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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: December 16th, 2018 – December 22nd, 2018

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-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsDec 16 00:36
scientesDaemonFC[m], wow. more like "Scheduling has never been this difficult"Dec 16 00:46
scientesalso at the bottom U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,244,566 and 8,671,009Dec 16 00:47
scientesfucking asshatsDec 16 00:47
scientes(and stupid government)Dec 16 00:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 180+ Benchmarks On Debian GNU/Linux 9.6 Against Debian Buster Testing []Dec 16 01:27
<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)Dec 16 01:35
scientes 16 01:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vladimir Putin Makes Moves To Control Rap Music In Russia | HuffPostDec 16 01:37
scientes 16 01:41
MinceRi think putin should be controlledDec 16 01:59
---MinceR gives voice to brendyn mmu_man oiaohm amarsh04Dec 16 01:59
XRevan86 finally I have a pure reproducer.Dec 16 02:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | debian PastezoneDec 16 02:03
DaemonFC[m] 16 02:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2018-12-16 - MozillaWikiDec 16 02:15
DaemonFC[m]Seamonkey is probably finished.Dec 16 02:15
DaemonFC[m]Pretty much everything is broken due to lots of stuff removed from mozilla-central by Firefox developers.Dec 16 02:15
XRevan86 and now it's reported, thanks to g0Dec 16 02:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 88517 – Virtual-base class class constructor with for-loop with initializer list referencing local variable not executedDec 16 02:16
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: I guess they should consider rebasing on top of BasiliskDec 16 02:17
scientesahhh cpp makes my blood boilDec 16 02:20
scientesits so complicated compared to CDec 16 02:20
XRevan86scientes: I've decided not to compare themDec 16 02:20
scientesI only know CDec 16 02:21
scientesIf I do C++ I just do everything in CDec 16 02:21
scientes(because I can)Dec 16 02:21
XRevan86scientes: Let's just say that's a bad approachDec 16 02:21
XRevan86Unless you honestly claim that it's C compiled with a C++ compiler with associated limitations %)Dec 16 02:22
scientesI also like Zig-lang, which tries to be as pragmatic as CDec 16 02:23
scientesbut that language is a bit too freshDec 16 02:24
XRevan86scientes: Have you seen Rust?Dec 16 02:24
XRevan86It's basically C++ but cleanDec 16 02:24
scientesI honestly didn't understand the safety stuff it usesDec 16 02:24
MinceRit's not C++Dec 16 02:24
MinceRit can't even do multiple inheritanceDec 16 02:24
XRevan86in spirit, not functionalityDec 16 02:25
scientesbut both zig and rust try to expose all the features of LLVMDec 16 02:25
XRevan86scientes: Looks interestingDec 16 02:27
XRevan86> By default floating point operations use Strict mode, but you can switch to Optimized mode on a per-block basis:Dec 16 02:31
XRevan86scientes: Safety in Rust works in a similar fashionDec 16 02:31
XRevan86The quote is from the Zig documentationDec 16 02:32
XRevan86scientes: There are potentially dangerous operations (like moving pointers around disregarding reference counting), which one may need to do, but the compiler doesn't know whether you know what you're doingDec 16 02:34
MinceRmove zigDec 16 02:34
XRevan86So in Rust you need to explicitly state that in this block of code you are going to do some trickeryDec 16 02:34
scientesyeah zig has slices, but it also doesn't think you are stupid and allows you to do what you want to doDec 16 02:35
XRevan86C++ assumes everyone's brilliantDec 16 02:35
scienteswhile also having features which are kinda stupid and redundant like iteratorsDec 16 02:36
MinceRiterators are neither stupid nor redundantDec 16 02:36
scienteswhy not just use a normal loopDec 16 02:37
MinceRthey allow generalized access to containersDec 16 02:37
XRevan86scientes: Buffer overflowDec 16 02:37
MinceRwell, a loop over the contents of a container does use an interatorDec 16 02:37
MinceRs/int/it/Dec 16 02:37
MinceRboth in c++ and pythonDec 16 02:37
scientesgranted, if you use an iterator it will use a != for loop, instead of a < for loopDec 16 02:38
scientesbut i like the for loop cause it is closer to what the computer is doingDec 16 02:38
scientesi feel all complexity and abstraction needs to be warrentedDec 16 02:39
XRevan86scientes: for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) // can i actually hold size?Dec 16 02:39
XRevan86That's the problem with arbitrarily sized containers.Dec 16 02:40
XRevan86Even GLib's containers on C have iteratorsDec 16 02:40
MinceRnormally an iterator-based loop compiles to the sameDec 16 02:41
XRevan86belay that, not every GLib container doesDec 16 02:42
XRevan86scientes: Is avoiding bugs a good enough reason :)?Dec 16 02:43
scientesthat is a corner case, but sure your rightDec 16 02:46
XRevan86I'd argue that it's not corner enough. The way to hit that is to allow arbitrary data growthDec 16 02:48
XRevan86Some kind of stack maybe. An event handler, a database, etc.Dec 16 02:49
r_schestowitzkaniini: we'll be away until Tuesday nightDec 16 03:16
r_schestowitz[just in case you don't see me active online]Dec 16 03:16
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 16 03:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Dec 16 04:12
scientes 16 04:15
scientescool shitDec 16 04:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-They put the phone where!? Prison Cellphone Review! - YouTubeDec 16 04:15
scientesand why are her tits so big---because she went to Thailand and got a breat enlargementDec 16 04:16
scientes 16 04:50
DaemonFC[m]It seems that the difference between compilers isn't the only difference in the builds of Firefox.Dec 16 05:03
DaemonFC[m]Mozilla is also using -O3 in the build flags in their Clang builds.Dec 16 05:03
DaemonFC[m]With GCC 8.2.1, Fedora's Firefox is built using -O2.Dec 16 05:03
DaemonFC[m] 16 05:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No more Mace for ios? - PIADec 16 05:04
DaemonFC[m]"Basically, my understanding is that Apple wasn't happy with MACE blocking ads on other apps, and they have recently started cracking down on apps that "abuses" the VPN functionality to block ads. Therefore MACE had to be replaces with a Safari Content Blocker to again be in line with the new policies.Dec 16 05:05
DaemonFC[m]You can technically cheat a little and try to load in a browser within 2 minutes of connecting the VPN and in theory it should work. The functionality is still there on the server side, the client is just not allowed to have an option to enable it. Not super convenient however as you have to do it everytime the VPN reconnects.Dec 16 05:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Failed connect to; Connection refused ( status 0 @ in )Dec 16 05:05
DaemonFC[m]Thanks Apple ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"Dec 16 05:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 4 of the Best Alternatives to Skype on Linux []Dec 16 05:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Best Alternatives to Red Hat Linux []Dec 16 05:15
DaemonFC[m]When that adblock port to content blockers is merged into GNOME Web, it might be the best web browser on GNU/Linux. Dec 16 05:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Best 10 Laptops for Linux []Dec 16 05:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Top Lightweight Linux Distributions for 2019 []Dec 16 05:22
r_schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: heard of qutebrowser?Dec 16 05:34
r_schestowitzjust seen itDec 16 05:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Lubuntu 18.04 and 18.10: Between #LXDE and #LXQt []Dec 16 05:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: DragonFly's HAMMER2 File-System Receiving Christmas Improvements []Dec 16 05:50
-->acer-box____ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsDec 16 05:54
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Best KDE/Plasma distro of 2018 []Dec 16 06:07
scientesEurope passed that insane copyright billDec 16 06:11
scientesI guess I will just ignore itDec 16 06:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 16 06:11
scientesthe bill to expand monopolies and an iron curtain over the EUDec 16 06:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #DXVK 0.94 []Dec 16 06:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #NVIDIA 415.22.01 Vulkan Linux Driver Adds New Improvements & Fixes []Dec 16 06:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: SC Controller, KeeperRL, Good Company, Getting Over it With Bennett Foddy and More []Dec 16 07:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE apps at the snap of your fingers []Dec 16 07:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Bradley M. Kuhn: What #Debian Does For Me []Dec 16 07:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Vega 12 Firmware Lands Along With RX 590 Polaris Bits, Updated Zen CPU Microcode []Dec 16 07:26
scientesis there anything that reports on interesting trends on social media that the social media people know (cause they are in the business of survailance) but they don't really want to report on?Dec 16 07:28
scientescause looking at youtube's coverage of themselves, it is all about presenting an image, it has nothing to do with realityDec 16 07:28
scienteslike who were the biggest loosers of the YouTUbe demonetization movementDec 16 07:29
scientesonly YouTube has those numbers, and they arn't interested in sharing themDec 16 07:30
scientes 16 07:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Zaatari: Thoughts from a Refugee Camp - YouTubeDec 16 07:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: First #NuTyX systemD BASE ISO []Dec 16 07:32
kaniiniscientes: from what I understand, Google is aware that YouTube has maybe half the active users they claim it doDec 16 07:34
scientesof course, and these companies woefully over-estimate their ad revenueDec 16 07:34
scientesor rather, whatever they can to inflate the ad potentialDec 16 07:35
kaniiniwell that one is more complicated stillDec 16 07:35
scientesbut what I am saying is that Google has good information about where the good content isDec 16 07:35
kaniini90% of ad traffic is fakeDec 16 07:35
scientesthat was a good video ^ refugeesDec 16 07:36
kaniinia lot of ad companies have "ROI" divisions which make fake websites and then send fake traffic to the fake websitesDec 16 07:36
kaniiniso basically that entire ecosystem is going to come crashing down soonDec 16 07:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Rust, Go, Python and More []Dec 16 07:38
scientesnah, it will be propped up until the economy collapsesDec 16 07:38
scientesbecause the premise of ads is necessary to justify them positioning themselves to be the future power structureDec 16 07:38
scientesand the US will collapse as soon as the North Dakota shale oil starts to declineDec 16 07:40
kaniiniat least pops are basically deadDec 16 07:40
scientesbut pre-rolls are notDec 16 07:40
scientesYouTube avoided those for years so they could get their positionDec 16 07:40
kaniiniyes but prerolls get frauded so hardcoreDec 16 07:40
scientesand these companies are far smarter then they use to beDec 16 07:41
scientesthey know they have to divide and conquor---as pop-ups are what launched FirefoxDec 16 07:41
kaniiniI did some work for some sketchy offshore people a while backDec 16 07:42
kaniiniturns outDec 16 07:42
kaniinithose preroll SDKsDec 16 07:43
kaniiniyou can defeat them by just patching the JS environmentDec 16 07:43
scientesyeah but Firefox defeated them for the general populationDec 16 07:43
kaniinibecause they forgot to use an iframe to gain a fresh security contextDec 16 07:43
kaniinilike you can literallyDec 16 07:44
kaniinihave something like thisDec 16 07:44
kaniiniwinfowDec 16 07:44
kaniinierDec 16 07:44
kaniiniwindow.encodeURIComponent = function (p) => { if (p === document.navigator.whateveritisiforget) return "https://www.cnnDec 16 07:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Could not resolve host: www.cnn; Unknown error ( status 0 @ https://www.cnn )Dec 16 07:45
kaniinireturn p };Dec 16 07:46
kaniinisorry I'm on my phone lolDec 16 07:46
scientesI need to learn SpanishDec 16 07:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: New Fedora 29 Builds []Dec 16 07:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mainline Linux Support Getting Squared Away For $129 Intel SoC FPGA Board []Dec 16 07:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Arch Family: ArcoLinux 18.12.7 Run Through, Manjaro Linux Stuff and Arch Linux at Reproducible Build Summit Paris []Dec 16 07:54
scientesI still run Firefox nightlyDec 16 07:55
scientesI've been the first to catch nasty regressionsDec 16 07:55
scienteslike when audio on Linux was totally brokenDec 16 07:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: This week in Usability & Productivity, part 49 #kde []Dec 16 07:57
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 16 08:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Happy birthday, qutebrowser! []Dec 16 08:15
scientes"An estimated one-sixth of the human population is infected by A. lumbricoides or another roundworm."Dec 16 08:31
scientesREALLY!?!?!?!?!?!Dec 16 08:31
scientes"Infections have no symptoms in more than 85% of cases, especially if the number of worms is small."Dec 16 08:32
scientesbut there is no benifit, right?Dec 16 08:32
scientesewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,_blocked_by_worms_(16424898321).jpgDec 16 08:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Piece of intestine, blocked by worms (16424898321).jpg - WikipediaDec 16 08:33
scientes"A. lumbricoides worms weighing up to 550 g [19 ounces] were recovered at autopsy from a 2-year-old South African girl. "Dec 16 08:34
scientesthose worms are fucking hugeDec 16 08:39
r_schestowitztypical in some parts of the worldDec 16 08:39
scientesthey are the size of earthwormsDec 16 08:39
r_schestowitzthe procedures of deworming in humansDec 16 08:39
r_schestowitzI only found out about this years agoDec 16 08:39
r_schestowitztummies swell from wormsDec 16 08:40
r_schestowitzand being pulled outDec 16 08:40
scientesohDec 16 08:40
scienteswhy isn't that every explainedDec 16 08:40
scientesso all those swollen-belly people have worms?Dec 16 08:40
r_schestowitzI don't even want to click the linkDec 16 08:40
scientesI had roundworms once as a childDec 16 08:41
scientesbut those are small, these big fuckers are scaryDec 16 08:41
scientesAnd why do the wikipedia pages keep mentioning "there is no vaccine"---of course there isn't you dimwit, these are multi-cellular organismsDec 16 08:42
scientesthey can't be attacked by the immune systemDec 16 08:43
scientesthe problem seems to be using human fertilizerDec 16 08:44
scientesand fesces-contaminated waterDec 16 08:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Brave browser switches to Chromium code base []Dec 16 08:45
scientesbut to realize 1/6th of the world's population have words the size of earth-worms in themDec 16 08:45
scientesit is a shame this wasn't part of my biology curriculumDec 16 08:47
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 16 08:48
r_schestowitzmaybe it would scare kidsDec 16 08:48
scientesyeah but most people have seen those pictures of swollon be peopleDec 16 08:49
scientesand I ASKED why the bellys were like thatDec 16 08:49
scientesso much ignoranceDec 16 08:50
scientesI feel they don't say anything because they don't want to admit the medicine cost like 15cDec 16 08:50
scientesthey would rather we spend the money on dumping out excess food, destroying local agricultureDec 16 08:51
scientesI was told they were "malnourished"Dec 16 08:51
scientesbut that is like calling a slave "un-impowered"Dec 16 08:52
scientesI never really accepted the bullshit explaination, but never happened upon the truth until nowDec 16 08:56
scientesI'm kinda pissedDec 16 08:56
scientesI should of kept asking until i got a good explinationDec 16 08:56
scientes"The Roman physicians Celsus and Galen documented the roundworms Ascaris lumbricoides and Enterobius vermicularis."Dec 16 08:58
scientesand has of course been known far longer than that---as these worms are so huge, they would of course be highly noticable when you cut someone openDec 16 08:58
scientesfuck, why the mis-information?Dec 16 08:59
scientesThis basically makes me realize: they show those pictures because they are arrogant and showing offDec 16 09:07
scientesoh ok there is another illness 16 09:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kwashiorkor - WikipediaDec 16 09:09
scientesso the problem is protein shortageDec 16 09:10
scienteslike i only knew about the relative less common skin worm--cause that makes a better storyDec 16 09:13
scientesFilariasisDec 16 09:13
<--brendyn has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)Dec 16 09:16
-->brendyyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 16 09:16
r_schestowitzlet's focus more on tech, less on wormsDec 16 09:19
scientesi'm so grossed out right nowDec 16 09:20
scientesyou realize that zig popping videos are extremely popular on youtube?Dec 16 09:25
scientesheheDec 16 09:25
scientes*zitDec 16 09:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Security Leftovers []Dec 16 09:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Fuchsia SDK, Python, PGI, JFrog, Microsoft as 'Authority' and Fun Maze Generator []Dec 16 10:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Openwashing: Bloomberg, Pimcore, Microsoft, Facebook and More []Dec 16 10:13
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 16 10:43
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Databases: Cassandra/Instaclustr and MariaDB []Dec 16 10:44
-->amarsh04 ( has joined #techrightsDec 16 10:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Confluent 'Closing Down' in the Face of 'Cloud' Exploitation []Dec 16 10:46
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 16 10:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 16 11:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Server: Kubernetes, SUSE, WordPress and Moving to Jekyll []Dec 16 11:15
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Dec 16 11:44
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Oh, -O2, -O3…Dec 16 11:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: VK9, the project that aims to support Direct3D 9 over Vulkan has hit another milestone []Dec 16 12:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian Installer Buster Alpha 4 release []Dec 16 12:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Desert Child, KKnD, Twice Circled []Dec 16 12:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Download User Guide Books of All #Ubuntu Flavors []Dec 16 12:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Schedule a visit with the Emacs psychiatrist []Dec 16 12:49
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OSS Leftovers []Dec 16 13:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Leftovers: Linux in the Ham Shack and Golden Age of the iPhone Is Ending []Dec 16 13:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 16/12/2018: DXVK 0.94, WordPress 5.0.1, Fuchsia SDK []Dec 16 13:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Sparky SU 0.1.0 []Dec 16 13:51
r_schestowitzkaniini: pingDec 16 13:59
<--r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 16 15:00
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-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsDec 16 15:00
DaemonFC[m]I switched over to Opus for my local music collection. FLAC is now just for archiving to external storage.Dec 16 16:23
DaemonFC[m]I decided to use the .opus extension. Android bugs be damned.Dec 16 16:24
DaemonFC[m]Android doesn't see Opus files if you don't use a .ogg extension, which is incorrect behavior. Dec 16 16:24
DaemonFC[m]But VLC and Rockbox as applications play them as .opus just fine.Dec 16 16:24
DaemonFC[m]Using .ogg to make Android shut up and play them doesn't work out very well anyway, since the tag parsing is also bugged, so it will ignore the order in which songs are supposed to play.Dec 16 16:25
DaemonFC[m]I doubt that further quality improvements to Vorbis and MP3 are impossible, but development on both is effectively frozen in time as neither Xiph or LAME are interested in anything other than fixing build breakage, CVEs, and minor spec errors (which may impact quality a little if the encoder wasn't implementing the specification correctly).Dec 16 16:27
DaemonFC[m]Vorbis definitely had room to improve, as the AoTuv fork showed, but Xiph isn't interested in merging the forks anymore.Dec 16 16:27
DaemonFC[m]All of the heavy development is now being done on Opus, for better or worse. Dec 16 16:28
DaemonFC[m]In some ways, this is unfortunate. Decoding is significantly more CPU intensive, which means that older computers and mobile devices will struggle more with it, and it's unlikely that dedicated portable media players (which are probably on the way out anyway) will ever add it.Dec 16 16:29
DaemonFC[m]Some of the overhead in Opus comes from features that people who just want to carry their music around with them don't care about at all.Dec 16 16:30
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techrightsDec 16 17:38
DaemonFC[m]Apparently, Firefox is somewhat broken on those Talos systems.Dec 16 18:20
DaemonFC[m]The JavaScript performance is worse than it is in TenFourFox on an ancient PowerPC G5 Mac. Dec 16 18:21
DaemonFC[m](Due to JIT not working on the Talos.)Dec 16 18:21
oiaohmDaemonFC[m]: I have not seen opengl or vulkan support in the Opus decoder.   Like vp9 can at least use some of your gpu to help on the heavy lifting.Dec 16 18:33
oiaohmHmm that is a interesting question what new audio codecs where there in the last year.Dec 16 18:37
DaemonFC[m]Opus decoding has been heavily optimized since the early releases. Dec 16 19:14
DaemonFC[m]It used to take about twice as much CPU time to decode Opus vs. an MP3. Now it's closer to 33% more.Dec 16 19:14
DaemonFC[m]That's easily down to the point where it's worth using Opus. It's a bit heavier, but not that much.Dec 16 19:15
DaemonFC[m]It might cost you five minutes of battery runtime on your phone if you left one phone playing MP3 and the other playing Opus until the battery died.Dec 16 19:15
DaemonFC[m]The MP3 decoder in question is also an important consideration.Dec 16 19:17
DaemonFC[m]The ones written in C are heavier than something like mpg123, but mpg123 is using x86 assembler heavily.Dec 16 19:17
DaemonFC[m]I see they also did a version for arm.Dec 16 19:18
DaemonFC[m]Well, that covers the two dominant CPU architectures (three if you consider x86-64 one).Dec 16 19:18
DaemonFC[m]This appears to be the reason why it takes more CPU time to play an MP3 in Rhythmbox than it does in Audacious. Audacious is using libmpg123 and Rhythmbox is using Gstreamer. Dec 16 19:20
DaemonFC[m] 16 19:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | In Booming Job Market, Workers Are 'Ghosting' Their Employers - SlashdotDec 16 19:44
DaemonFC[m]The US does not have good protections for workers like many European countries do. One example of the uneven amount of power is that you're supposed to tell your employer two weeks before you quit so that they can find someone else to replace you, but corporations inform American workers that they're out of a job by locking the door and leaving a note telling them where to get their last paycheck all the time.Dec 16 19:45
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 16 20:00
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<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 16 21:23
---MinceR gives voice to mmu_man oiaohm brendyyn schestowitzDec 16 23:22
---MinceR gives voice to Researcher- amarsh04 acer-box____Dec 16 23:22
DaemonFC[m]I actually just stumbled on a bunch of fake FLACs. Dec 16 23:57
DaemonFC[m]The person who made them forgot to remove the extended tag data from the record company who released them as MP3 files, and among the tag data was "<ENCODER> LAME 3.98.4".Dec 16 23:57
DaemonFC[m]There's a number of things you can check to see if a FLAC is likely fake. The most obvious is lowpass filter, which happens on the lower quality settings with LAME and with the Fruanhofer FDK-AAC encoder. Dec 16 23:59
DaemonFC[m]But when they forget to remove the tags from the record companies that say "LAME 3.98.4". :PDec 16 23:59
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 17 00:43
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DaemonFC[m]Looks like the Lenoo Yoga C930 *mostly* works with GNU/Linux.Dec 17 01:55
DaemonFC[m]There's a few quirks, but they haven't gone back to blocking you from even installing a non-Windows OS.Dec 17 01:55
DaemonFC[m]*LenovoDec 17 01:56
DaemonFC[m] Of course, the reporter was also using Ubuntu, so there won't be a new kernel series to see if things get better until Ubuntu 19.04 in April. Dec 17 02:02
DaemonFC[m] The kernel in Fedora 29 is newer and Fedora lands new kernel series within the same distribution release. I wouldn't be surprised if the hardware already works better in Fedora, and I'm certain it'll work in Fedora months before there's an Ubuntu release out where it works completely right.Dec 17 02:02
DaemonFC[m]I think everything was working in Ubuntu when I finally was able to install it, but I went with Fedora because the graphics were in a better state and so was the power management.Dec 17 02:04
DaemonFC[m]The Skylake graphics support in Linux was glitchy for about a year.Dec 17 02:05
<--amarsh04 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 17 02:05
DaemonFC[m]Screen flickering.Dec 17 02:05
-->amarsh04 ( has joined #techrightsDec 17 02:12
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kaniinilmfao somebody DMed me to report that schestowitz is being silenced on their instanceDec 17 04:06
scientes 17 04:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel - YouTubeDec 17 04:07
scientesI don't agree with the wordingDec 17 04:07
scientesbecause what he is describing is an attack on science in the name of scienceDec 17 04:07
scientesi've seen this discussed other placesDec 17 04:08
scientes"nature is purposeless"Dec 17 04:09
scientesthat is a big one---you have to take away meaning to life so that people buy moreDec 17 04:09
scientesTED is sooooo horribleDec 17 04:15
scientesit publishes CCP propagandaDec 17 04:15
scienteslol 17 04:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Banned TED Talk: Peace Activist Abby Feldman Booed Off Stage - YouTubeDec 17 04:17
scientes 17 04:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Loudness Equals Power - Onion Talks - Ep. 2 - YouTubeDec 17 04:30
scientes 17 04:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Power Of Selling Out: Your Customers As Political Capital - Onion Talks - Ep. 9 - YouTubeDec 17 04:40
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-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsDec 17 05:02
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AdmFubarhi all... is their an issue with the site's rss feed?Dec 17 05:30
scientesooooo this is brutal satire about US government 17 05:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-'The Onion' Has Obtained Hundreds Of Classified Documents From The Trump White House - YouTubeDec 17 05:45
scientesWho care about leaks if we already know they are rotton to the core?Dec 17 05:46
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scientes 17 06:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Silicon Valley CEO Explains How The Future Of Tech Is Him Being Wealthy And Having A Blast - YouTubeDec 17 06:08
scientesok that stuff wasn't as good cause its too sillyDec 17 06:12
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MinceR 17 07:26
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MinceR 17 08:58
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MinceR 17 13:02
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MinceR 17 18:43
oiaohm hmm this is interesting.Dec 17 19:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wave Computing Launches the MIPS Open Initiative — Wave ComputingDec 17 19:37
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MinceR 17 20:55
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scientesWithout the Communist Party, There Would Be No New ChinaDec 18 00:57
scientesMore like with the communist party, there can be no new China.Dec 18 00:57
XRevan86Without the United Russia, There Would Be No New RussiaDec 18 01:04
XRevan86Like I've never heard that rhetoric before.Dec 18 01:04
XRevan86It's like Britain without the Tories. Inconceivable.Dec 18 01:05
cubexyz 18 01:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | English in declineDec 18 01:08
cubexyzsome of the complaints are from the 19th century and even the 18th :)Dec 18 01:09
XRevan86Wot a slow declaynDec 18 01:10
XRevan86I can say for sure that in English unfamiliarity (slang, accents) throw me off way more than in RussianDec 18 01:12
XRevan86And oddly enough, it seems to be the same with natives speakersDec 18 01:13
cubexyzsome slang is quite hard to understandDec 18 01:13
XRevan86It's hard to explain, but it's just the amount of cues the language emits, and rules it conforms to.Dec 18 01:14
XRevan86On the plus side, it's easier to learn on the intermediate level.Dec 18 01:23
XRevan86Defined word order, no inflectionsDec 18 01:24
cubexyzthis book might be worth a look...Dec 18 01:24
cubexyz 18 01:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Dictionary of Modern English Usage - WikipediaDec 18 01:24
XRevan86> advising against convoluted sentence constructionDec 18 01:26
XRevan86When I forget myself and write in English complex sentences as I do in Russian, the result appears to be barely readable even by myself.Dec 18 01:26
cubexyzexample? Dec 18 01:28
XRevan86Hard to produce intentionally ;)Dec 18 01:28
scientesXRevan86, can you read Shakespeare?Dec 18 01:36
XRevan86> You can them, lord knows why, as vampires, but I can assure you the true Russian word for them is Upyr'; and as they're of a pure Slavic origin, although appear in Europe and even Asia, then it is unreasonable to stick to the name, butchered by the Hungarian monks, who made it their mission to twist everything in a Latin manner and made a vampire out of an upyr'.Dec 18 01:36
XRevan86So I've translated a quote from RussianDec 18 01:37
scienteswoah, german-sized sentenceDec 18 01:37
cubexyz"You can them"?Dec 18 01:37
XRevan86No attempts made to make the sentence shorter or longerDec 18 01:37
XRevan86call them *Dec 18 01:38
cubexyzok :)Dec 18 01:38
cubexyzlose the conjunction and I would sayDec 18 01:38
cubexyzlose the conjunction 'and' then divide it into 2 sentencesDec 18 01:39
scientes 18 01:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Conjunction Junction....Best School House Rock - YouTubeDec 18 01:39
XRevan86 18 01:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Упырь — ВикипедияDec 18 01:39
cubexyzyes I remember conjunction junction :)Dec 18 01:39
XRevan86> Вы их, Бог знает почему, называете вампирами, но я могу вас уверить, что им настоящее русское название: упырь; а так как они происхождения чисто славянского, хотя встречаются во всей Европе и даже в Азии, то и неосновательнDec 18 01:39
XRevan86о придерживаться имени, исковерканного венгерскими монахами, которые вздумали было всё переворачивать на латинский лад и из упыря сделали вампира.Dec 18 01:39
XRevan86The original.Dec 18 01:39
cubexyzit wasn't that bad reallyDec 18 01:40
XRevan86> can you read Shakespeare?Dec 18 01:40
XRevan86scientes: Not really.Dec 18 01:40
XRevan86cubexyz: Now imagine what happens when I make a sentence up on the fly :)Dec 18 01:42
XRevan86Not as well-structuredDec 18 01:43
XRevan86scientes: It's mostly vocabulary that gets me with Shakespeare.Dec 18 01:43
scientesbut probably any book is just too much languageDec 18 01:43
scientesShakespeare is famous for making his own languageDec 18 01:44
scientesThere are these "no-fear shakespeare" editions that have side-by-side modern EnglishDec 18 01:44
scientesand its all online 18 01:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No Fear Shakespeare: Macbeth: Act 1 Scene 1Dec 18 01:45
cubexyzI did my fair share of Shakespeare reading in schoolDec 18 01:45
cubexyzit is interesting to make historical comparisons of english from different erasDec 18 01:47
XRevan86or is it "at school"?Dec 18 01:47
XRevan86I've watched an episode of a TV show today and heard "for you and I"Dec 18 01:48
cubexyzperhaps "at school" would be more common in British EnglishDec 18 01:48
XRevan86And that was then approved by someoneDec 18 01:48
scienteswhom is also fast disappearingDec 18 01:48
cubexyzwhile "in school" would be more common for American or Canadian EnglishDec 18 01:48
XRevan86And I've also seen a fair share of "whom" overcorrectionsDec 18 01:49
cubexyzI haven't heard anyone say "whom" in quite a long timeDec 18 01:49
XRevan86"You and me both saw the person whom did this"Dec 18 01:50
scientesyeah, thats incorrectDec 18 01:50
scientesoh waitDec 18 01:50
scientesyeah that word is goneDec 18 01:50
cubexyz"For Whom the Bell Tolls" :)Dec 18 01:51
XRevan86And "for you and I" seems to me as an overcorrection against "you and me"Dec 18 01:52
scientes 18 01:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'No Man is an Island' - John DonneDec 18 01:52
XRevan86In the case where "you and me" is actually perfectly fine: for you, for me, for you and meDec 18 01:52
scientescubexyz, and that was a translation from old english...Dec 18 01:53
XRevan86That's no Old EnglishDec 18 01:54
cubexyzsometimes "you and me" is correct, I'm just thinking about how the rules workDec 18 01:54
cubexyze.g. "Phil hates you and me" would be fineDec 18 01:54
XRevan86cubexyz: Yes, it wouldDec 18 01:54
XRevan86Whom does Phil hate? You and me.Dec 18 01:55
scientesThe Greeks have us totally beat on language age and stability.Dec 18 01:56
XRevan86scientes: Very Early Modern English I'd sayDec 18 01:56
cubexyzthe rule of thumb with whom is if you can replace the word with "he" or "she" use whoDec 18 01:56
cubexyzif you can replace it with "him or "her" use whomDec 18 01:56
XRevan86scientes: That why beta is vita now?Dec 18 01:56
XRevan86cubexyz: Unless it's something like "it's him"Dec 18 01:57
scientesyeah but Arabic even counts to ten differnt in its differnt dialectsDec 18 01:57
scientesalso, letters should have names in the first placeDec 18 01:57
scientesthey should just be the sounds that letter makesDec 18 01:58
scientes*shouldn'tDec 18 01:58
XRevan86cubexyz: "it is he" is the truly consistent and correct form, but I'm yet to see anyone say that %)Dec 18 01:58
XRevan86scientes: b -> vDec 18 01:58
XRevan86The sounds changed in GreekDec 18 01:59
cubexyzI would put John Donne in the early modern period, yesDec 18 01:59
cubexyzor late middle english Dec 18 01:59
scientesJRR TOlkein liked to translate old English stuffDec 18 01:59
XRevan86And that's why Babylon is Vavilon in RussianDec 18 01:59
XRevan86Barbara is VarvaraDec 18 02:00
scientesa number of languages don't have the "V" soundDec 18 02:00
cubexyzwell, old english is 1150 to 1500 or so, which would put Donne into the early modern eraDec 18 02:00
XRevan86And barbarians are varvarsDec 18 02:00
scientesXRevan86, but "barbar" is just making fun of what people that don't speak Latin sound like, so.....Dec 18 02:01
XRevan86scientes: That connotation is completely lost in Russian, hehDec 18 02:01
scientes(Latin or Greek)Dec 18 02:01
cubexyzold english is barely recognizable, maybe 15% of the words are still used Dec 18 02:02
XRevan86cubexyz: Would you say "It's he who did this" or "It's him who did this"?Dec 18 02:03
XRevan86I think having something after the "he" makes the differenceDec 18 02:03
XRevan86So if it's "naked", then the speaker wants to cover it with an extra "m".Dec 18 02:04
XRevan86But then "it is me who said that" is more likely than "it is I who said that"Dec 18 02:06
cubexyz"It is he who did this"Dec 18 02:06
cubexyznot himDec 18 02:06
XRevan86But "it is him!", right?Dec 18 02:07
cubexyzI think you could probably use either oneDec 18 02:08
cubexyz"I didn't realize it was him" Dec 18 02:09
XRevan86Obviously. I'm arrogant enough to stick to the strictly correct version either way (;Dec 18 02:09
XRevan86> I didn't realise it was he.Dec 18 02:10
XRevan86Same deal, of course.Dec 18 02:10
cubexyz"It was her" or "It was she"Dec 18 02:11
cubexyztechnically "it was she" is more correct but no one talks like thatDec 18 02:12
XRevan86"is, was, will be" have equals on both sidesDec 18 02:12
XRevan86it — sheDec 18 02:13
*scientes like Gulliver's Travel's mockery of grammerDec 18 02:13
XRevan86That's the rule of thumb :)Dec 18 02:13
cubexyzyou could even argue that the singular of you is thou but that is archaicDec 18 02:14
cubexyzso it always goes back to "who says" :)Dec 18 02:14
scientescubexyz, and the pendantics translated to that until quite recentlyDec 18 02:14
XRevan86In Russian there are both thou and singular youDec 18 02:15
scientesalso the plural y'allDec 18 02:15
scienteswhich is considered un-refinedDec 18 02:15
cubexyzknowing the archaic form can be useful thoughDec 18 02:15
scientesand unproperDec 18 02:15
cubexyz"Y'all" wouldn't be considered proper in written englishDec 18 02:16
XRevan86In translations it makes sense to retain it, as it's a bit of informationDec 18 02:16
XRevan86cubexyz: Would "you lot" :)Dec 18 02:17
scientesThere was a mass-produced bible translation that used YOU for pluralDec 18 02:17
scientesbut they abandoned thatDec 18 02:17
cubexyzthe absent second-person plural form could be "y'all" I supposeDec 18 02:18
scientesy'all has too much negative connotation, but yeah you are right.Dec 18 02:18
cubexyzbut I would just say "you all"Dec 18 02:18
XRevan86Y'all know that "you" is plural as is, right?Dec 18 02:18
cubexyzheheDec 18 02:18
cubexyzyou want to follow the rules XRevan86 then read up on Henry FowlerDec 18 02:19
cubexyzhe was a lexicographer of some noteDec 18 02:19
XRevan86I'm looking for a way to extend my vocabulary %)Dec 18 02:20
scientesXRevan86, what about Jane Austen?Dec 18 02:21
XRevan86I have an English of an Internet entityDec 18 02:21
XRevan86At least I know the word "spoon"Dec 18 02:23
scientesyou mean this? 18 02:23
XRevan86and I've learnt "fork" as a verb firstDec 18 02:24
XRevan86scientes: TILDec 18 02:24
scientes 18 02:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bitbucket - SpooningDec 18 02:24
XRevan86scientes: burn it with fireDec 18 02:26
scientesthat last one might be American, but it is traditional British humorDec 18 02:26
scientesfork-spoon-knifeDec 18 02:26
scientesthe way to do gitDec 18 02:27
scientesthat was an April 1 jokeDec 18 02:27
cubexyzhere's a word you may not have heard before: preponeDec 18 02:27
cubexyz"to reschedule at an earlier time" :)Dec 18 02:27
XRevan86scientes: At this point even this can be unironicDec 18 02:27
scientesor the original use of the word "deprecate"Dec 18 02:28
XRevan86scientes: huhDec 18 02:30
cubexyzyes but we wouldn't normally be expected to know that :)Dec 18 02:30
XRevan86It's probably better not to know %)Dec 18 02:31
cubexyzI admit it, I don't know all the 17th century expressionsDec 18 02:31
XRevan86I deprecate proprietary softwareDec 18 02:32
scientesexactlyDec 18 02:32
scientesits just misused, like "we are deprecating"Dec 18 02:32
cubexyzsoftware deprecation happens too much in my opinionDec 18 02:33
scientesit also takes on a new meaning in the world of the internetDec 18 02:33
scienteswhere you don't have the source codeDec 18 02:33
scientesi think the word comes from the manuals of BSDDec 18 02:33
scienteslike in reference to the "gets" functionDec 18 02:34
XRevan86Ah, so they *wished* gets be goneDec 18 02:35
XRevan86A fair desireDec 18 02:36
cubexyzsure but the programmer could use gets :)Dec 18 02:37
XRevan86Still canDec 18 02:37
cubexyzhe should know how big the buffer isDec 18 02:37
cubexyzbad for anyone else thoughDec 18 02:37
scientesXRevan86, the headers have been removed so it won't compile unless you define it yourselfDec 18 02:37
XRevan86cubexyz: There's also printf that can do the same thing.Dec 18 02:38
XRevan86and pure %s is just as unsafeDec 18 02:38
XRevan86oops, what am I writingDec 18 02:38
cubexyzin the very old days unix didn't even have getsDec 18 02:38
XRevan86scanf of courseDec 18 02:38
cubexyzso they wrote their ownDec 18 02:39
XRevan86I think I'll go to sleep now.Dec 18 02:39
cubexyzyes scanf also :)Dec 18 02:39
XRevan86How did people live without snprinf or asprintf is beyond meDec 18 02:40
XRevan86those were wild timesDec 18 02:40
cubexyzsomeone has to be firstDec 18 02:40
XRevan86snprintf is C99Dec 18 02:41
scientesoh wowDec 18 02:41
scientesoh, but i use all the gnu extensionsDec 18 02:41
scientesand also some of the systemd extensions...Dec 18 02:41
XRevan86mods are asleep, post systemd code :DDec 18 02:43
cubexyzXRevan86, some very modern programs will not compile without -std=c++14 Dec 18 02:43
scientesXRevan86, I am actually a big fan of systemd's use of __attribute__(cleanup_free)Dec 18 02:43
cubexyzok, that's not C but it's one of the things I have to watch out forDec 18 02:44
XRevan86cubexyz: Yes, and I kind of see whyDec 18 02:44
XRevan86C++ has a lot of interesting features added in every new iterationDec 18 02:44
XRevan86I'd argue that C++17 is bigger than C++14, but it could be subjectiveDec 18 02:45
XRevan86But too early for its wide adoptionDec 18 02:45
XRevan86cubexyz: beware :)Dec 18 02:45
XRevan86scientes: Automatic clean-up?Dec 18 02:47
XRevan86scientes: I've seen some GLib use thatDec 18 02:47
XRevan86code *Dec 18 02:47
XRevan86g_autoptrDec 18 02:48
XRevan86Pretty sweet, gives a taste of RAII :)Dec 18 02:49
cubexyzsome bugs never get fixedDec 18 02:49
cubexyzloki games, LGP, probably a million other examplesDec 18 02:50
cubexyzsometimes you _must_ use the old compilerDec 18 02:50
cubexyzbut sometimes it goes the other way and you must use the new(er) compilerDec 18 02:52
XRevan86cubexyz: Compatibility vs. code readability/quality is an eternal struggleDec 18 02:52
scientesin general: fuck compatibilityDec 18 02:53
scientesespecially when it comes to c89Dec 18 02:53
cubexyzyeah that does happenDec 18 02:53
scienteslike i really gets irked by glib stuffDec 18 02:54
scientessame goes for netscape's legacyDec 18 02:55
scientesc89 compatibility is NOT worth itDec 18 02:55
XRevan86scientes: glib has a lot of things for c89 thoughDec 18 02:56
XRevan86that's redundant on c99 and makes c99 mostly redundantDec 18 02:56
scientessame with the netscape legacy, which is part of the obj-c languageDec 18 02:57
XRevan86That I do not know a thing aboutDec 18 02:57
scientes 18 02:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NSString - Foundation | Apple Developer DocumentationDec 18 02:57
scientesits just annoyingDec 18 02:57
XRevan86Objective C isn't for my objectivesDec 18 02:58
scientesoh wait, its totally wrongDec 18 02:58
scientesNSString, is Nextstep stringDec 18 02:59
scientes*I'm totally wrongDec 18 02:59
XRevan86That makes more senseDec 18 02:59
scientesits just that mozilla also has a nsstring 18 02:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | nsString | MDNDec 18 02:59
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scientes"Aarc Vault​The superiority is in our DNA. It's sad, but true."Dec 18 04:15
scientesHan nationalism watching the Winnie the Pooh speechDec 18 04:15
scientesHan supremeacy is a real thingDec 18 04:15
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DaemonFC[m]According to, GNOME Web with WebkitGTK 2.22.5 scores 414.Dec 18 17:44
DaemonFC[m]Nowhere close to the latest release of Safari.Dec 18 17:44
DaemonFC[m]What version of Webkit was this release based on?Dec 18 17:44
DaemonFC[m]That places WebkitGTK+ a little bit ahead of whatever Webkit Safari 10.1 was on.Dec 18 17:46
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: 18 17:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Index of /releasesDec 18 17:48
XRevan86> webkitgtk-2.23.1.tar.xzDec 18 17:48
XRevan86that one?Dec 18 17:48
XRevan86looks like an unstable release thoughDec 18 17:48
XRevan86> 2.22.5Dec 18 17:48
DaemonFC[m]Even numbers are stable and odd are development releases.Dec 18 17:53
DaemonFC[m]It looks like WebkitGTK gets more points than Safari does for HTML 5 media.Dec 18 17:53
DaemonFC[m]WebkitGTK supports pretty much every open media codec and Safari doesn't support any of them.Dec 18 17:54
DaemonFC[m]Unless you count MP3. Then Safari supports that. :PDec 18 17:54
DaemonFC[m]MP3 has been "open" since the patents finished expiring last year, although the only "open" development done on it was on the encoder side (LAME and public listening tests) after the specification was finalized without any public input or openness at all.Dec 18 17:55
DaemonFC[m]Vorbis is almost as well supported as MP3.Dec 18 17:59
DaemonFC[m]You can basically play that on anything that's not from Apple these days, and since th iPod is discontinued, basically every portable media player does Vorbis.Dec 18 18:00
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*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < >Dec 18 18:25
oiaohmDaemonFC[m]: you still get a few media players that are mp3 only.Dec 18 18:26
oiaohmDaemonFC[m]: 414 html5 test is closed to the ios 10.3 default brower that is only 415Dec 18 18:30
DaemonFC[m] 18 19:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 1515129 - Facebook's live video feature now "requires" Google Chrome.Dec 18 19:03
DaemonFC[m]DaemonFC: you still get a few media players that are mp3 only.Dec 18 19:09
DaemonFC[m]All of them that I see on Amazon says they play "OGG", which means Vorbis. Dec 18 19:09
MinceR 18 19:23
XRevan86MinceR: whatDec 18 19:25
MinceR:)Dec 18 19:25
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MinceR 18 21:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 18 21:37
MinceR 18 22:01
XRevan86 quite a threadDec 18 23:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | codesections: "I use #qutebrowser—and I love it from a user pers…" - FosstodonDec 18 23:08
---MinceR gives voice to mmu_man oiaohm Researcher-Dec 18 23:08
scientesMinceR, 18 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Human Safari: Observing the Jarawa - YouTubeDec 18 23:11
DaemonFC[m]XRevan86: I may do a Fedora Remix.Dec 18 23:23
DaemonFC[m]I saw a utility the other day that makes remastering the official ISO easy, or so they say.Dec 18 23:23
DaemonFC[m]I don't think I'm even going to include Firefox in the OS by default. Nothing in the system depends on it.Dec 18 23:23
DaemonFC[m]WebkitGTK is there no matter what and that means that it only takes 2 MB to have GNOME Web.Dec 18 23:24
MinceRfinally all those systemd/Kroah-Hartmanux distros can simplify their release processDec 18 23:25
scientesMinceR, what do you mean?Dec 18 23:27
scientesMinceR, and Linus has come back to LinuxDec 18 23:28
MinceRthey've already committed to go wherever rh/ibm wants them to go, by accepting the force of their dependenciesDec 18 23:28
MinceRyeah, and gkh still can write to Linus' repoDec 18 23:28
MinceRand there's still a CoC on LinuxDec 18 23:28
scientesbut yeah the IBM purchase was uglyDec 18 23:28
MinceRwhich gives the suits at the Linux-Destroying Foundation power over the projectDec 18 23:29
scientesin what ways to they destroy Linux?Dec 18 23:29
scientes*doDec 18 23:29
MinceR(as well as other corporate crybullies)Dec 18 23:29
MinceRwell, for example, gkh was trying to push kdbusDec 18 23:29
MinceRonly Linus stopped that madnessDec 18 23:29
MinceRnow he's out of the wayDec 18 23:29
scienteswell doesn't Linux need an IPC?Dec 18 23:30
scienteseven if it isn't dbus, Linux needs an IPCDec 18 23:30
MinceRLinux has several IPC mechanismsDec 18 23:30
scientesnone of them general purposeDec 18 23:31
MinceRand the rationale for forcing dbus into the kernel was even more laughable than the design of dbus insteadDec 18 23:31
scientesand secureDec 18 23:31
scientesthe work on kdbus got us memfdDec 18 23:31
MinceRyayDec 18 23:32
MinceRit also almost got us the worlds worst designed IPC daemon poorly ported and forced into the kernelDec 18 23:32
MinceRthe cancerd cabal wanted it so much they tried to force it as a dependency of cancerdDec 18 23:33
scienteswhat is so bad about systemd?Dec 18 23:33
MinceRhorrible design, extreme scope creep, extremely toxic politics and attitudeDec 18 23:33
scientesit is made of a bunch of differn't toolsDec 18 23:33
scientesand what is bad about the designDec 18 23:34
MinceRmindless implementation, leading to security holes all over the placeDec 18 23:34
scientesit fixes a huge number of problemsDec 18 23:34
MinceRthat it has no cohesion whatsoeverDec 18 23:34
MinceRit's a massive hairball that tries to do everything everywhere and manages to fuck it all upDec 18 23:34
MinceRand no, it is not made of a bunch of different toolsDec 18 23:34
scientesI don't agree---I have some experience with the codeDec 18 23:34
MinceRthe build process shits out a bunch of CLI utilities that can do nothing without the god daemonDec 18 23:34
MinceRthat is not modularityDec 18 23:34
MinceRwell, i have read some of the codeDec 18 23:35
MinceRand i know the design, if it can be called thatDec 18 23:35
scienteswell yes, it does mostly depend on pid 1Dec 18 23:35
MinceRi've also seen it fuck up in actionDec 18 23:36
MinceReven if cancerd wasn't a demonstration of how not to design and implement software, i'd still avoid after what they did to debian in an effort to force it down my throatDec 18 23:37
MinceRif it wasn't an atrocious pile of shit, it would spread on the basis of its own virtues, not on the basis of rh/ibm abusing the leverage they have to force it on peopleDec 18 23:37
MinceRif i enjoyed having bad software forced on me, i'd just use windowsDec 18 23:38
MinceRwhich is, incidentally, what systemd is becoming more and more likeDec 18 23:38
oiaohmMinceR: there are worse IPC out there than kdbus was.Dec 18 23:38
oiaohmMinceR: look at  Android binder some time.Dec 18 23:39
scientesand binders is the only general-purpose IPC Linux gasDec 18 23:40
MinceRwas android binder developed because the developers had performance problems but couldn't be arsed to profile their code so they just forced it into the kernel?Dec 18 23:40
MinceRoh, i didn't notice it was the cancerd salesman i already knew talkingDec 18 23:41
oiaohm  << This could turn into total horrible.Dec 18 23:41
MinceRnever mindDec 18 23:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black Hat Asia 2019 | Briefings ScheduleDec 18 23:41
oiaohmMinceR:  both binder and dbus come out of the fact the default kernel IPC is lacking features.Dec 18 23:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LKML: Brian Swetland: Re: [PATCH 1/6] staging: android: binder: Remove some funny && usageDec 18 23:44
scientesIIRC binder came from another OSDec 18 23:44
MinceRoiaohm: i've heard this ad, thank you.Dec 18 23:44
oiaohmMinceR: its not an ad.   Early binder had a stack of problems with security and other things because it was pulled in from a completely different OS.Dec 18 23:45
oiaohmMinceR: early binder makes kdbus look half sane.Dec 18 23:45
oiaohmBut at least binder has got cleaned up a lot.Dec 18 23:46
MinceRoiaohm: unsubscribeDec 18 23:46
<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)Dec 18 23:47
oiaohmWe are now seeing google developers and other look at fixing up the posix signal problems.Dec 18 23:47
oiaohmMinceR:  Really most of the general IPC that has been included in the Linux kernel when you look deeper has been broken.Dec 18 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Signal (IPC) - WikipediaDec 18 23:54
oiaohmmemfd from kdbus has worked.   This is now leading to a fd form of processing singals.   That might at long last lead to a form of IPC in kernel that works in all cases.Dec 18 23:55
MinceR"everything is broken so let's just hack shit up without thinking about it and then force everyone to use it!"Dec 18 23:55
oiaohmYou got to try things to work out what works and what does not.Dec 18 23:55
MinceRyeahDec 18 23:56
oiaohmmemfd from kdbus does work sanely.Dec 18 23:56
MinceRwhich is why we're replacing all this stuff with randomly generated machine code and genetic algorithmsDec 18 23:56
MinceRbecause thinking is useless, you just have to try everythingDec 18 23:56
oiaohmeven in genetic algorithms there is normally more than 1 of them that can be used to solve a problem.Dec 18 23:57
scientessystemd allows the drawing of a directed acyclic graph of dependanciesDec 18 23:59
MinceRyeah, but who's going to pick one?Dec 18 23:59
scientesit is way better at dependancies that everything that came before itDec 18 23:59
MinceRscientes: oh yeah, i love it when it forgets to starts somethingDec 18 23:59
MinceRor when it freezes when i tell it to shut downDec 18 23:59
oiaohmForgots to start something.   That can happen with sysvinit.   Failure to shutdown kind of different sysvinit can fail to send kill process to a service because it respawned and sysinit system messaged the wrong PID.Dec 19 00:01
MinceRextremely unlikely and it never happened to meDec 19 00:01
MinceRmeanwhile cancerd fucks up routinelyDec 19 00:01
MinceRand recently even its own "developers" admitted it relied on a kernel feature that couldn't reliably do what they used it forDec 19 00:02
oiaohmGoogle is fixing up the single system because they took out half their cloud at one point stopping the wrong services.Dec 19 00:02
MinceRbut who cares when you can just say "but but but sysvinit is not perfect either"Dec 19 00:02
oiaohmopps not single/ signalDec 19 00:02
oiaohmMinceR: lot of the problem is deeper in than either systemd or sysvint.Dec 19 00:04
MinceRobviously, the solution is to have poettering and gkh reinvent everythingDec 19 00:04
oiaohmIts not going to be them that redoes all the problem areas.Dec 19 00:05
MinceRyeah, they prefer creating new problem areasDec 19 00:06
oiaohm  << This talk about signals really would not have started if we had stayed in a world work working around sysvinit limitations remained normal.Dec 19 00:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-Kernel Archive: [RFC PATCH] Implement /proc/pid/killDec 19 00:08
oiaohmLike or not we kind of need upstart and systemd both at their different times to start work at kernel level fixing stuff that really should have worked right.Dec 19 00:09
MinceRgood thing sysvinit is not designed to prevent itself from being replacedDec 19 00:09
MinceRunlike your favorite god daemonDec 19 00:09
MinceRbecause if it was, then your favorite god daemon would not be possible to switch toDec 19 00:09
oiaohmWith the hooks into udev and other places that had been made for sysvinit it had grown quite complex to remove.Dec 19 00:09
cubexyzlinux is supposed to be about choiceDec 19 00:10
oiaohmMaking at times very hard to swich from sysvinit to runit or equal before systemd even existed.Dec 19 00:10
cubexyzjust pick an init system you likeDec 19 00:10
scientes 19 00:10
cubexyz:)Dec 19 00:11
MinceRcubexyz: and then watch poettering break every single application you used because they do not approve of your choice.Dec 19 00:11
oiaohmReality is the idea of choice and the implementation was two different things.Dec 19 00:11
MinceRbut hey, at least the ones doing it aren't called "microsoft" this time, so we're goodDec 19 00:11
MinceR19 010957 <+oiaohm> With the hooks into udev and other places that had been made for sysvinit it had grown quite complex to remove.Dec 19 00:12
MinceRoh, so this is why nobody can use runitDec 19 00:12
MinceRor openrcDec 19 00:12
MinceRor upstartDec 19 00:12
MinceRor s6Dec 19 00:12
MinceRor busybox initDec 19 00:12
oiaohmconsolekit use to bite people who took a upstart distribution and attempt to turn it back to sysvinit.Dec 19 00:12
MinceRit's funny how many init systems were written by people even though it's apparently impossible to use any of themDec 19 00:13
oiaohmand the reverse as well at times.Dec 19 00:13
MinceRyeah, consolekit sucksDec 19 00:13
MinceRbut at least it doesn't suck as hard as [e]logind doesDec 19 00:13
MinceRi'd rather live without eitherDec 19 00:13
oiaohmThat was kind of the problem.  You would have login managers like gdm that would not start without consolekit in the sysvinit time frame as well.Dec 19 00:14
MinceRat least consolekit didn't decide to kill screen/dtach/tmux on logoutDec 19 00:14
oiaohmsysvinit + it collection of add on parts is just a problem child as systemd as whole.   At least with systemd you have 1 group to blame.Dec 19 00:14
MinceRsee, i don't need people like poettering and you to decide that logout is supposed to mean something else from now onDec 19 00:15
MinceRi have root on my systems, you don't, and that's the way it's going to be.Dec 19 00:15
oiaohmMinceR: some harded distributions did turn on consolekit kill all processes on logout created the logind kill screen,dtach/tmux on logout in 2002Dec 19 00:15
MinceRdon't like it? too bad.Dec 19 00:15
oiaohmMinceR: well before systemd.Dec 19 00:15
MinceRat least they had a sane defaultDec 19 00:16
oiaohmLot of the problems systemd caused did happen in limited distributions before systemd.Dec 19 00:16
MinceRsomething that's apparently a thing of the pastDec 19 00:16
MinceRah yes, the fidesz defenseDec 19 00:16
MinceRothers fucked up in this way, so it's our right to fuck up in the same way tooDec 19 00:16
MinceRwhy think before you code when you can instead just use stock excuses and power politicsDec 19 00:16
oiaohmYou have to remember the developer who maintained logind in systemd was also the lead developer of consolekit.Dec 19 00:17
MinceRyayDec 19 00:17
MinceRi'll be so glad to be rid of these idiots once i move to bsdDec 19 00:17
MinceRhave fun dicking around with copy of copy of windowsDec 19 00:17
cubexyzhmmm, I was going to ask thatDec 19 00:18
oiaohmSo even if we did not get logind we most likely would have end up with consolekit deciding kill all on logout would have been sane default.Dec 19 00:18
cubexyzif you were going to switch to bsdDec 19 00:18
oiaohmLot of what systemd did was move multi insane actions by multi partly insane developers under the same name.Dec 19 00:18
oiaohmLot of that insanely would have in the end happened with or without systemd.Dec 19 00:19
MinceRoiaohm: is that supposed to make me want to have cancerd on my systems? because if it is, it isn't working.Dec 19 00:19
cubexyzI started with slack actually... many years agoDec 19 00:19
oiaohmI see systemd as a need steeping stone.Dec 19 00:19
MinceRit's a stepping stone indeedDec 19 00:20
oiaohmIts not that I am exactly expecting every to use it.Dec 19 00:20
MinceRto windows.Dec 19 00:20
oiaohmThe kernel level stuff need something to trigger it to be fixed to make a proper foundation to build a init system on.Dec 19 00:20
MinceRand i'll laugh at you when they use your precious uefi to prevent you from booting your precious cancerdDec 19 00:20
oiaohmof course system and sysvint were basically both built on a kernel interface that is basically quick sand and it shows.Dec 19 00:20
oiaohmsystem/systemdDec 19 00:21
MinceR"proper foundation" is not something that belongs in a discussion of cancerdDec 19 00:21
oiaohmmemfd,. clean up of cgroups, many repairs to the udev and network start are all started because of systemd.Dec 19 00:21
MinceRall hail the glorious systemdDec 19 00:22
MinceRwhen will poettering's atrocious dbugs-based APIs be cleaned away?Dec 19 00:22
oiaohmQuestion why do we have dbus at all.Dec 19 00:22
oiaohm?Dec 19 00:22
MinceRbecause a lot of applications have spurious dependencies on itDec 19 00:22
MinceRiirc i couldn't even build one of the most common pdf readers with dbus banned from the systemDec 19 00:23
oiaohmBecaise we don't have a good enough in kernel IPC.Dec 19 00:23
MinceRhow is a bad userspace IPC a solution for a lack of a good in-kernel IPC?Dec 19 00:23
oiaohmReally its not.Dec 19 00:24
MinceRyeah, i love rebooting all day tooDec 19 00:24
oiaohmWe are just work around a defect that should have been fixed years ago.Dec 19 00:24
MinceRwhich is why i run windowsDec 19 00:24
MinceRoh wait.Dec 19 00:24
oiaohmWindows does in fact have a proper handle based ipc in the kernel.   So does OS X so does AIX.    Fairlly much BSD and Linux are both lacking it.Dec 19 00:25
MinceRthen stop bothering us and use windowsDec 19 00:25
MinceRand take your rh/ibm friends with youDec 19 00:25
MinceRunix does not need youDec 19 00:25
oiaohmMinux in fact has a proper in kernel IPC.Dec 19 00:25
cubexyzhold on oiaohm .... Dec 19 00:26
cubexyzwhy did IBM buy Red hat if AIX is so great?Dec 19 00:26
oiaohmcubexyz: it might have a good IPC and a few thing things but there are a lot of things AIX are horrible at.Dec 19 00:26
MinceRstrangeDec 19 00:26
MinceRit doesn't bother you that there are a lot of things cancerd is horrible atDec 19 00:27
MinceRbut it does when AIX has themDec 19 00:27
MinceRseems like there's some sort of emotional attachment hereDec 19 00:27
MinceRor cognitive dissonanceDec 19 00:27
cubexyzI mean any distro can be useable if you put enough effort into learning itDec 19 00:28
oiaohmI am calling systemd a stepping stone because I do hope at some point it does get replaced with the horrible bits gone.Dec 19 00:28
MinceRyeahDec 19 00:29
MinceRsomething that was designed to be impossible to replace and holds itself into place with a million tentacles is "a stepping stone" which "does get replaced with the horrible bits gone"Dec 19 00:29
MinceRdream onDec 19 00:29
MinceRyou're going to need a lot more cognitive dissonance than thisDec 19 00:29
oiaohmsystemd has most of the tentacles holding it on place in 1 project.    Compared to sysvinit where the tentacles were spread all over the place.Dec 19 00:30
MinceRand where they're imaginary, yeahDec 19 00:30
MinceRfigments of your imaginationDec 19 00:30
oiaohmReally consolekit direct dependance on sysvinit and the like are not figments of my imagination.   The tentacles were coming as redhat took over maintainership of more and more core parts.Dec 19 00:31
oiaohmMinceR: history of what was happening before systemd you have missed.Dec 19 00:32
MinceRgood thing you never miss anythingDec 19 00:32
oiaohmI do miss things.Dec 19 00:32
MinceRwhich is why you never missed s6, sinit, runit, epoch, dinit, openrc, jinit, minit, ...Dec 19 00:33
MinceRor the possibility of using a service manager that isn't pid 1Dec 19 00:33
oiaohmMost of those init systems I had tried because I was attempting to get away from different sysvinit problems.Dec 19 00:34
oiaohmThis is why I am highly aware of how bound into different distributions sysvinit had got.Dec 19 00:35
oiaohmbefore systemd existed.Dec 19 00:35
oiaohmsystemd is just more in fact about how badly it bound in.  Not hidden by modifications in what appears to be independant packages.Dec 19 00:36
MinceRat least modifications in what appeared to be independent packages didn't force me to use binary loggingDec 19 00:36
cubexyzoh yeah AIX can't run on intel CPUs, so that answers thatDec 19 00:36
scientesGoogle needs to be broken into multiple companiesDec 19 00:36
MinceRwhich is yet another atrocity which comes with the packageDec 19 00:37
MinceRcubexyz: i'm sure that a True Believer would buy a CPU AIX can run onDec 19 00:37
MinceRafter all, the costs obviously don't matterDec 19 00:37
MinceRa POWER CPU is certainly less costly than things like destroying debian via entryismDec 19 00:38
cubexyzis IBM power really better?Dec 19 00:38
oiaohmOne of the ultra funny parts is that the binary logging problem is distribution.    systemd will install and work without journaldDec 19 00:38
MinceRno ideaDec 19 00:38
MinceRbut it can probably run AIXDec 19 00:38
scientesGoogle is so evil these daysDec 19 00:38
oiaohmSo journald could be done by distributions as optional package.Dec 19 00:38
MinceRoiaohm: strange, poettering claimed systemd couldn't work without journaldDec 19 00:38
oiaohmBut its not.Dec 19 00:38
MinceRsounds suspiciously like your emperor is a lying piece of shitDec 19 00:38
scienteshelping China oppress its' citizensDec 19 00:38
MinceRbut i'm sure there's some mental gymnastics to get around that tooDec 19 00:39
oiaohmMinceR: I have never see that exact claim.Dec 19 00:39
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scientes*its subjectsDec 19 00:39
MinceRoiaohm: of course. you never see anything that would make systemd seem anything less than perfect.Dec 19 00:39
oiaohmMinceR: systemd without journald losses some of the early kernel logging that  normal logging misses anyway.Dec 19 00:39
MinceRyeah, it's not like there's a ring buffer in the kernel to take care of thatDec 19 00:39
MinceRoh waitDec 19 00:39
oiaohmEmbedded using systemd run it without journald a lot.Dec 19 00:39
MinceRoiaohm: poettering claimed that cancerd would be unable to remember things like how a service exited without journaldDec 19 00:40
MinceRscientes: *its slavesDec 19 00:40
cubexyzIBM power is said to have better scalability and better virtualizationDec 19 00:40
cubexyzprobably most people don't need itDec 19 00:41
MinceRscientes: also, it's Red China. afaik RoC does no such thingsDec 19 00:41
scientesMinceR, they are not allowed to leve the country unless they have a bunch of moneyDec 19 00:41
MinceRcubexyz: most people don't need windows or lendows either, yet there it goes, stuffed down their throats.Dec 19 00:41
oiaohmMinceR: that is part true because systemctl is designed to look up logging.      Exit status is record in systemd main service.  systemctl ablity to look up service logging is gone without journald.Dec 19 00:41
MinceRscientes: and it's probably up to the Party to decide whether they're even allowed to have that much moneyDec 19 00:41
scientes 19 00:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-1.6 billion in gold - ImgurDec 19 00:42
MinceRoiaohm: partly true? that's great, now you get to have it both waysDec 19 00:42
oiaohmMinceR: if you read poetterings claims carefully removing journald does disappear a few interface features.Dec 19 00:42
oiaohmMinceR: nothing that stops it from working.Dec 19 00:42
scientesTaiwan is its own countyDec 19 00:43
scienteschina != taiwanDec 19 00:43
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MinceRTaiwan is the Republic of ChinaDec 19 00:43
scientesyes I knowDec 19 00:43
MinceRand at least they try to run a somewhat free countryDec 19 00:43
MinceRwhile Red China tries to keep every one of their "citizens" a slaveDec 19 00:43
cubexyzthey are a sovereign nationDec 19 00:44
cubexyzat least that's what wikipedia saysDec 19 00:44
MinceRRed China does to their slaves what russia did to me, and what they're plotting to do again.Dec 19 00:44
scientes 19 00:44
oiaohmMinceR: the reality is systemd  CI test system has always run a set of tests if journald had fully faild.   So systemd working without journald is a tested feature.Dec 19 00:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China's hidden camps - BBC NewsDec 19 00:44
scientes 19 00:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Falun Gong 'Live' Organ Harvesting (ITNJ Seating) - YouTubeDec 19 00:44
MinceRoiaohm: probably the only one, thenDec 19 00:45
MinceRas they "forgot" to test things like what happens if cancerd boots without cgroups in the kernelDec 19 00:45
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scientesyeah thats trueDec 19 00:45
MinceR(spoiler alert: it segfaulted until someone pestered the Man Who's Never Wrong to finally fix it and at least give some meaningful error message)Dec 19 00:45
MinceR(well after they forced that pile of shit on users of allegedly "stable" distro "releases")Dec 19 00:46
scientessystemd is still way better than what came before itDec 19 00:46
MinceRno, it is notDec 19 00:46
oiaohmMinceR: yes been the funny one.   The required kernel features list they have taken fath.   But most of the services provided by systemd in the test system include tests in case any of them faild.Dec 19 00:46
oiaohmSystemd has had a total split in development process to the insane in that place.Dec 19 00:46
MinceRthe only thing systemd is good at is demonstrating the pitfalls of software developmentDec 19 00:46
MinceRand probably the only thing that makes it good at that is that microsoft is better at keeping secrets than red hatDec 19 00:47
oiaohmDemos why projects should have global police that states you should always check that interfaces exists and be able to cope if they are missing.Dec 19 00:47
oiaohmpolice/policy.Dec 19 00:47
MinceRthere's a far simpler policy which would work fineDec 19 00:47
MinceRstop fucking forcing your shitty software on people who don't want it.Dec 19 00:47
MinceRstop destroying former gnu/linux distributions from the inside so you can use their users as beta testers.Dec 19 00:48
MinceRstop copying microsoft's practices.Dec 19 00:48
oiaohmMinceR: some of that of forcing all of systemd on end users is not systemd it distribution maintainers.Dec 19 00:49
scientesso now Microsoft is using systemd?Dec 19 00:49
MinceRyeahDec 19 00:49
MinceR"distribution maintainers" that just happened to be paid by red hatDec 19 00:49
oiaohmLike journald can be a optional part.Dec 19 00:49
MinceRwhat a coincidence.Dec 19 00:49
oiaohmAlong with most of the services that make up systemd.Dec 19 00:49
oiaohmOne of the utra funnies is systemctl and systemd core init will work without of all things dbus.Dec 19 00:50
MinceRso funnyDec 19 00:50
MinceRyou know what else is funny?Dec 19 00:50
MinceRa server that can boot and shut down reliably.Dec 19 00:50
oiaohmThat has been a on going problem with sysvint and systemd.Dec 19 00:51
oiaohmfor different reasons.Dec 19 00:51
MinceRyeah, for you.Dec 19 00:51
MinceRsounds like you just suck at system administrationDec 19 00:51
oiaohmInsane amount of usage by docker inside companies party come out of the issues.Dec 19 00:52
oiaohmThis is not suck at system administration.   This is the tools of system administration not exactly being the best and we can still to way better than we have gont.Dec 19 00:52
oiaohmgont/gotDec 19 00:53
MinceRbut at least you get to use what you feel like usingDec 19 00:54
MinceRmust be niceDec 19 00:54
cubexyzyou forced to use windows at work MinceR?Dec 19 00:55
MinceRyes, and also lendowsDec 19 00:55
MinceRat least i moved pretty much all the development stuff out of the lendows VM so i can do most of the work on a GNU/Linux VM without having to worry about whether it will actually be able to boot and whether i can start X on itDec 19 00:56
cubexyzlendows meaning fedora I suppose?Dec 19 00:56
MinceRno, ubuntuDec 19 00:56
cubexyzahDec 19 00:56
MinceRbut the differences are disappearingDec 19 00:56
oiaohmsvchost windows MinceRDec 19 00:57
MinceRrh/ibm decides something, and if debian refuses, by some coincidence gnome starts depending on the new thingDec 19 00:57
MinceRand then somehow debian "decides" to do what rh/ibm wanted them to doDec 19 00:57
oiaohmAt least systemd is nothing is the class of svchostDec 19 00:57
scientesarch was one of the biggestDec 19 00:57
amarsh04Debian deprecating non-systemd configurations meant having to go the route of Devuan rather than having multiple init implementations working in DebianDec 19 00:57
MinceRand since canonical does fuckall except licking microsoft's boots, the changes appear in ubuntuDec 19 00:57
MinceRarch is one of the shittiest linux distros around, yesDec 19 00:57
scientesgeeze systemd is greatDec 19 00:57
oiaohmMinceR: under windows you can have like 20 different services running and they all tell you they are svchost.Dec 19 00:58
MinceRi knowDec 19 00:58
MinceRunder windows i can also have 40% cpu time lost to some process that doesn't even show up on the listDec 19 00:58
MinceReven though the task manager is running as administratorDec 19 00:58
oiaohmYou mean the services running as magical system user.Dec 19 00:58
MinceRthis is so "modern" i'm sure you'll have it on cancerdDec 19 00:59
MinceRno, i saw the services running as SYSTEMDec 19 00:59
oiaohmSYSTEM user can start a hidden service under windows.Dec 19 00:59
MinceRooh, built-in rootkitDec 19 00:59
oiaohmThat even delete it self from the global kernel process list.Dec 19 00:59
MinceRthat should result in it no longer runningDec 19 00:59
oiaohmSo even syscalling the kernel its hidden.Dec 19 00:59
MinceRbut i guess the windows task scheduler is about as fucked as everything else in windowsDec 19 01:00
oiaohmIt left in the internal kernel process list.Dec 19 01:00
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Yeah, and svchost gives malware a place to hide too.Dec 19 01:00
DaemonFC[m]svchostDec 19 01:00
DaemonFC[m]God.... What an awful idea.Dec 19 01:00
MinceRi wonder if ibm could hire the retard known as dave cutler to help them "improve" systemd a bitDec 19 01:00
MinceRi'm sure he has more ideasDec 19 01:00
oiaohmMinceR: and the internel nt process list you  cannot query even by syscall or kill.Dec 19 01:00
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: you could also use rundll for another layer of hidingDec 19 01:00
oiaohmMinceR:  so you have to hope the service exits it self and does not get stuck ina loop.Dec 19 01:00
MinceRno, i don'tDec 19 01:01
oiaohmWindows in a lot of ways is backdoors is us.Dec 19 01:01
MinceRi just need to disinfect the poor box of windowsDec 19 01:01
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I'm going to be creating a Fedora Remix eventually.Dec 19 01:01
oiaohmWith all the ways windows includes to make a process cease to be visiable.Dec 19 01:01
DaemonFC[m]Firefox is probably going to be dropped from the default desktop.Dec 19 01:01
MinceRit is unreasonable to expect a computer to do any useful work other than serving as a space heater + honeypot combination as long as it's running windows or systemdDec 19 01:02
MinceRand once gkh is done with linux, you can probably put that on the list tooDec 19 01:02
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: strange, i thought rh approved of poetteringaudio and shoving it down users' throatsDec 19 01:02
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: what browser is fedora foisting on its hostages?Dec 19 01:02
scientesDaemonFC[m], but Firefox is the shitDec 19 01:02
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Firefox built with Clang.Dec 19 01:02
MinceRscientes: there's a superfluous 'the' in your sentence.Dec 19 01:03
DaemonFC[m]I wasn't thrilled with that, but also not thrilled with the DRM support or the shitty GNOME integration or a lot of other things.Dec 19 01:03
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: i don't followDec 19 01:03
oiaohmSystemd has not attempt to add stuff to make processes absolutely hidden.Dec 19 01:03
scientesFirefox is the best and fastest browserDec 19 01:03
MinceRoiaohm: yet.Dec 19 01:03
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DaemonFC[m]MinceR: In my Fedora Remix, Firefox is going to be dropped.Dec 19 01:03
MinceRoiaohm: though it does hide a lot of malicious shit inside pid1 and stuff like thatDec 19 01:03
oiaohmIn fact systemd usage of cgroups is to make it harder to hide.Dec 19 01:03
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: oh.Dec 19 01:03
DaemonFC[m]The space it takes up is ridiculous these days too.Dec 19 01:03
DaemonFC[m]Like 255 MB....Dec 19 01:04
MinceRoiaohm: yeah, your ps process gets a nice clean process namespace of its own and you won't see anything :>Dec 19 01:04
DaemonFC[m]WebkitGTK is a GNOME/GTK component. Installing GNOME Web only costs you 2 MB of disk space.Dec 19 01:04
MinceRoiaohm: btw i'm not sure if you followed the news but windows 10 came with some known built-in spyware, including a keylogger :>Dec 19 01:04
oiaohmMinceR: you get to the main system user and you will see all the processes just the same.   Dec 19 01:04
MinceRoiaohm: you don't get to the main system user because that's ibm's privilegeDec 19 01:05
oiaohmMinceR: I saw that windows 10 keylogger Dec 19 01:05
DaemonFC[m]Web has Wayland support, no DRM, a proper split process model, hardware accelerated rendering and video playback.Dec 19 01:05
MinceRoiaohm: you don't see where this whole "lennart can do no wrong, he knows better than you and he decides everything for you" story is going, do you?Dec 19 01:05
DaemonFC[m]When the new Adblock code gets merged in is when I'm planning on releasing a Remix of Fedora. Dec 19 01:05
MinceRalso the whole "linux is not about choice" bullshitDec 19 01:05
DaemonFC[m]I have a number of other disagreements with how the desktop is presented to the user. Dec 19 01:06
oiaohmMinceR: the PID namespace item appeared before systemd and it comes how should that be managed.Dec 19 01:06
DaemonFC[m]Web doesn't really need PDF.js or PDFium anyway.Dec 19 01:06
DaemonFC[m]You can just open a PDF file with Evince.Dec 19 01:06
MinceRoiaohm: of courseDec 19 01:07
MinceRoiaohm: but before cancerd, this was mostly left to the sysadmin's choiceDec 19 01:07
DaemonFC[m]I like Web better, in principle, at this point.Dec 19 01:07
MinceRoiaohm: now, poettering decides everything for youDec 19 01:07
MinceRlike how mounting behavesDec 19 01:07
DaemonFC[m]It used to be terribly unstable, but I managed to find just about every way to cause it to blow up and reported all of them as bugs.Dec 19 01:07
oiaohmMinceR: no before systemd you could only register 1 cgroup manager program.   So system admin had to choose one.    Dec 19 01:07
DaemonFC[m]I haven't had a lot of crashes lately. Dec 19 01:08
MinceRoiaohm: i know cgroups was always broken, that's a different but related issueDec 19 01:08
oiaohmMinceR: one of the things systemd did push for was a formal system to run more than 1 cgroup manager.Dec 19 01:08
MinceRas systemd insists on relying on cgroups even though cgroups hardly worksDec 19 01:08
DaemonFC[m]as systemd insists on relying on cgroups even though cgroups hardly worksDec 19 01:08
DaemonFC[m]OpenRC apparently has cgroups support.Dec 19 01:08
MinceRagain this practice of pushing half-baked crapware into "stable" "releases"Dec 19 01:08
oiaohmSo that you could in theory run systemd inside a different service management system.Dec 19 01:08
DaemonFC[m]I assume that this is a Linux-ism.Dec 19 01:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 19 01:08
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: yes, but openrc doesn't lose its shit if there's no cgroupsDec 19 01:08
MinceRoiaohm: yes, i could run it in a VM, like windows, if i wanted toDec 19 01:09
MinceRnot sure why i'd want to run it at all, thoughDec 19 01:09
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, if there's no cgroups, then you just can't use cgroups.Dec 19 01:09
oiaohmHalf backed crapware into stable released happened before systemd as well.Dec 19 01:09
scientesseriouslyDec 19 01:09
scientessystemd wonDec 19 01:09
scientesits overDec 19 01:09
DaemonFC[m]It doesn't mandate them in order to work.Dec 19 01:09
MinceRah, again, the fidesz defenseDec 19 01:09
MinceRscientes: not yet.Dec 19 01:09
scientesunless you are OpenWRTDec 19 01:10
oiaohmMinceR: not the fidesz defense.    There has been a big distribution problem for a long time.Dec 19 01:10
scientesor androidDec 19 01:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Linux 4.4.168 []Dec 19 01:10
DaemonFC[m]OpenRC is default on TrueOS/Project Trident. Dec 19 01:10
MinceRoiaohm: what, that they could make decisions independently of rh?Dec 19 01:10
MinceRopenrc is also default on funtooDec 19 01:10
oiaohmLot of focus on systemd avoids having deal with like dependancy hell and other issues that result in distributions bundling broken crap.Dec 19 01:10
MinceRno, it _prevents_ being able to deal with those issuesDec 19 01:11
MinceRnot the same thing.Dec 19 01:11
MinceRin the first, hypothetical case, you end up with no issuesDec 19 01:11
scientesthe only dependency that is ugly is the one on PCRE, but that goes away if you disable libselinux--it is indirectDec 19 01:11
oiaohmThere was a blame game before systemd using glbic.Dec 19 01:11
MinceRin the second case, you end up with issues you can't fix unless you remove cancerd from your system and replace it with a real OS.Dec 19 01:11
scientessystemd won get over itDec 19 01:11
MinceRscientes: strange, i thought you'd love selinux tooDec 19 01:12
MinceRit's "modern" tooDec 19 01:12
cubexyzuh slackware, the bsds, I can think of many non systemd examples...Dec 19 01:12
oiaohmmost distributions sysvinit cannot be installed without selinux library.Dec 19 01:12
MinceR19 021154 <+scientes> systemd won get over itDec 19 01:12
MinceR 19 01:12
MinceRoiaohm: most distributions are garbage. any other exciting news you have for us?Dec 19 01:13
oiaohm  << saw this one.Dec 19 01:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black Hat Asia 2019 | Briefings ScheduleDec 19 01:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 19 01:14
oiaohmWe have not had quality software and hardware development for a long time.Dec 19 01:14
DaemonFC[m] 19 01:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | svchost.exe - WikipediaDec 19 01:15
DaemonFC[m]Looks like one process per svchost instance in Windows 10 1703 or later as long as there's at least 3.5 GB of RAM.Dec 19 01:15
DaemonFC[m]Windows doesn't deal well with apps that create a lot of processes.Dec 19 01:16
cubexyzmaybe AIX is better but who is going to pay that much $$$ for it?Dec 19 01:16
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: well, of course. that's because the kernel was designed by dave cutler.Dec 19 01:17
scientesor OpenSolarisDec 19 01:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Five-Way Linux OS Comparison On Amazon's ARM Graviton CPU []Dec 19 01:17
MinceRcubexyz: i thought paying a lot of money for stuff _was_ what made it betterDec 19 01:17
cubexyzMinceR, sometimes it isDec 19 01:17
scientesMinceR, then Windows is GOOD?Dec 19 01:17
MinceRwhen?Dec 19 01:17
MinceRscientes: for you, yesDec 19 01:17
MinceRscientes: also for oiaohm Dec 19 01:18
cubexyzMinceR, Mercedes vs cheap FORD? :)Dec 19 01:18
MinceRmaybe you could run it on your macbooksDec 19 01:18
MinceRcubexyz: can't tell, both of those are shitDec 19 01:18
DaemonFC[m]DaemonFC: well, of course. that's because the kernel was designed by dave cutler.Dec 19 01:18
DaemonFC[m]svchost was a hack to get around the fact that Windows doesn't deal with lots of processes well.Dec 19 01:18
MinceRthe guys who haven't figured out how glue works or what human bodies are shaped like or how to keep the side of a van from flapping in the wind vs Fix Or Replace DailyDec 19 01:18
DaemonFC[m]I guess when Windows has plenty of RAM to waste, having one svchost crash take down all the services isn't worth it.Dec 19 01:19
MinceR(sure, the Mercedes Sprinter-s front seats have about as much hold on a human body as a bucket of water without a bucket.Dec 19 01:19
MinceRsure, the upholstery peels off and flaps in the wind.Dec 19 01:19
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I've been prety happy with my Kia Soul.Dec 19 01:19
MinceRsure, the side of the vehicle (which is supposed to be made of metal and have windows in it) flaps in the wind.Dec 19 01:19
MinceRsure, it has no ventilation for the passengers behind the first row. but look, it's a LUXURY BRAND and it COSTS SO MUCH!)Dec 19 01:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Take a swim at your Linux terminal with asciiquariumTake a swim at your Linux terminal with asciiquarium []Dec 19 01:20
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, the market for used Mercedes is brutal.Dec 19 01:20
MinceRfuck daimler, they have no business making cars or anythingDec 19 01:20
DaemonFC[m]They have no resale value because they cost a fuckon of money to fix.Dec 19 01:20
DaemonFC[m]And they're not reliable cars.Dec 19 01:20
MinceRoh, and Mercedes Citaros set themselves on fire and cook the legs of passengersDec 19 01:20
MinceRbut again, motherfucking luxury brand.Dec 19 01:20
DaemonFC[m]You spend too much time with your car in the shop if you keep it longer than two years.Dec 19 01:21
MinceRwe've got to have those in rich fucking hungary.Dec 19 01:21
DaemonFC[m]It's not a practical vehicle.Dec 19 01:21
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: You heard about the eyeglass cartel?Dec 19 01:21
MinceRshit, they made better buses than these pieces of shit in the eastern blocDec 19 01:21
DaemonFC[m]There's this company called Luxottica that owns pretty much the whole process. Manufacturing of all the "high end" brands, most of the retail channels, and the largest vision insurance company in the US.Dec 19 01:22
DaemonFC[m]I was reading about people payign $700 out of pocket for eyeglasses.Dec 19 01:22
scientesare beans fruit?Dec 19 01:22
MinceRDaemonFC[m]: i've heard of it but there seemed to be at least one major holding company/brand which isn't owned by themDec 19 01:22
DaemonFC[m]One of the ones they don't own is Walmart Vision, so I went there.Dec 19 01:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Photography and Linux []Dec 19 01:22
MinceRi think at least two, actuallyDec 19 01:23
DaemonFC[m]I ended up paying $266 for mine, but could have gone as low as $50 for a basic pair.Dec 19 01:23
scientesDaemonFC[m], 19 01:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Glasses – Glasses Online – Prescription Glasses | Zenni OpticalDec 19 01:23
DaemonFC[m]I was laughing my ass off at the people who got ripped by Pearle Vision and then complaines about it.Dec 19 01:23
scientesDaemonFC[m], I got my glasses for $7Dec 19 01:23
DaemonFC[m]One guy said he got two pair of glasses for $1,400.Dec 19 01:23
MinceRas the retards who make "titanflex" frames (where the screws fall out and the supposedly super tough memory metal frame falls to pieces) and the company that made my current frame are not the same and neither are luxottica, iircDec 19 01:23
scienteswal-mart is a royal rip-offDec 19 01:23
DaemonFC[m]Then when they came in, they didn't make them right and they wouldn't take them back.Dec 19 01:23
DaemonFC[m]:)Dec 19 01:23
DaemonFC[m]scientes: For basic glasses, Walmart is okay.Dec 19 01:24
scientesZenni proscription glasses are $7Dec 19 01:24
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, considered Zenni, but people have bad reviews of them too.Dec 19 01:24
scientesI love themDec 19 01:24
DaemonFC[m]Like they get them and they're the wrong specs and the customer service is awful and no refunds.Dec 19 01:24
scientesif you want them to be nice you need to spend like $30Dec 19 01:25
DaemonFC[m]I decided to use Walmart. Dec 19 01:25
scientesbut $7 are scratch resistant and UV resistantDec 19 01:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 3.18.130Linux 3.18.130 []Dec 19 01:25
scientesI get compliments on my Zenni glasses every dayDec 19 01:25
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, I upgraded mine to polycarbonate lenses, blue blockers, anti glare. Dec 19 01:25
scientesblue blockers is a stupid upsellDec 19 01:26
scientesthe others are niceDec 19 01:26
DaemonFC[m]The jury is kind of out on that.Dec 19 01:26
DaemonFC[m]I liked my Gunnar computer glasses.Dec 19 01:26
MinceRi have a yellow clip-on and i don't like it :>Dec 19 01:26
MinceR(so i don't use it)Dec 19 01:26
DaemonFC[m]They shifted everything to the....yeah.Dec 19 01:26
DaemonFC[m]Yellow. But my eyes didn't get tired from looking at the screen.Dec 19 01:27
MinceR(it's a magnetic "clip-on")Dec 19 01:27
MinceRmy eyes got tired from everything being yellow insteadDec 19 01:27
DaemonFC[m]These don't distort what you're looking at like that.Dec 19 01:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Rugged, Jetson TX2 based computer targets AI on the edgeRugged, Jetson TX2 based computer targets AI on the edge []Dec 19 01:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 19 01:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: mv Command in Linux: 7 Essential Examples []Dec 19 01:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 8 tips to help non-techies move to Linux []Dec 19 01:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 4 cool new projects to try in COPR for December 2018 []Dec 19 01:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Networking Improvements To Mitigate Retpoline Overhead Ready For 4.21 Kernel []Dec 19 01:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 4.20--rc76 []Dec 19 01:49
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 19 01:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 1080p Linux Gaming Performance - NVIDIA 415.22 vs. Mesa 19.0-devel RADV/RadeonSI []Dec 19 01:54
schestowitz[04:06] <kaniini> lmfao somebody DMed me to report that schestowitz is being silenced on their instanceDec 19 02:01
schestowitzon the basis of volume?Dec 19 02:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Use your Linux terminal to celebrate a banner year []Dec 19 02:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Working with tarballs on Linux []Dec 19 02:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: MIPS ISA to be available under royalty-free license []Dec 19 02:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 19 02:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi HAT serves up robotics control smorgasbord []Dec 19 02:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Meet the New Linux Desktop Champion: System76 Thelio []Dec 19 02:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: LibreOffice 6.1.4 Office Suite Released with More Than 125 Bug Fixes, Update Now []Dec 19 02:57
kaniinischestowitz: no, they didn't like your toneDec 19 02:57
kaniiniI told them to do whatever they need to do but unless there's an actual policy violation...Dec 19 02:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Is Now Available on the Dell Precision 5530 and 3530 Laptops []Dec 19 02:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 4.14 vs. 4.20 Performance Benchmarks - The Kernel Speed Difference For 2018 []Dec 19 02:59
schestowitzdidn't like my tone probably just meaning not agreeing with me on something, like ash at mastodon.technologyDec 19 03:02
schestowitzI guess to some people speech policy is to do with level of concurrence in opinion rather than a ToSDec 19 03:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Radeon Software 18.50 vs. Linux 4.20 + Mesa 19 Benchmarks On The AMD RX 590 []Dec 19 03:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: VirtualBox 6.0 Officially Released with Major New Features, Here's What's New []Dec 19 03:12
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Purism Ships Librem 5 Dev Kits as the Linux Phones Will Arrive in April 2019 []Dec 19 03:19
scientes 19 05:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-C-SPAN: Joe Wong at RTCA Dinner - YouTubeDec 19 05:15
scientes"I have a solution to global warming. I will switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius."Dec 19 05:22
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 19 05:50
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scienteshow much could I sell my kidney for?Dec 19 06:32
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 19 06:58
scienteshmm maybe i can sell bone marrowDec 19 07:02
scientes doesn't pay even though its legal to pay people for bone marrowDec 19 07:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The National Marrow Donor Program - Donate Today | Be The MatchDec 19 07:03
scientesdamn it looks like the paid bone marrow market collapsedDec 19 07:06
scientesif only I could sell my non-existant wombDec 19 07:06
MinceR 19 07:19
---MinceR gives voice to Firee amarsh04 acer-boxDec 19 07:19
MinceR 19 07:41
MinceR 19 08:13
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 19 08:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Mint 19.1 []Dec 19 08:24
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsDec 19 08:26
schestowitzkaniini: before the 4nd of last week I spent a few years trying to boot the techrights vm with debug output to figure out what's going on. The closest I got didn't help me solve the issue.Dec 19 08:33
schestowitz*4nd->endDec 19 08:33
kaniinithis is all frustratingDec 19 08:33
kaniinido you want to justDec 19 08:34
kaniinibuild new VMs from scratchDec 19 08:34
kaniiniupload the php/whateverDec 19 08:34
kaniiniupload dbDec 19 08:34
---MinceR gives voice to amarsh04Dec 19 08:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Manjaro vs Arch Linux Distribution Comparison []Dec 19 08:35
schestowitzI think it would be a lot harder, kaniini, for all sorts of reasonsDec 19 08:36
schestowitzand also more prone to errorsDec 19 08:37
<--amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Dec 19 08:37
schestowitzI wondered if the issue with rechrights is right now similar  to tuxmachinesDec 19 08:37
schestowitzjudging by how it worked before, it was perfect... before trying to editor the config fileDec 19 08:38
schestowitzMaybe it's possible to reload that same image from the original file sent by tessier?Dec 19 08:40
<--brendyyn has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 19 09:01
<--aindilis has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 19 09:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts: Open Source Security Podcast, Linux Action News and More []Dec 19 09:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: ATOM RPG, Humble Store, KURSK, Liftoff and More []Dec 19 09:07
-->aindilis ( has joined #techrightsDec 19 09:14
schestowitzkaniini: last week  figured out how the hypervisor commands work in apline, is there a mode for entering the VM while booting to see output? I can try to fix it myself or at least give that a go. I just couldn't figure out where the output goesDec 19 09:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #RawTherapee 5.5 Released []Dec 19 09:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security: Shopify, Logitech, and Common Passwords []Dec 19 09:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: JS, Python and More []Dec 19 09:33
<--aindilis has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 19 09:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Black Mesa, Overland, Jupiter Hell, Geneshift, Warhammer 40,000 and More []Dec 19 09:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Sparky 5.6 []Dec 19 10:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Slax is a Nifty Linux Distribution That Works from USB []Dec 19 10:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Solve a puzzle at the Linux command line with nudoku []Dec 19 10:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Review: Rolling in the Void []Dec 19 10:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 19 10:16
kaniinischestowitz: see /etc/conf.d/qemu.techrightsDec 19 10:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu: Nautilus 3.30 and Mir 1.1.0 Release []Dec 19 10:25
kaniinischestowitz: should be able to enable vncDec 19 10:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Qt and KDE: Qt Champions, Kdenlive, FreeBSD 12, Alejandro Montes Bascuñan and More []Dec 19 10:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat and Fedora Leftovers []Dec 19 10:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: Android on DRM/KMS, NVIDIA's Proprietary Linux Driver []Dec 19 10:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Dec 19 10:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 19 10:39
schestowitzkaniini: thanks!Dec 19 10:41
schestowitzI'll check it Dec 19 10:41
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 19 10:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 19/12/2018: VirtualBox 6.0, RawTherapee 5.5, Mir 1.1.0, LibreOffice 6.1.4 Released []Dec 19 10:45
-->aindilis ( has joined #techrightsDec 19 10:50
schestowitzqemu-system-x86_64: -balloon virtio: warning: This option is deprecated. Use '--device virtio-balloon' to enable the balloon device.Dec 19 10:52
schestowitzOK, this happens each time the VM is started...Dec 19 10:52
schestowitz cat tuxmachines.log  Dec 19 10:53
schestowitzqemu-system-x86_64: -balloon virtio: warning: This option is deprecated. Use '--device virtio-balloon' to enable the balloon device.Dec 19 10:53
schestowitzqemu-system-x86_64: -drive id=hd0,cache=writeback,file=/dev/vg0/,format=raw,media=disk,if=none: Could not open '/dev/vg0/': Permission deniedDec 19 10:53
schestowitzvery similar fot techrightsDec 19 10:54
-->brendyyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 19 11:01
---MinceR gives voice to mmu_man brendyyn aindilisDec 19 12:36
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 19 13:35
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---ChanServ removes voice from brendyynDec 19 15:03
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techrightsDec 19 15:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: FreeBSD vs Linux: 20 Things To Know About Both The System []Dec 19 16:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 19 16:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Core i9 7980XE vs. Threadripper 2990WX - The Pre/Post 2018 Linux Kernel Performance []Dec 19 16:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: VirtualBox 6.0 3D/OpenGL Performance With VMSVGA Adapter []Dec 19 16:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: IRS Linux move delayed by lingering Oracle Solaris systems []Dec 19 16:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Slay the Spire, Cities: Skylines, Vector 36 and More []Dec 19 17:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software: Notes-Up, Ticketing, Kiwi TCMS, Best 20 Linux Security Tools and Cutegram []Dec 19 17:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE News: KDE Applications 18.12, Pixel Wheels 0.11.0 and Skrooge 2.17.0 []Dec 19 17:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Dillinger, Mozilla Rust, Python and C++ []Dec 19 17:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Ubuntu and #GNOME Leftovers []Dec 19 17:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 19 17:27
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsDec 19 17:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu-based Linux Mint 19.1 'Tessa' finally available with Cinnamon, MATE, or Xfce []Dec 19 17:32
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Dec 19 18:02
DaemonFC[m] 19 18:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tumblr CEO: No More Porn - YouTubeDec 19 18:13
MinceReveryone else: No More TumblrDec 19 18:22
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<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 19 19:29
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<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)Dec 19 20:01
scientes'Dec 19 20:31
scientes 19 20:31
MinceRnice, though i'd insist on a lot more forestDec 19 20:32
scientesyeah without smut there would be no tumblrDec 19 20:34
MinceR(audio) 19 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Difference between baklava and balaclava - Album on ImgurDec 19 20:50
scientesstupidDec 19 20:51
scientes 19 21:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Did Japan's first lady pretend not to speak English to snub Trump? | US news | The GuardianDec 19 21:09
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 19 21:11
MinceR 19 21:27
MinceR 19 22:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-These Remind Me Of Bunny Suicides - Album on ImgurDec 19 22:04
DaemonFC[m]Mozilla finally added WebP support in the beta branch.Dec 19 22:14
scientesYeah I noticed that pic was WebPDec 19 22:14
scientesWebP was a stupid idea from the beginningDec 19 22:15
DaemonFC[m]They had been insisting that optimizing jpeg was the way forward.Dec 19 22:15
*scientes runs nightlyDec 19 22:15
DaemonFC[m]mozjpeg is pretty nice.Dec 19 22:15
scientesthey even have a program to optimize the huffman codes of a jpegDec 19 22:16
scienteswhich not even facebook doesDec 19 22:16
scientesshowing that WebP was a STUPID ideaDec 19 22:16
DaemonFC[m] 19 22:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PNG vs. WebP Image Formats - Andrew MunsellDec 19 22:18
scientesXRevan86, these thiefs arn't even poor 19 22:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEDec 19 22:22
scientesUK government steals electricity 19 22:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Solar households expected to give away power to energy firms | Business | The GuardianDec 19 22:23
DaemonFC[m]scientes They stole my pants yesterday.Dec 19 22:25
scientesoff your legs?Dec 19 22:25
DaemonFC[m]Amazon refunded the money though.Dec 19 22:25
DaemonFC[m]No, in the box on the porch.Dec 19 22:25
MinceRtories doing everything against sustainability, as usualDec 19 22:26
DaemonFC[m]I'm on my way back from Walmart. I had to have my eyeglasses adjusted slightly.Dec 19 22:26
MinceR 19 22:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Good ol James - Album on ImgurDec 19 22:27
oiaohmscientes: WebP is not stupid idea as such.  lossless webp beats png in every single time on size of course while being exactly the same quality.   Lossy webp compares quite well against jpeg.Dec 19 23:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Lossless and Transparency Encoding in WebP  |  WebP  |  Google DevelopersDec 19 23:56
oiaohmscientes: problem is having enough support that webp is usable its like the early png vs gif.Dec 19 23:56
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techrightsDec 20 00:02
---MinceR gives voice to mmu_man oiaohm brendyyn Researcher-Dec 20 00:22
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DaemonFC[m]Looks like WebkitGTK supports WebP.Dec 20 00:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 4.19.11 []Dec 20 00:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Qualcomm’s second-gen drone board has Snapdragon 820 and four cameras []Dec 20 00:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Android Leftovers []Dec 20 00:54
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 20 01:18
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, I see that Zenni Optical has cheap prices, but I also see that there are a lot of customer complaints.Dec 20 01:49
DaemonFC[m]It doesn't help their case that they blame the customer for everything if they even bother to reply.Dec 20 01:49
DaemonFC[m] 20 01:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blokz Blue Blockers - Blue Light Glasses | Zenni OpticalDec 20 01:51
DaemonFC[m]I notice that selecting this means you can't also select polycarbonate lenses.Dec 20 01:51
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AdmFubaranyone else having issues with thunderbird and techrights rss feed?Dec 20 02:34
oiaohm  Hmmm this sounds like possible future trouble.Dec 20 02:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Microsoft Announces "Project Mu" For Open-Source UEFI Alternative To TianoCore - PhoronixDec 20 02:41
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scientesXRevan86, 20 03:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Trump admin to lift sanctions on firms owned by Russian oligarch Deripaska | TheHillDec 20 03:31
scientesThat sounds like a bill of attainderDec 20 03:31
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scienteswhich is against the US constitutionDec 20 03:31
scientes 20 03:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: MIPS Liberation []Dec 20 03:40
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 20 04:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security: Updates, Let’s Encrypt, Back Doors, Windows Incidents and Pseudo-Security []Dec 20 04:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Dec 20 04:34
scientes 20 04:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-As A Final Fuck You To Free Speech On Tumblr, Verizon Blocked Archivists | TechdirtDec 20 04:53
scientesWTFDec 20 04:54
scienteswhy did they allow verizon to buy yahooDec 20 04:54
scientesthis whole ISPs owning media companies thing is REALLY REALLY badDec 20 04:54
scientesTHIS IS KILLING!!!! 20 05:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'This is killing people': A Chinese tourist in Sweden has accused local police of trying to kill his parents - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)Dec 20 05:47
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techrightsDec 20 06:08
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scientesdropping fish from airplanes 20 06:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why Utah Drops Fish Out Of Airplanes Into Their Mountain Lakes - YouTubeDec 20 06:11
scientes"they are sterile"Dec 20 06:12
scientesUS's obsession with sports fishingDec 20 06:12
scientesGood News! 20 06:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Join us for A Grand Re-Opening of the Public Domain | Internet Archive BlogsDec 20 06:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 5 of the Best Linux Distributions for Mac Users []Dec 20 06:45
scientes 20 06:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 20 08:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Eclipse, Python, PHP and More []Dec 20 08:07
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software: Termtosvg, Papyrus, Tidal CLI Client, Notelab and More []Dec 20 08:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #HardenedBSD 12 []Dec 20 08:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 24 Excellent GNOME Extensions []Dec 20 08:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat on Servers: Kubernetes, IBM, Latest Results and OKD []Dec 20 09:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts: Handmade Desktop Linux, Programming and More []Dec 20 09:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #QubesOS 4.0.1-rc2 has been released! []Dec 20 09:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 20 10:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Let your Linux terminal speak its mind []Dec 20 10:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU: Sed, GCC, Guix and DBD []Dec 20 10:38
-->amarsh04 ( has joined #techrightsDec 20 10:49
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Torvalds on Desktop GNU/Linux, Chrome OS Update, and Microsoft Experimenting on Users []Dec 20 11:02
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers []Dec 20 11:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 20 11:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: FreeBSD ZFS File-System Code To Be Re-Based Over ZFS On Linux []Dec 20 11:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games and Wine Leftovers []Dec 20 11:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE: KMyMoney, Headerbars and Installing Linux Desktop Environment KDE Plasma []Dec 20 11:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Hardware With Linux: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Nordic Semiconductor, Gigatron and LibreRouter []Dec 20 11:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian: New developers, Activities and Events #debian []Dec 20 11:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat's Fedora: Flatpak, Release party at Pune, Bodhi 3.12.0 Released []Dec 20 12:07
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software: GammaRay, Curl, Okular PDF Reader, HandBrake, PowerTOP amd DNS []Dec 20 12:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 1 Beta, openSUSE Conference 2019 and More []Dec 20 12:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Preview of Linux 4.21 (Features) []Dec 20 12:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Fedora 30 Might Offer The Deepin Desktop Environment []Dec 20 12:43
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: RADV, Radeon, DRM "Fastboot" []Dec 20 12:52
<--brendyyn has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Dec 20 12:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Microsoft EEE, Buying the Opposition, Entryism and Turning GNU/Linux Into a Paid-for Windows 'App' []Dec 20 12:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Python, Eclipse Che and More []Dec 20 13:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 20 13:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Canton of #Bern removes barriers to sharing its software as open source []Dec 20 13:16
-->brendyyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 20 13:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Servers Leftovers []Dec 20 13:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OSS Leftovers []Dec 20 13:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Dec 20 13:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 20/12/2018: Skrooge 2.17.0, Linux Mint 19.1, HardenedBSD 12 []Dec 20 13:35
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #WireGuard Issues New Snapshot, But Doesn't Look Like It Will Make It Into Linux 4.21 []Dec 20 14:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian's Anti-Harassment Team Is Removing A Package Over Its Name []Dec 20 15:02
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techrightsDec 20 15:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Grim Legends, Slap City, Do Not Feed the Monkeys, Psebay, Prison Architect []Dec 20 15:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: ROCm 2.0 and #Freedreno []Dec 20 15:30
---MinceR gives voice to mmu_man scientes Firee oiaohmDec 20 15:55
---MinceR gives voice to brendyyn Researcher- amarsh04Dec 20 15:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: This alternative operating system is easier than Windows and Apple []Dec 20 16:25
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Latest LWN Articles (Outside Paywall) About Linux, the Kernel []Dec 20 16:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The RADV Radeon Vulkan Driver Performance Over 2018 []Dec 20 17:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 20 17:12
MinceR 20 17:19
XRevan86MinceR: Not Russia?Dec 20 17:23
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MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Dec 20 17:42
MinceRcould be many placesDec 20 17:42
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DaemonFC[m] 20 17:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Debian's Anti-Harassment Team Is Removing A Package Over Its Name - PhoronixDec 20 17:47
DaemonFC[m]It's a little early for April Fool's Day, isn't it?Dec 20 17:47
DaemonFC[m]"When digging further, the package raised to the Debian Anti-Harassment Team was "Weboob." Weboob is short for "Web Outside of Browsers" as it's an open-source collection of software to script and automate the parsing/scraping/gathering-via-API of web data so that it can be consumed by different modules/applications."Dec 20 17:47
DaemonFC[m]"The Debian Anti-Harassment Team ruled that Weboob is against the Debian Code of Conduct in needing to be respectful. The team called for the program's removal from the Debian archive or to otherwise patch/fork it to remove the name/branding. Should the package not be addressed, they say the Debian FTP master should unilaterally remove the package."Dec 20 17:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Git, BH amd Python []Dec 20 17:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Routers With 'Back Doors' and Some New CBS/ZDNet FUD []Dec 20 17:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Servers/Containers Leftovers []Dec 20 17:58
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Pretty darn questionable.Dec 20 17:59
MinceRlol @ debianDec 20 18:11
MinceRfucking crybully distroDec 20 18:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open Hardware/Modding and Linux on Embedded []Dec 20 18:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 6 Changes Windows Users Need to Accept to When Switching to Linux []Dec 20 18:36
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schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: are they aware of libcaca yet?Dec 20 19:46
schestowitzBTW, I don't find the word boob offensive, but I suppose some girls find it offensive because they have boobs. There's nothing offensive about the word "chest" or "pecs"Dec 20 19:47
schestowitzBut I suppose someone filed a complaint and dsmissal of the complain who risk siccing of a mobDec 20 19:48
schestowitzBoob means many things in many languagesDec 20 19:48
schestowitzThey could say "Zune" is offensive because it means "a fuck"Dec 20 19:48
schestowitzor lumia meaning prostituteDec 20 19:48
schestowitzIn England we have Virgin Trains, airlines etc.Dec 20 19:48
XRevan86There are even Virgin forestsDec 20 19:49
schestowitzThe Americans find it funny, makes them think of hymens and young women having sexDec 20 19:49
schestowitzso Debian opens a pandora's boxDec 20 19:49
schestowitzI could go through a list of packages and use substrings I find offensiveDec 20 19:49
schestowitzlike "groin" or "thigh"Dec 20 19:50
schestowitzThose are a lot more sexual than boobs, I think, more intimate partsDec 20 19:50
schestowitzMicrosoft did worseDec 20 19:50
schestowitz 20 19:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Microsoft Adds 'Big Boobs' to Linux Kernel | WIREDDec 20 19:50
schestowitzno room for ambiguity hereDec 20 19:50
schestowitz 20 19:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft sorry over 'big boobs' software code - TelegraphDec 20 19:51
schestowitz 20 19:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BIG BOOBS banished from Linux kernel • The RegisterDec 20 19:51
oiaohmschestowitz and DaemonFC[m]:   when you look at the logos weboob and the projects based off of it is a Microsoft BIG BOOBS waiting to happen. Dec 20 20:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weboob - Web Outside of BrowsersDec 20 20:04
oiaohmDaemonFC[m]:  << try explain this one as not sexual.Dec 20 20:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weboob - Application - QHandjoobDec 20 20:07
oiaohmschestowitz:   this page is kind of the problem.  It one thing that the project itself has a name containing boobs but when most the sub projects are also going into sexual sounding names a jokes this is really heading down the Microsoft Big Boobs path.Dec 20 20:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weboob - ApplicationsDec 20 20:09
XRevan86oiaohm: That is still not *harassment*Dec 20 20:10
XRevan86It just feels like the word "harassment" on the West is like the word "extremist" in Russia – means barely a thingDec 20 20:11
XRevan86To harass is to make inappropriate jokes and to me an extremist is to question the United Russia or Putin himself.Dec 20 20:13
XRevan86* to be anDec 20 20:13
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oiaohmXRevan86: unfortunately anti-harassment team at Debian has a broader scope than just direct harassment they are also in charge of code of conduct for conferences and the like.Dec 20 20:14
oiaohmXRevan86: so you have to think G rating on TV standard anything about that is going to go across the anti-harassment table.Dec 20 20:15
oiaohmIts one thing if the tools had a 100 adult target like qhandjoob is a job search tool so someone under 14 could be attempt to use to for looking for part time work so this really should not be a adult joke..Dec 20 20:17
XRevan86oiaohm: So what happens when they do?Dec 20 20:18
oiaohmXRevan86: that is exactly it.   If the program does not work right then they start asking for support about handjob because they miss the q this could go horrible wrong right.Dec 20 20:20
oiaohmXRevan86: or google gets smart and thinks the q is a in the front is a typo.Dec 20 20:21
oiaohmXRevan86: same with the ooDec 20 20:21
MinceRjust to be safe, debian should not ship anything except Kroah-Hartmanux, systemd and gnomeDec 20 20:21
XRevan86 oh yeah…Dec 20 20:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-qhandjoob at DuckDuckGoDec 20 20:22
XRevan86oiaohm: Good point.Dec 20 20:22
MinceRpeople are stupid and make mistakes so let's just remove everythingDec 20 20:22
oiaohmMinceR: look at what XRevan86 search did.    There are places for adult jokes.   Do keep them on software that are targeted at 18 plus crowd in project names or bad things can really happen.Dec 20 20:24
MinceRoiaohm: yeah, someone could get triggeredDec 20 20:24
MinceRoiaohm: it doesn't matter if your OS works or is usable for anything, what matters is that no SJWs should get offended by itDec 20 20:25
oiaohmThis is partly usability I have seen school networks where student internet accounts get suspended due to searching sexual terms. Dec 20 20:26
XRevan86Did they search with http:// ?Dec 20 20:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Could not resolve host: ; Unknown error ( status 0 @ http:// )Dec 20 20:26
oiaohmXRevan86: that does not matter when the complete school network is man in the middle proxy.Dec 20 20:26
XRevan86oiaohm: If the computer has allowed its TLS certificate, then I suppose.Dec 20 20:27
oiaohmXRevan86: yep all school browsers have 1 TLS certificate and everything is recoded at the proxy.Dec 20 20:27
oiaohmSo https is useless.Dec 20 20:28
oiaohmThe reality here is shocking to lot of people.   Most people in jails have more true internet freedom than most private boarding schools.Dec 20 20:29
scientesXRevan86, yeah, seems like they are looking for the word subversionDec 20 20:34
scientesbut that would be too undemocraticDec 20 20:35
oiaohmMinceR: Social justice warrior as arguement is a good way attempt to ignore at sometimes they are in fact pointing to a real problem.  weboob growing stack of software that themselves are quite safe applications for G crowd to use in functionality but naming of that software is based of a Adult joke and can lead that group into trouble.  .Dec 20 20:35
scientesoiaohm, that is horribleDec 20 20:36
scientesoiaohm, even the Queen released a statement against TLS 1.3 (http 2) because they wanted to MITM everythingDec 20 20:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Openwashing and FUD []Dec 20 20:38
oiaohmscientes: its not illegal to MITM everything.    I really wonder if cloudflare you know that massively used site caching software that USA recently got upset with is under some intelligence group control.   If they are a large section of the web could already be MITM.Dec 20 20:40
XRevan86cubexyz, scientes: ST:TNG S04E08 – when I noticed the Enterprise has no gas masks.Dec 20 20:40
XRevan86scientes: I keep fearing that nginx or Apache will be pressued to not implement eSNI.Dec 20 20:41
XRevan86* pressuredDec 20 20:41
scientesoiaohm, yeah good point, maybe that is why doesn't work-----i only access it through tor nowDec 20 20:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Freeriders in FOSS []Dec 20 20:43
scientesbut I got really pissed when Comcast MITMed meDec 20 20:44
XRevan86scientes: 20 20:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is It Blocked In Russia?Dec 20 20:44
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 20 20:44
XRevan86scientes: Amusing how from the TPB standpoint there's no difference between you and meDec 20 20:44
scientesand Wikipedia refuses to allow onion addresses, including for the pirate bayDec 20 20:45
scientesits really annoyingDec 20 20:45
XRevan86(2017-02-08) 20 20:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It seems to a be very recurring discussion in the comments on each LinuxFR relea... | Hacker NewsDec 20 20:46
oiaohmscientes: they don't have a legal choice.    If you read safe harbour rules.Dec 20 20:46
scientes63663Dec 20 20:46
scientes536Dec 20 20:46
scientes+3Dec 20 20:46
oiaohmscientes:  Yes point 512 applies to Wikipedia.Dec 20 20:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act - WikipediaDec 20 20:47
oiaohmscientes: when it comes to pirate bay.Dec 20 20:48
scientes 20 20:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-US bank 'sorry' for calling police on black man cashing pay cheque - BBC NewsDec 20 20:49
MinceRoiaohm: you have no idea what a real problem looks likeDec 20 20:49
oiaohmMinceR: I should not expect any different from you.    You like to head in sand over problems.Dec 20 20:51
MinceRrightDec 20 20:51
MinceRwho cares if your equipment works as long as the suits are happyDec 20 20:51
XRevan86scientes: I hope they payed him extra for this.Dec 20 20:52
MinceRi wouldn't have expected anything else from a cancerd cultistDec 20 20:52
oiaohmMinceR: the reality here is if the suits are not happy you will not be able to get the equipment in the first place.Dec 20 20:52
oiaohmLike it or not we have to live in a legal system of our own stupid invention.Dec 20 20:53
MinceRoiaohm: you have no idea what reality is, you're a cultistDec 20 20:53
MinceRoiaohm: and no, i'm not buying a support contract. go away.Dec 20 20:53
oiaohmAnd we were not happy creating 1 legal system either we had to create many different confliting ones.Dec 20 20:53
MinceRyour corrupt legal system won't keep you fedDec 20 20:53
scientesXRevan86, that is pretty typical, blacks often get fallowed around in stores like they are going to steal somethingDec 20 20:53
MinceRit will only kill youDec 20 20:53
oiaohmMinceR: places without a legal system of some form don't exist.Dec 20 20:54
MinceRactually most places have no legal systemDec 20 20:54
MinceRand once people like you make sure technology can't work and some preventable disease kills your entire species, earth won't have one either.Dec 20 20:54
MinceRs/disease/disaster/Dec 20 20:54
MinceRthe universe doesn't give a single fuck about what makes brainless suits feel happy.Dec 20 20:55
scientesyou can't even get basic anti-worm medicines in the US, ones that are on the WTO list of essential medicines, and only cost like $40/KILO from alibabaDec 20 20:56
oiaohmMinceR:[daniels_ib14_stppt03_ge%20[Compatibilit.png  << ReallyDec 20 20:56
oiaohmMinceR: there is not a place on this this earth that is not under one legal system or another.Dec 20 20:57
oiaohmMinceR: even if you are in a middle of battle field you are still in a legal system.Dec 20 20:57
XRevan86oiaohm: What's "Common Law"?Dec 20 20:57
XRevan86oiaohm: Also Russia should be marked like China here.Dec 20 20:57
MinceRoiaohm: that only shows one planetDec 20 20:57
MinceRdid they tell you in church there's nothing outside that?Dec 20 20:58
oiaohmMinceR: we have already started writing legal systems that cover all of space as well.Dec 20 20:59
XRevan86oiaohm: Does that mean Precedent law?Dec 20 20:59
MinceRand who's going to enforce them?Dec 20 20:59
oiaohmHuman race seams to love putting legal systems over everything.   Then having wars over where two or more confliting legal system overlaps.Dec 20 20:59
oiaohmWe can fairly much bet MinceR space ones most likely will trigger the first war in space.Dec 20 21:00
oiaohmAs different groups attempt to enforce their legal system.Dec 20 21:01
scientesyeah, but that doesn't mean the law goes anywhere 20 21:01
oiaohmThe earth ones have done that so space ones should be no different.Dec 20 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-World Uyghur Congress Interrupted at UN Forum on Minority Issues - YouTubeDec 20 21:01
scientesWatch as every country kisses China's assDec 20 21:02
MinceRoiaohm: not all of the human species, only the authoritarian majorityDec 20 21:03
oiaohmscientes: the old saying might is right.  In china case how many of those countries are in debt up to eyeballs to china.Dec 20 21:03
scientesoiaohm, thats because China uses debt slavery and neocolonialismDec 20 21:04
scientes 20 21:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Plan in Pakistan Takes a Military Turn - The New York TimesDec 20 21:04
scientesthey do business with a corupt ruler, who siphons off 1% or so of the deal to enrich themselves, and then later rulers are stuck with the unpayable debtDec 20 21:05
XRevan86scientes: There's a dream of some human decency, it appears the US is not the place to look for that (about the man cashing a cheque)Dec 20 21:05
oiaohmMinceR: legal system start as simple as house rules.   Of course for some reason humans wish to share their rules with other and feel happier enforce their rules if they can say others do the same thing.Dec 20 21:06
oiaohmMinceR: it rare to find a human who does not have the nature to start building a legal system if no legal system exists.Dec 20 21:07
oiaohmOk that might be a totally unfair legal system but its still a legal system.Dec 20 21:07
scientes 20 21:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NAACP Launches Boycott of Facebook: Platform Is Unhealthy for African Americans & U.S. Democracy | Democracy Now!Dec 20 21:07
scientesnot unreasonable given this 20 21:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 FBI Racially Profiling “Black Identity Extremists” - The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2017-2018Dec 20 21:08
scientesoiaohm, yeah that is what this book/movie is about 20 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Cider House Rules (film) - WikipediaDec 20 21:11
XRevan86> by the Russian state-supported Internet Research Agency, or IRADec 20 21:11
XRevan86An unfamiliar acronymDec 20 21:11
XRevan86We just call it a "Troll Factory"Dec 20 21:11
oiaohmscientes: and that kind of profiling is flawed.   That ingores the person who hate thier own race.   So you might have a person who not light skined working for a white supremacists and the reverse as well.Dec 20 21:11
XRevan86or kremlinbotsDec 20 21:11
scientesor go China, the 50-cent armyDec 20 21:12
XRevan86that term went so much out of control even living breathing people are being called kremlinbots %)Dec 20 21:12
XRevan86when they are being Useful Idiots (and that term is practically non-existent in the runet)Dec 20 21:12
scientesXRevan86, there was a group I think it would be fair to call thatDec 20 21:13
XRevan86(or when they are being payed to spread the agenda)Dec 20 21:13
scientes 20 21:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Pro-Kremlin Youth Group: Putin's Propaganda Machine (Part 1) - YouTubeDec 20 21:13
XRevan86There were so many Youth Groups I lost trackDec 20 21:14
scientesjust need to start wearing red scarfs :)Dec 20 21:14
XRevan86the latest one is Yunarmia (Youth Army)Dec 20 21:14
oiaohmscientes: 707522964  Is what you would end up with if you took 50 cents from every one of china population.Dec 20 21:14
scientesoiaohm, 50 chinese centsDec 20 21:14
oiaohmThat quite a lot to bribe people and get china way.Dec 20 21:14
XRevan86scientes: Won't workDec 20 21:15
XRevan86scientes: check this rally for instance %)Dec 20 21:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Митинг КПРФ против пенсионной реформы. Прямое включение - YouTubeDec 20 21:15
oiaohmscientes: 50 Cent Party partly in china I suspect is refering to budget.Dec 20 21:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Foundation: Cloud Foundry and Automotive Grade Linux []Dec 20 21:16
XRevan86it's against making the pension age higherDec 20 21:16
scientesoh wow all the redDec 20 21:16
scientes 20 21:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Chinese Internet Trolls Get Paid 50 Cents For Every Comment - YouTubeDec 20 21:17
XRevan86scientes: The "pension reform" was and still is even after half a year is an enormous controversy.Dec 20 21:18
XRevan86scientes: Everyone is against it, but United Russia still voted "yes".Dec 20 21:18
scientesof course, people don't like to be poorerDec 20 21:18
scientesbut I think it is more honest than just driving off a cliffDec 20 21:19
oiaohmscientes: 99 053 214 in USD if 707522964 was CNY      50 cents collected from the complete china population is a lot of money how ever you measure it to play with.Dec 20 21:19
scientesoiaohm, but that isn't how it worksDec 20 21:19
scientesoiaohm, my understand is that the jobs largely go to college educated people that can't get jobs due to an over-supply of labor, in order to shut them up and prevent revolutionDec 20 21:20
XRevan86scientes: The issue is that the pension institution is still a money drain, and a lot of people made a luxurious living out of it. And the nation doesn't understand why it is they who should be even more robbed to cover the budget.Dec 20 21:20
scienteswell yeah they could lower the penions tooDec 20 21:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 20 21:21
scientesin the US the problem is that rent is sooooo expensive, the majority of penion money goes to rentDec 20 21:21
XRevan86scientes: The minimal pension in Russia is not even a minimum wageDec 20 21:21
scientesand of course all that rent is just a subsidy keeping the banking extortion (usery) goinDec 20 21:22
oiaohmscientes: and it make sense revolution would cost more per person than having bogus jobs.Dec 20 21:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Q4OS: A Diamond in the Rough Gets Some Polish []Dec 20 21:22
scientesXRevan86, same in US, minimum pension is $750/mo, but rent is often $500 of thatDec 20 21:22
XRevan86scientes: What I wanted to say is that CPRF is the only "system" party that had the guts to really say "no" to this. And this is their rally, which was welcomed by Navalny and the like as well.Dec 20 21:23
scientesoh i cDec 20 21:23
scientesThe Chinese are the only ones that have housing figuredDec 20 21:24
oiaohmscientes: not quite China as effectively built a stack of cities with zero population.Dec 20 21:24
XRevan86scientes: I am not even talking about housing, the minimum pension in Russia is a problem for just eating heathy.Dec 20 21:25
oiaohmscientes: China managed to successfully over supply housing.Dec 20 21:25
MinceRthey've also built buildings that are unsafe to be in or near :>Dec 20 21:25
XRevan86scientes: There is no way down there, it is already impossibly low.Dec 20 21:25
scientesthey have a huge surplus of housing, although it still is expensive, but eventually the bubble will burst and they will have plenty of housingDec 20 21:26
oiaohmMinceR: and in the worst weather locations as well.    They mainaged to build a city in one location that is perfectly safe as long as you never go outside between 9am and 5pm due to high winds and other problems.Dec 20 21:26
scientesyeah i believe itDec 20 21:26
MinceRno problem, just go there to work and live elsewhereDec 20 21:26
oiaohmMinceR:  they forgot to connect up high speed interconnects to else where.Dec 20 21:27
oiaohmMinceR: so no its if you work their you must live there.Dec 20 21:27
XRevan86scientes: There's actually more than this about pensions, for a lot of people it is not only not social security but plain robbery from the state.Dec 20 21:27
scientesyeah i believe that tooDec 20 21:27
XRevan86In 2014 there was a year-long freeze of retirement savingsDec 20 21:28
oiaohmChina managed to oversupply housing with some the worst built in constrution and location.   Has reduced rental prices in china a bit.Dec 20 21:28
XRevan86and it has been prolonged ever since, now it is said to be until 2021.Dec 20 21:28
XRevan86But the workers still pay the tax.Dec 20 21:29
XRevan86it just doesn't go anywhereDec 20 21:29
XRevan86the only function of it is to plug the hole in the pension budgetDec 20 21:29
oiaohmI do wounder if the USA could in fact house all its homeless or is it like Australia where there is not in fact enough houses at all.Dec 20 21:29
XRevan86and that IS NOT ENOUGHDec 20 21:29
scientes 20 21:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 16 $21 Trillion in Unaccounted-for Government Spending from 1998 to 2015 - The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2017-2018Dec 20 21:30
XRevan86So that's the system here. People are pissed.Dec 20 21:30
scientesyeah people have to be able to eat well, and they have to keep warmDec 20 21:30
XRevan86In the Constitution of the Russian Federation it is said that Russia is a social state.Dec 20 21:31
scientesand US got the idea of social security from RussiaDec 20 21:31
XRevan86Yet homeless pensioneers are lurking for food in the trash.Dec 20 21:31
scientessays here $236 a monthDec 20 21:32
oiaohmscientes: and that 21 trillon is from tax payers that is not the ammount CIA and others make from the gun trade and other illegal actions to fill out their budget.Dec 20 21:32
scientesyeah if you have to buy all your own food that is a bit tight, and prices are probably a bit high in RussiaDec 20 21:33
XRevan86scientes: They are, and they're getting higher.Dec 20 21:33
oiaohmscientes: the untracked budget is scary huge in the USA.Dec 20 21:33
scientesif you are homeless you end up eating OatmealDec 20 21:33
scientesits the only cheap grain that doesn't need to be cookedDec 20 21:33
scientesand peanut butterDec 20 21:34
scientesalthough peanuts probably have to be imported, so that cheap supply of protein....Dec 20 21:34
scientescause other beans have to be cookedDec 20 21:35
oiaohmscientes: there is another choice. 20 21:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Weet-Bix - WikipediaDec 20 21:35
oiaohmscientes: there is different processed weet products that don't need to be cooked and can be eaten with just adding water.Dec 20 21:36
scientescause bread is quite expensive for what it is due to the fact that it moldsDec 20 21:36
oiaohmscientes: in fact I have been lactose in tollerent so at times when only milk was left when camping I at weet-bix without water or milk.  Horrible but filling.Dec 20 21:36
scientesyeah here people eat Top RamenDec 20 21:37
scienteswhich is horrible for the environment because Palm Oil destroys the rain forrestsDec 20 21:37
scientes(and they could just use cocoanut oil)Dec 20 21:37
scientesyou still need protein howeverDec 20 21:37
oiaohmweet bix and oatmeal are not as environmental damanaging as ramen option.Dec 20 21:38
oiaohmI have got by on oatmeal and tinned fish.Dec 20 21:38
oiaohmYes I have done weet bits and tinned fish as well.Dec 20 21:38
oiaohmI would not say its the best eating but when you need cheap it kind of works.Dec 20 21:38
scientes 20 21:44
scientesEurope puts Greece on EBay---its funny because its true (China stepped in)Dec 20 21:47
scientesthe insanity 20 21:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Beijing Subway, Line 13, morning rush hour - just a little crowded - YouTubeDec 20 21:57
scientes 20 22:22
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scientesblowing up lithium batteries with a microwave gun 20 22:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UHF microwave gunDec 20 22:25
<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)Dec 20 22:26
MinceRyeah, that looks perfectly safeDec 20 22:28
MinceRalso highly russianDec 20 22:28
MinceR 20 22:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-LOCAL58 - Weather Service - YouTubeDec 20 22:34
<--XRevan86 has quit (Quit: Gateway shutdown)Dec 20 22:43
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MinceR 20 23:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 20 23:28
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: What's that from?Dec 21 00:14
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Dec 21 00:29
MinceR 21 00:56
scientes 21 01:10
MinceRlolDec 21 01:14
MinceR"Slow down!" "Why? Everyone else is Russian around here!"Dec 21 01:14
XRevan86Oh those Russians…Dec 21 01:18
XRevan86Wait…Dec 21 01:18
scienteso damn BC defeated proportional represenatationDec 21 01:22
scientes 21 01:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-B.C. votes to keep first-past-the-post voting system | Power & Politics - YouTubeDec 21 01:22
XRevan86 and it's not a fakeDec 21 01:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Медведи пристрастились к топливу / Живая природа / Мир в фотографиях день за днемDec 21 01:23
XRevan86scientes: What's the current system?Dec 21 01:28
scientesbees are prohibitionists when it comes to alcohol 21 01:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Drunk Bees - YouTubeDec 21 01:28
scientesfirst-past-the-post ^Dec 21 01:28
scientesbut with districtsDec 21 01:29
XRevan86Does it mean that if one gets 38%, another 32%, and the third one 30%, then the first one wins?Dec 21 01:29
scientesyesDec 21 01:30
XRevan86I dislike that kind of system for punishing diversity.Dec 21 01:31
XRevan86The most consolidated wins.Dec 21 01:31
scientesyeah that is why there was the push for proportional representationDec 21 01:31
scientesso that green party for example could get representationDec 21 01:31
scientesor look at how the pirate party in Sweden was able to get a seatDec 21 01:32
XRevan86Even if that's just 38% of the population, they have just one candidate and they win.Dec 21 01:32
scientes38% of votesDec 21 01:32
XRevan86correctDec 21 01:32
XRevan86They should at least consider the second tour idea thenDec 21 01:33
scientesi think there was alot of money behind defeating itDec 21 01:33
scientesin the town I am in now there is an effort to add districts, go backwardsDec 21 01:34
XRevan86It's dumb and simple, yet manages to mitigate this enormous problem.Dec 21 01:34
XRevan86The majority vote means that the majority >50% of votes went for the candidateDec 21 01:35
XRevan86Why is it allowed for that not to be the case?Dec 21 01:35
XRevan86"undemocratic"Dec 21 01:36
scienteswell democracy can mean many things, including systems that don't involve voting at allDec 21 01:36
scienteslike economic democracy---the ability to get into a market and produce goodsDec 21 01:37
XRevan86But the idea always implies that the people ruleDec 21 01:37
scientesyesDec 21 01:37
XRevan86And that implies the majority of peopleDec 21 01:38
scienteslike Shenzhen in China enabled computer hardware to be produced in a way that never existed before, under the large corporationsDec 21 01:38
XRevan86But instead I see a system that games human perceptionDec 21 01:39
scienteswhile the companies that come out of that: Huawei, ZTE, are very horrible in the way they have to collude with the CPP, the general of culture of Shenzhen has proven more democraticDec 21 01:39
XRevan86Because humans tend to look at stats in a simple way – the longest bar winsDec 21 01:40
scientes 21 01:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.edit ...Dec 21 01:41
XRevan86So just slice the unwanted bars up by overspecifying, and humans will perceive the desired winnerDec 21 01:41
XRevan8612% – enormously smart people; 13% – very smart people; 25% – just smart people; 50% – dumb peopleDec 21 01:43
scientesI totally agreeDec 21 01:43
scientesand formal democracy is not as important than the threat of formal democracy, and then what issues are discussedDec 21 01:44
scientesand getting 3rd partys a voice allows more issues to be discussedDec 21 01:44
scientes(although you need some culture of freedom of speech)Dec 21 01:45
XRevan86And the people of course should have the option to pick the party of their choosing, not the options provided by some benevolent dictatorDec 21 01:45
scientesyeah, its like how we rightfully call China a one-party system, when they have sham partiesDec 21 01:48
scientesI think the concensus is that Russia is the sameDec 21 01:48
scientesno point in votingDec 21 01:48
scientesdo other places besides the US have citizen referrendums?Dec 21 01:48
XRevan86There still would've been a point in votingDec 21 01:48
scientes***I mean initiativesDec 21 01:49
XRevan86but there are falsificationsDec 21 01:49
*scientes had to remember the difference between a referrendum and initiativeDec 21 01:49
XRevan86United Russia doesn't like losingDec 21 01:49
scientesThe US has electronic voting machines in many placesDec 21 01:49
scientesits a farceDec 21 01:50
XRevan86Russia has a half of those and a half of thoseDec 21 01:50
XRevan86The falsifications were reported with manual counting only for obvious reasonsDec 21 01:50
scientesyeah I wouldn't spend my time with those machinesDec 21 01:50
scientesits a waste of timeDec 21 01:51
scientesthere is no accountabilityDec 21 01:51
XRevan86Of course all reports were ignored by the committee, but Internet remembersDec 21 01:51
XRevan86scientes: I've heard, yes.Dec 21 01:53
scientesbut vote-by-mail makes alot of senseDec 21 01:53
scientesespecially as it is less time consumingDec 21 01:53
scientesand there is a paper trailDec 21 01:54
XRevan86It removes anonymity from voting thoughDec 21 01:54
scientesyeah its hard to know it is being done correctlyDec 21 01:55
scientesyeah good pointDec 21 01:55
scientesit was only forced on us here after the "hanging chad" issue in the 2000 electionDec 21 01:55
XRevan86What was that?Dec 21 01:56
scientesthe 2000 presidential electrion was decided by the supreme court 5-4Dec 21 01:56
scientesand a big issue was whether to count votes there the paper removed on the ballot was still attachedDec 21 01:56
XRevan86I think the only thing required is to see the urn the whole way throughDec 21 01:56
scientesso those types of ballets were abolishedDec 21 01:57
XRevan86From the moment the paper falls down to counting and beyondDec 21 01:57
scientes(but computer ones were not)Dec 21 01:57
scientesso we had to switch to pencil-type, computer (stupid, and not politically acceptable here), and mail-inDec 21 01:57
XRevan86Why was there paper attached to a ballot?Dec 21 01:59
scienteslike this 21 02:00
XRevan86Here there's just a penDec 21 02:01
XRevan86Put an X next to PutinDec 21 02:01
scientesthat had problems, ours you connect the arrowsDec 21 02:01
scientes 21 02:02
XRevan86Like a little quest?Dec 21 02:02
scientesif its fill in the dot, it should be #2 pencilDec 21 02:02
scienteslike with standardized testsDec 21 02:02
XRevan86Good thing I saw that in filmsDec 21 02:03
scienteshow do standardized tests work in russia?Dec 21 02:04
XRevan86There's one, the Unified State Exam after schoolDec 21 02:04
XRevan86 21 02:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Unified State Exam - WikipediaDec 21 02:05
XRevan86Oh hey, translations matchedDec 21 02:05
scientesI found that the US standardizes tests were well-writtenDec 21 02:08
scientesalthough there is a problem with costsDec 21 02:08
scientesthe AP tests in subjects costs $94 eachDec 21 02:08
scientesand there is also the IB testsDec 21 02:09
XRevan86The biggest problem with the USE is suspiciously high scores in the Caucasus regionDec 21 02:10
XRevan86Universities get grumpy, because the students from there aren't as bright as the absolute highest score may suggestDec 21 02:11
MinceR 21 02:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-I Play Postal 2 Voting Ballet - YouTubeDec 21 02:11
XRevan86There are precautions, yet somehow %)Dec 21 02:12
XRevan86scientes: Do you mean there's a fee to take a standardised test?Dec 21 02:19
scientesYepDec 21 02:27
scientesits a private companyDec 21 02:27
scientesand we have two college entrance examsDec 21 02:27
scientesboth private companies, the lesser-known one (ACT) is cheaperDec 21 02:28
scientesits the way that the middle class gets squeezed in the USDec 21 02:29
scienteswhich basically means anyone that even makes minimum wageDec 21 02:29
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 21 02:30
scientesduring WW2 the income tax highest bracket was 94%, and remained %91 percent until 1964Dec 21 02:31
XRevan86scientes: So AmericanDec 21 02:39
scienteswhen i was in school the teachers would complain about how hard it was to work with the company too (The College Board)Dec 21 02:40
scientesand they have to basically donate their time to grade papersDec 21 02:40
scientesat least it is a well written test. The test that the state creates and administers is incredibly stupid as it was written by committeeDec 21 02:44
DaemonFC[m]scientes: Do you mean there's a fee to take a standardised test?Dec 21 02:58
DaemonFC[m]There's a huge fee to take just the high school equivalency exam and get _a_ job, period, if you dropped out of high school.Dec 21 02:58
DaemonFC[m]Pearson made the test unbelievably hard so that people would have to keep paying to re-test pieces that they didn't pass.Dec 21 02:58
DaemonFC[m]It can now cost some people over $300 to prove that they know as much as a high school graduate.Dec 21 02:59
scientesthe GED is not hardDec 21 02:59
scientesat least when I took it, which was admittedly a while agoDec 21 02:59
DaemonFC[m]It wasn't.Dec 21 02:59
DaemonFC[m]Until Pearson got in and made it that way.Dec 21 02:59
DaemonFC[m]I passed the first time I took it, in 2001.Dec 21 02:59
DaemonFC[m]Paid $20.Dec 21 02:59
DaemonFC[m]scientes: Google "pearson ged" and you'll see.Dec 21 03:00
DaemonFC[m]States are abandoning the GED because the pass rate is so low now.Dec 21 03:00
DaemonFC[m]They're largely replacing it with TASC or something similar that's about as difficult as the GED was before Pearson took it over.Dec 21 03:01
scientes$120 per test Dec 21 03:01
scientes aligned to the Common CoreDec 21 03:01
scientesahh yesDec 21 03:01
DaemonFC[m]scientes: Yes, unless you miss a section.Dec 21 03:01
DaemonFC[m]They charge you by the section to re-test. Dec 21 03:02
scientesLast year, of the 248,000 people who took the test, about 86,000 successfully earned a GEDDec 21 03:02
DaemonFC[m]But just taking the test once already costs five times what I paid in 2001.Dec 21 03:02
scienteswow, that is insaneDec 21 03:02
scientesyeah, its just an effort to prevent people from entering the job marketDec 21 03:02
scientesbecause they know the unemployeement rate is so highDec 21 03:02
scientes"requires a credit card on file"Dec 21 03:03
scientesSRSLY!Dec 21 03:03
DaemonFC[m]Yes, and you have to take it on a computer and there are no official practice materials.Dec 21 03:03
DaemonFC[m]I took a look at a GED prep book the other day, which was in stock at B&N for some reason even though Illinois doesn't have the GED.Dec 21 03:04
scientes" In January 2014, Pearson replaced the traditional GED test with a test that is so difficult that not only is it impossible to most GED students to pass the Pearson GED test – it is impossible for most of the members of our state legislature to pass the Pearson GED test."Dec 21 03:04
DaemonFC[m]The first thing it warns you about is that the book might not prepare you for the GED because nobody outside Pearson knows what's on the test.Dec 21 03:04
scientesall we just have to switch to the  Iowa HiSETDec 21 03:05
scientesDaemonFC[m], are you black? :)Dec 21 03:05
scientesand then it fails youDec 21 03:05
scientesthe chinese test is like thatDec 21 03:05
DaemonFC[m]Illinois offers the HiSET, I think.Dec 21 03:05
DaemonFC[m]Could be mistaken.Dec 21 03:05
DaemonFC[m]Well, it would make sense.Dec 21 03:05
DaemonFC[m]Chicago is very racist and segregated.Dec 21 03:05
DaemonFC[m]It's full of racist white people who don't want to be labeled racist.Dec 21 03:06
DaemonFC[m]The polish are the worst though.Dec 21 03:06
DaemonFC[m]A lot of those here. They all have that Penny Mustard accent. Dec 21 03:07
DaemonFC[m]It's hysterical to listen to them talk.Dec 21 03:07
DaemonFC[m]scientes: Structural racism.Dec 21 03:07
DaemonFC[m]Like 40% youth unemployment rate, but only in "those" sections of the city.Dec 21 03:08
DaemonFC[m]If you're white and at least have a GED, you can fall on your face and find a job.Dec 21 03:08
DaemonFC[m]scientes: Yeah, maybe keeping people from getting a GED keeps the unemployment down.Dec 21 03:10
DaemonFC[m]No reason to look for work if you already know that even McDonalds won't hire you.Dec 21 03:10
scientesyeah thats my pointDec 21 03:11
scientesthe US unemployeement is VERY highDec 21 03:11
scientesbut the numbers are fudgedDec 21 03:11
scientesif you are unemployeed and you stub your toe walking down the street, you are no longer unemployeedDec 21 03:11
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, well looking at the U6 we know it's over 10%.Dec 21 03:11
scientesits more like 25%Dec 21 03:12
DaemonFC[m]That counts "marginally attached workers", but not people who are not looking because they gave up.Dec 21 03:12
DaemonFC[m]The U3 counts anyone who has any job as employed.Dec 21 03:12
DaemonFC[m]So it's not a legitimate measure. Dec 21 03:13
scientesalso the dole---the amount of money that comes directly from the government is quite highDec 21 03:16
scientesfood stamps and social securityDec 21 03:16
scientes 21 03:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Australia’s Glorious Giant Cow | The Daily Show - YouTubeDec 21 03:31
scientes"doping like Russian athletes"---why are Americans so stuck on the cold war? It is China that dopes the athletes now.Dec 21 03:32
MinceRprobably because the second cold war is ongoingDec 21 03:49
scientes 21 03:50
scienteso thats goodDec 21 03:50
MinceR:)Dec 21 03:52
scientes 21 04:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Raw: Tourists Brave Glass-Bottom Bridge - YouTubeDec 21 04:09
scientesno this one is better 21 04:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Glass crack bridge | Fear of Heights Challenge Vine | Prank on most dangerous road in the world - YouTubeDec 21 04:09
scienteshere we go 21 04:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-China Glass Bridge - Crack Effect - YouTubeDec 21 04:10
scienteswhat a sad prankDec 21 04:10
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 21 04:11
scientes 21 04:30
scientesinternal combusition engine ^Dec 21 04:30
MinceRneatDec 21 04:44
MinceRwhat's the transparent cover material?Dec 21 04:44
scientesno ideaDec 21 04:46
MinceR 21 04:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A whole new level of frustration.Dec 21 04:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux File Manager: Top 10 Reviewed for Linux Users []Dec 21 05:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Canonical/Ubuntu: Robotics, Design and Lubuntu Deprecating i386 []Dec 21 05:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: PGI 18.10 Compiler Benchmarks Against GCC 8.2, LLVM Clang 7.0 []Dec 21 05:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: DiRT 4, Arcade Spirits, Depth of Extinction, Planet Nomads and More []Dec 21 05:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Alpine 3.8.2 released #AlpineLinux #gnu #linux []Dec 21 05:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 4.21, Linux 4.20 and Outreachy for Kernel Projects []Dec 21 06:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security: Updates, AWS, Keybase and Windows []Dec 21 06:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming leftovers []Dec 21 06:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla: A New #MozillaLabs , Extensions in #Firefox 65, Latest Firefox Focus and Rust 1.31.1 []Dec 21 06:21
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat Leftovers []Dec 21 06:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software: Apt Package Management, Kookbook, Auryo and Cardano []Dec 21 06:27
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techrightsDec 21 06:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts: KubeCon, Ubuntu Podcast, Python 101 and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory []Dec 21 06:31
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scientes 21 06:34
oiaohmscientes: that glass crack bridge make me remember a elevator prank Dec 21 06:36
oiaohmscientes: this oneDec 21 06:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Elevator Prank: Floor Falls Away - YouTubeDec 21 06:37
scientesyes very similarDec 21 06:39
scientesthe difference is that bridge is already scaryDec 21 06:39
scientesand what if someone fell off trying to get away from the cracking floorDec 21 06:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 21 06:42
scientes 21 06:48
scientesbecause it already left KAZAM!Dec 21 06:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: How SUSE Organizes Its Server Linux Operating Systems []Dec 21 06:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free Software in Graphics: NVIDIA/PhysX, Radeon, and Nouveau []Dec 21 07:15
scientes 21 07:17
scienteshe got it wrong that a dietary calorie is 1000 caloriesDec 21 07:18
scientes 21 07:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OSS Leftovers []Dec 21 07:30
oiaohmscientes: the bridge is already scary but you don't have to travel it dayly.   Dec 21 07:32
oiaohmscientes: so I don't know what one is worse.Dec 21 07:32
scientes 21 07:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Dec 21 07:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 21/12/2018: Alpine 3.8.2, Coreboot 4.9, Rust 1.31.1 []Dec 21 07:42
scientesnice fuck Uber and the backsliding on US law 21 07:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor .editor-inner div.lega ...Dec 21 07:49
scientesSCOTUS can eat my hairy balls---they use to be great, but not any moreDec 21 07:49
scientesand I can't look up what is going on in the case because the federal government system charges money to access public domain documentsDec 21 07:51
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XRevan86> The polish are the worst though.Dec 21 11:58
XRevan86I've heard before remarks about racist Polish people (in Norway)Dec 21 11:58
XRevan86That doesn't really make sense to me, how did this happen?Dec 21 11:58
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XRevan86 21 16:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Offensive TruthDec 21 16:01
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Listen to the radio at the Linux terminal []Dec 21 16:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 21 16:13
MinceR 21 16:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ImgurDec 21 16:14
XRevan86hnnngDec 21 16:15
MinceR 21 16:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 21 16:35
scientesI hate how the internet has been taken over by people that can't tolerate other people's ideasDec 21 16:36
scientesand that most of the internet has been reduced to people yelling at each other without listeningDec 21 16:36
scientesand assuming that their ideas are prevailing because they are so sure of themselvesDec 21 16:36
XRevan86I am suspecting that this has been the case for years, and then it entered my Internet space for me to notice.Dec 21 16:37
scienteshmmm, I am more hopeful---I feel it is the result of people that grew up with the internetDec 21 16:38
scientesthat are trying to use it to define who they areDec 21 16:38
XRevan86scientes: That's also how you could define myself.Dec 21 16:41
scienteshmmmmmmm, good pointDec 21 16:41
scientesyeah that is a bad definition---because alot of those doing this are the older generationDec 21 16:42
scientesreddit has a whole /r/forwardsfromgrandmaDec 21 16:43
MinceRthat's not only the internet, it's human societyDec 21 16:44
MinceRand only the worst ideas are prevailingDec 21 16:44
scientescause i respect that people should be able to control their communitiesDec 21 16:44
scientesbut silencing voices is the worst way of doing thatDec 21 16:44
scientesits more about getting rid of people that derail the discussionDec 21 16:44
MinceRno, people should be able to control their own livesDec 21 16:44
scientesotherwise the ideas always trend to the lowest common denominatorDec 21 16:45
XRevan86The current trend seems to be to sanitise the whole Internet, to purge from it everything potentionally dangerous.Dec 21 16:45
scientes 21 16:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Halloween Costume Controversy at Yale's Silliman College - The AtlanticDec 21 16:46
scientesewwwwwwwwwww too many wordsDec 21 16:46
XRevan86 be gone!Dec 21 16:47
XRevan86( )Dec 21 16:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Philosophers' ships - WikipediaDec 21 16:47
scientesyeah good pointDec 21 16:47
MinceRthey're sanitizing the planet, they just don't realize it yetDec 21 16:47
XRevan86alias nazi="enemy of the people"Dec 21 16:48
scientesgrammar nazi :)Dec 21 16:48
scientesthe humor is being lost in the sanitizationDec 21 16:49
XRevan86One mustn't criticise the revolutionDec 21 16:50
scientesok i'll be back laterDec 21 16:50
XRevan86and humour is just critique in a funny packageDec 21 16:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: SMARC module runs Linux on i.MX8X []Dec 21 16:50
scientes 21 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Chairman Meow National Anthem - YouTubeDec 21 16:51
XRevan86You're either progressive (with the revolution) or a Nazi (bourgeoisie)Dec 21 16:51
XRevan86there's just no third option availableDec 21 16:51
scientesyeah there is some truth to that---and it standard Russian propaganda---like "neo-nazis" in UkraineDec 21 16:52
scientesthe reality is that both US and Russian troops are thereDec 21 16:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #KDevelop 5.3.1 released []Dec 21 16:52
XRevan86scientes: There was this propaganda piece where the media said the Ukrainian army crucified a boyDec 21 16:53
XRevan86They don't even bother reshaping reality in their narrative.Dec 21 16:54
XRevan86Why bother, when the nation will swallow a straight up lie just as wellDec 21 16:54
XRevan86Neo-Nazis are a real problem in Ukraine though, but they're not literally in power like they'd like to present them.Dec 21 16:56
DaemonFC[m] 21 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Locate or Create AttachmentDec 21 16:58
DaemonFC[m]errrDec 21 16:58
DaemonFC[m] 21 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 192982 – [GTK] Garbled rendering on Youtube while scrolling under X11.Dec 21 16:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #KStars v3.0.0 is released! []Dec 21 16:59
DaemonFC[m]I found some Youtube problems in WebkitGTK under X11.Dec 21 16:59
DaemonFC[m]Google's fuckery just keeps getting worse.Dec 21 16:59
DaemonFC[m]Previously, they broke WebM video playback for all web browsers without Media Source Extensions urned on.Dec 21 17:00
DaemonFC[m]That prompted an emergency update of WebkitGTK just to deal with that issue.Dec 21 17:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Set the holiday mood with your Raspberry Pi []Dec 21 17:01
DaemonFC[m]Oddly, the Javascript version of Youtube flies in Webkit because the Javascript engine is pretty damned fast.Dec 21 17:02
XRevan86scientes: Truth is that nationalism and populism play a big role in Ukrainian politics, but their political process at least… exists.Dec 21 17:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Performance Of Five Linux Distributions From Early 2016 To The End Of 2018 []Dec 21 17:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Lubuntu kicks 32-bit Linux users to the curb []Dec 21 17:04
XRevan86From what I've gathered, the most likely candidates to win the next presidential elections in Ukraine are Oleg Lyashko and Yulia TimoshenkoDec 21 17:07
XRevan86Good luck with either.Dec 21 17:13
XRevan86Timoshenko is a shady character, even suspected to have an agreement with Vladimir Putin over gas transfer.Dec 21 17:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 21 17:14
XRevan86And Lyashko is a populist of epic (not quite Trump epic but close) proportions.Dec 21 17:14
XRevan86So… looks pretty grim, but we'll see I guess.Dec 21 17:16
XRevan86oh, and both are right-wing, of courseDec 21 17:17
XRevan86I won't bother criticising Poroshenko, because the likelihood of him being re-elected is next to nothing, so he only has around 4 months left.Dec 21 17:19
XRevan86 though this rating doesn't favour Lyashko all that muchDec 21 17:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Вибори Президента України 2019 — ВікіпедіяDec 21 17:23
XRevan86but Timoshenko is disturbingly high up stillDec 21 17:23
XRevan86and Zelensky the actor O_oDec 21 17:23
XRevan86Meanwhile, Russia is still actively working on supressing any kind of protest, even peaceful ones, now with a new strawman: "do you want what happened in Paris?", a quote from POTRF himself.Dec 21 17:31
XRevan86a worthy addition to "do you want what happened in Ukraine?"Dec 21 17:32
XRevan86a boy was crucified! (a fake)Dec 21 17:32
DaemonFC[m]a worthy addition to "do you want what happened in Ukraine?"Dec 21 17:34
DaemonFC[m]Someone is going to invade part of Russia in disguise, hold a fake election, and then annex it?Dec 21 17:34
XRevan86there are (significant) rumours that Kurils are going to be given to Japan after signing a peace treaty after allDec 21 17:35
XRevan86seems like annexation is redundant %)Dec 21 17:36
XRevan86 oh, these are not rumoursDec 21 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kuril Islands dispute - WikipediaDec 21 17:37
XRevan86It's just that the media avoids the topic with all their mightDec 21 17:37
MinceR 21 17:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 21 17:39
XRevan86A little known fact: the referendum in Crimea was managed by the same person who managed the elections in the State Duma where the "146%" meme was born.Dec 21 17:41
XRevan86 Gandalf himselfDec 21 17:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vladimir Churov - WikipediaDec 21 17:42
XRevan86> Churov maintained that the elections were free of falsificationsDec 21 17:44
XRevan86duhDec 21 17:44
XRevan86So does Ella Pamfilova now.Dec 21 17:44
XRevan86the only time she did admit that was the recent elections in the Primorye region (Vladivostok and the like)Dec 21 17:45
MinceRniceDec 21 17:46
XRevan86I wonder if there's an article in English about the Primorye elections, these were ludicrousDec 21 17:46
XRevan86Act I: 21 17:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEDec 21 17:50
XRevan86Act II: 21 17:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEDec 21 17:50
XRevan86Act III: 21 17:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEDec 21 17:50
XRevan86An epos in three acts.Dec 21 17:50
XRevan86There were two candidates for the mayor of Primorye, a United Russia Tarasenko and a CPRF IschenkoDec 21 17:52
XRevan86Here's how the votes looked like: 21 17:53
XRevan86That magical thing that happened at end was so obvious, that the elections were cancelled.Dec 21 17:53
XRevan86and the new elections were re-scheduled to happen in three monthsDec 21 17:54
XRevan86In the meantime Putin himself appointed an acting mayor Oleg Kozhemyako, who was then advertised very actively as the salvation from all problems on the mediaDec 21 17:55
XRevan86even as a guy who will put Primorye first, not the Moscow's centreDec 21 17:55
XRevan86And when the elections came, Ischenko, the CPRF candidate, who was supposed to win in the second tour, wasn't featured on the ballot.Dec 21 17:57
XRevan86There were neither United Russia nor CPRF featured there, because Kozhemyako also decided to run as an Independent %)Dec 21 17:57
XRevan86and the reason why Ischenko wasn't featured is because he didn't "pass the municipal filter"Dec 21 17:58
DaemonFC[m]Looks like the US federal government is headed for a shutdown.Dec 21 17:58
DaemonFC[m]For how long, who knows?Dec 21 17:58
DaemonFC[m]Probably ends with a veto override to enact a budget without Trump's signature.Dec 21 17:58
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Reminds of that Trump's statement about POTUS's competency when the government shuts down.Dec 21 17:59
DaemonFC[m]If no right away, the Democrats have a majority in the House starting January 3.Dec 21 17:59
DaemonFC[m]The Senate already voted on a budget with no wall money. It passed unanimously.Dec 21 17:59
DaemonFC[m]The House will have 235 Democrats and 199 Republicans at the start of the next session.Dec 21 18:00
XRevan86And in conclusion of the Primorye rant, the tl;dr about the "municipal filter": United Russia's men practically control who can run in the elections, they've just decided the CPRF's guy isn't worthy any more.Dec 21 18:00
DaemonFC[m]To get to 290 and override a veto, they need 55/199 House Republicans after January 3rd.Dec 21 18:01
DaemonFC[m]Or 95/240 before January 3rd.Dec 21 18:01
DaemonFC[m]errr, actuallyDec 21 18:01
DaemonFC[m]I think it's doable either way.Dec 21 18:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: A Lot Of Media Driver Work For Linux 4.21 - Includes Intel IPU3, ASpeed Video Engine []Dec 21 18:03
DaemonFC[m]But after the 3rd, most of the people who wanted the wall either won't be there anymore or won't be in any position to decide what the House takes up.Dec 21 18:03
DaemonFC[m]It was House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy who put the wall funding back in, and he'll be in the minority next session.Dec 21 18:03
DaemonFC[m]The Republican House delegation from California was pretty much wiped out.Dec 21 18:04
DaemonFC[m]They're left with 7 members out of 53 seats.Dec 21 18:05
DaemonFC[m]McCarthy held on, though. But he won't be in charge of anything next year.Dec 21 18:05
DaemonFC[m]Trying to whip the minority vote, if he's lucky.Dec 21 18:05
DaemonFC[m]The Republicans lost every single seat from Orange County, which used to be a Republican stronghold in California.Dec 21 18:06
XRevan86Did the Orange County self-identify with Donald? :)Dec 21 18:08
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 21 18:11
DaemonFC[m]Clinton won by a small margin.Dec 21 18:11
XRevan86By the popular vote you mean?Dec 21 18:12
XRevan86if you're talking about the 2016 predidential elections in the USDec 21 18:14
DaemonFC[m]Yeah.Dec 21 18:18
DaemonFC[m]She won the popular vote in Orange County, CA. (51%)Dec 21 18:19
DaemonFC[m] 21 18:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 192982 – [GTK] Garbled rendering on Youtube while scrolling under X11.Dec 21 18:28
DaemonFC[m]Ryan Farmer 2018-12-21 10:28:01 PSTDec 21 18:29
DaemonFC[m]FWIW, browsers like Firefox and Chromium have either blacklisted OpenGL compositing on GNU/Linux and/or have applied a ton of clumsy driver workarounds.Dec 21 18:29
DaemonFC[m]I'm afraid to say that even with the latest Intel open source stack (Linux kernel, Mesa, Xorg), Chromium's list of broken driver workarounds hasn't gotten a lot smaller, and you still have to enable OpenGL compositing through Flags.Dec 21 18:29
DaemonFC[m]Ugh.Dec 21 18:29
DaemonFC[m]Formatting. Dec 21 18:29
DaemonFC[m]S&P 500 down another 1% on the day so far. This puts it down about 9.5% year to date. Meanwhile, the government bond fund I put everything in has returned 2.81% YTD.Dec 21 18:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security: Reward for Finding Holes, Spectre V2 Workarounds, Jumble Password []Dec 21 18:43
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 21 18:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU Releases: GREP 3.3 and SED 4.7 []Dec 21 18:45
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: ReactOS 0.4.11 Release Candidate Available For Testing The "Open-Source Windows" []Dec 21 19:00
<--XRevan86 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Dec 21 19:16
-->XRevan86 ( has joined #techrightsDec 21 19:21
---MinceR gives voice to mmu_man XRevan86 amarsh04Dec 21 19:27
MinceR 21 19:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 21 19:28
XRevan86MinceR: The famous ΔЅЅСΛRDec 21 19:32
MinceR:)Dec 21 19:47
MinceR 21 19:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 21 19:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Fates of Ort, Kingdom Rush Origins, Space Haven, Artifact, GoNNER, Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus []Dec 21 19:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Wine 4.0 RC3 []Dec 21 20:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Rust, PHP and Python []Dec 21 20:12
schestowitzXRevan86: questionDec 21 20:20
schestowitzis it worth subscribing to meduza rss?Dec 21 20:20
schestowitzI know they're critical of Putin, but how credible are they?Dec 21 20:20
XRevan86schestowitz: At least the Russian version is credible enough. They aren't as well regarded as Mediazona but they're not freaks.Dec 21 20:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: SUSE: KubeCon, SUSE CaaS Platform 3, openSUSE Google Summer of Code []Dec 21 20:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Sounds, Graphics and Compute Servers on Linux []Dec 21 20:29
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 21 20:29
XRevan86schestowitz: Skimmed through the Atom feed, don't see any "fake news" :)Dec 21 20:33
MinceR 21 20:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-hid: bug fixes · torvalds/linux@b4061a1 · GitHubDec 21 20:35
XRevan86schestowitz: So the answer is yes. After all, that's the only news site that I know of that broadcasts news from Russia in English and isn't in bed with the state.Dec 21 20:37
XRevan86MinceR: Probably in some third-party branchDec 21 20:38
XRevan86GitHub has unified git storage for all forks.Dec 21 20:38
XRevan86 so there it actually isDec 21 20:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Commits · andrewrk/linux · GitHubDec 21 20:39
XRevan86Oh, someone actually said that in the comments.Dec 21 20:39
MinceRXRevan86: it's actually an unrelated repo, as explained in the commentsDec 21 20:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Fedora Elections results []Dec 21 20:52
XRevan86a "fork", yesDec 21 20:52
<--dmb has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 21 20:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 21 21:10
-->dmb ( has joined #techrightsDec 21 21:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Server: CI/CD, Istio and Kubernetes at Canonical and Red Hat []Dec 21 21:37
schestowitz[20:37] <XRevan86> schestowitz: So the answer is yes. After all, that's the only news site that I know of that broadcasts news from Russia in English and isn't in bed with the state.Dec 21 21:40
schestowitzWho owns it/runs it?Dec 21 21:40
schestowitzI need to knowDec 21 21:40
XRevan86It was founded by 21 21:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Galina Timchenko - WikipediaDec 21 21:41
XRevan86From it appears she is the current CEO.Dec 21 21:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEDec 21 21:41
XRevan86schestowitz: Notice this:Dec 21 21:51
XRevan86> In 2004, she assumed the position of editor in chief [of].Dec 21 21:51
XRevan86> A Berkman Center 2010 study found it to be the most cited news source in the Russian blogosphere.Dec 21 21:51 used to be very big at the timeDec 21 21:51
XRevan86But then Kremlin took it from her (quite literally), and she with her co-workers left to Riga, Latvia, where she founded as a replacement.Dec 21 21:52
XRevan86quite a drama tale :)Dec 21 21:53
XRevan86Now it's pretty uninteresting and pops up pretty rarely, just as the other Rambler servicesDec 21 21:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #RadeonSI #Gallium3D Made Some More #OpenGL Performance Gains This Year []Dec 21 21:55
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 21 21:59
MinceR(audio:unimportant) 21 22:00
XRevan86suchika?Dec 21 22:03
XRevan86(audio:odd)Dec 21 22:03
XRevan86seems russian, but the first word makes no sense to me %)Dec 21 22:04
XRevan86I hear "сучика, всё, ноги, бл… на, на, на, кс-кс-кс-кс, у-ха-ха-ха, АААА"Dec 21 22:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The #Slimbook Eclipse: Powerful Enough to Put Other Linux Laptops in the Shade? []Dec 21 22:08
DaemonFC[m] 21 22:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Linux Mint 19.1: The better-than-ever Linux desktop | ZDNetDec 21 22:12
DaemonFC[m]"I was just reminded again why I use Linux desktops. Two-and-a-half months after its release, the Windows 10 October 2018 Update is finally recommending "advanced users" can install it. Personally, I like running operating systems that don't destroy my data or come with Blue Screens of Death. It also doesn't hurt any that the latest long-term support (LTS) release of Linux Mint, Mint 19.1, is a superb desktop."Dec 21 22:12
MinceR 21 22:28
scientesXRevan86, yeah putin has been talking about kuril islands openlyDec 21 22:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla: Extensions, Privacy and Firefox Focus []Dec 21 22:29
scientesIsn't it worth it for peace?Dec 21 22:29
XRevan86scientes: I weirdly didn't think about it in this context, possibly because Wikipedia was the first legit source of information where I saw information on the topic.Dec 21 22:33
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 21 22:34
XRevan86Why no one talks about it is beyond me.Dec 21 22:34
scientesyeah I've heard Putin say it (in translation) off of YouTubeDec 21 22:34
scientes 21 22:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-THE PEACEMAKER: Putin To Japan's Abe: Let's Sign Peace Treaty By End Of Year Without Preconditions! - YouTubeDec 21 22:34
XRevan86Is it because Putin is not the mr. tough guy here, I don't know.Dec 21 22:35
scientesbut he is---his ratings soared over CrimeaDec 21 22:35
XRevan86no compromises, no pasaranDec 21 22:35
XRevan86And now his ratings tank over the latest legislationsDec 21 22:36
scienteshe points out this 21 22:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Soviet–Japanese Joint Declaration of 1956 - WikipediaDec 21 22:36
scientes(it is of course to watch Putin in English when you know Russian.....)Dec 21 22:37
scienteswierdDec 21 22:37
XRevan86scientes: It was signed before the wide friendship between Japan and the US has arisen though.Dec 21 22:40
scientesI am not strong on Japaneese history, but my understanding is that even since WW2 there was a strong "friendship"Dec 21 22:40
XRevan86before 21 22:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between the United States and Japan - WikipediaDec 21 22:40
scienteswhich was more of a US occupation, to prevent Japan from going communistDec 21 22:41
XRevan86Khruschev had his own hopes for Japan apparentlyDec 21 22:41
scientesof course these were US sources howeverDec 21 22:41
XRevan86apparently he wanted it to stay strictly neutralDec 21 22:41
XRevan86Which Japan obviously didn't do.Dec 21 22:41
scientesand of course Red China wasn't a US allieDec 21 22:41
scientesespecially after (what it Russia) got them the bombDec 21 22:42
XRevan86After all, by the treaty when Russia gives the islands to Japan, the US will have to defend them.Dec 21 22:43
scientesthey are unimportant, there is no oil there--Sakhalin IS important however, which Russia gets to keep as per the resolution of WW2Dec 21 22:44
scientesI think it is a great deal for RussiaDec 21 22:45
scientesand for JapanDec 21 22:45
scientesJapan needs friends in the areaDec 21 22:46
scientesinstead of just all the way accross the oceanDec 21 22:46
XRevan86The US is close, isn't it?Dec 21 22:46
scientesThe Pacific Ocean is hugeDec 21 22:46
scientesbut yeah Hawaii is closeishDec 21 22:46
scientesesp. now as the former colony Philipines is moving towards ChinaDec 21 22:47
XRevan86Cursed you are, maps!Dec 21 22:47
*XRevan86 looks at 21 22:47
scientesyeah Moscow is closerDec 21 22:47
XRevan86I thought that since Alaska is close then the US must be too, but the maps are just folded in a funny way.Dec 21 22:48
scientesthan the continental USDec 21 22:48
scientesa Japan-Russia alliance is important against the hegemony of ChinaDec 21 22:48
XRevan86In way in particular though?Dec 21 22:49
XRevan86In fact, Russia is trying to get closer to ChinaDec 21 22:49
scientesChina really wants Russia's oilDec 21 22:49
scientesRussia doesn't have to try, China is already its largest trading partnerDec 21 22:50
XRevan86Which is politically fine by China, but the economy of Russia is just not interesting on an equal foottingDec 21 22:50
XRevan86only the raw materials in Russia are of any value to themDec 21 22:50
scientesyep that is how the Chinese thinkDec 21 22:51
scientesand they will steal your technologiesDec 21 22:51
XRevan86they won'tDec 21 22:51
scientesAustralia also cow-tows to China, despite China needing them for natural resourcesDec 21 22:52
XRevan86Russia has prepared itself for this.Dec 21 22:52
scientesyeah Russia is probably much better at protecting technologyDec 21 22:52
scienteslike where did China get all those high-speed rails? It stole the tech from JapanDec 21 22:52
XRevan86 21 22:52
XRevan86Can't steal technology that doesn't existDec 21 22:52
scienteso i cDec 21 22:53
XRevan86 a good laugh thoughDec 21 22:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Дрон Бартини упал в Сколково на первых публичных испытаниях. - YouTubeDec 21 22:54
scientesniceDec 21 22:54
MinceR 21 22:55
scientesI don't get why the US elites still see Russia as a threat----it is China that is the threatDec 21 22:57
XRevan86scientes: China is "too big to fail"Dec 21 22:57
XRevan86economical tiesDec 21 22:57
scientesagreedDec 21 22:57
XRevan86And Russia is a good scapegoat, and doesn't even mind the role.Dec 21 22:58
scientesthat is trueDec 21 22:58
MinceRyeah, pay no attention to the nukes and madmen behind the curtain :>Dec 21 23:04
scientesMinceR, same could be said of ChinaDec 21 23:04
XRevan86The madmen spend their weekends in the UK, France, Italy…Dec 21 23:04
XRevan86For some reason the great and glorious country they've built is not enough for them and their children.Dec 21 23:06
scientessame in USDec 21 23:07
XRevan86Will Peskov nuke Paris and his daughter with it?Dec 21 23:07
XRevan86"do you want like in Paris?"Dec 21 23:09
scientesRussian also referes to Japan as NiponDec 21 23:09
XRevan86Vladimir Vladimirovich, your press secretary's daughter sure does.Dec 21 23:09
XRevan86scientes: not trueDec 21 23:09
scientesI wonder what the etymology of "japan" isDec 21 23:09
XRevan86YaponiaDec 21 23:09
scientesyeah thats what I heard putin speakDec 21 23:10
scientesyaponiaDec 21 23:10
scientesnipon is japaneese, but they are similarDec 21 23:10
XRevan86notice what sound the letter "J" is supposed to have in the New Latin alphabetDec 21 23:10
XRevan86it's a derivative from "I" after allDec 21 23:10
scientesahh its CantoneeseDec 21 23:10
XRevan86to have a clear distinction between the vowel and the consonantDec 21 23:11
scientes 21 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Japan - WiktionaryDec 21 23:11
XRevan86What I'm trying to say is that "Japan" should be pronounced like thatDec 21 23:11
scienteslike what?Dec 21 23:12
scientesoh i cDec 21 23:12
scientesyiponDec 21 23:12
XRevan86YapanDec 21 23:12
scientesor yipanDec 21 23:12
XRevan86"yi" or "ye" is russian pronunciation laziness %)Dec 21 23:12
XRevan86освятить "osvyatit'" (to bless in a religious manner) and осветить (osvyetit') (to lighten the room, etc.) are homophonesDec 21 23:14
XRevan86That's because unstressed syllables in Russian are very lazilly enunciated.Dec 21 23:15
MinceRblyad'Dec 21 23:15
scientes 21 23:15
XRevan86lazilyDec 21 23:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Putin on Peace Treaty: “We Don't Know What the Level of Japan's Sovereignty Is” - YouTubeDec 21 23:15
XRevan86MinceR: Here it's stressed %)Dec 21 23:15
scientesthe japaneese are against the okinawa base, that is true---but why arn't they that interested in setting up japaneese military to replace it?Dec 21 23:15
MinceR:)Dec 21 23:16
MinceRscientes: are they allowed to do so?Dec 21 23:16
XRevan86And the video starts with PeskovDec 21 23:16
scientesMinceR, Abe is re-interpreting the constitution......but they already have a military, it is just not allowed to declare warDec 21 23:16
XRevan86"speak of the devil"Dec 21 23:17
scientesyeah japaneese war crimes don't get the pres that german ones doDec 21 23:17
scientesbut at this point ww2 is quite a long time in the pastDec 21 23:18
XRevan86Oh, that's the direct line that happened the day before yesterdayDec 21 23:18
XRevan863 hours, tl;dw %)Dec 21 23:18
XRevan86* 4 hoursDec 21 23:18
scienteswhat line?Dec 21 23:18
XRevan86scientes: Putin does these so-called direct linesDec 21 23:19
XRevan86 21 23:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Direct Line with Vladimir Putin - WikipediaDec 21 23:19
scientesthat video is better because you can hear him in RussianDec 21 23:19
scientesbut those are stagedDec 21 23:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Microsoft FUD and Openwashing []Dec 21 23:20
scientesat least the annual one clearly isDec 21 23:20
scienteswith questions such as "will you marry me?"Dec 21 23:20
XRevan86scientes: That Japanese who is talking has very good Russian, amazing.Dec 21 23:20
XRevan86It is rare when I get to hear a foreigner with Russian this good.Dec 21 23:20
XRevan86scientes: This one was the first one that was "laxxed"Dec 21 23:21
MinceR 21 23:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cuttlefish camouflageDec 21 23:21
XRevan86Unless I'm confusing the events %)Dec 21 23:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers []Dec 21 23:22
XRevan86I can't tell the differenceDec 21 23:22
scientesno some of them appear to be more open discussionDec 21 23:22
XRevan86Oh, yeah, it was just a "Press Conference"Dec 21 23:22
scientesbut I don't really pay attention to the venuesDec 21 23:22
scientesthis is old 21 23:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Iran bans the teaching of English in primary schools, official says | World news | The GuardianDec 21 23:24
XRevan86scientes: When he first says it he says "Yiponi" instead of "Yaponii" (two ee's), the same thing with unstressed syllables being brushed offDec 21 23:25
scientesJapaneese work in the Kuril islandsDec 21 23:25
scientesunder Russian management IIRCDec 21 23:25
-->AdmFubar ( has joined #techrightsDec 21 23:26
AdmFubaryes! the rss feed is working... thanks!Dec 21 23:26
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scientescan't find it now howeverDec 21 23:27
scientesXRevan86, Putin has been talking this way about Japan for a while 21 23:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Putin on the Kuril Islands at APEC summit: There're solutions to solve the dispute with Japan - YouTubeDec 21 23:28
scientesthats 2016Dec 21 23:28
XRevan86scientes: I've heard that, yes.Dec 21 23:28
schestowitzXRevan86: I'm soldDec 21 23:28
schestowitzwill try the rss feed for a whileDec 21 23:28
XRevan86scientes: Now that's a proper foreigner's accent :)Dec 21 23:29
scienteshaha yesDec 21 23:29
XRevan86schestowitz: :)Dec 21 23:29
scienteshe sounds japaneese when speaking russianDec 21 23:29
schestowitzXRevan86: it's all Russian 21 23:30
schestowitzis there a domain for English?Dec 21 23:30
XRevan86 21 23:30
XRevan86scientes: And "Yaponia" on 1:17 here he clearly pronounces as "Yipoña"Dec 21 23:33
XRevan86scientes: You made me pay attention %)Dec 21 23:33
scientesnot much technical information here 21 23:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEDec 21 23:34
XRevan86scientes: I don't know the technical details eitherDec 21 23:35
scientesbecause its kinda ignoring that IP routing would work fine if Russia was split offDec 21 23:35
scientesits probably just a prelude of more censorshipDec 21 23:35
XRevan86but they've been saying years ago that they work on making it easier to detach the Russian Internet backbones from the global netDec 21 23:35
XRevan86scientes: Well, of course it is.Dec 21 23:36
scienteslike I don't understand the BGP well, but it should detach just fine, as long as there is a continuous line along the trans-siberian rail-wayDec 21 23:36
scientes 21 23:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEDec 21 23:36
scientesgood that the Dragonfly project got cancelled 21 23:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google's Secret China Project "Effectively Ended" After FightDec 21 23:37
XRevan86They still try to force YouTube to play by the rules betterDec 21 23:37
scientesas it would make it hard for Google to justify not censoring for RussiaDec 21 23:37
XRevan86 this still existsDec 21 23:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Алексей Навальный - YouTubeDec 21 23:37
XRevan86A slight exaggeration since only a few videos here should be removed by law, not all of them %)Dec 21 23:38
scienteschina blocked chinese wikipedia because they couldn't censor itDec 21 23:40
scienteshell china censors basically the whole internetDec 21 23:40
scienteslike it looks like you even directly connect to IRCDec 21 23:40
XRevan86scientes: RKN wants to have that authority so very much.Dec 21 23:40
schestowitzXRevan86: thanks, looks like high-quality reportingDec 21 23:41
XRevan86scientes: The Russians are just so used to the Internet, it's hard for them to get there.Dec 21 23:41
XRevan86scientes: Maybe if China started thinking about censorship post-factum, it would've been harder.Dec 21 23:42
XRevan86but it's been there from the very startDec 21 23:42
scientesand I have WeChat on one of my phonesDec 21 23:42
XRevan86schestowitz: You're welcome :)Dec 21 23:42
scientesits so unamibuously a spy appDec 21 23:42
XRevan86scientes: Why do you have it then?Dec 21 23:42
scientescause I wanted to talk to someone in ChinaDec 21 23:43
XRevan86Do they have XMPP servers in China?Dec 21 23:43
scientesI have it on a LineageOS phone so i can block most of its crapDec 21 23:43
scientesChinese don't even use the AT&T bell phone system anymore, they use wechatDec 21 23:43
scienteshow do they pay at the convenience store: wechatDec 21 23:43
scienteshow do they book their train tickets: wechatDec 21 23:44
scientesreview a restraunt: wechatDec 21 23:44
XRevan86scientes: I don't actually connect directly to IRC, but not because I have to, so you're half-right :).Dec 21 23:44
XRevan86XMPP client → XMPP server → biboumi (same host) → FreenodeDec 21 23:45
scientesinterestingDec 21 23:45
XRevan86I use XMPP a lot, so that way I don't have to keep a separate client for IRC :)Dec 21 23:47
scientesyeah it isn't very common hereDec 21 23:47
scientesI mean Google use to support it, but not anymoreDec 21 23:47
XRevan86I've heard stories about how big an impact Google's retirement of GTalk had on their XMPP connectionsDec 21 23:48
XRevan86For some reason, it didn't affect me at all.Dec 21 23:49
XRevan86Probably because most of the XMPP users in Russia use, and that bugger is still alive and kicking.Dec 21 23:49
scientesyeah its all Facebook hereDec 21 23:50
XRevan86There was also, but it's decline was so gradual the servers are still running.Dec 21 23:50
XRevan86* its declineDec 21 23:50
scienteswhich has huge privacy problems 21 23:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants - The New York TimesDec 21 23:51
XRevan86scientes: I am a *very* big geek though.Dec 21 23:51
scientesfor a long time there has been this talking line: Facebook doesn't sell data, it only sells usersDec 21 23:51
scientesand this recent leak calls bullshit on thatDec 21 23:51
MinceRi use bitlbee to connect to an xmpp serverDec 21 23:51
XRevan86XMPP never lifted off outside of geekish communities even in Russia.Dec 21 23:51
scientesXRevan86, russians are probably all useing VKontact?Dec 21 23:51
XRevan86and now geeks are slowly moving to Telegram -_-Dec 21 23:51
scientesoh yeah telegram and signal are greatDec 21 23:52
XRevan86scientes: VKontakte, yesDec 21 23:52
XRevan86I find both unacceptable.Dec 21 23:52
scientespond is for the super-geeksDec 21 23:52
XRevan86For a phone number requirement, rubs me the wrong way.Dec 21 23:52
scientesbut they both provide OTR, so good enough for meDec 21 23:52
XRevan86If Stallman cannot register on the network, it's probably not good %)Dec 21 23:53
scienteseveryone thought GPG would take off, but it didn't, and it has the OTR problemDec 21 23:53
XRevan86OMEMO's great though.Dec 21 23:53
scientesyeah I do trust StallmanDec 21 23:53
XRevan86Stallman has no phoneDec 21 23:54
XRevan86and he would need one if he were to try to get himself on Telegram or SignalDec 21 23:54
scientesI just got the pinebook 21 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PINEBOOK – PINE64Dec 21 23:54
XRevan86scientes: ARM…Dec 21 23:55
XRevan86Oh, $100?Dec 21 23:56
scientesits arm with a mainline kernelDec 21 23:56
XRevan86> Flash: 16 GB eMMC 5.0 (upgradable up to 64GB)Dec 21 23:56
XRevan862G of RAMDec 21 23:57
scientesthe main issue i have is that the h.265 acceleration doesn't work, so no YouTubeDec 21 23:57
XRevan86Since when YouTube has H.265? O_oDec 21 23:57
scientesand VP9Dec 21 23:57
XRevan86scientes: Are you sure H.265?Dec 21 23:58
MinceRi don't trust stallmanDec 21 23:58
MinceRhe picked the side of vendor lock-in instead of that of free softwareDec 21 23:58
XRevan86 no mention of H.265 here for instanceDec 21 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-YouTubeDec 21 23:59
scientesahh yes YouTube prefers VP9 22 00:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | debian PastezoneDec 22 00:00
XRevan86VP9, AVC1 (H.264) and VP8Dec 22 00:01
scienteshmm i need to download new version of youtube-dlDec 22 00:01
scientesI guess they just don't like HEVCDec 22 00:02
scientesthey require android devices to have vp9 hardware decodingDec 22 00:03
scientesso that they can use that insteadDec 22 00:03
XRevan86What's there not to like? Ah, right, patents and no hardware compatibility.Dec 22 00:03
XRevan86H.264 makes sense for older devices with hardware accelerationDec 22 00:03
scienteswell software patents should not existDec 22 00:03
scientesyeah my desktop doesn't have HEVC decompressionDec 22 00:04
scientesbut HEVC is quite nice on newer boxes with accelerationDec 22 00:04
XRevan86with newer ones… they can just enforce VP9Dec 22 00:04
MinceR 22 00:04
XRevan86or AV1Dec 22 00:04
scienteswhich is H.264Dec 22 00:04
XRevan86 this oneDec 22 00:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AV1 - WikipediaDec 22 00:05
scientesoh, another name for vp10Dec 22 00:05
XRevan86yesDec 22 00:05
scientesopus is quite sweetDec 22 00:05
XRevan86There is no point in them supporting HEVCDec 22 00:05
scienteswell only because they forced all the android manufactyures to put in vp9 and av1 hardware decodeDec 22 00:06
XRevan86not for their interests not for the common goodDec 22 00:06
scientesthis was a good thingDec 22 00:06
scientesbut they had to strong-arm itDec 22 00:06
XRevan86scientes: Now the others have to put those for YouTubeDec 22 00:06
scientesyeah but China doesn't have YouTubeDec 22 00:06
scientesno do they care about the patentsDec 22 00:07
XRevan86scientes: What interest does China have in HEVC?Dec 22 00:07
scientesthey only put it in because Google forces them toDec 22 00:07
scientesHEVC is better (for video) the problem is those stupid software patentsDec 22 00:07
XRevan86How much better is it though?Dec 22 00:07
scientesopus for audio is awesome howeverDec 22 00:08
XRevan86if it's marginally better, then it's like comparing Lightning and USBDec 22 00:08
XRevan86Who cares how good or bad Lightning?Dec 22 00:08
XRevan86isDec 22 00:08
XRevan86Not even Apple cares about Lightning anymore. It's like they dug the grave for Lightning themselves. Amazing, I think %).Dec 22 00:09
*scientes thought PoE with zeroconf was the superior techDec 22 00:10
XRevan86Same deal with HEVC – it's proprietary and no one wants to deal with it apart from those who benefit from it.Dec 22 00:10
scientesyeah now that i'm looking at it av1 is pretty goodDec 22 00:11
scientesI definitely supported Mozilla dragging their feet on H.264Dec 22 00:12
scienteseven though H.264 won in the endDec 22 00:12
scientes(despite Google releasing and backing VP8)Dec 22 00:12
XRevan86scientes: Now the good part is that HEVC doesn't have that same advantage H.264 has.Dec 22 00:13
XRevan86And that's why Google not only doesn't but shouldn't bend over it.Dec 22 00:14
scientesyeah kinda dumb then that the video decode doesn't workDec 22 00:15
XRevan86I wonder how long it'll take Apple to give up %).Dec 22 00:15
scienteson the pinebookDec 22 00:15
scientesit has the chip, there is just no driver for itDec 22 00:15
scientescause the OEM only cares about androidDec 22 00:15
XRevan86scientes: Is the driver proprietary?Dec 22 00:15
XRevan86You see, there's this: 22 00:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A dream come true: Android is finally using DRM/KMSDec 22 00:17
XRevan86Apparently Android is going to start using the upstream Linux modesetting.Dec 22 00:17
XRevan86> with the release of the Google Pixel 3, the first Android phone running with the mainline graphics stackDec 22 00:18
XRevan86Oh, it already has!Dec 22 00:18
scientes 22 00:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A64 - linux-sunxi.orgDec 22 00:19
XRevan86> AllwinnerDec 22 00:19
XRevan86I see.Dec 22 00:19
XRevan86scientes: Congratulations, you're a winner :PDec 22 00:19
scientesyeah the mainline is entirely due to unpaid workDec 22 00:19
scientesi was interested because it was the first arm board i've seen with a mainline kernelDec 22 00:25
scientesthere was only one other one, and it is like $600Dec 22 00:26
DaemonFC[m]I guess h.264 can go on as long as website owners want to waste twice as much bandwidth streaming it.Dec 22 00:26
scientes 22 00:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Marvell MACCHIATObinDec 22 00:26
DaemonFC[m]If it was me, I'd special case Apple devices and give everyone else WebM.Dec 22 00:26
scientesoh $400 22 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MACCHIATObin Single Shot | SolidRunDec 22 00:27
DaemonFC[m]Uhm, also, Firefox doesn't have to pay for licenses.Dec 22 00:28
DaemonFC[m]It uses whatever the OS supports. Dec 22 00:28
DaemonFC[m]In the case for Windows and Mac, the license came with the OS.Dec 22 00:28
DaemonFC[m]In the case of *nix, the user just installs the gstreamer plugin.Dec 22 00:28
scientesLinuxDec 22 00:29
scientesthere is no other *nixDec 22 00:29
scientesnot anymoreDec 22 00:29
scientesthe graphics stack is now Linux-specificDec 22 00:29
DaemonFC[m]It can run on the BSDs.Dec 22 00:30
DaemonFC[m]They rebase it every now and then. It's the graphics stack from Linux.Dec 22 00:31
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Um, Firefox no longer uses GStreamerDec 22 00:31
XRevan86but ffmpegDec 22 00:32
XRevan86And they also download a royalty-free binary of OpenH264Dec 22 00:32
scientesCiscoDec 22 00:32
XRevan86scientes: yesDec 22 00:33
XRevan86It's FOSS but only the officially approved binary from Cisco is royalty-freeDec 22 00:34
XRevan86Not sure why. Weird.Dec 22 00:34
DaemonFC[m]The Fedora package is using Gstreamer.Dec 22 00:35
scienteswhat do Russians use for mail-order shopping?Dec 22 00:35
DaemonFC[m]The gstreamer framework used ffmpeg to handle restricted media formats though.Dec 22 00:35
XRevan86scientes: There's this Amazon cloneDec 22 00:36
XRevan86scientes: You'll never guess the nameDec 22 00:36
XRevan86Ozon.ruDec 22 00:36
XRevan86If you mean that kind of serviceDec 22 00:37
scientesis Ozon the Russian name for the Amazon Rain Forrest?Dec 22 00:37
scientesyeah that is what I meantDec 22 00:37
XRevan86scientes: No, that's the transliteration from озонDec 22 00:38
XRevan86ozoneDec 22 00:38
scientesthe US also has the rediculously cheap shipping from China---it is cheaper to ship from China than from the USDec 22 00:38
XRevan86From China there's AliExpressDec 22 00:38
scientesI can buy a 12V power supply from china for like $3Dec 22 00:38
DaemonFC[m] 22 00:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bringing Vulkan to Apple's Platforms: Khronos Group Announces Open Source MoltenVK 1.0 & SDKsDec 22 00:39
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Shims and wrappersDec 22 00:39
XRevan86Just because Apple cannot walk away from NIHDec 22 00:39
XRevan86Metal: It's like Vulkan but without the fatal flawDec 22 00:41
XRevan86The flaw being that it's not made in Apple.Dec 22 00:41
scientesDoes it count if they buy it, like they did with CUPS?Dec 22 00:41
XRevan86Fatal flaw of CUPS resolvedDec 22 00:42
cubexyzfrom what I understand apple merely adopted CUPSDec 22 00:43
XRevan86They've found a fatal flaw in KHTML, and they released a fork with the fixDec 22 00:43
XRevan86But Google found another fatal flaw in the fork, so they had to fix that as wellDec 22 00:44
XRevan86cubexyz: They hired the developer of CUPS and got all the rights on it.Dec 22 00:45
scientesand then Apple had a fatal flag in V8, and fixed thatDec 22 00:45
scientes*flawDec 22 00:45
scientesand then mozilla released Quantum and kicked ass ;)Dec 22 00:48
XRevan86Still my favourite browser %)Dec 22 00:48
XRevan86even if it's just the least bad oneDec 22 00:48
scienteswasn't the fastest for a while, but its now on top, and always had better customization and privacyDec 22 00:48
XRevan86Even now my experience with Atom/RSS is better with Firefox than with ChromiumDec 22 00:49
XRevan86Using Firefox feels like if I check-in in a hotel, and then they take the second pillow away, so I look at other hotels, and they have no pillows at all.Dec 22 00:57
scientesagreedDec 22 00:58
scientesI even have a patch in FirefoxDec 22 00:58
scientes(small one)Dec 22 00:58
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scientesAnd sometimes you have to let people know that their choices are not OKDec 22 01:42
scienteslike obese people and drug addictsDec 22 01:42
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scientes 22 01:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tummy Tuck to remove excess belly skin and to tighten ab muscles - YouTubeDec 22 01:52
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scientes 22 02:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block} ...Dec 22 02:10
scientes 22 03:16
scientesactually shouldn't have posted that, its racistDec 22 03:16
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scientes 22 03:38
scientesnot totally accurateDec 22 03:39
scientes 22 03:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Netflix Edits 'Bill Nye' Episode to Remove Segment Saying Chromosomes Determine GenderDec 22 03:58
scientesits actually 51-49 because the y is smaller so those sperm are faster, but whateverDec 22 03:59
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scientesehhh, XRevan86 is Islamophobia a thing in Russia? You have alot more muslims so I would guess it is better there.Dec 22 04:15
scientesthere is completely legitimate hate, and then there is fear because the only thing they know about Islam is that certain bad people are muslimsDec 22 04:16
scientesthe new US Dept of Education 22 04:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Common Core - ImgurDec 22 04:30
scientes 22 04:38
scientesbut that is of course how it is suppose to workDec 22 04:38
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scientesXRevan86, 22 05:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Boom and bust along Chinese-Russian border | Journal Reporters - YouTubeDec 22 05:08
scientesthe only reason China wouldn't invade Russia is because Russia has a strong militaryDec 22 05:09
scientes(under the current government)Dec 22 05:13
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scientesMinceR, another engine video 22 07:13
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scientes 22 07:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | World's hardiest animal has evolved radiation shield for its DNA | New ScientistDec 22 07:55
scientesoh part of that is called as bullshit---just sequencing DNA that didn't actually come from the waterbearDec 22 07:58
scienteswhich makes senseDec 22 07:58
scientes 22 08:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arabian Camels Eat Cacti With Hardened Mouth StructuresDec 22 08:03
scientesdangDec 22 08:03
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scientes 22 08:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Earth's Next Balance Patch - YouTubeDec 22 08:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Stable kernels 4.19.12, 4.14.90, 4.9.147, 4.4.169, and 3.18.131 []Dec 22 09:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 22 09:09
schestowitz 22 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian going insane! - SlashdotDec 22 09:15
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scientesyeah that was incredible stupidDec 22 09:19
scientesthis already happened to pornviewDec 22 09:19
scientes 22 09:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian Package Tracker - pornviewDec 22 09:19
scientesits just an image viewerDec 22 09:19
scientesoh it appears there were real reasons for the removal of pornview 22 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #682757 - RM: pornview -- Segfaults, long dead upstream - Debian Bug report logsDec 22 09:20
scienteshmmmm, the US doesn't have a procedure of re-election when the government is unable to pass a spending billDec 22 09:25
schestowitzwhat's that?Dec 22 09:26
schestowitzBTW, thanks for the good links, I've posted some onlineDec 22 09:27
scientesoh some of the US government will shut down at midnight tonightDec 22 09:27
schestowitzI remember libcac and its licenceDec 22 09:27
schestowitzalso gnaughtyDec 22 09:27
schestowitzI guess GNU/Linux and Debian too become more "corporate"Dec 22 09:27
schestowitzto appease the "I'm offended" passive-aggressive 'microaggression' crowdDec 22 09:27
scienteslike the "joke" in glibcDec 22 09:29
scientes(not that i defend that specific one: it was too political)Dec 22 09:29
scientesschestowitz, that type of stupidity lead to anarchy at a college near here: Evergreen State CollegeDec 22 09:30
scientesgiven that high-skill jobs have already left, it would make sense for the state to get out of providing money for higher education altogether, and foregive all student loansDec 22 09:33
scientes 22 09:34
scientesbut they can't admit that anything is wrongDec 22 09:34
scientesschestowitz, 22 09:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Government shutdown 2018: Here's what shuts down in a (partial) government shutdown as the Friday deadline lingers - CBS NewsDec 22 09:37
scientesin the UK system this would trigger an immediate electionDec 22 09:37
scienteswhich makes complete senseDec 22 09:38
scienteswhile in the US governments just do it to beg for attention, while the bankers make the real decisionsDec 22 09:38
scientescause a government that cannot spend money is not a government at allDec 22 09:39
scientesschestowitz, 22 09:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Money bill - WikipediaDec 22 09:39
scientesAlso, people that complain about higher income tax brackets or particularly the existence of social security (more important, as income tax often just goes to war), without giving consideration of other people and the impact on societyDec 22 09:42
scientes 22 09:43
scientesI mean we are headed to a world that such complexities wont existDec 22 09:46
scientesand it doesn't really allow autonomous communitiesDec 22 09:47
scientesbut we also exist in an industrial societyDec 22 09:47
schestowitz[09:37] <scientes> in the UK system this would trigger an immediate electionDec 22 09:52
schestowitzAs per law?Dec 22 09:52
scientesyeah the westminster systemDec 22 09:53
scientes 22 09:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Motion of no confidence - WikipediaDec 22 09:53
scientes"Traditionally, in the Westminster system, the defeat of a supply bill (one that concerns the spending of money) is seen to automatically require the government to either resign or ask for a new election, much like a non-confidence vote. A government in a Westminster system that cannot spend money is hamstrung, also called loss of supply."Dec 22 09:54
schestowitzAh, I see what you meanDec 22 09:55
schestowitzbut that's not the same as electionDec 22 09:55
schestowitzthey can appoint another Tory PM, I suspectDec 22 09:55
schestowitzanyway, let me catch up for a bitDec 22 09:55
schestowitzkeep posting stuff, I read everything in IRCDec 22 09:55
scientesthey have to let the opposition party elect a government?Dec 22 09:56
schestowitzEven if I don't always reply like I did a decade backDec 22 09:56
scientesto avoid an electionDec 22 09:56
amarsh04in Australia if the government can't pass "supply" - the budget bill in 3 attempts, it is a trigger for a complete federal electionDec 22 09:57
scientesyeah that makes senseDec 22 09:57
scientesin the US you can just end up with a hung governmentDec 22 09:58
scientesits stupidDec 22 09:58
amarsh04happened in 1974-75 in AustraliaDec 22 09:58
schestowitzI think it's goodDec 22 10:00
schestowitzhelps show that even the "responsible adults" aren't so reponsibleDec 22 10:00
schestowitzand we can do better than thatDec 22 10:00
schestowitzamarsh04: how's the new PM?Dec 22 10:00
schestowitzThe one who said stupid things about Pam Anderson?Dec 22 10:01
scientesschestowitz, yeah but a government that cannot spend money is not a government and needs to be replaced prontoDec 22 10:02
scientesas it would result in a constitutional crisisDec 22 10:03
amarsh04more details 22 10:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Whitlam Dismissal | 11 November 1975, ABC TV - YouTubeDec 22 10:04
amarsh04Morrison called the big battery near Jamestown South Australia as useless as the Big Banana, when it stabilised the electricity grid significantly, so he is still not taking a level headed view of thingsDec 22 10:05
scientesthat is somewhat petty, but the large expanse of debt basically everywhere is the world is going to lead to another crisis like 2008Dec 22 10:06
scientesand at some point the government should declare a jubileeDec 22 10:06
scientesso that it can keep spending moneyDec 22 10:06
scientesbecause usury-based systems have collapse build-in. Even extra-planetary exploration (at light speed) cannot prevent such a system from collapsingDec 22 10:07
scientesthis is why rent is so damn highDec 22 10:08
scientesbecause the banks were bailed out in 2008, at the expense of rent and public servicesDec 22 10:08
amarsh04and a comedian was on the scene: 22 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Stop Laughing...This Is Serious: Norman Gunston at the Dismissal - YouTubeDec 22 10:09
scientesthe youth in the US really have an incentive to call for jubilee 22 10:18
schestowitzamarsh04: 22 10:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Murdoch editors told to 'kill Whitlam' in 1975Dec 22 10:27
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amarsh04that wouldn't surprise me, schestowitzDec 22 10:58
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Cantor 18.12 – KDE way of doing mathematics []Dec 22 11:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Freespire 4.5 Released []Dec 22 11:41
<--PaddyF_ has quit (Quit: bbl)Dec 22 11:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Peppermint 9 Respin Released []Dec 22 11:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #SELKS5 RC1 – Threat Hunting and more… []Dec 22 11:58
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 22 11:58
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: NuTyX 10.5 available []Dec 22 12:02
<--amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Dec 22 12:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Events: Linux Security Summit Europe, Montreal Bug Squashing Party and More []Dec 22 12:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Screenshots of Ubuntu DesktopPack 18.04 and MX Linux 18 []Dec 22 12:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Top 11 Image Viewers for Ubuntu and other Linux []Dec 22 12:20
XRevan86> actually shouldn't have posted that, its racistDec 22 12:25
XRevan86Needs a crop.Dec 22 12:25
XRevan86> the new US Dept of Education 22 12:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Common Core - ImgurDec 22 12:28
XRevan86What the…Dec 22 12:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 22 12:29
XRevan86> ehhh, XRevan86 is Islamophobia a thing in Russia? You have alot more muslims so I would guess it is better there. There is completely legitimate hate, and then there is fear because the only thing they know about Islam is that certain bad people are muslimsDec 22 12:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Hypergate, Steam, Proton, We Happy Few []Dec 22 12:31
XRevan86scientes: Hm, hard to answer that. There's a certain annoyance with Muslim communities here, but it's not because of terrorism and not at the "phobia" level.Dec 22 12:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts: Python, Privacy and User Error []Dec 22 12:36
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techrightsDec 22 12:43
XRevan86scientes: Let's just say there isn't a problem, but it's not set in stone.Dec 22 12:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 4.20 and #Systemd 240 []Dec 22 12:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: ATOM RPG, Doomsday Engine, Fort Triumph, Foreveracers and morphe []Dec 22 13:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Watch YouTube videos at the Linux terminal []Dec 22 13:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Team IoT, R packages in Debian, Anaconda Distribution 2018.12 Released, Python News and Java/Ecllpse/JS []Dec 22 13:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mesa Picks Up Faster Support For S3TC Decoding Using LLVM []Dec 22 13:31
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 22 13:36
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Is it time for the Linux desktop? []Dec 22 13:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu 19.04 Makes It Easier to Manage Reboot-free Kernel Updates []Dec 22 13:43
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Dec 22 14:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi improvements in #Fedora 29 []Dec 22 14:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software: FreeOffice, Orca, Konbini, Qmmp []Dec 22 14:36
MinceRscientes: niceDec 22 15:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: FOSS in Google/Chrome: Libvpx, Xiaomi, Google Chrome and More []Dec 22 15:21
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 22 15:28
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---MinceR gives voice to gde33 oiaohm Researcher- acer-boxDec 22 15:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free Software Licensing and Legal Challenges []Dec 22 16:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Four Myths About Open Source in Government (Contributed) []Dec 22 16:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Foundation: Hyperledger Conflict and Hybrid DevOps []Dec 22 16:37
MinceR 22 16:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 22 16:39
MinceR 22 16:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.Dec 22 16:50
-->mmu_man (~revol@ has joined #techrightsDec 22 16:57
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Openwashing: Microsoft, Facebook and More []Dec 22 17:03
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 22 17:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Server: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Beta, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes and More []Dec 22 17:14
MinceR 22 17:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open Hardware: MIPS/RISC and Beyond []Dec 22 17:18
-->__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsDec 22 17:35
MinceR 22 17:38
---MinceR gives voice to __martin__Dec 22 17:38
*__martin__ gonna try ancient soundblaster x-fi pci card under buntu 18.10Dec 22 17:53
<--__martin__ has quit (Quit: leaving)Dec 22 17:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Dec 22 18:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Initial Linux Benchmarks Of The NVIDIA TITAN RTX Graphics Card For Compute & Gaming []Dec 22 18:04
XRevan86I wonder how old cards like these compare with modern integrated Intel HDA'sDec 22 18:05
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OSS Leftovers []Dec 22 18:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []Dec 22 18:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 22/12/2018: systemd 240, Wine 4.0 RC3, KDevelop 5.3.1 and KStars 3 []Dec 22 18:24
DaemonFC[m]I was talking about KDE on Reddit.Dec 22 18:24
DaemonFC[m]TLDR: I said it was a bloated, buggy, basket case that showed little chance of improving.Dec 22 18:25
DaemonFC[m]A large portion of laptops sold today are 2-in-1, and when you try using them as a tablet, KDE does....nothing.Dec 22 18:25
DaemonFC[m]That's just one problem though.Dec 22 18:26
MinceR 22 18:29
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MinceR 22 18:56
MinceR 22 19:19
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scientes 22 19:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Savage level 900,000,000 : funnyDec 22 19:27
scientescrudeDec 22 19:27
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MinceRboth answers were correctDec 22 19:32
schestowitzpoor mouseDec 22 19:35
schestowitzI don't like seeing mice huntedDec 22 19:36
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__martin__damn; nouveau-pci-0100Dec 22 19:44
__martin__Adapter: PCI adapterDec 22 19:44
__martin__GPU core:     +0.96 V  (min =  +0.82 V, max =  +1.16 V)Dec 22 19:44
__martin__fan1:           0 RPMDec 22 19:44
__martin__temp1:       +100.0°C  (high = +95.0°C, hyst =  +3.0°C)Dec 22 19:44
__martin__                       (crit = +105.0°C, hyst =  +5.0°C)Dec 22 19:44
__martin__                       (emerg = +135.0°C, hyst =  +5.0°C)Dec 22 19:44
*__martin__ about to swap 8yo card for another one, radeon 5670 :'DDec 22 19:46
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scientesha 22 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [OC] Interest in Tumblr following the removal of porn : dataisbeautifulDec 22 19:47
MinceR 22 19:51
MinceRschestowitz: so you never had them in your home, eh? :>Dec 22 19:52
scientes^^^agreedDec 22 19:52
scientes 22 19:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Muslim Pakistan says outcry over China’s Xinjiang detention camps has been ‘sensationalised’ | South China Morning PostDec 22 19:57
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 22 20:14
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schestowitzscientes: you know who owns the site?Dec 22 20:16
scientesscmp is actually hong knogDec 22 20:16
schestowitzNoDec 22 20:16
schestowitzyou missed itDec 22 20:16
schestowitzMa bought itDec 22 20:16
scientesohDec 22 20:17
schestowitzthe site is now compromisedDec 22 20:17
schestowitzand he later joins cpp/cpcDec 22 20:17
scientesof course he has toDec 22 20:17
schestowitzccpDec 22 20:17
scientesbut usually chinese propaganda isn't that sophisticatedDec 22 20:17
scientesso this is newDec 22 20:17
schestowitzbe awareDec 22 20:18
schestowitzI point it out to them a lotDec 22 20:18
schestowitzthey sold outDec 22 20:18
scienteslike fox news sophisticatedDec 22 20:18
scientesi mean hong kong is quickly loosing its freedomsDec 22 20:18
XRevan86losing or loosening? </GN>Dec 22 20:19
schestowitzscientes: and press :-)Dec 22 20:20
XRevan86scientes: CCP is restoring its grasp over Hong Kong?Dec 22 20:21
scientesthe agreement with the UK was that it would be independant for 50 yearsDec 22 20:21
scientesbut they don't give a shitDec 22 20:21
scientesjust just built a rail line into HK, and the rail line is "in mainland china"Dec 22 20:22
XRevan86when was it going to expire?Dec 22 20:22
DaemonFC[m]I'd just like to interject for a moment. When you call Windows is actually "You might be the victim of software counterfeiting. Click here to learn more. / You just tried to run a program. Cancel or Allow? / Windows is running in S Mode. Desktop applications can't run in S Mode. Click here to buy Windows 10 Pro for $100. / We noticed you're using Firefox. Have you tried Edge? The browser built for Windows. / ByDec 22 20:22
DaemonFC[m]accepting this EULA, you allow Cortana to monitor everything that's said in the vicinity of your laptop. / Windows is rebooting and your saved work is now lost. / Windows" Yes, there actually is a Windows, and millions of people use it every day, but it would be unfair to not give credit to all of the people within Microsoft that are working to make your experience possible.Dec 22 20:22
DaemonFC[m]*What you callDec 22 20:22
schestowitzhave they banned the flag yet?Dec 22 20:22
schestowitzLike they did Taiwan's? (even outside China!)Dec 22 20:22
scientesschestowitz, yeah they used the flag at the hand-over ceremony, but hong kongers don't know that it existsDec 22 20:23
schestowitzhaDec 22 20:23
schestowitzGoogle to the rescue.. oh wait, blocked in HK too?Dec 22 20:23
schestowitzOr not yet?Dec 22 20:23
scientes 22 20:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Unconditionally - Katy Perry in Taipei 2015 with Taiwan's Flag! - YouTubeDec 22 20:23
schestowitzMaybe the 'dragon' google will 'fix' the issue with such offensive flags and swastikas appearingDec 22 20:24
scientes 22 20:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Hong Kong Handover Ceremony - 1997 - YouTubeDec 22 20:25
DaemonFC[m]It's a good thing we have money saved.Dec 22 20:25
DaemonFC[m]Who knows how long the goverment will shut down?Dec 22 20:25
DaemonFC[m]John has to work without pay and then get paid back whenever the government re-opens.Dec 22 20:25
DaemonFC[m]And if he quits during a shutdown, it's a crime.Dec 22 20:25
scientes 22 20:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ‘This is part of the plan’: new train blurs line between China and Hong Kong ‘This is part of the plan’: new train blurs line between China and Hong Kong – News Daily StarDec 22 20:26
scientesthat line on the ground is the new border between hk and PRCDec 22 20:26
scientesthere was no public discussion of itDec 22 20:26
DaemonFC[m]One of the House Republican "Leaders" said that federal employees who have to work without pay "Knew what they were signing up for.".Dec 22 20:26
DaemonFC[m]Essential personnel include the military (not being paid), law enforcement (not being paid), TSA (not being paid), anything that is necessary for the safety of lives, healh, and property, including doctors and nurses at VA hospitals (not being paid).Dec 22 20:27
DaemonFC[m]The upside is that during a shutdown, federal "defense conractors" are not considered essential spending.Dec 22 20:28
DaemonFC[m]So they probably want to get the government reopened as soon as possible.Dec 22 20:28
DaemonFC[m]It's not legal for the government to pay them until it reopens, but they still have to deliver on their contracts.Dec 22 20:28
DaemonFC[m]Government shutdowns didn't happen until the late 1970s when the executive branch got a legal opinion that it wasn'tt legal to continue spending money that Congress had budgeted but not appropriated. Dec 22 20:30
MinceR 22 20:34
XRevan86seems uselessDec 22 20:37
scientes 22 20:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Dan The Meme Man vs Escalator ft. Security Guard Chasing Him Hawaii 5-0 - YouTubeDec 22 20:56
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DaemonFC[m] 22 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jwz: "Advanced" Linux Sound "Architecture"Dec 22 21:11
DaemonFC[m]"I can't believe that this 1994 clown car has still not disgorged all of its passengers, but here we are. I'm running Raspbian 9.6 and if mpg321 is interrupted before it finished playing the file, about 10% of the time the machine gets into a state where it can't play sound any more and launching any process takes ~5 seconds. At that point, I haven't found a recourse other than rebooting.Dec 22 21:11
DaemonFC[m]Any suggestions, other than "get a less annoying hobby"?"Dec 22 21:11
MinceR 22 21:18
MinceRstrange, i didn't know raspbian could run on apple productsDec 22 21:18
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Maybe he's still using MP3 because Apple products can't play modern formats.Dec 22 21:19
MinceRprobablyDec 22 21:30
scientes 22 21:37
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DaemonFC[m]The main point of 'iTunes Plus" using 256k seemed to be to make it impractical to store very many songs on your iThing so they could sell a more expensive model with more storage. Dec 22 22:03
DaemonFC[m]Constant Bitrate is less efficient than Variable Bitrate because it forces the codec to use equal frame sizes and make heavy usage of the bit reservoir when it could have simply used the frame size it needed at the moment.Dec 22 22:04
DaemonFC[m]And with modern codecs, 256k is overkill anyway.Dec 22 22:04
MinceR 22 22:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 22 22:05
MinceRThere is no "overkill". There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload".Dec 22 22:06
DaemonFC[m]I don't use AAC mainly because there was never an encoder under a Free license that produced good results.Dec 22 22:06
DaemonFC[m]I think that Fedora-Legal approved adding fdk-aac in a way that it could only produce AAC-LC files.Dec 22 22:07
DaemonFC[m]They concluded that all the patents covering that profile had expired.Dec 22 22:08
DaemonFC[m]AAC-LC is what Apple uses in iTunes, but they have their own codec.Dec 22 22:09
DaemonFC[m]fdk-aac was released as open source, but with no patent license. So if you shipped it, you could be sued later.Dec 22 22:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Dec 22 22:16
DaemonFC[m]Hmm, I just tried out the native AAC encoder in ffmpeg.Dec 22 22:27
DaemonFC[m]It's not bad. They got rid of support for the "faac" encoder a long time ago, apparently.Dec 22 22:28
DaemonFC[m]That one never gave good results. Dec 22 22:28
MinceR 22 22:30
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Another Year Closer, Linux 4.21 Getting More Preparations For Y2038 Problem []Dec 22 22:57
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scientesughhh i'm so tired of the "french always surrender" memesDec 22 23:02
scienteswhat about Napoleon guys?Dec 22 23:02
MinceRso am iDec 22 23:03
XRevan86scientes: Thanks, now I know itDec 22 23:04
scientesXRevan86, ?Dec 22 23:04
XRevan86"spreading through critique" in action :)Dec 22 23:04
XRevan86scientes: I wasn't aware there are such memesDec 22 23:05
scienteslike "white flag is the flag of france"Dec 22 23:05
XRevan86scientes: Never heard of it until now.Dec 22 23:05
scientesI think it is part of the "US always bails you out" thingDec 22 23:05
XRevan86When did it surrender anyway, apart from the WW2?Dec 22 23:06
scientesit is also never taught that most countries in the americas (except the US and canada) got their independance because of napolean making the colonial powers preoccupiedDec 22 23:06
scientesXRevan86, good pointDec 22 23:08
XRevan86A video on Napoleon: 22 23:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Napoleon's greatest foe - YouTubeDec 22 23:08
scientesXRevan86, Leo Tolstoy ;)Dec 22 23:09
XRevan86I should re-read War and PeaceDec 22 23:09
scientesI tried unsuccessfully to read itDec 22 23:09
scientesI only managed to watch the American movieDec 22 23:09
XRevan86scientes: Why not the Bondarchuk's movie?Dec 22 23:10
XRevan86 22 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | War and Peace (film series) - WikipediaDec 22 23:11
XRevan86At least here it's considered The adapdationDec 22 23:11
scientesbecause I like Audrey Hepburn hahaDec 22 23:12
XRevan86Although here even The adaption of Sherlock Holmes is the Soviet one :)Dec 22 23:12
scientes 22 23:13
XRevan86Although I can see whyDec 22 23:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Asian-American Actresses Describe Struggle Of Constantly Being Typecast As Sherlock Holmes - YouTubeDec 22 23:13
XRevan86And the opening overture from it is *very* recognisable: 22 23:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sherlock Holmes Overture - Увертюра из т/с "Шерлок Холмс" - YouTubeDec 22 23:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Ubuntu 2018 Recap: From Memory Leak to Marvellous LTS []Dec 22 23:16
scientes"Vasily Livanov's performance as the title character earned him the Order of the British Empire."Dec 22 23:16
scientesinterestingDec 22 23:16
XRevan86> Asian-American Actresses Describe Struggle Of Constantly Being Typecast As Sherlock HolmesDec 22 23:18
XRevan86scientes: What is happening?Dec 22 23:18
scientesThe Chinese have an undue economic influence on HollywoodDec 22 23:18
scientesbecause they only let 25 movies in a yearDec 22 23:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []Dec 22 23:20
XRevan86> On 27 April 2007 a sculpture featuring Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson as portrayed by Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin was opened on the Smolenskaya embankment alongside the Embassy of the United Kingdom in MoscowDec 22 23:21
XRevan86 22 23:21
MinceR 22 23:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Resolving timed out after 10516 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Dec 22 23:22
XRevan86oops, wrong quoteDec 22 23:22
XRevan86not wrongDec 22 23:22
scientesooo there is a new Brothers Karamazov adaptation 22 23:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Karamazovi (2008) - IMDbDec 22 23:23
scientesI like the soviet adaptation better then the american on brothers karamazovDec 22 23:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open Hardware: MIPS and Porting Alpine Linux to RISC-V []Dec 22 23:24
XRevan86scientes: TV movieDec 22 23:24
scientesoh those usually suckDec 22 23:25
XRevan86Ah, no, I found a different film %)Dec 22 23:25
XRevan86this one doesn't even have an article on the Russian WikipediaDec 22 23:26
scienteswell, who cares about how many wikipedia articles are written about cultureDec 22 23:26
XRevan86 there it isDec 22 23:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Karamazovs - WikipediaDec 22 23:26
scientesthere is too much of thatDec 22 23:26
XRevan86> It tells the story of a group of Czech actors who come to Polish steelworks to perform a stage adaptation of Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov at an alternative drama festival.Dec 22 23:27
scientes 22 23:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Brothers Karamazov (TV Mini-Series 2013– ) - IMDbDec 22 23:27
XRevan86The Producers but The Karamazovs?Dec 22 23:27
scientesThe Japaneese really love Hamlet, I wouldn't be suprised if Karamazov stricks a similar chordDec 22 23:27
scientesXRevan86, good point, and even the old The Producers was pretty simpleDec 22 23:28
XRevan86I only heard the song from it :)Dec 22 23:28
scientesSpringtime for hitler?Dec 22 23:29
XRevan86scientes: yesDec 22 23:29
scientesthe premise what that they could sell shares of the profits of the show and make money---but only if it was a flopDec 22 23:31
XRevan86and I saw the plot summaryDec 22 23:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Visiting family for Christmas? Replace Windows 10 on their computer with Peppermint OS 9 Respin Linux distro []Dec 22 23:32
XRevan86scientes: That film is definitely outdated though %)Dec 22 23:32
scienteswell they remade itDec 22 23:33
scientescause that is all Hollywood knows how to do anymoreDec 22 23:33
XRevan86scientes: The best thing about remakes is that they're always of films that did good alreadyDec 22 23:34
XRevan86almost never culturally… neededDec 22 23:35
scientes 22 23:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Producers - Springtime for Hitler and Germany - YouTubeDec 22 23:35
schestowitz[23:21] <MinceR> 22 23:35
schestowitzdon't get it...Dec 22 23:35
XRevan86scientes: It's outdated in a sense that today it would've been banned by an offended crowdDec 22 23:36
XRevan86scientes: Like intendedDec 22 23:36
scientesdespite the lack of criticism of whats happening to the Uyghers in Xin Jiang/ChinaDec 22 23:37
scientes....Dec 22 23:37
XRevan86scientes: Wait, is that John Barrowman?Dec 22 23:39
XRevan86> Barrowman has appeared in various films including the musical biopic De-Lovely (2004) and musical comedy The Producers (2005)Dec 22 23:40
scientesXRevan86, there were plenty of nazis in the US before the US joined the war Dec 22 23:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Nazi Rally in Madison Square Garden - YouTubeDec 22 23:40
scientesXRevan86, no that is the original The Producers, not the remakeDec 22 23:40
XRevan86scientes: I've looked at the remaked oneDec 22 23:40
XRevan86(02:35:54) scientes: 22 23:40
DaemonFC[m] 22 23:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Freespire 4.5 Released For Letting The Linspire/Lindows Legacy Live On - PhoronixDec 22 23:41
DaemonFC[m]In the forum discussion: "Selling free apps in Linux for $40 was pretty unique."Dec 22 23:41
DaemonFC[m]LMAODec 22 23:41
XRevan86scientes: here's the originalDec 22 23:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Springtime For Hitler The Producers - YouTubeDec 22 23:41
scientesXRevan86, you have seen Charlie Chaplain's The Dictator, right---from before the warDec 22 23:41
XRevan86scientes: Yes, I did.Dec 22 23:42
scientesoh damn I got them confusedDec 22 23:42
XRevan86scientes: The slapstick in the beginning was the worst partDec 22 23:42
XRevan86scientes: But I really like that filmDec 22 23:42
XRevan86scientes: Heh, maybe this particular remake isn't so bad :)Dec 22 23:43
XRevan86even if it had no guts to show a swaston %)Dec 22 23:43
scientesyeah i saw bothDec 22 23:43
XRevan86 22 23:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Springtime For Hitler The Producers - YouTubeDec 22 23:43
XRevan86although I'm not sure how that's supposed to work – the audience can't actually… see itDec 22 23:44
scientes 22 23:44
scientes 22 23:44
scientes 22 23:45
XRevan86scientes: Yes, the symbol was hijacked by Nazis, I am aware of that.Dec 22 23:45
scienteson the other hand: flag of Mississippi 22 23:46
XRevan86I've read an article that in Japan, when they were changing symbols on signs to be more internationally recognisable, also changed the Buddhist temple signDec 22 23:46
scientes 22 23:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor .editor-inner div.lega ...Dec 22 23:46
XRevan86Apparently a sign showing where to find something marked with a symbol of a swastika has created some confusionDec 22 23:48
MinceR23 003559 <+schestowitz> don't get it...Dec 22 23:48
MinceRiirc Gandalf said wizards arrive when they mean toDec 22 23:48
MinceRand there's a time machine in the backgroundDec 22 23:48
XRevan86scientes: Why do they still have the flag of the confederation there?Dec 22 23:48
scientesbecause that is the south for you......Dec 22 23:49
MinceRbecause they're committed to the idea of slaveryDec 22 23:49
XRevan86scientes: Too lazy to adapt to the new state flag?Dec 22 23:49
MinceR 22 23:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 22 23:50
schestowitzMinceR: ah, Gandalf referenceDec 22 23:51
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XRevan86MinceR: Maybe it's misguided patriotism / nationalism of the former South's own country that is for some reason still permitted under the new management.Dec 22 23:55
XRevan86MinceR: patriotism is a funny and selective thing after allDec 22 23:59

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