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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 4th, 2008 - Part 2


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twitterThe M$ hiring freeze is big news.  If the Vista failure was not enough to defeat the M$ Invincibility myth, a shrinking company will be.Oct 04 18:07
MinceRpoint.Oct 04 18:07
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 18:10
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 04 18:10
twitter:)Oct 04 18:17
MinceRcan't find itOct 04 18:18
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Oct 04 18:18
MinceRfirehose is such a pain to useOct 04 18:18
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 18:25
twittertry looking for twitter.Oct 04 18:31
*AVRS2 has quit ()Oct 04 18:31
twittermake your threshold black.Oct 04 18:31
twitterthe word freeze would also be useful in a search.Oct 04 18:32
MinceRbtw, i don't know what all the hype about chrome/chromium's new javascript engine isOct 04 18:32
MinceRit's not a bit faster than operOct 04 18:32
MinceRaOct 04 18:32
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 18:32
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 18:33
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 04 18:34
MinceR"twitter freeze" doesn't bring up anythingOct 04 18:35
twitterThe "turn this page into an application" looks interesting.Oct 04 18:35
MinceR"twitter submission" shows some hits but none are itOct 04 18:35
MinceRwell, they talked about how uberfast it is going to be and it's not fast at allOct 04 18:36
twitterI wonder if this is why none of my submissions make it to the front page these days.Oct 04 18:36
MinceRi don't see what are they so proud of.Oct 04 18:36
twitterI submit all of my journal entries.  You don't find any of them?Oct 04 18:36
MinceR 04 18:37
MinceRwait, i think it switched to "Archive" at some pointOct 04 18:37
twitteryou should be able to find them by time stamp, 04 18:38
twitterwhat is archive?Oct 04 18:38
twitterhow can you tell?Oct 04 18:38
MinceRi've seen the journal entry, but not on firehoseOct 04 18:38
twitterThe time stamp for both should be the same.Oct 04 18:39
MinceR"Archive" is one of the time spans i can select, but that didn't remove most recent entriesOct 04 18:39
MinceRin any case, "twitter submission" doesn't show any entries submitted by youOct 04 18:39
twitteroh dear.  Firehose is broken.Oct 04 18:39
twitteror the journal submission is brokenOct 04 18:39
MinceR"submission freeze" doesn't show it eitherOct 04 18:39
twitterI have not been able to see my submissions for a long time, but I thought that was something they did to prevent voting from the same IP address.Oct 04 18:40
MinceRnow it brings up 04 18:40
twitterthat's not me, it's the cnet feed.Oct 04 18:41
twitterworth voting up, but you can see it's been nuked.Oct 04 18:42
MinceRi knowOct 04 18:43
*trmanco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 19:03
trmanco_ 04 19:13
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 04 19:17
*trmanco_ is now known as trmancoOct 04 19:19
schestowitzBN is still up and down. Going towards 10 GB of traffic in one day. :-OOct 04 19:21
schestowitztwitter: someone posted a comment in BN claiming to have created an anti-twitter page.Oct 04 19:23
trmanco 04 19:28
*brunomiguel has quit ("bye bye")Oct 04 19:36
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 04 19:44
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 19:44
schestowitzThank, trmanco. I do a summary that includes SCO soon.Oct 04 19:49
trmanco:)Oct 04 19:49
schestowitzBN is in the front page of LinuxToday now. It'll be like 11 GB of traffic today. Ouch.Oct 04 19:51
trmancololOct 04 19:52
schestowitzI'm just surprised the server is up at the moment. It's about half a gig per hour.Oct 04 19:52
schestowitzIncluding PHP, which need RAM and CPU.Oct 04 19:52
PetoKrauslet's add to the traffic, eh?Oct 04 19:53
schestowitzThere's a sporadic downtime. I get E-mails about it from people...Oct 04 19:54
schestowitzOh og...Oct 04 19:55
schestowitzJust got this mail: "Get ready with the sever you might be /. Best"Oct 04 19:55
schestowitzWe need a torrent.Oct 04 19:56
zoobabor a faster serverOct 04 19:57
schestowitzIt's pretty fast.Oct 04 19:57
schestowitzBut Digg FP usually takes it down. Almost every time. Then suspended by the host.Oct 04 19:57
schestowitzJust in case, I'll cut down some of the PHP scripts. There should also be some WordPress plugin.Oct 04 19:58
PetoKrauswhat are those docs about?Oct 04 19:58
schestowitzWhich ones?Oct 04 19:58
schestowitzbrb. Damn, I'm getting ill.Oct 04 19:59
trmancoI already am (ill)Oct 04 19:59
trmancoI have some sort of fluOct 04 19:59
schestowitz 04 20:02
AVRS2Is it a copyright violation to read the standard?Oct 04 20:02
AVRS2Torrentless partial solution for load: e.g., Gnutella hash.Oct 04 20:03
schestowitzAVRS2: I doubt it's a violation.Oct 04 20:07
AVRS2AFAIK, final ISO standards are non-free.Oct 04 20:07
AVRS2completelyOct 04 20:07
twitterCongratulations on the front page.Oct 04 20:07
twitterthere are many anti-twitter pagesOct 04 20:08
AVRS2twitter: front page of what?Oct 04 20:08
twitterLinux todayOct 04 20:08
AVRS2ahOct 04 20:08
twitterI was the subject of a lot of stuff for a while.Oct 04 20:09
twitterThe site owner taunted me with it.  I don't believe there was ever more than one user of such a stupid site.Oct 04 20:10
twitterIt's interesting M$ would waste money smearing me.Oct 04 20:11
schestowitzI might just break the site deadling with 'experimental' stuff on it.Oct 04 20:11
schestowitzI'll make backups.Oct 04 20:11
twitter:)Oct 04 20:11
AVRS2schestowitz: not on FSDaily?Oct 04 20:12
schestowitzGeez. The server is so slow.Oct 04 20:12
schestowitz 04 20:13
schestowitzI think I once spoke to Elliot about this in the WordPress mailing lists.Oct 04 20:13
schestowitzBack then we were discussing caching. I used to be very active in WP.Oct 04 20:14
AVRS2schestowitz: why haven't you submit it to FSDaily?Oct 04 20:14
AVRS2*submittedOct 04 20:14
AVRS2As for copyright… is it not stated in the file?Oct 04 20:15
schestowitzI think it'll bork the software (WP). I already messed about with it too much.Oct 04 20:16
schestowitzAVRS2: thank1Oct 04 20:16
schestowitzAVRS2: thanks!!Oct 04 20:16
schestowitzAVRS2: for this reason, I sort of stated in the post that the vile behaviour of Microsoft and ISO would make it hypocritical for them to rebuff.Oct 04 20:18
AVRS2agreedOct 04 20:18
AVRS2although it doesn't mean ISO wouldn't do itOct 04 20:18
AVRS2(just a unsubstantiated guess)Oct 04 20:19
schestowitzI'll keep that software off my server. It's not worth the risk because I anticipate the issues based on what's in . We just need a torrent and I'll optimise the pages slightly to reduce CPU load and DB queries.Oct 04 20:19
schestowitzISO = Microsoft.Oct 04 20:19
AVRS2hmm is the final OpenDocument ISO specification public?Oct 04 20:19
schestowitzYes, I think so. You could grab hold of a copy.Oct 04 20:20
schestowitzBTW, for /. t put it in FP would be weird given the things I've said about them and their associated sites.Oct 04 20:20
twitterIt's weird of them to post M$ press releases for the same reasons.Oct 04 20:21
twitterand moreOct 04 20:21
twitterThey have not taken any of my submissions over the last six months or so.Oct 04 20:22
twitterThe last one they took was on the heals of BN saying Slashdot had sold out.Oct 04 20:23
twitterIt was nice to see a link to my Vista Failure Log on the front page :)Oct 04 20:23
schestowitzThey need the $$ (Visual Studio ads and all)Oct 04 20:23 made /. FP back in 2005.Oct 04 20:24
AVRS2fsdailyOct 04 20:25
twitterIt's nice of M$ to pay for all of that.  What I don't like is their paid astroturf.Oct 04 20:25
*schestowitz can't think of what else to remove without harming page content.Oct 04 20:25
twitterWhat do you mean "remove"?Oct 04 20:25
schestowitzI don't buy the "nice of them" excuse. It's a lie spread by those who accept MS ads.Oct 04 20:26
schestowitzAs in, those editors/writers and PUBLISHERS in particular who get money from it. I know this excuse because I spoke to them about it... always the same rubbish excuse.Oct 04 20:26
twitterAre there sarcasm tags in pidgin?Oct 04 20:27
schestowitzI stopped writing for Datamation because they started MS ads. LinuxTOday is back with these as well... Brian told me he was relieved to be out of that MS ads gig.Oct 04 20:27
schestowitztwitter: I'm cutting down bits of the page. Though my main issue are the downloads. ./ effects alone isn't enough of a load. It's Digg that's a killer with like 20,000 visits within hours.Oct 04 20:28
schestowitzI saw Groklaw choking just once.Oct 04 20:28
schestowitzIt was when SCO declared bankrupcy. The whole CMS went titsup, so maybe they had to restore from backup. PJ was so happy she hardly cared.Oct 04 20:29
twitterThere's nothing nice about M$ but I can see taking their money like anyone else's, as long as editors are not aware/motivated by it.Oct 04 20:29
twitterI like the way the FSF site works.Oct 04 20:29
MinceRthe problem is that they display m$ ads in exchangeOct 04 20:30
MinceRwhich might influence the minds of visitorsOct 04 20:30
MinceRhow does the FSF site work?Oct 04 20:30
MinceRand in any case, i don't think m$ deserves any exposure other than revealing their dirty dealings and the shoddy quality of their products and servicesOct 04 20:31
twitterStyle wise, they have almost no images, free flowing text, it's really minimal.Oct 04 20:31
twitterDon't know how it technically works.Oct 04 20:31
MinceRi thought you were talking about ads :)Oct 04 20:31
schestowitzMinceR: all those ads are harmful.Oct 04 20:32
schestowitzShane is still trying to block them all. We already blocked some sites like and, but all their partners still show up in the ads.Oct 04 20:32
twitterWhat does google have to say about this?  Do they have a group of "ethical advertisers"?Oct 04 20:35
MinceRgoogle know nothing about ethicsOct 04 20:36
MinceRs/w/ws/Oct 04 20:37
schestowitzThey are inflexible. I don't know about BN (shane does the AdSense to pay hosting), but in it's pretty bad with just under the hosting bill covered.Oct 04 20:37
twitterHere are some suggestions for stories to reduce bandwith.  It would require a new style but I think it would help to get rid of all the front page frame stuff.Oct 04 20:41
schestowitzThe issue is the downloads though. The main one anyway..Oct 04 20:42
schestowitzI can set up a server on my box, I guess. Let me see...Oct 04 20:43
twitterI'd nuke the banner, everything on the right especially images not directly related to the story.Oct 04 20:43
twitterI see your point about downloads though.Oct 04 20:43
twitterMy home server has been under a form of attack for a long time.Oct 04 20:44
schestowitzI can serve it from my box at the office..Oct 04 20:44
twitterA never ending stream of bot clients have been downloading the largest files I serve.Oct 04 20:44
schestowitzBut then I permit ISOsoft to use claims against the academic institution serving leaked specs.Oct 04 20:44
twitterThese are files no human being would ever be interested in.Oct 04 20:45
MinceRwhy are they served then? :>Oct 04 20:45
schestowitzThe Microsoft Munchkins tried this before. They harrassed the network managers to prevent even /messages/ (Linux advocacy) being posted.Oct 04 20:45
twitterI was interested in them.Oct 04 20:45
MinceRfrom that follows that you're not a human being :>Oct 04 20:46
schestowitzLet me see d/l speeds on the box at the office.Oct 04 20:46
twitterFinishing my thesis improved that.  Sleep makes a person nicer.Oct 04 20:46
schestowitzOK, transferring.Oct 04 20:48
schestowitzIn progress: 04 20:48
twitterThat was quick.  Good luck with the admins.Oct 04 20:48
twitterThe network at my local university has been locked up hard.  They claimed central control over everything and the ability to boot machines off at will.Oct 04 20:49
twitterEvery machine owner must be identified before a machine is put on the network.  It's all very nasty now.Oct 04 20:50
twitterClueless copyright warriors are all over the Board of Directors, they listen to RIAA, M$ and other assholes.Oct 04 20:51
twitterOne good thing is the control demanded over Winblows computers makes a great case for free software.  They demand all winblows computers be centrally controlled for "emergency" patching.Oct 04 20:53
schestowitzUpdated: 04 20:54
schestowitz[Note #2: we now have a mirror listed at the bottom.]Oct 04 20:54
zoobabyou can use lighttpdOct 04 20:54
zoobabit resists to any /.Oct 04 20:55
schestowitzI can't test my mirror for speed because I'm on the same network (>1000KB/sec). What do you guys get?Oct 04 20:55
schestowitz 04 20:55
schestowitzzoobab: denial of service is no resistance. It's a loss of visitor...Oct 04 20:56
twitterUOct 04 20:56
twitterUS cable networks are all crimped at 60KB/s upload.Oct 04 20:56
twitter@home had no such limits.Oct 04 20:56
zoobabI get 350ko/sec from a well connected machineOct 04 20:56
schestowitzThat's excellent.Oct 04 20:57
schestowitz60 megs in 3 minutes.Oct 04 20:57
schestowitzRunning on a dual-head Ubuntu box.Oct 04 20:57
zoobab385.64K/sOct 04 20:57
trmanco100KB/S hereOct 04 20:58
trmancoerhmOct 04 20:58
trmanco400KB/sOct 04 20:58
schestowitzLet me see if I can grab a network monitor on it via SSH.Oct 04 20:58
schestowitzksysguardOct 04 20:59
schestowitzHmmm... no network meter. zoobab what's KDE got? I have the panel one, but can't easily get to it from here.Oct 04 21:00
schestowitzI used to run php-shell ( a hack) to get uptime and average load off my host of and other domains. Won't do for BN.Oct 04 21:00
MinceRstrange, my ksysguard does have a network meterOct 04 21:02
MinceRwell, maybe not over sshOct 04 21:02
zoobabI use wgetOct 04 21:04
zoobablet me try linksOct 04 21:04
zoobab392 KiB/sOct 04 21:05
zoobabit seems to saturate at 385kb/secOct 04 21:05
schestowitzMinceR: how do you get to it?Oct 04 21:05
schestowitzI must be missing t. It's vanilla KDE 3.5Oct 04 21:05
MinceRlocalhost/NetworkOct 04 21:06
MinceR(there i'd choose Interfaces)Oct 04 21:06
schestowitzIt give no metersOct 04 21:06
schestowitz*givesOct 04 21:06
MinceRthere are a lot of meters here in localhost/Network/Interfaces/eth0/Receiver and TransmitterOct 04 21:06
schestowitzit's just a "sensor browser"Oct 04 21:07
schestowitzI went to University with the maintainer of KSysGuard BTW. We were sort of friends...Oct 04 21:07
schestowitzJohn TapsellOct 04 21:07
MinceRwell, it's strange thoughOct 04 21:07
trmancoyayOct 04 21:08
MinceRit says it's receiving "0" Data on eth0Oct 04 21:08
trmancoI can convert that 5000 page pdf into htmlOct 04 21:08
schestowitztrmanco: please do.Oct 04 21:08
trmancookOct 04 21:08
MinceRit seems pretty brokenOct 04 21:08
schestowitzThat'll make an attractive thing for people to browse.Oct 04 21:08
trmancoI'm doind it right now Ill see how it looks when its finishedOct 04 21:08
trmancodoneOct 04 21:10
trmanco14 meg fileOct 04 21:10
schestowitzA _single_ html? The horror...Oct 04 21:14
schestowitzSounds like a stress test for Web browser...Oct 04 21:14
trmancoyesOct 04 21:16
trmancowith a frameOct 04 21:16
trmancobut I'm generating a new one with some different optionsOct 04 21:16
schestowitzThey also have a new event planned for World's Strongest Man 2009. They'll find out who can carry the most volumes of OOXML. Legends say that no man was ever able to lift the monster. Some people tried, but OOXML broke their back. OOXML had them hospitalised for good. Good grief! What has ISO wrought?Oct 04 21:16
MinceRlolOct 04 21:17
MinceRwhen will microsoft formally acknowledge their merger with ISO and rename it to Microsoft ISO or ISO Live?Oct 04 21:18
zoobabmisosoftOct 04 21:19
schestowitz 04 21:19
MinceRniceOct 04 21:20
trmancogeeOct 04 21:20
trmancothis last conversion is taking for everOct 04 21:20
MinceR 04 21:21
schestowitztrmanco: do you want FTP to push this to?Oct 04 21:21
schestowitzMy FTP on my site is disabled by the host, but if it's not over 100MB, E-mail might work.Oct 04 21:21
schestowitzHaving this in an immediately-browsable form would be mint.Oct 04 21:22
trmancosureOct 04 21:22
trmancobut can't do anything yetOct 04 21:22
trmancothe conversions is still not finishedOct 04 21:22
schestowitztrmanco:  updates from Portugal: 04 21:23
trmancothis last one with a special flag  is taking foreverOct 04 21:23
trmancothanksOct 04 21:24
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 04 21:31
twitteryou just got slashdotted 04 21:32
twitter:)Oct 04 21:32
twitterDustin Puryear of the BRLUG said that Slashdotting did not really up BRLUG mail list traffic.Oct 04 21:33
zoobabyou are on /. now!Oct 04 21:33
trmancocoolOct 04 21:36
trmancowellOct 04 21:36
trmancoI have one in plain htmlOct 04 21:36
trmancoand my other conversion is in html with png images from the pdfOct 04 21:36
trmancobut you can barely read the on with png imagesOct 04 21:37
schestowitzShit.Oct 04 21:38
schestowitzThat's why it's slow.Oct 04 21:38
schestowitztrmanco: can you mail it to me? r at schestowitz dot comOct 04 21:39
trmancosureOct 04 21:39
trmancowhic one thoOct 04 21:39
schestowitzbrbOct 04 21:40
schestowitzr at   or  s atOct 04 21:40
AVRS2 : “OK we slashdot their servers. Now what?”Oct 04 21:41
zoobabRoy, you don't have FTP, mirror is easy that wayOct 04 21:42
zoobablftp> mirror -pOct 04 21:42
AVRS2Was ODF not a SIS standard in Sweden already?Oct 04 21:43
zoobabmaybeOct 04 21:43
schestowitzif it gets too slow I'll just set a redirect from the page to the mirror.Oct 04 21:44
AVRS2Some sites say ODF Alliance reported last week that it's been approved by SIS.Oct 04 21:44
trmancoschestowitz, what version do you want?Oct 04 21:44
trmancothe plain html one?Oct 04 21:44
schestowitzAVRS2: I think it has.Oct 04 21:44
schestowitzWhichever works best.Oct 04 21:45
trmancobecause the png on is hard to readOct 04 21:45
trmancoone*Oct 04 21:45
schestowitzAre pngs the equations?Oct 04 21:45
trmanco?Oct 04 21:46
trmancocoolOct 04 21:52
trmancoI can send both of them to you :POct 04 21:52
schestowitzThanks.Oct 04 21:53
trmanco1st one is a 2 meg archive the other one has 16Oct 04 21:53
schestowitzThnaks.Oct 04 21:54
trmancor at right?Oct 04 21:57
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 21:58
trmancoschestowitz,Oct 04 21:59
schestowitzyes. at my domain.Oct 04 21:59
trmancookOct 04 21:59
trmancouploadingOct 04 22:01
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 04 22:09
trmancoschestowitz, sentOct 04 22:17
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 22:20
schestowitzThe Slashdot effect is very unimpressive compared to Digg, but maybe just because it's Sat.Oct 04 22:21
schestowitzGot it.Oct 04 22:22
trmanco:-)Oct 04 22:22
schestowitzWhat da...? :-)Oct 04 22:23
schestowitz11000 filesOct 04 22:23
trmancoyesOct 04 22:24
trmancopng'sOct 04 22:24
schestowitzI'll just upload the PNGs when the 'DDOS' is over.Oct 04 22:24
trmancothe 2mb on only has 3Oct 04 22:24
trmancopngs+html files*Oct 04 22:24
schestowitzFirefox screams for airOct 04 22:26
trmancoyesOct 04 22:27
trmancoits hugeOct 04 22:27
zoobaband it is not the main link in the articleOct 04 22:31
schestowitztrmanco: updated: 04 22:33
schestowitz"we now have an HTML version of the core of OOXML, but please use this mirror (HTML), which should be faster."Oct 04 22:33
schestowitzzoobab: should I link to the HTML at the top?Oct 04 22:34
trmancocool :)Oct 04 22:35
trmancololOct 04 22:35
trmancothe title should be changedOct 04 22:36
trmancololOct 04 22:36
schestowitzI added somethng to the topOct 04 22:36
schestowitzTo diver people away from BN and into the mirror.Oct 04 22:36
schestowitz*divertOct 04 22:36
trmancothe title of the html version of the odf :POct 04 22:36
schestowitz"readers have produced this <a href="">HTML version</a> of the core of OOXML, so that you can access the specs quickly."Oct 04 22:37
schestowitztrmanco: can I attribute this to you (full name)?Oct 04 22:37
trmancosureOct 04 22:37
trmancoTony MancoOct 04 22:37
schestowitzYou got a homepage for a link?Oct 04 22:38
trmancosureOct 04 22:39
trmancoopen-mania.comOct 04 22:39
schestowitzKool.Oct 04 22:39
trmancoit is relatedOct 04 22:39
schestowitzCheck the link now.Oct 04 22:39
trmanco:-)Oct 04 22:40
trmancokooolOct 04 22:40
trmancobut the mirror doesn't load anymore :|Oct 04 22:40
schestowitzIck. My mirror is downOct 04 22:40
schestowitzYou beat me to it.Oct 04 22:40
trmancoschestowitz, and if you don't mind, can you change the <title></title> of the index file to something differentOct 04 22:41
schestowitzroy@baine:~$ uptimeOct 04 22:41
schestowitz 23:29:27 up 30 days, 11:57,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.25, 0.26Oct 04 22:41
trmanco30 days thats goodOct 04 22:41
trmanco23:54:43 up 202 days, 12:53,  8 users,  load average: 11.02, 12.74, 11.54Oct 04 22:42
trmanconot my computerOct 04 22:42
trmancojust a shell server running centOSOct 04 22:42
twitterI only have 23 days, but that's because a hurricane blew out my power.Oct 04 22:42
twitterLaptops stayed up, ha ha.Oct 04 22:43
schestowitz:-(Oct 04 22:43
trmanco:POct 04 22:43
schestowitzWe need another mirror.Oct 04 22:43
trmanco:|Oct 04 22:43
schestowitzIf I link to BN, it could fall. 13 MB HTML...Oct 04 22:43
twitterthat corral cache thing?Oct 04 22:44
schestowitzI'd rather not..Oct 04 22:45
schestowitzThe connection on that server is still fine.Oct 04 22:45
schestowitzIt's as though something blocked HTTP due to high load.Oct 04 22:46
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 04 22:46
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 22:47
trmancofree hosting timeOct 04 22:50
trmancoI could try and mirror it but my host probably won't last too longOct 04 22:51
twitteryour admins are watching?Oct 04 22:51
schestowitzWe can tryOct 04 22:51
schestowitztwitter: doubtful, but maybe it's automated.Oct 04 22:51
trmancotry to mirror*Oct 04 22:51
schestowitzSay 1000 people an hour click this link...Oct 04 22:51
schestowitzThat's 13 gigs per hour.Oct 04 22:51
schestowitzThis is a 100MBit Ethernet, but practically it's less.Oct 04 22:52
schestowitzThe Manchester Computing backbone (or JANET) is 2GBit, IIRC. Maybe it's expanded now.Oct 04 22:52
trmancowaitOct 04 22:53
trmancoI got the solutionOct 04 22:53
twitterThey were watching me if the M$ smear team did the same thing to me that it did to you.  People knew who I was before I walked in.  You are lucky that people told you about what happened.Oct 04 22:53
trmancomy isp can mirror itOct 04 22:53
schestowitzAVRS2 has it on gnutella.Oct 04 22:53
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 22:55
AVRS2Why not torrent, though?Oct 04 23:00
schestowitzI could put copies on and risk taking /that/ down.Oct 04 23:00
AVRS2Who knows how to publish torrents?Oct 04 23:00
schestowitzOh, I know!Oct 04 23:01
schestowitzI have one site whose uptime I can little aboutOct 04 23:02
schestowitzBSD-based.Oct 04 23:02
trmancomy isp isn't helpingOct 04 23:02
MinceRguardian% uptimeOct 04 23:05
MinceR 01:09:22 up 268 days, 10:14, 12 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.17, 0.18Oct 04 23:05
MinceRthat's my NAT box/home server :)Oct 04 23:05
trmancouploadingOct 04 23:06
schestowitzOKOct 04 23:08
schestowitzAnother update: I made another mirrorOct 04 23:08
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 04 23:08
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 04 23:08
schestowitz"Update #4 (04/10/2008): the first mirror was downed by the load (thousands of OOXML pages combined with the Slashdot effect can do that), so here is a second mirror. If it’s down as well, come back later when there’s less hammering on the servers."Oct 04 23:08
zoobabRoy you have adds for Statoil, they were pro-OOXMLOct 04 23:09
schestowitzI wonder if it'll exceed 20 GB bandwidth on BN alone (not including mirrors)Oct 04 23:09
schestowitzzoobab: it's almost impossible to block them one by one.Oct 04 23:09
schestowitzWe already block several known 'antis'Oct 04 23:10
twitterreading 04 23:10
AVRS2twitter: I think KTorrent supports publishingOct 04 23:11
trmancoschestowitz, 04 23:12
trmancololOct 04 23:12
schestowitzThe second mirror is still upOct 04 23:12
AVRS2But probably they all do… the important thing is to find a tracker.Oct 04 23:12
trmancoI don't know how long that free hosting is going to stay up but I have plenty of trafficOct 04 23:12
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?u rn:sha1:DI66L7K5X67AODO5ZQCQFFOT4BTPPM IK">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/OfficeO</a>&nbsp;[93.33& amp;nbsp;KiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn: sha1:3BCIPRBMEFWJWV6ETUQ4KNC ZABVC4Q53">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/OfficeOpenXML-Sprea</a>&a mp;nbsp;[81.81&nbsp;K iB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1 :KHWQ62GVCBLHHWYU5BH6GV2 767WG2ULN">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/OfficeOpenXML-XM</a>&nbsp; [163.89&nbsp;KiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:CLHTKY B5AMXBBR36XTFHDSRW4G USGLVU">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/OpenPackaging</a>& nbsp;[2.50&nbsp;KiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2>  Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?u rn:sha1:3A25EBKJ5GW3RYS5YHPA54DGK 5ODJA54">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/OpenPackaging </a>&nbsp;[3.63&nbsp;KiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:B XV2GGINSSR5P UDQ7IM2GGP7Z5PNV 5UK">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/1081.pdf</a>& nbsp;[1.60& nbsp;MiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:KW KSTBYGPWY7GIAG3QERHGI KGTEIYH3U">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/1082.pdf</a>&nbsp;[839.08 &nbsp;KiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha 1:MQCIT7JEK6JIG4Q2UQWAIB3 LJHRV5III">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/OfficeOpenXML-REL</a>& nbsp;[104.52&nbsp;KiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1: CAFIMLX375NCTNXEWVGCJBQBB4I7 UZAG">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/OfficeOpenXML-XMLSch</a>&nbsp;[183.97&nbsp;KiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2>  Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:3Q E4KSD72S2J2WCJJODUOSP67SX FLKCB">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) specification pre-IS/1083.pdf</a >&nbsp;[9.63&nbsp;MiB]</li>Oct 04 23:13
schestowitz<AVRS2> <li><a href="/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:SOXBN UZQ2EOQ4RX6PIGWSNCWDREWBTB 6">Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXMLOct 04 23:13
schestowitzurn:sha1:SOXBNUZQ2EOQ4RX6PI GWSNCWDREWBTB6 may be a Gnutella hash for 1080.pdfOct 04 23:14
AVRS2that last one is included somewhere in the ones full of HTML.Oct 04 23:16
schestowitzYes, sorry about that.Oct 04 23:17
*schestowitz was hastyOct 04 23:17
schestowitzBTW, the second mirror is still up and running (BSD)Oct 04 23:17
trmancoschestowitz, not foundOct 04 23:17
PetoKraushmmOct 04 23:18
schestowitzWhich one?Oct 04 23:18
PetoKrauswhere?Oct 04 23:18
trmanco 04 23:18
schestowitzdanielsorogon?Oct 04 23:18
PetoKrauso.OOct 04 23:18
AVRS2not foundOct 04 23:18
PetoKrausi'll mirror as well, if you need toOct 04 23:19
PetoKrausshould have couple gigs of bandwith....Oct 04 23:19
AVRS2Why is it not found? The server didn't seem slow to me.Oct 04 23:19
schestowitzAVRS2: bn is down??Oct 04 23:19
schestowitzWorked for me a minute agoOct 04 23:20
AVRS2schestowitz: no, only the post was removed!Oct 04 23:20
schestowitzOh FUCKOct 04 23:20
PetoKraus:DOct 04 23:20
schestowitzI made it private due to WP bugOct 04 23:20
schestowitzFixed now.Oct 04 23:20
AVRS2hehOct 04 23:20
trmancoyes fixedOct 04 23:20
PetoKrausright so, what bunch of files you need to host?Oct 04 23:21
trmancoschestowitz, is you need another mirror -> 04 23:21
schestowitzProbably been like this since 10 minutes agoOct 04 23:21
trmancoI know it look kinda stupid (the link) but it will remove some load while it remains onlineOct 04 23:21
trmancolooks*Oct 04 23:22
PetoKrausheheOct 04 23:23
PetoKrauswhat are all those different files (1080 - 83)?Oct 04 23:24
schestowitzUpdatedx5: have added the new mirrorOct 04 23:24
trmanco:-DOct 04 23:25
trmancowowOct 04 23:26
trmancotraffic is increasing at a very high paceOct 04 23:26
schestowitz*LOL*" We laugh at AlexH for thinking that because a bug existed in a calculation, it should be specified and mandated that all future calculations contain the same bug, in case people corrected for it?" < >Oct 04 23:27
schestowitztessier: I found this .sig: "CmdrTaco is a Twitter sock-puppet."Oct 04 23:29
tessierWhat does that mean?Oct 04 23:29
schestowitzOops.  twitter: I found this .sig: "CmdrTaco is a Twitter sock-puppet."Oct 04 23:29
MinceR:)Oct 04 23:30
PetoKraus(if you need it, 04 23:31
PetoKrauswhere's the traffic monitor?Oct 04 23:31
schestowitzThanks, PetoKraus. I'll add it.Oct 04 23:32
trmancocoolOct 04 23:33
schestowitzAddedOct 04 23:33
schestowitzIt's good cause the PDF is the biggest bast4rdOct 04 23:34
trmancoyesOct 04 23:34
trmanco53 megsOct 04 23:34
PetoKrauswellOct 04 23:34
trmanco87 megs in 10 minutesOct 04 23:35
trmanco:OOct 04 23:35
schestowitzThis helps in spreading the load.Oct 04 23:35
PetoKrauswhere's the traffic monitor?Oct 04 23:36
schestowitzPortugal, Slovakia, UK and sunny California.Oct 04 23:36
schestowitzPetoKraus: which one?Oct 04 23:36
PetoKrausfor BNOct 04 23:36
schestowitzIt's behind passwordOct 04 23:37
PetoKrausalrightOct 04 23:39
PetoKrausgood luck, see you tomorrow ;)Oct 04 23:39
schestowitzgnOct 04 23:39
zoobabgnOct 04 23:41
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Oct 04 23:44
schestowitzAlex Brown retires!Oct 04 23:45
schestowitz 04 23:45
schestowitzMaybe it's all that pressure.Oct 04 23:47
AVRS2gnOct 04 23:53
trmancowellOct 04 23:58
trmancotime to go to bedOct 04 23:58
trmancogood night everyone...Oct 04 23:58
schestowitzIBM is a no-show. 04 23:58
schestowitzThey save the charade and the plane ticket. Good stuff. Alex Brown writes "Bye Byte IBM?" instead of "Bye Bye ISO".Oct 04 23:59

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