Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 21/09/2009: OLPC with GNU/Linux in Nigeria, More Unlocked Linux Phones

GNOME bluefish



  • Linux Professional Institute Announces New Affiliate in South Korea
    The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world's premier Linux certification organization (, announced a new affiliate for their program in South Korea: OpenPlum, Ltd. OpenPlum ( is a leading Open Source solution provider in Korea and its President and CEO, Kwangjei Cho, is also director for the Linux Foundation Korea (

  • Tables Turned on Hacker Site
    F-Secure says the site has been going up and down since the event, and it's not responding when I check it (from a Linux test machine, probably not a good idea to visit underground hacking sites using your Windows desktop). Let's hope the site stays down.

  • Audiocasts

  • Desktop

    • Life Lessons Learned From Using Linux
      The best things in life are free

      To be happy, there's no need for you to spend your money every time. And not all expensive things are better than those that are cheap. Before, I thought that the only way to get high-quality software is to spend more. But since I discovered Linux, and then Firefox, OpenOffice, Apache, and so on and so forth... I realized that I was wrong.

    • The Disappearing Desktop
      The “desktop” has been getting all the attention for the past score of years or so, and it was a big improvement from the “command line”, which is what we had to deal with prior to that. The desktop metaphor opened up all kinds of possibilities for people who had never used computers before, and unleashed a wave of new applications development the likes of which had never been previously seen.

    • Using Linux for the wrong reasons
      On this happy note, it's time to wrap this article. Don't take me too seriously, after all, this rant was meant to be fun. Still, as the popular saying goes, behind every joke is a grain of joke, I think my article does have merits.

      Linux is a tool, a lovely, friendly tool. To use it properly, you have to possess a certain skill set. Otherwise, the experience won't be pleasant. My hope is that future Linux converts will take to their hearts the advice given here and carefully consider the implications of making such a drastic move.

      Moving to Linux is just a beginning. Staying around is the journey. And being satisfied with the choice made is the end. Hopefully, we can all have a happy ending.

  • Server

    • IBM lowers mainframe costs with specialty processors
      Since mainframe software is charged based on the usage of the core mainframe processor, IBM has developed "specialty" processors, which provide a way for businesses to lower the software by offloading applications to a second, lower-cost processor. The IFL specialty processor runs Linux applications, while zIIP focuses on databases and zAAP on Java.

    • VXL adds low-cost thin client for virtual desktops
      Available now, the Itona TC1330 includes VMware View 3.1 and Linux virtual desktops with its Sylph-OS operating system.

    • VMPs - Virtual Machine Practices
      Most of the following relates to using XP Pro as host. As soon as you feel comfortable using Ubuntu or some other Linux as host do it since you will see a performance increase in the VM.

    • ScaleMP certifies on Intel Nehalem iron
      By comparison, the 1,024-core Altix 4700 Linux super from Silicon Graphics could handle an order of magnitude more, at 4.1 TB/sec of bandwidth. This machine uses 1.6GHz, dual-core Itanium 2 processors. A 64-core Power 595 machine from IBM (using the dual-core Power6 processors running at 5GHz) can deliver 787 GB/sec, or a little less than twice the vSMP setup, while a Sun Microsystems and Fujitsu M9000 server with 128 cores (using the quad-core Sparc64-VII processors) hits 222 GB/sec. An Integrity Superdome machine from Hewlett-Packard, equipped with dual-core Itanium 2 chips and a total of 128 cores, delivers 167 GB/sec of bandwidth on the Stream test.

  • Applications

    • Sophisticated Picture Taking With gPhoto

    • Real-Time Earth Wallpaper For Linux

    • BleachBit 0.6.3 Review
      We all know that computers tend to gather all kind of stale files that pile up in different temporary or cache folders, ultimately slowing down the system and occupying valuable disk space. Any self-respecting geek takes on the job of manually cleaning those files every once in a while, but no matter how through you are, you certainly won't be able to purge them all.

    • 10 Panel / Dock applications for your Window Managers.
      Here is the listing ( not ranking ) of some of these applications, which can be used on Window managers.

    • Web Browsers

      • Google Chrome Dev Channel Boosts Mac and Linux Versions
        Yesterday afternoon, the Google Chrome team released another update with performance gains for platforms, but Mac and Linux users will see the greatest boosts and new, useful functions.

      • WebGL support makes first appearance in latest Firefox 3.7 nightly builds
        Google Chrome and other WebKit-based browsers aren't the only ones getting improved 3D graphics handling capabilities. As of September 18th, Firefox trunk builds include support for WebGL.

      • 10 of the Best Free Linux Web Browsers
        This type of software application is responsible for retrieving and presenting information held on the World Wide Web, a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the internet. Web browsers allow users to view web pages which often contain a mixture of text, images, videos, and other multimedia.

        There are many different web browsers available for Linux, the most popular of which is Firefox. However, the market dominance of Firefox does not mean that this is necessarily the best web browser for every situation.

    • Games

      • NAEV 0.4.0 review
        NAEV 0.4.0 is out, a game of the space trading and combat simulator genre, inspired by the non-free Escape Velocity. Win32/lin32/lin64/mac binaries are available here.

      • Shadowgrounds Survivor and demos released
        LGP announced the release of Shadowgrounds Survivor, a third-person/top-down alien-invasion action game:
        As promised! Shadowgrounds Survivor is now available. We’ve had reports that some people have neglected sleep playing Shadowgrounds for the last two days, and are close to completion. We ask you please to sleep at least once before starting Survivor, yes we know the game is good, but, we don’t want anyone dying from too much Shadowgrounds goodness!

      • Quake Live - Redefining the online gaming
        Quake Live is great fun. It's a tremendous invention, game quality and graphics notwithstanding. What more, it looks well, it plays well. You get reasonable graphics, lots of fast-paced killing action, for free, inside your browser, on any operating system. It's a dream come true!

    • Graphics

      • GIMP 2.8 and its (huge) improvements to the User Interface!
        Finally confirmed: single window mode is coming for 2.8! But thats not the whole story yet ;) The plan for 2.8 also includes lots of other cool new usability and interaction features!

      • Episode 119: Get your Palette!
        This is a short show about how to extract the colours out of an image and put them into a palette. The next version of GIMP will allow the export of the palettes in a lot of designer and programmer friendly ways.

      • Tweak photos with Fotoxx (Open Source)
        In fact, if you need a lightweight tool that can help you to manage and tweak your photos with a minimum of effort, Fotoxx can do the job just fine. Fotoxx’s interface looks deceptively spartan: the main window sports a single menu and a toolbar that contains buttons for frequently used functions. But behind the simple interface hide quite a few powerful features like support for the RAW format (this feature requires the UFRaw package installed on your system), an easy-to-use panorama stitching function, and the ability to create HDR photos.

  • Distributions

    • Linux and plethorization
      For the many years I've been writing about Linux, it has always amazed me that no distro ever wins, in the sense that it vanquishes many opponents in the marketplace. Instead success breeds other successes through forks, variants and derivations by other labels.

    • Distribution Variation
      I do not really need Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, and Ubuntu Netbook Remix. Instead, I could use one variant that let me choose my desktop environment and applications during install time. The installer could use either a network repository, or on disc repository depending on the ISO file.

    • Puppy Linux 4.3 Has Been Redesigned from the Roots
      Barry Kauler is back at the helm of the Puppy Linux project, and he just released version 4.3 of the popular lightweight Linux distribution. Puppy Linux 4.3 is a massive upgrade from the 4.2 series, with almost all the components updated or replaced. Also, the whole system through which this Linux distribution is being built has been replaced with a completely new one, called Woof. The switch imposed the creation of a new package management system, called Puppy Package Manager, which supports the use of packages from any distribution within Puppy.

    • Distro Review: SAM Linux 2009
      Try out SAM for yourself and tell me how wrong I am if you like. You might find that it’s prefect for you.

    • A Look at the Ultimate Boot CD

    • Zenwalk And Open Sores: Life Goes On
      As far as Zenwalk is concerned, version 6.2 cements its place as one of the most highly-respected and well-liked distributions. As for Salix OS, well, we shall see.

    • Mandriva Family

      • Mandriva Linux 2010 RC1 is now available for tests
        Mandriva Linux 2010 RC1 version is now available on public mirrors. This RC1 version is available through

        * Free version, 32 and 64 bits DVDs * Dual arch CD (both 32 and 64 bits) * One versions, KDE or GNOME * Virtualbox image

      • Get your game on in PCLinuxOS with djl.
        Djl is an open-source (GPL licensed) game manager written in Python 2.5 for the GNU/Linux Operating Systems. It is inspired by Valve’s Steam software for Windows. djl currently hosts over 118 games you can download and play on your Linux system with such hits as Alien Area, Planeshift, Scorched 3d, UFO and many many more. Please note most games require gl drivers so a good gaming video card is needed.

    • Red Hat Family

      • Declare your freedom from pricey software at today's event
        Frields, of Raleigh, N.C.-based Red Hat Inc., is a real player in the open-source world, and he lives and works in Fredericksburg. He's Red Hat's Fedora Project Leader. Fedora is a community-supported free and open-source Linux-based operating system.

        The event essentially asks the question: "Why pay for proprietary software that often isn't as good as free software?"

      • Bets on Nike and Red Hat
        Some stocks appear likely to remain stable in coming weeks, presenting an opportunity for traders willing to sell options in those names.

    • Debian Family

      • Why does Debian smell like freedom?
        Debian smells like freedom because it reflects my own growth into a mature user who can understand and evalute choices.

      • Mepis 8.0.10 perfects KDE 3.5.10
        KDE 4.3 is Great but I would suggest all newbies to try the last, KDE 3.5.10 release of Mepis 8 (8.0.10) before it moves into KDE 4 world (cos i don't know what will happen then).

      • Ubuntu 10.04 Linux will be a Lucid Lynx
        At the Atlanta Linux Fest, Mark Shuttleworth announced that Ubuntu 10.04, the next major release of Ubuntu after version 9.10 Karmic Koala, will be code-named Lucid Lynx. Ubuntu 10.04 will also be a Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Debian-derived Linux distribution.

      • More Eye Candy Coming To Ubuntu
        The Ubuntu art team has been hard at work preparing a new look for Karmic Koala, which is set to be released on October 29th. While no final theme has been chosen, here screenshots of some of the art I like.

      • Computer and internet briefs, 20th September 2009
        Washington - Thinking of trying Linux? If you are, you'll quickly discover that there are dozens of different distributions - or "distros" - of the operating system floating around on the internet. Which should you choose? These days, the consensus favourite for easiest to set up is Ubuntu. Based on the stable Debian distro, Ubuntu comes with most drivers and productivity applications that you'll need to start working right away.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • EmbedOne Linux shows the way for new level of OS integration
      Meshcom Technologies, Inc. today announced its new brand name – EmbedOne – for its new embedded Linux line of business. At the same time, new publicly available suite of software and services for the embedded Linux community was announced.

    • Tilcon Graphics Suite adapted for VxWorks and Wind River Linux
      Wind River, which was taken over by Intel in early June, has released version 5.7 of the Tilcon Graphics Suite, software for developing graphical user interfaces for embedded applications. WindRiver acquired Tilcon Software in February 2009.

    • Wind River adds Carrier Grade Linux 4.0 compliance for MIPS architectures
      Wind River introduced Wind River Linux 3.0 in March this year, including compliance with the CGL 4.0 for PowerPC and x86 architecture-based processors from Freescale and Intel.

    • Phones

      • Unlocked Nokia N900 Linux Phone Now Only $588.99
        The Nokia N900 is not shipping yet, but Amazon (Via Pocktables) already dropped the pre-order price of the unlocked Nokia N900 (U.S. Version) to $588.99 (down from $649).

      • Got ROOT on my G1.. Now free as in freedom
        Now I have cyanogen’s ROM running on my phone. It is a very nicely customized rom with good performance. The improvements in the ROM includes Multitouch support, better camera options, Faster applications, 5 desktops etc. Anway I am addicted to Android. Trying out more and more hacks these days.

      • Palm Pre: Top-notch smartphone, despite some hardware gaps
        Pre wins a lot of points for style. The black, shiny and uniform exterior looks great and the device is slight enough to fit easily in your pocket and in the palm of your hand. Its curved edges and simple design – there's only one visible button when the keyboard is closed – make it approachable. It's a phone you'll want to hold.

    • Sub-notebooks

      • HP Pavillion dv2-1010ez Entertainment Notebook
        I used the partition editor (gparted) to reduce the Windows partition from 300 GB to 32GB, and left the Recovery partition intact (just in case). I then set about installing (or trying to install) various Linux distributions. This was what I was really interested in, seeing how Linux dealt with the CPU and graphic controller, and specifically how the whole thing compared to the ASUS N10J with its Intel Atom CPU and nVidia graphic controller.

      • Jolicloud – The Innovative OS For The Web-Centric Crowd
        For an OS that is still in alpha testing, Jolicloud is impressive. Surely there are plenty of bugs still need to be sorted out, but for the simple, yet user-friendly and easy to use interface, it really worth the praise.

      • Sellers and Buyers Should Do Their Homework
        Anyhow, I think that this boils down to people not doing their homework. For sellers, or those who bundle netbooks with their services (like telcos), they should research on their offerings before they do the marketing so that they will not make messages that could lead their customers to confusion. It matters what they say in their marketing copy before anything else. Sometimes catchphrases and slogans are culprits in giving customers the wrong impression. I hope that those who are selling netbooks will learn how to NOT give false expectations. Especially because Linux on netbooks is not what users know about all the time. If they don’t want high return rates, then they should do their homework first. If they know that they might have to add trained customer service representatives who will be called for help, then they should make a way. Just because it’s a netbook with Linux shouldn’t make their customers that it is an inferior product.

      • A new OLPC deployment in Nigeria
        Earlier this month, I found myself embarking on a last-minute journey to a One Laptop per Child workshop in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. They are preparing for a 6000 XO laptop deployment in that region of the country. I attended to support the 5-day event, which was coordinated by Michael Tempel and Claudia Urrea.

      • This kind of Sugar is actually *good* for kids… Put an OLPC in your pocket with Sugar on a Stick.
        A buddy of mine purchased an OLPC when they were first released. He wasn’t impressed with it, but I can’t say the same… Sugar on a Stick runs great on my old Eee PC 900, and is a lot more intuitive than you’d think, even for a grup!

Free Software/Open Source

  • Open Source: The War Is Over
    But so what? The war is over. Open Source won. The whole IT industry now depends on a vast amount of Open Source code and many key Open Source projects.

  • Free software can pay off in savings, performance
    ● Office suite: Review site calls the free suite Open Office "a credible rival to MS Office." You can save and read files in the common Microsoft formats, such as .doc. The interface is similar to older versions of MS Office. Besides writing and spreadsheet programs, it offers counterparts to Microsoft PowerPoint and the Access database program. Download it at

  • Research and Markets: New Market Focus on Open Source Software in the Enterprise Technology Market
    Open Source Software (OSS) has been a part of the IT market for over two decades. Recently, the commoditization of IT markets, changing attitudes to the production and distribution of intellectual property, and the global economic recession have put the OSS firmly in focus. Nevertheless, the OSS remains an elusive phenomenon.

  • Sourcesense and Go2Group Announce New Partnership on Innovative Open Source Solutions and Services
    Sourcesense, the European provider of open source solutions and The Go To Group, Inc. (Go2Group), a leader in the field of Software Production Line Automation (SPLA), today announced a broad technological partnership to extend middleware alternatives into the software development environment. With the combination of Sourcesense's open source expertise and Go2Group's best-practice services, the partnership aims to bring the power and value of open source solutions to customers looking for an option to today's traditional enterprise solutions.

  • Treading on the toes of open source
    And I added a quote from a very respected source, Freeform Dynamics director Dale Vile: “The fanatics and evangelists that push Linux in your face as the answer to everything actually put normal IT professionals off considering it”.

  • Veda Informatics Launches
    Veda Informatics have launched, to offer website development services using open source technologies. It is to be focused on the needs of individuals and small businesses.

  • Rapid-I supports first Open Source Golf Masters
    The American database manufacturer Ingres was therefore well aware when it chose a golf tournament with the aim of bringing decision-makers and senior management from IT and business together in a relaxed atmosphere near the Main metropolis of Frankfurt. The managing director of Ingres Germany, Bertram Mandel, said in the business news of “Open source left the stage of experimental student life a long time ago. Open source software has arrived in the company”

  • Restructuring at Open Source Data Mining Spezialist Rapid-I

  • Who Is Using Open Source Business Intelligence, and Why
    Ann All spoke with Mark Madsen, founder and president of Third Nature, a research and consulting company specializing in business intelligence and information delivery and the technology infrastructure required to support them. He authored a recent study of open source adoption in the business intelligence and data warehousing markets.

  • Oracle, SAP projects present opportunity for open source middleware vendors
    There's still time to insert open source into an SAP and Oracle projects. Go forth and prosper! Or at least use the open source product for better overall prices from SAP and Oracle.

  • Open Source Development in India: Success of Open Source Software
    Open source software like Magento, Joomla, ZenCart, Drupal, Elgg, phpBB, Typo3, Wordpress, osCommerce, Mambo, X-cart, OpenPHPNuke and Sugar CRM are established to develop a complete E-commerce website development.

  • Open Source CRM Customers Can Now Use Jigsaw Applications to Create Revenue
    Jigsaw, a Data as a Service, or “DaaS,” systems provider, has launched a new developer program for companies, such as open source CRM software provider, SugarCRM, to integrate Jigsaw products to benefit both companies and their customers.

  • Nuxeo, OpenLogic Unite for Top-to-Bottom Support of Open Source ECM
    Open Source Enterprise CMS vendor Nuxeo (news, site) is trying to make it easier for anyone interested in using its technology stack to bring those dreams to reality — from top to bottom.

  • Rackspace using Drupal
    Rackspace's support ideology - termed Fanatical Support - is something they are very proud of and has made Rackspace one of the world's leaders in hosting. I assume this Drupal-based support site is very important to their business.

  • Open Source Search Powers MTV Networks
    Solr is a branch of the Apache Lucene project, which has also spawned other powerful spin-offs such as the Hadoop distributed computing system. Lucene itself is a Java library used as a core component for multiple search systems. Solr was originally developed by Yonik Seeley while at CNET Networks, where it is used on the CNET Reviews site to help visitors drill down through search results by category. Seeley has since joined Lucid Imagination, a firm formed to provide commercial distributions, training, and support for Lucene and Solr.

  • Open Source Framework USA
    A content management system provides the foundation for an easy to maintain a website. A key factor in deciding which CMS to use should be the customization factor. When I say customization factor, I mean the how difficult it is to develop custom functionality particular to your project. Some CMS systems make this easy while others present more of a challenge.

  • Veda Informatics Launches Open Source Developers Website
    Veda Informatics, a fast-growing internet visibility optimization company, has launched , offering website development services focused on the needs of individuals and small businesses. Start-ups and small businesses are typically tight on funds, but cannot forgo having a web presence.

  • The Small/Medium Enterprise guide to Open Source Software
    The fourth edition of a guide to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to adopt Open Source software has been published. This guide (developed in the context of the FLOSSMETRICS and OpenTTT projects) present a set of guidelines and suggestions for the adoption of open source software within SMEs, using a ladder model that will guide companies from the initial selection and adoption of FLOSS within the IT infrastructure up to the creation of suitable business models based on open source software.

  • How to avoid the benefits of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
    There are companies such as Sun/Oracle, RedHat and Canonical that provide commercial support for specific bundles of software. RedHat offers commercial support for what they call RedHat Enterprise Linux which is a bundle of software they have put together that forms a complete operating system. Canonical does the same with their own distribution of Linux, and has a support center in Montreal.

  • Sun

  • SFD

    • How do you like your freedom?
      So really Software Freedom Day is not so much about software but about our rights and how they apply to technology. At least that's my two cent take on these matters. Go on, throw in your own two cents. I dare you!

    • Saigon Software Freedom Day a Success!!!
      Today I attended the Saigon Software Freedom Day 2009 organized by the Saigon Linux User Group at the University of Education in District 5. This is actually my first ever SFD that I attended. It was nice to meet Prof. Nguyen Thai Son again, a long time advocate of open source and Linux in Saigon. I made many valuable contacts from this event today including the Ubuntu-VN team.

    • Software Freedom Day

    • Happy Software Freedom Day 2009!

    • Welcome to Freedom Movement
      Now besides the ‘freedom’ it represents, how does using a FOSS product benefit a common user? For starters, everything is zero cost. Every possible application that you can think of comes bundled with GNU/Linux OS and can be installed by clicking on the ‘add or remove’ function. So, no chasing different vendors to buy different applications. And given that FOSS is user-centric and mostly a community project, applications here are often the most superior and interoperable ones on offer.

    • Software Freedom Day Marked in Accra
      The software Freedom Day 2009 was marked in Accra on Saturday with a call on businesses to deploy open source software products in their operations to become competitive.

  • Events

    • Open World Forum Reveals Start-Up Competition Shortlist
      Open World Forum, the leading global forum for free, libre and open source software Relevant Products/Services (FLOSS) worldwide, today announces the shortlist of 20 innovative open source start-ups who will be invited to present their companies to an expert Jury at the Open Innovation Summit, part of the Open World Forum on October 2nd, 2009. The international Jury will then present an award to the company perceived to be the most innovative and promising.

    • The Open World Forum Invites Journalists to Summit
      Open World Forum, the world biggest global forum for free, libre and open source software Relevant Products/Services (FLOSS) today extends an invitation to journalists and analysts covering open source news to register for the second Open World Forum event in Paris on 1 and 2 October 2009.

    • Atlanta Linuxfest
      I also got to sit in on a session presented by the eApps technical team on, “How To Bring Open Source Network Management Tools into Mission Critical Roles in Your Organization” I was jazzed to hear that they were using Zenoss Core to monitor over 5000 Virtuozzo containers.

  • Funding

  • Programming

  • Standards/Consortia

    • Why Apple is betting on HTML 5: a web history
      It’s important to note that HTML 5 isn’t one big difficult leap like moving from Windows XP to Vista, or from IPv4 to IPv6. According to Google’s Mark Pilgrim, the HTML 5 specification is simply a collection of detailed feature implementations that browsers can support. In fact, some browsers already support features like geolocation, local storage, offline apps, canvas, and the new audio and video tags. Apple’s Safari 4 and mobile Safari on the iPhone already do.

    • Unified ODF Icons 3.2 introduces a new set of document icons (a.k.a. mime type icons). The new set gives ODF documents a clean and unique visual identity, and removes any product or vendor specific brand.


  • Haiku alpha: Wow. Just wow.
    For alpha release software, this is a very promising show. I like almost everything about this — the size of the installation, the desktop look, the clean way the system applications and desktop widgets handle themselves. If I can track down why the network was inaccessible I definitely plan on reinstalling it and giving it another whirl.

  • AstroTurf

    • Direct Action Confronts the Climate Crisis
      The global political process to counter runaway climate change has become, for practical purposes, irrelevant. None of the currently proposed emissions reductions being seriously considered in policy making are appropriate to meet the severity of the situation. This overwhelming failure on the part of world governments is pushing the rapid unification of environmentalists, activists, scientists, and others to push for direct, immediate change.


      Many other websites, such as Coal Swarm, post constant updates on direct actions and resources for radical change. Twitter and similar online social networks are being utilized to outpace the communications and organization capabilities of the state and police. Independent media coverage of these events will be almost instantly shared throughout the internet, inciting resistance and solidarity across the world.

    • The Cashroots Conspiracy Behind FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity
      FreedomWorks receives funding from the tobacco conglomerate Philip Morris, as well as from Richard Scaife, another business tycoon, who for years helped fund dirt-digging investigations into Bill Clinton. Local branches of Americans for Prosperity have also received tobacco money; the group has opposed smoke-free workplace laws and cigarette taxes. ... ExxonMobil was a sponsor of Citizens for Sound Economy, and both FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity have campaigned vigorously against Obama's plans to reduce CO2 emissions through a cap and trade scheme, working closely with the American Petroleum Institute.

    • Republicans steal Barack Obama's internet campaigning tricks
      Matt Kibbe, who heads FreedomWorks, a national conservative group that led the push behind last Saturday's rally, goes further. He says that the movement has stolen from Obama the techniques he used to such effect last year and is now redeploying them as a stick with which to beat the president.

      When Obama beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries, FreedomWorks studied how he did it and then copied him. They set up a ning site, a Facebook-like platform that allows members to talk to each other without having to go through the parent body. The result was explosive.

      FreedomWorks now has more than 800,000 members who largely organise and fund themselves; all the group itself does is arrange permits for demonstrations and advise on logistics.

Digital Tipping Point: Clip of the Day

Jim Hogg teaches GNU Linux to high school kids 11 (2008)

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Digital Tipping Point is a Free software-like project where the raw videos are code. You can assist by participating.

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ageism glorified
Bing Was at 2.6% in Russia When LLM Hype Started. Now It's Down to 0.8% (for 3 Months in a Row Already)
The sharp fall of Bing may mean that exiting the Russian market won't matter to anybody
[Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen)
since when does Microsoft obey the law anyway?
Microsoft Layoffs Are Still Too Frequent to Keep Abreast of and Properly (or Exhaustively) Classify
The "HR" department knows what's happening, but whistleblowers from there are rare
Bahamas Joined the "5% Windows" Club
statCounter only traces back about 1 in 20 Web requests to Windows
Links 16/07/2024: Salesforce Layoffs and Microsoft's DMARC Fail
Links for the day
Antenna Abuse and Gemini Abuse (Self-hosting Perils)
Perhaps all this junk is a sign of Gemini growing up
Possibly Worse Than Bribes: US Politicians and Lawmakers Who Are Microsoft Shareholders
They will keep bailing out Microsoft to bail themselves out
The Software Freedom Conservancy Folks Don't Even Believe in Free Speech and They Act As Imposters (Also in the Trademark Arena/Sense)
Software Freedom Conservancy was already establishing a reputation for itself as a G(I)AFAM censor/gatekeeper
Djibouti Enters the Windows "10% Club" (Windows Was 99% in 2010)
In Africa in general Microsoft lost control
GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
Even in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic Of Korea) Google Said to Dominate, Microsoft Around 1%
Google at 93.26%
[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
They set centos on fire, then offer a (de facto) proprietary substitute for a fee
Shooting the Messenger to Spite the Message
segment of a Noam Chomsky talk
[Video] Boston Area Assange Defense (Yesterday)
It was published only hours ago
Guinea: Windows Down From 99.3% to 2.7% 'Market Share'
Guinea is not a small country
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
Links 16/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and One Page Dungeon Contest
Links for the day
Microsoft Falls Further and Closer Towards 10% (Windows "Market Share") in Kuwait
more countries entering the "single-digit Windows" (under 10%) club
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Antenna's Pro-Hamas Bias Revisited and Old Computer Challenge
Links for the day
[Video] Julian Assange, Over One Decade Ago, Cautioning About What the Internet Had Truly Become
video is not new
Homage to Malta
Malta is probably easy for Microsoft to bribe
IRC at 16
Logging has been used for us and against us
In Malta, Android/Linux Has Overtaken Microsoft Windows (According to statCounter)
statCounter milestone?
Links 15/07/2024: China’s Economic Problems, Boeing Under Fire
Links for the day
500 Days' Uptime Very Soon
Good luck doing that with Windows...
Windows Falls Below 20% in Tunisia
A month ago we wrote about GNU/Linux in Tunisia
Links 15/07/2024: Google Wants Wiz and Why "Sports Ruin Everything"
Links for the day
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and Sending Files via NNCP
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 14, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, July 14, 2024