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*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Feb 29 01:45 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 29 01:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security scandal around WhatsApp shows the need for decentralised messengers and digital sovereignty [] | Feb 29 02:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Security scandal around #WhatsApp shows the need for decentralised messengers and digital sovereignty #facebook #proprietarysoftware [] | Feb 29 03:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #assange does not need this [] | Feb 29 03:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): European #patent on something physical for a change [] | Feb 29 03:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In Debian, these words are being used to describe any uncomfortable questions about money. For example, if a volunteer asks about the secret $300,000 donation from Google, they are accused of harassing the leader." [] | Feb 29 03:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Censorship in GNU and in Debian [] | Feb 29 03:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Censorship in #GNU and in #Debian [] | Feb 29 03:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Open Source Initiative kicks a co-founder from its mailing lists" [] | Feb 29 03:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Xubuntu Looking for Wallpapers [] | Feb 29 03:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Xubuntu Looking for Wallpapers #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 03:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #toyota does not value safety then; we've known that since #BrakeGate and their #microsoft scandals [] | Feb 29 03:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Donald Bloomberg for drug lords who kill and destroy millions of lives [] | Feb 29 03:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Wine 5.3 Released [] | Feb 29 03:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Wine 5.3 Released #games #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 03:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Maybe they just don't need to be "smart" (spying)? [] | Feb 29 03:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: Dwarrows, SteamVR and Ring Fit Adventure [] | Feb 29 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AlexandreOliva Against Bullying and Violence #fsf #freesw #gnu #rms [] | Feb 29 03:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #surveillance in the command line [] | Feb 29 03:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How To Install #Manjaro Linux 19.0. #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 03:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Environmental activist #ShannonDosemagen joins @FSF conference keynote lineup [] | Feb 29 03:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #android is not a #kernel duh maybe start naming #gnu to prevent these confusions? [] | Feb 29 03:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Games: Dwarrows, SteamVR and Ring Fit Adventure #games #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 03:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 6 awesome XFCE desktop themes to install [] | Feb 29 04:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 6 awesome #XFCE desktop themes to install #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 04:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Displaying Problems inline in #KDevelop #kde #programming #qt [] | Feb 29 04:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | Feb 29 04:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | Feb 29 04:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 50% of the #zdnet stories in the "Linux" section are #Microsoft stories. This site is a farce. [] | Feb 29 04:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Dear #redhatThis is NOT a "Linux editor/IDE"It's a #Microsoft #Windows trapAnd MSVS only runs on WINDOWSIt is #proprietarySoftware with spyingThe Linux build of "Code" is called "bait" [] | Feb 29 04:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Ubuntu 20.04 Screenshots Tour #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 04:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Made with #freesw by David REVOY #scribus #krita #gimp [] | Feb 29 04:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Collabora brings smooth editing with #libreoffice (sort of) to Android and iOS more: [] | Feb 29 04:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Felipe Borges: Ten Years Contributing to GNOME! #gnu #gnome #freesw [] | Feb 29 04:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #GNOME 3.36 Lands Scaled/Transformed Hardware Cursors Support [] | Feb 29 04:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Introducing Jcat [] | Feb 29 04:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Introducing #Jcat #redhat #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 04:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sometimes #fedora "community" or "project" is just a "program" (of #ibm and #redhat -- getting volunteers to test #rhel bits) [] | Feb 29 04:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Latest #openwashing by #ibm #redhat [] | Feb 29 04:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Full, proper browser on one's so-called 'phone' [] | Feb 29 04:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #redhat promoting #proprietarysoftware of #sap just like #suse does [] | Feb 29 04:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This 'article' from #fossmint (not FOSS) is referral SPAM. #proprietarySoftware promoted for a fee. This -- yes, this -- is what kills #journalism [] | Feb 29 04:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: KaOS 2020.02 Released with KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS and Linux 5.5, New Features [] | Feb 29 04:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KaOS 2020.02 Released with KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS and Linux 5.5, New Features #kde #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 04:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #gnu #linux distro #RaspberryDigitalSignage 13.2 is out now [] | Feb 29 04:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Jim Raikowski, one from LibreOffice's developers, has made many very nice Navigator improvements for Writer and Calc." #libreoffice #opendocument [] | Feb 29 04:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ibm #redhat is ready for more buzzwords and #Marketing hype [] | Feb 29 04:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Edge Computing"=client-server with extra hype, just like "Cloud computing" just means "server" or "hosting" [] | Feb 29 04:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Revive your RSS feed with Newsboat in the Linux terminal [] | Feb 29 04:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Revive your #RSS feed with #Newsboat in the #GNU #Linux terminal I tried it before, but it was too simplistic for me... [] | Feb 29 04:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers [] | Feb 29 05:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #IBM / #RedHat / #Fedora Leftovers #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 05:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #opensuse News outsourced to #microsoft !!!!!"openSUSE News has moved from being a Wordpress application to a Jekyll static site developed directly on Github"#deletegithub #suse #proprietarysoftware (deleted:) [] | Feb 29 05:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft being Microsoft, according to #microsoftTim #monopoly #proprietarysoftware #scam [] | Feb 29 05:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Microsoft: WE LOVE LINUX!!! We buy companies that support #gnu #linux and then remove Linux support from their products. That's true love! [] | Feb 29 05:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft loves #linux like Hans Reiser loves Nina Reiser [] | Feb 29 05:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "February: Alexandre Oliva censored by LibrePlanet organisers [57]February: FSF Vice President refers to what is going on at FSF as a coup / "not a coup!" [58]" [] | Feb 29 05:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "witness the bullying, the violence, the humiliation, and the life-wrecking changes imposed on my friend, based on twisted, exaggerated and outright false hearsay, that even conflicted with the little available hard evidence that accompanied it" http://tec... [] | Feb 29 05:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: OpenSUSE News Outsourced to Microsoft, Dominique Leuenberger's Report on Tumbleweed [] | Feb 29 05:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #OpenSUSE News Outsourced to #Microsoft , Dominique Leuenberger's Report on #Tumbleweed #suse #deletegithub [] | Feb 29 05:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Android as a Desktop [] | Feb 29 05:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Android as a Desktop #google #linux #android [] | Feb 29 05:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This smartphone allows you to use #Linux alongside #Android [] | Feb 29 05:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #watchtroll : "Google Gets Green Light at PTAB in Challenge to Variable Media Playback Patents"#ptab against #swpats again. Good. [] | Feb 29 05:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Coffin. [] | Feb 29 05:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Good news. see #unitarypatent #unifiedpatentcourt #upc #epo #europe [] | Feb 29 05:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Rich Pinckney (Bristows): "The UPC project has suffered its fair share of twists and turns and changes of circumstances. However, this is undoubtedly a blow to the project. The UK is a key participant and the whole project has been framed around the UK’s p... [] | Feb 29 05:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #UK out of #UnifiedPatentCourt see [] | Feb 29 05:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #WIPR in damage control mode now see #unitarypatent #unifiedpatentcourt #upc #epo [] | Feb 29 05:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Max Walters: "Confirmed: UK to shun unitary patent and UPC" see #unitarypatent #unifiedpatentcourt #upc #epo [] | Feb 29 05:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): MIP: "Should the UPC come into being, a key question will be whether it is still an attractive proposition without the UK. A survey of in-house counsel conducted by Managing IP last year suggested it would be."A massively biased survey by very biased reade... [] | Feb 29 05:39 | |
schestowitz_log | MIP: "Should the UPC come into being, a key question will be whether it is still an attractive proposition without the UK. A survey of in-house counsel conducted by Managing IP last year suggested it would be." | Feb 29 05:39 |
schestowitz_log | A massively biased survey by very biased readers | Feb 29 05:39 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This MIP 'survey' about UPC is akin to a Linux news site doing a survey among readers to asks, "which is better, Linux or something else?" [] | Feb 29 05:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Chopping down #fakepatents or #swpats of #patenttroll #sisvel [] | Feb 29 05:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Yes, #patents can kill #in #india #meditation [] | Feb 29 05:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #juve writes about #patenttroll #ipcom #microsoft turned #nokia into troll as well: [] | Feb 29 05:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Can I 'own' a #colour ?"Sure, which one!!...?" [] | Feb 29 05:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft still a #copyright #bully of #artificialscarcity [] | Feb 29 05:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): From Bella and Gigi Hadid and Goop to Virgil Abloh and Marc Jacobs: A Running List of #Paparazzi #Copyright #lawsuits [] | Feb 29 05:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Article 22 also gives authors and performers a new right to revoke a licence or transfer of rights where there is a lack of exploitation." [] | Feb 29 05:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt/Fear-mongering/Dramatisation [] | Feb 29 05:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Linux-powered module charges up the RISC-V PolarFire SoC [] | Feb 29 05:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Linux -powered module charges up the #RISCV PolarFire SoC [] | Feb 29 05:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #happy #caturday [] | Feb 29 05:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: The Chrome Cast 50: Linux on Chromebooks and the future of Chrome OS tablets [] | Feb 29 06:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #Chrome Cast 50: Linux on #Chromebooks and the future of #ChromeOS tablets #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 06:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft propagandist Simon Bisson uses #cbs sites to push the lie that #microsoft and #vista10 are what determines if "Containers are the future"Why do they hire nontechnical loon-toons? [] | Feb 29 07:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Security and FUD: Updates, Keeper, WireGuard and Concerns About 2038 [] | Feb 29 07:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Security and FUD: Updates, Keeper, #WireGuard and Concerns About 2038 #security #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 07:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Call for Papers, Registration Opens for #openSUSE + #LibreOffice Conference #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 07:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #bridgemi # ☞ #Michigan adopts new #PFAS standards over industry, farmer objections [] | Feb 29 07:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Nokia to Weigh Strategic Options as Profit Pressure Mounts #microsoft killed Nokia [] | Feb 29 07:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #microsoft = #whitecollar crime founded by a white #eugenicist [] | Feb 29 07:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Today is Leap day. [] | Feb 29 07:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This year has 366 days. After one decade or more #microsoft can claim almost full uptime for #office360 [] | Feb 29 07:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #socialcontrolmedia #twitter [] | Feb 29 07:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): iophk: "the word "rude" is just their current excuse, they would have gone after his hair style if necessary" [] | Feb 29 07:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #sanders may win the election this autumn/winter. The barrier/obstacle isn't #trump but #wallstreet and #war 'democrats' (same as 2016) [] | Feb 29 07:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #hollywood sucks at a lot of things... [] | Feb 29 07:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): OSI lost two co-founders in 2 months. 2 months! After 20+ years. That's 2 fewer people who still spoke about -- and against -- #openwashing #osi bygone? #microsoft already listed THRICE in the Sponsors page -- more than any company! [] | Feb 29 07:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): And may I add that @webmink plan of making sure OSI is ready for the next generation failed spectacularly? They only opened up even more to entryism and bribery. 'Conservatism' isn't a weakness when under attack. [] | Feb 29 07:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Eric S. Raymond (to me): "You can’t find it because they censored it off the list and our of the archives."This is the brave new OSI, embracing the suppression of its founder’s words." [] | Feb 29 07:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The offending message from ESR can be seen at the bottom here: [] | Feb 29 07:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's not merely a theory that #proprietarysoftware giants try to hijack #opensource and by extension #freesw They've been largely successful at #linuxfoundation [] | Feb 29 07:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #fifthdomain ☞ How private companies help the #FBI identify more #cybercriminals [] | Feb 29 07:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #euobserver #turkey #greece ☞ Turkish jets keep violating Greek airspace [] | Feb 29 07:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #reuters #syria ☞ #Turkey will no longer stop Syrian migrant flow to Europe: Turkish official [] | Feb 29 07:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #sverigesradio #sweden ☞ Recruiting by radical Islamists still happening in #Gothenburg 's poorer areas [] | Feb 29 07:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Church In Swedish “No-Go Zone” Set On Fire This is not done by "gangs" as the media likes to call them [] | Feb 29 07:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #nypost #ng #nigeria #africa #religion ☞ Islamists in Nigeria are destroying Christian communities [] | Feb 29 07:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #techrights will soon have something on Arjen Kamphuis A #freesw personNot just #wikileaks and #assange associate [] | Feb 29 07:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #cyberscoop ☞ #DNC tells campaigns to be wary of contact from fake #Sanders team account [] | Feb 29 07:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #timesofisrael #fr ☞ #France dissolves group run by #rapper for defending #terrorism [] | Feb 29 07:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #thehindu #in #india #religion #sectarianViolence ☞ 69 killed in 79 days since Parliament passed Citizenship Amendment Act [] | Feb 29 08:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #gatestoneinstitute #greece #immigration ☞ Greece's Migrant Crisis: "A Powder Keg Ready to Explode" [] | Feb 29 08:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #thehill #london #england #uk ☞ Lessons from London: You can't fix jihad [] | Feb 29 08:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #nltimes #boycottUber ☞ #Taxi Drivers Stage New Protest Against #Uber in #Amsterdam [] | Feb 29 08:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #nltimes #nl #music ☞ Dutch Music Sales Soar to Nearly €207 Million [] | Feb 29 08:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #torrentfreak #copyright ☞ Man Who Sold Pirate #IPTV Must Pay £521,000 or Face Five More Years in Prison [] | Feb 29 08:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #torrentfreak #copyright ☞ American #blackmail (adopt our #law worldwide, or ELSE!) [] | Feb 29 08:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #climatenewsnetwork ☞ Schools for girls can help to answer #climate crisis [] | Feb 29 08:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): We're discussing how to handle the #esr #osi thing. The details will be transparently apparent in tomorrow's IRC logs.I was going to neither defend nor attack him, just show what OSI is censoring for people to decide if physical threats were, indeed, insin... [] | Feb 29 08:18 | |
schestowitz_log | We're discussing how to handle the #esr #osi thing. The details will be transparently apparent in tomorrow's IRC logs. | Feb 29 08:18 |
schestowitz_log | I was going to neither defend nor attack him, just show what OSI is censoring for people to decide if physical threats were, indeed, insinuated. | Feb 29 08:18 |
*tedbox is now known as roy-older-box | Feb 29 08:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #8chan Founder, Who Has Denounced The Site, Now Facing 'Criminal Cyberlibel' Charges From Current Owner [] | Feb 29 08:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "If CoCs were going to change much of anything, we'd be seeing an uptick in women in software, and we aren't." -Ryan at #techrights (and before anyone attacks him for "sexism"... he's gay and married.. so don't try that angle) [] | Feb 29 08:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #surveillance ☞ Documents Show C#learview Is Selling #FacialRecognition Tech To Retailers, Fitness Centers, And Human Rights Violators [] | Feb 29 08:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #techrights IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 28, 2020 the ESR incident already came up that day [] | Feb 29 08:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ...and no, I don't discount the possibility that some trolls (like political ones, bot armies, provocateurs) are sent anonymously into FOSS communities and even mailing lists, #socialcontrolmedia etc. only to seed discord, collapsing communities [] | Feb 29 08:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #censorship #GOPslapp ☞ Watchdog Group Asks Congressional Ethics Office To Investigate How #DevinNunes Is Paying For His Many #SLAPP Suits [] | Feb 29 08:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #craigmurray #assange #wikileaks #uk ☞ Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day Four [] | Feb 29 08:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #wikileaks ☞ First, They Came for #Assange [] | Feb 29 08:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #assange #wikileaks ☞ Julian Assange, Political Offences and Legal Restraints [] | Feb 29 08:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bloomberg is in bed with Drug Lords [] | Feb 29 08:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Billionaire Family Behind #Opioid Crisis Turned to #Bloomberg for PR Help he's finished! [] | Feb 29 08:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): iophk: "That leads to this one:"So the FSF is now staunchly in favor of Internet lynchings, psychological torture and inhumane behaviour." [] | Feb 29 08:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #freesw is under #massiveattack at the moment.Guido, Linus, Richard (Stallman), Bruce (Perens), ESR..."Revolution OS" reduced to nothing in ~14 months.Maybe we can guess who's next.... it's all happening so fast. [] | Feb 29 08:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "...Larry Wall is probably on the short list. I wish him success fending off the attacks and continued focus on language hacking instead. Other than that, it is starting to get down to a matter of who is left." -iophk [] | Feb 29 08:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Notice how "ethics" "justice" people NEVER call for ousting of famous criminals like #billgates -- a close friend of #epstein They don't care about arrests for #pedophilia in Bill's own home! [] | Feb 29 09:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #fair #democracy #voting ☞ Carol Anderson on #VoterSuppression [] | Feb 29 09:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #CorporateMedia Stoop to #russophobia to Explain #Sanders Rise disgusting but expected, predictable [] | Feb 29 09:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #eff : Help Us Save the Internet: @EFF Seeks a Tech Projects Director [] | Feb 29 09:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #privateinternetaccess #privacy ☞ Domestic phone #surveillance program from the Patriot Act may finally see the grave [] | Feb 29 09:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ District 15 | Stop Neighborhood #Oil Drilling [] | Feb 29 09:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bernie #Sanders and the #Socialism Question [] | Feb 29 09:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bernie #Sanders Is the Unity Candidate [] | Feb 29 09:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The wife is so so pleased to see the latest #gnu #gimp in #debianShe loves the single window UI. She had used it for years with fragmented windows and struggled at times.Now... very, very impressed. [] | Feb 29 09:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Sen. Sanders has demonstrated consistency in his support of policies that align with the goals, concerns, and principles of our communities." [] | Feb 29 09:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Democratic Party's primaries are underway in the United States, where the country's increasingly left-leaning political party is flirting with democratic socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as its nominee." [] | Feb 29 09:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Robert Reich: Bernie #Sanders Is Not George McGovern [] | Feb 29 09:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In response to criticism from Democratic Party centrists that Sanders didn’t do enough to help Hillary in 2016, the Sandernistas are touting the fact that Sanders did 3 times as many campaign events for Hillary as Hillary did for Obama in 2008." https://w... [] | Feb 29 09:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Bernie #Sanders is now enjoying what George H.W. Bush called “the big Mo.” He has the wind at his back." [] | Feb 29 09:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #DNC ☞ DC #Lobbyists Panic Over Possibility of #Sanders Win [] | Feb 29 09:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #cuba #literacy ☞ Bernie #Sanders Was Right About the Cuban Literacy Campaign [] | Feb 29 09:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #California Poll Shows #Sanders With Double the Support of Closest Rival Just Days Ahead of Super Tuesday [] | Feb 29 09:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #russia #sanders #russophobia ☞ No Thinking Please, We’re #RedBaiting [] | Feb 29 09:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #KaOS 2020.02 Released: One Of The Best KDE Linux Distros For Desktop #kde #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 09:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Displaying Problems inline in KDevelop [] | Feb 29 09:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Displaying Problems inline in #KDevelop #programming #qt #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 09:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: 5 GNU/Linux Distros to Try KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS Right Now [] | Feb 29 09:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 5 GNU/Linux Distros to Try KDE Plasma 5.18 LTS Right Now #kde #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 09:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Android Leftovers #android #google #linux [] | Feb 29 09:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Android Leftovers #android #google #linux [] | Feb 29 09:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If Bernie #Sanders Is Unelectable, Then What The Hell Are The Rest Of You? [] | Feb 29 09:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The corporate 'democrats' aren't worried that #sanders is not electable. They worry that he is INDEED electable and thus he can replace their darling #trump who legalises their crimes, removes restrictions (regulations) and legalises their tax evasion [] | Feb 29 09:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sarcasm: "If November is a Trump/Sanders shoot-out, the Kremlin wins either way." [] | Feb 29 09:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Since Bernie Sanders’ win in the Nevada primaries there have been remarkable, yet totally expected spasms within the American ruling class." [] | Feb 29 09:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Sanders Viewed as Best Candidate to Beat #Trump by Democrats and Independents Who Watched Latest Debates: Poll [] | Feb 29 09:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): It's Not Bernie #sanders But the So-Called "Moderates" That the Democratic Establishment Should Be Freaking Out About [] | Feb 29 09:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "In spite of the worst efforts of his party’s trenchant neoliberal leadership, Bernie Sanders, who splays his socialist ID loud and proud, is now the undeniable frontrunner" [] | Feb 29 09:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Senator Sanders is breaking the mold in presidential politics with every gain he makes in the primary process." [] | Feb 29 09:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #respectfulinsolence #science #medicine ☞ UC-Irvine update: Quackademic #medicine continues its takeover [] | Feb 29 10:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza ☞ From turtles in the sky to mechanical buildings, a digital artist imagines cyberpunk Petersburg on Instagram [] | Feb 29 10:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The only questions that should matter in the #Assange #extradition battle "potential 175-year penalty" and not for #warcrimes [] | Feb 29 10:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #putin #russia ☞ ‘Want Putin gone? Vote for the Constitution!’ How #Kremlin talking points on Putin’s constitutional changes are reportedly targeting Russians across the political spectrum [] | Feb 29 10:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Doing a folloup regarding [] | Feb 29 10:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Happens to have a spellchecker (my browser does not). I meant "followup"... [] | Feb 29 10:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #histleblower Accuses #Trump of 'Corrupt' Effort to 'Cover Up' Possible Exposure of Federal Workers to #Coronavirus [] | Feb 29 10:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The #coronavirus outbreak began to look more like a worldwide economic crisis Friday as anxiety about the disease emptied shops and amusement parks, canceled events, cut trade and travel and dragged already slumping financial markets even lower." https://... [] | Feb 29 10:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "a religious fanatic Mike Pence, to head the attack on the #coronavirus crisis." [] | Feb 29 10:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #china ☞ #Coronavirus and Flu in #Beijing : a Report From the Chinese Capital [] | Feb 29 10:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Pence Hates #Science . Tasking Him With #Coronavirus Response Could Cost Lives. [] | Feb 29 10:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica ☞ We Want to Talk to People Working or Living on the Front Lines of #Coronavirus . Help Us Report. [] | Feb 29 10:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams ☞ "I Don't Think That You are Telling Us the Truth": House Democrats Grill #Pompeo on #Iran and #Coronavirus [] | Feb 29 10:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A Message for #Trump : #Coronavirus Threat Is About Public Health—Not the Stock Market or Your Reelection [] | Feb 29 10:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LizWarren Accuses #Trump of 'Bungling Every Aspect of This Crisis' as WHO Elevates #Coronavirus Threat to Highest Level [] | Feb 29 10:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #GOPLunacy ☞ Mick #Mulvaney Suggests Media Attention on #Coronavirus Merely a Ploy to Tank #Trump [] | Feb 29 10:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How #OSI Co-Founder Got Banned From the OSI's Mailing Lists (a Month After the Other Co-Founder Resigned in Protest in Those Mailing Lists, Bemoaning Attacks on #SoftwareFreedom ) [] | Feb 29 10:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #politics ☞ #ClassWar , the #DNC , and the Fight for Our Lives [] | Feb 29 10:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Witnessing the Hell a Migrant Can Face "overland to Saudi Arabia, where they hope to get employment." [] | Feb 29 10:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Work in progress this morning: Inside the Free Software Foundation (FSF) - Part III [] | Feb 29 10:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Inside the Free Software Foundation (FSF) – Part I: Year Zero [] | Feb 29 10:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Inside the Free Software Foundation (FSF) – Part II: The Majority of the Board Supports Richard Stallman [] | Feb 29 10:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Big chance for FSF [] | Feb 29 10:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #greed #war ☞ The #SpaceForce Becomes a Weapons System, Arms Companies Profit [] | Feb 29 10:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #dnc ☞ The So-Called Party of the People: From #Nevada to #SouthCarolina [] | Feb 29 11:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The fifth of a periodic series on the early primaries and caucuses, this was written before the vote in South Carolina." [] | Feb 29 11:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Oligarchs are so detached from constituents (even hostile towards them) that they'd have us believe that Russia, not voters, decide in US elections [] | Feb 29 11:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #wildlife #nature ☞ Feds Reject Removal of Northwest #Dams That Threaten #Salmon [] | Feb 29 11:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #health #nutrition #chemicals ☞ Forever-Chemicals Tap #Water [] | Feb 29 11:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #racism #impunity ☞ Immunity for Killings by #Immigration #Police [] | Feb 29 11:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #mx ☞ Court Puts Breaks on Move to Make Asylum Seekers Wait in #Mexico [] | Feb 29 11:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #raspberrypi #raspi ☞ #RaspberryJams around the world celebrate Raspberry Pi’s 8th birthday [] | Feb 29 11:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #therevelator #overpopulation #drought #famine ☞ #Water Conflicts Will Intensify. Can We Predict the Worst Problems Before Conditions Boil Over? [] | Feb 29 11:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As Primaries Heat Up, Centrist Candidates Forget Their Campaign Finance Pledges [] | Feb 29 11:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ How #Netflix And “Manning Marable” Killed #MalcolmX (The Third Time) [] | Feb 29 11:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Inside the Free Software Foundation (FSF) - Part III: Imagining an FSF Award Going to Anti-Stallman People #fsf #gnu #freesw #freedom #rms [] | Feb 29 11:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "So strong was the musical squad assembled for Kobe Bryant’s send-off at Los Angeles’s Staples Center on Monday, that even Hall of Famer Jennifer Lopez didn’t rate any playing time" [] | Feb 29 11:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #listeningdevices and #surveillance spun as "fun" and Easter Eggs by pro- #surveillance spin sites, which should be condemned. #smartShit [] | Feb 29 11:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The 'bunnie' challenge for #hardware buffs #bunniehuangLast month's winner: [] | Feb 29 11:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The #linuxfoundation wiki page turns one year old now. Average 500 views per day (just this page alone), which means many people are sceptical, wanting answers/clarity. [] | Feb 29 12:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Zope May Sprint #freesw #python #python3 [] | Feb 29 12:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: GNOME: New GTK Site, GNOME 3.36 Lands Scaled/Transformed Hardware Cursors Support, Felipe Borges Celebrates 10 [] | Feb 29 12:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): GNOME: New #GTK Site, #GNOME 3.36 Lands Scaled/Transformed Hardware Cursors Support, Felipe Borges Celebrates 10 #gnu #linux #freesw [] | Feb 29 12:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): GIMP 2.10.18 Released- Free and Open Source Image Editor #gnu #gimp #gtk [] | Feb 29 12:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sorry, sirThere's no such thing as "Windows computer"There are computers that have Windows on themNot the same thingTo speed them up #deleteWindows and put #bsd or #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 12:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This post is not an endorsement of the message; its purpose is to show what was censored and let people decide for themselves if that merited a ban #osi #freesw #esr #censorship [] | Feb 29 12:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The next #FSF award may be given to #RichardStallman himself; but it might also be given to a person largely responsible for ‘ousting’ Stallman, which would be catastrophic [] | Feb 29 12:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #nytimes "added that you might want to pass on it if you’re looking for James Bond-style chase scenes or can’t stand being confused." #cia [] | Feb 29 12:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #DominicanRepublic ☞ Thousands Are Taking the Streets to Protest Suspension of #Dominican Elections [] | Feb 29 12:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #oligarchy #billgates #bezos ☞ #CorporateMedia Aren't Observers of the Electoral Process. They're Participants. [] | Feb 29 12:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About #Racism "Every white American should—but won’t—read Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility" [] | Feb 29 12:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #civilwar #proxywar #middleeast ☞ Children Are Freezing to Death in #Syria as Humanitarian Crisis Intensifies [] | Feb 29 12:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #vpn 'articles' are often just #marketing spam (like selling people 'vitamins' they don't need supplements of). This is is LITERALLY filed under "BASURA" (trash) [] | Feb 29 12:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #DonaldBloomberg #Sackler #oligarchy #classwar ☞ Bloomberg Wants to Woo Black Voters, But We Remember His Reign of Terror [] | Feb 29 12:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): 'The Democratic Party Has a Problem': Bloomberg Hires Super Tuesday State Democratic Vice Chairs [] | Feb 29 12:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Progressive Groups Launch #NeverBloomberg Campaign, Demanding Top Democrats Oppose Former New York Mayor's Run [] | Feb 29 12:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Bloomberg's Billionaire BS "billionaire whose love of money seems to be superseded only by his desire for power." Greatly put! [] | Feb 29 12:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #india #goldenDawnald ☞ The #Modi / #Trump Anti-Muslim Alliance [] | Feb 29 12:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Who Will Douse Delhi’s Flames? "They’ve desecrated a cemetery, mangled vehicles, broken homes, injured people, killed people – 39, as I write this" [] | Feb 29 12:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "It is also emblematic of Muslim rule from the late 12th century until the 18th when the Mughal Empire disintegrated, eventually enabling the British to cobble together the pieces." [] | Feb 29 12:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthout #bribery #corruption ☞ #DarkMoney Posing as Women’s Groups May Have Played Key Role in Electing #Trump [] | Feb 29 12:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Elections and politicians have long been bought by oligarchs and their exploitative corporations. What makes Bloomberg and Trump unique is that they more directly fund this buyoff of countries, along with their rich mates whom they give clemency for tax cr... [] | Feb 29 12:45 | |
schestowitz_log | Elections and politicians have long been bought by oligarchs and their exploitative corporations. What makes Bloomberg and Trump unique is that they more directly fund this buyoff of countries, along with their rich mates whom they give clemency for tax crimes. | Feb 29 12:46 |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Almost every political position will be "offensive" to someone and potentially excluding someone, somewhere. Any company or org or nonprofit that prohibits particular kind of speech >outside< the workplace is oppressive by design. [] | Feb 29 12:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The unfettered nature of cyberspace almost makes it impossible to distinguish lies and bullshit, aptly distinguished by philosopher Harry G. Frankfurt, from true representations." [] | Feb 29 12:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #RogueState #USAInc ☞ 'An Astonishing Rate of #Corruption ': #Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office [] | Feb 29 12:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #proprietarySoftware #intuit #turbotax #scam ☞ TurboTax’s Bid to Buy Free Tax Prep Competitor Might Violate Antitrust Law, Experts Say [] | Feb 29 12:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The Y2038 bug is predicted to hit older machines in around 18 years time, when the number of seconds becomes too long for some systems to handle. Leap seconds, used to keep the days synced up with the Earth's rotation, have also caused havoc..." https://w... [] | Feb 29 12:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Kluwer Patent blogger" asking #TeamUPC (e.g. Mooney) if the #UPC is good to craft a bunch of ridiculous #unitarypatent #propaganda [] | Feb 29 12:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Jan Van Hoey: Software industry opposed the UPC: [] | Feb 29 13:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): MaxDrei: "No chance, Kevin. Sorry. As a UK patent attorney in Germany, my sense is that the UPC was only seen as useful for as long as all three of the EU’s “Big Three” were committed to it." [] | Feb 29 13:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "AYE PEE" (two lies) in the era of buzzwords and hype wave what a ridiculous event title; a bunch of clueless lawyers fawning over fiction, lying to one another [] | Feb 29 13:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #BorisJohnson , Not Donald #Trump , is the Real Blue-Collar Conservative "an upper-class Etonian twit" [] | Feb 29 13:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Killing people in critical condition using #patents#pricefixing #priceHikes #ransom #patent [] | Feb 29 13:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #corruption #bribery ☞ VoteVets for #Buttigieg : Who’s Really Keeping Us in the Dark About Campaign Funding? [] | Feb 29 13:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Movies and music that once played on our VCRs and stereos have given way to infinite choices in the cloud. Cash currency is fast becoming a thing of the past" [] | Feb 29 13:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Buttigieg The Energizer Bunny of Hegemony "Joseph Buttigieg cotranslated and coedited the three-volume English edition of Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks." [] | Feb 29 13:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #surveillance #privacy ☞ #FCC To Dole Out Some Dainty Wrist Slaps For Wireless Carrier Location Data Scandals [] | Feb 29 13:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How do you determine the novelty of a second (non-medical) use claim? (T 1395/15) this #patent tribunal lacks independence [] | Feb 29 13:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No, this is not a "TRAP"It ensures #patents aren't as broad as the universe; you cannot #patent everything everywhere [] | Feb 29 13:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #cannabis legal? "GOOD," say the lawyers! "Let's start the #monopoly arms race so we can tax the whole planet... for PLANTS!" [] | Feb 29 13:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Part III focuses in the frequently oversighted interaction between “Copyright and Standards” Pamela Samuelson and Kathryn Hashimoto analyse in Chapter 5 the protectability of standards"Pamela is cool [] | Feb 29 13:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #de ☞ Breakthroughs Against the #Rightwing Menace in #Germany [] | Feb 29 13:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Science and the Turf Wars of Consciousness "The poet T.S. Eliot famously noted that humankind cannot stand too much reality" [] | Feb 29 13:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #mx #mexico ☞ Supreme Court Says It's OK For #BorderPatrol Agents To Kill Mexican Citizens As Long As They Die In Mexico [] | Feb 29 13:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Patents on pistols in country where over a million citizens were killed by pistols in a few decades alone #patent [] | Feb 29 13:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): HEY HI (AI)HEY HI !!HEY HI !!HEY HI !!HEY HI !!HEY HI !!HEY HI !!Johanne Belisle: HEY AI WILL FIX EVERYTHING !! [] | Feb 29 13:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #militarism #imperialism #death ☞ It's Time to Debate #Pentagon Spending [] | Feb 29 13:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #surveillance ☞ #FBI And #USDOJ Personnel Confirm Agents Frequently Fudge Facts When Seeking #FISA Warrants [] | Feb 29 13:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #JohnLewis ☞ #JulianBond Was a Radical Long Before #MLK [] | Feb 29 13:34 | |
schestowitz_log | ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #poverty ☞ Struggling for Shelter: Resistance to #California #HousingCrisis Grows "age of worsening income and wealth inequality" | Feb 29 13:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Struggling for Shelter: Resistance to California’s Housing Crisis Grows - | Feb 29 13:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #poverty ☞ Struggling for Shelter: Resistance to #California #HousingCrisis Grows "age of worsening income and wealth ineq... [] | Feb 29 13:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #votersuppression ☞ 'Good News for Democracy': #Wisconsin Appeals Court Rejects Voter Purge Targeting More Than 200,000 People [] | Feb 29 13:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The objective of the Treaty is to ameliorate the working conditions for performing actors and other audiovisual performers"Instead, as usual, it enriches #copyright barons and oligarchs who exploit performers [] | Feb 29 13:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): There is no such thing as "entertainment industry"It is not an industryIt does not produce or manufacture thingsThe same goes for "litigation industry"We must distinguish between makers and monopoliesThey mislead us and misuse terms like "theft" or "piracy... [] | Feb 29 13:41 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The UN, Homeostasis and #China "spaces of less density until an equilibrium is reached. In political systems, the same phenomenon may hold true." [] | Feb 29 13:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch @glynco ☞ #Police #Torture in #Chicago "of course the Chicago PD is not one bad apple in the nation’s police departments" [] | Feb 29 13:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #survival #activism #dissent ☞ Landmark Win in 'Fight for Habitable Future' as Jury Refuses to Convict #Climate Activists Who Presented Necessity Defense [] | Feb 29 13:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #caturday [] | Feb 29 13:47 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Powerline arcing phase to phase [] | Feb 29 13:49 | |
*social_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Feb 29 13:57 | |
*social_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 29 13:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams ☞ 'World Leaders Are Behaving Like Children,' #GretaThunberg Tells Thousands of #Bristol Strikers in Call for #Climate Action [] | Feb 29 14:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #nato ☞ #Turkey Mobilizes for War With #Syria and #Russia as Nearly 3 Dozen Turkish Troops Killed in Airstrike [] | Feb 29 14:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Nearly a thousand of us were gathered in #Chicago beneath the alarming edifice of Chicago’s “Trump Tower.” Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani had been brutally murdered the day before in Iraq" [] | Feb 29 14:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #DestinationLinux 162: #IkeyDoherty Interview, #StuartLangridge Guest Host #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 14:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Why We Sued Trump’s #BLM Over Its Sagebrush-Juniper Burning Project in #Montana "back in court to force the agency to comply with the Cour... [] | Feb 29 14:11 | |
schestowitz_log | Why We Sued Trump’s #BLM Over Its Sagebrush-Juniper Burning Project in #Montana "back in court to force the agency to comply with the Court’s order." | Feb 29 14:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Why We Sued Trump’s BLM Over Its Sagebrush-Juniper Burning Project in Montana - | Feb 29 14:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Daniel Stenberg: Expect: tweaks in #curl #freesw #programming #scripting [] | Feb 29 14:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "What if we could do something half-way between what Python currently allow and what mathematicians would write by transforming something that is currently a SyntaxError into valid Python code?" [] | Feb 29 14:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): U.S., #Taliban Set to Sign #Afghanistan #Peace Deal [] | Feb 29 14:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #middleeast #ru ☞ #Russia sends two armed frigates through Bosporus following deadly Syrian airstrike against #Turkey and rising tensions [] | Feb 29 14:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #debtslavery #criminalisingPoverty ☞ A State Senator Had Thousands of Dollars in Ticket #Debt . Now She’s Fighting to Make Sure Others Won’t. [] | Feb 29 14:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): SUSE LINUX GmbH still in control of OBS. see [] | Feb 29 14:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Porting to #Qt 5.14 on #Android #programming [] | Feb 29 14:26 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Qt Wayland's Maintainer Is Leaving The Company X still works fine. But #kwin IIRC needs more daddies (the main one, Martin, left) [] | Feb 29 14:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The pattern applies if you are not using Django, or indeed any ORM, but I have only checked it for Django, and in fact only really verified it works as expected using PostgreSQL." [] | Feb 29 14:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Trump 's New "Public Charge" Is a Radical and Grotesque Attack on #Immigrant Communities and #US #Democracy [] | Feb 29 14:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “transnationals, the main causes of climate change, finally are recognizing the gravity of the situation … What they are doing is settling into a new wave of business opportunities, new ways of taking over land and eco-systems and developing geo-engineerin... [] | Feb 29 14:38 | |
schestowitz_log | “transnationals, the main causes of climate change, finally are recognizing the gravity of the situation … What they are doing is settling into a new wave of business opportunities, new ways of taking over land and eco-systems and developing geo-engineering capabilities.” | Feb 29 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-For the Climate: Protecting the Commons and Fixing Democracy - | Feb 29 14:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: AMD Graphics: RadeonSI, Radeon ROCm and RADV Vulkan Driver [] | Feb 29 14:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #AMD Graphics: #RadeonSI , #Radeon ROCm and #RADV #Vulkan Driver [] | Feb 29 14:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: EndeavourOS: Refining the upcoming release [] | Feb 29 14:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #EndeavourOS : Refining the upcoming release #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 14:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: How To Install Node.js and NPM on Ubuntu 18.04 [] | Feb 29 14:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How To Install Node.js and NPM on Ubuntu 18.04 [] | Feb 29 14:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: How To Install #GIMP on #Ubuntu 18.04 [] | Feb 29 14:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How To Install #GIMP on #Ubuntu 18.04 [] | Feb 29 14:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Convert Float to Time in #JavaScript (Hours and Minutes) [] | Feb 29 14:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Convert Float to Time in #JavaScript (Hours and Minutes) [] | Feb 29 14:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: How to get current date and time in Python [] | Feb 29 14:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How to get current date and time in #Python [] | Feb 29 14:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #coronavirus #medicareforall #medicare4all #medicare4allnotwar [] | Feb 29 14:58 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #liverpool FC never won the #premierleague and now there's talk about canceling/halting/postponing the whole thing due to #coronavirusWould be worth it just to see the faces of LFC fans... [] | Feb 29 14:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Trump 'Efforts to Serve Corporate Polluters' Dealt Blow as Judge Vacates #Oil and #Gas Lease Sales on Nearly 1 Million Acres [] | Feb 29 15:00 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #commondreams #dnc #corporateMedia ☞ A Real #SuperTuesday Calls for a Strong #ProgressiveMedia [] | Feb 29 15:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #propublica #privacy #surveillance #gop ☞ The #RNC Stopped Paying a Data Firm After A Serious Breach. Then It Paid A Mysterious LLC With the Same Address. [] | Feb 29 15:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "No OS support is listed for the IP70, but the company’s Apollo Lake based EAC Mini EACIL22S runs Linux and Windows." [] | Feb 29 15:11 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The $199 #Pinebook Pro ARM Laptop Is Closer To Running On The Mainline #Linux #Kernel [] | Feb 29 15:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): “Focal Fossa Wallpaper Shoots Laser From its Eyes” [] | Feb 29 15:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: “Focal Fossa Wallpaper Shoots Laser From its Eyes” [] | Feb 29 15:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: How to get current date and time in Python [] | Feb 29 15:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | Feb 29 15:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | Feb 29 15:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #GNUHealth 3.6.3 patchset has been released !" [] | Feb 29 15:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Hardware With GNU/Linux: Debian on Walmart Motile M142, $199 Pinebook Pro ARM Laptop, Raspberry Pi and More [] | Feb 29 15:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hardware With GNU/Linux: #Debian on #Walmart Motile M142, $199 #Pinebook Pro ARM Laptop, #RaspberryPi and More [] | Feb 29 15:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #mozilla updates on #firefox #surveillance hosted by/developers on #microsoft servers :-/ [] | Feb 29 15:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What's on television?Yup, #debian #gnu #linux #germany #de [] | Feb 29 15:32 | |
*roy-older-box has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 29 15:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Keeping your fast code fast #programming [] | Feb 29 15:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #SparkyLinux news 2020/02 #debian #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 15:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #googlemaps works fine with my browser, but then #google steps in to interfere and say (REDIRECT) "Your browser needs to be updated to use Google Maps" (in effect BLOCKING my use of what already WORKS) [] | Feb 29 15:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Bruce even resigned again, partying like it's 1999 Now ESR is cancelled" [] | Feb 29 15:54 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers [] | Feb 29 15:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Programming Leftovers #freesw [] | Feb 29 15:57 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Graphics: SHAREDed, X.Org/, LLVMpipe/Mesa [] | Feb 29 16:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Graphics: SHAREDed, X.Org/, LLVMpipe/Mesa #graphics #linux #mesa [] | Feb 29 16:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What next? Trying to #trademark "restaurant" and "bar"? [] | Feb 29 16:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When you bring really lousy #patents to court, even high ones like #cafc"viscosity"... more marketing than invention [] | Feb 29 16:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They patronise everyone, then claim to be the poor victims [] | Feb 29 16:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The whole "AYE PEE" world has become dull, boring, pointless. Judging by what their blogs are saying, they too have grown uninterested and demoralised. Time to change careers then... [] | Feb 29 16:09 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "All four asserted patents relate to “ranking products” using computers and the internet" i.e. #swpats i.e. #fakepatents i.e. get the hell out of the court and stop wasting judges' time [] | Feb 29 16:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): With a ~50% decline in #patent lawsuits the occupation of #litigation lawyers is over-saturated and they lie to clients to convince them to file frivolous lawsuits/threats. How about just quit your job, change career? #TooManyLawyers #NotEnoughSuits [] | Feb 29 16:15 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #TooManyLawyers and not enougn #indians [] | Feb 29 16:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #dishonestLawyers "Perhaps because confidential and privileged information is more frequently involved than in some other forms of litigation, waiver issues are also common." [] | Feb 29 16:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The panel rejected Arctic Cat's statutory interpretation dependent on the statute being written in the present tense, so that ceasing sales of unmarked product would be sufficient to cure." #patent #law #patents [] | Feb 29 16:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #patentPending = the lawyers' version of "momma will send you a letter about how 'ma dog ate 'ma homework" [] | Feb 29 16:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Alternative headline: up until now #china kept hidden its decisions in tribunals about #trademarks or parts of input [] | Feb 29 16:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No, Dennis, it's not "a trap"It's a necessity to keep #patent #law totally out of control #patents must have scope constraints [] | Feb 29 16:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): What else is new?#epo grants #fakepatents #uk courts toss these crap #patents out#astrazeneca team: nothing to see here!! [] | Feb 29 16:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): " #CJEU provided that the earlier marketing authorization for the same substance for its use as a sheep reproduction regulation would not constitute “a first marketing authorization” for the use of the same substance against human insomnia." http://ipkitte... [] | Feb 29 16:31 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "Patent ExaminerComputer-implemented inventions"So... #patent examiner that grants #fakepatents that are #swpats and #eu (or #euipo here) promotes this illegality [] | Feb 29 16:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo #swpats #fakepatents #games #eu see [] | Feb 29 16:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They're technically wrong. #epc is clear about it. No #swpats but they violate the EPC every day. [] | Feb 29 16:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sometimes one might expect to happen in #russia and US #corporatemedia overlooked/ignored it, Putin's media covered it instead (RT and SPutinik) [] | Feb 29 16:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #swpats #epo #lobbying #capturedByVendors #swpat [] | Feb 29 16:39 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Klaus-Heiner Lehne:1) [] | Feb 29 16:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #debian #gnu #linux on #riscv [] | Feb 29 16:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FreeBSD #UNIX #BSD #TooManyLawyers [] | Feb 29 16:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Downing St deals death blow to #UK role in euro #patent court headline used to be "Government finally kills UK role in euro patent court" [] | Feb 29 16:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #upc is very dead. [] | Feb 29 16:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "For brand owners [sic] and #trademark practitioners, 2019 will also go down as a year that provided answers to many important questions" [] | Feb 29 16:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): This article did not age well at all [] | Feb 29 16:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Misleading article "whether the UK will be able to participate" --> If it does not participate, then the entire thing collapses [] | Feb 29 16:59 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "If the UPC goes ahead without the UK, surely London's significance as a centre for patent litigation will suffer"Naaa... only those British lawyers would suffer [] | Feb 29 17:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Sobbing lawyers: "So many millions wasted, so many thousands of hours of attorney and client time wasted..... Really a crying shame." [] | Feb 29 17:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "The title "UK will not participate in UPC system" suggests that the #UPC otherwise still has some sort of future despite its hard-wired UK references." Bingo! [] | Feb 29 17:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Roufousse T. Fairfly: "Fix the corrupt EPO governance while you're at it." [] | Feb 29 17:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #battistelli #corruption #epo #ceipi #whitecollarcrime [] | Feb 29 17:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You could make this prediction, safely, 4 years ago, but #teamUPC kept lying ('lobbying') to everyone [] | Feb 29 17:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): If someone was right about the #UPC all along, for many years, it was us at #techrights #unifiedpatentcourt #unitarypatent [] | Feb 29 17:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): No, it is not, Ian. You just show your complete lack of understanding of what the #UPC is and how #patents work (or who for). [] | Feb 29 17:27 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When he signed did he did something inapporiproiate, as we repeatedly pointed out at the time. It was an #IPDay PR stunt for him. [] | Feb 29 17:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Some people gave up and stopped fighting with us years ago [] | Feb 29 17:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): They have been doing necrophilia for years, e.g. [] | Feb 29 17:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Alcohol sales up this past week in the #patent microcosm and #teamUPC offices. [] | Feb 29 17:32 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You guys could say this years ago. But too many people played along with the lies until it was professionally 'convenient' to fold the cards, [] | Feb 29 17:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): See comment from #OSI President [] | Feb 29 17:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #coronavirus #gnu #linux #quarantine [] | Feb 29 17:37 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ibm has looooooads of #lawyers they even threatened #wikileaks : #redhat #lawyering [] | Feb 29 17:38 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Well, #ceipi is now run by a criminal and a liar (it's a 'law' school run by law-breaking thugs) [] | Feb 29 17:42 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Start what? Who even wants that other than litigation firms and their large foreign clients? [] | Feb 29 17:43 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): You speak for your revenue sources, i.e. #patenttrolls and #epo PR firms, litigation firms etc. So your 'opinion' is lobbying, propaganda [] | Feb 29 17:45 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): But the lawyers, Ben!!! Think of the poor lawyers!!! #swpats [] | Feb 29 17:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo president photo op with the mistress oo corrupt EPO VP this guy:Željko_TopićSee [] | Feb 29 17:50 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Did you #patent those algorithms for "technical effect"? More illegal #swpats -- granted to the #EPO by EPO? [] | Feb 29 17:51 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): The man shown on the left has a caption that indicates #epo with #eu now proudly grant illegal #patents like #swpats ("CII") [] | Feb 29 17:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #google #youtube would hardly even render anymore without proprietary #javascript (not even video title etc.) NothingThey deployed these malicious changes weeks or days ago, site-wideNo spying, no preview... [] | Feb 29 18:01 | |
*tedbox ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 29 18:02 | |
-NickServ-tedbox! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Feb 29 18:02 | |
*tedbox has quit (Changing host) | Feb 29 18:02 | |
*tedbox (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 29 18:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #zdnet is a waste of bytes, not to mention malicious code it runs on the background #boycottzdnet [] | Feb 29 18:05 | |
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Feb 29 18:06 | |
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 29 18:06 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #blockchain #patents = #swpats = #fakepatents #epo admitted it: [] | Feb 29 18:06 | |
*rianne has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Feb 29 18:07 | |
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 29 18:07 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): As if governments tend to always obey laws [] | Feb 29 18:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Complexity a la #systemd Just because it's newer doesn't always mean it's better [] | Feb 29 18:08 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #ibm is still feeding #patenttrolls As before: [] | Feb 29 18:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo also lacks #transparencyThis, in turn, breeds endless #corruption [] | Feb 29 18:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): When you say "CI inventions" you mean "coding" or "programming" and no... you cannot patent that, courts would throw out those #swpats [] | Feb 29 18:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #UKIPO is not impartial. An extension of the #litigation 'industry' and this is a problem shared among NPOs -- a revolving doors-type conflict [] | Feb 29 18:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Will you FLY politicians to TALK about it? Or give our money to criminal entities like #microsoft that work closely with #fossilfuel giants that cook us? [] | Feb 29 18:18 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): An article about him coming soon... about his connection to #freesw [] | Feb 29 18:19 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Faked progress by preparing what's not legal and not constitutional before it's even permitted [] | Feb 29 18:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #assange is someone they want to "make an example of" [] | Feb 29 18:23 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #epo is a more urgent matter see the obscene #corruption level: [] | Feb 29 18:25 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #doping seems likely [] | Feb 29 18:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Porting to Qt 5.14 on Android [] | Feb 29 18:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Porting to #Qt 5.14 on Android #programming #android [] | Feb 29 18:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers #google #linux [] | Feb 29 18:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Android Leftovers #google #linux [] | Feb 29 18:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia ☞ #Levada Center: 25 percent of Russians favor constitutional changes; 65 percent don’t understand them [] | Feb 29 19:03 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #consumerism #cults ☞ #Apple Won't Allow Movie Villains to Use #hypePhones [] | Feb 29 19:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig #education ☞ #Teachers Demonstrate How to Save America’s Public Services [] | Feb 29 19:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #inequality #poverty ☞ Does This #Economy Work for Black Americans? [] | Feb 29 19:05 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch ☞ Reflections on "Black Excellence" see "Black Excellence" entrance: [] | Feb 29 19:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #techdirt #censorship ☞ #StevenBiss Loses Another Wacky #SLAPP Suit; Judge Scolds, But Does Not Sanction, Him [] | Feb 29 19:16 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #religion #shield #hate ☞ Stop Calling Harmful #Bigotry "Religious Freedom" [] | Feb 29 19:17 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): A Linux version of the RPG 'Soul Saga' is currently in progress as it enters Early Access #gnu #linux #proprietarysoftware [] | Feb 29 19:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Get ready for more retro FPS goodness as 'Core Decay' is coming to Linux #gnu #linux #games [] | Feb 29 19:21 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #LinuxGamePublishing Brought Back Online For Archival Purposes #gnu #linux #games [] | Feb 29 19:22 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Godot Game Engine Working Towards Native Wayland Support, EGL [] | Feb 29 19:24 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Wine-Staging 5.3 Fixes Online Play For Some Recent Games #wine #gnu #linux #games [] | Feb 29 19:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #truthdig ☞ The U.S. Military’s #MeToo Reckoning That Wasn’t [] | Feb 29 19:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #counterpunch #crisis #climate #overpopulation ☞ Don’t Depend on #FEMA to Save Us From Global-Warming’s Armageddon [] | Feb 29 19:29 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #meduza #russia ☞ Don’t panic... Why the Russian news media has started reporting major g#as explosions as adorable, harmless ‘pops’ [] | Feb 29 19:30 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: DXVK 1.5.5 Released [] | Feb 29 19:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): DXVK 1.5.5 Released They need to #deletegithub and not be prisoners of #microsoftAlso get a real site, #proprietarysoftware #github ain't it [] | Feb 29 19:34 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Games: AI War 2, Soul Saga, Core Decay, Linux Game Publishing and Godot [] | Feb 29 19:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Games: AI War 2, Soul Saga, Core Decay, #LinuxGamePublishing and Godot #games #gnu #linux #gaming [] | Feb 29 19:35 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Nitrux 2020.02.28 available. #gnu #linux distro from #mexico with Nomad (KDE Plasma) [] | Feb 29 19:36 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: KDE: Plans for Qt 6, KDE Progress, and Setback for Qt Wayland [] | Feb 29 19:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): KDE: Plans for Qt 6, KDE Progress, and Setback for Qt Wayland #qt #kde #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 19:40 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Switches to a Snap’d Software Store for 20.04 [] | Feb 29 19:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Ubuntu Switches to a Snap’d Software Store for 20.04 #ubuntu #gnu #linux #snapd [] | Feb 29 19:44 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Firefox Preview for Android - Interesting #mozilla #firefox #android [] | Feb 29 19:46 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Teaism? That's a thing? isms... [] | Feb 29 19:48 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #FreedbSad story... [] | Feb 29 19:49 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Mozilla: The Android Firefox Preview, Glean Spyware, and Firefox on Librem 5 (PureOS) [] | Feb 29 19:52 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #Mozilla : The Android Firefox Preview, #Glean Spyware, and #Firefox on #Librem5 ( #PureOS ) [] | Feb 29 19:53 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Debian: German Television, Freedb's Shutdown and Sparky News at Month's End [] | Feb 29 19:55 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Debian: German Television, Freedb's Shutdown and #SparkyLinux News at Month's End #debian #gnu #linux [] | Feb 29 19:56 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: #openSUSE and LibreOffice: #Citrix Workspace on openSUSE #Tumbleweed, Open Build Service IP Changes, openSUSE + #LibreOffice Conference and Navigator Improvements [] | Feb 29 20:01 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #openSUSE and LibreOffice: #Citrix Workspace on openSUSE #Tumbleweed, Open Build Service IP Changes, openSUSE + #LibreOffice Conference and Navigator Improvements [] | Feb 29 20:02 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Proprietary: #Apple 's 'Image' Obsession, #TurboTax Scam, #Nokia Demise and Microsoft Being #Microsoft [] | Feb 29 20:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Proprietary: Apple's 'Image' Obsession, TurboTax Scam, Nokia's Demise and Microsoft Being Microsoft [] | Feb 29 20:04 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Hubert Figuiere: #GPSAmi 0.1.0 the #gnote dev from #novell and then #mozilla [] | Feb 29 20:10 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Russell Coker (Debian): "This disproves the claims about gun ownership preventing crime. AFAIK no-one has shot a corporate criminal in spite of so many deserving it." [] | Feb 29 20:12 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): #seattle #police failed to get back to us by month's end, despite the promise. They continue to protect #billgates and cover up #pedophiliaDetails: [] | Feb 29 20:13 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's howtos [] | Feb 29 20:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's howtos #howto #gnu #linux #unix [] | Feb 29 20:14 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: today's leftovers [] | Feb 29 20:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): today's leftovers #gnu #linux #curl #openwashing [] | Feb 29 20:20 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Links 29/2/2020: #KaOS 2020.02, New Wine Release #gnu #linux #kde [] | Feb 29 20:28 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Tux Machines: Links 29/2/2020: KaOS 2020.02, New Wine Release [] | Feb 29 20:33 | |
-viera/#boycottnovell-social-Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "We use Oracle" [] | Feb 29 20:44 |
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