'Poor' Warren Buffett Receives Donations... from the Gates Foundation
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2009-03-09 08:01:38 UTC
- Modified: 2010-04-19 16:10:13 UTC
"My background is finance and accounting. As a socially conscious venture capitalist and philanthropist, I have a very good understanding of wealth management and philanthropy. I started my career in 1967 with the IRS as a specialist in taxation covering many areas of the tax law including the so-called legal loopholes to charitable giving. […] However, the Gates Buffet foundation grant is nothing more than a shell game in which control of assets for both Gates and Buffet remain the same. […] The only difference is that the accumulation of wealth by these two will be much more massive because they will no longer have to pay any taxes."
The Gates and Buffet Foundation Shell Game
Warren Buffett had joined this game and put some of its fortune inside the Gates Foundation a few years ago. It is a win-win situation for him. He receives credit for supposedly philanthropic deeds while at the same time his fortune is secured from the IRS and therefore there is smaller erosion of value. According to this
very curious report which a reader sent us, the Gates Foundation is also investing in Warren Buffett's very own company.
“Gates Foundation is busy investing in governments and pharmaceuticals that the foundation tells government to pass money to.”This calls for the question, "isn't the goal of the Gates Foundation to do charitable work?" For all one can gather, the Gates Foundation is busy investing in governments and pharmaceuticals that the foundation tells government to pass money to. Additionally, this foundation invests in petroleum (made cheaply, even at the expense of Nigerian kids' lives), automobiles, media companies that soon praise the Gates family, various harmful drugs, and also tobacco.
Quite an interesting charity they have there. Does it also pay tax or is it helping the Gates family become exempt from paying any because, evidently, the country is awash with money anyway? Sarcasm ought to be noted here, of course. ⬆

Did you know that the Gates
Foundation puts money in cigarettes?
2009-03-09 10:43:11
Here, once again, the Gates entourage, is changing the meaning of words (philanthropy) for their own personal gain.
Welcome to "The new and improved 21st Century Organized Crime". Brought to you and sponsored by your Federal, State and local government agencies.
2009-03-09 12:57:14
Buffet has not given money to de Gates foundation. He has put all of his Berkshire Hathaway stock worth 30 billion at the time in a trustfund which donates 5% of the stock to the gates foundation each year under the condition that the foundation spends all of the donation in that year. This means the Gates foundations recieves a bunch of stock each year and has to sell that stock each year.
When Buffet dies the remaining shares in the trustfund and all other assets of Warren buffet will be divided amongst several charitable foundations and will not be given to his children who will recieve only a 'minor' inheritance. So nearly all of Buffets fortyune will dissappear in philantropy.
You ridiculous accusations are beyond belief. Someone donates most of his immense fortune to charity and you make a mockery of it by providing false information on it.
Roy Schestowitz
2009-03-09 13:04:45
You don't seem familiar with what's known as 'pet' charities. Here is a recent article to bring you up to date.
2009-03-09 13:14:37
You do not seem to understand what I wrote.
Nearly all of Warren Buffet fortune will flow to charities. If not at all while he is alive than after he dies. That information is easy to verify.
If any tax is evaded that will thus also go to charity
Roy Schestowitz
2009-03-09 13:42:27
Gentoo User
2009-03-09 16:16:07
I think this is pretty much convincing proof that most of the time you don't even know what you're talking about. But this will look great later, when you start referring to it as "evidence", as with everything else.