An extensive sample of the 72-page PDF's contents. We're reproducing as images the key parts from the original[PDF] (the above screenshots are not complete as they omit repetitions as well as unsavoury parts that are in the PDF).
Summary: Readers can finally see all the details about what was taken (portable drives, laptop, desktop etc.) and what was found when a search was executed at the home of Bill Gates' engineer while he was at Bill's house (where he worked regularly); as far as we are aware, the police never searched Bill's house and computers
Perhaps the cherry on the cake is that Microsoft influence agents now try to attack the people who run the FSF, for merely have the 'wrong' views on political affairs
The upside is that the "tempo" of social control media is so fast (to cause addiction or "engagement" as the pushers put it) that the persistence of lies in social control media is rather poor
As regular readers are likely aware by now, for material we published years ago some likely broke man without a proper job (except in a company made up or invented by him) wants money
The 'broligarchs', a collective which typically created anything of their own, do not want the general population to possess skills that let it be anything other than passive consumers
It would be interesting to see some charts, based on some long-term study, comparing the general health (blood pressure, BMI etc.) of people who use proprietary stuff and people who do not
In the case of Rust, instead of "the liberation of the digital society" we have empowerment of Microsoft GitHub and of GAFAM in general. Guess who funds this...