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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: May 6th, 2019 – May 12th, 2019

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schestowitz 06 01:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fanfare100: @schestowitz @wikileaks Prolly no need4extra expense: #Russia 🇷🇺recently developed a nuclear missile that is capabl… 06 01:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fanfare100: @schestowitz @wikileaks Prolly no need4extra expense: #Russia 🇷🇺recently developed a nuclear missile that is capabl… 06 01:16
schestowitz"May 06 01:16
schestowitzProlly no need4extra expense: #Russia recently developed a nuclear missile that is capable of evading American Ballistic Missile Defence.May 06 01:16
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesMay 06 01:16
schestowitz Reply   Retweet   Like   Direct messageMay 06 01:16
schestowitz"May 06 01:16
schestowitz 06 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fanfare100: @schestowitz @wikileaks 37 beheadings _AND_ one public crucifiction! #SaudiArabiaMay 06 01:16
schestowitz 06 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fanfare100: @schestowitz @wikileaks The intent was to install a subservient regime in #Iraq under Ahmed Chalabi but that fizzle… 06 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fanfare100: @schestowitz @wikileaks The intent was to install a subservient regime in #Iraq under Ahmed Chalabi but that fizzle… 06 01:16
schestowitz"The intent was to install a subservient regime in #Iraq under Ahmed Chalabi but that fizzled & apparently there was no Plan B."May 06 01:16
schestowitz 06 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fanfare100: @schestowitz @wikileaks Me wonders if the U.S.A.🇺🇸might not have a “Plan B” for #Venezuela just in case #Guaido fizzles too. 🤣May 06 01:16
schestowitz"Me wonders if the U.S.A.might not have a “Plan B” for #Venezuela just in case #Guaido fizzles too. "May 06 01:16
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 06 01:18
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 06 05:06
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesMay 06 05:08
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)May 06 05:08
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesMay 06 05:08
<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)May 06 20:09
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schestowitz 07 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kaddourkardio: @schestowitz Saint Ignacius of the church of #Emacs !!May 07 09:15
schestowitz 07 09:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandyhewett71: Gold' 07 09:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Dear corrupt journalist, Please attach the following image and paste it in a future article. Don't mention that SQL… 07 09:28
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techbytesMay 07 12:13
<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)May 07 16:36
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 07 18:18
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesMay 07 18:18
schestowitz 07 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@carthurswe: Here's another reason why the world needs #Substratum $SUB #SubstratumNode 07 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: More #censorship in #russia because #socialcontrolmedia and #journalism don't always flatter #fuckwitputin 07 20:33
schestowitz 07 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: #patents #Europe 07 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The #epo European #InventorAward has a long standing burden of criminality and #fraud e.g.… 07 22:44
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techbytesMay 08 00:37
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesMay 08 01:02
schestowitz 08 05:57
-TechBytesBot/ File Sharing: #qBittorrent 4.1.6 and #Mozilla #Thunderbird #WeTransfer 08 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | File Sharing: qBittorrent 4.1.6 and Mozilla Thunderbird WeTransfer | Tux MachinesMay 08 05:57
schestowitz"May 08 05:57
schestowitzMay 08 05:57
schestowitzHabe ich den Dienst richtig verstanden, dass der Empfänger in der kostenlosen Version die Datei nur einmal öffnen kann?May 08 05:57
schestowitz"May 08 05:57
schestowitz 08 05:59
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft Uses GitHub to Take Even Greater Control Over the Apache Software Foundation | Tux MachinesMay 08 05:59
schestowitzMicrosoft never reforms always tries to subvert the competition and they have been able to get away with it again and again."May 08 05:59
schestowitz 08 05:59
-TechBytesBot/ | 'Not for doing journalism’: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said he does not want to surrender to USMay 08 05:59
schestowitz"Precisely, @schestowitz ❗️"May 08 05:59
schestowitz 08 06:00
-TechBytesBot/ | How to give the new Microsoft Edge a test run—and why you shouldMay 08 06:00
schestowitz"lol"May 08 06:00
schestowitz 08 06:00
-TechBytesBot/ | Adobe tests doubling the price of its Lightroom and Photoshop planMay 08 06:00
schestowitz"hankfully there is the open-source market to save us (software like NextCloud and Collabora Office)."May 08 06:00
schestowitz 08 06:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Billionaires Against Funding Symphony MusiciansMay 08 06:01
schestowitz"Uh-Oh, @Nick "May 08 06:01
schestowitz 08 06:01
-TechBytesBot/ | 2019: The Year Patent Zealots' Blogs Have Mostly CollapsedMay 08 06:01
schestowitz"Apparently an aftereffect of patent rights being ignored"May 08 06:01
schestowitzPatents re not rightsMay 08 06:01
schestowitz 08 06:02
-TechBytesBot/ | Big Tech and the Rise of Surveillance CapitalismMay 08 06:02
schestowitz"Good post"May 08 06:02
schestowitz 08 06:02
-TechBytesBot/ | With Renewables so Competitive, Big Plans for Oil and Gas Investments Look RiskyMay 08 06:02
schestowitz"If you can only user your gas plant when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining then it makes the gas power plat appear more expensive than it is. Also, renewables will start to look a lot more expensive once you need to start storing energy when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining."May 08 06:02
schestowitz 08 06:03
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks on TwitterMay 08 06:03
schestowitz"FreeAssange #FreeManning #SupportWikileaks #Unity4J #InformationMUSTbeFREE"May 08 06:03
schestowitz 08 06:03
-TechBytesBot/ | #microsoftpeter pasting in that silly #microsoftloveslinux image again. Trolling disguised as journalism at @condenastMay 08 06:03
schestowitz"MS loves money and control only."May 08 06:03
schestowitz 08 06:04
-TechBytesBot/ | There Are A Ton Of Interesting GSoC Projects This Year: Dav1d GPU Compute, Wayland, Rust - PhoronixMay 08 06:04
schestowitz"Vive Le Gnu Resistance!"May 08 06:04
schestowitz 08 06:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Best Free Linux Mint Games – Linux HintMay 08 06:04
schestowitz"Hi, if I might add one to your list. Eternal Lands is a great mmorpg for Linux. Open source client and has been online since 2003."May 08 06:04
-TechBytesBot/ | - The Official Eternal Lands Website!May 08 06:04
schestowitz 08 06:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Fearful Democrats and the False Allure of Policy CentrismMay 08 06:05
schestowitz"May 08 06:05
schestowitzMost of America is centrist, in my opinion. Most of the issues being trumpeted by the majority of the 24 democrats running for prez are far-left issues: single payer healthcare, open borders & blanket amnesty, college-debt erasure, etc.May 08 06:05
schestowitzNone of these issues are where the country is as a whole; none of these issues are 51% issues. Pelosi is right, far-left ideologies WILL NOT win them the day, or the presidency.May 08 06:05
schestowitz"May 08 06:05
schestowitzPolls suggest otherwiseMay 08 06:05
schestowitz 08 06:05
-TechBytesBot/ | 400+ Former Federal Prosecutors: Trump Would Face Obstruction Charges If He Weren't PresidentMay 08 06:05
schestowitz"oof"May 08 06:05
schestowitz 08 06:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Democratic Elite Could Care Less About the Life of the PartyMay 08 06:06
schestowitz"“Life for the political elites on all levels has been very good and is getting better. Their children go to the same private schools and rarely serve in the endless wars their parents keep extending, while the political elites graduate from public office and join law firms and lobbying shops that make them millions.”"May 08 06:06
schestowitz 08 06:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Vista 10 Reality Log - TechrightsMay 08 06:07
schestowitz"UEFI was incredible to me when I first encountered it."May 08 06:07
schestowitz 08 06:07
-TechBytesBot/ | How many millions of users will never run #Firefox again, even after addons were restored? Reminder me of: 08 06:07
schestowitz"it is a good question. I did, I had brave installed for a year or two, and dusted it off. And, so far I like it very much."May 08 06:07
schestowitz 08 06:07
-TechBytesBot/ | RSS separates the chaff/crap, hence #surveillancecapitalism tries to render it obsolete/unusable. Even Mozilla has removed RSS support from #firefox (live bookmarks), so I view #mozilla as an extension/extender of #gafam agenda.May 08 06:07
schestowitz"Mozilla has certainly been a let down."May 08 06:07
schestowitzUnfortunately. That helps GAFAM.May 08 06:07
schestowitz 08 06:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Not sure if 'open source' Or just #proprietarysoftware with #nsa surveillance and #microsoft #openwashing #VisualStudioMay 08 06:08
schestowitz"Show me the tarball son! xD"May 08 06:08
schestowitz 08 06:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Steve Ballmer: Advertisers, Advertisers, AdvertisersMay 08 06:08
schestowitz"There is only so many advertisers to suck out revenue from. Could argue that Google perfected this model, and a lot of comeafters are coming after, and I believe companies have had enough time to clearly calculate the value of an online ad to the price, and prices will be falling. Then we have a number of companies that are valued in the billions..never having shown $1 as profit in a decade.. I truly feel the next crash will weed a lot ofMay 08 06:08
schestowitzthis out, and we (the consumers) will be left with better choices and better value."May 08 06:08
schestowitz 08 06:08
-TechBytesBot/ | yo gnu I herd u like openoffice and opendocument so I rebranded #proprietarysoftware Office format 'open xml'May 08 06:08
schestowitz"I might need a gnu sense of humour."May 08 06:08
schestowitz 08 06:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Ex-State Trooper Convicted Of Involuntary Manslaughter For Tasing A Teen Riding An ATV At 35 MPHMay 08 06:09
schestowitz"#ACAB"May 08 06:09
schestowitz 08 06:10
-TechBytesBot/ | It's getting hard to find mobile phones that just make calls and don't build up gigabytes of location information, scan your fingers, face, and possibly record you (voice) 24/7. #gafam / #pentagon needs, not market needs ('gimmicks').May 08 06:10
schestowitz"There is a company in Europe called Doro with still sells old people phones. Flip phones with big buttons and only text and call functions. I do not know if they are sold in the States. I still have an old Samsung flip cell that only calls and texts. I call it my dumb phone proudly. It was made too well. I can just replace the battery if necessary."May 08 06:10
schestowitz 08 06:10
-TechBytesBot/ | The @linuxfoundation is so, so 'INCLUSIVE' that its chief not only banned me but has also banned my wife's site that covers #gnu #linux news and actually promotes Linux (unlike him, a Mac user)May 08 06:10
schestowitz"Follow your own journey and build your best ever. Peace.'May 08 06:10
schestowitz 08 06:10
-TechBytesBot/ | Nine dead gray whales have washed ashore in the San Francisco Bay Area this yearMay 08 06:10
schestowitz"US and Soviet submarines cause this. All environmental issues are traceable to war/ the state"May 08 06:11
schestowitz 08 06:11
-TechBytesBot/ | How to Build the Green New Deal? Cities and States May Already Have Answers • The RevelatorMay 08 06:11
schestowitz"You come up with some good stuff, Doc.May 08 06:11
schestowitz 08 06:11
-TechBytesBot/ | When it comes to systemic #bribery of #corporatemedia #NobodyDoesItBetter than the crooks from #microsoft Internally they even brag and boast about itMay 08 06:11
schestowitz"I've noticed that while reading through their outlook accounts😃."May 08 06:11
schestowitz 08 06:12
-TechBytesBot/ | Could “Liking” an Anti-Pipeline Facebook Post Soon Be Illegal?May 08 06:12
schestowitz"Free speech is going, going gone.May 08 06:12
schestowitz 08 06:12
-TechBytesBot/ | The Ninth Circuit Broke The Internet. So We Asked Them To Unbreak It.May 08 06:12
schestowitz"With all of the censorship going on are they really platforms anymore?"May 08 06:12
schestowitzFewer nowMay 08 06:12
schestowitz 08 06:12
-TechBytesBot/ | Over 600 Federal Prosecutors Say Trump Should Be Charged With...May 08 06:12
schestowitz"Woe unto you lawyers and Pharisees..."May 08 06:12
schestowitz 08 06:13
-TechBytesBot/ | The Cinderella story has always evolved with the times. Rebecca Solnit's update is overdue.May 08 06:13
schestowitz"Lol wow! You like this?"May 08 06:13
schestowitz 08 06:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Ian McLean: " When have they trashed …" - Mastodon for Tech FolksMay 08 06:18
schestowitz"May 08 06:18
schestowitz When have they trashed Linux lately?May 08 06:18
schestowitzMay 08 06:18
schestowitz"May 08 06:18
schestowitz 08 06:22
schestowitz" People are so easily convinced of literally anything when you put it as "us vs pedophiles", it is ridiculous."May 08 06:22
-TechBytesBot/ | DashEquals: " People are so easily co…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineMay 08 06:22
schestowitz 08 06:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Rain 🚱: " I can see this being ap…" - CybrespaceMay 08 06:23
schestowitz" I can see this being appealing to people used to how Android works..... so, understandable from a marketing standpoint, but I really hope it always (prominently) gives the user the option to use a 3rd party service."May 08 06:23
schestowitz 08 06:23
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 08 06:23
schestowitz"May 08 06:23
schestowitzit's complicated. could be a force for good in terms of pushing FLOSS services to non-technical consumers. but, so far, my interactions with them have not been confidence inspiring: having to basically beg them to agree to use the abuse feedback loop everyone else has agreed upon using, for example, is not so great.May 08 06:24
schestowitzultimately, services are only useful for marketing toward consumers if the services have excellent sender reputation, after all, an email or SNS service where most interactions are dropped due to bad sender reputation, is useless. the decisions they are making, i believe, will result in less than excellent sender reputation, which is unfortunate.May 08 06:24
schestowitz"May 08 06:24
schestowitz 08 06:24
schestowitz"May 08 06:24
schestowitzyeah so when are we going to figure out federated SSO? the standard is there, but everyone is dragging they feet.May 08 06:24
schestowitzor maybe we don't need this and purism is just trying to sound coolMay 08 06:24
schestowitz 08 06:25
-TechBytesBot/ | OpenID Connect | OpenIDMay 08 06:25
schestowitz"May 08 06:25
schestowitz 08 06:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Aroop Roelofs: " oh look, the third "E" …" - LinuxPizzaMay 08 06:25
schestowitz"oh look, the third "E" of their EEE system is starting!"May 08 06:25
schestowitz 08 06:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Aroop Roelofs: " Site is kinda ded... (r…" - LinuxPizzaMay 08 06:25
schestowitz" Site is kinda ded... (resource limit reached)"May 08 06:25
schestowitzProbably shortly after I linked to it. Try again now.May 08 06:25
schestowitz 08 06:26
schestowitz"May 08 06:26
schestowitzthis is one reason for wanting to neuter GPL. It is not because profit is hard. It is because the corporations do not want to share and improve humanity.May 08 06:26
schestowitzThat news a couple months ago re #zemlinpac announces the need for better collaboration among projects. It is more like a call for more rigorous sweatshop.May 08 06:26
schestowitz"May 08 06:26
-TechBytesBot/ | NixiИ: " this is one reason for …" - LinuxRocks.OnlineMay 08 06:26
schestowitz 08 06:26
-TechBytesBot/ | patter: " #wsl had better be pron…" - meow.socialMay 08 06:26
schestowitz"#wsl had better be pronounced "weasel""May 08 06:26
-TechBytesBot/ | The simpsons: Weaseling Out - YouTubeMay 08 06:26
schestowitz 08 06:26
-TechBytesBot/ | avocado goblin: " phones with retinal sca…" - CybrespaceMay 08 06:26
schestowitz" phones with retinal scanners, anyone?"May 08 06:26
schestowitz 08 06:27
-TechBytesBot/ | Matt: " I'm really confused wha…" - Mastodon for Tech FolksMay 08 06:27
schestowitz"I'm really confused what this image has to do with a system virtualization layer"May 08 06:27
schestowitz 08 06:28
-TechBytesBot/ | smeg: " I haven't read anything…" - Assortedflotsam.comMay 08 06:28
schestowitz"May 08 06:28
schestowitz I haven't read anything specifically stating that it's an App from the Store. Is this true, or FUD?May 08 06:28
schestowitzI'm not excited by Microsoft's faux "embrace" of Linux, but let's make sure not to muddy the waters.May 08 06:28
schestowitz"May 08 06:28
schestowitzThis is how one gets it, and it needs Microsoft's approvalMay 08 06:28
schestowitz 08 06:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Shamar: " link please!" - MastodonMay 08 06:28
schestowitz"link please!"May 08 06:28
schestowitz 08 06:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Stay with Free Software, City of Munich! | KDE.newsMay 08 06:29
schestowitz 08 06:30
schestowitz"May 08 06:30
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 08 06:30
schestowitz...admittedly it's not *quite* the same thing, but they at least were definitely willing to pull dirty tricksMay 08 06:30
schestowitzMay 08 06:30
schestowitz"May 08 06:30
schestowitz 08 06:30
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 08 06:30
schestowitz"Microsoft <3s DR DOS"May 08 06:30
schestowitz 08 06:30
-TechBytesBot/ | ⒹⒶⓥⒺⓨ⦁ⓉⒽⒺ⦁ⓢⒺⓍ⦁Ⓖ⦱Ⓓ :verified:: " "intense crap url"" - queyMay 08 06:30
schestowitz" "intense crap url""May 08 06:30
schestowitz 08 06:31
schestowitz"May 08 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ | NixiИ: " that joke from Down to …" - LinuxRocks.OnlineMay 08 06:31
schestowitzz that joke from Down to Earth (2001) fits here.May 08 06:31
schestowitz 08 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Down to Earth 1080p Shut up before I crush you with my wallet! - InvidiousMay 08 06:31
schestowitzZuckerberg once imposed the will of his Facebook on an island telecom: "you are a small fish in a big pond. Be quiet"May 08 06:31
schestowitzAs usual I can never find old articles pertaining to FB because they delete "negative" publicity.May 08 06:31
schestowitz"May 08 06:31
schestowitz 08 06:31
schestowitz" To be fair she is married to a war criminal. She probably sees them as pretty similar people in the end."May 08 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Electronic_Bunny: " To be fair she is marri…" - Todon.nlMay 08 06:31
schestowitz 08 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ | LAPatriot: " You're a fraud." - QuodVerum ForumMay 08 06:31
schestowitz" You're a fraud."May 08 06:31
schestowitz 08 06:32
-TechBytesBot/ | amastodonuser : " @schestowitz@pleroma.s…" - FramapiafMay 08 06:32
schestowitz"emacs evil mode is solving this issue."May 08 06:32
schestowitz 08 06:32
-TechBytesBot/ | f15hb0wl: " problem is he wouldn't …" - MastodonMay 08 06:32
schestowitz" problem is he wouldn't be any better off if he was."May 08 06:32
schestowitz 08 06:32
schestowitz" Ah yes, innovation. From what I've heard the reason we have so many 3D printers nowadays is because the patents expired a few years ago.'May 08 06:33
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 08 06:33
schestowitzSame for personal dronesMay 08 06:33
schestowitz 08 06:33
-TechBytesBot/ | avocado goblin: " lucky her, then" - CybrespaceMay 08 06:33
schestowitz" lucky her, then"May 08 06:33
schestowitz 08 06:34
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 08 06:34
schestowitz"May 08 06:34
schestowitz Trump's advantage is incumbency and a weak, divided Democratic field. That division will be gone by 2024 when there are almost no straight white Democrat voters left, but the transition is going to be rough.May 08 06:34
schestowitzTrump's disadvantage is his complete failure to enact any significant part of his 2016 agenda, with little hope that the second term will be any better.May 08 06:34
schestowitzAlso all big social sites will be rigged against him by the best programmers at Google (they will be the three eyed raven in the great war)May 08 06:34
schestowitz"May 08 06:34
schestowitz 08 06:34
schestowitz"yeah it is like a spray tan that he uses because he is probably pale and wrinkly.  He wants to make it look as if he is glowing and just the other day he even said that he is a youthful vibrant man especially compared to joe biden.  lol  It is amazing the things that come out of donald trumps mouth."May 08 06:34
-TechBytesBot/ | wh1t3fang: " yeah it is like a spray…" - ieji.deMay 08 06:34
schestowitz"LOOK AT THESE HANDS!"May 08 06:34
schestowitz 08 06:35
schestowitz"What should I use instead"May 08 06:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Meatcomputer: " What should I use inste…" - queyMay 08 06:35
schestowitzself-hosting is an option for a businessMay 08 06:35
schestowitz 08 06:36
-TechBytesBot/ | Katherine M. Moss: " How can we prove this i…" - QOTO MastodonMay 08 06:36
schestowitz"How can we prove this is true, though?"May 08 06:36
schestowitzTheir own engineers said so and there's newer evidenceMay 08 06:36
schestowitz 08 06:43
-TechBytesBot/ | LXer: Ugh. No.: Why corporate acquisitions could be good for the open source communityMay 08 06:43
schestowitz"May 08 06:43
schestowitzFOSS developers have to pay their mortgages and bills and feed their families, just like everyone else. The big corporations pay the vast majority of FOSS developers and are therefore enabling FOSS code to continue to be developed. Oh, and yes, I know, I work for a startup. I'd be very happy if we're bought out eventually. I'd cash in nicely. That would insure a comfortable retirement when the time comes.May 08 06:43
schestowitzSo... I see this as part of the natural evolution of FOSS.May 08 06:43
schestowitz"May 08 06:43
schestowitz 08 06:43
-TechBytesBot/ | LXer: As with Brave: How to Install Opera Web Browser on Ubuntu 18.04May 08 06:43
schestowitz"I have a few 32-bit machines here. They are developer pool machines for work. Basically, we use them to build 32-bit versions of our code and packages and to test them. 32-bit systems that I still use for anything else? None."May 08 06:43
schestowitz 08 06:47
-TechBytesBot/ If billionaires or fake 'billionaire' (like Trump) 'Democrats' get their way, prepare for Pres. #trump until Jan. 2025. 08 06:47
schestowitz"This is not the time for moderation. Obama promised “change” and delivered none. Now it is very necessary."May 08 06:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fearful Democrats and the False Allure of Policy CentrismMay 08 06:47
schestowitz"There were some things I didn’t like with Obama, but nothing so far makes sense with Trump. I agree though no more billionaires or wealthy individuals in office that had an inheritance, also no more candidates who don’t have a proper education."May 08 06:47
schestowitz"The problem with Obama was not obvious - the problem was that he appeared to be Progressive on the surface, but was anything but in practice. This lack of achievement led to the Democratic debacle in 2016 - where Hillary ran as yet another Obama, and lost.'May 08 06:47
schestowitz"It was evident that Obama was not all that progressive even before he won the office. Go back and read Naomi Klein’s work on Obama’s “Chicago boys” - he was running with/funded by the Chicago school of economics people - radical conservatives, really. I’ve been telling conservatives this every time they (laughingly) would call Obama a “socialist”, a “communist” and so on. They never want to hear it."May 08 06:48
schestowitz 08 06:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Obama's Chicago Boys | Naomi KleinMay 08 06:48
schestowitz"May 08 06:48
schestowitzIt was evident that Obama was not all that progressive even before he won the officeMay 08 06:48
schestowitzIt depends upon how you define “evident”. Many of the voters did not see it that way.May 08 06:48
schestowitz"May 08 06:48
schestowitz"Oh, I definitely agree. Especially where the “objective” media acts as if the acceptable political spectrum should go from center-right politicians like Hillary and Obama to far right unhinged crackpots like Limbaugh and Hannity, it sure does not help. Or how they keep intoning (falsely) that this is a “center-right country”, even though it’s clearly not. So of course such conservative/corporate business entities that pass as ourMay 08 06:49
schestowitzmedia are going to frame Obama as a progressive."May 08 06:49
schestowitz"All of which will make it very hard for many people (who don’t have the time or inclination to look any further) to tell that Obama is basically Republican-lite.'May 08 06:49
schestowitz"Witness now how Joe Biden is portrayed as a “centrist”. Well, maybe compared to Trump, but Biden is not even “Republican Lite” - he is “Republican Classic”."May 08 06:49
schestowitz"May 08 06:50
schestowitzI agree. Biden made a fine side-kick for Obama, but he seems to be going by the very old notion of being “congenial” with Republicans, who want to put their boot on the neck of most of America, and laugh at Democrats that want to compromise. The cons will shiv Americans and Democrats in the back every single time.May 08 06:50
schestowitzAND he’s far too conservative, even compared to Obama and Hillary, IMHO.May 08 06:50
schestowitzIt’s about fucking time Americans got some representation that represents where America actually is on the issues. And I’m sick of having to choose between center-right (Hillary, Obama) and unhinged right (Spanky and Dumbya and their racist goon brownshirt thug supporters).May 08 06:50
schestowitz"May 08 06:50
schestowitz"I will in fact find it very difficult to vote for Joe Biden. I hate to think about it…'May 08 06:50
schestowitz"Well if it’s Biden versus Spanky it’s no contest for me. Spanky is dangerous and his supporters are even more so. He’s making this country slide toward fascism…'May 08 06:50
schestowitzIt's not too late to compel DNC to allow "running from the left"May 08 06:51
schestowitz 08 06:51
-TechBytesBot/ From "criminal record hence cannot vote" to "too poor to vote" #floridaMay 08 06:51
schestowitz"Democracy is best left to the elite. ;-("May 08 06:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | After Florida Re-enfranchises 1.4 Million, Republicans Push New “Poll Tax” For Formerly Incarcerated | Democracy Now!May 08 06:51
schestowitz"It’s what the Greeks were saying…"May 08 06:51
schestowitz"Without any irony? ;-)"May 08 06:52
schestowitz"Nope, just history ;-)'May 08 06:52
schestowitz"May 08 06:52
schestowitzOnly “citizens” could vote and only they owned property and yes, were all men.May 08 06:52
schestowitzUp to 90% of the population were slaves.May 08 06:52
schestowitz"May 08 06:52
schestowitz"Oh and yes, they found traces of election fraud… of course ;-)'May 08 06:52
schestowitzI thought we're past all this :/May 08 06:52
schestowitz 08 06:53
-TechBytesBot/ His main barrier isn't #gop (he'd beat #trump easily) but corrupt #dnc with their "golden boy" ubermench wunderkind #biden 08 06:53
schestowitz"I’m quite afraid the establishment Dems will sabotage him this time again."May 08 06:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'They Underestimate Me at Their Own Peril': Sanders Says GOP Will Regret Hoping for His Nomination in 2020May 08 06:53
schestowitz"Biden is a “wunderkind”: I wonder what kind of fool thinks this guy is good for anything."May 08 06:53
schestowitz"Establishment Dems, who else?"May 08 06:53
schestowitz"I’m not sure - or rather I’m pretty sure that the Establishment Democrats are most enamored with Mediocre Joe because he will not do anything. Nothing substantial, nothing to rock the boat as we float not-so-gently down the stream towards the waterfall."May 08 06:53
schestowitz"May 08 06:54
schestowitzLet me clarify…May 08 06:54
schestowitzThere is one establishment and it’s more or less running both parties. The establishment doesn’t care which one wins and they also keep it a 2 party system.May 08 06:54
schestowitz"May 08 06:54
schestowitzTrueMay 08 06:54
schestowitz 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ A stain on everything on this planet. nice photo BTW...May 08 06:54
schestowitz"Nature is literally dying and all these idiots can think about is making more money. Our grandchildren are in great danger from this kind of thinking.'May 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pompeo Cheers 'Opportunity' in Arctic From Climate Change as America Blocks Resolution LanguageMay 08 06:54
schestowitz"Making more money, and winning over the Russians. ;-("May 08 06:54
schestowitzThis is their "hobby"May 08 06:54
schestowitz 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ #wikileaks and #assange should have led to arrests, no doubt... Of corrupt officials, war criminals etc. Did that happen? Hell no. Because power begets power and the legal system is a farce/joke to powerMay 08 06:54
schestowitz"May 08 06:54
schestowitzPower IS AbuseMay 08 06:55
schestowitzAxidentalists axiom.May 08 06:55
schestowitzwhat next?May 08 06:55
schestowitz'May 08 06:55
schestowitz 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/ The #GreenNewDeal is going global 08 06:55
schestowitz"“Why all the fuss about it now?” Why? Because climate change is having noticeable effects now - so noticeable as to be impossible to ignore."May 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Green New Deal is going globalMay 08 06:55
schestowitz"And also, Greta. Extinction Rebellion, the Sunshine and other movements are making lots of noise. They are bringing it to the forefront of the news.'May 08 06:55
schestowitz"In other words, the establishment lost control of the message and the medias finally need to talk about it. Well, some are…"May 08 06:55
schestowitzyes, exactly. Tom, the best we can do without being politicians is make a lot of noise about it. Make it unbearable for polluters. We need to rebel.May 08 06:56
schestowitz 08 06:57
-TechBytesBot/ RSS separates the chaff/crap, hence #surveillancecapitalism tries to render it obsolete/unusable. Even Mozilla has removed RSS support from #firefox (live bookmarks), so I view #mozilla as an extension/extender of #gafam agenda.May 08 06:57
schestowitz"Agree. There is a battle to smash rss/atom down. Many people don’t know it :( but It is useful :D"May 08 06:57
schestowitz"I prefer rss feeds instead of having to go to a website. Luckily you absolutely do not need any web browser to subscribe to a rss feed.'May 08 06:57
schestowitz"Socialhome HQ"May 08 06:57
schestowitz"ramps down RSS feeds from browser becomes as evil as Google Ok.May 08 06:57
schestowitz 08 06:58
-TechBytesBot/ You wanna use #gnu #linux then? So install if from the #microsoft #windows Store. It's #wsl now. Built-in NSA, free of charge. What? You want to install it standalone?! What are you, a TERRORIST?May 08 06:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 06:58
schestowitz"Yet another reason to avoid Azure ? =)"May 08 06:58
schestowitz"May 08 06:58
schestowitzIt’s Microshaft doing what they’ve always been doing: buying the competition and sucking it dry to the bones.May 08 06:58
schestowitzJust like what they did with IE inside winblows 98.May 08 06:58
schestowitz"May 08 06:58
schestowitzWe need to get people to talk about it because the bribed media (e.g. bribed by Microsoft which buys ads there) refuses to talk about itMay 08 06:59
schestowitz 08 06:59
schestowitz"May 08 06:59
-TechBytesBot/ Teaching Kids About #Climate #Science Leads to More #ClimateChange -Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds 08 06:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Teaching Kids About Climate Science Leads to More Climate-Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds | DeSmogBlogMay 08 06:59
schestowitzHad a short conversation with my dentists about climate change, I try to mention it everywhere I go.May 08 06:59
schestowitzShe told me her son had to do a dissertation on climate change as school work, which I considered as good news, even if it’s relatively late to start talking about a global crisis…May 08 06:59
schestowitz"May 08 06:59
schestowitz"The “nag factor” is very effective."May 08 06:59
schestowitzWe need to get to the point where people feel embarrassed if they do nothing about it and shunned from civilised society if they actively deny the problem even existsMay 08 07:00
schestowitz 08 07:01
-TechBytesBot/ #germany does what #trump would not because the latter regime thrives in antiscience and ignorance among the public 08 07:01
schestowitz"Spanky represents the stupidest and most venal people of the United States. He doesn’t even pretend to try to unite the country. And being anti-intellectual is part and parcel of that gambit to get the support of all the deplorables."May 08 07:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Germany’s health minister proposes a $2,790 anti-vaxxer charge | Ars TechnicaMay 08 07:01
schestowitz"Unite? You have got to be kidding. Trump is a divider, a destroyer - someone who has learned to profit from chaos."May 08 07:01
schestowitz"May 08 07:02
schestowitzI find it amusing that the right claims that Obama was the divider-in-chief. Yeah, he riled up the racists because they hate anyone with any melanin. That didn’t make it Obama’s fault. I find many problems with Obama being too right wing, etc., but he was no “divider”. Spanky and Bush both are, and they seem to take special pride in it, as do their supporters.May 08 07:02
schestowitzIf Obama divided normal Americans from unhinged racist douchebags, well too fucking bad, IMHO. That only means the Republicans need to police their ranks better for racism, but they don’t want to, since that’s about the only way they can get into office - grooming sister-fucking racist douchebags to vote against their own economic interests in order to show how superior they are to other races, and to “own the libs”.May 08 07:02
schestowitz"May 08 07:02
schestowitz"May 08 07:02
schestowitzI find it amusing that the right claims that Obama was the divider-in-chief. Yeah, he riled up the racists because they hate anyone with any melanin. That didn’t make it Obama’s fault. I find many problems with Obama being too right wing, etc., but he was no “divider”. Spanky and Bush both are, and they seem to take special pride in it, as do their supporters.May 08 07:02
schestowitzIf Obama divided normal Americans from unhinged racist douchebags, well too fucking bad, IMHO. That only means the Republicans need to police their ranks better for racism, but they don’t want to, since that’s about the only way they can get into office - grooming sister-fucking racist douchebags to vote against their own economic interests in order to show how superior they are to other races, and to “own the libs”.May 08 07:02
schestowitz"May 08 07:02
schestowitz"Obama was not a divider (though he was black). His speeches are all very inspiring and positive about people and government. I loved listening to him, if only for the art involved."May 08 07:02
schestowitzhe didn't write these..May 08 07:02
schestowitz 08 07:03
-TechBytesBot/ "several statements from Democratic pols and liberal Israel support groups showing that there is no room in the mainstream US discourse for criticizing Israeli violence or speaking about Israel’s 13-year-long blockade on Gaza or its slaughter" 08 07:03
schestowitz"Once again, Bernie Sanders shows he’s the only man in the Senate with any cojones.May 08 07:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | As mainstream comes down hard on Palestinians, Sanders cites human rights violations in Gaza – MondoweissMay 08 07:03
schestowitz"👍 @tomgrz"May 08 07:03
schestowitzI think he's the only one who can now toss aside the Bidens of the DNC (who IMHO would hand to Trump another 4 years)May 08 07:04
schestowitz 08 07:04
-TechBytesBot/ Bad News! Windows 10 Will Soon Have a Real Linux Kernel "this is a bad news for the growth of desktop Linux."May 08 07:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Bad News! Windows 10 Will Soon Have a Real Linux Kernel | Tux MachinesMay 08 07:04
schestowitz"May 08 07:04
schestowitzWhile this sounds bad, I don’t think it will harm Linux adoption that much.May 08 07:04
schestowitzWho wants real Linux will not use that, the one’s that Will use it are going to be MS fanboys that have always been critical Of Linux. So, it’s Microshaft playing to its audience.May 08 07:04
schestowitz"May 08 07:04
schestowitz"May 08 07:04
schestowitzBesides, as bad as MS is in security, they’ll open more security holes with that WSL 2 than MS winblows already has.May 08 07:04
schestowitzBut I’ve read the article, and, for future generations, yes, it might be very dangerous.May 08 07:04
schestowitz"May 08 07:04
schestowitzI have different views on this. WSL can change the way gnu/linux devs set priorities and choose licences etc. Time will tell...May 08 07:05
schestowitz 08 07:05
-TechBytesBot/ #Pine64 's 14-inch Linux laptop PineBook Pro will offer a Rockchip RK3399 SoC and 4 GB RAM for US$200 more: 08 07:05
schestowitz"I want that.'May 08 07:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pine64's 14-inch Linux laptop PineBook Pro will offer a Rockchip RK3399 SoC and 4 GB RAM for US$200 - NewsMay 08 07:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Pinebook Pro, a $199 Linux Laptop, Inches Closer to Launch | Tux MachinesMay 08 07:05
schestowitz"Too bad it’s 14 inches, I prefer the 11 inch."May 08 07:06
schestowitzPortability?May 08 07:06
schestowitz 08 07:06
-TechBytesBot/ #finland thinks of banning domestic flights IIRC. Then there's this: 08 07:06
schestowitz"Democrats in the United States do not know their ass from their elbow. Looks like they are going for the ass."May 08 07:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Affirming the Paris Accord Is Good -- But Democrats Must Do Much MoreMay 08 07:06
schestowitz"Finland is not planning to ban domestic flights. Source: I am from Finland and if that were a serious suggestion, it would be all over the newspapers. We are a fairly big country.May 08 07:06
schestowitzA friend from Finland sent me a link the other day, but I cannot find it offhand. It was only a proposal perhaps.May 08 07:07
schestowitz 08 07:08
-TechBytesBot/ ### Full Circle Magazine #144 #### 12 years old this month **This month:** * Command & Conquer * How-To : Python, Freeplane, and Using Netcat * Graphics : Inkscape * My Opinion: Video Editing * Linux Loopback: BSD * Everyday Ubuntu: Writing An Article For FCM * Book Review: Linux Command Line 2nd Ed. * [NEW!] Linux Certified * Ubuntu Games: Help Battle for Wesnoth plus: News, The Daily Waddle,May 08 07:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 07:08
schestowitz"May 08 07:08
schestowitz@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) - PDF only I’m afraid. There are Special Editions (also PDF) that are dedicated to a specific topic (eg: LibreOffice, Inkscape, etc.): 08 07:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Full Circle Magazine #144 – The 12th Anniversary Issue! | Full Circle MagazineMay 08 07:08
schestowitz(eg: Python: 08 07:08
schestowitzor you can search with tags such as ‘python special’ or ‘inkscape special’ to narrow things down further.May 08 07:08
-TechBytesBot/ | special editions | Full Circle MagazineMay 08 07:08
schestowitz"May 08 07:08
schestowitz"I link to it anyway and just specify the page number. Not too hard and it may get people to read more of it… They may discover something that they like there!"May 08 07:08
-TechBytesBot/ | python special editions | Full Circle MagazineMay 08 07:08
schestowitzPDF looks better, but is less accessible in a number of waysMay 08 07:08
schestowitz 08 07:09
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #trump regime far more deadly than ISIS 08 07:09
schestowitz"Looks like “Doctor” Schestowitz keeps getting dumber every day."May 08 07:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'Unprecedented': UN Finds US-Backed Forces Killed More Afghan Civilians Than Taliban and ISIS Did So Far in 2019May 08 07:09
schestowitz"May 08 07:09
schestowitzAll you Nazis think it’s “dumb” to be against war and murder. Why don’t you go to Afghanistan if you want them all dead? Fucking coward snowflake. All talk.May 08 07:09
schestowitzBtw, Dr Roy actually helped spread your Nazi propaganda in 2016. He thought Hillary was one of you.May 08 07:09
schestowitz"May 08 07:09
schestowitz"How funny that you would call a Pole a Nazi. It’s similar to how you irrelevant muppets called Candace Owens, a black woman, a white supremacist. Apparently, logic is not allowed into your safe space. Still, I will take you calling me a racist and a Nazi as a badge of honour. Coming from inconsequential Communist turds, it’s actually pretty hilarious."May 08 07:09
schestowitz"May 08 07:10
schestowitzApparently, you do not know what nazism and white supremacy mean or how they work in a feeble, turd-obsessed brain like yours. Do you really think there are no Polish nazis or black white supremacists? (I’ve never even heard of Candice Owens). And since you just called me a Communist (in classic Nazi fashion), you clearly have no idea what that means either. To you it means anyone who calls a bigot a bigot, a nazi a nazi, or anyone who isMay 08 07:10
schestowitznot 100% on board with your sacred global capitalism.May 08 07:10
schestowitzJust wondering. Are you a Pole or a Canadian? Do you have dual citizenship?May 08 07:10
schestowitz"May 08 07:10
schestowitz"None of your business. White supremacy is the belief that the white race is superior to others. Funny enough, none of the people currently being called “white supremacists” by Communists like you actually believe that but it’s not stopping you effeminate turds any."May 08 07:10
schestowitz"Is “effeminate” an insult? I guess you don’t like women very much."May 08 07:10
schestowitzWhen referring to a man is insinuates gender inadequacyMay 08 07:11
schestowitz 08 07:12
-TechBytesBot/ Establishment 'Democrats' protect #trump #corruption by refusing to deal with it, opting instead for mirage-based #russophobia 08 07:12
schestowitz"Trump has worked way to hard to protect his tax returns. There’s something there that will destroy him."May 08 07:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mnuchin Refusal to Hand Over Trump Tax Returns Called 'Blatant Affront to Rule of Law'May 08 07:12
schestowitzDefinitely. No leakers somehow...May 08 07:12
schestowitz 08 07:12
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Does it make sense?May 08 07:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 07:12
schestowitz"Perfectly."May 08 07:12
schestowitz 08 07:13
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #### [Julian Assange: Wikileaks co-founder jailed over bail breach]( HN Discussion: Posted by [ssorc]( (karma: 135) *Post stats: Points: 97 - Comments: 66 - 2019-05-01T13:05:06Z* \#HackerNews #assange #bail #breach #co-founder #jailed #julian #over #wikileaks <sub>HackerNMay 08 07:13
schestowitz"Got to break a few eggs to cook-up an empire. Don’t be an egg."May 08 07:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange: Wikileaks co-founder jailed over bail breach - BBC NewsMay 08 07:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange: Wikileaks co-founder jailed over bail breach | Hacker NewsMay 08 07:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Profile: ssorc | Hacker NewsMay 08 07:13
schestowitz 08 07:14
-TechBytesBot/ I wrote this almost 15 years ago: "This page introduces of a way of converting pages into pseudo-feeds, all for the convenience of the user" 08 07:14
schestowitz"Ah the power of shell scriptingMay 08 07:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | HTML SyndicationMay 08 07:14
schestowitz' 08 07:14
-TechBytesBot/ Failed ‘Coup’ a Fake #CorporateMedia Story Designed to Trick #Venezuela Soldiers—and US Public 08 07:14
schestowitz"A fake coup inside of a real coup?'May 08 07:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Failed ‘Coup’ a Fake Corporate News Story Designed to Trick Venezuelan Soldiers—and US Public | FAIRMay 08 07:14
schestowitz 08 07:14
-TechBytesBot/ Eventually, #microsoft goal is to ensure nobody 'boots' #gnu #linux but merely runs 'guests' under #vista10 malware. #uefi helps towards it #zemlinpac complicit 08 07:14
schestowitz"UEFI is more arm twisting by #microsoft. I recently built a computer from individual parts. I discovered that my new motherboard had a particularly odd detail: incompatibility with Win10. No problem for a #gentoo user. But I also determined the cause of the Win10 issue: no UEFI. Because of the MS #monopoly, even parts manufacturers will be forced to bow down."May 08 07:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UEFI - TechrightsMay 08 07:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux Foundation - TechrightsMay 08 07:14
schestowitzinteresting scenarioMay 08 07:14
schestowitz 08 07:15
-TechBytesBot/ Jim Zemlin has blocked #tuxmachines in Twitter, >even< if his colleagues have given interviews to this #gnu #linux news site. #zemlin isn't a Linux person, he just 'monetises' the brand 08 07:15
schestowitz"So, you are basically say that people are not allowed to block their twitter account.'May 08 07:15
schestowitzI did not say that at all. I am just pointing out that Zemlin is hyper-sensitive.May 08 07:15
schestowitz 08 07:15
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: This man is now in JAIL, unlike the people whose crimes he exposed. #assange #wikileaksMay 08 07:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 07:15
schestowitz"None of this says that he’s innocent and there’s no tengible evidence AFAIK that proves a conspiracy against him. Stop automatically amnesting people just because of their status in society."May 08 07:15
schestowitz 08 07:16
-TechBytesBot/ It's not like their president is creating racial and religious tensions, right? 08 07:16
schestowitz"Nothing like an “active shooter drill” to put your mind in tune with God.'May 08 07:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'No One is Taking Any Chances': US Mosques Hold Active Shooter Drills Ahead of RamadanMay 08 07:16
schestowitzAFAIK, these things did not happen in the UK for decades (only knives and bombs), unlike in France...May 08 07:16
schestowitz 08 07:17
-TechBytesBot/ If you do not vote #trump then you are a Marxist-Communist The message from the #corruption den known as @gop (more corrupt than D) 08 07:17
schestowitz"I’d rather be a communist than a fucking rethuglican. Anarchism is the best.'May 08 07:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | One Big Problem with the GOP’s Campaign against ‘Socialism’ - OtherWordsMay 08 07:17
schestowitz 08 07:17
-TechBytesBot/ I've long heard the weak argument that a royal family is "good for tourism"; well, a dozen pandas munching bamboo all day would be even better for #tourism and cost a lot less than maintaining palaces for kids who wear swastikas "for laughs..."May 08 07:17
schestowitz"Tax those parasites."May 08 07:17
schestowitzThat would cause some wrathMay 08 07:17
schestowitz 08 07:18
-TechBytesBot/ "There is a coup happening in #Venezuela . Not the rather sad, fizzling, slow-motion coup that has been beavering away behind the scenes for months, if not years. An actual violent attempt to overthrow the government by force." 08 07:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 07:18
schestowitz"May 08 07:18
schestowitzwould be interesting to see that graphic extended to include all nations.May 08 07:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Discuss: The Coup in Venezuela - OffGuardianMay 08 07:18
schestowitzto be clear, when i said that, i meant extended along the column headers, not extended down the way with just those 2. XD … just realised that could have been dangerously misinterpreted. XD XD lol. nooo, i’ve not taken leave of my mind, heart and senses, i’ve not suddenly taken up advocacy of totalitarian hegemony.May 08 07:18
schestowitz"May 08 07:18
schestowitz 08 07:18
-TechBytesBot/ | definition hegemony at DuckDuckGoMay 08 07:18
schestowitz 08 07:18
-TechBytesBot/ "critical thinkers in all these countries she was nonetheless confronted by the ossification of thought, the recitation of a catechism and the marginalization of serious inquiry for which socialism had long been condemned in the capitalist west" 08 07:18
schestowitz"May 08 07:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | National Liberation in an International ContextMay 08 07:18
schestowitzThe struggle to remain loyal to the cause of international communism while maintaining one’s integrity are not only matters for the committed Marxist Sheehan was and remains. They are serious questions for philosophy as a discipline, as indeed they are for anyone seeking to change the world.May 08 07:18
schestowitzThis, I think, is the center of the problem. International Communism became something similar to a religion, and not a practical science.May 08 07:18
schestowitz' 08 07:19
-TechBytesBot/ " #Widelands , the free and open source Settlers-like strategy game has a new major release up" #freesw 08 07:19
schestowitz"I recommend staying away from it. this game is dangerous. I couldn’t stop playing it ;-)"May 08 07:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Widelands, the free and open source Settlers-like strategy game has a new major release up | GamingOnLinuxMay 08 07:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Widelands Build 20 Released - News ArchiveMay 08 07:19
schestowitzhappened to me with Enemy TerritoryMay 08 07:19
schestowitzI've since then not played much, except maybe a few "apps" on an old Android tablet (less addictive)May 08 07:19
schestowitz 08 07:20
-TechBytesBot/ #google #gmail and #gafam #email in general is discriminating against #dweb and shields the Pentagon's surveillance deadlock 08 07:20
schestowitz"I don’t, but like most US citizens, I don’t have any other choice and there are far worse choices. Facebook or Microsoft provided email are far worse. Google’s failure here is particularly upsetting."May 08 07:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Gmail's automated spam-filtering is making it much harder to run an independent mail-server / Boing BoingMay 08 07:20
schestowitzIIRC, at one point you considered getting an email account on my domain? Or was that someone else?May 08 07:20
schestowitz 08 07:21
-TechBytesBot/ #gnu #linux has 'won' Now it needs to ask #microsoft to "sign keys" to merely boot (UEFI) And to ask Microsoft, nicely, to be added to some stupid "Store" with #drm Oh, wait, it's Microsoft 'winning' 08 07:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux Foundation - TechrightsMay 08 07:21
schestowitz"May 08 07:21
schestowitzJust say “no” to UEFI. But now ARM has some kind of “trusted firmware”.May 08 07:21
schestowitz 08 07:21
-TechBytesBot/ | About - Trusted FirmwareMay 08 07:21
schestowitzAt least it’s a whole lot cheaper than Intel’s computer within your computer.May 08 07:21
schestowitz"May 08 07:21
schestowitzComputing in general moves in a negative direction faster than we can effectively resist thatMay 08 07:21
schestowitz 08 07:21
-TechBytesBot/ #Freespire 4.8 Officially Released, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS buuuuuut: 08 07:21
schestowitz"Ugh.'May 08 07:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Freespire 4.8 Officially Released, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTSMay 08 07:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linspire ‘Reborn’ is Still Working for Microsoft and Facilitating Surveillance on GNU/Linux Users | TechrightsMay 08 07:21
schestowitzThey're still a joke and they worry about my criticism to the point of writing "rebuttals" to itMay 08 07:22
schestowitz 08 07:22
-TechBytesBot/ #finland thinks of banning domestic flights IIRC. Then there's this: 08 07:22
schestowitz"Probably yes; as far as I know it has never been seriously considered. An individual thinker may have written a newspaper opinion column, perhaps."May 08 07:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Affirming the Paris Accord Is Good -- But Democrats Must Do Much MoreMay 08 07:22
schestowitz 08 07:22
-TechBytesBot/ #Coral #reefs provide flood protection worth $1.8 billion every year – it’s time to protect them 08 07:22
schestowitz"Too late. ;-("May 08 07:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Coral reefs provide flood protection worth $1.8 billion every year – it's time to protect themMay 08 07:22
schestowitzDecades too lateMay 08 07:22
schestowitz 08 07:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?May 08 07:23
schestowitz"maybe he means GNU Linux-libre, or Debian’s cleaned up Linux, rather than the Linux versions distributed by upstream, that contain pieces of binary-only blobs under obnoxious licenses?"May 08 07:23
schestowitz 08 07:23
-TechBytesBot/ #MicrosoftPeter says #Microsoft to ship "GPLed Linux kernel" as if there's a non- #GPL #Linux . Microsoft is a serial GPL violator, including in Linux itself. It got caught and called out.May 08 07:23
schestowitzif only...May 08 07:23
schestowitz 08 07:23
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft only "Loves Linux" if loves and trashes are synonymsMay 08 07:23
schestowitz"Like the loving hug of a boa constrictor.'May 08 07:23
schestowitz 08 07:24
-TechBytesBot/ #Microsoft has just 'innovated' the Terminal #MicrosoftBuildMay 08 07:24
schestowitz"As in terminal services? It was 9 years ago…"May 08 07:24
schestowitzEven longer I thinkMay 08 07:24
schestowitz 08 07:24
-TechBytesBot/ #google now does to #email what it did to #usenet #microsoft too punches away at E-mail with Outlook and Exchange (malware, surveillanceware)May 08 07:24
schestowitz"A secret shared with a friend is better guarded than one shared with modern data mining companies. Your friend might betray you, but the data miner’s business model is betrayal."May 08 07:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Avian’s Blog: Google is eating our mailMay 08 07:24
schestowitzPower being exercised, coercion as a serviceMay 08 07:24
schestowitz 08 07:25
-TechBytesBot/ #google continues to harm the perception that #linux is secure by putting loads of #nsa back doors in its platforms including #android 08 07:25
schestowitz"May 08 07:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Security Bulletin April 2019: What you need to know - TechRepublicMay 08 07:25
schestowitzWell, while that is true, the linked article and the comment aren’t on the same topic.May 08 07:25
schestowitzI enjoy a lot of the free software items you post here, but every now and then the odd post is a bit confusing, like this one. Usually when I do this is is because I am trying to work too fast and make mistakes. I find if I slow down just a bit it helps.May 08 07:25
schestowitz"May 08 07:25
schestowitzI get your point, yes...May 08 07:25
schestowitz 08 07:26
-TechBytesBot/ #scotland #indyref #glasgow 08 07:26
schestowitz"Three months imprisonment for an “illegal procession”? !! I guess Scotland is not the freedom-loving place I thought it was."May 08 07:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Arrest of Manny Singh - Craig MurrayMay 08 07:26
schestowitzSame as Canada, just a colder version of the neighbours south of the borderMay 08 07:26
schestowitz 08 07:27
-TechBytesBot/ #RedHat Unveils Open-source Developed New #Branding so much time and effort for such an ugly/simple/silly new logo 08 07:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Red Hat Unveils Open-source Developed New BrandingMay 08 07:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Goodbye, Shadowman: Red Hat changes its logo | Tux MachinesMay 08 07:27
schestowitz"May 08 07:27
schestowitz“open-source developed” is pushing it way past the breaking point.May 08 07:27
schestowitzRed Hat says an open process was used, but whatever open means seems to be always, erhm, open for interpretation, though not necessarily open for debate.May 08 07:27
schestowitzIMNSHO the “open process” that was adopted was about as open as the GCC development before EGCS: plenty of opportunities to provide feedback to the development snapshots made available at various stages of development, and more communication on decisions and plans than most earlier projects (so, kudos for all that), but still very little opportunity to actually take part in the development proper: experts in closed groups were in chargeMay 08 07:27
schestowitzof it. back when Red Hat co-led the EGCS fork, that structure was not regarded as open, but that was then… time’s fun when you’re having flies, as the (boiling?) frogs say :-)May 08 07:27
schestowitzthat said, one of the nicest things about Red Hat, imperfect as we all are, is that there is plenty of room to challenge the official party line, so to speak. I hope this valuable, enviable cultural corporate trait survives the IBM acquisitionMay 08 07:27
schestowitz"May 08 07:27
schestowitzWhat worried me, personally, the most about IBM is its patent policy (which has not changed since the announcement of the buyout)May 08 07:28
schestowitz 08 07:29
-TechBytesBot/ #redhat New look. Same Red Hat. So what did we change? more: 08 07:29
schestowitz"Hitler had a program to identify Jewish people to the 5th generation by digitizing synagogue records, and other programs to recognize talent on the way to forced labor camps. Today, we have genetic testing that’s sold as more reliable to insurance companies as risk assessment and various employer resources. The breadth and depth of modern records puts IBM’s clumsy punch cards to shame, but I’m not sure they are actually any moreMay 08 07:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New look. Same Red Hat. So what did we change?May 08 07:29
schestowitzreliable and the purpose is just as evil. Blacklists made from these lists are outrageously inaccurate. I’ve met people who were on them for misinterpreted exercises of free speech. Inclusion in these lists might not end a person in a death camp today but they can be used to economically “neutralize” “potential trouble makers”. Mall cops can put people on them completely bogus observations of “suspicious” behavior. The lesson weMay 08 07:29
schestowitzshould have learned from Nazi Germany about these lists have been completely and purposely ignored by modern data brokers. They sell their lists to the same kinds of assholes for the same kind of reasons. Microsoft understands this and does it anyway. I do not know if IBM is doing the same kinds of things, but the crappy technology used by Microsoft partners for PRISM infrastructure makes me doubt it. IBM is Linux competent and would neverMay 08 07:29
schestowitzbuild tools as bad as what is reported as used. I wonder if IBM participates in this market at all."May 08 07:29
schestowitzIBM still has more military contracts than I can keep track of. yesterday I saw a list with HP quite up high on it, as well...May 08 07:30
schestowitz 08 07:30
-TechBytesBot/ #openwashing of two #drm platforms 08 07:30
schestowitz"Yeah, rarely FS, but, at least, the games are mine…'May 08 07:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Why Epic Games called an open platform truce with Microsoft | VentureBeatMay 08 07:30
schestowitz 08 07:31
-TechBytesBot/ #openwashing #proprietarysoftware 08 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eren_niazi: @schestowitz Agreed. People need to wake up and see what’s really going on here. They are trying to label propri… 08 07:31
schestowitz"We need to coin a new term for open source, that’s the only solution."May 08 07:31
schestowitzThat terms already exists and predates Open SourceMay 08 07:31
schestowitz 08 07:31
-TechBytesBot/ #mozilla is having a "you only had one job!!!" moment this weekend. Did that cost them millions of users who defected to other browsers? 08 07:31
schestowitz"I’ve noticed no mention that this also affects the Tor Browser. It does. I’ll keep the about:config fix in until the next Tor Browser update. Of course, the only add-ons installed are the ones that the browser comes with. Had to do the fix. Can’t do anything without NoScript.May 08 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | iTWire - Firefox users unable to use extensions due to certificate expiryMay 08 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mozilla: LLVM Clang, Addon Apocalypse, Goals and Constraints | Tux MachinesMay 08 07:31
schestowitz'TAILS has an emergency release on Monday. I read the release notes, but they did not mention addonsMay 08 07:31
schestowitz 08 07:32
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: ### Ola Bini Ecuador has [shown no grounds to arrest or prosecute free software developer Ola Bini]( Apparently the state wanted a good scapegoat and found him.May 08 07:32
schestowitz"true WRT Assange, but there’s Ola Bini, and the undemocratic servitude to the US by the Ecuadoran government"May 08 07:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 2019: March - June Political Notes - Richard StallmanMay 08 07:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Ecuadorean Authorities Have No Reason to Detain Free Software Developer Ola Bini | Electronic Frontier FoundationMay 08 07:33
schestowitzOla wasn't arrested by "popular demand"; it was Moreno's vindication afaik, looking for conspiracy and someone to blameMay 08 07:33
schestowitz 08 07:33
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Born-rich con man insults people who are honest and not born into wealth 08 07:33
schestowitz"You are not impoverished if you have any means, and it is illegal to live on the street…May 08 07:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump Launches New Assault on the Working Poor - TruthdigMay 08 07:33
schestowitz 08 07:34
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Teaching Kids About #Climate #Science Leads to More #ClimateChange -Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds 08 07:34
schestowitz"It’s an Important Demographic…"May 08 07:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Teaching Kids About Climate Science Leads to More Climate-Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds | DeSmogBlogMay 08 07:34
schestowitzThey can do it for the longest time (their lifetime)May 08 07:34
schestowitz 08 07:36
-TechBytesBot/ #vegetarians have it hard 08 07:36
schestowitz"May 08 07:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | If You've Gone Vegan, Keep an Eye Out For These 4 Nutrient DeficienciesMay 08 07:36
schestowitzJust take a daily multivitamin/multimineral supplement appropriate for your age and sex (which you should be doing even if you’re not vegan), and drink calcium-enriched orange juice with every meal. The first takes care of B12, iodine, etc., and the second adds calcium and helps absorption of non-hemic iron. It’s the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and citric acid that make the difference. Vegan food has just as much iron, but you need someMay 08 07:36
schestowitzsour stuff to react with the iron.May 08 07:36
schestowitzWe vegans already know about this. An article like this could educate new prospective vegans about the basics. It’s pretty simple.May 08 07:36
schestowitzSpecies that are naturally restricted to vegan diets don’t need to do anything special, but the secret to our genus’ success is our ability to use technologies like cooking and combining food ingredients in ways that nature doesn’t to enable us to adapt to a wide variety of diets. Humans thrive on vegan diets. We just need to use the adaptability that made our genus a success.May 08 07:36
schestowitzBTW, the word “vegan” was invented to solve a problem. Many people were using vegetarian to mean eating all sorts of animal products, but not beef and pork. Part of the problem is weird religious ideas about eating animals, and part is just hypocrisy.May 08 07:36
schestowitzVegans eat no animal products at all. People still seem to have trouble understanding even this simple definition, so I spell it out for them. It’s vegan if it’s a plant, part of a plant, a mushroom, a truffle, or yeast. Otherwise, it’s not vegan. To biologists: a vegan diet excludes all organisms of the kingdom animalia, and includes organisms of the kingdoms plantia and protista.May 08 07:36
schestowitzThe most expensive item in my weekly groceries is the calcium-enriched orange juice. A week’s vegan bread is about $4 (more expensive than non-vegan bread), and everything else is under $3. Total bill for the week is a little less than $30. About $4 a day.May 08 07:36
schestowitz'That's about the same as we pay, but we're always aiming to find discounted foods in the evening. We also avoid anything with palm oil.May 08 07:36
schestowitz 08 07:37
-TechBytesBot/ #Tutanota Launches New Encrypted Tool to Support Press Freedom #privacy #securityMay 08 07:37
schestowitz"May 08 07:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tutanota Launches New Encrypted Tool to Support Press Freedom - It's FOSSMay 08 07:37
schestowitzYes. I trust that Tutanota is not storing my mail unencrypted, and that the encryption happens in my browser, not on their server.May 08 07:37
schestowitzTutanota’s UI is not as good as ProtonMail’s, and they screw up the formatting of PGP messages. I prefer to encrypt on top of any service’s encryption. To their credit, Tutanota makes it easier for me to accommodate correspondents who won’t use email services that aren’t hostile toward privacy.May 08 07:37
schestowitzProtonMail is superior in most ways.May 08 07:37
schestowitzTutanota is everyday strength security; ProtonMail is for important communication. It would obviously be better if all my correspondents would move over to ProtonMail. It could be everyday if other people weren’t so uncaring about my privacy.May 08 07:37
schestowitzBoth services store your secret key. This means that if they’re breached or they become dishonest, your only protection is your strong password. Password strength with these services is very, very important. I also think it’s important to create and use your accounts only through Tor, which is what I do.May 08 07:37
schestowitz"May 08 07:37
schestowitzAll in all, they do not sound >truly< secure to me. Not by PGP standards, e2e in email for instance.May 08 07:38
schestowitz 08 07:40
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Teaching Kids About #Climate #Science Leads to More #ClimateChange -Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds 08 07:40
schestowitz"Parents teach their kids, who in turn teach their parents…if they’re listening that is.'May 08 07:40
schestowitzsome do, or want to appease the concerned childMay 08 07:40
schestowitz 08 07:41
-TechBytesBot/ Last night I had a bad dream about getting a rootkit installed on my computer and having to reboot it (which is rare); never had my devices or my PCs cracked/compromised since the age of 5-inch floppy disks. Except in bad dreams.May 08 07:41
schestowitz"May 08 07:41
schestowitzif I got cracked, I never found it out, but I’ve been asked to reinstall entire labs from scratch because other sysadmins in the network neighborhood at the uni had been cracked. ugh.May 08 07:41
schestowitzI’ve often joked that some too-common hard disk reliability problems I faced in the past were caused by the NSA to keep me busy tending to the disks rather than doing useful activism.May 08 07:41
schestowitzhow could I ever know for sure, unless I happen to find a smoking gun? that’s what I’m getting at. sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and from cracking miracles too ;-)May 08 07:41
schestowitz"May 08 07:41
schestowitzI get what you mean. I have not, however, had any conspicuous thing happening to me. Yet. Like a source of mine being caught, major data loss, device bricked etc. (except very old hardware having signs of age)May 08 07:42
schestowitzI also keep all the sensitive data only on one laptop (I have 3) and keep it closely guardedMay 08 07:43
schestowitz 08 07:43
-TechBytesBot/ From "criminal record hence cannot vote" to "too poor to vote" #floridaMay 08 07:43
schestowitz"It’s not easy to go against human nature… either personally or socially.May 08 07:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | After Florida Re-enfranchises 1.4 Million, Republicans Push New “Poll Tax” For Formerly Incarcerated | Democracy Now!May 08 07:43
schestowitz' 08 07:43
-TechBytesBot/ Celeb culture and worst British tabloid. Nothing better to link to? #wikileaks #assangeMay 08 07:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: 08 07:43
schestowitz"May 08 07:43
schestowitzHummmm, what about Chelsea Manning ?May 08 07:43
schestowitzIs she still in jail ?May 08 07:43
schestowitz"May 08 07:43
schestowitzYes. Latest: 08 07:44
schestowitz 08 07:44
-TechBytesBot/ By #waterborading registered 'Democrats' with #biden the #dnc is giving #trump until 2025 in Office 08 07:44
schestowitz"It’s got nothing to do with Biden. People want fascism.May 08 07:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Are Democrats Losing Their Enthusiasm? A New Poll Gives GOP the Edge - TruthdigMay 08 07:44
schestowitzMost do not, but they also don't trust the system enough to voteMay 08 07:45
schestowitz 08 07:45
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Teaching Kids About #Climate #Science Leads to More #ClimateChange -Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds 08 07:45
schestowitz"I spent the last 6 years in climate science and news, one grows old quickly."May 08 07:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Teaching Kids About Climate Science Leads to More Climate-Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds | DeSmogBlogMay 08 07:45
schestowitz"Oops! last 7 years at about this date too. Heard news about Arctic sea ice and dropped almost everything else since.May 08 07:45
schestowitz:/May 08 07:45
schestowitz 08 07:46
-TechBytesBot/ #Microsoft has just 'innovated' the Terminal #MicrosoftBuildMay 08 07:46
schestowitz"They put in Windows 2000 and they began selling Windows 2000 in 2000. I took it’s first training in Turkey in 1999. With evaluation CDs ok, it began 10 years ago. I don’t know further story."May 08 07:46
schestowitzThat's terminal in another sense of the wordMay 08 07:46
schestowitz 08 07:47
-TechBytesBot/ #### [Shipping a Linux Kernel with Windows]( HN Discussion: Posted by [MikusR]( (karma: 6085) *Post stats: Points: 163 - Comments: 87 - 2019-05-06T19:23:50Z* \#HackerNews #kernel #linux #shipping #windows #with <sub>HackerNewsBot debug: CalMay 08 07:47
schestowitz"@hackbyte? Looks like relevant to your post."May 08 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Shipping a Linux Kernel with Windows | Windows Command Line Tools For DevelopersMay 08 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Shipping a Linux Kernel with Windows | Hacker NewsMay 08 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Profile: MikusR | Hacker NewsMay 08 07:47
schestowitz"We should also alarm @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊), though it can’t possibly miss him :)"May 08 07:47
schestowitz"May 08 07:47
schestowitz@Miloslav Číž WTF? ;)May 08 07:47
schestowitzI already lost count how often hell has frozen over this year…May 08 07:47
schestowitzYikes … i like the idea of having linux as a “userspace process” on top of a microkernel-/hypervisor … but … NOOO!! … no NT kernel! … please … no cryMay 08 07:47
schestowitz'May 08 07:47
schestowitz"That’s definitely coming, they’re testing waters and stuff, and have been for some time now.'May 08 07:47
schestowitzThis is bad news all in all. EEE is on the third E now.May 08 07:47
schestowitz 08 07:48
-TechBytesBot/ Microsoft: we heard you like #gnu #linux Can we interest you in #vista10 with WSL instead? #DoNotWantMay 08 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 07:48
schestowitz"I started on my private pc with DOS (there was no LINUX then), later on WIN 98. That was the last MS os, since then LINUX rules. I had enough possibilities to compare both worlds (always MS on the job), so you may guess why no MS comes to my computer. I need a real operating system not an emulation.'May 08 07:48
schestowitz 08 07:49
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Wow. #RebeccaBlackOS has a new release, dated 2019-05-06. #gnu #linux distro that seemed, originally, like a joke is still going on. 08 07:49
schestowitz"Support for 32 bit and 64bit!"May 08 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RebeccaBlackOS download | SourceForge.netMay 08 07:49
schestowitz 08 07:49
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: This man is now in JAIL, unlike the people whose crimes he exposed. #assange #wikileaksMay 08 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 07:49
schestowitz"ausliefern nach schweden, wo ihm wg vergewaltigung der prozess gemacht werden sollte, der mann ist kein “politischer gefangener”, sondern ein vermeintlicher vergewaltiger, antisemit, sexist, trump-supporter und “rechts-libertärer” unsympath"May 08 07:49
schestowitz"Ja die Auslieferung nach Schweden und die Klärung dort wäre wohl das Beste. Aber die Frage ist was danach kommt. Also wenn er in Schweden für schuldig befunden würde, dann sollte er auch dort ins Gefängnis. Jedoch halte ich eine Auslieferung an die USA für falsch.May 08 07:49
schestowitz 08 07:49
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: First #ecuador and now #venezuela The US Empire has zero tolerance for #viennaconvention 08 07:49
schestowitz"“Rule of Law”? Bah, Humbug."May 08 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What Is Happening at the Venezuelan Embassy Is an OutrageMay 08 07:49
schestowitz 08 07:50
-TechBytesBot/ The #mozilla f-up enabled rogue, oppressive nations to remotely (through ISPs for instance) infect people's browsers and PCs. Imposters can install all sorts of things.May 08 07:50
schestowitz"Can you elaborate?"May 08 07:50
schestowitzThe addonsMay 08 07:50
schestowitzThe addons' source could not be verified, a MitM could send unsigned extensions into one's browser afaikMay 08 07:50
schestowitz 08 07:51
-TechBytesBot/ Teaching Kids About #Climate #Science Leads to More #ClimateChange -Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds 08 07:51
schestowitz"May 08 07:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Teaching Kids About Climate Science Leads to More Climate-Concerned Parents on Right and Left, New Study Finds | DeSmogBlogMay 08 07:51
schestowitzWe need to embarrass our governments and the medias.May 08 07:51
schestowitzThe 1st climate alert given by climate scientist was to the president of the USA in 1965!May 08 07:51
schestowitzWhen I came to climate change in 2012, I knew near nothing about it, because the medias refused to talk about it, mainly to not chase their advertisers away, but the whole story is more complex: the concentration of all that wealth in the hands of a few being another factor.May 08 07:51
schestowitzThey have conned us to make us believe it’s our fault, but they knew, the had the reports, the advisors, but they listened to the lobbies instead and did not inform the population.May 08 07:51
schestowitz"May 08 07:51
schestowitzThis should be the number one issue everywhereMay 08 07:51
schestowitz 08 07:52
-TechBytesBot/ Some American ISPs have had my #email server blacklisted for over a decade for no reason whatsoever. They don't seem to care. #bellsouth is the worst of all culprits. Caused my relatives not to receive crucial mail.May 08 07:52
schestowitz"OK, I think I have an article from some time when Microsoft barfed their email and it took out lot and lots of domains. I’ll try to find that because it lists all sorts of ISPs Microsoft was actually running in the background. That’s appart from their nasty, earlier antitrust attacks on email to force all ISPs to basically sell windows 95 through inclusion in the Microsoft dial up “wizard”.May 08 07:52
schestowitz'The war is still on 08 07:53
-TechBytesBot/ | “Mention the War” (of Microsoft Against GNU/Linux) | TechrightsMay 08 07:53
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 08 08:30
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed May 8 08:30:37 2019
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<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 08 09:10
schestowitz 08 09:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Majec_3771: effing hell 08 09:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #vomits 08 09:58
schestowitz 08 09:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Mk II Roadmap @schestowitz 08 09:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mk II Roadmap · inversepath/usbarmory Wiki · GitHubMay 08 09:58
schestowitz 08 10:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BlackThunder357: @schestowitz @wikileaks The word is Hypocrites.Just a nefarious species of neanderthal.May 08 10:36
schestowitz 08 10:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulbris2010: @schestowitz 08 10:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulbris2010: @schestowitz 08 10:36
schestowitz 08 10:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz Pamela was visibly rattled by the severity of the situation.. I cried when I watched her plea for supp… 08 10:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz Pamela was visibly rattled by the severity of the situation.. I cried when I watched her plea for supp… 08 10:37
schestowitz"Pamela was visibly rattled by the severity of the situation.. I cried when I watched her plea for support. Julian has sacrificed every liberty to bring the public the truth. Without public support he doesn't stand a chance. If you support free-press please sign the petition. thnx"May 08 10:37
schestowitz 08 10:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FilmsKipunji: @schestowitz Thus man is a menace.May 08 10:37
<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)May 08 10:47
schestowitz 08 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz Speaking as someone who helped to start the LF with Linus Torvalds. Before Zemlin came along. Most of that is the truth.May 08 11:21
schestowitz 08 11:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz The White House petition against extradition for Julian Assange Multi-Award-Winning-Journalist with 10… 08 11:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz The White House petition against extradition for Julian Assange Multi-Award-Winning-Journalist with 10… 08 11:22
schestowitz"May 08 11:22
schestowitzThe White House petition against extradition for Julian Assange Multi-Award-Winning-Journalist with 100% accuracy record of publishing. Julian dared to challenge USA ethics in war 2007-2010 by exposing War-Crimes to the world public.May 08 11:22
schestowitz 08 11:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Drop Charges and extradition for Julian Assange and Wikileaks | We the People: Your Voice in Our GovernmentMay 08 11:22
schestowitz"May 08 11:22
schestowitz 08 11:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mallenbaker: Yes, that’s one of the consequences of choosing those forms of conduct. It’s not that it was an accidental choice.… 08 11:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mallenbaker: Yes, that’s one of the consequences of choosing those forms of conduct. It’s not that it was an accidental choice.… 08 11:23
schestowitz"May 08 11:23
schestowitzMore Mallen Baker Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)May 08 11:23
schestowitzYes, that’s one of the consequences of choosing those forms of conduct. It’s not that it was an accidental choice. If you’re a campaign, you should be aware of the impact your choices will have.May 08 11:23
schestowitz"May 08 11:23
schestowitz 08 11:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sandyshark: making America Great 08 11:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Great again? 08 11:24
schestowitz 08 11:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aral: Open Source being used as intended: to create closed systems that farm your data. Understand the differences betwe… 08 11:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@aral: Open Source being used as intended: to create closed systems that farm your data. Understand the differences betwe… 08 11:24
schestowitz"May 08 11:24
schestowitzMore Aral Balkan ( Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)May 08 11:24
schestowitzOpen Source being used as intended: to create closed systems that farm your data.May 08 11:25
schestowitzUnderstand the differences between open source and free software and between free software and ethical technology because those differences will determine your human rights or lack thereof.May 08 11:25
schestowitz"May 08 11:25
schestowitz 08 11:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz Pompeo is the embodiment of every quality I despise. I pray that when death finds him that he is faced… 08 11:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz Pompeo is the embodiment of every quality I despise. I pray that when death finds him that he is faced… 08 11:25
schestowitz"Pompeo is the embodiment of every quality I despise. I pray that when death finds him that he is faced with an abyss encompassing all the terrors of which he has been a part."May 08 11:25
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techbytesMay 08 14:48
schestowitz 08 15:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz @EFF EFF is a US based organisation.May 08 15:42
schestowitzI know, and this is precisely why I framed it the way I did. We need allies who recognise the global nature of the #swpats epidemic.May 08 15:42
schestowitz 08 15:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akaSassinak: @schestowitz @glynmoody I wish every nurse that is punished for working in an abortion clinic would let slip the li… 08 15:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akaSassinak: @schestowitz @glynmoody I wish every nurse that is punished for working in an abortion clinic would let slip the li… 08 15:43
schestowitz"May 08 15:43
schestowitzI wish every nurse that is punished for working in an abortion clinic would let slip the list of VIP clients they had.May 08 15:43
schestowitzAlso, tell about the cases of botched "home" abortions they received (more likely at the emergency room)May 08 15:44
schestowitzAbortion has always existed.May 08 15:44
schestowitz"May 08 15:44
schestowitz 08 15:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @akaSassinak @schestowitz indeedMay 08 15:44
schestowitz 08 15:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AmazonFCJames: @schestowitz I think this is a case where better options were available. My manager likes to give pregnant women mo… 08 15:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AmazonFCJames: @schestowitz I think this is a case where better options were available. My manager likes to give pregnant women mo… 08 15:45
schestowitz"I think this is a case where better options were available. My manager likes to give pregnant women more leeway on break time and tries to put them on different duties that require less lifting. Amazon in general also has options for medical leave before pregnancy."May 08 15:45
schestowitz#amazon AstroTurfing targets me again. So I've struck a nerve. Tell me, "James", do you get permission to use the toilets in exchange for these "tweets"May 08 15:46
schestowitz 08 15:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Alex00792692: @schestowitz @wikileaks Don’t blame the soldiers, blame the people that sent them thereMay 08 15:48
schestowitzThey were not held accountable eitherMay 08 15:48
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Facebook 'labels' posts by hand, posing privacy questions</a></h5>May 08 15:50
-TechBytesBot/ | Facebook 'labels' posts by hand, posing privacy questions - ReutersMay 08 15:50
schestowitz<blockquote>May 08 15:50
schestowitz <p>Details of the effort were provided by multiple employees at outsourcing firm Wipro Ltd over several months. The workers spoke on condition of anonymity due to fear of retaliation by the Indian firm. Facebook later confirmed many details of the project. Wipro declined to comment and referred all questions to Facebook.  </p>May 08 15:50
schestowitz</blockquote>May 08 15:50
schestowitz</li>May 08 15:50
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acer-box__ 09 01:09
acer-box__"May 09 01:09
-TechBytesBot/ | The Fnord: " Didn't work out quite w…" - MastodonMay 09 01:09
acer-box__Didn't work out quite well. Hitler's speeches at least made sense grammatically.May 09 01:09
acer-box__This stuff Trump drops is just hilarious if you try to read it afterwards.May 09 01:09
acer-box__I guess it just fits the audience.May 09 01:09
acer-box__"May 09 01:09
acer-box__ 09 01:09
-TechBytesBot/ | André Koot RCX MBAK: " well... they did... 😭" - MastodonMay 09 01:09
acer-box__" well... they did... "May 09 01:09
acer-box__ 09 01:10
-TechBytesBot/ | André Koot RCX MBAK: " I would say: not a chan…" - MastodonMay 09 01:10
acer-box__" I would say: not a chance against this Ajax..."May 09 01:10
acer-box__Week of miraclesMay 09 01:10
acer-box__ 09 01:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Aroop Roelofs: " I despise him tbh... He…" - LinuxPizzaMay 09 01:11
acer-box__""May 09 01:11
acer-box__I despise him tbh...May 09 01:11
acer-box__He got away with too much if you'd ask me...May 09 01:11
acer-box__also, he's just plain out annoying...May 09 01:11
acer-box__"May 09 01:11
acer-box__ 09 01:12
-TechBytesBot/ | Aroop Roelofs: " jupp, works fine now :)" - LinuxPizzaMay 09 01:12
acer-box__"jupp, works fine now :)"May 09 01:13
acer-box__ 09 01:13
-TechBytesBot/ | Ian McLean: " When have they trashed …" - Mastodon for Tech FolksMay 09 01:13
acer-box__"May 09 01:13
acer-box__When have they trashed Linux lately?May 09 01:13
acer-box__May 09 01:13
acer-box__"May 09 01:13
acer-box__ , which pols? ShowMay 09 01:16
acer-box__Me, sirMay 09 01:16
acer-box__ , which pols? ShowMay 09 01:16
acer-box__Me, sirMay 09 01:16
acer-box__ 09 01:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Fearful Democrats and the False Allure of Policy CentrismMay 09 01:16
acer-box__ 09 01:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Researchers discover highly stealthy Microsoft Exchange backdoor - Help Net SecurityMay 09 01:17
acer-box__"May 09 01:17
acer-box__ZedHedMay 09 01:17
acer-box__ProtonMail - FREE Encrypted EmailMay 09 01:17
acer-box__ 09 01:17
acer-box__ProtonVPN - FREE VPNMay 09 01:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Secure email: ProtonMail is free encrypted email.May 09 01:17
acer-box__ 09 01:17
-TechBytesBot/ | ProtonVPN: Secure and Free VPN service for protecting your privacyMay 09 01:17
acer-box__Tutanota - FREE Encrypted EmailMay 09 01:17
acer-box__ 09 01:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Secure email: Tutanota makes free encrypted emails easy.May 09 01:17
acer-box__TorMay 09 01:17
acer-box__ 09 01:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Tor Project | Anonymity OnlineMay 09 01:17
acer-box__Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security.May 09 01:17
acer-box__"May 09 01:17
acer-box__ 09 01:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Google quietly acknowledges Fuchsia during I/O 2019May 09 01:17
acer-box__"I still think it's the new past-'don't be evil' Google going out of business with free and open source stuff. We see more and more products shoveled over to the payed business products. And with the upcoming problems with data accumulation - Google get's rid of things like Android too."May 09 01:17
acer-box__ 09 01:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Worsening U.S.-China Trade Tensions Rattle Financial MarketsMay 09 01:18
acer-box__"Not only the US - the whole f# world."May 09 01:18
acer-box__ 09 01:18
-TechBytesBot/ | It's pretty rich when people who write for lawyers blast me. And their 'clients' or 'target audience' are people who participate in serious #scams and #fraud When I merely point this out they threaten to sue me. #journalism when done right.May 09 01:18
acer-box__"May 09 01:18
acer-box__Keep ‘em honest, @schestowitz... we’ve gotMay 09 01:18
acer-box__Your back.May 09 01:18
acer-box__'May 09 01:18
acer-box__ 09 01:19
-TechBytesBot/ | Anti Software Patent on TwitterMay 09 01:19
acer-box__"I already got my Twitter account suspended because I was way too honest and then they like so I'm done with Facebook Twitter Instagram and so far I'm still on YouTube and Minds"May 09 01:19
-->rianne__ ( has joined #techbytesMay 09 02:16
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)May 09 02:19
schestowitz 09 06:17
-TechBytesBot/ "A spokesperson for the Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the takedown." #fbiMay 09 06:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Feds take down dark web index and news site Deep Dot Web - The VergeMay 09 06:17
schestowitz"Apparently the “Justice Department” sees no need to justify its actions."May 09 06:17
schestowitz 09 06:18
schestowitz"I am very tempted to vote Green. I am Green. If the election is not close I will certainly vote for the Green candidate, unless maybe if Bernie Sanders is running.May 09 06:18
-TechBytesBot/ If billionaires or fake 'billionaire' (like Trump) 'Democrats' get their way, prepare for Pres. #trump until Jan. 2025. 09 06:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fearful Democrats and the False Allure of Policy CentrismMay 09 06:18
schestowitz"The problem was (in my opinion) the banks should have never been bailed out. Yemen shouldn’t of had happened either.May 09 06:18
schestowitz 09 06:19
-TechBytesBot/ The #GreenNewDeal is going global 09 06:19
schestowitz"I’m doing my best. I urge everyone and every institution to vote with their dollars - divest from fossil fuel and invest in solar and wind power."May 09 06:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Green New Deal is going globalMay 09 06:19
schestowitz"My brother just bought a Honda hybrid auto, to replace his old Honda. Now he gets 50+ miles per gallon. Progress!"May 09 06:19
schestowitz 09 06:20
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: nazis who recruit kids 09 06:20
schestowitz"May 09 06:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What Happened After My 13-Year-Old Son Joined the Alt-RightMay 09 06:20
schestowitzDas ist in der Tat ein krasses Beispiel. Es liest sich auch ein bisschen konstruiert.May 09 06:20
schestowitzWenn allerdings wirklich ein 13jähriger, der dumm herumgeredet hat, deswegen wegen “sexueller Belästigung” behandelt wird, wie es auch für einen Erwachsenen nicht akzeptabel wäre, dann ist das eine sehr sehr verständliche Ursache für sinnlosen Hass.May 09 06:20
schestowitzWenn es dann Leute gibt, die solchen Hass geschickt für sich nutzen, ist es kein Wunder, wenn so ein Kid umkippt.May 09 06:20
schestowitz"hat halt auch etwas von einer sektenstrukturMay 09 06:20
schestowitz 09 06:22
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #massextinction 09 06:22
schestowitz"May 09 06:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | US climate objections sink Arctic Council accord in Finland - BBC NewsMay 09 06:22
schestowitzNo one is more angry about this, then people like me…I think we all know who is to blame…oil and coal interests in various American statesMay 09 06:22
schestowitzI reacted harshly to your commentary, early on, because I got some “push back” from individuals in the “tar sands” area of Canada. I realize now that no one state, or province, speaks for the whole country.May 09 06:22
schestowitzThere has been endless discussion of Trump’s corruption, but I’m bringing Environment, to the fore.May 09 06:22
schestowitz baggab@pluspora.comMay 09 06:22 - about 13 hours agoMay 09 06:22
schestowitzI’ve tried to use the Google Translator…but it doesn’t do Romantic Languages very well…thanks for working in EnglishMay 09 06:22
schestowitzPersonne n’est plus en colère contre cela, alors des gens comme moi… Je pense que nous savons tous qui est à blâmer… les intérêts du pétrole et du charbon dans divers États américainsMay 09 06:23
schestowitzJ’ai très tôt réagi à votre commentaire, car j’ai eu des «réticences» de la part d’individus vivant dans la région des «sables bitumineux» du Canada. Je me rends compte maintenant qu’aucun État ni aucune province ne parle pour l’ensemble du pays.May 09 06:23
schestowitzLa corruption de Trump a fait l’objet de nombreuses discussions, mais j’envisage l’environnement au premier plan.May 09 06:23
schestowitz A. RandomjackMay 09 06:23
schestowitzA. Randomjack - about 12 hours agoMay 09 06:23
schestowitzYes, it is of course fossil fuel interest corrupting not only Trump, but Trudeau and many other politicians.May 09 06:23
schestowitzSometimes, I wonder if it’s as easy as putting money forward or if they don’t get threats at times.May 09 06:23
schestowitzAs for getting push backs, it’s part of the fight on climate. I got push backs very often on YouTube over the years, it’s part of fighting for a cause. In Quebec, we have hydro power and it also has some serious environmental consequences, like mercury contamination of downstream waters.May 09 06:23
schestowitzThe nuclear lobby has been very efficient in France for instance who now has to deal with aging reactors and lack of funding for maintenance and yes, blunt corruption and negligence too.May 09 06:23
schestowitzAnd no, I don’t recall any harshness on your part. It might be a consequence of back pains or just going “meh… no biggie”.May 09 06:23
schestowitzI still recall a few harsh ones from years ago, but it’s impossible to not get any. It’s part of life…May 09 06:23
schestowitz baggab@pluspora.comMay 09 06:23 - about 10 hours agoMay 09 06:23
schestowitzI’ve been to Niagara Falls @A. Randomjack…we have Hydro here…not everyone has Hydro, but they usually have somethingMay 09 06:23
schestowitzIt’s my signature issue; the social issue I’m most passionate about. The effects are clear, and now, everyone is talking about it. But not enough. Thanks for your input. We’ll talk more.May 09 06:23
schestowitz A. RandomjackMay 09 06:23
schestowitzA. Randomjack - about 10 hours agoMay 09 06:23
schestowitz@baggab@pluspora.comOf course we will :-)May 09 06:23
schestowitz"May 09 06:23
schestowitz 09 06:23
-TechBytesBot/ #RedHat Unveils Open-source Developed New #Branding so much time and effort for such an ugly/simple/silly new logo 09 06:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Red Hat Unveils Open-source Developed New BrandingMay 09 06:23
schestowitz"Yeah, now we’ll see to what extent JW’s words are true."May 09 06:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Goodbye, Shadowman: Red Hat changes its logo | Tux MachinesMay 09 06:23
schestowitz"May 09 06:23
schestowitzwe’re told Red Hat will remain an independent unit and its patent promise will stand.May 09 06:23
schestowitzas for the openness in corporate projects, I suppose it is possible to honestly believe the logo redesign followed an open process, whether or not one agrees that there’s plenty of room to make such processes more open, or whether that’s a step Red Hat wishes to pursue… but you know my opinion about that ;-)May 09 06:23
schestowitz"May 09 06:23
schestowitzAMD also said it would retain the ATI brand...May 09 06:23
schestowitz 09 06:24
-TechBytesBot/ #antivaxx very expensive in #de #germany #health #inoculationMay 09 06:24
schestowitz"Really, what is the social cost of disease cases that could have been easily prevented?"May 09 06:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Measles outbreak: Germany proposes $2,800 fine for parents skipping vaccination - CNNMay 09 06:24
schestowitzOr even pandemic?May 09 06:24
schestowitz 09 06:25
-TechBytesBot/ #amazon #AstroTurfing targets me again. So I've struck a nerve. Tell me, "James", do you get permission to use the toilets in exchange for these "tweets"? 09 06:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AmazonFCJames: @schestowitz I think this is a case where better options were available. My manager likes to give pregnant women mo… 09 06:25
schestowitz"“My manager likes” does not sound like a policy.May 09 06:25
schestowitz 09 06:25
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #trump regime far more deadly than ISIS 09 06:25
schestowitz"May 09 06:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'Unprecedented': UN Finds US-Backed Forces Killed More Afghan Civilians Than Taliban and ISIS Did So Far in 2019May 09 06:25
schestowitzFor him to make such an insinuation about people he has never met, indicates he is the one with insecurities about his own adequacy.May 09 06:25
schestowitzAnyway, he posted a holocaust “joke” today so it is fairly safe to say that Rabid Racist Robot is a Nazi. We may already know him by other troll names. Nazis are typically obsessed with male virility.May 09 06:26
schestowitz 09 06:26
-TechBytesBot/ | #funnyMay 09 06:26
schestowitz"May 09 06:26
schestowitz"May 09 06:26
schestowitzRemember General Jack T. Ripper from Dr Strangelove?May 09 06:26
schestowitz 09 06:26
-TechBytesBot/ | Dr. Strangelove - Precious Bodily Fluids - YouTubeMay 09 06:26
schestowitz 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/ #GDPR Penalties Prove Why Compliance Isn't Enough—And Why Companies Need Clarity #gafam stuff itMay 09 06:27
schestowitz"May 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | GDPR Penalties Prove Why Compliance Isn't Enough—And Why Companies Need Clarity | TechdirtMay 09 06:27
schestowitzI do not see a problem here. The company seemed to have collected too many information. They also seem to have more data than they can manage. They got fined for not complying with the GDPR, which is now in effect for a year.May 09 06:27
schestowitzFurthermore, Bisnode the company described in this article makes a little under 4 billion Swedish Krona a year ( Or several hundred million Euro or US Dollar a year. In contrast 8 million seems reasonable in this case.May 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/ | Bisnode - WikipediaMay 09 06:27
schestowitz'May 09 06:27
schestowitz 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/ #Freespire 4.8 Officially Released, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS buuuuuut: 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Freespire 4.8 Officially Released, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTSMay 09 06:27
schestowitz"Here’s the joke: “What could be worse than Ubuntu?”"May 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linspire ‘Reborn’ is Still Working for Microsoft and Facilitating Surveillance on GNU/Linux Users | TechrightsMay 09 06:27
schestowitzLots.May 09 06:27
schestowitz 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/ #FBI And Half The World Bust Operators Of A Site That Made The #DarkWeb Searchable 09 06:27
schestowitz"No Google for you."May 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | FBI And Half The World Bust Operators Of A Site That Made The Dark Web Searchable | TechdirtMay 09 06:27
schestowitz 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/ #EU #election launch: #uk Greens are the strongest pro-EU party hopefully massive gains to be made!May 09 06:27
schestowitz"The Green Party has the strongest, least compromised position to work against Global Warming."May 09 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EU election launch: Greens are the strongest pro-EU partyMay 09 06:27
schestowitzhence the nameMay 09 06:28
schestowitz 09 06:28
-TechBytesBot/ #corruption and #astroturfing against #netneutrality at the #trump -appointed #ajitpai -led FCC 09 06:28
schestowitz"Pai is corrupt, simply corrupt. That is all one really needs to understand."May 09 06:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Super 'Transparent' Pai FCC Is Still Trying To Hide Details On Those Fake Net Neutrality Comments | TechdirtMay 09 06:28
schestowitz 09 06:29
-TechBytesBot/ #scotland #indyref #glasgow 09 06:29
schestowitz"I dream of Iceland. ;-)'May 09 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Arrest of Manny Singh - Craig MurrayMay 09 06:29
schestowitzVery tribalist communityMay 09 06:29
schestowitz 09 06:29
-TechBytesBot/ #Pine64 's 14-inch Linux laptop PineBook Pro will offer a Rockchip RK3399 SoC and 4 GB RAM for US$200 more: 09 06:29
schestowitz"Yes, portability is what I want a laptop for. Otherwise I have my desktop!"May 09 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pine64's 14-inch Linux laptop PineBook Pro will offer a Rockchip RK3399 SoC and 4 GB RAM for US$200 - NewsMay 09 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Pinebook Pro, a $199 Linux Laptop, Inches Closer to Launch | Tux MachinesMay 09 06:29
schestowitz 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/ #mozilla is having a "you only had one job!!!" moment this weekend. Did that cost them millions of users who defected to other browsers? 09 06:30
schestowitz"May 09 06:30
schestowitzTor Browser updated yesterday. Put about:config setting back to what it was.May 09 06:30
schestowitzUpdated Tails too. Everything’s looking good again.May 09 06:30
schestowitz(Except for the problem I detailed a while back about how Tor Browser now identifies, in the JavaScript window.navigator object’s properties, the OS of the user. This didn’t happen before version 8.0; now it does. The user agent header spoofs the operating system, but JavaScript can get to the truth. My Pale Moon is not vulnerable to this.)May 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | iTWire - Firefox users unable to use extensions due to certificate expiryMay 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mozilla: LLVM Clang, Addon Apocalypse, Goals and Constraints | Tux MachinesMay 09 06:30
schestowitz 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/ #Kotlin Is Google’s Favorite #Programming Language For #Android App Development original: 09 06:30
schestowitz"Didn’t they say the same thing yesterday about Dart/Flutter?"May 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Kotlin Is Google's Favorite Programming Language For Android App DevelopmentMay 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Developers Blog: Google I/O 2019: Empowering developers to build the best experiences on Android + PlayMay 09 06:30
schestowitzSource?May 09 06:30
schestowitz 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/ #germany does what #trump would not because the latter regime thrives in antiscience and ignorance among the public 09 06:30
schestowitz"Ah, but the delivery was perfect.May 09 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Germany’s health minister proposes a $2,790 anti-vaxxer charge | Ars TechnicaMay 09 06:30
schestowitzThat is a shallow skill then. Readership, not leadership.May 09 06:30
schestowitz 09 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Alexandre Oliva: Who's afraid of #Spectre and #Meltdown ? 09 06:31
schestowitz"now also available at"May 09 06:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Who's afraid of Spectre and Meltdown? — GNU MediaGoblinMay 09 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Alexandre Oliva's Home PageMay 09 06:31
schestowitz 09 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ #vomits 09 06:31
schestowitz"Pompeo needs to learn from the Franklin expedition.'s_lost_expedition"May 09 06:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mike Pompeo Praises Arctic Climate Change as New Trade Opportunity | ObserverMay 09 06:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Franklin's lost expedition - WikipediaMay 09 06:31
schestowitz 09 06:32
-TechBytesBot/ #vegetarians have it hard 09 06:32
schestowitz"Palm oil is fit to make soap, but not to eat. A lot of damage is reportedly done to create palm oil plantations."May 09 06:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | If You've Gone Vegan, Keep an Eye Out For These 4 Nutrient DeficienciesMay 09 06:32
schestowitzIt's hard to avoid in soaps, but possible...May 09 06:32
schestowitz 09 06:32
-TechBytesBot/ #Tutanota Launches New Encrypted Tool to Support Press Freedom #privacy #securityMay 09 06:32
schestowitz"Like ProtonMail, encryption and decryption is done in the browser. So it is end-to-end. Tutanota allows the sending of unencrypted email, if you want; I haven’t figured out a way to do that with ProtonMail. So, with my stuff, Tutanota is for the lower-security applications. Also, ProtonMail’s webmail page is better."May 09 06:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tutanota Launches New Encrypted Tool to Support Press Freedom - It's FOSSMay 09 06:32
<--schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has left #techbytes ("Konversation terminated!")May 09 06:33
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 09 09:11
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesMay 09 16:25
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)May 09 16:25
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesMay 09 16:25
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesMay 10 01:00
acer-box__ 10 01:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Algot: " idiots = employees q…" - Mastodon.ARTMay 10 01:03
acer-box__"May 10 01:03
acer-box__idiots = employeesMay 10 01:03
acer-box__quelle surprise!May 10 01:03
acer-box__"May 10 01:03
acer-box__ 10 01:04
-TechBytesBot/ | NixiИ: " specist" - LinuxRocks.OnlineMay 10 01:04
acer-box__"specist"May 10 01:04
acer-box__ 10 01:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Xantulon: "@unfa I don't mean to bring this up again, but I …" - MastodonMay 10 01:04
acer-box__"May 10 01:04
acer-box__I don't mean to bring this up again, but I accidentally ran across a post by @schestowitz "Some #gnu #linux companies are doing dumb things (like #github promotion and #azure entrapment) because #microsoft pays them to. Knowing their "sweet spot" is lack of money." ( 10 01:04
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 10 01:04
acer-box__So it looks like the extending is already started.May 10 01:04
acer-box__"May 10 01:04
acer-box__ 10 01:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Andrew Miloradovsky: " Layers upon layers of l…" - Functional CaféMay 10 01:05
acer-box__"May 10 01:05
acer-box__'Layers upon layers of lawyers and liars…"May 10 01:05
acer-box__ 10 01:06
-TechBytesBot/ | httpeter: " very often javascript …" - Infosec ExchangeMay 10 01:06
acer-box__"May 10 01:06
acer-box__very often javascript is side-loaded via #googletagmanager or #matomo etc. and thus out of hands of the it/dev people in a company.May 10 01:06
acer-box__At my company we've implemented a workflow to check all js snippets which are side-loaded for any #gdpr and #infosec relevance before we publish them.May 10 01:06
acer-box__May 10 01:06
acer-box__"May 10 01:06
acer-box__ 10 01:06
acer-box__"May 10 01:06
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 10 01:06
acer-box__The Corporatist Dystopia is already here...May 10 01:06
acer-box__Something tells me it's not just soda research they can destroy. Gross how powerful they've become May 10 01:06
acer-box__"May 10 01:06
acer-box__ 10 01:07
-TechBytesBot/ | Chris Bourgeoisie: " Do you think opensource…" - Toot CaféMay 10 01:07
acer-box__"May 10 01:07
acer-box__Do you think should not be hosted by a drupal company?May 10 01:07
acer-box__May 10 01:07
acer-box__"May 10 01:07
acer-box__Red Hat can do hosting alsoMay 10 01:07
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesMay 10 04:08
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 10 04:10
---MinceR_ is now known as MinceRMay 10 06:52
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 10 09:14
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techbytesMay 10 23:46
<--Researcher- has quit (K-Lined)May 11 03:33
schestowitz>>> TM went down again sometime at or before 03:43 UTC:.May 11 07:30
schestowitz>>>May 11 07:30
schestowitz>>> down  2019-05-11 06:43:36May 11 07:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )May 11 07:30
schestowitz>>>May 11 07:30
schestowitz>>> I had to repair the cache tables again.  In the MySQL log there is aMay 11 07:30
schestowitz>>> minor complaint about startup:May 11 07:30
schestowitz>>>May 11 07:30
schestowitz>>> $ sudo tail -f /var/log/mysqld.logMay 11 07:30
schestowitz>>> . . .May 11 07:30
schestowitz>>> 190510 20:46:37 [Warning] '--log_slow_queries' is deprecatedMay 11 07:31
schestowitz>>> and will be removed in a future release. Please useMay 11 07:31
schestowitz>>> ''--slow_query_log'/'--slow_query_log_file'' instead.May 11 07:31
schestowitz>>> . . .May 11 07:31
schestowitz>>>May 11 07:31
schestowitz>>> That should be on the list of things to do.May 11 07:31
schestowitz>>>May 11 07:31
schestowitz>>> The -D modification to Qemu might now be in effect.  It might do toMay 11 07:31
schestowitz>>> check up on the log file to see if it grows too quickly.May 11 07:31
schestowitz>> I think we boot rebooted it. Did you check the back end? Maybe it wasMay 11 07:31
schestowitz>> DDOS that you detected.May 11 07:31
schestowitz>>May 11 07:31
schestowitz>> Maybe we can now get some more info about the cause of these crashes?May 11 07:31
schestowitz> I only double-checked HTTP via Firefox and normal SSH.  Both wereMay 11 07:31
schestowitz> unresponsive.  I didn't remember to try VNC.May 11 07:31
schestowitz>May 11 07:31
schestowitz> For what it's worth, I tried sending a wall message on HV beforeMay 11 07:31
schestowitz> rebooting but am not sure that wall does anything there.  I saw noMay 11 07:31
schestowitz> message on my account so maybe it does not work at all.May 11 07:31
schestowitz:-) it's not a big deal at all.May 11 07:31
schestowitzJust point out thatMay 11 07:31
schestowitz1) this was likely not a real issue but DDOS (that subsided)May 11 07:31
schestowitz2) I worried you might get an alert and reboot (I watched it closely)May 11 07:31
schestowitz3) we at least now have the -d flag onMay 11 07:31
schestowitz4) we know it boots ok with the new settingsMay 11 07:31
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techbytesMay 11 07:33
schestowitz>> Just point out thatMay 11 08:08
schestowitz>> 1) this was likely not a real issue but DDOS (that subsided)May 11 08:08
schestowitz>> 2) I worried you might get an alert and reboot (I watched it closely)May 11 08:08
schestowitz> OK.  Nothing triggered here except that once at 3:43 UTC, meaning it hadMay 11 08:08
schestowitz> been down up to six and a half minutes by then.  So that means the HTTPMay 11 08:08
schestowitz> HEAD requests were getting through at least before curl timed out.May 11 08:08
schestowitz>May 11 08:08
schestowitz>> 3) we at least now have the -d flag onMay 11 08:08
schestowitz>> 4) we know it boots ok with the new settingsMay 11 08:08
schestowitz> Nice.  The new log on HV should be checked to see both if it isMay 11 08:08
schestowitz> collecting anything and what rate it is growing at.May 11 08:08
schestowitz>May 11 08:08
schestowitz> If I should do it, I'd need limited access:May 11 08:09
schestowitz>May 11 08:09
schestowitz> %xxxx ALL=(root:root) NOEXEC: /usr/bin/less \May 11 08:09
schestowitz> /var/log/qemu/tuxmachines.qemu.logMay 11 08:09
schestowitz>May 11 08:09
schestowitz> It's going to a unique file name, right?May 11 08:09
schestowitzYes, but watch! It is empty:May 11 08:09
schestowitzlocalhost:~# ls -la   /var/log/qemu/tuxmachines.qemu.logMay 11 08:09
schestowitz-rw-r--r--    1 qemu     qemu             0 May 11 03:45 /var/log/qemu/tuxmachines.qemu.logMay 11 08:09
schestowitzMaybe a positive sign. Mind time of creation.May 11 08:09
schestowitzlocalhost:~# dateMay 11 08:09
schestowitzSat May 11 07:06:25 UTC 2019May 11 08:09
schestowitzI previously tried altering your access permissions but got a little frightened because groups did not match and didn't want to risk breaking things on a production hv.May 11 08:09
schestowitzI will keep an eye on the above and tell you if the file gets data in it.May 11 08:09
schestowitzwould you consider joining channel #tuxmachines on freenode where rianne and I are on? It would help communicate things like site under heavy load etc.  you can use anon username there.May 11 08:13
schestowitzfor small memory footprint I can recommend xchat and its gnome-centric cousin.May 11 08:13
schestowitzthanks so muchMay 11 10:04
schestowitzwe'll also figure out the vm issues sooner or laterMay 11 10:05
schestowitzi have some patent stuff to cover this weekendMay 11 10:05
schestowitzlet's not even mention wsl (weasel). i don't see how mentioning it, even in rebuttals, won't fee the likes of ms peter and help the likes of sjvn paint that as "winning"May 11 10:05
schestowitz 11 16:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tzoannop: cc @zinovias @CorinaVasilopou @tony_rgps @gtsakonas @dromografos Για να καταλάβετε τι μαφία διαφεντεύει τα θέματα π… 11 16:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tzoannop: cc @zinovias @CorinaVasilopou @tony_rgps @gtsakonas @dromografos Για να καταλάβετε τι μαφία διαφεντεύει τα θέματα π… 11 16:23
schestowitz"May 11 16:23
schestowitzMore Konstantinos Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)May 11 16:23
schestowitzcc @zinovias @CorinaVasilopou @tony_rgps @gtsakonas @dromografos Για να καταλάβετε τι μαφία διαφεντεύει τα θέματα πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων, ευρεσιτεχνιών κλπ. Ναι, μιλάμε για το Ευρωπαϊκό Γραφείο Ευρεσιτεχνιών.May 11 16:23
schestowitz"May 11 16:23
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 11 18:00:34 2019
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 11 18:00:55 2019
-->You are now talking on #techbytesMay 11 18:00
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastMay 11 18:00
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schestowitz 11 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jhamby: Eric Schmidt is a technical advisor to the Pentagon, btw. 11 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Eric Schmidt > Defense Innovation Board > Bio DisplayMay 11 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #google work with the #cia on #drone #assassination missions is a litmus test for the #pentagon Like a father or t… 11 20:05
schestowitzI know, and 1-2 weeks ago Mozilla announced working with himMay 11 20:05
schestowitzNothing says freedom and privacy like Omidyar and Schmidt! 11 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #mozilla has taken money from #omidyarpac Yuuuuuuck!!! 11 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | $2.4 Million in Prizes for Schools Teaching Ethics Alongside Computer Science - The Mozilla BlogMay 11 20:06
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schestowitz 12 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheRealClayA: @AmazonFCJames @schestowitz My friend was fired from Amazon while pregnant. She asked to work closer to the bathro… 12 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheRealClayA: @AmazonFCJames @schestowitz My friend was fired from Amazon while pregnant. She asked to work closer to the bathro… 12 23:07
schestowitz"May 12 23:07
schestowitzMy friend was fired from Amazon while pregnant.May 12 23:07
schestowitzShe asked to work closer to the bathroom for what I would think would be obvious reasons.May 12 23:07
schestowitzShe was told this kind of special treatment couldn't be tolerated.May 12 23:07
schestowitzShe was eventually fired for taking too many bathroom breaksMay 12 23:07
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesMay 12 23:07
schestowitzMay 12 23:07
schestowitz"May 12 23:07
schestowitz 12 23:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheRealClayA: @schestowitz Your tweet has triggered a response from a paid #amazonpropagandist James is required to search soci… 12 23:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheRealClayA: @schestowitz Your tweet has triggered a response from a paid #amazonpropagandist James is required to search soci… 12 23:08
schestowitz"May 12 23:08
schestowitzYour tweet has triggered a response from a paid #amazonpropagandistMay 12 23:08
schestowitzJames is required to search social media for negative comments about Amazon and reply with Amazon approved talking points.May 12 23:08
schestowitzJames is a professional liar.May 12 23:08
schestowitz"May 12 23:08
schestowitz 12 23:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MSServices_info: It seems that our governments (politicians) backed the wrong horse in case EPO/Battistelli/Campinos @petrasorge… 12 23:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MSServices_info: It seems that our governments (politicians) backed the wrong horse in case EPO/Battistelli/Campinos @petrasorge… 12 23:10

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