Microsoft influence in the United States government

A lot of posts have been written about the subject, with concrete examples too. Some 'hubs' for links are the following posts:
Microsoft Executives Go Personal, Pay Obama Instead of Their Lobbyists
Microsoft Chooses New Lobbying Director with “Strong Ties to Democrats”
Bill Gates ‘Helps’ the Next United States President
Obama cabinet, DOJ (roundup)
Lists of Microsoft- and Gates-Hired Lobbyists in the United States
Microsoft Plays Hardball in Politics
More Microsoft Cronies in United States Government, Other Companies
Is Steve Ballmer Blackmailing Obama?
Microsoft as Political Movement in the US, Maybe India Too
Microsoft: The Cronies, the Pressure, and Staff Reductions
The Lesser-covered Side of the Big Stories
Microsoft’s Deep Influence in Malta and the United States
Secretary Robert Gates Honours Bill Gates, Microsoft May Manage Stimulus Funds
Goldman Sachs and Microsoft Top Obama Funders
Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates Find a Second Home in the White House
Government Shoots Itself in the Foot by Letting Microsoft Control Insecurity Departments
Bill Gates in the Oval Room
Bill Gates’ Influence in Obama Administration and Africa Increases Even Further
Former Microsoft General Manager ‘Infects’ the Debt-saddled Washington Administration, Helps Microsoft Dodge tax
Microsoft Crawls Into Bed With Washington, Seattle Times Still in Denial
Microsoft Media Seemingly Masquerades as Government Media
Microsoft to Use FDA Official to Take Over Patient Records in the United States
Bruce Perens Sheds Light on How Microsoft Controls the Government, Using Lobbyists
Tax-Free Financial Gain at Microsoft Assisted by Governor Gregoire
Microsoft and GOP (Republicans) Collaborate on Site, Taxpayers Pay for Microsoft to Keep and Restrict Access to NASA Data
United States of Microsoft?
Microsoft Plays Government
More Microsoft Antitrust and Tax Evasion, Legalised by Former Microsoft Management (Ross Hunter) in the Government
Microsoft Whistleblowing Alleges That Microsoft/Jon DeVaan Engages in Political Corruption/Election Fraud
Federal Motors and Federal Microsoft
Microsoft Federal Chief Decided to Quit, Microsoft Hires New Lobbyists
White House is Microsoft’s House
Microsoft Infiltrates Politics and Can Engage in Election Fraud in Iowa Right Now
Donald Trump Helped Bill Gates Increase His Wealth by More Than 50%, Especially During the Pandemic
Microsoft is Already Bribing the Likely Next US President (Having Also Paid the Trump Campaign) to Ensure Microsoft Can Get Away With Crimes and Receive Bailouts from Taxpayers
Microsoft is Stacking a Closed Door Panel in Washington (Commissioned by a Microsoft-Sponsored Senator), Pushing Its Products Using Buzzwords and Getting More Bailouts From the US Government, i.e. From Taxpayers