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techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): openSUSE finds an elegant solution to x86-64 version support β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 01:09 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): ππΆπΉ ππ’π€π©πͺπ―π¦π΄: Google Android Leftovers β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 01:10 |
techrights[sec] | afk | Mar 10 01:10 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Peek Animated GIF Screen Recorder Discontinued! β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 02:14 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): mesa 22.3.7 β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 02:35 |
techrights-news | Links 09/03/2023: Mesa 22.3.7, Samba 4.18.0, Peek Discontinued | Techrights β | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// | Mar 10 02:38 |
techrights[sec] | otr: "Was it a Finn or migrant Finn?" Probably neiter, it was most likely | Mar 10 04:56 |
techrights[sec] | otr; a perpetrator of islam | Mar 10 04:56 |
techrights-news | Despite the Paid-for (Very Fake) Hype for Microsoft Chatbots, Bing Falls to Lowest Share in Years | Techrights β | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// | Mar 10 05:05 |
techrights[sec] | otr: Looking for an old document at 10+ year old document, it seems that | Mar 10 05:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: the document is gone. It dealt with computer security and the host system | Mar 10 05:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: which used to run GNU/Linux has been crippled with M$. Just grumbling | Mar 10 05:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: but the US Government and its agencies should /not/ be promoting m$ via | Mar 10 05:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: any means and certainly not making their web sites vulnerable with it | Mar 10 05:17 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Internet and Security β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 05:18 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Hobby Balloons β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 05:28 |
techrights[sec] | otr: I have closed the tab, and found it in the history already surprisingly | Mar 10 05:30 |
techrights[sec] | otr: far down the list : | Mar 10 05:30 |
techrights[sec] | seindepth.pdf | Mar 10 05:30 |
techrights[sec] | otr: It's not the best document but there is remarkably little available on | Mar 10 05:30 |
techrights[sec] | otr: the concept | Mar 10 05:30 |
techrights[sec] | otr: x this warrants a response, | Mar 10 05:30 |
techrights[sec] | in the comments there :/ | Mar 10 05:31 |
techrights[sec] | otr: with a link to Andy's post | Mar 10 05:31 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i cannot see a link in the redditson video | Mar 10 05:33 |
schestowitz-pi2 | checked all the comments | Mar 10 05:33 |
schestowitz-pi2 | anyway, he needs "material" | Mar 10 05:33 |
schestowitz-pi2 | finds it in a hive controlled by microsofters | Mar 10 05:33 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i don't comment in sites | Mar 10 05:35 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i thought about doing a video about this later | Mar 10 05:35 |
schestowitz-pi2 | but that would just give platform/more audience to the straw man | Mar 10 05:36 |
schestowitz-pi2 | trolling tactics | Mar 10 05:36 |
schestowitz-pi2 | and it would 'feel' like a waste of time | Mar 10 05:36 |
schestowitz-pi2 | putting out fires started by Redmond's arsonists | Mar 10 05:36 |
techrights[sec] | otr: brody is basically a troll and a slightly pro-M$ troll at that, based | Mar 10 05:40 |
techrights[sec] | otr: on what I have seen in his videos over a longer period | Mar 10 05:40 |
techrights[sec] | otr: The worst part is that he perpetually frames Windows use as normal and | Mar 10 05:40 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and reasonable, when it is neither. | Mar 10 05:40 |
techrights[sec] | otr: Rather than addressing Brody's strawman, a deep dive into Andy's post | Mar 10 05:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: would have the same positive effect without drawing attention to the | Mar 10 05:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: distractions. He whines about compatibility but even though he is | Mar 10 05:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr; reasonably technically proficient, especially for Gen Z, he does what | Mar 10 05:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: they all do and conflates a program with its data format and takes | Mar 10 05:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: it for granted that each program, and each version of each program, | Mar 10 05:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: will be constrained by an undocumented, proprietary, incompatible file | Mar 10 05:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: format | Mar 10 05:57 |
schestowitz-pi2 | having windows ANYWHERE ruins compatibility | Mar 10 05:58 |
schestowitz-pi2 | because it's not standards-basded | Mar 10 05:58 |
schestowitz-pi2 | my 90s laptop had windows 98 | Mar 10 05:58 |
schestowitz-pi2 | all it gave was a lot of troubke | Mar 10 05:58 |
schestowitz-pi2 | like, when trying to make backups of files | Mar 10 05:58 |
schestowitz-pi2 | it would fail for lousy reasons | Mar 10 05:58 |
schestowitz-pi2 | like "bad" file name, iirc | Mar 10 05:58 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i wrote about it in usenet at the time | Mar 10 05:58 |
techrights[sec] | otr: Yes, the whole marketing path of Windows is centered around incompatibilityu | Mar 10 05:58 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and they get away with it by stressing out and burdening the "users" so | Mar 10 05:58 |
techrights[sec] | otr: that most of their work is burned by recovering from the previous "upgrade" | Mar 10 05:58 |
techrights[sec] | otr: or getting ready for the next "upgrade" | Mar 10 05:58 |
techrights[sec] | otr: I have long considered that managers like m$ because it keeps their | Mar 10 06:02 |
techrights[sec] | otr: the employees in perpetual crisis mode and thus easy to control and even | Mar 10 06:02 |
techrights[sec] | otr: herd | Mar 10 06:02 |
schestowitz-pi2 | based on what rianne saw | Mar 10 06:19 |
schestowitz-pi2 | it seems like many public sector job openings are theatre | Mar 10 06:19 |
schestowitz-pi2 | they already know who to give the job to | Mar 10 06:19 |
schestowitz-pi2 | and knows the candidates | Mar 10 06:19 |
schestowitz-pi2 | give them a token chat | Mar 10 06:19 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i heard from the university that it was commonly done | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | they hire inhouse or from circles | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | but need to advertise the job | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | iow, rigged from start to finish | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | 20 years ago i experienced something like this | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i went all the way to the south for a job interview | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | but later it turned out they had already agreed to hire someone | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | so i said, what's the point having me travel all the way there? | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | my dad was furious when he heard it and started phoning the company | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i did not him to, but aged 20, he was protective | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | and that became a major embarassment to them | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i did receive job offers (that i turtned down/declined) in the "official" channels | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | but i think the ones I got were not through formal interviews | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | glorified "apes" are still apes | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | they don't go by "rules" | Mar 10 06:20 |
schestowitz-pi2 | they go in tribes | Mar 10 06:20 |
techrights[sec] | otr: at UMich it was nearly 100% like that, maybe 99.998% It was usually | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: clear from the job posting who they had made it for, they were usually | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: reasonably sounding and realistic, but also very carefully framed so | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: that one person who they had in mind would be the ideal fit | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: yes it can sound embarrassing. | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: I once got a job without knowing the people involved and it was one | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: of moving furniture. Unfortunately the other two who were hired at | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: the same time never showed up yet billed the hours. I did all the work | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and after some week I had to quit. I wish I had a photo of that rolled | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: up carpet I carried by myself. The manager had reckoned that 3 maybe 4 | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: people would be needed to move it from where it was to where it needed\ | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: to be. He commented that the team had been doing great work, and I | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: pointed out that it had been me alone at each shift. He was probably | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: in big trouble the next week when nothing got done. | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: All the other jobs have been through normal channels: knowing someone | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: However, nowadays I know no one around here so that won't work any more | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and the microsofters, among others, have turned the university into | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: worse than a charade. People pretend to study and people pretend to teach | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and at the end of a time interval the former are granted a piece of paper. | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: there are also those that pretend to research and a small but decreasing | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: number of people that try futily to do real research but they are thwarted | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: at every turn by the managers and their microsofters | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: yes tribes and such | Mar 10 06:21 |
techrights[sec] | otr: around here all jobs are granted to close relatives or at least | Mar 10 06:39 |
techrights[sec] | otr: high school buddies or cousins; competency and skill are *not* part | Mar 10 06:39 |
techrights[sec] | otr: of the system | Mar 10 06:39 |
techrights[sec] | otr: but they are very conscientious about filling in EU paperwork attesting | Mar 10 06:39 |
techrights[sec] | otr; to a lack of corruption :/ | Mar 10 06:39 |
schestowitz-pi2 | head of euipo has just been busted for it | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | friend of campinos | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | but will they tackle epo crime? | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | not likely. | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | cover it up? | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | for sure. | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | like i said, glorified apes | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | iow, tribes, not science | Mar 10 06:41 |
schestowitz-pi2 | even in a PATENT office | Mar 10 06:41 |
techrights[sec] | otr: corruption is spreading of late; it is islamophobic to criticize corruption | Mar 10 06:46 |
techrights[sec] | otr: since it is part and parcel of "bedouin" culture | Mar 10 06:46 |
schestowitz-pi2 | when there is a society rife with corruption | Mar 10 06:47 |
schestowitz-pi2 | it beomes a rewarding experience (but not job, not a business) exposing the corruption | Mar 10 06:47 |
schestowitz-pi2 | in fact, you have little 'competition' | Mar 10 06:47 |
schestowitz-pi2 | except for me and lunduke, who speaks out against LF corruption | Mar 10 06:47 |
schestowitz-pi2 | who in general speaks about OSI and FSFE | Mar 10 06:47 |
schestowitz-pi2 | ok, pocock does too, to some extent.. | Mar 10 06:48 |
schestowitz-pi2 | the non-corrupt can do a 200-part series about a company | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | or 6000-part series about a large org with dissenting insiders | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | uni researchers can also be frauds | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | they milk "students" (usually postgrads), which they bribe with pieces of accredited and glorified | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | stacks of papers | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | of one glorified sheet of paper | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | work for nothing | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | add name as author | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | for having a one-hour meeting per week | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | to "mentor' or "advise" | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | but do none of the actual worek | Mar 10 06:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i had one uni boss who worked for gulag at the same time | Mar 10 06:55 |
schestowitz-pi2 | the unis tolerate this because those same companies bribe the faculties | Mar 10 06:55 |
schestowitz-pi2 | sso it becomes like marketing, microsoft reseach with unpaid intern/slaves | Mar 10 06:55 |
schestowitz-pi2 | aka "students" | Mar 10 06:55 |
techrights[sec] | otr: very few non-corrupt these days | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: back to the researchers above, most do most of their work out of hours | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and on their own equipment because of the microsoftianism and politics | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: making office hour and office equipmenrt useless. | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: at UMich many of the engineering faculty members, especially | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: mechanical engineering, took full-time salaries from both | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: the University and an autocompany | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: they would "advise" hundreds of students concurrently while not even | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr; maintaining a physicial presence on campus | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: Microsoft "research" is just marketing: throw some money with lots of | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: strings attached at a starving grad student in exchange for getting | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: "Microsoft Research" added to the credits while doing not just no work | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights[sec] | otr: but impairing work by requiring use of m$ products in the work place | Mar 10 06:57 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Software: Samba 4.18.0, MAAS 3.3, and LibreOffice β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 06:58 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): KDE: Akademy, Wayland, and KDE PIM β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 06:59 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Red Hat Leftovers β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 06:59 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Arduino Projects β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 06:59 |
schestowitz-pi2 | OTR: i keep remnding rianne something will come our way, but she does nor fancy | Mar 10 07:02 |
schestowitz-pi2 | being "passive", so she is looking (and seeing a rigged process) | Mar 10 07:02 |
schestowitz-pi2 | we have enough savings to last 10+ years | Mar 10 07:02 |
schestowitz-pi2 | then maybe inheritance | Mar 10 07:02 |
schestowitz-pi2 | when my dad was my age he got a lot in inheritance becase his mom died | Mar 10 07:02 |
techrights[sec] | otr: that seems like a good approach, even if just as an end in itself | Mar 10 07:03 |
techrights[sec] | otr: more bytedance propaganda: | Mar 10 07:22 |
techrights[sec] | otr: quality is *far* more important than quantity | Mar 10 07:22 |
techrights[sec] | otr: x | Mar 10 07:34 |
techrights[sec] | 4693772/ | Mar 10 07:34 |
techrights[sec] | otr: it seems that /all/ the newspapers and magazines are promoting the fuck out | Mar 10 07:34 |
techrights[sec] | otr: of tiktok at the moment; who has that much control over them? | Mar 10 07:34 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and why? | Mar 10 07:34 |
schestowitz-pi2 | in my feeds only one feed habitually spams tiktok | Mar 10 07:36 |
schestowitz-pi2 | it's that music/copyright site | Mar 10 07:36 |
schestowitz-pi2 | i forgot its name | Mar 10 07:36 |
schestowitz-pi2 | the rest are all negatyive stories | Mar 10 07:36 |
techrights[sec] | biab | Mar 10 07:37 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): ππΆπΉ ππ’π€π©πͺπ―π¦π΄: Google Android Leftovers β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 07:58 |
techrights[sec] | biab | Mar 10 08:15 |
techrights[sec] | back | Mar 10 08:15 |
techrights[sec] | right now all the non-feed sites seem to be pushing the same pro-tiktok message | Mar 10 08:15 |
techrights[sec] | it's very similar to the style in which facebook was promoted years ago | Mar 10 08:15 |
techrights[sec] | when it was on the verge of vanishing | Mar 10 08:15 |
techrights[sec] | or falling out of favor | Mar 10 08:15 |
techrights-news | Sirius engaged in embezzlement. Class action lawsuit likely, though the company is in hiding. Staff that actively oversaw and participated in the embezzlement if criminally liable, even if leaving the company later | Mar 10 08:23 |
techrights-news | IRC Proceedings: Thursday, March 09, 2023 | Techrights β | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// | Mar 10 08:28 |
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) | Mar 10 08:33 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@4kb9ji7tv5hkk.irc) has joined #tuxmachines | Mar 10 08:33 | |
techrights[sec] | ` | Mar 10 09:26 |
techrights[sec] | What remains on porting tm-old to tm-new? | Mar 10 09:26 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Games: Steam Debacle (Free Software Uploaded and Sold), Epic, Transport Fever 2, and More β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 10:06 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Open Hardware/Modding: C720, BeaglePlay, and Raspberry Pi β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 10:07 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Today's ππΆπΉ ππ’π€π©πͺπ―π¦π΄ HowTos β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 10:10 |
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed) | Mar 10 10:16 | |
techrights-news | Links 10/03/2023: Release of MAAS 3.3 and Chaos at EUIPO/EPO (Connected to Abuses) | Techrights β | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// | Mar 10 11:06 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): ππΆπΉ ππ’π€π©πͺπ―π¦π΄ Programming Leftovers β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 11:07 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Linux in the Ham Shack (LHS), Unix, OpenSSH, and Losing Signal β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 11:08 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): siduction 2022.1.1 βMasters of Warβ Arrives with Linux Kernel 6.2 and KDE Plasma 5.27 β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 11:22 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Today in Techrights β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 11:23 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): STMicro introduces cost-optimized STM32MP13 Cortex-A7 microprocessor β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 11:54 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): ππΆπΉ ππ’π€π©πͺπ―π¦π΄: Google Android Leftovers β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 12:12 |
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@cbcfptirpkfqa.irc) has joined #tuxmachines | Mar 10 12:32 | |
techrights[sec] | otr: somewhat warmer today but windier | Mar 10 12:46 |
techrights[sec] | otr: x | Mar 10 13:09 |
techrights[sec] | otr: even the NYT is pushing bytedance | Mar 10 13:09 |
schestowitz-pi2 | filed uner "style" | Mar 10 13:10 |
schestowitz-pi2 | WTF is that?? | Mar 10 13:10 |
techrights[sec] | biab\ | Mar 10 13:47 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): New Videos: Krita and More β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 13:59 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Slimbook Titan, Kubuntu, installation, hybrid graphics β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 13:59 |
techrights-news | Links 10/03/2023: New siduction | Techrights β | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// | Mar 10 14:13 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Machine Learning in Linux: Upscayl β image upscaler β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 14:14 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Red Hat Leftovers β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 14:14 |
techrights[sec] | back | Mar 10 14:18 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): RP2040 and Raspberry Pi Projects β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 14:24 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Free Software: Patient Satisfaction, Healthcare, and FOSS Weekly β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 14:25 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Today's ππΆπΉ ππ’π€π©πͺπ―π¦π΄ HowTos and leftovers β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 14:26 |
techrights[sec] | Excellent! | Mar 10 15:32 |
techrights[sec] | otr: I may try to print out a draft of my book next week or the week after | Mar 10 15:33 |
techrights[sec] | otr: some of the titles of the spam I am afflicted with on one account | Mar 10 15:46 |
techrights[sec] | otr: has the topic of seminars / conferences / trainging for laying off | Mar 10 15:46 |
techrights[sec] | otr: employees | Mar 10 15:46 |
schestowitz-pi2 | now is a good time to brush up your "laying off" SKILLS | Mar 10 15:46 |
schestowitz-pi2 | after successful bankruptcy 101 | Mar 10 15:46 |
techrights-news | Sirius βOpen Sourceβ Pensiongate: A Long Story Merits Many Videos | Techrights β | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// | Mar 10 15:48 |
techrights[sec] | otr: a "successful" bankruptcy as (really) taught in business school | Mar 10 15:53 |
schestowitz-pi2 | don't forget to register the business with some accountant, so the bailiff doesn't | Mar 10 15:54 |
schestowitz-pi2 | know where to serve legal papers ;-) | Mar 10 15:54 |
schestowitz-pi2 | and people cannot redeem stolen money | Mar 10 15:54 |
techrights[sec] | otr: I'm certain those tricks are also covered in business school for MBAs | Mar 10 15:54 |
techrights[sec] | ' | Mar 10 15:54 |
schestowitz-pi2 | They can save companies a lot of money! | Mar 10 15:55 |
schestowitz-pi2 | that's what's important | Mar 10 15:55 |
schestowitz-pi2 | made sure you cannot be sued after the crime | Mar 10 15:55 |
techrights[sec] | otr: nope, they cost companies money, but the MBAs gain at least in the short | Mar 10 15:55 |
techrights[sec] | otr: term by thoroughly looting the company coffers | Mar 10 15:55 |
techrights[sec] | otr; the way it seems to work, at least in the tech sector, is that programmers | Mar 10 16:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: and such build up a company then it gets infected with MBAs and continues | Mar 10 16:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: to grow for a while afterwards despite that; then the MBAs start to bleed | Mar 10 16:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: the company dry and profit personally at the cost of the company's decline | Mar 10 16:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: then they shut it down under a bankruptcy and give themselves a massive | Mar 10 16:17 |
techrights[sec] | otr: bonus for job well done out of the sales of the remaining assets | Mar 10 16:17 |
techrights-news | EPO Weaponises International Womenβs Day to Cover Up Its Attacks on Women | Techrights β | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// | Mar 10 16:39 |
techrights[sec] | back in some hours | Mar 10 16:40 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Bodhi Linux 7.0.0 Alpha is Out for Testing β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 17:12 |
techrights-news | β² πΏππ πΈπππππππ ⨦ (NEW): Job Hunting Experience β¨ | βΎ Gemini address: gemini:// β | Mar 10 17:13 |
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed) | Mar 10 19:39 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@fs5szwspnkxvq.irc) has joined #tuxmachines | Mar 10 23:54 |
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