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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Xmas 2008


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*moralist (n=moralist@wikipedia/moralist) has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 00:02 Extensions That Make It Very Powerful: 25 00:14
schestowitzHi, moralist Dec 25 00:14
moralisthiDec 25 00:22
*moralist has quit ("leaving")Dec 25 00:35
schestowitz "As soon as big countries (like China, Russia etc) move their government and educational institutions we'll see a significant growth of Linux market share. China has plans to do this by 2010. Russia is already doing this in schools. Germany has a good adaption of Linux already and continues expanding it." Dec 25 00:54
schestowitzJeff Gould attacks RMS: "What's corrupt about Stallman's moral sloganeering is that he condemns the pursuit of self-interest by others in order to promote his own equally self-interested goal of replacing the free market by some kind of high-minded collectivism." 25 02:04
MinceRgnDec 25 02:04
MinceRJeff Goa'uldDec 25 02:05
schestowitzThat Microsoft shill makes me sick.Dec 25 02:05
schestowitzgn and merry xmasDec 25 02:18
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 25 03:24
*neighborlee (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 05:00
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 05:01
EruaranMerry ChristmasDec 25 05:01
*DennisL (i=44275243@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 05:25
*DennisL has quit (Client Quit)Dec 25 05:26
kentmaMerry xmasDec 25 05:46
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 25 06:15
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Dec 25 07:28
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 09:17
*vida18 (i=4f5ab3d5@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 09:35
vida18merry christmas !Dec 25 09:36
schestowitzu2Dec 25 09:41
vida18thank youDec 25 09:43
*vida18 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 25 09:48
schestowitzPoll: 23 percent say Cheney worst vice president ever < >Dec 25 10:05
*mefju7 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 10:15
*mefju7 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Dec 25 10:15
trmancoLOLDec 25 10:16
trmancoand Linus does it againDec 25 10:17
schestowitzCursing?Dec 25 10:17
trmancohe released Linux 2.6.28 yesterdayDec 25 10:17
schestowitzEek.Dec 25 10:17
schestowitzNogrealase.Dec 25 10:17
schestowitzWhere's the changenog?Dec 25 10:17
trmancoright before Christmas :-P what a presentDec 25 10:17
trmancolet me look for itDec 25 10:17
schestowitzNo, never mindDec 25 10:18
trmanco 25 10:18
schestowitz6MBDec 25 10:20
schestowitzcanceled. Where's the announcement?Dec 25 10:20
trmancodon't knowDec 25 10:20
trmancowaitDec 25 10:20
trmancoI find itDec 25 10:20
schestowitzTaDec 25 10:20
schestowitzPhoronic probbaly has linkageDec 25 10:20
schestowitz*ronixDec 25 10:21
*anivar has quit ("Ex-Chat")Dec 25 10:22
trmancofound it 25 10:22
trmancoLOLDec 25 10:23
trmancohe has a big sense a humorDec 25 10:23
schestowitzThanks.Dec 25 10:26
trmancowhat happened to this -> 25 10:28
trmancoit is not workingDec 25 10:28
schestowitzMaybe he deleted it??Dec 25 10:34
schestowitzNo cache: 25 10:35
schestowitzHe deleted it. 25 10:36
schestowitzLockerGnome is a Microsoft-ish site anyway. It's run by a Microsoft MVP, so... Can't curse the Don there..Dec 25 10:37
trmanco:|Dec 25 10:37
trmancoschestowitz, you got a nice present from the trolls, sort ofDec 25 10:39
trmancolooks like you are doing a great job :-PDec 25 10:39
schestowitzThey are nervous.Dec 25 10:39
trmancoLOLDec 25 10:41
trmancogetting fired? :-PDec 25 10:41
schestowitz 25 10:41
schestowitz"Slit their fucking ignorant throats.   All of em. "Dec 25 10:42
schestowitzThat's "ezekiel" (he had dozens of names, including "Vista King"). He went on like this for ages, calling to slip the "ignorant throats" of Linux users or something. It's scary how radical some people this people are.Dec 25 10:42
schestowitzThey went ballistic when Vista was released, saying it would "kill" Linux. Hehe. Vista almost killed Microsoft and opened the door to Linux (and XP).Dec 25 10:43
trmancoand others tooDec 25 10:43
schestowitzI'd rather not reply to this nutjob. His real name is Scott Douglas, he's Canadian and I have more information that can easily pin him down. Same with Gary... they might get sued one day.Dec 25 10:46
trmanco:|Dec 25 10:48
trmanco"One nice thing about OpenSource is that the developers try toDec 25 10:54
trmancoproduce what users want, not what corporate marketeers want.Dec 25 10:54
trmancoMS have a thing or two to learn..."Dec 25 10:54
schestowitzIndia's PC Market Flat Despite Growth in Notebooks < >Dec 25 10:54
schestowitz /s/corporate marketeers/MAFIAA\/NSA/Dec 25 10:55
schestowitz 25 11:15
schestowitz 25 11:15
schestowitzPetoKraus: nice comment in Beranger. I hope the site won't vanish like Technocrat.Dec 25 11:21
trmancoLOLDec 25 11:25
MinceRgeekingsDec 25 12:41
schestowitztrmanco: I wrote about the Gates post going AWOL: 25 12:49
trmancoLOLDec 25 12:56
trmancoI like the last videoDec 25 12:56
schestowitzIt's annoying to watch. It shows the type of character he is behind closed doors: 25 13:01
trmancothe last part of that video is hilariousDec 25 13:02
schestowitzMessage to MaritzDec 25 13:04
schestowitzHe's in VMware now.Dec 25 13:04
schestowitzThey cut the best part out though.Dec 25 13:04
schestowitzHe then proceeds to talking about how to kill NetscapeDec 25 13:04
schestowitzHe's speechless.Dec 25 13:04
schestowitzbblDec 25 13:05
trmancookDec 25 13:06
Omar871trmanco: Who talked about how how to kill netscape?Dec 25 13:53
trmancoGatesDec 25 15:01
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 15:17
kentmaMerry xmas everybodyDec 25 15:19
trmancoMerry Christmas to you tooDec 25 15:20
schestowitzI had a good chat this afternoon about coverage in the press about the situatonDec 25 16:08
schestowitzSome people think that the press exaggerates -- not underplays -- the severity of issues in order to scare people. Some people suppress it or are in convenient denial.Dec 25 16:08
schestowitzBTW, if anyone is sick and tired of the financial talk here (recession/depression), please say something and I'll stop this. I assume people care about it, but I could be very wrong. :-SDec 25 16:21
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 25 16:24
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 16:24
schestowitzTuxMachines has a very smooth migration (didn't notice any downtime). Susan will hopefully keep up the wonderful work she does. It feeds some many other news site, mine included (BN links are sometimes found there).Dec 25 16:25
trmancois tuxmachines drupal?Dec 25 16:41
schestowitzYes, it is.Dec 25 16:42
schestowitzI hope she'll continue running it when time permits. I see promotion of FOSS also as an ethical obligation. :-) She does it all day and she loves it.Dec 25 16:42
trmancoare the posts manual or automated?Dec 25 16:43
schestowitzManual of course.Dec 25 16:44
schestowitzWhose would be automated? It's another case of Microsoft Munckin slander.Dec 25 16:45
schestowitzLike me /ALLEGEDLY/ changing sexes or something. They try to say that I run a botDec 25 16:45
trmancono none of thatDec 25 16:45
schestowitzIf only they could attack the message and not make fictional things up to attack a messenger with libel.Dec 25 16:46
schestowitzAnyway, here's an iffy one about Mandriva: 25 16:46
trmancoI was just asking because I would like to build a drupal website to work as a aggregation serviceDec 25 16:46
schestowitzThere's another one about OpenSUSE, but benJIman et al would slam me if I criticise it too muchDec 25 16:46
trmancoLOLDec 25 16:46
schestowitzOpenSUSE is a Novell project, but they use 'community' defence to shield it from critics.Dec 25 16:47
schestowitztrmanco: she's skilled at doing this manually and so am I. After doing this for years you find patterns of work that make it easy to spot good stories and important paras.Dec 25 16:47
trmancothis is great thenDec 25 16:49
trmancoa lot of dedication and effort put into helping the foss communityDec 25 16:50
schestowitzNot with code anymore.Dec 25 16:51
schestowitzI used to program a lot, but stopped around 2006Dec 25 16:51
schestowitzI still program for personal needs, but nothing that's of much use for me to put on like I used to (or MATLAB Central or Mozilla)Dec 25 16:52
trmancoI'm startingDec 25 16:52
trmancoThe 10 Coolest Open Source Products Of 2008:;jsess...Dec 25 16:52
trmancoI lot a novell stuff in thereDec 25 16:52
schestowitzBetter to enhance existing appsDec 25 16:52
trmancoI would like someday to be a packagerDec 25 16:52
trmancomaybe a MOTU for UbuntuDec 25 16:53
schestowitzWho wrote this?Dec 25 16:53
trmancodon't knowDec 25 16:53
trmancoit just popped up in my feed reader like thisDec 25 16:53
schestowitzI used to be in touch with Brent Core who volunteered in Ubuntu.Dec 25 16:53
trmancothats niceDec 25 16:55
schestowitzNo OpenMania in 25 16:56
trmancoNew GNU licence delayed: 25 16:56
trmanconopDec 25 16:56
trmancoI don't even follow thatDec 25 16:56
trmancoI am here tho >> 25 16:56
schestowitz 25 16:56
trmancoit is hard to readDec 25 16:57
trmanco:-PDec 25 16:57
schestowitzNice site design.Dec 25 16:57
schestowitz"Thursday, 29 March 2007"Dec 25 16:57
trmancowhere did you see that?Dec 25 16:58
trmancoweirdDec 25 16:58
trmancohow did that pop into my feed reader :|Dec 25 16:58
trmancosorry for that, I should have checked the date :|Dec 25 16:59
schestowitzIt has PR0Dec 25 17:00
schestowitzIt's amazing how old content goes off the radar.Dec 25 17:01
trmanco:ODec 25 17:01
trmancodo you still read Asay?Dec 25 17:01
schestowitzBN is indexed properly.Dec 25 17:01
schestowitzOn the other hand, used to have about 100,000 pages index, but now it's only about 10,000. Google is making changes to distribute resources.Dec 25 17:01
schestowitzNo, I don't read Asay, but I communicate sometimes. Maybe I'll get back to it, but he was just annoying me too much, so I decided to read it only when other sites link to postsDec 25 17:02
trmancoit is always changingDec 25 17:02
trmancosometimes for a better google and other times for a bad googleDec 25 17:03
schestowitzWhat is\?Dec 25 17:03
schestowitzOh, Google-wise.. uesDec 25 17:03
schestowitzyesDec 25 17:03
schestowitzThe danger for some sites is dependence on it.Dec 25 17:03
trmancoMicrosoft gearing up for layoffs? Let's hope not: 25 17:03
schestowitzGoogle went through the tech/Net bubble and surged to the topDec 25 17:03
schestowitzI like Google only as a tool because it's immensely powerful for researchDec 25 17:04
trmancoyesDec 25 17:04
schestowitztrmanco: hope not???/Dec 25 17:04
schestowitzOr its this th  ehadline?Dec 25 17:04
trmancoyes I was about to say something about thatDec 25 17:04
schestowitzI was going to post about it today, but it's Christmas, you know?Dec 25 17:04
schestowitzYou can't tell 10,000 Sorfties that they'll get sackedDec 25 17:04
trmancoyes, that post is from today and it is from Asay btwDec 25 17:05
schestowitzBN got like 1000+ visits this month from people who search Google for Microsoft layoffs (and variations thereof)Dec 25 17:05
trmancoLOLDec 25 17:05
trmancopeople are worried?Dec 25 17:05
trmancomaybeDec 25 17:05
schestowitzAsay is sucking upDec 25 17:05
schestowitzHe has to cooperate with MicrosoftDec 25 17:06
schestowitzHe talks to them every day, IIRC. He talked about this in that latest audicastDec 25 17:06
schestowitzSee, that's just another reason for me to ignore that blog. He tries to artifically add balance to please the employerDec 25 17:06
schestowitzThe other thing to name this is "sellout"Dec 25 17:07
schestowitzWhen you write to please interests rather than being blunt and truthfulDec 25 17:07
schestowitzHe wants Microsoft to go away, trust me.Dec 25 17:07
schestowitzHe just can't write "Microsoft implodes! Hurray!!" in CNETDec 25 17:07
trmancothat would be bad for cnetDec 25 17:07
schestowitzYesDec 25 17:08
schestowitzIt's sponsored by Paul AllenDec 25 17:08
schestowitzOr was..Dec 25 17:08
trmancoyes I understand what you are sayingDec 25 17:08
schestowitzMicrosoft is the  main advertisersDec 25 17:08
trmancopeople can't write freelyDec 25 17:08
schestowitzThey even signed a Vista promotion deal just over a year agoDec 25 17:08
schestowitzMatt mailed me when he moved to CNETDec 25 17:08
schestowitzI used to comemnt a lot in his InfoWorld blog (also the personal at blogspot)Dec 25 17:08
schestowitzSo he asked why I didn't comment in CNET and I told him it's a Vole-owned garbage dump (not in these words)Dec 25 17:09
schestowitzTwo months ago I also trashed the CNET feed. It was FILLED with Microsoft adverticles.Dec 25 17:09
schestowitzAnd Apple ones too. Apple advertises there too. CNET is a whore of big companies.Dec 25 17:09
trmancodo do it for the moneyDec 25 17:10
trmancothe do*Dec 25 17:10
trmancothey do*Dec 25 17:10
schestowitzYesDec 25 17:10
schestowitzNot for moralityDec 25 17:10
schestowitzNot for informing readersDec 25 17:10
schestowitzThey are paid by CNET, BUTDec 25 17:11
schestowitzI recently watched a very good videoDec 25 17:11
schestowitzThe gist of it is that reported perfume it to themselves that they say the truthDec 25 17:11
schestowitzLike in Internet, like in TV or radioDec 25 17:11
schestowitzThey need to convince themselves that nobody pressured them to write in a certain wayDec 25 17:11
schestowitzThe response to this is that since kindergarten we are taught never to say certain things.Dec 25 17:12
schestowitzLike a tabooDec 25 17:12
schestowitzSo if you submit something to a US journal you can't claim Cuba to be suppressed by the USDec 25 17:12
schestowitzIt would be fine in any other country in the world (only the US has an embargo because it's terrified of independence in Latin America)Dec 25 17:12
schestowitzSo anyway, the story goes like this..Dec 25 17:13
schestowitzWhen a reporte approaches a subject there is the almost subconscious knowledge and awareness of response from the paymaster.Dec 25 17:13
schestowitzThere's lot of this in the AMerican media which is biased by omissionDec 25 17:13
schestowitzAs Lessig puts it, when there is money on the table, trust vanishedDec 25 17:13
schestowitz*nishesDec 25 17:13
trmancoit is like and advertising scam/schemeDec 25 17:14
schestowitzYesDec 25 17:14
schestowitzBut it's more subtleDec 25 17:14
schestowitzThey are not paid directly.Dec 25 17:14
schestowitzTake Mary Jo for exmapleDec 25 17:14
schestowitzShe writes about Microsoft, right?Dec 25 17:14
schestowitzIn her disclosure she says nothing, BUTDec 25 17:14
schestowitzIn order for her career as a reporter to succeed she must have Microsoft that's strong and wealthyDec 25 17:14
schestowitzSo that in its own right is a disclosure.Dec 25 17:15
schestowitzFor me too, had Free software failed, then a lot of my effort would be wasted.Dec 25 17:15
schestowitzBut Free Software is no companyDec 25 17:15
schestowitzSome call it a social 'scam'... an attempt tthat motivates many-- leaders of countries included -- to go down this routeDec 25 17:15
schestowitzIn a similar vein, when the SCO thing was over, Groklaw lost some of its charmDec 25 17:16
schestowitzYou might fairly point out that it was in PJ's interest to have it carry on although she wanted them to sinkDec 25 17:17
schestowitzGood poem: 25 17:17
schestowitzGood poem: 25 17:17
schestowitzHe was here in IRC yesterday.Dec 25 17:18
trmancooh yeahDec 25 17:20
trmancoI remember himDec 25 17:20
schestowitzAll these issues are connectedDec 25 17:20
schestowitzkentma used  to point out that separating them is wishful thinkingDec 25 17:21
trmanco 25 17:29
trmancoOS X user moves to UbuntuDec 25 17:29
schestowitzYes, I have examples of thisDec 25 17:30
schestowitzpost it to colaDec 25 17:31
trmancoI'll be posting some more experinces on colaDec 25 17:31
trmancoexperiences*Dec 25 17:31
trmancoyes I willDec 25 17:31
schestowitz"Thinking beyond the Vole.." so to speakDec 25 17:31
schestowitzA thought... something occurred to me: why is debt referred to as credit? That's like drugs being described as medicine.Dec 25 17:40
schestowitz"it's not a loan, it's credit"... he's got "good credit" (=bad loan)...  "If thought can corrupt language, then language can also corrupt thought." --George OrwellDec 25 17:42
kentmaI re-read 1984 recently.  It remains an amazing work, as relevant today as when it was written.  I wonder if the US will ever be able to have a president who couldn't call on billions of dollars... Such posts should not be for sale.  It breeds corruption.Dec 25 17:50
kentmaI hope that the EU doesn't end up looking like the US in this respect.Dec 25 17:51
schestowitzHasn't it already?Dec 25 17:53
schestowitzAt least the UK is not a one-party state (in elections too) like the USDec 25 17:53
schestowitzWhere Biden (pro-RIAA, pro-war) is seeded along with other pro-war staffing chief, than appointing a public figure that's supposedly handsome and symbolic of a slogan like unity|hope|destinyDec 25 17:54
schestowitz*thenDec 25 17:55
kentmasarkozy is the worst thing we have at th emoment.Dec 25 18:08
kentmaThere was an interesting feature on the local guelph radio station last night about GM crops, monsanto and the position of HMCGDec 25 18:10
kentmaBasically, the point was made that there's been more or less zero real testing of GM crops, nobody really knows what the impact of them will be, but Monsanto have invested loads of cash and want to make some back.Dec 25 18:11
schestowitzSarko is like Bush in a way. He has wide support for his ignorance that he imposes upon others.Dec 25 18:12
schestowitzFun readings: 25 18:17
kentmaHmm, I'll take a look.Dec 25 18:18
kentmaSarko is a lot like bush, although I suspect that he's a bit more intelligent.Dec 25 18:18
schestowitzSarko's 'IP' policies if what I'm most familiar with. 25 18:19
schestowitzHe tries to censor the loud opposition he gets as well (mostly from the Internet I'd imagine). You know, he banned voodoo dolls bearing his face... or maybe his 'friends' banned these.Dec 25 18:20
kentmaHe's technically inept, like Blair, Bush and Brown.  We could do with some more technically able people in power, rather urgently, in fact.Dec 25 18:20
kentmaI can't really see how he could ban a doll...Dec 25 18:20
kentmaHow can you be a public figure and expect to control your image?Dec 25 18:21
schestowitzLawyers are like that. Good at talking, just don't ask them technical things. What's Sarko's professional bg?Dec 25 18:21
kentmaGood question, I suspect that he's another lawyerDec 25 18:21
schestowitzThey are good at sneaking out of questions too. Debating techniques and all..Dec 25 18:21
kentmaLots of good training for it.Dec 25 18:21
schestowitzMy older boss was skilled at it, claiming credit for ideas too..Dec 25 18:21
kentmaScientists, in the end, have to deliver, lawyers only have to talk.Dec 25 18:22
schestowitz 25 18:22
kentmaAh, claiming credit is a common trait of the weak-minded.Dec 25 18:22
schestowitzLayers are the mouths of scientistsDec 25 18:22
schestowitzJust look at patent lawyersDec 25 18:22
schestowitzLeeches to the victims, hounds to the hirersDec 25 18:22
schestowitzkapipi: other PhD students of his claimed the same thingDec 25 18:23
schestowitzHe must convince himself that he wrote all the papers and came up with all the ideas. I don't know about other professors.Dec 25 18:23
kentmaI dont' agree with all of that, rather, I'd say that lawyers are the mouths of investors, not scientists.Dec 25 18:23
kentmaAh, that's how he remains a prof, I'm sure...Dec 25 18:23
schestowitz"Nicolas Sarkozy is the son of an aristocratic [5] Hungarian immigrant father, Pál Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa[6] (Hungarian: Nagybócsai Sárközy Pál; some sources spell it Nagy-Bócsay Sárközy Pál; Hungarian pronunciation (help€·info) [nɒɟ͡ʝboːt͡ʃɒi ʃaːrkøzi paːl]), and a mother of French Catholic and Thessalonikan Sephardi Jewish[7] descent, Andrée Mallah"Dec 25 18:24
schestowitz"Sarkozy's political career began at 22 when he became a city councillor in Neuilly-sur-Seine. A member of the Neo-Gaullist party RPR, he went on to be elected mayor of that town, after the death of the incumbent mayor Achille Peretti."Dec 25 18:25
schestowitzOh, found it.Dec 25 18:25
schestowitzLaw school!!Dec 25 18:25
schestowitzSarkozy was enrolled in the Lycée Chaptal, a state-funded (public) middle and high school in Paris's 8th arrondissement, where he failed his sixième. His family then sent him to the Cours Saint-Louis de Monceau, a private Catholic school in the 17th arrondissement, where he was reportedly a mediocre pupil,[14] but where he nonetheless obtained his baccalauréat in 1973."Dec 25 18:26
schestowitz"He enrolled at the Université Paris X Nanterre, where he graduated with a Master in Private law, and later with a DEA degree in Business law."Dec 25 18:26
schestowitzYou know who else is a lawyer? Matt Asay, a self-proclaimed advocate of FOSS who spends a lot of time talking about Macs and business, but none about code, design and comparisons that descend below UI level. This reminds me of Scoble.Dec 25 18:27
kentmaYeah, I was just reading the same bit, he is another lawyer.Dec 25 18:27
schestowitz 25 18:28
schestowitz "Scoble only understands computers as a user, rarely realising the underlying issues in depth. He is no developer and no great writer either, yet his reputation and momentum, as well as being outspoken and critical of Microsoft while being paid by them is what makes him somewhat exceptional. His reputation is overrated."Dec 25 18:28
kentmaI wonder if the time is right for some professional institutions to start putting up their own candidates for parliamentary seats?  the way things are going, we're going to have lawyers running everything.  So much for magna carta...Dec 25 18:28
kentmaYeah, I've seen some of his writings.  As you say, the misunderstanding of technology doesn't add much.Dec 25 18:29
kentmaUnfortunately, I think that the IET might be too far gone to be recoverable as a useful technical entity.Dec 25 18:30
schestowitzRun by lawyers... you know who works in MAFIAA, right?Dec 25 18:30
kentma?Dec 25 18:30
schestowitzNo wonder people like Sarko and Brown push for their wishlist, e.g. 3-strike..Dec 25 18:30
schestowitzIt's lawyers for lawyers, with lawyers.Dec 25 18:31
kentmaIndeed, they think that they can legislate for technical issues, they don't understand that technology sets the agenda, and law must try to keep up.Dec 25 18:31
schestowitzDid anyone ask the artists (singers) how they feel? Not the 70-year-old rock star and Nancy Sinatras, but the YOUNG artists that want to break through.Dec 25 18:32
kentmaYou can make as many laws as you like, but you'll not defeat relativity, for example.Dec 25 18:32
schestowitzGates too was a lawyer, you know?Dec 25 18:32
kentmaAbsolutely, but youtube and the internet are the nemesis of the traditional perveyours of popular light entertainment.Dec 25 18:32
kentmaYes, I was aware, at least his dad was, anyway.Dec 25 18:33
schestowitzHis dad had friends in high places... he also employed Abramoff with his govt. connections for many years.Dec 25 18:33
kentmaSadly, science is taking an increasing rear seat in these issues.  It's seen as a business tool, rather that something critical to the development and future of mankind.Dec 25 18:34
kentmaThanDec 25 18:34
schestowitzThat's IPRDec 25 18:34
schestowitzWhy develop?Dec 25 18:34
schestowitzLet's just sit down and discuss litigation, transactions of err... knowledge and so on and so forth.Dec 25 18:34
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 25 18:34
kentmaThe IPR laws are the modern equivalent of the catholic church's approach to astronomyDec 25 18:35
schestowitzThis is new: 25 18:35
schestowitzzoobab uploaded itDec 25 18:35
schestowitz<zoobab> we need to split themDec 25 18:35
schestowitz<zoobab> per speakerDec 25 18:35
schestowitz<zoobab> and even split per "evil sentences"Dec 25 18:35
schestowitz<zoobab> the problem is that each time they talk about "counteirfeiting" and "piracy", it applies to patent infringementsDec 25 18:36
schestowitz<zoobab> keep this in mindDec 25 18:36
schestowitzProgrammers are "pirates" and they DON'T EVEN KNOW ITDec 25 18:36
schestowitzNew from the news:Dec 25 18:36
kentmaQuite...Dec 25 18:36
schestowitzDate: December 25th: "Indiana based Cygnus Systems has filed a lawsuit against the three giants Microsoft, Apple and Google claiming that they are infringing on a patent owned by them. The patent is related to file preview technology which gives the user a view of a file before it is opened."Dec 25 18:37
kentmaOh god, here we go again...Dec 25 18:37
schestowitzDecember 25th, not April 1stDec 25 18:37
schestowitzBradley M. Kuhn: "However, that wasn't the first thing that came to mind. Instead, I thought immediately of Microsoft's presence at OSCON this year and the launch of their campaign to pretend they haven't spent the last ten years trying destroy all of Free Software and Open Source."Dec 25 18:40
schestowitz"Never forget why they are making the offer. Microsoft is unique among proprietary software companies: they are the only ones who have actively tried to kill Open Source and Free Software. It's not often someone wants to be your friend after trying to kill you for ten years, but such change is cause for suspicion."Dec 25 18:40
schestowitz 25 19:09
trmanco 25 19:47
schestowitzI'll oggify it, thanks!Dec 25 19:48
trmancowellDec 25 19:50
trmancoXP has a useDec 25 19:50
schestowitzMaybe not, it's boringDec 25 19:50
schestowitzI watched just the first few secsDec 25 19:50
trmancoit just one image with a fancy songDec 25 19:50
trmancobtw, the image is nice tooDec 25 19:50
*kentma has quit ( 25 19:51
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trmancowowDec 25 19:51
trmancoheadshot !Dec 25 19:51
*schestowitz does damage controlDec 25 19:52
*schestowitz listens to samba todayDec 25 19:52
schestowitzwe lost loggerbot tooDec 25 19:52
schestowitzIts logs says it lost eveyone.Dec 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:36:01 <trmanco> 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *[H]omer_ has quit ( 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *PetoKraus has quit ( 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *schestowitz has quit ( 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *MinceR has quit ( 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *zoobab has quit ( 25 19:53
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schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *tessier has quit ( 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:40:05 *ChanServ has quit ( 25 19:53
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schestowitzDec 25 19:40:13 *kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:41:18 *ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 19:53
schestowitzDec 25 19:41:18 * gives channel operator status to ChanServDec 25 19:53
trmancoheyDec 25 19:53
trmancowhatDec 25 19:53
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 19:53
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schestowitzback.Dec 25 19:53
trmanco:)Dec 25 19:54
schestowitzIt's interesting to check, via scp/ssh how the other node responds.Dec 25 19:54
trmancoLinux rules them all -> 25 19:54
schestowitzlogger_bot is at my office.Dec 25 19:54
trmancoand I thought I had survived this earthquakeDec 25 19:54
trmanco:|Dec 25 19:54
schestowitzThat's a bad one, I saw it before.Dec 25 19:55
schestowitzYou did, but it's the other nodes that lost everyone.Dec 25 19:55
schestowitzIt's a global thing.Dec 25 19:56
schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *[H]omer_ has quit ( 25 19:56
schestowitzDec 25 19:39:30 *schestowitz has quit ( 25 19:56
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schestowitzDec 25 19:40:34 *schestowitz ( has joined #slatedDec 25 19:56
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schestowitzDec 25 19:40:35 * gives channel operator status to schestowitzDec 25 19:56
schestowitzDec 25 19:41:18 *ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #slatedDec 25 19:56
schestowitzDec 25 19:41:18 * gives channel operator status to ChanServDec 25 19:56
trmancoI don't understand much about this kind of stuffDec 25 19:56
trmancohey slatedDec 25 19:56
trmanco1 secDec 25 19:56
schestowitzSome people's server that they are assigned to crashes or rebootsDec 25 19:57
*kapipi has quit ( 25 19:57
*kentma has quit ( 25 19:57
*benJIman has quit ( 25 19:57
*Omar871 has quit ( 25 19:57
*logger_bot has quit ( 25 19:57
schestowitzIf you are not on this server, than all is well.Dec 25 19:57
schestowitzIt crashed again.Dec 25 19:57
trmancoweirdDec 25 19:57
-tomaw-[Global Notice] Hi all, one of our hubs just disappeared taking services with it. We're looking in to the cause now.Dec 25 19:57
schestowitzHad it not been Christmas there would be a global..Dec 25 19:57
schestowitzHehe. beat me to it.Dec 25 19:58
schestowitzBy 2 seconds.Dec 25 19:58
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 19:58
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 19:58
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 19:58
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* gives channel operator status to ChanServDec 25 19:58
*kentma ( has left #boycottnovellDec 25 20:02
-tomaw-[Global Notice] Hi all. The connectivity problems seem to be resolved and services are back online. Sorry for the disturbance and thank you for using freenode.Dec 25 20:09
*Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connectDec 25 20:15
*Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connectDec 25 20:43
schestowitzThis dude doesn't know that Barron's is Microsoft's (already-sorta-busted) fan press: 25 21:09
schestowitzMicrosoft binary mess in Office: 25 21:11
schestowitzMicrosoft professionals are such rookies that even girls below 10 can become one: Are they taking pride in the entry level?Dec 25 21:13
MinceRlolDec 25 21:15
schestowitzit devalues the whole thingDec 25 21:15
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 21:15
schestowitz"Mom, dad, look! I passed my MS exam, just like that 3rd grade student"Dec 25 21:15
*Omar871 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 25 21:16
schestowitzMS NTFS can't do SSD properly... fragmentation... 25 21:16
MinceRhm, fragmentation shouldn't be such a great problem on ssd, should it?Dec 25 21:17
schestowitzSSD works better in Linux than in any other O/S, bar legacy stuff.Dec 25 21:19
schestowitzDana gets trolled by the Munckins for a Microsoft-Nixon comparison: 25 21:19
schestowitzI can't make posts about these observations.Dec 25 21:19
schestowitzAbout that girl... people would easily name this racism|sexism|hatred of kids. It's one of those targets whom you can't criticise, ain't it?Dec 25 21:20
schestowitzThe Vista boosters from InfoWeek (the crime/collusions memos show this) sing for the thief:  Global CIO: Remembering Bill Gates: A Faraway Look At The Larger-Than-Life Legend < >. Yes, legend... Madoff too was a legend.Dec 25 21:23
MinceRi guess hitler was a legend, tooDec 25 21:24
schestowitzThe Preston shill moves on from attacking Linux to attacking Google Apps: Preston Gralla, like Ed Bott, writes stuff for a living to support the Vole.Dec 25 21:26
schestowitzThis is a very funny headline: Microsoft Puts The Royal Navy Under Water < > Sunk already??Dec 25 21:28
schestowitzEarlier on today I heard this giant lie about Microsoft creating jobs. It's akin to that lie about OLPC 'selling point' being kids who write and modify code... anyway, Microsoft did not create job. It /destroyed/ jobs and companies to limit competition (=less jobs) and deliver bad technology under fewer jobs in a single umbrella.Dec 25 21:32
trmancois this true >> 25 21:35
schestowitzMicrosoft is bribing some gaming sites, but I don't recall which one.. 25 21:36
schestowitztrmanco: I wouldn't try it.Dec 25 21:37
trmancoI won'tDec 25 21:37
trmancoI'm just askingDec 25 21:37
trmancoI really don't want a 64-bit os yetDec 25 21:37
schestowitzMicrosoft finds new homes: 25 21:38
schestowitzPrepare for Gates to lie some more about Americans being 'too stupid' to programmers and thus the need to bring the jobs to people who are paid $500/monthDec 25 21:39
schestowitzAs the recent research on Abramoff shows, Billy and his daddy used some political corruption to buy that Visa legislation. Absolutely appalling. He should be sent to exile for treason.Dec 25 21:39
schestowitztrmanco: it seems like an update that doesn't get pushed from the packagers at Canonicals... or at least not tested. I always think twice about changing kernels.Dec 25 21:40
schestowitzWhat's in 2.6.28 that you desperately/urgently need anyway?Dec 25 21:41
trmancoI'm not changing kernelsDec 25 21:42
trmancoI'm sticking with Ubuntu's updates hereDec 25 21:42
trmancoat homeDec 25 21:42
schestowitzAbout Gates, here's how to look at it: he steals jobs, destroys companies by breaking laws (then paying some fines), then repels his own countrymen for being too expensive (he just calls them stupid instead) and now he just moves to China. Why again are people like Trump and Gates looked up to? Oh, that's right. They bought media companies that thrive in greed.Dec 25 21:44
schestowitztrmanco: go for it if there's something to be gained.Dec 25 21:44
trmancoat schoolDec 25 21:45
trmancomaybeDec 25 21:45
trmancoon FC9Dec 25 21:45
schestowitzMission-critical?Dec 25 21:45
trmancoLinus says he can compile his kernel in 15 second IIRCDec 25 21:45
schestowitzDoes he still use a Mac h/w?Dec 25 21:45
trmancodon't knowDec 25 21:46
schestowitzHe's feeding the Bad Apple.Dec 25 21:46
trmancowhat do you mean?Dec 25 21:46
schestowitzHe pays Apple for his Fedora computerDec 25 21:47
schestowitzMicrosoft Plans To Cut Jobs By 10 Percent < >Dec 25 21:47
trmancoreally?Dec 25 21:47
trmancoweirdDec 25 21:48
schestowitzNot really. Wait...Dec 25 21:49
schestowitz :-)Dec 25 21:50
schestowitz 25 21:50
schestowitz "Linux creator Linus Torvalds said this afternoon that he's now running an Apple Macintosh as his main desktop, mainly for work reasons, although partly simply because he's a self-described "technology whore". "Dec 25 21:51
schestowitz""Dec 25 21:52
schestowitz"As to the why ... Part of it is simply that I wanted to try something else, and I felt like there were enough people testing the x86 side that it certainly didn't need me. Part of it is that I personally believe there are two main architectures out there: Power and x86-64 are what _I_ think are the two most relevant ones, and I decided that I had to at least check the other side of it out seriously if I really believed that," saidDec 25 21:52
schestowitz Torvalds."Dec 25 21:52
trmancoahhaDec 25 21:52
trmancoutter crapDec 25 21:52
schestowitz"However the kernel guru stopped any potential accusations of favouritism in their tracks, saying: "And don't read anything really deep into that - Linux supports 20+ architectures, and the fact that I personally think that two of them are more likely to be the most relevant really doesn't mean all that much. It's just a personal quirk of mine.""Dec 25 21:52
MinceRuh, isn't crApple x86?Dec 25 21:52
trmancoyesDec 25 21:52
trmancoonlyDec 25 21:52
trmancoI thinkDec 25 21:53
schestowitzOner pserson who defenced from OS X to Linux said the same. Mac's fs is terribleDec 25 21:53
schestowitzApple put some experimental ZFS in Leopard.Dec 25 21:53
schestowitzJust a CLI-level toyDec 25 21:53
trmancoZFS is high levelDec 25 21:53
schestowitzMinceR: in 2005 these were probably rarerDec 25 21:53
schestowitzWhen was the switchover? 2004?Dec 25 21:53
trmanco16 EB of FS sizeDec 25 21:54
schestowitz "A quick start this year by one of these high-profile interconnection coordinators for priority energy projects suggests they might. In just six months, Mario Monti, best known for challenging Microsoft as Europe’s competition czar in the 1990s, negotiated a new transmission line between Spain and France that had been stalled for 15 years."Dec 25 21:55
schestowitzI need to pull those old links about Microsoft's connection to European communist activists sometimes. It shatters the whole "FOSS is communism" FUDDec 25 21:55
schestowitzMicrosoft MVPs constantly flood the news with Microsoft boosting: Why is this in Google News? It's like a Microsoft employee aggregating pro-Microsoft article.Dec 25 21:58
schestowitzSome Online Ads Thrive in a Miserable Economy < >. Good for F/OSS/SaaS. OOo moves in this direction tooDec 25 22:14
schestowitzSecond Zero Day Flaw Nails Microsoft In Two Weeks < >. And they allegedly knew about it _since April_.Dec 25 22:16
schestowitzWeisel Cuts Microsoft Q2 Numbers; Sees Slowing Server and Office Sales < >Dec 25 22:19
trmancoWindows users get GEDIT -> 25 22:21
schestowitzPeople like Jose_X are against it, but it seems quite harmless.Dec 25 22:23
schestowitzThat said, would would use it and why? Windows has other free text editors that re decent. Maybe it's better to spend the time improving Gedit for free platforms (that's how the argument goes anyway).Dec 25 22:24
trmancoyesDec 25 22:24
trmancowindows has notepad++Dec 25 22:25
trmancogreat tool for windowsDec 25 22:25
trmanco... or emacsDec 25 22:25 25 22:28
trmanconoDec 25 22:28
trmancoI have a windows version of emacs at schoolDec 25 22:29
trmancobut I can't remember how it is compiledDec 25 22:29
MinceRthe first emacs i've used was the windows one :>Dec 25 22:29
schestowitzI was sort of joking. 25 22:30
schestowitz"Developers are puzzling over recent clues blogged by a few Microsoft employees regarding a new “Emacs.Net” tool the company is building."Dec 25 22:30
trmancothe windows version is slow due to the crappy windows memory managementDec 25 22:30
schestowitz"Microsoft builds..." like Microsoft spits in Stallman's face.Dec 25 22:30
trmancothe hard drive doesn't stop grinding on windows with emacsDec 25 22:30
schestowitzOr as GNOME people would put it, "some more Windows toys"Dec 25 22:30
trmancowell better have emacs for windows to program then that crappy notepad sh*tDec 25 22:31
MinceRthe hard drive doesn't stop grinding on windows without emacs either :>Dec 25 22:31
trmancoLOLDec 25 22:32
MinceREight Megabytes And Constantly SwappingDec 25 22:32
trmancowell, yeah you are rightDec 25 22:32
trmancothat is an oldieDec 25 22:32
trmancoback in time 8 megs of ram was almost a super computerDec 25 22:32
schestowitzScientist calls for robot ethics guidelines <,... >Dec 25 22:36
schestowitzI get a funny feeling when I read this. Like those people who speak to their dogs or something.Dec 25 22:36
schestowitz"The human touch [...] Rise of the machines" Ze Terminazor!Dec 25 22:37
trmancoI hate robot programmingDec 25 22:38
trmancoit is not my styleDec 25 22:38
tessierRobot programming?Dec 25 22:42
tessieremacs is lightweight compared to modern applicationsDec 25 22:42
schestowitzRobots will hate human programming too.Dec 25 22:42
tessierA lot of the people who criticized emacs now use Eclipse.Dec 25 22:42
trmancoemacs on my machine fills up 18 megs of ramDec 25 22:43
trmancowith 1 file being edited with about 300 lines of codeDec 25 22:43
schestowitzWhat happens if you test in on a 32MB of RAM machine?Dec 25 22:45
schestowitzMaybe it eats up what's available for speed and convenience. How does it scale?Dec 25 22:45
tessiertrmanco: 18M vss or rss?Dec 25 22:48
trmancotessier, what do you mean?Dec 25 22:48
trmancoschestowitz, it will grab ram for its own speed I guessDec 25 22:49
tessierHow do you know it takes 18M of RAM?Dec 25 22:49
tessierThere are several different ways of measuring how much RAM an app takes.Dec 25 22:49
schestowitzHere's a thing.Dec 25 22:49
tessierI have vim running right now and it is using 119M vss and 3M rss.Dec 25 22:50
trmancotessier, htop, top and the gnome system panelDec 25 22:50
trmancooh waitDec 25 22:50
tessiervss is virtual size. That includes all of the libraries and everything it has mapped in.Dec 25 22:50
tessier3M is the resident size. I think that is how much RAM it is actually using.Dec 25 22:50
trmancowell, rss thenDec 25 22:50
trmancoyes that is itDec 25 22:50
trmancobut I'll checkDec 25 22:50
schestowitzIt has taken a while for OIN to return details to me. They offered an interview, I informed the editor and sent the questions that are reasonable. Now I'm under pressure from the editor to give what was promised. Now he sayd: "I just received word from my medium with Keith today that although the interview was promised, he has been unable to and will be unable to complete the questions.  I wholeheartedly apologize for this inconvenDec 25 22:50
schestowitzience and am extremely disappointed that this did not work out."Dec 25 22:50
schestowitzIOW, the questions were too good for him to address.Dec 25 22:51
schestowitzI raised the problems with OIN.Dec 25 22:51
tessierToo good? What sort of questions?Dec 25 22:51
MinceRlol eclipseDec 25 22:51
schestowitzHe could defend it, so we watch these cowards chicken out.Dec 25 22:51
MinceREnterprise TrainwreckDec 25 22:51
schestowitzOIN has made no friends with me then.Dec 25 22:51
schestowitztessier: I'll probably do a post about it tomorrow.Dec 25 22:52
schestowitzThose IBM fronts are a waste of time.Dec 25 22:52
schestowitzA major Atlantic cod population heads for extinction < >Dec 25 22:53
trmancoemacs: virt 33 MB RES 22 MB SHR 9 MBDec 25 22:57
tessierNot bad for an editor with a whole programming language and development environment embedded into it.Dec 25 22:59
trmanco:-PDec 25 22:59
MinceRwell, emacs isn't a bad operating system, all it needs is a good editorDec 25 23:00
MinceRand viper is closeDec 25 23:00
tessierI am still an emacs novice and barely know any emacs lisp but I really like the designDec 25 23:00
tessierIt isn't an operating system and emacs is a good editor.Dec 25 23:01
tessierEmacs has no hardware drivers in itDec 25 23:01
schestowitz:-)Dec 25 23:01
schestowitzFamous joke.Dec 25 23:01
MinceRthen it isn't a good operating system after all :>Dec 25 23:01
tessierTired joke.Dec 25 23:01
schestowitzGNU emacs never grew hurd legsDec 25 23:01
trmancowell I like itDec 25 23:02
trmancoit is advancedDec 25 23:02
schestowitzI tried it only for a few days back in 2002Dec 25 23:03
schestowitzIn EnlightenmentDec 25 23:03
MinceRi prefer [g]vimDec 25 23:03
trmancofast but bloated with customization optionsDec 25 23:03
schestowitzI preferred nedit at the time. (GTK/C programming)Dec 25 23:03
trmancogvim is cool tooDec 25 23:03
trmanconever tried neditDec 25 23:03
tessiergvim has just as many options except they aren't exposed because the editor isn't implemented in a language which you have access to from the editor itself like emacs.Dec 25 23:04
tessierThat is the biggest innovation of emacs.Dec 25 23:04
MinceRi didn't like the lack of font antialiasing in emacs; also the weak color theme support, lisp-centricism and slow syntax highlighting (it was rather prone to getting lagged)Dec 25 23:04
MinceRgvim has a scripting languageDec 25 23:05
MinceRand it's a lot more usable than lisp :>Dec 25 23:05
tessierYes but gvim isn't implemented in that language.Dec 25 23:05
MinceR(it also has interfaces to various languages)Dec 25 23:05
tessierThat only suggests you don't know lisp.Dec 25 23:05
MinceRlisp isn't human-readableDec 25 23:05
trmanco()(()))()Dec 25 23:05
tessierYou imply that I'm not human.Dec 25 23:05
MinceRthey came close, but stopped developing the language before inventing a syntax for it :>Dec 25 23:06
trmancoI don't know lisp yetDec 25 23:06
trmancocan't say nothing about itDec 25 23:06
trmancohow different is lisp from elisp?Dec 25 23:10
tessiertrmanco: Not veryDec 25 23:10
tessierNot at all, depending on the implementationDec 25 23:10
tessierThe concepts and syntax are the same.Dec 25 23:10
tessierLisp does have a syntax. The best syntax IMO. The only syntax which is parseable by itself. No other language can do that.Dec 25 23:11
trmancocoolDec 25 23:11
tessierA lisp program is itself an abstract syntax tree.Dec 25 23:11
MinceRtoo bad i'm not lispDec 25 23:11
MinceRtherefore parsing it is pain to meDec 25 23:11
trmancoI'll try lisp or elisp one dayDec 25 23:12
MinceRespecially with the default coding style, which recommends piling up the closing parens at the end of a line in a big bunchDec 25 23:12
tessierThis is what makes Lisp so different. No other language can do macros like lisp can. They all have to run through a layer of indirection to parse and ultimately generate the abstract syntax tree.Dec 25 23:12
tessierMinceR: You don't really need them anyway. Especially if it is indented correctly. The beginning parens are much more important.Dec 25 23:13
MinceRexcept if i add one too many or too few parensDec 25 23:13
tessierYou won't.Dec 25 23:13
MinceRthen everything blows up and i need a utility to help me find where it's wrongDec 25 23:13
MinceRi've already done so, while hacking a theme for Sawfish.Dec 25 23:13
MinceR(the wm that runs lisp-based themes -- it's incredibly slow)Dec 25 23:13
tessierYou need a utility to program anyway. You were just commenting on how you don't like the emacs highlighting and various other things. If you didn't need them it wouldn't matte.rDec 25 23:14
MinceRi'd like syntax highlighting to be a handy tool i can do without, not an absolute necessity without which code is unreadable and unmanageableDec 25 23:14
MinceRi've actually thought of learning mlisp but the damn thing isn't documented anywhereDec 25 23:15
tessierI also like that lisp is the second oldest programming language still in use today (second only to FORTRAN) and that it had, decades ago, all of the stuff that new languages are raving about having.Dec 25 23:15
tessierIt shows how little we have really learned about software after the 1960's.Dec 25 23:16
MinceRthat's niceDec 25 23:16
tessierAlthough hardware has advanced a lot which has allowed us to use things which were discovered although not implemented back then.Dec 25 23:16
tessiertrmanco: I would suggest picking up The Little Schemer.Dec 25 23:16
tessiertrmanco: It was very interesting. Quite theoretical though. PLT-Scheme and How To Design Programs is supposed to be very good also and might suite you better if The Little Schemer isn't your style.Dec 25 23:17
MinceRbut there's a reason why all the other languages aren't written in the form of an abstract syntax tree :>Dec 25 23:17
tessierAlthough I haven't worked through it.Dec 25 23:17
trmancotessier, what is that? a book?Dec 25 23:17
tessiertrmanco: yesDec 25 23:17
trmancothanksDec 25 23:17
trmancoI'll right that down somewhere for future referenceDec 25 23:18
trmancoanyway  look what I've found "Ulp! Vista fatal crash please help."Dec 25 23:18
trmanco"First I bought a Vista Home Premium computer.Dec 25 23:18
trmancoAfter 18 months or so it crashes on a regular basisDec 25 23:18
trmancowith fairly similar results."Dec 25 23:18
schestowitzIs that from a URL?Dec 25 23:20
trmancoa newsgroupDec 25 23:21
trmancoI subscribed today on 2 windows genereal newsgroups just for funDec 25 23:21
trmancogeneral*Dec 25 23:21
trmancohere -> 25 23:22
*kapipi_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 25 23:36
schestowitzIf only I could figure out how to put a spellchecker in Kate/Kedit...Dec 25 23:37
trmancoI know in geditDec 25 23:38
trmancoit probably is similarDec 25 23:38
schestowitzIt's s programing editor.Dec 25 23:38
schestowitzSo I have autoc-omplete for work/variables.Dec 25 23:38
trmancooops, my badDec 25 23:39
schestowitzHm..... 25 23:39
trmancoI thought gedit as in gnome edit was similar to kedit as in kde editDec 25 23:40
schestowitz 25 23:40
schestowitzWell, the function is similarDec 25 23:41
trmancoispellDec 25 23:41
trmancoI use that in emacs :-PDec 25 23:41
trmancoand geditDec 25 23:41
trmancowell, everywhere it is a shared libraryDec 25 23:42
schestowitzYes, but I have no plugin to link themDec 25 23:43
schestowitzEven Firefox uses ispellDec 25 23:43
schestowitzKate wasn't created to be a text editor, but I do HTML in itDec 25 23:43
schestowitzwell, I should say "words editor", as opposed to tokensDec 25 23:44
trmanco:-pDec 25 23:45
schestowitzOh damnDec 25 23:50
schestowitzI already have that, but it's the wrong thing,.Dec 25 23:50
schestowitzI wanted "as you type" spellchecker like in KNodeDec 25 23:50
trmancothe ispell thingy ?Dec 25 23:50
trmancodoes that have some checkboxes for configuration?Dec 25 23:51
schestowitzNot that I could ever find any. I tried last yearDec 25 23:51
schestowitzNo happiness.Dec 25 23:51
trmancoor maybe some variable isn't set correctlyDec 25 23:51
trmancospell-on-the-fly 1Dec 25 23:52
trmanco:-PDec 25 23:52
schestowitzI find some useful stuff along the way though, like "capitalise"Dec 25 23:53
schestowitzThe existing toys still don't offer inline spellcheckerDec 25 23:53
schestowitzNo answer (Oct. 2008): 25 23:54
schestowitzSo I'm not alone and no such thing exists yet on the face of it. 25 23:55
trmancoit will be implemented some day :-PDec 25 23:56
schestowitzI just paste it in Firefox anyway, so it was never a big deal.Dec 25 23:58

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Gemini Links 13/03/2025: MElon "Greek Tragedy" and Going Offline More
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Richard Matthew Stallman, or rms (RMS), Turns 72 This Coming Weekend
This coming Sunday he deserves a cake
Links 13/03/2025: COVID-19 Legacies and "Modern" Cars as Spying Machines on Wheels
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, March 12, 2025