THE EPO no longer comes under scrutiny from IP Kat, as we noted late last night. But to make matters worse, when it comes to UPC matters in particular, IP Kat became somewhat of an advocacy platform. They hopefully, at the very least, realise this and can acknowledge this.
"...when it comes to UPC matters in particular, IP Kat became somewhat of an advocacy platform."It is no secret that the UPC would harm SMEs; their representative groups even say so explicitly. But they're looked down upon by patronising self-serving elements which claim to speak about what's good for them, if not falsely speak on 'their behalf'. This is outrageous.
Part of the problem is Team UPC, which includes Bristows that's a major lobbyist for the UPC, even saying something to that effect (very blatant disregard for democracy). Annsley Merelle Ward from Bristows has been exploiting IP Kat for a weekly (if not more frequent) UPC lobby. Yesterday was no exception. Her headline is a lie, the 'article' is just more lobbying with selective evidence, and this was promoted in Twitter yesterday.
"The countdown has seemingly begun again," she wrote, "but the stakes seem to be even higher. The IPKat will be back tomorrow to report on the Competitiveness Council's session tomorrow and future debates on this topic."
"Has IP Kat become UPC Kat? Or Bristows Kat?"So now it's a daily lobbying spiel? Has IP Kat become UPC Kat? Or Bristows Kat? When a writer is using the blog for her employer (she's not the only writer there from Team UPC) we can't help but feel that we're seeing very low journalistic standards and basically alignment with at least a certain element at IP Kat with Team Battistelli.
Bristows lobbying for the UPC is not limited to IP Kat. We are seeing more of the latest Milan talking points in Bristows' own blog. It is evident that this firm continues to stomp over British and European democracy with this abomination known as UPC, noting in Twitter that "UPC EPLC Rules amended to include additional Italian qualification, by @Liz_Cohen_" (they're pushing in this direction, essentially meddling in politics). In another new post they are quoting other members of Team UPC, i.e. the echo chamber, arguing that "DAV says UK could still participate in the UPC system after Brexit and ‘a quick decision of the UK is needed’" (again, they're trying to rush British officials into an unacceptable trap, using panic and trauma).
We have come to expect this dirty playbook from Bristows, but why has IP Kat been dragged down like this? Why does IP Kat keep pushing for the UPC under the guise of news while no longer criticising the EPO? Here is a recent example where they say "To be, or not to be?"
"They just keep renaming and repurposing the same garbage, dodging the negative publicity (from the press and politicians, not to mention public interest/advocacy groups such as FFII)."Well, it's clear that the UPC cannot happen in the UK after the Brexit vote. Why even make it seem like a probability? "Post #Brexit everyone is lining up their bargaining chips," one member of the patent microcosm wrote the other day. "the UPC is just one of those." (reporting from a CIPA event)
The UPC is little more than a conspiracy of patent law firms trying to steal democracy and then pocket European companies' money. The EPO helps them for obvious reasons and the public is never being consulted at all. This is the kind of behaviour which motivated Brits to vote for Brexit in the first place. I have personally written about the UPC (in previous incarnations) for nearly a decade; I'm not unfamiliar with it. They just keep renaming and repurposing the same garbage, dodging the negative publicity (from the press and politicians, not to mention public interest/advocacy groups such as FFII).
"To say [the UPC can] "take years to build" is optimistic," I told Bastian Best last night, as "my bet is, it'll never happen, just be rebranded, repackaged" (remember EU Patent, Community Patent and other names).
"The UPC is little more than a conspiracy of patent law firms trying to steal democracy and then pocket European companies' money."WIPR's David Brooke, in the mean time, writes about "Opportunities after Brexit," having just published this article. Team UPC must recognise that Brexit was the winning side (I was against it by the way) and that UPC won't happen; neither in the UK nor in the rest of Europe (Spain for sure). We're disappointed to see what IP Kat has turned into quite recently. When you know you're misleading people and people call you out on it, why carry on? It's an exercise in futility when one writes for one's greed and self interest; or whenever speaking 'on behalf' of the public, hoping that nobody will pay attention or reject/refuse the obvious deception. When the only criticism of the UPC can be found in IP Kat comments rather than in IP Kat articles you know someone is suppressing one side of the argument (the side which represents the interests of more than 99% of the European public).
Team UPC are very, very sneaky. They pretend things will happen even before they happen (and they never happen). Remember those UK job advertisements for the UPC? How did that work out for applicants? ⬆