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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 11th, 2009 - Part 1


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schestowitzHehe.Apr 11 00:00
schestowitzI made it a long time agoApr 11 00:00
schestowitz2007Apr 11 00:00
schestowitzIt reminds SUSE users who's the boss.Apr 11 00:00
schestowitzHoping to deter them and have them move to Fedora or something (both users and developers)Apr 11 00:00
taconelolApr 11 00:00
MinceRthe suse users who cared aren't suse users anymore :>Apr 11 00:06
tacone 11 00:06
tacone300 dollars. ubuntuApr 11 00:06
taconeor well, ubuntu was on the first prototypes. guess this versions runs a stripped down linux.Apr 11 00:07
Balrog_yes.Apr 11 00:12
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 00:22
DaemonFCmeh, I used Windows 7 for 5 hoursApr 11 00:22
DaemonFChad 9 BSODsApr 11 00:22
DaemonFCand enough of Microsoft to last another 5-6 yearsApr 11 00:22
MinceRgnApr 11 00:30
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 11 00:40
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 01:31
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 01:32
schestowitzMicrosoft attacks Apple: 11 01:38
schestowitzOOXML crimes revisited: 11 01:39
schestowitzgnApr 11 01:45
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 01:45
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 01:46
mememeit seems like m$ is attacking everybodyApr 11 03:49
mememefirst several sentencies of the latter link were trying to sober me up but then i saw guy keeping banner and sanity returned to me XDApr 11 03:53
mememei probably definitely should smoke weed todayApr 11 03:54
mememethat's just a lol: 11 04:03
*mib_cyf3et (i=401461a1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 04:20
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*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 05:05
twitterSlashdot tools out 11 05:05
twitterwhat idiots, they drank M$ Koolaid again.Apr 11 05:05
mememelolApr 11 05:10
mememeshlashdot always drinks smth inaproppriateApr 11 05:10
twittercomments start off with M$ marketing shit from lord_byron II, castroy and mrnaz.  Pure crap.Apr 11 05:14
twitterdid they kick roblimo out?Apr 11 05:16
*mememe has quit (Client Quit)Apr 11 05:27
*__boo__ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 06:01
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 06:23
*twitter has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 11 06:29
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 11 06:46
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 07:05
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 07:16
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 07:40
schestowitztw/. feeds IDGApr 11 07:52
schestowitzMost of this FUD came through IDG citing NPDApr 11 07:53
DaemonFCAccording to some study we paid forApr 11 07:59
DaemonFCthat you can't reproduceApr 11 07:59
DaemonFCfrom our partnerApr 11 07:59
DaemonFCwe're the bestApr 11 07:59
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 08:10
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 08:13
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 08:14
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 08:16
schestowitzI'm doing antitrust memo to show this.Apr 11 08:17
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 08:42
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 08:42
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 08:45
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schestowitzHow Microsoft Changes the Prices at OEMs to Block GNU/Linux Sales < >Apr 11 08:48
schestowitzSubmitted to Digg for the first time in ages: 11 08:48
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 08:50
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 08:52
oiaohmYou missed it dell and hp offset the costs of windows with ad and trial ware.Apr 11 09:39
oiaohmYes ugly.Apr 11 09:39
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 11 09:39
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, that's well knownApr 11 09:43
schestowitzit does not and should not restrict enforcement from competition authoritiesApr 11 09:43
schestowitzThere are laws that prevent monopoly abuse and suffocation of rivals. These laws exist for a reason and purpose.Apr 11 09:43
*AlmightyCthulhu ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 09:48
*AlmightyCthulhu has quit (Client Quit)Apr 11 09:49
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 09:49
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 09:53
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 09:53
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 10:06
schestowitzA close look at Microsoft’s maneuvers that may compromise Free software later on < >Apr 11 10:39
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 10:53
trmanco 11 11:03
schestowitz"Distrobution"Apr 11 11:11
schestowitzIn general, it's a poor essay to tell you the truth,  but the pictures are good advocacyApr 11 11:11
taconefrom the same siteApr 11 11:15
tacone 11 11:15
DaemonFCI keep saying they need to turn Windows manuals into pop-up books. Words and paragraphs seem to only further confuse most of the readers.Apr 11 11:15
schestowitzPlatespin is anothe company killed by NOVLApr 11 11:22
schestowitzThey are like Microsoft.Apr 11 11:22
schestowitzBuying and destroying..Apr 11 11:23
schestowitzPlateSpin made some headlines for Novell when it was acquired, but if you look closely, many of its chief people quit Novell (at least 3 I can think of) and the company’s product does not appear to have even gained much traction... Fair enough, but the departures are rather big (Stephen Pollack for example). The executives left too.Apr 11 11:23
DaemonFCschestowitz: Novell did actually do some goodApr 11 11:24
DaemonFCwhen they bought Apparmor and put it out of its misery'Apr 11 11:24
DaemonFC:)Apr 11 11:24
DaemonFCI have to wonder what the hell Ubuntu is thinking?Apr 11 11:25
DaemonFCTomoyo, Smack, and SELinux are part of the kernelApr 11 11:25
DaemonFCso lets use AppArmorApr 11 11:25
DaemonFCNovell fires all the Apparmor developersApr 11 11:25
DaemonFCUbuntu says "Lets make the system depend MORE on Apparmor!"Apr 11 11:26
taconeUbuntu stance on the matter isApr 11 11:26
taconethey can change later if they desire.Apr 11 11:26
DaemonFCit's not in the kernel because Linus Torvalds obviously doesn't think much of itApr 11 11:27
DaemonFCand it is dead upstreamApr 11 11:27
taconethe only concern of Ubuntu AFAIK  is the project being dead.-Apr 11 11:27
taconeit's along the lines of SABDFL typical stance. Let's do that, if a problem arise we will deal with it (quote about mono)Apr 11 11:28
oiaohmDue to what tomoyo did AppArmor could be updated to a secure system if someone puts in the time.Apr 11 11:33
oiaohmAlso would make AppArmor faster.Apr 11 11:34
DaemonFClet's mooch off that projectApr 11 11:35
DaemonFCwhen it diesApr 11 11:35
DaemonFCwe can mooch off someone elsesApr 11 11:35
DaemonFCwe have no idea how it worksApr 11 11:35
DaemonFCwe just like to list it as a featureApr 11 11:35
DaemonFCand watch the blinkenlightsApr 11 11:35
oiaohmTomoyo sorted out path based secuirty.Apr 11 11:35
oiaohmInteresting will be if Smack and Selinux pick it up.Apr 11 11:36
DaemonFCUbuntu is just a passive grazerApr 11 11:36
DaemonFCwith most any componentApr 11 11:36
DaemonFCWe know it's easy to assemble a Linux system with a skeleton crew and almost now idea how it really all worksApr 11 11:37
DaemonFCand give nothing back to upstreamApr 11 11:37
DaemonFCit's been done many timesApr 11 11:37
DaemonFC*noApr 11 11:37
oiaohmParticularly when you use someone elses tree.Apr 11 11:39
oiaohmUbuntu is almost the same as debian unstable.Apr 11 11:39
DaemonFCnoApr 11 11:41
DaemonFCthey back out certain patchesApr 11 11:41
DaemonFCand they have a few of their ownApr 11 11:41
DaemonFCreally the idea of Debian/Ubuntu doing a patch at a time is retardedApr 11 11:42
DaemonFClike their 2.6.28 kernel that has a lot of stuff from 2.6.29 and a few things from 2.6.30 developmentApr 11 11:42
DaemonFCridiculousApr 11 11:42
oiaohmNote the word almostApr 11 11:43
oiaohmOther than few patch changes here and there it is.Apr 11 11:44
*DaemonFC has quit ("Windows is like playing Russian Roulette with six loaded chambers.")Apr 11 12:05
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 12:05
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 12:05
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*mib_nwk5z1 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 12:53
schestowitzGavin Clarke is peddling MS propaganda again.. "Microsoft ready for an open-source skoolin'"Apr 11 12:56
schestowitzThis man is ruining The RegisterApr 11 12:56
schestowitzMotorola's ex-CFO files whistleblower suit < >. Microsoft had a similar storyApr 11 12:56
MinceR/. is propagating the recent lies from m$ >> 11 12:57
*mib_nwk5z1 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 11 12:57
schestowitzMinceR: yes, I heardApr 11 12:58
schestowitzSubmitted by anonymous, IIRCApr 11 12:58
schestowitzMinceR: watch how many of the references come from IDGApr 11 12:58
MinceR1 IDG, 2 /.Apr 11 12:58
schestowitzWell, where does it pointApr 11 12:58
schestowitzI saw NetworkWorld (=IDG)Apr 11 12:59
schestowitzIt's always the same peopleApr 11 12:59
schestowitzHad Slashdot had decency, then only the REBUTTALS would be linkedApr 11 12:59
schestowitzAs in, Carla's for exampleApr 11 12:59
schestowitzInstead they confuse people with Microsoft-paid liesApr 11 12:59
schestowitzAnd Mcirosoft is doing the same thing against Apple ATMApr 11 12:59
schestowitzThe Microsoft-paid-for "Apple tax" soud bite.Apr 11 13:00
schestowitz*soundApr 11 13:00
schestowitz Watch picture 3Apr 11 13:02
schestowitzback at 3.../me Apr 11 13:08
MinceRgeekingsApr 11 13:20
MinceRthe reg takes apple's side: 11 13:20
trmancothis has been updated -> 11 13:28
oiaohmStock boostingApr 11 13:38
oiaohmThat is interestly desperate.Apr 11 13:38
taconeGnome Zeitgeist because a daemon. so we're free to write UI in MONO, C, Vala, now. 11 13:41
tacones/because/becomes/Apr 11 13:42
MinceRwtf gnome zeitgeist?Apr 11 13:43
oiaohm 11 13:45
oiaohmKDE intergration anyone.Apr 11 13:45
MinceRYet Another File Indexer? :)Apr 11 14:03
oiaohmBasicaly.Apr 11 14:04
PetoKraushmm interestingApr 11 14:25
PetoKrausthere's a fix for OOo in arch AURApr 11 14:25
PetoKrauswhich basically switches OOo to use default clearlooks GTK themeApr 11 14:06
PetoKraustherefore it's the only app in the whole system which looks oddApr 11 14:06
PetoKrausbut at least the graphs and tables look normalApr 11 14:06
PetoKrausoh and i switched to openboxApr 11 14:06
PetoKraus:PApr 11 14:06
*mib_3jr95s (i=6268acba@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 14:25
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schestowitztacone: "Is it really needed to have yet another daemon running in the background ? That will just be useful to kill battery faster."Apr 11 14:50
schestowitzMaybe MS can sponsor some .NET bastard with hookwsApr 11 14:50
*twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 14:51
twitterUS government props up paper companies. 11 14:52
schestowitztwitter: that's nice of you to rescue themApr 11 14:53
twitterWithout this, newspapers would be going under sooner.Apr 11 14:54
twitterthe method of support helps to warm the planet, so you can thank me twice for it.Apr 11 14:54
twitterpeople so often complain about over population, being fat and how cold and rainy it is where they live.Apr 11 14:55
oiaohmVala when it becomes stable will be a major bug bear to mono in Gnome.Apr 11 14:56
oiaohmSomething equal in the KDE envorment and most .net code will not be getting very far.Apr 11 14:57
taconeschestowitz: ?Apr 11 14:58
trmanco 11 14:59
schestowitztacone: they should let papers dieApr 11 15:06
schestowitzThey die because they can't deliverApr 11 15:07
taconepapers ?Apr 11 15:07
schestowitzThere are better things out there now. You don't fund companies that make oil lamps...Apr 11 15:07
taconeweren't we talking about daemons ?Apr 11 15:07
schestowitztacone: newspaperApr 11 15:27
schestowitztacone: yes, daemonsApr 11 15:28
schestowitzSomeone can write it in MononucleosisApr 11 15:28
schestowitzNovellsoft can even fund a developer to sponsor such things.Apr 11 15:28
schestowitzDNS has gone nuts againApr 11 15:31
schestowitzProbably Microsoft Conficker of something DDOSingApr 11 15:31
taconeanyone to help me digg and spread this helpful ubuntu feature ? 11 15:08
taconestuff that matters.Apr 11 15:08
oiaohmThat is a gnome featureApr 11 15:09
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 11 15:10
oiaohmSomeone stuffed up the area setting in X11 taconeApr 11 15:10
MinceRKDE has C++ already, so it doesn't need Vala.Apr 11 15:10
twitterbill gates does not want his paper PR press to sink so quickly, he has enough money to warp things for a whileApr 11 15:10
tacone:)Apr 11 15:11
oiaohmVala is a translator from C# style to C style.Apr 11 15:11
oiaohmWe are missing a translator from C# style to C++Apr 11 15:11
taconeit's not compatible anyways.Apr 11 15:12
taconejust translating the stile doesn't matter much.Apr 11 15:12
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 11 15:12
oiaohmDoes to coders who don't know C or C++ yet.Apr 11 15:12
taconei don't see how a c++ translator could be useful, anyways. you'll never see the C or C++ code.Apr 11 15:12
MinceRVala is one C-based OOP language. C++ is another.Apr 11 15:13
trmancotacone, I can tryApr 11 15:13
taconeif I understood right, Vala get's translated to C right before compiling.Apr 11 15:13
oiaohmSo did C++ when it was starting out taconeApr 11 15:13
MinceRindeedApr 11 15:13
taconeso what's the point for Vala -> c++ ?Apr 11 15:14
oiaohmNot Vala to C++Apr 11 15:14
*schestowitz () has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 15:14
oiaohmKDE interfaces are C++ a translator from C# style to KDE C++ style makes conversion simpler of .net programmers.Apr 11 15:14
oiaohmUndermines the mono pushing C# is better line.Apr 11 15:15
oiaohmVala is design purely for the gnome stack of libraries.Apr 11 15:16
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 15:17
twitterOh, God, please no talk about C# and .NET in GNU/Linux for a while.  I have to use applications written in .NET at work.Apr 11 15:17
twitterI can tell you that the original sucks life.Apr 11 15:17
trmancotwitter, slow hun?Apr 11 15:18
oiaohmNo strange glitches for no good reason.Apr 11 15:18
trmancotakes forever to load a .NET app, even on WindowsApr 11 15:18
twitterslow, buggy, like Windows.Apr 11 15:19
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 15:20
trmancotwinsApr 11 15:24
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 15:36
_Hicham_Hi Roy!Apr 11 15:36
schestowitzHey there.Apr 11 15:46
schestowitzHow's it going?Apr 11 15:46
schestowitzI shall go though some MS news shortly. Should be fun.Apr 11 15:46
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 11 16:08
*Slated has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 11 16:10
*Slated (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 16:11
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to SlatedApr 11 16:11
_Hicham_it is going greatApr 11 16:13
*tacone has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 11 16:20
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 16:21
Omar87Hi allApr 11 16:22
schestowitzHiyaApr 11 16:22
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 16:23
Omar87Does anyone agree with me that Macs ain't no invention? They're not nothing special, and buying Apple stuff -in general- merely a pointless waste of money?Apr 11 16:23
silentivmMacs are WAY overrated, IMHOApr 11 16:23
Omar87**They're nothing  special..**Apr 11 16:24
silentivmI fail to see what's so cool about them, or anything from Apple for that matterApr 11 16:24
Omar87Yeah, but I mean, what is it that Mac can do that can't be done with any other machine or platform?Apr 11 16:25
Omar87that *a* Mac can do..Apr 11 16:25
MinceRmacs suckApr 11 16:25
silentivmsome video editing apps are Mac-onlyApr 11 16:25
MinceRjust like all crApple productsApr 11 16:25
silentivmthat's the only thing I remember right nowApr 11 16:25
Omar87silentivm: Well, but still, that's not because Macs are incredible, it's only because the vendors of those applications are either Apple itself or simply a company of Mac-obsessed idiots.. IMHO..Apr 11 16:27
Omar87MinceR: LOL! crApple! Nice one. ;)Apr 11 16:28
MinceRmacs are ugly, overpriced, slightly incompatible PCs with severely limited customizabilityApr 11 16:29
schestowitzThis week: "Vista" has 1 match, vapourware (down 7) has 10 matchesApr 11 16:29
schestowitzVista is dealApr 11 16:29
schestowitzVista 7 is all Microsoft has the press talk aboutApr 11 16:29
schestowitzMinceR: they are not uglyApr 11 16:29
MinceRwell, i don't consider cheap white toilet lid plastic style anything but "ugly"Apr 11 16:30
_Hicham_schestowitz : fuck apple and microsoftApr 11 16:30
MinceRtrue, not all of their products are that hideousApr 11 16:30
_Hicham_they did nothing but cripple computer science for agesApr 11 16:31
_Hicham_pure commercial entities are not to be praisedApr 11 16:31
Omar87_Hicham_: Yeah man..Apr 11 16:31
_Hicham_better praise commercial/community entities like RedHatApr 11 16:32
_Hicham_RedHat showed the way to people, but they can't do the sameApr 11 16:32
schestowitzWatch this IDG fraud: "Regardless of the why behind it, the fact remains that Windows 7, in general, continues to receive good press." 11 16:32
schestowitz 11 16:32
schestowitzFor all I can tell, THIS CHAP DIDN'T TRY IT (!!), he's just rely on bought 'reviews' that Microsoft plantedApr 11 16:33
schestowitzSee, that's typical IDGApr 11 16:33
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 16:33
_Hicham_Windows 7 is nothing but a new crappy product MicroshitApr 11 16:33
schestowitzVista7 is buggyApr 11 16:33
_Hicham_Microshit has grown over time to become MacroshitApr 11 16:33
schestowitzAnd it's like VistaApr 11 16:33
schestowitzBut Microsoft is working on perceptionApr 11 16:34
_Hicham_shitting all over the worldApr 11 16:34
Omar87So what exactly is IDG?Apr 11 16:34
schestowitzSome shills pool.Apr 11 16:34
schestowitzYou pay them money, they say something good to suitsApr 11 16:34
_Hicham_IDG is an MS mistressApr 11 16:34
schestowitzNot just MicrosoftApr 11 16:34
schestowitzWhoever pays them.Apr 11 16:34
_Hicham_a public serving whoreApr 11 16:34
taconeIDG is a publishing company (i used to work for)Apr 11 16:36
taconethey're the editors of numerous well-known publications such as PCWorld, MacWorld, ComputerWorld and so on.Apr 11 16:37
taconedon't confuse them with IDC (which is related to them, btw)Apr 11 16:38
schestowitzIt owns themApr 11 16:39
schestowitzAFAIKApr 11 16:39
taconeI agree with schestowitz, they're mainly a money-related pre-web institution, which is struggling to keep the pace with the changes in IT businessApr 11 16:39
schestowitz "IDC is a subsidiary of IDG , the world’s leading technology media, research, and events company. Additional information can be found at "Apr 11 16:39
taconeIDG owns IDC i guess.Apr 11 16:39
schestowitzYesApr 11 16:39
schestowitzThat's where they make bought papersApr 11 16:40
schestowitzBought articlesApr 11 16:40
schestowitzaka 'white papers'Apr 11 16:40
taconewhite papers are a mostly paid service available to anyone.Apr 11 16:40
_Hicham_tacone : we didn't intend to insult u, we r talking about entities, not peopleApr 11 16:40
taconeno insult, don't worry.Apr 11 16:40
taconeusually, in italy, it goes like thisApr 11 16:41
taconethey contact or get contacted by - say - IBMApr 11 16:41
schestowitzKELLNER: Microsoft's Vista ought to die soon < >Apr 11 16:41
taconeso they agree for selling some bannerApr 11 16:41
taconeand put some whitepapers in the agreement. the customer will write the whitepaper.Apr 11 16:42
taconein Italy, we used to set up a "zone"Apr 11 16:42
taconelike a 'Virtualization Zone', or a "Safe Backup Zone" or any other theme.Apr 11 16:43
taconethen some article get written by idg journalists, some from the customer, and all whitepapers comes from the customer.Apr 11 16:43
taconethat way they can keep the label 'journalism'Apr 11 16:43
tacone 11 16:45
schestowitzYes, disinoformationApr 11 16:50
schestowitzAnd they call it "information group"Apr 11 16:50
taconepay-for-service i call it.Apr 11 16:50
schestowitzMore like "advertising group"Apr 11 16:50
schestowitz (Monster Gets Yahoo’s Help in Cyber-Hunt for Leakers )Apr 11 16:50
taconeultimately, you can define it as a mix between an advertising group and a journal. both happen.Apr 11 16:50
taconeI don't read their english websites, but I believe they have some good journalists in thereApr 11 16:51
tacone(as well as I guess localized versions are generally not worth reading)Apr 11 16:52
schestowitzThey buy sitesApr 11 16:56
schestowitzAnd then ruin themApr 11 16:56
schestowitzThey also have advertising deal with sitesApr 11 16:56
schestowitzThey drive the Webmasters madApr 11 16:56
schestowitzAt least the one I spoke toApr 11 16:56
schestowitzIna Shiellls (MS PR in CNET) spins the company's crimesApr 11 16:58
schestowitzFrom charges of collusion of price-fixing it become "Microsoft fined over Office pricing in Germany"Apr 11 16:58
schestowitzThose bastards are trying to rewrite history using their shillnalistsApr 11 16:59
schestowitzDisguised as journalistsApr 11 16:59
_Hicham_Don’t Worry!  We won’t install a bunch of additional stuff on your computer or try to sign you up for unwanted email.Apr 11 17:06
_Hicham_that is what is listed on Silverlight download pageApr 11 17:07
_Hicham_first time that I see that from MicrosoftApr 11 17:07
taconeitalian TV now seems on Silverlight only. they completed the switch.Apr 11 17:07
_Hicham_schestowitz : what do u say about that?Apr 11 17:08
schestowitz_Hicham_: they spammed Austrian Linux usersApr 11 17:13
schestowitzI'll get you the linkApr 11 17:13
schestowitz "Linux Today reported how Microsoft Austria used the site for spamming Linux users [4]; the counter keeps a list of press references, occasionally updated."Apr 11 17:14
schestowitz 11 17:14
schestowitzThe Register has an article somewhere. Linked in Bn too.....Apr 11 17:14
schestowitzThey play similar games in HollandApr 11 17:14
schestowitz 11 17:16
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 11 17:16
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 17:17
schestowitzWindows just works. Just In: Windows Doesn't See My Optical Drive < >Apr 11 17:21
amarsh04I still wonder about acpi... I posted this to #debian-kernel on whatever was the acpi bios options of my asus m3a78 pro motherboard broke things in the 2.6.29 kernel so badly that I had to re-create the filesystems on disk. Does the linux kernel offer any warnings against enabling acpi?Apr 11 17:25
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 17:25
Omar87Is IBM considered a good company?Apr 11 17:26
schestowitzWSJ pretends just the name is Microsoft's problem... Microsoft Faces Branding Problem In Effort to Top Google < >Apr 11 17:30
schestowitzOmar87: not exactlyApr 11 17:31
schestowitzIt's harmless to Linux users mostlyApr 11 17:32
*mib_ufy7yg (i=45f506e4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 17:40
Omar87schestowitz: Harmless in what way?Apr 11 17:40
MinceRMostly Harmless?Apr 11 17:44
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 11 17:51
mib_ufy7ygI'm a firm believer in "the market will take care of itself philosophy". No one company can impede innovation forever. Although it seems that Microsoft (and others) might have already proven me wrong on that.Apr 11 17:55
MinceRthe market will only take care of itself if it is allowed to do soApr 11 17:56
MinceRthat is, enraged people get to kill ballmer and his partners in crime with guns if they can't stop his monopoly abuse by other means.Apr 11 17:56
MinceRtrusts are a problem of laissez-faire capitalism if people are inhibited from acting against it.Apr 11 17:56
MinceRmaybe even if they aren't.Apr 11 17:58
schestowitzThe Zune ain't dead yetApr 11 18:04
schestowitzMicrosoft is trying to breathe life into it.Apr 11 18:04
schestowitzMore money down the drain :-DApr 11 18:04
mib_ufy7ygI think the Zune was just late to the party. Now if they were first it'd be a different story. But Microsoft seems to have a bad habit of putting their best foot forward while ignoring the other one. The push for Zune is only as strong as the market for the Ipod if know Ipod existed Zune would exist.Apr 11 18:08
mib_ufy7ygIf Ipod never existed Zune wouldn't eixst.Apr 11 18:10
schestowitzMaybeApr 11 18:11
schestowitzMicrosoft tries to injure AppleApr 11 18:11
schestowitzAlso GoogleApr 11 18:11
schestowitzThat's how they workApr 11 18:11
schestowitzDestruction versus developmentApr 11 18:11
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 18:17
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 18:18
schestowitzBaton Charges and Kettling: Police's G20 Crowd Control Tactics Under Fire < >Apr 11 18:25
schestowitzThe police is lyinh.Apr 11 18:25
schestowitz*lyingApr 11 18:25
schestowitzBut the footage claims otherwise.Apr 11 18:25
schestowitzThe Most Dangerous Person in the World? < >Apr 11 18:27
schestowitzG20: Police question witness to alleged assault on man who died during protests < >Apr 11 18:28
schestowitzG20 protests: A case to answer < >Apr 11 18:28
schestowitz"Product Safety Standards" for Cigarettes?  < > "Safety".... yeah... gotta work ;-)Apr 11 18:32
*mib_ufy7yg (i=45f506e4@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 11 18:36
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 18:43
schestowitzDerailed derailed? Exhausted by lawyers with deep pockets? What now for Microsoft, Yahoo?Apr 11 18:48
taconeMS hurts your health: 11 18:51
Omar87Guys, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04, and I'm lovin' it! XDApr 11 18:52
silentivm:)Apr 11 18:52
Omar87Man, literally, there's nothing like freedom.. :)Apr 11 18:56
taconethere's mono.Apr 11 18:56
Omar87tacone: I know, and that's where "sudo apt-get remove --purge" comes in. ;)Apr 11 18:58
schestowitzI’m guilty of getting XP netbooks, but I run Linux < > Sounds like the desktop scam?Apr 11 18:58
schestowitzOmar87: it's not released yet !! :-DApr 11 18:59
Omar87schestowitz: uh.. duh? :DApr 11 18:59
Omar87schestowitz: I mean, it's only 11 days away, so what's the difference..? :)Apr 11 19:01
_Hicham_Omar87 : what about the boot speed?Apr 11 19:05
Omar87Umm, haven't noticed a big difference, but I think it's a bit faster.Apr 11 19:05
schestowitzHadoop - Why is Google juicing Yahoo! search? < >Apr 11 19:06
schestowitzOmar87: good pointApr 11 19:06
schestowitzSun Board Meets as Schwartz Aims to Reassure Workers < > I worry about MS/Novell's go-ooxmlApr 11 19:07
schestowitzWhat if Oracle bought Sun Microsystems? < >Apr 11 19:08
schestowitzCSI seems to be deemphasising FOSS. Collaborative Software Initiative Introduces Open Market Data Feed Handlers Apr 11 19:10
schestowitzMicrosoft's [P]artner’s open source database forecast doesn’t make sense Apr 11 19:12
*schestowitz ust been on the phone with the sister for 2.5 hours :-oApr 11 19:13
taconesister = codename for microsoft ? (big sister)Apr 11 19:16
schestowitzNo, sister Apr 11 19:16
schestowitzBut I looked at MS headline at the same timeApr 11 19:16
schestowitzVery, very littleApr 11 19:16
schestowitzAnd.. wait for headline..Apr 11 19:16
schestowitzMicrosoft cancels campus pub  < >Apr 11 19:17
schestowitzWindows Mobile Users Complain About Upgrade Policy < >Apr 11 19:17
schestowitzMicrosoft Supports Plan for Undocumented Immigrants < >Apr 11 19:17
schestowitzMicrosoft Delays Sterling Security Suite < >Apr 11 19:17
schestowitzMicrosoft confirms biggest Patch Tuesday for six months  < >Apr 11 19:18
schestowitzConficker Shows Its Colors, Installs Rogue Antivirus < >Apr 11 19:18
schestowitzAdditionally, I tell with honest that Microsoft has almost nothing new, no new products at all.Apr 11 19:18
schestowitzThey are seriously besieged, the question is, how bad it it compared to their competition?Apr 11 19:18
schestowitzMicrosoft is situated in a bankrupt state (not my claim)Apr 11 19:19
schestowitzThis is good news: The OESF: Quietly Working to Get Android On New Hardware Devices < >Apr 11 19:21
*seller_liar (i=c90dc41b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 19:23
trmanco 11 19:23
schestowitzMozilla's Mitchell Baker: IE is An "Ongoing Drag" On Web Functionality < >Apr 11 19:23
trmanco 11 19:23
schestowitz└─(19:24 $)─> uname -a | catApr 11 19:25
schestowitzLinux..Apr 11 19:25
schestowitzCat is LinuxApr 11 19:25
trmanco:-pApr 11 19:25
trmancowtfApr 11 19:27
trmancoVista SP2 and Windows 7 More Secure than Linux and Mac OS X Leopard: 11 19:27
trmancoahh, okApr 11 19:28
trmanco"Windows Vista Service Pack 2 is the absolute apex in security when it comes down to operating systems, Kevin Turner, chief operating officer for Microsoft, has indicated at the Midmarket CIO Summit earlier this week. Turner has had no problems applauding Vista SP2's superiority over rivals open source Linux and Apple's Mac OS X Leopard, although he has failed to offer any details related to the OS security-measuring content besides hisApr 11 19:28
trmanco perspective."Apr 11 19:28
taconeread the subtitleApr 11 19:28
tacone"Microsoft claims"Apr 11 19:29
trmancotacone, I missed itApr 11 19:29
taconefine print :)Apr 11 19:29
trmancomicrosoft is desperateApr 11 19:30
schestowitzWhat else would Microsoft claim?Apr 11 19:37
schestowitzThat it "hopes to catch up with the competition?"Apr 11 19:38
trmancoschestowitz, forgot to identify yourself?Apr 11 19:38
schestowitzIn other news, China may claim its people to be chosen by God and far superior with all others in the human raceApr 11 19:38
schestowitzTo Microsoft, this is marketing, obligation to shareholders and 'national' prideApr 11 19:38
trmanconational pride?Apr 11 19:39
schestowitzMicrosoft nationApr 11 19:39
trmancoApple is an American company tooApr 11 19:39
schestowitzRemember Microsoft uses words like thatApr 11 19:39
schestowitztrmanco: yes, but Microsoft is like a country in a countryApr 11 19:39
schestowitzMany private tyrannies are like thatApr 11 19:39
taconeis like a country in more countriesApr 11 19:39
schestowitzApple too grows a sort of sectApr 11 19:39
schestowitzLinux too, TBHApr 11 19:40
taconelike every multinational, almost.Apr 11 19:40
schestowitzThe difference is, Apple has a treasuryApr 11 19:40
schestowitzIt's a companyApr 11 19:40
schestowitzLinux is decentralised an d amorphous.Apr 11 19:40
schestowitzThere's great danger in the former caseApr 11 19:40
schestowitzThink along the lines of Standard OilApr 11 19:40
schestowitzAnd Microsoft used words like "Jihad" intenrnally.Apr 11 19:41
trmanco...Apr 11 19:42
schestowitztacone: there's something inherently more dangerous in very large corporations like Foxconn than in some countries because companies operate like totality and moral values do not exist (unless the cameras are on), whereas many countries have the obligation to pretend they act as democraciesApr 11 19:42
schestowitzThere are ethical companies tooApr 11 19:42
schestowitzBut they are judged by their managers (leaders)Apr 11 19:42
taconeschestowitz: i meant to say it's not a country inside a country. It's a virus that spreads and tries to infect every country that it can.Apr 11 19:44
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 11 19:44
schestowitzI see nothing too monovalent in Schmidt/Page/Brin if you compare this to a company/ies where fraud, embezzlement, theft and AstroTurfing are standards tactics (not a reference to Microsoft in particular.. think Haliburton or Intel)Apr 11 19:44
schestowitztacone: some corporations can take over a country they are in without you noticing itApr 11 19:45
schestowitzWatch the centralising of media in the USApr 11 19:45
taconegoogle operates the same way. apparently for the good (or they hide it well). they are in every country and press the governments.Apr 11 19:45
schestowitzI'll fetch a video to illustrate thisApr 11 19:45
taconewhen the net censorship shit started in italy, they've been kept on pressuring the government. going to talk to them (there are even videos of meetings with politicians), creating public forums to dialogue with the institutionsApr 11 19:46
schestowitz 11 19:46
schestowitzI don't know which part, but around 40mins you see the Democrats at the FCC meetingApr 11 19:46
taconethat's the very same thing that microsoft does (they do that to get into schools, etc).Apr 11 19:46
schestowitzThey warn about the media getting controlled by few people. Media conglemerates; this can impact how people vote, and it does.Apr 11 19:47
schestowitztacone: Microsoft needs schools. They turn kids into Microsoft clients.Apr 11 19:48
taconeof course.Apr 11 19:49
taconeGN featured on Linux Outlaws 11 19:52
tacone*BNApr 11 19:52
*jumbo ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 19:53
*schestowitz looksApr 11 19:53
schestowitz 11 19:56
taconeuh !!Apr 11 19:57
jumbololApr 11 19:58
schestowitzHotmail inboxes: Here today, gone yesterday? 11 19:59
taconeseems like a nice thing.Apr 11 19:59
taconeeven from intel.Apr 11 19:59
schestowitzEven...Apr 11 19:59
taconeintel doesn't do charity.Apr 11 20:00
taconeif they employ people to work on gcc, it means they need it.Apr 11 20:00
schestowitzIntel destroys charityApr 11 20:01
schestowitzI call them Charity KillerApr 11 20:01
*_Hicham_ ( has left #boycottnovellApr 11 20:02
schestowitz 11 20:02
schestowitzIntel uses gcc to make its cpus attractiveApr 11 20:02
Omar87schestowitz: I've been chatting with a friend of mine right now, she works for an Engineering Consultations company, she uses .NET.. unfortunately.Apr 11 20:03
tacone <-- my eyes are bleeding :PApr 11 20:04
taconelet's let them do that.Apr 11 20:04
schestowitz.nyet succeeds in certain geographiesApr 11 20:04
MinceRintel making their cpus attractive doesn't have to be harmful though :>Apr 11 20:04
schestowitzfails in mostApr 11 20:04
*mib_7nvqb5 (i=48a3d8d9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 11 20:04
taconelet's let amd use gcc to appear actractive as well.Apr 11 20:04
Omar87However, whats surprised me, is that, she said they don't provide her with licensed versions.Apr 11 20:05
schestowitztacone: dark colours bad?Apr 11 20:05
*mib_7nvqb5 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 11 20:05
taconeno, the logo is so '96 :PApr 11 20:05
taconebut it was mostly a joke :)Apr 11 20:05
Omar87So, basically, she's left out in the cold, forced to pirate it from the internet, in order to get her work done..Apr 11 20:05
Omar87What more for a shame do you want than that.. ?Apr 11 20:06
Omar87Am I right guys?Apr 11 20:06
taconeOmar87: where ?Apr 11 20:06
Omar87Jordan.Apr 11 20:07
taconewhere does she says that ?Apr 11 20:07
Omar87Excuse me?Apr 11 20:07
tacone(09:15:29 PM) Omar87: However, whats surprised me, is that, she said they don't provide her with licensed versions.Apr 11 20:07
schestowitztacone: hardly a logoApr 11 20:07
schestowitzplay with mndrakeApr 11 20:08
schestowitz2002ishApr 11 20:08
Omar87tacone: Yeah, but where does she say what?Apr 11 20:08
taconethe license thing.Apr 11 20:09
Omar87What about it?Apr 11 20:09
schestowitztacone: 11 20:09
taconeschestowitz: ok ok :-)Apr 11 20:09
schestowitzI was playing about that afternoon. I used floppies... I remember.Apr 11 20:09
taconeOmar87: never mind. i'll ask god ( )Apr 11 20:10
Omar87Whatever..Apr 11 20:11
MinceRi, godApr 11 20:12
MinceR;)Apr 11 20:12
Omar87I didn't like that link.Apr 11 20:12
Omar87No offense, but really, I didn't. :|Apr 11 20:13
schestowitztacone: this is pretty good... http://www.theinterviewwithgod...Apr 11 20:13
taconeOmar87: that's the sensation it gave me your replies :)Apr 11 20:13
Omar87tacone: Sorry, but I'm really having trouble understanding you. :)Apr 11 20:14
schestowitz"Me:Apr 11 20:15
schestowitz YoApr 11 20:15
schestowitzGod:Apr 11 20:15
schestowitzCan I help you?Apr 11 20:15
schestowitzMe:Apr 11 20:15
schestowitz linuxApr 11 20:15
schestowitzGod:Apr 11 20:15
schestowitzLinux Rules."Apr 11 20:15
taconeOmar87:  let's leave it alone, not imporant ;)Apr 11 20:15
schestowitzJust very basicApr 11 20:15
Omar87Okay.Apr 11 20:15
schestowitzDetect some words, spew stuff.Apr 11 20:15
schestowitztacone: I saw a transcript from Jun AuzaApr 11 20:15
Omar87I just wish they named it anything else but God..Apr 11 20:15
schestowitzGod is not a name reallyApr 11 20:16
taconeBN made it on planet fedora: 11 20:16
schestowitzSomething more universalApr 11 20:16
schestowitztacone: thanks, I'll lookApr 11 20:16
taconenothing worth looking, but that blog is on planet fedora.Apr 11 20:17
Omar87schestowitz: Even so.Apr 11 20:17
MinceRgod is a nounApr 11 20:19
Omar87MinceR: It's a term that refers to anything that's worshiped.Apr 11 20:19
MinceRthat's one possible definitionApr 11 20:20
Omar87MinceR: Anything or anyone..Apr 11 20:20
schestowitztacone: I think I know the personApr 11 20:21
taconeDebian google summer of codeApr 11 20:21
tacone- On-demand Cloud Computing with Amazon EC2 and Eucalyptus IntegrationApr 11 20:21
schestowitzAs in, heard of him beforeApr 11 20:21
jumboOmar87 noApr 11 20:21
tacone......Apr 11 20:21
jumbothe God is not only worshipped <-- not a criteriaApr 11 20:21
schestowitzI sure did, but can't remember his roleApr 11 20:21
taconewill ever shuttleworth propose something not being already worked upon by others ?Apr 11 20:21
schestowitzConfused also with ODF stuff...Apr 11 20:21
Omar87MinceR: However, is this thing or person that's being worshiped.. really a God? That's the question.Apr 11 20:21
MinceRi know if a god in a fantasy setting which isn't worshipedApr 11 20:21
schestowitzOmar87: fair point, sorry about thatApr 11 20:22
Omar87jumbo: Yes, it's one definition.Apr 11 20:22
schestowitzRemember what Linus said about GodApr 11 20:22
schestowitzIf the quote is trueApr 11 20:22
MinceRs/if/of/Apr 11 20:22
schestowitzLet me find it, just for entertainmentApr 11 20:22
schestowitz3. “My name is Linus, and I am your God.” 11 20:23
schestowitzYes, I remembered it correctly. If CBR put it there, it's likely validated. And it shows how arrogant Linus is.Apr 11 20:23
schestowitz"It's a little hard to tell at the moment exactly what claims overlap between Apple's patent and the proposed standard, and why Apple is choosing to exert its right to contest the royalty-free licensing terms for those claims. An Apple representative did not immediately return a call seeking comment." 11 20:25
schestowitz"I am Steve Jobs, and I am your iGod"Apr 11 20:25
schestowitzTo claim ownership of knowledge is to claim to be a godApr 11 20:26
schestowitz 11 20:26
schestowitz"To claim ownership of knowledge is like claiming the rights of a God. We did not create the universe, we merely live in it. It'd be nice to think that we could do so harmoniously, without trying to claim exclusivity to every particle of matter or thought in that universe, like a pack of rabid prospectors rushing murderously, flintlocks and pickaxes in hand, towards a glint of gold in a rock-face."Apr 11 20:26
schestowitz"Surely our knowledge is merely the sum of what we have been taught, and not some divine gift handed down from God, entitling the bearer to exclusive privileges. How can anyone claim exclusive rights to that which has been collected from others, such as authors; teachers; parents and peers?"Apr 11 20:26
schestowitzHow about serving everyone a bill for reading articles or talking? Mmmm.. :-S that would be.... evil.Apr 11 20:27
schestowitz "The Los Angeles Times is breaking new ground in the fake news business. The Associated Press reports that the paper "took the unusual step Thursday of running a front-page advertisement that resembles a news story. "Apr 11 20:28
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 11 20:29
Omar87schestowitz: Those are amazing quotes! Thanks! :)Apr 11 20:29
jumboi dislike his quote about godApr 11 20:30
Omar87jumbo: You mean Linus?Apr 11 20:30
jumboyeahApr 11 20:30
Omar87jumbo: Yeah, and I hate too.Apr 11 20:30
jumboand the quote about windows is not evil but crappy sys is naiveApr 11 20:31
Omar87jumbo: Windows is merely a bunch of code, it can't be evil itself.Apr 11 20:31
jumbo...Apr 11 20:32
jumbothat's naive too, Omar87Apr 11 20:32
MinceRSkynet is merely a bunch of code, it can't be evil itself.Apr 11 20:32
Omar87jumbo: The one who wrote this pile of code, is the evil.Apr 11 20:32
schestowitzOmar87, jumbo it's not just Windows, it's MicrosoftApr 11 20:32
schestowitzThe same BS was spouted out beforeApr 11 20:33
schestowitzLinux FoundationApr 11 20:33
jumbom$ is just a bunch of people, it can't beevil itselfApr 11 20:33
Omar87schestowitz: Exactly.Apr 11 20:33
schestowitzFor example..Apr 11 20:33
schestowitzIt's not about engineering aloneApr 11 20:33
schestowitzAlthough collusion makes DRM, WGA and other evilsApr 11 20:33
MinceRballmer is just a bunch of cells, it can't be evil itself.Apr 11 20:33
schestowitzThose /are/ evilsApr 11 20:33
Omar87We shouldn't blame Windows, we should blame its maker.Apr 11 20:33
schestowitzBecause they are behavioural things like distrust encoded in digital formApr 11 20:33
schestowitzAnother thing is "digital manners"Apr 11 20:33
schestowitzMicrosoft's words for kill switchApr 11 20:33
schestowitzLike disabling your cameraApr 11 20:33
schestowitz"manners"Apr 11 20:34
schestowitzSee, manners can be behaviouralApr 11 20:34
schestowitzBut it's hardly about WIndows or OfficeApr 11 20:34
schestowitzThat's like saying radios from China are fantastic, so China is perfectApr 11 20:34
Omar87MinceR: Yeah, but Ballmer is a human being after all, humans can be evil.Apr 11 20:34
jumboalmost anything coming out of china is craptasticApr 11 20:34
schestowitzOr.... Stalin was a good fatherApr 11 20:35
MinceRnothing can be evilApr 11 20:35
jumbodid he have kids?Apr 11 20:35
schestowitzjumbo: not reallyApr 11 20:35
schestowitzThey have some fine productsApr 11 20:35
MinceRwhy do we have this word at all, i wonderApr 11 20:35
schestowitzIt starts without copycatsApr 11 20:35
schestowitzThen it maturesApr 11 20:35
schestowitzLike Japan back in the dayApr 11 20:35
Omar87MinceR: Can you explain further?Apr 11 20:35
MinceRi'm just following your thoughtsApr 11 20:36
Omar87MinceR: ??Apr 11 20:36
schestowitzMinceR: which word?Apr 11 20:36
schestowitzWord?Apr 11 20:36
schestowitzWord up?Apr 11 20:36
MinceR"evil"Apr 11 20:36
schestowitzTo describe maliceApr 11 20:36
schestowitzSomething you hateApr 11 20:36
schestowitzThere are many words to describe something you hateApr 11 20:37
schestowitz"terror" for exampleApr 11 20:37
MinceRi hate maliceApr 11 20:37
schestowitzSchneier complained that people call anything they don't agree with terrorApr 11 20:37
schestowitzLike calling a street protest terrorApr 11 20:37
Omar87schestowitz: It's not only about stuff you hate, because some of the stuff you hate are not actually evil.Apr 11 20:37
schestowitz There's " patent terrorism"(Sun exec about MSFT)Apr 11 20:37
MinceR"let's paint the bike shed green!" "no, that's terror!"Apr 11 20:37
schestowitzMinceR: if it errifies youApr 11 20:38
schestowitzCharged with connotation thoughApr 11 20:38
MinceR:)Apr 11 20:38
schestowitzLike images of Stinger missilesApr 11 20:38
schestowitzOr buildings collapsingApr 11 20:38
schestowitzWorth reading 1984Apr 11 20:38
MinceRdemolition is terror!Apr 11 20:38
MinceRearthquake is terror!Apr 11 20:39
schestowitzOn news speak/newspeakApr 11 20:39
MinceRi've read 1984Apr 11 20:39
schestowitzMinceR: it isApr 11 20:39

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