Sirius Open Source broke the law. This page documents and focuses on concrete examples.

This scandal is an actual
crime. But it took time to prove it.
Exploratory Phase
What It First Seemed Like
Sirius 'Open Source' Pensiongate: An Introduction
The Original Sirius ‘Open Source’ Pension Has Suddenly Vanished (personal site)
When the Pension Vanishes
Sirius Open Source Seems to Have Done a Run on the Pension/Bank (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Pensiongate (Sirius Financial Crisis): Company May Have Squandered/Plundered the Pensions of Many People
Pensions Looted or Gone ‘Missing’ (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Pensiongate: Pension Providers That Repeatedly Lie to the Clients and Don't Respond to Messages
Can't Have Your Pension Now (and Don't Even Talk to Us) (personal site)
NOW: Pensions and the Mystery of Fines by the Pensions Regulator
NOW: Pensions, the Pension Provider Chosen by Sirius After the Previous Pension Vanished, Has a History of Breaches (personal site)
NOW: Pensions Lies to Its Customers and Protects Abusers
Is NOW: Pensions a Scam? (personal site)
Amid Fraud at Sirius ‘Open Source’ CEO Deletes His Recent (This Month) Past With the Company
3 Months Late Sirius ‘Open Source’ Finally Deletes Us From the Fraudulent ‘Meet the Team’ Page (But Still Lists Many People Who Left Years Ago!)
CEO of Sirius UK Continues to Purge Any Remnants of His Past With the Company (Trying Hard Not to Associate With It)
Where Did the CEO of Sirius Run Away to Last Month? A No-Content Company With 4,000 Pounds and No Employees.
Breakthrough at Last
Embezzlement Confirmed
Sirius 'Open Source' Pensiongate: It's Beginning to Look Like a Criminal Matter and Sirius is in Serious Trouble
Large Pension Provider in Great Britain Alleges That Sirius Didn't Deposit Workers' Pension Money in the Pension (Sirius Does Not Deny) (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Pensiongate: A Long Story Merits Many Videos
Unearthing Crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
The Sirius Pensions Heist Confirmed by the Pension Provider
Audio: Sirius Never Paid the Pension Provider, Staff Was in Effect Defrauded (personal site)
Lack of Accountability
How Poorly 'Standard Life' Has Dealt With Pension Fraud
Standard Life Making False Promises About Cracking Down on Pension Fraud and Embezzlement (personal site)
An Update on Sirius 'Open Source' Pensiongate: It's Looking Worse Than Ever
Standard Life Has in Effect Legitimised Business Fraud (personal site)
Pension Fraud Investigation Not a High Priority in Standard Life (Phoenix Group Holdings)
Standard Life (Phoenix Group Holdings) Takes No Action on Fraud Report (Committed Using Standard Life's Name) (personal site)
Standard Life Paper Mills in Edinburgh
Standard Life (Phoenix Group Holdings): Three Weeks to Merely Start Investigating Pension Fraud (and Only After Repeated Reminders From the Fraud's Victims)
Standard Life (Phoenix Group Holdings) Does Not Take Pension Fraud Seriously Enough (personal site)
Cautioning NOW: Pensions
NOW: Pensions Lying, Obstructing and Gaslighting Clients After Months of Lies, Delays, and Cover-up (Amid Pension Fraud)
NOW: Pensions Won't Let Me Have My Money, Fails to Apologise for Months of Lying (personal site)
Skyfall for Sirius 'Open Source': A Second Pension Provider Starts to Investigate Serious (Sirius) Abuses
Speaking to NOW: Pensions About a Corrupt Employer (personal site)
Enforcement Phase
Fraud Investigation
Sirius 'Open Source' Under Investigation for Pension Fraud, Several Pension Providers Examine the Facts
Holding Fake Open Source Accountable for Fraud (personal site)
Meme: Sirius 'Open Source' Pensions: Schemes or Scams? Giving a Bad Name to Open Source...
Investigation Underway: Sirius 'Open Source' Embezzled/Stole Money, Robbed Its Own Staff
Investigation of Sirius Open Source Formalised (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Pensiongate: Time to Issue a Warrant of Arrest and Extradite the Fake 'Founder' of Sirius
Police Needs to Intervene in the Sirius 'Open Source' Scandal (personal site)
Meme: Money Deducted in Payslips, But Nothing in Pensions
Pension Providers' Lack of Progress
3 Months to Progress Pension Fraud Investigations in the United Kingdom
NOW: Pensions and Standard Life (Phoenix Group Holdings) Not Progressing Fraud Investigations (personal site)
Meme: Fraud Seems Standard to Standard Life
Former Staff of Sirius Open Source Responds to Revelations About the Company's Crimes
Former Sirius 'Open Source' Staff Shocked to Discover the Company Committed Fraud (personal site)
Meme: Waiting for Standard Life to Deal With Pension Fraud
When Colleagues Become Aware
Sirius is Britain’s Most Respected and Best Established Open Source Business, According to Sirius Itself, So Why Defraud the Staff?
Exposing Sirius Corporation as a Corrupt Corporation (personal site)
Passive Management at Trust Administration Team
NOW: Pensions Has Offered 3 Months of Lies, Even From the Trust Administration Team (John Pattinson)
Can't Believe a Word NOW: Pensions Says (Even the Management of NOW: Pensions) (personal site)
Asking 'NOW: Pensions' for a Very Simple Letter for 3 Months
If This is What Pension Providers Are Truly Like, We're All in Serious Trouble
NOW: Pensions Failing the Victims of Pension Fraud (personal site)
Pension Fraud Covered Up
Standard Life Covers Up Its Role in Pension Fraud, Lies to the Victims
Standard Life Profits From Facilitating Pension Fraud (personal site)
Meme: The Fraud-o-mat
Confidence Issues
Financial Imbalance
15 Officer Resignations at NOW: Pensions LTD in Just Over One Decade (Three Quarters of Officers Have ‘Resigned’)
Pension Provider of Sirius 'Open Source': We'll Probably be Okay for the Next 12 Months
NOW: Pensions Has Concerns About the Future (People's Plans May be Insolvent) (personal site)
Data Breaches
Did NOW: Pensions Adopt Security Malpractices of Sirius 'Open Source'? Servere Breaches The Norm Now?
Severe IT Failure: NOW: Pensions Allowed the Sensitive Personal Details of 30,000 Customers to Leak Out Online (personal site)
Serious Misconduct
Sirius Open Source Moved to NOW: Pensions the Same Year (2016) It 'Failed' to Collect Money
NOW: Pensions and the Missing 18,000,000 Pounds (personal site)
Chronic Lying
Amid Sirius Exodus (CEO, Engineers, NOC Staff) Salaries Reduced Even Further
NOW: Pensions Trust Administration Team (Top Management) Gets Involved Amid Collapse of Sirius Corporation and Serious Embezzlement (Several Complaints, Several Victims) (personal site)
NOW: Pensions Unable to Deliver Letters of Assurance After 3 Months of False Promises From 3 Staff, Including Management
3 Months Later Still No Letters From NOW: Pensions (False Promises, Even From Managers) (personal site)
Stalling Ad Infinitum
Still Waiting: Pension Providers in the UK Stalling for Months After Several Independent Reports of Pension Fraud
NOW: Pensions and Standard Life Cannot Tackle Pension Fraud After 3+ Months (personal site)
Gaslighting People
Pension Schemes Versus Pension Scams: The Curious Cases of the UK’s Large Pension Providers (Not France)
NOW: Pensions Has NOTHING to Say About Lying to Clients (personal site)
Much Pressure Required
NOW: Pensions Finally Sends the Letters It Has Been Promising (in Vain) for Several Months Regarding Fraud at Sirius 'Open Source'
Letter From NOW: Pensions Regarding Misconduct and Theft at Sirius Open Source (personal site)
Facilitation by Rogue Pension Providers
Official Documentation
Photographic Evidence of Standard Life's Involvement in Fraudulent Pensions (Many Victims Affected)
Standard Life Facilitated Fraud Against Free/Libre Software and GNU/Linux Technicians (personal site)
Accounting at Sirius ‘Open Source’ Was Always Extremely Dodgy
After the Accountant of Sirius ‘Open Source’ Left Many Workers Were Secretly Robbed for Many Years (personal site)
Meme: The Smooth Criminals
Legitimising the Scam
The Role of Integrity Financial Management Ltd. in Facilitating Fraud at Sirius 'Open Source'
Meme: Standard Life: We Don't Know Who All Those GNU/Linux Engineers Are (But You Know, Standard Life; We Were All on Your System)
Meme/Facts: Drowning in Marketing Material and Assurances (From Sirius, Standard Life, Integrity Financial Management Ltd.) While Payslips Say We Pay Into a Pension Every Month
Advancing Towards Prosecution, Extradition, Arrest

prime suspects.
Identifying the Ringleaders
The Boss of Sirius 'Open Source' and His Ex-Wife Should be Reunited Inside the Prison Cell
Holding Sirius Corporation Criminally Accountable (personal site)
The Sidekick
Meme: Stole 100,000 Pounds, Gained 100 Pounds
Pursuing Justice
Standing Up for Defrauded Members of Staff (GNU/Linux Engineers) in the Age of Pension Scams
GNU/Linux Engineers Got Robbed by Sirius Open Source Limited (personal site)
Meme: Recruiting to Steal
Meme: Geeks Work So That Pension Fraudsters Can Go Out and Party
Hand-Washing Theatre
Standard Life Tacitly Admits Doing a Sham 'Investigation' Without Bothering to Contact Sirius, Customer Relations Confesses That Manager Lied About Key Dates (Years) Several Times
Standard Life 'Investigated' Sirius Pension Fraud Without Even Collecting Any Evidence or Contacting Sirius (personal site)
"No Comment!"
Accountancy of Sirius 'Open Source' Declines to Comment on Fraud at Sirius 'Open Source'
Sirius ‘Open Source’ Declines to Comment on Fraud at Sirius ‘Open Source’
Reporting Crime at Sirius Open Source (personal site)
More Victims Coming Out of the Woodwork
Victims of bullying, chronic lying, and bald-faced
theft add credibility to everything claimed since the series started.
Exposing Sirius Corruption, Which Tarnished the Image of Free Software and Injured GNU/Linux Advocates
Sirius Open Source Pays the Price for Many Years of Criminal Behaviour (personal site)
The Shady Integrity Financial Management Ltd.
Financial Advisers of Sirius 'Open Source' Decline to Comment on Fraud at Sirius 'Open Source' (Defrauding GNU/Linux Specialists)
Integrity Financial Management Ltd. Also Helped Facilitate Fraud (personal site)
Meme: Scamming and Stealing From Your Staff Using the Name 'Standard Life' and Fixers/Arrangers
Wage Theft
Unpaid Contractors
Classic Example
Sirius 'Friends' Try to SLAPP or Intimidate Victims of the Company, So More Victims of the Company Speak Out
Sirius 'Open Source' Does Not Pay Its Contractors (personal site)
SLAPP Tactics and Gaslighting
No Joking Matter
Meme: Sirius AstroTurfing
Meme: More Money in McDonald's Than in Sirius 'Open Source'
Pretending to be Poor
To the
outside, Sirius management pretended to be very wealthy (luxury cars,
very expensive home, overseas Disney trips), but to the staff the managers pretended to be tight.
Pretending to be Open
Sirius 'Open Source' Unopened: History of Threatening People and Intimidating Critics Was Always a Bad Strategy
Sirius 'Open Source': Secrets, NDAs, Bullying, and Threats (personal site)
Gagging the Victims
'Linux Jobs in the UK' Mailing List Censors Message Cautioning About Fraud in Company That Advertises Job (Sirius 'Open Source')
Police Gets Involved
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part I — Sirius Crimes Reported to British Authorities, Formally Registered With References (Many Victims), Here's What It Means and What Happens Next
Crimes of Sirius Open Source Reported to the Police (personal site)
Meme: Soft on Crime
Action Fraud
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part II — Still No Action From Action Fraud
One Week Later Still No Action by Action Fraud (personal site)
Sirius 'Open Source' Fraud as Treated by the Police (Action Fraud UK)
The Crimes Went Too Far, Police Doesn't Go Far Enough (So Far) (personal site)
Slow Action
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part III — Why Police Action is the Only Option Now
Police Not Responding to Crime Reports From Victims of the Crime (10 Days and Counting) (personal site)
Meme: Plunder With 'Style'
A Fortnight Passes, Police Silence
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part IV — British Prime Minister “Launches Crackdown on Fraud”, So Now Prove It
A Fortnight of Police Inaction Makes It Look like the British Government is on the Side of Serial Fraudsters (personal site)
Meme: Royally Screwed by the System
Vanished (Hidden) Repositories of Cash Likely
Did the CEO prepare a
golden parachute for himself?
Revealed: The Financial Secrets of Sirius 'Open Source' (Do the Former Wives of the CEO Know?)
Sirius Might be Hiding Money Abroad (Deep Debt in the UK) (personal site)
Meme: Mr. Kink, Where Did You All Hide the Stolen Money?
Untouchables or Just Slow Justice?
Sirius had
many clients in the British government, so will they lift the rock above this rattlesnake?
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part V — 20 Days Later, UK ‘Action Fraud’ Shows No Signs of Action
Almost 3 Weeks Since Report Filed With UK ‘Action Fraud’ and Still No Sign of Action (personal site)
Meme: Some People Are Above the Law
Inaction Fraud?
The Slowness of British Police Works to the Advantage of Fraudsters in Hiding (Sirius 'Open Source' Managers)
Over Three Weeks and Action Fraud is Missing in Action (MIA) (personal site)
Four Weeks of Waiting
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part VI — 26 Days Later and Still Inaction/No Action by the Police That Had Endless Resources for Coronation Ceremony
'Action Fraud' Reinforces the Narrative That Says Cops Are Apathetic Towards White-Collar Crimes (personal site)
Priority or Not?
“Britain’s Most Respected and Best Established Open Source Business,” According to Sirius (With Many Government Clients in Its Past), Protected From Prosecution?
Protecting the Rich From Poor People's Crimes, Not Poor People From Rich People's Crimes (personal site)
No Answer
Action Fraud: Nobody to Speak to
Action Fraud: Anybody Home or Just Bots? (personal site)
Good Morning Britain Host Martin Lewis: “Action Fraud is Pointless”
No Action, Either
British Police Refuses to Tackle Fraud That Took Place 100% Inside Britain (Sirius ‘Open Source’)
Action Fraud (British Police) Batch-Processing Cases Without Actually Dealing With Them? (personal site)
Meme: The Sirius 'Open Source' Revolutionary Tax: Quietly Stealing Money From People's Salaries Under the Guise of 'Pension' (That Doesn't Exist)
Stunning New Admission by Police Chief
London Police Chief Publicly Admits the System is Failing Victims
Courtroom as Last Resort (as Sirius is Broke)
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part VIII — Lots More to Come After Police Inaction
The Next Step: Lawsuit Against Sirius or Standard Life? (personal site)
Report for Tax Fraud
The Next Stage Commences
As per advice given to us, we're
also reporting this to the tax authorities.
Sirius Open Source Reported to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for Tax Fraud
How This Relates to the Police Report
There are now
two ongoing cases.
Holding Criminals Accountable — Part VII — Fraud Since 2011 (If Not Earlier) Merits Criminal Prosecution
Getting Sirius Managers Arrested Before They Dismantle the Company and Vanish (personal site)
Meme: A Racket in 'Open Source' Clothing
One Week With Neither Feedback Nor Visible Progress
One Week After Sirius Open Source Was Reported to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for Tax Fraud: No Response, No Action, Nothing...
His Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or HMRC, Just a Web Site for the Peasants (Not Even a Reference Number Given When Fraud Reported) (personal site)
HMRC: You Can Click and Type to Report Crime, But No Feedback or Reference Number Given
HMRC Fraud Reporting Tool Does Not Protect Privacy and Reporters Are Left With Neither Feedback Nor 'Receipt' (personal site)
Consequences Elsewhere?
Working Conditions at EPO Deteriorate and Staff Inquires About Pension Rights (EPO Staff Explores Taking Pension Money Away From the UK)]
Meme: Makes No Sense for EPO (Now Connected to the EU) and Staff Pensions to be Tied to the UK After Brexit
HMRC: A Fortnight of Deafening Silence

As an associate explained to us: ''"It's quite possible and perhaps even likely that the HMRC inaction is because the scale of the fraud is far beyond just a single, tiny company like Sirius. You guys might have opened up quite can of worms, nationally, because there used to be international investors, even internationally."''
HMRC Does Not Care About Tax Fraud Committed by UK Government Contractor, Sirius 'Open Source'
His Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or HMRC, Engaging in Selective Enforcement That Protects the Government? (personal site)
Three Weeks of Deafening Silence and Inaction
HMRC 3 Weeks Later: No Action, Same as 'Action Fraud' (Your Tax Money 'at Work')
HMRC is Just Taking Taxpayers' Money and Not Enforcing the Law (or Selectively Enforcing It for the Political Masters)
His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Government Contractors That Cheat on Their Taxes While Robbing Their Staff (personal site)
Approaching a Month of Inaction
HMRC: 4 Weeks Have Passed and It Did Not Even Respond to Report of Tax Fraud at Sirius ‘Open Source’, a UK Government Contractor
Escalation to Politicians
System Designed to Fail the Vulnerable
If the victims of crime only 'matter' if they're large businesses or very wealthy, well-connected individuals, constituents definitely must inform their public representatives.
Sirius 'Open Source', With High-Level Political Clients, Reported to Politicians
Public Officials Informed of the Situation at Sirius 'Open Source' (personal site)
Meme: The Payslip Lies
Possibly Broader Issue
Do Not Assume Pensions Are Safe, Especially When Managed by Mr. EPOTIF Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos (discussing Sirius in relation to EPO and EPOTIF)
Police Not Responding to the Government
His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Not Responding After 20 Days (Well-Founded Report of Tax Fraud) and British Police Pretending Not to Exist
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) - Part 3: Action Fraud and Reports of Sirius Fraud
Sirius 'Open Source' and a Lack of Accountability in the British System (personal site)
Absurd Impunity
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) - Part 4: The Pokémon Village of Sirius 'Open Source' and British Government
British Government Not Investigating and Punishing for Crimes Committed by Its Contractors (personal site)
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) – Part 5: What’s Left of the Company is a Skeleton Crew (While Police is Dragging Its Heels)
Sirius 'Open Source' Far Smaller Than It Wants People to Believe (personal site)
Chain of Liability Through Contracting/Outsourcing
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) - Part 6: This Scandal Has Become a Lot Bigger Than Sirius 'Open Source'
British Government May Be Indirectly Liable for Fraud at Sirius 'Open Source' (personal site)
Six Months of Impunity
The justice system is so ineffective that it's taking so long and the police
still ignores the crimes.
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) - Part 7: Six Months After Sirius 'Open Source' Gave the Victims of Its Crimes a Chance to 'Cool Off'
Looking Back at Crimes of Sirius 'Open Source', Aside From Moral Depravity (personal site)
Potential Conflict of Interest
To the cops, the fraud report concerns a contractor of their sponsor.
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) - Part 8: Working as Contractor for the Public Sector While Defrauding and Stealing From Staff
Government Contractors and Corporate Liability for Fraud (personal site)
4 weeks of
complete silence from
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) – Part 9: Waiting for Godot
Time is Up: British Law Enforcement and Tax Collection Authorities Tolerate Crime by Government Contractor (personal site)
Video roundup of this matter:
Government Contracting/Collaboration With the Private Sector is Neither an Excuse Nor Cover for Defrauding Workers
Sirius 'Open Source' Contributed to Perceptions That Open Source is a Fraud and the Government Lets It Off the Hook (personal site)
A Month Without Response to Politicians
Holding the British Government Accountable for Pension Fraud With Many Victims: The Next Steps
When British Authorities Effectively Protect High-Profile Criminals From Their Victims by Gaslighting, Time-wasting, and More (personal site)
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) - Part 10: A Month Has Passed, British Member of Parliament Snubbed by Action Fraud (UK Police)
One Month of Police Silence: Where is Accountability? (personal site)
Trail of Communications
Meme: Upcoming Series Finale: Action Fraud (UK Police) Does Not Even Bother Responding to Elected Officials, Members of Parliament (Cops Accountable to Nobody, Not Tackling Government-Connected Crime)
Police Out of Control (or Oversight) - Part 11: The Anatomy of Police Ignoring Fraud and Then Ignoring Politicians Who Inquire About That
After One Month, or Just Over a Month, Action Fraud (UK Police) Did Not Respond to My Member of Parliament (personal site)
Not a Case of 'Rotten Apples'
Seems I'm not alone
at all.
“The Times Said It Carried Out the Undercover Investigation After Hearing of Concerns That Reports to Action Fraud Were Not Being Investigated.”
Escalating Upwards to the British Government
City of London Police
It's Moving Upwards
Quick Update on Sirius 'Open Source' Fraud: Matter Escalated to City of London Police
Meme: The Hidden Cost of Governments Outsourcing to Private Companies
Progress Noted
What Needs to Happen Next With Sirius ‘Open Source’
4 Actions Needed Now From City of London Police and Action Fraud (personal site)
Meme: Many Months for Police to Come to the Scene of the Crime (Many Victims Confirming Crime Took Place)
Nothing Got Done
2 Weeks Later and the City of London Police Took No Action Against Fraudsters Who Defrauded Their Staff (People Who Had Worked on Computer Systems of the Met's Overlords)
Referral to the Economic Crime Victim Contact Unit (VCoA)
No Action Offered
The Mindset of Cops: To Avoid Getting Raped Don't Wear a Miniskirt
Response to the Economic Crime Victim Contact Unit (VCoA) (personal site)
Meme: How to Solve Crime? Just Don't Become a Victim. Simple.
Not Even Responding
Meme: They Just Want to Eat Crisps All Day Long
Reporting Police Inaction (Regarding Fraud Connected to the British Government) to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) or Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
ECVCU Victim Contact is Failing Victims of Crime, Just Like Action Fraud (personal site)
Greater London Authority (London Municipality)
Pretence of Non-Existence
any of the victims important to Greater London Authority (London Municipality)? When the victims worked on its computer systems?
Persona non grata?
Greater London Authority (London Municipality), Which Oversees the Metropolitan Police/Action Fraud and Is Also a Sirius ‘Open Source’ Client for a Decade, Does Not Respond
Escalating to GLA (Greater London Authority) to See If It Can Compel Action Fraud to Take Action (personal site)
Greater London Authority (London Municipality): We Don't Know You All Once You're the Victims of Fraud
Meme: Still Not Naming Clients of Sirius Open Source
Two Weeks, No Response
British Police and the British Government Cover Up Crimes Committed by Sirius Open Source Against Employees Who Worked on Government Computer Systems (Including Web Sites)
The Police and Government Unable to Hold Themselves Accountable (personal site)
Meme: Washing Their Hands
Intentionally Ignoring Victims (Who Worked for Them)
If you worked for GLA and got raped in the office, you'd expect GLA to do something about the matter. What about
pension fraud?
City of London Police and GLA (London Municipality) Don't Care About Crimes Committed Against GLA Workers in Central London
London Municipality, or Greater London Authority (GLA), Does Not Protect Its Own Workers From Crimes Committed in the Workplace (personal site)
Meme: GLA (London Municipality) Discovers Its Own IT People Were Defrauded
GLA Suffers Data Breach

This Isn't the First Time the Site of Greater London Authority Improperly Set Permissions
Meme: Nobody in London Municipality Can Figure Out Why the Mayor's Web Page is Broken
I Worked on Computer Systems of Greater London Authority for 9 Years. Here's Why Further Security Breaches Are Likely.
On the Greater London Authority Data Breach With Sex Abuse Victims' Personal Details (personal site)
Greater London Authority's Web Site and Security Lapses, Not Just Human Errors
The Long History of Greater London Authority Data Protection Blunders (personal site)
GDPR, Greater London Authority’s Web Site (or GLA IT in General), and Data Breaches
Greater London Authority Fails to Meet GDPR Rules (personal site)
Meme: Truth is Not Tolerated in This Industry (Because Truth “Doesn't Look Good”)
Data Breach in GLA (Greater London Authority, London Municipality) Not Reported, Formality and Forms Insufficient If Rules Not Followed
Forms for Reporting Data Breaches Exist to be Used and for Those Affected to Get Notified (personal site)
A Lack of Interest in Law Enforcement
Rules for thee and not for me.
Meme: Meanwhile in Greater London Authority (London Municipality)
National Level
UK Home Office, Former Client of Sirius 'Open Source', Shows Just How High the Fraud Scandals Go
National and International Cooperation May be Required
Chain of Responsibility
Escalating Crimes of Sirius 'Open Source' All the Way Up to the Government (After Police Refused or Failed to Deal With the Matter)
Down the Rabbit Hole of Sirius ‘Open Source’ and the British Government (personal site)
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Still Sealed
The scandal runs further and deeper than the UK. Subpoenas and extradition may be needed at a later point.
British Police May Also Need to Investigate the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Signed Between Sirius and the Gates Foundation in 2019
Many Victims, Not Personal
Meme: Equality at Sirius Open Source
Holding Criminals Who Robbed Me and My Colleagues Accountable (Without Losing Sight of Free Software Activism) (personal site)
Financial Crimes at Sirius 'Open Source': You Can Run (to Bill Gates in Washington), But You Can't Hide
Partners in Crime at Sirius Open Source (personal site)
Never Work for Known Liars (People Cautioned Me About the CEO of Sirius 'Open Source' 17 Years Ago)
Ignoring Early Signs You Work for a Liar (Who Might Lie to You Too) (personal site)
Meme: When Your Boss is a Criminal Misusing the Brands 'Free Software' and 'Open Source'
Going Cross-Atlantic
Sirius 'Open Source' and Progress on Police Investigation
Still Pursuing Truth and Justice About Sirius ‘Open Source’ (personal site)
Meme: Thieves Will be Held Fully Accountable (You Can Run, But You Can't Hide From the Crime)
No Denial of the Crime
A Weakly-Worded Message From Perpetrator of Pension Fraud at Sirius 'Open Source'
Meme: A Director and a Wife
Meme: Sirius 'Open Source', a Sick Company