Gemini Links 19/11/2024: Private Journals Online and Spirituality
Gemini* and Gopher
Extemporeality 2
It was maybe twenty minutes after I ate the edible. Consumption was not a pleasant experience in the slightest. The small candy had the texture perhaps of a Reese's Cup that had gotten flash-frozen and thawed again: grainy, dry and crumbly. It tasted of grapefruit peel and pine resin and an overwhelming "green" taste that I could only say is adjacent to bread mold or moss. That greenness prevailed over the other flavors and I was still battling with the vomitous feeling on my tongue while I sat in the living room, my guitar across my lap. The chair I sat in was an old rocker with tightly stretched maroon leather, the kind with brass buttons used to affix the material to the wood. The leather smelled like pond scum and sweat and a bit of ass. Decades of adults and children alike running-dripping into the house, plopping down into this tired chair.
Hindustani music, and the beauty of the tanpura
I'm working hard on a document for my university studies. Well, about as hard as a fellow can work, when they're also mellowing out in a digital pub. And as I write, I listen to beautiful Hindustani classical music. The sitar, the tabla, the dilruba, the swarmandal, and the wonderful, wonderful tanpura.
can you see
"Can you see?", I said to them.
"Of course not!", they replied, still embittered.
"Did you try?", said I.
"Now what would I do that for!?" ...
"For your future."
"There is no future."
"And yet, here we are."
"Can you hear?"
"Why would I be able to hear?" -
sunset: 433p
as someone who primarily works evenings/nights, i'm one of those people who wouldn't mind daylight savings time be permanent, rather than it being permanently non-daylight savings if a permanent end to the practice were to ever happen. my bedtime is often dictated by the sunrise. on a night like tonight (mid-november), i'd be going to be around 530a. i don't work that late (early?), my shifts usually end around 12a or 1a.
The need for a private journal
I've been posting for years now, hoping that would double as a journal too. In some sense, it does. You can reflect, keep quotes, respond to what something else have written and even take a log of your daily lifes.
It might be that the private journal may help me into producing something worthy to be shared. I hope it will turn out to be that way. However, it won't be a draft for anything, just a space for reflection.
🔤SpellBinding: ELOSTUW Wordo: SNOOK
Up from sleep at a reasonable hour.
Today is grandson, then final performance prep, then tonight's performance.
Online seems so dead and boring, again.
The Anthropocentrism of Spirituality
To my mind, it seems obvious that all spirituality, both religion and mysticism alike, is anthropocentric at least to one degree or another. This isn't just as a coincidence, but it's a necessarily result of how we develop it all to begin with, because we as humans have to make sense of the stuff in a way that makes sense to us as humans. It's just that, once we can successfully do just that very thing, only then can we learn our proper place in the cosmos, and then learn to center the gods as well as to take into account other forms of life or existence from non-human perspectives. We have to work to get there from where we already are, which is from a human perspective, rather than trying to start from another place where we bring over our already-anthropocentric assumptions of humanity but in an unspoken and uninspected way.
re. Bored (agk)
TDK is three and a half and sounds a lot like agk's daughter in that she's impossibly needy and high-touch. she's an only child and she's had a lot of upheaval in her life so she likes daddy close and has trouble entertaining herself and hates being idle, it's exhausting in ways I was completely unprepared for.
play is constant, everything is a game or a goof but I don't play games, I'm the kind of person who likes to create and write, or to study and learn, and without those things in my life I have no way to recharge my batteries and life becomes an dreary routine of participating in a second childhood until exhaustion and then collapsing until the next round.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.