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IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, June 22, 2022

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gorqwhats the difference?Jun 22 00:00
MinceRneitherJun 22 00:02
MinceRit works normally, like most shellsJun 22 00:02
gorqwhat should i use zswap or zram?Jun 22 00:12
gorqshouldn't they be the merged?Jun 22 00:12
gorqZSH  must be sh compressed?Jun 22 00:13
gorqhas most rhings with Z are about compressionJun 22 00:13
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jun 22 00:14
MinceRpretty sure zsh has nothing to do with zswap and zramJun 22 00:14
gorqyesJun 22 00:14
MinceRiirc the author named zsh after someone's username they thought would be a good name for a shellJun 22 00:14
gorqthe original shell is shJun 22 00:15
MinceRthat is knownJun 22 00:16
gorqsh is just short fro shellJun 22 00:17
MinceRwater is wetJun 22 00:17
gorqso ZSH must be ziped shellJun 22 00:18
gorqBASH must be bourne again shellJun 22 00:19
MinceR(cat) (no audio) 22 00:33
gorqwhy?Jun 22 00:34
gorqyou got cat script?Jun 22 00:34
gorqElon Musk's child tells court she no longer wants 'to be related' to her dadJun 22 00:36
gorqshe must buy an apple phone thenJun 22 00:37
gorqeven so it might not workoutJun 22 00:37
gorq 22 00:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The perfect travel companion - Album on ImgurJun 22 00:38
gorq - MinceR in the shower after a night outJun 22 00:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Chillin in the shower - Album on ImgurJun 22 00:40
*wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 00:42
*psydruid sees some more shitposting by non-regularsJun 22 00:42
MinceRno cat scriptJun 22 00:43
*wallacer (~quassel@6bsu33ajs4zs4.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 00:43
*matey (~matey@fici29dumxqp6.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 00:54
matey<MinceR>   the war crimes are only relevant if someone with the power is actually willing to invade orcland, cripple their warmaking capabilities, arrest putler and all UR members and punish them for their crimes  <MinceR>   it's pointless to talk about war crimes much if the people who could do something about it are unwilling to do soJun 22 00:54
mateygod noJun 22 00:54
mateyits vital to the historical recordJun 22 00:54
mateyeven on the offchance that someone learns from itJun 22 00:54
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsJun 22 00:55
mateyi mean its too late to do anything for stallman or the fsf too (still less than warcrimes)Jun 22 00:55
mateybut the story at least has to be toldJun 22 00:55
mateyeven challenged and with the more bullshit parts commented on for the sake of accuracy and contextJun 22 00:56
mateyfor smaller things than warcrimes, so certainly for warcrimes as wellJun 22 00:56
mateysometimes people do learn from themJun 22 00:56
mateyif not right away, then laterJun 22 00:56
mateysomeitmes the people doing the fighting you think should happen are the ones who learn from themJun 22 00:57
mateyregardless of the people who should be fighting nowJun 22 00:57
mateyvietnam could have dragged on for more years, more deathsJun 22 00:57
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 00:57
mateymore torture, more ecological destructionJun 22 00:57
mateybut people reporting the war crimes helped it end Jun 22 00:58
mateynot as quickly as it should have, but more quickly than it might haveJun 22 00:58
mateyso yeah, theres a purpose to talking about war crimesJun 22 00:58
mateyit would be nice if there were more purpose, but theres definitely purposeJun 22 00:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▄▅▅▃▅▆▅▇▆▄▅▇▅▄▅▆▅▆▅▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▁ avg(k/sec) 26.66 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▃▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 5.05▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 00:59
matey<XRevan86>   The problem is that a lot of the war crimes are more-of-the-same, so one stops paying attention. <- its rare that people even care this muchJun 22 00:59
mateywhen george and tony did similar to iraq, people cared even lessJun 22 01:00
mateygene simmons of kiss was ashamed of people who didnt think it was GREAT SHITJun 22 01:00
mateyhe wouldnt be the first israeli to support war crimes (well he wouldnt)Jun 22 01:00
mateywhoo yeah! palestinian casualties, WOOOOOO!Jun 22 01:01
mateyGOT WHAT THEY DESERVED!Jun 22 01:01
MinceR22 015442 < matey> its vital to the historical recordJun 22 01:01
MinceR22 015455 < matey> even on the offchance that someone learns from itJun 22 01:01
MinceRi doubt there will be a historical record if vladolf gets what he wantsJun 22 01:01
MinceRand one thing that makes humans humans is that most of them don't learn from anything, everJun 22 01:02
mateyi doubt he will get what he wantsJun 22 01:02
mateyunless he wants to die slowly and painfully, poisoned by his own peopleJun 22 01:02
mateyim not saying theres no riskJun 22 01:02
mateyhell, theres always a riskJun 22 01:02
mateythey may already be poisoning him graduallyJun 22 01:03
MinceRif humans learned, we wouldn't see a global resurgence of fascism nowJun 22 01:03
matey"oh hes looking very ill"Jun 22 01:03
mateyat least a few people probably want him to do what hes doingJun 22 01:04
mateyand the others? who knowsJun 22 01:04
mateyeither way hes gone off the rails at the expense of russiaJun 22 01:04
mateyand russians have a finite tolerance for this sort of failure, even at the topJun 22 01:05
mateypeople who say this is stalin all over again, who i dont necessarily disagree withJun 22 01:06
mateyshould read about how that endedJun 22 01:06
matey<schestowitz_TR> paying attention to toilet paper-on-shoe joke won't help <- i dont agree with this eitherJun 22 01:07
mateystupid jokes have played a role (i mean i doubt putting comedians on the front lines would be useful, nor would i pretend they were as important) in the darkest chapters of human historyJun 22 01:07
mateysome are cleverly stupid, others are just fucking dumbJun 22 01:08
mateyafter 9/11 there was this serious discussion about when jokes could be told againJun 22 01:08
mateylike it was too serious for comedians to do any sort of comedy at allJun 22 01:09
mateyfortunately the onion was still awesome back thenJun 22 01:09
mateythey were sort of on the front lines of comedy at that time, the first to be willing to laugh at somethingJun 22 01:09
mateyimagine if we had decided "okay, this is too bad, no more jokes anymore"Jun 22 01:09
mateypresumably in wwii noel coward sang "dont lets be beastly to the germans"Jun 22 01:10
mateyi love that songJun 22 01:10
mateyeven if its propagandaJun 22 01:10
mateywhich of course it isJun 22 01:10
matey<schestowitz_TR>   I reckon many US weapons nowadays have microchips in them that are imported from china <- that may be Jun 22 01:11
mateybut the dod CAN fab their ownJun 22 01:11
mateymaybe theyre willing to see how chinese chips fare in a place like iraqJun 22 01:12
mateybut if they were at war with china, maybe they wouldnt be so trustingJun 22 01:12
mateyi dont know how that shit worksJun 22 01:12
mateyim sure war with china is never at the top of the list of what to do nextJun 22 01:12
mateyi think most army guns work without microchips but i dont pretend to know much about that eitherJun 22 01:13
mateyi figured the anti-icbm arrays dont rely on chinese fabs, but thats just a guessJun 22 01:13
gorqmicrochips made of paper that self destruct if they ear russian speechJun 22 01:15
MinceRstalin managed to stay in power and commit crimes against humanity for 31 yearsJun 22 01:15
mateymicrochips made of paper that self destruct if they ear russian speech <- i mean ukraine is blowing up russian tanks with weapons they got from the usaJun 22 01:15
gorqbecause he didnt managed to stay alive longerJun 22 01:15
mateyso im not sure what that meansJun 22 01:16
mateymaybe russians should talk to themJun 22 01:16
gorqit mean not to let the technology to fall in the wrong handsJun 22 01:16
mateyohJun 22 01:16
mateyits sort of win win for the weapons contractorsJun 22 01:17
mateythey dont get tired of spending a percentage of their profits on new research and developmentJun 22 01:17
gorqweapons contractors would hate papper chips couse they so cheepJun 22 01:18
mateyas long as the world is insane, they keep going to the bankJun 22 01:18
gorqmore bang for the bankJun 22 01:18
mateythe drone missiles have sony cameras <- japan is an ally iircJun 22 01:19
MinceRit isJun 22 01:19
mateyfuck knows how/why, but nonethelessJun 22 01:19
mateybetter the devil you know?Jun 22 01:19
mateyif you cant beat em, join em?Jun 22 01:19
gorqsamsung cams are betterJun 22 01:19
gorqat least on phonesJun 22 01:20
mateyi mean thats great if you want the missiles to do instagram filters on their targetsJun 22 01:20
matey<psydroid2>   the worst part is that these AMD chips aren't that much faster than ARM chips with a fraction of the power consumption <- and the way the chipsets work these days, the amd chips probably arent much better supported than arm eitherJun 22 01:21
mateythough thats probably a slight exaggeration (getting slighter)Jun 22 01:21
gorqARMy chipsJun 22 01:22
matey<MinceR> people in russia can download MICROS~1's and ibm's other OS, fedora, instead <- maybe sanctions will help microsoft get rid of some of their dead weightJun 22 01:24
mateyif that doesnt, maybe their installation policies willJun 22 01:24
MinceRi doubt MICROS~1 sold a significant proportion of their licenses in orclandJun 22 01:25
MinceRin general, not doing a lot of trade beyond energy and possibly food with just about anyone is one of orcland's big issues, afaictJun 22 01:25
MinceRor rather, not exporting a lotJun 22 01:25
MinceRbut also not importing so much that anyone would particularly careJun 22 01:26
mateyi suppose you dont need russias new stalinist bullshit when you already make your ownJun 22 01:26
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 01:26
MinceRpeople were spitballing ideas like that orcland could trade with red china instead of europe, but red china couldn't sustain itself with trading only with orcland but not with the westJun 22 01:26
*rianne_ (~rianne@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 01:26
*rianne_ has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 01:27
mateymaybe the russian elite found someone they like better than putinJun 22 01:27
*rianne_ (~rianne@freenode-i33.jp8.7132oi.IP) has joined #techrightsJun 22 01:27
mateyso theyre like "here, destroy yourself, have fun"Jun 22 01:27
mateyim not making them the good guys, but they cant ALL be as stupid as he isJun 22 01:28
MinceRthe orcish elite is being hit hard, afaikJun 22 01:28
MinceRmany of them lost access to a lot of assets they held in the westJun 22 01:28
mateywell a little karma is good for the worldJun 22 01:28
mateynot to make light of the terrible priceJun 22 01:28
mateyrussia hates going too many decades without a collapseJun 22 01:29
MinceR:>Jun 22 01:29
mateyim being cynical, i actually like russiansJun 22 01:29
mateybut you dont have to tell them that being russian fucking sucksJun 22 01:29
mateythey kind of wrote the book on itJun 22 01:30
mateyi actually like russians <- not enough to hope they feel welcome in ukraine right nowJun 22 01:31
mateyim serious about putting signs up showing the way outJun 22 01:31
mateymoscow 1500 mi kate saidJun 22 01:31
MinceRi think they did something of the sort alreadyJun 22 01:31
mateyi think they did something of the sort already <- love itJun 22 01:32
mateythose could come in useful laterJun 22 01:32
MinceRthis one doesn't seem too informative though >> 22 01:32
MinceR"to dick", "again to dick", "to russia to dick"Jun 22 01:33
mateythats why you put locals in chargeJun 22 01:33
mateythey know the cultureJun 22 01:33
mateythings are so sterile when everything comes from the topJun 22 01:34
matey 22 01:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibrePlanet:About/Code of Conduct - LibrePlanetJun 22 01:35
matey"to dick", "again to dick", "to russia to dick" <- violates the code of conduct!Jun 22 01:36
mateyand also, who the fuck cares?Jun 22 01:36
MinceR:>Jun 22 01:36
matey [ insert george carlin routine ]Jun 22 01:36
mateyi wouldnt have even thought of incorporating "dick" into signs taunting invading troopsJun 22 01:37
mateyeven if it seems obvious in hindsightJun 22 01:37
MinceR"to dick" is a commonly used expletive phrase in russian and ukrainian, afaikJun 22 01:38
MinceRapparently as common as "fuck" in englishJun 22 01:38
mateyagain, swhy you put locals in chargeJun 22 01:38
mateythe word "fuck" as a word for everything is pretty hilarious imo from a linguistic standpointJun 22 01:39
mateybut using "dick" that way is novel to my non-russian sensibilities, so i love that tooJun 22 01:40
mateyi should say non-slavicJun 22 01:41
MinceR:>Jun 22 01:41
mateyLibrePlanet: Participate (To Dick)Jun 22 01:42
mateytheres an entire decision tree of jokes that can be made thereJun 22 01:43
mateybut none of them lead to victory so Jun 22 01:43
mateyand the lp people are too humourless to make them in publicJun 22 01:44
MinceR:>Jun 22 01:46
MinceRactually i could have been more specific, it's "onto dick"Jun 22 01:46
MinceR(as opposed to "into dick")Jun 22 01:46
mateyi interpreted "to" as either "towards" or "for the purpose of"Jun 22 01:46
mateywhich is actually pretty funnyJun 22 01:47
mateybut "onto" works too, it actually seems much less foreignJun 22 01:47
MinceR:>Jun 22 01:47
mateytheres a weird sketch dutch west did called "old men and leftovers"Jun 22 01:48
mateyabout these two old men that do voiceoversJun 22 01:48
mateyand theyre having a pissing match about all the celebrities they supposedly fuckedJun 22 01:49
mateyone implying that he did one of the baldwins, "so stephen could be mine"Jun 22 01:49
mateythey keep saying "with his dick?" as a sort of punchlineJun 22 01:49
mateywithout the invasion of the ukraine, i cant imagine how that could ever be even remotely relevant hereJun 22 01:50
mateyalso i dont know how it became "the" ukraineJun 22 01:50
mateymaybe its infamousJun 22 01:50
mateythe canadaJun 22 01:50
mateythe mexico, the spainJun 22 01:50
mateydutch west is probably best known for a dance video they did to "september" by earth wind and fireJun 22 01:51
gorqthe maldivesJun 22 01:52
mateythey also did a sketch where the son is thinking of enlisting in the army for college money, so the mom decides to mess with his head until he relentsJun 22 01:52
mateyill leave the details out of that one, but clever ideaJun 22 01:53
gorqi8 enlisted the us army to play a video gameJun 22 01:53
mateyyeah thats a thing now i guessJun 22 01:54
gorqeven thou im not a citizenJun 22 01:54
gorqi was a virtual recruitJun 22 01:54
mateyi mean ive known people from malaysia who were working so closely with american armed forces that ti wouldnt have matteredJun 22 01:55
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▄▅▅▃▅▆▅▇▆▄▅▇▅▄▅▆▅▆▅▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▁ avg(k/sec) 26.66 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▃▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 5.05▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 01:59
MinceR22 024955 < matey> they keep saying "with his dick?" as a sort of punchlineJun 22 02:02
MinceRreminds me of appending "in bed" to random phrasesJun 22 02:02
mateyyesJun 22 02:02
mateythe fortune cookie trickJun 22 02:03
MinceRthe netherlandsJun 22 02:03
matey"you will live in interesting times"Jun 22 02:03
matey"in bed"Jun 22 02:03
MinceR 22 02:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ukraine - WikipediaJun 22 02:03
mateyone of the two guys in the video went on to do a series spoofing honey boo boo with the (wonderful) comedienne who played the mom in the army enlistment videoJun 22 02:06
matey 22 02:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Precious Plum for President! | See Plum Run [Full Episode] - InvidiousJun 22 02:06
techrights-newsManipulating the display backlight from the shell gemini:// 22 02:16
techrights-newsUse a gamepad to control mpv video playback gemini:// 22 02:16
AdmFubar 22 02:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GitHub Bug Allowed Third-party Apps to Gain Elevated PermissionsJun 22 02:17
matey<MinceR> made from Linux (controlled by the Linux-Destroying Foundation, owned by corporations like MICROS~1 and ibm), systemd (controlled by ibm and based on MICROS~1 design principles), gnome (also controlled by ibm)Jun 22 02:17
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 22 02:18
mateyi dont doubt it, but wheres the ibm connection (other than systemd)Jun 22 02:18
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 22 02:18
matey<gorq> do you think users are changing back to bash from zsh because of the Z?Jun 22 02:19
mateyCANCEL ZED!Jun 22 02:19
mateyDr. Roy SchestowitJun 22 02:19
matey/me uses pdksh, should be fine unless poland invades somewhereJun 22 02:20
MinceR22 031811 < matey> i dont doubt it, but wheres the ibm connection (other than systemd)Jun 22 02:22
MinceRLDF, gnome, fedora itselfJun 22 02:22
MinceRwhat's the connection between pdksh and poland?Jun 22 02:22
MinceRthe manpage suggests pdksh is simply "public domain Korn shell"Jun 22 02:23
techrights-newsThe Impermanence Of Architecture gemini:// 22 02:23
techrights-news🔤SpellBinding — AZILOPE Wordo: ADDED gemini:// 22 02:24
mateyi just looked at "pdksh" and thought it looked like something written in polishJun 22 02:24
MinceR:>Jun 22 02:24
MinceRand cshrc is a town in bosnia?Jun 22 02:24
mateywhy not?Jun 22 02:24
matey"bash" is an insult in croatiaJun 22 02:25
techrights-news"I found out about the Midnight looking up a list of capsules to get started with Gemini, and this might just be the friendliest I've ever seen the internet be!" gemini:// 22 02:25
mateyif we cancel zed we should also cancel veeJun 22 02:26
mateyreplace all instances of v with uJun 22 02:26
mateylike roman monuments, but the other wayJun 22 02:26
matey(this almost makes w highly suspect, but as long as its Double YOO its okay)Jun 22 02:27
techrights-newsMixxx 2.3.3 DJ Software Brings Improvements for Pioneer DDJ-SB3 and Traktor S3 Controllers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 02:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mixxx 2.3.3 DJ Software Brings Improvements for Pioneer DDJ-SB3 and Traktor S3 Controllers | Tux MachinesJun 22 02:28
mateywe could be proactive and just get rid of straight lines in writing altogether ည်ထောင်စုသမ္မတJun 22 02:30
mateybut then how will we hand mincer a straight line?Jun 22 02:31
MinceRi'm sure ruscists would just use those squigglies as a swastika thenJun 22 02:32
techrights-newsHow the Eyüpsultan district of Turkey uses GNU/Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 02:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the Eyüpsultan district of Turkey uses GNU/Linux | Tux MachinesJun 22 02:33
matey8Jun 22 02:33
matey/me gaspsJun 22 02:33
mateycancel 8!Jun 22 02:33
techrights-newsIt's solstice and I can start seeing some sky light outside at 2:34Jun 22 02:33
MinceR"it's solstice eve and it's scary"... wait, that's for the other solstice.Jun 22 02:34
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techpol + social irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 22 02:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, June 21, 2022Jun 22 02:36
matey/me thinks halloween should be politicians dressing up as real people and everyone else throwing candy at themJun 22 02:36
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techrights irc ■ Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 22 02:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, June 21, 2022Jun 22 02:37
techrights-newsResearchers disclose 56 vulnerabilities impacting thousands of OT devices - Help Net Security ⚓ ䷉ Source: helpnetsecurityJun 22 02:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Researchers disclose 56 vulnerabilities impacting thousands of OT devices - Help Net SecurityJun 22 02:37
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 boycottnovell irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 22 02:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, June 21, 2022Jun 22 02:38
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techbytes irc ■ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 22 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, June 21, 2022Jun 22 02:39
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Jun 22 02:42
techrights-news"Part steadfast approach - part welcoming spirirt; Collabora continues to successfully expand with new talent amply on deck. Well ahead of the remote work curve, our new joiners have settled into their roles from their respective corners of the planet." 22 02:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Adding even more heads for the group pictureJun 22 02:47
techrights-news"I am trying to contact Francis van Dun (FVANDUN on cpan) for permission to relicense Net::DHCP to the MIT license." 22 02:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Trying to contact Francis van Dun (FVANDUN) | dean []Jun 22 02:51
techrights-news"The Chrome team is delighted to announce he promotion of Chrome 103 to the stable channel for Windows,Mac and Linux.This will roll out over the coming days/weeks." 22 02:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chrome Releases: Stable Channel Update for DesktopJun 22 02:55
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 02:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJun 22 02:56
techrights-newsWhy Ubuntu Isn’t a Flagship Linux Desktop Distribution Anymore • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 02:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Ubuntu Isn't a Flagship Linux Desktop Distribution Anymore | Tux MachinesJun 22 02:56
techrights-newsLinux Lite 6.0 Released, Based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 02:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Lite 6.0 Released, Based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS | Tux MachinesJun 22 02:56
techrights-newsMeet Chris Hildenbrand, the artist behind the winning Inkscape 1.2 About Screen • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 02:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet Chris Hildenbrand, the artist behind the winning Inkscape 1.2 About Screen | Tux MachinesJun 22 02:56
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▅▂▃▄▄▆▃▆▄▅▆▆▆▅▅▅▆▅▃▇▂▅▄▅▆▄▅▃▄▅▅▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 27.63 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▁▁▂▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▂▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 5.01▕ swarm size (avg): 30.71  ⟲Jun 22 02:59
techrights-newsCanadaian GP warmed up at the end gemini:// 22 03:00
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ Gemini requests since start of month:   215652 total • Total number of pages in capsule: 41248 •     Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-27 10:17:06 BST; 3 weeks 4 days agoJun 22 03:06
techrights-newsEPO PR event again in France/Monaco. What's wrong's with it? See puff piece: 22 03:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | France Keeps Winning European Inventor Award (Millions of Euros of EPO Budget) | TechrightsJun 22 03:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EPO - All the winners: European Inventor Award 2022Jun 22 03:07
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.  TotalIn: 24 MB  •  TotalOut: 4.4 MBJun 22 03:07
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.Jun 22 03:08
techrights-ipfs-botQmfEjig2FSS7dnn2KEr26v5JW9wSenfByFz7Kpont5s6p2Jun 22 03:10
techrights-ipfs-bot☞ New daily bulletin has just been added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with the CID above.Jun 22 03:10
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 03:26
*fuzzy has quit (Quit: connection closed.)Jun 22 03:30
techrights-newsHallmark of Bribery and Graft: The French EPO President Gives European Inventor Award to France Again (3rd Time in 6 Years) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 03:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hallmark of Bribery and Graft: The French EPO President Gives European Inventor Award to France Again (3rd Time in 6 Years) | TechrightsJun 22 03:33
*techrights_guest|20 (~989dbb1f@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 03:33
techrights_guest|20HelloJun 22 03:34
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@7adiimzyx9th6.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 03:34
*Guest16 (~d8a05725@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 03:34
Guest16HelloJun 22 03:34
*techrights_guest|13 (~2dfb142a@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 03:35
*techrights_guest|13 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Jun 22 03:36
schestowitz_TRhi Guest16 Jun 22 03:47
Guest16HelloJun 22 03:47
schestowitz_TRnew here?Jun 22 03:47
Guest16YesJun 22 03:47
schestowitz_TRit's quiet around this timeJun 22 03:48
Guest16I have a WebSocket IRC server, could I connect my relay to this network and relay one or two channels that aren't used on this network, by chance?Jun 22 03:48
schestowitz_TRlet me see if I get thgis right:Jun 22 03:48
schestowitz_TRyou want to set up a channel hereJun 22 03:49
schestowitz_TRand then relay that to another networkJun 22 03:49
techrights-news[Meme] Rewarding Crooks With Public Relations and Marketing at the EPO’s Expense (’European Inventor Award’) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 03:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Rewarding Crooks With Public Relations and Marketing at the EPO’s Expense (‘European Inventor Award’) | TechrightsJun 22 03:49
techrights-newsPetition for ministerial conference on European Patent Organisation 22 03:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Petition for ministerial conference on European Patent Organisation - Kluwer Patent BlogJun 22 03:54
AdmFubar 22 03:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Internet Explorer shutdown to cause Japan headaches 'for months' - Nikkei AsiaJun 22 03:55
Guest16schestowitz_TR: YesJun 22 03:56
schestowitz_TRI don't see why nowJun 22 03:56
schestowitz_TRwhich channel would it be?Jun 22 03:56
Guest16Like #spam and #qemuJun 22 03:56
*gorq has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 03:56
Guest16I already have channels on my network, but my network is difficult to connect to.Jun 22 03:57
schestowitz_TRI seeJun 22 03:58
schestowitz_TRso you want people to use ours for access and then bridge it across?Jun 22 03:58
Guest16If they won't go to the work of connecting to (Which takes a lot of work to connect to), then they'd at least have an alternative.Jun 22 03:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kiwi IRCJun 22 03:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 239.06  ⟲Jun 22 03:59
schestowitz_TRGuest16: sure, go for itJun 22 03:59
Guest16OkayJun 22 04:00
Guest16How would I register an account using this network's services?Jun 22 04:00
schestowitz   /motdJun 22 04:01
Guest16OkayJun 22 04:01
Guest16Does this server require verification?Jun 22 04:01
schestowitzemail iircJun 22 04:02
schestowitzthen you can register furtherJun 22 04:02
Guest16OkayJun 22 04:02
schestowitzor I could register them nowJun 22 04:02
schestowitzsomeone recently killed off a whole channel by deregistering the nicknameJun 22 04:02
Guest16How do I get email verification to work?Jun 22 04:04
Guest16I haven't received a verification email.Jun 22 04:04
schestowitz_TRI'm not sure you need to Jun 22 04:05
Guest16OhJun 22 04:05
schestowitz_TR /msg NickServ register mySecretPassword validEmailAddress@example.comJun 22 04:05
schestowitz_TRjust specify an addressJun 22 04:05
schestowitz_TRmanual: 22 04:06
techrights-news#Techrights Bulletin for Tuesday, June 21, 2022 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextJun 22 04:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesJun 22 04:06
techrights-news#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingJun 22 04:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexJun 22 04:06
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 04:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJun 22 04:07
Guest16Could you op my bot on #qemu ?Jun 22 04:13
Guest16[8:13:11 PM] → pylink-_9pfs has joinedJun 22 04:13
Guest16Never mindJun 22 04:14
schestowitz_TRokJun 22 04:16
techrights-news"as a relative new comer to Gemini, I’m confused about what happened to the mailing list. is there a good write up of the drama anywhere?" gemini:// 22 04:18
techrights-news"The price of diesel has reached £1.90 per litre (about $9 per US gallon), food prices are way up, the economy seems to be heading for a period of stagflation, the UK government is destroying the constitutional checks and balances on its actions, Russia is making gains in eastern Ukraine" gemini:// 22 04:20
Guest16My #qemu channel is a Linux virtual machine with its terminal accessible via IRC (and network access).Jun 22 04:20
techrights-news2022-06-22 Locrian.Zone: THE STORY OF THE INEXPERIENCED GHOST added to library. gemini:// 22 04:20
schestowitz_TRGuest16: good that you do not rely on very large networksJun 22 04:21
schestowitz_TRwe saw what can happen to them 12 months agoJun 22 04:21
Guest16Why is that good?Jun 22 04:21
schestowitz_TR*13 evenJun 22 04:21
Guest16Oh.Jun 22 04:21
schestowitz_TRpeople assume it's "free"Jun 22 04:22
Guest16I do use large networks, I just don't link my relay to them because of SASL issues.Jun 22 04:22
schestowitz_TRuntil even "FREE"node is notJun 22 04:22
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jun 22 04:22
schestowitz_TRSASL  is against the concept of IRCJun 22 04:22
Guest16Reminds me, I was working on a shell script to join #freenode on that network and start flooding.Jun 22 04:22
Guest16It won't work, could someone help?Jun 22 04:22
schestowitz_TRfreenode changed last yearJun 22 04:23
Guest16( cat ping-fifo|grep PING|sed s/PING/PONG/|tee /dev/stderr & sleep 28; echo "USER abcd abcd abcd abcd"; echo "NICK abcd"; sleep 5; echo "JOIN #freenode" ; sleep 80; yes "PRIVMSG #freenode :I am an IRC bot, coming to eat Freenode" ; sleep 3; echo "QUIT :Bye" ) | ncat 6667 | tee ping-fifoJun 22 04:23
Guest16ping-fifo is a named pipeJun 22 04:23
schestowitz_TRfreenode keeps changing, tooJun 22 04:23
schestowitz_TRthey are not sure what they want to do with the thinJun 22 04:23
schestowitz_TR*thingJun 22 04:23
schestowitz_TRmy prediction is that freenode might not even survive until next yearJun 22 04:24
schestowitz_TR 22 04:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Libera.Chat Anniversary and Happy Birthday (Maybe the Last) to ‘Leenode’ | TechrightsJun 22 04:24
techrights-news“European Inventor Award” is little but a graft opportunity and a way to bribe nations (money in exchange for special favours); it’s also a way to reward questionable people, dismantle the notion of patent neutrality, and pass bribes to a lot of European publishers that might otherwise expose EPO corruption 22 04:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hallmark of Bribery and Graft: The French EPO President Gives European Inventor Award to France Again (3rd Time in 6 Years) | TechrightsJun 22 04:25
techrights-newsThe EPO lies about financial deficits while spending nearly $100,000,000 on more than a decade of problematic "awards" that occasionally glorify massive frauds 22 04:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Rewarding Crooks With Public Relations and Marketing at the EPO’s Expense (‘European Inventor Award’) | TechrightsJun 22 04:26
techrights-newsMass surveillance enabler 22 04:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What Is eSIM and Who Can Use It? - Make Tech EasierJun 22 04:29
Guest16Is it dangerous to link a channel to Freenode?Jun 22 04:30
schestowitz_TRnoJun 22 04:31
techrights-newsClonezilla 3.0.1-8 22 04:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clonezilla - AboutJun 22 04:31
Guest16I just linked my #qemu channel to #9pfs-qemu on freenodeJun 22 04:31
schestowitz_TRthey have weird and fast-changing policiesJun 22 04:32
schestowitz_TRthey disenfranchised thousand of channelss last yearJun 22 04:33
schestowitz_TRwithout noticeJun 22 04:33
schestowitz_TRthat network is run by a weedheadJun 22 04:33
Guest16Could I sync this channel with my network using my PyLink relay?Jun 22 04:34
schestowitz_TRI suppose...Jun 22 04:35
Guest16My bot would need +o for at least 3 seconds.Jun 22 04:35
Guest16Otherwise, it wouldn't connect.Jun 22 04:35
*pylink-_9pfs (~pylink-_9pfs@nj6h48sh2akjc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 04:36
schestowitz_TRwaitJun 22 04:37
Guest16This is what it does otherwise.Jun 22 04:37
Guest16[8:37:45 PM] <_9pfs> remote techrights link solanum #techrightsJun 22 04:37
Guest16[8:37:45 PM] [NOTICE] Error: Please op the bot in '#techrights' to complete this operation.Jun 22 04:37
Guest16Once it is +o, it'll work, but it won't send messages if it isn't when it starts syncing the first time.Jun 22 04:38
schestowitz_TRI am not channel operator in the channels you set upJun 22 04:38
Guest16I set them up, they're workingJun 22 04:39
schestowitz_TRoh, you want op here?Jun 22 04:39
Guest16My bot needs to be +o at least once, or it won't let me add a link entry.Jun 22 04:40
*schestowitz gives channel operator status to pylink-_9pfsJun 22 04:40
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: _9pfsJun 22 04:40
Guest16I think it should work nowJun 22 04:40
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> HelloJun 22 04:40
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from pylink-_9pfsJun 22 04:40
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> I see 52 users now, should I?Jun 22 04:40
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> Here's my network mapJun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:52 PM] solanum.repl[9PF] -------------------------------- | Users: 3 ( 3.2%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:53 PM] |- solanum2.repl[9A0] --------------------------- | Users: 1 ( 1.1%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:53 PM] | |- services.solanum2.repl[678] -------------- | Users: 17 (18.3%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:53 PM] | `- pylink.solanum.repl[0PY] ----------------- | Users: 1 ( 1.1%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:53 PM] | |- freenode.relay.pylink.solanum.repl[802 | Users: 1 ( 1.1%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:53 PM] | |- techrights.relay.pylink.solanum.repl[8 | Users: 50 (53.8%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:53 PM] | `- libreirc.relay.pylink.solanum.repl[800 | Users: 2 ( 2.2%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:53 PM] `- services.solanum.repl[677] ------------------- | Users: 18 (19.4%)Jun 22 04:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> [8:40:54 PM] End of /MAPJun 22 04:41
techrights-newsGiving up on GNOME To Do • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 04:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Giving up on GNOME To Do | Tux MachinesJun 22 04:41
schestowitz_TRGNUmoon2: just make it a  little less verbose plsJun 22 04:42
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 04:42
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Notice from @ChanServ: _9pfs enabled the SECURE flagJun 22 04:43
techrights-newsLinux Plumbers Conference: Microconferences at Linux Plumbers Conference: CPU Isolation 22 04:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microconferences at Linux Plumbers Conference: CPU Isolation – Linux Plumbers Conference 2022Jun 22 04:43
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> I was making sure remote users wouldn't be +o on this network, sorryJun 22 04:44
techrights-newsWaitlist 22 04:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Registration Still Sold Out, But There is Now a Waitlist – Linux Plumbers Conference 2022Jun 22 04:44
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Notice from @ChanServ: _9pfs set flags +AORVefiorstv on $server:pylink.solanum.replJun 22 04:44
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +o _9pfs-PyLink on #techrightsJun 22 04:44
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> &helpJun 22 04:45
pylink-_9pfsPyLink provides extended network services for IRC.Jun 22 04:45
pylink-_9pfsAvailable commands include: autoconnect, chandesc, checkban, checkbanre, chghost, chgident, chgname, claim, clearqueue, create, delink, destroy, disconnect, echo, forcetag, help, identify, jupe, kick, kill, link, linkacl, linked, list, load, localmap, loglevel, logout, map, massban, massbanre, masskill, masskillre, mkpasswd, mode, modedelta, purge, raw, rehash, reload, reloadproto, remote, rpm, save, showchan, shownet, showuser, shutdown,Jun 22 04:45
pylink-_9pfsstatus, topic, unload, versionJun 22 04:45
pylink-_9pfsTo see help on a specific command, type help <command>.Jun 22 04:45
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> &rehashJun 22 04:45
pylink-_9pfsDone.Jun 22 04:45
techrights-newsUbuntu Core 22 Brings Real-time Compute Support for IoT Industrial Applications 22 04:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Releases Ubuntu Core 22 for IoT, Edge and Embedded Devices | Tux MachinesJun 22 04:48
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> I hope my relay's not annoyingJun 22 04:48
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> &helpJun 22 04:50
pylink-_9pfsPyLink provides extended network services for IRC.Jun 22 04:50
pylink-_9pfsAvailable commands include: autoconnect, chandesc, checkban, checkbanre, chghost, chgident, chgname, claim, clearqueue, create, delink, destroy, disconnect, echo, forcetag, help, identify, jupe, kick, kill, link, linkacl, linked, list, load, localmap, loglevel, logout, map, massban, massbanre, masskill, masskillre, mkpasswd, mode, modedelta, purge, raw, rehash, reload, reloadproto, remote, rpm, save, showchan, shownet, showuser, shutdown,Jun 22 04:50
pylink-_9pfsstatus, topic, unload, versionJun 22 04:50
pylink-_9pfsTo see help on a specific command, type help <command>.Jun 22 04:50
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> !helpJun 22 04:50
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> !lotteryJun 22 04:50
*techrights_guest|20 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 04:51
techrights-news10 Best Kali Linux Tools for Hackers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 04:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Best Kali Linux Tools for Hackers | Tux MachinesJun 22 04:51
techrights-news</p></blockquote></li>Jun 22 04:54
techrights-newsDiscourses of climate delay 22 04:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Discourses of climate delayJun 22 04:54
Guest16What? XSS?Jun 22 04:55
techrights-news"For many years, I was only a casual user of rsync and used it mostly for one-off file transfers. Over time, I found rsync useful in more and more cases, and would recommend every computer user put this great tool into their toolbox" 22 04:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | rsync: Series Overview - Michael StapelbergJun 22 04:57
techrights-newsHow ‘Trustless’ Is Bitcoin, Really? 22 04:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How ‘Trustless’ Is Bitcoin, Really? - The New York TimesJun 22 04:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 04:59
techrights-news"Simple works best even for applications at planet scale (powering the internet). Why do Protocols Win? Even our most machine-oriented systems still have a human element to them. There's no guarantee that HTTP would have beat out other protocols if it were designed with full efficiency over practicality on day one." 22 04:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Power of Plaintext ProtocolsJun 22 04:59
techrights-news"The intrusion comes amid heightened sensitivity around unlawful or unauthorized access to congressional buildings and came as the third public hearing by the House panel investigating the January 6 Capitol insurrection concluded." 22 05:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stephen Colbert staff members arrested for trespassing on Capitol Hill | Stephen Colbert | The GuardianJun 22 05:00
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ircuser (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:00
techrights-newsWhy does Science News Suck So Much? - Invidious ⚓ ䷉ Source: Video | Invidious | MultimediaJun 22 05:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why does Science News Suck So Much? - InvidiousJun 22 05:01
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ircuser (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) is now known as _9pfs1Jun 22 05:01
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - _9pfs1 (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) is now known as TestServJun 22 05:01
*AdmFubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jun 22 05:01
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - TestServ (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) is now known as ChanServ2Jun 22 05:02
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ2 has quit (Killed (solanum2.repl (solanum2.repl (Nick collision (new)))))Jun 22 05:02
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:02
techrights-news"I’m thinking narrowly here. Not a corporate blog run by individuals and backed by an organization. And not an individual blog that’s hosted on a platform, like Medium. I’m asking, specifically, about an “indie” blog—a blog written and run by an individual who owns the domain and controls their own content." 22 05:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Message Behind the Medium of a Personal Blog - Jim Nielsen’s BlogJun 22 05:02
Guest16What are these bots?Jun 22 05:03
techrights-newshttps://cacm.3D-Printed Acoustic Holograms Against Alzheimer's or Parkinson's 22 05:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Could not resolve host: cacm.3D-Printed; Unknown error ( status 0 @ https://cacm.3D-Printed )Jun 22 05:03
schestowitz_TRwhich, techrights-news ?Jun 22 05:03
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> All of themJun 22 05:04
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> They're confusing.Jun 22 05:04
techrights-news“Masterclass in leadership” 22 05:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The great Sydney University grant swindle - Michael WestJun 22 05:04
schestowitz_TRconfusing in what  sense?Jun 22 05:05
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> They constantly send messages.Jun 22 05:05
schestowitz_TRthat's how IRC worrrksJun 22 05:05
schestowitz_TRwe syndicate some news, curated manuallyJun 22 05:05
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> I thought IRC was for people, not bots.Jun 22 05:05
schestowitz_TRand so on and so forthJun 22 05:05
schestowitz_TRthis time of the day is quietJun 22 05:05
schestowitz_TRso not many conversationsJun 22 05:05
schestowitz_TRit's not a bot per seJun 22 05:06
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> Oh.Jun 22 05:06
schestowitz_TRtechrights-news is not a bot reallyJun 22 05:06
schestowitz_TRit's ii running in the command line and taking input that is site-relatedJun 22 05:06
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> Could I put my own bots on my network that send content that is related to websites?Jun 22 05:07
techrights-newsJohn Gruber has turned his blog into sponsorship spam when he's not doing advertising directly for Apple. I remember how blog being vastly more useful. Example: "My thanks to Rows for sponsoring this week at DF." (So the RSS feed itself is the ads) :/Jun 22 05:08
schestowitz_TRpylink-_9pfs: yes, if topics overlapJun 22 05:09
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> Okay.Jun 22 05:09
techrights-news" is a tool to sort text files according to some canonicalization function. For example, sorting domains or ipv4 addresses. This is actually an old tool, that I still had to publish. I just updated it to Python 3." 22 05:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Tool: | Didier StevensJun 22 05:10
techrights-news8 Ways to Prevent Replay Attacks — How to Stop the Interception and Retransmission of Data ⚓ ䷉ Source: privateinternetaccessJun 22 05:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 8 Ways to Prevent Replay Attacks — How to Stop the Interception and Retransmission of DataJun 22 05:10
techrights-newsRubenerd: Cryptocurrency waste, in all senses of the word ⚓ ䷉ Source: rubenerdJun 22 05:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd: Cryptocurrency waste, in all senses of the wordJun 22 05:11
techrights-news"I’ve felt that for a few pieces of kit lately. I keep it around in the hopes that one day I’ll skill up enough to work on them." 22 05:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd: Cathode Ray Dude on retro hardware collectingJun 22 05:12
*pylink-_9pfs has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 05:14
*gde35 ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:14
*pylink-_9pfs (~pylink-_9pfs@nj6h48sh2akjc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:14
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <@_9pfs> What's the ipfs bot?Jun 22 05:15
*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 22 05:17
*pylink-_9pfs has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 05:24
*pylink-_9pfs (~pylink-_9pfs@nj6h48sh2akjc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:24
*pybot` (~pylink-_9pfs@nj6h48sh2akjc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:27
*pylink-_9pfs has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 05:27
*pylink-_9pfs (~pylink-_9pfs@nj6h48sh2akjc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:35
*pybot` has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 05:35
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 05:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - _9pfs has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 05:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServ, _9pfsJun 22 05:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) has left #techrights (Reop)Jun 22 05:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 05:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netsplit lost users: _9pfs, ChanServ, ChanServ219Jun 22 05:43
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - sets mode +o _9pfs-PyLink on #techrightsJun 22 05:43
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServ, ChanServ219, _9pfsJun 22 05:43
*abcd (~abcd@freenode-r2i.tu4.pnkbb0.IP) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:44
*_9pfs (~web-91@freenode-ado.rh6.201bvq.IP) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:44
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] - _9pfs (~web-91@freenode-ado.rh6.201bvq.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 05:45
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netsplit lost users: _9pfs, ChanServ, ChanServ219Jun 22 05:50
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:50
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServ, _9pfsJun 22 05:50
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +o _9pfs-PyLink on #techrightsJun 22 05:50
*isak has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 05:55
*isak (~isak@dzzss3vg4xwbw.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:56
*Skywave has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 05:56
*pybot` (~pylink-_9pfs@sdwv4cnjbspua.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:57
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] - abcde (~abcd@freenode-agp.ffk.pnkbb0.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 05:58
pybot`<abcd/freenode> [Techrights] - pybot` (~pylink-_9@sdwv4cnjbspua.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 05:58
pybot`[Freenode] - Netjoin gained users: abcd, _9pfsJun 22 05:58
*pylink-_9pfs has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 05:59
*abcd has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 05:59
pybot`[Freenode] - abcd has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 05:59
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 05:59
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServ, ChanServ219, _9pfsJun 22 05:59
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +o _9pfs-PyLink on #techrightsJun 22 05:59
*Guest16 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Jun 22 06:22
*Guest1648 (~d8a05725@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 06:22
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 06:22
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - _9pfs has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 06:22
Guest1648My relay is crankyJun 22 06:23
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 06:23
*Guest1648 has quit (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))Jun 22 06:24
*Guest1648 (~d8a05725@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 06:24
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 06:28
*matey (~matey@36bzb8gsaeuq4.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 06:28
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 22 06:30
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - _9pfs (~d8a05725@users.solanum.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 06:32
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +o _9pfs on #techrightsJun 22 06:34
*Guest1648 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 06:57
*Guest1648 (~d8a05725@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 06:58
schestowitz_TRGNUmoon2: the relay is just too verboseJun 22 06:58
schestowitz_TRGuest1648: ^Jun 22 06:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 06:59
Guest1648My relay?Jun 22 06:59
Guest1648I could maybe change something on itJun 22 06:59
GNUmoon2?Jun 22 06:59
schestowitz_TRsorry, wrong autocompleteJun 22 06:59
GNUmoon2NP :)Jun 22 06:59
Guest1648Not sure how, though. (Due to how PyLink works)Jun 22 06:59
techrights-newsLinux rm command with Advance Syntax for Pro’s • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 07:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux rm command with Advance Syntax for Pro’s | Tux MachinesJun 22 07:00
techrights-news"While the number of new security bulletins for IBM i is nowhere near what we see with Windows Server and Linux platforms, it has become a constant game of Whack-a-mole." 22 07:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 24, Number 25 - IT JungleJun 22 07:02
techrights-news"In recent weeks, IBM has disclosed a handful of vulnerabilities in its IBM i operating system and related IBM i products, including Db2 Mirror, WebSphere, Navigator for i, the Java development and runtime tools, and OmniFind Text Search Server. IBM has shipped PTFs for the security problems, which range in severity from medium to high." 22 07:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Multiple Security Vulnerabilities Patched on IBM i - IT JungleJun 22 07:04
*pybot` has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 07:08
DaemonFCschestowitz_TR, I'm going to steal a line from Bob's Burgers and modify it a little.Jun 22 07:08
*pylink-_9pfs (~pylink-_9pfs@sdwv4cnjbspua.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:08
DaemonFCI'm a lot like Navy Pier. Somehow I've made it almost 40 years without being sued into the ground or falling into the lake.Jun 22 07:09
techrights-news"Engineers build systems. Good engineers always stress and focus efficiency of these systems." 22 07:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Thinking inside the boxJun 22 07:09
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] - _9pfs (~web-91@freenode-ado.rh6.201bvq.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 07:09
schestowitz_TRBob's Burger?Jun 22 07:09
mateytv showJun 22 07:10
techrights-newsFFSS, stop calling every computer program "HEY HI" 22 07:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-3 Ways A.I. Is Transforming the Hospitality Industry | Inc.comJun 22 07:10
techrights-newsAnother example of overuse of the buzzwords/term "HEY HI" 22 07:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here Come the Artificial Intelligence Nutritionists - The New York TimesJun 22 07:11
DaemonFCThey made a movie.Jun 22 07:11
DaemonFCWe went to the movies all evening.Jun 22 07:11
DaemonFCI figure it was cheaper than running the air conditioner.Jun 22 07:11
DaemonFCIt got up to like 120 degrees outside today with the heat index.Jun 22 07:12
mateyExcuse me. I believe you meant to say "eldritch studmuffin". 22 07:12
techrights-newsComparing Local Kubernetes Development Solutions - Earthly Blog ⚓ ䷉ Source: earthlyJun 22 07:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comparing Local Kubernetes Development Solutions - Earthly BlogJun 22 07:12
DaemonFCThe new Doctor Strange isn't bad either.Jun 22 07:12
DaemonFCSam Raimi directed it.Jun 22 07:12
schestowitz_TRsounds like Manji almostJun 22 07:12
schestowitz_TRor RamjiJun 22 07:13
matey/me doesnt even know where a sqid learns the word "studmuffin" on a terreformed planet covered in robotsJun 22 07:13
DaemonFCYou know, he did the Evil Dead series.Jun 22 07:13
DaemonFCWhich was funny because part of the plot was Doctor Strange was stuck in a mirror universe and had to possess a corpse of himself.Jun 22 07:13
mateyprobably from the robots. they have internet.Jun 22 07:14
techrights-newsRaspberry Pi 3A+ Mod Brings Double the RAM | Tom's Hardware ⚓ ䷉ Source: tomshardwareJun 22 07:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi 3A+ Mod Brings Double the RAM | Tom's HardwareJun 22 07:14
techrights-newsRaspberry Pi Retro Black and White TV Hack ⚓ ䷉ Source: gizmodoJun 22 07:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Retro Black and White TV HackJun 22 07:14
techrights-newsClockwork's DevTerm Teases Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Compatibility (Updated) | Tom's Hardware ⚓ ䷉ Source: tomshardwareJun 22 07:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clockwork's DevTerm Teases Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Compatibility (Updated) | Tom's HardwareJun 22 07:15
*Guest1648 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 07:16
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - _9pfs has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 22 07:17
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 22 07:17
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - _9pfs (~d8a05725@admin.solanum.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:18
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +o _9pfs on #techrightsJun 22 07:18
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:19
*Guest1648 (~d8a05725@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:19
DaemonFCschestowitz_TR, This sort of heat is more like August.Jun 22 07:22
DaemonFCIt gets really bad at the end of August and then it settles down.Jun 22 07:22
DaemonFCThis is really not good for the corn and stuff.Jun 22 07:22
DaemonFCIf it doesn't settle down soon then there might be crop loss due to the heat.Jun 22 07:23
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jun 22 07:45
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 has quit (Killed (_9pfs-PyLink (User banned)))Jun 22 07:47
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:48
Guest1648Don't do this:Jun 22 07:49
Guest1648&masskill *!*@*Jun 22 07:49
pylink-_9pfsError: You are missing one of the following permissions: opercmds.masskillJun 22 07:49
Guest1648Wiped your entire server.Jun 22 07:49
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <ChanServ219> s/your/my/Jun 22 07:49
mateypresumably this is an ircd specific thingJun 22 07:50
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <ChanServ219> It's a PyLink command.Jun 22 07:50
mateyand a bot shouldnt have the permissionsJun 22 07:51
techrights-news"In other news, my parents flew in last night only to find out when they arrived that they have COVID. We wore masks in the car and they are isolating in their room, so hopefully I will avoid catching it." gemini:// 22 07:52
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <ChanServ219> If you have a PyLink server connected to any network with the opercmds.masskill permission, your entire network and any connected networks will be wiped of users. (It can't do anything on your network, because my bot isn't +o anywhere (and shouldn't be))Jun 22 07:52
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] <ChanServ219> my bot shouldn't be +o on anything it doesn't have to be because of me being that stupid.Jun 22 07:52
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsJun 22 07:55
techrights-newsLegends start at 1.0! – FreeBSD in 1993 (pt. 2) 22 07:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Legends start at 1.0! – FreeBSD in 1993 (pt. 2) | eerielinuxJun 22 07:55
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:55
*Skywave (~SkywaveC3@u7rbmzczvg554.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:56
*naos_ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jun 22 07:57
techrights-newsTUIFI Manager: A file manager, in the terminal, with file icons made out of ascii characters. ⚓ ䷉ Source: lundukeJun 22 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TUIFI Manager: A file manager, in the terminal, with file icons made out of ascii characters.Jun 22 07:57
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 has quit (Killed (_9pfs-PyLink (User banned)))Jun 22 07:58
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 (~ircuser@users.solanum2.repl) has joined #techrightsJun 22 07:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 07:59
techrights-newsThe Historic Keweenaw Mountain Lodge Designated as Michigan’s Third International Dark Sky Park - International Dark-Sky Association ⚓ ䷉ Source: darkskyJun 22 08:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Historic Keweenaw Mountain Lodge Designated as Michigan’s Third International Dark Sky Park - International Dark-Sky AssociationJun 22 08:00
techrights-news"Wikimedia Movement and the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU have the pleasure to invite you to a Monsters of Law event featuring First Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Maciej Szpunar titled: New Technologies and Fundamental Rights." 22 08:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Technologies and Fundamental Rights - Monsters of Law event - European Digital Rights (EDRi)Jun 22 08:02
techrights-newsMicrosoft itself is a scam 22 08:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Voicemail Scam Steals Microsoft Credentials | ThreatpostJun 22 08:03
techrights-newsMicrosoft is King of Ransomware 22 08:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Office 365 Config Loophole Opens OneDrive, SharePoint Data to Ransomware Attack | ThreatpostJun 22 08:04
techrights-newsRaspberry Pi Projects and News • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 08:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Projects and News | Tux MachinesJun 22 08:06
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ219 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 22 08:06
*Guest1648 has quit (Quit: Connection closed)Jun 22 08:06
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - _9pfs has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 22 08:06
*psydruid is waiting for ransomware to run in the Microsoft clownJun 22 08:08
schestowitz_TRMicrosoft: PAY US or elseJun 22 08:08
schestowitz_TRthat's "official" ransomJun 22 08:08
schestowitz_TRdoe snto countJun 22 08:08
*SkywaveC3 (~SkywaveC3@dmw5b4ab5hxvs.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 08:09
*Skywave has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 08:09
techrights-newsHappy 80th, Paul McCartney! "Clara and I have been diving headfirst into Paul’s discography of late, and now I learn the chap just hit the big 80 yesterday." 22 08:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd: Happy 80th, Paul McCartney!Jun 22 08:10
techrights-newsYou Need to be Wrong (Sometimes) 22 08:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You Need to be Wrong (Sometimes) | Ben CongdonJun 22 08:11
techrights-newsBitcoin and ether both are down 70%+ since November 2021Jun 22 08:13
techrights-newsThe sweatshop company 22 08:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple Workers at Maryland Store Vote to Unionize, a First in the U.S. - The New York TimesJun 22 08:14
techrights-news"The House of Representatives on Monday, following an earlier vote by the Senate, approved legislation that retailers believe will help reign in ocean carriers who have used the coronavirus pandemic as a rational to jack up rates to transport goods to the U.S." 22 08:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Retailers applaud as Ocean Shipping Reform Act sails through Congress – RetailWireJun 22 08:15
techrights-newsStandards on buzzwords: another IEEE profiteering opportunity? 22 08:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IEEE SA - Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS)Jun 22 08:16
techrights-newsDifferences between base and ports LLVM in OpenBSD 22 08:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Differences between base and ports LLVM in OpenBSD | Frederic CambusJun 22 08:18
techrights-newsMicrosoft : DAY-LONG downtimes 22 08:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft 365, Cloudflare say service restored after outages - The Record by Recorded FutureJun 22 08:21
techrights-newsMicrosoft Epstein "Well, he's dead"... notJun 22 08:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Wait, is Microsoft tempting kids away from Chrome with Minecraft money? | TechRadarJun 22 08:22
techrights-newsSolidRun RZ/G2LC SOM is powered by Renesas RZ/G2LC processor for AI-enhanced HMI applications - CNX Software 22 08:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Devices: Memfault, AOI, amd SolidRun | Tux MachinesJun 22 08:24
techrights-newsIRC Proceedings: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 08:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 | TechrightsJun 22 08:25
*_9pfs has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 08:28
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] - _9pfs has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 08:28
techrights-newsLinks 22/06/2022: Turkey’s GNU/Linux Stories and Giving up on GNOME To Do | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 22/06/2022: Turkey’s GNU/Linux Stories and Giving up on GNOME To Do | TechrightsJun 22 08:35
techrights-newsSecurity and Proprietary Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security and Proprietary Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 22 08:35
techrights-newsProgramming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 08:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 22 08:36
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 08:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJun 22 08:36
techrights-newsToday’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 08:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 22 08:36
techrights-newsDespot's Game: Dystopian Army Builder ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Despot's Game: Dystopian Army Builder to leave Early Access this 'Summer' | GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:38
techrights-newsNow on GNU/Linux "proper" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Horror mystery visual novel Five Stages of Pink now supported on Linux | GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:38
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 08:38
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 08:38
techrights-news"SolidRun announced today a partnership with Renesas Electronics at Embedded World. According to SolidRun" ☛ | Source: Linux GizmosJun 22 08:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Jun 22 08:39
techrights-news"As you may already know, when an user enter a command with sudo privileges, the sudo password will be remembered for a brief period of time." ☛ | Source: OSTechNixJun 22 08:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How To Force Sudo Password Authentication In Linux - OSTechNixJun 22 08:40
techrights-news"This is a tutorial to install Unity Desktop Environment on Ubuntu 22.04." ☛ | Source: UbuntubuzzJun 22 08:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Unity Jammy JellyfishJun 22 08:41
techrights-news"Linux has always been known for its flexibility and installing packages from ISO is one of them." ☛ | Source: TecMintJun 22 08:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install Software Packages Using Local RHEL 9 ISOJun 22 08:42
techrights-news"MySQL is one of the oldest and most reliable open-source relational database management systems which is trusted" ☛ | Source: TecMintJun 22 08:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install MySQL 8 in Fedora 36 LinuxJun 22 08:42
techrights-newsiophk: pocket change, he is mistaking this for assistance, see third comment 22 08:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MICROSOFT gives $10K to GNOME #SHORTSJun 22 08:43
techrights-newsPlausibility of Claimed Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacies by Age:... : American Journal of Therapeutics ⚓ ䷉ Source blocked by javascriptJun 22 08:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plausibility of Claimed Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacies by Age:... : American Journal of TherapeuticsJun 22 08:44
techrights-newsRPG ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FOUNTAINS is a promising looking metroidvania action-RPG with a demo up | GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
techrights-newsAnother RPG ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Erannorth Chronicles gets fixed up for Steam Deck | GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
techrights-newsTwisted Tale ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Comedy point and click adventure A Twisted Tale has a demo and Kickstarter live | GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
techrights-newsSteam Deck ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Missed your Steam Deck email? Valve confirms a grace period to still get one | GamingOnLinuxJun 22 08:47
techrights-newsHey, Pro Publica, you are bagging BRIBES from the world's biggest tax avoider AND famous criminal, Bill Gates. Will you do an article about those who bribe you too? ☛ 22 08:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jeff Yass: The Billionaire GOP Mega-Donor Gaming the Tax System — ProPublicaJun 22 08:51
techrights-news"Some readers have written in with questions about my photo geotagging post from last week" ☛ | Source: RachelJun 22 08:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More on geo-tagging photos with a time elementJun 22 08:52
techrights-news"Spotify announced the recipients of the 2022 Spotify FOSS Fund and urllib3 was among the 8 projects" ☛ | Source: Seth Michael LarsonJun 22 08:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Get paid to contribute to urllib3 (Newsletter #7)Jun 22 08:52
techrights-newsGames: Despot’s Game: Dystopian Army Builder, Five Stages of Pink, and More • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 08:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Despot's Game: Dystopian Army Builder, Five Stages of Pink, and More | Tux MachinesJun 22 08:53
techrights-news"TCL is one of those scripting languages which used to be used a hell of a lot in the past" ☛ | Source: Steve KempJun 22 08:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Writing a simple TCL interpreter in golangJun 22 08:54
techrights-news"The modern web is replete with such examples, where convention is discarded for stylistic reasons" ☛ | Source: Ruben SchadeJun 22 08:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rubenerd: Web design 101: field order mattersJun 22 08:54
techrights-news"Yet, I’d like yet another layer: semantic “bookmarking” of history entrie" ☛ |Jun 22 08:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Been there, done thatJun 22 08:54
techrights-newsHardware: "Recently we got some 20 TB HDDs to become the future data storage for our Prometheus metrics system" ☛ | Source: uni TorontoJun 22 08:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/tech/HDDsNowSomewhatBetterJun 22 08:55
techrights-newsProprietary = junk ☛ | Source: Computer WorldJun 22 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cloudflare outage brings hundreds of sites, services temporarily offline | ComputerworldJun 22 08:56
techrights-newsMicrosoft junk ☛ | Source: The Independent UKJun 22 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft’s Outlook email taken down by global internet outage | The IndependentJun 22 08:56
techrights-newsMicrosoft = no working getting done ☛ | Source: The ScotsmanJun 22 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Microsoft Outlook outage: Email service down with company working on fix after service inaccessible | The ScotsmanJun 22 08:56
techrights-newsMaybe time to end the back doors, NSA? ☛ | Source: The HillJun 22 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former NSA chief warns of Russian cyberattacks against US financial sector | The HillJun 22 08:56
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 08:59
techrights-newsPrivacy abuses by Gulag in NHS are well documented: "Yet it is Alphabet, Google’s corporate parent, whose health-care ambitions seem to be the most vaulting." ☛ | Source: The EconomistJun 22 08:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Alphabet is spending billions to become a force in health care | The EconomistJun 22 08:59
techrights-news"There is a significant problem, though." ☛ | Source: Bruce SchneierJun 22 08:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Hidden Anti-Cryptography Provisions in Internet Anti-Trust Bills - Schneier on SecurityJun 22 08:59
techrights-news"What I want you to do after you finish reading this, is email me every single login you have." ☛ | Source: Gregory HammondJun 22 09:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Privacy Dead - Gregory HammondJun 22 09:00
techrights-news"The legislation was drafted in response to a Supreme Court draft leaked in May that showed the court was prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade, a decision that would trigger abortion bans or severe restrictions in a number of U.S. states." ☛ | Source: The HillJun 22 09:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Democrats introduce bill to ban collection of reproductive health data | The HillJun 22 09:00
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 09:01
techrights-news"Promoting such false information violates the policies of Facebook, Twitter and TikTok." ☛ | Source: SalonJun 22 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-“Big Lie” vigilantes publish targets online — but Facebook and Twitter are asleep at the wheel | Salon.comJun 22 09:03
techrights-news"According to the leak, the German government asks 61 questions, which in part are very tough and will pose serious problems for the EU Commission to answer." ☛ | Source: Tutao GmbHJun 22 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leaked 'chat control' document: Will Germany fight for privacy?Jun 22 09:03
techrights-news"the State and Local Government Cybersecurity Act" ☛ | Source: The HillJun 22 09:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Biden signs cyber bills into law | The HillJun 22 09:04
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 09:04
techrights-news"The "TV people" that Colbert referenced included Fox News host Tucker Carlson" ☛ | Source: NPRJun 22 09:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here's how Stephen Colbert says his staff members got arrested on Capitol HillJun 22 09:09
techrights-news"Fresh off his legal battle with his ex-wife Amber Heard, Johnny Depp took to his social media" ☛ | Source: Free Press JournalJun 22 09:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Johnny Depp warns fans of fake accounts pretending to be him on social mediaJun 22 09:09
techrights-news"I ask that you remain cautious as it seems these fake accounts can be relentless" ☛ | Source: People MagazineJun 22 09:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Johnny Depp: My Team Is Working to 'Combat' Fake Social Media Accounts | PEOPLE.comJun 22 09:09
techrights-news"In a note shared on Instagram Story, the 59-year-old said that he was informed that some 'fake' social media accounts were 'pretending' to be him or claiming that they work with him." ☛ | Source: India TimesJun 22 09:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | johnny depp: 'I do not have any private or side accounts'. Johnny Depp warns fans of impostors, shares list of verified profiles - The Economic TimesJun 22 09:09
techrights-news"The photo was taken by Matt Beemsterboer, 34, who was surprised to see the likes of Elon Musk share it Tuesday, considering the price depicted wasn't accurate" ☛ | Source: NPRJun 22 09:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No, this 7-Eleven isn't charging $7.11 for gas, even if the internet says soJun 22 09:10
techrights-newsCensorship: "My brief tangle with the mob taught me that it is not when I am most embattled that I see most clearly" ☛ | Source: New York TimesJun 22 09:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion | If I Get Canceled, I Want Friends, Not Allies - The New York TimesJun 22 09:10
techrights-newsFreedom of the Press: "Now is the time to end the dangerous threat to basic freedoms and the rule of law that the Julian Assange persecution represents." ☛ | Source: Michael West MediaJun 22 09:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Anthony Albanese, it's time to end the Julian Assange persecutionJun 22 09:11
techrights-newsFreedom of the Press: "Punamäe at the time worked for daily Postimees." ☛ | Source: Eesti RahvusringhäälingJun 22 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Family values group head fined over journalist ejection from public protest | News | ERRJun 22 09:12
techrights-news"Investigators say the latest information indicates officers had more than enough firepower and protection to take down the gunman long before they finally did." ☛ |Jun 22 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Austin American-StatesmanJun 22 09:12
techrights-news"Police could have stopped Uvalde shooting within 3 minutes [...] it took about an hour and 14 minute" ☛ | Source: NPRJun 22 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The police response at Robb Elementary was a failure, a Texas official saysJun 22 09:13
techrights-newsAfter Gulag go tackle Microsoft's much bigger crimes in Germany ☛ | Source: RTLJun 22 09:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RTL Today - Unfair advantage: Germany opens anti-cartel probe into Google MapsJun 22 09:16
techrights-newsI had to explain to me German councillor that his Android phone was recording his location even if he had set that to "off"Jun 22 09:17
techrights-newsAll mobile phones are not privacy-respecting. It's just what such phones do. It is how they work.Jun 22 09:18
techrights-newsQatar sportswashing ☛ | Source: The NationJun 22 09:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Tragic Absurdity of Qatar’s World Cup Sportswashing | The NationJun 22 09:19
techrights-newsCorporations still from taxpayers under the guise of "defence" ☛ | Source: The Nation 22 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Pentagon Gets More Money, and Americans Pay the Price | The NationJun 22 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The United States Government Should Quit Bailing Out Microsoft at Taxpayers’ Expense | TechrightsJun 22 09:20
techrights-newsOld: "The Mare Crisium Soviet Socialist Regency (or "the Soviet" for short) is a public access OpenBSD server offering shell accounts, Gopher hosting and Gemini hosting to a maximum of 48 users." gemini:// 22 09:22
techrights-news"with part of this being moving toward an "offline first" mode of computing, where I connect to the internet only when I need to for as long as I need to to accomplish some specific task." gemini:// 22 09:22
*fuzzy (~fuzzy@6v8cjbvydcdre.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 09:24
*phobos has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Jun 22 09:24
techrights-news"If you’re one of those people who got into building electronics for the purpose of making music, then this Raspberry Pi RP2040-based audio DSP project by [DatanoiseTV] might be of interest." ☛ | Source: HackadayJun 22 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A Simple RP2040-Based Audio DSP Board | HackadayJun 22 09:25
techrights-newsBuzzwords salad and HYPE: "With the power of edge AI in the palm of your hand, your business will be unstoppable." ☛ | Source: HackadayJun 22 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Edging Ahead When Learning On The Edge | HackadayJun 22 09:26
techrights-news"Twitter refused and asked a federal magistrate judge to quash Bayside’s subpoena." ☛ | Source: EFFJun 22 09:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Victory! Court Rules That DMCA Does Not Override First Amendment’s Anonymous Speech Protections | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 22 09:27
techrights-news"Deleting posts or cancelling accounts because a government official or agency requested or required it—just like spying on people’s communications on behalf of the government" ☛ | Source: EFFJun 22 09:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When “Jawboning” Creates Private Liability | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 22 09:28
techrights-newsAssange ☛ | Source: TruthOutJun 22 09:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Julian Assange Is Enduring Unbearable Persecution for Exposing US War CrimesJun 22 09:28
mateyapart from being github-based, one of the things i really loathe about pygame falls into the category of "fuck users, whatever"Jun 22 09:28
techrights-news"It appears all but inevitable that Julian Assange will be receiving an all-expenses-paid (except for his defense!) one-way trip" ☛ | Source: TechdirtJun 22 09:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-UK Approves Extradition Of Julian Assange, Allowing The US Government To Continue Criminalizing Journalism | TechdirtJun 22 09:29
mateyand note that i chose pygame originally for its user-friendliness, its just a wrapper for sdl Jun 22 09:29
schestowitz_TRmatey: pygame and pythonJun 22 09:29
mateypygame implies pythonJun 22 09:29
schestowitz_TRa lot of python stuff surrenderedJun 22 09:29
schestowitz_TRthe founder went to work for the criminalsJun 22 09:29
mateywell i dont bother with python 3Jun 22 09:29
mateythats the google/microsoft/less-basic-like versionJun 22 09:29
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 22 09:30
mateypypy2 is still maintainedJun 22 09:30
mateyand has all the python features i needJun 22 09:30
mateyit isnt even github basedJun 22 09:30
schestowitz_TRit won't last foreverJun 22 09:30
mateyi dont think you understand pypy2Jun 22 09:30
schestowitz_TRto "east the migration" they let people run both in tandem fir nowJun 22 09:30
schestowitz_TR*easeJun 22 09:30
mateyit isnt from the same people Jun 22 09:30
mateyit isnt for the same purposeJun 22 09:31
mateypypy2 has about as much to do with cpython as mate has to do with gnomeJun 22 09:31
mateyanywayJun 22 09:31
mateypygameJun 22 09:31
techrights-newsMore surveillance ☛ | Source: Papers PleaseJun 22 09:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | European Court ruling on air travel surveillance – Papers, Please!Jun 22 09:31
mateyat one point someone decided it would be cute for pygame to put a little message about itself on stdoutJun 22 09:32
mateyits a graphical windowJun 22 09:32
techrights-news"The U.S. Copyright Claims Board has been live for a few days and thus far 19 cases have been filed." ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJun 22 09:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Paris Hilton is One of the First Defendants at the 'Small' Copyright Claims Board * TorrentFreakJun 22 09:32
techrights-news"Manga publisher Shueisha is running a survey on its MANGA Plus service." ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJun 22 09:32
mateyso they figured that stdout wasnt something the user cared aboutJun 22 09:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-MANGA Plus Invites Users to Confess Piracy & Name Most-Used Pirate Sites * TorrentFreakJun 22 09:32
mateywell heres the thing, even if you use pygame for graphical outputJun 22 09:32
mateyyou dont need pygame announcing itself on stdoutJun 22 09:32
schestowitz_TRpython2 will dieJun 22 09:33
mateysome of us are still useing stdout for other program featuresJun 22 09:33
schestowitz_TRsooner than python 3Jun 22 09:33
schestowitz_TRand maybe before python4+Jun 22 09:33
schestowitz_TRbecause software sucksJun 22 09:33
schestowitz_TRand they move too fastJun 22 09:33
schestowitz_TRlook what happend to kdeJun 22 09:33
mateycobol is still aroundJun 22 09:33
schestowitz_TRqt "upgraded" and many kde applications no longer maintained simply ceased to existJun 22 09:33
mateyone of the things that really fucks me off about python 3Jun 22 09:33
schestowitz_TRcobol is from another eraJun 22 09:33
mateyis the fanboy cult pretended python 2 users dont existJun 22 09:33
mateythey doJun 22 09:33
mateyso is python 2Jun 22 09:34
mateypython 3 has been around for fucking AGESJun 22 09:34
schestowitz_TRone when laptops' expected lifetime was not 2 years... heck, they had no proper laptop back thenJun 22 09:34
schestowitz_TRcomputers turned into "gadgets"Jun 22 09:34
mateyanyway, they pretended python 2 users dont existJun 22 09:34
mateyi stopped using systemd (after about a week, maybe less!) in 2014Jun 22 09:35
mateynearly EIGHT years agoJun 22 09:35
schestowitz_TRthey should be like geminiJun 22 09:35
schestowitz_TRmake a simple specJun 22 09:35
mateypython 3 has been around longer than thatJun 22 09:35
schestowitz_TRleave it frozen for goodJun 22 09:35
matey make a simple spec <- doneJun 22 09:35
mateyleave it frozen for good <- doneJun 22 09:35
schestowitz_TRmaybe the occasional bug fix or removing an ambuguityJun 22 09:35
matey maybe the occasional bug fix or removing an ambuguity <- doneJun 22 09:35
schestowitz_TRafaik, gemini has been the same all these yearsJun 22 09:36
schestowitz_TRand you can expect it to be the same i 10 yearsJun 22 09:36
mateywell yeah, simplicity is a goalJun 22 09:36
schestowitz_TRso clients and servers do not necessitate "upgrades"Jun 22 09:36
mateyas is stabilityJun 22 09:36
schestowitz_TRit's putting huge burden on developersJun 22 09:36
mateyso the pygame decision fucks with existing programsJun 22 09:36
schestowitz_TRto keep up with "new" crapJun 22 09:36
schestowitz_TRwhere the cost of keeping up is highJun 22 09:36
mateyand their attitude about it is very familiar to init freedom peopleJun 22 09:36
schestowitz_TRand the benefit of the new stuff is vanishingly smallJun 22 09:37
mateywell heres the thingJun 22 09:37
mateyIF you care about software freedomJun 22 09:37
schestowitz_TRlike a curve that moves downward and nearly flattensJun 22 09:37
mateythen corporations constantly hijacking and fucking up software probably pisses you offJun 22 09:37
schestowitz_TRasymptotic? Jun 22 09:37
mateyand fighting that is PART OF free software 22 09:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ::[FSFLA]:: A New Dawn for Software FreedomJun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRnot all corporations do thisJun 22 09:38
mateyirrelevantJun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRthat leads them to "technical debt"Jun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRand then they cannot keep up with their own stuffJun 22 09:38
mateymost corporations profit rom technical debtJun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRhappend a lot at MicrosoftJun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRthey sank under the weight of their own pigsJun 22 09:38
mateyso they found new pigsJun 22 09:38
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netsplit lost users: ChanServJun 22 09:38
mateythats what these companies doJun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRnot necessarilytJun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRthey create "IP stickiness" -MicrosoftJun 22 09:38
schestowitz_TRotherwise people jump shipJun 22 09:39
mateyibm has spent more than a century exploiting whatever it gets its hands onJun 22 09:39
schestowitz_TRto avoid that debtJun 22 09:39
mateymilk it, slaughter it, buy new shitJun 22 09:39
mateythey create "IP stickiness" -Microsof <- i still have that pdfJun 22 09:39
mateyanyway, pygame were predictably dicks about the whole thingJun 22 09:39
schestowitz_TRyes, because it's hard to findJun 22 09:39
mateyi do have a program that removes the messageJun 22 09:39
schestowitz_TRMicrosoft tries to hide thatJun 22 09:39
mateybut since pyython isnt compiledJun 22 09:39
mateythe fix only works for people who bother running itJun 22 09:40
mateyand most people dont want to MODIFY their python installationJun 22 09:40
mateythey just want to run code on itJun 22 09:40
mateyso its a really obnoxious move from the pygame devsJun 22 09:40
mateyserves no purposeJun 22 09:40
mateybreaks shitJun 22 09:40
mateythese days i rarely use pygame Jun 22 09:40
mateyeven the code i have that uses pgameJun 22 09:40
mateyi rarely use thatJun 22 09:40
mateyi removed pygame support from the project i use the mostJun 22 09:41
mateyand now the two projects i use the most dont include itJun 22 09:41
mateyi do graphics with xterm now. shit you not.Jun 22 09:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 09:41
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +nt on #techrightsJun 22 09:41
mateyobviously i mostly do graphics for funJun 22 09:41
schestowitz_TR<techrights-news> "Here at Enterprising Enterprise, we love technology, but we’re also pushing it hard, constantly trying to expand the frontier of what’s possible." 22 09:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | from apples to pearsJun 22 09:41
schestowitz_TRmatey: ^ newJun 22 09:41
*phobos (~phobos@freenode-1sklo1.4rnb.ii3l.6dtamb.IP) has joined #techrightsJun 22 09:41
schestowitz_TRfrom python 2 to 3Jun 22 09:41
matey(you can get the font down to 1x1 px)Jun 22 09:41
fuzzyjust today, synced latest gentoo tree, missed 18month already, hacking other things insteadJun 22 09:41
fuzzyit is probably not bad intentions of gentoo devsJun 22 09:42
mateymatey: ^ new <- you can post that link separately or give it 5 minutes to show up in the scrollbackJun 22 09:42
mateyill have it either wayJun 22 09:42
fuzzynonetheless, maintaining old packages (with a clean and minimal dependency graph), becomes increasingly difficult, because of breakag of the packaging/build-systemJun 22 09:43
matey/me doesnt get the bot links by defaultJun 22 09:43
fuzzywithout excessive dirty hacks, i couldn't keep some older compiler/binutils, and many other thingsJun 22 09:43
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 09:43
*matey (~matey@um5wnddpzwx7a.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 09:44
fuzzyand it is some indirect forced upgrades introduced by thisJun 22 09:45
fuzzylibraries which otherwise remained clean concerning c++, all of the sudden need it, because of cmake or any other change like thisJun 22 09:45
matey "Here at Enterprising Enterprise, we love technology, but we’re also pushing it hard, constantly trying to expand the frontier of what’s possible." 22 09:46
*phobos has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Jun 22 09:46
mateyi presume this is what  matey: ^ new is aboutJun 22 09:46
mateyi mean hes ranting about the same thing i am hereJun 22 09:48
mateypears arent applesJun 22 09:48
mateyDEAL WITH ITJun 22 09:48
mateyDEAL WITH ITJun 22 09:48
matey/me takes off gnus sunglasses and throws them in a volcanoJun 22 09:48
mateytheres enough fake there alreadyJun 22 09:49
fuzzylol... sys-apps/systemd-tmpfiles ... what is thisJun 22 09:49
mateykill it with fire, fuzzyJun 22 09:49
fuzzyin the latest gentoo tree, this enforces systemd clutter all of the sudden on latest git HEADJun 22 09:49
mateyanywayJun 22 09:50
fuzzyi cannot remove gentoo tooling easily, that's the problemJun 22 09:50
mateythe trend youre not onto yet royJun 22 09:50
mateyis the efforts to actually fight this bullshitJun 22 09:50
mateysure youll mention them in links or somethingJun 22 09:50
fuzzyeven if, i manage to compile the entire package set, synching against upstream will be a nightmare, if i cannot rely on gentooJun 22 09:51
mateyalongside non-free stuff and whatever else you think is news-worthy in thereJun 22 09:51
mateybut its the only free-software story leftJun 22 09:51
mateypeople fighting against the bullshitJun 22 09:51
mateythats all thats left of the movement, and admittedly. its fucking scarceJun 22 09:51
schestowitz_TR<matey> FSF ISNT ABOUT FREE SOFTWARE ANYMOREJun 22 09:51
schestowitz_TRthere's more to it than thisJun 22 09:52
mateyno, there isnt.Jun 22 09:52
mateyyou would like there to beJun 22 09:52
schestowitz_TRas threats proliferate Jun 22 09:52
fuzzyand with gentoo, keeping the profile _clean_ becomes increasingly difficult, although the stunts necessary to hack back into support for a free GNU compiler (4.7) is at the edge already of what is possible, and it isJun 22 09:52
schestowitz_TReven if we had software freedom, the other creeping issue would still restrict freedomJun 22 09:52
mateyfree software still (barely) existsJun 22 09:52
schestowitz_TRinc. the hardware and the networkJun 22 09:52
mateybut the fsf hasnt care about it in foreverJun 22 09:52
mateylieplanet doesnt care about it eitherJun 22 09:52
mateyguix doesnt care about it eitherJun 22 09:52
mateyif youre going to conflate the people faking it and destroying it and co-opting itJun 22 09:53
mateywith the few left who are actually fighting itJun 22 09:53
mateyi mean, thats what made all this treachery possible in the first placeJun 22 09:53
mateythats the open source marching song-- conflate bullshit with the real thingJun 22 09:53
mateythe bullshit needs to be on one sideJun 22 09:53
fuzzythere is rarely any clean linux distribution remaining, the only other one i knew is oasis linux, and i couldn't review this one yetJun 22 09:53
mateythe real thing needs to be on the other sidesJun 22 09:53
mateythats the REAL storyJun 22 09:54
mateythe rest is marketing and takeoverJun 22 09:54
mateyand if you cant tell the difference, youre working for the wrong sideJun 22 09:54
mateythe formerly libre, openly sleazy software sideJun 22 09:54
mateyat any rate, there IS a side still fightingJun 22 09:54
mateysmall and growing in numbersJun 22 09:54
mateyif you dont tell that story, if you downplay the coup and conflate bs with the restistanceJun 22 09:55
mateysomeone else will get the story rightJun 22 09:55
mateyyoud only be doing it to yourselfJun 22 09:55
techrights-newsLinks 22/06/2022: Microsoft’s Very Long Downtimes and Games Ported to GNU/Linux | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 09:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 22/06/2022: Microsoft’s Very Long Downtimes and Games Ported to GNU/Linux | TechrightsJun 22 09:55
mateybut it does help the baddiesJun 22 09:55
mateyyoud basically be helping the occupationJun 22 09:56
techrights-newsProprietary Failures • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 09:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Failures | Tux MachinesJun 22 09:56
mateypsarticularly when you have the resources to know betterJun 22 09:56
techrights-newsProgramming and Tinkering • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 09:56
mateyill be telling the real story either wayJun 22 09:56
mateysoJun 22 09:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming and Tinkering | Tux MachinesJun 22 09:56
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 09:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJun 22 09:56
mateyyou do youJun 22 09:56
schestowitz_TR<matey> if you dont tell that story, if you downplay the coup and conflate bs with the restistanceJun 22 09:57
schestowitz_TRwould you rather theby lied down?Jun 22 09:57
schestowitz_TRbelly-up?Jun 22 09:57
mateywhat are you asking?Jun 22 09:57
mateywho?Jun 22 09:57
schestowitz_TRthis coup is very oldJun 22 09:57
mateyso is microsoftJun 22 09:57
mateyso is ibmJun 22 09:57
mateyso what?Jun 22 09:57
schestowitz_TRseparate issueJun 22 09:57
mateytheyre very activeJun 22 09:57
schestowitz_TRthe court ~= fsfJun 22 09:57
mateythe fsf is doneJun 22 09:58
schestowitz_TR*coupJun 22 09:58
mateydone, dead, meaninglessJun 22 09:58
mateysold outJun 22 09:58
mateythey have nothingJun 22 09:58
mateythey DO nothingJun 22 09:58
schestowitz_TRthe was already a coup in the 90sJun 22 09:58
schestowitz_TRthe media called gnu "linux"Jun 22 09:58
mateythat was kid stuffJun 22 09:58
schestowitz_TRand then in 1998 they 'invented' a competing campJun 22 09:58
mateytheres a difference between an attempt on something and an actual fallJun 22 09:58
mateythis was an actual fallJun 22 09:59
mateythe stuff in the 90s wasntJun 22 09:59
schestowitz_TRfsf is up against regimes that spend trillions on "defense"Jun 22 09:59
schestowitz_TRwhat did you expect?Jun 22 09:59
mateyyou have a problem with differencesJun 22 09:59
schestowitz_TRfsf to "take over the world"?Jun 22 09:59
mateywhat did you expect? <- EFFORTJun 22 09:59
schestowitz_TRthere would be resistance to themJun 22 09:59
mateyive lookedJun 22 09:59
schestowitz_TRthat's expectedJun 22 09:59
mateyits not there.Jun 22 09:59
mateynoJun 22 09:59
schestowitz_TRsee how quickly wikileak was put downJun 22 09:59
mateythis is why its a stupid questionJun 22 09:59
schestowitz_TRassange has been de facto arrested within 4 years of wikileaks being foundedJun 22 09:59
mateywould you rather theby lied down? <- THATS WHAT THEY DID!Jun 22 09:59
mateythey dont fightJun 22 10:00
mateythey even tell other people not to fightJun 22 10:00
fuzzyi don't think it is possible for anyone else to catch up with the completeness of my c-only profile anymoreJun 22 10:00
mateythen YOU tell people to fightJun 22 10:00
mateyi don't think it is possible for anyone else to catch up <- of course it isJun 22 10:00
mateyyou arent inventing cold fusion over thereJun 22 10:00
mateybut in fairness, its UNLIKELY. just not impossibleJun 22 10:01
fuzzywithin the gentoo tree, there is too much hacks and clutter, which requires alot of time and testing and detailed insight, which rarely anyone hadJun 22 10:01
mateywhich rarely anyone had <- thats still a far cry from impossibleJun 22 10:01
fuzzyeither you end up with outdated and or incomplete package set, or it won't be c-only, except for mineJun 22 10:01
mateyill give you unlikelyJun 22 10:01
mateythen YOU tell people to fight <- damned typosJun 22 10:02
fuzzyanother one caught... jpeg-9c (c-only) removed from gentoo tree, only libjpeg-turbo now... c++Jun 22 10:02
mateythen YOU tell people to NOT to fightJun 22 10:02
techrights-newsGNU/Linux has taken over but not the way many of us advocates envisioned it ("clown", Android etc.)Jun 22 10:02
fuzzygentoo invested efforts, into maintenance of different jpeg libs... and now removed the good oneJun 22 10:02
techrights-newsbrands distract from goals and conceptsJun 22 10:02
techrights-newsRichard Stallman: Freedom is the Goal (Updated) • Techrights ⚓ ䷉ Source: Techrights | GNU | Linux | FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 10:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman: Freedom is the Goal (Updated) | TechrightsJun 22 10:03
mateyanywayJun 22 10:03
mateythe point youre still working hard to miss isJun 22 10:03
mateythere IS an actual fightJun 22 10:03
mateyits not happening at the fsf, because the fsf doesnt existJun 22 10:03
mateyits a the non-profit equivalent of a shell corporation nowJun 22 10:03
mateyand being liquidated year by yearJun 22 10:03
mateyas ibm extracts gcc from itJun 22 10:03
schestowitz_TRI told RMS about LFJun 22 10:03
mateyand gnu becomes deadJun 22 10:04
schestowitz_TRhe does not eant to speak about it himseJun 22 10:04
mateyI told RMS about LF <- rms doesnt exist anymore eitherJun 22 10:04
schestowitz_TRthey paralysed that movementJun 22 10:04
schestowitz_TRa fear of backlashJun 22 10:04
matey <- this was trueJun 22 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Real Richard Stallman is Not Coming Back | TechrightsJun 22 10:04
mateystill is trueJun 22 10:04
schestowitz_TRand some people work hard to self-censor or censor those who STILL speak about the issuesJun 22 10:04
matey 22 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Real Richard Stallman is Not Coming Back | TechrightsJun 22 10:04
mateyand some people work hard to self-censor or censor those who STILL speak about the issues <- thats the occupation at workJun 22 10:04
mateythe fsf just lays downJun 22 10:04
mateythats why its a farceJun 22 10:05
fuzzyand with c++ and cmake spreading, the entire foss locks into hostile compiler and/or versions of thoseJun 22 10:05
mateywe were pretending stallman was "back"Jun 22 10:05
mateyhes not backJun 22 10:05
mateyhe never will be backJun 22 10:05
schestowitz_TRKooyman has said nearly nothing since becoming EDJun 22 10:05
mateythere is nothing to come back toJun 22 10:05
schestowitz_TRGreg says a bit moreJun 22 10:05
schestowitz_TRbut just a bitJun 22 10:05
matey Kooyman has said nearly nothing <- youre only proving my pointJun 22 10:05
schestowitz_TRI see they are active in TwitterJun 22 10:05
mateynoise on twitter isnt fighting for freedomJun 22 10:05
schestowitz_TRbut activism in 20-work chunks/bytes is not effecdtiveJun 22 10:05
mateyyou know you cant fight for freedom on twitter anyway, its too censoredJun 22 10:05
schestowitz_TR*wordJun 22 10:05
mateyactuallyJun 22 10:06
mateyyou CAN fight for SOME things on twitterJun 22 10:06
mateythough its not my choice of toolJun 22 10:06
schestowitz_TRuntil the curtails comeJun 22 10:06
schestowitz_TRthen they come after youJun 22 10:06
mateyi signed up when they went double-length?Jun 22 10:06
schestowitz_TR*curtainsJun 22 10:06
mateyi posted once and they said it was weird that i didnt give a phone numberJun 22 10:06
mateyoh wellJun 22 10:06
schestowitz_TRtwitter got FINED for thatJun 22 10:06
mateyfineJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TRthey used that phone number thing for spyingJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TRwith advertisersJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TRthey broke the lawJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TRit was not to secure people's accountsJun 22 10:07
mateyobviouslyJun 22 10:07
mateybut this is the danceJun 22 10:07
mateywhen theres talk about the most important shitJun 22 10:07
mateyit becomes a million tiny less significant tangentsJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TR 22 10:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter fined $150m for handing users’ contact details to advertisers | Twitter | The GuardianJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TR 22 10:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter to pay $150M penalty for using phone numbers for targeted ads | The IndependentJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TR 22 10:07
schestowitz_TR 22 10:07
mateythe occupation? oh meh, whateversJun 22 10:07
schestowitz_TR 22 10:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter will pay $150 million fine over deceptively using data - The Washington PostJun 22 10:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Twitter to Pay $150 Million Fine Over Using Phone Numbers for Targeted Ads - CNETJun 22 10:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FTC, DOJ Fine Twitter $150M for Improper Use of Users’ Phone NumbersJun 22 10:08
mateyyeah, twitters never going to be freeJun 22 10:08
mateyanyway, this dance is fine, its old hatJun 22 10:08
schestowitz_TRTwitter was ALREADY losing moneyJun 22 10:08
fuzzyflashrom... pciutils, now insist on llvm/clang... which these didn't before (can be fixed of cause)... it is a long listJun 22 10:08
schestowitz_TRnow finesJun 22 10:08
mateythe fight will go onJun 22 10:08
schestowitz_TRand ICBM blackmailed Twitter with patentsJun 22 10:08
mateywhere things are less bullshitJun 22 10:08
schestowitz_TRiirc, twitter settled for 20 millionJun 22 10:08
mateysome of it will get mentioned in linksJun 22 10:08
schestowitz_TRover very BS SOFTWARE patentsJun 22 10:08
mateyon ircJun 22 10:08
fuzzywhat if, anyone wanted to use flashrom... without the presence of llvm/clang and a c++ compiler?Jun 22 10:08
schestowitz_TRICBM is a thugJun 22 10:08
matey<fuzzy> what if, anyone wanted to use flashrom... without the presence of llvm/clang and a c++ compiler? <- that would be coolJun 22 10:08
schestowitz_TR 22 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter pays $150M fine for using two-factor login details to target ads | Ars TechnicaJun 22 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Twitter fined $150m in US for selling users' data - BBC NewsJun 22 10:09
fuzzymatey: cool?Jun 22 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter to pay $150 million penalty for allegedly breaking its privacy promises – again | Federal Trade CommissionJun 22 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Twitter pays $150 million fine over privacy and Elon Musk has thoughts | MashableJun 22 10:09
mateyyes, if they could do thatJun 22 10:09
mateywithout all that bloated shitJun 22 10:09
mateyyou said "what if"Jun 22 10:09
mateyi said "that would be cool"Jun 22 10:09
fuzzybasic system utilities build up dependency chains against corporate bloat increasinglyJun 22 10:09
mateyyeah to be fairJun 22 10:09
mateyyoure talking about utilities to mess with an architecture no one wants anymoreJun 22 10:10
fuzzyeven basic ones such as flashrom... haven't got any reasonable explanation, why this realm of embedded software should lock into apple/llvm/clangJun 22 10:10
mateyno one WANTS x86Jun 22 10:10
mateytheyre just stuck with it for nowJun 22 10:10
mateyx86 IS bloatJun 22 10:10
fuzzypciutils, to be preciseJun 22 10:10
mateythe utilities also suckJun 22 10:10
mateypciutils <- pci is x86 afaikJun 22 10:10
mateyis there pci for arm too?Jun 22 10:10
mateyoh of course there is, there must beJun 22 10:10
matey/me shrugsJun 22 10:10
fuzzyand there is no easy way back, once a package created a dependency chain, it remainsJun 22 10:11
mateybut the flashrom partJun 22 10:11
mateythats x86, its got to beJun 22 10:11
mjg59_matey: pci was never x86 onlyJun 22 10:11
mateyand there is no easy way back <- not "back"Jun 22 10:11
mateyoutJun 22 10:11
matey <mjg59_> matey: pci was never x86 only <- makes senseJun 22 10:11
mateynot a hardware guyJun 22 10:11
mateyi mean, i get bits and piecesJun 22 10:11
mjg59_It displaced pretty much every other expansion bus by the late 90sJun 22 10:11
fuzzyif a new version of pciutils and/or flashrom are required for some new bios chip, either hacky backporting is necessary, or all of the sudden apple/llvm/clang are requiredJun 22 10:11
mjg59_flashrom's pretty platform agnosticJun 22 10:11
mateyexcept new shit and occasional graphics stuffJun 22 10:11
fuzzywhich it wasn't for decades before, with flashromJun 22 10:11
mateyplus industrial peripherals, mayeJun 22 10:11
mjg59_There are some bits that are x86-specific, because the hardware it's talking to may be x86-specificJun 22 10:11
mateysometimes you see weird bus shitJun 22 10:12
mjg59_But the generic interfaces it supports aren't tied to any CPUJun 22 10:12
mateyyeahJun 22 10:12
mateyas soon as i said it i was likeJun 22 10:12
matey"no, that cant be right"Jun 22 10:12
mateybut it started with talk of flashromJun 22 10:12
mateyand even if hes saying pciutilsJun 22 10:12
mateythe flashrom stuff has to be x86-specificJun 22 10:13
mateyarm would have its own, surelyJun 22 10:13
fuzzythe cmake/c++ spreading is a rather innovative approach, to lock into vendors and compilers/versions of thoseJun 22 10:14
fuzzyand there isn't any other recent distribution anymore, which contained an mplayer, libsdl1, and remained c-onlyJun 22 10:14
fuzzyfor compilation with cproc/tinycc, or any other sane c-compilerJun 22 10:14
*ciphrCat has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 10:14
mateyat any rate the idea that some guy with gentoo build can create a c-only distroJun 22 10:15
mateybut that python 2 cant be maintained by a similar workforceJun 22 10:15
mateyis sillyJun 22 10:16
mateypython 2 is about as much trouble to maintain as pale moonJun 22 10:16
*cybrNaut has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 10:16
mateyyou just patch vulnerabilitiesJun 22 10:16
mateyand if you want to do one betterJun 22 10:16
fuzzyi am planning for something else, to remove python entirely from the base system and the build system (and with it remove gentoo tooling entirely)Jun 22 10:16
fuzzyand then, anyone may choose to pick any python/pypy freelyJun 22 10:16
mateyi am planning for something else, to remove python entirely <- not useful to me or anyone who wants to use pythonJun 22 10:16
mateyand then, anyone may choose to pick any python/pypy freely <- of courseJun 22 10:17
fuzzywhile ago i tried to bootstrap pypy... wasn't possible without a huge binary blobJun 22 10:17
mateywell you had the same problem with gcc and llvm tooJun 22 10:17
mateyso i cant imagine why that wouldnt apply to higher abstractionsJun 22 10:18
fuzzynothing wrong with python, yet i think it doesn't belong into the base-system as build-time dependency anywhereJun 22 10:18
mateyi mean, get-pip also has a giant blob in itJun 22 10:18
mateybut you can also get the source that builds that blobJun 22 10:18
fuzzyyes, with gcc the problem still exists, at least tcc is known to compile gcc-4.7Jun 22 10:18
*ciphrCat (~ciphrCat@v75kd7krrqfvs.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 10:18
mateyyet i think it doesn't belong into the base-system <- de raadt would agree with youJun 22 10:18
mateyeven i might agree it doesnt belong in the base systemJun 22 10:18
mateyand i think for something as important as openbsd or debian... package management probably shouldnt REQUIRE it eitherJun 22 10:19
mateyapt i believe, requires pythonJun 22 10:19
mateybut it can at least bootstrap its own installation without it, i thinkJun 22 10:20
mateyim not sure at what level its actually required, only that it gets pulled in as a depJun 22 10:20
mateyand if you try to remove python, debian treats it as baseJun 22 10:20
mateysince python 3 is microgoogle, and debian treats it as baseJun 22 10:20
fuzzywith gentoo, exherbo re-implemented a portage-utility (for good reasons)... in C++Jun 22 10:21
mateymaybe we should call it ibmmicrodebianJun 22 10:21
mateybut i already settled on "debiibm"Jun 22 10:21
mateydebibm ratherJun 22 10:21
mateyall these projects have become shrines to corporate takeoverJun 22 10:21
mateythe techrights treatment is not unlike hagbard celines card that says "red" in green lettersJun 22 10:22
mateybut if you hold it another way it says "green" in red lettersJun 22 10:23
mateythe way you make such a card is by interlacing both images |||||||||||||||||||||Jun 22 10:24
mateythen putting a plastic layer of little lenses over that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Jun 22 10:24
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 10:24
mateyif you tilt it one way, you see the first imageJun 22 10:24
*MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techrightsJun 22 10:24
* gives channel operator status to MinceRJun 22 10:24
mateytilt it the other, it changesJun 22 10:24
mateyyou can get stickers like this but you can also make them, if you can figure out how to do the plastic part anyway Jun 22 10:25
*cybrNaut (~cybrNaut@freenode-tto.k1n.ssv8hv.IP) has joined #techrightsJun 22 10:25
mateythe cheaper way to do the same optical effect is is to just folder paper accordion-style /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\Jun 22 10:27
mateyand draw the first image on the / / / / / / / / / and the second image on the \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Jun 22 10:27
mateythen you dont need the lensesJun 22 10:27
*SomeH4x0r has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 10:28
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SomeH4x0rdo we have a bridge now?Jun 22 10:31
mateysomeone made a bridgeJun 22 10:31
mateyi havent paid much attention to it, but ive seen itJun 22 10:31
SomeH4x0ris Solanum.repl an IRC server?Jun 22 10:32
mateythose are the details i have, other than it was like in the past 24 hoursJun 22 10:32
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 10:32
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* gives channel operator status to MinceRJun 22 10:34
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pylink-_9pfs[Net] <ijkl`> <abcd/freenode> [Techrights] - pybot` (~pylink-_9@utadbukesjarc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 10:38
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pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`Jun 22 10:39
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] <abcde> [Techrights] <pylink-_9pfs> [Freenode] - abcde (~abcd@freenode-3ej.2ou.hcbs0g.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 10:39
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pybot`[Freenode] - abcd has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 10:39
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*matey has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 10:41
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 10:59
techrights-news"When you want a couple copies of a thing, you can 3D print ’em. When you want a ton of them, you might consider making a mold." ☛ | Source: HackadayJun 22 11:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Casting Parts In Urethane: Tips From A Master | HackadayJun 22 11:02
techrights-news"a lot of modern stereo equipment is still missing out on some of the old analog meters" ☛ | Source: HackadayJun 22 11:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Teensy Spectrum Analyzer Has 170 Channels | HackadayJun 22 11:02
*phobos (~phobos@freenode-1hp.77c.iiqroa.IP) has joined #techrightsJun 22 11:02
*phobos has quit (Changing host)Jun 22 11:02
*phobos (~phobos@freenode/user/phobos) has joined #techrightsJun 22 11:02
techrights-newsChafa - terminal graphics image viewer • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 11:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chafa - terminal graphics image viewer | Tux MachinesJun 22 11:03
techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 11:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 22 11:04
techrights-newsCorporations eat up everything ☛ | Source: TruthOutJun 22 11:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Don't Let Corporations Profit From Our Inflation PainJun 22 11:06
techrights-newsTax evaders, never imprisoned for it ☛ | Source: TruthOutJun 22 11:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A TikTok Investor Has Avoided $1 Billion in Taxes. Now He’s a GOP Megadonor.Jun 22 11:06
techrights-newsCorporate Profits ☛ | Source: TruthOutJun 22 11:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Corporate Profits Soared to Highest Levels in 7 Decades Last YearJun 22 11:07
techrights-news"Cops love secrecy" ☛ | Source: TechdirtJun 22 11:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Appeals Court Tells Police Union Its Contract Doesn’t Supersede State Public Records Laws | TechdirtJun 22 11:07
techrights-news"If you’ve ever thought about 3D printing shoes, you’ll enjoy watching the video" ☛ | Source: HackadayJun 22 11:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Inside 3D Printing Shoes | HackadayJun 22 11:08
techrights-news"Today you will find microcontrollers in your car" ☛ | Source: Hackaday 22 11:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Plastic CPUs Will Bend To Your Will | HackadayJun 22 11:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Index: Loss of Control Over Cars | TechrightsJun 22 11:09
techrights-newsTechrights joined freenode around the time it had 50k users online 22 11:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 22 11:12
techrights-newsAt over 500 (threshold >50 online users) IRC now has more networks out there than it has had in years 22 11:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 22 11:13
techrights-newsThe IRC network continues too grow. WWW is becoming a bloated pig, maybe they'll take a lesson from IRC. 22 11:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 22 11:15
techrights-newsIRC will likely benefit from the demise of Freenode. It will mean more pertinent (smaller) networks. NordicIRC peaked around 5 years ago, but many networks are in fact growing 22 11:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 22 11:17
techrights-newsAs Turkey moves to GNU/Linux it also gets its own (new) IRC networks, which grow fast, e.g. 22 11:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 22 11:20
techrights-newsWe don't need to CREATE alternatives to social control media. They were already created in the 1980s. We just need to DEPLOY more of them.Jun 22 11:21
techrights-newsDebian-Based Clonezilla Live 3.0.1 Disk Imaging/Cloning Tool Released with Linux 5.18 • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian-Based Clonezilla Live 3.0.1 Disk Imaging/Cloning Tool Released with Linux 5.18 | Tux MachinesJun 22 11:22
techrights-newsTraceRoute42 ☛ | Source: PIAJun 22 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview With Michał Kasprzak – TraceRoute42Jun 22 11:22
techrights-newsTaxing the Rich ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJun 22 11:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Taxing the Rich to Boost Social Security – scheerpost.comJun 22 11:23
techrights-news"Fight Poverty, Not the Poor!" ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJun 22 11:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-“Fight Poverty, Not the Poor!”: Thousands Rally in Washington DC – scheerpost.comJun 22 11:23
techrights-news"A few years ago the Trump DOJ and FCC rubber-stamped the Sprint T-Mobile merger without heeding expert warnings" ☛ | Source: TechdirtJun 22 11:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Dish’s New 5G Network, Created By Trump Regulators To Justify Rubber Stamping T-Mobile Merger, Looks Like A Silly Dud | TechdirtJun 22 11:24
*erry_ (~erry@2a02:6ea0:dc05::a15d) has joined #techrightsJun 22 11:25
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 11:40
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techrights-news"Universal school lunches have been a lifeline for families, especially as corporations price-gouge at the grocery store." ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJun 22 11:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Free School Meal Waivers Set to Expire as Senate Pushes $857 Billion Military BudgetJun 22 11:50
techrights-news"A new paper published Tuesday shows that U.S. corporate price markups and profits surged to their highest levels since the 1950s" ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJun 22 11:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Study Shows Excess Corporate Profits in the US Have Become 'Widespread'Jun 22 11:50
techrights-news"My Body, My Data" ☛ | Source: EFFJun 22 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pass the "My Body, My Data" Act | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 22 11:53
techrights-news2FA bullshit ☛ | Source: EFFJun 22 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Daycare Apps Are Dangerously Insecure | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 22 11:53
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netsplit lost users: ChanServJun 22 12:03
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 12:09
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +nt on #techrightsJun 22 12:09
*ciphrCat has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 12:13
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*ciphrCat (~ciphrCat@v75kd7krrqfvs.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 12:17
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techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 22 12:30
schestowitz_TRciphrCat: no more declownflare?Jun 22 12:31
schestowitz_TRin irc?Jun 22 12:31
SomeH4x0riirc the link bot did disappear a few months agoJun 22 12:32
SomeH4x0rcan't remember why thoughJun 22 12:32
schestowitz_TRyeahJun 22 12:32
techrights-newsTwitter and copyright ☛ | Source: TechdirtJun 22 12:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Twitter Successfully Quashes Sketchy Copyright Subpoena Over Billionaire’s Critic On Twitter | TechdirtJun 22 12:51
techrights-news"antitrust bill" ☛ | Source: TechdirtJun 22 12:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Senators Ask Amy Klobuchar To Fix The Content Moderation Loophole In Her Antitrust Bill | TechdirtJun 22 12:51
techrights-newsCoreCivic and social control media ☛ | Source: TechdirtJun 22 12:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Giant Private Prison Company Goes To Court To Try To Get Lawyer To Stop Tweeting About Them | TechdirtJun 22 12:56
techrights-newsICBM and FSFE really wanted me to stop "tweeting" about them. 1) 2) 22 12:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Someone Is Very Desperate to Knock My Account Off Twitter | TechrightsJun 22 12:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FSFE Misuses FSFE Budget to Issue Frivolous Takedown Requests Against Critics | TechrightsJun 22 12:57
XRevan86 22 12:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ukrainian journalist Maksim Levin killed by Russian military, RSF reportsJun 22 12:57
XRevan86 "Estonian Defence Ministry: Russia simulated missile strikes on Estonia during exercises"Jun 22 12:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Новая газета. ЕвропаJun 22 12:57
schestowitz_TRXRevan86: estonia might fire backJun 22 12:58
schestowitz_TRnear youJun 22 12:58
schestowitz_TRthey won't take shit from peter II (putin)Jun 22 12:58
schestowitz_TRand they're in the EUJun 22 12:58
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 12:59
techrights-newsFirefox and its descendants/dependents will be almost extinct in a few years. The WWW is becoming proprietary with DRM on top.Jun 22 13:07
techrights-newsW3C is to the WWW what ISO is to document standards 22 13:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ISO - TechrightsJun 22 13:08
techrights-news"Content moderation at scale is impossible to do well says my impossibility theorem." ☛ | Source: TechdirtJun 22 13:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Impossibility Theorem Strikes Again: YouTube Deletes January 6th Committee Video | TechdirtJun 22 13:10
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsJun 22 13:12
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 13:12
*CrystalMath (~coderain@e2jzrakdv6tta.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 13:23
SomeH4x0rmatey: a person on #digdeeper on Stardust, having nickname fuckpilled, said to also have dropped GNU/Linux in favour of BSD or somethingJun 22 13:52
mateylolJun 22 13:53
mateyits an increasingly common thingJun 22 13:53
mateywhen debian was at its bestJun 22 13:53
mateyit was a collection of tools that didnt try to take over everythingJun 22 13:53
mateyif you didnt like it, you didnt have to run itJun 22 13:53
mateyi mean the tool, not either/or the whole damned thingJun 22 13:54
mateynot only did you not have to run it, you could just remove itJun 22 13:54
mateyits less and less like that now, with so many thingsJun 22 13:54
mateyopenbsd at least, and to some degree netbsd (maybe even freebsd, but not as much) Jun 22 13:54
mateybsd comes directly from unixJun 22 13:54
mateygnu ran away from unix philosophy and linux shot it in the faceJun 22 13:55
mateygnome looted the bodyJun 22 13:55
mateyand gave everything to microsoftJun 22 13:55
mateyfreebsd is suspect at least, but bsd in general is more like unixJun 22 13:55
mateyso the more bullshit gnu/penguinshit gets, the more people say "fuck this, im out"Jun 22 13:55
mateythey want a computer that worksJun 22 13:56
mateythey dont want to hold lennarts dick all day while he laughs at their painJun 22 13:56
mateyonly so ibm can have big fat wallets made of penguin hideJun 22 13:56
mateysomething about being pushed around for 7 or 8 fucking years makes people resentfulJun 22 13:57
mateyi dunno what it isJun 22 13:57
mateylennart can eat a bag of dicksJun 22 13:57
*psydruid would be happy to some day find out that GNU/Linux was only popular with former Windows users and current Microsoft allies at the sell-out distribution companiesJun 22 13:57
matey would be happy to some day find out that GNU/Linux was only popular with former Windows users <- lolJun 22 13:57
mateywhose to say we arent there already?Jun 22 13:57
matey/me isnt kiddingJun 22 13:58
mateydebian is gnomeJun 22 13:58
mateygnome is windowsJun 22 13:58
mateywannabe windowsJun 22 13:59
mateywhy anyone would wanna be windows... but there it isJun 22 13:59
mateyand then for simulating android fuckery you have flatpak and the nonsense that runs on top ofJun 22 14:00
mateyyo dawg we herd you like shitJun 22 14:00
mateyso we put shit in your shit so you an crAPP while you crAPPJun 22 14:00
psydruidGNU/Linux and much of free software already operate in the Microsoft sphereJun 22 14:01
mateyopen source has been sucking off microsoft for long enough to have a kid and get them into collegeJun 22 14:01
psydruidI would say let them carry the entire burden of developing and maintaining it for who knows what purposeJun 22 14:01
techrights-news"The formula scarcity began when the COVID-19 pandemic led to a disruption of ingredient supply chains" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJun 22 14:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How Corporate Food Monopolies Caused the Baby Formula Scandal - CounterPunch.orgJun 22 14:01
techrights-newsAssange ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJun 22 14:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Free Assange? Yes, But That's Not Nearly Enough - CounterPunch.orgJun 22 14:02
mateywhat did they think was going to result, if not more or less exactly this?Jun 22 14:02
mateythis is what they wantedJun 22 14:02
mateythis is what it gotJun 22 14:02
mateyso the original free software was a good thingJun 22 14:03
techrights-newsBill Gates and fellow criminals pushing patents ☛ | Source: Common DreamsJun 22 14:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion | The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa Is Hurting Farmers, Not Helping | Francesca de GasparisJun 22 14:03
mateyit was a little naive-- but not stupidJun 22 14:03
mateyi really do mean a littleJun 22 14:03
mateyas in onlyJun 22 14:03
mateyover time it got suckered more and moreJun 22 14:04
mateythat was the planJun 22 14:04
fuzzyexactly, a modern graphical desktop resembles what windows blesses consumers withJun 22 14:04
mateynot for free software, for the counterrevolutionJun 22 14:04
fuzzyby designJun 22 14:04
mateythats how counterrevolutions workJun 22 14:04
fuzzywhich is flawedJun 22 14:04
psydruidI'm wondering if they will go and ruin BSD after ruining GNU/LinuxJun 22 14:04
fuzzy^ llvm/clangJun 22 14:05
mateyI'm wondering if they will go and ruin BSD after ruining GNU/Linux <- thats what roy thinksJun 22 14:05
mateyhe thinks theres no point in bsd because theyll just fuck that tooJun 22 14:05
mateyand hes partly rightJun 22 14:05
psydruidIs anything ever going to be resistant to these corporate tentaclesJun 22 14:05
techrights-news"small acts of protest, the reactions he gets from his neighbors, and whether he’s afraid there might be criminal prosecution in his future" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJun 22 14:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 22 14:05
mateytheyve already fucked bsd, thats what freebsd isJun 22 14:05
matey Is anything ever going to be resistant <- i think soJun 22 14:05
mateywhat i was saying about free software in general wasJun 22 14:05
mateyeach revolution is a lessonJun 22 14:05
mateyan important lessonJun 22 14:05
mateythe history is very fucking importantJun 22 14:06
fuzzyanyone knows, if/how much autotools voodoo is contained inside *BSD (without additional ports)Jun 22 14:06
mateyits our textbookJun 22 14:06
fuzzyor, do *BSD at least avoid the autotools ?Jun 22 14:06
mateyanyone knows, if/how much autotools voodoo is contained inside *BSD <- your worry is unfoundedJun 22 14:06
mateyi mean Jun 22 14:06
mateyif you want a sane build systemJun 22 14:06
mateygentoo wasnt the firstJun 22 14:06
matey/me doesnt personally like gentoo but respects what theyve doneJun 22 14:06
fuzzyautotools are not directly related to the ports/portage systemJun 22 14:07
mateyexactlyJun 22 14:07
mateyanywayJun 22 14:07
*psydruid doesn't like gentoo or its "developers"Jun 22 14:07
mateyfree software will, as ive been saying for some time nowJun 22 14:07
mateyi dont just mean todayJun 22 14:07
mateysplit off into two directionsJun 22 14:07
fuzzyand gentoo portage simply is the most powerful dependency tracking system, and well maintained tooJun 22 14:07
mateythe bulk of it, which has been infected with osbs (open source bullshit) for agesJun 22 14:07
mateywill fuck off and join the corporate mothershipJun 22 14:08
mateyits already happenedJun 22 14:08
mateyit will continue to do soJun 22 14:08
mateythe rest will flee this dumpster fireJun 22 14:08
mateysome will stay just close enough to it to stay warmJun 22 14:08
mateyothers have had enoughJun 22 14:08
fuzzyat the heart and core of it, gentoo followed the minimalist design rationale, and it's the default tooJun 22 14:09
fuzzythe metalog syslogger from gentoo, is a keeper tooJun 22 14:09
mateybut the thing isJun 22 14:09
mateythe lesson was painfulJun 22 14:09
mateyit hurt, a lot, for yearsJun 22 14:09
mateysome will bullshit and say it never happened, or people exaggerateJun 22 14:09
mateyor theyre being "unfair"Jun 22 14:10
mateyits none of thoseJun 22 14:10
mateyit was well-orchestrated industrial bullshitJun 22 14:10
mateyand it decimated free softwareJun 22 14:10
mateydecimatedJun 22 14:10
mateybutJun 22 14:10
mateythats what free software will be rebuilt from, because thats how important it isJun 22 14:10
mateyand those who ACTUALLY give a shitJun 22 14:11
mateyrather than opportunists who ACT like they give a shit Jun 22 14:11
fuzzyanyway, are you aware of any distribution which rejected the gcc-4.8 bump 2013?Jun 22 14:11
matey 22 14:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft’s Handbook: Know Your Enemies, Act Like a Friend | TechrightsJun 22 14:11
fuzzyi only know aboriginal linux (some success with tinycc), oasis linux (cproc), openbsd (pcc)Jun 22 14:11
mateythose who ACTUALLY give a shit have learned the hard wayJun 22 14:12
mateystallman wasnt kiddingJun 22 14:12
mateythe things he said were probelms really were problemsJun 22 14:12
mateyhes quiet nowJun 22 14:12
mateybut the lesson speaks for itself-- as does our history (especially since 2014, maybe earlier)Jun 22 14:12
mateyand as roy says, it started before thatJun 22 14:12
mateybut nothing like its been for the past 7 or 8 yearsJun 22 14:12
mateyimoJun 22 14:12
schestowitz_TRit was worseJun 22 14:13
mateythe fsf just quit doing their jobJun 22 14:13
matey <schestowitz_TR> it was wors <- absolute. bullshit.Jun 22 14:13
schestowitz_TRin 2006 for exampleJun 22 14:13
mateynopeJun 22 14:13
schestowitz_TRI call back "bs"Jun 22 14:13
schestowitz_TRit was worse in 2006Jun 22 14:13
mateyTHEYRE DEAD!Jun 22 14:13
mateythey were not deadJun 22 14:13
mateyhow is NOT DEAD worse than fucking dead?Jun 22 14:13
mateystupidJun 22 14:13
mateyanywayJun 22 14:13
mateySOME PEOPLE will learn from thisJun 22 14:13
schestowitz_TRI see you take disareements very gracefullyJun 22 14:13
mateynot everyoneJun 22 14:14
mateysome people will just go in circles forever, with no planJun 22 14:14
schestowitz_TR2000: we can barely surf the webJun 22 14:14
schestowitz_TR2003: gains madeJun 22 14:14
schestowitz_TR2006: vista novell dealJun 22 14:14
mateythings were improving, now theyre getting worseJun 22 14:14
mateyi meanJun 22 14:14
schestowitz_TRextrortion until  much laterJun 22 14:14
schestowitz_TRalice/sec 101 2014Jun 22 14:14
mateyyou can play with words all day if you likeJun 22 14:14
schestowitz_TRSCOTUSJun 22 14:14
mateyi remember aliceJun 22 14:15
schestowitz_TR2014 had some good things to itJun 22 14:15
mateyremember alice? its a song about aliceJun 22 14:15
schestowitz_TRSnowden leaks 2013Jun 22 14:15
MinceRwho the fuck is alice?Jun 22 14:15
schestowitz_TRit's a companyJun 22 14:15
mateyyou can get anything you want at alices restaurant (excepting alice)Jun 22 14:15
mateyalice helped patent reformJun 22 14:15
mateyroy can explain itJun 22 14:15
schestowitz_TR 22 14:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Groklaw - Digging for TruthJun 22 14:15
mateyit was a bit of a turning pointJun 22 14:16
schestowitz_TR"[PJ: Ask yourself: when the Alice Corp. case was first decided, is this outcome analysts told you to expect? : D ] - Dennis Crouch, Patently O"Jun 22 14:16
schestowitz_TRShe came from from the last hiatus just to write thisJun 22 14:16
mateyimo most people who say "alice" are referring to the court case, which was named after the companyJun 22 14:16
mateyand really the verdict, which was helpful to usJun 22 14:16
mateyso one alice is bad, but the outcome was goodJun 22 14:16
mateyand the outcome is called alice because the company was called aliceJun 22 14:17
mateyfamous court cases are named after the parties involvedJun 22 14:17
schestowitz_TRAlice STILL standsJun 22 14:17
schestowitz_TRafter all those endless attempts to overturn itJun 22 14:17
mateybut those who care about users, not just imageJun 22 14:17
schestowitz_TRor hack around itJun 22 14:17
mateywill continue to fight, not just try to look good or smooth things overJun 22 14:17
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 14:17
*MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techrightsJun 22 14:18
* gives channel operator status to MinceRJun 22 14:18
mateyor rewrite history for whatever reason they do that dayJun 22 14:18
fuzzyfor practical use, there is almost nothing remaining, readily available, as free software operating system, nowadaysJun 22 14:18
mateybsd has TWO advantagesJun 22 14:18
matey1. it never became as shit, so its "ahead"Jun 22 14:18
matey2. it never loved bloat as much as gnu/linux/windows (maybe freebsd, i dont know)Jun 22 14:18
mateyso its FORKABLEJun 22 14:18
techrights-newsRare Earth ☛ | Source: Counter PunchJun 22 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Rare Earth Dilemma - CounterPunch.orgJun 22 14:18
fuzzythe typical, bsd,debian, redhat whatnot, sell a facade of freedomJun 22 14:18
mateyas in people actually fork it (they dont do that with linux)Jun 22 14:18
matey<fuzzy> the typical, bsd,debian, redhat whatnot, sell a facade of freedom <- you lump EVERYTHING EVERYTHING togetherJun 22 14:19
fuzzyit is a summary, of all details collected and discussedJun 22 14:19
mateyand you take days or weeks to do it, while ive spent years poking at such connectionsJun 22 14:19
schestowitz_TRandroid partly forked the kernelJun 22 14:19
mateybut its good someones so scepticalJun 22 14:19
schestowitz_TRbut as linux was not toally deadJun 22 14:20
mateyit gives us a glimpse of what might be aheadJun 22 14:20
schestowitz_TRit paid off to develop upstreadJun 22 14:20
fuzzyif you want your testicles squeezed by the pentagon five eyes, go for it, all *BSD, debian etc. ship everything desiredJun 22 14:20
schestowitz_TRso gulag played with mainlineJun 22 14:20
schestowitz_TRthat can changeJun 22 14:20
schestowitz_TRlike, if linux does something very very evilkJun 22 14:20
schestowitz_TRLF is a force of occupationJun 22 14:20
*SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 14:20
schestowitz_TRand now it's adding rustJun 22 14:20
matey if you want your testicles squeezed by the pentagon <- if you intend to be bulletproof to state actors and apts youre going to have to more than just recompileJun 22 14:21
mateystart by putting everything in a faraday cageJun 22 14:21
mateythen detach your speakers and wifiJun 22 14:21
mateyi meanJun 22 14:21
mateycmonJun 22 14:21
fuzzywell then, hack this irc box... tell me when done.Jun 22 14:21
matey/me listens to what fuzzy types with a laser on a multimeter connected to housewiringJun 22 14:22
mateywhat im saying is, if youre that serious, youre half-arsing everythingJun 22 14:22
mateybut you dont need me to prove it, there are hardware gurus in here that know way more about it Jun 22 14:23
mateyat best youre working on part of the problemJun 22 14:23
mateyand thats greatJun 22 14:23
mateydont assume its more than thatJun 22 14:23
schestowitz_TRLF is now working with snyk to smear Free software and LinuxJun 22 14:24
schestowitz_TRLF is amazingJun 22 14:24
schestowitz_TRamazinglyy corrouptJun 22 14:24
schestowitz_TRpay them money and they will say anythingJun 22 14:24
mateyfree software doesnt even need smearingJun 22 14:24
mateyits nearly killed itselfJun 22 14:24
schestowitz_TRfree software is a conceptJun 22 14:24
schestowitz_TRit cannot kill itselfJun 22 14:24
fuzzyi removed that much BS from my system in the last month alone, you got no idea what i've gotJun 22 14:24
schestowitz_TRit's also a conditionJun 22 14:24
mateyfree software is a concept <- it cannot kill itself <- if that makes you feel betterJun 22 14:25
mateyi meanJun 22 14:25
schestowitz_TRfuzzy: the police can invade your homeJun 22 14:25
*SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@4qc3338mpcm6n.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 14:25
mateyif free software is a concept that cant dieJun 22 14:25
fuzzyschestowitz_TR: they cannotJun 22 14:25
mateyand thats good enough for youJun 22 14:25
schestowitz_TRwith "reasonable suspicion"Jun 22 14:25
mateythey didnt need an fsf to make it a concept Jun 22 14:25
fuzzyof what?Jun 22 14:25
schestowitz_TRfuzzy: it definitely canJun 22 14:25
mateyit was a concept already in the early 80sJun 22 14:25
mateyvoila, "ITS A CONCEPT" we can go home nowJun 22 14:25
schestowitz_TRthey are with weapons and legal powersJun 22 14:25
mateyso what was all that other work forJun 22 14:25
mateyOHJun 22 14:25
mateymaybe its MORE than just a conceptJun 22 14:25
mateybut whateverJun 22 14:26
mateyconcepts are more useful when appliedJun 22 14:26
mateythen theyre applications (not just in the software sense, more like in the applied science sense)Jun 22 14:26
schestowitz_TRyou suggested fs federatrionJun 22 14:27
mateyequality is a conceptJun 22 14:27
mateyit CANT DIEJun 22 14:27
schestowitz_TRto make it harder to take down just one FS advocacy frontJun 22 14:27
fuzzyalthough it isn't that high of a bar... i probably got one of the most secure up-to-date linux system up and runningJun 22 14:27
mateyyou suggested fs federatrion <- to make it harder to take down just one FS advocacy front <- yesJun 22 14:27
fuzzywhich is not controlled by the typical corporate pentagon fuzzJun 22 14:27
mateyand im surprised at how well thats goingJun 22 14:27
mateyim like stallman in that im a pessimistJun 22 14:27
mateyi dont expect to succeedJun 22 14:27
mateyi didnt abandon the idea of federation but things got a lot worse and i moved my own focusJun 22 14:28
mateymeanwhile, leah has run farther with the idea than i could have likely dreamt of doingJun 22 14:28
mateyi think its in reasonably good handsJun 22 14:28
mateyleah didnt get it from me, doesnt matter, leah figured it out on their ownJun 22 14:28
techrights-news"After the log mentioning my playing with CGI scripts, Acidus was nice enough to send me an email with some helpful tips. The jist of it was renaming the script files extention to .cgi and running the command 'chmod 755 script.cgi' to make it executible." gemini:// 22 14:28
mateythats whats great about it! redundancyJun 22 14:28
techrights-news🔤SpellBinding: CDIMUON Wordo: PLUTO gemini:// 22 14:29
mateyeven better would be if a few more people ran with it-- thats the point of itJun 22 14:29
mateybut then you have all these conflicting-- i addressed that tooJun 22 14:29
matey 22 14:30
techrights-newsRemoving the "packaging cruft" from the web. Or buying without packaging with Gemini. gemini:// 22 14:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The THRIVE Guidelines | TechrightsJun 22 14:30
mateyi think its in good handsJun 22 14:30
mateybut if its not, its probably fixableJun 22 14:30
mateybecause its not some top-down thing that can just sell out with no recourseJun 22 14:30
techrights-news"The dwimmiest sort of all time!" gemini:// 22 14:30
mateyi dont even talk here about the progress being madeJun 22 14:32
mateywhats funny is youve read about it and of course, you dont talk about it eitherJun 22 14:32
mateybut thats okJun 22 14:32
mateyi dont need it played up, downplayed, bent back and forth and twistedJun 22 14:32
mateyso its coolJun 22 14:32
mateyitll happen either wayJun 22 14:33
mateyon top of all the bullshit there are Natural Forces at workJun 22 14:33
mateypeople DONT take the same old shit foreverJun 22 14:33
mateymy radars been on at full power since i started hereJun 22 14:34
mateyits still going onJun 22 14:34
techrights-newsRocket.Chat Aims to Replace Skype for Business by Collaborating with Pexip • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 14:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rocket.Chat Aims to Replace Skype for Business by Collaborating with Pexip | Tux MachinesJun 22 14:34
mateybut its going to be less about x86 and less about gnu/linuxJun 22 14:35
mateymore about hardware and USERS controlling their computingJun 22 14:35
mateythats the "concept" free software stands forJun 22 14:35
mateyand the fsf doesntJun 22 14:35
techrights-newsArm Linux IoT gateway ships with up to 8GB RAM, offers dual GbE, 4G LTE, WiFi 6, BLE 5.3, GNSS connectivity • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 14:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arm Linux IoT gateway ships with up to 8GB RAM, offers dual GbE, 4G LTE, WiFi 6, BLE 5.3, GNSS connectivity | Tux MachinesJun 22 14:35
mateythe fsf stands for corporations laughing at you and telling you you have to do this, this, thisJun 22 14:35
mateysign up for githubJun 22 14:36
mateyenable javascriptJun 22 14:36
schestowitz_TRnot reallyJun 22 14:36
mateyupgrade your browser (this one is a good idea, unless its a web brtowser)Jun 22 14:36
schestowitz_TRyou are aexaggeratijng because FSF spoke on oth issuesJun 22 14:36
matey<schestowitz_TR> not reallyJun 22 14:36
schestowitz_TRJSJun 22 14:36
schestowitz_TRand also created some solutionsJun 22 14:36
mateyGOOD RETORTJun 22 14:36
mateyR> you are aexaggeratijng because FSF spoke on oth issues <-= wankJun 22 14:36
schestowitz_TRit also ranked github worst... many years agoJun 22 14:36
fuzzywhat FSF/GNU allowed to happen to their compiler, GCC, which is THE #1 project of theirsJun 22 14:36
mateypure wank!Jun 22 14:36
mateyjust yesteday you implied you knew betterJun 22 14:36
mateytoday you say the oppositeJun 22 14:36
mateyim used to itJun 22 14:36
fuzzythis alone, GCC and the "progress" made with it... Jun 22 14:37
mateyits always of the moment with youJun 22 14:37
mateyjust pull anything out thats convenientJun 22 14:37
mateytomorrow youll change your story AGAINJun 22 14:37
mateywank wank wankJun 22 14:37
schestowitz_TRI changed nothingJun 22 14:37
schestowitz_TRit's the same positionJun 22 14:37
fuzzythe fact, many competent and idealist developers invested alot of time ... this makes it even worse, what happened to GCCJun 22 14:37
mateymissionary?Jun 22 14:37
schestowitz_TRyou are in a different moodJun 22 14:37
mateyyeahJun 22 14:37
mateyi meanJun 22 14:37
mateyi can quote you, and show just how different what you were saying wasJun 22 14:37
mateyand how its the opposite nowJun 22 14:38
fuzzythat's why, FSF/GNU do not want to loose the authority to interpret what "free software" was supposed to be, and what isn'tJun 22 14:38
mateybut i spent like a whole year doing thatJun 22 14:38
mateyit gets oldJun 22 14:38
mateyif you wanna do apologetics for a dead organisationJun 22 14:38
mateyjust say soJun 22 14:38
schestowitz_TRfuzzy: they have competition with clang nowJun 22 14:38
mateythen the rest of us will say "ok roy, when you put it that way, the fsf isnt totally bullshit"Jun 22 14:38
schestowitz_TRand they would rtaher let gcc became whatever the corporaitona wants it to beJun 22 14:38
fuzzyto lure the precious brain power into what they consider "free software", serving corporate consumerist insanityJun 22 14:38
mateyexcept we wont, because no one is fooled by their bullshitJun 22 14:38
mateyexcept you. Jun 22 14:38
schestowitz_TRthan to let it be replaced by llvm/bsdJun 22 14:38
schestowitz_TRor mitJun 22 14:38
mateyand then when people give you shit about thatJun 22 14:39
mateyyoure likeJun 22 14:39
mateythe fsf blah blah (imply you understand when really its whatever all the time)Jun 22 14:39
mateyyes i get itJun 22 14:39
mateythen tomorrow you dontJun 22 14:39
mateythen the next day you doJun 22 14:39
mateyits a pretty obvious patternJun 22 14:39
mateyits fence-ridingJun 22 14:39
schestowitz_TRsometimes you act like fsf is the economyJun 22 14:39
mateypeople-pleasingJun 22 14:39
schestowitz_TRenemyJun 22 14:39
schestowitz_TRnot economyJun 22 14:39
matey sometimes you act like fsf is the economy <- what do you think an OCCUPATION (like occupied territory) ISJun 22 14:40
mateyits when the area is controlled by the enemy.Jun 22 14:40
mateythe fsf is open source nowJun 22 14:40
mateyyou can pretend otherwise, i do not careJun 22 14:40
schestowitz_TRno, it is notJun 22 14:40
mateyyou can be wrongJun 22 14:40
matey <schestowitz_TR> no, it is no <- youre free to be wrong!Jun 22 14:40
mateybut you WILL deny it laterJun 22 14:40
mateysame as you did with systemdJun 22 14:41
mateyfor like a decade.Jun 22 14:41
mateyor is systemd not a problem again?Jun 22 14:41
schestowitz_TRit's a problemJun 22 14:41
mateyokay goodJun 22 14:41
schestowitz_TRbut not the biggest oneJun 22 14:41
mateywell no i meanJun 22 14:41
schestowitz_TRto me, swpats firstJun 22 14:41
schestowitz_TRthen some other thingsJun 22 14:41
mateyi think climate change is probably the biggest one...Jun 22 14:41
schestowitz_TRlike WIndows market shareJun 22 14:41
schestowitz_TRsystemd laterJun 22 14:41
mateyyes, systemd AFTER ibm kicks itJun 22 14:41
fuzzyat least, systemd can be coped with, finding a free software C compiler for recent aarch64 hardware, which can compile *bsd and linuxJun 22 14:41
mateythen its-- no problem.Jun 22 14:41
fuzzygood luck finding anyJun 22 14:41
schestowitz_TRclimate change is a problem to everythingJun 22 14:41
mateyyesJun 22 14:42
mateyi mean theres always somethingJun 22 14:42
schestowitz_TRnot just humans, not just softwareJun 22 14:42
mateyi dont think the human race has ever been truly without an issueJun 22 14:42
schestowitz_TRwe do what we can about the climateJun 22 14:42
mateythats a stretchJun 22 14:42
schestowitz_TRrecycling everything, minimising purchases, etc.Jun 22 14:42
schestowitz_TRnot flying since 2018Jun 22 14:42
mateyoh you mean YOUJun 22 14:42
mateyi dont think youre the problem as far as climate change goesJun 22 14:42
mateyits definitely systemicJun 22 14:43
mateysystemic change is neededJun 22 14:43
mateysimilarly to free softwareJun 22 14:43
mateyits a systemic issueJun 22 14:43
schestowitz_TRthis eyar I quit gulag 100%Jun 22 14:43
schestowitz_TRand social control mediaJun 22 14:43
mateythats greatJun 22 14:43
techrights-newsGoogle #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 14:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 22 14:43
mateyi quit pretending the fsf stands for anythingJun 22 14:44
mateytheyve proven it not to be soJun 22 14:44
mateyand its becoming obvious to more peopleJun 22 14:44
mateyits important to not put stock in bullshit, because weve done it for yearsJun 22 14:44
mateywaitingJun 22 14:44
mateyand as a result, things have gotten MUCH worseJun 22 14:44
mateypeople need to "be the change" the fsf refuses to beJun 22 14:44
mateybecause if they dont, microsoft will continue toJun 22 14:44
mateyand the fsf wont care.Jun 22 14:45
fuzzythe FSF/GNU stood for GCCJun 22 14:45
mateythats ibm gccJun 22 14:45
mateyand microsoft llvmJun 22 14:45
fuzzyllvm originated from apple iircJun 22 14:45
mateysadly most people need one or the otherJun 22 14:45
mateyeveryone i know needs one or the other, at least for nowJun 22 14:45
mateyexcept fuzzyJun 22 14:45
mateygood luck to himJun 22 14:45
mateyi dont know if gcc is forkableJun 22 14:46
fuzzythat's my biggest wish currently, for free software, to get back what we had, 20 years agoJun 22 14:46
mateybut its too nearly impossible to compile llvm anywayJun 22 14:46
fuzzya free software C compilerJun 22 14:46
matey<fuzzy> that's my biggest wish currently, for free software, to get back what we had, 20 years ago <- yeahJun 22 14:46
mateythats going to become increasingly commonJun 22 14:46
mateywhile other people insist its not importantJun 22 14:46
mateyi mean people wont always agree on the detailsJun 22 14:47
mateypeople who are free dont have to all agree on the detailsJun 22 14:47
mateythey still havent merged vi and emacs-- whats up with that!Jun 22 14:47
mateyoh, wait, freedomJun 22 14:47
mateymaybe lennart canJun 22 14:47
mateywho cant a big turd, polish it like gold?Jun 22 14:47
mateytake a working system and destroy it cause "its old"Jun 22 14:47
mateythe poetterman can cause hes full of fucking pooJun 22 14:48
mateyand makes init fail on shutdownJun 22 14:48
mateylast line needs workJun 22 14:48
mateybut you get the ideaJun 22 14:48
fuzzythe corporate creep into GNU/GTK began with Harfbuzz, not systemdJun 22 14:48
mateyi mean, gnu/linux is fucked from the moment you turn it onJun 22 14:48
mateyBEFORE YOU GET A SHELL!Jun 22 14:48
mateybut who cares, its not what we need to work onJun 22 14:49
fuzzyharfbuzz, is even worse, somehow, because i could remove _all_ systemd clutter and retain x11/gtk3Jun 22 14:49
mateyusers can just "to dick" until... roy thinks its importantJun 22 14:49
mateyhahahaJun 22 14:49
fuzzyi could not replace harfbuzz with anything saneJun 22 14:49
mateyi hope they have another decadeJun 22 14:49
mateyharfbuzz is MOSTLY some other thing (also github based)Jun 22 14:49
mateylook up the deps, its pretty obviousJun 22 14:49
mateyor just avoid it if you canJun 22 14:49
mateyi want devanagari supportJun 22 14:49
mateyim not a harfbuzz fan but i know a tricky dep when i see oneJun 22 14:50
fuzzywiped it entirely, never again will i use any system with GTK2/3 or QTJun 22 14:50
mateythe author is a dick tooJun 22 14:50
mateymaybe someone will fork it eventuallyJun 22 14:50
mateyyoure just like "no unicode for me!"Jun 22 14:50
mateyi mean, it should be optional, sureJun 22 14:50
mateyso good thing people work on thatJun 22 14:50
mateymaking things optional Jun 22 14:50
mateysome people DO think its importantJun 22 14:51
mateygoodJun 22 14:51
mateythats what we needJun 22 14:51
fuzzyof cause not, i integrated and hacked together yaft+dvtm for extended unicode support on linux framebufferJun 22 14:51
fuzzyand so far, yaft passed the unicode tests just fineJun 22 14:51
fuzzyexcept for hebrew/farsi/hindi, which tbh., isn't my responsibility to implementJun 22 14:51
*SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 14:55
*psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 14:55
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 14:59
techrights-newsLinks 22/06/2022: Clonezilla Live 3.0.1 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 15:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 22/06/2022: Clonezilla Live 3.0.1 | TechrightsJun 22 15:02
MinceR   ( )Jun 22 15:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Dilbert Comic Strip on 2022-06-15 | Dilbert by Scott AdamsJun 22 15:03
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netsplit lost users: ChanServJun 22 15:04
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*SkywaveC3 has quit (Quit)Jun 22 15:12
*Skywave (~SkywaveC3@vrjpn3w7kihz4.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 15:13
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techrights-newsHow to Bypass Internet Censorship - Invidious ⚓ ䷉ Source: Video | Invidious | MultimediaJun 22 15:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Bypass Internet Censorship - InvidiousJun 22 15:20
techrights-newsshred command: makes files unrecoverable in Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | shred command: makes files unrecoverable in Linux | Tux MachinesJun 22 15:22
*fuzzy (~fuzzy@5cyuy7w3cjfkn.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 15:22
techrights-news"We are still observing a relatively low rate of addition of verified/playable games for the Steam Deck. We are now more than 3500 games validated (3510 games to be precise at the time of publication) on the Steam Deck – in two categories..." 22 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 3500 Games Now On The Steam Deck with Kao the Kangaroo (2022) and Moonlighter Verified - Boiling SteamJun 22 15:25
techrights-newsAMD makes a little change in Microsoft GitHub (proprietary), Larabel pounces at it to make "article"Jun 22 15:26
techrights-newsUsing Linux System Roles to implement Clevis and Tang for automated LUKS volume unlocking - Fedora Magazine ⚓ ䷉ Source: Fedora | RedHat | IBM | GNU | LinuxmagazineJun 22 15:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Using Linux System Roles to implement Clevis and Tang for automated LUKS volume unlocking - Fedora MagazineJun 22 15:27
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netsplit lost users: ChanServJun 22 15:28
techrights-newsComplete separation between boot-manager and EasyOS 22 15:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Complete separation between boot-manager and EasyOSJun 22 15:28
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 22 15:30
techrights-newsBruce Schneier continues to repeat talking points and misuse the term "backdoor" (it's not a back door, it is malware) 22 15:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Symbiote Backdoor in Linux - Schneier on SecurityJun 22 15:32
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 15:36
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +nt on #techrightsJun 22 15:36
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 15:36
MinceR 22 15:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | There Are Definitely No Cats In Any Of These Images (40 Pics)Jun 22 15:37
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 15:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJun 22 15:41
techrights-newsICBM Red Hat: from working for Adolf Hitler to working with those who literally FUND ISIS 22 15:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ericsson and Red Hat empower service providers to build multi-vendor networksJun 22 15:44
techrights-news"transformation" = more complexity and more vendor lock-in, more expenses associated with ICBM 22 15:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 ways digital transformation has changed how business is done | The Enterprisers ProjectJun 22 15:45
techrights-newsRed Hat is modeling itself like Microsoft? "In February, Microsoft revealed its hybrid working strategy, and last month, IBM shared its Return to Workplace Playbook" 22 15:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to create a return-to-office playbook for your IT team | The Enterprisers ProjectJun 22 15:46
techrights-news"Since the COVID19 pandemic started, the printing has gone to a whole different level though. The M1 money supply has almost doubled since. What that means for inflation is heavily argued about by different sides." 22 15:49
techrights-newsOpenWRT: D-Link DGS-1210-28 ... coming soon 22 15:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [OpenWrt Wiki] D-Link DGS-1210-28Jun 22 15:51
techrights-newsLinux kernel manged to turn 30, but that's it. Before it turns 31 it becomes krust. Microsoft shithub (proprietary) and bloat.Jun 22 15:52
techrights-newsMicrosoft's coy concern trolls all over the media, pretending to cover "Linux" while actually attacking itJun 22 15:54
techrights-newsMicrosoft knows that for its attacks Linux to be more effective and seem credible it needs to seem like it's not Microsoft doing it, hence the concern trollsJun 22 15:55
techrights-newsGraphical desktop system X Window turns 38 • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 15:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphical desktop system X Window turns 38 | Tux MachinesJun 22 15:55
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netsplit lost users: ChanServJun 22 15:55
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 15:55
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +nt on #techrightsJun 22 15:55
techrights-news21.3 of Arch Linux derivative Manjaro released 22 15:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro 21.3 "Ruah" Brings Refreshed Desktop Environments | Tux MachinesJun 22 15:56
techrights-news"Pull signature checking selftest from David Howells" 22 15:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git - Linux kernel source treeJun 22 15:57
*AdmFubar (~mradmin@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 16:04
techrights-newsSo Far Today 67% of Phoronix Articles Are About AMD | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 16:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | So Far Today 67% of Phoronix Articles Are About AMD | TechrightsJun 22 16:05
schestowitz_TRat last microbell has a "RealJob"(TM)Jun 22 16:06
schestowitz_TRAMD marketerJun 22 16:06
techrights-newsThis is not progress. It could technically be done decades ago. THIS IS A RACE TO THE BOTTOM. It's an assault on society, an attack on customers, and abolishments of human dignity etc. 22 16:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon Chooses 1st Location for Drone Delivery Service - Make Tech EasierJun 22 16:08
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 16:11
MinceR 22 16:12
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 16:12
techrights-newsTrain strikes hard. Hard NOT to sympathise with the strikers. Last time we took the train was when COVID-19 was young (Jan 2020).Jun 22 16:13
techrights-newsNo. "Cloud-based site backups". That's a DATA BREACH. Clown computing = security compromised. 22 16:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Useful web hosting tips that can help secure your siteJun 22 16:15
techrights-newsWe already saw what clown computing means when AWS deplatformed Wikileaks for exposing massive corruption and war crimes 12 years ago. The person who kicked out Wikileaks for exposing all those crimes has since then become the world's richest.Jun 22 16:16
techrights-newsIf you like clown computing, then congratulations. You know nothing about computing and you've been indoctrinated to become a stooge or a 'useful idiot' of the Security State, not real securityJun 22 16:17
techrights-newsThis is what Zemlin & The Frauds are 'teaching' 22 16:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Learn the Principles of DevSecOps in New, Free Training Course - Linux FoundationJun 22 16:18
techrights-news"Making backups on Google" is NOT security advice. It's basically tell you to jump off the cliff.Jun 22 16:19
techrights-newsOpenSSF (former Microsoft) telling you to deny people who want to run applications of their choice; they call that "security" 22 16:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Free Training Course Teaches How to Secure a Software Supply Chain with Sigstore - Linux FoundationJun 22 16:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | With Microsoft in Charge, OpenSSF Seems More Like It’s About Back Doors — Not Real Security — Inside the Linux Foundation | TechrightsJun 22 16:21
techrights-news'Linux' Foundation: promoting NSA back doors agenda while overcompensating with nonsensical buzzwords that have camelCase int hemJun 22 16:22
techrights-newsPushing the "talent gap" canard see 22 16:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Technology Careers Become More Lucrative as Open Source Software Becomes Dominant and Talent Gaps Persist - Linux FoundationJun 22 16:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What the Linux Foundation Teaches People About GNU/Linux in LinuxFoundationX (edX) LFS101x “Introduction to Linux” [sic] | TechrightsJun 22 16:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LinuxFoundationX (edX) LFS101x “Introduction to Linux” is More Linux Foundation Marketing and ‘Linux’ Revisionism Than Actual Training/Teaching | TechrightsJun 22 16:24
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 16:24
techrights-newsedX should rebrand, maybe adXJun 22 16:25
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 16:25
techrights-newsThe employment crisis isn't a "skills shortage" or "labour shortage" crisis but a crisis of underpaid workers whose skills are lied about to lower the salaries further, then laying them off and blaming it on them ("Great Resignation"). In some countries real unemployment rate is about 50%.Jun 22 16:27
techrights-newsLinux Foundation is a front group for billionaires, oppressing the community that did all the work free of charge 22 16:29
AdmFubar 22 16:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphical desktop system X Window turns 38 • The RegisterJun 22 16:29
techrights-newsLinux Foundation is led by chronic liars who forge/fabricate their qualifications. It's the LIE-NOX Foundation. 22 16:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wrong Person in Charge of the Linux Foundation (and in Charge of Linus Torvalds) | TechrightsJun 22 16:30
techrights-newsZemlin and the Frauds have even used Wikipedia to spread disinformation, to lie about themselves, e.g. year LF was founded. Of course they lie about GNU all the time. All the time.Jun 22 16:31
techrights-newsZemlin is no better than the "crypto" bros who claim to have invented things they never did. But Zemlin gets away with it because he keeps bribing the media using LF budget. They protect THEIR fraud.Jun 22 16:32
techrights-newsLittle AMD (in relative terms it’s a small company) getting its money’s worth? After posting many AMD job ads at Phoronix it seems like Michael himself was implicitly 'hired'Jun 22 16:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | So Far Today 67% of Phoronix Articles Are About AMD | TechrightsJun 22 16:33
techrights-newsEU court limits air travel surveillance to the ‘strictly necessary’ - ⚓ caution: the publisher euractiv bagged bribes from a famous criminal and child sex trafficking enabler (Bill Gates)Jun 22 16:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-EU court limits air travel surveillance to the ‘strictly necessary’ – EURACTIV.comJun 22 16:34
techrights-newsHack Week starts Hacking for Humanity next week 22 16:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hack Week starts Hacking for Humanity next week - openSUSE NewsJun 22 16:35
techrights-newsDraft: Deep colour support (!1756) · Merge requests · GNOME / mutter · GitLab ⚓ ䷉ Source: gitlabJun 22 16:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Draft: Deep colour support (!1756) · Merge requests · GNOME / mutter · GitLabJun 22 16:36
techrights-newsSourceware – GNU Toolchain Infrastructure roadmap 22 16:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mark J. Wielaard » Blog Archive » Sourceware – GNU Toolchain Infrastructure roadmapJun 22 16:37
techrights-news"Infrastructure and platforms are rapidly evolving. Not so long ago, infrastructure was not as complex, and it was easy to manage." Because ICBM Red Hat et al want to make things break a little and then sell "support" 22 16:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A site reliability engineer's guide to change management | Opensource.comJun 22 16:38
techrights-newsStriving to kill the Elephant to shoehorn more complexity 22 16:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Big Data on Kubernetes: The End For Hadoop? - Container JournalJun 22 16:40
techrights-newsThe Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache InLong as a Top-Level Project 22 16:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® InLong™ as a Top-Level Project : The Apache Software Foundation BlogJun 22 16:40
techrights-newsUbuntu Touch OTA-23 Is Coming on June 28th with FM Radio Expansion, Lomiri Fixes • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 16:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Touch OTA-23 Is Coming on June 28th with FM Radio Expansion, Lomiri Fixes | Tux MachinesJun 22 16:42
techrights-newsStable Kernels: 5.18.6, 5.15.49, 5.10.124, and 5.4.200 • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 16:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stable Kernels: 5.18.6, 5.15.49, 5.10.124, and 5.4.200 | Tux MachinesJun 22 16:42
techrights-newsEngland: With COVID-19 Hospitalisations Up 37% in the Past Week Alone We're Back to 1,000+ Hospitalisations Per Day 22 16:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » England: With COVID-19 Hospitalisations Up 37% in the Past Week Alone We’re Back to 1,000+ Hospitalisations Per DayJun 22 16:48
*fuzzy has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 16:48
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pybot`[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 16:51
techrights-newsHey, Amber Ankerholz, since when is Forrester an expert in "Open Source"? see 22 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Develop an Open Source StrategyJun 22 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Forrester - TechrightsJun 22 16:51
techrights-newsWe're meant to think Microsoft-funded anti-FOSS shills are those who should be lecturing us. That's the "Linux Foundation club"...Jun 22 16:52
pybot`[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 16:53
techrights-newsOPI outsourced to Microsoft proprietary software of course... 22 16:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introduction of Open Programmable Infrastructure (OPI) Project | Tux MachinesJun 22 16:55
*pylink-_9pfs (~pylink-_9pfs@j3f4gk28hzqbc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 16:57
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techrights-newsSG90 Servo Motor Interfacing with Arduino Uno ⚓ ䷉ Source: peppe8oJun 22 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SG90 Servo Motor Interfacing with Arduino UnoJun 22 16:58
pybot`[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`Jun 22 16:58
pybot`[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 16:58
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SomeH4x0roh, it is the old freenode bridge?Jun 22 16:58
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] <abcde> [Net] - ijkl` has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 22 16:58
schestowitz_TRpybot` pylink-_9pfs  wtf?Jun 22 16:58
pybot`[Freenode] <abcd> [Techrights] <pybot`> [Net] <ijkl`> [Techrights] <pybot`> [Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 16:58
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techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 16:59
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: abcdJun 22 16:59
pybot`[Net] - ijkl` has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 22 16:59
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pybot`[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 16:59
SomeH4x0rI think it is malfunctioningJun 22 16:59
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] <abcde> [Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 16:59
schestowitz_TRyeah, I'm about to kick itJun 22 16:59
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - abcd has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 22 16:59
pybot`[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`Jun 22 16:59
*schestowitz has kicked pybot` from #techrights (pylink-_9pfs)Jun 22 16:59
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] <abcde> [Techrights] <pylink-_9pfs> [Net] <@abcd> [Freenode] - abcd (~abcd@freenode-opu.u5c.dhb8g8.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 16:59
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*pybot` (~pylink-_9pfs@utadbukesjarc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 16:59
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pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`Jun 22 16:59
*schestowitz sets ban on pybot`!*@*Jun 22 16:59
pybot`[Freenode] <abcd> [Techrights] <pybot`> [Freenode] - abcd (~abcd@freenode-opu.u5c.dhb8g8.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 16:59
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*schestowitz sets ban on pylink-_9pfs!*@*Jun 22 16:59
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pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 22 16:59
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] <abcde> [Techrights] <pylink-_9pfs> [Net] - Netsplit lost users: abcdJun 22 16:59
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pybot`[Net] - Netsplit lost users: abcdJun 22 17:00
*schestowitz has kicked pybot` from #techrights (pylink-_9pfs)Jun 22 17:00
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 17:00
pylink-_9pfs[Net] <ijkl`> [Techrights] <pylink-_9pfs> [Freenode] <abcde> [Techrights] <pylink-_9pfs> [Net] - Netsplit lost users: abcdJun 22 17:00
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`Jun 22 17:00
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] - abcde has quit (Connection closed)Jun 22 17:00
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 17:00
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ (ChanServ@services.solanum.repl) sets mode +nt on #techrightsJun 22 17:00
*schestowitz has kicked psymin from #techrights (pylink-_9pfs)Jun 22 17:00
schestowitz_TRoopsJun 22 17:00
schestowitz_TRwrong userJun 22 17:00
schestowitz_TRthat's what I don't like about this idiot bot he brought hereJun 22 17:00
techrights-newsESP32-C5 RISC-V IoT MCU supports dual-band WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.0 LE - CNX Software ⚓ ䷉ Source: Linux | GNU | Hardware | cnxsoftwareJun 22 17:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ESP32-C5 RISC-V IoT MCU supports dual-band WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.0 LE - CNX SoftwareJun 22 17:05
techrights-newsFor COVID-19 it’s only summer. Worse summer than 2021 and 2020. 22 17:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » England: With COVID-19 Hospitalisations Up 37% in the Past Week Alone We’re Back to 1,000+ Hospitalisations Per DayJun 22 17:08
techrights-newsHas CISA become a "damage control" or PR department of Microsoft? 22 17:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Keeping PowerShell: Measures to Use and Embrace | CISAJun 22 17:22
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 17:23
MinceR(cat) 22 17:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Pics/Video dumps of my cats #3: Pandora - Album on ImgurJun 22 17:27
techrights-newsNew Article by Richard Stallman: Many Governments Encourage Schools to Let Companies Snoop on Students | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 17:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Article by Richard Stallman: Many Governments Encourage Schools to Let Companies Snoop on Students | TechrightsJun 22 17:28
techrights-newsKaOS 2022.06 • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 17:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KaOS 2022.06 | Tux MachinesJun 22 17:33
techrights-newsOuch! Do not say "big tech"! You help Microsoft's lobbyists. It's even in the category name! "The GNU Education Team has published a new article by Richard Stallman on the threats of Big Tech in the field of education." 22 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - News: New Article by Richard Stallman [Savannah]Jun 22 17:35
techrights-newsChip Maker CEOs Frustrated as $52 Billion Chip Bill Stalls - The New Stack ⚓ ䷉ Source: thenewstackJun 22 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chip Maker CEOs Frustrated as $52 Billion Chip Bill Stalls – The New StackJun 22 17:36
techrights-news"Fedora 36 and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, both released back to back pretty at the same time. Both of these distros are one of the biggest names in the Linux scene. At the same time, they are radically different from each other. But which among them is the best? How they compare against each other?" 22 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Vs Fedora 36 | The BEST Linux OS of 2022! - InvidiousJun 22 17:37
techrights-news|In this video, I am going to show how to install Manjaro 21.3.0." 22 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to install Manjaro 21.3.0 - InvidiousJun 22 17:37
techrights-newsMonitoring IV fluid bag levels with the Arduino Portenta H7 and Vision Shield 22 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Monitoring IV fluid bag levels with the Arduino Portenta H7 and Vision Shield | Arduino BlogJun 22 17:45
techrights-newsAnother reason to boycott Microsoft GitHub 22 17:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How rogue GitHub apps could have hijacked countless repos • The RegisterJun 22 17:48
techrights-newsFlameshot 12.0.0 Released with Movable Layer, New Magnifier and 20+ Bug Fixes • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 17:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Flameshot 12.0.0 Released with Movable Layer, New Magnifier and 20+ Bug Fixes | Tux MachinesJun 22 17:49
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 17:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJun 22 17:49
techrights-newsOpen Hardware/Modding Leftovers: RISC-V and Arduino • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 17:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Hardware/Modding Leftovers: RISC-V and Arduino | Tux MachinesJun 22 17:50
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - MemoServ ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 18:13
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Jun 22 18:14
pylink-_9pfs[Solanum.repl] - Netjoin gained users: ChanServJun 22 18:15
NoisytootIt is possible to disable those annoying join/part/quit/netsplit messages but _9pfs isn't hereJun 22 18:20
*oarion7 (~anonymous@user/oarion7) has joined #techrightsJun 22 18:25
AdmFubar 22 18:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blockchains Vulnerable To Tampering, a DARPA Analysis Finds - SlashdotJun 22 18:27
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 22 18:30
MinceRgood to knowJun 22 18:36
MinceR 22 18:42
*matey (~matey@vrjpn3w7kihz4.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 18:46
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 18:59
*SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 19:02
*SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@tmxva75vz7vgk.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:05
techrights-newsHow is this connected to SUSE? 22 19:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Hack the Planet with a Scholarship from Redpanda | SUSE CommunitiesJun 22 19:07
techrights-newsVideo Editors on Ubuntu, FLOSS Alternatives to Premiere and Movie Maker • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Video Editors on Ubuntu, FLOSS Alternatives to Premiere and Movie Maker | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:10
techrights-newsAll-in on PipeWire for openSUSE Tumbleweed • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | All-in on PipeWire for openSUSE Tumbleweed | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:10
techrights-news"This brings me to how Twitch in particular will or won’t get by. Over the last year or so, it has become obvious that their corporate overlords at Amazon want Twitch to get serious about making a profit." gemini:// 22 19:11
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:14
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] - abcde (~abcd@freenode-rkb.o2r.hcbs0g.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 19:14
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 22 19:14
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:14
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`, MemoServJun 22 19:14
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pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`, MemoServJun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Freenode] <abcde> [Net] <@abcd> [Freenode] - abcde (~abcd@freenode-rkb.o2r.hcbs0g.IP) has joined ##techrightsJun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - MemoServ ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: MemoServ, ijkl`Jun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netjoin gained users: ijkl`, MemoServJun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:15
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: ijkl`, MemoServJun 22 19:15
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pylink-_9pfs[Net] - ijkl` has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 22 19:16
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: MemoServJun 22 19:16
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - MemoServ ( has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:16
pylink-_9pfs[Net] - Netsplit lost users: MemoServJun 22 19:16
*schestowitz has kicked pylink-_9pfs from #techrights (User terminated!)Jun 22 19:16
techrights-newsImagination unveils IMG RTXM-2200 32-bit RISC-V real-time "Catapult" CPU • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Imagination unveils IMG RTXM-2200 32-bit RISC-V real-time "Catapult" CPU | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:16
techrights-news"The website is a site you’ve probably visited even if it feels like a vague memory today. It is Google’s first attempt at a social network, and one that became a success largely by chance; it started with modest goals and grew pretty quickly, although it never reached Facebook scale." 22 19:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Social Networks That Didn’t Make ItJun 22 19:19
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 19:19
techrights-newsLinux and Linux Foundation • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux and Linux Foundation | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:20
techrights-newsRed Hat Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:20
NoisytootIf you want a properly configured bridge to pissnet that does not cause botloops, announce every join/part/quit/netsplit, or constantly flood itself off because of the botloops, I can set one up.Jun 22 19:20
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 22 19:21
*matey (~matey@5jestfafp7v7y.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:21
techrights-news"Human Rights Watch studied 164 software programs and web sites recommended by various governments for schools to make students use. It found that 146 of them gave data to advertising and tracking companies." 22 19:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Article by Richard Stallman: Many Governments Encourage Schools to Let Companies Snoop on Students | TechrightsJun 22 19:21
techrights-newsHow To Install The Etherpad Collaborative Note-Taking Platform On Linux 22 19:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to install the Etherpad collaborative note-taking platform on Linux - News UpdateJun 22 19:22
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:23
schestowitzNoisytoot: no needJun 22 19:26
schestowitzI don't know the person who set that one upJun 22 19:26
schestowitzand did not ask for itJun 22 19:26
schestowitzI even said make it less verboseJun 22 19:26
mateylearning by trial and errorJun 22 19:27
mateyof course...Jun 22 19:27
mateyyou know, they DO HAVE test channels for thatJun 22 19:27
mateywatchJun 22 19:27
matey /join #testmyannoyingbotJun 22 19:27
mateyits all good, but you do wonder sometimesJun 22 19:28
matey"like youre any better"Jun 22 19:28
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2bk8utmbqk6aq.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:28
mateyyeah, well [bot] gabrbled nonsense 'ra'dndom;ascII'... blah blah blahJun 22 19:28
techrights-news"This article is intended to help Oracle Linux users get a basic understanding of Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) and it’s commands and architecture. PCP will be replacing the legacy tool OSWatcher as Oracle’s recommended tool for diagnosing and tuning Oracle Linux systems." 22 19:28
mateyi mean i thought it was perl sourceJun 22 19:29
DaemonFCI do not feel very good this week. I came home this morning and fell face first into bed and forgot to set my alarm.Jun 22 19:29
techrights-newsKDE-Focused KaOS Linux 2022.06 Is Here with the Latest Plasma 5.25 22 19:30
DaemonFCschestowitz, I guess someone else was mad about going to eviction court.Jun 22 19:31
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 19:31
DaemonFCThey broke out all the windows in their apartment.Jun 22 19:31
techrights-newsTrueNAS 22.02.2 "SCALE" is out 22 19:31
DaemonFC"Oh I don't have to pay you! Here! *crash crash crash crash crash!*Jun 22 19:31
DaemonFCIt's no wonder that if anything does get fixed up between tenants around here it's with the cheapest stuff you can run down to Menards and pick up.Jun 22 19:32
techrights-newsProprietary software 22 19:32
DaemonFCThere's only two kinds of apartments you can rent. Ones where the landlord realizes his tenants are either dealing drugs (and doesn't want to know) or working at McDonalds and "luxury" apartments where they put in new countertops, so that'll be $3,000 a month.Jun 22 19:33
DaemonFCI've had a constant battle with black mold down here.Jun 22 19:34
DaemonFCI bleach it, it goes away, it comes back. THe dehumidifier seems to be really slowing it down.Jun 22 19:34
DaemonFCThose are supposed to be a "temporary" fix until you can get to the source of the humidity. It's already pretty dank down here because it's a basement with crappy airflow.Jun 22 19:36
DaemonFCBut then I had to tape over the ventilator fan in the bathroom to prevent pot and nasty cigarettes from coming in from the neighbors. There's no way to prove which neighbors are doing it, but I think it's the lady over in 100 because I smelled a ton of weed in the air near her door the other day. Then again, everyone here except us smokes weed.Jun 22 19:37
techrights-news>Linux Lite 6.0 Based On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Released 22 19:37
DaemonFCI made the mistake of coming home too late last night so the only spaces left were where the birds shit on your car, or further in, where it's almost impossible to back up without hitting someone.Jun 22 19:38
techrights-newsHow to properly adopt and manage Kubernetes in production 22 19:38
DaemonFCThere's really not much room to move around in this region of the country and I had a few 2-3 mph mishaps where it didn't damage anything so oh well.Jun 22 19:38
DaemonFCBut not with the Buick. I have some sort of radar in there that assists with parking and backing up. It dings at you angrily if you get too close to something.Jun 22 19:39
DaemonFCFenders and bumpers have a hard life around here.Jun 22 19:39
DaemonFCI don't get it. This place went in back in 1977. People still drove cars that were like 1.7 of the Buick.Jun 22 19:40
DaemonFCHow did THEY get in and out?Jun 22 19:40
MinceR 22 19:43
psydroid2lolJun 22 19:43
techrights-newsTrueNAS SCALE adds SMB Clustering and HA in 2nd Major Update • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:43
psydroid2what exactly is LinkedIn?Jun 22 19:43
psydroid2 22 19:43
techrights-newsServer: InLong and Kubernetes • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:44
psydroid2that looks more like the garbage on the Mozilla blogJun 22 19:44
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:44
techrights-newsToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:44
MinceRMICROS~1's attempt to get and hoard more private data after Monkey Boy threw chairs over not managing to hoard as much private data as gulag did and after allying with faecesbook to try and make up for itJun 22 19:45
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ju4kayhrhsm6a.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 19:45
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77Jun 22 19:45
techrights-newsDavid REVOY: Two signing session this week: Paris and Amiens is he that famous?Jun 22 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Two signing session this week: Paris and Amiens - David RevoyJun 22 19:47
MinceRwho caresJun 22 19:47
techrights-news[PATCH v2 00/12] powerpc: Nintendo Wii U support - Ash Logan ⚓ ䷉ Source: heyquarkJun 22 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [PATCH v2 00/12] powerpc: Nintendo Wii U support - Ash LoganJun 22 19:47
psydroid2who the fuck is David?Jun 22 19:48
psydroid2Alice's neighbour?Jun 22 19:48
techrights-newsVKD3D 1.4 Released 22 19:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Git - vkd3d.git/commitJun 22 19:53
techrights-newsSecurity Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:57
techrights-newsXnView - Small, feisty and powerful • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | XnView - Small, feisty and powerful | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:57
techrights-newsVideos: #HowTo install Manjaro 21.3.0 and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Compared to Fedora 36 • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 19:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Videos: How to install Manjaro 21.3.0 and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Compared to Fedora 36 | Tux MachinesJun 22 19:57
XRevan86 "Lawmakers propose incorporating Russia’s National Guard into video games to improve its image"Jun 22 20:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Новая газета. ЕвропаJun 22 20:02
techrights-newsHow I would sell OpenBSD as a salesperson gemini:// 22 20:02
techrights-newsOn Hork-Bajir language gemini:// 22 20:03
techrights-newsLinks 22/06/2022: Flameshot 12.0.0 and KaOS 2022.06 | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 20:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 22/06/2022: Flameshot 12.0.0 and KaOS 2022.06 | TechrightsJun 22 20:23
techrights-newsProgramming/Development • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 20:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming/Development | Tux MachinesJun 22 20:24
matey over not managing to hoard as much private data  <- hes stupid isnt heJun 22 20:26
mateylets hoard data!Jun 22 20:26
mateylets co-opt a seearch engine that works with tor!Jun 22 20:26
mateylets watch basketball and rub players thighs!Jun 22 20:26
mateypick two ffsJun 22 20:26
schestowitz_TRand I told him to two thighs of two peopleJun 22 20:30
schestowitz_TRthat makes -3someJun 22 20:30
schestowitz_TRballmer, ms ceoJun 22 20:30
schestowitz_TRhow aptJun 22 20:30
schestowitz_TRlook at "microsoft kipman"Jun 22 20:30
schestowitz_TRa company run by pervertsJun 22 20:31
schestowitz_TRtelling us fs need a cocJun 22 20:31
schestowitz_TRand rms is bad for staringJun 22 20:31
*matey has quit (connection closed)Jun 22 20:49
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 20:59
techrights-newsThe Future of the EPO’s Work-to-Rule Industrial Action (Examiners Following the Law Rather Than Unlawful Instructions From Management) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Future of the EPO’s Work-to-Rule Industrial Action (Examiners Following the Law Rather Than Unlawful Instructions From Management) | TechrightsJun 22 21:11
DaemonFCWalmart forgot 2 things on my pickup order and gave me a damaged can.Jun 22 21:11
DaemonFCTheir website issued refunds for all of it though, so there's that.Jun 22 21:11
DaemonFCMandy said they trained people on not picking damaged cans.Jun 22 21:11
DaemonFCThey just throw whatever in there and close the order out, bunch of retards.Jun 22 21:11
DaemonFC$4.29 in damaged and missing merchandise out of a $127 order is not acceptable.Jun 22 21:15
DaemonFCWhen I worked there, we'd get reamed out if our fabric department came in over or under by more than a 1% variance at inventory.Jun 22 21:16
DaemonFCIn addition, they accidentally gave me a couple of items I didn't order, but it doesn't seem like I was billed for, including a bottle of "slightly sweet" iced tea and an extra bottle of garlic powder, I'm assuming instead of the bottle of mustard powder that went missing.Jun 22 21:17
DaemonFCThankfully, I have a little mustard powder left. I guess I'll go in the store tomorrow and pull it myself. Their spice aisle is a complete mess because they have different sizes, brands, organic and non organic.Jun 22 21:18
DaemonFCSo it takes up like 4 times the space that it should, and nothing is ever where it should go.Jun 22 21:18
*phobos has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Jun 22 21:22
techrights-news[Meme] Battistelli the Second (Battistelli II) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 21:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Battistelli the Second (Battistelli II) | TechrightsJun 22 21:24
techrights-news[Meme] Battistelli the Second (Battistelli II) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 21:24
techrights-newsKaOS Linux 2022.06 Released with KDE Plasma 5.25 Desktop and Calamares 3.3 Installer • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 21:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KaOS Linux 2022.06 Released with KDE Plasma 5.25 Desktop and Calamares 3.3 Installer | Tux MachinesJun 22 21:25
techrights-newsToday in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ 22 21:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJun 22 21:25
techrights-ipfs-bot(ℹ) Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini:// and so far today at gemini:// with 3-day aggregate at gemini:// 22 21:30
*mib_2pgu9e (~2d59ad7a@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 21:35
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DaemonFCOh my god I hate carpet.Jun 22 21:45
DaemonFCI've been over this with pet mess shampoo, vinegar water in the shampooer, and now baking soda srubbed into the floor.Jun 22 21:45
MinceR   ( )Jun 22 21:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cyanide & Happiness ( 22 21:45
*mib_w87rcz (~2d59ad7a@q8ban9vyag5t6.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 21:56
*mib_w87rcz has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)Jun 22 21:58
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 22 22:04
techrights-newsAt the EPO, “Bringing Teams Together” or “New Management of Office Space” is Another Step Towards EPO Outsourcing 22 22:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | At the EPO, “Bringing Teams Together” or “New Management of Office Space” is Another Step Towards EPO Outsourcing | TechrightsJun 22 22:04
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsJun 22 22:09
techrights-news⚓ [Meme] Executing the EPC (as in Killing It, Not Following It) | ♾ Gemini address: [Meme] Executing the EPC (as in Killing It, Not Following It)Jun 22 22:17
techrights-newsGemini on ESP32 gemini:// 22 22:17
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 22:18
MinceR(cat) 22 22:19
techrights-newsEPO Management Severely Harms the Health of Staff by Bullying Them | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 22:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EPO Management Severely Harms the Health of Staff by Bullying Them | TechrightsJun 22 22:39
DaemonFCOkay, I left it on for 2 hours and vacuumed it all up.Jun 22 22:54
DaemonFCSeems to smell better over there. We'll see if I keep getting whiffs of cat piss.Jun 22 22:54
DaemonFCEverything I use on it makes it smell better, but it's hard to get it all.Jun 22 22:54
DaemonFCThe enzyme cleaners, the vinegar, now the baking soda.Jun 22 22:55
techrights-news[Meme] Trying to Circumvent the European Patent Convention is Like Playing With Fire | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 22:55
DaemonFCIt's like you can get 98.5% of it but once the cat has done something it's there.Jun 22 22:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Trying to Circumvent the European Patent Convention is Like Playing With Fire | TechrightsJun 22 22:55
DaemonFCMinceR, I'm good with 98-99%. I just don't want the landlord to come over for something or to sign a new lease and go "Fwaaaaah!!!!" as soon as I open the door.Jun 22 22:56
DaemonFC 22 22:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Crypto crash forces miners to sell hundreds of graphics cards during livestreamed auctions - VideoCardz.comJun 22 22:57
DaemonFCDumping graphics cards into the market now.Jun 22 22:57
DaemonFCschestowitz_TR, ^Jun 22 22:57
DaemonFCIt's going to be funny seeing Nvidia choking on all of that oversupply that was puffing them up that's all on the market again now.Jun 22 22:57
techrights-ipfs-bot ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▇▆▆▃▃▄▅▄▅▇▆▆▆▅▆▆▆▇▆▆▇▆▇▆▇▃▇▇▆▅▆▇▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 31.35 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▂▂▁▁▂▃▁▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 4.76▕ swarm size (avg): 0  ⟲Jun 22 22:59
MinceR   ( )Jun 22 23:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cyanide & Happiness ( 22 23:06
techrights-newsEPO Abolishing Workers’ Rights and Creating Second-Class Workers in Direct Violation of the European Patent Convention (EPC) | Techrights ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 23:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EPO Abolishing Workers’ Rights and Creating Second-Class Workers in Direct Violation of the European Patent Convention (EPC) | TechrightsJun 22 23:19
techrights-newsNew tea pot gemini:// 22 23:21
schestowitz_TRDaemonFC: I have no use for theseJun 22 23:21
DaemonFCNeither do I.Jun 22 23:24
DaemonFCThis laptop is plenty fast for retro gaming emulators.Jun 22 23:24
DaemonFCIt can even run Skyrim and Fallout 4, which are both so big you never complete the entire game, even on one character build.Jun 22 23:25
DaemonFCYou go through it again with a different build, you always find things you missed before, or there's an expansion pack you haven't ever gotten around to.Jun 22 23:25
DaemonFCIt takes years just to get through one game, you know, sometimes.Jun 22 23:26
psydruidIt's not just that, electricity costs €0.50 per kWh here nowJun 22 23:26
DaemonFC 22 23:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Asian carp renamed copi, short for copious, meant to encourage eating as means to control invasive species - ABC7 ChicagoJun 22 23:26
DaemonFCYeah, as electric costs skyrocket, and it becomes harder to mine bitcoin, and the central banks tighten, it's a perfect storm.Jun 22 23:27
DaemonFCBitcoin isn't coming back from this.Jun 22 23:27
DaemonFCIf you use too much power, especially at odd hours of the day and night, the power company hands over your information to the police.Jun 22 23:27
DaemonFCThey bust down your door suspecting you of growing marijuana or something.Jun 22 23:28
DaemonFCGetting people who can't afford it hopelessly addicted to drugs and gambling is the state's job!Jun 22 23:29
techrights-newsThe sort of atmosphere that has already led to a ‘suicide wave’ at the EPO is being reproduced by António Campinos (Monopoly Tony) less than 4 years after he came, just like Benoît Battistelli around 2014 22 23:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Future of the EPO’s Work-to-Rule Industrial Action (Examiners Following the Law Rather Than Unlawful Instructions From Management) | TechrightsJun 22 23:29
DaemonFCWhen anyone else does it, it's a crime.Jun 22 23:29
techrights-newsBenoît Battistelli‘s French buddy António Campinos is destroying what’s left of the EPO; as the 50th anniversary approaches it’s not clear if the EPO has any future at all (laws aren’t obeyed and new hires aren’t examiners but a disposable workforce, akin to scabs, that doesn’t meet the requirements explicitly specified in the EPC) 22 23:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Battistelli the Second (Battistelli II) | TechrightsJun 22 23:29
DaemonFCIt's the same with whoremongering.Jun 22 23:29
DaemonFCWhenever prostitution is legal, it's taxed and the state is their pimp.Jun 22 23:30
techrights-newsThe Local Staff Committee Munich (LSC Munich/LSCMN) and Central Staff Committee (CSC) raise awareness of a scheme that may result in only “33% of staff (at best) [having] a permanently allocated desk.” 22 23:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | At the EPO, “Bringing Teams Together” or “New Management of Office Space” is Another Step Towards EPO Outsourcing | TechrightsJun 22 23:30
techrights-newsVichy Battistelli and his French friend have basically killed the EPC, i.e. they committed crimes to turn the EPO into a private bank instead of a patent office; who will hold them accountable and when? 22 23:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Executing the EPC (as in Killing It, Not Following It) | TechrightsJun 22 23:30
techrights-newsEPO management that breaks the law wants the staff to blindly cooperate; failing to achieve full cooperation (in crimes), the managers are increasingly bullying the workers, causing some of them to get ill (in the past this led to a lot of suicides) 22 23:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EPO Management Severely Harms the Health of Staff by Bullying Them | TechrightsJun 22 23:30
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsJun 22 23:33
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 22 23:33
techrights-newsThe EPO‘s repeated violations of the European Patent Convention (EPC) will make António Campinos an asylum seeker like his father, seeking political shelter like Benoît Battistelli, who virtually went into hiding in 2018 (when his diplomatic immunity ended and his EPO crimes, like the Benalla affair, came to light) 22 23:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] Trying to Circumvent the European Patent Convention is Like Playing With Fire | TechrightsJun 22 23:34
techrights-newsThe EPO‘s presidents Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos have demolished any remnant of EPC compliance; this institution must be reobooted immediately and all the managers sacked if not prosecuted 22 23:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EPO Abolishing Workers’ Rights and Creating Second-Class Workers in Direct Violation of the European Patent Convention (EPC) | TechrightsJun 22 23:34

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