Last-Minute Call: OOXML Complaints and Formal Appeal
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2008-05-29 12:53:10 UTC
- Modified: 2008-05-29 12:53:10 UTC
Golden opportunity to free our documents
The deadline is here and Associated Press has just issued
this article:
South Africa is appealing a decision to make Microsoft Corp.'s Office Open XML format an internationally recognized standard for electronic documents, officials said Wednesday.
The South African Bureau of Standards sent a letter of protest to two Geneva-based organizations that held a worldwide ballot on Microsoft's application last month, complaining that the process was poorly conducted and rushed.
Today is the last day for another appeal to be filed.
Please consider contacting your national standards body. You can ask them to join South Africa's appeal, which should not be hard now that an initial complaint has been smacked on ISO's desk. Another appeal would have a significant impact on ISO's final call and also cast shadow on the validity of the process, which has already suiffered delays due to South Africa's complaint.
We have put up
information about Microsoft's OOXML abuses. Along with the names of countries we have put up the phone number of your national standards body in order to make the job easier. Some people have already phoned and reported back.

2008-05-29 14:05:44
Roy Schestowitz
2008-05-29 14:14:29
Since this a legal process too, another option would be to post a quick question in Groklaw and see what the lawyers say.
If you phone in, try to speak to someone who attended the BRM. They all ought to know it was a sham, but aren't exactly allowed to speak about it. The key is finding a sympathetic person to speak to on the phone. Let me know if I can do more to help.
2008-05-29 15:11:22
2008-05-29 15:48:20
2008-05-29 16:58:15
I don't think they will throw out OOXML at this stage, but I also don't think it's going to get published next week.
Roy Schestowitz
2008-05-29 17:20:18