A post-truth EPO. More of the usual, just lies right there in people's eyes!

Benoît Battistelli is patiently lying to (and also paying) journalists to repeat his patently false claims
Summary: Benoît Battistelli shows not even minimal respect to science, truth, and facts, much like a particular administration which boasts about "alternative facts" and insists that "there's no such thing as facts"
THE wine collection of Battistelli is a much-needed gift now that constant lying is needed. The EPO's lies ceased to amaze us as they have become mundane, unlike say, the USPTO (we rarely if ever catch the PTO in a lie).
This culmination in lying does not surprise us at all. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Sometimes the EPO deliberately conflates a concept such as quality of service with quality of patents. That still makes it a lie from the EPO, and they cannot simply
blame it on their propaganda mills. 'Demand' [sic] is clearly not good; it is down at the EPO, which chooses industrial terms to describe what should be a service. "Demand for patent protection in Europe remains high in 2016," the EPO
wrote yesterday, but it is actually going down in Europe. We already wrote about it in the following posts about 2016 'results':
Demand from Europeans is down, as the last article above reminds anyone who is still in doubt about it. Now watch this
incredible new "blog" post from the EPO [
via Twitter, which does not facilitate tracking by the EPO], signed by Benoît Battistelli, the Liar in Chief. This is a lie, lie, lie from the EPO, and anyone affiliated with the EPO should be utterly embarrassed to be in any way associated with such a liar. "40% more patents granted as quality rises further" is the headline (screenshot above), but words like "I'm not a crook" or "I did not have sex with that woman" immediately come to mind. How much can one lie? And still keep one's job?
"And about half of these are not even European. Three of the highest ranked companies (60% of the top 5!) are east Asian."The whole scenario often makes us feel like Eponia is the equivalent of North Korea on China's border. It's worse propaganda than propaganda. Speaking of east Asia, mind this tweet which speaks of "East Meets West", an upcoming EPO event. It ought to be renamed "East Eats West" considering what Battistelli has done. He has put Europe at the mercy of patent trolls from Asia, all for the sake of some bogus 'gains' in so-called 'production'.
"European companies stood their ground among the top 10 applicants at the EPO in 2016," the EPO wrote yesterday. And about half of these are not even European. Three of the highest ranked companies (60% of the top 5!) are east Asian. Guess what happens next... [hint: east Asia has become the next big hub of patent trolls, as we have repeatedly shown here]⬆