The $1995 Matrox M9188 comes with 2GB of video RAM, and works with Windows 7, Vista, XP, and Linux. It can be combined with a second one to form a seamless desktop across 16 monitors. Apparently, this is perfect for "energy, transportation, process control, financial trading," and making your head explode.
As long as Mac OS X is tied to Apple hardware, Mac users are missing out. They also overpay. ⬆
uberVU - social comments
2009-11-16 23:38:30
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by GreatPCDeals: Power Users Choose GNU/Linux (Video) | Boycott Novell: For what it's worth, here are the technical details/..
But Red China won't trust Red Hat (IBM), which works for the Pentagon and keeps the "secret sauce" for its OS secret (just what Americans accused China of doing with its distros)
uberVU - social comments
2009-11-16 23:38:30
This post was mentioned on Twitter by GreatPCDeals: Power Users Choose GNU/Linux (Video) | Boycott Novell: For what it's worth, here are the technical details/..