Or at least disgusting."Jan 17 20:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Speaking as a parent, YouTube's censorship system is deeply flawedJan 17 20:55
schestowitzYou can filter it for your needsJan 17 20:55
schestowitz 17 20:56
-TechrightsBN/ | The Great Unwashed - The New York TimesJan 17 20:56
schestowitz"The Great Unwashed - The New York Times"Jan 17 20:56
schestowitz 17 20:56
-TechrightsBN/ Some sites wrongly attribute #assange smears to but no, #newscrop started it ALL 17 20:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Stinkyleaks: Ecuadorian embassy staff complains about Julian Assange's poor hygieneJan 17 20:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's poor hygiene sparks complaints at Ecuador Embassy, report says | Fox NewsJan 17 20:56
schestowitz 17 20:56
-TechrightsBN/ Solution to non-US citizens: don't go in and out. 17 20:56
schestowitz"“Land of the ngFree”"Jan 17 20:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | DHS Documents Show Harassment And Intrusive Device Searches Are A Common Occurrence At US Borders | TechdirtJan 17 20:56
schestowitz 17 20:56
-TechrightsBN/ So far this years my resolutions adhered to (for the most part): 1. more technical news 2. not obsessing over things I forget/slip my mindJan 17 20:56
schestowitz""Jan 17 20:56
schestowitzI keep forgetting not to obsess."Jan 17 20:56
schestowitzThis has worked so far this yearJan 17 20:56
schestowitz 17 20:57
-TechrightsBN/ Robots Have Replaced Humans in 25% of China’s Ammunition Factories #china #manufacturing #militarismJan 17 20:57
schestowitz"Yeah - tough luck, out-of-work-worker now nullified."Jan 17 20:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Robots Have Replaced Humans in 25% of China's Ammunition FactoriesJan 17 20:57
schestowitznext they'll go after our pensionsJan 17 20:57
schestowitz 18 00:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StoneSculptorJN: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @JulianAssange Yup, I tend to lean to the left, in regards to most issues, but I agree t… 18 00:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StoneSculptorJN: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @JulianAssange Yup, I tend to lean to the left, in regards to most issues, but I agree t… 18 00:47
schestowitz"Yup, I tend to lean to the left, in regards to most issues, but I agree that it is the neoliberal establishment that wants to censor "fake news" & I think it is a very slippery slope. I don't agree with many "alt-right" opinions, but I will defend their right to express them"Jan 18 00:47
schestowitz 18 00:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @JulianAssange You either support an idea of a democratic organization that’s… 18 00:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @JulianAssange You either support an idea of a democratic organization that’s… 18 00:47
schestowitz"You either support an idea of a democratic organization that’s devoted to transparency or you support cult of personality of obviously compromised Assange - accused of sexual assault and obsessed with Clinton, in communication and advising trump presidential campaign."Jan 18 00:47
schestowitz 18 00:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@redpenrog: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn The extent of which could have been mitigated by Brown controlling the banks through the… 18 00:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@redpenrog: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn The extent of which could have been mitigated by Brown controlling the banks through the… 18 00:48
schestowitz"Jan 18 00:48
schestowitzThe extent of which could have been mitigated by Brown controlling the banks through the regulators, but he knew Economy already in trouble so he chose not to. Another clueless Labour PMJan 18 00:48
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 18 00:48
schestowitz"Jan 18 00:48
schestowitz 18 00:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Roger_zzz: @schestowitz I think religions should find ways to reform, eg they could create/promote symbolic rituals to replace… 18 00:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Roger_zzz: @schestowitz I think religions should find ways to reform, eg they could create/promote symbolic rituals to replace… 18 00:49
schestowitz"I think religions should find ways to reform, eg they could create/promote symbolic rituals to replace the actual act. (Those kids could perhaps then decide for themselves if they wanted the surgery when they reach adulthood, but they shouldn't be rejected from community if not)"Jan 18 00:49
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 18 00:52
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 00:53
schestowitz 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Robinson_IP: @Daniel_CY_Lim Assume you're aware of troll that is Techrights. He's been making potentially libellous statements a… 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Robinson_IP: @Daniel_CY_Lim Assume you're aware of troll that is Techrights. He's been making potentially libellous statements a… 18 01:15
schestowitz"Jan 18 01:15
schestowitz Assume you're aware of troll that is Techrights. He's been making potentially libellous statements about anyone involved in EP patents: you're now included: 18 01:15
schestowitzUnfortunately this site appears to be taken seriously by some, otherwise I'd ignoreJan 18 01:15
schestowitz"Jan 18 01:15
-TechrightsBN/ | No Patents on Life (CRISPR), Said EPO Boards of Appeal Just a Few Hours Ago | TechrightsJan 18 01:15
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 18 01:21
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 18 01:22
schestowitz 18 01:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoultryforPOTUS: @ggreenwald @schestowitz Ooooof! That's a doosie!Jan 18 01:36
schestowitz 18 01:40
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft's OneDrive Files Restore Feature Will Make Ransomware Recovery EasierJan 18 01:40
schestowitz" It reminds me of a long time ago when people were illiterate and paid scribes to write their letters for them "Jan 18 01:40
schestowitz 18 02:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP I can't agree. To me, it endorses that idiot's ploy.Jan 18 02:03
schestowitzI think you just try to look at it from a WL-hostile angle, like some did when it promoted a book downloadJan 18 02:04
schestowitz 18 02:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marla_mulder: @schestowitz @wikileaks Nah, I just like to see ppl pitching fits on Wikileaks posts...they're so triggering for y'allJan 18 02:06
schestowitz 18 02:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP No. I always thought the negative interpretation of the book download… 18 02:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP No. I always thought the negative interpretation of the book download… 18 02:06
schestowitz"No. I always thought the negative interpretation of the book download was way off base. But this, in my view, is different."Jan 18 02:06
schestowitzDo you understand what Wikileaks misreporting these tweets alluded to? It's recent.Jan 18 02:07
schestowitz 18 02:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP Also, I'm not hostile to WL. Trust me on that one.Jan 18 02:07
schestowitz 18 02:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marla_mulder: @schestowitz @wikileaks And if u sincerely can't see the importance of keeping the press honest, I dunno what to tell yaJan 18 02:07
schestowitzThe partisan press on both "wings" is lyingJan 18 02:07
schestowitz 18 02:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP Yes - and I totally agreed with him posting about that. But he absolu… 18 02:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP Yes - and I totally agreed with him posting about that. But he absolu… 18 02:09
schestowitz"Yes - and I totally agreed with him posting about that. But he absolutely should not do anything to associate WL with Trump's perpetual b.s."Jan 18 02:09
schestowitzWe agree; it's not helpful and it helps embolden those who push this narrativeJan 18 02:10
schestowitz 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange @jerezim Julian trying to get on #Trump's good side ? Figuring he's a fan… 18 02:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange @jerezim Julian trying to get on #Trump's good side ? Figuring he's a fan… 18 02:16
schestowitz"Julian trying to get on #Trump's good side ? Figuring he's a fan of Fox News & Wikileaks ? Trump has no pull over our Deep State Julian, & he's a puppet who does/says/tweets whatever Fox & Friends is talking about each morning .."Jan 18 02:16
schestowitzDon't think that's what it isJan 18 02:16
schestowitz 18 02:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wanderview: @schestowitz Telemetry collection, like these use counters, is default off in firefox release. You have to opt-in… 18 02:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wanderview: @schestowitz Telemetry collection, like these use counters, is default off in firefox release. You have to opt-in… 18 02:21
schestowitz"Jan 18 02:21
schestowitzTelemetry collection, like these use counters, is default off in firefox release.  You have to opt-in if you want to share the data.Jan 18 02:21
schestowitzBeta and nightly default to sharing telemetry, but again you can turn it off.Jan 18 02:21
schestowitz"Jan 18 02:21
schestowitzI hope it stays that way; IIRC, there was a debacle related to this (on by default)Jan 18 02:21
schestowitz 18 02:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@berniesanders73: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP huh??Jan 18 02:45
schestowitz 18 03:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlvosTrent: @schestowitz @wikileaks What attack?Jan 18 03:59
schestowitz 18 04:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlvosTrent: @schestowitz @wikileaks Oh yeah I remember that. Maybe if they didn't talk so much shit about him to start with he… 18 04:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlvosTrent: @schestowitz @wikileaks Oh yeah I remember that. Maybe if they didn't talk so much shit about him to start with he… 18 04:04
schestowitz"Oh yeah I remember that. Maybe if they didn't talk so much shit about him to start with he might not have pushed back so hard?"Jan 18 04:04
schestowitzGood politicians have better restraintJan 18 04:04
schestowitz 18 04:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlvosTrent: @schestowitz @wikileaks Trump isn't a politician. That's one of the reasons he was electedJan 18 04:05
schestowitzYes, he's worse than most of themJan 18 04:06
schestowitz 18 04:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlvosTrent: @schestowitz @wikileaks The economy says otherwiseJan 18 04:07
schestowitzThe oligarchs' (Wall Streer)Jan 18 04:07
schestowitzThe oligarchs' (Wall Street)Jan 18 04:07
schestowitz 18 04:15
schestowitz"Jan 18 04:15
schestowitz According to Techrights (, the judge is being moved toThe Hague.Jan 18 04:15
schestowitzIf he declines to be moved, this constitutes a breach of the Service Regulations with dismissal being the direct consequence.Jan 18 04:15
schestowitzBut the article is a perfect example of Techrights corrosive "reporting":Jan 18 04:15
-TechrightsBN/ | The IPKat: The ILO rules reinstatement of Board of Appeal member, but EPO resistsJan 18 04:15
schestowitza nugget of information (3rd paragraph, just two lines), and a lot of blow-up information that is not topic-relevant and a very polemic pointing of accusing others of lying. Not even an information what the DAV really is (a voluntary association of attorneys, a union any attorney become member to). Jan 18 04:15
schestowitz"Jan 18 04:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Only Two Weeks on the Job, Judge Patrick Corcoran is Already Being Threatened by EPO Management | TechrightsJan 18 04:15
schestowitz 18 04:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Pyrokitteh: @schestowitz @wikileaks the reason warren is dislike is b/c she's a corp demoRat who is anti single payer.Jan 18 04:16
schestowitzLiz Warren? I don't think she's against that.Jan 18 04:16
schestowitz 18 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AlvosTrent: @schestowitz @wikileaks For sure. There's a lot of new jobs being created tho and this tax cut seems to be benefitting workers as well.Jan 18 04:21
schestowitz 18 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Daradol1: @schestowitz @wikileaks The symptom is the nightly news Trump is the penicillin. The Cure is the next guy that come… 18 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Daradol1: @schestowitz @wikileaks The symptom is the nightly news Trump is the penicillin. The Cure is the next guy that come… 18 04:21
schestowitz"Jan 18 04:21
schestowitzThe symptom is the nightly newsJan 18 04:21
schestowitzTrump is the penicillin.Jan 18 04:21
schestowitzThe Cure is the next guy that comes down the pipe that gives the power to the peopleJan 18 04:21
schestowitz"Jan 18 04:21
schestowitz 18 04:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KhanDoomy: @InkDiary @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP It’s your human right to be a moronJan 18 04:27
schestowitz 18 04:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz You have to admit life may not have changed all that much, but they've come a long way baby,in 40 shor… 18 04:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz You have to admit life may not have changed all that much, but they've come a long way baby,in 40 shor… 18 04:35
schestowitz"You have to admit life may not have changed all that much, but they've come a long way baby,in 40 short years. They may be able to save us, from us."Jan 18 04:35
schestowitzWho? China? They won't save us. They just save us some money in the short run, while all the businesses move there...Jan 18 04:36
schestowitz 18 04:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz What about elections? They had an election, somebody lost. It's just like America.Jan 18 04:36
schestowitz Like PAP in Singapore, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has leverage over much of the process, so it always remains in powerJan 18 04:38
schestowitz 18 04:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @nytimes @schestowitz "America loves coal." Big Don said so.Jan 18 04:39
schestowitzThe only black Don likesJan 18 04:39
schestowitz 18 04:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz yeah? You've been harrassed? where can i read about itJan 18 04:54
schestowitzNo, never quite harassed, but IIRC @JesselynRadack  was asked unusual questions by UKBA (about why she met @snowden et al) and ended up in tears (IIRC). This isn't the job of border control agents or even officials; that's politics, not security (they put banners with "terror")Jan 18 04:56
schestowitz 18 04:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@InkDiary: @KhanDoomy @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump @GOP & it's your right to be a troll.Jan 18 04:56
schestowitz 18 04:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Disidente_2000: @schestowitz @wikileaks @JulianAssange Yes that was a new low.Jan 18 04:58
schestowitz 18 05:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: The next 'oil rush'. 18 05:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Open-source software simulates river and runoff resources "Freshwater resources are finite, unevenly distributed"Jan 18 05:06
schestowitz 18 05:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz yeah I know what they do, just was curious what you experienced yourself.Jan 18 05:06
schestowitzJust the usual spying and rapiescanJan 18 05:06
schestowitz 18 05:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MikeWilliams012: @schestowitz @Pyrokitteh @wikileaks She's definetly a pandering do nothing.Jan 18 05:09
schestowitz 18 05:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ImperfectFierc1: @schestowitz Thats why fb had to go. Its such a joke. But the sheep are none the wiser. And must use backdoor inter… 18 05:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ImperfectFierc1: @schestowitz Thats why fb had to go. Its such a joke. But the sheep are none the wiser. And must use backdoor inter… 18 05:39
schestowitz""Jan 18 05:39
schestowitzThats why fb had to go. Its such a joke. But the sheep are none the wiser. And must use backdoor internet searches. We are all being filtered through to one world orderJan 18 05:39
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 18 05:39
schestowitz"Jan 18 05:39
schestowitz 18 05:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz Well yeah, that's the way they ride. Until there's a revolution and the other guys take over. Not so… 18 05:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz Well yeah, that's the way they ride. Until there's a revolution and the other guys take over. Not so… 18 05:55
schestowitz"Well yeah, that's the way they ride. Until there's a revolution and the other guys take over.  Not so much different than us 'electing' the same kind of people from  two 'parties' every four years.  Maybe more honest and efficient?"Jan 18 05:55
schestowitzCarrots and sticksJan 18 05:55
schestowitz 18 05:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz "They won't save us?" Now how do you know that for fact, Roy?Jan 18 05:56
schestowitzThey already have enough people in their own country to look afterJan 18 05:56
schestowitz 18 05:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_WhyzGuy_: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Nice're missing some facts 18 05:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ArmiaKrajowa2: @wikileaks 18 05:58
schestowitzEducate us then...Jan 18 05:59
schestowitz 18 06:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz How many Chinese are living in tents along the highway tonight? I think they've done an outstanding… 18 06:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz How many Chinese are living in tents along the highway tonight? I think they've done an outstanding… 18 06:03
schestowitz"How many Chinese are living in tents along the highway tonight?   I think they've done an outstanding job of looking after their people. I recall a time they bought the annual wheat harvest to fend off starvation. Now they lead the world in food production."Jan 18 06:03
schestowitzPoverty in China is still an epidemic, but there's no domestic reporting on it (for well known reasons)Jan 18 06:03
schestowitzand "At the same time, however, income disparities have increased." 18 06:04
schestowitz 18 06:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_WhyzGuy_: @schestowitz @JulianAssange You know....don't play stupidJan 18 06:08
schestowitz 18 06:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Softly_Sarah: @InariPopcorn 18 06:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Libraries sue #Elbert County Commissioner over censorship fears #gopJan 18 06:12
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 18 07:06
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 07:06
schestowitz 18 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@danielmalikov: @schestowitz @MMFlint What is this? Like, what's the source?Jan 18 09:03
schestowitz 18 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JonasAtkinson2: @Daradol1 @schestowitz @wikileaks Fеedstеr app - nеxt stеp in news rеadіng! All news fееds from sociаl networks аnd… 18 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JonasAtkinson2: @Daradol1 @schestowitz @wikileaks Fеedstеr app - nеxt stеp in news rеadіng! All news fееds from sociаl networks аnd… 18 09:04
schestowitz"Fеedstеr app - nеxt stеp in news rеadіng! All news fееds from sociаl networks аnd RSS іn оne plасе. А lot of custоmizatіons, smоoth, beautіful and fast. Сhеck this out  "Jan 18 09:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Log in | VKJan 18 09:04
schestowitz 18 09:50
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 18 09:50
schestowitz""We're sorry, this data was in a superposition when you queried. Please try again.""Jan 18 09:50
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Jan 18 10:01
schestowitz> Jan 18 10:01
schestowitz> Here's today's batch.Jan 18 10:01
schestowitz> Jan 18 10:01
schestowitz> The sun was up briefly yesterday around mid-day.  A new season is starting.Jan 18 10:01
schestowitz> Jan 18 10:01
schestowitz> I've been in town a few times this week and at one place I payed inJan 18 10:01
schestowitz> cash.  The girl at the register not only was unfamiliar with how to makeJan 18 10:01
schestowitz> change but seemed genuinely confused by the coins and unable to add themJan 18 10:01
schestowitz> up.  She eventually got help from an older coworker who sorted thingsJan 18 10:01
schestowitz> out.  Not the first place something like that has happened.Jan 18 10:01
schestowitzCannot say I ever encountered a currency issue like this, but when I was in Montreal with my girlfriend 16 years ago I got the same response when merely speaking in English (in Canada) to a shop clerk!Jan 18 10:01
-->liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 11:03
schestowitz 18 11:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rbanffy: @schestowitz Meatware is good.Jan 18 11:42
schestowitz 18 11:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@charlamanesbane: @schestowitz @wikileaks @JulianAssange Biden is a drone-happy, high tech Imperialist who was fine with dropping 72… 18 11:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@charlamanesbane: @schestowitz @wikileaks @JulianAssange Biden is a drone-happy, high tech Imperialist who was fine with dropping 72… 18 11:42
schestowitz"Biden is a drone-happy, high tech Imperialist who was fine with dropping 72 bombs a day on men, women and children. I think that makes him an actual purveyor of terror."Jan 18 11:42
schestowitz 18 12:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@akaSassinak: @schestowitz Actually, any poor human who wants more is a threat to the People™Jan 18 12:48
schestowitz 18 13:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Hshtgpoundsign1: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange @jerezim @guardian Not that “Pizza gate” and Seth rich should have been en… 18 13:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Hshtgpoundsign1: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange @jerezim @guardian Not that “Pizza gate” and Seth rich should have been en… 18 13:46
schestowitz"Jan 18 13:46
schestowitzNot that “Pizza gate” and Seth rich should have been enough to shut this wretched propaganda machine down...Jan 18 13:46
schestowitz#FoxIsNotNewsJan 18 13:46
schestowitz"Jan 18 13:46
schestowitz 18 14:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ToDiaspora: @schestowitz Or have people force it on you, if you don't choose to buy it.Jan 18 14:53
schestowitzPeople with dumb 'friends' can also be in a position of being recipients of 'smart' (surveillance) things. Giving it away is passing the punishment.Jan 18 14:54
schestowitz>>>> Cannot say I ever encountered a currency issue like this, but when I wasJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>>> in Montreal with my girlfriend 16 years ago I got the same response whenJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>>> merely speaking in English (in Canada) to a shop clerk!Jan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> I used to know people from Quebec.  The region used to be bilingual.Jan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> However, pressure (which I believe to be external) riled people up andJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> caused them to drive out anyone that mainly spoke English or used bothJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> languages equally.  The population is maintained mostly throughJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> migration from former French colonies but most of those who arrive stayJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> only long enough to learn English and then move elsewhere in Canada.Jan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> Divide and conquer.  Similar is happening here in Finland against theJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> Swedish speakers.  I'm planning on applying for dual citizenship soonJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>>> while it is still allowed to use Swedish.Jan 18 15:46
schestowitz>> I guess you're still classified as 'foreign' (US national)? Go to NorwayJan 18 15:46
schestowitz>> to make Agent Orange's blood boil :-)Jan 18 15:46
schestowitz> I guess I could go back for a while, it would put me over a goodJan 18 15:46
schestowitz> threshold for a pension, though I don't really have any contacts anyJan 18 15:46
schestowitz> more and my skills are rusty.  However, I have heard that the publicJan 18 15:46
schestowitz> sector regretted their mistake and made big strides towardsJan 18 15:46
schestowitz> (re-)adopting FOSS.Jan 18 15:46
schestowitzTrump spoke as though people from Norway would want to move to US wastelands.Jan 18 15:46
schestowitz 18 16:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LeonC1963: @schestowitz @CarolineLucas Probably because they have to work with supply chainsJan 18 16:05
schestowitzThat can be changed within months if they drop suppliers that don't fulfill the needs. New machinery and material.Jan 18 16:06
<--acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 18 17:04
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 17:04
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schestowitz 18 19:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz Without reporting, how do you know it's endemic. My Chinese friend 40 years resident, engineer, stil… 18 19:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz Without reporting, how do you know it's endemic. My Chinese friend 40 years resident, engineer, stil… 18 19:43
schestowitz"Without reporting,  how do you know it's endemic.  My Chinese friend 40 years resident, engineer, still returns to visit family in rural China. They live well and are making advances in his 'little village'. He doesn't report poverty."Jan 18 19:43
schestowitz 18 19:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tadaoddity: @schestowitz @ggreenwald Trump and Sessions don’t have unilateral “unfettered” spying powers because of FISA. We le… 18 19:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tadaoddity: @schestowitz @ggreenwald Trump and Sessions don’t have unilateral “unfettered” spying powers because of FISA. We le… 18 19:46
schestowitz"Trump and Sessions don’t have unilateral “unfettered” spying powers because of FISA. We learned that last year with the flap over “wires tapped” at Trump Tower. The president cannot order spying on American citizens"Jan 18 19:46
schestowitz 18 21:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@willieapreston1: @schestowitz @campmaureen @MMFlint @BrianLehrer WHAAAAAAT😂😂😂😂😂Jan 18 21:44
schestowitz 18 22:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jrobertson: @schestowitz Where is this all going to end up I wonder?Jan 18 22:26
schestowitztoddlers, then embryos ("need to become...")Jan 18 22:27
schestowitztoddlers, then embryos ("needed to become...")Jan 18 22:27
schestowitz 18 22:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dainer31: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @KarenLeeMP 18 22:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 'Selling off NHS for profit': Full list of MPs with links to private healthcare firms - Mirror OnlineJan 18 22:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dainer31: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @KarenLeeMP 18 22:32
schestowitz 18 22:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GatlinMcArthur: @schestowitz You mean who the patent system was optimized for by the AIA.Jan 18 22:32
schestowitzOver time it became more and more about protectionism for the rich and powerfulJan 18 22:33
schestowitz 18 22:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lucyk6992: @schestowitz @glynmoody I hope they all crash. They kill a lot of #wildlife. They are too quiet and too fast!Jan 18 22:38
schestowitzif the alternative is lots of automobiles, then maybe a worthwhile compromise. Less pollution than planes, too.Jan 18 22:39
schestowitz 18 22:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@digitalSerb: @schestowitz For Internet Explorer?Jan 18 22:39
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 19 01:44
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schestowitz 19 03:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pdwn: Les hôpitaux américains en ont assez du capitalisme appliqué à la médecine, et créent leur propre fabriquant de méd… 19 03:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pdwn: Les hôpitaux américains en ont assez du capitalisme appliqué à la médecine, et créent leur propre fabriquant de méd… 19 03:09
schestowitz 19 03:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-No status found with that ID.Jan 19 03:10
schestowitz"I do not understand why Google was using Ubuntu in the first place. Ubuntu is essentially Debian, with two additional features: Canonical aims for ease of use (i.e. novice users), and has a relationship with Microsoft. Hard to see how either of this would be attractive to Google"Jan 19 03:10
schestowitz"Jan 19 03:10
schestowitzPadawan Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 19 03:10
schestowitzLes hôpitaux américains en ont assez du capitalisme appliqué à la médecine, et créent leur propre fabriquant de médicaments génériques.Padawan added,Jan 19 03:10
schestowitz"Jan 19 03:10
schestowitz 19 03:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SupConstitution: @schestowitz @SenSanders Trump is actually killing itJan 19 03:16
schestowitz 19 03:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Martina_Webster: @schestowitz Our oligarchs live under a banner of authenticity called "The Chamber of Commerce" and they just have… 19 03:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Martina_Webster: @schestowitz Our oligarchs live under a banner of authenticity called "The Chamber of Commerce" and they just have… 19 03:19
schestowitz"Our oligarchs live under a banner of authenticity called "The Chamber of Commerce" and they just have to make sure their favored candidates win."Jan 19 03:19
schestowitz 19 03:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Softly_Sarah: 😱 19 03:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: People who value their #privacy would use their car less or get rid of their car (I have) 19 03:53
schestowitz 19 04:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@arishaq47: @schestowitz @wikileaks @johnpilger @Thomas_Drake1 @kpfa @burn_stick @Credico2016 Dictatorship?Jan 19 04:01
schestowitzparanoiaJan 19 04:01
schestowitz 19 04:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@partiesurmars: @schestowitz @wikileaks @johnpilger @Thomas_Drake1 @kpfa @burn_stick @Credico2016 Don you have an article about this please ?Jan 19 04:01
schestowitz 19 04:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Planned Espionage Act could jail journos and whistleblowers as spies • The RegisterJan 19 04:03
schestowitz"Jan 19 04:21
schestowitzBenjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Jan 19 04:21
schestowitzI say "More LIBERTY, less tyranny".Jan 19 04:21
schestowitz"Jan 19 04:21
schestowitz 19 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ToddKamradt: @schestowitz Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporar… 19 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ToddKamradt: @schestowitz Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporar… 19 04:21
schestowitz 19 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@eastslidah: @schestowitz @AssangeFreedom @wikileaks @johnpilger @Thomas_Drake1 @kpfa @burn_stick @Credico2016 And Australia, dude!Jan 19 04:21
schestowitzAustralia started working towards it some months agoJan 19 04:22
schestowitz 19 04:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@m8nkey2chm00n: @schestowitz @AssangeFreedom @wikileaks @johnpilger @Thomas_Drake1 @kpfa @burn_stick @Credico2016 Yes. It’s called #Dumfuqistan now.Jan 19 04:22
schestowitz 19 04:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz 'Signal' and 'What's App' aren't really 'big' Apps in Canada and North America. So the vector must… 19 04:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz 'Signal' and 'What's App' aren't really 'big' Apps in Canada and North America. So the vector must… 19 04:32
schestowitz"'Signal' and  'What's App' aren't really 'big'  Apps in Canada and North America.  So the vector must be something else. If Dark Caracal is blotting the free west, the Russians and Chinese must be festrous with it.  So who is smelling what?  The Lebanese swing any which way."Jan 19 04:32
schestowitz 19 04:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Trans4ormU: The People need to speak up about this! 19 04:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @partiesurmars @wikileaks @johnpilger @Thomas_Drake1 @kpfa @burn_stick @Credico2016 19 04:40
schestowitz 19 04:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@partiesurmars: @schestowitz @wikileaks @johnpilger @Thomas_Drake1 @kpfa @burn_stick @Credico2016 Terrible. Thanks In France too th… 19 04:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@partiesurmars: @schestowitz @wikileaks @johnpilger @Thomas_Drake1 @kpfa @burn_stick @Credico2016 Terrible. Thanks In France too th… 19 04:53
schestowitz"Jan 19 04:53
schestowitzTerrible. ThanksJan 19 04:53
schestowitzIn France too they are at war against poeple's freedom of speech, rights to get informed & vote is just a joke so poeple don't vote.Jan 19 04:53
schestowitzVicious circleJan 19 04:53
schestowitzSo mafias just ruin us & the countryJan 19 04:53
schestowitzPresent is worse than in 20th years ago SF moviesJan 19 04:53
schestowitzFeeling like a #NoFutur punkJan 19 04:53
schestowitz"Jan 19 04:53
schestowitz 19 06:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ToDiaspora: @schestowitz Did you see this article yet?Jan 19 06:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Stasi files: scanner struggles to stitch together surveillance state scraps | World news | The GuardianJan 19 06:01
schestowitz 19 06:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MrIvanJohnson: @theharryshearer @rhosa jesus h christ v @schestowitz 19 06:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@verge: Now your nightlight can notify you of retweets and emails 19 06:33
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 19 06:42
schestowitz"Jan 19 08:09
schestowitz14.01.2018Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzTo Whom It May Concern,Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzI am an early adopter of Detexian, a service which I increasingly rely on for security. My wife and I run a small media entity which attracts about 5 million hits a week. The sites are and One of the sites is modest and non-confrontational, whereas the other one (the latter) is more controversial because it is critical of activities such as bribery, illegal surveillance, and all sorts of corruption. There Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzare certainly people and organisations that are willing to spy on and undermine the site. Some of those who get criticised are large technology companies and institutions they work with.Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzWe cannot keep up with logs because we are a small team and we cannot properly analyse these for security threats. It is just infeasible. For analysis of logs we also require a service which is isolated from surveillance-intensive hosts such as Amazon. We moreover operate on a very small budget as the sites are public services rather than for-profit.Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzWe now rely on Detexian to inspect the traffic and generate concise reports. Detexian helps to avert disaster or alert about troubling patterns in activity before disaster strikes or flaws are found/exploited. and are not young sites. They have been around for nearly a decade and a half; over the years we have suffered more DDOS attacks than we can remember and there were also intrusion attempts (none were Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzsuccessful). Some attacks managed to cause damage, but it was always repairable. Recently, Detexian alerted us about SQL injection attempts and made recommendations.Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzWe shall continue to rely on Detexian in the foreseeable future and are happy to pay for the service knowing that someone "has got our back" and is providing informed advice on how to guard the sites.Jan 19 08:09
schestowitzFor any additional information, feel free to contact me on roy@schestowitz.comJan 19 08:09
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzJan 19 08:09
schestowitzManchester, EnglandJan 19 08:09
schestowitz"Jan 19 08:09
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 19 08:29
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 08:29
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 19 08:29
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schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Facebook and Google outline unprecedented mass censorship at US Senate hearing</a></h5>Jan 19 08:55
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 19 08:55
schestowitz <p>Monika Bickert, head of Global Policy Management at Facebook, told lawmakers that the social media giant now employs a security team of 10,000 people, 7,500 of whom “assess potentially violating content,” and that, “by the end of 2018 we will more than double” the security team. </p>Jan 19 08:55
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 19 08:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Facebook and Google outline unprecedented mass censorship at US Senate hearing - World Socialist Web SiteJan 19 08:55
schestowitz</li>Jan 19 08:55
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Google’s Fuchsia OS on the Pixelbook: It works! It actually works!</a></h5>Jan 19 09:14
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 19 09:14
schestowitz <p>This means it's finally time for a deep dive on what Fuchsia looks like in early 2018. Our usual in-development OS testing caveats apply: Fuchsia only started development in 2016 and probably has several years of development time ahead of it. Everything can—and probably will—change between now and release (if a release ever even happens). Google won't even officially acknowledge the OS exists—Fuchsia is a bunch of code sitting Jan 19 09:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Google’s Fuchsia OS on the Pixelbook: It works! It actually works! | Ars TechnicaJan 19 09:14
schestowitzon </p>Jan 19 09:14
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 19 09:14
schestowitz</li>Jan 19 09:14
schestowitz 19 09:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HoveSweetHove99: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @theguardian #parklifeJan 19 09:28
schestowitz 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@micki_tatterree: Do we not have freedom of speech and press anymore??? I thought it was an inalienable right!!!!!!The government did… 19 09:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@micki_tatterree: Do we not have freedom of speech and press anymore??? I thought it was an inalienable right!!!!!!The government did… 19 09:47
schestowitz"Jan 19 09:47
schestowitzMicki_Ratterree Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 19 09:47
schestowitzDo we not have freedom of speech and press anymore??? I thought it was an inalienable right!!!!!!The government didn't grant it!!!!!!Jan 19 09:47
schestowitz"Jan 19 09:47
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 19 10:47
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 19 11:51
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 14:40
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schestowitz 19 14:44
schestowitz"Decent looks great!Check out : http://gwenbell.comIn-browser social network based on Scuttlebot"Jan 19 14:44
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 19 14:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host: gwenbell.comIn-browser; Name or service not known ( status 0 @ http://gwenbell.comIn-browser )Jan 19 14:44
schestowitz 19 15:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MHusava: @schestowitz @SenSanders You are an idiot. These are ILLEGAL aliens. Use the correct terms foolJan 19 15:19
schestowitzThe first Europeans to arrive in the Americas were also illegal immigrants, and they slaughtered the locals (indigenous)Jan 19 15:19
schestowitz 19 15:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MHusava: @schestowitz @SenSanders Once again false. Was there any boarders? Ownership? A country? Wow did the different trib… 19 15:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MHusava: @schestowitz @SenSanders Once again false. Was there any boarders? Ownership? A country? Wow did the different trib… 19 15:24
schestowitz"Once again false. Was there any boarders? Ownership? A country? Wow did the different tribes slaughter for the land? They took it from the Clovis people. Educate yourself so you don't look so foolish. Oh we're they issuing Visas and passports then also? Tool"Jan 19 15:24
schestowitzYou tweet is so full of ignorance that I see no point debating you furtherJan 19 15:24
schestowitz 19 15:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MHusava: @schestowitz @SenSanders Because you can't. You do not have the honesty or intellect toJan 19 15:26
schestowitz 19 15:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarieKa04289163: @willieapreston1 @schestowitz @campmaureen @MMFlint @BrianLehrer 😂😂😂😂😂You just made my day!! I'll be laughing my whole work shift!! Thanx😆Jan 19 15:27
schestowitz 19 15:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DaisyTeaney: @schestowitz @PostOpinions @SenSanders ANS THE LIAR IN CHIEF WAS ELECTED BY RUSSIAJan 19 15:35
schestowitzRussia or no Russia, he's unfit for Office and electors were given only one task: prevent someone like him from taking OfficeJan 19 15:35
schestowitz 19 15:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StullerGretchen: @schestowitz @MMFlint We do have an admin that reflects that. But there are rules to come to USA correctly. There’… 19 15:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StullerGretchen: @schestowitz @MMFlint We do have an admin that reflects that. But there are rules to come to USA correctly. There’… 19 15:47
schestowitz"We do have an admin that reflects that. But there are rules to come to USA correctly.  There’s a wrong or right way to come here. They need to abide by our laws."Jan 19 15:47
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 16:19
schestowitz 19 16:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@victorRuivoBR: I was just a kid when I asked my parents "what gives ppl the right to take words, names included, and use them as p… 19 16:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@victorRuivoBR: I was just a kid when I asked my parents "what gives ppl the right to take words, names included, and use them as p… 19 16:47
schestowitz"Jan 19 16:47
schestowitzVictor Carvalho Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 19 16:47
schestowitzI was just a kid when I asked my parents "what gives ppl the right to take words, names included, and use them as property?"Jan 19 16:47
schestowitz"Jan 19 16:47
schestowitz 19 16:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BryanBroome1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald I have a feeling that some media folks are in that memo. THEY are enemy of We The People.Jan 19 16:48
schestowitz 19 16:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sashby1988: @schestowitz @democracynow @KeeangaYamahtta @GreenPartyUS I don't know how you cn justify voting green without ranked choice votingJan 19 16:50
schestowitz 19 16:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KarenGround: @schestowitz Ha! Wtf?Jan 19 16:50
schestowitzWe need that too, no doubtJan 19 16:50
schestowitz 19 16:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TPaine777: @schestowitz @SenSanders I 100% guarantee if the Dems allowed the wall to be built as Trump wants, Trump would give… 19 16:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TPaine777: @schestowitz @SenSanders I 100% guarantee if the Dems allowed the wall to be built as Trump wants, Trump would give… 19 16:51
schestowitz"I 100% guarantee if the Dems allowed the wall to be built as Trump wants, Trump would give blanket amnesty like Reagan did. Trump doesn't care what Republicans think, he wants to finish his campaign promises and is willing to compromise to do it"Jan 19 16:51
schestowitz 19 16:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sashby1988: @schestowitz @democracynow @KeeangaYamahtta @GreenPartyUS If I were a green strategist i would but a lot of eggs in that basket.Jan 19 16:52
schestowitz 19 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Pat_Mycucci: @schestowitz @xychelsea @guardian @GuardianUS TROLL'S RULE !!!Jan 19 17:35
schestowitz 19 19:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Natgcoh: @schestowitz @SenWarren That pic is amazing! 🤣Jan 19 19:31
schestowitzBut satiricalJan 19 19:32
schestowitz 19 19:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@msretro: @ACLU Retweeting Snowden?!? 😕Jan 19 19:41
schestowitzwhy? what's wrong? You know what ACLU does, right?Jan 19 19:42
schestowitz 19 20:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tracyrreed: @schestowitz @mmasnick @SouthwestAir I used to have but they were acquired by American Airl… 19 20:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host:; Name or service not known ( status 0 @ )Jan 19 20:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tracyrreed: @schestowitz @mmasnick @SouthwestAir I used to have but they were acquired by American Airl… 19 20:07
schestowitz"I used to have  but they were acquired by American Airlines. Since the brand went away I dropped the site."Jan 19 20:07
schestowitz 19 20:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@aokolomartin: @schestowitz nah! @SenWarrenJan 19 20:08
schestowitz 19 20:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt You don't know shit about kosher requirements. Kosher practices require… 19 20:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt You don't know shit about kosher requirements. Kosher practices require… 19 20:08
schestowitz"Jan 19 20:08
schestowitzYou don't know shit about kosher requirements.Jan 19 20:08
schestowitzKosher practices require the animal feel no or limited pain during process of slaughter. Also, an animal w/broken bones cannot be kosher.Jan 19 20:08
schestowitzNot sure about halal practices, but doubt you have a clue about them as well.Jan 19 20:09
schestowitz"Jan 19 20:09
schestowitz 19 20:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Cruelty and Suffering Billed as “Religion”Jan 19 20:09
schestowitz 19 20:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt Why don't you link Kosher practices for slaughter? I'll not bother follow… 19 20:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt Why don't you link Kosher practices for slaughter? I'll not bother follow… 19 20:12
schestowitz"Why don't you link Kosher practices for slaughter? I'll not bother following the link you provided because I know Kosher mandates, having educated myself about them decades ago."Jan 19 20:13
schestowitzYou don't even click a link, so you don't want a real debate about itJan 19 20:13
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 19 21:11
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellJan 19 21:13
schestowitz 19 21:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@riscy: @schestowitz Homer Simpson is having a wet dream right now.Jan 19 21:16
schestowitz 19 21:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RedHatNews: #RedHat has been named to @FortuneMagazine’s list of the World’s #MostAdmired Companies! This recognition is a resu… 19 21:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RedHatNews: #RedHat has been named to @FortuneMagazine’s list of the World’s #MostAdmired Companies! This recognition is a resu… 19 21:18
schestowitz 19 21:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @RedHatNews @FortuneMagazine Well done!Jan 19 21:18
schestowitz 19 22:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt Your link is trash as the writer is critically unfamiliar with Kosher pra… 19 22:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt Your link is trash as the writer is critically unfamiliar with Kosher pra… 19 22:03
schestowitz"Jan 19 22:03
schestowitzYour link is trash as the writer is critically unfamiliar with Kosher practices. In kosher slaughter, an animal cannot be made incapacitated. Jan 19 22:03
schestowitzYour remark re: torture of cows during boat ride is incredibly subjective.Jan 19 22:03
schestowitzThis is a one sided debate that is a joke, in all honesty.Jan 19 22:03
schestowitz"Jan 19 22:03
schestowitzSee and months ago there was a similar scandal about Israel imports of cows from NZ live on boats to be butcheredJan 19 22:06
-TechrightsBN/ | Animal rights group has big beef with NZ live cattle exports | 19 22:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Irish cattle bound for Libya are being 'beaten, stabbed, dragged by the eye sockets'Jan 19 22:07
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 19 22:08
schestowitz 19 22:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WarOnPrivacy: Things that happen where the power of Elsevier is diminished. 19 22:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #China declared world’s largest producer of #science articles they get better fast @glynmoodyJan 19 22:35
schestowitz 19 22:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DaniyarRay: @sgtlarson @xychelsea @schestowitz This sentence doesn't mean anythingJan 19 22:45
schestowitz 19 22:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sgtlarson: @DaniyarRay @xychelsea @schestowitz and how do you do that, oh great confused oneJan 19 22:48
schestowitz 19 22:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@davidgerard: @schestowitz this is to have something a nontechnical 10yo can do clicking icons to watch pokemon videosJan 19 22:53
schestowitzvlc and android are built around things other than smb; I left all these behind ages ago because they caused nothing but headaches and poor reliability; some android 'apps' can probably connect to remove host without smbJan 19 22:54
schestowitz 19 22:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rookieuserIm: @schestowitz We all found that to be the case.We all laughed when he said he was going to bring back jobs,cut taxes… 19 22:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rookieuserIm: @schestowitz We all found that to be the case.We all laughed when he said he was going to bring back jobs,cut taxes… 19 22:55
schestowitz"We all found that to be the case.We all laughed when he said he was going to bring back jobs,cut taxes@ make America great again,then he did it.The job started coming back,unemployment deceased,the economy grew @ America started to be great again!Maybe a little sarcasm mix in "Jan 19 22:55
schestowitzHe has not done those thingsJan 19 22:56
schestowitz 19 22:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rookieuserIm: @schestowitz Your Liberal talking points are nothing more than that.Trump has been a huge success,PERIOD!#The endJan 19 22:56
schestowitz 19 23:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@eleebeck: 😨 19 23:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @SenSanders Will you sue DNC for rigging the nominations and giving the world Trump?Jan 19 23:05
schestowitz 19 23:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rookieuserIm: @schestowitz LOL Of course not.Cutting taxes and regulations has had nothing to do with it.It just happen🙄(BECAUSE) it happened.Jan 19 23:05
schestowitz 19 23:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JaredBeck: He hasn't even spoken out in support of our lawsuit against the DNC, where two witnesses have already dropped dead,… 19 23:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JaredBeck: He hasn't even spoken out in support of our lawsuit against the DNC, where two witnesses have already dropped dead,… 19 23:08
schestowitz"He hasn't even spoken out in support of our lawsuit against the DNC, where two witnesses have already dropped dead, so I sincerely doubt it."Jan 19 23:08
schestowitz 19 23:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rookieuserIm: @schestowitz I'm sure that the shrinking of Isis territory had nothing to do with Trump either.It just sort of just happen as well.Jan 19 23:10
schestowitz"Jan 19 23:10
schestowitzI'm sure that the shrinking of Isis territory had nothing to do with Trump either.It just sort of just happen as well.Jan 19 23:10
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 19 23:10
schestowitz"Jan 19 23:10
schestowitz 19 23:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ginger3855: @schestowitz @SenSanders Worked out great for me. 19 23:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ginger3855: @schestowitz @SenSanders Worked out great for me. 19 23:13
schestowitz 19 23:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@icognito007: @schestowitz @SenSanders Hillary didn't win and Bernie and wife have a grand jury empaneled for fraud. If she won h… 19 23:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@icognito007: @schestowitz @SenSanders Hillary didn't win and Bernie and wife have a grand jury empaneled for fraud. If she won h… 19 23:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 23:19
schestowitzHillary didn't win and Bernie and wife have a grand jury empaneled for fraud. If she won he was gonna skate on it.. That was the deal... She didn't win now he's short answer? Nope.....Jan 19 23:19
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 19 23:19
schestowitz"Jan 19 23:19
schestowitz 19 23:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Forbrydelsenfan: @MrsQuickly @schestowitz @SenSanders On appeal... 19 23:26
schestowitz 19 23:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz @SenSanders Holy yellow journalism Batman! National Enquirer isn't the only game in town it seems.Jan 19 23:27
schestowitz 19 23:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @SenSanders @schestowitz Has it been 16 months since ur party screwed you? U would have won the election so think o… 19 23:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @SenSanders @schestowitz Has it been 16 months since ur party screwed you? U would have won the election so think o… 19 23:28
schestowitz"Jan 19 23:28
schestowitzHas it been 16 months since ur party screwed you? U would have won the election so think of it as karma for the criminals who conspired.Jan 19 23:28
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 19 23:28
schestowitz"Jan 19 23:28
schestowitz 19 23:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MellowOchre: But it isn't, it's a secure receptacle for leaded but genuine information! 19 23:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @JulianAssange Raw material (leaks) or "it didn't happen" 19 23:35
schestowitz 19 23:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Renokenopam: @schestowitz @SenSanders He's a smoker besides this isn't about who looks the coolest! If your a real Dr. than you should know better!Jan 19 23:35
schestowitz 19 23:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@1LEFFEL: @schestowitz @JulianAssange 1 man agency taking down the corrupt. Super human? #endcorruption #realeasethedocumentsJan 19 23:36
schestowitz 19 23:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GrainOfSands: @schestowitz @StoneSculptorJN @SenSanders America should sue as a collective nation. Our Elections are a joke. Pagi… 19 23:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GrainOfSands: @schestowitz @StoneSculptorJN @SenSanders America should sue as a collective nation. Our Elections are a joke. Pagi… 19 23:45
schestowitz"America should sue as a collective nation. Our Elections are a joke. Paging Jimmy Carter! He seems to only go outside the USA to keep an eye on shady elections. Hmmmm....."Jan 19 23:45
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 00:51
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 01:01
schestowitz 20 05:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JamJamc13: @schestowitz @xychelsea All countries have nationalism. Are mexicans fascist for waving their flag being proud of… 20 05:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JamJamc13: @schestowitz @xychelsea All countries have nationalism. Are mexicans fascist for waving their flag being proud of… 20 05:52
schestowitz"All countries have nationalism. Are mexicans  fascist for waving their flag being proud of their nation, having military parades  and religion (Catholicism)?As well as being extremely selective on immigration and deporting more often then the US."Jan 20 05:52
schestowitz 20 05:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Wendy40783001: @schestowitz @SenSanders For a doctor you are pretty ignorantJan 20 05:52
schestowitz 20 05:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LindaLeeYou123: @icognito007 @schestowitz @SenSanders ?Supposition?Jan 20 05:53
schestowitz 20 05:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt I'm beginning to think you're illiterate. Where in the latest link does… 20 05:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RBentonF1: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @prattprattpratt I'm beginning to think you're illiterate. Where in the latest link does… 20 05:53
schestowitz"Jan 20 05:53
schestowitzI'm beginning to think you're illiterate.Jan 20 05:53
schestowitzWhere in the latest link does it say those cows are being slaughtered & then sold as kosher or halal?Jan 20 05:53
schestowitzEducate yourself to kosher practices. Kosher slaughter mandates animal does not suffer, and that death is quick & efficient.Jan 20 05:53
schestowitz"Jan 20 05:53
schestowitz 20 05:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@icognito007: @LindaLeeYou123 @schestowitz @SenSanders YesJan 20 05:54
schestowitz 20 05:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz So what excuse did pot smoking war criminals Obama and Clinton have? Don't forget the war on pot was m… 20 05:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz So what excuse did pot smoking war criminals Obama and Clinton have? Don't forget the war on pot was m… 20 05:54
schestowitz"So what excuse did pot smoking war criminals Obama and Clinton have? Don't forget the war on pot was militarized by Clinton by hiring a general to run it and doubled arrests to 800,000+ a yr."Jan 20 05:54
schestowitz 20 05:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz You can't bring fresh fruit cuz of bugs, disease but if u cut them/ put in Tupperware or bag, never ha… 20 05:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz You can't bring fresh fruit cuz of bugs, disease but if u cut them/ put in Tupperware or bag, never ha… 20 05:55
schestowitz"You can't bring fresh fruit cuz of bugs, disease but if u cut them/ put in Tupperware or bag, never had problem.btw, I've come back 2 Canada, was banned from bringing a cut flower once, another time it was a nieces project that had feather in it. And hard boiled eggs."Jan 20 05:55
schestowitz 20 05:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz not born in Canada but am citizen yet never have been fingerprinted. And I was banned from enterin US… 20 05:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz not born in Canada but am citizen yet never have been fingerprinted. And I was banned from enterin US… 20 05:56
schestowitz"not born in Canada but am citizen yet never have been fingerprinted. And I was banned from enterin US for 5yrs because I spoke @ antiwar panel against US/NATO bombing of Yug. My marijuana activist friends r only ones I know to be fingerprinted. Ur post makes it sound it's common"Jan 20 05:56
schestowitz 20 05:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HelwaniNose: @schestowitz The EFF like the ACLU have changed over the past decade.Jan 20 05:56
schestowitz 20 05:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Pat_Mycucci: @schestowitz @xychelsea @guardian @GuardianUS An Antifa, anarchist platform. Resistance is his agenda. If you look… 20 05:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Pat_Mycucci: @schestowitz @xychelsea @guardian @GuardianUS An Antifa, anarchist platform. Resistance is his agenda. If you look… 20 05:57
schestowitz"An Antifa, anarchist platform. Resistance is his agenda. If you look closely at the scenes behind the statements you will see a hatred of police, a hatred of government. You will see an anarchist. This your savior ??"Jan 20 05:57
schestowitz 20 05:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@obviousreally: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Oh #diddums ..... #ReleaeTheMemo #ReleaseTheMemosJan 20 05:57
schestowitz\Jan 20 06:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 502 @\ )Jan 20 06:07
schestowitz"Jan 20 06:07
schestowitzThanks for a ride, suckers!Jan 20 06:07
schestowitz 20 06:07
schestowitz"Jan 20 06:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft Linux distributions - WikipediaJan 20 06:07
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 20 06:53
schestowitz 20 07:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@davidaneves: @schestowitz @SenSanders Will you campaign for Progressive Candidates running against neo lib incumbents, like Paul… 20 07:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@davidaneves: @schestowitz @SenSanders Will you campaign for Progressive Candidates running against neo lib incumbents, like Paul… 20 07:25
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:25
schestowitzWill you campaign for Progressive Candidates running against neo lib incumbents, like Paula Jean Sweringen against Joe Manchin, in WV?Jan 20 07:25
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 20 07:25
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:25
schestowitz 20 07:26
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:26
schestowitz"You mean protection market for religions?"Jan 20 07:26
schestowitz 20 07:26
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:26
schestowitz"It's not Unconstitutional.  It's call Border Search Authority."Jan 20 07:26
schestowitz 20 07:27
schestowitz"Yeah, Racial Lenses. Not unlike Beer Goggles..."Jan 20 07:27
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:27
schestowitz 20 07:27
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:27
schestowitz"What’s a good free alternative?"Jan 20 07:27
schestowitzIRCJan 20 07:27
schestowitz 20 07:29
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:29
schestowitz"Yes, now that would be an interesting thing to see M$ do. I hope they try!"Jan 20 07:29
schestowitz 20 07:29
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:29
schestowitz"Which alternatives?'"Jan 20 07:29
schestowitz 20 07:30
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:30
schestowitz"Julian Assange is right."Jan 20 07:30
schestowitz 20 07:30
schestowitz"since 74 admins and counsel are allowed to construe and construct"Jan 20 07:30
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:30
schestowitz 20 07:32
schestowitz"Your a dumb ass delete your account @schestowitz"Jan 20 07:32
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:32
schestowitz 20 07:32
schestowitz"Are you being paid to spam gibberish or does it come naturally?"Jan 20 07:32
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:32
schestowitz 20 07:33
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:33
schestowitzOr will they just give someone cancer?Jan 20 07:33
schestowitzWhat happened to Chavez?Jan 20 07:33
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:33
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:33
schestowitz 20 07:33
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:33
schestowitz"Unless you have your cloud in your own data centres. Then it becomes smart infrastructure management and automation."Jan 20 07:33
schestowitz 20 07:34
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:34
schestowitz"Ain't gonna happen Roy..get used to it"Jan 20 07:34
schestowitz"Good......remoron rag edited by a rampant lying remoron who's been awarded medals for his arselicking of the EU"Jan 20 07:34
schestowitz 20 07:35
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:35
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:35
schestowitzSo... state governments LIKE government regulation of the Internet? Who'da thunk it?Jan 20 07:35
schestowitzMoral of this story is, if you want to control the peons, all you have to do is tell them you are "protecting" them. They will fall for it every time. "Net Neutrality" is just a euphemism for government regulation, something we did without for decades. It's amazing we even have an Internet at all, without that govt "help".Jan 20 07:35
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:35
schestowitz 20 07:35
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:35
schestowitz"I really despise that man. "Jan 20 07:35
schestowitz 20 07:36
schestowitz"Your a dumb ass delete your account @schestowitz"Jan 20 07:36
schestowitz 20 07:36
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:36
schestowitz"Which would be a GOOD thing!"Jan 20 07:37
schestowitz 20 07:37
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:37
schestowitzPurchasing black boxes with Internet connectivity from a potential enemy is an unbelievably TERRIBLE idea.Jan 20 07:37
schestowitz 20 07:37
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:37
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jan 20 07:37
schestowitz 20 07:37
schestowitz"Polls are shit"Jan 20 07:37
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:37
schestowitz 20 07:38
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:38
schestowitz"Nice link to a closet communist organization."Jan 20 07:38
schestowitz 20 07:38
-TechrightsBN/ | GABJan 20 07:38
schestowitz"Jan 20 07:38
schestowitzThe NN app was finally accepted, only after the professor pushed back HARD.Jan 20 07:38
schestowitzAppStore Review & their management (Phil Schiller) are utter muppets. More are noticing now.Jan 20 07:38
schestowitz|"Jan 20 07:38
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 08:37
schestowitz 20 08:42
-TechrightsBN/ The US not only collects fingerprints of every single person who goes through US borders; today I learned they deny transport of a fruit in luggage; as if this policy makes any sense at all. They actually confiscate fruit as though it' s a flight risk.Jan 20 08:42
schestowitz"At major US airports, tons of harmless liquids and food are destroyed every day. All in the name of security."Jan 20 08:42
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:42
schestowitzIn the case of fruit and vegetables it’s meant to avoid contamination of local plant species with foreign ones, some of which can be invasive. This is a standard practise across many countries. Apples contain seeds, so it’s definitely a no-go!Jan 20 08:42
schestowitzI agree though re: fingerprinting and copying the contents of electronic devices. I have no intention of visiting the USA while the TSA treats all tourists & immigrants like potential criminals. (If I did have to go, I’d leave my personal computing devices at home. They’d have a tough time getting data off an old Nokia dumbphone with a proprietary connector and a Palm Z22 though! :D)Jan 20 08:42
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:42
schestowitz"The modern western human life style is allready a contamination of the whole planet. I think thre is not much left, what is not allready contaminated."Jan 20 08:43
schestowitz Fruit and veg get imported all the time, why not on a plane?Jan 20 08:43
schestowitz 20 08:46
-TechrightsBN/ #twitter seems to have had a worldwide outage/bad service for nearly 20 minutes, until about 10 minutes ago. Does not happen often.Jan 20 08:46
schestowitz"It used to happen all the time. 😊"Jan 20 08:46
schestowitz"It still happens all the time for me, if I don’t use the mobile site. (I used mobile on laptop and not phone though, for fairly obvious reasons.)"Jan 20 08:46
schestowitzLast time it happened to me was in MayJan 20 08:46
schestowitz 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ #wikileaks vs #trump 20 08:47
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:47
schestowitzPeople should never trust their government, but let’s not pretend Propaganda, Inc. is much better. This isn’t the good old days of paper and typewriter journalism. How many media outlets chose to talk about a rumored “shithole” comment while the House and Senate voted to expand internet surveillance without a peep?Jan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Wikileaks Reminds Trump The White House Spews False Information After President's Fake News AwardsJan 20 08:47
schestowitzIn any case, the “Fake News Awards” were not distributed without merit. If you read the list of “awards,” you can see that most are specific refutations of false reports and claims.Jan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WikiLeaks: Trump administration a 'frequent source of false information' | TheHillJan 20 08:47
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WikiLeaks Calls Trump Administration ‘A Frequent Source Of False Information’ After Fake News Awards | MediaiteJan 20 08:47
schestowitz 20 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ | The Highly Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards | GOPJan 20 08:47
schestowitz"Cause apparently Wikileaks constitutes Propaganda, Inc."Jan 20 08:47
schestowitz"I’m not referring to Wikileaks, I’m referring to the corrupt legacy media, who were the recipients of the “Fake News Awards” that the media sources are attempting to downplay using an irrelevant Wikileaks comment."Jan 20 08:47
schestowitz 20 08:48
-TechrightsBN/ #Purism Says Its Privacy-Focused #Linux Phone Will Use Wayland and i.MX8 ARM CPU Jan 20 08:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Purism Says Its Privacy-Focused Linux Phone Will Use Wayland and i.MX8 ARM CPUJan 20 08:48
schestowitz"Can’t wait to see the price."Jan 20 08:48
schestowitz"idem"Jan 20 08:48
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 20 08:48
schestowitz 20 08:49
-TechrightsBN/ #Playboy is suing #BoingBoing - but linking is not #copyright infringement #smut does #slappJan 20 08:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Playboy is suing Boing Boing - but linking is not copyright infringement / Boing BoingJan 20 08:49
schestowitz"Then how about linking to links?"Jan 20 08:49
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 08:49
schestowitz"Boycott Playboy. They aren’t so hot."Jan 20 08:49
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:49
schestowitzI wonder if they realized that Cory Doctorow of bOINGbOING is the same person as Cory Doctorow of the EFF.Jan 20 08:49
schestowitzBTW, I read the bOINGbOING RSS feed every day, and I don’t recall reading any references to Playboy. In fact, I’d almost forgotten that Playboy still exists. Maybe this lawsuit is a publicity stunt.Jan 20 08:49
schestowitz"Jan 20 08:49
schestowitz"Maybe we don’t even need to boycott Playboy (RIP)."Jan 20 08:49
schestowitzThey became irrelevant to many wankers in the age of the Net, which they must loathe. Same for Perfect 10, which also filed many abusive lawsuits (look it up).Jan 20 08:50
schestowitz 20 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ Oh, yet another #gchq puff pieces for recruitment, this one too #femmewashing 20 08:52
schestowitz"Are these for logic puzzles or IQ tests?"Jan 20 08:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Can you crack GCHQ codes? Security centre looks for Peterborough girls to enter cyber contest - Peterborough TelegraphJan 20 08:53
schestowitz"Yea this is stupid. It doesn’t matter how good their code breaking skills are, if they don’t even know a cipher/code is there to begin with. And if done correctly, certain ciphers like one time pads are provably unbreakable."Jan 20 08:53
schestowitz 20 09:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CarreiroBelinda: @LouisLeoIV @Pam97942436 @SenSanders @schestowitz say datto device.Jan 20 09:21
schestowitz 20 09:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CarreiroBelinda: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn Putin robbed that seat...Deutsche bank.Jan 20 09:21
schestowitz 20 09:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Uropian0: @schestowitz Do you research sexual behavior amongst men on northpole too?Jan 20 09:21
schestowitz 20 09:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CarreiroBelinda: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @Conservatives @KarenPBuckMP How's Jullian Assange, is he in Lebanon?(?)Jan 20 09:22
schestowitz 20 09:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LeoBuzz3: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn Do you want to see pictures of Corbyn with the IRA again, because that's what's going to happen. . .Jan 20 09:22
schestowitz 20 09:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CarreiroBelinda: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @Conservatives @KarenPBuckMP @realdonaldtrump, ever wonder where assange is just ask cor… 20 09:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CarreiroBelinda: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @Conservatives @KarenPBuckMP @realdonaldtrump, ever wonder where assange is just ask cor… 20 09:22
schestowitz"@realdonaldtrump, ever wonder where assange is just ask corbyn & @youMnaful (reporter)."Jan 20 09:22
schestowitz 20 09:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@CarreiroBelinda: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @Conservatives @KarenPBuckMP @realDonaldTrump Right @johnpodesta???Jan 20 09:22
schestowitz 20 09:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I remember years back running World of Warcraft through WINE. There were only a few minor glitches and… 20 09:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I remember years back running World of Warcraft through WINE. There were only a few minor glitches and… 20 09:31
schestowitz"I remember years back running World of Warcraft through WINE. There were only a few minor glitches and I only saw them as I was reviewing WINE and specifically looking for them.  Frame rate seemed better too if I recall."Jan 20 09:31
schestowitzYes, some people who measured it about 8 years ago said it ran better under WineJan 20 09:32
schestowitz 20 09:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MillsSpm: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn May running the country Corbyn against the country 20 09:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Jeremy Corbyn slammed over appearance at event hosted by 'hardline Muslim group' | London Evening StandardJan 20 09:38
schestowitz 20 09:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz There were other packages that ran better too. I should really search my site because I'm sure I covered this a few years ago.Jan 20 09:38
schestowitzWine now improves ChromeOS/Android too, at least the proprietary version thereofJan 20 09:39
schestowitz 20 09:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I will be getting more back into Linux again. our company no longer uses the custom software that was… 20 09:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I will be getting more back into Linux again. our company no longer uses the custom software that was… 20 09:46
schestowitz"I will be getting more back into Linux again. our company no longer uses the custom software that was so difficult to get functioning under Wine and have gone to a web-based app of sorts.  Mind you ChromeOS - Never again!"Jan 20 09:46
schestowitzWe have three chromebooks here (very cheap) to run  GNU/Linux onJan 20 09:46
schestowitz 20 09:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I don't think its far fetched to say, if the NHS or indeed any other public service switched completel… 20 09:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I don't think its far fetched to say, if the NHS or indeed any other public service switched completel… 20 09:49
schestowitz"I don't think its far fetched to say, if the NHS or indeed any other public service switched completely, the savings would be huge and I doubt we would hear mention of a funding crisis anymore."Jan 20 09:49
schestowitzA kit more money is being wasted buying overpriced drugs (owing in part to lobbying and patents)Jan 20 09:49
schestowitz 20 09:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz It seems all to often when the government mentions funding crisis and looks to make savings, they neve… 20 09:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz It seems all to often when the government mentions funding crisis and looks to make savings, they neve… 20 09:50
schestowitz"It seems all to often when the government mentions funding crisis and looks to make savings, they never look to the IT infastructure.  I wonder why?"Jan 20 09:50
schestowitzA private company (Accenture/Microsoft) already benefits from it, so it's towards the privatised NHS vision they wantJan 20 09:50
schestowitz 20 09:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Agreed. But a good (and I assume more simple) place to start would be the 1000's of licenses they are… 20 09:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Agreed. But a good (and I assume more simple) place to start would be the 1000's of licenses they are… 20 09:53
schestowitz"Agreed.  But a good (and I assume more simple) place to start would be the 1000's of licenses they are paying for with the software they use.  MS Office springs to mind.  Our company has it, we rarely use it."Jan 20 09:53
schestowitz 20 09:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I wonder how much our company spends on Office when if people do need to type something, they usually end up using Notepad.Jan 20 09:54
schestowitz"I wonder how much our company spends on Office when if people do need to type something, they usually end up using Notepad."Jan 20 09:54
schestowitzI had a chat with a colleague about it 2 days ago. Proprietary software is an unspeakable money sink.Jan 20 09:54
schestowitz 20 10:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz And the thing is, from what I've seen in numerous companies, the employee's don't use it. I can't thi… 20 10:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz And the thing is, from what I've seen in numerous companies, the employee's don't use it. I can't thi… 20 10:02
schestowitz"And the thing is, from what I've seen in numerous companies, the employee's don't use it.  I can't think of a need for Word when what we want to achieve is merely the typing and saving of text."Jan 20 10:02
schestowitz 20 10:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz The last time I saw Word being used in our firm was when we were making silly signs celebrating someon… 20 10:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz The last time I saw Word being used in our firm was when we were making silly signs celebrating someon… 20 10:03
schestowitz"The last time I saw Word being used in our firm was when we were making silly signs celebrating someone's birthday.   I wonder if that is worth the license fee?"Jan 20 10:03
schestowitzMaybe raise the issue and pass around a quick survey to assess number of hours Office used and cost/hourJan 20 10:03
schestowitzWish you came to Manc today to see the Newcastle match; we're just 200m from the stadiumJan 20 10:22
schestowitzSh*! I've only just realised how badly Sunderland is doing: 20 10:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Championship - Football - BBC SportJan 20 10:30
schestowitz#Wharton is #openwashing the "gig economy" (which is a horrible thing) 20 10:34
-TechrightsBN/ | The Emperor Has No Clothes: Recasting Leadership in the Open-source Era - Knowledge@WhartonJan 20 10:34
schestowitz"Jan 20 10:34
schestowitz " seems that the new G II 3.7EPO Guidelines open up new opportunities with regards to the definition of patentable subject-matter". Nope. Just no. The Guidelines do not open up any opportunities.Jan 20 10:34
schestowitzAs previous comments have set out above, the Guidelines are simply that, guidelines. The law is the law as set out in the EPC and the case law of the Boards of Appeal. The guidelines do nothing more than attempt to explain that law. If new opportunities are opening up it is because there is case law that has done so.Jan 20 10:34
schestowitz"Jan 20 10:34
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 20 10:41
schestowitz 20 10:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EricOfEngland1: @schestowitz Why would anyone eant to work for these crazy snoopers. Selling your soul to the devil.Jan 20 10:52
schestowitz 20 11:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JoyMarie007: @In_A_Flap @hiscity @JulianAssange @BristolComSense Unfortunately, EVERYTHING is listening to you 24/7 20 11:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @JulianAssange Hey, it's not like Bezos has a massive contract with the CIA or something. Also new (from another o… 20 11:43
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 20 13:14
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 13:15
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 20 13:15
schestowitz 20 13:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz He participates to the patent inflation.Jan 20 13:33
schestowitzThis is why I used past tense :-)Jan 20 13:34
schestowitz 20 13:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz I met him once.Jan 20 13:58
schestowitz 20 13:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HTTPSecure443: HTTPS (also called HTTP over TLS, HTTP over SSL, and HTTP Secure) is a protocol for secure communication over a com… 20 13:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HTTPSecure443: HTTPS (also called HTTP over TLS, HTTP over SSL, and HTTP Secure) is a protocol for secure communication over a com… 20 13:58
schestowitz"Jan 20 13:58
schestowitzHTTPS (also called HTTP over TLS, HTTP over SSL, and HTTP Secure) is a protocol for secure communication over a computer network which is widely used on the Internet. RT @schestowitz: Future directions for #PGPJan 20 13:58
schestowitz … #gpg #gnupg #encryption #gnu #freeswJan 20 13:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Future directions for PGP []Jan 20 13:58
schestowitz"Jan 20 13:58
schestowitz 20 14:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@herzmeisterderw: @evoskuil /cc @schestowitzJan 20 14:30
schestowitz 20 15:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz lol. With Luton's display they will go up and with Sunderland's they will go down. Next season Luton v Sunderland!Jan 20 15:03
schestowitz"lol.  With Luton's display they will go up and with Sunderland's they will go down.  Next season Luton v Sunderland!"Jan 20 15:03
schestowitzAnd to think they has DefoeJan 20 15:03
schestowitz 20 15:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Its a shame. Decent stadium and fans - they deserve better.Jan 20 15:06
schestowitzI was there 10 years agoJan 20 15:06
schestowitz 20 15:14
schestowitz=Jan 20 15:14
-TechrightsBN/ | The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPoliticsJan 20 15:14
schestowitz 20 15:14
-TechrightsBN/ | A year later, no details on where Trump's surplus inaugural funds wentJan 20 15:14
schestowitz=Jan 20 15:14
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 20 17:05
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 17:06
schestowitz 20 18:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @sebmck Antitrust enforcement, I remember something about that in the mid to late 1990s... Cc/@schestowitzJan 20 18:08
schestowitz 20 18:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@3dapspad3: @schestowitz @wikileaks Why would you not blame the Democrats? It is 100% on themJan 20 18:20
schestowitzNo, not even 50 Republicans voter in favour. Trump is deflecting/distracting -- a skill he mastered in showbiz. And Kelly...Jan 20 18:20
schestowitz 20 18:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marklemley: @schestowitz @zoobab @glynmoody @FOSSpatents Patent litigation is down 10% this year. But all federal litigation i… 20 18:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marklemley: @schestowitz @zoobab @glynmoody @FOSSpatents Patent litigation is down 10% this year. But all federal litigation i… 20 18:35
schestowitzI guess it depends what numbers correspond to which word. #edtx shows vast decline and that's the docket of the worst abusers.Jan 20 18:36
schestowitz]Jan 20 18:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@3dapspad3: @schestowitz @wikileaks 4 Republicans vote against it so it's on them? So the Democrats hold our military family's… 20 18:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@3dapspad3: @schestowitz @wikileaks 4 Republicans vote against it so it's on them? So the Democrats hold our military family's… 20 18:38
schestowitz"4 Republicans vote against it so it's on them? So the Democrats hold our military family's hostage over illegal imigrants and it's not their fault. They have no platform no plan just obstruct.They are losing voters everyday.Making illegals,legal is their only hope for new voters"Jan 20 18:38
schestowitzThe military has nothing to do with it. Trump just hijacks "the military" any time he doesn't get his way; ironically after he dodged the draft.Jan 20 18:39
schestowitz 20 18:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marklemley: @schestowitz @zoobab @glynmoody @FOSSpatents True. But most of those cases are heading elsewhere.Jan 20 18:39
schestowitzWith less favourable outcomes.Jan 20 18:39
schestowitz 20 18:40
-TechrightsBN/ | US Patent Trolls Are Leaving and the Eastern District of Texas Sees Patent Cases Falling by More Than Half | TechrightsJan 20 18:40
schestowitz 20 18:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@3dapspad3: @schestowitz @wikileaks It's the budget!!! For the government/ military!!! It has nothing to do with the illegals t… 20 18:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@3dapspad3: @schestowitz @wikileaks It's the budget!!! For the government/ military!!! It has nothing to do with the illegals t… 20 18:42
schestowitzIt's the budget!!! For the government/ military!!! It has nothing to do with the illegals that the Dems threw in the mix to obstruct. Nevermind go back to CNN""Jan 20 18:42
schestowitzI hate CNN, buy carry on pretending (to yourself maybe) that any opposition to this stupidity of Trump comes from 'Democrats' who watch CNNJan 20 18:42
schestowitzNewcatle must hate him. He scores against them like a champ all the timeJan 20 18:51
schestowitz 20 19:14
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 20 19:14
schestowitz"This is one of the reasons why using the word "GNU/Linux" is important. !fs"Jan 20 19:14
schestowitz 20 19:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @marklemley @schestowitz @glynmoody @FOSSpatents Plus litigation is only the tip of the iceberg. Most patents are u… 20 19:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @marklemley @schestowitz @glynmoody @FOSSpatents Plus litigation is only the tip of the iceberg. Most patents are u… 20 19:29
schestowitz"Plus litigation is only the tip of the iceberg. Most patents are used as threats, litigation is the last resort. Question is more how big is the iceberg."Jan 20 19:29
schestowitzYes, but you might expect proportions to remain similar with such a huge sample setJan 20 19:29
schestowitz 20 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@hmbr123: @schestowitz @3dapspad3 @wikileaks Schumer and Pelosi have admitted it is about providing amnesty to illegals. Amer… 20 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@hmbr123: @schestowitz @3dapspad3 @wikileaks Schumer and Pelosi have admitted it is about providing amnesty to illegals. Amer… 20 20:14
schestowitz"Jan 20 20:14
schestowitzSchumer and Pelosi have admitted it is about providing amnesty to illegals. Americans want border security and funding for a wall.Jan 20 20:14
schestowitzNO OPEN BORDERSJan 20 20:14
schestowitz"Jan 20 20:14
schestowitz 20 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ctrycowgirlchic: @schestowitz @octal 9/11 taught me and the rest of us hard working Americans that bust our butts to do everything t… 20 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ctrycowgirlchic: @schestowitz @octal 9/11 taught me and the rest of us hard working Americans that bust our butts to do everything t… 20 20:14
schestowitz"9/11 taught me and the rest of us hard working Americans that bust our butts to do everything the elite want $$$$$$ that everything is an illusion except our families and for that one thing I will #fightfightfight"Jan 20 20:14
schestowitz 20 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@thomashowl: @schestowitz @SenSanders You could argue that for any social media platform. Besides, he has higher interaction on… 20 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@thomashowl: @schestowitz @SenSanders You could argue that for any social media platform. Besides, he has higher interaction on… 20 20:14
schestowitz"You could argue that for any social media platform. Besides, he has higher interaction on Facebook so obviously that's where the stream should be."Jan 20 20:14
schestowitz 20 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ctrycowgirlchic: @schestowitz @octal I'm shadow banned, Twitter is part of DARPAJan 20 20:14
schestowitzI don't think you are #shadowbanned - I can see youJan 20 20:15
schestowitz 20 20:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@silner: @trevorw1953 @schestowitz @UKIP I'm not sure I like the obligatory antithesis between intellectualism and ignorance… 20 20:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@silner: @trevorw1953 @schestowitz @UKIP I'm not sure I like the obligatory antithesis between intellectualism and ignorance… 20 20:36
schestowitz"I'm not sure I like the obligatory antithesis between intellectualism and ignorance. I'd swerve away from being called an intellectual, but I'd been almost as offended by being called ignorant. I think I prefer the term demotic if that's okay with everyone :)"Jan 20 20:36
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 20 21:14
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJan 20 21:14
schestowitz 20 22:19
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 20 22:19
schestowitz"Jan 20 22:19
schestowitzThe part about "withhold[ing] official support" and "advocates of these principles" is pretty cringey, but the omission of FSF makes sense, he is just listing one or two examples. Besides, not everyone who advocates for opensource does advocate for free software as defined by FSF.Jan 20 22:19
schestowitzIf you specifically talk about licences, the FSF and GPL are definitely a part of that; if you just talk about the rise of open source software I can understand leaving it out. Though you could argue that without the GNU userland, 386BSD might have take off instead.Jan 20 22:19
schestowitz"Jan 20 22:20
schestowitz 20 22:20
-TechrightsBN/ | GNUsocial.deJan 20 22:20
schestowitz""Jan 20 22:20
schestowitz"Jan 20 22:20
schestowitzThe part about "withhold[ing] official support" and "advocates of these principles" is pretty cringey, but the omission of FSF makes sense, he is just listing one or two examples. Besides, not everyone who advocates for opensource does advocate for free software as defined by FSF.Jan 20 22:20
schestowitzIf you specifically talk about licences, the FSF and GPL are definitely a part of that; if you just talk about the rise of open source software I can understand leaving it out. Though you could argue that without the GNU userland, 386BSD might have take off instead.Jan 20 22:20
schestowitz"Jan 20 22:20
schestowitz 20 22:35
-TechrightsBN/ Mozilla: Resource Hogs, Privacy Month, #Firefox Census, These Weeks in Firefox 20 22:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla: Resource Hogs, Privacy Month, Firefox Census, These Weeks in Firefox | Tux MachinesJan 20 22:35
schestowitz"Jan 20 22:35
schestowitzJan 20 22:35
schestowitzIs TuxMachines your website? Is there any way to make it more mobile friendly? It's very difficult to read on mobile devices.Jan 20 22:35
schestowitz"Jan 20 22:35
schestowitzwe are aware of the issueJan 20 22:36

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