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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 17th, 2009 - Part 1


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*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 00:19
oiaohmschestowitz: you slipped up.  Redhat Virtualistion deal with MS is after something.   2008 can run a unlimited number of windows servers inside the ms hypervisor under 1 licence.Feb 17 00:20
oiaohmNow if redhat can get the same hello cheep central server running of windows.Feb 17 00:21
schestowitzSo who came to who?Feb 17 00:21
oiaohmRedhat has been after the deal for 4 years.Feb 17 00:22
schestowitzJust virt?Feb 17 00:22
oiaohmBut would never sign off on patents unless it covered open source.Feb 17 00:22
oiaohmVirt is just a small bit of it.Feb 17 00:22
oiaohmIt really shows how weak MS is at moment.Feb 17 00:22
schestowitzI did say thisFeb 17 00:23
schestowitzI mean, OK...Feb 17 00:23
schestowitzYou said I slipped up.Feb 17 00:24
schestowitzFor omission?Feb 17 00:24
oiaohmYepFeb 17 00:24
schestowitzBecause I have a third post coming.Feb 17 00:24
oiaohmOkFeb 17 00:24
schestowitzFirst is about Novell slipping upFeb 17 00:24
oiaohmYou normally don't miss little details.Feb 17 00:24
schestowitzI had some /, modpoints today and I picked some stuff there.Feb 17 00:24
oiaohmThat are important.Feb 17 00:24
MinceRslashcomma? :>Feb 17 00:24
schestowitzI'll mention this.Feb 17 00:24
oiaohmAlso kvm and qemu are becoming the same thing.Feb 17 00:24
schestowitzMinceR: slashtypo :-)Feb 17 00:25
PetoKrauswell it's about timeFeb 17 00:25
schestowitzoiaohm: I'll attribute this to you.Feb 17 00:25
PetoKrausi'm tired of fkn proprietary VirtualboxFeb 17 00:25
MinceRoiaohm: what are they going to be called?Feb 17 00:25
MinceRPetoKraus: agreedFeb 17 00:25
MinceRthough my main issue with virtualbox is its unreliabilityFeb 17 00:25
PetoKraus(there's no OSE for amd64)Feb 17 00:25
benJImanIf only it were possible to run 32bit software on amd64.Feb 17 00:26
MinceRplus, during the day that has ended about 1h 33m ago, i've figured out networking in kvm/libvirtFeb 17 00:26
PetoKrausbenJIman: oh come onFeb 17 00:26
PetoKrausyou know what i meanFeb 17 00:26
MinceRso now i can move to kvm :)Feb 17 00:26
oiaohm  also I guess redhat will want windows servers to work with there virtualisation management software.Feb 17 00:26
benJImanI have no problem with it on amd64 :)Feb 17 00:26
MinceR(firestarter was completely messing with it)Feb 17 00:26
PetoKrausi don't want to have whole dependency stack just because of itFeb 17 00:26
PetoKrausand yesFeb 17 00:27
PetoKrausmy system is not multilibFeb 17 00:27
PetoKrausbecause that's the PROPER wayFeb 17 00:27
benJImanDoing it incorrectly.Feb 17 00:27
PetoKrausnoFeb 17 00:27
PetoKrausdoing it like a wank... NOT.Feb 17 00:27
MinceR(actually, mostly a cow orker did the figuring out for me.)Feb 17 00:28
oiaohmRedhat vitiralisation is KVM that is also tightly bound to QEMU.  I thinkt that is you question MinceRFeb 17 00:29
oiaohmKVM also support Linux kernel page sharing.Feb 17 00:29
benJImanYes having my pain free openoffice, wine, games, virtualbox et al is so inconvenient.Feb 17 00:29
MinceRi mean, after qemu and kvm merge, what are they going to call the result?Feb 17 00:30
*benJIman sleeps.Feb 17 00:30
oiaohmkvm will remain kvm as the kernel moduleFeb 17 00:30
oiaohmqemu will remain qemu for the userspace parts.Feb 17 00:30
oiaohmNeither is naming changing.Feb 17 00:30
MinceRso qemu will be called qemu even if it relies on kvm?Feb 17 00:31
MinceRi remember having a kvm executable, that's why i'm asking.Feb 17 00:31
oiaohmkvm executable will go by by.Feb 17 00:31
MinceRicFeb 17 00:31
MinceRmakes sense.Feb 17 00:31
oiaohmInsead qemu will be able to run using kvm or using internal emulation.Feb 17 00:31
oiaohmor still the old kernel mode speed up.Feb 17 00:32
PetoKrausbenJIman: well, let me tell you one thing. Ooo works under amd64, native. I don't care about wine, i play only FOSS games nowadays, most of which are ported to amd64. The virtualisation is the only thing which is annoying me, just because there is no FOSS version of VBox, when there's FOSS version of 32bit VBox and prop version of 64bit VBoxFeb 17 00:32
PetoKrausgot my point?Feb 17 00:32
PetoKrausnow, honestlyFeb 17 00:32
PetoKrausSHUT THE FIRTH UP!Feb 17 00:32
MinceR:DFeb 17 00:32
benJImanI find the 64bit OOo quite unstable compared to the 32bit build.Feb 17 00:32
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 00:32
PetoKrausI find YOU being novell trollFeb 17 00:32
oiaohm64 bit OOo from who benJImanFeb 17 00:33
PetoKrausbut heyFeb 17 00:33
oiaohm64 bit OOo from openoffice download page is good.Feb 17 00:33
PetoKrausmaybe if you used vanilla packagesFeb 17 00:33
oiaohm64 bit from go-oo suxs.Feb 17 00:33
PetoKrausbut that doesnae work for yee, benjeeeboyFeb 17 00:33
oiaohmYes the novell one.Feb 17 00:33
PetoKrausi guess you finally grasped my pointFeb 17 00:34
PetoKrausnow, let's go back to sleep.Feb 17 00:34
benJImanYour point seems to be that "not being able to run 32bit apps is better than being able to run them" which doesn't seem to make sense.Feb 17 00:34
benJImanAnyway it's late. /me sleeps.Feb 17 00:34
PetoKrausoh for god's sakeFeb 17 00:35
PetoKrauswhere are you fromFeb 17 00:35
oiaohmI think brain is overrun with lack of sleep.Feb 17 00:35
PetoKrausor is absent completelyFeb 17 00:35
PetoKrauswho votes for 2?Feb 17 00:35
PetoKrausmy bloody point is, that i don't see a reason, why there is 32bit OSE edition not 64bit OSE edition, when there are both 32bit and 64bit proprietary editions.Feb 17 00:36
MinceRit's because sun hates flossFeb 17 00:37
MinceRand they hate you unless you buy solaris and all that crap from themFeb 17 00:37
PetoKrauskick it in the head thenFeb 17 00:37
MinceRwhile they posture as teh great floss guysFeb 17 00:37
schestowitzNovell/SUSE people like benJIman advocate the flaky forks of OOo, notably Go-OOXMLFeb 17 00:41
schestowitzOOo never crashed on me... not that I can remember such an incident... ever.Feb 17 00:42
schestowitzAnd I use an AMD 64 CPU in 32 bit mode on this partition.Feb 17 00:43
schestowitzThe Ubuntu box (32 bit) at work never had OOo crashes, either.Feb 17 00:43
schestowitzWith kate and OOo I'd fell comfortable working for long periods of time without saving because data is never lost by accident.. same with Firefox. It just works.Feb 17 00:45
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 00:46
PetoKrausthe other day i was sending my CV somewhereFeb 17 00:47
PetoKrausthey had limit 100kB on a fileFeb 17 00:47
PetoKrausthe PDF just wouldn't fit!Feb 17 00:47
PetoKrausi had to print the odt to postscriptFeb 17 00:47
schestowitzOr a DOC with a trail of invisible junkFeb 17 00:47
PetoKrausopen it in evinceFeb 17 00:47
PetoKrausand print it to pdfFeb 17 00:47
schestowitzSites should not do this upload thingFeb 17 00:48
schestowitzPeople can upload their CV to some Webspace (even Google something)Feb 17 00:48
schestowitzThen people like recruiters can be given the URLFeb 17 00:48
PetoKraus260kB pdf from OOo vs 19kB pdf printed like thatFeb 17 00:48
schestowitzYou can keep it up to date this wayFeb 17 00:48
schestowitzNo "we've noticed that you haven't updates your CV for XX months, please come and upload it again"Feb 17 00:49
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 00:49
PetoKrauslinkedin is a nice thing thoughFeb 17 00:49
PetoKrausi think i'm gonna join it soonFeb 17 00:50
PetoKrausanywayFeb 17 00:50
PetoKrausgood night, tomorrow's long dayFeb 17 00:50
schestowitzI can't find my account there in GoogleFeb 17 00:53
schestowitzAh well...Feb 17 00:53
oiaohmAlter the export options PetoKrausFeb 17 00:56
oiaohmI have had over sized openoffice one reduce a lot from open office turning a few thing off.Feb 17 00:57
oiaohmTurn off bookmarks and lock the export dpi cuts size down massively PetoKrausFeb 17 00:58
oiaohmOpenOffice defaults to 1200 DPIFeb 17 00:59
oiaohmMost cases that is overkill.Feb 17 00:59
oiaohmO well Have to tell him when it turns up again.Feb 17 01:00
MinceRthere is no 'overkill'. there is only 'open fire' and 'reload'.Feb 17 01:00
MinceR:>Feb 17 01:00
oiaohmPDF form mode as about 15 kb even if document is not a form.Feb 17 01:01
oiaohmYes some areas of OpenOffice export to PDF need kicking.Feb 17 01:01
oiaohmScan doc work out what is needed then export not export and pray.Feb 17 01:01
MinceRgnFeb 17 01:03
schestowitzoiaohm: the engine is Free sofwtareFeb 17 01:03
oiaohmI really have to learn enough of OpenOffice one day to fix a more critical problem.Feb 17 01:04
oiaohmSpell checking without a dic returns no matter what you have typed as spelt correctly.Feb 17 01:04
schestowitzI think I know about itFeb 17 01:07
schestowitz3.1 will have grammar checking built inFeb 17 01:07
schestowitzNot that I find these things to be more than a distraction, esp. if you type fast and require proofreading anywayFeb 17 01:08
oiaohmNot exactly built in.Feb 17 01:08
oiaohm3.1 has grammer checking hooks so third party engines like languagetool can work prefectly.Feb 17 01:08
balzacwhat's up my nizzles?Feb 17 01:09
schestowitzGotta eat some shizzlesFeb 17 01:10
MinceRewFeb 17 01:11
balzacone dude, one cupFeb 17 01:12
MinceRexactlyFeb 17 01:12
schestowitzWaddup with FSDaily?Feb 17 01:12
balzacnot sure, is there no new content? you should ask dave what's up.Feb 17 01:13
balzacsnoop used "shizzle" in place of sureFeb 17 01:13
schestowitzNot much activityFeb 17 01:13
balzacfo shizzle mah nizzleFeb 17 01:13
schestowitzI've listened to snoop since I was like 14Feb 17 01:13
balzactoo bad he went soft on marijuanaFeb 17 01:13
balzacright after he got the cover of high times magazineFeb 17 01:14
schestowitzthe #groklaw channel is empty tooFeb 17 01:14
balzacthen he says he's done with potFeb 17 01:14
schestowitzSame with #distrowatch..Feb 17 01:14
balzacnow he's smokin againFeb 17 01:14
balzacmaybe that's from a netsplitFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz* Now talking on #distrowatchFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz* lxnay has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Feb 17 01:14
schestowitz* Teebox69 ( has joined #distrowatchFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz* Teebox69 ( has left #distrowatch ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 17 01:14
schestowitz* guy ( has joined #distrowatchFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz<guy> helloFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz<schestowitz> heyFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz<guy> what's new ?Feb 17 01:14
schestowitz<guy> i'm using mandriva 2008.1Feb 17 01:14
schestowitz<schestowitz> same hereFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz<schestowitz>  mandriva 2008.1Feb 17 01:14
schestowitz<schestowitz> <schestowitz> same hereFeb 17 01:14
schestowitz<guy> works on my sony laptopFeb 17 01:14
balzacmy friend steve hager is the editor of high times magazineFeb 17 01:14
schestowitzSmoking... Marlboro?Feb 17 01:15
balzache could use some more support from snoopFeb 17 01:15
schestowitzFo' shizzle!Feb 17 01:15
balzacsnoop ought to do the cover of high times again and swear his allegience to the chronic lifestyle evermoreFeb 17 01:15
balzacto make up for losing heartFeb 17 01:16
schestowitzAhhh... the ChronicFeb 17 01:18
schestowitzAaagghh#@@#$ Digg has been so f*ing broken recently.Feb 17 01:49
schestowitzPages /may/... randomly... actually load PROPERLYFeb 17 01:49
*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 02:16
schestowitzRon Paul  was OK.. 17 02:33
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 17 02:33
schestowitzFunny how Fox sneaks in all the propaganda footage... ...Feb 17 02:44
schestowitz... 17 02:44
schestowitzHere they are getting their arse kicked :-) 17 02:53
*MethodOne ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 03:05
MethodOnejust submitted the "bn" acronym for boycott novell on acronymfinder.comFeb 17 03:19
schestowitzCool! Thank you.Feb 17 03:19
schestowitzThis guy cites us: "To all those yokels trumpetting how Microsoft is suddenly helping out Red Hat Linux ..yeah ..stop trumpeting. They do that all the time. And then later betray you. Quit that."Feb 17 03:23
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 03:52
MethodOnetwitter, do you actually use twitter?Feb 17 04:30
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Feb 17 04:32:55 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellFeb 17 04:32
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Feb 17 04:32
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Feb 17 04:32
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelFeb 17 04:32
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Feb 17 04:33
*services. sets mode +e schestowitzFeb 17 04:33
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzFeb 17 04:33
*trmanco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 17 04:57
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 17 05:31
*MethodOne has quit (" Try HydraIRC -> <-")Feb 17 05:48
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Feb 17 06:13
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 07:42
oiaohm hmm where are the 2008 servers.Feb 17 07:43
oiaohm  Aparently MS is not eating there latest product.Feb 17 07:48
MinceR 17 07:51
oiaohmPhotoshop is growing teeth.Feb 17 07:55
oiaohmI somehow can see people in time moving to wine so its teeth are not harmful.Feb 17 07:56
PetoKrausoiaohm: thanks for tipFeb 17 07:56
PetoKrausand good morningFeb 17 07:56
oiaohmIts good night I will be disappearing to tea soon PetoKrausFeb 17 07:57
PetoKraus:)Feb 17 07:58
PetoKrausyou from?Feb 17 07:58
PetoKrausAU?Feb 17 07:58
oiaohmAustraliaFeb 17 07:58
oiaohmYepFeb 17 07:58
oiaohmI have used openoffice for years I know where most of its annoyances are.Feb 17 07:59
oiaohmCompared to MS Office 2007 its friendly.Feb 17 07:59
PetoKrausone more question if i mayFeb 17 07:59
PetoKraushow the hell do you insert a text field :DFeb 17 07:59
PetoKrausi've been struggling with that one for about two yearsFeb 17 08:00
oiaohmThat is one area I don't have prefect myself.Feb 17 08:03
PetoKraus:) kFeb 17 08:04
PetoKraussee you laterFeb 17 08:04
*NeonFL0SS (n=imsorry@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 08:08
*NeonF|oss has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))Feb 17 08:23
*topoxx (i=5830fada@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 09:11
*topoxx has quit (Client Quit)Feb 17 09:11
MinceRhayFeb 17 09:32
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 17 10:12
schestowitzHeyFeb 17 10:56
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 11:02
*mib_3ps314 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 11:05
*mib_3ps314 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 17 11:05
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 17 11:06
schestowitzBN's Netcraft rank climbed to 2300th on the Web this morning :-)Feb 17 11:11
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 11:38
schestowitzNovell still operates at huge losses. Layoffs are liekly this weekFeb 17 11:54
schestowitzoiaohm: i quote you..Feb 17 11:54
schestowitz 17 11:58
schestowitz 17 12:03
schestowitzFeuding iPhone fart-makers raise legal stink < >Feb 17 12:03
*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 12:05
schestowitzCool. We're cited in ComputerWorld and other such 'big' sites (PCWorld): 17 12:16
*mib_vq1427 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 12:30
*mib_vq1427 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 17 12:32
oiaohmNice schestowitzFeb 17 12:37
schestowitzWe made FP of LinuxTodayFeb 17 12:38
oiaohmThat is good work.Feb 17 12:42
oiaohmAlso going to lead to server strain.Feb 17 12:42
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 17 12:42
oiaohmThere is a real bad chance that slashdot will follow soon.Feb 17 12:42
oiaohmYou did you backups recently schestowitz?Feb 17 12:43
schestowitzYes, but not tested themFeb 17 12:43
schestowitzI need to check if I can put mysql on the Fedora boxeFeb 17 12:43
oiaohmThe nightmares of these major news events.Feb 17 12:44
oiaohmPoor server strain.Feb 17 12:44
schestowitzNo, I don't have a mysql front endFeb 17 12:45
schestowitz-bash-3.2$ apropos mysqlFeb 17 12:45
schestowitzmysql-libs          (rpm) - The shared libraries required for MySQL clientsFeb 17 12:45
schestowitzmysql_table []       (5)  - Postfix MySQL client configurationFeb 17 12:45
schestowitzLet's try Ubuntu PCsFeb 17 12:45
schestowitzroy@baine:~$ mysqlFeb 17 12:46
schestowitzThe program 'mysql' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:Feb 17 12:46
schestowitzsudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.0Feb 17 12:46
schestowitz-bash: mysql: command not foundFeb 17 12:46
oiaohmI normally isntall graphical on Ubuntu and fedora.Feb 17 12:47
oiaohmSimpler.Feb 17 12:47
schestowitzMadriva community edition doesn't let the user get it off the reposFeb 17 12:47
oiaohmI am still waiting on my debain dvd to download.Feb 17 12:48
oiaohmi386 and 64 in one as a backup incase all goes wrong.Feb 17 12:48
schestowitz "I suppose it is clear that both Red Hat and Microsoft feel they they can gain something with this deal. Customers will most likely, I suppose."Feb 17 12:55
oiaohmMS hopes costomers.Feb 17 12:56
schestowitz" Is it moonshine...  or is it monkey rum? I don't like it because there's Microsoft in there somewhere. But I like having a competitor to Flash that encourages Adobe to keep supporting Linux." 17 12:57
schestowitzoiaohm: "hopes" or "ropes"Feb 17 12:57
oiaohmRedhat long term plans include desktop.Feb 17 12:57
oiaohmRedhat + MS server os's + working Linux desktop.  O hellFeb 17 12:58
oiaohmNow you need windows licences to run those bugger programs that cannot be ported quicky.Feb 17 12:58
oiaohmMS basically hopes customers.Feb 17 12:59
oiaohmIf you had read the redhat virtualisation projects.  They include running virtual os on demard for individual users.Feb 17 13:00
schestowitzTime sharing..Feb 17 13:02
schestowitzMS  can use the EULA against it, which it does.Feb 17 13:02
oiaohm2008 server?Feb 17 13:02
oiaohmEULA has a clause that allows it.Feb 17 13:03
oiaohmIts a really interesting read.   You can run as many 2008 servers on a single hyper-v system even transfer them to other hyper-v servers.  Then also allow graphical remote administation.Feb 17 13:04
oiaohmRedhat has really key reasons to want to try to get 2008 virtual under there system with the same clause.Feb 17 13:05
oiaohmNow lets see how far Redhat can push this.Feb 17 13:05
schestowitzI'm not so delighted about this..Feb 17 13:11
oiaohmAlso thing people forget is MS calledFeb 17 13:11
oiaohmRedhated KVM backwards.Feb 17 13:11
oiaohmRedhat has really given up no ground.Feb 17 13:12
oiaohmMS could have always worked out a hacked up way to make redhat work under there hypervisor.Feb 17 13:12
oiaohmOpen specs do cause that problem.Feb 17 13:12
oiaohmMS is the only one that has really given up anything.Feb 17 13:12
oiaohmNow Redhat working with MS to take over the computer world that is a major problem.Feb 17 13:21
oiaohmRedhat always finds way to extract money.Feb 17 13:22
schestowitzSo what's in it for Microsoft?Feb 17 13:24
schestowitzMicrosoft benefits from this. How so?Feb 17 13:24
oiaohmThat is my problem.Feb 17 13:26
oiaohmBenifits for MS are limited.Feb 17 13:26
oiaohmSlows down businesses from doing full conversions and dumping wndows completely.Feb 17 13:27
schestowitzSo who loses other than NOVL? 17 13:27
oiaohmGives MS a chance of having a cluster management system that works on the most comon OS used in bigger systems.Feb 17 13:27
oiaohmReally NOVL does not lose.Feb 17 13:28
oiaohmThe real loser is cyrix the owner of Xen.Feb 17 13:28
schestowitzCitrix?Feb 17 13:29
oiaohmYep CitrixFeb 17 13:29
oiaohmThey sold out to microsoft allowing MS to make Hyper-v.Feb 17 13:29
oiaohmNow in the future Hyper-v and Xen might to be used at all.Feb 17 13:29
oiaohmSo they are the big losser in this.Feb 17 13:29
oiaohmNovel can alter to using KVM just as much as anything else.Feb 17 13:30
oiaohmOnly thing Novel lost is execuitlivity.   Citrix could have basically lost there complete market.Feb 17 13:30
schestowitzI don't view it like this.Feb 17 13:31
schestowitzCitrix does MS a favourFeb 17 13:31
schestowitzSame with EMC (for VMware)Feb 17 13:31
oiaohmNo Citrix got something in return.Feb 17 13:32
oiaohmmeans to thin client windows.Feb 17 13:32
*tcpsyn ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 17 13:32
oiaohmthey were prepared to sell there soul for it.Feb 17 13:32
oiaohmAnd it going to turn out not to be worth it.Feb 17 13:33
oiaohmXen had tried many ways to get that.Feb 17 13:35
oiaohmAs with all MS deals what you get from them in most cases turns out to be worthless long term.Feb 17 13:38
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 13:43
*anivar (n=anivar@ has left #boycottnovell ("Ex-Chat")Feb 17 13:43
PetoKrausi guess Beranger's move to yet another CMS is nice time to stop looking at his blogFeb 17 14:17
PetoKrausespecially he's a wank and want's me to move my feed to the new locationFeb 17 14:18
PetoKrausfor goodness sake, can't he just replace the feeds?Feb 17 14:18
MinceRi think RHEL did work under m$'s hypervisor, the only thing they wanted is that RH provide official support for it.Feb 17 14:18
oiaohmYep it did.Feb 17 14:19
oiaohmBecause novel could.Feb 17 14:19
oiaohmRemember shared kernel source.Feb 17 14:19
oiaohmRHEL really has not given up much.Feb 17 14:19
oiaohmDoes it stop redhat recommending against Hyper-v nop.Feb 17 14:20
schestowitzPetoKraus: let me see.........Feb 17 14:23
schestowitzHehe! WordPress.Feb 17 14:23
schestowitzPetoKraus: I ditched him over a month ago. Been happier since. Radu lost his way.....Feb 17 14:24
schestowitzoiaohm: let's see if this stops the FUDFeb 17 14:25
schestowitzIf Microsoft retracts the threats, *that* would be progress.Feb 17 14:25
oiaohmthe game is a foot.Feb 17 14:25
oiaohmNow that MS has done that deal with redhat others could ask for the same deal.Feb 17 14:25
oiaohmBefore MS knows where they are they could be up to there ears in OS's.Feb 17 14:26
schestowitz ; 17 14:26
schestowitzHe's maintaining a very fragmented Web siteFeb 17 14:26
oiaohmDeck of cards.Feb 17 14:26
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, I thought about that]Feb 17 14:27
oiaohmWe both know how bad Word press is.Feb 17 14:27
oiaohmIf you don't know how to set it up right it drives you nuts.Feb 17 14:27
MinceR153115 < oiaohm> the game is a foot.Feb 17 14:28
MinceRGnome? :>Feb 17 14:28
schestowitz "This agreement, however, is not a problem. "Feb 17 14:28
schestowitzoiaohm: I've done WP for 5 years. It got a lot easier.Feb 17 14:29
schestowitzI didn't even have theme management at the time, so it all needed to be done manually.Feb 17 14:29
schestowitz 17 14:29
oiaohmYou know like me what brings it down schestowitzFeb 17 14:33
oiaohmQuestion is how long until beranger brings it in on him self.Feb 17 14:33
schestowitzYou think he'll 'retire' again?Feb 17 14:35
schestowitzIs the original LinuxHater still active?Feb 17 14:36
oiaohmIts funny with Linuxhater he is trying to start up the Linux hates windows.Feb 17 14:36
oiaohmAnd vice verser.Feb 17 14:36
oiaohmDoes not work with a person like me that hates parts of windows hates parts of mac and hates parts of Linux.Feb 17 14:36
schestowitzSeems like itch-scratching, but what's the point?Feb 17 14:36
oiaohmOk lot of myths about Linux turn up there.Feb 17 14:37
oiaohmBinary compadiblity has to be the biggest one going.Feb 17 14:37
oiaohmLinux kernel and low level librarys put nothing in the way of distributions being binary compadible.Feb 17 14:37
oiaohmOnly thing is the package manager distributitor of application uses that really creates the wall.Feb 17 14:38
oiaohmLinux hater is getting desperate.  Trying to create new insulting terms.  COCK. Certainty, Optimism, Conviction, and KDEFeb 17 14:39
oiaohmProblem is COCK applies to windows users they just don't know it yet.Feb 17 14:40
schestowitzAcronym, eh?Feb 17 14:40
oiaohmYep use to work in the past.Feb 17 14:40
oiaohmCreate a new term start to being thrown at each other start a big flamewar.Feb 17 14:41
oiaohmNote KDE works on windows.Feb 17 14:41
oiaohmHe is even slipping.Feb 17 14:41
schestowitzKDE is very good..Feb 17 14:42
schestowitzNorth Atlantic is world's 'climate superpower' < >Feb 17 14:42
schestowitzDell might embrace Android:,100...Feb 17 14:44
oiaohmWindows mobile is dead in the water.Feb 17 14:45
oiaohmEverything it is competing against is either a maker internal OS or a free one.Feb 17 14:45
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 14:45
oiaohmPhones are cut throat.Feb 17 14:46
*mib_j3t18x (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 14:47
*mib_j3t18x has quit (Client Quit)Feb 17 14:47
schestowitzNokia is chopped beaf.Feb 17 14:48
oiaohmYep Nokia cannot work out exactly where they are going.Feb 17 14:48
schestowitzIt's likely to reluctantly lean more and more on Maemo, over time... but Android too would be tempting. It has given revealing interviews to Reuters about its Linux lust.Feb 17 14:49
oiaohmAll they know is they are going to keep on producing phones.Feb 17 14:49
oiaohmNo matter the OS on them.Feb 17 14:49
oiaohmPeople will always want small device to put in pocket.Feb 17 14:49
schestowitzPeople pay for UIs, not h/w... in reality, not technically.Feb 17 14:49
schestowitzNokia makes money selling h/w, but people don't choose based on s/wFeb 17 14:49
schestowitz*/hwFeb 17 14:49
PetoKrauswellFeb 17 14:50
*mib_eur5ge (i=c1bf0bcd@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 14:50
PetoKrauspeople usually choose on priceFeb 17 14:50
PetoKrausor on what can it doFeb 17 14:50
schestowitzThat too, butFeb 17 14:50
PetoKrauswhich is a mesh of both, hw and softFeb 17 14:50
schestowitzSome people pay over $1000 for iPhone lockinFeb 17 14:50
schestowitzTo RENT a phoneFeb 17 14:50
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 14:50
PetoKrausbut that falls under the first categoryFeb 17 14:50
PetoKrauslike my uncleFeb 17 14:50
PetoKraushe was told he can get an iphone for €£2 on his contractFeb 17 14:51
oiaohmNow nokia has to provide the UI users want.Feb 17 14:51
*mib_eur5ge (i=c1bf0bcd@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellFeb 17 14:51
PetoKrausand his contract is quite huge (€£100 a month)Feb 17 14:51
oiaohmSo nokia is not locked in.Feb 17 14:51
PetoKrausso he was like "i don't care, i'll change the phone back to what I owned before if i don't like it"Feb 17 14:51
oiaohmNow selling for a price means you cannot be buying OSs.Feb 17 14:51
oiaohmThat is MS problem the two biggest companies they can sell there OS to are not interested in paying more than 0 dollars.Feb 17 14:52
oiaohmIssue MS has they don't want the desktop market turning into that or they are completely sunk.Feb 17 14:54
schestowitzAn open-source solution for planning aorta stent grafts < >Feb 17 14:55
schestowitzoiaohm: that's why Microsoft needs to make phone (hwFeb 17 14:55
schestowitzthere's no guarntee it won't be another Zune-like disaster that loses a fortune.Feb 17 14:56
schestowitzRumurs revolve around an nvidia collabFeb 17 14:56
schestowitzBut nvidia has just announced an Android collabFeb 17 14:56
oiaohmThat is exactly the problem.Feb 17 14:56
oiaohmWith nokia they produce a bunch of phones and they find out people don't want that OS.Feb 17 14:57
schestowitzSame with MS storesFeb 17 14:57
schestowitzMS stores = MS sells h/wFeb 17 14:57
oiaohmThey can in theory refirmware them with another OS.Feb 17 14:57
oiaohmWhat can MS do.Feb 17 14:57
schestowitzBecause s/w becomes a commodityFeb 17 14:57
oiaohmMS re firmwaring there phones with any of the Open OS's is going to bring hell down on them.Feb 17 14:57
oiaohmNokia has sold MS phones in the past because people wanted them.Feb 17 14:58
oiaohmI see MS stores as a disaster.Feb 17 14:58
oiaohmIts not like apple stores have really done apple a lot of good.Feb 17 14:59
schestowitz ( Finally: Anti Aliasing is done for OOo 3.1!)Feb 17 14:59
schestowitz "Only took 5 years."Feb 17 14:59
oiaohm  << Ok this could be funFeb 17 15:04
schestowitzWhitehall devised torture policy for terror detainees < >Feb 17 15:04
schestowitz Anti-terror tactics 'weaken law' < >. 21st century is a return to early 20th century fascism.Feb 17 15:05
PetoKraushmmFeb 17 15:06
PetoKrausso end of march, aye?Feb 17 15:06
PetoKrausit seems like march/april will be full of FOSS goodnessFeb 17 15:06
PetoKraus(the new xorg stack is quite likely to fall in that time as well)Feb 17 15:07
schestowitz2009 in general.Feb 17 15:07
schestowitzI'm pretty happy with what's already here (KDE 3.5.x, LyX, Kate, KNode, etc.)Feb 17 15:07
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 15:07
PetoKrausi'd really like E17 to be finally pushed out of the doorFeb 17 15:08
schestowitz"All in all, about 500.000 lines of code were changed/rewritten (CWSes aw024, aw033, aw059). Doesn't sound like a dead project, does it? If You are interested in more details, You may follow the task's description and its discussions and links."Feb 17 15:08
schestowitzThen Novell takes it, slaps some MOON and MS VB on it, calls it Go-OOXML and slanders Sun for it.Feb 17 15:09
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 15:09
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 15:09
schestowitz"A VERY unique headphone dubbed Beats, branded by none other than Dr. Dre, is on review at Hardware Canucks. *cough* $399 *cough*." ( Dr. Dre gets into hardware)Feb 17 15:10
PetoKraus 17 15:11
PetoKrausif someone is interestedFeb 17 15:11
schestowitz Canon tries to shut down Fake Canon blog < >Feb 17 15:12
schestowitzPetoKraus: any good linux demos/videos?Feb 17 15:12
PetoKrausno, not reallyFeb 17 15:12
PetoKrausjust release todo listFeb 17 15:12
schestowitzSky to replace 90,000 HD boxes < >Feb 17 15:15
balzac "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Feb 17 15:15
balzac15:02 <@schestowitz> Rumurs revolve around an nvidia collabFeb 17 15:15
balzac15:02 <@schestowitz> But nvidia has just announced an Android collabFeb 17 15:15
balzac15:02 < oiaohm> That is exactly the problem.Feb 17 15:15
balzac15:02 < oiaohm> With nokia they produce a bunch of phones and they find out people don't want that OS.Feb 17 15:15
balzac15:02 <@schestowitz> Same with MS storesFeb 17 15:15
balzac15:02 <@schestowitz> MS stores = MS sells h/wFeb 17 15:15
balzac15:02 < oiaohm> They can in theory refirmware them with another OS.Feb 17 15:15
balzac15:03 < oiaohm> What can MS do.Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:03 <@schestowitz> Because s/w becomes a commodityFeb 17 15:16
balzac15:03 < oiaohm> MS re firmwaring there phones with any of the Open OS's is going to bring hell down on them.Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:03 < oiaohm> Nokia has sold MS phones in the past because people wanted them.Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:04 < oiaohm> I see MS stores as a disaster.Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:04 < oiaohm> Its not like apple stores have really done apple a lot of good.Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:05 <@schestowitz> ( Finally: Anti Aliasing is done for OOo 3.1!)Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:05 <@schestowitz> "Only took 5 years."Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:10 < oiaohm>  << OkFeb 17 15:16
balzac                this could be funFeb 17 15:16
balzac15:10 <@schestowitz> Whitehall devised torture policy for terror detainees < >Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:11 <@schestowitz>  Anti-terror tactics 'weaken law' < >. 21st century is a return to early 20th centuryFeb 17 15:16
balzac                     fascism.Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:12 < PetoKraus> hmmFeb 17 15:16
balzac15:12 < PetoKraus> so end of march, aye?Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:12 < PetoKraus> it seems like march/april will be full of FOSS goodnessFeb 17 15:16
balzac15:12 < PetoKraus> (the new xorg stack is quite likely to fall in that time as well)Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:13 <@schestowitz> 2009 in general.Feb 17 15:16
zer0c00lsome one please kickFeb 17 15:16
balzac15:13 <@schestowitz> I'm pretty happy with what's already here (KDE 3.5.x, LyX, Kate, KNode, etc.)Feb 17 15:16
balzac15:13 < PetoKraus> yeahFeb 17 15:16
oiaohmOk what the heck is balzacFeb 17 15:16
balzac15:13 < PetoKraus> i'd really like E17 to be finally pushed out of the doorFeb 17 15:16
balzac15:14 <@schestowitz> "All in all, about 500.000 lines of code were changed/rewritten (CWSes aw024, aw033, aw059). Doesn't sound like a dead project, does it?Feb 17 15:17
balzac                     If You are interested in more details, You may follow the task's description and its discussions and links."Feb 17 15:17
PetoKrausi'd sayFeb 17 15:17
balzac15:14 <@schestowitz> Then Novell takes it, slaps some MOON and MS VB on it, calls it Go-OOXML and slanders Sun for it.Feb 17 15:17
PetoKrausunlucky middleclickFeb 17 15:17
PetoKraus:DFeb 17 15:17
balzac15:15 -!- Casperin [] has joined #boycottnovellFeb 17 15:17
balzac15:15 < PetoKraus> yeahFeb 17 15:17
balzac15:16 <@schestowitz> "A VERY unique headphone dubbed Beats, branded by none other than Dr. Dre, is on review at Hardware Canucks. *cough* $399 *cough*."Feb 17 15:17
balzac            ( Dr. Dre gets into hardware)Feb 17 15:17
balzac15:17 < PetoKraus> 17 15:17
balzac15:17 < PetoKraus> if someone is interestedFeb 17 15:17
balzac15:18 <@schestowitz>  Canon tries to shut down Fake Canon blog < >Feb 17 15:17
balzac15:18 <@schestowitz> PetoKraus: any good linux demos/videos?Feb 17 15:17
balzac15:18 < PetoKraus> no, not reallyFeb 17 15:17
balzac15:18 < PetoKraus> just release todo listFeb 17 15:17
balzac15:21 <@schestowitz> Sky to replace 90,000 HD boxes < >Feb 17 15:17
MinceRbalzac: /server purgeFeb 17 15:17
schestowitzZombie?Feb 17 15:17
balzac [15:21] [balzac(+ei)] [4:freenode/#boycottnovell(+cnt)] [Act: 3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]Feb 17 15:17
balzac[#boycottnovell] sorryFeb 17 15:17
balzacstupid mouse doesn't have a middle click buttonFeb 17 15:17
balzac 17 15:17
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 15:17
balzacredhat and microsoft sittin in a treeFeb 17 15:17
PetoKraus:)Feb 17 15:17
PetoKrausclassicFeb 17 15:17
balzacthat's pretty annoyingFeb 17 15:17
balzacdude, one mouse fumbleFeb 17 15:17
zer0c00lseems likeFeb 17 15:17
balzacget over itFeb 17 15:17
balzacthe scroll wheel can serve as the middle mouse button, but it just happened to grab a whole screen of text and then paste itFeb 17 15:17
MinceRalso, irssi is supposed to ask whether you want to pasteFeb 17 15:18
schestowitzLOLFeb 17 15:18
balzacit did, but I didn't know all that was in the bufferFeb 17 15:18
MinceRiirc it's set to do that for 5 lines or more by defaultFeb 17 15:18
schestowitzI thought you went insane :00Feb 17 15:18
zer0c00lLOLFeb 17 15:18
zer0c00lme tooFeb 17 15:18
zer0c00l:)Feb 17 15:18
zer0c00li asked to kick u? :DFeb 17 15:18
MinceRin any case, once you realize what's going on, /server purge is supposed to stop itFeb 17 15:18
oiaohmI was not too sure.Feb 17 15:18
balzacit's a consumer grade mouse. My other mouse has a middle button and I use to paste into xterms and emacs all the timeFeb 17 15:19
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 15:19
oiaohmI have seen bots malfunton that way.Feb 17 15:19
balzaci'm surprised that it all went into the channelFeb 17 15:19
PetoKrausxchat actually shows you what are you going to pasteFeb 17 15:19
balzac 17 15:19
schestowitzXChat sets limits, that'a all.Feb 17 15:19
balzacwhat's up with redhat and microsoft?Feb 17 15:19
oiaohmI am on KonversationFeb 17 15:19
oiaohmIf you try to do that it spits up a nice little message.Feb 17 15:20
schestowitzbalzac: see BN posts (3 of them)Feb 17 15:20
oiaohmSo what client are you using balzacFeb 17 15:20
balzaclemme check em outFeb 17 15:20
balzacirssiFeb 17 15:20
oiaohmOk I will not touch irssi with a 10 foot pole.Feb 17 15:20
balzacirssi running inside a screen session on my development serverFeb 17 15:20
zer0c00loiaohm: konversation has proxy traversing support?Feb 17 15:20
balzaccome on, it was the frigging mouse!Feb 17 15:20
oiaohmI have crushed a mouse with a 21 inch CRT before.Feb 17 15:21
CasperinI won't touch a mouse with a 10 foot pole nowFeb 17 15:21
oiaohmOn this machine.Feb 17 15:21
schestowitzoiaohm: real mouse?Feb 17 15:21
oiaohmMy computer mouseFeb 17 15:21
oiaohmHad to get a new one.Feb 17 15:21
zer0c00l:DFeb 17 15:21
schestowitzoiaohm: a mouse called "computer"? Not "Ben"?Feb 17 15:22
oiaohmIe the mouse pluged into the computer.Feb 17 15:22
schestowitzYo, benJIman !! 17 15:22
oiaohmSo lot of bad things happened.Feb 17 15:22
oiaohmNever had to run konveration threw proxy.Feb 17 15:23
balzacirssi asked me for confirmation anywayFeb 17 15:23
PetoKrausthat makes you a wank ;)Feb 17 15:23
zer0c00lohFeb 17 15:23
zer0c00li use xchatFeb 17 15:23
balzacas the saying goes "the problem exists between the chair and the desk"Feb 17 15:24
PetoKrausyou should blame irssi even if you're at faultFeb 17 15:24
balzaci quit using xchat because I like irssi inside of a screen sessionFeb 17 15:24
PetoKrausyeahFeb 17 15:24
oiaohmJust don't confirm something like that again balzacFeb 17 15:24
balzacthe chair and the computerFeb 17 15:24
oiaohmI had some irc clients in the past that paste gone.Feb 17 15:24
schestowitz (Using Fear to Sell Pens, Part Two) "This ad, for a Uni-ball pen that's hard to erase, is kind of surreal. They're using fear to sell pens -- again -- but it's the wrong fear. "Feb 17 15:25
balzaci've only just begun my day and my aderral hasn't kicked in yetFeb 17 15:25
balzacgive me slackFeb 17 15:25
zer0c00l 17 15:25
zer0c00lit was my first talk on GNU/LinuxFeb 17 15:25
zer0c00li have attached my poor presentationFeb 17 15:25
zer0c00lgrabbed some pics from boycottnovell too :)Feb 17 15:25
*schestowitz looksFeb 17 15:26
schestowitzHaha.Feb 17 15:27
schestowitz"Let them eat Vista"Feb 17 15:27
schestowitzAt first glance at all the slides, it looks godFeb 17 15:27
schestowitz*goodFeb 17 15:27
balzacvista actually sounds kind of goodFeb 17 15:27
balzactoo bad the software stinksFeb 17 15:27
zer0c00l:DFeb 17 15:27
oiaohmAny restrictions on using you presetation zer0c00lFeb 17 15:28
oiaohmParticularly if its suitable using it at a computer club here.Feb 17 15:28
schestowitz "The former chairman of the banking and insurance group HBOS, Lord Stevenson, and chief executive Andy Hornby, along with the Royal Bank of Scotland's Sir Tom McKillop and Sir Fred Goodwin, appeared before a British parliamentary committee and profusely apologized for their role in the financial meltdown of the banks they had directed. "Feb 17 15:28
schestowitzVista means "vision"... but what /of/?Feb 17 15:29
schestowitzVisions of Doom (for Windows)Feb 17 15:29
zer0c00lyeahFeb 17 15:29
zer0c00li told them about M$ dumpingFeb 17 15:29
zer0c00lMost of them got convincedFeb 17 15:29
zer0c00l:)Feb 17 15:29
zer0c00leven a faculty shared her experience with me on "how M$ people pushed them to use their os for operating systems lab"Feb 17 15:29
schestowitzPoor VistA had its bbrand name ruined (veterans' healthcare system)Feb 17 15:29
zer0c00lIt seems  "M$ people depicted "fork" system call as inefficient "Feb 17 15:30
zer0c00lno restrictionsFeb 17 15:30
zer0c00l:DFeb 17 15:30
zer0c00lmodify it for your needsFeb 17 15:30
zer0c00l:)Feb 17 15:30
schestowitzMicrosoft behaves like an organisation of 'professional' drug addictsFeb 17 15:30
zer0c00lI going to compile a whole new article on Gnu/Linux and M$ dumping and send those things to college management officialsFeb 17 15:31
schestowitzLike the tobacco industry, they'll be marginalised over time when people recognise the mortal consequences.Feb 17 15:31
zer0c00lyeahFeb 17 15:31
balzacredhat went softFeb 17 15:31
zer0c00lThey want students to get addictedFeb 17 15:31
schestowitzbalzac: not really.Feb 17 15:31
balzacI think it's kind of lame for them to make that dealFeb 17 15:31
schestowitzzer0c00l: noFeb 17 15:31
oiaohmOk not the best target for my marketFeb 17 15:31
schestowitzThey want to drape their own pocketsFeb 17 15:31
zer0c00lno?Feb 17 15:32
oiaohmzer0c00l: well designed for unis that suffer from dumping problems.Feb 17 15:32
schestowitz1. Microsoft wants to addicts kids; 2. Microsoft offers favours to faculty members; 3) faculties become accomplicesFeb 17 15:32
oiaohmI am dealing with people 50+Feb 17 15:32
balzacRunning gnu/linux as a virtual server on top of windows is an abominationFeb 17 15:32
oiaohmUnless I am dealing with the gamers.Feb 17 15:32
schestowitzThere need to be laws against certain types of s/w and those who promote it or --worse-- FORCE is upon kidsFeb 17 15:32
schestowitzYou could make a term for itFeb 17 15:32
schestowitzLike "software molestation"Feb 17 15:32
balzacIf I were CEO of RedHat, I'd be openly disparaging M$ like Scott McNealy did all those years.Feb 17 15:32
schestowitzSoftware molestation is the act of forcing a young adult or kid to be filthily  subjugates to demands or political movements that are disguised as s/w houses.Feb 17 15:33
schestowitz*gatedFeb 17 15:34
oiaohmTime of MS dominaton is breaking.Feb 17 15:34
oiaohmExpect MS to get more despreate to hold on to market.Feb 17 15:34
balzacI'm happy Redhat got the NYSE deal and I'm half-way interested in RedHat Certification, but I'm starting to wonder if I'd feel like a clown with an RHCE cert.Feb 17 15:34
zer0c00l"software molestation " this phrase  looks strong!!! gr8Feb 17 15:35
zer0c00lthis M$ marketting always doing false campaignFeb 17 15:35
zer0c00l"They want schools to use their NT servers to teach students operating systems"Feb 17 15:35
balzacI probably don't want an RHCE certification on my resume. Sure it would get me hired in this place or that, and probably increase my income, but I'd be potentially losing my dignity.Feb 17 15:35
zer0c00l*operating systems courseFeb 17 15:35
zer0c00lbut when the faculty asked them about the source code of their system calls they went silentFeb 17 15:36
oiaohmAnd the effect of that gave birth to reactos.Feb 17 15:36
oiaohmMS fails to see the long term picture a lot.Feb 17 15:36
zer0c00lbalzac: why you feel so?Feb 17 15:36
zer0c00lbalzac: Dont want to learn RHCE?Feb 17 15:37
balzaczer0c00l: because RedHat is mixed source, not 100% free software.Feb 17 15:37
zer0c00lbalzac: enlighten meFeb 17 15:37
oiaohmNo commerical distribution is pure 100% free softwareFeb 17 15:37
balzaczer0c00l: I'll be happy to learn GNU/Linux systems administration, Redhat among other distros.Feb 17 15:37
oiaohmto be correct most distributions that work well are not 100 percent free software.Feb 17 15:38
balzacI'll be advocating Redhat for the enterprise and I do on Disruptech.comFeb 17 15:38
*zer0c00l agrees with oiaohmFeb 17 15:38
balzacyeah, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. I think inevitably, these archaic licenses will fall by the wayside.Feb 17 15:38
balzacBut I advocate Redhat out of "spite" against Novell, and as well to gain a commission on a deployment deal.Feb 17 15:39

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