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-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #eff ☞ Are Your Identification Photos in a Face Recognition Database? [] | Mar 21 02:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Creative Empathy in a #Pandemic [] | Mar 21 02:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #caturday [] | Mar 21 02:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Baby [] | Mar 21 02:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Trapped in a dream [] | Mar 21 02:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #coronavirus ☞ #COVID19 and Trump's Racist Rhetoric [] | Mar 21 02:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "we remain prey to the “chronic and acute infectious diseases that devastate the population again and again,” which Scott identifies as a primary characteristic of the very earliest states." [] | Mar 21 02:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 ☞ #IMF Refuses Aid to #Venezuela in the Midst of the #Coronavirus Crisis [] | Mar 21 02:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #eff #WhileNobodyPaysAttention ☞ Heads Up #Internet : A Dangerous Zombie #CFAA Expansion Bill is Back [] | Mar 21 02:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Human Rights: Clean #Water and the #WWE in #SaudiArabia with Reem Habte and Dylan Lazaga - Along The Line Podcast [] | Mar 21 02:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Let Them Tape Brooms Together: Pandemics Are Fun! [] | Mar 21 02:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Even more developers have begun to offer their games up for FREE. We now have Tomb Raider and Drawful 2 joining in." [] | Mar 21 02:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: DXVK 1.6 Released [] | Mar 21 02:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DXVK 1.6 Released #graphics #freesw #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 02:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: The Fertile Crescent, xow, Free Games, Artifact and Installation on GNU/Linux [] | Mar 21 02:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Games : The Fertile Crescent, #xow , Free Games, #Artifact and Installation on #GNU / #Linux [] | Mar 21 02:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #censorship #condenast #socialcontrolmedia ☞ Why #Reddit Quarantined a Popular, Hate-Driven Message Board [] | Mar 21 02:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #eff #coronavirus #pandemic #www ☞ What You Should Know About Online Tools During the #COVID19 Crisis [] | Mar 21 02:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Racism and policies supported by a majority of poor and working-class white voters can kill them." [] | Mar 21 02:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | Mar 21 03:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | Mar 21 03:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #eff #gafam #surveillance ☞ #Google Says It Doesn’t 'Sell' Your Data. Here’s How the Company Shares, Monetizes, and Exploits It. [] | Mar 21 03:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Brazil can't take it anymore," declares a petition demanding #Bolsonaro 's #impeachment [] | Mar 21 03:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to read data from Kafka with #Python I run #kafka on my old laptop. #Programming [] | Mar 21 03:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I submit a new gallery for LibreOffice called Icons. It show some usefull [sic] icons/symbols which can be used in all LibreOffice apps. If you search for app icons they area already available in the GUI widget prototyping extension." https://colibreoffic... [] | Mar 21 03:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): James Hunt: "I have just released #procenv version 0.46. Although this is a very minor release for the existing platforms (essentially 1 bug fix), this release now introduces support for a new platform..." [] | Mar 21 03:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #eff #surveillance ☞ #DOJ Moves Forward with Dangerous Plan to Collect #DNA from Immigrant Detainees [] | Mar 21 03:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #bioterrorism #trump #OrangeVirus ☞ Economists Demand Trump Immediately Lift Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela Sanctions That Are 'Feeding the Coronavirus Epidemic' [] | Mar 21 03:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #pandemic #classwar ☞ To Defeat #Coronavirus Media Need to Look at Real-World Examples, Not Play ‘Simulitis’ [] | Mar 21 03:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Librem Hardware and the Intel CSME Vulnerability #security #pureos #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 03:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #eff #coronavirus #security ☞ Phishing in the Time of #COVID19 : How to Recognize Malicious #Coronavirus #Phishing Scams [] | Mar 21 03:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #MooseAche - Simple web-browser in #Python , using #PyQt [] | Mar 21 03:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Linux Mint Debian Edition version 4 is out, Google releases tools for embedded developers, a socially isolated Pwn2Own still manages to hack multiple targets, and GPU owners from around the world pitch in to fight the novel coronavirus." https://www.jupit... [] | Mar 21 03:20 | |
schestowitz_log | "Linux Mint Debian Edition version 4 is out, Google releases tools for embedded developers, a socially isolated Pwn2Own still manages to hack multiple targets, and GPU owners from around the world pitch in to fight the novel coronavirus." | Mar 21 03:20 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Linux Mint Officially Releases Debian Edition LMDE 4 “Debbie” #debian #gnu #linux #linuxmint [] | Mar 21 03:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Writing in #Markdown with #Typora #freesw [] | Mar 21 03:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Elon Mask [sic] hype [] | Mar 21 03:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We thought it would be a good idea to tell you how we're managing the current crisis at PythonAnywhere. We switched over to remote working last Thursday, 12 March" [] | Mar 21 03:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): com [] | Mar 21 03:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Python 4 Kids: #Python is No Good for Mortality Rates #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 03:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #RealPython Podcast is finally live! Tune in for interesting guests, interviews with expert Pythonistas, and lots of behind-the-scenes with the Real #Python Team." [] | Mar 21 03:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The PSF’s priority is the health and safety of the community and the #COVID19 ( #Coronavirus ) #pandemic has made it unsafe to hold #PyCon US this year." [] | Mar 21 03:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Swapnil the Shill now pushing #Microsoft #exFATThe #linuxfoundation has created a rogue PR industry that works, for profit, for those who are attacking #linux [] | Mar 21 03:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ibm leverages #pandemic for #marketing and #openwashing [] | Mar 21 03:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #openSUSE #Tumbleweed – Review of the week 2020/11 & 12 #suse #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 03:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In this episode, Paul Everitt and Brian discuss ways IDEs can encourage testing and make it easier for everyone, including beginners. We discuss features that exist and are great, as well as what is missing." [] | Mar 21 03:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Earl Zope was inviting to the #Zope May sprint, from 13th till 15th of May, 2020. He was hoping for many volunteers to come. Due to restrictions to prevent spreading of #COVID19 (Corona) this sprint is going to be remote-only." [] | Mar 21 03:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Engineers share designs for DIY #ventilators online... [] | Mar 21 03:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): [] | Mar 21 03:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Covid19 : #Bootlin proposes online sessions for all its courses [] | Mar 21 03:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Brent sits down with Stuart Langridge, co-host of Bad Voltage, for an exploration of open source's "final mile", the text and language interface as a UX opportunity" [] | Mar 21 03:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We take a look at AMD’s upcoming line of #Ryzen 4000 mobile CPUs, and share our first impressions of #Ubuntu 20.04’s approach to #ZFS on root." [] | Mar 21 03:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ibm keeps pretending it's some kind of charity (as do many other companies) [] | Mar 21 03:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): On the eve of Human Rights Day, human rights activists Pregs Govender addresses President Ramaphosa on how human rights can beat Covid-19. [] | Mar 21 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #gop #classwar #poorshaming ☞ Here Are the 51 Republican Senators Who Just Voted Against Expanding #PaidSick Leave to All Workers [] | Mar 21 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #UBI proponents are having day field this month with #coronavirus and the mass unemployment, uncertainty. Wasn't automation and advancement supposed to be (or marketed to us as) working less, having more time for family and hobbies? [] | Mar 21 03:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #pandemic #covid19 ☞ #Coronavirus Is Exploiting an Underlying Condition: Our Epidemic of Insecurity [] | Mar 21 03:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I wonder how many 'freedom payments' this senator has gotten for his campaign from the corporations they are about to bail out?" [] | Mar 21 03:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #covid19 #oligarchyRubberstamped ☞ #Elections May Have to Change During the #Coronavirus Outbreak. Here’s How. [] | Mar 21 03:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #~~Kogito is a cloud-native business automation solution that offers a powerful, developer-friendly experience. Based on production-tested open source projects Drools and jBPM, Kogito has business rules and processes down to a science." https://developer... [] | Mar 21 03:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): GNOME's Molly de Blanc: Seven hundred words on #Internet access [] | Mar 21 03:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Red Hat's Peter Hutterer: "Now, what do we want? (other than a #COVID19 cure) Reproducible tests, possibly on different distributions, with the same base system across tests." [] | Mar 21 03:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #UK #pubs and #restaurants told to shut in virus fightWe saw quite a few open yesterday and even some couples in themNot the time to pretend to oneself everything is normal [] | Mar 21 03:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #uk gov. says it'll "pay 80% of salary for staff who are kept on by their employer, covering wages of up to £2,500 a month."The cost of having 'another Italy' here is so high that this kind of temporary measure would be cheaper, I think [] | Mar 21 04:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "I’ll use Otii in #Ubuntu 18.04, and likely connect Otii Arc to one of my #ESP8266 or #ESP32 board to measure power consumption, and get other data from the board." [] | Mar 21 04:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #coronavirus ☞ Increase in #Unemployment #Insurance Claims Is a Preview of the Coming #Recession [] | Mar 21 04:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #trumpland #orangeVirus ☞ 'We Cannot Test. We Cannot Test': As #Coronavirus Cases in US Spike 40% in One Day, Medical Workers Plea for Key Supplies [] | Mar 21 04:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Compact, rugged #WhiskeyLake module supports #Linux [] | Mar 21 04:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Seems rather late, belated even [] | Mar 21 04:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Best #RaspberryPi Kits, the Incredibly Flexible Minicomputer #raspi #rapi #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 04:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Continuing Improvements to the OSS Supply Chain Ecosystem [] | Mar 21 04:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Continuing Improvements to the OSS Supply Chain Ecosystem OIN with its #swpats stories... [] | Mar 21 04:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Jupiter and Python Podcasts [] | Mar 21 04:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Audiocasts/Shows: Jupiter and #Python #Podcasts #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 04:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #pandemic ☞ A Lesson #Coronavirus Is About to Teach the World [] | Mar 21 04:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #neverBiden ☞ What the #Coronavirus Emergency Has to Do with #Biden vs. #Sanders [] | Mar 21 04:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig ☞ #Elections May Have to Change During the #Coronavirus Outbreak. Here’s How. [] | Mar 21 04:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DjangoCon #Europe 2020 postponed to September #programming #python [] | Mar 21 04:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Python Programming Leftovers [] | Mar 21 04:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Python #Programming Leftovers [] | Mar 21 04:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #OrangeVirus ☞ #Trump Uses #Coronavirus to Spread #Racism [] | Mar 21 04:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "a young person with a mild cold who had recently traveled to China and an older person complaining about a toothache whose temperature was just over 100 degrees" [] | Mar 21 04:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia ☞ ‘We’ll stay here until they smoke us out’ As road construction begins over a #radioactive waste dump in #Moscow , police start forcing local activists off the site [] | Mar 21 04:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #imperialism #oil #warcrimes ☞ 17 Years Later: The Consequences of Invading #Iraq [] | Mar 21 04:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #covid19 ☞ What #Coronavirus Means for Pregnancy and Other Things New and Expecting Mothers Should Know [] | Mar 21 04:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Under #Capitalism Every #Plague Has a Silver Lining [] | Mar 21 04:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #bezos #BezosAsUsual ☞ #Amazon Warehouse Worker Tests Positive for #Coronavirus Days After Employees Warn Company Isn't Taking Proper Precautions [] | Mar 21 04:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Debian #ChrisLamb and a Campaign of Harassment-by-Proxy #gnu #linux #cancelculture [] | Mar 21 04:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #ElementaryOS is known for its aesthetic design and elegant look." #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 04:32 | |
acer-box____ | | Mar 21 04:32 |
acer-box____ | "What's EU doing to fight #COVID19 (apart from clapping)? Still supporting Mafias and people who generate a huge expense for #eu citizens, which is a burden in these times" | Mar 21 04:33 |
*libertybox ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 04:36 | |
-NickServ-acer-box! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Mar 21 04:36 | |
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 04:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "For the #LibreOffice 7.0 release I work on galleries. One which is ready for testers is a new/updated arrows gallery." [] | Mar 21 04:38 | |
*acer-box____ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Mar 21 04:39 | |
*libertybox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Mar 21 04:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Arrow Electronics has now announced what appears to be a completely new online event." [] | Mar 21 04:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Solus Installation and Configuration #solusOS #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 04:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #gop #classwar #pillage #opportunism ☞ While GOP's Means-Tested Stimulus Aims to 'Screw Poor People,' Progressives Call For Universal Cash Payments [] | Mar 21 04:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #coronavirus ☞ #Russia enters nationwide high-alert status amid #COVID19 #pandemic [] | Mar 21 04:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #covid19 ☞ #Russia confirms 52 new #coronavirus cases (there's lots more, Putin/Kremlin would rather not count), bringing total number of >known< (declared) infections to 199 [] | Mar 21 04:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I trust what gov. of #russia says about #coronavirus figures as much as I trust the CPC's claims (0 new cases in Wuhan region? LOL, piss off!!) or as much as you should trust what it said about #ukraine harvest ~90 years ago [] | Mar 21 04:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 ☞ On the Front Lines of the #Coronavirus #Pandemic : A Doctor’s View [] | Mar 21 04:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Our aunt who's a nurse in #yorkshire says they're already preparing anxiously for the influx of #covid19 patients. They're dedicating whole rooms/sections to it. [] | Mar 21 04:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #pompeo #trump ☞ When "Fake News" Was Banned: an America Trump Would Have Loved [] | Mar 21 04:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Perl Weekly Challenge #rakulang #programming [] | Mar 21 04:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OpenJDK 14 Has Some Performance Improvements But OpenJDK 8 Still Strong #java #programming #benchmark #freesw [] | Mar 21 04:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNS3 – Network simulator to configure virtual networks on Linux #gnu #linux #freesw [] | Mar 21 04:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Business as Unusual: Notes on a #Pandemic "he encouraged pharma friends" [] | Mar 21 04:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #trump #classwar #pillage #SocialismForTheRich ☞ Trump’s Budget Proposal Reveals His Values [] | Mar 21 04:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Gabbard was never real left. So no wonder she endorses a Conservative, #biden [] | Mar 21 05:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ 'Now Make It National': #Vermont and #Minnesota Classify Grocery Store Staff as Emergency Personnel [] | Mar 21 05:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): With empty shelves, panic and death many of the world's richest nations begin to look like whatever they told us about socialist countries which they had embargoed to cause crises and foment unrest [] | Mar 21 05:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #fedora (again) had some major downtimes yesterday. #ibm needs to pump resources into the project. [] | Mar 21 05:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The frauds from #cbs #tabloid #zdnet continue to stuff the "LINUX" section with #ProprietarySoftware and traps of #microsoft They DO NOT EVEN PRETEND TO BE A NEWS SITE ANYMORE! Thinly-veiled. [] | Mar 21 05:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Free, virtual embedded tech show promises 3,000 dev kit giveaways those target #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ New 'Hurricane-Sized Increase' in #Unemployment Claims, Warn Economists, Is Just the Beginning [] | Mar 21 05:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Unemployed? Embrace #freesw Learn #programmingDownload #gnu #linux in the ample free time now availedLet's make the most out of usLet's change 'the (operating) system'... [] | Mar 21 05:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #imperialism #pillage #plunder ☞ “Maximum-pressure March”: US hybrid war on #Venezuela heats up [] | Mar 21 05:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Excellent #YouTube Tools Bypassing the Web-Only Barrier #freesw #gnu #linux #scraper [] | Mar 21 05:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Devices/Embedded With GNU/Linux [] | Mar 21 05:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Devices/Embedded With GNU/Linux #gnu #linux #hardware [] | Mar 21 05:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | Mar 21 05:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | Mar 21 05:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A lady who started working for #tesco to avert unemployment and keep paying her mortgage told us someone wanted to buy 12 Bacardi bottles (and not to wash her hands with), so they now impose limits on booze purchases too. Toilet paper and alcohol won't sav... [] | Mar 21 05:21 | |
schestowitz_log | A lady who started working for #tesco to avert unemployment and keep paying her mortgage told us someone wanted to buy 12 Bacardi bottles (and not to wash her hands with), so they now impose limits on booze purchases too. Toilet paper and alcohol won't save you. | Mar 21 05:22 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Software: YouTube Bypass, Graphical Network Simulator, Fondo and Typora [] | Mar 21 05:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gnu #linux Software: #YouTube Bypass, Graphical Network Simulator, #Fondo and #Typora [] | Mar 21 05:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Java 14 and #OpenJDK 14 Benchmarks [] | Mar 21 05:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Java 14 and #OpenJDK 14 Benchmarks #programming #oracle #redhat [] | Mar 21 05:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Creative people will not only survive, they will create." [] | Mar 21 05:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #dnc #wallstreet #militarism ☞ Flake News, Bics, PINOcchios, and the War on Bernie #Sanders [] | Mar 21 05:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): With spring coming and the gym shut, we'll finally have more time for shotput. Sun and exercise. [] | Mar 21 05:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #covid19 ☞ Amid #coronavirus pandemic Moscow's #Sheremetyevo Airport is closing two terminals [] | Mar 21 05:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia #ru #coronavirus ☞ #StPetersburg governor visits a grocery store to verify stocked shelves and speaks to a random shopper who randomly turns out to be an actress [] | Mar 21 05:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #Orangevirus ☞ No, President Trump, the #Coronavirus Is Nothing Like #H1N1 #SwineFlu Either [] | Mar 21 05:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia ☞ With sudden rise in #oil prices due to stimulus promises, #Moscow Exchange shoots up in record-breaking growth [] | Mar 21 05:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #walmart #uk (Sainsburys) minutes ago: "Last Thursday, we set aside an hour for elderly and vulnerable shoppers in our supermarkets. Many of you have told me how much you appreciated this and that you would like this to become a regular event" [] | Mar 21 05:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #coronavirus #covid19 #SocialismForTheRich ☞ Work in Government, Finance or an Industry Affected by the #Trump Administration’s Bailouts? Talk to Us. [] | Mar 21 05:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #putin ☞ Anonymous Telegram-based news outlet says #Moscow is planning to shut down at 800 #coronavirus cases; officials cry slander [] | Mar 21 05:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What a time for #diabetes #monopolies ... #epo [] | Mar 21 05:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Corrupt #epo and #euipo prioritise #monopolies [] | Mar 21 05:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "During this time the #EPO will explore options for the further use of videoconferencing in oral proceedings." This is NOT essential activity right now! [] | Mar 21 05:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sometimes you can think that if a dozen nuclear bombs fell and millions were dying in trenches the lawyers would soon go to 'work', filing #patent lawsuits... [] | Mar 21 05:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Illegal #patent #monopolies on algorithms and on life/nature, disguised using buzzwords like "HEY HI" and "life science" #patents [] | Mar 21 05:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo "All oral appointments scheduled until March 27, 2020, including examination and opposition procedures, will be postponed until a new date, unless there is confirmation of the meeting by videoconference." [] | Mar 21 05:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #ru #covid19 ☞ Russian citizens can still enter #Russia , but now they all have to #quarantine for two weeks [] | Mar 21 05:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Those are still on the shelves (I see them)They don't sell well [] | Mar 21 06:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ As Doctors and Nurses Grow Desperate for Protective Gear, They Fear They’re Infecting Patients [] | Mar 21 06:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Relief [] | Mar 21 06:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Relief Vote": #corporateMedia #coronavirusIsOrange ☞ A Congressman (Don Young, #Alaska ) Skipped the #Coronavirus Relief Vote. Instead, He Went Home to Tell Senior Citizens to Blame Mass Media. [] | Mar 21 06:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia #covid19 ☞ Russia's sparkling new bridge to #Crimea is the peninsula's biggest obstacle to containing #coronavirus , says the region's head [] | Mar 21 06:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hospitals gradually turn into camps, hotels, improvised temporary facilities and people's homes. Not prepared for this... #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 06:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Warning," a friend tells me, "there is a drastic increase in the number of publications substituting tweets in place of actual sources."#socialcontrolmedia #notjournalism #disinformation #clickbait [] | Mar 21 06:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A short while ago the media spoke about a quarter million confirmed #covid19 cases. Now it's near an official number of 276,000. Still growing exponentially, spreading exponentially, confirmed exponentially. 4,000 in #uk now. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis... [] | Mar 21 06:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ...and tomorrow expect US to have more confirmed #covid19 cases than #iran and #spain They just hadn't tested people (to isolate them) until after it was widely spread. [] | Mar 21 06:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump #cracked [] | Mar 21 06:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What #AOC said... [] | Mar 21 06:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #cia 'asset' in the US government, Mr. #burr (utterly corrupt, truly evil for a decade) [] | Mar 21 06:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #freesw #gnu and #linux named; "at least they give credit to RMS by name"-Anon [] | Mar 21 06:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #battlepenguin #Standards #Consortia ☞ #RSS : The Original Federated Social Network Protocol [] | Mar 21 06:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): In RSS 'protocol':- Your "followers" are people who subscribe to your feed- You "follow" who's in your RSS reader - Nobody in the middle can censor any of the nodesWhy not go back to that??? [] | Mar 21 06:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Elitist Westerner: look at those poor countries, so poor because they're so violent (and not the other way around)Corona: hold ma drink!#panicBuying #racism #selfishness [] | Mar 21 06:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #vice #Education #socialdistancing ☞ The Move to Online College is Hitting Adjunct Professors the Hardest [] | Mar 21 06:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #theeconomist #coronavirus ☞ How #covid19 is interrupting children’s #education [] | Mar 21 06:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #esn #education #coronavirus ☞ Erasmus Student Network statement on the #COVID19 outbreak [] | Mar 21 06:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #jacobinmag #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ We Can Stop #Pandemic #Profiteering [] | Mar 21 06:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #salon #gop #orangeVirus ☞ #Coronavirus : A story of blatant Republican irresponsibility and #corruption [] | Mar 21 06:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "there is worse. Troubling new findings suggest that stopping the #pandemic might require repeated shutdowns. And yet it is also now clear that such a strategy would condemn the world economy" [] | Mar 21 06:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As an anesthesiologist with a focus on palliative care and psychedelic medicine, I recently shared my own story of healing at the summit at Headlands Center for the Arts on psychedelic medicine and palliative care." [] | Mar 21 06:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #nytimes #ProprietarySoftware #MoveToFreeSoftware #freesw ☞ ‘Zoombombing’: When Video Conferences Go Wrong [] | Mar 21 06:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #krebsonsecurity #ProprietarySoftware ☞ #Zyxel Flaw Powers New #Mirai IoT #Botnet Strain [] | Mar 21 06:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #theverge #ProprietarySoftware ☞ #Discord says it’s banning millions of accounts to tackle spam [] | Mar 21 06:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #ProprietarySoftware☞ Server Outages and Increased API Errors: Incident Report for #Discord [] | Mar 21 06:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #computerworld #idg #google #coronavirus ☞ Google suspends Chrome upgrades as #COVID19 impacts software schedules [] | Mar 21 06:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This was -- and still is -- an imaginary (fictional) value that the next bubble will burst very soon [] | Mar 21 06:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Federal agents has to calm the #OrangeVirus downTelling him FEMA has nothing to do with FEMALESThe Orange Virus can't stand females except those whom he can legally and illegally sexually molest [] | Mar 21 07:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EPO awarded and glorified #patents now responsible not only for many deaths but lawsuits against companies trying to prevent these [] | Mar 21 07:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #hongkongfp #PatientsAsTerrorists ☞ Coronavirus: Asian countries use #surveillance tech to curb outbreak [] | Mar 21 07:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Kenny Rogers has just died. Will anyone notice? [] | Mar 21 07:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #thehill #socialcontrolmedia #censorship ☞ #GOP lawmakers call on #Twitter to ban Chinese Communist Party from the platform [] | Mar 21 07:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #schneier #coronavirus #TheySaidItsForTerrorism ☞ Emergency #Surveillance During #COVID19 Crisis [] | Mar 21 07:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #vice #covid19 #oppression ☞ How #Coronavirus Might Help #Surveillance Boom [] | Mar 21 07:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #corporatemedia ... they keep telling us "Open Source won"What they mean to say is, proprietary giants won over (hijacked) the Free software movement and things remain as always beforeSo we lost... [] | Mar 21 07:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #thenation #murdoch #goldenDawnald #racism ☞ #FoxNews Has Always Lied to Old People. This Time It May Kill Them. [] | Mar 21 07:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #pk #pakistan ☞ Pakistani doctor arrested in #Minnesota on terrorism charge [] | Mar 21 07:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #vice #iFixit #LivesBeforeProfits ☞ Fixers Are Crowdsourcing Medical Equipment Repair Information [] | Mar 21 07:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #futurism #Energy #Science ☞ Scientists Call for #FusionPower Plant in the United States [] | Mar 21 07:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Washington, DC has been rocked in the last day by revelations of possible coronavirus-related insider trading by members of Congress." #corruption #coronavirus #covid19 [] | Mar 21 07:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The No. 1 rule, when it comes to Republican behavior during a crisis, is that it is always worse than you imagined. That was true during Donald Trump's Russia scandal" [] | Mar 21 07:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #us #Orangecorona cases per day welcome to the clueb, #agentOrange [] | Mar 21 07:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'Grandpa' Noam #Chomsky on the Primary, Media Criticism, and #COVID19 [] | Mar 21 07:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #rollingstone #corruption #covid19 ☞ Senator Dumped Up to $1.6 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About #Coronavirus Preparedness [] | Mar 21 07:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #cpj #Censorship ☞ #SouthAfrica enacts regulations criminalizing ‘disinformation’ on #coronavirus outbreak [] | Mar 21 07:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #hongkongfp #cn #censorship ☞ ‘Journalists as diplomatic pawns’: Questions and outrage as #China set to expel US reporters [] | Mar 21 07:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Trump gleefully fielded a softball from the sycophantic far-right One America News: a sardonic query about whether the term “Chinese food” was racist" [] | Mar 21 07:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #cpj #china #propaganda ☞ #Beijing dismisses Chinese news assistants working for U.S. bureaus [] | Mar 21 07:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #teenvogue #covid19 #OffshoreBunkersAndBankers ☞ The #Coronavirus #Pandemic Is a Reminder the Rich and Powerful Won't Save Us [] | Mar 21 07:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #gigeconomy #serfeconomy #fakeeconomy #slavery ☞ #Coronavirus Will Be the Hardest for Gig and Service Workers in the U.S. [] | Mar 21 07:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #uk #internet #remotework ☞ ‘Working from home’: Will Britain’s #broadband be up to the job? [] | Mar 21 07:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When people go "to work" (office/workplace) they still use (and used) a network connection; with #remotework much of the extra toll/burden on the infratructure is remote access and streaming for video-chatting. Download #freesw and work LOCALLY. With #free... [] | Mar 21 07:49 | |
schestowitz_log | When people go "to work" (office/workplace) they still use (and used) a network connection; with #remotework much of the extra toll/burden on the infratructure is remote access and streaming for video-chatting. Download #freesw and work LOCALLY. With #freedom and #privacy | Mar 21 07:49 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When you use #freesw you do, on average,, save energy and bandwidth. Look at the topology of packet-passing. Also, this improves #privacy -- #centralisation breeds #surveillance [] | Mar 21 07:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #torrentfreak #copyrights ☞ #WarnerBros Sues 'Harry Potter' Running Club over #Copyright Infringement [] | Mar 21 07:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #torrentfreak #proprietarySoftware ☞ Doom Eternal Debacle May Have Dismantled #Denuvo #DRM on Debut Day [] | Mar 21 07:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #climatenewsnetwork #globalwarming #climatechange ☞ Extreme #summer #heat puts millions at risk [] | Mar 21 07:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Titanic as metaphor of what Global Oligarchs do to us now."I saw a lot of Italians, Latin people, all along the ship's rails — understand, it was open — and they were all glaring" [] | Mar 21 08:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "the late steamship Titanic, in my testimony at the Senate of the United States stated that I fired shots to prevent Italian immigrants from jumping into my lifeboat." [] | Mar 21 08:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #coronavirus ☞ #Health Care Workers and #COVID19 [] | Mar 21 08:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When they tell us medicine (or medical treatments/staff) and food are at the "front line" as if we're at war; but the analogy is a false one. And it leads to more false equivalences that let the biggest culprits and perpetrators off the hook. [] | Mar 21 08:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Many cranks will say #billgates is behind #coronavirus (rather than one who looks to profit from solution to it). But gates is responsible for other viruses: [] | Mar 21 08:08 | |
acer-box | RIP, Mr. Rogers, Yes, he has just died. | Mar 21 08:11 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): RIP, Mr. Rogers, Yes, he has just died. [] | Mar 21 08:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Imagining A New World on the Other Side of the #Pandemic [] | Mar 21 08:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #covid19 ☞ Senator Dumped Up to $1.7 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About #Coronavirus Preparedness [] | Mar 21 08:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The question is how many US citizens are we willing to sacrifice to appease a few thousand rightwing Cuban-Americans in south Florida. Is the price worth it, Marco?" [] | Mar 21 08:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Growingly a myth: “Only the old and weak will die.” [] | Mar 21 08:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): China: we eradicate journalists instead of #coronavirus #lies #coverup #censorship #cpc [] | Mar 21 08:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If you believe that #china has just a dozen or so new cases of #covid19 cases per day (given how ingrained and well entrenched it is), then let me tell you how this incident was just about one man and one tank [] | Mar 21 08:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Tianjin authorities banned editors and reporters from sharing information about the disaster on Weibo and WeChat, and websites were ordered to follow state media. The Tianjin internet police warned social media users to use only official casualty figures"... [] | Mar 21 08:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Cyberspace Administration of #China banned all journalists from posting to social media, & insisted on strict adherence to #Xinhua copy. On 15 August, it announced that it had shut down 18 websites and suspended 32 more for spreading false information" ... [] | Mar 21 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ The #OrangeVirus and #Capitalism [] | Mar 21 08:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #cn ☞ Fighting #COVID19 in #Cuba , #China and the United States [] | Mar 21 08:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "OK, OK, 2+2=5""OK, OK, the #coronavirus has been contained by #china Great Leader Xi" [] | Mar 21 08:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #coronavirus ☞ Triggering a Global Financial Crisis: #COVID19 as the Last Straw [] | Mar 21 08:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #eff #coronavirus ☞ Governments Must Commit to #Transparency During #COVID19 Crisis [] | Mar 21 08:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #coronavirus ☞ I’m Not in the #NBA Nor Am I Tom Hanks. Here’s How I Lucked Into a #COVID19 Test. [] | Mar 21 08:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #coronavirus ☞ 'Do #F35s Fight Pandemics?' Amid #Covid19 Outbreak, Lawmakers Pushing For Even More Useless #Pentagon Spending [] | Mar 21 08:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You'd think a nuclear bomb is about to fall [] | Mar 21 08:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #monopolies ☞ With Nation Distracted by Public Health and Economic Crises, #Trump Moves to Allow #GMO Crops in #Wildlife Refuges [] | Mar 21 08:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ICE Has Repeatedly Failed to Contain Contagious Diseases, Our Analysis Shows. It’s a Danger to the Public. [] | Mar 21 08:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #cartoons #cartoon ☞ #SocialDistancing USA [] | Mar 21 08:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #covid19 #OrangeVirus ☞ If #Trump Declares #MartialLaw Due to #Coronavirus Can He Suspend the Election? [] | Mar 21 08:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Listening to and showing respect to the experts – in particular the people who work on the frontline – is crucial in the fight against domestic violence" [] | Mar 21 08:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): MTU Engineering Team Joins Open-source Ventilator Movement [] | Mar 21 08:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Colombia close to having world’s first open source and low-cost #ventilator to ‘beat Covid-19’ [] | Mar 21 08:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #raspberrypi #raspi #gnu #linux #education ☞ Activities you can do at home this week! [] | Mar 21 08:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: An Arduino based Open Source Ventilator to Fight against COVID-19? [] | Mar 21 08:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An #Arduino based Open Source #Ventilator to Fight against #COVID19 ? [] | Mar 21 08:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux Mint’s Debian Variant LMDE 4 Released With New Features and Improvements [] | Mar 21 08:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LinuxMint ’s Debian Variant #LMDE 4 Released With New Features and Improvements #gnu #linux #debian [] | Mar 21 08:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 3 metrics to measure your #opensource community health #freesw [] | Mar 21 08:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 3 metrics to measure your #opensource community health #freesw [] | Mar 21 08:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Developer ports Ubuntu Touch to the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 [] | Mar 21 08:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Developer ports #UbuntuTouch to the #Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 08:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OSI did not accomplish its goalsWe know that because one cofounder left in PROTEST in JanuaryA month later they banned the other cofounderOK? whatever "Open Source" hoped to (originally) achieve, it clearly failed to [] | Mar 21 09:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | Mar 21 09:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #linux #google [] | Mar 21 09:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: BowPad is an open source programmer-friendly text editor with a ribbon interface [] | Mar 21 09:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #BowPad is an open source programmer-friendly text editor with a ribbon interface #freesw #programming [] | Mar 21 09:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored ☞ Stonewalled: Establishment Media’s Silence on the #Trump Administration’s Crusade against #LGBTQ People - Censored Notebook [] | Mar 21 09:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #climate ☞ Major Players in US #Agriculture Convene to Address #ClimateChange [] | Mar 21 09:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #desmogblog #coronavirus ☞ #Coal Industry Group Asks Federal Lawmakers to Cut Funding for Black Lung Program, Citing #COVID19 [] | Mar 21 09:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ If #Neoliberalism is Crumbling, What Will Follow? [] | Mar 21 09:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #coronavirus ☞ Nature's Revenge: #ClimateChange and #COVID19 [] | Mar 21 09:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A month ago, corporate media: OMG! China #manufacturing down, who's going to produce fast enough to meet market demand???This month: oh wait... the stores are shut. No demand, no manufacturing. #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 09:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #turkey #greece #HumansAsRansom ☞ Death at the Greek Border: Syrian Refugees Should Not Be Used as Political Pawns [] | Mar 21 09:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): So-called 'phones' take and remotely record your location every ~10 seconds. The companies that do that also want to record your heartbeats ever ~10 millisecond (so they know your mood in real time, too) [] | Mar 21 09:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ESET to #gnu #linux users: put our secret code or #ProprietarySoftware in the core of your computer. It's for "security", HONEST! [] | Mar 21 09:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #billgates -bribed 'news' paper says: "The free GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is powerful but fairly complex"Perpetuating the old, outdated myth? [] | Mar 21 09:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No, IDG. Not to "aid" but to hijack, subjugate and control (e.g. spy on, censor) those developers. [] | Mar 21 09:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Microsoft #Github is very #malicious #proprietarysoftware and a trap. Even #MicrosoftTim writes to that effect. [] | Mar 21 09:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Waffle, fluff and shameless propaganda from Microsoft. This is all about spying on, censoring and controlling one's competition. #Antitrust law seems not to exist in age of Trump. #npm #microsoft #github #deletegithub [] | Mar 21 09:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How a Microsoft publisher covered the hijacking of JS developers by Microsoft. A Microsoft executive has already hijacked another major consortium of JS, elevating oneself to top post in 'Linux' Foundation management. [] | Mar 21 09:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LinuxFoundation Adds Another #Microsoft Executive to Its Leadership (Fourth by Count) [] | Mar 21 09:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Open Source is not "Winning"Open Source and by extension #freesw is under attack and those who claim it is winning receive their salaries from the attackers [] | Mar 21 09:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This headline tells you what Microsoft is after. It's all about control, not freedom. [] | Mar 21 09:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): In this case "presence" means #censorship and #surveillance etc. i.e. conrol [] | Mar 21 09:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Now you get your code and binaries from the NSA's foremost partner, which puts back doors in everything and then receives Pentagon bailout (contract) [] | Mar 21 10:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Reminder that Open Source is under attack and we know the attackers are 100% proprietary with reckless history of crime and ICE contracts [] | Mar 21 10:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Dear #JavaScript devs,Bypass #npm to bypass crimeTo bypass criminals#microsoft and #github don't care about developersThey work for ICE and #pentagon etc. [] | Mar 21 10:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Microsoft : developers are a one-night stand [] | Mar 21 10:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The criminals from #microsoft aren't getting 'enough' with your PCNow they go after your medical recordsI.e. the PCs of your cliniciansBreach of law?For sure.But at times of crisis who will notice anyway? [] | Mar 21 10:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): I see that y Paul Krill at the #microsoft -funded #idg is still a megaphone/salesperson of Microsoft. #corruptMedia #proprietarySoftware [] | Mar 21 10:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #techrights #IRC Proceedings: Friday, March 20, 2020 [] | Mar 21 10:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FLOSSWeekly 570: #xscode [] | Mar 21 10:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 ☞ #Poverty in the Time of #Coronacirus : Victims of a Sickness That is Yet to Exist [] | Mar 21 10:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #desmogblog #oil #lies ☞ Shell's Latest Annual Report: More #Greenwashing ? [] | Mar 21 10:15 | |
*roy-on-ted-box has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Mar 21 10:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ #Immigration Courts Are Telling Employees to Come to Work — Ignoring #Health Risks and Local Shelter-in-Place Orders [] | Mar 21 10:25 | |
*tedbox ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 10:27 | |
-NickServ-tedbox! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Mar 21 10:27 | |
*tedbox has quit (Changing host) | Mar 21 10:27 | |
*tedbox (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 10:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #coronavirus ☞ What #COVID19 Says About Us "A crisis, according to self-help and leadership books, reveals much about a person’s character." [] | Mar 21 10:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #coronavirus #covid19 has now "officially" killed as many as #ebola did. But you didn't hear much about Ebola victims because they were African. [] | Mar 21 10:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This was less than one month ago. "Italy and Iran have announced steps to try to contain worrying outbreaks of the virus." [] | Mar 21 10:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "US stock markets recorded their biggest weekly loss for a decade when they closed on Friday – they’re down 17% since Monday"#maga #orangevirus [] | Mar 21 10:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): BBC BS: "China experiencing spike in imported cases" (imported?! Where was this exported from in the first place? They ban journalists, lie about the spread, now blame "CIA" and foreigners?) [] | Mar 21 10:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #politics ☞ #Sanders v. #LizWarren : Why It Still Matters [] | Mar 21 10:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #covid19 #pandemic ☞ As #Coronavirus Cases Spike Worldwide, We Need Global Cooperation to Halt Spread [] | Mar 21 10:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "What can I say? I like Linux a lot and I love Softpedia even more, since early 2005, when I joined the team."He left last year. The "LINUX" section was taken over by a self-confessed #microsoft propagandist. [] | Mar 21 10:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #proprietarysoftware #spam disguised as 'article' in increasingly sold-out #fossmint [] | Mar 21 10:42 | |
*tedbox has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Mar 21 10:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Random thought: now is a good time for tyrants to get rid of their political opponents without many people paying attention or publicly gathering to protest this. #socialdistancing #blackout #specialpowers [] | Mar 21 10:48 | |
*tedbox ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 10:49 | |
-NickServ-tedbox! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Mar 21 10:49 | |
*tedbox has quit (Changing host) | Mar 21 10:49 | |
*tedbox (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #covid19 ☞ #NYC Public #Hospital Worker Warns "We Should Expect the Worst" From #Coronavirus [] | Mar 21 10:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #orangevirus in March 2020: we need to block flights from 'dirty' EuropeDays later: US starts testing more and turns out to be more 'dirty' than anywhere in Europe except #italy [] | Mar 21 10:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #gop #oligarchy #classwar ☞ Here are the 51 Republican Senators Who Voted Against Expanding Paid #SickLeave [] | Mar 21 10:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember the site called "Muktware" and "The Mukt" (which means freedom)? Yeah, well, about that one... it became #apple marketing, pro-grata. So much for Mukt... more like The MUCK. Feeding off #linuxdotdot to sell malicious traps. [] | Mar 21 10:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You know that #googlenews is 1) broken 2) likely unstaffed or understaffed3) neglected4) maybe run purely by "HEY HI"Why?Because its RSS feeds keep yielding many results from as far back as FIFTEEN years ago Doesn't take a genius to write code to CULL thes... [] | Mar 21 11:01 | |
schestowitz_log | You know that #googlenews is | Mar 21 11:01 |
schestowitz_log | 1) broken | Mar 21 11:01 |
schestowitz_log | 2) likely unstaffed or understaffed | Mar 21 11:01 |
schestowitz_log | 3) neglected | Mar 21 11:01 |
schestowitz_log | 4) maybe run purely by "HEY HI" | Mar 21 11:01 |
schestowitz_log | Why? | Mar 21 11:01 |
schestowitz_log | Because its RSS feeds keep yielding many results from as far back as FIFTEEN years ago | Mar 21 11:01 |
schestowitz_log | Doesn't take a genius to write code to CULL these! | Mar 21 11:01 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Before #russia worried about the virus it was reminded of #climatechange [] | Mar 21 11:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Oh hi #russia #natureComesKnocking [] | Mar 21 11:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hello h0000mans,Got Corona? [] | Mar 21 11:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hackers leak internal documents showing the FSB’s quest for a cyber-weapon that can take whole nations offline #fsb #russia #internet [] | Mar 21 11:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout ☞ It’s Been Open Season on #Voting Rights Since #SCOTUS Gutted #VotingRights Act [] | Mar 21 11:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #coronavirus ☞ The #COVID19 #Pandemic Is a Crisis of #Capitalism [] | Mar 21 11:08 | |
*tedbox has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Mar 21 11:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #coronavirus #graft #corruption ☞ Senators Cash In on #COVID19 as a Plundered Nation Reels [] | Mar 21 11:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Coronavirus : #DowJones drops more than 900 points, ending worst week since 2008 [] | Mar 21 11:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The British Pound collapsed. The sort of thing we were warned #brexit would cause, but this one will be explained differently. [] | Mar 21 11:15 | |
*tedbox ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 11:16 | |
-NickServ-tedbox! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Mar 21 11:16 | |
*tedbox has quit (Changing host) | Mar 21 11:16 | |
*tedbox (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 11:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ Portraits of Fire in the Ancien Régime [] | Mar 21 11:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): US #corporatemedia as megaphone of Communist Party of #china [] | Mar 21 11:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Without Adequate Protective Gear, Doctors Fear They're Infecting Patients [] | Mar 21 11:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Manifesting Radical #Feminism "That pamphlet is the ultimate template for the form we call the manifesto." [] | Mar 21 11:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What #ubuntu founder #markshuttleworth wrote 12 years ago "I’m sure we will see a lot of failed capitalists in the future. Hell, I might join their ranks" [] | Mar 21 11:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What #ubuntu founder #markshuttleworth a #taxevader [] | Mar 21 11:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ebola deaths: 11,300: deaths (so far): 11,561 [] | Mar 21 11:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As many of you will already know, I was excluded from the public gallery of the #AlexSalmond trial yesterday. Inside the High Court, in the queue to enter the courtroom, I was suddenly taken aside by the #police and told I was barred." https://www.craigmu... [] | Mar 21 11:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 ☞ #Coronavirus #Capitalism — and How to Beat It [] | Mar 21 11:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ ‘Russia's Chances Against Coronavirus’: Sizing up the country's healthcare capacity and social readiness for a #pandemic [] | Mar 21 11:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "manager of #coronavirus " #lauraingraham #orangevirus [] | Mar 21 11:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to misinterpret cancellations as deaths? #china #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 11:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ...and if these numbers were connected to truth (they're not), #china contribution to #air #pollution by #manufacturing would be replaced by cremations [] | Mar 21 11:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “I Don’t Take Responsibility at All” [] | Mar 21 11:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Remember: When you're stuck at home you might as well use broadband; you're not mobile anymore [] | Mar 21 11:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia #monarchy #covid18 #perfectTiming ☞ Next month when holding a nationwide plebiscite on constitutional amendments, Russian election officials will keep polls open for a full week [] | Mar 21 11:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Maybe later this year #trump will do what Vladimir Putin does this month and Xi did a few years ago (racist Trump even defended Xi when CPC/CCP did it!)Elections? Don't count on it. Yet. [] | Mar 21 11:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #DeaDBeeF music player 1.8.3 was released a day ago as the third bugfix update for 1.8 series." #freesw #gnu #linux #music [] | Mar 21 11:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "the story is a familiar one for those who are testing newer web applications that use one of the multitudes of evolving web app platforms built on a poorly understood technology stack" [] | Mar 21 11:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security and Proprietary Software Leftovers [] | Mar 21 12:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security and #ProprietarySoftware Leftovers [] | Mar 21 12:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Microsoft's Attack on the Free Software Supply Chain [] | Mar 21 12:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Microsoft's Attack on the Free Software Supply Chain #deletegithub #npm #microsoft #proprietarysoftware #surveillance [] | Mar 21 12:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Senator John #Cornyn told reporters it’s “no coincidence” #COVID19 originated in #China , given “cultural practices there.” What cultural practices did the senator list?" [] | Mar 21 12:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Don't go down the slippery slope of race-baiting like "Chinese corona""Even before World War I, Germany struggled with the idea of African mixed race German citizens." [] | Mar 21 12:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #us #history implements #familyseparation in ICE internment camps, which target "brown" people [] | Mar 21 12:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has indicated that multiple Russian-produced treatments for #COVID19 as well as six possible #vaccinations will soon be undergoing testing." [] | Mar 21 12:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ Considerations of the Post- #Sanders Era [] | Mar 21 12:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #StealingFromSavers #SocialismForTheRich #TrickleUpEconomics ☞ The #FederalReserve Dictatorship Runs Amok Against Savers [] | Mar 21 12:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "On March 20, #Russia health officials announced that they recorded 54 new cases of #coronavirus in the previous 24 hours, bringing the country's number of confirmed #COVID19 infections to 253." Probably vastly higher. They travel a lot. [] | Mar 21 12:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Tesco, Asda, Aldi, and Lidl said they would hire thousands of staff after hugely increased demand saw shoppers clearing shelves." More temporary staff needed. People fill up shelves at home. Then demand will fall. [] | Mar 21 12:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 324 dead in #spain in a day, total 1,326 now. A quarter of total deaths... in one day! #madrid overwhelmed and overemcumbered, just like the British capital. Over 1,000 cases in #london alone. #covid19 [] | Mar 21 12:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Philippines has registered its highest single-day increase in cases - 77 - taking the total to 307. Only 1,269 people have been tested so alarm bells are ringing," beeb says. [] | Mar 21 12:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #imperialism ☞ #Trump Should Have the Guts to Call His #MiddleEast Troop Redeployments What They Are: a Retreat [] | Mar 21 12:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #coronavirus ☞ What Will the Post- #COVID19 Global #Economy Look Like? [] | Mar 21 12:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The Great #5G Hype love it when I see people saying it (and who aren't me!). What a COLOSSAL marketing hype scam with buzzwords and bribed publishers! [] | Mar 21 12:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia #coronavirus ☞ Here’s the core of the Russian executive cabinet’s new #COVID19 economic crisis plan, point by point [] | Mar 21 12:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #BigIssue will no longer be sold on UK streets from Monday. [...] The papers' vendors number between 1,500 and 2,000. They normally sell around 60,000 copies of the magazine every week."RIP, media? And poor people who depend on Big Issue for food mone... [] | Mar 21 12:38 | |
tedbox | "The #BigIssue will no longer be sold on UK streets from Monday. [...] The papers' vendors number between 1,500 and 2,000. They normally sell around 60,000 copies of the magazine every week." | Mar 21 12:38 |
tedbox | RIP, media? And poor people who depend on Big Issue for food money? | Mar 21 12:38 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bad timing for #suse to push this shallow "HEY HI" marketing. Yeah, let's mine some more data to sell unnecessary crap to people... who can't find food in the stores. [] | Mar 21 12:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linus Torvalds’ Advice on Working From Home during Coronavirus Lockdown [] | Mar 21 12:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Linus Torvalds’ Advice on Working From Home during #Coronavirus Lockdown #covid19 #linux #kernel [] | Mar 21 12:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: SUSE/OpenSUSE: Tensorflow, KubeCF, Tumbleweed, zypper [] | Mar 21 12:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): SUSE/OpenSUSE: #Tensorflow , #KubeCF , #Tumbleweed , #zypper #suse [] | Mar 21 12:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #imperialism ☞ America’s #Commandos Deployed to 141 Countries and “Criminal Misconduct” Followed [] | Mar 21 12:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | Mar 21 12:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | Mar 21 12:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Writing Programs! That Write Other Programs!! #programming #freesw [] | Mar 21 13:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #neverbiden #nevertrump ☞ Us #ForeignPolicy After the #Election [] | Mar 21 13:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #coronavirus spreads like a kind of modern #plague across the global landscape. The view from my study window is of the gently rolling hills of the Berkshires in the foothills of the Appalachians." [] | Mar 21 13:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #goldenDawnald #nihilism #selfishPrick #orangeVirus ☞ Reporter: 'What Do You Say to Americans Who Are Scared?' Trump: 'I Say You Are a Terrible Reporter' [] | Mar 21 13:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams ☞ #Coronavirus Crisis, Says Coalition, Must Force #WallStreet to Finally Recognize Perils of #Climate Shocks 'Barreling Towards Us' [] | Mar 21 13:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Here’s Why #Florida Got All the Emergency Medical Supplies It Requested While Other States Did Not [] | Mar 21 13:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #coronavirus #insidetrading #corruption ☞ Two Senators Sold A Bunch Of Stock After Being Briefed About #COVID19 ; While Telling The World Things Were Going To Be Fine [] | Mar 21 13:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CMake 3.17.0 Released [] | Mar 21 13:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Christine @brideOfLinux Hall: "It's been nearly nine months since the marriage between #IBM and #RedHat was finalized. We decided to check in and see how the newlyweds are getting along." [] | Mar 21 13:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #LILIN 0-day vulnerability is made of 3 parts: hard-coded login credentials"#DAFAQ [] | Mar 21 13:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers [] | Mar 21 13:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers #redhat #ibm #fedora #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 13:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It might seem offensive to say this, but #coronavirus has been good for #nature [] | Mar 21 13:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Virus related deaths have doubled in Portugal during the last 24 hours: from 6 to 12. More than 260 new infections have also been reported, bringing the national total to 1,280." Next to #spain which is next to #italy so... [] | Mar 21 13:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's now reported US passed the 20k threshold - confirmed for #coronavirus - so depending on their testing pace/capacity they might be 3rd or 4th by the end of this weekend (for number of confirmed #covid19 cases) [] | Mar 21 13:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trumpcare #coverage #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 13:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #DonTheCon #trump #conman ☞ The Art of the Phony #Peace Deal [] | Mar 21 13:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The rush to elevate self-isolation to Olympian heights as a way to combat the spread of #COVID19 has gotten to the celebrities." [] | Mar 21 13:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The world's oligarchs will soon have billions of people confined/reduced to 'home arrests' while they go on holiday in their 'clean' bunkers in 'clean' islands with offshore banks accounts and 'clean' >private< jets. #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 13:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #SocialismForTheRich #Pillage #Plunder #FreeMoney ☞ We Tracked the Last Time the Government Bailed Out the Economy. Here’s What to Know About the $1 Trillion #Coronavirus Plan. [] | Mar 21 13:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #fair #covid19 ☞ Retail Chains’ Responses to #Coronavirus Crisis Require Deeper Digging "glimpses inside celebrity homes" [] | Mar 21 13:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 70 million American citizens will soon be under #lockdown orders. Oligarchs with their ‘clean’ >private< jets already flew away on holiday where their second or twentieth mansion awaits them, along with offshore (and illegal) bank accounts#covid19 #coronav... [] | Mar 21 13:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Obviously #seattle PD continues to break its promises to comply with the #law and supply us with those 2,851 pages it says it has about arrest for #pedophilia at home of #billgates [] | Mar 21 13:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Mr Eustice will represent the government at the news conference instead of Prime Minister Boris Johnson who has appeared each day since Monday." One might joke that "Boris" contracted #covid19 from someone (like #trudeau family) [] | Mar 21 13:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #fair #patents #monopolies #coronavirus ☞ #JimNaureckas on #Covid19 , Dana Brown on Public Ownership of Pharmaceuticals [] | Mar 21 13:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza ☞ The #ventilator problem #Russia has way more machines that can keep #coronavirus patients breathing than #Italy did — but that doesn’t mean the pandemic will be any easier. [] | Mar 21 13:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Reading Camus' The #Plague in a Time of #Pandemic "I’m under quarantine and doing my best to chill" [] | Mar 21 13:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #covid19 #coronavirus (memorable scene) [] | Mar 21 13:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #covid19 #russia ☞ Russian Defense Ministry proceeds with semiannual national draft despite #coronavirus #pandemic [] | Mar 21 14:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #corruption #insideTrading ☞ Demands for Resignations as More #GOP Senators Accused of 'Smash and Grab' Stock Dumps Ahead of #Coronavirus Crash [] | Mar 21 14:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams ☞ #EPA Proposes Broad #Science Restrictions in Midst of #Coronavirus #Pandemic [] | Mar 21 14:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #corruption #insiderTrading #covid19 ☞ The Senator Who Dumped His Stocks Before the #Coronavirus Crash Has Asked Ethics Officials for a “Complete Review” [] | Mar 21 14:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia #powergrab #monarchy ☞ The president's needs Experts debate if Russia's constitutional reforms are really just a scheme to keep Vladimir #Putin in power until 2036 [] | Mar 21 14:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #TrickleUpEconomics #pillage #plunder ☞ 'An Utter Disgrace': #GOP Stimulus Plan Would Cut Taxes for Corporations While Denying Benefits to Poorest [] | Mar 21 14:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia ☞ #Moscow public transit usage has decreased by less than a third this month as #coronavirus infections spread [] | Mar 21 14:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The number of countries with no functioning economy, no functioning democracy, despots in power and loads of nukes (even new ones) increased a lot in recent years. #china #india #israel #russia #china [] | Mar 21 14:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #nature does not care about "the economy" or, contrariwise, is loathes your precious "Economy(TM)" [] | Mar 21 14:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 2020: the year when, if you're not a good cook yourself, your diet will suck and body perish [] | Mar 21 14:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Even the government's previous strategy to slow the spread was likely to lead to 250,000 deaths, the research showed." I saw 2.2 million prediction for US [] | Mar 21 14:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #china has contained it. It contained the journalists. #cpc #coronavirus #socialcontrol #censorship [] | Mar 21 14:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #putin #russia #powergrab ☞ Emergency powers in Moscow Amid concerns about spreading #coronavirus , Sergey Sobyanin has ordered thousands of Muscovites to lock themselves at home for weeks. Here's how the city is enforcing that. https://me... [] | Mar 21 14:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 ☞ The Kind of #Coronavirus Response Package We Need [] | Mar 21 14:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In the week between March 12 and March 18, investors removed $1.4 billion from Russian assets." #russia [] | Mar 21 14:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Women’s #Police Town "the “Trojan Women” were trampled on in the process." [] | Mar 21 14:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "US presidents should not have the power to unilaterally wage economic warfare against civilian populations." [] | Mar 21 14:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "As hospitals across the country face drastic shortages of masks, respirators and other vital equipment, the #WhiteHouse has sent out a plea for donations that’s left many recipients confused and full of questions." [] | Mar 21 14:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #covid19 #greed ☞ #Charter Spectrum Under Fire For Putting The Public At Risk During #Coronavirus [] | Mar 21 14:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Nothing like a pandemic to really make it clear what a terrible person you are, huh? Law360's Bill Donahue (who is not a terrible person!) has cataloged attempts by terrible people to register trademarks related to the pandemic..." [] | Mar 21 14:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ The Veterans #Health Administration Has Banned Even Administrative Employees From Working From Home [] | Mar 21 14:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #covid19 #coronavirus ☞ Questioning The Qualified #Quarantine "the virus is inevitably going to infect 70% of the population regardless." [] | Mar 21 14:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Trump has not said about the #Coronavirus pandemic, “I know more than the doctors.” Such megalomania would be rejected out of hand by most Americans, who see doctors, not politicians, when they are sick." [] | Mar 21 14:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Modest proposal for #china Rename #covid19 "Pooh the Bear"You can then declare ZERO cases in EVERY province EACH day. There. Solved it for you. No #tiananmen massacre, no virus either. [] | Mar 21 14:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Immediately following the blasts the company website was taken down fuelling suspicions that an attempt was being made to shield owners with powerful political connections" #cpc #china #coverup #censorship [] | Mar 21 14:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "A journalist from the #BeijingNews reported that he and two other reporters were chased by police, caught, searched, and made to delete photographs from their cameras and computers" [] | Mar 21 14:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #orangenazi [] | Mar 21 14:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Right now the world's oligarchs hope that #eatTheRich won't become the #TrophyHunting of 2025 [] | Mar 21 14:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ US #NationalSecurity Strategy is Meant to Protect #WallStreet , Congress, the #WhiteHouse , and the #Pentagon [] | Mar 21 14:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #iran now confirms 1,556 #covid19 -related deaths. Had the #trumpland regime not imposed #sanctions (ban) on #medicine etc. the number would have been vastly lower. [] | Mar 21 15:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "There’s been this eerie feeling hanging in the air, a never-before felt-feeling that something ominous is on the horizon." [] | Mar 21 15:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Facing a global pandemic, America’s very existence hasn’t been this threatened since President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration confronted the Great Depression and World War II." [] | Mar 21 15:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 ☞ As #Coronavirus #Pandemic Exposes Failures in US, Social Democratic #Nordic Countries Again Deemed World's Happiest [] | Mar 21 15:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #nyc #nys ☞ #Cuomo Announces Sweeping Stay-at-Home Directive Across #NewYorkState in 'Drastic' Measure to Stem Coronavirus Outbreak [] | Mar 21 15:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #coronavirus ☞ 'In This Dark Hour for the Iranian People,' Groups Demand #Trump End Inhumane #Sanctions Amid #COVID19 Outbreak [] | Mar 21 15:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #china knows that if the status quo ends, it'll become an economy like #india and #trumpland another #ussr (of 1990) [] | Mar 21 15:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When ill people become the "terrorists" ☞ The US Government Is Also Looking At Increasing Domestic #Surveillance To Fight The Spread Of The #Coronavirus [] | Mar 21 15:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): BBC headline right now: "Should we still be having sex?"#tabloid level, government mouthpieceWhat next? [] | Mar 21 15:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #orangenazi #goldenDawnald #racism #NormalisingXenophobia ☞ President Trump Raises the Spectre of the Yellow Peril to Divide Americans and Shortchange Working People in $1 Trillion Stimulus Package [] | Mar 21 15:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams ☞ As #WhereIsJoe #Biden Trends, #Sanders to Host #Coronavirus Roundtable to Address #Pandemic [] | Mar 21 15:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #xenophobia #nationalism #goldenDawnald ☞ Secret Border Control #Facebook Groups Used to Share Racist, Sexist, and Hateful Posts [] | Mar 21 15:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Readers in the paper’s home city might have been particularly interested in the count for the state of New York—which, according to the map, was up to 5,200+ cases..." [] | Mar 21 15:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #alphabet #pentagon #imperialism #exceptionalism (US exempted) ☞ Labels on State-Sponsored Content: YouTube’s Failed Promise [] | Mar 21 15:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #TrickleUpEconomics ☞ With Monthly Cash Payments, Progressive Caucus Urges #Pelosi to Go Big and Bold on #Coronavirus Stimulus [] | Mar 21 15:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 ☞ As #Coronavirus Cases Mount, So Do Concerns About #PriceGouging and Corporate #Profiteering [] | Mar 21 15:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #cn # ☞ High-Tech Human Rights Abuses in #China "forced large numbers of #Uighurs into indoctrination camps" [] | Mar 21 15:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "There are some things you’d can’t fight with the barrel of a gun. #Pandemics are one of them. In times like this, #nonviolent responses are our best rescue remedies." [] | Mar 21 15:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #coronavirus ☞ How to Make #COVID19 Prevention Work for Working People [] | Mar 21 15:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Do we happen to have any septuagenarian leader who can change the language of hate to compassion?" #orangeNazi #agentorange #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 15:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #covid19 #health #budget ☞ Congress Should Immediately Give $100 Billion to Cities and States to Fight #Coronavirus [] | Mar 21 15:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Trump’s message to governors on lifesaving medical equipment—"get it yourselves"—is grimly appropriate in a country without national health care." [] | Mar 21 15:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #socialcontrolmedia #censorship ☞ #Twitter Suspended Cory @Doctorow For Putting Trolls On A List Called 'Colossal Assholes' [] | Mar 21 15:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #gop #slapp ☞ Interview With Liz Mair, Whom Rep. #DevinNunes Is Suing For $400 Million Because She Was Mildly Mean To Him [] | Mar 21 15:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "there is no set limit on the number of U visas that can be issued. The visas can take up to four years to obtain for most immigrants. Yet the program is facing serious backlogs and, as of March 2019, there were some 239,933 cases awaiting processing." htt... [] | Mar 21 15:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #mexico + #southamerica combined #covid19 cases less than a quarter that of the US.#mx : 200US: 20,000Build the wall faster? To protect Mexicans? Or prevent Americans from fleeing. [] | Mar 21 15:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #covid19 numbers rapidly growing anywhere but Communist nations where the regime lies. Total deaths almost 12k now. 11.3k - estimated death toll of #ebola - passed only earlier today [] | Mar 21 15:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #lawlessness ☞ #FirstCircuit Appeals Court: 'Community Caretaking' Function Applies To #Warrantless Seizures, Not Actually Caring For The Community [] | Mar 21 15:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #graft #pillage #corruption ☞ Congressional Republicans Benefited from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act [] | Mar 21 16:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #aids ☞ 693 Bodies: Sex Crimes against Hundreds of African-American Girls Committed by a White DJ Largely Ignored [] | Mar 21 16:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #covid19 #serecy ☞ #FBI Says It Will Only Accept Snail Mail #FOIA Requests Until Further Notice, Due To #Coronavirus Concerns [] | Mar 21 16:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "All have been brought about by the negative behaviour of mankind, by the pervasive modes of living, the corrosive values and ideologies that dominate all aspects of contemporary life." [] | Mar 21 16:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Only in 'Murica: #Weapons Manufacturer #Raytheon Sponsors Tween #Mathematics Competition [] | Mar 21 16:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ Nukes: The unmentionable #Election Issue: Getting to Zero "Where are the Democrats?" [sic] [] | Mar 21 16:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ Why the Developing World Cannot Flatten the Curve with #Coronavirus ( #COVID19 ) and Beyond [] | Mar 21 16:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "New York state has confirmed more than 10,000 cases - 6,211 of them are in New York City." #covid19 #coronavirusThis one city has more cases confirmed than the whole #uk [] | Mar 21 16:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #coronavirus ☞ #Covid19 : How Much of a Breaking Point is This? "Like seemingly everyone else, I’ve been thinking a lot about the Corona Virus." [] | Mar 21 16:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Nothing is certain but death. Taxes used to be, too, but recent legislation proved they’re not, if you have enough money." [] | Mar 21 16:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #religion ☞ Catholic-Affiliated Hospitals Don’t Provide Residents with Adequate #Reproductive #Healthcare Training [] | Mar 21 16:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #Biden may not suffer from living in the Washington bubble, but we will. We will suffer the casualties—domestic and foreign—resulting from the continual military interventions that come with out-of-control spending." [] | Mar 21 16:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #YoureFired #SixBankruptcies #DonTheCon ☞ With Millions Out of Work in Unparalleled Moment, #Trump Tells States to Hold Back Unemployment Numbers [] | Mar 21 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft is getting a $10,000,000,000 (almost) #bailout from #pentagon budget. Saving a failed 'business'? #fraud #scam [] | Mar 21 16:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft is getting a $10,000,000,000 (almost) #bailout from #pentagon budget. Saving a failed 'business'? #fraud #scam [] | Mar 21 16:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trump regime hands over $2 trillion (£1.7 tn) in additional PUBLIC #debt to oligarchs and their corporations, based on the easily-debunkable “job creator” mythology#bezosAsUsual [] | Mar 21 16:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Many more Dutch #covid19 deaths reported today as we approach 300k confirmed cases (who knows how many in China; maybe they take people out in bodybags from their apartments) [] | Mar 21 16:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): NHS: "The deal - the first of its kind ever - includes the provision of 8,000 hospital beds across England, nearly 1,200 more ventilators, more than 10,000 nurses, over 700 doctors and over 8,000 other clinical staff." #nhs #uk #coronavirus #coronavirusout... [] | Mar 21 16:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #orangeVirus #miserableFailure ☞ What Is #Trump Waiting For? Companies Must Be Ordered To Make #Medical Supplies—Right Now [] | Mar 21 16:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Moreover, the Chinese regime continues to lie, spreading a conspiracy" [] | Mar 21 16:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "There were at least two riots in Wuhan last night(3/12), did you hear about them? Probably not. That was cut short first by them cutting main street power, then cutting cell services while people were live-streaming. If that's the "trust" you believe in" ... [] | Mar 21 16:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "According to a translation from China Media Project, an internal directive said the report had invited “raging public opinion” on a level similar to that following “the death of a certain doctor...”" [] | Mar 21 16:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ...the simplest explanation is not some "market" and "poor diet" but accidental passage through reckless worker in that lab. Neither nor [] | Mar 21 16:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If you want a scholars' explanation of #covid19 here's a video (webm): BTW, Spanish flu isn't Spanish. Spain was ... [] | Mar 21 16:53 | |
schestowitz_log | If you want a scholars' explanation of #covid19 here's a video (webm): | Mar 21 16:53 |
schestowitz_log | BTW, Spanish flu isn't Spanish. Spain was neutral in the war and the flu is believed to have come from the US. | Mar 21 16:53 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Previous SARS was less contagious or was simpler to prevent passage of as symptoms were showing before it became passable #covid19 is far worse [] | Mar 21 16:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “researchers alerted Beijing of their findings—and on Jan. 3, received a gag order from China’s National Health Commission, with instructions to destroy the samples.” [] | Mar 21 16:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In #Switzerland #health authorities say 6,100 infections have been confirmed - a 25% increase on the previous day - with 56 deaths"#covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 17:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Worldwide stock markets are crashing. Arbitrary travel bans are being imposed. Huge queues before supermarkets are a daily experience." [] | Mar 21 17:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #hk ☞ #CorporateMedia Bias in Disproportionate Coverage of #HongKong Protests [] | Mar 21 17:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored ☞ ‘Global Gag Rule’ Continues to Compromise Women’s #Health around the World [] | Mar 21 17:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #belgium with a population of about 12 million lost about 70 people to #covid19 and nonchalance isn't helping [] | Mar 21 17:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #socialismForTheRich #DebtForBailout #MoneyPrinting #MoneyGrowsOnTrees (when you're connected to the government) [] | Mar 21 17:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Stop 'rescuing' shareholders and executives. You don't rescue them from eviction. You just save them from the 'embarrassment' of going a little lower in the social ladder, having to move to a smaller home. #bailout #stimulus #plunder #cheating #corruption [] | Mar 21 17:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams ☞ #Trump Accused of Exploiting #Coronavirus #Pandemic to Advance ‘Truly Disgraceful’ #UnionBusting Effort [] | Mar 21 17:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #antibiotics #antiscience #pseudoscience ☞ “Quack” Doctors Accelerate the Global Spread of #Superbugs [] | Mar 21 17:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "A mysterious invisible killer stocks the land. Wild rumors abound. The government is useless. There’s no sense that anyone knows anything, much less is in charge. Could America become a failed state?" [] | Mar 21 17:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #projectcensored #genocide #ecocide ☞ “Hot Blob” Created by #Marine Heatwave in Pacific Ocean Wipes Out Nearly a Million #Seabirds [] | Mar 21 17:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "It’s hard to take President Trump seriously." [] | Mar 21 17:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “Williams testified that the investigation of #PlannedParenthood began after state inspectors found evidence of a failed #abortion that didn’t have a corresponding complication report logged with the state.” [] | Mar 21 17:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Lives before profits: "The spread of the #coronavirus is exposing all of the contradictions of capitalism." [] | Mar 21 17:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 793 [] | Mar 21 17:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 793 more dead in #italy -- in one day! They can't flatten the curve even with those strict lockdowns. What's next? Gloomy for the whole of Europe, not jus Italy. #covid19 #coronavirus [] | Mar 21 17:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The government is going to throw trillions of dollars into the economy to fix it. Yeah sure! Trump is trying to fix his own image to be known and remembered as the president who led the country out of a catastrophe." -Friend of mine who voted #trump [] | Mar 21 17:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What's another bunch of trillions of dollars printed when national debt exceeds 25 trillion and people are broke with maxed-up credit cards? [] | Mar 21 17:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The only thing that will fix the economy is a disappearance of COVID-19 and that is now in the hands of scientists all over the world" -Friend who voted #trumpOh, oops. [] | Mar 21 17:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Time to work on today's #techrights articles...I was planning to write about the death of #upc but ran out of timeWill do that tomorrow... [] | Mar 21 17:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #trumpland will soon overtake #spain wrt confirmed #covid19 cases. Coming "from behind" due to suppression of truth (lack of testing). Nation run like a business by failed con men (6 bankruptcies) who view deaths as "public relations issue". https://gisand... [] | Mar 21 17:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "US Vice-President Mike Pence, who heads the #WhiteHouse #coronavirus taskforce, says he and his wife will take coronavirus tests later on Saturday after it was discovered that a member of this team tested positive." -Beeb [] | Mar 21 17:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 220 deaths in England. One lady as young as 41. We're days behind #france (maybe 4-5 days). [] | Mar 21 18:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers [] | Mar 21 18:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming Leftovers #programming [] | Mar 21 18:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | Mar 21 18:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's #tuxmachines leftovers [] | Mar 21 18:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Almost 13k dead and also tested for #covid19 (the real number of deaths is a lot higher, but # of test kits is limited), with 300k known cases still growing e... [] | Mar 21 18:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 21/3/2020: #DXVK 1.6 Released, #Arduino for Open Source Ventilators Links 21/3/2020: DXVK 1.6 Released, Arduino for Open Source Ventilators #technology #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 18:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 21/3/2020: DXVK 1.6 Released, Arduino for Open Source Ventilators Links 21/3/2020: DXVK 1.6 Released, Arduino for Open Source Ventilators [] | Mar 21 18:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Developer Ports #UbuntuTouch to the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 18:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #France reports 112 more deaths. In one day. F** [] | Mar 21 18:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): BBC is shite. 5 out of 6 latest updates are #trump megaphone. He's a chronic liar. Stop giving liars a platform. [] | Mar 21 18:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Italy is an ugly sight, with entire conveys of trucks full of carcasses to burn. In the UK it's now a busload of dead per day. Double decker ever. :(( [] | Mar 21 18:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Italy is an ugly sight, with entire conveys of trucks full of carcasses to burn. In the UK it's now a busload of dead per day. Double decker even. :(( [] | Mar 21 18:54 | |
*rianne__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Mar 21 18:54 | |
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 18:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 9 Best Free Linux Benchmark Tools [] | Mar 21 18:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 9 Best Free Linux #Benchmark Tools #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 18:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Meet DebianDog – Puppy sized Debian Linux [] | Mar 21 19:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Meet #DebianDog – Puppy sized Debian Linux #debian #gnu #linux [] | Mar 21 19:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Stable Kernels: 5.5.11, 5.4.27, 4.19.112, 4.14.174, 4.9.217, and 4.4.217 [] | Mar 21 19:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Stable Kernels: 5.5.11, 5.4.27, 4.19.112, 4.14.174, 4.9.217, and 4.4.217 #linux #kernel [] | Mar 21 19:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | Mar 21 19:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #Google #Linux [] | Mar 21 19:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An interactive web-based dashboard to track #COVID19 in real time [] | Mar 21 19:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 2 confirmed #covid19 cases even in #greenland so no place is safe, even near the poles. How can one survive there without interaction with other people? [] | Mar 21 19:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If #Techrights is a #Conspiracy Website, What's the Big Conspiracy? #corruption #namecalling #shootingthemessenger [] | Mar 21 19:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: If Techrights is a Conspiracy Website, What's the Big Conspiracy? [] | Mar 21 19:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bugs in computer games [] | Mar 21 19:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 1,000 new #covid19 cases in the #uk ... confirmed in just a day. This is far from flattening the line. :( [] | Mar 21 19:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Out of almost 73,000 Brits tested for #covid19 5,018 tested positive. [] | Mar 21 19:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #StayHomeSaveLives [] | Mar 21 19:58 | |
*TechrightsSocial (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 21 20:38 | |
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