Bonum Certa Men Certa

Over at Tux Machines...

posted by Roy Schestowitz on May 27, 2024

Summer landscape with mountains

Updated This Past Day

  1. Busy Weeks Ahead [original]
    Food ready for the party, no photos yet...
  2. Practical differences between FreeBSD and Linux
    I thought I’d address the comparison here with my own experiences running both in production


  3. Linus Torvalds Announces First Linux Kernel 6.10 Release Candidate
    As expected, Linus Torvalds announced today the general availability for public testing of the first Release Candidate (RC) development milestone of the upcoming Linux 6.10 kernel series.
  4. Perl Programming
    Some Perl related stories from the official site
  5. IBM/Red Hat Lost in a Sea of Buzzwords
    The latest puff promoted by Red Hat
  6. New Shows and Videos
    Including some from the past week
  7. ODROID-H4 Plus review – Part 2: Intel N97 NAS Kit and fanless SBC tested in Ubuntu 24.04
    The ODROID-H4 Plus SBC does not come with any preinstalled OS since there’s no storage by default
  8. JuK – KDE music player and a music manager
    We’ve reviewed the vast majority of music players for Linux
  9. Programming Leftovers
    Programming related links
  10. today's howtos
    only a few more for now
  11. today's leftovers
    Open hardware, openwashing, and more
  12. Programming Leftovers
    coding and more
  13. Windows TCO Leftovers
    Windows TCO examples (new)
  14. On desktop mo(bi|da)lity
    so I switched back to GNOME, and even developed my own tooling to help me with the switching
  15. Android Leftovers
    Vivo X Fold3 Pro: Top-end foldable Android smartphone to hit global market from June 2024
  16. today's howtos
    many howtos
  17. IPFire – firewall distribution
    IPFire is a Linux distribution which comes with a versatile and state of the art firewall engine that makes even the most complex setups easy to administer
  18. Linux as the new developer default at 37signals
    I've personally been having a blast over the last few months digging deeper and deeper into the Linux rabbit hole
  19. Manjaro Linux 24: A Great Release with Many Improvements
    We review the latest Manjaro 24 “Wynsdey” major release, which brings the latest Plasma 6 and more updates.
  20. Decibels is a Minimal Audio Player, And That's About it!
    A focused audio player to play what you need for the moment
  21. I’m Waiting to Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 for a Few Important Reasons
    Staying away from the bleeding edge? You’re not alone
  22. Free and Open Source Software
    The software can run locally on your machine
  23. Stable kernels: Linux 6.9.2, Linux 6.8.11, Linux 6.6.32, Linux 6.1.92, Linux 5.15.160, Linux 5.10.218, Linux 5.4.277 and Linux 4.19.315
    I'm announcing the release of the 6.9.2 kernel
  24. Today in Techrights
    Some of the latest articles

    The corresponding text-only bulletin for Sunday contains all the text.

    Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):

    Span from 2024-05-20 to 2024-05-26
    1229 /n/2024/05/22/Oracle_Abandons_Terraform_in_Favor_of_OpenTofu.shtml
    962 /n/2024/05/16/NetBSD_s_New_Policy_No_Place_for_AI_Created_Code.shtml
    903 /n/2024/05/20/MX_Linux_23_3_Libretto_Released_with_Linux_Kernel_6_8_and_Updat.shtml
    879 /n/2024/05/22/You_Can_Now_Upgrade_Ubuntu_23_10_to_Ubuntu_24_04_LTS_Here_s_How.shtml
    864 /n/2024/05/22/Elon_Musk_Suggests_Shifting_Consumer_Desktops_To_Linux_As_Satya.shtml
    831 /n/2024/05/22/Alpine_Linux_3_20_0_Released.shtml
    792 /n/2024/05/20/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_May_19th_2024.shtml
    783 /n/2024/05/20/today_s_howtos.shtml
    773 /n/2024/05/22/today_s_howtos.shtml
    740 /n/2024/05/20/Today_in_Techrights.shtml
    738 /n/2024/05/24/Qualcomm_s_ARM_Laptops_Matter_Because_Of_Linux.shtml
    719 /n/2024/05/24/today_s_howtos.shtml
    708 /n/2024/05/20/Never_Criticize_The_Linux_Foundation_Expenses.shtml
    699 /n/2024/05/22/today_s_howtos.1.shtml
    697 /n/2024/05/22/Ubuntu_Leftovers.shtml
    692 /n/2024/05/24/Releases_GCompris_4_1_Stratus_Redundant_Linux_SRL_3_0_Rufus_4_5.shtml
    689 /n/2024/05/21/today_s_howtos.shtml

Other Recent Techrights' Posts

Linus Torvalds, His Employers, and Critics of His Employers Can Agree That Rust in Linux is a Failed Experiment
What we published 2 years ago (2022-09-22) leaves us vindicated
Links 28/09/2024: Stagnation of Journalism and More Suppressions in HK (Now China)
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Gemini Links 28/09/2024: ROOPHLOCH and smolspace
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Linux remains a safer choice
Microsoft worries
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Demise of Desktops/Laptops in the British Market
The British market is getting overrun by mobile phones (up more than 10% in the past year)
Gemini Links 28/09/2024: Misfin and Beepy
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[Meme] 25+ Years After Winamp (WINAMP.EXE)
Winamp is pretty much irrelevant because of the solid replacements for it that are Free software
Winamp Was Always Windows and Proprietary, Now Its Code is Also Controlled by Microsoft
It's not "free" or "Open Source"
"WINAMP" Reminds Us That Choosing GitHub is Sign of Failing to Understand or Not Intending to Respect Freedom (Usually a Platform for Lousy Openwashing Stunts)
GitHub is a "cancer" - more so than WP Engine ever was
Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) Barometer
Fear-mongering/dramatisation regarding CVE-2024-47076, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176 and CVE-2024-47177 had very small impact
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, September 27, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, September 27, 2024
Links 27/09/2024: Kangaroo Courts, Invalidating More Software Patents
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Gemini Links 27/09/2024: Project Skydrop, PubSub
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"Essential Server Security Security" at is SEO SPAM (the Usual)
Another day passes, more slop and SPAM
Links 27/09/2024: Microsoft Layoffs Again, Hey Hi (AI) Disappointments, and Ampere at Risk
Links for the day
Gemini Links 27/09/2024: Reward Work, Smolnet, and More
Links for the day
China is Abandoning Windows Already (But Web Surveys Won't Show That)
China has its own operating systems (which Web surveys cannot correctly recognise)
Chinese Whispers About "Linux" (Apple Really)
CUPS is Apple
[Meme] A Cup of Apple
Turns out it's some Apple thing
Links 27/09/2024: China Tensions Growing, JUVE Patent Posting SPAM Again (the Real Business Model)
Links for the day
Maintenance and Plans for Next Week
a headsup
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, September 26, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, September 26, 2024
More Microsoft Layoffs, Second Very Large Wave This Month
Will OpenAI collapse soon (exodus of executives continues)?
Gemini Links 27/09/2024: Run Results, Primitive Pics
Links for the day
Microsoft Won't Need to Kill Red Hat Because IBM is Already Doing It (Corporate Suicide)
Many comments critical of Arvind are deemed "racist" and removed, which is probably serving to justify IBM's choice of identity politics
[Meme] Break the Law for the European Patent Office (EPO) or Die (Get Sacked in a Terrible Economy)
Europe's second-largest institution forces scientists to grant illegal monopolies to multinationals (or go broke)
The EPO's Central Staff Committee Explains the EPO Became So Corrupt That It Strives to Almost Automatically Grant Every Patent (Monopoly) Request
Each time this is done deliberately by the management should be considered a serious white-collar crime, but at the EPO they flaunt diplomatic immunity as they destroy Europe for "profit" (we know whose)
Lots of Anti-Linux FUD This Week, Some of It is Microsoft- or Chatbot-Generated Spew
The bad news is, we're seeing lots of anti-Linux trash this week in the media
Links 26/09/2024: Russia's Escalation in Its Nuclear Tone
Links for the day
Red Hat Publishes Windows Article, Omits Authors' Names
In the past, Red Hat published Windows articles for Microsoft staff. We covered examples.
Why We Keep Saying Bryan Lunduke is a Liability
In recent days he promoted the idea Trump had won the 2020 election
The Media Has Hardly Mentioned This, But New Antitrust Complaint Filed Against Microsoft in the European Union
"AFP has wirefeed article picked up only by two sites about how Microsoft abuses Azure to 1) lock-in 'customers' and 2) overcharge them 400%"
[Meme] How Crime Becomes the 'Normal' in Society
crimes pile up and nobody even keeps a count
EPO Dictatorship, Facing Growing Pressure From Senior Staff for Breaking Laws and Illegally Running the System, Turns to "Young Professionals" (to Crush Voices, Rights, and Benefits)
The European patent system has become a bloody jungle and the "courts" are themselves a violation of the law. They have no actual legitimacy, they're run for and by industry (as in, large corporations, not even European).
A Year Since the Big Switch - Part V - In Summary
"The truth always finds its way out, even years and years and years later. The truth always prevails." -Tyler Hamilton
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
IRC logs for Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Gemini Links 25/09/2024: Banning Leasehold, Eshell Ramble
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