Summary: A call for help in documenting complaints about human rights abuses at the European Patent Office (EPO)
UPLOADED a short while ago (to Google, which also operates Blogspot and GMail, neither of which offers true privacy to say the least) was this document [PDF]
which serves to highlight concerns about the EPO's abuses. We don't have the text (needs OCR and/or careful manual work) and would love for someone to provide it.
Here is page 1:
Here is page 2:
We're drowning in material at the moment, so if anyone could please post the text (e.g. down below in the comments), that would be great. It's worth an entire article of its own, in order to do justice to this action.
More usefully, however, given the circumstances affecting Frenchmen (and a Frenchwoman) we also need a native French speaker to accurately translate
this new article, which one of our readers dubbed
"Suicides, Burn-out, discriminations à l’Office européen des brevets (OEB)" (that's EPO in French). To quote the opening paragraph (not a translation): "Suicides, Burn-out, discriminations et licenciements des délégués syndicaux à l’Office européen des brevets (OEB) et à la Banque Centrale Européenne (BCE)... Syndicats et élus politiques tirent la sonnette d’alarme sur le mal-être des salariés dans les institutions européennes. En cause, notamment, l'impunité juridique de ces institutions : elles ne relèvent d’aucune législation nationale, ne sont soumises à aucun contrôle extérieur et instaurent leurs propres règlements. Décryptage."
The coming few articles will focus on more urgent and emergent subjects. We must always prioritise in order to get things out at the right time.