Sirius Open Source

Sirius Open Source (SIRIUS OPEN SOURCE LTD, company number 11014042) is introduced and explained in a series that chronicles its transition
from hero to zero. The company is not likely to last long, so the reasons for its fall need to be properly documented and lessons hopefully learned by other companies. There is also a page that covers
Crimes of Sirius Open Source as it became rather long in its own right.

The sections and articles below are split accordingly, usually in no particular order except chronologically.
Departure Message
Sirius Open Source is No Longer Open Source and It’s Simply Unethical to Stay There
The Company Where I've Worked for Nearly 12 Years Went Rogue and Earlier This Year I Decided to Leave (personal site)
Entering Phase Two of Life
The Collapse of Sirius in a Nutshell: How to Identify the Symptoms and Decide When to Leave
Summary of the Issues at Sirius Open Source (personal site)
Sirius Finished
Sirius Over, But Where Have the Pensions Gone? (personal site)
Company Timeline
Immoral Clientele
The Morality of Your Clients and Suppliers Should Matter (It No Longer Matters in Sirius 'Open Source')
Resigning Was the Belated and Necessary Moral Choice (personal site)
Month in Review
A December Series About the Demise of Sirius 'Open Source'
Conflicts Inside Sirius Open Source (personal site)
Misleading Name
Dishonest Companies Disguised as 'Open Source' (After Abandoning It)
A Fake Company of Fake Size (personal site)]
When a Company Simply Refuses to Talk to Technical and Exerienced Staff Through Internal Avenues
Sirius Open Source Operating in the Dark (personal site)
De Facto Gag Orders
Sirius Not-So-‘Open Source’: Cannot Talk to Colleagues, Cannot Speak About Work
Lies at Sirius Open Source (personal site)
Legal Breaches
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Failing at the Most Basic Employment Regulations
When It Comes to Payslips, Sirius ‘Open Source’ Broke Labour Regulations (personal site)
Financial Woes
Sirius ‘Open Source’ and the Money Missing From the Pension
Sirius Corporation Threatened With Fines and Penalties for Pension Issues (personal site)
Cannot Trust Anything Management at Sirius ‘Open Source’ Ever Says
When Colleagues Lie to Clients (Sirius Corporation) (personal site)
Security First? Not a Chance!
Security Problems at Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Selling Everything Away
Turning a Company With an Office Into Merely an Account in Another Country
Almost Nothing Left of Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Underpaid Workers
Sirius Open Source or Foxconn? Can't Speak, Can't Ask for Rights and Better Pay (Salary Lowered Every Year, Some Payments Missed).
Sirius Open Source and Its Money Problem (personal site)
Inflation at 0%
Oppressing and Grossly Underpaying Sirius Staff (Not the ‘Open Source’ Spirit, or Is It?)
‘Open Source’ Does Not Mean Pay Minimum Wage (personal site)
Pressure to Lie
Won't Work for Liars Anymore (Enough is Enough)
Don't Work for Companies That 'Normalise' Dishonesty (personal site)
Brain Drain
Sirius Could Not 'Manage' Its Way Out of Disaster; Instead It Bullied and Drove Away Important Staff
Sirius Drove Out the Staff (personal site)
Financial Sink
Financial State of Sirius ‘Open Source’ Has Not Been Good for Years
Sirius Open Source Probably Insolvent (personal site)
Unqualified Management
Sirius ‘Open Source’: Where Babysitters and Secretaries/Personal Assistants Can Miraculously Become Managers (and Fail at It Really Badly)
When Your Boss is Literally a Babysitter (personal site)
Shell Companies
This Shell Game Gives 'Open Source' a Bad Name (personal site)
There Are Now at Least Three ‘Shell Companies’ for Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Ignoring Security Breaches
Employers Should Not Berate and Blackmail Staff Into Abandoning Security and Privacy
How Sirius Open Source Turned From a Company Into Just an Account (personal site)
Aggression Against Staff's Rights
Human Resources (HR) as Pretext and Weapon Against Staff
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Self-Nuked With an External Human Resources (HR) Firm (personal site)
Lying About History
Sirius Open Source Based on a Lie (Told by Its Fake Non-Founder)
Sirius Originally Registered in Greater Manchester (personal site)
Microsoft's LinkedIn Spreading Disinformation (Revisionism) About History of Sirius 'Open Source'
Sirius Weaponised Wikipedia to Perpetuate Lies/Revisionism About Itself
Data Breaches Impacting Clients
LastPassing the Liability During Holidays
LastPass Data Breach a Last Straw for Sirius 'Open Source' (personal site)
Truth Isn't an Option
When Dishonesty Becomes Mandatory and Cover-up Obligatory
Sirius Open Source Compels Staff to Lie (personal site)
More Shell Games?
Sirius Corporation's Annual Report and Unaudited Financial Statements Released a Day Before Christmas Eve
Sirius Corporation and Debt-Dodging or Liability Evasion (personal site)
Surveillance Outside Work
Frivolous Harassment and Surveillance Instead of Serving Clients
Muck-raking by Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Kakistocracy in Chief
When Companies Are Kinship Cliques That Refuse to Listen to Technical Staff
Sirius Corporation: A 'Tech' Company Run by Non-Technical People (personal site)
Unpaid Bills
Symptoms of an Impending Bankruptcy?
Sirius Implosion: The Signs Are There Already (personal site)
Abandoning Reality
When Lies Prevail It's Time to Leave the Company
Lying as Cultural Norm at Sirius Open Source (personal site)
Staff Has No Rights
Sirius Open Source Uses ‘Privacy’ as a Weapon Against Truth-tellers (Can’t Speak Outside Work, Always Hush-Hush)
Staff Without Rights, Staff Without a Voice (personal site)
Dividing the Staff
When Talking About Wrongdoing is Considered Impressible
Is Truth/Honesty Worse Than Wrongdoing? (personal site)
Company's Mission Abandoned
When You Realise That Your Employer Not Only Abandons Free Software But is Also Becoming Truly Dodgy (and Starts Taking Money From Bill Gates Under a Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Sirius Corporation Was Never the Same After Bill Gates Gave Money to the Boss Through a Newly-Created Shell in the US (First Client, Deal Signed Under a Non-Disclosure Agreement!) (personal site)
Hopping Between Shells
Sirius Open Source Inc. Can't Handle the Truth
The Shell Game of Sirius Open Source Inc.
A Decent Start
The Fall of Sirius Open Source: How a Leader and FSF Sponsor (for Multiple Years) Became an Abject Failure
Sirius Open Source Explained (personal site)
Supporting Community
Sirius 'Open Source' When It Actually Understood and Respected Software Freedom
The Old Sirius 'Open Source' Was a Patron (Sponsor) of KDE and FSF (personal site)
Attacking the Messengers
Sirius Open Source: The Home of Stress and Bullying by Management
Chronic Abuse in Sirius Open Source Ltd. (personal site)
Attacking Disabled People
That Time Sirius 'Open Source' Fired a Blind Lady While Gagging Sympathetic Staff
Sirius Open Source Has Long Been Blind to Criticism (personal site)
Ignoring the Law
Sirius ‘Open Source’: When the Company Stops Paying Your Pension and You Don't Know Until the Pension Provider Keeps Sending Physical Post to Alert You
Pension Blunders at Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Code of Conduct-Like Culture at Sirius ‘Open Source’ (Managers Never Held Accountable for Anything, Other Staff Blamed for Management's Failures)
Managing or Bullying Staff at Sirius ‘Open Source'? (personal site)
Lack of Principles and a Lack of Honesty at Sirius ‘Open Source’ (Which Was Gradually Moving Away From Open Source)
Sirius Corporation's Openwashing (personal site)
Security Never a Priority
Sirius Open SORES: There's a Lot More to Security and Privacy Than Namedropping (e.g. 'ISO' and 'GDPR')
Patching My Work PC (at Sirius Open Source) ‘Absolutely Unacceptable’? (personal site)
No Sovereignty
Sirius Open Source: Secure Only 'on Paper'
Pay Sirius Coporation, Get GAFAM Instead (personal site)
Systems Gone Away
Sirius 'Open Source' Moved From Hosting Its Own (and Sometimes Clients') Servers to Outsourcing to Another Country, Sometimes With Proprietary Software
When Your Company is Outsourcing Almost Everything (personal site)
Same Salary in 2022 as in 2011
The Time Sirius Didn’t Cover Expenses for Journeys
Sirius Open Source Isn't Sirius About Paying a Living Wage (personal site)
Workers Bear All the Costs
Sirius Open Source: Buy Your Own Desk, Bring/Buy Your Own Device (BYOD), Repair and Maintain Your Computer at Your Own Expense and Time
Sirius Open Source Passes All Costs to Staff, No Salary Increase in 12 Years (personal site)
Dishonesty and Cover-up at the Top
Sirius ‘Open Source’: Lying to Its Own Clients and Failing to Meet SLAs
Lying to Paying Clients, Not Just to Staff (personal site)
Lazy Management
Sirius ‘Open Source’: Managers Who Stalk the Staff All Day Long (Even Outside Work!) Instead of Managing Clients' Projects and Doing Their Real Job
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Managers Sitting on Their Hands While Moaning About Workers (personal site)
Abuse Towards Staff
Sirius Open Source: The Brain Drain Begins
Sirius Open Source: The Brain Drain Started Years Ago (personal site)
Very Deep in Debt
Sirius ‘Open Source’: Dire Financial State, Always Shooting the Messengers
Sirius Open Source Sinking in Debt (personal site)
Witch-hunts by Managers
Sirius ‘Open Source’: Grievance Letters and Complaints About Bullying by Management (2019)
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Bullies Geeks (personal site)
Health Toll
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Bad for People's Health
Staff Suffered Health Problems Due to Bullying by Management at Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Security Breaches Upstream, Too
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Outsourcing Confidential Information to Spying Companies in Another Continent
In Sirius Open Source You Get Told Off — and Even Threatened! — for Minding Security and Privacy (personal site)
Intolerance of Criticism
The Demolition Person at Sirius ‘Open Source’
Big Egos Ruin Small Company (personal site)
Culture of Exploitation
Sirius a One-Way Relationship (or a Three-Way Relationship at the Top)
Exploiting and Attacking the Messengers (personal site)
Circling Down the Drain
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Run Like a Failing Donald Trump Enterprise (in Debt and Faking It)
Too Late to Save Sirius Open Source (personal site)
Aftermath of Security Breaches
LastPass Breach and More Collaterals, Beyond LastPass: How Sirius 'Open Source' Causes Security *[Headaches/Breaches for Clients (Without Even Telling Them!)
The Massive LastPass Breach Vindicates Me (personal site)
False Accusations, Framing People
Short-Term CEO at Sirius ‘Open Source’ Pretending to be Private Investigator, Falsely Accusing People in a Vindictive Fashion
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Stalking Staff Outside of Work (personal site)
Fit-up and Cover-up
Witch-hunts Backfiring: Koala Charities Leveraged by Sirius ‘Open Source’ as a Weapon Against the Innocent (When Koalas Die in Wildfires)
The Fit-up Job at Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Breaking Laws
Corporate Bullying Disguised as Mannerism and Professionalism
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Disregards the Rule of Law and Human Rights (personal site)
No Hiring Process
Tribalism at Sirius ‘Open Source’
A Toxic Company of Bedroom Politics (personal site)
Lying to Clients
Kangaroo Courts Against Voices of Morality (and of Compliance With Laws) at Sirius ‘Open Source’
Lies as Standard Business Practice (personal site)
Imposters as Leaders
Kakistocracy at Sirius ‘Open Source’: Running the Company Like a 'Hobby', Perpetually and Shamelessly by Hobbyist and Absent 'Management'
A Company That Suffocates Its Staff Like Sarin Gas (personal site)
Passing the Costs to Others
“Successful Bankruptcy”: Management Running the Company… Into the Ground
When Pathological Liars Run a Company (personal site)
Exploiting Uncharted Legal Territories
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Abuses Grey Areas
How Far Can a Company Push Workplace Regulations? (personal site)
Devaluation of the Workforce
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Has Turned Workers Into Serfs/Slaves and Technical Work Into 'Bullshit Jobs'
Isolated and Gagged Workers at Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Pretence of Compliance
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Misleading the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on Security
When ISO Becomes Meaningless Paperwork (personal site)
Summary and Complete Report
Full Report on Sirius ‘Open Source’ Inc./Limited/Corporation
Sirius Open Source Inc. as a Rogue Shell of a Failing Company (personal site)
Attempts to Censor Facts
Bribery or Lies
Sirius Management Either Trying to Bribe Us (for Censorship) or Lying to Us, Thereby Profoundly Damaging the Company
Sirius Bribing, Lying, or Both (in an Effort to Silence Disgruntled Staff) (personal site)
Gagging Former Staff
Sirius Management Has Run Out of Feet to Shoot (It Keeps Getting Worse With Each Redundant Letter Sent to Former Staff)
Sirius Open Source Inc. (US) Against the First Amendment (personal site)
Anatomy of a Corporate Witch-Hunt
A Need to Deflect
When the Employer Becomes an Egoistic Stalker
How an Informal IRC Chat Became 'Evidence', Even When Nobody Was Named (personal site)
Truth Hurts: Colleagues Sleeping With the Support Manager at Sirius Open Source Inc.
When the 'Issue' is People Who Speak About the Real Issue
Shooting the Messenger to Spite the Message (personal site)
Picking Scapegoats
When the Employer Becomes a Liar and a Bully
Picking on the Wife to Hurt a Critic (personal site)
When the Employer Asks for 'Cool-off' After Attacking Innocent Staff (Which Backfires)
The Existential Mistake of Sirius Open Source: Attacking Innocent Workforce (personal site)
When the Employer Starts Acting Like an Obsessive and Jealous Ex-Boyfriend
Stalking of Staff and 'Fisher Price' Letters (personal site)
Manufacturing 'Cases'
When the Employer Conflates a Two-Person Chat Outside Work With a Completely Unrelated Party
Intimidating Spouses to Hurt Company Staff (personal site)
The Original Sin: When the Employer Lies About Clients in Order to Justify a Fishing Expedition and Openly Start a Witch-hunt
Commencing a Witch-hunt Based on False Pretences (personal site)
When the Employer Doesn't Grasp the Simple Fact That Lies Come Back at You (and Lying to Clients or Staff is a Very Bad Idea)
A Culture of False Pretences at Sirius Open Source Inc./Ltd. (personal site)
Stories From the Trenches
Failure to Pay Suppliers
When the Employer Doesn't Pay the Bills, So Customers Suffer Outages/Downtimes, Repeatedly Even
Lying to Clients is Crossing a Line (personal site)
Like Elon Musk at Twitter, Sirius is Passing Financial Liabilities to Suppliers by Not Paying (Sirius Clients Suffer as a Result)
Sirius Open Source Inc. Shuffling Between Credit Cards to Barely Pay Bills (personal site)
Waste of Money, Loss of Control
When the Employer Doesn’t Understand or Grossly Underestimates AWS Capacity Issues (and a Story of Lost E-mail in Clown Computing)
Sirius 'Open Source' Wasting Almost 10,000 Pounds a Year on Hosting (That Could Cost Under 1,000 Pounds) (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source': Let's Waste 50,000+ British Pounds on Amazon 'Clown' Bills Even Though We Already Have Our Very Own Servers and Racks
AWS Has Only Harmed Sirius (Financially at Least) (personal site)
Severance Dodged
How Sirius Fell Deeply Into Debt and Split Itself Up Into Several Shells (Sirius Open Source Ltd., Open Source Inc., Corporation)
Sirius Open Source Ltd. Has Found Excuses to Avoid Paying Severance (personal site)
Bullying and NDAs
Microsoft Management Contacted Sirius Open Source CEO to Complain About My Writings in Techrights Years Before Bill Gates Paid Him
Getting Bullied by Management After Gates Foundation Pays Your Employer (personal site)
What Happened Months Before Seattle Police Sent Almost 3,000 Pages About Its Arrest for Pedophilia at Home of Bill Gates
Meme: We May Never Know What Bill Gates Paid Sirius Boss to Do in 2019 (Under a Strict Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Relatives of Managers, Not Suitably Qualified/Trained Staff
Overt Nepotism at Sirius: Not a New Problem
Sirius Staff: Managers' Relatives Who Don't Even Show Up on Time (Won't Apologise and Won't Get Punished, Either) (personal site)
Nepotism Ruins Otherwise Good Companies, Even Free/Open Source Software Companies
How the 'Family Business' Mindset of Sirius Brought in Unqualified Workers (personal site)
Overt Nepotism at Sirius: A Fish Rots From the Head Down
Sirius Open Source: Company Used to be Run by a Couple (personal site)
Sirius in the Era of 'Husband and Wife' (or CEO and Director)
Sirius Died With the CEO's Marriage (personal site)
Privatised Workforce
When the Employer Asks for Help or Personal Favours Outside Work (and Staff Cannot Politely Decline Because of the Salary)
Family Assistant or Sirius Engineer? Can't Be Both. (personal site)
Favours in the Workplace: Employing Someone and the Strict Boundaries of Contracts
Doing the Boss Favours (personal site)
Dysfunctional 'Justice' System
Distortion of Timelines and Chronic Cover-up at Sirius 'Open Source'
Sirius Blunder: The Phone Does Not Work and There Are No Instructions (personal site)
Arrogant Management Won't Admit Its Mistakes and Sometimes Take the Mistakes Even Further to 'Prove' It Was 'Right' All Along
Bosses That Never Admit Mistakes (personal site)
Comparing Technical Staff to Monkeys and Treating Them as Such
Network Operations Centre Staff Isn’t ‘Monkeys’ (personal site)
When the Employer Doesn’t Value the Staff and the Wishes/Advice From Staff
Employer That Treats Staff Like Idiots (personal site)
Powerless Technical Staff
Sirius and the Straw Man
No Trade Union at Sirius 'Open Source' and No Respect for Unions, Either (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Needed a Staff Union to Save the Company From Abusive, Corrupt Management
At Sirius ‘Open Source’ the Staff Became Voiceless (personal site)
Going Sketchy
How Carbon Accounting Became a Cover for Fast-Languishing Sirius Open Source Ltd.
Sirius 'Open Source' Operating Like Rogue Business (personal site)
Go West or Go Rogue? Sirius is Finished/Broke.
Gates Foundation Flew My Employer to ‘Die’ in America (personal site)
Rogue Contract-Signing
Sirius With Its Likely Illegal Contract-Signing for a Company Worth One Pound
When Sirius Split Into 3 Companies (or Shells) Without Telling Staff (personal site)
Everything Went to **** When Sirius Moved to the Same State as Microsoft (After Bill Gates Had Paid Sirius CEO)
A Deadly Trap of Secret Contracts at Sirius Corporation (personal site)
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Management Lies to All the Technical Staff to Trap Workers in a New Contract a Month Before Creating a Shell in the US for Bill Gates
Likely Illegal Contract-Signing at Sirius Corporation (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Truly Rogue Since 2019 (Deceiving Everyone, Even Its Own Staff)
Lying Became the Norm at Sirius 'Open Source' Incorporated/Limited (personal site)
Hiding the Abuse (Non-Disclosure Agreements)
Example of Sirius Management Abusing Technical Staff That is Ill (Working in Spite of Sickness)
Sirius 'Open Source' Bullying Its Own Staff (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' a Victim of Mismanagement and Sellout
Non-Disclosure Agreements Are Typically Bribes (personal site)
Fake Compliance as a Weapon
The ISO Delusion: How Sirius Picked Collaboration/Communication Tools That Harm Staff, Harm the Company, and Harm Its Clients
Sirius Sends All Its Data to American Firms (Even Clients' Passwords and Private Keys) (personal site)
ISO Reality: The 'Security' Certifications Are Meaningless (Paid-for Papers)
ISO Certificates Are Junk (and Sirius Proves This) (personal site)
Sirius Lying About ISO to Justify Giving the Technical Staff Some Classic 'Bullshit Jobs' While Censoring/Covering Up Incompetence
Misusing 'ISO' to Abuse Your Staff (personal site)
The ISO Train Wreck at Sirius 'Open Source'
How to Buy ISO Certification (It's Easy!) (personal site)
The Inside(r) Story of ISO 'Certification' Mills
International Organization for Standardization is an Elaborate Scam (personal site)
The ISO Delusion: Sirius Open Wash Ltd. and Medical Data/Projects at Risk/Peril
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Certification Does Not Assure Anything (personal site)
ISO Certification Hardly Tackles Any of the Real Issues
ISO Certificates Are Like NFTs (Worthless Junk) (personal site)
A Shift to Proprietary Software
The ISO Delusion: When the Employer Doesn’t Understand the Company's Value Proposition (Building Systems) and Rejects Security
Sirius 'Open Source' Casualty of Mismanagement (personal site)
Companies Would Collapse Upon Abandoning Their Original Goals (That Attracted All the Productive Staff)
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Sabotaged From Within (personal site)
The ISO Delusion: Sirius Corporation Demonstrates a Lack of Understanding of Security and Privacy
Enhanced Worker Surveillance in Security Clothing? (personal site)
Sirius Relegated/Demoted/Destined Itself to Technical Hell by Refusing to Listen to the Technical Staff (Which Wanted to Stay With Asterisk/Free Software)
Sirius Outsourced to Google and Everything Broke (personal site)
The ISO Delusion/Sirius Corporation: A ‘Tech’ Company Run by Non-Technical People
The Time Sirius ‘Open Source’ Forced Staff to Install Microsoft Skype on Personal Devices (personal site)
Microsofters Inside Sirius 'Open Source'
Microsoft Skype is Not Open Source (personal site)
The ISO Delusion: A Stack of Proprietary Junk (Slack) Failing Miserably
Abandoning Free Communication Software to Adopt Proprietary Bossware (personal site)
Not Tolerating Proprietary 'Bossware' in the Workplace (or at Home in Case of Work-From-Home)
A Tale of Bossware-at-Home in Company That Rejected Free Software (personal site)
The ISO Delusion: When the Employer Doesn’t Realise That Outsourcing Clients' Passwords to LassPass After Security Breaches Is a Terrible Idea
Bad Tools Make a Bad Company (personal site)
60 Days of Articles About Sirius 'Open Source' and the Long Road Ahead
Last Part in the Sirius 'Open Source' Series (personal site)
This section is very long and it became separate page,
Crimes of Sirius Open Source.
The Exodus
CEO No More
Sirius 'Open Source' CEO Leaves Sirius
Sirius UK CEO Resigns (or Gets Sacked) and Completely Deletes His Whole Past With Sirius 'Open Source'
CEO of Sirius UK Continues to Purge Any Remnants of His Past With the Company (Trying Hard Not to Associate With It)
Where Did the CEO of Sirius Run Away to Last Month? A No-Content Company With 4,000 Pounds and No Employees.
A Crew of Two or Three
Company reduced to less than a handful of people
Meme: Charlie's Angels Have Probably Left Sirius
Engineers No More
Amid Sirius Exodus (CEO, Engineers, NOC Staff) Salaries Reduced Even Further
NOW: Pensions Trust Administration Team (Top Management) Gets Involved Amid Collapse of Sirius Corporation and Serious Embezzlement (Several Complaints, Several Victims) (personal site)
Nobody to Manage
The Person Who Looks After the Core Infrastructure of Sirius Open Source Has Left the Company
Will Anyone Be Left at Sirius to Turn the Lights Off? Sirius 'Open Source' Manager (Who Doesn't Use Open Source) Has Left the Building. (personal site)
Sinking Ship
Analysing Who's Left at Sirius 'Open Source'
Less Than a Handful Left at Sirius 'Open Source' (personal site)
Last Gasp
New Series: The End of Sirius Open Source
Sirius Open Source is Collapsing (personal site)
Sirius Open Source Cannot Retain Staff and Clients (Many of the Remaining Ones Leave the Company)
Sirius Open Source: Very Little Staff and Clients Are Left Now (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Still Listing as Staff ('Meet the Team') People Who Resigned Almost HALF A DECADE AGO
Upcoming Series: Recruitment Crisis at Sirius and Lying to Applicants
Sirius ‘Open Source’: The Tale of a Company That Loses All the Staff and Cannot Recruit Staff
Sirius 'Open Source' Recruitment is Dead (personal site)
When GNU/Linux Professionals Discover What Sirius 'Open Source' Has Really Become
Nobody Will Want to Work for Sirius ‘Open Source’ Anymore (personal site)
Now It Happens in Canonical
Canonical, a Former Sirius 'Open Source' Client, is Likely Becoming More Like Sirius (Key People Leaving, Too)
Bad Management Ruining Canonical and Sirius 'Open Source' (personal site)
No Reports in Companies House
Sirius 'Open Source' Cannot Confirm Signs of Life?
The Post Mortem
Upcoming Series: How Sirius Attacked Itself (and Its Own Staff)
The Sirius 'Open Source' Fantasy — Part I — In 2022 the Company Was Already Too Deep in Debt
The Plan That Never Materialised (Sirius Corporation in 2022) (personal site)
The Sirius 'Open Source' Fantasy — Part II — Briefings About the Company
The Inside Story of Sirius 'Open Source' Pretending to be American (personal site)
The Sirius 'Open Source' Fantasy — Part III — Staff Input (From Technical Workers) Not Accepted
How Sirius (Mis)Handled a Crisis in 2022 (personal site)
The Sirius 'Open Source' Fantasy — Part IV — Crushing the Workforce Means Crushing the Company
Pretending to be American Company When All the Staff is in the United Kingdom (personal site)
July 2023: Financial Report Grim
Insolvency: Debt of Sirius 'Open Source' Surged by About 20% in One Year (Not Counting Debt in Other Shells), Assets Fell by Nearly Half
SIRIUS OPEN SOURCE LTD Report for 2022 is Out (personal site)
Meme: Sirius UK and Sirius US Shuffling the Debt, Embezzling Workers (Stealing Workers' Pensions)
Memes and Graphics
Meme: Sirius Open Wash Ltd.
SiriUS No More
Meme: Sirius Actually Used to Promote Free/Libre and Open Source Software
Meme: Guilt by Association
Meme: Sirius Corporation: In A League Of Its Own
Meme: Another Month, More on Sirius ‘Open Source’
Immoral Practices
Meme: Job Ethics
Meme: Ultimate Sirius ‘Open Source’ Cover-up
Meme: The Koala Nightmare
Meme: You Can Punch, But the Joke is on You...
Meme: How to Destroy One's Own Company
Meme: It Was Never the Same After Bill Gates Paid the Sirius CEO Under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Cliques, Not Colleagues
Meme: Kings Instead of Open Consultation Among Peers
Meme: Sirius CEO to Staff: Any of You Can Apply for My Position, But I will be the One to Assess the Application
Meme: What’s Worse? Monopoly or Polygamy?
Meme: I Can Has Nepotism? Vouching for Romance.
Meme: The Nepotism Police
Meme: Qualifications Versus Sleeping With Debian Project Leader (or Sirius Manager)
Meme: Problems Will Be Solved When He Returns (Back Home)
"It Came From Above..."
Meme: Denying Security Breaches, Excuses No-one
Meme: Outsourcing to Spying Firms
Meme: Company Data All Over the Place, Footage of Employees Likewise
Meme: Sirius CEO: LastPass is Safe, According to LastPass Itself
Meme: Freedom is ‘Hobbyist’ Anyway
Poor Leadership
Meme: Sirius Open Source, Closed-Minded Bossing
Meme: Sirius Corporation Run by Dummies
Meme: Superheros Don't Need No Stinkin' Updates
Meme: Everyone Must Go
Meme: Dirty Tricks, But No Fix
Meme: Sirius Staff Always at the Bottom
Meme: Sirius Web Site: Rianne Runs Tux Machines. Sirius Stalker (Boss): Rianne Allegedly Runs Tux Machines.
Meme: Sherlock or Einstein Investigates...
Meme: Without Technical Staff There Won't Be Sirius Open Source
Meme: Sirius Management: I Can Do This All Day
Meme: It Wasn't Me
Meme: Listen to Your Workers, Avert Disaster
Meme: With Superheroes Like These…
Chronic Dishonesty
Meme: Never Admit Mistakes
Meme: Almost Nothing Gets Done at the Office (Management Pretending to be Busy)
Meme: What You Call a Person Who Lies a Lot
Meme: Tux Machines is Not a Crime
Meme: Database Down? Check Your Wallet.
Meme: ‘The Liar’ in the Headlines
Meme: Pressuring Staff Into Contract-Signing as Part of a Longstanding Pattern
Meme: Sirius is Not Open Source and Thugs Took Over the Company
Exploitation and Isolation
Meme: Squeezing the Life Out of Technical People
Meme: When Sirius ‘Open Source’ Can No Longer Pay the Staff, So It Starts Fabricating Timelines
Meme: 951,000 Tweets Are Okay, So Let's Dig Into 15 Years' Worth of Informal IRC Logs (in Social Channel, Two-Person Chats)
Meme: Make Sure You Make an Actual Case... Not a Lousy Punchline
Meme: Managers Who Attack Their Own Company, Treating Staff Like Enemies
Meme: When Egotistic People Make Egoistic Companies Staff Becomes Disgruntled
Meme: Stop Getting Ill!
ISOlation and ISO Fakery
Meme: ISO-Approved Bullying?
Meme: ISO Certification for Paying for Certificates on Time
Meme: ISO Selling 'Reputation' to Small Businesses (for a Large Fee)
Meme: Medical Data Sovereignty
Financial Issues
Engineers Are Too Expensive for Sirius 'Open Source'
Meme: Where Did the Money Go?
Meme: Nocturnal NOC Workers Uncompensated
Meme: Cannot Even Do Accounting Properly
Meme: It Doesn't Take an Accountant to...
Meme: Milking Technical People at Sirius ‘Open Source’ for Minuscule Salaries
Meme: When You Start Lying to Clients Because You're Broke
Meme: The AWS Bill is Here
Meme: Sirius Almost Half a Million Behind (2 Years Ago)
Meme: Slush Funds or Pocket Change From Bill Gates (Under NDA)
Disregard for Free Speech
Meme: Sirius Open Source Trying to Censor Factual Articles About Sirius Open Source
Sirius is Lying About a Contract in a Desperate Effort to Censor Factual Publications
Meme: Sirius Management Meeting
Meme: 'Never Miss a Good Chance to Shut up' — Will Rogers
Meme: Fully Allowed to Speak About Injustice
Meme: Punch the Messengers
Meme: Be the Fox
Meme: Cannot Speak to Friends If You Work at Sirius (Spouse Cannot Speak to Friends, Either)
Meme: Truth is Not Defamation
Systems Malfunctioning
Meme: Modern Phones
Meme: Cannot Get a Phone to Work… in 2022
Reality Checks
Web Site Faking Company Size
Sirius 'Open Source' Lists 15 People as Staff, But Only 6 Work in the Company
Sirius 'Open Source' Lists 49 Firms/Organisations as Clients But Only 4 of Them Currently Are
Office Manager in Company Without an Office
Sirius Has Already Had at Least 4 Company Titles/Names
Where Sirius ‘Open Source’ Originally 'Re'(Started) in 2017
When Sirius Misleads Its Clients About Who Works at Sirius the Lies Propagate Further
Lack of Resources
Evidence of Sirius ‘Open Source’ (or Sirius Corporation) Failing to Pay Pensions, Failing to Inform Staff, Not Responding to Staff
Sirius Corporation (Sirius ‘Open Source’) and Dodgy Accounting (personal site)
Social Media
When the Founder of Your Company Supports Donald Trump the Company Ends up Active in Fascist Platforms
Sirius Open Source Run by Bots (and People Unequipped to Do the Job)
Ironically, Sirius ‘Open Source’ Has Become All About Open Source Magic Pixie Dust(™) and Is Rarely Releasing Code
By the Few
At Sirius ‘Open Source’, Decisions Are Made Exclusively and Secretly by the 'Inner Circle' (No Wider Participation Possible)
At Sirius Open Source the Bosses Are Convinced They're Superheroes (But They Make Giant Mistakes)
Creating Shells to Dodge Liabilities
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Looks Like It's Preparing for Insolvency/Administration
Sirius ‘Open Source’/Sirius Corporation: 11 Officer Resignations, Only One Left for the Past 4+ Years
CEO of Sirius 'UK' Uses Accountants as the Address of His Personal Business Too (Not Just Sirius Open Source/Corporation After 3 Address Rotations in Just 5 Weeks!)
Misleading Marketing
Reality Check: Sirius ‘Open Source’ is Not Open Source Anymore (and Most of the Remaining Staff Turns Down Open Source)
How Sirius Open Source Presents Itself in Microsoft's LinkedIn
Microsoft and Bill Gates Intervening
Sirius Open Source Inc. - A New Shell Created When Bill Gates Paid the CEO; Then the Company Immediately Turned Ugly and Hostile Towards Its Own Workers
Meme: 'DrAxe' Targeting People Inside Sirius Open Source