Jobs image licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (version 1.2 or any later versions); Ellison patch By Thomas Hawk
SEVERAL months ago we remarked on Steve Jobs' highly misguided claim that Android was "stolen". Putting aside the misunderstanding of the word "stolen", what's really just a copycat is the toy collection of Mr. Jobs. It's a bunch of "glorified" (i.e. with apple-shaped logo) merchandise, made in the very same factories that produce Apple's competition, assembled with the very same components that are sold to many companies including Apple.
Oracle's argument is that while Java is an open-source language free to all, using the APIs as Google did requires a license—and the fact that Google doesn't have one puts them on the wrong side of copyright law.
Computer languages and software interfaces may fall under copyright protection if Oracle succeeds in its Java lawsuit against Google. Amazingly, "copyfighters" appear to have paid little or no notice to this rare extension of copyright into new realms. But the consequences and costs for the software industry could be enormous.
Samsung targets Apple in the US with eight more patents
Samsung has finally answered Apple's second US patent infringement lawsuit with patent infringement counterclaims of its own. On Wednesday, Samsung filed a response to Apple's lawsuit over the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, claiming that iPhones, iPads, Apple TVs, and Macs infringe one or more of eight patents. Two of those patents have been declared essential to 3G wireless standards, however, which could complicate the European Commission's investigation of Samsung's alleged abuse of standards-related patents.
2012-04-20 23:25:04
You often point to Apple as being anti-OSS, but they use it a great deal and have put OSS in the hands of more people than all Linux desktop distros combined. You say the same of MS, but they are in the top 20 contributors to the Linux kernel itself.
So who is against OSS? Quote them.
You like OSS. That is fine. But why make up boogie men monsters who you cannot show exist?