
Nokia had been a long-standing giant and a patents-rich company that was hijacked by Microsoft, just like
Yahoo (see
Microsoft Hijack of Yahoo).
In the 21s century Nokia was lobbying for software patents in Europe. As Symbian declined Nokia turned to Linux and then it sued Apple with patents. After Apple had sued Android Nokia welcomed a Microsoft mole into its ranks and then the company collapsed rapidly, brought in more Microsoft moles (former colleagues of the CEO), all the Linux efforts were called off, staff fired accordingly, and Nokia's patents then passed to proxies such as
MOSAID, with Microsoft's explicit intervention. It did not take long for this to harm Android, so Google filed antitrust complaints. Here are some posts sorted chronologically.
On the World Wide Web, Facts About Microsoft (and Many Other Things) Are Being Replaced With Lies
Video: How Microsoft Killed Nokia and Harmed an Entire Country
The Patent 'Industry' Wants Incitations and Feuds, Not Innovation and Collaboration (Blackberry/Nokia lawsuit dropped)
'Nokification' in Hong Kong and China (PRC)
Ericsson and Microsoft-Led Nokia Crush Companies That Make Phones With Linux, BlackBerry Becomes Litigation Firm
Qualcomm, BlackBerry and Nokia Are Being Reduced to Mere Patent Trolls Without Any Products, Only Patents
More Information Emerges About Provenance Asset Group LLC, Where Thousands of Nokia Patents Are Being Passed Through
Microsoft and Nokia's Patent Trolls by Proxy: First Conversant, Now Provenance Asset Group Holdings LLC
Patents Are Turning BlackBerry and Nokia, Which Used Android, Into Anti-Android Fronts That Tax Android OEMs
The Farce Which is Nokia's Patent Portfolio, a Ripoff of Other People's Ideas (and Patents)
Growing Threat to Free/Libre Software From Software Patents: Apple, Microsoft and Nokia Charge Ahead
Publisher Funded by Nokia's and Microsoft's Patent Trolls Expects More Attacks on Android OEMs
Microsoft’s (Patent) War on GNU/Linux Continues, But It’s Disguised Using Intermediaries
The Microsoft Operandi: Linux-Centric Xiaomi Pays Post-Microsoft Entryism Nokia for Patents
Nokia is Now Officially a Patent Troll, Almost 6 Years After Microsoft Turned It Into One
Microsoft's Legacy at Nokia is Patent Shakedown and Feeding of Patent Trolls
Microsoft Has Killed Nokia (and Its Own Mobile Ambitions), But Watch What it Does With Patents
It's Official: By Means of Entryism, Microsoft Has Turned a Pro-Linux Nokia Into an Anti-Linux Patent Parasite
Shamelessly Rewriting the History of Nokia to Embellish Massive Microsoft Layoffs
Corporate Media Frames Microsoft Layoffs as ‘Nokia Layoffs’, Despite Contradictory Facts
It's Official: Microsoft Turned Nokia Into Patent Aggressor Against Android/Linux for Royalty Stacking
Amid Microsoft Collapse Stephen Elop is Finally 'Fired', But Not Before He Cost Many Thousands of People (at Nokia) Their Job, Destroyed Linux-based Platforms, and Spread Patents to Patent Trolls
Microsoft's 'Not Windows is Not Allowed' Policy at Nokia
Microsoft Already Killed Nokia, Don't Let It Kill Android Players Too
The GOP’s Patent Reform Plan Not Effective Enough to Stop Massive Patent Trolls Like Microsoft/Nokia
Good Nokia (Jolla) and Bad Nokia (Microsoft); or Good Derivatives and Bad Derivatives of Android Hardware
Elop Confirms That He Was Working for Microsoft All Along (Mole Inside Nokia)
Belluzzo and Elop Became Synonymous With Microsoft Moles That Destroy
EU Commissioner VP Joaquin Almunia Aware of Microsoft’s Anti-Linux By-Proxy Patent Strategy (Nokia), Threatens Antitrust Action
While Nokia Becomes Microsoft’s Anti-Linux Litigation Front, Pre-Elop Nokia Revived, Jolla Sells All Available Phones
Explosive New Revelations About Elop’s Role Inside Nokia
Stephen Elop Outright Lied When He Said He Was Not a Trojan Horse, Reveal New Documents
Microsoft’s Patent Attack on Linux Android Advances to Next Stage With New Nokia Acquisition, Patent Setup
Nokia is Microsoft’s Antitrust Complaints Proxy, Microsoft Florian the AstroTurfing Proxy/Tool, and Bribes a Last Resort
Microsoft-controlled Nokia is Lobbying to Enable Bans on Android Imports (Linux Phones as a Whole in Danger)
Boycott Nokia for Attacking Free Software, FFII’s President Suggests
Nokia is Suing Android Directly, Using Patents; Microsoft’s Elop to Blame
Microsoft-led Nokia Once Again Attacks Android/Linux With Patents, This Time Directly
Dell Will be the Next Nokia Unless It Escapes Microsoft’s Grip
Nokia Should Move to Linux Before Its Staff is All Gone (Except Microsoft Moles)
Boycott Nokia! Vringo, an Anti-Android/Linux Proxy for Microsoft (Through Nokia), Attacks Google
Rewriting Nokia’s History of Microsoft Takeover
Nokia Might Dump Windows, Embrace Android Soon
Microsoft-Led Nokia Continues to Feed Patent Trolls
Qt Team Admits It is Harmed by Nokia’s Behaviour After Microsoft Occupation
Nokia Betrays Qt, as Techrights Predicted in 2008
Elop Kills Another Linux-based Platform While Using Patents Against a Third One (Android)
Microsoft Occupying Competing Companies
Windows on Phones is Hopeless
Microsoft’s Mole Stephen Elop is Hurting KDE
Nokia Shies Away From Direct Patent Extortion of Android
Microsoft-Led Nokia is Confirmed to be Already Extorting Android/Linux
Nokia is Already Fighting Android With Patents, at Microsoft’s Behest
MOSAID Apparently Extorts Linux, Red Hat Embraces Secrecy Again
Microsoft Dies in Hardware
Nokia the Latest Example of Dead Microsoft ‘Partners’, More Lined Up
Apple Seeks Android Bans Whilst Antitrust Attorney Speaks About Microsoft’s Latest Offences Against Android (Using Patent Proxies)
Linux Foundation Members That Pay Microsoft for Linux
With Microsoft Mole, Nokia Becomes Microsoft’s Partner in Crime (Through MOSAID)
Collusion, Conspiracy and Patent Crimes From Microsoft Against Linux
Android Under Patent Attacks From Nokia, Microsoft, and Oracle
Software Patents and Trolls Devour Jobs While Microsoft Proxies Sue Android Companies
After the Demise of Microsoft’s FAT Patent
MeeGo Will Live Despite Microsoft Corruption
Microsoft Bugs Kill Nokia
Update on Patent Failures and Microsoft Lawsuits Against Linux Companies
Windows Phones: Still Dying While Linux is Thriving
Despite Moles, Patents, and Lawsuits, Linux-based Platforms Rule Mobility
Nokia Inevitably Realises Linux is Better Than Windows
Windows Mobile Death and Wiped Data, Applications
Microsoft Starts Extorting Competitors by Proxy, Using Nokia’s Patents
MSBBC Lies About Microsoft Market Share
Microsoft Mole Failed to Sell Phones, Managed to Pass Patents to Microsoft’s Patent Trolls
Bill Gates is Hijacking Open Source While Attacking It Using Lobbyists, Patents, and Patent Trolls
Android’s Defence of Self From Apple, Patent Extortion Proxies, and Microsoft Lobbyists
Apple is Sued for Anti-competitive Practices; The Court Sees Patent Lawsuits/Actions by Proxy
Under Microsoft Leadership, Nokia Patents Passed to Patent Aggressor Sisvel, Likely Target is Android
Updates on Microsoft/Nokia and Apple Patent Wars on Linux
Software Patents and Bribes Against Android/Linux
Microsoft and Nokia Caught AstroTurfing, Abusing/Attacking Genuine Posters
Latest Patent Attacks on Linux/Android and Why They Matter
Groklaw on MOSAID (Patent Troll for Microsoft)
Microsoft Inside
Microsoft Shrank Nokia and Fed its Patents to Trolls
MOSAID, Microsoft, and Antitrust
Nokia Can Oust — But Not Recover From — Microsoft Mole
Microsoft Mole Killed Linux Projects and Fed Patent Trolls for Attacks on Android
Microsoft’s Mobile Plan: Patents, Not Products
Executives Who ‘Leave’ Microsoft Become Moles, Patent Trolls, and Patent Lobbyists
Antitrust Probe Over Microsoft’s Feeding of Patent Trolls to Attack Linux (Android) in Court
Microsoft Confirms Role in Preparing to Litigate Using Patent Trolls as Proxies
Anti-Smartphones Patent Troll Equipped With 2,000 Microsoft-led Nokia Patents
Microsoft Has Lost the Mobile War to Linux, Stuck at Around 1% Market Share
When Microsoft Enters Linux We See Linux FUD
Microsoft’s Plan of Taxing Linux Using Nokia
Nokia Crushed by Microsoft While Windows Mobile Dies. Is Skype Next?
Microsoft Uses the Broken US Patent System to Attack Linux/Android From Multiple Sources, Wants Nokia’s Patents Too
Rumour: Microsoft to Take Over Nokia’s Mobile Unit Thanks to Entryism
Exclusive: Microsoft Patent Schemes Nobody Knows About
Microsoft’s Mole at Nokia Harmed People and Harmed Free Software, Microsoft Moles at Juniper Put Internet Users at Risk
Microsoft Failed in the Hardware Business
Microsoft Still Uses Nokia to Attack Linux
Microsoft’s Elop is Like Rick Belluzzo – Hijacks Nokia, Sells to Microsoft, Then Exits
As Expected, Nokia is Attacking Android/Linux Following Microsoft Takeover
Microsoft is Bad for the Economy
Senior Figure at Nokia: “This isn’t a deal between Nokia and Microsoft, this is a Microsoft take over.”
Elop-led Nokia and Bill Gates Lobby Europe Amid New Push Ushering in Software Patents
Can’t Produce Better Phones? Sue the Rival and Misuse Security, Says the Microsoft Camp
Windows Phones Become Extinct
Groklaw’s Message to Microsoft: Spend More on Products and Less on FUD/PR
Stephen Elop is Bricking Nokia
Microsoft is Polluting the Codec and Mobile Space With Software Patents
Vista Phony 7 a Disaster to Developers, Verizon Gives It Thumbs Down
Motorola Dumps Windows, Opposite of Nokia
The ‘New Nokia’ is a Patent Problem in Europe
Calls for Lawsuits Against Microsoft’s Elop for Conflict of Interest; Billions in ‘Bribe’ Involved
Maneuverers of Microsoft in an Age of Software Patents
Microsoft’s Nokia ‘Deal’ is More Like a Takeover, Patents Pose a Problem
Microsoft’s President Elop is Allegedly Killing Linux Inside Nokia/Intel, Just When MeeGo Gets Android Compatibility (Updated)
Report: Nokia’s New CEO From Microsoft About to Fire Existing Nokia Executives
Microsoft Disruptors Versus Linux Smartphones Domination
Analyst Wants Microsoft’s Elop (Now Nokia CEO) to Shoot Down Linux Programmes
Will Elop Choose the Future (Linux) or His Past (Microsoft) for Nokia?
Apple Sues Nokia Again – Linux and/or Symbian Under Attack by Patents
Microsoft’s Influence in the MSBBC, Intel, Nokia
Microsoft’s Favourite ‘Reporters’ Are Attacking Nokia, Pushing it Into Microsoft’s Arms
Why It’s Unlikely That Nokia Will Turn to Windows, Despite Microsoft Appointment
Apple is Bullying Competitors — Including Linux — Using Software Patents
Stephen Elop Says No New Linux Phones From Nokia This Year, Talks About Cross-platform Qt
As Expected, Nokia and HP Betray Linux Under Microsoft-sympathetic New Leadership
New Article Says Nokia Might be Bought by Microsoft After Appointing Microsoft President as CEO
If You Can’t Beat Them, Hijack Them (Microsoft Joins Nokia and It Already Shows)
Nokia, Zeitgeist, MeeGo/Maemo, and Moonlight/Mono Threat
Microsoft Insiders Galore: BBC, Nokia, Others Already Damaged by Microsoft Hires
Microsoft Passes More of Its Executives to the MSBBC. What About Nokia?
Microsoft President Quits, But is Nokia the Next Victim?
Software Patents Rumble: Apple, Microsoft, Nokia, and GNU/Linux
Patents Roundup: Microsoft, Apple, Nokia, Monsanto, Pfizer, and ACTA
Why Nokia Sued Apple First (or Why Apple is Possibly the ‘Bad Guy’)
Nokia Expands Patent Strike Against Apple
Nokia Criticised for Patent Attack, Interim In Re Bilski Rule Does Not Go Far Enough
Patents Roundup: Nokia and Apple Cross Swords, British Patent System Becomes Form of Tax, Israel Besieged by Software Patents
Nokia Lets Its Inner Patent Monster Go Loose