Taking Things Up a Notch
SEEING that GNU/Linux is growing fast [1, 2] (attempts to orphan or hijack it notwithstanding) while news is getting slow (the news in general; nothing to do with GNU/Linux), we're taking things up a notch. We have the time, the health, capacity, morale, determination etc.
We'll produce more videos (at least 5 planned for this weekend) and we strive/aim towards 15-25 new pages per day, i.e. around 500 per month or 6,000 per year. We definitely have the time and the capacity, more so now that news has slowed down considerably.
Writing about software freedom isn't easy because it attracts bullies and liars (who promote proprietary stuff). Then again, publishing was never "easy business". There are usually attacks directed at the messenger, not the message.
Today, or overnight (it's 2AM here), I am reorganising my desk and my desktops to better facilitate efficient use of resources and visibility of essential information. Having stuck to old or outdated habits, I need to rethink (and then cull) what offers more noise/distraction than signal. Thankfully, as we don't do social control media, the noise factor has already been minimised. IRC is better s/n ratio than a pool of hostile people, who mistake/conflate "engagement" (disputes, conflicts) with constructive debates.
Our aim is to produce original/exclusive material, not mere 'rehash' of what other sites are saying (that's what Tux Machines exists for). People may try to use "privacy" or "copyrights" to censor us, but those aren't legitimate grounds where reporting is involved.
One notable change in the way we do things, as readers may have noticed already, we use more images to 'spice up' the pages. Instead of spending time maintaining (updating/editing) the old wiki we write detailed summaries of issues, periodically at least. Someone asked us about site search and we still consider our options. The main issue is, site search makes DDoS attacks a lot easier.
The past year has been our best and by far the most productive. Join us in IRC or subscribe via RSS. There's lots in store. █